verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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58c) The government should provide seeds, chemicals, fertilizers and other farm inputs at very affordable price and especiallyby lowering duties on this.d) The government should also control the market of farm produce by encouraging farmers and showing them ways ofmarketing their produce.e) This government should strictly restrict improper importation and dumping of farm products like sugar, tea, eggs,vegetable from abroad by the few unscrupulous traders.f) The government should also have an emergency kit to assist farmers in times of bad weather or bad harvests.g) Secondly, the government should also encourage the Jua-kali sector by giving them revolving loans, lowering the dutyon Jua-kali raw materials, control illegal importations and dumping of commodities that can otherwise be made in thiscountry.h) It should also enhance and encourage cooperative movements.Management and use of Natural Resources:1. The government revenue should be channeled to the right and appropriate area.2. Government expenditure. i.e. the budget should be approved by Parliament and this expenditure should beunder constant scrutiny by these people’s representatives.3. There should be equitable distribution of government resources to all areas of the republic. Funds shouldnot be directed to unqualified areas or on political basis.4. The Controller and Auditor General be directly answerable to Parliament.5. On cultural ethnics and rights: Cultural values be maintained. Religious ways of worship be respected. Noone should suffer on basis of his or her religious belief provided such beliefs are acceptable in the society.Days of worship which include; the Friday for the Muslims, Saturday for the Sabbath people and Sundayfor the Christians should be respected. Students and other groups should not be allowed…Com. Keriako Tobiko: Excuse me. Can you wind up.

59Gethi Mwai: Yah. I am doing that. Students or any other groups should be allowed to worship on days of their choice withoutany intimidation or any harm. Thank you very much.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you very much. Peter Gichohi Kinoti. Peterson Ndingo. Justus Muriuki. Stansio Kahugu.Esther Muriuki. Samuel Nderitu.Samuel Nderitu: Asante kwa kunikaribisha Bwana Commissioner. Mimi ningetaka kusema kwanza kuhusu mambo yavyama.- kwa sababu vyama vilivyo hapa ni vingi na vingine havina meno. Kwa hivyo mimi nauliza Katiba ikiandikwa, chamaambacho hakijafikisha miaka miwili, mtu yule wanachagua awe amekuwa kwa chama hicho kwa miaka miwili.Bunge ikifungwa, kabla ya kufunga, iteue Electoral Commission mbele ya kufunga kwa maana ile iliyokuwa hapo mbeleniilikuwa ya term ingine. Iwe commission mpya.Wale wanateuliwa na vyama wawe na condition kama uteuzi wa Rais. Rais awewa miaka hamsini kutoka kuzaliwa. Awe na elimu ya University Degree not ya honours. Mbunge akichaguliwa awe na miakathelathini na awe wa University. Councilor akichaguliwa awe na elimu ya Form four. Awe na miaka thelathini.Kitu kingine muhimu mimi naona tungefanya ni uchaguzi wa MP uwe siku moja. Na wa Rais uwe nyuma yake kwa mwezimmoja. Kwa sababu mahali ingine wanafanya hivyo. Tena uchaguzi ukifanywa…Com. Keriako Tobiko Tafadhali umesha nena. Endelea. Enda pointi ingine. Umeelewa?Samuel Nderitu: Hapa umefanya nisahau kidogo.Com. Keriako Tobiko Nimekwambia hivi. Tumeshaelewa pointi yako. Kuna watu wengi wanataka kuongea. Okay.Usiendekufafanunua. Naielewa. Zote tumeelewa. Umesema kuwe na siku tofauti ya kufanya election ya Bunge halafu tena mwezimmoja tunafanya…..hiyo tumeelewa. Kwenda point ingine mzee.Samuel Nderitu Pointi ingine ni President asiwe juu ya sheria. President amchague Commissioner. Kitu ingine muhimu nilikuwanimefikiria ni ya kwamba, tusiwe na Nominated Members. Wote wachaguliwe. Nimemaliza.Com. Keriako Tobiko Asante sana Mzee wangu. Geoffrey Weru?Geoffrey Weru: My name is Geoffrey Weru and I have some recommendations to the current Constitution. The first oneshould be; We should encourage minimal changes to the current Constitution. Number one will be on Citizenship. I wouldpropose three at one documentation.i.e National ID, Voters card and a Passport at attainment at eighteen years of age.

59Gethi Mwai: Yah. I am doing that. Students or any other groups should be allowed to worship on days <strong>of</strong> their choice withoutany intimidation or any harm. Thank you very much.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Thank you very much. Peter Gichohi Kinoti. Peterson Ndingo. Justus Muriuki. Stansio Kahugu.Esther Muriuki. Samuel Nderitu.Samuel Nderitu: Asante kwa kunikaribisha Bwana Commissioner. Mimi ningetaka kusema kwanza kuhusu mambo yavyama.- kwa sababu vyama vilivyo hapa ni vingi na vingine havina meno. Kwa hivyo mimi nauliza Katiba ikiandikwa, chamaambacho hakijafikisha miaka miwili, mtu yule wanachagua awe amekuwa kwa chama hicho kwa miaka miwili.Bunge ikifungwa, kabla ya kufunga, iteue Electoral Commission mbele ya kufunga kwa maana ile iliyokuwa hapo mbeleniilikuwa ya term ingine. Iwe commission mpya.Wale wanateuliwa na vyama wawe na condition kama uteuzi wa Rais. Rais awewa miaka hamsini kutoka kuzaliwa. Awe na elimu ya University Degree not ya honours. Mbunge akichaguliwa awe na miakathelathini na awe wa University. Councilor akichaguliwa awe na elimu ya Form four. Awe na miaka thelathini.Kitu kingine muhimu mimi naona tungefanya ni uchaguzi wa MP uwe siku moja. Na wa Rais uwe nyuma yake kwa mwezimmoja. Kwa sababu mahali ingine wanafanya hivyo. Tena uchaguzi ukifanywa…Com. Keriako Tobiko Tafadhali umesha nena. Endelea. Enda pointi ingine. Umeelewa?Samuel Nderitu: Hapa umefanya nisahau kidogo.Com. Keriako Tobiko Nimekwambia hivi. Tumeshaelewa pointi yako. Kuna watu wengi wanataka kuongea. Okay.Usiendekufafanunua. Naielewa. Zote tumeelewa. Umesema kuwe na siku t<strong>of</strong>auti ya kufanya election ya Bunge halafu tena mwezimmoja tunafanya…..hiyo tumeelewa. Kwenda point ingine mzee.Samuel Nderitu Pointi ingine ni President asiwe juu ya sheria. President amchague Commissioner. Kitu ingine muhimu nilikuwanimefikiria ni ya kwamba, tusiwe na Nominated Members. Wote wachaguliwe. Nimemaliza.Com. Keriako Tobiko Asante sana Mzee wangu. Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Weru?Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Weru: My name is Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Weru and I have some recommendations to the current Constitution. The first oneshould be; We should encourage minimal changes to the current Constitution. Number one will be on Citizenship. I wouldpropose three at one documentation.i.e National ID, Voters card and a Passport at attainment at eighteen years <strong>of</strong> age.

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