verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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70necessarily come from any party. A Presidential candidate should have a University degree as a minimum academicqualification.We should have Parliamentary system of the government, whereby the Parliament is supreme. All members of Parliamentshould work full time. The minimum age of a Presidential candidate should be between not less than thirty-five years old and notabove seventy-five years.The age of an MP as a candidate, should not be less than twenty one years and that one of a Councilor eighteen years. Weshould introduce moral and ethical qualifications for a Parliamentary candidate or a Presidential candidate or a Councilor. TheMP’s salaries should be reduced and the money that is reduced from their salaries be used to employ more school leavers. Allnominated MPs should be professionals.Com. Keriako Tobiko Tafadhali jaribu kumaliza ili tupatie wengine nafasi ya kuongea.James Muriuki Kamunu Vote of no confidence should remain as a power given to Parliament and should remain at 65% forPresident’s removal. There should be a Parliamentary Service Commission to decide on the salaries of MPs. The Presidentshould not have a veto vote over their views.The last point, after dissolution of Parliament there should be an interim government during campaign time to prevent thePresident or incumbent President from manipulating the electorate or Electoral Commission. Any winning President should haveover fifty per cent of cast votes. The condition of the twenty five per cent of cast votes in five provinces should be removed.Thank you.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you so much. Mundia Njoroge. E.K. Njogu. Anthony Wambugu. Charles Maina. EngineerJames Gachagu. Have already spoken? Levy Materi. Hata yeye. Patricia Wagichugu.Patricia Wagichugu: Thank you Mr. Chairman. My views are just very few and I am not going to elaborate more. The firstone I am going to talk on the President. The Presidential term should be reduced to two each comprising of four years thusgiving a total of eight years.The Presidential powers: The Presidential powers should be reduced. That is he or she should not be above the law. Then thereshould be a right, or the Kenyans should have a right to impeach the President in case of gross mis-conduct. The third one, thePresident should not be elected as an MP but fully as a President only. The Presidential elections should not be held togetherwith the others i.e. the Local Government and the Parliament.

71The second point I am going to talk about is the forests. The forests extinction should be stopped immediately and thosepossessing more than one hundred acres of land especially in the forests should surrender them to the government withimmediate effect. Those grabbing forests, I give an example of Karura, Mount Kenya, and so on should be evicted from thoseforests with immediate effect and be prosecuted in the court of law.The second one on the forests: Kenyans should not be squatters in their own country. There are people living in the roadsides atShehe, Makutu and so on. These people could be resettled into their places where they used to be, or the government shouldlook for another place for them to live.The other point I am going to talk about is the industries. We have cheap imports being brought in the country while we havethe farmers who are producing those goods, thus making the farmers products to be left with no one to purchase. Then thosepeople who are banking lump- some amounts of money outside the country. Those people banking that amount of moneyshould be made to return the money to the Kenyan banks. Because they are leaving the Kenyans very poor under God’smercy.The fourth one is the Presidential commissions. The President has dissolved a number of commissions. For example, the Koech,the Ouko and devil worship and so on. These commissions, the reports have not been made public. If the President appoints acommission, the commission is supposed to be made public.The other thing, the fifth one is education. The education system should not be changed at ones pleasure. That is from thissystem to the other depending on who is the President or who is the ruler. The education system for the primary educationshould be made free and compulsory - That is if the government tells us there is no fee we are going to pay, then they shouldgive us the funds. That is all I have.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you so much. Grace Wangu Mwangi.Grace Wangu Mwangi: Majina yangu ni Grace Wangu Mwangi. Maoni yangu: Ya kwanza ni vile akina mama ama akinadada wanapopata watoto na watu wengine ……wanapata watoto halafu wanawachwa bila watu wa kuwasaidia. Miminingeonelea kama vile pale zamani, wasichana walikuwa kama wanapata mimba na jamaa fulani anaulizwa na akijulikana yulemwenye kufanya yeye mimba, anaambiwa watunze huyo mtoto pamoja. Lakini sio kuachia mama peke yake ama msichanapeke yake. Hiyo ningetaka iwe ni moja inaweza kuandikwa kwa Katiba yetu kwa maana hakuna mtoto wa mtu mmoja. Mtotoni wa watu wawili. Na watu wawili wanatakiwa wawe wakichunga huyo mtoto wao pamoja.Ya pili, mimi nilikuwa naonelea habari ya mashamba. Habari ya shamba tumeonelea kuwa akina mama hawajulikani kama niwatu wanaweza kufanya kazi ya shamba ama ni watu wanaweza kujazwa ….kwa kuwa ni … wanaweza kuridhi kwa wazazi

71The second point I am going to talk about is the forests. The forests extinction should be stopped immediately and thosepossessing more than one hundred acres <strong>of</strong> land especially in the forests should surrender them to the government withimmediate effect. Those grabbing forests, I give an example <strong>of</strong> Karura, Mount Kenya, and so on should be evicted from thoseforests with immediate effect and be prosecuted in the court <strong>of</strong> law.The second one on the forests: Kenyans should not be squatters in their own country. There are people living in the roadsides atShehe, Makutu and so on. These people could be resettled into their places where they used to be, or the government shouldlook for another place for them to live.The other point I am going to talk about is the industries. We have cheap imports being brought in the country while we havethe farmers who are producing those goods, thus making the farmers products to be left with no one to purchase. Then thosepeople who are banking lump- some amounts <strong>of</strong> money outside the country. Those people banking that amount <strong>of</strong> moneyshould be made to return the money to the Kenyan banks. Because they are leaving the Kenyans very poor under God’smercy.The fourth one is the Presidential commissions. The President has dissolved a number <strong>of</strong> commissions. For example, the Koech,the Ouko and devil worship and so on. These commissions, the <strong>report</strong>s have not been made <strong>public</strong>. If the President appoints acommission, the commission is supposed to be made <strong>public</strong>.The other thing, the fifth one is education. The education system should not be changed at ones pleasure. That is from thissystem to the other depending on who is the President or who is the ruler. The education system for the primary educationshould be made free and compulsory - That is if the government tells us there is no fee we are going to pay, then they shouldgive us the funds. That is all I have.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you so much. Grace Wangu Mwangi.Grace Wangu Mwangi: Majina yangu ni Grace Wangu Mwangi. Maoni yangu: Ya kwanza ni vile akina mama ama akinadada wanapopata watoto na watu wengine ……wanapata watoto halafu wanawachwa bila watu wa kuwasaidia. Miminingeonelea kama vile pale zamani, wasichana walikuwa kama wanapata mimba na jamaa fulani anaulizwa na akijulikana yulemwenye kufanya yeye mimba, anaambiwa watunze huyo mtoto pamoja. Lakini sio kuachia mama peke yake ama msichanapeke yake. Hiyo ningetaka iwe ni moja inaweza kuandikwa kwa Katiba yetu kwa maana hakuna mtoto wa mtu mmoja. Mtotoni wa watu wawili. Na watu wawili wanatakiwa wawe wakichunga huyo mtoto wao pamoja.Ya pili, mimi nilikuwa naonelea habari ya mashamba. Habari ya shamba tumeonelea kuwa akina mama hawajulikani kama niwatu wanaweza kufanya kazi ya shamba ama ni watu wanaweza kujazwa ….kwa kuwa ni … wanaweza kuridhi kwa wazazi

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