What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls


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training programs. The lecturers were trained in sexuality, Positive Youth Development,<strong>and</strong> Learning Design. The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Learning Design coursetaught about human development, relationships, sexual health <strong>and</strong> behaviors, personalskills, society, <strong>and</strong> cultures. It also required a one-semester internship in a schoolteaching sexuality education, which brought the Comprehensive Sexuality Educationprogram to 253 primary <strong>and</strong> secondary schools. An evaluation found that most primary<strong>and</strong> secondary school students exposed to the Comprehensive Sexuality Education classfound it to be useful, practical, applicable to real life, <strong>and</strong> would suggest that all studentsobtain sexuality education. Teachers reported, “to teach sexuality education well,teachers have to underst<strong>and</strong> young people <strong>and</strong> be open-minded as sometimes studentsknow more than we expected,” <strong>and</strong> “teachers have to always be updated on all issues asstudents always have questions about sex” (Vechmee, 2008). (Abstract) (adolescents, sexeducation, training programs, Thail<strong>and</strong>)3. Mass media <strong>and</strong> social marketing campaigns are modestly effective in persuading bothfemale <strong>and</strong> male adolescents to change risky behaviors.A systematic review of the effectiveness of 24 mass media interventions on HIV-relatedknowledge, attitudes <strong>and</strong> behaviors was undertaken in 2006. The intervention studieswere published from 1990 through 2004 <strong>and</strong> reported data from developing countriescomparing outcomes using (i) pre- <strong>and</strong> post-intervention data, (ii) treatment versuscontrol (comparison) groups or (iii) post-intervention data across levels of exposure.The most frequently reported outcomes were condom use (17 studies) <strong>and</strong> knowledgeof modes of HIV transmission (15), followed by reduction in high-risk sexual behavior(eight), perceived risk of contracting HIV/AIDS (six), interpersonal communicationabout AIDS or condom use (six), self-efficacy to negotiate condom use (four) <strong>and</strong>abstaining from sexual relations (three). The review yielded mixed results, <strong>and</strong> wherestatistically significant, the effect size was small to moderate (in some cases as low as1–2% point increase). On two of the seven outcomes, at least half of the studies did showa positive impact of the mass media: knowledge of HIV transmission <strong>and</strong> reduction inhigh-risk sexual behavior. Further rigorous evaluation on comprehensive programs isrequired to provide a more definitive answer to the question of media effects on HIV/AIDS-related behavior in developing countries (Bertr<strong>and</strong> et al., 2006). (Gray I) (massmedia, condom use, transmission, sex behavior)A case control survey study conducted in Rw<strong>and</strong>a between 2000 <strong>and</strong> 2002 evaluatedthe effectiveness of a social marketing campaign targeting nearly 150,000 youth withmessages promoting the use of a multipurpose, youth-friendly center that provides VCT,STI diagnosis, <strong>and</strong> reproductive health services. The study found that youth exposed tothe program were more likely to use VCT services, <strong>and</strong> more likely to have had an HIVtest in the past year, increasing from 2% in both sexes to 7% in males <strong>and</strong> 9% in females.Peer educators, radio shows, print materials, <strong>and</strong> mobile video-unit shows were usedto motivate youth to practice safe behaviors <strong>and</strong> visit the youth-friendly health center,WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS125

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