verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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6It is then unfortunate that after forty years of independence down the line, some people in this country are living as squatters andrefugees in their own country. It is common knowledge that large-scale minority landowners in the country,-both in Governmentand Opposition,- ruling or ruled belong to a class of their own.They join hands to protect their land. Let me warn in advance of a possible catastrophe in future when the majority ofsmall-scale and landless citizens will join hands and revolt against the minority large-scale land owners with bloodshed. To avoidthis possible mishap, let our Constitution revert all land to the government and all users become tenants or in the alternative letthe new Constitution put a ceiling to the land ownership by individuals, not below the age of eighteen years, to own a maximumof a hundred acres with a high acreage only to institutions like Agricultural development cooperation or the Cooperative society.Egypt has successfully put a land ceiling of fifty acres per person and therefore, I can not see why ours can not work.The new Constitution should see to it that all grabbed public utility land is reverted to the government. I have touched slightly onthe security, but most of it is on the memorandum. Security: The security situation in some parts of the country, e.g. in Laikipia,where women, men and children are being killed indiscriminately and the government seems to be taking little or no care at alldespite reports to the police. Rape cases have been reported in various places in the region. This has been a common practicewith the current government as we approach the general elections.Let our new Constitution have a clause where people can use their sovereignty to take arms and defend themselves. We shallalways obey just laws and disobey unjust laws, even if this will mean shedding blood - hence protection by the newConstitution. Thank you very much and may God bless you for giving me this opportunity to address you and have a good day.This is my contribution.Com. Bishop Njoroge: You go there and record your memorandum. Peter Wanjohi.Peter Wanjohi: Thank you Chairman. My name is Peter Wanjohi Mugweru and what I have here are the views of P.C.E.AKahuru church members. I have said that what I have here are the views of P.C.E.A Kahuru church members and the viewsare written in points. So, I am just going to read the points as they are and I will try to be very quick.The first point is that the President of this land should be a graduate from a recognized University. Two: The President shouldstay in office for five years and can stay for a maximum of two terms only. Maximum age of the President at election should befifty to sixty years. The President should be a member of Parliament.. The President should be a person of integrity living withhis or her family. The President should be subject to the law of this land. He or she should acquire more than fifty per cent of thetotal votes cast regardless of their provincial background. The President should declare his wealth and make it subject toassessment from time to time by a Parliamentary select committee. The President should appoint Ministers and their Assistantsonly.

7The Vice President should be communally elected and should be of the opposite sex. His main duties include: Taking care ofKenya’s relationship with other countries globally, conducting state functions, being a symbol of peace in the country andco-ordinator of government activities. A Member of Parliament should have a minimum of Kenya Secondary SchoolExamination certificate and over twenty-one years of age. Life of Parliament should be five years but a member can go for amaximum of two terms.Parliament should be divided into as many select committees as need arises, to cater for appointments to all Public ServiceCommission heads, Clerks to Parliament, Controller and Auditor General, Judges, Chief Justice, Attorney General, PermanentSecretaries, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Chief of General Staff and Chancellors to public Universities. Parliamentshould elect its own Speaker. Any amendment to the Constitution should not be made before public education on it is given andrecommendations given to Parliament.Members of Parliament should be full time employees with offices in the administrative headquarters of their Constituencies andtheir salaries should be negotiated by Parliamentary select committees and as at present, should not go over Kenya twohundred thousand shillings per month. An MP cannot be removed from his seat because of an offence unless he or she is jailedfor more than six months. Replacement can occur if he is jailed, dies or fails health wise.Parliamentary elected heads and Chairmen of select committees, including the Vice President should work hand in hand with thePresident but not subject to him. The Attorney General should be the legal advisor to the government and a Parliamentary selectcommittee appointee.Chief Justice should be the head of the Judiciary which should be an autonomous body. The Judiciary should see to it that inParliament, there is a legal drafts-man elected by a Parliamentary select committee. Chief Justice and his, or her senior officersare appointed by a Parliamentary select committee. Present Judges are draining the country financially. Their salaries currently,should not exceed Kenya shillings six hundred thousands with allowances included.Judiciary should add manpower to cope with demand to alleviate sufferings of suspected criminals in police cells as they wait fortheir judgment. If a foreigner stays in Kenya, behaving well for fifteen, to twenty years and then willing to become a citizen, theright should be granted. Mayors and Chairmen of county councils should be elected by the public in their areas of operationafter every five years.The Central Government should have its power limited over local authorities thus making the Minister a co-ordinator of theauthority but have no direct authority over them. The Councilor should have at least Kenya Secondary School Examinationcertificate while chairmen and Mayors should be graduates from recognized universities. These authorities should be hired, Imean the local authorities. They should hire and fire their employees without interference from any quarter. Kenyans should own

6It is then unfortunate that after forty years <strong>of</strong> independence down the line, some people in this country are living as squatters andrefugees in their own country. It is common knowledge that large-scale minority landowners in the country,-both in Governmentand Opposition,- ruling or ruled belong to a class <strong>of</strong> their own.They join hands to protect their land. Let me warn in advance <strong>of</strong> a possible catastrophe in future when the majority <strong>of</strong>small-scale and landless citizens will join hands and revolt against the minority large-scale land owners with bloodshed. To avoidthis possible mishap, let our Constitution revert all land to the government and all users become tenants or in the alternative letthe new Constitution put a ceiling to the land ownership by individuals, not below the age <strong>of</strong> eighteen years, to own a maximum<strong>of</strong> a hundred acres with a high acreage only to institutions like Agricultural development cooperation or the Cooperative society.Egypt has successfully put a land ceiling <strong>of</strong> fifty acres per person and therefore, I can not see why ours can not work.The new Constitution should see to it that all grabbed <strong>public</strong> utility land is reverted to the government. I have touched slightly onthe security, but most <strong>of</strong> it is on the memorandum. Security: The security situation in some parts <strong>of</strong> the country, e.g. in Laikipia,where women, men and children are being killed indiscriminately and the government seems to be taking little or no care at alldespite <strong>report</strong>s to the police. Rape cases have been <strong>report</strong>ed in various places in the region. This has been a common practicewith the current government as we approach the general elections.Let our new Constitution have a clause where people can use their sovereignty to take arms and defend themselves. We shallalways obey just laws and disobey unjust laws, even if this will mean shedding blood - hence protection by the newConstitution. Thank you very much and may God bless you for giving me this opportunity to address you and have a good day.This is my contribution.Com. Bishop Njoroge: You go there and record your memorandum. Peter Wanjohi.Peter Wanjohi: Thank you Chairman. My name is Peter Wanjohi Mugweru and what I have here are the views <strong>of</strong> P.C.E.AKahuru church members. I have said that what I have here are the views <strong>of</strong> P.C.E.A Kahuru church members and the viewsare written in points. So, I am just going to read the points as they are and I will try to be very quick.The first point is that the President <strong>of</strong> this land should be a graduate from a recognized University. Two: The President shouldstay in <strong>of</strong>fice for five years and can stay for a maximum <strong>of</strong> two terms only. Maximum age <strong>of</strong> the President at election should befifty to sixty years. The President should be a member <strong>of</strong> Parliament.. The President should be a person <strong>of</strong> integrity living withhis or her family. The President should be subject to the law <strong>of</strong> this land. He or she should acquire more than fifty per cent <strong>of</strong> thetotal votes cast regardless <strong>of</strong> their provincial background. The President should declare his wealth and make it subject toassessment from time to time by a Parliamentary select committee. The President should appoint Ministers and their Assistantsonly.

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