The Holy Scripture - english version B.indd - Sabbat

The Holy Scripture - english version B.indd - Sabbat The Holy Scripture - english version B.indd - Sabbat


Die Heiligen Zehn Gebote JAHWEH's, unseres GOTTES<strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Ten Commandments of YAHWEH our ElohimIch bin JAHWEH, Dein GOTT, der Ich dich aus Ägyptenland,aus dem Diensthause (Knechtschaft), geführt habe.Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben.KJV + EL = I AM YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM, WHICH BROUGHT YOU OUT OFTHE LAND OF EGYPT, FROM THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE.YOU SHALL HAVE NONE OTHER ELOHIM BEFORE ME.Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis (Abbild) machen, weder vondem, was oben im Himmel, noch von dem, was unten auf der Erden, oder von dem,was im Wasser unter der Erde ist. Bete sie nicht an, und diene ihnen nicht. DennIch, JAHWEH, dein GOTT, bin ein eifernder GOTT, der da heimsuchet der VäterMissetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und vierte Glied, die mich hassen. Und tueBarmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich lieb haben und meine Gebote halten.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT MAKE YOU ANY GRAVEN IMAGE, OR ANYLIKENESS OF ANYTHING THAT IS IN HEAVEN ABOVE, OR THAT IS IN THEEARTH BENEATH, OR THAT IS IN THE WATERS UNDER THE EARTH:YOU SHALL NOT BOW DOWN YOURSELF TO THEM, NOR SERVE THEM: FOR IYAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM AM A JEALOUS EL, VISITING THE INIQUITY OF THEFATHERS UPON THE CHILDREN TO THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATIONOF THEM THAT HATE ME, AND SHOWING MERCY TO THOUSANDS OF THEMTHAT LOVE ME AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.Du sollst den Namen JAHWEH’s, Deines GOTTES, nicht missbrauchen;denn JAHWEH wird den nicht ungestraft lassen, der seinen Namen missbraucht.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM INVAIN: FOR YAHWEH WILL NOT HOLD HIM GUILTLESSTHAT TAKES HIS NAME IN VAIN.Gedenke des <strong>Sabbat</strong>tages, dass du ihn heiligest.Sechs Tage sollst Du arbeiten, und alle deine Dinge beschicken (Werke tun). Aberam siebenten Tage (Samstag) ist der <strong>Sabbat</strong> JAHWEH’s, deines GOTTES. Dasollst Du kein Werk tun, noch dein Sohn, noch deine Tochter, noch dein Knecht,noch deine Magd, noch dein Vieh, noch dein Fremdling, der in deinen Toren ist.Denn in sechs Tagen hat JAHWEH Himmel und Erde gemacht, und das Meer, undalles, was drinnen ist und ruhte am siebenten Tag. Darum segnete JAHWEHden <strong>Sabbat</strong>tag und heiligte ihn.KJV + EL = REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY. SIX DAYSSHALL YOU LABOR, AND DO ALL YOUR WORK: BUT THE SEVENTH DAYIS THE SABBATH OF YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM: IN IT YOU SHALL NOT DOANY WORK, YOU, NOR YOUR SON, NOR YOUR DAUGHTER, NOR YOURMANSERVANT, NOR YOUR MAIDSERVANT, NOR YOUR CATTLE, NOR YOURSTRANGER THAT IS WITHIN YOUR GATES:FOR SIX DAYS YAHWEH MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, THE SEA, AND ALL THATIN THEM IS, AND RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY:THEREFORE YAHWEH BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY, AND HOLLOWED IT.

Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren, auf dass du lange lebest im Lande,das dir JAHWEH, dein GOTT, gibt.KJV + EL = HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER: THAT YOUR DAYSMAY BE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM GIVESYOU.Du sollst nicht töten / nicht morden.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT KILL.Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY.Du sollst nicht stehlen.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT STEAL.Du sollst kein falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nächsten.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST YOURNEIGHBOR.Lass dich nicht gelüsten deines Nächsten Hauses. Lass dich nicht gelüsten deinesNächsten Weibes, noch seines Knechts, noch seiner Magd, und seines Ochsen,noch seines Esels, noch alles, das dein Nächster hat.KJV + EL = YOU SHALL NOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE; YOU SHALLNOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WIFE, NOR HIS MANSERVANT, NOR HISMAIDSERVANT, NOR HIS OX, NOR HIS ASS, NOR ANYTHING THAT IS YOURNEIGHBOR'S.2. Mose ~ Exodus 20, 2-17 & 5. Mose ~ Deuteronomy 5,6-21

7th <strong>version</strong>

iA guide to eternal life: God’s Word. Patience, hope, confidence and security to allreaders searching their way and believing in the one who walked along in front ofthem. Who is it? “THE SON OF GOD!” He revealed his glory taking the shame ofour sins, our debts, our injustice, our lawlessness and paid the high price withhis blood so that we may live eternally {if we wish to do so} and accept his sacrifice.Himself he calls us brothers and sisters, those who love Him and stick by Hiscommandments, the precepts of his Father. (John 17:24, Matthew 12:48-49;Mark 3:33-34; Luke 8:20-21)Shortly before the end of the grace period and the second coming of theMessiah, this work appears to honor and glorify the Almighty, living andonly God, the Father. Over 7,000 times His name was mentioned in the Tanakh(Old Testament), however he completely disappeared from our translations, butthe name “Satan” remained unchanged in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. Also in public the vastmajority of people do not know the God of the Bible, much less his name.However, the name “Satan” is well known to all people. Satan does not care aboutthe sequence of letters in his name or with which other letters or words his nameis combined. <strong>The</strong> main thing is that he is either consciously or unconsciouslyworshipped and admired by people (for example Titan, Santa, Santa Claus,etc. - written differently depending on the language; even used with city names,such as Santa Cruz, whereby the Cross [Cruz] was transferred from paganism toChristianity).One of many testimonies about the name of God can be found in the appendix ofthis works.<strong>The</strong> name of our unique God, the Father, as called by the Israelites and howit is still written in the Bethel Bible and the Hebrew edition, is “YAHWEH.” -Deuteronomy 6:4:“... YAHWEH is our God, YAHWEH is the ONE. “YAHWEH means: “’I am’, who I am; I am he who exists, I will always exist; andall that exists, exists through me! (see Exodus 3:14)In Exodus 3:6 YAHWEH said to Moses: “I am the God of your father, the Godof Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.”YAHWEH, furthermore, said to Moses in Exodus 3:15: “Thus you shall say tothe sons of Israel, ‘YAHWEH, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My nameforever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.”(see also I Corinthians 8:6; 11:3; Revelation 1:4+8).

ii<strong>The</strong> preface of the Darby (Elberfelder) Bible of 2004 says: “<strong>The</strong> main text containsthe letters YHWH, during the review the decision was made in favor of “LORD” inplace of “Yahweh” (see Exodus 3:15).In the Schlachter Version 2000 in the second footnote to Exodus 3:14 onpage 63 a following notice can be found: “<strong>The</strong> Hebrew name of the God of Israel(reproduced in this translation by LORD; it probably sounded ‘ Yahweh’)...”<strong>The</strong> preface of Hermann Menge’s translation of 1928, says:“I think special attention should be paid to following details, [point 4 in particular:‘<strong>The</strong> Hebrew divine name Yahweh (Jehovah incorrect) has been rendered “HErr” (=German translation for Lord), different from “Herr” (German translation for Lord).’In this present translation* the real name of God “YAHWEH” wasreinstated at its old position instead of “Lord” (see Luther Bible) or “Lord”.Also here the Son of God was named „Master” and not with “Lord”.In the Hebrew Bibles, the four large letters “JHWH”, “YHWH” before 16th century,are read from right to left. <strong>The</strong>se letters are provided with small hooks on thevowels serving as a kind of aid for the pronunciation of the <strong>Holy</strong> Name: YAHWEH.* Luther Bible of 1545 and 1912 is a basis of this act.“This, then, is how you should pray: “’Our Father in heaven, hallowed beyour name!” (Matthew 6:9)Why does the name “Yahshua the Messiah” always stand next tothe name “Jesus Christ”?As for his and our Heavenly Father the Hebrew name of the Messiah wasreplaced by the Greek translation of Jesus Christ. This is also a peculiar fact:In reality, he was approached by his disciples with his Hebrew name “Yahshuathe Messiah” [Yahshua HaMashiach] or with “Master”, “Rabbi”. Every namehas a meaning in Hebrew, which is extinguished in the Greek language.Tracks are covered in Greek to wipe out the holy fundamental meaning of thename, because the name “Yahshua” contains the name of God, his father!<strong>The</strong> translation of name Yahshua means “YAHWEH saves”. At thesame time it is a shortest cry for help of a person who prays to Godfor help! And the Messiah means “anointed one” (see attachment).For the Son of God was anointed when being baptized by his father:Matthew 3,16 LUTHER = As soon as Yahshua was baptized, he wentup out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he sawthe Spirit of YAHWEH descending like a dove and lighting on him.PFÄFFLIN = ... AND HE SAW THE SPIRIT OF GOD HOVER LIKE A DOVE ANDCOME DOWN OVER HIM.KJV + EL = And Yahshua, when he was baptized, went up straightway out ofthe water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the SPIRIT ofYAHWEH descending like a dove, and lighting upon him;Mark 1,10 KJV + EL = AND STRAIGHTWAY COMING UP OUT OF THEWATER, HE SAW THE HEAVENS OPENED, AND THE SPIRIT LIKE A DOVEDESCENDING UPON HIM:

iiiLuke 3,22 KJV + EL = and (the) holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape likea dove upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, YOU ARE MY BELOVEDSON; IN YOU I AM WELL PLEASED.John 1,32 KJV + EL = And John bore record, saying. I saw the Spiritdescending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.<strong>The</strong> dove symbol originates from the Persian, Babylonian, pagan gods system andrepresents nothing else than: ‘Juno, the dove’.(see the lecture: “Wine of Babylon” by Professor Walter J. Veith ‘)In Matthew 3:16 we can directly recognize the usage of our God’s name, YAHWEHis written instead of God.In this way the true name and the true meaning of the name “Yahshua” wasabolished from people’s minds. If they knew his name and the name of his father,they would not worship or prostrate before self-staged gods or deities, would they?Unfortunately, the facts are completely different: Almost the wholeChristianity - if not even the whole humanity - is subject to thismental “dullness” {“spiritually dead as for the word of God”} and isunder the domination of another spirit not coming from above. Thusthe essence of our Creator God is completely shrouded to these people.<strong>The</strong>y therefore have a quite different idea of the <strong>Scripture</strong> statements.What a grave and fatal mistake! Where it depends on thesalvation of each individual being in the state of ignorance or unbelief andthe attitude of rejection i.e. disobedience, neither recognizing the living,omnipotent God with his holy name “Yahweh”, nor his essence and his will.Will the Christian world recognize the God of the Bible? No, they rather preferhis titles: Lord, God, Father and pray even to mortal men, who have acquiredor are still trying to acquire these titles – it’s strange, very strange, without anycontradiction! Is the whole of Christendom struck by spiritual blindness, as if theword of God has been pulled out of their hands? Are they no longer able to thinkclearly and to check the spoken word with the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>? It looks as if Satanis about to achieve his aim. But YAHWEH Sabaoth, YAHWEH our Mighty (see theEpistle to the Romans) is aware of the future and knows that there is a small fold ofpeople that love him, want to obey him and also follow the law, in obedience to allHis commandments and the faith in Jesus. To precise it - those who believein Yahshua, as Yahshua did in his father and how he lived.Based on the recognition that the name of our unique God YAHWEH wasremoved from the <strong>Scripture</strong>s, driven by the Spirit of God, my convictiongrew that the sacred name should be returned to its position in the originaltext. Today, an avid researcher of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> will still find thisname in the Hebrew and Jewish Bibles, for example, in the Bethel Edition.In combination with the old King James Version (KJV), Webster and Wesley, “BethelEdition” Bible which is written in English has been selected for this present work(English and German translations), in reference to the holy name” YAHWEH “andthe name of his son” Yahshua”. <strong>The</strong> translation of the Bible by Webster dated 1883 ismainly compliant with the old KJV translation. <strong>The</strong> verification of the correct namesto be returned into the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> was made in accordance with the Bethel

ivEdition, the Hebrew Bibles, the Greek Online Bible and the Dr. Martin Luther Bibleof 1545 - based on cross references from the New Testament to the Old Testament.Below, the reader can find the Bible translations considered for this work:Dr. Martin Luther of 1912, Dr. Martin Luther of 1866, Dr. Martin Luther of 1545,old King James Version (KJV - whereby the old spelling has replaced by modernspelling), Bethel Edition, Wesley of 1755, Webster of 1833, Hebrew Bible: BibliaHebracia, p. IO Athiae, Ioannis Leusden, Simonis Aliorumque IO, van der EverardiHooght; August Hahn - 1839; Hebrew and Greek Bible - online dated 2009to 2011, New English Bible, Louis Albrecht of 1926, Hermann Menge of 1928,Elberfeld dated 1871, Schlachter of 1905, Schlachter dated 2000, Frederick Pfäfflin,DL van Ess, H. D. Stern, Zurich, Dr. de Wette, Curt Stage, Bishop Ulfilas (Wulfilas)and others as well as explanations of the verses in the following propheticbooks of <strong>Scripture</strong>: the Book of “DANIEL” and the Book of “REVELATION”by our late brother and missionary Ernst Simon, the author of the Simon Bible.Here is a quotation of the evangelist and scientist Prof. Walter J. Veith from SouthAfrica:“<strong>The</strong> book of ‘Daniel’ is a key to the ‘Book of Revelation’!”Any reader should study the statements made by Ernst Simon in the Book of‘Daniel’ and the Book of ‘Revelation’, verify and think about it - also about his ownshort life - and finally make his decision. For God knows that a human is going tostay on Earth just very short.Psalm 103,15 KJV + EL = As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of thefield, so he flourishes.Psalm 103,16 KJV + EL = For the wind passes over it, and it is gone; and theplace of it shall know it no more.Ecclesiastes 9,5 KJV + EL = FOR THE LIVING KNOW THAT THEY SHALL DIE:BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING, NEITHER HAVE THEY ANY MORE AREWARD; FOR THE MEMORY OT THEM IS FORGOTTEN.Furthermore it is written that:Psalm 103,17 KJV + EL = But the mercy of YAHWEH is from everlasting toeverlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness to children’schildren;Psalm 103,18 KJV + EL = To such as keep his covenant, and to those thatremember his commandments to do them.We would like to apologize in advance to the English-speaking readersfor the lack of partial translations of the declarations into English.<strong>The</strong> most difficult task was to reintroduce the sacred name JAWEH in the NewTestament, since “Lord” is used for both YAHWEH [for YAHWEH Elohim], the father,and for our Lord Jesus Christ / Yahshua the Messiah [for our Master Yahshuathe Messiah]. <strong>The</strong> old Bibles still contain cross-references to the Old Testament,from which it can be recognized that it is mostly the Father who is concerned.

vAfter studying the issue of Trinity and on the basis of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> byDr. Martin Luther dated 1545 and the translation by Hermann Menge, I wasgetting clearer and clearer that in the first centuries after the death of the beloveddisciple John, the system of the Doctrine of Trinity has slowly been built up andafter the councils in the years 325 and 381 until 1798 any kind of resistance wasrestrained without remorse. This system of the human doctrine may be detectedonly with a preconceived body of thought when reading the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, i.e. beinterpreted into the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, also the statement that Jesus Christ is Godhimself. So, God would have died on the cross / torture stake and any faithwould have been invalid, that is, in vain! - To put it another way: Christ, theMessiah, was only half dead, the human part died, whereas the divine part livedon. That means he was half dead! - This statement goes towards spiritualism.An intelligent man who can see things clearly and sharply will continually takeoffence at this pagan human doctrine and state that the removal of the name“YAHWEH” from the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> had the only sense to support the doctrine ofthe Trinity with ongoing changes (distortions) in the first centuries and representthis system as a secret. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, both Old and New Testament, wasdeveloped/raised from YAHWEH’s Spirit as an overarching, toothed, interwovensystem and written down in their own words by the prophets, inspired by YAHWEH’sSpirit, who were previously chosen by YAHWEH himself. It is written:2. Peter 1:20 KJV + EL = KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OFSCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.2. Peter 1:21 KJV + EL = FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME BYTHE WILL OF MAN: BUT HOLY MEN OF YAHWEH SPOKE AS THEY WEREMOVED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.Revelation 19:10 KJV + EL = AND I FELL AT HIS FEET TO WORSHIP HIM. ANDHE SAID TO ME, SEE YOU DO IT NOT: I AM YOUR FELLOWSERVANT ANDOF YOUR BRETHREN THAT HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA: WORSHIPYAHWEH: FOR THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.It is curious that in the system of doctrine of the Trinity where the <strong>Holy</strong> Spiritwas made to a person named “<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit”, the Father himself was even madeto a SPIRITLESS GOD. For if the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is personalized (the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit hasdone this and that) then the Father is subject to dull spiritless existence. It isstrange, very strange. Still, the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> has been written for all people bythe prophets of God! <strong>The</strong> human doctrines that have been introduced since thefourth century denigrate the word YAHWEH’s in its clarity. That has been alsoso before the first coming of our Lord Jesus / Lord Yahshua in Israel occupied bythe Romans, as the word of God as well as the rules to be followed by the faithfulwere made impossible and as tightened in the interpretation of the high scholars,the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, that it was very difficult for the faithfulto fulfill all these requirements. A system that had turned into a system of rule.Quote from ‘Mark of Brazil’:“<strong>The</strong> name YAHWEH stands for the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h [Saturday, blessed and sanctifiedby the living God of heaven on the seventh day of creation and rising from allhis works] and the Trinity [<strong>The</strong> Three-Gods-Doctrine] is Sunday!“

viSince the first century many people worldwide have been denounced for their faith,persecuted and killed because they have been accepting the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, theWord of God, as the only legitimate benchmark and have distanced themselvesfrom human teachings which are contrary to the <strong>Scripture</strong>s.<strong>The</strong> basic principle is:“Whoever either kills or murders a person or gives an order for murderto state institutions, special facilities, special units is a murderer:“<strong>The</strong> spirit of Satan in this human has come to its full expression!’”“Human doctrines the implementation of which is enforced, are pervaded bythe spirit of Satan!”Here is another remark that is not preached in the churches, like it should be:“Whoever SMOKES, takes drugs - including ALCOHOL, abuses and corruptshis body, which is the temple of the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit [i.e. the temple of God], willbe ruined by God himself.”<strong>The</strong>se people put themselves under the control of a different spirit comingfrom below, not from above.I Corinthians 6,19 KJV + EL = What? Know you not that your body is a templeof the holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from YAHWEH? And youare not your own;I Corinthians 6,20 KJV + EL = FOR YOU ARE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE:THEREFORE GLORIFY YAHWEH IN YOUR BODY, AND IN YOUR SPIRIT,WHICH ARE ELOHIM (YAHWEH).I Corinthians 3,17 KJV + EL = IF ANY MAN DESTROYS THE TEMPLE OFYAHWEH, HIM SHALL YAHWEH DESTROY; FOR THE TEMPLE OF YAHWEH ISHOLY, WHICH TEMPLE YOU ARE.Smoking tobacco.Tobacco is a slow, treacherous, but a very vicious poison. In whatever form itis used, it has an effect on the entire body. <strong>The</strong> more it is dangerous because itseffects are first slowly and barely perceivable. It excites and after that paralyzesthe nerves. It weakens and befuddles the brain. Our nerves are usually attackedstronger than numbing beverages. Tobacco and its consequences are difficult toeradicate from the system. Its use awakens our thirst for strong drinks and in manycases it is the cause of drunkenness.<strong>The</strong> use of tobacco is detrimental, costly, dirty, stains the one who uses itand harasses other people. One can come across its followers everywhere... It isunpleasant and unhealthy to stay in a railway car or a room where air is filled withalcohol and tobacco smells...Tobacco use is doing unspeakable harm to children and young people. <strong>The</strong>unhealthy habits of past generations exert their effects on children and youth oftoday. Mental incapacity, physical weakness, disordered nerves, and unnaturaldesire are inherited from parents to their children. <strong>The</strong> same habits of the childrenmultiply the evil and propagate it. Physical, mental and moral deterioration, whichgives so much cause to concern, is in no small measure attributable to that.Boys begin smoking tobacco at a very early age. If this becomes a habit at atime where body and mind are particularly susceptible to the consequences, the

viiiIn the English part the word “Elohim” has been put in its original position. In thepresent work the name for God is also “El”, “Eloah” and “Yah,” which are all shortdescriptions of his title or his name. An interpretation that Jesus / Yahshua is calledby the name of YAHWEH is to reject as fundamentally wrong and to declare asmisleading and God vilifying. This interpretation has the sole purpose to present theMaster Jesus / Yahshua as God and herewith destroying the personal relationshipof the Father and the Son. This is a contradiction which will come up again andagain on reading the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. (Hebrews 10:7; Psalm 40:6-8)As we can see from the scripts “Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua” (seeattachment), the letter “J” was for the first time introduced in the MiddleAge. To allow better reading and pronouncing of the names to the reader, theletter “J” has been kept in the German part: „JAHWEH“ and „Jahschua“.In the English part, the old spelling “Y” of the names „YAHWEH“ and „Yahshua“was reinstated.I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have supported this workwithin the scope of their possibilities and best efforts. May the God Almighty blessthem for it in particular!

ixAlso may God bless those who have condemned this work with rejection,indifference and hatred!~So I wish all of those who do not believe in the Son of God that one day theywould realize the existence of the living God and not receive the plagues fortheir disobedience and their lawlessness, and thus may be granted eternal life,if this should correspond to the will of YAHWEH, the Elohim of hosts / YAHWEHSabaoth. For he knows our hearts, our deepest thoughts, “for God is pure light!”So, repent for, confess your sins and love the Master Yahshua. - Do not lovethe world [and do not find yourself in secret organizations]! For friendshipwith the world, means hostility with God! (1 John 1:5; 5:13; Galatians 3:10;Deuteronomy 27:26, 1 John 2:15; James 4:4)“For You are blessed, O YAHWEH {1 Corinthians 1:31}, for all yourgoodness and mercy and for Your blessing upon this work in the lasttime of grace before the plagues of the seven bowls will descendupon the world- ‘the final expression of your anger’. (Revelation 18:3-4)We are at the end of the world’s history just before the second coming ofyour Son Yahshua the Messiah.‘Who should pull us out of your hands? All who love you, O YAHWEH, areunder your wings, under the arms of the Almighty! Who should separate usfrom Your love! Be it the celestial powers, the forces, the world leaders of thisdarkness, the underworld, the army of evil spirits in the heavenly places, you’llshrink them all! Be it the powers of darkness, which get people depressed,people who do not know you - you will keep safe your people, spiritualpeople of Israel from this disease created by the hands of Satan. Hallelujah! “In the name of Yahshua the Messiah, you are blessed forever and ever. Amen. “{Daniel 12:1; Malachi 3:16, Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 20:12+15, 21:27,22:18-19}Wittdün on Amrum, July 2011II Kings 4:42 KJV + EL (Bethel Edition) = And there came a man from Baal-Shalisha (translated from Hebrew = Lord / Master of the Trinity, a TruineGod!), And brought the man of Elohim bread of the first-fruits, twenty loavesof barley, and full ears of grain in his sack. And he said, Give it to the peoplethat they may eat.Explanation by an editor: “<strong>The</strong>re came a man who worships theGod Baal-Shalisha or written differently: Baal-Salisa, i.e. a paganGod, and brought the man of the living God bread of the first-fruits.<strong>The</strong> reader can hereby recognize that these are two different Gods. Translated fromHebrew the word ‘Baal’ means ‘the Lord’ or else written ‘the LORD’. <strong>The</strong> Hebrew

xword ‘Shalisha’ or in other Bible translations written as: ‘Salisa’ interestingly means‘Lord or LORD of the Trinity, a Truine God’:This means nothing other than that the doctrine of the Trinity - a Gods’system also called ‘<strong>The</strong> Triads’. It’s all one and the same.Experiment:Should the written word ‘LORD’ or spelled differently as: ‘LOrd’ or ‘Lord’ (standingfor the Father in the most Bibles) be removed from most existing Bibles andreplaced by the Hebrew word ‘Baal’, the reader can see that in reality, the existingBibles serve to worship God of the sun “Baal”, “Sun worship system of Baal”,who could not be anything else but ‘Lucifer’, say ‘Satan’.To analyze all this, the result, the synthesis is:“Not the living God YAHWEH, YAHWEH Elohim, our true Father in heaven,gets the true worship in the existing Bibles by the name LORD (standing forFather), but his opponent - called’ Satan ‘.Every person should think about this result using his clear mind and take a decisionwhom he is going to worship in future.<strong>The</strong> German word „Herr“ is predominantly translated in English as ‘Lord’. In itsverbal explanations <strong>The</strong> Bethel Bible Edition comments as follows:a) ‘lord’:- A common term for ‘master, ruler.’ Its use is equated with that of the Hebrew word‘baal’ – a pagan, unacceptable word to True Worship and abhorred by YAHWEH.b) ‘LORD’:- in the KJV (King James Version), supposed translation of the Tetragrammaton,the four-letter Hebrew proper noun which is the revealed personal Name of theHeavenly Father, Yahweh, arrived at by transliteration of the Name from theHebrew. Properly substitute Yahweh when reading.1. Corinthians 8:6 LUTHER = YET FOR US THERE IS BUT ONE GOD [HIS NAMEIS YAHWEH!], THE FATHER, FROM WHOM ARE ALL THINGS AND WE EXISTFOR HIM; AND ONE LORD, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, BY WHOM ARE ALLTHINGS, AND WE EXIST THROUGH HIM.PFÄFFLIN = But for us there is only one God: the Father, from whom allthings come and in whom we have our goal. And the one Master, Yahshua theMessiah, by whom are all things, and we by him.KJV + EL = BUT TO US THERE IS BUT ONE ELOHIM, THE FATHER, OF WHOMARE ALL THINGS, AND WE TO HIM; AND ONE MASTER, YAHSHUA THEMESSIAH, BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, AND WE BY HIM.

xiIsaiah 43,1b KJV + EL = FEAR NOT: FOR I HAVE REDEEMED YOU; I HAVECALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME, YOU ARE MINE.Isaiah 41,10 KJV + EL = Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I amyour Elohim: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold youwith the right hand of my righteousness.Isaiah 41,13 KJV + EL = For I YAHWEH your Elohim will hold your right hand,saying to you, Fear not; I will help you!Isaiah 41,14 KJV + EL = Fear not, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel; Iwill help you, says YAHWEH, and your redeemer is the <strong>Holy</strong> One of Israel.THE PROPHECY ON THE SON OF GOD:YAHSHUAIsaiah 42,1 KJV + EL = Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my elect, in whommy soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth justiceto the Gentiles.Isaiah 42,2 KJV + EL = He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to beheard in the street.Isaiah 42,3 KJV + EL = A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flaxshall he not quench: he shall bring forth justice in truth.Isaiah 42,4 KJV + EL = He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he has setjustice in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.Isaiah 42,5 KJV + EL = THUS SAYS EL YAHWEH, HE THAT CREATED THEHEAVENS, AND STRETCHED THEM OUT; HE THAT SPREAD FORTH THEEARTH, AND THAT WHICH COMES OUT OF IT; HE THAT GIVES BREATH TOTHE PEOPLE UPON IT, AND SPIRIT TO THEM THAT WALK THEREIN (IN IT):Isaiah 42,6 KJV + EL = I YAHWEH HAVE CALLED YOU IN RIGHTEOUSNESS,AND WILL HOLD YOUR HAND, AND WILL KEEP YOU, AND GIVE YOU FOR ACOVENANT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR A LIGHT OF THE GENTILES;Isaiah 42,7 KJV + EL = TO OPEN THE BLIND EYES, TO BRING OUT THEPRISONERS FROM THE PRISON, AND THEM THAT SIT IN DARKNESS OUTOF THE PRISON HOUSE.Isaiah 42,8 KJV + EL = I AM YAHWEH, THAT IS MY NAME; AND MY GLORYWILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER, NEITHER MY PRAISE TO GRAVEN IMAGES.Isaiah 42,9 KJV + EL = BEHOLD, THE FORMER THINGS ARE COME TO PASS,AND NEW THINGS DO I DECLARE: BEFORE THEY SPRING FORTH I TELLYOU OF THEM.



xvii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1....................75.......................176关 于 三 一 神 论 ( 又 译 作 三 位 一 体 、 天 主 圣 三 、 三 位 一 神 、三 一 神 、 圣 三 一 ) 的 正 统 说 法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Официальные заявленияо Троице . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

xviii................200.............211英 国 著 名 的 三 烈 士 .....................................Трое известных Британских мучеников .............. . . . . . . . . . 212马 丁 . 路 德 博 士 和 改 革 者 们 ...............................


xxii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392..........404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430...........................438. . . . . . . . . . 446要 从 真 理 退 后 多 少 步 呢 ? ...............................Как далеко это на самом деле от истины? . . . . . . . . . ...............449巴 比 伦 国 王 的 祈 祷 大 概 公 元 前 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

xxiiiОбращение царя Вавилонского .........................................453我 们 在 天 堂 的 父 亲 .....................................Отче наш, сущий на небесах! .........................................455. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456就 是 這 位 摩 西 。 ....................................

xxiv..............................................Его слушайте ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . -....................-........460圣 经 应 该 被 认 作 范 例 的 可 靠 的上 帝 亿 元 的 启 示 录 。 ..................................Священное Писание . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1DAS BUCH DANIELTHE BOOK OF DANIELmit Erklärungen von Ernst Simon, Missionarwith explanations by Ernst Simon, missionaryKapitel 1Die Erziehung Daniels und seinerFreunde am babylonischen Hof.Dan 1,1 Im dritten Jahr desReiches Jojakims (Jehojakims),des Königs in Juda, kamNebukadnezar, der König zu Babel,vor Jerusalem und belagerte es.KJV + EL = In the third year of the reignof Jehoiakim king of Judah cameNebuchadnezzar king of Babylonto Jerusalem, and besieged it.2. Kön 24,1.2Dan 1,2 Und JAHWEH übergabihm Jojakim, den König Juda‘s,und etliche Gefäße aus demHause Gottes; die ließ er führenins Land Sinear in seines GottesHaus und tat die Gefäße inseines Gottes Schatzkammer.KJV + EL = AND YAHWEH GAVEJEHOIAKIM KING OF JUDAH INTOHIS HAND, WITH PART OF THEVESSELS OF THE HOUSE OFELOHIM; WHICH HE CARRIED INTOTHE LAND OF SHINAR TO THEHOUSE OF HIS ELOHIM: AND HEBROUGHT THE VESSELS INTO THETREASURE-HOUSE OF HIS ELOHIM.Dan 1,3 Und der König sprach zuAspenas (Aschpenas), seinemobersten Kämmerer, er sollte ausden Kindern Israel vom königlichenStamm und Herrenkinder wählenKJV + EL = AND THE KING SPOKETO ASHPENAZ THE MASTER OF HISEUNUCHS, THAT HE SHOULD BRINGIN CERTAIN OF THE CHILDRENOF ISRAEL, AND OF THE KING‘SSEED, AND OF THE PRINCES;2. Kön 20,18Dan 1,4 Knaben, die nicht gebrechlichwären, sondern schöne, vernünftige,weise, kluge und verständige, dieda geschickt wären, zu dienen andes Königs Hofe und zu lernenchaldäische Schrift und Sprache.KJV + EL = CHILDREN IN WHOM WASNO BLEMSIH, BUT WELL FAVORED,AND SKIFULL IN ALL WISDOM, ANDENDUED IN KNOWLEDGE, ANDUNDERSTANDING SCIENCE, ANDSUCH AS HAD ABILITY IN THEM TOSTAND IN THE KING’S PALACE; ANDWHOM THEY MIGHT TEACH THELEARNING AND THE TONGUE OFTHE CHALDEANS.Dan 1,5 Solchen bestimmte derKönig, was man ihnen täglich gebensollte von seiner Speise und vomWein, den er selbst trank, daß sie alsodrei Jahre auferzogen würden unddarnach dem König dienen sollten.KJV + EL = And the king appointedthem a daily provision of the king‘smeat, and of the wine which he drank:so nourishing them three years, thatat the end thereof they might standbefore the king.Dan 1,6 Unter diesen warDaniel, Hananja, Misael undAsarja von den Kindern Juda.KJV + EL = NOW AMONG THESEWERE, OF THE CHILDREN OFJUDAH, DANIEL, HANANIAH,MISHAEL, AND AZARIAH:

2Daniel 1Dan 1,7 Und der oberste Kämmerergab ihnen Namen und nannte DanielBeltsazar und Hananja Sadrach undMisael Mesach und Asarja Abed-Nego.KJV + EL = TO WHOM THE PRINCEOF THE EUNUCHS GAVE NAMES:TO DANIEL THE NAME OFBELTESHAZZAR; AND TO HANAIAH,OF SHADRACH; AND TO MISHAEL,OF MESHACH; AND TO AZARIAH, OFABEDNEGO.Dan 1,8 Aber Daniel setzte sichvor in seinem Herzen, daß er sichmit des Königs Speise und mitdem Wein, den er selbst trank,nicht verunreinigen wollte, undbat den obersten Kämmerer, daßer sich nicht müßte verunreinigen.KJV + EL = BUT DANIEL PURPOSEDIN HIS HEART THAT HE WOULDNOT DEFILE HIMSELF WITH THEPORTION OF THE KING’S MEAT, NORWITH THE WINE WHICH HE DRANK:THEREFORE HE REQUESTED OFTHE PRINCE OF THE EUNUCHS THATHE MIGHT NOT DEFILE HIMSELF.3. Mose 11Dan 1,9 Und Gott gab Daniel,daß ihm der oberste Kämmerergünstig und gnädig ward.KJV + EL = NOW ELOHIM HADBROUGHT DANIEL IN FAVOURAND TENDER LOVE WITH THEPRINCE OF THE EUNUCHS.1. Mose 39,21Dan 1,10 Derselbe sprach zu ihm:Ich fürchte mich vor meinem Herrn,dem König, der euch eure Speiseund Trank bestimmt hat; wo erwürde sehen, daß eure Angesichterjämmerlicher wären denn der andernKnaben eures Alters, so brächtet ihrmich bei dem König um mein Leben.KJV + EL = AND THE PRINCE OF THEEUNUCHS SAID TO DANIEL, I FEARMY SOVEREIGN THE KING, WHOHAS APPOINTED YOUR FOOD ANDYOUR DRINK: FOR WHY SHOULD HESEE YOUR FACES WORSE LOOKINGTHAN THE YOUTHS WHICH ARE OFYOUR OWN AGE? THEN SHALL YOUMAKE ME ENDANGER MY HEADWITH TO THE KING.Dan 1,11 Da sprach Daniel zu demAufseher, welchem der obersteKämmerer Daniel, Hananja,Misael und Asarja befohlen hatte:KJV + EL = THEN SAID DANIEL TOMELZAR, WHOM THE PRINCE OFTHE EUNUCHS HAD SET OVERDANIEL, HANAIAH, MISHAEL, ANDAZARIAH,Dan 1,12 Versuche es dochmit deinen Knechten zehn Tageund laß uns geben Gemüse zuessen und Wasser zu trinken.KJV + EL = PROVE YOUR SERVANTS,I PLEAD YOU, TEN DAYS; AND LETTHEM GIVE US VEGETABLES TOEAT, AND WATER TO DRINK.Dan 1,13 Und laß dann vor dir unsreGestalt und der Knaben, so von desKönigs Speise essen, besehen; unddarnach du sehen wirst, darnachschaffe mit deinen Knechten.KJV + EL = THEN LET OURCOUNTENANCES BE LOOKEDUPON BEFORE YOU, AND THE THECOUNTENANCE OF THE CHILDRENTHAT EAT OF THE PORTION OFTHE KING‘ MEAT: AND AS YOU SEE,DEAL WITH YOUR SERVANTS.Dan 1,14 Und er gehorchte ihnen darinund versuchte es mit ihnen zehn Tage.KJV + EL = SO HE CONSENTEDTO THEM IN THIS MATTER, ANDPROVED THEM TEN DAYS.Dan 1,15 Und nach den zehnTagen waren sie schöner undbesser bei Leibe denn alle Knaben,so von des Königs Speise aßen.KJV + EL = AND AT THE END OFTEN DAYS THEIR COUNTENANCESAPPEARED FAIRER, AND FATTERIN FLESH THAN ALL THE CHILDRENWHICH DID EAT THE PORTION OFTHE KING’S DAINTIES / FOOD.

4Daniel 1. 2KJV + EL = AND THE KING SAID TOTHEM, I HAVE DREAMED A DREAM,AND MY SPIRIT WAS TROUBLED TOKNOW THE DREAM.Dan 2,4 Da sprachen die Chaldäerzum König auf chaldäisch: Der Königlebe ewiglich! Sage deinen Knechtenden Traum, so wollen wir ihn deuten.KJV + EL = THEN SPOKE THECHALDEANS TO THE KING INSYRIACK, O KING, LIVE FOREVER:TELL YOUR SERVANTS THEDREAM, AND WE WILL SHOW THEINTERPRETATION.Kap 3,9Dan 2,5 Der König antwortete undsprach zu den Chaldäern: Es ist mirentfallen. Werdet ihr mir den Traumnicht anzeigen und ihn deuten, sosollt ihr in Stücke zerhauen und eureHäuser schändlich zerstört werden.KJV + EL = THE KING ANSWEREDAND SAID TO THE CHALDEANS,THE THING IS GONE FROM ME:IF YOU WILL NOT MAKE KNOWNTO ME THE DREAM AND, WITHTHE INTERPRETATION OF IT, YOUSHALL BE CUT IN PIECES, ANDYOUR HOUSES SHALL BE MADE ADUNGHILL.Dan 2,6 Werdet ihr mir aber denTraum anzeigen und deuten, so solltihr Geschenke, Gaben und großeEhre von mir haben. Darum so sagtmir den Traum und seine Deutung.KJV + EL = BUT IF YOU SHOW THEDREAM AND THE INTERPRETATIONOF IT, YOU SHALL RECEIVE OF MEGIFTS AND REWARDS AND GREATHONOR: THEREFORE SHOW ME THEDREAM, AND THE INTERPRETATIONOF IT.Dan 2,7 Sie antwortetenwiederum und sprachen: DerKönig sage seinen Knechten denTraum, so wollen wir ihn deuten.KJV + EL = THEY ANSWERED AGAINAND SAID, LET THE KING TELL HISSERVANTS THE DREAM, AND WEWILL SHOW THE INTERPRETATIONOF IT.Dan 2,8 Der König antworteteund sprach: Wahrlich, ich merkees, daß ihr Frist sucht, weil ihrseht, daß mir‘s entfallen ist.KJV + EL = THE KING ANSWEREDAND SAID, I KNOW OF A CERTAINTYTHAT YOU WOULD GAIN THE TIME,BECAUSE YOU SEE THE THING ISGONE FROM ME.Dan 2,9 Aber werdet ihr mir nichtden Traum sagen, so geht das Rechtüber euch, als die ihr Lügen undGedichte vor mir zu reden euchvorgenommen habt, bis die Zeitvorübergehe. Darum so sagt mirden Traum, so kann ich merken,daß ihr auch die Deutung trefft.KJV + EL = BUT IF YOU WILL NOTMAKE KNOWN TO ME THE DREAM,THERE IS BUT ONE DECREE FORYOU: FOR YOU HAVE PREPAREDLYING AND CORRUPT WORDSTO SPEAK BEFORE ME, TILL THETIME BE CHANGED: THEREFORETELL ME THE DREAM, AND I SHALLKNOW THAT YOU CAN SHOW METHE INTERPRETATION OF IT.Dan 2,10 Da antworteten die Chaldäervor dem König und sprachen zu ihm:Es ist kein Mensch auf Erden, dersagen könne, was der König fordert.So ist auch kein König, wie großoder mächtig er sei, der solchesvon irgend einem Sternseher,Weisen oder Chaldäer fordere.KJV + EL = THE CHALDEANSANSWERED BEFORE THE KING,AND SAID, THERE IS NOT A MANUPON THE EARTH THAT CAN SHOWTHE KING’S MATTER, THEREFORETHERE IS NO KING, CAPTAIN,OR RULER, THAT ASKED SUCHTHINGS AT ANY MAGICIAN, ORASTROLOGER / ENCHANTER, ORCHALDEAN.Dan 2,11 Denn was der König fordert,ist zu hoch, und ist auch sonst

6Daniel 2Dan 2,21 Er ändert Zeit und Stunde;er setzt Könige ab und setzt Königeein; er gibt den Weisen ihre Weisheitund den Verständigen ihren Verstand;KJV + EL = AND HE CHANGES THETIMES AND THE SEASONS; HEREMOVES KINGS, AND SETS UPKINGS; HE GIVES WISDOM TO THEWISE, AND KNOWLEDGE TO THEMTHAT KNOW UNDERSTANDING:Kap 4,14.22.29Dan 2,22 er offenbart, wastief und verborgen ist; er weiß,was in der Finsternis liegt,denn bei ihm ist eitel Licht.KJV + EL = HE REVEALS THE DEEPAND SECRET THINGS; HE KNOWSWHAT IS IN THE DARKNESS, ANDTHE LIGHT DWELLS WITH HIM.Dan 2,23 Ich danke dir und lobedich, Gott meiner Väter, der dumir Weisheit und Stärke verleihstund jetzt offenbart hast, darum wirdich gebeten haben; denn du hastuns des Königs Sache offenbart.KJV + EL = I THANK YOU, AND PRAISEYOU, O YOU ELAH OF MY FATHERS,WHO HAS GIVEN ME WISDOM ANDMIGHT, AND HAS MADE KNOWN TOME WHAT WE DESIRED OF YOU;FOR YOU HAVE NOW MADE KNOWNTO US THE KING’S MATTER.Dan 2,24 Da ging Daniel hinein zuArioch, der vom König Befehl hatte,die Weisen zu Babel umzubringen,und sprach zu ihm also: Du sollst dieWeisen zu Babel nicht umbringen,sondern führe mich hinein zumKönig, ich will dem König dieDeutung sagen.KJV + EL = THEREFORE DANIELWENT IN TO ARIOCH, WHOM THEKING HAD ORDAINED TO DESTROYTHE WISE MEN OF BABYLON; HEWENT AND SAID THUS TO HIM:DESTROY NOT THE WISE MEN OFBABYLON: BRING ME IN BEFORETHE KING, AND I WILL SHOW TOTHE KING THE INTERPRETATION.V. 14Dan 2,25 Arioch brachte Daniel eilendshinein vor den König und sprach zuihm also: Es ist einer gefunden unterden Gefangenen aus Juda, der demKönig die Deutung sagen kann.KJV + EL = THEN ARIOCH BROUGHTIN DANIEL BEFORE THE KING INHASTE, AND SAID THUS TO HIM,I HAVE FOUND A MAN OF THECHILDREN OF THE CAPTIVES OFJUDAH, THAT WILL MAKE KNOWNTO THE KING THE INTERPRETATION.Dan 2,26 Der König antwortete undsprach zu Daniel, den sie Beltsazarhießen: Bist du, der mir denTraum, den ich gesehen habe, undseine Deutung anzeigen kann?KJV + EL = THE KING ANSWEREDAND SAID TO DANIEL, WHOSENAME WAS BELTESHAZZAR, AREYOU ABLE TO MAKE KNOWN TO METHE DREAM WHICH I HAVE SEEN,AND THE INTERPRETATION OF IT?Dan 2,27 Daniel fing an vor demKönig und sprach: Das verborgeneDing, das der König fordert von denWeisen, Gelehrten, Sterndeuternund Wahrsagern, steht in ihremVermögen nicht, dem König zu sagen.KJV + EL = DANIEL ANSWERED INTHE PRESENCE OF THE KING, ANDSAID, THE SECRET WHICH THEKING HAS DEMANDED CANNOT THEWISE MEN, THE ASTROLOGERS(ENCHANTERS), THE MAGICIANS,THE SOOTHSAYERS, SHOW TO THEKING;Dan 2,28 Aber es ist ein Gott imHimmel, der kann verborgene Dingeoffenbaren; der hat dem KönigNebukadnezar angezeigt, was inkünftigen Zeiten geschehen soll.KJV + EL = BUT THERE IS AN ELAH INHEAVEN THAT REVEALS SECRETS,AND MAKES KNOWN TO THE KINGNEBUCHADNEZZAR WHAT SHALLBE IN THE LATTER DAYS. YOURDREAM, AND THE VISIONS OF

Daniel 27YOUR HEAD UPON YOUR BED, ARETHESE:Dan 2,29 Mit deinem Traum unddeinem Gesichten, da du schliefest,verhielt sich‘s also: Du, König,dachtest auf deinem Bette, wie esdoch hernach zugehen würde; undder, so verborgene Dinge offenbart,hat dir angezeigt, wie es gehen werde.KJV + EL = AS FOR YOU, O KING,YOUR THOUGHTS CAME INTOYOUR MIND UPON YOUR BED,WHAT SHOULD COME TO PASSHEREAFTER; AND HE THAT REVEALSSECRETS MAKES KNOWN TO YOUWHAT SHALL COME TO PASS.V. 22Dan 2,30 So ist mir solchverborgenes Ding offenbart, nichtdurch meine Weisheit, als wäre siegrößer denn aller, die da leben;sondern darum, daß dem König dieDeutung angezeigt würde und dudeines Herzens Gedanken erführest.KJV + EL = BUT AS FOR ME, THISSECRET IS NOT REVEALED TO MEFOR ANY WISDOM THAT I HAVE MORETHAN ANY LIVING, BUT FOR THEIRSAKES THAT SHALL MAKE KNOWNTHE INTERPRETATION TO THEKING, AND THAT YOU MIGHT KNOWTHE THOUGHTS OF YOUR HEART.1. Mose 41,16Dan 2,31 Du, König, sahst, undsiehe, ein großes und hohes undsehr glänzendes Bild stand vor dir,das war schrecklich anzusehen.KJV + EL = YOU, O KING, SAW,AND BEHOLD A GREAT IMAGE.THIS GREAT IMAGE, WHOSEBRIGHTNESS WAS EXCELLENT,STOOD BEFORE YOU; AND THEFORM OF IT WAS TERRIBLE.Dan 2,32 Des Bildes Haupt warvon feinem Golde, seine Brust undArme waren von Silber, sein Bauchund seine Lenden waren von Erz,KJV + EL = THIS IMAGE‘ HEAD WASOF FINE GOLD, HIS BREAST ANDHIS ARMS OF SILVER, HIS BELLYAND HIS THIGHS OF BRONZE,Dan 2,33 seine Schenkel warenEisen, seine Füße waren einesTeils Eisen und eines Teils Ton.KJV + EL = HIS LEGS OF IRON, HISFEED PART OF IRON AND PART OFCLAY.Dan 2,34 Solches sahst du, bisdaß ein Stein herabgerissen wardohne Hände; der schlug das Bildan seine Füße, die Eisen undTon waren, und zermalmte sie.KJV + EL = YOW SAW TILL THAT ASTONE WAS CUT OUT WITHOUTHANDS, WHICH STRUCK THE IMAGEUPON HIS FEET THAT WERE OFIRON AND CLAY, AND BROKE THEMTO PIECES.Dan 2,35 Da wurden miteinanderzermalmt das Eisen, Ton, Erz, Silberund Gold und wurden wie eine Spreuauf der Sommertenne, und der Windverwehte sie, daß man sie nirgendsmehr finden konnte. Der Stein aber,der das Bild zerschlug, ward eingroßer Berg, ELBERFELDER 1871weiter = und füllte die ganze Erde!KJV + EL = THEN WAS THE IRON,THE CLAY, THE BRONZE, THESILVER, AND THE GOLD, BROKENTO PIECES TOGETHER, ANDBECAME LIKE THE CHAFF OF THESUMMER THRESHINGFLOORS;AND THE WIND CARRIED THEMAWAY, THAT NO PLACE WAS FOUNDFOR THEM: AND THE STONE THATSTRUCK THE IMAGE BECAME AGREAT MOUNTAIN, AND FILLED THEWHOLE EARTH.Dan 2,36 Das ist der Traum. Nunwollen wir die Deutung vor demKönig sagen.KJV + EL = THIS IS THE DREAM;AND WE WILL TELL THEINTERPRETATION OF IT BEFORETHE KING.Dan 2,37 Du, König, bist einKönig aller Könige, dem der Gott

8Daniel 2des Himmels Königreich, Macht,Stärke und Ehre gegeben hatKJV + EL = YOU, O KING, ARE KING OFKINGS, FOR THE ELAH OF HEAVENHAS GIVEN A KINGDOM, POWER,AND STRENGTH, AND GLORY;Hes 26,7Dan 2,38 und alles, da Leutewohnen, dazu die Tiere auf demFelde und die Vögel unter demHimmel in deine Hände gegebenund dir über alles Gewalt verliehenhat. Du bist das goldene Haupt.KJV + EL = AND WHEREVER THECHILDREN OF MEN DWELL, THEBEASTS OF THE FIELD AND THEBIRDS OF THE HEAVENS HAS HEGIVEN INTO YOUR HAND, AND HASMADE YOU RULER OVER THEM ALL:YOU ARE THIS HEAD OF GOLD.Jer 27,6Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Christus[Der Messias], der große Offenbarer desWeltgeschehens, hat Nebukadnezar, demKönig Babels, der über die Zukunft seinesReiches nachdachte, in dem glänzendenStandbild das Zukunftsgeschehen in derGeschichte der vier Weltreiche und derzehn Teilreiche von den Tagen Danielsund Nebukadnezars bis zum Tage derWiederkunft Jesu [Jahschua] offenbart.Das Haupt von Gold ist Sinnbild desWeltreiches Babylonien / Babylons, 604-538 v. Chr.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Christ [<strong>The</strong>Messiah], the great Revelator of the worldaffairs, has revealed Nebuchadnezzar,the king of Babel who thought aboutthe future of his empire, in the shiningstatue the future events in the history offour world empires and of the ten partialempires from the days of Daniel andof Nebuchadnezzar up to the day of thecoming again (return) of Jesus [Yahshua].<strong>The</strong> head of gold is a symbol of the worldempire Babylonia / of Babylon, in 604-538B.C.Dan 2,39 Nach dir wird ein anderesKönigreich aufkommen, geringerdenn deins. Darnach das dritteKönigreich, das ehern ist, welcheswird über alle Lande herrschen.KJV + EL = AND AFTER YOUSHALL ARISE ANOTHER KINGDOMINFERIOR TO YOU; AND ANOTHERTHIRD KINGDOM OF BRONZE,WHICH SHALL BEAR RULE OVERALL THE EARTH.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Brust undArme von Silber stellen das zweiteWeltreich, das Doppelreich Medien-/Medo-Persien, dar, 538-331 v. Chr. DasKupfer der Bildsäule versinnbildet dasdritte Weltreich Griechenland, 331-168v. Chr.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Breast andarms of silver show the second worldempire, the double empire Media-/Medo-Persia, in 538-331 B.C. <strong>The</strong> copper ofthe statue typifies the third world empireGreece, in 331-168 B.C.Dan 2,40 Und das vierte wirdhart sein wie Eisen; denngleichwie Eisen alles zermalmtund zerschlägt, ja, wie Eisen alleszerbricht, also wird es auch diesealle zermalmen und zerbrechen.KJV + EL = AND THE FOURTHKINGDOM SHALL BE STRONG ASIRON, BECAUSE IRON BREAKS INPIECES AND SUBDUES ALL THINGS:AND AS IRON THAT BRAKES ALLTHESE, SHALL IT BREAK IN PIECESAND BRUISE.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das Eisendes Standbildes ist Sinnbild des viertenWeltreiches, des “eisernen” Roms derWeltgeschichte, das alle bestehendenReiche sich unterwarf, 168 v. Chr. - 476n. Chr.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> ironof the statue is a symbol of the fourthworld empire, the „iron“ Rome of theworld history which submitted all existingempires, in 168 B.C. - in 476 A.D.Dan 2,41 Daß du aber gesehenhast die Füße und Zehen einesTeils Ton und eines Teils Eisen: daswird ein zerteiltes Königreich sein;doch wird von des Eisens Art darinbleiben, wie du es denn gesehenhast Eisen mit Ton vermengt.

Daniel 29KJV + EL = AND WHERAS YOUSAW THE FEET AND TOES, PARTOF POTTERS’ CLAY, AND PART OFIRON, THE KINGDOM SHALL BEDIVIDED; BUT THERE SHALL BE INIT OF THE STRENGTH OF THE IRON,BECAUSE YOU SAW THE IRONMIXED WITH MIRY CLAY.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DasRömerreich wurde zunächst, aberbereits in den Tagen des Zerfalls,395 n. Chr. in West- und Ostrom unddann Westrom während der Zeit derVölkerwanderung (375-476 n. Chr.) durchdie Germanenstämme geteilt. “Eisen undTon”, Römer und Germanen, bildetendie europäischen Teilstaaten Westroms,aber die “Festigkeit des Eisens”, nämlichrömische Gesetze und römisches Wesen,sollten in ihnen bleiben.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> Roman‘sempire was divided first, by the Germanictribes but already during the days ofthe decay, in 395 A.D. into Western andEastern Rome and then Western Romeduring the time of the migration (in 375-476 A.D.).“Iron and clay”, the Romansand the Germanic peoples, presented theEuropean partial states of Western Rome,but the “firmness of the iron”, namelyRoman laws and Roman being, shouldremain in them.Dan 2,42 Und daß die Zehen anseinen Füßen eines Teils Eisenund eines Teils Ton sind: wird‘szum Teil ein starkes und zumTeil ein schwaches Reich sein.KJV + EL = AND AS THE TOES OF THEFEET WERE PART OF IRON, ANDPART OF CLAY, SO THE KINGDOMSHALL BE PARTLY STRONG, ANDPARTLY BROKEN.Dan 2,43 Und daß du gesehenhast Eisen und Ton vermengt:werden sie sich wohl nachMenschengeblüt untereinandermengen, aber sie werden doch nichtaneinander halten, gleichwie sichEisen und Ton nicht mengen läßt.KJV + EL = AND WHEREAS YOUSAW IRON MIXED WITH MIRY CLAY,THEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVESWITH THE SEED OF MEN; BUTTHEY SHALL NOT CLING ONE TOANOTHER, EVEN AS IRON IS NOTMIXED WITH CLAY.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Seitüber 1500 Jahren besteht die Teilungin Europa. Jeder Versuch, auf demGebiete des vierten, des römischen,Weltreiches wieder ein einheitlichesReich zu errichten, war zum Fehlschlagverurteilt. Karl der Große versuchte esund scheiterte; ebenso Karl der V. undNapoleon. Sie alle scheiterten. Im Laufeder Geschichte wurden verschiedeneTeile zusammengeschlossen, aber nur fürkurze Zeit. Sie fielen wieder auseinander.Herrscherhäuser und Völker haben sichdurch Heiraten vermischt; während dervergangenen Jahrzehnte hat man stärksteAnstrengungen gemacht, um Europa zuvereinigen, aber es gelingt nur bis zueinem gewissen Grade, denn sie werden“doch nicht fest zusammenhalten, sowie sich Eisen nicht mit Ton vermischenlässt” (2,43).Explanation of Ernst Simon: For over 1500years the division exists in Europe. Everytry to establish a uniform empire in thearea of the fourth one, the Roman, worldempire again was condemned to the miss.Charlemagne tried it and failed; also Karlof V. and Napoleon. <strong>The</strong>y all failed. In thecourse of the history different parts wereunited, but only for a short time. <strong>The</strong>yfalled apart again. Dynasties and peoplehave mixed by marriages; during the pastdecades were made the strongest effortsto unite Europe, but it succeeds only upto a certain degree, because they will nothold together “, firmly, as well as ironwith clay cannot be mixed” (2,43).Dan 2,44 VOR 1866 = ABER ZURZEIT SOLCHER KÖNIGREICHEWIRD GOTT VOM HIMMEL EINKÖNIGREICH AUFRICHTEN, DASNIMMERMEHR ZERSTÖRT WIRDUND SEIN KÖNIGREICH WIRD AUFKEIN ANDERES VOLK KOMMEN.ES WIRD ALLE DIESE KÖNIGREICHZERMALMEN UND ZERSTÖREN,ABER ES WIRD EWIGLICH BLEIBEN.KJV + EL = AND IN THE DAY OFTHESE KINGS SHALL THE ELAH OFHEAVEN SET UP A KINGDOM, WHICH

10Daniel 2SHALL NEVER BE DESTROYED,AND THE KINGDOM SHALL NOTBE LEFT TO OTHER PEOPLE; BUTIT SHALL BREAK IN PIECES ANDCONSUME ALL THESE KINGDDOMS,AND IT SHALL STAND FOREVER.Kap 7,14.27; Jes 9,6; 1. Kor 15,24; Offb11,15Dan 2,45 VOR 1866 = WIE DU DENNGESEHEN HAST EINEN STEIN, OHNE(ZUTUN VON MENSCHEN-) HÄNDEVOM BERGE HERAB GERISSEN(HERUNTERKAM), DER DAS EISEN,ERZ, TON, SILBER UND GOLDZERMALMTE. Also hat der großeGOTT dem König gezeigt, wie eshiernach gehen werde. Und das istgewiß der Traum ( ist wahr) und dieDeutung ist richtig (= zuverlässig).KJV + EL = BECAUSE YOU SAWTHAT A STONE WAS CUT OUT OFTHE MOUNTAIN WITHOUT HANDS,AND THAT IT BROKE IN PIECESTHE IRON, THE BRONZE, THE CLAY,THE SILVER, AND THE GOLD; THEGREAT ELAH HAS MADE KNOWNTO THE KING WHAT SHALL COMETO PASS HEREAFTER, AND THEDREAM IS CERTAIN, AND THEINTERPRETATION OF IT SURE.V. 34Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Nachdemein Weltreich das andere zerstörthat, aber noch in der Zeit der zehnTeilreiche, in die das vierte Weltreich,das Römerreich, zerfiel, tritt in derEndzeit bei der Wiederkunft Christi [desMessias] das Reich Gottes [JAHWEH’s]in Erscheinung, das im Gegensatz zuden vergänglichen irdischen Reichen “inEwigkeiten nicht zerstört wird” (2,44).Während das eine Volk dem anderendie Herrschaft überlassen musste, wirddie Herrschaft im Reiche Gottes “denHeiligen des Höchsten” gegeben werden(Daniel 7,18) und die “Herrschaft keinemanderen Volke überlassen werden”(2,44). Das Reich Gottes vernichtet dieMenschenreiche, “setzt ihnen ein Ende”,da ja die Menschen in der Endzeit, alsoin unseren Tagen, keinen Raum undkeine Zeit für das Reich Gottes haben.Die irdischen Reiche wurden durchmenschliche Macht errichtet, das ReichGottes aber wird “nicht durch Hände”(2,45), sondern durch überirdische,göttliches Eingreifen aufgerichtet. DieFrohbotschaft der Erlösung durch JesusChristus [Jahschua den Messias] unddie Heilsbotschaft vom Reich wird inunseren Tagen allen Völkern verkündetund dann wird das Ende kommen(Matth. 24,14; Offb. 14,6-12); das Endealler irdischen Reiche bei dem zweitenKommen Jesu [Jahschua] als Herrscherdes unvergänglichen Reiches Gottes[JAHWEH’s].Explanation of Ernst Simon: After a worldempire has destroyed the other, but stillin the time of ten partial empires in whichthe fourth world empire, the Roman‘sempire, disintegrated, appears in theend time the empire of God [YAHWEH]at the coming again (return) of Christ [ofthe Messiah] which is not destroyed incontrast to the transient earthly empires“in eternity” (2,44). While one people hadto leave to the other the rule, the rule willbe given in the empire of God “to thesaints of the highest” (Daniel 7,18) andthe “rule will leave to no other people”(2,44). <strong>The</strong> empire of God destroys thehuman empires, “puts pay to them”,because the people have in the end time,in our days, no space and no time forthe empire of God. <strong>The</strong> earthly empireswere established by human power, butthe empire of God is erected “not byhands” (2,45), but by supernatural, divineintervention. <strong>The</strong> good tiding of theredemption by Jesus Christ [Yahshua theMessiah] and the message of salvationof the empire is declared in our days toall people and then the end will come(Matth. 24.14; Revel. 14,6-12); the end ofall earthly empires at the second comingof Jesus [Jahschua] as a ruler of theimperishable Empire of God [YAHWEH].Dan 2,46 Da fiel der KönigNebukadnezar auf sein Angesichtund betete an vor dem Danielund befahl, man sollt ihmSpeisopfer und Räuchopfer tun.KJV + EL = THEN THE KINGNEBUCHADNEZZAR FELL UPON HISFACE, AND WORSHIPED DANIEL,AND COMMANDED THAT THEY

Daniel 2. 311SHOULD OFFER AN OBLATION ANDSWEET ODORS TO HIM.Dan 2,47 VOR 1866 = Und der Königantwortete Daniel und sprach: ES ISTKEIN ZWEIFEL, EUER GOTT IST EINGOTT ÜBER ALLE GÖTTER UNDEIN KÖNIG ÜBER ALLE KÖNIGE.DER DA KANN VERBORGENEDINGE OFFENBAREN, weil dudies verborgene Ding / Geheimnishast offenbaren können.KJV + EL = THE KING ANSWEREDTO DANIEL, AND SAID, OF ATRUTH IT IS, THAT YOUR ELAH ISTHE ELAH OF ELOHIM, AND THEKING OF KINGS, AND A REVEALEROF SECRETS, SEEING YOUCOULD REVEAL THIS SECRET.Kap 3,29; Jos 2,11; Ps 86,8; Jes 42,8.9Dan 2,48 Und der König erhöhteDaniel und gab ihm große undviele Geschenke und machteihn zum Fürsten über die ganzeLandschaft Babel und setzte ihn zumObersten über alle Weisen zu Babel.KJV + EL = THEN THE KING MADEDANIEL A GREAT MAN, AND GAVEHIM MANY GREAT GIFTS, AND MADEHIM RULER OVER THE WHOLEPROVINCE OF BABYLON, ANDCHIEF OF THE GOVERNORS OVERALL THE WISE MEN OF BABYLON.V. 6Dan 2,49 Und Daniel bat vom König,daß er über die Ämter der LandschaftBabel setzen möchte Sadrach,Mesach und Abed-Nego; und er,Daniel blieb bei dem König am Hofe.KJV + EL = THEN DANIELREQUESTED OF THE KING, ANDHE SET SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO, OVER THEAFFAIRS OF THE PROVINCE OFBABYLON: BUT DANIEL WASIN THE GATE OF THE KING.Kap 3,12Kapitel 3Die drei Männer im Feuerofen.Dan 3,1 Der König Nebukadnezarließ ein goldenes Bild machen,sechzig Ellen hoch und sechsEllen breit, und ließ es setzen insTal Dura in der Landschaft Babel.KJV + EL = NEBUCHADNEZZARTHE KING MADE AN IMAGE OFGOLD, WHOSE HEIGHT WAS SIXTYCUBITS, AND THE WIDTH OF IT SIXCUBITS: HE SET IT UP IN THE PLAINOF DURA, IN THE PROVINCE OFBABYLON.Dan 3,2 Und der König Nebukadnezarsandte nach den Fürsten, Herren,Landpflegern, Richtern, Vögten,Räten, Amtleuten und allenGewaltigen ( = alle +anderen+führenden Beamten) im Lande, daßsie zusammenkommen sollten,das Bild zu weihen, daß der KönigNebukadnezar hatte setzen lassen.KJV + EL = THEN NEBUCHADNEZZARTHE KING SENT TO GATHERTOGETHER THE PRINCES, THEGOVERNORS, AND THE CAPTAINS,THE JUDGES, THE TREASURERS,THE COUNSELORS, THE SHERIFFS,AND ALL THE RULERS OF THEPROVINCES, TO COME TO THEDEDICATION OF THE IMAGE WHICHNEBUCHADNEZZAR THE KING HADSET UP.Dan 3,3 Da kamen zusammendie Fürsten, Herren, Landpfleger,Richter, Vögte, Räte, Amtleute undalle Gewaltigen im Lande, das Bild zuweihen, das der König Nebukadnezarhatte setzen lassen. Und sie mußtendem Bilde gegenübertreten, dasNebukadnezar hatte setzen lassen.KJV + EL = THEN THE PRINCES,THE GOVERNORS, ANDCAPTAINS, THE JUDGES, THETREASURERS, THE COUNSELORS,THE SHERIFFS, AND ALL THERULERS OF THE PROVINCES,WERE GATHERED TOGETHER TO

12Daniel 3THE DEDICATION OF THE IMAGETHAT NEBUCHADNEUZZAR THEKING HAD SET UP: AND THEYSTOOD BEFORE THE IMAGE THATNEBUCHADNEZZAR HAD SET UP.Dan 3,4 Und der Herold rief überlaut:Das laßt euch gesagt sein, ihr Völker,Leute und Zungen (= Sprachen)!KJV + EL = THEN THE HERALD CRIEDALOUD, TO YOU IT IS COMMANDED,O PEOPLES, NATIONS, ANDLANGUAGES,Dan 3,5 Wenn ihr hören werdet denSchall der Posaunen, Trompeten,Harfen, Geigen, Psalter, Lauten* undallerlei Saitenspiel (aller +anderen+Arten von Musikinstrumenten),so sollt ihr niederfallen und dasgoldene Bild anbeten, das der KönigNebukadnezar hat setzen lassen.* SIMON BIBEL = Zu der Zeit, daihr den Klang des Hornes, derRohrpfeife, der Zither, der Harfe, derLaute ... hören werdet...KJV + EL = THAT AT WHAT TIMEYOU HEAR THE SOUND OF THECORNET, FLUTE, HARP, SACKBUT,PSALTERY, DULCIMER, AND ALLKINDS OF MUSIC, YOU FALL DOWNAND WORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGETHAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE KINGHAS SET UP:Dan 3,6 Wer aber alsdannnicht niederfällt und anbetet,der soll von Stund an in denglühenden Ofen geworfen werden.KJV + EL = AND WHOSE FALL NOTDOWN AND WORSHIPS SHALLTHE SAME HOUR BE CAST INTOTHE MIDST OF A BURNING FIERYFURNACE.Dan 3,7 Da sie nun hörten denSchall der Posaunen, Trompeten,Harfen, Geigen, Psalter* und allerleiSaitenspiel (aller +anderen+ Artenvon Musikinstrumenten), fielen niederalle Völker, Leute (Völkerschaften)und Zungen ( = Sprachen!) undbeteten an das goldene Bild, das derKönig Nebukadnezar hatte setzenlassen.* SIMON BIBEL = Deswegen, als alleVölker den Klang des Hornes, derRohrpfeife, der Zither, der Harfe, derLaute ... hörten...KJV + EL = THEREFORE AT THATTIME, WHEN ALL THE PEOPLESHEARD THE SOUND OF THE CORNET,FLUTE, HARP, SACKBUT, PSALTERY,AND ALL KINDS OF MUSIC, ALL THEPEOPLES, THE NATIONS, AND THELANGUAGES, FELL DOWN ANDWORSHIPED THE GOLDEN IMAGETHAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE KINGHAD SET UP.Dan 3,8 Von Stund an tratenhinzu etliche chaldäische Männerund verklagten die Juden,KJV + EL = THEREFORE AT THATTIME CERTAIN CHALDEANS CAMENEAR, AND ACCUSED THE JEWS.Dan 3,9 fingen an und sprachen zumKönig Nebukadnezar: Der König lebeewiglich!KJV + EL = THEY SPOKE AND SAIDTO THE KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR, OKING, LIVE FOREVER.Dan 3,10 Du hast ein Gebot lassenausgehen, daß alle Menschen, wennsie hören würden den Schall derPosaunen, Drommeten, Harfen,Geigen, Psalter, Lauten und allerleiSaitenspiel, sollten sie niederfallenund das goldene Bild anbeten;KJV + EL = YOU, O KING, HAVEMADE A DECREE, THAT EVERYMAN THAT SHALL HEAR THESOUND OF THE CORNET, FLUTE,HARP, SACKBUT, PSALTERY, ANDDULCIMER, AND ALL KINDS OFMUSIC, SHALL FALL DOWN ANDWORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGE:Kap 6,13Dan 3,11 wer aber nicht niederfieleund anbetete, sollte in denglühenden Ofen geworfen werden.KJV + EL = AND WHOEVER FALLSNOT DOWN AND WORSHIPS,

Daniel 313THAT HE SHOULD BE CAST INTOTHE MIDST OF A BURNING FIERYFURNACE.Dan 3,12 Nun sind da jüdischeMänner, welche du über die Ämterder Landschaft Babel gesetzthast: Sadrach, Mesach und Abed-Nego; die verachten dein Gebotund ehren deine Götter nichtund beten nicht an das goldeneBild, das du hast setzen lassen.KJV + EL = THERE ARE CERTAINJEWS WHOM YOU HAVE SET OVERTHE AFFAIRS OF THE PROVINCE OFBABYLON, SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO; THESE MEN, OKING, HAVE NOT REGARDED YOU:THEY SERVE NOT YOUR ELOHIM,NOR WORSHIP THE GOLDENIMAGE WHICH YOU HAVE SET UP.Kap 2,49Dan 3,13 Da befahl Nebukadnezarmit Grimm und Zorn, daß manvor ihn stellte Sadrach, Mesachund Abed-Nego. Und die Männerwurden vor den König gestellt.KJV + EL = THEN NEBUCHADNEZZARIN HIS RAGE AND FURY COMMANDEDTO BRING SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO. THEN THEYBROUGHT THESE MEN BEFORETHE KING.Dan 3,14 Da fing Nebukadnezaran und sprach zu ihnen: Wie? wolltihr Sadrach, Mesach, Abed-Nego,meinen Gott nicht ehren unddas goldene Bild nicht anbeten,das ich habe setzen lassen?KJV + EL = NEBUCHADNEZZARSPOKE AND SAID TO THEM, IS ITTRUE, O SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO, DO YOU NOTSERVE MY ELOHIM, NOR WORSHIPTHE GOLDEN IMAGE WHICH I HAVESET UP?Dan 3,15 Wohlan schickt euch!Sobald ihr hören werdet den Schallder Posaunen, Drommeten, Harfen,Geigen, Psalter, Lauten und allerleiSaitenspiel, so fallt nieder und betetdas Bild an, das ich habe machenlassen! Werdet ihr‘s nicht anbeten,so sollt ihr von Stund an in denglühenden Ofen geworfen werden.Laßt sehen, wer der Gott sei, der euchaus meiner Hand erretten werde!KJV + EL = NOW IF YOU BEREADY THAT AT WHAT TIMEYOU HEAR THE SOUND OF THECORNET, FLUTE, HARP, SACKBUT,PSALTERY, AND DULCIMER,AND ALL KINDS OF MUSIC, YOUFALL DOWN AND WORSHIP THEIMAGE WHICH I HAVE MADE,WELL: BUT IF YOU WORSHIPEDNOT, YOU SHALL BE CAST THESAME HOUR INTO THE MIDST OFA BURNING FIERY FURNACE; ANDWHO IS THAT ELAH THAT SHALLDELIVER YOU OUT OF MY HANDS?2. Kön 18,35Dan 3,16 Da fingen an Sadrach,Mesach, Abed-Nego und sprachenzum König Nebukadnezar: Es istnicht not (wir haben es nichtnötig), daß wir darauf antworten.KJV + EL = SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO ANSWEREDAND SAID TO THE KING, ONEBUCHADNEZZAR, WE ARE NOTCAREFUL TO ANSWER YOU IN THISMATTER.Dan 3,17 Siehe, unser Gott, denwir ehren, kann uns wohl errettenaus dem glühenden Ofen, dazuauch von deiner Hand erretten.KJV + EL = IF IT BE SO, OURELAH WHOM WE SERVE ISABLE TO DELIVER US FROMTHE BURNING FIERY FURNACE;AND HE WILL DELIVER USOUT OF YOUR HAND, O KING.Ps 66,12Dan 3,18 Und wo er‘s nicht tunwill, so sollst du dennoch wissen,daß wir deine Götter nicht ehrennoch das goldene Bild, das du hastsetzen lassen, anbeten wollen.

14Daniel 3KJV + EL = BUT IF NOT, BE ITKNOWN TO YOU, O KING, THAT WEWILL NOT SERVE YOUR ELOHIM,NOT WORSHIP THE GOLDENIMAGE WHICH YOU HAVE SET UP.2. Mose 20,3-5Dan 3,19 Da ward Nebukadnezar vollGrimms, und sein Angesicht verstelltesich wider Sadrach, Mesach undAbed-Nego, und er befahl man sollteden Ofen siebenmal heißer machen,denn man sonst zu tun pflegte.KJV + EL = THEN WASNEBUCHADNEZZAR FULL OF FURY,AND THE FORM OF HIS VISAGE WASCHANGED AGAINST SHADRACH,MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO:THEREFORE HE SPOKE, ANDCOMMANDED THAT THEY SHOULDHEAT THE FURNACE ONE SEVENTIMES MORE THAN IT WAS USUALLYHEATED.Dan 3,20 Und er befahl den bestenKriegsleuten, die in seinem Heerwaren, daß sie Sadrach, Mesachund Abed-Nego bänden und inden glühenden Ofen würfen.KJV + EL = AND HE COMMANDEDTHE MOST MIGHTY MEN THAT WEREIN HIS ARMY TO BIND SHADRACH,MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO, ANDTO CAST THEM INTO THE BURNINGFIERY FURNACE.Dan 3,21 Also wurden diese Männerin ihren Mänteln, Schuhen, Hütenund andern Kleidern gebunden undin den glühenden Ofen geworfen;KJV + EL = THEN THESE MEN WEREBOUND IN THEIR PANTS, THEIRTUNICS, AND THEIR MANTLES, ANDTHEIR OTHER GARMENTS, ANDWERE CAST INTO THE MIDST OFTHE BURNING FIERY FURNACE.Dan 3,22 denn des Königs Gebotmußte man eilends tun. Und manschürte das Feuer im Ofen so sehr, daßdie Männer, so den Sadrach, Mesachund Abed-Nego hinaufbrachten,verdarben von des Feuers Flammen.KJV + EL = THEREFORE BECAUSETHE KING’S COMMANDED WASURGENT, AND THE FURNACEEXCEEDING HOT, THE FLAME OFTHE FIRE KILLED THOSE MEN THATTOOK UP SHADRACH, MESHACH,AND ABEDNEGO.Dan 3,23 Aber die drei Männer,Sadrach, Mesach und Abed-Negofielen hinab in den glühendenOfen, wie sie gebunden waren.KJV + EL = AND THESE THREEMEN, SHADRACH, MESHACH, ANDABEDNEGO, FELL DOWN BOUNDINTO THE MIDST OF THE BURNINGFIERY FURNACE.Dan 3,24 Da entsetzte sich derKönig Nebukadnezar und fuhrauf und sprach zu seinen Räten:Haben wir nicht drei Männergebunden in das Feuer lassenwerfen? Sie antworteten undsprachen zum König: Ja, Herr König.KJV + EL = THEN NEBUCHADNEZZARTHE KING WAS ASTONISHED, ANDROSE UP IN HASTE, AND SPOKE,AND SAID TO HIS COUNSELORS,DID WE NOT CAST THREE MENBOUND INTO THE MIDST OF THEFIRE? THEY ANSWERED AND SAIDTO THE KING, TRUE, O KING.Dan 3,25 VOR 1866 = Er antworteteund sprach: Sehe ich doch vierMänner frei im Feuer gehen, undsie sind unversehrt; und der vierteist gleich, als wäre er ein Sohn derGötter (KJV = der Sohn Gottes !).MENGE =Da entgegnete er: “Ichsehe aber vier Männer ungefesseltim Feuer umhergehen, ohne daß esihnen Schaden tut; und der viertesieht wie ein göttliches Wesen aus”.KJV + EL = HE ANSWERED ANDSAID, LO, I SEE FOUR MEN LOOSE,WALKING IN THE MIDST OF THEFIRE, AND THEY HAVE NO HURT;AND THEFORM OF THE FOURTHIS LIKE THE SON OF THE ELAH.Jes 43,2; V. 28


16Daniel 3. 4NATIONS, AND LANGUAGES, THATDWELL IN ALL THE EARTH; PEACEBE MULTIPLIED TO YOU.Dan 3,32 MENGE = ES HAT MIRBELIEBT, DIE ZEICHEN UND WUNDER,DIE DER HÖCHSTE GOTT AN MIRGETAN HAT, ZU ALLGEMEINERKENNTNIS ZU BRINGEN.KJV + EL = 4,2 I THOUGHT ITGOOD TO SHOW THE SIGNS ANDWONDERS THAT THE HIGH ELAHHAS WORKED TOWARD ME.Dan 3,33 MENGE = WIE SIND SEINEZEICHEN SO GROSS UND WIEGEWALTIG SEINE WUNDER! SEINREICH IST EIN EWIGES REICH, UNDSEINE HERRSCHAFT WÄHRT VONGESCHLECHT ZU GESCHLECHT!”KJV + EL = 4,3 HOW GREAT AREHIS SIGNS! AND HOW MIGHTYARE HIS WONDERS! HIS KINGDOMIS AN EVERLASTING KINGDOM,AND HIS DOMINION IS FROMGENERATION TO GENERATION.Kap 6,27Kapitel 4Dan 4,1 Ich, Nebukadnezar, da ichgute Ruhe hatte in meinem Hauseund es wohl stand auf meiner Burg,KJV + EL = 4,4 I, NEBUCHADNEZZARWAS AT REST IN MY HOUSE, ANDFLOURISHING IN MY PALACE:Dan 4,2 sah einen Traum underschrak, und die Gedanken, die ich aufmeinem Bett hatte, und das Gesicht,so ich gesehen hatte, betrübten mich.KJV + EL = 4,5 I SAW A DREAMWHICH MADE ME AFRAID; AND THETHOUGHTS UPON MY BED AND THEVISIONS OF MY HEAD TROUBLEDME.Dan 4,3 Und ich befahl, daßalle Weisen zu Babel vor michhereingebracht würden, daß sie mirsagten, was der Traum bedeutet.KJV + EL = 4,6 THEREFORE MADE I ADECREE TO BRING IN ALL THE WISEMEN OF BABYLON BEFORE ME,THAT THEY MIGHT MAKE KNOWNTO ME THE INTERPRETATION OFTHE DREAM.Dan 4,4 Da brachte man herein dieSternseher, Weisen, Chaldäer undWahrsager, und ich erzählte denTraum vor ihnen; aber sie konntenmir nicht sagen, was er bedeutete,KJV + EL = 4,7 THEN CAME IN THEMAGICIANS, THE ASTROLOGERS,THE CHALDEANS, AND THESOOTHSAVERS: AND I TOLDTHE DREAM BEFORE THEM; BUTTHEY DID NOT MAKE KNOWN TOME THE INTERPRETATION OF IT.Kap 2,2Dan 4,5 bis zuletzt Daniel vor michkam, welcher Beltsazar heißt nachdem Namen meines Gottes, der denGeist der heiligen Götter hat. Undich erzählte vor ihm meinen Traum:KJV + EL = 4,8 BUT AT THE LASTDANIEL CAME IN BEFORE ME,WHOSE NAME WAS BELTESHAZZAR,ACCORDING TO THE NAME OF MYELAH, AND IN WHOM IS THE SPIRITOF THE HOLY ELOHIM: AND BEFOREHIM I TOLD THE DREAM, SAYING,Kap 5,11.14Dan 4,6 Beltsazar, du Obersterunter den Sternsehern, vondem ich weiß, daß du den Geistder heiligen Götter hast und dirnichts verborgen ist, sage, wasdas Gesicht meines Traumes,das ich gesehen habe, bedeutet.KJV + EL = 4,9 O BELTESHAZZAR,MASTER OF THE MAGICIANS,BECAUSE I KNOW THAT THESPIRIT OF THE HOLY ELOHIM IS INYOU, AND NO SECRET TROUBLESYOU, TELL ME THE VISIONS OFMY DREAM THAT I HAVE SEEN,AND THE INTERPRETATION OF IT.Hes 28,3Dan 4,7 Dies aber ist das Gesicht,das ich gesehen habe auf meinem

Daniel 417Bette: Siehe, es stand ein Baummitten im Lande, der war sehr hoch.KJV + EL = 4,10 THUS WERE THEVISIONS OF MY HEAD IN MY BED:I SAW, AND BEHOLD A TREE INTHE MIDST OF THE EARTH, ANDTHE HEIGHT OF IT WAS GREAT.Hes 31,3-14Dan 4,8 Und er wurde groß undmächtig, und seine Höhe reichte bisan den Himmel, und er breitete sichaus bis ans Ende der ganzen Erde.KJV + EL = 4,11 THE TREE GREW, ANDWAS STRONG, AND THE HEIGHT OFIT REACHED TO HEAVEN, AND THESIGHT OF IT TO THE END OF ALLTHE EARTH:Dan 4,9 Seine Äste waren schönund trugen viel Früchte, davon alleszu essen hatte; alle Tiere auf demFelde fanden Schatten unter ihm,und die Vögel unter dem Himmelsaßen auf seinen Ästen, undalles Fleisch nährte sich von ihm.KJV + EL = 4,12 THE LEAVES OF ITWERE FAIR; AND THE FRUIT OFIT MUCH, AND IN IT WAS FOODFOR ALL: THE BEASTS OF THEFIELD HAD SHADOW UNDER IT,AND THE BIRDS OF THE HEAVENDWELT IN THE BOUGHS OF IT,AND ALL FLESH WAS FED OF IT.V. 18; Hes 17,23Dan 4,10 Und ich sah ein Gesicht aufmeinem Bette, und siehe, ein heiligerWächter fuhr vom Himmel herab;KJV + EL = 4,13 I SAW IN THE VISIONSOF MY HEAD UPON MY BED, AND,BEHOLD, A WATCHER AND AN HOLYONE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN;Dan 4,11 der rief überlaut undsprach also: Haut den Baum umund behaut ihm die Äste und streiftihm das Laub ab und zerstreutseine Früchte, daß die Tiere, sounter ihm liegen, weglaufen und dieVögel von seinen Zweigen fliehen.KJV + EL = 4,14 HE CRIED ALOUD,AND SAID THUS, HEW DOWNTHE TREE, AND CUT OFF HISBRANCHES, SHAKE OFF HISLEAVES, AND SCATTER HIS FRUIT:LET THE BEASTS GET AWAY FROMUNDER IT, AND THE FOWLS /BIRDS FROM HIS BRANCHES:V. 20Dan 4,12 Doch laßt den Stock mitseinen Wurzeln in der Erde bleiben;er aber soll in eisernen und ehernenKetten auf dem Felde im Graseund unter dem Tau des Himmelsliegen und naß werden und sollsich weiden mit den Tieren vonden Kräutern / dem Grass der Erde.KJV + EL = 4,15 NEVERTHESLESSLEAVE THE STUMP OF HIS ROOTS INTHE EARTH, EVEN WITH A BAND OFIRON AND BRASS (BRONZE), IN THETENDER GRASS OF THE FIELD; ANDLET IT BE WET WITH THE DEW OFHEAVEN, AND LET HIS PORTION BEWITH THE BEASTS IN THE GRASSOF THE EARTH:Dan 4,13 Und das menschlicheHerz soll von ihm genommen undein viehisches Herz (ELBEFELDER1871 = das Herz eines Tieres )ihm gegeben werden, bis daßsieben Zeiten über ihn um sind.KJV + EL = 4,16 LET HIS HEARTBE CHANGED FROM MAN’S,AND LET A BEAST’S HEARTBE GIVEN TO HIM; AND LETSEVEN TIMES PASS OVER HIM.Kap 7,25Dan 4,14 Solches ist im Rat derWächter beschlossen und imGespräch der Heiligen beratschlagt,auf daß die Lebendigen erkennen,daß der Höchste Gewalt hat überder Menschen Königreiche undgibt sie, wem er will, und erhöhtdie Niedrigen zu denselben.KJV + EL = 4,17 THIS MATTER IS BYTHE DECREE OF THE WATCHERS,AND THE DEMAND BY THE WORDOF THE HOLY ONES: TO THE INTENTTHAT THE LIVING MAY KNOW THAT

18Daniel 4THE MOST HIGH RULES IN THEKINGDOM OF MEN, AND GIVES ITTO WHOMEVER HE WILL, AND SETSUP OVER IT THE LOWEST OF MEN.Kap 2,21Dan 4,15 Solchen Traum habe ich,König Nebukadnezar, gesehen;du aber Beltsazar, sage mir waser bedeutet. Denn alle Weisen inmeinem Königreiche können mirnicht anzeigen, was er bedeute;du aber kannst es wohl, denn derGeist der heiligen Götter ist bei dir.KJV + EL = 4,18 THIS DREAM I, KINGNEBUCHADNEZZAR, HAVE SEEN.NOW YOU, O BELTESHAZZAR,DECLARE THE INTERPRETATIONTHEREOF, SINCE ALL THE WISEMEN OF MY KINGDOM ARE NOTABLE TO MAKE KNOWN TO ME THEINTERPRETATION: BUT YOU AREABLE; FOR THE SPIRIT OF THEHOLY ELOHIM IS IN YOU.Daniels DeutungDan 4,16 Da entsetzte sichDaniel, der sonst Beltsazar heißt,bei einer Stunde lang und seineGedanken betrübten ihn. Aber derKönig sprach: Beltsazar, laß dichden Traum und seine Deutungnicht betrüben. Beltsazar fing anund sprach: Ach mein Herr, daß derTraum deinen Feinden und seineDeutung deinen Widersachern gälte!KJV + EL = 4,19 THEN DANIEL,WHOSE NAME WAS BELTESHAZZAR,WAS ASTONISHED FOR ONEHOUR, AND HIS THOUGHTSTROUBLED HIM. THE KING SPOKE,AND SAID, BELTESHAZZAR,LET NOT THE DREAM, OR THEINTERPRETATION OF IT, TROUBLEYOU. BELTESHAZZAR ANSWEREDAND SAID, MY SOVEREIGN, THEDREAM BE TO THEM THAT HATEYOU, AND THE INTERPRETATION OFIT TO YOUR ENEMIES.Dan 4,17 Der Baum, den du gesehenhast, daß er groß und mächtig wardund seine Höhe an den Himmel reichteund daß er sich über die Erde breiteteKJV + EL = 4,20 THE TREE THATYOU SAW, WHICH GREW, AND WASSTRONG, WHOSE HEIGHT REACHEDTO THE HEAVEN, AND THE SIGHTOF IT TO ALL THE EARTH;Dan 4,18 und seine Äste schönwaren und seiner Früchte viel,davon alles zu essen hatte, unddie Tiere auf dem Felde unterihm wohnten und die Vögel desHimmels auf seinen Ästen saßen:KJV + EL = 4,21 WHOSE LEAVESWERE FAIR, AND THE FRUIT OF ITMUCH, AND IN IT WAS FOOD FORALL; UNDER WHICH THE BEASTSOF THE FIELD DWELT, AND UPONWHOSE BRANCHES THE BIRDSOF THE HEAVEN HAD THEIRHABITATION:Dan 4,19 das bist du, König, derdu so groß und mächtig geworden;denn deine Macht ist groß undreicht an den Himmel, und deineGewalt langt bis an der Welt Ende.KJV + EL = 4,22 IT IS YOU, O KING,THAT HAVE GROWN AND BECOMESTRONG: FOR YOUR GREATNESSIS GROWN, AND REACHES TOHEAVEN, AND YOUR DOMINION TOTHE END OF THE EARTH.Dan 4,20 Daß aber der König einenheiligen Wächter gesehen hat vomHimmel herabfahren und sagen:Haut den Baum um und verderbt ihn;doch den Stock mit seinen Wurzelnlaßt in der Erde bleiben; er abersoll in eisernen und ehernen Kettenauf dem Felde im Grase gehen undunter dem Tau des Himmels liegenund naß werden und sich mit denTieren auf dem Felde weiden, bisüber ihn sieben Zeiten um sind,KJV + EL = 4,23 AND WHEREAS THEKING SAW A WATCHER AND ANHOLY ONE COMING DOWN FROMHEAVEN, AND SAYING, HEW THETREE DOWN, AND DESTROY IT; YET

Daniel 419LEAVE THE STUMP OF THE ROOTSOF IT IN THE EARTH, EVEN WITH ABAND OF IRON AND BRONZE, IN THETENDER GRASS OF THE FIELD; ANDLET IT BE WET WITH THE DEW OFHEAVEN, AND LET HIS PORTION BEWITH THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD,TILL SEVEN TIMES PASS OVER HIM;Dan 4,21 das ist die Deutung, HerrKönig, und solcher Rat des Höchstengeht über meinen Herrn König:KJV + EL = 4,24 THIS IS THEINTERPRETATION, O KING, ANDTHIS IS THE DECREE OF THE MOSTHIGH, WHICH IS COME UPON MYSOVEREIGN THE KING:Dan 4,22 Man wird dich von denLeuten stoßen, und du mußt bei denTieren auf dem Felde bleiben, undman wird dich Gras essen lassen wiedie Ochsen, und wirst unter dem Taudes Himmels liegen und naß werden,bis über dir sieben Zeiten um sind,auf daß du erkennst, daß der HöchsteGewalt hat über der MenschenKönigreiche und gibt sie, wem er will.KJV + EL = 4,25 THAT THEY SHALLDRIVE YOU FROM MEN, AND YOURDWELLING SHALL BE WITH THEBEASTS OF THE FIELD, AND THEYSHALL MAKE YOU TO EAT GRASSAS OXEN, AND THEY SHALL WETYOU WITH THE DEW OF HEAVEN,AND SEVEN TIMES SHALL PASSOVER YOU; TILL YOU KNOW THATTHE MOST HIGH RULES IN THEKINGDOM OF MEN, AND GIVES IT TOWHOMEVER HE WILL.Dan 4,23 Daß aber gesagt ist, mansolle dennoch den Stock des Baumesmit seinen Wurzeln bleiben lassen:dein Königreich soll dir bleiben,wenn du erkannt hast die Gewalt imHimmel.KJV + EL = 4,26 AND WHEREASTHEY COMMANDED TO LEAVE THESTUMP OF THE TREE ROOTS; YOURKINGDOM SHALL BE SURE TO YOU,AFTER THAT YOU SHALL HAVEKNOWN THAT THE HEAVENS DORULE.Dan 4,24 Darum, Herr König, laßdir meinen Rat gefallen und machedich los von deinen Sünden durchGerechtigkeit und ledig von deinerMissetat durch Wohltat an den Armen,so wird dein Glück lange währen.KJV + EL = 4,27 THEREFORE, O KING,LET MY COUNSEL BE ACCEPTABLETO YOU, AND BREAK OFF YOURSINS BY RIGTHEOUSNESS, ANDYOUR INIQUITIES BY SHOWINGMERCY TO THE POOR; IF IT MAYBE A LENGTHENING OF YOURTRANQUILLITY.Spr 19,17; Matth 5,7; 19,21Des Königs Wahnsinn und UmkehrDan 4,25 Dies alles widerfuhrdem König Nebukadnezar.KJV + EL = 4,28 ALL THIS CAME UPONTHE KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR.Dan 4,26 Denn nach zwölfMonaten, da der König auf derköniglichen Burg zu Babel ging,KJV + EL = 4,29 AT THE END OFTWELVE MONTHS HE WALKED INTHE PALACE OF THE KINGDOM OFBABYLON.Dan 4,27 hob er an und sprach:Das ist die große Babel, die icherbaut habe zum königlichenHause durch meine große Macht,zu Ehren meiner Herrlichkeit.KJV + EL = 4,30 THE KING SPOKE,AND SAID, IS NOT THIS GREATBABYLON, THAT I HAVE BUILT FORTHE HOUSE OF THE KINGDOM BYTHE MIGHT OF MY POWER, ANDFOR THE HONOR OF MY MAJESTY?Spr 16,18; Apg 12,23Dan 4,28 Ehe der König diese Worteausgeredet hatte, fiel eine Stimme vonHimmel: Dir, König Nebukadnezar,wird gesagt: dein Königreichsoll dir genommen werden;KJV + EL = 4,31 WHILE THE WORD WASIN THE KING’S MOUTH, THERE FELL

Daniel 4. 521WAHRHEIT, UND SEIN WALTEN ISTGERECHT, UND DIE IN HOCHMUTWANDELNDEN VERMAG ER ZUDEMÜTIGEN.”KJV + EL = 4,37 NOW I,NEBUCHADNEZZAR, PRAISE ANDEXTOL AND HONOR THE KING OFHEAVEN, ALL WHOSE WORKS ARETRUTH, AND HIS WAYS JUDGMENT:AND THOSE THAT WALK IN PRIDEHE IS ABLE TO ABASE.Kap 5,20; Luk 1,51; 18,14Kapitel 5Belsazars Gastmahl.Dan 5,1 König Belsazer* machteein herrliches Mahl seinen tausendGewaltigen und soff sich voll mit ihnen.KJV + EL = BELSHAZZAR THEKING MADE A GREAT FEASTTO A THOUSAND OF HISRULERS, AND DRANK WINEBEFORE THE THOUSAND.Kap 7,1* Schlachter 2000 = Belsazar (Belscharra-ussur= „Bel schütze denKönig“) war der Sohn von Nabonidesund regierte zu der Zeit stellvertretendfür seinen Vater, der in Arabien war. Erwurde bei der in Daniel 5 geschildertenEroberung Babylons 539 v. Chr. getötet.Belsazar war ein Enkel Nebukadnezars(siehe Jeremia 27,7); Nebukadnezarwird nach damaligem Sprachgebrauchsein Vater genannt (vergleiche Vers 11).Dan 5,2 Und da er trunken war,hieß er die goldenen und silbernenGefäße herbringen, die sein VaterNebukadnezar aus dem Tempel zuJerusalem weggenommen hatte, daßder König mit seinen Gewaltigen,mit seinen Weibern und mit seinenKebsweibern daraus tränken.ELBERFELDER 1871 = Belsazarbefahl, als der Wein ihm schmeckte,daß man die goldenen und diesilbernen Gefäße herbeibrächte,welche sein Vater Nebukadnezaraus dem Tempel zu Jerusalemweggenommen hatte, auf daßder König und seine Gewaltigen,seine Frauen und seineKebsweiber daraus tränken.KJV + EL = BELSHAZZAR, WHILE HETASTED THE WINE, COMMANDEDTO BRING THE GOLDEN ANDSILVER VESSELS WHICH HISFATHER NEBUCHADNEZZAR HADTAKEN OUT OF THE TEMPLEWHICH WAS IN JERUSALEM; THATTHE KING, AND HIS PRINCES, HISWIVES AND HIS CONCUBINES,MIGHT DRINK FROM THEM.Kap 1,2; 2. Chron 36,10Dan 5,3 Also wurden hergebrachtdie goldenen Gefäße, die ausdem Tempel, aus dem HauseGottes zu Jerusalem, genommenwaren; und der König, seineGewaltigen, seine Weiber undKebsweiber tranken daraus.KJV + EL = THEN THEY BROUGHTTHE GOLDEN VESSELS THAT WERETAKEN OUT OF THE TEMPLE OF THEHOUSE OF ELAH WHICH WAS ATJERUSALEM; AND THE KING, ANDHIS PRINCES, HIS WIVES AND HISCONCUBINES, DRANK FROM THEM.Dan 5,4 Und da sie so soffen,lobten sie die goldenen,silbernen, ehernen, eisernen,hölzernen und steinernen Götter.KJV + EL = THEY DRANK WINE, ANDPRAISED THE ELOHIM OF GOLD,AND OF SILVER, OF BRONZE, OFIRON, OF WOOD, AND OF STONE.Die Schrift an der WandDan 5,5 Eben zu derselbenStunde (In demselben Augenblick)gingen hervor Finger wie einerMenschenhand, die schrieben,gegenüber dem Leuchter, auf diegetünchte Wand in dem königlichenSaal; und der König wardgewahr der Hand, die da schrieb.KJV + EL = IN THE SAME HOURCAME FORTH THE FINGERS OF A

22Daniel 5MAN’S HAND, AND WROTE OVERAGAINST THE CANDLESTICK UPONTHE PLASTER OF THE WALL OFTHE KING’S PALACE: AND THE KINGSAW THE PART OF THE HAND THATWROTE.Dan 5,6 Da entfärbte sich der König,und seine Gedanken erschrecktenihn, daß ihm die Lendenschütterten und die Beine zitterten.KJV + EL = THEN THE KING’SCOUNTENANCE WAS CHANGED,AND HIS THOUGHTS TROUBLEDHIM, SO THAT THE JOINTS OF HISLOINS WERE LOOSED, AND HISKNEES SMOTE (STRUCK) ONEAGAINST ANOTHER.Dan 5,7 Und der König rief überlaut,daß man die Weisen, Chaldäer undWahrsager hereinbringen sollte. Under ließ den Weisen zu Babel sagen:Welcher Mensch diese Schriftliest und sagen kann, was siebedeute, der soll in Purpur gekleidetwerden und eine goldene Ketteam Halse tragen und der dritteHerr sein in meinem Königreiche.KJV + EL = THE KING CRIED ALOUDTO BRING IN THE ASTROLOGERS,THE CHALDEANS, AND THESOOTHSAYERS. AND THE KINGSPOKE, AND SAID TO THE WISE MENOF BABYLON, WHOEVER SHALLREAD THIS WRITING, AND SHOW METHE INTERPRETATION OF IT, SHALLBE CLOTHED WITH PURPLE, ANDHAVE A CHAIN OF GOLD ABOUTHIS NECK, AND SHALL BE THETHIRD RULER IN THE KINGDOM.Kap 2,2; 4,3Dan 5,8 Da wurden alle Weisen desKönigs hereingebracht; aber siekonnten weder die Schrift lesen nochdie Deutung dem König anzeigen.KJV + EL = THEN CAME IN ALLTHE KING’S WISE MEN; BUT THEYCOULD NOT READ THE WRITING,NOR MAKE KNOWN TO THE KINGTHE INTERPRETATION THEREOF.Dan 5,9 Darüber erschrak derKönig Belsazer noch härter undverlor ganz seine Farbe; undseinen Gewaltigen ward bange.KJV + EL = THEN WAS KINGBELSHAZZAR GREATLY TROUBLED,AND HIS COUNTENANCE WASCHANGED IN HIM, AND HIS RULERSWERE ASTONISHED.Dan 5,10 Da ging die Königinum solcher Sache des Königs undseiner Gewaltigen willen hinein inden Saal und sprach: Der Königlebe ewiglich! Laß dich deineGedanken nicht so erschreckenund entfärbe dich nicht also!KJV + EL = NOW THE QUEEN BYREASON OF THE WORDS OF THEKING AND HIS RULERS, CAMEINTO THE BANQUET HOUSE: ANDTHE QUEEN SPOKE AND SAID, OKING, LIVE FOREVER: LET NOTYOUR THOUGHTS TROUBLE YOU,NOR LET YOUR COUNTENANCE BECHANGED:Dan 5,11 Es ist ein Mann in deinemKönigreich, der den Geist derheiligen Götter hat. Denn zu deinesVaters Zeit ward bei ihm Erleuchtunggefunden, Klugheit und Weisheit,wie der Götter Weisheit ist; unddein Vater, König Nebukadnezar,setzte ihn über die Sternseher,Weisen, Chaldäer und Wahrsager,KJV + EL = THERE IS A MAN INYOUR KINGDOM, IN WHOM IS THESPIRIT OF THE HOLY ELOHIM; ANDIN THE DAYS OF YOUR FATHERLIGHT AND UNDERSTANDING ANDWISDOM, LIKE THE WISDOM OF THEELOHIM, WAS FOUND IN HIM; WHOMTHE KING NEBUCHADNEZZARYOUR FATHER, THE KING, I SAY,YOUR FATHER, MADE MASTER OFTHE MAGICIANS, ASTROLOGERS,CHALDEANS, AND SOOTHSAYERS;Kap 4,5Dan 5,12 darum daß ein hoherGeist bei ihm gefunden ward, dazu

Daniel 523Verstand und Klugheit, Träumezu deuten, dunkle Sprüche zuerraten und verborgene Sachenzu offenbaren: nämlich Daniel,den der König ließ Beltsazarnennen. So rufe man nun Daniel;der wird sagen, was es bedeutet.KJV + EL = BECAUSE AN EXCELLENTSPIRIT, AND KNOWLEDGE, ANDUNDERSTANDING, INTERPRETINGOF DREAMS, AND SHOWINGOF DARK SENTENCES, ANDDISSOLVING OF DOUBTS, WEREFOUND IN THE SAME DANIEL,WHOM THE KING NAMEDBELTESHAZZAR: NOW LETDANIEL BE CALLED, AND HE WILLSHOW THE INTERPRETATION.Hes 28,3Dan 5,13 Da ward Daniel hineinvor den König gebracht. Und derKönig sprach zu Daniel: Bist duder Daniel, der Gefangenen eineraus Juda, die der König, meinVater aus Juda hergebracht hat?KJV + EL = THEN WAS DANIELBROUGHT IN BEFORE THE KING.AND THE KING SPOKE AND SAIDTO DANIEL, ARE YOU THAT DANIEL,WHICH ARE OF THE CHILDREN OFTHE CAPTIVITY OF JUDAH, WHOMTHE KING MY FATHER BROUGHTOUT OF JUDAH?Dan 5,14 Ich habe von dir hörensagen, daß du den Geist der Götterhast und Erleuchtung, Verstand undhohe Weisheit bei dir gefunden sei.KJV + EL = I HAVE EVEN HEARDOF YOU, THAT THE SPIRIT OFTHE ELOHIM IS IN YOU, AND THATLIGHT AND UNDERSTANDING ANDEXCELLENT WISDOM ARE FOUNDIN YOU.Dan 5,15 Nun habe ich vor michfordern lassen die Klugen undWeisen, daß sie mir diese Schriftlesen und anzeigen sollen, wassie bedeutet: und sie können mirnicht sagen, was solches bedeutet.KJV + EL = AND NOW THE WISEMEN, THE ASTROLOGERS, HAVEBEEN BROUGHT IN BEFORE ME,THAT THEY SHOULD READ THISWRITING, AND MAKE KNOWN TOME THE INTERPRETATION OF IT:BUT THEY COULD NOT SHOW THEINTERPRETATION OF THE THING:Dan 5,16 Von dir aber höre ich,daß du könnest Deutungen gebenund das Verborgene offenbaren.Kannst du nun die Schrift lesenund mir anzeigen, was sie bedeutet,so sollst du mit Purpur gekleidetwerden und eine golden Kette andeinem Halse tragen und der dritteHerr sein in meinem Königreiche.KJV + EL = AND I HAVE HEARDOF YOU, THAT YOU CAN MAKEINTERPRETATIONS, AND DISSOLVEDOUBTS: NOW IF YOU CAN READTHE WRITING, AND MAKE KNOWNTO ME THE INTERPRETATION OFIT, YOU SHALT BE CLOTHED WITHPURPLE, AND HAVE A CHAIN OFGOLD ABOUT YOUR NECK, ANDSHALL BE THE THIRD RULER IN THEKINGDOM.Die Deutung der SchriftDan 5,17 Da fing Daniel an undredete vor dem König: Behaltedeine Gaben selbst und gib deinGeschenk einem andern; ich willdennoch die Schrift dem König lesenund anzeigen, was sie bedeutet.KJV + EL = THEN DANIEL ANSWEREDAND SAID BEFORE THE KING, LETYOUR GIFTS BE TO YOURSELF, ANDGIVE YOUR REWARDS TO ANOTHER;YET I WILL READ THE WRITING TOTHE KING, AND MAKE KNOWN TOHIM THE INTERPRETATION.Dan 5,18 Herr König, Gottder Höchste hat deinem Vater,Nebukadnezar, Königreich, Macht,Ehre und Herrlichkeit gegeben.KJV + EL = O YOU KING, THEMOST HIGH ELAH GAVENEBUCHADNEZZAR YOUR FATHER

24Daniel 5THE KINGDOM, AND MAJESTY,AND GLORY, AND HONOR:Kap 2,37; 4,22Dan 5,19 Und vor solcher Macht, dieihm gegeben war, fürchteten sich vorihm alle Völker, Leute und Zungen.Er tötete wen er wollte; er ließ leben,wen er wollte; er erhöhte, wen erwollte; er demütigt, wen er wollte.KJV + EL = AND FOR THE MAJESTYTHAT HE GAVE HIM, ALL PEOPLE,NATIONS, AND LANGUAGES,TREMBLED AND FEARED BEFOREHIM: WHOM HE WOULD HE KILLED,AND WHOM HE WOULD HE KEPTALIVE; AND WHOM HE WOULD HESET UP, AND WHOM HE WOULD HEPUT DOWN.Dan 5,20 Da sich aber sein Herzerhob und er stolz und hochmütigward, ward er vom königlichen Throngestoßen und verlor seine EhreKJV + EL = BUT WHEN HISHEART WAS LIFTED UP, ANDHIS MIND HARDENED IN PRIDE,HE WAS DEPOSED FROM HISKINGLY THRONE, AND THEYTOOK HIS GLORY FROM HIM:Apg 12,23Dan 5,21 und ward verstoßen vonden Leuten hinweg, und sein Herzward gleich den Tieren, und er mußtebei dem Wild laufen und fraß Gras wieOchsen, und sein Leib lag unterm Taudes Himmels, und er ward naß, bisdaß er lernte, daß Gott der HöchsteGewalt hat über der MenschenKönigreiche und gibt sie, wem er will.KJV + EL = AND HE WAS DRIVENFROM THE SONS OF MEN, ANDHIS HEART WAS MADE LIKE THEBEASTS, AND HIS DWELLING WASWITH THE WILD ASSES: THEY FEDHIM WITH GRASS LIKE OXEN, ANDHIS BODY WAS WET WITH THE DEWOF HEAVEN; TILL HE KNEW THATTHE MOST HIGH ELAH RULED INTHE KINGDOM OF MEN, AND THATHE APPOINTS OVER IT WHOMEVERHE WILL.Dan 5,22 Und du, Belsazer, sein Sohn,hast dein Herz nicht gedemütigt,obwohl du solches alles weißt,KJV + EL = AND YOU HIS SON, OBELSHAZZAR, HAVE NOT HUMBLEDYOUR HEART, THOUGH YOU KNEWALL THIS.Dan 5,23 LUTHER 1545 + BETHELBIBLE = sondern hast dich wider denGott des Himmels erhoben, und dieGefäße seines Hauses hat man vordich bringen müssen, und du, deineGewaltigen, deine Weiber und deineKebsweiber habt daraus getrunken,dazu die silbernen, goldenen,ehernen, eisernen, hölzernen undsteinernen Götter gelobt, die wedersehen noch hören noch fühlen;den Gott aber, der deinen Odemund alle deine Wege in seinerHand hat, hast du nicht geehrt.KJV + EL = BUT HAVE LIFTED UPYOURSELF AGAINST THE ELAHOF HEAVEN; AND THEY HAVEBROUGHT THE VESSELS OFHIS HOUSE BEFORE YOU, ANDYOU, AND YOUR RULERS, YOURWIVES, AND YOUR CONCUBINES,HAVE DRUNK WINE FROM THEM;AND YOU HAVE PRAISED THEELOHIM OF SILVER AND GOLD,OF BRONZE, IRON, WOOD, ANDSTONE, WHICH SEE NOT, NORHEAR, NOR KNOW: AND THE ELAHIN WHOSE HAND YOUR BREATHIS, AND WHOSE ARE ALL YOURWAYS, HAVE YOU NOT GLORIFIED:V. 2; Ps 115,4-7Dan 5,24 Darum ist von ihmgesandt diese Hand und dieseSchrift, die da verzeichnet steht.KJV + EL = THEN WAS THE PARTOF THE HAND SENT FROM BEFOREHIM, AND THIS WRITING WASWRITTEN.Dan 5,25 VOR 1866 = So aber lautet dieSchrift, die dort geschrieben steht:MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

26Daniel 6THEY COULD FIND NONE OCCASIONNOR FAULT, BECAUSE AS HE WASFAITHFUL, NEITHER WAS THEREANY ERROR OR FAULT FOUND INHIM.Dan 6,6 Da sprachen die Männer: Wirwerden keine Sache an Daniel findenaußer seinem Gottesdienst (seinerGottesverehrung).KJV + EL = 5 THEN SAID THESEMEN, WE SHALL NOT FIND ANYOCCASION AGAINST THIS DANIEL,EXCEPT WE FIND IT AGAINST HIMCONCERNING THE LAW OF HISELAH.Dan 6,7 Da kamen die Fürstenund Landvögte zuhauf vor denKönig und sprachen zu ihm also:Der König Darius lebe ewiglich!KJV + EL = 6 THEN THESEPRESIDENTS AND PRINCESASSEMBLED TOGETHER TO THEKING, AND SAID THUS TO HIM,KING DARIUS, LIVE FOREVER.Kap 3,9; 5,10Dan 6,8 Es haben die Fürstendes Königreichs, die Herren, dieLandvögte, die Räte und Hauptleutealle Gedacht, daß man einenköniglichen Befehl soll ausgehenlassen und ein strenges Gebotstellen, daß, wer in dreißig Tagenetwas bitten wird von irgend einemGott oder Menschen außer dir,König, allein, solle zu den Löwenin den Graben geworfen werden.KJV + EL = 7 ALL THE PRESIDENTSOF THE KINGDOM, THEGOVENORS, AND THE PRINCES,THE COUNSELORS, AND THECAPTAINS, HAVE CONSULTEDTOGETHER TO ESTABLISH A ROYALSTATUTE, AND TO MAKE A FIRMDECREE, THAT WHOEVER SHALLASK A PETITION OF ANY ELAHOR MAN FOR THIRTY DAYS, SAVEOF YOU, O KING, HE SHALL BECAST INTO THE DEN OF LIONS.Dan 6,9Darum, lieber König, sollstdu solch Gebot (Verbot!) bestätigenund dich unterschreiben, auf daßes nicht geändert werde, nachdem Rechte (unwiderruflichenGesetz) der Meder und Perser,welches niemand aufheben darf.KJV + EL = 8 NOW, O KING,ESTABLISH THE DECREE, ANDSIGN THE WRITING, THAT IT BENOT CHANGED, ACCORDING TOTHE LAW OF THE MEDES ANDPERSIANS, WHICH ALTERS NOT.V. 16; Esth 1,19; 8,8Dan 6,10 Also unterschriebsich der König Darius.KJV + EL = 9 THEREFORE KINGDARIUS SIGNED THE WRITING ANDTHE DECREE.Dan 6,11 Als nun Daniel erfuhr, daßsolch Gebot unterschrieben wäre,ging er hinein in sein Haus (er hatteaber an seinem Söller offene Fenstergegen Jerusalem); und er fiel desTages dreimal auf seine Kniee,betete, lobte und dankte seinem Gott,wie er denn bisher zu tun pflegte.KJV + EL = 10 NOW WHEN DANIELKNEW THAT THE WRITING WASSIGNED, HE WENT INTO HISHOUSE; AND HIS WINDOWSBEING OPEN IN HIS CHAMBERTOWARD JERUSALEM, HEKNEELED UPON HIS KNEESTHREE TIMES A DAY, AND PRAYED,AND GAVE THANKS BEFORE HISELAH, AS HE DID BEFORE TIME.1. Kön 8,48; Jer 51,50; Ps 55,18Dan 6,12 Da kamen dieseMänner zuhauf und fanden Danielbeten und flehen vor seinem Gott.KJV + EL = 11 THEN THESEMEN ASSEMBLED, AND FOUNDDANIEL PRAYING AND MAKINGSUPPLICATION BEFORE HIS ELAH.Dan 6,13 Und traten hinzu undredeten mit dem König von demköniglichen Gebot: Herr König, hastdu nicht ein Gebot unterschrieben,daß, wer in dreißig Tagen etwas

Daniel 627bitten würde von irgend einem Gottoder Menschen außer dir, König,allein, solle zu den Löwen in denGraben geworfen werden? DerKönig antwortete und sprach: Esist wahr, und das Recht der Mederund Perser soll niemand aufheben.KJV + EL = 12 THEN THEY CAMENEAR, AND SPOKE BEFORE THEKING CONCERNING THE KING’SDECREE; HAVE YOU NOT SIGNEDA DECREE, THAT EVERY MANTHAT SHALL ASK A PETITION OFANY ELAH OR MAN WITHIN THIRTYDAYS, SAVE OF YOU, O KING, SHALLBE CAST INTO THE DEN OF LIONS?THE KING ANSWERED AND SAID,THE THING IS TRUE, ACCORDINGTO THE LAW OF THE MEDES ANDPERSIANS, WHICH ALTERS NOT.Kap 3,10Dan 6,14 Sie antworteten undsprachen vor dem König: Daniel,der Gefangenen aus Juda einer,der achtet weder dich noch deinGebot, das du verzeichnet hast;denn er betet des Tages dreimal.KJV + EL = 13 THEN ANSWEREDTHEY AND SAID BEFORE THEKING, THAT DANIEL, WHO IS OFTHE CHILDREN OF THE CAPTIVITYOF JUDAH, REGARDS NOT YOU, OKING, NOR THE DECREE THAT YOUHAVE SIGNED, BUT MAKES HISPETITION THREE TIMES A DAY.Dan 6,15 Da der König solcheshörte, ward er sehr betrübt und tatgroßen Fleiß, daß er Daniel erlöste,und mühte sich bis die Sonneunterging, daß er ihn errettete.KJV + EL = 14 THEN THE KING, WHENHE HEARD THESE WORDS, WASSORE (SEVERELY) DISPLEASEDWITH HIMSELF, AND SET HIS HEARTON DANIEL TO DELIVER HIM: ANDHE LABORED TILL THE GOINGDOWN OF THE SUN TO DELIVER HIM.Dan 6,16 Aber die Männer kamen zuhaufzu dem König und sprachen zu ihm: Duweißt, Herr König, daß der Meder undPerser Recht ist, daß alle Gebote undBefehle, so der König beschlossenhat, sollen unverändert bleiben.KJV + EL = 15 THEN THESE MENASSEMBLED TO THE KING, ANDSAID TO THE KING, KNOW, O KING,THAT THE LAW OF THE MEDES ANDPERSIANS IS, THAT NO DECREENOR STATUTE WHICH THE KINGESTABLISHES MAY BE CHANGED.Dan 6,17 Da befahl der König, daß manDaniel herbrächte; und sie warfenihn zu den Löwen in den Graben. DerKönig aber sprach zu Daniel: DEINGOTT, DEM DU OHNE UNTERLASSDIENST, DER HELFE DIR!KJV + EL = 16 THEN THE KINGCOMMANDED, AND THEYBROUGHT DANIEL, AND CASTHIM INTO THE DEN OF LIONS.NOW THE KING SPOKE AND SAIDTO DANIEL, YOUR ELAH WHOMYOU SERVE CONTINUALLY,HE WILL DELIVER YOU.V. 21Dan 6,18 Und sie brachten einenStein, den legten sie vor die Tür amGraben; den versiegelte der Königmit seinem eigenen Ring und mitdem Ring der Gewaltigen, auf daßnichts anderes mit Daniel geschähe.KJV + EL = 17 AND A STONE WASBROUGHT, AND LAID UPON THEMOUTH OF THE DEN; AND THEKING SEALED IT WITH HIS OWNSIGNET, AND WITH THE SIGNET OFHIS RULERS; THAT THE PURPOSEMIGHT BE CHANGED CONCERNINGDANIEL.Dan 6,19 Und der König ging wegin seine Burg und blieb ungegessenund ließ auch kein Essen vor sichbringen, konnte auch nicht schlafen.SCHLACHTER 2000 =Dann zog sichder König in seinen Palast zurück,und er verbrachte die Nacht fastendund ließ keine Frauen zu sichführen, und der Schlaf floh von ihm.KJV + EL = 18 THEN THE KING WENT

28Daniel 6TO HIS PALACE, AND PASSED THENIGHT FASTING: NEITHER WEREINSTRUMENTS OF MUSIC BROUGHTBEFORE HIM: AND HIS SLEEP WENTFROM HIM.Dan 6,20 Des Morgens früh, da der Taganbrach, stand der König auf und gingeilend zum Graben, da die Löwen waren.KJV + EL = 19 THEN THE KING AROSEVERY EARLY IN THE MORNING, ANDWENT IN HASTE TO THE DEN OFLIONS.Dan 6,21 Und als er zum Graben kamrief er Daniel mit kläglicher Stimme.Und der König sprach zu Daniel:Daniel, du Knecht des lebendigenGottes, hat dich auch dein Gott,dem du ohne Unterlaß dienst,können vor den Löwen erlösen?KJV + EL = 20 AND WHEN HECAME TO THE DEN, HE CRIEDWITH A LAMENTABLE VOICE TODANIEL: AND THE KING SPOKEAND SAID TO DANIEL, OH DANIEL,SERVANT OF THE LIVING ELAH,IS YOUR ELAH, WHOM YOUSERVE CONTINUALLY, ABLE TODELIVER YOU FROM THE LIONS?Kap 3,17Dan 6,22 Daniel aber redete mitdem König: Der König lebe ewiglich!KJV + EL = 21 THEN SAID DANIEL TOTHE KING, O KING, LIVE FOREVER.V. 7Dan 6,23 Mein Gott hat seinenEngel gesandt, der den Löwenden Rachen zugehalten hat, daßsie mir kein Leid getan haben;denn vor ihm bin ich unschuldigerfunden; so habe ich auch widerdich, Herr König, nichts getan.KJV + EL = 22 MY ELAH HAS SENT HISANGEL, AND HAS SHUT THE LIONS’MOUTHS, AND THEY HAVE NOTHURT ME: BECAUSE AS BEFOREHIM INNOCENCY WAS FOUND INME; AND ALSO BEFORE YOU, OKING, HAVE I DONE NO HURT.Kap 3,28; Hebr 11,33Dan 6,24 Da ward der König sehrfroh und hieß Daniel aus dem Grabenziehen. Und sie zogen Daniel ausdem Graben, und man spürtekeinen Schaden an ihm; denner hatte seinem Gott vertraut.KJV + EL = 23 THEN WAS THE KINGEXCEEDING GLAD FOR HIM, ANDCOMMANDED THAT THEY SHOULDTAKE DANIEL UP OUT OF THE DEN.SO DANIEL WAS TAKEN UP OUT OFTHE DEN, AND NO MANNER OF HURTWAS FOUND UPON HIM, BECAUSEHE BELIEVED IN HIS ELAH.Ps 37,40Dan 6,25 Da hieß er die Männer,so Daniel verklagt (verleumdet)hatten, herbringen und zu denLöwen in den Graben werfen samtihren Weibern und Kindern. Undehe sie auf den Boden hinabkamen,ergriffen sie die Löwen undzermalmten alle ihre Gebeine.KJV + EL = 24 AND THE KINGCOMMANDED, AND THEY BROUGHTTHOSE MEN WHICH HAD ACCUSEDDANIEL, AND THEY CAST THEMINTO THE DEN OF LIONS, THEM,THEIR CHILDREN, AND THEIRWIVES; AND THE LIONS HAD THEMASTERY OF THEM, AND BROKEALL THEIR BONES IN PIECES,BEFORE THEY EVER CAME AT THEBOTTOM OF THE DEN.Dan 6,26 ELBERFELDER 1871 (25) =Alsdann schrieb der König Dariusan alle Völker, Völkerschaften undSprachen, welche auf der ganzen Erdewohnten: FRIEDE EUCH IN FÜLLE!KJV + EL = 25 THEN KING DARIUSWROTE TO ALL THE PEOPLES,NATIONS, AND LANGUAGES, THATDWELL IN ALL THE EARTH: PEACEBE MULTIPLIED TO YOU.Dan 6,27 VOR 1866 (26) = DASIST MEIN BEFEHL, DASS MANIN DEN GANZEN HERRSCHAFTMEINES KÖNIGREICHES DENGOTT DANIELS FÜRCHTEN UND

Daniel 6. 729SCHEUEN SOLL. DENN ER ISTDER LEBENDIGE GOTT, DER EWIGBLEIBT UND SEIN KÖNIGREICHIST UNVERGÄNGLICH UND SEINEHERRSCHAFT HAT KEIN ENDE.KJV + EL = 26 I MAKE A DECREE,THAT IN EVERY DOMINION OF MYKINGDOM MEN TREMBLE AND FEARBEFORE THE ELAH OF DANIEL:FOR HE IS THE LIVING ELAH, ANDSTEADFAST FOREVER, AND HISKINGDOM THAT WHICH SHALL NOTBE DESTROYED, AND HIS DOMINIONSHALL BE EVEN TO THE END.Kap 3,33Dan 6,28 VOR 1866 (27) = ER ISTEIN ERLÖSER UND NOTHELFERUND ER TUT ZEICHEN UNDWUNDER, BEIDE IM HIMMEL UNDAUF ERDEN. DER HAT DANIEL VONDEN LÖWEN ERLÖST (ERRETTET).KJV + EL = 27 HE DELIVERS ANDRESCUES, AND HE WORKS SIGNSAND WONDERS IN HEAVEN ANDIN EARTH, WHO HAS DELIVEREDDANIEL FROM THE POWER OF THELIONS.Dan 6,29 Und Daniel wardgewaltig im Königreich des Dariusund auch im Königreich desKores (Koreschs), des Persers.KJV + EL = 28 SO THIS DANIELPROSPERED IN THE REIGN OFDARIUS, AND IN THE REIGNOF CYRUS THE PERSIAN.Kap 1,21Kapitel 7Daniels Traumgesichte von den vierTieren - die vier Weltreiche - und demMenschensohn(K. 2)Dan 7,1 Im ersten Jahr Belsazers(Belschazzars; 555 Jahre v.Chr.),des Königs zu Babel, hatte Danieleinen Traum und Gesichte aufseinem Bett; und er schrieb denTraum auf und verfaßte ihn also:KJV + EL = IN THE FIRST YEAROF BELSHAZZAR (555 B.C.)KING OF BABYLON DANIEL HADA DREAM AND VISIONS OF HISHEAD UPON HIS BED: THEN HEWROTE THE DREAM AND TOLDTHE SUM OF THE MATTERS.Kap 5,1; Jer 4,11-13Dan 7,2 Ich, Daniel, sah einGesicht in der Nacht, und siehe,die vier Winde unter dem Himmel /des Himmles (=Krieg) stürmtenwidereinander auf dem großen Meer.KJV + EL = DANIEL SPOKE ANDSAID. I SAW IN MY VISION BYNIGHT, AND, BEHOLD, THE FOURWINDS OF HEAVEN (= war) BROKEFORTH UPON THE GREAT SEA.Offb 17,15; Jer 49,35-37Dan 7,3 Und vier große Tiere stiegenheraus aus dem Meer (= Völker),ein jedes anders denn das andere.KJV + EL = AND FOUR GREATBEASTS CAME UP FROM THESEA (= multiples), DIVERSEONE FROM ANOTHER.Offb 13,1-2; Ps 65,8; Jes 17,12-13;57,20Erklärung von Ernst Simon: In diesemKapitel zeigt Gott [JAHWEH] demPropheten Daniel die Zukunft derWeltreiche. Zeitlich deckt sich dieseVorschau mit dem Standbild in Kap.2 von den Tagen des Prophetenbis zur Aufrichtung des ReichesGottes [JAHWEH’s]. Während aberGott in Kap. 2 dem Staatsmann unddem Herrscher Nebukadnezar dieGeschichte der Weltreiche im politischenGeschehen zeigt, wird dem Prophetendas innere Wesen der Weltreiche,ihr Raubtiercharakter, sinnbildlichdurch Tiere und Hörner offenbart.Die Weissagung in Kap. 7 und in denfolgenden Kapiteln ist besondersdem Volke Gottes gegeben, damit esseinen Anteil am göttlichen Plan für dieZeitalter verstehe. Die “vier Winde” sindSinnbilder diplomatischer, politischerund kriegerischer Bewegungen, diedas “Völkermeer” aufwühlten und zur

30Daniel 7Entstehung von Reichen führten, wieman ja auch von “Kriegsstürmen” undvom “Völkermeer” spricht. Die vier Tierestellen sinnbildlich die vier Weltreiche(7,17) Babel [Babylon], Medien-Persien[Medo-Persien], Griechenland und Romdar.Explanation of Ernst Simon: In thischapter God [YAHWEH] shows the futureof the world empires to the prophetDaniel. Chronological this preview withthe statue coincides in chap. 2 from thedays of the prophet up to the erection ofthe empire of God [YAHWEH]. But whileGod in chap. 2 shows to the statesmanand the ruler Nebuchadnezzar the historyof the world empires in the politicalevents, the internal being of the worldempires, her predator‘s character isrevealed to the prophet, allegoricallyby animals and horns. <strong>The</strong> prophecy inchap. 7 and in the following chapters isgiven especially to the people of God,so that it understands his part in thedivine plan for the age. “<strong>The</strong> Four winds”are symbols of diplomatic, political andwarlike movements which turned up the„national sea“ and led to the origin ofempires how you speaks also of „warturbulency“ and of the „national sea“.Four animals present allegorically fourworld empires (7,17) Babel [Babylon],Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.Dan 7,4 Das erste wie ein Löwe undhatte Flügel wie ein Adler. Ich sahzu, bis daß ihm die Flügel ausgerauftwurden; und es ward von der Erdeaufgehoben, und es stand auf zweiFüßen wie ein Mensch, und ihmward ein menschlich Herz gegeben.KJV + EL = THE FIRST WAS LIKEA LION, AND HAD EAGLE’SWINGS: I BEHELD TILL THEWINGS OF IT WERE PLUCKED,AND IT WAS LIFTED UP FROMTHE EARTH, AND MADE STANDUPON THE FEET AS A MAN; AND AMAN’S HEART WAS GIVEN TO IT.Kap 4,31Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Löwe alsKönig der Tiere und der Adler als Königder Vögel versinnbildlichen in passenderWeise das erste Weltreich Babel (604-538 v. Chr.) auf der Höhe seiner Macht.[Editor: Das Zeichen Babylons war derLöwe mit den beiden Flügeln auf demRücken.]Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> lion asthe king of the animals and the eagle asthe king of the birds symbolise in suitablemanner the first world empire Babel (in604-538 B.C.) at the height of his power.[Editor: <strong>The</strong> sign of Babylon was the lionwith both wings on the back.]Dan 7,5 Und siehe, das andere Tierhernach war gleich einem Bären undstand auf der einen Seite und hattein seinem Maul unter seinen Zähnendrei große, lange Zähne / Rippen(= Babylon, Lydien, Ägypten). Undman sprach zu ihm: Stehe aufund friss viel Fleisch (=erobern)!KJV + EL = AND BEHOLD ANOTHERBEAST, A SECOND, LIKE TO A BEAR;AND IT RAISED UP ITSELF ON ONESIDE, AND IT HAD THREE RIBSIN THE MOUTH OF IT BETWEENTHE TEETH OF IT: AND THEY SAIDTHUS TO IT, ARISE, DEVOUR MUCHFLESH.Jer 50,17Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Bär istSinnbild des zweiten Weltreiches, desaus zwei Nationen gebildeten medisch-[medo-] persischen Doppelreiches (538-331 v. Chr.) Die drei Rippen sind Babel[Babylon], Lydien und Ägypten.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> bear is asymbol of the second world empire, fromtwo nations educated Median-[Medo-]Persian double empire (in 538-331 B.C.).<strong>The</strong> three ribs are Babel [Babylon], Lydiaand Egypt.Dan 7,6 Nach diesem sah ich,und siehe, ein anderes Tier, gleicheinem Parder, das hatte vier Flügelwie ein Vogel auf seinem Rücken,und das Tier hatte vier Köpfe;und ihm ward Gewalt gegeben.KJV + EL = AFTER THIS IS BEHELD,AND LO ANOTHER, LIKE A LEOPARD,WHICH HAD UPON THE BACK OFIT FOUR WINGS OF A BIRD; THEBEAST HAD ALSO FOUR HEADS;AND DOMINION WAS GIVEN TO IT.

Daniel 731Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Mit derBehendigkeit [Geschwindigkeit] einesPanthers gründete Alexander der Großedas griechisch-mazedonische Weltreich(331-168 v. Chr.). Die vier Flügel deutenseine schnelle Ausbreitung an; die vierKöpfe die vier Reiche, in die es nachkurze Dauer nach Alexanders Tode zerfiel(Mazedonien-Griechenland, Thrakien,Syrien, Ägypten).Explanation of Ernst Simon: With theagility [speed] of a panther Alexanderthe Great founded the Greek-Macedonianworld empire (in 331-168 B.C.). <strong>The</strong> fourwings indicate his quick dissemination;the four heads four empires into whichit disintegrated after short period afterAlexander‘s deaths (Macedonia Greece,Thrace, Syria, Egypt).Dan 7,7 Nach diesem sah ich indiesem Gesicht in der Nacht, undsiehe, das vierte Tier war greulichund schrecklich und sehr stark undhatte große eiserne Zähne, fraßum sich und zermalmte, und dasübrige zertrat‘s mit seinen Füßen;es war auch viel anders denn dievorigen und hatte zehn Hörner.KJV + EL = AFTER THIS I SAW INTHE NIGHT-VISIONS, AND BEHOLDA FOURTH BEAST, DREADFULAND TERRIBLE, AND STRONGEXCEEDINGLY; AND IT HAD GREATIRON TEETH; IT DEVOURED ANDBROKE IN PIECES, AND STAMPEDTHE RESIDUE WITH THE FEET OFIT: AND IT WAS DIVERSE FROM ALLTHE BEASTS THAT WERE BEFOREIT; AND IT HAD TEN HORNS,Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das vierteTier ist das “eiserne” Rom (168 v. Chr. -476 n. Chr.). Die zehn Hörner bedeutendie Teilreiche, in die das römische Reichwährend der Völkerwanderung zerfiel(7,24).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> fourthanimal is the „iron“ Rome (in 168 B.C. - in476 A.D.). <strong>The</strong> ten horns mean the partialempires into which the Roman empiredisintegrated during the migration (7,24).Dan 7,8 Das Päpstliche Rom vernichtetdie Heruler (508/493), die Vandalen (534)und die Ostgoten (538)Dan 7,8 DA ICH ABER DIEHÖRNER SCHAUTE, SIEHE, DABRACH HERVOR ZWISCHEN IHNENEIN ANDERES KLEINES HORN,VOR WELCHEN DER VORIGENHÖRNER DREI AUSGERISSENWURDEN; UND SIEHE, DASSELBEHORN HATTE AUGEN WIEMENSCHENAUGEN UND EIN MAUL,DAS REDETE GROSSE DINGE.KJV + EL = I CONSIDERED THEHORNS, AND, BEHOLD, THERE CAMEUP AMONG THEM ANOTHER LITTLEHORN, BEFORE WHOM THEREWERE THREE OF THE FIRST HORNSPLUCKED UP BY THE ROOTS: AND,BEHOLD, IN THIS HORN WERE EYESLIKE THE EYES OF MAN, AND AMOUTH SPEAKING GREAT THINGS.Kap 11,36Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DasRömerreich wurde durch dieaufeinanderfolgendenEinfällegermanischer Stämme zerstört.“Zwischen ihnen” - zwischen den zehnHörnern, (Ostgoten, Westgoten, Franken,Vandalen, Sueven, Langobarden,Burgunder, Heruler, Alemannen undAngelsachsen, welche die europäischenStaaten bildeten) - “stieg ein kleines Hornempor”. Dieses kleine Horn soll nach 7,24verschieden von den anderen Hörnernsein und nach ihnen aufkommen, alsokeine weltliche, sondern eine geistlicheMacht sein, die nach der Entstehung derTeilstaaten “zwischen ihnen” auf demGebiete des früheren Römerreiches inErscheinung tritt. Die Weltgeschichtekennt nur eine Macht, die der Weissagungentspricht: Das Papsttum. Die “dreiHörner, die vor ihm ausgerissen wurden”,waren die Heruler, Vandalen undOstgoten, die als Arianer Hindernisse fürdie Vorherrschaft des päpstlichen Romswaren. Mit der Niederlage der Ostgotenvor Rom im Jahre 538 n. Chr. beganndie Vorherrschaft des Bischofs von Romüber die Kirche und auch in staatlichenAngelegenheiten, die nach der Prophetie1260 Jahre andauern sollte. Die “Augenwie Menschenaugen” sind ein Hinweisauf die Intelligenz und Voraussichtdes Papsttums. Erfüllung der Worte

32Daniel 7“ein Mund, vermessen redend”: “Derrömische Papst nimmt nicht die Stelleeines bloßen Menschen, sondern die deswahrhaftigen Gottes auf dieser Welt ein.”(Innozenz III.) “De transl. Epis,” tit. 7, c.3“Corp. jur. can.” Paris 1612. “DominumDeum nostrum Papam” (Unsern HerrnGott, den Papst) Siehe tit. 14, c.4.Antwerpener Ausgabe von 1584, Spalte153; Pariser Ausgabe von 1612, Spalte140.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>Roman‘s empire was destroyed bythe successive invasions of Germanictribes.“ Between them” - between the tenhorns, (Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Francs,Vandals, Suevi, Lombards (Langobards),Burgundians, Heruli, Alemanni andAnglo-Saxons who build the Europeanstates) - “a small horn climbed up”.This small horn should be differentaccording to 7.24 by the other horns andarise after themso be no worldly, but anecclesiastical power which appears afterthe origin of the partial states “betweenthem” in the area of the former Roman‘sempire. <strong>The</strong> world history knows onlyone power which corresponds to theprophecy: <strong>The</strong> papacy. <strong>The</strong> “Three hornswhich were eradicateted before him”were the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogothswho were obstacles for the ascendancyof the papal Rome as Arians. With thedefeat of the Ostrogoths before Rome inthe year 538 A.D. began the ascendancyof the bishop of Rome about the churchand also in matter of states which shouldcontinue after the prophety 1260 years.<strong>The</strong> “eyes like human eyes” are a tipto the intelligence and foresight of thepapacy. Fulfilment of the words “a mouth,measure talking”: “<strong>The</strong> Roman popetakes not the place of a bare person,but those of the true God in this world.”(Innozenz III) „De transl. Epis,“ tit. 7, c.3„Corp. jur. can.“ Paris 1612. „DominumDeum nostrum Papam“(Our Lordy, thepope) See tit. 14, c.4. issue of Antwerpof 1584, column 153; Paris issue of 1612,column 140.Das ewige ReichDan 7,9 Solches sah ich, bis daßThrone gesetzt wurden; und derAlte setzte sich. Des Kleid warschneeweiß, und das Haar aufseinem Haupt wie reine Wolle; seinThron war eitel Feuerflammen, unddessen Räder brannten mit Feuer.KJV + EL = I BEHELD TILL THETHRONES WERE CAST DOWN, ANDTHE ANCIENT OF DAYS DID SIT:WHOSE GARMENT WAS WHITE ASSNOW, AND THE HAIR OF HIS HEADLIKE THE PURE WOOL: HIS THRONEWAS LIKE THE FIERY FLAME, ANDHIS WHEELS AS BURNING FIRE.Ps 90,2Dan 7,10 Und von ihm herging ein langer feuriger Strahl.Tausend mal tausend dientenihm, und zehntausend malzehntausend standen vor ihm.Das Gericht ward gehalten, unddie Bücher wurden aufgetan.KJV + EL = A FIERY STREAMISSUED AND CAME FORTH FROMBEFORE HIM: THOUSANDS OFTHOUSANDS MINISTERED TOHIM, AND TEN THOUSAND TIMESTEN THOUSAND STOOD BEFOREHIM: THE JUDGMENT WAS SET,AND THE BOOKS WERE OPENED.Ps 68,18; Offb 5,11Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Danielsah das Gericht im Himmel, dasUntersuchungsgericht, das alsVersöhnungstag des Wesens seit 1844im himmlischen Heiligtum vor sich geht(8,14; Offb. 14,7). Der “Hochbetagte”,Gott [YAHWEH], der Vater, setztesich zum Gericht. Der abschließendeHeiligtumsdienst Jesu [Jahschua],unseres großen Hohenpriesters, erfolgtin diesem Gericht. Millionen Engel dienenund stehen dienstbereit im Gericht und“Bücher wurden aufgeschlagen”, nachdenen gerichtet wird.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Daniel sawthe court in heaven, the investigationcourt which proceeds as a Day ofAtonement of the being since 1844 inthe heavenly sanctum (8,14; Revel.14,7). <strong>The</strong> „age-old“, God [YAHWEH], thefather, sat down to the court. <strong>The</strong> closinglsanctum service of Jesus [Yahshua], ourgreat high priest, occurs in this court.Millions of angels serve and stand ready

Daniel 733to service in the court and “books wereopened” after which is judged.Dan 7,11 LUTHER 1545 + SIMON Bibel =Ich sah dann zu wegen der großenStimme der vermessenen Worte,welche das Horn redete; ich sah zu bisdas Tier getötet ward und sein Leibumkam und ins Feuer geworfen wardKJV + EL = I BEHELD THENBECAUSE OF THE VOICE OFTHE GREAT WORDS WHICH THEHORN SPOKE; I BEHELD EVENTILL THE BEAST WAS SLAIN,AND ITS BODY DESTROYED, ANDGIVEN TO THE BURNING FLAME.Offb 19,20Dan 7,12 und der anderen TiereGewalt auch aus war; denn es warihnen Zeit und Stunde bestimmt, wielange ein jegliches währen sollte.KJV + EL = AS CONCERNING THEREST OF THE BEASTS, THEY HADTHEIR DOMINION TAKEN AWAY; YETTHEIR LIVES WERE PROLONGEDFOR A SEASON AND TIME.Kap 2,21Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DasWort “dann” (7,11) scheint Hinweisauf eine bestimmte Zeit zu sein. DasUntersuchungsgericht wird in denvorhergehenden Versen erwähnt undwährend des Gerichtes im Himmelredete das kleine Horn vermesseneWorte: Als Krönung der vermessenenReden verkündigte am 18. Juli 1870der Papst unter Donner und Blitz seineUnfehlbarkeit.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> word„then“ (7,11) seems to be a tip to a certaintime. <strong>The</strong> investigation court is mentionedin the preceding verses and during thecourt in heaven the small horn talkedmeasured words: As a coronation of themeasured speeches the pope announcedon the 18th of July, 1870 his infallibilityunder thunder and flash.Dan 7,13 Ich sah in diesem Gesichtdes Nachts, und siehe, ES KAMEINER IN DES HIMMELS WOLKENWIE EINES MENSCHEN SOHNBIS ZU DEM ALTEN UND WARDVOR DENSELBIGEN GEBRACHT.KJV + EL = I SAW IN THE NIGHT-VISIONS, AND, BEHOLD, ONELIKE THE SON OF MAN CAMEWITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN,AND CAME TO THE ANCIENTOF DAYS, AND THEY BROUGHTHIM NEAR BEFORE HIM.Luk 21,27; Dan 8,14; Mal 3,1; Mt 25,1-13; 11,27; 28,18Dan 7,14 VOR 1866 = Der gab ihmGewalt, Ehre und Reich, daß ihmalle Völker, Leute und Zungen (ausso vielen verschiedenen Sprachen)dienen sollten. SEINE GEWALT ISTEWIG, DIE NICHT VERGEHT, UNDSEIN KÖNIGREICH HAT KEIN ENDE.KJV + EL = AND THERE WAS GIVENHIM DOMINION, AND GLORY, AND AKINGDOM, THAT ALL THE PEOPLES,NATIONS, AND LANGUAGESSHOULD SERVE HIM: HIS DOMINIONIS AN EVERLASTING DOMINION,WHICH SHALL NOT PASS AWAY,AND HIS KINGDOM THAT WHICHSHALL NOT BE DESTROYED.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DasKommen Christi [des Messias] zu “demHochbetagten” stellt sein Kommenzum Allerheiligsten zur Reinigung desHeiligtums dar (8,14; Offb. 11,19; 3,7).Der “Menschensohn” empfängt seinReich vor seiner Wiederkunft zur Erdeam Ende seines priesterlichen Dienstesim Heiligtum vom “Hochbetagten”. Die“Völker, Nationen und Sprachen, die ihmdienen werden,” sind die Erlösten, nichtdie gottlosen [gesetzlosen] Nationen, diebeim zweiten Kommen Jesu [Jahschua]zerschlagen werden (Offb. 19,15).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> Comingof Christ [of the Messiah] “to the ageold”shows his Coming to the sanctum tothe cleaning of the sanctum (8,14; Revel.11,19; 3,7). <strong>The</strong> „son of man“ receives hisempire before his second Coming to theearth at the end of his priestly servicein the sanctum of the „age-old“. <strong>The</strong>“people, nations and languages which willserve him” are the saved, not the lawless[law of YAHWEH] nations which becomesmashed with the second Coming ofJesus [Yahshua] (Revel. 19,15).

Daniel 735ALL THE KINGDOMS, AND SHALLDEVOUR THE WHOLE EARTH,AND SHALL TREAD IT DOWN, ANDBREAK IT IN PIECES.Dan 7,24 Die Zehn Hörner bedeutenzehn Könige, so aus dem Reichentstehen werden. Nach ihnen aberwird ein anderer aufkommen, derwird gar anders sein denn die vorigenund wird drei Könige demütigen.KJV + EL = AND THE TEN HORNSOUT OF THIS KINGDOM ARE TENKINGS THAT SHALL ARISE: ANDANOTHER SHALL RISE AFTERTHEM; AND HE SHALL BE DIVERSEFROM THE FIRST, AND HE SHALLPUT DOWN THREE KINGS.Offb 17,12Dan 7,25 LUTHER + MENGE = ERWIRD DEN HÖCHSTEN LÄSTERN(MIT VERMESSENEN REDEN) UNDDIE HEILIGEN DES HÖCHSTENMISSHANDELN UND DARAUFAUSGEHEN, FESTZEITEN (undZEITEN inklusiv des SABBATS,DEN SAMSTAG) UND DAS GESETZZU ÄNDERN. SIE WERDENABER IN SEINE HAND GEGEBENWERDEN EINE ZEIT (= ein JAHR =360) UND ZWEI ZEITEN (= zweiJAHRE = 720) UND EINE HALBEZEIT (= ein HALBES JAHR = 180).KJV + EL = AND HE SHALL SPEAKGREAT WORDS AGAINST THE MOSTHIGH, AND SHALL WEAR OUT THESAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH; ANDTHINK TO CHANGE TIMES ANDLAWS; AND THEY SHALL BE GIVENINTO HIS HAND UNTIL A TIME ANDTIMES AND THE DIVIDING OF TIME(HALF A TIME; = 1.260 YEARS).Dan 12,7; 4,13; 11,36; Hes 4,6;4. Mose 14,34; Offb 11,2-3; 12,6.14;Offb 13,5-6Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Danielwünschte Aufschluss über die Gesichtebesonders über das vierte Tier. Die zehnHörner und das kleine Horn, das imAnfang klein war, aber “sein Aussehenwar größer als das der anderen” (7,20)und das “nach ihnen” aufkam, als nachEntstehen der Teilreiche während derVölkerwanderung (Erklrg. zu 7,7.8).Diese religiös-politische Macht, dasPapsttum, sollte, obwohl sie zunächstklein war, größer als die anderen Reichewerden und Gewalt über sie alle erlangen.Nach 7,25 wird das kleine Horn “Wortegegen den Höchsten reden”. Dievermessenen Worte sind gegen Gottgerichtet (7,8). Paulus sagt [im] 2. <strong>The</strong>ss.2,3.4: “... der Mensch der Gesetzlosigkeit...,der Sohn des Verderbens (Unterganges).Der Widersacher, der sich über alleserhebt, was Gott genannt wird oderverehrungswürdig(Gegenstandder Verehrung) ist, so dass ersich in den Tempel Gottes setztund sich selbst als Gott darstellt.”Das Horn wird “die Heiligen desHöchsten aufreiben” und (7,21) “einenAusrottungskampf mit den Heiligenführen und sie besiegen”. Diese Worte derProphetie weisen auf eine unaufhörlicheund unbarmherzige Verfolgung hin,Millionen wurden um des Glaubenswillen hingemordet. Unzählig waren diebrennenden Scheiterhaufen; grausamdie Verfolgungen der Waldenser, die derHugenotten in Frankreich, die berüchtigte“Bartholomäusnacht” und die Herrschaftder blutigen Maria in England. Schrecklichwaren die Grausamkeiten Albas in denNiederlanden, furchtbar die Schreckender Inquisitionen in Spanien, dieVerbrennung von Hus und Hieronymusin Konstanz und die Verhältnisseim Kirchenstaat und in Italien.“... wird darauf sinnen, Zeiten und dasGesetz zu ändern”. Das Papsttum hatsich am Gesetz Gottes vergriffen undden Sonntag an Stelle des Ruhetages desGesetzes Gottes, des <strong>Sabbat</strong>s, eingesetztund diese Veränderung niemalsgeleugnet, sondern sie als Zeichen derangeblich von Gott verliehenen Machtangesehen. “Der <strong>Sabbat</strong>, der berühmtesteTag im Gesetz, ging in den Herrntagüber. Dieser und ähnliche; hat nicht aufdie Predigt Christi [des Messias] hinaufgehört..., sondern auf die Autorität derKirche hin sind sie verdrängt worden.”(Konzil zu Trient, 18. Jan. 1562) “... eineZeit und (zwei) Zeiten und die Hälfte einerZeit” würde das Papsttum die Geschichtebeherrschen “und die Heiligen desHöchsten” ... “in seine Hand gegeben

Daniel 737control the papacy the history “and begiven the saints of the highest”... “inhis hand.” (7,25; Revel. 13,5; 12,6; 42months or 1260 years). It has his specialmeaning that the times are specified insingle periods, because at the beginningor by the end of a single period either apower strengthening or power decreaseor a special low level of the papacy is tobe ascertained. Beginning of 3 1/2 timesafter the defeat of the Ostrogoths infront of Rome and with it the beginningof the papal predominance (by emperorJustinian, by authority of the state, inaddition raised). ++ in 538 A.D. ++A TIME +++ 360 years +++ Pseudo-Isidore Decretals (forgeries: Power of thepopes and the bishops about authorityof the state) arose during the rule ofthe pope Nikolaus I (858-867) in France.Funeral synod. Pope Stephan VI held adead person‘s court about in April, 896departed and him odious pope Formosusnine months after his death. <strong>The</strong> alreadyhalf decayed body of F. was dressed withthe pope‘s vestments in Saint Peter saton the throne and the dead person wasset down formally and condemned. <strong>The</strong>ychopped the oath fingers to him. Priestsdragged him from the church; and thenhe was thrown in the Tiber river. PopeJohann IX (898-900) allowed to condemnthe funeral synod. ++ in 898 A.D. ++TWO TIMES +++ 720 years, in 1618 A.D.+++ Power decrease of the papacy bythe Reformation. In 1618 beginning ofthe Thirty Years‘ War which was alsoa religious war and which brought animportant power strengthening to thepapacy with the help of the state power.“and HALF OF A TIME” +++ 180 years, in1798 A.D. +++ End of the 3 1/2 times (1260years) and with the expiry of this time theend of the papal dominion and pursuittime had also come. General Berthiermarched in on order of Napoleon with aFrench army in Rome and led in 20. Febr.1798 the pope as a prisoner to France.If imperial authority of the state 538 hadraised the papacy above his enemies andwith it had founded his predominance,this was snatched from him again byauthority of the state 1260 years later, in1798. All features of the prophecy you canfind in the Roman papacy, like documentsof the historians and own claims of thepapacy prove it.Dan 7,26 Darnach wird dasGericht gehalten werden; da wirddann seine Gewalt weggenommenwerden, daß er zu Grundvertilgt und umgebracht werde.KJV + EL = BUT THE JUDGMENTSHALL SIT, AND THEY SHALL TAKEAWAY HIS DOMINION, TO CONSUMEAND TO DESTROY IT TO THE END.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Nach Ablaufder Zeit des kleinen Horns setzt dasGericht ein (7,9-11) und dauert bis zurWiederkunft des Menschensohnes. Esspricht das Ausrottungsurteil über daskleine Horn. Diese Macht setzt ihrenKampf gegen die Heiligen des Höchstenbis zum Ende fort: aber dann wird ihrdie Herrschermacht genommen und sieendgültig vernichtet.Explanation of Ernst Simon: At the endof the time of the small horn the courtstarts (7,9-11) and lasts till to the secondcoming of the son of man. It speaks thejudgement of extermination about thesmall horn. This power continues herfight against the saints of the highest tillthe end: but then the imperious power istaken from it and it is destroyed finally.Dan 7,27 VOR 1866 = ABER DASREICH, GEWALT UND MACHT UNTERDEM GANZEN HIMMEL WIRD DEMHEILIGEN VOLK DES HÖCHSTENGEGEBEN WERDEN, DESSEN REICHEWIG IST UND ALLE GEWALT WIRDIHM DIENEN UND GEHORCHEN.KJV + EL = AND THE KINGDOM ANDDOMINION, AND THE GREATNESSOF THE KINGDOM UNDER THEWHOLE HEAVEN, SHALL BE GIVENTO THE PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OFTHE MOST HIGH: WHOSE KINGDOMIS AN EVERLASTING KINGDOM, ANDALL DOMINIONS SHALL SERVE ANDOBEY HIM.Dan 7,28 Das war der RedeEnde. Aber ich, Daniel, ward sehrbetrübt in meinen Gedanken, undmeine Gestalt verfiel; doch behieltich die Rede in meinem Herzen.KJV + EL = HERE IS THE END OF THEMATTER. AS FOR ME, DANIEL, MY

38Daniel 7. 8THOUGHTS MUCH TROUBLED ME,AND MY COUNTENANCE CHANGEDIN ME: BUT I KEPT THE MATTER INMY HEART.Kapitel 8Daniels Gesicht vom Widder undZiegenbock. Das medo-persische unddas griechische ReichDan 8,1 Im dritten Jahr des Königreichsdes Königs Belsazer (Belschazzars;553 v. Chr.) erschien mir,Daniel, ein Gesicht nach dem,so mir zuerst erschienen war.KJV + EL = IN THE THIRD YEAR OFTHE REIGN OF KING BELSHAZZARA VISION APPEARED TO ME, EVENTTO ME, DANIEL, AFTER THAT WHICHAPPEARED TO ME AT THE FIRST.Dan 8,2 Ich war aber in solchemGesicht zu Schloß Susa (Susan)im Lande Elam, am Wasser Ulai.KJV + EL = AND I SAW IN A VISION;AND IT CAME TO PASS, WHEN ISAW, THAT I WAS AT SHUSHANIN THE PALACE, WHICH IS IN THEPROVINCE OF ELAM; AND I SAW INA VISION, AND I WAS BY THE RIVEROF ULAI.Dan 8,3 Und ich hob meineAugen auf und sah, und siehe,ein Widder stand vor dem Wasser,der hatte zwei hohe Hörner, docheins höher denn das andere, unddas höchste wuchs am letzten.KJV + EL = THEN I LIFTED UP MYEYES, AND SAW, AND, BEHOLD,THERE STOOD BEFORE THE RIVERA RAM WHICH HAD TWO HORNS:AND THE TWO HORNS WERE HIGH;BUT ONE WAS HIGHER THAN THEOTHER, AND THE HIGHER CAME UPLAST.Dan 8,4 Ich sah, daß der Widdermit den Hörnern stieß gegenAbend, gegen Mitternacht undgegen Mittag; und kein Tier konntevor ihm bestehen noch von seinerHand errettet werden, sondern ertat, was er wollte, und ward groß.KJV + EL = I SAW THE RAM PUSHINGWESTWARD, AND NORTHWARD,AND SOUTHWARD; AND NO BEASTSMIGHT STAND BEFORE HIM,NEITHER WAS THERE ANY THATCOULD DELIVER OUT OF HIS HAND;BUT HE DID ACCORDING TO HISWILL, AND BECAME GREAT.Dan 8,5 Und indem ich darauf merkte,siehe, da kommt ein Ziegenbockvom Abend her über die ganze Erde,daß er die Erde nicht berührte; undder Bock hatte ein ansehnlichesHorn zwischen seinen Augen.KJV + EL = AND AS I WASCONSIDERING, BEHOLD, AN HE-GOAT CAME FROM THE WEST ONTHE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH,AND TOUCHED NOT THE GROUND:AND THE GOAT HAD A NOTABLEHORN BETWEEN HIS EYES.Dan 8,6 Und er kam bis zu dem Widderder zwei Hörner hatte, den ich stehensah vor dem Wasser, und er lief inseinem Zorn gewaltig auf ihn zu.KJV + EL = AND HE CAME TO THERAM THAT HAD TWO HORNS, WHICHI HAD SEEN STANDING BEFORE THERIVER, AND RAN UPON HIM IN THEFURY OF HIS POWER.Dan 8,7 Und ich sah ihm zu, daßer hart an den Widder kam, under ergrimmte über ihn und stießden Widder und zerbrach ihmseine zwei Hörner. Und der Widderhatte keine Kraft, daß er vor ihmhätte können bestehen; sonderner warf ihn zu Boden und zertratihn und niemand konnte denWidder von seiner Hand erretten.KJV + EL = AND I SAW HIM COMECLOSE TO THE RAM, AND HEWAS MOVED WITH RAGE (ANGER)AGAINST HIM, AND SMOTE(STRUCK) THE RAM, AND BRAKEHIS TWO HORNS; AND THERE WAS

Daniel 839NO POWER IN THE RAM TO STANDBEFORE HIM, BUT HE CAST HIMDOWN TO THE GROUND, ANDSTAMPED UPON HIM: AND THEREWAS NONE THAT COULD DELIVERTHE RAM OUT OF HIS HAND.Dan 8,8 Und der Ziegenbock wardsehr groß. Und da er am stärkstengeworden war, zerbrach das großeHorn, und wuchsen ihm an seinerStatt vier ansehnliche [Hörner]gegen die vier Winde des Himmels.KJV + EL = THEREFORE THE HE-GOAT GREW (MAGNIFIED) VERYGREAT: AND WHEN HE WASSTRONG, THE GREAT HORN WASBROKEN; AND FOR IT CAME UPFOUR NOTABLE HORNS TOWARDTHE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN.Kap 7,6; 11,4Dan 8,9 Und aus einem wuchs einkleines Horn; das ward sehr großgegen Mittag / Süden (Ägypten),gegen Morgen / Osten (Syrien) undgegen das werte / herrliche Land(Israel = Palestina).KJV + EL = AND OUT OF ONE OFTHEM CAME FORTH A LITTLEHORN, WHICH BECAME VERYGREAT, TOWARD THE SOUTH,AND TOWARD THE EAST,AND THE GLORIOUS LAND.Kap 7,8; 11,16Dan 8,10 Und es wuchs bisan des Himmels Heer und warfetliche davon und von denSternen zur Erde und zertrat sie.KJV + EL = AND IT GREW GREAT,EVEN TO THE HOST OF HEAVEN;AND IT CAST DOWN SOME OF THEHOST AND OF THE STARS TO THEGROUND, AND STAMPED UPONTHEM.Dan 8,11 LUTHER 1545 + HEBRÄISCHEBIBEL VOR 1840 = JA, ES WUCHSBIS AN DEN FÜRSTEN DES HEERES(= der Messias) UND NAHM VON IHMWEG DAS TÄGLICHE* (HEBRÄISCH:TAMID) / DAS BESTÄNDIGEUND VERWÜSTETE DIEWOHNUNG SEINES HEILIGTUMS.KJV + EL = YES, HE MAGNIFIEDHIMSELF EVEN TO THE PRINCEOF THE HOST (= the Messiah), ANDBY HIM THE DAILY WAS TAKENAWAY, AND THE PLACE OF HISSANCTUARY WAS CAST DOWN.Kap 11,31; 12,11* Anmerkung: In allen Bibeln wurde inBezug auf das “tägliche Opfer” das Wort“Opfer” durch menschliche Weisheithinzugefügt, welches nicht zum Versgehört. Siehe diesbezüglich die altenhebräischen Bibeln. Das hebräische Wort“tamid” (das TÄGLICHE) bedeutet eineunbestimmte, durch nichts beschränkte,endlose “FORTDAUER” oder “DAUER”.Remark: In all Bibles the word „Victim“was added concerning the “everydayvictim” by human wisdom which doesnot belong to the verse. See referring tothis the old Hebrew Bibles. <strong>The</strong> Hebrewword „tamid“ (the DAILY) means anindefinite, by nothing limited, endless„CONTINUATION“ or „DURATION“.Dan 8,12 ES WARD IHM SOLCHEMACHT GEGEBEN WIDER DASTÄGLICHE (HEBRÄISCH: TAMID),UMDER SÜNDEN WILLEN, DASS ES(MENGE = DAS HORN) DIE WAHRHEITZU BODEN SCHLÜGE UND, WASES TAT, IHM GELINGEN MUSSTE.KJV + EL = AND AN HOST WASGIVEN HIM AGAINST THE DAILY BYREASON OF TRANSGRESSION, ANDIT CAST DOWN THE TRUTH TO THEGROUND, AND IT PRACTISED, ANDPROSPERED.Dan 8,13 MENGE = DA HÖRTE ICHEINEN HEILIGEN REDEN; UNDEIN ANDERER HEILIGER FRAGTEDEN BETREFFENDEN, DER DAREDETE: “WIE LANGE GILT DASGESICHT, DASS DAS TÄGLICHE(HEBRÄISCH: TAMID) AUFGE-HOBEN UND DER VERWÜSTENDEFREVEL (ABFALL) AUFGESTELLTUND SOWOHL DAS HEILIGTUMALS AUCH DAS HEER ZUR ZER-

40Daniel 8TRETUNG DAHINGEGEBEN IST?”KJV + EL = THEN I HEARD ONE SAINTSPEAKING, AND ANOTHER SAINTSAID TO THAT CERTAIN SAINT WHOSPOKE, HOW LONG SHALL BE THEVISION CONCERNING THE DAILY,AND THE TRANSGRESSION OFDESOLATION, TO GIVE BOTH THESANCTUARY AND THE HOST TO BETRODDEN UNDER FOOT?Dan 8,14 Und er antwortete mir:BIS ZWEITAUSEND DREIHUNDERTABENDE UND MORGEN UM SIND,VOM ABEND GEGEN MORGENZU RECHNEN; DANN WIRD DASHEILIGTUM WIEDER GEWEIHT(gerechtfertigt, in den rechten Standgesetzt) WERDEN. (= 457 v. Chr. -22. Okt. 1844)KJV + EL + LUTHER 1545 =AND HE SAID TO ME, TO TWOTHOUSAND AND THREE HUNDREDEVENINGS AND MORNINGS, TOCALCULATE FROM EVENINGTOWARD MORNING; THEN SHALLTHE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED.Esra 6,14; 7,12-28Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Gesenius:“zurechtgestellt, in den rechten Standgestellt w. Dan. 8,14 v. entheiligtenHeiligtume”. Daniel hörte einen Heiligen,nämlich einen Engel, reden, und einanderer Heiliger stellte die Frage(8,13). Der Ausdruck “verwüstenderFrevel (Abfall)” bezieht sich sowohlauf das heidnische als auch auf daspäpstliche System einer falschenReligion im Kampfe mit der wahren Lehre(Heilsbotschaft) Gottes [JAHWEH’s].Bei der Antwort (8,14) sind dreiHauptpunkte zu beachten: ++ 1. DIEZEIT DER 2300 ABENDMORGEN. Dasich das Gesicht auf die Zeit des Endesbezieht (8,17.19), muss es sich umprophetische Zeitangabe handeln, alsoein Tag prophetischer Zeit ist ein Jahrmenschlicher Zeitrechnung (Hes. 4,6).Als Anfang der größten prophetischenZeitberechnung ist Dan. 9,25 der Befehlzum Wiederaufbau Jerusalems gegeben457 v. Chr. und das Ende der 2300Abendmorgen führt in das Jahr 1844n. Chr. ++ 2. DAS HEILIGTUM. Da dieWeissagungszeit in die Endzeit reicht,kann es sich nicht um den Tempel inJerusalem handeln, der im Jahre 70 n. Chr.zerstört wurde, sondern um das Heiligtumdes neuen Bundes, das Heiligtum imHimmel. ++ 3. SEINE RECHTFERTIGUNGoder REINIGUNG. Dies geschieht amgroßen Versöhnungstag des Wesensdurch den hohenpriesterlichenVersöhnungsdienst unseres ErlösersJesus Christus [Jahschua den Messias]seit 1844 im Allerheiligsten deshimmlischen Heiligtums.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Gesenius:“reconditioned, in the right state put w.Dan. 8,14 of desecrated sanctuary”. Danielheard a saint, namely an angel talking,and another saint asked the question(8,13). <strong>The</strong> phrase “desolated sacrilege(rubbish)” refers to the pagan one aswell as to the papal system of a wrongreligion in the fight with the true teaching(message of salvation) of God [YAHWEH].In the response (8,14) three main pointsare to consider: ++ 1. THE TIME OF THE2300 EVENING MORNING. Becausethe face refers to the time of the end(8,17.19), it must concern prophetic timespecification, so one day of prophetictime is a year of human calculation oftimes (Ezek. 4,6). As a beginning of thebiggest prophetic timing Dan. 9.25 theorder for the reconstruction of Jerusalemis given in 457 B.C. and the end of the2300 evening morning leads into theyear 1844 A.D. ++ 2. THE SANCTUM.Because the prophecy time reaches inthe end time, it can´t concern the templein Jerusalem which was destroyed inthe year 70 A.D. but the sanctum of thenew alliance, the sanctum in heaven. ++3. HIS JUSTIFICATION or CLEANING.This happens on the big reconciliationDay of Atonement by the highly priestlyreconciliation service of our saviourJesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah] since1844 in the <strong>Holy</strong> of Holies [the most holyplace] of the heavenly sanctum.Dan 8,15 Und da ich, Daniel,solch Gesicht sah und hättees gern verstanden, siehe, dastand‘s vor mir wie ein Mann.KJV + EL = AND IT CAME TO PASS,WHEN I, EVEN I DANIEL, HAD SEENTHE VISION, THAT SOUGHT TO

Daniel 841UNDERSTAND IT; AND, BEHOLD,THERE STOOD BEFORE ME AS THEAPPEARANCE OF A MAN.Dan 8,16 Und ich hörte mitten vom Ulaiher einen mit Menschenstimme rufenund sprechen: Gabriel, lege diesemdas Gesicht aus, daß er‘s verstehe!KJV + EL = AND I HEARD A MAN’SVOICE BETWEEN THE BANKSOF ULAI, WHICH CALLED, ANDSAID, GABRIEL, MAKE THIS MANTO UNDERSTAND THE VISION.Kap 9,21Dan 8,17 Und er trat nahe zu mir.Ich erschrak aber, da er kam,und fiel auf mein Angesicht. Eraber sprach zu mir: Merke auf, duMenschenkind! denn dies Gesichtgehört in die Zeit des Endes. (= 1844)KJV + EL = SO HE CAME NEARWHERE I STOOD: AND WHEN HECAME, I WAS AFRAID, AND FELLUPON MY FACE: BUT HE SAIDTO ME, UNDERSTAND, O SONOF MAN; FOR AT THE TIME OFTHE END SHALL BE THE VISION.Kap 10,9Dan 8,18 Und da er mit mirredete, sank ich in eine Ohnmachtzur Erde auf mein Angesicht.Er aber rührte mich an undrichtete mich auf, daß ich stand.KJV + EL = NOW AS HE WASSPEAKING WITH ME, I WAS IN ADEEP SLEEP ON MY FACE TOWARDTHE GROUND: BUT HE TOUCHEDME, AND SET ME UPRIGHT.Dan 8,19 Und er sprach: Siehe, ichwill dir zeigen, wie es gehen wirdzur Zeit des letzten Zorns; denndas Ende hat seine bestimmteZeit. (=der 2300 Abende ... = 1844)KJV + EL = AND HE SAID, BEHOLD,I WILL MAKE YOU KNOW WHATSHALL BE IN THE LAST END OF THEINDIGNATION: FOR AT THE TIMEAPPOINTED THE END SHALL BE.Dan 8,20 Der Widder mit den zweiHörnern, den du gesehen hast, s<strong>indd</strong>ie Könige in Medien und Persien.KJV + EL = THE RAM WHICH YOUSAW HAVING TWO HORNS ARE THEKINGS OF MEDIA AND PERSIA.Dan 8,21 Der (zottige) Ziegenbockaber ist der König in Griechenland.Das Horn zwischen seinenAugen ist der erste König.KJV + EL = AND THE ROUGH HEGOATIS THE KING OF GREECE: AND THEGREAT HORN THAT IS BETWEENHIS EYES IN THE FIRST KING.Dan 8,22 Daß aber vier an seinerStatt standen, da es zerbrochenwar, bedeutet, daß vier Königreicheaus dem Volk entstehen werden,aber nicht so mächtig, wie er war.KJV + EL = NOW THAT BEINGBROKEN, IN THE PLACE OF WHICHFOUR STOOD UP, FOUR KINGDOMSSHALL STAND UP OUT OF THENATION, BUT NOT IN HIS POWER.Dan 8,23 In der letzten Zeitihres Königreiches (Nach diesenKönigreichen), wenn die Übertreterüberhandnehmen, wird aufkommenein frecher und tückischer König.KJV + EL = AND IN THE LATTERTIME OF THEIR KINGDOM, WHENTHE TRANSGRESSORS ARECOME TO THE FULL, A KINGOF FIERCE COUNTENANCE,AND UNDERSTANDING DARKSENTENCES, SHALL STAND UP.Kap 11,21; 5. Mose 28,50; Hes 3,5-6Dan 8,24 Der wird mächtig sein,doch nicht durch seine Kraft;er wird greulich verwüsten, undes wird ihm gelingen, daß er esausrichte. Er wird die Starkensamt dem heiligen Volk verstören.KJV + EL = AND HIS POWER SHALLBE MIGHTY, BUT NOT BY HIS OWNPOWER: AND HE SHALL DESTROYWONDERFULLY, AND SHALLPROSPER, AND PRACTISE, ANDSHALL DESTROY THE MIGHTY ANDTHE HOLY PEOPLE.

42Daniel 8Dan 8,25 Und durch seine Klugheitwird ihm der Betrug geraten, under wird sich in seinem Herzenerheben, und mitten im Friedenwird er viele verderben und wirdsich auflehnen wider den Fürstenallen Fürsten (gegen den Herrscherder Herrscher); aber er wirdohne Hand zerbrochen werden.KJV + EL = AND THROUGH HISPOLICY ALSO HE SHALL CAUSECRAFT TO PROSPER IN HIS HAND;AND HE SHALL MAGNIFY HIMSELFIN HIS HEART, AND BY PEACE SHALLDESTROY MANY: HE SHALL ALSOSTAND UP AGAINST THE PRINCEOF PRINCES; BUT HE SHALL BEBROKEN WITHOUT HAND.Dan 8,26 Dies Gesicht vom Abendund Morgen, das dir gesagt ist, dasist wahr (zuverlässig!); aber du sollstdas Gesicht heimlich (geheim) halten(versiegeln); denn es ist noch einelange Zeit bis dahin ( = Endzeit).KJV + EL = AND THE VISION OF THEEVENINGS AND MORNINGS WHICHWAS TOLD IS TRUE: WHEREFORSHUT YOU UP THE VISION; FORIT SHALL BE FOR MANY DAYS.Kap 12,4; Offb 8,14Dan 8,27 Und ich, Daniel, wardschwach und lag etliche Tage krank.Darnach stand ich auf und richteteaus des Königs Geschäft. Undverwunderte mich des Gesichts; undwar niemand da, der mir‘s auslegte.KJV + EL = AND I DANIEL FAINTED,AND WAS SICK CERTAIN DAYS;AFTERWARD (THEN) I ROSE UP,AND DID THE KING’S BUSINESS;AND I ASTONISHED AT THE VISION,BUT NO ONE UNDERSTOOD IT.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Danielsah in diesem Gesicht, das ihm vomEngel Gabriel erklärt wurde (8,16) unterdem Bilde des zweihörnigen Widdersdie Könige von Medien und Persien(8,3.4.20), 538-331 v. Chr., und durchden zottigen Ziegenbock dargestelltGriechenland (8,5-7.21), 331-168 v. Chr.Sein “ansehnliches, großes Horn” ist dererste König Griechenlands: Alexanderder Große. Die vier Hörner sind dievier Teilreiche, in die das griechischeWeltreich nach Alexanders Tode zerfiel:Mazedonien, Thrakien, Syrien undÄgypten (8,8.22). Das fünfte “Horn auskleinem Anfang (ein kleines Horn)” istRom, das im Süden Ägypten in Besitznahm, im Osten Mazedonien (168 v.Chr.) eroberte “und gegen die Zierde(das Prachtland)”, Palästina, “sehr großwurde” (8,9.24). Das “Heer des Himmels”und die “Sterne” bezieht sich nach derErklärung des Engels auf “das Volk derHeiligen” Gottes; das Zertreten weistauf die Grausamkeit hin, mit welcherdas heidnische Rom zur Zeit des Neround des Diokletians und wiederum inden Tagen des päpstlichen Roms dieGemeinde Jesu [Jahschua] verfolgt hat(8,10). Rom würde sich auch gegen den“Führer des Himmelsheeres, gegenden Herrscher der Herrscher, erheben”,nämlich gegen Christus [den Messias](8,11.25; 9,25). Der römische LandpflegerPilatus war es, der das Todesurteil anJesus [Jahschua] vollstrecken ließ.Das “Beständige” nimmt Bezug aufden beständigen Priesterdienst Jesu[Jahschua] im himmlischen Tempel; dasWegnehmen durch das Messopfer undandere falschen Lehren des päpstlichenRoms; “es warf die Wahrheit zu Boden”(8,12.25). Jesus [Jahschua] hat inseiner Weissagung vom “Greuel derVerwüstung” gesprochen und dabeiauf die Weissagung Daniels verwiesen“und die Stätte seines Heiligtumswurde niedergeworfen”. (Matth. 24,15;Dan. 8,11-13).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Daniel sawin this face which was explained to himby the angel Gabriel (8,16) under thepicture of the two-horned Aries the kingsof Medes and Persia (8,3.4.20), in 538-331B.C., and by the shaggy billy goat shownGreece (8,5-7.21), in 331-168 B.C. His“considerable, big horn” is the first kingof Greece: Alexander the Great. <strong>The</strong> fourhorns are four partial empires into whichthe Greek world empire disintegratedafter Alexander‘s deaths: Macedonia,Thrace, Syria and Egypt (8,8.22). <strong>The</strong>fifth “horn from small beginning (asmall horn)” is Rome which took Egyptin possession, in the east Macedonia

Daniel 8. 943in the south (in 168 B.C.) conquered“and against the adornment (<strong>The</strong> GloryLand)”, Palestine, “became very largely”(8,9.24). <strong>The</strong> “army of the Heaven” andthe „stars“ refers after the explanationof the angel to the “people of the holy”of God; the scrunching points to thecruelty with which the pagan Rome haspursued the Church of Jesus [Yahshua](8,10) at the time of Nero and Diokletianand again during the days of the papalRome. Rome would also rise against the“leader of the sky army, against the rulerof the rulers,”, namely against Christ [theMessiah] (8,11.25; 9.25). It was the Romangovernor Pilate who allowed to executethe death sentence to Jesus [Jahschua].he „continual“ refers to the continualpriest‘s service of Jesus [Jahschua] inthe heavenly temple; taking away bythe missal sacrifice and other wrongdoctrines of the papal Rome;“ it threwthe truth to ground” (8,12.25). Jesus[Yahshua] has spoken in his prophecy ofthe “the abomination of desolation” and,in doings so he referred to the propheciesof Daniel “and the place of his sanctuarywas cast down. ”. (Matthew. 24,15;Dan. 8,11-13).Kapitel 9Daniels Bußgebet und das Geheimnisder siebzig Jahre.Dan 9,1 Im ersten Jahr desDarius (Darjawesch), des SohnesAhasveros (Achaschwerosch), ausder Meder Stamm, der über dasKönigreich der Chaldäer König ward,KJV + EL = IN THE FIRST YEAR OFDARIUS THE SON OF AHASUERUS,OF THE SEED OF THE MEDES,WHO WAS MADE KING OVER THEREALM OF THE CHALDEANS;Kap 6,1Dan 9,2 in diesem ersten Jahr seinesKönigreiches merkte ich, Daniel, inden Büchern auf die Zahl der Jahre,davon JAHWEH geredet hatte zumPropheten Jeremia, daß Jerusalemsollte siebzig Jahre wüst liegen.KJV + EL = IN THE FIRST YEAR OFHIS REIGN I DANIEL UNDERSTOODBY BOOKS THE NUMBER OF THEYEARS OF WHICH THE WORD OFYAHWEH CAME TO JEREMIAHTHE PROPHET, THAT HE WOULDACCOMPLISH SEVENTY YEARS INTHE DESOLATIONS OF JERUSALEM.Jer 25,11.12Dan 9,3 Und ich kehrte mich zu GottJAHWEH, zu beten und zu flehen mitFasten im Sack und in der Asche.KJV + EL = AND I SET MY FACE TOYAHWEH ELOHIM, TO SEEK BYPRAYER AND SUPPLICATION, WITHFASTING, AND SACKCLOTH ANDASHES:Dan 9,4 Ich betete aber zu JAHWEH,meinem Gott, bekannte und sprach:Ach lieber JAHWEH, du großer undschrecklicher Gott, der du Bundund Gnade hältst denen, die dichlieben und deine Gebote halten:KJV + EL = AND I PRAYED TOYAHWEH MY ELOHIM, AND MADEMY CONFESSION, AND SAID, OH,SOVEREIGN, THE GREAT ANDDREADFUL EL, KEEPING THECOVENANT AND MERCY TO THEMTHAT LOVE HIM, AND TO THEMTHAT KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS;Dan 9,5 wir haben gesündigt,unrecht getan, sind gottlosgewesen und abtrünniggeworden; wir sind von deinenGeboten und Rechten gewichen.KJV + EL = WE HAVE SINNED, ANDHAVE COMMITTED INIQUITY, ANDHAVE DONE WICKEDLY, AND HAVEREBELLED, EVEN BY DEPARTINGFROM THE PRECEPTS AND FROMYOUR JUDGMENTS:Dan 9,6 Wir gehorchten nichtdeinen Knechten, den Propheten,die in deinem Namen unsernKönigen, Fürsten, Vätern undallem Volk im Lande predigten.KJV + EL = NEITHER HAVE WELISTENED TO YOUR SERVANTSTHE PROPHETS, WHICH SPOKE INYOUR NAME TO OUR KINGS, OUR

44Daniel 9PRINCES, AND OUR FATHERS, ANDTO ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND.Dan 9,7 Du, O JAHWEH, bist gerecht,wir aber müssen uns schämen; wiees denn jetzt geht denen von Judaund denen von Jerusalem und demganzen Israel, denen, die nahe undfern sind in allen Landen, dahin dusie verstoßen hast um ihrer Missetatwillen, die sie an dir begangen haben.KJV + EL = O YAHWEH,RIGHTEOUSNESS BELONGS TOYOU, BUT TO US CONFUSION OFFACES, AS AT THIS DAY; TO THEMEN OF JUDAH, AND TO THEINHABITANTS OF JERUSALEM, ANDTO ALL ISRAEL, THAT ARE NEAR,AND THAT ARE FARE OFF, THROUGHALL THE COUNTRIES WHERE YOUHAVE DRIVEN THEM, BECAUSE OFTHEIR TRESPASS THAT THEY HAVETRESPASSED AGAINST YOU.Dan 9,8 Ja, O JAHWEH, wir, unsreKönige, unsre Fürsten und unsreVäter müssen uns schämen, daßwir uns an dir versündigt haben.KJV + EL = O YAHWEH, TO USBELONGS CONFUSION OF FACE,TO OUR KINGS, TO OUR PRINCES,AND TO OUR FATHERS, BECAUSEWE HAVE SINNED AGAINST YOU.Jes 43,27Dan 9,9 Dein aber, JAHWEH,unser Gott, ist die Barmherzigkeitund Vergebung. Denn wirsind abtrünnig gewordenKJV + EL = TO YAHWEH OURELOHIM BELONG MERCIES ANDFORGIVENESS, THROUGH WEHAVE REBELLED AGAINST HIM;Ps 130,4Dan 9,10 und gehorchten nicht derStimme JAHWEH’s, unseres Gottes,daß wir gewandelt hätten in seinemGesetz, welches er uns vorlegtedurch seine Knechte, die Propheten;KJV + EL = NEITHER HAVE WEOBEYED THE VOICE OF YAHWEHOUR ELOHIM, TO WALK IN HISLAWS, WHICH HE SET BEFORE USBY HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS.Dan 9,11 sondern das ganzeIsrael übertrat dein Gesetz, und siewichen ab, daß sie deiner Stimmenicht gehorchten. Darum trifftuns auch der Fluch und Schwur,der geschrieben steht im GesetzMoses, des Knechtes Gottes,weil wir an ihm gesündigt haben.KJV + EL = YES, ALL ISRAEL HAVETRANSGRESSED YOUR LAW,EVEN BY DEPARTING, THAT THEYMIGHT NOT OBEY YOUR VOICE:THEREFORE THE CURSE IS POUREDUPON US, AND THE OATH THAT ISWRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES THESERVANT OF ELOHIM, BECAUSEWE HAVE SINNED AGAINST HIM.5. Mose 28,15-68; 3. Mose 26,14-39Dan 9,12 Und er hat seine Wortegehalten, die er geredet hat wideruns und unsre Richter, die unsrichten sollten, daß er so großesUnglück über uns hat gehen lassen,daß desgleichen unter dem ganzenHimmel nicht geschehen ist, wieüber Jerusalem geschehen ist.KJV + EL = AND HE HAS CONFIRMEDHIS WORDS, WHICH HE SPOKEAGAINST US, AND AGAINST OURJUDGES THAT JUDGED US, BYBRINGING UPON US A GREAT EVIL;FOR UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVENHAS NOT BEEN DONE AS HAS BEENDONE UPON JERUSALEM.Dan 9,13 Gleichwie es geschriebensteht im Gesetz Mose‘s, so istall dies große Unglück über unsgegangen. So beteten wir auch nichtvor JAHWEH, unserem Gott, daßwir uns von den Sünden bekehrtenund auf deine Wahrheit achteten.KJV + EL = AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THELAW OF MOSES, ALL THIS EVIL ISCOME UPON US: JET MADE WENOT OUR PRAYER BEFOR YAHWEHOUR ELOHIM, THAT WE MIGHTTURN FROM OUR INIQUITIES, AND

Daniel 945UNDERSTAND YOUR TRUTH.Neh 1,7-9; 3. Mose 26Dan 9,14 Darum ist JAHWEHauch wach gewesen mit diesemUnglück und hat‘s über unsgehen lassen. Denn JAHWEH,unser Gott, ist gerecht in allenseinen Werken, die er tut; denn wirgehorchten seiner Stimme nicht.KJV + EL = THEREFORE HASYAHWEH WATCHED UPON THEEVIL, AND BROUGHT IT UPONUS; FOR YAHWEH OUR ELOHIMIS RIGHTEOUS IN ALL HISWORKS WHICH HE DOES: FORWE OBEYED NOT HIS VOICE.Jer 1,12Dan 9,15 Und nun, O JAHWEH,unser Gott, der du dein Volkaus Ägyptenland geführt hastmit starker Hand und hast direinen Namen gemacht, wie erjetzt ist: wir haben ja gesündigtund sind leider gottlos gewesen.KJV + EL = AND NOW, O YAHWEHOUR ELOHIM, WHO HAS BROUGHTYOUR PEOPLE FORTH OUT OFTHE LAND OF EGYPT WITH AMIGHTY HAND, AND HAS GOTTENYOURSELF RENOWN, AS AT THISDAY; WE HAVE SINNED, WE HAVEDONE WICKEDLY.Dan 9,16 O JAHWEH, um allerdeiner Gerechtigkeit willen wendeab deinen Zorn und Grimm vondeiner Stadt Jerusalem unddeinem heiligen Berge. Denn umunsrer Sünden willen und umunsrer Väter Missetat willen trägtJerusalem und dein Volk Schmachbei allen, die um uns her sind.KJV + EL = O YAHWEH, ACCORDINGTO ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS,I BESEECH YOU, LET YOURANGER AND YOUR FURY (WRATH)BE TURNED AWAY FROM YOURCITY JERUSALEM, YOUR HOLYMOUNTAIN: BECAUSE FOR OURSINS, AND FOR THE INIQUITIESOF OUR FATHERS, JERUSALEMAND YOUR PEOPLE ARE BECOMEA REPROACH TO ALL THAT AREABOUT US.Dan 9,17 Und nun, unser Gott,höre das Gebet deines Knechtesund sein Flehen, und siehegnädig an dein Heiligtum, dasverstört ist, um JAHWEH’s willen.KJV + EL = NOW THEREFORE, OOUR ELOHIM, HEAR THE PRAYEROF YOUR SERVANT, AND HISSUPPLICATIONS, AND CAUSEYOUR FAITH TO SHINE UPON YOURSANCTUARY THAT IS DESOLATE,FOR YAHWEH’S SAKE.Dan 9,18 VOR 1866 = Neige deineOhren, mein Gott, und höre, tuedeine Augen auf und siehe, wie wirzerstört sind, und die Stadt, die nachdeinem Namen genannt ist. DennWIR LIEGEN VOR DIR MIT UNSEREMGEBET, NICHT AUF UNSEREGERECHTIGKEIT, SONDERN AUFDEINE GROSSE BARMHERZIGKEIT.KJV + EL = O MY ELOHIM, INCLINEYOUR EAR, AND HEAR; OPENYOUR EYES, AND BEHOLD OURDESOLATIONS, AND THE CITYWHICH IS CALLED BY YOUR NAME:FOR WE DO NOT PRESENT OURSUPPLICATIONS BEFORE YOUFOR OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES,BUT FOR YOUR GREAT MERCIES.Ps 115,1Dan 9,19 O JAHWEH, höre, OJAHWEH, sei gnädig, O JAHWEH,merke auf und tue es, und verziehnicht um deiner selbst willen, meinGott! denn deine Stadt und dein Volkist nach deinem Namen genannt.KJV + EL = O YAHWEH, HEAR; OYAHWEH, FORGIVE; O YAHWEH,LISTEN AND DO; DEFER NOT, FORYOUR OWN SAKE, O MY ELOHIM:FOR YOUR CITY AND YOUR PEOPLEARE CALLED BY YOUR NAME.Jer 14,9

46Daniel 9Die siebzig WochenDan 9,20 Als ich noch so redeteund betete und meine und meinesVolks Israel Sünde bekannteund lag mit meinem Gebet vorJAHWEH, meinem Gott, um denheiligen Berg meines Gottes,KJV + EL = AND WHILE I WASSPEAKING, AND PRAYING, ANDCONFESSING MY SIN AND THESIN OF MY PEOPLE ISRAEL, ANDPRESENTING MY SUPPLICATIONBEFORE YAHWEH MY ELOHIMFOR THE HOLY MOUNTAIN OF MYELOHIM;Dan 9,21 eben da ich so redete inmeinem Gebet, flog daher der MannGabriel, den ich zuvor gesehenhatte im Gesicht, und rührte michan um die Zeit des Abendopfers.KJV + EL = YES, WHILE I WASSPEAKING IN PRAYER, THE MANGABRIEL, WHOM I HAD SEEN INTHE VISION AT THE BEGINNING,BEING CAUSED TO FLY SWIFTLY,TOUCHED ME ABOUT THE TIMEOF THE EVENING OBLATION.Kap 8,16Dan 9,22 Und er berichtete mir undredete mit mir und sprach: Daniel, jetztbin ich ausgegangen, dir zu berichten.KJV + EL = AND HE INFORMED ME,AND TALKED WITH ME, AND SAID,O DANIEL, I AM NOW COME FORTHTO GIVE YOU SKILL (WISDOM) ANDUNDERSTANDING.Dan 9,23 Denn da du anfingstzu beten, ging dieser Befehl aus,und ich komme darum, daß ichdir‘s anzeige; denn du bist liebund wert. So merke nun darauf,daß du das Gesicht verstehst.KJV + EL = AT THE BEGINNINGOF YOUR SUPPLICATIONS THECOMMANDMENT CAME FORTH,AND I AM COME TO SHOW YOU;FOR YOU ARE GREATLY BELOVED:THEREFORE UNDERSTAND THEMATTER, AND CONSIDER THEVISION.Dan 9,24 Siebzig Wochen (= MENGE =Wochenjahre = 490 Jahre) sindbestimmt über dein Volk und über dieheilige Stadt, so wird dem Übertretengewehrt und die Sünde abgetanund die Missetat versöhnt und dieewige Gerechtigkeit gebracht unddie Gesichte und Weissagungversiegelt und ein Hochheiligesgesalbt werden. (= Jahschuas Taufe)KJV + EL = SEVENTY WEEKS (=MENGE = weeks years = 490 years)ARE DETERMINED UPON YOURPEOPLE AND UPON YOUR HOLYCITY, TO FINISH TRANSGRESSION,AND TO MAKE AN END OF SINS,AND TO MAKE RECONCILIATIONFOR INIQUITY, AND TO BRING INEVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS,AND TO SEAL UP THE VISION ANDPROPHECY, AND TO ANOINT THEMOST HOLY. (=Yahshua baptized)Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Daniel warbestürzt über das Gesicht von den 2300Abendmorgen, da der Engel ihm gesagthatte, dass das Gesicht vielen Tagenbis hin zur Endzeit gelten würde. DerProphet wusste, dass die VerheißungenGottes an Bedingungen gebunden sindund befürchtete, dass die Rückkehrder Israeliten durch ihren Ungehorsamverzögert werden könnte. Er studierte dieWeissagung Jeremias über die siebzigJahre der Wegführung und erfuhr nachseinem Gebet bereits eine wunderbareErhörung durch das Erscheinen desEngels Gabriel. Dieser beginnt mit derErklärung der siebzig Jahrwochen, dieüber das Volk Israel und die heiligeStadt Jerusalem “abgeschnitten” sind,nämlich von einem größeren Zeitraum,den 2300 Jahrtagen. Der Engel beginntmit seiner Erklärung da, wo er vorheraufgehört hatte, bei den Abendmorgen(8,26). Die Ereignisse, die innerhalb dersiebzig Jahrwochen geschehen sollten,werden kurz aufgeführt: “den Frevel(Abfall) zum Abschluss zu bringen”: DieHebräer begingen ihre größte Sünde inder Verwerfung und Kreuzigung Jesu[Jahschua]; “die Sünden zu vollenden”:Dieses geschah durch die Kreuzigung

Daniel 947Jesu [Jahschua] auf Golgatha; “um dieÜbertretung zu sühnen”: Erfüllung imstellvertretenden Opfertod des SohnesGottes [JAHWEH’s]; “ewige Gerechtigkeit(Heil) zu bringen”: Die Gerechtigkeit, dieJesus [Jahschua] in seinem sündlosenLeben offenbarte und die er jedem gibt,der ihn als persönlichen Erlöser imGlauben annimmt. “Das Gesicht und+die Weissagung des+ Propheten zubestätigen”: Die genaue Erfüllung allerProphezeiungen über die MenschwerdungJesu [Jahschua], seinen Tod und seineAuferstehung bestätigen das Gesicht unddie Weissagung als göttlich und sichernauch die Erfüllung der 2300 Abend undMorgen, da ja die siebzig Jahrwochendavon “abgeschnitten” sind; “und einHochheiliges zu salben” (9,24): Das Endeder siebzig Jahrwochen, als erster Teilder 2300 Jahrtage, ist die Zeit der Salbungdes Heiligtums der Heiligtümer, nämlichdes himmlischen Heiligtums (Hebr. 9,11)oder des Anfanges des priesterlichenVermittlungsdienstesunseresHohenpriesters Jesu [Jahschua], unddas Ende der 2300 Jahrtage ist das Endedieses Dienstes durch die Reinigung desHeiligtums im Himmel (Dan. 8,14).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Danielwas aghast about the face of the 2300evening morning, because the angelhad told him that the face was validmany days to the point of the end time.<strong>The</strong> prophet knew that the promises ofGod are bound to conditions and wasafraid that the return of the Israelitescould be delayed by her disobedience.He studied the prophecy of Jeremiahfor the seventy years of the guidanceto Babylon and came to know after hisprayer already a wonderful hearing bythe appearance of the angel Gabriel.This one begins with the explanation ofseventy annual weeks which are „cut off“over the people of Israel and the holycity of Jerusalem, namely by a biggerperiod, the 2300 annual days. <strong>The</strong> angelbegins with his explanation where hehad stopped before, with the eveningmorning (8,26). <strong>The</strong> events which shouldhappen within the seventy annual weeksare briefly quoted: “to bring the sacrilege(rubbish) to the end”: <strong>The</strong> Hebrewscommitted their biggest sin in the dropand crucifixion of Jesus [Yahshua];“to finish the sins”: This happenedby the crucifixion of Jesus [Yahshua]on Calvary; “to expiate the violation”:Fulfilment in the acting sacrificial deathof the son of God [YAHWEH]; “to bringeverlasting justice (Salvation)”: <strong>The</strong>justice which Jesus [Yahshua] revealedin his sinless life and which he gives toeverybody who accepts him as a personalSaviour in the faith. “To confirm the faceand +the prophecy of the+ prophet”: <strong>The</strong>exact fulfilment of all prophecies aboutthe incarnation of Jesus [Yahshua], ofhis death and his resurrection confirmthe face and the prophecy as divineand save also the fulfilment of the 2300evening and morning, because theseventy annual weeks are „cut off“ ofit; “and to anoint a sacrosanct” (9,24):<strong>The</strong> end of the seventy annual weeks, asthe first part of 2300 annual days, is thetime of the anointment of the sanctumof the sanctums, namely of the heavenlysanctum (Hebr. 9,11) or the beginning ofthe priestly mediation service of our HighPriest Jesus [Yahshua], and the end ofthe 2300 annual days is the end of thisservice by the cleaning of the sanctum inheaven (Dan. 8,14).Dan 9,25 So wisse nun und merke:von der Zeit an, da ausgeht der Befehl,daß Jerusalem soll wieder gebautwerden, bis auf den Gesalbten /den Messias, den Fürsten, sindsieben Wochen; und zweiundsechzigWochen, so werden die Gassenund Mauern wieder gebautwerden, wiewohl in kümmerlicherZeit / in Drangsal der Zeiten.KJV + EL = KNOW THEREFOREAND UNDERSTAND, THAT FROMTHE GOING FORTH OF THECOMMANDMENT TO RESTORE ANDTO BUILD JERUSALEM TO THEMESSIAH THE PRINCE SHALL BESEVEN WEEKS, AND SIXTY ANDTWO WEEKS: THE STREET SHALLBE BUILT AGAIN, AND THE WALL,EVEN IN TROUBLOUS TIMES.Esra 6,14; 7,1-28Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Befehlzum Wiederaufbau Jerusalems (derdritte und entscheidende) wurde vonArtaxerxes (Esra 7,1-26; 6,14) im Jahre++ 457 v. Chr. ++ gegeben. Sieben

48Daniel 9Jahrwochen Weissagungszeit sind ++ 49Jahre ++ und führen in das Jahr ++ 408v. Chr. ++ In dieser Zeit wurde Jerusalem“mit Platz und Graben in Bedrängnis derZeiten” unter großen Hindernissen wiederaufgebaut. Bis zum Gesalbten, Christus,als dem verheißenen Messias solltenweitere 62 Wochen (9,25) ++ 434 Jahre++ vergehen und diese enden im Jahre++ 27. n. Chr. ++ In jenem Jahre wurdeJesus [Jahschua] nach seiner Taufe mitdem heiligen Geist für sein (Messias)Amtgesalbt (Luk. 3,21.22.1). Jesus [Jahschua]selbst erklärte [in] Luk. 4,18: “Der Geistdes Herrn [= JAHWEH’s!] ist auf mir, weiler mich gesalbt hat”. Nach seiner Taufekam Jesus [Jahschua] nach Galiläaund verkündigte die Frohbotschaft vomReiche Gottes [JAHWEH’s] und sprach:“Erfüllt ist die Zeit” (Mark. 1,14.15). Nachder Weissagung sollte der Gesalbte einengewaltsamen Tod sterben, “ausgerottet”werden (9,26), und zwar mitten in derWoche. In der letzten, siebzigsten Woche,würde der Gesalbte mit vielen einenfesten Bund schließen. ++ 3 1/2 Jahre++ Da die siebzigste Woche ++ 31 n. Chr.++ noch über Israel “abgeschnitten”war, muss es sich um den Neuen Bundhandeln, von dem bereits Jeremiageweissagt hat, dass Christus [derMessias] mit Israel und Juda einen NeuenBund schließen würde. Christus [DerMessias] hat mit den Hebräern den NeuenBund geschlossen. Die Apostel und dieersten Christen waren alle Israelitennicht nur dem Geiste, sondern auch demFleische nach. Die restliche 1/2 Wochesind ++ 3 1/2 Jahre ++ und führen zumEnde der über Israel “abgeschnittenen”70 Jahrwochen ++ 34 n. Chr. ++ “... wird erSchlachtopfer und Speiseopfer aufhörenlassen”. Als Christus [der Messias]am Kreuz starb, wurde der Vorhang imTempel von oben bis unten in zwei Stückezerrissen (Mt. 27,51). Gott bekundetedadurch, dass die Schattenopferihre Bedeutung verloren hatten, weilJesus [Jahschua] als das wahreOpferlamm gestorben war (Dan. 9,27).Nach Ablauf der siebzig Jahrwochen,nachdem die Hebräer in ihrer großenMehrheit Jesu [Jahschua] als Messiasverworfen hatten, wurde Israel von Gottals auserwähltes Volk verworfen (Mt.21,43). Die an Christus [den Messias]gläubigen Israeliten waren als GemeindeJesu [Jahschua] das Israel des NeuenBundes geworden und die Apostelverkündigten die Heilsbotschaft(en) denNationen. “Die Stadt und das Heiligtum”wurden durch das römische Heer desTitus (der “heranziehende Fürst”) im Jahre70 n. Chr. zerstört. Mit den römischenLegionen und ihren Feldzeichen standder “Greuel der Verwüstung” an derheiligen Stätte, wie Jesus [Jahschua]auch bereits geweissagt hatte (Mt. 24,15).Da die siebzig Jahrwochen der ersteTeil, “abgeschnitten” von den 2300Jahrestagen sind, so ist ihr Beginn auchder Anfang der 2300 Abendmorgen. Dieverbleibenden ++1810 Jahre ++ bringen indas ++ Jahr 1844 n. Chr. ++ Beginn derReinigung des himmlischen Heiligtums(siehe Erklrg. Dan. 8,13.14).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> order forthe reconstruction of Jerusalem (the thirdand determining) came from Artaxerxes(Ezra 7,1-26; 6,14) in the year ++ in 457 B.C. Seven annual weeks prophecy time are++ 49 years ++ and lead into the year ++408 B. C. ++ In this time “with place andditch Jerusalem was rebuilt in distress ofthe times” under big obstacles. Up to theanointed, Christ, as the promised Messiahfurther 62 weeks (9,25) ++ 434 years ++should pass and these end in the year++ 27. A.D. ++ that year Jesus [Yahshua]was anointed after his baptism with theholy Spirit for his (Messiah)function(Luke 3,21.22.1). Jesus [Yahshua] himselfexplained [in] Luke 4,18: “<strong>The</strong> Spiritof the Lord [= YAHWEH!] is upon me,because he hath anointed me”. After hisbaptism Jesus [Yahshua] came to Galileeand announced the good tidings of theempire of God [YAHWEH] and spoke:“<strong>The</strong> time is fulfilled” (Mark 1,14.15).After the prophecy the anointed a forcibledeath should die, become „exterminated“(9,26), namely in the middle of the week.In the last, seventieth week, the anointedwith a lot of one firm alliance would close.++ 3 1/2 years ++ Because the seventiethweek ++ in 31 A. D. ++ still over Israelwas „cut off“, it must concern the newalliance from which already Jeremiahhas prophesied that Christ [the Messiah]with Israel and Judah would close a newalliance. Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] has closedthe new alliance with the Hebrews. <strong>The</strong>apostles and the first Christians wereall Israelites not only in mind, but also

Daniel 949after the meat. <strong>The</strong> remaining 1/2 weeksare ++ 3 1/2 years ++ and lead to the endof the „cut-off“ 70 annual weeks aboutIsrael++ in 34 A. D.++ “... he shall causethe sacrifice and the oblation to cease”.When Christ [the Messiah] died on thecross, the curtain was torn in the templefrom the top to bottom in two pieces(Matth. 27,51). God evinced thereby thatthe shadow victims had lost her meaningbecause Jesus [Yahshua] had died asthe true sacrificial lamb (Dan. 9,27).At the end of the seventy annual weeks,after the Hebrews had rejected in theirvast majority Jesus [Yahshua] as theMessiah, Israel was rejected by God aselected people (Matth. 21,43). To Christ[the Messiah] religious Israelites hadbecome as a church of Jesus [Jahschua]the Israel of the new alliance and theapostles announced the message(s) ofsalvation to the nations. “<strong>The</strong> town andthe sanctum” were destroyed by theRoman army of Titus (the “approachingprince”) in the year 70 A. D. With theRoman legions and her field signsthe abomination of desolation” stoodin sanctuary as Jesus [Yahshua] hadalready prophesied (Matth. 24,15).Because the seventy annual weeksare the first part, „cut off“ by the 2300anniversaries, their beginning is also thebeginning of the 2300 evening morning.<strong>The</strong> remaining ++1810 years ++ bring inthe year ++ 1844 A. D. ++ Beginning of thecleaning of the heavenly sanctum (seeexplanation Dan. 8,13.14).Dan 9,26 Und nach denzweiundsechzig Wochen wird derGesalbte ausgerottet werden undnichts mehr sein (nichts [keineSchuld] ist an ihm). Und das Volkeines Fürsten wird kommen und dieStadt und das Heiligtum verstören,daß es ein Ende nehmen wird wiedurch eine Flut; und bis zum Endedes Streits wird‘s wüst bleiben.KJV + EL = AND AFTER THE SIXTYAND TWO WEEKS SHALL MESSIAHBE CUT OFF, BUT NOT FORHIMSELF: AND THE PEOPLE OFTHE PRINCE THAT SHALL COMESHALL DESTROY THE CITY ANDTHE SANCTUARY; AND THE ENDOF IT SHALL BE WITH A FLOOD,AND TO THE END OF THE WARDESOLATIONS ARE DETERMINED.Luk 21,24Dan 9,27 Er wird aber vielen denBund stärken eine Woche lang.Und mitten in der Woche wird dasOpfer und Speisopfer aufhören.Und bei den Flügeln werden stehenGreuel der Verwüstung, bis dasVerderben, welches beschlossenist, sich über die Verwüstung(den Verwüster) ergießen wird.KJV + EL = AND HE SHALLCONFIRM THE COVENANT WITHMANY FOR ONE WEEK: AND INTHE MIDST OF THE WEEK HESHALL CAUSE THE SACRIFICEAND THE OBLATION TO CEASE,AND FOR THE OVERSPREADINGOF ABONIMATIONS HE SHALLMAKE IT DESOLATE, EVEN UNTILTHE CONSUMMATION, ANDTHAT DETERMINED SHALL BEPOURED UPON THE DESOLATE.Kap 12,11; Matth 24,15„Er wird aber vielen den Bund stärkeneine Woche lang.“ Die hier erwähnteWoche ist die letzte der siebzig; es s<strong>indd</strong>ie letzten sieben Jahre der den Judenbesonders zugemessenen Zeitspanne.Während dieser Zeit, welche sich von 27bis 34 n. Chr. erstreckte, ließ Jesus erstpersönlich, dann durch seine Jüngerdie Einladung des Evangeliums ganzbesonders an die Juden ergehen...„Mitten in der Woche wird das Opfer undSpeisopfer aufhören.“ Im Jahre 31 n.Chr., 3 1/2 Jahre nach seiner Taufe, wurdeder Herr gekreuzigt. Mit diesem großenauf Golgatha dargebrachten Opfer hörtejenes Opfersystem auf, welches vierJahrtausende lang vorwärts auf dasLamm Gottes hingewiesen hatte. DerSchatten war im Wesen aufgegangen,und alle Opfer und Gaben desZeremonialgesetzes sollten hier enden.Die besonders für die Juden bestimmtensiebzig Wochen oder 490 Jahre liefen, wiewir gesehen haben, im Jahre 34 n. Chr.ab. Zu jener Zeit besiegelte das jüdischeVolk durch den Beschluß des HohenRates die Verwerfung des Evangeliums,indem sie Stephanus steinigte und

50Daniel 10die Nachfolger Christi verfolgte. Dannwurde die Heilsbotschaft, die hinfortnicht länger auf das auserwählte Volkbeschränkt war, der Welt verkündigt.Die Jünger, durch Verfolgunggezwungen, aus Jerusalem zu fliehen,„gingen um und predigten das Wort. ...Soweit ist jede Angabe der Weissagungauffallend erfüllt und der Anfang dersiebzig Wochen ohne irgendwelchenZweifel auf 457 v. Chr. und ihr Ablaufauf 34 n. Chr. festgelegt worden. Mittelsdieser Angaben ist es nicht schwer, dasEnde der 2300 Tage zu finden. Da diesiebzig Wochen 490 Tage von den 2300Tagen abgeschnitten sind, bleiben noch1810 Tage übrig. Nach Beendigung der490 Tage mußten die 1810 Tage nocherfüllt werden. Vom Jahre 34 n. Chr.erstrecken sich 1810 Jahre bis zum Jahr1844. Nach dem Ablauf dieser großenprophetischen Zeitspanne sollte nachdem Zeugnis des Engels Gottes „dasHeiligtum wieder geweiht [gereinigt]werden.“ - Der große Kampf / Der grosseKonflikt, Ellen G. White, S. 330 + 331„And He shall confirm the covenantwith many for one week.“ <strong>The</strong> „week“here brought to view is the last one ofthe seventy; it is the last seven yearsof the period allotted especially to theJews. During this time, extending fromA.D. 27 to A.D. 34, Christ, at first inperson and afterward by His disciples,extended the gospel [good tidings]invitation especially to the Jews...„In the midst of the week He shallcause the sacrifice and the oblation tocease.“ In A.D. 31, three and a half yearsafter His baptism, our Lord [Master!]was crucified. With the great sacrificeoffered upon Calvary, ended that systemof offerings which for four thousandyears had pointed forward to the Lambof God. Type had met antitype, andall the sacrifices and oblations of theceremonial system were there to cease.<strong>The</strong> seventy weeks, or 490 years,especially allotted to the Jews, ended,as we have seen, in A.D. 34. At thattime, through the action of the JewishSanhedrin, the nation sealed itsrejection of the gospel [good tidings]by the martyrdom of Stephen and thepersecution of the followers of Christ.<strong>The</strong>n the message of salvation, no longerrestricted to the chosen people, wasgiven to the world. <strong>The</strong> disciples, forcedby persecution to flee from Jerusalem,„went everywhere preaching the word.“ ...Thus far every specification of theprophecies is strikingly fulfilled, and thebeginning of the seventy weeks is fixedbeyond question at 457 B.C., and theirexpiration in A.D. 34. From this data thereis no difficulty in finding the terminationof the 2300 days. <strong>The</strong> seventy weeks --

Daniel 9. 1051490 days -- having been cut off from the2300, there were 1810 days remaining.After the end of 490 days, the 1810 dayswere still to be fulfilled. From A.D. 34,1810 years extend to 1844. Consequentlythe 2300 days of Daniel 8:14 terminatein 1844. At the expiration of this greatprophetic period, upon the testimony ofthe angel of God, „the sanctuary shall becleansed.“ - <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, EllenG. White, p. 330 + 331Kapitel 10Dan 10,1 MENGE = Im dritten Jahrdes Perserkönigs Cyrus (Kores,Koresch) wurde dem Daniel, der auchden Namen Beltsazar (Beltschazzar)führte, eine Offenbarung zuteil, unddiese Offenbarung ist zuverlässigund bezieht sich auf große Trübsal;er aber achtete genau auf dieOffenbarung und gab auf das Gesichtacht.KJV + EL = IN THE THIRD YEAROF CYRUS KING OF PERSIAA THING WAS REVEALED TODANIEL, WHOSE NAME WASCALLED BELTESHAZZAR; ANDTHE THING WAS TRUE, BUT THETIME APPOINTED WAS LONG(MENGE = AT THAT TIME [IN THEEND] OF GREAT MISERY): AND HEUNDERSTOOD THE THING, AND HADUNDERSTANDING OF THE VISION.Kap / chap. 1,21; 1,7; 12,1Dan 10,2 Zur selben Zeit war ich,Daniel, traurig drei Wochen lang.KJV + EL = IN THOSE DAYS I DANIELWAS MOURNING THREE FULLWEEKS.Dan 10,3 Ich aß keine leckereSpeise, Fleisch und Wein kam nicht inmeinen Mund, und salbte mich auchnie, bis die drei Wochen um waren.KJV + EL = I ATE NO PLEASANTBREAD, NEITHER CAME FLESHNOR WINE IN MY MOUTH, NEITHERDID I ANOINT MYSELF AT ALL,TILL THREE WHOLE WEEKS WEREFULFILLED.Dan 10,4 Und am vierundzwanzigstenTage des Monats war ich beidem großen Wasser Hiddekkel*KJV + EL = AND IN THE TWENTY ANDFOURTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH,AS I WAS BY THE SIDE OF THEGREAT RIVER, WHICH IS HIDDEKEL;* TigrisDan 10,5 und hob meine Augen aufund sah, und siehe, da stand einMann in Leinwand und hatte einengoldenen Gürtel um seine Lenden.KJV + EL = THEN I LIFTED UP MYEYES, AND LOOKED, AND BEHOLDA CERTAIN MAN CLOTHED IN LINEN,WHOSE LOINS WERE GIRDEDWITH FINE GOLD OF UPHAZ:Hes 9,2; Offb 1,13-15Dan 10,6 Sein Leib war wie Türkis,sein Antlitz wie ein Blitz, seine Augenwie feurige Fackeln, seine Arme undFüße wie helles, glattes Erz, undseine Rede war wie ein großes Getön.KJV + EL = HIS BODY ALSO WASLIKE THE BERYL, AND HIS FACE ASTHE APPEARANCE OF LIGHTNING,AND HIS EYES AS LAMPS OF FIRE,AND HIS ARMS AND HIS FEET LIKEIN COLOUR TO POLISHED BRASS(BRONZE), AND THE VOICE OFHIS WORDS LIKE THE VOICE OF AMULTITUDE.Dan 10,7 Aber ich, Daniel, sahdie Erscheinung / Gesicht allein,und die Männer, die bei mir waren,sahen‘s nicht; doch fiel ein großerSchrecken über sie, so daß sieflohen und sich verkrochen.KJV + EL = AND I, DANIEL ALONESAW THE VISION: FOR THE MENTHAT WERE WITH ME SAW NOT THEVISION; BUT A GREAT QUAKINGFELL UPON THEM, AND THEY FLEDTO HIDE THEMSELVES.Dan 10,8 Und ich blieb allein undsah dies große Gesicht. Es blieb aberkeine Kraft in mir, und ich ward sehrentstellt und hatte keine Kraft mehr.KJV + EL = THEREFORE I WAS LEFT

52Daniel 10ALONE, AND SAW THIS GREATVISION, AND THERE REMAINEDNO STRENGTH IN ME: FOR MYCOMELINESS WAS TURNED IN MEINTO CORRUPTION, AND I RETAINEDNO STRENGTH.Dan 10,9 Und ich hörte seineRede; und in dem ich siehörte, sank ich ohnmächtigauf mein Angesicht zur Erde.KJV + EL = YET I HEARD THEVOICE OF HIS WORDS: ANDWHEN I HEARD THE VOICE OFHIS WORDS, THEN WAS I IN ADEEP SLEEP ON MY FACE, ANDMY FACE TOWARD THE GROUND.Kap 8,17.18Dan 10,10 Und siehe, eine Handrührte mich an und half mir aufdie Kniee und auf die Hände,KJV + EL = AND, BEHOLD, AN HANDTOUCHED ME, WHICH SET ME UPONMY KNEES AND UPON THE PALMSOF MY HANDS.Dan 10,11 und er sprach zu mir: Du,lieber Daniel, merke auf die Worte,die ich mit dir rede, und richte dichauf; denn ich bin jetzt zu dir gesandt.Und da er solches mit mir redete,richtete ich mich auf und zitterte.KJV + EL = AND HE SAID TO ME, ODANIEL, A MAN GREATLY BELOVED,UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THATI SPEAK TO YOU, AND STANDUPRIGHT: FOR TO YOU AM I NOWSENT. AND WHEN HE HAD SPOKENTHIS WORD TO ME, I STOODTREMBLING.Dan 10,12 Und er sprach zu mir:Fürchte dich nicht, Daniel; dennvon dem ersten Tage an, da du vonHerzen begehrtest zu verstehenund dich kasteitest (gedemütigthast!) vor deinem Gott, s<strong>indd</strong>eine Worte erhört; und ich bingekommen um deinetwillen.KJV + EL = THEN SAID HE TO ME,FEAR NOT, DANIEL: FOR FROM THEFIRST DAY THAT YOU DID SET YOURHEART TO UNDERSTAND, AND TOHUMBLE YOURSELF BEFORE YOURELOHIM, YOUR WORDS WEREHEARD, AND I AM COME FOR YOURWORDS.Dan 10,13 Aber der Fürst desKönigreiches im Perserlandhat mir einundzwanzig Tagewiderstanden; und siehe, Michael,der vornehmsten Fürsten einer,kam mir zu Hilfe; da behielt ich denSieg bei den Königen in Persien.KJV + EL = BUT THE PRINCE OF THEKINGDOM OF PERSIA WITHSTOODME TWENTY AND ONE DAYS;BUT, LO, MICHAEL, ONE OF THECHIEF PRINCES, CAME TO HELPME; AND I REMAINED THEREWITH THE KINGS OF PERSIA.V. 20.21Dan 10,14 Nun aber komme ich, daßich dich unterrichte, wie es deinemVolk hernach gehen wird; denndas Gesicht wird erst nach etlicherZeit geschehen (MENGE = auf dieTage der Zukunft / genauer: derWIEDERKUNFT!)KJV + EL = NOW I AM COME TOMAKE YOU UNDERSTAND WHATSHALL HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLEIN THE LATTER DAYS (MENGE =IN THE DAYS OF THE FUTURE /exact: the SECOND COMING): FORYET THE VISION IS FOR MANY DAYS.Kap 9,22Dan 10,15 Und als er solches mit mirredete, schlug ich mein Angesichtnieder zur Erde und schwieg still.KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE HADSPOKEN SUCH WORDS TO ME, I SETMY FACE TOWARD THE GROUND,AND I BECAME DUMB.Dan 10,16 Und siehe, da rührte einer,der den Menschenkindern ähnlichsah, meine Lippen an. Und ichöffnete meinen Mund und redete undsprach zu dem, der vor mir stand:MEIN HErr, MEINE GELENKE BEBENMIR ÜBER DEM GESICHT (WEGEN


54Daniel 11wird den größern Reichtum habendenn alle andern; und wenn er inseinem Reichtum am mächtigstenist, wird er alles wider dasKönigreich in Griechenland erregen.KJV + EL = AND NOW WILL I SHOWYOU THE TRUTH. BEHOLD, THERESHALL STAND UP YET THREE KINGSIN PERSIA; AND THE FOURTH SHALLBE FAR RICHER THAN THEY ALL:AND BY HIS STRENGTH THROUGHHIS RICHES HE SHALL STIR UP ALLAGAINST THE REALM OF GREECE.Kap 10,21; Jes 46,9-11; 48,3-7Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Danielschrieb diese Worte zur Regierungszeitdes Koresch. Die drei Könige, die ihmfolgten, sind: Kambyses, der falscheSmerdis und Darius Hystaspis und dervierte Xerxes, der Achaschwerosch desBuches Esther. Er setzte alle Völker miteiner bis dahin beispiellosen Kampfmachtgegen Griechenland in Bewegung undunterlag trotzdem in seinem gewaltigenKriegszug.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Danielwrote these words at the reign of Cyrus.<strong>The</strong> three kings who followed him are:Cambyses, the wrong Smerdis and DariusHystaspis and the fourth Xerxes, theAhasuerus of the book Esther. He set inmotion all people with an unprecedentedfight power till then against Greeceand was succumb, nevertheless, in hisimmense campaign.Dan 11,3 Darnach wird einmächtiger König aufstehen undmit großer Macht herrschen, undwas er will, wird er ausrichten.KJV + EL = AND A MIGHTY KINGSHALL STAND UP, THAT SHALLRULE WITH GREAT DOMINION, ANDDO ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.Dan 11,4 Und wenn er aufs Höchstegekommen ist, wird sein Reichzerbrechen und sich in alle vierWinde des Himmels zerteilen, nichtauf seine Nachkommen, auch nichtmit solcher Macht, wie sie gewesenist; denn sein Reich wird ausgerottetund Fremden zuteil werden.KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE SHALLSTAND UP, HIS KINGDOM SHALLBE BROKEN, AND SHALL BEDIVIDED TOWARD THE FOURWINDS OF HEAVEN, AND NOT TOHIS POSTERITY, NOR ACCORDINGTO HIS DOMINION WHICH HERELUD: FOR HIS KINGDOMSHALL BE PLUCKED UP, EVENFOR OTHERS BESIDES THESE.Kap 8,8.22Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der mächtigeKönig war Alexander der Große, derüber das größte bis dahin bekannteWeltreich herrschte. Sei Reich zerfielnach seinem Tode (323 v. Chr.) in vierReiche, über die aber niemand von seinerNachkommenschaft herrschte, da sie alleermordet wurden.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> mightyking was Alexander the Great who ruledover the biggest world empire known tillthen. His empire disintegrated after hisdeath (in 323 B. C.) into four empiresover which, however, nobody ruled of hisprogeny, because they all were murdered.Dan 11,5 Und der König gegenMittag (des Südens), welcher istseiner Fürsten einer, wird mächtigwerden; aber gegen ihn wird einerauch mächtig sein und herrschen,dessen Herrschaft wird groß sein.KJV + EL = AND THE KING OF THESOUTH SHALL BE STRONG, ANDONE OF HIS PRINCES; AND HESHALL BE STRONG ABOVE HIM, ANDHAVE DOMINION; HIS DOMINIONSHALL BE A GREAT DOMINION.Dan 11,6 Nach etlichen Jahrenaber werden sie sich miteinanderbefreunden (ein Bündnis schließen);die Tochter des Königs gegenMittag (des Südens) wird kommenzum König gegen Mitternacht (desNordens), Einigkeit zu machen(Frieden zu stiften). Aber ihr wirddie Macht (Kraft) des Arms nichtbleiben, dazu wird er und sein Armnicht bestehen bleiben; sondernsie wird übergeben werden samtdenen, die sie gebracht haben,

Daniel 1155und dem, der sie erzeugt hat, unddem, der sie eine Weile mächtiggemacht hat (ihr Schutzherr war).KJV + EL = AND IN THE ENDOF YEARS THEY SHALL JOINTHEMSELVES TOGEHTER; FOR THEKING‘S DAUGHTER OF THE SOUTHSHALL COME TO THE KING OF THENORTH TO MAKE AN AGREEMENT:BUT SHE SHALL NOT RETAIN THEPOWER OF THE ARM; NEITHERSHALL HE STAND, NOR HIS ARM:BUT SHE SHALL BE GIVEN UP, ANDTHEY THAT BROUGHT HER, ANDHE THAT PROCREATED HER, ANDHE THAT STRENGTHENED HER INTHESE TIMES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DieWeissagung bezieht sich in diesemKapitel meistens auf den Südkönig oderdas Südreich und den Nordkönig oder dasNordreich; Palästina ist der Mittelpunkt,Ägypten unter den Ptolemäern ist dasSüdreich und Syrien unter Seleukidendas Nordreich. “Der König des Südens”(11,5) ist Ptolemäus I. und der ObersteSeleukos I. Nikator, der mächtiger alsder König wurde. Antiochus II., der EnkelSeluekos I., war genötigt, mit PtolemäusII. (etwa 248 v. Chr.) Frieden zu schließenund dessen Tochter Berenike zu heiraten.Ihr Vater, Ptolemäus II., starb; sie wurdemit ihrem ägyptischen Gefolge und mitihrem Sohn getötet und “ihr Schutzherr”,ihr Gatte Antiochus II., wurde vergiftet.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> prophecyrefers in this chapter mostly to the southking or the south empire and the northking or the north empire;Palestine is thecentre, Egypt under the Ptolemy is thesouth empire and Syria under Seleucidsthe north empire. “<strong>The</strong> king of the south”(11,5) is Ptolemy I. and the supremeSeleucus I Nicator who became morepowerful than the king. Antiochus II, thegrandson of Seleucus I. was coerced tomake peace with Ptolemy II (about in 248B.C.) and to marry his daughter Berenice.<strong>The</strong>ir father, Ptolemäus II, died; she waskilled with her Egyptian suite and withher son and “her protector”, her husbandAntiochus II, was poisoned.Dan 11,7 Es wird aber der Zweigeeiner von ihrem Stamm aufkommen;der wird kommen mit Heereskraftund dem König gegen Mitternacht( = Norden) in seine Feste fallenund wird‘s ausrichten und siegen.KJV + EL = BUT OUT OF A BRANCHOF HER ROOTS SHALL ONE STANDUP IN HIS PLACE, WHO SHALLCOME WITH AN ARMY, AND SHALLENTER INTO THE FORTRESS OFTHE KING OF THE NORTH, ANDSHALL DEAL AGAINST THEM, ANDSHALL PREVAIL:Dan 11,8 Auch wird er ihre Götterund Bilder samt den köstlichenKleinoden, silbernen und goldenen,(als Beute) wegführen nachÄgypten und etliche Jahre vordem König gegen Mitternacht (desNordens) wohl stehen bleiben.KJV + EL = AND SHALL ALSO CARRYCAPTIVES INTO EGYPT THEIRELOHIM, WITH THEIR PRINCES, ANDWITH THEIR PRECIOUS VESSELSOF SILVER AND OF GOLD, AND HESHALL CONTINUE MORE YEARSTHAN THE KING OF THE NORTH.Dan 11,9 Und dieser wird ziehenin das Reich des Königs ausdem Süden (gegen Mittag), aberwieder in sein Land umkehren.KJV + EL = So the king of the southshall come into his kingdom, andshall return into his own land.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: PtolemäusIII., der Bruder der Berenike, unternahmeinen Rachezug gegen Syrien, erobertees und kehrte mit reicher Beute nachÄgypten zurück. Seleukos II. drangungefähr 240 v. Chr. in Ägypten ein, wurdeaber völlig geschlagen und gezwungen,nach Syrien umzukehren.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Ptolemy III,the brother of the Berenice, undertook arevenge move against Syria, conqueredit and returned with rich prey to Egypt.Seleucus II penetrated about in 240 Egypt, but he was completely hit andwas obliged to return to Syria.

56Daniel 11Dan 11,10 Aber seine Söhnewerden zornig werden und großeHeere zusammenbringen; und dereine wird kommen und wie eineFlut daherfahren und wiederumKrieg führen bis vor seine Feste.KJV + EL = But his sons shall bestirred up, and shall assemble amultitude of great forces: and oneshall certainly come, and overflow,and pass through: then shall hereturn, and be stirred up, even to hisfortress.Dan 11,11 Da wird der König aus demSüden (gegen Mittag) ergrimmen undausziehen und mit dem König aus demNorden (gegen Mitternacht) streitenund wird einen solchen großen Haufenzusammenbringen, daß ihm jener Haufe(Heer) wird in seine Hand gegeben,KJV + EL = And the king of the southshall be moved with choler, and shallcome forth and fight with him, evenwith the king of the north: and heshall set forth a great multitude; butthe multitude shall be given into hishand.Dan 11,12 Und wird den Haufen(das Heer) wegführen. Des wird sichsein Herz überheben, daß er so vieleTausende darniedergelegt hat; aberdamit wird er sein nicht mächtig werden.KJV + EL = And when he has takenaway the multitude, his heart shallbe lifted up; and he shall cast downmany ten thousands: but he shall notbe strengthened by it.Dan 11,13 Denn der König aus demNorden (gegen Mitternacht) wirdwiederum einen größeren Haufen(Heer) zusammenbringen, als der vorigewar; und nach etlichen Jahren wird erdaherziehen mit großer Heereskraftund mit großem Gut (Ausrüstung).KJV + EL = For the king of the northshall return, and shall set forth amultitude greater than the former,and shall certainly come after certainyears with a great army and withmuch riches.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die beidenSöhne Seleukos II., Seleukos III., der nachkurzer Regierungszeit ermordet wurde,und Antiochus III. (224-187 v. Chr.),rüsteten zum Kampf und der Letzteredrang bis zur ägyptischen GrenzfestungRaphia vor (218 v. Chr.). Erbittert über dieerlittene Niederlage zog der “Südkönig”,Ptolemäus IV., aus und Antiochus III.stellte “eine große Heeresmacht” auf,wurde aber vernichtend bei Raphiageschlagen (217 v. Chr.). “Der König desNordens” stellte wiederum ein gewaltigesund gutausgerüstetes Heer auf und nachdem Tode Ptolemäus IV. zog er gegendessen Nachfolger, Ptolemäus V., der einfünfjähriger Knabe war.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Both sonsof Seleucus II., Seleukos III. which wasmurdered after short reign and AntiochusIII. (in 224-187 B.C.), armed for the Battleand the latter penetrated up to theEgyptian border fortress Raffia (in 218B. C.). Grimed about the suffered defeatthe „south king“, Ptolemäus IV. went out,and Antiochus III set forth “a big Army”,but, was smited destructive at raffia (in217 B. C.). “But the king of the north”set forth an immense and good-equippedarmy and after the death of Ptolemy IV. hewent against his successor, Ptolemy Vwho was a five-year-old boy.Dan 11,14 Und zur selben Zeit werdensich viele wider den König aus demSüden (gegen) Mittag setzen; auchwerden sich Abtrünnige (Zerreißer)aus deinem Volk erheben und dieWeissagung erfüllen, und werden fallen.KJV + EL = And in those times thereshall many stand up against the kingof the south: also the robbers of thypeople shall exalt themselves toestablish the vision; but they shallfall.Dan 11,15 Also wird der König aus demNorden (gegen Mitternacht) daherziehenund einen Wall aufschütten und einefeste Stadt gewinnen; und die Heeredes Südens (Mittagsheere) werden‘snicht können wehren, und sein bestesVolk (seine auserlesene Mannschaft)wird nicht können widerstehen;

Daniel 1157KJV + EL = So the king of the northshall come, and cast up a mound,and take a well-fortified cities:and the forces of the south shallnot withstand, neither his chosenpeople, neither shall there be anystrength to withstand.Dan 11,16 sondern der an ihnkommt, wird seinen Willen schaffen,und niemand wird ihm widerstehenkönnen. Er wird auch in das werteLand (das Land der Zierde) kommenund wird‘s vollenden durch seine Hand.KJV + EL = But he that comesagainst him shall do accordingto his own will, and none shallstand before him: and he shallstand in the glorious land, whichby his hand shall be consumed.Kap 8,9Erklärung von Ernst Simon: In Ägyptenentstanden Unruhen infolge derschlechten Vormundschaftsregierung undin den unterworfenen Ländern brachenAufstände aus. “Viele” erhoben sichgegen den Südkönig; auch die “Söhneder Zerreißer deines Volkes”, die Römer,die sich damals in die AngelegenheitenÄgyptens und Syriens einmischten. ImBuche Daniel sind die Römer die Zerreißeroder die Verwüster des Volkes Gottes.198 v. Chr. schlug Antiochus III. denägyptischen Feldherrn Skopas bei denJordanquellen, schloss ihn in Sidon einund zwang ihn, die “befestigte” Stadtzu übergeben. Die Streitkräfte Ägyptenskonnten nicht widerstehen, “selbst seineauserlesene Mannschaft nicht”. Nun trataber die (11,14) bereits erwähnte Macht“der Zerreißer” Israels, das eiserne Rom,in Erscheinung. Die Römer vertriebenAntiochus aus Europa, erschienen190 v. Chr. das erste Mal in Asien undschlugen Antiochus bei Magnesia. 161v. Chr. trat Rom durch ein Bündnis mitdem Volke Gottes in Verbindung, aberJuda kam erst 63 v. Chr. unter römischeOberherrschaft, als Pompejus in denThronstreit der beiden MakkabäerprinzenHyrkan und Aristobul eingriff undJerusalem eroberte. Die “Zerreißer”Israels standen nun in “dem Lande derZierde” oder Herrlichkeit, in Palästina.Explanation of Ernst Simon: In Egypt riotsbegan as a result of the bad guardianshipgovernment and in the subordinatedcountries rebellions broke out. „Many“rose against the south king; also the“sons of the breakers of your people”,the Romans who interfered with thematters of Egypt and Syria at that time .In the book of Daniel the Romans are thebreakers or the desolaters of the peopleof God. In 198 B.C. Antiochus III defeatdthe Egyptian general Scopas at theJordan springs, enclosed him in Sidonand forced him to surrender the „walled“town. <strong>The</strong> armed forces of Egypt couldnot resist, “nor his selected team”.Butnow, the already mentioned power (11,14)“of the breaker ” of Israel, appeared,the iron Rome. <strong>The</strong> Romans expelledAntiochus from Europe, appeared in 190B.C. the first time in Asia and defeatedAntiochus at magnesia. In 161 B.C. Romecontacted with the people of God inconnection, by an alliance but Judah firstcame under Roman sovereignty in 63 B.C., when Pompey intervened in the thronequarrel of the both Princes of MaccabeeHyrkan and Aristobul and conqueredJerusalem. Now the „breakers“ of Israelstood in the “country of the adornment”or magnificence, in Palestine.Dan 11,17 Und wird sein Angesichtrichten, daß er mit der Macht seinesganzen Königreichs komme. Aber erwird sich mit ihm vertragen und wird ihmseine Tochter zum Weibe geben, daßer ihn verderbe; aber es wird ihm nichtgeraten und wird nichts daraus werden.KJV + EL = He shall also set hisface to enter with the strength ofhis whole kingdom, and uprightones with him; thus shall he do: andhe shall give him the daughter ofwomen, corrupting her: but she shallnot stand on his side, neither be forhim.Dan 11,18 Darnach wird er sich kehrenwider die Inseln (Küstenländern)und deren viele gewinnen. Aberein Fürst (Machthaber) wird ihnlehren aufhören mit Schmähen,daß er nicht mehr schmähe.KJV + EL = AFTER THIS SHALL HE

Daniel 1159war. (= Jahschuas Kreuzigung)KJV + EL = AND WITH THE ARMSOF A FLOOD SHALL THEY BEOVERFLOWN BEFORE HIM, ANDSHALL BE BROKEN; YES, ALSO THEPRINCE OF THE COVENANT.Dan 11,23 Denn nachdem er mit ihmbefreundet ist, wird er listig gegen ihnhandeln und wird heraufziehen undmit geringem Volk ihn überwältigen,KJV + EL = AND AFTER THE LEAGUEMADE WITH HIM HE SHALL WORKDECEITFULLY; FOR HE SHALLCOME UP, AND SHALL BECOMESTRONG WITH A SMALL PEOPLE.Dan 11,24 und es wird ihm gelingen,daß er in die besten Städte desLandes kommen wird; und wird‘s alsoausrichten, wie es weder seine Väternoch seine Voreltern tun konnten, mitRauben, Plündern und Ausbeuten;und wird nach den allerfestestenStädten trachten, und das eineZeitlang. (= 330 n. Chr. Regierungssitzvon Rom nach Konstantinopel = 360Jahre Weltherrschaft)KJV + EL = HE SHALL ENTERPEACEABLY EVEN UPON THEFATTEST PLACES OF THEPROVINCE; AND HE SHALL DOTHAT WHICH HIS FATHERS HAVENOT DONE, NOR HIS FATHERS’FATHERS; HE SHALL SCATTERAMONG THEM THE PREY, ANDSPOIL, AND RICHES: YES, AND HESHALL FORECAST HIS DEVICESAGAINST THE STRONGHOLDS,EVEN FOR A TIME.Dan 11,25 Und er wird seine Machtund sein Herz wider den König ausdem Süden (gegen Mittag) erregenmit großer Heereskraft; aber er wirdnicht bestehen, denn es werdenVerrätereien wider ihn gemacht.KJV + EL = And he shall stir up hispower and his courage against theking of the south with a great army;and the king of the south shall bestirred up to battle with a very greatand mighty army; but he shall notstand: for they shall forecast devicesagainst him.Dan 11,26 Und eben die seinBrot essen, die werden ihn helfenverderben und sein Heer unterdrücken,daß gar viele erschlagen werden.KJV + EL = Yes, they that feed of theportion of his meat shall destroyhim, and his army shall overflow:and many shall fall down slain.Dan 11,27 Und beider Könige Herz wirddenken, wie sie einander Schaden tun,und werden an einem Tische fälschlichmiteinander reden. Es wird ihnen abernicht gelingen; denn das Ende istnoch auf eine andere Zeit bestimmt.KJV + EL = And as for both thesekings‘ hearts shall be to do mischief,and they shall speak lies at theone table; but it shall not prosper:for yet the end shall be at the timeappointed.Dan 11,28 Darnach wird er wiederumheimziehen mit großem Gut und seinHerz richten wider den heiligen Bund;da wird er es ausrichten und also heimin sein Land ziehen.KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong>n shall he returninto his land with great riches; andhis heart shall be against the holycovenant; and he shall do exploits,and return to his own land.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Auf KaiserAugustus folgte sein Stiefsohn Tiberius(14-37 n. Chr.; seit 12 n. Chr. Mitregent),dem die Herrscherwürde nicht zugedachtwar (11,21). Die “Armee der Flut”versinnbildlichen alles überflutendeHeere und nehmen Bezug auf dieerfolgreichen Feldzüge des Tiberius. “DerFürst des Bundes”, in Maleachi 3,1 “Engeldes Bundes” genannt, ist der verheißeneMessias, Jesus Christus [Jahschuader Messias], der “mit vielen einenfesten Bund schließen” würde, “eineWoche lang” (27-34 n. Chr.). WährendTiberius herrschte, würde “mitten in derWoche” (31 n. Chr.) auf Befehl seinesLandpflegers in Judäa, Pontius Pilatus,Jesus [Jahschua] gekreuzigt (Dan. 9,25-27; 11,22).

60Daniel 11Die Juden schlossen, als sie von densyrischen Königen hart bedrängtwurden, ein Bündnis mit Rom (161 v.Chr.), das aber nicht verhinderte, dassihr Land später eine römische Provinzwurde (11,23). Die kluge Verbindungvon diplomatischem Geschick undkriegerischer Tatkraft zeigt sich bei denRömern, die durch Bündnisse und mitHilfe unterworfener Nationen andereLänder bezwangen und ausplündertenund deshalb Räuber des Erdkreisesgenannt wurden. “Eine Zeit”, prophetischverstanden 360 Jahre, beginnend 31 v.Chr. (Schlacht bei Actium) und endend330 n. Chr., als der Regierungssitz vonRom nach Konstantinopel verlegt wurde(11,24).Vers 25 bezieht sich auf den Kampfzwischen Augustus und Antonius, dem“König des Südens”. Die Entscheidungfiel in der Seeschlacht bei Actium, diemit der Niederlage des Antonius endete. -Der Abfall von Antonius brachte Octavian(Augustus) den Sieg (11,26). Im Jahre37 v. Chr. kam es zu einer Aussöhnungzwischen den beiden Herrschern undAntonius heiratete Octavia, die Schwesterdes Octavius. Aber dieses politischeBündnis konnte den Entscheidungskampfnicht verhindern (11,27).Dann wird eine zweifache siegreicheHeimkehr erwähnt; die erste als Augustus29 v. Chr. als Sieger und Alleinherrschernach Rom zurückkehrte; die zweite, alssich das stolze Herz Roms “gegen denheiligen Bund” richtete und Titus nach derBelagerung und Zerstörung Jerusalemsund des Tempels (70 n. Chr.) als Siegernach Rom zurückkehrte. Der “heiligeBund” ist der ewige Glaubensbund, derErlösungsplan Gottes, der durch Jesu[Jahschuas] Versöhnungstod besiegeltwurde. Der Zorn des heidnischen Roms,das im Gegensatz zu diesem Plan stand,richtete sich gegen das gläubige undungläubige Israel ohne Unterschied(11,28).Explanation of Ernst Simon: His stepsonTiberius (14-37 A. D. followed emperorAugustus; since in 12 A. D. the coregent)for whom the imperious dignity was notintended (11,21). <strong>The</strong> “army of the flood”symbolise all flooding armies and referto the successful campaigns of Tiberius.“<strong>The</strong> prince of the covenant”, called“Angel of the covenant” in Malachi 3,1,is the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ[Yahshua the Messiah], who “ wouldmake a covenant with many ”, “for oneweek” (27-34 A. D.). While Tiberius ruled,would be crucified in Judea “in the middleof the week” (in 31 A. D.) Jesus [Yahshua]on order of his governor, Pontius Pilate,(Dan. 9,25-27; 11,22).<strong>The</strong> Jews made - when they were pressedby the Syrian kings hard - a covenantwith Rome (in 161 B. C.) which did notprevent, that their country becamea Roman province later (11,23). <strong>The</strong>clever connection of diplomatic skillsand warlike energy appears with theRomans who defeated other countriesand plundered them by alliances andwith the help of subordinated nationsand, therefore, robbers of the world werecalled. “A time” understood prophetic360 years, beginning in 31 B. C. (battleat Actium) and ending in 330 A. D. whenseat of the government was moved fromRome to Constantinople (11,24).Verse 25 refers to the fight betweenAugustus and Antonius, the “king of thesouth”. <strong>The</strong> decision was made in thenaval battle at Actium which ended withthe defeat of Antonius. - <strong>The</strong> apostasy ofAntonius brought the victory (11,26) toOctavian (Augustus). In the year 37 B. came to a reconciliation between bothrulers and Antonius married Octavia,the sister of Octavius. But this politicalalliance could not prevent the decisivebattle (11,27).<strong>The</strong>n a double victorious homecoming ismentioned; <strong>The</strong> first when Augustus in 29B. C. returned as a winner and autocratto Rome; the second when the proudheart of Rome was directed “against theholy alliance” and Titus after the siegeand destruction of Jerusalem and thetemple (in 70 A. D.) as a winner returnedto Rome. <strong>The</strong> “holy alliance” is theeverlasting religious alliance, the saviourplan of God who was sealed by the deadof reconciliation of Jesus [Yahshua]. <strong>The</strong>anger of the pagan Rome which stood incontrast to this plan was directed againstthe religious and irreligious Israel withoutdifference (11,28).Dan 11,29 Darnach wird er zu gelegener(bestimmter) Zeit wieder gegenSüden (Mittag) ziehen (eindringen);

Daniel 1161aber es wird ihm zum andernmalnicht geraten wie zum erstenmal.KJV + EL = At the time appointedhe shall return, and come towardthe south; but it shall not be as theformer, or as the latter.Verse 30 - 36: Übergang vom Heidnischenzum Päpstlichen RomDan 11,30 VOR 1866 = Denn eswerden Schiffe aus Kittim wider ihnkommen, daß er verzagen wird undumkehren muß. DA WIRD ER WIDERDEN HEILIGEN BUND ERGRIMMENUND WIRD ES AUSRICHTEN.UND WIRD SICH UMSEHENUND AN SICH ZIEHEN, DIE DENHEILIGEN BUND VERLASSEN.KJV + EL = FOR SHIPS OF KITTIMSHALL COME AGAINST HIM:THEREFORE HE SHALL BEGRIEVED, AND RETURN, AND HAVEINDIGNATION AGAINST THE HOLYCOVENANT: SO SHALL HE DO;HE SHALL EVEN RETURN, ANDINTELLIGENCE WITH THEM THATFORSAKE THE HOLY COVENANT.Dan 11,31 LUTHER 1545 +HEBRÄISCHE BIBEL VOR 1840 =UND ES WERDEN SEINE ARMEDASELBST STEHEN (SEINE HEERE /STREITKRÄFTE WERDEN VONIHM DASTEHEN), DIE WERDENDAS HEILIGTUM IN DER FESTEENTWEIHEN UND DAS TÄGLICHE(HEBRÄISCH: TAMID) / BESTÄNDIGEABTUN UND EINEN GREUEL DERVERWÜSTUNG AUFRICHTEN.KJV + EL = AND FORCES SHALLSTAND ON HIS PART, AND THEYSHALL PROFANE THE SANCTUARYOF STRENGTH, AND SHALL TAKEAWAY THE DAILY, AND THEY SHALLSET UP THE ABOMINATION THATMAKES DESOLATE.Kap 9,27; 12,11; Matth 24,15Anmerkung: In allen Bibeln wurde inBezug auf das “tägliche Opfer” das Wort“Opfer” durch menschliche Weisheithinzugefügt, welches nicht zum Versgehört. Siehe diesbezüglich die altenhebräischen Bibeln. Das hebräische Wort“tamid” (das TÄGLICHE) bedeutet eineunbestimmte, durch nichts beschränkte,endlose “FORTDAUER” oder “DAUER”.Remark: In all Bibles the word „Victim“was added concerning the “everydayvictim” by human wisdom which doesnot belong to the verse. See referring tothis the old Hebrew Bibles. <strong>The</strong> Hebrewword „tamid“ (the DAILY) means anindefinite, by nothing limited, endless„CONTINUATION“ or „DURATION“.Dan 11,32 VOR 1866 = UND ER WIRDHEUCHELN UND GUTE WORTEGEBEN DEN GOTTLOSEN / DENAM BUND FREVELNDEN, SO DENBUND ÜBERTRETEN (ER WIRDMIT RÄNKEN ALLE ZUM ABFALLBEWEGEN, DAMIT SIE DEN BUNDÜBERTRETEN). ABER DAS VOLK,SO IHREN GOTT KENNEN, WERDENSICH ERMANNEN(ERMAHNEN /WERDEN STARK BLEIBEN) UND ESAUSRICHTEN (DANACH HANDELN).KJV + EL = AND SUCH AS DOWICKEDLY AGAINST THECOVENANT SHALL HE CORRUPTBY FLATTERIES; BUT THE PEOPLETHAT DO KNOW THEIR ELOHIMSHALL BE STRONG, AND DOEXPLOITS.Dan 11,33 Und die Verständigenim Volk werden viele andere lehren;darüber ( = viele Tage) werdensie fallen durch Schwert, Feuer,Gefängnis und Raub eine Zeitlang.KJV + EL = AND THEY THATUNDERSTAND AMONG THE PEOPLESHALL INSTRUCT MANY; YET THEYSHALL FALL BY THE SWORD, ANDBY FLAME, BY CAPTIVITY, AND BYSPOIL (PLUNDER), MANY DAYS.Kap 12,3Dan 11,34 Und wenn sie sofallen, wird ihnen eine kleine Hilfegeschehen; aber viele werden sich zuihnen tun betrüglich (heuchlerisch).KJV + EL = NOW WHEN THEY SHALLFALL, THEY SHALL BE HELPED WITHA LITTLE HELP: BUT MANY SHALL

Daniel 1163days” certainly point to the 1260 yearsof papal pursuit; 7,25; Rev. 12,6.14(Dan. 11,33). God sent to his hard-huntedparish a “small help” by the preacherof the Waldensians and the reformers,like Wyclik, Huß, Luther, Zwingli andCalvin. Also if many came out to theProtestantism, it often was a orthodoxywithout true sprititual life (11,34). <strong>The</strong>Reformation was probably a small help,but the pursuit time was not yet used up.Many were pursued because of her faithand, thousands of them lost her life “upto the time of the end”. In 1798 was theend of 1260 years of papal pursuit timeand with it also the beginning of the endtime (11,35) had come.Dan 11,36 Und der König wird tun,was er will, und wird sich erheben undaufwerfen wider alles, was Gott ist;und wider den Gott der (aller) Götterwird er Ungeheuerliches (greulich)reden; und es wird ihm gelingen,bis der Zorn aus sei; denn es mußgeschehen, was beschlossen ist.KJV + EL = AND THE KING SHALLDO ACCORDING TO HIS WILL;AND HE SHALL EXALT HIMSELF,AND MAGNIFY HIMSELF ABOVEEVERY EL, AND SHALL SPEAKMARVELOUS THINGS AGAINSTTHE EL OF ELOHIM; AND SHALLPROSPER TILL THE INDIGNATION BEACCOMPLISHED: FOR THAT WHICHIS DETERMINED SHALL BE DONE.2. <strong>The</strong>ss 2,4; Kap 7,8.25; Offb 13,5.6Dan 11,37 Und die Götter seinerVäter wird er nicht achten; er wirdweder Frauenliebe noch irgendeines Gottes achten; denn erwird sich wider alles aufwerfen.MENGE = Auch um die Götter seinerVäter wird er sich nicht kümmern undweder dem Lieblingsgott der Frauen(Thammus - SONNENANBETUNG,s. Hesek. 8,14 !) noch irgend einemanderen Gott Beachtung schenken,sondern über alle sich groß dünken.KJV + EL = NEITHER SHALL HEREGARD THE ELOHIM OF HISFATHERS, NOR THE DESIRE OFWOMEN, NOR REGARD ANY ELOAH;FOR HE SHALL MAGNIFY HIMSELFABOVE ALL.1. Tim 4,3Dan 11,38 = 451 Konzil zu Ephesus:Einführung des Marien-KultusDan 11,38 Aber anstatt dessen wird erden Gott der Festungen ehren; denner wird einen Gott, davon seine Väternichts gewußt haben, ehren mit Gold,Silber, Edelsteinen und KleinodenKJV + EL = BUT IN HIS PLACESHALL HE HONOR THE ELOAHOF FORTRESSES: AND AN ELOAHWHOM HIS FATHERS KNEW NOTSHALL HE HONOR WITH GOLD,AND SILVER, AND WITH PRECIOUSSTONES, AND PLEASANT THINGS.Dan 11,39 und wird denen, so ihmhelfen die Festungen stärken mitdem fremden Gott, den er erwählthat (= wer +diesen+ anerkennt),große Ehre tun und sie zu Herrenmachen über große Güter undihnen das Land zum Lohn austeilen.KJV + EL = THUS SHALL HE DO INTHE STRONGEST FORTRESSESWITH A FOREIGN ELOAH: WHOMHE SHALL ACKNOWLEGES ANDINCREASE WITH GLORY; AND HESHALL CAUSE THEM TO RULEOVER MANY, AND SHALL DIVIDETHE LAND FOR GAIN.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Auslegersehen in dieser im Anschluss an dieErwähnung der Endzeit angeführtenMacht das revolutionäre Frankreich alsatheistische Macht seit 1789. “Gegen denGott aller Götter wird er Ungeheuerlichesreden”: Durch die Revolutionsregierungwurde das Christentum für abgeschaffterklärt, das Dasein Gottes geleugnetund eine Vernunftreligion eingeführt.Andere sehen in dieser Macht daspäpstliche Rom und diese Weissagungin Übereinstimmung mit Dan. 8,11.25;2. <strong>The</strong>ss. 2,4. Die Erfüllung wird in dempäpstlichen Anspruch gesehen, dassder Papst der Stellvertreter Christiauf Erde sei, weiterhin in der für diePriesterschaft beanspruchten Machtund der sogenannten “Schlüsselgewalt”(die vorgebliche Macht, den Himmel

64Daniel 11für Menschen öffnen und schließen zukönnen). (11,36) “Wird weder auf denLieblingsgott der Frauen ... achten”;auf Frankreich bezogen, sieht mandann die Aufhebung der Ehe durch dieRevolutionäre; bei Bezugnahme auf daspäpstliche Rom einen Hinweis auf dieZölibatseinrichtung (11,37). “Gott derFestungen”; Personifizierung des Kriegesund der Soldatenherrschaft, Vergötterungdes Krieges als das Mittel zurGewinnung der WELTHERRSCHAFT. DieRevolutionsheere, später die kaiserlichenArmeen, haben Europa in eineneinzigen Friedhof verwandelt (11,38).“Er wird sie zu Herrschern über vieleeinsetzen”, Napoleon, die Hauptpersonin allen diesen Feldzügen, setzteseine Brüder und seine Heerführer alsHerrscher über verschiedene Länderein. - Die Regierung verkaufte Land vonden beschlagnahmten Landflächen,die nach Schätzungen zwei Drittelder Gesamtfläche betragen habensollen. - Andere sehen die Erfüllung inpäpstlicher Oberherrschaft über weltlicheHerrscher, und auch die Aufteilung derWelt zwischen Spanien und Portugaldurch Papst Alexander VI. 1493 als eineErfüllung dieser Stelle.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Interpreterssee in this subsequent to the mentionof the end time cited power therevolutionary France as an atheisticpower since 1789. “Against the Godof all gods he will talk prodigious”:<strong>The</strong> Christianity was explained by therevolutionary government for abolished,the existence of God was denied anda rationality religion was established.Others see the papal Rome and thisprophecy according to Dan. 8,11.25;2. <strong>The</strong>ss. 2,4 in this power. <strong>The</strong> fulfilmentis seen in the papal claim that the pope isthe deputy of Christ on earth, furthermorein the power claimed for the priesthoodand the so-called „key power“ (thesuppositioused power to be able to openthe sky for people and to be able to close).(11,36) “Will pay attention neither to thefavorite God of the women...”; referedto France, then you see the abolitionof the marriage by the revolutionaries;with reference to papal Rome a tip to thecelibacy establishment (11,37). “God ofthe fortresses”; personification of the warand the soldier‘s rule, idolization of thewar as the appliance to the winning of theWORLD DOMINATION. <strong>The</strong> revolutionaryarmies, later the imperial armies, havetransformed Europe into one singlecemetery (11,38).“He will appoint them to rulers aboutmany”, Napoleon, the central figure in allthese campaigns, appoineted his brothersand his military leaders as rulers aboutdifferent countries. - <strong>The</strong> governmentsold country of the confiscated landarea which should have amounted totwo thirds of the total area according toestimates. - Others see the fulfilment inpapal sovereignty about worldly rulers,and also the subdivision of the worldbetween Spain and Portugal by popeAlexander VI in 1493 as a fulfilment of thisplace.Dan 11,40-43 = Offb 13 = des MessiasWiederkunft und GerichtDan 11,40-42 Das moderne PäpstlicheRom = Sowjetunion 1989, USA ? =Sonntagsgesetze, Vereinte Nationen UNDan 11,40 Französische Revolution 1798(Offb 11,7-9) Ende der 1260 JahreDan 11,40 Und am Ende (= In der Zeitdes Endes) wird sich der König desSüdens (= Atheismus + Sozialismus;gegen Mittag) mit ihm messen; und derKönig des Nordens (= Katholizismus;gegen Mitternacht) wird gegenihn stürmen mit Wagen, Reitern(= militärische Macht, 1. Kön 1,5)und vielen Schiffen (= Handel undwirtschaftliche Macht, Ps 107,23;Offb 18,17-19) und wird in dieLänder fallen und verderben unddurchziehenKJV + EL = And at the time of the endshall the king of the south push athim: and the king of the north shallcome against him like a whirlwind,with chariots, and with horsemen,and with many ships; and he shallenter into the countries, and shalloverflow and pass over.Dan 11,41 und wird in das werte Land(Land der Herrlichkeit) einfallen,und viele werden umkommen.Diese aber werden seiner Hand

Daniel 1165entrinnen: Edom, Moab und dieVornehmsten der Kinder Ammon. (=Sonntagsgesetz und vollständigeHeilung der tödlichen Wunde, Verse42-43: Die Wunde geheilt; Vers 44:Verfolgung der HeiligenKJV + EL = He shall enter alsointo the glorious land, and manycountries shall be overthrown: butthese shall escape out of his hand,even Edom, and Moab, and the chiefof the children of Ammon. - V. 16Dan 11,42 Und er wird seine Handausstrecken nach den Ländern,und Ägypten (= Atheismus /Welt) wird ihm nicht entrinnen;KJV + EL = He shall stretch forth hishand also upon the countries: andthe land of Egypt shall not escape.Dan 11,43 sondern er wirdherrschen über die goldenen undsilbernen Schätze und über alleKleinode Ägyptens; Libyer undMohren werden in seinem Zuge sein.KJV + EL = But he shall have powerover the treasures of gold and ofsilver, and over all the preciousthings of Egypt: and the Libyans andthe Ethiopians shall be at his steps.Dan 11,44-45 = Offb 14 = der laute Ruf /drei Engel BotschaftDan 11,44 Es wird ihn aberein Geschrei erschrecken vonMorgen (OSTEN) und Mitternacht(NORDEN); und er wird mit großemGrimm ausziehen, willens, vielezu vertilgen und zu verderben.KJV + EL = BUT TIDINGS OUT OFTHE EAST AND OUT OF THE NORTHSHALL TROUBLE HIM: THEREFOREHE SHALL GO FORTH WITH GREATFURY TO DESTROY, AND UTTERLYTO MAKE AWAY MANY.Dan 11,45 Und er wird den Palastseines Gezeltes aufschlagenzwischen zwei Meeren (VÖLKER,SPRACHEN, NATIONEN) umden werten heiligen Berg(Berg der heiligen Zierde), bises mit ihm ein Ende werde;und niemand wird ihm helfen.KJV + EL = AND HE SHALL PLANTTHE TABERNACLES OF HIS PALACEBETWEEN THE SEAS IN THEGLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN; YETHE SHALL COME TO HIS END, ANDNONE SHALL HELP HIM.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: In diesemVers werden der König des Südens undder König des Nordens zum ersten Maleseit Dan. 11,14.15 wieder erwähnt. “Inder Zeit des Endes”, Juli 1798, wurdedie Entscheidungsschlacht bei denPyramiden geschlagen; Napoleon zogin Cairo (Kairo) ein und Ägypten warbald in seinem Besitz. Dann stürmtendie Türken (König des Nordens) gegenihn an. Napoleon musste die Belagerungder Festung Akko aufgeben und im Mai1799 den Rückzug nach Ägypten antreten(11,40). Die Türken drangen wieder “indas Land der Herrlichkeit” (Palästina) ein;nur die Beduinen des Ostjordanlandesbewahrten ihre Unabhängigkeit,“entrannen seiner Hand” (11,41). DieFranzosen waren gezwungen, Ägyptenzu räumen und beim Friedens(be)schlussOktober 1801 wurde Ägypten wieder derTürkei zugesprochen (11,42). Ägyptenwurde durch maßlosen Steuerdruckausgesaugt und mit der neugeschaffenenArmee wurden die Nachbarländerunterworfen (11,43).“Gerüchte ... werden ihn erschrecken ...und in großen Zorn wird er ausziehen.”Die Geschichte zeigt die Erfüllung:Knirschend in ohnmächtigem Zorn fügtesich der Sultan dem russischen Ultimatumzugunsten der Donaufürstentümer.Ein englisch-französisch-russischesGeschwader vernichtete am20. Oktober 1827 ohne Kriegserklärung dieägyptisch-türkische Flotte bei Navarino;Griechenland wurde unabhängig. Dastürkische Reich, die einst gefürchtetemohammedanische Weltmacht, bliebseit 1840 nur durch die Duldung dereuropäischen Großmächte bestehen. Biszum Ende des ersten Weltkrieges, (1918),verlor die Türkei bis auf kleines Gebietbei Konstantinopel und bis auf Anatolienalle Gebiete in Europa, Asien und Afrika(11,44).

66Daniel 11Die Weissagung in Vers 45 ist nochzukünftig und deshalb unerfüllt; keinMensch kennt jetzt schon ihre genaueErfüllung. Die Türkei wird durchpolitische und kriegerische Ereignissegezwungen sein, den Regierungssitz, dasHauptquartier, nach Jerusalem, nach dem“Berg der heiligen Zierde” (Berg Zijon)zwischen den Meeren (MittelländischesMeer und Totes Meer [Editor: oder:Völker, Sprachen, Nationen] zu verlegen.“Niemand wird ihm helfen.” Früherwurde dieser Macht geholfen. Im Kriegegegen Frankreich (1798-1801) halfenGroßbritannien und Rußland der Türkei;im Kriege gegen Ägypten 1838-40 griffenGroßbritannien, Rußland, Österreich-Ungarn und Preußen ein; im Krimkriegunterstützten Großbritannien, Frankreichund Sardinien die Türkei gegen Rußland.;1878 wurde durch die GroßmächteEuropas ein weiteres VordringenRußlands verhindert; zu Anfang des 20.Jahrhunderts und im ersten Weltkrieghalf Deutschland der Türkei und seitdem Ende des 2. Weltkrieges unterstütztdie USA die Türkei gegenüber Gefahrenaus dem Osten und dem Norden.Kenner der mohammedanischen Weltwissen, dass diese wegen Jerusalemin Bewegung zu bringen ist, da sichdort das zweitwichtigste Heiligtumder Mohammedaner auf dem früherenTempelplatz befindet. Im letzten Dritteldes 20. Jahrhunderts ist klarer alsfrüher zu erkennen, dass im “Landeder Herrlichkeit”, in Palästina, unddarüber hinaus im Nahen Osten und imöstlichen Mittelmeerraum die Interessender drei Weltmächte USA; Sowjetunion(Rußland) und China aufeinanderstoßen.Jerusalem, die Stadt des Friedens, diein der Vergangenheit so oft belagertund gründlich zerstört wurde wie keineandere Stadt, wird in der letzten Zeitvom härtesten Kampf umtobt sein, wenndie Herrscher vom Aufgang der Sonne,vom Osten der Welt, kommen und beiHarmagedon die letzte Schlacht aufErden stattfinden wird, wenn Christus[der Messias] mit seinem himmlischenHeerscharen, den Engeln, erscheinenund die gottlosen [Editor: gesetzlosen]Nationen dieser Erde zerschmetternwird (Dan. 11,45; 12,1; Joel 4,9-14;Offb. 16,12-16).Explanation of Ernst Simon: In this versethe king of the south and the king of thenorth are mentioned again for the firsttime since Dan. 11,14.15 again. “In thetime of the end”, July, 1798, the decisivebattle was hit at the pyramids; Napoleonentered in Cairo and Egypt was soon inhis possession. <strong>The</strong>n the Turks (king ofthe north) attacked him. Napoleon had togive up the siege of the fortress Acre andstart the retreat to Egypt (11,40) in May,1799. <strong>The</strong> Turks penetrated again “into thecountry of the magnificence” (Palestine);only the bedouins of the Transjorda kepttheir independence, “escaped from hishand” (11,41). <strong>The</strong> French were forced toleave Egypt and with the peace decisionOctober 1801 Egypt was awarded toTurkey again (11,42). Egypt was exhaustby immoderate tax pressure and withthe recreated army the neighbouringcountries were subjected (11,43).“Rumours... will frighten him... and in bigrage he will move out.” <strong>The</strong> history showsthe fulfilment: creaky in impotent rage thesultan to the Russian ultimatum submittedin favour of the Danube principalities.An English French-Russian squadrondestroyed on the 20th of October, 1827without declaration of war the Egyptian-Turkish fleet at Navarino; Greece becameindependent. <strong>The</strong> Turkish empire, theMohammedan world power dreaded once,persisted since 1840 only by the toleranceof the European great powers. Till the endof the First World War, (1918), the Turkeylost all areas in Europe, up to small areaat Constantinople Asia and Africa (11,44)and up to Anatolia.<strong>The</strong> prophecy in verse 45 is still inthe future and, therefore unfulfilled;now no one already knows her exactfulfilment. Turkey will be forced bypolitical and warlike events, to place theseat of government, the headquarter,to Jerusalem, after the “mountain ofthe holy adornment” (mountain Zijon)between the seas (Mediterranean Seaand dead sea [editor: or: To place people,languages, nations]. “Nobody will helphim.”In the past this power was assisted.During the war against France (in 1798-1801) Great Britain and Russia assistedTurkey; during the war against Egypt in1838-40 Great Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Prussia intervened; during

Daniel 11. 1267the Crimean War Great Britain, Franceand Sardinia supported Turkey againstRussia.; in 1878 another penetratingof Russia was prevented by the greatpowers of Europe; at the beginning ofthe 20th century and in the First WorldWar Germany helped Turkey and sincethe end of the 2nd world war the USAsupports Turkey against dangers fromthe east and the north. Adepts of theMuhammedan world know that this isto be brought in movement, becauseof Jerusalem because there stands thesecond-most important sanctum of theMohammedans on the former templeplace. In the last third of the 20. centuryit is clearer to recognise, than in the pastthat in the “country of the magnificence”,in Palestine, and, in addition, in the MiddleEast and in the eastern Mediterraneanarea the interests of three world powersthe USA; the Soviet Union (Russia) andChina clash. Jerusalem, the town of thepeace which was besieged in the pastso often and was destroyed thoroughlylike no other town will be the Center ofthe hardest fight in the last time the if therulers of the rising of the sun, from theeast of the world, come will be the Centerof the hardest fight in the last time if therulers of the rising of the sun, from theeast of the world, come and the last battleon earth takes place at Armageddon ifChrist [the Messiah] with his heavenlyhost, the angels, appears and will destroythe ungodly [editor: lawless] nations ofthis earth (Dan. 11.45; 12.1; Joel 4,9-14;Revel. 16,12-16).Kapitel 12Dan 12,1 VOR 1866 = ZUR SELBENZEIT WIRD DER GROSSE FÜRSTMICHAEL, DER FÜR DIE KINDERDEINES VOLKES STEHT, SICHAUFMACHEN. DENN ES WIRD EINESOLCHE TRÜBSELIGE ZEIT SEIN,WIE SIE NICHT GEWESEN IST,SEITDEM ES LEUTE GEWESEN SINDBIS AUF DIESE ZEIT. ZUR SELBENZEIT WIRD DEIN VOLK ERRETTETWERDEN, ALLE, DIE IM BUCHGESCHRIEBEN STEHEN.KJV + EL = AND AT THAT TIMESHALL MICHAEL STAND UP, THEGREAT PRINCE WHICH STANDSFOR THE CHILDREN OF YOURPEOPLE; AND THERE SHALL BEA TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH ASNEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS ANATION EVEN TO THE SAME TIME:AND AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLESHALL BE DELIVERED, EVERY ONETHAT SHALL BE FOUND WRITTEN INTHE BOOK.Kap 10,13; Matth 24,21; 2. Mose 32,32;Phil 4,3Dan 12,2 VOR 1866 = UND VIELEVON DENEN, DIE IM STAUBE DERERDE SCHLAFEN (DIE UNTERDER ERDE SCHLAFEND LIEGEN),WERDEN AUFWACHEN, ETLICHEZUM EWIGEN LEBEN, ETLICHE ZUREWIGEN SCHMACH UND SCHANDE.KJV + EL = AND MANY OF THEMTHAT SLEEP IN THE DUST OF THEEARTH SHALL AWAKE, SOME TOEVERLASTING LIFE, AND SOMETO SHAME AND EVERLASTINGCONTEMPT.Joh 5,29Dan 12,3 VOR 1866 = DIE LEHRERABER WERDEN LEUCHTEN WIE DESHIMMELS GLANZ; UND DIE, SO VIELEZUR GERECHTIGKEIT WEISEN, WIEDIE STERNE IMMER UND EWIGLICH.LUTHER 1545 = BUT THE TEACHERSWILL ARE WISE SHALL SHINEAS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THEFIRMAMENT; AND THEY REFERMANY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS ASTHE STARS FOR EVER AND EVER.Matth 13,43; 1. Kor 15,41.42Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Michael, “dergroße Herrscher”, ist Jesus Christus[Jahschua der Messias], der obersteEngelsführer, wie bereits in Daniel 10,13ersichtlich ist. Er tritt “für die Kinder deinesVolkes” ein. “In jener Zeit”, in Verbindungmit den in Dan. 11,45 geschildertenEreignissen, wird eine solche Notzeitsein, wie sie es noch nie seit Besteheneines Volkes gegeben hat. Wenn am Endeder Gnadenzeit, beim Abschluss deshohenpriesterlichen VermittlerdienstesJesu [Jahschua], der Geist Gottes

Daniel 1269Entdeckungen in der Endzeit verstanden,die alle dazu dienen sollen, die durchdas vermehrte Weissagungsverständniserlangte Erkenntnis als gedrucktesund gesprochenes Wort schnellerallen Völkern in der ganzen Welt zuverkündigen und damit das zweiteKommen Jesu [Jahschua] vorzubereiten.(12,4).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Daniel isrequested to conceal the words (keepthem in secret) and to seal the book, alsoin 8:26, he is assigned to do so. However,this prophecy does not refer to the wholebook, because this revelation has beenpartly understood, but to the end timeprophecies, which have just recentlybeen understood and were sealed untilthen. “... many will research (delveinto it)“, in the end time that began in1798, many should have delved intoDaniel’s prophecies. By researching,some interpreters mean the increasedtravelling of people and the increase oftravel opportunities by means of moderntransport facilities, as it has been reallythe case since the last century, “andknowledge shall increase.” At the endof the 18th and the beginning of the19th century a completely independentresearch of the prophecies of Danieland Revelation took place in Germany,England and the United States and manydeclared that the end is near and thesecond Coming of Jesus [Yahshua] isimminent. <strong>The</strong> increase of knowledgeis also understood as an indication ofinventions and discoveries in the endtimes, which all serve to faster promulgateknowledge gained by the increasedunderstanding of the prophecy both asa printed and spoken word to all peoplesthroughout the world thus preparing forthe second Coming of Jesus [Yahshua].(12:4).Dan 12,5 Und ich, Daniel, sah,und siehe, es standen zwei andereda, einer an diesem Ufer desWassers, der andere an jenem Ufer.KJV + EL = THEN I, DANIEL, LOOKED,AND, BEHOLD, THERE STOODOTHER TWO, THE ONE ON THISSIDE OF THE BANK OF THE RIVER,AND THE OTHER ON THAT SIDE OFTHE BANK OF THE RIVER.Dan 12,6 Und er sprach zu demin leinenen Kleidern, der über denWassern des Flusses stand: Wannwill‘s denn ein Ende sein mit solchenWundern?SIMON BIBEL = ... “Wie lange +dauertes bis zum+ Ende der wunderbarenBegebenheiten (wunderbaren,geheimnisvollen Ende)?KJV + EL = AND ONE SAID TO THEMAN CLOTHED IN LINEN, WHO WASUPON (ABOVE) THE WATERS OFTHE RIVER, HOW LONG SHALL IT BETO THE END OF THESE WONDERS?Kap 10,5Dan 12,7 VOR 1866 = Und ich hörtezu, dem in Leinenkleidern, der obenam Wasser (des Stroms) stand under hob seine rechte und linke Handauf gen Himmel und schwor bei dem,so ewiglich lebt, DASS ES EINE ZEITUND ZWEI (ETLICHE) ZEITEN UNDEINE HALBE ZEIT (= 1.260 Tage = 3 x360 Jahrestage => 1.260 Jahre; dennes gilt “ein Tag für ein Jahr” gerechnetvon 538 n. Chr. bis zum Jahr 1798n. Chr.!) WÄHREN SOLL. Und wenndie Zerstreuung (das Zerschlagender Macht [die Macht des Zerstörers])des heiligen Volkes ein Ende hat,soll solches alles geschehen.KJV + EL = AND I HEARD THE MANCLOTHED IN LINEN, WHO WASABOVE THE WATERS OF THE RIVER,WHEN HE HELD UP HIS RIGHTHAND AND HIS LEFT TO HEAVEN,AND SWORE BY HIM THAT LIVESFOREVER THAT IT SHALL BE FORA TIME, TIMES, AND A HALF (=1.260 days = 1.260 years after „one dayfor for one year“ = 538 A.D. till 1798A.D.); AND WHEN HE SHALL HAVEACCOMPLISHED TO SCATTER THEPOWER OF THE HOLY PEOPLE, ALLTHESE THINGS SHALL BE FINISHED.Offb 10,5.6; Kap 7,25Dan 12,8 Und ich hörte es; aber ichverstand‘s nicht und sprach: Mein Herr,was wird darnach werden (was ist derAusgang / das Letzte von diesem)?KJV + EL = AND I HEARD, BUT I

70Daniel 12UNDERSTOOD NOT: THEN SAID I,O MY SUPERIOR, WHAT SHALL BETHE END OF THESE THINGS?Dan 12,9 Er aber sprach: Gehe hin,Daniel; denn es ist verborgen undversiegelt bis auf die letzte Zeit.KJV + EL = AND HE SAID, GO YOURWAY, DANIEL; FOR THE WORDS ARECLOSED UP AND SEALED TILL THETIME OF THE END.Dan 12,10 VIELE WERDENGEREINIGT, GELÄUTERT UNDBEWÄHRT / GEPRÜFT WERDEN UNDDIE GOTTLOSEN / DIE GESETZLOSENWERDEN GOTTLOSE / GESETZLOSEWESEN FÜHREN [= gesetzloshandeln], UND DIE GOTTLOSEN /DIE GESETZLOSEN WERDEN ESNICHT ACHTEN / VERSTEHEN, ABERDIE VERSTÄNDIGEN WERDEN ESACHTEN / VERSTEHEN.KJV + EL = MANY SHALL PURIFIED,AND MADE WHITE, AND TRIED; BUTTHE WICKED SHALL DO WICKEDLY:AND NONE OF THE WICKED SHALLUNDERSTAND; BUT THE WISESHALL UNDERSTAND.Dan 12,11 LUTHER 1545 +HEBRÄISCHE BIBEL VOR 1840 =UND VON DER ZEIT AN, WENN DASTÄGLICHE (HEBRÄISCH: TAMID) /BESTÄNDIGE ABGETAN UNDEIN GREUEL DER VERWÜSTUNGAUFGERICHTET (DARGESETZT)WIRD, SIND TAUSEND ZWEIHUN-DERTUNDNEUNZIG TAGE.(508 n. Chr. - 1798 n. Chr.)KJV + EL + HEBREW = AND FROMTHE TIME THAT THE DAILYSHALL BE TAKEN AWAY, ANDTHE ABONIMATION THAT MAKESDESOLATE SET UP, THERESHALL BE A THOUSAND TWOHUNDRED AND NINETY DAYS.Kap 11,31; Matth 24,15Anmerkung: In allen Bibeln wurde inBezug auf das “tägliche Opfer” das Wort“Opfer” durch menschliche Weisheithinzugefügt, welches nicht zum Versgehört. Siehe diesbezüglich die altenhebräischen Bibeln. Das hebräische Wort“tamid” (das TÄGLICHE) bedeutet eineunbestimmte, durch nichts beschränkte,endlose “FORTDAUER” oder “DAUER”.Remark: In all Bibles the word „Victim“was added concerning the “everydayvictim” by human wisdom which doesnot belong to the verse. See referring tothis the old Hebrew Bibles. <strong>The</strong> Hebrewword „tamid“ (the DAILY) means anindefinite, by nothing limited, endless„CONTINUATION“ or „DURATION“.Dan 12,12 Wohl dem, der da wartetund erreicht tausend dreihundert undfünfunddreißig Tage! (= 1843 n. Chr.)KJV + EL = BLESSED IS HE THATWAITS, AND COMES TO THETHOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ANDTHIRTY-FIVE DAYS.Dan 12,13 Du aber, Daniel,gehe hin, bis das Ende komme;und ruhe, daß du aufstehst zudeinem Erbteil am Ende der Tage!KJV + EL = BUT GO YOU YOUR WAYTILL THE END BE; FOR YOU SHALLREST, AND SHALL STAND IN YOURLOT AT THE END OF THE DAYS.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Daniel sahzwei Engel an den Ufern des Stromesstehen, von denen einer die zwar vonDaniel nicht ausgesprochene, ihn abersicherlich stark bewegende Frage anChristus [den Messias] (10,5.6; Offb. 1,13-15) nach dem “Ende der wunderbarenBegebenheiten” oder nach dem“wunderbaren (geheimnisvollen) Ende”stellte. Christus [Der Messias] schwur beidem ewig Lebenden, dass nach den 3 1/2Zeiten (Ende 1798) das Zerschlagen, dieZerstreuung, die Verfolgung der GemeindeChristi [des Messias] oder die Macht desZerstörers (des geistlichen Roms, das1798 tödlich verwundet wurde) ein Endehat und “dieses alles wird vollendetsein” (Dan. 12,5-7; 7,25). Die Zeit, da das“Beständige” (der wahre Gottesdienst:Der beständige Priesterdienst Jesu[Jahschua] im himmlischen Heiligtum)beseitigt wird”, um den verwüstendenGreuel aufzustellen” (das Heidentum inchristlichem Gewand), beginnt 30 Jahrefrüher als die 1260 Jahre (Beginn 538 n.Chr. mit der Niederlage der Goten vor

Daniel 1271Rom und dem Anfang der päpstlichenVorherrschaft), nämlich 508 n. Chr. Diesist aber die Zeit, da Chlodwig, der Königder Franken, als erster abendländischerHerrscher sich zum katholischenGlauben bekannte und 506-509 seinenerfolgreichen Krieg mit den arianischenBurgundern und Westgoten führte. Seitjener Zeit hatten die Frankenkönigedie Titel “ältester Sohn der Kirche”und “Allerchristlichster König” geführt(12,11). ...1844: Dem Beginn der Reinigung oderder Rechtfertigung des himmlischenHeiligtums durch den hohenpriesterlichenVersöhnungsdienst unseres ErlösersJesus Christus [Jahschua dem Messias]im Allerheiligsten des Tempels imHimmel und der weltweiten Verkündigungder drei Engelsbotschaften als letzteHeilsbotschaft an die Nationender Welt (12,12; Offb. 14,6-12).Das Kapitel und damit das ganze Buchschließt mit einer Heilsverheißung fürDaniel: Er würde ruhen, und wenn Christus[der Messias] als Herrscher des Weltallswiederkommt, um sein Volk aus dergroßen Notzeit, der Drangsal zu erretten,dann würde auch Daniel zu seinem Los,zu seinem Anteil am Messiasreich, amReiche Gottes, auferstehen (12,13.1).Wenn wir Jesus [den HErrn Jahschuaden Messias] als unseren persönlichenErlöser im Glauben angenommen habenund fest in der Gnade Gottes [JAHWEH’s]stehen [denn, wer ihn liebt, der hält auchseine Gebote und seine Gebote sind nichtschwer - 1. Joh. 5,2.3] und uns von seinemheiligen Geist leiten lassen, werden auchwir Anteil am Reiche Gottes [JAHWEH’s]haben und für immer und für alle Zeitenbei Jesus [unseren HErrn Jahschua denMessias] im Reiche des Lichtes und derHerrlichkeit sein dürfen.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Daniel sawtwo angels standing on the banks of theriver, one of whom, asked Christ [theMessiah] about the “end of the wonderfulevents” or the “wonderful (secret) end” -a question not pronounced by Daniel, butcertainly moving him strongly (10:5-6;Rev 1:13-15. ) Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] sworeby Him who lives forever that after the3 1/2 times (late 1798) the smashing, thedispersal, the persecution of the Churchof Christ [the Messiah] or the power ofthe destroyer (of spiritual Rome, mortallywounded in 1798) will come to the endand “this will all be finished” (Dan. 12:5-7;7:25). <strong>The</strong> time when the “Persistent” (thetrue divine service: the constant priestlyservice of Jesus [Yahshua] in the heavenlysanctuary) will be eliminated in orderto establish the devastating atrocities(paganism in Christian garb), begins30 years earlier than 1260 (beginning538 AD with the defeat of the Goths ofRome and the beginning of the PapalPredominance), i. e. 508 AD. But thisis the time when Clovis, the king of theFranks, the first Western ruler to admitto the Catholic faith waged a successfulwar against the Arian Burgundians andVisigoths from 506 to 509. Since thattime, the titles “<strong>The</strong> Eldest Son of theChurch” and “<strong>The</strong> Most Christian King“have been established with the Frankishkings (12:11). ...1844: <strong>The</strong> cleaning or the compurgation ofthe heavenly sanctuary by the high priestlyministry of reconciliation of our SaviourJesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah]in the inner sanctum of the temple inheaven, and the worldwide proclamationof the three angels’ messages as a finalmessage of salvation to the nations of theworld begins (12:12 , Revelation 14:6-12).<strong>The</strong> chapter and thus the whole bookcloses with a promise of salvation toDaniel: He would rest and when Christ[the Messiah] returns as the ruler of theuniverse to rescue his people from thegreat distress of tribulation, also Danielwould rise for his allotted portion in theMessianic kingdom, the kingdom of God(12:13-1). If we have adopted Jesus [theMaster Yahshua the Messiah] in faith asour personal Saviour strongly standingin the grace of God [YAHWEH] [for theone who loves him, adhering to hiscommandments and his commandmentsare not burdensome - 1 John 5:2-3] andallow being guided by His holy Spirit,we will also have a share in the kingdomof God [YAHWEH] and may stay in thekingdom of light and glory of Jesus[our Master Yahshua the Messiah] for alltimes.Editor: [...]

DIES IST DIE OFFENBARUNG JAHSCHUAS DEMMESSIAS, DIE IHM JAHWEH GEGEBEN HAT, SEINENKNECHTEN ZU ZEIGEN ..., UND ER HAT SIE GEDEUTETUND GESANDT DURCH SEINEN ENGEL ZU SEINEMKNECHT JOHANNESTHIS IS THE REVELATION OF YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH,WHICH YAHWEH GAVE TO HIM TO SHOW TO HISSERVANTS ..., AND HE SENT AND SIGNIFIED IT BY HISANGEL TO HIS SERVANT JOHN75mit Erklärungen von Ernst Simon, Missionarwith explanations by Ernst Simon, missionaryKapitel 1Offb 1,1 Dies ist die OffenbarungJahschuas dem Messias, die ihmJAHWEH gegeben hat, seinenKnechten zu zeigen, was in derKürze geschehen soll; und er hat siegedeutet und gesandt durch seinenEngel zu seinem Knecht Johannes,PFÄFFLIN = Diese Offenbarungstammt von Gott. Er hat sie JesusChristus kundgetan. Der sollte sieseinen Dienern weitergeben. Was inBälde geschehen soll, davon ist hierdie Rede.KJV + EL = THE REVELATION OFYAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, WHICHYAHWEH GAVE TO HIM TO SHOWTO HIS SERVANTS THINGS WHICHMUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS:AND HE SENT AND SIGNIFIED IT BYHIS ANGEL TO HIS SERVANT JOHN:Offb 1,2 der bezeugt hat dasWort Gottes und das Zeugnis vonJahschua dem Messias, was ergesehen hat.PFÄFFLIN = Und Johannes hatZeugnis abgelegt von dem WortGottes und von dem, was JesusChristus ihn schauen ließ.KJV + EL = WHO BORE WITNESSOF THE WORD OF YAHWEH, ANDOF THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUATHE MESSIAH, AND OF ALL THINGSTHAT HE SAW.Offb 1,3 SELIG IST, DER DA LIESTUND DIE DA HÖREN DIE WORTEDER WEISSAGUNG UND BEHALTEN,WAS DARIN GESCHRIEBEN IST;DENN DIE ZEIT IST NAHE.PFÄFFLIN = Wohl dem, der dies mitAufmerksamkeit liest! Wohl denen,die die Worte der Weissagunghören und achten auf das, was hierniedergeschrieben ist! Die Zeit rücktnahe heran.KJV + EL = BLESSED IS HETHAT READS, AND THEY THATHEAR THE WORDS OF THISPROPHECY, AND KEEP THOSETHINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN INIT: FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND.Kap 22,10Gruß an die sieben GemeindenOffb 1,4 Johannes den siebenGemeinden in Asien: Gnade sei miteuch und Friede VON JAHWEH(DEM), DER DA IST UND DER DA WARUND DER DA KOMMT (KISTEMAKER =... VON DEM, DER IST UND DERWAR UND DER SEIN WIRD !),

76Offenbarung ~ Revelation 1und von den sieben Geistern,die da sind vor seinem THRON,KJV + EL = John to the sevenassemblies which are in Asia:GRACE BE TO YOU AND PEACE,FROM YAHWEH WHO IS ANDWHO WAS AND WHO IS TO COME;AND FROM THE SEVEN SPRIRITSWHICH ARE BEFORE HIS THRONE;2. Mose 3,14.15; Kap 3,1; 5,6Offb 1,5 UND von Jahschuadem GESALBTEN (Messiasheißt ‘der Gesalbte’), WELCHERIST DER TREUE ZEUGE UNDERSTGEBORENE VON DEN TOTENUND DER HERRSCHER (FÜRST)ÜBER DIE KÖNIGE DER ERDE! Deruns geliebt hat und gewaschen vonden Sünden mit seinem BlutKJV + EL = AND FROM YAHSHUA THEMESSIAH, WHO IS THE FAITHFULWITNESS, THE FIRST BEGOTTEN OFTHE DEAD, AND THE PRINCE OF THEKINGS OF THE EARTH. TO HIM THATLOVES US, AND WASHED US FROMOUR SINS IN HIS OWN BLOOD,Kap 3,14; Joh 18,37; 1. Tim 6,13;Kol 1,18Offb 1,6 und hat uns zu Königenund Priestern gemacht vor Gott undseinem Vater, dem sei Ehre und Gewaltvon Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit! Amen.KJV + EL = AND HAS MADE USKINGS AND PRIESTS TO EL AND HISFATHER; TO HIM BE GLORY ANDDOMINION FOREVER AND EVER.AMEN.Kap 5,10; 1. Petr 2,5.9; 2. Mose 19,6Offb 1,7 SIEHE, ER KOMMT MITDEN WOLKEN (mit den Engeln!),UND ES WERDEN IHN SEHEN ALLEAUGEN UND DIE IHN ZERSTOCHEN(DURCHBOHRT) HABEN; UNDWERDEN HEULEN (WEHKLAGENUM SEINETWEGEN) ALLEGESCHLECHTER AUF DER ERDE.JA, AMEN.KJV + EL = BEHOLD, HE COMES WITHCLOUDS (with the angels!); ANDEVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, ANDTHEY ALSO WHICH PIERCED HIM:AND ALL THE KINDREDS (TRIBES) OFTHE EARTH SHALL MOURN (WAIL)BECAUSE OF HIM. EVEN SO, AMEN.Matth 24,30; Sach 12,10; Joh 19,37;2. <strong>The</strong>ssalonicher 1,7Offb 1,8 VOR 1866 = ICH BIN DASA UND O, DER ANFANG UND DASENDE, SPRICHT JAHWEH, DER DAIST UND DER DA (IMMER) WAR UNDDER DA KOMMTDR. M. W. L. DE WETTE &KISTEMAKER = ICH BIN DAS AUND DAS O, - ANFANG UND ENDE,“SPRICHT JAHWEH”, DER DA ISTUND DER DA WAR UND DER DA SEINWIRD, DER ALLMÄCHTIGE.KJV + EL = I AM ALPHA AND THEOMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THEENDING, SAYS YAHWEH ELOHIM,WHO IS AND WHO WAS AND WHOIS TO COME, THE ALMIGHTY.Jes 41,4; Kap 4,8; 21,6Verweis ELBERFELDER 2. Mose 3,14 =Da sprach Gott zu Mose: Ich bin, derich bin (1a). Dann sprach er: So sollstdu zu den Söhnen Israel sagen: (Der)“Ich bin” (2) = 2) das hebr. Wort für“sein” klingt an den GottesnamenJahwe an. a) Jes. 42,8; Offb. 1,4.8Verweis LUTHER 2. Mose 3,15 = ... So sollstdu zu den Israeliten sagen: Der HERR (1),der Gott euer Väter, der Gott Abrahams ...1) im Hebr. lautet der Gottesname Jahwe:daraus wurde durch ein Mißverständnisdes Mittelalters “Jehova”. An unsererStelle wird der Gottesname Jahwe vondem hebr. Zeitwort für “sein” her gedeutet.Nach altem, schon vorchristlichenHerkommen wird für Jahwe dieBezeichnung “der HERR” gebraucht.Verweis ZÜRCHER 1. Mose 4,26 = Undauch dem Seth ward ein Sohn geboren;den hieß er Enos. Damals fing man an,den Namen Jahwes (1) anzurufen. =1) der besondere Namen des GottesIsraels lautete ursprünglich Jahwe.In der Reformationszeit kam dafürirrtümlicherweise die Namensform Jehovain Gebrauch. Die meisten Übersetzungenwählten statt dessen nach jüd. Vorgangdie allgemeine Bezeichnung “der Herr”,

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 177die in der Regel auch in unserer ZürcherBibel beibehalten ist.Reference to the ELBERFELD Bible,Exodus 3:14 = God said to Moses: I amwho I am (1a).<strong>The</strong>n he said: Thus shaltthou say to the children of Israel: (<strong>The</strong>)“I am” (2) = 2), the Hebrew word for“be” is reminiscent of the divine nameYahweh. a) Isaiah 42:8; Rev. 1:4-8.Reference to the LUTHER, Exodus 3:15 =... Thus you shall say to the Israelites:<strong>The</strong> LORD (1), the God of yourfathers, the God of Abraham ...1) in Hebrew the name of God is Yahweh:due to a misunderstanding in the MiddleAges it has become “Jehovah.” In thepresent text, the divine name Yahwehis educed from the Hebrew verb “be”.According to an old, already pre-Christiantradition, the name “LORD” is used forYahweh.Reference to ZURICHER Bible,Genesis 4:26 = also a son was born toSeth whom he called Enos. <strong>The</strong>n peoplebegan to call him by the name Yahweh(1). = 1) the specific name of God ofIsrael was originally Yahweh. During theReformation it was erroneously the nameform Jehovah which came into use. Mosttranslations chose the general term“Lord” instead of the Jewish <strong>version</strong>,normally maintained in our Zurich Bible.Offb 1,9 Ich, Johannes, der auch euerBruder und Mitgenosse an der Trübsalist und am Reich und an der GeduldJahschuas dem Messias, war auf derInsel, die da heißt Patmos, um desWortes JAHWEH’s willen und desZeugnisses Jahschua dem Messias.KJV + EL = I JOHN, WHO ALSOAM YOUR BROTHER ANDCOMPANION IN TRIBULATION ANDIN THE KINGDOM AND PATIENCEIN YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, WAS INTHE ISLE THAT IS CALLED PATMOS,FOR THE WORD OF YAHWEH ANDFOR THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUATHE MESSIAH.Offb 1,10 ICH WAR IM GEIST ANJAHWEH’S TAG (auch des HErrnJahschuas gehörigen Tage, der<strong>Sabbat</strong>, der Samstag) UND HÖRTEHINTER MIR EINE GROSSESTIMME WIE EINER POSAUNE,KJV + EL = I WAS IN THE SPIRITON YAHWEH’S DAY, AND IHEARD BEHIND ME A GREATVOICE, AS OF A TRUMPETMatth 12,8; Mark 2,28; Luk 6,5Offb 1,11 VOR 1911 = ICH BIN DASA (ALPHA) UND DAS O (OMEGA),DER ERSTE UND DER LETZTE; UNDWAS DU SIEHST, DAS SCHREIBE INEIN BUCH UND SENDE ES ZU DENGEMEINDEN in Asien, gen Ephesusund gen Smyrna, und gen Pergamonund gen Thyatira, und gen Sardes undgen Philadelphia und gen Laodicea.KJV + EL = SAYING, I AM ALPHA ANDOMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST.AND, WHAT YOU SEE, WRITE I ABOOK AND SEND IT TO THE SEVENASSEMBLIES WHICH ARE IN ASIA;TO EPHESUS, AND TO SMYRNA,AND TO PERGAMOS, AND TOTHYATIRA, AND TO SARDIS, AND TOPHILADELPHIA, AND TO LAODICEA.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der “dem Herrn[Editor: richtig ist ‚JAHWEH‘] gehörige”oder “gehörende Tag”, griechischkyriake hemera, ist der siebente Tag, der<strong>Sabbat</strong>. Gott segnete und heiligte ihn(1. Mose 2,3); brachte ihn im viertenGebot in Verbindung mit der Schöpfung(2. Mose 20,11); nannte ihn “mein heiligerTag” (Jes. 58,13) und Jesus [Jahschua]bezeichnete sich selbst “HErr auch des<strong>Sabbat</strong>s” (Mark 2,28).Explanation of Ernst Simon: “the daybelonging to or associated with” “theLord [Editor: correct ‘YAHWEH’]”,Greek kyriake hemera, is the seventhday, the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. God blessed andhallowed it (Genesis 2:3), in the fourthcommandment putting him in connectionwith the creation (Exodus 20:11),called it “my holy day” (Isaiah 58:13),and Jesus [Yahshua] called himself“Master of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h” (Mark 2:28).Offb 1,12 Und ich wandte mich um,zu sehen nach der Stimme, die mit mirredete. Und als ich mich umwandtesah ich sieben goldene LeuchterKJV + EL = And I turned to see the

78Offenbarung ~ Revelation 1voice that spoke to me. AND BEINGTURNED I SAW SEVEN GOLDENLAMPSTANDS;Offb 1,13 und mitten unter diesieben Leuchtern einen, der wareines Menschen Sohne gleich,der war angetan mit einem langenGewand und begürtet um dieBrust mit einem goldenen Gürtel.KJV + EL = AND IN THE MIDDLE OFTHE SEVEN LAMPSTANDS ONE LIKETO A SON OF MAN, CLOTHED WITH AGARMENT DOWN TO THE FOOT, ANDGIRDED ABOUT AT THE BREASTSWITH A GOLDEN GIRDLE (BELT).Kap 2,1; Dan 7,13Offb 1,14 Sein Haupt aber undsein Haar war weiß wie weißeWolle, wie der Schnee, und seineAugen wie eine FeuerflammeKJV + EL = HIS HEAD AND HISHAIRS WERE WHITE LIKE WHOOLAS WHITE AS SNOW; AND HISEYES WERE AS A FLAME OF FIRE;Dan 7,9; Kap 2,18; 19,12Offb 1,15 und seine Füße gleichwieMessing, das im Ofen glüht, und seineStimme wie großes Wasserrauschen;KJV +EL = AND HIS FEET LIKE TOFINE BRASS (BRONZE), AS IF THEYBURNED IN A FURNACE; AND HISVOICE AS THE SOUND OF MANYWATERS.Offb 1,16 und er hatte sieben Sternein seiner rechten Hand, und ausseinem Munde ging ein scharfes,zweischneidiges Schwert, und seinAngesicht leuchtete wie die helle Sonne.KJV + EL = AND HE HAD IN HISRIGHT HAND SEVEN STARS: ANDOUT OF HIS MOUTH WENT A SHARPTWO-EDGED SWORD: AND HISCOUTENANCE WAS AS THE SUNSHINES IN HIS STRENGTH.Offb 1,17 Und als ich ihn sah, fiel ich zuseinen Füßen wie ein Toter; und er legteseine rechte Hand auf mich und sprachzu mir: FÜRCHTE DICH NICHT! ICHBIN DER ERSTE UND DER LETZTEKJV + EL = And when I saw him, I fell athis feet, as dead. And he laid his righthand upon me, saying to me, FEARNOT; I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST:Dan 8,18; Jes. 44,6; 48,12Offb 1,18 UND DER LEBENDIGE;ICH (JAHSCHUA) WAR TOT,UND SIEHE, ICH BIN LEBENDIGVON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEITUND HABE DIE SCHLÜSSELDER HÖLLE UND DES TODES.KJV + EL = I AM HE THAT LIVES, ANDWAS DEAD; AND, BEHOLD, I AMALIVE FOREVERMORE, AMEN; ANDHAVE THE KEYS OF HELL (HADES)AND OF DEATH.Offb 1,19 MENGE = Schreibe nun auf,was du gesehen hast, und was jetztschon ist, und was in Zukunft nochgeschehen wird.KJV + EL = WRITE THE THINGSWHICH YOU HAVE SEEN, AND THETHINGS WHICH ARE, AND THETHINGS WHICH SHALL COME TOPASS AFTER THIS;Offb 1,20 DAS GEHEIMNIS DERSIEBEN STERNE, DIE DU GESEHENHAST IN MEINER RECHTEN HAND,UND DIE SIEBEN GOLDENENLEUCHTER: DIE SIEBEN STERNESIND ENGEL DER SIEBENGEMEINDEN; UND DIE SIEBENLEUCHTER, DIE DU GESEHEN HAST,SIND SIEBEN GEMEINDEN.KJV+ EL = THE MYSTERY OF THESEVEN STARS WHICH YOU SAW INMY RIGHT HAND, AND THE SEVENGOLDEN LAMPSTANDS. THE SEVENSTARS ARE THE ANGELS OF THESEVEN ASSEMBLIES: AND THESEVEN LAMPSTANDS WHICH YOUSAW ARE THE SEVEN ASSEMBLIES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: “DieEnthüllung Jesu Christi [Jahschuasdem Messias], die Gott ihm gegebenhat” (1,1), ist das einzige prophetischeBuch des Neuen Bundes. Die Enthüllung(Offenbarung) zeigt die Geschichte derGemeinde Christi [des Messias] vom

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 1. 279Tage der Himmelfahrt Jesu [Jahschuas]bis zu seiner Wiederkunft und darüberhinaus bis zu seinem dritten Kommen,wenn mit dem Herabkommen der HeiligenStadt, des Neuen Jerusalems, ein neuerHimmel und eine neue Erde sein werden(Offb. 21,1). Johannes war als Verbannterauf der Insel Patmos, als ihm durcheinen Engel die Enthüllung gegebenwurde. Jesus [Jahschua] beauftragteihn, sie den sieben Gemeinden in derrömischen Provinz Asia zu senden (1,11).Diese sieben Gemeinden, die tatsächlichin den Tagen des Apostels bestandenhaben, stellen sieben Zeitabschnitteder Christenheit dar. Jede Gemeindeentspricht in ihren Eigenarten prophetischeinem entsprechenden Zeitabschnitt derGeschichte der Gesamtgemeinde desNeuen Bundes. Die Wiederkunft Christi[des Messias] (“Seht, er kommt mit denWolken” 1,7) ist der Inhalt, das <strong>The</strong>mader Enthüllung, das zweite KommenJesu [Jahschuas] ist das Ziel alles inihr geschilderten Geschehens, zu demhin sich alles bewegt. “Jesus Christus[Jahschua der Messias], der treue Zeuge,der Erstgeborene der Toten und derHerrscher der Könige der Erde”, der “inseinem Blute uns von unseren Sündenerlöst hat” (1,5), offenbart sich in seinemReiche als fürbittender Hoherpriester inder Mitte seiner Gemeinde (1,12.13), alsihr Richter (1,14.15), als ihr Führer, dersie umgibt und sie zur Vollendung führt(1,16), als “der Erste und der Letzte undder Lebendige”, der die Macht über Todund Totenreich hat (1,17.18).Explanation of Ernst Simon: “<strong>The</strong>revelation of Jesus Christ [Yahshua theMessiah], which God has given to him”(1:1), is the only prophetic book of theNew Covenant. <strong>The</strong> unveiling (revelation)shows the history of the church ofChrist [the Messiah] from the day of theAscension of Jesus [Jahschua] to hiscoming and also to his third coming,the creation of the <strong>Holy</strong> City, the NewJerusalem, a new heaven and a newearth (Rev. 21:1). An exile on the islandof Patmos, John was given the revelationby an angel. Jesus [Yahshua] instructedhim to send it to the seven churches inthe Roman province of Asia (1:11). <strong>The</strong>seseven communities that actually existedin the days of the Apostles representthe seven periods of Christianity. Everycommunity prophetically corresponds toa time period in the history of the wholecongregation of the New Covenant in itsown way. <strong>The</strong> Second Coming of Christ[the Messiah] (“Behold, he comes withclouds [the angel’s]” 1:7) is the content,the topic of revelation, the second comingof Jesus [Yahshua] is the main focus ofall the events described in it, everythingmoves to it. “Jesus Christ [Yahshuathe Messiah], the faithful witness, thefirstborn from the dead and the ruler ofthe kings of the earth” who “ redeemedus from our sins with his blood “ (1:5),reveals himself in his kingdom as apraying High Priest in the middle of hiscommunity (1:12-13), as their judge (1:14-15), as their leader, surrounding them andleading them to the completion (1:16), as“the First and the Last and the Living“who has power over death and Hades(1:17-18).Kapitel 2Die sieben Sendschreiben.Offb 2,1 Dem Engel der Gemeindezu Ephesus schreibe: Das sagt, derda hält die sieben Sterne in seinerRechten, der da wandelt mitten unterden sieben goldenen Leuchtern:KJV + EL = TO THE ANGEL OF THEASSEMBLY IN EPHESUS WRITE:THESE THINGS SAYS HE THATHOLDS THE SEVEN STARS IN HISRIGHT HAND, WHO WALKS IN THEMIDST OF THE SEVEN GOLDENCANDLESTICKS (LAMPSTANDS);Apg 18,19Offb 2,2 Ich weiß deine Werke unddeine Arbeit und deine Geduld unddaß du die Bösen nicht tragen kannst;und hast versucht die, so da sagen,sie seien Apostel, und sind‘s nicht,und hast sie als Lügner erfunden.KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS,AND YOUR LABOUR, AND OURPATIENCE, AND HOW YOU CANNOTBEAR THEM WHICH ARE EVIL: ANDYOU HAVE TRIED THEM WHICH SAYTHEY ARE APOSTLES, AND THEYARE NOT, AND HAVE FOUND THEM

80Offenbarung ~ Revelation 2LIARS (FALSE): - 1. Joh 4,1Offb 2,3 MENGE= Ja, du besitzestStandhaftigkeit und hast um meinesNamens willen gelitten und bistnicht müde geworden.KJV + EL = AND HAVE BORNE, ANDHAVE PATIENCE, AND FOR MYNAME’S SAKE HAVE LABORED, ANDHAVE NOT FAINTED.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: “DieGemeinde Ephesus, deren Name mancheals wünschenswert erklären, ist dieKirche der Apostel und die Gemeindedes Urchristentums von Christus [demMessias] bis zum Jahre 100. In derSelbstbezeichnung nennt sich Jesus[Jahschua] denjenigen, der alles fest inseiner Rechten hält, als das Haupt, und alsder inmitten seiner Gemeinde Wandelnde.Was dem Engel (Boten; Leiter) derGemeinde gesagt wird, gilt auch für dieganze Gemeinde und für den durch dieGemeinde prophetisch gekennzeichnetenZeitabschnitt. Jesus [Jahschua] gibt Lobfür Werke, Mühe und Standhaftigkeit. DieGemeinde hat die Schlechten (Frevler)nicht ertragen und die Irrlehrer als solcheund als Lügner erkannt. Sie hat Ausdauerbewiesen und um seines Namens willenertragen (Verfolgung durch die Juden unddie römischen Kaiser) und ist nicht müdegeworden.Explanation of Ernst Simon: “<strong>The</strong>community of Ephesus, the namepreferred by some interpreters, is theChurch of the Apostles and the churchof the early Christianity of Christ [theMessiah] until the year 100. Jesus[Yahshua] personally considers himselfthe one who keeps everything firmly in hisright hand, as the head of his changingcommunity. What is said to the angels(messengers, leaders) of the community,also applies to the whole communityand to the time period propheticallydesignated by the community. Jesus[Yahshua] gives praise for work, effortand perseverance. <strong>The</strong> community did nottolerate the wicked (sinners) identifyingthe false teachers as such, but also asliars. It has shown patience and endured(persecution by the Jews and the RomanEmperor) for His name’s sake and has notbecome tired.Offb 2,4 MENGE = ABER ICH HABEAN DIR AUSZUSETZEN, DASSDU IN DEINER ERSTEN LIEBENACHGELASSEN HAST.WESLEY 1755 + EL = BUT I HAVEAGAINST YOU, THAT YOU HAVELEFT YOUR FIRST LOVE.1. Tim 5,12Offb 2,5 Gedenke, wovon dugefallen bist, und tue Buße und tuedie ersten Werke. Wo aber nicht,werde ich dir bald kommen unddeinen Leuchter wegstoßen vonseiner Stätte, wo du nicht Buße tust.KJV + EL = REMEMBER THERFOREFROM WHERE YOU ARE FALLEN,AND REPENT AND DO THE FIRSTWORKS; OR ELSE I WILL COME TOYOU QUICKLY, AND WILL REMOVEYOUR CANDLESTICK (LAMPSTAND)OUT OF HIS PLACE, EXCEPT YOUREPENT.Offb 2,6 Aber das hast du, daßdu die Werke der Nikolaitenhassest, welche ich auch hasse.KJV + EL = BUT THIS YOU HAVE,THAT YOU HATE THE DEEDS OF THENICOLAITANS, WHICH I ALSO HATE.Ps 139,21Offb 2,7 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt:Wer überwindet, dem will ich zuessen geben vom Baum des Lebens,der im Paradies Gottes steht.KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES. TO HIMTHAT OVERCOMES WILL I GIVE TOEAT OF THE TREE OF LIFE, WHICHIS IN THE MIDST OF THE PARADISEOF ELOHIM.Kap 22,2.14; 1. Mose 2,9Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Jesus[Jahschua] muss einen Tadelaussprechen: Die Gemeinde hatte dieerste Liebe verlassen. Die erste Liebe istinnige Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen zuGott und Liebe aus dem ganzen Herzenzu den Mitbürgern und Mitmenschenim allgemeinen. Die Gemeinde wurde

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 281ermahnt, ihren Sinn zu ändern und dieersten Werke zu tun. Sie hasste, wieauch Jesus [Jahschua], die Taten derNikolaiten (2,6). Die Nikolaiten wareneine Richtung, die sich der Unzuchthingab und behauptete, besonders hoheErkenntnis (Gnosis) zu haben. Jesus[Jahschua] gab die Verheißung, dassdie Sieger, auch über diese Irrlehre vomBaume menschlicher Erkenntnis, Zugangzum Paradiese Gottes haben und er ihnenvom Baume des Lebens zu essen gebenwürde.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Jesus[Yahshua] must give a rebuke: the firstlove had left the community. <strong>The</strong> firstlove is the intimate community of thefaithful to God and love from the bottomof one’s heart to one’s fellow citizens andfellow people in general. <strong>The</strong> communitywas urged to change their minds anddo the first works. <strong>The</strong>y hated, just asJesus [Yahshua] did, the deeds of theNicolaitans (2:6). <strong>The</strong> Nicolaitans were adirection that fornicated and claimed tohave very high knowledge (gnosis). Jesus[Yahshua] gave a promise that the winnereven of this heresy of the tree of humanknowledge would have access to God’sparadise where they will be allowed to eatfrom the tree of life.Offb 2,8 Und dem Engel derGemeinde zu Smyrna schreibe: dassagt der Erste und der Letzte, dertot war und ist lebendig geworden:KJV + EL = AND TO THE ANGEL OFTHE ASSEMBLY IN SMYRNA WRITE:THESE THINGS SAYS THE FIRSTAND THE LAST, WHO WAS DEAD,AND IS ALIVE;Kap 1,11.18Offb 2,9 MENGE = ICH KENNE DEINEBEDRÄNGNIS UND ARMUT, - DICHDU BIST JA REICH; ICH WEISS AUCH,DASS DU VON DENEN GESCHMÄHTWIRST, DIE SICH JUDEN NENNENUND ES DOCH NICHT SIND,SONDERN EINE GEMEINDE DESSATANS.KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS,AND TRIBULATION, AND POVERTY(BUT YOU ARE RICH) AND I KNOWTHE BLASPHEMY OF THEM WHICHSAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARENOT, BUT ARE OF THE SYNAGOGUEOF SATAN.Jak 2,5; Kap 3,9Offb 2,10 VOR 1866 = FÜRCHTE DICHNICHT VOR DEM, DASS DU LEIDENWIRST! SIEHE, DER TEUFEL WIRDETLICHE VON EUCH INS GEFÄNGNISWERFEN, AUF DASS IHR VERSUCHTWERDET, UND IHR WERDETTRÜBSAL HABEN (IN BEDRÄNGNISSEIN) ZEHN TAGE. SEI GETREU BISAN DEN TOD, SO WILL ICH DIR DIEKRONE DES LEBENS GEBEN.KJV + EL = FEAR NONE OF THOSETHINGS WHICH YOU SHALL SUFFER:BEHOLD, THE DEVIL SHALL CASTSOME OF YOU INTO PRISON, THATYOU MAY BE TRIED; AND YOUSHALL HAVE TRIBULATION TENDAYS. BE FAITHFUL TO DEATH, ANDI WILL GIVE YOU THE CROWN OFLIFE.Matth 10,19.28; Kap 3,11; 2. Tim 4,8Offb 2,11 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt:‚WER DA ÜBERWINDET, DEM SOLLDER ZWEITE TOD NICHTS ANHABENKÖNNEN (MENGE).’KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES. HETHAT OVERCOMES SHALL NOT BEHURT OF THE SECOND DEATH.Kap 20,14Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DieGemeinde Smyrna ist die Kirche derMärtyrer und die Gemeinde nach GottesWillen von 100 bis 312 nach Christus. DerName Smyrna wird von der Myrrhe, einemBalsamstrauch mit bitter schmeckendemHarz, abgleitet. Manchen führen denNamen auf Samorna, einer anatolischenGöttin, die in der Stadt angebetet wurde,zurück. Christus [Der Messias] spricht dieGemeinde als der Erste und der Letzte,als der Auferstandene an (2,8). Er kenntdie Trübsal der Gemeinde und ihre Armut,aber auch ihren inneren Reichtum in Gott,ebenso die Lästerung christenfeindlicher

82Offenbarung ~ Revelation 2Juden, die den Messias ablehnten unddie Jesus [Jahschuas] Gemeinde Satansnennt (2,9). Zeitweilige Verfolgungenunter verschiedenen Kaisern während derzwei Jahrhunderte, die aber meist örtlichbeschränkt waren, kennzeichneten dieZeit der Smyrnagemeinde. Die “zehnTage Drangsal” sind prophetisch zuverstehen und sind zehn Jahre von 303-312, eine Zeit schwerer allgemeinerChristenverfolgungen unter KaiserDiokletian mit dem erklärten Ziel,die Gemeinde zu vernichten. Jesus[Jahschua] stärkt die Gemeinde mit demZuspruch: “Fürchte dich nicht”, gibtdie Zusage, dass er den Treuen bis anden Tod den Kranz des Lebens gebenwird und auch die Verheißung, dass dieÜberwinder vor dem zweiten, dem ewigenTod, bewahrt werden (2,10.11).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>community of Smyrna is the church ofmartyrs and the community accordingto God’s will from 100 to 312 AD. <strong>The</strong>name of Smyrna derives from the myrrh,a bitter-tasting Balsam shrub. Somerefer the name to Samorna, an Anatoliangoddess who was worshiped in thatcity. Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] appeals to thecommunity as the First and the Last, theRisen Master (2:8). He knows the sorrowof the community and its poverty, butalso their inner wealth in God, just asthe anti-Christian blasphemy of Jewswho rejected the Messiah while callingthe community of Jesus [Yahshua]Satan (2:9). Temporary persecutionunder various emperors during thetwo centuries, mostly confined locally,characterized the time of the Smyrnacommunity. <strong>The</strong> “ten tribulation days”are to be understood prophetically,and are the ten years from 303 to 312,generally a time of severe persecution ofChristians under the Emperor Diocletian,with the declared aim to destroy thechurch. Jesus [Yahshua] strengthens thecommunity with the response: “Fear not,”and it gives an assurance that he will givethe crown of life unto death to the faithfuland the promise that the overcomers willbe preserved before the second, eternaldeath (2:10-11).Offb 2,12 Und dem Engel derGemeinde zu Pergamon (Pergamus)schreibe: DAS SAGT, DER DA HATDAS SCHARFE, ZWEISCHNEIDIGESCHWERT:KJV + EL = AND TO THE ANGEL OFTHE ASSEMBLY IN PERGAMUN(PERGAMOS) WRITE: THESETHINGS SAYS HE WHICH HAS THESHARP SWORD WITH TWO EDGES:Hebr 4,12Offb 2,13 Ich weiß, was du tust undwo du wohnst, da des Satans Thronist; und HÄLTST AN MEINEM NAMENUND HAST MEINEN GLAUBEN NICHTVERLEUGNET auch in den Tagen, inwelchen Antipas,mein treuer Zeuge,bei euch getötet ist, da der Satanwohnt.KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS,AND WHERE YOU DWELL, EVENWHERE SATAN’S THRONE IS;AND YOU HOLD FAST MY NAME,AND HAVE NOT DENIED MY FAITH,EVEN IN THOSE DAYS WHEREIN(WHEN) ANTIPAS WAS MY FAITHFULMARTYR, WHO WAS SLAIN (KILLED)AMONG YOU, WHERE SATANDWELLS.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DerPergamonzeitabschnitt ist die Kirche desStaatschristentums und des Papsttumsund die Gemeinde der Verweltlichung 313-538 n. Chr. Pergamon bedeutet Hohenburgund der äußere Zustand der Kirche warder einer Erhöhung von einer verfolgtenGlaubensrichtung zu einer Stellunggewaltiger Macht und großen Ansehens,als 313 durch Kaiser Konstantindie große Wende eingetreten war.“Thron des Satans” (2,13). In Pergamonwar 29 v. Chr. ein Tempel der Anbetung desKaisers Oktavian Augustus errichtet unddamit zum ersten Male im Römerreich dieKaiserverehrung eingeführt worden, diesich von da aus nicht nur in der ProvinzAsia, sondern auch nach dem Westen imganzen Reiche ausbreitete. War schonfrüher Pergamon durch den Zeusaltar einMittelpunkt heidnischen Götzendienstes,so hatte, in biblischer Sicht, Satan durchEinführung des Kaiserkultus in P. seinenThron aufgerichtet. In diesem durchPergamon prophetisch gekennzeichnetenZeitabschnitt festigte das Papsttumseine Stellung als religiöser und

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 283politischer Führer in Westrom, und Satanerrichtete seinen “Thron” innerhalbder christlichen Kirche. Das Papsttumwar eine geschickte Mischung vonHeidentum mit Christentum. “Aus demChaos der Völkerwanderung erhebt sichallmählich eine neue Staatenordnung,deren geistlicher Mittelpunkt derpäpstliche Stuhl ist.” (Dr. Döllinger).Christus [Der Messias] tritt der Gemeindeals Schwertführer gegenüber, “der dasscharfe, zweischneidige Schwert hat”(2,12). Dies entspricht der Schilderungdes verherrlichten Christus [Messias](1,16). Nach Hebr. 4,12 “ist ja dasWort Gottes lebendig und wirksamund schärfer als jedes zweischneidigeSchwert.” Jesus [Jahschua] begegnet derGemeinde, die in Gefahr ist, nicht mehrauf dieses Wort zu hören, sondern aufmenschliche Ausdeutungen, mit seinemWorte. Er gibt ihr das Lob, dass sie dort,“wo der Thron des Satans ist”, seinenNamen festgehalten und seinen Glaubennicht verleugnet hat. Er spricht von“Antipas” als dem “treuen Zeugen”. VieleTausende hielten am wahren biblischenGlauben fest, wie “Antipas”, der “treueZeuge” (2,13).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>Pergamum period is the Church of theState of Christianity, the Papacy andthe Church of the secularization 313-538 AD. Pergamum means a castle builton a hill which represented an elevationfrom the persecuted faith to a positionof enormous power and high prestige asa great turn took place in 313 during thereigning period of Emperor Constantine.“Satan’s Throne” (2:13). In 29 BC, InPergamum, a temple of worship of theEmperor Octavian Augustus was erectedand for the first time in the Roman Empirethe Emperor worship was launched, whichwas not only spread in the province ofAsia, but also in the Western Empire. LikePergamum which had previously been thecentre of a pagan idolatry by means of theAltar of Zeus, in a biblical perspective,Satan established his throne throughthe introduction of the imperial cult. Inthis period prophetically marked byPergamum, the papacy strengthened itsposition as a religious and political leaderin West Rome, whereas Satan set up his“throne” in the Christian Church. <strong>The</strong>papacy was a clever mixture of Paganismand Christianity. ”A new state order risesgradually from the chaos of migration,the spiritual centre of which is the papalchair.” (Dr. Doellinger).Christ [the Messiah] confronts thecommunity as a sword leader, “havingthe sharp two-edged sword” (2:12). Thiscorresponds to the descriptionof the glorified Christ [Messiah](1:16). According to Hebrews 4:12, “theword of God is living and powerful,sharper than any two-edged sword.”Jesus [Yahshua] meets the communitythat is in danger of not hearing tothis word anymore, but to humaninterpretations of his words. He givesthem the praise that they kept his nameand have not renounced his faith “whereSatan’s throne is”. He speaks of “Antipas”as the “faithful witness”. Many thousandswere adhering to the true biblical faith as“Antipas”, the “faithful witness” (2:13).Offb 2,14 MENGE = Doch ich habeeiniges an dir auszusetzen; dennhast dort Leute unter dir, die ander Lehre Bileams festhalten, derden Balak unterwies, die Israelitenzur Sünde zu verführen, nämlichGötzenopferfleisch und Unzucht zutreiben.u essen Götzenopfer undHurerei zu treiben.KJV + EL = BUT I HAVE A FEWTHINGS AGAINST YOU, BECAUSEYOU HAVE THERE THEM THATHOLD THE DOCTRINE OF BALAAM,WHO TAUGHT BALAK TO CAST ASTUMBLINGBLOCK BEFORE THECHILDREN OF ISRAEL, TO EATTHINGS SACRIFICED TO IDOLS,AND TO COMMIT FORNICATION.4. Mose 25,1-2; 31,16; Judas 11;2. Petr 2,15Offb 2,15 Also hast du auch(solche bei dir), die an der Lehreder Nikolaiten halten: das hasse ich.KJV + EL = SO YOU HAVE ALSOTHEM THAT HOLD THE DOCTRINEOF THE NICOLAITANS, WHICHTHING I HATE.Offb 2,16 Tue Buße; wo aber nicht,so werde ich dir bald kommenund mit ihnen kriegen durch

84Offenbarung ~ Revelation 2das Schwert meines Mundes.KJV + EL = REPENT; OR ELSE I WILLCOME TO YOU QUICKLY, AND WILLFIGHT AGAINST THEM WITH THESWORD OF MY MOUTH.Offb 2,17 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt:Wer überwindet, dem will ich zuessen geben von dem verborgenenManna und will ihm geben einenweißen Stein und auf den Steineinen neuen Namen geschrieben,welchen niemand kennt, denn derihn empfängt.Luther 1545 = ... Wer überwindet ...verborgenen Manna, und will ihmgeben ein gutes Zeugnis, und mitdem Zeugnis einen neuen Namengeschrieben, welchen niemandkennt, denn der ihn empfängt.Anmerkung: Ich will ihm ein heiligesund unverbrüchliches Zeichenmeiner Freundschaft geben, das nurihm bekannt sein soll.KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES. TO HIMTHAT OVERCOMES WILL I GIVE TOEAT OF THE HIDDEN MANNA, ANDWILL GIVE HIM A WHITE STONE,AND IN THE STONE A NEW NAMEWRITTEN, WHICH NO MAN KNOWSAVING HE THAT RECEIVES IT.Ps 78,24; Jes 62,2Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Jesus[Jahschua] muss im Gegensatz zuEphesus (2,6) Pergamon tadeln, weilnicht nur die Lehre der Nikolaiten,sondern auch die der Bileamiten geduldetwurde (2,14.15). Bileam hatte Balak,dem König der Moabiter, geraten, durchschöne moabitische Frauen die SöhneIsraels einzuladen. (4. Mose 25,1.2; 31,16)Sie aßen Götzenopfer, trieben Unzuchtund nahmen am Götzendienst teil. Diesführte zur Vermischung von Heidentumund wahrer Gottesanbetung. Auch derKaiser Konstantin sucht im Interesseder Einheit seines Reiches Heidentumund Christentum zu verschmelzen, undmanche Führer der Christen handeltenwie Bileam: Sie rieten zu einer Verbindungvon Christentum und Heidentum. Dadurchaber verlor die Gemeinde ihre geistlicheReinheit und ihre geistliche Kraft. DieLehre der Nikolaiten (siehe Erklrg. zu2,6), der Gnostizismus, beherrschte injener Zeit das christliche Denken. Jesus[Jahschua] ruft diese Kirche [Gemeinde]zur Sinnesänderung und droht ihr, dasser mit den Schwerte seines Mundes, mitseinem Worte, die im Abfall Beharrendenbekämpfen wird (2,16).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Jesus[Yahshua] must blame Pergamum, incontrast to Ephesus (2:6), because notonly the teaching of the Nicolaitanswas tolerated, but also the one ofBalaamites (2:14-15). Balaam advisedBalak, the king of Moab to invite the sonsof Israel through a beautiful Moabitewoman. (Numbers 25:1-2; 31:16) <strong>The</strong>yate things sacrificed to idols, fornicated,and took part in idolatries. This led to amixture of paganism and true worship ofGod. Also the Emperor Constantine triesto merge paganism and Christianity ledby the interest of the unity of his empire,and some Christian leaders acted likeBalaam: they advised a combination ofChristianity and paganism. In this way,however, the church lost its spiritualpurity and spiritual power. <strong>The</strong> teachingof the Nicolaitans (see explanation to2:6), Gnosticism, dominated the Christianthinking at that time. Jesus [Yahshua]called this church [assembly] to changetheir minds and threatened to fight thepersisting of the apostasy with the swordof his mouth, his words. (2:16).Offb 2,18 Und dem Engel derGemeinde zu Thyatira schreibe:Das sagt der Sohn JAHWEH’s, derAugen hat wie Feuerflammen, undseine Füße sind gleichwie Messing:KJV + EL = And to the angel of theassembly in Thyatira write: THESETHINGS SAYS THE SON OF YAHWEH,WHO HAS HIS EYES LIKE UNTOA FLAME OF FIRE, AND HIS FEETARE LIKE FINE BRASS (BRONZE);Apg 16,14; Kap 1,14.15Offb 2,19 Ich weiß deine Werke unddeine Liebe und deinen Dienst unddeinen Glauben und deine Geduldund daß du je länger, je mehr tust.

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 285KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS,AND CHARITY, AND SERVICE, ANDFAITH, AND YOUR PATIENCE, ANDYOUR WORKS; AND THE LAST TOBE MORE THAN THE FIRST.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der durchdie Gemeinde Thyatira - deren Nameals unermüdliches Opfer gedeutet wird- prophetisch dargestellte Zeitraum istdie Zeit der Kirche des Abfalls und derGemeinde der Wüste von 538 bis 1517 n.Chr., Christus [der Messias] kennzeichnetsich dieser Gemeinde gegenüber, diefalsches Prophetentum in ihren Reihenduldet, als der Sohn Gottes, der mitseinen einer Feuerflamme gleichendenAugen die Liebeswerke, den Glauben,den Dienst und die Ausdauer sieht, aberauch alles ungöttliche Wesen und jedesBlendwerk (2,18.19).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> timeperiod prophetically represented bythe community Thyatira - whose nameis interpreted as a tireless victim - isthe time of the Apostasy Church andthe Desert community from 538 to 1517AD. In this community tolerating thefalse prophecy in its ranks, Christ [theMessiah] is identified as the Son of God,who sees the works of love, faith, serviceand perseverance with his eyes like fireflames, but also all ungodliness andillusion (2:18-19).Offb 2,20 MENGE = Doch ich habean dir auszusetzen, dass du dasWeib Isabel gewähren lässt, die sichfür eine Prophetin ausgibt und alsLehrerin wirkt und meine Knechtedazu verführt, Unzucht zu treibenund Götzenopferfleisch zu essen.KJV + EL = BUT I HAVE A FEWTHINGS AGAINST YOU, BECAUSEYOU SUFFEREST THAT WOMANJEZEBEL, WHO CALLS HERSELF APROPHETESS, TO TEACH AND TOSEDUCE MY SERVANTS TO COMMITFORNICATION, AND TO EAT THINGSSACRIFICED TO IDOLS.2. Kön 9,22Offb 2,21 Und ich habe ihr Zeitgegeben, daß sie sollte Buße tun fürihre Hurerei; und sie tut nicht Buße.KJV + EL = AND I GAVE HER TIMETO REPENT OF HER FORNICATION;AND SHE REPENTED NOT.Offb 2,22 Siehe, ich werfe sie in einBett, und die mit ihr die Ehe gebrochenhaben, in große Trübsal, wo sienicht Buße tun für ihre Werke (sichabwenden von ihren / Isebels / Werken),KJV + EL = BEHOLD, I WILL CASTHER INTO A BED, AND THEM THATCOMMIT ADULTERY WITH HER INTOGREAT TRIBULATION, EXCEPT THEYREPENT OF THEIR DEEDS (WORKS).Offb 2,23 A = und ihre / Isebels /Kinder will ich zu Tode schlagen.KJV + EL = AND I WILL KILL HERCHILDREN WITH DEATH;Ps 7,10; Jer 17,10Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Leiter derGemeinde sieht ruhig zu, wie eine Frau, -nach einigen Handschriften war es seineeigene -, die aber höchstwahrscheinlichnicht Isebel geheißen hat, die Lehreder Nikolaiten verbreitet und dabeibehauptet, eine Prophetin zu sein. Erläßt sie gewähren, wie der schwacheAhab seine Frau Isebel, die Tochter desKönigs von Sidon, die den mit Unzuchtverbundenen Baalsdienst und dieAscheraverehrung in Israel einführte.Zeitweilig wurden auf Staatskosten 850heidnische Priester versorgt (1. Kön.16,31-33; 18,19); wirklich ein Vorbildaller Konkordate. Herrschsüchtig wieIsebel muss auch die “Prophetin”gewesen sein, die in der GemeindeThyatira Menschen um sich gesammeltund sich hörig gemacht hat. So wieIsebel aus Sidon ihren Mann, den KönigAhab von Israel beherrschte, hat auchdie Papstkirche des Mittelalters Kaiserund Könige beherrscht. Das Papsttumschreckte auch vor Fälschungen nichtzurück, um seinen Machtanspruch überden Staat dokumentarisch zu stützen:die pseudo-isidorischen Dekretalien.Baronius, der Vater katholischerKirchengeschichtschreibung, schreibtin seinen Annalen zum 10. Jahrhundert:“Wie schändlich sah es doch in derrömischen Kirche aus, da zu Romunzüchtige Weibspersonen Machtund Regiment hatten, da nach ihrem

86Offenbarung ~ Revelation 2Gefallen die Bistümer besetzt undschrecklich zu hören - die Teilhaberihrer Sündengreuel auf Petri Stuhlzu Päpsten eingesetzt wurden.”([Annales 900, Nr. 1.3; 912, Nr. 8] 2,20).Jesus [Jahschua] hat der GemeindeZeit gegeben, ihren Sinn zu ändern(2,21). Die Kirche aber verschloss sichden Mahnrufen. So wurde ihr, die mitder politischen Weltmacht buhlte undals “Isebel” dargestellt ist, das Gerichtangekündigt (2,22.23A). Dieses Gerichtsetzte bereits im Mittelalter ein underreichte am Ende des 18. Jahrhundertseinen Höhepunkt in der französischenRevolution.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> head ofthe community keeps calm watching awoman - according to some manuscriptsit was his own wife – most likely notcalled Jezebel - spread the doctrineof the Nicolaitans, while claiming tobe a prophetess. He affords it, like theweak Ahab did with his wife Jezebel,the daughter of the king of Sidon, whointroduced the fornication-like worshipof Baal and the worship of Asherahin Israel. 850 pagan priests weretemporarily provided at public expense(1 Kings 16:31-33; 18-19); really aprototype of all concordats. Samedomineering as Jezebel must havebeen the “prophetess”, who gatheredpeople in the Thyatira church makingthem submissive. Just as Jezebel fromSidon dominated her husband KingAhab of Israel, so the papal church ofthe Middle Ages dominated its kings andemperors. <strong>The</strong> papacy did not even shrinkfrom falsifications to documentarilysupport its claim to power over the state:the Pseudo-Isidore Decretals. Baronius,the father of Catholic church history,writes in his annals of the 10thCentury:“How shameful it was in the RomanChurch as lewd wenches had power andregiment in Rome, for at their pleasurethe dioceses and -awful to hear - theparticipants in their sins were seatedon the Chair of Peter near the popes.”([Annals 900, No. 1:3, 912, No. 8] 2:20).Jesus [Yahshua] gave time to thecommunity to change their minds(2:21). However, the church blocked theexhortations. Thus she who courted withthe political power and who was presentedas “Jezebel” was brought to court, (2:22-23 A). This court, having already existedin the middle Ages, reached its high pointduring the French Revolution at the endof the 18th Century.Offb 2,23 B = Und alle Gemeindensollen erkennen, daß ich es bin, derdie Nieren und Herzen erforscht; undich werde geben einem jeglichenunter euch nach euren Werken.KJV + EL = AND ALL THEASSEMBLIES SHALL KNOW THATI AM HE WHICH SEARCHES THEREINS AND THE HEARTS: AND IWILL GIVE TO EVERY ONE OF YOUACCORDING TO YOUR WORKS.Ps 7,10; Jer 17,10Offb 2,24 Euch aber sage ich, denandern, die zu Thyatira sind, dienicht haben solche Lehre und dienicht erkannt haben die Tiefen desSatans (wie sie sagen): Ich will nichtauf euch werfen eine andere Last:KJV + EL = BUT TO YOU I SAY,AND TO THE REST IN THYATIRA,AS MANY AS HAVE NOT THISDOCTRINE, AND WHICH HAVE NOTKNOWN THE DEPTHS OF SATAN, ASTHEY SPEAK; I WILL PUT UPON YOUNONE OTHER BURDEN.Offb 2,25 doch was ihr habt,das haltet, bis daß ich komme.KJV + EL = BUT THAT WHICH YOUHAVE ALREADY HOLD FAST TILL(UNTIL) I COME.Kap 3,11Offb 2,26 Und wer da überwindet undhält meine Werke bis ans Ende, demwill ich Macht geben über die Heiden,KJV + EL = AND HE THATOVERCOMES, AND KEEPS MYWORKS TO THE END, TO HIM WILLI GIVE POWER OVER THE NATIONS:Offb 2,27 und er soll sieweiden mit einem eisernenStabe, und wie eines TöpfersGefäße soll er sie zerschmeißen,KJV + EL = AND HE SHALL RULETHEM WITH A ROD OF IRON, AS THEVESSELS OF A POTTER SHALL THEY

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 2. 387BE BROKEN TO SHIVERS; EVENAS I RECEIVED OF MY FATHER.Ps 2,8.9Offb 2,28 wie ich von meinemVater empfangen habe; und ichwill ihm geben den Morgenstern.KJV + EL = AND I WILL GIVE HIM THEMORNING STAR.Offb 2,29 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt!KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die“Übrigen” in Thyatira waren dieGlaubenstreuen (2,24). Sie werdenvon Jesus [Jahschua] angesprochenund nicht Isebel und ihr Anhang. DieGlaubenstreuen waren die eigentlicheGemeinde. Im Thyatirazeitabschnittwaren die “Übrigen” die Gruppen, dieam Worte Gottes festhielten. So hat diekeltische Missionskirche, die auf Jonaihren Mittelpunkt hatte, das Evangeliumim 7. Jahrhundert nach den Niederlanden,Gallien, der Schweiz, Deutschlandusw. getragen. In Südfrankreich undOberitalien waren die Albigenser, die vonder Kirche grausam verfolgt wurden. Im12. Jahrhundert begannen die Waldenserdas Wort zu verkündigen. In Englandwirkte John Wiclif (1320-1384) gegen dieMachtansprüche des Papsttums. JohannHus verkündete dem tschechischen Volkdas Wort Gottes. Er wurde am 6. Juli1415 auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt.Kurze Zeit später wurde sein FreundHieronymus ermordet. Savonarolakämpfte in Italien gegen den Abfall inder Kirche und den Sittenverfall in derChristenheit. 1498 erlitt auch er denMärtyrertod. Jesus [Jahschua] gibt den“Übrigen” als den Glaubenstreuen dietröstliche Zusage, dass er ihnen keineweitere Last auferlegen wird, aber siesollten festhalten, was sie hatten, bis erkommt (2,24.25). Er verhieß ihnen Machtüber die Nationen und dass sie mit ihmherrschen werden und er ihnen denMorgenstern geben wird (2,26-28).Explanation of Ernst Simon: “<strong>The</strong> others”in Thyatira were the faithful (2:24). Jesus[Yahshua] appeals to them and not toJezebel and her adherents. <strong>The</strong> faithfulrepresented the actual church. In theThyatira period “the others” were thegroups, who adhered to the Word of God.Thus the Celtic mission church, which hadits centre on Jonah, introduced the Gospelin the 7th Century in the Netherlands,Gaul, Switzerland, and Germany. Insouthern France and northern Italy, thesewere the Albigenses who were cruellypersecuted by the Church. In the 12thcentury the word began to be preachedby the Waldenses. In England it wasJohn Wycliffe (1320-1384) who protestedagainst the power of the papacy. JohnHuss brought the word of God to theCzech people. He was burned at thestake on July 6th 1415. Sometime later,his friend Jerome was murdered. In ItalySavonarola fought against the apostasyin the church and the moral decline ofChristendom. 1498 also he suffered amartyr’s death. <strong>The</strong>re Jesus [Yahshua]gives “the others” as the faithful thecomforting assurance that he will imposeno additional burden on them, but theyshould hold on to what they had, untilhis coming (2:24-25). He promised themthat they will have power over the nationsand reign together with him, and he alsopromised to give them the morning star(2:26- 28).Kapitel 3Offb 3,1 Und dem Engel derGemeinde zu Sardes schreibe: Dassagt, der die sieben Geister Gotteshat und die sieben Sterne: Ich weißdeine Werke; denn du hast denNamen, daß du lebest, und bist tot.KJV + EL = And to the angel of theassembly in Sardis write: THESETHINGS SAYS HE THAT HAS THESEVEN SPIRITS OF ELOHIM, ANDTHE SEVEN STARS: I KNOW YOURWORKS, THAT YOU HAVE A NAMETHAT YOU LIVE, AND YOU ARE DEAD.Kap 1,4Offb 3,2 LUTHER 1545 +ELBERFELDER 1871 = Sei wachsam(wachend) und stärke das Übrige,das sterben will; denn ich habedeine Werke nicht völlig erfunden

88Offenbarung ~ Revelation 3(vollkommen) vor meinem Gott.SIMON = Werde wach und stärke dieÜbrigen, die sterben wollen; dennich habe deine Werke nicht völlig(vollkommen) vor meinem Gottgefunden.KJV + EL = BE WATCHFUL, ANDSTRENGHTEN (ESTABLISH) THETHINGS WHICH REMAIN, THATARE READY TO DIE: FOR I HAVENOT FOUND YOUR WOKRSPERFECT BEFORE MY ELOHIM.Luk 22,32Offb 3,3 So gedenke nun, wie duempfangen und gehört hast, undhalte es und tue Buße. So du nichtwirst wachen, werde ich überdich kommen wie ein Dieb, undwirst nicht wissen, welche Stundeich über dich kommen werde.KJV + EL = REMEMBER THEREFOREHOW YOU HAVE RECEIVEDAND HEAR; AND HOLD FAST,AND REPENT. IF THEREFOREYOU SHALL NOT WATCH, I WILLCOME ON YOU AS A THIEF, ANDYOU SHALL NOT KNOW WHATHOUR I WILL COME UPON YOU.1. <strong>The</strong>ss 5,2Offb 3,4 Aber du hast etlicheNamen zu Sardes, die nicht ihreKleider besudelt haben; und siewerden mit mir wandeln in weißenKleidern, denn sie sind‘s wert.KJV + EL = YOU HAVE A FEW NAMESEVEN IN SARDIS WHICH HAVE NOTDEFILED THEIR GARMENTS; ANDTHEY SHALL WALK WITH ME INWHITE: FOR THEY ARE WORTHY.Judas 23Offb 3,5 Wer überwindet soll mitweißen Kleidern angetan werden,und ich werde seinen Namennicht austilgen aus dem Buchdes Lebens, und ich will seinenNamen bekennen vor meinemVater und vor seinen Engeln.KJV + EL = HE THAT OVERCOMES,THE SAME SHALL BE CLOTHED INWHITE RAIMENT (GARMENTS); ANDI WILL NOT BLOT OUT HIS NAMEOUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, BUT IWILL CONFESS HIS NAME BEFOREMY FATHER, AND BEFORE HISANGELS.Kap 7,13; Matth 10,32; Luk 10,20Offb 3,6 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt!KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DieGemeinde Sardes (Erneuerung) ist dasBild der Reformationskirche von 1517 bis1798 n. Chr. - Sie hat den Namen, dass sielebe und ist tot (3,1). Jesus [Jahschua]kennzeichnet sich solcher geistlosenGemeinde gegenüber als der, welcherdie Fülle des Geistes Gottes hat (3,1).Der Zeitabschnitt der Reformation warnicht der, welcher er dem Namen nachsein musste: Rückführung zum vollenLichte der Heilsbotschaft und völligeVerkündigung der Wahrheiten des WortesGottes. Die Hammerschläge Dr. MartinLuthers beim <strong>The</strong>senanschlag an derSchlosskirche in Wittenberg hätten nichtnur den Beginn des Reformationszeitaltersankündigen sollen, sondern auchzur völligen Verwerfung und Lösungvon allen schriftwidrigen Lehren derPapstkirche führen müssen. Aber dasvon den Reformatoren begonnene Werkist in seinen Anfängen steckengebliebenund nach dem Tode Luthers und andererReformatoren später völlig erstarrt.Darum sagt Jesus [Jahschua]: “Ich habedeine Werke nicht völlig vor meinem Gottgefunden “ (3,2). “Es ist dies ein Zeitalter,welches die geistliche Schlaffheit undSchläfrigkeit der protestantischenJahrhunderte umfasst” (Seiß I, 138). DieTreuen, die versuchten, “die Übrigen”zu stärken, kämpften vergeblich (3,2).“Doch du hast wenige Namen, die ihreGewänder nicht befleckt haben” (3,4).Zu ihnen gehören die Reformatorenund die Gründer des Pietismus JakobSpener und Hermann Francke; auchGraf von Zinzendorf und seine Gattin,welche die von den Jesuiten um ihresGlaubens willen verfolgten Böhmisch-Mährischen Brüder aufnahmen. Weitersind die Brüder John und Charles

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 389Wesley und George Whitefield, vondenen die Erweckungsbewegung derMethodisten ausging, zu nennen; fernerdie Taufgesinnten, die Kamisarden, diePuritaner und die Salzburger, die wegenihres Glaubens aus der Heimat vertriebenwurden. Sie und manche andere warenes, “die ihre Gewänder nicht befleckthaben”. Sie werden mit Jesus [Jahschua]“in Weiß einhergehen, denn sie sindes würdig (3,4). Jesus [Jahschua] gibtihnen auch die Verheißung, dass er ihren“Namen nicht aus der Buchrolle desLebens auslöschen” und ihren “Namenvor seinem Vater und vor seinen Engelnbekennen wird” (3,5).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>municipality Sardis (renewal) is the imageof the Reformation church from 1517 to1798 AD. It has a living name, but it isdead. (3:1). Jesus [Yahshua] is identifiedby such a mindless community as the onewho has the fullness of the Spirit of God(3:1). <strong>The</strong> Reformation period was notthe one which complies with its name:return to the full light of salvation andcomplete proclamation of the truths ofthe Word of God. <strong>The</strong> hammer blows ofDr. Martin Luther with his thesis posteredto the Castle Church in Wittenberg wouldhave not only announced the beginningof the Reformation era, but must alsohave led to total rejection and solution ofall unscriptural teachings of the RomanChurch. However, the work begun by theReformers stuck in its infancy, and wascompletely paralyzed after the deathof Luther and other reformers. Thatis why Jesus [Yahshua] says: „I havenot found your deeds complete in thesight of My God.” (3:2). “This is an agecomprehending spiritual lethargy andsleepiness of the Protestant centuries”(Seiss I, 138). <strong>The</strong> faithful who triedto strengthen “the others”, fought invain (3:2). “But you only have a fewnames which have not defiled theirgarments” (3:4). Among them are thereformers Jakob Spener and HermannFrancke, the founders of Pietism; alsoCount of Zinzendorf and his wife, whoaccommodated the Bohemian-MoravianBrethren persecuted for their faith bythe Jesuits. Next to mention are thebrothers John and Charles Wesleyand George Whitefield, from whom theMethodist revival movement emanated;also the Anabaptists, the Camisards, thePuritans and the Salzburgers, who wereexpelled from their homeland for theirbeliefs, them and many others “who havenot defiled their garments”. <strong>The</strong>y shallwalk with Jesus [Yahshua] “in white, forthey are worthy (3:4). Jesus [Yahshua]also gives them a promise “not to erasetheir names from the scroll of life” andto confess their names before the Fatherand before his angels” (3:5).Offb 3,7 Und dem Engel derGemeinde zu Philadelphia schreibe:Das sagt der Heilige, der Wahrhaftige,der da hat den Schlüssel Davids, derauftut, und niemand schließt zu, derzuschließt, und niemand tut auf:KJV + EL = And to the angel of theassembly in Philadelphia write:THESE THINGS SAYS HE THAT ISHOLY, HE THAT IS TRUE, HE THATHAS THE KEY OF DAVID, HE THATOPENS, AND NO MAN SHALL SHUTS,AND SHUTS, AND NO MAN OPENS;Jes 22,22Offb 3,8 Ich weiß deine Werke.Siehe, ich habe vor dir gegebeneine offene Tür, und niemandkann sie zuschließen; denn duhast eine kleine Kraft, und hastmein Wort behalten und hastmeinen Namen nicht verleugnet.KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS:BEHOLD, I HAVE SET BEFORE YOUAN OPEN DOOR, AND NO MAN CANSHUT IT: FOR YOU HAVE A LITTLESTRENGTH (POWER), AND HAVEKEEP MY WORD, AND HAVE NOTDENIED MY NAME.Offb 3,9 Siehe, ich werde geben ausder Synagoge (Volks-/Gemeinde)des Satans, die da sagen, sie seienJuden, und sind‘s nicht, sondernlügen; SIEHE, ICH WILL SIE DAZUBRINGEN, DASS SIE KOMMENSOLLEN UND NIEDERFALLEN ZUDEINEN FÜSSEN UND ERKENNEN,DASS ICH DICH GELIEBT HABE.KJV + EL = BEHOLD, I WILL MAKETHEM OF THE SYNAGOGUE OFSATAN, WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS,

90Offenbarung ~ Revelation 3AND ARE NOT, BUT DO LIE; BEHOLD,I WILL MAKE THEM TO COME ANDWORSHIP BEFOR YOUR FEET, ANDTO KNOW THAT I HAVE LOVED YOU.Kap 2,9; Jes 60,14; 49,23Offb 3,10 DIEWEIL DU HASTBEWAHRT DAS WORT MEINERGEDULD, WILL ICH AUCH DICHBEWAHREN VOR DER STUNDE DERVERSUCHUNG, DIE KOMMEN WIRDÜBER DEN GANZEN WELTKREIS, ZUVERSUCHEN, DIE DA WOHNEN AUFERDEN.KJV + EL = BECAUSE YOU HAVEKEPT THE WORD OF MY PATIENCE,I WILL KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUROF TEMPTATION, WHICH SHALLCOME UPON ALL THE WORLD, TOTRY THEM THAT DWELL UPON THEEARTH.Kap 14,12; Matth 6,13Offb 3,11 MENGE = SIEHE, ICHKOMME BALD: HALTE FEST, WASDU BESITZEST, DAMIT DIR NIEMANDDEINE KRONE RAUBE!KJV + EL = BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY:HOLD THAT FAST WHICH YOU HAVE,THAT NO MAN TAKE YOUR CROWN.Kap 2,10Offb 3,12 WER ÜBERWINDET, DENWILL ICH MACHEN ZUM PFEILERIN DEM TEMPEL MEINES GOTTES,UND ER SOLL NICHT MEHRHINAUSGEHEN; UND WILL AUF IHNSCHREIBEN DEN NAMEN MEINESGOTTES UND DEN NAMEN DESNEUEN JERUSALEMS, DER STADTMEINES GOTTES, DIE VOM HIMMELHERNIEDERKOMMT VON MEINEMGOTT, UND MEINEN NAMEN, DENNEUEN.KJV + EL = HIM THAT OVERCOMESWILL I MAKE A PILLAR IN THETEMPLE OF MY ELOHIM, AND HESHALL GO NO MORE OUT: AND IWILL WRITE UPON HIM THE NAMEOF MY ELOHIM, AND THE NAME OFTHE CITY OF MY ELOHIM, WHICH ISNEW JERUSALEM, WHICH COMESDOWN OUT OF HEAVEN FROM MYELOHIM, AND I WILL WRITE UPONHIM MY NEW NAME.Kap 14,1; 22,4; 21,2Offb 3,13 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt!KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Philadelphia(Bruderliebe) war eine kleine, aber treueund reine Gemeinde. Der Zeitabschnittist der der verweltlichten Kirche undder Gemeinde der Weltmission von1798 bis 1844 n. Chr. [und geht bis zumEnde der Weltzeit!]. - Der Gemeindegegenüber kennzeichnete sich Jesus[Jahschua] als der Heilige, der alleinigeHohepriester und der wahrhaftigeMessias, der den Schlüssel Davids hat,der öffnet, nämlich das Allerheiligstedes himmlischen Tempels, und niemandwird zuschließen, und der das Heilige deshimmlischen Heiligtums zuschließt, undniemand wird öffnen (3,7). Am Ende desPhiladelphiazeitabschnittes 1844 beganndas Untersuchungsgericht (Dan. 8,14;Offb. 14,6.7), das die Wesenserfüllungdes großen Versöhnungstages desSchattendienstes im irdischen Heiligtumist. Der tägliche und der jährlicheDienst im irdischen Tempel habenihre Wesenserfüllung im Dienste Jesu[Jahschua] im himmlischen Heiligtum(Hebr. 8,5; 9,1.6.7). Jesus [Jahschua]als unser Hoherpriester (Hebr. 4,14.15;8,1) wird hier als derjenige bezeichnet,welcher bei Abschluss des Dienstesim Heiligen dieses abschließt unddas Allerheiligste des himmlischenTempels öffnet. “Eine geöffnete Tür”;Jesus [Jahschua] hat dem Zeitabschnitteine geöffnete Tür für die Weltmissiongegeben. Obwohl die Gemeinde “einekleine Kraft” nur hat, so hat sie dochmit ihr die Welt bewegt. Nachdemder Missionsbefehl Jesu [Jahschua]jahrhundertelang vernachlässigtworden war, wurden jetzt zahlreicheMissionsgesellschaften gegründet.“Du hast mein Wort bewahrt” (3,8);Bibelgesellschaften wurden gegründet,um das Wort Gottes allen zugänglich zumachen. Papst Pius VII. aber nannte 1816n. Chr. die Bibelgesellschaften eine Pest.

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 391Die Ungläubigen und die Namenschristenwerden von Jesus [Jahschua]“Volksgemeinde des Satans” genannt(3,9). Während die Glaubenstreuen vonvielen Christen, die im “Vernunftglauben”lebten, verspöttelt wurden, gibt ihnenJesus [Jahschua] die Verheißung, dass erden Überwinder zu einer Säule im TempelGottes machen und auf ihn den NamenGottes, Jesu [Jahschua] und des NeuenJerusalems schreiben wird (3,11.12).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Philadelphia(brotherly love) was a small but a loyaland pure community. <strong>The</strong> period is thatof the secular church and the WorldMission Community from 1798 to 1844 AD[and goes until the end of the time of theworld!]. - <strong>The</strong> community characterizesJesus [Yahshua] as the <strong>Holy</strong> One, the soleHigh Priest and the true Messiah, whohas the key of David, who opens the <strong>Holy</strong>of Holies of the heavenly temple. Whathe opens no one can shut, and what heshuts no one can open. (3:7). At the end ofthe Philadelphia time period the Court ofInquiry (Dan. 8:14; Rev. 14:6-7), began in1844, which is the essential fulfilment ofthe great day of atonement of the shadowservice in the earthly sanctuary. <strong>The</strong>daily and annual service in the earthlytemple have their essential fulfilmentin the service of Jesus [Yahshua] in theheavenly sanctuary (Heb. 8:5; 9:1-6-7).Jesus [Yahshua] as our High Priest(Heb. 4:14-15; 8:1) is referred to as theone who at the conclusion of the servicecloses it and opens the holy sanctuaryof the heavenly temple. “An open door”;Jesus [Yahshua] has given a door open forthe world mission to this period. Althoughthe community has just “little power,” ithas herewith moved the world. After theGreat Commission of Jesus [Yahshua]had been neglected for centuries,now many missionary societies werefounded. “You have kept my word” (3:8);Bible societies were founded to makethe word of God accessible to all. PopePius VII in 1816 AD however, called theBible Society a pestilence. <strong>The</strong> unfaithfuland the so-called Christians are called“people of Satan’s church” by Jesus[Yahshua] (3:9). While the faithful wereridiculed by many Christians who livedin the “rational faith”, Jesus [Yahshua]promised that the one who overcomeswill be turned into a pillar in the templeof God on which He will write the nameof God, Jesus [Yahshua], and the name ofthe new Jerusalem (3:11-12).Offb 3,14 MENGE = “Dem Engel derGemeinde in Laodicea schreibe:So spricht der, der das Amen ist,der treue und wahrhaftige Zeuge,der Anfang (oder Ursprung) derSchöpfung Gottes:KJV + EL = AND TO THE ANGEL OF THEASSEMBLY OF THE LAODICEANSWRITE: THESE THINGS SAYSTHE AMEN, THE FAITHFUL ANDTRUE WITNESS, THE BEGINNINGOF THE CREATION OF EL;Kol 2,1; 4,13; 2. Kor 1,20; Kap 1,5;Kol 1,15-17Offb 3,15 Ich weiß deine Werke,daß du weder kalt noch warm bist.Ach, daß du kalt oder warm wärest!(vgl. Röm. 12,11)KJV + EL = I KNOW YOUR WORKS,THAT YOU ARE NEITHER COLD NORHOT: I WOULD YOU WERE COLD ORHOT.Offb 3,16 Weil du aber lau bist undweder kalt noch warm, werde ichdich ausspeien aus meinem Munde.KJV + EL = SO THEN BECAUSE YOUARE LUKEWARM, AND NEITHERCOLD NOR HOT, I WILL SPEW YOUOUT OF MY MOUTH.Offb 3,17 Du sprichst: Ich bin reichund habe gar satt und bedarf nichts!und weißt nicht, daß du bist elendund jämmerlich, arm, blind und bloß.KJV + EL = BECAUSE YOU SAY, I AMRICH, AND INCREASED WITH GOODS,AND HAVE NEED OF NOTHING;AND KNOW NOT THAT YOU AREWRETCHED, AND MISERABLE, ANDPOOR, AND BLIND, AND NAKED:1. Kor 3,18; 4,8Offb 3,18 Ich rate dir, daß du Goldvon mir kaufest, das mit Feuerdurchläutert ist, daß du reich*werdest, und weiße Kleider, daßdu dich antust und nicht offenbartwerde die Schande deiner Blöße;

92Offenbarung ~ Revelation 3und salbe deine Augen mitAugensalbe, daß du sehen mögest.* Anmerk.: geistlich reich werdest anErkenntnis!KJV + EL = I COUNSEL YOU TO BUYOF ME GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE,THAT YOU MAY BE RICH; ANDWHITE RAIMENTS (GARMENTS),THAT YOU MAY BE CLOTHED,AND THAT THE SHAME OF YOURNAKEDNESS DO NOT APPEAR;AND ANOINT YOUR EYES WITHEYESALVE, THAT YOU MAY SEE.Jes 55,1Offb 3,19 Welche ich liebhabe,die strafe und züchtige ich. Sosei nun fleißig und tue Buße!KJV + EL = AS MANY AS I LOVE,I REBUKE AND CHASTEN: BEZEALOUS THEREFORE, ANDREPENT.Spr 3,12; Hebr 12,6; 1. Kor 11,32Offb 3,20 VOR 1866 = SIEHE,ICH STEHE VOR DER TÜR UNDKLOPFE AN. SO JEMAND MEINESTIMME HÖREN WIRD UND DIETÜR AUFTUN, ZU DEM WERDE ICHEINGEHEN UND DAS ABENDMAHLMIT IHM HALTEN UND ER MIT MIR.KJV + EL = BEHOLD, I STAND AT THEDOOR AND KNOCK: IF ANY MANHEAR MY VOICE AND OPEN THEDOOR, I WILL COME IN TO HIM, ANDWILL SUP WITH HIM, AND HE WITH ME.Joh 14,23Offb 3,21 WER ÜBERWINDET,DEM WILL ICH GEBEN, MIT MIRAUF MEINEM THRON ZU SITZEN,WIE ICH ÜBERWUNDEN HABEUND MICH GESETZT MIT MEINEMVATER AUF SEINEN THRON.KJV + EL = TO HIM THAT OVERCOMESWILL I GRANT TO SIT WITH MEIN MY THRONE, EVEN AS I ALSOOVERCAME, AND AM SAT DOWNWITH MY FATHER IN HIS THRONE.Matth 19,28Offb 3,22 Wer Ohren hat, der höre,was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt!KJV + EL = HE THAT HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRITSAYS TO THE ASSEMBLIES.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die Eigenartder Gemeinde in Laodizea entsprichtdem Zustand der Kirche der Welt und derGemeinde des Advent in der Zeit von 1844n. Chr. bis zum Ende der Weltzeit, bis zurWiederkunft Christi [des Messias]. Jesus[Jahschua] tritt der Gemeinde als derAmen, in dem sich alles vollendet, als dertreue und wahrhaftige Zeuge gegenüber.Er ist der Anfang der Schöpfung, und ervollendet auch alles (3,14). Das Schreibenan Laodizea ist prophetisch an dieChristenheit der Endzeit gerichtet, diein gefährlicher Selbstzufriedenheit undSelbstbetrug lau ist (3,15). Sie meintreich zu sein und nichts zu benötigen,und weiß nicht, erkennt nicht, wie elendund wie arm sie an geistlichen Güternist (3,16.17). “In dieser Kirche ist vielReligiosität, aber äußerst wenig Religion;viel Gefühlswesen, aber wenig, welchesin Tat und Leben echter, christlicherGesinnung entspricht; viel christlich seinsollendes Gerede, aber wenig wirklicherChristenglaube. Der Ballsaal wird mitdem Abendmahlstisch in Verbindunggebracht; der Besuch des <strong>The</strong>aters mitdem der Gottesdienste.” (Seiß, Offb. I,194) “Es wäre erfreulicher für den Herrn,wenn lauwarme Religionsbekenner nieseinen Namen genannt hätten. Sie sindeine beständige Last für diejenigen,welche treue Nachfolger Jesu [Jahschua]sein würden. Sie sind Ungläubigen einStein des Anstoßes.” (E. G. W., T. I, 18)Das Schreiben an Laodizea gilt für alle,die sich zu Christus [dem Messias]bekennen. Auch die Adventgläubigen, dieglauben, dass wir in den letzten Tagen derMenschheit leben und Jesus [Jahschua]bald wiederkommen wird, erkennen,dass die Botschaft an Laodizea auchfür sie in besonderer Weise anwendbarist. Laodizea erhält aber nicht nur denschwersten Tadel, sondern auch denRat des treuen Zeugen. Sie soll von ihmvom Feuer durchglühtes Gold kaufen:Sinnbild des im Feuer der Drangsalerprobten Glaubens (1. Petr. 1,7);weiter weiße Gewänder, welche dieGerechtigkeit (Rechtstaten) der Heiligendarstellen (Offb. 19,8) und Augensalbe,

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 3. 493die Sinnbild des ... Geistes (Geist derWeisheit und Offenbarung - Eph. 1,17) istund Erkenntnis ihres wirklichen innerenZustandes geben soll [(Eph. 1,17-23)Offb. 3,18]. Jesus [Jahschua] hat dieWorte des Tadels aus Liebe gesprochen,denn er überführt und erzieht, die erliebt (3,19). Er steht vor der Weltentürund klopft an, und die Zeichen der Zeitzeigen mit überwältigender Deutlichkeit,dass er bald in den Wolken des Himmelserscheinen wird. Er steht aber auchvor der Herzenstür und wird zu demhineingehen, der öffnet, und wird dasMahl mit ihm halten (3,20). Christus [DerMessias] sammelt jetzt eine Gemeinde, dieer aus allen Kirchen und Gemeinschaftenaller Völker herausruft, und verheißt demÜberwinder, dass er mit ihm auf seinemThrone sitzen wird (3,21).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>nature of the community in Laodiceacorresponds to the condition of theworld church and the Church of theAdvent in the period from 1844 AD tothe end of the world until the SecondComing of Christ [the Messiah]. Jesus[Yahshua] joined this community as theAmen, in which everything is completed,as the faithful and true witness. He isthe beginning of creation, but also theending all things (3:14). <strong>The</strong> letter toLaodicea is prophetically addressedto the Christianity of the End Times,being lukewarm in its dangerous selfsatisfactionand self-deception (3:15). It issupposed to be rich and to need nothing,without realizing how miserable and howpoor it is in spiritual sense (3:16-17).“This church is very religious, at thesame time having very little religion in it;having a lot of feelings only some reallycorresponding to the real and livingChristian spirit; much talk supposedto be Christian, but little real Christianfaith. <strong>The</strong> ballroom is brought intoconnection with the communion table;the visit of the theatre with the services”(Seiss, Rev. I, 194)”. It would have beenmore pleasing to the Lord, if lukewarmreligious believers had never mentionedhis name. <strong>The</strong>y are a constant burdento those who would like to be devotedfollowers of Jesus [Yahshua]. <strong>The</strong>yare a stumbling block for the infidels.”(E. G. W., T. I, 18). <strong>The</strong> letter to theLaodicea is attributable to all whoconfess to Christ [the Messiah]. Eventhe Advent believers who believe thatwe live in the last days of humanity andJesus [Yahshua] will come back soon,realize that the message to Laodicea isalso applicable to them in a particularway. Laodicea however not only receivesthe severest censure, but also theadvice of the faithful witness. It shouldbuy the gold from him annealed by fire:the symbol of faith tested by the fire oftribulation (1 Peter 1:7.); and further whiterobes representing the righteousness(right deeds) of the saints (Rev. 19:8)and eye ointment, the symbol of ... Spirit(Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation - Eph1:17) and should give knowledge oftheir true inner condition [(Eph. 1:17-23)Rev. 3:18]. Jesus [Yahshua] had spokenthe words of rebuke led by love. For heleads and educates those whom he loves(3:19). He stands before the world doorknocking on it, and with an overwhelmingclearness the signs of time show thathe will soon appear in the clouds ofheaven. He also stands in front of theheart’s door and will come to those whoopen it and will have a meal with him(3:20). Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] now collectsa church that he calls out from all thechurches and communities of all nations,and promises to the overcomer that hewill share the throne with him (3:21).Kapitel 4Vor dem Thron Gottes.Offb 4,1 Darnach sah ich, undsiehe, eine Tür war aufgetan imHimmel; und die erste Stimme, dieich gehört hatte mit mir reden wieeine Posaune, die sprach: Steigher, ich will dir zeigen, was nachdiesem (zukünftig) geschehen soll.KJV + EL = AFTER THESE I LOOKED,AND, BEHOLD, A DOOR OPENEDIN HEAVEN: AND THE FIRST VOICEWHICH I HEARD WAS AS IT WEREOF A TRUMPET TALKING WITH ME,WHICH SAID, COME UP HERE, AND IWILL SHOW YOU THE THINGS WHICHMUST BE (COME) HEREAFTER.Kap 1,10


Offenbarung ~ Revelation 495AND THANKS TO HIM THAT SATON THE THRONE, WHO LIVESFORERVER AND EVER,Offb 4,10 FIELEN DIEVIERUNDZWANZIG ÄLTESTENNIEDER VOR DEM, DER AUF DEMTHRON SASS,UND BETETEN ANDEN, DER DA LEBT VON EWIGKEITZU EWIGKEIT, UND WARFEN IHREKRONEN VOR DEM THRON UNDSPRACHEN:KJV + EL = THE TWENTY-FOURELDERS FALL DOWN BEFOREHIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE,AND WORSHIP HIM THAT LIVESFOREVER AND EVER, AND CASTTHEIR CROWNS BEFORE THETHRONE, SAYING,Offb 4,11 LUTHER 1545 + EL =WÜRDIG BIST DU, UNSER KÖNIGUND UNSER GOTT [ELOHIM], ZUNEHMEN PREIS UND EHRE UNDKRAFT; DENN DU HAST ALLE DINGEGESCHAFFEN, UND DURCH DEINENWILLEN HABEN SIE DAS WESENUND SIND GESCHAFFENMENGE = DENN DU HAST ALLEDINGE GESCHAFFEN, UND DURCHDEINEN WILLEN WAREN SIE DA UNDSIND SIE GESCHAFFEN WORDEN.KJV + EL = YOU ARE WORTHY,OUR KING AND OUR ELOHIM, TORECEIVE GLORY AND HONOR ANDPOWER: FOR YOU HAVE CREATEDALL THINGS, AND FOR YOURPLEASURE THEY ARE AND WERECREATED.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Johannessah, nachdem ihm der Zustand derGemeinde Gottes auf Erden gezeigtworden war, eine geöffnete Tür im(am) Himmel und den Thron Gottesim himmlischen Heiligtum. Der aufdem Thron Sitzende war von einemLichtglanz umhüllt, der Edelsteinengleicht: Die Offenbarung des Schöpfersin seiner Herrlichkeit (4,1-3). “SiebenFeuerfackeln brennen vor dem Thron” alsSinnbilder der sieben Geister Gottes ...Der Apostel sieht ferner vier Lebewesen(Engelgestalten), die bereits Hesekielschaute (Hes. 1,5 ff.), und vierundzwanzigÄlteste ... Die Zahl 24 entspricht den 24Oberhäuptern der Priesterabteilungenim irdischen Heiligtum (1. Chron. 24,4.5).Wo kommen die vierundzwanzig Ältestenher, da ja die allgemeine Auferstehungder Toten erst bei der Wiederkunft Jesu[Jahschua] erfolgt? (Joh. 5,28.29; 1.<strong>The</strong>ss. 4,15-17). Drei sind mit Namenbekannt: Henoch (1. Mose 5,24); Mose(Judas 9) und Elia (2. Könige 2,11).Matthäus berichtet von der Auferweckungder anderen nach der AuferstehungJesu [Jahschua] (Mt. 27,52.53). Wenndie vier Lebewesen Gott Lobgesangdarbringen, stimmen die vierundzwanzigÄltesten als himmlische Priesterältesteder Gemeinde Gottes mit ein und legenihre Siegeskränze vor dem Thron Gottesnieder, wissend, dass sie ihre Kränzenicht selbst erworben, sondern nur durchdas Verdienst Jesu Christi [Jahschua denMessias] empfangen haben (4,9.10).Explanation of Ernst Simon: John sawan open door in heaven and the throneof God in the heavenly sanctuary afterthe state of the church of God had beenshown to him on earth. He, seated ona throne, was surrounded by radiancelike precious stones: the revelation ofthe Creator in His glory (4:1-3). “Sevenfire lamps burning before the throne”as symbols of the seven spirits of God... <strong>The</strong> apostle also sees four livingcreatures (angels) already seen by Ezekiel(Ezekiel 1:5 et seq.), and twenty-fourelders ... <strong>The</strong> number 24 correspondsto the 24 heads of departments ofthe priests in the earthly sanctuary(1 Chronicles 24:4-5). Where do the elderscome from if the general resurrection ofthe dead should take place during thesecond coming of Jesus [Yahshua]?(John 5:28-29; 1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 4:15-17).<strong>The</strong> three are known by the names:Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Moses (Jude9) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11). Matthewtells us about the resurrection of othersafter the resurrection of Jesus [Yahshua](Mt 27:52-53). If the four living creaturespraise God, the elders as heavenly priestelders of the Church of God join in andlay their victory wreaths before the throneof God, knowing that their rims are noteven acquired, but only obtained throughthe merits of Jesus Christ [Yahshuathe Messiah] (4:9-10).


Offenbarung ~ Revelation 597Offb 5,9 MENGE + ELBERFELDER1871 = und sangen ein neues Lied,dass da lautete: WÜRDIG BIST DU,DAS BUCH ZU NEHMEN UND SEINESIEGEL ZU BRECHEN; DENN DUHAST DICH SCHLACHTEN LASSENUND HAST FÜR JAHWEH DURCHDEIN BLUT AUS ALLEN STÄMMENUND SPRACHEN, AUS ALLENVÖLKERN UND NATIONENKJV + EL = And they sang a newsong; saying, YOU ARE WORTHYTO TAKE THE BOOK, AND TO OPENTHE SEALS OF IT: FOR YOU WEREKILLED, AND DID PURCHASE TOYAHWEH WITH YOUR BLOOD OFEVERY TRIBE, AND LANGUAGE,AND PEOPLE, AND NATION;Ps 98,1Offb 5,10 MENGE = UND HAST SIEFÜR UNSERN GOTT ZU EINEMKÖNIGREICH UND ZU PRIESTERNGEMACHT, UND SIE WERDEN ALSKÖNIGE HERRSCHEN AUF DERERDE.KJV + EL = AND MADE THEM TO BETO OUR ELOHIM A KINGDOM ANDPRIESTS; AND THEY REIGN UPONTHE EARTH.Kap 1,6; 2. Mose 19,6Offb 5,11 Und ich sah und hörteeine Stimme vieler Engel um denThron und um die Tiere und umdie Ältesten her; und ihre Zahlwar viel tausend Mal tausend;KJV + EL = AND I BEHELD, ANDI HEARD THE VOICE OF MANYANGELS ROUND ABOUT THETHRONE AND THE BEASTS ANDTHE ELDERS: AND THE NUMBER OFTHEM WAS TEN THOUSAND TIMESTEN THOUSAND, AND THOUSANDSOF THOUSANDS;Hebr 12,22Offb 5,12 und sie sprachen mitgroßer Stimme: DAS LAMM, DASERWÜRGET IST, IST WÜRDIG, ZUNEHMEN KRAFT UND REICHTUMUND WEISHEIT UND STÄRKEUND EHRE UND PREIS UND LOB.KJV + EL = SAYING WITH A LOUDVOICE, WORTHY IS THE LAMB THATWAS SLAIN (KILLED) TO RECEIVEPOWER, AND RICHES, AND WISDOM,AND STRENGTH, AND HONOR,AND GLORY, AND BLESSING.1. Chron 29,11; Phil 2,9.10Offb 5,13 Und alle Kreatur, die imHimmel ist und auf Erden und unterder Erde und im Meer, und alles,was darinnen ist, hörte ich sagen:DEM, DER AUF DEM THRON SITZT,UND DEM LAMM SEI LOB UNDEHRE UND PREIS UND GEWALTVON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT!KJV + EL = AND EVERY CREATEDTHING WHICH IS IN HEAVEN, ANDON THE EARTH, AND UNDER THEEARTH, AND SUCH AS ARE IN THESEA, AND ALL THAT ARE IN THEM,HEARD I SAYING, BLESSING, ANDHONOR, AND GLORY, AND POWER,BE TO HIM THAT SITS UPON THETHRONE, AND TO THE LAMBFOREVER AND EVER.Offb 5,14 Und die vier Tieresprachen: AMEN! Und dievierundzwanzig Ältesten fielennieder und beteten an den, derda lebt von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit.KJV = AND THE FOUR LIVING BEASTSSAID, AMEN. AND THE ELDERS FELLDOWN AND WORSHIPED HIM THATLIVES FOREVER AND EVER.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Im Mittelpunktdes in diesem Kapitel geschildertenGeschehens ist das Lamm Gottes und dieversiegelte Buchrolle: Die Offenbarungdes Erlösers. Hatte Johannes den aufdem Throne Sitzenden, den Schöpfergott,von einem Lichtglanz umhüllt, gestaltlosgesehen (4,2.3), so erblickte er jetztauf der Rechten Gottes die mit siebenSiegeln versiegelte Schriftrolle [Buch](5,1). Diese Buchrolle enthält dasGeheimnis des göttlichen ErlösungsundHeilsplanes. Johannes hörte denHeroldsruf eines starken Engels: “Werist würdig, die Buchrolle zu öffnen undihre Siegel zu lösen?” Nur “der Löwe

98Offenbarung ~ Revelation 5. 6aus dem Stamme Juda” ist würdig, dieRolle [das Buch] aus der Hand Gottes zunehmen (5,5.7), denn er, Jesus Christus[Jahschua der Messias], hat durch seinBlut Menschen erkauft. Er hat durchseinen Versöhnungstod am Kreuz aufGolgatha Sünder von der Sünde erlöstund er ist der Sieger über Sünde, Todund Grab. Er hat die Erlösten “zu einemKönigtum und zu Priestern gemacht”, dieeinst “auf der Erde herrschen” werden.Als Christus [der Messias] die Buchrolleempfangen hatte, warfen sich die vierLebewesen und die vierundzwanzigÄltesten vor ihm nieder und “sangenein neues Lied”, das Lied der Erlösungdurch Jesus Christus [Jahschua denMessias] (5,8-10). Die gewaltigenEngelscharen des Himmels schlossensich in siebenfachem Lobgesang demLobpreis zur Verherrlichung Gottes unddes Lammes an, und jedes Geschöpf imWeltall pries Gott, den Vater, und denSohn [Editor: unseren HErrn Jahschua,der auch einen Gott hat wie wir, den Vatermit seinem heiligen Namen JAHWEH].Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> focusof the events described in this chapter isthe Lamb of God and the sealed scroll:<strong>The</strong> revelation of the Saviour. Havingseen the one sitting on the throne, Godthe creator, surrounded by a light sheen,formless seen (4:2-3), John now saw thesealed scroll with seven seals [book] onthe right hand of God (5:1). This bookcontains the secret role of the divine planof salvation and redemption. John heardthe herald of a strong angel, “Who isworthy to open the scroll and to loosenits seals?” Only “the Lion of the tribeof Judah” is worthy to take the role [thebook] from the hands of God (5:5-7),because He, Jesus Christ [Yahshua theMessiah], purchased people with hisblood. Through his atoning death on thecross at Calvary He redeemed sinnersfrom sins and he is the victor over sin,death and the grave. He had “made theredeemed to a kingdom and to priests”,who once will “reign on earth.” WhenChrist [the Messiah] received the scroll,the four living creatures and twenty fourelders fell down on their knees beforehim and “sang a new song,” the songof salvation by Jesus Christ [YahshuaMessiah] (5:8-10) . <strong>The</strong> vast angelic hostsof heaven closed in a sevenfold hymn ofpraise to honour God and the Lamb, andevery creature of the universe praisedGod, the Father and the Son [Editor: ourMaster Yahshua, who also has a Godlike us, the Father with his holy nameYAHWEH].Kapitel 6Die Öffnung der ersten sechs Siegel.Offb 6,1 Und ich sah, daß dasLamm der Siegel eines (das erste)auftat; und hörte der vier Tiere einessagen wie mit einer Donnerstimme:KOMM, UND SIEHE ZU!KJV + EL = AND I SAW WHEN THELAMB OPONED ONE OF THE SEALS,AND I HEARD, AS IT WERE THENOISE OF THUNDER, ONE OF THEFOUR BEASTS SAYING, COME ANDSEE.Offb 6,2 Und ich sah, und siehe,ein weißes Pferd. Und der daraufsaß, hatte einen Bogen; und ihmward gegeben eine Krone, und erzog aus sieghaft, und das er siegte.KJV + EL = AND I SAW, ANDBEHOLD, A WHITE HORSE: ANDHE THAT SAT ON HIM HAD ABOW; AND A CROWN WAS GIVENTO HIM: AND HE WENT FORTHCONQUERING, AND TO CONQUER.Sach 6,1-5Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Dieseneue Geschichtsreihe der siebenSiegel zeigt die äußere Geschichte derGemeinde Gottes, so wie die siebenSendschreiben die innere Geschichte,den inneren Zustand der Gemeindein dem entsprechenden Zeitabschnittzeigen. Der Reiter ist nicht Christus [derMessias], da er ja als Lamm das Siegelöffnete, sondern stellt die Heilsbotschaftvon Christus [dem Messias] dar. Weißbedeutet Reinheit, Klarheit und Licht derreinen Lehre der Erlösungsbotschaft.Der Bogen ist Mittel zum Siege, istSinnbild des Glaubens (1. Joh. 5,4), derKranz Bild des Sieges. Das erste Siegelstellt den unaufhaltsamen Siegeszugder Frohbotschaft von Jesus Christus[Jahschua den Messias] durch die

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 699Völkerwelt in der Zeit der urchristlichenGemeinde bis zum Jahre 100 n. Chr. dar.Explanation of Ernst Simon: This newhistorical series of the Seven Sealsshows the external history of the of God’scommunity, just as the seven letters of theinternal history show the internal stateof the community in the correspondingperiod. <strong>The</strong> horseman is not Christ [theMessiah], for he was the lamb to openthe seal, but represents the savingmessage of Christ [the Messiah]. Whitemeans purity, clarity and light of the pureteaching of the salvation message. <strong>The</strong>bow is a means to victory, a symbol offaith (1 John 5:4), and the wreath - animage of the victory. <strong>The</strong> first seal depictsthe inevitable breakthrough of the GoodNews of Jesus Christ [Yahshua theMessiah] to all nations of the world in thetime of the early Christian church until100 AD.Offb 6,3 Und da es das andere (daszweite) Siegel auftat, hörte ich dasandere Tier sagen: KOMM UND SIEHE!KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE HADOPENED THE SECOND SEAL, IHEARD THE SECOND BEASTS SAY,COME AND SEE.Offb 6,4 Und es ging herausein anderes Pferd, das war rot.Und dem, der darauf saß, wardgegeben, den Frieden zu nehmenvon der Erde und daß sie sichuntereinander erwürgten; und wardihm ein großes Schwert gegeben.KJV + EL = AND THERE WENT OUTANOTHER HORSE THAT WAS RED:AND POWER WAS GIVEN TO HIMTHAT SAT THEREON TO TAKEPEACE FROM THE EARTH, ANDTHAT THEY SHOULD KILL ONEANOTHER: AND THERE WAS GIVENTO HIM A GREAT SWORD.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Reiterauf feuerrotem Pferd stellt in seinenKennzeichen sinnbildlich die Lage derGemeinde im zweiten Zeitabschnitt von100-312 n. Chr. dar. Ist Weiß das Bilddes reinen Glaubens, so zeigt Rot eineTrübung der Lehre durch Irrlehren an.Rot als die Farbe des Blutes und das“große Schwert” weisen aber auch aufdie Verfolgungen (die schlimmste unterKaiser Diokletian von 303 bis 312) und dieinneren Kämpfe der Kirche hin.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> rideron his fire red horse symbolizes thesituation of the community in the secondperiod of 100-312 AD. If white is theimage of pure faith, red shows a haze ofdoctrine by heresies. Red as the colour ofblood and the “great sword” also point tothe persecutions (the worst ones underEmperor Diocletian 303-312) and thestruggles within the Church.Offb 6,5 Und da es das dritte Siegelauftat, hörte ich das dritte Tier sagen:KOMM, UND SIEHE ZU! Und ichsah, und siehe, ein schwarzesPferd. Und der darauf saß, hatteeine Waage in seiner Hand.KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE HADOPENED THE THIRD SEAL, I HEARDTHE THIRD BEASTS SAY, COMEAND SEE. AND I BEHELD, AND LO ABLACK HORSE; AND HE THAT SATON HIM HAD A PAIR OF BALANCESIN HIS HAND.Offb 6,6 Und ich hörte eine Stimmeunter den vier Tieren sagen:EIN MASS WEIZEN UM EINENGROSCHEN UND DREI MASSGERSTE UM EINEN GROSCHEN; UNDDEM ÖL UND WEIN TUE KEIN LEID!KJV + EL = AND I HEARD A VOICE INTHE MIDST OF THE FOUR BEASTSSAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FORA PENNY (DENARIUS), AND THREEMEASURES OF BARLEY FOR APENNY (DENARIUS); AND SEE YOUHURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE.2. Kön 6,25; 7,1Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das dritteSiegel zeigt in der schwarzen Farbe desPferdes eine Zunahme und Ausreifungdes Abfalls vom wahren Glauben undeine Zunahme geistlicher Finsternis indem Zeitraum von 313 bis 538 n. Chr. DieWaage des Reiters und die Verteuerungvon Weizen und Gerste sind das Bildeiner Hungersnot, nicht nach irdischemBrot, sondern sie zeigen prophetisch einegeistliche Hungersnot nach dem Brot des

100Offenbarung ~ Revelation 6Lebens, dem Worte Gottes. Nachdem dieKirche im 4. Jahrhundert zur Staatskirchegeworden war, befasste sie sich mehr mitweltlichen Angelegenheiten als mit derVerkündigung der Heilsbotschaft. DasWort Gottes, die Bibel, wurde dem Volkeentzogen, verbrannt und fast gänzlichausgerottet. “Die allgemeine Regel ist: woRom herrscht, gibt es keine Bibeln; woes halb herrscht, etliche und wo es nichtmehr herrscht, viele.” (Le ChristianismeIII, 247). “Das Öl und den Traubensaft(= den Wein) schädige nicht”; sie sindSinnbilder des Geistes [Gottes] und derreinen Lehre (Sach. 4,6; Joh. 15,1-5)...Explanation of Ernst Simon: With theblack colour of the horse the third sealshows an increase in maturation of theapostasy from the true faith, and anincrease of spiritual darkness in theperiod between 313 and 538 AD. <strong>The</strong>rider’s pair of balances and the risingcost of wheat and barley represent thefamine not for the earthly bread. <strong>The</strong>yshow prophetically spiritual famine forthe bread of life, the Word of God. Afterthe church became a state church inthe 4th Century, it was more concernedabout mundane matters than about thepreaching of the gospel. <strong>The</strong> word ofGod, the Bible was deprived of people,and burned and almost completelyeradicated. “<strong>The</strong> general rule is: whereRome reigns, there are no Bibles; andwhere it reigns half, there are some,and where it no longer reigns, there aremany of them.” (Le Christianisme III,247). “Do not damage the oil and thegrape juice (= wine)”, they are symbols ofthe Spirit [of God] and the pure teaching(Zechariah 4:6; John 15:1-5)...Offb 6,7 Und da es das vierte Siegelauftat, hörte ich die Stimme des viertenTiers sagen: KOMM, UND SIEHE ZU!KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE HADOPENED THE FOURTH SEAL, IHEARD THE VOICE OF THE FOURTHBEASTS SAY, COME AND SEE.Offb 6,8 Und ich sah, und siehe, einfahles Pferd. Und der daraufsaß, desName hieß Tod, und die Hölle folgteihm nach. Und ihnen ward Machtgegeben, zu töten das vierte Teil aufder Erde mit dem Schwert und Hungerund mit dem Tod und durch die Tiereauf Erden (Tiere = Königreiche,politische Organisation, politischeSysteme).KJV + EL = AND I LOOKED, ANDBEHOLD A PALE HORSE: ANDHIS NAME THAT SAT ON HIMWAS DEATH, AND HELL (GRAVE)FOLLOWED WITH HIM. AND POWERWAS GIVEN TO THEM OVER THEFOURTH PART OF THE EARTH,TO KILL WITH SWORD, AND WITHHUNGER (FAMINE), AND WITHDEATH, AND WITH THE THE BEASTSOF THE EARTH.Hes 14,21Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Reiter auffahlem (leichenfarbigen) Pferde, der denTod personifiziert, und dem das ebenfallspersonifizierte Totenreich (Grab) folgte,kennzeichnen den finsteren Zeitabschnittdes Mittelalters von 538 bis 1517 n. Chr.,die Zeit des schlimmsten geistlichenTiefstandes des Christentums (6,8). DerTod war das Los aller, die an der wahrenLehre festhielten. Die Verfolgungengingen aber nicht von nichtchristlicherSeite aus, sondern die von dem WorteGottes abgefallene Kirche verfolgteund mordete die wahren NachfolgerJesu [Jahschua]. Satan war Machtüber die Christenheit gegeben worden.Ketzerverfolgungen, Inquisitionen undHexenverbrennungen brachten vielenMenschen den Tod. Rom zeigte sichals antichristliche Kirche. Antonio deiPagliarici bezeugt: “Kaum ist es möglich,ein Christ zu sein und auf seinem Bettezu sterben.” - Ranke, Römische Päpste I,213.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> Rideron the pale (corpse-coloured) horsewho personifies death, also followedby the personified realm of the dead(the grave), mark the dark period ofthe Middle Ages 538-1517 AD, thetime of the worst spiritual deep stateof Christianity (6:8). Death was thefortune of all who adhered to the trueteaching. However, the persecutionsdid not come from the non-Christians,but from the Church fallen away fromthe Word of God which persecuted andmurdered the true followers of Jesus

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 6101[Yahshua]. Satan had been given powerover the Christian world. Persecutionof heretics, inquisitions and witchburnings brought many people todeath. Rome proved to represent the anti-Christian church. Antonio dei Pagliaricitestifies: “It is hardly possible to be aChristian and to die in his bed.” - Ranke,Roman Popes I, 213.Offb 6,9 Und da es das fünfteSiegel auftat, SAH ICH UNTER DEMALTAR DIE SEELEN DERER, DIEERWÜRGT (HINGEMORDET) WARENUM DES WORTES JAHWEH’SWILLEN UND UM DES ZEUGNISSESWILLEN, DAS SIE HATTEN.KJV + EL = And when he opened thefifth seal, I SAW UNDER THE ALTARTHE SOULS OF THEM THAT WERESLAIN (KILLED) FOR THE WORD OFYAHWEH, AND FOR THE TESTIMONYWHICH THEY HELD:Offb 6,10 Und sie schrieen mit großerStimme und sprachen: JAHWEH, DUHEILIGER UND WAHRHAFTIGER,WIE LANGE RICHTET DU NICHT UNDRÄCHEST UNSER BLUT AN DENEN,DIE AUF DER ERDE WOHNEN?KJV + EL = And they cried with aloud voice, saying, HOW LONG,O YAHWEH, HOLY AND TRUE, DOYOU NOT JUDGE AND AVENGE OURBLOOD ON THEM THAT DWELL ONTHE EARTH?Offb 6,11 Und ihnen wurde gegebeneinem jeglichen ein weißes Kleid,und ward zu ihnen gesagt, daß sieruhten noch eine kleine Zeit, bis daßvollends dazukämen ihre Mitknechteund Brüder, die auch sollten nochgetötet werden gleich wie sie.KJV + EL = AND WHITE ROBESWERE GIVEN TO EVERY ONE OFTHEM; AND IT WAS SAID TO THEM,THAT THEY SHOULD REST YETFOR A LITTLE TIME, UNTIL THEIRFELLOWSERVANTS ALSO ANDTHEIR BRETHREN, THAT SHOULDBE KILLED AS THEY WERE, SHOULDBE FULFILLED.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das fünfteSiegel zeigt als Gesicht die Märtyrer amBrandopferaltar als seien sie lebendigund forderten Gericht und Vergeltung,Gerechtigkeit für ihr Blut, für diehimmelschreienden Mordtaten ihrerVerfolger (6,9.10). Einem jeden Märtyrerwir “ein weißes Gewand gegeben”: Bildder Rechtfertigung der Blutzeugen Jesu[Jahschua] durch die Reformation. DasGesicht ist eine ermutigende Botschaft fürdie Gläubigen, die unter Verfolgungen undMärtyrertod zu leiden hatten, besondersim dunklen Mittelalter und in der Zeitder Reformation und darüber hinaus(1517-1755). Die Reformation brachteeine kleine Hilfe, aber die Verfolgungenhörten noch nicht auf (6,11). In diesemZeitabschnitt verfolgte aber nicht nur dierömische Kirche, sondern Protestantenverfolgten Protestanten. So ließ Calvinden spanischen Arzt Servet, der vor derInquisition nach Genf geflohen war, am27. Okt. 1553 öffentlich verbrennen, indenen er nicht mit Calvin übereinstimmte,nicht widerrufen wollte.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> fifth sealshows a face of the martyrs at the burntoffering altar as if they were alive, anddemanded justice and retribution, justicefor their blood, for the blatant murder oftheir persecutors (6:9-10). “A white robe”is given to each martyr: a picture ofthe justification of the martyrs of Jesus[Yahshua] through the reformation. <strong>The</strong>face is an encouraging message forbelievers who had suffered persecutionand martyrdom, especially in the darkMiddle Ages and the Reformation andbeyond (1517-1755). <strong>The</strong> Reformationbrought a little help, but the persecutiondid not cease (6:11). In this period,however, not only the Roman Churchwas a persecutor, but Protestantspersecuted Protestants. In this way on27th October 1553 Calvin publicly burnedthe Spanish physician Servetus, who hadfled from the Inquisition to Geneva, forCalvin was against it.Offb 6,12 Und ich sah, daß esdas sechste Siegel auftat, UNDSIEHE, DA WARD EIN GROSSESERDBEBEN, UND DIE SONNE WARDSCHWARZ WIE HÄRENER SACK,UND DER MOND WARD WIE BLUT;

102Offenbarung ~ Revelation 6KJV + EL = And I beheld when he hadopened the sixth seal,and lo, THEREWAS A GREAT EARTHQUAKE;AND THE SUN BECAME BLACKAS SACKCLOTH OF HAIR, ANDTHE MOON BECAME AS BLOOD;Jes 24,21-23; Joel 3,3.4; Matth 24,29Offb 6,13 UND DIE STERNE DESHIMMELS FIELEN AUF DIE ERDE,GLEICHWIE EIN FEIGENBAUMSEINE FEIGEN ABWIRFT, WENNER VON GROSSEM WIND BEWEGTWIRD.KJV + EL = AND THE STARS OFHEAVEN FELL TO THE EARTH, EVENAS A FIG TREE CASTS HER UNRIPEFIGS, WHEN SHE IS SHAKEN OF AMIGHTY WIND.Jes 34,4Offb 6,14 UND DER HIMMEL ENTWICHWIE EIN ZUSAMMENGEROLLTESBUCH; UND ALLE BERGE UNDINSELN WURDEN BEWEGT AUSIHREN ÖRTERN.KJV + EL = AND THE HEAVENDEPARTED AS A SCROLL WHEN ITIS ROLLED TOGETHER; AND EVERYMOUNTAIN AND ISLAND WEREMOVED OUT OF THEIR PLACES.Offb 6,15 UND DIE KÖNIGE AUFERDEN UND DIE GROSSEN UND DIEREICHEN UND DIE HAUPTLEUTEUND DIE GEWALTIGEN UND ALLEKNECHTE UND ALLE FREIENVERBARGEN SICH IN DEN KLÜFTENUND FELSEN AN DEN BERGENKJV + EL = AND THE KINGS OF THEEARTH, AND THE GREAT MEN, ANDTHE RICH MEN, AND THE CHIEFCAPTAINS, AND THE MIGHTY MEN,AND EVERY BONDMAN, AND EVERYFREE MAN, HID THEMSELVES INTHE DENS (CAVES) AND IN THEROCKS OF THE MOUNTAINS;Jes 2,10.19Offb 6,16 UND SPRACHEN ZU DENBERGEN UND FELSEN: FALLT ÜBERUNS UND VERBERGT UNS VOR DEMANGESICHTE DES, DER AUF DEMTHRON SITZT, UND VOR DEM ZORNDES LAMMES!KJV + EL = AND SAID TO THEMOUNTAINS AND ROCKS, FALL ONUS, AND HIDE US FROM THE FACEOF HIM THAT SITS ON THE TRHONE,AND FROM THE WRATH OF THELAMB:Luk 23,30Offb 6,17 DENN ES IST GEKOMMENDER GROSSE TAG SEINES ZORNES,UND WER KANN BESTEHEN?KJV + LUTHER 1545 = FOR THEGREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH ISCOME; AND WHO SHALL BE ABLETO STAND?Amos 5,18; Röm 2,5; Mal 3,2Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Unterdem 6. Siegel (Zeitabschnitt von 1755bis 1833) werden die Zeichen in derNatur geweissagt, welche die Nähe desTages der Wiederkunft Jesu [Jahschua]anzeigen. Zuerst “ein gewaltigesErdbeben”, das am 1. Nov. 1755 Lissabon,die Hauptstadt Portugals, zerstörte, undein Gebiet erschütterte, das viermaldie Oberfläche Europas übertraf. Danndie Verdunklung der Sonne und desMondes am 19. Mai 1780; es war aberkeine natürliche Sonnenfinsternis,sondern die wunderbare Erfüllung derWeissagung Jesu [Jahschua]. 1783hatte auch die alte Welt ihr Zeichenan der Sonne. Humboldt schreibt vonder “denkwürdigen Verfinsterung (dersogenannte Höhenrauch), welche vieleMonate lang vom Mai bis August 1783einen bedeutenden Teil von Europaund Asien, wie Nordafrika in Erstaunensetzte ...” (Kosmos IV, 323) Höhrenrauchist eine eigenartige Bezeichnung. Mankonnte eben keine natürliche Erklärunggeben; es war die Erfüllung der Prophetie(6,12). Dann als weiteres Zeichen derSternenfall am 13. Nov. 1833 (... 6,13).Johannes sieht darauf den Himmelwie eine zusammengerollte Buchrolleentweichen (6,14). Dieses Ereignis istnoch zukünftig und steht in unmittelbaremZusammenhang mit der Erscheinung Jesu[Jahschua] in den Wolken des Himmelsund ist sicherlich das Geschehnis, vondem Jesus [Jahschua] sagt: “Die Kräfteder Himmel werden erschüttert werden”

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 6. 7103(Mt. 24,29). Der Apostel sieht, wie dieUngläubigen und Namenschristen dieBerge und Felsen anrufen. Dies Rufen zuden Bergen und Felsen aber ist sinnlos.Wenn der große Tag des göttlichen Zornesgekommen sein wird (6,15-17), wenn dieGrundfesten der Erde erschüttert werdenund der Himmel entweichen wird, wennjeder Berg und jede Insel bewegt werden,dann ist es für die Verlorenen zu spät,zu beten. Jetzt ist der Tag der göttlichenGnade; heute darf die Gelegenheit desGebetes zu Gott durch die Vermittlungunseres Hohenpriesters Jesus Christus[Jahschua den Messias] nicht versäumtwerden. “Wer kann bestehen?” Diesewichtige Frage beantwortet Kap. 7.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Under the6th seal (period 1755-1833) the signs innature are prophesied, which show theapproach of the day the Second Comingof Jesus [Yahshua]. First, “a greatearthquake,” which destroyed Lisbon,the capital of Portugal, on 1st November1755 and shook an area exceeding byfour times the surface of ​Europe. <strong>The</strong>nthe darkening of the sun and moonon the 19th May 1780; but that was nonatural solar eclipse, it was a wonderfulfulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus[Yahshua]. In 1783 also the old world sawa sign on the sun. Humboldt writes of the“memorable eclipse (the so-called haze),which continued to astonish a significantpart of Europe and Asia, but also NorthAfrica for many months from May toAugust 1783...” (Cosmos IV, 323) Haze is astrange name. One simply could not givea natural explanation, it was the fulfilmentof prophecy (6:12). <strong>The</strong>n a further signwas a star fall on 13th November 1833(... 6:13). John sees the sky escape like arolled book scroll (6:14). This event is stillfuture and is directly associated with thecoming of Jesus [Yahshua] in the cloudsof heaven, and is certainly the mainevent, of which Jesus [Yahshua] says:“<strong>The</strong> powers of heaven will be shaken”(Mt 24:29). <strong>The</strong> apostle sees theunbelievers and nominal Christianscalling rocks and mountains. This call tothe rocks and mountains will however besenseless. As the great day of God’s wrathwill come (6:15-17), as the foundations ofthe earth will be shaken and the sky willescape, as every mountain and islandwill be moved, then it will be too late forthe lost to pray. Now is the day of divinegrace, today the opportunity of prayerto God through the mediation of ourHigh Priest Jesus Christ [Yahshua theMessiah] should not be missed. “Whocan stand it?” This important question isanswered in chapter 7.Kapitel 7Die Versiegelten.Offb 7,1 Und darnach sah ich vierEngel stehen auf den vier Eckender Erde, die hielten die vier Windeder Erde, auf daß kein Wind überdie Erde bliese noch über das Meernoch über irgend einen Baum.KJV + EL = AND AFTER THESETHINGS I SAW FOUR ANGELSSTANDING ON THE FOUR CORNERSOF THE EARTH, HOLDING THEFOUR WINDS OF THE EARTH, THATTHE WIND SHOULD NOT BLOW ONTHE EARTH, NOR ON THE SEA, NORON ANY TREE.Dan 7,2Offb 7,2 Und ich sah einen anderenEngel aufsteigen von der SonneAufgang, der hatte das Siegel deslebendigen Gottes und schriemit großer Stimme zu den vierEngeln, welchen gegeben war zubeschädigen die Erde und das Meer;KJV + EL = AND I SAW ANOTHERANGEL ASCENDING FROM THEEAST , HAVING THE SEAL OF THELIVING ELOHIM: AND HE CRIEDWITH A LOUD VOICE TO THE FOURANGELS, TO WHOM IT WAS GIVENTO HURT THE EARTH AND THE SEA,Offb 7,3 und er sprach: Beschädigetdie Erde nicht noch das Meer noch dieBäume, bis wir versiegeln die Knechteunseres Gottes an ihren Stirnen!KJV + EL = SAYING, HURT NOT THEEARTH, NEITHER THE SEA, NORTHE TREES, TILL (UNTIL) WE HAVESEALED THE SERVANTS OF OURELOHIM IN THEIR FOREHEADS.Kap 9,4; Hes 9,4.6

104Offenbarung ~ Revelation 7Offb 7,4 UND ICH HÖRTE DIE ZAHLDERER, DIE VERSIEGELT WURDEN:144.000, DIE VERSIEGELT WARENVON ALLEN GESCHLECHTERN DERKINDER ISRAELS:KJV + EL = AND I HEARD THE NUMBEROF THEM WHICH WERE SEALED:AND THERE WERE SEALED ANHUNDRED AND FORTY AND FOURTHOUSAND OF ALL THE TRIBESOF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL.Kap 14,1.3Offb 7,5 Von dem Geschlechte Judazwölftausend versiegelt; von demGeschlechte Ruben zwölftausendversiegelt; von dem GeschlechteGad zwölftausend versiegelt;KJV + EL = Of the tribe of Judahwere sealed twelve thousand. Of thetribe of Reuben were sealed twelvethousand. Of the tribe of Gad weresealed twelve thousand.Offb 7,6 von dem Geschlechte Asserzwölftausend versiegelt; von demGeschlechte Naphthali zwölftausendversiegelt; von dem GeschlechteManasse zwölftausend versiegelt;KJV + EL = Of the tribe of Asherwere sealed twelve thousand. Of thetribe of Naphtali were sealed twelvethousand. Of the tribe of Manassehwere sealed twelve thousand.Offb 7,7 von dem GeschlechteSimeon zwölftausend versiegelt; vondem Geschlechte Levi zwölftausendversiegelt; von dem GeschlechteIsaschar zwölftausend versiegelt;KJV + EL = Of the tribe of Simeonwere sealed twelve thousand. Ofthe tribe of Levi were sealed twelvethousand. Of the tribe of Issacharwere sealed twelve thousand.Offb 7,8 von dem GeschlechteSebulon zwölftausend versiegelt; vondem Geschlechte Joseph zwölftausendversiegelt; von dem GeschlechteBenjamin zwölftausend versiegelt.KJV + EL = Of the tribe of Zebulunwere sealed twelve thousand. Of thetribe of Joseph were sealed twelvethousand. Of the tribe of Benjaminwere sealed twelve thousand.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das ersteZwischengesicht in Kapitel 7 ist dieAntwort auf die Frage am Schlussvon Kapitel 6. In diesem Gesicht wirdsinnbildlich das VersiegelungswerkGottes in der Endzeit gezeigt. Die“vier Ecken der Erde” sind die vierWindrichtungen oder Himmelsrichtungen.Winde sind in der Bildersprache derBibel Kriege (Dan. 7,2; Jer. 51,1), und dahier von den vier Winden gesprochenwird, ist darunter der letzte vernichtendeVölkerkampf zu verstehen, den die vierEngel zurückhalten, bis die Versiegelungdes Volkes Gottes beendet ist (7,1.3.)Johannes sieht “auch einen anderenEngel, der das Siegel des lebendigenGottes hatte” (7,2). Das Siegel Gottes istim vierten Gebot, dem <strong>Sabbat</strong>gebot, zufinden, das allein unter den zehn Gebotendie drei Merkmale eines gültigen Siegelsaufweist, nämlich Name, Amtstitel undAmtsgebiet (Herrschaftsbereich) desSiegelinhabers (2. Mose 20,8-11). ...Die Zahl 12 gilt auch für das geistlicheIsrael des Neuen Bundes (21,14).Völlig abwegig in der Auslegung istes, unter den Versiegelten die Stämmedes geschichtlichen, des Israels desAlten Bundes, verstehen zu wollen,da die Versiegelten das geistlicheIsrael des Neuen Bundes sind. ...dass die Versiegelten, wie zahlreicheBibelausleger es auch verstehen, dasgeistliche Israel des Neuen Bundesin der Endzeit sind. So wie ein Siegeldas Besitzrecht des Siegelinhabersbeweist, zeigt das Siegel Gottes, dass dieVersiegelten Gottes - durch Christus [denMessias] bluterkauftes - Eigentum sindund in den Tagen furchtbarer Vernichtungund Zerstörung in der Endzeit unterseinem gnädigen Schutz stehen.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> firstinterface in chapter 7 is the answer tothe question at the end of chapter 6.In this face the sealing work of God isshown allegorically in the end time. <strong>The</strong>“four corners of the earth” are four w<strong>indd</strong>irections or directions. Hoist in themetaphorical language of the Bible arewars (Dan. 7,2; Jer. 51,1), and becauseit is spoken here of four hoists, the

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 7105last destructive national fight is to beunderstood by it which the four angelshold back, until the sealing of the peopleof God is finished (7,1.3). John sees “alsoan another angel, who had the seal ofthe living God‘‘ (7,2). <strong>The</strong> seal of God isto be found in the fourth of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.Which shows three signs of a valid sealalone under the ten Commandments,namely, Name, office title and functionarea (territory) of the seal owner(Exodus 20,8-11). ... <strong>The</strong> number 12 isalso valid for the Israel of the new alliance(21,14). Absolutely in the interpretationit is to want to understand among thesealed, the trunks of the historical one,Israel of the old alliance because thesealed are the Israel of the new alliance...that the sealed, as numerous Bibleinterpreters it also understand, are thetheologically Israel of the new alliance inthe end time. As well as a seal proves thepossession right of the seal owner, theseal of God shows that the sealed of God- are a property by Christ [the Messiah]blood-bought - and stand during the daysof dreadful.Die ÜberwinderOffb 7,9 Darnach sah ich, undsiehe, eine große Schar, welcheniemand zählen konnte, aus allenHeiden und Völkern und Sprachen,vor dem Thron stehend und vor demLamm, angetan mit weißen Kleidernund Palmen in ihren Händen,KJV + EL = AFTER THESE I BEHELD,AND, LO, A GREAT MULTITUDE,WHICH NO MAN COULD NUMBER,OF ALL NATIONS, AND KINDREDS,AND PEOPLE, AND TONGUES,STOOD BEFORE THE THRONE,AND BEFORE THE LAMB, CLOTHEDWITH WHITE ROBES, AND PALMS INTHEIR HANDS;Offb 7,10 schrieen mit großer Stimmeund sprachen: Heil sei dem. derauf dem Thron sitzt, unserem Gott(JAHWEH Elohim), und dem Lamm!KJV + EL = AND CRY WITH A LOUDVOICE, SAYING, SALVATION TOOUR ELOHIM WHO SITS UPON THETHRONE, AND TO THE LAMB.Offb7,11 Und alle Engel standenum den Thron und um dieÄltesten und um die vier Tiereund fielen vor dem Thron auf ihrAngesicht und beteten JAHWEH anKJV + EL = AND ALL THE ANGELSSTOOD ROUND ABOUT THETHRONE, AND AROUND THEELDERS AND THE FOUR BEASTS,AND FELL BEFORE THE THRONEON THEIR FACES, AND WORSHIPEDYAHWEH,Offb 7,12 und sprachen: Amen,Lob und Ehre und Weisheit undDank und Preis und Kraft undStärke sei unserem Gott vonEwigkeit zu Ewigkeit! Amen.KJV + EL = SAYING, AMEN:BLESSING, AND GLORY, ANDWISDOM, AND THANKSGIVING, ANDHONOR, AND POWER, AND MIGHT,BE TO OUR ELOHIM FOREVER ANDEVER. AMEN.Offb 7,13 Und es antworteteder Ältesten einer und sprach zumir: Wer sind diese, mit denweißen Kleidern angetan, undwoher sind sie gekommen?KJV + EL = And one of the eldersanswered, saying to me, WHATARE THESE WHICH ARE ARRAYEDIN WHITE ROBES? AND WHENCE(FROM WHERE) CAME THEY?Offb 7,14 Und ich sprach zu ihm:Herr, du weißt es. Und er sprach zumir: Diese sind es, die gekommensind aus großer Trübsal und habenihre Kleider gewaschen und habenihre Kleider hell gemacht im Blut desLammes.KJV + EL = And I said to him, MYMASTER, YOU KNOW. And he said tome, THESE ARE THEY WHICH CAMEOUT OT THE GREAT TRIBULATION,AND HAVE WASHED THEIRROBES, AND MADE THEM WHITEIN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB.Kap 12,11; Matth 24,21

106Offenbarung ~ Revelation 7. 8Offb 7,15 Darum sind sie vordem Thron JAHWEH’s und dienenihm Tag und Nacht in seinemTempel; und der auf dem Thronsitzt, wird über ihnen wohnen.KJV + EL = THEREFORE ARE THEYBEFORE THE THRONE OF YAHWEH;AND SERVE HIM DAY AND NIGHTIN HIS TEMPLE: AND HE THAT SITSON THE THRONE SHALL DWELLAMONG THEM.Offb 7,16 Sie werden nicht mehrhungern noch dürsten; es wirdauch nicht auf sie fallen dieSonne oder irgend eine Hitze;KJV + EL = THEY SHALL HUNGERNO MORE, NEITHER THIRST ANYMORE; NEITHER SHALL THE SUNLIGHT ON THEM, NOR ANY HEAT.Jes 49,10Offb 7,17 denn das Lamm mittenim Thron wird sie weiden und leitenzu den lebendigen Wasserbrunnen,und JAHWEH wird abwischenalle Tränen von ihren Augen.KJV + EL = FOR THE LAMBWHICH IS IN THE MIDST OF THETHRONE SHALL FEED THEM, ANDSHALL LEAD THEM TO LIVINGFOUNTAINS OF WATERS: ANDYAHWEH SHALL WIPE AWAYALL TEARS FROM THEIR EYES.Ps 23,2; Kap 21,4; Jes 25,8Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Im zweitenZwischengesicht sieht der Aposteleine große Schar, “die niemand zählenkonnte”, aus allen Nationen vor demThron und vor dem Lamm stehen: DieErlösten seit Adam aus allen Völkern undaus allen Zeiten. Johannes wurden indiesen beiden Gesichten zwei Gruppender Erlösten gezeigt: Die Versiegeltenund die große Schar. Auch der ApostelPaulus schreibt von zwei Gruppen: DieAuferstandenen und die als Lebendeverwandelt werden (1. <strong>The</strong>ss. 4,15-17).Diese beiden Zwischengesichte gebendie Antwort auf die Frage: Wer kannbestehen?, nämlich die Versiegeltenund die große Schar. Beide Gruppensind Erlöste durch das große Opfer Jesu[Jahschua] auf Golgatha (7,10.14), die vordem Throne Gottes sein werden und ihmTag und Nacht in seinem Tempel dienen(7,15-17).Explanation of Ernst Simon: In thesecond interface the apostle sees a bigcrowd, “which nobody could count”, fromall nations standing before the throneand before the lamb: <strong>The</strong> released sinceAdam from all people and from all times.Two groups of the released were shownin these both faces to John: <strong>The</strong> sealedand the big crowd. Also the apostlePaul writes about two groups: <strong>The</strong> onewho are risen and the one who becometransformed as living persons (1. <strong>The</strong>ss.4,15-17). <strong>The</strong>se both interfaces give theanswer to the question: Who can pass?,namely the sealed and the big crowd.Both groups are released by the bigvictim of Jesus [Yahshua] on Golgatha(7,10.14) who will be before the throne ofGod and serve him day and night in histemple (7,15-17).Kapitel 8Das siebente Siegel.Offb 8,1 Und da es das siebenteSiegel auftat, ward eine Stille in demHimmel bei einer halben Stunde.KJV + EL = AND WHEN HE HADOPENED THE SEVENTH SEAL, THEREWAS SILENCE IN HEAVEN ABOUTTHE SPACE OF HALF AN HOUR.Sach 2,17; Hab 2,20Offb 8,2 Und ich sah die siebenEngel, die da stehen vor JAHWEH,und ihnen wurden sieben Posaunengegeben.KJV + EL = AND I SAW THESEVEN ANGELS WHICH STOODBEFORE YAHWEH; AND TO THEMWERE GIVEN SEVEN TRUMPETS.Matth 24,31Offb 8,3 Und ein anderer Engel kamund trat an den Altar und hatte eingoldenes Räuchfaß; und ihm wardviel Räuchwerk gegeben, daß er esgäbe zum Gebet aller Heiligen aufden goldenen Altar vor dem Thron.KJV + EL = AND ANOTHER ANGEL

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 8107CAME AND STOOD AT THE ALTAR,HAVING A GOLDEN CENSER; ANDTHERE WAS GIVEN TO HIM MUCHINCENSE, THAT HE SHOULD OFFERIT WITH THE PRAYERS OF ALLSAINTS UPON THE GOLDEN ALTERWHICH WAS BEFORE THE THRONE.Offb 8,4 Und der Rauch desRäuchwerks vom Gebet derHeiligen ging auf von derHand des Engels vor JAHWEH.KJV + EL = AND THE SMOKE OFTHE INCENSE, WHICH CAME WITHTHE PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS,ASCENDED UP BEFORE YAHWEHOUT OUT OF THE ANGEL’S HAND.Ps 141,2Offb 8,5 Und der Engel nahm dasRäuchfaß und füllte es mit Feuer vomAltar und schüttete es auf die Erde.Und da geschahen Stimmen undDonner und Blitze und Erdbeben.KJV + EL = AND THE ANGEL TOOKTHE CENSER; AND FILLED IT WITHTHE OF THE ALTAR, AND CAST ITINTO THE EARTH: AND THERE WEREVOICES, AND THUNDERINGS, ANDLIGHTNINGS, AND AN EARTHQUAKE.Hes 10,2Die ersten sechs PosaunenOffb 8,6 Und die sieben Engel mitden sieben Posaunen hatten sichgerüstet zu posaunen.KJV + EL = AND THE SEVEN ANGELSWHICH HAD THE SEVEN TRUMPETSPREPARED THEMSELVES TOSOUND.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Als sichdas Lamm “das siebente Siegel öffnete,wurde eine halbe Stunde Stille in demHimmel”, und Johannes sah dann “diesieben Engel, die vor Gott [JAHWEH]stehen” und denen “sieben Posaunengegeben” wurden (8,1.2). Mit derPosaune und dem Horn wurden in altenZeiten zum Kampfe gerufen (Jer. 4,19-21). Die Posaunengerichte hier in derOffenbarung sind die Antwort Gottes aufdie Gebete der Heiligen, der Gläubigen,die auf der Erde in schwerer Bedrängnissind (8,3.4). So wie Gott in der Zeit desAlten Bundes Philister, Amalekiter,Ammoniter, Moabiter, Edomiter, Assyrer,Kaldäer und andere Völker über seinVolk kommen ließ, so strafte er auch dieabtrünnige Christenheit in den Tagen desNeuen Bundes durch heidnische Völker.Die vier ersten Posaunen sind GerichteGottes über die abgefallenen Christendes weströmischen Reiches.Explanation of Ernst Simon: As the Lamb“opened the seventh seal, there was ahalf-hour silence in heaven” and Johnsaw then “the seven angels standingbefore God [YAHWEH]” and that “seventrumpets” were given to them (8:1-2). Inancient times one called for a battle bymeans of a trumpet and a horn (Jer. 4:19-21). <strong>The</strong> trumpet courts here in Revelationare God’s answer to the prayers of thesaints, the faithful who are in severedistress on earth (8:3-4). Just as Godlet Philistines, Amalekites, Ammonites,Moabites, Edomites, Assyrians,Chaldeans and other nations comeover his people in the time of the OldTestament, so he punished the apostateChristendom by pagan peoples in thedays of the New Testament. <strong>The</strong> firstfour trumpets are God’s judgments uponthe apostate Christians of the WesternRoman Empire.Offb 8,7 Und der erste Engelposaunte: und es ward ein Hagelund Feuer, mit Blut gemengt, undfiel auf die Erde; und der dritteTeil der Bäume verbrannte, undalles grüne Gras verbrannte.KJV + EL = THE FIRST ANGELSOUNDED, AND THERE FOLLOWEDHAIL AND FIRE MINGLED WITHBLOOD, AND THEY WERECAST UPON THE EARTH: ANDTHE THIRD PART OF TREESWAS BURNT UP, AND ALL THEGREEN GRASS WAS BURNT UP.2. Mose 9,23-26Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die erstePosaune zeigt den Einfall der Westgotenin das weströmische Reich an. 396 n.Chr. begannen sie unter Alarich ihrenEroberungszug. “Die Westgoten wurdenvon den Ostgoten weiter nach demWesten gedrängt; aus den rumänischen

108Offenbarung ~ Revelation 8Niederungen wurden die Westgotenbis an die römische Donaugrenzegestoßen. Für den Augenblick war dasReich dadurch gerettet worden, dass<strong>The</strong>odosius den zersprengten undbesiegten Westgoten Moesien überließund ihnen, wie Ammianus erzählt,sogar Boote für die Donauüberfahrt zurVerfügung stellte. Dann aber wurde dasReich von den neuen Bundesgenossenverwüstet; nach dem Tode des<strong>The</strong>odosius hatte ganz Illyrien bis zuden Karpathen ihre Eroberungszüge zuerdulden... Heiden und Christen forschtennach den Ursachen dieser Katastrophen.Die einen fanden sie darin, dass der Kultder Götter nach dem Tode Julians aufruchlose Weise preisgegeben wordensei, die anderen sahen sie im Zorn deseinen Gott, den die Sünden der Römerheraufbeschworen hätten.” - PropyläenWeltgeschichte, Bd. IV, S. 553, 554.Auf der Suche nach besserem Land brachAlarich nach dem Westen auf. “Baldwaren die Westgoten vor Mailand.” (S.556). “Alarich gab sich gar nicht erstdie Mühe, Honorius und seinen Hof inRavenna zu belagern; er verzichteteauch auf die Belagerung Roms undgriff dafür zur Blockade. Er hielt inOstia alles Getreide aus Afrika an, undbesetzte die Ufer des Tiber ebenso wiealle Landstraßen, über die Fleisch undGemüse nach Rom gebracht werdenkonnte... Erst als ihm eine Abordnung desSenats ein enormes Lösegeld zugestand,hob Alarich die Blockade auf... Er forderteZuschlagszahlung. ... Die Verhandlungenwurden abgebrochen, woraufhin AlarichEnde 409 Rom mit einer neuen Blockadevon der Außenwelt abschnitt. Der Senatging auf die Forderungen Alarichs ein.Spätere Verhandlungen scheitertenjedoch an einem blutigen Zwischenfall.Alarich umzingelte nun Rom zum drittenMal; diesmal fest entschlossen, sich derStadt zu bemächtigen. Die ausgehungerteStadt ergab sich am 24. August 410...Die Goten konnten nun drei Tage langplündern, notzüchtigen, die Häuser inFlammen aufgehen lassen.” (S. 558, 559).Sie setzen ihren verheerenden Zug durchSüdgallien nach Spanien fort.Offb 8,8 Und der andere (zweite)Engel posaunte: und es fuhrwie ein großer Berg mit Feuerbrennend ins Meer; und derdritte Teil des Meeres ward Blut,KJV + EL = AND THE SECONDANGEL SOUNDED, AND AS IT WEREA GREAT MOUNTAIN BURNINGWITH FIRE WAS CAST INTO THESEA: AND THE THIRD PARTOF THE SEA BECAME BLOOD;2. Mose 7,20.21Offb 8,9 und der dritte Teil derlebendigen Kreaturen im Meerstarben, und der dritte Teilder Schiffe wurden verderbt.KJV + EL = AND THE THIRD PART OFTHE CREATURES WHICH WERE INTHE SEA, AND HAD LIFE, DIED, ANDTHE THIRD PART OF THE SHIPSWERE DESTROYED.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die zweitePosaune erfüllte sich im Zuge derVandalen. Die Vandalen wurden wie dieGoten von den Hunnen verdrängt. “Diehasdingischen Vandalen, die schonvor 396 die Donauländer heimgesuchthatten, begannen unter der Führungihres Königs Godegiesel 401 nachWesten auszuweichen... AbgesprengteVölkersplitter aus dem Donaubeckenstießen zu ihnen, sodass dieWanderlawine, die Ende 405 nach Italienergoss, gewaltig anwuchs.” - Handbuchder europäischen Geschichte, Bd. I,S. 218.“Die Vandalen, die am letzten Tage desJahres 406 den Rhein in der Gegendvon Mainz in kompakten Massenüberschritten, waren aus der heutigenSlowakei gekommen. Einen Teil vonihnen nannte man Asdingen. AndereVandalen, Silingen, saßen zu Anfang des5. Jahrhunderts in Schlesien. Die beidenTeile dieses Volkes und die Alanen....waren eine Zeitlang von den fränkischen“Verbündeten”, die Widerstandleisteten, aufgehalten worden. Aber dieEindringlinge waren zu zahlreich, undder im Dezember 406 vereiste Rhein botihnen zwischen Mainz und Worms einenbequemen Übergang. Sie ergossensich über ganz Gallien... Nachdemdie Vandalen die Reichtümer Galliensausgeschöpft hatten, fielen sie in Herbst409 ... in Spanien ein.” - Propyläen

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 8109Weltgeschichte, Bd. IV, S. 560.“Der Vandalenkönig Geiserich, einhinkendes, jähzorniges und gewalttätigeskleines Männchen, fasste den Plan,nach Afrika überzusetzen... Geiserichversammelte seine Mannen, etwa zehnoderfünfzehntausend an Zahl, mitsamtihren Familien in Tarifa an der äusserstenSpitze Spaniens und brachte sie vielenSchiffsreisen nach Afrika... Geisericherhielt die Getreidekammer Afrikas...Raub, Plünderung, Massaker folgteneinander in den Städten und Dörfern.”(S. 563).Mit seinen Vandalen war Geiserich 455in Italien gelandet. Kampflos besetzteer am 2. Juni die wehrlose Stadt [Rom].Zwar konnte Papst Leo bei ihm erwirken,dass Folterungen und Metzeleienunterbleiben, aber zwei Wochen langwurde systematisch geraubt, geplündert,zerstört. Als Geiserich abzog, nahmer alles mit, was er zusammenraffenkonnte: Gold und Juwelen und alleTrophäen der einstigen römischenSiege, darunter auch die Überreste desTempels von Jerusalem, die Titus dreiJahrhunderte zuvor nach Rom gebrachthatte. Zum zweiten Mal in einem halbenJahrhundert erlebte Rom die Schreckender Besetzung, der entfesselten Gewalt,der Massenplünderung.” (S. 574).Geiserich vernichtete 457 an einemTage im Hafen von Cartagena dierömische Flotte. Auch die von Rom undKonstantinopel gemeinsam bemannteFlotte von über 1100 Schiffen (100.000Seeleute und Soldaten) wurden vonden Vandalen durch brennende Schiffevollständig zerstört.Offb 8,10 Und der dritte Engelposaunte: und es fiel ein großerStern vom Himmel, der branntewie eine Fackel und fiel auf dendritten Teil der Wasserströmeund über die Wasserbrunnen.KJV + EL = AND THE THIRD ANGELSOUNDED, AND THERE FELL AGREAT STAR FROM HEAVEN,BURNING AS IT WERE A LAMP,AND IT FELL UPON THE THIRDPART OF THE RIVERS, AND UPONTHE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS;Jes 14,12Offb 8,11 Und der Name des Sternsheißt Wermut. Und der dritte Teilder Wasser ward Wermut; und vieleMenschen starben von den Wassern,weil sie waren so bitter geworden.KJV + EL = AND THE NAME OF THESTAR IS CALLED WORMWOOD: ANDTHE THIRD PART OF THE WATERSBECAME WORMWOOD; ANDMANY MEN DIED OF THE WATERS,BECAUSE THEY WERE MADEBITTER.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die Erfüllungist in dem Einfall der Hunnen zu sehen,die 375 n. Chr. die Völkerwanderungauslösten. “Am Anfang des 5.Jahrhunderts bracht das Unheil überWesteuropa in Gestalt der Hunnen ausden Tiefen Asiens herein... Von denMongolen und Tungusen verdrängt,mussten sie nach Westen zurückweichen,übers Altai-Gebirge, dann, von ihrenStammesverbündeten verfolgt, über dieSteppen bis zum Ural, schließlich in diegroße russische Ebene... Unterwegszersprengten ihre Horden die Alanen...dann die Ostgosten, die sie über denDnjestr trieben und die ihrerseits dieWestgoten nach Westen drängten.” -Propyläen Weltgeschichte, Bd. IV, S. 554“Inzwischen war der gesamte Raumöstlich der Karpaten unter hunnischeBotmäßigkeit geraten. Die hier lebendengermanischen Skiren und dakischenKarpen versuchten ebenfalls im Winter380/81 oder 381/82 über die Donauauszuweichen, wurden jedoch von derrömischen Abwehr zurückgeschlagen undmussten sich den Hunnen unterwerfen.Die Ostgoten unter Ermanarich konntenden Hunnenscharen eine ZeitlangWiderstand leisten, doch andere von denGoten beherrschte Völker erhoben sichgegen die alten Herren. Die Goten, unterhunnischer Herrschaft blieben nun 40Jahre ohne König, während Alarich, derFührer der Vesigoten auf Reichsboden,im Jahre 395 zum König erhoben wurde.Einzelne Gruppen versuchten sich derHerrschaft der Hunnen zu entziehen.Die bedrohten nunmehr auch diewestlichen Goten... Im ersten Vierteldes 5. Jahrhunderts verlagerte sich derSchwerpunkt der hunnischen Macht vonder untersten Donau und nördlich des

110Offenbarung ~ Revelation 8Schwarzen Meeres in das Becken an dermittleren Donau. Im Jahre 430 wurdeeine Hunnengruppe in Süddeutschlandvon den rechtsrheinischen Burgunderngeschlagen... Attila, der (444/446)Alleinherrscher wurde, baute seineMachtstellung nach innen undaußen gewaltig aus. Die kirchlicheLegende sieht in ihm den diabolischenZerstörer einer Weltordnung, dieGottesgeißel... Viele Goten suchtenin der unheimlichen Bedrängnis Trostbei dem neuen Gott.” - Handbuch dereuropäischen Geschichte, S. 216-220.“Ein nichtiger Anlass hatte dieHunnenhorden 441 zu Raubzügen in dieBalkanprovinzen aufbrechen lassen... Um445 erschien Attila südlich der Donau,schlug die römische Armee zusammenund verwüstete, sagt Priskos, einZeitgenosse, über siebzig Städte... DerRegierungsrat Attilas war nicht mehr wie ineinem Stammesverband die Versammlungder Klanhäuptlinge, sondern einGremium von “Freunden”, unterdenen Angehörige der verschiedenengermanischen, sarmatischen undgotischen Völkerschaften, ja sogarRömer vertreten waren. Um ihn herumwurde nicht nur Hunnisch, sondern auchLatein und Gotisch gesprochen... Dasssich Attila den Westen zuwandte, hatteseinen Grund wahrscheinlich darin, dassdie radikal ausgeraubten Provinzen denBedarf seiner Horden nicht mehr deckenkonnten... Attila setzte im Frühjahr 451über den Rhein, nahm am 7. April imVorbeigehen Metz ein und machte sichnach Paris auf... Attila wich nach demWesten aus. In einer blutigen Schlachtauf dem Campus Mauriacus (den“Katalaunischen Gefilden”) in der Gegendvon Troyes in der Champagne kam<strong>The</strong>odorich ums Leben; Attila konnte sichungehindert über den Rhein zurückziehen.Attila war nun zeitweise geschwächtworden. Schon im Frühjahr 452 warf ersich auf Italien... Wie Alarich vor ihm,zog es Attila vor, Mailand und Pavia zuplündern. Die Lage des Westreiches warverzweifelt. Attila empfing den PapstLeo, der um Waffenstillstand bat undTributzahlung anbot... Attila zog ab undim nächsten Jahr starb er.” - PropyläenWeltgeschichte, Bd. IV, S. 569-571.Nach dem plötzlichen Tod Attilas 453verschwanden die Hunnen aus demWeltgeschehen. Die Prophetie sprichtvon “Wermut” als Bild der Leiden und desTodes, von den Hunnen dort verursacht,wo der “große Stern” niederfiel.Offb 8,12 Und der vierte Engelposaunte: und es ward geschlagender dritte Teil der Sonne und derdritte Teil des Mondes und derdritte Teil der Sterne, daß ihrdritter Teil verfinstert ward undder Tag den dritten Teil nichtschien und die Nacht desgleichen.KJV + EL = AND THE FOURTH ANGELSOUNDED, AND THE THIRD PART OFTHE SUN WAS SMITTEN (STRUCK),AND THE THIRD PART OF THEMOON, AND THE THIRD PART OFTHE STARS; SO AS THE THIRD PARTOF THEM WAS DARKENED, AND THEDAY SHINED NOT FOR A THIRD PARTOF IT, AND THE NIGHT LIKEWISE.Kap 6,12; 2. Mose 10,21Erklärung von Ernst Simon: BeimPosaunen des vierten Engels wurden dieLeuchten römischer Regierungsmacht“geschlagen”; die Sonne - das Kaisertum,als sich Odoaker, der Führer der Heruler,zum König ausrufen ließ, und den letztenKaiser von Rom, Romulus Augustulus,im Jahre 476 n. Chr. absetzte. DerMond - das zweitwichtigste Amt derKonsulen, bestand noch bis zum Jahre534, und das in der Weissagung unterdem Bilde der “Sterne” erwähnte Amtdes Senats erlosch im Jahre 552. DerAusdruck “das Drittel” soll sicherlich dasallmähliche Schwinden dieser staatlichenEinrichtungen des römischen Reichesbeschreiben.Explanation of Ernst Simon: When thetrumpets of the fourth angel began tosound, the lights of Roman governmentalpower were “defeated”: the sun - theEmpire, as Odoacer, the leader of theHeruli, was proclaimed a king, herewithsetting down the last Emperor of Rome,Romulus Augustulus in 476 AD. <strong>The</strong>moon - the second most important officeof the consuls still existed up to the year534, and the Senate office mentioned inthe prophecy under the guise of “stars”lapsed in 552. <strong>The</strong> expression “the third”should certainly describe the gradual

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 8. 9111disappearance of these state institutionsof the Roman Empire.Offb 8,13 Und ich sah und hörteeinen ENGEL fliegen mitten durchden Himmel und sagen mit großerStimme: Weh, weh, weh denen, dieauf Erden wohnen, vor den anderenStimmen der Posaune der dreiEngel, die noch posaunen sollen!KJV + EL + LUTHER 1545 = AND IBEHELD, AND HEARD AN ANGELFLYING THROUGH THE MIDST OFHEAVEN, SAYING WITH A LOUDVOICE, WOE, WOE, WOE, TO THEINHABITERS OF THE EARTH BYREASON OF THE OTHER VOICESOF THE TRUMPET OF THE THREEANGELS, WHICH ARE YET TOSOUND!Kapitel 9Offb 9,1 Und der fünfte Engelposaunte: und ich sah einen Stern,gefallen vom Himmel auf die Erde;und ihm ward der Schlüssel zumBrunnen des Abgrunds gegeben.KJV + EL = AND THE FIFTH ANGELSOUNDED, AND I SAW A STAR FALLFROM HEAVEN TO THE EARTH: ANDTO HIM WAS GIVEN THE KEY OFTHE BOTTOMLESS PIT.Offb 9,2 Und er tat den Brunnendes Abgrunds auf; und es ging aufein Rauch aus dem Brunnen wie einRauch eines großen Ofens, und esward verfinstert die Sonne und dieLuft von dem Rauch des Brunnens.KJV + EL = AND HE OPENED THEBOTTOMLESS PIT; AND THEREAROSE OUT OF THE PIT, AS THESMOKE OF A GREAT FURNACE;AND THE SUN AND THE AIRWERE DARKENED BY REASONOF THE SMOKE OF THE PIT.Joel 2,2.10Offb 9,3 Und aus dem Rauch kamenHeuschrecken auf die Erde; undihnen ward Macht gegeben, wie dieSkorpione auf Erden Macht haben.KJV + EL = AND THERE CAME OUTOF THE SMOKE LOCUSTS UPONTHE EARTH: AND TO THEM WASGIVEN POWER, AS THE SCORPIONSOF THE EARTH HAVE POWER.Offb 9,4 Und es ward ihnen gesagt,daß sie nicht beschädigen dasGras auf Erden noch ein Grünesnoch einen Baum, sondern alleindie Menschen, die nicht haben dasSiegel JAHWEH’s an ihren Stirnen.KJV + EL = AND IT WASCOMMANDED THEM THAT THEYSHOULD NOT HURT THE GRASSOF THE EARTH, NEITHER ANYGREEN THING, NEITHER ANYTREE, BUT ONLY THOSE MENWHICH HAVE NOT THE SEAL OFYAHWEH IN THEIR FOREHEADS.Kap 7,3Offb 9,5 Und es ward ihnen gegeben,daß sie sie nicht töteten, sondernsie quälten fünf Monate lang; undihre Qual war wie eine Qual vomSkorpion, wenn er einen Menschenschlägt.KJV + EL = AND TO THEM IT WASGIVEN THAT THEY SHOULD NOTKILL THEM, BUT THAT THEY SHOULDBE TORMENTED FIVE MONTHS:AND THEIR TORMENT WAS AS THETORMENT OF A SCORPION, WHENHE STRIKES A MAN.Offb 9,6 Und in den Tagen werdendie Menschen den Tod suchen, undnicht finden; werden begehren zusterben, und der Tod wird vor ihnenfliehenKJV + EL = AND IN THOSE DAYSSHALL MEN SEEK DEATH, ANDSHALL NOT FIND IT; AND SHALLDESIRE TO DIE, AND DEATH SHALLFLEE FROM THEM.Kap 6,16Offb 9,7 Und die Heuschrecken sindgleich den Rossen, die zum Kriegebereitet sind; und auf ihrem Haupt wieKronen, dem Golde gleich, und ihr

112Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9Antlitz gleich der Menschen Antlitz;KJV + EL = AND THE SHAPES OFTHE LOCUSTS WERE LIKE TOHORSES PREPARED TO BATTLE;AND ON THEIR HEADS WERE AS ITWERE CROWNS LIKE GOLD, ANDTHEIR FACES WERE AS THE FACESOF MEN.Offb 9,8 und hatten Haare wieWeiberhaare, und ihre Zähnewaren wie die der Löwen;KJV + EL = AND THEY HAD HAIR ASTHE HAIR OF WOMEN, AND THEIRTEETH WERE AS THE TEETH OFLIONS.Offb 9,9 und hatten Panzer wieeiserne Panzer, und das Rasseln ihrerFlügel wie das Rasseln an den Wagenvieler Rosse, die in den Krieg laufen;KJV + EL = AND THEY HADBREASTPLATES, AS IT WEREBRESTPLATES OF IRON; AND THESOUND OF THEIR WINGS WAS ASTHE SOUND OF CHARIOTS OF MANYHORSES RUNNING TO BATTLE.Offb 9,10 und hatten Schwänzegleich den Skorpionen, und es warenStacheln an ihren Schwänzen; undihre Macht war, zu beschädigendie Menschen fünf Monate lang.KJV + EL = AND THEY HAD TAILSLIKE TO SCORPIONS, AND THEREWERE STINGS IN THEIR TAILS: ANDTHEIR POWER WAS TO HURT MENFIVE MONTHS.Offb 9,11 Und hatten über sich einenKönig, den Engel des Abgrunds,des Name heißt auf hebräischAbaddon, und auf griechisch hat erden Namen Apollyon (= Apollos =Gott des Lichts >der Sonnengott

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9113Peitschen, die mit Steinen und ähnlichemMaterial versehen waren. Diese Steinehatten aber eine besondere Verarbeitung:Sie waren mit WIDERHAKEN versehen,die die Haut oder sogar ganze Körperteilestark beschädigten. Ein bestialischesWerkzeug in den Händen der KnechteSatans. Beim Auspeitschen wurde 40minus EINS gezählt, damit der ihnenAusgelieferte noch eine kurze Zeit amLeben blieb; bei 40 stirbt der Menschinnerhalb kürzester Zeit. Nicht zuvergessen: ROM hat den Messias / denGesalbten JAHWEH‘s aufgrund derAuslieferung der hohen, judäischenReligionsführer Jerusalems getötet.ABER, das ist das SCHÖNE ABER:JAHWEH, der Allmächtige und lebendigeGott, hat seinen Gesalbten am drittenTage von den Toten auferweckt, derjetzt seit 1844 als Hoherpriester imhimmlischen Allerheiligsten für unsals Fürsprecher vor dem AngesichtJAHWEH’s steht! - So sollen WIR anden SOHN GOTTES glauben, denn Gottunser himmlischer Vater sprach überihn: JAHWEH hat zu mir gesprochen:“Du bist mein Sohn, heute habe ich dichgezeugt.” (Psalm 2,7; siehe auch Psalm89; Sprüche 8,24.25). Welches Urteilergeht über uns, wenn wir JAHWEH’sWort missachten und verwerfen, indemwir sagen, er hat nicht seinen Sohngesendet, nur einen Propheten. Dannmachen wir den Allmächtigen zumLügner, der selbst bezeugt hat, dasser seinen Sohn gezeugt und für unshingegeben hat. Ein Schattenbild dafürist der Opferungsvorgang des SohnesAbrahams mit Namen Isaak vorgenommendurch Abraham selbst, indem der EngelJAHWEH’s Abraham in der letzten Minutevon der Opferung seines Sohnes Isaaksabhielt (1. Mose 22). Welches Urteil wirdgegen uns gefällt, wenn wir den SohnGottes selbst zu Gott machen? DANNhaben wir Gott, unseren liebevollenVater im Himmel, NICHT erkannt! Dennwie kann ein Gott einen anderen Gottzeugen? Wie kann ein Gott kleiner seinals ein anderer Gott? Was für Irrlehren,die dazu dienen, eine Verstümmelung derPersönlichkeit Gottes, das Verhältnis zuseinem Sohn und seines Erlösungsplanesdurchzuführen. Wehe dem Menschen, deretwas dem Wort Gottes hinzufügt oderhinweg nimmt!]Mohammed hat zwar Offenbarungengehabt, aber sie waren nicht göttlichenUrsprungs; die Weissagung bezeichnetsie als “Rauch aus dem Schacht” desAbgrundes (9.2). Treffend wird derMohammedanismus kurz gekennzeichnetals “versteckte Brutalität unter demSchleier der ‘wahren’ Religion” (aus:“Prophet” aus der Wüste - Mohammed, vonChr. + Th. Schirrmacher). Johannes abersieht unter dem Bilde von Heuschreckendie gewaltigen Reiterscharen derAraber (9,3). Sie sollten aber nicht denPflanzenwuchs schädigen, sondernnur die Menschen, die nicht das SiegelGottes hatten, nämlich die Götzenanbeterund Bilderverehrer (9,4). Sie solltenauch nicht die Menschen töten, sondernquälen und zwar fünf Monate lang.Diese fünf Monate sind als prophetischeZeit von 150 Jahren zu verstehen (9,5),nämlich vom Jahre 622 n. Chr., dem Jahreder Flucht Mohammeds von Mekka nachMedina, bis 772, dem Jahre der Gründungdes Kalifats von Bagdad. Die fünf Monateprophetischer Zeit finden wir noch einmalangegeben (9,10). Zahlreiche Auslegersehen den Beginn dieser 150 Jahre amTage der Schlacht bei Baephum, naheNikomedia, am 27. Juli 1299. Dies warder erste Angriff der Türken auf dasoströmische Kaiserreich. Am Ende dieserfünf prophetischen Monate, 1448, hatteein neuer Kaiser von Byzanz, KonstantinPaläologus, den türkischen Sultan MuradII. um Erlaubnis der Thronbesteigungersucht. Die Krone hat er erst am 6.Januar 1449 empfangen, nachdemdie gewünschte Erlaubnis vom Sultangegeben worden war. Das oströmischeKaiserreich hatte seine Unabhängigkeitverloren und war abhängig von denMohammedanern. Die fünf Monteprophetischer Zeit endeten am 27. Juli1449, dem Beginn der sechsten Posaune.Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>fifth trumpet finds its fulfilment inMohammedanism, symbolically representedby the “sky fallen star” (9:1).God had punished the apostateChristendom of the West in the WesternRoman Empire by the Germans and theHuns, but also the Eastern Christianityhad become subject to judgement, andin God’s hands the Mohammedanswere breeding rods for the apostateChristians of the Eastern Roman Empire.

114Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9Mohammedanism is a pernicious heresy,in the biblical point of view it is not areligion at all, because it does not teachsalvation from sins and does not knowany saviour. Mohammed’s teachingknows Jesus [Yahshua], but does notbelieve in him as in the son of God...recognizing him as one of the majorprophets, the sinless Son of God Jesus[Yahshua] is subordinated to the sinnerMohammed. Without the teaching ofsalvation Mohammedanism is not areligion, but only a social system, abrotherhood.[Editor: For all faithful Muslims, includingmany of my friends and many very goodand extremely hospitable and lovingpeople in Turkey whom I know, this isthe statement from a biblical point ofview. For the Koran says that Yahshuadid not die, he pretended being dead.Those who know the system and thefunctioning of the soldiers of Rome andthe Roman imperial army know verywell that a man condemned to deathwill hardly come out alive of the handsof the executioner. Jesus [Yahshua] onthe cross both inside and outside thechurches is NOT the Jesus [Yahshua]of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Romans haveliterally torn the Son of God into piecesin their camp in Jerusalem. <strong>The</strong>y usedwelts / whips, furnished with stonesand similar material. <strong>The</strong>se stones werehowever processed in a special way: theywere fitted with BARBED HOOKS, whichseverely damaged the skin or even theentire parts of body - a brutal tool in thehands of Satan’s servants. On whippingit was counted 40 minus ONE so that theextradited remained alive for a while, at40 a person dies within a short time. Onecannot help mentioning the fact thatROME killed the Messiah / the anointedYAHWEH because he was deliveredby high Judean religious leaders ofJerusalem. That’s all GOOD BUT:YAHWEH, the Almighty and living God,raised his anointed from the dead on thethird day, who has been standing as theHigh Priest before YAHWEH’s face in theheavenly sanctuary for us as an advocatesince 1844! - So should WE believe in theSON OF GOD, because God, our heavenlyfather spoke of him: YAHWEH spoke tome: “You are my Son, I have begotten youtoday.” (Psalm 2:7; see also Psalm 89,Proverbs 8:24-25). Which judgement arewe subjected to if we disobey YAHWEH’sWord and reject it by saying that he hadsent not his son, but only a prophet? <strong>The</strong>nwe make the Almighty a liar, who testifiedthat he had begotten his son having givenhim to us. A shadow image of this is theprocess of sacrifice of Abraham’s sonnamed Isaac by Abraham himself where inthe last minute of the sacrifice YAHWEH’sangel held Abraham from sacrificing hisson Isaac (Genesis 22). What judgementwill be fallen upon us, if we make theson of God to God? THEN we haveNOT recognized God our loving Fatherin heaven! For how can a God begetanother God? How can a God be smallerthan another God? What a heresy, whichserves to carry out the mutilation of God’spersonality, his relationship with his sonand his salvation plan. Woe to the personwho adds to or takes anything out of theword of God!]Although Muhammad had revelations,they were not of divine origin;the prophecy describes them as“smoke from the shaft” of the abyss(9:2). Mohammedanism is aptlycharacterized in short as “brutality hiddenbeneath the veil of ‘true’ religion” (from“Prophet” from the Desert - Mohammed,BC + Th Schirrmacher). However, underthe image of raiders John sees themighty cavalry of the Arabians (9:3),whereas they did not have to damagethe vegetation, but only people who hadnot the seal of God, namely, idolatersand worshipers (9:4). <strong>The</strong>y also did nothave to kill people, but torture them andthat for five months. <strong>The</strong>se five monthsare to be seen as a prophetic period of150 years (9:5), namely from the year622 AD, the year of Muhammad’s escapefrom Mecca to Medina, until 772, theyear of establishment of the Caliphate ofBaghdad. <strong>The</strong> five months of prophetictime are indicated again (9:10). Manyinterpreters see the beginning of these 150years on the day of the battle of Bithynianear Nicomedia on 27th July 1299. Thiswas the first attack of the Turks on theEastern Roman Empire. At the end ofthese five prophetic months, in 1448,a new Byzantine emperor, ConstantinePalaiologos, asked the Turkish SultanMurad II for accession. <strong>The</strong> crown wasreceived on 6th January 1449 after the

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9115desired permission had been granted bythe Sultan. <strong>The</strong> Eastern Roman Empirehad lost its independence and becamedependent on the Muslims. <strong>The</strong> fivemonths of the prophetic period ended on27th July 1449, on the sounding of thesixth trumpet.Offb 9,13 Und der sechste Engelposaunte: und ich hörte eineStimme aus den vier Ecken desgoldenen Altars vor JAHWEH,KJV + EL = AND THE SIXTH ANGELSOUNDED, AND I HEARD A VOICEFROM THE FOUR HORNS OF THEGOLDEN ALTAR WHICH IS BEFOREYAHWEH.Kap 8,3; 2. Mose 27,2; 30,1-3Offb 9,14 die sprach zu dem sechstenEngel, der die Posaune hatte: Lösedie vier Engel, die gebunden sind andem großen Wasserstrom Euphrat.KJV + EL = SAYING TO THESIXTH ANGEL WHICH HAD THETRUMPET. LOOSE THE FOURANGELS WHICH ARE BOUND INTHE GREAT RIVER EUPHRATES.Kap 16,12Offb 9,15 Und es wurden die vierEngel los (gebunden), die bereitwaren auf die Stunde und auf denTag und auf den Monat und auf dasJahr, daß sie töteten den dritten Teilder Menschen.KJV + EL = AND THE FOURANGELS WERE LOOSED, WHICHWERE PREPARED FOR AN HOUR,AND A DAY, AND A MONTH, ANDA YEAR, FOR TO SLAY (KILL)THE THIRD PART OF MEN.Kap 8Offb 9,16 LUTHER + MENGE =Die Zahl der Scharen desReiterheeres war viel tausend Maltausend; und ich hörte ihre Zahl.KJV + EL = AND THE NUMBER OFTHE ARMY OF THE HORSEMENWERE TWO HUNDRED THOUSANDTHOUSAND (AS TWICE TENTHOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND):AND I HEARD THE NUMBER OFTHEM.Offb 9,17 Und also sah ich die Rosseim Gesicht und die daraufsaßen, daßsie hatten feurige und bläuliche undschwefelige Panzer; und die Häupterder Rosse waren wie die Häupterder Löwen, und aus ihrem Mundeging Feuer und Rauch und Schwefel.KJV + EL = AND THUS I SAW THEHORSES IN THE VISION, ANDTHEM THAT SAT ON THEM, HAVINGBREASTPLATES OF FIRE, ANDOF JACINTH (HYACINTH), ANDBRIMSTONE: AND THE HEADS OFTHE HORSES WERE AS THE HEADSOF LIONS; AND OUT OF THEIRMOUTHS ISSUED FIRE AND SMOKEAND BRIMSTONE.Offb 9,18 Von diesen drei Plagen wardgetötet der dritte Teil der Menschen,von dem Feuer und Rauch undSchwefel, der aus ihrem Munde ging.KJV + EL = BY THESE THREE WASTHE THIRD PART OF MEN KILLED,BY THE FIRE, AND BY THE SMOKE,AND BY THE BRIMSTONE, WHICHISSUED OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS.Offb 9,19 Denn ihre Machtwar in ihrem Munde; und ihreSchwänze waren den Schlangengleich und hatten Häupter, undmit denselben taten sie Schaden.KJV + EL = FOR THEIR POWER IS INTHEIR MOUTH, AND IN THEIR TAILS:FOR THEIR TAILS WERE LIKE TOSERPENTS, AND HAD HEADS, ANDWITH THEM THEY DO HURT.Offb 9,20 Und die übrigen Leute,die nicht getötet wurden vondiesen Plagen, taten nicht Bußefür die Werke ihrer Hände, daßsie nicht anbeteten die Dämonenund goldenen, silbernen, ehernen,steinernen und hölzernen Götzen,welche weder sehen nochhören noch wandeln können;KJV + EL = AND THE REST OF THEMEN WHICH WERE NOT KILLEDBY WITH THESE PLAGUES YET

116Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9REPENTED NOT OF THE WORKS OFTHEIR HANDS, THAT THEY SHOULDNOT WORSHIP DEMONS, AND IDOLSOF GOLD, AND SILVER, AND BRASS,AND STONE, AND OF WOOD: WHICHNEITHER CAN SEE, NOR HEAR, NORWALK:Kap 16,9Offb 9,21 und taten auchnicht Buße für ihre Morde,Zauberei, Hurerei und Dieberei.KJV + EL = NEITHER REPENTEDTHEY OF THEIR MURDERS, NOR OFTHEIR SORCERIES, NOR OF THEIRFORNICATION, NOR OF THEIRTHEFTS.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Mit demLösen der vier Engel erfolgte für mehrereJahrhunderte erneut ein unaufhaltsamesVordringen der Mohammedaner (9,13.14).Bereits 1453 wurde Konstantinopelerobert, später große Teile Europas undganz Nordafrika. 1529 waren die Türkenvor Wien und erst nach der Niederlagebei der zweiten Belagerung Wiens 1683ging die türkische Flut langsam zurück.Stunde, Tag, Monat und Jahr verstehenverschiedene Ausleger als prophetischeZeit von 391 Jahren und 15 Tagen (9,15).Vom 27. Juli 1449 an gerechnet (Beginnder 6. Posaune), führt diese Zeit zum11. August 1840. In jenen Tagen war dieAufmerksamkeit der Welt auf Ereignissein der Türkei gerichtet. Am 11. August1840 übergab nämlich der türkischeAbgesandte Rifat Bey dem ägyptischenPasche Mohammed Ali ein Memorandum.Die Türkei unterstellte sich den vierGroßmächten England, Österreich,Preußen und Rußland. In diesemEreignis ist die zeitlich genaueErfüllung der Weissagungdeutlich zu erkennen. Die Türkeiverlor ihre Unabhängigkeit und war vonden vier Großmächten abhängig, so wie zuBeginn der 6. Posaune das oströmischeKaiserreich seine Unabhängigkeit verlorund von den Türken abhängig gewordenwar (siehe Erklrg. zu 9,10). - Feuer,Rauch und Schwefel (9,17.18) werdenauf Schusswaffen und Artillerie gedeutet,die zu jener Zeit in Anwendung kamen.- “... bereit, ... um zu töten.” Durch dasVordringen der Türken und die Kreuzzügewurden Millionen [von] Menschengetötet. Auch die Mongolen warengrausame Eroberer; der schlimmste unterihnen sicherlich Timurlenk. Er ließ 4.000armenische Reiter lebendig begraben,1387 in Ispahan 70.000 Perserköpfe zuTürmen aufbauen, und 1401 musste inBagdad eine Siegespyramide von 90.000Menschenköpfen aufgerichtet werden.Die Christenheit hat aber leider aus denfurchtbaren Bedrängnissen durch dieMohammedaner in der vergangenenJahrhunderten nichts gelernt, wie dieProphetie dies deutlich zum Ausdruckbringt (9,20.21).Explanation of Ernst Simon: With therelease of the four angels, an unstoppableencroachment of the Mohammedansbegan anew and lasted several centuries(9:13-14). Already in 1453 Constantinoplewas conquered, followed by large partsof Europe and North Africa. In 1529 theTurks reached Vienna, and after the defeatin the second siege of Vienna in 1683the Turkish flow went back slowly. <strong>The</strong>hour, the day, the month and the yearare defined by different interpreters asa prophetic period of 391 years and 15days (9:15). Counted from 27th July 1449(sound of the sixth trumpet), this timeperiod indicates 11th August 1840. Inthose days world’s attention was focusedon the events in Turkey. On 11th August1840 the Turkish delegate Rifat Beyhanded a memorandum to MohammedAli of Egypt. Turkey was submitted tofour major powers: England, Austria,Prussia and Russia. <strong>The</strong> exact timefulfilment of the prophecy isclearly visible in this event. Turkeylost its independence and becamedependent on the four major powers. Asthe 6th trumpet sounded, the EasternRoman Empire lost its independence andhad become dependent from the Turks(see explanation to 9:10). - Fire, smokeand sulphur (9:17-18) are interpretedas firearms and artillery, which cameinto use at that time. - “... ready... to kill.“Millions [of] people were killed due theTurkish invasions and the Crusades.Also the Mongols were cruel conquerors;Tamerlane (Timur) was certainly theworst among them. On his order, 4000Armenian horsemen were buried alive,in 1387, 70,000 heads of Persians werebuilt to towers in Isfahan, and in 1401 a

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 9. 10117victory pyramid of 90,000 human headshad to be erected in Baghdad. <strong>The</strong>prophecy however expresses clearly thatChristianity has unfortunately learnednothing from terrible afflictions by theMuslims over the past centuries (9:20-21).Kapitel 10Der Engel mit dem Büchlein.Offb 10,1 Und ich sah einenandern starken Engel vom Himmelherabkommen; der mit einer Wolke( = Engelschar) bekleidet, und einRegenbogen auf seinem Hauptund sein Antlitz wie die Sonneund Füße wie Feuersäulen.KJV + EL = AND I SAW ANOTHERMIGHTY ANGEL COME DOWN FROMHEAVEN, CLOTHED WITH A CLOUD:AND A RAINBOW WAS UPON HISHEAD, AND HIS FACE WAS AS ITWERE THE SUN, AND HIS FEET ASPILLARS OF FIRE:Offb 10,2 Und er hatte in seinerHand ein Büchlein aufgetan. Und ersetzte seinen rechten Fuß auf dasMeer und den linken auf die Erde;KJV + EL = AND HE HAD IN HIS HANDA LITLE BOOK OPEN: AND HE SETHIS RIGHT FOOT UPON THE SEA,AND HIS LEFT FOOT ON THE EARTH,Offb 10,3 und er schrie mitgroßer Stimme, wie ein Löwebrüllt. Und da er schrie, redetensieben Donner ihre Stimmen.KJV + EL = AND CRIED WITH A LOUDVOICE, AS WHEN A LION ROARS:AND WHEN HE CRIED, THE SEVENTHUNDERS UTTERED THEIR VOICES.Hos 11,10; Amos 1,2; Jer 25,30Offb 10,4 Und als die siebenDonner geredet hatten, wollte ich esaufschreiben. Da hörte ich eine Stimmevom Himmel zu mir sagen: Versiegle,was die sieben Donner geredethaben, und schreib es nicht auf!KJV + EL = AND WHEN THE SEVENTHUNDERS HAD UTTERED THEIRVOICES, I WAS ABOUT TO WRITE:AND I HEARD A VOICE FROMHEAVEN SAYING TO ME, SEAL UPTHOSE THINGS WHICH THE SEVENTHUNDERS UTTERED, AND WRITETHEM NOT.Dan 12,4.9; Ps 29Offb 10,5 Und der Engel, denich stehen sah auf dem Meerund auf der Erde, hob seine(rechte) Hand auf zum HimmelKJV + EL = AND THE ANGEL WHICHI SAW STAND UPON THE SEA ANDUPON THE EARTH LIFTED UP HISRIGHT HAND TO HEAVEN,Offb 10,6 und schwor bei demLebendigen von Ewigkeit zuEwigkeit, der den Himmel geschaffenhat und was darinnen ist, und dieErde und was darinnen ist, und dasMeer und was darinnen ist (= das s<strong>indd</strong>ie Merkmale des Siegel GOTTES im<strong>Sabbat</strong>gebot, siehe 2. Mose 20,8-11),daß hinfort keine Zeit mehr sein soll;KJV + EL = AND SWORE BY HIMTHAT LIVES FOREVER AND EVER,WHO CREATED HEAVEN, AND THETHINGS THAT THEREIN, AND THEEARTH, AND THE THINGS THATTHEREIN ARE (IN IT), AND THESEA, AND THE THINGS WHICHARE THEREIN (IN IT), THAT THERESHALL BE TIME NO LONGER:Dan 12,7Offb 10,7 sondern in den Tagender Stimme des siebenten Engels,wenn er posaunen wird, sollvollendet werden das GeheimnisGottes, wie er hat verkündigtseinen Knechten, den Propheten.KJV + EL = BUT IN THE DAYS OF THEVOICE OF THE SEVENTH ANGEL,WHEN HE SHALL BEGINN TO SOUND,THE MYSTERY OF ELOHIM SHOULDBE FINISHED, AS HE HAS DECLAREDTO HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS.Kap 11,15; Apg 3,21Offb 10,8 Und ich hörte eine Stimmevom Himmel abermals mit mir reden

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 10. 11119in the years 1840-44. Although there is nolonger a defined prophetic period of time,there should still be “days of the seventhangel,” namely the days of the end timesince 1844. According to the prophecythe mystery of God will be revealed “inthose days of the seventh angel” (10:7) -God’s mystery, the salvationplan, which will be revealedby proclamation of the lastmessage of salvation. John’sexperience with the little book role [littlebook] is equivalent to the one of thefaithful during the first advent movement1840-44. As they heard the news of theimminent coming of Jesus [Yahshua],for them it was “sweet as honey”, butbitter was their experience, as Jesus[Yahshua] did not come, as they expectedhim to (10:8-10). <strong>The</strong> timing was right,but they erred as to the event. However,in their research they were guided bythe prophecies of God’s Spirit, for theywere [given] the gnosis that they hadto proclaim a message to many people(10:11).Kapitel 11Die beiden Zeugen.Offb 11,1 MENGE = Man gab mir dannein Rohr, das einem Meßstab glich, undgebot mir: “Mache dich auf und mißden Tempel Gottes nebst dem Altarund den dort Anbetenden;KJV + EL = AND THERE WAS GIVENME A REED LIKE TO A ROD: ANDTHE ANGEL STOOD, SAYING, RISE,AND MEASURE THE TEMPLE OFELOHIM, AND THE ALTAR, ANDTHEM THAT WORSHIP THEREIN.Hes 40,3; 42,20; Sach 2,5.6Offb 11,2 MENGE = doch denVorhof außerhalb des Tempelslaß unberücksichtigt und miß ihnnicht mit; denn er ist den Heidenpreisgegeben worden; die werdendie heilige Stadt zweiundvierzigMonate lang zertreten”.KJV + EL = BUT THE COURTWHICH IS WITHOUT THE TEMPLELEAVE OUT, AND MEASURE ITNOT; FOR IT IS GIVEN TO THEGENTILES: AND THE HOLY CITYSHALL THEY TREAD UNDER FOOTFORTY AND TWO MONTHS ( = 1260YEARS FROM 538 UNTIL 1798),Luk 21,24Offb 11,3 Und ich will meinen zweiZeugen geben, daß sie weissagentausendzweihundertundsechzigTage, angetan mit Säcken.KJV + EL = AND I WILL GIVE POWERTO MY TWO WITNESSES, AND THEYSHALL PROPHESY A THOUSANDTWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY DAYS (INTHE PROPHECY ONE DAY FOR ONEYEAR), CLOTHED IN SACKCLOTH.Kap 12,6Offb 11,4 Diese sind die zweiÖlbäume und die Fackeln, stehendvor dem Gott der Erde.KJV + EL = THESE ARE THE TWOOLIVE TREES AND THE TWOCANDLESTICKS (LAMPSTANDS),STANDING BEFORE THE ELOHIM OFTHE EARTH.Sach 4,3.11-14Offb 11,5 Und so jemand sie willschädigen, so geht Feuer aus ihremMunde und verzehrt ihre Feinde;und so jemand sie will schädigen,der muß also getötet werden.KJV + EL = AND IF ANY MAN WILLHURT THEM, FIRE PROCEEDS OUTOF THEIR MOUTH, AND DEVOURSTHEIR ENEMIES: AND IF ANY MANWILL HURT THEM, HE MUST IN THISMANNER BE KILLED.Offb 11,6 Diese haben Macht,den Himmel zu verschließen, daßes nicht regne in den Tagen ihrerWeissagung, und haben Machtüber das Wasser, es zu wandelnin Blut, und zu schlagen die Erdemit allerlei Plage, so oft sie wollen.KJV + EL = THESE HAVE POWERTO SHUT HEAVEN, THAT IT RAINNOT IN THE DAYS OF THEIRPROPHECY: AND HAVE POWEROVER WATERS TO TURN THEM TO

120Offenbarung ~ Revelation 11BLOOD, AND TO SMITE (STRIKE)THE EARTH WITH ALL PLAGUE,AS OFTEN AS THEY WILL.1. Kön 17,1; 2. Mose 7,19.20Offb 11,7 Und wenn sie ihr Zeugnisgeendet haben, so wird das Tier,das aus dem Abgrund aufsteigt, mitihnen einen Streit halten und wirdsie überwinden und wird sie töten.KJV + EL = AND WHEN THEY SHALLHAVE FINISHED THEIR TESTIMONY,THE BEAST THAT ASCENDS OUTOF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT SHALLMAKE WAR AGAINST THEM, ANDOVERCOME THEM, AND KILL THEM.Kap 13,1.7Offb 11,8 Und ihre Leichnamewerden liegen auf der Gasseder großen Stadt, die da heißtgeistlich „Sodom und Ägypten“,da auch der HErr gekreuzigt ist.KJV + EL = AND THEIR DEAD BODIESSHALL LIE IN THE STREET OF THEGREAT CITY, WHICH SPIRITUALLYIS CALLED SODOM AND EGYPT,WHERE ALSO OUR MASTER WASIMPALED.Offb 11,9 Und es werden etlichevon den Völkern und Geschlechterund Sprachen ihre Leichnamesehen drei Tage und einen halbenund werden ihre Leichnamenicht lassen in Gräber legen.KJV + EL = AND THEY OF THEPEOPLES AND KINDREDS (TRIBES)AND TONGUES AND NATIONSSHALL SEE THEIR DEAD BODIESTHREE DAYS AND AN HALF, ANDSHALL NOT SUFFER (ALLOW)THEIR DEAD BODIES TO BE PUT INGRAVES.Offb 11,10 Und die auf Erdenwohnen, werden sich freuenüber sie und wohlleben undGeschenke untereinander senden;denn diese zwei Prophetenquälten die auf Erden wohnten.KJV + EL = AND THEY THAT DWELLUPON THE EARTH SHALL REJOICEOVER THEM, AND MAKE MERRY,AND SHALL SEND GIFTS ONE TOANOTHER; BECAUSE THESE TWOPROPHETS TORMENTED THEMTHAT DWELT ON THE EARTH.Offb 11,11 Und nach drei Tagen undeinem halben fuhr in sie der Geistdes Lebens von JAHWEH, und sietraten auf ihre Füße; und eine großeFurcht fiel über die, so sie sahen.KJV + EL = AND AFTER THREE DAYSAND A HALF THE SPIRIT OF LIFEFROM YAHWEH ENTERED INTOTHEM, AND THEY STOOD UPONTHEIR FEET; AND GREAT FEAR FELLUPON THEM WHICH SAW THEM.Offb 11,12 Und sie hörten einegroße Stimme vom Himmel zu ihnensagen: Steiget herauf! und siestiegen auf in den Himmel in einerWolke, und es sahen sie ihre Feinde.KJV + EL = AND THEY HEARD AGREAT VOICE FROM HEAVENSAYING TO THEM, COME UP HERE.AND THEY ASCENDED UP TOHEAVEN IN A CLOUD; AND THEIRENEMIES BEHELD THEM.Offb 11,13 Und zu derselben Stundeward ein großes Erdbeben, undder zehnte Teil der Stadt fiel; undwurden getötet in dem Erdbebensiebentausend Namen der Menschen,und die andern erschraken undgaben Ehre dem Gott des Himmels.KJV + EL = AND THE SAME HOUR WASTHERE A GREAT EARTHQUAKE, ANDTHE TENTH PART OF THE CITY FELL,AND IN THE EARTHQUAKE WERESLAIN (KILLED) OF MEN SEVENTHOUSAND: AND THE REMNANT(REST) WERE AFFRIGHTED, ANDGAVE GLORY TO THE ELOHIM OFHEAVEN.Offb 11,14 Das andere Wehe istdahin; siehe, das dritte Wehe kommtschnell.KJV + EL = THE SECOND WOE ISPAST: AND, BEHOLD, THE THIRDWOE COMES QUICKLY. - Kap 9,12

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 11121Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Johannesbekommt einen Messstab und es wirdihm gesagt, den Tempel, den Altar unddie Anbeter zu vermessen (11,1). Das isteine Aufforderung an das Volk Gottes,sich mit dem himmlischen Heiligtumund dem hohenpriesterlichen DienstJesu [Jahschua] zu befassen. DasMessen der Anbeter ist aber auch einHinweis auf das Untersuchungsgerichtim Himmel (Hebr. 8,1.2; Offb. 14,6.7). Dergöttliche Maßstab ist das heilige GesetzGottes [JAHWEH’s] im Allerheiligstendes himmlischen Tempels (11,19). DerVorhof des himmlischen Heiligtumsist die Erde. Johannes soll ihn nichtmessen, weil “er den Nationen [Heiden]gegeben” ist, welche die “Heilige Stadt”zertreten werden. Die Heilige Stadt istJerusalem, hier Sinnbild der GemeindeGottes (11,2). Die 42 Monate entsprechenden 3 1/2 Zeiten in Daniel (siehe Erklrg.zu Daniel 7,25). “Die zwei Zeugen”,die auch “die zwei Ölbäume und diezwei Leuchter” genannt werden (11,4),sind die Schriften des ALTEN und desNEUEN BUNDES [TESTAMENTES], dasHEILIGE WORT GOTTES. Sie mussten1.260 Tage (Jahre) in Sacktüchern(Trauergewändern) weissagen (11,3).Die abgefallene Kirche verbrannte nichtnur Bibeln [die Heilige Schrift], sondernauch Bibelleser. 1211 wurde allein inStraßburg 80 Bibelleser verbrannt.Tausende wurden getötet oder auf dieGaleeren geschickt, weil sie dem WorteGottes mehr glaubten als den Menschen.Das “Tier”, das gegen Ende der 1260Jahre “aus dem Abgrund heraufsteigt”,ist in diesem Schriftabschnitt Sinnbildder französischen Revolution. Es würdemit den beiden Zeugen “kämpfen, siebesiegen und töten” (11,7). Am 26. Nov.1793 wurde durch einen Erlass, in Parisherausgegeben, die Religion abgeschafft.Bibeln wurden verbrannt. “DieLeichname” der “beiden Zeugen” warenauf der “Straße”. “Sodom” ist Sinnbildfür sittlichen Tiefstand, “Ägypten” (11,8)für Verleugnung Gottes und Ungehorsamdem Gebot Gottes gegenüber(2. Mose 5,2). Ebenso war dieGeisteshaltung während derfranzösischen Revolution. Nach 31/2 “Tagen” (Jahren) wurden im Juni1797 die Beschränkungen gegen dieReligion wieder aufgehoben. “Odemdes Lebens” (Lebenshauch) aus Gottkam in die beiden Zeugen und “siestiegen in den Himmel hinauf” (11,11.12).Bibelgesellschaften wurden zu jener Zeitgegründet und seitdem das Wort Gottesin über 1000 Sprachen in der ganzen Weltverbreitet. Mit einem “großen Erdbeben”vergleicht Johannes die Revolution inFrankreich, das der zehnte Teil des altenRömerreiches (Dan. 7,7.24) und despäpstlichen Roms, der großen Stadt,ist. Die französische Revolution, derenAuswirkungen sich jetzt noch bemerkbarmachen, war ein Gottesgericht ander abgefallenen Christenheit. “DieÜbrigen” wurden durch das furchtbareGeschehen der Revolution aufgerüttelt;die Aufrichtigen gaben und geben auchjetzt noch Gott “Herrlichkeit” (11,13).Explanation of Ernst Simon: John receivesa measuring rod and is told to measurethe temple, the altar and the worshipers(11:1). This is an appeal to the peopleof God to give attention to the heavenlysanctuary and the priestly ministry ofJesus [Yahshua]. <strong>The</strong> measuring of theworshipers is also a reference to thecoroner’s court in heaven (Heb. 8:1-2;Rev. 14:6-7). <strong>The</strong> divine scale is the <strong>Holy</strong>Law of God [YAHWEH] in the <strong>Holy</strong> ofHolies of the heavenly temple (11:19). <strong>The</strong>forecourt of the heavenly sanctuary isthe earth. John does not have to measureit, because “it is given to the nations[pagans]” who will trample the “<strong>Holy</strong>City”. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> City is Jerusalem, here asymbol of the Church of God (11:2). <strong>The</strong>42 months are the 3 1 / 2 times in Daniel(see explanation to Daniel 7:25). “<strong>The</strong> twowitnesses,” also called “the two olivetrees and two candlesticks” (11:4), are thewritings of the Old and New Testaments[COVENANT], the HOLY WORD OFGOD. <strong>The</strong>y had to prophesy 1,260 days(years) in sack cloths (mourning clothes)(11:3). <strong>The</strong> apostate church burned notonly Bibles [the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>], butalso the readers of the Bible. In 1211,80 Bible readers were burned in Strasbourgalone. Thousands were killed or sent tothe galleys, because they believed theword of God rather than people. <strong>The</strong>“beast” that “comes up from the abyss”by the end of 1260 years, is in this partthe symbol of the French Revolution. Itwould “fight, defeat and kill the twowitnesses“(11:7). On 26th November 1793

122Offenbarung ~ Revelation 11religion was abolished by a decree issuedin Paris. Bibles were burned. “<strong>The</strong> deadbodies” of the “two witnesses” were lyingin the “street”. “Sodom” is a symbol ofmoral depression, “Egypt” (11:8) fordenial of God and disobedience to thecommandment of God (Exodus 5:2). <strong>The</strong>mental attitude during the FrenchRevolution was the same. After 3 1 / 2“days” (years) the restrictions on religionwere lifted again in June 1797. “Breathof Life” (life spirit) from God got intothe two witnesses, and “they went upinto the sky” (11:11-12). Bible societieswere founded at that time and sincethen the word of God has been spread inover 1,000 languages ​in the world. Johncompares the French Revolution witha “great earthquake”, which is thetenth part of the old Roman Empire(Dan. 7:7-24) and papal Rome, the greatcity. <strong>The</strong> French revolution, the impact ofwhich is still noticeable, was an ordeal tothe apostate Christendom. “<strong>The</strong> others”were jolted by the terrible events of theRevolution, the sincere gave and evennow give “glory” God (11:13).Die siebente PosauneOffb 11,15 MENGE + LUTHER =Nun stieß der siebente Engel indie Posaune: da ließen sich lauteStimmen im Himmel vernehmen,die riefen: Die Herrschaft überdie Welt ist an unseren JAHWEHund seinen Messias (seinenGesalbten) gekommen, und er wirdregieren von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit!KJV + EL = And the seventh angelsounded; and there were great voicesin heaven, saying, THE KINGDOMSOF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THEKINGDOMS OF OUR YAHWEH, ANDOF HIS MESSIAH; AND HE SHALLREIGN FOREVER AND EVER!Offb 11,16 Und die vierundzwanzigÄltesten, die vor JAHWEH aufihren Thronen saßen, fielen auf ihrAngesicht und beteten JAHWEH anKJV + EL = And the twenty and fourelders, which sat before YAHWEHon their thrones, fell upon theirfaces, and worshiped YAHWEH,Kap 4,4.10Offb 11,17 MENGE + LUTHER = mit denWorten: ”Wir danken dir, O JAHWEH,Gott, Allmächtiger, der du bist undder du warest, UND ZUKÜNFTIGBIST, dass du deine gewaltigeMacht an dich genommen hast unddie Herrschaft angetreten hast.KJV + EL = saying, WE GIVE YOUTHANKS, OH YAHWEH EL SHADDAI(ALMIGHTY), WHO IS, AND WAS,AND IST TO COME; BECAUSE YOUHAVE TAKEN TO YOU YOUR GREATPOWER, AND HAVE REIGNED.Offb 11,18 MENGE = Die Heiden sindin Zorn geraten, doch dein Zorn istgekommen und die Zeit des Gerichtsfür die Toten und der Belohnungfür deine Knechte, die Prophetenund die Heiligen und alle, diedeinen Namen fürchten, die Kleinenwie die Großen, und die Zeit desVerderbens ist für die erschienen,welche die Erde Verderben.”KJV + EL = AND THE NATIONSWERE ANGRY, AND YOUR WRATHIS CAME, AND THE TIME OF THEDEAD, THAT THEY SHOULD BEJUDGED, AND THAT YOU SHOULDGIVE REWARD TO YOUR SERVANTSTHE PROPHETS, AND TO THESAINTS, AND THEM THAT FEARYOUR NAME, SMALL AND GREAT;AND SHOULD DESTROY THEMWHICH DESTROY THE EARTH.Ps 2,1Offb 11,19 MENGE = Da tat sich derTempel JAHWEH’s im Himmel auf,und die Lade seines Bundes wurdein seinem Tempel sichtbar; zugleicherfolgten Blitze und Stimmen,Donnerschläge, ein Erdbeben undgewaltiger Hagelschlag.KJV + EL = AND THE TEMPLEOF YAHWEH WAS OPENED INHEAVEN, AND THERE WAS SEENIN HIS TEMPLE THE ARK OF HISTESTAMENT (COVENANT): ANDTHERE WERE LIGHTNINGS, ANDVOICES, AND THUNDERINGS, ANDAN EARTHQUAKE, AND GREAT HAIL.

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 11. 12123Kap 15,5Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die siebentePosaune (Beginn 1844 n. Chr.) zeigt in derFülle der Zeit die Vollendung im Himmelund auf der Erde. Gewaltig ist der Jubelund die Freude der Engel im Himmel überdie Ankündigung der Vollendung, dass“das Reich der Welt” Gott und seinemChristus [Messias] (Gesalbten) gewordenist (11,15). Die vierundzwanzig Ältestendanken Gott, dass er herrscht (11,16.17).Der große Tag des Zorngerichtes Gottesist dann gekommen und “die Nationensind zornig geworden”; Kriegsgeistherrscht unter den Völkern. Früher hates auch viele Kriege gegeben, aber eswar Kampf zwischen einzelnen Reichen.Jetzt aber ist es Kampf aller gegenalle. Die ganze Welt ist in Aufruhr.Die Zeit ist gekommen, die Toten zurichten, den Lohn den Knechten Gottes,seinen Kindern, zu geben, und die zuvernichten, die sich gegen Gott erhobenund die Erde verderbt haben (11,18). Imgeöffneten Tempel im Himmel ist “dieLade seines Bundes” zu sehen (11,19).Die Bundeslade ist nur ein Behälter; ihrInhalt ist das Wesentliche: Das heiligeGesetz Gottes. Duch die Verkündigungder drei Engelsbotschaften (14,6-12;Matth. 24,14) wird die Aufmerksamkeitder Völker auf das himmlische Heiligtum,auf den hohenpriesterlichen Dienst Jesu[Jahschua] und auf das heilige GesetzGottes gelenkt. Die Christen sollennicht zum starren Gesetzeschristentumgebracht werden, sondern sie sollenerkennen, dass das heilige GesetzGottes im himmlischen Tempel, vonMenschen unverändert, Ausdruck seinesheiligen Willens ist und Maßstab seinesgöttlichen Gerichtes (Ps. 89,35). Jetztaber ist noch Gnade [Gnadenzeit] und wirhaben einen fürbittenden Hohenpriester,Jesus [Jahschua]; wir dürfen darum mitFreudigkeit zu dem Thron der Gnadehinzutreten (Hebr. 4,14-16].Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong>Seventh Trumpet (beginning in 1844 AD)shows the completion in heaven andon earth in the fullness of time. <strong>The</strong>rewere tremendous cheers and joy of theangels in heaven at the announcementof completion, that “the world kingdom”has become the kingdom of God and hisChrist [Messiah] (anointed) (11:15). <strong>The</strong>twenty-four elders thank God for Hisreigning (11:16-17). <strong>The</strong> great day ofGod’s wrath has come, and then “thenations become angry”; war spiritprevails among the nations. Previouslythere have been many wars, but it wasa struggle between different realms. Butnow it is a struggle of all against all. <strong>The</strong>whole world is in turmoil. <strong>The</strong> time hascome to judge the dead, give the rewardto God’s servants, his children, anddestroy those who rebelled against Godand have corrupted the earth (11:18). Inthe opened temple in heaven you can see“the ark of his covenant,” (11:19). <strong>The</strong>ark is just a container and its contentis what really matters: <strong>The</strong> holy lawof God. Through the proclamation ofthe three angels’ messages (14:6-12;Matt. 24:14) peoples’ attention will bedrawn to the heavenly sanctuary, thehigh priestly ministry of Jesus [Yahshua]and the holy law of God. Christiansshould not be brought to the rigid lawsof Christianity, but they should realizethat the holy law of God in the heavenlytemple is an expression of His holy willand divine standard of his judgement,not changed by people (Ps. 89:35). Now,however, it is still grace [grace period]and we have an intercessory High Priest,Jesus [Yahshua], we must thereforecome boldly to the throne of grace(Heb. 4:14-16].Kapitel 12Die Frau und der Drache.Offb 12,1 Und es erschien ein großesZeichen im Himmel: ein Weib, mit derSonne bekleidet, und der Mond unterihren Füßen und auf ihrem Haupt eineKrone mit zwölf goldenen Sternen.KJV + EL = AND THERE APPEAREDA GREAT WONDER IN HEAVEN: AWOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN,AND THE MOON UNDER HER FEET,AND UPON HER HEAD A CROWN OFTWELVE STARS:Offb 12,2 Und sie war schwangerund schrie in Kindesnöten und hattegroße Qual zur Geburt.

124Offenbarung ~ Revelation 12KJV + EL = AND SHE BEING WITHCHILD CRIED; TRAVAILING IN BIRTH,AND PAINED TO BE DELIVERED.Offb 12,3 Und es erschien einanderes Zeichen im Himmel, undsiehe, ein großer, roter Drache, derhatte sieben Häupter und zehn Hörnerund auf seinen Häuptern siebenKronen (siehe das Buch Daniel!);KJV + EL = AND THERE APPEAREDANOTHER WONDER IN HEAVEN;AND BEHOLD A GREAT REDDRAGON, HAVING SEVEN HEADSAND TEN HORNS, AND SEVENCROWNS UPON HIS HEADS.Offb 12,4 und sein Schwanz zog dendritten Teil der Sterne des Himmelshinweg und warf sie auf die Erde.Und der Drache trat vor das Weib,die gebären sollte, auf daß, wennsie geboren hätte, er ihr Kind fräße.KJV + EL = AND HIS TAIL DREWTHE THIRD PART OF THE STARSOF HEAVEN, AND DID CASTTHEM TO THE EARTH: AND THEDRAGON STOOD BEFORE THEWOMAN WHICH WAS READY TO BEDELIVERED, FOR TO DEVOUR HERCHILD AS SOON AS IT WAS BORN.Dan 8,10Offb 12,5 Und sie gebar einenSohn, ein Knäblein, der alleHeiden sollte weiden mit eisernemStabe. Und ihr Kind ward entrücktzu Gott und seinem Thron.KJV + EL = AND SHE BROUGHTFORTH A MAN CHILD, WHO WAS TORULE ALL NATIONS WITH A ROD OFIRON: AND HER CHILD WAS CAUGHTUP TO ELOHIM, AND TO HIS THRONE.Ps 2,9Offb 12,6 Und das Weib / die Frau (dasist das Volk GOTTES) entfloh in dieWüste (dünn besiedelte Gegend), wosie einen Ort (Stätte) hat, bereitet vonGott, daß sie daselbst ernährt würdetausend zweihundertundsechzigTage (= 1.260 Jahre von 538 bis 1798n. Chr.).KJV + EL = AND THE WOMEN(THE SAINTS) FLED INTO THEWILDERNESS, WHERE SHE HASA PLACE PREPARED OF ELOHIM,THAT THEY SHOULD FEEDHER THERE A THOUSAND TWOHUNDRED AND SIXTY DAYS ( 1 DAY =1 YEAR => 1260 YEARS).Kap 19,2; 1.Mose 3,1; Luk 10,18Erklärung von Ernst Simon: “Eingroßes Zeichen im Himmel”: Eine reineFrau als Sinnbild der Gemeinde desAlten und Neuen Bundes. Die Sonneist Bild der größeren Klarheit und desgrößeren Lichtes des Neuen Bundes, desEvangeliums, und der Mond Bild des AltenBundes, des auf Christus [den Messias]hinweisenden Zeremonialgesetzes.Die zwölf Sterne versinnbildlichen diezwölf Apostel und die zwölf Stämme desgeistlichen Israels (12,1). Der Drache istSatan (20,2). Die sieben Häupter s<strong>indd</strong>ie sieben Regierungsformen Roms,des irdischen Machtwerkzeuges, unddie zehn Hörner die Teilreiche, die beimUntergang Westroms entstanden sind.Die Häupter hatten Diademe, die Zeichender Herrscherwürde, und eines derHäupter, das Kaisertum, beherrschtedas Römerreich, als der Erlöser JesusChristus [Jahschua der Messias]geboren wurde, und die Weissagungzeigt die Bemühungen Satans, Jesus[Jahschua] bereits kurz nach der Geburtzu vernichten (12,3.4; Mt. 2,16). Der alsMensch geborene Sohn Gottes würde“alle Völker mit eisernem Stabe weiden”.Die Entrückung “zu Gott und zu seinemThron” weist auf die HimmelfahrtJesu [Jahschua] hin (12,5). Obwohlder endliche [endgültige] Sieg sicherist, zeigt doch die Prophetie, dass dieGemeinde eine lange Zeit, 1260 Jahrtage(538-1798 n. Chr.) verfolgt werden würde(12,6; siehe Erklrg. zu Dan. 7,25). Der“dritte Teil der Sterne” sind die Engel,die sich der Empörung Satans im Himmelangeschlossen haben und auf die Erdegeworfen wurden (12,4).Explanation of Ernst Simon:“ A big signin heaven”: A pure woman as a symbolof the assemblies of the old and the newcovenant. <strong>The</strong> sun is a picture of thebigger clarity and the bigger light of thenew covenant, the good tidings (gospel),

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 12125and the moon picture of the old covenant,on Christ [the Messiah] indicativeCeremonial law. <strong>The</strong> twelve stars typifythe apostles and the twelve lineages ofthe theologically Israel (12,1). <strong>The</strong> dragonis Satan (20,2). <strong>The</strong> seven heads are theseven government forms of Rome, of theearthly power tools, and the ten hornsthe partial empires which have originatedwith the destruction of the west of rome.<strong>The</strong> heads had diadems, the signs of theimperious dignity, and one of the heads,the Empire, controlled the Roman‘sempire when the saviour Jesus Christ[Yahshua the Messiah] was born, and theprophecy shows the efforts of Satan todestroy Jesus [Yahshua] already shortlyafter the birth (12,3.4; Mt. 2,16). <strong>The</strong> as ahuman born son of God would shepherd“all people with iron stick”. <strong>The</strong> Rapture“to God and to his throne” points to theAscension of Jesus [Yahshua] (12,5).Although the ultimately [final] victory issure, nevertheless, shows the Prophetiethat the assembly a long time, 1260 annualdays (in 538-1798 A.D.) would be pursued(12.6; see Erklrg. to Dan. 7,25). <strong>The</strong> “thirdpart of the stars” are the angels who havejoined to the outrage of Satan in heavenand which were thrown on earth. (12,4).Offb 12,7 Und es erhob sich einStreit im Himmel: Michael und seineEngel stritten mit dem Drachen; undder Drache stritt und seine Engel,KJV + EL = AND THERE WAS WAR INHEAVEN: MICHAEL AND HIS ANGELSFOUGHT AGAINST THE DRAGEN;AND THE DRAGON FOUGHT ANDHIS ANGELS,Offb 12,8 und siegten nicht, auchward ihre Stätte nicht mehr gefundenim Himmel.KJV + EL = AND PREVAILED NOT,NEITHER THEIR PLACE FOUND ANYMORE IN HEAVEN.Offb 12,9 Und es ward ausgeworfender große Drache, die alte Schlange,die da heißt der Teufel und Satan, derdie ganze Welt verführt, und wardgeworfen auf die Erde, und seineEngel wurden auch dahin geworfen.KJV + EL = AND THE GREATDRAGON WAS CAST OUT, THATOLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL,AND SATAN, WHO DECEIVES THEWHOLE WORLD; HE WAS CAST OUTINTO THE EARTH, AND HIS ANGELSWERE CAST OUT WITH HIM.Offb 12,10 VOR 1866 = Und ich hörteeine große Stimme, die sprach imHimmel: NUN IST DAS HEIL UND DIEKRAFT UND DAS REICH UND DIEMACHT UNSERES GOTTES SEINESMESSIAS GEWORDEN, WEIL DERVERWORFEN IST (DER VERKLÄGERUNSERER BRÜDER), DER SIEVERKLAGTE TAG UND NACHT VORGOTT.KJV + EL = And I heard a loud voicesaying in heaven, NOW IS COMETHE SALVATION, AND STRENGTH,AND THE KINGDOM OF OURELOHIM, AND THE POWER OF HISMESSIAH: FOR THE ACCUSER OFOUR BRETHREN IS CAST DOWN,WHO ACCUSED THEM BEFOREOUR ELOHIM DAY AND NIGHT.Kap 11,15Offb 12,11 VOR 1866 = UND SIEHABEN IHN ÜBERWUNDEN DURCHDES LAMMES BLUT UND DURCHDAS WORT IHRES ZEUGNISSES UNDHABEN IHR LEBEN NICHT GELIEBTBIS ZUM TOD.KJV + EL = AND THEY OVERCAMEHIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB,AND BY THE WORD OF THEIRTESTIMONY; AND THEY LOVED NOTTHEIR LIVES (LIFE) TO THE DEATH.Kap 6,9; 7,14Offb 12,12 Darum freuet euch,ihr Himmel und die darin wohnen!WEH DENEN, DIE AUF ERDENWOHNEN UND AUF DEM MEER!denn der Teufel kommt zu euchhinab und hat einen großen Zornund weiß, daß er wenig Zeit hat.KJV + EL = THEREFORE REJOICE,YOU HEAVENS, AND YOU THATDWELL IN THEM. WOE TO THEINHABITERS OF THE EARTH AND OFTHE SEA! FOR THE DEVIL IS COME

126Offenbarung ~ Revelation 12DOWN TO YOU, HAVING GREATWRATH, BECAUSE HE KNOWS THATHE HAS BUT A SHORT TIME.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Michael... ist Christus [der Messias] als derEngelsführer, der mit seinen Engelngegen Satan und dessen Engeln kämpfte(12,7). Christus [Der Messias] ist Sieger,und Satan und seine Engel wurde aufdie Erde geworfen (12,8.9). Der großeIrrführer der ganzen bewohnten Erde(Ökumene) hat großen Zorn gegen dieGemeinde Gottes, “da er weiß, dass erwenig Zeit hat” (12,12). Wir leben jetztim Endabschnitt dieses gewaltigenKampfes. Tröstlich ist für Kinder Gottesdie himmlische Aussage, dass sie Satan“durch das Blut des Lammes und durchdas Wort ihres Zeugnisses” (von Jesus[Jahschua] und der Erlösungsbotschaft)“besiegt haben” (12,11).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Michael... is Christ [the Messiah] as the leaderof the angels, who with his angels foughtagainst Satan and his angels (12:7). Christ[Messiah] is the winner, and Satan andhis angels were thrown down to earth(12:8-9). <strong>The</strong> great falsifier of the wholeinhabited earth (ecumenism) has a rageagainst the assembly of God, “becausehe knows he has little time” (12:12). Weare now living in the end period of thismighty struggle. Comforting for thechildren of God is the heavenly messagethat they have “defeated” Satan “by theblood of the Lamb and by the word oftheir testimony” (of Jesus [Yahshua]and the salvation message) (12:11).Offb 12,13 Und da der Drachesah, daß er verworfen war aufdie Erde, verfolgte er das Weib,die das Knäblein geboren hatte.KJV + EL = AND WHEN THE DRAGONSAW THAT HE WAS CAST TO THEEARTH, HE PERSECUTED THEWOMAN WHICH BROUGHT FORTHTHE MAN CHILD.Offb 12,14 Und es wurden demWeibe zwei Flügel gegeben wieeines Adlers, daß sie in die Wüsteflöge an ihren Ort, da sie ernährtwürde eine Zeit und zwei Zeiten undeine halbe Zeit vor dem Angesichtder Schlange (1 Zeit + 2 Zeiten +1/2 Zeit = 360 + 720 + 180 = 1260 =Prophetie 1 Tag = 1 Jahr: d.h. 1260Jahre von 538 bis 1798 n.Chr.).KJV + EL = AND THE WOMAN WEREGIVEN TWO WINGS OF A GREATEAGLE, THAT SHE MIGHT FLYINTO THE WILDERNESS, INTO HERPLACE, WHERE SHE IS NOURISHEDFOR A TIME, AND TIMES (= TWOTIMES - LUTHER 1545!), AND HALFA TIME, FROM THE FACE OF THESERPENT (= 1260 DAYS = 1260YEARS = UNTIL 1798 WAS THE END).Offb 12,15 Und die Schlangeschoss (schleuderte) aus ihremRachen (Maul) dem Weib / der FrauWasser nach (Wasser = Völker,Nationen und Sprachen), wie einenStrom, damit sie ersäufte (sie vondem Strom fortgerissen würde).KJV + EL = AND THE SERPENT CASTOUT OF HIS MOUTH WATER AS AFLOUD AFTER THE WOMAN (THESAINTS), THAT HE MIGHT CAUSEHER TO BE CARRIED AWAY OF THEFLOOD (STREAM).Offb 12,16 Aber die Erde half demWeibe und tat ihren Mund auf undverschlang den Strom, den derDrache aus seinem Munde schoß.KJV + EL = AND THE EARTHHELPED THE WOMAN, AND THEEARTH OPENED HER MOUTH,AND SWALLOWED UP THE FLOODWHICH THE DRAGON CAST OUT OFHIS MOUTH.Offb 12,17 UND DER DRACHEERGRIMMTE ÜBER DAS WEIB UNDGING HIN, KRIEG ZU FÜHREN (ZUSTREITEN) MIT DEN ÜBRIGEN IHRESSAMENS (IHRER ANGEHÖRIGEN /NACHKOMMEN)), WELCHE DIEGEBOTE GOTTES HALTEN UNDDAS ZEUGNIS JAHSCHUA DEMMESSIAS HABEN (= das istgemessen über alle Zeit).KJV + EL = AND THE DRAGON

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 12. 13127WAS WROTH (ANGRY) WITH THEWOMAN, AND WENT TO MAKE WARWITH THE REMNANT OF HER SEED,WHICH KEEP THE COMMANDMENTSOF YAHWEH, AND HAVE THETESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA THEMESSIAH.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Als Satannach seiner Niederlage im Himmel sah,“dass er auf die Erde geworfen war”,und er den Sohn Gottes nicht mehrdirekt angreifen konnte, verfolgte er dieGemeinde Gottes (12,13). Die Gemeindefloh “in die Wildnis an ihre Stätte”,die Gott bereitet hatte. Die Zeitangabe(12,14) entspricht der in 12,6 (sieheErklrg. zu Dan. 7,25). Wasser sind inder biblischen Bildersprache Völkerund mächtige Heere, durch die Satandie Gemeinde verfolgte (12,15; Jeremia47,2; Offb. 17,15). Satan versuchte durchKreuzheere, durch Jesuitenheere unddurch die mohammedanischen Türken dieGemeinde in der Wildnis zu vernichten.“Die Erde aber half” der Gemeinde: Inden Gebirgen Europas, in einsamenWäldern und Tälern verbargen sich dietreuen Nachfolger Jesu [Jahschuas].Aber auch durch die EntdeckungAmerikas und durch die Reformationwurde der Gemeinde geholfen (12,16).Verfolgte wanderten nach Nordamerikaaus, um dort ihres Glaubens leben zukönnen. Gott bewahrte durch dieseHilfe seine Gemeinde vor der völligenVernichtung. Da aber Satan die Gemeinde“in der Wildnis” nicht vernichten konnte,steigerte sich sein Zorn und er kämpftebesonders gegen die “Übrigen”, welche“die Gebote Gottes halten und dasZeugnis Jesu [Jahschuas] haben” (19,10).Nur eine Gemeinde, nämlich die, welchein der Endzeit die drei Engelsbotschaftenden Völkern verkündigt, hat dieseKennzeichen [Editor: wenn sie nichtin der Zwischenzeit vom wahrenGlauben abgefallen wäre und eineDoktrine der Drei-Götterlehre (Trinitäts-,Dreieinigkeits-, Dreifaltigkeitslehre - Trio -HERR DER DREIHEIT - ein dreifaltigerGott) angenommen hätte].Explanation of Ernst Simon: As Satansaw “that he was thrown to the earth”after his defeat in the sky, and he couldnot attack the Son of God directly anylonger, he started the persecution of theassembly of God (12:13). <strong>The</strong> communityfled “into the wilderness, to its sacredsite,” which God had prepared. <strong>The</strong> timespecification (12:14) corresponds to theone indicated in 12:6 (see explanation7:25 to Daniel). Water in the biblicalimagery means the persecuted peoplesand powerful armies used by Satan topersecute the assembly (12:15; Jeremiah47:2; Revelation 17:15). In the wildernessSatan tried to destroy the assembly bycross armies, by Jesuit armies and theMoslem Turks. “But the earth helped” thecommunity: the faithful followers of Jesus[Yahshua] hid in the mountains of Europe,in lonely woods and valleys. Furthermore,the church had been helped by thediscovery of America and the reformationof (12:16). <strong>The</strong> pursued emigrated to NorthAmerica in order to live in their faith. Bythis means God preserved his assemblyfrom utter destruction. But since Satancould not destroy the assembly “in thewilderness”, his anger increased and hefought especially against the “others”who “kept the commandments of God andhad the testimony of Jesus [Yahshua]”(19:10). Only one community, i.e. theone that in the end times proclaims thethree angels’ messages to the peoples,has these characteristics [Editor: if it inthe meantime had not fallen from the truefaith and had not accepted a doctrineof three Gods (Trinity, Trinity Doctrine -would have accepted a Trinity, one God)- Trio - LORD OF THE TRINITY].Offb 12,18 Und er trat an den Stranddes Meeres.KJV + EL - Rev. 13,1 = And I stoodupon the sand of the sea,Kapitel 13Die beiden Tiere. Der Antichrist undsein ProphetOffb 13,1 Und ich trat an den Sand desMeeres und sah ein Tier aus dem Meersteigen, das hatte sieben Häupterund zehn Hörner und auf seinenHörnern zehn Kronen und auf seinenHäuptern Namen der Lästerung.KJV + EL = AND I STOOD UPON THE

128Offenbarung ~ Revelation 13SAND OF THE SEA, AND SAW ABEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA,HAVING SEVEN HEADS AND TENHORNS, AND UPON HIS HORNSTEN CROWNS, AND UPON HISHEADS NAME OF BLASPHEMY.Dan 7,3-7Offb 13,2 Und das Tier, daß ichsah, war gleich einem Parder undseine Füße wie Bärenfüße und seinMund wie eines Löwen Mund. Undder Drache gab ihm seine Kraft undseinen Thron und große Macht.KJV + EL = AND THE BEAST WHICHI SAW WAS LIKE TO A LEOPARD,AND HIS FEET WERE AS THE FEETOF A BEAR, AND HIS MOUTH ASTHE MOUTH OF A LION: AND THEDRAGON GAVE HIM HIS POWER,AND HIS THRONE, AND GREATAUTHORITY.Offb 13,3 Und ich sah seiner Häuptereines, als wäre es tödlich wund;und seine tödliche Wunde wardheil. Und der ganze Erdbodenverwunderte sich des Tieres(Lateranvertrag im Jahre 1929zwischen Mussolini und Gasparri)KJV + EL = AND I SAW ONE OF HISHEADS AS IT WERE WOUNDED TODEATH; AND HIS DEADLY WOUNDWAS HEALED: AND ALL THE WORLDWONDERED AFTER THE BEAST.Offb 13,4 und sie beteten denDrachen an, der dem Tier dieMacht gab, und beteten das Tieran und sprachen: Wer ist demTier gleich, und wer kann mit ihmkriegen (den Kampf aufnehmen)?KJV + EL = AND THEY WORSHIPEDTHE DRAGON WHICH GAVEPOWER TO THE BEAST: AND THEYWORSHIPED THE BEAST, SAYING,WHO IS LIKE UNTO THE BEAST?WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WITHHIM?Offb 13,5 Und es ward ihm gegebenein Mund, zu reden große Dingeund Lästerungen, und ward ihmgegeben, daß es mit ihm währtezweiundvierzig Monate (= 1260Tage = Jahre bis 1798) lang.KJV + EL = AND THERE WAS GIVENTO HIM A MOUTH SPEAKING GREATTHINGS AND BLASPHEMIES;AND POWER WAS GIVEN TO HIMTO CONTINUE FORTY AMD TWOMONTHS.Kap 11,2Offb 13,6 und es tat seinen Mundauf zur Lästerung gegen JAHWEH,ZU LÄSTERN SEINEN NAMEN UNDSEINE HÜTTE UND DIE IM HIMMELWOHNEN.KJV + EL = AND HE OPENED HISMOUTH IN BLASPHEMY AGAINSTYAHWEH, TO BLASPHEME HISNAME, AND HIS TABERNACLE, ANDTHEM THAT DWELL IN HEAVEN.Offb 13,7 Und ward ihm gegeben, zustreiten mit den Heiligen und sie zuüberwinden; und ward ihm gegebenMacht über alle Geschlechter undSprachen und Heiden.KJV + EL = AND IT WAS GIVEN TOHIM TO MAKE WAR WITH THESAINTS, AND TO OVERCOMETHEM: AND POWER WAS GIVENHIM ALL KINDREDS (TRIBES), ANDTONGUES, AND NATIONS.Kap 11,7; Dan 7,21Offb 13,8 Und alle, die auf Erdenwohnen, beten es an, deren Namennicht geschrieben sind im Buchdes Lebens des Lammes, daserwürgt ist, von Anfang der Welt.KJV + EL = AND ALL THAT DWELLUPON THE EARTH SHALL WORSHIPHIM, WHOSE NAME ARE NOTWRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE OFTHE LAMB SLAIN (KILLED) FROMTHE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.Offb 13,9 Hat jemand Ohren, der Höre!KJV + EL = IF ANY MAN HAS AN EAR,LET HIM HEAR.Offb 13,10 So jemand in das Gefängnisführt, der wird in das Gefängnis

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 13129gehen; so jemand mit dem Schwerttötet, der muß mit dem Schwertgetötet werden. Hier ist die Geduld(die Standhaftigkeit / das Ausharren)und der Glaube der Heiligen.KJV + EL = HE THAT LEADS INTOCAPTIVITY SHALL GO INTOCAPTIVITY: HE THAT KILLS WITHTHE SWORD MUST BE KILLED WITHTHE SWORD. HERE IS THE PATIENCEAND THE FAITH OF THE SAINTS.Matth 26,52; Kap 14,12Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das Tier,das aus dem Meere aufstieg und aufden Hörnern zehn Diademe hat, ist dieNachfolgemacht des Römerreiches, istSinnbild des päpstlichen Roms (13,1). DieGermanen, durch die Hörner dargestellt,hatten durch die Völkerwanderung alsWerkzeuge Gottes den Untergang Romsherbeigeführt und eigene Reiche aufdem Gebiete Westroms errichtet. DasTier zeigt charakteristische Züge derWeltreiche Babel [Babylon], Medien-Persien [Medo-Persien] und Griechenland(Dan. 7,1-7). Der Drache, Sinnbild Satans,der aber auch das heidnische Romdarstellt, gab ihm “seine Macht, seinenThron und große Gewalt” (13,2): KaiserKonstantin verlegte 330 n. Chr. seinenRegierungssitz nach Konstantinopelund überließ den Thron des römischenReiches dem Bischof der früherenKaiserstadt. Die Weissagung von der“Todeswunde” erfüllte sich, als GeneralBerthier 1708 mit einer französischenArmee in Rom einzog und den Papst alsGefangenen nach Frankreich brachte,wo er kurze Zeit später starb. “SeineTodeswunde wurde geheilt” (13,3):Ein neuer Papst wurde eingesetzt.1929 wurde durch den Lateranvertragdem Papsttum auch die politischeHerrschaft, die ihm 1870 genommenworden war, wieder zuerkannt. Hatte esnach der Gefangennahme des Papstes1798 den Anschein gehabt, als sei dasPapsttum für immer verschwunden, sozeigt doch die Weissagung, daß “allees anbeten” werden, ausgenommendie treuen Nachfolger Jesu [Jahschua],deren Namen in des Lammes “Buchrolle[Buch] des Lebens” geschrieben sind.Diese höchste Machtentfaltung durchdie Anbetung aller ist noch zukünftig(13,4.7.8). Die Zeitangabe und derKampf mit den Heiligen und der Siegüber sie (13,5.7) ist schon von demkleinen Horn in Daniel geweissagt(Dan. 7,25). “Lästerungen gegenGott” erfüllte sich in der Anmaßung,Namen zuzulegen, die nur Gott selbst[Korrektur durch Editor] zukommen:“Heiliger Vater”; “Stellvertreter desSohnes Gottes”; “und sein Zelt (seineHütte)”: Diese Macht errichtete ihrenTempel auf Erden und lenkt dadurchdie Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen vondem himmlischen Heiligtum ab; derhimmlische Versöhnungsdienst desOpfers Jesu [Jahschua] wird durch dasMessopfer ersetzt; “und die im Himmelzelten (wohnen)”: Die Erfüllung ist in demAnspruch zu sehen Sünden vergeben zukönnen, auch darin, dass Maria Machtzugeschrieben wird, die nur Christus [derMessias] hat (13,6).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> animalwho climbed up from the sea and has onthe horns ten diadems is the successionpower of the Roman‘s empire, is asymbol of the papal Rome (13,1). <strong>The</strong>the Germanic tribes, pictured by thehorns, had caused by the migration astools of God the downfall of Rome andhad established own empires in the areaof the west of Rome. <strong>The</strong> animal showstypical streaks of the world empiresBabel [Babylon], Medo-Persian (Medien-Persien) and Greece (Dan. 7,1-7). <strong>The</strong>dragon, symbol of the Satan who alsopictures the pagan Rome gave him“his power, his throne and big force”(13,2): Emperor Constantine redeployedhis seat of government in 330 A.D. toConstantinople and left the throne ofthe Roman empire to the bishop of theformer imperial city. <strong>The</strong> prophecy of the„death wound“ came true when generalBerthier infiltrated in 1708 with a Frencharmy in Rome and brought the pope asa prisoner to France where he died shorttime later.“ His death wound was cured”(13,3): A new Pope was appointed. In 1929the political rule which had been takenfrom him in 1870 was again awarded tothe papacy by the Lateran Treaty. If ithad had after the capture of the popein 1798 the appearance as if the papacyhas disappeared for good, the prophecyshows, , that “everybody will adore it,except the loyal successors of Jesus

130Offenbarung ~ Revelation 13[Yahshua] whose names are written inthe“book role of the lamb [book] of thelife”. This highest power development bythe adoration of all is still in the future(13,4.7.8). <strong>The</strong> time specification andthe fight with the saints and the victoryover them (13,5.7) is already prophesiedby the small horn in Daniel (Dan. 7,25).“Sacrileges against God” came true inthe arrogance to add names which comeup only to God himself [correction byeditor]: „Saint father“; “deputy of the sonof God”;“ and his tent (his hut) ”: Thispower established its temple on earthand thereby deflects the attention of thepeople from the heavenly sanctum;theheavenly reconciliation service of thevictim of Jesus [Yahshua] is substitutedwith the missal sacrifice; “and thosewhich are camping (live) in heaven ”: <strong>The</strong>fulfilment is to be seen in the claim to beable to award sins, also in the fact thatMaria power is ascribed which only hasChrist [the Messiah] (13,6).Offb 13,11 Und ich sah ein anderesTier aufsteigen aus der Erde;das hatte zwei Hörner gleichwieein Lamm und redete wie einDrache (die Vereinigten Staaten).KJV + EL = AND I BEHELD ANOTHERBEAST COMING UP OUT OF THEEARTH; AND HE HAD TWO HORNSLIKE A LAMB, AND HE SPOKE AS ADRAGON.Offb 13,12 Und es übt alle Macht desersten Tiers vor ihm; und es macht,daß die Erde und die darauf wohnen,anbeten das erste Tier, dessentödliche Wunde heil geworden war;KJV + EL = AND HE EXERCISES ALLTHE POWER OF THE FIRST BEASTBEFORE HIM, AND CAUSES THEEARTH AND THEM WHICH DWELLTHEREIN (IN IT) TO WORSHIP THEFIRST BEAST, WHOSE DEADLYWOUND WAS HEALED.Offb 13,13 UND TUT GROSSEZEICHEN, DASS ES AUCHMACHT FEUER VOM HIMMELFALLEN VOR DEN MENSCHEN;KJV + EL = AND HE DOES GREATWONDERS, SO THAT HE MAKES FIRECOME DOWN FROM HEAVEN ONTHE EARTH IN THE SIGHT OF MEN,Matth 24,24; 2. <strong>The</strong>ss 2,9Offb 13,14 und verführt, die aufErden wohnen, um der Zeichenwillen, die ihm gegeben sind zutun vor dem Tier; und sagt denen,die auf Erden wohnen, daß sieein Bild machen sollen dem Tier,das die Wunde vom Schwerthatte und lebendig geworden war.KJV + EL = AND DECEIVES THEMTHAT DWELL ON THE EARTH BYTHE MEANS OF THOSE MIRACLESWHICH HE HAD POWER TO DO INTHE SIGHT OF THE BEAST; SAYINGTO THEM THAT DWELL ON THEEARTH, THAT THEY SHOULD MAKEAN IMAGE TO THE BEAST, WHOHAS THE WOUND (STROKE) BY ASWORD, AND DID LIVE.Offb 13,15 Und es ward ihm gegeben,daß es dem Bilde des Tiers den Geistgab, daß des Tiers Bild redete undmachte, daß alle, welche nicht desTiers Bild anbeteten, getötet würden.KJV + EL = AND HE HAD POWER TOGIVE LIFE TO THE IMAGE OF THEBEAST, THAT THE IMAGE OF THEBEAST SHOULD BOTH SPEAK, ANDCAUSE THAT AS MANY AS WOULDNOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE OF THEBEAST SHOULD BE KILLED.Offb 13,16 LUTHER 1545 = UNDMACHTE ALLESAMT, DIE KLEINENUND GROSSEN, DIE REICHEN UNDARMEN, DIE FREIEN UND KNECHTE,DASS ES IHNEN EIN MALZEICHEN( = MALZEICHEN SEINER AUTORITÄTIST DER SONNTAG - DOMINUS DIE,TAG DER SONNE) GAB AN IHRERECHTE HAND ODER AN IHRESTIRN,KJV + EL = AND HE CAUSES ALL,BOTH SMALL AND GREAT, RICHAND POOR, FREE AND BOND,TO RECEIVE (Gr. = TO GIVETHEM) A MARK IN THEIR RIGHTHAND, OR IN THEIR FOREHEADS:

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 13131Kap 19,20Offb 13,17 daß niemand kaufen oderverkaufen kann, er habe denn das Mal-ZEICHEN, nämlich den Namen desTieres oder die Zahl seines Namens.KJV + EL = AND THAT NO MAN MIGHTBUY OR SELL, SAVE HE THAT HADTHE MARK, OR THE NAME OF THEBEAST, OR THE NUMBER OF HISNAME.Offb 13,18 Hier ist Weisheit! WerVerstand hat, der überlege die Zahldes Tiers; denn es ist eines MenschenZahl, und seine Zahl ist sechshundertsechs und sechzig ( = 666 ! ).KJV + EL = HERE IS WISDOM. LET HIMTHAT HAS UNDERSTANDING COUNTTHE NUMBER OF THE BEAST; FOR ITIS THE NUMBER OF A MAN; AND HISNUMBER IS SIX HUNDRED SIXTY SIX.Kap 15,2Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Das zweiteTier, das “aus der Erde” aufgestiegen istund nicht wie die anderen Tiere aus demMeere, ist Sinnbild der Vereinigten Staatenvon Nordamerika. Die “zwei Hörner”stellen die bürgerliche und religiöseFreiheit dar, die in der republikanischendemokratischen Regierungsform und imProtestantismus ihren Ausdruck fanden.Die “Lammesnatur” aber täuscht; in der“Drachenrede” offenbart sich der wahreCharakter dieser Macht (13,11). Siewürde unter Aufgabe ihren freiheitlichenGrundsätze so unduldsam wie das ersteTier werden und bewirken, dass dieErdbewohner das Papsttum “anbeten”(13,12). Dies bedeutet eine gewaltigeZunahme des katholischen Einflusses indem vom germanischen Protestantismusgegründeten Staat, wie es niemand fürmöglich gehalten hätte. “Große Zeichen”:Nordamerika ist das Stammland desmodernen Spiritismus, der sich von dortüber die ganze Welt ausgebreitet hat undjetzt über 100 Millionen Anhänger hat.“Feuer ... aus dem Himmel”: MancheAusleger sehen im Abwurf derAtombomben auf Hiroshima undNagasaki 1945 eine Erfüllung dieserWeissagung (13,13.14A). Das Tier sagtden Erdbewohnern, dem Papsttum“ein Bild zu machen”. Dieses Bild isteine religiöse unduldsame verfolgendeEinrichtung. “’Das Bild des Tieres’stellt jene Form des abgefallenenProtestantismus dar, die entwickelt seinwird, wenn die protestantischen Kirchenzur Erzwingung ihrer Lehrsätze dieHilfe der Staatsmacht suchen werden.”(E. G. W., Der große Kampf / Der grosseKonflikt, 445 / 13,14B.15).Alle, die Gott treu bleiben, werden durcheinen Erlass des zweiten Tieres mit demTode bedroht (13,15B). “Das Zeichendes Tieres”: Das Siegel Gottes ist imheiligen Gesetz Gottes der <strong>Sabbat</strong> (sieheErklärung 7,2). Das Zeichen des Tieresmuss ein dem <strong>Sabbat</strong> entgegengestelltesZeichen sein, auch ein Tag, nämlich derSonntag (13,16). “Die Zahl des Tieres”,“die Zahl seines Namens” (13,18.17)Dazu schreibt W. Peters, ev.-luth. Pastorin Murtoa, in seinem Buche “Auslegungder Offenbarung”, herausgegeben 1899in Zwickau i. S., S. 248, unter anderem,dass der Name des rechten Christus[Messias] in griechischer, hebräischerund lateinischer Sprache am Kreuz stand:“Jesus [Jahschua] von Nazareth, derJuden König”. “Der Papst, als der rechteAntichrist, nennt sich ... “Stellvertreterdes Sohnes Gottes”, ... “Vicarius filli Dei”- “Der rechte Christus [Messias] war derverachtete “Nazarener”. Der Antichristwill vor Menschen Ehre und Ansehenhaben; sein Sitz ist die Weltstadt Rom.Er ist der göttlich verehrte “Römer”. -Der rechte Christus [Messias] ... sandte... seine Jünger ... aus in alle Welt ... inallen Sprachen” zu predigen, “Der Papstaber, als der rechte Antichrist, lässt inseinem Reich nur die lateinische Spracheals “Kirchensprache” gelten, und darumheißt er mit Recht auch der “Lateiner”.So ist in den drei Bezeichnungender “Lateiner”, der “Römer” und der“Stellvertreter des Sohnes Gottes”,mit griechischen, hebräischen undlateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben,in jeder die Zahl 666 enthalten, “die Zahldes Tieres”, “die Zahl seines Namens”.- Diese Deutung der Zahl 666, gefundenin dem mit hebräischen Buchstabengeschriebenen Worte: “Der Romiit”,bringt auch LUTHER in einer Anmerkungzu Offenbarung 13,18, welche er miteigener Hand in ein Neues Testamentgeschrieben hatte, das im Jahre 1530gedruckt war und hernach in den Besitz

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14133großen Donners; und die Stimme, dieich hörte, war wie von Harfenspielern,die auf ihren Harfen spielen.KJV + EL = AND I HEARD A VOICEFROM HEAVEN, AS THE VOICEOF MANY WATERS, AND AS THEVOICE OF A GREAT THUNDER: ANDI HEARD THE VOICE OF HARPERSHARPING WITH THEIR HARPS:Kap 1,15Offb 14,3 Und sie sangen (gleichsam)ein neues Lied vor dem Thron und vorden vier Tieren (Wesen / Gestalten)und den Ältesten; und niemandkonnte das Lied lernen außer den144.000, die erkauft sind von der Erde.KJV + EL = AND THEY SING AS ITWERE A NEW SONG BEFORE THETHRONE, AND BEFORE THE FOURBEASTS, AND THE ELDERS: ANDNO MAN COULD LEARN THAT SONGBUT THE HUNDRED FORTY ANDFOUR THOUSAND, WHICH WEREREDEEMED FROM THE EARTH.Offb 14,4 Diese sind‘s, die mitWeibern nicht befleckt sind(geistlich nicht Unzucht / Hurereimit anderen Göttern / falschenLehren getrieben haben, sondernGott und seinem Wort, der HeiligenSchrift, treu geblieben sind), dennsie sind Jungfrauen, und folgen demLamme nach, wo es hin geht. Diesesind erkauft aus den Menschen zuErstlingen JAHWEH und dem Lamm;KJV + EL = THESE ARE THEY WHICHWERE NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN;FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS. THESEARE THEY WHICH FOLLOW THELAMB WHEREVER HE GOES. THESEWERE REDEEMED FROM AMONGMEN, BEING THE FIRSTFRUITSTO YAHWEH AND TO THE LAMB.1. Kor 7,1.8Offb 14,5 VOR 1911 = Und in ihremMunde ist kein Falsches gefunden;denn sie sind unsträflich VOR DEMTHRON GOTTES.KJV + EL = AND IN THEIR MOUTHWAS FOUND NO GUILE (LIE):FOR THEY ARE WITHOUT FAULTBLEMISH BEFORE THE THRONE OFELOHIM (YAHWEH).Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Johannessieht nach der furchtbarsten Prüfungdie 144.000 als Sieger über das Tier undsein Bild mit dem Lamm, mit Christus[dem Messias] auf dem Berge Zion stehen(14,1). “Sie, die von der Erde erkauft sind,sangen ein neuen Lied”, das nur sie lernenkonnten. Es ist das Lied der Erfahrung,das Lied der Befreiung aus dem Endkampfim den gewaltigen Ringen zwischenLicht und Finsternis, zwischen Christus[dem Messias] und Satan (14,2.3). Diehier erwähnten Frauen versinnbildlichendie abgefallenen Kirchen (17,1-5),denen die Erlösten entweder nieangehörten oder deren Zwang, dasZeichen des Tieres anzunehmen, siesich entzogen haben. Sie folgen demLamm nach, “wohin es auch geht” (14,4).Explanation of Ernst Simon: John seesafter the most dreadful check the 144.000as winners about the animal and his imagewith the lamb, with Christ [the Messiah]standing on the mountain Zion (14,1).“<strong>The</strong>y who are bought by the earth sanga new song” which only they could learn.It is the song of the experience, the songof the deliverance from the final battlein the immense rings between light anddarkness, between Christ [the Messiah]and Satan (14,2.3). <strong>The</strong> women mentionedhere typify the dropped churches (17,1-5) to which the released either neverbelonged or which compulsion to acceptthe sign of the animal, they have eludedfrom. <strong>The</strong>y follow the lamb, “Wherever itgoes” (14,4).Die dreifache Engelsbotschaft<strong>The</strong> three angels‘ messagesOffb 14,6 UND ICH SAH EINENENGEL FLIEGEN MITTEN DURCHDEN HIMMEL, DER HATTE EINEWIG (GÜLTIG)ES EVANGELIUM ZUVERKÜNDIGEN DENEN; DIE AUFERDEN (SITZEN UND) WOHNENUND ALLEN HEIDEN (NATIONEN)UND GESCHLECHTERN (STÄMMEN)UND SPRACHEN UND VÖLKERN.

134Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14KJV + EL = AND I SAW ANOTHERANGEL FLY IN MID OF HEAVEN,HAVING THE EVERLASTING GOODTIDINGS TO PREACH TO THEMTHAT DWELL ON THE EARTH, ANDTO EVERY NATION AND TRIBE ANDTONGUE AND PEOPLE,Offb 14,7 UND ER RIEF MITGROSSER STIMME: “FÜRCHTETJAHWEH UND GEBT IHM DIE EHRE!DENN DIE STUNDE (ZEIT) SEINESGERICHTS IST GEKOMMEN! UNDBETET DEN AN, DER GEMACHTHAT HIMMEL UND ERDE UNDMEER UND DIE WASSERQUELLEN(-BRUNNEN)!”KJV + EL = SAYING WITH A LOUDVOICE, FEAR YAHWEH, AND GIVEGLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUROF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME: ANDWORSHIP HIM THAT MADE THEHEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND SEAAND THE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Apostelsieht den “Engel hoch oben am Himmelfliegen”. Damit wird die weltweiteBedeutung dieser Botschaft angekündigt.Der Engel ist Sinnbild des Volkes Gottes,dass während der “Zeit seines Gerichts”eine “Frohbotschaft” der Erlösung durchJesus Christus [Jahschua den Messias]allen Völkern zu “frohbotschaften” hat.Das Wort verkündigen gibt nicht denvollen Sinn des griechischen Worteswieder: Die frohe Botschaft soll als froheKunde den Nationen verkündet werden(14,6). Zeitgemäß ist die Botschaft, dievon allem Anfang an “mit lauter Stimme”verkündigt wird: “Ehrfurcht vor Gott”zu haben und ihm “Herrlichkeit” ineiner Zeit zu geben, in der Gott von denMenschen verspottet wird. “Die Stundeseines Gerichts ist gekommen”: Das hiererwähnte Gericht ist nicht das Gerichtam Tage der Wiederkunft Christi [desMessias], denn die drei Botschaftengehen dem zweiten Kommen Jesu[Jahschua] voraus (14,14). Es ist dasUntersuchungsgericht, das 1844 n. Ende der 2300 Jahrtage begann, dergroße Versöhnungstag des Wesens,vorgeschattet in der Reinigung desirdischen Heiligtumsdienstes (sieheErklrg. zu Daniel 8,14). Eine besondersnotwendige Verkündigung ist dieForderung, den Schöpfer anzubeten, dadurch die sogenannte Entwicklungslehre[Evolutionstheorie] der Schöpfergeleugnet wird (14,7). - 1831 begannWilliam Miller in Nordamerika das Ende der2300 Jahrtage im Jahre 1844 zu predigen.In Deutschland hatte Pfarrer Petribereits 1768 die 2300 Jahre berechnet,nachdem sie die Marburger Bibel 1712und die Berleburger 1730 erwähnt. Auchin Deutschland und in England und inanderen Ländern wurde die Zeit desGerichts verkündigt. Die Zeit von 1831-1844 ist der Beginn der Verkündigung derersten Engelsbotschaft, die heute nochGültigkeit hat und weltweit verkündetwird.Die erste Engelsbotschaft enthältverschiedene Hinweise auf Christus [denMessias]: Jesus [Jahschua] der Erlöser(Kol. 1,13.14; Apg. 4,10-12; 1. Joh. 1,7)Frohbotschaft. Jesus [Jahschua] derSchöpfer (Kol. 1,; Joh. 1,1-3.14) Schöpfung. Jesus [Jahschua]der Gesetzgeber (Jak. 2,12.10.11; Neh.9,11-15; 1. Kor. 10,1-4) Gericht. Jesus[Jahschua] der Richter (Apg. 17,30.31;Röm. 14,10; 2. Kor. 5,10) Gericht. Jesus[Jahschua] der Hohepriester (Dan. 8,14;Hebr. 4,14-16; Offb. 11,19) Gericht. Dieerste Engelsbotschaft hat die “ewigeFrohbotschaft” der Erlösung von Sündeals Mittelpunkt und weist, wie obenangegeben, auf Jesus [Jahschua] als denErlöser und Schöpfer, als den Gesetzgeberund als Richter ... und den großenHohenpriester hin. ... Auch der ApostelPaulus lehrt, dass “Gerechtigkeit Gottesdurch den Glauben an Jesus Christus[Jahschua den Messias]” erlangt wird(Röm. 3,22). So ist auch der Höhepunktder Verkündigung der dreifachenEngelsbotschaft (14,6-12) als der letztenGnadeneinladung Gottes an alle Völkerin diesen letzten Tagen des Endes...Wie notwendig die Verkündigungder ewigen Frohbotschaft ist, zeigtfolgende Gegenüberstellung:

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14135A = DIE VERFÄLSCHTEFROHBOTSCHAFT ##B = DIE WAHRE BOTSCHAFT(GALATER 1,6-9)A = Falsche Lehre: Weltliches Reich,Weltkirche ##B = Biblische Lehre: Jesu [Jahschuas]Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt -Joh. 18,36; GemeindeA = Falsche Glaubensgrundlage:Tradition ##B = Richtige: Gottes Wort: Bibel,Joh. 17,17A = Falscher Hoherpriester: auf Erden:Papst. - 2. <strong>The</strong>ss. 2,3.4 ##B = Wahrer Hoherpriester: im Himmel:Jesus Christus [Jahschua der Messias] -Hebr. 8,1.2; Eph. 1,22 + 5,23; Kol. 1,18A = Falsche Mittler: Maria (MutterGottes), Heilige, Priester ##B = Ein [einziger] Mittler: Jesus Christus[Jahschua der Messias] - 1. Tim. 2,5A = Falsches Heiligtum: in den Kirchen##B = Wahres Heiligtum: im Himmel -Offb. 11,19A = Falscher Ruhetag: Sonntag (ersterWochentag) [seit dem 01.01.1976 UNO-Beschluss: im Kalender beginnt dieWoche mit dem Montag!]; Dan. 7,25;Offb. 14,9-11; Zeichen des Tieres ##B = Biblischer Ruhetag: <strong>Sabbat</strong>(siebenter Wochentag, der Samstag);1. Mose 2,2.3; 2. Mose 20,8-11; Mark.2,27.28; Siegel Gottes [Gedenktag anden Schöpfer und an die Schöpfung, derMessias: HErr des <strong>Sabbat</strong>s (Mark. 2,28)]A = Falsches Opfer: Messopfer ##B = Gültiges Opfer: Blut Jesu [Jahschua]- 1. Petr. 1,18.19A = Falsche Taufe: Besprengung ##B = Biblisch: Glaubenstaufe(Mark. 16,16) [Erwachsenentaufe“auf den Namen Jesu / Jahschua”(Apg. 2,28, Untertauchen: Joh. 3,22.23)]-Gedächtnis der AuferstehungA = Falsche Rechtfertigungslehre:Werksgerechtigkeit (Ablass) ##B = Biblisch: Glaubensgerechtigkeit- Röm. 3,28 [und im Glauben Jesu /Jahschua alle Gebote halten]A = Falsche Unsterblichkeitslehre:Seelenlehre (Seele im Himmel, Fegefeueroder Hölle) ##B = Gott allein hat nur Unsterblichkeit -kein geschaffenes Wesen - 1. Tim. 6,16A = Falsche Straflehre: Ewige Pein ##B = Biblisch (Offb. 20,14.15): Ewiger TodA= Falsche Anbetung: Bilderverehrung,Reliquien [Heilige - Maria, Joseph u.a.] ##B = Wahre Anbetung: In Geist undWahrheit - Joh. 4,24; Matth. 6,1-15;Jes. 8,19.20; Apg. 17,29-31; 1. Joh. 5,21[Maria / Miriam ruht im Grab - Pred. 9,5]A = Falsche Milleniumslehre:Friedensreich auf Erden ##B = Biblische: Tausendjährige Herrschaftmit Christus [dem Messias] im Himmel -1. <strong>The</strong>ss. 4,17; Offb. 20,6Ergänzung [vom Editor]:A = 2. und 4. Gebot (<strong>Sabbat</strong>) aufgelöst ##B = Gebote Gottes sind ewig gültig -Matth. 5,18; Röm. 7,12A = Falsche Hoffnung auf Errettung:Allein durch Gnade, ohne Beseitigungaller Sünden (Sünde = Übertretung derGebote Gottes) ##B = Biblisch: “Ihr sollt vollkommensein, gleichwie euer Vater im Himmelvollkommen ist.” - Matth. 5,48, alleGebote halten einschließlich des<strong>Sabbat</strong>s, der Samstag = 4. Gebot

136Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14A = Falsche Gotteserkenntnis, falscheGottesanbetung: Doktrin: drei Personen,drei Götter: Gott Vater, Gott Sohn,Gott Heiliger Geist, Dreieinigkeit,Dreifaltigkeit, Trinität, Trio ist eine nichtbiblische Lehre. ##B = Biblisch: zwei Personen: EIN Gott,der Vater - Jak. 2,19; der Sohn Gottes,unser HErr: Christus / der Messias,unser alleiniger Erlöser - Joh. 17,3.Heiliger Geist: der Geist Gottes [Elohim]mit seinem heiligen Namen JAHWEH, dieKraft, die von Gott [Elohim] aus geht;denn JAHWEH ist Geist -Joh. 4,24; 3,34; Röm. 8,9.14 + 15,19;2. Kor. 2,11.12.14 + 3,16; 1. Joh. 4,1-3A = Falsche Opferlehre (Messopfer):Transsubstantionslehre, bei der in jederMesse der Messias immer und immerwieder neu geopfert wird. ##B = Biblisch: “Denn durch ein Opfer hater auf immerdar vollkommen gemacht,die geheiligt werden.” Hebräer 10,14 +9,25.26.28 + 10,10.18.26A = Ablehnung der Präexistenz desMessias: Er war vor dem ersten Kommenauf der Erde nicht vorhanden oder: nurein Geist und keine Person ##B = Anerkennung der Präexstenz: Erhatte vor dem ersten Kommen auf derErde seine Herrlichkeit im Himmel; derMessias, der Sohn JAHWEH’s, war schonda, bevor etwas existierte. -Joh 1,18 + 3,13.16 + 5,23 + 8,47-59 +16,28 + 17,5.8.24; Luk 4,18.43 + 9,48 +10,16; Sprüche 8,22-36 // Judas 3Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> apostlesees the“angel aloft in the sky flying”.With it the worldwide meaning of thismessage is announced. <strong>The</strong> angel is asymbol of the people of God which has topreach „the everlasting good tidings“ofthe redemption by Jesus Christ [Yahshuathe Messiah] during the “time of hiscourt” to all people. <strong>The</strong> word declaredoes not express the full meaning of theGreek word: <strong>The</strong> good tidings should bedeclared as a glad message to the nations(14,6). Contemporary is the messagewhich is preached from the beginning„in a loudvoice“: “To have reverence forGod” and to give him „magnificence“ ina time in which God is mocked by thepeople.“ <strong>The</strong> hour of his court has come”:<strong>The</strong> court mentioned here is not the courtin the day of the Returning of Christ [ofthe Messiah], because three messagespredate the the second coming of Jesus[Yahshua] (14,14). It is the court of inquirywhich began in 1844 A.D. at the end of the2300 annual days, the big reconciliationday of the creature, as a precusor (shadowy) in the cleaning of the earthlysanctum service (see Explanation toDaniel 8,14). An especially necessaryannouncement / proclamation is thedemand / call to worship the creator,because the creator is denied by theso-called theory of evolution (14,7). - In1831 William Miller started to preach theend of 2300 annual days in 1844 in NorthAmerica. In Germany priest Peter hadcalculated already in 1768 the 2300 years,after it is mentioned in the MarburgerBible in 1712 and the Berleburger in 1730.Also in Germany and England and inother countries the time of the court wasdeclared. <strong>The</strong> time of 1831-1844 is thebeginning of the announcement of the firstangel‘s message which has even todayvalidity and is announced worldwide.<strong>The</strong> first angel‘s message containsdifferent details to Christ [the Messiah]:Jesus [Jahschua] the saviour (Col.1,13.14; Acts 4,10-12; 1. Joh. 1,7) goodtidings. Jesus [Yahshua] the creator (Col.1,; Joh. 1,1-3.14) creation.Jesus [Yahshua] the legislator (Jac.2,12.10.11; Neh. 9,11-15; 1. Cor. 10,1-4)court. Jesus [Yahshua] the judge (Acts17,30.31; Rom. 14,10; 2. Cor. 5,10) court.Jesus [Yahshua] the High Priest (Dan.8,14; Hebr. 4,14-16; Revel. 11,19) court. <strong>The</strong>first angel‘s message has the “everlastinggood tiding” of the redemption of sinas a centre and portends, as given ontop, on Jesus [Yahshua] as the saviourand creator, as the legislator and as ajudge... and the great High Priest ....Also the apostle Paulus teaches that“the righteousness of God [YAHWEH]is attained by the faith in Jesus Christ[Yahshua the Messiah]” (Rom. 3,22). Thusthe culmination of the announcementof the triple angel‘s message (14,6-12)as the last grace invitation of God to allpeople in these last days of the end...

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14137<strong>The</strong> necessity of the proclamation ofthe good tidings shows the followingcomparison :A= <strong>The</strong> falsified Good-Message ##B = THE TRUE MESSAGE(GALATIANS 1,6-9)A= Wrong teaching: Worldly empire,world church ##B = biblical teaching: Jesus [Yahshua‘s]empire is not from this world -Joh. 18,36; ChurchA = Wrong religious basis: Tradition ##B = Right religious basis: God‘s word:Bible, Joh. 17,17A = Wrong high priest: on earth: Pope. 2.<strong>The</strong>ss. 2,3.4 ##B = True high priest: in heaven: JesusChrist [Yahshua the Messiah] -Hebr. 8,1.2; Eph. 1,22 + 5,23; Col. 1,18A = Wrong mediators: Maria (mother ofGod), saints, priests ##B = a [only one] mediator: Jesus Christ[Yahshua the Messiah] – 1. Tim. 2,5A = Wrong sanctum: in the churches ##B = true sanctum: in heaven -Rev. 11,19A = Wrong day of rest: Sunday (thefirst weekday) [since the 1/1/1976 UNdecision: in the calendar the week beginswith Monday!]; Dan. 7.25; Revel. 14,9-11;signs of the animal ##B = biblical day of rest : <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (theseventh weekday, the Saturday);Genesis 2,2.3; Exodus 20,8-11; Mark.2,27.28; seal of God [commemorationday to the creator and to the creation,the Messiah: Master of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h(Mark 2,28)]A = Wrong victim:missal sacrifice ##B = valid victim: Blood of Jesus[Yahshua] - 1. Peter 1,18.19A = Wrong baptism: sprinkling ##B = Biblical: Believer‘s baptism(Mark. 16,16) [adult‘s baptism “on thename of Jesus / Yahshua” (Acts 2,28,immersion: Joh. 3,22.23)] -memory of the resurrection.A = Wrong teaching of justificationapprenticeship: Work justice(indulgence) ##B = Biblical: Faith justice - Rom. 3,28[and in the faith of Jesus / Yahshua allorders hold]A = Wrong teaching of immortality:Soul apprenticeship (soul in heaven,purgatory or hell) ##B = God alone has only immortality - nocreated Creature – 1. Tim. 6,16A = Wrong penal apprenticeship:Everlasting torment ##B = Biblical (Rev. 20,14.15):Everlasting death.A = Wrong adoration: Image worship,relics [saints - Maria, Joseph and others]##B = true adoration: In mind and truth -Joh. 4,24; Matth. 6,1-15; Isaiah 8,19.20;Acts 17,29-31; 1. Joh. 5,21[Maria / Miriam rests in the grave -Eccles. 9,5]A = Wrong Millennium teaching: Peaceempire on earth ##B = biblical: Millennial dominion withChrist [to the Messiah] in heaven -1. <strong>The</strong>ss. 4,17; Revel. 20,6

138Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14Additional [from the editor]:A = 2. and 4th Commandment (<strong>Sabbat</strong>h)dissolved ##B = Commandments of God are forevervalid – Matth. 5,18; Romans 7,12A = Wrong hope for rescue: Only bygrace, without removal of all sins (sin =violation of the Commandments of God)##B = Biblical: “Be you therefore perfect,even as your Father who is in Heavenis perfect.” - Matth. 5,48, keep allCommandments hold including the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, Saturday = 4th CommandmentA = Wrong gnosis, wrong God‘sadoration: Doctrine: three persons,three gods: God Father, God Son, God<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit, Trinity, trio is a not biblicalteaching. ##B = Biblical: two persons: A God, thefather – Jac. 2,19; the son of God, ourMaster: Christ / the Messiah, our sole[only] saviour - Joh. 17,3. <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit:the Spirit of God [Elohim] with his holyname YAHWEH, the strength whichcomes from God [Elohim]; becauseYAHWEH is Spirit - John 4.24; 3,34;Romans 8,9.14; 15,19;2. Cor. 2,11.12.14; 3,16;1. John 4,1-3A = Wrong teachment of sacrifice( missal sacrifice): Doctrine ofTranssubstantion in which in every fairthe Messiah becomes sacrificed newagain and again. ##B = Biblical: “For by one offering hehas perfected forever those who aresanctified.” Hebrews 10,14 +9,25.26.28 + 10,10.18.26A = Refusal of the pre-existence of theMessiah: He did not exist before the firstarrival on earth or: only a spirit and not aperson ##B = acceptation of the pre-existence:Before the first arrival on earth he hadhis glory in heaven; the Messiah, theson of YAHWEH, was there already,before something existed. -John 1,18; 3,13.16; 5,23; 8,47-59; 16,28;17,5.8.24; Luke 4,18.43; 9,48; 10,16;Proverbs 8,22-36 // Judah 3Offb 14,8 MENGE = HINTER IHM KAMNOCH EIN ANDERER, ZWEITERENGEL, DER RIEF: “GEFALLEN,GEFALLEN, IST DAS GROSSEBABYLON, DASS ALLE VÖLKER(HEIDEN) VON DEM GLUTWEINSEINER UNZUCHT (DEM WEINSEINER geistlichen HUREREI) HATTRINKEN LASSEN!”KJV + EL = AND THERE FOLLOWEDANOTHER ANGEL, SAYING,BABYLON IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN,THAT GREAT CITY; BECAUSE SHEMADE ALL NATIONS DRINK OFTHE WINE OF THE WRATH OF HERFORNICATION.Kap 18; Jer 25,15.16; 51,7; Jes 21,9Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der NameBabylon kommt von Babel und bedeutet“Pforte Gottes” oder “Verwirrung”.“Dieser Name wird in der Heiligen Schriftangewandt, um die verschiedenenFormen einer falschen oder abgefallenenReligion zu bezeichnen. ... Die Macht,die so viele Jahrhunderte hindurchihre Herrschaft unumschränkt über dieMonarchen der Christenheit behauptethat, ist Rom. ... Da diese Botschaft derGerichtswarnung folgt, so muss siein den letzten Tagen gegeben werden;deshalb kann sie sich nicht allein auf dierömische Kirchen beziehen, denn dieseKirche ist seit vielen Jahrhunderten ineinem gefallenen Zustand gewesen.... Viele der protestantischen Kirchenfolgen Roms Beispiel der schriftwidrigenmit “den Königen der Erde”, und dieStaatskirchen durch ihre Beziehungenzu weltlichen Regierungen, undandere Gemeinschaften, indem siedie Gunst der Welt suchen.” (E. G. W.;Großer Kampf / Grosser Konflikt: Eineverworfene Warnung). Die Weissagungin der Botschaft des zweiten Engelsfindet ihre Erfüllung in dem Abweichendes abgefallenen Protestantismus vonder wahren Lehre der Heiligen Schrift;dadurch, daß die protestantischenKirchen und Gemeinschaften die ersteEngelsbotschaft zurückwiesen, wurden

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14139sie völlig Babylon (geistliche Verwirrung).Der “Zornwein ihrer Buhlerei” ist Sinnbildder falschen Lehren, die Babylon dieNationen “trinken” lässt (14,8).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> nameBabylon originates from Babel meaning“<strong>The</strong> Gate of God” or “confusion”. “Thisname is used in <strong>Scripture</strong> to denotethe various forms of false or apostatereligion. ... <strong>The</strong> power that hasmaintained its domination over theabsolute monarchs of Christendom forso many centuries is Rome. ... Since thismessage follows the warning of Court, itmust be announced in the last few days,so it can not only refer to the Romanchurch because this church has beenin a fallen state for many centuries. ...Many of the Protestant churches followRome’s example being unscriptural with“the kings of the earth” and the statechurches, by their relations with seculargovernments and other communities, byseeking the favour of the world “( E. G.W.; <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy - A warningrejected). <strong>The</strong> prophecy in the secondangel’s message finds its fulfilment in thedeviation of apostate Protestantism fromthe true teachings of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s,due to the fact that the Protestantchurches and communities rejected thefirst angel’s message, they were totallyBabylon (spiritual confusion). <strong>The</strong> “wrathwine of their fornication: “ is a symbol ofthe false teachings that Babylon lets theNations “drink”(14:8).Offb 14,9 UND EIN DRITTERENGEL FOLGTE DIESEM NACHUND SPRACH MIT GROSSERSTIMME: “SO JEMAND DAS TIER(= POLITISCHE GEMEINSCHAFT)ANBETET UND SEIN BILD UNDNIMMT SEIN MALZEICHEN AN SEINESTIRN ODER AN SEINE HAND,KJV + EL = AND THE THIRD ANGELFOLLOWED THEM, SAYING WITHA LOUD VOICE, IF ANY MANWORSHIPS THE BEAST AND HISIMAGE, AND RECEIVES HIS MARKIN HIS FOREHEAD, OR IN HIS HAND,Kap 13,12-17Offb 14,10 DER WIRD VON DEMWEIN DES ZORNES JAHWEH’STRINKEN, DER UNVERMISCHT(LAUTER) EINGESCHENKT IST INDEN KELCH SEINES ZORNS, UNDER WIRD GEQUÄLT WERDEN MITFEUER UND SCHWEFEL VOR DEN(AUGEN DER) HEILIGEN ENGEL UNDVOR DEM LAMM.KJV + EL = THE SAME SHALL DRINKOF THE WINE OF THE WRATH OFYAHWEH, WHICH IS POURED OUTWITHOUT MIXTURE INTO THE CUPOF HIS INDIGNATION; AND HESHALL BE TORMENTED WITH FIREAND BRIMSTONE IN THE PRESENCEOF THE HOLY ANGELS, AND INTHE PRESENCE OF THE LAMB:Ps 75,9Offb 14,11 UND DER RAUCH (VON)IHRER QUAL WIRD AUFSTEIGENVON EWIGKEIT ZU EWIGKEIT;UND SIE HABEN KEINE RUHETAG UND NACHT, DIE DAS TIERHABEN ANGEBETET UND SEINBILD UND WER (SO JEMAND) DASMALZEICHEN SEINES NAMENS HATANGENOMMEN.KJV + EL = AND THE SMOKE OFTHEIR TORMENT ASCENDS UPFOREVER AND EVER; AND THEYHAVE NO REST DAY NOR NIGHT,WHO WORSHIP THE BEAST AND HISIMAGE, AND WHOEVER RECEIVESTHE MARK OF HIS NAME.Offb 14,12 ELBERFELDER 1871 =HIER I S T DAS AUSHARREN (DIEGEDULD UND STANDHAFTIGKEIT)DER HEILIGEN; HIER SIND DIE, DIEDA HALTEN DIE GEBOTE JAHWEH’SUND DEN GLAUBEN JAHSCHUAS!”** Anmerkung: DIE DENSELBENGLAUBEN BEWAHREN WIE JAHSCHUADER MESSIAS GEGENÜBER JAHWEH,UNSEREM ALLEINIGEN GOTT,UNSEREM WAHREN HEILIGEN VATERDES HIMMELS UND DER ERDE.KJV + EL = HERE IS THEPATIENCE OF THE SAINTS; HEREARE THEY THAT KEEP THECOMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH,AND THE FAITH OF YAHSHUA.Kap 13,10

140Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14Offb 14,13 UND ICH HÖRTE EINESTIMME VOM HIMMEL ZU MIRSAGEN: SCHREIBE: SELIG SINDDIE TOTEN, DIE IN DEM HErrn /JAHSCHUA STERBEN VON NUNAN. JA, SPRICHT DER GEIST,SIE SOLLEN RUHEN VON IHRERMÜHSAL (ARBEIT); DENN IHREWERKE FOLGEN IHNEN NACH.KJV + EL = AND I HEARD A VOICEFROM HEAVEN SAYING TO ME.WRITE, BLESSED ARE THEDEAD WHO DIE IN THE MASTER /YAHSHUA FROM NOW ON: YES,SAYS THE SPIRIT, THAT THEY MAYREST FROM THEIR LABORS; ANDTHEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM.Jes 57,2; Hebr 4,10; Phil 1,23Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Die dritteEngelsbotschaft warnt vor Anbetung desTieres (siehe Erklrg. zu 13,1) und seinesBildes (siehe Erklrg. zu 13,14.15) undvor Annahme seines Zeichens (sieheErklrg. zu 13,16) (14,9). “Sobald diePrüfung kommt, wird klar ersichtlich,was das Zeichen des Tieres ist. Es istdas Halten des Sonntags. Diejenigen,welche fortfahren, diesen Tag als heiligzu betrachten, nachdem sie die Wahrheitgehört haben, tragen das Zeichen desMenschen der Sünde, der darauf sann,Zeiten und das Gesetz zu ändern.” (E.G. W. in ABC VII, 980). Der dritte Engelgibt die schrecklichste Strafandrohung,die jemals Menschen verkündigt wurde.Wer “von dem Zornwein” der “Buhlerei”Babylons trinkt, wird “auch von demunverdünnten [unvermischten] Weindes Grimmes Gottes trinken”, der lauter,ohne Gnade, eingegossen ist. Die letztensieben Plagen werden die “Anbeter” desTieres und seines Bildes treffen; undnach der zweiten Auferstehung werdendie “Tieranbeter” auch noch gepeinigtwerden. Ihre Peinigung ist aber nichtimmerwährend, sondern hier bedeutet eseine begrenzte Zeitspanne der Bestrafung,die jedoch ohne Aufhören mit der völligenVernichtung im zweiten Tod endet(14,10.11). Die Kennzeichen des VolkesGottes, das durch die Verkündigungder drei Engelsbotschaften gesammeltwird, sind Standhaftigkeit, auch unterTodesandrohung durch das Tier, Haltender Gebote Gottes und Glauben Jesu[Jahschua] oder [und] Glauben an Jesus[Jahschua]. Der von den Kindern Gottesgeforderte Glaubensgehorsam bekundetsich im Halten der Gebote Gottes, istaber keine Werksgerechtigkeit oderGesetzesgerechtigkeit (14,12).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> thirdangel’s message warns of worship of thebeast (see explanation to 13:1.) and ofits image (see explanation to 13:14-15.)and of the acceptance of its mark (seeexplanation to 13:16.) (14:9). “Once thetest comes, it will be clearly evident, whatthe mark of the beast is. It is the holdingsacred of Sunday. Those who continueconsidering this day as holy after havingheard the truth, bear the mark of theman of sin, thought to change times andthe law. “(E.G.W. in ABC VII, 980). <strong>The</strong>third angel gives the worst threat ofpunishment ever preached to people. <strong>The</strong>one who drinks the “wine of the wrath” of“fornication” of Babylon, will also drinkof “the undiluted [unmixed] wine of thewrath of God”, which is poured withoutmercy. <strong>The</strong> seven last plagues will hitthe “worshipers” of the beast and itsimage, and after the second resurrection,the “worshipers of the beast” will evenbe tormented. <strong>The</strong> torment is howevernot everlasting; here it means a limitedperiod of punishment, which withoutceasing will end with the utter destructionof the second death (14:10-11).<strong>The</strong> characteristics of the people ofGod, collected by the announcementof the three angels’ messages are,steadfastness, even under threat ofbeing killed by the beast, keeping ofthe commandments of God and faith ofJesus [Yahshua] or [and] belief in Jesus[Yahshua]. <strong>The</strong> faith requirement of thechildren of God is manifested in keepingthe commandments of God, but is notrighteousness of works or justice of laws(14:12).Ernte und Weinlese. Beginn desGerichtsOffb 14,14 UND ICH SAH, UND SIEHE,EINE WEISSE WOLKE. UND AUF DERWOLKE SASS EINER, DER GLEICHWAR EINEM MENSCHENSOHN; DERHATTE EINE GOLDENE KRONE AUFSEINEM HAUPT UND IN SEINERHAND EINE SCHARFE SICHEL.


142Offenbarung ~ Revelation 14. 15reifem Getreide die Einsammlung derGerechten. Das zweite ist das einerTraubenlese: Reife Beeren, die in der“großen Kelter des Zornes Gottes”getreten werden, zeigt die Vernichtungder Ungläubigen und Frevler (14,18-20).Explanation of Ernst Simon: Afterthe three messages the prophecyspeaks of the parousia of Christ [theMessiah]. Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] is the Sonof Man seated on the cloud, who wearsa golden crown on his head, the symbolof his rulership, and in his hand a sharpsickle, the crop tool, he is representedas the Master of the harvest (14:14). <strong>The</strong>harvest is shown in two images. Oneis that of a grain crop, with maturegrain symbolizing the collection of therighteous. <strong>The</strong> second one is that of agrape harvest: Ripe berries, which are putinto the “great winepress of the wrath ofGod”, show the destruction of the infidelsand wicked (14:18-20).Kapitel 15Das Lied der Überwinder.Offb 15,1 Und ich sah ein anderesZeichen im Himmel, das war großund wundersam: sieben Engel,die hatten die letzten siebenPlagen; denn mit denselbenist vollendet der Zorn Gottes.KJV + EL = And I saw another sign inheaven, great and marvelous, SEVENANGELS HAVING SEVEN LASTPLAGUES, FOR IN THEM IS FILLED UP(FINISHED) THE WRATH OF ELOHIM.Kap 16,1Offb 15,2 Und ich sah wie eingläsernes Meer, mit Feuer gemengt;und die den Sieg behalten hatten andem Tier und seinem Bild und seinemMalzeichen und seines NamensZahl, standen an dem gläsernenMeer und hatten Harfen JAHWEH’sKJV + EL = AND I SAW AS IT WERE ASEA OF GLASS MINGLED WITH FIRE;AND THEM THAT HAD GOTTEN THEVICTORY OVER THE BEAST, ANDOVER HIS IMAGE, AND OVER HISMARK, AND OVER THE NUMBER OFHIS NAME, STAND ON THE SEA OFGLASS, HAVING HARPS OF YAHWEH.Kap 4,6Offb 15,3 und sangen das LiedMose‘s (2. Mose 15,1-19), desKnechtes JAHWEH’s, und dasLied des Lammes und sprachen:Groß und wundersam sind deineWerke, JAHWEH, allmächtigerGott! Gerecht und wahrhaftig s<strong>indd</strong>eine Wege, du König der Heiden!KJV + EL = And they sing the song ofMoses the servant of YAHWEH, andthe song of the Lamb, saying, GREATAND MARVELOUS ARE YOURWORKS, OH YAHWEH EL SHADDAI(ALMIGHTY); JUST (RIGHTEOUS)AND TRUE ARE YOUR WAYS, YOUKING OF SAINTS.2. Mose 15,1.11; 5. Mose 32,4; Ps145,17; Jer 10,6.7Offb 15,4 Wer sollte dich nichtfürchten, JAHWEH und deinenNamen preisen? Denn du bist alleinheilig. Denn alle Heiden werdenkommen und anbeten vor dir; denndeine Urteile sind offenbar geworden.KJV + EL = WHO SHALL NOTFEAR YOU, OH YAHWEH, ANDGLORIFY YOUR NAME? FORYOU ONLY ARE HOLY; FOR ALLTHE NATIONS SHALL COME ANDWORSHIP BEFORE YOU; FORYOUR JUDGMENTS (RIGHTEOUSACTS) ARE MADE MANIFEST.Ps 86,9; Jer 16,19-21Die Schalen des ZornsOffb 15,5 Darnach sah ich, und siehe,da ward aufgetan der Tempel derHütte des Zeugnisses im Himmel;KJV + EL = And after that I looked; and,behold, the temple of the tabernacle ofthe testimony in heaven was opened:Kap 11,19Offb 15,6 und gingen aus dem Tempeldie sieben Engel, die die siebenPlagen hatten, angetan mit reiner,

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 15. 16143heller Leinwand und umgürtet anihren Brüsten mit goldenen Gürteln.KJV + EL = And the seven angelscame out of the temple,having theseven plagues, clothed in pure andwhite linen, and having their breastsgirded with golden girdles (belts).Offb 15,7 Und eines der vier Tiere gabden sieben Engeln sieben goldeneSchalen voll Zorns JAHWEH’s, derda lebt von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit.KJV + EL = AND ONE OF THE FOURBEASTS GAVE TO THE SEVENANGELS SEVEN GOLDEN BOWLSFULL OF THE WRATH OF YAHWEH,WHO LIVES FOREVER AND EVER.Kap 4,6-8; 14,10Offb 15,8 Und der Tempel wardvoll Rauch von der HerrlichkeitJAHWEH’s und von seiner Kraft;und niemand konnte in den Tempelgehen, bis daß die sieben Plagender sieben Engel vollendet wurden.KJV + EL = AND THE TEMPLE WASFILLED WITH SMOKE FROM THEGLORY OF YAHWEH, AND FROMHIS POWER; AND NO MAN WASABLE TO ENTER INTO THE TEMPLE,TILL THE SEVEN PLAGUES OF THESEVEN ANGELS WERE FULFILLED.2. Mose 40,34; 1. Kön 8,10; Jes 6,4;Hes 44,4Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Johannessah ein anderes großes und wunderbaresZeichen: Die “sieben Engel” mit den“sieben Plagen”, in denen der ZornGottes vollendet ist (15,1). Ehe derApostel die Engel mit ihren Plageneinzeln schildert, sieht er ein anderesBild: “Die Sieger über das Tier” (13,1)“und über sein Bild” (13,14.15 “undüber sein Zeichen” (13,16.17) “und überdie Zahl seines Namens (13,17.18) alsSänger am gläsernen Meer stehen (15,2).Sie sangen das Lied des Mose und dasLied des Lammes”. Das Lied des Moseist das Lied der Befreiung aus derKnechtschaft Ägyptens und das Lied desLammes ist das Lied der Errettung ausder Knechtschaft der Sünde durch dasBlut Jesu Christi [Jahschua den Messias](15,3.4). Dann sah der Prophet “die siebenEngel” mit den “sieben goldenen Schalenvoll des Zornes Gottes” aus dem Tempelim Himmel herausgehen. “Rauch vonder Herrlichkeit Gottes und von seinerMacht” erfüllt den Tempel. Christus [DerMessias] hat dann das Allerheiligstedes himmlischen Heiligtums verlassenund seinen gnädigen Vermittlerdienstbeendet; er ist nicht mehr Fürsprecher fürdie Menschen. Die Gnadenzeit ist dannfür immer zu Ende gegangen (15,5-8).Explanation of Ernst Simon: John sawanother great and marvellous sign: the“seven angels” with the “seven plagues”in which the wrath of God is completed(15:1). Before the Apostle startsdescribing the angels with their plaguesindividually, he sees a different picture:“<strong>The</strong> defeaters of the beast” (13:1) “andof its image” (13:14-15, “and of its sign”(13:16-17) “and of the number of hisnames (13:17-18) standing as singers atthe glassy sea (15:2). <strong>The</strong>y sang the songof Moses and the song of the Lamb.” <strong>The</strong>song of Moses is the song of deliverancefrom the slavery of Egypt and the songof the Lamb is the song of deliverancefrom the bondage of sin by the bloodof Jesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah](15:3-4). <strong>The</strong>n the Prophet saw the “sevenangels” going out of the heavenly templewith the “seven golden bowls full of thewrath of God. “<strong>The</strong> smoke of the gloryof God and His power” fills the temple.Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah] then had left theBlessed Sacrament of the heavenlysanctuary herewith ending his graciousintermediary service; he is no longerpeople’s advocate. <strong>The</strong> grace period willthen end forever. (15:5-8).Kapitel 16Offb 16,1 Und ich hörte eine großeStimme aus dem Tempel, die sprachzu den sieben Engeln: Gehet hinund gießet aus die Schalen desZornes JAHWEH’s auf die Erde!KJV + EL = And I heard a great voiceout of the temple saying to the sevenangels, GO YOUR WAYS, AND POUROUT THE VIALS (BOWLS) OF THEWRATH OF YAHWEH UPON THEEARTH.

144Offenbarung ~ Revelation 16Offb 16,2 Und der erste ginghin und goß seine Schale auf dieErde; und es ward eine böse undarge Drüse an den Menschen, diedas Malzeichen des Tiers hattenund die sein Bild anbeteten.KJV + EL = AND THE FIRST WENT,AND POURED OUT HIS VIAL(BOWL) UPON THE EARTH; ANDTHERE FELL A NOISOME (DEADLY)AND GRIEVOUS SORE UPON THEMEN WHICH HAD THE MARK OFTHE BEAST, AND UPON THEMWHICH WORSHIPED HIS IMAGE.2. Mose 9,10.11Offb 16,3 Und der andere Engelgoß aus seine Schaleins Meer;und es ward Blut wie einesToten, und alle lebendigenSeelen starben in dem Meer.KJV + EL = AND THE SECOND ANGELPOURED OUT HIS VIAL (BOWL)UPON THE SEA; AND IT BECAMEAS THE BLOOD A DEAD MAN: ANDEVERY LIVING SOUL DIED IN THESEA.Offb 16,4 Und der dritte Engel goßaus seine Schale in die Wasserströmeund in die Wasserbrunnen; und esward Blut.KJV + EL = AND THE THIRD ANGELPOURED OUT HIS VIAL (BOWL)UPON THE RIVERS AND FOUNTAINSOF WATERS; AND THEY BECAMEBLOOD.2. Mose 7,17-21Offb 16,5 Und ich hörte den Engelder Wasser sagen: JAHWEH, du bistgerecht, der da ist und der da war,und heilig, daß du solches geurteilthast,KJV + EL = And I heard the angel of thewaters say, YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS, OYAHWEH, WHO IS, AND WAS, ANDSHALL BE, BECAUSE YOU HAVEJUDGED THUS.Offb 16,6 denn sie haben das Blut derHeiligen und Propheten vergossen,und Blut hast du ihnen zu trinkengegeben; denn sie sind‘s wert.KJV + EL = FOR THEY HAVE SHEDTHE BLOOD OF SAINTS ANDPROPHETS, AND YOU HAVE GIVENTHEM BLOOD TO DRINK; FOR THEYARE WORTHY.Offb 16,7 Und ich hörte einenanderen Engel aus dem Altar sagen:Ja, o JAHWEH, allmächtiger Gott,deine Gerichte sind wahrhaftig undgerecht.KJV + EL = And I heard another(an angel from) out the altar say,Even so, O YAHWEH EL SHADDAI(ALMIGHTY), TRUE AND RIGHTEOUSARE YOUR JUDGMENTS.Kap 9,13; 6,9.10Offb 16,8 Und der vierte Engelgoß aus seine Schale in die Sonne,und ihm ward gegeben, denMenschen heiß zu machen mit Feuer.KJV + EL = AND THE FOURTH ANGELPOURED OUT HIS VIAL (BOWL)UPON THE SUN; AND POWER WASGIVEN TO HIM TO SCORCH MENWITH FIRE.Offb 16,9 Und den Menschen wardheiß von großer Hitze, und sielästerten den Namen JAHWEH’s, derMacht hat über diese Plagen, und tatennicht Buße, ihm die Ehre zu geben.KJV + EL = AND MEN WERESCORCHED WITH GREAT HEAT:AND BLASPHEMED THE NAMEOF YAHWEH, WHO HAS POWEROVER THESE PLAGUES: AND THEYREPENTED NOR TO GIVE HIMGLORY.Offb 16,10 Und der fünfte Engelgoß aus seine Schale auf denThron des Tieres; und sein Reichward verfinstert, und sie zerbissenihre Zungen vor SchmerzenKJV + EL = AND THE FIFTH ANGELPOURED OUT HIS VIAL (BOWL)UPON THE THRONE OF THE BEAST;AND HIS KINGDOM WAS FULL OFDARKNESS; AND THEY GNAWEDTHEIR TONGUES FOR PAIN,

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 16145Offb 16,11 LUTHER 1545 + MENGE =UND LÄSTERTEN ABER DEN GOTTDES HIMMELS WEGEN IHRERSCHMERZEN UND WEGEN IHRERGESCHWÜRE UND BEKEHRTENSICH NICHT VON IHREN TREIBENUND TATEN NICHT BUSSE FÜR IHREWERKE.KJV + EL = AND BLASPHEMED THEELOHIM OF HEAVEN BECAUSE OFTHEIR PAINS AND THEIR SORES,AND THEY REPENTED NOT OFTHEIR DEEDS (WORKS).Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Apostelgibt nicht den genauen Zeitpunkt derAusgießung der sieben Plagen an, aberder Zusammenhang ergibt, daß zwischendem Ende der Gnadenzeit und derWiederkunft Christi [des Messias] ausdem Tempel im Himmel der Befehl an diesieben Engel ergeht, die “Schalen desZornes Gottes [JAHWEH‘s]” auszugießen(16,1). Die erste Plage verursachtgefährliche und schmerzhafte Geschwüre“an den Menschen, die das Zeichen desTieres haben und sein Bild anbeten”(16,2). Der zweite und der dritte Engelgossen ihre Schalen in das Meer und indie Flüsse und die Wasserquellen, unddas Wasser wurde wie Blut (16,3.4). Dervierte Engel gießt seine Schale auf dieSonne und die Menschen werden durcheine gewaltige Hitze geplagt (versengt).Trockenheit und Dürre, wie sie die Weltnoch nicht erlebt hat, wird die Folge sein.Die Prophetie sagt, dass die MenschenGott [JAHWEH] lästern werden; selbstangesichts dieser gewaltigen göttlichenGerichte bekennen sie nicht ihre Schuld.Sie ändern nicht ihren Sinn und gebenGott nicht die Ehre (16,8.9). Die fünftePlage trifft den Thron des Tieres (sieheErklrg. zu 13,1). Sein Reich verfinstert.Da außer den treuen “Übrigen” alle dasTier und sein Bild anbeten und dadurchSatan die Ehre geben, wird während derDauer der fünften Plage die ganze Weltverfinstert sein (16,10.11).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> Apostledoes not indicate the exact time of theoutpouring of the seven plagues, but thecontext indicates that between the end ofthe grace period and the Second Comingof Christ [the Messiah] from the heavenlytemple the command will be given to theseven angels to pour out the “vials of thewrath of God [YAHWEH]” (16:1). <strong>The</strong> firstplague will cause painful and dangerousulcers “to the people who have the markof the beast and worship his image”(16:2). <strong>The</strong> second and the third angelwill pour their shells into seas andrivers, water sources and water will turninto blood (16:3-4).<strong>The</strong> fourth angel willpour out his bowl onto the sun and thepeople will be plagued by a tremendousheat (scorched). As a consequence, earthwill become so dry and droughty as ithas never been before. <strong>The</strong> prophecysays that people will blaspheme God[YAHWEH], even in the face of thesetremendous divine judgments; they willnot confess their guilt. <strong>The</strong>y will notchange their minds and not give glory toGod (16:8-9). <strong>The</strong> fifth plague will hit thethrone of the beast (see explanation to13:1). His kingdom will darken. Since allapart from the faithful “others” worshipthe beast and his image, thus givinghonour to Satan, the entire world bedarkened during the fifth plague (16:10-11).Offb 16,12 Und der sechste Engelgoß aus seine Schale auf dengroßen Wasserstrom Euphrat; undsein Wasser (= Nationen, Völkerund Sprachen) vertrocknete,damit den Königen vom Aufgangder Sonne der Weg bereitetwürde (= Könige aus dem Osten).KJV + EL = AND THE SIXTH ANGELPOURED OUT HIS VIAL (BOWL)UPON THE GRAEAT RIVEREUPHRATES; AND THE WATERTHEREOF (OF IT) WAS DRIED UP,THAT THE WAY OF THE KINGS OFTHE EAST MIGHT BE PREPARED.Jes 11,15.16Offb 16,13 UND ICH SAH AUS DEMRACHEN (MAUL) DES DRACHENUND AUS DEM RACHEN (MAUL)DES TIERES UND AUS DEM MUNDE(MAUL) DES FALSCHEN PROPHETENDREI UNREINE GEISTER KOMMEN,GLEICH DEN FRÖSCHEN;KJV + EL = AND I SAW THREEUNCLEAN SPIRITS LIKE FROGSCOME OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE

146Offenbarung ~ Revelation 16DRAGON, AND OUT OF THE MOUTHOF THE BEAST, AND OUT OF THEMOUTH OF THE FALSE PROPHET.Kap 12,3; 2. Mose 8,3Offb 16,14 DENN ES SIND GEISTERVON DÄMONEN, DIE TUN ZEICHENUND GEHEN AUS ZU DEN KÖNIGENAUF DEM KREIS DER GANZEN WELT,SIE ZU VERSAMMELN ZUM KAMPFAM GROSSEN TAG JAHWEH’S, DESALLMÄCHTIGEN.KJV + EL = FOR THEY ARE THESPIRITS OF DEMONS, WORKINGMIRACLES, WHICH GO FORTH TOTHE KINGS OF THE EARTH AND OFTHE WHOLE WORLD, TO GATHERTHEM TO BATTLE OF THAT GREATDAY OF YAHWEH, THE ALMIGHTY.Offb 16,15 Siehe, ich komme wie einDieb. Selig ist, der da wacht und hältseine Kleider, daß er nicht bloß wandleund man nicht seine Schande sehe.KJV + EL = BEHOLD, I COMEAS A THIEF. BLESSED IS HETHAT WATCHES, AND KEEPSHIS GARMENTS, LEST HE WALKNAKED, AND THEY SEE HIS SHAME.1. <strong>The</strong>ss 5,2Offb 16,16 Und er versammeltesie an den Ort, der auf hebräischHarmagedon* ( = Berg zu Megiddo mitBlick auf den Berg Carmel) heißt.KJV + EL = AND THEY GATHEREDTHEM TOGETHER INTO A PLACECALLED IN THE HEBREWARMAGEDDON ( = HARMAGEDON).* d.i. „Berg von Megiddo“. Megiddo war eineStadt in Palästina, bei der zwei vernichtendeSchlachten stattfanden (Richt. 4,12-24;5,19 und 2. Kön. 23,29; 2. Chron. 35,22-24)* D.i. “Mountain of Megiddo”. Megiddo wasa city in Palestine, where two devastatingbattles were held (Judges 4:12-24; 5:19 and2 Kings 23:29; 2 Chron. 35:22-24).Erklärung von Ernst Simon: EineAuslegung sieht in dem großen StromEuphrat in Übereinstimmung mit Offb.17,15 die Euphratmacht, die seit vielenJahrhunderten bis 1918 dort geherrschthat: Die Türkei als mohammedanischeWeltmacht. Das Vertrocknen seinesWassers ist das langsame Zurückgehender mohammedanischen Flut nach derNiederlage vor Wien 1683, bis die Türkei1840 ihre Unabhängigkeit verlor undvon den europäischen Großmächtenabhängig geworden war. Am Ende desErsten Weltkrieges hatte die Türkei alleGebiete in Afrika, Asien und Europa bisauf Anatolien und ein kleines Gebiet beiKonstantinopel verloren und aufgehört,mohammedanische Weltmacht zu sein.Die “Könige vom Aufgang der Sonne”sind die Herrscher im Osten der Welt,in Asien. Durch den Niedergang dermohammedanischen Weltmacht istdiesen Herrschern der Weg bereitetworden (16,12). Der Drache, das Tier undder falsche Prophet sind Sinnbilder fürden modernen Spiritismus (Heidentum),für das Papsttum und den abgefallenenProtestantismus (16,13). “Geister derDämonen” versammeln die Herrscherder Welt “für den Kampf des großenTages Gottes” (16,14) bei Harmageddon.Harmageddon bedeutet Berg vonMegiddo und liegt am Rande der großenEbene im nördlichen Palästina. Schonin alten Zeiten wurde bei Megiddo vomHimmel herab gegen die Kanaanitergekämpft (Richt. 5,19.20). In unsererZeit ist im politischen Geschehen klarersichtlich, dass sich in Palästina unddarüber hinaus im ganzen östlichenMittelmeerraum die Interessen der dreiWeltmächte USA, Russland und Chinaberühren. Die farbigen Völker sind inBewegung geraten. Sie marschierennoch nicht, aber sie sammeln sichzum Marsch nach “Harmageddon”, fürden Kampf gegen den Westen, für dieSchlacht an jenem “großen Tage Gottesdes Allmächtigen” (16,16; Joel 4,9-17;Dan. 11,45). Die andere Auslegung siehtden Euphrat als Sinnbild der Völker,die unter Führung des großen Babylongegen Gott kämpfen. Christus [DerMessias] und die ihn Begleitenden s<strong>indd</strong>ie “Könige vom Aufgang der Sonne”,und die Schlacht ist der Kampf, in demsich die Nationen vereinigen, um das VolkGottes zu vernichten. Beide Auslegungenstimmen in der Deutung mancherSinnbilder überein, besonders darin, dassder Kampf bei “Harmageddon” der letzteKampf auf Erden sein wird und ermahntseine Getreuen, zu wachen und dieGewänder (Sinnbild der Gerechtigkeit) zu

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 16147bewahren (16,15), beständig im Glaubenzu bleiben.Explanation of Ernst Simon: Inaccordance with Revelation 17:15, aninterpretation sees the Euphrates powerin the great river Euphrates that hasprevailed there for many centuries,until 1918: Turkey as a Muslim worldpower. <strong>The</strong> drying up of its water is theslow retreat of the Mohammedan floodafter the defeat in Vienna in 1683 untilTurkey lost its independence in 1840becoming dependant from the majorEuropean powers. At the end of WorldWar I Turkey had lost all the territories inAfrica, Asia and Europe, except Anatoliaand a small area near Constantinople,and stopped being the Moslem worldpower. <strong>The</strong> “kings of the rising sun” arethe rulers in the east of the world, in Asia.Due to the downfall of the Muslim worldpower the way has been prepared to thoserulers (16:12). <strong>The</strong> dragon, the beastand the false prophet are symbols ofthe modern Spiritualism (Paganism), forthe Papacy and the fallen Protestantism(16:13). “<strong>The</strong> spirits of demons” gatherthe rulers of the world at Armageddon“for the fight on the great day of God”(16:14). Armageddon means the mountainof Megiddo, located outside the greatplain in northern Palestine. Already inancient times it was fought from heavenagainst the Canaanites at Megiddo(Judges 5:19-20). In our times it canclearly be recognized by the politicalevents that the interests of the three worldpowers USA, Russia and China meet inPalestine and throughout the easternMediterranean region. <strong>The</strong> colouredpeople are on the move. <strong>The</strong>y have notmoved yet, but they are gathering for amarch to “Armageddon” for a fight againstthe West, for the battle on that “great dayof God Almighty” (16:16; Joel 4:9-17;Dan. 11:45). Another interpretation seesthe Euphrates as a symbol of the peopleswho fight against God under the leadershipof the great Babylon. Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah]and the ones accompanying him are the“kings of the rising sun,” and this battlebrings the nations together to destroy thepeople of God. Both interpretations havesome similar explanations of symbols,especially the fact that the battle of“Armageddon” will be the last battle onearth, and admonishes its followers towatch and keep the robes (symbol ofjustice) (16:15) and to remain faithful.Offb 16,17 Und der siebenteEngel goß aus seine Schale indie Luft; da kam (ging aus) einelaute Stimme AUS dem TempelDES HIMMELS vom Throne her,die sprach: ES IST GESCHEHEN!KJV + EL = AND THE SEVENTHANGEL POURED OUT HIS VIAL(BOWL) INTO THE AIR; AND THERECAME A GREAT VOICE OUT OF THETEMPLE OF HEAVEN, FROM THETHRONE, SAYING, IT IS DONE.Offb 16,18 UND ES WURDENSTIMMEN UND DONNER UNDBLITZE, UND WARD EIN SOLCHESERDBEBEN, WIE SOLCHES NICHTGEWESEN IST, SEIT MENSCHENAUF ERDEN GEWESEN SIND, SOLCHERDBEBEN ALSO GROSS.KJV + EL = AND THERE WEREVOICES, AND THUNDERS; ANDLIGHTNINGS; AND THERE WASA GREAT EARTHQUAKE, SUCHAS WAS NOT SINCE MEN WEREUPON THE EARTH, SO MIGHTY ANEARTHQUAKE, AND SO GREAT.Offb 16,19 UND AUS DER GROSSENSTADT WURDEN DREI TEILE, UNDDIE STÄDTE DER HEIDEN FIELEN.UND BABYLON, DER GROSSEN,WARD GEDACHT VOR JAHWEH, IHRZU GEBEN DEN KELCH DES WEINSVON SEINEM GRIMMIGEN ZORN.KJV + EL = AND THE GREAT CITYWAS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS,AND THE CITIES OF THE NATIONSFELL: AND GREAT BABYLONCAME IN REMEMBRANCE BEFOREYAHWEH, TO GIVE TO HER THE CUPOF THE WINE OF THE FIERCENESSOF HIS WRATH.Kap 14,8-10Offb 16,20 Und alle Inseln entflohen(verschwanden), und keine Bergewurden gefunden.KJV + EL = AND EVERY ISLAND FLEDAWAY, AND THE MOUNTAINS WERE

148Offenbarung ~ Revelation 16. 17NOT FOUND.Kap 6,14Offb 16,21 Und ein großerzentnerschwerer Hagel fiel vomHimmel auf die Menschen herab unddie Menschen lästerten GOTT wegender Plage des Hagels, denn seinePlage war sehr groß.KJV + EL = AND THERE FELLUPON MEN A GREAT HAIL OUT OFHEAVEN, EVERY STONE ABOUT THEWEIGHT OF A TALENT: AND MENBLASPHAMED YAHWEH BECAUSEOF THE PLAGUE OF THE HAIL; FORTHE PLAGUE THEREOF (OF IT) WASEXCEEDING GREAT.2. Mose 9,23Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Diesiebente Zornesschale trifft die Luft, dasLebenselement der Menschen; sie istweltweit und mit ihr ist das Gericht Gottesüber das letzte Menschengeschlechtvollendet (16,17). Ein gewaltigesbuchstäbliches Erdbeben vernichtetdie Städte der Völker; sinnbildlichzerstört es die antigöttliche Einheitsfrontder Nationen und “die große Stadtder großen Babylon” zerfällt in ihreBestandteile: Moderner Spiritismus(Heidentum), Papsttum und abgefallenerProtestantismus. Auch die Machtblöckeder Völker zerfallen (16,18.19). Durch dasstarke Erdbeben entfliehen die Inseln unddie Berge werden nicht gefunden (16,20),und zuletzt fällt ein zentnerschwererHagel, der alles vernichtet, aus demHimmel auf die Gott lästernden Menschenherab (16,21). Der Herr [richtig ist:JAHWEH] hat schon zu Hiob von demHagel gesprochen: “Bist du zu denVorräten des Schnees gekommen, undsahst du die Vorräte des Hagels, denich für die Zeit der Drangsal aufgesparthabe, für den Tag des Streites und desKampfes?” (Hiob 38,22.23). Auch fürdiese Zeit der Drangsal ist von Gottseinem Volke die Verheißung gegeben:“Der Herr [richtig ist: JAHWEH] aber istZuflucht für sein Volk” (Joel 4,16) und“ein Unheil wird dir nicht begegnen undeine Plage nicht deinem Zelte nahen” (Ps.91,5-10).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> seventhbowl of wrath will hit the air, the element ofhuman life, it will be worldwide, and withit God’s judgment over the last humanrace will be completed (16:17). A massiveearthquake will literally destroy the citiesof the nations symbolically destroyingthe anti-divine united front of nationsand “the great city of Babylon” will bedivided into its components: modernspiritualism (paganism), papacy andthe fallen Protestantism. Also the powerblocs of nations will fall (16:18-19). Due tothe high scale earthquake the islands andthe mountains will disappear (16:20), andfinally a heavy weight hail will come overthe God blaspheming men from heavenand destroy everything (16:21). <strong>The</strong> Lord[correct is YAHWEH] has already toldJob of the hail: “Have you entered intothe treasuries of the snow? or have youseen the treasuries of the hail, which Ihave reserved against the time of trouble,against the days of battle and war?”(Job 38:22-23). Also for this time ofsuffering a promise was given by God tohis people: “<strong>The</strong> Lord [correct YAHWEH]is a refuge for his people” (Joel 4:16) and“a disaster will not hit you and plagueswill not come near your tent “(Ps. 91:5-10).Kapitel 17Die große Hure Babylon.Offb 17,1 Und es kam einer vonden sieben Engeln, die die siebenSchalen (= mit den letzten Plagendieser Erde) hatten, redete mit mirund sprach: Komm, ich will dir zeigendas Gericht über die große Hure, diean vielen Wassern (= Nationen, Völker,Sprachen) sitzt,KJV + EL = AND THERE CAME ONEOF THE SEVEN ANGELS WHICHHAD THE SEVEN BOWLS, ANDTALKED WITH ME, SAYING TO ME,COME HERE, I WILL SHOW YOU THEJUDGMENT OF THE GREAT HARLOTTHAT SITS UPON MANY WATERS (=TONGUE, NATIONS)Kap 15,1Offb 17,2 mit der die Könige derErde Unzucht (Hurerei) getriebenhaben und von dem Wein ihrer

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 17149Unzucht (Hurerei = Götzentum =Götzendienst) die Bewohner der Erdetrunken geworden.KJV + EL = WITH WHOM THE KINGSOF THE EARTH HAVE COMMITTEDFORNICATION, AND THEINHABITANTS OF THE EARTH HAVEBEEN MADE DRUNK WITH THE WINEOF HER FORNICATION.Offb 17,3 Und er brachte mich im Geistin die Wüste. Und ich sah eine Frau(Weib) auf einem scharlachroten(scharlach = Farbe des Opfers undFarbe des Drachentieres) Tier sitzen,das voll Namen der Lästerung war(= ein lästerliches Tier, ein lästerlichreligiös, politisches System) und hattesieben Köpfe (Häupter) und zehnHörner.KJV + EL = SO HE CARRIED MEAWAY IN THE SPIRIT INTO THEWILDERNESS: AND I SAW AWOMEN SIT UPON A SCARLET-COLORED BEAST, FULL OF NAMESOF BLASPHEMY, HAVING SEVENHEADS AND TEN HORNS.Offb 17,4 Und die Frau (Weib) warbekleidet mit Purpur und Scharlachund geschmückt mit Gold undEdelsteinen und Perlen und hatteeinen goldenen Becher in der Hand,voll von Greuel und Unreinheit ihrerHurerei (Unzucht, GÖTZENDIENST, EINEANDERE LEHRE),KJV + EL = AND THE WOMENWAS ARRAYED IN PURPLE ANDSCARLET COLOR, AND DECKEDWITH GOLD AND PRECIOUSSTONES AND PEARLS, HAVING AGOLDEN CUP IN HER HAND FULL OFABONIMATIONS AND FILTHINESSOF HER FORNICATION (idolatry,another teaching: doctrine):Jer 51,7Offb 17,5 und auf ihrer Stirnwar geschrieben ein Name, einGeheimnis: DAS GROSSE BABYLON,DIE MUTTER DER HUREREI (= d. h.,es gibt noch andere Gemeinschaften,Kirchen = ihre Töchter) UND ALLERGREUEL AUF ERDEN.KJV + EL = AND UPON HERFOREHEAD WAS A NAME WRITTEN,MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (= it givesalso another communities, churches: herdaughters) AND ABOMINATIONS OFTHE EARTH.Offb 17,6 Und ich sah die Frautrunken von dem Blut der Heiligenund von dem Blute der ZeugenJahschua (Verfolgungszeit von 538 bis1798 durch das Tier in Rom). Und ichverwunderte mich sehr, da ich siesah.KJV + EL = AND I SAW THE WOMANDRUNKEN WITH THE BLOOD OF THESAINTS, AND WITH THE BLOOD OFTHE MARTYRS OF YAHSHUA (time ofpersecution 538 - 1798 through the beastin Rome). AND WHEN I SAW HER, IWONDERED WITH GREAT WONDER.Kap 18,24Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Einer dersieben Engel mit den Zornesschalenzeigt dem Apostel “das Gericht über diegroße Buhlerin,” das unter der siebentenPlage stattfindet (16,19). Die großeBuhlerin ist die verweltlichte Kirche, die“auf vielen Wassern sitzt”, also vieleVölker [Nationen] bedrückt (17,1; 17,15).Die Aussage: “Die Könige der Erde”haben mir ihr gebuhlt, ist Sinnbild derschriftwidrigen Verbindung zwischenKirche und staatlicher Weltmacht. Schonin den Schriften des Alten Bundes wirdder Abfall der Israeliten von Gott alsEhebruch bezeichnet. Hier in dieserWeissagung wird gezeigt, dass dieBewohner der Erde “von dem Weine” (vonder Lehre) der Buhlerei der Weltkirche“trunken geworden sind” (17,2).Johannes sieht eine reich geschmückteFrau auf einem scharlachroten Tieresitzen. Die sieben Häupter und zehnHörner des Tieres weisen auf Rom hin(siehe Erklrg. zu 12,3): Die gefalleneWeltkirche wird von der gottfeindlichenWeltmacht getragen (17,3.4). DerName der verweltlichen Kirche wirdein Geheimnis genannt: “Babylon,die Große, die Mutter der Buhlerinnen[Hurerei / Huren]”. Darunter ist nicht nurdas Papsttum zu verstehen, sondern

150Offenbarung ~ Revelation 17auch der abgefallene Protestantismus.Die “Töchter” dieser “Mutter” sind dieabgefallenen protestantischen Kircheund Gemeinschaften. Die Bezeichnung“Babylon” schließt alle abgefallenenReligionssystem ein und beziehtsich besonders auf die religiösenOrganisationen selbst und ihre Leiter,weniger auf ihre Mitglieder, die “vieleWasser” und “Bewohner der Erde”genannt werden (17, of Ernst Simon: One of theseven angels with the bowls of wrathshows the apostle “the judgement overthe great harlot,” which will take placeat the time of the seventh plague (16:19).<strong>The</strong> great harlot is the secularized churchthat “sits on many waters”, depressingmany people [nations] (17:1, 17:15). <strong>The</strong>statement “<strong>The</strong> kings of the earth,”have courted with her, is a symbol ofthe unscriptural connection betweenchurch and state world power. Even inthe writings of the Old Testament, theapostasy of the Israelites from God iscalled adultery. In this prophecy it isshown that the inhabitants of the earth“have become drunk” “of the wine” (ofthe doctrine) of the fornication of theUniversal Church (17:2). John sees arichly adorned woman sitting upon ascarlet red animal. <strong>The</strong> seven heads andten horns of the animal point to Rome(see explanation to 12:3): <strong>The</strong> fallenworld church is supported by the ungodlyworld power (17:3-4). <strong>The</strong> name of thesecularized church is called a mystery:“Babylon the Great, the mother ofprostitutes [prostitution / whores]”. It doesnot only mean the papacy, but also theapostate Protestantism. <strong>The</strong> “daughters”of this “mother” are apostate Protestantchurches and communities. <strong>The</strong> term“Babylon” includes all apostate religioussystems, particularly referring to thereligious organizations themselves andtheir leaders, and less to its members,who are called the “many waters” and“inhabitants of the earth” (17:1, 15, 2, 8)Offb 17,7 Und der Engel sprachzu mir: Warum verwunderst dudich? Ich will dir das Geheimnisder Frau sagen: Des Tieres, dassie trägt und hat sieben Köpfe(Häupter) und zehn Hörner.KJV + EL = AND THE ANGEL SAID TOME, WHY DID YOU MARVEL? I WILLTELL YOU THE MYSTERY OF THEWOMAN, AND OF THE BEAST THATCARRIES HER, WHICH HAS THESEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS.Offb 17,8 Das Tier, welches dugesehen hast, war und ist nichtmehr und es wird aus dem Abgrundheraufkommen (= eine Gegenwartund ein Tod, eine Auferstehung: es istder Anti-Christus) und ins Verderben(Verdammnis) laufen. Und dieauf Erden wohnen, deren Namennicht geschrieben sind (stehen)im Buche des Lebens von Anfang(Grundlegung) der Welt an, werdensich verwundern, wenn sie das Tiersehen, daß es war und nicht ist unddasein wird.KJV + EL = THE BEAST THAT YOUSAW WAS, AND IS NOT; SHALLASCEND OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESSPIT, AND GO INTO PERDITION: ANDTHEY THAT DWELL ON THE EARTHSHALL WONDER, WHOSE NAMESWERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOKOF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OFTHE WORLD, WHEN THEY BEHOLDTHE BEAST THAT WAS, AND IS NOT,AND YET IS.Offb 17,9 Hier, wer Verstand, werWeisheit hat (hier ist der Sinn, zudem Weisheit gehört)! Die siebenKöpfe (Häupter = politische Systeme)sind sieben Berge (= Rom), aufwelchen die Frau sitzt und sindsieben Könige.KJV + EL = AND HERE IS THE MINDWHICH HAS WIDSOM. THE SEVENHEADS (= political systems) ARESEVEN MOUNTAINS (= Rome), ONWHICH THE WOMEN SITS.Kap 13,18Offb 17,10 Fünf sind gefallen, dereine ist da, der andre ist noch nichtgekommen; und wenn er kommt, darfer nur eine kleine Zeit bleiben (= dannkommt JAHSCHUA DER MESSIAS!).

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 17151KJV + EL = AND THERE ARE SEVENKINGS; FIVE ARE FALLEN, AND ONEIS, AND THE OTHER IS NOT YETCOME; AND WHEN HE COMES, HEMUST CONTINUE A SHORT TIME.Offb 17,11 Und das Tier, dasgewesen und ist nicht, das istder achte und ist von den siebenund fährt in die Verdammnis.KJV + EL = AND THE BEAST THATWAS, AND IS NOT, EVEN HE IS THEEIGHTH, AND IS OF THE SEVEN,AND GOES INTO PERDITION.Offb 17,12 Und die zehn Hörner,die du gesehen hast, das sindzehn Könige, die das Reich nochnicht empfangen haben; aber wieKönige werden sie eine Zeit Machtempfangen mit dem Tier.KJV + EL = AND THE TEN HORNSWHICH YOU SAW ARE TEN KINGS,WHICH HAVE RECEIVED NOKINGDOM AS YET; BUT RECEIVEPOWER AS KINGS ONE HOUR WITHTHE BEAST.Kap 13,1Offb 17,13 Die haben eine Meinungund werden ihre Kraft und Machtgeben dem Tier.KJV + EL =THESE HAVE ONE MIND,AND SHALL GIVE THEIR POWERAND STRENGTH (AUTHORITY) TOTHE BEAST.Offb 17,14 Diese werden streitenmit dem Lamm, und das Lamm wirdsie überwinden und; denn es ist derHErr aller Herren, und der König allerKönige und mit ihm die Berufenenund Auserwählten und Gläubigen.KJV + EL = THESE SHALL MAKEWAR WITH THE LAMB, AND THELAMB SHALL OVERCOME THEM,FOR HE IS SOVEREIGN OF RULERS,AND KING OF KINGS; AND THEYTHAT ARE WITH HIM ARE CALLED,AND CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL.Kap 19,14.16Offb 17,15 Und er sprach zu mir: DIEWASSER, DIE DU GESEHEN HAST,DA DIE HURE SITZT, SIND VÖLKERUND SCHAREN UND HEIDEN UNDSPRACHEN.KJV + EL = AND HE SAID TO ME, THEWATERS WHICH YOU SAW, WHERETHE HARLOT SITS, ARE PEOPLES,AND MULITUDES, AND NATIONS,AND TONGUES.Jes 8,7; Jer 47,2Offb 17,16 LUTHER 1545 = UND DIEZEHN HÖRNER, DIE DU GESEHENHAST AUF DEM TIER, DIE WERDENDIE HURE HASSEN, UND WERDENSIE EINSAM MACHEN UNDNACKT (UND AUSPLÜNDERN /ENTBLÖSSEN) UND WERDEN IHRFLEISCH ESSEN, UND WERDEN SIE(SELBST) MIT FEUER VERBRENNEN.KJV + EL = AND THE TEN HORNSWHICH YOU SAW UPON THE BEAST,THESE SHALL HATE THE HARLOT,AND SHALL MAKE HER DESOLATEAND NAKED, AND SHALL EAT HERFLESH, AND BURN HER WITH FIRE.Offb 17,17 Denn JAHWEH hat es ihnenin ihr Herz gegeben, seine Absichtauszuführen (zu tun seine Meinungund zu tun einerlei Meinung) undihr Reich dem Tier zu geben, bis dieWorte JAHWEH’s erfüllt (vollendet)sein werden.KJV + EL = FOR YAHWEH HAS PUTIN THEIR HEARTS TO FULFILL HISWILL, AND TO AGREE, AND GIVETHEIR KINGDOM TO THE BEAST,UNTIL THE WORDS OF YAHWEHSHALL BE A FULFILLED.Offb 17,18 Und die Frau, das dugesehen hast, ist die große Stadt,welche königliche Macht (die dasReich hat) über die Könige auf Erdenbesitzt.KJV + EL = AND THE WOMAN WHOMYOU SAW IS THE GREAT CITY,WHICH REIGNS OVER THE KINGSOF THE EARTH.Kap 18,10

152Offenbarung ~ Revelation 17Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Engelselbst sagt dem Apostel “das Geheimnisder Frau und des Tieres, das sie trägt”(17,7). Das Bemerkenswerte des Tieresist, dass es “war und nicht ist und seinwird” (17,8). Da eine Namensangabe nichtmöglich ist, wird dem Johannes gesagt,dass “die sieben Häupter sieben Berge”sind, ein deutlicher Hinweis auf die“Siebenhügelstadt” Roms (17,9). Die eineAuslegung sieht in dem Tier, das “war”,das heidnische Rom, das Juden undChristen verfolgte und durch Herodesund Pilatus Christus [den Messias]selbst verfolgte und tötete; “und istnicht”, die Zeit zwischen dem Aufhörender Verfolgung und dem Beginn derpäpstlichen Verfolgung, als die Kirchezur Zeit Konstantins die Verbindungmit dem römischen Staat einging, unddie verfolgte Gemeinde zur mächtigenStaatskirche wurde; “und sein wird”, alsdas Papsttum die Gemeinde verfolgteund Rom wieder als verfolgende Machterschien. Die andere Auslegung siehtdas “war” in der Verfolgung durch dasTier und seine sieben Häupter, und “istnicht” in der kurzen Zeit zwischen dertödlichen Wunde des Tieres und derWiederbelebung, als 1798 n. Chr. derPapst gefangen genommen wurde, “undsein wird” als das Papsttum wiedereingesetzt wurde (siehe Erklrg zu 13,3).Die “sieben Häupter” sind auch “siebenKönige”. Die eine Erklärung siehtdarin die sieben RegierungsformenRoms. “Fünf” sind gefallen” (vorüber):Könige, Konsuln, Dezemvirn, Diktatoren,Triumvirn; “der eine ist”: der Kaiser;der “andere, der noch nicht gekommenist,” ist das Exarchat von Ravenna,die auswärtigen Kaiser, das aber nureine kurze Zeit bleiben sollte (17,10).Für andere sind “die sieben Häupter”Sinnbilder der Verfolgungsmächte,die Gottes Volk sowohl in der Zeit desAlten Bundes als auch des NeuenBundes verfolgten oder zu vernichtensuchten oder seine religiöse Eigenartzu beseitigen versuchten: Ägypten(2. Mose 14,19-39); Assyrien (Sanherib:Jes. 36,1-15; 37,3-7.36.37); Babylonien(Verbannung: Jer. 39,9.10; 52,13-15):Persien (Haman: Esther 3,8.9; 7,4; 9,1-6); Griechenland (Antiochus Epiphanes);Rom (Verfolgung der Juden und Christen:Daniel 8,9-12.24.25; Matth. 24,15;Luk. 21,20-24; Offb. 2,10.13). Der nochnicht Gekommene ist das Exarchatvon Ravenna. Da das Exarchat nur eineverhältnismäßig kurze Zeit herrschte, istdas Papsttum zwar in der Reihenfolgedieser Herrscher der achte, aber esist doch aus den sieben (17,11; 13,3;Dan. 7,21.25). “Die zehn Hörner sind zehnKönige”, die ihre Herrschermacht zur Zeitdes Johannes nocht nicht empfangenhatten (12,3; 13,1). Sie geben ihreMacht dem Tier und kämpfen gegen dasLamm, indem sie sie Gemeinde Christi[des Messias] auszurotten versuchen.Christus [Der Messias] aber als “derHerr der Herren und König der Könige”besiegt sie und befreit seine “Berufenenund Auserwählten und Treuen”(17,12-14).“Wenn der Schutz menschlicher Gesetzedenen entzogen werden wird, welchedas Gesetz Gottes ehren, wird inverschiedenen Ländern eine gleichzeitigeBewegung zu ihrer Vernichtung entstehen.... Jetzt, in der Stunde äußerster Gefahr,wird der Gott Israels zur Befreiung seinerAuserwählten eingreifen.” (E. G. W.,Großer Kampf / Der grosse Konflikt, 635).Die zehn Hörner und das Tier ändernihre Einstellung zu der Buhlerin [Hure].Haben sie sie bisher unterstützt, auchin ihrer Absicht, die Kinder Gottes zuerschlagen, so hassen sie sie jetzt, dasie erkennen, dass sie von ihr betrogenwurden, und sind Gottes Werkzeug inder Ausführung des Gerichtes über “diegroße Buhlerin [Hure]” (17,16.17.1). Dasalte Babel war die große Stadt, die sichgegen Gott auflehnte. Daher ist auch dieBezeichnung “Babylon, die Große”, diesehr zutreffende für weltweit abgefallenereligiöse Organisationen in der Endzeit,die gegen Gott kämpfen (17,18).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> angelhimself tells “the mystery of the womanand the beast that carries her” to theApostle (17:7). <strong>The</strong> remarkable thingabout the animal is that “it was and isnot and will be present” (17:8). Since aname indication is not possible, it wastold to John that “the seven heads are theseven mountains” - a clear indication ofRome, “the city of seven hills” (17:9). Oneinterpretation sees the beast as the“was”, the persecuted pagan Rome whichpersecuted the Jews and the Christians

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 17. 18153even persecuted and killed Christ [theMessiah] by Herod and Pilate and “andis not” is the time between the cessationof persecution and the beginning ofthe papal persecution, as the churchentered the connection with the Romanstate at the time of Constantine, and thepersecuted church became a powerfulstate church, “and will be” is whenthe papacy persecuted the church ofRome and reappeared as a persecutingpower. <strong>The</strong> other interpretation sees the“war” in the persecution by the beastand its seven heads, and “is not” in theshort time between the mortal wound ofthe beast and the revival, as in 1798 ADthe pope was prisoned, “and will be” asthe papacy was back (see explanation to13:3). <strong>The</strong> “seven heads” are the “sevenkings”. One explanation sees the sevenforms of government in Rome. “Five”fell “(temporarily): kings, consuls,decemvirates, dictators, triumvirates.“<strong>The</strong> one is” the Emperor, the other,which has not yet come, “is the Exarchateof Ravenna, the foreign emperor, whoshould however remain only for a shorttime (17:10). For others, the “sevenheads” are symbols of the prosecutionpowers, who persecuted and aimed todestroy people of God both in the OldCovenant and New Covenant, and triedto eliminate its religious character: Egypt(Exodus 14:19-39), Assyria (Sennacherib:Isaiah 36:1-15; 37:3-7.36-37), Babylonia(exile: Jer. 39:9-10; 52:13-15). Persia(Haman, Esther 3:8-9; 7:4; 9:1-6);Greece (Antiochus Epiphanies), Rome(persecution of Jews and Christians:Daniel 8:9-12; 24-25; Matthew 24:15;Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 2:10-13). Exarchateof Ravenna is the one who has not comeyet. For the Exarchate reigned only for arelatively short time. Although the papacyis the eighth in the order of the rulers,it still belongs to the seven (17:11, 13:3;Dan. 7:21-25). “<strong>The</strong> ten horns are tenkings,” who had not yet received theirruling power at the time of John (12:3,13:1). <strong>The</strong>y give their authority to the beastand fight against the Lamb by trying toeradicate the congregation of Christ [theMessiah]. Christ [<strong>The</strong> Messiah], however,as “the Master of Masters and King ofKings” defeated them and liberated his“called and chosen and faithful ones”(17:12-14).“If the protection of human laws whichhonour the law of God is deprived ofthem, it will lead to simultaneous lawdestruction movements in differentcountries. … Now, at the hour ofextreme danger, the God of Israel willintervene to free his chosen ones.(E. G. W., <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy / <strong>The</strong>Great Conflict, 635). <strong>The</strong> ten horns andthe animal change their attitude towardsthe prostitute [harlot]. Once supportingher in her intention to kill the childrenof God, now they hate her because theyrealize that they were deceived by her,and now they are God‘s instrument inthe execution of the Court on „the greatwhore [harlot ] „(17:16-17-1). <strong>The</strong> ancientBabylon was a great city that rebelledagainst God. Hence the name „Babylonthe Great“, which is very appropriatefor in the end times worldwide apostatereligious organizations fighting againstGod (17:18).Kapitel 18Der Untergang Babylons.Offb 18,1 UND DARNACH SAH ICHEINEN ANDERN ENGEL HERNIEDERFAHREN VOM HIMMEL, DER HATTEEINE GROSSE MACHT, UND DIEERDE WARD ERLEUCHTET VONSEINER KLARHEIT.KJV + EL = AND AFTER THESE THINGSI SAW ANOTHER ANGEL COMEDOWN FROM HEAVEN, HAVINGGREAT POWER; AND THE EARTHWAS LIGHTENED WITH HIS GLORY.Hes 43,2Offb 18,2 LUTHER 1545 +ELBERFELDER 1871 = UND ERSCHRIE AUS MACHT MIT GROSSERSTIMME UND SPRACH: SIE ISTGEFALLEN, SIE IST GEFALLEN,BABYLON, DIE GROSSE, UNDEINE BEHAUSUNG VON DÄMONENGEWORDEN UND EIN BEHÄLTNISALLER UNREINEN GEISTER UND EINBEHÄLTNIS ALLER UNREINEN UNDVERHASSTEN VÖGEL (ein andererheiliger Geist: der Geist Satans).KJV + EL = AND HE CRIED MIGHTILY


Offenbarung ~ Revelation 18155Botschaften aus Offb. 14 die letzteWarnung an die Menschen. “Behausungder Dämonen”, ein besonderer Hinweisauf die Wirksamkeit der Dämonen inden abgefallenen Kirchen durch denSpiritismus; unreine Geister und unreineund verhasste Vögel sind Sinnbilderder falschen Lehren und der völligenVerderbnis und des vollständigen Abfalls“Babylons” von den wahren Lehren desWortes Gottes [der Heiligen Schrift](18,2). “Aber Gott hat noch ein Volk inBabylon, und vor der Heimsuchung durchseine Strafgerichte müssen diesen Treuenherausgerufen werden und nicht etwasvon deren Plagen empfangen.” (E. G. W.,Der große Kampf / Der grosse Konflikt,S. 604). Darum auch der Ruf: “Kommtaus ihr heraus, mein Volk” (18,4.5). DieWeltkirche, von den Kindern Gottesverlassen, ist bis zuletzt verblendet; siefühlt sich als sicher thronende “Königin”über die Nationen der Erde und darumwerden ihre Plagen, die mit ihrer völligenVernichtung enden, ganz plötzlichkommen (18,6-8).Explanation of Ernst Simon: <strong>The</strong> loudcall of the mighty angel is a repetitionand reinforcement of the message of thesecond angel of Revelation 14:8, whichwas first proclaimed in the summer of1844. <strong>The</strong> earth, which is subject to deepspiritual darkness, is illuminated by theglory of the angel (18:1). With the threemessages from Rev. 14, this message isthe final warning to the people. „Dwellingof demons,“ a specific reference tothe effectiveness of demons throughspiritualism in the apostate churches;foul spirits and unclean and hatefulbirds are symbols of false teachings andthe utter corruption and the completeapostasy of “Babylon” from the trueteachings of Word of God [the <strong>Scripture</strong>](18:2). “But God still has a people inBabylon, and before the visitation of hisjudgments these faithful must be calledout and should not suffer any of hisplagues.” (EGW, <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy,<strong>The</strong> Great Conflict, p. 604). So also thecry: “Come out of it, my people” (18:4-5). <strong>The</strong> world Church, abandoned by thechildren of God, is blinded to the last; itfeels itself as a safe enthroned “queen”of the nations of the earth and thereforeher plagues, ending with its completedestruction, shall come all of a sudden(from 18:6-8 ).Offb 18,9 UND ES WERDEN SIEBEWEINEN UND SIE BEKLAGENDIE KÖNIGE AUF ERDEN, DIE MITIHR GEHURT UND MUTWILLENGETRIEBEN HABEN; WENN SIESEHEN WERDEN DEN RAUCH VONIHREM BRAND;KJV + EL = AND THE KINGS OF THEEARTH, WHO HAVE COMMITTEDFORNICATION AND LIVEDDELICIOUSLY WITH HER, SHALLBEWAIL (WEEP) HER, AND LAMANTFOR HER, WHEN THEY SHALL SEETHE SMOKE OF HER BURNING.Offb 18,10 UND WERDEN VONFERNE SEHEN VOR FURCHT IHRERQUAL UND SPRECHEN: WEH, WEH,DIE GROSSE STADT BABYLON, DIESTARKE STADT! IN EINER STUNDEIST IHR GERICHT GEKOMMEN.KJV + EL = STANDING AFAR OFFFOR THE FEAR OF HER TORMENT,SAYING, ALAS (WOE), ALAS (WOE),THAT GREAT CITY BABYLON,THAT MIGHTY CITY! FOR IN ONEHOUR IS YOUR JUDGMENT COME.Jer 51,8Offb 18,11 Und die Kaufleuteauf Erden werden weinen undLeid tragen über sie, weil ihreWare niemand mehr kaufen wird,KJV + EL = AND THE MERCHANTSOF THE EARTH SHALL WEEP ANDMOURN OVER HER, FOR NO MANBUYS THEIR MERCHANDISE ANYMORE:Hes 27,36Offb 18,12 die Ware des Goldesund Silbers und Edelgesteinsund die Perlen und köstlicheLeinwand und Purpur und Seideund Scharlach und allerleiwohlriechendes Holz und allerleiGefäß von Elfenbein und allerleiGefäß von köstlichem Holz und vonErz und von Eisen und von Marmor,KJV + EL = THE MARCHANDISE OFGOLD, AND SILVER, AND PRECIOUS

156Offenbarung ~ Revelation 18STONE, AND OF PEARLS, AND FINELINEN, AND PURPLE, AND SILK, ANDSCARLET; AND ALL CITRON WOOD,AND ALL MANNER VESSELS OFIVORY, AND ALL MANNER VESSELSOF MOST PRESIOUS WOOD, AND OFBRASS (BRONZE), AND IRON, ANDMARBLE,Hes 27,12.13.22Offb 18,13 und Zimt und Räuchwerkund Salbe und Weihrauch undWein und Öl und Semmelmehlund Weizen und Vieh und Schafeund Pferde und Wagen undLeiber und Seelen der Menschen.KJV + EL = AND CINNAMON, ANDODOURS, AND INCENSE (MYRRH),AND FRANKICENSE, AND WINE,AND OIL, AND FINE FLOUR, ANDWHEAT, AND BEASTS, AND SHEEP;AND HORSES AND CHARIOTS; ANDSLAVES; AND SOULS OF MEN.Offb 18,14 Und das Obst, darandeine Seele Lust hatte, ist von dirgewichen, und alles, was völlig undherrlich war, ist von dir gewichen, unddu wirst solches nicht mehr finden.KJV + EL = AND THE FRUITS WHICHYOUR SOUL LUSTED AFTER AREDEPARTED FROM YOU, AND ALLTHINGS WHICH WERE DAINTYAND GOODLY (SPLENDID) AREDEPARTED FROM YOU, AND YOUSHALL FIND THEM NO MORE ATALL.Offb 18,15 Die Händler solcher Ware,die von ihr sind reich geworden,werden von ferne stehen vor Furchtihrer Qual, weinen und klagenKJV + EL =THE MERCHANTS OFTHESE THINGS, WHO WERE MADERICH BY HER, SHALL STANDAFAR OFF FOR THE FEAR OF HERTORMENT, WEEPING AND WAILING(MOURNING),Offb 18,16 und sagen: Weh, weh,die große Stadt, die bekleidet warmit köstlicher Leinwand und Purpurund Scharlach und übergoldet warmit Gold und Edelstein und Perlen!KJV + EL = AND SAYING, ALAS(WOE), ALAS (WOE), THAT GREATCITY, THAT WAS CLOTHED IN FINELINEN AND PURPLE AND SCARLET,AND DECKED WITH GOLD ANDPRECIOUS STONES AND PEARLS!Kap 17,4Offb 18,17 denn in einer Stundeist verwüstet solcher Reichtum.Und alle Schiffsherren und der Haufederer, die auf den Schiffen hantieren,und Schiffsleute, die auf demMeer hantieren, standen von ferneKJV + EL = FOR IN ONE HOURSO GREAT RICHES IS (ARE)BECOME DESOLATE. AND EVERYSHIPMASTER, AND ALL THECOMPANY IN SHIPS, AND SAILORS,AND AS MANY AS TRADE BY SEA,STOOD AFAR OFF,Hes 27,27-36Offb 18,18 und schrieen, da sieden Rauch von ihrem Brandesahen, und sprachen: Wer istgleich der großen Stadt?KJV + EL = AND CRIED WHEN THEYSAW THE SMOKE OF HER BURNING,SAYING, WHAT CITY IS LIKE TO THISGREAT CITY?Offb 18,19 Und sie warfen Staub aufihre Häupter und schrieen, weintenund klagten und sprachen: Weh, weh,die große Stadt, in welcher wir reichgeworden sind alle, die da Schiffe imMeere hatten, von ihrer Ware! dennin einer Stunde ist sie verwüstet.KJV + EL = AND THEY CASTDUST ON THEIR HEADS, ANDCRIED, WEEPING AND WAILING(MOURNING), SAYING, ALAS (WOE),ALAS (WOE), THAT GREAT CITY, INWHICH WERE MADE RICH ALL THATHAD SHIPS IN THE SEA BY REASONOF HER COSTLINESS! FOR IN ONEHOUR IS SHE MADE DESOLATE.Offb 18,20 FREUE DICHÜBER SIE, HIMMEL UND IHRHEILIGEN UND APOSTEL UND

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 18157PROPHETEN; DENN GOTT HATEUER URTEIL AN IHR GERICHTET!KJV + EL = REJOICE OVER HER,YOU HEAVEN, AND YOU SAINTS,AND YOU APOSTLES, AND YOUPROPHETS; FOR ELOHIM HASJUDGED YOUR JUDGMENT ON HER(HAS AVENGED YOUR ON HER).Jer 51,38Offb 18,21 Und ein starker Engelhob einen großen Stein auf wie einenMühlstein, warf ihn ins Meer undsprach: Also wird mit einem Sturmverworfen die große Stadt Babylon(die auf den sieben Hügeln sitzt = Rom!)und nicht mehr gefunden werden.KJV + EL = AND A MIGHTY ANGELTOOK UP A STONE LIKE A GREATMILLSTONE AND CAST IT INTO THESEE, SAYING, THUS WITH VIOLENCESHALL THAT GREAT CITY BABYLONBE THROWN DOWN, AND SHALL BEFOUND NO MORE AT ALL.Jer 51,63.64Offb 18,22 Und die Stimme derSänger und Saitenspieler, Pfeiferund Posauner soll nicht mehrin dir gehört werden, und keinHandwerksmann irgend einesHandwerks soll mehr in dir gefundenwerden, und die Stimme der Mühlesoll nicht mehr in dir gehört werden,KJV + EL = AND THE VOICES OFHARPERS AND MUSICIANS ANDOF PIPERS, AND TRUMPETERS,SHALL BE HEARD NO MORE AT ALLIN YOU; AND NO CRAFTSMAN, OFWHATEVER CRAFT HE BE, SHALLBE FOUND ANY MORE IN YOU;AND THE SOUND OF A MILLSTONESHALL BE HEARD NO MORE AT ALLIN YOU;Jes 24,8; Hes 26,13Offb 18,23 und das Licht der Leuchtesoll nicht mehr in dir leuchten, unddie Stimme des Bräutigams und derBraut soll nicht mehr in dir gehörtwerden! Denn deine Kaufleute warenFürsten auf Erden; denn durch deineZauberei sind verführt worden alleHeiden.KJV + EL = AND THE LIGHT OF ALAMP SHALL SHINE NO MORE ATALL IN YOU; AND THE VOICE OF THEBRIDEGROOM AND OF THE BRIDESHALL BE HEARD NO MORE AT ALLIN YOU: FOR YOUR MERCHANTSWERE THE GREAT MEN OF THEEARTH; FOR BY YOUR SORCERIESWERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED.Jer 25,10; Jes 23,8Offb 18,24 Und das Blut derPropheten und der Heiligen ist inihr gefunden worden und all derer,die auf Erden erwürgt ( = von ihrermordet) sind.KJV + EL = AND IN HER WAS FOUNDTHE BLOOD OF PROPHETS, AND OFSAINTS, AND OF ALL THAT WERESLAIN (KILLED) UPON THE EARTH.Kap 6,10; 17,6Erklärung von Ernst Simon: DreiGruppen trauern um Babylon. Der ersteGruppe sind die “Könige” (die Herrscherund Staatsmänner) der Nationen, diehofften, durch die Verbindung mit derverweltlichten Kirche dauernde Machtvon ihr zu erhalten. Jetzt müssen sieerkennen, dass durch das göttlicheStrafgericht die Macht der Weltkircheüberraschend schnell vernichtet wordenist; sie sehen den plötzlichen Untergangin einem gewaltigen Brande (18,9.10).Die zweite Gruppe sind die Kaufleuteund die Händler der Erde, die durchden Prunk und die Prachtentfaltung derabgefallenen Kirchen reichen Gewinnhatten. Eine andere Auslegung sieht inden Kaufleuten und Händlern Sinnbilderder Vertreter des geistlichen HandelnsBabylons, welche die Lehren derverweltlichten Kirchen den Herrschernund den Nationen “verkauften” (18,11-17A). Die dritte Gruppe sind die Seeleute,die Vertreter des Schiffsverkehrsüberhaupt, und darüber hinaus dasmoderne Verkehrswesen auf dem Landeund auf dem Wasser und in der Luft. VomReichtum und Wohlstand (von “ihrerFülle der Kostbarkeiten”) sind auch siereich geworden (18,17B-19). Spricht dieWeissagung von den Trauernden überden Untergang Babylons, so wird auch

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 19159auf dem Thron saß, und sprachen:AMEN, Halleluja!KJV + EL = And the twentyfour eldersand the four beasts fell down andworshiped YAHWEH that sat on thethrone, saying, AMEN; HALLELUYAH.Kap 4,4.6; 5,11; Ps 106,48Offb 19,5 Und eine Stimme gingaus von dem Thron: Lobt unsernGott, alle seine Knechte und dieihn fürchten, beide, klein und groß!KJV + EL = And a voice came forthof the throne, saying, PRAISE OURELOHIM, ALL YOU HIS SERVANTS,AND YOU THAT FEAR HIM, BOTHSMALL AND GREAT.Offb 19,6 Und ich hörte wie dieStimme einer großen Menge (Schar)und wie das Rauschen vielerWasser und wie die Stimme starkerDonner, die sprachen: Halleluja!Denn JAHWEH, unser Gott, derAllmächtige, ist König geworden (hatdas Reich eingenommen)!WESLEY + EL = AND I HEARD ASIT WERE THE VOICE OF A GREATMULTITUDE, AND AS THE VOICE OFMANY WATERS, AND AS THE VOICEOV MIGHTY THUNDERINGS, SAYING,HALLELUYAH: FOR YAHWEH OURELOHIM, THE ALMIGHTY REIGNS.Offb 19,7 Lasset uns freuen undfröhlich sein und ihm die Ehregeben! denn die Hochzeit desLammes ist gekommen, und seineBraut (Weib) hat sich bereitet.KJV + EL = LET US BE GLAD ANDREJOICE, AND GIVE HONOR TOHIM: FOR THE MARRIAGE OF THELAMB IS COME, AND HIS WIFEHAS MADE HERSELF READY.Kap 21,9Offb 19,8 Und es ward ihr(= Gemeinde Gottes) gegeben,sich anzutun mit reiner undschöner Leinwand. Die köstlicheLeinwand aber ist die Gerechtigkeitder Heiligen (= verliehen durchdie Gerechtigkeit Jahschuas demMessias, der als sündloses Lammaufgrund unserer Sünden ans Kreuz /Pfahl gegangen ist - Hebr. 9,22 ).KJV + EL = AND TO HER WASGRANTED THAT SHE SHOULDARRAYED IN FINE LINEN, CLEANAND WHITE: FOR THE FINE LINEN ISTHE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF SAINTS.Jes 61,10Offb 19,9 VOR 1866 = Und er sprach zumir: Schreibe: SELIG SIND, DIE ZUMHOCHZEITSMAHL (ABENDMAHL)DES LAMMES BERUFEN SIND. Und ersprach zu mir: Dies sind wahrhaftigeWorte JAHWEH’s.KJV + EL = AND HE SAID TO ME,WRITE, BLESSED ARE THEYWHICH ARE CALLED TO THEMARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB.AND HE SAID TO ME, THERE ARETHE TRUE WORDS OF YAHWEH.Luk 14,15Offb 19,10 UND ICH FIEL VORIHN ZU SEINEN FÜSSEN, IHNANZUBETEN. UND ER SPRACHZU MIR: SIEHE ZU, TU ES NICHT!ICH BIN DEIN MITKNECHT UNDDEINER BRÜDER, DIE DAS ZEUGNISJAHSCHUA HABEN. BETE JAHWEHAN! DAS ZEUGNIS ABER JAHSCHUAIST DER GEIST DER WEISSAGUNG(= DER PROPHETIE ODER DESPROPHETENSTANDES (wie MENGEes schreibt)).KJV + EL = AND I FELL AT HIS FEETTO WORSHIP HIM. AND HE SAIDTO ME, SEE YOU DO IT NOT: I AMYOUR FELLOWSERVANT AND OFYOUR BRETHREN THAT HAVETHE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA:WORSHIP YAHWEH: FOR THETESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA ISTHE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.Kap 22,8.9Der Messias der SiegerOffb 19,11 Und ich sah den Himmelaufgetan; und siehe, ein weißesPferd. Und der daraufsaß, hießTreu und Wahrhaftig, und er richtet

160Offenbarung ~ Revelation 19und streitet mit Gerechtigkeit.KJV + EL = AND I SAW HEAVENOPENED; AND BEHOLD, A WHITEHORSE, AND HE THAT SAT UPONHIM WAS CALLED FAITHFUL ANDTRUE; AND IN RIGHTEOUSNESSHE DOES JUDGE AND MAKE WAR.Kap 3,14; Matth 24,30; Jes 11,4.5Offb 19,12 Seine Augen sind wieeine Feuerflamme, und auf seinemHaupt viele Kronen; und er hatteeinen Namen geschrieben, denniemand wußte denn er selbst.KJV + EL = HIS EYES WERE ASA FLAME OF FIRE, AND ON HISHEAD WERE MANY CROWNS; ANDHE HAD A NAME WRITTEN, THATNO MAN KNEW BUT HE HIMSELF.Kap 1,14; 3,12Offb 19,13 Und war angetanmit einem Kleide, das mit Blutbesprengt war; und sein Nameheißt „das Wort JAHWEH’s“.KJV + EL = AND HE WAS CLOTHEDWITH A VESTURE DIPPED INBLOOD: AND HIS NAME ISCALLED THE WORD OF YAHWEH!Jes 63,1.2; Joh 1,1Offb 19,14 Und ihm folgtenach das Heer im Himmel aufweißen Pferden, angetan mitweißer und reiner Leinwand.KJV + EL = AND THE ARMIES WHICHARE IN HEAVEN FOLLOWED HIMUPON WHITE HORSES, CLOTHEDIN FINE LINEN, WHITE AND CLEAN.Kap 17,14Offb 19,15 Und aus seinem Mundeging ein scharfes Schwert, daßer damit die Heiden schlüge; under wird sie regieren mit eisernemStabe; und er tritt die Kelter desWeins des grimmigen ZornesJAHWEH’s, des Allmächtigen.KJV + EL = AND OUT OF HIS MOUTHGOES A SHARP SWORD, THAT WITHIT HE SHOULD SMITE (STRIKE)THE NATIONS: AND HE SHALLRULE THEM WITH A ROD OF IRON:AND HE TREADS THE WINEPRESSOF THE FIERCENESS OF WRATHOF YAHWEH, THE ALMIGHTY.Ps 2,9; Kap 14,19.20Offb 19,16 VOR 1866 = Und hateinen Namen geschrieben aufseinem Kleid (Gewand) und aufseiner Hüfte, so: EIN KÖNIGALLER KÖNIGE UND EIN HERR /HERRSCHER ALLER HERREN.KJV + EL = AND HE HAS ON HISVESTURE AND ON HIS THIGH(BANNER) A NAME WRITTEN, KINGOF KINGS, AND SOVEREIGN OFRULERS.Kap 1,5; 1. Tim 6,15Das Ende des Tieres und des falschenProphetenOffb 19,17 Und ich sah einen Engelin der Sonne stehen; und er schrie mitgroßer Stimme und sprach zu allenVögeln, die unter dem Himmel fliegen:Kommt und versammelt euch zudem Abendmahl des großen Gottes,KJV + EL = AND I SAW AN ANGELSTANDING IN THE SUN; AND HECRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, SAYINGTO ALL THE FOWLS (BIRDS) THATFLY IN MIDST OF HEAVEN, COMEAND GATHER YOURSELVES TO THESUPPER OF THE GREAT ELOHIM;WESLEY = … and gather yourselvestogether to the great supper of Elohim,Hes 39,4.17-20Offb 19,18 daß ihr esset das Fleischder Könige und der Hauptleute unddas Fleisch der Starken und derPferde und derer, die daraufsitzen,und das Fleisch aller Freien undKnechte, der Kleinen und der Großen!KJV + EL = THAT YOU MAY EAT THEFLESH OF KINGS, AND THE FLESHOF CAPTAINS, AND THE FLESH OFMIGHTY MEN, AND THE FLESH OFHORSES AND OF THEM THAT SITON THEM, AND THE FLESH OF ALLMEN, BOTH FREE AND BOND, BOTHSMALL AND GREAT.

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 19161Offb 19,19 Und ich sah das Tier unddie Könige auf Erden und ihre Heereversammelt, Streit / Krieg zu haltenmit dem, der auf dem Pferde saß, undmit seinem Heer.KJV + EL = AND I SAW THE BEAST,AND THE KINGS OF THE EARTH,AND THEIR ARMIES, GATHEREDTOGETHER TO MAKE WAR AGAINSTHIM THAT SAT ON THE HORSE, ANDAGAINST HIS ARMY.Kap 16,14.16Offb 19,20 Und das Tier wardgegriffen und mit ihm der falscheProphet, der die (Wunder-) Zeichentat vor ihm, durch welche erverführte, die das Malzeichen desTiers nahmen und die das Bild desTiers anbeteten; lebendig wurdendiese beiden in den feurigen Pfuhlgeworfen, der mit Schwefel brannte.KJV + EL = AND THE BEASTWAS TAKEN, AND WITH HIM THEFALSE PROPHET THAT WORKEDMIRACLES BEFORE HIM, WITHWHICH HE DECEIVED THEM THATHAD RECEIVED THE MARK OFTHE BEAST AND THEM THATWORSHIPED HIS IMAGE: FIRETHESE BOTH WERE CAST ALIVEINTO A LAKE OF FIRE BURNINGWITH BRIMSTONE.2. <strong>The</strong>ss 2,8; Kap 13,11-17Offb 19,21 Und die anderen wurdenerwürgt / getötet mit dem Schwertdes, der auf dem Pferde saß, das ausseinem Munde ging; und alle Vögelwurden satt von ihrem Fleisch.KJV + EL = AND THE REST WERESLAIN (KILLED) WITH THE SWORDOF HIM THAT SAT UPON THE HORSE,WHICH SWORD PROCEEDED OUTOF HIS MOUTH: AND ALL THEFOWLS (BIRDS) WERE FILLED WITHTHEIR FLESH.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Währendauf der Erde die drei Gruppen über denUntergang der großen Babylon klagen,folgen die Himmelsbewohner derAufforderung, sich über die Vernichtungder abgefallenen Weltkirche zu freuen.Gewaltiger Jubel herrscht im Himmelüber das göttliche Strafgericht an dergroßen Buhlerin [Hure], das unter dersiebenten Plage vollzogen wird (18,20;19,1.2). Erlöste Menschen, nämlichdie vierundzwanzig Ältesten, warfensich nieder im Himmel und beteten an(19,3-5). Dann wird unter dem Bildeeines Hochzeitmahles die VereinigungJesu [Jahschua] mit seiner Gemeindedargestellt (19,6-8). Der Engel sprichtein Wohl über die “zum Hochzeitsmahldes Lammes Geladenen” aus (19,9). AlsJohannes sich niederwarf, um den Engelanzubeten, weist dieser die Anbetungab und bezeichnet sich als “Mitknecht”derer, “die das Zeugnis Jesu [Jahschua]haben”, nämlich den Geist der Prophetie.Der Geist der Prophetie aber ist dasbedeutsame Kennzeichen der GemeindeGottes in der Endzeit (19,10; 12,17).Dann sieht Johannes “den Himmelgeöffnet” und Christus [der Messias],sinnbildlich auf einem weißen Pferdesitzend, erscheint als “König der Könige”,gefolgt von den Engelsheeren desHimmels, um sein treues Volk zu befreien,das die antichristlichen und antigöttlichenMächte vernichten wollen (19,11-14). “Einscharfes Schwert”, das Wort Gottes,geht aus seinem Munde hervor, um“damit die Nationen” zu schlagen. Erleitet sie “mit eisernem Stabe” und trittdie Weinkelter des “Zornes Gottes”,Sinnbild des Kampfes des “großen TagesGottes, des Allmächtigen” (16,12-19)und eine Erfüllung der Weissagung desJesaja (Jes. 63,1-6). Ein anderer Engelruft die Vögel herbei und fordert sieauf, das Fleisch der Getöteten und derPferde zu fressen (19,17.18). Die durchDämonen verblendeten Herrscher derErde haben sich mit gewaltigem Heerenversammelt, ohne zu ahnen, dass derKampf eigentlich gegen Christus [denMessias] und sein Heer geht. “Das Tier”(13,1.3) und “der falsche Prophet” (derabgefallene Protestantismus) werden alsdie Hauptbeschuldigten lebendig in denFeuersee geworfen (13,11-17; 19,20). “DieÜbrigen” sind die Erdbewohner außer denErlösten (19,21). Dann wird sich das Wortaus Jer. 4,23-25 ... “Ich sah und siehe, dawar kein Mensch” erfüllen.

162Offenbarung ~ Revelation 19. 20Explanation of Ernst Simon: While thethree groups complain about the downfallof Babylon the Great on earth, theheavenly inhabitants follow the requestto rejoice about the destruction of theapostate world church. Tremendousjubilation reigns in heaven about thedivine punishment of the great prostitute[harlot], which is accomplished underthe seventh plague (18:20; 19:1-2).Redeemed people, namely the twentyfourelders bowed down in the sky andprayed (19:3-5). <strong>The</strong>n, under the guiseof a wedding banquet, the associationof Jesus [Yahshua] with his communityis shown (19:6-8). <strong>The</strong>n the angel said:“Blessed are those who are invited tothe wedding supper of the Lamb!” from(19:9). As John bowed down to worshipthe angel, the angel rejects and callshimself a “fellow servant” of those “whohave the testimony of Jesus [Yahshua]”,namely the spirit of prophecy. <strong>The</strong> spiritof prophecy, however, is an importantfeature of the assembly of God in the EndTimes (19:10; 12:17).<strong>The</strong>n John sees the “open heaven”and Christ [the Messiah], symbolicallysitting on a white horse appears as the“King of Kings”, followed by the angelicarmies of heaven to rescue his faithfulpeople, whom the anti-Christian and anti-God powers want to destroy (19:11-14).“A sharp sword,” the word of God goesforth from his mouth in order to “herewithbeat the nations”. He directs them “withan iron rod” treading the winepress of the“wrath of God”, a symbol of the struggleof “the great day of God Almighty”(16:12-19) and a fulfilment of the prophecyof Isaiah (Isaiah 63:1-6). Another angelsummons the birds and encouragesthem to eat the flesh of the killed and thehorses (19:17-18). <strong>The</strong> rulers of the earthblinded by demons have gathered in hugearmies, without realizing that the fight isactually against Christ [the Messiah] andhis army. Being the main suspects, “thebeast” (13:1-3) and “the false prophet”(apostate Protestantism) are thrown aliveinto the lake of fire (13:11-17; 19:20). “<strong>The</strong>others” are the inhabitants of earthexcept the redeemed ones (19:21). <strong>The</strong>nthe word of Jeremiah 4:23-25 ​... “I lookedand there were no people” will be fulfilled.Kapitel 20Das tausendjährige Reich.Offb 20,1 Und ich sah einen Engelvom Himmel fahren, der hatteden Schlüssel zum Abgrund undeine große Kette in seiner Hand.KJV + EL = AND I SAW AN ANGELCOME DOWN FROM HEAVEN,HAVING THE KEY OF THEBOTTOMLESS PIT (ABYSS) AND AGREAT CHAIN IN HIS HAND.Kap 9,1Offb 20,2 Und er griff den Drachen,die alte Schlange, welche ist derTeufel und Satan, und band ihntausend JahreKJV + EL = AND HE LAID HOLD ONTHE DRAGON, THAT OLD SERPENT,WHICH IS THE DEVIL, AND SATAN,AND BOUND HIM A THOUSANDYEARS,Kap 12,9Offb 20,3 und warf ihn in denAbgrund und verschloß ihn undversiegelte obendarauf, daß er nichtmehr verführen* sollte die Heiden,bis daß vollendet würden tausendJahre; und darnach muß er loswerden eine kleine Zeit.KJV + EL = AND CAST HIM INTOTHE BOTTOMLESS PIT (ABYSS),AND SHUT HIM UP, AND SET ASEAL UPON HIM, THAT HE SHOULDDECEIVE THE NATIONS NO MORE,UNTIL THE THOUSAND YEARSSHOULD BE FULFILLED: ANDAFTER THAT HE MUST BE LOOSEDFOR A LITTLE TIME.* Anmerk.: Die Verführungen sind zumEnde gekommen, denn alle übrigenMenschen (die nicht bei der erstenAuferstehung dabei sind) und Tiere,werden nach der letzten Plage auf derErde nicht mehr existieren, die Totenruhen für tausend Jahre. Somit könnender Drache namens Satan, Luzifer undseine Engel die Heiden nicht mehrverführen (siehe Zephania, Offb. 16).* Note: <strong>The</strong> temptations have come toan end, for all other people (who were

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 20163not present at the first resurrection) andanimals will no longer exist on the earthafter the final plague, the dead will sleepfor thousand years. Thus, the dragoncalled Satan, Lucifer and his angelscan no longer seduce the nations (seeZephaniah, Rev. 16).Offb 20,4 Und ich sah Throne, undsie setzten sich darauf, und ihnenward gegeben das Gericht; und dieSeelen derer, die enthauptet sind umdes Zeugnisses Jahschuas und umdes Wortes JAHWEH’s willen, unddie nicht angebetet hatten das Tiernoch sein Bild und nicht genommenhatten sein Malzeichen an ihre Stirnund auf ihre Hand, diese lebten undregierten mit dem Messias tausendJahre.KJV + EL = AND I SAW THRONES,AND THEY SAT UJPON THEM,AND JUDGMENT WAS GIVEN TOTHEM: AND I SAW THE SOULS OFTHEM THAT WERE BEHEADED FORTHE WITNESS (TESTIMONY) OFYAHSHUA, AND FOR THE WORDOF YAHWEH, AND WHICH HADNOT WORSHIPED THE BEAST,NEITHER HIS IMAGE, NEITHER HADRECEIVED HIS MARK UPON THEIRFOREHEAD OR IN THEIR HAND; ANDTHEY LIVED, AND REIGNED WITHTHE MESSIAH A THOUSAND YEARS.Kap 3,21; Matth 19,28; 1. Kor 6,2Offb 20,5 MENGE = Doch die übrigenToten aber lebten bis zum Ablaufder tausend Jahre nicht wieder auf(wurden nicht wieder lebendig).Dies ist die erste Auferstehung.KJV + EL = BUT THE REST OF THEDEAD LIVED NOT AGAIN UNTIL THETHOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED.THIS IS THE FIRST RESURRECTION.1. <strong>The</strong>ss 4,16Offb 20,6 SELIG IST DER UNDHEILIG, DER TEILHAT AN DERERSTEN AUFERSTEHUNG . ÜBERSOLCHE HAT DER ANDERE TODKEINE MACHT; SONDERN SIEWERDEN PRIESTER JAHWEH’S UNDDES MESSIAS SEIN UND MIT IHMREGIEREN TAUSEND JAHRE.KJV + EL = BLESSED AND HOLY ISHE THAT HAS PART IN THE FIRSTRESURRECTION: ON SUCH THESECOND DEATH HAS NO POWER;BUT THEY SHALL BE PRIESTS OFYAHWEH AND OF THE MESSIAH,AND SHALL REIGN WITH HIM ATHOUSAND YEARS.Der letzte KampfOffb 20,7 Und wenn tausend Jahrevollendet sind, wird der Satan loswerden aus seinem GefängnisKJV + EL = And when the thousandyears are expired (fulfilled), Satanshall be loosed out of his prison,Offb 20,8 und wird ausziehen, zuverführen die Heiden (Völker) anden vier Enden der Erde, den Gogund Magog ( = heißt verborgen,Geheimnis; dieses System, dassich aufgelehnt hat gegen GOTT mireiner verborgenen Lehre), und siezum Streit (Kampf) zu versammeln;deren Zahl ist wie der Sand am Meer.KJV + EL = AND SHALL GO OUT TODECEIVE THE NATIONS WHICH AREIN THE FOUR QUARTERS (CORNERS)OF THE EARTH, GOG AND MAGOG,TO GATHER THEM TOGETHER TOBATTLE: THE NUMBER OF WHOMIS AS THE SAND OF THE SEA.Hes 38,2Offb 20,9 Und sie zogen heraufauf die Breite der Erde undumringten das Heerlager derHeiligen und die geliebte Stadt.Und es fiel Feuer VON JAHWEHaus dem Himmel und verzehrte sie.KJV + EL = AND THEY WENT UP ONTHE BREADTH OF THE EARTH, ANDCOMPASSED THE CAMP OF THESAINTS ABOUT, AND THE BELOVEDCITY: AND FIRE CAME DOWN FROMYAHWEH OUT OF HEAVEN, ANDDEVOURED THEM.

164Offenbarung ~ Revelation 20Offb 20,10 MENGE = Und ihrVerführer, der Teufel, wurde in denFeuer- und Schwefelsee (Pfuhl)geworfen, in dem sich auch dasTier und der Lügenprophet (derfalsche Prophet) befinden; dortwerden sie Tag und Nacht in alleEwigkeit gepeinigt (gequält) werden.KJV + EL = AND THE DEVIL THATDECEIVED THEM WAS CASTINTO THE LAKE OF FIRE ANDBRIMSTONE, WHERE THE BEASTAND THE FALSE PROPHET ARE,AND SHALL BE TORMENTED DAYAND NIGHT FOREVER AND EVER.Kap 19,20Das Weltgericht.Offb 20,11 Und ich sah einengroßen, weißen Thron und den,der darauf saß; vor des Angesichtfloh die Erde und der Himmel undihnen ward keine Stätte gefunden.KJV + EL = AND I SAW A GREATWHITE THRONE, AND HIM THATSAT ON IT, FROM WHOSE FACETHE EARTH AND THE HEAVENFLED AWAY; AND THERE WASFOUND NO PLACE FOR THEM.Matth 25,31-46; 2. Petr 3,7.10.12Offb 20,12 Und ich sah die Toten,beide, groß und klein, stehenvor Gott, und Bücher wurdenaufgetan. Und ein anderes Buchward aufgetan, welches ist dasBuch des Lebens. Und die Totenwurden gerichtet nach der Schriftin den Büchern, nach ihren Werken.KJV + EL = AND I SAW THE DEAD,SMALL AND GREAT, STANDINGBEFORE ELOHIM; AND THEBOOKS WERE OPENED: ANDANOTHER BOOK WAS OPENED,WHICH IS THE BOOK OF LIFE:AND THE DEAD WERE JUDGEDOUT OF THOSE THINGS WHICHWERE WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS,ACCORDING TO THEIR WORKS.Joh 5,28.29Offb 20,13 Und das Meer gab dieToten, die darin waren, und der Todund die Hölle gaben die Toten, diedarin waren; und sie wurden gerichtet,ein jeglicher nach seinen Werken.KJV + EL = AND THE SEA GAVE UPTHE DEAD WHICH WERE IN IT; ANDDEATH AND THE HELL DELIVEREDUP THE DEAD WHICH WERE INTHEM: AND THEY WERE JUDGEDEVERY MAN ACCORDING TO THEIRWORKS.Offb 20,14 Und der Tod und die Höllewurden geworfen in den feurigen Pfuhl(Feuersee). Das ist der andere Tod.KJV + EL = AND DEATH AND HELLWERE CAST INTO THE LAKE OFFIRE. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH.1. Kor 15,26.55Offb 20,15 Und so jemand nichtward gefunden geschrieben in demBuch des Lebens, der ward geworfenin den feurigen Pfuhl (Feuersee).KJV + EL = AND WHOSOEVER(WHOEVER) WAS NOT FOUNDWRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFEWAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Der Apostelsieht “einen Engel aus dem Himmelherabsteigen”, Satan ergreifen undihn sinnbildlich für tausend Jahre“binden” (20,1-3). Satan ist gebunden,da er niemand mehr irreführen kann, weilwährend dieser Zeit sich kein Menschmehr auf der völlig verwüsteten Erdebefindet (Jes. 24,21.22; Jer. 25,33). Dannsieht Johannes die Gerichtssitzung imHimmel während der tausend Jahre. Ersieht die Märtyrer “wegen des ZeugnissesJesu (für Jesus [Jahschua]) und wegendes Wortes Gottes [JAHWEH‘s]” und “diedas Tier nicht angebetet hatten” (sieheErklrg. zu 13,1.3) “noch sein Bild” (denabgefallenen Protestantismus; sieheErklrg. zu 13,14B.15; 14,9-11) und nicht“das Zeichen” (den falschen Ruhetag,den Sonntag; siehe Erklrg. zu 13,16) inihrem Denken und Handeln angenommenhatten, dass ihnen das Gericht übergebenwird und sie mit Christus [dem Messias]tausend Jahre herrschen werden (20,4).Schon Paulus verkündigte, dass diedurch Christus [den Messias] Erlösten

Offenbarung ~ Revelation 20. 21165die Welt und die gefallenen Engel richtenwerden (1. Kor. 6,2.3). Jesus [Jahschua]lehrte zwei Hauptauferstehungen: DieAuferstehung des Lebens (bei derWiederkunft Jesu [Jahschua]) und dieAuferstehung des [zum] Gerichts tausendJahre später. (Joh. 5,29; Offb. 20,5.6).Nach den tausend Jahren wird Satan “einekurze Zeit losgelassen”. Diese “kurzeZeit” genügt ihm, die Völkermassen zueinem letzten wahnsinnigen Versuchzusammenzubringen, nämlich zum Angriffauf “das Heerlager der Heiligen und diegeliebte Stadt”, das Neue Jerusalem, dasvom Himmel herabgekommen ist. Da aberfällt “Feuer von Gott [JAHWEH] aus demHimmel herab und verzehrte sie” (20,7-10).In einem weiteren Erscheinungsbild siehtJohannes Gott auf einem Throne sitzenund die Toten vor dem Throne stehen.Buchrollen [Bücher] werden geöffnet unddie Toten werden nach den Eintragungenin ihnen gerichtet (20,11.12). Das Meer,der Tod und das Totenreich (die Gräber)geben die Toten, die in ihnen sind[frei]. Sie werden “nach ihren Werken”gerichtet (20,13). Zuletzt werden auch derTod und das Totenreich in den Feuerseegeworfen: “Dies ist der zweite Tod”, ohneAuferstehung, ein Vergehen für immer.Nur wer “in der Buchrolle [im Buch] desLebens” eingeschrieben ist, wird vor demFeuersee bewahrt werden (20,14.15).Explanation of Ernst Simon: the apostlesees “an angel descending from heaven,”taking Satan and symbolically “tie” himfor thousand years (20:1-3). Satan isbound, for he cannot mislead anyone,because during this time there will be noone alive on the completely devastatedearth (Isa. 24:21-22, Jer. 25:33). <strong>The</strong>n Johnsees the court session in heaven duringthe thousand years. He sees the martyrs“due to the testimony of Jesus (for Jesus[Yahshua]) and due to the word of God[YAHWEH]” and “those who had neitherworshiped the beast” (see explanationto 13:1-3.) “nor its image” (the apostateProtestantism; see explanation to13:14B-15; 14:9-11) and never acceptedthe “sign” (the wrong rest day, Sunday(see explanation to 13:16), and will reignwith Christ [the Messiah] for thousandyears (20:4). Even Paul preached thatthose redeemed by Christ [the Messiah]will judge the world and the fallen angels(1 Cor. 6:2-3). Jesus [Yahshua] taughttwo major resurrections: the resurrectionof life (at the Second Coming of Jesus[Yahshua]) and the resurrection of[to] the court thousand years later.(John 5:29; Rev. 20:5-6.).After the thousand years Satan will bereleased “for a short time”. This “shorttime” will be enough for him to bringpeoples masses together to a last madattempt, namely the attack on “the campof the saints and the beloved city,” theNew Jerusalem, which will come downfrom heaven. But then comes “the firefrom God [YAHWEH] from heaven anddevours them” (20:7-10). John sees Godin another appearance sitting on a throneand the dead standing before the throne.<strong>The</strong> scrolls [books] are opened and thedead will be judged according to the bookentries (20:11-12). <strong>The</strong> dead give [free]the sea, death and Hades (the gravesthey are in). <strong>The</strong>y are judged “accordingto their works” (20:13). Finally, the deathand Hades will be thrown into the firelake: “This is the second death”, withoutresurrection, an offense forever. Onlythose who are inscribed “in the scroll [thebook] of life”, will be saved from the firelake (20:14-15).Kapitel 21Das neue Jerusalem.Offb 21,1 Und ich sah einen neuenHimmel und eine neue Erde; dennder erste Himmel und die erste Erdeverging, und das Meer ist nicht mehr.KJV + EL = AND I SAW A NEWHEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH: FORTHE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE FIRSTEARTH WERE PASSED AWAY; ANDTHERE WAS NO MORE SEA.Jes 65,17; 2. Petr 3,13Offb 21,2 Und ich, Johannes, sah dieheilige Stadt, das neue Jerusalem,von JAHWEH aus dem Himmelherabfahren, bereitet als einegeschmückte Braut ihrem Mann.KJV + EL = AND I JOHN SAW THEHOLY CITY, NEW JERUSALEM,COMING DOWN FROM YAHWEH OUTOF HEAVEN, PREPARED AS A BRIDE


Offenbarung ~ Revelation 21167YOU THE BRIDE, AND THE LAMB‘SWIFE. - Kap 15,1.6.7; 19,7Offb 21,10 Und er führte mich hin imGeist auf einen großen und hohen Bergund zeigte mir die große Stadt, dasheilige Jerusalem, herniederfahrenaus dem Himmel von Gott,KJV + EL = AND HE CARRIED MEAWAY IN THE SPIRIT TO A GREATAND HIGH MOUNTAIN, AND SHOWEDME THAT GREAT CITY, THE HOLYJERUSALEM, DESCENDING OUT OFHEAVEN FROM ELOHIM,Offb 21,11 die hatte die HerrlichkeitJAHWEH’s. Und ihr Licht war gleichdem alleredelsten Stein, einemhellen Jaspis.KJV + EL = HAVING THE GLORY OFYAHWEH: AND HER LIGHT WAS LIKETO A STONE MOST PRECIOUS, EVENLIKE A JASPER STONE, CLEAR ASCRYSTAL;Offb 21,12 Und sie hatte eine großeund hohe Mauer und hatte zwölf Toreund auf den Toren zwölf Engel, undNamen darauf geschrieben, nämlichder zwölf Geschlechter der KinderIsrael.KJV + EL = AND HAD A WALL GREATAND HIGH, AND HAD TWELVEGATES, AND AT THE GATES TWELVEANGELS; AND NAMES WRITTENTHEREON (ON THEM), WHICHARE THE NAMES OF THE TWELVETRIBES OF THE CHILDREN OFISRAEL:Hes 48,31-35Offb 21,13 Vom Morgen drei Tore,von Mitternacht drei Tore, vom Mittagdrei Tore, vom Abend drei Tore.KJV + EL = ON THE EAST THREEGATES; ON THE NORTH THREEGATES; ON THE SOUTH THREEGATES; AND ON THE WEST THREEGATES.Offb 21,14 Und die Mauer der Stadthatte zwölf Grundsteine und aufihnen Namen der zwölf Apostel desLammes.KJV + EL = AND THE WALL OF THECITY HAD TWELVE FOUNDATIONS,AND IN THEM THE NAMES OF THETWELVE APOSTLES OF THE LAMB.Offb 21,15 Und der mit mir redete,hatte ein goldenes Rohr, daß er dieStadt messen sollte und ihre Toreund Mauer.KJV + EL = AND HE THAT TALKEDWITH ME HAD A GOLDEN REEDTO MEASURE THE CITY, AND THEGATES AND THE WALL THEREOF(OF IT).Hes 40,3Offb 21,16 Und die Stadt liegtviereckig, und ihre Länge ist so großals die Breite. Und er maß die Stadtmit dem Rohr auf zwölftausend FeldWegs. Die Länge und die Breite unddie Höhe der Stadt sind gleich.KJV + EL = AND THE CITY LIESFOURSQUARE, AND THE LENGTHIS AS LARGE AS THE BREADTH(WIDTH): AND HE MEASURED THECITY WITH THE REED, TWELVETHOUSAND FURLONGS: THELENGTH AND THE BREADT (WIDTH)AND THE HEIGHT OF IT ARE EQUAL.Offb 21,17 Und er maß ihre Mauer,hundertvierundvierzig Ellen, nachMenschenmaß, das der Engel hat.KJV + EL = AND HE MEASUREDTHE WALL THEREOF (OF IT), ANHUNDRED FORTY-FOUR CUBITS,ACCORDING TO THE MEASURE OFA MAN, THAT IS, OF THE ANGEL.Offb 21,18 Und der Bau ihrer Mauerwar von Jaspis und die Stadt vonlauterm Golde gleich dem reinenGlase.KJV + EL = AND THE BUILDINGOF THE WALL OF IT WAS OFJASPER: AND THE CITY WAS PUREGOLD, LIKE TO CLEAR GLASS.Jes 54,11.12Offb 21,19 Und die Grundsteineder Mauer um die Stadt warengeschmückt mit allerlei Edelgestein.

168Offenbarung ~ Revelation 21Der erste Grund war ein Jaspis, derandere ein Saphir, der dritte einChalzedonier, der vierte ein Smaragd,KJV + EL = AND THE FOUNDATIONSOF THE WALL OF THE CITY WEREGARNISHED WITH ALL MANNEROF PRECIOUS STONES. THE FIRSTFOUNDATION WAS JASPER; THESECOND, SAPPHIRE; THE THIRD,A CHALCEDONY; THE FOURTH, ANEMERALD;Offb 21,20 der fünfte ein Sardonix,der sechste ein Sarder, der siebenteein Chrysolith, der achte ein Berill,der neunte ein Topas, der zehnte einChrysopras, der elfte ein Hyazinth,der zwölfte ein Amethyst.KJV + EL = THE FITTH, SARDONYX;THE SIXTH, SARDIUS; THE SEVENTH,CHRYSOLITE; THE EIGHTH, BERYL;THE NINTH, A TOPAZ; THE TENTH,A CHRYSOPRSUS; THE ELEVENTH,A JACINTH; THE TWELFTH, ANAMETHYST.Offb 21,21 Und die zwölf Tore warenzwölf Perlen, und ein jeglich Tor warvon einer Perle; und die Gassen derStadt waren lauteres Gold wie eindurchscheinend Glas.KJV + EL = AND THE TWELVE GATESWERE TWELVE PEARLS; EVERYSEVERAL GATE WAS OF ONEPEARL: AND THE STREET OF THECITY WAS PURE GOLD, AS IT WERETRANSPARENT GLASS.Offb 21,22 Und ich sah keinenTempel darin; denn JAHWEH, derallmächtige Gott, ist ihr Tempel, unddas Lamm.KJV + EL = AND I SAW NO TEMPLETHEREIN: FOR YAHWEH ELSHADDAI (ALMIGHTY) AND THELAMB ARE THE TEMPLE OF IT.Offb 21,23 Und die Stadt bedarfkeiner Sonne noch des Mondes, daßsie scheinen; denn die HerrlichkeitJAHWEH’s erleuchtet sie, und ihreLeuchte ist das Lamm.KJV + EL = AND THE CITY HAD NONEED OF THE SUN, NEITHER OFTHE MOON, TO SHINE IN IT: FOR THEGLORY OF YAHWEH DID LIGHTENIT, AND THE LAMP IS THE LIGHTTHEREOF.Jes 60, 21,24 Und die Heiden, die daselig werden, wandeln in ihrem Licht;und die Könige auf Erden werdenihre Herrlichkeit in sie bringen.KJV + EL = AND THE GENTILES(NATIONS) OF THEM WHICH ARESAVED SHALL WALK IN THE LIGHTSOF IT: AND THE KINGS OF THEEARTH DO BRING THEIR GLORYAND HONOR INTO IT.Offb 21,25 Und ihre Tore werdennicht verschlossen des Tages; dennda wird keine Nacht sein.KJV + EL = AND THE GATES OF ITSHALL NOT BE SHUT AT ALL BYDAY: FOR THERE SHALL BE NONIGHT THERE.Sach 14,7Offb 21,26 Und man wird dieHerrlichkeit und die Ehre der Heidenin sie bringen.KJV + EL = AND THEY SHALL BRINGTHE GLORY AND THE HONOR OFTHE GENTILES (NATIONS) INTO IT.Offb 21,27 Und es wird nichthineingehen irgend ein Gemeines(etwas Unreines!) und das daGreuel (Götzendienst!) tut undLüge, sondern die geschriebensind im Buch des Lebens (in demLebensbuch) des Lammes.KJV + EL = AND THERE SHALL INNO WISE ENTER INTO IT ANYTHINGDEFILES, NEITHER WHATSOEVERWORKES ABOMINATION OR MAKESA LIE: BUT THEY WHICH AREWRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OFLIFE.Erklärung von Ernst Simon: Johanneswird in engster Verbindung mit demWeltgericht der neue Himmel und dieneue Erde gezeigt (21,1). Ein Engelentrückt ihn “auf einen großen und hohen



Offenbarung ~ Revelation 22173<strong>The</strong> visions are now closed. <strong>The</strong>angel gives John the assurance thatthis revelation is “faithful and true”(22:6). Jesus [Yahshua] promised tocome soon (22:7). <strong>The</strong> apostle is givenan instruction not to seal the “prophecyof this scroll [this book]”, “because thetime is near” (22:10). <strong>The</strong> epistle to theassembly of Ephesus shows that thefulfilment has already begun in the daysof John (2:1-3). Jesus [Yahshua] repeatedhis promise to come soon with his rewardto give to everyone according to whathe has done. (22:12). Jesus [Yahshua]himself says that he has sent his angel totestify the revelation that “God [YAHWEH]has given him” (1:1) “before (the)community” (22:16). Furthermore Jesus[Yahshua] testifies that if anyone addsto the words of this prophecy, God willadd to “the plagues”, and if anyone takesaway something, his part of the Tree ofLife of ‘the holy city’ will also be takenaway “(22:18-19). A special feature ofour last days of the end time will be thatpeople not only add to the prophecies ofRevelation, but also to the whole wordof God, and not only take things outof the Revelation, but also out of theBible. For the third time Jesus [Yahshua]repeats his promise in this chapter:“I am coming soon”, and John, as aspokesperson of the assembly bringsthe desires of ages in his response to theexpression: “Amen, come, Master Jesus[Yahshua]” (22:20). But the redeemedmust learn that the divine “soon” meanssomething different in time, than whatpeople understand by “soon”. In thisway this important prophetic book isfinished, and so do all the writings ofthe New Covenant and the entire Biblewith the wonderful promise of ourRedeemer and Advocate Jesus Christ[Yahshua the Messiah] to come soon,and with the longing cry of the waitingassembly “Amen, come, Sovereign Jesus[Yahshua]” and with the blessing of theApostle (22:21).Editor: [...]Offb 22,20 Es spricht, der dies bezeugt: “JA, ICH KOMMEBALD.” AMEN, JA KOMM, HErr JAHSCHUA!CURT STAGE = ES SPRICHT DER MESSIAS, DER DAS INDIESEM BUCH GESCHRIEBENE BEZEUGT. “JA, ICH KOMMEBALD!” - AMEN! KOMM, HErr JAHSCHUA.KJV + EL = He who testifies these things says; SURELY: I COMEQUICKLY. AMEN: EVEN SO, COME MASTER YAHSHUA.1. Kor 16,22Offb 22,21 MENGE = DIE GNADE UNSERES HErrn JAHSCHUADEM MESSIAS SEI MIT EUCH ALLEN! AMEN.KJV + EL = THE GRACE OF OUR SOVEREIGN YAHSHUA THEMESSIAH BE WITH YOU ALL. AMEN.

176“Should not a people seek to their God?Yes, to the law and to the testimony.”Isaiah 8:19+20aOfficial Statements about the TrinityQuotations with bibliographyBrockhaus Encyclopaedia: “, , lat. .According to the Christian doctrine it is the Trinity of Divine Persons (the Father,the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost) in the unity of the divine essence. <strong>The</strong> doctrineof the Trinity was proclaimed at Church Assemblies of Nicaea (325) andConstantinople (381) and is accepted by all major Christian churches. “Church Dogmatics, (1964) by Karl Barth (EVZ-publisher Zurich), page 325:“Roots of the Doctrine of the Trinity<strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity is a creation of the Church … a theologicaldocument … <strong>The</strong> text of the doctrine of the Trinity … is not identical with thewording in the biblical witness to Revelation. <strong>The</strong> fact that the doctrine of theTrinity is ‘NOT IN THE BIBLE’ was certainly well known by the church andcouncil fathers and much later by the reformers.”<strong>The</strong> history of Christianity (Antiquity), (2005) Herder-Publisher (Cath.):“A third tripartite formula of creed has undoubtedly a different origin, it emergedlater presumably being of a liturgical origin. It is the Great Commission, a closureof the Gospel of Matthew. Although the text is not part of the common apostolictradition, it exerts a decisive influence on the development of baptismal formulas.(Mt 28:19+20) … (page 816) Today we are dealing with textus receptus, known asthe Apostles’ Creed in the West. Why is this commitment attributed to the Apostles?This belongs to the realm of legends … Considering the final extinction of theapostolic generation, the paradox of the “Apostles’ Creed” is the fact that it isno longer part of the canon, at the same time insisting on apostolic authority “(p. 820/821).<strong>The</strong> Bible, Herder-Publisher (1965), note on Matthew 28:16-20:“<strong>The</strong> Trinitarian baptismal formula has developed itself in the early church from thesimple formula < IN THE NAME OF JESUS>.”Biblical and <strong>The</strong>ological Encyclopedia, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 1959:„In the late fourth century the doctrine of the Trinity of God was formulated bythe Church. <strong>The</strong> Bible itself does not contain an explicit statement of the Trinityof God at any point.”<strong>The</strong> only apparent exception is the so-called , one Westernaddendum of the fourth century to 1. John 5:7: “For there are three who bearrecord in heaven: the Father, the Word and the holy Ghost. And these three

Official Statements - Trinity177are one”. It is apparent that this formulation, which found entrance into some lateGreek manuscripts and was admitted in its translation after Luther, should replace themissing literal script basis” (p. 607).Dictionary of <strong>The</strong>ology and Church II (Cath.), p. 1272, Herder Publisher (excerpt):“COMMA Johanneum (CJ.) is a secondary (in the view of textual criticism),inconsistently transmitted addendum to 1. John 5:7… <strong>The</strong> Fathers of the EasternChurch were not familiar with the CJ until the Middle Ages; it has evolved from aTrinitarian interpretation (also detectable in the works of Tertullian and Cyprian) andcould be found in the relation of the latter tradition in the print editions of the Greek NewTestament including the edition of Erasmus, its 3rd edition and in the textus receptus.THE MAJORITY OF REFORMERS MILITATED AGAINST COMMA JOHANNEUM.”Non-Christian influences on the development of Christian dogma of the Trinity,Dr. Peter Gerlitz (Chapter 1, p. 9 / 10):“Background of the doctrine of Triune God. <strong>The</strong> history of the Trinity has taken itsroots in the Christology. THEREFORE THE TRINITARIAN CONCEPTION OF GODAS SUCH IS NOT DETECTABLE IN THE EARLY CHRISTIANITY.Apart from the (1 John 5:7) which was preached by Spanishand African church fathers towards the end of the 4th Century) – the Great Commission,Matt. 28:19 has been regarded as the oldest Trinitarian witness for centuries. Butalready the Enlightenment raised doubt as far as its authenticity is concerned. <strong>The</strong>fact that the full wording of the Great Commission out of scripts constituted before theNicene council has never been quoted in the Eusebius but only was finally proven by F. Cony-Beare. This wording can possibly be found inJustin. Likewise it was assumed by Cony-Bear that the Trinitarian Great Commissionwas also unknown to the Origenes. “Compendium of Church History, Karl Heussi (18th edition), p. 69:“<strong>The</strong> baptismal in its earliest form was a confession of Christ, his subsequent formwas triadic. <strong>The</strong> New Testament does not really include any Trinitarian statements...Matt. 28:19 - (not a real dominical saying!) ... “Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 11:“<strong>The</strong> mystery of the Trinity is the central teaching of the Catholic Creed. It is abasis of all other teachings of the Church.“(see, Great Catholic Catechism ‘, 1948, p. 40, Catechism of the Catholic Church.’,2005, p. 41 et seq.;” Handbook for Today’s Catholic “, page 16)“<strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity, a doctrine the knowledge of which is certainlynecessary for our salvation, may not be clearly inferred from the Bible by anexplicit exposition in the Protestant sense.” (,Doctrinal Catechism’)<strong>The</strong> New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, vol. 14, p. 299, acknowledges: “<strong>The</strong>formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly notfully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the4th century....Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely

178Official Statements - Trinityapproaching such a mentality or perspective.”Bible - Translator Reinhardt (1910) - Remark on Matt. 28:20 :„It is doubted by many people if the baptismal formula related to the later trinityoriginated from Jesus himself; it was probably the translator of Matthew’s Gospel whoadded it later from the Church Lore. ORIGINALLY IT HAS BEEN BAPTIZED IN THENAME OF JESUS. (See Acts 2:38;. 8:16) “Large Catholic Catechism, (1948) Kösel Publishing House, Munich:“ <strong>The</strong> Father, the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost - each of the three persons is true God.”However, all three are only one God. (p. 38)> Editor: Preaching a different good tidings (see Galatians 1:6-10) Editor: <strong>The</strong> deity was created in the years 325 and 381. Beforethat, in Christianity, it was always baptized in the NAME OF JESUS[Yahshua] only and also the Bible <strong>Sabbat</strong>h on Saturday was observed.(see Acts 2:38, etc., as well as in the Herder Bible, Matthew 28:19) Editor: However, the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> says that the Father raised his son from thedead! See: Acts 2:24+32; 3:15; 4;10; 5:30; 10:40; 13,30+34+37, Romans 4:24+25;6:4; 8:11; 10:9; I Corinthias 6:14; 15:15, II Cor. 4:14; Galatians 1:1; Ephesians1:20, 2:6; Colossians 2:12; I <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 1:10; I Peter 1:21

Official Statements - Trinity179Jesus Christ as God and Savior, as per the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, and jointly fulfill whatthey are calling to the glory of God, the Father, the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost.” “<strong>The</strong>content of this ecumenical commitment to the Triune God in its shortest form says:One God in three persons … This commitment to the Triune God is a deep secret thatcannot be discovered or ever comprehended by any created spirit.““<strong>The</strong> church studied this mystery with great care and, after four centuries ofclarification, decided to state the doctrine in this way: in the unity of the Godheadthere are three Persons,--the Father, the Son, and the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit...” (Handbook forToday’s Catholic, page 11).Quote:“THE DOCTRINE OF GOD” - A QUESTION OF BLESSEDNESS<strong>The</strong> greatest proof of God’s love for us humans is the Christ’s death on the cross,however denied by the doctrine of the Trinity. It is claimed that Christ died onlypartly because his divine nature could not die.“Unbelievable,” I thought ... If the divine nature of Jesus did not die, Christ was onlyhalf dead then. However, the resurrection of a half-dead man is no resurrection.In that respect, Paul observes: “If Christ has not risen, then our preaching is uselessand so is your faith ... your faith is futile and you are still in your sins, but also thosewho passed away in Christ are lost “- (1.Corr.15, 14 +17 +18).<strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the divine nature of Jesus could not die. Sohis full death on the cross is denied, his resurrection is made a fraud and he a liar.A liar who is not risen, cannot help any of us.from: “Is that really so?” by Bruno Fischer.In the Life Magazine, the Catholic Church declared on 30/10/1950:“Our opponents sometimes say that no doctrine which is not clearly taught inthe <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> should be held dogmatically. ... HOWEVER PROTESTANTCHURCHES HAVE ACCEPTED SUCH DOCTRINES AS THE DOCTRINE OF THETRINITY, WHICH ARE NOT PRECISED IN THE GOSPELS! “Leaflet of the Council of Christian Churches, (1995)ACK comments:<strong>The</strong> Church Commitment of Nicaea-Constantinople (1981):We believe in one God, the Father Almighty ... and in one Lord Jesus Christus, God’sonly begotten son ... God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God … Webelieve in the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost, the Lord is the giver of life... This commitment to theTriune God is the only ecumenical creed that connects the Eastern and Western,Roman Catholic and Reformed Christians inspite of all separations... This jointlytestified truth of the Gospel shows that no profound separation of our churchesever took place. - <strong>The</strong> common commitment to Triune God in a non-negotiablecondition for the unity of the one, the <strong>Holy</strong>, Catholic and Apostolic Church. “Ecumenical Charter / Charta Oecumenica, (2001):“I. We believe: the one holy catholic and apostolic church. - With the Gospel ofJesus Christ, as attested in the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> and expressed in the EcumenicalCreed of Nicaea-Constantinople (381), we believe in the :the Father, the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost.

180Official Statements - TrinitySince we herewith confess one holy catholic and apostolic Church, ourparamount ecumenical task is to make this unity always being a gift of God visible.>> Guidelines for the growing cooperation of Churches in Europe, Glory to the Fatherand the Son and the holy Ghost.

Official Statements - Trinity181Under the subject of Trinity, the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition, 1974,vol. 10, p. 126, Micropedia) makes this eye-opening statement, “Neither the wordTrinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did [Yahshua] andHis followers intend to contradict the Shema of the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel:[Yahweh] our [Elohim] is One.’” (Deuteronomy 6:4).Towards the end of the fourth century, the doctrine of the Trinity primarilyassumed a definite shape which has been preserved up to the present day.(New Encyclopedia Britannica, “vol. 10, p. 126)Quote:SAME FOREVER?<strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity holds “<strong>The</strong> Eternal Son of God” is as eternal as theFather. <strong>The</strong>refore, like the father, the Son had no beginning.BUT: If the father wanted to have a son, at some point ages ago, the father had tobe there before the son. A son may not be as old as his father. But if the son werejust as eternal as the Father, the Son could not have been born from the father.And if the son was not born of the Father, he is not the true Son of the Father. Ifthe Son is not a begotten, the true Son of the Father, then the “father” and the“son” are just colleagues. <strong>The</strong>n, the father did not sacrifice his son, as Abrahamonce sacrificed his son Isaac. He never sent his only begotten Son, but only acolleague to the cross. If the son says “Father” and if the father says he hassacrificed his “son”, then both are lying.“And that should be the love of God?” we hear Satan sneer: Stay away fromsuch a selfish uncaring and lying God!<strong>The</strong> idea of ​the Trinity of God is a role playing game. <strong>The</strong>re are three divinepersons, one playing the role of “God the Father,” the other of “God the Son” andthe third person plays the role of “God the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit.”With this picture of a game, Satan plays down his rebellion and the unspeakablesuffering which he has brought upon God and people. At the same time herepresents God as cold and cruel. But what happened in the life of Jesus and onthe cross, was not a role playing game. That was the most bitter and seriousstruggle for life and death. Since Satan could not defeat Christ, he now wants todefeat the message of Christ’s victory and the rescue by means of the doctrine ofthe Trinity.Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son. Would it have been an appropriate picture,if the father had sent a colleague to the cross?Even if hidden among many pious words, the Trinity presents the Father not only asan idle, mindless, selfish and unloving grandfather, but also shows the Father andthe Son even as liars and and actors.Does Satan like the doctrine of the Trinity?On the contrary Jesus teaches following: Quote: “For God loved the world so muchthat He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in him should notperish but have eternal life” (John 3,16). See also: Proverbs 8: 22-36, John 17:5<strong>The</strong> father had a begotten son whom he could give away, before Jesusbecame a human. <strong>The</strong> Father alone is eternal in the absolute sense, without abeginning and without an end. Also Christ is eternal, but he had a beginning, as hewas born in eternity by the Father. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is just as eternal as the Fatherbecause he is the Spirit of the Father. Otherwise it would have been a time in whichthe father would have been spiritless.From: „Is that really so?“ by Bruno Fischer.

182Official Statements - Trinity<strong>The</strong> International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia gives this surprising admission:“<strong>The</strong> term‘Trinity’ is not a Biblical term, and we are not using Biblical language when we definewhat is expressed by it... In point of fact, the doctrine of the Trinity is purely a revealeddoctrine. That is to say, it embodies a truth which has never been discovered, and isindiscoverable, by natural reason.” (Trinity, vol.5, p. 3012).<strong>The</strong> Britannica adds: “<strong>The</strong> doctrine developed gradually over several centuriesand through many controversies... . <strong>The</strong> Council of Nicaea, in 325, stated the crucialformula for that doctrine in its confession that the ‘Son is of the same substance...asthe Father,’ even though it said very little about the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit...By the end of the 4thcentury...the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained eversince.”“<strong>The</strong> Trinity of Plato (Greek philosopher in the fourth century BC) - in principleonly a restructuring of older triads dating back to early peoples - seemsto be rational philosophic trinity of attributes, which, taught by the Christianchurches, bore three hypostases or people. This idea of ​the divine Trinity ofthe Greek philosopher can be found in all old, pre-Christian pagan religions.”(M. Lactötre’s, Nouveau Dictionnaire Universal ‘, 1865-70, vol 2, p. 1467)Quote:HIGH PRIEST SERVICE?According to the doctrine of the Trinity the Son co-eternal, same-aged as thefather and and cannot be the the real only begotten Son of the Father. For a son maynot be as old as his father. As to it, the son was just a colleague of his father. As thiscolleague died on the cross, he was half dead. This reveals the following defacingimage: Although one is asking only one superior for mercy, the colleague “son”is standing before the equal colleague “father” asking him for mercy for those forwhom he just half died and who will neither raise. What a mockery!<strong>The</strong> Trinity considers not only the resurrection as an attempt at fraud, but also thehigh priest service of the resurrected.<strong>The</strong> Trinity steals the glory of the Father and the Son, it mocks the victim ofthe Father, the crucifixion of His Son, and it mocks all believers who trust inthe Father and the Son.<strong>The</strong> ... Trinity dishonors, desecrates, mocks and ridicules the father with thesacrifice of his only, beloved son and the son with his humiliation and his lovingobedience to death on the cross. So the proof of love of our Heavenly Father andHis only begotten Son is dragged in the mud. It leaves nothing but disappointmentand despair ...from: „Is that really so?“ by Bruno Fischer.“<strong>The</strong> baptismal testimony was a creedal confession of Christ in its earliest form;its later form was triadic (p. 39). <strong>The</strong> New Testament does not really contain anyTrinitarian statements... Matt. 28:19 (not a real saying of Jesus!) ... <strong>The</strong> dogma ofthe Trinity has been formed nearly since the second century.“(Karl Heussi, excerpt from: “Compendium of the Church History ‘, 12th edition, 1960,p. 69)

Official Statements - Trinity183Quote from ‘Mark of Brazil‘:“<strong>The</strong> name YAHWEH stands for Saturday [the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, blessed by the livingGod of heaven and sanctified on the seventh day of creation and rested fromall his works] and the Trinity, the [three-gods-teaching] stands for Sunday!““Jesus Christ had never mentioned such a phenomenon, and the word‘Trinity’ cannot be found anywhere in the entire New Testament. <strong>The</strong> doctrinewas taken into consideration by the church only three hundred years afterthe death of our Lord. “(Arthur Weigall, a historian,” <strong>The</strong> Paganism in Our Christianity”)“<strong>The</strong> practice of Church’s preaching and teaching is dominated by a supernaturalconception of Jesus, which is not attributed to the New Testament. It says thatJesus was true God, and that therefore the two concepts of God and Christare interchangeable. But that is not biblical. <strong>The</strong> New Testament says thatJesus was the Word of God, that God was in Christ and that Jesus is the Sonof God *”. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, andJesus Christ, whom you have sent.”(John 17:3)(John Robinson, an Anglican bishop)* see John 1:1In the year of 517 the Catholisation of Arian Germans began. After long, uphillstruggles three of the most important Arian peoples were destroyed - the Heruliin the year of 493, the Vandals in 534, and the Ostrogoths in 538.At the Council of Chalcedon (451) the decisions of the synods of Nicaea (325) andConstantinople (381) were confirmed, affirmed and proclaimed as ecumenical.Until the 16th Century, hardly a Christian could dare doubting the doctrine of the Trinity.<strong>The</strong> one who still dared to doubt this irrefutable dogma or to refute it at all in the MiddleAges, was beheaded like the clergyman Johann Sylvan (who died in 1577).<strong>The</strong> most important opponent of the doctrine of the Trinity in the 16th Century was theSpaniard Michael Servetus. Shortly after the publication of his book “ChristianismiRestututio” he was arrested at the instigation of Calvin, the Catholic Inquisition. <strong>The</strong>imprisoned Servetus did not revoke; so he was burned at the stake in 1553.Karl Heussi writes: “Servetus was a spiritually outstanding, versatile man filledwith deep piety and genuine reverence for the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> and Christ. Withhis brilliant sharp eye, he recognized the difference between the Christ of theGospels and the Christ of dogma. “(Compendium of Church History, 5th ed, page 271)Rhine-Neckar-Newspaper dd. 20./21.04.1996:“<strong>The</strong> decapitation of John Sylvan at the market place in Heidelberg on December23rd 1572, rendered in watercolor. Frederick the Pious and the Council of Churchesresponded with high sensitivity as it was revealed that a few Electoral Palatineclergymen denied the divinity of Christ and the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit and thus the commitmentto Triune God common to all Christian confessions. Johann Sylvan was executedwhereas some clergymen managed to escape. Our illustration is an extract from thebook “Religion and Power in the Palatinate in 1600” by Frieder Hepp. “

184Official Statements - TrinityWith His unique name the Almighty reveals Himself- <strong>The</strong> only true God - in His law:I am YAHWEH, your God.You shall have no other gods before me.(1st commandment in Exodus 20:2,3)You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heavenabove or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.(2nd commandment in Exodus 20:4-6)You shall not misuse the name of YAHWEH your God.(3rd commandment Exodus 20:7)“... YAHWEH ... This is my name forever,the one to call me. „(Exodus 3:15)“I am YAHWEH, and I do not change.”(Malachi 3:6)<strong>The</strong> Messiah testified, quoting from the Deuteronomy 6:4:“... YAHWEH is our God, YAHWEH is ONE.“(Mark 12:29 b)<strong>The</strong> scribe knew:“He is the only ONE, and no one else but him!”(Mark 12:32 b)<strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul clearly teaches that we have the only ONEtrue and living God, the Father:“So we know that there is no other idol in the world and no God, than theONE. And although there are those called gods, whether in heaven or onearth, as there are many gods and lords, we still have only ONE God, theFather, from whom are all things and we in him; and one Master, Yahshuathe Messiah, through whom are all things, and we by him. But not everyoneknows it. “(1 Corinthians 8:4b-7a)“For all the peoples walk each in the name of its god, but we will walk in thename of YAHWEH our God forever and ever.”(Micah 4.5 - Bible (1965), Herder Publisher - see Zechariah 6:12,13;10:1,2.12; Jonah 1,5-9.14-16; 2:1,11)“UNAMBIGUOUSLY AND CLEARLY IT IS WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURE:NOW I WANT YOU TO REALIZE THAT THE HEAD OF EVERY MAN IS CHRIST,AND THE HEAD OF THE WOMAN IS MAN, AND THE HEAD OF CHRIST ISGOD.“ (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Official Statements - Trinity185Please read and check for yourself at previous prayer:1 Corinthians 15:21-28PFÄFFLIN = If, however, everything is subordinated to him, He, the Son,himself will come under the dominion of Him who has subordinatedeverything to him. God alone will have all power over everything then.John from 3: 4-18; 5:17,19-23; 6:27,32,33,37-44,65 b; 7:28,29; 8:16,18,19,26 b-29.“Who has appointed all the ends of the earth?What is HE? And what is His son?Do you know that? “(Proverbs 30.4 c - see Psalm 91,14.15)<strong>The</strong> Bible knows only one true and living God:“I am YAHWEH (YHWH), and there is no other; apart from me there is noGod.” (Isaiah 45:5 a).“YAHWEH, that’s my name.” (Isaiah 42:8)In the preface to Luther’s translation of 1984 it is explained: “<strong>The</strong> word has always the form , when the name of God isused in the original Hebrew text (see second footnote to Exodus 3:15).”In Exodus 3:15 it is written in the Hebrew text:“... YAHWEH ... this is my name forever, the one to call me from generation togeneration.“ (see Jeremiah 33:2,3; Isaiah 52:6).<strong>The</strong> footnote to Exodus 3:15 reads: “In Hebrew, is the divine name Yahweh, througha misunderstanding in the Middle Ages it became Jehovah (see word explanationsto “LORD ‘).”In the preface of Elberfelder bible translation 2004, it is explained: “In the maintext, the letters YHWH ‘, at the revision, it was decided to use GOD’ insteadfor ‘Yahweh’.” (See Exodus 3:15)“Now take a map of Italy. Look for the territories of the pope, and ask yourselfhow many of the original ten kingdoms are occupied by the papal empiretoday? - You will find that he has eliminated three of them ... He wears hisBabylonian Tiara with three crowns of horns that were pull out before hiseyes. (For he is the only prince in the world to wear this prophetic headdresson his head).”(Gaussen,” <strong>The</strong> Pope and the Roman Church, “p. 22 23.)<strong>The</strong> usual formula for the investiture of the Pope and the papal tiara is: “Receivethis Triple Crown, and know you’re the father of princes and kings and rulersof the world.” (Guinness, “<strong>The</strong> approaching end,” Vol 1, p. 62)Since the fifth century, as Ranke observes, “the power of the bishop of Romeunder the patronage of the Emperor himself” has been rising. <strong>The</strong> Arian powerswere the biggest obstacle, being particularly hostile towards the Roman Church

186Official Statements - Trinitybecause of the Doctrine of the Trinity. However, after the Heruli in 493, in 534the Vandals and in 538 the Ostrogoths, were eliminated before the pope, the roadwas paved to full sovereignty. <strong>The</strong> famous Decree of Justinian made the bishop ofRome the “head of all holy churches and all holy priests of God.” In March 533AD, where Justinian destroyed the Ostogten and vandals by his commander, “heproceeded without delay to the full establishment of the Catholic Church.’(SeeGuinness “<strong>The</strong> approaching end,” Vol 2, p. 296; Gibbons Roman Empire,chapter 41, p. 21) This happened in 538, and thus we can set this date as afoundation day of papal power.“<strong>The</strong>refore the pope is an earthly God, a supreme majesty and the only bigpowerful man in the world, over all kingdoms, above all the earth and people,all goods, spiritual and earthly, and therefore everything is in his hands, boththe secular and the spiritual sword. This definition, which does not rhymewith right churches, however well rhyming with the Roman pope being, canbe found not only in books of canon lawyers. Daniel, the prophet, paints theAntichrist in this way.” (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article 7, 8 [4].) (toDaniel 7:24 and Revelation 13:7)“<strong>The</strong> current Roman Papacy is the beast.” “<strong>The</strong> pope is Roman, and Romeis papal, already long and yet really.” (Bengel, to Revelation 12:1)“<strong>The</strong> fall of the empire was an essential tool for the rise of the Romanbishop, first of all [first], the Caesars were put away. An invisible hand, ‘saysDe Maistre, drove the Emperors out of the eternal city in order to give thesame to the head of the Eternal Church.”- Secondly, this overthrow forced theRoman bishops, who were deprived of the influence by imperials, who so farstrongly supported them in their struggles for supremacy , to come back toanother element ... namely to the assertion that he is the successor of Peter,the prince of the apostles, and was by virtue of this fact the representative ofChrist on earth. Due to this claim, he swung himself all at once on the throneof kings to the seat of God (the Lord). Rome has become the world’s masteragain and the Popes - the drivers of the earth. “(Wylie,” <strong>The</strong> Papacy, “p. 35)“<strong>The</strong>re are enough popes who have expressly blasphemed God’s name,from the elevation of their hearts, due to their great power, such as Julius IIIhas done several times. But it is also that a blasphemy of God’s name, whatthe Pope has ever appropriated to himself under the guise and abuse of the<strong>Holy</strong> God’s name. “(Bengel, to Revelation 13:6)<strong>The</strong> Pope is called “<strong>The</strong> governor of Jesus Christ.” Leo X. assumed thistitle at “<strong>The</strong> Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Leo XII. let people call him “<strong>The</strong> Lord,our God”. Martin V, assumed following titles: “<strong>The</strong> holiest and happiest, thearbitrator of heaven and Lord of the Earth, the successor of St. Peter, theanointed of the Lord, the ruler of the universe, the father of kings, the light ofthe world.” During the pope’s anniversary following sayings fell of Leo XIII:“He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, he is the star out of Jacob “; “He is asimmutable as God “; “As the Eternal Father, who said: Let there be light”; heis “<strong>The</strong> visible God on Earth “, the “Vice-Dio”. (<strong>The</strong>ological Quarterly, Vol 10,No. 1.)“He declares himself infallible, he dares to put his decrees, even onthe word of his God, he pretends to absolve people of their commitmentto the commandments of their Creator! He claims that only he canchoose priests who alone by themselves create God in a piece of bread

Official Statements - Trinity187by using Latin words, to be enjoyed by the people! He wants to forgive thesin against the Lord and savior and to be able to open the gate of heaven topeople arbitrarily! Is this not blasphemous enough on the part of an earthworm? “(Gaussen, ” <strong>The</strong> Pope “, p. 27)“It has been calculated that the popes of Rome legally killed fifty millionof men and women, either directly or indirectly, for refusing to participate inthe Roman idolatry, holding on the Bible as on the Word of God {the Bible isthe Word of God }, and did not love their lives even to death, but, counteredthe sin offering resistance in the extreme.” “Through Llorente’s carefulresearch it has been proven that in Spain alone over three hundred and fortythousand people were tortured and heavily sentenced between the years1481 and 1808. Every Catholic country in Europe, Asia and America had itsinquisition.” (Guinness,” <strong>The</strong> Approaching End, “Vol 1, p. 287, 277)“It is Rome, wherever blood is shed like water and the greatest rejoicingtakes place.” “In the years 1518-1548 over fifteen million protestants losttheir lives due to the papal inquisition.” (Bengel to Revelation 18:24.)How the Roman Church prides itself upon this, is shown in the followingwords of the Augsburg Confession: “So it [the Roman Church] also showsthat the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h has become Sunday against the Ten Commandments,nothing else is as highly respected as the transformation of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h; theyare herewith willing to keep the great power of the church, for it managed toexempt from the Ten Commandments and change something about them.”(Article 28)<strong>The</strong> paragraph are the following:# “So it [the Roman Catholic Church] testimonies and points out the scene that the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h has been transferred to Sunday, in opposition to the Ten Commandments,which has to be respected, and there is no example, no act carrying so much sensein it, as the transformation / the powerful change of <strong>Sabbat</strong>h to Sunday, and theywant to sustain and clearly demonstrate that great power of the [Roman Catholic]church, for it is dispensed from the Ten Commandments, [dispensed means: theRoman Catholic Church is released from the duty to keep the Ten Commandmentsof God, the God of the Bible, the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s, because the Roman CatholicChurch demands its commandments to be kept] and has changed something [haschanged means: it has changed all the commandments, and also desecrated allthe feast days of the Bible and replaced those days by the pagan feast days witha seemingly acting Christian name, for example, Pentecost, Easter, Christmas,Remembrance Sunday, the last three originate from idolatry, paganism].”“Is not every Christian obliged to sanctify Sunday? Is the observance ofthis law not one of the first among our sacred duties? But you may readthe Bible from Genesis to Apocalypse, and you will not find a single wordto prescribe the keeping holy of Sunday. <strong>The</strong> scriptures call for religiousobservation of <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, a day, which is no longer sacred.” (Catholic CardinalGibbens, ” Faith of Our Fathers “, p. 70)“Others are not at least willing to find the papacy in the revelation, either byreferring everything to the still future Antichrist, or to the former destructionof Jerusalem. Thus, the specific remedies in this time full of temptation arenot invalidated, and the testimony given to the papacy is given at the timewhere it would be most essential. <strong>The</strong>refore it is no wonder that people wholack the internal touchstone of truth get confused when searching it, thatthey fall into the hands of the papacy “(Bengel’s life, p. 303)

188Official Statements - Trinity“On the aforementioned Synods (Toulouse 1229) Pope Gregory IX namelyintroduced the so-called courts of faith and inquisition tracking the heretics,condemn according to church laws and hand them over to the secular armfor punishment; each sovereign, who spared a heretic should have lost hisworldly or spiritual goods, each house which housed a heretic, even thedoctor who attended a heretic were punished... Since the church itself couldnot accept the shedding of blood, the enforcement was assigned to secularauthorities as a matter of duty and office.”(Schlosser’s World History, ed 20,vol 6, p. 20)“This is unfortunately all too certain that the last and the bitterest blow ofthe beast from the sea [the Roman Papacy] is not over yet. Many excellentmen bore witness to that at the time of Reformation and has always takenaway the strongest evidence.” (Bengel, to Revelation 13:15) (see also” BibleReadings for the family circle, Conradi, Hamburg, p. 76-80, 263, 264)Revelation (Rev.) 13:15 KJV + EL = AND HE HAD POWER TO GIVE LIFE TOTHE IMAGE OF THE BEAST, THAT THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOULDBOTH SPEAK, AND CAUSE THAT AS MANY AS WOULD NOT WORSHIP THEIMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOULD BE KILLED.Rev. 13:16 KJV + EL = AND HE CAUSES ALL, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT,RICH AND POOR, FREE AND BOND, TO RECEIVE (Greek = TO GIVE THEM)A MARK [a mark of his authority is the Sunday - Dominus Die, the day of the sun]IN THEIR RIGHT HAND, OR IN THEIR FOREHEADS:Rev. 13:17 KJV + EL = AND THAT NO MAN MIGHT BUY OR SELL, SAVE HETHAT HAD THE MARK, OR THE NAME OF THE BEAST, OR THE NUMBER OFHIS NAME.Rev. 14:12 KJV + EL = HERE IS THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS;HERE ARE THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH,AND THE FAITH OF YAHSHUA.Statements by James White“<strong>The</strong> way in which spiritualists reject this way our only true God and ourLord Jesus Christ and deny done by making use of first the old unscripturalTrinitarian creed, namely, that Jesus Christ is the eternal God himself,although not a job have with which they can support it, while we have clearbiblical evidence in abundance from the fact that he is the son of the eternalGod.“(‚<strong>The</strong> Day-Star, „IX - January 25, 1846)<strong>The</strong> way spiritualizers have disposed of or denied the only Lord God and ourLord Jesus Christ is first using the old unscriptural Trinitarian creed, viz.,that Jesus Christ is the eternal God, though they have not one passage to supportit, while we have plain scripture testimony in abundance that he is the Son of theeternal God.” (James White, January 24, 1846, <strong>The</strong> Day Star)To assert that the sayings of the Son and his apostles are the commandments ofthe Father, is as wide from the truth as the old trinitarian absurdity that JesusChrist is the very and Eternal God. (James White, August 5, 1852, Review &Herald, vol. 3, no. 7, page 52, par. 42)

Official Statements - Trinity189Bro. Cottrell is nearly eighty years of age, remembers the dark day of 1780, andhas been a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h-keeper more than thirty years. He was formerly united with theSeventh-Day Baptists, but on some points of doctrine has differed from that body.He rejected the doctrine of the trinity, also the doctrine of man’s consciousnessbetween death and the resurrection, and the punishment of the wicked in eternalconsciousness. (James White, June 9, 1853, Review & Herald, vol. 4, no. 2,page 12, par. 16)As fundamental errors, we might class with this counterfeit sabbath othererrors which Protestants have brought away from the Catholic church, suchas sprinkling for baptism, the trinity, the consciousness of the dead and eternallife in misery. <strong>The</strong> mass who have held these fundamental errors, have doubtlessdone it ignorantly; but can it be supposed that the church of Christ will carryalong with her these errors till the judgment scenes burst upon the world?We think not. (James White, September 12, 1854, Review & Herald, vol. 6, no. 5,page 36, par. 8)“<strong>The</strong> ‘mystery of iniquity’ began to work in the church in Paul’s day. It finally crowdedout the simplicity of the gospel, and corrupted the doctrine of Christ, and the churchwent into the wilderness. Martin Luther, and other reformers, arose in the strengthof God, and with the Word and Spirit, made mighty strides in the Reformation. <strong>The</strong>greatest fault we can find in the Reformation is, the Reformers stopped reforming.Had they gone on, and onward, till they had left the last vestige of Papacy behind,such as natural immortality, sprinkling, the trinity, and Sunday-keeping, the churchwould now be free from her unscriptural errors.” (James White, February 7, 1856,Review & Herald, vol. 7, no. 19, page 148, par. 26)1. Because “it is also called Sunday from the old Roman denomination of DiesSolis, the day of the sun, to which it was sacred.” “Sunday was a name given bythe heathens to the first day of the week, because it was the day on which theyworshipped the sun.”2. Because it is “in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary.”3. Because “it is a day dedicated by the apostles to the honor of the most <strong>Holy</strong>Trinity.”(James White, April 4, 1854, Review & Herald, vol. 5, no. 11, page 86, par. 16-18)“Here we can mention the Trinity, that wipes off the personality of God andHis Son Jesus Christ of time by representing them in a completely wronglight: by alleging that the son has no beginning and therefore severalpassages of the Bible are declared untrue. It is also affirmed that the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit is of equal sovereignty, even though there are only two of them: theFather and the Son. In the occult Helena Petrovna Blavatsky speaks clearly:Mary and the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit are Satan, i.e. Lucifer himself. This is known bythe insiders only, the outsiders have no idea about it. If the <strong>Holy</strong> Spiritis depicted as a person, then the Father is a soulless old god, who mustbe guided by his personal „spirit“ (see “Official statements about ‘<strong>The</strong>Trinity‘“).““<strong>The</strong> work of emancipating, instructing and leading the Hebrews was given toOne who is called an angel. Ex.13:21; 14:19, 24; 23:20-23; 32:34; Num. 20:16;Isa. 63:9. And this angel, Paul calls „that spiritual Rock that followed them,“and he affirms, „That Rock was Christ.“ 1 Cor. 10:4. <strong>The</strong> eternal Father isnever called an angel in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s, while what angels have done is frequently

190Official Statements - Trinityascribed to the LORD [YAHWEH, the father], as they are his messengers andagents to accomplish his work. It is said of Him [Yahshua] who went before theHebrews to deliver them, „My name is in him.“ In all the stupendous eventsof that deliverance the mind of the LORD [YAHWEH] was represented in Jesus[Yahshua].” {J. S. White, Christ and the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, p. 11}“Jesus prayed that his disciples might be one as he was one with his Father.This prayer did not contemplate one disciple with twelve heads, but twelvedisciples, made one in object and effort in the cause of their master. Neitherare the Father and the Son parts of the “three-one God.” <strong>The</strong>y are twodistinct beings, yet one in the design and accomplishment of redemption.”{James White, 1868, Life Incidents, p 343}“James White said in 1871 that the visions of his wife were not in agreementwith the commitment of the Trinitarians.”(‚Mutual Obligation,‘ Review and Herald, 13. June 1871, 204)“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s clearly indicate the relation between God and Christ, and theybring to view as clearly the personality and individuality of each. [Hebrews 1:1-5quoted.] God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God. To Christ hasbeen given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father. All thecounsels of God are opened to His Son.” (Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church,vol. 8, page 268)Statements by J. N. LoughboroughJ. N. Loughborough was once asked whether there is any serious objection tothe doctrine of the Trinity. His answer was:<strong>The</strong>re are many objections, but we want to limit ourselves only to the three mostimportant ones:1. It is incompatible with the common sense.2. It is incompatible with the <strong>Scripture</strong>.<strong>The</strong> word Trinity appears nowhere in the <strong>Scripture</strong>. Mainly, the text1 John 5:7 is mentioned, which is an insertion. Clarke says: “From thehundred and thirteen manuscripts the text is missing in one hundred twelve.It appears in no manuscript prior to the tenth century. And the first time, wherethe text appears in Greek, there is only a Greek translation of the decrees of theCouncil of Lateran, held in 1215. “3. <strong>The</strong>ir origin is pagan and fictive.Instead of referring to the <strong>Scripture</strong>s in order to prove the existence of theTrinity, we are drawn to the trident of the Persians ... It is certain that the Jewishcommunity taught nothing like that. Mr. Summerbell says: “A friend of mine whovisited a synagogue in New York, asked the rabbi for an explanation of the wordelohim ‘. A Trinitarian priest standing next to him replied: “Well, that refers to thethree persons of the Trinity” As a Jew came forward and said that he was notallowed to mention that word, otherwise he would be forced to leave the House,because it was not allowed to call the name of a foreign God in the synagogue“.... <strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity was about the same time introduced into the

Official Statements - Trinity191church as the worship of images and keeping the day of the sun {Editor:Sunday}, but it is just a restatement of the Persian doctrine. After its launchabout three hundred years went by, until the doctrine became what it is today. Itwas introduced around 325 ... In Spain, it was adopted in 589, in England in 596and in 534 in Africa “(excerpt)Preliminary work:“Question 1. What serious objections are there to the doctrine of the Trinity?“Answer. <strong>The</strong>re are many objections which we might urge, but on account of ourlimited space we shall reduce them to the three following:“1. It is not very consonant with common sense to talk of three being one, and onebeing three. …“2. It is contrary to <strong>Scripture</strong>. …“3. Its origin is pagan and fabulous. …”(‚<strong>The</strong> Review and Herald‘, Battle Creek, Michigan, 5. Nov. 1861 / in ‚<strong>The</strong> AdventistPioneer Library‘)Statements by R. F. Cottrell“I never believed the doctrine of the trinity, nor ever professed to believe it. ... menhave gone to extremes in the discussion of the doctrine of the trinity. Some havemade Christ a mere noble man, commencing his existence at his birth in Bethlehem;others have not been satisfied with holding Him to be what the <strong>Scripture</strong>s soclearly reveal Him, the pre-existing Son of God, but have made Him the Godand Father of Himself. If the <strong>Scripture</strong>s say He is the Son of God, I believe it. If it isdeclared that the Father sent His Son into the world, I believe He had a Son to send.”(‚Review and Herald‘, 1. June 1869)Statements of J. N. Andrews„God alone is immortal and the Father gave the son‘s life. <strong>The</strong> immortalityof Christ comes from God, and was not an integral part of his existence. “(‘Review and Herald‘, 27 January 1874)Statements by M. E. Cornell“Protestants and Catholics are so close in the views that you can easilyimagine how the Protestants can make a picture of the animal. Most of theProtestants together with the Catholics believe in the Trinity, the immortalityof the soul, the consciousness of the dead, the reward and punishment at death,the endless torment of the wicked, the happiness of the pious dead in the sky,sprinkling for baptism, and the pagan Sunday instead of <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. Everythingis contrary to the spirit and the letters of the New Testament. Certainly astriking family resemblance exists between “mothers” and “daughters.”(‘Facts for <strong>The</strong> Times’, 1858, p. 76)Editor: Interestingly, I have to say that many people who have recognized thedoctrine of the Trinity as false, still hold to the teaching of the Council of 325AD. On this first Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea of the emperor Constantine,

192Official Statements - TrinityChrist, the Messiah, was declared. God. <strong>The</strong> background was the creationof an ecumenical creed of all bishops, to which both parties could positivelyagree. Athanasius taught that the Messiah is is not only the Son of God butalso God who has no beginning and is as old as his father. <strong>The</strong> oresbyter ofthe community Arius raised his protest against this new unbiblical teachingfor he was convinced that long before the creation the Father had a son, whocreated everything being the foreman of the Father. [See also Hebrews 1:1, 2, 5;5:5; Acts 13:33; Psalm 2:7]Statements by G. I. Butler„God lives in us through His <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit as a comforter, as a rebuke, beingthe first one in particular. If we come to him, we become part of him in this sense,because the Spirit comes forth from Him; it comes forth from the Father and theSon. It is no person who has legs and walks around or flies around - as if it were a realbeing, like the father and the son. And if it were so, then that would be completelybeyond my comprehension - what could be expressed in language or words.“(From a letter to J. H. Kellogg, April 5, 1904)Statements by A. J. Dennis“By which contradictory terms is the Trinitarian confession of faith justified:In the unity of the head there are three persons, of the same substance, powerand eternity: the Father, the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. <strong>The</strong>re are many thingsin the Word of God that are mysterious, but we can safely assume that theLord never calls us to believe impossibilities. But the creeds often do so.“(“<strong>The</strong> Signs of the Times”, May 22nd 1879)In 1st Corinthians it is written that only the Father is above all and the Son ofGod will be tributary to his father at the end:“<strong>The</strong>n the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father afterhe has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he “has put everythingunder his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, itis clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him whoput everything under him, so that God may be all in all.”(1 Corinthians 15:24a, 27-28)~For more than a hundred years it is well known that the so-called „CommaJohanneum“ in 1st John 5:7 to 8 has been an addendum in different translationsof the Bible. In the fourth and the fifth centuries AD at the latest, changes weremade in the word of God due to some additions.However, in which way did some traditions - including the „Comma Johanneum“and other Trinitarian texts – reach the copies of the original text and then even the<strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>?

Official Statements - Trinity193In the early copies comments were written at the margin. Later copyists insertedsome marginal notes into the biblical text. Also translators (and later even theprinters) sometimes brought their own views influenced by the tradition, into thetranslation.Once, only a few wealthy could afford buying a copy of the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. For thecommon people the word of God was hidden out of reach behind monastery walls.Just rcently it has been found out from documents, what happened in that time.<strong>The</strong> so-called „Comma Johanneum“, the verse in 1st John 5:7-8 has secretly beeninserted into the biblical text.This text inserted in 1 John 5:7-8 “in heaven, the Father, the Word and the <strong>Holy</strong>Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth:“cannot be found in any of the known Greek manuscripts before the 11thcentury after Christ.”In 1920, Albrecht Ludwig published his translation of the New Testament. <strong>The</strong>re weread the the following notice concerning 1 John 5:7 and 8:“<strong>The</strong>se words cannot be found with any of the ancient church fathers, who treatedthe doctrine of the Trinity from the third to the fifth century. <strong>The</strong>y are also not presentin any Greek manuscript before the 15th Century. Only around 400 AD, the wordsappear in the Western Church. This then inserted the words into the Latin Vulgatein the Middle Age and from then on into the Greek text. Moreover, the words aremissing in all the old translations, even in the manuscripts of the Vulgate beforethe 10th Century. ““Erasmus kept his promise having added the passage to [1 John 5:7,8], its thirdedition (of 1522), however expressing his suspicion in an extensive footnote thatthe handwriting [the found Greek manuscript containing this addendum] was madespecially to refute him. Among the thousands of Greek manuscripts that havebeen checked since the time of Erasmus, there are only three further oneswhich contain this spurious passage... <strong>The</strong> earliest known quotation from the“Comma” is a treatise dating from the 4th Century that can either be attributed tothe student or his Priscillian, the Spanish bishop Instantius. <strong>The</strong> “Comma” wasprobably originally part of an allegorical interpretation of the “three witnesses”in the text and may have stood as a side note in a Latin manuscript of the firstLetter of John, from where it came into the Old Latin Bible yet in the 5th Century. “(Quotes from: “<strong>The</strong> text of the New Testament / New Testament Introduction to theTextual Criticism ‘; III <strong>The</strong> pre-critical period: Textus Receptus” - BM Metzger, 1966)<strong>The</strong> more astonishing is the fact that this dubious text in the revised edition of thepopular “Schlachter 2000” suddenly reappears. At least it is admitted on page 1354in the appendix of the new “Schlachter Version 2000”: “1 John 5:7-8 (the so-called“Comma Johanneum”): (7) Because there are three to bear witness in heaven: theFather, the Word and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost, and these three are one, (8) and three arethe ones who bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water and the blood, and thesethree are the same. <strong>The</strong> words printed in italics are missing in the majority text.”It has been unfortunately forgotten to be added that the “Comma Johanneum” wasneither included in the Schlachter’s own translation. A text review of Schlachter’sBible translation dated 1905 (at least sixteen editions had been published until1922) regarding the “Comma Johanneum” has shown that the spurious text cannotbe found in 1 John 5:7,8. Like Dr. Martin Luther, Franz Eugen Schlachter would

194Official Statements - Trinitycertainly neither allow that later generations ever dare adding fake text in histranslation.In 1534, there was a full print run of Luther’s Bible translation. But even in Luther’slifetime his Bible translation was brazenly falsified. <strong>The</strong>refore, Luther’s authorizededitions were given protective masks in form of a signature: “Dis zeichen sey zeuge //This sign be witness / that these books passed through my hands / to protect fromfalse printing and perdition / vleyssigen to ytzt much.” After a revision in autumnof 1541, Dr. Martin Luther complained again: “... it often happened to me that Ifound printed pirates so that I could not recognize my own work in many places.”(Quotes from: Luther Bible of 1534 - A cultural-historical introduction by Stephen Füssel)[Dr. Martin Luther: “This mask is to prove that such books have passed through myhands, for many people endeavor incorrect printing and destruction of books.”-”andit often happened to me that I found printed pirates so that I could not recognize myown work in many places.”Statements in Christian and historical literature“<strong>The</strong> doctrine of God’s Trinity was formulated by the Church in the late fourth century.<strong>The</strong> Bible itself at no point contains an explicit statement of God’s Trinity. <strong>The</strong>only apparent statement is the so-called ‘Comma Johanneum’, one addendum to1 John 5:7, deriving from the fourth century”: “<strong>The</strong>re are three who give testimonyin heaven: the Father, the Word and the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. And these three are one.” Thissentence, which was also included in some late Greek manuscripts and taken intoLuther’s translations, should obviously replace the missing literal basis of the<strong>Scripture</strong>.”from: Biblical-<strong>The</strong>ological Dictionary by Osterloh and Engelland, Gottingen,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1959, page 607“Dogmas are, in the stricter sense, doctrines turned into a standard by meansof church ceremonies (at synods), without recognition of which an individual isdeprived of eternal salvation.Neither Trinitarian statements, nor any speculations about the mutual relationshipof the three “persons” of the deity are contained in <strong>The</strong> New Testament.Matthew 28:19 is not a real word of the Lord! “from: Compendium of the Church History by Karl Heussi, JCB Mohr (Paul Diebeck)Tübingen, § 17 p. and q“Dogma (Greek ‘opinion’), doctrine, faith; transferred: A conviction which is notassured by a proof, but by an authoritative statement (Ecumenical Council,Emperor, Pope).”from: Encyclopedia and Dictionary, F. A. Brockhaus, Wiesband, Volume I, page 614“John does not equalize Jesus and God. Jesus is not God, and God is notJesus. He does not say of himself that he is God, but claims that he is the truerevealer of God; he interprets God because he originates from God’s world. Johndoes not support the ‘light from light’ of Nicea (325), which became the basis for theDoctrines of Two Natures (Chalcedon, 451). “from: No other God by Prof. H. M. Kuitert. 2004 Patmos Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.,Dusseldorf, page 169

Official Statements - Trinity195“He [Jesus / Yahshua] spoke to them: But whom say ye that I am? Simon Peteranswered then and said: Thou art the Christ [the Messiah] son ​of the living God. AndJesus [Yahshua] answered and said to him: Blessed are you, Simon, Son of Jonah,for not flesh and blood have revealed it to you, but my Father in heaven. “Matthew 16:15-17 after translation by Dr. Martin Luther“Many other signs which are not written in this book were given by Jesus [Yahshua]to the disciples. <strong>The</strong>se are written to make you believe that Jesus [Yahshua] is theChrist [the Messiah, the anointed of God], the Son of God, and that you have lifethrough faith in His name.”John 20:30-31 after translation by Dr. Martin Luther“In the description of the original world, the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> begins with, the Spiritof God is seen as the power of life coming from above. In the last words of theBible, the spirit is connected to the community as its life powersource, its prayer and its prospect for salvation. <strong>The</strong> Spirit of God that ledthe believers to the right faith and still does, is nothing more than the livingconnection of the justified with God. “from: Biblical-<strong>The</strong>ological Dictionary by Osterloh and Engelland, Gottingen,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1959, page 249 and 251Quote from ‘Mark of Brazil‘:“<strong>The</strong> name YAHWEH stands for Saturday [the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, blessed by the livingGod of heaven and sanctified on the seventh day of creation and rested fromall his works] and the Trinity, the [three-gods-teaching] stands for Sunday!“Quote:I. “<strong>The</strong> Old Testamentwas the Bible of Jesus [Yahshua]. It begins with the creation story in which thealmighty God reveals how He arranged His unlimited power to animate andinanimate matter having created everything within six days through His Sonand on the seventh day rested with the first man and cultivated community.“For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.”(Psalm 33:9)Finally, the Old Testament portrays the betrayal of trust of the first humans and theirassociated separation from God and the loss of their immortality. Also God throughHis son repeatedly trying to persuade people to change in order to be saved. <strong>The</strong>nGod creating and leading the people of Israel to prepare the world for incarnationof His Son as Savior and for His coming. <strong>The</strong> Old Testament ends with the writingsof the prophets, and contains many predictions which had been fulfilled in JesusChrist [Yahshua the Messiah]. <strong>The</strong> fulfillment of hundreds of accurate predictionsof thousands of opportunities prove that Jesus [Yahshua] is the savior promised by

196Official Statements - TrinityGod and that the Bible is the infallible word of God. “from: “Jesus is the way to life” by Ellen G. White, AFG Publishing House, pages 124, 125(editor: [...])Quote:II “<strong>The</strong> New Testamentwas written after the risen had left this Earth again and begins with four gospels,with the four accounts of the earthly life and ministry of Jesus [Yahshua]. <strong>The</strong>nfollows the report upon His ascension in the Acts of the Apostles, then as Hereceives the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit from His Father and pours it out. This is followed by theActs of the Apostles with the worldwide spread of salvation message of Jesus[Yahshua] within a generation. <strong>The</strong>n follow the teaching letters of ApostlesPaul, James, Peter, John and Jude. <strong>The</strong> New Testament ends with the Book ofRevelation of God, prophetically showing the centuries-long struggle against theword of God and prophetically depicting the completion of the redemption and thefuture kingdom of God. For better understanding of the New Testament, it would begood to know also the Old Testament because the New Testament often refers tothe Old Testament. <strong>The</strong> Bible shows all the way from the lost paradise to the newheaven and the new earth. It shows us the wonderful way of salvation and whatGod is and how much He loves us.”from: “Jesus is the way to life” by Ellen G. White, AFG Publishing House, p. 125(editor: [...])Quote:I & II “Whoever reads the Bible should observe the basics.1. <strong>The</strong> Bible defines itself, it explains itself. Simple and clear Bible texts do notneed to be interpreted because they are self-explanatory.2. Difficult Bible texts are explained by simple and clear Bible texts, which no oneneeds to interpret.3. It is wrong to interpret difficult biblical texts in the way they could becomeinconsistent [controversial] with simple and clear Bible texts because the Biblehas been given to its writers by the Spirit of God which cannot be contradictorybeing God’s spirit.”from: “Jesus is the way to life” by Ellen G. White, AFG Publishing House, p. 129(editor: [...])~

Official Statements - Trinity197read also:<strong>The</strong> Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity<strong>The</strong>%20Formulation%20of%20the%20Doctrine%20of%20the%20Trinity.pdf100 and more mysteries of the trinity “First Sermon Preached Before King Edward VI.” - Hugh Latimer, <strong>The</strong> GreatControversy, p. 248~

200<strong>The</strong> Truth about the TrinityBecause it has been taught and believed as “gospel” for centuries, unearthing theactual roots of the Trinity doctrine can be unsettling for many. Yet, unless beliefsare examined and at times challenged, we may find ourselves in a lifetime of errorand never know it. Here are the facts about an ancient doctrine that long predatesthe New Testament – about a doctrine that was borrowed from mystery religionwith no foundation in the sacred <strong>Scripture</strong>s!___________________________________________A fundamental teaching and “test” doctrine of both Catholic and Protestant groups[or, “Churchianity”] is the Trinity. <strong>The</strong> Trinity tenet is probably best expressed by theTrinitarian Bible Society of London, England as “...the belief in the Godhead of theFather and the Son, and of the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost, Three co-equal and co-eternal Personsin One Living and True God ... in unity of this Godhead there be Three Persons, ofone substance, power and eternity the Father, the Son and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost.”“Spirit” is misconstrued as the superstitious “ghost” in 1611 King James wording.<strong>The</strong> term “ghost” is an erroneous translation of the Greek pneuma, which is bettertranslated as “spirit.” <strong>The</strong>re is no word in the Greek language for “ghost.” <strong>The</strong>closest Greek word, phantasma, occurs twice (Matt. 14:26 ; Mark 6:49 , translatedspirit) which means “apparition, specter, phantom,” but is never used to describethe <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit.Churchianity teaches that this special Power, this Spirit that emanates from theFather and is shared by the Son, is a person called the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit, which togetherwith the Father and Son makes up a Trinity.Trinity Missing from the New TestamentUnder the subject of Trinity, the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition, 1974,vol. 10, p. 126, Micropedia) makes this eye-opening statement, “Neither the wordTrinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did [Yahshua*]and His followers intend to contradict the Shema of the Old Testament: ‘Hear, OIsrael: [Yahweh*] our [Elohim] is One.’” (Deut. 6:4).<strong>The</strong> International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia gives this surprising admission:“<strong>The</strong> term ‘Trinity’ is not a Biblical term, and we are not using Biblical languagewhen we define what is expressed by it...In point of fact, the doctrine of the Trinityis purely a revealed doctrine. That is to say, it embodies a truth which has neverbeen discovered, and is indiscoverable, by natural reason.” (Trinity, vol.5, p. 3012).<strong>The</strong> Britannica adds: “<strong>The</strong> doctrine developed gradually over several centuriesand through many controversies... . <strong>The</strong> Council of Nicaea, in 325, stated thecrucial formula for that doctrine in its confession that the ‘Son is of the the Father,’ even though it said very little about the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit...Bythe end of the 4th century...the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form ithas maintained ever since.”

<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinity201<strong>The</strong> New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967,vol. 14, p. 299, acknowledges: “<strong>The</strong>formulation ‘one G-d in three Persons’was not solidly established, certainly notfully assimilated into Christian life andits profession of faith, prior to the end ofthe 4th century....Among the ApostolicFathers, there had been nothing evenremotely approaching such a mentalityor perspective.”<strong>The</strong> issue came to a flash point atthe general church Council of Nicaea in325 C.E., called by Constantine . Twochurch leaders in Alexandria - Arius andAthanasius - had been in open disputeover whether the Father and Son wereequal.Eusebius, the father of ecclesiasticalhistory, early in the conference offereda compromise resolution that describedthe relationship of the Father, Son, and<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. Supporters of Athanasiusrealized that the compromise woulddestroy the doctrine of the Trinity, andwas essentially a vote for Arius, whomaintained that the Father was superiorin some ways. Emperor Constantinestepped in, rejecting the compromiseof Eusebius. But the Trinity idea didnot become doctrine until the year 379when Roman Emperor <strong>The</strong>odosiusestablished Christianity as the statereligion. Hence, the Roman CatholicChurch, and its doctrine of a Triunedeity, was born.Trinity Discounted Early OnIn the early years following theresurrection of the Messiah, the Trinitydoctrine was not accepted by a numberof educated, sincere Bible-believers.One source informs us about a MichaelServetus, a Spanish physician, who“...was unable to accept traditionalformulas defining G-d as ‘Father, Sonand <strong>Holy</strong> [Spirit]’ - one G-d expressedthrough three personalities. He put hisdoubts into print and stirred up a furorof indignation. <strong>The</strong> New Testamentnowhere conveys the doctrinalformula as such; it was shaped bychurch councils of the fourth and fifthcenturies...agents of Protestant leaderstook Servetus to Champel the next dayand burned him at the stake until hisbody was totally reduced to ashes.”p. 65, Strange Facts About the Bible,Webb Garrison.Erasmus is noted for his editing ofthe Greek New Testament, a work ofexemplary scholarship. “In preparing thefirst edition of his Greek New Testamentin 1516, the Dutch scholar used thebest and oldest manuscripts availableto him. For purposes of scholarship hecompared Latin and Greek <strong>version</strong>sby printing them in parallel columns.Ancient copies did not include at 1John5:7 a reference to the Trinity, standardin medieval copies of the Latin Vulgate.Guided by the principle that the oldestcopies of a work are likely to becloser to the original than later copies,Erasmus omitted from the Greek side ofHis New Testament the allusion familiarto readers of the Latin Bible. <strong>The</strong> useof parallel columns made the omissionimmediately obvious,” p. 258, StrangeFacts about the Bible.A Babylonian SurvivalAs these authorities have revealed,the Trinity doctrine is not based uponthe clear teachings of the Bible, butis fashioned piecemeal from selectedverses that are said to allude to a Trinity.<strong>The</strong> simple fact is the doctrine ofa Trinity was not initially taught bythe early church. <strong>The</strong> teaching wascontrived to replicate the trinitarianbeliefs of incoming pagan converts.Abundantly common in pagan religionsis the concept of a trinity. Early convertsfrom paganism generally had worshipeda triad of deities. (see pp. 10-11)In his book, <strong>The</strong> Two Babylons,

202<strong>The</strong> Truth about the TrinityAlexander Hislop traces the originof the Trinity idea to the mother of allpagan concepts, Babylon . Summing upa lengthy study of historical evidence,Hislop concludes: “Will any one afterthis say that the Roman CatholicChurch must still be called Christian,because it holds the doctrine of theTrinity? So did the Pagan Babylonians,so did the Egyptians, so do the Hindusat this hour, in the very sense in whichRome does.” (p. 90).From the Encyclopedia of Religionand Ethics (Trinity, p. 458) we read,“Although the notion of a divine Triad orTrinity is characteristic of the Christianreligion, it is by no means peculiar toit. In Indian religion we meet with thetrinitarian group of Brahma, Siva, andVishnu; and in Egyptian religion withthe trinitarian group of Osiris, Isis, andHorus, constituting a divine family,like the Father, Mother and Son inmediaeval Christian pictures.”<strong>The</strong> Trinity doctrine incorporated apagan concept embraced long beforeChristianity by ancient heathens offoreign lands. On page 595 of <strong>The</strong>Story of Civilization (vol. III), notedhistorian Will Durant provides theserevelations, “Christianity did not destroypaganism; it adopted it... <strong>The</strong> Greeklanguage, having reigned for centuriesover philosophy, became the vehicleof Christian literature and ritual; theGreek mysteries passed down intothe impressive mystery of the Mass.Other pagan cultures contributed to thesyncretist result. From Egypt came theideas of a divine Trinity.”<strong>The</strong> pagan emperor Constantinefavored Christianity because ofhis mother’s influence. To avert adeveloping schism among Christiansin his realm, he called for a council tounite all Christendom into one religion.To forestall the growing acceptanceof Arianism, the “Nicene Creed” wasdeveloped which is even today a partof the liturgy of Catholic, Lutheran andother churches. <strong>The</strong> first Nicene Creeddid not establish or affirm a Trinity. Onlylater revisions added the concept of aTrinity.“Oneness” Concept InfluentialAnother teaching that wasgaining ground about that time was“Monarchianism,” in which all three(Father, Son and <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit) constituteonly one essence as well as one person.We know this teaching today under theterm “Oneness,” which is taught byvarious Pentecostal churches.<strong>The</strong> Oneness teaching goes backat least to the third century where itschief exponent, Sabellius, proposedthat the Father was the Creator, whobecame the Son at Bethlehem , andthen became the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit when theSon ascended.This teaching would have us believethat the Messiah Yahshua prayedto Himself when on earth, and thatYahshua raised Himself from thedead. But the Bible says the Fatherraised (Greek = anistemi) Him up.(see Acts 2:24; 2:30; 2:32; 3:15; 3:26;13:30; 13:37 )Sabellianism teaches that all three areone in person, successively assumingthe role of Father, Son and presentlyacting as the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. This doctrineno doubt influenced the Trinity conceptas disseminated today.Bible Reinterpreted for the Sake ofTrinitarianism<strong>The</strong> doctrine of the Trinity beganas part of the Nicene Creed of 325,which was altered and amendedover the years. To accommodate thepagan converts who worshiped aTrinity, the teachings of the <strong>Scripture</strong>swere reinterpreted to harmonize with

<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinity203established pagan beliefs.Hislop’s Two Babylon’s explainsthese: “In the unity of that only G-dof the Babylonians, there were threepersons and to symbolize that doctrineof the Trinity, they employed, as thediscoveries of Layard prove, theequilateral triangle, just as it is wellknown the Romish Church does atthis day.” A footnote points out that theEgyptians also used the triangle as asymbol of their triform divinity. (p. 16)<strong>The</strong> Trinitarian concept gainedacceptance as the Jewish convertswere overwhelmed by the growingnumber of heathen who were taken intothe church, bringing with them pagandoctrines nowhere found in the Bible.Pagan converts could more easilyidentify with Christianity and become apart of it by simply changing the namesof their deities. Those who worshiped aTrinity could find one in Christianity.Israel was notably different fromvirtually all other religions in thatthey worshiped one Mighty One. <strong>The</strong>Babylonians, Egyptians, Canaanites,Zorastrians, Hindus and othersworshiped a triad of major deitiesin a worship Yahweh expresslyabhorred. In the very first of theTen Commandments He thunderedthat we are to have no other deitiesbefore Him.Christianity began to accept manypagan doctrines, only the names werechanged to appear “Christian” (forexample, the pagan Roman Saturnaliabecame Christmas; Assyrian fertilityworship of the goddess Ishtar wasbrought over to create the Easter{“Ishtar”} celebration; Semiramis, the“Queen of Heaven” worshiped by theBabylonians, was transformed into theMadonna worshiped by many today{“Madonna” means “my lord” from Latinmea + domina}; pagan sun worshipbecame manifest in the Christian halo,etc.).”<strong>The</strong> Roman Catholic church states:“<strong>The</strong> Trinity is the term employedto signify the central doctrine of theChristian religion...Thus, in the wordsof the Athanasian Creed: ‘the Fatheris G-d, the Son is G-d, and the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit is G-d, and yet there are not threeG-ds but one G-d.’ In this Trinity...thePersons are co-eternal and co-equal:all alike are uncreated and omnipotent.”<strong>The</strong> Catholic Encyclopedia.<strong>The</strong> Trinity is considered to be “oneG-d in three persons” with each believedto be without beginning, having existedfor eternity and are all equal, each beingnot lesser or greater than the others.Members of the National Council ofChurches all espouse a belief in theTrinity.<strong>Scripture</strong> clearly shows that Yahwehis the supreme Mighty One in theheavens. <strong>The</strong>re is no one equal to Him.Paul wrote: “But I would have youknow, that the head of every man isMessiah; and the head of the woman isthe man; and the head of the Messiah isYahweh,” 1Corinthians 11:3.He said in Ephesians that there isone “Father of all, who is above all,” 4:6.<strong>The</strong> Savior Himself said, “My Father isgreater than I,” John 14:28 .“Elohim” Means Plural - More ThanOne- Not “Three”Many recognize that the Trinityteaching is confusing and in the wordsof the Encyclopedia Americana is“beyond the grasp of human reason.”<strong>The</strong> Bible clearly teaches a pluralityin the Old Testament, for the Book ofGenesis begins with “In the beginningG-d [Hebrew Elohim] created...” <strong>The</strong>word Elohim is from the Hebrew Eloahwith the “im” suffix denoting the plural.Elohim is a Hebrew collective noun,

204<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinitymasculine in gender. It has the sameplural concept as words like family,group, school, board, and council.Each of these collective nouns takesa singular verb. We say the family ishome. <strong>The</strong> group is small. <strong>The</strong> school ison vacation. <strong>The</strong>se collective nouns areall composed of at least two individualsor perhaps more. But the collectivenoun usually takes a singular verb. Weare not told the exact number makingup a family, group, or school. So it iswith the Hebrew word Elohim.Genesis 1:2 reads: “And the earthwas without form, and void; anddarkness [was] upon the face of thedeep. And the Spirit of Elohim movedupon the face of the waters.” (Gen. 1:2)Trinitarians seize upon the wordElohim, then finding that it meansa plurality - more than one - theyimmediately conclude it must meanthree, a Trinity!Spirit Is a ForceSpirit is translated from the Hebrewruach and occurs 389 times in the OldTestament. It is rendered spirit 237times in the King James Version. <strong>The</strong>Companion Bible says that the basicidea running through all the passages is“invisible force.” In whatever sense theword ruach is used, it means an unseenforce except by its manifestations. Itcan be compared to a physical force likemagnetism, gravity, and in our modernage, electricity and radioactivity. <strong>The</strong>Bible likens spirit to wind.In the New Testament Greek textspirit is pneuma and carries the samemeaning—in Greek it means to breathe.(“Pneumatic” tires are filled with air;“pneumonia” affects the lungs—the airexchangingorgans.) Both words haveas their basic meaning, “breath,” butthe sense extends beyond that primarymeaning. Spirit is from the Latin spirare(translation of the Hebrew ruach, whichmeans to breathe). Spirare is foundin the word “respiration,” which is theprocess of breathing.Is it any wonder that following Hisresurrection, Yahshua gave the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit to His disciples when “he breathedon them,” John 20:22? Heavenly powercame from His nostrils, not a person!Both ruach and pneuma mean “wind.”<strong>The</strong>y can also mean the invisible, vitalforce in living creatures, or a dominantfeeling, attitude or disposition. Spiritcan refer to the invisible world, includingYahweh and His angelic creatures aswell as the evil, satanic realm. It canalso refer to Yahweh’s holy, active, orlife-giving force or power.All of these meanings have the senseof an active vitality that is invisible tohuman eyes. We cannot see spirit justas we cannot “see” wind, gravity, radiowaves, electricity, or magnetism. Butwe can see what it does, the results ofits activity. We can often see the effectsof the special power of Yahweh’s <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit, too.Early Fathers Knew the Essence ofthe <strong>Holy</strong> SpiritMany of the early “fathers,” includingJustin Martyr of the second century,taught that the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit was an“influence or mode of operation ofthe Deity.” Hippolytus ascribed nopersonality to the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. In thecreation, the Spirit of Yahweh, orYahweh’s Power, went forth from Himand accomplished His will.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit was the power, theforce, the vitality emanating fromElohim that moved and acted upon theface of the waters. <strong>The</strong> Spirit was not aseparate person moving on the waters.

<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinity205“Proof” Texts to Support TrinityAn attempt to “prove” a Trinity is1 John 5:7. However, newer Bibletranslations have corrected this spuriousverse. <strong>The</strong> Catholic Jerusalem Biblesays in a footnote to 1John 5:7, “Not inany of the early Greek manuscripts, orany of the early translations, or in thebest manuscripts of the Vulgate itself.”This bogus text reads: “For there arethree that bear record in heaven, theFather, the Word, and the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost:and these three are one.”<strong>The</strong> Companion Bible states thatthis verse was not found in any Greekmanuscripts before the 16th century butwas first seen in the margins of someof the Latin copies; from there it creptinto the text. Modern translations donot include this verse in the main bodyof their text but may have a footnotestating that this verse is spurious. Itis plainly a forgery inserted by someTrinitarian zealot during the Dark Ages.Matthew 28:19 is often used topromote the false Trinity, which readsas follows:“Go therefore, and teach all nations,baptizing them in the name of theFather, and of the Son, and of the<strong>Holy</strong> [Spirit]:” (Matt. 28:19). Abundantevidence exists that this verse was alsonot in the original texts (JerusalemBible is one such source). For moreinformation write us.<strong>The</strong>re are four <strong>Scripture</strong>s in theOld Testament where plural personalpronouns are used in referring toElohim. <strong>The</strong> Trinitarians say theseprove a Trinity, although the word Trinityitself does not appear in any of theseverses:“And Elohim said, Let US make manin OUR image, after OUR likeness: andlet them have dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the fowl of the air, andover the cattle, and over all the earth,and over every creeping thing thatcreeps upon the earth.” (Gen. 1:26)“And the Yahweh Elohim said, Behold,the man is become as one of US, toknow good and evil: and now, lest heput forth his hand, and take also of thetree of life, and eat, and live for ever:”(Gen. 3:22)“Go to, let US go down, and thereconfound their language, that they maynot understand one another’s speech.”(Gen. 11:7)“Also I heard the voice of Yahweh,saying, Whom shall I send, and whowill go for US? <strong>The</strong>n said I, Here [am] I;send me.” (Isa. 6:8)<strong>The</strong>re is nothing in these verses thatwould lead us to accept the doctrineof a Trinity. <strong>The</strong> use of these pluralpronouns (us, we, our) in referring todeity only shows plural Mighty Ones.Yahshua told Phillip, “He that hasseen Me has seen the Father,” John14:9. Other verses demonstrate thatYahshua is the very image of theHeavenly Father, that He is the expressimage of His person (Heb.1:3, Col.1:15, 2Cor. 4:4). He is the other half ofthis plural majesty in the heavens.<strong>The</strong> appearance of the <strong>Holy</strong> Spiritis likened to a dove, Matthew 3:16.Genesis 1:27 clearly says man is to bemade “in the image of Elohim.” If the<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is a third person of a Trinity,man would also look like a bird in someaspect or appear in the image of afeathered dove!Grammatical Gender Mistaken forthe LiteralAnother so-called “proof” oftenpresented to show that the <strong>Holy</strong> Spiritis a sentient being is that the personalpronouns He, Him or His often refer tothe Spirit in the English <strong>Scripture</strong>s. John14:17 is misused to force a personalityaspect on the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit: “[Even] the

206<strong>The</strong> Truth about the TrinitySpirit of truth; whom the world cannotreceive, because it sees HIM not,neither knows HIM: but you know HIM;for HE dwells with you, and shall be inyou” (John 14:17 ).<strong>The</strong> use of the personal pronounWHOM in this text is unwarranted,reflecting simply the translator’sprejudice. Which better renders theGreek neuter form. <strong>The</strong> Greek pronounis auto, and refers back to Comforter(Greek = Parakletos), which is a nounof masculine gender, and apparentlythe reason translators provided the“Him” and “He” pronouns.Understand that nouns in mostEuropean languages have gender.To English-speaking peoples this is arather peculiar characteristic of theirlanguages. For example, in German“plate” is masculine. In French “knife”is masculine and “fork” feminine. Itwould be as logical to insist that “plate”and “knife” are persons—becauseof masculine usage in German andFrench—as it would be to claim thatthe comforter is a person becauseParakletos (comforter) is masculine inGreek. Pronouns must agree in number,case, and gender. English is not nearlyso sophisticated in its grammar.<strong>The</strong> Greek word for spirit (pneuma) isneuter in gender and properly should betranslated it. Some translations do notfollow the the King James in referringto the Spirit as He but more properlyas it. <strong>The</strong>se Bibles are the Diaglott(a literal translation from the Greek),Rotherham , Literal Concordant, andGoodspeed, among others. Pronounsreferring to spirit are also neuter. Butthose referring to the Father and theSon are masculine.In contrast to the Greek, Hebrewnouns have no neuter gender. InHebrew, nouns are either masculine orfeminine. <strong>The</strong>refore, while ruach (spirit)is masculine in gender, according torules of Hebrew grammar, the religion ofJudaism does NOT look upon ruach asa person, but as a POWER or FORCE.Personification Doesn’t Make aPersonIt is not uncommon for the Bibleto personify objects or events bygiving human characteristics or livingattributes to them. Paul says in Romans5:14, “Nevertheless, death reigned fromAdam to Moses...” Death metaphoricallysits upon a throne, ruling as a king.Paul gives sin the attributes of a personin writing, “For sin, taking occasionby the commandment, deceived me,and by it slew me. (Romans 7:11) Arewe to understand that sin deceivedand slew Paul? Hardly! Paul did thesinning. He broke Yahweh’s law andwas then condemned to death. Paul isusing a figure of speech, giving sin apersonality.Similarly, Paul personifies the Greekword agape (translated charity, love),giving it physical attributes as well:“Charity suffers long, [and] is kind;charity envies not; charity vaunts notitself, is not puffed up, Does not behaveitself unseemly, seeks not her own, isnot easily provoked, thinks no evil;Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices inthe truth; Bears all things, believes allthings, hopes all things, endures allthings. Charity never fails: but whether[there be] prophecies, they shall fail;whether [there be] tongues, they shallcease; whether [there be] knowledge, itshall vanish away.” (1 Cor. 13:4-8)Paul knows that love is not a person,but by giving agape love personalityhe is able to show the great power andinfluence love can exert in our lives.<strong>The</strong> animation of a thing in the Bibledoes not make it a person.<strong>The</strong> Bible is rich in figures of speech,metaphors, and similes. Note thefollowing examples of personification in

<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinity207the Bible where inanimate objects aregiven living attributes:“Mercy and truth are met together;righteousness and peace have kissed[each other]” (Ps. 85:10)“Truth shall spring out of the earth;and righteousness shall look down fromheaven” (Ps. 85:11)“Let the floods clap [their] hands: letthe hills be joyful together” Ps. 98:8)“<strong>The</strong>n the moon shall be confounded,and the sun ashamed, when Yahwehof hosts shall reign in mount Zion, andin Jerusalem, and before his ancientsgloriously.” (Isa. 24:23)“<strong>The</strong> wilderness and the solitaryplace shall be glad for them; and thedesert shall rejoice, and blossom as therose.” (Isa. 35:1)“Sing, O you heavens; for Yahwehhas done [it]: shout, you lower partsof the earth: break forth into singing,you mountains, O forest, and everytree therein: for Yahweh has redeemedJacob, and glorified Himself in Israel.”(Isa. 44:23)“For you shall go out with joy, and beled forth with peace: the mountains andthe hills shall break forth before you intosinging, and all the trees of the fieldshall clap [their] hands.” (Isa. 55:12)“And he had in his right hand sevenstars: and out of his mouth went a sharptwo-edged sword: and his countenance[was] as the sun shineth in HISstrength.” (Rev. 1:16) Does using thepronoun “his” make the sun a person?“You are the salt of the earth: but ifthe salt has lost HIS savour, wherewithshall it be salted...” (Mat. 5:13) Is salta man?<strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit’s Nonperson,Inanimate Attributes<strong>The</strong> invisible power or force whichflows from Yahweh is unseen, and isoften treated as a material substance.<strong>The</strong> Spirit is POURED out, Isaiah 32:15,44:3, Acts 2:17 ); SHED(Titus 3:5-6,Acts 2:33 ); BREATHED (John 20:22 );and it FILLED people (Acts 2:2-4,Ephesians 5:18 ). Yahshua Himself wasANOINTED with the Spirit (Acts 10:38)and men were BAPTIZED with it(Matt. 3:11 ).Is it possible for a person to be“poured out” on other people? If theSpirit is properly recognized as a forceor energy, then the correct sense ofthe Spirit’s empowering the people toabide by Yahweh’s law is understood,especially if they are filled with thatSpirit poured out on them.We read that Yahweh anointedYahshua of Nazareth with the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit in Acts 10:38. This act isincomprehensible if we accept thepagan teaching that the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is aperson equal to the Father and the Son.Why and how could this co-equal, inpowerperson be poured upon the Sonwho was equal in power?If we properly understand the Spirit tobe force or energy, (power) poured uponthe Son, saturating Him as with oil, thenwe truly grasp the Biblical meaning of“spirit” and see why Yahshua is calledthe Messiah, Yahweh’s “anointed”(anointed means to rub with oil).“Trinity” and Pagan Baal WorshipProving that a doctrine is not fromthe Bible is more difficult when it hasbeen taught as truth for centuries.<strong>The</strong> liturgies and creeds as well asrepetitious songs (like “<strong>Holy</strong>, <strong>Holy</strong>, <strong>Holy</strong>,L-rd G-d Almighty”), heard and sungsince childhood, have engrained theTrinity concept in minds and hearts.

208<strong>The</strong> Truth about the TrinityFalse concepts become accepted asbedrock truth if never analyzed orchallenged. But brought before thepiercing light of <strong>Scripture</strong>, the truthbecomes crystal clear to the openmindedand sincere Bible student.<strong>The</strong> concept of trinity does appearin the Old Testament and it should benoted that it involves the worship of thepagan deity Baal:“And there came a man fromBaalshalisha, and brought the man ofElohim bread of the firstfruits, twentyloaves of barley, and full ears of cornin the husk thereof. And he said, Giveunto the people that they may eat.” (2Kings 4:42)<strong>The</strong> Hebrew shalishsa, meaning“three”, is connected with the trinitarianBaal! Baal was influential in agriculture,where the trinity of earth, sun, andwater were worshiped.price of the land?” (Acts 5:3)“<strong>The</strong> Spirit itself bears witness withour spirit, that we are the children ofElohim.” (Rom. 8:16 )Those who don’t understand thismetaphoric usage, as simply anextension of Yahweh Himself, leapto the conclusion that He is talking ofanother Being.<strong>The</strong> New Schaff-Herzog ReligiousEncyclopedia explains that although<strong>Scripture</strong> uses terms like grievedin reference to the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit, theterminology should not be taken for aseparate Person. “A similar conceptunderlies the Johannine terms teaching,reproving, and declaring, as applied tothe personal Paraclete. Nevertheless,to interpret these passages as implyinga person distinct from G-d and Chrst,whose Spirit he is called, is notwarranted.” (Trinity, Doctrine of, p. 19)<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit Symbolizes Yahweh’sAttributes<strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is an invisible,holy, flowing energy coming from theHeavenly Father and shared by HisSon, Yahshua. This Spirit, force orpower accomplishes their will.At times Yahweh refers to His Spiritas a power, an attitude, a pervadingforce, a powerful vitality, a dynamicinfluence that comes from Him. HisSpirit, emanating from Himself, helpsus reach a standard of righteousnessand so influences behavior that at timesit is seen as almost a living vitality, asevident from the following verses:“And Yahweh said, My Spirit shallnot always strive with man, for that healso [is] flesh: yet his days shall be anhundred and twenty years.” (Gen. 6:3)“But Peter said, Ananias, why hasSatan filled your heart to lie to the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit, and to keep back [part] of theScriptural Synopsis of <strong>Holy</strong> SpiritFactsNot all the following statements havebeen explained fully within this briefbooklet, yet are important to consider inregard to a Trinity doctrine supposedlysupported by the <strong>Scripture</strong>s:* <strong>The</strong> Greek philosopher Platoand the Alexandrine Platonists are thesource of the modern trinity doctrine.Author Alvan Lamson elaborates onthe doctrine of the Trinity and sums upwhat history shows about the Trinity onpage 34 of <strong>The</strong> Church of the FirstThree Centuries: “... we must look,not to the Jewish <strong>Scripture</strong>s, nor to theteachings of [Yahshua] and his apostles,but to Philo [the Jewish philosopherof the first century C.E.] and theAlexandrine Platonists. In consistencywith this view, we maintain that thedoctrine of the Trinity was of gradualand comparatively late formation; that ithad its origin in a source entirely foreign

<strong>The</strong> Truth about the Trinity209from that of the Jewish and Christian<strong>Scripture</strong>s; that it grew up, and wasin grafted on Christianity, through thehands of the Platonizing Fathers...”* <strong>The</strong> apostate church about thefourth century accepted the Trinity,which was then passed on to herdaughters. Acceptance of a Triunedeity was influenced by the polytheistic(“having many deities”) worshipeverywhere extant among heathenpeoples.* Neither the term Trinity norits doctrine is found in either the Old orNew Testaments.* <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit (erroneous“Ghost”) is not a person.* Ruach (Hebrew) and pneuma(Greek) are the Hebrew and Greekfrom which we get <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit in ourBibles. <strong>The</strong>y have as their root meaning“wind or breath” in both the Hebrew andGreek.* <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit is that invisibleforce or energy flowing from the Fatherand Son. It might be likened to the raysof the sun that give us light and heat.<strong>The</strong> rays are not the sun, but are thepower from the sun.* Personal pronouns referring tothe <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit do not make it a personany more than Yahshua’s telling Peterto put the sword back into “HIS” placemakes the sword a male person (Mat.26:52).* <strong>The</strong> Spirit can be “shed” (Acts2:33), “poured” (Acts 2:17), “breathed”(John 20:22), “stirred up” (2Tim. 1:6),“quenched” (1<strong>The</strong>s. 5:19 ), “renewed”(2Cor. 4:16 )—all of which are literallyincompatible with a person or being.* <strong>The</strong> Father and Son conversewith each other, but do not talk to theSpirit.* Nowhere is the Spirit prayed to. Ifthe <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit were a person, then the<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit would be Yahshua’s fatherand not Yahweh.Notice how Yahshua was conceivedin the flesh: “But while he thought onthese things, behold, the angel of theYahweh appeared unto him in a dream,saying, Joseph, you son of David, fearnot to take unto you Mary your wife: forthat which is conceived in her is of the<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit” (Matt. 1:20 ). Yet Yahshuacalled Yahweh His Father, not the<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. He was conceived by andthrough the power of Yahweh—makingYahweh His Father.* <strong>Scripture</strong> never calls the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit the “third person.”* Salutations found in the firstverse or two of the Epistles by Paul,Peter, and John mention Father andSon, but not Spirit.In his Epistles Paul greets the brethrenin the name of Yahweh and Yahshua.Never in the opening of his letters doesPaul ever greet anyone “in the Name ofthe <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit.” Not a person, the <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit has no name as do Yahweh andYahshua. For example, Ephesians 1:2reads, “Grace [be] to you, and peace,from Yahweh our Father, and from theSavior Yahshua the Messiah.* <strong>The</strong> Biblical meaning of being“one” means being in accord, harmony,of like mind, united in goals. Not beingone personage.* Elohim, used for the HeavenlyMajesty, is a collective noun, and doesnot specifically mean “three.” It simplymeans more than one, a plurality.* Examples given in the Bibleshow the Father on a throne:Ezekiel 1:26; Daniel 7:9; Acts 7:55-56;Rev. 4:2; 5:1,7; 20:11, etc. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong>Spirit is not given a throne (but indwellsus, as it did Stephen, Acts 7:55 ).

210<strong>The</strong> Truth about the TrinityLet His Spirit Power TransformYour LifeAs sincere believers in Yahweh, it isup to us to be in harmony with His willand allow the supernal power of HisSpirit to motivate our actions, permeateour thoughts and elevate our desires forgood. As we mature in the Messiah, weovercome our selfish, carnal, worldlydesires and strive to walk in that higher,heavenly realm, allowing His Spirit toguide us.“According as His Divine Power hasgiven unto us all things that [pertain]unto life and righteousness, through theknowledge of Him that has called usto glory and virtue: Whereby are givenunto us exceeding great and preciouspromises: that by these you might bepartakers of the divine nature, havingescaped the corruption that is in theworld through lust.” (2 Pet. 1:3-4)May you find the peace that passesall understanding as you submit toAlmighty Yahweh and begin living forHim.© 2007 Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua2963 County Road 233, Kingdom City,Missouri 65262View us online

211Three famous martyrs of EnglandThomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury (while England was observing theCatholic supremacy, Cranmer was consecrated by Pope!) nominated Nicholas Ridleyas the Bishop of London and Hugh Latimer as the Bishop of Worcester. All threepassed on to the Protestant faith due to the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>. Cranmer is the biggest,the most important and the most famous Archbishop of Canterbury. - Bishop Latimersaid one day:“I must ask you a strange question,” said Latimer, “do you know who is the mostzealous bishop and prelate of England? ... I see you are listening and waiting forhis name... I will give it: It is the devil ... He had never left his diocese; ... seek him,when you want, he is always at home... He is always at work... I guarantee, you’llnever find him lazy... Where the devil lives, there are no books and candles, noBibles and rosaries; no high light of the Gospel and no wax sticks, even at highnoon ... down with the cross of Christ, long live the purgatory that is emptyingthe bag ... no clothing for the naked, the poor and the lame; but go with thedecoration of pictures and colorful decoration of hill and dale, human traditionsand laws; no God and his holy facilities and His most holy words... Oh would ourprelates be so eager to sow the seeds of good teaching, how Satan works hardto sow all sorts of weeds!”from: “Sermon of the Plough” - Latimer, <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 247-248(<strong>The</strong> Great Conflict, p. 208/209) and from the lecture series of the “Reformation”by Prof. Walter Veith, part 12 (see Part 1, 2 and 11).All three were immediately arrested after a bloody takeover by the Catholic QueenMary I of England, also known as “Bloody Mary I”, the bloody Mary. <strong>The</strong>y had burnedmore than 300 people and thousands in jails, prisons died for their faith. Ridleyand Latimer were publicly burned by order of Queen “Bloody Mary I in 1555, andCranmer and 1556, “because they refused to withdraw their Protestant faith in the<strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s, the Bible in order to proclaim the teaching of the Catholic Church.“Christ, the Messiah, our Master, may ask for no greater gift from his father,than giving the character of God that he revealed, to those who believe in him.““To recognize the one God is to love him.”John 14:21 and 15:10

212Dr. Martin Luther and the ReformersROMANISM IS APOSTATE LATIN CHRISTIANITY – not apostatete Christianitymerely, but apostate LATIN Christianity.<strong>The</strong> Reformation was A RETURN TO PRIMITIVE OR NON-APOSTATECHRISTIANITY.One feature of this great movement was the abandonment of the use of Latin in publicworship, and the translation of the <strong>Scripture</strong>s into living languages, so that all nationsmight read the word of God in their own tongue, and understand for themselves itssacred messages. <strong>The</strong> names of Luther, Zwingle, Erasmus, Tyndall, Know, Calvin,Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, Hooper and others are associated with his „Reformation.“„Romanism and the Reformation“ by H. Grattan Guisness, p. 8, 9.Martin Luther and the Book of Daniel.„<strong>The</strong>refore we bid that all earnest Christians read the book of Daniel, to whomit will be a consolation and a great profit in these last miserable times. … ‘Butwhen these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads,because your redemption is at hand.’ For the same reason we find in Danielthat all the dreams and visions, how fearful they might be, end always in joy andgladness with the coming of Christ and His kingdom, yes, for that chief artcileof faith, the coming of Christ, these visions were given, explained and recorded.“taken from: Luther Schriften, vol. 6. cols. 942, 943„I hope the last day will not tarry over 100 years, because God’s Word will be takenaway again and a great darkness will come for the scarcity of ministers of the Word.“taken from: Luther Schriften“, vol. 22, col. 16 / 18Martin Luther about the second coming of the Messiah.„Oh Christ, my Master, look down upon us and bring upon us your day of judgment,and destroy the brood of Satan in Rome! <strong>The</strong>re sits the Man, of whom the ApostlePaul wrote (2 <strong>The</strong>ss. 2:3,4) that he will oppose and exalt himself above all that is calledGod, - that Man of Sin, that Son of Perdition. What else is papal power but sin andcorruption? It leads souls to destruction under your own name, O Master! … I hopethat day of judgment is soon to dawn. Things can and will not become worse than they areat this time. <strong>The</strong> papal seat is practicing iniquity to its heights. He suppresses theLaw of God and exalts his commandments above the commandments of God.“taken from: Dr. Martin Luthers sämtliche Werke, vol. 21, p. 339Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546„Luther … proved, by the Revelations of Daniel and St. John, by the epistles ofSt. Paul, St. Peter, and St. Jude, that the reign of Antichrist, predicted and describedin the Bible, was the Papacy … And all the people did say, Amen! A holy terror siezedtheir souls. It was Antichrist whom they beheld seated on the pontifical throne. Thisnew idea, which derived greater strength from the prophetic descriptions launchedforth by Luther into the midst of his contemporaries, inflicted the most terrible blowon Rome.“

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers213taken from: J. H. Merle D’Aubigne: History of the Reformation of the Sixteen Century,book vi, chapter xii, p. 215.Quotation: Witnessess of the last 500 years:„Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, Cranmer, in the seventeenth century, Bunyan, thetranslators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster andBaptist confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards;and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J. c. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones; thesemen among countless others, all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist.“taken from: All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael de Semlyen, Dorchestor HousePublications, p. 205.Quotation: <strong>The</strong> historical proof of Nuremberg, the Town Hall of Nuremberg:<strong>The</strong> Rathaus, or Town Hall, … with three magnificent Doric portals, over which theprophetic beasts of Daniel 7 are carved. <strong>The</strong>se impressive figures, authorizedby the city councel, were sculptured by the well-known artist, Leonard Kern, in1617 … Under the building are vaulted dungeons and chambers of torture, earlieremployed by the „<strong>Holy</strong> Office“ [Inquisition] for the prosecution of dissentersand confessors of the reformed faith.taken from: Hedlam, op. cit. p. 158–167<strong>The</strong>re are three distinct sets of prophecies of the rise, character, deeds, and doomof Romanism. <strong>The</strong> first is found in the book of Daniel, the second in the epistlesof Paul, and third in the letters and Apocalypse of John; and no one of thesethree is complete in itself. It is only by combining their separate features that weobtain the perfect portrait. Daniel’s foreview presents the POLITICAL character andrelations of Romanism. <strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul’s foreview, on the other hand, gives theECCLESIASTICAL character and relations of this power; and John’s prophecies,both in Revelation XIII, and XVII, present the COMBINATION OF BOTH, the mutualrealtions of the Latin Church and Roman State.taken from: H. Grattan Guinness: Romanism and the Reformation, p. 11<strong>The</strong> little horn – Daniel’s description<strong>The</strong> rule of Rome. We repeat, has never ceased. It was a secular pagan power forfive or six centuries; it has been an ecclesiastical and apostate Christian power eversince. <strong>The</strong> rule of Rome revived in a new form, and was as real under the popes of thethirteenth century as it had been under the Caesars of the first. It was as oppressive,cruel, and boody under Innocent III. as it had been under Nero and Domitlan. <strong>The</strong>reality was the same, though the forms had changed. <strong>The</strong> Caesars did not persecutethe witnesses of Jesus more severely and bitterly than did the popes; Diocletian didnot destroy the saints or appose the gospel more than did the Inquisition of Papaldays. Rome is one and the same all through, both locally and morally.<strong>The</strong> power symbolized by the proud, intelligent, blasphemous, head-like „littlehorn“of the Roman beast to this he devotes, on the contrary, the greater partof the prophecy; and I must ask you now carefully to note the various points thatprove this horn to be a marvelous prophetic symbol or hieroglyph of the Romanpapacy, fitting is as one of Chubb’s keys fits the lock for which it is made, perfectly

214Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformersand in every part, while it refuses absolutely to adapt itself to any other.taken from: H. Grattan Guinness: Romanism and the ReformationTHE LITTLE HORN COMES OF THE BODY OF THE FOURTH EMPIRE, THEROMAN EMPIRE!<strong>The</strong>y do all meet in the Roman Pagacy. Latin language of Caesar. Is the only Churchthat is or ever has been named from a city. <strong>The</strong> Papacy fulfils the first conditiontherefore. During that time the ten kingdoms were forming. <strong>The</strong> little horn grew upamong the ten. <strong>The</strong> Papacy developed synchronously with the Gothic kingdoms.taken from: H. Grattan Guinness: Romanism and the ReformationPaul’s description of the „little horn“ (I Timothy 4:1-5):„Now the Spirit speakeath expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart fromthe faith giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies inhypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry,and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received withthanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God isgood, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving for it is scantifiedby the word of God and prayer.“Here we have, not only a prediction that there would be an „apostasy,“ or falling awayfrom the faith in the Christian Church, but a description of its origin and character. Itsorigin was to be satanic; its doctrines were to be doctrines of devils, or demons. Itwas to assume authority, and to lay down laws and prohibition of marriage. Marriage,although thus divinely ordained, would be prohibited, and meats, though created tobe received with thanksgiving, would be forbidden. <strong>The</strong> substitution of an externalreligiousness, and self-imposed sacrifices, for true holiness of heart.“ „Speaking liesin hyprocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.“taken from: „Romanism and the Reformation“ by H. Grattan GuinnessMan of sin vs man of God:„<strong>The</strong> man of sin,“ like „the man of God,“ had a broad, extended meaning. When weread „that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works,“we do not suppose it means any one individual man, although it has the definitearticle. It indicates a whole class of men of a certain character, succession of similarindividuals. A man of sin could be only one, just as a king of England could meanonly an individual. <strong>The</strong> king, on the other hand, may include a whole dynasty. When,in speaking of the Jewish tabernacle in Hebrews, Paul says that into the holiest of all„went the high priest alone once every year,“ he includes the entire succession of thehigh priests of Israel. That a singular expression in a prophecy may find its fulfilmentin a plurality of individuals is perfectly clear from John’s words, „As you have heardthat antichrist shall come, even so now are there many antichrists.“Grammatically it may mean either an individual or a succession of similar individuals.<strong>The</strong> context determines that it actually does mean the latter. „<strong>The</strong> mystery of iniquity,“in which this man of sin was latent, was already working in Paul’s day.So „the pope of Rome“ may intimate one single bishop or the long succession – aperpetual person. So „the man of sin.“

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers215No duration at all is mentioned in this prophecy by Paul, only the two limits.„Already“ the apostasy was developing, and it would not be destroyed till the advent.Paul’s features of antichrist chronology reveal when it would arise (after fall of Rome)and that it would exist to the second coming [compare Daniel] when he would bedestroyed.He sits in the temple of God:<strong>The</strong> face of the man of sin is the face of a false apostle, the dark face of aJudas. Written upon the wall of the temple, „son of perdition.“ <strong>The</strong> man of sinis as Judas-a secret enemy while a seeming friend – a „familiar friend,“ yet afatal foe who betrays with a kiss and a „hail master!“Observe the place occupied by the man of sin – the „temple“ or hous of God.This is not, and cannot be, any Jewish temple.Paul, who uses this expression in his prophetic portrait of Romanism, employs itboth in Corinthians and Ephesians with reference to the Christian Church. In thesecond Epistle to the Corinthians, writing to Gentile Christians, he says, „You arethe temple of the living God.“ In Ephesians he calls the Church „a holy temple,“a „habitation of God through the Spirit.“ To Paul emphatically the temple of Godwas the Church of Christ. This is the temple in which his prophetic eye saw the manof sin seated. It is no person in a temple of stone, but a power in the ChristianChurch.taken from: „Romanism and the Reformation“ by H. Grattan GuinnessHis character:As Christ acts for God, so the man of sin acts for Satan. Christ and he are antagonisticpowers: the power of light, and the power of darkness; the majesty of heaven, andthe might of hell. And as the Son of God humbled himself, so the „man of sin“ exaltshimself. <strong>The</strong>re is inflinite self-abasement in the one, the Divine nature stopping tohumanity; and infinite self-exaltation in the other, the human and satanic assumingto be Divine. „He as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that heis God“ or is Divine, or a Divine being. <strong>The</strong>re is no article here before the nameGod. <strong>The</strong> expression indicates that the man of sin would show himself by acts andprofessions to be possessed of superhuman and Divine dignity, authority, and power.His seat:Observe the position of the man of sin, Notice the word –, „sits,“ and connect withit –, a seat, a word which occurs three times in the New Testament. It is used twicewith reference to the seats in the temple of those who sold doves, who turnedthe house of God into a house of merchandise and den of thieves; and once in thesentence, „the Pharisees set in Moses’ seat.“ From > kathizõ – kathid’-zo

216Dr. Martin Luther and the ReformersComparison between Daniel and Pauleyes = overseer, mouth = teacher ecclesiasticalBoth are Roman:<strong>The</strong> self-exalting horn or head represented by Daniel is Roman; it belongs to thefourth or Roman empire. So also does Paul’s man of sin, for the imperial governmentseated at Rome needed to be removed in order to make way for its rise anddominion. It was to be the successor of the Caesars at Rome. <strong>The</strong>y have the samegeographical seat.<strong>The</strong>y have the same chronological point of origin:both arise on the fall of the old undivided empire of Rome. And they have the samechronological termination: Daniel’s little horn perishes at the coming of the Son ofman in glory, and Paul’s man of sin is destroyed at the epiphany.Both exalt themselves against God:Daniel mentions the proud words of the blasphemous little horn, and Paul theaudacious deeds of the man of sin, showing himself as Divine.Both begin as small, inconspicuous powers, and develop gradually to very greatand influential ones.Both claim to be teachers of men.Daniel’s little horn was to have eyes; as a bishop, or overseer (the meaning of theword bishop – is overseer); and that he was to have a mouth, that is, that he wasto be a teacher; while Paul assigns to the man of sin ecclesiastical eminence. Aproud position in the temple of God, or Christian Church.Both are persecutors.Daniel describes the little horn as a persecutor wearing out the saints, andPaul speaks of the man of sin as „opposing,“ and calls him „the lawless one.“To sum up.<strong>The</strong> two have the same place – Rome; the same period – from the sixth centuryto the second coming of the Lord in glory; the same wicked character, the samelawlessness, the same self-exalting defiance of God, the same gradual growthfrom weakness to dominion, the same episcopal pretensions, the samepersecuting character, the same twofold doom.<strong>The</strong>se resemblances are so important, so numerous, so comprehensive, and exact,as to prove beyond all question that the self-exalting, persecuting power predictedby Daniel and this man of sin foretold by Paul are one and the same power. EvenRomanists admit this to be the case, and call the power thus doubly predicted theantichrist.taken from: „Romanism and the Reformation“ by H. Grattan Guinness

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers217<strong>The</strong> prophetic views of the reformersNicolaus of Amsdorf, 1483-1565Luther said: „My spirit finds rest in my dear Amsdorf“taken from: Nikolaus of Amsdorf: Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, p. 4„He (the Antichrist) will be revealed and come to naught before the last day, sothat every man shall comprehend and recognize that the pope is the real, trueAntichrist and not the vicar of Christ. … <strong>The</strong>refore those who consider the popeand his bishops as Christian shepherds and bishops are deeply in error, but evenmore are those who believe that the Turk is the Antichrist. Because the Turk rulesoutside of the church and does not sit in the holy place, nor does he seek to bear thename of Christ but is an open antagonist of Christ and his church. This does not needto be revealed, but it is clear and evident because he persecutes Christians openlyand not as the pope does, secretly under the form of godliness.taken from: Nikolaus of Amsdorf: Fünff fürnemliche und gewisse Zeichen, Sig A2r., v.FlaciusIn 1570 Flacius also wrote a tractate on the Antichrist – the prophecies forming thebasis of separation:„<strong>The</strong> sixth and last reason for our separation from the pope and his followers bethis: By many writings of our church, by the Divinely Inspired Word, by propheciesconcerning the future and by the special characteristics of the papacy, it has beenprofusely and thoroughly proved that the pope with his prelates and clergy is the realtrue great Antichrist, that his kingdom is the real Babylon, a never ceasing fountainand a mother of all abominable idolatry.“taken from: Matthias Flacius: Etliche, hochwichtige Ursachen und GründeGeorg Nigrinus (1530-1602); Evangelical theologian and satirist, was born inBattenberg (Hessen) in Germany.„<strong>The</strong> Jesuits claim to be sorely offended and have taken my declarations as aninsult and blasphemy in branding the papacy as the Antichrist of which Daniel,Paul, Peter, John and even Christ prophesied. But this is as true as it is thatJesus is the Messiah, and I am prepared to show it even by their own definitionof the word ‘Antichrist.’“taken from: Georg Nigrinus: Antichrists gründliche Offenbarung, fol. 6v.„This Jesuit further contends that the papacy cannot be antichrist because thepapacy has lasted for centuries, but that the antichrist is supposed to reign only 3 ½years. … But no one doubts today that Daniel spoke of year-days, not literal days.… <strong>The</strong> prophetic time-periods of forty-two months, 1260 days, 1, 2, ½ times areprophetic, and according to Ezekiel 4, a day must be taken for a year. … (Antiochusis a type of Antichrist), and as many days as he raged and raved against the Jews, somany years shall the spiritual Antiochus or Antichrist rage in the midst of the Christianchurch.“taken from: Georg Nigrinus: Antichrists gründliche Offenbarung, fols. 28v. 29r

218Dr. Martin Luther and the ReformersJohn Calvin (1509-1564), Presbyterian:„Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Romanpontiff Antichrist. But those who are of this opinion do not consider that theybring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself, after whom wespeak and whose language we adopt. … I shall briefly show that (Paul’s wordsin II <strong>The</strong>ss. 2) are not capable of any other interpretation that that which appliesthem to the Papacy.“taken from: Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin.Roger Williams (1603-1683), First Baptist Preacher in America:Williams spoke of the Pope as „the pretended Vicar of Christ on earth, whosits as God over the Temple of God, exalting himself not only above all that iscalled God, but over the souls and consciences of all his vassals, yes over theSpirit of Christ, over the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit, yes, and God himself … speaking againstthe God of heaven, thinking to change times and laws; but he is the son ofperdition (II <strong>The</strong>ss. 2).“taken from: Froom: <strong>The</strong> Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3, p. 52.<strong>The</strong> Baptist confession states:„that the Pope of Rome is that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exatls himselfin the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroywith the brightness of His coming.“Quoted in Michael de Semlyen: All Roads lead to Rome?, p. 176<strong>The</strong> Westminster Confession of Faith (1647):„<strong>The</strong>re is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ. Nor can the popeof Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin andson of perdition that exalts himself in the church against Christ and all that iscalled God.“taken from: Philip Schaff’s: <strong>The</strong> Creeds of Christendom: With a History and CriticalNotes, III, ch. 25, sec. 6, p. 658, 659John Wesley (1703-1791), Methodist, speaking of the papacy, John Wesleywrote:„He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of Sin, as he increases all manner ofsin above measure. And he is, too, properly styled the Son of Perdition, ashe has caused the death of numberless multitudes, both of his opposers andfollowers... He it is... that exalts himself above all that is called God, or that isworshipped... claiming the highest power, and highest honour... claiming theprerogatives which belong to God alone.“taken from: John Wesley: Antichrist and His Ten Kingdoms, p. 110Charles Spurgeon:„It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to whatAntichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the popery in theChurch of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. If there

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers219were to be issued a hue and cry for Antichrist, we should certainly take up this churchon suspicion, and it would certainly not be let loose again, for it so exactly answersthe description.Popery is contrary to Christ’s Gospel, and is the Antichrist, and we ought to prayagainst it. It should be the daily prayer of every believer that Antichrist might be hurledlike a millstone into the flood and for Christ, because it wounds Christ, because itputs sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of breadinto the place of the Saviour, and a few drops of water into the place of the <strong>Holy</strong>Ghost, and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the vicar of Christ on earth;if we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons thoughwe hate their errors: we shall loave their souls though we loath and destest theirdogmas, and so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened, because we turn ourfaces towards Christ when we pray.“taken from: Michael de Semlyen: All Roads lead to Rome“F. Holderness Gale: <strong>The</strong> Story of Protestantism, S. 106”:When Luther visited Rome, the work of rebuilding St. Peter’s had alreadybegun. Julius II. was Pope when Luther visited Rome, but in 1513, a year afterLuther became Docter. Julius died, and was succeeded as Pontiff by Leo X.So vast were Leo’s schemes for the rebuilding of Rome that they quickly drained histreasury; the Pope had recourse to the sale of indulgences.<strong>The</strong> commissioner for Germany was the Archbishop Albert, of Mayence andMagdeburg. In which latter diocese was Wittenberg. He struck a bargain with Rome,under which he was allowed to retain half the proceeds of the sales in Germany.Of these sub-commissioners the most prominent and not the least blasphemouswas John Tetzel, a Dominican monk who seems to have combined the voice of atown-crier with the unscrupulous blandishments of a cheap-jack. From town to townthrough Germany Tetzel proceeded with his retinue. At the head of the procession,the Pope’s bull issuing the indulgences was carried in a casket on a velvet cushion.<strong>The</strong> Dominican bore a great red cross from which were suspended the arms of Leo X.,and behind him were driven the mules which carried the bales of pardons.Of the keys of these chests, one was in the hands of Tetzel, a second was kept bythe representative of the bankers, and a third was entrusted to the civil authorities.Tetzel, whose personal character was notoriously bad, that the Elector Frederickforbade Tetzel to carry on his trade in indulgences within the territory over which heruled.„Indulgences,“ he urged, „are the most precious and most noble of God’s gifts.Come,“ he shouted, „ and I will give you letters all properly sealed, by which even thesins which you intend to commit may be pardoned.“Tetzel proclaimed, as Pope Boniface VIII. had done two centuries earlier, that anindulgence could be secured by the living for the benefit of the dead.‘Priest, noble, merchant, wife, youth, maiden, do you not hear your parents andyour other friends who are dead, and who cry from the bottom of the abyss, ‘We aresuffering horrible torments! A trifling alms would deliver us; you can give it, and youwill not’? At the very instant that the money rattles at the bottom of the chest the soulescapes from purgatory, and flies ransomed to heaven.“ …

220Dr. Martin Luther and the ReformersI incorporate thee {you} afresh in the communion of the sainsts; and I reinstatethee {you} in the innocence and purity in which thou {you} wast at the hour of thy{your} baptism; so that, at the hour of thy {your} death, the gate through which isthe entrance to the place of torments and punishments shall be closed against thee{you}, and that which leads to the Paradise of joy shall be open. And shouldest thou{you} be spread long, this grace shall remain immutable to the time of thy {your}last end. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost. Amen.Brother John Tetzel, Commissioner, has signed it with his own hand.“taken from: D’Aubigne: History of the ReformationHis (Luther’s) next step was to write a letter of respectful protest to the ArchbishopAlbert of Mayence and Magdeburg. Let us quote a few sentences from this letter.„<strong>The</strong> righteous scarcely shall be saved,“ he writes, “so narrow is the way whichleads to life. Those who are saved are called in the <strong>Scripture</strong> brands saved fromthe burning; everywhere the Lord reminds us of the difficulty of salvation. How,then, dare these men seek to render poor souls fatally confident of salvation,on the mere strength of purchased indulgences and futile promises?“On All Saints’ Day (November 1st), 1517 Luther read to the crowded congregationthe protest against indulgences which he had already sent to the Archbishop; andwhen the service was over, he passed through the crowd to the outer pillars of thegate of the church, and there – on October 31st, 1517 – he nailed his „Ninety-five<strong>The</strong>ses“ to the gate.<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ses<strong>The</strong> Elector Frederick had lately built the castle-church of Wittemberg, and hadspared neither labour nor money in collecting relics to enrich and beautify it. <strong>The</strong>serelics, in their settings of gold and precious stones, the priests were accustomed toshow to the people on the festival of All Saints, the 1st of November; and crowdscame to Wittemberg to nourish their piety by the sight of the precious objects, andearn the indulgence offered to all who should visit the church on that day. <strong>The</strong> eveof the festival (October 31st) was now come. <strong>The</strong> street of Wittemberg was throngedwith pilgrims. At the hour of noon, Luther, who had given no hint to any one of whathe purposed, sallied forth, and joined the stream that was flowing to the castlechurch,which stood close by the eastern gate. Pressing through the crowd, anddrawing forth a paper, he proceeds to nail it upon the door of the church. <strong>The</strong> strokesof his hammer draw the crowd around him, and they begin eagerly to read. Whatis in the paper? It contains ninety-five „<strong>The</strong>ses“ or propositions on the doctrine ofindulgences. We select the following as comprehensive of the spirit and scope ofthe whole:V. <strong>The</strong> Pope is unable and desires not to remit any other penalty that that which hehas imposed of his own good pleasure, or conformably to the canons – that is, to thePapal ordinances.VI. <strong>The</strong> Pope cannot remit any condemnation, but can only declare and confirm theremission that God himself has given, except only in cases that belong to him. If hedoes otherwise, the condemnation continues the same.VIII. <strong>The</strong> laws of ecclesiastical penance can only be imposed on the living, and in nowise respect the dead.

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers221XXI. <strong>The</strong> commissaries of indulgences are in error, when they say that by the Papalindulgence a man is delivered from every punishment and is saved.XXV. <strong>The</strong> same power that the Pope has over purgatory in the Church at large,is possessed by every bishop and every curate in his own particular diocese andparish.XXXII. Those who fancy themselves sure of salvation by indulgences will go toperdition along with those who teach them so.XXXVII. Every true Christian, dead or living, is a partaker of all the blessings ofChrist, or of the Church, by the gift of God, and without any letter of indulgence.XXXVIII. Yet we must not despise the Pope’s distributive and pardoning power, forhis pardon is a declaration of God’s pardon.XLIX. We should teach Christians that the Pope’s indulgence is good if we put noconfidence in it, but that nothing is more hurtful if it diminishes our piety.L. We should teach Christians that if the Pope knew of the extortions of the preachersof indulgences, he would rather the Mother Church of St. Peter were burned andreduced to ashes, than see it built up with the skin, the flesh, and the bones of hisflock.LI. We should teach Christians that the Pope (as it is his duty) would distribute hisown money to the poor, whom the indulgence-sellers are now stripping of their lastfarthing, even were he compelled to sell the Mother Church of St. Peter.LII. To hope to be saved by indulgences is a lying and an empty hope, although eventhe commissary of indulgences – nay, further, the Pope himself – should pledge theirsouls to guarantee it.LIII. <strong>The</strong>y are the enemies of the Pope and of Jesus Christ who, by reason of thepreaching of indulgences, forbid the preaching of the Word of God.LXII. <strong>The</strong> true and precious treasure of the Church is the holy Gospel {good tidings}of the glory and grace of God.LXXVI. <strong>The</strong> Papal pardons cannot remit even the least of venal sins as regards theguilt.<strong>The</strong>se propositions Luther undertook to defend next day in the university against allwho might choose to impugn them. No one appeared.In this paper Luther struck at more than the abuses of indulgences. Underneath wasa principle subversive of the whole Papal system. In the midst of some remainingdarkness – for he still reverences the Pope, believes in purgatory, and speaks of themerits of the saints – he preaches the Gospel {good tidings} if a free salvation. <strong>The</strong>„<strong>The</strong>ses“ put God’s gift in sharp antagonism to the Pope’s gift. <strong>The</strong> one is free, theother has to be bought. God’s pardon does not need the Pope’s indorsement, but thePope’s forgiveness, unless followed by God’s, is of no avail; it is a cheat, a delusion.Such is the doctrine of the „<strong>The</strong>ses.“ That mightiest of all prerogatives, to power ofpardoning sins and so of saving men’s souls, is taken from the „Church“ and givenback to God.<strong>The</strong> movement is fairly launched. It is speeding on; it grows not by weeks only, but byhours and moments; but no one has yet estimated aright its power, or guessed whereonly it can find its goal. <strong>The</strong> hand that posted up these propositions cannot take themdown. <strong>The</strong>y are no longer Luther’s, they are mankind’s.<strong>The</strong> news travelled rapidly. <strong>The</strong> feelings awakened were, of course, mixed, but inthe main joyful. Men felt a relief – they were conscious of a burden taken from theirhearts; and; though they could scarce say why, they were sure that a new day had

222Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformersdawned. In the homes of the people, and in the cell of many a monk even, there wasjoy. „While those,“ says Mathesius, „who had entered the convents to seek a goodtable, a lazy life, or consideration and honour, heaped Luther’s name with revilings,those monks who lived in prayer, fasting, and mortification, gave thanks to God assoon as they heard the cry of that eagle which John Huss had foretold a centurybefore.“ <strong>The</strong> appearance of Luther gladdened the evening of the aged Reuchlin. Hehad had his own battles with the monks, and he was overjoyed when he saw an ablerchampion enter the lists to maintain the truth.<strong>The</strong> verdict of Erasmus on the affair is very characteristik. <strong>The</strong> Elector of Saxonyhaving asked him what he thought of it, the great scholar replied with his usualshrewdness, „Luther has committed two unpardonable crimes – he has attacked thePope’s tiara, and the bellies of she monks.“<strong>The</strong>re were others whose fears predominated over their hopes, probably frompermitting their eyes to rest almost exclusively upon the difficulties. <strong>The</strong> historianKranz, of Hamburg, was on his death-bed when Luther’s „<strong>The</strong>ses“ were brought tohim. „Thou art (You are) right, brother Martin,“ exclaimed he on reading them, „butthou wilt (you will) not succeed. Poor monk, hie thee to thy (your) cell, and cry, ‘OGod, have pity on me.’“ An old priest of Hexter, in Westpfahlia, shook his head andexclaimed, „Dear brother Martin, if thou (you) succeed in overthrowing this purgatory,and all these paper-dealers, truly thou art (you are) a very great gentleman.“ Butothers, lifting their eyes higher, saw the hand of God in the affair. „At last,“ saidDr. Fleck, prior of the monastery of Steinlausitz, who had for some time ceased tocelebrate mass, „At last we have found the man we have waited for so long;“ and,playing on the meaning of the word Wittemberg, he added, „All the world will go andseek wisdom on that mountain, and will find it.“<strong>The</strong> dream of the Elector Frederick of SaxonyWe step a moment out of the domain of history, to narrate a dream which the ElectorFrederick of Saxony had on the night preceding the memorable day on which Lutheraffixed his „<strong>The</strong>ses“ to the door of the castle-church. <strong>The</strong> elector told it the nextmorning to his brother, Duke John, who was then residing with him at his palaceof Schweinitz, six leagues from Wittemberg. <strong>The</strong> dream is recorded by all thechroniclers of the time. Of its truth there is no doubt, however we may interpret it. Wecite it here as a compendious and dramatic epitome of the affair of the „<strong>The</strong>ses,“ andthe movement which grew out of them.On the morning of the 31st October, 1517, the elector said to Duke John, „Brother,I must tell you a dream which I had last night, and the meaning of which I shouldlike much to know. It is so deeply impressed on my mind, that I will never forget it,were I to live a thousend years, For I dreamed it thrice, and each time with newcircumstances.“Duke John: „Is it a good or a bad dream?“<strong>The</strong> Elector: „I know not; God knows.“Duke John: „Don’t be uneasy at it; but be so good as tell it to me.“<strong>The</strong> Elector: „Having gone to bed last night, fatigued and out of spirits, I fell asleepshortly after my prayer, and slept calmly for about two hours and a half; I then awoke,and continued awake to midnight, all sorts of thoughts passing through my mind.Among other things, I thought how I was to observe the Feast of All Saints. I prayed

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers223for the poor souls in purgatory; and supplicated God to guide me, my counsels, andmy people according to truth. I again fell asleep, and then dreamed that Almighty Godsent me a monk, whowas a true son of the Apostel Paul. All the saints accompaniedhim by order of God, in order to bear testimony before me, and to declare that he didnot come to contrive any plot, but that all that he did was according to the will of God.<strong>The</strong>y asked me to have the goodness graciously to permit him to write somethingon the door of the church of the Castle of Wittemberg. This I granted through mychancellor. <strong>The</strong>reupon the monk went to the church, and began to write in such largecharacters that I could read the writing at Schweinitz. <strong>The</strong> pen which he used was solarge that its end reached as fas as Rome, where it pierced the ears of a lion that wascrouching there, and caused the triple crown upon the head of the Pope to shake. Allthe cardinals and princes, running hastily up, tried to prevent it from falling. You andI, brother, wished also to assist, and I stretched out my arm; - but at this moment Iawoke, with my arm in the air, quite amazed, and very much enraged at the monk fornot managing his pen better. I recollected myself a little; it was only a dream.„I was still half asleep, and once more closed my eyes. <strong>The</strong> dream returned. <strong>The</strong>lion, still annoyed by the pen, began to roar with all his might, so much so that thewhole city of Rome, and all the States of the <strong>Holy</strong> Empire, ran to see what the matterwas. <strong>The</strong> Pope requested them to oppose this monk, and applied particularly to me,on account of his being in my country. I again awoke, repeated the Lord’s prayer,entreated God to preserve his Holiness, and once more fell asleep.„<strong>The</strong>n I dreamed that all the princes of the Empire, and we among them, hastenedto Rome, and strove, one after another, to break the pen; but the more we tried thestiffer it became, sounding as if it had been made of iron. We at lenght desisted.I then asked the monk (for I was sometimes at Rome, and sometimes at Wittemberg)where he got this pen, and why it was so strong. ‘<strong>The</strong> pen,’ replied he, ‘belonged to anold goose of Bohemia, a hundred years old. I got it from one of my old schoolmasters.As to its strength, it is owing to the impossibility of depriving it of its pith or marrow;and I am quite astonished at it myself.’ Suddenly I heard a loud noise – a largenumber of other pens had sprung out of the long pen of the monk. I awoke a thirdtime: it was daylight.“Duke John: „Chancellor, what is your opinion? Would we had a Joseph, or a Danielm,enlightened by God!“Chancellor: „Your highness knows the common proverb, that the dreams of younggirls, learned men, and great lords have usually some hidden meaning. <strong>The</strong> meaningof this dream, however, we shall not be able to know for some time – not till the thingsto which it relates have taken place. Wherefore, leave the accomplishment to God,and place it fully in his hand.“Duke John: „I am of your opinion, Chancellor; ‘tis not fit for us to annoy ourselves inattempting to discover the meaning. God will overrule all for his glory.“Elector: „May our faithful God do so; yet I shall never forget this dream. I have,indeed, thought of an interpretation, but I keep it to myself. Time, perhaps, will showif I have been a good diviner.“So passed the morning of the 31st October, 1517, in the royal castle of Schweinitz.<strong>The</strong> events of the evening at Wittemberg we have already detailed. <strong>The</strong> elector hashardly made an end of telling his dream when the monk comes with his hammer tointerpret it.<strong>The</strong> day on which the monk of Wittemberg posted up this „<strong>The</strong>ses,“ occupies adistinguished place among the great days of history. It marks a new and grander

224Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformersstarting-point in religion and liberty. <strong>The</strong> propositions of Luther preached to allChristendom of God does not sell pardon, but bestows it as a free gift on the groundof the death of his Son – the „<strong>The</strong>ses,“ in short – were an echo of the song sung bythe angels on the plain of Bethelem fifteen centuries before - „On earth peace: goodwillto men.“<strong>The</strong> world had forgotten that song: no wonder, seeing the Book that contains it hadlong been hidden. Taking God to be a hard task-master, who would admit no oneinto heaven unless he paid a great price, Christendom had groaned for ages underpenances and expiatory works of self-righteousness. But the sound of Luther’shammer was like that of the silver trumpet on the day of Jubilee: it proclaimed theadvent of the year of release – the begun opening of the doors of that great prisonhousein which the human soul had sat for ages and sighed in chains.taken from: „History of Protestantism“ by J. A. Wylie, vol. I, p. 262-266“What the Lutherans read out is true, it’s the absolute truth, we cannot deny it,”declared a Papal bishop.“Could you disprove the creed drawn up by the electors with good reasons?” askedanother Dr. Eck.“Not with the acts of the apostles and prophecies,” answered Dr. Eck, “but probablywith those of the fathers and councils.”“So the Lutherans are”, said the questioner, “in the <strong>Scripture</strong>, and we are not.”from: D’Aubigné, ibid., vol. 14, section 8, p. 167As powerful enemies were united in order to overthrow the reformed faith, andthousands of swords seemed to rise up against him, Luther wrote:“Satan vents his spleen, ungodly pontiffs conspire, we are threatened with war.Exhort the people to continue fighting before the throne of God with faith and prayerso that our enemies, defeated by the Spirit of God, are forced to make peace. <strong>The</strong>first thing, which is necessary, the first work, is the prayer. In view of Satan’s swordsand anger, there is only one thing left to the people: It has to pray.”from: D’Aubigné, ibid, vol. 10, section 14, p. 187 fLuther wrote to the Elector of Saxony, referring to the alliance, the Protestant princesintended to form, that the only applicable Sword is the “sword of the spirit”:“We may not approve of such an alliance in our conscience. We would preferbeing dead ten times than having such comrades who affirm that our gospel shall causeour own death. We are to be counted as sheeps for the slaughter. For the cross ofChrist has to be worn. Your electoral Highness are strong and fearless, we aim toreach more through praying as you with all you defiance. <strong>The</strong> fact alone that we keepour hands clean of blood, and that we want to appear how the emperor taught theothers and me. Your electoral Highness should not even defend my or others’ faith,but each one should believe what he thinks is right.“from: D’Aubigné, ibid, vol. 14, section 1, p. 104During the dispute in Augsburg Luther did not forget to daily devote “three hours toprayer; and this at a most favorable time for the study.”from: D’Aubigné, ibid, vol. 14, Section 6, p. 152 f

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers225Being isolated in his small room, he poured his heart out before God “with suchfaith and confidence ... as if he was talking to his friend and father. ‘I know’, said thereformer, ‘that you are our Father and our God, that you will scatter the persecutorsof your children, because yourself you are in danger with us. This whole thing isyours; we have made it just because you wanted it.Protect us, O LORD {YAHWEH}! “from: D’Aubigné, ibid, vol. 14, section 6, p. 152 fTo Melanchthon, who was crushed by the burden of fear and sorrow, he (Luther)wrote:“Grace and peace in Christ! In Christ, I said, not in the world. Amen! I enormouslyhate your concerns that consume you, as you write. If the cause is wrong, so we willwithdraw, if it is just, why do we make the one making us sleep well a liar? And thatfor so many promises?... Christ does not elude the cause of justice and truth, he livesand reigns, and what else do we have to fear “?from: D’Aubigné, ibid, vol. 14, section 6, p. 152 fF. Holdesmess Gale: <strong>The</strong> Story of Prostestantism:On receipt of the legate’s report in Rome, the Pope proceeded to issue, on November9th, a new decretal on the subject of indulgences, declaring that „all those who haveacquired indulgences, whether alive or dead, are released from so much temporalpunishment for their actual sins as is the equivalent of the acquired indulgence. Thisdoctrine is to be held and preached by all, under penalty of excommunication, fromwhich only the Pope can absolve, save at the point of death.“<strong>The</strong> effect upon Luther was twofold. We find him writting at about this time to hisfriend Wenceslaus Link at Nuremberg: “<strong>The</strong> conviction is daily growing upon methat the Pope is Anitchrist.“Luther writes in answer to the pope: „Rome has cut herself off from the universalChurch; if ye {you} reform not, I and all that worship Christ do account yourseat to be possessed and oppressed by Satan himself, to be the damned seatof antichrist, which we will not be subject to nor incorporate with, but do detestand abhor the same.“taken from: „Romanism and the Reformation“ by H. Grattan GuinnessProf. Walter J. Veith:H. Grattan Guiness, in his classic work: Romanism and the Reformation, 1887 showsclearly that there was no difference between paganism and that which crept into theidolatrous church supposedly representing Jesus Christ. He writes:Had Paganism its temples and altars, its pictures and images? So has Rome.Had Paganism its holy water and incense? So has Rome.Had Paganism its tonsured priests, presided over by a pontifex maximus? So hasRome.Had Paganism its claim to sacerdotal infallibility? So has Popery.

226Dr. Martin Luther and the ReformersHad Paganism its gods carried in procession? So has Rome.Had Paganism its college of pontiffs? So has Rome its colloge of cardinals.Had Paganism its religious orders? So has Rome.Had Paganism its costly robes, its Queen of Heaven, its rural shrines and processions?So has Rome.Had Paganism its pretended miracles and weeping statues? So has Rome.Had Paganism its canonization of saints as in the deification of dead Caesars: Sohas Rome.Had Paganism its idolatrous calendar and festivals? So has Rome.Had Paganism its celibacy, mystic signs, relics, cruel persecution of those who standfor truth and righteoussness? So has Rome.I would warn you against this evil that is pervading the world anew today-working inand amongst the reformed churches covered by a veil of righteousness. Whereveryou see ritualism or higher criticism, shun it. Wherever you see a priest insteadof o preacher, an altar instead of a communion table, wax candles instead of thesunshine of God’s love, ceremony instead of sound doctrine, sacraments instead ofsaving grace, liturgies instead of earnest prayers, splendid music instead of spiritualworship, gorgeous vestments instead of gospel truth, tradition instead of „it is written“,crossings instead of Christ, there you have Romanism no matter what it is called,no matter how attractive the architecture the music the solemn ceremonial. Shun it.taken from: Romanism and the Reformation, by H. Grattan Guiness, 1887, p. 217With certainty, Martin Luther proclaimed that Christians should only acceptdoctrines that are based on the authority of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>. <strong>The</strong>se words thatcontained the essential principle of the Reformation dealt a blow to the foundation ofpapal supremacy... (p. 354)In his appeal to the Emperor and the German nobles, Luther wrote about thepope, in favor of the Reformation of Christianity: “It’s terrible to see the man whocalls himself the Vicar of Christ displaying such a magnificence that no emperor canbear comparison with him. Is this man equal to the poor Christ or the humble Peter?He is, they say, the Lord of the world! However, Christ of whom he claims to be therepresentative, said: MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD! May a representativeextend his POWER OVER HIS MASTER? ... (p. 356)When the papal bull reached Luther, he said: “I despise and attack them asimpious and false. ... Christ himself is despised therein. ... I am looking forwardto enduring the evil for the best thing’s sake. My heart is already muchfreer, for now I am finally certain that the pope is the Antichristand his throne is Satan’s throne “.... (p. 357)from “<strong>The</strong> History of Salvation” by Ellen G. White, Gemstone Publishing

Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers227“It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the <strong>Scripture</strong>s whatis truth, and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow his example. Weshould day by day study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought and comparingscripture with scripture. With divine help we are to form our opinions for ourselvesas we are to answer for ourselves before God.” - John 17:17<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 599Human Rights“In seeking to cast contempt upon the divine statutes, Satan has perverted thedoctrines of the Bible, and errors have thus become incorporated into thefaith of thousands who profess to believe the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> last great conflictbetween truth and error is but the final struggle of the longstanding controversyconcerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering--a battlebetween the laws of men and the precepts of YAHWEH, between the religionof the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition.<strong>The</strong> agencies which will unite against truth and righteousness in this contest are nowactively at work. God’s holy word, which has been handed down to us at such acost of suffering and blood, is but little valued.<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 583, 584UNO“History testifies of the Roman Catholic Church artful and persistent efforts toinsinuate herself into the affairs of nations; and having gained a foothold, tofurther her own aims, even at the ruin of princes and people.”<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 581<strong>The</strong> Reformer Martin Luther: “Since your most serene majesty and your highmightinesses require from me a clear, simple, and precise answer, I will give youone, and it is this: I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to the councils,because it is clear as the day that they have frequently erred and contradictedeach other. Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of<strong>Scripture</strong> or by the clearest reasoning, unless I am persuadedby means of the passages I have quoted, and unless they thusrender my conscience bound by the word of God, I cannot and Iwill not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak againsthis conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other; may God help me.Amen.” Luther, EA, LXIV, p. 382 f.<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 161“<strong>The</strong> truth is no more desired by the majority today than it was by the papists whoopposed Luther. <strong>The</strong>re is the same disposition to accept the theories and traditionsof men instead of the word of God as in former ages. Those who present thetruth for this time should not expect to be received with greater favor than were earlierreformers. <strong>The</strong> great controversy between truth and error, between Christ andSatan, is to increase in intensity to the close of this world’s history.”<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 145

228Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformers“As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself willpersonate Christ. <strong>The</strong> church has long professed to look to the Saviour‘sadvent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make itappear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifesthimself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling thedescription of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. Revelation 1:13-15. <strong>The</strong> glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyeshave yet beheld. <strong>The</strong> shout of triumph rings out upon the air: „Christ has come!Christ has come!“<strong>The</strong> people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up hishands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed His disciples whenHe was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle,compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truthswhich the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in hisassumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h to Sunday,and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares that thosewho persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusingto listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almostovermastering delusion. Like the Samaritans who were deceived by Simon Magus[Prof. Walter J. Veith: later, the High Priest of Rome], the multitudes, from the least tothe greatest, give heed to these sorceries, saying: This is „the great power of God.“Acts 8:10. But the people of God will not be misled. <strong>The</strong> teachings of this falsechrist are not in accordance with the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. His blessing ispronounced upon the worshipers of the beast and his image, the very classupon whom the Bible declares that God‘s unmingled wrath shall be poured out.And, furthermore, Satan is not permitted to counterfeit the manner of Christ‘sadvent. <strong>The</strong> Saviour has warned His people against deception upon this point, and hasclearly foretold the manner of His second coming. „<strong>The</strong>re shall arise false christs,and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that,if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. . . . Wherefore if they shallsay to you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth; behold, He is in the secretchambers; believe it not. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shinetheven to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.“ Matthew 24:24-27, 31; 25:31; Revelation 1:7; 1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 4:16, 17. This coming there is nopossibility of counterfeiting. It will be universally known--witnessed by the whole world.Only those who have been diligent students of the <strong>Scripture</strong>s and who havereceived the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion thattakes the world captive. By the Bible testimony these will detect the deceiver inhis disguise.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 625, 626

230Official Statements of the Clergy with Headquarter in Rome“Father Enright, American Sentinal June 1893”:‘<strong>The</strong> Bible says: “... remember that you keep holy the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day.” <strong>The</strong>Catholic Church says: “No! By my divine power I abolish the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h dayand command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo the entirecivilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holyCatholic Church.”’Rome’s Challenge (www. immaculateheart. com/maryonline), December 2003:“Most Christians assume that Sunday is the biblically approved day ofworship. <strong>The</strong> Roman Catholic Church protests that it transferred Christianworship from the biblical <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (Saturday) to Sunday, and that to try toargue that the change was made in the Bible is both dishonest and a denialof Catholic authority. If Protestantism wants to base its teachings only on theBible, it should worship on Saturday.“2003 - MARY ONLINE - OFFICIAL CATHOLIC WEBSITE - REPRINTED THE1893, ‘ROMES CHALLENGE’ TO PROTESTANTS:‘But the Protestant says: How can I receive the teaching of an apostatechurch? How, we ask, have you managed to receive her teachings all yourlife, in direkt opposition to your recognized teacher, the Bible, on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hquestion?’<strong>The</strong> Christian <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (2nd edition.: Baltimore; <strong>The</strong> Catholic Mirror, 1893)pp. 29,30.“No Protestant living today has ever yet obeyed that command, preferring to followthe ‘apostate church’ referred to than his teacher the Bible, which from Genesis toRevelation, teaches no other dictrine, should the Israelites and the Seventh-dayAdventists be correct. Both sides appeal to the Bible as their ‘infallible’ teacher.Let the Bible decide whether Saturday or Sunday be the day enjoined by God.One of the two bodies must be wrong.”EDITOR’S NOTE: “It was upon this very point [the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h issue] that thereformation was concemned by the Council of Trent. <strong>The</strong> reformers hadconstantly charged, as here stated, that the Catholic Church had ‘apostatized’from the truth as contained in the written word. ‘<strong>The</strong> written word,’ <strong>The</strong> Bible andthe Bible only.’ ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ these were their constant watchwords; and‘the <strong>Scripture</strong>, as in the written word, the sole standard of appeal,’ this was theproclaimed plattform of the reformation and of Protestantism. ‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> andtradition.’ ‘<strong>The</strong> Bible as interpreted by the Church and according to the unanimousconsent of the Fathers,’ this was the position and claim of the Catholic Church. thiswas the main issue in the Council of Trent, which was called especially to considerthe questions that had been raised and forced upon the attention of Europe by theReformers.”

Official Statements of the Clergy.231ARCHBISHOP OF REGGIO MADE THE SPEECH AT THE LAST OPENINGSESSION OF TRENT 18TH JANUARY, 1562:“<strong>The</strong> Protestants claim to stand upon the written word only. <strong>The</strong>y proffess to holdthe <strong>Scripture</strong> alone as the standard of faith ... <strong>The</strong> written word especially enjoinsthe observance of the seventh day as the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. <strong>The</strong>y do not observe theseventh day but reject it. If they do truly hold the <strong>Scripture</strong> alone as theirstandard, they would be observing the seventh day as is enjoined in theScipture throughout.Yet they not only reject the observance of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h enjoined in the weittenword, but they have adopted and do practice the observance of Sunday, forwhich they have only the tradition of the Church. Consequently, the claim of‘<strong>Scripture</strong> alone as the standard,’ fails, and the doctrine of ‘<strong>Scripture</strong> and tradition’as essential, is fully established, the Protestants themselves being judges.”(Archbishop Reggio made his speech at the last opening session of Trent, on the18th January, 1562 - J. H. Holzman, Canon and Tradition, published in Ludwigsburg,Germany, in 1859, p. 203)<strong>The</strong>re war no getting around this, for the Protestants’ own statement of faith -the Augsburg Confession, 1530 - had clearly admitted that the observation of the‘Lord’s day’ had been appointed by ‘the Church only.’~“La Civilta Catholica pp. 82 - 86 (Official Jesuit Publication)”:‘<strong>The</strong> Roman Catholic Church must demand the right to freedom for herselfalone.’“<strong>The</strong> Catholic Mirror (Baltimore), Editorial; Sept. 23, 1893”:“Sunday is therefore to this day the acknowledged offspring of the CatholicChurch, as spouse of the <strong>Holy</strong> Ghost; without a word of remonstrance fromthe Protestant world.”“Catholic World, July 1870”:‘<strong>The</strong> Roman Catholic is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing Catholicascendancy in this country.’“Pope Leo XIII, <strong>The</strong> Great Encyclial Letters”:‘All Catholics should exert their power to cause the constitutions of states tobe modeled after the principles of the Catholic Church.’“Catholic World, March 1894, p. 809”:‘She took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday ... and thusthe pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday sacredto Jesus.’“Cardinal Gibbons, <strong>The</strong> Faith fo our Fathers - 92nd ed.rev. Baltimore: John MurphyCompany, p. 89; catholic quotation“:“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find asingle line authorizing the scanctification of Sunday. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s enforcethe religious observance of Saturday, A day which we never sanctify.”

232 Official Statements of the Clergy.“<strong>The</strong> Christian <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (2nd. Ed.; Baltimore; <strong>The</strong> Catholic Mirror, 1893) pp. 29, 30”:‘But the Protestant says: How can I receive the teachings of an apostateChurch? How, we ask, have you managed to receive her teachings all yourlife, in direct opposition to your recognized teacher, the Bible, on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hquestion.’“Letter, October 28, 1895, from C. F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons”:“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. ... And theact is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.”“Catholic Record. in Ontario, September 1, 1923”:“Sunday ist our mark auf authority ... <strong>The</strong> Church is above the Bible; and histransference of <strong>Sabbat</strong>h observance is proof of that fact.”“Roy Livesey, 1998, Understanding the New Age: World Government and WorldReligion (Chichester, England: New Wine Press), p. 104.”:‘Catechism of the Jesuit:Q. What if the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s command one thing, and the Pope anothercontrary to it?A. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s must be thrown aside.Q. What is the Pope?A. He is the Vicar of Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is butone Judgment-Seat belonging to God and the Pope.’~About Revelation 2:12-17Against the church of Smyrna, which has just been considered, there was no wordof condemnation uttered. Persecution is ever calculated to keep the church pure,and incite its members to piety and godliness. But we now reach a period wheninfluences began to work through which errors and evils were likely to creep intothe church.<strong>The</strong> word Pergamos signifies height, elevation. <strong>The</strong> period covered by this churchmay be located from the days of Constantine, or perhaps, rather, from his professedcon<strong>version</strong> to Christianity, A.D.323, to the establishment of the papacy, A.D.538. Itwas a period in which the true servants of God had to struggle against a spirit ofworldly policy, pride, and popularity among the professed followers of Christ, andagainst the virulent workings of the mystery of iniquity, which finally resultedin the full development of the papal man of sin.Where Satan’s Seat Is. - Christ takes cognizance of the unfavorable situation ofhis people during this period. <strong>The</strong> language is not probably designed to denotelocality. As to place, Satan works wherever Christians dwell. But surely there aretimes and seasons when he works with special power; and the period coveredby the church of Pergamos was one of these. During this period, the doctrineof Christ was being corrupted, the mystery of iniquity was working, and Satan

Official Statements of the Clergy.233was laying the very foundation of that most stupendous system ofwickedness, the papacy. Here was the falling away foretold by Paul in2 <strong>The</strong>ss 2:3.Antipas. - That a class of persons is referred to by this name, and not an individual,there is good reason to believe; for no authentic information respecting such anindividual is now to be found.On this point William Miller says:“It is supposed that Antipas was not an individual, but a class of men who opposedthe power of the bishops, or popes, in that day, being a combination of two words,anti, opposed, and papas, father, or pope; and at that time many of them sufferedmartyrdom in Constantinople and Rome, where the bishops and popes began toexercise the power which soon after brought into subjection the kings of the earth,and trampled on the rights of the church of Christ. And for myself, I see no reasonto reject this explanation of this word Antipas in this text, as the history of thosetimes is perfectly silent respecting such an individual as is here named.” - Miller’sLectures, pp. 138, 139.Watson says, “Ancient ecclesiastical history furnishes no account of this Antipas.”Dr. Clarke mentions a work as extant called the “Acts of Antipas,” but gives us tounderstand that it is entitled to no credit.<strong>The</strong> Cause of Censure. - Disadvantages in situation are no excuse for wrongs inthe church. Although this church lived at a time when Satan was especially at work,it was their duty to keep themselves pure from the leaven of his evil doctrines.Hence they were censured for harboring among them those who held the doctrinesof Balaam and the Nicolaitanes. (See remarks on the Nicolaitanes, verse 6.) Whatthe doctrine of Balaam was, is here partially revealed. He taught Balak to cast astumbling-block before the children of Israel. (See a full account of his work and itsresults in Numbers, chapters 22-25 and 31:13-16.) It appears that Balaam desiredto curse Israel for the sake of the rich reward which Balak offered him for sodoing. But not being permitted by the Lord [YAHWEH] to curse them, he resolvedto accomplish essentially the same thing, though in a different way. He thereforecounseled Balak to seduce them by means of the females of Moab, to participatein the celebration of the rites of idolatry, and all its licentious accompaniments. <strong>The</strong>plan succeeded. <strong>The</strong> abominations of idolatry spread through the camp of Israel,the curse of God was called down upon them by their sins, and there fell by theplague twentyfour thousand persons.<strong>The</strong> doctrines complained of in the church of Pergamos were of course similarin their tendency, leading to spiritual idolatry, and an unlawful connectionbetween the church and the world.Out of this spirit was finally produced the union of the civiland ecclesiastical powers, which culminated in the formationof the papacy.Repent - By disciplining or expelling those who hold these pernicious doctrines.Christ declared that if they did not do this, he would take the matter into his ownhands, and come to them (in judgment), and fight against them (those who heldthese evil doctrines); and the whole church would be held responsible for thewrongs of those heretical ones whom they harbored in their midst.taken from: “Daniel and the Revelation“ by Uriah Smith, 1897, pages 384-386

234Official Statements of the Clergy.“Notwithstanding all the efforts to establish Sunday sacredness, papiststhemselves publicly confessed the divine authority of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h andthe human origin of the institution by which it had been supplanted. Inthe sixteenth century a papal council plainly declared: „Let all Christiansremember that the seventh day was consecrated by God, and hath beenreceived and observed, not only by the Jews, but by all others who pretendto worship God; though we Christians have changed their <strong>Sabbat</strong>h into theLord‘s Day.“ Those who were tampering with the divine law were not ignorantof the character of their work. <strong>The</strong>y were deliberately setting themselvesabove God.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 578“<strong>The</strong> assertion that God‘s judgments are visited upon men for their violationof the Sunday-sabbath (the first day of the week), will be repeated; already itis beginning to be urged. And a movement to enforce Sunday observance isfast gaining ground.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 580, 581„To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, itis because there is no light in them.“ Isaiah 8:20.Satan employs every possible device to prevent men from obtaining a knowledgeof the Bible; for its plain utterances reveal his deceptions. ...In order to endure the trial before them, they must understand the will of God asrevealed in His word; they can honor Him only as they have a right conceptionof His character, government, and purposes, and act in accordance withthem. ...<strong>The</strong> events connected with the close of probation and the work of preparationfor the time of trouble, are clearly presented. But multitudes have no moreunderstanding of these important truths than if they had never been revealed.Satan watches to catch away every impression that would make them wiseunto salvation, and the time of trouble will find them unready.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 594, 595“God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bibleonly, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms. <strong>The</strong> opinionsof learned men, the deductions of science, the creeds or decisions of ecclesiasticalcouncils, as numerous and discordant as are the churches which they represent,the voice of the majority--not one nor all of these should be regarded as evidencefor or against any point of religious faith. Before accepting any doctrineor precept, we should demand a plain „Thus saYS YAHWEH“ in itssupport.Satan is constantly endeavoring to attract attention to man in the place of God.He leads the people to look to bishops, to pastors, to professors of theology,as their guides, instead of searching the <strong>Scripture</strong>s to learn their duty forthemselves. <strong>The</strong>n, by controlling the minds of these leaders, he can influencethe multitudes according to his will....<strong>The</strong> Roman Church reserves to the clergy the right to interpret the <strong>Scripture</strong>s.On the ground that ecclesiastics alone are competent to explain God‘s word, it iswithheld from the common people.[*See Note.] Though the Reformation gave

Official Statements of the Clergy.235the <strong>Scripture</strong>s to all, yet the selfsame principle which was maintained by Romeprevents multitudes in Protestant churches from searching the Bible for themselves.<strong>The</strong>y are taught to accept its teachings as interpreted by the church; andthere are thousands who dare receive nothing, howeverplainly revealed in <strong>Scripture</strong>, that is contrary to their creedor the established teaching of their church.*Note: Withholding the Bible From the People.--<strong>The</strong> reader will recognize that the text of thisvolume was written prior to Vatican Council II, with its somewhat altered policies in regardto the reading of the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. Through the centuries, the attitude of the Roman CatholicChurch toward circulation of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s in vernacular <strong>version</strong>s among the laity showsup as negative. See for example G. P. Fisher, <strong>The</strong> Reformation, ch. 15, Page 692, par. 16(1873 ed., pp. 530-532); J. Cardinal Gibbons, <strong>The</strong> Faith of Our Fathers, ch. 8 (49th ed.,1897), Pp. 98-117; John Dowling, History of Romanism, b. 7, ch. 2, Sec. 14; and b. 9, ch. 3,secs. 24-27 (1871 ed., pp. 491-496, 621-625); L. F. Bungener, History of the Council of Trent,pp. 101-110 (2d Edinburgh ed., 1853, translated by D. D. Scott); G. H. Putnam, Books and<strong>The</strong>ir Makers. During the Middle Ages, vol. 1, pt. 2, ch. 2, pars. 49, 54-56. See also Index ofProhibited Books (Vatican Polyglot Press, 1930), pp. ix, x; Timothy Hurley, A Commentary onthe Present Index Legislation (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1908), p. 71; Translation of theGreat Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1903), p. 413.But in recent years a dramatic and positive change has occurred in this respect. On theone hand, the church has approved several <strong>version</strong>s prepared on the basis of the originallanguages; on the other, it has promoted the study of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s by means of freedistribution and Bible institutes. <strong>The</strong> church, however, continues to reserve for herself theexclusive right to interpret the Bible in the light of her own tradition, thus justifying thosedoctrines that do not harmonize with biblical teachings.<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 596, 597“<strong>The</strong> wide diversity of belief in the Protestant churches is regarded by manyas decisive proof that no effort to secure a forced uniformity can ever bemade. But there has been for years, in churches of the Protestant faith, astrong and growing sentiment in favor of a union based upon commonpoints of doctrine. To secure such a union, the discussion of subjectsupon which all were not agreed--however important they might be from aBible standpoint--must necessarily be waived. ...ECumenISMAnother general council! A world‘s convention! Evangelicalalliance, and universal creed!“--Sermon on „<strong>The</strong> Bible a SufficientCreed,“ delivered at Fort Wayne, Indiana, Feb. 22, 1846. When this shall begained, then, in the effort to secure complete uniformity, it will be only a stepto the resort to force.When the leading churches of the United States, uniting uponsuch points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shallinfluence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustaintheir institutions, then Protestant America will have formedan image of the Roman hierarchy [the Roman priesthood], andthe infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitablyresult.<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 444, 445

236Official Statements of the Clergy.“<strong>The</strong> special characteristic of the beast [the Roman Church], and therefore ofhis image, is the breaking of God‘s commandments.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, p. 447“<strong>The</strong> enforcement of Sundaykeeping on the part of Protestant churchesis an enforcement of the worship of the papacy--of the beast.Those who, understanding the claims of the fourth commandment, choose toobserve the false instead of the true <strong>Sabbat</strong>h are thereby paying homage tothat power by which alone it is commanded. But in the very act of enforcinga religious duty by secular power, the churches would themselves form animage to the beast; hence the enforcement of Sundaykeeping inthe United States would be an enforcement of the worship ofthe beast and his image.“But Christians of past generations observed the Sunday, supposing thatin so doing they were keeping the Bible <strong>Sabbat</strong>h; and there are now trueChristians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion,who honestly believe that Sunday is the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h of divine appointment.God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before Him. Butwhen Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall beenlightened concerning the obligation of the true <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, then whoevershall transgress the command of God, to obey a precept which has no higherauthority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above God. He is payinghomage to Rome and to the power which enforces the institution ordainedby Rome. He is worshipping the beast and his image. As men then rejectthe institution which God has declared to be the sign of Hisauthority, and honor in its stead that which Rome has chosenas the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept thesign of allegiance to Rome--“the mark of the beast.“ And it is notuntil the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought tochoose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men,that those who continue in transgression will receive „the mark of the beast.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 449, 450Said Jesus [Yahshua]: “He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed inwhite raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life,but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels.“[Revelation 3:5] “Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, himwill I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoevershall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which isin heaven.“ [Matthew 10:32, 33] ... <strong>The</strong> divine Intercessor presents the pleathat all who have overcome through faith in His blood be forgiven theirtransgressions, that they be restored to their Eden home, and crownedas joint heirs with Himself to ‚the first dominion.‘“ [Micah 4:8]<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 484, 485HARP / Chemtrails“Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unpreparedsouls. He has studied the secrets of the laboratories of nature,and he uses all his power to control the elements as far asGod allows. ...

Official Statements of the Clergy.237Even now he is at work. In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, ingreat conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests,floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in athousand forms, Satan is exercising his power.“<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 590, 591“Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul andSunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions.While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter createsa bond of sympathy with Rome. <strong>The</strong> Protestants of the United Stateswill be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the handof spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with theRoman power; and under the influence of this threefold union,this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights ofconscience.As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it hasgreater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after themodern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light.Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick willbe healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits willprofess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church,their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.<strong>The</strong> line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly [unlawness]is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and areready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thusstrengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, whoboast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived bythis wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth,will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept theform of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grandmovement for the con<strong>version</strong> of the world and the ushering in of the longexpectedmillennium.Through spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the race,healing the diseases of the people, and professing to presenta new and more exalted system of religious faith; but at thesame time he works as a destroyer. His temptations are leadingmultitudes to ruin. Intemperance dethrones reason; sensual indulgence,strife, and bloodshed follow. Satan delights in war, for it excites the worstpassions of the soul and then sweeps into eternity its victims steeped in viceand blood. It is his object to incite the nations to war against one another,for he can thus divert the minds of the people from the work of preparationto stand in the day of God.”<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy, pp. 589, 590

238Falsification of the Resurrection DayWhen checking “the date of Messiah’s resurrection” I always came acrosssome irregularities in the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>. Finally, I was convinced that the text “asthe sun rose / at Sunrise” was a forgery. Once going through the text verse byverse together with a brother, my eyes were suddenly opened by the HeavenlyFather and his holy name YAHWEH.Since my eyes have been closed until now regarding the former announcementby Dr. Martin Luther in his 1545 translation of the word “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h and <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs”and regarding the irregularity, “when the two women of Miriam (not Greek: Maria)bought and made the spices, “the facts have now been identified on revision of allrelevant verses of Greek and Hebrew Bibles (both manual and online Bibles). <strong>The</strong>translation of the word “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h” from the Greek in the Online Bible was an exactGreek word for <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, i.e. the word “week”. Now it is not so complicated justto set “first” before it and thus you soon get a translation which has been found inalmost all Bibles: “On the first day of the week!”It is now abundantly clear that the word “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h” is contained in the Greek andHebrew Bibles in an unadulterated form. <strong>The</strong> only irregularity is contained in theverse in Mark 16:1; however, it is neutralized by the verse in Luke 23:50-56 andinconsistently declared as forgery.<strong>The</strong> following verses with explanations give clarity about Satan’s deception, which,with the exception of very few people, deceived the whole world of Christianity.Matthew 28:1 LUTHER 1545 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = BUT IN THE EVENINGOF SABBATH * / WHICH BEGINS IN THE MORNING OF THE FIRST HOLIDAYOF THE SABBATHS / MIRIAM OF MAGDALA (of Magdala = Greek originaltext + Menge) AND THE OTHER MIRIAM / CAME TO SEE THE GRAVE.Matthew 28:1 CONCORDANT BIBLE 1980 = BUT THAT WAS IN THEEVENING BETWEEN THE SABBATHS *. AS THE MORNING DAWNEDAT ONE OF THE SABBATH DAYS, Maria (Greek = Mary) / MIRIAM, theMagdalene (of Magdala, Greek original text + Menge) / OF MAGDALAAND THE OTHER Mary / MIRIAM, CAME TO LOOK AFTER THE TOMB.Mark 16:2,9, Luke 24:1; John 19:31; 20:1,19; Acts of Apostles 20:7; 1st Corinthians 16:2;Revelation 1:10, see also: “Concordant Greek Text” and “VULGATA - IUXTA VULGATAMCLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quoted from Henry Ramish: Jesus [Yahshua] died as ourPassover lamb, 1 Corinthians 5:7, on 14th Nisan, the day of the Lord [Editor:YAHWEH] Passover, Leviticus 23:5, on the day of preparation for the Great<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, John 19:31, on a Thursday. <strong>The</strong> following Friday, the 15th Nisan, theday of unleavened bread, Leviticus 23:6-7, is the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, when Jesus[Yahshua] was resting in his grave. - On 16th Nisan, Leviticus 23:10-11, theday the first sheaf, He revived in the morning. - This was the weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,a Saturday after the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.Concordant Bible John 19:31: <strong>The</strong> Jews therefore… because it was thePreparation Day. For bodies should not remain upon the cross on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h(for that <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was a great day)...John 19:31 is just that very passage testifying that the day of Jesus [Yahshua]

Falsification of the Resurrection Day239resurrection was followed by the great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the annual <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the 15thNisan, His grave silence!In the resurrection week of Jesus [Yahshua] the great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h thus had notfell on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h! – Otherwise, the Jews had spoken of “the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs”or “the day of <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs”: <strong>The</strong>re were weekly and annual <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs of greatfestivals. If such met with a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, they spoke of “the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs” or“the Day of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs”. Concordant Bible, page 557.<strong>The</strong> statements in Matthew 28:1, “the evening of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs” and “on oneof the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days” (see above) are explained in the Bible Concordance,page 558: <strong>The</strong> big annual S (<strong>Sabbat</strong>h) of the unleavened bread after thePassover is mentioned in the phrase “Evening of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h” (the eveningon which the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h ended and the beginning of the following weeklyResurrection <strong>Sabbat</strong>h) Matthew 28:1 and Mark 15:42.According to God’s will, the day begins in the evening also ending in theevening, at sunset, at the beginning of the next day, Genesis 1:5.from: “<strong>The</strong> Sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”Mark 16:1 AND WHEN THE SABBATH WAS PAST*, MIRIAM (Greek: MARIA)OF MAGDALA (of Magdala = Greek original text + MENGE) and MIRIAM (Greek:MARY), THE MOTHER OF JAMES / JACOB, AND SALOME BOUGHT* SPICES,THAT THEY MIGHT COME AND ANOINT HIM.Luke 23:50-56* Note: In this verse it is stated that the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h “was over,” whereby verse 2speaks about “very early on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h / rising of the sun” clearly based onthe evidences. Also mentioned in this verse is the purchasing act “after the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h.” In Luke 23:56 it is clearly written about the preparation of spicesby women before “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h” short after Yahshua’s resignation into the grave.Thus the verse Mark 16:1 is contradictory to all other verses of the <strong>Holy</strong><strong>Scripture</strong> in many aspects.Mark 16:2 LUTHER 1545 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = AND THEY CAME TO THEGRAVE ON A SABBATH (means: ON ONE OF THE TWO SABBATHS) VERYEARLY / FOR SUN WAS RISING.*Mark 16:2 BIBLE CONCORDANT 1964 + 1980 = So they came on one of the<strong>Sabbat</strong>hs to the grave, very early in the morning, at sunrise.*Verse 9, Matthew 28:1, Luke 24:1, John 19:31; 20:1;19:1 Corinthians 16:2; see also:“Concordant Greek Text” and “VULGATA - IUXTA VULGATAM CLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quoted from Henry Ramish: Additionally to the ungodlydoctrine of the Resurrection of Jesus [Yahshua] on Saturday, at sunset, thereare also two <strong>version</strong>s of the appearance of the two Marys at the tomb ofJesus [Yahshua]:Once it is alleged that the Marys [Editor: Greek: Marys] / Miriams came to thegrave right after the end of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, in the beginning of the first day ofthe week, just after the sunset. – Hereby the rolling away of the stone fromthe grave and the anointing of the corpse of Jesus [Yahshua] should havehappened in the darkness. - In other words, all events that we have been toldin Matthew 28:1-15 should have occurred in the darkness, at night. <strong>The</strong> BibleWord contradicts it and says that His resurrection and everything written

240Falsification of the Resurrection Dayin Matthew 28:1-8 (John 20:11-19) happened at sunrise and in the daytime.On the other hand, it is quoted from the revised documents that the Marys[Miriams] appeared at the tomb of Christ [the Messiah] in the morning, atsunrise on the first day of the week, whereby Jesus [Yahshua] revived alreadyat least twelve hours before the end of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, just like the first <strong>version</strong>says. - Where was Jesus [Yahshua] at this time? – However, it is written thatJesus [Yahshua] met Mary Magdalene [Miriam of Magdala] on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hmorning, at sunrise, and told her: “Don’t touch me! ... “- then He ascendedto His Father in heaven, and returned again at the selfsame <strong>Sabbat</strong>h whereHe finally appeared to the Emmaus disciples! - John 20:15-17, Luke 24:13-31.This is also to recognize that even the spices had already been preparedon 14th Nisan, and during the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, they lay still, according toLuke 23:54-56.<strong>The</strong> Marys [Greek: Marys] / Miriams therefore did not come to the tomb at duskor in the increasing darkness or in the morning of the first day of the week,but:“And very early in the morning, at one of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days, they came to thetomb when the sun rose.” Mark 16:2, Concordant Bible of 1964.And a short time before, on 16th Nisan, the weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the day of thefirst fruits, Leviticus 23:10-11, in 31 AD, early in the morning, Christ [Editor =the Messiah] resurrected like the first fruits from the dead! Mark 16:9;Concordant Bible.from: “<strong>The</strong> Sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”Mark 16:9 LUTHER 1545 + Bethel Edition + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = BUTYAHSHUA / SINCE HE HAD BEEN RAISED EARLY ON THE FIRST DAY OFTHE SABBATH (= THE SABBATHS) / HE FIRST APPEARED TO MIRIAMOF MAGDALA (of Magdala = Greek original text + Menge) / WHO HEDISPOSSESSED OF SEVEN DEMONS.Mark 16:9 CONCORDANT BIBLE 1980 = As He was resurrected on thefirst morning of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, he appeared first to Mary [Greek: Maria] /MIRIAM, the Magdalene [of Magdala = Greek original text + MENGE], who Hedispossessed of seven demons.*Verse 16:2, Matthew 28:1; Luke 8:2; 24:1; John 19:31; 20:1.11-18:19, see also: “ConcordantGreek Text” and “VULGATA - IUXTA VULGATAM CLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quotation from Henry Ramish: This “first <strong>Sabbat</strong>h” is theweekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the resurrection day of Jesus [Yahshua], the 16th Nisan!- From that day, from the day after the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h on 15thNisan, seven full weeks should be counted up to the day after the seventh<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, i.e. fifty days (see Leviticus 23:15-16).This 50th Day is Pentecost! - Consequently, there was Pentecost in the yearof crucifixion, the outpouring of God’s holy Spirit, also on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,Acts chapter 2, John 16: 13.It is important to know that the annual feasts and commemoration daysaccording to Leviticus 23 are moveable feasts and commemoration days; forthey are counted after the new moons of the year. God begins the lunar yearwith the first lunar month of Nisan, which is counted from the first new moonafter the March equinox.

Falsification of the Resurrection Day241As already mentioned, the seven annual feasts and commemoration daysin the New Covenant, should neither be kept nor celebrated anymore.Nevertheless it should be known to any faithful person to which day of thecalendar they correspond today. All the events which have already beenfulfilled by Jesus Christ [Editor: Yahshua the Messiah] on the four spring feastsand commemoration days, but also those which are going to be fulfilled byHim, on the three Autumn feasts and commemoration days immediatelybefore and with His second coming in the Clouds, are revealed in them.1 Corinthians 15:50-52; 1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 4:13-18.From: “<strong>The</strong> Sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”* Note: On the previous day, on Wednesday, Yahshua was still keeping thePassover together with his disciples. <strong>The</strong> Passover began on Wednesdayevening. On Thursday, early in the morning, as it was still dark, manyprocesses for His execution had been carried out.As to the above statement, Yahshua the Messiah was crucified on Thursdayat 9 o’clock, on the day of preparation, and at 15 o’clock after his death hisbody was quickly removed and placed into the grave, because there wereonly a few hours left until the great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (about 18 o’clock) and it becamedark. Following the law, all people rested on the solemn day, on Friday.On Saturday, the weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was kept and sanctified. This is the trueresurrection day of our Master and Sovereign Yahshua the Messiah, the Sonof God, the Almighty.Luke 18:12 LUTHER 1545 + Concordance 1995 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles =I fast twice on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, I give tithes of all that I have / posses.Matthew 23:23; 28:1; Mark 16:2,9, Luke 24:1; John 19:31, 20:1.19; Acts 20:7;1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10Luke 24:1 LUTHER 1545 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = BUT ON THE SABBATH(= on one of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs) * VERY EARLY THEY CAME TO THE GRAVE ANDHAD SPICERIES / THEY HAD PREPARED / AND CERTAIN OTHERS WITHTHEM.Luke 24:1 Concordant BIBLE of 1980 = On one of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days they wentin the early morning to the grave and brought spices with them that theyhad prepared, they and some with them.Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2.9; John 19:31; 20:1.19; 1 Corinthians 16:2; see also “ConcordantGreek Text” and “VULGATA - IUXTA VULGATAM CLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quotation from Henry Ramish: As already explained, in theyear of crucifixion of [Yahshua], there were two related <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs: <strong>The</strong> annual<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the 15th Nisan, a Friday and the weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the 16th Nisan.Thus, the 14th Nisan was a Thursday – <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> Thursday! Luke 23:31! <strong>The</strong>Bible, the original, must remain for all of us the measure of all teaching! - Andaccording to it, the 14th Nisan ... is [YAHWEH’s] Passover! It is the memorialto the sparing of the firstborn, Exodus 12 - ... [Yahshua] died for us on thecross on the day of the Passover lamb. - He rested in the grave on the 15thNisan, the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, John 19:31, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, andHis resurrection was on the day of the first fruits, the 16th Nisan. On thatday he stood before His Father in heaven as the first fruits, as the first to beresurrected from the dead, Matthew 5:17, Leviticus 23:4-14, 1 Corinthians

242Falsification of the Resurrection Day15:20, John 20:17! – <strong>The</strong> Bible thus proves that the testimony of Jona 2:1(Matthew 12:39-40), that of three days and three nights, is not only relatedto the resting of [Yahshua] in the grave... It is rather the time from his arrestuntil His resurrection, which is referred to as “in the heart of the earth” andis attributable to the realm of Satan – although Satan has no power over[Yahshua], John 14:28-31 (Exodus 3:15)! See Matthew 26:50, Mark 16:9,Matthew 12:40, 15:19, Concordant Bible, Luke 10:18, John 12:31; Revelation12:9!From: “<strong>The</strong> sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”John 19:31 LUTHER 1545 + Greek + Hebrew Bible = However, since it was thepreparation day, the Jews asked Pilate to brake His legs to be removed fromthe torture stake because the body should not remain upon the cross / thepile* / the torture stake on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day (for that <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day was anhigh day).Leviticus 23:7; Deuteronomy 21:23; Mark 16:2.9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1.19; Acts 20:7;1 Corinthians 16:2* Explanation / quotation from Henry Ramish: In compliance with this divineorder, the passages taken from the original scripture Matthew 28:1 and John19:31 are fundamental tenets of evidence of His resurrection on a weekly<strong>Sabbat</strong>h. <strong>The</strong>y confirm the accuracy of all biblical passages that bear witnessof it! <strong>The</strong> Passover meal was prepared on 13th Nisan between the “evenings”in the time between the evening sacrifice (15 o’clock) and the evening, thesunset. <strong>The</strong> Passover lamb was eaten in the evening, as the 14th Nisan began.This happened with the introduction of the Passover before the exodus fromEgypt. – So Joshua repeated it on the same day in Gigal after forty years inthe desert and Jesus [Editor: Yahshua] with his disciples ate together also inthe evening, with the beginning of the 14th Nisan, the Passover meal, seeExodus, 12th Chapter; Joshua / Yahshua 5:10-12, Matthew 26:2, Luke 22:7-20.At the Lord’s [YAHWEH’s] Passover, the Israelites in Egypt were to coatboth posts of the door and the upper threshold with the blood of the sacrificialanimal, for in the same night the Lord [YAHWEH] went through the land ofEgypt smiting all the firstborns of man and cattle. He walked by those whohad the sign on their door. No one left his house until the morning. Only inthe morning of the 14th Nisan, the people gathered its cattle and belongingsbut also jewels of silver and gold as well as clothes given by the Egyptians.With the beginning of the 15th Nisan, in the evening, they were ready for theexodus, which began during the night of the 15th Nisan, according to the<strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>; Deuteronomy 16:1; Numbers 33:3. For the Lord [YAHWEH] thenight of 14th Nisan was a watching night for He had to lead His people outof Egypt: <strong>The</strong>refore the children of Israel shall be awake during that night, inthe honor of [YAHWEH], Exodus 12:42 - Even Jesus [Yahshua] commanded toHis disciples to stay and keep watch with Him at the night of the 14th Nisan,Matthew 26:38-41:<strong>The</strong> Exodus of the people of Israel took place during the night of the 15thNisan, Deuteronomy 16:1; Numbers 33:3.This big, annual <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was a permanent memorial to the Exodus for thepeople of Israel, the liberation after the 430-year slavery. This is the big<strong>Sabbat</strong>h mentioned in John 19:31, which is called the Feast of Unleavened

Falsification of the Resurrection Day243Bread in Leviticus 23:6. On this day, the 15th Nisan, Jesus [Yahshua] restedin the grave before He resurrected on 16 Nisan, the day where the priestsoffered up the first grain harvest to the Lord [YAHWEH], Leviticus 23:10. -According to the <strong>Scripture</strong>, that was a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h in the crucifixion weekof Jesus [Yahshua]!John 19:31 can be read unchanged as <strong>The</strong> Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h in any Bible. -Obviously, the transformers did not recognize the importance of this Great<strong>Sabbat</strong>h so that John 19:31, the basic text, was kept in all revised documents.However, this is the very passage of the <strong>Scripture</strong> testifying that the dayof resurrection of Jesus [Yahshua] was followed by <strong>The</strong> Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, theannual <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the 15th Nisan, by His grave silence! (See Matthew 28:1).from: “<strong>The</strong> sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus – <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”John 20:1 LUTHER 1545 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = ON THE SABBATH (at oneof the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days) / MIRIAM OF MAGDALA (of Magdala = Greek originaltext + Menge) * CAME EARLY TO THE SEPULCHER / TOMB // SINCE IT WASSTILL DARK / AND SAW / THAT THE STONE WAS REMOVED FROM THETOMB.John 20:1 CONCORDANT BIBLE of 1980 = On one of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days Miriamthe Magdalene (of Magdala = Greek original text + Menge), went to the graveearly in the morning, when it was dark, and saw that the stone was liftedaway from the entrance of the tomb.Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2-9, Luke 24:1, John 19:31; 20:19;1 Corinthians 16:2; see also “Concordant Greek text” and “VULGATA - IUXTAVULGATAM CLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quotation from Henry Ramish: According to the <strong>Scripture</strong>s,Christ [the Messiah] is the first fruits, the first one who resurrected fromthe dead; He resurrected on the third day. His work of redemption is basedon the fulfillment of the shadow of legislation, because it is impossible thatthe blood of bulls and goats can take away sins, Hebrews 10:4. <strong>The</strong> shadowlegislation includes daily morning and evening sacrifices at fixed times, oneat 9 and the other at 15 o’clock, and the sacrificial laws at annual festivitiesand memorial days, according to Leviticus 23. Through His crucifixion at 9o’clock, His death at 15 o’clock on 14th Nisan... [YAHWEH’s] Passover, Hisresting in the grave on 15th Nisan, the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, John 19:31, the feast ofunleavened bread, and His resurrection on the third day on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>hmorning, on 16th Nisan, the Feast of the first sheaf, Jesus Christ [Yahshuathe Messiah] fulfilled three of the four spring festivals and observances,Leviticus 23 (4); 5-14.This divine order shall be and remain the key of our considerations! <strong>The</strong>basic text of Matthew 28:1 says: “But it was the evening of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs”.This means that one evening included two <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs. - It was the evening thatclosed the 15th Nisan, the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h and John 19:31; the following week,the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the 16th Nisan began. On His creation, God did it the same way:“And the evening and the morning became the first day”, Genesis 1:5. - In theevening, one day ends and the other day begins! – <strong>The</strong> fact that there was aFriday between the two <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs as the women bought and prepared spices,cannot be seen at any point of the <strong>Scripture</strong>…- However, in Luke 23:54-56

244Falsification of the Resurrection Dayit is written: “... <strong>The</strong> women followed Him from Galilee, and looked into thesepulcher / tomb and how His body lay there. <strong>The</strong>y returned and preparedspices and Spiced Oils. During the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, they kept silence according tothe commandment. “So, the women prepared everything on the day of Preparation, 14th Nisanand the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h; it was 15th Nisan, the Great <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, John 19:31, as theykept silent.from: “<strong>The</strong> sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrection ofJesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”John 20:19 LUTHER 1545 + Bethel Edition + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = INTHE EVENING OF THE SAME SABBATH * / SINCE THE DISCIPLES METTOGETHER AND THE DOORS WERE CLOSED / FEARING THE JEWS /YAHSHUA CAME AND STEPPED INTO THE MIDDLE (AMONG THEM) ANDSPOKE TO THEM / PEACE BE WITH YOU (Hebrew: SHALOM ALEICHEM!)John 20:19 Bible Concordant of 1980 + Bethel Edition = As it became eveningon one of the * <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days, and the doors in the house where thedisciples were assembled were closed, for they feared the Jews, Yahshuacame into the midst and said to them: “Peace be with you!”Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2.9, Luke 24:1; John 19:31; 20:1; 1 Corinthians 16:2; seealso “Concordant Greek Text”, John 20:19 not existent in: “VULGATA - IUXTAVULGATAM CLEMENTINAM”.* Note: In his translation of the Bible dated 1545, Dr. Martin Luther writesclearly of the “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h” and not of “the first day of the week” (see Greek andHebrew Bibles). Due to this evidence, it is clear that the RESURRECTION DAYwas on a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h and NOT on the first day of the week /ON A SUNDAY. Verse 22 further states: „ And as he said that / he blew themon / and spoke to them/ take the holy Spirit” This means that THE POURINGOF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON HIS DISCIPLES TOOK PLACE ALSO ON THE DAYOF HIS RESURRECTION, ON A WEEKLY SABBATH, ON A SATURDAY.1 Corinthians 16:2 LUTHER 1545 = On the first day of every week (i.e. onevery <strong>Sabbat</strong>h), let every one of you lay by him in store, as he may prosper,that no collections be made when I come.1 Corinthians 16:2 Albrecht 1926 = ... put aside a part of your (weekly)earnings and save a greater sum so that the savings are made until myarrival.1 Corinthians 16:2 Greek Concordance 1995 + Greek + Hebrew Bibles = OnEvery Saturday / <strong>Sabbat</strong>h * every one of you should put aside a sum ofmoney, depending on the success and the opportunities you have, not thatsavings are made after my arrival.Acts 20:7, Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2,9, Luke 24:1; John 19:31; 20:1,19* Note: It means that savings were collected on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h where brothersand sisters had to put together the donations from their earnings beforehandto hold them in readiness on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day.

Falsification of the Resurrection Day245Thus,it is clearly proven that the Messiahwas raised and resurrected ona weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, on a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,on a Saturday!(Mark 14:28 Bethel Edition + ELBERFELDER 1871)

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Falsification of the Resurrection Day247Supplementation:<strong>The</strong> seventh day in the week of the unleaved breads was on thursday onthe anniversary of death of our Master Yahshua.Leviticus 23:5-85: In the fourteenth day of the first month at evening is YAHWEH’S passover.6: And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened breadto YAHWEH: seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.7: In the first day you shall have a holy convocation: you shall do no servilework.8: But you shall offer an offering made by fire to YAHWEH seven days: in theseventh day is a holy convocation: you shall do no servile work.Numbers 28:16-18 and 25-2616: And on the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of YAHWEH.17: And on the fifteenth day of this month shall be the feast: seven days shallunleavened bread be eaten.18: On the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no servile work:25: And on the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do noservile work.26: Also in the day of the firstfruits, when you offer a new meal-offering toYAHWEH in your feast of weeks, you shall have a holy convocation; you shall dono servile work.“Consequently the 15th of Nisan and the 21th Nisan are holy meetings andconsequently a FEAST-SABBATH.On the anniversary of death of Yahshua the 15th Nisan was a Friday; this onewas a high FEAST-SABBATH and Yahshua was resting in the rock cut tomb.<strong>The</strong>n the 16th Nisan was a sabbat of the week.From the 15th Nisan, a Friday, follows after 7 days the 21th Nisan, a thursday.”

248 Falsification of the Resurrection Day

Falsification of the Resurrection Day249

250How <strong>The</strong> Savior‘s Name Was ChangedSuperstition, ignorance, and the dynamics of language led to a change in theSavior’s Name, to a name He never had!__________________________________________________THE SAVIOR WAS BORN in Bethlehem of Judea of a Jewish virgin who spokeHebrew (or perhaps Aramaic), a Semitic dialect. He was born into a society whereHebrew was the common language. <strong>The</strong> angel Gabriel had announced to Miriam(Mary) the mother that the Child about to be born would save His people Israel fromtheir sins. His Name, therefore, would literally reflect this meaning and mission.<strong>The</strong> Bible shows that whenever people were spoken to from On High, it wasalways to those who were familiar with or spoke the Hebrew language. Hebrewno doubt was spoken in the Garden of Eden. <strong>The</strong> Bible is a Hebrew book, givento spirit-filled Hebrew writers. <strong>The</strong> only language spoken for the first 1757 yearsuntil the Tower of Babel incident was Hebrew. We must conclude, therefore, thatHebrew is the heavenly language.Genesis 10:30 reveals that the tribes of Shem did not join the project at theplains of Shinar (Genesis 11:2) where the tower of Babel was built. According toGenesis 10, they dwelled at Mesha, in the foothills of Mount Sephar . <strong>The</strong>ir Hebrewlanguage was not changed.With all those facts before us, we must ask, why do our Bibles call the Savior bythe name Jesus that is neither Jewish nor Hebrew? Jesus has no translation in anylanguage.Why would a Jewish maiden, whose native tongue was Hebrew, living ina Jewish community of Hebrews, who had been addressed by the celestialmessenger Gabriel, give her newborn a hybrid Latin-Greek name that carries nosuch meaning as Savior in either language? <strong>The</strong> Greek word for savior is „soter,“while the Latin is „salvare.“ No part of this word is found in „Jesus,“ a name withno etymological meaning. Recall that the angel said His Name would be related toHis purpose as Savior.Jesus Is Not the Name<strong>The</strong> fact is, “Jesus” is not His name, and never was. <strong>The</strong> renowned Bible scholarand archaeologist Ernest Renan writes that the Savior was never called Jesus inHis life!Furthermore, there is not now nor was there ever an equivalent letter „j“ in the22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Nor is there any Hebrew letter that carries evenan approximate sound of the consonant letter „j.“ Neither is there a letter „j“ in theGreek alphabet.Even our English „j“ is of recent origin, appearing in English only 500 yearsago, when it often replaced the letter „i,“ usually at the beginning of a word. <strong>The</strong>question before us is, what was the Savior‘s name before there was a letter „j“? Forsome 1500 years He obviously was called by another name that could not havecontained the letter „j.“

How <strong>The</strong> Savior's Name Was Changed251Would His Jewish disciples call Himby a hybrid Greek-Latin name when theBible says they were unlearned andignorant men? (Acts 4:13). <strong>The</strong>y werecommon fishermen who spoke Hebrewor perhaps the closely related Aramaicdialect. <strong>The</strong>ir Hebrew speech wasthen translated into Greek by linguistswho gave us the record in our Bibles.(Write for our ministudy, „Was the NewTestament Written in Greek?“)In this study we will pursue theorigin of the English Jesus, and presentevidence from both the Bible andsecular sources revealing that the namegiven from On High was the Hebrewname „Yahshua, „the same name asthe Old Testament son of Nun whom weknow as Joshua.A Son Carries His Father‘s Name<strong>The</strong> Savior clearly avowed, „I am comein my Father‘s Name, „John 5:43.This passage means that He carriedHis Father‘s Name. Its meaning is notlimited solely to His coming by authorityor command of the Heavenly Father.Just as today the family name ispassed on from father to son, we wouldexpect Yahshua to bear the nameof the Heavenly Father, AND comewith his authority. In the Middle Easta name carries far more significanceand encompasses deeper implicationsthan names in today‘s Western society.<strong>The</strong>re is a reason the Savior was bornin a Middle East society that even todayholds one‘s name in high regard.<strong>The</strong> Savior went on to saythat although the people did notreceive Him, if another would comein his own name, him they wouldreceive. He added that Moses hadwritten of Him, likely a reference toExodus 15:2, „Yah...has become mysalvation,“ [Hebrew =shua, i.e., Yahshua].(See also Deut. 18:15-19.)As already stated, the Savior‘sName essentially is the same as that ofJoshua (pronounced „Yoshua“), the sonof Nun, Numbers 13:16. Joshua‘s nameoriginally was Hoshea, or Hoshua, butMoses had prefixed the short or poeticform of the sacred Name, Yah, callingHim Yahoshua, meaning Salvation ofYah.From the Babylonian captivityonward, the „o“ sound was dropped,according to linguistic authorities,and by the time of the Savior‘s birththe name was no longer „YahOshua,“but became Yahshua. This custom ofshortening names is commonplace.For example, „bedlam“ comes fromBethlehem , Jon from Jonathan, and Lizor Beth from Elizabeth .<strong>The</strong> Savior Yahshua indeed camein the name of His Father, for His veryname means „the Salvation of YAH.“His name contains the sacred, poetic,heavenly family name Yah: YAHshua.One has but to look at Acts 7:45 andHebrews 4:8 in the King James Biblewhere the hybrid „Jesus“ erroneouslyappears. It is obvious that scribes wentthrough the King James Bible andeverywhere changed the true name ofYahshua to Jesus. With overzealousintent, the name Joshua (Yahshua)the son of Nun had been mistakenlyreplaced with the hybrid „Jesus“ aswell! Later KJV revisions and newerBible <strong>version</strong>s have replaced the moreproper Joshua.No Other Name Has SalvationSalvation comes through Yahshuathe Messiah. Salvation is throughHim alone. „Neither is there salvationin any other: for there is none othername under heaven given among men,whereby we must be saved.“None other name! That is the samename given by the angel Gabriel to themother of Yahshua before He was born.

252How <strong>The</strong> Savior's Name Was ChangedPlease note that your Biblespecifically says there is no otherName! It does not say there no other„person,“ which might allow you tocall Him by whatever name you wish.Yahshua is the only Name by which wehave salvation. <strong>The</strong>re is no other namethan Yahshua, which literally means thesalvation that Yahweh has sent.In talking with the penitent Jewsat Pentecost, Peter was inspired togive this special Name through whichwe are to receive salvation. He did notsay to be baptized in the person of theMessiah. Peter gave us a very specificcommand to call on the personal namegiven by the Father, Acts 2:38, „Repentand be baptized, every one of you inthe name of Yahshua Messiah for theremission of sins, and you shall receivethe gift of the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit.“To be sure, the person of Yahshuais important. But the Name He wasgiven by the angel came from On Highand carries a very special meaningfor the Savior, embodying the Nameof Yah-weh the Father Himself. <strong>The</strong>Name Yah-shua acknowledges both theFather and the salvation that is in HisSon Yahshua.Upon learning truth, we are to walkobediently in it. Most of us have learneddeeper truth in small increments, andthen put into practice what we havelearned. Yahweh will continue to revealmore truth only if we accept and followthose things He has shown us. Whyshould He give more insight to thosewho reject and rebel at what He hasalready revealed?Once we know the truth, pastignorance does not justify ourcontinuing in ignorance. „<strong>The</strong> times ofthis ignorance Yahweh winked at, butnow commands all men everywhereto repent,“ Acts 17:30. He reveals Histruth to those who willingly seek andfollow it.Disguising the Name YahwehHow did the sacred Name get changedin our Bibles?<strong>The</strong> concealing of the four lettersof the Tetragrammaton (YHWH)representing the Name of the Fatherfirst began with the Israelite priests. Itwas carried further by the ignorance ofthe early Christian translators.<strong>The</strong> superstitious Jewish scribes,aware of Leviticus 24:16 and otherverses that demanded reverence forYahweh‘s Name, decided the best wayto keep from blaspheming His Namewould be to invoke substitute titlesinstead of calling on the proper Nameof Yahweh. In their way of thinking,prohibiting the utterance of the sacredName would eliminate the potential ofblaspheming it.To forestall anyone‘s reading theTetragrammaton and vocalizing thename Yahweh, the scribes had placeddiacritical marks of the vowels forAdonai over the Hebrew letters for HisName. In fact, the first vowel carriedthe sound of „e“ as in met so the readerwould read Yeh, and not blurt out eventhe short or poetic form, Yah. <strong>The</strong>irswas a misguided zeal.Early Translators Also Hide HisName<strong>The</strong> early Christian translators werepoor Hebrew scholars. In fact, mostwere ignorant of Hebrew, knowing onlyGreek and Latin. Having the attitudeof „not wanting anything to do withthose detestable Jews,“ they refusedeven to learn Hebrew and were thusunable to read the Old Testament inthe original language. <strong>The</strong> main sourceof their information came from theGreek Septuagint translation of the OldTestament and not from original Hebrewtexts.

How <strong>The</strong> Savior's Name Was Changed253<strong>The</strong> Greek has three declensionsof nouns, three genders and five cases.<strong>The</strong> noun suffix (ending) indicates itsuse in the sentence, which also is trueof most European languages.For example, in Greek the masculine,nominative singular of our Savior‘sname ends in „s.“ This explains whywe also have so many proper nouns inthe King James Bible whose Hebrewhas been changed to end in the Greekform „s,“ such as Judas, Elias, Jonas,Esaias, Zacharias, Jermias, Annas, andSilas.<strong>The</strong>se names were lifted directlyout of the Greek Septuagint with noconsideration that they were Hebrewnames (often having the ending „Yah,“).As stated, neither Hebrew nor Greekhas a letter „j.“ Both the Latin and theEnglish letter „i“ (with a sound as inpolice) is regarded as an equivalent tothe Hebrew „yothe“ (also „yod“).Never should the Savior‘s Name beginwith the sound of „j“ as in „jeers“ butshould begin with the vowel sound „ee.“In the Septuagint, the equivalentGreek letter for Yahshua began with acapital I (or iota), and in the Latin wasproperly translated with a capital I.Later this became the letter „j“ in Latinand was used for a capital „I“ in earlyEnglish, known as the „cursive J.“Where Did ‚Yeshua‘ Come From?Following the example in theSeptuagint, Christian scholars didattempt to transliterate (bring acrossthe sound of) the Savior‘s Name as itwas written in the Greek.Writing Yahweh‘s name in theHebrew texts (hw,.hy.), Jewish Scribes(hundreds of years earlier) inserteda shewa ( . ) instead of the qamets( ., ), changing the vowel sound „ah“to „eh“ to forestall blurting out the shortform „Yah“ of the Sacred Name. Thispractice is still found in the erroneous„JEHovah.“ (While using “Jehovah”might be considered better than usinga substitute title in place of the nameof Yahweh, it is still an incorrecttransliteration).Thus, we have the Savior‘s Namebeginning with „JE“ when it should be„YAH“ as in „halleluYAH.“ We don‘t say„halleluYEH.“Using the Greek capital „I“ (iota),the Greek translators did not insertthe vowel letter „a“ (alpha) but hadignorantly accepted the Hebrewdiacritical vowel points and used theletter „e“ (eta). Thus they began theSavior‘s name as „Ie.“<strong>The</strong> Greek has no „h“ in its alphabet,only a rough breathing mark at a word‘sbeginning that appears as a reverseapostrophe. No „h“ appears in Greekof the poetic form „Yah.“ In fact fromthe above, we can see the first part ofthe Tetragrammaton in Greek wouldbe written“ Ie“ (with no „h“ as they hadnone) to be consistent with the Jew‘srule of „Yeh“ to avoid vocalizing the„Yah“ sound. Nor did the Jews want inany way to associate Yahweh‘s Namewith that of the Savior‘s, which might beseen as acknowledging His position asthe very Son of Yahweh Who came inHis Father‘s Name.<strong>The</strong> Greek language has no „sh“sound, so only the „s“ (sigma= s)appears. Thus far, we have the firstthree letters of the Savior‘s name, „ IES.“ In the Greek this is followed by „o“ (o=omicron), the sound being short, as inlot. This is followed by the „u“(upsilon =u), sounded as „oo.“<strong>The</strong> transliteration in Greek, then,is something like “Ee-ess-oo-uh.” Sayit rapidly and we get a fairly closerendition, “Yesuah,” remembering no“sh” sound was available. In Greek theSavior‘s name appears as “IESOUS“(with the suffix “s” for the Greek ending).

254How <strong>The</strong> Savior's Name Was Changed<strong>The</strong> Latin translation was then madeprimarily from the Greek text, bypassingthe original Hebrew.Yahshua = Iesous in GreekAs the Savior‘s Name was thentransliterated into the Latin directlyfrom the Greek translation, we have themasculine, nominative singular endingin “s,” which was erroneously broughtinto the Latin as Iesous, and laterbecame Iesus.When the capital “I” was given acursive tail around the year 1500 become the “J,” it also took up thesound of the French “J” as in “journal”.His name soon was corrupted to “Jesus”in English.However, in Latin the “j” is soundedas “i” in police, or “ee”. <strong>The</strong> Balkancountry Yugoslavia was once spelledJugoslavia, but was pronounced as it istoday, Yugoslavia .Maps at the turn of the centuryoften identified the U.S.S.R. as „SowjetRussiah.“ <strong>The</strong> „j“ had the „ee“ soundand the „w“ had the Germanic „v“sound. <strong>The</strong> word „major“ is pronouncedas „mayor“ in both Latin and German.June and July are pronounced“ Yune“and „Yuly.“All of this may be burdensomeand technical, but necessary to showthe evidence that the name of theHebrew Savior is Yahshua. He camein His Father‘s name, „YAH.“ Had theChristian translators gone back to theoriginal Hebrew His Name could havebeen faithfully preserved in the correctform „Yahshua.“ Instead, His Namewas taken from the Greek into Latin,and then English, losing the Hebrewand we end up with a Latinized-Greekhybrid instead of the holy, saving NameYahshua. It is like taking loose changerepeatedly from one pocket to placein another and losing a little of it eachtime.Necessity of His NameHis name means „the Salvation ofYah.“ Nothing like this can be gleanedfrom the man-made, erroneous name„Jesus,“ which developed from firstthe superstitious Jewish scribes,and then perpetuated through theignorance of Christian scholars whowere ridiculed by the Jews for theirlack of linguistic knowledge of Hebrew.Paul reveals, „Yahweh also hasexalted [Yahshua] and given Him aname which is above every name, thatat the name of Yahshua every kneeshould bow...“ (Phil. 23:9-10). <strong>The</strong> NameYahweh gave to Mary by which His Sonwas to be called was Yahshua! This canbe proved from margin notes in Matthew1:21 and Luke 1:31 in most Bibles. <strong>The</strong>translators substituted and disguisedthe holy Name, giving us the erroneoushybrid Jesus. It simply is not His Name!Furthermore, Paul says that theentire family of Yahweh will be called bythe precious name of „Yah,“ Eph. 3:15.Some of the prophets carried His name,such as IsaYah, ObadYah, ZephanYah,ZecharYah, and JeremYah.We are to be given a specific nameby the Father, and by which we willbe known. How can anyone despise,ridicule and reject the Name Yahwehnow, and then love and reverence it –and be called by it – in the Kingdom?Names in the Bible have deepsignificance and have definite meanings.<strong>The</strong>y give us deeper understanding. Hehas thus set before us an open door formore truth. His salvation is in the Nameof His Son, Yahshua, “and we are tokeep His word and not deny His Name,”Revelation 3:8. Under heaven there isnone other name than Yahshua andthrough Him we have salvation.© 2007 Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua2963 County Road 233, Kingdom City ,Missouri

256Is His Name Jehovah or Yahweh?<strong>The</strong> Christian translators of the Bible unknowingly followed the Jewish Scribesand disguised the Name of the Creator. Now learn the truth about the HeavenlyFather‘s revealed, personal Name!____________________________________________________________ASK MOST BIBLE BELIEVERS what the name of the Heavenly Father is andthey probably will say Jehovah. Ask them for some proof of this and they will eitherpoint to traditional usage or refer you to some Old Testament English Bible <strong>version</strong>.Surprisingly, the name of the Heavenly Father is not Jehovah, and never was.<strong>The</strong> history of „Jehovah,“ which some encyclopedias call erroneous and whichmany Bible scholars agree is not accurate, is quite eye-opening.In the oldest text of the Bible, the ancient Hebrew script, the sacred Nameis represented by four Hebrew letters, hwhy. <strong>The</strong>se four letters are called theTetragrammaton, appearing in English as YHWH.<strong>The</strong> ancient Hebrew alphabet had no vowels. To indicate vowels, scribes orcopyists used diacritical marks or points above or below the letters. Jewish lawexperts decided to hide this Name to make certain it would not be taken in vainor blasphemed. <strong>The</strong>refore, when the four letters of the Tetragrammaton appearedin the text, scribes „pointed“ it with substitution vowels for the Hebrew wordadonai (meaning „lord“) which was then read „adonai“ instead of the sacred Name„Yahweh.“One of the most widely known words in the world is „halleluYah,“ an imperativemeaning „Praise you Yah.“ Notice that the short or poetic form is Yah andis not spelled Yeh. Although the obsolete form „hallelujah“ is occasionallyseen, the letter j carries the sound of y (the Hebrew had no „j“ or „j“ sound).HalleluYah is heard the world over and sounds the same in all languages.Hebrew Not Understood<strong>The</strong> first converts to the Savior were Jews, including the bishops or leaders ofthe assemblies. As more gentile converts were accepted, the assembly took on agentile flavor with gentile customs and practices.<strong>The</strong>se gentiles generally did not understand Hebrew. In fact, at the time ofConstantine there was a most decided anti-Jewish bias and for the most part thesegentile converts wanted nothing to do with anything Jewish. A separation soondeveloped between „Jewish Christians“ and „Gentile Christians.“When the Old Testament was translated into Greek (known as the Septuagint)it became the standard text for the early assembly, now overwhelmed by paganconverts, which by then spoke Latin or Greek.Even though the Septuagint was written in Greek, the Sacred Name(Tetragrammaton) hwhy was first written into the text in gold Hebrew letters. Beingignorant of Hebrew, the readers of the Greek text mistakenly pronounced theHebrew Tetragrammaton „Pipi,“ as the Greek pi, “ π ” resembled the Hebrew he,“ה ”.

Is His Name Jehovah or Yahweh?257<strong>The</strong> Latin translations becamestandard for the Roman church andthe Latin letters IHVH appeared for theHebrew Tetragrammaton. At that timethe vowel I was equivalent to the Y.<strong>The</strong> V had the sound of W, "oo."(Writefor our ministudy, Spelling the SacredName, V or W?)<strong>The</strong> capital I soon had a tailadded, a modification popularizedby Dutch printers, so that theTetragrammaton began to appearas JHVH. Although it looked like ourJ, the Latin letter J was pronouncedas the letter i in police or machine.<strong>The</strong> Ineffable NameNames do not change from languageto language. One can listen to a foreignbroadcast and recognize names ofworld leaders such as Bush, Yeltsin,Kohl, and Mitterand. Names aretransliterated („given the same sound“)by employing equivalent letters of agiven alphabet. Yahweh‘s Name doesnot change from language to language.Even though the Tetragrammatonappeared in the Latin texts as JHVH (theequivalent of YHWH in pronunciation)the Hebrew vowel pointing was foradonai. In addition, the Jews made thefirst vowel „a“ correspond to our shortletter „e“ as in „met,“ lest anyone readingthe Hebrew would inadvertently blurtout the first part of the Sacred Name„Yah.“ (Hence the „e“ in Jehovah.)<strong>The</strong> Tetragrammaton, with the vowelpointing of the erroneous adonai,is even today called the „ineffable(unpronounceable) name“ by thosefamiliar with the Hebrew. It cannot bepronounced with the „adonai“ vowelpointing!<strong>The</strong> translators, unaware of theJewish tradition not to pronounce theName as Yahweh, were influencedby the Jews and their substitution ofthe vowels of adonai. <strong>The</strong>refore theyignorantly wrote „Jehovah.“Dr. J. B. Rotherham states in thepreface of his Bible concerning Jehovah:„Erroneously written and pronouncedJehovah, which is merely a combinationof the sacred Tetragrammaton andthe vowels in the Hebrew word forLord, substituted by the Jews forJHVH, because they shrank frompronouncing <strong>The</strong> Name, owing to anold misconception of the two passages,Ex. 20:7 and Lev. 24:16...To give thename JHVH the vowels of the word forLord [Heb. Adonai], is about as hybrida combination as it would be to spellthe name Germany with the vowels inthe name Portugal - viz., Gormuna. <strong>The</strong>monstrous combination Jehovah is notolder than about 1520 A.D.“Rotherham was ahead of his time,but now many current dictionariesand encyclopedias admit thename Jehovah is wrong, that itproperly should read „Yahweh.“<strong>The</strong> Encyclopedia Britannica(Micropedia, vol. 10) says:„Yahweh-the personal name of the[El] of the Israelites ...<strong>The</strong> Masoretes,Jewish biblical scholars of the MiddleAges, replaced the vowel signs thathad appeared above or beneath theconsonants of YHWH with the vowelsigns of Adonai or of Elohim. Thus theartificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH)came into being. Although Christianscholars after the Renaissance andReformation periods used the termJehovah for YHWH, in the 19th and20thcenturies biblical scholars againbegan to use the form Yahweh, thus thispronunciation of the Tetragrammatonwas never really lost. Greektranscriptions also indicate that YHWHshould be pronounced Yahweh.“Interestingly, even the Jehovah‘sWitnesses acknowledge that thename Jehovah is improper. <strong>The</strong>irbook, „Let Your Name Be Sanctified“

258Is His Name Jehovah or Yahweh?freely admits on pages 16 and 18 thatYahweh is the superior translation ofthe Tetragrammaton. This book haslately been withdrawn. However, inthe preface of their „<strong>The</strong> KingdomInterlinear Translation of the Greek<strong>Scripture</strong>s,“ we find on page 23 thefollowing admission:„While inclining to view thepronunciation ‚Yahweh‘ as the morecorrect way, we have retained theform ‚Jehovah‘ because of people‘sfamiliarity with it since the 14thcentury. Moreover, it preservesequally with other forms, the fourletters of the Tetragrammaton JHVH.“Keeping Man‘s TraditionWe cannot let tradition lead us to callthe Heavenly Father by a wrong name!Much scholarly proof is now available toshow that Jehovah is wrong. We are towalk in all the truth we are given so thatYahweh will give us even more light.Our purpose is not to follow erroneoustraditions of men: „Howbeit in vaindo they worship me, teaching [for]doctrines the commandments of men.“(Mark 7:7)<strong>The</strong> mistaken name Jehovah is said tohave been given us about 1518 by PeterGallatin who was confessor to PopeLeo X. <strong>The</strong> efforts not withstandingProtestant reformers to return tothe truth of the Bible, the majority ofProtestants still retain the erroneousname Jehovah which was handed to usby the Catholics.James Moffatt‘s Bible uses the title„Eternal,“ a title used by some groupswho deny Yahweh‘s Name. Moffatt saysin his preface:„Strictly speaking, this ought to berendered ‚Yahweh,‘ which is familiarto modern readers in the erroneousform of ‚Jehovah.‘ Were this a <strong>version</strong>intended for students of the original,there would be no hesitation whateverin printing ‚Yahweh.‘“Moffatt admits that students ofthe original text (correct text) shoulduse „Yahweh.“ Those who are notardent students or lack interest inthe original text given us by YahwehHimself call Him by titles like „Eternal.“False Pen of the ScribesAs we have shown, the Scribes hadinserted the vowels for Adonai in theTetragrammaton to disguise Yahweh‘sName. In their ignorance the Greek andLatin translators perpetuated the error.Many names in the Bible begin with„Je“ which should begin with „Ya.“ Eventhe name „Jesus“ is not correct, but apoor transliteration. This can be provedby looking in a Bible concordance.(Youmay also write for our ministudy, Howthe Savior‘s Name Was Changed, tolearn how the dynamics of language ledto an eventual change in the Messiah‘sName.)Note that names like Jehoiachin,Jehoiarib, Jehonadab, Jehoada,Jehosedech, and Jehoram allmistakenly begin with Jeh. Instead,they should more correctly begin Yah,as can be easily proved by searchingStrong‘s Exhaustive Concordancefor the reference number, and thenperusing the Hebrew Dictionary foundat the back of the concordance.This changing of forms likely is whatJeremiah referred to when he wrotethat the „pen of the scribes is in vain,“Jeremiah 8:8.Strong‘s Exhaustive Concordanceis almost a necessity for gaininga deeper insight into the originallanguages. Notice in the Hebrewdictionary of Strong‘s No. 3050, theentry „Yahh,“ a contraction for 3068 [theTetragrammaton, the Sacred Name].„Yah“ is found in HalleluYah, meaning„praise you Yah.“ Also it appears in

Is His Name Jehovah or Yahweh?259names like Isaiah (IsaYah), Jeremiah(JeremYah), Zephaniah (ZephanYAH),Nehemiah (NehemYAH), and othernames ending in „iah.“ Yah means „Iexist,“ „I am,“ „I create,“ or „I will be orbring into being.“Yah is the poetic or short form ofHis Name found to have survivedtranslators in Psalm 68:4 of theKing James Version. It is the prefixof the name Jehovah as found inStrong‘s Exhaustive Concordancewhich is most interesting and showsthe fallacy of the name Jehovah.Shocking Implications of ‚Jehovah‘We now see how the first part of theSacred Name „Yah“ was changed to„Jeh“ as the „J“ developed and the „a“was replaced with „e“ to hide the name.<strong>The</strong> suffix „hovah“ is No. 1943 inStrong‘s Hebrew Dictionary and has themeaning of „ruin: mischief.“ It is anotherform of No. 1942, havvah, which istranslated „calamity, iniquity, mischief,mischievous (thing), naughtiness,naughty, noisome, perverse thing,substance, very wickedness.“Brown, Driver, Briggs, Geseniussays of No. 1943, hovah: „ruin, disaster.“From this we can see the folly ofcalling the Creator of this universetheOne we worship-Jehovah. For incalling upon this hybrid name we arein actuality beseeching a mighty onewhose name carries the meaning, „<strong>The</strong>One Who creates ruin, creates mischief,creates calamity, creates iniquity,creates naughtiness, creates perversethings, creates very wickedness.“Satan must certainly have afield day when mankind ignorantlyrefers to Yahweh by the name Jehovah-aname that perfectly fitsSatan himself as the Destroyer!Yahweh: ‚He Will Become...‘Knowing its Hebrew meaning, howcan we possibly call our HeavenlyFather „Jehovah“? No wonder Dr.Rotherham referred to the nameJehovah as a monstrous hybrid!How much more glorious it is to callHim Yahweh! His Name Yahweh meansHe Who will become whatever we, Hispeople, need of Him at that time. He willbecome our Healer, Provider, Protector,Sustainer, Guide, Shepherd, Keeper,etc., as well as our Savior through HisSon Yahshua.Now that you know that Jehovahis a man-made hybrid, cleanseyour lips of it, as was the case withIsaiah (6:6-7). Call upon the NameYahweh, which is revealed to thosewith whom He is in a covenantrelationship. He will be whatever youneed of Him and will joyfully fulfill themeaning of His Name in your life!‚Yahweh‘ in the Ten CommandmentsMost Christians are not taught theimportance of observing ALL theCommandments. Most skip over thefirst five and concentrate on thoseCommandments dealing with our fellowman: killing, lying, stealing, adultery,coveting. <strong>The</strong>se certainly are importantin guiding our daily life.Yet, is it not even MORE important thatwe serve faithfully our Heavenly FatherYahweh in the way He expects? We aretold repeatedly throughout <strong>Scripture</strong> torevere His Name. How can we revereHis Name if we never invoke the Namethat He has so lovingly revealed to Hispeople? Can we set His Name asideand ignore it?Note that the first three of the TenCommandments deal with Yahwehand His powerful Name. In the originalHebrew, the first five Commandmentsuse His Name Yahweh ten times! OurHeavenly Father inspired Moses to

260Is His Name Jehovah or Yahweh?place the Name Yahweh in His law forus so we would know Who we serve.<strong>The</strong> Third Commandment specificallysays that we should not take His Namelightly or use it in vain.Reverently consider His Name as didthose we read of in Malachi 3:16:“<strong>The</strong>ythat feared Yahweh spoke often one toanother: and Yahweh hearkened, andheard it, and a book of remembrancewas written before Him for them thatfeared Yahweh, and that thought uponHis name.“ May you reverence HisName so that your name will also bewritten in the „Book of Remembrance.“Verses 17 and 18 show that this as anact of righteousness.Revelation 3:5 reveals that Yahshuawill not blot out the names of those whoovercome, but will confess their namesbefore the Heavenly Father.(See alsoRev. 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 15, 21:27,22:19.)If the names of mere men areimportant for the book of salvation,how much more important is the Nameof the Heavenly Father Yahweh to us?Take on His NameYahweh speaks of His people in thisway: „<strong>The</strong>refore my people shall knowmy Name...“ (Isa. 52:6)<strong>The</strong> prophet Daniel in a petition toAlmighty Yahweh asks, „O Yahweh,hear; O Yahweh, forgive; O Yahweh,hearken and do; defer not, for Your ownsake, O my Elohim: for Your city andYour People are called by Your Name“(9:19).When we realize that Yahweh iscreating a family of obedient people onearth who reverence Him and His Name,then we understand the importance ofthat family name and what it means tobe called by it.„For this cause I bow my knees untothe Father of our Master Yahshua theMessiah, of whom the whole family inheaven and earth is named,“ Ephesians3:14-15.<strong>The</strong> day our Savior returns to earthas the Redeemer and Bridegroom Hewill marry His bride, the True Assembly.As His bride, His people will take onHis Name, „for there is none othername under heaven given among men,whereby we must be saved,“ Acts 4:12.Now that you know His true Name,call on it with confidence and assurancethat He will bless and reward you foryour willingness to obey!© 2007 Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua2963 County Road 233, Kingdom City,Missouri 65262View us online

262<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH, our Elohimin a short from (nutshell)On the basis of the law and good tidings / gospel as well as of mercy andcourt (judgement)1. Advice conclusion of God of foundation of the worldRom 16,25 KJV + EL = NOW TO HIM THAT IS OF POWER TO ESTABLISHYOU ACCORDING TO MY GOOD TIDINGS (GOSPEL) AND THE PREACHINGOF YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH, ACCORDING TO THE REVELATION OF THEMYSTERY, WHICH WAS KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN,Rom 16,26 KJV + EL = BUT NOW IS MADE MANIFEST, AND BY THESCRIPTURES OF THE PROPHETS, ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENTOF THE EVERLASTING ELOHIM, MADE KNOWN TO ALL NATIONS FOR THEOBEDIENCE OF FAITH:Rom 16,27 KJV + EL = TO ELOHIM ONLY WISE, BE GLORY THROUGHYAHSHUA THE MESSIAH FOREVER. AMEN.1. Cor 2,7 KJV + EL = BUT WE SPEAK YAHWEH’S WISDOM IN A MYSTERY,EVEN THE HIDDEN WISDOM, WHICH YAHWEH ORDAINED BEFORE THEWORLD TO OUR GLORY:Col 1,25 KJV + EL = Whereof I am made a minister, according to thedispensation of YAHWEH which is given to me for you, to fulfill the word ofYAHWEH;Col 1,26 KJV + EL = Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and fromgenerations, but now is made manifest to his saints:Col 1,27 KJV + EL = To whom YAHWEH would make known what is the richesof the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is the Messiah in you,the hope of glory:Eph 1,4 KJV + EL = According as he has chosen us in him before the foundationof the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.Eph 1,9 KJV + EL = HAVING MADE KNOWN TO US THE MYSTERY OF HISWILL, ACCORDING TO HIS GOOD PLEASURE WHICH HE HAS PURPOSED INHIMSELF:Eph 1,10 KJV + EL = THAT IN THE DISPENSATION OF THE FULLNESS OF THETIMES HE MIGHT GATHER TO GETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS IN THE MESSIAH,BOTH WHICH ARE IN HEAVEN, AND WHICH ARE ON EARTH; EVEN IN HIM:Eph 3,8 KJV + EL = TO ME, WHO AM LESS THAN THE LEAST OF ALL SAINTS,IS THIS GRACE GIVEN, THAT I SHOULD PREACH AMONG THE GENTILESTHE UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF THE MESSIAH;Eph 3,9 KJV + EL = AND TO MAKE ALL MEN SEE WHAT IS THE FELLOWSHIPOF THE MYSTERY WHICH FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD HASBEEN IN ELOHIM, WHO CREATED ALL THINGS BY YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH:

<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH263Eph 3,10 KJV + EL = TO THE INTENTTHAT NOW TO THE PRINCIPALITIESAND POWERS IN HEAVENLYPLACES MIGHT BE KNOWN BYTHE ASSEMBLY THE MANIFEOLDWISDOM OF ELOHIM,Eph 3,11 KJV + EL = ACCORDING TOTHE ETERNAL PURPOSE WHICHHE PURPOSED IN THE MESSIAHYAHSHUA OUR MASTER:Eph 3,12 KJV + EL = IN WHOM WEHAVE BOLDNESS AND ACCESSWITH CONFIDENCE THROUGH THEFAITH IN HIM.1. Petr 1,20 KJV + EL = WHO VERILYWAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE THEFOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, BUTWAS MANIFESTED IN THESE LASTTIMES FOR YOU,2. <strong>The</strong> tragedy in the heaven,Luzifers rebellionEzek 28,15 KJV + EL = You wereperfect in your ways from the daythat you were created, till iniquitywas found in you.Ezek 28,16 KJV + EL = By the multitudeof your merchandise they have filledthe midst of you with violence, andyou have sinned: therefore I will castyou as profane out of the mountainof God: and I will destroy you, Ocovering cherub, from the midst ofthe stones of fire.Ezek 28,17 KJV + EL = Your heart waslifted up because of your beauty,you have corrupted your wisdomby reason of your brightness: I willcast you to the ground, I will lay youbefore kings, that they may beholdyou.Isai 14,12 KJV + EL = How are youfallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son ofthe morning! how are you cut downto the ground, which did weaken thenations!Isai 14,13 KJV + EL = For you havesaid in your heart, I will ascend intoheaven, I will exalt my throne abovethe stars of God: I will sit also uponthe mount of the congregation, in thesides of the north:Isai 14,14 KJV + EL = I will ascendabove the heights of the clouds; I willbe like the most High.Isai 14,15 KJV + EL = Yet you shall bebrought down to hell, to the sides ofthe pit.Rev 12,7 KJV + EL = AND THEREWAS WAR IN HEAVEN: MICHAELAND HIS ANGELS FOUGHT AGAINSTTHE DRAGEN; AND THE DRAGONFOUGHT AND HIS ANGELS,Rev 12,8 KJV + EL = AND PREVAILEDNOT, NEITHER THEIR PLACE FOUNDANY MORE IN HEAVEN.Rev 12,9 KJV + EL = AND THE GREATDRAGON WAS CAST OUT, THATOLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL,AND SATAN, WHO DECEIVES THEWHOLE WORLD; HE WAS CAST OUTINTO THE EARTH, AND HIS ANGELSWERE CAST OUT WITH HIM.3. <strong>The</strong> Paradies on the earthGenesis 1,31 KJV + EL = AND ELOHIMSAW EVERY THING THAT HE HADMADE, AND, BEHOLD, IT WAS VERYGOOD. AND THE EVENING AND THEMORNING WERE THE SIXTH DAY.Genesis 2,7 KJV + EL = AND YAHWEHELOHIM FORMED MAN OF THE DUSTOF THE GROUND, AND BREATHEDINTO HIS NOSTRILS THE BREATHOF LIFE; AND MAN BECAME ALIVING SOUL.Genesis 2,8 KJV + EL = AND YAHWEHELOHIM PLANTED A GARDENEASTWARD IN EDEN, AND THEREHE PUT THE MAN WHOM HE HADFORMED.



<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH267SIN OF THE WORLD!Gal 4,4 KJV + EL = BUT WHENTHE FULLNESS OF THE TIMEWAS COME, YAHWEH SENTFORTH HIS SON, MADE OF AWOMAN, MADE UNDER THE LAW,Mark 1,15; Eph 1,10Gal 4,5 KJV + EL = TO REDEEM THEMTHAT WERE UNDER THE LAW, THATWE MIGHT RECEIVE THE ADOPTIONOF SONS.11. <strong>The</strong> crucial hour inGethsemaneMt 26,36 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong>n comesYahshua with them to a placecalled Gethsemane, and said to thedisciples, Sit you here, while I go andpray yonder.Mt 26,37 KJV + EL = And he tookwith him Peter and the two sons ofZebedee, and began to be sorrowfuland very heavy.Mt 26,38 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong>n saidYahshua to them, MY SOUL ISEXCEEDING SORROWFUL, EVENTO DEATH: TARRY (REMAIN) YOUHERE, AND WATCH WITH ME.Mt 26,39 KJV + EL = And he went alittle further, and fell on his face, andprayed, saying, O MY FATHER, IF ITBE POSSIBLE, LET THIS CUP PASSFROM ME: NEVERTHELESS NOT ASI WILL, BUT AS YOU WILL.Mt 26,40 KJV + EL = And he comes tothe disciples, and found them asleep,and said unto Peter, What, could younot watch with me one hour?Mt 26,41 KJV + EL = WATCH ANDPRAY, THAT YOU ENTER NOT INTOTEMPTATION: THE SPIRIT INDEED ISWILLING, BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK.Mt 26,42 KJV + EL = He went awayagain the second time, and prayed,saying, O MY FATHER, IF THIS CUPMAY NOT PASS AWAY FROM ME,EXCEPT I DRINK IT, YOUR WILL BEDONE.Mk 14,32 KJV + EL = And theycame to a place which was namedGethsemane: and he said to hisdisciples, Sit you here, while I shallpray.Mk 14,33 KJV + EL = And he took withhim Peter and James and John, andbegan to be sore amazed, and to bevery heavy;Mk 14,34 KJV + EL = And said to them,My soul is exceeding sorrowful todeath: tarry you here, and watch.Mk 14,35 KJV + EL = And he wentforward a little, and fell on theground, and prayed that, if it werepossible, the hour might pass fromhim.Mk 14,36 KJV + EL = And he said,ABBA, FATHER, ALL THINGS AREPOSSIBLE TO YOU; TAKE AWAY THISCUP FROM ME: NEVERTHELESSNOT WHAT I WILL, BUT WHAT YOUWILL.Lk 22,41 KJV + EL = And he waswithdrawn from them about a stone‘scast, and kneeled down, and prayed,Lk 22,42 KJV + EL = saying, FATHER;IF YOU BE WILLING, REMOVE THISCUP FROM ME: NEVERTHELESSNOT MY WILL, BUT YOURS, BEDONE.Lk 22,43 KJV + EL = AND THEREAPPEARED AN ANGEL TO HIM FROMHEAVEN, STRENGTHENING HIM.Lk 22,44 KJV + EL = AND BEINGIN AN AGONY HE PRAYED MOREEARNESTLY; AND HIS SWEAT WASAS IT WERE GREAT DROPS OFBLOOD FALLING DOWN TO THEGROUND.


<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH269BLEMISH AND WITHOUT SPOT:13. <strong>The</strong> winner! Yahshua / Jesuslives!Mark 16:1 AND WHEN THESABBATH WAS PAST*, MIRIAM(Greek: MARIA) OF MAGDALA(of Magdala = Greek original text +MENGE) and MIRIAM (Greek: MARY),THE MOTHER OF JAMES / JACOB,AND SALOME BOUGHT* SPICES,THAT THEY MIGHT COME ANDANOINT HIM.KJV + EL = AND WHEN THESABBATH WAS PAST, MIRIAMOF MAGDALA, AND MIRIAM THEMOTHER OF JACOB, AND SALOME,BOUGHT SPICES, THAT THEYMIGHT COME AND ANOINT HIM.Lukas / Luke 23:50-56* Note: In this verse it is stated that the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h “was over,” whereby verse 2speaks about “very early on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h /rising of the sun” clearly based on theevidences. Also mentioned in this verseis the purchasing act “after the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.”In Luke 23:56 it is clearly written aboutthe preparation of spices by womenbefore “<strong>Sabbat</strong>h” short after Yahshua’sresignation into the grave. Thus the verseMark 16:1 is contradictory to all otherverses of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> in manyaspects.Mark 16:2 LUTHER 1545 + Greek +Hebrew Bibles = AND THEY CAME TOTHE GRAVE ON A SABBATH (means:ON ONE OF THE TWO SABBATHS)VERY EARLY / FOR SUN WASRISING.*Mark 16:2 BIBLE CONCORDANT 1964+ 1980 = So they came on one of the<strong>Sabbat</strong>hs to the grave, very early inthe morning, at sunrise.*Verse 9, Matthew 28:1, Luke 24:1,John 19:31; 20:1.19; 1 Corinthians 16:2;see also: “Concordant Greek Text”and “VULGATA - IUXTA VULGATAMCLEMENTINAM”.* Explanation / quoted from HenryRamish: Additionally to the ungodlydoctrine of the Resurrection of Jesus[Yahshua] on Saturday, at sunset, thereare also two <strong>version</strong>s of the appearanceof the two Marys at the tomb of Jesus[Yahshua]:Once it is alleged that the Marys [Editor:Greek: Marys] / Miriams came to thegrave right after the end of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,in the beginning of the first day of theweek, just after the sunset. – Hereby therolling away of the stone from the graveand the anointing of the corpse of Jesus[Yahshua] should have happened in thedarkness. - In other words, all events thatwe have been told in Matthew 28:1-15should have occurred in the darkness, atnight. <strong>The</strong> Bible Word contradicts it andsays that His resurrection and everythingwritten in Matthew 28:1-8 (John 20:11-19)happened at sunrise and in the daytime.On the other hand, it is quoted fromthe revised documents that the Marys[Miriams] appeared at the tomb of Christ[the Messiah] in the morning, at sunriseon the first day of the week, whereby Jesus[Yahshua] revived already at least twelvehours before the end of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, justlike the first <strong>version</strong> says. - Where wasJesus [Yahshua] at this time? – However,it is written that Jesus [Yahshua] metMary Magdalene [Miriam of Magdala] onthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h morning, at sunrise, andtold her: “Don’t touch me! ... “- then Heascended to His Father in heaven, andreturned again at the selfsame <strong>Sabbat</strong>hwhere He finally appeared to the Emmausdisciples! - John 20:15-17, Luke 24:13-31.This is also to recognize that eventhe spices had already been preparedon 14th Nisan, and during the Great<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, they lay still, according toLuke 23:54-56.<strong>The</strong> Marys [Greek: Marys] / Miriamstherefore did not come to the tomb atdusk or in the increasing darkness or inthe morning of the first day of the week,but:“And very early in the morning, at oneof the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h days, they came to thetomb when the sun rose.” Mark 16:2,Concordant Bible of 1964.And a short time before, on 16th Nisan,the weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, the day of the firstfruits, Leviticus 23:10-11, in 31 AD,early in the morning, Christ [Editor = the

270<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEHMessiah] resurrected like the first fruitsfrom the dead! Mark 16:9; ConcordantBible.from: “<strong>The</strong> Sign of Jonah - <strong>The</strong>Resurrection of Jesus - <strong>The</strong> resurrectionof Jesus was on a weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h”Mk 16,3 KJV + EL = And they saidamong themselves, Who shall roll usaway the stone from the door of thesepulcher?Mk 16,4 KJV + EL = And when theylooked, they saw that the stone wasrolled away: for it was very great.Mk 16,5 KJV + EL = And entering intothe sepulchre, they saw a young mansitting on the right side, clothed in along white garment; and they wereaffrighted (frightened).Mk 16,6 KJV + EL = And he said tothem, Be not affrighted: You seekYahshua of Nazareth, which wascrucified / impaled: he is risen; heis not here: behold the place wherethey laid him.Mk 16,7 KJV + EL = But go your way,tell his disciples and Peter that hegoes before you into Galilee: thereshall you see him, as he said to you.Mk 16,8 KJV + EL = And they went outquickly, and fled from the sepulcher;for they trembled and were amazed:neither said they anything to anyman; for they were afraid.Acts 3,13 KJV + EL = THE ELOHIMOF ABRAHAM, AND OF ISAAC,AND OF JACOB, THE ELOHIM OFOUR FATHERS, HAS GLORIFED HISSERVANT YAHSHUA; WHOM YOUDELIVERED UP, AND DENIED HIM INTHE PRESENCE OF PILATE, WHENHE WAS DETERMINED TO LET HIMGO.Acts 3,14 KJV + EL = BUT YOUDENIED THE HOLY AND THE JUST,AND DESIRED A MURDERER TO BEGRANTED TO YOU,Acts 3,15 KJV + EL = AND KILLED THEPRINCE OF LIFE; WHOM YAHWEHHAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD; OFWHICH WE ARE WITNESSES.1. Cor 15,3 KJV + EL = For I deliveredto you first of all that which I alsoreceived: THAT THE MESSIAH DIEDFOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO THESCRIPTURES;1. Cor 15,4 EL = AND THAT HEWAS BURIED; AND THAT HE HASBEEN RAISED ON THE THIRD DAYACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES;1. Cor 15,5 KJV + EL = And that hewas seen of Cephas, then of thetwelve:1. Cor 15,6 KJV + EL = After that,he was seen of above five hundredbrethren at once; of whom thegreater part remain to this present,but some are fallen asleep.1. Cor 15,7 KJV + EL = After that, hewas seen of James; then of all theapostles.1. Cor 15,8 KJV + EL = And last of allhe was seen of me also, as of oneborn out of due time.Joh 11,25 KJV + EL = Yahshua said toher, I AM THE RESURRECTION, ANDTHE LIFE: HE THAT BELIEVES ONME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YETSHALL HE LIVE:Joh 11,26 KJV + EL = AND WHOEVERLIVES AND BELIEVES ON ME SHALLNEVER DIE. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?14. Into the sky drive the MessiahActs 1,9 KJV + EL = And when hehad spoken these things, while theybeheld, he was taken up; and a cloudreceived him out of their sight.Acts 1,10 KJV + EL = And while theylooked steadfastly toward heaven ashe went up, behold, two men stoodby them in white apparel;

<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH271Acts 1,11 KJV + EL = Which also said,Ye men of Galilee, why stand yegazing up into heaven? this sameJahschua / Jesus, which is taken upfrom you into heaven, shall so comein like manner as ye have seen himgo into heaven.Lk 24,50 KJV + EL = AND HE LEDTHEM OUT AS FAR AS TO BETHANY:AND HE LIFTED UP HIS HANDS, ANDBLESSED THEM.Lk 24,51 KJV + EL = And it came topass, while he blessed them, heparted from them, and was carriedup into heaven.15. <strong>The</strong> lecture at Pentecost ofthe PeterActs 2,29 KJV + EL = Men andbrethren, let me freely speak to youof the patriarch David, that he is bothdead and buried, and his sepulcheris with us to this day.Acts 2,30 KJV + EL = THEREFORBEING A PROPHET, AND KNOWINGTHAT YAHWEH HAD SWORN WITHAN OATH TO HIM, THAT OF THEFRUIT OF HIS LOINS, ACCORDINGTO THE FLESH, HE WOULD RAISEUP THE MESSIAH TO SIT ON HISTHRONE;Acts 2,31 KJV + EL = HE SEEINGTHIS BEFORE SPOKE OF THERESURRECTION OF THE MESSIAH,THAT HIS SOUL WAS NOT LEFT INHADES, NEITHER HIS FLESH DIDSEE CORRUPTION.Acts 2,32 KJV + EL = THIS YAHSHUAHAS YAHWEH RAISED UP, OF WHICHWE ALL ARE WITNESSES.Acts 2,33 KJV + EL = THEREFOREBEING BY THE RIGHT HAND OFYAHWEH EXALTED, AND HAVINGRECEIVED OF THE FATHER THEPROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, HEHAS POURED FOTH THIS, WHICHYOU NOW SEE AND HEAR.Acts 2,34 KJV + EL = For David is notascended into the heavens. but hesays himself; YAHWEH SAID TO MYSOVEREIGN, SIT YOU ON MY RIGHTHAND,Acts 2,35 KJV + WESLEY 1755 =UNTILL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIESYOUR FOOTSTOOL.Acts 2,36 KJV + EL = THEREFORELET ALL THE HOUSE OF ISRAELKNOW ASSUREDLY, THAT YAHWEHHAS MADE THAT SAME YAHSHUA,WHOM YOU HAVE CRUCIFIED(IMPALED), BOTH KING AND THEMESSIAH.16. THE HIGH PRIEST IN THEHEAVENLY SANCTUARY!Hebr 5,7 KJV + EL = Who in the daysof his flesh, when he had offeredup prayers and supplications withstrong crying and tears unto him thatwas able to save him from death, andwas heard in that he feared;Hebr 5,8 KJV + EL = Though he were aSon, yet learned he obedience by thethings which he suffered;Hebr 5,9 KJV + EL = AND BEINGMADE PERFECT, HE BECAME THEANTOHER OF ETERNAL SALVATIONTO ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM;Hebr 5,10 KJV + EL = CALLED OFYAHWEH AN HIGH PRIEST AFTERTHE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.Hebr 8,1 KJV + EL = NOW OF THETHINGS WHICH WE HAVE SPOKENTHIS IS THE SUM: WE HAVE SUCH AHIGH PRIEST, WHO IS SAT ON THERIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OFTHE MAJESTY IN THE HEAVENS;Hebr 8,2 KJV + EL = A MINISTEROF THE SANCTUARY, AND OFTHE TRUE TABERNACLE, WHICHYAHWEH PITCHED, AND NOT MAN.



274<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEHbut they which were bidden were notworthy.Mt 22,9 KJV + EL = GO YOUTHEREFORE INTO THE HIGHWAYS,AND AS MANY AS YOU SHALL FIND,BID TO THE MARRIAGE.Mt 22,10 KJV + EL = So thoseservants went out into the highways,and gathered together all as manyas they found, both bad and good:and the wedding was furnished withguests.Mt 22,11 KJV + EL = And when theking came in to see the guests, hesaw there a man which had not on awedding garment:Mt 22,12 KJV + EL = and he said tohim, FRIEND, HOW CAME YOU INHERE NOT HAVING A WEDDINGGARMENT? And he was speechless.Mt 22,13 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong>n said the kingto the servants, BIND HIM HAND ANDFOOT, AND TAKE HIM AWAY, ANDCAST HIM INTO OUTER DARKNESS;THERE SHALL BE WEEPING ANDGNASHING OF TEETH.Mt 22,14 KJV + EL = FOR MANY ARECALLED, BUT FEW CHOSEN.Mt 25,5 KJV + EL = WHILE THEBRIDEGROOM TARRIED, THEY ALLSHUMBERED AND SLEPT.Mt 25,6 KJV + EL = AND AT MIDNIGHTTHERE WAS A CRY MADE, BEHOLD,THE BRIDEGROOM COMES; GO(YOU) OUT TO MEET HIM.Mt 25,7 KJV + EL = THEN ALL THOSEVIRGINS AROSE, AND TRIMMEDTHEIR LAMPS.Mt 25,8 KJV + EL = AND THE FOOLISHSAID TO THE WISE, GIVE US OFYOUR OIL; FOR OUR LAMPS AREGONE OUT.Mt 25,9 KJV + EL = BUT THE WISEANSWERED, SAYING, NOT SO; LESTTHERE BE NOT ENOUGH FOR USAND YOU: BUT GO (YOU) RATHERTO THEM THAT SELL, AND BUY FORYOURSELVES.Mt 25,10 KJV + EL = AND WHILE THEYWENT TO BUY, THE BRIDEGROOMCAME; AND THEY THAT WEREREADY WENT IN WITH HIM TO THEMARRIAGE: AND THE DOOR WASSHUT.Mt 25,11 KJV + EL = AFTERWARDCAME ALSO THE OTHER VIRGINS,SAYING, MASTER, MASTER, OPENTO US.Mt 25,12 KJV + EL = But he answeredand said, VERILY I SAY TO YOU, IKNOW YOU NOT.Mt 25,13 KJV + EL = WATCHTHEREFORE, FOR YOU KNOWNEITHER THE DAY NOR THE HOURWHEREIN (IN WHICH) THE SON OFMAN COMES.Lk 12,35 KJV + EL = Let your loinsbe girded about, and your lightsburning;Lk 12,36 KJV + EL = And youyourselves like to men that wait fortheir lord, when he will return fromthe wedding; that when he comesand knocks, they may open to himimmediately.Lk 12,37 KJV + EL = Blessed arethose servants, whom the lord whenhe comes shall find watching: verily Isay to you, that he shall gird himself,and make them to sit down to meat(eat), and will come forth and servethem.Lk 12,38 KJV + EL = And if he shallcome in the second watch, or comein the third watch, and find them so,blessed are those servants.Lk 12,39 KJV + EL = And this know,that if the master of the house hadknown what hour the thief wouldcome, he would have watched, andnot have suffered his house to be


276<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH1. <strong>The</strong>s 4,15 KJV + EL = For this wesay to you by the word of YAHWEH,that we which are alive and remainto the coming of Yahshua shall notprevent them which are asleep.1. <strong>The</strong>s 4,16 KJV + EL = For Yahshuahimself shall descend from heavenwith a shout, with the voice of thearchangel, and with the trump ofGod: and the dead in the Messiahshall rise first:1. <strong>The</strong>s 4,17 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong>n we whichare alive and remain shall be caughtup together with them in the clouds,to meet Yahshua in the air: and soshall we ever be with Yahshua.Isai 24,19 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong> earth isutterly broken down, the earth isclean dissolved, the earth is movedexceedingly.Isai 24,20 KJV + EL = <strong>The</strong> earth shallreel to and fro like a drunkard, andshall be removed like a cottage; andthe transgression thereof shall beheavy upon it; and it shall fall, andnot rise again.Isai 51,6 KJV + EL = Lift up your eyesto the heavens, and look upon theearth beneath: for the heavens shallvanish away like smoke, and theearth shall wax old like a garment,and they that dwell therein shall diein like manner: but my salvation shallbe for ever, and my righteousnessshall not be abolished.21. <strong>The</strong> final court - the thousandyearsRev 20,1 KJV + EL = AND I SAWAN ANGEL COME DOWN FROMHEAVEN, HAVING THE KEY OF THEBOTTOMLESS PIT (ABYSS) AND AGREAT CHAIN IN HIS HAND.Rev 20,2 KJV + EL = AND HE LAIDHOLD ON THE DRAGON, THAT OLDSERPENT, WHICH IS THE DEVIL,AND SATAN, AND BOUND HIM ATHOUSAND YEARS,Rev 20,3 KJV + EL = AND CASTHIM INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT(ABYSS), AND SHUT HIM UP, ANDSET A SEAL UPON HIM, THAT HESHOULD DECEIVE THE NATIONSNO MORE, UNTIL THE THOUSANDYEARS SHOULD BE FULFILLED:AND AFTER THAT HE MUST BELOOSED FOR A LITTLE TIME.Rev 20,4 KJV + EL = AND I SAWTHRONES, AND THEY SAT UJPONTHEM, AND JUDGMENT WAS GIVENTO THEM: AND I SAW THE SOULSOF THEM THAT WERE BEHEADEDFOR THE WITNESS (TESTIMONY)OF YAHSHUA, AND FOR THE WORDOF YAHWEH, AND WHICH HADNOT WORSHIPED THE BEAST,NEITHER HIS IMAGE, NEITHER HADRECEIVED HIS MARK UPON THEIRFOREHEAD OR IN THEIR HAND; ANDTHEY LIVED, AND REIGNED WITHTHE MESSIAH A THOUSAND YEARS.Rev 20,5 KJV + EL = BUT THE RESTOF THE DEAD LIVED NOT AGAINUNTIL THE THOUSAND YEARSWERE FINISHED. THIS IS THE FIRSTRESURRECTION.Rev 20,6 KJV + EL = BLESSED ANDHOLY IS HE THAT HAS PART INTHE FIRST RESURRECTION: ONSUCH THE SECOND DEATH HASNO POWER; BUT THEY SHALL BEPRIESTS OF YAHWEH AND OF THEMESSIAH, AND SHALL REIGN WITHHIM A THOUSAND YEARS.Rev 20,11 KJV + EL = AND I SAW AGREAT WHITE THRONE, AND HIMTHAT SAT ON IT, FROM WHOSEFACE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENFLED AWAY; AND THERE WASFOUND NO PLACE FOR THEM.Rev 20,12 KJV + EL = AND I SAWTHE DEAD, SMALL AND GREAT,STANDING BEFORE ELOHIM; ANDTHE BOOKS WERE OPENED: AND



<strong>The</strong> Plan of Salvation of YAHWEH279Rev 21,14 KJV + EL = AND THEWALL OF THE CITY HAD TWELVEFOUNDATIONS, AND IN THEM THENAMES OF THE TWELVE APOSTLESOF THE LAMB.Rev 15,2 KJV + EL = AND I SAW ASIT WERE A SEA OF GLASS MINGLEDWITH FIRE; AND THEM THAT HADGOTTEN THE VICTORY OVER THEBEAST, AND OVER HIS IMAGE, ANDOVER HIS MARK, AND OVER THENUMBER OF HIS NAME, STAND ONTHE SEA OF GLASS, HAVING HARPSOF YAHWEH.Rev 15,3 KJV + EL = And they singthe song of Moses the servant ofYAHWEH, and the song of the Lamb,saying, GREAT AND MARVELOUSARE YOUR WORKS, OH YAHWEHEL SHADDAI (ALMIGHTY); JUST(RIGHTEOUS) AND TRUE ARE YOURWAYS, YOU KING OF SAINTS.Rev 15,4 KJV + EL = WHO SHALLNOT FEAR YOU, OH YAHWEH,AND GLORIFY YOUR NAME? FORYOU ONLY ARE HOLY; FOR ALLTHE NATIONS SHALL COME ANDWORSHIP BEFORE YOU; FOR YOURJUDGMENTS (RIGHTEOUS ACTS)ARE MADE MANIFEST.Isai 65,17 KJV + EL = For, behold,I create new heavens and a newearth: and the former shall not beremembered, nor come into mind.Isaiah 66,22 KJV + EL = FOR ASTHE NEW HEAVENS AND THENEW EARTH, WHICH I WILL MAKE,SHALL REMAIN BEFORE ME, SAYSYAHWEH, SO SHALL YOUR SEEDAND YOUR NAME REMAIN.Isaiah 66,23 KJV + EL = AND ITSHALL COME TO PASS, THAT FROMONE NEW MOON TO ANOTHER,AND FROM ONE SABBATH TOANOTHER, SHALL ALL FLESH COMETO WORSHIP BEFORE ME, SAYSYAHWEH.2 Pet 3,13 KJV + EL = NEVERTHELESSWE, ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE,LOOK FOR NEW HEAVENS AND ANEW EARTH, IN WHICH DWELLSRIGHTEOUSNESS.AMEN!Rome’s Challenge (www.immaculateheart. com/maryonline),December 2003:“Most Christians assume thatSunday is the biblically approvedday of worship. <strong>The</strong> Roman CatholicChurch protests that it transferredChristian worship from the biblical<strong>Sabbat</strong>h (Saturday) to Sunday, andthat to try to argue that the changewas made in the Bible is bothdishonest and a denial of Catholicauthority. If Protestantism wants tobase its teachings only on the Bible,it should worship on Saturday.“

280THE PRESENT TRUTH.Vol.I. ] OSWEGO, N.Y. APRIL, 1850. [No. 9JAMES WHITE, } ‚‘<strong>The</strong> secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he { R. OLIPHANT,PUBLISHER. will show them his covenant.“ - Ps. Xxv, 14. PRINTER.THE THIRD ANGEL´S MESSAGEREV. Xiv. 9-12.<strong>The</strong> thirteenth chapter of Revelation, and the first five verses of the fourteenth chapterpresents a connected chain of past, present and future events, down to the completeredemption of the 144,000, when they will stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb. <strong>The</strong>nthe sixth verse of the fourteenth Chapter introduces the second advent message, andcommences another chain of events relative to the successive messages which wereto be proclaimed to the people of God, down to the time when „the vine of the earth“will be cast ‚‘into the great wine-press of the wrath of God {YAHWEH}.“ Those wholive in the time of the fulfilment of much of the thirteenth and foruteenth chapters ofRevelation, can see that the division of them should be between the fifth and sixthverses of the fourteenth chapter.St. John was shown the Papal beast, his blasphemy, and his power over the saintsfor 1260 years, which reached to within about fifty years of the present time; he alsosaw the image beast arise, his deception and miracles, and his oppression of the saintsin their last mighty struggle in the time of Jacob´s trouble, which is just before us, asrecorded in the last eight verses of the thirteenth chapter; and how natural it would befor him while viewing the waiting saints in their last struggle with the image beast,to follow them but a step further, and behold them on Mount Zion with the Lamb, invictory, purity and glory, as recorded in the first five verses of the fourteenth chapter.It is very plain that the fifth verse ends that chain, and that the sixth verse introducesour second advent experience.All advent believers agree that the first angel´s message, [Rev. xiv, 6,7] was to befulfilled the proclamation of the second advent of Christ { the Messiah} to the churchand world. If this position which is so generally taken, is correct, then the other angel´scries certainly represent so many distinct messages to be proclaimed to God´s peoplein this mortal state. No one will take the ground that the first message was to reach tothe coming of Christ {the Messiah}, and that the others which ‚‘followed“ will be proclaimed after the second advent; no, no, for every candid person will see and admit,that if the first angel‘s cry was designed to represent the proclamation of the comingjudgement, the others angels‘ cries also represent so many distinct messages to begiven to God´s people before their change to immortality. Many reject this very clearand natural position, because if they admit it, they will have to acknowledge that thegreat leading movements in our past experience, such as the proclamation of 1843, thefall of the churches or Babylon, and the midnight cry in 1844, were the work of God,and a perfect fulfilment of his pure word. Such are destitute of any rule by which theycan interpret Rev. xiv, 6-18.That we may better understand the third angel´s message, let us take a brief view ofthe first and second.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.281FIRST ANGEL‘S MESSAGE. - „AndI saw another angel fly in the midst ofheaven, having the everlasting gospel{good tidings} to preach to themthat dwell on the earth, and to everynation, and kindred, and tongue,and people, saying with a loud voice,Fear God {YAHWEH}, and giveglory to him; for the hour of hisjudgement is come: and worship himthat made heaven, and earth, and thesea; and the fountains of waters.“Rev. xiv, 6,7.This angel‘s message represents the lastmission of mercy to the world; and it hasbeen fulfilled. <strong>The</strong> original apostolicmessage was - „But now commandsall men every where to repent, becausehe has appointed a day in the which hewill judge the world in righteousness.“Acts xvii, 30, 31. But the last messageto the world was - „Repent for the hour[time] of his judgement is come.“ Timewas connected with that message, andthat time was 1843. God said by theprophet, „Write the vision and make itplain upon tables, that he may run thatreads it.“ - Hab. ii, 2.<strong>The</strong> whole advent host once believedthat publishing the visions of Danieland John on the chart, from whichthe swift messengers lectured in 1842and 1843, was a fulfilment of thisprophecy; and the unbelief of thosewho doubt now, does not prove that wewere all mistaken then. <strong>The</strong> passing ofthe time, and the perpetual backslidingand unbelief of Adventists has notchanged this truth of God into a lie; butit remains truth still.You who participated in this firstangel‘s message, and felt its powerand glory, and saw its effects on thepeople, just go back with me to thecamp-meetings, conferences, and othermeetings where the time, 1843, wasproclaimed from the chart. With whatsolemnity, zeal and holy confidencethe servants of the Lord proclaimedthe time. And O, how their words fellupon the people, melting the hardestsinner‘s heart; for God was with them,and his spirit .attended the solemnmessage. <strong>The</strong> most spiritual and votedin all the churches caught the flame andmany who had been trained to worshiptheir church and their minister, herelearned to „fear God“ alone, and „giveglory to him.“ This message weaned usfrom this world, and led us to feet ofJesus {Yahshua}, to seek forgivenessof all our sins, and a free and fullsalvation through the blood of Christ{the Messiah}. Dear Brethren, Was thismessage „from heaven or from men?“Amen.We then „tasted of the good word ofGod and the powers of the word tocome,“ and we can not, will not, darenot give it up, and call it a „mistake,“the „work of man,“ „mesmerism,“ and„of the Devil,“ as many have done, andhave fallen away. „It is impossible“ „torenew“ such ,,to repentance; seeingthey crucify to themselves the Son ofGod afresh, and put him to an openshame..‘“ See Heb. vi, 4-6.SECOND ANGEL‘S MESSAGE.- „And there followed anotherangel, saying, Babylon is fallen, isfallen, that great city, because shemade all nations drink of the wineof the wrath of her fornication.‘‘Rev. xiv, 8. - „Come out of her mypeople.“ Rev. xviii, 4.This second angel did notgo on hismission and. deliver his message incompany with the first angel; but he„followed“ after the first had deliveredthe burden of his message. <strong>The</strong> first

282THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.message was to the churches; butsoon their religious papers refused topuplish it, and the doors of their housesof worship were closed against it. Inthis way they shut out the „everlastinggood news“ of the coming kingdom;and when that was accomplished, Jesus{Yahshua}, and the Spirit of truthleft them forever, and the churches orBabylon fell. <strong>The</strong>re were a few livingsonls in all these churches who hadreceived the advent message, whose„meat and drink,“ and very life was totalk of the coming of Jesus {Yahshua},and the restitution; but they were notallowed to bear that testimony. <strong>The</strong>nthe way was fully prepared for thesecond message - „Babylon is fallen, isfallen,“ ,,Come out of her my people.“Every advent believer knows that weheard just this message. We have notforgotten the excellent serrmons thatwere preached and published by Eld.Joseph Marsh and many others, on thisvery point. Neither have we forgottenthe effect that it had upon God‘s people;for they obeyed the message, and withhaste left the churches. This prophecywas exactly fulfilled, and in the righttime, and place. Some tell us thatBabylon here, is the Roman Catholicchurch; but God‘s people were notin that church. <strong>The</strong> first message wasto the churches, from about 1840 to1843; and the second angel „followed,“therefore the message - „Babylon isfallen“ - „Come out of her my people“was in 1844. -We heard it with our ears, our voicesproclaimed it, and our whole being feltits power, and with our eyes we sawits effect, as the oppressed people ofGod burst the bands that bound themo the various sects, and made theirescape from Babylon. As we have seenso perfect a fufilment of the first andsecond angels‘ messages in our pastexperience, we are now prepared toexamine.THE THIRD ANGEL‘S MESSAGE. -„And the third angel followed them,saying with a loud voice, „If any manworship the beast and his image, andreceive his mark in his forehead or inhis hand,„<strong>The</strong> same shall drink of the wineof the wrath ol God {YAHWEH}which is poured out without mixtureinto the cup of his indignation; andhe shall be tormented with fire andbrimstone in the presence of the holyangels, and in the presence of theLamb.„And the smoke of their tormentascendeth up forever and ever: andthey have no rest day nor night, whoworship the beast and his image, andwhosoever receiveth the mark of hisname.„HERE is the patience of the saints;HERE are they that keep thecommandments of God {YAHWEH},and the fait of Jesus {Yahshua}.“Rev. xiv, 9-12.<strong>The</strong> beast and image mentioned hereare the same as are mentioned inchap. xiii, 5-18; xv, 2, and xvi, 2, at thepouring out of .the wrath of God in theseven last plagues. <strong>The</strong> Papal beast thatwas to „make war,“ and „wear out thesaints of the most high,“ 1260 years,from 538 to 1798 is the one mentionedby the third angel. <strong>The</strong> image beast hascome up since that time, and both willbe on the stage at the pouring out of thevials of God‘s {YAHWEH‘s} wrathin the great day of the Lord {Master}.In the third angel‘s message, and inchaps. xv and xvi, but two classes are

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.283brought to view. One is oppressive, andpersecutes the saints, and has the markof the beast, and worships the beast andhis image, and at last suffers the vialsof God‘s burning wrath. <strong>The</strong> otherclass is oppressed and driven, and intheir patient waiting for the coming ofJesus {Yahshua}, they get „the victoryover the beast, and his image, and overhis MARK“ and are sealed with theseal of the living God by keeping „thecommandments of God {YAHWEH}.“<strong>The</strong>y, though but a small remnant,finally triumph, and are seen on the„sea of glass mingled with fire,“ andon mount Zion with the Lamb, singingthe song of their experience, and theirredemption „from among men,“ (notfrom the grave, for they will be aliveat the coming of Christ {the Messiah}and be changed,) which no others in allwide heaven „could learn.“It is said of those who finallytriumph, ,,Here are they that keep thecommandments of God {YAHWEH},and the faith of Jesus {Yahshua},“Also, ,,Blessed are they that do hiscommandments, that they may have aright to the tree of life, and may enterin through the gates into the City.“Rev. xxii, 14.<strong>The</strong> „remnant“ of the seed of thewoman, or last end of the church justbefore the second advent, is made warwith, and persecuted, for ‚keeping the,,commandments of God {YAHWEH}“and for having the ,,testimony of JesusChrist {Yahshua the Messiah}.“ SeeRev. xii, 17.<strong>The</strong> commandments of God{YAHWEH} here mentioned, meannothing more nor less than histen immutable laws, written upontwo tables of stone. But says theobjector, „you are mistaken.“ <strong>The</strong>commandments of God {YAHWEH}here mean the New Testamentrequirements, such as repentance,faith., baptism, &c.“ Stop sir, let meinquire - Are not all such requirementsincluded in the „faith“ or „testimony ofJesus Christ {Yahshua the Messiah}?“„O, yes, I admit that they are.“ <strong>The</strong>ntell me what the „commandments ofGod“ are. John in holy vision saw acompany, down here near the close oftime, that kept the „faith,“ and had the„testimony of Jesus Christ {Yahshuathe Messiah},“ in which is embracedall the New Testament requirements,such as repentance, faith, baptism,Lord‘s supper, washing the saints‘feet, &c.; he also saw them KEEPINGTHE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD{YAHWEH}.“ If you will lay asideyour unscriptural objections, whichhave been invented to lead you from theplain truth of God‘s word on this point,and will answer the question honestlyin the fear of God, you will say that the„commandments of God {YAHWEH}“really mean the commandments ofGod {YAHWEH}, and not somethingelse. This point is nailed sure, and yoncannot get away from it fairly, withoutconfessing the seventh-day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, forit is embraced in the „commandmentsof God {YAHWEH}.“ Keeping thecommandments seems to be in perfectopposition to the ,,mark of the beast,“which leads me to inquire -WHAT IS THE MARK OF THEBEAST?This mark is very conspicuons, inthe forehead or hand, and signifiesnot a literal mark, but a prominentprofession, that all may see and know.It is the mark of the.beast; therefore itis a prominent point of religious faithintroduced by the Papal power, which

284THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, the observance of the first day of theweek as a holy dayof rest instead of theseventh.<strong>The</strong> only weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h of the Bibleis the seventh-day rest. <strong>The</strong> NewTestament recognizes no other. Christ{<strong>The</strong> Messiah} and his holy apostleshave not spoken of any other. Some,say they keep the first day in honor ofChrist‘s resurrection; but who has toldthem to do so? Has Jesus {Yahshua}?No, never, neither have the apostles.We defy Sunday keepers to bring theleast evidence from the word of Godfor keeping the first day of the weekas a holy-day of rest. <strong>The</strong> example ofChrist {the Messiah} and his disciples,in travelling fifteen miles on thevery day of the resurrection, and theexample of the Apostle Paul at Troas[Acts xx, 7-15,] is sufficient to showany one that they did not regard thefirst day as a day of rest; but as the firstworking day, as God set the examplewhen he made the world. <strong>The</strong>n asthere is no evidence for the first dayin the holy scriptures, we inquire, whoeffected the change.of weekly rest fromthe seventh to the first day?From the time of the apostles toConstantine the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was generallyobserved, while the first day wasregarded as a festival of no greaterimportance or authority than GoodFriday or <strong>Holy</strong> Thursday.In 321, Constantine published hisedicts enjoining the observance of thefirst day, in all cities and towns, whilethe country people were allowed towork, and at that time and after, mostof the churches observed the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h;therefore Constantine did not effect theCHANGE.Dr. Chambers says - „By Constantine‘slaws, made in 321, it was decreedthat for the future the Sunday shouldbe kept a day of rest in the cities andtowns; but he allowed the countrypeople to follow their work. In 538,the council of Orleans prohibited thiscountry labor.“ Encyclop. Art. Sund.Lond. 1791.Socrates, A. D. 440, says - „<strong>The</strong>reare various customs concerningassembling; for though all the churchesthroughout the world celebrate thesacred mysteries on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day,yet the Alexandrians and the Romans,from an ancient tradition refuse to dothis.“ Socrates Eccl. Hist. B. 5, ch. 2l,Basel ed.St. Jerome, in a funeral oration for thelady Paula, in the early part of the fifthcentury, says -„She with all. her virgins and widowswho lived at Bethlehem in a cloisterwith her, upon the Lord‘s day, repairedduly. to the church, or house of God,which was nigh to her cell; and after herreturn from thence to her own lodgings,she herself and all her company fell towork, and every one performed theirtask, which was the making of clothesand garments for themselves and forothers, as they were appointed.“St. Chrysostom, patriarch ofConstantinople, „recommended tohis audience, after impressing uponthemselves and their families what theyhad heard on the Lord‘s day, to returnto their daily employments and trades.“Burnside on the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, p. 16. [From<strong>Sabbat</strong>h Tract, No. 4.]In 538, at the very beginning ofthe „ forty and two months,“ [1260years] that the Papal beast was toblaspheme against God {YAHWEH},and „make war with the saints, and

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.285to overcome them,“ „the council ofOrleans prohibited the conntry laboron Sunday, which Constantine, by hislaws permitted.„From this time, the observance of thefirst day was gradually but forciblyurged upon the people, and the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h dismissed wherever they owedallegiance to the Pope as head of thechurch, and in England and Scotlandas late as the thirteenth century. <strong>The</strong>n itwas decreed that it should be holy timefrom Sunday noon until Monday.„And he [little horn] shall speak greatwords against the Most High, and shallwear out saints of the Most High, andthink to change times and laws; andthey shall be given into his hand untila time and times and the dividing oftime.“ Dan. Vii, 25.<strong>The</strong> Pope had power to change thelaws of men, and did change them, andDaniel saw him speaking great wordsof blasphemy against the Most High,and thinking to change to laws in God.<strong>The</strong> saints, times and laws were givenin to his hand for 1260 years. He waspermitted to trample down the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,and the saints for that time. <strong>The</strong> formerhe caused to be desecrated, and thelatter put to death.<strong>The</strong>n as the observance of the firstday as a day of holy rest, instead ofthe seventh, is a mark of the beast, itundoubtedly is the mark mentioned .inthe solemn message of the third angel. -This is strongly established by thisplain fact that the mark of the beastis in direct opposition to keeping thecommandments of God {YAHWEH}.One class keep the commandments ofGod {YAHWEH}, and of course theykeep the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, and they are seen onmount Zion with the Lamb. <strong>The</strong> otherclass have the mark of the beast andthey drink of the unmingled cup of thewroth of God. O, my brethren, whatan awfully solemn subject is this nowbefore us! And what an hour will soonburst upon the world like a thief! Neverdid I have such feelings while holdingmy pen as now. - And never did I seeand feel the importance of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>has I do this moment. Surely the <strong>Sabbat</strong>htruth, like the rising sun ascendingfrom the east, has increased in light, in.power and in importance until it is thegreat sealing truth.-Its rays of holy light cheer and sanctifythe true believer, and condemn thosewho reject it.<strong>The</strong> second angel‘s message reachedto the fall of 1844, where the cry -„Come out of her my people“ closed:then the time for the third came. A partof the third angel‘s message is - „Hereis the patience of the saints; here arethey that keep the.commandmentsof God {YAHWEH},“ &c. We knowthat the saints patient waiting timehas been since their disappointmentin 1844. - Well here it is, and we allknow it, We cannot be mistakenhere. We know then that the time forthis third message is now. We knowalso that the time for keeping all thecommandments right has been since1844, since God {YAHWEH} calledus out of. Babylon. It we had stayedthere, bound down by ministers andcreeds, the glorious light of the <strong>Holy</strong><strong>Sabbat</strong>h never would, have reachedus; but glory to God {YAHWEH}, thesecond angel‘s message called us outfrom the fallen churches where we arenow free to think, and act for ourselvesin fear of God {YAHWEH}. It is anexceedingly interesting fact, that the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h question began to be agitated

286THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.among second advent believersimmediately after they were called outof the churches by the second angel‘smessage. God‘s work moves in order.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h truth‘ came up in just theright time to fulfil prophecy. Amen.God {YAHWEH} led the childrenof Israel about in the wildernessforty years after their deliverancefrom Egypt, to humble them, andto prove them, to know what wasin their heart, whether .they wouldkeep his commandments or no; seeDeut. viii, 2, and in like manner hecalled us from the bondage of thechurches in 1844, and there humbledus; and has been proving us, and hasbeen developing the hearts of hispeople, and seeing.whether their wouldkeep his commandments. A few Calebsand Joshuas can still bring a goodreport, and are resolved to „whollyfollow the Lord {YAHWEH}.“ Manystopped at the first angel‘s message,and others at the second, and many willrefuse the third; but a few will „followthe Lamb whithersoever he goeth,“ andgo up and possess the land. Thoughthey have to pass through fire andblood, or witness the „time of troublesuch as never was,“ they will not yield,and „receive the mark of the beast,“ butthey will struggle on, and press theirholy warfare until they, with the harpsof God, strike the note of victory onmount Zion.„And the temple of God {YAHWEH}was opened in heaven, and therewas seen in his temple the ark of histestament.“ Rev. xi, 19. Did John seethe ark of the ten commandments inheaven ? Yes, so he testifies; and nonewho believe the Bible will doubt histestimony, and say that he some how fellinto a mesmeric state, and saw thingsincorrectly. <strong>The</strong>n if the commandmentsare preserved in heaven, certainly theyare not abolished on earth.In the type, the temple of God onearth, the place for the ark was in the„holiest of all,“ within the secondvail. In the antitype, „the temple ofGod {YAHWEH}“ „in heaven,“ theark must be in the same place, for theearthly were „patterns of things in theheavens.“ In the earthly, the „holiest ofall“ was opened at the end of the year,for the high priest alone to enter onthe day that he cleansed the sanctuary;but the „holiest of all“ of the heavenly„temple“ was not opened until Jesus{Yahshua}, our High Priest, entered tocleanse the sanctuary at the end of the2300 days, in 1844.„And there was seen in his temple, theark of his testament.“ John does not saythat he saw it, though he doubtless sawthe whole transaction in vision; but,that it „was seen.“ He saw the waitingsaints, after the 2300 days ended,by faith looking to theirGreat HighPriest, who stands by the ark in the„holiest of all.“ <strong>The</strong>y are keeping thecommandments of God {YAHWEH};and by faith they see the ark of thetestament, or ten commandmentsin the temple in heaven. Markthis. <strong>The</strong>. second who was past,(August 11, 1840,) and the seventhangel had begun to sound (in 1844,)when the ark of the testament wasseen. This also shows that the time forkeeping all the commandments right,the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h with the rest, has beensince 1844, where the third angel‘smessage commenced.<strong>The</strong> second angel‘s message called thesecond advent host from the varioussects, and formed the Philadelphiachurch, or church Of Brotherly Love,

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.287in the fall of 1844. To this church it issaid - „Behold, I have set before theean open door.“ This doubtless refers tothe tabernacle of the testimony whichwas then opened, that the light of theholy law of God {YAHWEH} mightshine upon the waiting saints. Now weare prepared to see. and feel the forceof the declaration of the third angel -„Here is the patience of the saints; hereare they that keep the commandmentsof God {YAHWEH}.“God has marked out our past experienceand present position so very clearly,that none need to doubt. All the saintsmay see and know their whereabouts,and understand present truth andpresent duty.<strong>The</strong> wrath of God mentioned by thethird angel is the seven last plagues.„In them is filled up the wrath of God{Elohim},“ Rev. xv. 1. <strong>The</strong> four angels[Rev. Vii, 1,] will hold the four winds,and the vials of God‘s wrath will notbe poured out until the saints hear the„loud voice“ of the third angel, and aresealed with the seal of the living God.This angel delivers the last message ofmercy to the scattered flock; therefore,it is the sealing message. <strong>The</strong> next eventin their history, which immediatelyfollows, is the day and night cry ofGod‘s elect or sealed ones, [Luke xviii,7,] represented by the loud cry of thefourth angel, to one like the son of manon the great white cloud, with the sharpsickle - „Thrust in your sickle and reap;for the time has come for thee to reap.“<strong>The</strong> third angel‘s sealing message, isrepresented by the man clothed withlinen, with a writer‘s inkhorn by hisside, [Eze. ix, 2-4] marking the sighingand crying ones. After his work isaccomplished, six men with slaughterweaponsfollow, and slay utterly. <strong>The</strong>serepresent the wrath of God in the sevenlast plagues. <strong>The</strong> sealed ones will besafe in that dread hour of slaughter;for the men with slaughter-weaponshave this charge - „Come not near anyman upon whom is the mark.“ <strong>The</strong>ywill abide under the shadow of theAlmighty.“ „His truth“ will be theirshield and buckler,“„A thousand shall fall at your side, andten thousand at your right hand; butit shall not come near you. Only withyour eyes shall you behold and see thereward of the wicked.“ Ps. xci, 7,8.We may now see the great separationinto two classes. One class keep thecommandments, and are marked orsealed with the seal of the living God,and are to be protected in the day ofslaughter. <strong>The</strong> other class have anopposite mark, which is of the beast,and they are to drink the wrath of God.<strong>The</strong> living God instituted, sanctifiedand blessed the seventh day in Eden,and with an audible voice from MountSinai decreed that it should be observedas holy time. <strong>The</strong> beast decreed that thefirst day of the week should be holytime. Here are seen the two oppositemarks. Both are conspicuous, in theforehead, which denotes a prominentprofession. No point of religious faithis so conspicous, and so easily seen byall around, as the observance of a dayof holy rest; therefore it is said to be inthe forehead.Dear reader, I entreat you to heed tosolemn message of the third angel.Think not that we were free from themark of the beast when we left thechurches. <strong>The</strong> second angel‘s messageonly brought us from that cage, wherewe are now free to hear the third,which if received and obeyed, will

288THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.strip us from the last vestige of Popery,and seal us with the seal of the livingGod. If you are still professing toobserve the first day of the week inhonor of Christ‘s resurrection, letme tell you that you have scriptureauthority for so doing. In this you arenot honoring Christ {the Messiah}, norhis resurrection, but an institution ofthe beast. No longer hug to your bosomthis child of the „mother of harlots,“ asa holy thing of heavenly birth.We are fast approaching an awful hour.Nothing but truth and. righteousnesswill save us. We must humbleourselves before the mighty God, andobey and honor him by keeping hiscommandments.We must seek a full and free pardonof all our transgressions and errors,through the atonement of Jesus Christ{Yahshua the Messiah}, now while hepleads his blood before the Father.<strong>The</strong> following excellent remarks fromEld. Marsh, were published in the,,Voice of Truth, Extra,“ Dec. 25, 1844.THE HARVEST.We are doubtless near that auspicioushour when the harvest of the earth willbe reaped, as described in Rev. xiv, 14-16. <strong>The</strong> history of God‘s people in thismortal state, as given in that chapter,before being glorified, is nearlycomplete. <strong>The</strong> everlasting gospel{good tidings}, as described in verse6 and 7, has been preached unto everynation, kindred, tongue and people;saying with a loud voice, fear God andgive glory to him; for the. hour of hisjudgement is come, and worship himthat made heaven, and earth, and thesea and the fountains of waters. Nocase can be more clearly demonstratedwith facts than that this message hasbeen borne to every nation and tongueunder heaven, within a few past years,in the preaching of the coming ofChrist {the Messiah} in ‚43 or near athand. Through the medium of lecturesand publications, the sound. has goneinto all the earth, and the word unto theends of the world.<strong>The</strong> fall of Babylon, as describedin verse 8, has been proclaimedthroughout the length and breadth ofthe land. <strong>The</strong> spiritual death, and thedeep corruption of the churches whichconstitute Babylon, together with herown often repeated lamentations, andacknowledgements, and the fact thatGod‘s people have actually come outof her, prove beyond all contradictionthat this message has been givenand had its effect. This work is done.This angel has flown. Babylon, thenominal church, is fallen. God‘s peoplehave come out of her. She is now the„synagogue of Satan.“ Rev. iii, 9. „<strong>The</strong>habitation of demons, and the hold ofevery foul spirit, and cage of everyunclean and hateful bird.“ Rev. xviii, 2.EXTRACTSFrom a work first published in Londonin the year 1724, called „a defence ofthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, in reply to Ward on thefourth commandment,“ by GeorgeCarlow. Pages 75-88.Eusebius, in his fourth book, chaps.17, 18, of the Life of Constantine, saysof him, that he appointed the Lord‘sday, as they were pleased to call it, thatit should be consecrated to prayers.And a little further on he saith, By hisexample (meaning Constantine,) theylearned to observe the first day. Let theChristian reader observe this passage,they learned to observe it of him; andif they learned it of him, then they

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.289kept it not before. And in chap. 23dof the same book he writes thus: „<strong>The</strong>Emperor sent an edict to all governorsof his provinces, that they shouldforthwith – [note, forthwith, a sign thatit was not observed before] - observethe first day; that they should honorthe days consecrated to the memoryof martyrs, and solemnly observe thefeasts of the church.“ Let it be notedhere also, how that with the first day‘sobservation, came in the observationof feasts of the church, and their holydays so called, consercrated to thememory of martyrs. And further hesaith, that all was performed accordingto the Emperor‘s command. This isto be specially noted, that all wasperformed – the first day‘s observationas well as the rest – all according to theEmperor‘s command. Eusebius dothnot say it was performed according tothe command of God {YAHWEH},but according to the command of theEmperor! Here is the command of man,and not of God ! Here is the bottomof the first day observation in theChristian church!We are yet to consider further in thismatter, that though he did endeavor tobring it in, it was not brought in afterthe manner that it is now kept; for heallowed working, huntings, markets,and fairs, upon the day, it occasionrequired; as did also the kings ofEngland, ,who, near one thousandyears after, gave forth decrees for itsobservation.Henry Bullinger, who, in his Treatiseto King Edward the sixth, in pages 143,144, speaks of Constantine‘s decreethus: „Let all judges in the courts oflaw, and citizens of occupations, restupon the Sunday, and keep it holy, withreverence and devotion; but they thatinhabited the country may freely and atliberty attend on their tillage.“ And heproposes á reason thus, „For oftentimesit falleth out, that they cannot uponanother day so commodiously sowtheir seed, or plant their vines; and byletting pass the opportunity of a littletime, they may hap to lose the profitgiven them of God for their provision.“And in page 140, he saith; „We donot find in any part of the apostles‘writings any mention made that theSunday was commanded us to be keptholy.“ Thus far Bullinger ingenuouslyacknowledged a thing very worthy ofcommendation.Socrates, in his Ecclesiastical History,in the 5th book, chap. 21, shows thatthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, as it relates to the seventhday, was kept for several hundredyears after Christ; and though in histime, Sunday observation was withsome a little crept in, yet he reckons itbut a tradition. - His words are these,„Touching the communion there aresundry observations and customs,for though in a manner almost all thechurches throughout the whole worlddo celebrate and receive the holymysteries every <strong>Sabbat</strong>h day after other,yet the people inhabiting Alexandriaand Rome do not use it. <strong>The</strong> Egyptiansadjoining to Alexandria, together withthe inhabitants of <strong>The</strong>bes, of a tradition,do celebrate the communion on thistime, which was four hundred yearsand more after Christ, the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h wasobserved almost throughout the wholeworld; and that it was the seventh-day<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, will appear if we considerthat it is distinctly distinguishedfrom the first day. 2d. He himselfreckons the first day‘s observationbut a TRADITION. In his sixth book,chap. 8, he speaks thus: „When thefestival meeting throughout every

290THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.week was come, I mean the Saturdayand the Sunday upon which theChristians are wont to meet solemnlyin the church.“ And upon this passagewe find, by what was before noted thatthey esteemed and called the seventhdaythe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, and the first daypractice a tradition.From all that has been said, wemay observe, that first day observationwas brought in with much ado, andthat those decrees of men enforcingits observation there was allowedliberty to labor on the first day. Sothat it doth appear plainly from thesequotations, that it was not intended tobe kept, when first brought in, as nowit is observed, but that it is a traditionestablished and made sacred only by along standing custom.We may rermark, that this kind ofobservation did not at first produce aslighting, or at least such a slighting ofthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, as hath since through longcustom followed. For almost the wholeworld kept to the Lord‘s <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, andcelebrated the holy mysteries upon it,after these beginnings of the first day‘sobservation, as I have already notedout of Socrates. For the 8th chapterof his 6th book extends down to fourhundred and forty years after Christ;and Constantine reigned about the yearthree hundred and twenty. So that atfirst it was not even a slighting of theLord‘s holy seventh-day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h; forthat <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was kept in the church,with the first day, for several hundredyears.As we find by whom; and in whatmanner the first day observation camein, so we may see why it was broughtin, which was from some high halredagainst the Jews, whom they werevery apt to regard as worthy of allcontempt on the charge of crucifyingChrist {the Messiah}. Whether it beright to change a moral anc[ perpetualcommand of God, binding all men inall ages, for such a purpose, let theprofessed Christian judge. I find thatthis hatred began to be very high even inConstantine‘s time as may be observedin Eusebius‘ History of the Life ofConstantine, where it is said of him,that he made a law that no Christianshould serve a Jew; esteeming it awicked thing that they who had slainthe prophets, and cruelly put to deathour Lord {Master} and Saviour JesusChrist {Yahshua the Messiah}, shouldhold and keep in subjection those whowere redeemed with the blood of ourLord {Master} and Saviour. And ifany one lived already in that servilecondition that he should be released,and the Jew fined. From this kind ofhatred did the change of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hcome; and as was the tree, so is thefruit.<strong>The</strong> Jews make it an argument thatChrist {the Messiah} is not the Messiah,because Christians, who profess to behis followers, are <strong>Sabbat</strong>h-breakers,concluding from thence, that Christ{the Messiah} himself was a <strong>Sabbat</strong>hbreaker.And if so, they ask, whatbenefit can we expeet by the death ofan evildoer? Thus you may see whatevil consequences follow the nonobservanceof the Lord‘s holy <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.Benius says, (Councils, book 3, lastpart, p. 1448,) that a council wascelebrated in Scotland about the firstbringing in of the dominical day, whichsome now call the Lord‘s day {Baal‘sday}, or Sunday, but he calls it thedominical day. This council, he says,was held A. D. 1203, in the time ofPope Innocent the Third.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.291Lucius, (Century 13, p. 264,) says ofthe dominical day, that in a certaincouncil in Scotland, it was enactedthat it should be kept, beginning fromthe twelfth hour on Saturday noon tillMonday.Bathius, (lib. 13, de Scottis, p. 357,)says that in Scotland, A. D. 1203,William, King of Scotland, called acouncil of the principal of his kingdom.<strong>The</strong>re it was decreed that Saturday,from the twelfth hour at noon, shouldbe holy, and that they should do noprofane work, and this they shouldobserve till Monday.Roger Hoveden says, this council wasabout the observation of the first day.<strong>The</strong>re came also a legate from thepope, with a sword and a purple hat, togrant indulgences and and privileges tothe young king; when it was decreedhat the seventh day, from the twelfthhour at noon, should be holy – the bepeople should do nothing profane,but apply themselves to things sacred– and this they should do even untilthe second day morning at sun rising.Bathius, lib. 13, de Scottis, 788. So, asI take it, here are these witnesses to thetruth of this story – Roger Hoveden,Lucius and Bathius, great authoritiesas to the truth of the matter of fact.<strong>The</strong> first-day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, then, standswithout any <strong>Scripture</strong> .foundation,but upon the same ground as Easter,Whitsuntide or Christmas. It is no greatwonder, that Mr. Ward should quarrelso with the <strong>Scripture</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, seeinghe is for one that is without <strong>Scripture</strong>,though he fathers it there, for somereasons which he best knows. But the<strong>Scripture</strong> being altogether silentabouta first-day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, he flies to history,and tells us that Eusebius says thefirst day was called the queen of days.And what of all this? <strong>The</strong> same historymakes it manifest that the seventh-daywas reckoned the king of days, or thechief of days for holy worship; and in amanner almost all the congregations inthe world did keep the seventh day forthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, as hath been shown. AndAthanasius, Bishop of Alexandria,saith that they assembled on Saturday,not that they were infected withJudaism, but only to worship Christ[the Messiah}, the Lord {Master} ofthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.,Now, Mr. Ward, seeing that neither theholy <strong>Scripture</strong>s, nor the histories whichyou mentioned, will afford you anyrelief or any thing like a commandmentfor observing the first day of the weekfor a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, to do you a kindness,and to help you at this dead lift, andalso to show you what spirit hath beenat work to make a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h for you, Iwill produce another human institution,and commandment for its observance.It is from. Dr. Heylyn‘s History of the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, part 2, pp. 221, 222.Eustachius, Abbot of Flay, inNormandy, an associate of Fulco, aFrench priest and notable hypocrite,who had lighted on a new <strong>Sabbat</strong>arianfancy, was sent to publish it here inEngland; but finding opposition to hisdoctrine, he went back again the nextyear, being 1202. He, however, soonreturned better fortified, preachingfrom town to town, and from place toplace, that no man should presume tomarket on the Lord‘s day, as they haddone heretofore. Now, for the easierbringing of the people to obey theirdiclates, they had to show a warrantsent from God himself; as they gave itout, the title and history whereof is asfollows: -

292THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.„An holy mandate touching theLord‘s day, which came down fromheaven, to Jerusalem, found on St.Simeon‘s altar, in Golgatha. WhereChrist was crucified for the sins ofall the world; which, lying therefor three days and as many nights,struck with such terror all thatsaw it, that falling on the groundthey besought God‘s mercy. Atlast the Patriarch and Akarius theArchbishop, ventured to take intotheir hands the dreadful letter, whichwas written thus:‚I the Lord, who commanded youthat ye should observe the dominicalholy day, and ye have not kept it,and ye have not repented of yoursins; I have caused repentance to bepreached unto you, and ye have notbelieved. I sent pagans against you;who shed your blood; yes ye repentednot. And because ye kept not the dayholy, for a few days ye had famine;but I soon gave you plenty, andafterward ye did worse. I will again,that none from the ninth hour of the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h – [so the Abbot of Flay stillcalled the seventh day the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,and put part of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h into thefist day,] - until the rising of the sunon Monday, do any work, unless it isgood; which, if any do, let him amendby repentance. And if ye be notobedient to this command, I say untoyou, and I swear unto you by my seatand throne, and cherubim, who keepmy holy seat, that I will not commandyou any thing by another epistle, butI will open the heavens, and for rainI will rain upon you stones, and logsof wood, and hot water by night, thatnone may be able to escape. But thatI may destroy all wicked men, thisI say unto you; that ye shall die thedeath because of the dominical holyday, and other festivals of my saints;- [so the saints‘ days are hooked inalso,] - which ye have not kept; Iwill send unto you beasts having theheads of lions, the hair of women,the tails of camels, and they shall beso hunger starved, that they shalldevour your flesh, and ye shall desireto flee to the sepulchres of the dead,and hide you for fear of the beast.‘“<strong>The</strong>re is more of this wretched stuff,to make the people believe that theyshould keep the first day for the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.<strong>The</strong>n the lord Eustachius, Abbot ofFlay, came to York, in England; andbeing honorably received by Galfred,Archbishop of York, the clergy, andthe people of that city, he preached ofthe transgressing of the dominical day,and the other festivals or holy days.He gave the people repentance andabsolution,upon condition that theyhereafter should show due reverence tothe dominical day and other festivalsof the saints, not doing in them anyservile labor; and should not exerciseor keep markets of vendibles on thedominical day, but should devoutlyemploy themselves in good works andprayers. So it seems that the peoplehere in England had little reverence forthe Sunday before this, or other holydays.<strong>The</strong>se things the lord Eustachius,Abbot of Flay, constituted to beobserved from the ninth hour, i. e. ourthree o‘clock in the afternoon, of theseventh-day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, until the risingof the sun on Monday. And the people,upon his preaching, vowed to God thatthey hereafter would neither buy norsell any thing upon the dominical day,unless perhaps food and drink to suchas passed by.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.293<strong>The</strong> foregoing refers to England.But the king, princes and peopleof England, were then against theobserving of Sunday, and would notagree to change the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h or keepSunday by this command. This was, Ithink, in the time of King John, againstwhom the Popish clergy had a greatpique and quarrel, as not favoring theirprelacy and monks, by one of whom hewas poisoned. Scotland did not receivethe change until A. D. 1203.<strong>The</strong> law to alter the seventh day tothe first, as you may see before in thecollections out of the Centuries, was bythe Bishops of Rome, who, though theypretend to dispense laws to the church,yet they ought not to alter the law ofGod in any point.TO THE „LITTLE FLOCK.“Dear Brethren. - <strong>The</strong> Lord gave me aview, January 26, which I will relate.I saw that some of the people of Godwere stupid and dormant; and werebut half awake, and did not realize thetime we were now living in; and thatthe „man“ with the „dirt-brush“ hadentered, and that some were in dangerof being swept away. I begged of Jesus{Yahshua} to save them, to spare thema little louger, and let them see theirawful danger, that they might get readybefore it should be for ever too late.<strong>The</strong> angel said, Destruction is cominglike a mighty whirlwind.“ I begged ofthe angel to pity and to save those wholoved this world, and were attached totheir possessions, and were not willingto cut loose from them, and sacrificethem to speed the messengers on theirway to feed the hungry sheep, whowere perishing for want of spiritualfood.As I viewed poor souls dying for wantof the present truth, and some whoprofessed to believe the truth wereletting them die, by withholding thenecessary means to carry forward thework of God {YAHWEH}, the sightwas too painful, and I begged of theangel to remove it from me. I saw thatwhen the cause of God called for someof their property, like the young manwho came to Jesus {Yahshua}, [Matt.xix, 16-22,] they went away sorrowful;and that soon possessions all away, andthen it would be too late to sacrificeearthly goods, and lay up a treasure inheaven.I then saw the glorious Redeemer,beautiful, and lovely, that he left therealms of glory, and came to this darkand lonely world, to give his preciouslife and die, the just for the unjust. Hebore the cruel mocking and scourging,and wore the platted crown of thorns,and sweat great drops of blood in thegarden; while the burden of sins ofthe whole world were upon him. <strong>The</strong>angel asked, „What for?“ O, I saw andknew that it was for us; for our sins hesuffered all this, that by his preciousblood he might redeem us unto God{YAHWEH}.<strong>The</strong>n again was held up before methosewho were not willing to dispose of thisworld‘s goods to save perishing souls,by sending them the truth, while Jesus{Yahshua} stands before the Father,pleading his blood, his sufferings andhis death for them; and while God‘smessengers were waiting, ready tocarry them the saving truth that theymight be sealed with the seal of theliving God {YAHWEH}. It was hardfor some who professed to believethe present truth, to even do so littleas to hand the messengers God‘s own

294THE PRESENT TRUTH - April,, that he had lent them to bestewards over.<strong>The</strong>n the suffering Jesus {Yahshua},his sacrifice and love so deep, as to givehis life for them, was again help upbefore me; and then the lives of thosewho professed to be his followers, whohad this world‘s goods, and consideredit so great a thing to help the causeof salvation. <strong>The</strong> angel said, „Cansuch enter heaven?“ Another angelanswered, „No, never, never, never.Those who are not interested in thecause of God on earth, can never singthe song of redeeming love above.“I saw that the quick work that Godwas doing on earth would soon be cutshort in righteousness, and that theswift messengers must speed on theirway to search out the scattered flock.An angel said, „Are all messengers?No, no, God‘s messengers have amessage.“I saw that the cause of God hadbeen hindered, and dishonored by sometravelling who had no message fromGod. Such will have to give an accountto God for every dollar they have usedin travelling where it was not theirduty to go; for that money might havehelped on the cause of God, and forthe lack of it, souls have starved anddied for the want of spiritual food, thatmight have been given them by God‘scalled and chosen messengers if theyhad had the means.<strong>The</strong> mighty shaking has commenced,and will go on, and all will be shakenout who are not willing to take a boldand unyielding stand for the truth, andsacrifice for God and his cause. <strong>The</strong>angel said, „Think ye that any will becompelled to sacrifice. No, no. It mustbe a free-will offering. It will take allto buy the field.“- I cried to God tospare his people, some of whom werefainting and dying.I saw that those who have strength tolabor with their hands, and help sustainthe cause, were as accountable forthat strength, as others were for theirproperty.<strong>The</strong>n I saw that the judgements ofAlmighty God were speedily coming.I begged of the angel to speak in hislanguage to the people. Said he, „Allthe thunders and lightnings of MountSinai would not move those who willnot be moved by the plain truths ofthe word of God {YAHWEH}; neitherwould an angel‘s message awakethem.“I then beheld the beauty andloveliness of Jesus {Yahshua}. Hisrobe was whiter, than the whitestwhite. No language can describe hisglory and exalted loveliness. All, allwho keep the commandments of God{YAHWEH}, will enter in through thegates into the City, and have right to thetree of life, and ever be in the presenceof the lovely Jesus {Yahshua}, whosecountenance shines brighter than thesun at noon-day.<strong>The</strong>n I was pointed to Adam and Evein Eden. <strong>The</strong>y partook of the forbiddentree, and then the flaming sword wasplaced around the tree of life, and theywere driven from the Garden, lest theyshould partake of the tree of life, andbe immortal sinners. <strong>The</strong> tree of lifewas to perpetuate immortality. I heardan angel ask, „Who of the family ofAdam have passed that flaming sword,and have partaken of the tree of life?“I heard another angel answer, „Not oneof the family of Adam have passed thatflaming sword, and partaken of that

THE PRESENT TRUTH - April, 1850.295tree; therefore there is not an immortalsinner. <strong>The</strong> soul that will last forever, where there will be no hope of aresurrection; and then the wrath of Godwill be appeased.“I saw tha the saints will rest inthe <strong>Holy</strong> City, and reign as kings andpriests one thousand years; then Jesus{Yahshua} will descend with the saintsupon the mount of Olives, and themount will part asunder, and becomea mighty plain for the Paradise of Godto rest upon. <strong>The</strong> rest of earth will notbe cleansed until the wicked dead areraised (at the end of the one thousandyears) and gather up around the city;for the feet of the wicked will neverdesecrate the earth made new. <strong>The</strong>nfire will come down from God out ofheaven and devour them; burn them uproot and branch. Satan is the root, andhis children are the branches. <strong>The</strong> samefire that will devour the wicked, willpurify the earth.In hope of immortality at the appearingof Jesus {Yahshua},E. G. White.from „THE PRESENT TRUTH“, byJames White, publisher, Oswego, N.Y.,April, 1850, No. 9Editor has written: {...}

296THE PRESENT TRUTHVol.1 No. 1„<strong>The</strong> secret of the Lord {YAHWEH} is with them that fear him; and he showthem his covenant.“ - Ps. xxv. 14.„WHEREFORE, I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of thesethings, though you know them, and be established in the PRESENT TRUTH.“ 2Pet. i: 12.It is through the truth that souls are sanctified, and made ready to enter theeverlasting kingdom. Obedience to the truth will kill us to this world, that we maybe made alive, by faith in Jesus {Yahshua}. „Sanctify them through your truth;your word is truth;“ John xvii: 17. This was the prayer of Jesus {Yahshua}. „Ihave no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth,“ 3 John iv.Error, darkens and fetters the mind, but the truth brings with it freedom, and giveslight and life. True charity, or LOVE, „rejoices in the truth;“ 1 Cor. xiii: 6. „Yourlaw is the truth.“ Ps. cxix: 142.David describing the. day of slaughter, when the pestilence shall walk iu darkness,and destruction waste at noon-day, so that, „a thousand shall fall at your side andten thousand at your right hand,“ says-„He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust; hisTRUTH shall be your SHIELD and BUCKLER.“ Ps. xci: 4.<strong>The</strong> storm is coming. War, famine and pestilence are already in the field ofslaughter. Now is the time, the only time to seek a shelter in the truth of the livingGod.In Peter‘s time there was present truth, or troth applicable to that present time.<strong>The</strong> Church have ever had a present truth. <strong>The</strong> present truth now, is that whichshows present duty, and the right position for us who are about to witness the timeof trouble, such as never was. Present truth must be oft repeated, even to thosewho are established in it. This was needful in the apostles day, and it certainly isno less important for us, who are living just before the close of‘ time.For months I have felt burdened with the duty of writing, and publishing thepresent truth for the scattered flock; but the way has not been opened for me tocommence the work until now. I tremble at the word of the Lord {YAHWEH},and the importance of this time. What is done to spread the truth must be donequickly. <strong>The</strong> four Angels are holding the angry nations in check but a few days,until the saints are sealed; then the nations will rush, like the rushing of manywaters. <strong>The</strong>n it will be too late to spread before precious souls, the present saying,living truths of the <strong>Holy</strong> Bible. My spirit is draw out after the scattered remnant.May God help them to receive the truth, and he established in it. May they hasteto take shelter beneath the „covering of the Almighty God,“ is my prayer.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.297<strong>The</strong> Weekly <strong>Sabbat</strong>h Instituted atCreation, and not at Sinai.„And on the seventh day GOD endedhis work which he had made; and herested on the seventh day from all hiswork which he had made. And GODblessed the seventh day, and sanctifiedit: because that in it he had rested fromall his work which GOD created andmade.“ Gen ii: 2, 3.Here GOD instituted the weekly restor <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. It was the seventh day. HeBLESSED and SANCTIFIED that dayof the week, and no other; therefore theseventh day, and no other day of theweek is holy, sanctified time.GOD has given the reason why heblessed and sanctified the seventh day.„Because that in it he had rested fromall his work which GOD had createdand made.“ He rested, and set theexample for man. He blessed and setapart the seventh day for man to restfrom his labor, and follow the exampleof his Creator. <strong>The</strong> Lord {Master} ofthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h said, Mark ii: 27, „<strong>The</strong>Sabhath was made for man.“ Notfor the Jew only, but for MAN, in itsbroadest sense; meaning all mankind.<strong>The</strong> word man in this text, means thesame as it does in the following texts.„Man that is born of woman is of fewdays and full of trouble.“ Job xiv: 1.„Man lies down and rises not, till theheavens be no more.“ Job xiv: 12.No one will say that man here meansJews, or Christians; but the wholehuman race. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was madefor man, for the whole race of man.Adam, Noah, and Abraham were men,therefore the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was made forthem, as well as for Moses, and theJews. We are men, and the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h ismade for us.GOD has given the following reasonin the decalogue, why man should keephis holy <strong>Sabbat</strong>h - „FOR in six‘days theLord {YAHWEH} made heaven andearth, the sea and all that in them is,and rested the seventh day: whereforethe Lord {YAHWEH} BLESSED theseventh day and HALLOWED it.“Ex. xx: 11.Here our minds are directed backmore than twenty-five hundred years,to the creation and holy rest in Eden,for the origin of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. This plainfact every candid miad must see. GODdid not bless and hallow the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hday at Sinai – no, no. This he had donein Eden twenty-five hundred yearsbefore.„And GOD blessed the seventh day,and sanctified it: Gen. ii. 3.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was marked andguarded with miracles by YAHWEHand kept by Israel in the wildernessof Sin, thirty days before they came toSinai.„And it came to pass, that on the sixthday they gathered twice as much bread,two omers for one man: tomorrowis the rest of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h to theLord {YAHWEH}: bake that whichyou will bake today, and seethe thatyou will seethe; and that which remainsover, lay up for you to be kept until themorning.“„And Moses said, eat that today,for today is a <strong>Sabbat</strong>h to the Lord{YAHWEH}: today you shall not findin the field. Six days you shall gatherit; but on the seventh day, which is the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, in it there shall be none.“And it came to pass, that there wentout some of the people, on the seventhday for to gather, and they found none.

298THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.And the Lord {YAHWEH} said toMoses, How long refuse you to keepmy commandments and my laws?See, for that the Lord {YAHWEH}has given you the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. So thepeople rested on the seventh day.“ SeeEx. xvi: 22-30.<strong>The</strong> children of Israel departed fromEgypt on the fifteenth day of the firstmonth, and came to the wilderness ofSin on the fifteenth day of the secondmonth. Here GOD gives them breadfrom heaven, and reminds them of the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h. From the wilderness of Sinthey journeyed to Rephidim, and fromRephidim they came to the desert ofSinai, on the fifteenth day of the thirdmonth.Mark this; GOD gives them manna,reminds them of his <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, and guardsit with miracles thirty days before theysaw Mount Sinai, and thirty-two daysbefore GOD spoke from the smokingmount, the ten commandments.We frequently hear the assertion,that the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h is not mentioned in theBible, till after the law was given fromMount Sinai; therefore, the seventhday <strong>Sabbat</strong>h is the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h of the oldJews, and is abolished. Not long sincea second advent preacher made thisfalse statement to me. Another personrepeated this statement to me not twoweeks since. Now, I hope all who arelaboring under this mistaken view willlook again. Please read the history ofthe journey of Israel from Egypt toMount Sinai, found in Exodus.<strong>The</strong> Lord {YAHWEH} said toMoses, thirty-two days before hegave the law of commandments,„How long refuse you to keep MYCOMMANDMENTS and MY LAWS?See, for that the Lord {YAHWEH} hasgiven you the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.“ <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h isnot mentioned here as a new institution,but an old one, that they had not keptwhile in bondage to the Egyptians.GOD brought Israel out of the houseof bondage to prove them, and see ifthey would keep his commandsments.<strong>The</strong>y had been from Egypt but thirtydays when GOD reminded them of his<strong>Sabbat</strong>h.„And you shall remember all the waywhich the Lord {YAHWEH} yourGOD led you these forty years in thewilderness, to humble you, and toprove you, to know what was in yourheart, whether you would keep hiscommandments, or no.“ Deut viii:2. <strong>The</strong>y could not keep his <strong>Sabbat</strong>hin Egypt. <strong>The</strong>y could not keep it;neither can we keep it when boundby sectarian creeds. <strong>The</strong>refore GODhas brought us out of the churches toprove us, to try us, to know what is inour hearts, whether we will keep hiscommandments. -<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h a perpetual WeeklyMemorial.„Verily my <strong>Sabbat</strong>hs you shall keep;for it is a sign between me an youthroughout your generations; thatyou may know that I am the Lord{YAHWEH} that does SANCTIFYyou.“ „Wherefore the children of Israelshall keep the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, to observe the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h throughout their generations,for a PERPETUAL covenant.“It is a sign between me and thechildren of Israel. FOREVER: FOR insix days the Lord {YAHWEH} madeheaven and earth, and on the seventhday he rested and was refreshed.“Ex. xxxi.: 13-17.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.299<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sabbat</strong>h then is a sign, or sealbetween GOD and his people forever. Itis a perpetual covenant between them.Will some one show us the end of aperpetual covenant, given for a signforever? <strong>The</strong> only reason here givenwhy the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h is a perpetual sign, is,„for ia six days the Lord {YAHWEH}made heaven and earth, and on theseventh he rested.“ This shows thatthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was given for a weeklymemorial. <strong>The</strong> passover was given fora memorial to Israel to remind them oftheir deliverance from bondage, andthat they should not forget GOD, whopassed over their houses in slayingtheir first-born, and with strength ofhand brought them out of Egypt.<strong>The</strong> communion of the bodyand blood of Christ was given for amemorial to the Church, that we maynot forget the sufferings and death ofthe Lamb of GOD.So the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h was given to man fora weekly memorial, that on the seventhday he might dismiss all servile laborand care, and look back to the creationand holy rest, and thus call to mind,worship and adore the great YAHWEH.If man had kept the weekly rest, hewould never have forgotten GOD, whomade heaven and earth. „<strong>The</strong> wickedshall be turned into hell {to Sheol},and all the nations that forget GOD{Elohim}.“ Ps. ix: 17.This view gives the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h itsjust weight of importance. How wiseand wonderful the plan of YAHWEH,laid out in the beginning. Man was tolabour six days, and on the seventh dayrest from servile labour and care. Hewas to look to the heavens, the earth,the sea, and all things, even himself -the noblest of creation, and thus call tomind the Living God.<strong>The</strong> two Laws.<strong>The</strong>re is a clear distinction between thelaw of Moses, and the law of God inthe <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s.<strong>The</strong> law of Moses, was a law ofcarnal ceremonies, written by theHAND of Moses in a BOOK.<strong>The</strong> law of God, is the tencommandments, written by theFINGER of GOD on TWO TABLESOF STONE.One is called the BOOK of theCOVENANT, the other, the TABLESof the COVENANT.<strong>The</strong> law of Moses, was a law ofshadows, which were abolished whenthe new, second, and better covenantcame. Its „carnal rites,“ „burntofferings and sacrifices,“ „meats anddrinks, and divers washing‘s,“ were all„nailed to the cross“ when the Lamb ofGod shed his most precious blood.<strong>The</strong> law of God is a law of realities,bodies, never to be abolished.Those who confound these twolaws in one, cannot see, and feel theforce of‘ the commandments of God,and are in great danger of settlingdown on the modern view, that theseventh day <strong>Sabbat</strong>h is abolished. Iwill here introduce the two classes oftexts which distinctly show the twolaws, praying the Lord {YAHWEH} toguide the candid reader to a thoroughexamination of this subject.<strong>The</strong> Law of Moses.„And it came to pass, when Moseshad made an end of writing the wordsof this law in a BOOK, until theywere finished, that Moses commandedthe Levites which bore the ark of thecovenant of the Lord {YAHWEH},

300THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.saying, take this BOOK of the law,and put it in the SIDE of the ark ofthe covenant of the Lord {YAHWEH}your God.“- Deut. xxxi:.24-26. Seeverses 9-11.„And when they brought out themoney that was brought into the houseof the Lord {YAHWEH}, Hilkiahthe priest found a BOOK of the lawof the Lord {YAHWEH}, given bythe HAND of Moses.“ (See marg.)2 Chron. xxxiv: 14.„And he read in their ears all thewords of the BOOK of the COVENANTthat was found in the house of the Lord{YAHWEH}.“ See 2 Chron. xxxiv: 30.„And he read in their ears all thewords of the BOOK of the COVENANTwhich was found in the house of theLord {YAHWEH}.“ 2 Kings xxiii: 2.„And the king commanded all thepeople, saying, keep the passoverto the Lord {YAHWEH} your God,as it is written in the BOOK of thisCOVENANT.“ 2 Kings xxiii: 21.„And they spoke to Ezra the scribe,to bring the BOOK of the law ofMoses, which the Lord {YAHWEH}had commanded to Israel.“ See Neh.viii: 1-3.„<strong>The</strong>n said I, lo, I come (in thevolume of the BOOK it is writtenof me,) to do your will, O God.“Heb. x: 7; Gal. iii: 10.„Have you not read in the BOOK ofMoses.“ Mark xii : 26.<strong>The</strong> Law of God, or the tenCommandments.„And the Lord {YAHWEH} saidto Moses, come up to me into themount, and be there: and I will giveyou TABLES OF STONE, and a law,and commandments which I HAVEWRITTEN; that you may teach them.“Ex. xxiv: 12.„And he gave to Moses, when hehad made an end of communing withhim upon mount Sinai, two tables oftestimony, tables of stone written withthe FINGER OF GOD.“ Ex. xxxi: 18.„And the tables were the work ofGod, and the writing was the WRITINGOF GOD, graven upon the tables,“ SeeEx. xxii: 15-16.„And he wrote upon the tablesthe words of the COVENANT, THETEN COMMANDMENTS.“ SeeEx. xxxiv: 28, 29.„And he declared to you HISCOVENANT, which he commandedyou to perform, EVEN TENCOMMANDMENTS; and he wrotethem upon two tables of stone.“Deut. iv: 13.„And it came to pass at the endof forty days and forty nights, thatthe Lord {YAHWEH} gave me thetwo tables of stone, EVEN THETABLES OF THE COVENANT.“ SeeDeut. ix: 9-11; v: 22.Here we see two laws, and twocovenants; one written by the handof Moses in a book, the other writtenwith the finger of God on two tables ofstone.<strong>The</strong> ark of the covenant - a smallchest, four feet six inches and elevensixteenths long, and two feet, eightinches and thirteen sixteenths wide, andhigh, was made purposely to containthe covenant of commandments.See Ex. xxv: 10-16; Deut. x: 5;Kings viii: 9; Heb. ix: 4. <strong>The</strong> placefor the ark in the tabernacle andtemple, was the most holy within the

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.301second vail. Here in the holiest placeon earth God placed his covenant,his law, his testimonies, even theten commandments. St. John in holyvision, in the isle, Patmos, A. D. 96,saw the true sanctuary which the „Lord{YAHWEH} pitched, and not man,“of which Christ {the Messiah} is aminister or priest, in the third heavens,and has written -„And the temple of God{YAHWEH} was opened in heaven,and there was seen in his temple the arkof his testament.“ Rev. xi: 19.<strong>The</strong> typical sanctuary, pitched byman on earth in which was placed theark of the testimony, was destroyedA. D. 70, 26 years before John had hisrevelation; therefore he could see noother Temple of God {YAHWEH}, andark but those in the third heavens. Johnwhile in prophetic vision, looked downthe stream of time to the great antitypicaltenth day of the seventh monthatonement, (the only time for Jesusto open the „temple of the tabernacleof the testimony in heaven;“ Rev. xv:5-8, and pass within the second vail,and cleanse the sanctuary,) and saw theMost <strong>Holy</strong> of the Heavenly Sanctuaryopened, and in it he saw the ark of theten commandments. Yes, reader, God‘scovenant of commandments is aneverlasting covenant, perpetuated andpreserved in the Heaven of Heavens.A change of dispensations has notbroken, nor altered it.„If they break my statutes, andkeep not my commandments; <strong>The</strong>nwill I visit their transgressions.“„My covenant will I NOT BREAKNOR ALTER THE THING THATIS GONE OUT OF MY LIPS.“ SeePs. lxxxix : 31-34. God first spoke theten commandments from Sinai, thenwith his holy finger wrote them ontables of stone. <strong>The</strong> Pope has alteredthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h commandment from theseventh, to the first day of the week.God has not done it. He said he wouldnot „break, nor alter“ his covenant.Read what God has said on thisimportant subject by Isa. xxiv: 1-6.„Behold, the Lord {YAHWEH} makesthe earth empty, and makes it waste.And it shall be, as with the people, sowith the priest.“ „<strong>The</strong> land shall beutterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: forthe Lord {YAHWEH} has spoke thisword.“ „<strong>The</strong> earth also is defiled underthe inhabitants thereof; BECAUSEthey have transgressed the LAWS,changed the ORDINANCE, brokenthe EVERLASTING COVENANT.<strong>The</strong>refore has the curse devoured theearth, and they that dwell therein aredesolate: therefore the inhabitants of theearth are BURNED, and few men left.“All this is to come upon the inhabitantsof the earth, (with the exception ofthe „few men,“ who keep the wholelaw,) for changing the ordinance, (the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, from the seventh to the firstday of the week,) and breaking the lawof God. If men could see, and feel theawful importance of keeping God‘sholy law, they would tremble at theword of the Lord {YAHWEH}.<strong>The</strong> ten commandments are thefoundation of the whole Bible. <strong>The</strong>yare God‘s moral, royal law, given toman to live by, and by it he will bejudged. In our courts of justice, menare tried by the same laws that aregiven them to live by. <strong>The</strong>n we cannotavoid the conclusion, that we are tomeet the ten commandments in the dayof judgement, at the bar of God.„So speak you, and so do, as theythat shall be judged by the law of

302THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.liberty.“ James {Jacob} ii: 12. Thislaw is called the royal law vs. 8th, forit came forth from the King Eternal.James {Jacob} has quoted two of thecommandments from the decalogue invs. 11th, which shows that the royallaw of liberty by which man is to bejudged, is the ten commandments.Reader, how will you feel before thegreat white throne, when judged bythe law of God, if you break the fourthcommandment - the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h law.<strong>The</strong> two Lawsin the New Testament.This is very important subject. By nothaving a correct view of this subjectmany have stumbled, and have beenkept from the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h truth. It is myobject to show that the word law, inthe New Testament, does not apply toone and the same law; but sometimesit applies to the ceremonial law ofMoses, and sometimes to the moral lawof God, the ten commandments.If the word law so often usedby St. Paul, refers to only one law,then certainly, the apostle has oftencontradicted himself. Here I will givetwo texts from his epistles, whichspeak of the law, that the reader mayplainly see the contradiction, if but onelaw is meant.-„Christ is become of no effect toyou, whosoever of you are justified bythe law; you are fallen from grace.“Gal. v: 4.„For not the hearers of the law arejust before God, but the doers of thelaw shall be justified.“ Rom. ii: 13.Has the Apostle contradicted whathe wrote to the Galatians; in his letterto the Romans two years after? This, nobeliever in the Bible will admit. Whenwe apply the word law as we shouldthere is no contradiction. <strong>The</strong> languageof the text, and its connection willdetermine the application.When Paul speaks of the law inRom. ii: 12-22, he refers to the morallaw of commandments. This fact hesettles in verses 21, 22, by quoting threecommandmeats from the decalogue.When he speaks of the law in Gal.v: 4, he refers to the ceremonial law ofMoses. This is clear, and establishedby the fact that Paul is speaking ofcircumcision, and eating with theGentiles, and does not refer to themoral law.St. Paul‘s letter to the Romans waswritten A. D. 60. Read what he says tothem of the law, 27 years after the lawof Moses was abolished and dead.„Wherefore the law IS HOLY, andthe commandment holy, and JUST, andGOOD.“ Rom. vii: 12. „For we knowthat the law is spiritual:“ verse 14th.„For I DELIGHT in the law of Godafter the inward man;“ verse 22d.„I thank God, through Jesus Christ{Yahshua the Messiah} our Lord{Master}. So then, with the mind Imyself serve the law of God;“ verse25th.No one will say that Paul calls thelaw of Moses „spiritual,“ „holy, justand good,“ and that he delighted init, and SERVED it 27 years after itwas dead; therefore he is speaking ofanother law, the ten commandments.This plain fact is made still moreevident, if possible, by the 7th verse,where the Apostle quotes the lastcommandment in the decalogue. „Nay,I had not known sin, but by the law:for I had not known lust, except the law

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.303had said, YOU SHALL NOT COVET.“We are often refered to Rome. vii: 6,for proof that the law of God is dead.But it proves no such thing. Please readthis verse with the marginal reading,and you will see that it is the christianthat is dead to the law, and not the lawthat is dead.„But now we are delivered from thelaw, (the sentence of the law,) beingdead to that wherein we were held.“<strong>The</strong> law of God is the instrument toconvict the sinner of sin, and slay him,as it did Paul, that he might be justified,and made alive through faith in JesusChrist {Yahshua the Messiah}. „ForI was alive without the law once; butwhen the commandment came, sinrevived, and I died.“ Rom. vii: 9. Here,„the letter (or law) kills, but the spiritgives life.“ 2 Cor. iii: 6.„Do we then make void the lawthrough faith? God forbid: yes, weestablish the law.“ Rom. iii: 31.Any unprejudiced mind may see thetwo laws in the New Testament, bycarefully searching for the truth. Oneis called a yoke of BONDAGE; Gal.v: 1; the other is called a royal law ofLIBERTY; James {Jacob} i: 25; ii: 8.One was a law of „carnal ceremonies;“Heb. ix: 10; the other was the Apostle‘sdelight, holy, just, good, and spiritual.Here I will add the testimony of Jesus{Yahshua} in his sermon on the Mount.Mat. v: 17-33.„Think not that I am come todestroy the law, or the prophets. I amnot come to destroy, but to fulfil.“ Howmany are thinking that Jesus {Yahshua}abolished, and destroyed the law ofcomnmndments, the very thing he hastold them not to think. He came to fulfilthe law. <strong>The</strong> way to fulfill the law is tokeep it. This Jesus {Yahshua} did, inkeeping his Father‘s commandments.See John xv: 10.„For verily I say to you, Till heavenand earth pass, one jot or once tittleshall in no wise pass from the law, tillall be fulfilled.“This text proves that all ten of thecommandments, in the moral law are tocontinue in full force, not one relaxed,or taken away, while heaven and earthremain. <strong>The</strong> next verse shows thatJesus {Yahshua} was speaking of theten commandments.„Whosoever, therefore, shallviolate, or teach others to violate, wereit the least of these commandments,shall be in no esteem in the reign ofheaven; but whosoever shall practiseand teach them, shall be highlyesteemed in the reign of heaven.“ (SeeCampbell‘s trauslation.)<strong>The</strong> first four commandments, onthe first table of stone show man hisduty to his God. <strong>The</strong>y are the greatcommandments in the law, as they arelaws relating to man‘s duty to God.<strong>The</strong> last six, on the second table,show man his duty to his fellow man.<strong>The</strong>y are the least commandments inthe law as they are laws relating toman‘s duty to his fellow man.Jesus {Yahshua} here quotesthree of these least commandmentsfrom the second table of stone, whichestablishes the fact, without a shadowof a doubt, that he is speaking of theten commandments. See verses 21st,27th and 33d.Men may teach for a few days thatthe moral law is abolished, or thatthe fourth commandment is changed,or RELAXED, but how their false

304THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.assertions, and sophistry withers beforethe plain testimony of the Son of Godwho has said, „Till heaven and earthpass, ONE JOT or ONE TITTLE shallin NO WISE pass from the law.“ Andhow they will wither and fall in the dayof slaughter, and in the judgement.Reader, be not deceived by thosewho are trampling under their feetthe holy law of God. Do not, I beg ofyou, let them turn you from the plainteachings of the Saviour, and his holy.Apostles, in relation to the law of God.„ Are you violating the fourth, the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h commandment in that law?If you are, do it no longer. It is one ofthe great commandments: If those whobreak the least, will be of no esteemin the reign of heaven, how and wherewill you appear, if you violate one ofthe greatest commandments?Dear Brethren and Sisters -I hope this little sheet will affordyou comfort and strength. Love andduty have compelled me to send it outto you. I know you must be rooted, andbuilt up in the present truth, or you willnot be able to stand „in the battle iu theday of the Lord {YAHWEH};“ Eze.xiii: 5.<strong>The</strong> time has come when we must bewhole hearted in the troth. Everythingis to be shaken that can be; thereforethose whose feet are not planted, onthe rock, will be shaken all to pieces.Those only will be able to stand in theday of slaughter; who shall be foundkeeping the commandments of God,and the faith of Jesus {Yahshua}. It isno small thing to be a Christian. Wemust be pure in life and conversationhere in time, if we would enter the<strong>Holy</strong> City.<strong>The</strong> keeping of the fourthcommandment is all-importantpresent truth; but this alone, will notsave anyone. We must keep all ten ofthe commandments, and strictly followall the directions of the New Testament,and have living active faith in Jesus{Yahshua}. Those who would be foundready to enter the saint‘s rest, at theappearing of Christ, must live wholly,WHOLLY for Jesus {Yahshua} now.This little sheet is free for all. Thosewho are interested in Present Truth,and esteem it a privilege, are invited tohelp pay the expense. I would publishin pamphlet form, but it would be anumber of weeks before I could getout a pamphlet containing all I wish towrite. I shall send out 1000 copies ofthis sheet; then arrange the matter ofthis and the following Nos, and have1000 more of each No. printed to stitchtogether in pamphlet form, to distributeas they are called for.Will some brother or sister in eachplace where this sheet is received, sendme in plain writing the names and Post-Office address of all who are seekingpresent truth. Write soon. My Post-Office address is Middletown, Conn.In hope,JAMES WHITE.- - - - -<strong>Scripture</strong>s usually quoted to prove theabolition of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, examined.<strong>The</strong> principal portions of <strong>Scripture</strong>quoted to sustain the no-<strong>Sabbat</strong>hdoctrine, are all from the epistles of theApostle Paul. It i s my object to proveto the reader, that these <strong>Scripture</strong>s donot mean what they are said to mean;and that they do not present the leastevidence for the abolition of the weekly<strong>Sabbat</strong>h.

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.305We will first take a view of someof the trials of the early Church, and,the Apostle‘s labours with them intheir trials. A portion of the ChristianChurch were converts from thecircumcision, of Jews, and a portionfrom the uncircumcision, or Gentiles.<strong>The</strong> converts from the Jewish Churchwere still inclined to hold on to, andpractice many of the ceremonies andcustoms of the Jewish religion, inwhich they had been educated; whilethe Gentile Christians were free fromthese customs, as they had not beeneducated in them.Peter did not see that the Gospel{good tidings} was for the Gentiles,until God gave him a vision upon thehouse top, and sent him to preach tothem at the house of Cornelius. Hewould not eat with the Gentiles, orkeep company with them, until he wasshown that God was „no respecter ofpersons.‘ Acts x. 1-45.Certain men came down fromJudea, and taught the brethren thatthey must be circumcised in orderto be saved. „Paul and Barnabas hadno small dissention and disputationwith them, and went up to Jerusalemto the Apostles and elders about thisquestion.“ <strong>The</strong>re they were met bycertain of the sect of the Pharisees,which believed, who said „that itwas needful to circumcise them, andto command them to keep the law ofMoses.“ After they had discussed thisquestion, they came to the followingconclusion which they wrote and sentto the brethren which were of theGentiles in Antioch, and Syria, andCilicia.“„For it seemed good to the <strong>Holy</strong>Ghost {holy Spirit}, and to us, to layupon you no greater burden than thesenecessary things; that you abstain frommeats offered to idols, and from blood,and from things strangled, and fromfornication: from which if you keepyourselves, you shall do well. Fare youwell.“ Acts xv: 28, 29.With these facts before the mind,turn to Paul‘s epistle to the Galatians,where it is said that the Apostle hastaught the abolition of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h. <strong>The</strong>apostle says, „O FOOLISH Galatians,who has bewitched you, that you shouldnot obey the truth, before whose eyesJesus Christ {Yahshua the Messiah}has been evidently set forth, crucifiedamong you? This only would I learnof you. Received you the Spirit by theworks of the law, or by the hearing offaith.“ Gal. iii: 1, 2.It is very evident who had bewitchedthem. From what the Apostles says inthe first and second chapters, it is clearthat the Church in Galatia had beenled from the truth of the Gospel {goodtidings} by Judaizing teachers, who hadcommanded them to be circumcised,and to keep the law of Moses. Paulspeaks in his second chapter, of theconference at Jerusalem with theApostles and elders on this question,recorded in the Acts, xvi: 1-29.He then states that he withstood Peterto the face „because he was to beblamed,“ for eating with the GentileChristians in the absence of those ofthe circumcision, and then when theywere present refusing to eat with theGentiles. „But when I saw that theywalked not uprightly according to thetruth of the Gospel {good tidings},I said to Peter before them all. If youbeing a Jew, livest after the manner ofthe Gentiles, and not as do the Jews,why compellest you the Gentiles to liveas do the Jews.“ Gal, ii: 14.

306THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.I have been thus particular that thereader may clearly see, and understandthe Apostle‘s subject, in his epistle tothe Galatians.<strong>The</strong>y had left the simplicity of faithin Jesus {Yahshua}, and were turningback to the deeds of the law of Moses,which had been dead 25 years.Paul speaks of circumcision, oftheir observing days, and months, andtimes, and years, and eating with theGentiles; all of which related wholly tothe ceremonial laws of Moses, and hadno reference to the moral law of God,the ten commandments.„Christ {<strong>The</strong> Messiah} is becomeof no effect to you, whosoever of youare justified by the law; you are fallenfrom grace.“ Gal. v: 4.This text is frequently quoted bythe no-<strong>Sabbat</strong>h teachers to show thatthose who are keeping the seventh day<strong>Sabbat</strong>h have fallen from grace. Nowif we fall from grace for keeping thefourth commandment in the decalogue,do they not fall from grace for keepingthe first, third, fifth, seventh, or eighthcommandment in the same law? If wefall from grace by keeping the <strong>Sabbat</strong>hcommandment, we cannot be restoredagain to grace until we break it. And bythe same rule those who are keeping thethird, fifth, and eighth commandments,must dishonour their parents, swear,and steal, before they can be restoredby divine grace.“I leave the reader to decide as to thejustness of this startling conclusion.My desire is to hold up to view, theno-<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, no commandment systemin its true, hideous, and crooked form,that the reader may not be devouredby it. If we fall from grace by teachingthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h, then St. Paul, and all theApostles fell from grace, by teachingthe commandments.„Children, obey your parents inthe Lord {YAHWEH}; for this isright. Honor your father and mother,(which is the first commandment withpromise.“) Eph. vi: 1,2.This is the first commandment of thedecalogue which has a promise annexedto it, and the first on the second tableof stone. <strong>The</strong>re is not a man, or womanin the world, who believes that theApostle fell from grace for urging uponthe Ephesians the claims of the fifthcommandment in the moral law.Neither is there a man or woman,who really believes that we have fallenfrom grace, (for the sin of <strong>Sabbat</strong>hkeepingas some would have it,)for keeping and teaching the fourthcommandment. Those who give thisimpression do not really believe anysuch thing, but they seem willing togive this wrong impression, in order tohide the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h truth.„One man esteems one day aboveanother; another esteems every dayalike. Let every man be fully persuadedin his own mind.He that regards the day, regardsit to the Lord {YAHWEH}; and hethat regards not the day to the Lord{YAHWEH} he does not regard it. Hethat eats, eats to the Lord {YAHWEH},for he gives God {Elohim} thanks;and he that eats not, to the Lord{YAHWEH} he eats not, and givesGod {Elohim} thanks.“ Rom. xiv: 5, 6.If we would understand theApostle‘s subject and argument, wemust read the whole chapter.<strong>The</strong> Christians at Rome werelabouring under trials, similar to those

THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.307in other Churches. Some of them wereholding on to the Jewish customs ofeating, and feastdays, and others wereopposed to these customs. Paul‘sgreatest trial with them, was theirjudging one another, and making thesethings a test of Christian fellowslfip.„Let not him that eats, despise himthat eats not; and let not him whicheats not, judge him that eats; for God{YAHWEH} has received him.“ Rom.xiv: 3. He is here teaching them a lessonof Christian forbearance in those thingswhich were not a test of fellowship. Hewould have every man fully persuaded,and established, as to his own duty inregard to eating, and feastdays; thenact conscientiously before God. Such acourse was acceptable to God, thereforeit was wrong to judge one another.<strong>The</strong> Apostle was „all things to allmen,“ that „by all means“ he might„save some.“ He even had Timotheuscircumcised, because of the Jews. SeeActs xvi: 1-3. This Jewish custom wasnot to be observed by the ChristianChurch, still, Paul would have hisfellow laborer, (whose father was aGreek) circumcised, that they mightbetter find access to the Jews.„Circumcision is nothing, nothing, but thekeeping of the commandments of God{YAHWEH} IS SOMETHING.“ SeeWhiting‘s translation. 1 Cor. vii: 19.<strong>The</strong> keeping of the commandmentsof God {YAHWEH}, is no wherespoken of in the New Testamentas a thing of little importance, ascircumcision, eating, and feast-daysare; but it is always made a test ofChristian fellowship, and EternalSalvation.„He that says, I know him, and keepsnot his commandments, is a liar, andthe truth is not in him.“ 1 John ii: 4.„If you will enter into life keep thecommandments.“ Mat. xix: 17. „Forthis is the love of God {YAHWEH},that we keep his commandments.“1 John v: 3.<strong>The</strong>re is no evidence that St.Paul has reference to any of thecommandments of God {YAHWEH} inhis fourteenth chapter to the Romans.His subject is eating, and feast-dayswhich some of the Church regarded,and others did not. <strong>The</strong> word eats ismentioned in this chapter eleven times,eat three, meat four, drink twice, butthe <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (which the no-<strong>Sabbat</strong>hteachers understand to be the subjectof this chapter,) is not once mentioned.Those who have relied on this chapteras proof of the abolition of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h,have guessed at Paul‘s meaning, but ifthey will carefully examine the wholechapter, with a desire to get the truth,they will see that they have guessedwrongly. If we read only the fifth andsixth verses of this chapter, without anunderstanding of the Apostle‘s subject,we may infer that the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h is meant.But an understanding of his subject, histrials, and his labor with his brethren atRome, destroys all grounds for even aninference, that he refers to the seventhday<strong>Sabbat</strong>h.Now let the reader bear this inmind, that Rom. xiv: 5, 6, is one of thefour, or five texts which support thewhole no-commandment, no <strong>Sabbat</strong>hargument. I have shown that the no-<strong>Sabbat</strong>h system has no foundationin this portion of <strong>Scripture</strong>; and bythe help of the Spirit of truth, I willshow that it has no foundation in the<strong>Scripture</strong>s of truth.

308THE PRESENT TRUTH - July, 1849.It is time for us to be fully awaketo the whole truth in relation to the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h; and not be deceived by thosewho are making void the law of God{YAHWEH}. O, that God {YAHWEH}would wake up the „little flock,“ andshow them all, His <strong>Sabbat</strong>h.To be Continued.from „THE PRESENT TRUTH“, byJames White, Middletown, Conn., July,1849, vol. 1, no. 1Editor has written: {...}

310THE ADVENT REVIEWVol. 1 Paris, ME, November, 1850. No. 5„Call to remembrance the former days.“Second Advent Way Marks and High Heaps.Revised by Joseph Bates.[Continued from No. 4.]THIRD WAYMARK, THE FALL OF BABYLON.„And there followed another angel, saying Babylon is fallen, is fallen, thatgreat city, (What for?) because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrathof her fornication.“ . She has made all the world drink from that cup of poison.Rev. xvii, 4. Hence as John says, „the inhabitants of the earth are made drunk“ -and the only remedy pointed out by God to. heal his people of this awful malady,and make them sober again, is to „come out of her“ altogether, for while you staythere you will be continually drunk with her poison.I have now come to a waymark which has been represented under so manyfalse colorings by the majority of these messengers, making it very difficult for allthe honest hearted to keep their eyes upon it long enough to be fully satisfied of itsidentity, that I need wisdom from God to direct, and by his help I will try, not togo all over the ground, which has been ably done by the minority, but touch someof the points, and show it fulfilled as it stands in our pathway. I at first supposedthat this should be called the second waymark, instead of the tarrying time; but Ithink it will be seen where I have placed it, by the time I have described the fourthwaymark. I is true it began to be seen before the second one, but its prominencywas nor fully discovered until we had passed the most trying part of the tarryingtime. „And there followed another angel“ - that is, during the judgment hourcry, some of the same messengers, with others that had been joining the ranks,commenced the second message, saying as in the text, „Babylon is fallen.“Many of the prominent and leading messengers, utterly rejected this message,while others were burdened and pained to be delivered. <strong>The</strong> message began tobe heard in the fall of 1843, and increased in proportion to the first, down to thetarrying time. Here the subject began to be pretty thoroughly discussed, but stilla great number of virgins could not, or would not understand it, on account of thedifference of opinion among the messengers. Not that any of them doubted themessage being given, for that could not be disputed any more that the first; butwhat the scriptural meaning of the fall of Babylon was. As the Advent Shield wasintroduced here in the tarrying time, for the especial purpose of reviewing all thepast, so that our standard might be perfect and clear, this subject was canvassedin the iv. Article, page 112. What is Babylon, and what is the fall of Babylon?<strong>The</strong>y answer on pages 119 and 120, that Babylon is the world, and her fall thecoming of Christ. Notice one thing here; the authors of this standard work opposedthe giving of this message in its main features. <strong>The</strong>y called Babylon „Babel,“ „thecity of Rome,“ „the Catholic Church“ and lastly „the World.“ But those that had

THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.311been burdened with this subject andfelt the cry in them, insisted upon itthat these were mistaken, for Jesus hadsaid, „If any man will do his will, heshall know of the doctrine whether itbe of God.“ And they knew perfectlywell that they had not been to Babel,nor into the Catholic church, nor to thecity of Rome, to preach this doctrine,neither were they burdened to preach itto all the world; but to the organizedchurches, where God‘s people were. -It now began to be more clearlydiscerned that the standard work hadnot given the scriptural exposition ofBabylon and her fall; for the mightycry of these flying messengers withhis second message, began to make thenominal organized churches tremble totheir foundations. At this crisis anothereffort was put forth to check thesedisorganizers. Mr. Miller now came outwith a different exposition, showingthat Babylon would fall twice –first on the French Revolution, in theeighteenth century, second at the finaldestruction of all things. It was clearlyseen that this position, if followed,would preclude the necessity of the 2dand 3d messages that were to follow thefirst, in Rev. xiv, 6, 7, until the saintswere immortalized. And yet in otherparts of the book (from which I shallquote by and by) he clearly showedthat this was the time for the message,and it was actually being given.Subsequently he came out againwith his view of Revelations xiv., 6-20,where he says, „I regard the woman ormystical Babylon as the fallen church,and all churches, that have the papalspirit. But it does not fallow that therecan be no churches that love the Lordin sincerity.“ I wonder if there is suchan organized church to be found. Ithink this globe will be searched invain for it.He further says of the loud cry(first waymark) in Rev. 6,7, „that itwill continue until Christ comes in hiskingdom. <strong>The</strong> 2d message in 8v., thefall of Babylon, will take place afterChrist comes. And further, that theangel in xviii, 1,2 is the Lord Jesusdescending from heaven to take thekingdom. When the angel has declaredor is declaring the fall of Babylon,then the 3d angel that followed the 2din xiv, 9-12, is showing the fate of hisworshippers, and that the 13v. is theresurrection, and must synchronizewith chapter xviii., 4, come out andmeet him in the air, - 14 – 16 v., here thesaints are called to meat the Lord in theair. <strong>The</strong>n 17 – 20, the vine of the earthis reaped. And this is the harmoniousview of the scriptures. To apply themdifferently is to pervert them.“ Now Idon‘t mean to pervert the scriptures,neither can I receive this exposition.It is evident from xviii., 4, that God‘speople are called out of Babylon, thatthey may not receive of he plagues.How many plagues are there?<strong>The</strong> angel says seven. Now, Mr. M.taught at that time, and I suppose fullybelieved, that six of these plagues hadbeen poured out. Indeed, he has taughtin his book, and in almost every placewhere he has given a course of lectures,that the seven last plagues (of coursethere are no plagues to come after thelast) would be poured out before thegathering of the saints. Rev. xvi. Showsclearly that six of them will be pouredout before Christ comes. (See v. 15)Now if God‘s people have to wait inBabylon until Christ takes them out athis coming, as he has here attempted toshow, then there is no meaning to the 4th v. of the xviii, where God‘s peopleare called out of Babylon to get clear

312THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.of, or receive not of her plagues! NowI say this same text is proof positive thatGod‘s people are called out of Babylonbefore the last plagues are poured out.And Babylon certainly falls before theSecond Angel calls them out.Once more the voice from Heavenin 4h v. says, - Come out of her mypeople. <strong>The</strong>n if they do obey this call,it certainly will be an act of their ownwill in obedience to the voice fromHeaven. Will it be so when Christcomes? No, No. <strong>The</strong> Apostle tellsus that the Saints will be changed inthe twinkling of an eye, and coughtup in the air. This certainly is a verydifferent act. <strong>The</strong> Saints then must go,they cannot avoid it. So we see that themeaning of the text is voluntary, whilethe latter is involuntary. This is onlya few out of the many difficulties thatthis exposition would have led God‘speople into if they had followed it.For it was very evident that therewere two processes for Babylon to passthrough, after her fall and God‘s peoplehad come out of her; viz: - 1st. „utterlyburned with fire, v. 8. 2d, found nomore at all,“ v. 21.About this time [August, 1844,] tenthousand extras of the Voice of Truth,containing the Editor‘s , S. S. Snow‘sand Geo. Storr‘s Exposition, werepublished, showing what was Babylonand her fall, &c., &c. - This presentedthe subject in so clear a light, and inaccordance with the teachings of theSpirit, that it was clearly seen thatBabylon, that great city symbolized bya „woman seated upon a scarlet coloredbeast, full of names of blasphemyhaving seven heads and ten horn,“represented the existing organizedChurches which had now fallen inconsequence of rejecting the doctrineof the Second Advent of our Saviour,which was now being given by themessengers that were flying throughthe midst of Heaven, just as the JewishChurch fell by the rejection of the FirstAdvent. See Matthew xxxiii.And the Beast with seven headsand ten horns, on which the Womanis seated, represented, „the kingdomsof this world drunken with the wineof the wrath of her fornication.“ <strong>The</strong>woman a symbol of the fallen Church,and the ten horned beast a symbol ofthe kingdoms of this world, just asclosely united and connected togetheras the woman is seated on the beast; -witness the union of Church and Statesupported by Civil, Military and Navalpower throughout Christendom. Stillit is difficult for many to distinguishbetween the woman and the beast sheis seated upon. - <strong>The</strong>y confound it andmake both one. Now to illustrate by asimple figure, for instance, a beautiful,gray dressed woman seated upon agreat red horse; now who would umthe risk of being laughed at for hisignorance by saying that the horse andwoman were one, and that there was nodistinction. Would it not be perfectlyplain that they were two. <strong>The</strong> womanriding and the horse carrying thewoman, - so closely connected togetherthat when the horse moved, the womanmoved also. Would it not be obvious,also, that they were both separate, andat a certain period of time the womanmounted the horse, and became thusunited and closely connected withhim by riding about the world at herpleasure.Well then, in the same point ofview, look at this mystery Babylon,which is called a Woman, and thisten horned beast (which representsthe kingdoms of this world) carryingher. In Revelation xii, 6, 14 John see

THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.313her entirely separate from the beast,struggling with these beastly kingdomsto maintain her honour and purity. Shewas then the pure Church. In the xvii.chap. the Angel directs John to look ather again. She is now about 1260 yearsolder than when he last described her.What a mighty change. She has nowbecome a drunken harlot. With wine?No. But with the blood of God‘s dearchildren, v. 6. - Matthew xxiii, 34, 35.She has made the inhabitants of theearth drunk with her poisonous cup,and the kings of the earth while thusintoxicated, have unlawfully unitedwith her, and she rules, guides, anddirects them as the rider does the redhorse. She is now riding at her leisurefull of names of blasphemy, with theblasphemous name written on herforedhead, MYSTERY BABYLON.THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OFHARLOTS, AND ABOMINATIONSOF THE EARTH. <strong>The</strong> 15th v.Interprets the 1st v and says „thewaters she sets upon are peoples,and multitudes, and nations andtongues.“ <strong>The</strong>se are what the beastrepresent.<strong>The</strong> woman whoch you saw is thatgreat city which reigns over the kingsof the earth. That is, they are perfectlyunder her control. This is the Mother,Papacy, Catholicim, or the RomanCatholic Church. She has harlotchildren, what do they represent, theProtestant and Greek Church, inall their organizations, representedin the xviii chap. <strong>The</strong> Angel says theywere divided into three parts, xvi, 19.- It is brought to view again in the xi,13th v. where it says „a tenth part ofthe city fell.“ This we have invariablytaught, transpired in the Revolution inFrance not far from 1790. <strong>The</strong> tenthpart of what city fell then? We say thetenth part of Babylon. How did it fall,did the territory of France fall? No. O,that would be a tenth part of the beast.Did the people fall? No. What then?Why Ecclesiastical power both in theCatholic and Prostestant Church weredestroyed. Was that the coming of theLord [Master, Saviour]? No, it wasthe fall of the tenth part of Babylon.Here then is further proof that the fallof Babylon is not the coming of theLord. But it is demonstrated to be theorganized Churches.Still further, according to John‘svision in xiv Revelation Babylon mustfull in the time that the angel is givingthe everlasting gospel [good tidings] atthe hour of God‘s judgment, for he saysthere followed another angel. <strong>The</strong>n thiswas the next thing in order after theflying messengers had fairly introducedthe Second Advent doctrine, and it wasopposed and rejected by the Churches.<strong>The</strong>ir cry was, Babylon is fallen, isfallen. She has rejected the messageof the angel that preceded. It was nowobvious that she had drank from thecup of poison so deeply, that it hadseized her vitals. She therefore utterlyrejected her coming Lord [Master,Saviour].Where is the history for thefulfillment of this event? We answer.Just where it ought to be, following inits order, and no where else. When thissubject first began to be introduced in1843, the most of the professed nominalChurches had closed their doors againstthe Second Advent doctrine, and beganto treat the message with scorn andcontempt. Some however looked at itmore favorably until this message waspresented in a clear Scriptural light,they then withdrew, and began stoutlyto declare it the doctrince of the Devil.At this erisis the loud cry from Heaven

314THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.was nervously proclaimed, come outof her my people, &c. Now I do notremember of hearing an objectionagainst the doctrine‘s being in itsproper order. If, as we fully believe, wewere now called to go out and meetthe Bridegroom, this message was justwhere it should be, of this, thousandswere fully convinced, for it was justwhat we were witnessing all aroundus, and it fully accorded with thepredictions of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Pauland John. - By comparing Revelationxvii, 2, and xviii, 9, it was perfectlyevident that no other body couldcommit this sin of fornication with thekings of the earth; but the organizedChurches, the professed people ofGod, whose law requires them tobe separate from the world. Everysect is therefore guilty, for they areunlawfully connencted with the world,and consequently condemned.This way mark was now distinctlyseen in our pathway, linked in with,or chained on to the judgment hourcry; and stretching its way throughthe tarrying time, crying mightily witha strong voice (as was never heardbefore, nor since Oct. 1844,) „Babylonis fallen, is fallen, and is become (notwill be) the habitation of devils, andthe hold of every foul spirit, and acage of every unclean and hatefulbird.“This message now moved onwardwith the rapidity of the first, causing inits flight the nominal Churches to shakemightily. How then could this be thework of the Devil as many have said.Even the Churches themselves knewthat it was the very opposite of anything the Devil had ever done before.Now if we have proved thatmystery Babylon, the antitype of literalBabylon, which signifies confusionand mixture, represents the organizedChurches of all descriptions, dividedinto three parts, Revelation xvi, 19,viz: Roman, Greek, and Protestant.<strong>The</strong>n is it not clear that this call fromHeaven „come out of her my people,“is delivered by messengers calling onGod‘s people to come out of theseChurches, and belongs to this messagein connection with the history as statedin Revelation xviii, 1-4.RESPECTING ANGELS.<strong>The</strong>se undoubtedly are invisible:God‘s spiritual beings, ever ready toexecute his orders, and as they flywith their messages proclaiming themin heaven, the HOLY Ghost [Spirit],whose office it is to take the things ofGod and show them to us, introducesthe message in its heavenly characterto the Church on earth.Thus the plans of God are executed,word and spirit agreeing. Angels, firstproclaiming the message in heaven,and then men to their fellow men onearth, as it has been in Advent historysince 1837. Our business then is withthe Protestant Church, for it will beadmitted by all that the Roman andGreek Church are corrupt and anti-Christian.WHAT IS A CHURCH?A Christian Church is an assemblyor congregation of faithful men. Ananti-Christian Church is an assemblyor congregation of unfaithful men.This Church proves itself corrupt andanti-Christian.1st. By trampling on humanity ordisregarding its claims.2d. By becoming earnally minded andcovetous.

THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.3153d. By ceasing to do the work for whichChristian Churches were founded. And4th, by disregarding or renouncing anyof the fundamental truths of the Bible.This I believe is the mildest formof an anti-Christian Church, andwhoever remains in it is far from beingblameless in the sight of men, and ofcourse criminal in the sight of God;hence the imperious necessity for thecall, „come out of her my people.“That the Bible does speak of such a callis perfectly clear from the followingtestimony, „Depart you, depart you,go you out from thence, - go you outof the midst of her, be you clean thatbear the vessels of [YAHWEH].“Isaiah lii [52], 11. Jeremiah speakingof literal Babylon, and John of mysticalBabylon, shows clearly that the fist atype of the second, and harmonizeswith other prophets and makes thesubject clear in this last message to theChurches. He says, „Flee out of themidst of Babylon and deliver everyman his soul.“ Jeremiah li [51], 6 -„We would have healed Babylon, butshe is not healed, forsake her.“ v. 9.„God [YAHWEH] says the Daughterof Babylon is like the threshing floor,it is time to thresh her, yet a littlewhile and the time of her harvestshall come,“ v. 33. This shows clearlythat the message to her is before theharvest, which is the end of the world.Again in v. 45, „My people go you outof the midst of her and deliver youevery man his soul.“ – Micah showsthat the Daughter of Zion shall go outof the city into the field, iv, 10. Johnsays [Revelation 17,18], „the womanwhich you saw is that great Citywhich reigns over the kings of theearth.“ Here in v. 13, the Daughterof Zion is called upon to thresh, andyou shall beat in pieces many people.Zechariah says, „Deliver yourself, OZion, that dwell with the daughterof Babylon,“ ii,7-14. <strong>The</strong>se scripturesshow a work to be performed before theResurrection. And that the Daughter ofZion is the true Church, the remnantthat have literally gone out of the City(the Church) into the fields and into thewoods, and there held their meetings.Paul is in perfect harmony withthese, and says, „Wherefore comeout from among them, an be youseparate, says [YAHWEH], andtouch not the unclean thing, andI will receive you, and I will bea Father to you and you shall bemy sons and daughters, says theAlmighty,“ ii Corinthians vi, 17, 18.Come out from what? See v. 14, fromunrighteous believers. Where did Paullearn this doctrine before the visions inRevelation were given? Why from thevery Prophets which I have quoted, andhe makes the promise strong by quotingGod for his author. I suppose that everyrational person would admit that theseprphecies realting to this subject wouldbe fulfilled, and this message givenbefore the second advent. Says thereader, the great difficulty with me isthat I don‘t believe that this Woman,called „Mystery Babylon,“ „the greatcity,“ represents the present organizedchurches. Well, but it representssomething. O yes. What is it, then?<strong>The</strong>re are but four names or expositionsgiven to Babylon that I have read of,and only one of these can be the true.– Let us try them by a simple rule.<strong>The</strong> first, then, as the Advent Shieldsays, the kingdoms of this world arecomprised in Babylon.Isaiah says, „depart you, departyou, go you out from thence.“Jeremiah says, „flee out of the midstof Babylon – my people go you out

316THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.of the midst of her, and deliver youevery man his soul.“ Micah says,„For now shall you go fort out ofthe city,“ (Babylon.) Zechariah says,„Deliver yourself, O Zion, that dwellwith the daughter of Babylon.“ Paulssays, „Come out from among them,and be separate.“ <strong>The</strong> last cry is,„Come out of her my people, thatyou be not PARTAKERS OF HERSINS.“ Come out of what? Why outof the world! – that is what the Shieldcalls Babylon. Where shall we go? Weare told, up to meet the Lord [Master.Saviour] in the air. Who cannot see,to say the least of it, that this is aper<strong>version</strong> of those texts? Do look attheir connection, especially the lastthree. See if they will compare with1 <strong>The</strong>s. iv, 16-18, and 1 Cor. xv, 52.Besides it is absolutely contradictingthe angel to say that Babylon is thekingdoms of this world, for he saysthe woman (Babylon) „which you sawis that great city which reigns overkings of the earth.“ How can a cityreign over itself?2d. Babylon has also been calledthe City of Rome. „Come out of theCity of Rome, my people.“ <strong>The</strong>y arenot there, and have not been for manyhundreds of years. Anti-Christ reignsthere.3d. <strong>The</strong> Papacy or Catholic Churchhas been called Babylon. Come out ofthe Catholic Church, my people. Youcall in vain, they are not there – theydeparted from her certainly 300 yearsago.4th. And last, the cry is made inthe Protestant churches, „Come outof her, my people.“ What is now theresponse? Thousands on thousandsdissolve their connection, and outthey come, under the full convictonthat this loud cry is to them, and thechurches which they are leaving arefallen Babylon, because they haverejected the message which precededthis. – „<strong>The</strong> hour of his judgmentis come.“ <strong>The</strong>ir houses which theyhave closed against this second adventmessage, are left to them desolate. Godhas left them in their own confusion.And hundreds and thousands of themhave in their own way acknowledgedit since. I ask you to look back to thesummer and fall of 1844, where yousee the fulfillment of this 2d angel‘smessage in a most wonderful andstriking manner in almost every townand city throughout New England.Why not somewhere else just as well?Because the sun was darkened here,and these flying messengers, as I haveshown, multiplied and congregatedhere – and this being the lightest spotunder the whole heavens, the messagewas heard first here, and then carriedout to the utmost bounds of the earth.It is true, many of the Middle, Westernand Southers States, and the Canadas,have joined. Some object because itwas not simultaneous in England, &c.If you will look at the [Revelation] xiv,chap. you will see that it was the firstmessenger only that sent his messageto every nation, kindred, tongue andpeople. It has also been objected thatthe dark day was no sign, because itdid not extend farther. But who doesnot know that it was more strikingon this account? If as much as I havenow written in these forty lines, hadbeen recorded as history some fewyears ago, say relative to the soundingof the sixth angel or the sixth plague,who would have douhted? What thenshall we do with the above, and muchmore that could be added, if necessary?Yes, I could begin to call names, andshow from seventy-five to one hundred

THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.317living cases in Fairhaven and NewBedford that fulfilled this prophecy,that either came out or were turnedout of the churches about this time. Itmakes no difference whether they areinfidels of backsliders now; they canclaimed to be God‘s people, and theywere so long as they obeyed, in hisfear. I am aware that there were manyothers that left these churches beforeand at this time that had no faith in thismessage, but they saw the church waspro-slavery and had no sympathy forthe poor, down-trodden slave; on thisground alone (and this was clear duty,)they came out from her unhallowedcommunion. <strong>The</strong> advent doctrine wasthe last, and crowning test which Godever gave his people to come awayand separate themselves from allunrighteous unbelievers. Why, whodoes not remember what a perfect rushthere was to get out of these churchesjust before the message ended in theclosing up of A Cry at Midnight? <strong>The</strong>yseemed to be as thoroughly convincedof this duty as many ministers andlaymen did that thronged to thewater side to be buried with Christ inbaptism, being satisfied that they hadwithstood this ordinance as long asthey dared to. Notwithstanding Mr.Miller took the ground as I have quotedthat Babylon‘s second fall would be, orthe second angel‘s message fulfilled atthe second advent, he has in the samebooks previously noticed, (AdventLibrary, No. 47, page 19, 20,) admittedthe whole message in its time andplace. Hear him:THE MOTHER OF HARLOTSWell may the Church of Romeclaim the title of Mother Church;and those churches which have comeout from her may as well be calledHARLOTS. For there are few of themat this time, but are partaking of the oldmother‘s character, and committing thesame ABOMINATIONS of pride, vainshow, worldly grandeur and riches,popular applause and political power. –Where is there a Protestant sect but nowclaims the same authority as the Popeover those who may honestly differfrom them in understanding the wordof God? Never did the Church of Romepersecute the Protestant Covenantersmore when they fled from theirfellowship, than the sects of the presentdaywould the Adventists had they thepower [Editor: But the Adventist -SDA - have today the fellowship withthe Church of Rome: COME OUT OFHERE, MY PEOPLE]. See the venomof our sectarian papers which is castout against those who believed in thenear coming of the dear Savior. <strong>The</strong>yhave all in their turn been come-outers.Why not let the Advent brethren havethe same privilege? (Sure enough.)Why complain? You gave us a sample,we are only working after the copy.You once called the Church of Romethe mother of harlots. We, because youpartake of her nature and perform heracts, CALL YOU HARLOTS. Thisis the scripture langugage, and wasonce yours when you came out. – <strong>The</strong>present moment is one in which the sinsof the people are reaching ‚to heaven,‘“page 34. Why keep back the message,then? Why not allow those to declare itthat were burdened with it also. …WHO IS THE BRIDE?… This is why symbolically,Jerusalem is denominated the Bride.As Old Jerusalem was the metropolisof ancient Israel, so will the New be

318THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.the capital of the true Israel. And whenthe fulness of times had come Jesus[Yahshua] was to claim his right. Thatwe believe has arrived. Jesus has askedof the „Ancient of Days the heathenfor his inheritance, and the uttermostparts of the earth for his possession.“He has claimed as his legal right, beingthe Son of David, the city which hasfoundations, and soon his faithful ones,the children of the Jerusalem above,will behold their glorious eternalMother, and „be delighted with theabundance of her glory.“„Fly swifter round you wheels oftime And bring the welcome day.“This last objection naturallysuggests another often urged, viz: Howthe New Jerusalem can say „come,“ asin Rev. xxii, 17.If the careful reader will noticethe preceeding verse a solution of thisapparent mystery may be found. Letus read. „I, Jesus [Yahshua] have sentmy angel to testify to you these thingsin the churches [assemblies!]. I amthe root and offspring of David, andthe bright and morning star.“ [verse16.] Now v. 17 „<strong>The</strong> Spirit and thebride say, Come,“ How plain themeaning“ Just as if Jesus [Yahshua]had thus spoken; „I am the offspringof David, therefore the legitimate heirto his throne; I have been giving to thechurch [assembly] through my servantJohn a revelation concerning thecoming of that Kingdom; I have carriedhim in the spirit down the stream oftime to the hour when I shall claomthe Secptre; I have „showed“ him theglorious Metropolis, my „Wife“ inall the effulgence of her glory; I haverevealed to him the terms in which thesons of men, may become children ofthe bride-chamber and be permitted tocelebrate the marriage supper; and notat the close of this prophecy, where thecurtain is that hides eternity from mysons and daughters, the Spirit and theBride cry Come! Is she not the glorious„Mother?“ Can you turn from the callto the wedding-feast, the call to aneverlasting kingdom? Come O Come!– Share my glory.“ Oh! How beautifulthe metaphor – the Bride says Come!But let us read the passage inquestion and give it the verse that theobjector would give. „And the Spiritand the bride say come.“ This isunderstood, „<strong>The</strong> Spirit and the Church[Assembly] say come. Let us proceed.„And let hin that hears say come.“… - who is it that „hears?“ <strong>The</strong> Church[Assembly], you answer. Suppose thenwe read again the verse, and give itthis rendering. „And the Spirit andthe church [assembly] say come. Andlet the church [assembly] say come?Who can fail to see, that by such aninterpretation, its beauty and harmonyis sadly marred.* * * * * * *How often have we heard ministerspreach from this text, and by it showthe freeness of salvation in this stafe,„come,“ say they, and drink of thewater of life – come, and receive theforgiveness of sind! How has thislanguage been perverted. When canwe partake of the water of life? In amortal state? Certainly not. John showsus where that crystal tide will flow.Rev. xxii, „And he showed me a pureriver of water of life, clear as crystal,proceeding out of the throne of Godand the Lamb. – „In the midst of thestreet of it, (the City) and on eitherside of the river, was the tree of life“&c. To teach that we can now drinkof that water is practically teaching

THE ADVENT REVIEW - November, 1850.319that we are now in the New Jerusalem!A child may see this. Turn toRev. vii, 13-17. Here John has a viewof the redeemed, who have come upout of great tribulation. „We shallhunger no more, neither thirst anymore.“ Why shall they thirst no more?„For the Lamb, which is in the midstof the throne, shall feed them, andshall lead them to living fountainsof water; and God [YAHWEH] shallwipe away all tears from teir eyes.“* * * * * * *<strong>The</strong> true child of God, is nowemphatically thirsting to drink fromthat living fountain, that „pure river,clear as crystal,“ never to thirstagain. „<strong>The</strong> marriage of the Lambis come!“ <strong>The</strong> supper prepared! Allthings are now ready. <strong>The</strong> invitation isnow exented to the guests, come „andlet him that hears say come.“ <strong>The</strong>solicitation is accepted – the answerreturned, „even so, come, Lord Jesus[Master Yahshua].“ – Hope of Israel.„THE ADVENT REVIEW“,vol. 1, Paris, ME., November, 1850,No. 5, by Joseph Bates ...Editor: [...]

320INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THESEPROPHECIESIN PRE-REFORMATION TIMES.First, then, let us glance at the history of prophetic interpretation in theinterval extending from apostolic times to the fall of the Roman empire in thefifth century. This was the period of the so-called Fathers of the Christian Church.A multitude of their writings remain to us, containing, not only almost countlessreferences to the prophecies in question, but complete commentaries on Danieland the Apocalypse. It is boldly claimed by many that the Fathers of the first fivecenturies held the futurist interpretation of these books. We deny the correctnessof this position, and assert that the Fathers of the first five centuries belonged tothe historical school of interpretation. It was impossible for them, owing to theearly position which they occupied, rightly to anticipate the manner and scaleof the fulfilment of these wondrous prophecies; but as far as their circumstancespermitted they correctly grasped their general significance, and adhered to thatinterpretation which regards prophecy as foretelling the whole course of theChurch‘s warfare from the first century to the second advent.It is impossible at this time to do more than present a brief summary of theviews of the Fathers on this subject, and to name and refer you to their works.1. <strong>The</strong> Fathers interpreted the four wild beasts of prophecy as representingthe four empires, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Here we have thefoundation of the historical interpretation of prophecy. Take as an instance thewords of Hippolytus on the great image and four wild beasts of Daniel: „<strong>The</strong>golden head of the image,“ he says, „is identical with the liones, by whichthe Babylonians were represented; the shoulders and the arms of silver arethe same with the bear, by which the Persians and Medes are meant; thebelly and thighs of brass are the leopard, by which the Greeks who ruledform Alexander onwards are intended; the legs of iron are the dreadful andterrible beast, by which the Romans who hold the empire now are meant; thetoes of clay and iron are the ten horns which are to be; the one other littlehorn springing up in their midst is the antichrist; the stone that smites theimage and breaks it in peaces, and that filled the whole earth, is Christ, whocomes from heaven and brings judgment on the world.“ (Hippolytus: vol. i., p. 447.)This statement is remarkable for its clearness, correctness, and condensation,and expresses the view held still by the historic school.Hippolytus says, in the treatise on „Christ and Antichrist“: „Rejoice, blessedDaniel, you have not been in error; all these things have come to pass“ (p. 19).„Already the iron rules; already is subdues and breaks all in pieces; already itbrings all the unwilling into subjection; already we see these things ourselves.Now we glorify God, being instructed by you“ (p. 20).2. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the ten-horned beasts of Daniel and John are thesame. As an instance, Irenæus, in his book „Against Heresies,“ chap. xxvi., says:„John, in the Apocalypse, ... teaches us what the ten horns shall be whichwere seen by Daniel.“

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.3213. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held the historic interpretation of the Apocalypse. As Elliottsays, none of the Fathers „entertained the idea of the apocalyptic prophecyoverleaping the chronological interval, were it less or greater, antecedent to theconsummation, and plunging at once into the times of the consummation.“ (Elliott:„Horæ Apocalypticæ,“ vol. iv., p. 299, 4th ed.) Here, for example, is the commentaryof Victorinus on the Apocalypse of John, written towards the end of the thirdcentury. This is the earliest commentary extant on the Apocalypse as a whole.In this, the going forth of the white horse under the first seal is interpretedof the victories of the gospel in the first century. This view, you will observe,involves the historical interpretation of the entire book of Revelation.Victorinus interprets the woman clothed with the sun, having the moon under herfeet, and wearing a crown of twelve stars on her hand, and travailing in her pains,as „the ancient Church of fathers, prophets, saints, and apostles“; in other words,the Judæo-Christian body of saints. He could not, of course, point to fulfilmentswhich were at his early date still future, but he recognises the principle.4. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the little horn of Daniel, the man of sin foretold byPaul, and the revived head of the Roman empire predicted by John, representone and the same power; and they held that power to be the antichrist. Forexample, Origen, in his famous book, „Against Celsus,“ thus expresses himself(bk. vi., chap. xlvi.). After quoting nearly the whole of Paul‘s prophecy about the manof sin in 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians, which he interprets of the antichrist, he says: „SinceCelsus rejects the statements concerning antichrist, as it is termed, havingneither read what is said of him in the book of Daniel, nor in the writings ofPaul, nor what the Saviour in the gospels has predicted about his coming, wemust make a few remarks on this subject. ... Paul speaks of him who is calledantichrist, describing, though with a certain reserve, both the manner and timeand cause of his coming. ...<strong>The</strong> prophecy also regarding antichrist is stated in thebook of Daniel, and is fitted to make an intelligent and candid reader admire thewords as truly Divine and prophetic; for in them are mentioned the things relatingto the coming kingdom, beginning with the time of Daniel, and continuing to thedestruction of the world.“Jerome, in his commentary on the book of Daniel (chap. vii.), says, withreference to the little horn which has a mouth speaking great things, that „itis the man of sin, the son of perdition, who dares to sit in the temple of God,making himself as God.“ („Est enim homo peccati, filius perditionis, ita ut in templo Deisedere audeat, faciens se quasi Deum.“)5. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the Roman empire was the „let,“ or hindrance,reffered to by Paul in 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians, which kept back the manifestation ofthe „man of sin.“ This point is of great importance. Paul distinctly tells us thathe knew, and that the <strong>The</strong>ssalonians knew, what that hindrance was, and that itwas then in existence. <strong>The</strong> early Church, through the writings of the Fathers, tellsuns what it knew upon the subject, and with remarkable unanimity affirms thatthis „let,“ or hindrance, was the Roman empire as governed by theCaesars; that while the Caesars held imperial power, it was impossiblefor the predicted antichrist to arise, and that on the fall of theCaesars he would arise. Here we have a point on which Paul affirms the existence

322Pre-Reformation Interpreters.of knowledge in the Christian Church. <strong>The</strong> early Church knew, he says, what thishindrance was. <strong>The</strong> early Church tells us what it did know upon the subject, andno one in these days can be in a position to contradict its testimony as to whatPaul had, by word of mouth only, told the <strong>The</strong>ssalonians. It is a point on whichancient tradition alone can have any authority. Modern speculation is positivelyimpertinent on such a subject. 11As to the „let“ or hindrance to the manisfestation of the „man of sin“ referred to in 2 <strong>The</strong>ss. ii.,Mr. Elliott says: „We have the consenting testimony of the early Fathers, from Irenæus,the disciple of the disciple of St. John, down to Chrysostom and Jerome, to the effectthat it was understood to be the imperial power ruling and residing at Rome.“ - „HoræApocalypticæ,“ vol. iii., p. 92.IRENÆUS held that the division of the Roman empire into ten kingdoms wouldimmediately precede the manifestation of antichrist. In his work, „Against Heresies,“ bookv., chap. xxx., he says: „Let them await, in the first place, the division of the kingdominto ten; then, in the next place, when these kings are reigning, and beginning to settheir affairs in order and advance their kingdoms (let them learn) to acknowledge that hewho shall come claiming the kingdom for himself, and shall terrify those sons of men ofwhom we have been speaking, having a name containing the aforesaid number (666), istruly the abomination of desolation.“ Thus, according to Irenænus, the manifestation ofantichrist required the previous overthrow of the then existing Roman empire.TERTULLIAN‘S „Apology“ thus describes the habit of the Christian Church of thesecond century to pray for the security of the Roman empire, in the knowledge thatits downfall would bring the catastrophe of the reign of antichristand the ruin of the world. Addressing the „rulers of the Roman empire,“ hesays: „We offer prayer for the safety of our princes to the eternal, the true, the livingGod, whose favour, beyond all others, they must themselves desire. ... Thither we lift oureyes, with hands outstreched, because free from sin; with head uncovered, for we havenothing whereof to be ashamed; finally, without a monitor, because it is from the heartwe supplicate. And without ceasing for all our emperors we offer prayer. We pray forlife prolonged; for security to the empire. ... With our hands thus stretched out and upto God, rend us with your iron claws, hang up on crosses, wrap us in flames, take ourheads from us with the sword, let loose the wild beasts upon us, - the very attitude ofa Christian praying is the preparation for all punishment. Let this, good rulers, be yourwork, wring from us the soul, beseeching God on the emperor‘s behalf. Upon the truthof God and devotion to His name put the brand of crime. ... <strong>The</strong>re is also another and agreater necessity for our offering prayer in behalf of the emperors, no, for the completestability of the empire, and for Roman interests in general. For we know that amighty shock impending over the whole earth - in fact, the very endof all things, threatening dreadful woes - is only retarded by the continuedexistence of the Roman empire. We have no desire then to be overtaken bythese dire events; and in praying that their coming may be delayed, we are lending our aidto Rome‘s duration.“ - „Apology,“ §§ 30-32.(„Est et alia maior necessitas nobis orandi pro imperatoribus, etiam pro omni statuimperii rebusque Romanis, qui vim manimam universo orbi imminentem ipsamqueclausulam sæculi acerbitates horrendas comminantem ROMANI IMPERII commeatuscimus retardari.“ - TERTULLIAN: „Apologeticum,“ § 32.)JEROME writes to the same effect in his commentary on 2 <strong>The</strong>ss. ii.: „He who nowlets, or hinders.“ „Ut qui tenet nunc teneat, etc. DONEC REGNUM QUOD NUNC TENET,de medeo auferatur, prius qua antichristus reveletur.“

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.323What then was the view of the early Church? Look at the words of Tertullian.Quoting <strong>The</strong>ssalonians, he says: „Know you know what detains that he mightbe revealed in his time, for the mystery of iniquity does already work; only hewho now hinders must hinder until he be taken out of the way. What obstacleis there but the Romans state; the falling away of which, by being scatteredinto ten kingdoms, shall introduce antichrist, ... that the beast antichrist,with the false prophet, may wage war on the Church of God?“ 1In his magnificent „Apology,“ addressed to the rulers of the Roman empire,Tertullian says that the Christian Church - not himself, mark, but the ChristianChurch - prayed for the emperors, and for the stability of the empire of Rome,because they knew „that a mighty shock impending over thewhole earth - in fact, the very end of all things, threatening dreadfulwoes - was only retarded by the continued existence of theroman empire.“ („Apology,“ § 32.)Read the words of Chrysostom in his „Commentary on 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians“:„One may first naturally inquire what is that which withholds, and after thatwould know why Paul expresses this so obscurely, ... ‚he who now lets will let,until he be taken out of the way.‘ That is, when the Roman empire istaken out of the way, the he shall come; and naturally, for as longas the fear of this empire lasts no one will readily exalt himself; but when that isdissolved, he will attack the anarchy, and endeavour to seize upon the governmentboth of men and of God. For as the kingdoms before this were destroyed, that ofthe Babylonians by the Persians, that of the Persians by the Macedonians, thatof the Macedonians by the Romans, so will this be by antichrist, and he byChrist.“<strong>The</strong>n accounting for Paul‘s reserve in alluding to this point he adds: „Becausehe says this of the Roman empire, he naturally only glanced at it and spokecovertly, for he did not wish to bring upon himself superfluous enmities anduseless dangers. For if he had said that, after a little while, the Roman empirewould be dissolved, they would now immediately have even overwhelmed himas a pestilent person, and all the faithful as living and warring to this end.“(CHRYSOSTOM: Homily IV., „On 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians ii.“)From Irenaeus, who lived close to apostolic times, down to Chrysostom andJerome, the Fathers taught that the power withholding the manifestation of the„man of sin“ was the Roman empire as governed by the Caesars. <strong>The</strong> Fatherstherefore belong to the historic, and not to the futurist school of interpretation;for futurists imagine that the hindrance to the manifestation of the man of sin iststill in existence, though the Caesars have long since passed away.6. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the fall of Roman empire was imminent, andtherefore the manifestation of antichrist close at hand. Justin Martyr, forexample, one of the earliest of the Fathers, in his „Dialogue with Trypho,“chap. xxxii., says: „He whom Daniel foretells would have dominionfor ‚time and times and a half‘ is already even at the door, about to speakblasphemous and daring things against the Most High.“Cyprian, in his „Exhortation to Martyrdom,“ says: „Since ... the hateful timeof antichrist is already beginning to draw near, I would collect from the sacred

324Pre-Reformation Interpreters.<strong>Scripture</strong>s some exhortations for preparing and strengthening the minds ofthe brethren, whereby I might animate the soldiers of Christ for the heavenlyand spiritual contest.“ (Treatise xi.)7. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the „man of sin,“ or antichrist, would be aruler of head of the Roman empire. A striking illustration of this isthe interpretation by Irenaeus and Hippolytus of the mysterious number 666,the number of the revived head of the beast, or antichrist. Irenaeus gives as itsinterpretation the word Latinos. He says: „Latinos is the number 666, and itis a very probable (solution), this being the name of the last kingdom, for theLATINS are they who at present bear rule.“ (IRENÆUS: „Against Heresies,“ book v.,chap. xxx.)Hippolytus gives the same solution in his treatise on „Christ and Antichrist.“8. <strong>The</strong> Fathers held that the Babylon of the Apocalypse means Rome. Onthis point they were all agreed, and their unanimity is an important seal on thecorrectness of this interpretation. Tertullian, for example, in his answer to theJews, says: „Babylon, in our own John, is a figure of the city Rome,as being equally great and proud of her sway, and trriumphant over the saints“(chap. ix.). Victorinus, who wrote the earliest commentary on the Apocalypseextant, says, on Revelation xvii.: „<strong>The</strong> seven heAds are the sevenhills on which the woman sits - that is, the city of Rome.“Hippolytus says: „Tell me, blessed John, apostle and disciple of the Lord, whatdid you see and hear concerning Babylon? Arise and speak, to it sent you alsointo banishment.“ (Treatise „On Christ and Antichrist,“ §36.) You notice hear the viewthat Rome which banished the Apostle John is the Babylon of the Apocalypse.Augustine says, „Rome, the second Babylon, and the daughter ofthe first, to which is pleased God to subject the whole world, and bring it allunder one sovereignty, was now founded.“ („City of God,“ book xviii., chap. xxii.)In chap. xxviii. he calls Rome „the western Babylon.“ In chap. xli. he says:„It has not been in vain this city has received the mysteriousname of Babylon; for Babylon is interpreted confusion, as we have saidelsewhere.“It is clear from these quotation that the Fathers did not interpret the Babylonof the Apocalypse as meaning either the literal Babylon on the Euphrates, or somegreat city in France or England, but as meaning Rome. And this is still theinterpretation of the historic school, though for the last 800 years events haveproved Babylon to represent Rome, not in its pagan, but in its Papal foRm.It should be noted that none of the Fathers held the futurist gap theory, thetheory that the book of Revelation overleaps nearly eighteen centuries of Christianhistory, plunging at once into the distant future, and devoting itself entirely topredicting the events of the last few years of this dispensation. As to the subjectof antichrist, there was a universal agreement among them concerning the generalidea of the prophecy, while there were differences as to details, these differencesarising chiefly from the notion that the antichrist would be in some way Jewishas well as Roman. It is true they thought that the antichrist would be anindividual man. <strong>The</strong>ir early position sufficiently accounts for this. <strong>The</strong>yhad no conception and could have no conception of the truth nature and length

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.325of the tremendous apostasy which was to set upon the Christian Church. <strong>The</strong>ywere not prophets, and could not foresee that the Church was to remain nineteencenturies in the wilderness, and to pass through prolonged and bitter persecutionunder a succession of nominally Christian put apostate rulers, filling the placeof the ancient Caesars and emulating their antichristian deeds. Had they knownthese things, we may well believe their views would have completely harmonizedwith those of historic interpreters of later times. <strong>The</strong> Fathers went as far as theycould go in the direction in which historical interpreters of these last days havetravelled. Further, much that was dark to them in prophecy has become clear totheir successors in the light of its accomplishment. Divine providence has thrownlight, as it could not fail to do, on Divine prediction.We come now, in the second place, very briefly to review the history ofprophetic interpretation in the interval extending between the fall of the westernempire of Rome and the development of the Papal theocracy in the eleventhcentury, under Gregory VII. <strong>The</strong> interpreters of this period belonged, like theFathers, to the historic school. <strong>The</strong>y interpreted the Apocalypse as a prophecy ofthe whole course of events from the frist advent to the consummation.<strong>The</strong> following authors living in the interval wrote commentaries on theentire Apocalypse: Primasius, the Venerable Bede, Anspert, Haymo, Andreas,Arethras, and Berengaud.Primasius, who lived in the middle of the sixth century, interpreted the„hundred and forty-four thousand“ sealed persons in the Apocalypse as theChristian Church. He held that antichrist would substiute himself for Christ andblasphemously assume His dignity, and that the seven-hilled city wasRome.<strong>The</strong> venerable Bede, who lived in the north of England at the close of theseventh century, was an historical interpreter of the Apocalypse. Here is a copyof his commentary. He takes the firstt seal to represent the triumphs of theprimitive Church. He expounds the lamb-like beast of Revelation xiii. asa pseudo-Christian false prophet.Ambrose Anspert wrote a copious commentary on the Apocalypse in themiddle of the eighth century. He expounds the second beast of Revelation xiii. asmeaning the preachers and ministers of antichrist, and teaches that antichrist willbe „pro Christo,“ or in Christ‘s place. It is a remarkable fact that he expounds thegrievous „sore,“ or ulcer, poured out under the first vial, as meaning infidelity.This is the general view at the present day among historical interpreters. <strong>The</strong>yconsider the infidelity of the French Revolution to be the fulfilment of this vial.Haymo‘s commentary, written in the ninth century, is for the most partabridged from Anspert.Andreas, who was Bishop of Cæsarea, states definitely that the Apocalypsewas a prophecy of the things to happen from Christ‘s first coming to theconsummation. He interprets the „hundred and forty-four thousand“ as meaningtrue Christians, and antichrist to be a Roman king and „pseudo-Christ,“ or false Christ.Arethras, who wrote in the ninth century, mainly follows Andreas.

326Pre-Reformation Interpreters.Berengaud‘s commentary on the Apocalypse, written in the same century, isthe least satisfactory of all. He was a Benedictine monk, and lived at a very darkperiod. His notion was that antichrist would be an avowed infidel andan open advocate of licentiousness. He was, as fas as is known,the first interpreter to propound this view.<strong>The</strong> interval during which these interpreters lived was marked by the steadyrise, but not by the full manifestation of the Papacy. Two notions contributedpowerfully to prevent their recognising in the imperfectly developed Papacythe predicted „man of sin.“ <strong>The</strong>y imagined that as the eastern empire ofRome, seated at Constantinople, still continued, the „let“ or hindrance to themanifestation of antichrist remained, completely overlooking the fact that theantichristian power foretold in prophecy is definitely linked with the sevenhills of Rome, and thus with the fall of the western empire, and the apostasyof the Latin or western Church.<strong>The</strong>n they spiritualized and explained away a great deal of prophecy, andsupposed that they were living in the millenium, and that the antichrist wouldnot be manifested till the brief outbreak of evil at its close. This false notion hadfatal consequences. While these interpreters, in common with the generality ofChristians at their period, were looking for the advent of the „man of sin“ in thedistant future, he stole unperceived into their midst, and usurped the place ofChrist over His unwatchful flock.Before we leave this mediæval period, there are three remarkable testimoniesto which we must just refer. Gregory the Great, in the sixth century, declaredbefore Christiendom that whosoever called himself universal bishop or universalpriest was the precursor of antichrist. In this he was doubtless perfectlycorrect. When Boniface III., shortly after the death of Gregory, took his titlein the year 607, he became the precursor of antichrist, as fully reavealed underBoniface VIII.Gherbert of Rheims, before the year 1000, said of the pope sitting on his loftythrone in gold and purple, that if destitute of charity, he was antichristsitting in the temple of God.Lastly, Berenger, in the elventh century, referring to the pope‘s enforcementat that time of the doctrine of transsubstantiation, affirmedthe Roman see to be not the apostolic seat, but the seatof Satan.Thus gradually did an understanding of the true character of the Papacy dawnupon the Christian Church of this period.We will now, in the third and last place, briefly consider the history ofprophetic interpretation from the time of Gregory VII., in the eleventh century,to the Reformation, in the sixteenth.<strong>The</strong> pontificate of Gregory VII. was the era of the Papacy unveiled. At thisdate the pope dropped the mask of the shepherd, and exchanged the crook for thesceptre and the sword. <strong>The</strong> accession of Gregory VII. in 1073 is a great landmarkin the Church‘s history. Gregory VII., or Hildebrand, as he was called, created, aswe have before stated, the Papal theocracy. Do you know what this mean? He

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.327claimed for himself, in the name of God, absolute and unlimited dominion overall the states of Christendom, as successor of St. Peter, and vircar ofChrist upon earth. <strong>The</strong> popes who came after him pushed these claims to theirutmost extent. At the end of the thirteenth century they assumed the proud title ofmasters of the world. Three names stand out conspicuously in the three middlecenturies of this dark period, Gregory VII., Innocent III., and Boniface VIII.<strong>The</strong> historian of the middle ages well says, „As Gregory VII. appears the mostusurping of mankind till we read the history of Innocent III., so Innocent III.,is thrown into the shade by the supreme audacity of Boniface VIII.“ (HALLAM:„History of the Middle Ages,“ p. 384.) In those days lived the great Italian poet Dante.He described his age with extraordinary power. Writing in the thirteenth century,and in Italy, he painted the Papacy als the world beheld it then. And what didthe world see then? It saw in the Papacy the usurping „man of sin“; and inthe Church of Rome the Babylon of the Apocalypse. Mark,even the world saw it. Hear a few lines from Dante‘s immortal poem on Hell,Purgatory, and Paradise:„Woe to you, Simon Magus! woe to youHis wretched followers, who the things of GodWhich should be wedded to goodness, them,Rapacious as you are, do prostituteFor gold and silver!“„Your avariceO‘ercasts the world with mourning, under footTreading the good, and raising bad men up.Of shepherds like to you, the EvangelistWas ware, when her, who sits upon the waves,With kings in filthy whoredom he beheld,She who with seven heads towered at her birth,And from ten horns her proof of glory drew,Long as her spouse in virtue took delight.Of gold and silver you have made your god,Differing wherein from the idolater,But that he worships one, a hundred you?Ah, Constantine, to how much ill gave birth,Not your con<strong>version</strong>, but that plenteous dower,Which the first wealthy Father gained from you!“„Di voi pastor‘s accorse il Vangelista,Quando colei, che siede sovra l‘acquePuttaneggiar co‘ Regi a lui fu vista:Quella che con le sette teste nacque,E dalle diece corna ebbe argomento,Fin che virtute al suo marito piacque.Fatto v‘avete Dio d‘oro e d‘argento:E che altro è da voi all‘idolatre,Se non ch‘egli uno, e voi n‘orate cento?Ahi Constantin, di quanto mal fu matre,Non la tua con<strong>version</strong>, ma quella dote

328Pre-Reformation Interpreters.In his poem on Paradise he says:Che da te prese il primo ricco patre!“DANTE: „Inferno,“ canto xix.„My place he who usurps on earth has madeA common sewer of puddle and of blood.No purpose was of ours that the keysWhich were vouchsafed me should for ensigns serveTo the banners that do levy warOn the baptized: nor I for sigil markSet upon sold and lying privileges,Which makes me oft to bicker and turn red.In shepherd‘s clothing greedy wolves belowRange wide o‘er all the pastures. Arm of God,Why longer sleep you?“In the end of his poem on Paradise, he refers to the Apostle John as -„<strong>The</strong> seerThat ere he died, saw all the grievous timesOf the fair bride, who with the lance and nailsWas won.“You will obeserve that these beautiful and touching words recognise thehistorical interpretation of the Apocalypse. <strong>The</strong> Apostle John, according to Dante,saw „all the grievous times“ through which the Church was destined to pass.And what Dante saw, the Albigenses saw, and the Waldenses. What wonderwas there in this? Would not the wonder have been had the saints remained blindto a fulfilment of prophecy so plain and palpable that even the world recognisedit?In the sunny south of France, in Provence and Catalonia, lived the Albigenses.<strong>The</strong>y were a civilized and higly educated people. Among these people theresprang up an extensive revival of true religion, and one of its natural effects wasa bold testimony against the abominations of apostate Rome. Here is Sismondi‘s„History the Albigenses.“ On p. 7 he says of them and of the Vaudois: „All agreedin regarding the Church of Rome as having absolutely perverted Christianity,and in maintaining that it was she who was designated in the Apocalypse bythe name of the whore of Babylon.“ Rome could not endure this testimony; shedrew her deadly sword and waged war against those who bore it. In the year 1208the Albigenses were murderously persecuted. Innocent III. (what a mockery hisname!) employed the crusaders in this dreadful work. <strong>The</strong> war of exterminationwas denominated sacred. <strong>The</strong> pope‘s soldiers prosecuted it with pious ardour;men, woman, and children were all precipitated into the flames; whole cities wereburned. In Beziers every soul was massacred; seven thousand dead bodies werecounted in a single church, where the people had taken refuge; the whole countrywas laid waste; an entire people was slaughtered, and the eloquent witness of

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.329these early reformers was reduced to the silence of the sepulchre.Thus began the tremendous war against the sainst foretold in Daniel and theApocalypse, and thenceforward it was murderously prosecuted from century tocentury. Early in the thirteenth century was founded the Inquisition, and fullpersecuting powers entrusted by the popes to the Dominicans.A remnant of the Vaudois escaping from the south of France took refuge in theAlps, where the light of the Gospel had been preserved from the earliest times.I have visited the Waldensian valleys, and will try in a few words to bring thembefore you.You doubtless remember the position of the city of Milan on the plain ofLombardy. From the top of the famous cathedral of Milan there is a magnificentview of the southers Alps. <strong>The</strong> plains of Lombardy and Piedmont extend to theirbase. <strong>The</strong> Alps are seen stretching to the east and west, as far as the eye can reach.<strong>The</strong> sun at noon falls full upon their crowded peaks. <strong>The</strong>re they stand in rugged,wild sublimity, their lower slopes mantled with dark forests, their summitscrowned with glaciers and eternal snows.To the west, among these, beyond the city of Turin, rises the vast white comeof Monto Viso. Among the mountains at its base lie the Waldensian valleys. <strong>The</strong>yare five in number, and run up into narrow, elevated gorges, winding among fircladsteeps, and climbing into the region of the clouds, which hover round theicy, alpine peaks. <strong>The</strong>se valleys were the refuge of the „Israel of the Alps.“Protestants long before the Reformation, these noble mountaineers resolutelyrefused to bow the knee to Baal; they were a faithful remnat of the earlyChurch preserved all through the central ages of apostasy.This folio volume is a faithful history of the Waldenses, written 217 ago, bythe Waldensian pastor Leger. It contains his portrait. I have often looked at itwith interest. <strong>The</strong> countenance is scarred with suffering, but full of spiritual light.Leger tells with simple clearness the story of the Waldenses from the earliesttimes, quoting from ancient and authentic documents. He gives in full theirconfession of faith, and narrates the history of their martyrdoms, including thedreadful massacre in the vale of Lucerna, in 1655, of which he himself wasan eye-witness. This book was written only fourteen years after that massacre.It contains numerous despositions concerning it, rendered on oath, and longlists of the names of those who were its victims. It gives also plates depictingthe dreadful ways in which they were slaughtered. <strong>The</strong>se plates represent men,women, and children being dismembered, disemboweled, ripped up, run throughwith swords, impaled on stakes, torn limb from limb, flung from precipices,roasted in flames. <strong>The</strong>y are almost too horrible to look at. And this was only oneof a long series of massacres of the Waldenses extending through 600 painfulyears. Milton wrote of these Protestant sufferers his immortal sonnet:„Avenge, O Lord, Your slaughtered saints, whose bonesLie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold;Even them who kept Your truth so pure of old,When all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones,Forget not: in Your book record their groans

330Pre-Reformation Interpreters.Who were Your sheep, and in their ancient foldSlain by the bloody Piedmontese, that rolledMother with infant down the rocks. <strong>The</strong>ir moans<strong>The</strong> vales redoubled to the hills, and theyTo heaven. <strong>The</strong>ir martyred blood and ashes sowO‘er all the Italian fields, where still does sway<strong>The</strong> triple tyrant; that from these may growA hundredfold, who, having learned Your way,Early my fly the Babylonian woe.“<strong>The</strong> persecuted Waldenses were students of prophecy from the oldest times.How did they interpret the prophecies concerning „Babylon“ and the „man ofsin“? Here in this book of Leger‘s is their Treatise on Antichrist, writtenin the year 1120, or nearly 800 years ago. It is written in a language now extinct;Leger gives a French translation in parallel columns (here it is at p. 71). In simple,telling terms that treatise brands the Romish Church as the harlotBabylon, and the Papacy as the „man of sin“ and antichrist. Thatwas the faith and confession of the Waldenses.Extract from the Waldensian Treatise on Antichrist, dated A.D. 1120 (Histoire Généraledes Églises Evangéliques des Vallées de Piémont, ou Vaudoises, par Jean Leger, A.D.1669, p. 71, etc.).„ANTICHRIST. ... Ma meseima lafalseta, pausa contra la verità quilli sequebre, e se orna de belleza, e de pieta, defora de la Gleisa de Christ, enaima de Christ,enaima de Nom, de Officies, de Scripturas,e de Sacramèns, e de motas autras cosas.La iniquita d‘aquesta maniera com li seoMinistre majors, e menors, com li seguèntley de maluàs cor e cec, aital congregationensemp presa ès appelà ANTICHRIST, oBABYLONIA, o QUARTA BESTIA, OMERETRIX, o HOME DE PECCÀ, Filli deperdition.„Li seos Ministres son-appella FALSPROPHETAS, Maistres mesongers,Ministres de tenebras, Sperit d‘error,MERETRIX APOCALYPTICA, mairede fornication, niolas senza aigua, arbresauctomnals, morts & arancàs per doasvez, undas del crudel mar, stellas errans,Balaamitiens, e Gissiptiens.„El es dit Anitchrist empercò ca cuberte orna sot specie de Christ, e de la Gleisa,e de li seo fidel membre, contraria à la salùfaita per Christ, e aministrà veramènt en laGleisa de Christ.“„L‘ANTICHRIST. ... Maisc‘est lafausseté même opposée à la verité, quise couvre et s‘orne de beauté, et de pieté,hors de l‘Eglise de Christ, comme desNoms, des Offices, des Ecritures, et desSacremens, et de plusieurs autres choses:l‘iniquité laquelle est de cette maniere,avoc tous ces Ministres grans et petis, avectous ceux qui les ensuivent de mauvaiscœur, et aveugle, telle congregation priseensemble est appelée ANTICHRIST, ouBABYLONE, ou QUATRIÈME BÊTE,ou PAILLARE, ou HOMME DE PECHÉ,FILS DE PERDITION.„Ses Ministres sont appelez FAUXPROPHETES, Maîtres meusongers,Ministres de tenebres, Esprit d‘erreur,PAILLARDE APOCALYPTIQUE, Merede fornication, nuées sans eau, arbresautomnals morts et arrachez par deux fois,ondes de la cruelle mer, étoiles errantes,Balaamites et Egyptiens.„Il est dit Antichrist, pour ce quecouvert et orné de la Livre de Christ, etde son Eglise, et de ses fideles membres,il contrarie au salut fait par Christ,et administré vrayemant en l‘Eglise deChrist.“

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.331Turn now for a few moments to Bohemia. You remember that it is an extensiveprovince in the north-west of Austria. <strong>The</strong>re a reformation sprang up more than acentury before the time of Luther, and was quenched in seas of blood. What gaverise to it? <strong>The</strong> testimonies of John Huss and Jerome of Prague. What did thesemen hold as to the Church of Rome and the Papacy? That Rome is Babylon,and the Papacy the antichrist."An epistle of John Huss to the people of Prague:"... <strong>The</strong> more circumspect you ought to be, for that ANTICHRIST labours the more totrouble you. <strong>The</strong> last judgment is near at hand; death shall swallow up many, but to theelect children of God the kingdom of God draws near. ... Know you, well beloved, thatANTICHRIST being stirred up against you devises divers persecutions." -"Acts and Monuments," vol. iii., p. 497, 498."A letter of John Huss to the Lord John de Clum:"... By your letter which I received yesterday, I understand first, how the iniquity of thegreat strumpet, that is, of the malignant congregation, WHEREOF MENTION IS MADEIN THE APOCALYPSE, is detected, and shall be more detected; with which strumpetthe kings of the earth do commit fornication, fornicating spiritually fromChrist; and, as is there said, sliding back from the truth, and consentingto the lies of ANTICHRIST, through his seduction and through fear, or through hope ofconfederacy, for getting of worldly honor." - "Acts and Monuments," vol. iii, p. 499."Letter of John Huss, wherein he comforts his friends and wills them not to be troubledfor the condemning of his books, and also declares the wickedness of the cleargy:"Master John Huss, in hope, the servant of God, to all the faithful who love him andhis statutes, wish the truth and grace of God. ... Surely even at this day is the malice, theabomination, and filthiness of ANTICHRIST revealed in the pope and others of thiscouncil. ... Oh how acceptable a thing should it be, if time would suffer me to disclosetheir wicked acts, which are now apparent; that the faithful servants of God might knowthem! I trust in God that He will send after me those that shall be more valiant; andthere are alive at this day that shall make more manifest the malice of ANTICHRIST,and shall give their lives to the death for the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shallgive, both to me and you, the joys of life everlasting."This epistle was written upon St. John Baptist's Day, in prison and in cold irons; Ihaving this meditation with myself, that John was beheaded in his prison and bonds for theword of God." - "Acts and Monuments," vol. iii., pp. 502, 503.Witness their testimony, quoted by Fox the martyrologist. I have stood on thespot in Constance where these men were condemned to death. Rome burnedthem. Here is a history of "the Reformation and anti-reformation in Bohemia."<strong>The</strong> Bohemian brethren avowed the doctrines of John Huss, including his viewson the anti-Papal prophecies. Rome exterminated the reformed Bohemians. <strong>The</strong>story is dreadful one."In the year 1421 the miseres of the Bohemians greatly increased. Besides theexecutions by drowning, by fire, and by the sword, several thousands of the followers ofHuss, especially the Taborites, of all ranks and both sexes, were thrown down theold mines and pits of Kuttenberg. ... In one pit were thrown 1,700, in another 1,308,and in a third 1,321 persons. Every year, on the 18th of April, a solemn meeting was held ina chapel built there, in memory of those martyrs, until the year 1613, when the mint-masterWrschesowetz endeavoured to prevent it, yet it continued until the great persecution of1621. A monument, it is said, still marks the place (Lasitius, ' Origo Fratrum,' vol. i., p. 69) ;

332Pre-Reformation Interpreters.<strong>The</strong>obald's ' Hussite War,' p. 150, 1624 ; Reiger's ' History of the Bohemian Brethren,' vol.ii., p. 592 ; Regenvolscius, ' Systema Hist. Eccles. Sclavonic.')." - "<strong>The</strong> Reformation andAnti-Reformation in Bohemia," p. 13.But from their ashes rose new witnesses. From the persecuted Bohemianssprang the Moravians, who this day are missionaries throughout the world!Turn lastly, for a moment, to England. Before the Reformation, 500 yearsago, God raised up in this country John Wicliffe. Men called him "the morningstar of the Reformation." He translated the <strong>Scripture</strong>s into the English tongue,and waged war against the errors and abominations of the Church of Rome. Howdid Wicliffe interpret these prophecies? Just as the Waldenses did. Here is one ofhis books filled with references to the pope as antichrist. He wrote a specialtreatise, entitled Speculum de Antichristo (" <strong>The</strong> Mirror of Antichrist "). FromWicliffe sprang the English Lollards. <strong>The</strong>y numbered hundreds of thousands.What was their testimony? Let me give it to you in the words of one of them, LordCobham, that famous man of God, who lived just a century before Luther.When brought before King Henry V. and admonished to submit himself to thepope as an obedient child, this was his answer: "As touching the popeand his spirituality, I owe them neither suit nor service,forasmuch as I know him by the <strong>Scripture</strong>s to be the greatantichrist, the son of perdition, the open adversary ofGod, and an abomination standing in the holy place."Remaining firm in his rejection of Romish error and refusal to bowdown to the Papacy, Lord Cobham was condemned to death as a heretic.John Fox tells us that on the day appointed for his death, in the year 1417,Lord Cobham was brought out of the Tower of London, " with his arms boundsbehind him, having a very cheerful countenance. <strong>The</strong>n he was laid upon a hurdle,and so drawn forth into St. Giles' Field, where they had set up a new pair ofgallows. As he was coming to the place of execution, and was taken from thehurdle, he fell down devoutly upon his knees, desiringAlmighty God to forgive his enemies. <strong>The</strong>n stood he up andbeheld the multitude, exhorting them in most godly manner to follow thelaws of God written in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s, and in any wise to bewareof such teachers as they see contrary to Christ in their conversation andliving; with many other special counsels. <strong>The</strong>n he was hanged up there by themiddle, in chains of iron, and so consumed alive in the fire, praising thename of God as long as his life lasted."In other words, he was roasted to death. <strong>The</strong>y were burned, burned, theseblessed men of God! Huss was burned; Jerome was burned, Lord Cobham wasburned. Even Wicliffe's bones were dug up, forty-one years after his death, andburned. Savonarola, who preached with trumpet tongue that Rome was Babylon,was burned. All these were burned before the Reformation, and thousands more.<strong>The</strong>ir testimony was not burned! It lived on! Fire could notscorch it ; chains could not bind it ; gags could not silence it ; gaols could notdestroy it. Truth is immortal, truth is unconquerable. Imprison it, and it comesforth free ; bury it, and it rises again ; crush it to the earth, and it springs up

Pre-Reformation Interpreters.333victorious, purer for the conflict, nobler for the victory.<strong>The</strong> truth to which these confessors witnessed sprang up again a century later,and rolled over Europe the tremendous tide of the Reformation.And whence came this testimony which no power could repress? Whencecame this testimony, trumpet-tongued, that Rome, in all its myriad-handed might,was impotent to silence or arrest? Whence came it, but from that sacred volume,writ in gloomy prisons, in lands of captivity, in scenses of exile, for the guidance,the preservation, the support of God's suffering saints and faithful witnessesin every age! Daniel the captive, Paul the prisoner, John the exile, - such were itsinspired authors ; men whose piercing vision looked down the long vista of theChurch's conflicts, marked her martyrdoms, and saw her triumphs from afar.Oh, word of divinely given prophecy! Oh, wondrousvolume, whose seven seals the Lamb has loosed and openedto meet the moral and spiritual needs of the suffering Church He loves sowell! how have your solemn utterances, your mysterioussymbols, been scanned and studied by earnest, saintly eyes! how has youbeen pondered in prisons, rememered on racks, repeated in the flames! Your textsare windows through which the light shines from the ... haven down into thedarkest depths of earth's conflicts, mysteries, and woes. Oh, sacred andsantifying truth! how have your words been watered with the tearsof suffering saints, steeped in their griefs and sorrows, and dyed in thecopious streaming of their blood! Precious are the lives which have sealedyou ; precious the truth those lives have sealed! Your words havebeen wings by which the persecuted Church has soaredfrom the wilderness and the battlefield into the pureserene of everlasting love and peace! Like a bright angel, youare heaven descended, and lead to the skies. By you has God guided to theirglorious consummation the noble army of saints, confessors, martyrs, shininground His throne like the everlasting stars. <strong>The</strong>y are gone into that world of glory -forever gone ; but the light which led them there remains behind! ... but westill grasp the book they loved, which made them all they were, and all they are.You Waldenses, from the lonely, blood-stained Alps ; you nameless victims ofthe dreadful Inquisition ; you noble Protestants before the Reformation, Wicliffe,Huss, Jerome, Cobham, Savonarola, - we posses they holy pages hwich youpondered, the words of truth and life you sealed with martyr blood! Be thosewords to us what they were to you ; let them be our inspiration and our testimony,and the testimony of our children after us, till the hour when truth, emancipatedfrom all trammels, shall shine through the world in its unclouded splendour, anderror and superstition and falsehood from its presence shall forever flee away !taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 116-136

334 Pre-Reformation Interpreters.“Vigilius ... ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protectionof Belisarius.”taken from: History of the Christian Church, vol. 3, p. 327Labanca, professor of history in the University of Rome says:“To the succession of the Ceasars came the succession of the Pontiffs in Rome.When Constantine left Rome he gave his seat to the Pontiff.”History indentifies this power.“<strong>The</strong> transfer of the emperor’s resicence to Constantinople was a sad blowto the prestige of Rome, and at the time one might have predicted her speedydecline. But the development of the Church, and the growing authority of theBishop of Rome, or the pope, gave her a new lease on life, and made her againthe capital - this time the religious capital - of the civilized world.”taken from: Abbot’s ROMAN HISTORY, p. 236“<strong>The</strong> Popes filled the place of the vacant Emperors at rome, inheriting theirpower, prestige and titles from paganism. Constantine left all to the Bishop ofRome ... <strong>The</strong> Papacy is but the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire sittingcrowned upon its grave.”taken from: Stanley’s HISTORY, p. 40

336PAUL'S FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM.Let us now compare this portrait of the man of sin drawn by the ApostlePaul with the portrait of the self-exalting power foretold by Daniel, which westudied last week. <strong>The</strong> comparison will demonstrate their identity.1. Both are Roman. <strong>The</strong> self-exalting horn or head represented by Daniel isRoman; it belongs to the fourth or Roman empire. So also does Paul's man ofsin, for the imperial government seated at Rome needed to be removed in orderto make way for its rise and dominion. It was to be the successor of the Cæsars atRome. <strong>The</strong>y have the same geographical seat.2. <strong>The</strong>y have the same chronological point of origin: both arise on the fallof the old undivided empire of Rome. And they have the same chronologicaltermination: Daniel's little horn perishes at the coming of the Son of man inglory, and Paul's man of sin is destroyed at the epiphany.3. Both exalt themselves against God. Daniel mentions the proud words of theblasphemous little horn, and Paul the audacious deeds of the man of sin, showinghimself as Divine.4. Both begin as small, inconspicuous powers, and develop gradually to verygreat and influential ones.5. Both claim to be teachers of men. Daniel's little horn was to have eyes, asa bishop, or overseer (the meaning of the word bishop, ..., is overseer) ; and thathe was to have a mouth, that is, that he was to be a teacher ; while Paul assignsto the man of sin ecclesiastical eminence, a proud position in the temple of God,or Christian Church.6. Both are persecutors. Daniel describes the little horn as a persecutorwearing out the saints, and Paul speaks of the man of sin as " opposing," and callshim " the lawless on."To sum up. <strong>The</strong> two have the same place - Rome ; the same period - fromthe sixth century to the second coming of the Lord in glory ; the same wickedcharacter, the same lawlessness, the same self-exalting defiance of God, the samegradual growth from weakness to dominion, the same episcopal pretensions, thesame persecuting character, the same twofold doom.<strong>The</strong>se resemblances are so important, so numerous, so comprehensive, andexact, as to prove beyond all questions that the self-exalting, persecuting powerpredicted by DANIEL and this man of sin foretold by PAUL are one and thesame power. Even Romanists admit this to be the case, and call the power thusdoubly predicted the antichrist.In the Douay Bible, with notes, issued under Romish authority, and bearing thesignatures of Cardinals Wiseman and Manning, the " man of sin " is interpreted asfollows: " ' He sits in the temple of God,' etc. By all these words is described tous the great antichrist, ... according to the unquestionable authority andconsent of the ancient Fathers." Rome allows thus that the " little horn " of Danieland the " man of sin " of Paul foreshow one and the same power, and admits thatpower to be the antichrist.

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.337So far then for our examination of the prophecies of the Roman antichrist,given, some of them a thousand, and others five hundred years before theactual appearance of the predicted power. Strange and incomprehensible mustthese prophecies have appeared, both to those who gave them and to those whoreceived them. Little could they imagine the tremendous scale, both geographicaland chronological, on which they were to be fulfilled! <strong>The</strong>y understood clearlythat an awful apostasy was to intervene between the early Church and the advent ;but how far it would extend and how long it would last they knew not, and couldnot know. A terrible enemy to God and to His Church was to arise, strange as itmight seem, in that Church itself ; and yet it was to have its seat in Rome, whichwas in their day the throne of the pagan persecutors of Christianity. How couldthese things be? Much was revealed, but much was left still utterly mysterious,and which time only could interpret.Turn now from the prophecy to the history, and let the latter interpret the former.We see what was predicted, let us ask what has happened. What are the historicalfacts? <strong>The</strong> history of the Christian Church does not record a steady progress inthe pathway of truth and holiness, an uninterrupted spread of the kingdom of Godon earth. On the contrary, it tells the story of a TREMENDOUS APOSTASY.Even in the first century, as we learn from the New Testament, there set in adeparture from the gospel, and a return to certain forms of ritualism, as amongthe Galatians. In the second and third centuries, antichristian doctrineand antichristian practices, sacramentarianism andsacerdotalism, invaded the Church, and gradually climbedto a commanding position, which they never afterwards abandoned. In thefouth century, with the fall of paganism, began a worldly, imperialChristianity, wholly unlike primitive apostolic Christianity, a sort ofChristianized heathenism ; and in the fifth and sixth centuries sprang up thePapacy, in whose career the apostasy culminated later on.<strong>The</strong> mighty Cæsars had fallen ; Augustus, Domitian, Hadrian, Diocletian,were gone ; even the Constantines and Julians had passed away. <strong>The</strong> seat ofsovereignty had been removed from Rome to Constantinople. Goth and Vandalshad overthrown the western empire ; the once mighty political structure layshivered into broken fragments. <strong>The</strong> imperial government was slain by theGothic sword. <strong>The</strong> Cæsars were no more, and Rome was an actual desolation.<strong>The</strong>n slowly on the ruins of old imperial Rome rose another power and anothermonarchy - a monarchy of loftier aspirations and moreresistless might, claiming dominion, not alone over the bodies, but overthe consciences and souls of men ; dominion, not only within thelimits of the fallen empire, but throughout the entire world. Higher and higherrose the Papacy, till in the dark ages all Christendom was subject to its sway." Under the sacerdotal monarchy of St. Peter," says Gibbon, " the nationsbegan to resume the practice of seeking on the banks of the Tiber their kings,their laws, and the oracles of their fate." And this was a voluntary submission.As a kingdom, the Papacy was not at that time in any position to enforce it. Notby military power, but by spiritual and religious pretensions,did the Bishop of Rome attain supremacy in the Church and in the

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.339you ! " What blasphemous exaltation is here ! Have not Paul'swords been fulfilled? Has not this man of sin, sitting in the temple of God,shown himself that he is God, or allowed himself to be treated as Divine, no,even claimed to be so treated? He allowed himself to be styled " the Lamb ofGod, which takes away the sin of the world," because he gave and soldindulgences for sin. He was even more merciful than Christ ; for He leftsouls in purgatory, and the pope took them out ! He could commandeven the angels of heaven, and add saints to the celestial choir, raisingdead men to form part of heaven's hierarchy as " saints," and causing themhencefoth to be worshipped by the Church on earth.In all this the pope was as god upon earth. It was his tospeak and govern as God ; it was the world's to bow down, to believe, and to obey.See him in his robes of more than kingly royalty, with his crown of morethan terrestrial dominion - not one, but three, three in one, a triple crown.<strong>The</strong> proud tiara of the papacy symbolizes power on earth, inheaven, and in hell ; in all three the pope claims to rule. He is far above allkings. He is the vicegerent of God, the regent of the universe! He never risesfrom his pontifical throne to any person whomsoever, nor uncovers himselfbefore mortal man. He does not even condescend to honor any human being bythe least inclination of his head. His nuncios and legates take precedence of theambassadors of all crowned heads. Cardinals, the chief princes of the Church,adore his holiness upon their bended knees, kissing his right hand, and evenhis feet ! At his coronation they set him on the high altar of St. Peter's, and dorehim as the representative of Deity. He is carried in and lofty state on men'sshoulders, beneath a canopy hung with fringe of gold. People, prelates, princes,and cardinals exalt and worship him with the most solemn ceremonies. He ishead of the universal church, arbiter of its rights and privileges. Hewears the keys, as the sign of his power to open the gates of heaven toall believers. He holds two swords, as judging in things temporal and spiritual. Heis " the sole and supreme judge of men, and can himself be judged of NO man."He is the husband of the Church, and as such wears a ring, indicating her perpetualbetrothal to himself. Thousands upon thousands kneel before him ; they struggleto get near his person ; they stretch forth their hands to obtain his indulgences,and crave his quasi-Divine benediction, that " smoke of smoke," asLuther called it. <strong>The</strong> deluded multitude rend the air with acclamations at hisapproach. In his processions all is gorgeous magnificence. Swiss guards and otherattendants form his cortège, in scarlet cloaks, embroidered with gold, with silvermaces and rich caparisons, silk housings, red velvets, purples, satins laced withgold, long flowing robes sweeping the ground, some crimson, some black, somewhite, and caps adorned with precious stones, and helmets glittering in the sun.His litter is lined with scarlet velvet, fringed with gold, and he himself is clothedin a white satin cassock, with rochet, stole, and mozette, all of red velvet if it iswinter, or of red satin if it is summer. At his adoration by the canons and clergy ofSt. Peter's he is clothed in a white garment and seated on a throne, and thus attiredhe " presides in the temple of the Lord. [Editor: Lord = YAHWEH; but thetemple YAHWEH's is, said the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 3,16: " Know you

340Paul's Foreview of Romanism.not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you ? ]"Mark these words: he " presides in the temple of the Lord." I took them fromPicart's description of the Roman ceremonial, a Roman Catholic authority. It isthe Romanists themselves who us this significant phrase of the Papal pontiff: he"presides in the temple of the Lord." Exalted to this position, he is incensed, andthe cardinals, one at a time, in solemn, deliberate state and idolatrous submission,kiss his hand, his foot, and even his stomach. He is surrounded by cardinals,archbishops, bishops, abbots, priests, and princes. Enormous fans of peacock'sfearthers are carried on either side of his chair, as used to be done to the paganmonarchs of olden times. He directs the affairs of the greatestempire upon earth, governing by an almost infinite number of men,whom he keeps constantly in subjection to himself, and from whom he demandsfrequent periodical account. He distributes spiritual gifts, and exalts to the highestpreferments, not only on earth, but also in heaven: for is it not his to makebishops and archbishops, to canonize whem he will, and to decree theirperpetual memorial and worship in the world?All power is delivered to him. He forgives sins ; he bestows grace ; he cancelspunishments, even in purgatory ; he restores the lapsed ; he excommunicatesthe rebellious ; he can make that which is unlawful, lawful : he cannot err ;his sentences are final, his utterances infallible, his decrees irreformable.O dread dominion ! O dizzy height ! O blasphemousassumption ! O sublime, satanic tyranny ! who is like toyou, you resuscitated Cæsar, you false Christ ? Lord of theconsciene, you sit there as a very deity, QUASI DEUS, as God. You sit supreme,as your own words a witness, " in the temple of the Lord " !Look again at the confessional, where every priest sits as an image of thepope his master, with the sacred consciences of men and woman beneath his feet,as though he were a god ! For mark, he searches the heart, the very secrets of thesoul ; he demands the discovery and confession of all its sins ; he makes himselfmaster of all its thoughts and intents; he sits in that temple, the temple of thehuman conscience, which God claims solely for Himself. Oh, awful position !And there he presumes to reign, to decide, to absolve from sin ; " Absolvo te,"I absolve you, is his word. <strong>The</strong> sinner regards him as holding the place of JesusChrist. This Romish work is a witness that it is so. This is the Ursuline Manual.Here, in the chapter for the direction of those who go to confession,, and everyPapist does, are these words, " Confessors should not be viewed in any otherlight than ... as holding the place of Jesus Christ " (p. 77). And again, on p. 182," When you leave the confessional, do not disturb your mind by examining whetheryou have been confessed well, or have forgotten any of your sins ; but rest assuredthat, if you have made your confession with sincerity, and the other requisitedispositions, you are, according to the express decisions of the Council of Trent,fully absolved from every sin." " Who can forgive sins, but God only? "See how the " man of sin " sits in God's temple, and robs Him of His place andHis prerogative !Look at this orther book. It is the volume of the laws and constitution of theJesuits. Here, on p. 10, the Jesuit is taught that his superior, whoever he may

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.341be, must be recognised, reverenced, and submitted to with perfect and completesubjection of act and thought, as occupying the place of Jesus Christ. Thus thepriest in the confessional, and the superior in the Jesuit order, and the bishop andarchbishop and cardinal, all reflect the sacerdotal supremacy of the pope, who sitsthere in God's very temple, the temple of conscience and of the Christian Church,as a usurping god - quasi Deus, as if God Himself.But we must pass on from this point, the position assumed by the man of sin inthe Church of God, and ask whether Romanism has fulfilled the other predictionsof St. Paul as to " lying wonders " and " signs," or false miracles, and the deceitsof unrighteousness. Has she employed these as a means of gaining "power,"deluding her votaries that she might the more effectually enslave them? To exaltthe priesthood, and especially its head, the Papal highpriest, Rome has sparednothing. She has trampled alike on the intellect and conscience of mankind, anddespised the eternal well-being of souls by inducing them to believe lies.<strong>The</strong> man of sin was to come with all power and signs and lying wonders,in all deceivableness of unrighteousness. Just as the aspostles wrought miraclesto confirm the gospel they preached - or rather, as the Lord wrought with themand confirmed the word with signs following - so Satan would workwith antichrist, endorsing his pretensions with false miracles designed tooverthrow the gospel [Editor: the good tidings]. Bishop John Jewell, of Salisbury,wrote in the sixteenth century:"Of the first sort of false miracles, we have seen an infinite number in the daysof our father in the kingdom of antichrist. <strong>The</strong>n was there an appearance of spiritsand visions of angels: our lady came swimming down from heaven ; pour soulscame creeping and crying out of purgatory, and jetted abroad ; and kept stations,casting flakes of fire, and beset highways, and bemoaned their cases, the pains andtorments were so bitter."<strong>The</strong>y sought for help, and cried for good prayers ; they cried for dirges, theycried for masses of requiem, for masses of scala cœli, for trentals of masses.Hereof grew portsale of pardons, and hereof grew the province of purgatory, themost gainful country that ever was under the city of Rome."But these miracles were no miracles at all ; they were devised by subtle varletsand lazy lordanes for a purpose, to get money. Oftentimes the spirit has beentaken and laid in the stocks ; the angel has been stript ; the good lady has beencaught ; the conveyance of the miracle has appeared ; the engines, and sleights,and the cause, and the manner of the working have been confessed."In those idols could go on foot ; roods could speak ; bells could ring alone ;images could come down, and light their own candles ; dead stocks could sweat,and bestir themselves ; they could turn their eyes ; they could move their hand ;they could open their mouths ; they could set bones and knit sinews ; they couldheal the sick, and raise up the dead."<strong>The</strong>se miracles were conveyances and subtelies, and indeed no miracles ; thetrunks by which they spoke, the strings and wires with which they moved theirfaces and hands, all the rest of their treachery, have been disclosed. <strong>The</strong>se are themiracles of which Paul speaks - miracles in sight, in appearance, but indeed nomiracles.

342Paul's Foreview of Romanism."... It was also arranged that the saints should not have power to work in allplaces. Some wrought at Canterbury, some at Walsingham, some at York, some atBuxton, some in one place, some in another, some in the towns, some in the fields.Even as Jeremiah said among the Jews, chapter xi., ' According to the numberof your cities were your gods.' Hereof grew pilgrimages and worshipping ofimages, and kissing of reliquies ; hereof grew oblations, and enriching of abbeys ;every man had his peculiar saint on whom he called ; every country wasfull of chapels, every chapel full of miracles, and everymiracle full of lies."<strong>The</strong>se miracles are wrought by antichrist ; they are his tools, wherewith heworks ; they are his weapons, wherewith he prevails ; they are full of lying, fullof deceitfulness, and full of wickedness: so shall antichrist prevail, and rule overthe world. By these miracles he shall possess the ears, they eyes, and the hearts ofmany, and shall draw them after him." 11Jewell on 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians, p. 245... But lying wonders to impose of the ignorant and superstitious masses werenot the only means by which the Papacy attained its power in the middle ages ;spurious documents, impostures of another kind, were used to influence theroyal, noble, and ecduacted classes. Principal among these were the celebrateddecretal epistles, a forgery which produced the most important consequencesfor the Papacy, though its spurious nature was was ultimately detected. Gibbonwrites: "Before the end of the eighth century, some apostolical scribe, perhapsthe notorious Isidore, composed the ' decretals ' and the ' donation ofConstantine' - the two magic pillars of the spiritual and temporal monarchyof the popes. This memorable donation was introduced to the world by an epistleof Pope Adrian I., who exhorts Charlemagne to imitate the liberality and revivethe name of the great Constantine. " (GIBBON: "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,"chap. xlix.) <strong>The</strong>ir effect was enormous in advancing both the temporal power andthe ecclesiastical supremacy of the popes. <strong>The</strong> donation of Constantine foundedthe one, and the false decretals the other. <strong>The</strong> latter pretended to be decrees ofthe early bishops of Rome limiting the independence of all archbishops andbishops by establishing a supreme jurisdiction of the Roman see in all cases,and by forbidding national councils to be held without its consent. " Upon thesespurious decretals," says Mr. Hallam in his " History of the Middle Ages,"" was built the great fabric of Papal supremacy over the different nationalChurches - a fabric which has stood after its foundation crumbled beneath it,for no one has pretended to deny for the last two centuries that the impostureis too palpable for any but the most ignorant ages to credit."It is evident then that Romanism has fulfilled this part of the prophecy of the" man of sin," even him whose coming was to be after the working ofSatan with all power and signs and lying wonders and all deceivableness ofunrighteousness. <strong>The</strong> power of the popes was built up on frauds and deceits ofthis character, and has been maintained over all the nations subject to it ever sinceby pretended miracles, spurious relics, lying wonders, and unrighteous deceits.And all these have been employed to oppose the gospel and establish falsehood.

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.343In considering the ecclesiastical aspect of Romanism, we must never forgetthat it is the outcome and climax of the predicted apostasy, whose features Pauldescribes in Timothy. We must close this lecture with a few remarks on thedeparture from the faith which occupies so prominent a place in that description.Some should " depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits anddoctrines of devils [Editor: demons], speaking lies in hypocrisy, forbiddingto marry, and commanding to abstain from meats." <strong>The</strong> faith must of coursehere be taken in a broad sense, as including all the doctrines and commandmentsof the Christian religion. <strong>The</strong> apostasy was to be marked by a departure fromthis faith, by the teaching of false doctrines, and the inculcation of antiscripturalpractices. That Popery is completely at variance with the Bible onall the important points of the faith of Christ may be safely asserted, and can beabundantly proved. We can select by a few of the principal points.1. <strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul teaches that the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s are able to make us" wise to salvation," that they are capable of rendering the man of God " throughlyfurnished " ; and James [Editor: Jacob] speaks of the engrafted word of God as" able to save the soul." <strong>The</strong> true doctrine therefore is that <strong>Scripture</strong> contains allthat is necessary to salvation. What is the doctrine of Romanism on this point?One of the articles of the Council of Trent asserts that, not only should the Oldand New Testaments be received with reverence as the word of God, but also" the unwritten traditions which have come down to us, pertaining bothto faith and manners, and preserved in the Catholic Church by continualsuccession." In considering this decree, and its fatal effects in exalting merehuman traditions to the level of Divine revelation, one is reminded of thesolemn words which close the Apocalypse: " If any man shall add tothese things, God shall add to him the plagues thatare written in this book." (Revelation 22,18) Christ taught, on thecontrary, that tradition was to be rejected whenever it was opposed to <strong>Scripture</strong>. "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition ? "" In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandmentsof men." " Laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the traditionof men." " Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition."2. Again. <strong>The</strong> Bible teaches us the duty of reading and searching the <strong>Scripture</strong>s.<strong>The</strong> Lord Jesus [Editor: Master] Himself said, " Search the <strong>Scripture</strong>s " ; butRomanism forbids the general reading of <strong>Scripture</strong>, asserting that such a useof the word of God in the vulgar tongue causes more harm than good, and that itmust never be practised except by special permission in writing obtained from apriest. If any presume to read it without that, they are not to receive absolution.Booksellers who sell the Bible to any desiring to obtain it are to have penaltiesinflicted upon them, and no one is to purchase a Bible without special licensefrom their superior. This is extended to receiving a gift of the Bible.3. <strong>The</strong> true faith teaches us that every man is bound to judge for himself asto the meaning of <strong>Scripture</strong>. " Prove all things, hold fast that which is good."(1. <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 5,21 ) - " To the law and to the testimony : ifthey speak not according to this word, it is because there is nolight in them," (Isaiah 8,20) - But the Council of Trent decrees, that " no one

344Paul's Foreview of Romanism.confiding in his own judgment shall dare to wrest the sacred <strong>Scripture</strong>s to his ownsense of them contrary to that which is held by holy mother Church, whose rightit is to judge of the meaning." If anyone disobeys this decree he is to be punishedaccording to law.4. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us most abundantly that Christ is the only head of theChurch [Editor: the head of every man is Christ, the Messiah (1. Corinthians 11,3);the assembly]. God gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church, whichis His body ; but Romanism teaches that the pope is the head of the Church onearth. " <strong>The</strong> pope is the head of all heads, and the prince, moderator, and pastorof the whole Church of Christ, which is under him," says Benedict XIV. ; andthe Douay catechism, taught in all Papal schools, says, " He who is not in dueconnexion and subordination to the pope must needs be dead, and cannot becounted a member of the Church."5. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us that the wages of sin is death, and " that whoever shallkeep the law, and yet offend in one point, is guilty of all." (Jacob / James 2,10) -" Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in thebook of the law to do them." (Galatians 3,10) - But Popery teaches that there aresome sins which do not deserve the wrath and curse of God, and that venial sinsdo not bring spiritual death to the soul.6. <strong>The</strong> Bible teaches us that a man is justified by faithwithout the deeds of the law, and that we are justified freelyby His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.But Popery denounces this doctrine. <strong>The</strong> Council of Trent asserted that whosoevershould affirm that we are justified by the grace and favour of God was to beaccursed, and so all those who hold that salvation is not by works, but by grace.7. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us to confess sin to God only. " Against You, You only,have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight." (Psalm 51,4) - " Every one ofus shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14,12) - " If we confessour sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins."(1. John 1,9) - But Romanism denies this, and says that sacramental confessionto a priest is necessary to salvation, and that any one who should denounce thepractice of secret confessions as contrary to the institution and command of Christand a mere human invention, is to be accursed.8. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us, again, that God only can forgive sins, and thatthe minister's duty is simply to announce His forgiveness. " Repentance andremission of sins " was to be preached in His name [Editor: in the Name ofYahshua the Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of YAHWEH our Elohim] amongall nations. " God was in Christ [Editor: because the Name of YAHWEH is inthe name Yahshua: <strong>The</strong> translation of name Yahshua means “YAHWEH saves”],reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them ; and hascommitted to us the word of reconciliation." He command us to preach to thepeople, that "through His name whosoever believes in Himshall receive remission of sins." <strong>The</strong> Council of Trent asserts, onthe contrary, whosoever shall affirm that the priest's absolution is not a judicialact, but only a ministry to declare that the sins of the penitent are forgiven, or thatthe confession of the penitent is not necessary in order to obtain absolution from

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.345the priest, let him be accursed.9. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us that no man is perfectly righteous, and certainly thatnone can do more than his duty to God. " If we say we have no sin, we deceiveourselves." (1. John 1,8) - " In Your sight shall no man living be justified."(Psalm 143,2) - " When you shall have done all those things which arecommanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants : we have done that whichwas our duty to do." (Luke 17,10) - <strong>The</strong> Council of Trent, on the contrary, assertsthat the good works of the justified man, his fasts, alms, and penances, reallydeserve increase of grace and eternal life, and that God is willing, on account ofHis most pious servants, to forgive others. It teaches that a man may do more thanis requisite, and may give the overplus of his good works to another.10. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us that faith in Christ removes sin and its guilt, " that theLamb of God takes away the sin of the world (John 1,29)," that by His deathChrist put away our sins, that " the blood of Jesus Christ His SON [Editor:the Son of YAHWEH our Elohim] cleanses us from all sin." (1. John 1,7) -But Romanism teaches that the venial sins of believers have to be expiated bya purgatory after death, and that the prayers of the faithful can help them. <strong>The</strong>Creed of Pope Pius IV. contains the clause : " I constantly hold that there is apurgatory, and that the souls detained therein are helped by the suffrages of thefaithful."11. <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us that " by one offering he has perfectedforever them that are sanctified (Hebrews 10,14)," that He wasonce offered to bear the sins of many. But Romanism asserts, on the contrary,that in each of the endlessly repeated masses in its innumerable churches all overthe world there is offered to God " a true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice forthe living and the dead."12. <strong>Scripture</strong>, as we have already shown, teaches us that the marriage of theministers of Christ is a lawful and honorable thing. Peter was a married man ; Paulasserts his liberty to marry, and says that a bishop [Editor: exactly a "overseer"]must be the husband of one wife, having his children in subjection with all gravity,and that the deacons also must be the husbands of one wife, ruling their childrenand their own houses well. Romanism, on the other hand, teaches " that the clergymay not marry, and that marriage is to them a pollution."13. <strong>Scripture</strong> says, " You shall worship the Lord your God [Editor: worshipYAHWEH your Elohim], and Him only shall you serve." (Matthew 4,10) -Barnabas and Paul with horror forbade the crowds to worship them, and the angelsimilarly forbade John, saying, " See you do it not." Romanism enjoins theworship both of angels and saints and their relics. " <strong>The</strong> saints reigning togetherwith Christ are to be honored and invocated ; they offer up prayers to God for us,and their relics are to be venerated."14. <strong>The</strong> Bible again teaches that images are not to be worshiped. " You shallnot bow down to them, nor serve them." (Exodus 20,5) - " I amthe Lord [Editor: I am YAHWEH] : My glory will I not give toanother, neither My praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42,8) -But Romanism teaches her votaries to say, " I most firmly assert, that the imagesof Christ, and of the mother of God ever virgin, and also of the other saints, are to

346Paul's Foreview of had and retained, and that due honor and veneration are to be given to them."15. And above all, <strong>Scripture</strong> teaches us that there is one God, andone Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus(1. Timothy 2,5), neither is there salvation in any other. But Romanism teachesthat there are other mediators in abundance besides Jesus Christ, that the VirginMary and the saints are such. " <strong>The</strong> saints reigning together with Christ offerprayers to God for us."I must not go further, and contract Bible and Romish teachings on the subjectof the Lord's supper, extreme unction, and a multitude of other points, but maysay, in one word, that there is not a doctrine of the gospel which has not beencontradicted or distorted by this system, and that it stands branded before theworld beyond all questions as fulfilling Paul's prophecy of the apostasy - that itshould be characterized by departure from the faith.Perhaps I cannot give you a better idea of the distinctive teachings ofRomanism as to controverted points of doctrine, than by reading to you the Creedof Pope Pius IV. This creed was adopted at the famous Council of Trent, held inthe sixteenth century, when the doctrines of the Reformation were already widelydiffused through Europe, and joyfully accepted and held by the young ProtestantChurches of many lands. <strong>The</strong> Council of Trent was indeed Rome's reply to theReformation. <strong>The</strong> newly recovered truths of the gospel were in its canons anddecrees stigmatised as pestilent heresies, and all who held them accursed ; and inopposition to them this creed was prepared and adopted. It commences with theNicene Creed, which is common to Romanists and Protestants ; but to this simpleand ancient " form of sound words " it adds twelve new articles which are peculiarto Rome, and contain her definite rejection of the doctrines of <strong>Scripture</strong> recoveredat the Reformation." 1. I most firmly admit and embrace apostolical and ecclesiastical traditions,and all other constitutions and observances of the same Church." 2. I also admit the sacred <strong>Scripture</strong> according to the sense which the holymother Church has held, and does hold, to whom it belongs to judge of the truesense and interpretation of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s ; nor will I ever take or interpretthem otherwise than according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers." 3. I profess also, that there are truly and properly seven sacraments of the newlaw, instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord, and for the salvation of mankind, thoughall are not necessary for every one ; namely, baptism, confirmation, eucharist,penance, extreme unction, orders, and matrimony ; and that they confer grace ;and of these, baptism, confirmation, and orders cannot be reiterated withoutsacrilege." 4. I also receive and admit the ceremonies of the Catholic Church receivedand approved in the solemn administration of all the above said sacraments." 5. I receive and embrace all and every one of the things which have beendefined and declared in the holy Council of Trent concerning original sin andjustification." 6. I profess likewise that in the mass is offered to God a true, proper, andpropitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead ; and that in the most holysacrifice of the eucharist there is truly, really, and substantially the body and

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.347blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ ; and thatthere is made a con<strong>version</strong> of the whole substance of the bread into the body andof the whole substance of the wine into the blood, which con<strong>version</strong> the CatholicChurch calls transubstantiation." 7. I confess also, that under either kind alone, whole and entire Christ and atrue sacrament are received." 8. I constantly hold that there is a purgatory, and that the souls detainedtherein are helped by the suffrages of the faithful." 9. Likewise that the saints reigning together with Christ are to be honoredand invocated ; that they offer prayers to God for us ; and that their relics are tobe venerated." 10. I most firmly assert that the images of Christ, and of the mother of Godever virgin, and also of the other saints, are to be had and retained, and that duehonor and veneration are to be given them." 11. I also affirm that the power of indulgences was left by Christ in theChurch, and that the use of them is most wholesome to Christian people." 12. I acknowledge the holy catholic and apostolic Roman Church, the motherand mistress of all Churches ; and I promise and swear true obedience to theRoman bishop, the successor of St. Peter, the prince of the apostles and vicar ofJesus Christ." 13. I also profess and undoubtedly receive all other things delivered, defined,and declared by the sacred canons and general councils, and particularly by theholy Council of Trent ; and likewise I also condemn, reject, and anathematize allthings contrary thereto, and all heresies whatsoever, condemned, rejected, andanathematized by the Church." This true catholic faith, out of which none can be saved, which I now freelyprofess, and truly hold, I, N., promise, vow, and swear most constantly to hold andprofess the same whole and entire, with God's assistance, to the end of my life ;and to procure, as far as lies in my power, that the same shall be held, taught, andpreached by all who are under me, or are entrusted to my care, by virtue of myoffice. So help me God, and these holy gospels of God."This Creed of Pope Pius IV. is the authoritative Papal epitome of the canonsand decrees " depends upon the considerations, that its record embody thesolemn, formal, and official decision of the Church of Rome - which claims tobe the only holy, catholic Church of Christ - upon all the leading doctrines taughtby the reformers ; that its decrees upon all doctrinal points are received by allRomanists as possessed of infallible authority ; and that every Popish priest issworn to recieve, profess, and maintain everything defined and declared by it."(W. CUNNINGHAM, D.D.: " Historical <strong>The</strong>ology," vol. i., p. 483.)As an illustration of its reception and maintenance in the present day by theinfallible head of the Romish Church, and by the whole conclave of RomanCatholic bishops, I refer you to their action in the comparatively recent Councilof the Vatican.See the almost incredible spectacle of 1870 ! See those seven hundred bishopsof the Church throughout the world garthered in Rome at the high altar of St.Peter's. See them and hear them ! In this Romish book, entitled " <strong>The</strong> Chair of

348 Paul's Foreview of Romanism.Peter," p. 497, is a description of the scene. " <strong>The</strong> pope recited in a loud voicethe profession of faith, namely the Creed of Nice and Constantinople, togetherwith the definitions of the Council of Trent, called the Creed of Pope Pius IV. ;after which it was read aloud from the ambo by the Bishop of Fabriano ; 'then fortwo whole hours,' to use the words of one of the prelates present, ' the cardinals,patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, and other fathers of the council, madetheir adhesion to the same by kissing the Gospel at the throne of the head of theChurch.' A truly sublime spectacle, those seven hundred bishops from all partsof the earth, the reprentatives of more than thirty nations, and of two hundredmillions of Christians, thus openly making profession of one common faith, incommunion with the one and supreme pastor and teacher of all ! "Yes ; the Creed of Trent, the canons and decrees of Trent, the Creed of Pius IV.;those twelve articles which Rome has added to the ancient Nicene Creed,the sacrifice of the mass, transubstantiation, communion in one kind, theseven sacraments, traditions, Romish interpretation, Popish ceremonies,justification by works, purgatory, invocation of saints, indulgences, theworship of images, the absolute supremacy of the pope as the vicar of Christ,and no salvation out of union and communion with him, and submission tohim : they confessed and professed them all, and swore adhesion to them, andkissed the holy Gospels in solemn token thereof before heaven and earth.O Creed of Pius - or Impious as he deserved rather to be called; O doctrinesof Trent, " solemn, formal, official " decision of the Church of Rome uponall the great doctrines taught by the Reformers, Rome's reply to theReformation, her deliberate final rejection and anathema of its blessedteachings and confessions drawn from the holy word of God ; O Creed ofTrent and of the impious priest whose word supplantsthe word of God with fables and blasphemies and lies :you are the awful decision of apostate Latin Christendom on the controversyof ages, a decision to which rome must now unchangeablyadhere, sealed, as infallible, confessed to be irreformable !O momentous fact ! O fatal Creed of Trent ! you are a millstoneround the neck of the Romish pontiff, the cardinals, the archbishops,the bishops, the priests, the people of the whole Papal Church - a mightymillstone that must sink them in destruction and perdition !<strong>The</strong>re is no shaking you off. Alas ! they have doomed themselves to wear you ;hey have wedded and bound themselves to your deadly lies ; they havesealed, have sworn to you as infallible and irreformable, andcondemned themselves to abide by your forever ! It is done, Rome's last wordis spoken. Her fate is fixed, fixed by her own action, her own utterance, her ownoath. Individuals may escape, may flle the system ; but as a Church it is pastrecovery, and utterly beyond the reach of reformation. Oh that thousands mightescape from it while yet there is time ! Oh that they would hear theearnest, the urgent call, " Come out of her, My people " ! Oh thatthey would wake from their blind and abject submission to the tyranny ofhypocrites while there is room for repentance !And now, in conclusion. We have shown briefly but clearly that Romanism

Paul's Foreview of Romanism.349is the offspring of a mystery of iniquity which began to workin apostolic times ; that it is characterized by hypocrisy, by asceticism, bythe prohibition of meats and marriage, by superstition and idolatry, by theworship of relics and images, of saints and angels, by the multiplication ofmediators, by false miracles, by lying signs and wonders, and by doctrinesand decrees antagonistic to the teachings and commandsof Christ. We have shown that the Papal pontiffs have exalted themselvesabove all bishops, and above all kings, that they have fabricated newarticles of faith and new rules of discipline ; that they havealtered the terms of salvation ; that they have sold the pardon of sins formoney, and bartered the priceless gifts of grace for selfish gain ; that theyhave bound their deadly doctrines on the souls of countless millionsby monstrous tyrannical threats and denunciations ; thatthey have pertinaciously rejected the light of truth ; that they have resolutelyand wrathfully resisted those who have rebuked their impiety ; that they havethundered against them their bulls and interdicts, their excommunicationsand anathemas ; that they have made war with them, and with the faithfulsaints of many ages, and prevailed against them, and worn them out withlong and cruel persecutions, with infamous and inhuman massacres ; thatthey have waged against them no less than a war of extermination,wielding in this the whole strength and machinery of the resistless Romanempire, as well as the spiritual forces of the apostate Christian Church ;that with the mighty working of Satan, with all power, signs,and miracles of falsehood they have opposed christ, have opposed Hisdoctrines, His precepts, His people, and His cause, and in opposing Christ[Editor: Christ, the Messiah Yahshua our Master] have opposed Godhimself, and made war with Him who is the Lord [Editor: YAHWEHElohim] of heaven and earth, and have uttered against Him their daringprohibitions and anathemas ; that they have enthroned themselves in His holytemple, and trampled on His sacred laws, and trodden down His saints andservants, and arrogated to themselves His place, and power, and prerogatives ;and while perpetrating acts of enormous and indescribable wickedness, haveblasphemously claimed to be His sole representatives both in the Churchand in the world, to be inspired by His spirit, to be infallible in theirteachings and decrees, to be Vice-Christs, to be Vice-Gods - in other words,to be as Christ, and as God himself visibly revealed uponthe earth.We have further shown the prophets and apostles foresaw and foretold therise, reign, and doom of such a great apostate power, describing it as a " littlehorn" of the fourth or Roman empire, possessed of intelligence and oversight,having a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies ; a power both politicaland ecclesiastical ; a Roman ruler, yet an overseer in the Christian Church ;a power arising on the break up of the old Roman empire, and co-existingwith the kings of its divided Gothic state ; a power inspired by Satan, andprevailing by means of false miracles and lying wonders ; a power springingfrom a " mystery of iniquity " and characterized by all deceivableness of

350Paul's Foreview of Romanism.unrighteousness ; a lawless, self-exalting power, claiming Divine prerogatives,and receiving from deluded millions the submission and homage whichshould be rendered to God alone ; a power characterized by exceedingpersonal sinfulness, and by the widespread promotion of sin in others ; aboveall, a persecuting power, a power making WAR with the SAINTS, andwearing them out, and prevailing against them throughout its long career ofproud usurpation and triumphant tyranny.<strong>The</strong>se inspired words of prophecy and those indisputable facts of historyagree. <strong>The</strong> Roman Papacy is revealed by the far-reaching light of the divinelywritten word. Its portrait is painted ; its mystery is penetrated ; its character,its deeds are drawn ; its thousand veils and subterfuges are torn away. <strong>The</strong>unsparing hand of inspiration has stripped it, and left it standing upon thestage of history deformed and naked, a dark emanation from the pit, bloodstainedand blasphemous, blindly struggling in the concentrated rays ofcelestial recognition, amid the premonitory thunders and lightnings of itsfast approaching doom.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 58-68, 71-84

352JOHN'S FOREVIEW OF ROMANISM.In the three preceding lectures we considered first the POLITICAL characterand relations of Romanism, as prefigured in the prophecies of Daniel ; and nextits ECCLESIASTICAL chararakter and relations, as predicted in the epistles ofPaul.We have now to consider the combination of these two aspects, or thePOLITICO-ECCLESIASTICAL character of Romanism, as presented in theprophecies of John.<strong>The</strong> Apocalypse, or " Revelation of Jesus Christ," is an advance on all otherprohecies. It gives the complete story of Christ's kingdom, exhibiting itboth from an external and an internal point of view, and unveiling its politicalas well as its ecclesiastical history. In its faithful reflection of the future it givescentral prominence to the Roman power and apostasy. On this subject it entersinto detail, and exhibits the mutual relations of the Latin Church and Roman State,using composite figures for this purpose, - figures one part of which representthe political aspect of Romanism as a temporal government, and the other itsreligious aspect as an ecclesiastical system.Two great foreviews of Romanism are given in the Apocalypse : thatconcerning its rise and reign in chapter xiii., and that relating to its decline andfall in chapters xvii.-xix.Both of these prophecies are double. <strong>The</strong> first is the prophecy of " the beast "and " the false prophet " ; the second is that of " the beast " and the " harlot."<strong>The</strong> false prophet acts for " the beast," the harlot rides upon " the beast." Ineach case there are two powers, perfectly distinct yet closely connected. <strong>The</strong>" beast " and " false prophet " can neither be confounded nor separated.Similarly, the " beast " and " harlot " are associated. <strong>The</strong> beast carries the harlotduring all her long career of crime and cruelty, and they both come to their ruinin the same judment era of the vials of God's righteous wrath which terminate thepresent dispensation.Before considering the interpretation of these wonderful Apocalyptic visions,it will be necessary to devote a few moments to the relation which exists betweenthe prophecies of Daniel and those of John. We are exhibiting the proheciesof Romanism as a whole, and in order to this it is necessary to trace the simpleyet profound connexion between the foreview granted to the Jewish prophet inBabylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, and that given to theChristian apostle in Patmos, in the days of Domitian.<strong>The</strong> prophecies of Daniel and the book of Revelationmay be considered as two parts of a single prophecy ; their subject is the same,and their symbols are the same. <strong>The</strong>y reveal the course of cruel, idolatrous Gentileempires, followed by the eternal kingdom of God ; and in doing this they employthe same symbols. Daniel revealed the four empires ; John the fourth only, forthe first three had in his time passed away. Babylon, Persia, Greece had fallen ;but Rome was still in the zenith of its greatness, destined to endure for manyages, and to rule, even to our own day, a large section of the human race. To Johntherefore was shown with considerable fulness, the future of the Roman power.

John's Foreview of Romanism.353<strong>The</strong> Apocalypse contains a marvelous foreview of the rise, reign, decline, andfall of the Roman Papacy, of the sufferings and triumphs of the saints of Godduring its continuance, and their enthronement at its close.<strong>The</strong> Roman empire is presented to Daniel and to John under one and thesame striking and special symbol, a ten-horned wild beast. Danielsah the Medo-Persian empire as a two-horned ram, one horn being higher thanthe other (Daniel viii., 3). He saw the Grecian empire as a four-horned goat(Daniel viii,8-22); and he saw the Roman empires as a ten-horned wild beast.Thus these three great empires as seen by Daniel were two-horned, four-horned,ten-horned. This is remarkable and easy to be remembered. Now Daniel's tenhornedbeast reappears in the Apocalypse. Here we have an important linkbetween the Old Testament and the New, and a clue to the meaning of the last bookof <strong>Scripture</strong>. Let us try to be clear on this point. <strong>The</strong> four wild beasts representBabylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. <strong>The</strong> fourth is ten-horned. This ten-horned beastof Daniel reappears in the Apocalypse, the divinely given symbol of the fourthand final earthly empire. You see it in chapters xii., xiii., and xvii. of the book ofRevelation. Compare now the passages.First, Daniel vii., 7 : " I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast,dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly ; and it had ten horns." Next,Revelation xii., 3: " A great red dragon, having ten horns." Revelation xiii., 1 :" I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having ten horns." Lastly, Revelation xvii., 3:" A scarlet colored beast, having ten horns."It is universally admitted that this fourth, or ten-horned beast,represents the Roman empire. <strong>The</strong> angel himself so interprets it. I want youparticularly to notice the fact that we are not left to speculate about the meaningof these symbols ; that the all-wise Gid who selected them, and gave them to us,has condescended to give us their interpretation. All these principal visions aredivinely interpreted.First, as to the vision of the fourfold image there is an inspired interpretationof a most detailed character. You remember the words with which it begins," This is the dream, and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king."<strong>The</strong>n in the vision of the four wild beasts there is the interpretation beginningthus, " So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things."So with the vision of the second and third empires in Daniel viii., there is theinterpretation. Daniel says : " I heard a man's voice ... which called, and said,Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision," and so forth.<strong>The</strong> same method is followed in the Apocalypse. <strong>The</strong> opening vision ofthe seven candlesticks is interpreted. You remember the words, " <strong>The</strong> sevencandlesticks [lampstands] which you saw are the seven Churches [Revelation 1,20;Bethel Edition: the seven assemblies]." And similarly, the vision of the womanseated on the seven-headed, ten-horned beast, in chapter xvii., is interpreted:every part of it is interpreted. Observe the angel's words: " I will tell you themystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the sevenheads and ten horns." Mark in your Bibles, if you will, these four sentences inthe angelic interpretation :"<strong>The</strong> beast which you saw."

354 John's Foreview of Romanism."<strong>The</strong> ten horns which you saw.""<strong>The</strong> waters which you saw.""<strong>The</strong> women which you saw."<strong>The</strong>se foUr sentences are the key to the Apocalypse.<strong>The</strong> beast, the horns, the waters, the woman are all interpreted ; and theirinterpretation involves, or carries in it, the interpretation of the Apocalypse. <strong>The</strong>seven heads of the beast are also interpreted, and so interpreted as to tie downthe symbol to the ROMAN empire. For the angel mentions an important note oftime ; he says of the seven heads, " five are fallen, and ONE IS, and the other isnot yet come." <strong>The</strong> heads of this beast then, when the vision was revealed, werepast, present, and future ; five were past, the sixth then existed, the seventh wasnot yet come. This demonstrates the power in question to be the Roman empire.<strong>The</strong> then reigning power in John's day was symbolized by the sixth head of aseven-headed beast. This is certain. And the then reigning power was that of theCæsars of pagan Rome. This is equally certain. <strong>The</strong>refore the Roman Cæsars wererepresented by the sixth head of the symbolic beast. Now, to make assurancedoubly sure, mark the closing sentence in the angelic interpretation : " <strong>The</strong>woman which you saw is that city which reigns over thekings of the earth." Note the word, " which reigns", or as it is in Latin," que habet regnum." <strong>The</strong> words in the Vulgate are, " Et mulier quam vidisti, estcivitas magna, quæ habet regnum super reges terræ " : " and the woman whichyou saw is the great city which has (or holds) the kingdom (or government) overthe kings of the eart." <strong>The</strong> great city " which reigns," not which did reign, norwhich shall reign, but " which reigns," or was actually reigning then. What greatcity was reigning then over the kings of the earth? Rome, and none other.Rome then is the power which is signified.We have now got the KEY to the Apocalypse ; we are no longer lost in acrowd of uninterpreted symbols. <strong>The</strong> beasts of Daniel and John are empires.<strong>The</strong> ten-horned beast is the Roman power. This beast appears three times in theApocalypse ; it is expounded by the angel. This expounded symbol is the key tothe entire prophecy." And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, havingseven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name ofblasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet ofa bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion : and the dragon gave him his power, and hisseat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death ; and hisdeadly wound was healed : and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipedthe beast, saying, Who is like to the beast? who is able to make war with him? And therewas given to him a mouth speaking great things and blaspehmies ; and power was givento him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy againstGod, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And itwas given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them : and power was givenhim over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shallworship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from thefoundation of the world."<strong>The</strong> head is the governing power in the body. <strong>The</strong> heads of thisbeast represent successive governments. Mark the " deadly

John's Foreview of Romanism.355wound " inflicted on the last of its seven heads, and the marvelous healing of thatwound, or the revival of the slain head or government, then mark the tyrannicaland dreadful doings of this revived or eighth head. It becomes a great and terribleenemy of God's people, a Roman enemy - not an early Roman enemy, not a paganCæsar, not a Nero or a Domitian, but one occupying a later place, a final place ;for none succeeds him in that empire, since it is foretold that his destruction willbe accomplished at the advent of Christ in His kingdom.A comparison of this Roman enemy of God's people described by John withthe " little horn " foreshown by Daniel, demonstrates the important fact of theiridentity. <strong>The</strong>y are one and the same. Observe the following points :I. <strong>The</strong> persecuting horn seen by Daniel is a horn of the Roman empire ; it isa Roman horn. And the persecuting head seen by John is a head of the Romanbeast. In this they are alike. Each is Roman.II. <strong>The</strong> persecuting horn grows up in the later, or divided state of the Romanempire ; it rises among the ten Gothic horns. <strong>The</strong> persecuting head seen by Johnalso grows up in the same later state of the Roman empire, for it follows the sevenheads, and is the last. <strong>The</strong> sixth was said by the angel to be in existence in John'stime, and the seventh was to last only a short season, - be wounded to death, andthe revived in a new and final and peculiarly tyrannical and persecuting form. <strong>The</strong>" little horn " in Daniel belongs to the later ten-horned, or Gothic, period of theRoman empire ; and the revived head of the empire seen by John belongs to thesame period. You will note this point - their period is the same. This is a secondmark of their identity.III. Each has a mouth. Now here is a very distinct and remarkable feature. <strong>The</strong>other horns and heads were dumb ; but this speaks. Of the persecuting Romanhorn we read in Daniel, it had " a mouth"; and of the persecuting Roman headwe read in John, " there was given to him a mouth."IV. In each case this mouth speaks the same things. Of the mouth of theRoman horn Daniel says, in chapter vii., " it spoke great things " (v. 8), " greatwords which the horn spoke " (v. 11), " very great things " (v. 20), " great wordsagainst the Most High " (v. 25). While of the Roman head in the Apocalypse Johnsays: "<strong>The</strong>re was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.... And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name,and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven " (Rev. xiii., 6). <strong>The</strong> hornspeaks ; the head speaks : each speaks great things ; each speaks blaspehmies.This striking correspondence is a further indication of their identity. Each has ...:see Daniel vii.,8 and Revelation xiii.,5.<strong>The</strong> expression is exactly the same in the Septuaginttranslation of Daniel and in the Apocalypse.V. <strong>The</strong> horn has great dominion. It plucks up three horns ; it has " a lookmore stout than his fellows " (v. 20) ; it makes war and prevails ; its great" dominion " is eventually taken away and destroyed ; " they shall take awayhis dominion " (v. 26). Similarly the head has great dominion ; nations." <strong>The</strong>applicaton of these words should not be pressed beyond the sphere to which theybelong. In that sphere, for a certain period, the power of the horn or head was tobe supreme and universal. In the fact of their dominion they are alike.

356John's Foreview of Romanism.VI. Each makes war with the saints: each is terrible as an persecutorof God's people. Daniel says: " <strong>The</strong> same horn made war with the saints, andprevailed against them. ... He shall wear out the saints of the Most High. ... <strong>The</strong>yshall be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time."John says: " It was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcomethem " (Rev. xiii., 7) ; " He shall make war against them, and shall overcomethem, and kill them " (Rev. xi., 7). John describes the method of this warfare, inwhat way and for what reason the " saints " or " martyrs of Jesus " " should bekilled " (Rev. xiii., 15) ; and it is of these martyrs the voice from heaven says, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord [Editor: in the Master / Yahshua] fromhenceforth : Yes, said the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and theirworks do follow them " (Rev. xiv., 13). In their persecution of the saints Daniel's" horn " and John's revived " head " are alike.VII. <strong>The</strong> duration of each is the same. This too is a noteworthy feature.<strong>The</strong> duration of the persecuting horn is mystically stated in Daniel as " time,times, and the dividing of time," or three and a half times (Dan. vii.,25). And the duration of the persecuting head in the Apocalypse is stated to beforty-two months. " Power was given to him to continue forty and two months"(Rev. xiii.,5). And these are the same period. This will appear from a comparisonof the seven passages in which this period occurs in Daniel and the Apocalypse ;in these it is called 1,260 days, forty-two months, and forty-two months arethree and a half years. What these symbolic periods present is another question ;our point here is their identity. <strong>The</strong> persecuting horn and persecuting head areexactly the same in their duration. This is another proof of the sameness of thereality they represent.VIII. <strong>The</strong>y end in the same manner and at the same time. This completes theevidence of their identity. <strong>The</strong> persecuting horn is slain by the Ancient of daysrevealed in judgment, and the glory of His kingdom (Dan. vii., 9-11, 22). <strong>The</strong>persecuting head is slain by the " King of kings and Lord of lords" revealedin that judgment in which He treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrathof Almighty God. <strong>The</strong> judgment is the same (Rev. xix., 11, 20). <strong>The</strong> " littlehorn " and revived " head " then, are alike in place, time, character, authority,persecuting action, duration, and doom. <strong>The</strong>y arise at the same point ; they last thesame period ; they do the same deeds ; they come to their end at the samemoment, and by the same revelation of Christ in the glory ofHis kingdom. <strong>The</strong>y cannot prefigure two powers absolutely alike in all theserespects ; but one and the same. Even the Church of Rome admitstheir identity. It teaches that both are symbols of the same great persecutingpower.<strong>The</strong> way is now clear to consider the interpretation of this prophecy. Itis indeed determined already by this very identification. <strong>The</strong> little horn of Danielprefigures, as we have proved before, the Papacy of Rome. So then does thisrevived head. We will examine briefly the evidences which sustain this conclusion ;but as we have already sketched the history, we need not dwell at any length onthe different points. We will take the prophectic features in the order in which wehave already presented them, considering first the facts relating to the rise, and

John's Foreview of Romanism.357then those concerning the reign, of the power in question.First then as to its rise. <strong>The</strong> predicted head rises from the Roman empire. Itis therefore Roman. So is the Papacy. We have called the system which ownsthe pope as head Romanism, because its seat is the seven-hilled city.Secondly, the predicted persecuting power grows up in the second stage ofRoman history. It is the seventh or last head of the old empire revived. Now this isthe exact position of Papacy. <strong>The</strong> Papacy belongs to the second or Christian stageof the Roman empire. It grew up among its Gothic horns or kingdoms. It was therevival of a power which had been slain. When the papan empire was overthrownthe Papal rose in its place. First the Cæsars ruled in Rome, then the popes. <strong>The</strong>Goths overthrew the Roman empire in the fifth century ; Romulus Augustulusabdicated the imperial dignity in A.D. 476. This was the " deadly wound" of theseventh head. From that date the Papacy grew with freedom, grew up among theGothic horns or kingdoms. Note this feature - the Papacy belongs to the secondor Christian of the Roman empire. It was a horn among the Gothic horns. It was arevived head. <strong>The</strong> power of the Cæsars lived again in the universal dominionof the popes.<strong>The</strong> Papacy was small at its beginning, but grew to great dominion ; itexercised as wide a sway as the Cæsars it succeeded ; all Europe submitted toits rule ; it claimed, and still claims, a power without a rival or a limit. Hallam,as we have already remarked, says of the thirteenth century, the noonday ofPapal power: " Rome inspired during this age all the terrorof her ancient name. She was once more mistress of theworld, and kings were her vassals." (HALLAM: " History of the MiddleAges," Fourth Edit., p. 368.) - Remember the proud title taken by the popes, rectororbis - ruler of the world. In this also the Papacy fulfils the prophecy.Observe, secondly, that extraordinary feature both in Daniel and theApocalypse, the mouth of this power. Both the horn, in Daniel, and the head, inJohn, has a mouth, ... " a mouth speaking great things." This feature is marvelouslyfulfilled in the Papacy. What a mouth has that Latin ruler ! What a talker !what a teacher ! what a thunderer ! How has he boasted himself and magnifiedhimself, and excommunicated and anathematized all who have resisted him?Has the world ever seen his equal in this respect? All the Gothic kings were hishumble servants. He was, by his own account, and is, the representative of Christ,of God, ruler of the world, armed with all the powers of Christ in heaven, earth,and hell. He is infallible ; his decrees are irreformable. A mouthindeed is his, a mouth speaking great things!Notice, in the third place, his warring with the saints. In the Apocalypse weread, " It was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcomethem." I will not do more here than remind you of the fact that, terribly as thesaints suffered under the Cæsars of pagan Rome, they suffered far more terriblyand far longer under Papal Rome. Let the massacres of the Albigenses, theWaldenses, the Hussites, the Lollards, the massacres in Holland and theNetherlands, the massacre of St. Bartholomew, the massacre in Ireland in1641, the tortures of the Inquisition, the fires of the stake kindled over andover in every country in Europe - let these speak and testify to the fulfilment

358 John's Foreview of Romanism.of prophecy. Yes ; the Papacy has made war with the saints,and overcome them, and worn them out, and would have totally crushed andannihilated them, but for the sustaining hand and reviving power of God. In itsprolonged, cruel, and universal persecution of the saints, the Papacy has fulfilledthis solemn prophecy.Notice, in the fourth place, the predicted duration of this persecuting power.Daniel mysteriously announces its duration as three and a half times ; John asforty-two month. <strong>The</strong> symbolical nature of the prophecy, as well as the vastnessof the subject, forbid us to take these times literally. As the beast is symbolic,and its various parts symbolic, so the period of its persecuting head is symbolic.You find this period mentioned seven times over in Daniel and Revelation, andcalled 1,260 days, forty-two months, and also three and a half " times." <strong>The</strong>seare, as we have said, the same period. Calculate for yourself, and you will findit so. Now, both in the law and prophets, a day is used as the symbolicof a year. Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel use it thus. <strong>The</strong> seventy weeks of Daniel,or 490 days to Messiah, were fulfilled as 490 years; that is, they were fulfilledon the year-day scale. On this scale the forty-two months, or 1,260 days, are1,260 years. We ask then, Has the Papacy endured this period? An examinationof its rise in the sixth century, at the notable decree of the emperor Justinian,constituting the Bishop of Rome head of all the Churches in Christendom,A.D. 533, 1,260 years extended to 1793, the date of the tremendous Papal overthrowin the French Revolution. [Great Controversy, Ellen G. White, p. 266, 579: <strong>The</strong>1260 years of papal supremacy began in A.D. 538, and would therefore terminatein 1798. - <strong>The</strong> infliction of the dealy wound points to the downfall of the papacy in1798.] ... the Papacy assumed the highest exaltation to which it could aspire, thatof infallibility, and lost the emporal sovereignty, which it had held for more than athousand years. Thus the predicted period has been fulfilled. What an evidenceis this! <strong>The</strong> Papacy has fulfilled the prophecy, not only in itsgeographical and historical position, its moral character, its political power,its blasphemous pretensions, its tyrannical career, but in its very chronology, -in the point of its rise, the period of its duration, the era of its decline, thecrisis of its overthrow.We have already directed your attention to the fact that the Papacy is acomplex power, and requires complex symbols for its prefiguration.It is both a secular and an ecclesiastical power ; and the ecclesiastical powerhas arrogated to itself the right to create the secular, or endow it with Divineauthority, and has also wielded the energies of the secular power in pursuance ofits own unholy ends.Revelation xiii. represents these organizations as " beasts." <strong>The</strong> one isrepresented as a ten-horned, the other as a two-horned beast. <strong>The</strong> former rises,as does each of the beasts of Daniel, from the sea ; the latter rises from the earth.<strong>The</strong> one springs up in storm, the other in stillness. Striving and warring windsattend the birth of the one ; the other grows up quietly from a low, terrestrialorigin, like an ivy plant of a noxious, earth-born weed. <strong>The</strong> ten horns of the oneare strong iron kingdoms ; the two horns of the other are gentle and lamb-like.<strong>The</strong> two beasts stand side by side ; they act together in everything. <strong>The</strong> earth-

John's Foreview of Romanism.359born beast is the " prophet " of the sea-born beast, and he is a " false prophet."He compels subjection to the secular power, especially to its new head whichhad been slain and healed. He establishes an idolatrous worship of that head, ora submission to it as Divine in authority. He " exercises " all the power of theten-horned beast in his warfare against the saints and servants ofGod. He works false miracles, and accomplishes lying wonders, and even bringsdown fire upon earth in imitation of the prophets of the Lord [Editor: YAHWEH,our Elohim] ; that is, he causes judgments to descend on those who resist. He usesthe instrument of excommunication, a weapon of celestial authority, and wieldsit with terrible effect. He lays kingdoms under interdicts, and nations underanathemas. He makes idolatry compulsory, delivering to the secular arm all whorefuse to render it, that they may be put to death. He prophibits all dealingswith so called " heretics," all traffic and communion with them. He allowsnone to buy from them, and none to sell to them. He institutesthe system which is now called " boycotting," a system of persecution which wasfreely wielded by the Popish priesthood in the middle ages, and is still employed,as we know, in certain Papal lands.How could the mutual relations of the political and ecclesiastical powers in theapostate Roman empire be better represented than by these wonderful symbols?Here are a monarchy and a priesthood in close, nefarious association ; thepriesthood anoints the monarchy, serves it, uses it. Together they rule, and togehterthey persecute. No symbol can represent everything, no parable can correspond inall respects with the reality its depicts. It is surely enough if the principal featuresand primary relations are exhibited in the symbol, or reflected by the parable. Thisis just what is done in the apocalyptic prophecy. Look at the facts. <strong>The</strong> Papacyhas been a political power for more than a thousand years. <strong>The</strong> popes of Romehave been secular monarchs. <strong>The</strong>y have possessed territories, levied taxes,laid down laws, owned armies, made wars. <strong>The</strong> Papal monarchy has beenfor ages an integral part of the Roman empire. <strong>The</strong> Papacy has alsobeen a sacerdotal power, and is so still. While its temporal governmenthas fallen, its spiritual remains. Further, the Papacy is served by an extensivesacerdotal organization, embracing about a thousand bishops andhalf a million of priests. This organisation controls the convictions and actionsof two hundred millions of persons, belonging to more than thirty nations. Ifthe best symbol to represent the Roman empire with its rulers be a ten-hornedbeast ... And as Moses and Elijah called down the fire of God's judgments on theenemies of Israel, has not this hierarchy brought down again and again, in theestimation of millions, the judgments of God on those who have resisted its will,whether individuals or nations? Has not this been one of its most tremendous andirresistible weapons? Read the history of the middle ages and of the sixteenthcentury. What nation in Europe has not been laid from time to time underPapal interdicts, and compelled by these means to submit to thedecisions of the Roman pontiff? And has not the priesthood too beenthe author and instigator of a wholesale system of idolatry and persecution?Has is not employed the power of the State in enforcing idolatry, and cruellypersecuted to death millions of the faithful who would not bow the

360John's Foreview of Romanism.knee to the modern Baal? In all this history only too faithfully correspondsto prophecy. Deep calls to deep, and the utterances of inspiration are caught upand echoed by the experience of generations. <strong>The</strong> voices of the prophets comeback in thunder from the course of ages, and the proof that God has spokenreverberates throughout the world.Having briefly considered John's prophecy concerning the rise and reignof the Papal power, we have now to glance at his prediction of its fall andoverthrow. This you will find in Revelation xvii.-xix. We have not timeto read these chapters now ; you are doubtless familiar with them, and will dowell to study them carefully and thoroughly. <strong>The</strong>y contain the second complexor duplicate prophecy concerning Romanism - the career and judgment of" Babylon the Great."In this prophecy John beholds the ten-horned BEAST representing theRoman empire bearing a mystical WOMAN, dressed in purple and scarlet,decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls ; a harlot, and the mother of harlotsand abominations, the guilty paramour of kings, the cruel persecutor of saints ;intoxicated, but not with wine - drunken with the blood of the saints and of themartyrs of Jesus. What a vision ! what a prophecy !You remember the angel's interpretation of this vision : " <strong>The</strong> womanwhich you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth."We showed that that city was Rome, indisputably Rome. That Babylonthe Great means Rome is admitted by Romanists themselves. CardinalBellarmine says that " Rome is signified in the Apocalypse bythe name of Babylon." Cardinal Baronius admits that " all personsconfess that Rome is denoted by the name of Babylon inthe Apocalypse of John." Bossuet observes that " the featuresare so marked, that it is easy to decipher Rome under thefigure of Babylon (Rome sous la figure de Babylone). But,while admitting that Babylon the Great, seated on the seven hills, meansRome, Papal interpreters assert that it means heathen Rome, and not ChristianRome - the Rome of the Cæsars, and not that of the popes.In reply to this, we answer, first, that the name upon the harlot's brow is" mystery," and that heathen Rome was no mystery. <strong>The</strong> true character ofheathen Rome was never concealed. On the other hand, Christian Romeis a " mystery " ; it is not what it seems. In profession, it is Divine ; incharacter, satanic.We say, in the second place, that there is a marked and international contrastin the Apocalypse between the two cities Babylon and Jerusalem, which isoverlooked by the Papal interpretation. Babylon, in the Apocalypse, is a city anda harlot ; Jerusalem, in the same book, is a city and a bride. <strong>The</strong> former is thecorrupt associate of earthly kings ; the latter is a Church ; the former then isno mere heathen metropolis. <strong>The</strong> contrast is between Church and Church ; thefaithful Church [Editor: Assembly] and the apostate Church.In the third place, we point to the fact that the judgment described inRevelation xviii. falls on Babylon when her sins had reached to heaven ; thatis, in the darkest part of her career. But when Alaric destroyed Rome in A.D. 410

John's Foreview of Romanism.361that city had improved, it had become Christian ; it was purified at that time fromits pagan idolatries. Nor had it then sunk into the darkness of the Papacy. It wasnot in the fifth century that Rome reached the utmost height of her iniquity. <strong>The</strong>capture of the city by the soldiers of Alaric, when it was neither pagan nor Papal,could not have been the judgment here foretold.In the fourth place, we point to the fact that the destruction of Babylon foretoldin the Apocalypse is total and final ; as a tgreat " mill-stone " she is plunged intothe dreep ; there is no recovery. This cannot refer to the mere burning of Romein A.D. 410, for that event was speedily followed by the complete restoration ofthe city. When the Babylon of Revelation xviii. falls, the smoke of its burninggoes up forever ; it is found no more at all.In the fifth place, we point to the fact that the foretold destruction of Babylonis accomplished by the horns or governments which were previously subject toher rule. We freely admit that the Goths destroyed ancient Rome, but the Gothswere not previously subject to Rome. <strong>The</strong> Gothic nations did not first submit toRome obediently, and then cast her off, and rend, and trample, and destroy her.All this however these nations did in the case of Papal Rome. For centuries theywere subject to her sway ; then they cast her off. Look at the French Revolution ;see the deeds of France. Look at Italy in 1870. See the Continent to-day.In the sixth place, we point to the fact that the foretold destruction ofBabylon is immediately to be followed by " the marriage of the Lamb."This is clearly foretold in Revelation xix. But the capture of Rome by Alaricwas not followed by that event. Alaric captured Rome fifteen centuries ago,while the marriage of the Lamb is still future. This utterly exludes the notion thatthe destruction of Rome by Alaric is the judgment intended, and that Babylonthe Great represents pagan Rome. And as Babylon the Great does notrepresent Rome pagan, it must represent Rome papal ; there is no otheralternative.Now, in conclusion, read this wonderful prophecy concerning " Babylonthe Great " in the clear and all-revealing light of history. I ask those of youwho have read the history of the last eighteen centuries, did not Rome Christianbecome a harlot? Did not Papal Rome ally itself with the kings of the earth? Didit not glorify itself to be as a queen, and call itself the Mistress of the World?Did it not ride upon the body of the beast, or fourth empire, and govern itsactions for centuries? Did not Papal Rome array itself in purple and scarlet, anddeck itself with gold and precious stones and pearls? Is not this its attire still? Weappeal to facts. Go to the churches and see. Look at the priests ; look at thecardinals ; look at the popes ; look at the purple robes they wear ; look attheir scarlet robes ; see the encrusted jewels ; look at the luxurious palacesin which they live ; look at the eleven thousand halls and chambers in theVatican, and the unbounded wealth and glory garthered there ; look at thegorgeous spectacles in St. Peter's at Rome, casting even the magnificence ofroyalty into the shade. Go and see these things, or read the testimony of thosewho have seen them. Shamelessly Rome wears the very raiment, thevery hues and colors, portrayed on the pages of inspired prophecy. You mayknow the harlot by her attire, as certainly as by the name upon her brow.

362John's Foreview of Romanism.But to come to the darkest feature. Has not the Church of Romedrunk most abundantly the precious blood of saints and martyrs? Weappeal to facts. What of the Albigenses in the thirteenth century? What ofthe Waldenses from the thirteenth century on to the time of Cromwell andthe commonwealth? You have not forgotten Milton's poem about them, thosememorable lines. And what of the persecutions of Protestants in France, thosedreadful persecutions mercilessly continued for more that three hundredyears? What of the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and the revocation of theEdict of Nantes? What of the fires of Smithfield [City of London, England]?What of the terrible Inquisition? [Editor: <strong>The</strong> Papal Inquisition: <strong>The</strong>Tribunal of the <strong>Holy</strong> Office of the Inquisition of the Catholic Church of Rome ('officiuminquisitionis'); today: „Congregation of Believe and Teach“ in the same building of theInquisition in Rome.]Stay, I will take you to the Inquisition. You shall enter its gloomy portals ;you shall walk through torture-chamber ; you shall hear the cries of some of itsvictims ; you shall listen to their very words. What agonies have been suffered inthese sombre vaults, unseen by any human eyes save those of fiendish inquisitors !What agonies have been uttered in this dismal place which have never reachedthe open world in which we live. Locked doors shut them in ; stone walls stifledthem. No sound escaped, not even that of a faint and distant moan. But nowand then a victim found release ; one and another have come forth from thetorture-chamber pale and trembling, maimed and mutilated, to tell the things theyexperienced when in the hands of the holy inquisitors. We shall call in some ofthese as witnesses.This book is Limborch's " History of the Inquisition." It tells the story of itsorigin seven hundred years ago, and of its establishment and progress in France,Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Sicily, Sardinia, Germany, Holland, and other partsof the world ; it describes its ministers and methods, its vicars, assistants, notaries,judges, and other officials ; it describes the power of the inquisitors, and their mannerof proceeding. It unveils their dread tribunal ; opens their blood-stained records ;describes their dungeons, the secret tortures they inflicted, the extreme, merciless,unmitigated tortures, and also the public so called " acts of faith," or burningof heretics. What a record ! What a world of tyranny andintolerable anguish compressed into that one word -the Inquisition ! Tyranny over the conscience ! Men in thename of Jesus Christ stretching and straining, maiming and mangling their fellowmen, to compel then to call light darkness, and darkness light ; to call the Gospelof Christ a lie, and the lie of Satan truth ; to confess that wrong is right, andacknowledge right is wrong ; to bow down to man and worship him as God ;to call the teachings of Christ heresy, and teachingsif antichrist Divine ! Tremendous was the power of that dread tribunal.In Spain and Portugal it completely crushed the Reformation. No secrets couldbe withheld from the inquisitors ; hundreds of persons were often apprehendedin one day, and in consequence of information resulting from their examinationsunter torture, thousands more were apprehended. Prisons, convents, even privatehouses, were crowded with victims ; the cells of the inquisition were filled and

John's Foreview of Romanism.363emptied again and again ; its torture-chamber was a hell. <strong>The</strong> mostexcruciating engines were employed to dislocate the limbs of even tender women.Thousands were burned at the stake. <strong>The</strong> gospel [Editor: the goodtidings] was gagged and crushed, and Christ Himself inthe persons of His members subjected to the anguish ofa second Golgatha.Let us look into the chamber of horrors in the Spanish Inquisition. " <strong>The</strong> placeof torture," says a Spanish historian, quoted by Limborch, p. 217, " the placeof torture in the Spanish Inquisition is generally an underground and very darkroom, to which one enters through several doors. <strong>The</strong>re is a tribunal erected in itin which the inquisitor, inspector, and secretary sit. When the candles are lighted,and the person to be tortured brought in, the executioner, who is waiting for him,makes an astonishing and dreadful appearance. He is covered all over with ablack linen garment down to his feed,and tied close to his body. His head and faceare all concealed with a long black cowl, only two little holes being left in it forhim to see through. All this is intended to strike the miserable wretch with greaterterror in mind and body, when he sees himself going to be tortured by the handsof one who thus looks like the very devil."<strong>The</strong> degrees of torture are described by Julius Clarus and other writers quotedby Limborch. <strong>The</strong>y were various, and included the following:1. <strong>The</strong> being threatened to be tortured.2. Being carried to the place of torture.3. <strong>The</strong> stripping and binding.4. <strong>The</strong> being hoisted up on the rack.5. What they called " squassation."This was the torture of the pulley. Besides this there was the torture of the fire,or chafing-dish full of burning charcoal applied to the soles of the feet. <strong>The</strong>n therewas the torture of the rack, and of another instrument called by the Spaniards" escalero " ; then that of the pouring water into a bag of linen stuffed down thethroat ; and that of iron dice forced into the feet by screws ; and of canes placedcrosswiese between the fingers, and so compressed as to produce intolerable pain ;then the torture of cords drawn tightly round various parts of the body, cuttingthrough the flesh ; and of the machine in which the sufferer was fixed headdownwards ; and, lastly, the torture of red-hot irons applied to the breasts andsides till they burned to the bone.Here, on p. 219, is the account of the stripping of victims, men and women,preparatory to torture ; the spripping from them of every vestige of clothing bythese holy inquisitors, and how they put on them short linen drawers, leaving allthe rest of the body naked for the free action of the tormentors. Here, on page221, is the account by Isaac Orobio of what he suffered when in their hands.It was towards evening, he says, when he was brought to place of torture in theInquisition. It was a large, underground room, arched, and the walls covered withblack hangings. <strong>The</strong> candlesticks were fastened to the wall, and the whole roomenlightened with candles placed in them. At the end of it was an inclosed placelike a closet, where the inquisitor and notary sat at a table ; so that the placeseemed to him as the very mansion of death, everything appearing so terrible

364John's Foreview of Romanism.and awful. <strong>The</strong>n the inquisitor admonished him to confess the truth before historments began. When he answered hat he had told the truth, the inquisitorgravely protested that since he was so obstinate as to suffer the torture, the holyoffice would be innocent (what exquisite hypocrisy!) ifhe should even expire in his torments. When he had said this, they put a linengarment over his body, and drew it so very close on each side as almost squeezedhim to death. When he was almost dying, they slackened all at once the sides ofthe garment, and, after he began to breathe again, the sudden alteration put himto the most grievous anguish and pain. When he had overcome this torture, thesame admonition was repeated, that he would confess the truth in order to preventfurther torment. As he persisted in his denial, they tied his thumbs so very tightwith small cords as made the extremities of them greatly swell, and caused theblood to spurt out from under his nails. After this he was placed with his backagainst a wall and fixed upon a bench ; into the wall were fastened iron pulleys,through which there were ropes drawn and tied round his arms and legs in severalplaces. <strong>The</strong> executioner, drawing these ropes with great violence, fastened hisbody with them to the wall, his arms and legs, and especially his fingers and toes,being bound so tightly as to put him to the most exquisite pain, so that it seemedto him just as though he was dissolving in flames. After this a new kind of torturesucceeded. <strong>The</strong>re was an instrument like a small ladder, made of two uprightpieces of wood and five cross ones sharpened in front. This the torturer placedover against him, and by a single motion struck it with great violence both hisshins, so that he received upon each of them at once five violent strikes, whichput him to such intolerable anguish that he fainted away. After this he came tohimself, and they inflicted on him a further torture. <strong>The</strong> torturer tied ropes aboutOrobio's wrists, and the put these ropes about his own back, which was coveredwith leather to prevent his hurting himself ; then falling backwards he drewthe ropes with all his might till they cut through Orobio's flesh, even to the verybones. And this torture was repeated twice, the ropes being tied about his armsat the distance of two finger's breadth from the former wound, and drawn withthe same violence. On this the physician and surgeon were sent for out of theneighbouring apartment to ask whether the torture could be continued withoutdanger of death. As there was a prospect of his living through it, the torture wasthen repeated, after which he was bound up in his own clothes and carried backto his prison. Here, opposite to this recital, is a picture representing these varioustortures. After prolonged imprisonment, Orobio was released and banished fromthe kingdom of Seville.Before we let fall the curtain upon this awful subject, let us listen for amoment to some of the words of William Lithgow, a Scotchman, who suffered thetortures of the Inquisition in the time of James I. After telling of the diabolicaltreatment he received, which was very similar to that I have just described, hesays, " Now my eyes did begin to startle, my mouth to foamand froth, and my teeth to chatter like the dobbling ofdrumsticks. Oh, strange, in-human, monster man-manglers !... And notwithstanding of my shivering lips in this fiery passion, my vehementgroaning, and blook springing from my arms, my broken sinews, yes, and my

John's Foreview of Romanism.365depending weight on flesh-cutting cords, yet they struck me on the face withcudgels to abate and cease the thundering noise of my wrestling voice. At last,being released from these pinnacles of pain, I was handfast set on the floorwith this their ceaseless imploration : ' Confess, confess, confess in time, or youinevitable torments ensue.' Where, finding nothing from me but still innocent, -' Oh ! I am innocent. O Jesus, the Lamb of God, have mercy onme, and strengthen me with patience to undergo thisbarbarous murder - ' "Enough ! Here let the curtain drop. I should sicken you were I to pursue thesubject further ; it is too horrible, too damnable.Here in this paper I have some of the ashes of the martyrs, some of theirburned bones. I have bits of rusted iron and melted lead which I took myselfwith these hands from the Quemadero in Madrid, the place where they burnedthe martyrs, not far from the Inquisition. It was in the year 1870 that I visitedit, just before the great œcumenical council was held at Rome, by which thepope was proclaimed infallible. I was in Spain that spring, andvisited the newly opened Quemadero. I saw the ashes from that spot, which arenow lying upon this table.Here me, though in truth I scarcely know how to speak upon this subject.I am almost dumb with horror when I think of it. I have visited the places inSpain, in France, in Italy most deeply stained and dyed with martyr-blood. Ihave visited the valleys of Piedmont. I have stood in the shadow of the greatcathedral of Seville, on the spot where they burned the martyrs, or tore themlimb from limb. I have stood beast-deep in the ashes of the martyrs of Madrid.I have read the story of Rome's deeds. I have waded through many volumes ofhistory and of martyrology. I have visited, either in travel or in thought, scenestoo numerous for me to name, where the saints of God have beenslaughtered by Papal Rome, that great butcher of bodies and souls. Icannot tell you what I have seen, what I have read, what I have thought. I cannottell you what I feel. Oh, it is a bloody tale ! I have stood in that valley of Lucernawhere dwelt the faithful Waldenses, those ancient Protestants who held to thepure gospel all through the dark ages, that lovely valley with its pineclad slopeswhich Rome converted into a slaughter-house. Oh, horriblemassacres of tender women and helpless children ! Yes ; you hated them, youhunted them, you trapped them, you tortured them, you stabbed them, you stuckthem on spits, you impaled them, you hanged them, you roasted them, you flayedthem, you cut them in pieces, you violated them, you violated the women, youviolated the children, you forced flints into them, and stakes, and stuffed themwith gunpowder, and blew them up, and tore them asunder limb from limb, andtossed them over precipices, and dashed them against the rocks ; you cut them upalive, you dismembered them ; you racked, mutilated, burned, tortured mangled,massacred holy men, sainted women, mothers, daughters, tender children,harmless babes, hundreds, thousands, thousands upon thousands ; you sacrificedthem in heaps, in hecatombs, turning all Spain, Italy, France, Europe, ChristianEurope, into a slaughter-house, a charnel house, an Akeldama. Oh, horrible tothink off ! <strong>The</strong> sight dims, the heart sickens, the soul is stunned in the presence

366John's Foreview of Romanism.of the awful spectacle. O harlot, gilded harlot, with brazen brow and brazenheart ! red are your garments, red your hands. Your nameis written in this book. God has written it. <strong>The</strong> worldhas read it. You are the murderess, O Rome. You are themurderess Babylon - " Babylon the Great," drunken, foullydrunken ; yes, drunken with the sacred blood which you have shed in streamsand torrents, the blood of saints, the blood of the martyrsof Jesus. Were there nought else by which to recogniseyou, O persecuting Church of Rome, this dreadful markwould identify you. This is your brand ; by this we know you. Youare that foretold Babylon. We know you by your place. We know you byyour proud assumptions, by the throne on which you sit, by those sevenhills, by the beast you rid, by the garments you wear, by the cup youbear, by the name blazoned on your forehead, by your kingly paramours ;by your shameless looks, by your polluted deeds ; but oh, chiefly by this, byyour prolonged and dreadful persecution of the saints, by thosemassacres, by that Inquisition, by the fires of that burningstake. Mark how its ruddy flames ascend ; see how its accusing smoke goes upto heaven !In this sacred prophecy behold your picture, read your name ; read, ay, readyour written doom. <strong>The</strong> French Revolution broke upon you ; it was a stage inyour judgment, and no more. <strong>The</strong> beast who carried you for centuries in abjectsubmission turned against you, cast you off, stripped your garments from you,rent you with its horns. It was foretold it would be so. It is fulfilled, butthat fulfilment is not the end. It is but the beginningof the end. Tremble, for your doom is written from ofold. <strong>The</strong> hand upon the wall has written it ; the fingerof Almighy God has engraved it. Dreadful have beenyour sins ; deadful shall be your punishment. You haveburned alive myriads of the members of Christ, you haveburned them to cinders and to ashes : your doom is to beburned ; your doom is the appalling flame whose smokeascends forever.I have done. Prophecy has spoken ; history has fulfilled its utterance. Romepagan ran its course ; Rome Papal took its place. " Babylon the Great "has risen, has reigned, has fallen ; her end is near. " Come out of her, Mypeople," come out of her before the final judgment act in the great drama ofthe apostasy. " Come out of her," says your God, " that you be notpartakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."For as a millstone cast by a mighty angel into the soundingdeep, she shall with violence be thrown down, and shallbe found no more forever.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 85-109

John's Foreview of Romanism.367Quote from ‘Mark of Brazil’:“<strong>The</strong> name YAHWEH stands for the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h [Saturday, blessed andsanctified by the living God of heaven on the seventh day of creation andrising from all his works] and the Trinity [<strong>The</strong> Three-Gods-Doctrine] isSunday!“<strong>The</strong> basic principle is:“Whoever either kills or murders a person or gives an order for murderto state institutions, special facilities, special units is a murderer:“<strong>The</strong> spirit of Satan in this human has come to its full expression!’”“Human doctrines the implementation of which is enforced, are pervaded bythe spirit of Satan!”Sunday Times 5-7-1998: „Pope launches cursade to save Sunday“APOSTOLIC LETTER DIES DOMINI OF THE HOLY FATHER JOHN PAULII TO THE BISHOPS, CLERGY AND FAITHFUL OF THE CATHOLICCHURCH ON KEEPING THE LORD'S DAY HOLY[DIES DOMINI of JOHN PAUL II ON KEEPING THE LORD'S DAY HOLY(MAY 7, 1998)]Prof. Dr. Walter Veith, South-Africa, says: „This is a document of Ratzinger“ - takenfrom 'Bludenz 2007', part '<strong>The</strong> last time'DIES DIERUMAs they listen to the word proclaimed in the Sunday assembly, the faithful lookto the Virgin Mary, learning from her to keep it and ponder it in their hearts (cf.Lk 2:19). With Mary, they learn to stand at the foot of the Cross, offering to theFather the sacrifice of Christ and joining to it the offering of their own lives.With Mary, they experience the joy of the Resurrection, making inexhaustiblegift of divine mercy in the inexorable flow of time: „His mercy is from age to ageupon those who fear him“ (Lk 1:50). From Sunday to Sunday, the pilgrim peoplefollow in the footsteps of Mary, and her maternal intercession gives special powerand fervour to the prayer which rises from the Church to the Most <strong>Holy</strong> Trinity.(DIES DOMINI)<strong>The</strong> day of rest64. … Only in the fourth century did the civil law of the Roman Empire recognizethe weekly recurrence, determining that on „the day of the sun“ the judges, thepeople of the cities and the various trade corporations would not work. (107)Christians rejoiced to see thus removed the obstacles which until then hadsometimes made oberservance of the Lord's Day heroic. <strong>The</strong>y could now devotethemselves to prayer in common without hindrance. (108)It would therefore be wrong to see in this legislation of the rhythm of the weeka mere historical circumstance with no special significance for the Churchand which she could simply set aside. Even after the fall of the Empire, the

368John's Foreview of Romanism.Councils did not cease to insist upon the arrangements regarding Sundayrest. (DIES DOMINI)When, through the centuries, she has made laws concerning Sunday rest,(109) the Church has had in mind above all the work of servants and workers,certainly not because this work was any less worthy when compared to thespiritual requirements of Sunday observance, but rather because it needed greaterregulation to lighten its burden and thus enable everyone to keep the Lord's Dayholy. In this matter, my predecessor Pope Leo XII in his Encyclical RerumNovarum spoke of Sunday rest as a worker's right which the State mustguarantee … <strong>The</strong>refore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time,Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects theirduty to keep the Sunday holy. (DIES DOMINI)AD TUENDAM FIDEM, by which certain norms are inserted into theCode of Canon Law and into the Code of Canons of the Easters Churches.(Catholic World News)Can. 1436 § 1. Whoever denies or places in doubt any truth must be believed withdivine and catholic faith, or repudiates the Christian faith as a whole, and doesnot come to his senses after having been legitimately warned, is to be punishedas a heretic or as an apostate by major excommunication; a member of the clergy,furthermore, can be punished by other penalties, not excluding deposition.§ 2. Aside from such cases, whosoever rejects a doctrine proposed, as definitivelyto be held, by the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops exeroising theirauthentic Magisterium, or else accepts a doctrine condemned by them aserroneous, and does not come to his senses after having been legitimately warned,is to be punished by an appropriate penalty.5. We order that everything decreed by Us in this Apostolic Letter motu propriobe firm and valid and we command that it be inserted into the universal law of theCatholic Church that is, into the Code of Canon Law and into the Code of Canonsof the Eastern Churches, respectively exactly as set forth above, anything to thecontrary notwithstanding.Given at Rome, St. Peter's, 18 May 1998, in the twentieth year Our Pontificate.taken from 'Bludenz 2007', part '<strong>The</strong> last time', with Prof. Dr. Walter Veith, South-AfricaPope John Paul II said in the 'Detroit News', July 7, 1998, pA1:"Who desecrates the Sunday, must be puneshed at a heretic."MAY 29, 2005* he prefers and demands a New World Order!Bari (AsiaNews) - Benedict XVI* has once again reaffirmed his priorityfor a commitment to ecumenism which, he has repeated once again, calls for"not only words but concrete gestures". In Bari, celebrating Mass to close the24th Eucharistic Congress before 200,000 faithful, the Pope defined Sundayas a necessary instrument to leave the desert of "frenetic consumerism,religious indifference and secularism which is closed to transcendence"."This Eucharistic congress, which comes to a close today, intended to present

John's Foreview of Romanism.369Sunday again as a "weekly Easter," expression of the identity of the Christiancommunity and center of its life and mission. <strong>The</strong> theme chosen, "We CannotLive without Sunday."* remark: formerly: the head of the "Congregation of Believe and Teach (Inquisition)“ in Rome..."[Wherever] a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi[fascist], a Jesuit can be found in the role of 'advisor' or leader; in Cuba [it was]Castro's Father Armando Llorente ..." 11<strong>The</strong> "Federal" Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers, Emanuel M. Josephson, (New York: ChedneyPress, 1968) p. 72 - taken from Prof. Dr. Walter Veith, 'Bludenz 2007'Paul VI "wrote a Papal Encyclical that called on the nations to abandonsovereignty to form a world government." 1 - A NEW WORLD ORDER !1William T. James, Editor, Foreshocks of Antichrist (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1997),p. 101Rerum Novarum - On the Condition of the Working ClassesOne of the Roman Church-State's most influential statements on economicmatters is the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum, On the Condition of theWorking Classes. In this encyclical the Roman Church-State allied herself withthe proletariat, which in Marxism is the great and final enemy of the capitalistorder.John W. Robbins, "Ecclesiastical Megalomania," <strong>The</strong> Economic and Political Thought of the RomanCatholic Church, (<strong>The</strong> Trinity Foundation 1999), p. 43<strong>The</strong> Roman "DECRETALIA" - Decretals, de Translat. Episcop, Cap:He may render judgments and enact laws, even if they are contrary to the lawsof nations, the commandments of God and of man ... he may disengage from thedictates of the disciples of whom he is a chief, but also from the laws of the OldTestament."When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such pointsof doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforcetheir decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America willhave formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civilpenalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.<strong>The</strong> beast with two horns "causeth [commands] all, both small and great,rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in theirforeheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or thename of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16, 17. <strong>The</strong> thirdangel's warning is: "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receivehis mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine ofthe wrath of God." "<strong>The</strong> beast" mentioned in this message, whose worshipis enforced by the two-horned beast, is the first, or leopardlike beast ofRevelation 13--the papacy."taken from: <strong>The</strong> Great Controversy by Ellen G. White, 1911, p. 445

370INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THESEPROPHECIESIN REFORMATION TIMES.<strong>The</strong> sixteenth century presents the spectacle of a stormy sunrise after a dismalnight. Europe awoke from the long sleep of superstition. Nations shook offher chains. <strong>The</strong> dead arose. <strong>The</strong> witnesses to truth who had been silenced andslain stood up once more and renewed their testimony. <strong>The</strong> martyred confessorsreappeared in the Reformers. <strong>The</strong>re was a cleansing in the spiritual sanctuary.Civil and religious liberty were inaugurated. <strong>The</strong> discovery of printing and revivalof learning accelerated the movement. <strong>The</strong>re was progress everywhere. Columbusstruck across the ocean and opened a new hemisphere to view. Rome was shakenon her seven hills, and lost onehalf of her dominions. Protestant nations werecreated. <strong>The</strong> modern world was called into existence.<strong>The</strong> sixteenth century was the age of the Reformation. <strong>The</strong> Church hadbecome frightfully deformed; it needed a restoration of non-apostate Christianity.A reassertion was required of rights Divine and human. <strong>The</strong> Papacy had subvertedboth the government of God and the liberties of man. Its central principleinvolves the expulsion from the world of its rightful Ruler and Saviour, andsubstitues for Him a dynasty of blasphemous usurpers. And it involves equallythe destruction of all man‘s noblest rights. It denies to him his lawful access tohis Maker. A fellow mortal, a pretended priest. stands in the way, and blocks thepath of eternal life. He stands across the sushine of God‘s love, and casts upon thetrembling human spirit a deadly shade. He claims to have the keys of heaven andhell. He thunders lying anathemas, and forbids mankind to approach the throneof infinite mercy save through him, and then only just so far as he permits. ThusChrist is eclipsed, salvation is stolen; the Papal priest is substituted for theSaviour of sinners, the mystery of iniquity for the mystery of godliness, theproud pope of Rome for the holy Prince of Peace, poison for food; and Satanhimself is palmed upon the Church of Jesus Christ as her head and husband.What a cursed system! Thought can scarcely fathom the abyss of evil whichit creates! It arrests the flowing of heaven‘s waters in the wilderness, and turnsthe streams of life to stagnant, putrid blood. It arrests the shining of heaven‘sholy light, the illuminating influence of gospel truth, and plunges the world ingloom and darkness so gross that they may be felt. It arrests the healing hand ofDivine grace and forgiveness, and substitutes for it the polluting touch of priestlyfingers, stained and contaminated with lust, hypocrisy, and blood. It changesgrace, that sweet and sacred mystery, spiritual, holy, not of the earth, free, oh,how free, and how Divine! for it is the Spirit‘s influence, - it changes this intoa mystical abomination, an insufferable compound, a something manipulatedby the fingers of hyprocrites, „ministered,“ as they say, through sacraments, andsacraments of their own invention and management. Seven sacraments, forsooth!A something transmitted, too, through a generation of pretended vicars of JesusChrist, and their agents and doled out by them to a dying world for pecuniaryconsiderations! Do they not blush to perpetuate such damnable deceptions?

Interpretation of the Reformers.371Have the eternal interests of men no value in their eyes? Is the grace of God to betransmuted to a vile currency by them as base coin is by rogues and vagabonds?Is conscience utterly dead within them? Dead? It is as good as dead; „searedwith a hot iron,“ till it has lost the sence of right and wrong, and can no longerfeel the infamy of doctrines and deeds which would have made the men of Sodomblush with shame. A system which travesties the truth, hardens the conscience,enslaves the mind, corrupts the heart, which buries the Bible, prostitutes theministry, profanes the sacraments, persecutes the saints, betrays and butchers theflock of Christ, and outrages all that is sacred and all that is Divine, - deserves anddemands to be exposed, detested, judged, destroyed, and swept out of an injuredworld.And God raised up the Reformation to do this work of protest,exposure, condemnation, and deliverance. To restore to men His word, torestore to them their rights, to open the eyes of nations, to raise them andmake them stand upon their feet as responsible and free, to roll off theirspirits the dark incubus, the eternal nightmare of priestly imposture andtyranny, to re-establish the ordinances and privileges of pure and primitivereligion; such was the work of the Reformation which God wrought in Europethree centuries ago.He who had raised up the prophets and apostles in olden times, He who raisedup confessors and witnesses in the middle ages, raised up reformers in the sixteenthcentury, lionlike men, to undertake this mighty enterprise and accomplish thisglorious work. <strong>The</strong>re was that lion Luther, who shook Rome and Europe with hisroar; and that lion Tyndale, who wrenched the Bible from the priests and gave itto us here in England in our own mother tongue, though it cost his his life to do it;and that Swiss lion Zwingle, who fell on the battlefield; and that lion of Picardy,John Calvin, who rose in his strength and majesty when Zwingle fell; and thatlion John Knox of Scotland, who feared not the face of man, and turned not asidefor any: these, and such as these, were the men through whom God overthrewin Germany, in Switzerland, in France, in England, Scotland, and Holland, thediabolical power and dominion of the Papacy.We wish to invite your special attention to the fact that the convictions of theReformers with reference to the character of the Papal Church, and the duty ofseparation from it, wre largely derived from their study and interpretation of theprophetic <strong>Scripture</strong>s. We invite you to consider the manner in which the Reformersinterpreted the prophecies bearing upon the Papal apostasy, the practical us whichthey made of them, and the power which these prophecies exerted in directing andsustaining the great work of the Reformation. To the Reformers Rome was the„Babylon“ on the Apocalypse, and the Papal pontiff the predicted „man of sin.“Separation from the Church of Rome and from its pontifical head was regardedby them as a sacred duty. <strong>The</strong>y urged on all Christians persons within the Churchof Rome the apocalyptic command, „Come out of her, My people, that yoube not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.“ Tothem separation from Rome was not separation from Christ, but from anti-christ.This was the principle upon which they began and prosecuted the work of theReformation, the principle which directed and supported them, and rendered them

372Interpretation of the Reformers.invincible.Take first the case of the reformer Luther. Early in the year 1520, he wrote toSpalatinus thus: „I am extremely distressed in my mind. I have not much doubtbut the pope is the real antichrist. <strong>The</strong> lives and conversation of the popes,their actions, their decrees, all agree most wonderfully to the descriptions ofhim in <strong>Holy</strong> Writ.“In the autumn of the same year he printed a treatise o the „BabylonishCaptivity of the Church.“ Such was the title. In this he exposed theimposture of indulgences; he showed that their object is to rob men of money bythe per<strong>version</strong> of the gospel. In this animated production Luther called the Papacy„the kingdom of Babylon.“ Meanwhile Leo X. published his famousdamnatory bull against Luther, containing extracts from his work, and forbiddingall persons to read his writings on pain of excommunication; commanding thosewho possesed his work to burn them; excommunicating Luther as an obstinateheretic delivered to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, and commanding allsecular princes, under pain of incurring the same censures and forfeiting all theirdignities, to seize his person, that he might be punished as his crimes deserved.In October of the same year, Luther wrote to Spalatinus: „At last the Romanbull is come, and Eckius is the bearer of it. I treat it with contempt. You seethat the expressed doctrines of Christ Himself are here condemned. I feelmyself now more at liberty, being assured that the popedom is antichristianand the seat of Satan.“On December 1st he published two tracts ins answer to the bull, one whichws entitled, „Martin Luther against the Execrable Bull of Antichrist.“ In itsconclusion he admonishes the pope and his cardinals no longer to perseverein madness, „no longer to act the undoubted part of the antichrist of the<strong>Scripture</strong>s.“On December 10th in the same year, 1520, Luther called together the professorsand students in the town of Wittemberg, and publicly burned the Papal bull.Along with it he burned the canon law, the decretals, the Clementines, and theextravagants of the popes.<strong>The</strong> die was now cast. Luther had declared war against the Roman pontiff. Hehad „boldly denominated him the man of sin, and exhorted all Christianprinces to shake off his usurpations.“ In this manner was the Reformationinaugurated.In order to justify his action, Luther selected thirty articles from the code ofPapal laws, as illustrating the contents of the books he had consumed. <strong>The</strong>se heprinted with pointed remarks, calling on the people to use their own judgmentwith reference to them. He sums up by saying, that on comparing the differentparts of the canon law, its language simply amounts to this: „that the pope is Godon earth above all that is earthly, temporal, or spiritual; that all things belongto the pope, and that no one must venture to say, What do you?“Here is an old black-letter copy of Luther‘s „Commentary on theEpistle to the Galatians.“ Under the expression in the second verse,„the Churches of Galatia,“ he says, „Wheresoever the substance of the holysacraments remains, there is the holy Church, although antichrist their reigns,

Interpretation of the Reformers.373who, as the <strong>Scripture</strong> witnesses, sits not in a stable of fiends, or in a swine-sty,or in a company of infidels, but in the highest and holiest place of all, namely,in the temple of God.“Again he exclaims: „Is not this to sit in the temple of God, to profess himselfto be ruler in the whole Church? What is the temple of God? Is it stones anwood? Did not Paul say, <strong>The</strong> temple of God is holy, which temple you are? Tosit - what is it but to reign, to teach, and to judge? Who from the beginning of theChurch has dared to call himself master of the whole Church but the pope alone?None of the saints, none of the heretics has ever uttered so horrible a word ofpride.“ („Works,“ vol. ii., p. 385)Elsewhere again he says (p.386), that when Daniel „saw the terrible wildbeast which had ten horns, which by the consent of all is the Roman empire,he also beheld another small horn come up in the middle of them. This isthe Papal power, which rose up in the middle of the Romanempire.“Thus did Luther intergret prophecy; and under the influence of these interpretationsof the prophetic teachings of Daniel, Paul, and John sprang up andadvanced the glorious Reformation of the sixteenth century.One of the witnesses of Luther‘s disputation at Leipsic in the year 1519 wasPhilip Melanchthon, the learned professor of Greek at Wittemberg. Melanchthonwas a man of wonderful ability and application. <strong>The</strong> treatment of the most difficultsubjects became simple in his hands. He was one of the greatest theologiansof his age, and composed the celebrated Confession of Augsburg in 1530, thefoundation of the reformed German faith. At this Confession was intended to bepublicly read to the hostile Roman Catholic emperor Charles V., in the presenceof princes and ecclesiastical dignitaries, Melanchthon toned it down as fas aspossible, avoiding all judgments of the Roman Catholic Church which wouldcause offence. Luther complained of the omission. „Satan sees clearly,“ said he,„that your apology has passed lightly over the articles of purgatory, the worshipof saints, and above all of the pope and of antichrist.“ (See D‘Aubigné‘s „History of theReformation,“ book xiv., chap. viii.)Melanchthon lacked the bold spirit of Luther, but he shared most of hissentiments. He was clear in his convictions that Rome is the Babylonof the Apocalypse, and the pope the man of sin. („Works“,“ vol. iv.,p. 537) In his disputation on marriage, referring to the first Epistle to Timothy, hesays, „Since it is most certain that the pontiffs and the monks have forbiddenmarriage, it is most manifest, and without any doubt true, that the Romanpontiff, with his whole order and kingdom, is the veryantichrist.“ („Quod Romanus pontifex, cum universo ordine suo et regno, sit ipsissimusantichristus,“ etc. - „Works,“ vol. iv., p. 537) He adds: „Likewise in 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians ii.,Paul clearly says that the man of sin shall rule in the Church, exalting himselfagainst the worship of God, etc. But it is manifest that the popes do rule in theChurch, and under title of the Church in defending idols. Wherefore I affirmthat no heresy has arisen, nor indeed shall be, with which these descriptions ofPaul can more truly and certainly accord and agree that to this Papal kingdom.“(„Quare affirmo, nullam, unquam extitisse hæresin, neque adeo futuram esse, cui

374Interpretation of the Reformers.verius et certius hæ Pauli descriptiones, convenire ac competere queant atquehuic pontificio regno.“ - „Works,“ vol. iv., p. 537.)He further adds in the same disputation (article 25): „<strong>The</strong> prophet Daniel alsoattributes these two things to antichrist; viz., that he shall place an idol in thetemple, and honor it with gold and silver, and that he shall not honor women.That both these things belong to the Roman pontiff, who does not not clearlysee? <strong>The</strong> idols are clearly the impious mass, the worship of saints, and thestatues which are exhibited in gold and silver that they may be worshipped.“<strong>The</strong> Reformation begun in Switzerland by Zwingli, who was previouslycanon and priest of Zurich, and carried on by Ecolampadius, Bullinger,and others, produced the Helvetic Confession, drawn up at Basle byreformed Swiss theologians, in 1536. This Confession, after being acceptedand signed by the reformed cantons and towns, was sent to the Lutherandivines assembled at Smalkald in 1537. In both the Helvetic and SmalkaldConfessions the Papacy is condmned at the predicted antichristian power.(„Art. Smale. S. 347: Constat, Romanos pontifices cum suis membris defendere impiam doctrinamet impios cultus. Ac plane notæ ANTICHRIST competunt in regnum papæ et sua membra. Paulusenim ad <strong>The</strong>ssalonicenses describens Antichristum, vocat eum adversarium Christi, extollentemse super omne, quod dicitur aut colitur Deus, sedentem in templo Dei, tanquam Deum. Loquitirigitur de aliquo regnante in ecclesia, non den regibus ethnicis: et hunc vocat adversarium Christi,quia doctrinam pugnantem cum evangelio excogitaturus sit, et is arrogabit sibi auctoritatem divinam,Primum autem constat, papam regnare in ecclesiâ, et prætextu ecclesiasticæ auctoritatis et ministeriisibi hoc regnum constituisse...“)<strong>The</strong> same great doctrine is taught in the valuable Bohemian Confession of1573, which was composed of four Confessions of more ancient date.John Calvin, that mighty theologian and reformer, whose works are publishedin fifty volumes, uttered upon this subject no uncertain sound. In his letter tothe emperor Charles V., on the necessity of reforming the Church, he wrote asfollows: „<strong>The</strong> arrogance of antichrist of which Paul speaks is, that he as Godsits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. For where is theincomparable majesty of God after mortal man has been exalted to such a heightthat his laws take precedence of God‘s eternal decrees? I omit that the apostledescribes the prohibitions of meats and of marriage as a doctrine of devils; that issurely bad enough: but the crowning impiety is to set man in a higher rank thanGod. If they deny the truth of my statement, I appel to fact.“ He goes on, „Whatare those two laws of celibacy and auricular confession but dire murderers ofsouls?“ At the conclusion of his letter to the emperor, he says: „I deny that see tobe apostolical wherein nought is seen but a shocking apostasy; I deny him tobe the vicar of Christ who in furiously persecuting the gospel demonstrates byhis conduct that he is antichrist; I deny him to be the successor of Peter who isdoing his utmost to demolish every edifice that Peter built; and I deny him tobe the head of the Church who by his tyranny lacerates and dismembers theChurch, after dissevering her from Christ, her true and only head.“In his „Institutes of the Christian Religion“ (Book iv. 25.) Calvin again defends theview that the Roman pontiff is antichrist. „To some“, he says, „we seem slanderousand petulant when we call the Roman pontiff antichrist; but those who think soperceive not that they are bringing a charge of intemperance against Paul, after

Interpretation of the Reformers.375whom we speak, no, in whose very word we speak. ... Paul says that antichristwould sit in the temple of God. ... Hence we infer that his tyranny is more oversouls than bodies, a tyranny set up in opposition to the spiritual kingdom of God.... Whe he adds that in his own time the mystery of iniquity, which was afterwardsto be openly manifested, had begun to work in secret, we thereby understand thatthis calamity was neither to be introduced by one man, nor to terminate in oneman. Moreover, when the mark by which he distinguishes antichrist is that hewould rob God of His honor and take it to himself, he gives the leading featurewhich we ought to follow in searching out antichrist, especially when pride ofthis description proceeds to the open devastation of the Church. Seeing then it iscertain that the Roman pontiff has impudently transferred to himself the mostpeculiar properties of God and Christ, there cannot be a doubt that he is theleader and standard bearer of an impious and abominable kingdom.“Take now the testimony of William Tyndale. Here are several volumescontaining the doctrines and treatises of that famous minister, reformer, andmartyr, who first translated the New Testament from Greek into English. See howplainly this learned and honest man spoke out on the antichristian character of thePapacy. „Antichrist,“ he says, „is another manner has sent forth his disciples,those false anointed of which Christ warns us before, that they should come andshow miracles and wonders, even to bring the very elect out of the way, if itwere possible. ... A bishop must be faultless, the husband of one wife. No, saidthe pope, the husband of no wife, but the holder of as many woman as he lists.What said the pope? I command to read the gospel in Latin. ... It is verily asgood to preach to swine as to men, if you preach it in a tongue they understandnot. ... Well, said the pope, if they will not be ruled, cite them to appear, andpose them sharply what they hold of the pope‘s power, of his pardons, his bulls,of purgatory, of ceremonies, of confessions. ... If they miss in any point, makeheretics of them and burn them. ... <strong>The</strong> emperors and kings are no other nowa-daysbut even hangmen to the popes and bishops, to kill whomsoever theycondemn, without any more ado; as Pilate was to the scribes and Pharisees andhigh bishops, to hang Christ. ... What signifies that the prelates are so bloody,and clothed in red? That they be ready every hour to suffer martyrdom forthe testimony of God‘s word? Is that also not a false sign, when no man darefor them once open his mouth to ask a question of God‘s word, because they areready to burn him? ... Is not that shepherd‘s hook, the bishop‘s crosier, a falsesign? Is not that white rochet that the bishops and canons wear, so like a nunand so effeminately, a false sign? What other things are their sandals, gloves,mitres, and all the whole pomp of their disguising, than false signs, in which Paulprophesies that they shoud come? And as Christ warned us to beware of wolves inlambs‘ skins, and bade us to look rather to their fruits and deeds than to wonderat their disguisings, run throughout all our holy religions, and you shall find themlikewise all clothed in falsehood.“In his exposition of the famous passage about antichrist in the First Epistle onJohn, Tyndale says: „Though the Bishop of Rome and his sects give Christ thesenames (His rightful names), yet in that they rob Him of the effect, and take thesignification of His names to themselves, and make of Him but a hyprocrite, as

376Interpretation of the Reformers.they themselves be, they be the right anitchrists, and deny both the Father andthe Son; for they deny the witness that the Father bore to His Sohn, and deprivethe Son of all the power and glory that His Father gave Him. For ‚whosoeverdenies the Son, the same has not the Father,‘ for ‚no man knows the Fatherbut the Son, and to whom the Sohn shows Him.‘ Moreover, if you know not themercy that God has showed you in Christ, you cannot know Him as a Father.You may well, apart from Christ, know Him as a tyrant, and you may now Him byHis works as the old philosophers did, that there is a God; but you can neitherbelieve in His mercy nor love His laws - which is the only worship in thespirit, - save by Christ.“All the other English reformers, including Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer,Bradford, and Jewell, held the pope of Rome to be the man ofsin. So did John Knox in Scotland; and he sounded out his testimony on thissubject as with a trumpet. Here is an old copy of Knox‘s „History of theReformation.“ Its contents are thus described on the title-page: „<strong>The</strong>manner, and by what persons, the light of Christ‘s gospel has been manifestedinto this realm after that horrible and universal defection from the truthwhich has come by the means of that Roman antichrist.“Knox begins his history by giving a list of the articles of faith attributed to theLollards of Kyle, taken from the register of Glasgow. Of these the thirty-secondarticle runs thus: „That the pope is the head of the Kirk of antichrist.“ Afterdescribing the affecting martyrdom of Patrick Hamilton - whose dying wordswere, „Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! how long shall darkness overwhelm thisrealm? how long will You suffer this tyranny of men?“ - he tells how he himselfwas led to undertake the public preaching of God‘s word. In the year 1547 Knox,wearied of removing from place by reason of persecution, came to the Castle ofSt. Andrews, resolved to leave Scotland for Germany. Here he took the part ofa godly preacher named John Rough against Dean Annan, a Romanist. Knoxwielded his pen with such effect that Annan was beaten from all his defences,and was compelled to take shelter under the authority of the Church, whichauthority, he said, „damned all Lutherans and heretics, and therefore he neededno further disputation.“ To this Knox answered: „Before we hold ourselves, orthat you can prove us, sufficiently convinced, we must define the Church by theright notes given to us in God‘s <strong>Scripture</strong> of the true Church; we must discernthe immaculate spouse of Jesus Christ from the mother of confusion, spiritualBabylon, lest that impudently we embrace a harlot instead of the chaste spouse;yes, to speak in plain words, lest that we submit ourselves to Satan, thinkingthat we submit ourselves to Jesus Christ. For, as for your Roman Church, asit is now corrupted, ... I no more doubt but that it is the synagogue of Satan,and the head thereof, called the pope, to be the man of sin of whom the apostlespeaks, that that I doubt that Jesus Christ suffered by the procurement of thevisible Church of Jerusalem. Yes, I offer myself by word or writing to prove theRoman Church this day further degenerate from the purity which was in the daysof the apostles, that was the Church of the Jews from the ordinances given byMoses when they consented to the innocent death of Jesus Christ.“ Knox tellsus that these words were „spoken in the open audience of the parish church of

Interpretation of the Reformers.377St. Andrews,“ after Dean Annan‘s delivery. <strong>The</strong> people, hearing the offer, urgedKnox to lay his proofs before them in a public speech, saying that if Knox wasright, they had been miserably deceived. Knox consented, and was appointed topreach the following Sunday. On that day, he tell us, he preached his firstsermin, taking text from the seventh chapter of Daniel.He gives us an outline of its contents. It opened with a „short discourse“ on thefour empires - the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman - as set forth bythe four wild beasts of the seventh chapter of Daniel, and then showed that thepersecuting „little horn“ of the fourth empire was indentical with the manof sin and antichrist, and signified the Roman Papacy. For this sermon Knowwas called to account before a convention of „grey friars and black fiends,“ as hecalls them. Nine articles were laid against him. Of these the first was that he hadtaught that „no mortal man can be head of the Church;“ and the second that „thepope is antichrist, and so is no member of Christ‘s mystical body.“ Knox givesan account of his argument with the friars on this occasion, in which he evidentlyhad the best of it. Thus was launched the Reformation in Scotland, and Knox‘ssermon in St. Andrews on the „little horn“ of prophecy struck its key-noteand started its testimony.<strong>The</strong> English reformers were no less clear in their views and emphatic intheir teachings. Ridley thus expresses himself: „<strong>The</strong> see of Rome is the seat ofSatan, and the bishop of the same, that maintains the abominations thereof, isantichrist himself indeed; and for the same causes this see at this day is thesame that St. John calls, in his Revelation, Babylon, or the whore of Babylon,and spiritual Sodom and Egypt, the mother of fornications and abominationsupon earth.“Latimer, when examined by the commissioners on his trial, said: „I confessthere is a Catholic Church, to the determination of which I stand, but notthe Church which you call Catholic, which sooner might be called diabolic.“In his second conference with Ridley he says: „Yes, what fellowship has Christwith antichrist? thereof it is not lawful to bear the yoke with Papists. ‚Comeforth from among them, and separate yourselves from them, said the Lord.“Bishop Jewell wrote a most masterly and powerful commentary on<strong>The</strong>ssalonians, proving the pope of Rome to be the man of sin. Here is a copy ofit. Take as a specimen the following sentences about antichrist: „Some say thathe should be a Jew of the tribe of Dan; some that he should be born in Babylon;some that Mohamed is antichrist; ... some that Nero was antichrist; some thathe should be born of a friar and a nun; some that he should continue but threeyears and a half; some that he should turn trees upside down with the tops tothe ground, and should force the roots to grow upwards, and then should fleeup into heaven and fall down and break his neck. <strong>The</strong>se tales have been craftilydevised to beguile our eyes, that will we think upon these guesses, and so occupyourselves in beholding a shadow, or probably conjecture of antichrist, he whichis antichrist indeed many may unawares deceive us.„He will come in the name of Christ, yet will he do all things againstChrist and under pretence and colour of serving Christ; he shall devour thesheep and people of Christ; he shall deface whatsoever Christ has taught; he

378Interpretation of the Reformers.shall quench that fire which Christ has kindled; those plants which Christhas planted he shall root up; he shall undermine that house which Christ hasbuilt; he shall be contrary to Christ, his faith contrary to the faith of Christ,and his life contrary to the life of Christ. ...„Christ was humble and lowly. <strong>The</strong> prophet, in his own person, speaksof Him, Psalm xxii.: ‚I am a worm, and not a man; a shome of men, and thecontempt of the people.‘ And the apostle said, Philippians ii.: ‚He humbledHimself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.‘ Behold Hisparents, His birth, His cradle; behold His life, His disciples, His doctrine, andHis death; all were witnesses to His humility. He said of Himself, ‚<strong>The</strong> Son ofman has not where to rest His head‘; and to His disciples He said, ‚<strong>The</strong> kingsof the Gentiles reign over them, and they that bear rule over them all calledgracious lords; but you shall not be so.‘ And again, ‚Learn of Me; for I am meekand lowly in heart, and you shall find rest to your souls.‘„Now, on the other part, take view of antichrist. Behold his birth, his place, hischair, his estate, his doctrine, his disciples; and all his life you shall see nothingbut pomp and glory. Gregory calls him the king of pride. He is proud in life, proudin doctrine, proud in word, and proud in deeds; he is like Lucifer, and sets himselfbefore his brethren, and over nations and kingdoms.„He makes every knee to bow down to him and worship him; he makes kingsto bring him water, to carry his train, to hold his cup, to bear his dish, to leadhis bridle, and to hold his stirrup; he claims power over heaven and earth; hesaid he is lord over all the world, the lord of lords and the king of kings; that hisauthority reaches up into heaven and down into hell; that he can command theangels of God; that he condemns whom he will condemn; that he makes saints athis pleasure; that whatsoever he blesses is blessed, and that whatsoever he cursesis cursed.„He sells merits, the forgiveness of sins, the sacrifice for the quick and the dead;he makes merchandise of the souls of men; he lays filthy hands upon the Lord‘sanointed; he removes kings and deposes the states and princes of the world. Thisis antichrist; this is his power. Thus shall he work and make himself. So shallhe sit in the temple of God. <strong>The</strong> people shall wonder at him, and shall have himin reverence; they shall say, Who is like to the beast? who is so wise, so mighty,so godly, so virtuous, so holy, so like to God? - so intolerable and monstrous shallbe his pride.“Listen now to the dying testimony upon this subject of the well-knownreformer Archbishop Cranmer. Let me read you the words he spoke just before hismartyrdom: „Forasmuch as I am come to the last end of my life, whereupon allhangs of my life past and of my life to come, either to live with my masterChrist forever in joy, or else to be in pain forever with wicked devils inhell, and I see before my eyes presently either heaven ready to receive me,or else hell ready to swallow me up, I shall therefore declare to you my veryfaith, how I believe, without any colour or dissimulation; for now it is no timeto dissemble, whatsoever I have said or written in time past.“ Having brieflyexpressed the chief articles of his faith, he refers to his previous recantation inthe following terms: „And now I come to great thing that so much troubles

Interpretation of the Reformers.379my conscience more than anything I ever did or said in my whole life, andthat is the setting abroad of a writing contrary to the truth, which now hereI renounce and refuse, as things written with my hand contrary to the truthwhich I thought in my heart, and which was written for fear of death, andto save my life if it might be; and that is all such bills and papers which Ihave written or signed with my hand since my degradation, wherein I havewritten many things untrue. And forasmuch as my hand offended, writingcontrary to my heart, my hand shall first be punished therefore; for, may Icome to the fire, it shall first be burned; and as for the pope, I refusehim as Christ‘s enemy, and antichrist, with all his falsedoctrines.“On uttering this, Cranmer was pulled down from the stage and led to the fire.Having put off his outer garments, he stood there in a shirt which hung down tohis feet. His beard was long and thick, and covered his bosom. <strong>The</strong>n was an ironchain tied about him, and the fire set to the faggots. When these were kindled, andthe fire began to burn near him, stretching out his arm he put his right hand intothe flame, holding it there immovable. Thus did he stand, moving no more thanthe stake to which he was bound. His eyes were lifted to heaven, and often herepeated, „This hand has offended; oh, this unworthy right hand!“ At last, inthe greatness of the flame, he cried, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!“ and gaveup the ghost.„Antichrist, which now by the will of God does rage for the trial of our faith,does nothing else but procure us a ready horse to bring us to heaven.“ So saidthat holy man John Bradford; „brother Bradford,“ as Ridley called him. And hetoo was burned. When led to the stake, he took a faggot in his hand and kissed it,rejoicing to suffer death in the cause of Christ. Standing then by the stake, withboth hands uplifted, he cried, „O England, England! repent you of your sins;repent you of your sins; beware of idolatry; beware of the false antichrists,take heed they do not deceive you.“Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and Bradford were burned for their testimonyagainst the Papal antichrist, just as Huss and Jerome and Cobham had been before.Thousands of martyrdoms have sealed this testimony, and on this testimony reststhe Reformation. To reject this testimony is to reject the foundation of thatwork; it is to reject the foundation of the noblest and divinest work which hasbeen wrought in this world since the day of Pentecost.Do not misunderstand me. I do not say that the teachings of <strong>Scripture</strong> prophecyform the sole foundation of the Reformation. <strong>The</strong> doctrinal and practical truthsof <strong>Scripture</strong> guided the action of the reformers as well as the prophetic. <strong>The</strong>yopposed the Church of Rome, as condemned alike by the doctrines, the precepts,and the prophecies of the word of God. It might be difficult to say which of thethree weighed with them most. On each they were clear and emphatic. <strong>The</strong>sethree elements cannot be separated in estimating the springs of the Reformation.From the first, and throughout, that movement was energised and guided bythe prophetic word. Luther never felt strong and free to war against the Papalapostasy till he recognised the pope as antichrist. It was then he burned the Papalbull. Knox‘s first sermon, the sermon which launched him on his mission as a

380Interpretation of the Reformers.reformer, was on the prophecies concerning the Papacy. <strong>The</strong> reformers embodiedtheir interpretations of prophecy in their confessions of faith, and Calvin in his„Istitutes.“ All the reformers were unanimous in the matter; even the mild andcautious Melanchthon was as assured of the antipapal meaning of these propheciesas was Luther himself. And their interpretation of these prophecies determinedtheir reforming action. It led them to prostest against Rome with extraordinarystrength and undaunted courage. It nerved them to resist the claims of that apostateChurch to the uttermost. It made them martyrs; it sustained them at the stake. Andthe views of the reformers were shared by thousands, by hundreds of thousands.<strong>The</strong>y were adopted by princes and peoples. Unter their influence nations abjuredtheir allegiance to the false priest of Rome. In the reaction which followed, allthe powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the Reformation.War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were multipied. Yet theReformation stood undefeated and unconquerable. God‘s word upheld it, and theenergies of His almighty spirit. It was the work of Christ as truly as the foundingof the Church eighteen centuries ago; and the revelation of the future which Hegave from Heaven - that prophetic book with which the <strong>Scripture</strong> closes - was oneof the mightiest instruments employed in its accomplishment.To resist the use to which <strong>Scripture</strong> prophecy was put by the reformers isno light or unimportant matter. <strong>The</strong> system of prophetic interpretation knows asFuturism does resist this use. It condemns the interpretation of the reformers.It condemns the views of all these men, and of all the martyrs, and of all theconfessors and faithful witnesses of Christ for long centuries. It condemnsthe Albigneses, the Waldenses, the Wicliffites, the Hussistes, the Lollards, theLutherans, the Calvinists; it condemns them all, and upon a point upon whichthey are all agreed, an interpretation of <strong>Scripture</strong> which they embodied in theirsolemn confessions and sealed with their blood. It condemns the spring of theiraction, the foundation of the structure they erected. How daring is this act, andhow destitute of justification! What an opposition to the pillars of a work mostmanifestly Divine! for it is no less than this, for Futurism asserts that Luther and allthe reformers were wrong in this fundamental point. And whose interpretation ofprophecy does it justify and approve? That of the Romanists. Let this be clearlyseen. Rome felt the froce ot these prophecies, and soughtto evade it. It had no way but to deny their applicability. It could not denytheir existence in <strong>Scripture</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y were there plainly enough. But it denied thatthese prophecies referred to the Romish Church and its head. It pushed themaside. It shifted them from the entire field of mediaeval and modern history. As toBabylon the Great, is asserted that it meant Rome pagan, not Rome Papal. Romepagan shed all the blood referred to in Revelation xvii., xviii. Rome Christianshad shed none of it. Prophecy was eloquent about the deeds of the Caesars, butsilent as to those of the popes; and this though the persecutions perpetrated bythe popes had exceeded those of the Caesars. Prophecy expended its strength inwarning the Church of the perils from heathenism which it perfectly understood,and was speechless as to the far greater perils asrising from the Christian apostasyon which it needed the fullest warning and instruction. It was eagle-eyed as todangers from without, but blind to dangers from within. It guided and guarded

Interpretation of the Reformers.381the Church of the three first centuries, but left the Church of the next thousandyears and more without a lamp to light its footsteps. As to the prophecies of theman of sin, or antichrist, these had nothing to do with the middle ages, or with theRoman popes, or the long central centuries of the Church‘s sorest conflicts; theyonly reffered to a diminutive interval in the far off future, at the end of the world.„[Wherever] a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi [fascist], a Jesuit can befound in the role of ‚advisor‘ or leader; in Cuba [it was] Castro‘s Father Armando Llorente ...“ -taken from: <strong>The</strong> ‚Federal‘ Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers, Emanuel M. Josephson, (New York:Chednesy Press, 1968) p. 72.{Statement of Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Reich.Hitler said: "I learned a lot from the Jesuits ... <strong>The</strong>re has been nothing more magnificent on thisEarth until now than the hierarchical system of the Catholic Church. I have transferred much of thisorganization to my own party. "- (Secret History of the Jesuits)<strong>The</strong> SS was based on Jesuit principles. Himmler (head of the SS) was closely allied with the Jesuitsthrough his father and brother.Hitler said about him: "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius Loyola." (Secret History of the Jesuits).Joseph Goebbels was also an adept Jesuit.One of the most important personalities who led Hitler to his triumph was Franz von Papen, leader ofthe German Catholic party and a friend of Pacelli."<strong>The</strong> swastika as Hitler’s symbol can be also found on the emblem of . All these areFreemason symbols. "1942: Hitler declares that Russia is defeated.Pope Pius XII dedicates the whole world to the immaculate heart of Mary.Cardinal Cerejeira wrote: "<strong>The</strong> apparition of Fatima opens a new era. This is a sign for what theimmaculate heart of Mary is preparing the world for. ",Our Lady of Fatima' is crowned by half a million of pilgrims, with a crown of 1200g gold, 313 pearls,1250 precious stones and 1400diamonds. Pope Pius XII says: "Be prepared, the promise will cometrue."Pope Paul VI wearing the Ephod (Osservatore Romano 19.10.1973 and 01.02.1974):Albert G. Mackey, 33rd degree Mason and General Grand High Priest of the Royal-Arch-Freemasonryfrom 1859- 1865 in the USA, states in his standard work „<strong>The</strong> Encyclopedia of Freemasonary“ thatthe High Priest of the Royal-Arch officially wears the Ephod.„Statue of John Paul II in front of Basilica of Guadalupe [Base = 2,22 m. Figure = 4,44 m.Sum = 6,66 m].“}taken from „A New World Order“, by Prof. Walter J. Veith, german production.„When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world.“ -Archbishop Quigley, 1903, ‚<strong>The</strong> Chicago Trubune.‘„Pius XII affirmed strongly the queenchip of Mary, inserting in the calendar for May 31, a new feast ofMary Queen. Pius XXII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother and Queen,October 31, 1942, as a public recognition of her queenship.“ - New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vo. 9,p. 386„‚<strong>The</strong> woman‘ Eve had a decisive role in the fall of manskind, through her disobedience to God anddesire to exealt herself. ‚<strong>The</strong> woman‘ Mary has a decisive role in the salvation of mankind, throughher obedience to God ...Pope Paul VI, in his 1967 encyclical, SIGNUM MAGNUM, indentified the Lady of Fatima as thebiblical representation of the Woman clothed with the sun. „I AM THE VIRGIN OF REVELATION.‘... Fatima was the most significant apparition for the early part of the Twentieth Century. Medjugorjeis meeting the spiritual needs of this generation in the latter part of this century. His Eminence JosephCardinal Ratzinger has stated in <strong>The</strong> Ratzinger Report. ‚One of the signs of our times is that theannouncements of MARIAN APPARITIONS are multiplying all over the world.“‘ - ‚<strong>The</strong> Thunderof Justice,‘ Ted and Maureen Flynn, <strong>The</strong> Thunder of Justice (MaxKol Communications, Inc., 1993,p. 88, 89)

382Interpretation of the Reformers.1854: Mary Immaculate - (Pope Pius IX)1951: Assumption of Mary„<strong>The</strong> sinner that ventures directly to Christ may come with dread and apprehension of his warth; butlet him only employ the mediation of the Virgin with her Son and she has only to show that Son thebreasts that gave him suck and his wrath will immediately be appreased.“ - Catholic Laymann July,1856[but read: Luke 11,27-28; II <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2,3-4]„<strong>The</strong> old statue of Jupiter with its occult blessing hand is now [in] St. Peter in the Vatican.“ -'THE Wine of Babylon‘ by Prof. Walter J. Veith‚Cardinal Manning insists that it is a sin, and even an „insantiy,“ to hold that men [Rome] have aninalienable right to liberty of conscience and of worship, or to deny that Rome has the right to repressby force all religious observance save her own, or to teach that Protestants in a Catholic countryshould be allowed the exercise of their religion.„Catholicism,“ says a Romish magazine, „is the most intolerant of creeds; it is intolerance itself,because it is truth itself. <strong>The</strong> impiety of religious is only equalled by its absurdity.“Adam Smith well says: „<strong>The</strong> constitution of the Church of Rome may be considered the mostformidable combination that was ever formed against the authority and security of civil goverment,as well as against the liberty, reason, and happiness of kind.“‘ - (‚Wealth of Nations,‘ p. 237.)Peace and properity are impossible under Papal and priestly rule, as all history attests. „<strong>The</strong>Papacy,“ says Prince Bismarck, „has ever been a political power which the greatest audacity with themost momentous consequences, has interfered in the affairs of this world.“taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,p. 240-241<strong>The</strong> man of sin was only ephemeral persecutor. His whole power was tocontinue but three and a half years. He was to be a cunning Jew of the tribe ofDan; a clever infidel who was to call himself God, and set himself up in a Jewishtemple at Jerusalem. Christians had nothing to do with him as such. A Jew was todo all the mischief. <strong>The</strong> whole evil was but a Jewish infidel spasm in the very lasthour of history before the second advent. <strong>The</strong>refore the reformers were all wrongin their denunciations of the Papacy. <strong>The</strong>y were foolish, misguided, unreasonable,fanatical, and the popes were uncondemned by the voices of the prophets. Danieland John said nothing about them. <strong>The</strong>y were not the predicted apostates. Whatthough they did shed the blood of heretics like water, and drink it like wine, andmake themselves drunken with it, and exalt themselves above kings, and above theworld, and clothe themselves with wealth and splendour, with purple and scarlet,gold and pearls! what though they did sit supreme upon the seven hills, and rideand rule the Roman empire in its divided Gothic state, and use its powers for thepersecution of heretics, and the suppresion of what some presumed to call thegospel of Jesus Christ! <strong>The</strong> prophecies which those contemptible reformers andmiserable so-called martyrs said applied to them did nothing of the sort; it wasfolly to suppose they did. <strong>The</strong>y applied to other people and to other circumstances.<strong>The</strong>y only applied to paganism and infidelity: a past and bygone paganism, anda future short-lived infidelity, and nothing more. Three centuries in the past, andthree years in the in future, that was all they had anything to do with. As to thefifteen centuries which lay between, they had no bearing upon them whatever.Popes might make themselves easy, and cardinals and councils and Papal princesand priests, inquisitors and persecutors, Dominicans and Jesuits! <strong>The</strong> thunders ofprophecy were not directed against them, but against those dead Caesars, and

Interpretation of the Reformers.383that unborn Jew. And so they puffed at the reformers, and scoffed at the martyrs,and scorned and derided and despised them, and went on in their proud tyranny,and abated nothing of their blasphemous pretensions and bloody persecutions.Which think you were right in their interpretations of <strong>Scripture</strong>? Thoseproud popes, those curel inquisitors, those inhumanmonsters who magled the bodies of holy men andwoman in their torture chambers, those scantimoniousmurderers who stirred up all the might of Christendom,from century to century, aginst the gospel and againstthe faithful witnesses of Jesus; or those pure and persecutedsaints, those faithful Waldenses and Wicliffites, those earnest Hussitesand Lollards, those self-sacrificing Lutherans and Hugenots, those nobleconfessors, reformers, and martyrs? With one mind and mouth all theseProtestants agreed in the substance of their protest. To them Rome wasBabylon, and its proud head the antichrist. Were they allmistaken, deluded, and their cruel, tyrannical oppressors and persecutors correct?What think you?Perhaps you say, But was Rome right in nothing? Must a doctrine be wrongbecause Rome holds it? Does not Rome hold the truth as to the divinity ofChrist, and as to some other points of importance? I grant Rome holds sometruths. It would have no moral power unless it did. Even the Mohammedanshold some great truths, and the heathen also. But mark, this is a question ofRome‘s judgment concerning herself, and the bearing of prophecy on herown history and character. It is here in this judgment that the Futurist claimsthat Rome was right, and the reformers in the wrong. And the consequences aremost serious, for we are living in an age of revived Papal activity. Not only isthe Papacy exerting an enormous influence in the outside world, not only has isformulated and decreed its own infallibility, not only is it attacking Protestantismin its strongholds with every weapon in its reach, political, civil, religious, but theprinciples and practices of the system it guides and governs have been introducedinto the bosom of the Protestant Church, and planted securely within its walls,and are working most disastrously for its corruption and overthrow. Never wasthere a time in the Church‘s history when she more needed the barriers whichprophecy has erected for her protection. And now when they are so sorely needed,they are not to be found. Futurism has crept into the Protestant Church, andbroken down these sacred walls. Romanists, Ritualists, and Protestant Futuristsare all agreed as to the non-applicability of <strong>Scripture</strong> prophecies to the Church ofRome and the Papacy. <strong>The</strong> Romanists are two hundred millions, the Ritualists arehundreds of thousands, and Protestant Futurists are many thousands in number.<strong>The</strong>y all deny these prophecies their place and office. <strong>The</strong>y remove these barriers.What then is to keep out the incoming Papal flood? <strong>The</strong> word of prophecy in itssolemn warnings of the dangers the Church ahs to encounter, the foes it has toresists, is asserted to be silent as to this. Why then should this be feared? <strong>The</strong>reformers were mistaken; the popes were right. Charles V. and Charles IX., Philipof Spain and Mary of England, the Duke of Alva and Louis XIV., and all the tribeof Innocents and Leos, Gregories and Clements, Pius IV. and Pius IX., - all these

384Interpretation of the Reformers.were right in rejecting the fundamental position that Papal Rome is Babylon,and its head antichrist; and all the reformers, without an exception, were wrongin maintaining it; they were foolish interpreters of the „sure word of prophecy,“and utterly in error as to the real testimony of <strong>Scripture</strong> concerning the Churchof Rome.Is this the position you adopt? Is this the conclusion you defend? Are these theviews you advocate? You, a Prostestant, and this after all that has been writtenupon the subject, and all the blaze of light which history and experience havepoured upon it? If it is, look to it that you be not found fighting against the truth,warring against the word of God, resisting the testimony of the propheticSpirit, hindering the work of the Reformation, promoting the progress of theapostasy, opposing Christ, and helping antichrist.Even the Romanists themselves shame you in their clearsighted comprehensionof the issues of this questions. Cardinal Manning says, „<strong>The</strong> Catholic Church iseither the masterpiece of Satan or the kingdom of the Son of God.“Cardianal Newman says, „A sacerdotal order is historically the essence of theChurch of Rome; if not divinely appointed, it is doctrinally the essence ofantichrist.“ In both these statements the issue is clear, and it is the same. Romeherself admits, openly admits, that if she is not the very kingdom of Christ,she is that of antichrist. Rome declares she is one or the other. She herselfpropounds and urges this solemn alternative. You shrink from it, do you? I acceptit. Conscience constrains me. History compels me. <strong>The</strong> past, the awful past risesbefore me. I see the great apostasy, I see the desolation of Christendom,I see the smoking ruins, I see the reign of monsters; I see those vice-gods, thatGregory VII., that Innocent III., that Boniface VIII., that Alexander VI., thatGregory XIII., that Pius IX.; I see their long succession, I hear their insufferableblasphemies, I see their abominable lives; I see them worshipped by blindedgenerations, bestowing hollow benedictions, bartering lying indulgences,creating a paganized Christianity; I see their liveried slaves, their shavenpriests, their celibate confessors; I see the infamous confessional, the ruinedwomen, the murdered innocents; I hear the lying absolut abolutions, the dyinggroans; I hear the anathemas, the curses, the thunders of the interdicts; I see theracks, the dungeons, the stakes; I see that inhuman Inquisition, thosefires of Smithfield, those butcheries of St. Bartholomew, that Spanish armada,those unspeakable dragonnades, that endless trains of wars, that dreadfulmultitude of massacres. I see it all, and in the of the ruin it has wrought in theChurch and in the world, in the name of the truth it has denied, the temple it hasdefiled, the God it has blasphemed, the souls it has destroyed; in the nameof the millions it has deluded, the millions it has slaughtered, the millions ithas damned; with holy confessors, with noble reformers, with innumberablemartyrs, with the saints of ages, I denounce it as the masterpieceof Satan, as the body and soul and essence of antichrist.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 137-159

386THE TWO BIBLES.In the authority of <strong>Scripture</strong> as the inspired Word of God, and the death of Christas a complete and perfect atonement for human guilt, they had found more thanone fundamental truth. <strong>The</strong>y had but to go forward in the path on which they hadentered, guiding themselves by these two lights, and they would come, in duetime, into possession of all revealed truth. At every step the horizon around themwould grow wider, the light falling upon the objects it embraced would growcontinually clearer, the relations of truth to truth would be more easily traceable,till at last the whole would grow into a complete and harmonious system, truthlinked to truth, and all ranging themselves in beautiful order around the grandcentral truths of the religion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.Meanwhile these early English Christians were beset without by scrupulositiesand prejudices, arising from the dimness and narrownes of their vision. <strong>The</strong>yfeared to lay their hand on the New Testament and be sworn ; they scrupled toemploy instrumental music in public worship ; and some of them condemned allwar. But within what a vast enlargement had they already experienced ! Bowingto the authority of the Word of God, their understandings were emancipated fromthe usurped authority of man. Having this anointing, they refused to look with theeyes of others, and see on the inspired page doctrines which no rule of exegesiscould discover there, and from which their reason revolted as monstrous. Inleaning on the Cross, they had found that relief of heart which so many of theircountrymen were seeking, but not finding, in fasts, in penances, in offerings to thesaints, and in pilgrimages, performed sometime in sackcloth and tears, and severemortification of the flesh, and sometimes in gay apparel, and on soft-paced andrichly-caprisoned mules, to the screaming of bag-pipes and the music of merrysongs.<strong>The</strong> best evidence of the continued spread of Lollardism - in other words, ofProtestantism - is the necessity under which its opponents evidently felt to adoptmore vigorous measures for its repression. <strong>The</strong> "well" which Wicliffe had diggedat Oxford was still flowing ; its waters must be stopped. <strong>The</strong> light he had kindledin his vernacular Bible was still burning, and sending its rays over England ;it must be extinguished. <strong>The</strong> accomplishment of these two objects became nowthe main labour of Arundel. Convening at Oxford (1408) the bishops and clergyof his province, he promulgated certain provisions for the checking of heresy,digested into thirteen chapters, and known as the Constitutions of Arundel [Collier,vil. i., bk. vii., p. 625.] a designation they are entitled to bear, seeing they all run underthe authority of the archbishops. <strong>The</strong> drift of these Constitutions was, first, toprohibit all from exercising the function of preacher who had not a special licencefrom the diocesan, or had not undegone an examination before him touching theirorthodoxy ; secondly to charge preachers to eschew all Wicliffite novelties, and toframe their discourses in every respect according to the doctrine of holy Church ;and thirdly, seeing " the errors of the Lollards have seized the University of Oxford,therefore, to prevent the fountain being poisoned, 'tis decreed by the Synod thatevery warden, master, or principal of any college or hall shall be obliged toinquire, at least every month, into the opinions and principles of the students in

THE TWO BIBLES.387their respective houses, and if they find them maintain anything repugnant to,the Catholic faith, to admonish them ; and if they continue obstinate, to expelthem." " In regard," said the sixth Constitution, " the new roads in religion aremore dangerous to travel than the old ones," the primate, careful for the safety ofwayfarers, proceeded to shut up all the new roads thus: " we enjoin and require thatno book or tract, written by John Wicliffe, or any other person either in Wicliffe'stime or since, or who for the future shall wirte any other book upon a subject indivinity, shall be suffered to be read either in schools, halls, or any other placeswithin our Province of Canterburry, unless such books shall first be examined bythe University of Oxford or Cambridge," &c. <strong>The</strong> infraction of this enactmentsubjected the offender to prosecution, " as one that makes it his business to spreadthe infection of schism and heresy." [Collier, i., bk. vii., p. 626.]<strong>The</strong> seventh Constitution began thus: " 'Tis a dangerous undertaking, as St.Jerome assures us, to translate the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s. We therefore decree andordain," it continued, " that from henceforward no unauthorised person shalltranslate any part of <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> into English, or any other language, underany form of book or treatise. Neither shall any such book, treatise, or <strong>version</strong>,made either in Wicliffe's time or since, be read, either in whole or in part, publiclyor privately, under the penalty of the greater excommunication, till the saidtranslation shall be approved either by the bishop of the diocese or a provincialcouncil, as occasion shall require." [Ibid]No such authorisation was ever given. Consequently all translations of theSacred <strong>Scripture</strong>s into English, or any other tongue, and all reading of the Wordof God in whole or in part, in public or in private, were by this Constitutionproscribed, under the penalty of the greater excommuncation.~<strong>The</strong> charateristic of the Reformation as distinguished from primitiveChristianity was its power of originating social action. It put forth in nations aninfluence of a kind so powerful that nothing like it is to be found in any previousage of the world. As the Gospel [Editor: the good tidings], in early times, held onits way among the nations, it called one individual here and another there to be itsdiciple. Those whom it thus gathered out of the mass it knit into a holy brotherhood,an evangelical Church. Still, though a great multitude, comprehending men ofevery kindred and toungue, these disciples remained blended with their severalnationalities: they did not stand out before the world as a distinct social andpolitical community. <strong>The</strong>y were a spiritual kingdom only. When the magistratepermitted them the open profession of their faith, they thankfully accepted theprivilege ; when they were denied it, they were content to die for the Gospel :they never thought of combining to demand as a right the open and unchallengedprofession of their faith.But the Reformation, by quickening and evolving the social instinct in man,brought with it a new order of things. It gave birth not merely to regeneratedindividuals, like primitive Christianity, but to regenerated societies. No doubt theGospel [Editor: the good tidings] in the sixteenth century began where the Gospelin the first century had begun, with the renewal even of the individual ; but it

388THE TWO BIBLES.did not end there. It called bodies corporate into being, it communicated to themthe idea of social rights, and supplied an organisation for the acquisition and theexercise of these rights. <strong>The</strong> Reformation thus erected a platform on which it waspossible to develop a higher civilisation, and achieve a more perfect liberty, thanthe human race had yet known. Even leaving out of view the Christian graces,which formed of course the basis of that civilisation, the civic virtues now shot upinto a stature, and blazed forth with a spendour, which far transcended anythingof the kind that Greece and Rome had witnessed in their short-lived heroic age.Whereever the Reformation came, the world seemed to be peopled with a newrace. Fired with the love of liberty, and with the yet more sacred love of truth,men performed deeds which brightened the lands in which they were done withtheir glory. Whatever country it made its home it ennobled by its valour, enrichedby its industry, and sanctified by its virtues. <strong>The</strong> fens of Holland, the mountains ofSwitzerland, and the straths of Scotland became its seat, and straightway, thoughtill now rude and barbarous, these regions were illumined with a glory brighterthan that which letters and arms had shed on Italy and France. <strong>The</strong>re it convertedburghers and artizans, weavers and tillers of the soil into heroes and martyrs.Such was the new life which the Reformation gave, and such the surprising andhitherto unknown transformations which it wrought on the world.Under the Reformation society attained its manhood. <strong>The</strong> manhood of theindividual Christian was reached under primitive Christianity, but the manhoodof society was not realised till the Reformation came. Till that time society wasunder tutors and governors. Despotism flourished previous to that epoch, as beingthe only form of government compatible in those ages with the peace and goodorder of States. Till the Reformation permeated nations with the Gospel, they hadabsolutely no basis for freedom. <strong>The</strong> two great necessities of States are libertyand order. <strong>The</strong> Gospel is the only power known to man that can bestow these twoindispensable gifts. Atheism, by emancipating the conscience from superstitiousthraldom, can give liberty, but in giving liberty it destroys order. Despotism andsuperstition can give order, bit in maintaining order they extinguish liberty. ButChristianity gives both. Inasmuch as it sets free the conscience, it gives liberty ;and inasmuch as it rules the conscience, it maintains order. Thus the Reformation,making the influence of the Bible operative over the whole domain of society, wasthe first to plant in nations a basis for freedom ; and along with liberty and orderit bestowed the capacity of a terrestrial immortality. <strong>The</strong> nations of antiquity, aftera short career of spendour and crime, followed each other to the grave. If atheismdid not precipitate them into anarchy, and so cause them to perish in theirown violence, superstition held them in her chains till they sunk in rottennessand disappeared from the earth. <strong>The</strong> balance, in their case, was ever being lostbetween the restraint which conscience imposes and the liberty which knowledgegives, and its loss was ever followed by the peanalty of death ; but the Gospel [thegood tidings] is able to maintain that balance forever, and so to confer on nationsa terrestrial, even as it confers on the individual a celestial, immortality.History is just a second Bible, with this difference, that it is written, not likethe first in letters, but in great facts. <strong>The</strong> letters and the facts, however, are chargedwith the same meaning. In the first Bible - that written in letters - the Creator has

THE TWO BIBLES.389made known the attributes of his character, and the great principles on which heconducts his government of his creatures ; and he has warned nations that, it theywould aspire to greatness and seek to be happy, they must base their power onthe principles of truth and righteousness on which he rules the world. In harmonywith his government their cannot be otherwise than stable and prosperous ; butif they place themselves in opposition to it, by adopting as their fundamental andguiding maxims those principles which he has condemned, they will inevitably,sooner or later, come into collision with with his omnipotent and righteous rule,and be broken in pieces by the shock and ground to powder. This great truth weread in the one Bible in words plain and unmistakable ; we read it in the other inthose beacons of warning and examples for imitation that rise on every side ofus - in this nation overthrown, and covered with the darkness of ruin ; in thatseated on the foundations of truth, and rising sublime with the lights of libertyand morality shining around it.Five lines, or five words, may suffice to announce a great principle ; but fivecenturies or ten centuries may pass away before a nation has made full proofthe truth or the falsehood of that principle. <strong>The</strong> nation selects it as its cornerstone; it frames its law and policy according to it ; its national spirit andaction are simply the development of that principle ; it goes on, working outits problem, for centuries ; the end comes at last ; the nation rises, we shallsuppose, to wealth, to liberty, to renown ; how manifest is it that the principlewas true, and that in selecting it the nation chose " the better part ! "Or it brings disaster, disgrace, and overthrow ; equally manifest is it that theprinciple was false, and that in selecting it the nation chose " the worsepart."Let us take an instance illustrating each side of the principle. Spain fallenfrom the summit of power, her sierras treeless and flowerless, herplains a desert, her towns hastening to decay, her people steeped in ignorance,in poverty, and in barbarism, proclaims the supreme folly of which shewas guilty when she chose to rest her greatness upon a conscience governedby the inquisition.Britain, the seat of law, the sanctuary of justice, the fountain of knowledge,the emporium of commerce, and the bulwark of order and liberty, proclaimsnot less emphatically the wisdom of her choice when she made her firstrequisite a conscience emancipated and guided by the Bible.Providence ever sends its instructors into the world, as the first preachers ofChristianity were sent into it, by twos. Here have we Spain and Britain,the two great instructors of the world. <strong>The</strong>y differ in thateach is representative of a different principle ; but they agree in that each teaches,the one negatively and the other positively, the self-same lesson to mankind. <strong>The</strong>yare a tree of the knowledge of good and evil to the nations, as reallyas was the tree in the midst of the garden of old. How manifest is is that afertilising dew has descended upon the one, and that a silent malediction hassmitten the other ! <strong>The</strong> Mount Ebal of Christendom, with the curse upon its top,stands over against the Mount Gerizim, from whose summit the blessing, like astar, beams out before the nations.

390 THE TWO BIBLES.With history's page opne before us, we have verily no need that oneshould demonstrate to us, that there is a God, and the Bible is arevelation of his character and will. <strong>The</strong> latter truth iscontinually receiving authentication and fulfilment in acts of righteousnessand dispensations of terror ; for what are the annals of theworld and the chronicles of the race but a translationinto fact of the laws and principles made known in <strong>Holy</strong>Writ ? God in no age, and in no land, leaves himselfwithout a witness. <strong>The</strong> facts of history are thetestimony of his being, and the proof of his Word. <strong>The</strong>yare the never-ceasing echo of that awful Voice, whichat the very dawn of national history proclaimed theattributes of the Divine character, and the principlesof the Divine government, from the top of Sinai. Inhistory that Voice is speaking still.taken from: "<strong>The</strong> History of Protestantism" by Rev. J. A. Wylie, 1881, pp. 359-362, 622-624" Protestansim, the sacred cause of God's light andtruth against the devil's falsity and darkness. " - Carlyle.

392Interpretation and use of of thesepropheciesin post-reformation times.THREE centuries have rolled by since the accomplishment of the gloriousReformation. <strong>The</strong>se centuries have a double aspect - a Protestant, and a Papal. Onthe one hand, they present the spectaccle of an era of liberty and light ; and, onthe other hand, of reaction and revolution.In the history of Protestantism these centuries have been an era of liberty,civil and religious. In A.D. 1500 there was not a free nation inEurope ; all were subject to the tyrannical government of Rome. Now halfEurope and America are free from that intolerable yoke. In the year 1500 there washardly a Protestant to be found in the world ; Rome had exterminated them all byprolonged and cruel persecution. At the present day Protestants are 150,000,000in number.And the last three centuries have been an era of light. At their commencementthe human mind experienced an emancipation, and was furnished with newinstruments. Learning was revived, and the art of printing discovered. Sincethen the word of God has been multiplied, translated, and expounded as neverbefore. And the understanding of prophecy ahs shared the general advance.During this time libraries have been written on the prophetic <strong>Scripture</strong>s. Mightyinterpreters ahve been raised up, men such as Mede, Sir Isaac Newton, Elliott,whose investigations have drawn back the veil of long continued ignorance, andlet in new light upon some of the darkest obscurities of the theme. Interpretershave risen in groups like constellations of stars, and knowledge ahs increased.On the other hand, post-Reformation times have been times of Papal reactionand revolution. In the first place, the Protestant Reformation was encounteredby a tremendous Papal reaction, the rising wave of life and liberty was met bya counterwave of resistance. Hardly was the ship of a Protestant Church set freeand launched upon the deep than there arose a mighty tempest. <strong>The</strong> resurrectionof the slain "witnesses" of Christ in the person of the reformers was answered bya resurrection of all the powers of the pit. <strong>The</strong> awakening of men's souls broughtwar, ecclesiastical and civil, a war of anathemas and a war of extermination.Swords flashed forth, flames were kindled ; Rome rose in its anger and its might,and did wondrously. She thundered excommunications, she slaughtered millions ;not without an awful struggle would the prince of darkness give up his kingdom.No! Look to it, you brave reformers ; you will need the armoury of heaven and itshelp, for the hosts of hell are roused against you. You may conquer, but it shall bethrough strife and anguish, and seas of blood.Draw up you confessions of faith, you blessed restorers of a pure gospel[Editor: good tidings] ; dare to give them to the world if you will, but you shallbe stoutly answered. Against your Confession of Augsburg Rome shall erect herCouncil of Trent : she shall formulate her canons and decrees ; she shall imposeher Creed of Pius IV., and utter her chorus of anathemas.

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.393Rise up, O Luther ! cry out concerning "the Babylonian captivityof the chuRch," burn the Papal bull, rouse Germany ; but you shall haveyour match. Satan shall bring forth his Loyola, and Loyolahis Jesuits - subtle, learned, saintly in garb and name, protean in form,infinite in disguises, innumerable, scholars, teachers, theologians, confessorsof princes, politicians, rhetoricians, casuists ; instruments keen, unscrupulous,double-edged ; men fitted to every sphere and every enterprise - they shall swarmagainst the Church of the Reformation, each one wise in the wisdom and strongin the strength which are not from abouve but from beneath.Rise up, Zwingle, you lion of Zurich ! lead forth your brave Swiss againstthe enemies of liberty and truth ! But you must perish on the field of battle ereyour cause succeed.Ride forth, fair flower of France ! strive, you brave Huguenots, foryour country's freedom and the faith of the gospel [good tidings] ! But Paris shallrun with your blood ; you shall fall like leaves from a tree shaken by tempest ; youshall lie in heaps, like rubbish in the streets ; your bodies shall choke the streams,they shall not rot in rivers, they shall hang in chains, they shall be shovelledinto cemeteries, or buried in dung-heaps. Rome shall ring her joybellsand sing her Te Deums, and fill her cathedrals and palaceswith acclamations because the massacre of St. Bartholomew has overthrown,for a time, the work of the Reformation in France.Stand up, you Hollanders ! stand up, William the Silent ! stand up, youmen of Haarlem and Rotterdam, of Amsterdam and Leyden, you brave burghersand earnest theologians. You dare to contend for civil liberty and sacred truth ;your land shall groan beneath the tread of Alva's troops ; your fortressesshall fall, your citizens shall be thrust through with Spanish swords, yourpossessions shall be plundered, your wives and your daughters shall be dishonoredand foully murdered, your children trampled beneath horse-hoofs, and troddendown like mire in the streets.Break your chains, O England ! Rome shall find means to rivet them again ;you shall have your bloody Mary, and your fires of Smithfield.Protestant bishops shall burn for it ; against your sea-girt isle Spain shall sendher proud armada ; a fleet of on hundred and thirty great ships of war shallcome across the seas, twelve of them named after the twelve apostles ; theyshall be laden with seamen and troops, with swords andguns, with priests and Jesuits ; the pope shall bless thebanners. Woe to you, O ENGLAND, if Heaven help you not, if its windsforsake your cause !Combine yourselves togehter, you Protestant states of Germany ; claimyour rights of conscience ; stand for the truth ; establish your Protestant liberties :but you shall have your desolating war of thirty years ! From Bohemiato the broad waters of the Scheldt, from the banks of the Po to the shores of theBaltic, whole countries shall be devastated, harvests destroyed, cities and villagesreduced to ruins ! half Europe shall be set on fire, and civilization shall be buriedfor a season in bloodshed and barbarism.

394 Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.<strong>The</strong> apostate Church commands the swords of Latin Christendom - theharlot rides the beast, and the beast has claws and great iron teeth,and sharp, strong horns, and inhuman ferocity : she sits proudly upon it, and itobeys her, grasping, rending, and crushing whom she will. But what if the beastshould grow weary of carrying her? What if the beast should take a dislike toher usurping ways? What if it should resits her, and cast her off, and turn itspower against her, and serve her as she had served others? Ah! that wouldbe a different story, but not an experience unforetold. John foresaw it woldbe thus eighteen centuries ago, and history has fulfilled his predictions : forRomish reaction was followed by democratic revolution ;1572 was followed by 1793, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew by the Reign ofTerror. France Papal crushed France Protestant, and was crushed inits turn by France infidel. Have you not heard of Voltaire, of Rousseau, ofRobesspierre, of Danton, of the execution of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette,of the massacres in Paris 1793, of the guillotine, of the noyades or wholesaledrownings, of how the river Loire was choked with corpses, of the war in LaVendée, of the worship of the goddess of reason, of the turning cathedrals intostables, of the forty thousand churches, chapels, and oratories torn down by therevolutionists, of the massacre and banishment of priests andJesuits, of the burning of palaces, the beggaring of princes, the overthrow ofmonarchy and government and aristocracy and corrupt religion, as by the heavingsof a social earthquake, o the outburstings of an irresistible volcano? Have younot heard of how the infidel democracy rose in its might, struck down the powerswhich had deceived and oppressed it, confiscated all the vast revenues of theChurch, the domains of the Crown, the estates of the nobles, "slaughtered onemillion and twenty-two thousand persons, of all ranks and ages, and both sexes,till the streets of Paris ran with blood, and the guillotines could not overtaketheir work"? And have you not heard how a little later on the Papal States wereconquered by Napoleon, and converted into a Roman republic ; how the Papacywas extinguished, the Vatican plundered, ecclesiastical confiscated, and the popedragged from the altar, and sent as a prisoner to die in exile? Are not these mattersof history, and of recent history ? Here is Thiers' "History of theFrench Revelution" ; here is Alison's history of that revolution, in twelve volumes ;and here is Carlyle's history of the same, written as with a pen of fire. It is but acentury since these things were accomplished, and the after-waves of that mightyrevolution are rolling still.<strong>The</strong>se two great movements which have followedthe Reformation, the Papal reaction of the 16th and17th centuries, and the Revolution of the 18th century,have mightily helped to open men's eyes to the true character ofRomanism, and to the fulfilment of the prophetic <strong>Scripture</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> last threecenturies have consequently witnessed a great advance in the compreshension ofprophecy, and we are this evening to study the expositions which have resulted.First, not the fact Rome’s reply to the Reformation in the 16th centuryincluded an answer to the prophetic teachings of theReformers. Through the Jesuits Ribera and Bellarmince, Rome put forth

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.395her futurist interpretation of prophecy. Ribera was a Jesuit priest of Salamanca.In 1585 he published a commentary on the Apocalypse, denying the applicationof the prophecies concerning antichrist to the existing Church of Rome. He wasfollowed by Cardinal Bellarmine, a nephew of Pope Marcellus II., who was bornin Tuscany in 1542, and died in Rome 1621. Bellarmine was not only a man ofgreat learning, but “the most powerful controversialist in defence of Popery thatthe Roman Church ever produced.” Clemt VIII. used these remarkable words onhis nomination: “We choose him, because the Church of God does not posses hisequal learning.” Bellarmine, like Ribera, advocated the futurist interpretation ofprophecy. He taught that antichrist would be one particular man, that he wouldbe a Jew, that he would be preceded by the reappearance of the literal Enoch andElias, that he would rebuild the Jewish temple at Jerusalem, compel circumcision,abolish the Christian sacraments, abolish every other form of religion, wouldmanifestly and avowedly deny Christ, would assume to be Christ, and would bereceived by the Jews as their Messiah, would pretend to be God, would make aliteral image speak, would feign himself dead and rise again, and would conquerthe whole world - Christian, Mohammedan, and heathen ; and all this in the spaceof three and a half years. He insisted that the prophecies of Daniel, Paul, andJohn, with reference to the antichrist, had no application whatever to the Papalpower.<strong>The</strong> futurist writings of Ribera and Bellarmine were ably answered byBrightman, of whose work on the Apocalypse, published about the year 1600, thisis a copy ; and they have been answered since his time in a succession of learnedworks which I cannot stop to enumerate : for I desire to dwell upon another,and, as I regard it, a more important phase of prophetic interpretation markingthe last three centuries, a phase not of a negative but of a positive character.Protestant interpreters have done more than answer the false futurismof the Church of Rome. <strong>The</strong>y have built up the truehistoric interpretation of prophecy ; they have built up asolid and symmetrical system, a system which has developed slowly, whichhas progressed constantly, which has been born not of diligent investigationonly, but of pro-found experience ; a system whose truth has been sealed anddemonstrated by its ever-growing correspondence with the actual course ofevents. True theology, like true science, is slow in development. <strong>The</strong> growth ofastronomy, for example, has extended through six thousand years. <strong>The</strong> system ofPtolemy was corrected by that of Copernicus ; that of Copernicus was advancedby the laws of Kepler and the wonderful discoveries of Newton ; and then furtherperfected by the Herschels and many others in recent times.Keeping strictly to the prophecies relating to Romanism and the Reformation,I will now endeavour to show you some of the analogous progress which hasbeen made in their comprehension during the last 250 years. <strong>The</strong> following namesrepresent a complete pillar of prophetic interpretation: Josef Mede, Sir IsaacNewton, Jurieu, Vitringa, Daubuz, Fleming, De Cheseaux, Bishop Newton,Faber, Cunninghame, Keith, Bickersteth, Wordsworth, Elliott, and Birks. <strong>The</strong>irprincipal works are on this table, and I will now briefly trace the progress theyexhibit in prophetic interpretation made in the last two and a half centuries.

396 Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.Josef Mede was a fellow of Christ’s College in Cambridge, and lived in thefirst half of the 17th century, the century immediately succedding that of theReformation. He was a man of great learning and diligence, and deep insightinto the Divine word, and made prophecy his special study. Dr. Twisse, who wasprolocutor in the Westminster Assembly of Divines, wrote a preface to Mede’swork on the Apocalypse, in which he says that “as it is written of the virtuouswoman in the Proverbs of Solomon, ‘many daughters have done virtuously, butyou surmountest them all,’ so it may be said of Mede’s exposition of Revelation:many interpreters have done excellently, but he surmountes them all.” Mede’skey to the Apocalypse, written in Latin, was translated into English by RichardMore, one of the burgesses in the English Parliament ; and the House of Commonspublished that translation in 1641, the year of the great massacre of Protestantsin Ireland. Here is a copy of that work published by the House of Commons. <strong>The</strong>Puritan Parliament set its seal thus upon the historical antipapal interpretationof prophecy, and upon this valuable work of Josef Mede. Mede did what nointerpreter had previously done ; he laid down the important principle, that, forthe correct understanding of the Apocalypse, it is necessary, in the first place,to fix the order of its principal visions apart altogether from the questions oftheir interpretation. Accordingly Mede sought to exhibit the synchronism andthe succession of these visions, or the order of the prophecies contained in theApocalypse. Setting aside and ignoring for the time all question of the meaningof these prophecies, he endeavoured the demonstrate from the visions themselvesthe position they occupy with reference to one another. <strong>The</strong>ir mutual relationsonce proved serve as a most valuable clue to their significance. Mede prefaces hiswork with the prayer : “You who sits upon the throne, and You, O Lamb, Root ofDavid, who wast only worthy to take and open this book, open the eyes of Yourservant, and direct his hand and mind, that in these Your mysteries he may discernand produce something which may tend to the glory of Your name and profit ofthe Church.”<strong>The</strong> first synchronism which Mede establishes is that of what he calls a “noblequaternion of prophecies,” remarkable by reason of the equality of their times. First,of the woman remaining in the wilderness for three and a half times, or as it is declaredin the prophecy, 1,260 days [Editor: exact: 1,260 years: 538 till 1798!] ; second, ofthe beast whose deadly wound was healed ruling forty-two months; third, of theouter court of the temple trodden under foot by the Gentiles for the same numberof months ; fourth, of the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth 1,260 days [years =1798]. ...<strong>The</strong> three and a half times of prophecy date frome the era of the rise of thePapal and Mohammedan powers, and extend to the era of the overthrow of thosepowers ; in which era we are living at the present day. Let me refer you to a workon this subject which I published a year ago, entitled “Light for the Last Days,”tracing these prophetic times, and the eras of their commencement and close.Mede established several other synchronisms ; as, for example, one between therevived Roman head of Revelation XIII, and the two-horned, lamb-like beast,which John calls elsewhere “the false prophet,” which acts for the revived head.He shows that the two are inseparable companions ; that they are together alike

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.397in their rising and in their ruin, that the one exercises the power of the other, andthus, whatever be their meaning, that they are necessarily synchronous. He thentraces the position of the remaining visons of the Apocalypse as they stand relatedto these, showing which precede these central visions, which synchronise withthem, and which succeed them ; thus making out and establishing the connexionand order of the entire series of visions ; and this, as I have already stated, apartfrom all question of interpretation. Having gone through the book of Revelationthus, Mede next proceeds to expound and demonstrate its fulfilment in the eventsof history.I have said that Mede’s work on Revelation was approved and printed by thePuritan Parliament. Just at that time the Westminster Assembly of Divines drewup its most valuable Confession of Faith, a Confession subsequently acceptedby the national Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Here is a copy containing alist of the hundred Puritan divines who met in the Westminster Assembly, headedby the name of Dr. William Twisse, the prolocutor, who wrote the preface toMede’s work to which I have already referred. <strong>The</strong> Westminster Confession ofFaith endorsed the historical interpretation of prophecy, and declared theRoman pontiff to be the predicted “man of sin.” Weigh wellthe following words of the Westminster divines upon this subject, embodied inthe 25th chapter of their solemn declaration of the things they held and taught onthe authority of <strong>Scripture</strong>. “<strong>The</strong>re is no other head of the Church but the Lord[Master] Jesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah], nor can the Pope of Romein any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, thatman of sin and son of perdition, that exalts himself in theChurch against Christ [the Messiah] and all that is calledGod.”One of the divines who put his hand to this statement was the famous Puritanwriter, Dr. Thomas Goodwin, of London, and he has left us an exposition ofthe book of Revelation of which this is a copy. It belongs, I need hardly say,to the historical school, and describes the Apocalypse as “the story of Christ’skingdom.”Sir Isaac Newton followed Mede and the Puritan writers and further advancedthe comprehension of prophecy. He was a Christian as well as a philosopher,and took delight in studying and comparing the works and word of God. <strong>The</strong>vastness of his genius led him to the most extensive views of things natural andDivine. He studied nature as a whole, history as a whole, chronology as a whole,and, in connexion with these, prophecy as a whole. While Mede directed hisattention especially to the Apocalypse. Newton investigated both it and thebook of Daniel, tracing out their connexions with the course of history andchronology, utilizing in the latter his unrivalled astronomical skill. Here is a copyof his “Observations on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of John,”printed in the year 1733, six years after his death. In the first chapter Newton says:“Among the old prophets Daniel is most distinct in order of time, and easiest tobe understood, and therefore in those things which relate to the last times hemust be made the key to the rest.” In the third chapter he says:

398 Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.“<strong>The</strong> prophecies of Daniel are all of them related to one another as if they werebut several parts of one general prophecy given at several times. <strong>The</strong> first is theeasiest to be understood, and every following prophecy adds something new to theformer.” “In the vision of the image composed of four metals the foundation of allDaniel’s prophecies is laid. It represents a body of four great nations which shouldreign over the earth successively, viz. the people of Babylonia, the Persians, theGreeks, and Romans ; and by a stone cut out without hands whichfell upon the feet of the image and brake all the four metals to pieces, and becamea great montain and filled the whole earth, it further represents that a new kingdomshould arise after the four, and conquer all those nations, and grow very great, andlast till the end of all ages.” In chapter IV. he says: “In the next vision, which isof the four beasts the prophecy of the four empires is repeated with several newadditions, such as are the two wings of the lion, the three ribs in the mouth ofthe bear, the four wings and four heads of the leopard, the eleven horns of thefourth beast, and the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven to theAncient of days sitting in judgment.”In chapter VII. he expounds the “little horn” of the fourth beast, witheyes as a seer and a mouth speaking great things, and changing times and laws ;and shows it to represent a power both prophetic and kingly, and that such aseer, a prophet, and a king is the Roman Papacy. He traces its rise, and thecotemporaneous rise of the ten horns at the fall of the western Roman empire.He traces also its dominion, and anticipates its doom at the close of the foretoldperiod. He interprets the days of prophecy as years, reckogning, to use his ownwords, a prophetic day for a solar year. He shows the futurityin his time, and proximity of the world-wide overthrow of the Papal power. Hesays that the time had not then come perfectly to understand these mysteriousprophecies, “because the main revolution predicted in them had not yet cometo pass. In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin tosound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He has declared to His servantsthe prophets ; and then the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdomsof our Lord [YAHWEH] and His Christ [Messiah], and He shall reign forever.”Till then, he says, “we must content ourselves with interpreting what has beenalready fulfilled.” He adds: “Amongst the interpreters of the last age there isscarce one of note who has not made some discovery worth knowing, and thenceI seem to gather that God is about opening these mysteries.”He points out that an angel must fly through the midst of heaven with theeverlasting gospel [good tidings] to preach to all nations before Babylon fallsand the Son of man reaps His harvest, and says: “If the general preaching ofthe gospel [good tidings] be approaching, it is to us and our posterity that thosewords mainly belong, ‘In the time of the end the wise shall understand, but noneof the wicked shall understand.’ ‘Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear thewords of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein.’”How marvellously has Sir Isaac Newton’s anticipation of a general preachingof the gospel [good tidings] been accomplished in the glorious evangelization ofthe world during the last century!

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.399This judicious writer expressed it as his opinion to Whiston, hes learnedsuccessor, that the Church of Rome was destined to be overthrown by atremendous infidel revolution ; in other words, that superstition would be troddendown by infidelity. Remembering that Sir Isaac Newton died half a century beforethe French Revolution, this was a very remarkable anticipation!One of the most important features of Sir Isaac Newton’s work is its expositionof the use of symbolic language in prophecy. He lays it down as a principle, that“for understanding the prophecies we are in the first place to acquaint ourselveswith the figuration language of the prophets. This language is taken from theanalogy between the world natural, and an empire or kingdom considered as aworld politic.” <strong>The</strong> prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse being symbolic intheir language are not to be interpreted literally. In these books the sun, moon,stars, earth, fire, meteors, winds, storms, lightning, hail, rain, waters, sea, rivers,floods, dry land, overflowing of waters, drying up of waters, fountains, islands,trees, mountains, wilderness, beasts, as the lion, bear, leopard, goat, with theirhorns, heads, feet, wings, teeth, etc., are all symbolic ; they are symbols of thingsof a different nature, though things analogous to these, or in some sense resemblingthem. On this principle, for example, the two witnesses of Revelation XI.are symbolic, and do not represent two actual men from whose mouth literal fireproceeds, and who literally shut heaven, and literally turn waters to blood, andsmite the earth with literal plagues, and who are slain and lie dead for three anda half literal days, and then literally rise from the dead, and litereally and visiblyascend to heaven in a cloud ; nor is their ascension followed by a literal earthquake,and a litereal fall of the tenth part of a literal city, and by litereal lightnings,voices, thunderings, and hail. All these are symbols of other things, and theirliteral interpretation is an absurdity. Futurist utterly degrade these solemn andmajestic predictions by their pernicious attempts to expound them on the principleof a literal fulfilment. <strong>The</strong> first step in the direction of the comprehension of theseprophecies is the consistent recognition of their symbolic character. A sufficientnumber of these symbols are divinely interpreted for us, to serve as a clue to allthe rest, as when a beast is explained to represent a kingdom, and a candlesticka local Church. <strong>The</strong> second step to a comprehension of symbolic prophecy is thesettlement of the meaning of the various symbols which they employ.Contemporaneous with Sir Isaac Newton there were several great Huguenotexpositors of prophecy. Among these I may name Jurieu and Daubuz. Both thesewere exiled Huguenots, and belonged to the five hundred thousand Protestantswho were compelled to leave France by the persecuting action of Louis revoking the Edict of Nantes. <strong>The</strong>ir sufferings under the Papalpower turned their attention to the prophetic word, and in it they found supportand consolation. Jurien, for example, begins his prophetic work with the sentence :“<strong>The</strong> afflicted Church seeks for consolation. Where can she find it but in thepromises of God?” Here is a copy of this work by Jurieu, published in 1687,entitled, “<strong>The</strong> Accomplishment of the <strong>Scripture</strong> Prophecies ; or, <strong>The</strong> ApproachingDeliverance of the Church,” “proving that the Papacy is the antichristian kingdom,and that that kingdom is not far from its ruin ; that the present persecution mayend in three years and a half, after which the destruction of antichrist shall begin,

400 Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.which shall be finished in the beginning of the next age, and then the kingdom ofChrist [the Messiah] shall come upon the earth.”Here is another work published at the same period by one of the exiledHuguenot ministers. Its title runs thus: “A New System of the Apocalypse :written by a French Minister in the year 1685, and finished but two days beforethe dragoons plundered him of all except this Treatise.” <strong>The</strong> author anticipatedthat the reformed religion overthrown by the revocation of the Edict of Nanteswould be again re-established in three and a half years ; which it was in the mostremarkable manner, though not just as he expected. <strong>The</strong> great English Revolution,which brought about the re-establishment of Protestantism, followed three and ahalf years after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and these men lived to see it,and to rejoice in it. <strong>The</strong> author of this little work points out the futurity at that timeof the vials on Papal Rome, in which he was evidently correct. Here is anotherHuguenot work of the same period, written by an exiled minister, describing theway in which all Protestants throughout France had been forbidden, under theseverest penalties, to assemble for the worship of God ; and also forbidden to leavethe country under pain of all galleys, or even condemnation to death. This worktraces in a very remarkable way the similarity of the experience of the reformedChurch in this last great Papal persecution... It contains in an appendix the famousbull of Pope Clement XI., condemning a hundred Jansenist propositions as “false,pernicious, injurious, outrageous, seditious, impious, blasphemous,” etc. <strong>The</strong>hundred propositions taken from the works of the Jansenists are given here, andthey are all most excellent and in perfect harmony with the teachings of <strong>Scripture</strong>.Among them are the following:“Proposition 79. It is useful and necessary at all times, in all places, and forall sorts of persons, to study the <strong>Scripture</strong>, and to understand its spirit, piety, andmysteries.”“Proposition 84. It is to close to Christian people the mouth of Jesus Christto take from their hands the holy word of God, or to keep it shut in taking fromthem the means of understanding it.” In other words, to take the Bible out of thehand of Christian people, or to take away from them the means of understandingthe <strong>Scripture</strong>, is to shut the mouth of Christ Himself as far as they are concerned.“Proposition 85. To forbid the reading of Scriptrue and particularly of thegospel, to Christians is to forbid the use of light to the children of light.” Whichproposition also the pope condemns as an insufferable and abominabledoctrine, and adds: “We forbid to all the faithful of both sexes to think, teach,or speak on these propositions in any other way than as we lay down in thisconstitution or bull ; and whoever shall teach, understand, or expound thesepropositions, or any of them, in public or private in any other way than is laiddown by the pope, subjects himself to the severest censures and condemnations ofthe Church, and incurs the indignation of Almighty god, and of the holy apostlePeter and Paul.” All the propositions cited by Clement XI. in this bull, andcondemned by him as “scandalous, impious, blasphemous,” are as scriptural asthose we have quoted. ...

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.401I must notice one more writer of the last century, the excellent Bishop Newton,whose deservedly popular work on prophecy has gone through so many editions.Newton acted on Lord Bacon’s suggestion, expressed is his “Advancement ofLearning,” that a history of prophecy was wanted, in which every prophecy ofthe <strong>Scripture</strong> should be compared with the event fulfilling it. <strong>The</strong> twenty-sixthdissertation of Newton’s work recapitulates his exposition of the propheciesrelating to Romanism. In it he says: “<strong>The</strong> prophecies relating toPopery are the greatest and most essential, and themost striking part of the revelation. Whatever difficulty andperplexity there may be in other passages, yet here the application is obviousand easy. Popery being the great corruption of Christianity,there are indeed more prophecies relating to that thanto almost any other distant event. It is a great object of Daniel’s,and the principal object of St. Paul’s, as well as of St. John’s prophecies ; andthese considered and compared together will mutually receive and reflect lightfrom, and upon, each other.” Bishop Newton considered that the sounding ofthe seventh trumpet, or pouring out of the third woe, the woe of the vials, uponthe Papacy was still future in his day, and he was evidently correct, as he livedbefore the time of the French Revolution. ... (BISHOP NEWTON: “Dissertation onthe Prophecies,” pp. 682, 696)<strong>The</strong> time would fail me to speak of the works of the well-known Bickersteth,or to refer in detail to the many able writers in England, Scotland, Switzerland,Germany, Holland, and America, who within the last fifty years have expounded<strong>Scripture</strong> prophecy on the historic principle. I can do no more than say a fewsentences in closing about three of the greatest of these writers, BishopWordsworth, Rev. E. B. Elliott, and Professor Birks, of Cambridge.<strong>The</strong> works of the late Bishop Wordsworth, that learned and eloquentcommentator, demonstrate with perfect conclusiveness that Rome Papal isthe Babylon of the Apocalypse. Wordsworth understood the Churchof Rome better than any commentator, Elliott excepted, in recent times ; and hewas familiar also with the entire history and literature of the Christian Church.His testimony on the fulfilment of prophecy in Papal Rome is such as to settle thequestion finally for all intelligent and unbiassed minds.<strong>The</strong> learned commentator, Dean Alford, who was a semi-futurist, says: “Ido not hesitate . . . to maintain that interpretation whichregards Papal and not Pagan Rome as pointed out by theharlot of this vision (Rev. XVII.). <strong>The</strong> subject has been amply discussedby many expositors. I would especially mention Vitringa and Dr. Wordsworth.” ...And now in conclusion. We have traced in these last three lectures the antiquity,the practical use, and the systematic development of the historical interpretationof prophecy - the interpretation which regards Papal Romeas the Babylon of the Apocalypse, and the Roman pontiffas “the man of sin.” We have shown that the historical interpretation wasthe earliest adopted in the Christian Church ; that it developed with the course ofhistory ; that it sustained the Church through the long central ages of apostasy ;

402 Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.that it gave birth to the Reformation ; that it has been since confirmed by theevents of several centuries, and elaborated and defended by an unbroken seriesof learned and unanswerable works. In vain do the waves of controversy rageagainst this stately rock. It has stood for ages, and is destined to remain till thelight of eternity shall break upon the scene. <strong>The</strong> historic interpretation is no dreamof ignorant enthusiasts. It is no speculation of fanciful, ill-balanced minds. It hasgrown with the growth of generations ; it has been built up by the labors of menof many nations and ages. It has been embodied in solemn confessions of theProtestant Church. It forms a leading element int he testimony of martyrs andreformers. Like the prophets of old, these holy men bore a double testimony -a testimony for the truth of God, and a testimony against the apostasy of Hisprofessing people. <strong>The</strong> providential position which they occupied, the workthey accomplished, gave singular and special importance to their testimony ;and this was their testimony, and nothing less, that Papal Rome is theBabylon of prophecy, drunken with the blood fo saintsand martyrs ; and that its head, the Roman pontiff, is thepredicted “man of sin,” or antichrist.To reject this testimony of God’s providential witnesses on a matter of suchfundamental import, and to prefer to it the counter-doctrine advocated by theapostate, persecuting Church of Rome, is the error and guiltof modern futurism.And that futurism is self-condemned. Futurism is literalism, and literalismin the interpretation of symbols is a denial of their symbolic character. It is anabuse and degradation of the prophetic word, and a destruction of its influence. Itsubstitutes the imaginary for the real, the grotesque and monstrous for the soberand reasonable. It quenches the precious light which has guided the saints forages, and kindles a wild, delusive marsh-fire in its place. It obscures the wisdomof Divine prophecy ; it denies the true character of the days in which we live ;and while it asserts the nearness of the advent of Christ in the power and gloryof His kingdom, it at the same time destroys the only substantial foundation forthe assertion, which is prophetic chronology, and the stage now reached in thefulfilment of the predictions of the apostasy.But in spite of the injurious effetcs of these false interpretations, “thefoundation of God stands sure” ; none can cancel the prophecies which He haswritten in His holy word, and none can deny or destroy the mighty and far-reachingresults which their true interpretation has already accomplished in the world. Ithas given us, and this is its glory, it has given us the REFORMATION. It hasbroken the irons chains of superstition and despotism, and lifted nations from thedepths of their abasement. It has reared a temple whose walls no enemy can ruin.It has reopened, it has given back to the world, that book whose teachingshave led millions into the way of life and peace.And the sacred light of these prophecies is still guiding the Church [Assembly]of God across the wide ocean of her dangerous way. Those steadfast stars ofprophecy which lighted of old the persecuted Waldenses through the darkness ofthe middle ages, which lighted the progress of the Lollards and the Bohemiansbefore the Reformation, which lighted the noble reformers through gloom and

Interpretation in post-Reformation Times.403tempest three hundred years ago, and which have since lighted watchful saintsthrough troubled centruries, are shining still in that high and holy firmament,whence no mortal hand can pluck them donw ; and they shall shine on. thosethousand glittering stars of prophecy - till they have fulfilled their gloriousmission, till they have guided the Church [Assembly] in safety to her celestialhaven, and their long-enduring radiance melts at last in the rising splendours ofeternal day.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 160-174, 177-179, 182-184

404DOUBLE FOREVIEW OF THE REFORMATION.OLD TESTAMENT ANALOGIES.In our previous lectures we have considered from the standpoint of prophecythe great Papal system of Latin Christianity, and it now remains forus to show you, in this closing one, that the same mirror of the future which sofully reflected the coming Roman apostasy reflects as clearly that Reformationmovement of the sixteenth century which emancipated from it myriads of mankind.This could hardly be otherwise. As prophecy traces the entire story of Romanrule, in both its pagan and Papal forms. and carries it on to a point evennow future, it would not, of course, pass by unnoticed the most remarkable andnoteworthy incident in the later section of its history, It could not omit fromits anticipative record an episode so distinctly providential as that protestantexodus, which split western Christendom into two halves, and severed from thecommunion of Rome Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, and GreatBritain.It might well be omitted from Daniel's very distant foreview, but scarcelyfrom the latter prophecy of John, when the incipient workings of the apostasy hadalready commenced. Neither the story of the apostate Church nor that of the truewould be complete without it ; for it was an episode of stupendous importance tothe welfare of hundreds of millions of mankind through nine or ten generations,both to those whom it liberated from the superstitions and tyrannies of Rom,and to those on whom - by a counter movement - it rivetted her fetters morestrongly than ever.What ! should the ruin wrought by Romanism be plainly portrayed in advanceon the prophectic page, and the revival produced by the Spirit of God andthe word of His mouth be left altogether out of view? Should the workof Satan, his corruption and defilement of the professing Church, be reflectedin the Divine mirror, and not the work of the glorious Head of the true Churchthrough His faithful witnesses in the restoration to the world of the primitiveChristianity it had lost? Never ! A true mirror reflects everything alike, and<strong>Scripture</strong> prophecy anticipates the entire of Church history. Just as there were noevents in the history of Israel which were not foretold before they came to pass,so in the history of the Church. <strong>The</strong> Reformation of the sixteenth century, andits glad and glorious results, are as clearly foreshadowed and foretold as theRomanism of the dark ages.You will naturally inquire, Where and how? Before replying, let me remindyou that there are two kinds of prophecy in <strong>Scripture</strong> - the acted, andthe spoken or written ; the type and the prediction. In the Levitical sacrifices,for instance, we have acted prophecies of the atonement ; in Isaiah LIII. we haveverbal predictions of it. <strong>The</strong> whole spiritual Israel, or Christian Church. Bothare delivered from Egypt, both are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, bothare led through a desert, both are sustained by bread from heaven, both journeytowards a rest that remains for the people of God. This broad analogy descends

Double foreview of the Reformation.405in a wonderful way to details. <strong>The</strong> Apostle in 1. Cor. X shows this, and statesthat, not only was Israel's history typical, but that it was divinely ordered that itmight be so ; in other words, it was intentionally prophetic. "<strong>The</strong>se things," hesays, "happened to them for ensamples (or types, -greek-) and are written for ourinstruction." Not only are they recorded for our warning, buth they occurred inthe providence of God in order that they might foreshadow the experiences of theChristian Church, and that she might learn from them solemn and needed lessons.<strong>The</strong> incidents of Jewish history actually happened, that they might be typesof Christian history ; and Divine foreknowledge is as much exemplified in thiscorrespondence between type and antitype as in that between prediction andfulfilment.I am to show you this evening, then, two sets of predictions of the Reformation,one acted in Jewish history, the other symbolized in apocalytic prophecy ; the oneembodied in the story of the Old Testament, the other in the symbolic predictionsof the New.Before I can do this, you must allow me to remind you with some degree ofaccuracy what the Reformation was, as to its broad historical characteristics.It was not the formation of the Church, but its re-formation after its ruinby Romanism. It was not a first beginning, but a second. Pentecost formed theChurch ; Propery deformed it ; Protestantism reformed it. Pentecost occurredin the first century, and is associated with the work of the apostles themselves.<strong>The</strong> Reformation did not occur till the sixteenth century, and was not completedtill the seventeenth, and is associated with such names as Luther and Calvin,Zwingle and Knox, Cranmer and Latimer. <strong>The</strong> first belongs to ancient history,the last to modern times. A great chronological cap of nearly fifteen hundredyears lies between the two. <strong>The</strong>re were the early ages of first love, apostolic zeal,rapid extension, martyr suffering, noble confessions and apologies ; followed byother centuries of imperial Christianity, growing corruption, of bitter strife andambitious rivalries ; and these again by a thousand years of Papal domination andever-deepening moral darkness, - before the glad light of the Reformation brokeover the earth. It is a late episode of Church history, not an early one.And further. When it did take place, its results were very partial. It hasaffected but a portion of apostate Christendom. It has not brought back to the faithof Christ Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, or Belgium. <strong>The</strong> reformed nationsmay be the mightiest, the wealthiest, and the most progressive ; but they constituteonly a fraction of Roman Christendom. <strong>The</strong> greater part of it remains involvedstill in the Papal apostasy.Moreover Protestantism - priceless as have been the benefits it has conferred onthose whoe have joined its ranks - is yet very far from being a perfect recovery ofprimitive Christianity. It has risen out of the gross ignorance and superstitionof mediæval Romanism ; it has altogether abandoned the idolatry of imageworship, virgin worship, saint worship, and the adoration of the priest-madewafer deity of the Latin mass ; it has recovered a purer faith and a simplerritual, and secured for the Church a measure of liberty and independence ;above all, it has circulated the <strong>Scripture</strong>s in vulgar tongues on the nationsof Christendom, and has adopted as its motto, " <strong>The</strong> Bible, the whole Bible,

406 Double Foreview of the Reformation.and nothing but the Bible " : but it has never completely purified itself fromRomish doctrine and practice, it has never regained completeindenpendence of secular domination, it has never got clear of union with theworld. It has rejected the claim of the Church to rule the State, is has not as clearlyrefused the pretension of the State to rule the Church ; it has suffered worldlyambition, priestcraft, simony, and abuses of many kinds ; and it has developedtwo strong tendencies, one to a return to the Romish apostasy, and the other torationalism and infidelity. <strong>The</strong> true spiritual Church of Christ is still, even inProtestant lands, but a small part of the professing Church.I want you clearly to bear in mind from the outset then, first, that, in point oftime, Protestantism is a late or modern movement ; secondly, that it is, in point ofsphere, a limited one ; and thirdly, that is is, in point of character, a very imperfectreturn to primitive Christianity.One more introductory remark before I pass on. May we not safely concludethat Protestantism will last till the end of the age and the second advent of Christ?<strong>The</strong> reformed Churches will never be darkened by a universal apostasy [Editor:oecumenicity], as was the early Church. <strong>The</strong> innumerable millions of Bibles readand studied all over the world, the countless human minds enlightened by theircontents, and human hearts regenerated by their revelation of God in Christ, andlinked by faith and love and eternal life to the Saviour, forbid the fear that therecovered gospel [Editor: good tidings] will ever again be lost to the world. <strong>The</strong>chronology of the Papacy shows us that the coming of the Lord [Editor: Master]is at hand ; and hence we may rest assured that the Reformation is, not only a lateincident in Church history, but that it is the last great movement. <strong>The</strong> next will bethe final change from the militant to the triumphant condition of the Church, whenthe fourth empire shall pass away, and be succeeded by the kingdom of the Sonof man and of the saints. We have entered on that phase of Church history whichwill exist at the second advent ; nothing remains unfulfilled of the predictionsconcerning Romanism, except her sudden destruction at the end of this age.As regards the history of the Reformation, I want you to remember that ittook place in stages during a period extending over about half a century. Itscommencement is reckoned from the year when Luther published his thesesagainst indulgences, A.D. 1517 ; and its close, in Germany at least, may beplaced in A.D. 1555, when the celebrated Peace of Augsburg confirmed theProtestants of Germany in all their rights and possessions, and recognised theircomplete national and ecclesiastical independence of the popes. <strong>The</strong> close of theanti-Reformation Council of Trent and the full establishment of the ProtestantChurch of England were in A.D. 1563, forty-six years from the initial date ofthe Reformation. <strong>The</strong> struggle to maintain the position gained, in face of themurderous Papal reaction, which dates from the Council of Trent, occupieda much longer period, and was not over even at the Peace of Westphalia, at theend of the thirty years' religious war, in A.D. 1648, when a basis was laid for thesettlement of the long struggle in Central Europe.It extended however in France and England still further, nearly up to the closeof the seventeenth century, when it was finally settled in favour of Popery inFrance by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and in favour of Protestantism

Double Foreview of the Reformation.407in England by the glorious Revolution, which placed William of Orange on thethrone, and passed the act of succession excluding Popish monarchs for the future.Not without so severe and long-continued a struggle did the reformed religionestablish itself, even in the countries where it did take root, or Protestantism ceaseto resist, even in the countries where it was ultimately crushed.As to the various aspects of this great Reformation movement, you mustdistinguish especially between three.1. It was first and mainly, as we have said, a return from gross and longcontinuedapostasy to primitive Christianity ; it was a revival of spiritual religionin the hearts of men. As at the first promulgation of the gospel [Editor: goodtidings] in Europe the pagan people "turned from idols to serve the living andtrue God, and to wait for His Son from heaven," so in the sixteenth century. Menturned once more from the idols of Papal instead of pagan Rome which theyhad been worshipping, and they turned to GOD. <strong>The</strong>y turned from thedoctrines of demons to the gospel [Editor: good tidings]of Christ ; they began once more to rejoice in the belief that Jesus haddelivered them from the wrath to come ; they received the doctrines proclaimedby the reformers not as the word of men, but as it was in truth, theword of God. It worked in them effectually, so that they took joyfully thespoiling of their goods, and all the other sufferings which came upon them fromtheir enemies, and from them sounded out everywhere the word of the Lord[Editor: YAHWEH]. <strong>The</strong>y received the word in much affliction, but in joy ofthe holy Ghost [Editor: Spirit], and in power and assurance. <strong>The</strong> reformers werelike the apostles, holy, self-denying, Bible-loving, hard-working preachers of thegospel [Editor: good tidings]. In its first and primary aspect the Reformation was aspiritual work. Its germ was the work of the holy Ghost [Editor: Spirit] in the soulof Luther, convincing him of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, leading himto repentance and to belief of the gospel [Editor: good tidings] of God's grace, andconvincing him that salvation was "not of works." It was what we shouldin these days call a spiritual revival, traceable to the sovereign grace of God in thefirst place, and to the republication of His word in the second.2. But the Reformation did more than produce a spiritual revival. As a matterof history, it gave also to the world a new ecclesiastical system. It establishedreformed Churches in separation from the Church of Rome, national Churches[Editor: today all are falling before the face of YAHWEH!], with secular monarchsin some cases at their head. This was the case in England, where Henry VIII.made himself head of the Church in these lands. Whether this was for evil or forgood we must not here consider, but simply note the fact that the Reformationmovement built up a new out ward organization of an ecclesiastical character, withnew articles and rubrics, new ceremonies and practices, and a new fountain headof authority. This new organization was not only distinct from, but antagonisticto Romanism, and because of its being so was called Protestant. It has grownwith enormous rapidity during the last three centuries, and has already attainedproportions not far short of those of the ancient and apostate Church against whichit protests. It is characterized by the circulation of the Bible, and the reference toit as to a standard of all controversies ; by the recognition that ministers of Christ

408 Double Foreview of the Reformation.should not be "sacrificing priests" but gospel [Editor: good tidings] preachers,preachers of the word, heralds of the great salvation ; and by anacknowledgment of the right of private judgment in the interpretation of <strong>Scripture</strong>.3. And, lastly, the Reformation produced Protestant kingdoms-nations whichservered all the links that bound them to Rome, and asserted their own absoluteindependence of the popes.In a word, the movement was one of renovation and liberation, which spreadin successive and ever-widening circles, from the individual to the Church, andfrom the Church to the nation. It was one founded on a recovered Bible, extendedby a renewal of the long-disused practice of preaching, and issuing in the largelyimproved but still imperfect state of things which we see around us this day. Itemancipated the minds of men from long and bitter bondage ; it gave an impetus toarts and sciences, to enterprise and culture, to freedom and liberty. It was naturallyhailed as a glad deliverance by all who came under its influence ; but it broughtupon them long struggles and cruel sufferings under the terrible and mightyRom wild beast. <strong>The</strong> world reeled under the fierceness of his wrath onthe escape of so many of his victims, his thunderous roar rent the air, hismad passion caused the blood of saints to flow in torrents, his cruel clawsdragged thousands into his dens of torture in dark Inquisition dungeons ;and so horrible was the sacrifice of human life resulting from his rage, thatthe world turned on him at last and bade him be still, bound, and beat himinto silence, drew his claws and his teeth, deprived him of dominion and thepower to do further damage, and left him feeble and defenceless, albeit asfierce as ever.We stated just now that this great Reformation movement was doubly foretoldin the Bible. It is foreshadowed in the typical history of Israel in the Old Testament,and its story forms one act of the prophetic drama of the Apocalypse in the New.1. IT WAS FORESHADOWED IN THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL. Just as theexodus of Israel from Egypt after the passover and their crossing of the Red Seaforeshadowed the redemption of the Church by the death and resurrection of"Christ our passover," just as the murmurings and rebellions of Israel in thewilderness prefigured the similar incidents in Church history - so the idolatriesof Israel foreshadowed the idolatry which early crept into the Church, and whichsoon corrupted it altogether. Even in the desert Israel fell intoidolatry, and worshippped the golden calf ; and perhaps themost salient feature of their history is the constant tendency to relapse into thisdegrading iniquity. No sooner were Moses and Joshua and their cotemporariesdead and gone than declensions into idolatry became frequent. Various tyrantswere allowed to conquer and oppress the people as a chastisement for this sin ;and when they cried to God in their trouble, and He sent judges and deliverers,they perhaps served Jehovah [Editor: YAHWEH!] as long as the judge lived, butquickly afterwards relapsed again. Six times over they were given up to theirenemies, and the united servitudes they endured extended to a hundred and elevenyears. Still they did evil "in the sight of the Lord [Editor: YAHWEH!], and servedBaalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria and Zidon, the gods of Moab and

Double Foreview of the Reformation.409Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the Lord [Editor: YAHWEH],and served not Him" (Jud. X. 6).Hardly had the Jews reached the zenith of their national prosperity under Davidand Solomon than again there set in a process of declension. Solomon himselfbuilt idol temples for his heathen wives, and after the schism between Israeland Judah, idolatry became the State religion among the ten tribes, whoworshipped the golden calves set up by Jeroboam the son of Nebat at Dan andat Bethel, and adopted besides all the idolatries of the heathen around them.Israel built, as we read in Kings, "high places in all their cities, from the towerof the watchmen to the fenced city. And they set them up images and groves inevery high hill, and under every green tree : and there they burnt incense in all thehight places, as did the heathen whom the Lord [Editor: YAHWEH] carried awaybefore them ; and wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord [YAHWEH] toanger: for they served idols, whereof the Lord [YAHWEH] had said to them, Youshall not do this thing. . . . And they left all the commandments ofthe Lord [YAHWEH] their God [Elohim], and made them molten images,even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven,and served Baal" (2 Kings XVII. 9-16.) So general did this worship of Baalbecome in Israel, that in the days of Elijah it was all but universal, andthere were but seven thousand left who had not bowedthe knee to Baal.Jeremiah exclaims in the Lord's [YAHWEH's] name, "Has a nation changedtheir gods, which are yet no gods? but My people have changed their glory forthat which does not profit. Be astonished, O you heavens, at this, and be horriblyafraid, be you very desolate, says the Lord [YAHWEH]. For My people havecommitted two evils ; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters, andhewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water" (Jer. II. 11-13.).Isaiah cries, " How is the faithful city become a harlot ! " "<strong>The</strong>y have forsakenthe Lord [YAHWEH], they have provoked the <strong>Holy</strong> One of Israel to anger, theyare gone away backward."Ezekiel describes the idolatry of Jerusalem and Samaria under the figure of thegrossest and most abominable harlotry.Hosea said, "Israel has forgotten his Maker, and builds temples"(Hos. VIII. 14). "Ephraim is joined to idols : let him alone" (Hos. IV. 17).Amos accused Israel, saying, "You have borne the tabernacle of your Molochand Chiun your images, the star of your god, which you made to yourselves"(Amos V. 26)Speaking by the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord [YAHWEH] exhorts His people:"Trust you not in lying words, saying, <strong>The</strong> temple of the Lord [YAHWEH], <strong>The</strong>temple of the Lord [YAHWEH], <strong>The</strong> temple of the Lord [YAHWEH], are these. ...Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incenseto Baal, and walk after other gods whom you know not ; and come and standbefore Me in this house, which I called by My name, and say, We are delivered todo all these abominations? In this house, which is called by My name, become aden of robbers in your eyer?" (Jer. VII. 4-11).<strong>The</strong> ancient prophets are full of this subject, as you will remember ;

410 Double Foreview of the Reformation.espostulations, appeals, threats, irony, indignant remonstrance are all employedin turn ; but the people were obdurate. "We will not listen / hearken to you," saidthey to Jeremiah; "we will certainly . . . burn incense to the queen of heaven, andpour out drink offerings to her" (Jer. XLIV. [44] 16, 17).<strong>The</strong> enormity of this sin was enhanced by the fact that the very object ofIsrael's existence as a nation was that they might be a holy nation, a peculiarpeople to Jehovah [error of the Middle Ages; it is: to YAHWEH!]. <strong>The</strong>y werethe sole witnesses to the true God in the world, and yet they seemed obstinatelyresolved to sink back to the level of their heathen neighbors.<strong>The</strong> relapse of Israel and Judah into heathen idol worship was punished inthe providence of God by their captivity in the lands of the heathen : Israel wascarried captive into Assyria, and Judah into Babylon. <strong>The</strong> heathenism of Jerusalemand of Babylon were substantially the same ; each was marked by gross idolatry,and accompanied by the cruel persecution of all who resisted it. Manaseeh filledJerusalem with the blood of the faithful whom he slew. In Babylon, however, bothidolatry and persecution found their most complete development. Nebuchadnezzarset up his golden image, issued his persecuting edict, and kindled his fiery furnace ;and Belshazzar made his impious feast, and brought the vessels of God'shouse to his table, that he and his lords, his wives and his concubines, mightdrink wine in them ; and praise "the gods of silver, and gold, ofbrass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, norknow"; and Daniel said, addressing the doomed man, "<strong>The</strong> God in whosehand your breath is, and whose are all your ways, haveyou not glorified" (Dan. V. 23).Jeremiah cries concerning Babylon : "Behold, the days come, says the Lord[YAHWEH], that I will do judgment upon her graven images" (Jer. LI. 52)."A drought is upon her waters ; and they shall be dried up : for it is the landof graven images, and they are mad upon their idols" (Jer. L. 38).<strong>The</strong> climax of apostasy and rebellion was reached at last ; and when Judahhad practically sunk to the level of idolatrous Babylon, God suffered her to beconquered and carried captive by one Babylonian tyrant after another, and His owntemple at Jerusalem, which had been so desecrated and profaned, He permitted tobe captured and burned. <strong>The</strong> visible existence of the Jewish nation ceased for atime. <strong>The</strong> daughters of Jerusalem hung their harps upon the willows by the riversof Babylon, and Judæa desolate.<strong>The</strong>n, about five hundred years before the first advent of Christ, there camesuddenlay and unexpectedly deliverance and restoration. Ezra and Nehemiah wereraised up to lead back and reorganize in the land a remnant of the people. <strong>The</strong>temple of God rose from its ashes once more on Mount Moriah. Jerusalem wasrebuilt, and its civil and religious polity restored ; it was surrounded with walls andtowers ; the long forgotten word of God was recovered,and read in the audience of the people ; and as the language hadbecome somewhat obsolete during the seventy years of the Babylonish captivity,the Jewish reformers, we are told, not only "read in the book in the law of Goddistinctly," but they also "gave the sense, and caused them to understand thereading" (Neh. VIII. ).

Double Foreview of the Reformation.411<strong>The</strong> restoration from Babylon inaugurated a blessed era of civil and religiousliberty. <strong>The</strong> restored remnant were not without severe trials ; it was by no meanseasy for them to accomplish their task in face of the persistent and successfulopposition of Sanballat the Horonite and his confederates and companions. Againand again the work had to cease, and the people would have given up in despairbut for the encouraging and stimulating words of Haggai, Zechariah, and otherprophets. <strong>The</strong> joint ministry of Ezra and Nehemiah seems to have lasted abouthalf a century, and they were permitted to see the work accomplished, the Jewishpeople liberated from their long exile, and, better still, from all tendency toheathenism and idolatry. <strong>The</strong>y never fell back into that sin after the return fromBabylon. <strong>The</strong> long suspended worship of God was restored ; magistrates, judges,and teachers of the law were appointed over the land. <strong>The</strong> people entered into asolemn covenant to separate themselves from all idolaters, and even, painful asit was, from the heathen wives some of them had taken ; and before Ezra andNehemia passed to their rest the people, the worship, the temple, and the city wereall restored, and the canon of Old Testament <strong>Scripture</strong> was arranged and closed.Many political and milititary troubles arose afterwards, but no such overthrowand restoration. Is was to that second temple that Christ came, thus making theglory of the latter house greater that that of the former.Need I interpret all this true and yet typical history? Does it not applyitself to the later antitypical history? Have you not seen the Reformation ofthe sixteenth century as I have described the return from Babylon? Is notJerusalem the true Church, and Babylon the false? and is not Babylon, Rom?<strong>Scripture</strong> distinctly states this. "<strong>The</strong> woman which you saw" (whosebrow was branded "Babylon") "is that great city which reignsover the kings of the earth." <strong>The</strong> angel said this to John. In John'sdays no other great city than Rome ruled over the kings of the earth. Babylonrepresents Rome. <strong>The</strong> captive Jews represent God's people oppressed inand by Rome. <strong>The</strong>ir deliverance and restoration, under Ezra and Nehemiah,represent the Reformation under Luther and Calvin and other reformers.<strong>The</strong>ir repentance and abandonment of idolatry, their reading of the word ofGod and re-establishment of the worship of God, all this had its parallel in themovement we have described. <strong>The</strong>ir rebuilding of Jerusalem and reorganizationof Jewish polity and and national life foreshadowed the constitution of reformedProtestant communities and nations ; the duration of the two movements was thesame, about half a century ; the results of the two movements were similar, inspite of much bitter but futile opposition ; the proportion of the restored remnantwas the same, representatives of only two tribes out of the twelve returned toJerusalem. Protestantism is growing now with amazing rapidity ; but at the end ofthe sixteenth century it was small, compared with the hosts of Romanism. Bothmovements consisted of a spiritual work, an ecclesiastical work, and a politicalwork. Both are connected with a recovered Bible, and both "gave the sense" ofthe original documents to the common people, or made them understand the wordof God. Luther, Tyndale, and others translated the Bible into the vulgar tonguesof Europe. <strong>The</strong> close and wonderful parallel extends to many particulars, which Ihave no time to indicate. Both movements occur late in the stories to which they

412 Double Foreview of the Reformation.respectively belong ; and if the first advent belongs to the days of the restoredtemple, we have every reason to believe that the second will take place in thisProtestant era, for, as I will show you presently, a chronological prediction occursin the prophecy of it in Revelation.But I must revert to the point of Israel's idolatry for a moment, and ask you toglance at the remarkable development of this same sin in the apostasy in theRomish Church.All through its history idolatry has been the most marked characteristic ofthe Papal system. Romanism is simply the of Roman paganismrevived under Christian names. Romanism and paganism bear toeach other the most exact and extraordinary resemblance.Had paganism its temples and altars, its pictures and images? So has Popery.Had paganism its use of holy water and its burning of incense? So has Popery.Had paganism its tonsured priests, presided over by a pontifex maximus,or sovereign pontiff? So has Popery ; and it stamps this very name, which ispurely heathen in origin, upon the coins, medals, and documents of the arrogantpriest by whom it is governed. Had paganism its claim of sacerdotal infallibility?So has Popery. Had paganism its adoration of a visible representative of Deitycarried in state of men's shoulders? So has Popery. Had paganism its ceremonyof kissing the feet of the sovereign pontiff? So has Popery. Had paganism itscollege of pontiffs? So has Popery, in the college of cardinals. Had paganism itsreligious orders? So has Popery. Had paganism its stately robes, its crowns andcrosiers of office? So has Popery. Had paganism its adoration of idols, its worshipof the queen of heaven [Editor: Mary!], its votive offerings? So has Popery.Had paganism its rural shrines and processions? So has Popery. Had paganismits pretended miracles, its speaking images, and weeping images, and bleedingimages?! So has Popery. Had paganism its begging orders and fictitious saints?So has Popery. Had paganism its canonization of saints, as in the deification of thedead Cæsars? So has Popery. Had paganism its idolatrous calendar and numerousfestivals? So has Popery. Had paganism its enforced celibacy, its mystic signs,its worship of relics? So has Popery. Had paganism its cruel persecution of thosewho opposed idolatry? So has Popery. Was paganism satanically inspired? So isPopery. God overthrew paganism ; Satan revived it under Christian names :but God shall yet destroy it, and sweep its hateful presence from the earth.And further, just as there never failed in IsraelA LINE OF FAITHFUL WITNESSESto testify against the idolatry of the people of God, so also in the case of Romanism.All the prophets testified against Jewish idolatry. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel,Hosea and Amos were burning witnesses against it ; but perhaps the most typicalwitness of all was Elijah the Tishbite. This holy and earnest man was one whofeared God, and consequently feared not the face of his fellow man. ThoughJezebel had slain the prophets of the Lord [YAHWEH], he hesitates not to startleAhab with the bold accusation that his idolatries were the cause of the famine thatwas desolating the land. "I have not troubled Israel ; but you, and your father'shouse, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord [YAHWEH], and

Double Foreview of the Reformation.413you have followed Baalim."Forced to flee to the wilderness when Jezebel seeks his life, hear him pleadwith God that he had been jealous for His name, "because the children of Israelhave forsaken Your covenant, thrown down Your altars, and slain Your prophetswith the sword ; and I, even I only, am left ; and they seek my life, to take it away."Like these Jewish witnesses, the Christian witnesses of later days were veryjealous for the Lord [YAHWEH], grieved and indignant at the desecration ofHis name and cause. Like the prophets they were opposed, despised, denounced,persecuted, exiled, and slain. Who were these Christian witnesses? <strong>The</strong>y were, touse the words of one of them, an exiled Huguenot, "those who since thebirth of anti-Christianity have cried against its errorsand idolatries." If you wish to know their names this Huguenot willtell you. He says in his "Commentary on the Apocalypse," "they were calledBerengarians, Stercorists, Waldenses, Albigenses, Leonists, Petrobrusians,Henricians, Wicliffites, Lollards, etc. ; as they are now styled Lutherans,Zwinglians, Calvinists, Sacramentarians, Huguenots, heretics, schismatics, etc. ;and to these reproachful names their enemies added fines, confiscations,imprisonments, banishments, and condemnations to death." ("A New System of theApocalypse," p. 214.)Read Fox's "Acts and Monuments of the Martyrs" if you desire a fuller accountof the lives and testimony of these faithful witnesses against antichrist and hisabominable idolatries, and of the sufferings they endured in the cause of truththrough weary centuries. God never left Himself without a witness. All through thedark ages there were bold and holy men who stood aloof from Rome's corruptions,as we have seen, who denounced her idolatries, who endured her malice, whodared the fury of the wild beast, who resisted to blood striving against sin. Weshall have to speak again of these witnesses in connexion with the New Testamentprophecy of the Reformation.Meantime let me remind you that from the existence of this analogy itfollows that the moral judgments which are applicable to the Jewish apostasy andreformation are equally so to the Christian. To justify the Christian apostasy isin principle to justify that Jewish apostasy so signally condemned in the word ofGod ; and to cendemn the Christian reformation is in principle to condemn thatJewish reformation so evidently sealed with Divine approval. To approve theapostasy, whether Jewish or Christian, is to approve the work of sin and Satan ;and to condemn the Reformation, whether Jewish or Christian, is to condemn thework of Divine providence and grace. <strong>The</strong> enemies of the Reformation are theenemies of God. Those who would pull down the sanctuary which the Reformationreared would have pulled down the second temple built by the exiles restoredfrom Babylonish bondage. But what said t he promise of God as to that secondtemple? "Be strong, said the Lord [YAHWEH], and work : for I am with you. . . .I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come : and I will fill thishouse with glory, said the Lord of hosts [YAHWEH Sabaoth]. . . . <strong>The</strong> glory of thislatter house shall be greater than of the former, said the Lord of hosts [YAHWEHSabaoth]: and in this place will I give peace." (Hag. II.4-9.) And again, "<strong>The</strong> Lord[YAHWEH], whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple." (Mal. III. 1.)

414 Double Foreview of the Reformation.NEW TESTAMENT PROPHECY OF THE REFORMATION.We turn now, in the second place, to the prophecies of theReformation in the last book at the Bible. Here again the prediction is anacted one ; but instead of being acted in real history, it is acted as on a stage. <strong>The</strong>whole drama of the Apocalypse is thus acted. Symbolic beings perform symbolicsactions. <strong>The</strong> dramatis personae seen in vision by St. John include heavenly,earthly, and satanic beings, all of whom are representative, symbolical. Christ isrepresented by "a lamb as it had been slain," or by a mighty, cloud-clothed angel ;Satan, as inspiring the Roman empire, by "a great red dragon" ; and so on. In noother way could so vivid a foreview of the events of ages have been presented inso small a compass. <strong>The</strong> book of Revelation consists of John's descriptions ofthe living, moving, acting hieroglyphs he saw. He uses constantly the words,"and I saw," "and I heard." In reading it we should try first to realize accuratelywhat the hieroglyph which John saw and describes was, and the consider what itsignified. Other <strong>Scripture</strong> use of similar figures will in most cases give the clueto the meaning.John also takes part in the drama himself. He speaks and is spoken to, andwhen he does so he represents the true witnesses of Christ at the time and in thecircumstances prefigured. He is himself a hieroglyph, as it were, and stands as therepresentative of the true servants of God who would be living in the successiveperiods the events of which are predicted.<strong>The</strong> drama as a whole foreshadows the external and internal history of theChurch from John's own day to the second advent. As its outward history dependslargely on the state of the world in which the Church exists, much mere politicalhistory, many purely secular events, such as the overthrow of the Roman empire,have their place in this prophetic drama. For just as if a traveller takes a voyage ina ship, the history of the ship becomes for the time his history, just as the story ofan individual cannot be told without taking into account his environment, so thestory of the Church cannot be told without a consideration of the cotemporaneousstate of the world in which it exists. Moreover Providence employs outwardevents in the government of the Church itself ; wars and invasions are judgments,so are revolutions and insurrections, famines and pestilences. <strong>The</strong>y have thereforeproperly their place in Church history.But the Church has also an inward spiritual history, which depends, not onearthly events, but on heavenly and satanic action. If she is sustained, revived,increased, and rendered spiritually victorious, it is because her glorious Head isacting in her and on her behalf. If she is betrayed, corrupted, misled, or persecutedand oppressed, it is because Satan is acting against her in and by her enemies. In theApocalypse these spiritual agencies are symbolized, as well as material historicalevents. <strong>The</strong>y are seen acting, but always indirectly through outward agents. Thusearthly material events are continually linked in this wonderful prophecy withtheir hidden spiritual causes. <strong>The</strong> Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost [Spirit],angels and archangels, and the spirits of the just, are all seen in action undervarious symbols ; and so also are the devil and his agents. Under the symbols ofthe dragon and the wild beasts, they are seen opposing and counterworking Christ,and persecuting and slaughtering His faithful witnesses.

Double Foreview of the Reformation.415<strong>The</strong> visions of this holy and sanctifying book, to the study of which a specialblessing is attached, constitute a prophetic history of the Church and of the worldfrom apostolic days to the present day, and on the end of this age. <strong>The</strong>y are, asyou know, arranged in order in three groups of seven : first seven seals, then seventrumpets, and then seven vials. Speaking broadly (for I have no time to do more,nor is it needful to our subject), the first six seals represent events extending fromJohn's own day to the fall of paganism and the establishment of Christianity inthe Roman earth ; while the seventh contains the seven trumpets and that follows.<strong>The</strong> first four trumpets depict the Gothic invasions and the overthrow of the oldRoman empire in the fifth century. <strong>The</strong> next two trumpets give events in the Eastinstead of the West, the fifth predicting the Saracenic conquests of the seventh andeighth centuries (symbolised as the ravages of an army of locusts), and the sixththe Turkish invasions of eastern Europe, which extended from the middle of theeleventh century to the middle of the fifteenth. <strong>The</strong>se, and the intolerable miserythey occasioned to the Greek Churches of the East, are symbolised under the sixthtrumpets by the career of the Euphratean horsemen in the ninth chapter of thebook [Apocalypse]. This vision brings down the prophetic history to the fall ofConstantinople, the capital of the eastern empire of Rome, before the Turks in A.D.1453 ; and the remainder of the fifteenth century seems covered in the prophecyby the statement that "the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues,yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worshipdevils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood." Thisdescription of continued obdurate and inveterate apostasy and idolatry appliesboth to eastern and western Christendom at that time. Thus we are brought downchronologically to the end of the fifteenth century ; and then there is a break anda great change in the series of visions!And what is the next scene that attracts the eye of the holy seer? It is a visionsymbolic of the Reformation movement of the sexteenth century, coupled with aretrospective narrative of the history of Christ's true witnessesagainst idolatry, from the beginning of the apostasy to the close of theProtestant Reformation. You will find this most interesting prophecy in the tenthand first thirteen verses of the eleventh chapters of Revelation. Study it carefullyat your leisure, and you will see that the vision consists of the manifestation ofa glorious mighty angel, who evidently symbolises Christ Himself, and of thebestowal by Him on John (in this representative character) of three things:1. Of a little open book which he was to eat ;2. Of a great commision which he was to execute ; and3. Of a reed with which he was to measure the temple of God.<strong>The</strong>re follows the story of Christ's "two witnesses," symbolised as two olivetrees and two candlesticks ; the narrative of their doings and sufferings, of theirpersecution and slaughter by their enemies, of their brief, trance-like death, andof their speedy resurrection and exaltation. Lastly, there is a great earthquakeor revolution, and the fall of o tenth part of the city, or a tenth part of RomanChristendom. . . .a little book-open. At a command from heaven, John asks the Angel for thislittle book, and receives it with the injunction, "Take it, and eat it up ; and it

416 Double Foreview of the Reformation.shall make your belly bitter, but it shall be in your mouth sweet as honey."It is immediately added, "You must prophecy (or preach) again before manypeoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings." Now this same remarkable figureof eating a book, and then going forth to proclaim to others its contents, does notoccur here for the first time. We meet it in the Old Testament, where Ezekiel iscommanded to eat a roll, and go and speak to the house of Israel ; and the actionis thus explained. Ezekiel says : "I did eat it ; and it was in my mouth as honeyfor sweetness. And He said to me, Son of man, go, get you to the house ofIsrael, and speak with My words to them. . . . All My words that I shall speakto you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears. And go, getyou . . . to the children of your people, and speak to them, and tell them, Thussays YAHWEH God / Elohim ; whether they will hear, or whether they willforbear." [Ezekiel 3:3, 10, 11] We have no question therefore as to the meaningof this emblematic action in the vision. John was first to appropriate and digest thecontents of the little book, and then to go forth and proclaim its messages to othersas the word of the Lord [YAHWEH].Now what is this little book? What can it be but the Bible - that blessed giftof God, His own word? It is here seen given afresh, a second time, to the Church.And indeed, so long had the Bible been buried in Latin, so long withheld fromthe people, so long made void by the traditions of men, that it was as a new bookgiven afresh to the Church when it was, as it were, restudied, and republished bythe reformers at the close of the dark ages.When Martin Luther, then a student of about twenty years of age, in theUniversity of Erfurt, first accidentally found a Latin Bible, he was amazed."One day he opens several books of the library, one after the other, to see who theirauthors were. One of the volumes which he opens in its turn attracts his attention. He hasnever before seen one like it. He reads the title . . . It is a Bible ! a rare book, at thattime unknown. His interest is strongly excited ; he is perfectly astonished to find inthis volume anything more than those fragments of gospels [good tidings] and epistleswhich the Church has selected to read publicly in the churches every sabbath day [Editor:in the first time during and short time after the apostles]. Hitherto he had believed thatthese formed the whole word of God. But here are so many pages, chapters, and booksof which he had no idea. His heart beats as he holds in his hand all this divinely inspired<strong>Scripture</strong>, and he turns over all the leaves with feelings which cannot be described. <strong>The</strong>first page on which he fixes his attention tells him the history of Hannah and young Samuel.He reads, and his soul is filled with joy to overflowing. <strong>The</strong> child whom his parents lend toJehovah [YAHWEH] for all the days of his life ; the song of Hannah, in which she declaresthat the Lord [YAHWEH] lifts up the poor from the dust, and the needy from the dunghill,that He may set him with princes ; young Samuel growing up in the presence of the Lord[YAHWEH] : the whole of this history, the whole of the volume which he has discovered,make him feel in a way he has never done before. He returns home, his heart full. 'Oh!'thinks he, 'would it please God one day to give me such a book for my own!' Lutheras yet did not know either Greek or Hebrew, for it is not probable that he studied theselanguages during the first two or three years of his residence at the university. <strong>The</strong> Biblewhich had so overjoyed him was in Latin. Soon returning to this treasure in the library,he reads and re-reads, and in his astonishment and joy returns to read again. <strong>The</strong> first raysof a new truth were then dawning upon him. In this way God put him in possession ofHis word. He has discovered the book which he is one day to give his countrymen in

Double Foreview of the Reformation.417that admirable translation in which Germany has now for three centuries perused theoracles of God. Is was perhaps the first time that any hand had taken down this preciousvolume from the place which it occupied in the library of Erfurt. This book, lying on theunknown shelves of an obscure chamber, is to become the book of life to a whole people.<strong>The</strong> Reformation was hid in that Bible."(D'AUBIGNÈ: "History of the Reformation," vol. I., p. 113.)Later on, when soul agony had driven the young student from his loveduniversity into a Benedictine convent, to seek the salvation fro which he longed,it was the same blessed book, with its glorious doctrines of the forgiveness of sinsand justification by faith alone, that calmed his storm-tossed spirit, and quickenedhis soul to new spiritual life. Staupitz, the vicar-general of his order, who provedhimself a true pastor to the poor young monk, gave him a Bible of his own. Hisjoy was great. He soon knew where to find any passage he needed. With intenseearnestness he studied its pages, and especially the epistles of St. Paul. Rightvaliantly did the young reformer use the sword of the Spirit thus placed in hishand."<strong>The</strong> Reformation, which commenced with the struggles of a humble soul inthe cell of a convent at Erfurt, has never ceased to advance. An obscure individual,with the word of life in his hand, had stood erect in presence of worldly grandeur,and made it tremble. This word he had opposed, first, to Tetzel and his numeroushost ; and these avaricious merchants, after a momentary resistance, had takenflight. Next, he had opposed it to the legate of Rome at Augsburg ; and the legate,paralysed, had allowed his prey to escape. At a later period he had opposed it tothe champions of learning in the halls of Leipsic, and the astonished theologianshad seen their syllogistic weapons broken to pieces in their hands. At last hehad opposed it to the pope, who, disturbed in his sleep, had risen up upon histhrone, and thundered at the troublesome monk ; but the whole power of the headof Christendom this word had paralysed. <strong>The</strong> word had still a last struggle tomaintain. It behoved to triumph over the emperor of the west, over the kings andprinces of the earth, and then, victorious over all the powers of the world, take itsplace in the Church, to reign in it as the pure word of God." (D'AUBIGNÉ: "Historyof Reformation," vol. II., p. 129.)"Let us believe the gospel [good tidings], let us believeSt. Paul, and not the letters and decretals of the pope,"Luther was wont to say. "Are you the man that undertakes to reforn the Papacy?"said an officer to him one day. "Yes," replied Luther ; "I am the man. I confidein Almighty God, whose WORD I have before me." "Sooner sacrificemy body and my life, better allow my arms and legs to be cut off," said he to thearchbishop, who tried to persuade him to restract his writings, "than abandon theclear and genuine WORD OF GOD."From his lonely, Patmos-like prison in the castle of Wartburg, in the forestsof Thuringia, Luther gave this priceless treasure, the word of God, to his countryin a translation which is still in use in Germany. He felt that the Bible which hadliberated him could alone liberate his people. "It was necessary that a mighty handshould throw back the ponderous gates of that arsenal of the word of God in whichLuther himself had found his armour, and that those vaults and ancient halls which

418 Double Foreview of the foot had traversed for ages should be again opened wide to the Christian peoplefor the day of battle." "Let this single book," he exclaims, "be in alltongues, in all lands, before all eyes, in all ears, in allhearts" ; and again, "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, without any commentary, is the sunfrom which all teachers must receive light."And not Luther only, but all the reformers - like the apostles -held up the word of God alone for light, just as they heldup teh sacrifice of Christ alone for salvation. <strong>The</strong>y gaveto the world the book which Christ had given to them, which they had foundsweet to their souls, though it subsequently brought on them bitter trouble. Itwas an established principle of the Reformation to reject nothing but what wasopposed to "some clear and formal declaration of the <strong>Holy</strong><strong>Scripture</strong>s." "Here only is found the true food of thesoul," said Luther, familiar as he was with the writtings of the philosophersand schoolmen - "here only." "You say, Oh if I could only hear God ! Listenthen, O man, my brother. God, the Creator of heaven and earth, is speakingto you."<strong>The</strong> New Testament once printed and published did more to spread the revivalof primitive Christianity than all the other efforts of the reformers. <strong>The</strong> translationwas a splendind one ; as a literary work it charmed all classes. It was sold for somoderate a sum that all could procure it, and it soon established the Reformationon an immovable basis. Scores of editions were printed in an incredibly short time.<strong>The</strong> Old Testament from the same hand soon followed, and both were diffusedthrough a population, familiar till then only with the unprofitable writings of theschollmen. <strong>The</strong> Bible was received with the utmost avidity. "You have preachedChrist to us," said the people to the reformer; "you enable us now to hear His ownvoice." In vain Rome kindled her fires and burnt the book.It only increased the demand, and ere long the Papaltheologians, finding it impossible to suppress Luther's translation, wereconstrained to print a rival translation of their own.Once the Bible was thus read in the households of Christendom, the greatchange could not be averted. A new life, new thoughts, new standards, a newcourage sprang up. God's own words were heard ath the firesides of the people,and the power of the priest was gone. [Editor: Or not?] "<strong>The</strong> effect producedwas immense. <strong>The</strong> Christianity of the primitive Church, brought forth by thepublication of the <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s from the oblivion into which it had fallen forages, was thus presented to the eyes of the nation ; and this was sufficient to justifythe attacks which had been made upon Rome. <strong>The</strong> humblest individuals, providedthey knew the German alphabet, women, and mechanics (this is the account givenby a contemporary), read the New Testament with avidity. Carrying it about withthem, they soon knew it by heart, while its pages gave full demonstration of theperfect accordance between the Reformation of Luther and the Revelation ofGod."It was the same in France. In 1522 a translation of the four Gospel [goodtidings] was published in France by one Lefevre, and soon after the whole NewTestament. <strong>The</strong>n followed a <strong>version</strong> of the Psalms. In France, as in Germany, the

Double Foreview of the Reformation.419effect was immense. Both the learned and noble and the common people weremoved. "In many," says a chronicler of the sixteenth century, "was engendered soardent a desire to know the way of salvation, that artisans, carders, spinners, andcombers employed themselves, while engaged in manual labor, in conversing onthe word of God, and deriving comfort from it. In particular, Sundays and festivalswere employed in reading the <strong>Scripture</strong>s and inquiring after the goodwill of theLord [YAHWEH]."<strong>The</strong> pious Briçonnet, Bishop of Meaux, sent a copy to the sister of Francis I.,urging her to present it to her brother. "This from your hands," added he, "cannotbut be agreeable. It is a royal dish," continued the good bishop, "nourishingwithout corrupting, and curing all diseases. <strong>The</strong> more we taste it, the morewe hunger for it, with uncloying and insatiable appetite." "<strong>The</strong> gospel [goodtidings]," wrote Lefevre in his old age, "is already gaining the hearts of all thegrandees and people, and soon, diffusing itself over all France, it will everywherebring down the inventions of men." <strong>The</strong> old doctor had become animated ; hiseyes, which had grown dim, sparkled ; his trembling voice was again full toned.It was like old Simeon thanking the Lord for having seen His Salvation. Farel,the French reformer, maintained the sole sufficiency of the word of God as a ruleof faith, and the duty of returning to its use. In the great Protestant Confession ofAugsburg it is by a simple reference to <strong>Scripture</strong> that the new doctrines of theReformation are justified. From first to last, from its incipient germ in the soul ofLuther to the crowning day of the Reformation, the Bible was very heart and coreof the movement ; and Protestantism has since deluged the world with Bibles. Doyou wonder then that prophecy makes the giving of a "little book open" to therepresentative of the Church at that time a leading feature of its prefiguration?But you must note next that this was not the only thing given to John by themighty Angel. <strong>The</strong>re follows a great commison, which he was to execute.He who of old had said to His disciples, "Go you into all the world, andproclaim the glad tidings to every creature," renews this commission to Johnin his representative character, and says to him, "You must prophesy(or preach) again, before many peoples, and nations, andtongues, and kings." It is a second sending to the world of the gospel[good tidings] message, a second appointment of witnesses to proclaim the gladtidings.And this was needed, for the fundamental ordinance of gospel [good tidings]preaching had long fallen into entire disuse among Romanists ; the preacher hadbeen lost in the sacrificing priest : the people had for ages had none to break tothem the bread of life. Luther shrank at first from the office of a preacher, but itwas forced on him by circumstances. After he had finished his translation of thebook, and returned from his seclusion in the Wartburg. he began to publish thetruth from the pulpit as well as through the press. "It is not from men," he wrote tothe Elector, "that I received the gospel [good tidings], but from heaven, from theLord Jesus [Master Yahshua] ; and henceforth I wish to reckon myself simply Hisservant, and to take the title of evangelist." He began to preach in an old woodenhall in Wittemberg, and soon the largest church were thronged to hear him. Withintwo or three years the gospel [good tidings] was being preached as well as read all

420 Double Foreview of the Reformation.over Germany, and in Sweden, Denmark, Pomerania, Livonia, France, Belgium,Spain, and Italy, and also in our own isle. Bilney had procured a copy of Erasmus'New Testament, and found comfort and saving light in its study. "<strong>The</strong>n," he says,"the <strong>Scripture</strong> became to me sweeter than honey or thehoneycomb" ; addings, "as soon as, by the grace of God, I began to tastethe sweets of that heavenly lesson which no man can teach but God alone, Ibegged the Lord [YAHWEH] to increase my faith, and at last desired nothingmore than that I being so comforted of Him might be strengthened by HisSpirit to teach sinners His ways."Renouncing the Romish title of "priest" and that of doctor, Luther, in atreatise against Papal orders, styles himself simply "the preacher," andthe reformed Churches provided for a continuance, not of sacrificing priests,but of gospel [good tidings] preachers. "In the Popedom," says Luther inhis "Table Talk," "they invest priests not for the office ofpreaching and teaching God's word ; for when a bishop ordainesone he says, 'Take to you power to celebrate mass, and to offer for the living andthe dead.' But we ordain ministers, according to the command of Christ, . . . topreach the pure gospel [the good tidings] and the word of God [Editor: NO, notright!]. So in the reformed Swedish Church it was enacted that none should beordained who did not approve themselves both able and willing to preach thegospel [good tidings]. Instead of putting into the hands of the newly ordained thechalice and the patten, the reformers presented them with "a little book" - the NewTestament, - saying, "Take you authority to read and preach the gospel [goodtidings]." If a recovered Bible be the first and greatest feature of the Reformation,most assuredly a renewal of gopsel [good tidings] preaching stands next.But a third thing was also given to John (in his representative character). In thevision, it was "a reed like to a rod," with which he was to measure, "thetemple of God, and the altar,adn them that worship therein," omitting, or castingout, the outer court, which was given up to the Gentile enemies who were treadingdown the holy city. It was a measuring reed in the first place, but it looked like arod of princely or ecclesiastical authority - "a reed like a rod." This measuring of"the temple of God" - the symbol of the outward, visible Church in the world, -and this command to define and measure out its boundaries and dimensions,including one portion, and excluding another, looks like a direction to giveattention and definition to the ecclesiastical foundations adn boundaries, or limits,of the new reformed Churches, and to separate them in a formal public mannerfrom the apostate Church of Rome.If Protestant Christianity owed its birth to the Bible, and its early growth torevived gospel [good tidings] preaching, it owed its continued existence to itsdefinite constitution as a separate ecclesiastical organization from Romanism.This came in due course. At first the reformers had to attend to the core and kernelof the movement ; its spiritual side claimed all their efforts. ...This accordingly was the next stage of the Reformation movement, bothin Germany and elsewhere. And this could not be done effectually without theconcurrence of the governments of the respective countries. If Romish authoritywas to be thrown off, if public property was to be converted to Protestant uses, if

Double Foreview of the Reformation.421Papal ordination was to be rejected and Papal bishops refused, the governmentsmust evidently take part, and sanction the great change. Hence the need of the"rod" of authority ; nor was it lacking when the time came for its use.I have not time to trace the story. <strong>The</strong> Elector John, assuming to himself,kike our own Henry VIII., the supremacy of the Church as a natural right of theCrown, "exercised it with resolution and activity, by forming new eccleasiasticalconstitutions, modelled on the principles of the great reformer." "Come, let usbuild the wall, that we be no more a reproach," said Nehemiah to the Jews. Andso Luther and Melanchthon and other reformers urged the introduction into thereformed Churches of new formularies of public worship, the appropriation ofthe ecclesiastical revenues to the reformed parochial clergy and schools, andthe ordination of a fresh supply of ministers independently of Rome. A generalvisitation of the churches was made by the prince's desire, to see to the executionof the new system, and complete what might be wanting to the establishmentthroughout Saxony of a Separate Evanglic Church.In this feature the Reformation differed from all the earlier of a kindred nature[Editor: but today, in 21th century, all evanglic churches are falling through theoecumenicity and its spirit], such as that of Lollards in England or of Huss inBohemia. As Schlegel remarks in his "Philosophy of History," "It was by theinfluence Luther acquired by asserting the kings's authority, as well as by thesanction of the civil power, that the Reformation was promoted and consolidated.Without this, Protestantism would have sunk into the lawless anarchy that markedthe proceedings of the Hussites." This cange took place in all the reformed States,the measuring reed like a rod being given by the civil authorities to the foundersof the new communions, that they might solidly construct them on a permanentbasis.<strong>The</strong> outer court, representing the apostate Church, they on the other handformally cast out. It was insisted on at the Diet of Augsburg that "Romanpope, cardinals, and clergy did not constitute the Churchof Christ, though there existed among them some that were real membersof that Church, and opposed the reigning errors. That the true Church consistsof none but the faithful, who had the word of God, and were by it santifiedand cleansed ; while, on the other hand, what Paul had predicted ofantichrist's coming and sitting in the temple of god hadhad its fulfiment in the Papacy ; and that the reformed Churches werenot guilty of schism is separating themselves, and casting out Romishsuperstitions." In his answer to the pope, Luther writes : "Rome has cutherself off from the universal Church ; if you reformnot, I and all that worship Christ do account your seatto be possessed and oppressed by Satan himself, to be thedamned seat of antichrist, which we will not be subjectto nor incorporate with, but do detest and abhor thesame."This formal separation of the reformers from the apostate Church, and thisformal organization of new Churches, holding evangelic faith, and using a pureritual, is the fulfilment of this part of the symbolic prophecy of the Reformation ;

422 Double Foreview of the Reformation.but we must not pause to justify this interpretation, as a most important andinteresting section of our subject lies still befor us. Thus far we have seen theReformation is predicted as first the result of the action and interference on herbehalf of the glorious Head of the Church, that it was produced instrumentally bya recovered Bible and by a renewed gospel [good tidings] testimony in all lands,and that it issued in the development of a new ecclesiastical organization.A retrospectice narrative of the history of Christ's two witnesses is then given,which time forbids my fully expounding now. <strong>The</strong>se witnesses unquestionablyrepresent the faithful evangelic Churches, which held fast the gospel [goodtidings] all through the dark ages of Roman apostasy. <strong>The</strong>y are called candlesticks ;and we are told in the first chapter, of the book, that candlestickssymbolize churches [AND FAITHFUL PERSONS IN CHRIST!]. ...Now to those who are familiar with the Church history of the middle ages allthis reads like history. It is a sketch from nature, ich which all the leading featuresof a well-known landscape are clearly discernible, though laid down only in smallminiature. All came to pass precisely as here foretold. As superstitionsand apostasy darkened down over Christendom, and anever-increasing multitude faithlessly bowed the kneeto Baal ; as the man of sin gradually developed his powerand his false pretensions at Rome, - protests arose hereand there, and witnesses for Christ [the Messiah] sprangup whose records remain with us to this day. ..."I will give power to My two witnesses, and they shall prophecy, clothed insackcloth."But I must pass on to the great witnessing Church [Assembly] of the Waldenses.Would that I could tell its thrilling story! Read it for yourselves ; it deservesto be restudied in these dangerous days of latitudinarian indifference to truth orfalsehood in doctrine. This far-famed "sect," or true Church of Christ, arose inA.D. 1179 ; some of its members were present at the third Lateran Council, withtheir books. Pope Alexander III. showed them some favour, but thay and theirwritings were condemned and anathematized by his successors, and persecutionforthwith arose against them. <strong>The</strong>y had a powerful missionary spirit, however,and their views soon spread in every direction ; Provence, Languedoc, Arragon,Dauphiné, and Lombardy were speedily permeated with the gospel [good tidings],as preached by them. <strong>The</strong>ir doctrine, as illustrated in their ancient poem called"<strong>The</strong> Noble Lesson," was scriptural and spiritual ; and they protestedagainst the Romish system, as one of soul-destroyingerror, against the confessional, against purgatory, against massesfor the dead and the assumption of power to forgive sin, andagainst the love of money which marked the whole system. <strong>The</strong>ydenounced the Papacy as antichrist in a separate treatise.<strong>The</strong>se Waldenses united all their communities into the bond of one Church,cultivated learning, eschewed mere ignorant fanaticism, and were filled with zealand prudence. <strong>The</strong>ir motto was, "<strong>The</strong> light shines in darkness" ;and their symbol or crest, a lighted candle in a candlestick, the very symbold

Double Foreview of the Reformation.423employed in this predcition of them and their fellow witnesses.But we must now recall that the prophecy not only presents to whole lineof faithful witnesses as sufferers and mourners by the sackcloth emblem, butthat it predicts that at a certain stage in their historythe Roman wild beast would in some specially definiteway make war against them, conquer them, and kill them.This part of the prophecy began to receive its fulfilment at the end of the twelthcentury, when, at the third Lateran Council (A.D. 1179), the Popedom rouseditself collectively to a war of extermination against heretics. Previously to this,separate members of the system, acting alone and independently, had opposedthe truth by force and cruelty. But in the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenthcenturies, Romanism, then in the plentitude of its power, gathered itself togetherfor a great, determined, united, and persistent effort to crush out all that opposedits supremacy, and to clear, and to clear Christendom of heresy.This deadly onslaught against the saints waspredicted, as you will remember, both by Daniel and byJohn in their foreviews of the Roman antichrist. He was towear out the saints of the Most High, and prevail against them. Here the same fierceand fatal antagonism comes in as an incident in the career of the two representative"witnesses," who symbolize the succession of evangelical Churches, which keptup the testimony of Jesus during the dark ages. During the three centuries we havejust mentioned the furnace was heated seven times hotter than it was wont to beheated. Persecution raged systematically. <strong>The</strong> fourth Lateran Council, in 1215,sanctioned all former plans for the extirpartion of heresy, urged their adoptionwith renewed vigour, and subordinated secular authority to spiritual powers forthe purpose. If kings would not clear their dominions of heresy, their subject wreto be absolved from all allegiance to them. Crusades against heretics were to beorganized, and to secure the same privileges and rewards as crusades against theTurks. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>s were to be interdicted to the laity ; even children wereto be forced to denounce their own relatives.All sorts of methods were to be used for the detection of heretics ; bishopswere to gird themselves for the work of ferretting out and exterminating them ;and all the Franciscan and Dominican monks were to supply instruments forcarrying out this process of inquisition and blood. <strong>The</strong> Waldenses andAlbigenses were, of course, especially singled out for extermination. Acrusade was proclaimed against them, and plenary absolution promisedto all who should perish in the holy war. Never was a more mercilessspirit of murder exhibited than by these terrible crusaders against themeek and lowly and Christian-spirited Vaudois. <strong>The</strong> Inquisition - that invention ofDominic, or rather Gregory IX. - established its horrid tribunal for making inquestafter unseen, secret "heresy" ; and wherever any revival of true religion took place,or any confessors of Christ could be found, there they were hunted, if possible, todeath. Genuine disciples of Christ, under whatever name they might pass, whethercalled Petrobrussians, Catharists, Waldenses, Albigenses, Wicliffites, Lollards,Hussites, Bohemians, or any other name, it mattered not - to the torture and thestake with them if they held fast the gospel [good tidings] of Christ! Savonarola,

424 Double Foreview of the the the wisest and worthiest of his age, was burnt at the stake in 1498. Sevenyears of cruel war raged against the Hussites, and a civil persecution more bitterstill. Eighteen thousand soldiers were sent into the valleys of Piedmont, towardsthe end of the fourteenth century, to exterminate the Waldenses of Piedmont,and appropriate to themselves all their property. <strong>The</strong> Christians of Val Louise, inDauphiny, were actually exterminated, burned alive, and suffocated in the cavesin which they had sought refuge. Four hundred infants were found dead in theirmothers' arms, and 3,000 perished in the struggle.Lorente calculates, from official reports, that in the forty years prior to theReformation, the Inquisition alone burned 13,000 persons and condemned169,000. <strong>The</strong> latter half of the fifteenth century was a time of Satan's ragingagainst the saints. But in spite or racks and prisons and sword and flame, thevoices of the witnesses of Jesus [Jahschua] were still raised in behalf of the truth,and against the power and pretensions of antichrist.At last, however, as the fifteenth century drew to a close, the furious crusadeseemed about to accomplish its object. <strong>The</strong> beast had all but conquered andkilled the witnesses, according to the prediction. <strong>The</strong> strong figure employed ofthe witnesses lying dead for three and a half days, means, of course, that theirtestimony was silenced. <strong>The</strong>y no longer prophesied ; they were silent, helpless,extinct for a brief period. <strong>The</strong>y were worn out. <strong>The</strong> wild beast from the abyss hadprevailed against them. For the moment the struggle was over.<strong>The</strong> fulfilment of this part of the vision was at the opening of the sixteenthcentury, just before the Reformation movement commenced. Hear Mosheim'sdescription of the crisis. "As the sixteenth century opened, no danger seemedto threaten the Roman pontiffs. <strong>The</strong> agitations excited in former centuriesby the Waldenses, Albingenses, Beghards, and others, and afterwards bythe Bohemians, had been suppressed and extinguished by counsel and bythe sword. <strong>The</strong> surviving remnant of Waldenses hardly lived, pent up in thenarrow limits of Piedmontese valleys, and those of the Bohemians, throughtheir weakness and ignorance, could attempt nothing, and thus were anobject of contempt rather than fear." Milner, the Church historian, says that atthis date, though the name of Christ was professed everywhere in Europe, nothingexisted that could properly be called evangelical. All the confessors of Christ,"worn out by a long series of contentions, were reduced to silence." "Everythingwas quiet," says another writer ; "every heretic exterminated." This was not,of course, literally true. <strong>The</strong> Lord [YAHWEH] knows them that are His, and hadeven in that darkest hour of the night that precedes the dawn, His own who servedHim secretly. But so far as collective testimony before Europe was concerned, thewitnesses were dead ! <strong>The</strong>ir enemies gloried in the fact. <strong>The</strong> Lateran Councilcongratulated itself that Christendom was no longer afflicted by heresies, and, asone of its orators said, addressing Lex X., "Jam nemo reclamat, nullus obsistit.""<strong>The</strong>re is an end of resistance to the Papal rule, and religious opposers exist nomore." And again, "<strong>The</strong> whole body of Christendom is now seen to be subjectedto its head, i.e. to you." Leo commanded a great jublilation, and granted aplenary indulgence in honor of the event. Dean Waddington, desribing the closeof this council, says: "<strong>The</strong> pillars of Rome's strength were visible and palpable,

Double Foreview of the Reformation.425and she surveyed them with exultation from her golden palaces." "<strong>The</strong>assembled prelates separated with complacency and confidence, and with mutualcongratulations on the peace, unity, and purity of the apostolicChurch." "<strong>The</strong> power of Rome was de facto paramount in the Church." SoNeander says: "<strong>The</strong> edifice of an unlimited Papal monarchy had at that time comevictoriously out of all the preceding fights, and established itself on a firm basis.In the last Lateran Council at Rome, the principle of an unlimited Papal power wasestablished, in opposition to the principle of general councils, and the Waldensesand Hussites had no more any importance to fight against the Papacy." Soanother writer (CUNNINGHAME) says: "At the commencement ofthe sixteenth century Europe reposed in the deep sleepof spiritual death. <strong>The</strong>re was none that moved th wing,or opened the mouth, or peeped."<strong>The</strong> witnesses were dead ! Never before, and certainly never since,was Rome able to congratulate herself that heresy was extinguished and hereticsexterminated from the face of Christendom. It is a fine, striking hieroglyph ofthe crisis that the prophecy presents. <strong>The</strong>re stands the fierce wildbeast monster from the abyss ! He has prevailed against hisdefenceless human victims. <strong>The</strong> struggle has been long and hard ; it has made himall the more savage and impatient : but it is over at last ! His jowls still dropwith gore, his claws are red with blood as he stands glaring with his fierce eyes onthe pale, cold, silent corpses of Christ's two witnesses, so long empowered fromabove to resist and defy all his might.As John watched the sad scene, did there not recur to his mind scenes in theamphitheatres of pagan Rome, scenes such as Doré has imagined and painted forus, scenes with which the exile of Patmos was all too familiar? <strong>The</strong> arena strewn inthe pale moonlight with the cold, stiff corpses of the faithful witnesses of Christ ;and the victorious wild beast, glutted and sufficed with their flesh and blood,standing guard over the remains ! That was the symbol. <strong>The</strong> reality was -witnessing Churches [Editor: the spiritual temple of thefaithful men] silenced by long and bloody persecution.<strong>The</strong> time - A.D. 1514, the close of the last Lateran Council, which proclaimed tothe world in a formal, official manner the fact that all opposition to Rome hadceased.Now note the sequel: In 1517 the Reformation began - the movement which,like a snowball growing ever greater as it rolls along, has in the year 1887 onehundred and fifty millions of adherents, all professing the faith of Christ inopposition to the apostasy of Rome ! Witnessing Churches - protestant Churchessprang up everywhere, and have been multiplying ever since [Editor: but inthat time, 1887, many protestant Churches were falling before the face ofYAHWEH, why? Because they had not hold all commandments of YAHWEH,the God, the Elohim of the Bible!].What shall we say? Is not this a resurrection of the witnesses? Rome hadcrushed them, had she? So she tought! But she knew better before fifty yearshad rolled by! She knew better when Germany threw off her yoke, and

426 Double Foreview of the Reformation.England withdrew form her communion, and Holland resisted her legions,and the trumpet of Protestant defiance deafened her ears, and the earthquakeof Reformation revolution shook her throne, and when the outburst ofheavenly ligh so illumined the minds of men that they laughed at her oncedreaded excommunications, sat unmoved under the tunders of her interdicts,and boldly tearing the mask of mother Church from her face, exposed her asthe mother of harlots and abominations of the earth !<strong>The</strong>y were dead, were they, the witnesses of Christ [the Messiah]? <strong>The</strong>y hadno longer any voice to testify, any courage to struggle, any fortitude to resist? SoRome fancied, - till the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they rose up amighty host to proclaim the glad tidings throughout Europe, to do and dare and diein their myriads, denouncing Rome's "doctrines of devils" with such boldnessand power as to arrest the attention of the world, and to produce a revolution ofunexampled greatness in Christendom. Rome reeled on its seven hillsas if shaken by an earthquake, and a "tenth part" of theBabylonian "city" fell. England, one of the ten kingdoms into whichthe western Roman empire had been divided, fell away - separated from LatinChristendom. Thousands perished in the terrible struggle which ensued in manylands, and Rome was worsted in her warfare. <strong>The</strong> rise of Protestantism was, as thevery name attests, the resurrection of the witnesses ; the reformers themselvesrecognised it as such, and their enemies also. Pope Adrian, Leo's successor, wrotein a brief to the Diet of Nuremberg, "<strong>The</strong> herectics Huss and Jerome seem now tobe alive again in the person of Luther."<strong>The</strong> Reformation of the sixteenth century commenced in the year 1517. <strong>The</strong>translation and publication of the word of God, the definition of Protestant doctrine,and the founding of Protestant Churches occupied the next half-century, whilethe liberation of Protestant States from Papal dominion was not completed tillthe century which followed. During much of this period the "war" of the "wildbeast" against the "witnesses" continued, and with it the sufferings, "sackcloth"testimony, and slaughter of the latter.<strong>The</strong> birth of Protestant Churches and nations in the first half of the sixteenthcentury did not however, as we know, mark the close of Rome's bitter andbloodthirsty opposition to the truth. <strong>The</strong> Papal war against the witnesses continuedto rage all through that century and all through the next with undiminished hatredand cruelty. But there was one great difference. In pre-Reformation times thebeast had the best of it ; he "prevailed against" the saints ; he wore them out,and was at last so far victorious that for a few brief years he completely silencedall corporate testimony to the truth. But after the marvellous resurrection of thewitnesses, after the uprising of powerful Protestant communities, duly organizedon a permanent basis and backed up by civil power, the Papacy was never againable to silence the witnessing Churches as a whole, never again able to prevailagainst them simultaneously in all quarters. Her victims had been transformedinto her powerful enemies ; and while Rome prevailed against the reformers insome lands, they prevailed against her in others. Henceforth Roman Christendomwas divided into two camps ; and, as of old, the house of Saul grew weaker andweaker, and the house of David stronger and stronger, so there was a gradual loss

Double Foreview of the Reformation.427of power on the part of the Papacy and the Papal nations ; and as time passedon, a gradual growth in political influence, material prosperity, intellectualenlightenment, and social condition, on the part of Protestant nations. But at firstthe struggle was a sore one. Just as Pharaoh pursued the people after he had beencompelled reluctantyl to let them go, and pursued them to the annihilation of hisown power, so Rome pursued the young Protestant Churchesof Europe to her own undoing in the end. She stirredup opposition and international conflicts, instigatedbloody massacres and cruel exiles and banishments, andplunged the reformed communities into a sea of sorrow and trouble : witnessthe terrible massacre of St. Bartholomew with its 60,000 victimsin France, the Marian persecutions in England, the cruel slaughterin six brief year of 18,000 Protestants in the Netherlands,the desolating Thirty Years' War in central Europe, andthe revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which in 1685 exiled 400,000Huguenots from France and caused the death of nearly as manymore. This may be regarded as the last great acot of thePapal war against the witnesses. Protestantism had to pass through along dawn out agony before Rome recognised, not its right to exist, for she stilldenies that, but its existence and growth as a fact against which it was useless tofight. It was not till the close of the seventeenth century, not until the gloriousRevolution which placed William of Orange on the throne of England in 1689,that Protestantism was firmly established in England. This event took place aboutthree and a half years after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Papal supremacyhad been abrogated in England in 1534, but in the eign of Mary and again underthe Popish Stuarts its very existence was imperilled afresh. <strong>The</strong> Peace of Ryswick,at the close of 1697, first completely established the civil and religious liberty ofProtestantism.All this proves that while the first stage of the resurrection of the "witnesses"took place at the commencement of the Reformation movement of the sixteenthcentury, their exaltation to political power and supremacy, the establishmentof Protestantism, occupied a much longer interval. Like all other similar greatmovements, the Reformation, starting from an epoch, extended over an era.Space forbids the exposition of the chronology of this most remarkable period,including its relation of the 1,260 years of prophecy. Suffice it to say, the theinterval from A.D. 1534, the date of the abrogation of Papal supremacy in England,and of the publication of Luther's Bible in Germany, to A.D. 1697-8, the date ofthe complete establishment of Protestantism at the Peace of Ryswick, is separatedby exactly 1,260 ... years from A.D. 312-476 [538 till 1798!], or the period whichextended from the fall of paganism at the con<strong>version</strong> of Constantine to the fall ofthe western Roman empire.I have not attempted, nor could I in the compass of this lecture attempt, toexpound fully the wonderful Reformation vision of the book of Revelation. I haveonly glanced at its leading features. <strong>The</strong>re is in it very much more of the deepestinterest which I dare not touch at this time because it would take me too far. Buthave I not said enough to convince you that the great and blessed revival of true

428 Double Foreview of the Reformation.doctrine and of spiritual life which took place between three and four centuriesago, and which we call the Reformation, was both foreshadowedin Jewish history and foretold in Christian prophecy,and that in connexion with each of these wonderful predictions the seal ofGod's approval is conspicuously set on the movement? What is the vision ofRevelation X. ? One of a Divine interference, giving back to the Church the Bibleand the preaching of the gospel [good tidings], and formally separating betweenapostate Christendom and the true Church. What is the story of witnessingChurches, sustained for long centuries amid sorrow and poverty and shame,destroyed at last as corporate bodies by the ferocious attacks of the Roman beast,resuscitated however after a very brief interval, and exalted to political powerin spite of all enemies. Such is the prediction ; such have been the facts. Howcame that strange prediction to be incorporated 1,800years ago with these sacred writings? Realize, if you can, thestupendous marvel of the fact that it is here in this book, and that myriads of men foall nations were for ages engaged, all unconsciously to themselves, in fulfilling it.Realize, if you can, the sublime tenderness and sacred sympathising approval withwhich the Savior uttered those simple words, "My two witnesses [the Old and NewTestament!]." Yes, Lord [YAHWEH, the father], they were YOUR witnesses,those poor, persecuted Lollards and Huguenots, those martyred Waldenses andPaulicians ! YOUR witnesses, You blessed Sufferer, who did Yourself resist toblood, striving against sin ! <strong>The</strong>y were witnesses to Your grace, to Your glory, toYour all-sufficient atonement, [now to the Son of God: Yahshua the Messiah:]to Your only high priesthood and sole mediatorship ; and for this they suffered, forthis they died ! <strong>The</strong>y suffered with You ; they shall reign with You, according toYour own word, "WHERE I AM, THERE SHALL ALSO MY SERVANT BE.""My two witnesses" ! Ah, Lord [Master], how You did love Your faithful martyrs !How You do love Your faithful martyrs ! How You do hat the cruel and evilsystem which for ages made bitter war upon them, and would fain do so still ! Inpersecuting them did it not persecute You ? Oh, how often did You ask of pope andprelate, as of Saul of Tarsus in earlier days, "Why persecutest you Me ?"As we think of these things, must we not share the feelings of the psalmist, andsay, "Do not I hate them, O Lord [YAHWEH], that hate You ?Am I not grieved with them that rise up against You ? " Far,far be it from us to sympathise with the persecutors and lightly esteem the truewitnesses, as is the fashion with too many in our days ! Let us rather maintainagainst the great enemy of the gospel [good tidings] the same testimony theyheld fast amid his fiercest onslaughts, and thus share with them the honor ofbeing numbered by Christ [the Messiah] among His faithful witnesses.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 185-217, 221-231

430CONCLUDING REMARKS.WE trust that the lectures to which you have listened have produced in yourminds the profound conviction that the existence and character of Romanism -the entire history of the Papacy - was foretold in the Bible long ages before thatevil power arose in the earth. If so, the conviction will bear fruit, for knowledgeinfluences conduct. Several practical results of an important nature shouldfollow, otherwise we should not have cared to expound to you this great subject.And first, let your knowledge of this truth confirm and deepen your confidencein the Divine inspiration of <strong>Scripture</strong>. None but God can thus foreseeand foretell the events of a long series of unborn ages. In these symbolic propheciesthe history of twelve or thirteen centuries is written in advance. Compare themwith anything else in the entire circle of literature, and you will realize that theystand apart as a thing unique, like a living man in a gallery of statues.<strong>The</strong> miracle of the existence of these prophecies in the book, and of theirfulfilment in the facts of history, is so great few minds can grasp it. That notonly twelve or thirteen, but twenty-five centuries of history should have fallenout exactly as is was foretold in the days of Daniel they would, is a marvel thatnothing but incarnation itself can exceed. It is a stupendous miracle in the worldof mind, that world which rises high above the world of matter. It evinces moremarkedly the finger of God than any mere physical sign, however great, could do.It appeals to the intelligence of the human mind ; it challenges the recognitionnot of the senses, but of the conscience. It sets a seal of supernatural wisdomon the entire Bible. None but God could have delineated beforehand the Papalpower. Its very unnaturalness forbids the possibility of its being the fruit ofhuman imagination. That a power claiming to act of God, to be "as God,"and enthroned in the temple of God of of the Christian Church, should yetbe His most determined enemy, the opposer of His truth, the destroyer of Hissaints, the great agent of Satan in the earth; that it should, by fraud andcorruption and false pretences, rule the world for ages from the very sameseven-hilled central city whence it had already been ruled for other ages bymilitary force ; and that Roman rule should, in its Christian stage, shedmore saintly blood than in its pagan stage, - all this could never have beenanticipated by man, but only foretold by God. It is a demonstrationwhich candour cannot resist of the Divine inspiration of this holy book.Is not this a practical result? Let criticism carp as it may, it cannot blindour eyes to this gigantic fact, that twenty-five centuries of history have, in theirleading outline, exactly corresponded with Bible predictions. We are bound toconclude that the page that bears the prophecy was written by a divinely guidedpen. <strong>The</strong> tremendous importance of this conclusion I need not indicate. I solemnlycharge you to reverence this book. It will judge you in the last day. Heaven andearth may pass away, but not a jot or tittle of the word of God shall ever fail.Trust its pormises ! <strong>The</strong>y are as true as its predictions. Tremble before itswarnings and its threats ! <strong>The</strong>y will as assuredly be fulfilled as its prophecieshave been. Study its sacred pages, never think you know it all; it is as fathomlessin its wisdom as is the mind from which it emanates. I have been studying it for

Concluding Remarks.431more than thirty years, and I am convinced that is has oceans of truth which Ihave not yet explored. How few really study it ! and yet it has riches of wisdomwhich exceed those of all the libraries on earth. And remember that as certainly asit unveiled beforehand the past history of the Church in the world, so surely doesit unveil and illuminate her critical present and her glorious future. <strong>The</strong> guidebook that has proved true thus far may be trusted till we reach the goal.Secondly, there are personal, social, and civil duties as regards Romanism andthe Reformation arising from the truth we have learned which are of primaryimportance, and which I must indicate and urge on you before I close.What is the present position of Romanism in the world? and what thecondition of the Reformed Churches? You must be able to answer thesequestions before you can clearly see your own practical duties in relation to thissubject.As to Romanism, I have shown you that its present stage is that of decay, andswiftly approaching destruction. Its rise took place on thousand three hundredyears ago ; it reached the height of its dominion five hundred years ago ; it receivedits first fatal blow in the Reformation over three hundred years ago, its second inthe French Revolution at the end of last century, and a third in the unification ofItaly and the liberation of Rome itself from Papal rule in 1870. <strong>The</strong> final blow isyet to fall, at the fast approaching advent of Christ, as described at the end of thenineteenth chapter of Revelation.To enable you to realize the extent and steady increase of this consumptionand decay of Romanism, I will mention a few facts and give you a few figures.1. Just before the Reformation Rome boasted that heresy was extinct inChristendom. Not a Protestant existed ; she had slain the witnesses of Jesus[Yahshua]. Now the number of Protestants is variously estimated at from onehundred and thirty-six to one hundred and fifty millions of mankind. In thenational convention of Protestants held last year in Glasgow, the last figure wasgiven as the correct one. Including the Greek, Coptic, and Armenian Churches,there are two hundred and fifty milliones of professing Christians, opposed toRome, and only one hundred and eighty millions subject to her. [Editor: at presentin the year 2011 are 99,9 % of all churches to her - through the doctrine of thetrinity and to observe the Sunday. All churches are falling!] She has therefore noclaim whatever to supremacy or universality, but is in a minority, as comparedwith other Christians.2. Romanist have, during the present century, increased sixty millions, owingto the natural growth of population. At the end of last century they numbered onehundred and twenty millions ; now they are one hundred and eighty millions. ButProtestants have in the same period grown from forty millions to one hundredand fifty millions. In other words, Romanists have increased fifty per cent., andProtestants two hundred and seventy-five per cent. Going on at the same ratio,Protestants will, by the end of this century, equal or exceed Romanists in theworld. Had they increased at the same rate, the Papacy would now have had fourhundred and fifty millions of adherents, instead of only one hundred and eightymillions. It is a decadent cause throughout the world.Among the English-speaking populations the proportions are still more

432Concluding Remarks.remarkable, and whit it is remembered that this section of mankind includes themost enterprising, prosperous, and powerful nations of the earth, the facts are mostsuggestive. Out of the hundred millions who speak English, only one-seventhare Romanists, including all the Catholics in Ireland and America, in Africa andour colonies. Everywhere among the intelligent, educated English-speaking racesRomanism is an effete religion, and its votaries are being absorbed by the purerand more vigorous faith [Editor: today: no more!]. In America it declined twentyper cent. in the ten years between 1863 - 1873. In Montreal alsone there are fivecongregations of ex-Romanists. Even in Ireland Romanism is decreasing andProtestants are increasing ; that is, the disproportion between the two grows lesseach decade.As regards the United Kingdom, the facts are most remarkable and cheering.At the beginning of this century the Romanists numbered one-third of thepopulation. Now they are only one-seventh. <strong>The</strong> proportion of Romanists hasdescreased from one-third to one-seventh, and that of Protestants has increasedfrom two-thirds to six-sevenths. In other words, whereas in 1801 every third manwas a Papist ; now only every seventh man in such. <strong>The</strong> population has in thisinterval increased from sixteen ti thirty-five millions. Protestantism has trebledits numbers, and now reaches over thirty millions, while Romanism remainsstationary at about five millions [Editor: today Protestantism is falling!]. Had itthriven like Protestantism it would have had fifteen millions.Now these statistics tell their own tale. As surely as Romanism rose in thesixth century and culminated in the the thirteenth, so surely is it decaying andfalling in the nineteenth. Not only has it lost all temporal sovereignty and alldirect political power, but it has ceased to hold its own in the world, and especiallyin the foremost nations of it, even as regards its adherents. It is consuming andwasting, diminishing while others are increasing, and losing even the semblanceof a right to the proudly arrogated title of catholic.But this is only one aspect of the subject. <strong>The</strong>re is another, and a very importantone. Romanism is, and has been all through this century, and especially during thelast fifty years, MAKING A DESPERATE EFFORT TO SECURE A RENEWEDASCENDENCY IN OUR OWN EMPIRE, AND ESPECIALLY IN ENGLAND.It has enormously increased its working staff and its working centres. During thelast quarter of a century, that is from 1850 to 1885, its priests in Great Britain haveincreased by 1,641, its churches, chapels, and stations by 866, its monasteries andconvents by 558, and its colleges by 20. This immense and rapid growth is notowing to any proportionate increase of adherents, though it is of course designedto secure such an increase. But it indicates "the determination of the Papacy totry issues on the grandest scale with Protestantism in its stronghold." We have toface a deliberate and desperate effort on the part of this wealthy, highly organized,and centralized system, to weaken and , if possible, subjugate the champion ofProtestantism in the earth. <strong>The</strong> present perplexities of England are the result.Whether we believe it or not, we are again in the old battle, which we thought had been won atthe Reformation and at our Revolution. It is the struggle for power between the priests of Rome andthe people of England. <strong>The</strong> one, a party small in number, but organized, united, and unwearied. <strong>The</strong>people, the majority, but divided, distracted, and deceived.

Concluding Remarks.433"<strong>The</strong> Church of Rome has never concealed her claim. Her chief, Dr. Manning, has repeatedlyasserted it. She is to lay down the laws which we are to obey. Our Government is to receive andenforce them. Her success now in Ireland is only a step in her imperial progress. she will never resttill she has gained her ends, till our throne has ceased to be Protestant, and our Parliament issubservient to her will. Nor is her scheme unreasonable, though, as yet, incomplete. She has gaineda section of the Anglican clergy, who adopt her principles, use her worship, and teach her dogmas.She returns a considerable section of the members of the House of Commons, who think, speak, andvote as she desires. She uses this section to bring pressure to bear on Government and parties. To theLiberals she speaks the language of Liberalism ; to the voluntaries she is a voluntary. A large body ofthe English dissenters, and two-thirds of the Free Church of Scotland, have fallen into her trap, andare now her tools. In Parliament she is strong. She moves members through their constituencies. Shefills some of the public offices with her creatures. She assails all by importunity, flattery, or threats.She has gained a premier, who is possibly her disciple - certainly her accomplice ; through him shecommands a cabinet. She works incessantly through the press. No publication too small for her hand ;none too strong for her agency. She served by a host of devoted troops, who work with all their soulfor her, under all sorts of names, in all places and disguises ; reporters, writers for the press, literaryand scientific men, ministers of State, preachers in the pulpits of the Church and of dissent, masters ofschools, inspectors and examiners. She enters families by governesses, tutors, nurses, and domestics.She has secured a large section of our upper classes, and every day she gains more. She draws themby shows, by music, by taste, by frivolity and reflection, by dissipation and remorse. She workson the hearts of women by their fancies, their love of pleasure, and their fear of pain. She makes thewealth of men her exchequer, and the influence of the rich becomes hers. From the marquis down tothe carpenter, she considers none below her notice or too strong for her power."Against this disciplined and able confederacy, you - the English people - haveto stand. And for such a fight you are ill prepared. Your impulse is right, your disposition is good ;but impulse and feeling are insufficient against unscrupulous and unwearied conspirators. You aredivided by parties, distracted by business, weakened by indifference. Yet the issue is great, It is,whether we are to keep the rights and liberties which our forefathers gained? Your freedomstands on your faith ; and, if your faith fails, your freedom will fall. Thatis the lesson of your own history ; for all that we ever won of liberty was hadthrough the strength of Protestant convictions. It is your life. Don't despiseor underrate your adversary, but don't flinch or quail before him. Rome has in her service the highestintellect and the most untiring zeal. She is served with the talents of the ablest and thepassions of the keenest. She uses the vices of men as well as their virtues ; and she has norestraints. She adapts herself to all forms of government and all states of society. She plies every classwith arguments suited to its habits, and she can prevail as well with the accomplished and jaded manof fashion as with the illiterate peasant."<strong>The</strong> history, which I now put before you, tells you what strides she has made in England in thelast forty years. It is for you to decide whether she will go on till she has mastered you, or whetheryou will re-assert your power and compel her to obey your laws. That is the real question. I havegiven you the facts ; draw your own conclusions, and act like thoughtful men." 11J. C. COLQUHOUN : "Progress of the Church of Rome towards Ascendency in England tracedthrough the Parliamentary History of Forty Years." London : Macintosh, 24, Paternoster Row, E.C.We urge you carefully to study the pamphlet to which these words form thepreface. It is a catalogue of facts, and they prove all our Protestant privilegesare in peril, and that it behoves us to be on our guard. Rome makes no secret ofher object ; it is to re-unite England to Latin Christendom by re-establishing thePapal supremacy here. "If England is ever to be re-united Christendom," saysCardinal Manning, "it is by submission to the living authority of the vicar of JesusChrist. <strong>The</strong> first step of its return must be by obedience to his voice, as rebellionagainst his authority was the first step of its departure." ("Essays on Religion," p. 19)He proceeds to show that religious toleration is a complete delusion, that the trueChurch can tolerate nothing but absolute and unconditional submission. "Neither

434 Concluding Remarks.true peace nor true charity recognise tolerance ; the Church has a right to requireevery one to accept her doctrine", that "the duty of the civil power is to enforcethe laws of the Church, restrain evil doers, and punish heresy." "It is astonishing,"he writes, "how small is the space rightfully left to the exclusive domination ofthe civil power. . . . Even in passing laws, Parliamant must defer to the Church.<strong>The</strong> State must enact a law, but it must see that it in no way contravences thehigher laws of the Church." ("Essays on Religion," p. 458.)Dr. Manning plainly asserts that Rome has entered on a struggle between thesupremacy of the pope and that of the Crown, that it is a struggle for life and death,and that it embraces the whole question of the Reformation in these countries.As Colquhoun remarks, "It is the old battle fought under the Plantagenets,whether the law of England is to be sovereign and supreme, or whether weare to have a confederacy of Roman priests, aided by treacherous Englishpriests, braving English law, defying the British Parliament, and tramplingon the sovereign's crown."One of the avowed objects of the "Catholic Defence Society" is the removalfrom our statute book of the coronation oath and the Act of Settlement, whichlimit the possession of the crown of England to Protestants. Cardinal Manningconsiders that Rome has the full right to depose a Protestant sovereign."<strong>The</strong> election of a prince in a Christian community cannot be put in thecategory of a purely civil act. If therefore an heretical prince is elected, orsucceeds to the throne, the Church has a right to say, 'I annul the election, or Iforbid the succession.' Or again, if a king of a Christian nation falls into heresy,he commits an offence against God, . . . and against his people. . . . <strong>The</strong>refore itis in the power of the Church, by virtue of the supreme authority with which sheis vested by Christ over all Christian men [Editor: it stands not in the <strong>Holy</strong> Bible,but from the antichrist!], to depose such a prince in punishment of his spiritualcrime, and to preserve his subjects from the danger of being led by his preceptand example into heresy or spiritual rebellion." ("Essays on Religion," pp. 458, 459.)<strong>The</strong>re is no mistaking this doctrine. Leo XIII. has a perfect right to deposeQueen Victoria ; nay, more, it would be a bounden duty for him so to do, hehad the power ; but meantime we have foolishly given him the power to causeserious political trouble in her realm, and he is availing himself to the full of theopportunity.This is, be it observed, no antiquated claim quoted from mediæval times ; it ispublished in England in this nineteenth century by one who is styled the CardinalArchbishop of Westminster. And it is no mere theory, no mere fancy sketch ; itis a working drawing, as architects would say, a practical scheme which Rome issteadly endeavouring to carry out.<strong>The</strong> chances of his ever bringing England back under his sway are very remote ;but if "home rule" could be obtained for Ireland, it becomes at once a Papalkingdom and a perpetual menance to England. This therefore is an object tobe attained by any and every means. <strong>The</strong> chief result of home rule is to be theextirpation of Protestantism in Ireland. "<strong>The</strong> woes of Ireland are due to onesingle cause - the existence of Protestantism in Ireland. <strong>The</strong> remedy can onlybe found in the removal of that which causes the evil. . . . Would that every

Concluding Remarks.435Protestant meeting-house were swept from the land! <strong>The</strong>n would Ireland recoverherself and outrages be unknown." ("Catholic Press.")That this attempt would be made is not to be questioned. Cardinal Manninginsists that it is a sin, and even an "insanity," to hold that men have an inalienableright to liberty of conscience and of worship, or to deny that Rome has the right torepress by force all religious observance save her own, or to teach that Protestantsin a Catholic country should be allowed the exercise of their religion."Catholicism," says a Romish magazine, "is the most intolerant of creeds ; it isintolerance itself, because it is truth itself. <strong>The</strong> impiety of religious liberty is onlyequalled by its absurdity."Conceive what home rule in Ireland would be in the light of these statements !A most important point to be borne in mind in the consideration of this questionis, that Romanism is not a religion merely, but a politicalsystem. We are of course bound to allow to Roman Catholics the liberty ofconscience which we claim for ourselves ; but we are not bound by any law, humanor Divine, to allow them the right of conspiring for the overthrow of our liberties,Government, and empire. Adam Smith well says: " <strong>The</strong> constitution of the Churchof Rome may be considered the most formidable combinationthat was ever formed against the authority and securityof civil government, as well as against the liberty, reason, and happinessof mankind." ("Wealth of Nations," p. 237.)Peace and prosperity are impossible under Papal and priestly rule, as allhistory attests. "<strong>The</strong> Papacy," says Prince Bismarck, "has ever beena political power which, with the greatest audacity andwith the most momentous consequences, has interferedin the affairs of this world." <strong>The</strong> question before our country nowis, whether we are willing to make a further and mist decisive advance on theroad in which we have already travelled too far, and to grant to an alien andantagonistic political power a most real practical supremacy over five millionsof the queen's subjects in Ireland, including a million of loyal Protestants in thatland.I cannot close these lectures without urging you to study the subject morethoroughly, and to get well grounded in your Protestant principles. A dangerouslaxity on doctrinal matters marks the present day. Multitudes hardly know whatthey believe, or why they believe what they do. In Reformation days peopleknew the ground on which they had become Protestants ; but we havebeen so long sheltered behind the bulwarks erectedby our fathers, that we have forgotten that we mayhave to defend our own civil and religious liberties,and neglected to furnish ourselves with arms for the conflict. It does notdo however to be unprepared and defenceless in theseperilous times. Let me urge you to read up carefullythe history of the Reformation and something onthe Romish controversy. Read up also the history ofyour country in the days of the Stuarts, when a dark

436Concluding Remarks.conspiracy existed to enthral England once more,and to force our free Protestant land back under theterrible tyranny of Rome. A similar conspiracy existsagain now. Call at John Kensit's, 18, Paternoster Row, and purchase someof his cheap and popular Protestant pamphlets. <strong>The</strong>y will open your eyes as tothis great subject. Get some armour, and gird it on, for, believe me, you willhave to do battle for the liberties that have made England what she is thisday. Ignorance is weakness ; knowledge is power. When youknow with some degree of fulness and accuracy what it is to be a Protestant,how you will prize the privilege of bearing the name, and resolve that noneshall robe you on it! Above all, ground yourselves firmly in a comprehension ofthe three Bible foreviews of Romanism to which I have directedyour attention, for the sword of the Spirit is the word of God.Lastly, I would urge you to avoid all tampering with the bastard Romanismwhich is called RITUALISM, or High Churchism, and which abounds, alas !all over England. It is simply Romanism slightly diluted, Popery disguisedwith a thin veil. Wherever you have a "priest" instead ofa preacher, an "altar" instead of a communion table,wax candles instead of the sunshine of Divine truth,ceremonial instead of sound doctrine, sacramentsinstead of saving grace, intoned liturgies instead ofearnest, heartsfelt prayers, splendid music insteadof spiritual worship, gorgeous vestments instead ofgospel [good tidings] truth, tradition and "the Church"instead of "as it is written," and crossings instead ofChrist - there you have Romanism, no matter what it may becalled. Beware of it, however attractive the architecture and the incense, themusic and the solemn ceremonial. Think of the apostles and their upper chamber ;remember that Judaism gave us "a shadow of good things to come," not amodel to be imitated, and that all this outward show is not worship "inspirit and in truth," such as God our Father seeks from His people now.<strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul styles this sort of thing a return to "the weak and beggarlyelements," to bondage, and says of those who in his day had been beguiledby ceremonies, "I am afraid of you," etc. Let not these things beguile youfrom the simplicity in Christ. What ! will you play with a poisonous snakebecause it has a gaily speckled back? Keep clear of all danger to your eternalinterests. <strong>The</strong> pitfalls of Popery are concealed by flair flowers, but they willnone the less be your ruin if you fall into them. <strong>The</strong> Bible brands it asantichristianity, and traces its origin to Satan. I warn youto stand aloof from the whole thing if you would not be involved in its solemnjudgments.taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1887,pp. 232-243

438SPIRITUALISM<strong>The</strong> foundation is Yahshua the Messiah, the rock. Just on thisrock Yahshua wants to erect His church and NOT on Peter.1. Corinthians 3:11; Matthew 16:18; 1. Corinthians 10:4; Romans 10:17;Hebrews 4:12; Mattthew 7:25-26; Revelation 16:12-16“By means of two great falsities, the immortality of the soul and theholiness of Sunday, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions.Whereas that lays the foundation of spiritualism, this provides analogy with Rome(<strong>The</strong> Sanctification of Sunday). <strong>The</strong> Protestants of the United States will be theforemost to stretch their hands over the abyss and grasp the hand of spiritualism.<strong>The</strong>y will reach there over the gulf for a handshake with the Roman powerand under the influence of this threefold connection every country will followin the footsteps of Rome and trample the rights of conscience under foot.“from “<strong>The</strong> Great Controversy” by Ellen G. White, p. 588 / “<strong>The</strong> GREAT CONFLICT,” p. 494“As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day;and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits willprofess faith in the bible and manifest respect for the institutions of thechurch, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.“Ellen G. WhiteGenesis 3: 4-5 [immortality of the soul]:1st Lie “You will not die.” - With this lie, he [Satan] has created three greatlies. What does the whole world nowadays say? In the nature religion of Africait is said that if a person dies, the body is buried, but a soul lives in us. That soulcomes out and is everywhere, even though you’re dead, you’re still alive.“Eating meat: From the beginning, God did not give us meat to eat. At thattime, from Adam to Noah, people have lived until they were 900 years old. Sincethe Flood, God has given us meat. And as we started eating meat, our years havefallen from 900 Noah to 175 Abraham. You see, our life span has shortened as themankind began eating meat.2. Lie “Your eyes shall be opened” - now and then, from fortune tellers,magicians, third eye, astrology, horoscopes, zodlac, crystal balls, false prophets,visions, dreams, etc.3. Lie “You will be like God”What is God like?John 4:24: “God is a spirit.” And everyone who wants to worship God mustworship him in his spirit and in truth.If God is a spirit, and I will die, then I’m like God. This is the third Satan’s lie.

Spiritualism439Ellen G. White writes:+ And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible ... all faith in the Bible+ And manifest respect for the institution of the church ... go to church / assembly+ <strong>The</strong>ir work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power ... and acceptthe false prophet.My question is:Why does the Pope (such as Pope John Paul II) now make ecumenism withthe whole world, within different lines?„During the visit to Africa in 1993, the head of the Roman Catholic Church metwith the Priest of Woodu-Cult in Benis.“In 1993 the Pope visited Africa. He visited the headquarters of the Woodu.Woodu is the headquarters of all the evil spirits in Africa and the Pope makesecumenism with them! Can one imagine that? He makes ecumenism with allworld religions! WHY DOES HE DO THAT? For Catholics believe in THEIMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL.“Miracles and Marian apparitions (appearances of “Virgin Mary”)”Marian apparitions. Fact: <strong>The</strong> evil spirit is everywhere.Who is life?YAHWEH - 1. Timothy 6:15-16; John 5:26 + 17:3What is a soul?Genesis 2:7 - BODY + BREATH = A LIVING SOULGenesis 7:21-23; Ecclesiastes 3:19-21; Job 27:3-4; Psalm 115:17Can a SOUL die?Yes, Soul dies. - Ezekiel 18:4+20Did the Messiah die on the cross?Was He completely dead or just a part of him?Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:50How is it possible that God’s Son dies? How could YAHSHUA, the Son ofYAHWEH die? How is it possible?Philippians 2:7; John 5:19 + 5:30 = Yahshua said, I cannot do anything bymyself.John 11:11+15; Luke 2:52 = Yahshua could not know everything; he grew inwisdom, as he was on earth.Mark 13:32 = ... BUT ONLY THE FATHER.Hebrews from 5:8-9; 1. Timothy 6:16; John 17:5

440 SpiritualismBut what do Catholics believe?Large Catholic Catechism:“He descended into hell, on the third day he revived from the dead.”109. Where did the soul of Christ go after his death?<strong>The</strong> soul of Christ descended into the limbo immediately after his death, i.e. tothe place where the souls of the righteous dead were awaiting the time of theirredemption.110. What happened on the third day after the death of Yahshua?In the morning of the third day after his death, Jesus united his soul with hisglorious body, and STOOD UP ON HIS OWN from the sealed tomb. (Page 62)Is that biblical? No.<strong>The</strong>re is NO bible text in the whole <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, which testifies that he isstood up ON HIS OWN!Should it turn out to be true that he has risen by his own power, THEN HEWAS NOT DEAD!This doctrine of the immortality of the soul goes throughALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES, ALL RELIGIONS!Ellen G. White wrote:“<strong>The</strong> whole Christ remained in the grave.” BK 340.01 (5BC.1150.1151)- Jesus said to Mary: “Don’t touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father.”As he closed his eyes in death on the cross, HIS SOUL WAS NOT IMMEDI-ATELY IN THE SKY, AS MANY BELIEVE, how else should his words havebeen true: „I have not yet ascended to my Father.”?<strong>The</strong> spirit of Jesus had been sleeping in the grave with his body and lookeddown at the grieving disciples who embalmed the body of which the soul hadescaped. <strong>The</strong> spirit of Jesus had been sleeping with his body in the grave.Everything comprehending the life and the mind of Jesus, remained in thegrave with his body, and AS HE EMERGED, HE WAS A WHOLE HUMAN:HE DID NOT HAVE TO CALL HIS SPIRIT FROM THE SKY FIRST. He hadpower to keep his life and take it again. (3SP 203, 204)Today, Christ is portrayed as God in the assemblies, all due to theThreefoldness, the Trinity.He was either dead or half dead!What does witchcraft mean? What is this?It’s like God created the humanity. And as he created the human, he formed the humanfrom earth and blew him a breath into the nose. Thus the human became a living soul.Now it is so, since he the creation of Adam and Eve, Satan told us, WE WILL NOT

Spiritualism441DIE, WE WILL STAY ALIVE. (See the considerations: the immortality of the soul)So, how can Satan defend his argumentation?Satan has tried to explain us that a spirit dwells in us humans. This means that ahuman consists of two parts, which are physical and spiritual. If I die, the bodydies, but the spirit lives on. And this spirit is called soul. IN REALITY: WE AREONLY ONE! We are not two. So, Satan has lied and he must defend it. Since thenhe has sent his angels to live in people. And if an angel lives inside you, thenyou’re a witch. For the one who is a witch is in SATAN’S PRISON. He does notdo what he wants; he does what the angel tells him. It is extremely terrible. Whatdoes the Bible say to it?Exodus 22.17 You shall not leave a witch alive.That clearly God said to Moses at that time: You shall not leave a witch alive, shemust die. Why? Because it is so dangerous! If one allows SATAN to use his case,to dwell in him, then SATAN can use it to cause damage to many people. And itis really very bad! That is why we should not have anything to do with ghosts.John 10:10 - Yahshua came to bestow our lives upon us, which means: “I havecome that you may have lives and have them abundantly.”He says: “Come to me!”John 8:44 - Satan is the father of lies; he does not have the truth!Solomon in Proverbs 4:23 – TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEART, BECAUSE LIFECOMES FROM IT! - - Eternal life or eternal death!Proverbs 16:18 - People with evil spirits cannot be humble, they are proud! Andwhere the pride is, there is condemnation. We know that the devil fell because hewas proud. He was not satisfied with the position God gave him, he wanted more.According to Isaiah 14:13: “He wants to put his throne high above God.” Andif a human is not happy with what God gives him, then the SATAN will give himwhat he wants.Leviticus 19:31 - If you have contact with those angels, those employees of Satan,we make ourselves filthy before God. Those who work for SATAN, whetherlooking into a glass or a crystal ball, into cards, or into a stone, THEY ARE ALLFROM SATAN! We all should recognize that!1. Chronicles from 10:13-14 - Many Charismatic and Pentecostal preachers tell us:“If a person dies, it is still alive and they quote 1st Samuel, where the King Saulasked the fortune teller to call back the dead prophet Samuel. And she did it.” (see1. Samuel 28:1-25)In verse 5 it says, Saul was afraid and his heart gave up hope. WHY? Because in

442Spiritualism1. John 4:18 following is written: <strong>The</strong>re is no fear in love... the one who feelsfear, has not yet come to completion in love.If God does not answer directly through dreams, then God sends His prophets. ButYAHWEH did not answer him by dreams or prophets.If God does not answer directly, then God sends His prophets through afortune teller to tell the truth? This alone shows us that this is not the truth.And many preachers use a following verse: If a person dies, he lives on. Saul hadto die as a result of his deed, which was an anathema to God.Malachi 3:5; Jeremiah 27:9-10“SATAN does not only lie, but dresses LIES with TRUTH.” <strong>The</strong>refore, weshould be careful.Deuteronomy 18:10-14 - Clear Warning; Leviticus 20:27God has previously stressed that such people do not exist. If someone has evilspirits, then it will happen that the whole congregation is led away from God. Andthat’s very, very dangerous. - Isaiah 8:19Signs and WondersDeuteronomy 13:1-4 - If we walk along with him, we are safe then.Job 14:21-22 - If a person dies, he no longer knows what is happening in this world.Solomon in Ecclesiastes 9:5-6; Psalm 146:3-4Nowadays there are so many books, so many clubs, so many movies [coming fromthe devil], where Satan has possibilities of influencing people by means of hisemployees, the evil spirits: from here into the HEART. Sports, children’s books,children’s games, computer games, political figures, organizations, ...Nowadays churches / assemblies ...the form of worship is changed- praise worships,- deliverance ministries,- prayer warriors and new forms of prayers, etc.1. Timothy 4:1; 1. John 4:1 - how can I recognize the false prophets: Only bystudying the basis of <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>, the Bible that Godhas given us.Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path!” -Your word is a lamp to my feet, which is the truth!At that time a third of the angels descended on earth. God’s angels are innumerable,ten thousand times ten thousand. Take only one-third, the Angels are highlyintelligent.Hebrews 1:14What is the angels’ role?<strong>The</strong> corrupt angels, Satan’s angels, are however present to harm us.

Spiritualism4432. Corinthians 11:13-15 – Satan’s angels pretend preachers of justice!!Matthew 24:23-24 - false prophets, false Christs will appear!What is the Satan’s last great deception? What will be one ofthe last great signs to fasten men in deception?Revelation 13:13-14 - great signs and fire falling from the sky2. <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:9-12God gives us the truth not only that we know him, but also with a purpose that wegive it to others.What warning has God given to us for the last few days?Revelation 12:10-12; 1. Peter 5:8; Hebrews 13:5-6; Jeremiah 20:11QUESTIONS - Can a human be free of demons?Mark 1:22-28 - Yahshua has taken the evil angel out of people. He knows that evilangels live in people.Acts 8:18-25 - Simon Magus wanted to buy the <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit. Simon Magus askedthem to pray for him not to come into condemnation!Again verses 13 and 18: Simon saw great signs and wonders. He saw that by layingon hands by the Apostles, the holy Spirit was given. He offered them money,because such an ability to lay hands on someone was NOT given to him by God!And he recognized immediately: “In God’s kingdom it is not about buying andselling, it is about heart and faith.”A protective wall around men fearing GodMy sister (Paul Osei’s sister) said: “Again and again, there is a fiery wall aroundyour house. No witch can ever come through it.” (see Zechariah 2:9)“What is your task?” I asked. My sister answered: My task is (parents followingthe religion of nature), to cause conflict between you and your wife. <strong>The</strong>n theprotective wall will slowly disappear, and then the way of communication to theoutside world will become free. <strong>The</strong>n I have open doors. “That means, the way hasbecome free for demons, the evil angels.”Now I do not argue with my wife anymore. Since then, I say: “My wife, you’reright, and I also have some peace and quiet. - You gain nothing from arguing.“Evil spiritsIt is too bad that so many people suffer from the evil spirits. And there are alsopeople who do not have any spirits but the spirits do not release these people.Last year we were in Zurich and a young man had body tattoos all over his body.And if you do that, you get a ghost. BECAUSE EACH SYMBOL IS A GHOSTSYMBOL. And that’s very, very dangerous! <strong>The</strong> more icons you make, the

444Spiritualismmore evil spirits you let in. Many people do it without knowing, just for fun.However, the symbol that you make means you’re one of these spirits. And theyare free to do anything.Do “piercings” also belong in this category? Everything!!<strong>The</strong> young man himself said to me: “Paul, you have opened my eyes, how can Iget free?” I have agreed with him that we always pray on the phone (we also didso). I asked him to fast while praying. I also explained that abstinence will not helphim to get free.What does fasting mean?If I am fasting, it’s not that God will show mercy on me, but: Fasting means tohear if God tells me something. OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD. And when hefasted, he told me that “he has never done anything like that before.”We prayed at 10 o’clock in the morning, at 12 o’clock and at 3 o’clock. And as weprayed at 5 o’clock, he told me: “Paul, I thought I would die. At 2 o’clock I couldnot breathe anymore. I’ve never fasted before, but now I feel GOOD! I will noteat anything until the next morning. “And he did not eat anything until the nextmorning. He called me and said: “Paul, I have NEVER slept as free until today! Iwas so free that I could sleep. I am grateful to God!” And I said: „Go on, on andon!“IT’S ABOUT PRAYER! THROUGH PRAYER WE WILL BECOME FREE!Finally: <strong>The</strong> sign (tattoo) is there, but nothing more than that! <strong>The</strong> sign cannotbe erased, but has no more effect!John 8:32-36 - <strong>The</strong> truth makes us free. And Christ says: “I am the truth.”IF WE KNOW HIM, HE WILL MAKE US FREE!From the “Spiritualism” report with the evangelist Paul Osei of Ghana, September / October2010

446How far is it actually from the truth?Quotation:“<strong>The</strong> GREAT CONFLICT“ by Ellen G. White, 2009, first published 1884/88,page 50 (an excerpt):1. Prayer for the Dead (about 300 AD.)2. Introduction of the CROSS AS A SIGN of the church (300 AD).3. Infiltration of the unbiblical INFANT BAPTISM (Origen) (from 3rd century)5. SUNDAY WORSHIP becomes a duty, first Sunday Law(Constantine 321)6. Veneration of angels and dead saints (375)7. Veneration of images (375)8. Daily celebration of Mass (394)9. Beginning of the worship of MARY, God’s Mother(Council of Ephesus 439)10. Priests stand out from the laity by special clothing (599)11. Extreme Unction (520)12. Purgatory, Doctrine of Purgatory (Gregory I, 593)13. Use of Latin language for service and correspondence (Gregory I, 600)14. Prayer to Mary, the saints and angels (620)15. <strong>The</strong> „POPE“ title (<strong>Holy</strong> Father) is given to Boniface III(Emperor Phocas, 607)16. Kissing of Pope’s feet (709)17. Attribution of SECULAR POWER TO THE POPE(Pepin, King of France, 750)18. Official launch of worship and veneration of the CROSS, theIMAGES and RELICS (786)21. Cardinal body of the Pope (927)23. Beginning of the canonization of dead saints (John XV, 995)24. Fasting on Fridays and during Lenten season from Ash Wednesday toEASTER (the pagan festival of fertility goddess Astarte, Asherah)as a preparation for Easter (998)25. MASS as a HOLY SACRIFICE (1050)26. Demanded celibacy of priests (Gregory II, 1079)27. Invention of ROSARY BEADS (Peter the Hemit, 1090)28. Official launch of the INQUISITION (<strong>The</strong> Council of Verona, 1184)29. Handling with INDULGENCES for the forgiving of sins (1190)30. <strong>The</strong> heresy of TRANSUBSTANTIATION is prescribed(Christ is supposed to be taken from the sky on the order of thepriest, his blood turned into alcoholic wine and his flesh into thealtar bread) (Innocent III, 1215)31. CONFESSION of sins to the priest in place of to God is exacted(Innocent III, 1215)32. Worship and adoration of the HOST is prescribed (Honorius III, 1220)33. Official ban on the POSSESSION and reading OF THE BIBLE,the Bible is added to the „List of Prohibited Books“(Council of Valencia, 1229)

How far is it actually from the truth?44735. Introduction of TRINITY SUNDAY (TRINITY) (1334)37. Purgatory introduced as a DOCTRINE (Council of Florence, 1439)38. Deadly Sin (1439)39. First part of the „AVE MARIA“ becomes official (1508)40. Establishment of the „Order of the Jesus Society“ - JESUIT ORDER(Ignatius Loyola, 1534)41. TRADITION (decisions of popes and councils) are declared equivalent tothe Bible (Council of Trent, 1545)42. APOCRYPHA were added to the Bible (Council of Trent, 1546)44. Last part of the „AVE MARIA“ (Rosary Bead) was preparedand introduced (Sixtus V, 1593)45. Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary proclaimed (Pius IX, 1854)46. List of heresies proclaimed and ratified; condemnation of the freedomof religion, expression and press, and all „unapproved“ scientificdiscoveries(Pius X, Vatican Council I, 1864)47. PAPAL WORLD DOMINATION officially confirmed anew (1864)48. Absolute INFALLIBILITY OF THE POPE proclaimed (VaticanCouncil I, 1870)50. Ascension of Virgin MARY (bodily going up to theHeaven short after her death) proclaimed (Pius XII, 1950)51. Mary proclaimed MOTHER OF GOD (Paul VI, 1965)Two additional doctrines are being discussed and probablyintroduced:(1) Mary as a Mediatrix for the humanity. That means, only through herwe have a chance to come closer to God and Christ.(2) DOGMA OF MARY as an additional Redeemer.According to it, the redemption of humanity was done by Mary from thebeginning to the end, with every step done in collaboration with Christ.Furthermore:to 5 b) Decision at the COUNCIL OF NICEA that Jesus Christis a true man and GOD (preliminary stage of the Trinity) (325)to 7 b) Decision at the COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE that also the<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit (holy: now in capitals) is the true GODof the same highness as the Father and the Son (the completion ofthe Doctrine of Trinity / Trinity, Doctrine of Threefoldness) (381)(<strong>The</strong> evangelist Walter Veith says: Mary, seen as intercessor and redeemer,means: SALVATION BY A SINFUL MAN -<strong>The</strong> Bible clearly says: No one is righteous, we are all violators of the law -Mary, who is worshiped (worship of a sinful man), further implies:JUSTIFICATION BY WORKS WITHOUT THE DRESS OF RIGHTEOUSNESSOF CHRIST! <strong>The</strong>re is only one mediator according to <strong>Scripture</strong>, now standing asan advocate before the <strong>Holy</strong> Father in the <strong>Holy</strong> of Holies of the heavenly temple:Jesus Christ / Yahshua the Messiah, the Anointed of God, the Son of God,the only one of his kind. <strong>The</strong> worship of Mary is ANOTHER WAY TO GOD!

449APPEAL OF THE KING OF BABYLON ca. 600 YEARS BEFORE CHRIST WITHREFERENCE TO THE PRESENT TIME:A Decree of King Nebuchadnezzarto all peoples, nations and languages all over the earth:“PEACE BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU! THOUGHT IT GOOD TO SHOW THESIGNS AND WONDERS THAT THE HIGH GOD [ELAH] HAS WORKEDTOWARD ME. HOW GREAT ARE HIS SIGNS! AND HOW MIGHTYARE HIS WONDERS! HIS KINGDOM IS AN EVERLASTING KINGDOM,AND HIS DOMINION IS FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION!”(Daniel 4,1-3)<strong>The</strong> name of our God is written in ancient Hebrew and Jewish Bibles,Torah [the Five Books of Moses]:“I am YAHWEH, your God [Elohim]. You shall have no other Gods [Elohims]before me.“ (first commandment in Exodus 20,2.3)“... YAHWEH ... This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to allgenerations.” (Exodus 3,15)<strong>The</strong> Messiah testified, quoting from Deuteronomy 6,4:“... YAHWEH is our God [Elohim], YAHWEH is ONE.“ (Mark 12,29b)<strong>The</strong> scribes knew:“He is only ONE; and there is none other but he!“ (Mark 12,32b)“WHO HAS ESTABLISHED ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH?What is HIS name? And what is his SON‘S name?Do you know that?“ (Proverbs 30,4)“FEAR YAHWEH, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HISJUDGMENT IS COME: AND WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE THE HEAVEN ANDTHE EARTH AND SEA AND THE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS!” (Revelation 14,7)<strong>The</strong> necessity of the proclamation of the good tidings shows the followingcomparison [by Ernst Simon {Simon Bible}, missionary]:__________________________________________________________________A= <strong>The</strong> falsifi ed Good-Message ## B = THE TRUE MESSAGE (GALATIANS 1,6-9)A= Wrong teaching: Worldly empire, world church ## B = biblical teaching: Jesus[Yahshua‘s] empire is not from this world - John 18,36; AssemblyA = Wrong religious basis: Tradition ##B = Right religious basis: God‘s word: Bible, John 17,17A = Wrong high priest: on earth: Pope. 2. <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2,3.4 ##B = True high priest: in heaven: Jesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah] -Hebrews 8,1.2; Ephesians 1,22 + 5,23; Colossians 1,18A = Wrong mediators: Maria (mother of God), saints, priests ##B = a [only one] mediator: Jesus Christ [Yahshua the Messiah] – 1. Tim. 2,5A = Wrong sanctum: in the churches ##B = true sanctum: in heaven - Revelation 11,19A = Wrong day of rest: Sunday (the fi rst weekday) [since the 1/1/1976 UN decision:in the calendar the week begins with Monday!]; Daniel 7,25; Revelation 14,9-11;signs of the animal ##

450APPEAL OF THE KING OF BABYLONB = biblical day of rest : <strong>Sabbat</strong>h (the seventh weekday, the Saturday);Genesis 2,2.3; Exodus 20,8-11; Mark 2,27.28; seal of God [commemorationday to the creator and to the creation, the Messiah: Master of the <strong>Sabbat</strong>h(Mark 2,28)]A = Wrong victim: missal sacrifice ##B = valid victim: Blood of Jesus [Yahshua] - 1. Peter 1,18.19A = Wrong baptism: sprinkling ##B = Biblical: Believer‘s baptism (Mark 16,16) [adult‘s baptism “on the nameof Jesus / Yahshua” (Acts 2,28; immersion: John 3,22.23)] - memory of theresurrection.A = Wrong teaching of justification apprenticeship: Work justice (indulgence) ## B= Biblical: Faith justice - Romans 3,28 [and in the faith of Jesus / Yahshua allorders hold]A = Wrong teaching of immortality: Soul apprenticeship (soul in heaven, purgatory orhell) ##B = God alone has only immortality - no created Creature – 1. Timothy 6,16A = Wrong penal apprenticeship: Everlasting torment ##B = Biblical (Revelation 20,14.15): Everlasting death.A = Wrong adoration: Image worship, relics [saints - Maria, Joseph and others] ##B = true adoration: In mind and truth - John 4,24; Matth. 6,1-15; Isaiah 8,19.20;Acts 17,29-31; 1. John 5,21 [Maria / Miriam rests in the grave - Eccle. 9,5]A = Wrong Millennium teaching: Peace empire on earth ##B = biblical: Millennial dominion with the Messiah in heaven -1. <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 4,17; Revelation 20,6Additional [from the editor]:A = 2. and 4th Commandment (<strong>Sabbat</strong>h) dissolved ##B = Commandments of God are forever valid – Matthew 5,18; Romans 7,12A = Wrong hope for rescue: Only by grace, without removal of all sins(sin = violation of the Commandments of God) ##B = Biblical: “Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in Heavenis perfect.” - Matthew 5,48; keep all Commandments hold including the<strong>Sabbat</strong>h, Saturday = 4th CommandmentA = Wrong gnosis, wrong God‘s adoration: Doctrine: three persons, three gods:God Father, God Son, God <strong>Holy</strong> Spirit, Trinity [= Baal-shalishah, 2. King 4,42], trio isa heathenish doctrine and is not a biblical teaching. ##B = Biblical: two persons: A God, the father – Jacob / James 2,19; the sonof God, our Master: Christ / the Messiah, our sole [only] saviour - John 17,3.<strong>Holy</strong> Spirit: the Spirit of God [Elohim] with his holy name YAHWEH, thestrength which comes from God [Elohim]; because YAHWEH is Spirit -John 4,24 + 3,34; Rom. 8,9.14 + 15,19; 2. Cor. 2,11.12.14 + 3,16; 1. John 4,1-3A = Wrong teachment of sacrifice ( missal sacrifice): Doctrine of Transsubstantiationin which in every fair the Messiah becomes sacrificed new again and again. ##B = Biblical: “For by one offering he has perfected forever those who aresanctified.” Hebrews 10,14 + 9,25.26.28 + 10,10.18.26A = Refusal of the pre-existence of the Messiah: He did not exist before the firstarrival on earth or: only a spirit and not a person ##B = acceptation of the pre-existence: Before the first arrival on earth he hadhis glory in heaven; the Messiah, the son of YAHWEH, was there already,before something existed. - John 1,18 + 3,13.16 + 5,23 + 8,47-59 + 16,28 +17,5.8.24; Luke 4,18.43 + 9,48 + 10,16; Proverbs 8,22-36 // Judah 3


from “<strong>The</strong> Lord’s Prayer” - “Aramaic-German New Testament,” ADNT 2009453

Remember „one Mediator.“455Remember that there is only „one Mediator between God andman“; that there is but „one sacrifice for sins,“ offered „once“ forall and „forever.“ Though the „one Mediator,“ by the „one sacrifice,“„draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.“ You need nomediator between yourself and Christ. <strong>The</strong> priest isa false intruder there. Jesus calls you to come to Himself! He is bothhuman and Divine. He is bone of your bone, and flesh of your flesh,yet without sin. ... Suffer nothing to come between your soul and Him.Suffer no saint, no angel, no virgin, no priest, to come between youand Jesus Christ. Go to Him for the pardon of all your sins. Make toHim your confessions. He can absolve you, and will, yes, does, if youtruly believe in Him. Priestly absolution is a lie. It is a blasphemouspretence. <strong>The</strong> sentence, „I absolve you,“ whether from the mouthof Romish priest of Protestant minister, is profane. Be not deludedby it. Your fellow sinner cannot absolve you from the sins you havecommitted against God. Turn from these idols and vanities. Jesus isall you need. His blood is sufficient to atone, and cleanses thosewho simply trust in Him „from all sin.“ „Search the <strong>Scripture</strong>s,“they testify of Him. Come to Him that you may have life. His heartis touched with the feeling of our infirmities; none can sympathise asHe can. To you, to each one, He says, „Him that comes to ME I willin no wise cast out.“ „Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MYWORDS shall not pass away.“ „Lord, to whom shall we go? YOUhave the words of eternal life.“ You alone are ALL we need, for Youalone are „ALL IN ALL.“taken from: „ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION“ by H. Grattan Guinness,London, 1887, p. 243-244


HIM SHALL YOU HEAR!45724 When there were no depths, I [Yahshua] was brought forth; when therewere no fountains abounding with water.25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I [Yahshua] broughtforth:26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest partof the dust of the world.27 When he prepared the heavens, I [Yahshua] was there: when he set a circleupon the face of the depth:28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened thefountains of the deep:29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass hiscommandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:30 <strong>The</strong>n I [Yahshua] was - the foreman - by him, as one brought up with him:and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with thesons of men.32 Now therefore listen to me, O you children: for blessed are they that keepmy ways.33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.34 Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting atthe posts of my doors.35 For whoever finds me [Yahshua] finds life, and shall obtain favour ofYAHWEH.36 But he that sins against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me lovedeath.Isaiah 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that you should be my servantto raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ofIsrael: I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles, that youmay be my salvation to the end of the earth.Isaiah 49:7 Thus says YAHWEH, the Redeemer of Israel, and his <strong>Holy</strong>One, to him whom man despises, to him whom the nation abhorreth, toa servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shallworship, because of YAHWEH that is faithful, and the <strong>Holy</strong> One ofIsrael, and he shall choose you.Isaiah 49:8 Thus says YAHWEH, In an acceptable time have I heard you,and in a day of salvation have I helped you: and I will preserveyou, and give you for a covenant of the people, to establish theearth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;Isaiah 49:9 That you may say to the prisoners, Go forth; to themthat are in darkness, Show yourselves. <strong>The</strong>y shall feed in theways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.

458 HIM SHALL YOU HEAR!John 8:23 And he said to them, YOU ARE FROM BENEATH; I AM FROM ABOVE:YOU ARE OF THIS WORLD; I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD.John 8:24 I SAID THEREFORE TO YOU, THAT YOU SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS:FOR IF YOU BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM HE, YOU SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS.John 8:25 <strong>The</strong>n said they to him, Who are you? And Yahshua said to them, Eventhe same that I said to you from the beginning.John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you: BUT HE THAT SENTME IS TRUE; AND I SPEAK TO THE WORLD THOSE THINGS WHICH I HAVEHEARD OF HIM.John 8:27 <strong>The</strong>y understood not that he spoke to them of the Father.John 8:28 <strong>The</strong>n said Yahshua to them, WHEN YOU HAVE LIFTED UP THE SONOF MAN, THEN SHALL YOU KNOW THAT I AM HE, AND THAT I DO NOTHING OFMYSELF, BUT AS MY FATHER TAUGHT ME, I SPEAK THESE THINGS.John 8:29 AND HE THAT SENT ME IS WITH ME; FATHER HAS NOT LEFT MEALONE; FOR I DO ALWAYS THOSE THINGS THAT PLEASE HIM.John 9:30 <strong>The</strong> man answered and said to them, Why, in this is a marvelousthing, that you know not from where he is, and yet he has opened my eyes.John 9:31 NOW WE KNOW THAT ELOHIM HEARS NOT SINNERS: BUT IF ANYMAN IS A WORSHIPER OF ELOHIM, AND DOES HIS WILL, HIM HE HEARS.John 9:32 SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN WAS IT NOT HEARD THAT ANY ONEOPENED THE EYES OF ONE THAT WAS BORN BLIND.John 9:33 IF THIS MAN WERE NOT FROM ELOHIM, HE COULD DO NOTHING.John 8:47 HE THAT IS OF YAHWEH HEARS THE WORDS OF YAHWEH: YOUTHEREFORE HEAR THEM NOT, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OF YAHWEH.John 8:56 Yahshua: YOUR FATHER ABRAHAM REJOICED TO SEE MY DAY;AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD.Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latterday upon the earth:HIM SHALL YOU HEAR:YAHSHUA !




462Revelation of Yahshua the MessiahBEHOLD, I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK: IF ANY MAN HEAR MY VOICEAND OPEN THE DOOR, I WILL COME IN TO HIM, AND WILL SUP WITH HIM,AND HE WITH ME.TO HIM THAT OVERCOMES WILL I GRANT TO SIT WITH ME IN MY THRONE,EVEN AS I ALSO OVERCAME, AND AM SAT DOWN WITH MY FATHER IN HISTHRONE.HE THAT HAS AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS TO THEASSEMBLIES.Rev. 11:15-19 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voicesin heaven, saying, THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THEKINGDOMS OF OUR YAHWEH, AND OF HIS MESSIAH; AND HE SHALL REIGNFOREVER AND EVER!And the twenty and four elders, which sat before YAHWEH on their thrones,fell upon their faces, and worshiped YAHWEH, saying,WE GIVE YOU THANKS, OH YAHWEH EL SHADDAI (ALMIGHTY), WHO IS,AND WAS, AND IST TO COME; BECAUSE YOU HAVE TAKEN TO YOU YOURGREAT POWER, AND HAVE REIGNED.AND THE NATIONS WERE ANGRY, AND YOUR WRATH IS CAME, AND THETIME OF THE DEAD, THAT THEY SHOULD BE JUDGED, AND THAT YOUSHOULD GIVE REWARD TO YOUR SERVANTS THE PROPHETS, AND TOTHE SAINTS, AND THEM THAT FEAR YOUR NAME, SMALL AND GREAT; ANDSHOULD DESTROY THEM WHICH DESTROY THE EARTH.AND THE TEMPLE OF YAHWEH WAS OPENED IN HEAVEN, AND THERE WASSEEN IN HIS TEMPLE THE ARK OF HIS TESTAMENT (COVENANT): ANDTHERE WERE LIGHTNINGS, AND VOICES, AND THUNDERINGS, AND ANEARTHQUAKE, AND GREAT HAIL.~” I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forthfrom my mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.Because I knew that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew, and yourbrow brass; I have even from the beginning declared it to you; before it cameto pass I showed it you: lest you should say, my idol has done them, and mygraven image, and my molten image, has commanded them. You have heard,see all this; and will not all of you declare it? I have showed you new things fromthis time, even hidden things, and you did not know them. <strong>The</strong>y are created now,and not from the beginning; even before the day when you heard them not; lestyou should say, Behold, I knew them. Yes, you heard not; yes, you knew not;yes, from that time that your ear was not opened: for I knew that you would dealvery treacherously, and were called a transgressor from the womb.For my name’s sake will I defer my anger, and for my praise will I restrain itfor you, that I cut you not off.Behold, I have refined you, but not with silver; I have chosen you in thefurnace of affliction.

Revelation of Yahshua the Messiah463For my own sake, even for my own sake, will I do it:and I will not give my glory to another.for how should my name be profaned?Listen to me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I alsoam the last. My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and my righthand has spread out the heavens: when I call to them, they stand up together.All you, assemble yourselves, and hear; who among them has declared thesethings? YAHWEH has loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his armshall be on the Chaldeans. I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him: I havebrought him, and he shall make his way prosperous. Come you near to me, hearyou this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that itwas, there am I: and now YAHWEH Elohim, and his Spirit, has sent me.Thus says YAHWEH, your Redeemer, the <strong>Holy</strong> One of Israel; I amYAHWEH your Elohim which teaches you to profit, who leads youby the way that you should go. OH that you had listened to mycommandments! then had your peace been as a river, and yourrighteousness as the waves of the sea: Your seed also had beenas the sand, and the offspring of your body like its gravel; hisname should not have been cut off nor destroyed from beforeme. Go you forth from Babylon, flee you from the Chaldeans,with a voice of singing declare you, tell this, utter it even tothe end of the earth; say you, YAHWEH has redeemed his servantJacob. <strong>The</strong>re is no peace, says YAHWEH, to the wicked.I, even I, am he that comforts you: who are you, that you should be afraidof a man that shall die, and of the son of man who shall be made as grass; Andforget YAHWEH your maker, that has stretched forth the heavens, and laid thefoundations of the earth; and have feared continually every day because of thefury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the furyof the oppressor? <strong>The</strong> captive exile hastens that he may be loosed, and thathe should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail. But I am YAHWEHyour Elohim, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: YAHWEHSabaoth is his name. And I have put my words in your mouth, and Ihave covered you in the shadow of my hand, that I may plant theheavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion,“You are my people.”Isaiah 48:3-20+22; 51:12-16~Thus says YAHWEH, Keep youu judgment, and do justice: for mysalvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.Blessed is the man that does this, and the son of man that layshold on it; that keeps the sabbath from profaning it, and keepshis hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of the foreigner, that hasjoined himself to YAHWEH, speak, saying, YAHWEH has utterly separated mefrom his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus

464Revelation of Yahshua the Messiahsays YAHWEH to the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the thingsthat please me, and take hold of my covenant.Even to them will I give in my house and within my walls a place anda name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlastingname, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the foreigner, thatjoin themselves to YAHWEH, to serve him, and to love the nameof YAHWEH, to be his servants, every one that keeps the sabbathfrom profaning it, and takes hold of my covenant; Even them willI bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my houseof prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall beaccepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called an houseof prayer for all people.Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet, andshow my people their transgression, and the house of Jacobtheir sins. Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nationthat did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their Elohim: they askof me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to Elohim. Whyhave we fasted, say they, and you see not? why have we afflicted our soul, andyou take no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, andexact all your labours. Behold, you fast for strife and debate, and to strike withthe fist of wickedness: you shall not fast as you do this day, to make your voiceto be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen? A day for a man to afflicthis soul? Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth andashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to YAHWEH? Isnot this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undothe heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break everyyoke? Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry, and that you should bring thepoor that are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, that you shouldcover him; and that you should not hide yourself from your own flesh?<strong>The</strong>n shall your light break forth as the morning, and your health shall springforth speedily: and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of YAHWEHshall be your rear guard. <strong>The</strong>n shall you call, and YAHWEH shall answer; youshall cry, and he shall say:Here I am. If you shall take away from the midst of you the yoke, the puttingforth of the finger, and speaking vanity; and if you shall draw out your soul tothe hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall your light rise in obscurity,and your darkness be as the noonday: And YAHWEH shall guide you continually,and satisfy your soul in drought, and make fat your bones: and you shall be likea watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.And they that shall be of you shall build the old waste places:you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and youshall be called, <strong>The</strong> repairer of the breach, <strong>The</strong> restorer ofpaths to dwell in.If you shall turn away your foot from the sabbath, from doingyour pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight,the holy of YAHWEH, honourable; and shall honour him, not doingyour own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speakingyour own words: <strong>The</strong>n shall you delight yourself in YAHWEH; andI will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth, andfeed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth

Revelation of Yahshua the Messiah465of YAHWEH has spoken it.Isaiah 56:1-8; 58:1-14~<strong>The</strong>refore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to hisways, says the Sovereign YAHWEH. REPENT, AND TURN YOURSELVES FROMALL YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS; SO INIQUITY SHALL NOT BE YOUR RUIN.CAST AWAY FROM YOU ALL YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS, BY WHICH YOU HAVETRANSGRESSED; AND MAKE YOU A NEW HEART AND A NEW SPIRIT: FORWHY WILL YOU DIE, O HOUSE OF ISRAEL?FOR I HAVE NO PLEASURE IN THE DEATH OF HIM THAT DIES, SAYS THESOVEREIGN YAHWEH: THEREFORE TURN YOURSELVES, AND LIVE.Ezekiel 18:30-32<strong>The</strong>refore I caused them to go forth from the land of Egypt, and brought theminto the wilderness. And I gave them my statutes, and showed them myjudgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them. Moreoveralso I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them,that they might know that I am YAHWEH that sanctify them.But I said to their children in the wilderness, WALK YOU NOT IN THESTATUTES OF YOUR FATHERS, NEITHER OBERSEVE THEIR JUDGMENTS, NORDEFILE YOURSELVES WITH THEIR IDOLS.I AM YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM: WALK IN MY STATUTES, AND KEEP MYJUDGMENTS, AND DO THEM; AND HALLOW MY SABBATHS; AND THEY SHALLBE A SIGN BETWEEN ME AND YOU, THAT YOU MAY KNOW THAT I AM YAHWEHYOUR ELOHIM.Ezekiel 20:10-12+18-29Son of man, say to her, You are the land that is not cleansed, nor rained uponin the day of indignation. <strong>The</strong>re is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst ofher, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they havetaken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in themidst of her.HER PRIESTS HAVE VIOLATED MY LAW, AND HAVE PROFANED MY HOLYTHINGS: THEY HAVE PUT NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HOLY AND THEPROFONE (COMMON), NEITHER HAVE THEY SHOWED DIFFERENCE BETWEENTHE UNCLEAN UND THE CLEAN, AND HAVE HID THEIR EYES FROM MYSABBATHS, AND I AM PROFANED AMONG THEM.Her princes in the midst of her are like wolves ravening the prey, to shedblood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.And her prophets have daubed for them with untempered mortar, seeing falsevisions, and divining lies to them, saying, In this manner says the SovereignYAHWEH, when YAHWEH has not spoken.<strong>The</strong> people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, andhave oppressed the poor and needy: yes, they have oppressed the strangerwrongfully.And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and

466 Revelation of Yahshua the Messiahstand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I foundnone.<strong>The</strong>refore have I poured out my indignation upon them; I have consumedthem with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon theirheads, says the Sovereign YAHWEH.Ezekiel 22:24-31

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