verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet

verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet verbatim report of constituency public hearings ... - ConstitutionNet
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12yatatusaidia na kuchangia katika kuunda katiba mpya ambayo itawezesha Kenya kusimama wima kama kielelezo kizuri cha nchikatika bala hili la Afrika na katika Ulimwengu wote. Katiba ambayo haitakuwa na ubaguzi wa kielimu, rangi, kabila, jinsia amaumri na tukifanya hivyo, Nchi yetu itaendelea kusitawi kwa mapana na marefu. Mungu aibariki Kenya. Mola atuongoze katikamiaka ijao. Asante.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much. Those were very good points. Sasa ningetaka kumpata Erastus Munyiri.Erastus. Tafadhali zungumza pointi bila kuelezea.Erastus Munyiri: Thank you Chairman. My name is Erastus Munyiri of Box 160 Karatina. These are my presentations. Ibelieve there should be a preamble stating clearly that the Constitution of Kenya is of Kenyan people themselves and forthemselves for the purpose of helping to promote and maintain peace, love, patriotism and unity through all possible meanswithin and outside our Country.Two: I believe that within the preamble, the boundaries of the country should be clearly stated so as not to leave any room forany doubts.Three: Geographically and Administratively, the country should be divided into equal provinces based on demographical andeconomical principles. They should bear Kenyan, African names. This principle should also be reflected in Districts, Divisions,Locations and Sub-locations.Four: Future sub-dividing should be done jointly by, and through decisions reached between the electoral commission of Kenyaand the relevant government organ and tabled in Parliament for approval. On Constitutional supremacy, I believe thatamendment to the Constitution should only be done by an 85% vote in Parliament. Fundamental and basic Rights should beamended only after a referendum conducted by the relevant standing Parliamentary committee.On defense and national security: The disciplined forces should be established very clearly by the Constitution with all relevantmatters pertaining to them - like enlisting, training, movement from one station to another, divisional branch, promotion,examination, demotion, suspension, dismissal e.t.c. set out clearly. The President should be the Commander- in-Chief of theArmed Forces- but, all decisions pertaining to national security like declaration of war and emergency, imposition of curfews,insurrection, breakdown of public order, national disaster, should be reached through joint consensus between the relevantParliamentary committee enshrined in the Constitution, a council set up compromising of the heads of the different disciplines,and the President of the country.On political parties: There should not be more than three political parties, which should be formed, managed and conductedthrough a method prescribed by a specific Act of Parliament. Educating the masses, establishment of development plan,

13involvement and in other fields that touch on the members’ welfare should be part of their role. The parties so established shouldreceive a specific funding from the ex-chequer. They should be allowed to raise funds for their activities - but strict rules undera ‘moral-and-ethics declaration”should be applied where campaign funds are concerned and which should be declared. In thisway, their role will then become complimentary to the State one.On structures and supremacy of government: Kenya should adopt a high-grade system of government. ……should be madefrom competent Kenyans as in the American system but vetted by the House of Representatives. They should not be membersof Parliament.On Legislature. All senior appointments like Cabinet Ministers, their Assistants, Permanent Secretaries and their Deputies,Directors of different departments, Controller and Auditor General, Chief Justice and all the other Judges, Registrar General,Heads of Parastatals, Provincial and District Commissioners, if there would be any, Commission Members, Ambassadors,Heads of different sections of the Armed Forces, Police Heads, Prisons, GSU, Intelligence, should all be vetted by Parliament.Two, apart from law making, Parliament should educate and carry out research as well as monitoring implementations of anydecisions made by the institutions through powers vested in related and relevant studying committees.Parliament should control its own procedures and a calendar be drawn following rules laid down in the Constitution in an Act.Strict ethical and moral qualifications should be introduced in the Constitution, and appropriate remedial measures set out on thesame. Mr. Chairman, I believe there should be an elected Chamber of people called ‘House of Representatives’. But anotherChamber should be introduced to cater for geographical minorities, special interest, the vulnerable group social economicalneeds, named Senate - selected by a council of able and competent non-politicians and set two months before they are named.Finally, there should be no change on the Currency, National holidays, National Anthem, Court of Arms and the National flagof this House. I believe that if this is followed, Mr. Chairman, Kenya would be prosperous, there will be peace and God willbless the country. Thank you.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much for those very inspiring points.Com. Lethome: I have a small clarification. About the political parties registered in Kenya, you are suggesting that in theConstitution we are making, we should not have more than three. So, do you have any suggestion on what we should do withthe current parties to reduce them from 46 to the three?Erastus Munyiri: Yes, Mr. Chairman, I believe that if there are parties that are not represented in Parliament, they should bestruck off the register, and if they do not have more than ten members of Parliament, they should also be struck off from the

13involvement and in other fields that touch on the members’ welfare should be part <strong>of</strong> their role. The parties so established shouldreceive a specific funding from the ex-chequer. They should be allowed to raise funds for their activities - but strict rules undera ‘moral-and-ethics declaration”should be applied where campaign funds are concerned and which should be declared. In thisway, their role will then become complimentary to the State one.On structures and supremacy <strong>of</strong> government: Kenya should adopt a high-grade system <strong>of</strong> government. ……should be madefrom competent Kenyans as in the American system but vetted by the House <strong>of</strong> Representatives. They should not be members<strong>of</strong> Parliament.On Legislature. All senior appointments like Cabinet Ministers, their Assistants, Permanent Secretaries and their Deputies,Directors <strong>of</strong> different departments, Controller and Auditor General, Chief Justice and all the other Judges, Registrar General,Heads <strong>of</strong> Parastatals, Provincial and District Commissioners, if there would be any, Commission Members, Ambassadors,Heads <strong>of</strong> different sections <strong>of</strong> the Armed Forces, Police Heads, Prisons, GSU, Intelligence, should all be vetted by Parliament.Two, apart from law making, Parliament should educate and carry out research as well as monitoring implementations <strong>of</strong> anydecisions made by the institutions through powers vested in related and relevant studying committees.Parliament should control its own procedures and a calendar be drawn following rules laid down in the Constitution in an Act.Strict ethical and moral qualifications should be introduced in the Constitution, and appropriate remedial measures set out on thesame. Mr. Chairman, I believe there should be an elected Chamber <strong>of</strong> people called ‘House <strong>of</strong> Representatives’. But anotherChamber should be introduced to cater for geographical minorities, special interest, the vulnerable group social economicalneeds, named Senate - selected by a council <strong>of</strong> able and competent non-politicians and set two months before they are named.Finally, there should be no change on the Currency, National holidays, National Anthem, Court <strong>of</strong> Arms and the National flag<strong>of</strong> this House. I believe that if this is followed, Mr. Chairman, Kenya would be prosperous, there will be peace and God willbless the country. Thank you.Com. Bishop Njoroge: Thank you very much for those very inspiring points.Com. Lethome: I have a small clarification. About the political parties registered in Kenya, you are suggesting that in theConstitution we are making, we should not have more than three. So, do you have any suggestion on what we should do withthe current parties to reduce them from 46 to the three?Erastus Munyiri: Yes, Mr. Chairman, I believe that if there are parties that are not represented in Parliament, they should bestruck <strong>of</strong>f the register, and if they do not have more than ten members <strong>of</strong> Parliament, they should also be struck <strong>of</strong>f from the

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