verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet


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83Ashbel Macharia: Thank you Honorable Commissioners na wananchi wa Mathira. Nataka kuwasalimia. Muriega.Ashbel Macharia: Woni wakwa wa mbere kwage andu mekugia na migunda minene riria aria angi matari kinya kanini.Translator: There should be a land policy where nobody should have a lot <strong>of</strong> land while others do not have.Ashbel Macharia: Murimi owothe wa machani, iria, kahawa atige guathirwo urimi wake.Translator:Farmers should be left to manage their produce.Ashbel Macharia: Ciana riria ciarikia githomo kiao wega na mathomo mao makorwo mari mega, niciagirirwo nikuandikithio nithirikari hatari mahaki ona manini.Translator:Corruption should be eradicated from the job market. People should not bribe to get jobs.Ashbel Macharia: Muikari owothe wa bururi thiini wa Kenya niagiirirwo ni gukorwo ari na mugunda no gutikagie na munduono umwe utari handu ari giikaro thini wa bururi wa Kenya. President kana abunge othe, matiagiriruo ni gukorwo ni o maretuiramishara iria magirirwo ni kuheo. No magiriirwo ni gutuirwo ni thirikari.Translator:President and Members <strong>of</strong> Parliament should not determine their salaries. There should be some outside bodydoing that.Ashbel Macharia: Nayo thirikari iria iratongoria uhoro uyu wa kuruta maoni kama mawatho. Niyagiriire ni kuona ati uhoroucio ni wahinga biu.Translator:The Commission should ensure that our views go into the Constitution.Ashbel Macharia: Nacio thibitari cia thirikari niciagiriirwo ni gukorwo ikigia na dawa mahinda mothe. Gutikagiage muruaruuteguthondekwa ni undu wa kuaga ndawa thiini wa thibitari iyo.Translator:There should be provision for drugs in <strong>public</strong> hospitals. Mama amemaliza.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Amemaliza. Nataka kumjibu hivi kidogo. On this issue <strong>of</strong> their views being incorporated in the new

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