verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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56should be in Kenya for twenty continuous years to be allowed citizenship. Foreigners should not be allowed to own shops andbusinesses - such as the Indians , the Arabs, the Europeans but instead they should be allowed to run industries. Work permitshould not be given to foreigners if the Kenyans have the skills that is required in such.The Parliament should appoint the following and fire them if need be freely - that is the President should not appoint thefollowing. They should be appointed by the Parliament. These are the High Court Judge,Com. Bishop Njoroge: One minute more.Jackson Miano: The Attorney General, The Commissioner of police and so on and so forth. The country should be stopimporting things like used cars, used clothes - like mitumba but instead do the following:Reduce the tax to manageable area, Revive closed industries like Rivatex, Mountex, KCM, Kikomi (Kisumu Cotton mills),which will not only improve the economy of wananchi who grow cotton and keep woolen sheep. We should get rid of very oldcars on our roads which were used elsewhere. Political parties should be reduced to only two strong ones like in America..Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can you give your last point.Jackson Miano: The President: He should not be above the law. He should be between forty five years and seventy years. Heshould have a good track record. He should be elected directly by the people. He should not be below five feet tall. He shouldbe physically fit and there should be no political administration - It should be replaced by governors. Lastly, the street childrenshould be taken to their respective parents and if the parent is not found, they should be taken to the homes of the orphans. Theinsane and the elderly should have their own homes - That is the Homes for the insane and the Home for the elderly. That is all.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Why five feet tall? I don’t think I am five. You mean I cannot be a President.What is the limit?Jackson Miano: For example in America, he should be more than six feet tall. Therefore, let me give my point please, thosepeople who are very short, get angry very quickly.Prolonged laughter from the audience.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can we have Richard Kinyua? Richard Kinyua?Richard Kinyua: Asante Bwana Chairman. Pointi ya kwanza, ni hii mambo ya free education. It should be provided to theKenyan citizens. Quota system should be abolished because it was political. We Kenyans are highly taxed and as such, and to

57see that our money is properly used, we should be given free education and free medical treatment.Appointees to senior positions in government: Judges, Parastatal Heads and such should be vetted by Parliament to avoidallocating them to friends or such. Or your tribal friends. You have noted? The other point is Presidential powers should bereduced because we believe absolute power corrupts……….Com. Keriako Tobiko: Ndugu yangu. Please. Just say your recommendations.Richard Kinyua: The other point is on the side of Agriculture. I believe the future Constitution should really address theeconomy. Since our economy is mostly based on Agriculture, the country should see to it as a priority that the economy is puton sound study. The other point is on land policy. Currently, our land policy is so bad. We have people living in villages whichwere created by the colonialists in 1952 which is a shame in Kenya.Com. Keriako Tobiko: What is your recommendation?Richard Kinyua: I recommend that trust land in Kenya should be given to such people. The other point is on economicsabotage: Anybody or a group of people who uses a public office to enrich himself or themselves should be taken to a court oflaw and if charged, all the property gained through such office should be confiscated. That is all Mr. Chairman.Com. Keriako Tobiko: Gethi Mwai.Gethi Mwai: Yes. Mr. Chairman, I would start on education. My recommendations are that; basic education should be freeand compulsory to all. Government should set enough funds to finance for basic education. Government should abolishunnecessary spending e.g. on school milk and such and channel such funds to acquisition of stationery and infrastructure ineducation system.The government should remunerate the teachers well to raise their teaching morale. The Government should equip and educateschool inspectors to make them able to inspect schools well. Promotion of teachers and education of teachers should be basedon performance and not on other merits. The government should create more job opportunities to absorb graduating students. Itshould also allow and encourage jobless people to seek for employment outside the country. The government should implementthe Koech Commission of education. On poverty reduction or poverty eradication, the government according to my viewshould do the following: Farmers should be encouraged because they are the ones that grow crops by:a) The government controlling Bank lending rates to make farmers have access to loan facilities.b) It should also encourage micro-finance organizations and NGO’s who are financing the farmers.

56should be in Kenya for twenty continuous years to be allowed citizenship. Foreigners should not be allowed to own shops andbusinesses - such as the Indians , the Arabs, the Europeans but instead they should be allowed to run industries. Work permitshould not be given to foreigners if the Kenyans have the skills that is required in such.The Parliament should appoint the following and fire them if need be freely - that is the President should not appoint thefollowing. They should be appointed by the Parliament. These are the High Court Judge,Com. Bishop Njoroge: One minute more.Jackson Miano: The Attorney General, The Commissioner <strong>of</strong> police and so on and so forth. The country should be stopimporting things like used cars, used clothes - like mitumba but instead do the following:Reduce the tax to manageable area, Revive closed industries like Rivatex, Mountex, KCM, Kikomi (Kisumu Cotton mills),which will not only improve the economy <strong>of</strong> wananchi who grow cotton and keep woolen sheep. We should get rid <strong>of</strong> very oldcars on our roads which were used elsewhere. Political parties should be reduced to only two strong ones like in America..Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can you give your last point.Jackson Miano: The President: He should not be above the law. He should be between forty five years and seventy years. Heshould have a good track record. He should be elected directly by the people. He should not be below five feet tall. He shouldbe physically fit and there should be no political administration - It should be replaced by governors. Lastly, the street childrenshould be taken to their respective parents and if the parent is not found, they should be taken to the homes <strong>of</strong> the orphans. Theinsane and the elderly should have their own homes - That is the Homes for the insane and the Home for the elderly. That is all.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Why five feet tall? I don’t think I am five. You mean I cannot be a President.What is the limit?Jackson Miano: For example in America, he should be more than six feet tall. Therefore, let me give my point please, thosepeople who are very short, get angry very quickly.Prolonged laughter from the audience.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can we have Richard Kinyua? Richard Kinyua?Richard Kinyua: Asante Bwana Chairman. Pointi ya kwanza, ni hii mambo ya free education. It should be provided to theKenyan citizens. Quota system should be abolished because it was political. We Kenyans are highly taxed and as such, and to

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