verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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64pick one of the three recommended to him.All Public servants employees co-aspirants to declare and account their wealth through tax certificates. All trust deeds must beregistered with Kenya Revenue Authority. All money hidden in tax harvests abroad should be repatriated. Six months afteradopting this Constitution, then those having the money in such harvests must be prosecuted. Minimum guarantee returns andagricultural insurance for all export commodities like tea, coffee and pyrethrum. Constituency boundaries to respect one manone vote. Let us say forty thousand people per Constituency. The President must garner over 51% of total votes cast.Every economic activity including matatu, farming, hawking should be done under a self regulating organization and code ofethics recognized in law. A one hundred million revolving fund must be set up by treasury to help exporters of coffee and teameet conditions of Letters of Credit. Supreme court must be set up to deal with Constitutional matters and the court can bemoved with a simple letter from a layman whose Rights have been abused and procedures must be simplified.Funding of Political parties from the Treasury according to commonwealth standards. Total freedom to access information fromgovernment Ministries and Parastatals. Except in security related matters. Airwaves especially radio should be freed completely.Free and compulsory primary education. Abolishion of Provincial Administration and powers transferred to local authoritiesthrough popularly elected mayors and councilors.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Please try to wind up.Kariuki Muiru: Economic sabotage of over ten million must be punished. China is the fastest growing nation on earth and theydo a death penalty on economic saboteurs. If you are mentioned in Public Accounts Committee and Public InvestmentCommittee, before you stand to vie for any elections, you must be cleared by a court. Then, we must exhume and give decentburials to all freedom fighters who were buried in prison grounds, including Dedan Kimathi and others. Thank you very much.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you very much. David Ngugi.David Ngugi: On behalf of the Seventh Day Adventist here in Karatina, as the secretary, I have a few points to make here.What the law should guarantee. Point number one.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Please do not lead us through the memo, just highlight the most important aspects. Okay.David Ngugi Thanks. As an individual Right, the content of religious liberty, law must guarantee and protect the freedom :- Toprofess or not to profess the religious or belief. To receive or not to receive religious instructions. To participate or not toparticipate in any form of worship not to be compelled directly or indirectly to disclose personal religious convictions and to

65have access to places of worship. To refuse to take any oath contrary to personal convictions. To decline the performance ofmilitary armed service contrary to any belief system constituting, - instead the performance of humanitarian services. As acollective Right, the content of religious liberty must guarantee the freedom of bodies. To manifest conviction and to propagatetheir religious choices or belief. Protecting each group and each person within a group privately, or participating from coercion.Protecting their rights to spread their convictions or beliefs. To acquire and maintain places of worship, conduct and attendreligious services and activities in any place in Kenya.Com. Keriako Tobiko: David I give you one more minute to wind up.David Ngugi:. The state must allow individuals in public schools and institution members of military, patients in hospitals,inmates in prison, to receive from their churches the necessary spiritual assistance. State regulations must be reasonablyaccommodated. Citizens participating in religious festivals and for the development for effective ……Com. Keriako Tobiko: Ndugu yangu. Say your last point and give us your memorandum. Your last point. Just finish.David Ngugi: I am coming to my last point. …and to simple services system. Last: To facilitate the collective right of religiousfreedom, and with regard to the unique religious and sociological background for the country, the state could enter into signed1agreement with a religious organization. Thank you.Com Keriako Tobiko: Thank you so much. Peter Macharia. John Mwangi. Jackson Mwangi. Danson Wahome.Danson Wahome: My personal recommendations are:1. Include Preamble with national vision.2. I would recommend a unitary government. Parliament with one chamber of members.3. Constituency boundaries should represent the percentage population of membership.4. President to be elected on a different day from that of the MP’s and must obtain fifty one per cent of the total votescast.5. Provision for the re-run for two top candidates should be done6. The term of the President should be two terms of five years each: The President must be a graduate.7. There should be a provision for impeachment of the President. Powers of the President should be spelt out.8. Parliament should make laws which are not discriminatory. Have power to vet some important appointments eitherPolitical or otherwise.9. Members of Parliament to have a Constitutional code of ethics, or conduct. Provisional removal of MP’s support bytheir political parties.

64pick one <strong>of</strong> the three recommended to him.All Public servants employees co-aspirants to declare and account their wealth through tax certificates. All trust deeds must beregistered with Kenya Revenue Authority. All money hidden in tax harvests abroad should be repatriated. Six months afteradopting this Constitution, then those having the money in such harvests must be prosecuted. Minimum guarantee returns andagricultural insurance for all export commodities like tea, c<strong>of</strong>fee and pyrethrum. Constituency boundaries to respect one manone vote. Let us say forty thousand people per Constituency. The President must garner over 51% <strong>of</strong> total votes cast.Every economic activity including matatu, farming, hawking should be done under a self regulating organization and code <strong>of</strong>ethics recognized in law. A one hundred million revolving fund must be set up by treasury to help exporters <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee and teameet conditions <strong>of</strong> Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit. Supreme court must be set up to deal with Constitutional matters and the court can bemoved with a simple letter from a layman whose Rights have been abused and procedures must be simplified.Funding <strong>of</strong> Political parties from the Treasury according to commonwealth standards. Total freedom to access information fromgovernment Ministries and Parastatals. Except in security related matters. Airwaves especially radio should be freed completely.Free and compulsory primary education. Abolishion <strong>of</strong> Provincial Administration and powers transferred to local authoritiesthrough popularly elected mayors and councilors.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Please try to wind up.Kariuki Muiru: Economic sabotage <strong>of</strong> over ten million must be punished. China is the fastest growing nation on earth and theydo a death penalty on economic saboteurs. If you are mentioned in Public Accounts Committee and Public InvestmentCommittee, before you stand to vie for any elections, you must be cleared by a court. Then, we must exhume and give decentburials to all freedom fighters who were buried in prison grounds, including Dedan Kimathi and others. Thank you very much.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you very much. David Ngugi.David Ngugi: On behalf <strong>of</strong> the Seventh Day Adventist here in Karatina, as the secretary, I have a few points to make here.What the law should guarantee. Point number one.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Please do not lead us through the memo, just highlight the most important aspects. Okay.David Ngugi Thanks. As an individual Right, the content <strong>of</strong> religious liberty, law must guarantee and protect the freedom :- Topr<strong>of</strong>ess or not to pr<strong>of</strong>ess the religious or belief. To receive or not to receive religious instructions. To participate or not toparticipate in any form <strong>of</strong> worship not to be compelled directly or indirectly to disclose personal religious convictions and to

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