verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet


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79Translator: Commissioners, watoto wangu wameumizwa na hii pombe ya pesa kidogo. Shilingi nne.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Urenda twike atia riu?Mumbi Thuthi Ithire.Mumbi Thuthi Ngwiciria iyo ingithira bururi niuguka wega.Tondu mwana ndukimuatha riu niundu wa njohi icio. Ucio niwathira. Gichagi kiria turi, turaraga twithina utuku. Na kuri athini matangiona gwa guthithikwo, no mathikirwo barabara. Niiingihoya Katiba, haria hatigaru tutigirwo haguthika andu acio aitu athini.Translator: Whatever land is remaining, please reserve it for cemetery. Public cemetery. There are no cemeteries to burry theirpeople.Mumbi Thuthi Thibitari tutingiona ha gwaka niundu wa guthimwo utuku na cukuru na niyo iri na bata wa gukuria bururi.Translator: Public institutions, schools, hospitals and those State systems are very important therefore there should be <strong>public</strong>land. There must be a stop to <strong>public</strong> land being grabbed.Mumbi Thuthi Nii ndingiuga maundu maingi. Macio mangi mangihoteka ri. Nii matuku makwa haria matigaire andu ariamegutigwo ri nimagathondeka.Translator: My days are few. Therefore, I don’t have much to say Commissioners. Thank you very much.Mumbi Thuthi Wee. Nihatigara. Andu aria mari githaka. Ta nii umwe. Twerirwo nitukaheo handu ha kurima na tuheo kiheo natutiri twa kiona.Translator: Those <strong>of</strong> us who fought for independence were promised land and a gift which we never got.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Murenda atia riu. Mwikwo atia?Mumbi Thuthi Tuheo handu ha kurima na tuheo kiheo kiria tweriirwo ni tukaheo. Twarikia wira.Translator: “They get the gifts and land which they were promised.”Mumbi Thuthi Ita kiria muheagwo mwa-retire.

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