verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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449. Citizenship: Kenyans should be recognized as the custodians of our land of Kenya. Where a Kenyan male marries aforeign woman, she automatically becomes a Kenyan Citizen. Same should happen to a foreign man married to aKenyan woman.10. Public Finance: No public funds may be withdrawn from the consolidated funds without authority from Parliament.Where such happens, the Minister for Finance should be held responsible. The Controller and Auditor General shouldbe given powers to prosecute in case of misappropriation of public funds. There should be only one Controller andAuditor General. Auditor Generals, Parastatals and Local Governments should be abolished to give the Controller andAuditor General firm control. He should continue to have security of tenure.11. Public Service Commission: Appointments, promotions and dismissals of all civil servants should be by Public ServiceCommission. Members of the Commission should be appointed by the Minister in charge of Public service and shouldbe professionals in various fields represented in the civil service. Same should be of Local Government ServiceCommission. There should also be a Parastatal Service Commission. Permanent Secretaries should be “permanent” intheir Ministries. To ensure proper management of Ministries.Com. Bishop Njoroge: One minute.12. Land: The land we live in Kenya is either Government or transfer land. No one has his own land in Kenya. Ownershipof land should be vested in Kenyans such that they have control and ownership of the natural resources in their land.13. Finally, generally, the Constitution of Kenya should make provision for education for our children. It should addressagriculture, which is our economic backbone. It should also address our cultural values, heritage and our nationalresources. Thank you. Mr. Chairman.Com. Lethome: We wish to welcome our colleague Commissioner Keriako Tobiko. Who has just arrived. Commissionermwenzetu ataweza kuwasalimia. Thank you. The next person is Charles Thamaini, Samuel Kibaba.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can I …….Where is Wanjohi? Wanjohi, can you make sure that the list we have here tallies with thelist outside there. Because it may not tally, and we do not want some people who came here not to have the opportunity. Thelist is here, must agree with the list outside there. So, Monitor. Where is Kabeti Musumeno? She is there. Okay, you werecalled but you were not there. Because we called Stanley Kagombe, we called Wanjohi, we called Kiarie. We calledKathambi, we called Ngugi, we called Father Muturi. Okey fine, go on. Before you do that, why can’t the Commissioner say“hae” because he is just come. Ama hamtaki kusikia sauti yake?

45Audience: Tunataka.Keriako Tobiko: Hamjamboni nyote. Vile ndugu yangu amesema, mimi naitwa Keriako Tobiko, na mimi ni mmoja waCommissioners katika hiyo tume ya kurekebisha Katiba. Nimekuwa na shida kidogo barabarani lakini hata hivyo nimefika.Namshukuru Mungu kwa hiyo. Asanteni.Walter Wambugu: Okay Mr. Chairman. Mimi maoni yangu ni: Ya kwanza ni upande wa elimu. Elimu ningeuliza kufuatana navile tulipata uhuru mwaka wa 1963, Katiba iliyokuwa ilikuwa ikisema elimu iwe ya bure. Hiyo ndio mimi ningeuliza Katiba mpyaifikirie sana elimu iwe ya bure.Namba ya pili nayo ni upande wa health: Nao upande wa health nao uwe free – kwa sababu nci tumekuwa na taabu sanaupande wa matibabu. Jambo la tatu, ni upande wa ukulima. Wakulima wametaabika sana hasa upande huu wetu. Ningeulizakama ingewezekana, Serikali iwe kama ni upande wa Kahawa upande wa Majani na upande wa ukulima wa Ng’ombe -upande wa Maziwa. Serikali iondoke kabisa iachie wakulima wafanye kazi yao. Serikali ifanye tu kuuliza tax, waulize kodi pekeyake. Mambo ingine yote waachie wakulima wenyewe.Naye President wa nchi apunguzwe mamlaka yake kwa sababu ikiwa President kila kitu yeye mwenyewe ndiye atakuwaakisema, nchi itakuwa na taabu sana. Tutauliza Parliament yenyewe kwa sababu ndiyo ilichaguliwa na watu, mambo yoteikipitishwa na Parliament, President awe mlinzi wa kuangalia hiyo sheria ambayo imepitishwa, hakuna mtu anaigeuza. IlaParliament yenyewe, irudishwe Parliament kama kitu kinatakiwa, Parliament yenyewe iwe ikifanya hiyo kazi.Namba tano ni upande wa Bank. Upande wa Bank! Hii inakuwa shida sana. Unafanya agreement na Bank, umekopa loan.Bank kwa ile agreement mmeandika, Bank wenyewe wanakaa wakimaliza miezi tano, hiyo loan inapanda juu, Inapanda juu. Nawakati ulifanya agreement, ulifanya ukijua pesa hii nitachukua nitalipa na …unafanya budget yako vile unapata pesa. Uweukilipa hiyo pesa kulingana na vile muliagana. Lakini sasa loan unaona mtu amechukua kitu kama shillingi elfu mia moja. Unalipakaribu half a million. Hii imekuwa shida sana upande wa bank.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Sasa, ningetaka useme, pointi kwa pointi kwa sababu tuko na watu wengi. Kama hiyo umesematumeelewa. Interest ya Banks iangaliwe. Sawa sawa. Kwenda nyingine na useme ya mwisho ili tuweze kupatia wengine nafasi.Okay, na upande wa Budget ya nchi. Wakati Budget inasomwa, inakuwa shida mambo ya…budget ikishasomwa, tukaelewa,tukaelezwa hii na hii zimepanda. Lakini baada ya kumaliza wiki moja wiki mbili, tena unasikia kitu kimepanda tena. Sasa hiyondiyo tunauliza Katiba iangalie sana kama budget itasomwa, iwe ni hiyo hiyo mpaka mwisho wa mwaka. Okey. Asante sanaBwana Mwenyekiti.

449. Citizenship: Kenyans should be recognized as the custodians <strong>of</strong> our land <strong>of</strong> Kenya. Where a Kenyan male marries aforeign woman, she automatically becomes a Kenyan Citizen. Same should happen to a foreign man married to aKenyan woman.10. Public Finance: No <strong>public</strong> funds may be withdrawn from the consolidated funds without authority from Parliament.Where such happens, the Minister for Finance should be held responsible. The Controller and Auditor General shouldbe given powers to prosecute in case <strong>of</strong> misappropriation <strong>of</strong> <strong>public</strong> funds. There should be only one Controller andAuditor General. Auditor Generals, Parastatals and Local Governments should be abolished to give the Controller andAuditor General firm control. He should continue to have security <strong>of</strong> tenure.11. Public Service Commission: Appointments, promotions and dismissals <strong>of</strong> all civil servants should be by Public ServiceCommission. Members <strong>of</strong> the Commission should be appointed by the Minister in charge <strong>of</strong> Public service and shouldbe pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in various fields represented in the civil service. Same should be <strong>of</strong> Local Government ServiceCommission. There should also be a Parastatal Service Commission. Permanent Secretaries should be “permanent” intheir Ministries. To ensure proper management <strong>of</strong> Ministries.Com. Bishop Njoroge: One minute.12. Land: The land we live in Kenya is either Government or transfer land. No one has his own land in Kenya. Ownership<strong>of</strong> land should be vested in Kenyans such that they have control and ownership <strong>of</strong> the natural resources in their land.13. Finally, generally, the Constitution <strong>of</strong> Kenya should make provision for education for our children. It should addressagriculture, which is our economic backbone. It should also address our cultural values, heritage and our nationalresources. Thank you. Mr. Chairman.Com. Lethome: We wish to welcome our colleague Commissioner Keriako Tobiko. Who has just arrived. Commissionermwenzetu ataweza kuwasalimia. Thank you. The next person is Charles Thamaini, Samuel Kibaba.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Can I …….Where is Wanjohi? Wanjohi, can you make sure that the list we have here tallies with thelist outside there. Because it may not tally, and we do not want some people who came here not to have the opportunity. Thelist is here, must agree with the list outside there. So, Monitor. Where is Kabeti Musumeno? She is there. Okay, you werecalled but you were not there. Because we called Stanley Kagombe, we called Wanjohi, we called Kiarie. We calledKathambi, we called Ngugi, we called Father Muturi. Okey fine, go on. Before you do that, why can’t the Commissioner say“hae” because he is just come. Ama hamtaki kusikia sauti yake?

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