CV/CVMA NEWSLETTER INDEX - Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

CV/CVMA NEWSLETTER INDEX - Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

CV/CVMA NEWSLETTER INDEX - Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

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Helmstedt (Niedersachsen, Germany), MarienbergConvent, Apostle windows abstracts 9, 17Hemel, Oswald 45 (p. 17)Hench, L. L. 24 (1.7)Henfenfeld (Bayern, Germany) 13 (3.3)Henriques, Francisco 48 (p. 88)Henry IV, King of France 48 (p. 12)Hermanes, T.-A. (as author) 46 (pp. 31Ŕ32)Hermann (glass-painter) 48 (p. 94)Hérold, M. (as author) 48 (pp. 37Ŕ43, 98Ŕ104)Hérold, M. 39/40 (2, p. 4), 48 (p. 120)Herzogenbuchsee (Bern, Switzerland), isothermalglazing 9 (2.2)Hess, D. (as author) 46 (pp. 19Ŕ23)Hessisches Landesmuseum see DarmstadtHiecke, R. 46 (p. 6)Hierel, G. 29 (1.5)Hilaire, C. 35/36 (2)Hilterfingen (Bern, Switzerland), isothermalglazing 9 (2.2)Hiltman, G. 46 (p. 1)Historisches Museum see Berne, Viennahistory of glass 28 (6.3), 30 (6.1, 6.2), 33/34 (10);abstracts 197, 215, 250, 258, 308, 324, 358, 359,368, 373, 374Belgium 33/34 (8); abstract 195Byzantium abstract 248Egypt abstract 195England, 16th century 28 (6.2); abstract 195(Jacobs, Oppenheim)France 29 (1.3Ŕ4); abstracts 309, 360Lorraine 28 (6.2); abstract 195Lyons abstract 406Normandy 28 (6.2)Vôge abstracts 195, 217Germany 28 (3), 33/34 (5); abstracts 297, 334Hungary abstract 195Israel abstract 325Italy abstracts 195, 229, 230, 231, 252Phoenicia abstracts 195, 200, 229Poland 31/32 (4, p. 15); abstract 322Roman glass abstracts 195, 266, 321, 335Saxon glass abstracts 246, 284Spain abstract 195Switzerland 48 (pp. 8Ŕ14)Syria abstract 195Hochst 6 (2)Hof (Bayern, Germany), St Michael 35 (p. 14)Hofgarten Galerie see MunichHolte, Wikbold von 47 (p. 24)Holzkirchen (Bayern, Germany), Fraunhofer InstitutBauphysik 41/42 (p. 24)Honeybourne, D. B. 22 (1.8)Honorius of Autun 45 (pp. 12, 13)Hosch, E. 47 (p. 9)Hostacoll 46 (p. 6)Houdan (Yvelines, France) 21 (5.6)Houdouin 48 (p. 15)Hounsfield tensometer 47 (p. 53)Hovingham (N. Riding of Yorkshire, GB),Hovingham Hall 22 (5.1.3)Howsham (N. Riding of Yorkshire, GB), HowshamHall 22 (5.1.3)Hreglich, S. (as author) 31/32 (pp. 16Ŕ23)Hudson, A. P. 3 (2.B.2), 20 (5.1)humidity 3 (2.C), 21 (3.2.2), 28 (2.3); abstracts161, 239, 332; see also Cambridge, King’s CollegeChapel; Freiburg, Freiburg Minster; London, RoyalAlbert Hall; York, York MinsterHungary see history of glassHunter, J. 26 (1.2.2)Huss, T. (as author) 43/44 (pp. 33Ŕ34)hydrated layer abstract 1hydrazine hydrate 37/38 (3)39/40 (6, p. 22)hydrocarbons see atmospheric pollutionhydrofluoric acid 4 (3), 6 (4), 15 (1.2, 1.3), 16(1.1), 17 (1.4), 19 (2), 21 (2), 23 (4); abstracts 6, 7,10, 33, 45, 66, 83, 84, 125, 254, 382hydroflurosilicic acid abstract 14hydrogen chloride see atmospheric pollutionhydrogen fluoride see atmospheric pollutionhydrogen ions 4 (1.8)hydrogen peroxide abstracts 10, 16IICCROM 41/42 (p. 2)ICOMOS 35/36 (1.5), 37/38 (9), 39/40 (3, pp. 5,6), 45 (p. 15)IIC 35/36 (1.6)Imperial Chemical Industries see RuncornIncredulity of St Thomas 46 (p. 24)Infancy of Christ see Christinfrared see analysis of glassIngham’s Thornhill Collieries see DewsburyIngolstadt (Bayern, Germany) 13 (3.3)Ingrand, M. 35/36 (2, p. 6)Inman, S. 41/42 (p. 2)Institut d’Estudis Catalans see BarcelonaInstitute for Advanced Architectural Studies(GB) 22 (1.2)Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften see ErlangenInstitut für Denkmalpflege (DDR) see BerlinInstitut für Farbenlehre und Farbench see Vienna,Akademie der Bildenden KünsteInstitut für Glasgemäldeforschung undRestaurierung see NurembergInstitut für Österreichische Kunstforschung desBundesdenkmalamtes see ViennaInstitut National du Verre see CharleroiInternational Institute of Conservation see ICCion beam-target vessel abstract 95ion microanalysis see analysis of glassion-beam spectrochemical analysis see analysis ofglassion-mass spectrometry see analysis of glass

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