verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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26vingeinua uchumi wetu. Kwa hivyo wakati tunaenda kuchukua mitumba na pamba yetu inaharibika na zile viwanda zakutengeneza nguo nazo zimelala na pamba inaozea kwa shamba. Mkulima hapo hashughulikiwi.Ile ingine Bwana Mwenye Kiti ni pande ya mazao ya mahindi. Mahindi Bwana Mwenye kiti sisi tunalima mahindi na tukilimamahindi, mahindi ingine inaenda inatolewa nje. Inakuja inaharibu bei ya mahindi yetu ya hapa Kenya. Kwa hivyo sisi tunajengauchumi wa nchi ingine tunakosa kujenga uchumi wa nchi yetu. Kwa vile mahindi inaozea hapa na ile ingine inatolewa nje ikiwa niya bei rahisi. Kwa hivyo yetu inaoza, tunapewa ingine iharibikie mkulima hapo ananyanyaswa. Ningetaka pia kipengele hichokishughulikiwe. Ile ingine Bwana Mwenye kiti ni mazao kama ya miwa ya sukari. Kwa miwa nayo, miwa tungetakaishughulikiwe na Katiba ilinde sukari isitoke nje. Tunalima miwa, wakulima wa miwa. Miwa inaozea kwa shamba. Na sukariinatolewa nje. Na hiyo miwa ikiozea kwa shamba, viwanda kama Mumias, Nzoia…inakwisha.Com. Bishop Njoroge: You have made your point.Peter Mwangi: Ile ingine Bwana Mwenyekiti ningetaka kumaliza nayo ya mwisho ni ya kwamba uchumi wa nchi hii ni wamkulima. Serikali inasema inataka ipatie tourists. Ilinde matourists wakuje hapa ndio tupate pesa ya kutoka nje. Kama sisiwakulima, Serikali haijalinda sisi kwa ukulima wetu. Haingekuwa na maana ya kutaka pesa ya kutoka nje. Haingeomba pesakutoka nje lakini kwa sababu hailindi mkulima, inaenda kulisha watu wengine ndio sisi ukulima wetu unaharibika, uchumiunaharibika na sisi tunaendelea kuzorota. Kwa hivyo tukitaka kuwa uhuru kiuchumi na kirafiki na kikatiba, lazima Katibaitushughulikie ndio na sisi itulinde halafu tuinue uchumi na hatutakopa tena kutoka nje. Asante Bwana Mwenyekiti.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Those are very much appropriate suggestions under farming. E.K. Njogu.Umepeana memorandum?E.K. Njogu: Hapana.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Just give us the most important points.E.K. Njogu: Asante sana Mwenyekiti. I am a civic education provider but I also have a document which I felt I should presentwhich gives my own personal views. I will only highlight the personal views in this particular presentation. Mr. Chairman, I feelthat the preamble of the Constitution should highlight the main mission of this Country. I have provided a small heading whichreads like this. “We the people of Kenya in our endeavor to establish a just government for the service of every Kenyan, whichshall secure for us the peace, prosperity, liberty, justice, unity, happiness and the rule of law for all, hereby establish with thehelp of God this Constitution of the Republic of Kenya.”Mr. Chairman on the structure of the Government, I have suggested that the structure of the Government should reflect the

27thinking and the political activities of the Kenyans. In this regard, I suggest that there should be an Upper House or Senate withnot more than hundred member, distributed fairly on population basis. A House of Representatives, the Parliament, RegionalAssembly, County Councils and Municipalities, Area Council and Urban Councils.At the end of it I have indicated that no changes or amendment to the Constitution should be undertaken by the Parliamentunder any circumstances, unless after a referendum. Any changes should be carried out by the citizens after thorough scrutiny.The Executive authority should be vested to the President. All such authority and the functions of the President, should be fullyincluded in the Constitution. Qualifications requirements for this office should be specified and in conformity with the status ofthe position. The Presidential term should be for two five years Parliamentary term. The Constitution should provide for theremoval of the President in case of misconduct while in office or on account of failure to protect the Constitution.The President should not represent a Constituency. Which means after the elections, if he held a Constituency, a by electionshould be held. In order for the people to feel that a democratic government is in place, the Provincial Administration shouldchange and its place be put elected organs such as National Assemblies, County Councils and the like, which should becharged with the implementation of government decisions. The system of Government, a Presidential and Parliamentary systemis what I feel would be ideal and detailed job description for members of Parliament, Councilors and the others to be drawn,which they should be made to adhere to. Annual leave entitlement for the office bearers should also be indicated. In this regard,Mr. Chairman, I indicate that the Member of Parliament should be full time. The President should have two deputies and thePrime Minister with two deputies alike. The President should be the Head of State with defense responsibilities. When thePresident is outside the geographical boundaries of the republic of Kenya, or is unable to carry out the State’s responsibilities,one of the Vice Presidents should act as the President on rotational basis. A system of sharing the Executive authority should beworked out to allow the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister and his Deputy to be vested with equivalentauthorities for their positions.Com. Bishop Njoroge: I am giving you one minute.E.K. Njogu: Thank you. The local government: I have indicated that the local government should essentially be put in place. ButI have put this, in dismantling the Provincial Administration, I have in mind that within the division, a “police sheriff” would be incharge to take the place of the role of the Chief. The “Sheriff” should be elected by the public and his role clearly explained.Mr. Chairman I have also indicated that the Parliament should vet all top public officers and members of the public should havethe right to recall the Member of Parliament in case of non-performance. But in this, a commission should be set in place. Theelectoral process should have a voter registration which takes into consideration, the identity card, birth certificates, evidence ofownership of permanent immovable assets, employment and the like, to eliminate possibilities of voters moving from one area toanother.

26vingeinua uchumi wetu. Kwa hivyo wakati tunaenda kuchukua mitumba na pamba yetu inaharibika na zile viwanda zakutengeneza nguo nazo zimelala na pamba inaozea kwa shamba. Mkulima hapo hashughulikiwi.Ile ingine Bwana Mwenye Kiti ni pande ya mazao ya mahindi. Mahindi Bwana Mwenye kiti sisi tunalima mahindi na tukilimamahindi, mahindi ingine inaenda inatolewa nje. Inakuja inaharibu bei ya mahindi yetu ya hapa Kenya. Kwa hivyo sisi tunajengauchumi wa nchi ingine tunakosa kujenga uchumi wa nchi yetu. Kwa vile mahindi inaozea hapa na ile ingine inatolewa nje ikiwa niya bei rahisi. Kwa hivyo yetu inaoza, tunapewa ingine iharibikie mkulima hapo ananyanyaswa. Ningetaka pia kipengele hichokishughulikiwe. Ile ingine Bwana Mwenye kiti ni mazao kama ya miwa ya sukari. Kwa miwa nayo, miwa tungetakaishughulikiwe na Katiba ilinde sukari isitoke nje. Tunalima miwa, wakulima wa miwa. Miwa inaozea kwa shamba. Na sukariinatolewa nje. Na hiyo miwa ikiozea kwa shamba, viwanda kama Mumias, Nzoia…inakwisha.Com. Bishop Njoroge: You have made your point.Peter Mwangi: Ile ingine Bwana Mwenyekiti ningetaka kumaliza nayo ya mwisho ni ya kwamba uchumi wa nchi hii ni wamkulima. Serikali inasema inataka ipatie tourists. Ilinde matourists wakuje hapa ndio tupate pesa ya kutoka nje. Kama sisiwakulima, Serikali haijalinda sisi kwa ukulima wetu. Haingekuwa na maana ya kutaka pesa ya kutoka nje. Haingeomba pesakutoka nje lakini kwa sababu hailindi mkulima, inaenda kulisha watu wengine ndio sisi ukulima wetu unaharibika, uchumiunaharibika na sisi tunaendelea kuzorota. Kwa hivyo tukitaka kuwa uhuru kiuchumi na kirafiki na kikatiba, lazima Katibaitushughulikie ndio na sisi itulinde halafu tuinue uchumi na hatutakopa tena kutoka nje. Asante Bwana Mwenyekiti.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Those are very much appropriate suggestions under farming. E.K. Njogu.Umepeana memorandum?E.K. Njogu: Hapana.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Just give us the most important points.E.K. Njogu: Asante sana Mwenyekiti. I am a civic education provider but I also have a document which I felt I should presentwhich gives my own personal views. I will only highlight the personal views in this particular presentation. Mr. Chairman, I feelthat the preamble <strong>of</strong> the Constitution should highlight the main mission <strong>of</strong> this Country. I have provided a small heading whichreads like this. “We the people <strong>of</strong> Kenya in our endeavor to establish a just government for the service <strong>of</strong> every Kenyan, whichshall secure for us the peace, prosperity, liberty, justice, unity, happiness and the rule <strong>of</strong> law for all, hereby establish with thehelp <strong>of</strong> God this Constitution <strong>of</strong> the Re<strong>public</strong> <strong>of</strong> Kenya.”Mr. Chairman on the structure <strong>of</strong> the Government, I have suggested that the structure <strong>of</strong> the Government should reflect the

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