verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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94Translator: Commissioner arakwira atiriri maciariirwo bururi ini wa Kenya na nimoi mathina ma Kenya mothe. Mathina maciomwina mo. Riu arenda atiriri umwire ni atia kungikwo bururi wagirire. Ungithondekwo atia.Aria uhoro wa guthondeka.Peter Wangondu: Uhoro wa guthondeka ni thirikari iria iguka kana iria iratuma Commissioners moke guku nigetha tuthomithiouria kuagiriire nigetha igie na watho mweru wa gutama o mundu wothe atigirwo ni utonga wa Kenya.Translator: That the Constitution which we are going to make should have a structure which ensures that our farm productsare protected, that our property is protected. That we reap the fruits of our labour.Peter Wangondu: Nguthiaga kuga tuoigaga riria twahunjagia tukoiga wiyathi na githomo, tukoiga wiyathi na githaka, tukoigawiyathi na thibitari na kunina urimu nikio githomo. Riu guku, maundu macio matihingagio ni aria matongoretie maundu. Riu ithuitwahanire ta mburi itari na mutongoria itigitwo rurii.Translator: The government should look at social services, education and health to ensure that we get these services. Becausethis is what we fought for. That is why we fought for independence, those things are not there any more. The government shouldensure we get those services.Peter Wangondu: Amwe marakuira micii matangiona mbecha cia thibitari. Tondu ni athiire kuria thibitari. Nindihirio, wathiethibitari iria ukuuga niyo ya thirikari, ukuheo karatathi nigetha urehe clinic. Clinic iyo ni mbecha nyingi.Translator: Uguo wothe niukumwirite. Woiga thibitari ithondekwo.Peter Wangondu: Nii ndikuga maingi nguga macio. Nanonjugire kuri andu aingi mena kuo no murare guku ni getha andu acionao makamuhe maoni.Translator: That there are many other people here who want to talk to you. So, you should sleep here and come tomorrow.We will still be here tomorrow.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Tomorrow we will be in….. Kiamariga. Tell him we will be in Kiamariga tomorrow. He can try andsee whether he will be able to get a second chance. Waithaka Mwatha. Peter Muriuki. Tafadhali jaribu kuwa brief kabisa.Waithaka Mwatha: Okay, I will be very brief. I would like to propose that the Head of Parastatal, our Universities that is theVice-Chancellor, should not just be appointed by one person. Those posts should be advertised. Qualified people who havetechnical and professional qualifications to apply. A committee of a board of fifty to vet them or about three of them can beproposed to the Parliament so that they can be appointed to occupy these positions. Otherwise others have been mentioned

95and am not going to repeat. Thank you.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you very much. Peter Muriuki.James Kamau.James Kamau: Honorable Commissioners and other distinguished guests I am going to be very brief and my names areJames Kamau from Baraka Praise Church. I am the Chairman of indigenous churches council of Kenya – ICCK, Nyeri district.I am also an aspirant councilor here in Karatina. I do hereby recommend the following in our future Constitution.First: The duties of a Chief to be performed by an elected Councilor and that will minimize the expenditure. I would alsorecommend that the term of a Councilor and an MP to be two terms each comprising of five years - Just as it is the case withour present President. I also recommend that a Mayor should be elected directly by the members of the public and not byCouncilors. I also wish to say that a Councilor should have a minimum of form four or its equivalent. I also say that all politicalparties should be funded by the government according to their strength in Parliament, and the churches also to be funded by thesame government.Judiciary also should be independent from the government. That is Judges should not be government appointees since they willbe loyal to their bosses but not to the law. The President should not be the Chief – in command of the Armed Forces as it is thecase in Kenya since Kenya is not ruled by the military but by democracy.Heads of Parastatal and the other government organizations should be discussed by the Parliament and they should be vetted.The second person during the general elections should be an automatic Vice President. I also wish to say that the governmentshould comprise of all political parties who are in Parliament.Commissioners, I would also come to penal code and say that the death penalty should be abolished from our penal code sinceour Constitution is Biblically based, and the Bible forbids killing. Any registered church…Com. Keriako Tobiko: Wind up please.James Kamau: I am in the last point. Any registered church or Ministry should not give a cover to another church in order tominimize churches in Kenya which are causing divisions. Thank you.Com. Keriako Tobiako: Thank you so much. Esther Mido.Esther Mido: I am not going to repeat what has been said but I will only highlight few things. Education: The form of educationwe have today is very tiring and we should have like what we had before. Those who are of my age you know what we used to

94Translator: Commissioner arakwira atiriri maciariirwo bururi ini wa Kenya na nimoi mathina ma Kenya mothe. Mathina maciomwina mo. Riu arenda atiriri umwire ni atia kungikwo bururi wagirire. Ungithondekwo atia.Aria uhoro wa guthondeka.Peter Wangondu: Uhoro wa guthondeka ni thirikari iria iguka kana iria iratuma Commissioners moke guku nigetha tuthomithiouria kuagiriire nigetha igie na watho mweru wa gutama o mundu wothe atigirwo ni utonga wa Kenya.Translator: That the Constitution which we are going to make should have a structure which ensures that our farm productsare protected, that our property is protected. That we reap the fruits <strong>of</strong> our labour.Peter Wangondu: Nguthiaga kuga tuoigaga riria twahunjagia tukoiga wiyathi na githomo, tukoiga wiyathi na githaka, tukoigawiyathi na thibitari na kunina urimu nikio githomo. Riu guku, maundu macio matihingagio ni aria matongoretie maundu. Riu ithuitwahanire ta mburi itari na mutongoria itigitwo rurii.Translator: The government should look at social services, education and health to ensure that we get these services. Becausethis is what we fought for. That is why we fought for independence, those things are not there any more. The government shouldensure we get those services.Peter Wangondu: Amwe marakuira micii matangiona mbecha cia thibitari. Tondu ni athiire kuria thibitari. Nindihirio, wathiethibitari iria ukuuga niyo ya thirikari, ukuheo karatathi nigetha urehe clinic. Clinic iyo ni mbecha nyingi.Translator: Uguo wothe niukumwirite. Woiga thibitari ithondekwo.Peter Wangondu: Nii ndikuga maingi nguga macio. Nanonjugire kuri andu aingi mena kuo no murare guku ni getha andu acionao makamuhe maoni.Translator: That there are many other people here who want to talk to you. So, you should sleep here and come tomorrow.We will still be here tomorrow.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Tomorrow we will be in….. Kiamariga. Tell him we will be in Kiamariga tomorrow. He can try andsee whether he will be able to get a second chance. Waithaka Mwatha. Peter Muriuki. Tafadhali jaribu kuwa brief kabisa.Waithaka Mwatha: Okay, I will be very brief. I would like to propose that the Head <strong>of</strong> Parastatal, our Universities that is theVice-Chancellor, should not just be appointed by one person. Those posts should be advertised. Qualified people who havetechnical and pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications to apply. A committee <strong>of</strong> a board <strong>of</strong> fifty to vet them or about three <strong>of</strong> them can beproposed to the Parliament so that they can be appointed to occupy these positions. Otherwise others have been mentioned

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