verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet


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20two will be elective positions where even the Prime Minister is elected. Legislature: Parliament should vet the followingappointments. The Attorney General, Ombudsman, Chief Justice and Controller general. Head <strong>of</strong> Civil servants service,Members <strong>of</strong> the Electoral Commission, Military Heads, Heads <strong>of</strong> Central bank and all Cabinet Ministers. The criteria for vettingall these appointments must be written down.Parliament should have unlimited powers to control its own procedures through standing orders. It should not be subject todissolution or prolongation by the President. We should adopt a two chamber Parliament. With the Upper House Senate andthe Lower House,- This is the House <strong>of</strong> Representatives. Judiciary: Besides the current judicial structure, the Constitutionshould recognize alternative dispute resolutions. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) system. Like village council, baraza lawazee and so forth.The judiciary should be Constitutionally established free <strong>of</strong> influence from the Executive. The Attorney General should not be amember <strong>of</strong> the Executive. The Chief Justice should be vetted by Parliament with security <strong>of</strong> tenure and can only be removed onbad conduct or behavior. Senior Judicial <strong>of</strong>ficers should be appointed by Parliament with the advice <strong>of</strong> the Chief Justice. Theyshould also have security <strong>of</strong> tenure.Election <strong>of</strong> commission Chairman should be vetted by the Parliament and all Commissioners should be accorded security <strong>of</strong>tenure. Commissioners should be people with integrity, qualified and competent to the job. The work <strong>of</strong> the Commission wouldbe to supervise elections and to review the boundaries <strong>of</strong> the Constituencies using population criteria. Ballot boxes should betransparent and allow any person to see the contents inside. After polling is done, vote counting should be done on the spotunder the supervision <strong>of</strong> party agencies and interested parties.The Constitution must strike <strong>of</strong>f winning <strong>of</strong> elections through a simple majority. All those seeking elective posts must win withfifty five per cent <strong>of</strong> the total votes. Civic, Parliamentary and Presidential elections must be held on different dates. May be Civicand Parliamentary should be given a day but Presidential should be done in a separate day. Election dates must be <strong>public</strong>lyknown to avoid them being used as a secret weapon to win elections. Presidential elections should be done directly.Basic rights. The Constitution must clearly define the freedom <strong>of</strong> worship in terms <strong>of</strong> which God to worship. It must be that…Com. Bishop Njoroge: Father am giving you one more minuteFather Muturi: …..which does not disturb other people. The Constitution must establish a body which should ensureregistration <strong>of</strong> few <strong>of</strong> denominations or sects. The Constitution must also define places <strong>of</strong> worship. The Constitution mustguarantee right to free education for all. Right to free medical service. Right to basic rights like food, shelter, clothing. Right toemployment and decent life. Our Constitution must strike <strong>of</strong>f capital punishment and retain life’s right without exception.

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