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Readers interestedin thesubject matter of thisbook and otherpublicationsofThe Vaisnava Instituteareinvitedto correspond withitssecretaryTHE V AISNAV A INSTITUTE8507 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230First Printing, 1987Limited Printing 500 CopiesI mpreso en MexicoPrinted in Mexico

LETTERS FROMSRIL A PRABHUPADAVOLUME IFrom 12th July, 1947 (47-1)To 18th January, 1969 (69-1-29)VOLUME IIFrom 18th January, 1969 (69-1-30)To 3rdJune, 1970 (70-6-1)VOLUME IIIFrom 3rd June, 1970 (70-6-4)To 24th June, 1972 (72-6-30)VOLUME IVFrom 25th June, 1972 (72-6-31)To 8th January, 1975 (75-1-31)VOLUME VFrom 8th January, 1975 (75-1-32)To 6th September, 1977 (77-9-1)

JANUARY, 1969(Continued from Volume I)69-1-30Los Angeles18th January, 1969My Dear Janaki,Please accept my blessings. I wasthinking of you since about a week whyyou are silent, and all of a sudden I gotyour letter with a golden ring enclosed. Itwas so much ecstatic. I thank you verymuch for your kind presentation whichyou have given, even sacrificing your husband'sinterest. I think, though, that yourhusband, Mukunda, is also pleased withthis action. Any way, immediately uponreceipt of this ring I pushed it on my finger,and it is very nice.Regarding your unstable condition ofmind, I beg to request you to always rememberthat you have all gone to Londonwith a great mission and responsibility. Iam so much pleased with you all six boysand girls who are doing so much for mymissionary work. My Guru Maharaj,Bhaktisiddhanta Thakur, Lord Chaitanyaand at the end Lord Krishna Himself allare surely very much pleased for your nobleactivities. You have already made thecity of London feel something about theHare Krishna movement. This is a greatcredit for you all and I appreciate it verymuch. Please do your duty combinedlywithout any disruption of peaceful attitudesamongst yourselves. We are pushingour movement on the background of apeaceful atmosphere in the world, and ifwe show a little disturbance in our owncamp that will not be a very good example.Therefore, everyone should be forebearing,tolerant and cooperative. That ismy special request to you all.So far as I am concerned, I have writtento Shyamsundar whether there is anypossibility of my going there immediately.If not, then I may go to other places for thetime being.Regarding competition with other socalledyoga groups, certainly we have towin the race because we representKrishna directly, and others are all mostlyimpersonalists or less than that. So far as Iknow, our Krishna Consciousness movementis the only genuine endeavor forself-realization. I have tried to explain thegenesis of this movement in my book,Bhagavad Gita As It Is, and people willlearn it if they will carefully study thisbook. In this connection, there was a radiointerview this week in Los Angeles,and the summary is being sent herewith.If possible, you can try to get it printed in

682 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldathe Times, as they have already printed anarticle about ourselves. You can make theheading as follows: Genesis of theKrishna Consciousness Mavement.So please consider carefully the abovementioned points, and also keep me informedas to your all round well-being.Hope this meets you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: An Indian gentleman, one B. P.Parikh B.A. D. Education has written tome to say that being inspired by your "devotionto Krishna, and being fascinated byyour character, discipline, and devotionalsurrender to the Lord, he has been drawnto your activities." For this I am verymuch proud of you. Please maintain thisstatus and certainly you will be welcomeeverywhere. Get this enclosed articleedited by Mukunda or Shyamsundar andthen send it for publication in the Times ofLondon or any other respectable paper inLondon, giving the heading as indicated.staying at the Boston temple, namely JoyFulcher, Arlene Warmbrand and Rita. Ihope you are all well.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 11,1969 and I have noted the contents. Thepicture of Vasudeva exchanging the babiesis not correct because Nanda Maharajshould not be in this scene. Vasudev silentlyexchanged babies with the sleepingYasoda, and neither Yasoda nor NandaMaharaj knew about this till long after.Yasoda had just given birth to her girlbaby, and having fell asleep right after thisbirth, she did not even know that the childshe had given birth to was a girl. So pleasecorrect this error somehow. In the meantimeI am awaiting the other paintingswhich are sending to me in Los Angeles.Hope this meets you in very good health.Your e\Ter well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-31Los Angeles18th January, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 11,1969 and have carefully noted the contents. From this letter I can understandthat texts number 6 and 7 are missing inthe manuscript of the third canto whichyou have in Boston. The original manuscriptis in New York, and when I gothere, maybe in April, I will find this foryou. In the meantime, you may skip fourpages for these missing texts and continuenumbering after skipping four numberswhich will be filled in latter. Convey myblessings to the three girls who are newly69-1-32Los Angeles18th January, 1969My Dear Balai,Please accept my blessings. It was agreat pleasure to receive your letter ofJanuary 14, 1969. Ihope that by the Graceof Krishna you will have a very nice childnext month, and my blessings are alwaysthere.You have wished me to live until all ofmy publications are finished, and I thankyou very much for these good wishes.May it be fulfilled by the good will of all ofmy disciples. Thanking you again for yourkind letter.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JANUARY, 1969 68369-1-33 Los Angeles18th January, l969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowlooge receipt of your letter of January14, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. In my previous letter to you Iinquired about the invoice sent by UnitedShipping Corp., but I have received no informationabout this from you. Please informme in this connection in your nextletter. I want to know whether thefrom them$250.00?Regarding Nara Narayan, I never advisedhim to organize a Samkirtan Partyin New York. From the very beginning hewas entrusted to cast Radha-Krishna murtisin brass. He tried it in so many ways butit was not practical. So at the present momenthe is engaged there in preparing adias and decorations for the temple. Thatshould be his business. Next, if it is possible,let him cast some plaster of ParisRadha-Krishna murtis of the size you havegot in the New York temple. If not, he maygo for a few days to New Vrindaban andmake schemes and plans for residentialquarters and press accommodations, etc.If possible, Advaita may also go with himfor a few days. In this connection correspondencemay be opened with Hayagrivaand Kirtanananda.Regarding the press, as Advaita wantsa little more time, so we should wait stillfor a few months more until he is confidentto take the responsibility. Regardingthe place for situating the press, in myopinion New Vrindaban is the best place.But I have no objection if it is started inany other place. But all circumstances andconditions must be taken into considerationbefore a final decision is madewhere to start the press. In New Vrindabanit is simply a question of providing asuitable place. I think that if we spend$1,000.00 for this purpose a very nice accommodationcan be constructed there forlocating our press. Whereas if we start insome city like New York or Los Angeles,for such accommodation we have to paynot less than $500 rent per month. So byspending two months rent we can have ourown place with facility for further expansion.So these things have to be considered.There is now ample time, at leastfour months, so we should carefully thinkover these things.I have seen the lotus sign with the wordIskcon on it, and I think that it is not acceptable.This is because one does notknow where to start reading the letters. Ifyou like to make a lotus flower for this, Ihave enclosed one picture which I havedrawn and which you may consider. ButRadha-Krishna must also appear on thisletterhead.Regarding the house in North Carolina,if Patit Uddharan's mother gives uspermission to stay in this house for threemonths without any rent, then we canmake an experiment. If this experiment issuccessful we can continue, otherwise weshall vacate the house. But also we mustfind a suitable person to go there. If sheagrees, we can begin to make arrangements.Our publication project is to finish SrimadBhagawatam. If we publish one volumefor one canto, still it will not be lessthan 12 volumes. Besides this we haveNectar of Devotion and two or three morebooks. This means all together anotherfourteen of fifteen volumes at utmost. Ofcourse this will take time, but it is our ambition.If the MacMillan Company is interested,they can immediately publish atleast one volume of Srimad Bhagawatamto make an experiment. They can eitherprint the second canto in one volume, orthe first canto may be edited by Hayagriva

684 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>into one voume. So if they like, we canimmediately hand over to them thesemanuscripts.You are correct in your estimationthat Dai Nippon is not to be blamed. It isour blame. In future we shall be carefuland take into writing how much time theywill take for each volume. When youprint from Dai Nippon, the size of thebooks will be the same as Teachings ofLord Chaitanya, but the pages will befrom 350 to 400 pages. So you can try fofix up the time. Formerly they agreed tofix up their price at $5000. So immediatelyyou make an understanding withthem that just after receipt of Teachingsof Lord Chaitanya we will submit a manuscriptof some other book. So bothMacMillan and Dai Nippon should beutilized in this way, and as soon as weliave our own press we shall divert ouractivities in this direction. I think this arrangementwill be nice.I have seen your circular about themailing list and it is very nice. I have alreadyasked Tarnal Krishna to take the addressesof persons who are purchasingour Back To Godhead magazine. Thisidea is very nice.Regarding Gargamuni's touring trip,he can take whomever he likes. If he findssomebody disturbing, this person neednot be taken. But Gargamuni should notgo alone-somebody must accompanyhim.Bali Mardan has written to me to suggestthat he begin working immediately toraise money for the book fund, but I thinkthat first he may finish his schooling andthen immediately begin working to raisemoney for our books.Please keep me informed on the abovepoints. I hope this finds you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-34 Los Angeles18th January, 1969My Dear Sri Balmukundji,Please accept my greetings. I beg tothank you very much for your kind letterof January 14 , 1969. There is a verse inSrimad Bhagawatam which says:Yasya Asti Bhakti Bhagavati AkinchanaSarvai Gunais Tatra Samasate SurahHarou Abhoktasya Kuto Mahata GunahHanorathena Asato Dhavata BhaihThe purport is that if somebody acquiresKrishna Consciousness, then all ofthe good qualities of the demigods developin his person. On the other hand,what is the value of all kinds of materialqualifications for a person who is not inKrishna Consciousness? His only businessis to hover on the mental speculativeplane, and he is sure to come back down tothe platform of the material external energy.So I am very glad and proud that youhave so much appreciated the character,discipline and devotional service to theLord of my six young disciples who areworking there with faith and confidence.You will be pleased to know that all ofdisciples are trained from the beginning tobuild up character, and such character isbuilt up by following the restrictions of noillicit sexual connections, no meat-eating,no intoxication, and no gambling. So thisKrishna Consciousness movement ismeant for a complete overhauling of thewhole social, political, religious, moral,educational, and hygienic principles.Human society without following theseprinciples cannot rise to the spiritual platform.As an Indian, Hindu, educated gentleman,it is not unknown to you how theseprinciples were active in India even 50years ago. Gradually things are deteriorating,and the cause of all unhappiness inthe modem human society is this lack of

JANUARY, 1969 685Krishna Consciousness. By the Grace ofKrishna there is no scarcity of anything inthis world, but there is a scarcity ofKrishna Consciousness. Therefore thereis a great necessity of spreading this transcendentalmessage all over the world. Itis very encouraging to me that you arenow in London as a retired gentleman andyour cooperation in this movement will behighly effective. I hope that by this timeyou have already secured my book, BhagavadGita As It Is, and there are otherbooks also. If you will kindly join ourmovement it will surely be a great stride.My students there are awaiting the opportunitywhen I shall be coming to London.In the meantime, please try to helpthem in establishing a temple for Radha­Krishna. They are already advanced inthis attempt, and try to coordinate themembers of all other Hindu centers in thisgreat attempt.In varnaprastha life, one can live withhis wife without any sexual connection,and the most important factor in all ordersof life-brahmachary, grihastha, varnaprastha,and sannyas-is to chant the HareKrishna Mantra. This is the basic principle,and for more detailed informationplease keep in touch with me, and I shallbe glad to serve you to my best capacity.Thank[PAGE MISSING]69-1-35Los Angeles18th January, 1969My Dear Vaikunthanath,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of January11 , 1969, and I thank you so much forit. It was very encouraging. On the verymoment I received your letter there wasanother letter from Jayagovinda, and I hadbeen very much shocked by this letter. Butat the same time, when I read your letter itcounter-acted this shock. So I thank youagain for this letter. Please try to materializethis idea into practical shape, and Iknow that Krishna will help you for yoursincere endeavors.I hope this finds you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-36Los Angeles19th January, 1969My Dear Anuradha,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 14,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.I am so glad to learn that you and__ are well and comfortable in SanFrancisco. I think that your child is verynice, and Krishna has given him a greatopportunity to perfect himself in spirituallife because He has placed him under thecare of a mother who is a sincere devotee.Try to help him grow up peacefully inKrishna Consciousness, and Krishna willcertainly smile upon you for your efforts. Iam well aware that you are a good, sinceresoul, so continue in this way and surelyyour life will be successful.Regarding the Brijbasi picture that yousent me, the story is that when MaharajYuddhisthir was declared king, he wasperforming the Rasuya Yajna ceremony.In this ceremony Krishna was elected asthe President to preside over the meeting.Sisupal was a rival of Krishna, and instultedKrishna with vile words at thisceremony. Arjuna's youngest brother, Sahadeva,became so angry at this that hewas ready to attack Sisupal, but he was restrainedby both Krishna and Arjuna. Thisis the explanation of the picture.

686 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptidaThe term Devi Dasi may be used for eithermarried or unmarried female devotees.I thank you once more for informingme of your well-being. I hope this meetsyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamipractically see how your life will increasingbecome more and more sublime. Ihope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-38Los Angeles21stJanuary, 196969- 1-37 Los Angeles21st January, 1969My Dear Mark Buchwald,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your nice letter of January19, 1969, and I have carefully read thecontents. You have stated that you havespent twenty two years of my life in thedarkness of ignorance, and actually untilany person has come to the standard ofKrishna Consciousness he is supposed tobe considered as being covered by ignorance.There are different degrees of ignorancehowever, and to come to thehighest perfectional platform of knowledgeis to surrender fully to the Lotus Feetof Krishna.Because you have asked me to assignyou to some duty, I think that your firstduty is to regularly attend all of ourclasses. Chant Hare Krishna as long aspossible, and try to help in the activities ofthe te mple. Also, we have got so many literaturesand books for sale, so if you canhelp in selling these books and magazinesthat will be a great help.You have also consulted me for adviceabout some of your personal problems,and I think that for these matters youshould consult Hansadutta to help youwork out some solution. Things will beshaped as Krishna desires. I thank youagain for the kind sentiments expressed byyou in your letter. If you simply stick withKrishna Consciousness you will veryMy Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 18, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. Regarding the house,you must know that it is in a residentialarea, and I don't know if you can get a licensefor a temple there. In the presentte mple, there is no temple license but wehave freedom to chant and dance as welike. However, if we chant and dance inthis new house I am wondering if theneighbors will not object.Without any license you will have tostop kirtans immediately if this shouldhappen. In my apartment on the samestreet as the new house I had the experiencethat one day there was playing of themridunga and immediately there was objection.So these things must be carefullyconsidered before making a final decision.Also, because there are several newpeople coming to kirtans there, you mustbe sure that there is ample room for themto be comfortable. Anyway, before there isa final settlement of this house affair,please hold a meeting amongst yourselvesto discuss this matter further. The meetingshould include Janardan, Dyal Nitai, Jayapataka,etc. Already you have a very nicetemple on Park Avenue so before youmake any plans to change this you mustmake sure that this move is very carefullythought out.Regarding Brahma Samhita, this bookshall be included in the examination of the

JANUARY, 1969 687second year along with Srimad Bhagawatam.I don't know why you are so concernedwith starting with the BhaktiRasamrita Sindhu already. First studycarefully the Bhagavad Gita As It Is . Thisis the most important book for you to learnat first. I am pleased to learn that EveLevine is expert typist, and that she iswilling to begin typing the Vedanta Sutras.She will require a dicta phone for thiswork, and I would like to know if there isone available for her. Also, I am very encouragedto learn that Jayapataka hastaken the initiative to look for kirtan engagementsfor your temple. He is a verygood boy and you should encourage himto do this important assignment verynicely.So far as the 24" murtis which GopalKrishna has agreed to donate, I have informationthat They will cost about$250.00 including the cost of shipping upto Montreal. So either Gopal Krishna maywrite to his father or else he may donatethe money to the temple and we shall getthe murtis from Vrindaban. RegardingHimavati's visit home, if it becomes necessary,the idea is all right.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this meets you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-392lst January, 1969My Dear Gurudas and Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge both of your letters dated14, January 1969 as well as one letterfrom Gurudas dated 16, January 1969with enclosed a picture and newspapercuttings . This picture is undoubtedly veryunique because perhaps in the history ofthe world it is for the first time that Westernboys and girls in the dress of pureVaishnavas are chanting on the street of avery important quarter of the greatest cityin the world, London. So by the Grace ofKrishna you are all six together doing verynice Krishna Consciousness activities,and I am so much pleased. In your letter Ican understand that people from manyimportant cities of Europe and Africa aretaking part in our Samkirtan movement,and you have got continuous engagementsalmost every night. This is very much·encouraging.I am so glad to understand that as soonas your finances are almost depleted,Krishna sees to everything. This is theprocess of Krishna Consciousness. If weare sincere, Krishna will supply us withall necessities of life. When we servesome mundane master, he gives us sufficientsalary, so when we serve the SupremeMaster, how it is possible that Hewill keep us fasting? Actually due to ourlack of Krishna Consciousness sometimeswe become disturbed with shortage offunds. But we should be confident that ournecessities will certainly be fulfilled bythe Supreme Lord. The same incidentsometimes happens in New York temple.When there is a shortage of funds, sometimesthey find money accidentally withoutknowing the source.I have received report from Mr. Parikhand others that they are enamored by yourbehavior, your character, and your devotion.In the newspaper cuttings also theygave such hints. In other words, everyoneis appreciating your presentation. Pleasekeep up this standard of behavior. Do notmake any artificial discrepancies amongstyourselves because you are acting on ave ry responsible business. Perhaps youknow that there are many political partiesin a country, but when the country's totalresponsibility has to be executed, they becomecombined. To have some little disagreementsamongst yourselves· is not

688 Letters from Srila Prabhuptldavery unnatural because we are all individualbeings. But as we are all workingon behalf of Krishna we should alwaysforget our personal interests and see to theprime cause.I have noted with great satisfaction theli st of foodstuffs offered on the meetingday, and they were so much appreciated. Ihave not as yet received any letter fromMr. Fakirchand who is interested in startinga temple. I hope this meets you both invery good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1-40Los Angeles21st January, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your undated letter,and also I have seen the nice pictureswhich you have completed for the"Krishna" book. I was very gratified tosee your expert touch in these paintings,and also convey my thanks for Joy Fulcherfor her very nice efforts.Regarding Madhavie Lata, it is verydifficult to get her to be fixed up into doingconstructive work, so I gave her so manypaintings to do to get her to utilize her talentsin Krishna Consciousness. If youwould like her to help you in the paintingsfor the new book, then it is all right, butyou must deal with her very tactfully. Bestthing is that I send suggestions for picturesdirectly to you, and which ever picture shewill do, let her do it. In this way, you cangive her one or two pictures. In the meantime,you and Joy may finish the rest of thepictures, and if she does not finish her assignment,then again you may do it yourself.Certainly she is talented art ist so tryto help her be engaged in this way.Please convey my blessings to the othersthere. I hope this meets you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-4121stJanuary, 1969My dear Kulashekar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 16,1969, and I am so pleased to know thatonce again you are staying at the temple inMontreal. In this age no-one is able to remainaloof from the general human society.Therefore one need not go into theforest in a secluded place to try to makespiritual advancement. Much better ideais that one associate with devotees in theKrishna Consciousness Centres; this willbring better spiritual results than living inthe forest. Krishna Consciousness is possiblewhen one is in association of devotees.alone it is more difficult. Pleasetherefore try to keep yourself always incontact with the Montreal devotees.There is no need to go away. That is notvery good. If you will have any problemsor questions you may write to me and Iwill help you as far as possible.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisherA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1-42 Los Angeles22nd January, 1969My Dear Bilasvigrahadas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 18,1969, and I have noted the contents.You have asked me how one can knowthat Krishna is the Supreme Personality of

JANUARY, 1969 689Godhead? How do you know that thepresident is the supreme person in yourstate? You know this through the governmentorganizations, the constitution papers,and by traditional knowledge.Similarly, to know Who is the SupremePersonality you have to take evidencefrom the Vedic authorities, great personalities,and the Spiritual Master. Otherwise,what is the use of accepting aSpiritual Master if you can not take Hiswords? Your Spiritual Master saysKrishna is the Supreme Personality ofGodhead, Krishna says He is the SupremePersonality of Godhead, all the Vedic literaturesays that Krishna is the SupremePersonality of Godhead. All great authoritieslike Narada, Vya sadev, Lord Chaitanya,Siddhanta Saraswati, BhaktivinodeThakur, Arjuna, and what to speak of thecountless others say that Krishna is theSupreme Personality of Godhead. So tounderstand these authorities you have tofollow in their footsteps. You cannot speculateupon Krishna, neither can you everknow Him by such speculations. You cansimply use your judgement submissively;that is all, and this cannot be done in achallenging spirit. Lord Jesus Christ alsosaid that the Kingdom of God is only forthe humble and meek.In regard to your next question, self realizationmeans God realization, and Godrealization means self realization. Justlike to see the sun means to see oneself,and to see oneself means to see the sun.Self realization depends completely uponGod realization, or else it is not complete.One must know his relationship to the AbsoluteTruth to fully know his position.The mayavadi school simply discernsspirit from matter, but that is not UltimateKnowledge. One should know the differentmanifestations of the spirit also. Thehighest manifestation of the spirit soul isthe Supreme Personality of Godhead,Lord Krishna.In this age the mind is so much agitatedthat it cannot be fixed up on the SupremeObjective. Real meditation means to fixup the mind on Krishna or on Krishna'sExpansion, Lord Vishnu. The modem socalledmeditater has no information ofKrishna or Vishnu. They try to meditateon something void or impersonal which issimply troublesome. It is clearly stated inthe Bhagavad Gita that those attached tothe impersonal feature have their path tobe very, very troublesome. Not only inthis age when everything is troublesome,but it was so in former ages also, so whatto speak of this age. Therefore, in this age,to fix up your ears upon the tr anscendentalvibrations of Hare Krishna is the highestform of meditation, and the only onewhich will prove feasible for you. We mayor may not condemn the impersonalists,but they are already condemned by LordKrishna in the Bhagavad Gita.Actually, there is nothing wrong withyou because you have already come to theplatform of Krishna Consciousness. Onlyby the influence of your past habits is ittaking perhaps more time for you to adjustthings. I hope that by the Grace of Krishnayou will stick rigidly to chanting your 16rounds or more daily. This will solve all ofyour questions. Try to engage yourself inthe service of Krishna and everything willbe revealed to you without fail.Your ever well-wisherA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-43Los Angeles23rdJanuary, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January14, 1969 , and I have noted the contents. Iam pleased to note that you enjoy goingout into the streets chanting and preachingfrom Bhagavad Gita. This is a very good

690Letters from Srfla Prabhuplldaattitude and in accordance with the teachingsof Lord Chaitanya that the process ofSamkirtan should be presented to men allover the world. So as you are able youshould continue to go into the streets tochant, and I am sure that the others at yourtemple will appreciate going with you asthey are available. Surely this practicewill attract many people there to takesome interest in this Krishna Consciousnessmovement.Regarding your request for cooking information,it is best if you will consultYamuna Dasi in London. She is very expertcook, and will be able to answer anyquestions you have regarding. prasadampreparations. I understand that Yamunahas written a recipe book which they aretrying to have printed in London soon, sothis also will be available to help you inthis connection.Regarding serving your godbrothers,this is a very good practice. The SpiritualMaster is never without His followers, soto serve the Spiritual Master also means tobe the servant of His disciples. When youwant to serve the king, you must also servehis minister, secretary, and everyone whoserves him. And to serve his servants mayplease him more than to serve the kingpersonally. So the Spiritual Master is notalone. He is always with His entourage.We are not impersonalists. We take care ofevery part of the whole, as much as oneshould take care of his hat as well as hisshoes. Both are equally important for theupkeep of the body. I hope that you willunderstand this rightly.It is important that we preach the messageof Krishna Consciousness exactly aswe have heard it from our Spiritual Master.The same philosophy and spirit mustbe there exactly. Just like we preach in thiscountry exactly as we have heard from ourSpiritual Master, but there are changesdue to the time, circumstances, and thetrainees. The spirit of the disciplic successionmay not be changed, but there may beadjustments made to suit the special circumstances.Regarding your last question about theimportance of chanting; this chanting processis the only way of attaining fullKrishna Consciousness in this age of kaliyuga. Lord Chaitanya stressed upon thispoint, and we may take it from His authoritythat no other method will prove tobe successful in this matter.So continue to push on our Hamburgcenter as far as possible. You have gone toGermany, not even knowing how to speaktheir language, and you are trying to giveto them the rarest jewel, Krishna Consciousness.I know that Krishna is verypleased with all of your efforts there, andsurely He will give you all facilities tocome out successful in your efforts. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. His Holiness Swami Sadananda, myGerman god-brother may come to seeyou. When he comes offer your respect bybowing down as you do unto me. ACB69-1-44Los Angeles23rd January, 1969My Dear Nara Narayan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 21, 1969, and I thank you verymuch for it. I have heard many nice reportsfrom various parties complimentingthe expert service you are performing inNew York with your carpentry and handymanskills. So I am very pleased to hearthat Krishna has blessed you with a verynice talent, and you are now using itrightly in Krishna Consciousness.Now I have also read in your letterunder reply that you are successfully

JANUARY, 1969 691engaged in Samkirtan Party activities inNew York, and this too is encouraging tohear. So I think that you should be encouragedin this connection, but one thing isthat your Samkirtan activities may go onas long as you are working under the sanctionof Brahmananda, and he finds thereto be no difficulties with this additionaltemple's activity. Samkirtan is very importantservice, so as far as Brahmanandafeels there is no inconvenience upon otherimportant engagements, you may continuein assisting the organizing of theNew York temple's Samkirtan Party.Regarding casting of the Radha­Krishna Deities, I have already instructedyou about casting in plaster of Paris. Thewhole thing is that we wish to have theseDeities nicely done and as soon as possible.So I think that this idea of using plasterof Paris will be very easily and quicklyexecuted. The mold may be made fromthe Deities already in New York, so, as faras I know, this will be the most practicalmethod for seeing this task completed.Thanking you once more for your letterand important work you are sincerelyperforming. I hope this finds you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1 -45Los Angeles23rd January, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 22, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. I can understand fromyour letter that there has been some disagreementsor misunderstandings in thetemple, but I think that you should knowthat all such disturbances must be solvedpeacefully and with consideration of theentire situation. Chidananda is the presidentthere, and I think you understandrightly that everyone mu st cooperate withhi m in keeping the temple nicely andwithout any unnecessary tensions .Any way, if you are feling too much inconveniencestaying in San Francisco ,then you are welcome to come to LosAngeles and stay here with me. But if youcan help to smooth over the difficultiesthere that will be the best thing. You are asincere and intelligent boy, so if you alongwith all of the members combine to cooperatewith one another in our mission ofspreading Krishna Consciousness thatwill be very nice. I am pleased to note thatGirish is progressing nicely under yourgu idance. Our plan for a school is progressingvery well, and already we havemany qualified teachers amongst our discipleswho are looking forward to beginningthis activity there. Next month,Paramananda and hi s wife, Satyabhama,who is a qualified teacher, will be going toNew Vrindaban to stay, and similarlythere are many others who will be goingthere in the near future to start work onthis new venture. So the future of ourmovement will be very bright, and similarlyyour future will be very bright also,so there is no need for you to be depressedabout any previous misunderstandings.Simply you have to remember to chantHare Krishna always, tell others to do thesame, help in all respects to spread theglories of Krishna Consciousness, andcertainly Krishna will help you in your effortsto solve any of the difficulties thatmay be taking place. But if you think thatstaying with me in Los Angeles will bebetter for you then you may consider this.Thanking you once more for your letter.I hope this meets you in good health.Your eve r well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

692 Letters from Srfla Prabhupdda69-1-46 Los Angeles23rd January, 1969My Dear Chidananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January21, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. Since receiving this letter I havelearned that you have decided that it is bestthat you do not leave your position in theSan Francisco temple for the press departmentin New York. I think that this is thecorrect decision because your presence isvery much needed in your temple. I am alwaysglad to know that you are there tohelp manage the affairs of the San Franciscocenter so I am glad that you have decidedto remain there as president. Thereare many places in San Francisco whowill advertise in our Back To Godhead, soas much as possible you may try for this.But one thing is that the brahmacharieswho are there must help in supporting thetemple so you will have adequate time forthis added responsibility upon you. Sothose who are able to earn money for supportingthe temple must assist you in thisconnection.I am very happy to learn that you areseriously negotiating to purchase the newhouse. But one thing is that if for one yearthere are people having regular meeting inour temple room with all of their smokingand other nonsense, I do not think thiswill be very good. In the meantime, youmay continue to make negotiations, but ifthis condition cannot be changed I do notthink the arrangement will be very satisfactory.I am so pleased to learn that Muljibhai is so enthusiastic to help us in purchasingthe.house, and he is anxious to gofrom door to door to raise the money forhelping in this way. Please encourage himbecause even this one building is not suitablethen surely Krishna will supply uswith some other house for our templeactivities.So I am fully aware that you are workingvery sincerely in Krishna Consciousness,and when difficulties arise you mustsimply remember to continue to dependupon Krishna, and He will supply youwith the intelligence to solve any problems.You have already proven yourself asa very nice servitor of Lord Chaitanya andI am alway s praying to Him that He willallow you to advance more and more inHis eternal service.Please continue to keep me informedabout the activities in your temple. I hopethis will meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-47Los Angeles24thJanuary, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of 20, January,1969, and I have noted the contents. Youhave written that you are unable to find agirl who is available for marriage, and sofor the present, you have no choice but tohold off on your marriage plans. Any way,I always recommend that one should try toremain brahmachary if possible, and ifyou think that this will be possible for you,you should try for it.In your letter you have asked manyquestions, and I will try to answer themfor you herewith. Firstly, the GayatriMantra is not to be said loudly. Gayatmeans to sing, but singing can be doneloudly or very softly. The Gayatri Mantrashould be sung in a low whispering voice.Regarding the Brahman Pucha stages, thismatter is described in the 13th chapter ofBhagavad Gita As It Is. So far as the 10sense organs, they are eyes, ears, nose,mouth, touch, these are the five sense organsfor acquiring knowledge. The fivemoving organs are the legs, hands,

JANUARY, 1969 693tongue, genital, and rectum. Five objectsof the senses are beauty, taste, smell,sound, and touch. The five gross elementsare earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Thefour subtle elements are mind, ego, intelligence,and consciousness. Above theseis the soul, and above the soul is the Supersoul.In tending the deities, you may washBalarama first, before washing Krishna.Krishna is always non-different from thedeity of Krishna. Regarding your requestfor the Brihat-Sama mantra, this may begiven, but a much better proposal is thatyou concentrate upon improving thequality of your chanting of Hare KrishnaMantra. This is more important considerationfor the present time.Regarding the wife of the SpiritualMaster being considered as mother, thisapplies when the Spiritual Master is notsannyas and he has a wife.I hope that the above will clear up all ofyour questions. Please convey my blessingsto the other devotees in the Seattlecenter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-l-48Los Angeles24th January, 1969My Dear Himavati ,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter of January 1 6,1969 , and I thank you very much for this.The deity clothing that you have sent areall very beautiful, and everything is fittingjust rightly. Regarding your thoughts ofseparating from your husband, I do notthink this is a very good plan. You shouldalways live with your husband and helphim with his personal comforts, and hewill look after your all necessities of life.There is no question of separation. Bymutual agreement and advancement ofKrishna Consciousness you can stop sexlife, but there is no question of separation.Separation is artificial. As Hansadutta advancesin Krishna Consciousness then byhis company you will also profit. So thehusband and wife are mutually beneficial.This idea of separation was developedalso in Govinda Dasi, but I have sent herback to her husband, and she is now followingmy instructions. There is no questionof separation between husband andwife until the time when the husband takessannyas. At that time the wife cannot remainwith the husband. Even in varnaprasthastage, or retired life, the wiferemains with the husband, but withoutany sex relations.Regarding your keeping private deities,if you will have time it is all right, butthe same energy can be utilized in thetemple for decorating, dressing, cleaning,cooking. Actually, every day the dressshould be changed with new ornaments,clothes, flower garlands. So we can increaseeven in one place the activities ofdeity worship. If you are having free time,I can give you a very grand list of activitiesfor deity worship which will keep you occupiedfor twenty four hours each day.Regarding your question about thehusband becoming the Spiritual Master ofthe wife, anyone who can give instructinin spiritual life is treated as Spiritual Master.There are two kinds of Spiritual Master,initiator and instructor. So thehusband can help the wife as instructor.So far as the money which is owed toNew York temple, I never suggested thatyou should send deity clothing for payment.But if Montreal owes $500 to NewYork then it must be payed, if not at atime, then gradually. That is your mutualaccount. If you actually owe some moneyto New Yo rk then you must try to pay it. Ifyou are unable to pay, then I shall askBrahmananda to square up the account, orif need be, I shall pay it from my book

694 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupildafund for you. So don't worry about it.There should be no misunderstanding onthis point. It is departmental managementonly. The government has so many departments.One department pays anotherso there is no question of misunderstandingbecause you are all working forKrishna. In any case, the $500, if Montrealtemple is unable to pay, then I shallask Brahmananda to square it up, or ifneed be, I shall pay it.Regarding your questions about theexaminations to be given, the girls willalso be able to take these. In Krishna Consciousnessthere is no distinction betweengirls and boys. The girls also may becomepreachers if they are able.Once again I thank you for the nicedeity clothings and for your letter. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-49 Los Angeles24thJanuary, 1969My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January21 , 1969, and I have carefully read thecontents. Regarding your plan for marryingwith Kanchanbala, I do not think thatthere is any immediate emergency forfinding some one to replace you on theBack To Godhead staff. You have mentionedin your letter that Kanchanbala willnot be available until at least the month ofJune for marriage, so there is no necessityfor bothering about this for now. By thattime or soon after there may be arrangementsmade where you can continue yourwork for the press department as well assupport a wife. If the press operation canbe moved to New Vrindaban then that willbe the best arrangement for you becauseyou could live there without any worriesabout rent. So for the time being go onwith your work as usual and dont botheryouself with this matter.Regarding your question about why wedress the Deities in very opulent fashionand not as simple cowherds boy and girl,this is an intelligent question and the answeris that according to the regulativeprinciples we cannot worship Radha­Krishna now. Radha-Krishna worship ismeant for persons who have already developedspontaneous love of God. In thetraining period we are only worshippingLaxmi-Narayan. We worship Radha­Krishna because Laxmi-Narayan is therealso, but actually we do not worshipRadha-Krishna with our present Deityceremonies; we are worshipping Laxmi­Narayan. Narayan is there when Krishnais there, but actually we do not worshipRadha-Krishna in Their Original Form.This is why we should worship Radha­Krishna in Their Laxmi-Narayan featurewith all respect and reverence. If we deviatefrom this standard then we shall beprakrita sahagia, or a person who takesthings very cheap. We worship Laxmi­Narayan, and because Radha-Krishna includesLaxmi-Narayan, there is noneccessity of installing a Laxmi-NarayanDeity. It is just like a king who is engagedin administering justice. Actually thatbusiness belongs to the justice department.But what is that justice department?It is all part of the kings energy, and theking also has the power to execute thisfunction.Regarding the blood and puss from thesky during the battle between Baraha andHiranyaka, you should know that ifKrishna desires blood, puss, fire, orwhatever He desires may fall down fromthe sky.So far as old copies of Back To Godheadwhich you have enquired about, I do

JANUARY, 1969 695not know where they all are. Either theyare in my room in India or they are lost.Please convey my blessings to theother devotees of New York. I hope thiswill meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamisecond question, the other names ofKrishna which you have mentioned, suchas Gopala and Govinda are as powerful asthe name Krishna.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-50 Los Angeles25thJanuary, 1969My Dear Mahapurusha,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January18, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am very pleased to note thatthe newspaper article which you hadhelped arrange has resulted in much interestin our movement in Hawaii. It is alsovery encouraging to note that you are goingout into the streets to chant and preachto the people there. This is a very goodpolicy, and as far as possible you shouldcontinue to go out and let the local inhabitantsof Hawaii become very familar withthe sound of Hare Krishna Mantra. Thiswill insure the success of our center there,and it is also very pleasing to Krishna tosee His devotee taking courage in this way.So by no means should you give up thisvery nice activity.Regarding your questions, the socalledlove which goes on in the materialworld is simply a perverted form of dasyarasa. Everything in this world is a pervertedform of rasa. Just like Yasoda isloving Krishna as her Son. So this is vatsalyarasa, parental love. When Krishna isseparate from Yasoda, she cried for wholelife and thus became blind. In this worldthere is not a single instance where amother has suffered so much in separationfrom her son. Therefore, it is pervertedreflection of the real love. Regarding your69-1-5125th January, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of January22, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith great pleasure. You havewritten to say that Londonders there areall so very anxious to meet me, so I amalso very much anxious to meet you andthe Londoners. Therefore it is the bestthing that the five-story house which youhave described in the letter under replymay be immediately occupied.* You canoffer the best reasonable rent, and you cantake the risk depending upon Krishna. Ifthe Beatles come forward, you can takethe risk. I hoep that Mr. Parikh, who is aveteran educationist, can help you verymuch in this connection. I am very muchpleased that he is also on the board ofmanagers committee.Your Samkirtan Movement there isgrowing in popularity, and therefore youmust immediately have a nice place. Ithink that for this purpose the five-storybuilding is quite suitable. The first floorcan be used as a meeting room or kirtanhall. The second floor can be used as templeroom. The third floor can be used forprasadam distribution. The fourth andfifth may be used for residence and propagandaoffice.Now the legal document of incorporationunder the comany act has been examinedby me, and I think that it is all right. I

696 Letters from Srrla Prabhuptldahave made a little change somewhere, andyou can do the needful. So by showing thislegal document, you can immediately occupysome magnificent temple house.Regarding your seeking publication ofEasy Journey to Other Planets, I am veryglad to hear this, and I understand thatKirtanananda Swami has a nicely editedcopy of this. I have already asked him tosend me this copy, and when I examine it,I will send it immediately to you. In themeantime you can finalize the negotiation.So I am very pleased with the goodnews your letter has brought. I hope thiswill meet all of you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: There is a Mr. Ivan Levine in theMontreal temple who is, I understand anexpert trumpeteer. He may be interestedin joining you in London with his wife, aftertheir initiation probably, to join you inyour musical activities in London. I haveadvised him to write to you about this.* If the opening ceremony is made on the7th of February 1969 the appearance dayof my Spiritual Master, then it will be agrand success.69-1-52 Los Angeles25thJanuary, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 18, January1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. I am encouraged to know thatyou are very enthusiastic about our projectsfor developing New Vrindaban. Sofar as the school goes, we have many qualifiedteachers, and they are all enthusiasticabout going there and beginning theirteaching work. The only thing is that thereis as of yet no place to accomodate theseteachers. So as soon as these facilities areconstructed we can at once start at fullforce in setting up our Krishna Consciousnessschool program.You have asked some questions, and Iwill answer them herewith. The firstquestion is, "When making aratik offerings,is it proper to meditate on the differentparts of the Lord's Body?" Theanswer is that there is no need to meditatein that way. The Lord is actually there withyou, and you are seeing all of His parts ofthe Body, so there is no need to meditate inthat way . In regard to the other questions,food should be offered before aratik. Inthe morning, after aratik, you can offersome food and then perform kirtan.Regarding your question about the disicplicsuccession coming down from Arjuna,it is just like I have got my disciples,so in the future these many disciples mayhave many branches of disciplic succession.So in one line of disciples we maynot see another name coming from a differentline. But this does not mean thatperson whose name does not appear wasnot in the disciplic succession. Naradawas the Spiritual Master of Vyasadeva,and Arjuna was Vyasadeva's disciple, notas initiated disciple but there was someblood relation between them. So there isconnection in this way , and it is not possibleto list all such relationships in the shortdescription given in Bhagavad Gita As ItIs . Another point is that disciplic successiondoes not mean one has to be directly adisciple of a particular person. The conclusionswhich we have tried to explain inour Bhagavad Gita As It Is is the same asthose conclusions of Arjuna. Arjuna acceptedKrishna as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead, and we also accept thesame truth under the disciplic successionof Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Things equalto the same thing are equal to one another.This is an axiomatic truth. So there is nodifference of opinion of understandingKrishna between ourselves and Arjuna.

JANUARY, 1969 697Another example is that a tree has manybranches, and you will find one leaf hereand another leaf there. But if you take thisleaf and the other leaf and you press themboth, you will see that the taste is thesame. The taste is the conclusion, andfrom the taste you can understand thatboth leaves are from the same tree.Regarding the problem with your father,it is not good to fight with one's father,but if he is not going to give you themoney, it may be necessary to take legalsteps. Since the money is to be used inKrishna's service, you should try to get it.I have heard from Shama Dasi that shehas infected her finger, and I will be gladto know of the particulars so I may giveher advice in this matter. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I understand from Hayagriva that youhave at New Vrindaban an edited manuscriptof Easy Journey To Other Planets.Send this copy to me immediately becausein London, Mukunda is attempting to havethis published and I would like to read theedited version and send it on to him. So faras your idea of editing the lectures whichyou started to edit in Montreal, the idea isvery nice. ACBP. S. You will be pleased to know that Ihave got now my immigration visa card(_ Blue Card) ACB69-1-53Los Angeles25thJanuary, 1969My Dear Mr. Levine,Please accept my blessings. I am sopleased to read your letter of January 21,1969 and to learn of your sincere eagernessto serve Krishna in the best capacityof your talents . There is a Sanskrit proverbthat says that there is not any betterknowledge than to become a musician.Our Krishna Consciousness movement ispractically based upon music and dancing.If by your exceptional qualities youcan help in this movement, I think youhave been sent by Krishna Himself to helpme in this connection. I have one nice disciple,Michael Grant (Mukunda dasAdhikary) who is a very good composerof Western music. He was earning lots ofmoney in New York as a professional musicteacher, but since he has become mydisciple he has dedicated his life for propagatingthis movement along with hiswife. I shall be glad if you immediatelycontact him in London at the following address:22 Betterton Street, London WC 2,England. I have got a very ambitious programto organize a nice Samkirtan Partyboth in Oriental and Occidental sty le, sothat we can thus attract all classes of peoplein the world to Krishna Consciousness.Very nice arrangements are beingmade in this connection under the leadershipof Michael Grant. Please contact himsoon. I am also sending him a note aboutyou.Regarding your initiation, you have todecide yourself whether both you andyour wife can follow our four disciplinaryprinciples. I do not know if you are able toabide by these principles immediately.Otherwise there is no objection in thematter of initiating a good soul like you.Please convey my blessings to yourwife. I hope this will meet both of you invery good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-54 Los Angeles25th January, 1969My Dear Kedar Mataji,Please accept my greetings and blessingsof Sri Sri Kishori Raman. I wrote toKrishna Prasad Bhargava about these

698 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>murtis for free donation. As you knowthat I am trying to establish many templesof Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in the Westernworld. I think that devotees of LordKrishna in India should come forward andcooperate with my missionary activities.Krishna Prasadji donated one pari of SriMurtis for our New York temple, and Iwished that many other rich merchants ofIndia who are devotees of Lord Krishnamay contribute a pair of 24" high Radha­Krishna murtis for installing in varioustemples here. You should also come forwardto cooperate with this movement. Iam already getting murtis 24" high at arate which is almost 50% less than theprice quoted by you. If you therefore wishto cooperate with this great adventure,you shall not please try to make any profitout of it. You simply cooperate with me insupply ing murtis at the rate which I am alreadypurchasing. We do not require anyclothings because our devotees here arenow expert in making nice clothings.What you have to do is to purchase thedeities, pack Them in nice wooden boxessecurely, and dispatch to Calcutta to ourshipping agents. We have arrangementswith Scindia Steam Navigation Co. tocarry our temple goods free of charge.You will be pleased to note that I haveestablished temples in the following importantplaces: London, Hamburg, NewYork, San Francisco, Hawaii, Montreal,Vancouver, Boston, etc. In each of thesetemples we will require one pair of deities.Besides that, we have secured about140 acres of land in West Virginia wherethe scheme is to construct 7 temples. Wewish to develope a township there calledNew Vrindaban for our growing KrishnaConscious community. Similarly, an attemptis being made in England also forwhich we are requesting legal documents.So I hope you will cooperate with us, andinduce others to cooperate with this movement.The Americans have enoughmoney to purchase the deities, but I wishthat the Krishna devotees of India shouldcome forward and cooperate with thismovement by contributing pairs of deities.I shall be glad to hear from you soon.Sincerely,A.C. Bhaktivedanta69-1-5525th January, 1969My Dear Jagannathan Prabhu,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to thank you very much for your sendingme the copies of your books __and your letter dated January 20, 1969. Ihave noted the contents very carefully. Ihave immediately upon receipt handedover the books to my editorial assistants,and I shall duly inform you about theiropinion for publishing them in this country.I think it may take at least one monthto let you know their decision. I have receivednews from Vancouver that our godbrotherSadanandaji Swami (formerlybrahmachary Earnest Schulze) who is inGermany now has enquired from a friendabout my address, and he wants to meetmy disciples in our German Hamburgcenter. I do not know his address, but I amexpecting his letter very soon. When Ihear from him I shall let you know.My sister from Calcutta has addressedme one letter that she has heard by somesource that I am coming to Mayapur duringthe great festival. This means thatsome of our godbrothers and sisters maybe expecting me during the ensuing festivalthere. But till now I have heard nonews from Tirtha Maharaj .Hoping this will meet you in goodhealth. Thanking you once more for yourletter and books.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: The set of books may also be sent to

JANUARY, 1969 699Brahmananda das Brahmachary c/o InternationalSociety for Krishna Consciousness,61 Second Avenue, New York, NY1000369-1-56Los Angeles26th January, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of dated January22, 1969, and I am pleased to send herewithyour beads duly chanted upon by me.Your spiritual name is Arundhuti whichmeans the great star. It is the name of thewife of Vasistha, a great devotee ofKrishna.I am very pleased to know that you aretaking a very sincere interest in perfectingyour life in Krishna Consciousness. Youare fortunate to have the association ofyour godsister, Jadurany, and I am surethat she, along with the other devotees inthe Boston temple will be able to help youin many ways. Be sure to chant your sixteenrounds daily and read one chapter ofBhagavad Gita As It Is, one chapter daily.Folow the four regulative principlesstrictly, and I am sure that Krishna willsee that your life quickly becomes moreand more happy in devotional service.The attitude which you expressed is verynice, and please continue to develop thisattitude always.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-57 Los Angeles26th January, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I was verypleased to read your letter of January 19,1969. I know that you will always bethinking of me as you described in yourletter because you are so affectionate tothis poor old man. And by your sincere affectionyou have also made me think ofyou how you are doing there in Hawaii. Iunderstand from your letter and fromGoursundar's letter also that you are nowengaged as a nice housewife. It is a greatpleasure for me to know this. In London,the six couples who are working very hardthere have been very much appreciated bythe people of London, and their character,behavior, and devotion are attracting sincerepeople to our movement. I want similarthousands of couples for my disciplesto propagate our movement throughoutthe world. You can always help me in thismatter because you are an intelligent girland you have many talents. So you can utilizeyour god-gifted qualities for utilizingin Krishna Consciousness.So far as my taking botheration incoming to your country, I must take thisso-called botheration for Krishna. Butwhat botheration I have taken? You knowthat the Goswamins were ministers in thegovernment's service and they left theirposts for going to Vrindaban and livingthere just like paupers. They producedsuch great literature like Sandarbhas, byJiva Goswami, and Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu,by Rupa Goswami. Apparently theytook so much botheration but they preferredto accept it because they were compassionatefor the suffering humanity.Similarly, Lord Chaitanya is NarayanHimself, and His wife, Vishnupriya, isthe Goddess of Fortune. Lord Chaitanyawas a very learned scholar, a very beautifulyoung brahmin, and He had a very affectionatemother, but Lord ChaitanyaHimself accepted the botheration voluntarilyfor the good of the human societyand all living entities. We should alwaysfollow these footprints-not try to imitate,but to follow the same spirit of

700Letters from Srrla Prabhuptldacompassion for the conditioned soul andtry to help them advance to Krishna Consciousness.Actually in the service ofKrishna there is no botheration. Ratherwe feel more transcendental pleasure. Ihope you will more and more appreciatethis status as you work combinedly withyour very good husband, Goursundar.Regarding your dictaphone work, Ihave got two kinds of tapes. Either you cantype up my lectures (Purushottam has alreadysent you one tape) , or you can dotapes of Chaitanya Charitamrita as youwere doing formerly. But I think thatGoursundar hasn't got sufficient[TEXT MISSING]69-l-58Los Angeles26th January, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of January19, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith care. Regarding the work youhave done on Chaitanya Charitamrita,when they are finished being edited andtyped please send me the copies so I willgive you further work to do with this. Ihave written in Govinda Dasi 's letterabout this which you will please read.Concerning Vamandev's trouble withthe draft, I think that if properly utilized,my certificate of acceptance of a person asstudent of Bhagavad Gita and SrimadBhagawatam may be very helpful inavoiding the draft because recently oneLieutenant Colonel, Mr. Davis, from theSelective Service came to see me aboutour activities, and he is fairly impressed.So I think that if Vamandev presents himselfas a serious student of this institutionhe may not be called. I have a very nicelymade certificate which can be sent to Vamandevif he would like to try for this. RegardingMurlidhar, he is now workinghere, and he is helping to meet the hugeexpenditures of the Los Angeles temple.But I shall see if he cannot be spared aftera few weeks . Let me see how he is doinghere. If he is not very much needed,which I shall know after a few weeks, thenI shall ask him to join you in Hawaii.Please continue to keep me informedof your activities in Hawaii. I hope thiswill meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-59 Los Angeles27th January, 1969My Dear Anuradha Dasi and Tulsi Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of both your letters dated January25, 1969 and January 21, 1969 respectively,and I have carefully noted thecontents in each. You have both expresseda sincere desire to leave San Francisco immediatelyand come to Los Angeles whereyou can share an apartment for both of youand your children. This idea seems to be agood solution to both of your problems,and as soon as you are able you may do it.If neither of you are very peaceful stayingin San Francisco then it is not very goodfor Krishna Consciousness, and I thinkthe conditions will be improved if youcome to Los Angeles. So as you are able, Ishall look forward to seeing you againwith your children in Los Angeles.I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I have placed the peacock featherwhich was sent by Anuradha upon LordJagannath in my altar room, and He islooking very beautiful with it.

JANUARY, 1969 70169- 1 -60Los Angeles28th January, 196969-1-61Los Angeles28th January, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January22, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. From your letter I can understandthat you will no longer be negotiatingfor purchasing the house, and this isall right because I do not think it is verysuitable for a temple.Regarding your question about Vasudeva,the father of Krishna, you shouldunderstand that he is not simply a symbol.The statement made in Srimad Bhagawatamin this connection is meant for understanding,but unless one is in Vasudeva'sposition, it is not possible to understandVasudeva or Krishna. Vasudeva's positionmeans to be situated in pure goodness. Inthe material world, the three modes of naturewhich are named ignorance, passionand goodness, are always found mixed uptogether. In other words, these modes arenever found pure, but if there is one modepresent, there is sure to be at least a tingeof another mode there also. For this reason,we may sometimes see a third classman showing the quality of goodness, andwe·may see a first class man showing hintsof ignorance. The modes are never foundin a pure state in the material world. But inthe Vasudeva stage of pure goodness thereis no contamination from any material influenceof passion or ignorance. Vasudevais never to be understood as being a symbol. You should clearly understand this.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Himavati. I hope this will meetthe both of you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Malati,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter (undated) and Iwas very pleased to note the contents. Regardingthe Radha-Shyama chantingwhich you have heard it is not very good.In our temple, strictly Hare Krishnachanting should be given more importance.This is no harm in this mantra youhave heard, but it is not very important.There are many such common songs composedby common devotees out of sentiment.But our principle is to stick to theauthorities, and always remember thatHare Krishna is the prime authorizedmantra.I am very much encouraged to learnthat you are bold enough to challenge anynon-devotee as you did with that impersonalistyoga student. That should be thetemperament of all our preachers. Weshould not be aggressive, but we shouldnot tolerate any sort of nonsense. Onewho says that God is not merciful becauseHe has made one person happy and onedistressed is most nonsensical. This verystatement affirms that man as a godlessrascal. All of these so-called yogis aretherefore rascals because they have no actualrealization of God. Falsely they thinkthemselves as God, and their associationshould be avoided as far as possible.Regarding this Shyama-Mataji Dasifrom Vrindaban, does she sing HareKrishna Mantra or not? If she chants HareKrishna it is all right, and if she does notchant the Hare Krishna Mantra, youshould ask her why she does not do so. Iam not familiar with her Spiritual Master,Gourangidas, but if he has taught her tosing this Radha-Shyama song, then he alsois not authorized.Thanking you once more for your letter.Please convey my blessings to your

702 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidahusband and child, as well as to all of theother devotees there with you. I hope thiswill meet all of you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-62 Los Angeles28th January, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 22,1969, and I am very encouraged to learnof your nice activities in Hamburg. I amso pleased to know that Uttama Sloka andyourself are now working in the printertrade, and Shivananda is busily engagedin decorating the temple. Similarly, it isvery good that you are holding outside engagementsfor organizations outside ofthe temple and you are meeting with interestedpeople. But perhaps the best news ofall is that soon we shall have our own pressfor printing Krishna Consciousness literaturein the German language. Our-life andsoul is kirtan and presenting literature tothe public at large, and I can understandthat Krishna is dictating to you fromwithin how to carry this out successfully. Ithink that translation work should be doneon such articles that may be included in aGerman edition of Back To Godhead, aswell as my Introduction to Bhagavad GitaAs It Is . I am wondering if there are peoplethere who can speak English with you.Please inform me on this matter.Regarding Jayagovinda, if he is willingto go there, you can deposit the faremoney to the American Express Companyin Hamburg, and the American ExpressCompany in Delhi should deliver toJayagovinda the ticket. But he should notbe sent cash money. Make arrangementsso that, if upon receipt of the ticket he stilldoes not come, the money shall be returnedback only to you in Hamburg. Inthis way make the arrangements.Please convey my blessings toShivananda and Uttama Sloka. I hope youare all very well.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: You may have the ticket for Jayagovindasent to the New Delhi branch ofAmerican Express Company at the followingaddress: American Express,Hamilton House, block "N. ', ConnaughtPlace (tel . 43553). Three hundred andfifty dollars is about 2625 Rupees. I amwriting to Jayagovinda today to give himthis address also.69- l-63Los Angeles28th January, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 24, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with care. Just yesterday I alsoreceived Back To Godhead, no. 22, and itis looking very good. This issue is verynice, and I thank you and all of your hardworkingpress men for their sincere effortsin this connection. I am confidentthat this magaine will be impoving moreand more under your direction.Regarding your need for more manpower,I have already asked Arabinda togo there, and he will be writing to yousoon about this. Regarding the securing ofadvertisements, this responsibility shouldbe divided among three centers, namelyNew York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.Purushottam has already gottensome advertisements for you, and he isteaching Sudama to help him also in Los

JANUARY, 1969 703Angeles. In San Francisco, both Chidanandaand Dindayal will be trying forthis also. In New Yo rk, Gargamuni andNayana Bhiram should work in this wayalso. Nayana Bhiram did nicely in securingadvertisements for this last issue, so Ithink he is skillful enough to be very helpfulfor the next issue also. If advertisementsare sold in many different cities, itwill add prestige to the magazine, becausepeople will see that we are getting advertisementsfrom all over.Similarly, the sales of Back To Godheadshould be divided more evenlyamongst our centers. Not that one or twotemples do all of the selling and all of theothers should simply sleep. Los Angelescan sell 1,500 copies, and similarly, NewYork and San Francisco should sell atleast an equal amount of copies a piece.The other centers should sell the remainderof the copies, and if necessary, youcan print more. Also, you should have thecenters pay for their copies immediatelyupon receipt. If they do not have themoney, then they must secure it by working,but somehow or other this systemmust be introduced so that you will not alwaysbe in financial difficulties for printingfuture issues. Also, I would be verymuch interested to see records of howmuch you are spending and earning inproduction and sales and advertisementsfor Back To Godhead.Thanking you once more for your letterand the very nice new issue. I hope thiswill meet you in improving health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I do not understand why there is noword from you about the Prahlad Maharajpictures which are to be printed here.Please inform Purushottam what is thedifficulty.69-1-64Los Angele&30th January, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. First of allI have to thank you for the desk pen withgolden glories to Guru and Gouranga. It isso nice that I am using it with great pleasure,and you have the blessings of myGuru Maharaj and Lord Gouranga.Regarding the United Shipping Corporation,you had sent me some documentswhich I actually do not understand. Whydid you send them to me? Anyway, I amreturning them to you so you may do theneedful with them .. In the meantime, Ihave sent one letter to a gentleman of theUnited Shipping Corporation, and youwill see one copy of the letter enclosed. Ifthey deal very nicely, you may assurethem we shall send more orders to our differentcenters, and there will be no difficultyfor a letter of credit. But they mustdeal with us very nicely and straightforwardlyso our business connection cancontinue with no difficulty.Our propaganda should be focused onspreading kirtan and distributing literature,books and magazines. The processexperienced now is that after holding kirtan,they are selling magazines and bookssuccessfully. On January 1st, Hayagrivaheld one meeting in Columbia Universitywith 60-65 students present, and after themeeting, 30 copies of Bhagavad Gitawere immediately sold. So we should noworganize in such a way that there shall benice kirtan and attempt for selling ourpublications. My Guru Maharaj indicatedthat the mridunga and the press are themediums of our missionary propagandaactivities, and we shall follow His path inthe same way. We must have large quantitiesof mridungas for vibrating in differentparts of the world and we must distributeour literature also.

704Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>I have received one letter from Hayagrivasaying that he is prepared to investmoney for a press, and he has found out anice two-story house adjacent to our NewVrindaban colony, and the house is on theroadside. The rent is only $260 per year.That is about $22 per month. So in thisway we can immediately start our press. Ithink that our publications should be doneourselves immediately, because neitherMacMillan Company nor Dai Nippon canhelp us rightly. If MacMillan Companypublishes our books, they will ask us tomake contract for purchasing 5000 copies,which I cannot advise as good plan forus. If we have to exert our energy for selling5000 books published by MacMillan,why not publish them ourselves on ourown press and obtain profit for printingnew books? The best thing will be thereforeto organize sales of our books asother publishers are doing. The simpleand approved method is to appoint at least1000 stores and booksellers who agree topurchase at least three copies apiece ofour books as soon as they are published.This means that if we have 1000 dealers,we can immediately sell 3000 copies, andthis will give us sustenance for conductingour publication activities. I do not think itis a very difficult task to appoint such sellingagents throughout the country. Soyourself and Gargamuni should takecharge of this organization, and for pressmanagement others shall take charge. Inthis way, if we can work on our publications,all of our poverty shall immediatelybe subdued. So think over this matter seriously.Immediately consult with Hayagrivafor starting the press. Let us notbother about the Macmillan Company,because they will only try to make conditionsthat we have to purchase 5000 copies.Regarding Bhagavad Gitas which wehave already received from them, I understandthat we have to pay one mature billon February lOth. So this bill we have topay to keep our credit, whether the booksare sold or not. But we should not place asecond order until our present stock ofbooks are finished. If you are in need ofhard covered editions, try to order themwithout taking more soft covered copieswhich can not immediately sell. We haveprepared to take delivery from them of5000 copies, and this we shall do. But weshall order only as our stock is finished.Regarding the second shipping fromUnited Shipping Corp., you should have itsent also to New York. Firstly you may seethe kholes before ordering the preferredinstrument.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. The Press culling sent by you is verynice. Every other organisation has demandfor money for their bogus classesbut we don't demand any money. Peopleshould know this diff erence. I can challengeto all the other organisations thatthey are all bogus from spiritual point ofview. I am admitted as Permanent Residentas "Ordained Minister of Religion".I have duly received the card. Now youshall pay me $500.00 for this because youwere going to appoint some lawyer at thecost but I have obtained it simply byspending $35.00 or utmost $50.00. Soyou can pay me the balance. ACB69- 1-65Los Angeles30th January, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letters of January 23,1969, and I have carefully read the contents.For the present I think you cannotleave Montreal for doing work on yourdraft status. Your service is much too

JANUARY, 1969 705valuable there. Even if this means that inthe future you cannot leave for the UnitedStates, what is the harm in this? Everywhereyou are it is the same becauseKrishna is there, and you can perform devotionalservice anywhere you are. Thereis no need to be attached to any particularland on account of some mayic relationship.All places belong to Krishna, andwherever we get the chance for servingHim, that land is our God-gifted land.Anyway, you may write to your draftboard and explain to them that you arestudying to be a minister of Krishna Consciousnessbut you are at present unable toleave Montreal. When your duties are notso much needed in Montreal you willcome to the United States to resume yourattempts. Write to them in this way, and letus see what is their response.Regarding your question about theBrahma Samhita, there is no contradictionwith the Bhagavad Gita. If "direction"is not specifically mentioned inBhagavad Gita it does not mean thatBrahma Samhita is not authorized. Regardingthe singing meter used by NaradaMuni, Anyone can utter it. You have askedabout the specialness of the month of Kartikeya,and the answer is that is is a specialinducement for persons who are not inKrishna Consciousness to perform somedevotional service. For persons who aredoing nothing in Krishna Consciousness,it is an indiredt inducement to take to devotionalservice in earnest seriousness,every moment is Kartikeya. In this connection,there is a good example thatsometimes a store gives special concessionto attract new customers. But forthose who are already customers there isno need of a special sale. They will purchaseat any cost if they know the importandvalue of the goods. Similarly, thosewho are pure devotees do not aspire forany concession, and out of spontaneouslove try to engage themselves in devotionalservice 24 hours each day, 365 daysevery year, without any stoppage.So far as reading scriptures out loud,this depends upon the circumstances. Ifyou can understanding by reading silently,there is no need to read out loud, becausethis may make others feel disturbed. Themantra you have asked about which ismentioned in Brahma Samhita means thepastimes, Form and Qualities of the Lordwith His Associates. Our mantras arenever impersonal. When we meditateupon Hare Krishna we remember the Pastimes,For, Qualities, etc., of LordKrishna.Regarding the teaching at Sir GeorgeWilliams University, if you like you maytake charge, I have no objections. But idthere is somm one who may speak betterat present, you should give him a chance.In either case, you should please try to introduceinto every college and universityour Bhagavad Gita As It Is. That willsurely be a great service. The BhagavadGita is well read everywhere, and youneed only to convince them that this is thebest edition.[PAGE MISSING]69-1-66Los Angeles31st January, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 26, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. I am very pleased tolearn that the entire first canto should becompletely edited by March 8th, and I amalso glad to hear that your Lord Chaitanyaplay is at last completed. From what Ihave gone through of this play I could seethat it is very well done, simply it is a littleprolonged. Otherwise it is very nice. Ihope that when we start our own press weshall get this book printed.

706 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaRegarding my coming there, I thinkyou should fix up my date of being therewith Alan Ginsberg. Provisionally, youcan set up my date of arrival by the middleof April as described by you. I can understandfrom your letter that your car is nowbroken and useless. In the future, weshould not purchase a second-hand car; itis always troublesome. This is the thirdtime that such car has caused us difficulty.Rupanuga purchased a second-hand carfor $600, and it proved to be useless. Anotherwas given to Hansadutta, and thistoo proved not very satisfactory. Now thethird experience is yours. If it is possibleto get it sold and get some money, you canpurchase a small truck new, or else wheneverwe need a truck we can rent it. Butdont purchase any more second-handcars; they are too much troublesome.Regarding the press, I have alreadywritten to Brahmananda about this. Wecan risk $260 for renting one year the twostoryhouse you mentioned. So immediatelyyou should make arrangements forthis.As for your nice sentiments about ourfirst meeting on Houston Street, it was allarranged by Krishna. That was practicallya favor shown to me by Krishna because Icame in your country by superior order. Ihad been feeling lonely although I had themission of starting this Krishna Consciousnessmovement. So Krishna sentyou to me, and therefore our meeting wasalso the desire of Krishna. Therefore,both of us, or for that matter, all of theboys and girls who are working with me,have met by the desire of Krishna. Assuch, everyone should always feel the responsibilitythat Krishna wants us to dosomething for Him, and we must invest allof our energies to fulfill this mission ofKrishna Consciousness.The boys and girls in London are doingvery nicely. My Guru Maharaj sent onesannyasi, Swami Bon Maharaj, to preachKrishna Consciousness in London, sometimesin 1933. Although he tried for threeyears and at the expense of my Guru Maharaj,he could do not do any appreciablework. So Guru Maharaj, being disgusted,called him back. In comparison to thatsituation, our 6 young boys and girls areneither very much advanced in their studyof Vedanta nor any other Vedic literature,neither are they sannyasis. But still theyare doing more tangible work than whatBon Maharaj could do there 35 years ago.This very fact confirms the statement ofLord Chaitanya that a preacher or teachermay be a householder, a sannyasi, a brahmin,a sudra, or anyone, provided henows the science of Krishna. And to knowthe science of Krishna means to serveKrishna under the directions of a bonafide Spiritual Master. When we serveKrishna in this way, Krishna is pleased toreveal Himself. So we should followstrictly the Vedic principle that anyonewho has unflinching faith in Krishna andthe Spiritual Master, to him only the scienceof Krishna Consciousness becomesrevealed. Then when we are fully conversantin revelation of Krishna Consciousness,we can meet any opposing elementsand come out victorious.Now you are grihastha, and there is noneed to be despondent, simply we have tobecome sincere to act fully in KrishnaConsciousness. Your wife, Shama Dasi,is a very good girl. She will be alwayshelpful to you in doing as the boys andgirls in London are doing in attracting theattention of various types of people fromall over the world. They are doing wonderfulservice, and it makes no differencethat they are householders.Do not be very much anxious whetheryou are fired from your present service ornot. But you should not do somethingthere which will be disturbing to the authorities.However, in all circumstanceswe must execute the progam of Krishna

JANUARY, 1969 707Consciousness, even at the risk of dissatisfyingthe so-called employer master.Please convey my blessings to ShamaDasi. I hope this will meet you both inhappy mood and good health .Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. You know Dr. Haridas Chondhery ofSan Francisco. He writes as follows:-!am delightful to receive your affectionategift of "The Bhagavad Gita As It Is."Whenever I find some time, I read a littlefrom it. The book is without doubt the bestpresentation so fa r to the western public ofthe teachings of Lord Krishna -the standpointof the Vaishnava tradition of India. . . etc."Actually it is so . Now we have to makesome propaganda work to convince thedifferent colleges and universities to readthis real furm of B.G. to the Western Public.69- 1-67My Dear Rukmini ,Los Angeles31st January, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January23 , 1969 , and also I have seen your wonderfulportrait of my Guru Maharaj . Thispicture is a great joy to me , and it is nowhanging in my room in the temple where Imay always gaze upon it. I thank you somuch for your sincere service, and i amvery much encouraged that you are alreadya nice artist, and what to speak ofthe improvements you will make with furtherpractice.Regarding your question about the individualsoul becoming all-pervasive, theidea is completely nonsensical rascaldom.Such theory is simply a bluff. Artificially,by means of practical psychology,one can understand very little of another'sthinking and feeling. But this is in no wayall-pervasive . If any yogi says like that,especially the modem so-called yogis, itis simply falsehood. In however perfectstage of yoga one may be, he may understandsomething of another's mental condition,but this is never all-pervasive . Thisall-pervasive consciousness is possibleonly in the Supersoul .Bhakti Devi is the expansion of SrimatiRadharani . I hope this letter will meet youin very good health. Thanking you oncemore for your nice letter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. While Jadurany is sick you can continuethe work slowly. There is no rushyou can paint pictures slowly but surelyvery nice.69- 1-68My Dear Satsvarupa,Los Angeles31st January, 1969Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour letter dated January 28, 1969regarding Jadurany's sick health. She requirescomplete rest. All of her workshould be suspended, and she should begiven liquid foods, just like barley watermixed with milk. Purchase pearl barleyfrom the market, and the recipe is 1 cup ofbarley and four cups of water to be boiledfor at least 1/2 hour. That liquid preparationmay be mixed with milk and sugar,and she may take. Jadurany must not exertherself in any way. She should take completerest and chant Hare Krishna. Whenshe next wants to begin work, she musttake my permission. For the time being,all work must be suspended.Regarding your letter dated January25, 1969, I have already sent to you tapes#2 and #3 . As an experiment, I sent tape#3 by ordinary mail at the concession ratefor tapes. Please let me know when this

708 Letters from Srrla Prabhupddatape #3 has reached you. If it does not arrivetoo late then we can continue to exchangein the mail at this postage rate offive cents. You do not require to send finishedtapes to Dinesh. Please send themdirectly to me.I think that work on the pictures shallremain suspended for the time being. AltogetherI have received four pictures forthe Krishna book, and two pictures for thetemple, one of My Guru Maharaj and oneof Gour Kishore das Babaji.Regarding the two missing verses ofthe third canto, I shall get them done conveniently.I hope that by this time Jadurany'shealth must have improved.Please convey my blessings to the others.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1-69Los Angeles31st January, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknolwedge receipt of your letter ofJanuary 22, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with care. First of all I ampleased to know that you are feeling comfortablein Hawaii and you are keepingyourself busily engaged. I am glad thatyou and Murari are working on my Vyasasana,and as soon as it is completed, youcan call me there, and I shall go. I thinkthat ifl am to go to Hawaii, I must go thereby March, because in April I have otherengagements in Columbia and otherplaces.I am pleased that you have been speakingto educationists and you are trying tointroduce them to Krishna Consciousness.Try to introduce our Bhagavad GitaAs It Is into every university and college inHawaii. Along with Goursundar try toconvince them that our publication is thebest. This will be great service. If needbe, the chief man in various departmentsof the colleges may be given a copy ofBhagavad Gita to go through and decide.In this way, try to introduce it into everycollege and University religious class andbook department.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiEnclosures: I carbon copy ofletter sent toyour draft board.69- 1 -70(to Hrisikesha)Los AngelesJanuary, 1969[TEXT MISSING]letter of January 9, 1969, I suspect thatyou have interest in taking instructionfrom some siksha guru, but in this connection,because you are my disciple and Ithink, a sincere soul, it is my duty to referyou to someone who is competent to act assiksha guru. This Bon Maharaj , perhapsyou do not know, has been rejected byGuru Maharaj . So I cannot recommendhim as siksha guru. I think that he has noactual spiritual asset. For spiritual advancementof life, we must go to one whois actually practising spiritual life; not tosome head of a mundane institution, not toone who has offended his Spiritual Masterin so many ways. I do not wish to go intoall details here, but I must inform you thatthis Bon Maharaj may be considered as ablack snake, and at the time of His Disappearance,my Guru Maharaj did not evenwish to have him in His presence due tothe character of this Bon Maharaj . So ifyou are actually serious to take instructionsfrom a siksha guru, I can refer you toone who is most highly competent of allmy god-brothers. This is B.R. SridharMaharaj , whom I consider to be even my

JAN UARY, 1969 709siksha guru, so what to speak of the benefitthat you can have from his association.He is living in Nabadwip, and if you like,I can give you letter of introduction as wellas I will send him letter to allow you to staythere with him. So if you and Achyutanandaare not lost to the poison of BonMaharaj , and are still serious about advancementof your spiritual life, I will adviseyou to go to Sridhar Maharaj . Or elseI do not know what will save you . So myadvice to you both is that you immediatelyleave the unhealthy and envious associationof Bon Maharaj and either proceed toGermany as I have instructed you , or atleast go to someone who will be competentto act as sisksha guru. This is SridharMaharaj .When I was in India, Achyutananda,Ramanuga, and myself, with others, livedwith Sridhar Maharaj , so Achyutanandaknows him very well . He spared a bighouse for us and if both of you go therenow, it will be very good for your spiritualbenefit. Then I will feel that you are safe.Besides that, if you wish to live in India,you can make arrangements for this houseso that other of your god-brothers may gothere in the future. Just on the other side ofthe Ganges there is Mayapur, and you carloccasionally or every week go there andlearn Bengali and Sanskrit if it is your desire.All facilities are there. Sridhar Maharajis a very good English scholar andhe can talk with you very nicely in English.The room in Vrindaban where youare residing may also be kept so that it maybe utilized when necessary. But so far as Iam concerned, I am becoming older andolder, and my life may be finished at anymoment. As I have got my permanent residencein America, it is indication ofKrishna that I shall live here to organizethis movement to the best possible extent.If I sometimes go out of this country, I willgo to Europe only and again come back.So, practically I have decided not to go toIndia anymore. In case I suddenly meetmy death, then I shall make my will howto deal with my body later on.So don't be carried away by whims. Itis my duty to save you . Leave Vrindaban,live peacefully with Sridhar Maharaj , ifyou do not wish to go to Germany, andthereby you will be spiritually enlightened.Please inform me immediately regardingwhat you have decided.

FEBRUARY69-2-1ManagerBank of Baroda Ltd.Indian ExchangeCalcutta- IDear Sir:Los AngelesI st February, 1969Re: My Savings Bank Account # 29/ 12802Please transfer Rs 500 to the StateBank of India, Strand Road , Calcutta- I ,INDIA, account #SB-C/4208, to RamKrishna Dey, and debit from my above account.In case of need, the following addressmay be referred to : Mr. RamKrishna Dey, 14/4B Sri Gopal MallickLane, Calcutta- 12, INDIA.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-2 Los Angeles1st February, 1969My Dear Larry Snyder, Mark Perlmanand John Curran,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your very nice letterdated January 23, 1969, and I have readthe contents with great satisfaction. Yo ureagerness to spread the Krishna Consciousnessmovement in that party of thecountry is certainly dictated by Krishna,Who is situated within your heart. Thereare innumerable living entities wanderingwithin the universe in different forms oflife and conditions in different planetarysystems . Out of many, many of such conditionedsouls, only one will come intocontact with a bona fide Spiritual Masterby the Grace of Krishna. Krishna can understandfrom within the sincerity of purposeof a particular living entity, and Hegives direction to such sincere devotee tothe path of realizing Krishna Consciousness.So you have already achieved to thisstage of life. Please do not miss the opportunity.Although you are not formally initiated,you have associated with ourdevotees in the New Yo rk temple, and ithas acted . The seed is already there in youand it has to be helped to grow and fructify.The best means of watering this seedof Krishna Consciousness is to chant andhear Hare Krishna. Now you have got ourbook, Bhagavad Gita As It Is , and alsoyou have available our regular publication,Back To Godhead. In the latest issuethere is an article you should read calledthe Ishopanishad. So with these literaturesyou can immediately start a centerwherever it is possible for you. I think thatFlorida will be a very nice place for this,and I have always had a great desire toopen a center there .So my advise to you is that you make asmall center immediately, and, if possible,get some musical instruments fromNew Yo rk. Brahmananda will supply youwith a mridunga and a few pairs of cymbals.Simply you have to sit down togetheras you have seen done in New Yo rk. Justbegin chanting Hare Krishna in the accompanimentof a beating drum and theplaying of cymbals. There is no necessityof any other instrument at present. Thechanting is very simple; Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, HareHare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, RamaRama, Hare Hare. So in this way for

712 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>15-20 minutes you chant, and then readfrom our Bhagavad Gita. There is explanationthere as far as possible to convinceeveryone what is the importance ofKrishna Consciousness. So 15 minutes ofchanting and dancing, and 1/2 hour ofreading from text of Bhagavad Gita , thenquestions and answers, and at last chantingagain of Hare Krishna. In this way youcan begin, and there will be no difficulty.Gradually, as you get even more interestedin this procedure,69-2-3[PAGE MISSING]Los Angeles1st February, 1969we can begin the press work immediately.If the house is there and our workers areready, then what is the difficulty of startingthe press immediately? If this houseturns out to be not suitable we will have toconstruct another, but in either case theproblem is still there of maintenance. Everythingmust be practically thought out,and please tell me what yourself andAdvaita are planning with this .Thanking you once more for your letter,I hope to hear from you again verysoon. Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedana SwamiMy Dear Uddhava,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 30,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.You have written to say that 8 peoplewill be working under Rayarama and another8 people will also be there in theprinting department, including the baby,Nandini. So even if we are able to get accommodationsfor all of these people,what is the program for maintenance?These people will require at least $200.00per month for food, so tell me immediatelyif you have got any scheme how toget this money fo r maintenance.So far as accommodations are concerned,Hayagriva has given me informationthat there is a nice two-story housewhere both the press and the workers canbe accommodated. The rent is only$260.00 per year. I think this houseshould immediately be occupied so wecan gradually begin our work and alsoconstruct other structures with the help ofNara Narayan and others. So Hayagriva isprepared to invest money fo r the press, accommodationsare there provisionally.Now if you have any definate program formeeting your maintenance expenditures69-2-4 Los Angeleslst February, 1969My Dear Nara Narayan,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch encouraged by your proposal asstated in your letter ofJanuary 25, 1969 ofconstructing housing in New Vrindabanfor an estimate of about $1,000. Thismoney will be secured somehow or otherand invested in New Vrindaban for constructingthe proposed cottages. Thesecottages needn't be very high class finished.We simply want protection; that'sall . They may be very roughly finished.Please send me your plans which you havementioned, and we shall begin this housingscheme in April. We agree to investthe money in this project, and the personsyou wanted will join you when you actuallybegin the work.In the meantime, if you think brass deitiescan be done in New Yo rk, please letme know what will be the cost per pair. Ifnot 24" high, they should be of the samesize we have got in New Yo rk . When youwere here you told me the cost will beabout $40. If you can manufacture for

FEBRUARY, 1969 713even $50 per pair, you should manufactureimmediately five or six pairs, and Iwill provide you with the money. But firstbe sure what will be the actual price andwhether you will be able to do it. Afterfinishing with this murti business, you canimmediately begin the construction workin New Vrindaban.So far as kirtan party is concerned, youhave well suggested to conduct the partyunder the good guidance of Rishi Kumar.He is a very expert devotee, and the kirtanparty can be well managed under his guidance,and under the cooperation ofBrahmananda.You should always read also, besidesattending class, whenever you have time,the Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Then I cansurely recommend to the draft board thatyou are a very serious student of BhagavadGita under my supervision.I hope this will meet you in good spiritsand good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-5 Los Angeles1st February, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of you letter of January 26,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am very pleased to understand thatyou are going to contribute $250.00 formurtis. I think that you can pay at the rateof $100.00 twice and $50.00 once . Thatwill save much time, but if it is inconvenient,you can pay at the rate of $50.00 permonth . As soon as I get $100.00 I shallimmediately order the deities with this advance.I am so glad to learn that you are chantingvery regularly and trying to follow thefour principels of restriction as far as possible.I have got an account with the CanadianImperial Bank of Commerce inMontreal, and, if you like, you may depositthe money there in my account. I cansend you the name of the branch and myaccount number if you like. I think thiswill save time in your remitting your contribution.Thanking you for your letter and foryour sincere good will toward our missionof Krishna Consciousness. I hope this willmeet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-6My Dear Ekayani,Los Angeles1st February, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter (undated) , and Ithank you very much for it. I am pleasedto note that you and your nice sister, IndiraDasi, are making and tending to Lord Jagannathdeities. You should place thesedeities on sale in Gargamuni's store forselling. In this way, you will make somemoney for doing your painting work. Youshould practice developing your goodpainting skills very thoroughly, and if youare ready, I can send to you many Bhagawatampictures to do. Jadurany is nowsick for some time, and I have asked her tocease all of her activities. There are somepaintings lying in Boston, perhaps unfinished,and, if time permits , you can gothere with your sister to see them. If Jaduranylikes, you can finish up these picturesfor the Krishna book.Picturepainting is one of our important departments, so please try to become very expert.You should be at least as expert asJadurany, and that will be a great pleasurefor me. Rukmini is also becoming verymuch expert in her artistic works .Regarding your question about the Goswamis,all of them are eternal associates

714 Letters from Srila Prabhuptldaof Lord Chaitanya. I do not know whereyou have read differently. Sri Rupamangariis one of the eight Gopies, butwhich one you will learn later on. Studythe Bhagavad Gita more carefully. Therewill be an examination and everyone willhave to appear to take this examinationnext January, 1969.Please convey my blessings to all ofyour nice godbrothers and godsisters inNew York temple. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-7Los Angeles1st February, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 27,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.I am pleased by your wish to remainas brahmachary, and if you stick to yourdecision you will be able to go back toGodhead, back to Home, in this very lifewithout waiting for another birth. Pleasetry in every way to stick to this principle,and simply engage yourself in Krishna'sservice. That will protect you from any attackof maya. Maya can take Krishna'splace in our heart as soon as there is aslackness on our part. Otherwise, ifKrishna's seated always, maya has no opportunityto occupy the seat. Try to followthis method and you will surely be successful.Regarding your worries about naturaldisasters in Los Angeles, thank you foryour cares for me . But Krishna is alwaysgiving protection and there is no cause ofconcern. There was a slight storm at nightfor two or three days, but that was not verymuch of a disturbance for me. I am glad tonote that you are making improvements inthe temple's paraphernalia. That shouldbe your primary engagement. Please alsotake good care of this boy Charles. He isnew, and you must help him so that he willnot be poisoned by the influence of maya.If you will have some time it will benice if you can come to Los Angeles for afew days. I shall also be very glad to seeyou. Also you will get ideas from how theLos Angeles devotees are working fortheir temple.As much as possible you should try tointroduce to the colleges our BhagavadGita. In every college there is a religiondepartment, and most of them have interestin the Bhagavad Gita. So you can showto the chief man of this department thatthis is a real presentation ofVaishnava philosophy.I have received a statement fromDr. Haridas Chaudhuri of the CaliforniaInstitute of Asian Studies that ours is thebest presentation of the teachings of LordKrishna to the Western public. So if theyare actually serious to receive instructionsfrom Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, theyabsolutely must read this publication ofBhagavad Gita As It Is . If they want somenonsense upon the plea of reading BhagavadGita then there is nothing we can doto help them. Everyone is free to act accordingto his inclination.Regarding your question, maya comesfrom Krishna. Everything comes fromKrishna, but when something is found inKrishna it is just as good as anything canbe. Just like Krishna has the stealing propensity.As such He is called the ButterTheif, and he is worshipped as the ButterTheif. He is worshipped by His devoteesall over the world with love and affection,while the same propensities in us wouldresult in our being handed over to the police.That is the difference betweenKrishna and ourselves. He being Absolute,everything in Him is also Absolute.In the relative prospective it is very difficultto understand what is the Absolute.

FEBRUARY, 1969 715From the material point of view, one cannotunderstand that one plus one equalsone, and one minus one equals one. It requiresa little time to understand this axiomatictruth. But in time such truths willbecome revealed to you without any mentalspeculation.Please convey my blessings to the otherswho are so nicely helping you in Seattle.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-8ParisLos Angeles3rd February, 1969ATTENTION TAMAL KRISHNAYOUR LETTER 26TH JULY COMELOSANGELES IMMEDIATELYAC BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI69-2-9Los Angeles4th February, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January29, 1969, and I am pleased to learn thateverything is going nicely with full cooperationof all of your godbrothers . Ourcenter of activities is Krishna, and if weare actually Krishna Conscious there willalways be full cooperation between ourselvesfor the satisfaction of Krishna.These two boys, Girish and Birbhadraare sent by Krishna to our care, and wemust be very much attentive for buildingtheir character in Krishna Consciousness.Here, the boy, Birbhadra, is taken care ofpersonally by Vishujana, and, by Krishna'sGrace, you have to take care of Girish. InNew Vrindaban, nothing can immediatelybe done because there is no sufficientaccommodataions, but I am incorrespondence with Hayagriva for rentingone two-story big house near NewVrindaban for starting the press. I thinkwe will be able to secure the house by nextApril when I will also go there, and ourproject of starting a school, press, etc.,will be seriously taken at that time.You are right when you say that settinga good example for the boys is the bestprecept. There is a saying that an exampleis better than a precept. Our exemplarycharacter depends on strictly followingthe four principles, and this will conquorthe whole world. Our boys and girls inLondon, by there exemplary characterhave drawn the attention of many respectablepersons and even some public papers.Our movement is not only for sometheoretical theaching, but it is for developingpractical character and definate understanding.I will be glad to know what isyour future program. Do you think youwill be continuing as brahmachary, or inthe future will you wish to become householder?The idea is that when we open oureducational institute, we will requiresome dedicated monks, just like ChristianFathers, who have no connection withwomen. In that case, we can start a theologicalschool also, along with a boys primaryschool. Our theological school willregularly teach our published books, suchas Bhagavad Gita As It Is , Srimad Bhagawatam,Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,NectarofDevotion, Brahma Samhita, andKrishna.We wish to hold examinations andaward titles such as Bhaktishastri, Bhaktibaibhava,and Bhaktivedanta. The wholeprogram will continue for seven years,and the students who will be fully engagedin this study of a seven year course will beclassified in the 4-D section of the draftboard. Such students will not be called formilitary activities. In this connection, anexperiment is going on with Kartikeya,

716 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>and if it is successful then we can give protectionto many such students providedthey take things seriously.Apart from the draft board chasing,actually we require many enlightened studentswho can go to any part of the worldand establish there a center. Anyone whois a little bit conversant with the abovebooks can go anywhere, chant HareKrisna, distribute Back To Godhead, andhold classes on the above books. I have receivedone letter from Gurudas today thatthey have got permission to chant HareKrishna in all the streets and parks of London.The world needs this consciousnessof Krishna, and we have to manufacturemany preachers for this purpose. I wishthat you can also take the responsiblity ofteaching staff when we actually open ourtheological school in New Vrindaban.Thanking you again for your letter. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-10LondonLos Angeles5th February, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 29,1969, and I am so glad to learn that youhave permission to have kirtan all the timeon the streets and parks . You have writtenthat you are missing me, and similarly, Iam sitting here anxious to meet you assoon as possible. In previous letters ofShyamsundar it was understood that theBeatles were going to help us positively,but the delay method appears to be diplomaticto avoid the pledge. I do not knowwhat is the position, but I think that withoutdepending on any one, we may takethe risk of renting a nice house for ourtemple immediately. If you think that mypresence will accelerate matters, I amprepared to go immediately. In Yamuna'sletter I understood that many people areinterested in our temple work, and theyare prepared to contribute items such asdeities. All such things being favorable,why you are not taking a temple at yourown risk? Besides that, you wrote to saythat I will not go there for one year, but Ihave no such idea. I do not know who hasspread such rumor. I have already postponedmy journey to Hawaii in the monthof April. In April I will go to Columbus,Ohio, so these two months of Februaryand March I am completely free . If you sodesire, I can start immediatly and see thesituation which is preventing the rentingof a nice house. You write to say also thateveryone is awaiting my arrival, and theyask "When is Swamiji coming?" So far asI am concerned, I can go immediately becauseI have no serious engagements herenow.I thank you very much for your assurancethat I will find London a most flourishingcenter for our world Samkirtanmovement. That is my ideal of life, toform a nice group of devotees to performSamkirtan and to distribute our books inwider circles. Here, Tarnal Krishna'sgroup has proved a very nice SamkirtanParty, and we can combine with yourgroup which is also a very nice SamkirtanParty. Then we could immediately takethe responsibility of a round the worldtrip, and I am sure it will be successful.You can let me know by return mail if myservices in London are immediately required.I am prepared to go.The picture of Kartamashi which youhave sent is very nice. Kartamashi is becomingvery popular in every center. Thatis a good sign. Thanking you once morefor your letter, and I am awaiting yourearly reply.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

FEBRUARY, 1969 717Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter of January 22, 1969,and I have duly noted the contents. The replyto your points you will find along withyour husbands letter. I am very much anxiousto go to London, but I do not knowwhy you are delaying to call me. The legaldocuments being submitted, there is noimpediment to rent a nice house. So youshould take this risk, and everything willcome out all right. How is Mr. Parikh doing?I hope this will meet you in the best ofhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Colin Jury,I thank you for your letter which wassent along with Yamuna's. I am pleased tohear that you are anxious to meet me, andI will be pleased to meet you when I gothere . But first there must be a nice housesecured. Our society is now legalized inLondon, so there should be no difficultyin securing a house immediately. Pleasehelp the devotees there to do this . I amsimply awaiting their letter to start forLondon. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. At yourearliest convenience, please submit to mea list of the names of the devotees who arefilling the following offices: President,Secretary, and Treasurer in your center.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-11 Los Angeles5th February, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your kind letter datedFebruary 1, 1969, and, in the meantime,my letters to you dated January 30, 1969and February 1, 1969 respectively mighthave crossed. Most of the answers of yourletter under reply will be found in thesetwo letters. Please let me know if you havereceived them by now. If not, I will sendyou the carbon copies. So far as your lettersare concerned, each and every one ofthem will be particularly answered, sothere is no question of passing over yourenquiries. Feelings of love are reciprocal,especially on the spiritual platform. Iknow what is your feelings about me, andin the same way I am always dependent onyour kind affection.Regarding printing at Dai Nippon, wehave got to print so many books for whichmanuscripts are ready. So, pending thedecision of starting our own press or havingMacMillan print the Srimad Bhagwatam,immediately we may begin printingof our books from Dai Nippon. If theyagree to print 5, 000 copies of 400 pages attheir agreed rate of $5 ,000 that is good .So far the sample of print, the binding,and the size of the book is concerned, thatis now all settled. The only thing is theymust give us a definate date of delivery ofprinted books, and they must agree to theformerly stipulated price. If there is noquestion of delay we can immediatelyhand over the manuscript either of the secondcanto of Srimad Bhagawatam or Nectarof Devotion. If MacMillan Companyis interested in Srimad Bhagawatam, thennegotiate the transaction, and by the 15thof March we can deliver them the completerevised version of the 1st canto. Sofar as I understand, they will print the firstcanto to see the result. In case they agree

718 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>to continue printing of Srimad Bhagawatam,then we shall stop printing at DaiNippon, and MacMillan will be handedover the charge for all other cantos. Iftheir experiment on the 1st canto does notbecome successful , then let us go onprinting all other cantos as usual. This ismy decision, and you can arrange accordingly.So far as Back To Godhead is concerned,Purushottam has appointed oneselling agent in Los Angeles who hasagreed to take 400 copies per month.There are at least 300 big cities in yourcountry, and if we can appoint one sellingagent only in each city, consuming an averageof 100 copies only, the total quantitycomes to 30,000 copies. This is not anUtopian idea. It is completely practical.Simply we have to arrange and organize.To distribute 100 copies in a big city likeLos Angeles, New York, or San Fransiscois not at all difficult. Simply it requires thetalent of organization. So expecting onthis calculation that in the near future weshall be able to distribute at least 30,000copies of Back To Godhead, you can immediatelytake quotation from Dai Nipponfor regular 20,000 copies minimumper month. If their quotation is suitable,we will immediately take the risk andprint 20,000 copies per month.Regarding advertisements in Back ToGodhead, I am not at all in favor of it. Iwas obliged to suggest you take advertisementsbecause the magazine was not comingregularly due to lack of funds, butpractically I see the magazine is not improvingby accepting these advertisements.So in the future, say after the nextissue, we shall stop taking advertisementsbecause it is not satisfactory. If we print,however, 20,000 copies, we can acceptone page of advertisements, fixing up ourrate at not less than $100 per page. Andthis advertisement also must be to ourscrutinization. We cannot accept advertisementfrom anyone and every one,rather it will be our motto to avoid advertisements. So far as I know, in India, theKalyan Klapataru paper edited by HanumanPrasad Poddar, does not accept anyadvertisements . Nor do they review anynonsense book published by others, andthey have got respectable position. Similarlywe have to create a respectable positionfor our Back To Godhead. Actually, itis the only single paper of its nature, describingthe science of God in full detail,published in the western world. OurVaishnava religion is so vast that we cansupply millions of pictures and hundredsand thousands of literary contributions inthis paper. In Christian religion they havegot pictures like the Crucifixion and a fewsimilar others . In the Buddhist religionthey have got the picture of the Lord Buddha.In Mohammedan religion they havegot picture of Mecca Madina, and I do notknow what is the picture in the Jewish religion.But so far as our Krishna Consciousnessis concerned, we can supplymillions of pictures of Krishna, Vishnu,and Their multi-Incarnations, as well asTheir transcendental Pastimes. So wehave to creat a unique position for this paper,at least in the western world. Anyway,that will depend upon our future capacity,but for the time present we can immediatelytake quotation from Dai Nipponwhat they will charge us for 20,000 copiesevery month. Now I have given my definateopinion about printing my books atDai Nippon and printing Back To Godhead,so you can do the needful .Regarding my teaching in differentuniversities, you will be pleased to knowthat recently I got one letter from CulturalIntegration Fellowship President, Dr.Haridas Chaudhuri. He has appreciatedmy book, and he remarks as follows:"The book is without doubt the best presentationso far to the western public ofthe teachings of Lord Krishna from the

FEBRUARY, 1969 719standpoint of Vaishnava tradition and devotionalHindu mysticism. So actuallythis is the correct position of our KrishnaConsciousness movement. There are religiousclasses held in almost every universityof your country, and they are eageralso to study different kinds of religions.So far as Bhagavad Gita is concerned,there is no doubt about it that I am the onlyauthority in your country in this matter.No body can speak on the Bhagavad Gitaso authoritatively as I can do. That is afact. So if the university wants to take advantageof this opportunity, even in thisold age I can go from one university to another,and I am sure they can learn fromme only the true teachings of the BhagavadGita ; from me and from my studentswho are already trained up in thisconnection. So, if something can be donein this connection, it will help our missionarypropaganda, and the studentsshall get new light from our book, BhagavadGita As It Is .So, I am so much obliged to you thatyou are trying to get my books publishedsomehow or other. I can simply pray toKrishna for your long life and valuableservice to Krishna. Thanking you oncemore for your letter.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I understand that you are anxious toget me in New York. So if you like I can goimmediately as I have no serious engagementnow in the western part of yourcountry.69-2-12Los Angeles5th February, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. After along time, I beg to thank you for your letterdated 31, January, 1969 from theSpiritual Sky store. You have given a verynice name. At least you are giving ideas tothe people in general that there is a SpiritualSky, and they will get informationsufficiently about Spiritual Sky, the planetsthereof, the inhabitants of these planets,etc., through the medium of yourstore, the Spiritual Sky.I beg to acknowledge receipt of yourcheck for $110 being the sales proceedsfor Srimad Bhagawatam. I am so engladdenedto hear from you that the books areselling very nicely. Regarding the eightGopies and my Spiritual Master, I thinkyou did not follow what I said, but thatdoes not mean that you should be disappointed.We are all students, and we areapt to commit mistakes; but that does notmean that we should be disappointed.Lord Chaitanya also presented Himselfbefore Prakasananda Saraswati as a foolishstudent of His Spiritual Master, althoughHe was the Supreme Personalityof Godhead Himself. Anyway, the actualfact is that the eight Gopies are as good asKrishna and Radharani. Therefore, noVaishnava will claim to be one of the eightGopies because that will tinge one withMayavadi philosophy. If some body says"I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "Iam one of the eight Gopies." that isagainst Krishna philosophy. My GuruMaharaj claimed to be one of the subdevoteeassistants of the eight Gopies.Lord Chaitanya also claimed Himself asservant of the servant of the servant ofKrishna. So even though you might nothave understood, you can correct it nowand dont be disappointed .Your humble repentance is just like aVaishnava student, so I thank you verymuch for this humbleness. Lord Chaitanyataught us to be humbler than thegrass on the street and more tolerant thanthe tree. So these symptoms are Vaishnavasymptoms. There is no question of rejectionor dejection. I am always at your service,and you can question whenever

720 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidathere is any doubt, and I will try to answerthem as far as possible.Regarding the printing of my differentletters, if you have sufficient time you canwork on this project, but I think you havegot greater project before you ;. sales organizationof our books and publications.Unless we have got very good organizationfor selling our books, printing ourbooks any place will be impractical. So Ithink you will try seriously how to appointselling agents all over the country. Nay ;all over the world. I will be glad also tohear from you about how you are going toorganize this selling propaganda. As forprinting of the books , I have already answeredthis in the letter to Brahmananda,and you can see it.Hope this will find you in good healthand cheerfulness. I am awaiting yourearly reply.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am always expecting big checksfrom you for my books . Do you think thatyou require some money for improvingyour business? ACB69-2-13Dear Dr. Chaudhuri,Los Angeles6th February, 1969Please accept my greetings and blessingsof Lord Krishna, and offer the sameto Srimati Bina Chaudhuri and your sonsand daughters . I am so glad to have receivedyour letter dated January 27, 1969 ,and I have appreciated your commentabout my book that it is "without doubtthe best presentation so far to the westernpublic of the teachings of Lord Krishna" .Actually that was my purpose to write anothercommentary on the Bhagavad Gita .I think I have explained this matter in myintroduction.You have written to say "Vaishnava traditionin India", and that is the real culturalstanding of Vedic civilization. In theRigveda you will find the mantra, tadvishnu paraman padam sada pasyantisuraya. In the Vishnu Purana also it issaid, vishnu bhakti bhovet deva . So Vediccivilization means the civilization of thedevas, or the demigods, and the wholepurpose is to understand Krishna. As it issaid in the Bhagavad Gita, vedaishchosarvaii aham auva vedyam, the wholepurpose of the Veda is to understandKrishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore , if we wish to present thereal traditional cultural ideas of India tothe western public, we have to present tothem the teachingslof Lord Krishna asthey are . That is my mission, and I ampleased to inform you that I am gettinggood response in America especially andalso in London and Germany.For the last five months, our kirtanmomement is going on in London. Our officeis situated there at 22 BettertonStreet, WC 2 l..ondon, England. The peopleare appreciating our movement verymuch there. You will be surprised to knowthat I have sent there for preaching work 6boys and girls, married couples, and theyare neither elderly nor very much conversantwith Vedic philosophy. But still, bytheir character, behavior, and devotion,they are attracting many people in London,including the High Commissioner ofIndia and others . One gentleman, Mr.Parikh, is a Doctor in Education and wasformerly the principle of a college inKenya. He is actively working with ourstudents there, and very soon they shouldhave a Radha-Krishna temple there in gorgeousstyle.Some time before in your letters youexpressed a desire that we should jointlypresent Indian cultural ideas in thiscountry. I think you will remember this

FEBRUARY, 1969 721proposal, and I replied that if we want topresent the real Indian cultural traditions,then we must present the Vaishnava philosophyas it is. Poet Tagore became verypopular in the western countries by presentinghis Gita Anjali which is full ofVaishnava sentiments . We have immenseliteratures, especially in the GoudiyaSampradaya of the Va ishn.•va sect whichis enriched by the contribution of theGoswamins. These should all be presentedto the western world. Similarly,Vedanta commentary by the Vaishnavaacharyas like Ramanuga, Madhya, Baladev,Sridhar Swami, etc . can all be presentedsuccessfully. Yo urare a learnedphilosopher, and your Cultural IntegrationFellowship Institute advocates universalreligion and cultural harmony. Ithink if you will turn your attention to theVaishnava literature you will find all ofthese ideas in complete fulfillment.Your invitation for me to go to SanFransisco is very much welcome. Youhave been requesting me for practicallyone year to give some discourses on thisVaishnava philosophy in your institution,but for want of time I could not complywith your request. I will let you know immediatelywhen I know I will be goingnext to San Fransisco. Of course, now Iam in Los Angeles, and I have no seriousbusiness at present. But your mid-termquarter is already occupied by Dr.Framroze A. Bode, the Zoroastrian HighPriest from Bombay.In the meantime, I wishei wish thatyou may stock a few copies of our books inyour bookstall and just have a test how themembers of your institution will like thisVa ishnava philosophy. Generally, peopleare not very much inclined to acceptVaishnava philosophy because for thecommon man it is not very easy to understand.In the Bhagavad Gita we find thestatement that out of many thousands ofpeople, one may be interested in the valuesof human life, and out of many personswho have understood the values oflife, only one may be found who can understandKrishna. It is further stated thatKrishna can be understood only throughdevotional mysticism. Bhaktiya mamabhijanati yavan yaschami tattvata . Onhearing from you I will ask my San Franciscontempleto deliver you some copiesof Bhagavad Gita As It Is if you so desire.Thanking you once more for your kindletter. I hope this will meet you in verygood health.Yo urs affectionately,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2- 14ManagerLos Angeles7th February, 1969First National City Bank of New Yo rkGrand Street and BoweryNew York, New Yo rkRe: ACCOUNT # SAVINGS 0420- 1620-131Dear Sir:With reference to the above account, Ibeg to point out that on January 6, 1969,after depositing $1 ,306.86, the balance inmy favor was $8,363 .88. So after depositinganother $199 on February 3, 1969 ,you have shown a balance of $7,156.27. Ido not know why there is this difference.Kindly let me know by return of mail .Also, please note down my above changeof address. Thanking you anticipation ofyour early reply.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiCopy forwarded to Brahmananda for neccessaryaction. ACB

722 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-2-15 Los AngelesMy Dear Nara Narayan,7th February, 1969Please accept my blessings . I beg tothank you very much for your letter pointingout some of the discrepancies of manyof the devotees in New Yo rk . You are correctregarding the items which you havestated, such as sleeping in front of the deities, eating in front of the deities, taking ofunoffered foodstuffs , drinking water fromthe bathroom, and non-chanting of rounds .But the thing is discipline can not be observedunless there is obedience. As youare obedient to me, you should be similarlyobedient to my representative . Yourstatement about Brahmananda that he is awonderful devotee is 100% agreed by me .He is in charge of the New Yo rk center,and, therefore , if proper obedience is not.given to him it will be impossible for himto manage the affairs of the temple. Underthe circumstances, the discrepancies youhave observed in the temple may be referredto him, and he is quite reasonable,and will handle the matter with the respectivedevotees . Please dont you takeany direct actions because it will causedisruption. Yo u are a very talented boy,and I have every confidence in you, so Ihope you will do this and oblige.I have seen the plans for New Vrindaban,and I can understand that you have agreat talent in house planning also. Thiswill be fully utilized in the matter of ourdeveloping our New Vrindaban schemewhen I go there . In the meantime, pleaselet me know if you can get some pairs ofRadha-Krishna deities in some brassfoundry there . This is the immediate importantwork for you . You have asked inyour letter to Purushottam if you shouldobserve the lists of 44 offenses and 44 regulationsfor deity worship, and the answeris no ; there is no need of this fo r thepresent.I will be glad to hear from you by earlyreturn mail . I hope this will meet you invery good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2- 16Los Angeles7th February, 1969My Dear Murari,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated January30, 1969, and I am always very pleasedwhen I hear from you . Yo u have mentionedin your letter that you have beenmaking plans to build a shrine , and whenyou are able to , please send these plans tome so I may see what you have in mind. Iam also pleased to note that Vamandevand yourself are seriously taking steps tobegin the project of making thrones forthe deities in all of our temples . In NewYo rk, Nara Narayan is going to try againto have brass deities made from the moldmade from the deities in New Yo rk. Similarly,there is the possibility of obtainingdeities from India in the near future. So ineither of these cases, we can expect manynew pairs of deities before very long, andsuch thrones as you are planning to workon will be an essential addition to all ofour temples .So far as you going to New Vrindaban,I think that for the time being you shouldconcentrate your efforts in organizingthese projects you have begun in Hawaii.For the time being concentrate in Hawaii,and when you are needed in New Vrindaban,you will be called to go there.I have just learned today that Bhurijana, a devotee in Buffalo is making arrangementsto open a center in NorthCarolina where ol}e other devotee'smother is letting us use her house for twomonths at least with no charge so we may

FEBRUARY, 1969 723see the possibilities of starting a centerthere . Similarly, there is some possibilityof beginning a center in Berkeley, andDindayal is looking into this possibility.So Krishna is giving us all facility to serveHim, and I am so pleased with the nice cooperationthat my students are giving mein spreading this most important philosophyaround the entire world .Please convey my blessings to your excellentwife, Lilavati, and also to your littledaughter, Subadra. I hope this willmeet all of you in the best of health.Your everwell-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiI hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: The title cover of Teachings of LordChaitanya which you have sent to me isvery nice. I hope that you have alreadytaken care of the one typographical erroron the inside flap, but otherwise, it iscompletely satisfactory.*On hearing from you about this I shallwrite him letter.69-2-18 Los Angeles7th February, 196969-2-17 Los AngelesMy Dear Brahmananda,7th February, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your two letters, one of February2, and one of February 3, 1969 . Enclosedis one letter to Nara Narayan whichwill serve as answer to the letter of February2nd. I am also enclosing a letter I havesent today to the First National City Bankof New Yo rk, and you will please note thecontents . Regarding your questions aboutDai Nippon, United Shipping, etc . thesehave already been replied to in my letter toyou of February 5, 1969, and I hope youhave received this letter by now.I hope that you have by now found outthe address of the boys in Florida whoseletter I have sent to you to be forwarded onto them . Also, as you have already beeninformed by telephone, Dai Nipponshould send by the 20th of February,1969 , two demo copies of the Teachingsof Lord Chaitanya title jacket to the followingaddress: Y. Jagannatham, 81Navrang, 8th Floor, Peddar Road ,Bombay-26, INDIA.*My Dear Mahapurusha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 2, 1969, and I am pleased tonote the contents. I thank you very muchfor your appreciation of Bhagavad GitaAs It Is . I think you may have alreadyheard that in January of 1970 we will beholding an examination among all of ourstudents on this book, and those who willpass shall be awarded with the title ofBhaktishastri. With these examinations Iwish to encourage all my disciples to verycarefully learn this philosophy of KrishnaConsciousness because there is so manypreachers who will be required to bringthis message to all of the corners of theearth. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has predictedthat this movement of Krishna Consciousnesswill one day be spread intoevery village and town, and everywherethere will be found chanting of HareKrishna. So you are an intelligent boy, andplease continue to study our books carefully,finish all of your chanting of rounds,and help out in your temple as much aspossible. These items will give you allpreparation to render very valuable serviceto Lord Chaitanya's mission.

724 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>I am pleased to note that you and Goursundarhave been trying to arrange forregular classes in the University there fora course in Krishna Consciousness. If youcan convince the student body there of theimportance of our movement it will begreat help to our propaganda work, soplease try for this.Please convey my blessings to the othersthere. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-19Los Angeles7th February, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February3, 1969, and I am so pleased and encouragedto note the contents. Your idea of goingto North Carolina is excellent becausethere are so many students there, and youare college graduate, so I think that youare just the devotee to do the job nicely.The only thing is that I do not think it isnecessary for you to go there alone, so immediatelyyou may contact Tosan Krishnain Santa Fe temple, and he is also willingto go there to be your assistant. If the twoof you find the place suitable, then forsome time myself and Purushottam willgo there to make the center fortified. Soyou may write immediately to TosanKrishna in this connection, and the bothof you may start on this important new endeavor.Regarding the seed which you havesent, yes, they are genuine tulsi seeds. Iunderstand from your letter that Kanupriyahas not yet received his initiationbeads for chanting upon, but they weresent over two weeks ago. I am enclosing acarbon of the letter which I had sent alongwith his beads, and if he has still not rcceivedthem, please request him to sendanother pair of beads, and I will sendthese back to him duly chanted upon.Thank you again for your most encouragingletter, and I shall be awaiting furthernews from you in this matter.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-20 Los Angeles7th February, 1969His Holiness Tridandi SwamiSri Srimad B. V. Tirtha Goswami MaharajSri Chaitanya Research Institute70-B, Rash Behari AvenueCalcutta-26INDIAThe Holy Advent Day of Srila<strong>Prabhupada</strong> Bhakti SiddhantaSaraswati ThakurALL GLORIES 1D SRI GURUAND GO URANGA!!My Dear Sripad Tirtha Maharaj ,Please accept my humble dandabats. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of yourrubber-stamped circular letter of January29, 1969 regarding the Golden JubileeFestival of Sri Chaitanya Math. Previousto this I heard about it from Sripad SramanMaharaj and Sri pad Y. Jagannatham,and expecting your invitation, I expressedmy desire that during the ceremony a specialhome fo r the EUROPEAN ANDAMERICAN BRAHMACHARIES MAYBE ESTABLISHED AT MAYAPUR.Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur and Srila<strong>Prabhupada</strong> desired that such Americanand European devotees may live at Mayapurfor studies of Sri Chaitanya philosophy,and now the time is ripe when manyAmerican, European, and Japanese studentsworking as my disciples are ready togo there for this purpose. In 1967 , when Iwent to India. five American disciples

FEBRUARY, 1969 725were with me. One ofthem, Kirtanananda(Keith Ham, B.A.), was given sannyas byme at Vrindaban. He was sent back to theUSA to organize my New Vrindabanscheme in West Virginia, and he is workingthere along with another of my disciples,Professor Howard Wheeler M.A.,in cooperation with Dr. George HendersonM.A., Ph.D., and others. The remainingfour disciples were entrusted toJive at the Institute of Swami Bon Maharaj, but on account of his canvassingthem for becoming his disciples they lefthim, although one of them, Hrishikesh, isstill living c/o Bon Maharaj as his reinitiateddisciple (?) Two other of my disciplesare still at Vrindaban in my place atRadha Damodar Temple, and Bon Maharajis still after them to devaite theirfaith upon me.I have therefore requested Sripad SramanMaharaj (because you have stoppedcorrespondence with me and I don't knowwhy) to give some place for my disciplesat Maya pur. If I get some place at Mayapur,the disciples who are already in Indiaand those who are willing to go there canlive peacefully without being disturbed byBon Maharaj . But on my proposing thisscheme, Sraman Maharaj , in his letter of24 January, 1969 writes as follows: "Onhearing the news of Golden Jubilee ofChaitanya Math, many people are comingdaily to see the place. We can imagineeven now how much big crowd will assemblewhen the actual fair will takeplace. Although we are constructingmany temporary sheds under the circumstances,I do not think we will be able togive accommodations to your Americanand European students. Even after theceremony I do not think it will be advisableto call for the American and Europeanstudents here in Mayapur. Eventhough we make special arrangements forthem, that will not be for many days. Eventhough you make payment for your students,the other students will feel inferioritycomplex. You know very well ourstandard of living, and therefore it will notbe possible for us to accommodate yourEuropean and American students here inMayapur. The best suggestion which I cangive you is that you better rent one housein V rindaban and accommodate themthere for their education in Sanskrit andBengali. Srila Prabhupad is so kind uponyou that he is causing you to act in suchwonderful way, and by seeing your activitiesI am feeling very much proud of you."This is most discouraging and againstthe will of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur andSrila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> Bhakti SiddhantaSaraswati Thakur. I therefore request youto give me a plot of land within the precinctsof Sri Chaitanya Math to construct asuitable building for my European andAmerican students who are loitering inVrindaban chased by Bon Maharaj, andwho may go in numbers to visit the site ofthe Birth place of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.I can take the responsibility ofconstructing such building at Sri ChaitanyaMath and bear all expenses for theboarding and lodging of such studentswho will go there. Sraman Maharaj saysthat Sri Chaitanya Math is not in a positionto meet their standard of living. But thatdoes not matter. If you simply give me aplot of land, I shall arrange everything atmy responsibility.Another thing is that I have read thepamphlet on the Golden Jubilee festival inwhich you have described very nicelyabout Swami Bon Maharaj in the matter ofhis preaching work in Europe more than35 years ago, but you have not mentionedanything about my humble service rightnow going on in the Western world. Thereare hundreds of letters of appreciation, includingsome from you also, but you havenot mentioned even a single line about mein the pamphlet. Why?? Personally I don'twant any such advertisement, but why this

726 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidamentality of suppressing the fact? Willyou kindly let me know why you have suppressedso many facts? You have also notmentioned in the matter of Bon Maharaj 'spreaching work why he was called backfrom this work in Europe , and why theLate Goswami Maharaj was sent in hisplace. If his preaching was successfulthen why was he called back? Don't youknow the history?Anyway, if you have not mentionedanything about me for want of your properknowledge about my preaching work inEurope and America, you may kindlynow do it and place it before the Patrons ofthe celebration. I am working singlehandedwithout being supported by mycountymen or the government of mycountry. You know very well that Sir PadampatSinghania was ready to spend anyamount for constructing a Radha-Krishnatemple in New York, and you promised toget it sanctioned by the governmentthrough Dr. RadhaKrishnan who was atthat time President. But you could not doanything. The same Dr. Radha Krishnanis now Patron in this celebration. SriBiswanath Das knows me very well. SriHanuman Prasad Poddar knows very wellabout my preaching work in this part ofthe world. Will you induce them to cooperatein my humble attempt? There aremany friends in India who will be preparedto construct each a temple here, ifthe government sanctions exchange. But Idon't think the government will sanctionchanging its policy, even though the retiredPresidents or Governors might requestthis. If it is possible though, pleasetry to do it now, and you will see that wehave a center in each and every town andvillage of the world, as it was predicted byLord Chaitanya. You may please bring thefollowing facts to the notice of the Patronsof the celebration when the session begins.I have already established the followingcenters :1. New lbrk INTERNATIONAL SOCIETYFOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS61 Second AvenueNew York, NYPresident: Brahmananda dasBrahmachary (Bruce Scharf)2. London ISKCON22 Betterton StreetLondon WC 2ENGLANDPresident: Mukunda das Adhikary(Michael Grant)3. Hamburg Internationale Gesellschaftfur Krishna Bewusstein2 Hamburg 19Eppendorfer Weg 11WEST GERMANY4. President: Shivananda das Brahmachary(Samuel Greer)5. Hawaii ISKCON4 Leilani Bldg. 1649 Kapialani Blvd.Honolulu, HawaiiPresident: Goursundar das Adhikary(G. McElroy)6. Montreal ISKCON3720 Park AvenueMontreal 18, QuebecPresident: Hansadutta das Adhikary(Hans Kary)7. San Francisco ISKCON518 Frederick StreetSan Francisco, Calif.President: Chidananda das Brahmachary(Clay Harold)8. New VrindabanRD 3Moundsville, West VirginiaPresident: Kirtananda Swami(Keith Ham)

FEBRUARY, 1Y69 7279. Va ncouver ISKCON271 East Georgia StreetVancouver 4, B.C. CanadaPresident: Ananda das Brahmachary(Eric Cassidy)10. Seattle ISKCON5516 Roosevelt Way N.E.Seattle, WashingtonPresident: Upendra das Brahmachary(Wayne Gunderson)11. Santa Fe ISKCON4113 West Water StreetSanta Fe, New MexicoPresident: Harer Nama das Brahmachary(Harlon Jacobson)12. North Carolina ISCKON107 Laurel AvenueCarrboro, N. CarolinaPresident: Bhurijan das Brahmachary(Wayne Connel)13. Boston ISKCON95 Glenville AvenueBoston, Mass. (Allston)President: Satsvarupa das Adhikary(Stephan Guarina)14. Los Angeles ISKCON1975 S. La Cienega Blvd.Los Angeles, Calif.President: Dayananda das Adhikary(Michael Wright)15. Ohio ISKCON1305 No. High StreetColumbus, OhioPresident: Hayagriva das Adhikary(Howard Wheeler)Five thousand (5,000) copies of BackTo Godhead Magazine are being publishedmonthly now, and since the demandis increasing, we are arranging to printtwenty thousand (20,000) copies startingfrom next April. You are regularly receivingthese copies both in Calcutta and Madras,and I have also instructed to sendcopies to Sri Chaitanya Math for SramanMaharaj . My books are being publishedby MacMillan Company, and the firstpublication is Bhagawat Gita As It Is . I amsending a copy of this book for your personalreading by separate mail. Pleae letme know of your opinion. Dr. HaridasChaudhuri, the President of the AsiaticStudies Institute in San Francisco hasopined as follows: "The book is withoutdoubt the best presentation so far to thewestern public of the teachings of LordKrishna from the standpoint of theVaishnava tradition in India-the standpointof devotional Hindu Mysticism."Besides the above book, my followingbooks are also selling all over Americaand Europe: Srimad Bhagawatam (6 volumes),Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,Transcendental Meditation Explained,Easy Journey to Other Planets, /shopanishad,Brahma Samhita, and Nectarof Devotion. I shall send you a copy ofTeachings of Lord Chaitanya as soon as Iget copies from Japan in March, 1969.Also, Sripad Sadananda Swami (EarnestShulze) has sent his congratulations to methrough one of his disciples thinking ofmy successful preaching in America,Canada, and Europe.Please, therefore, encourage me byyour cooperation. Don't try to suppressme without mentioning anything aboutour efforts in your pamphlet. This will notsatisfy Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. Please, therefore, try to present the abovementionedfacts before the Patrons in the sessionmeeting, and induce them to cooperatewith this movement in the Western World.I am now Permanent Resident or Immigrantin the USA, so there is no need ofmy Visa, Passport, or P Form trouble forme. I can come and go from India withoutany formalities. If you simply cooperate

728 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>with me, I can render some service to thefulfillment of the transcendental desire ofSrila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> and BhaktivinodeThakur.The summary is that you may kindlygive me a plot of land in the Sri ChaitanyaMath for the proposed building. If youwant to Jay down the foundation stone forthis building during the Jubilee celebration,I am prepared to send you the requiredmoney for this special purpose. Orelse, on your approval of this scheme, Imay at once go to India along with some ofmy American and European disciples todo the needful. As a bona fide disciple ofSrila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati GoswamiMaharaj, and because I am tr yingmy best to fulfill His holy desire in thematter of preaching work in this part ofthe world, I have got the right to ask fromyou a plot of land for this purpose. Now itis up to you to cooperate with me.I shall be very glad to receive your replyto this letter. On receipt of your favorablereply, I may start immediately forIndia to take part in the matter of the foundationstone of the building during the Jubileecelebration.Thanking you in anticipation.Affectionately yours,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamicc: Y. Jagannatham, etc.69-2-218th February, 1969Dear Mr. Jim Doody,Please acceptmy blessings. I am veryglad to read your letter ofFFebruary 3,1969, nd I am also glad to learn of yourvery sincere desire to serve Krishna.Surely He will save you. Material entanglementis no problem; if Krishna was notso power that He can easily undo our rnaterialentanglement then there would beno need to follow the path of Krishna Consciousne!>s.Krishna has given His instructionin the Bhagavad Gita that oneshould simply surrender unto Him, andimmediately He takes charge of solvingall of the problems oflife. So if you decideto surrender unto Krishna, and if you aresincere of purpose, there is no problem ofyour life. Material entanglement is not anew thing for you. Everyone who is in thismaterial world has got material problems.Who hasn't got the problem of birth? Whohasn't got the problem of death? Whohasn't got the problem of old age? Andwho hasn't got the problem of disease? Nobody can escape these problems, so everyonein this material world is entangled.The difference is only of varieties of typesof entanglement.I am very glad that you are desiring tobe willing servitor of Krishna, andKrishna will surely accept you, providedyou always remain serious in this determination.Therefore, I will advise you tokeep company with my disciples in London.They are all very sincere boys andgirls, and as much as is possible for you,you should help them with their activities.You also should continue to help themwith Samkirtan Party in London. I amlooking forward to going there as soon asthere is a temple obtined. I think that becauseyou are an English boy, you can helpthem very much in this connection. Assoon as we get a nice place there, and theycall me, I will be pleased to go and meetyou and all of the sincere souls who areanxious to be engaged in this greatKrishna Consciousness movement.Please rest assured that in this movementthere is no question of imperfectness.This is a solid, genuine movementfor the total spiritual rejuvenation of thehuman society. I am requesting in this letterthrough you that every honest and sincereboy or girl must immediately jon

FEBRUARY, 1969 729with us in this movement. If one is actuallyserious to understand the problems oflife, he will surely find the right answersin this movement. Please read carefullyour book, Bhagavad Gita As It Is , and youwill find yourself getting enlightenment tothe fullest extent. There is no doubt ofthis.Please inform Gurudas that in LosAngeles temple, Vishnujana, TarnalKrishna, Shelavati, and her son, Birbhadraplayed a puppet show yesterday on theoccasion of my Spiritual Master's AdventDay. The subject of demonstration was thestory of Prahlad. It was so very nice andperfect that everyone enjoyed to the fullestextent, and everyone joined in chantingHare Krishna. I hope that some time in thefuture they will be able to demonstratemany such spiritual themes for puppetshows, and people will be greatly benefitted.Please convey my blessings to the othersthere. I was so glad to talk with themthe other day on the telephone. I enjoyedhearing their voices, and I was happy thatthey were also very much pleased to hearme. I will be glad to hear if Mr. GeorgeHarrison attended the love fe ast ceremonyyesterday as I was informed he would.Please continue to try and understand theessence of this Krishna Consciousnessmovement, and try to convince others alsoof its importance.Your ever well-wisher,69-2-22 Los Angeles8th February, 1 969My Dear Jagannatham Prabhu,Please accept my humble dandabats. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your kindletter dated I February 1969. I have receivedone. pamphlet of the Golden Jubi -lee, organized by Sripad Tirtha Maharaj ,and a covering letter dated 29, January1969. This letter was not even signed byTirtha Maharaj , but appears to be a generalcircular letter with his rubber stamponly, without any signature. Besides that,there is not a single line inviting me to attendthe ceremony either officially orpersonally. Aside from this, I have notreceived any invitation from him, and I donot know if the other Tridandi Sannyashand disciples of Prabhupad have been speciallyinvited or not. The copy of his letteralong with the copy of my letter is enclosedherewith for your purusal. I havealso sent to him one copy of my BhagavadGita As It Is.You have written to say that Tirtha Maharajwill give me all facilities to presentbefore the audience during the Golden Jubileefunction a picture of my "marvelouswork that is being done in the USA andEast European countries," but I do notthink he has any intention to give me suchfacility becau5e he has in his pamphletpresented one picture of Bon Maharaj 'spreaching work which is defunct for thelast 40 years, but he has purposefully notmentioned even a single line about thepreaching work now going on in Europe,Canada, and America under my direction.You will read a copy of my replywhich will speak for itself.Regarding your books, the editorialassistants and myself do agree there is nodifference of our Sampradaya Siddhanta.Now we have only to see how these bookswill be sellable in this country. The bestthing will be if you can kindly send morecopies of each book, and we can try to sellthem in our different centers. If there isgood response, we can think of republishingthem. Certainly to send the books byair mail is prohibitive, but you can sendthem by surface mail in different batchesto our different centers of which a list ofaddresses is found in the copy of the letter

730 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldaaddressed to Tirtha Maharaj . The next alternativeis to pack up all of the books andsend them to Calcutta to our shippingagents , namely ; United Shipping Corporation,14/2 Old China Bazar Street(Room #18), Calcutta- !, INDIA. Uponhearing from you I will advise them totake care of the packages to New York bysea-way. We shall try to sell the books inour different centers, and the sales proceedswill be kept separately. If the booksare to be published, from here the salesproceeds will be utilized for this purpose.Or else, the proceeds shall be sent to youafter a deduction of 40 % discount as weget from others. We are selling books ofmany of our godbrothers, just like BonMaharaj , Nitaidas Brahmachary, Prof.Sannyal, Bhakti Pradip Tirtha, RagaChaitanya Prabhu, etc . I think this aarrangementwill be practical . If you willgive us your permission then we can immediatelyarrange to publish some of thebest portions as articles in Back To Godheadwith your good name therein.My next book, Teachings of LordChaitanya , shall be out by the end ofMarch 1969. I have advised the printer tosend you two dozen title covers to yourBombay address, and I wish that thesecovers may be kindly distributed by you torespectable guests who may participate inthe Jubilee celebration.You will read the letter addressed toTirtha Maharaj , and you will meet himalso by the 25th instant. If he agrees togive me a plot of land as requested in myletter than it will be a practical gesture ofour full cooperation. If you can kindlyhelp in this matter it will be a great serviceto Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.I thank you very much for your kindblessing, and I beg to remainYours ever affectionately,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-23My Dear Hrishikesa,Los Angeles8th February, 1969Please accept my blessings. I was verymuch pleased to receive your letter of 3February, 1969 , and I have carefullynoted all of the contents . Regarding the insurancemoney, if you are able to use it immediately,without waiting for two years,it will be a great boon. The best use of thismoney is for the constructing of so manyliving quarters in New Vrindaban. Thereare so many schemes pending in NewVrindaban, such as press, school, etc.,and as soon as there is adequate accommodationfacilities, we can at once beginwork very fruitfully. So if you can immediatelyengage this $2600 in these plans itwill be very much helpful . I have receivedone letter from Nara Narayan, and he hasalready drawn up the plans for the variousbuildings which are required to be constructedin New Vrindaban. Now as soonas the proper manpower and finances canbe arranged, we can immediately start onthis important task.So far as your occasional agitationfrom the maya, the answer is very simplethat one must either strictly control hissenses, or else he must get himself married.If one is strong enough in KrishnaConsciousness, then there is no reason tobecome grihastha, but if one is still disturbedby sex-desire, then marriage is theonly other possibility. But if one is stillbrahmachary, then he must be sure to followall of the rules and regulations verystrictly. There is no place in spiritual lifefor cheating in this matter. Chaitanya Mahaprabhuhas never criticized a householderfor having sex life for the purposeof bearing children. But when it came toJunior Hari das , who was posing as sannyasbut was still engaging in lustfulthoughts , Lord Chaitanya would not tolerate, and Junior Haridas was banished

FEBRUARY, 1969 731from the association of the Lord. So this isvery important that we reamain very firmin our vow of brahmachary, or if this isvery difficult, then house-holder life is thenext satisfactory solution.Regarding your idea of a Krishna Consciousbook of many of our prayers , this isa nice idea, and very soon Dinesh willhave many prayers which he has been taperecording written out in English transliterations.I am advising him to send theseto you when it is available.I have seen the plan for the cottagewhich was sent along with your letter. It isvery nice, but so far as I can understand, itwill only accommodate for one person. Ifyou like, this house may be constructed,but I think the immediate necessity is toconstruct buildings to accommodate themany people who may soon come to NewVrindaban to work there.So I thank you again for your nice letter.Please convey my blessings to the othersthere with you. I hope this will meetyou in very good health and cheerfulmood.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-24Los Angeles9th February, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch anxious to know how is your presentcondition of health. Please let me know ifyou are improving or if there is some disturbancestill. We should always rememberthat our body is not for sensegratification; it is for Krishna's serviceonly. And to render very good sound serviceto Krishna we should not neglect theupkeep of the body. We learn from an instanceof Sanatan Goswami. He wassometimes very much sick on account ofexema, and he was therefore sometimesbleeding. But whenver Lord Chaitanyamet Sanatan Goswami, He used to embracehim in spite of Sanatan's request forHim not to touch him. Because of this .Sanatan Goswami later on decided tocommit suicide so Lord Chaitanya wouldnot embrace him in his bloody condition.This plan was understood by Lord Chaitanya,and He called Sanatan Goswami andsaid to him, "you have decided to end thisbody, but don't you know that this bodybelongs to Krishna? You have alreadydedicated your body to Krishna so howcan you decide to end it? '' So you must notneglect the upkeep of your body. This isthe lesson we get from Lord Chaitanyaand Sanatan Goswami. Try to take care ofyour health in the best possible way.Regarding Back To Godhead, the advertisementswhich you are now getting,especially the hippie advertisements , arenot very good . Therefore, I am thinking ofavoiding these advertisements. But so faras I understand, if we stop the advertisementsimmediately, the publication wouldbe stopped altogether. So I do not wish totake such drastic way. I will be glad toknow if you will submit to me an accountof what is the actual expenditures and incomefor our Back To Godhead publication.Then we shall try to find out themoney by some other means and then stopthe advertisements . Eventually we wish topublish only purely Krishna Consciousnessarticles up to 48 pages per month. Soplease inform me of the actual expenditures,income, and also exactly how manyhands are engaged in putting together anissue. Please list the names of your helpersand what is their specific duty.So far as I understand, the number ofregular subscribers is not very satisfactory.Back To Godhead is being distributedby individual canvassing only. So ifthat is the position, then there is no need topublish something which is not pureKrishna Consciousness. Purely Krishna

732 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Consciousness means as you have publishedthe article Ishopanishad, and similarlywe can publish all the Upanishads,the Ttedanta Sutra, and many similar articles.The articles like Dr. Spock, theBeach Boys, or nonsense book reviewsshould be completely avoided. I know inIndia, the Kalyan Kalpatu paper and similarother papers do not take any advertisement,neither do they review any bookunless it is published by them. So I thinkwe should follow this policy. I shall beglad to hear from you in this connection atyour earliest convenience. But for thetime being, things may go on as it is regardingadvertisements, so long as youavoid the hippy advertisements as far aspossible.I hope this will meet you in improvinghealth and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-25 Los Angeles9th February, 1969My Dear Mukunda and Colin Jury,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your joint letters dated February3, 1969. Pending your searchingout a suitable temple-house, immediatelyrent a suitable apartment for me from the1st of March, 1969, and on hearing fromyou, I shall start for London by the end ofthis month. When I go there I am sure Ishall find out a suitable temple-house.Please let me know your decision on thismatter so that I may prepare for myLondon-Yatra.Offer my blessings to all of my belovedsons and daughters who are so kind andaffectionate to me. Awaiting your earlyrply with interest.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-26Los Angeles9th February, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of January 30,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am pleased to note that you are seeinginto obtaining a dictaphone for helpingme in preparing so many Krishna Consciousnessliteratures. The maker of mypresent dictaphone is Grundig, and it is anEmbassy de Jur, Sterorette. This modelwas purchased by Hayagriva in New Yorkfor $190 by cash payment, but it can behad by installment payment at a higherprice. So you may do the needful in thismatter.Regarding the Pancha Tattva picture,it is simply a pose of Lord Chaitanya andsome of His associates receiving servicefrom Their devotees and chanting HareKrishna. Pancha Tattva is described asKrishna in five expansions, namelyKrishna Himself in the role of a devotee;His Incarnation in the role of a devotee;His energy in the role of a devotee; His expansionin the role of a devotee; and Histwo energies (internal and marginal) inthe role of devotees. So the external energyis not there. Therefore the wholemanifestation is transcendental . There arethree energies, namely internal, external,and marginal. Although all of the energiesare connected with Krishna, the externalenergy is differentiated. Just likedarkness is another part of light, andtherefore darkness can not stand beforethe light, but it stands somewhere by theside of the light. Without light, there is noexistence of darkness, but darkness cannotbe found in the light. Similarly, thereis no darkness or activities of the externalenergy in the Pastimes of Lord Chaitanya.So far as Achyutananda and Jayagovindaare concerned, I am not displeasedwith any of my disciples. A father

FEBRUARY, 1969 733can not be displeased with his sons, butsometimes the sons create disturbances,and the father has to tolerate. Constitutionally,the father is always affectionateand pleased with the sons. But it is up tothe sons to obey the father and keep the relationshipnatural . The little disturbancescreated by Achyutananda and Jayagovindawere temporary. Now again they havecome to their real consciousness.Regarding your question about Subadraand Durga, they are not at all thesame. Durga's other name is Badra, notSubadra, and Durga 's activities are withinthe material world. Subadra does notwork as Durga. Subadra is internal energy,and Durga is external energy. As energy,they have a relationship as much aswe are energies of Krishna, but the energiesare working in different capacities.Although originally the energy is one, bytheir expansion, the accents of the energiesare different, and as we are not impersonalists,this variegatedness ofactions are essential for the Supreme Personalityof Godhead, as much as thegovernment is one but there are multidepartmentsfor management of the government.The education department andthe criminal department are all departmentsof the government. The governmentis connected with all parts anddepartments, but the education activitiesare different from the criminal activities.This is the philosophy of inconceivably simultaneouslyone and different manifestationsof the Absolute Truth.I have received one nice letter fromIvan Levine, and I would like to knowyour opinion whether or note he shouldtake initiation without his wife doing thesame. I have no objection to initiate himalone, but will he be able to thereby followthe rules and regulations? If you recommendit, I shall initiate him. Of course,the best thing will be to initiate husand andwife together. If the wife is interested,why does.she not agree to be initiated withher husband? What is the difficulty. Onhearing from you in this matter, I will dothe needful. Also, I understand that Mrs.Levine has not been feeling well due toher pregnancy. Please convey my requestto her that she rest as much as possible andnot too much exert her energies in anyway. Upon hearing from you, I will informMr. Levine as to what is to be done.I shall be very happy to know what ishappening to the second issue of ourFrench edition of Back To Godhead. I wasvery pleased with the first issue, and Ihope the new issue will be ready verysoon. Please inform me what is the problemin this important matter.Kindly convey my blessings to theother devotees in your temple. I am awaitingyour replies to the above questions. Ihope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Himavati,Please accept my blessings. I thank youso much for your letter of January 30, 1969.I am glad to know that you are anxious tobegin tending the Deities in grand style andfashion. Before I instruct you further in thismatter, please send me a detailed list of whatworshipping methods you are now performing.Let me know how you are conductingtemple worship now from morning tillnight. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-27 Los Angeles1Oth February, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

734 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>January 30, 1969, and I am so glad tolearn that you are working as a full-timesecretary in a good business firm. Pleasetry to continue this work as far as possible.I think that by Krishna's mercy youmust be feeling happy. Now you are gettingsome income which is essential forhouseholder life, and you are living withyour husband, so I am very much satisfiedthat you are in happy mood. Now I amsure that you will be able to contribute$5,000 to my book fund. I understand thatyou have some difficulty with your dictaphone,and as soon as you fix it, I willcontinue to send you some tapes.Regarding Kartikeya, I am sorry to informyou that all of a sudden he has beencaptivated by maya, and since yesterday,he has left my company. The day beforeyesterday afternoon, he was absent formore than three hours and when he cameback, he explained that he was out walkingin the street. Later on, it was foundthat he went to see a Christian priestwhohad impressed upon his mind that one candrink wine after offering it to Lord Christon the first Friday of every month. I hadbeen informed by Kartikeya that before hiscoming to our Krishna Consciousnesscamp he was drinking too much. So nowhe wanted to give me evidence that drinkingwas good when it is offered to LordChrist. I tried to convince him that drinkingis not at all good. The very fact thatone should drink on the first Friday ofeach month means it is rigidly restricted;one can drink only once every month, butin the case of bread, it is said that oneshould pray daily for bread from the Lord.In this way there was some remonstration,but he was silently hearing from me whilebeing not at all satisfied. I understoodfrom Purushottam that the whole night hewas not satisfied. The next morning, thatwas yesterday, Tarnal was talking with meand I asked him to keep Kartikeya forsome time in his Kirtan Party. But Kartikeyagot immediately upset, and justwithin 15 minutes, he took away his bagsand baggages and phoned his sister andwent to her place. This morning, Sudamaphoned him that if you do not like to live inthe temple, you can come back and livewith Swamiji. But he has not come back.Therefore, for the time being, it is to beunderstood that he is victimized by thestroke of maya. I do not know what isawaiting his future lot, but I am sure thathis service to Krishna and to his SpiritualMaster will not go in vain. But individualindependence and maya are so strong thatthey can stop progress at any moment. Solong as he was here, he was taking care ofme very nicely, and I am very muchobliged to him. I simply said that he maylive for some time with the SamkirtanParty, and he became upset. So I do notknow what to do.Regarding your German acquaintance,I understand that he may be a veryintelligent man and believes in science.But even the most advanced scientist dependson the statements of authorities.Science begins on some definate data, justlike Sir Isaac Newton discovered the lawof gravitation, and so much scientific advancementdepends on such authoritativestatements. So even scientific knowledgehas to stand on the evidence of authority.He admits that we are all spirit soul insidethe body entrapped, and he beleives thisbody is composed of various chemicalsabout which we know a great deal. But unfortunately,with all this chemical combinationscombined together, we can notproduce a body like this; this is also a scientificfact. Just like rasrulla is a milkproduct everyone knows. But how tomake a rasrulla from milk requires expertfurther knowledge. Therefore, simply toknow that this body is made of chemicalsis not sufficient knowledge. When onecan reproduce a similar body with theknown chemicals, then he is to be

FEBRUARY, 1969 735considered as the expert scientist. Thespirit soul is impossible to find out by materialisticscientific means, but if one willhear from the right authority, he may understand.The gentleman is disappointedthat probably no one will ever know aboutspirit, but this is not true. We know whatis spirit, how does it work, how does ittransmigrate from one body to another orfrom one planet to another. We knowthese very scientifically, and we arefirmly convinced about it. We can refuteany dogmatic arguments against this conviction,and how do we do that? Simplybecause we start our understanding fromthe data of authoritative sources likeKrishna or His representative . In the BhagavadGita, Lord Krishna speaks aboutspirit soul from the very beginning. Unlessone understands what is this spiritsoul , his further advancement of the SupremeSpirit God has no value. So thisgentleman is puzzled in his understandingabout wherefrom we have come, what weare, and where we are going. But we arecertain about it. So if he wants to know allthese things, there is bona fide source forunderstanding these problems, providinghe agrees to give a submissive aural receptionto the respective authorities asmuch as he believes in the authoritativestatements of Sir Isaac Newton. So eitherto accept the statements of Sir Isaac Newtonor the statements of Lord Krishna, thebeginning is a kind of faith. Unfortunately,thes so-called scientific men canusually pin their faith on Sir Isaac Newtonbut not to the statements of Krishna or hisrepresentatives . So try to explain to him inthis way.Thanking you again for your nice letter.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-28 Los AngelesMy Dear Angelo Cummings ,11th February, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your recent letter (undated) ,and I was pleased to learn that you are ableand willing to help us in our constructionplans in New Vrindaban. The constructionof the houses is already under waybecause Nara Narayan has already submittedto me some plans along with an estimateof the needed finances .* Hayagrivais ready to invest the required money, soyour cooperation and help will furthermake easier our attempt. Please thereforecooperate in consultation with Hayagrivawho is the chief man in this matter. I shallalso be in New Yo rk as well as New Vrindabanin the month of April. So if I ampresent there , I think that your help will beof great value. Actually we want suchhouses as you have submitted plans for.Nara Narayan is in New Yo rk already, soyou may consult with him and help him inthis attempt by mutual cooperation.Thanking you once again for your letter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*I am forwarding your letter & plans toHayagriva for necessary action69-2-29 Los AngelesMy Dear Chidananda,11th February, 1969Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter of February 5,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. It is understood that you and Mulgiba have been collecting for the new temple,but I do not know who is keeping accountof this money. How much is there atpresent in this fund? Where is this fund

736 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidabeing kept? Please inform me on thesematters.Regarding your efforts for securing advertisementsfor Back To Godhead, thebest thing would be if we could stop theseadvertisements, but the difficulty is thatwithout advertisements it would be verydifficult to continue this magazine. So,under the circumstances, if you and otherdevotees can secure at least $100 permonth for Back To Godhead, then it willnot be necessary for you in San Fransiscoto obtain money by getting advertisements.Please consider on this point andlet me know your ideas. So far as theAsian Student Foundation, I do not thinkyou should give them free of charge 150copies of Bhagavad Gita As It Is .I hope that by now you are fully recoveredin health, and I shall await your letterwith interest. Please convey my blessingsto the others in your temple.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivednata Swami69-2-30Los Angeles12th February, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February7, 1969, and I have noted the contents .Regarding Jadurany's diet, let her takefruits, vegetables, milk, chapaties, andalso when she is hungry she may take a littlerice and some thin mug dahl . Pleasekeep me informed of her progress.Regarding your idea of having an installationceremony for the Deities, it isvery good suggestion, and you may alsohave the sacrificial fire . The Deitiesshould be bathed with milk, and whilebathing, They must have covering of thincotton cloth, and the whole Body and theclothing should be wet by pouring themilk. You can see the picture of this in thenew Back To Godhead, and perhaps yousaw the ceremony when it was held inNew York. The Deities should be decoratedwith sufficient flowers and nicegorgeous dresses and ornaments. Beforehand, you should polish the Bodies with amixture of tamorine pulp and fullersearth. Apply the pulp on the Bodies, thenrub it and then polish nicely with tissuepaper. This will gave a very good shine.Then bath the Deities with milk, and dressvery nicely with ornaments, and placeThem on the throne with flowers, candles,etc . The throne, if possible, shouldbe coated with silver sheets, and the canopyshould be red velvet with gold embroideredwork. Before the Deities, on thestaircase, there may be some silver polishedcups, pitchers, etc . I think the Deitieshave already helmets and peacockfeathers and hair to be dressed with. Ifnot, make arrangements for this also. I donot know how big is the throne, but if it isvery big, then within the throne there maybe a raised seat to accommodate the Deities.On the whole, everything should bevery gorgeous; then it will be successful.Actually, although Radha-Krishna isworshipped in Vrindaban which is like asimple village, but we worship Laxmi­Narayan, and the worship is accepted bythe Radha-Krishna Deity. Actually, in ourpresent status, we can not worship Radha­Krishna. But as all the Vishnu Murtis aresituated in Krishna, therefore, our Radha­Krishna worship is transferred to Vishnu,Lord Narayan. Vishnu worship is the regulativedevotional principles, and Radha­Krishna worship is spontaneous service ofeternal feelings. Therefore, as l..axmi­Narayan is the Deity of great opulences,similarly our Radha-Krishna Murtis alsoshould be worshipped with great pompand dignity. Krishna will give you theproper intelligence to do this very nicely.So far as prayers, you may sing HareKrishna, Govinda Jai Jai, and Govindum

______FEBRUARY, 1969 737Adi Purusham.It is not mentioned how many handsthe different Brahmas from the differentuniverses have . Maybe four hands. Yes,they ride on swans.I am sending herewith the tape, so youdo the work on your dictaphone and sendme regularly the typed copies. Don't stopthem it makes me stop also. Unless I getback the typed copies it doesn't encourageme. So you send me the typed _and I shall send you the tapesregularly3rd Canto. I knowthat I have made up to the __tape is continuation,where are the papers.So give me an __ where are the papers.I am concerned about Jadurany 'shealth condition ________ fever?If she has feverish condition, sheshoulddown and do nowork.Hope you are well, and please keep meinformed of your, as well asabout Jadurany's health condition.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-31 Los Angeles12th February, 1969My Dear Charles McCollough,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 9, 1969 , and I have noted thecontents carefully. Regarding your questionabout closing the temple for a fewhours during the day, the best thing is ifthis can be avoided, but since you are allworking in the afternoon then what elsecan be done? Close 12 to 5 p.m.You have asked me the meaning of theword 'non-manifest' as it appears in theBhagavad Gita, and the answer is that itmeans 'impersonal,' or that which is notpersonal. Just like the sun has its personaland impersonal feature. The suncan be located as the sun disc, yet it alsohas its impersonal, all-pervading aspect,or the sunshine. So the sun is manifest,and the sunshine is non-manifest. Manifestmeans where there is variety and nonmanifestmeans where there is only one.When you go to a planet within the sunshinethere are many varieties found, butin the sunshine itself there is simply onethesunlight.Regarding your question about time,time is eternal, but in the spiritual world,there is no influence of time. In the materialworld there is the influence of past,present and future, and this past, presentand future is a relative truth. This is becausethe past of one man is not the past ofanother; past, present and future are relativeto the person, and there are differentgrades of persons. For example, Brahma's day is calculated as thousands of ouryears. In one day of Brahma there are millionsof our pasts, presents, and futures.So this is all relativity, whereas in thespiritual world, there is no such relativity.Therefore, time has no such influence inthe spiritual world. I hope this will clearup your questions.I understand that you will not be able tocome to Los Angeles, but when it is possible,I will be very happy to meet with you.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-32Los Angeles12th February, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February7, 1969, and I have noted the contents. Iam so glad to learn that Mr. Ginsberg istaking some serious interest in our HareKrishna Movement. When he actually

738 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidacomes into Krishna Consciousness,which I expect will be in the very near future,at that time our movement will get agreat impetus.I understand that in New Vrindabanyou have got electricity, and I shall be gladto know what is the condition of the atmospherethere. The other day, I saw in thepaper that there was very strong snowstormsin New York and the airport servicehad stopped there completely. Isthere any snow-storm in New Vrindabanalso? If not, I can go whenever you callme there because here I have no seriousbusiness just now. In London, they havenot yet been able to find out a suitabletemple house, but their propoganda workis going on very nicely. They are attendingalmost every night somewhere in kirtanengagements, and five or six Eglish boyshave joined them already. So I was thinkingof opening the London temple on theBirth day of Lord Chaitanya which falls onMarch 4, 1969. I have already written tothem about this, but if it doesn't takeplace, then why not make foundationstone ceremony on that date in New Vrindaban?If the climate is not too much obstructive,then we can hold a ceremony onthat day on account of Lord Chaitanya 'sAdvent and lay down the foundation stoneof our New Vrindaban construction work .In the meantime, I am enclosing herewithsome plans and a letter from AngeloCummings who is in New York temple.He is also ready to help in the constructionwork. After examining the plans, you canreturn them to the boy in New Yo rk andopen correspondence with him. If NaraNarayan and he conjointly work, thenvery quickly the construction will be finished.Please inform me what was the reportof the press boys. Anyway, press orno press, we must have some houses therebecause many students are very much eagerto go to New Vrindaban.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Shama Dasi. I hope this willmeet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-33Los Angeles13th February, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter of February II ,I969, and I was pleased to note the contentstherein. I am glad that everyone atyour temple is working hard and in full cooperationfor keeping the temple nicelyand spreading our movement as far aspossible. This should be our motto . Wehave so many things to do for improvingour Krishna Consciousness movement,and I am so glad to learn that there is anewspaper report wherein it is said that"Krishna Chants Startle London." Pleasesend me at least one copy of the paper immediately.I want to read it. It sounds verymuch encouraging.I have sent back the beads for Girish byseparate mail, after duly chanting uponthem. I am very glad to learn that he iscompleting daily his rounds at any cost. Itis an example even for the elderly students.Please encourage this nice boy. Heis given under your protection so take careof him very nicely. Just produce one niceKrishna Conscious youth. It will be agreat service to Krishna and recognitionof your nice service.It is very nice that you are wishing toremain as a brahmachary. In London theyare ideal householders. So actually itdoesn't matter if one is householder ofbrahmachary. Sincerity of purpose is theonly qualification for Krishna Consciousness.Sri Narottama das Thakur says thathe hankers after the company of any person,never mind whether he is in the renouncedorder of life or in householder

FEBRUARY, 1969 739life, just as long as he is merged into theocean of Krishna Consciousness. That isthe one qualification.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-3413th February, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 6 February,1969, and I thank you very much forit. It is not surprising that it is taking a littletime to begin your actual printingwork. In the beginning of everything thereis always some difficulty, but when youare accustomed to the process, there willbe no difficulty. If no better grammarianis available, the translations of UttamsSloka may be published. But I think thatas many friends are coming to the temple,especially some Bengali Indians, they canhelp you in doing this translation work.When a person is willing to help with ourmission, he is also a devotee, so there isno question of him being non-devotee.But they must translate as it is, they mustnot deviate. Anyway, our motto should beto somehow or other express the objectivesof Krishna Consciousness to theGerman-speaking people. There is averse in Srimad Bhagawatam that a bookor poetry in which the Holy Name ofKrishna is depicted, such language isrevolutionary in the matter of purifyingthe material atmosphere. Even thoughsuch literature is presented in broken languageor grammatical inconsistency orrhetorical irregularity, still, those who aresaintly persons adore such literature.They hear such literature, and chant it andadore it, simply because the SupremeLord is being glorified in this literature. Inother words, we are not meant for presentingany literary masterpieces, but wehave to inform people that there is a fire ofmaya which is burning the very vitality ofall living entities, and they should guardagainst the indefatigable onslaught ofmaterial existence. That should be ourmotto. So even if you do not get any assistancefrom friends, get it translated by UttamaSloka, and publish. You can at leastpublish a 5-10 page edition of GermanBack To Godhead. That is my request.In the Western World, people are simplyinterested more in politics because theproblems here is materialistic. In the materialway of life, people are embarrassedwith the thoughts of how I shall sleep, howI shall eat, how I shall mate, and how Ishall defend. That is the way of materiallife. In the spiritualistic life one knowsthat God has provided food for everyone,so we shall live on whatever things arecontributed by the Grace of God. God hasprovided immense land on this globe, soso we have enough place to lie down. Matingis possible even in the bird's andbeast's life, so that is not a problem, anddefending is always incomplete. Nobodycan defend himself with utmost precautionarymethods unless one is protectedby the Lord. Therefore, in all circumstancesa devotee is cent per cent dependenton the mercy and protection of theLord, as much as a child is cent per centdependent on the mercy of the mother. Ofcourse it is very difficult for the westernpeople to understand this philosophy ofbeing cent per cent dependent on themercy of God. Therefore, the easiestmethod for us is to popularize the Samkirtanmovement everywhere, and that willpave the path of spiritual understanding.You will be glad to know that in Londonthey are doing very nicely, and a reportwas published in some San Fransisco paperwith the heading, KRISHNACHANT STARTLES LONDON. So you

740 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>shall also try to startle Germany with theKrishna chant. That should be our mainprogram, and publishing of Back To Godheadis a bigger chanting process. Withmridunga you can chant within the boundaryof your temple, but by publishingBack To Godhead you can chant throughoutthe German speaking land. So bothmridunga and Back To Godhead is ourlife and soul.Your efforts to repeat the philosophy asit is will be successful by two things; themercy of Krishna and the mercy of theSpiritual Master. These will keep us alwaysfit in speaking the right thing. If theclimate is suitable now in Germany, or assoon as it is so, I can immediately go toGermany. What is the temperature therenow? How far are you from Switzerland?I am very much anxious to go to Europe tovisit London, Germany and other placesas soon as there is an opportunity. Theonly problem is it should not be too coldfor me, an old man. So you let me knowthe maximum temperature at the presentmoment, or if in the month of March theclimate will be all right. I can tolerate verynicely temperatures of 50-60 degrees.Regarding Bhagavad Gita 'sifyou havenot yet received them, just take the rate ofair-cargo carrying from Germany to NewYork. If it is not prohibitive, then you canask immediately Brahmananda to send byair-cargo. I think the present delay is onaccount of a dock strike in New York.Regarding Jayagovinda, the concessionalrate of $200 suggested by you toJayagovinda is very nice. What is there ifhe comes from New Delhi to Moscow, ittakes only 6 hours. So if he starts by planesome night, he can reach Moscow in themorning, and if he then leaves for Germany,by train he will arrive Hamburg thenext morning. So to save $185 is a goodproposal rather than to wait 3 months tosend him the full amount. Instead of waiting3 months, he can travel for three days,so there is no difficulty with this plan. Regardingthe Raghu Pati Raghaja song, weare not concerned with this song becauseit had a political motive; it is not pure devotionalservice. Ghandhi was a greatstatesman in the garb of a saintly person,so that the Indian population wouldblindly follow him. But his motive waspolitical and we are therefore not very interestedwith it. However, you can sing thefirst two lines, (Raghu Pati Raghava RajaRam, Patita Pavana Sita Ram). I hope thiswill meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-35HamburgLos Angeles13th February, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February4, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am so glad to learn that you areagain accepting work to improve the conditionof the temple. This is very nice.Practically, it was you who took the initiativefor starting the London and Germancenters. In London, the boys and girls aredoing very nicely, and similarly, you arealready three, and Jayagovinda is comingsoon. So you also try your best to startleGermany with the chanting of HareKrishna.Regarding the draft, I think if youplace yourself as my student for becominga future Ordained Minister of Religion,there will be no draft problem. We areprinting so many books, already we havegot four or five, so if the government isconvinced that you are studying these theisticliteratures under my guidance, becauseI am admitted as Ordained Minsterof Religion, then you can be classified in

FEBRUARY, 1969 741the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a studentof religious ministership, and therewill be no problem from the draft board.So in the future, when your services arecalled for in New Vrindavan I think I willbe able to give you all protection. But forthe time being you have got great responsibilityto organize the Hamburg center asfar as possible. I think you should makethe board of management for your centeras follows: President; Shivananda dasBrahmachary, Treasurer and Secretary;Krishna das Brahmachary, Editor of GermanBTG; Uttama Sloka, Superintendentof press; JayaGovinda das Brahmachary.Regarding your questions about variousnames of God, we have nothing to dowith Jehova, Allah, Jesus, etc. If somebodyelse wants to chant in this way it is allright, but nobody is chanting Jesus etc. Ifthey like, let them do that but as far as weare concerned, we should be satisfiedwith the Hare Krishna Mantra and nothingmore. We have registered our associationparticularly under the name ofKrishna. God has millions of names undoubtedly,but we are especially concernedwith the name of Krishna becausewe are in the disciplic succession of LordChaitanya Mahaprabhu Who chanted thisHoly Name, Krishna. Everyone shouldbe particular to his particular disciplicsuccession or sampradaya 's regulativeprinciples. This is required, as much asthere are many different political parties,although every one is meant to serve thecountry.So far as you not completing yourchanting, I think this should not be a regularpractice. If by chance you miss to finishin one day, that is a different thing. Butas far as possible we must try to completethe prescribed number of beads. Yo ushould try to chant at least 2 or 3 hoursevery day. We have got 24 hours at our disposal,so for chanting we can find 2 or 3hours without any difficulty. Simply wehave to adjust things in the right way.Regarding utilizing intelligence in devotionalservice, intelligence should beconfirmed by the Spiritual Master. Thereforewe accept the Spiritual Master forguidance. You should not depend on yourown intelligence. Just like a child requiresa parent to tell him the correct thing to do,similarly, a strict disciple should alwaysuse his intelligence in conformity with theinstructions of the Spiritual Master.Regarding your dealings with impersonalists,any one who teaches of the impersonalnature should be avoided. If wehear them, it will hamper our progress.That will be the result-no progress.Therefore, rigidly we will try to avoid theimpersonal teachings. Generally, it onlyproduces bad effects.As for your question about the ecstasyof chanting and working for Krishna, theecstasy which is automatically manifest isvery welcome, but we should not try tocome to the ecstatic status by any artificialpractice. You should give more stress onthe importance of chanting. Working forKrishna is not different from chanting,but such work whould be done under thedirection of the Spiritual Master.Please convey my blessings to UttamaSloka. I hope this will meet you all in verygood health and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-36Los Angeles14th February, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of February 7,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I have also seen the leaflets done bythis boy, Mark, and they are very nicelydone. Regarding your question about the10 senses, such questions shciuld be taken

742 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>up at your Istogosti meetings. I have alreadyanswered most of the questions youhave asked in this connection in a previousletter, so you may refer to it.About the shell which you are presentlykeeping in the temple, because it isnot a conchshell, it should be consideredas impure, and therefore it may not beplaced upon the altar. Regarding the metersung by Narada Muni, it is not necessaryfor us to practice this. For your finalquestion, you are correct in your idea thatleaflets which are destined to be thrownupon the ground should not contain picturesof Krishna, Jagannath, etc. Suchleaflets may only be hung up for people tosee.I thank you very much for your offer toprint any pages I may need upon yourpress there, but I think that the first businessshould be to immediately print anotherissue of Back To Godhead, Frenchedition. The first issue was very nice, butI hope this will be printed regularly so thatit may be a great help to us in spreadingthis Krishna Consciousness movement tothe French speaking peoples of the world.Please inform me immediately as to whatis the problem of printing this second issueof Back To Godhead, French edition.Thanking you again for your letter. Ihope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-37 Los Angeles14th February, 1969My Dear Prahladananda Das,Please accept my blessings and theblessings of my Guru Maharaj also. I amvery pleased to accept you as my disciple,and your spiritual name is Prahladananda.This means one who is as cheerful as MaharajPrahlad in all kinds of critical tests .With these chanting beads, this HareKrishna Mantra is coming down by disciplicsuccession, so you receive it, andchant at least 16 rounds daily, and followthe prohibitive regulations. Take assistancefrom your godbrothers there, andengage yourself purely in the business ofKrishna Consciousness.You are right when you say that we aretrapped souls in a state of forgetfullness ofKrishna, and Krishna is giving you thechance now to re-establish your relationshipwith Him by this chanting process.So take full advantage of it and be happy. Iam so glad to learn that you are alreadylecturing in the University of Buffalo, andI have received good reports about this.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-38Los Angeles14th February, 1969My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 12, 1969, and I am so glad tonote the report of your very nice activities.The fact that 72 regular students areattending your class plus visitors means itis a great success. May Krishna bless youmore and more for your sincere service. Iam sure that your little son, Eric, willcome out a great preacher of this KrishnaConsciousness movement because he istrained by an expert father and mother,and this will not go in vain. If you can contributethis one son to Krishna for preachingHis Glories, you will be doing thegreatest service to your family, to yourcountry, and to the people in general.Regarding your desire to take me therefor some time, it is long overdue, and ifthe climate is suitable, I can go now even,

FEBRUARY, 1969 743if you think it is necessary. For installationof the Deities, it is better to do this when Igo there. Besides that, the Deity is toosmall for temple installation. But anyway,Krishna and Radha have come to you, andwe should welcome Them and let workingon the altar go on. I am glad to learn thatBhurijana is preparing to leave for NorthCarolina tomorrow. It is a very good attempt.I want to open hundreds of centersfor preaching this Krishna Consciousness,and one who helps me in this endeavoris certainly very dear to Krishnaand all of the acharyas. You have nicelywritten "All Glories to Lord ChaitanyasMerciful Sankirtan Invasion of Europe" ,and you will be pleased to know that thereis a newspaper article in a San Fransiscopaper which has the heading "KrishnaChant Startles London" . So I hope thatthis Krishna chanting will startle thewhole Western Hemisphere.Please offer my blessings to everyoneat your temple. Hoping this will meet youin the very best of health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-39 Los Angeles14th February, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9February, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. Regarding prasadamofferind to the Deities, you will take fromthe cooked foodstuffs in a plate just sufficientfor one man's eathing, and this prasadamshould be offered to the Deity, notthe whole quantity. The rest of the foodstuffsmay remain in the oven to keep it hotuntil the devotees accept and honor it. Theplate offered to the Deities must be kept15-20 minutes so that the major portion ofthe foodstuffs will be remaining warm inthe oven, and the devotees will thereforenot be dissatisfied. I think this practicewill solve the question.Regarding your insurance policy, I donot wish to engage you in litigation; that isnot a sannyasis business. In India, since Ileft, people have grabbed my money up tomany thousands of rupees. That Hitsarantook away 2000 rs, the landlord has takenaway more than 2000 rs, but what can Ido? If I go to litigation I will have to putmyself in so many anxieties. It is better toforget. If peacefuly you can draw themoney from your father that is all right. Ido not know what kinds of devious meansyou want to use in this connection, but anymeans, if it does not put you into difficulties,will be acceptable.Regarding Shama Dasi 's health, it is tobe understood that so long we have got thismaterial body there must be some trouble.Actually, medicine is not the remedialmeasures for our bodily troubles unlesswe are helped by Krishna. Therefore,whenever there is bodily trouble we mayadopt the prescribed methods of medicalscience and depend upon Krishna for HisMercy. The best remedy, not only forShama Dasi but for everyone, is to consultsome approved physician. But ultimatelywe have to depend on the Mercy ofKrishna, so we should chant regularly,pray to Krishna to give us a chance toserve Him, and, if required, we mayadopt the approved method of treatment.I am glad to learn that things are verynicely going on in New Vrindaban, and Ilearned from Hayagriva that electricity isalready there. I have received one letterfrom Mukunda that some publisher is interestedin Easy Journey To Other Planets.So immediately send one edited copywhich you should have there to me andalso send another copy to Mukunda at thefollowing address as soon as possible:22 Betterton Street, London WC 2,ENGLAND.

744 Letters from Srfla Prabhupt'ldaUddhava das has not yet written meabout possibilities of the building suggestedby you, but if it is available at$1000, it must be purchased. Has Uddhavaand the others seen this buildingalso? Regarding your Istogosti question,chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra can bedone loudly or slowly, and in all conditions.There is no restriction. LordChaitanya has said that there is no hardand fast rules for chanting this MahaMantra.For your toothache trouble, you canbrush your teeth with the following mixture;common salt, 1 part, and pure mustardoil, quite sufficient to make it asuitable paste. With this paste brush yourteeth, especially the painful part, verynicely. Gargle in hot water, and keep alwayssome cloves in your mouth. I thinkthat will cure your troubles. It doesn't requireto extract any teeth.About my going to New Vrindaban, Ihave already written to Hayagriva aboutthis, and you can let me know your decisionas soon as possible. I hope this willmeet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-40 Los Angeles14th February, 1969My Dear Jahnava DasiPlease accept my blessings, and theblessings of my Guru Maharaj . I am verypleased to now accept you as my disciple,and your spiritual name is Jahnava Dasi.Janava Devi was the consort energy ofLord Nityananda. This process of KrishnaConsciousness is offered to every one, butonly one out of many thousands of peoplewill accept it. Therefore you should bevery serious about perfecting your life inKrishna Consciousness, and thereby becomingqualified to enter into the Kingdomof God, Goloka Vrindaban. Soplease receive these beads, duly chantedupon by me, and chant at least 16 roundsdaily and follow all of the regulative principles.Take assistance from your godbrothersand godsisters there, and engageyourself purely in the business of KrishnaConsciousness. This will bring all successto you. You can be certain of this.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-41Los Angeles15th February, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour very long letter dated February9, 1969. I have to read it very carefullyand reply you in due course, but I wish toinform you that the advertisements are notvery congenial to our prestige, especiallythe hippy kind of advertisements. So wehave to think over how we can avoid theadvertisements and publish at the sametime. The hippy advertisements referredto by Purushottam was written to you onmy consent. When I look through theback issues, the comic pictures of Vamandev,of the hunter, of the bride-groomparty, such things are very instructive. Ithink instead of engaging our pages in thematter of book reviews with which we donot agree, we should utilize these pagesfor such comic pictures. On the whole, Iwish to present Back To Godhead purelyin the line of Krishna Consciousnessthroughout and criticism of too much materialism,as you have written many articlesalready. That is very nice.Anyway, the whole thing is dependingupon you because I can not possibly divertmy attention. But if I receive some contributionfrom each center for publishing

FEBRUARY, 1969 745Back To Godhead regularly, that will be anice program so that we may not have to dependon advertisements or sales. Each centershould take responsibility of contributingsome money towards the publication ofBack To Godhead, instead of dependingupon each center for selling Back To Godhead.For example, if a center contributes$100, we send them copies at cost price tothe amount and it doesn't matter whetherthey sell it or not. It doesn't matter if theysell it or not. But we must have the monthlycontribution. The copies which are not soldmay be distributed free to schools, libraries ,influential gentlemen, etc . This will greatlyfurther our propaganda, and I am thinkingin these termsI have received one letter from Subalregarding his circular letter to differentcenters, and the reply is enclosed herewith. I can induce Los Angeles to pay$7 50, and we can deliver them 5, 000 copiesof Back To Godhead. Similarly, if SanFransisco contributes $7 50 we can deliverthem 5,000 copies . So far as Los Angelesand San Fransisco are concerned, I canask the boys to work and pay $750 positivelyevery month . Similarly, if NewYo rk is agreed to work and pay $750, thenthe whole question is solved, and we canprint 20,000 copies immediately fromDai Nippon . I do not know if it is practical, but to my mind, if New Yo rk, SanFransisco and Los Angeles agree to pay$750 each month, there is no problem.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-42My Dear Vamandev,Los Angeles16th February, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your special delivery letterdated February 14, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents . The best thing Ican advise you is that you should insistentlytry to classify yourself under 4-Dsection which is your actual position. Incase they do not accept it, then you willhave to go to court. Similar cases arepending in the matter of Dindayal as wellas Kartikeya. Actually, our students aredivinity students; there is no doubt aboutit , and there is a law that divinity studentscan not be called by the draft, so whyshould you not take advantage of it?According to the Bhagavad Gita ofwhich you are a serious student, a personwho belongs to the military class mustfight. Arjuna belonged to the militaryclass, and he was persistently engaged byLord Krishna to fight. So we dont refusethe principles of fighting for the sake ofcountry or for the good causes, but werecognize that fighting is not the businessof students engaged in training of Godconsciousness. The modern civilization isone-sided, and we do not approve of thisprogram . Civilization without God consciousnessscientifically is animal society.Our students are preaching this philosophyunder authorized version of BhagavadGita, so they must be classifiedunder the 4-D section. We must fight forthis cause .In the meantime you should study BhagavadGita very seriously, and try to assimilatethe following points of ourphilosophy. God is one. He is the Fatherof all living entities . There are innumberableliving entities residing in differentplanets , the majority of which are spiritualplanets, and some of them are materialplanets . Those who are in materialplanets , they are conditioned by the lawsof material nature, and , due to theirforgetfullness of relationship with God ,there is always struggle for existence.Therefore there is war and other miserableconditions of material life. We are

746 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidatrying to educate people how they can betransferred to the spiritual world, so this isan essential movement, and we requiremany preachers to present this case allover the world. So our students may not beunneccessarily called for fighting, whichis not at all suitable occupation for them.So ultimately, if you are required to fightthis case let us see how Krishna will help us.Please convey my thanks to Goursundarfor the nice lecture he gave at the Universityof Hawaii. He is doing very nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-43 Los Angeles17th February, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedFebruary 9, and February 10, 1969, aswell as today I have received the articlewhich was written by Howard Smith. Regardingthe books, True Conception ofReligion and Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu,for True Conception you may send 40cents per copy to S. Brahmachari, and youmay send $2. 55 per copy to Swami Bon.As we are printing Nectar of Devotion,this is the summary study of Bhakti RasamritaSindhu, there is no need of furtherordering this book from India.Regarding Back To Godhead, if DaiNippon will come down to $1,500 for .20,000 copies, or even if they charge a littlemore, we should immediately accept,setting the magazine at first at 32 pages,one only color cover picture as an in issuenumber 22, and three black and white pictureswithin, and no advertisements. Itshould all be reading matter of KrishnaConsciousness articles. I am negotiatingwith the principle centers for consuming5, 000 copies at least and paying $7 50 contributionno matter if the copies are soldor not. The price should be 50 cents, andthe paper's quality may be as it is now. Inthat way set up negotiations so that fromnumber 25, we may be able to print fromDai Nippon, and they have to deliver10,000 copies to Los Angeles or SanFrancisco, 5,000 to New York and 5,000to London. These four centers may distributethe issues to the smaller centers asthey are able.I have seen the article in the VillageVoice, and it is nice. If you are expectinggood rush in New Vrindaban, then arrangefor proper development of it. Butpending all development there, we mustget our books and magazines printed fromDai Nippon. Have you negotiated withDai Nippon about further books? If theyagree, we can immediate) y arrange toprint 2 or 3 books by some arrangement.Please immediately send me dried mango.It is my daily food, and it keeps me fit. Soyou should regularly send the same quantityevery month as you sent last time.That is your personal contribution to me.So you and Gargamuni take charge ofdistributing the books, and you studyother methods of how to do this. If distributionof my books is fixed up then my lifeis fixed up in your country for the remainingdays of my present body. Please thereforedo it seriously. I am pleased that youare willing to take charge of the printing ofmy books. Krishna has desired like that,so you try to execute this implicit order ofKrishna. Actually, by your grace, thesetwo publications are already in the light,so your service in this connection is approvedby Krishna and naturally by mealso. So you try in this line . I am sure youwill be successful, assisted by your goodbrother, Gargamuni. It is good that youare contacting distributors. You should offerthem the best terms.

FEBRUARY, 1969 747Please send to me the address of Satyabrata(Stanley Noskowitz). I would like tosend to him one copy of Bhagavad Gita AsIt Is . Regarding your need for a typist. Tryto find out somebody to help you for now.If need be, when I go to New York in AprilI shall arrange for someone to type foryou . Regarding the departments not contributingto the temple, this is not very satisfactorysituation. The method ofcontributing should be those who are notmarried should contribute all their incometo the temple. Those who aremarrid should contribute 50%. Thatshould be the principle of contribution ofthe members and followers of the KrishnaConsciousness movement. So if there areproblems in this matter, discuss it in theboard meetings. If such things are not settledthere, then what is the meaning of thisboard of trustees? The local managementof affairs must be decided by the board,and that decision should be final.Regarding MacMillan's bill, whateveryou have collected immediately send tothem. For the bill which I have, I will sendit sometimes this week. I have receivedchecks from Boston for $25 and from Buffalofor $69. So I will send these too, butwhy are the centers sending this money tome? Please advise them all to send themdirectly to you so there needn't be thisbotheration from this end.Please convey my blessings to theother devotees at the New Yo rk temple. Ihope this will meet you in good health andcheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-44Los Angeles17th February, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter dated February I 0,1969, and I am very glad to learn that yourSamkirtan Party is taking shape, and youhope to inaugerate the on the streets programin a few weeks. Now you should alsostart program for selling our Back ToGodhead's along with the Samkirtan asTarnal Krishna is doing here. Along withSamkirtan Party, they are selling daily notless than 100 copies. Sometimes the saleis 120-30 copies. Besides that, Purushottamis distributing Back To Godhead tosome distributor in Los Angeles. My nextprogram is to distribute at least 20,000copies of Back To Godhead from fourcenters, namely New York, London, LosAngeles, and San Francisco. So each ofthese centers will contribute $750 andthey will get 5,000 copies free delivery todestination. That means they will get thecopies at 15C each, and the price fixed upwill be 50C. So even by wholesale distributionthe centers will get at least 30C percopy, and that means a 15C profit. If allthe 5,000 copies are not sold, then weshall distribute the remaining copies toschools, colleges, libraries, institutions,etc . free of charges. This propaganda hasto begin immediately. Please let me knowyour opinion. Los Angeles has alreadyagreed, and I am very much encouraged. Ihope you will also agree and encourageme. So on receipt of your confirmation, Ishall immediately arrange for printing20,000 copies beginning from the latestApril, 1969.Regarding publication of Easy JourneyTo Other Planets, I can immediately giveyou a lengthy introduction essay adressedto the sympathetic non-devotee, or forthat matter, even for the unsympatheticnon-devotee. I shall add two or three essayslike 'Krishna Consciousness, theGenuine Yoga System', and 'An Introductionto Krishna'. In so many ways I can fillup the required necessary pages. Just todayI have received from Hayagriva onenicely edited copy of Easy Journey. It is

748 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupildaabout 50 type-written pages , doublespaced.If Mr. Maschler is serious, thenlet me know, and I will send thismanuscriptalong with essays to fill up therequired number of extra pages. Similarly,Purushottam has learned of somebig publishers in New Yo rk who may beinterested in publishing some yoga cookbooks, so if you will immediately sendhim a description of the cook book youhave there, he will contact these publishersto see if they are interested .It is very nice that you have alreadyfilled application to be company, and theoffice bearers mentioned there is all right.So I shall be glad to know when you open abank account. Yo u can register three signatures,and out of the three, two have tosign. You wrote to say that you can showMr. Maschler our essays in Back To Godhead,so you can immediately show himIshopanishad which is published in issue#22. I am encouraged that Mr. Maschlerhas become friend of our movement, andif we get a sympathetic English publisher,we can publish so many small bookletsthrough him. I am also pleased that Mr.Parikh is taking active interest, and I amsimply anxious when you will have nicepremises for our temple . Please let meknow what is the result of the CamdenBorough Council negotiations . Regardingthe picture you have sent, I am so pleasedto see it, because our little Saraswati isalso taking part in our transcendentalmovement. That is the practical proof howgreat is this movement. In any othermovement, one has to learn something,one has to be trained to do something, buthere is a movement where there is no necessityof any previous qualifications.That is the proof this movement is basedon the spiritual platform. The Bhagwatsays that system of religion is the firstclass wherein love of Godhead is arousedspontaneously without any material impediment.So our movement gives practicalproof that there is no impediment ofbody or mind . That is the proof it is enactedfrom the spiritual platform whereinthere is no distinction of material higheror lower gradation. So we have to pushour philosophy very nicely. This meanswe shall simply become sincere toKrishna and the teachings of the disciplicsuccession. Then everything will be allright. There is no doubt about it . Soplease keep yourself in your present standard,and I am sure you will come out successfully.I have learnt that in SanFrancisco there was an article publishedwith the title, 'Krishna Chant StartlesLondon.' Yo u may ask Aniruddha to sendyou a copy of this .Please offer my blessings to the otherboys and girls there . I am awaiting yourearly reply.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have just received one letter fromGurudas but have received no copy of thePolice order.69-2-45 Los Angeles17th February, 1969My Dear Tosan Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 10, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with appreciation. If you havereceived any letter from Bhurijana inNorth Carolina, then you can immediatelygo there. It is on experimental basisfor now. If you are successful , it isKrishna's Grace, and I hope that certainlyyou shall be successful . There are somany students there, and perhaps there isno other organization of this nature . Soyou shall go there simply to perform kirtan,read from Bhagavad Gita As It Is , andtry to sell at least one copy to each studentof our Back To Godhead. That will make

FEBRUARY, 1969 749our propaganda successful .Regarding your headaches, yourbowels are not clear. This is the cause ofthe problem. So you should take moremilk and fruits , and eat less wheats andrice. If sandalwood oil is available, youtry to massage on your shaved head. Letme know how this trouble is improving. Abrahmachary should not have any complaintof bodily disease.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-46 Los Angeles17th February, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 9, 1969, and I thank you verymuch for it. Regarding your reprinting ofmy letters, if you will not detract fromyour other important engagements youmay do it. I have written to Brahmanandaabout distributing our books, and shouldassist him in this important matter. I haveconsidered your thoughts on the matter ofour printing press, and for the time, thematter is still pending. Also, I think Ihave already answered your points inBrahmananda 's letter regarding the contributionsof the other departments of theNew York temple.I am pleased to note that your store, theSpiritual Sky, is doing successfully.Krishna has given you nice talent for doingbusiness, and I am glad to see that youare using it well. There is no need for youto contribute to my book fund immediatelyif you are unable. Do it as it becomesconvenient for you. Your suggestion thatwe print transliterations in our futurebooks is very nice, and I think we shallfollow this principle in the future.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth. Please convey my blessings toyour godbrothers and godsisters at yourtemple.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed is the letter head samplewhich was sent to me by Rayarama. I thinkit is nice, and it should be printed in thesame colors as the last letter head. Pleasehand it over to Rayarama so he may do theneedful.69-2-47 Los Angeles17th February, 1969Sri Prabhas Chandra MittraUnited Shipping Corporation14/2, Old China Bazar Street (Block No.18)Calcutta-! , INDIADear Prabhas Babu,I thank you very much for your letter(F-54/ 103) cated February 6, 1969. Regardingthe letter of credit, I beg to informyou that I have got good accounts in someof the very respectable banks in Americain which there are branches in Calcutta. Iam sending herewith one letter of declarationfrom the Bank of America as well asfrom the First National City Bank ofAmerica for your kind perusal. So, for experimentalsake, if you immediately dispatchthe followin goods and ship them toLos Angeles, your bills with with bill oflading will be presented to the Bank ofAmerica and will at once be honored. Forthe time being you can ship the goods byany suitable steamer company to LosAngeles.In the meantime, I am trying to negotiatewith Srumati Morarjee. So if youagree, immediately sen book the followinggoods, send me the invoice and uponpresentation to the Bank of America (Picoand La Cienega Branch, 85-01 W. Pico

750 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.), theywill pay the amount of your bill. If youagree to this them immediately send thefollowing goods:I. 1 first class harmonium withgood bellow which sustainswithout much labor2. 2 first class mridungas3. 5 pairs of big Nabadwip kartals4. I first class panchapradip5. 1 jahanjh (gong)6. 1 round ghari (good sound)7. 3 water conch shells8. 2 blowing conch shells9. 1 Bengali New Year (1375)panjikaIn addition to these items, you may bereceiving a letter from Vrindaban about apair of murtis which are to be sent as a freegift to us .Thanking you in anticipation of yourreply.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-48 Los Angeles17th February, 1969My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February13, 1969 , and I have carefully noted thecontents. I am so glad to hear that you arehaving nice response now and soon youhope to hold some feasts. If by the summeryou feel that the center has urgent necessityof some other brahmacharies,then we shall arrange for this. At present Ithink that Tosan may go to North Carolinaimmediately and help Bhurijana with thecenter there. In the meantime, you try tokeep the temple maintained somehow orother, so when the summer arrives somehelper may go to give you assistance.Please let me know if Kamalasana arrivesthere in Sante Fe . He has left thetemple here all of a sudden, and no oneknows where he is. I am very much anxiousfor him, so please let me know if youhave any word from him.Thanking you again for your letter. Ihope that this will be meeting you in goodhealth and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. In case of urgent work somebodymay go to help you from here. ACB.69-2-49[To Uddhava dasa]Los Angeles18th February, 1969[TEXT MISSING]Regarding your wish to be marriedwith a Krsna conscious family, that isnice. You will have your nice, fixed-upwife, and you will be happy working hardfor Krsna together. I never discouragemarriage, providing it is for Krsna's serviceand not for simply sex life. It is alwaysmeant for a higher purpose. InGod's creation there is male and femaleeven in the spiritual world and there ispurpose for such creation. This purpose isso that male and female may join together,not for sex-life, but to glorify the Lord.From Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn thatin Vaikuntha the women are much morebeautiful in their figure, smiling, dressing,etc., but the men and women thereare so much attracted by the chanting ofHare Krsna that they do not get any seximpulse even by intimate mingling. Herealso we sometimes get very good example,because when our nice boys and girlsare dancing together in chanting HareKrsna at least fo r that time they forget all

FEBRUARY, 1969 751about the sex impulse. This is perfectionof life, to be so much attracted to Krsnathat all insignificant pleasures are utterlyforgotten.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-5019th February, 1969United Shipping Corporation14/2 Old China Bazar StreetCalcutta- !INDIADear Prabhas Babu,Please accept my greetings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your kind letter(#F-54/1 17) dated February 15, 1969. Ihave duly replied your previous letterdated February 6, 1969, and I placed withyou an experimental order. Many such orderswill follow this from London andGermany when I get there in the month ofApril next. So you will have no difficultyfor your payment. We are dealing withyou since I have come to this country in1965 and many times I have sent youmoney in advance, so you can rest assuredabout your monetary position, and youcan go on executing our order as advisedin my letter dated February 17, 1969.Regarding the packages you have receivedfrom Vrindaban, #1 item pack maybe sent to Los Angeles, and #3 item packagemay be sent here also if there is inconvenienceto dispatch it to Hawaii. You canbook them by any steam line which isquicker. Similarly, you can dispatch thepackage for Hamburg by any quickersteam line until further advised .The forwarding charges of the fouritems, no. 1 and 3 may be realized fromme and the forwarding charges for no . 2may be realized from our German center.I am advising them to this effect. In the futurealso many Sri Murtis may be dispatchedfrom V rindaban and you willhave to take care of them. They are all freegifts .I think this covers all of your enquiries,and I hope you will do the needful at yourearliest convenience.Yours trulyA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-5 1 Los Angeles20th February, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letterundated-I'mvery glad to learn about theinstalation ceremony. I'm also glad tolearn that Boston center is improving andpeople are taking interest more and more.More important feature is that byKrishna's grace you are given the facilityof lecturing in various Universities.Next Spring by the first week for certainI shall be in New Yo rk and from NewYo rk I shall be glad to visit Boston, say for15 days and you can give me a tentativeprogram of lecturing in different Universitiesat that time. It is very engladdeningto hear that you have now secured an eightweeks seminar in Yoga at EmersonCollege . I'm also glad to learn aboutJadurany's health and by Krishna's graceshe's improving. I do not give my permissionjust immediately for regular work butshe can come to the temple in the morningand chant her beads silently. So far envy isconcerned it can be used only upon thenon-devotees . In the transcendental worlda devotee is never envious of another devoteeon account of his excellence but onthe contrary if a devotee finds some excellencein other devotees he eulogizes thedevotee admitting his own subordinate position.Although in the spiritual worldthere is no such concept of subordinationstill devotees on account of being very

752 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidahumble and meek think that way.In the material world the same thing isexpressed in a perverted form. But in theSpiritual world to accept one's inferior positiondoes not mean envious mentalityupon the other. Unhappiness experiencedby devotee on account of feeling himselfinferior is not unusual rather such mentalityis impetous to further developmentof devotional service.I'm in due receipt also of the Krishnamanuscript for the tape no. 3 & 4 and I'vealso received back the tapes concerned.You can keep the curtains of the deityroom open during Kirtan.Lord Chaitanya's advent day is no the4th of March 1969 . On that day youshould keep fasting up to the Moon rise inthe evening, and the whole day may be utilizedin performances in Kirtan and readingof Lord Chaitanya's teachings. In theevening after ceremony of Kirtan is observed,light refreshments like fruit andmilk, boiled potatoes may be taken andthe next day general feasting and distributionof Prasadam to public may be observed.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-52Los Angeles20th February, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 16th 1969. And I've also receivedthe letter from Uddhava . I heardabout the house indicated by you fromKirtanananda Maharaj , so if it is approvedby you all as a suitable place thenpurchase.In answer to your questions concerningsex life: sex life restriction does notmean that husband and wife live separately.The idea of marriage is to increasespiritual consciousness, as far as possible.And by advancement of Krishna Consciousnessthat restriction becomesautomatically practical . Sex life for begettingKrishna Conscious children is asgood as Krishna Consciousness. This isconfirmed in Bhagavad Gita so one has touse his own discression in this matter andKrishna will help such discriminitarymethod. It is not that in every state youhave to concern me but you have to concernKrishna Who is situated within. Onthe whole, sex life, like that of ordinarymaterialistic men, is not recommendedfor a Krishna Conscious person. MyGuru Maharaj although he was Brahmachary,somethimes he used to say that if Icould beget Krishna Conscious children Iam prepared to indulge in sex life a hundredtimes. The summary is sex lifeshould be utilized only for begettingKrishna Conscious children-that's all.Regarding your new engagement inWheeling, it is a very nice offer and youmust accept it. The yoga center class maybe conducted by Pradyumna and assistedby someone else. What is the position ofthe Yoga society class now? Are the studentspurchasing our Back to Godheadmagazines and the Bhagavad Gita?Another problem is that Rayarama hasbecome sick so will it be possible for youto take care of Back to Godhead as one ofthe editors? As joint editor as you wereformerly.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami,P. S. Regarding B.T.G. you willabout ___ every month.

FEBRUARY, 1969 75369-2-53Los Angeles20th February, 1969My Dear Mukunda ,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated February13, 1969 , and I have decided not to go toLondon immediately. Rather I amy be goingto Hawaii soon as you can peacefullyarrange for the temple, and there is nohurry. But immediately my request to youis that in London you try to sell at least 2 to3 thousand Back To Godhead. From practicalexperience I see that in Los Angeleson the average they are selling minimumof 50 copies daily, or in other words sometimesthey are selling 100, sometimes150, sometimes 85, sometimes 40, etc .So in this way, on the average they are sellingnot less than 1500 copies per month .Now the price is going to be fixed at SOC,so I have asked Tarnal to contribute to me$750 against delivery of 5000 copies ofBack To Godhead. By selling only 1500copies at SOC, they cover the whole $750.The balance 3500 copies left for distributioneither may be used for profit or theymay be distributed freely. In neither caseare we losers. But this program must beexecuted. I think you have got now licencefor kirtan on the street so you can now followthe same principle. In other words, Iam just claiming this contribution as yourpet child. My father was very much affectionate,and in my childhood, whatever Iwanted from my father he would at oncegive me. One time he purchased for meone rifle, and so after taking it I demandedthat he must give me another. My fatherdenied "You already have one. Why doyou ask me for another? " So my argumentwas that I must have two rifles, onefor each hand. Due to my obstinacy my fatherfinally agreed. Later on when I wasyoung and lost my father, I was very sorryto have lost such affectionate father, but byKrishna's Grace, I have now manyAmerican fathers and mothers. So I amappealing to all of my American fathersand mothers to help me by this contribution. Please let me know if you will dothis. I am waiting your early reply.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear little mothers, Yamuna, Malati,Janaki,Please accept my blessings. I lost mymother when I was only 14 years old. Sodidn't get much of my mothers affectionin my childhood. But in my old age,Krishna has given me so many youngmothers to take care of me. Anothermother Govinda Dasi is there in Hawaii.She is always asking me to go there. So Iwill go there within this month. But myone appeal is to my fathers and mothers[TEXT MISSING]69-2-54Los Angeles20th February, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated February18, 1969. I thank you very much foryour inviting me to New Vrindaban, but,considering the local climate as presentedby you I think I shall postpone it until theend of April. I am enclosing here reply tothe letter of Hayagriva and Shama devi.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Is it possible to get your insurancemoney for clearing debts? Then why notshow some debt & get the money.I am thinking of going to Hawaii by theend of this month!

754 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-2-55Los Angeles20th February, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 16, 1969 . The letter-head isvery impressive with the picture of LordChaitanya dancing, and just below HisLotus Feet is the word, Back To Godhead.According to Narottamadas Thakur, onehas to worship the Lotus Feet of Nityananda,and by His Grace one is able toworship Lord Chaitanya Who transfers usback to Godhead. So the picture and thearrangement is very nice. The most concerningpart of your letter is about yourhealth. Yo u write to say that by 3 o'clockin the evening you get a slight fever, andyour head begins to ache, and you feeltired and wish to take rest. This is not avery good sign. The immediate programis that you will have to be relieved fromthese symptoms. So the first thing is thatyou should take complete rest. So far asNew Yo rk is concerned, I don't think differentengagement there will allow you totake rest. I would have advised you to go toNew Vrindaban immediately but it is coldthere like in New Yo rk. Under the circumstances,if you like to come here and takerest you are welcome. But wherever youlike you may take rest and not be strainedat all. That is my opinion, and I shall beglad to know what you are going to do inthis connection.Regarding your fraternal quarrel ,these departmental management sometimescreates such trouble. When I was inNew Yo rk in the beginning of our activitiesthere was no departmental management.The account was very clearly keptby Gargamuni, corroborated by regularvouchers. That is the true system of keepingaccounts. Now whatever is done isdone. I am glad to know that Subal is makinggood show of business and responsibility,and he is supposed to keep quiteaccurate accounts of book keeping. Soyou can advise him to follow the system ofvouchers. That is the perfect system of account.Regarding printing 20,000 copies ofBack To Godhead, I have appealed to 4centers, namely New Yo rk, San " Fransisco,Los Angeles, and London to contribute$750 monthly. I have got confirmatnionfrom Los Angeles, so I shall beglad to hear from New Yo rk also whetherthis center is going to hand over to me$750 per month. I have no objection if this$750 is collected in the way of advertisementsfrom New Yo rk, but charges will beincreased because we are going to print20,000 copies henceforward. So we shallcharge $100 per page and we shall not acceptany advertisements from the hippies.So who is going to pay me this $750? If Iget $750 from the 4 centers, then I shalltake charge of distribution; becauseBrahmananda has already taken responsibilityfor distributing the books. I simplywant this contribution continually at leastfor 6 months against delivery of 5.000copies of Back To Godhead. If I am ableto print 20,000 copies continually for 6months, perhaps I will no longer requirethe contribution from the different centers.Therefore, please ask Subal or anyone else in New Yo rk center who is goingto collect this $750 and pay me.So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned,I may recite in this connection onestory : An old father required massagingso all the children wanted to serve the father.The father divided the right and leftportion of his body to be served by thechildren. Later along with the service,there was some quarrel between the children,and they were competing by hittingthe parts of the father which was assignedto the opposing party. So the father saidthat you are hitting my different parts dueto your opposition to one another, but I am

FEBRUARY, 1969 755therefore dying. Similarly, either this departmentor that department, if you quarrelamongst yourselves it will be detrimentalto my missionary ambition. Pleasetherefore stop this unnecessary strain. Ifthere is any misunderstanding, it will besolved when I am present there in April.In the meantime, please live peacefully,and things may go on as it is going on.My letterhead is already sent back toyou . I hope that by now you have sent toJanardan the Bhagavad Gita manuscript.At last I may inform you that if you arethinking of transferring your departmentto San Fransisco, I have no objection, butbefore you do so please come here to LosAngelkes first. Then you may either remainhere or proceed to New Vrindaban,San Fransisco, Seattle, or Sante Fe as youthink is best for you to take rest there.Also, regarding another editor to work asco-editor, I wish to invite Hayagriva toagain become joint editor.I shall be glad to hear from you at yourearliest convenience on the above matters .Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-56Los Angeles21st February, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou so much for your letter dated February13, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith much pleasure . Your tears atkirtan are a good sign, and it shows thatKrishna is pleased upon you . So remain inthis status and chant nicely. You will seeyou will be more and more graced by HisLordship.Your desire to serve me is very praiseworthy.But because I am the humble servantof Krishna I cannot accept anyservice on my account. So what I say youfollow so you may advance in KrishnaConsciousness. That is your service and Iaccept it on behalf of Krishna. This is avery good attitude, and your wish to serveme actually means to serve Krishna.Now there is ample activities for youas the Radha-Krishna Murtis are installedin Boston temple. So under the directionof Satsvarupa try to help out in these activitiesas far as possible.Please convey my blessings to yourgodbrothers and godsisters with you. Ihope that this will meet all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-57 Los Angeles21st February, 1969My Dear Shama Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February10, and February 16, 1969, and I thankyou so much for them. Regarding the ailmentswith your finger, I am describinghere a treatment for it. Take tumeric powderand add the same quantity of limestone.Then mix with water and boil it to apaste. Then apply that paste while it ishot. I understand that Hayagriva had someback ache so for him you take one part of acrushed to a powder red-pepper and addto it five parts of rubbing alchohol. Keepthis for twenty four hours, then strain andadd one part camphor. When it is mixed,just apply it on the painful part of the backthree times daily.Regarding your next two questions,you may not put the initiation beads on thecow. Nor is it necessary for grihastas torecite the Gayatri Mantra aloud. It shouldbe silent or whispered . I think that thesymbol which you have seen by the leftarm of Lord Jaganath must be either aflower or a disc.

756 Letters from Sri/a PrabhuptldaThe translation of the Om Agnanaprayer is "I offer my respectful obeisancesunto my Spiritual Master who hasopened my eyes from the darkness of ignorancewith the torchlight of knowledge."Please convey my blessings to Hrishikesaand Ranidhir. I hope this will meetyou all in very good health and cheerfulmood .Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-58 Los Angeles21st February, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 14, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. Regarding your joiningthe Samkirtan Party, please wait forthe time being and I shall call you at theright time. I have this in my mind. When Igo to London and by Krishna's Grace wefix up for going around the world, or evenif not that, if the London devotees need tostrengthen their Samkirtan Party withmore attractions, then your services willbe required there. But in the meantimeyou must keep in mind to train somebodythere so that in your absence he can takecharge.So far as the bowing down in Dietyworship, before opening the door youshould bow down. Then turn on the lightand bow down again. There is no restrictionon bowing down. As many times asyou can is all right. Of course, yourclothes and under garments should alwaysbe as clean as possible. Guests and devoteesneed not be wearing woolen robes tobe dancing around the deities. Regardingyour question about guests being presentat aratik, you should have as many gueststhere as is possible for you to get to come.Please convey my blessings to all fthedevotees at your temple. I hope this willmeet you and your good wife, Himavati,in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. What about French BTG? I haveasked Janardan to translate into Frenchmy B.G. Has he received the copy fromRayrama? Please ask him to write to me .ACB69-2-59 Los Angeles22nd February, 1969My Dear Mrs. Cline,Please accept my blesings. I thank youvery much for your kind letter dated February18, 1969, and I am so glad to gothrough it. Certainly you are blessed byKrishna, otherwise you could not writesuch nice things although your connectionwith our movement is very recent. Whenyou write to say "what was once 'our'home, we recognize now as Krishna's," itappears that from the past you were alreadyadvanced in Krishna Consciousness.Somehow or other the path becameobstructed, and now again you have cometo your consciousness. Please thereforedo not miss this opportunity and continueyour present state of consciousness in associationwith Pradyumna. For the timebeing, Pradyumna is alone there, andyour cooperation with him will give himstrength, and I shall be very much obligedto you.Next time when I go to Columbus,surely I shall initiate you and your goodhusband. I understand that your husbandis a student of psychology, and KrishnaConsciousness is the summit of psychologicalstudies. From the Srimad Bhagwatamwe understand that Krishna is the OriginalConsciousness and the center of all psychologicalmovement, namely thinking,

FEBRUARY, 1969 757feeling and willing. We are all parts andparcels of the Supreme Thinking, Feelingand Willing, but our present thinking,feeling and willing being contaminated bythe cloud of ignorance, we are thinking,feeling and willing in a perverted way. Thewhole Krishna Consciousness movementis an attempt to divert the same thinking,feeling and willing to their original unalloyedposition. You are an educated couple,and your cooperation with thismovement can help tremendously to propogatethis most necessary and urgentmessage for the human society.Thanking you once more for your kindletter. More when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-60Los Angeles22nd February, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated February19, 1969 and I am so glad to learn that theNew York temple will be able to meet the$750 monthly payments I requested. Sofar as Dai Nippons quotation at $2,100 for20,000 copies with a sixty day period beforedelivery, please send me the originalletter if you have received anything. But Ihad understood that Brahmananda wasnegotiating to lessen the amount to$1,500. From your letter I see you did notunderstand that I meant the typesettingand layout work to be done by Dai Nipponwithin the quotation. But now I understandthat they are going to charge morefor this work. If we have to pay them morefor the typesetting and layout, then there isno question of stopping our own men fromdoing this work. So it was clearly misunderstanding.Now our policy should be as follows:1. the layour should be done by us, 2.there should be no advertisements, 3. underdifferent headings we shall publish articlesfrom Bhagavad Gita As It Is,Srimad Bhagwatam, Brahma Samhita,Nectar of Devotion , Vedanta Philosophy,Upanishads, etc. as well as comic pictureswhen possible. Besides that, if someof our students write as they have assimilatedthe philosophy, that also should bewelcome. You say that Rohini Kumor isan artist, so he can do comic work. Thereare other girls there such as Indira whocan also do this. So we shall fill up thepages simply with Vedic ideas. Now thepolicy should be straight that this Back toGodhead is completely different from allother magazines. As there are differentmagazines for different subject matters,this magazine will be simply devoted forVaishnava philosophy, or Krishna Consciousnessmovement. That should be ourpolicy. So immediately you can arrangefor two months layout. How are you goingto select the articles? I would like to know.We should lay out the subject matter asnicely as possible to our intelligence andcapacity, and without any ambition that itmust attract customers. They may attractor not attract, it doesn't matter. We areselling Back To Godhead through the personalapproach, through the SamkirtanParty, so I expect each center to sell 50copies daily on the average as we havepractical experience here. In this way, iffour centers sell on an average 200 copiesdaily, then we come to the point of selling6,000 copies directly which will cover theexpense of printing and other charges.The balance 14,000 copies can be sold bythe temples simply on profit. If they arenot sold, then we distribute free to differentsocieties, libraries, public institutions,respectable gentlemen, schools,etc . In this way we shall make propaganda.The idea is like that of a bible societyin India which distributes millions ofdollars in the shape of biblic literature

758 Letters fro m Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>without any consideration of return. Similarly,we have to sacrifice each $750 onthis principle. If there is return, that is allright, but still we have to do it on a missionaryspirit. That is my idea. So try tothink on this program and do the needful.I have received the booklet known asPa ramahansa Saraswati Goswami issuedby the Gaudiya Mission of London. I canunderstand that this brochure was writtenby my god brother, Proffessor Sannyal ,but the essay is not very practical. It containssome ideal discussions only, and Iknow that this Professor Sannyal is personallydeviated from all of these ideas.So 1 don't think it is very much valuablefor publishing in Back To Godhead.So I hope the above has answered all ofyour questions. Please keep me informedhow things are progressing, and alsoabout your health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-61 Los Angeles23rd February, 1969My Dear Sons, Chidananda, Dindayal ,Aniruddha and Makhanlal,Please accept my blessings. I haveduly received all of your elaborate letters,and there are so many points to reply, itwill take time to reply you properly. In themeantime, my request to you is that youtake very seriously our program of Backto Godhead, and, as you have promised tocontribute your quota of $750 per monthagainst delivery of 5,000 copies of BackTo Godhead, I am so much obliged to youall.Now, who will work and who will notwork that is consideration between yourselves.It is local affairs, and how can I adviseyou that one is to do something andanother is to do something. Neither youshould depend upon me for such local administrativebusiness. All of you are sinceredevotees pledged to the missionaryactivities, so you should sit together anddecide what to do and what not to do.But I am begging from you $750 permonth against 5,000 copies of Back ToGodhead. Out of this 5, 000 copies, if yousimply sell 1 ,500 copies you immediatelyrealize your $750. The balance of 3,500copies will be in your hands. If you cansell them at any price, not less than 30Cper copy to stores, then whatever amountyou realize will be clear profit for theTemple. If still there is some balance copies,then these copies we can distributefree by post to heads of the society,schools, colleges, libraries, and so manyother institutions. So we have to make alist of them, and take concession ratesfrom the post office. In this way we canmake vigorous propaganda with Back toGodhead. Besides that, if you can introduceSamkirtan and classes and Back toGodhead in Berkeley, that will be anothergreat advantage .So I am reading your letters carefullyand I shall answer them duly. In the meantime,you consider my appeal and do theneedful jointly. For Aniruddha my instructionis that immediately there is noprogram in New Vrindaban because unlessthere is suitable houses for residence,we can not begin any work there. So I haveinstructed Hayagriva to make houses first.Then we can consider programs for goingthere. Now there is other important matterssuch as Back To Godhead which weshould try for.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Y.Jur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

FEBRUARY, 1969 75969-2-62Los Angeles25th February, 196969-2-63Los Angeles25th February, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 22, 1969, and I was so muchengladdened to note the contents. I am sopleased with your sincere efforts to succeedin this Chapel Hill center program. Ithink that by now Tosan Krishna has alreadyjoined you there and I am sendinghim a set of beads by separate post.You will be pleased to know that onedevotee, Kartikeya, has already receivedhis 4-D ministerial status from the draft,and I am enclosing herewith carbon copyof the letter I have sent to your draft board.So we shall save you from the draft. If youtick to the study of our books and continueas a preacher, there will be no difficultyfor you to get 4-D classification.Regarding Lord Chaitanya 's BirthDate , it is March 4, and you may celebrateit as elaborately as is possible for you. Immediatelyyou should contact Brahmanandain New Yo rk, and ask him to sendyou a few chapters of Teachings of LordChaitanya which you will return afterwards.So on this day you may read fromthese chapters. To celebrate you shouldhave a picture of Lord Chaitanya on the altarand decorate Him with lfowers verynicely. Chanting and lecturing may go on.In these lectures you should explain verycarefully Lord Chaitanya's teachings thatwe are eternal servitors of Krishna, and itis not that we are ourselves the SupremeLord.So I am very pleased with your sincereefforts to make a success of the ChapelHill center, and please keep me informedof your progress. I hope this will meet youin good health and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Indira,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February14, 1969, along with the very nice picturesyou have sent to me. I thank you verymuch for this and I am always verypleased with your sincere efforts to serveKrishna.For the Krishna book we will requirepaintings, so we will not need any etchingand woodcut. So you can send me somesamples of your paintings and then I'llgive you some suggestions. But anyway,you continue to improve your very goodartistic talents and it will soon come to theperfectional stage. Regarding your questionabout artist materials, you may useany materials which will be useful in producingnice paintings.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth and cheerful mood.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-64 Los Angeles25th February, 1969My Dear Kanchanbala,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou so much for your letter dated February10, 1969 , and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am pleased to notethat you are painting nicely, so go on improvingyour abilities because we will requireso many paintings fo r our temples.You may paint pictures of Guru Maharaj ,me, Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Gour Kishore ,Pancha Tatwa, Samkirtan, etc . We haveimmense work to be done so you becomeexpert painter. That will engladden me,and it will be a great benefit to all society.

760 Letters from Srila PrabhuptidaThanking you once more for your letter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-65 Los Angeles25th February, 1969My Dear Nara Narayan,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February14, 1969, and I am just now having the opportunityof replying to your enquiries. Sofar as the Deities are concerned, this hasbeen discussed many times, so just do itnicely using your best judgment to makeThem like the Deities which are there inN.Y. with you as far as possible. Your ideaof placing conchshell in the eyes is niceand you may do it. You have the perfectexample of the Deities in New Yo rk, so ifyou can similarly make some Deities forour other centers it will be very nice accomplishment.Also, you have asked about constructionplans in New Vrindaban, and thesequestions may be referred to and discussedwith Hayagriva and Kirtananda.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-66 Los Angeles26th February, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 19, 1969, and I am pleased thatyou are doing very nicely in your center.The pictures which you have sent are alsovery nice. I am going to New York by thefirst of April or by the end of March.From there I shall go to your side, Columbusand New Vrindaban.By no means should you stop kirtanand chanting. Of course I know that youcannot stop kirtan or chanting but it mustbe done regularly because that is ourstrength. We are always in the whirlpoolof maya , and only this chanting of Mantracan save us from all pitfalls.Regarding your need for records, Mr.Kallman has cheated us in so many ways,so I am therefore thinking of making anew record of Hare Krishna vibration.But if you now have a tape recording machinethen you can have the kirtan recordin tapes. The cost of such tapes can befound out from Dinesh in Los Angeles.Now we have to sell Back To Godheadsin large quantities . We are arrangingto print 20,000 copies so you shouldseriously consider how to step up this programin Columbus. I am very pleased thatMr. Cline is helping you in looking for asuitable temple there. Please keep me informedof your progress in this matter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-67Los Angeles27th February, 1969Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 25, 1969, and I thank you verymuch for it. You have written to say thatyou are my disobedient son, but I think Iam your disturbing father. I am puttingmore and more burden upon you but youare so tolerant that you have no hesitationto accept my demands even althoughsometimes they are unreasonable. So

FEBRUARY, 1969 761practically you are acting as my father. Inmy childhood I was very naughty boy, andI used to catch my father in so many waysdemanding unreasonable things, and myfather used to satisfy me. So although Ilost my father in 1930, about 40 yearsago, by Krishna's Grace I have got somany American young fathers. But thesame nature continues, and I am demandingfrom my fathers the same thing whichmay be a little burdensome. But I am sureKrishna will be very much pleased if youwill kindly tolerate some unreasonabledemands from me.I thank you very much for your givingme your pledge that you will give me $750per month for 5,000 copies of Back ToGodhead. Similar asurance I have gotfrom the other centers . So by calculation!shall be able to collect $3,000 per monthof which $2 ,000 or less, as you may arrange,will be paid for the price of printing,and the balance will be spent for freedistribution of copies to institutions,schools, colleges, universities, libraries,and respectable individual persons. I understandthat for posting magazines inlarge scale the rate is 3C or 4C, so I haveadvised Subal to take definite informationin this connection for posting Back ToGodhead in large scale. I quite agree withyour proposal that for small centers likeMontreal, Buffalo, etc . as stated by youthe New York center will be the distributor;this is nice.Regarding your kirtan success inPennsylvania at Dickenson College andFranklyn and Marshall, it is so muchpleasing to me. This is the way of ourpreaching work. Please try to infuse thisKrishna Consciousness idea amongst thestudent community and it will be a greatsuccess. On the whole, we shall nowmake it a point to spread this Samkirtanmovement and distribute our publications.I am anxious to know if you have receivedthe newly dispatched kholes fromIndia because it was due to arrive beforeFebruary 4th. Is this dock strike still goingon? In London there is a good demandfor Back To Godhead, and if the dockstrike is still going on, you can send themby air cargo shipment. Similarly, Goursundarand Krishna das are also in need ofbooks. Kindly see that the supplies aremade regularly. When you send news ofsuccessful kirtan performances as I itfrom London also, and so also I experiencepersonally in Los Angeles, I amoverwhelmed with spiritual joy. We dontmind for selling our literature in smallquantity, but there must be some sale.Regarding our record, it was manufacturedby Mr. Kallman, and he has not paidme a single farthing as royalties. He hascheated me in so many ways, so if there isno legal impediment we must immediatelyre-print the record through Dinesh. Ihave already advised him in this connection.Regarding your endeavor to arrangemy teaching in colleges, it is very, verywelcome. I was just seeking this opportunityto teaching boys and girls in theschools, colleges and universities. So ifsuch opportunties are available you mustcapture them without any fail. I have alreadysent you one check being the valueof the books as well as the money I havereceived from Boston and Buffalo,namely $69 and $25. So if it is not theprice of the books then you can take it outand deposit it in my account in the FirstNational City Bank.Regarding my apartment, if you arefeeling botheration then you can vacate .Do not take unnecessary botherations.Try to become free from all this materialanxiety. Of course, sometimes we have toaccept anxiety for Krishna, but we shoulddo everything comfortably. So you willkindly send me at least two letters in aweek because I am always anxious to hear

762 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>from you . May Krishna's blessings be bestowedupon you fo r your long life andservice.Thanking you once more. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-68Los Angeles27th February, 1969My Dear Uddhava,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated February25, 1969, and I thank you so much for it.Regarding the pictures in Back To Godheadwhich you are learning to photograph,they will be of all kinds. Whenpossible we will have nice paintings published,and other times there will be photographsof our devotees and theiractivities.Krishna will surely give you all facilitiesand encouragement if you work forHim very sincerely because everythingbelongs to Krishna. It does not take Himeven a second to offer anything we desireprovided such thing is engaged in the serviceof the Lord. So you simply desire toserve Krishna best and there will be noscarcity of anything. Know it certain fromme. I think that you may inform Nara Narayanthat he can go immediately to NewVrindaban for construction work if he hasno business in New Yo rk.I can see from your photographs thatyou are preparing such big Iskcon Bullets .It is very attractive, and unfortunately Icannot share them with you . But I am verysatisfied that you are enjoying such thingas the prasadam of Jagannath Swami.I thank you very much for your simplephilosophy of following the instructionsof your Spiritual Master. That is the sublimephilosophy of Krishna Consciousnessunderstanding; implicit faith inKrishna and Spiritual Master. This willmake your steady progress towards theUltimate Goal of back to Home, back toGodhead.Thanking you again for your nice letter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-69Los Angeles28th February, 1969My Dear Janaki,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your long letter datedFebruary 20, 1969 after a long interval ,and I have noted the contents very carefully.You are so anxious to see me in Londonand I am also very anxious to see youall. I have not received any letter fromYamuna since a long time. I tried to go toLondon as I was very much anxious to seeyou all, but your good husband will not allowme to go there unless you are all fullyequipped to see me. That is all right, and Iam pleased to note that you six boys andgirls are doing more than my expectation.Krishna will certainly he pleased to giveyou more strength to preach this gloriousmovement of Krishna Consciousness. Soplease keep yourselves steadily in themanner you are now keeping yourselves.The more you are working sincerely andsteadily the more you will get strengthfrom Krishna.Regarding your questions, as Brahmarealized that he was the maidservant ofKrishna, similarly, everyone of us has torealize that Krishna is the only singlePurusha. Purusha synonymously meansmale, but actually, in the spiritual dictionary,male means 'enjoyer' and femalemeans 'enjoyed .' So in this sense, Krishna

FEBRUARY, 1969 763is the only male and all others being energiesof Krishna, they are prakriti, or female.Please do not try to understand thismale and female in the material sense. Inother words, our perfection of life will beactually realizing that we are all females.In the material world we have got simplydifferent dresses. Here in the materialworld, everyone is in the temperament ofmale, even the so-called females are alsoin the temperament. This is very prominentin the Western part of the world, andyou know it very well how the femaleshere think on the level of equality withmales. This aptitude is material.Regarding your other questions, yes,the desire tree can also supply dresses forLord Jagannath. Certainly my SpiritualMaster watches me. So far as your questionabout the disciplic succession, in allVedic literatures it is mentioned about thedisciplic succession. You have read in SrimadBhagawatam, first canto, first chapterwhere it is said that Brahma wasinspired from within the heart by the SupremePersonality of Godhead. Similarly,in the Katho Upanishad it is said that ''inorder to learn the transcendental science,one has to approach the Spiritual Master."This spiritual master means one who hasheard correctly from his Spiritual Master.In this way, ultimately it goes to Krishna,the Supreme Spiritual Master. There is nopossibility of understanding the Vedicknowledge without this decending process.The modern world is puffed up withpersonal research knowledge, but the personwho is engaging in this research workdoes not know that he is imperfect on accountof his aptitude for becoming illusioned,for committing mistakes , for hischeating propensity and for his possessingimperfect senses. Therefore there is nopossibility of receiving perfect knowledgewithout approaching a self-realized SpiritualMaster coming down in disciplic succession.The mental speculator, no matterhow advanced he may be, cannot deliverus the right knowledge.I thank you very much for your goodwishes for our opening 108 centers.Krishna will bless you and please try tohelp me. In England we will have to startat least 10 centers, and I understand fromthe activities of Mr. Parikh that it will notbe a very difficult task.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-2-70Los Angeles28th February, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your letter dated February23, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith much pleasure. I am enclosingherewith the copy of Easy Journey ToOther Planets*. Also enclosed is somepages of /shopanishad, so you can showthem to Mr. Maschler and complete thebusiness for their publication. I was soglad to learn from your letter that you willbe able to sell Back To Godhead to the extentof 5,000 copies at least, and please arrangefor this.About Samkirtan movement, in NewYork, Brahmananda has also begunSamkirtan in different colleges, and Iquote herewith a few lines from his letter;"You will be pleased to know that we hada very successful kirtan engagement attwo colleges in Pennsylvania, DickensonCollege and Franklin and Marshall. AtDickinson the students were so enthusiasticthat practically all of them (50 at least)were all dancing, what to speak of everyonesinging and clapping. Even the professor,a dried stick scholar, danced inecstasy." So in the future we will stick to

764 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the principle of Samkirtan movement anddistributing our Back To Godhead specificallyand the other literature generally. Iam pleased to note that you are printing up10,000 copies of the Prospectus of our society.Also your proposal of getting I ,000subscribers to Back To Godhead fromLondon alone is very encouraging andplease do it. You should send your activitiesreport every month in short for publicationin Back To Godhead.Please convey my thanks to Mr. Parikhbecause he has taken our movement verysincerely, and Krishna will be very muchpleased upon him. Actually it is the dutyof all retired men and women to devotethemselves in the service of Krishna. Thatis the basic principle of Vedic civilization.Thanking you once more. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB; As I am going to Hawaii for themonth of March, you may address mymail to Iskcon, 4 Leilani Building, 1649Kapialani Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii.*sent by separate post69-2-7 1 Los Angeles29th February, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 26, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. Regarding the distributionof Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,the principle will be that 60 % will go tothe book fund , and the rest will go to youas the distributor. So you may offer to thetemples whatever is suitable. But you willbe the sole distributor and the book fundwill get 60 % .Regarding the Back To Godheadscheme, the idea is that you pay $750 andreceive 5,000 copies. Now you distributethis as you like. If you sell for 50c percopy, then it comes to $2,500, but I do notthink it will be possible to sell them all at50c retail price. So you appoint stores tosell copies, and you will get 30c per copyfor these without fail. You are purchasingfor 15c so even selling wholesale youmake profit of 15 c. If you sell 3, 500 copiesat wholesale price, then the intake is$1,050. If you are not able to sell all of thecopies, then still you should have an incomeprofit of at least $500, selling atwholesale price. If you make more profityou should do so, and I have no objection.But whatever you sell after the 1,500 copiessold retail is profit for your temple.What ever balance has not been sold willbe distributed free, and you should applyfor concession rates at the Post Office. InLos Angeles, we have already applied,and the postal charge will be about 3c or4c per issue. So as far as I am concerned, Ishall collect about $3,000 monthly. Out ofthis, $2,000 is to be paid to Dai Nippon,and I will keep $1000. Out of thisamount, the postal charges will take about$300-400, and the balance $600 I shallspend for developing of the press department.So from Back To Godhead I dontwant anything for my book fund . I simplywant my books to be nicely distributed.As for someone to help you distributebooks on the West Coast, I understandthat Jayananda has volunteered for this assignment,and you can decide who youwill like. So far as the list of distributorsyou have sent to Purushottam, they havebeen contacted, and they are waiting tosee the first printed copies before any decisionis discussed. But Purushottam willtravel with me. That is certain. For thetime being, I am going to Hawaii, andthere is no sufficient place for him there.Therefore I am going alone. If there is aseparate apartment available, then I shallcall him there also. Otherwise, I shallcome back within one month to Los

FEBRUARY, 1969 765Angeles, and then I shall go to New Yo rk,so you can make arrangements accordingly.This is my present program.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: You may send future mail to Hawaiicenter.P. S. I shall be glad to hear from you if myidea of distribution is appropriate. I amgoing to Hawaii on Monday at 10:45A.M. Kindly send the dry mangoe asusual to Hawaii temple address.

MARCH69-3-1Los Angeles2nd March, 1969My Dear Janardan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter, undated.It is a very long letter and, as youhave written it in two months, perhaps I'llalso require similar time to reply to thisletter. On Monday I am going to Hawaii atleast for a month, and there I shall try toread your letter very peacefully, andmaybe I'll be able to reply in great detail.In the meantime, I may inform you thatyour newspaper cutting, "Non-ChristianUnity Ruled Out," is not very surprising.Religious bigotry is one of the strong materialsymptoms, therefore, in the beginningof Srimad Bhagavatam it is saiddharma projhita. This means that the ideaof religiosity, economic development,sense-gratification, and endeavors formerging into the impersonal absolute arethe different activities for the materialistperson. Leaving aside the too grossly materialisticpersons, who are without anymoral principles or social conventions, ifwe take the right type of civilized man,then we find that he is engaged in sometype of religious principle. It doesn't matterif he is Christian, Moslem or Jew, thesymptom of a civilized man is that he musthave the recognition of religious principles;that is required for civilized man.But generally men take to religious principlesfor economic development. Just likein the Christian religiosity the prayers forsolving the economic problem or breadproblem. Similarly, in the Vedic ritualsalso different methods of sacrifices arerecommended for pleasing the demigodsso that they will supply quantity of rainand there will be enough grain for eating.In this way, religious principles are generallypracticed by men for some economicdevelopment.In this modern age, people being scientificallyadvanced, they seek economicdevelopment without any reference toworship of God or following any religiousprinciple. So such people are graduallyforgetting their eternal relationship withGod because they think that without Godthey can inquire sufficient progress ineconomic development which is requiredfor sense gratification. Some of them,when they are frustrated, try thinking ofvoidness or merging into the impersonalabsolute truth. So voidness or impersonalidea of the absolute truth is just an oppostieof material variegatedness. So this ideacan also be accepted as the material conceptof transcendence. So things are goingon like this, not only now, but it is the natureof the material world.Therefore, the Srimad Bhagawatamhas used the suitable word, dharma projhita.That means to kick out the so-calledreligious principles, economic development,sense gratification, and liberation.According to Bhagawat, these are allcheating processes, because by followingsuch processes, the living entity can neverbe happy. Such principles in differentforms according to different circumstancesof candidate, place, and time,they are simply cheating formulas. So ourKrishna Consciousness movement doesnot belong to any such cheating process.They are cheating processes in the sense

768 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidathat the basic principle is for economicdevelopment, and if it is simply for solvingthe problem of bread, it is not true religionas described by Srimad Bhagawatam.Even ifthe living entity is born with a silverspoon in his mouth he will not behappy so such plans for economic developmentare simply cheating processes.Therefore , the great rishis in the forestNaimisharanya inquired of the great sage,Suta Goswami, "How can the living entitiesactually be happy?" Srimad Bhagawatamanswers this question that thetop-most super-excellent religious principleis that which following, the protagonistbecomes a devotee of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, without any motiveand without being checked by any materialimpediments . That will make aperson completely satisfied, and that isour process. We are educated people howthey can develop their dormant love of theSupreme Lord without being impaired byany material condition.We should train our disciples as well asourselves in such a spirit that even if thewhole world is against us, which is impossibleto happen, the Samkirtan Movementmust be pushed on without any referenceto archeological evidence or any such scientificadvancement of knowledge. Besidesthat, the argument that archeologicalevidence will lead many people toaccept the philosophy of Lord Chaitanyahas no evidence. For example, the Christianreligion principle is now establishedin archeological evidence, but still it is notthat the whole people of the world are attractedby Christian religion. Even a greatscientist, Professor Albert Einstein, wasJewish by religion, but because the Christianreligion gives evidential proof of archeologicaldiscovery, still he did notbecome a Christian. No religion or noprinciple is accepted by the whole world;that is a fact. I can give you a statement ofAlbert Einstein in which he says "Themost beautiful and most profound emotionwe can experience is in the sensationof the mystical. It is a shower of all truescience. He to whom this emotion is astranger, he who can no longer stand raptin awe , is as good as dead. That deeplyemotional conviction of the presence of asuperior reasoning power which is revealedin the comprehensible universeforms my idea of God ."I think that our Hare Krishna Movementis just following the same concept ofGod by awakening the dormant transcendentalemotion of the human being withoutany consideration of religious faith. Inour camp all of my disciples are comingfrom different faiths, mostly Christians orJews, and why are they accepting thisSamkirtan Movement, unless there is theawakening of mystical emotion describedby a great scientist like Albert Einstein.If somebody does not accept ChaitanyaMahaprabhu for want of archeologicalevidence, it will not hamper ourmovement. There is sufficient archeologicalevidence in this connection, and it canbe supplied from various sources whichare in India. There is even archeologicalevidence of Vyasadeva which was recentlypropounded by one Dr. Chakravarty.I personally saw this in amonthly magazine of Calcutta of the nameMother in which I was giving my articles.If you like, you can inquire from them orsuch institutes as Chaitanya Research Institute, started by my godbrother, TirthaMahraj . That is not a very difficult task.Actually we have nothing to do withcompromising with Christians or Buddhists.Our principles should be to preachKrishna Consciousness as it is spoken inthe Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagawatam. As we are now collecting some fortunatestudents in our movement, similarly,it will be possible to collect more studentsin the future . But it is a fact that the unfortunatepersons who stick to the four

MARCH, 1969 769material misbehaviors, just like illicit sexlite, etc. cannot accept these principles ofKrishna Consciousness. But still there ischance for them simply by giving aural receptionto this transcendental sound ofHare Krishna Mantra. If we turn our attentionto fit with the Christian people, orany other religious sect, I think it will notbe very much fruitful because nobodywill change his faith even though he isgiven scientific or archeological evidences.And that will also not help anybody.We have already discussed thispoint in many articles and change in religiousfaith does not make one advanced inspiritual understanding. The spiritual understandingas taught by Lord Chaitanya isthat all living entities are eternally servantsof God. We have to propogate thisphilosophy, and for this we have to makepropaganda. Every religion believes inGod, and we want that everyone shouldactively come to this understanding of acceptingone's eternal servitorship to God.There are many things to criticize inthe matter of any faith, and if we divertour attention to such activities we shallsimply create more opposite elements andwaste our time. Better if we try to push onthis Krishna Consciousness Movementand use our energy, education, scientificknowledge, etc . to simply convince thepresent generation that everyone is servantof God. Then our mission will besuccessful. Actually at the present moment,never mind if one is Christian, Jew,or Moslem, most people are Godless anddon't care for God. They simply take anofficial stand, but actually, from the depthof their heart they have no idea what isGod. So we have to invoke the dormantunderstanding of God-consciousness;that is the principle of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement.If a Christian believes in God let himlove God prominently rather than lovingmatter. If we wish to criticize Christianfaith we can do so, and we can prove thathardly there are any sincere Christians. Inthe ten commandments we see Lord JesusChrist advised "Thou shalt not kill," butthis killing process is still prominentamong Christians as well as any other religiousgroup. So much so that it is simplyhorrible. Recently, the head of the Christianpeople, the Pope, declined to sanctionthe killing process in the embryo, namelycontraceptive methods. We can see that somany Christians revolted. Apart from thiskilling process within the embryo, there isalso killing process in the slaughterhouseand in so many ways. I do not know how aChristian can violate this important commandmentof the Bible, "Thou shalt notkill." So in this way, if we want to criticizewe can, but it will simply increase our enemies.Better let us try to invoke the dormanttranscendental emotion by chantingand dancing.You try to understand this philosophymore seriously, and as you are able try towrite articles on this subject matter withoutbeing inclined to compromise withany other religious faith. I shall write youagain from Hawaii. In the meantime youcan let me know if you have got the manuscriptfrom Rayarama, and reply to thisletter to the Hawaii adress: ISKCON, 4Leilani Building, 1649 Kapialani Boulevard,Honolulu, Hawaii. Enclosed is apage of poems by Bhakti vi node Thakur tobe translated into French and printed inyour magazine.! hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-25th March, 1969My Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

770 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaMarch 27, 1969, and I have careful! ynoted the contents . In the first portion ofthe letter you have expressed your desirehow to surrender. This surrendering processis unconditional . Surrendering doesnot mean that one should only surrenderin favorable circumstances. That is notsurrender. Surrender means in any conditionthe surrendering process must continue.In the latter portion of your letter itappears that you have been disturbed onsome trivial matters, and you wish toleave the place and go to London. That isnot at all good . You must work conjointly.That is my desire , and if you fightamongst yourselves for some individualinterests, that is not surrender. What everthe other two boys may do, that I shall sii,but unoo you my request is that you mustremain in Hamburg until I order you toleave the place.I understand that you have sent passagemoney to Jayagovinda. Let him comefirst. He is a very sensible boy, and I hopeon his arrival there will be no dissension.Last night one German boy was initiatedby me, and he will be entrusted for renderingall my books in German language.There will be no difficulty to publish theGerman edition of Back To Godheadtherefore , in your newly purchased press.You should take the indication given byLord Krsna: The press is already there,the press worker, Jayagovinda, is coming,and the German scholar has joined our institution.Don't you see the indication byKrsna that we must make propaganda inthe German language in that part of theworld? So you have to adjust things be theindication of Lord Krsna. Don't do anythingwhimsically. The direction comesthrough the Spiritual Master, and any onewho abides by the order of the SpiritualMaster to give shape to the wish of theLord, he is per-[PAGE MISSING]69-3-3Hawaii6th March, 1969My Dear Purushottam,Please accept my blessings. I am gladto inform you that we have reached Hawaiiin due time on Monday afternoon and immediatelywe met the devotees who cameto receive us and I have come directly toGovinda dasi's residence. This place isvery nice. It is just on the seashore andfrom the room on the second floor we canalways see the seaview, so it is both scenicand healthy atmosphere. But it is a verydistant place from our temple. It takes almosttwo hours to come and go by car.Therefore I am giving you the followingaddress for mailing of my letters and redirectingour mails.A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. O. Box 506Kaawa, OahuHAW All 96730We performed Lord Chaitanya 's Birthdayceremony, not very gorgeously, butamongst ourselves, and Govinda dasicooked very nice Ikadasi foodstuffs . Thenext day I expected some big ceremonybut it couldn't be performed. We are lookingout for a better place where theBrahmacharies and the temple can beunited. At the present moment, it is veryscattered and actually the temple managementis impossible to be in order. So, forthe time being you can redirect all mymails to my above post box address in thisvillage .Please offer my blessings to all and Ishall be glad to hear from you how thethings are going there . Awaiting yourearly reply,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

MARCH, 1969 77169-3-4Hawaii6th March, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of Feb.27, 1969, and I am so glad to read it. Keepyour health in good condition and workvery hard for Krishna. That is our mottoof life. I am so gald to learn that you fe lttoo much inconvenience in the companyof the karmis in your last tour to LosAngeles. There is a verse in Bkhakti RasamritaSindhu in which it is stated, themore you advance in Krishna Consciousness,the more you become disgusted withthe material modes of life . When theAmerican boys are disgusted with cigarettessmoker, or listening to rock musicand meaningless chattering, it meansthere is Krishna's Grace. May Krishnabless you more and more, as you advancein Krishna Consciousness.You wanted one assistant editor, and Ican understand that you may feel inconveniencewith Hayagriva, but would youlike to have as your assistant editor, Goursundar?So he can help you in editingwork even from such distant place. Butthe difficulty is that he is working here tomaintain the establishment. I have advisedGovinda dasi to think of this and hemay write you .Regarding Bhagavad Gita manuscript:If you have got two copies then you cansend one to Janardan. Otherwise you haveto send him a copy only, and keeping onecopy with you. Because in future I amthinking of publishing a revised and enlargededition of Bhagavad Gita As It Is.You know that we have to cut short thebook because the MacMillan Companywanted within 400 pages. So you knowthat the majority of the verses in the backportion of the book were not given purports.Therefore in our next publicationwe shall give purport for all the verses.*So you should keep one copy with you beforeyou send the manuscript to Janardan.That Rohini Kumar is assisting you inartistic abilities is very gratifying. So youare preparing for the Japanese issues. Infact, from the number when we begin ourJapanese issue we shall stop advertisementaltogether . . . . either hippies ordhippies.You select your articles according toyour best choice but I shall recommend topublish the article of Hayagriva, "HareKrishna Movement Exploded." I have receivedsuggestion from Dindayal-he isgetting good response from Berkely andhe is expecting that the whole quota of5000 may be completely sold. In Hawaii,however, they have no Back To Godheads,and receipt of them is very muchdelayed and sporadic. So ifthe shipping isclosed they can be sent by air cargo. So wehave to organize the transport means also.I think there is some special postal rate for50 lb. lot. So with the assistance of Subalplease do the needful and make Back ToGodhead a successful Krishna Consciousnessmagazine .My program is to stay here up to theend of March, but in San Francisco theyalso want me fo r a few days there. So beforegoing to New York I may go to SanFrancisco from here. Of course, youthink you cannot leave your office justnow, but this place is very nice. I think ifyou could manage to come here a few daysthen you can directly exchange letterswith Govinda dasi.Please care for your health nicely, andconvey my blessings to all the devoteesthere in New Yo rk.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*As well as word to word meanings

772 Letters from Srrla Prabhuptlda69-3-5Hawaii8th March, 1969My Dear Ishan das and Bibhavati dasi,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your kind letter of February22, 1969, along with your beads,which I have duly chanted. Your name isnow Ishan das Adikary and your wife'sname is Bibhavati dasi . Please follow thefour principles of initiated disciples whichare as follows: No eating of animal foodssuch as meat, fish and eggs ; no gambling;no illicit sex life; and no intoxication ofany kind. Chant 16 rounds minimumdaily, attend classes in the temple, andread Bhagavad Gita, and Srimad Bhagavatamregularly. Whenever there is anyquestion, ask me , and try to preachKrishna Consciousness movement to yourbest capacity. I am very glad to learn thatMukurida has invited you to go to Londonand if there is possibility you should goimmediately, both of you, and join withthem. The six boys and girls, husband andwife, are preaching Krishna Consciousnessmovement in London so nicely, thatin the London Times there was a newsheading like: Krishna Chant Startles London.These boys and girls are also initiatedfor the last two years only-they arenot very great scholars in theologicalstudies, but still by the Grace of Krishnathey have created some impression in acity like London simply by their sincereeffort. My Spiritual Master used to sendpreachers who were all in the renouncedorder of life (sanyasins), but I am doing acompletely different process-namely,preparing some young couples of husbandand wife to take up this job. this is approvedby Lord Chaitanya . He said that itdoes not matter whether the preacher is inthe renounced order of life, or a familyman, or a Brahmin or a sudra-nothing ishampering in the process of preachingKrishna Consciousness. The only qualificationrequired is that one should knowthe genesis of Krishna Consciousness andthen he is just the fit person to preach thisgreat philosophy.I understand both you and your wifeare very intelligent boy and girl and I hopeif you sincerely wish to serve Krishna Hewill give you all intelligence how you cannicely serve Him.I am here at Hawaii at the care of Goursundarand his wife Govinda dasi; they arealso doing very nicely. Similarly, anothercouple of disciples , Satsvarupa and Jaduranyin Boston are also doing verynicely. Similarly, in Buffalo Rupanugaand his wife and their small child are doingvery nicely. Similarly, in New VrindabanHayagriva and his wife Shama dasiare doing very nicely. So it is a part of mymissionary work; I want to see that theWestern boys and girls who are very muchloose with their sex life should get themselvesmarried and take to Krishna Consciousnessseriously and they will behappy both materially and spiritually. Soif you go to London to join Mukunda andhis company you will be very muchpleased to see how husband and wife combinedtogether can so nicely preachthis Krishna Consciousness movement .Please take up this philosophy very seriouslyand you will be happy in this life andnext life. If you are going to Londonplease let me know when you are going.Your poetry is very nice, and I amsending the copy to our editor of Back ToGodhead for publishing it conveniently.Herewith' please find your chantedbeads and be happy by the Grace ofKrishna. Please convey my blessings to allthere, and I hope you are all well .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACB/gd

MARCH, 1969 77369-3-6 Hawaii8th March, 1969Dear Sriman Raj Dewan,I am so pleased to receive your letterdated Feb. 20th, 1969, Swami B. D.Madhav of Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Mathhas kindly requested you to contact me soI am so much thankful to both of you. Heis my God-brother. The books mentionedby you can exactly be had from GoudiyaMath, Kali Prasad Chakravarty Lane,Bagh Bazar, Calcutta-3, India. Some ofthe books mentioned by you are sometimesimported by my New York center,and the manager in charge is SrimanBrahmananda Brahmachary, ISKCONTemple, 61 Second Avenue, New York,N.Y. 1 0003.There are other books also, namely,Srimad Bhagavatam in 3 volumes, BhagavadGita As It Is-published by MacMillancompany, and Teachings of LordChaitanya, etc. written by me.I am forwarding your letter to SrimanBrahmananda and you can also contacthim in this connection.Thanking you once more,Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-7Hawaii8th March, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings, and offerthe same to my beloved daughter, SrimatiJadurany. I am in due receipt of your letterdated Feb. 2, 1969, as well as of Feb. 5,1969. I plan to go to New York by the firstweek of April, so you can arrange yourscheduled meetings on the 24th by whichtime I shall be ready to go to Boston.This climate of Hawaii is most healthy,with sunshine and fresh sea breeze, so Ithink if it is possible for Jadurany to cometo this climate she may imporve her healthnicely. Consult together on this proposal,and you can correspond with Goursundarand Govinda dasi here in this regard.Regarding your question: I do not rememberif Rayarama ever chanted veryloudly in my room, neither he ever livedin my room, nor I had ever asked him notto chant loudly. I do not know how thesenews are spread. There is no such requirementthat Japa should be silently andchanting should be be done differently.Loudly or silently, everything is all right.There is no such restriction. Only thing isthat we should chant very attentively,hearing the vibration very distinctly.I have received the typed copy of tapenumber 6, and I am sending iommorowtape number 7. *I hope you are well and that Jadurany 'shealth is somewhat better; she must restnicely. Please convey my blessings andbest wishes to all the devotees there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*enclosed herewith69-3-8 Hawaii8th March, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedone letter from United ShippingCorporation, and the copy of the proformainvoice is as follow:1 pee. First Class Harmonium@$22.00 = $22.002 pes. First Class Mridangas@$6.75 = $13.505 prs. Big Nabadwip Karatals@$2.12 = $10.601 pee. "Panchapradip" for Arati@$2.00 = $2.001 pee. Jahanjh@$3.35 = $3.35

774 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>1 pee . Round 'Ghari '@$9.95 = $9.953 pees. Water conch shells@$1.50 = $4.502 pes. Blowing conch shells@$2.00 = $4.001 pee. Bengali New Year (1376) Panjika@$ .50 = $.50Subtotal = $70.40Packing, Forwarding & Insurancecharges = $27.55Total = $97 .95C & I Calcutta(U. S. Dollars Ninety seven and centsninety five only. )I have advised the bank to retire the billimmediately on presentation. The copy ofthe letter of instructions to the bank is alsoencolsed herewith. Please therefore immediatelydeposit $100 in my accountnumber 03081-61625, with the Bank ofAmerica; Pico-La Cienega Branch; 8501West Pico Boulevard; Los Angeles, Cal .Hope you are all well .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-9My Dear Shivananda,Hawaii9th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your three letters post datedMarch 5, 1969, and I thank you verymuch for them. I have noted your points ,and one thing is that the instruction givenby one gentleman Mr. Somanatha to go toIndia as agriculturalists is absurd. Don'tbe carried away by all this nonsense advice.So far Indian authority is concernedfor preaching work, I am prepared to go toyour center for preaching at any time youcall me . Your statement that you will try toorganize the Hamburg center very nicelyand have a smooth running energetic templewhen I go there is also very encouraging.Please stick to this principle withoutany diversion. Take it from me that I amalways praying to Lord Krishna for yoursuccess in Krishna Consciousness . movement.Yo u're very sincere devotee and ifyou simply stick to the principles, successis sure for your life. Krishna's Mercy is alwaysbestowed upon one who is sincerelyserving Him. You should not give attentionto any outsider's advice because theyare completely unfit to give you advice.Your situation is different. We do not carefor any agriculturist or economist. Ouronly shelter is Krishna. Stick to this principleand success is sure for you.I shall be glad to hear what about thepress matter and printing Back To Godheadin German Language.Chanting 16 rounds without fail, performingKirtan at least twice daily, morningand evening, discussion on BhagavatGita, and Srimad Bhagavatam in the class,and work diligently and cooperativelyamongst yourselves is my fe rvent request.Kindly follow this and be happy.Please convey my blessings to Krishnadas.and Uttama Sloka. I have received letterfrom Jaya Govinda that he is anxious tocome back to Germany. I have also advisedKrishna das to arrange for his passage,but I have not heard anything fromthem. Please let me know at your earliestconvenience. Hope you are well .Your ever well-wisher,A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-10My Dear Madhusudan,Hawaii1Oth March, 1969Please accepy my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of March5th, and you can take it from me that I giveyou clear sanction to get yourself marriedto Kanchanbala dasi, at the earliest possibledate . From her side, her mother has

MARCH, 1969 775agreed, and from your side, I have agreed.So Kanchanbala is an ideal girl, KrishnaConscious, and I want that some idealfamilies of Krishna Consciousness shouldbe established in your country, so thatpeople can see that our movement is notone sided or dry. So we do not want dryrenouncers . Krishna Himself married somany wives as a Kshatriya. ChaitanyaMahaprabhu although He was to take Sanyasat the age of 24 years , still He marriedtwice within 20 years. Lord NityanandaPrabhu also married. Adwaita Prabhu andSrivas Prabhu, they were also householders. So to become married is no impedimentfor advancement in Krishna Consciousness.One should be vigilent onlythat he is not diverting from KrishnaConsciousness. One has to follow the footprints of the great Acharyas then everythingis all right. I was also a marriedman-my family is still existing. So youshould always remember that marriage isnot impediment. The greatest enemy isforgetfulness of Krishna. There are manyImpersonalists and voidists-they renouncedthis material world very early intheir life; just like Shankar Acharya. Hetook sanyas at the age of 8 years . LordBuddha left home just in the beginning ofhis youth. But we are not concerned withthem. So I hope by this time, by servingthis Krishna Consciousness movement forthe last two years you must have gottensome taste of the necterine . Now youmust be fixed up and execute your specifiedduty as ordered by me , and then Iam sure there will be no difficulty. Butyou should always remember that wifeis not a machine for sense gratification.Wife is your half body for nourishingyour Krishna Consciousness status . Soyour are getting a wife who is alreadytrained up in Krishna Consciousnessnd if you live carefully and faithfullythere will be no difficulty. That is theverdict of all Acharyas . I think this willsimplify your agitated mind.Hope you are well , and also Kanchanbala,and happily executing Krishna Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-11My Dear Purusottam,HawaiilOth March, 1969Please accept my blessings . I hope youhave already received the the tape No. 36,Today I am sending the tape No. 37. Youneed not send me the typed copies. Youcan keep them with you .Dindayal wants me in San Franciscofor a few days. So I have agreed. You cantalk with him by phone & ask him to sendme the passage money. As soon as I get it Ishall start for San Francisco because herethere is no serious engagements .Ofcourse the climate is nice & I am keepingnice here. Kartikeya is ill for indigestion.Hope you are well . Please offer my blessingsto all there. The condition of the centreis not very satisfactory. So I am tryingto rectify it.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. BhaktivedantaP. S. Please send me a few copies of thephotostat "Krishna Chant Startles London".69-3-12 HawaiilOth March, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter ofMarch 5, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. The letter heading is verynicely set up but the color black is not soattractive. It should have been two colorsas you suggested , namely violet and

776 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>black. I am pleased that you are going tohave two color set up next printing. I thankyou very much for your nice sentiments soexpressed in this letter; that I am notunreasonable-rather you have taken theresponsibility on your part. Actually weare all conditioned souls so our demandfrom Krishna to accept us is unreasonable.From my personal point of view, Ithink that I am so sinful that I cannot evenapproach Krishna to show me any favor.But I have only one hope-my SpiritualMaster-He is very kind. So someway orother He is dragging me towards Krishna.That is the only hope. Sri ChaitanyaCharitamrita says therefore: GuruKrishnae. By the mercy of the SpiritualMaster, and by the mercy of Krishna, onegets into Krishna Consciousness. N aradaMuni is our original Spiritual Master andhe has dragged so many fallen souls towardsKrishna, and we are also hoping tobe dragged by Him through the disciplicsuccession. Otherwise, if we study ourown qualifications, there is none-ratherI have got so many disqualifications.Regarding United Shipping Corporation,I think our former accounts for $250due from them is by this time squared upby supply of goods, etc. I have separatelyordered one small consignment for LosAngeles, and let me see how they supply.Next order will follow from Hawaii. Theshipping arrangement to the Westerncoast should be more carefully done.Regarding Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,distribution, it is a fact that you arethe sole distributor. But now that you havealready instructed Dia Nippon to dispatchtwo separate consignments, I think that ifyou now change the decision, it will againbe perturbing for them and things may bedelayed. Better not to give them any adverseinstruction at this late hour. But youcan send your bill to Purushottam in LosAngeles for the L.A. consignment. Thebill should be payed to you . That will saveyou botheration from distributing againfrom New Yo rk. In other words , as soonas the bill is submitted by you, it meansthat it has been dispatched from yourstock.Regarding distribution of Back ToGodhead in India by the Universal BookDistributors: I have read the letter sent bythem and I do not think it is very practical.I am returning herewith the letter as desiredby you for keeping in your file, andyou can reply them on the followingpoints:1. That you submit us every month alist of 1000 libraries. We shall dispatchfree copies from here directly, and weshall print your name as the sole distributorin India, provided:2. When you receive orders or inquiriesfrom such parties, you immediatelyorder from us at least 500 copies lot andwe shall deliver you C.I.F. less 40 % onthe face value. The present face value is$.50 per copy. Payment: cash on delivery.On receipt of your confirmation, we shallsend you the appointment letter and thebusiness will begin.3. You shall send us regularly 1000new addresses every month, and we shallpost copies to them from this end.In this way, you can write to them.Another thing, the Library of Congresshas got one agency in India, and theyhave recognized my Srimad Bhagavatam,you know it. And they have open order for18 copies of each volume as soon as published.Why not bring this fact to the Librarianof Congress, and introduce myother books, including Bhagavad Gita,TLC, etc .? And there are so many publiclibraries, and university libraries also,who may recieve them. So, business hasto be organized and I hope you will do theneedful.Regarding Back To Godhead circulation:I shall be glad to know what is thedecision of the National Distributor.

MARCH, 1969 777Whether you have received any replyfrom the Japanese printer about BTG.I wish to go to New York by the firstweek of April, because after finishing inN.Y., I shall have to go to Boston. Andwhen I come back from Boston by themiddle of May, then we go to New Vrindaban,and if possbile we make arrangementsfor starting the press. In themeantime, the press men, and managersand every one should be ready. If the presscan manage to print 20 to 25,000 of BTG,and 5000 copies each of my books, I thinkthat will be sufficient engagement for thenewly started press.Please convey my blessings to everyonethere, and I hope you are all well andhappy.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I may go to San Francisco fromHawaii and from there I shall go to NewYork, otherwise, you will have to arrangefor my ticket from Hawaii to N.Y., a verylong distance.I have received one enquiry from ___ __ letter and copy of my reply andendorsed herewith. Please do the needful.ACBI have received the Mangoe pulp dryfor which thank you. Please send it at regularinterval because I eat it daily with mylunch.69-3-13Hawaii11th March, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of March 5,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Yes, a new man may commit blundersin the beginning, but that does notmean we may be too impatient with him.After all, training means the man does notknow, so you should train him nicely. AVaishnava is expected to be humbler thanthe blade of grass, so when you train somenew man you should not get agitated withhim. After all, we are preachers, and wedo not expect our audience or candidatescompletely respondent to our call. If everyoneis trained then what is the use ofour preaching. I receive daily so manyodd letters, still we have to reply themproperly. So you are in charge of the Seattiebranch. You should try to develop andmanage this temple as your life interest.Don't be flickering, thinking of going hereand there. Whatever charge given fromKrishna through the medium of SpiritualMaster you should be carrying out veryfaithfully. I have come to your country inthis old age with this interest. We shouldnot mind where we are kept or where wehave to discharge our duties. But weshould accept and do them nicely.I wish that the Seattle temple be maintainedas the most important thing, andthere is no second man besides you to takecharge of it. Actually the center wasopened by you and Gargamuni. Gargamuniis now engaged in different work, soyou do not divert your attention. Pleasetry to occupy the church contemplatedand try to improve it like L.A. temple. Ifyou try your best Krishna will give you allfacilities.I am glad to hear you . re going to teachthe university course. This is very good,do not worry about the watchdog Mr.Miller, this trouble will continue al·,vaysbut still we have to do our duties. Onething, Mr. Miller takes objection to Hinduism.He is Christian and he thinks thatwe are preaching Hinduism. You shouldclear up this thing that we do not preachany particular 'ism.' We are simply teachinghow to develop our dormant love ofGodhead. So what religion is there thatdoes not approve love of Godhead? Onemay say that all improve our love of Godheadaccording to our own way, but from

778 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>practical point of view, in no religious prin-'ciple the lave of Godhead is seen to be enhanced.They make God as order-supplierfor their material needs. Or some of themare taught to lave God because He is consideredto be order-supplier. But our principleis not to make God our order-supplier-wewant to execute the order of God .69-3-14Hawaii11th March, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt ofyour letter ofFeb. 28, 1969,and I am very much surprised that othernonsense magazines are being publishedby Dayal Nitai, and Janardan says it is inmy knowledge! I am very much surprisedto hear this. Enclosed I am forwardingone letter to Dayal Nitai, and how it is thatwithout your knowledge these things arebeing done? Certainly it must be disturbingto you-it is disturbing to me also!Please do work on the French BTG,and you must immediately ask Dayal Nitaito stop that printing business. I was doubtfulabout him because he was still inclinedto that yoga process, and my doubts arenow coming to be true. He does not understandour philosophy very nicely.I have come here last Monday, the 3rdMarch. The place is very nice, with bothsunshine and seaview and fresh air. Butthe boy Kartikeya has fallen sick and it isapprehended that he is developing appendicitiestrouble.I shall soon return to the mainland andI plan to go to New York the first week ofApril. Please inform me further of thisprinting situation on receipt of this letter,and what is being done to remedy thesituation. Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3- 15Hawaii11th March, 1969My Dear Jaya Pataka,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to receive your letter dated February28, and noted the contents with great pleasure.The transcendental experiencewhich you had during kirtan performanceat the I..oyala University is very nice. Relishingthe transcendental sweetness ofKrishna Kirtan is only possible when oneis actually advanced, towards perfection.Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishingif he had possessed millions of ears, andbillions of tongues then he could chant theHare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably.In the conditioned stage, we chant HareKrishna mantra officially without any attachmentand try to finish the rounds assoon as possbile. Sometimes we also forgetto chant the prescribed number ofrounds. But Haridas Thakur even at thelast stage of his life, he was chanting300,000 beads although Lord Chaitanyapersonally asked him to not labor so hard.But Haridas Thakur said that he wouldcontinue the practice till the end of hislife. So that is the position of transcendentaltaste. Please therefore chant very sincerelywith your present aptitude of mindand Krishna will bless you more and morein understanding this secret of transcendentalvibration. Of course, sometimesthe public may misunderstand such tearsof bliss, so we may better have to check itfrom the vision of ordinary persons.So far the strange colors, etc., betterwhen you see all these things that youchant and hear; that will help you to understandwhat they are . (Also, it may besome effects of your past drugs habit.)So far as painting on the body theNames of the Lord, this is all right .. Butthere is no need of doing that in this country.Simply hearing is sufficient.

MARCH, 1969 779Please ask Janardan what is the difficultyin editing BTG in French language.Of course, I received his letters that hewas so much busy in so many ways, butstill, this is also one of his responsibilities.In the absense of BTG printing, themachine is being used for some otherpurposes. Of course, when I was inMontreal, I think I gave permission toprint some outside work, to get somemoney, but that does not mean that weshould stop our own work, and printsomething in our press which is againstour principles. Please try to convey thisnews to both Janardan and Dayal Nitai andthey may please give attention.[PAGE MISSING]69-3-16Hawaii13th March, 1969My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your very nice letter, and Iam both happy and unhappy on reading it.I am happy to hear from you, but I am unhappybecause I hear that for the last threemonths you are not keeping your goodhealth. I do not know why you should reducein your health, but after all, this bodyis external-we should not be very muchdistrubed with it. It is advised in the BhagavadGita that this bodily happiness andunhappiness are temporary, like seasonalchanges, so as we are not very much disturbedeven in severe cold or scorchingheat, we have to execute our daily duties,we may not be very much disturbed withour bodily pains. But because we are longassociated with this material body, sometimeswe are afflicted, but by higherknowledge we have to tolerate the pains,wisely thinking that these bodily pains arenot mine. But I am very much happy foryour nice spiritual sentiments. In Londonthere may be a temple or not, it does notmatter; you are doing very nicely, morethan having a temple. If Krishna gives us abetter temple that is all right, otherwise,your engagement in Kirtan is very verynice. So continue this program in cooperationwith your other God-brothers andsisters, and Krishna will make you veryhappy. You six together are doing sonicely that I am very much proud of you.Be blessed by Lord Sri Chaitanya and goon like this.I am giving you herewith the transliterationof the song, Sri Krishna CbaitanyaPrabhu, along with the meaning. If youhave got the record, please practice it withthe tune and it will be very nice. I thinkyou have sent the Prasadam formula forPurushottam but he is not with me justnow, he is in L.A. I am in Hawaii, so I amsending the formula to him with my nextletter.Another news is that Mother Shamadasi came to L.A. with some of her Guzartidevotees. She appeared to be niceVaishnavi. And she wants to work in cooperationwith me. I have told her that Ihave no objection but how we shall cooperate,that is to be formulated when wemeet next. In the meantime, she has saidthat she has collected some money fromthe Indian community in London, perhaps10,000 pounds, and she is anxious to starta temple there. So you can think over thismatter, how we can cooperate with her.You just sit down together all of you. Ofcourse, it is a remote program, but if shepurchases a temple, and if we jointly conductthe affairs of the temple, that is notobjectionable, but we must strictly followour principles. Anyway, when she actuallypurchases a house for the temple andif she invites me I shall go to London anddo the needful all together.In the meantime I am just sending youinformation. She offered her respect untome just like her Spiritual Master, several

780 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>times she touched my feet, and her devoteescontributed $20. And she contributed$5. She has got Sri Sri Radha KrishnaMurti with her always, and she chantsHare Krishna, so if there is any possibilityof cooperating then we shall welcome it.She and her Guzarti devotees have invitedme to go to Africa so I told her that if I goto London then I may go to Africa fromthere. I have in my mind to fom1 a verystrong Samkirtan Party in London.Namely, the members who are alreadythere , joined by the L.A. party and someothers-some from Montreal , some fromNew Yo rk, to make a strong party of notless than 25 boys and girls. We wish tomake a world tour with this SamkirtanParty-that is my ambition. I do not knowwhat is Krishna's desire, but if it is successful,I am sure to push our movementvery nicely this will be the way.Please offer my blessings to all , and behappy.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Inform Mukunda that I have receivedhis letter with enclosure of Mr. Parikh'sletter.69-3-1714th March, 1969[LETTER 10 ALL TEMPLES]"CALIFORNIA HEADQUARTERSSELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEMFEDERAL BUILDING801 1 StreetSacramento, California 95814International Society for KrishnaConsciousnessc/o A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami450 1/2 N. Hayworth AvenueLos Angeles, Calif. 90048Attention: Swami A. C. BhaktivedantaSwamiDear Swami Bhaktivedanta:This office is charged with the responsibilityof making an administrative determinationconcerning the status of theInternational Society of Krishna Consciousnessas a religion within the meaningof the Military Selective Service Actof 1967. This question is and will be ofimportance to your organization and tomany of its members. We therefore requestthat you advise us specifically concerningtenants and principles of your·religion and specifying the body of scriptureor teachings upon which your organizationrelies as authority.If your sect is successful in establishinga "religion" qualification, then it willbe necessary for us to determine whatconstitutes a "minister" and a "ministerialstudent" within your religion. Sincewe already have one application for thatclassification, we would appreciate receivingfrom you information concerningthe following:1. The names and locations of all seminariesof the church.2. The names and addresses of allheads of your religious schools.3. Copies of your offered curriculums .4. A statement as to the requirementsfor particular diplomas certifications, ortitles, indicating courses to be masteredand the time involved for each diploma,certification and title.5. A statement as to the rules of conductand personal standards required byyour religion of its ministerial students .6. If your church has affiliation withany other organized religious body thisinformation should be given.7. If your church or school has beenrecognized by any public or institutionalaccreditation, by whom, and where .8. Please let us know what your requirementsare for a ministerial student inyour school in the two following categories:(a) full time and (b) part time .

MARCH, 1969 7819. Please state the date your ministerialschool began operating, as such, the numberof students presently enrolled in eachof the categories specified in question 8above, and the number of students in eachparticular year or level of advancement.10. If your ministerial school is coeducational,we would like to know thepresent number of students of each sex.11. Plese send a roster of your schoolfaculty and indicate the degrees and academicor religious accomplishments possessedby each instructor.We trust you will understand the natureof this inquiry and will appreciate thatsuch information is essential if we are toaccord to your members, that have dealingswith this agency, their just rights underthe law.FOR THE STATE DIRECTORMALCOLM F. MILLER Lt. Colonel ,USAF (ret.)Manpower Officer"This is my idea of the general plan forthe questionaire: You can work it out moreelaborately as may be required.Q. 1. The names of all seminaries andtheir locations, as follows:Q. 2. Heads of religious schools(presidents of temples) and addresses.Q. 3 . Curriculums: Study of BhagavadGita As It Is; Srimad Bhagavatam; (3vol .); Necter of Devotion; Teachings ofLord Chaitanya; Vendata Sutra. (In thisway, arrange the curriculum programaround these our books, and the professors.those who have been with us ampletime, such as Brahmananda, Hayagriva,Kirtananda, and have also academic qualifications). This is the complete course requiringto study 7 years. When the firstexam is given the student making passinggrade is given the title of Bhaktishastri,second exam, Bhaktivaibhava, 3rd exam,Bhaktivedanta.Q. 4. (answered above)Q. 5. Personal conduct: Our four principlesof restriction, no illicit sex, nogambling, no intoxication, no meat eating.Q. 6. Yes, Goudiya Vaishnava Societyin India. 60 missions. Hqtrs. P. O. Mayapur,Dist. Nadia; West Bengal, India.Q. 7. ?Q. 8. Requirements are as follows:They should attend class in the morningsfrom 7 to 8 a.m., then during lunch holdkirtan, then from 12 to 4 samkirtan party,evening arati, and MWF evening classes.Q. 9. July 1966;/?. Registration of thesociety in New York under the religiousact of the state and the copy was submittedto your officer who came to inquire in LosAngeles, and here is the copy of the letterwherein it is admitted that the certificateof incorporation is seen by Mr. R. E.Davis, LTC , AGC, Assistant Area Coordinator.Q. 10. Yes co-ed. List to be submitted.(list all members of all temples to be sentby all temples, as you request.)Q. 11. Faculty and degrees and academicor religious accomplishments: (listall names of members who have such, asBrahmananda, Hayagriva, Satyabama,Kirtananda, Lilavati, etc . who have academicbackground qualifications).Our religious principle is as old as5000 years and the whole thing is explainedin our recent publication of BhagavadGita As It Is, published byMacMillan, of New York and London. Ifrequired, a copy of this book may be securedand the whole idea may ge grasped.And this is a missionary society for enlighteningthe people about Godconsciousness,which we are preaching asKrishna Consciousness. Our main principlesare as follows:God is the Supreme Lord. The livingentities are qualitatively one with God, orin other words,, living entities and God

782 Letters from Snla Prabhupddaare one in quality, but by quantity, God isgreat. As such the living entities are eternalservitors and subordinate of Godmaintained by the Supreme Lord. This relationshipis eternal, therefore time is alsoeternal. There are two kinds of natures,the spiritual nature and the material nature.Material nature is temporary andspiritual nature is permanent; Materialnature is simply temporary manifestationwithin the jurisdiction of spiritual nature.The living entities somehow or other beingentrapped by material nature aremeeting all kinds of material conditions.His birth death, old age, and diseases aredue to his contact with this material nature.The living entity is evolving differentkinds of material body numbering8,400,000 different forms. The humanform is a great opportunity for the livingentity to understand God , the living entity,time, nature, and different activities. Thematerial activities are temporary, thereforeif the living entities are trained totransform his activities from material tospiritual he regains his original spiritualnature. And after such achievements he ispromoted to the spiritual world, which isfar beyond this visible material sky. Allthese understandings are based on authenticVedic knowledge. The Krishna Consciousnessmovement is for enlightenmentof all human beings without anysectarian understanding of faith. Ourprinciple is that the human being has toawaken his dormant love of God. Any religionor faith which teaches this developmentof dormant love of God is consideredas first class religion. There are varioustypes of religious faiths in the world butthey are imparted according to the students,or followers, time, place, circumstances,etc. The principle religions of theworld are Hinduism, Christianity, Mohammedanism,and Buddhism. Every religionas a matter of principle acceptsauthority, God being the supreme authority,and His representative also as authority.So we have no quarrel with anytype of religion but we simply teach thatawaken your dormant love of God whichis technically called God consciousnessor Krishna Consciousness. We think thewhole world or the entire human societyis dwindling their faith in God so much sothat some of them are declaring God is·dead, and some of them are in frustration,manufacturing different kinds of isms,under different names. This state of affairsin the world is not very satisfactory atleast for the advanced and civilized humansociety. IT is essential therefore thatscientific God consciousness which weare preaching under the name of KrishnaConsciousness, should be broadcast verywidely. I came to this country with thismission, because I know that America, althoughrichest nation in the world, stillthere are so many frustrated youngstersboth boys and girls. I started this movementin 1966, single handedly, but by theGrace of God, I have now hundreds of intelligentyoung student disciples, whohave taken up this movement seriously.They are executing the rules and regulationsas described in statement 5. Andthey are feeling happy. Many of them havetaken to household life and they are livingvery peacefully with wife and children,and some of the married couples havegone to England and theyhave beenpreaching Krishna Consciousness movementvery creditably. So this movement isvery precious missionary activities for thepresent society. I request the governmentshould veryscrutinizingly and wiselystudy this movement without being biasedto some stereotyped ideas. It will be goodfor this country, and for the whole worldat large if this movement is seriouslytaken up and broadcast all over the worldby the American people, joined by the Englishas well. I think my idea and plan iscoming to be true very soon because I

MARCH, 1969 783have many intelligent and sympatheticdisciples, both from America and England.69-3-18 HawaiiMy Dear Prahladananda,14th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter ofMarch the 5th, along with your check for$30.00 for my book fund. I thank youvery much for your this contribution oflove. I am just trying to disseminate thismessage of my Spiritual Master and ifthere's any credit for this service, everythinggoes to Him. This message ofKrishna Consciousness is coming downfrom Krishna Himself, and we are all servantsof the Supreme Lord working underthe consecutive disciplic succession.Please try to understand our philosophythrough various books that I have alreadypublished and sometimes after you willhave to carry out this order of disciplicsuccession. I am very glad to inform youthat I am keeping well here in the atmosphereat Hawaii. The atmosphere here atHawaii is quite suitable for my health . Iam staying on the sea beach side, and theplace is also very congenial .I hope this meets you in good health,and happily executing Krishna Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-19My Dear Rupanuga,Hawaii14th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedthe third of March, 1969, and I think Ishall be able to go to your center fromBoston. There is an important engagementin Boston on the 24th April , and perhapsnext on the 29th and I think afterfinishing these I can go to your place. Soyou can fix up your program in consultationwith Satsvarupa. The idea of invitingeveryone to Samkirtan in a larger meetinghall is very good . Instead of attendingsmall groups of meeting, we can arrangeto assemble them at one place-that willbe less laborious and more convenientfor us.Prahladananda has sent me a check for$30 towards my book fund and I am verymuch thankful to him. I am enclosing thereply of his letter herewith.Regarding your questions : The sparksoul has certainly form which meanshands, feet, etc . This we learn from BhagavadGita. The body is described there asVasamsi, which means dress. So unlessone has got originally hands and legs, howthe dress, coat and pants and shirt, takessuch form? Therefore the spirit soul hasoriginal form. When he is in the materialenergy the dress is evolved materially andwhen he is in the spiritual energy, thedress is evolved spiritually. This is alsonot very difficult to understand, as ourstudents before coming to my contact, hewas supposed to be materially dressed, attachedto sense gratification, and after devotinghimself in Krishna Consciousness,he is gradually developing a spiritualdress . That means attached to satisfyingthe senses of the Supreme .Your second question, how the impersonalistsmistake the difference betweenthe soul and the Supersoul-The mistakeis due to their obstinacy. The impersonalistsmasquerade as Vedantists , but actuallythey are defying Vedanta. In the Vedantait is clearly said, the OriginalSource of all being; in the Upanishads it isclearly said that the Supreme is the Supremebeing of all living beings . So all theVedas affirm it vehemently that the Super

784 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Soul and the soul are two different identities,although qualitatively one. But theimpersonalists they accept Vedas as authority,but they go against the verdict ofthe Vedas. Lord Chaitanya has depictedthis impersonalist class of men as moredangerous than the Buddhists. The Buddhistsplainly declare that they do not acceptthe authority of the Vedas, but theimpersonalists masquerade themselves asfollowers of Vedas, but actually they arehidden Buddhists. The idea is, if a personis actually fast asleep, it is easier to awakehim but if a person pretends to be sleepingbut actually is awake, then it is very difficultto wake him up. So from all Shastricpoint of view, the living entity and the SupremeLord, or the Supreme Living Entityare always simultaneously differentand one. One in quality, and different inquantity. this simple thing is understandableby any common man, but these impersonalists,they will simply inventjugglery of words to mislead innocentpeople. Therefore Lord Chaitanya haswarned not to associate with these impersonalistmayavadis because they will spoilone's life by diverting one from devotionalservice.It is very difficlut to bring to reason theobstinate impersonalists. For example.Prahlad Maharaj , such a great authority,could not convert his father to devotionalservice, who preferred death, and still didnot agree to accept that God is differentfrom him. So better to avoid the impersonalistsas far as possible.Regarding your third question-"Whyare there apparent time-gaps in the line ofdisciplic succession as listed in the BhagavadGita? Is Arjuna an instructor SpiritualMaster and not an initiator SpiritualMaster and therefore not listed?" Thetime gap mentioned by you is inevitable,because the disciplic succession sometimesbecomes disconnected, as we findfrom the Bhagavad Gita. This is the influenceof material energy, and to link it upagain, it takes some time. That some timemay appear to our calculation a big gap,but in relation with the eternal time, it isnot even as instant. So this big gap orsmall gap of time is relative . Just like our24 hours and Brahma's 24 hours, there ismuch difference. Our 24 hours is not evena fraction of his second.Your fourth question, about the "lifeforce" mentioned in Chap. 4 of the BhagavadGita; I do not find that page. Pleasesend me the page number in your next letterand I will explain.Your fifth question, "Is this understandingof verse 18, chap. 4, correct; thatthe sage sees material activities as zero(inaction in action) and sees the devoteeseated chanting as eternally active (actionin inaction)?" Ye s, action in inactionactionmeans to do something of whichthe result is enjoyed by the doer; that isaction. But when things are done forKrishna, the result is enjoyed by Krishna.When we put ourselves in the position ofenjoying good or bad reaction, then wesuffer or enjoy. But action in KrishnaConsciousness has nothing to do withsuch material suffering or enjoying.Therefore action in Krishna Consciousnessis inaction, whereas a person doingnothing materially may apear to be inactionto others, but actually he is doingsomething for Krishna. In other words,the materialist thinks of the devotees as inactive. Similarly, the devotees think of thekarmis as inactive-simply spoiling time,building sandcastles.Yo ur sixth, "Is it that the Supersoulcontrols every movement in this worldthrough the agency of Maya and the inferiorenergy according to the desires of thedreamer-j iva7 " Ye s.Yo ur seventh question, "How is it thatthere is so much material "advancement"in the USA even though there is noformal demi-god worship? Is a man after

MARCH, 1969 785economic development automaticallyworshipping Lord Shiva whether he ismaking Yaj na or not? " Actually there isno material advancement in the USA. Materialadvancement means there is amplyopportunity for eating, sleeping, mating,and defending. Superficially, it appearsthat in the USA there is sufficient provisionof eating, sleeping, mating and defending,but actually nobody is safe evenin his good apartment. I have got practicalexperience in New York. Several timesmy typewriter and tape recorders werestolen and the police could not take anyaction. There are many persons in theBowery street, they have no shelter to live.So if a certain fraction of the people aresupposed to be very materially happy atthe cost of others, that is not material advancement.Had it been so, then whythere are so many persons confused andfrustrated? So actually there is no materialadvancement here. Here , I am seeingpractically that Goursundar, such a niceintelligent and qualified boy, he has towork hard 12 hours simply for his subsistance.I think there are many instanceslike that, so this is not material advancement.You can call it capitalistadvancement, and the reaction for suchadvancement is communism. Such movementis simply suppressed in your country,but actually the reaction is this. So theWestern type of civilization, industrialismand capitalism, is no material advancement.It is material exploitation. Whenone gets the bare necessities of life,namely peaceful home, sumptuous eating,necessary sex life , and feeling ofsecurity, then it is called materialadvancement. In the absence of such fourpreliminary necessities of life, it is not atall material advancement-just try to understand.According to Vedic civilization,a man is supposed to be rich when he hasgot sufficient grains and cows. Here wehave neither sufficient grains or cows, butyou have got sufficient quantity of papersonly-falsely thinking that it is money.When there is some catastrophe, thisbunch of papers will neither supply milkor grain. They will be seen only and theman will starve.Your eighth, "How can I explain howthe light and heat from the single sun inthis universe is able to reach so far? Is it aquestion of the receptivity of differentplanets?" We can see one sun only. So it issimply speculation whether there is oneor more suns. But we get from authorityof Shastra that there is one sun, in eachuniverse, and the stars and moon reflectsthe light of this sun. There is one sun inthe daytime, and it illuminates so nicelythat all darkness is gone . But at night, youmay argue, if these stars are so manysuns, then why the darkness is still there??Your ninth, "You once said that in caseof a strong rush of sex desire to think of theGopies, the Dearmost to Lord Krishna. Isthere another help in case of anger orharshness?" Yes, think of Krishna, howHe was angry on Hiranyaksasipu and nobodycould pacify Him, even Brahmawith beautiful hymns. In anger also wecan think of Krishna.I hope this meets you all in goodhealth, and I shall be looking forward toseeing Mr. Eric very soon, how nicely heis chanting and dancing. Your appreciationof the Bhagavad Gita As It Is is verymuch encouraging to me, and I thank you.Hope you are all happy,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-20 Hawaii15th March, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna and Vishnujana,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your long letter dated FebruaryI 0, 1969, along with Purushottam 's

786 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptldaletter of the same date, and I shall replyconveniently. In the meantime, I am enclosingherewith the certificates and lettersduly signed by me, and as you needthem urgently I am dispatching them first.Regarding the mangos: Govinda dasimisled me-the mangos are not yet ripened.There are many mango trees, butthe fruit will not be rippened until lateMay or June. So for now there is no abundantsupply of nice mangos. So I shallsoon be returning to the mainland for myengagements in New Yo rk, in Boston, andelsewhere.Hope this meets you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-21HamburgHawaii15th March, 1969My Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 2,1969, along with the German handbill,which appears to be very nicely presented.I could not read anything save andexcept the known lines of Hare Krishna,and A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. So thepress work is started and I am sure as soonas Jaya Govinda arrives in Germany thepress work will go on in full swing. JayaGovinda is very much anxious for thepress work at your end because he writeslike this: "I think of the printing press lyingidle (as far as I know) in Germany, andas printing and the graphic arts field iswhat I have the greatest amount of experienceand training in, that seems to be theplace for me to go." This means he is veryanxious to come to Germany and I amglad to learn from your letter also that youare trying to get him in Germany by theend of this week. This means perhaps youhave already arranged for his come backto Germany. If not, please do it immediatelybecause it will be a great help to ourGerman center, and I am sure you will beable to start BTG in our press there in theGerman language immediately on his arrival.Regarding other points, that there aremany people living in German villagesand when you distribute BTG in German,if you go from village to village then atthat time you will make my mission successful.You are very sincere worker and Iam sure Krishna will give you the requiredstrength for this preaching work.I am sorry to learn that you are also attackedwith the flu fever as most of theboys in this country are also attacked thispast winter. So this attack of Maya's agentis not very uncommon. When KrishnaHimself was present He was being attackedby Maya's agent almost everydayduring Hi childhood. When He was justborn, within three months, he was at-.tacked by Putana. When He was a littlegrown then He was attacked by Sakataswa,then by Trinavarta, then Hagha,Makasu, then Kaliya, then Godavarsu,and so on. So the Maya's agents does notlet go even Krishna, then what to speak ofKrishna's devotees. They will act in theirown way, but as Krishna miraculouslysaved Himself from the hands of all thesedemons, similarly, He will always saveHis devotees. He has declared in the Gita,"My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it tothe whole world that my devotees willnever be vanquished. Therefore your onlybusiness is how to become pure devotee ofLord Krishna. Then everything is allright. Please remember this truth always,and do your duty for strongly pushing onthis Krishna Consciousness movement inGermany, in cooperation with Shivananda,Uttama Sloka, and Jaya Govinda,who I think might have already joinedyou. So far my going there, it is not veryimportant thing-I may go or not go, my

MARCH, 1969 787beloved spiritual sons are there, and theyare acting very nicely. That is my greatsatisfaction. I am glad to learn that the localIndian community is also cooperatingwith you. Actually my ambition is to forma strong Samkirtan party and travel allover Europe, and then in Africa, Asia, India,and Japan, etc. This is my thought.Please try to give it effect. I am glad tolearn that the temple is looking very nice.And as soon as you get at least $100 extra,I shall ask you immediately to get sometemple goods from India; when you areready with the money, I shall let you knowfarther on this matter.I have received from London pictures,and it appears things are going there alsovery nice. No letter from you is useless forme-they are all important. And you canwrite as long a letter as you can. I shallread them carefully with attention in spiteof my various duties always. Regardingthe tape lecture which you requested, Ihave got the copy in L.A. most probably,so I shall have to send it to you when I getback to the mainland.All the devotees are very much thankfulhere for your good wishes, and theyalso are hoping all is going well there foryou, and are feeling your separation aswell.I hope you are all feeling happy andwell in Krishna Consciousness.Your ever-well wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-22Hawaii16th March, 1969My Dear Adwaita,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much tor your letter of March 6,1969, and I am so glad to know that youare feeling the Lord's mercy being givenyour engagement of printing KrishnaConsciousness propaganda literature. Ithink we shall have to open the pressimmediately because the business transactionwith DiaNippon is not very prospective.If we have our own press we becomecompletely independent in the matterof printing. The difficulty of printingin your country has increased on accountof higher wages of the workers. But as weare now training our own men, I think weshall be able to print our books and magazinesin lesser cost than in Japan. Now thepractical experience is that for printingone book, TLC, this DiaNippon has delayedso much. So 1 do not find any goodprospect of printing our books in theDiaNippon. So if you are confident ourpress can now be successfully run; if youare confident that now you can conductour press, just to print our books and magazineswith the help of your other Godbrothers,just try to think over the mattervery seriously. And when we meet togethernext in April, we shall finally decideabout this. If we have got our ownpress then we shall print at least fourbooks yearly, and 50,000 magazinesevery month. Then you will have ampleopportunity for printing Krishna Consciousnessliterature. So we have nowfully equipped staff, editorial, printers,binders, and managers, and Krishna willbe financier. So I think there is no morescarcity of anything and let us begin thejob as soon as possible. You just consultamongst your God-brothers and I shall beglad to know how much money you canspare for the purchase of a nice press andother equipments. So I think there is possibilityof asking Hayagriva for acquiringthe balance money. I am also very gladthat you have approved New Vrindaban asthe right site for our activities, and printingwork, and that will be very nice thing.We have got our project of constructingseven temples in New Vrindaban. Andunless we get money from any othersource, we have to earn this money by our

788 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>press activities. So your responsibility isgoing to be very heavy. You have to give usnice printed books, and magazines, literature,and the sales organization will bedone by Brahmananda, as he is contemplatingto separate the department intoISKCON books for promoting the sale ofour publications. This is very nice idea.So let us conjointly serve Krishna withour life, money, intelligence, and words,and this is the recommendation of SrimadBhagavatam for fulfilling the mission ofhuman life. I hope you are both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,69-3-23 Hawaii16th March, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMarch 7, 1969, and thank you very muchfor it. I am sorry I could not acknowledgereceipt of your money, but it was depositedin the bank less $3.00, and somecents-about $4.00. So, next time whenyou send me your contribution you cansend it in American dollars. Otherwise,they deduct some exchange difference.You can send me always your longletters-it is very pleasing to me. And Iam so glad that you want to chant 16rounds of Hare Krishna Mantra every day.And you can chant immediately, but youshould also, atthe same time, followstrictly the four principles of restraint andavoid the 10 kinds of offenses in the matterof chanting, it will be quickly effective.I'm very glad to learn that you have vowedto follow these four principles, as far asyou can in your lifetime. And because youare so sincerely trying to push yourself inthe matter of Krishna Consciousness,Krishna is giving you some intelligencealso and you are thinking in so many niceways in the matter of serving the Lord. Iam so glad to learn it. You are returning toIndia by August of 1970-do you thinkthat you will not come back again inCanada? If so then I shall give you somework which you can nicely perform in India,informing them about the KrishnaConsciousness movement in the Westerncountries. To tell you frankly, one of theobjects of my missionary activities is tobring to notice of the educated Indian publicthat devotional service originated fromthe Indian side in its pure form, propoundedby educated public and the leadersof Indian people specifically aredeliberately violating all the principles ofINdia's original spiritual culture, in thename of secular state. When India was dividedinto Hindustan and Pakistan, therewas good opportunity for the Hindu Indiansto follow strictly the principles ofBhagavadGita, and the state religion shouldhave been declared Krishna Consciousness.Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocateof Bhagavad Gita, and when he wasalive I requested him to preach but I didnot receive any favorable reply from him,becuase he was too much politically contaminated.So anyway, taking considerationof India's present governmentalpolicy, in the matter of educated publicopinion, I do not think that in India thereis any immediate possibility of spreadingKrishna Consciousness very seriously.Under the circumstances, if you go to India,you have to make some propagandaagainst this attitude of the government andthe public . Your desire for opening manytemples is very laudable, but unless youprepare some temple worshippers thenthe temples will remain vacant. So in thisage , it is more important to create devoteesthan to construct temples. My GuruMaharaj advised me to give more stresson literary work such as publishing booksand magazines in Krishna Consciousness,and temple opening is a secondary

MARCH, 1969 789consideration. I am just trying to opensome temples in the Western countries becausethere is none. So far India is concerned,still there are millions of temples,but gradually the number of temple worshippersis diminishing. Perhaps youknow that recently within 50 years, ourcapital New Delhi has developed tremendously,but the constructor of the NewDelhi city has not erected even a singletemple. So this is the tendency. Neither itis recommended in the scriptures to givemore stress on temple building. The bestthing is in this age to propagate thisSamkirtan movement. So I shall be veryglad to utilize your energy in this KrishnaConsciousness movement as you are willingvolunteer.May Krishna bless you with moreKrishna Consciousness activities, andyou will feel a glorious life by Krishna'sGrace. I wish that all your good desiresmay be fulfilled without delay.Thanking you once more,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-24Hawaii16th March, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 10,1969 . And I am glad to learn that you arefeeling somewhat healthier. Now youhave requested to begin working, but Ithink you shall just suspend your activitiesat least for one month more. By that time Ishall be in Boston, and I shall examine youpersonally then I shall do the needful . Inthe meantime, you can sit down silently,and increase your number of chanting.That is your work for the time being. Andnow as you have Deity in the temple youcan rise very early in the morning forMongol arotik. I hope you are followingall the Deity worship rulings. That is necessary.I am happy to hear that you are all appreciatingthe new record album "Govinda",and I have good hopes of it sellingnicely to so many American and Europeanpeople.I hope you are feeling stronger day byday, and please convey my blessings to allyour God-brothers and God-sisters therewith you.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-25 Hawaii18th March, 1969My Dear Nanda Kishore,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your very nice poetry; Iam reading it again and again and I shallmost probably arrange to publish it inBTG. The devotees here also have verymuch appreciated it, and I may encourageto do more writing of poetry and even articlesfor our BTG magazine. I hope you areall well and happy there, and please conveymy blessings to all your God-brothersand sisters there.Your ever-well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-26Hawaii18th March 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice long letter ofMarch 12, 1969, and have noted the contentscarefully. I hope by Krishna's Graceall will work out nicely with your job arrangements.I am glad to learn that youryoga society is going on nicely. RegardingPradyummna: I shall write to him in thisconnection, and when I come there in

790Letters from Srfla PrabhuptldaMay, I shall see the situation and make thesuitable arrangements as necessary.Regarding Srimad Bhagavatam: No itis not possible to delete so much of thebooks. We will print it ourselves. We donot find any special facility being publishedby MacMillan, so we shall publishon our own press. That is the best idea.And Brahmananda is organizing a specialdepartment for book selling.So far I understand, Naranarayan willarrive and I shall send also Vamandev.Most probably Vamandev and Murari willgo there so you will have ample hands toconstruct buildings . In the meantime,when I go there we shall do things accordingto plan and with the help of these boyswho are our carpenters. My ambition isthat we shall have all editorial staff, all artisans,and conduct our press there toprint at least four books yearly and 50,000copies of BTG.So far Shama dasi is concerned, she isvery good girl , and I am very muchpleased to hear that she is typing so nicelythe Srimad Bhagavatam . You are goodcouple, work combinedly in this way. I amdisturbed to hear she is feeling some chestpain and fainting, but I do not know whatis the matter . . . it is all right if she wantsto rest, and can go to her Grandfather'shouse not far away.So far the living arrangement is concerned,the Grihasthas should be givenchance to live together as husband andwife. If not, then all the girls can stay in aplace and all the boys can stay in a place, ifthere is not sufficient space.So far the Brahmacharies, you cannotcheck the association with householders.But their living should be separate. KirtanandaMaharaj may be the supreme authorityfor the New Vrindaban center, butthe management should be entrusted tothe Brahmacharies and next the Grihasthas. He should not directly interfere withthe management-he can simply give directionand the Brahmacharies and Grihasthascan carry out the management.During Kirtan time,all membersshould assemble together. Only at nightthey should live separately. And KirtanandaMaharaj should live and associatewith Brahmacharies . Best thing is that heshould be completely aloof from everyone,and assisted by one Brahmachary.But he should be the man in charge to givedirection. So far as the two of you workingin conjunction, you and KirtanandaMaharaj , whatever is practical can beadopted in this connection.I shall most probably reach there bythe I Oth of May, and if not called by London,then I may live there all summer toconstruct New Vrindaban, and the pressaffairs.I hope you are all well, and please conveymy blessings to Shama dasi, and allthe students there, and I shall be happy tosee you in May.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-27Hawaii18th March, 1969My dear Hrishikesh,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for you very nice note enclosedwith Hayagriva's letter. I am soglad to learn that you are reading my BhagavadGita As It Is with great interest, andI hope if you kindly read my books carefullythat all your spiritual desires will befulfilled. And you are in the right place fordoing this, in New Vrindaban, and I shallbe happy to meet with you again when Iarrive there in May.Thanking you once more for your niceletter, and hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

MARCH, 1969 79169-3-28My Dear Himavati,Hawaii18th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated February21, 1969, along with the Deitydress. It has come to me late on account ofchanging places so quickly and the statementgiven by you in the matter of worshippingthe Deity is super excellent.Please continue this system and Krishnawill bestow upon you all blessings. If oneattains perfection in Deity worship, that iscalled Archan Siddhi. Archan Siddhimeans simply by Deity worship one goesback to Godhead, immediately after thislife. So this Archan Siddhi program isgiven in the Narada Pancharatra especiallyfor the householders . Householderscannot undergo strict disciplinary activitiesof austerity, therefore for every householderthe path of Archan Siddhi is verymuch recommended. According to Vedicsystem, all householders are ordered tokeep Deity at home and follow strictly theworshipment process. That makes thehome pure, body pure, mind pure, andquickly promotes one to the pure platformof spiritual life. The temple is also speciallymeant for the householders . In India,in every town, in every village, inevery neighborhood, still there areVishnu temples for the convenience of thesurrounding householders . So I ampleased that you are ideal householder.And you are doing very nicely combinedtogether husband and wife. Please do it asyou are doing and gradually Krishna willgive you all facility.Regarding Vedanta Sutra tapes, pleaseask Hansadutta to send me the copies oftranscription so that I can make anothertape. If I read the copy then it gives meimpetus to write further.I am enclosing herewith one copy ofletter from one German gentleman. Icould not read it. So will you send me theEnglish translation of this letter. And ifpossible you can write to him that this letterhas been received very late by SwamijiMaharaj , so you acknowledge receipt ofthe letter immediately. In the meantime,on receipt of the translation, I shall reply.Hope you are well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-29 Hawaii18th March 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMarch 14, 1969 and I am so glad to learnthat everyone in L.A. is working veryhard. And Krishna Consciousness is sonice that you are aspiring for still morework. That is the sign of spiritual life. Inthe material world we want to minimizeour activities and take rest more but in thespiritual world, there is no rest and thereis no limit of activities. Krishna is unlimited,His service is unlimited, and the energyof His servants is unlimited.Although we are in the midst of ignorance,still if we keep ourselves alert thereis no place of ignorance. I am glad thatyou have deposited $100 in the Bank ofAmerica for your consignment of goods.A similar consignment is being followedby Honolulu, and it is good that you aresaving money for paying me $750.00 for5000 BTG's coming out sometime in themonth of June. Ye s, the money if it is paidby the first of June it is all right. As youalways desire to help me in my missionaryambition, so also I am praying always toKrishna that the boys and girls who havestretched their helping hand in this coun"try in this connection may always be ingood health and continue to assist me inmy missionary activities. I am so glad to

792 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidalearn that you are prepared to work evenharder, as a forward soldier, to fight theMaya. May Krishna give you more andmore strength.Hope your are well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamisimply sit down wherever you are, andpaint nice pictures for being distributed toall centers. This will help you , and it willhelp others as well.I shall be happy to hear from you atyour convenience, and I hope you are feelingwell,Your ever-well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-30 Hawaii19th March, 1969My Dear Madhavi Lata dasi,Please accept my blessings. am indue receipt of your telegram dated March13, 1969, and am glad to hear from you .You have sent a very nice proposal , and ifyou can organize a Brahmacharini department,and manage it, the idea is very nice.But I am afraid you are not fixed upenough to carry on so much responsibility.Best thing will be if you can engageyour time and energy fully in chanting andin painting nice pictures. You are very talentedgirl, and you can paint very superexcellent pictures, I have seen it. Now thething is that we are opening new branchesall over the world, and we require so manypictures in our temples so that people maycome and see and be attracted by theBeauty of Krishna. That is needed. Thepeople today are fascinated by so much ofthe glimmering so called beauty of the externalenergy, and there is necessity ofseeing beautiful pictures of Krishna andHis devotees and His Pastimes, in order toattract them to the spiritual process. Sothis is a great service, and there is urgentneed for such paintings. Our Jadurany hasdone so many nice pictures. and they aredistributed amongst our temples, but stillthere is shortage of supply. and she is nowsick, and unable to work very swiftly dueto her heaith condition. So I request you to69-3-31Hawaii19th March, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am replyingyour letter of March 14, 1969. Mypresent program stands as follows: I amstarting on the 31st March to S. F. and thenon the 7th of (approx.) April I am startingfor New York. And from N. Y aroundabout the 23rd of April I am going to Boston.So your fixed program on the 24th,and the 29th of April, and 3rd and 4th ofMay may be fixed up immediately.So you can arrange for the meeting atthe Entertainment club The Ark, andmake it as big as possible, as you say thatthe place can hold up to 1800 people andthey saw me in San Francisco, and are eagerto see me and have a talk there. On the6th of May, I think I shall have to bepresent in Buffalo. And around about thelOth of May, I shall have to be present inNew Vrindaban or Columbus, Ohio.Regarding Jadurany: I think she cancome here alone and stay with Govindadasi for around two months. The presentplace will be changed probably by themiddle of May, and things will have to allget set up accordingly. So you can arrangethings directly in correspondence withGovinda dasi, and she will be happy to receiveher when all is ready. So far as yourself,you have to remain separate from

MARCH,1969 793your wife for maybe two months, becauseyou cannot leave Boston.Regarding the tape, you have sent metape no. 6, so the no. 7 is there, and no. 8is also there. I am glad to note your argumentswith the Yoga meeting people. Actuallythis so-called yoga system andmeditation that is so much popular in yourcountry is bogus. But if we speak the nakedtruth to the people, sometimes theymay get angry. Because unpalatable truthis not tolerated. If we call a black manblack, he will be angry because it is unpalatable.So we have to present our casevery carefully. The best way of presentationwill be like this: (1) Yoga system isrecommended in the Bhagavad Gita, (2) Itis approved system, (3) But it is not suitablefor ordinary man, especially in thisage of K.ali, (4) The so-called yoga systempracticed by the people of this age is notbonafide. They cannot follow all the rulesand regulations of yoga practice, (5)Therefore it is conclusive that so calledyoga followers are simply cheated andthey are wasting their time. I have alreadyexplained these points in the Samkya yogachapter of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, soyou read them carefully and present it,point by point, in suitable occasions.I have already replied Jadurany's letter.Regarding her offenses, I do not rememberwhen she committed offenses,and even though she might have done so, Iexcuse her 100 times, without any hesitation.So she has nothing to bother about it.I have given her instruction not to work inher last letter, and we shall discuss it furtherwhen I shall arrive there. When sheshall come to this place Hawaii she willhave ample opportunity for Krishna Kirtanon the beach, and the fresh ocean airal!d warm nourishing sunshine will begood for her.I hope this meets you in good health,and please continue caring for Jaduranynicely and we shall see the position when Ishall arrive there very soon.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN .B. For Dr. letter you may askimmediately Purushotam at L.A. The letteris __ __ __. ACB69-3-32 Hawaii19th March, 1969My Dear Tosan Krishna and Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings . I am veryhappy to be in receipt of your nice letter ofMarch 6, 1969, and thank you very muchfor it. Yes, you are two ideal ones forpreaching there, and I can understand thatthings are going very nicely. This is verymuch encouraging to me. Hold Kirtansand serve Prasadam, and gradually peoplewill come, more and more. That is theprogram. And you are both sincere students,and very intelligent boys, andKrishna will supply you all facility foryour preaching work if you try sincerely.Please keep me informed how thingsare progressing as I shall be very muchanxious to hear from you . And I hope youare both feeling well and happy,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN. B. I am sending today the letter to yourdraft board, and I am enclosing the copyof it herewith , for your reference, and Ihope this will serve the purpose nicely.69-3-33 Hawaii19th March, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated March15, 1969 , with enclosures. Regarding

794 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptldaL.A. consignment:* It has nothing to dowith your business. I have already advisedthem to send their bill separately and thepayment also will be made separately. Ithas nothing to do with your transaction.You just complete your transaction withthem about balance money due fromthem. This is the idea.The application which you have sentfor filling up appears to be little puzzlingfor me . So far I understand from the statement,I shall have to stay there in N.Y. butI do not know whether I shall be able tostay for such long time as 7 or 15 weeks .Therefore, I think the best thing will beif you take up this class-that will benice-because you are residing there .Regarding MacMillan Company, ifthey have not replied your letter, then forget.We shall publish our own books . Youorganize the sales promotion. Neither Iwant to shorten the Srimad Bhagavatam.We should not count on them-let us tryfor our own publications .I have received the dust cover ofTeachings of Lord Chaitanya, but I thinkthe paper is not as polished, as shiny, asthe first one was .Hoping you are well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*through the United Shipping Corporation.If Dia Nippon is .not very definiteabout printing my books neither it is possiblefor being published by MacmillianCo. , then the next alternative is to startour own Press. And you organize thesales.Enclosed one letter for ___ Pleasehand it over to her. By the end of themonth I shall go to S. F. & by the 7th ofnext month I shall go to N.Y.69-3-34 Hawaii20th March, 1969Local Board No. 40Selective Service System100 McAllister StreetSan Francisco, Calif. 94 102RE: THOMAS GRITTON ALLIN III4-40-50-437(TOSAN KRISHNA DASBRAHMACHARY)THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATTHOMAS GRITTON ALLIN III (TO­SAN KRISHNA DAS BRAHMA­CHARY) is my bonafide initiated student.He is being trained under me to becomean ordained Minister of Religion in theKRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS (GodConsciousness) SOCIETY, and he isstudying regularly the following books:( 1) Bhagavad Gita As It Is, (2) SrimadBhagavatam, (3) The Teachings of LordChaitanya, and other allied literatures.He is also preaching this perfect religiousprocess amongst university students .MY INITIATED STUDENTS ARESTRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO IN­DULGE in the following principles ofdegradation: (I) All forms of intoxication,including coffee , tea, cigarettes,drugs, alcohol , etc . (2) The eating of animalfoods, such as meat, fish, and eggs .Rather, their diet consists of Prasadam,especially offered foodstuffs (vegetarian),(3) Unmarried sex indulgence, (4) Gambling,or idle sports of any sort. Theirlives are dedicated to serving God, and assuch, they have no time to squander on unbeneficialactivities or non-Godly activities.SOME OF MY STUDENTS HAVEBEEN CLASSIFIED IN THE 4DCLASS or Ministerial Order prior to this

MARCH, 1969 795by the Selective Service System.ACBA. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiCHIEF MINISTER OF THEINTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FORKRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS69-3-35My Dear Rayrama,Hawaii20th March, 1969Please accept my blessings . Your letterdated March 11, 1969 is in hand, and Ihave noted the contents . regardingHawaii: Certainly it is very nice place , theclimate is milder and there is much freshair from the ocean and sunshine, and thesceneric position is also beautiful . I wouldhave immediately developed a colony forpress operation, but unfortunately there isno facility for conducting a press here atpresent. But so far I can think, your editorialstaff must be situated where we havegot our own press. I do not know whetherit is Krishna's desire that we should startour press immediately-but the circumstancesgive me to understand that wemust start our press immediately. Becausethe negotiations with Dia Nippon are verymuch prolonging. I am thinking very seriouslyif we can print the 20,000 or morecopies of BTG in our own press, as well asat least 4 books (the size of my SrimadBhagavatam) in a year. That should be ourfuture program, backed by our Samkirtanparties moving all over the world. So forthis proposal we have got our land alreadyin New Vrindaban; so I do not knowwhether it is feasible but I wish to concentratethere in New Vrindaban the majorportion of our activities. These Hawaiianislands are very beautiful but at presentthere is no facilities for working out ourscheme-whereas we have land in NewVrindaban . I am encouraging Goursundarand Govinda dasi to try to develop inthis side another place, as New Nabadwip.So just immediately there is nopossibility of operating our press in the islands,but in future we shall see. But ifthere is too much difficulty to work out theNabadwip plan then I may call back Goursundarand Govinda dasi to New Vrindaban,for working as part of the BTG staff.In California there is also good place forworking for operating press, but we havenot got our own place there either. I haveheard it from Dindayal that it may be possibleto get a house in San Francisco BayArea, expected to be donated by a devoteelady. So I am going there and see how thatis possible. So far your staff arrangementis concerned I think you have got nice staffto assist you, and Hayagriva has also writtenyou to consult how you can workjointly. I think for Krishna's sake we shalltry to work together even at the risk of littlepersonal inconvenience. Our foremostconcern is Krishna. If Krishna's service iswell done, then we should try to forget ourpersonal inconveniences. I know you arealready advanced in this type of KrishnaConsciousness, and Krishna will give youintelligence more and more, but you stickto this prinCiple as you have taken yourlife's vow to improve BTG. That is my request.That will make you victorious inachieving Krishna's blessings. So I amcoming very soon to New York by the endof the first week of April, and we shallchalk out our program. In the meantimetry to recoup your health, depending onKrishna, because after all , He is the ultimateMaster of all situations . It is not thedoctor, or the medicine, or the place, butit is ultimately Krishna Who is the Masterto do every thing. With this viewpoint weshall go forward. It will also be better ifGoursundar and Govinda dasi are withinthe staff of BTG activities, but to adjustthese things, we require Krishna's help.Your index idea for Bhagavad Gita is

796 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidavery nice. If we continue to get ourprinted matters from Dia Nippon thencertainly it will be very much convenientifthe whole staff comes here to Hawaii, asit is nearer, but if we have to change theprinting work to our own press, then wehave to reconsider the whole idea. So letus depend on Krishna and hope for thebest arrangement by Him.I hope this meets you in better health,and please convey my blessings to all theboys and girls there in N.Y.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Enlist the following name in the list ofcomplimentary B.T.G. in IndiaTridandi Swami B.R. PadmanabhaMaharajP. O. Bouria DR: Howrah. WestBengal, India.Also jointly carry on the SankirtanParty and forget all other part spirit.On the other side you will find a poetrycomposed by me in 1935 on the occasionof my Spiritual Masters birthday. This poetrywas found in the India House Libraryat London by Gurudas. I was searching afterit and my master has rewarded me ofthis after so long a time (34 years). Pleasepublish it in B. T. G.ACBS69-3-36 Hawaii21st March, 1969My Dear Brahmananda, Hayagriva,Tarnal Krishna, Woomapati , Dayananda,Please accept my blessings. Enclosedyou will find the copy of a letter receivedby me from the draft board. Please readover it and decide what is to be done. Yo ucan consult together on this matter and getwhatever information is required by them .And let me know in your next Jetter aboutthe matter.Hope this meets you in good health,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiCC: New York, Los Angeles, New VrindabanP. S. I think I will have to reply to the Draftboard by next week.69-3-37 Hawaii21st March, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. Your letterdated March 18th by special delivery is inhand and it is so gratifying that you havealready saved $600 for the improvementof the temple. So I am very much pleased.Go on working like this and Krishna willgive you ample money-there is no scarcity.Regarding the change of altar, youcan do it later on, but your making up thefeast room you can take care of immediately,because I understand that 70 or 80people are coming to eat Love Feast. So ifyou decorate that room nicely, necessaryequipment being there, it will attract morepeople. Regarding changing altar, I thinkyou should postpone it for the time beingunless you get Radha Krishna Deity fromIndia. Immediately there is no need ofchange of altar-when the Deity is arrivedI shall give you suggestion how to do it. Inthe meantime, a throne may be preparedjust on the sample drawing by Murlidhar.My thanks are due to Murlidhar for designingthe throne which I have received.Here both Goursundar and Govinda dasihave very much appreciated the design,and they also convey their thanks to him.Your decision to fix up the feast room firstis approved by me.I think on the receipt of this letter youwill be able to finish it by the 30th of

MARCH, 1969 797March. Yes, perform Lord Ramachandra'sBirthday as gorgeously as possible.Some of the particular functions just likeLord Krishna's Birthday, Lord Chaitanya'sBirthday, Lord Ramachandra'sBirthday, and Lord Nrisinghadev's AppearanceDay, all should be observed verynicely.I am also very glad to learn that oneBrahmachary has joined you. Please keephim nicely, because Maya's strength isvery strong. I have received letter fromBirbhadra and I am so glad that he writesso nicely. The certificate of his initiationis enclosed herewith.Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-38 Hawaii21st March, 1969My Dear Mr. Windisch,Please accept my blessings . I am verymuch pleased to receive your letter datedMarch 18. Your writing in the second paragraphis so much encouraging for me andyour appreciation of devotees like Upendraand Ananda is super excellent. SriChaitanya Mahaprabhu taught us thislesson-one who appreciates a sinceredevotee is eligible to approach the SupremePersonality of Godhead. I am soglad to learn that you are prepared to cometo L.A. but in the meantime I have comehere to Hawaii. I am returning to SanFrancisco by the 31st of March, and if youkindly see me on or before the 6th ofApril, 1969, there in S.F., with Barbara ifpossible, it will be very good opportunityto talk in detail about your future service.Your suggestion to return to Germany andengage yourself in the translating andpublishing work of the books and magazinesin German language is very muchwelcome; because you are a sincere souland trying to serve Krishna sincerely, Heis giving you good intelligence fromwithin.Hope to see you again and we shall talkmore when we meet. Hope you are well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-39Hawaii22nd March, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I am sorrythat I could not acknowledge receipt ofyour albums which I duly received, althoughI could not play them for want ofmachine. But I have received Mukunda'sopinion about it. He says that it is superexcellent to say the least. They are goingto have it played by the BBC in London.Similarly, Govinda dasi is going to play ithere in such important station. We are goingthere this morning for about an hour ofmusic and discussion on the station here.So I hope you will be successful in youradventure.Regarding Shyama s kirtan; it is alsonice. But it does not behoove that I shallsing with her. Let us see how much she isadvanced in Krishna Consciousness. Andthen we shall think of full cooperation.Hope you are well, and convey myblessings to Krishna devi and your daughter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have also received on letter fromKrishna devi and your picture of Birbhadra.It is very nicely posed. _ greatgrandchildof SrimadDasBalaji. Thanks.When Purushottam will go to S. F. , youwill send me the tape-recorder with him.

798 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptida69-3-40Hawaii23rd March, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter. I am verymuch pleased to note the list of engagementsyou have submitted, and I can seeyou have been working very hard to secureso many opportunities for spreadingK.C. Yes, within those days stated in yourletter of March 20th you can add more engagementsas you like. I have no objection.I have not yet received word fromRupanuga, in this connection, but you canplan on your program as it is set up. InN.Y. we have got engagement and they arepaying $100 for a meeting, so you try tosettle fees not less than $50 per lecture. Soyou can engage the whole duration of mystay there, and I shall deliver every dayone lecture.Regarding Jadurany's coming here,Govinda and Goursundar will consultwith you, and when things are duly set up,she may come here for some time. Theywill write you in this connection.I hope you are well, and that Jaduranyis resting nicely; I am hoping she willsoon be recovered and be able to again feelin good health, so let us see.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy dear Dwananda,Please accept my blessings. Regardingyour letter asking me permission for takingprasadam comprising, fruits, nuts, milkproduct and green leaf vegetables,-if the__ to your health for rendering serviceto Krishna with more energy, then youmust take such Prasdam instead of cookedfood. If required you can take raw cerealssoaked in water over night that is alsogood. The thing is you must accept suchfood as will keep you fit. Not more norless that is the injunction of Lord Krishnain the B.G. Hope you are well.Yours etc .A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-41 Hawaii23rd March, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 19,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Yes, you can accept the class on the8th instant in the City College. I am goingto S. F. on the 31st, so on receipt of yourpassage money, I shall start on the 7thApril, reaching N.Y. sometimes in theevening. And I shall be glad to meet thepeople from the New College while I amthere, as well as Seton Hall College. Iwould like $100 per lecture.So far BTG advertisement is concerned,we can accept advertisement inthis way-that only two lines shall bementioned of the name and address of theadvertiser, as follows: This space donatedby such and such. That means we can addtheir name and address only, and the natureof their business. The charges for thissort of advertisement should be inside$100 and when on the cover page, $200.In other words, ifthey are prepared to pay$200 per month, then we can publish oneKrishna picture with these lines only (twolines), that this space is donated by suchand such. Henceforward, we shall verymuch be cautious to accept bonafide advertisement,if we do accept it at all.Regarding Brijbasi printing our books:I do not think they can compete with theJapanese people, at least in the matter ofmake-up. Because I know there is onlyone or two presses in India who can actuallydo very nice work, and I do not expectany first class work at least for books, in

MARCH, 1969 799the Brijbasi press. Besides that, from ourpast dealings with them it is our experiencethat they took too long to supply ourpictures, m ore than a year. This means themanagement is not very efficient. I thinktherefore the proposal is not practical . Ifthe Japanese people do not agree to printon our terms then the next step is to startour own press without any controversy.Yes, we must set up our society as aschool as best we can-I have already sentyou letter. Please formulate the wholecurriculum because we have to immediatelysubmit to the Draft department andif this is accepted that will be great gainfor our society. • Bhaktishastri' is awardedafter extensive study of Bhagavad Gita,Easy Journey, and Necter of Devotion.'Bhaktibaibhava' is awarded after study ofVedanta Sutra and Srimad Bhagavatam ona preliminary basis; and 'Bhaktivedanta'the highest title, is awarded after extensivestudy of Chaitanya Charitamrita. (TLC)69-3-42[PAGE MISSING]My Dear Dayal Nitai,Hawaii23rd March, 1969Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your very nice letter ofMarch 19th, and I can understand howyou are feeling. Yes, you must fix up inyour mind to spread this message to theFrench population with our BTG andother books, that is my request. I thankyou for sending me the second copy ofBTG French edition. So now my only requestto you , and especially both to youand Janardan, that you kindly regularlypublish one issue every month of thisFrench BTG. That will make you verymuch happy and will make me alwaysvery much happy. And Krishna will bestowall blessings to you in this endeavor.In this connection, if you think that byprinting the yogi literature you will getsome monetary help, then I give you permissionthat you can print it . But mystanding request is this : Amongst yourselvesthere should not be any disagreement.Whatever you do, you do it by jointconsultation. Because our center of activitiesis Krishna, for Krishna's sake wecan sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence,everything. Of course, as individuals,we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keepingour central attention to Krishna. Sowhat is done is done; hence forward, youdo everything jointly and we shall put outat least one issue of BTG French editionevery month-even it may consist of oneprinted page only, still it must be publishedonce monthly. That is my desire. Itis better undoubtedly to have a full magazineas our English edition BTG, but ifyou have no time, or you are doing this orthat, then do not neglect it completely-itis better to publish and distribute a onepage BTG issue than no issue at all eachmonth . Now this work is specially entrustedto you and Janardan; so please executeit.I hope this meets you in good health,and convey all blessings to your Godbrothersand God-sisters there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-43My Dear Hansadutta,Hawaii23rd March, 1969Please accept my blessings . I am dulyin receipt of your letter of March 18,1969 , and I thank you very much for it.Yes, I have written Dayal Nitai in connectionwith the yoga magazine, and you cankeep me informed on this matter. Pleasetry to run on smoothly as is possible.Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64

800 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>rounds; this is very nice if you can do it.But first of all we should not be disturbedby any circumstances. If you do becomedisturbed then this means you are still deficientin reaching the point. In BhagavadGita it is said that when Krishna is withinour view, at that time one is not disturbedeven in the midst of gravest clamity. Anyway,even if we are disturbed, then theonly resort is to chant and concentrateone's mind in Krishna. There is no otheralternative. Chanting and dancing makeone relieved of all material burdens.I am going to N.Y. on the 7th of April,so as you propose it will be a pleasure tosee you there with your good wife. I hopethis meets you both in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. If possible Janardan may also see meat N.Y.My Dear Himavati,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice Jetter of March1 7, 1969, and I thank you very much forit. Your feelings of appreciation are toomuch kind, and I can see you are makinggood advancement with your humble attitudeof service to the Lord and His devotees.This is very nice. Yes that is theway-Krishna wants to be approachedthrogh His devotee. Just like the prayerswe sing-yasya prasadat Bhagavat prasada.Keep Narottam das very nicely. He is avery good boy, sometimes he is attractedby maya but this is not very ususual thing.So kindly try to protect this boy as muchas possible, and when you come to N.Y.he may also come so that I may see himagain.Yes I received the package of clothing,and they are too much beautiful, but stillmust be a little longer. The first set whichyou made for Them was the perfect fit. SoI am sending them to you, so that you canmeasure from this first set of clothes andmake more in the same size. I think thiswill solve the fitting problem.Regarding your question about LordShiva and Thakur Haridas, and their differentresponse to sex agitation: This doesnot mean that Lord Shiva has become degradedfrom the devotional platform. Adevotee even if he is sometimes found thathe is attracted by sex life, that does notmean he is degraded. That is by chance.Because Lord Shiva is Grihastha, so byhis past habits if he appeared to have beenattracted by sex life, that does not mean hehas been degraded from his position. Yo ushould never think of any devotee likethat. There are many other stories also,but such apparent falling is without anyinfluence to very very advanced devotees.A neophyte should always be careful. Oneshould not disucss about such great devotees'apparent fall-down. Just like oneshould not discuss about the sun whoevaporates urine from the earth; it is possiblefor the sun to do it, and still remainthe sun, but for ordinary man if he lives ina filthy place he will be infected. So LordShiva or Lord Brahma, they are highly elevateddevotees, and we should not try tocriticize about their behavior even thoughit appears against the rules. These thingsare very nicely explained in Srimad Bhagavatamin course of discussin betweenMaharaj Parikshit and Sukadev Goswami,in the lOth canto. Your next question:In regard to Kardama Muni, how cana pure devotee become passionate for anyamount of agitation? That is not passion.One should not be impotent also. Oneshould have full potency, to beget children,but such sex life should be under hisfull control. Passion is a different thing.Passion makes one blind. And a devotee isfull controller; that is the difference. Theexample is given of the tortoise; as soon ashe likes he discloses his senses, and whenhe likes he pulls them within. That is the

MARCH, 1969 801position of a pure devotee. He can wind upthe senses, whenever he likes and he canexhibit the senses whenever he likes. Onthe whole, the senses are under his control. He is not under the control of thesenses as are the ordinary persons. That isthe meaning of Goswamin. A Goswamindoes not mean he is to become impotent;and can have no children; but he can use itwhen he likes. They are never the victimof passion.Sense gratification means unlawfulsex life. Sex life is not sense gratification .. . unlawful sex life is sense gratification.If there is no need of sex life and one usessex life anyway, that is sense gratification.But when there is need of sex life, that isnot sense gratification. Never think thatthe devotee is impotent and is obliged tobecome free from sex life. If required theycan take to sex life 1000 times. Otherwise,if there is no need for it, they haveno use for it. Kardama Muni married awife. Why he shall not give her children?The wife begged that she must have somechildren. So he must satisfy the wife andgive her some children, that is the duty ofhusband. But he left his wife as soon as theson was grown up. Not that he used to livewith the wife for all the days.So far Lord Brahma and his attractionfor his daughter;; this illustration shouldbe taken by conditioned souls, that even aperson like Brahma is sometimes victimized,how much careful we should be. Notthat even Brahma was enticed, so we shallbecome enticed more and more. This isan example set fo r us by great devotees.To become agitated is not very unusualthing, but to control it, that is the real thing.I hope this meets you in very goodhealth, and I shall be anxiously awaitingour meeting together with your husbandand yourself in New Yo rk.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-44Hawaii24th March, 1969My Dear Shama dasi,Please accept my blessings. I an in duereceipt of your nice letter, and I thank youvery much for your kind sentiments. Youare very nice girl, and just suitable forworking together with Hayagriva on theSrimad Bhagavatam. This very much encouragesme. I want such Grihastha couplesin this movement to set examples forothers to follow .I am happy to hear you are very muchliking living at New Vrindaban, and thatyou are anxiously awaiting receipt of yourfirst cow. I am also very mucy concernedabout you health; I have written Hayagrivain this connection. But I do not know whatcould be the cause of this illness. Pleaselet me know what are the reports given bythe doctor. But it is good that you arekeeping even greater amount of faith inKrishna, and are chanting 35 roundsdaily. Keep up this good attitude andsurely you will be saved from all dangers.I hope you are by this time feelingstronger and I shall be awaiting your letterhow you are doing,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. I shall see you at New Vrindaban by1Oth May, 196869-3-45Hawaii24th March, 1969My Dear Kirtananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for you letter of March 17,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.(along with the letter of March 4th) .Ye s, I have duly received Hayagriva's letterand I have replied him also, that I shall

802 Letters [rom Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>be coming to New Vrindaban, or Columbus,on or by the lOth of May. I am happyto hear you have a new boy, JohnSaltzgiver, and you keep him nicely andgradually introduce to him our K.C. philosophy.So far the cucumber pickles: As far aspossible we should not offer to the Deitythings which are prepared by nondevotees.We can accept from them rawfruits, grains or similar raw things. So farcooking and preparing, that should bestrictly limited to the initiated devotees.And aside from this, vinegar is not god; itis tamasic, in the darkness, nasty food. SoI think we shall not accept this pickles.I understand that you are proposing fordelivering children. That is not a Sanyasin'sbusiness. You should not botherabout it. A Sanyasin should not muchbother about family affairs. Best thing isthat they shall go to a bonafide physicianfor delivering the children, otherwisethere may be complications which only aphysician may have experience in handling.No, I think it is not proper for SrimatiRadharani to have a white night dress.Best to have a nice color for Her.I hope all is well there, and I am verymuch encouraged by all the nice letters Ian receiving from New Vrindaban, thatthe inhabitants there are very happy andliving in Krishna Conscious surroundings.This is very ideal example for all .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiduly chanted. Your letter is very nice and Iam very much encouraged to hear of moreyoung American boys and girls who aresearching after God. This is natural ofcourse, and one who sticks to KrishnaConsciousness purification process, willgradually understand what is God, andour relationship with the Supreme Personality.This is the perfection of humanlife. Unfortunately, the people of the socalledmodem advanced civilization donot know this ; they are groping in thedarkness of material life, and simply leadingothers into this darkness. Thereforethere are so many frustrated young boysand girls who are searching out god insome way or other, and if they are veryfortunate, then they will come to this platformof Krishna Consciousness.So I am very much pleased to learnthat you are chanting and reading BhagavadGita, and also helping with thetemple activities of cooking and cleaning.This is very good . Please continuein this way, and gradually you will becomemore and more advanced in thisspiritual consciousness, and becomehappy. If you can paint nice pictures ofKrishna and His devotees , then that isalso a nice engagement for you . HelpHarer Nama in running the templesmoothly, and always remain engaged inKrishna Consciousness.I hope this meets you in good health,and happily chanting and dancing inKirtan,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-46My Dear Prabhavati dasi,Hawaii24th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter of March22nd, and also your beads, which I haveN. B. You may try using oil on the dry skinbefore taking your taking your bath eachday, and this may help the situation. Mustardoil , olive oil, or some sort of oil willsuffice .

MARCH , l969 80369-3-47Hawaii24th March, 196969-3-48Hawaii24th March, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letters of March 20 and21, 1969 . I have noted the contents carefully.You should change your habits. Youhave lost now a good soul, and either hecomes back or if you know his addressthen if he does not like to live with you, hemay come at once and live with me personally.And you should try to check suchpassion. I think Jivananda and Harsharanialso left for this reason. So the Seattlebranch is in your charge, so as head of thetemple you should be so nicely dealingwith your assistants . Never mind nowwhatever is done is done, but in the futureyou should be very careful and do yourduty with full faith in Krishna. Surely Bilasvigrahawill come back, so when hecomes back you can send him to me whereverI may be.Regarding your Draft Board questions:We are trying at the moment to getour society recognized by them as a bonafidereligious institution, and if this is successful,rest assured that there will be notrouble for you. Kartikeya has been classifiedin 4D ministerial status, because theofficer who came to inquire about himwas satisfied, but his instance is not generallyrecognized. We have to submit ourbonafides and as soon as we get recognizedthen everyone of our boys will besaved.In the meantime, you do your duty ofmanagement of Seattle branch faithfully,and I hope this will meet you in goodhealth. And please let me know when Bilasvigrahareturns; I shall be glad to hear.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I have alreadywritten to Purushottam about TLCconsignment and probably you mighthave received letter from him by now. RegardingDia Nippon negotiation, I nevertold you to stop such negotiation and I donot know why you should be disturbed byseeing my letter to Advaita. If Dia Nipponnegotiation is successful you can makecontract as you think best. My suggestionto Advaita was that in case of Dia Nipponnegotiation not being successful, then weshall give attention for starting our ownpress. On the whole, ifDia Nippon agreesto our printing work, I have already writtento you that is very nice, but in case theydo not agree then we must consider ourown press, as that is the only alternative.Regarding TLC consignment: It is understoodthat the stock sent to L.A. is aportion of your N.Y. stock-suppose thestock is all with you-simply forget thatthe stock has travelled to L.A.-now howwould you want to handle it and distributeit? So think in this way. However youwould handle it in N.Y., just simply do itin the same way-only for conveniencesake, the stock is lying in L.A. You simplyinstruct L.A. how to handle and distributeit, and they will do. Have them take thebooks to a customer, and send you the bill,and the customer will pay you directly inN.Y. So you arrange the charges, andkeep the accounts with you. So far the responsibilityof the shipment is concerned,Jayananda and Tarnal Krishna will takefull responsibility jointly. I shall write tothem in this connection, or send them acopy of this letter.I hope you are well; I am receivingmany letters daily, therefore there wassome delay in your letter reply last week. Ishall meet with you on the 7th* of next

804 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidamonth and we shall be able to discussthings at length, so do not be disturbed inthe meantime . I hope all is going nicelythere, and convey my blessings to all yourGod-brothers and God-sisters.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Please consult with Dindayal and fix myprogramme by mutual agreement.69-3-49Hawaii24th March, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 19,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Ye s, I shall be arriving there in S.F.on the 31st of this month and I shall behappy to see you all there at that time. Ihave noted carefully the situation withGirish, and we shall best discuss thewhole matter when I shall arrive therenext week and make program. I am happyto learn that Dindayal and Makhanlal aredoing well at Berkeley also.Mahapurusha Brahmachary is preparedto go with me on the 31st instant, ifyou can send his passage fare of $75 , andhe will do the cooking and upkeep of myapartment while I am in San Francisco.So you can find his enclosed note to you inthis connection.I shall be happy to greet you on Mondaynext, and we shall discuss all thingsfurther; in the meantime, I hope you arefeeling well and happy there,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-50Hawaii24th March, 1969My Dear Satyabhama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your very nice letter ofMarch 16, and I thank you very much forit. I am happy to hear that you and yourgood husband are living peacefully atNew Vrindaban and executing KrishnaConsciousness. This is very nice, and is agood example for others . In the Westerncountries there is practically no realfamily life, and we have to show good exampleof Krishna Consciousness familylife, and others will be attracted to followyour examples. This is my idea.I understand you are now expecting anice child for raising in Krishna Consciousness.In this connection, you shouldavoid any spicey foods so long the child iswithin the womb. So far this soy sauce, Ihave no personal experience with it. I understandsoy beans are nice, but I do notknow about this soy sauce. So far naturalchildbirth is concerned natural delivery ispossible if we keep ourselves naturally.And so far I know that a pregnant womanshould not eat any pungent food stuffs,she should not move in cars, and sheshould not sit idley. She should move anddo some physical work. These ae the generalrules and regulatins I have seen in India,and they have natural delivery. But sofar your country is concerned, and especiallythe situation of the women here,that is a different thing. I cannot say definitelywhat is to be done. And under thecircumstances, the best thing is to consulta doctor as they usually do. And after all,Krishna is the ultimate master, so if wekeep the natural habits and depend onKrishna, then everything will be donenicely without any difficulty.So best thing is for you to consult adoctor and do the necessary.Yes, the idea of beginning children'sbooks for our school at new Vrindaban isvery nice. When I shall come there inmid-May then I shall give you instructionshow to do it nicely.Yes I received your very nice set of

MARCH, 1969 805clothes for my Deity, and I thank you verymuch for them.I hope you are feeling happy and ingood health executing Krishna Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-51ManagerHawaii26th March, 1969Equitable Savings and Loan AssociationFairfax-Beverly BranchLos Angeles, CaliforniaRE : MY SAVINGS ACCOUNT NO.L24 10Kindly note my change of address asc/o ISKCON, 518 Frederick Street, SanFrancisco, California 94 117.I beg to inform you also that my discipleand representative, Sriman Dayanandadas Adhikary (Mr. MichaelWright) , is a permanent resident of LosAngeles, so in case of need he will openmy safety deposit box NO. 361. So in casehe opens the safety box when neetied,please let me know what is the necessaryformalities to be done, so that I can authorizeit.Thanking you in anticipation for anearly reply,Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACB;bmcc: Mr. Michael Wright69-3-52My Dear Dayananda,Hawaii26th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch thankful for your nice appreciativeletter of my activities in this country andmy Krishna bless you for all the fine sentimentsthat you have by the grace of theLord. Practically there is no credit for me,if there is any credit it goes to my SpiritualMaster, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami<strong>Prabhupada</strong>, Who is helping me bysending so many good souls like you inthis movement. Whatever is being done, itis due to His Divine Grace only. So mybusiness is just to carry out His order.That is the way of disciplic succession;and as you have all come to help me, if youalso follow the same principles then ourcombined effort to serve Lord Krishnawill be surely successful. So far L.A.temple is concerned, both you and yourgood wife Nandarani, desired to see thetemple affairs improve, which I understoodfrom your past letters . And you tookthe risk of 400 or 500 dollars by rentingthe store front in Hollywood Blvd. It wascertainly very nice, and you were paying$350, but because you very sincerely desiredto have a very very nice place,Krishna arranged in a different way. In thebeginning we thought that we are losing anice place, when the landlord wanted tokick out us, but now I can understandKrishna's desire was to give us a still betterplace, and so we have now got it. So itis not the place alone which is responsiblefor beautifying the temple; it is the devoteeswho are actually beautifying the temple.And as president you are in charge ofthe whole branch, so kindly try to maintainthe present atmosphere , and try to improveit more and more , that is myrequest.I am going to S.F. on the 31st ofMarch, and Dindayal has already sent thenecessary passage money to go there. Anotherthing, that consignment of 2500TLC is coming very shortly to L.A. , sowhen the consignment comes, you have tokeep them in the temple in a secure placeso that copies may not be stolen. When I

806Leners from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>was in L.A. it was reported that 10 booksof Bhagavad Gita were stolen. So this isnot very good. So I hope you will takeproper care. In this connection, the copiesof the leter which I have sent Brahmanandais enclosed within. Also I am enclosingherewith one copy of the letter addressedto the manager of EquitableSavings, Fairfax branch, so please seethem conveniently and inquire what is tobe done in this connection. Then on hearingfrom them what are the formalities, Ishall send you the key of my safety depositbox which you will keep very carefully,and when need be you may open and takesome papers as I may advise you. Pleasecnvey my blessings to all the devotees andI hope this will meet you in good healthwith your wife and child.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-53 Hawaii27th March, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. As thereare so many engagements in L.A. and inS.F. now I fix up my program as follows:The meeting in City College instead of onthe 8th, Tuesday, push it to the lOth,Thursday, and up to the 15th or 16th ofApril you can make other engagements ifpossible. On the 18th Rupanuga wants methere in Buffalo. He wants to stay me thereuntil the 23rd, then I shall go to Boston.Then if necessary I may come back to newYork from New Vrindaban, or we shalltalk when we meet. In the meantime Ihave received one letter from Subal, inwhich it is stated that on receipt of the finalpress proof of BTG from DiaNipponwe shall have to arrange for a letter ofcredit. But this arrangement is not verypalatable to me, because in the last transaction,TLC , we arranged for the creditnote at the cost of about $200. In this waythey charged $25, for transferring themoney to Japan, and they might havecharged again such $25, I do not know.And on $6000, with 5% interest for 4months, it comes to $100. So in total wehave lost nearly $200. So this letter ofcredit is not possible. But one thing can bedone, that on receipt of the press proof,you can pay your share, nearly $750, andthe balance that is $1350 will be paid ondelivery of shipping documents . That Ishall arrange.I shall be looking forward to seeing youall on the 9th of April, and hope you are allwell and hapy.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-54Hawaii27th March, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 21,1969, and have noted the contents carefully.Yes, you can begin negotiations andas soon as I shall go there, we shall seeand if possible we shall purchase the property.Regarding my going to London: If youaccompany me, that will be a very nicething. I want your company always for editingmy writings very nicely, but becauseyou have to work for maintaining NewVrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desiresin the future. If the press is started inVrindaban then certainly I shall have tostay there the major part of the time, atleast for the summer season. In the nearfuture I shall have to stick to the presswork and publication work.Regarding the publication work, andeditorial matters: I shall definitely settle it

MARCH, 1969 807up as soon as I go to New York.Hope you are feeling well, and I hopeSharna dasi's health is improving by thistime.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-55 Hawaii27th March, 1969My Dear Jaya Govinda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter of March 17, 1969, andI have received the bank receipt for themoney deposited there. I have receivedone letter from Atma Ram and Sons thatthey have already dispatched the books toCalcutta and handed over the R.R. receiptto you. but you have not mentioned anything about this. I hope you have the matterhandled nicely.I am in Hawaii for the last one month,then on the 31st of March I shall go to SanFrancisco, then to L.A., and then to N. Y.and then to Buffalo, then Boston, and thenNew Vrindaban. This is my present programup to the end of May. And in June Imay be called by London. And if you areby that time in Germany it is possible thatI shall go to see you there. Another prospectis that one Mr. Windisch and anotherwoman Mrs. Barbara, they have becomevery much interested in Krishna Consciousnessmovement, and they have seenme while I was in Montreal . Now they arein Vancouver, and most probably they willbe interested to translate my books andmagazines in German language. So alreadythere are three boys in Hamburgand when you join, four, and if the Germangentleman and woman go, then youwill be six altogether. So a good party forpreaching Samkirtan movement. Here inalmost all our centers the Samkirtanmovement has proved very successful.Everywhere, especially in London, L.A.,and N.Y., especially in these places theSamkirtan movement has very much becomesuccessful. Every day when theytake the party in the street, market, orparks, they collect sufficiently and sellBTG quite a number. In Germany I thinkalso the Samkirtan prospect is there.I do not know before starting whetheryou intend to see Achyutanimda in Vrindaban.He says that very nice pair of Deitieswill cost 1000 Rs. per pair, 24" high.Formerly, it was settled at 700 Rs. so ifyou go to Vrindaban, you can settle up theprice of the Deity, 24" high, and verynicely cut, as Achyutananda has described,at may be up to 800 Rs. Then weshall order many Deities. And at last Iwish to request you once again, if you cando something to realize the 2000 Rs . fromHitsaran by seeing Dalmia and if it is notpossible, then I shall have to satisfy myselfwithout any action, bacause I do notthink I shall go to India to realize thismoney. If Parvat Maharaj can help you inthis, it will be very kind of him.69-3-56Hawaii28th March, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. Govindadasi has already written you letter to comehere as soon as possible. I hope you comebefore I leave this place on the 31st March1969 . This tape may be returned to L.A.address.ACB69-3-57Hawaii29th March, 1969My Dear Hrishikesa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of March 21 , andhave noted the contents carefully. No, I

808 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidathink the letter you sent fo rmerly musthave been lost, or missing in the mail . So Ihave sent your draft letter duly, and thecopy of which is enclosed here with.I thank you very much for your kindappreciation of "Govinda" my new recordalbum. I am very much happy to hearyour kind appreciation, and it is verymuch encouraging to me .So I hope you are all well there, andvery happily executing Krishna Consciousness.I will be very anxiously awaitingto see you all in mid-May, and then weshall talk at length on so many KrishnaKatha topics,Your ever-well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-58My Dear Advaita,Hawaii30th, March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your kind letter of March25, 1969. And I have noted the contentsall carefully. So far BTG, for the time being,it will be printed in Japan, so we donot require an extra hand for that purpose.At first we shall print just our books, andthen if successful, we shall take to printingto the extent of 5000 copies of BTGper month. So take estimate for printingand binding machines for books only,maybe one or two a year, and save moneyas much as possible as it will be requiredto purchase the machines .We shall talk further on all these matterswhen I arrive there in N.Y. , and untilthen, I hope you are both well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-59 Hawaii30th March, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter of March 21 ,along with acheck for $75, Canadian, andI thank you very much for this contributionfor the Deity. And also I am verymuch obliged to you that you are going tosend me another lot of $250 for my bookfund . Ye s, my Guru Maharaj advised meto give more stress on publication work somost probably I shall try to concentratemy energy in this department veryshortly. Perhaps you know that we are goingto print BTG every month 20,000 copies,and maybe very soon we shallincrease to 50,000 copies. If you kindlyhelp me in distributing these books andliterature, it will be a very great help formy missionary activities. You are workingas sales organizer so you can think upthis sales organization side by side, and ifpossible try to help. My next scheme is todevelop the New Vrindaban scheme, andI require there millions of dollars. ImmediatelyI have got about $25,000 worth ofbooks or more. If you think of how to organizesales, then we can promote moreand more books, and with the profitthereof, we can spend in so many departments.The people of the Western country,they are fond of reading books and bypropaganda work we have to change theirtaste and divert them from reading allworldly literatures, to transcendental literature. Please think of this carefully andlet me know if you can help . You write tosay that these days the educated class ofpeople have rejected devotional serviceandit is their misfortune. This means theyare not being educated ; rather they are beingdegraded. According to the verdict ofSrimad Bhagavatam, if one is not devotee,then he has no good qualifications , and ifone is simply devotee, it is to be supposed

MARCH, 1969 809that he has got all the good qualities . Forilie present you do not try to have a smalltemple in your house, because I know thatyou are not strictly vegetarian. I do notknow whether now you are also strictlyvegetarian, but unless you become so,don't try to have a small temple in yourhouse as proposed by you. The four principleswhich we ask our students to follow,namely, restraining illicit sex life,etc., must be the basic principles of spirituallife. I am glad that you are preparingfor your exam, and after that, please try tomove the Indian papers, how Krishnaconsciousness movement is improvingand flourishing here in USA, while the Indianboys and girls have rejected it. IllustratedWeekly of India had sometimesback published our article (maybe Dec .21, 1967), so if you remind them, andsend them more articles and photos, theywill surely be glad to print them on receiptof them.From here I am going to San Francisco,then L.A., and then to New York bythe lOth of April, and I shall be glad tohear from you at your convenience, and Ithank you once more for your contributionand kind letter. Hope this finds youwell,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S Please contact Bal Samant by correspondence. His address is with JaypatakaBrahmachary. Also let me his address inIndia.ACB69-3-60My Dear Satyabhama,Hawaii30th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated Feb . 22,along with the Deities dress, and it was receivedby me just yesterday. I think due tomy change of address it was delayed . Anyway,everyone here has very much appreciatedthe beautiful dresses you have sentfor the Deity and today we are changingthe dress by putting on your dress on thetranscendental Body of the Deity.I think I have replied your former letteralso, which I hope you have received bythis time, and I am so glad to learn thatyou are feeling very happy in New Vrindaban.The basic principle of our life inVrindaban will be cow keeping. If we cankeep cows sufficiently and grow our necessaryfoodstuffs , then we shall show anew way of life to your countrymen . . .completely spiritual life in healthy atmospherein divine consciousness. And youwill have ample opportunity to educatechildren and write books for them becausethere is sufficient matter for publishingsuch books from the Puranas,Mahabharat, Srimad Bhagavatam, andmany other allied literatures. There arethousands of ideal historical events ,which if we can put with suitable pictures,it will be a great idea and people will liketo have such literature. I have got manyideas for developing the new Vrindabanscheme and if Krishna gives me opportunityI may be able to show something verywonderful in your country. UnfortunatelyI have no money neither the richer sectionof your countrymen have taken any seriousview of our movement. Otherwisethere is more than sufficient money and ifone or two men of your country gives a littieattention, with this we can developmany New Vrindabans. We are not verymuch expensive; simply if we get the necessarymoney, we can play wonderful.Our only hope is book.s and literature . Sowe have to start press, and for that purpose,and publish varieties of books andliterature for getting some financial helpas well as propagating our mission. So assoon as I come to your place I shall giveyou all nice ideas you have asked for in

810 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>your letter under reply. And I thank youvery much for giving me all these ideasfor our future activities. Pleas convey myblessings to all your God-brothers andGod-sisters there, and especially ourShama dasi, I hope she is doing well.So far keeping Deity in your separatehouse, I think there is no need for this. Becauseif you keep Him there, you have totake proper care, with arotiks and attention,and thus divert attention from theDeity in the temple, and from chantingand so many other forms of service, likeyour writing and sewing, etc . So I think itbest if everyone centers his attention onthe Deity in the temple, and in that way thetemple worship will pull on nicely. Ofcourse, if the temple is unapproachable,or too far, or something like that, that isdifferent thing, but if the temple is easilyaccessible then this is the best programforall to go there and attend arotik andkirtan etc .No, I do not think you should give Jagganathto small children because they willnot take proper care and make offenses . Inthis country their parents do not give themproper example of worshipping the Deitywith all respects. Just like in my childhood,I was seeing my father bowingdown and offering respects to the Deityand I did the same on seeing him. But thisis not done here, so it is better to takesome care in giving Jagganath out.I hope you are all well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-61My Dear Shama dasi,Hawaii30th March, 1969Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour note along with Satyabhama 'sletter. I thank you for your very nice sentiments. I hope by this ti me you must haveimproved your health and very soon youwill be able to work fully along with yourgood husband. I think by the will ofKrishna you two good souls, Hayagrivaand yourself, are combined now to fulfillmy mission of publishing the whole of SrimadBhagavatam. Kirshna is sufficientlypowerful and able to give facilities to Hisdevotees provided a devotee works verysincerely to please Him. We shall alwayskeep this motto in our view, and it is verynice to hear that you are feeling separationfrom most beautiful Shyamsundara, butyou are satisfied by chanting His HolyName. Shyamsundara is not differentfrom His Name. Krishna's Name, qualities, form, fame, abode and paraphernalia,all are identical with Krishna. So ifwe take advantage of asociating with anyone of them that makes us fixed up in oureternal relationship with Shyamsundara.I hope you are feeling well,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-3-62My Dear Jaya Govinda,HawaiiPlease accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of March 7,1969. At the present time, I am living atHawaii, therefore your letter was redirectedfrom L.A. temple to here, so I receivedit late. I am very sorry that I did notreply your last letter but I thank you verymuch that you are sending me lettersevery week. Your very strong desire to returnto Germany is already approved byme, and Krishna das is very much eager toreceive you there . In his letter of March2nd, he writes to say "we may send JayaGovinda his ticket via AE immediately ;hopefully he will arive here by the week'send." Therefore I hope you might have alreadyreceived the ticket for returning toGermany. But before your leaving Delhi,

MARCH, 1969 811either for Bombay or for Europe, pleasebook the unsold goods taken deliveryfrom Atma Rama and Sons and send toour shipping agent in Calcutta, so theymay ship them to N.Y. Your sympatheticexpression about my magnitude of workwith which I am pressed here is undoubtedlyvery much encouraging to me, andcertainly I am pressed with heavy work. Iam receiving letters about 12 daily, fromdifferent centers with different problemsand then at the same time I am just tryingto write my books, Srimad Bhagavatam,Necter of Devotion, and Krishna, andlately Vedanta Sutra. So certainly this isheavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, itdoes not depress me . I feel encouraged toact so busily day and night. But the bodysometimes does not allow me to do so. SoI have to sleep about 4 to 5 hours . But incomparison to our predecessors, theGoswamins, this engagement in insignificant.These Goswamins used to work almost24 hours . They used to sleep notmore than 2 hours, and they produced immenseliterature . Of course, it is not possibleto be in their level of activities, but asfar as possible, we should everyone of ustry to work as hard as possible forKrishna's satisfaction. This material bodycan be adjusted with practice. If we adjustthese bodily activities towards Krishna'sside, then the labor is fruitful , but if weadjust towards maya's side, then the laboris useless. A litter labor done for Krishnais never lost. But the greatest labor donefor Maya is simply waste of time. So Ithink by the Grace of Krishna you are feelingnice now. Please try to work hard forKrishna, and your life will be glorious. ByKrishna's Grace and by His desire, youare destined to go to Germany to take upthe work of BTG in German. The threeboys now working there are very sincereworkers. You are also very sincere boyand I am sure when you go there you willfind a very nice atmosphere of ISKCONworkers. I am so glad to learn that you arefeeling considerably the missing separationofiSKCON devotees . I am very muchhopeful that Krishna Kirtan will be nicelyintroduced in the Western world by theGrace of Krishna, and by the efforts of ourISKCON DEVOTEES. I am very sorrytoo that in India you could not fill up thegap of such separation, and I know whyyou couldn't. So let India may do whateverthey like . By the Grace of Krishnayou are now initiated to take up thismovement;[PAGE MISSING]

APRIL69-4-1My Dear Brahmananda,San Francisco1st April , 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated March 26,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding the letter to the draftboard, I would like that you boys may decideamong yourselves what is to be done.When you have decided amongst yourselves,send it to me and I shall sign. Iunderstand that Tarnal Krishna has contacteda lawyer in Los Angeles , so youmay contact Tarnal Krishna to see what hehas learned.Regarding my coming to New Yo rknext week, you may immediately sendtickets from Los Angeles to New Yo rk forApril 9, 1969. Murari will be coming towork as my attendant but as he already hasa ticket, you need send tickets only formyself and for Purushottam.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth, and I shall be happy to see youonce again when I arrive on the 9th .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN&. If Purushottam's ticket is to be studentfare , then please send him one studentcard and identification.69-4-2 San Francisco2nd April , 1969My Dear Goursundar, Govinda Dasi,Vamandev, Balabhadra, Sudama, andKartikeya,Please accept my blessings to all ofyou . I beg to inform you that I have safelyarrived as scheduled in San Francisco,and I am thinking fondly of you all . Chidanandahas received one telephone callfrom Satsvarupa requesting advice as towhat should be Jadurany 's program, and Ihave advised that if the doctor wishes Jaduranyto go to Hawaii immediately thenshe should do this. Otherwise she willwait in Boston till after I go there on April22nd about. So when this matter is decidedyou will be notified about her arrivalthere.I hope this will meet you in good healthand cheerful mood. Please keep me informedto your well-being and the progressof your center.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am reaching L.A. on 6th and N.Y.on 9th.69-4-3San Francisco2nd April, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated March25, 1969 , along with the two magazines.These are very excellent both in appearanceand in reading matter. This should bethe standard of our Back To Godhead. Asin the next issue there will be no advertisements, we shall be able to give substantialreading matter like that of BhaktivinodeThakur, "Teachings of the Golden Avatar."We have got many such informationsfrom the Vedic literature . The mayavadis

814 Leners from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>reject the Puranas, but actually the Puranasare supplementary to the four Vedas,the Upanishads and danta. This is confirmedby Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. SrimadBhagawatam also is consideredamongst the Puranas, but because thesubject matter within is purely transcendental,it is called the Maha Purana. Sofrom the Puranas we can give many, manyinstructive articles with nice pictures.Similarly, we can give many valuable articles,even from political or social pointsof view (although they are not our business),so much so, that the people of theworld will have completely novel spiritualideas. As people in your country are verymuch receptive to new ideas, I think wecan place Back To Godhead very nicelywith sensible layout.The present issue is excellently done.It is rich in all respects. Your article,"Nine Points," is very instructive. I donot know whether people will take our advice,but we must go on presenting theseideas to the human society. If you are notgoing to print any more issues in the intervalperiod between this issue and the Japanissue, then I think you can reprintanother minimum 10,000 copies for continuingthe sales propaganda.I am glad to learn that you are try ing towork out things with Hayagriva. I have advisedhim that he may come also as coeditor.In your previous letter you wantedthat the final words in the management ofBack To Godhead will rest on one person,either on you or on Hayagriva. I think thatfor management it is better to have twoheads than one. But even there will be twoheads, I still wish that you shall continueas the managing editor as you are doingnow. Naturally, the final decisions willrest upon you. And if there is actually anycontroversy, I think there will not be, thenI am always at your service. In a recentletter from Hayagriva, I understand thathe is feeling little disappointment becausethere was no invitation from your side. Ithink now you shall invite him and workjointly as you were doing before . I am stillsanguine that my decision in the beginningabout you and Hayagriva working aseditors for Back To Godhead was very appropriate.I wish to see that both of you,being so intelligent and sincere devotees,shall work together, and then Krishna willhelp us to propagate this Samkirtan Movementmagazine so nicely.I am going to Los Angeles on the sixthmorning, and I am thinking of starting forNew York on the ninth morning. The ticketsmay be sent directly to the Los Angelestemple address.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiEnclosed find one nice article publishedin Hawaii while I was coming here. I thinkyou can utilize it for your B.T.G.ACB69-4-4San Francisco3rd April, 1969Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMarch 27, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. In the first portion ofthe letter you have expressed your desirehow to learn surrender. This surrenderingprocess is unconditional. Surrenderingdoes not mean that one should surrenderlyonly in favorable circumstances .That is not surrender. Surrender means inany condition the surrendering processmust continue. In the latter portion ofyour letter it appears that you have been

APRIL, 1969 815disturbed on some trivial matters, and youwish to leave the place and go to London.That is not at all good. You must workconjointly. That is my desire, and if youfight amongst yourselves for some individualinterests, that is not surrender.Whatever the other two boys may do, thatI shall see, but unto you my request is thatyou must remain in Hamburg until I orderyou to leave the place.I understand that you have sent passagemoney to Jayagovinda. Let him comefirst. He is a very sensible boy, and I hopeon his arrival there will be no dissension.Last night, one German boy was initiatedby me, and he will be entrusted for renderingall my books in German language.There will be now difficulty to publish theGerman edition of Back To Godheadtherefore, in your newly purchased press.You should take the indication given byLord Krishna: The press is already there,the press worker, Jayagovinda, is coming,and the German scholar has joined our institution.Dont you see the indication byKrishna that we must make propaganda inthe German language in that part of theworld? So you have to adjust things by theindication of Lord Krishna. Don't do anythingwhimsically. The direction comesthrough the Spiritual Master, and any onewho abides by the order of the SpiritualMaster to give shape to the wish of theLord, he is perfectly surrendered soul. Sodon't be childish, stay there. Let Jayagovindacome and begin printing theBTG. Go altogether in Samkirtan Partyand try to sell BTG's. In other centers theyare doing very nicely with this. Sometimesthey are selling more than 100 copiesof BTG and collecting $130.00 or$150.00. The Los Angeles temple has becomeunique in this connection. Theyhave decorated the temple room so nicelythat in the Love Feast and any other ceremony,hundreds of people are coming.Why don't you follow this example and tryto exert your energies to make your templemore important than Los Angeles? Inthe spiritual world there is also competition,but the center is always Krishna. Inthe material world there is competition,but the center is sense gratification. Thatis the difference. So competition, disagreement,or even dissension, if they arethere, and the center is Krishna, suchdisagreement is not material. Even inKrishna Loka, there is rival parties of SrimatiRadharani whose name is Chandrabali,and there is competition between thetwo parties how to serve Krishna the best.So you are all good souls, please do notbe agitated in trivial things. Do your dutynicely, develop the center as nicely as possible.If you think that your personalityhas been minimized, you can tolerate it.That is very nice. Lord Chaitanya hastaught us to be more tolerant than the treein the matter of chanting Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, HareHare. You can show this letter to SrimanShivananda and Sriman Uttama Sloka,and my request to you all is not to be childish,but to be serious for propagatingKrishna Consciousness.Regarding your other points, I ampleased that you are trying for legalizationof our society. This has been already doneboth in London and the United States. Asfor your eye trouble, you need not take toan operation for your sickness. Doctorsare not the Ultimate Healer. This isKrishna's position. In your Western countries,the doctors are very much fond ofsurgical operations. When there is noother alternative, of course we have totake shelter of such demonic treatment,but as far as possible try to avoid that, anddepend on Krishna.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

816 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-4-5San Francisco3rd April, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your very nice and encouragingletter dated March 30, 1969. I ampleased to learn of the success which youand Tosan Krishna are having in your newcenter. It is all very encouraging to me. Ithink that your proposal to have me cometo North Carolina is very nice, and if itcan be arranged, I will surely do this. Ishall be in Columbus by the lOth of May,and if you think that my going to yourplace will be nice, then you can arrange toreceive me from Columbus to your place.So if it is possible, please let me knowyour tentative program. The program maybe fixed some time after the 15th of May,and your tentative program may be informedto me at the New York address.I hope this will meet the both of you ingood health and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-6San Francisco3rd April, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMarch 29, 1969, with enclosures. I amglad that you have received the consignmentfrom Calcutta, and when I go toNew York, I shall see what is the qualityof the khole. Then if it is nice, we shallhave to order many kholes like that.Your statement that my visit in NewYork for only eight days' causes you sadnesscauses me sadness also. When Rupanugawanted me in Buffalo, I did notdirectly confirm it, but I asked him to consultwith you. So after his consultation,you have agreed to his proposal andshould not be sad at all. But I know thecause of your sadness, that you want mefor a longer time there in New York, andsimilarly, I also want to stay there for along time because I like New York morethan all other cities. This is because myfirst attempt was begun there, so I havegot some affection for your great city. Ithink if possible you should also accompanyme to Buffalo, and if possible, Rayaramamay also come with me so that wecan stay together at least up to April 22. Ifyou like you can also come with me toBoston. This would be a very nice idea butI do not think your occupations will allowyou to come with me and stay for a longtime. But the proposal for me to comeback to New York from Columbus is nice.I think I shall arrange like that. So there isno cause of becoming sad. Our meetingand separation in the material world is likethe flowing tide of the river. During theflowing tide of the river, so many differentfloating articles meet together, and withthe flowing, they again become separatedby the movement of the waves. That is theway of the material life. But our separation,although it resembles exactly in thematerial way, it is completely different. Inthe spiritual world, separation is more relishablethan meeting. In other words, inspiritual life, there is no separation. Separationis eternal, and meeting is also eternal.The separation is simply anotherfeature of meeting.I think from Columbus I will have to goto New Vrindaban, and after staying a fewdays there, I shall come back to NewYork. If there is call from London, I shallgo there from New York. About TrinityCollege lectures, I think I can stay in Hartfordfor the days I have to lecture there,and the fees may be charged $100 per lectureas the New York City College has offered.I do not know if they will agree tothis, but I think we should not make thefees very cheap. You arranged my lecture

APRIL, 1969 817in the City College on the 8th or 1Oth ofApril , and I also requested you in my previousletter that the lecture may be arrangedon the lOth, but you have notmentioned anything about this in your letterunder reply. In my last letter fromHawaii I also informed you that I shall beable to stay in New York from Septembertill the end of December if there is nice engagement.So you can arrange for themeetings as many as possible from Septemberto December. In the meantime,you may make arrangements for from thelOth until the 15th of April, as you like.I hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-7San Francisco3rd April, 1969My Dear Ananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated March30, 1969, and I have noted the contentsvery carefully. Krishna is very muchpleased on you because you are alone conductingthe Vancouver temple. Dontworry, you will get some men to assist youvery soon, and I am searching after someone.In the meantime Mr. Windisch andhis wife, Barbara, will return to Vancouverafter the initiation ceremony. As youhave said, they are very much helpful, andthey will continue to help you with yourventure.Have you any correspondence withAnnapurna since last August or September?I have not heard from her since then.After returning to her father's house shewrote me one letter, but since then I do notknow about her whereabouts . If you can,please let me know her address. My programfor next summer is not yet fixed up,but I am booked for various lectures tillthe middle of May. After that I shall fix upmy program for June. If l go to Montreal,then this time I will go to Vancouver also.Mr. Windisch has spoken very highly ofyou and your decision to not keep unwantedboarders at the temple is nice.Dont feel yourself to be alone becauseKrishna is always with you. Krishna is alwayswith every living entity as Supersoul,and to His devotee especially Hetalks and gives instructions how to attainthe perfectional stage of meeting Him. Sodont feel alone. Always chant wheneverpossible, read our books, and there willbe no great difficulty.I shall be returning to New Yo rk by the9th of April, and I shall then send you anew set of beads chanted upon by me. Iknow you are a sincere, silent worker, andif it is not too much inconvenient for you,you can send me at least one letter in afortnight. That will encourage me and Ican then give you necessary instructionshow to develop.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-8San Francisco5th April, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedone letter from your devoted wife,Malati, dated Apri1 2, 1969, and there is anew return address written on the envelope.I wish that you inform me as to theposition of this new address. I also understandfrom Malati 's letter that you havebeen feeling some disturbance. Perhapsthis is because there is difficulty there infinding a temple that you feel that you arenot doing nicely, but this is not a fact. Yourefforts there are especially nice and pleasingto me . Actually, Samkirtan Party isour main business, and even you do not

818 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>find a temple there for some time it is notcause for any disturbance. Continue topropagate Krishna Consciousness throughSamkirtan Party, and surely you will comeout fully successful. I understand thatMataji Shama Devi is back there in London,so she will also help in your efforts. Ihope you will contact me soon by post toinform me of the position of the new addressand how you are. I hope you arewell.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed is one letter for Mataj iShama Devi.69-4-9New YorklOth April, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 5, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I shall reach Boston Iskconon the 23rd of April, and you can make arrangementsaccordingly. I have read yourtranscriptions of the Krishna tapes, andyou are doing it very nicely. I am verymuch pleased with your efforts.Regarding Jadurany's question, hearingthe vibration of Hare Krishna automaticallyreminds one of Krishna'sPastimes. So both of them arise simultaneouslyin the mind when one is sincerelychanting. So you cannot make any distinctionbetween listening to the sound andthinking of the Pastimes. But the processis to hear, and then Krishna's Pastimes,Form, Qualities, etc . will automaticallycome to mind: That is very nice.I hope this will meet you in good healthand cheerful mood. I will be looking forwardto seeing you once again.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-10New YorklOth April, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad io receive your letter dated April 4,1969, and I eulogize your attempt for improvingthe Columbus center. Do it verynicely, and when I go there I shall see thatyou have done so much for Krishna Consciousness.I shall also give you one verynice brahmachary from Los Angeles, JayaGopal. He is trained in Samkirtan Partyand in cooking, so you can leave him fortaking care of the temple affairs when yougo to work. Besides that, if you havelearned Sanskrit, I can give you onebrahmachary, 12 years old, namedBirbhadra, whom I want you should teachSanskrit from the very beginning. Wewant a few students who know Sanskritand Bengali, or at least Sanskrit. Mostprobably the boy will go with me there,and if you think you can take charge, hecan also remain there.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-1112th April, 1969My Dear Brother Dr. Shyam SundarPrabhu,Please accept my humble dandabats. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your veryaffectionate letter dated 18th March,1969. From Los Angeles I went to myHawaii center, then to San Francisco, andnow I am in the New Yo rk center. I understandthat Jagantar has published aboutour London activities. In London thereare six boys and girls, all my initiatedmarried couples, and though they areyoung, they are doing very nice work in

APRIL, 1969 819London. One of them wrote a letter to SrimateVinode Vani for cooperation, but shereplied that she cannot do anything withoutpermission from BaghBazar H.O. ButI do not know if they wrote any letter toBagh Bazar.So far I am concerned, I am always forcooperation, and I dont criticize anybody.I am very busy with my own work. RatherI welcome everyone's cooperation. If youthink there is possibility of cooperationyou can open negotiation directly withSripada Oudolomi Maharaj . If we cooperate,we can do tremendous service forLord Chaitanya in the matter of propagatingthe mission of Lord Chaitanya verynicely. I am prepared to cooperate inevery way, but I wonder if the other side isprepared for this also. I shall be happy tohear from you soon.Hope this meets you in good health.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4- 12 New York13th April, 1969My Dear Sivananda Prabhu,Please accept my greetings. I am veryglad to receive you Benali letter, and Ihope; you will excuse me that I am replyingyou in English, because it saves muchof my time. I have already advised the editorof Back To Godhead to send you copiesof the paper regularly. The subscriptionfee is $5.00 per 12 issues, andyou can send the exchange to the followingaddress: ISKCON PRESS, 504 East 6thAvenue, New Yo rk, NY 10003. Please includeyour distinct name and address, soyou will get the paper regularly.You have inquired about my books,and the facts are that before I came herefrom India, I published three volumes ofSrimad Bhagawatam, each of about 400pages. Since I have come here, manymanuscripts are prepared for printing,and I have published Bhagavad Gita As ItIs, published by MacMillan and Teachingsof Lord Chaitanya, published byInternational Society ofor Krishna Consciousness.We are selling our booksnicely here, and if you can organize ameans of selling our magazine and booksin India, it will be a great help to our activities.One of my disciples, AchyutanandaBrahmachary is already there in India,and if you think seriously to help mein this movement, he will also join you.The difficulty is that the books and magazinesare costly in the estimation of the Indianexchange. The standard exchange is7. 5 Rs per dollar, so you consider and letme know if you can help us.You have mentiond about the disagreementamongst our god-brothers, and it is afact. But so far as I am concerned, I amtrying to execute my humble bit, and ifsomebody disagrees in these activities,what can I do? But so far I get their letters,they fully appreciate the work going onhere, and I do not know who is the gentlemanagainst these activities.I will be happy to hear from you againsoon. Hope this will find you in goodhealth.Yours affectionately,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4- 13New York13th April , 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 9, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am instructing TarnalKrishna in Los Angeles to allow JayaGopal come to join you immediately, so Ithink this will be of great help to yourwork there. I was in San Francisco andthere were three meetings there in the

820 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>University campuses, and each and everyone of these meetings were very successful.About 200 students in each meetingwere dancing and enjoying with us. Sogradually we have to organize the studentsto our movement, and your work so farhas my approval in this connection.Regarding your questions, generallytulsi beads are required for initiation, butif it is not available, ordinary beads can beused. Sometimes the shopkeepers give ordinarybeads and say it is tulsi, so it is verydifficult to get tulsi beads without personalattendance. So far as your getting aKartamashi Murti, you may take informationfrom Govinda Dasi in Hawaii.Radha-Krishna Murtis may be purchasedfrom Vrindaban. The cost is about$200.00, but they are very nice, 24 incheshigh. I shall speak with Nara Narayan toinform him that he should also go there tohelp you with constructing the items youhave mentioned.Hope this finds you in good health andcheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-14New York16th April, 1969My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I am replyingto your nice letter dated April 10th,1969. The description of your dream isvery fascinating. It appears that you areconstantly thinking of me and Lord Nrisinghahas given you the chance to seeHim because of your constant devotion. Itis very encouraging. I understand that allof you are not living together. Just today Ireceived one letter from Shyamsundarand his return address is again a new addresson Balham Park Road. In his letterhe says that he is leaving for Leicester (80miles from London) for preparing an altarfor Mataji's new temple. So if you are livingat Mataji 's, then does it mean that youare 80 miles off from London? I do notthink so, but please clarify the situation. Iam receiving letters from differentsources, and I do not know where to replyhome.Regarding your questions about Deityworship, please refer these to Himavati inMontreal or else Harsharani in LosAngeles. Yes, on the certificates you maycorrect it as Srimatee. I hope this will meetyou in very nice health and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4- 15New York16th April, 1969My Dear Prabhavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter sentalong with your prayer beads. I am enclosinga copy of the list of offenses thatshould be avoided by a Vaishnava. Pleasetry to observe avoiding these offenses asfar as possible. Even if you may havecommitted some offense in the past, thatis all right. Just try to follow the rules andregulations, and whatever offense youmay have committed will be excused byLord Krishna. But in the future youshould be very careful to keep yourselffree from such offenses.I hope this will find you well and incheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4- 16New York16th April, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowlegde receipt of your encouraging

APRIL, 1969 821letter dated April 14, 1969, and I am veryglad to learn that Mr. George Harrisonhas given a letter of guarantorship to theCamden Council. One other thing is thatMr. Harrison is purchasing 172 acres ofland near London, and it is expected thathe will construct a temple of Radha­Krishna there. This is also very encouragingnews. If you think that he is seriousabout it, then I shall send you a nice planfor a Radha-Krishna temple, a facsimileof Govindaji's temple in Vrindaban. It isvery expensive, with stone work, and ifMr. George Harrison at all constructs aRadha-Krishna temple, it should beunique in this part of the world. He has gotthe money, and he can do it. So when he isserious about it, I shall give a nice plan forthe temple.Enclosed is one draft scheme circularletter so please read it and do the needful.I hope this will find you well and in cheerfulmood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4- 17 Buffalo19th April, 1969My Dear Sudama and Kartikeya,Please accept my blessings to the bothof you . I was very much anxious to receiveyour letters, so now I am pleased to acknowledgereceipt of them. I can understandthat things are improving all around,and that is very satisfactory. So dependupon Krishna, work very sincerely, andeverything will be complete without anydoubt. On the kirtan nights you should allassemble together in the temple and if thisis not possible then you can chant in yourapartment. I am pleased that you areworking for our activities in Japan, and inthree months you should be able to gatherat least $1,500.00 together. Dont spendmoney needlessly. Try to save as much aspossible, because you have very importantwork to do for the service of LordChaitanya.Regarding Kartikeya's question aboutworshipping Lord Jagannath, He shouldalways be worshipped with awe and reverence.Krishna's picture as a NaughtyChild should not be treated by us as anaughty child. We should always worshipKrishna as the Supreme Lord.I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-18 Buffalo19th April, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 12, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am glad to learn thattwo new boys, Robb and Kelly, havemoved into your temple. Also, it is goodnews that you now have a weekly course inthe University there. Regarding the draftlawyer, I have enclosed the circular whichI am sending out to the temples.I thank you for the nice sentiments youhave expressed in your letter, and I hopethis will meet you in good health. Pleaseconvey my blessings also to the otherdevotees there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I have received the twigs which youhave sent to the Buffalo temple, andplease continue to send them regularlywhile I am on the East Coast.I have also received the checks both forme and Brahmananda. Please consult MrGreene and let me know how shall I replythe letter.

822 Letters from Srrla PrabhuptJda69-4-19Buffalo19th April, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. While Iwas in New York, I got your colored pictures,and each and every one of them is sonice and captivating that I have kept themfor future paintings by our artists. I thankyou very much for these pictures, and Ihope your center is making nice progressby Samkirtan Movement. I shall be stayinghere in Buffalo for one week, and thenI shall go on to Boston.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-20Buffalo19th April, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. Replyingto your letter dated April 14, 1969, I havealready confirmed your meeting on the15th and 16th of May, 1969, and I hopeyou have duly received the telegramwhich I have sent. Yesterday I have cometo Buffalo, and Rupanuga has organized avery nice meeting of students . There weremore than 200 students who were all participatingin the chanting and dancing. Sothis Samkirtan Movement should beplanned very diligently, and it should bepushed on. Then our propaganda willsurely come out successful . Everywherewe are seeing good results from Samkirtan,so let us do our best for the service ofthe Lord.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and please offer my blessings toTosan Krishna also.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. Please inform Pradyumna in Columbusabout the meeting in your place.69-4-21Buffalo21st April, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your nice letterdated April 1, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with pleasure. Your humble sentimentsare very nicely expressed and Ithank you for them. I have already writtento Jivananda and Harsharani, and they areinclined to go to New Vrindaban but Ihave advised them to go to Hawaii afterspending a short period in San Franciscotraining up the devotees there in Deityworship and Samkirtan Party. So you maycorrespond with them to make more definitearrangements. From Sudama's letterI can understand that some people arecoming to your kirtans, so try your best todevelop your center and Krishna willsurely help you . We have not brought yourSrimad Bhagawatam here, but when I getopportunity, I will send you one volumeone.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-22Buffalo22nd April, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated April20, 1969 , and the tape of our Samkirtanrecording and prayer. Everyone who has

APRIL, 1969 823heard it here is very satisfied with theresult, and I thank you very much for yourefforts in this connection. I am enclosingherewith one letter from Brahmananda,and you can understand from this howmuch this recording is being appreciated.Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-23 Buffalo22nd April, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated April 18,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Your idea to go to San Francisco fora short time is nice. Yes, the San Franciscotemple has deteriorated from its originalposition, so please try to reinstate it.Jivananda and Harsharani may also gothere to help. You may also help to planfor the Rathayatra Festival, because thistradition must be continued. RegardingGirish, until I go to New Vrindaban, Girishmay stay there. Otherwise he may beadmitted in some school. We should nottake any risk of legal implication in thismatter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I am enclosing one letter for Jaya Gopalwhich you may hand over to him.69-4-24Allston, Mass.25th April, 1969My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated April 23,1969, and I think your deliberation isright. I am advising Brahmananda tosubmit the manuscripts to Messrs. DaiNippon under suitable arrangement, andwhatever you can all get together for contributingto this purpose may immediatelybe handed over to Brahmananda for depositin my book fund account. Your letteris very much encouraging, and it is worthexhibiting to all grihasta disciples, and notonly to disciples, but to people in generalwho are simply interested in the matterof sense gratification. Our members ofKrishna Consciousness society should beideal human beings, and if they try to followthe principles, surely they will be theideal men in the world.In Buffalo, we had three meetings, andit was found that the students, both boysand girls, especially the girls, they werevery much receptive and encouraging.Please organize the Samkkrtan Party verynicely, and try to preach amongst the studentcommunity, and I am hopeful that theresult will be very great. Brahmanandahas taken charge of the sales department,and I hope when he is successful, you willtry to open your own press for better productionof our publications.Thanking you once more for your letter.I hope this meets you in good health.69-4-25Allston, Masss.25th April, 1969My Dear Bibhavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated April 23,1969 sent along with the Pancha Tattwapainting, and I am so glad to learn that youare also a good painter. Your first attempthas been almost successful, so I requestyou to continue to practice so that excellentpaintings may be drawn by you. We requireso many pictures for our temples which arealready present and which will be openedin the future. Immediately upon receipt ofyour picture, I had it hung right above my

824 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiJdaDeity room. Wherever I go I convert onecloset into my Deity room, so I shall alwaysbe seeing your picture there.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-26My Dear Brahmananda,Allston, Mass.25th April, 1969Please accept my blessings. Advaitaand his press contemporaries have agreedto pay me 10,000 per year for the printingof my books. So you can print at least twobooks , 5,000 copies each by that money. Ihope you have by now settled somethingwith Dai Nippon, and if they have agreed,you can hand over the Second Canto, SrimadBhagwatam immediately. There isone copy of Chaitanya Charitamrita (No.18) which is received from Calcutta withBengali titles. This may immediately besent to Goursundar by mail. You will findit on the shelfin my room. It is understoodthat Mac Millan Company was to paysome hundreds of dollars to Goursundarfor his design, so I do not know whetherthey have already paid or not. Anyway,you can immediately send him the abovementionedbook, and the price may bepaid from his pay from Mac Millan. I amawaiting your letter describing your progresswith Dai Nippon.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-27My Dear Dinesh,Allston, Mass.25th April, 1969Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated April 22,1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents . I have already acknowledgedreceipt of your nicely taped kirtan recording.I think that the mridunga soundshould be a little more increase, and thetambora sound should be decreased.When the chorus is chanting in responseto the leader, the mridunga is not very distinctlyheard. Therefore , it should be increased.As for when this record will bepressed, I think this should be done assoon as possible, because everyone is alreadywanting this record . If you cannotget it pressed immediately, then I haveasked Brahmananda to arrange for thepressing. I have heard that Dai NipponCompany can give such pressing at acompetitive price. The jacket design youhave described sounds nice, so you maydevelop it in this way.I hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-28Allston, Mass.25th April , 1969My Dear Lilavati,Please accept my blessings to yourselfas well as to your good husband and nicedaughter, Subhadra. I beg to thank you foryour letter dated April 18, 1969 , and Ihave noted the contents carefully. Regardingyour question about the relationshipbetween the living entities and Krishna,the answer is that qualitatively we are onewith Krishna: There is no qualitative difference,although the living entity has adifferent function than Krishna. Prakritimeans nature . Just like fire ; its nature isheat, and the heat is not a different qualityalthough the function is different. In onesense, fire and heat are non-different .Therefore , Lord Chaitanya 's philosophyof inconceivably simultaneously one anddifferent is the perfect philosophy of our

APRIL, 1969 825relationship with the Absolute Truth.Everything is manifestation of the prakritiof the Lord, exactly like the heat and lightof the fire. Heat and light are not differentfrom the fire, but at the same time, heatand light are not the fire. In this way wehave to understand the Purusha and prakriti.The Lord is the Purusha, or Enjoyer,and prakriti is the enjoyed.Regarding your question about our relationshipwith Srimati Radharani, She isthe internal energy, we are marginal energy.Marginal means sometimes internal,sometimes external. When we areunder the internal energy, that is our normallife, and when we are under the externalenergy, that is our abnormal life.Therefore, we are called marginal energy;we can be either this way or thatway. But being qualitatively one with thePurusha, our tendency is to remain in theinternal energy. Being in the external energyis our artificial attempt.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-29 Allston, Mass.25th April, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi and Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letters dated April 17,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am very much anxious that GovindaDasi has fallen sick. Similarly, I amalso from yesterday feeling little uncomfortableon account of backache. I thinkthe constant change of climate in Buffalohas affectd my rheumatic tendencies, sotoday I am not feeling very well. In Buffalowe had very nice meetings, and thestudents, both boys and girls, were veryreceptive. I am so glad to learn that yourcenter also is improving. Day by day continueto work seriously and faithfully, andit will surely grow to be a very nice center.I have talked with Jadurany yesterday, andshe asked my opinion of her going toHawaii. I advised her to go as soon as possible,and she has proposed to go therewhen I leave Boston. She is not very seriouslyill, but she feels little ill, and withchange of climate I think she will improvewithout any doubt.I am very glad to learn that Kartamashiis now very nicely dressed. Govinda Dasiis surely a good artist, so I am sure Kartamashiis very attractive. Please offer myobeisances to Him. I am very glad to learnfrom both of your letters that Jill is nowstaying there. She is very nice girl and intelligent.So the addition of Balabhadraand Jill to our movement is very much appreciated.Please help them io be KrishnaConscious, and it will be great service toKrishna, and you will enhance yourKrishna Conscious beauties by such activities.So far as Goursundar's requestfor Chaitanya Charitamrita, I have alreadyadvised Brahmananda to send it toyou immediately.I hope this will meet the both of you invery nice health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-30 Allston, Mass.26th April, 1969My Dear Vrindabanesbvari,Please accept my blessings. I am sopleased to receive your letter dated April18, 1969 here in Boston. I am glad tolearn that little Muradvaja is now becomerecovered from the fever he experiencedin Los Angeles, and I am also glad to learnthat Mandali Bhadra has already begunthe translation work. It is Krishna's desire

826 Letters from Srrla Prabhuptldathat we should meet together and cooperatefor the cause of Krishna Consciousnessmovement which is so badly neededthroughout the world. You and your husbandare quite competent to take up thisresponsibility and your little child,Muradvaja, is a great hope for our futureactivities. He is fortunate boy to have suchnice father and mother, and if you canraise him properly for this purpose, youshall all be benefitted from the spiritualstandpoint. I am glad that Ananda is executingthe Krishna Consciousness movementthere in Vancouver very intelligentlywith determination and sincerity. Pleaseoffer him my blessings, as well as to yourhusband and child.I think if you can start for Germany inthe beginning of July, that will be verynice help. The boys who are workingthere are sometimes in disagreement, so ifyou go and take charge of the center, itwill be a great service. One boy, JayagovindaBrahmachary, is returning backfrom India, and combined together, theaffairs of the Hamburg center will bearranged very nicely. By the Grace ofRadharani you are already inclined toKrishna Consciousness; now you have gotregular engagement to continue this consciousnessto perfection. I understand thatKrishna has helped you with some sourceof income. All the money we require issimply to meet our necessities, and we donot require any more for the purpose ofsense gratification. But for our necessitieswe can always know that Krishna will helpus with all facilities. Some way or other ifMandali Bhadra gets the facility of fullyworking on his translation work, it will bea very nice thing.You have enquired about how we leaveour body and enter into the Spiritual Sky.This information is very nicely explainedin the Second Canto of Srimad Bhagwatam,First Chapter. The idea is that thisuniverse is just like a coconut fruit, andexactly like the coconut fruit there is coveringof several layers. Each layer is saidto be ten times more than the other. Sowhen a living entity is eligible and fullyprepared to enter into the Spiritual Sky, hemerges his different bodily elementswhich are called earth, fire, water, air,and ether. In those covering layers thesebodily elements return, and the living entitygoes back to the Spiritual Sky. Puredevotees do not desire to enter into anyone of the higher planetary systems of thisuniverse. Sometimes mystic yogis areinterested to see the higher planetarysystems, and before entering into theSpiritual Sky, they take advantage of seeingthe higher planetary systems. But apure devotee is so much eager to enterback into the Spiritual Sky, especiallydevotees of Krishna, so they do not tryeven to enter into the Vaikuntha Lokas.Everything depends on the intense desireof the living entity, and Krishna gives allfacilities for fulfilling such desires . So faras we are concerned, we should always bevery much eager to directly contactKrishna, following the Footprints of LordChaitanya. And as you are Vrindabanesbvari,you should always pray to SrimatiRadharani to engage yourself in Her Service.That will be the fulfillment of yourlife.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-31 Allston, Mass.26th April, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 19, 1969, along with a pamphlet regardingyour UCLA meeting. The pamphletis very nicely done, and you have

APRIL, 1969 827diagnosed the disease very well, increasingthe material temperature to 107 degreesand calling death immediately. Ithink by the Grace of Krishna you are gettinggood inspiration from within asKrishna is giving you good wisdom. Yourexplanation for getting a new place biggerthan the present one is approved by me inall respects. I think Krishna's plan isworking and as you have already informedMr. Leo Brown to find out a big place forus, Krishna will help us very soon. TheLos Angeles plan as described by you is sonice. The climate of Los Angeles is verymuch suitable for me, and if by Krishna'sGrace we can have a nice headquarters forthe Western side as planned by you, I shallbe glad to place myself at your disposal. Iam now seeking to sit down simply fortraining preachers and diverting my attentionfor completing the translation work ofSrimad Bhagwatam, but I do not knowwhere Krishna will like me to do thiswork. But your nice plan makes me hopefulthat Los Angeles may be the suitableplace. We have certainly to develop theNew Vrindaban plan, but side by side theLos Angeles plan should also be executed.I do not know how Krishna will help us,but your idea is very excellent.From yesterday, since I have cometo Boston, I am feeling little backache.There is no unbearable pain, but when Istand up or walk, it is a little difficult. Ithink it will be cured within two or threedays. So without investing further moneyin our present temple, because it has nowbecome uncertain, we shall carefully savesome money for investing in some newplace. As our devotees are now coming bycars, we can go to a distant place undoubtedly.I have seen that there is one churchjust near the Bank of America on LaCienega Boulevard . I do not know towhich sect this church belongs, but thatchurch is very suitable for your describedpurpose. There are many churches everywherelike that, and if some of the proprietorsare convinced, we can utilize suchchurches for this Krishna Consciousnessmovement for the general welfare of themass of people. Why not approach theproprietors of such churches? I know it isvery difficult, but there is no harm if weapproach. Certainly when we have ournew place, we must elaborately arrangefor the artist department in charge of SrimatiDevahuti, the mother of Indumati.She is a very nice lady, and please offerher my thanks for joining this movement.I hope she will take care of the boys andgirls as their mother. So all of our ideascan be fulfilled very nicely if we actuallyget a nice place. Search it out and surelyKrishna will help you.I hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. The draft board letter must be repliednow. It cannot be delayed anymore. ACB69-4-32LondonAllston, Mass.27th April, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter ofApril 20, 1969, sent along with some pictures.All the pictures you sent are veryimportant. You are doing very laudableservice by collecting some old reminiscences,and I shall do the needful in duecourse; there is no immediate emergency.Your idea of writing a book namedSwamiji was formerly informed to me.Unfortunately, because I am travelling inso many places-from Los Angeles toHawaii, then to San Francisco, then againLos Angeles, then New Yo rk, then Buffalo,and now I am in Boston. From here Ishall go to Columbus, then to North Carolina,then to New Vrindaban, and then I

828 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>may go to London if required. At that timeI shall give you solid information for boththe Krishna book and the Swamiji book.But for the time being all of you shouldconcentrate your energies to occupy thehouse mortuary by all means. It is understoodthat Mr. George Harrison has givena letter of guarantee for payment of rent,but if they want further guarantee, I canask Bank of America or any other bank togive the necessary guarantee of payment.Somehow or other you must satisfy themand occupy the house. That is the immediateprogram, and as soon as this is done,I shall go there to adjust things in right order.If some way or other you misss to occupythe house, then you can arrange forme some place with someone who can receiveme as guest at least for one month.That also will help me in organizingthings there. And what about Mataji?When she was here she assured me somany things hopeful that she wants towork conjointly. I understand that Shyamsundarhas gone to Mataji to build an altar.This means that she has already startedthe temple. She wanted me also to go toLondon, and I told her that as soon asopening of temple is assured, I shall go toLondon, leaving aside all other engagementshere. But since she has departedshe has not written me anything, althoughI have written her one letter forwardedthrough Malati, acknowledging receipt ofher book, Mataji Charitavali.I am little disturbed hearing fromYamuna that you are in financial difficultythere. If you can sell our Back To Godheadsand our books, how there can be financialdifficulty? From the month ofJune you will have 5,000 BTG's, and youcan make 35 cents profit on BTG. Soroughly calculated, even if you distributeBTG wholesale, you make minimumprofit of 20 cents per copy. Thus, you caneasily make $1,000 profit simply by sellingBTG, and what to speak of the books?Besides that, if you have got kirtan engagements,why should there be any difficultyof finance. The only problem is youhave no place to live together. That youmust make immediate solution. If youhave no place to live together immediately,ask Mataji to give you a place. If shedoes not, then secure the mortuary at anycost. If they require a bank guarantee weshall arrange for this.Another thing, the proprosal of Mr.Gupta to give you 150 Rs is simply ludicrous,and for us it is insulting. Do youthink that an American boy like you canlive in India on $20? This talk means theyare not very serious or important men, soyou should be careful to mix with them.There is no use asking any help from theseembassy men. I know they will never helpour Hare Krishna movement. The governmentis pledged to the policy of secularism,so as soon as there is any scent ofreligious fervor, they at once become opposingelement.Please inform Yamuna that I have receivedher nice certificates, and her letteris also replied in this letter to her husband.I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-33Allston, Mass.28th April, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch perturbed in mind that you are livingscattered with the others. The letterwhich I have written to Gurudas is sentherewith in a carbon copy. As you willfind in that letter, I am prepared to give aletter of guarantee of the Bank of Americato the authorities of the mortuary buildingup to the extent of $15,000. So you mustoccupy that house at any rate. If George

APRIL, 1969 829Harrison's letter of guarantee is not sufficient,then I am also prepared to guaranteefor $15,000. Let them know that weare not paupers. If need be, you can showthe authorities my latest bank balance inBank of America. Enclosed is the latestnote, dated 21, April 1969. This can beincreased to $15,000 without any difficulty.So complete the transaction, andthe house may be occupied immediately.Please convey my blessings to the othersalso. Hope this meets you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. You can also let them know that I ampermanent resident of the U.S.A. immigrantas Ordained Minister of Religionwith fifteen branches all over the states.Also you can ask Brahmananda to send"T.L.C." which is now received and it isfar superior quality book than anyone isget-up all binding. ACB69-4-34Allston, Mass.28th April, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 23, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am arranging for the certificatesto be sent to both Hayagriva andyourself, and you should receive them beforelong. My travelling schedule for thenext few weeks will be as follows: I shallarrive in Columbus on flight 485, UnitedAirlines, at 10:47 on May 9, 1969 . Thenon the 15th of May I shall be going toNorth Carolina, and then on the 18th ofMay I shall proceed to New Vrindaban.I am pleased to learn of your niceKrishna Conscious activities in Columbus,and I shall be happy to see you theresoon. Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-35 Allston, Mass.29th April 1969First National City BankGrand Street BranchGrand Street and BoweryNew York, 13, NYAtt: ManagerDear Sir:Re: MY ACCOUNT #0420 160131Kindly transfer from my above mentionedaccount $3,500 to the B8.nk ofAmerica (Pico-La Cienega Branch, LosAngeles-Branch #308) for credit of mysavings account there #3082-80075, andsend me the advice of charge at the aboveaddress. Enclosed please find my changeof address notice. Thanking you in anticipation.Yours Truly,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.69-4-36Allston, Mass.29th April 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21 April, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Do not be worried thatthere is only yourself and Gajendra as fulltime members. You will get more doubtlessly.Dont be agitated. Go on workingsincerely and Krishna will surely helpyou. Both Gajendra and yourself are verysincere souls, and I give you both allblessings. So please continue to try to developnicely. If you have got a nice place

830 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>and a Samkirtan Party, then success is assured.That is already experimented inLos Angeles, You have already seen it,and try to organize a Samkirtan Party inthat way in Seattle also. Seattle is a verynice place, and everywhere the studentsare taking part in our movement more enthusiastically.While I was in Buffalo Iwas very much pleased with the studentcommunity there, and similarly I sawgood response in San Francisco. I have alreadyinvitation from Columbus andNorth Carolina, so our future hope is thisstudent community. The child is the fatherof the man, and if the fathers of the childrenin this country are not taking partwith us, the future fathers are surely sympathetic.That is a great hope for us.Regarding Back To Godhead, whenwe get copies from Japan, I have programto distribute several thousand copiesfreely. In the meantime, get the concessionalrate from the Post Office. Theyhave got such rates in Los Angeles andNew Yo rk, it is about 2 and a half or 3C percopy. so you may select some nice, importantnames; government men, leading industrialists,businessmen, and when youget the concessional rates you should distributeat least 100 coies from your centerfreely. The postage and copies will besupplied to you.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-37Allston, Mass.29th April, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter datedApril 25, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I have already sent Pradyumnathe schedule of my touring in thispart of the country. I did not know thatthere was so many important engagementsin Columbus because formerly I was informedonly that on the 12th there was animportant meeting. So as I am going onthe 9th, I shall be staying there for sixdays, till the 14th. On the 15th I will begoing to North Carolina. So if you thinkthat in Columbus there are many other engagements,then I may come back again toColumbus and stay there for as long as youlike, and then I shall go on to New Vrindaban.Best thing will be if you talk withBhurijana in North Carolina and arrangethings mutually. I don't think he will beable to change the present arrangementsbecause he has sent me one press cuttingin which it is advised that I shall speakthere on the 16th. Therefore, the bestthing may be to come back. So you maynot make any program for me on the 15th,16th and 17th . Then on the 18th we canmake more programs at Columbus.I am enclosing one letter to be handedover to the girl, Cynthia Daily, who isthere in Columbus with you. I hope thiswill meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami59-4-38 Allston, Mass.30th April, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated April 23,1969 and was very pleased to note thecontents . You are very anxious to have engagementin Krishna's service, so my immediatebest service for you is to helporganize the sales promotion of mybooks. I have already got five books; threevolumes of Srimad Bhagwatam, one volumeBhagavad Gita As It Is, and one volumeTeachings of Lord Chaitanya. Thisyear most probably we will have another

APRIL, 1969 831three books; namely Nectar of Devotion,and two further volumes of SrimadBhagwatam. So the future hope for expansionis selling of books and magazines.So if you can make some organizationalidea, you will please send it to meand I shall consider it.I am very glad that you are thinking ofmarrying. Why don't you marry oneKrishna Conscious girl? I think instead ofgoing to India, you should find out someKrishna Conscious girl , either fromAmerica or Canada. We have got so manynice girls in Krishna Consciousness, andshe will help you in your further advancement.You are already accustomed to theclimate in this part of the world, and youhave got a nice job. Therefore, I wouldrecommend you to get married here. LordRamachandra once said that wife can befound in every country. DESHE DESHEKALATRATRANI. DESHE DESHEmeans in every country, and KALATRA­TRANI means wives. So all the kshatriyasmarried in different countries. Ofcourse you are not expected to have manywives in different countries, but if youhave one wife in one country that does nothamper. But I recommend you to marryone Krishna Conscious girl form ourgroup. Then you will be happy.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-39Allston, Mass.30th April, 1969My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 21 , 1969 , and I have gone over thecontents very carefully. I am pleased tolearn that your mother is willing to pay foryour schooling expenses, and I think thatyou may take this opportunity of completingyour education. I have enclosed oneletter to Prabhavati, and you should seethis letter also. Regarding your request tosing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion,and you may do it. So far as thesongs that you have written, you may sendme a copy of them and I shall see them. InMontreal also they are writing songs inthe popular Western style of music and itis coming very nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-4-40Allston, Mass.30th April, 1969My Dear Ishandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 25, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am pleased that youare taking serious interest in helping usspread this sublime movement of LordChaitanya to the Western World, whichhas such urgent need of this knowledge.Regarding your idea of going to Londonbefore they obtain a temple, I do not thinkthis will be the best thing because alreadythey are scattered there, living separately,and they are inconvenienced. I have askedthem to occupy a building and assuredthem of guarantee of payment. If thebuilding is occupied, then by June I shallalso go there, and then you will be welcomethere. But without having a templethere I do not think it will be very muchbeneficial. Now you are helping the Montrealtemple, and that is nice.I am glad to learn of your policy of occupantsin your building. If that house candevelop into a students home, preachingour philosophy to the residents, it will be a

832 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidagreat service. Make it a point that at a certainperiod of time there should be lectureabout Krishna Consciousness and somekirtan. This time should be fixed up for allresidents. So if they take part in kirtan andhave opportunity to hear our philosophy,certainly they will take it up. Side by side,if our prasadam program is also introduced,that will also be great impetus.Regarding Bibhavati 's plan of naturalchildbirth, this is very good. Since yourwife is pregnant, let her be engaged withsome little work, That will help her naturalchildbirth . I have read your suggestionsfor improving Back To Godhead andthey are very good. You are acquaintedwith Rayarama, so please write your suggestionsto him. But I like these ideas youhave suggested.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Bibhavati , and I hope this willmeet the both of you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Your suggestion of sending me a reportof your daily activities is very nice,and you may do it.

MAY69-5- 1Allston, Mass.1st May, 1969My Dear Dayananda,Please accept my blessings. Just yesterdaymorning I was thinking of you that Idid not hear from Dayananda for so manydays, and immediately I got your nice letterdated April 25, 1969. You are such anice soul that you are always thinking ofKrishna and becoming more and more purifiedin Krishna Consciousness. Asstated in the Srimad Bhagwatam, FirstCanto, Second Chapter, Twenty-SeventhVerse, Krishna is sitting in everyone'sheart and He is purifying one who isKrishna Conscious. The symptoms of advancementin Krishna Consciousness isgradually feeling detached to materialisticway of life. Although you are young man,you have got your nice young wife andchild, and by Krishna's Grace, everythingis all right so far as your family is concerned,still you are feeling detached.That is very nice. But when your wife andchild all are cooperating in your KrishnaConsciousness, there is no hampering inyour progress. So keep yourself always inKrishna Consciousness with your familymembers, raise your children to that standard,and employ your energy for servingKrishna. Then, even though you are infamily life, you are as good as sannyasi.You have not mentioned when you arereturning to Los Angeles. The idea ofNew Dwarka in Los Angeles is developingthere, and Tarnal Krishna has alreadyinformed Mr. Leo Brown, the real estateman, to find out a bigger place than thepresent one. So when you return you try tocomplete it. I thank you very much foryour nice surrendering attitude by placingyourself at my disposal . Of course, I amusing you already in the service of theLord, and personally I cannot utilize yourservice. So whatever I demand from you,it is for Krishna's sake. Personally I amhumble servant of Krishna as you are also,but I am deputed to accept your servicejust to transfer it to Krishna as via media. Ishall try to do this service to you andKrishna throughout my life, and I am soproud to have such assistants as you are tohelp me in my mission to push on theKrishna Consciousness Movement. I donot know why I am attached to your country,but I strongly believe that if theAmerican boys and girls would acceptthis philosophy, it would render the greatestservice to the rest of the world. In LosAngeles, the situation is improving, andwhen you reach there it will be further accelerated.One boy whom I have initiated lastnight, named Chandanacharya, is enthusiasticto go to Florida for opening a centerthere. For the time being he has comefrom Montreal along with Hansadutta. Heproposes to begin a temple in Palm Beach.He is a very enthusiastic musician and appearsto be very nice boy.Regarding your questions, the swamiorder is certainly introduced by Shankaracharya,because almost all sannyasis ofimpersonal philosophy take this name,Swami. But the Swami title offered to meis equivalent to Goswami. Swami and Goswamiare actually the same, synonomous.Swami means the master, andmaster means the master of the senses.

834 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Goswami directly explains master ofsenses. Go means senses. So this name,Goswami, is not the Shankaracharya'sorder. So far as your second question,Thakur Bhaktivinode was not officialSpiritual Master of Gour Kishore dasBabaji Maharaj . Gour Kishore das BabajiMaharaj was already renounced order,Paramhansa, but Thakur Bhaktivinode,while He was even playing the part of ahouseholder, was treated by Gour Kishoredas Babaji Maharaj as Preceptor, on accountof His highly elevated spiritual understanding,and thus He was alwaystreating Him as His Spiritual Master. TheSpiritual Master is divided into two parts;namely, siksha guru and diksha guru. Soofficially Bhaktivinode Thakur was likesiksha guru of Gour Kishore das BabajiMaharaj .I shall be glad to receive your letters atleast once in a week. I hope this will findyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-2Allston, Mass.2nd May, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt ofyour letter dated April 28,1969, and I was very glad to note the contents. Regarding th IBM Composer, Ithink Krishna desires to have this machinebecause printing of our books in Japan isgradually fading due to the Japanese people'schanging their words. I understandfrom Brahmananda that negotiations weregoing on between $5,000 and $6,000, andnow they want to increase the price to$8,000. I do not therefore wish to dealwith them. We must find out some othersource for printing our books. But onething, if we can present our composedpages, why not print them in New York?Behind my apartment, 26 Second Avenue,there is one press, Glen Press. Sometimesthey printed our Prospectus. So whydon't you take quotation from them aboutprinting our books in 8 page sheets or asthey can suitably print on their machine.You can immediately go and see the press,and take price, saying that we shall givethe composed pages and select the paperalso and provide it. What will be theircharges for printing four pages or eightpages on one side? That means eightpages a form or sixteen pages a form.Then we can get it printed there and doour own folding and binding. So immediatelytake quotation for this, either fromGlen Press or any other press. Then theproblem of printing will be solved. If wecan get the printing done in New York it isthe best. In the meantime, you negotiatefor the IBM Composer suitable for all ofour purposes, books and magazines, and Ishall ask Brahmananda to pay $600.00when the negotiation is complete.Regarding the boy, Birbhadra, I amglad to learn that you are taking propercare. The boy is very intelligent, but youshould not only be kind upon him, that isunderstood because we should always bekind, but at the same time you should bevery strict on disciplinary method. I haveseen your notes of the meeting held inBuffalo, and surely they will be useful. Iam pleased that you are working on Nectarof Devotion, and pleased try to have itready as planned.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-3 Allston, Mass.3rd May, 1969My Dear Hayagriva and Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for sending me the poster

MAY, 1969 835with pictures of Mr. Ginsberg and myself.It is very nicely done. Now on that I shalllead the kirtan. I shall first of all chant,and our devotees should respond as usual.And with the devotees Mr. Ginsberg willalso be amongst our devotees, and thepublic will be requested to follow this response.In this way there shall be kirtanperformance for at least half an hour. Forour men I want four mridungas and twelvekartals or cymbals. If Kirtanananda canplay the harmonium melodiously alongwith the chanting, it will be nice. If somebodycan play the tamboura, that will bestill more nice. But they should be rhythmicallyplayed. So I do not know howmany devotees are there or how many mridungasare there, but we will require fourmridungas. If this is deficient now in menor mridungas, then you should arrange forthat by calling New York men and Buffalomen. Recently I have made one record inLos Angeles, so in trying to train our menin that rhythm is not difficult. Just arrangefor sixteen men; four mridungas, harmonium,tamboura, and the rest playing kartals.If we can perform kirtan followingthe recently made recording, it will bemarvelous. The summary is that youshould make the above preparations forwhen the advertised meeting is held.I will be reaching there in Columbuson United Airlines at 10:47, so in the eveningifthere is an engagement, we can accept.I will not be tired. On the 9th, lOth,1 1th, if you want you can make some programs.On the 12th it is already scheduled,and similarly, on the 13th and 14thyou may make arrangements. On themorning of the 15th I shall be going toNorth Carolina.On the engagement with Mr. Ginsberg,after the first kirtan with me leading,then Mr. Ginsberg may speaksomething about the Samkirtan Movement.You can also speak about it, andthen I shall give the concluding speech, orif someone else wishes to speak you canarrange for this. After the speaking therewill be kirtan in the same way. But if youso desire, Mr. Ginsberg can lead this lastprogram and all the others shall respond. Ithink this will be nice program.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-4Allston, Mass.4th May, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter dated "Friday," and Ihave noted the contents carefully. Regardingyour idea of supporting the temple bySamkirtan collections, it is nice. In LosAngeles, New York, and other centersthey are chanting on the streets every dayand they are getting good remunerations,better than any job. New York once collected$500.00 in one weekend, and LosAngeles sometimes collects $250.00 inone day. Uddhava and Vaikunthanath arecollecting at least $20-$40.00 daily, so ifit is possible to collect it is very good.Simply we have to work and people willgive contribution for this good cause. It isbetter to get money by collections than towork.Regarding your desire to improve yoursinging voice, by singing you will becomean expert singer. Anything you practiceregularly you become expert in. There isevery chance of my going to London inJune, and certainly ifl go there I must alsogo to your place also. Very soon two Germansouls who were recently initiated,Mandali Bhadra and Brindabaneshvari,will be starting for Hamburg to give youall sorts of translations of Back To Godheadand other literatures.I am very much anxious to know about

836 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptidaJayagovinda. I have not heard anythingfrom him since about a month. Please letme know immediately whether he hasreached Hamburg by this time. Regardingyour need for a warm beverage to drinkwhile you are working, milk is the best.Take hot milk with little sugar, stir it verynicely, and drink it when it is warm sufficiently,tolerable by you, and with bubbleson the surface. That is the best hot beverageavailable in the world. You can alsoprepare some halewah. That is also verynice for a cold country. Add to it some raisins,almonds, etc .I hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Please convey my blessings to theothers there with you.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-5 Allston, Mass.5th May, 1969My Dear Shivananda Prabhu,Please accept my greetings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated23 April, 1969, addressed to the NewYork temple and redirected here. I am somuch obliged to you for picking up the"Jugantar" publication of your activitiesin London. I understand that you are sendingan annual subscription fee for Back ToGodhead, but it is $5.00 per year. It is Rs7.5 exchange for one dollar, so I do notknow how you have calculated. Achyutananda'saddress is c/o Chaitanya SaraswatMath, Kolerganj , P. O. Nabadwip, Dist.,Nadia, West Bengal . Regarding yourquestions about my books, we are presentlyselling six volumes; namely SrimadBhagwatam (three volumes), BhagavadGita As It Is , Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and Easy Journey To Other Planets.I am very much thankful for yourpromise to help me in my missionary activities,and I shall be glad to know aboutyour press, whether you can print firstclass books in art paper and linotype composition.If so, we can give you so muchwork. We have got many books to beprinted yet. If it is cheaper than in Japan,we can immediately give you some business.From Calcutta we may purchasemany articles for being dispatched to ourvarious centers. I do not know whetheryou can help us in that respect. We are importingmany mridungas and other musicalinstruments, Nabadwip kartals also,so please tell me if you can help us in thisrespect. You can make some profit in thisalso.I will be happy to be hearing againfrom you soon. I hope this meets you ingood health.Yours affectionately,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-6Allston, Mass.5th May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedApril 28th, 29th and 30th, 1969, alongwith the credit note of the Bank, #2880.Regarding the United States Customs, wehad been importing books from India, andI do not know what is wrong there if weimport books from Japan. So far as publicationis concerned, our Society has gotbranches all over the world. It is written inthe book "published by the InternationalSociety for Krishna Consciousness,branches throughout the world, HeadquartersUSA" . So if we have gotbranches in Japan and get our booksprinted there, what is wrong there? I thinkthis complaint has no meaning.Regarding Dai Nippon's change of

MAY, 1969 837policy, I know the Japanese people arevery cunning in the matter of business.They can produce things very cheaply andattract customers, but when the customeris in his grip, he does not behave verywell. Under the circumstances, I do notknow wheter it will be nice to select anotherJapanese printer. The best thing willbe if we get them printed in New York as Isuggested to Rayarama and also Uddhava .Uddhava and Vaikuntha are very muchhopeful for collecting for the book fund,and they have promised that at least$20.00 can be collected daily. Regardingthe musical instruments, I do not thinkthere need be any discount on them. So faras sending the book to Goursundar, youcan send him one copy of ChaitanyaCharitamrita, and explain to him that outof his $100.00 there is no balance, so hecan send the price of that book.Now immediately you have to sendsome papers to Shyamsundar in Londonas follows: the picture of Vaikunta Lokaon one side, and an advertisement of SrimadBhagwatam on the other side. Send afew copies of this cover as well as the pictureof the Prime Minister meeting mewith the Bhagwatam, the recent dustcover of Teachings of Lord Chaitanya andBhagavad Gita As It Is . Shyamsundar requiresto prove our bonafideness, andfrom here I am sending the copies of ourcertificate . He is expecting somethingbig, so let us hope for his success, althoughup till now we have been satisfiedsimply by promises. His address is as follows:11 Walham Park Road, LondonS. W. 12, England. As I have mentioned toUddhava , Murari may stay in New York tohelp Gargamuni at least till I go to NewVrindaban.Please convey my blessings to all othersthere. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,69-5-7Allston, Mass.6th May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 2,1969 on your new letter-heading, "lskconBooks." Regarding the MacMillan Company's printing Srimad Bhagwatam, wemay note herewith that the MacMillan'spublication of the Bhagavad Gita As It Isand our publication of Teachings of LordChaitanya is the difference betweenheaven and hell. If Macmillan Companycan invest their good money for publishingour Bhagwatam, they must take thestandard as we have presented. The firstcanto cannot abe reduced less than 200pages. In the Bhagavad Gita As It Is , wehave cut short the pages under the instructionof the Macmillan Company, withoutexplaining many important verses. We arepresenting a new philosophy to the worldagainst all foolish impersonalist, atheistic,agnostic and all other imperfectphilosophies. Therefore we must havesufficient chance for explaining the purportsof Srimad Bhagwatam. So if Macmillanagrees to these conditions, then wecan entrust the publication of the Bhagwatamin their hands. Such a bic company,world famous publishers, and we are givingthem the topmost transcendentalknowledge in the world. Why they shouldbecome miserly in the set-up and qualityof the book?Regarding Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, I am very glad to know that you arehopeful for great success. The stores demandof 40 % for at least 4 copies is allright. There are about 1 , 000 stores in newYo rk at least. So if they take 3 copies each,we immediately distribute 3,000 copies.Similarly in other big cities we can distributeat least 1,000 in each city. Thereare at least 25 important cities in your

838 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidacountry, so in each city, if we distribute atleast 1,000 copies, there is potency of distributing25,000 copies in your countryonly, and what to speak of other countries,like England or any other part of the worldwhere English is spoken. So it requiresonly organization; and now that we have aspecial "Iskcon Books" department simplyfor the promotion and publication ofour literatures, and you also have the helpof Nayana Bhiram and Bali Mardan, sothe future looks very hopeful . Now youshould definitely organize to distributeamongst the stores in the same conditionsyou have mentioned. Then our publicationdepartment will be a grand success. Iwould always prefer to distribute ourbooks ourselves and publish them ourselvesin our own press. That is my ambition,so you try to fulfill this desire ofmine. Achyutananda's address is as follows:c/o Chaitanya Saraswata Math, Kolerganj, P. O. Dist. Nadia, W. Bengal.Please negotiate with him that he may takecharge of supplying and purchasing ourgoods from India. If he takes charge ofpurchasing our goods from India andsends directly, then we shall be able tosave at least 50% of the cost they arecharging at United Shipping Corporation.I have already written to him for mridungaswhich are manufactured in Nabadwip,first quality, at the rate of $4.00each. Similarly, first quality kholes can bepurchased from there, utmost at the rateof __ each. Similarly, many othergoods, including murtis, etc . he can purchaseand book them regularly to our differentcenters. I have got news fromJayagovinda that he has already arrived inHamburg, and it is a great relief for me .Now Achyutananda is adamant to remainin India, so let him do something for oursociety. So far as starting a center in India,I am now thinking that that is not needed. Iam getting inspiration that I need notbother myself in opening a center in India,since I tried for it and have lost so muchmoney in the attempt. You know first of allI sent $100 to Achyutananda for Kanpurcenter; that is lost. I sent another $100 tothe Sevaiti of Radha-Damodar; that is alsolost. I sent for publication to Hitsaran$300, but out of that $100 is lost. ThenNippan Banerjea plundered Achyutanandaby two typewriters. So in everyway I see that I am losing there in spite ofhaving our own men, like Achyutananda,Jayagovinda, and others there. So I take itas warning from my Spiritual Master notto attempt in India, but rather to concentratemy energy in this part of the world.So let Achyutananda help us in the matterof purchasing and supplying goods fromIndia. From Hamburg, Jayagovinda haswritten to give hope that very soon he willpublish Back To Godhead in German language,so I am very much encouraged forhis assurance.My backache is almost cured by thistime. I don't feel any inconvenience. I amwalking as usual, and sometimes I am galloppingthe hills, defeating the young boysand girls. So don't be worried. I thank youvery much for your kindly taking care ofme always, especially when I was in Buffalo.The other day there was a question inclass, one Indian boy asked me whether Iam happy. So I answered him that in IndiaI left my five children, but here, althoughI came alone, Krishna has given me hundredsof nice children. So I told him to justcompare the practical happiness. So I amnot at all inconvenienced under the care ofmy children here.The Samkirtan Party must alwayswork regularly; that is our life and soul.You have given nice opportunity to Subaldas. He is very sober and honest devotee .You are going every afternoon for onehour and that is very nice. Four or fivemen in the temple for kirtans is sufficient.The temple is an ideal institution, andpeople should come to learn, because if

MAY, 1969 839they can make every house like our temples,then their lives will surely be successful.Regarding your proposal forcontacting a subsidiary publisher, we areprepared to pay the fee or the cost of theproduction if they can produce our booksof the same quality as Teachings of LordChaitanya , and at the same price. We[TEXT MISSING]69-5-8Allston, Mass.6th May, 1969My Dear Rebatinandan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 1, 1969, and I have signed the letterto the draft board as you have requested. Ifit will be of help to you , I shall also sendyou one certificate stating that you are mydisciple. I thank you very much for thenice sentiments you have expressed, andsurely this nice attitude will be a greatasset for your further advancement inperfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness.I hope this will meet you in good healthand cheerful mood .Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-9Allston, Mass.6th May, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings . Your letterdated May I, 1969, delivered by specialexpress mail is very much thoughtprovoking.Actually, if we get that churchin negotiation, it will be a great achievement.Mr. George Harrison is sometimescoming forward to help us and sometimeshe is not straightforward . But beause he ischanting Hare Krishna and he has somefaith in Krishna, a little repsect for me, Iam sure he will come forward to help ourmovement.The Rathayatra may be fixed up fromthe 20th July to the 27th July, seven dayscontinually. In the meantime, if you getthe church in contemplation, it will bevery, very nice. I am sending the paperswhich may help in this connection. Enclosedis a short history of my previouslife in continuation with the present life,and copies of certificates from differentinstitutions which have developed sincethe departure of my Spiritual Master. Weare all students of His Divine Grace SriSrimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati GoswamiMaharaj <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. I am recognizedas Ordained Minsiter of Religion inthe United States of America, and in thatstatus I am given permission of permanentresident, immigrant. So if these copies ofcertificates will help you to secure achurch, then our London Yatra will be agrand success.I am sending herewith also a roughplan of the proposed temple to be constructedby George Harrison. The plan isfor inside temple structure and courtyard.This is only one side of thc temple. Threeother sides may be surrounded by livingquarters.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Malati , and your nice child. Ihope this will meet you all in good healthand cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5- 10Allston, Mass.6th May, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your very nice letterdated May 2, 1969, and the attitudewhich you are now maintaining for renderingservice to Krishna will certainly

840 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidainduce Him to bestow you with all Hisblessings more and more. I am sendingherewith one program for the 18th of Maywhich may be called Noukabihar. Thesong in this connection is also given andyou may properly utilize it along with thetranslation. The next program on the 25thI shall send you in my next letter, and thatis known as Rairaya. I understand youwant every Sunday some program, and Ishall try to help you as far as possible.Your statement that the program therecould be to establish a large center fortraining preachers is very, very encouraging.I want my disciples to preach now.Here in Boston, sometimes I allow thestudents to speak, and it appears veryhopeful.As you are increasing your SamkirtanMovement to cover a great distance of 150mile-radius it is still more encouraging. Iam sure that because you are in seriousand sincere attitude of service to Krishna,He is giving you all good counsel to propagatethese transcendental activities. I amalso so glad to know that the recent plan ofobserving various kinds of festivals isdrawing wonderful results. I wish I wouldhave been present there to see things sonicely going on. Your idea that when I amin Los Angeles I shall simply lecture onSundays, and on the weekdays the boyswill lecture so I shall be free to go on withmy translating work is very stimulating. Iam also glad to learn that you are going toSan Francisco to adjust things there. Bythe 12th instant, when you are there youshould help arrange for the RathayatraFestival . This is to take place some timeafter the 15th of July, and you can fix upthe days from the 20th of July to the 27thof July.There is every possibility of me observingthe Rathayatra Festival in London,because I received one letter fromShyamsundar, and they are seriously attemptingfor this occasion, and they arethinking of inviting me during that period.Shyamsundar wants to give me a grand reception,and he is trying his best fo r thislevel . But if I am not invited there, thensurely I shall return to Los Angeles by themiddle of June or earlier. The collegecourses and university courses should bevery carefully taken because there is very,very great hope from those quarters. InBuffalo I have seen Rupanuga has donewonderfully, and some of the sudents arealready attracted to this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Similarly, Pradyumnais also doing in Columbus, and Ishall see personally when I go there on the9th of May.So we have to train preachers, and theywill go to the students in public institutionsto educate them in Krishna Consciousness.So if our men simply studyour books and magazines, and assimilatethem nicely and clarify as soon as there issome doubt, then surely we shall drive outall these so-called yogis and propagandistswho are simply cheating the innocentpeople to solve their pecuniaryproblems. Regarding the Radha-KrishnaMurtis, they may be kept for the time being,and when I go there I shall take care ofthem. Regarding my backache, the 10%balance appears to be out of my body, butafter all, the material body can be infectedat any time, so we should not bother verymuch about it. We must simply go on withour activities in Krishna Consciousness.Please convey my blessings to the othersthere with you . I hope this will meetyou in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: When you go to San Francisco on the12th you may bring the 10" Deities withyou. When Jivananda goes to Hawaii heshould bring these 10" Deities with him.The 12" Deities will be for Los Angeles.NB: I have just received one letter fromUpendra, and he is thinking of obtaining a

MAY, 1969 841nice church in Seattle. As he may be needing$500 very soon for down payment,your Los Angeles temple may help by loanof whatever money he will require in thisconnection. ACBP. S. The new big place which you aresearching may be sufficiently big so thatwe can start our Press also. ACB69-5-1 1Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I am somuch glad to learn that you have arrived inHamburg. Your letter of 26 April, 1969gives me a great relief. I was very, verymuch anxious while you were in India.For the time being, I have given up theidea of opening a center in India becauseby so attempting, I have simply lostmoney in so many ways. Now you havecome to our own place and you will enjoythe company of the guru and sincere devoteeswho have dedicated their life forpushing on the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, and I am sure you will feelhappy in their company. Please try to publishBack To Godhead as soon as possible,and very soon Mandali Bhadra and hiswife, Brindabaneshvari will join you . Allof you combined together will be happypropagating our literatures, magazines,books in German language with concentratedattention. Krishna das, Shivananda,yourself and the new devoteeswill be a happy combination, so please doyour best.Regarding your future status in Germany,Krishna will save you ; don't botheryourself about it. For the time being, engageyourself in His service, and I think itis the desire of Krishna that you live inGermany and be engaged in His service. Iunderstand from Krishna Das's letter thatthere is great possibility of pushing ourmovement in Germany, so it is a great advantagefo r you to be there. I understandthat you had some difficulty in reachingHamburg, travelling for two weeks, butdo not mind this trouble, because you underwentit fo r Krishna's sake. I was on thesea for one month and ten days continually,and that was a horrible account.Perhaps you have read it in my diarywhich you collected in Vrindaban. So letus forget our past difficulties and inKrishna Consciousness, if anyone facesdifficulties, it is considered as blessings,because without tapasya, or voluntarilyaccepting some inconveniences, nobodycan realize the Transcendence . So whenwe are put into difficulties while dischargingKrishna Conscious duties, it is to beunderstood that Krishna puts us in a fieldof austerities and penances which help usmaking progress towards realization ofour goal of life.Here in the USA, especially in LosAngeles, San Francisco, and New Yo rk,they are taking out Samkirtan Party in thestreets and getting very good results. Thestudent community in the above cities aregradually realizing our activites as verygood . Ye sterday evening we had verygood meeting in Harvard University, andmany students and professors attended.There were nice discussions and they areconvinced that our activities are genuineand for the real welfare of the human society.And actually it is so. We are not adulteratingthe transcendental message withany mundane rubbish. If we stick to theprinciples of Lord Krishna, Lord Chaitanyaand the Goswamis, then surely theywill appreciate. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

842 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptlda69-5- 12Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 4 May,1969, and I have noted the contents withmuch encouragement. Regarding thechurch, I think you should try for it by allmeans, and if need be I shall see that thefunds which you need will be loanedto you . I have already informed TarnalKrishna that the Los Angeles temple maybe called upon to give this loan. So try forit, because such a nice church will be atremendous boon to our Seattle propagandaactivities.Regarding your question about the differencebetween mind and soul , the mindis one of the senses, and the soul is theowner of the senses, including the mind.The mind is material, just like the materialbody, but when the material coveringsare taken away, as we revive our spiritualbody, similarly we revive our spiritualmind also. At the present moment, mymaterial mind, intelligence and ego is carryingme in different types of bodies, becausemind has different desires, and itcarries the soul just like finer air carriesthe flavor of the flower or some othersmell . So the mind is an instrument, andthe soul is the worker of the instrument.I hope this will meet you in good healthand cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-13Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28 April, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. You say that there is greatprospect for moving our Krishna Consciouspropaganda and activities in Germany.We are already experiencing inseveral cities in the USA that by performingSamkirtan on the streets, they are collecting$40-$50 minimum daily. Sometimesthey are going to $150, so now youare three, so one mridunga and two kartalswill be nice beginning for your GermanSamkirtan Party. I think if you go andchant in the park, you can sufficiently collectfor meeting your expenditures, andthe balance money you can engage forproducing Back To Godhead and otherGerman literature. Actually, if you canpull on with the center without having towork outside, it is the best. If it is not possible,then the question of working outsidearises. But if you can profitably start ajewelry shop and earn something, that isalso very nice and will help give us income.You will be glad to learn that your sister,Saradia, was married last night withVaikunthanath, and they appear to be verynice, happy couple. When I was in Montreal, your sister proposed personally thatshe wanted to marry Vaikunthanath oneyear ago. So according to her desire she isnow married.Regarding your question about keepingdaily income and expenditure records,I am enclosing a brief lesson in how to dothis. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiThere are two things in accounting; onething is I am receiving some amount, andthe other thing is I am paying someamount. The paying or receiving willcome under certain account. Whatever Ireceive is put under debter column. Debtermeans receiver, and the particular beginswith the word "to." Whatever I ampaying is entered into the creditor column.

MAY, 1969 843Creditor means payer. In this way, afterthe whole day 's transactions, you make atotal of the debter column and creditorcolumn, and if there is any balance, it isadjusted by the words "balance carriedforward." This balance is entered in thecreditor column. So we have to see thatthe amount in the debter column and theamount in the creditor column is equal .This is called a correct account. Next dayyou begin with 'To Balance B.F." Thatmeans whatever balance you had the daybefore you put in the debter column withparticulars To Balance B.F.. Then beginyour transactions as in the previous day.This is the system of keeping an accountin general . For the time being, keep youraccount in that way, and later on, as youinquire, I will let you know more abouthow to keep books.69-5-14Allston, Mass.8th May, 196969-5-15Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated April29, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. I think that you may delete thetwo clauses if you think it will be helpfulin having our society recognized in London.I understand that there is new hopenow for getting a nice temple there, so Iwill await the results with interest. I thinkthat there is no necessity for Ishandas andhis wife to go there now, because it willnot be very good if they have to live apartfrom the others.Please convey my blessings to yourvery good wife, Janaki, and, I hope thiswill meet the both of you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Tomorrow morning I am going toColumbus (Ohio)My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 6, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. I have advised Uddhava toinform you of what is decided regardingyour business, and you may invite Kartikeyato come there to help you, as I haveadvised Uddhava to inform you . But yourbusiness must cooperate with the otherdepartments, so that all departments cango on smoothly. Otherwise it is not a verygood situation.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S . I am going tomorrow to Columbus.69-5-16Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedApril 26, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. You have mentioned that youmay be interested in marriage, and if youthink that you should marry, there is noquestion of living as an artificial brahmachary.Regarding your wish to open a centerin the United States, first of all youhave to establish the center firmly in Germanyby leading the Samkirtan Party.Now Jayagovinda is there, he is a verynice and competent boy, and soon the Germancouple are coming, so when you areall assembled and the Back To Godhead iscoming regularly, then you can attempt

844 Letters fro m Srila Prabhupiidaanother center. Practically it is your creditthat you went to Gernmany and first beganour movement there. So now it is yourduty to help establish it more strongly.Most probably, if I go to London, I shallgo to your place also. So then I shall decideif you can go to Chicago or any otherplace in the USA. In the USA we have somany centers, and now we want to open atleast three or four centers in Germany andat least half a dozen centers in England.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-17Columbus, Ohio8th May, 1969My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your two letters, sent SpecialDelivery, dated May 5th and May 6th,1969. I was very much anxious for Kartikeyaafter receiving the first Jetter, so nowthat he is somewhat improved, try to protecthim. He is a very nice boy, but sometimeshe gets crazy. You should treat himas your younger brother and with kindness.In the meantime, if he wants to go tothe New York center, then he can go there,and Brahmananda can take care of him.Or if he wants to go to New Vrindaban, Iwill be going there soon, and he will beglad to remain with me as usual. But try tokeep him from getting upset. I do notknow why he becomes at intervals likethat. I can only pray that Krishna will savehim from this upsetting business.The proposal that you shall have a cartmoving in the Japanese Fair with Deities,kirtan and selling books is very, very niceproposal. If you can get sanction for it, itwill be a very nice thing. I thank you verymuch for your constant and sincere efforts,and surely Krishna will bless youmore and more for this. I have receivedone Jetter, sent along with beads of thegirl, Jill, and I will send them back to her,initiated upon by me , very soon.Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-18Columbus, Ohio12th May, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 6,I 969, and I have noted the contents. Ithink you should send United ShippingCorporation the price in advance of thesetar, and for the balance they can maketheir invoice. The balance may be depositedin the Hawaii bank, and ask theUnited Shipping Corporation to sendthe documents to the Hawaii bank; andthe invoice may be made in your namebecause you have got account there. Soyou may accept the proforma invoiceand send them back the copy. You advisethem to collect through the Hawaiibank, (branch #-wherever you havegot your account), and advise theUnited Shipping Corporation whereyour documents should be sent for collection.So please sign one proforma invoiceand send it with the branchnumber where they are to collect themoney from.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I have chanted upon the beads sent by

MAY, 1969 845Jill (Jayasri), and I will be sending themback to her very soon.P. S. Please let me know if Jadurany hasgone there and let me know how GovindaDasi is. ACBMy Dear Balabhadra,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your letter dated May6th, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. I can understand that you areworking very nicely and sincerely forhelping our movement in Hawaii, and thisis very encouraging to me . Please continuewith this attitude and surely Krishnawill provide you from within the intelligenceof how you can serve him in the bestway. Regarding your question about maintainingyour body nicely, I think that if youfollow our regulations of diet, sufficientsleeping, and keep to the prescribed rulesof cleanliness, two baths per day, * thenyou will be able to keep yourself in properhealth. Of course disease will always bethere at some time while there is this materialbody, but this we must tolerate andnot be very much agitated by. Actually, theVaishnava who knows that he is not thisbody, he does not therefore neglect hisbody, but he takes very nice care so that hemay utilize his body in the service ofKrishna. Just like a man may know that hels not his car, so he does not therefore neglecthis car, but he will take care of it so itwill be able to render service to him. Sowe must take sufficient care to provide ourbodies with its demands. but when diseaseor other necessary inconveniencesarrive. we do not become disturbed becausesuch troubles are simply temporarymanifestations.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*at least one69-5- 1 9Columbus, Ohio12th May, 196969-5-20Columbus, Ohio13th May, 1969My Dear Dayananda,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to have received your letter postdatedMay 8th, 1969, and I have noted thecontents carefully. There is a Bengaliproverb that it is not wise to pick up quarrelwith a crocodile while living in the jurisdictionof the water. Therefore we mayagree to the desire of Mr. Spellman tokeep peace with him so that in the future ifrequired we may increase the term oflease . But as we are increasing in volumeourselves, it is better to find out a suitableplace. We require nice compound aroundour temple. This will facilitate our work.So as soon as you find a suitable placethrough Mr. Leo Brown or any other Realtor,I shall return to Los Angeles. Forthe time being, I shall stay in New Vrindaban,and if I am not called for a Londonvisit, surely I will return to Los Angeles assoon as possible, the latest by the end ofJune . One thing is though, I am wonderingif in July it is very hot in Los Angeles.Please inform me on this point. I am enclosingthe papers you sent to me, and youcan hand them over to Mr. Spellman withoutany further delay.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Nandarani, and your nice littledaughter. I hope this will find you all ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

846 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-5-21 Columbus, Ohio13th May, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letters datedMay 6th, 1969 and May 9th, 1969, and Ihave noted the contents carefully. I thinkthat since you are willing to observe thefour principal rules of spiritual life, youmay be initiated by me as soon as you like.The other rules you should try to follow asfar as possible, but according to circumstancesthey may be adjusted if necessary.But the four rules must be maintained. Regardingyour idea of marrying one KrishnaConscious girl and then going to India, thatwill depend upon the desire of your wife. Icannot interfere with that. But generallythe wife is meant to follow wherever thehusband goes . Most likely your wife wouldagree with you-she will not disagree togo. Rather, some girls will be very muchencouraged to go to India with her husband.So you may consider on these pointsand inform me what you have decided.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-22 Columbus, Ohio13th May, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I thank youvery much for your letter dated May 9th,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.I am pleased to note that you aredoing nicely for giving the student communityto hear about our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Ye sterday, at the OhioState University we had a tremendousmeeting, and nearly two thousand studentwere dancing, clapping and chanting alongwith us. So it is clear that the student communityhas a nice potential for acceptingthis philosophy. I will not be going to NorthCarolina as I had planned, but I am sendingKirtananda Swami in my place becausethey have extended my program here inColumbus. So now I have to create moresannyasis to lecture on our philosophy, andI shall pick these sannyasis from thebrahmacharies who are firm in their decisionnot to marry.Your next festival will be as follows:RAIRAYA-On this day the Gopiesplayed by making Radharani a Queen, andShe is seated on a gorgeous throne, andKrishna is made as Her doorman of thepalace, so He is standing by the throneroomwith a sword. So this is one Pastimearranged by the Gopies, and there is nicefeasting, dancing and singing on accountof the coronation of Srimati Radharani.You have asked about my travellingschedule, and I shall see if London will inviteme , and if not, then I will return to LosAngeles at the utmost by the end of June.Please convey my blessings to all of theother devotees there with you in LosAngeles temple. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed is one letter received fromChidananda, which you may read and dothe needful.P. S. The Los Angeles consignment fromCalcutta is dispatched on 1Oth May 1969 .Take delivery of the documents fromBank of America by the 1Oth of June 1969or enquire. ACB69-5-23Columbus, Ohio13th May, 1969My Dear Jayasri Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of May 5th,1969, sent along with your beads , and I

MAY, 1969 847have duly chanted upon them and initiatedyou as my student. Your name, JayasriDasi, means victory, and if you will simplycontinue to develop your KrishnaConsciousness by following the rules andregulations, then surely your life will bevery victorious in defeating all contaminationsof the material world and in returningback to Home, back to Godheadin the Spiritual Kingdom. Our process isto faithfully follow the rules of no illicitsex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication,and no gambling. Also we should chant atleast 16 rounds each day, trying to avoidthe ten offenses. You have very nice associationwith your godbrothers and godsistersthere with you in Hawaii, and youshould help them to propagate our movementin that area. So consult with Goursundarand Govinda, and there will beample engagement for you in this connection.When any questions or difficultiesarise, you may consult with them there, orif you like, I am always at your service tohelp in any way that I can. So now youhave great opportunity to make perfectionof your life, and my request to you is to bevery serious always about this andKrishna will give you all facilities for advancement.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-24Columbus, Ohio14th May, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 12, 1969, delivered by Arundhutihere in Columbus. This evening Arundhutiwill be married to Pradyumna, andthey appear to be a very nice couple. Regardingyour questions about SamkirtanParty, I think you should try to alwayshave Samkirtan going on. All other thingsare subsidiary. This chanting is our lifeand soul, so we must arrange our programnow so that there will be as much chantingon the streets and at college engagementsas possible. On May 12th, we had a verysuccessful engagement at Ohio State University,and over one thousand boys andgirls were chanting and dancing alongwith us. So this policy should be continuedas far as possible.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. What about the Omega watch? I havesent you one tape. Have you received anycheck for the meetings? You paid me twochecks (75 & 25) but if there is any moreplease send. I want to purchase one compositor($3000.00 Down payment$600.00) ACB69-5-25Columbus, Ohio14th May, 1969My Dear Ananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated April29, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. As you have suggested, I havesent one letter to Annapurna, in care ofher father, and without writing my returnaddress. As of yet I have not received herreply. I am very pleased to note that thereare some nice boys and girls who are joiningyou at kirtan. Try to show them theimportance of our movement, and the bestway of doing this is by Samkirtan. Here inColumbus we had a very big meeting atthe Ohio State University and more thanone thousand students were chanting anddancing along with us. So there is verygood potential for spreading our movementamongst the college students, and if

848 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidawe simply present them with the opportunityof chanting with us, and then we lectureon Bhagavad Gita As It Is , thensurely many intelligent people will becomeattracted. So Samkirtan Party in thestreets and Samkirtan Party in school engagementsshould be our chief business.This will assure success in our propagandaactivities.Please convey my blessings to MandaliBhadra and to his good wife, Vrindabaneshvari,as well as to his nice little boy.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed is a few nice poems by SrilaBhaktivinode Thakur which you mayhand over to Mandali Bhadra for translationinto German and to be submitted forpublication in German Back To Godhead.69-5-26Columbus, Ohio14th May, 1969My Dear Indira,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your nice letter datedApril 5, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. The sincere sentiments youhave expressed are very nice, and surelyKrishna will be pleased to bless you becauseof your nice attitude for servingHim. I think that because you are unableto tend the Deities in the temple, that youand your sister, Ekayani, may serve thesmall Radha-Krishna Deities which youwill be receiving soon. Try to follow allthe rules and regulations of Deity worshipas are followed in the temple .Please convey my blessings to Ekayaniand all the others at the New Yo rk temple .I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-27Columbus, Ohio15th May, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 11, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents . Regarding your idea ofpressing a 10" record, if you can sellthese in ordinary stores, that 's all right,but don't depend simply on temple sales.Depending on temple sales is not businesslike.You must plan your work in abusinessman's way, so you cannot dependupon our centers for all sales. In the templethere are devotees, there are not businessmen,so you cannot depend on themfor doing business; neither can you expectadvise about business dealings from me. Ihave given you a department to managenicely, and ifthere is some profit, you maygive some for my book fund, but I cannotbe consulted for advise in how you shouldmanage the particulars of your business.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Krishna Devi, and to yourdaughter, Vishnuaratik. I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-28 Columbus, Ohio15th May, 1969My Dear Gargamuni, Please accept myblessings .I thank you very much for your letter ofMay II , 1969 , sent along with the checkfo r $250.00. You have written to say thatyou are still having problems in obtainingmanpower for your business, and the onlysolution I can think of is that you engageoutsiders to do this work. If you think youhave a scarcity of money, then I can returnthe check to you , and you can utilize it.As I have mentioned in my letter to

MAY, 1969 849Brahmananda, I do not know how I cansolve all of these deprtmental problems ifthey are all referred to me. It would be betterif the department heads could work outsuch things amongst themselves. TodayKirtanananda Swami has left for NorthCarolina to take my place in lecturingthere at two college engagements . This isvery satisfying to me, and I wish thatmany of my disciples may become expertpreachers so they may assist more andmore in the great preaching work that wehave to do for the benefit of mankind.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. Successful business means it will improvein volume. Suppose you require 50assistants then where we have got so muchmen. At that time we have to employ outsiders.Suppose we increase our sales ofbooks very nice then we have take help ofoutsiders for binding. We cannot expectthat all our men may become bookbinders. Our Krishna Consciousness programmemust be executed. ACB69-5-29Columbus, Ohio15th May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 9, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. The first thing is that youmust feel well . In whatever condition youshould feel well , because if you fall sick,everything will be topsy-turvy. And whatyou require to be in good health, you knowbetter than anyone else. That is your firstbusiness, and your second business is toorganize sales in the stores, because theorganization of sales in stores will determineour future publications. If we cannotorganize these sales, there is no use ofprinting books and stocking them in ourstore room. It would be better to hand itover to the Macmillan Company. If theywill print our books to the standard ofTeachings of Lord Chaitanya, we do notmind if they raise the price. That is theirbusiness.If all problems come to me, even personalproblems, then it becomes a heavytask for me. I received your letter, full ofproblems; Gargamuni's, full of problems;Rayarama's, full of problems, andsimilarly Iskcon Media's, full of problems.If everyone's problems are sent byme, then who will solve my problems? Ihave divided these departments to solveproblems, but if in the end they are all sentto me and I have to tackle, then just imaginewhat is my position. The best thingwould be to stop all activities and simplychant Hare Krishna. Regarding the Doubledaybook stores, we do not like to giveon consignment, but if some very bigstores will take our literature only in thatway, then we must make concession.I hope that by this time your health hasimproved .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. When you come to New Vrindaban,we shall talk in detail about our futurepreaching programme. That is our firstbusiness. Specially you and Rayrama whoare advanced disciples must now do thepreaching work. We are now increasingcenters & they must be maintained nowproperly. But our publication departmentmust be considered as the most importantdepartment for preaching work. ACB69-5-30Columbus, Ohio15th May, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

850 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>May 6, 1969, but in the letter-headingthere is no mention of London, so outsidersmay misunderstand where is Clapham.Regarding my going to London, I havenow finished my engagements on thisside, and I can go to London at any timeyou may call. But still I understand thereis no temple building settled up. Anyway,I am encouraged that somebody is tryingfor a church in cooperation with Mr.George Harrison. Formerly, Shyamsundaralso informed me of this fact as well asof the arrangements for the RathayatraFestival . I shall be glad to know in yournext letter how far you have made progressin this connection.Now as promised by your group, youhave to pay $750.00 for 5,000 copies ofBack To Godhead which will reach yousometime in the month of June. Please arrangefor it and send the money to NewYork, to Brahmananda, for clearing thebill. Regarding Mataji, she must havesome trouble because she has done somethingwhich is nescience. How could shemarry a young girl to Krishna? Is Krishnaso play thing that He can be handled insuch a way? This means she has no knowledgeof Krishna. She is simply a sentimentaldevotee. When a sentimentaldevotee takes the part of becoming representativeof Krishna, there is simplyhavoc. Srila Rupa Goswami therefore saidin his Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu that devotionto Krishna without reference toauthoritative scriptures is simply adisturbance. How Krishna could be marriedwith a young girl?I very much appreciate your securingthe letters from the Hindu centers in Londonin support of our activities. I am alsopleased to note that the BTG's are sellingnicely. Try to sell them more and more,along with sales of our other books, TLCand BG.Kindly offer my blessings to the otherdevotees with you in London. I hope thiswill meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Next week I am going to New Vrindaban.69-5-31Columbus, Ohio15th May, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May lOth,1969, and I have gone over the contentscarefully. Regarding the IBM Composer,please have the IBM Company send meone letter stating that $660.00 should betransferred to their account, such andsuch account number, on the completionof the negotiations. Then I shall advise mybank to transfer the money to the IBM'saccount upon completion of your talkswith them. Regarding your proposed programof editing, the Bhagwat First Cantois already edited, so when making finaltyping, you shall simply see it for proofreading.I do not think that you need taketoo much burden because you may fall illwith too much work. Now you are editingBack To Godhead, and when we get theComposer there will be so much proofreadingfor you . So I think this will be sufficientwork for you.Regarding Birbhadra, when I go toNew Vrindaban soon I shall see if thesituation is all right for him to go there .For the present, he need not go out, andyou should simply teach him history,geography and mathematics. His historylessons will take care of his reading andspelling instruction. So far as your questionabout how to think of Radha-Krishna,your present process of visualizing theDeities is nice. You have written for me topress the temples, namely London andSan Fransisco, to send their $750 for theprinting of Back To Godhead, but this

MAY, 1969 851project should be referred to Brahmanandabecause he is in charge of dealingwith Dai Nippon Company in this connection.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamihope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. When you come to New Vrindaban,please bring my tape-recorder (in whitebox) lying in my closet.69-5-33Columbus, Ohio17th May, 196969-5-32Columbus, Ohio17th May, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 14,1969, and I have received a similar letterfrom Brahmananda also that you are findingsome difficulty in keeping pace regularlywith the routine work. My advice toyou under the circumstances is that atleast for one hour you must all go to haveSamkirtan outside on the streets or in thepark. That is your life and soul, first business.The next business is completing thechanting of 16 rounds every day. The nextbusiness is your editing, and if you findextra time, then you can attend the templeceremonies. Otherwise you can stop theseactivities, but outdoor kirtan, your editingwork and chanting of 16 rounds must bedone. Outdoor kirtan must be done, evenat the cost of suspending all editorialwork. That is your first and foremost business.Temple worship is not so important.If need be, the whole temple can belocked, but the outdoor kirtan cannot bestopped.Regarding Birbhadra, Kirtanananda isnot here now, he is in North Carolina, butwhen he returns I shall talk with himabout taking our boys to New Vrindaban.Otherwise , they will be returned to theirmother in Los Angeles. Regarding the twobooks you mentioned, they are all right.My Dear Krishnadas,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch encouraged to receive your letter ofMay 12, 1969, along with the German articlespublished in two different paperswith pictures. It is very, very encouragingthat you are holding kirtans in publicplaces and some way or other people arebecoming interested. These outdoor kirtansshould be rigidly followed at least onehour daily. That will make our movementpopular there. We have good experiencehere in every city, especially Los Angeles,New Yo rk, Boston, and here in Columbus.This is making our movement verypopular more and more, so in any circumstances,you all go together outdoors forkirtan at least for one hour daily.I am very pleased also to note that thePeace Fo rmula will be printed very soon,and I am expecting it to come at any moment.I will be going to New Vrindaban inabout a week, so you may send it there.The address is as follows: New Vrindaban,RD 3, Moundsville, We st Virginia.You have written to say that the climate inGermany is very nice in July and August,so when Mandali Bhadra and Vrindabaneshvariarrive there, you call me and Ishall go there whether I am in London orthe USA. So far as getting engagements,don't expect any help from Sadananda becauseI understand he is practically ruinedby his health. So don't trouble him, and lethim take full rest.

852 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Please convey my blessings toShivananda and Jayagovinda. I hope thiswill meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. My dear Jayagovinda will you let meknow the list of goods that you have sent toCalcutta for dispatch by the United ShippingCorporation. ACB69-5-34Columbus, Ohio17th May, 1969My Dear Rishikumar,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 14, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. I can understand that you arevery interested in Samkirtan Party, so youmay be in charge of this activity in theNew York temple. Because Murari hasgone to Boston, I think Brahmananda willfeel very much if you also leave, so stay inNew York to help in the organizing ofNew York Samkirtan Party. If you havesome time, then help Gargamuni. Otherwise,if you do not like to do it, I do notpress you in this matter.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-35Columbus, Ohio17th May, 1969My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 13, 1969 , and I have carefully notedthe contents. I think that if there is achance for opening a center in Toronto,then Jagadisha and Kanupriya may gothere as soon as possible. You have writtenthat you would like Murari to go there,but he has already left for Boston, so if bymutual agreement you decide with Satsvarupafor him to go there, that is allright. Anyway, I have spoken to Satisutatoday, and he has agreed to go there to helpyou in Buffalo within a fortnight.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Ernestine, and your very niceboy, Mr. Eric . I hope this will meet all ofyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-36Columbus, Ohio20th May, 1969My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 19, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. I understand that Kartikeyahas left for San Fransisco, and there is nogrudge. I hope in the association of thedevotees there, he will feel jolly, and hismoroseness will be cleared off. So far asyou are concerned, I do not think livingalone in Honolulu will be very good. Ifthere is possibility of your living in thetemple along with the other devotees, thenlive there. Otherwise you may also return,either in Los Angeles or San Fransisco.You can work anywhere because you havegot abilities, and from anywhere you canstart for Tokyo. So for going to Tokyo it isnot very much necessary that you have toremain in Honolulu alone. I do not adviseany of my disciples to live alone; that isnot good . If Vamandev would have livedwith you, that would also have been better.So live in the temple, or with Vamandev,or else go to Los Angeles or San Fransisco.When the time is mature, Krishna

MAY, 1969 853will help you to go to Tokyo with someother devotees. We shall see later on.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A .C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-37My Dear Shivananda,New Vrindaban21st May, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 13and noted the contents very carefully andyour ideas are just in accordance with theidea of a preacher. Your proposition to establisha center and then hand it over to thepeople who come later on and then startanother center is the desire of LordChaitanya . So kindly do this. You havenow someway or other brought into somestatus the Hamburg center and as soon asit ts going on nicely, you can start anothercenter in any country of the Central Europe. As far as your decision to remain abrahmachary, it is very good, and if youfollow the rules and regulations and chantregularly and pray to Lord Balarama andChaitanya, surely He will give you thenecessary strength. And if you can continueas brahmachary then to avoid somuch botherations of worldly life. Thegreat sage Narada is a brahmachary andwith His Tamboura He is travelling allover the universes without any restrictionand chanting Hare Krishna mantra andcreatmg new devotees of the Lord. In theBhagavad Gita it is said that one who doesthis service namely go on preaching theglories of the Lord and creating all devoteesof the Lord that person is the mostconfidential and favorite of the Lord. I amso pleased to learn that Uttama is helpingto bring in persons in our temple. NowJaya Govinda is there and Mandali Bhadraand his wife are coming very soon in Germanyand so you are already four andwhen Mandali Bhadra comes you becomesix. Why six? Seven. Because he has got alittle boy. So your center Hamburg willvery soon become as large a center as LosAngeles. So far incorporating our centeris concerned, I think you should do it immediately.And if you want, you can take acopy of incorporation either from NewYork or from London and simply present acopy of our incorporation and get it registered. Police permission you must havebecause this outdoor Samkirtan is our lifeand soul and we are getting good responsefrom other centers. And surely in yourcenter also the same response will beavailable.Regarding your question of Paramatma:you are fortunate enough for yoursincere service, Krishna as ParamatmaWho is sitting within your heart is nowdictating. Krishna is so kind that He wantsto help us as Spiritual Master in two ways.He helps us from within as Chaitta Guruand He expands Himself externally asSiksha Guru (as instructor) and DikshaGuru (initiator). So the principle is thatwhatever you are instructed by the ChaittaGuru internally may be confirmed by theinstructor or initiator externally. Thenyour progress will be complete. Hope thiswill find you in good health. Thankingyou once more.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-38New Vrindaban22nd May, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda.Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 14 May,1969 and I am very much pleased to notethe contents. You are a sincere soul, andthat is the only means to get out of our ignoranceand poor planning. If we simply

854 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>become sincere to our Spiritual Masterand Krishna, then everything will automaticallycome to help us to proceedfurther and further in our KrishnaConsciousness. I think that when MandaliBhadra comes there, there will be nomore difficulty in the translation work. Asfar as possible though, you all should tryto learn a little German. One should learnthe local native language if one desires tolive there. For the present, even thoughsome people may think that our translationwork is terrible, there is nothing to lament.After all, German language is aforeign language for us, and our mainbusiness is to present our thoughts to theGerman people. If in a foreign country aman is met with some catastrophe such asfire, he has to take help from the neighborseven though he has no language to expresshimself. Some way or other he hasto inform his neighbors there is a fire inhis house so that they .:an help him. So ifthe foreigner cannot express himself invery good language, he is not at fault. Sothere is a blazing fire of maya, and wehave to inform the people, even if we mustuse broken language. That is no fault. Butby Krishna's Grace this problem will soonbe solved. Don't worry.Regarding my diary, you are rightwhen you say that you would not see mypersonal belongings, that is a nice attitude,but still I have nothing to close fromthe eyes of my disciples. I think that mydiary is now lying somewhere in NewYo rk, but that is not a very importantthing. Regarding Achyutananda, he isnow in Nabadwip in care of Sridhar Maharaj. I have written one letter to him, requestinghim to supply at least ten firstclass mridungas purchased from Nabadwipand sent to our diffe rent centers. Iam seeing our Sankirtan is being acceptedmore and more in the Western World, andthere is very good future fo r its spreadingby the help of my very sincere disciples.So we shall require a large number of mridungasand kartals primarily. Please askAchyutananda to serve our society at leastin this capacity because he is in India. RegardingUnited Shipping Corporation, Iunderstand that there was some death of asenior partner, so they were busy in ceremonies,but apparently they are also notvery prompt. If Achyutananda is seriousabout purchasing goods and dispatchingfrom Calcutta or Bombay, he may alsofind out some good shipping agents inthese places. If he would do some workfor our society, surely he would be happy.Regarding the electric typewriter, if youare going to purchase, you should purchasean IBM Composer. That would bevery nice for us, without paying it all atonce. So you may look into this. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-39New Vrindaban22nd May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your recommendation forinitiation of Michael Kaplan, and I haveduly chanted upon his beads. Please encouragehim in the matter of understandingKrishna Consciousness and avoidingthe ten kinds of offenses and following theregulative principles. I have written oneJetter Mssrs. Atma Ram and Sons in Delhiregarding selling our books, along withother proposals. He has written about thebooks as follows: "I contacted the localrepresentative of Macmillan & Co. regardingBhagavad Gita As It Is . They havenot heard anything about it and haveshowed complete ignorance. Moreover,in the catalogue which they possess, yourbook has not been mentioned. I am certainlyinterested in the sale of this book

MAY, 1969 855and would like to know your terms andconditions for the same." I do not knowwhy Macmillan Company has not mentionedabout our book in their Indian catalogue.Anyway, he is interested to sell ourbooks because it is written by me, so youdo the needful. Ask Mr. Wade why theirrepresentative is ignorant of this publication.This Atma Ram and Sons was sellingmy Srimad Bhagwatam at 40 % discount.So you should open correspondence withthem, giving reference to their letter#IKP, dated May 2, 1969, and signed byIsh Kumar Puri, Manager. Also sendthem one dust cover of TLC, and offerthem the same commission so that theymay, forward order to you, and you cansupply them. Also enquire from them ifthey are interested in being the sole sellingagency in India. In this case, they mustpurchase at least 500 books. If not, theycan help us by sending a list of leadingbook sellers in India who can help in sellingour books. Upon receipt of such list,you can open correspondence with thesebooksellers. Previous to this I wrote youthat when you come to bring my tape recorder,but I don't think there is necessitynow because here Hayagriva has got a taperecorder which can be used when I wish tomake copies.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-40My Dear Mukunda,New Vrindaban22nd May, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 9,1969, and in the meantime, I have also receivedletters from Yamuna, Gurudas, aswell as one letter from Mataji Shamadeviin Hindi. She has written that she wishesfor me to go there immediately. In yourletter you write to say that you can wait untilyou find a suitable place where all canbe accommodated. This means that youare not living in one place, and from yourletter it appears that you are scattered indifferent places.When Mataji Shamadevi came to seeme in Los Angeles she was very respectfulto me, every time she was touching myfeet and offering obeisances. She was alsovery serious of having my cooperation inspreading the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. I understand also that she hasgot some influence amongst the AfricanHindus, generally Guzratis. I understandthat she has already purchased a place inLeicester, although it is 125 miles awayfrom London. If I go there in London itmay be possible for me to take the managementof the temple because she is verymuch eager to have my cooperation. So Iam asking your opinion after consultingamongst yourselves whether I shall go asinvited by her. Suppose if I can induce herto give you all a place to remain together,and if you go from there to London, andthen back again, will this be too inconvenientfor you? Is there any suitable travellingfacilities from Leicester to London?On the whole, Mataji Shamadevi is readyto cooperate with me, and she has askedme to go to London. So if you think itwise, I can go on receipt of your reply ofthis letter. Wherever I go Devananda andPurushottam go also as my personal assistants. I do not know if you are preparedto send fare for three, but if my presencewill be nice there, send the money for atleast two , either send it yourself orthrough Mataji, and I shall immediatelystart.Here in your country all the branchesare doing very nicely, and this New Vrindabanis an ideal place for improvingKrishna Consciousness. We have gotenough land here to construct temples and

856 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaaccommodate for the devotees, so in thefuture we may develop this New Vrindabanvery nicely. There is surely an atmosphereof Vrindaban life actually, although manyof the devotees here are quite new and differentlycultured . I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-41 New Vrindaban22nd May, 1969My Dear Mohini Mohon,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 16, 1969, and I am glad that you areso willing to be engaged in Krishna Consciousness.I am very much obliged to youfor your appreciation of my humble servicesby bringing to your country thismovement. But actually it all dependsupon your cooperation. Because some ofthe intelligent boys and girls have takenthis philosophy seriously, therefore I amable to push it on and on. But it is a genuineprinciple of life on which everyone isstruggling, generally without proper direction.In the Bhagavad Gita you willfind Lord Krishna says that every man istrying to follow His path, but they are proportionatelyunderstanding the goal of lifeto the extent that they are making progresstowards perfection. It is also stated inBhagavad Gita that when a man comes tothe understanding of surrendering untoKrishna, he has come to his perfect destination.Brahmananda, Rayarama, as well asPurushottam have all spoken very highlyof you, and I am glad to send you the enclosedbeads, duly chanted upon by me .Your name is Mohini Mohan, whichmeans the Enchanter of the most beautiful.Srimati Radharani is the most beautiful,and She always enchants Krishna,but at the same time, Krishna is alwaysthe Enchanter of Radharani. This reciprocalattraction of Radharani andKrishna is the basic principal of LordChaitanya's philosophy. Please try to understandnicely through our books andmagazines. Follow the four principles ofregulation and avoid the ten offenses.Have Brahmananda explain these to you.By following these principles in KrishnaConsciousness surely you will be veryhappy.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-42New Vrindaban23rd May, 1969My Dear Ishandas,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to your good wife, Bibhavati. Iam very much pleased to receive yourdaily reports, and you are one of the beststudents who follows the regulative principlesrigidly for enhancing the devotionalservice. Rupa Goswami has recommendedthat for enhancing this spirit ofdevotional service one should be very enthusiastic,one should be patient, oneshould be firmly convinced, one shouldfollow the regulative principles rigidly,one's occupation should be very honestand straightforward, and one should keepcompany with devotees. Anyone who followsthese six principles of devotional lifeis sure to achieve success. Similarly thereare six principles which we should avoid.They are as follows: eating or accumulatingmoney more than necessary, wastingenergy for material gain, talking unnecessarily,following the regulative principlesfanatically without any sense, not followingthe regulative principles, and to becometoo much greedy and associate with

MAY, 1969 857persona non-grata . So as you are seriousin the matter of advancement in KrishnaConsciousness, you will remember theabove instructions given by Rupa Goswami,and you will feel more and moresecure in your endeavor. I am keepingyour daily reports, and they shall be agood example fo r the other students.I hope this will meet the both of you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Please ask Janardan to immediatelysend me the constitution notes which I hadgiven him to read in Boston.NB: Please also ask Baradraj to send meone completed Sankirtan picture and alsolet me know how many he has completedso far.69-5-43GAUDIYA MISSIONReg. Office:Sri Gaudiya MathP. 0. Baghbazar,Calcutta-3Att: SecretaryNew Vrindaban23rd May, 1969Dear Sir:Kindly accept my humble obeisances.I beg to enclose herewith a copy of a letterreceived from my Godbrother, Dr. ShyamSundardas Brahmachari, of your Mission.Taking the concluding portion of hisletter inviting me to cooperate with theGaudiya Mission in the matter of my activitiesof spreading the objective of Srila<strong>Prabhupada</strong> Bhaktisiddhanta SaraswatiGoswami Maharaj , I am prepared to cooperatewith the Gaudiya Mission in allrespects, but I do not know under whatcondition you wish to cooperate with me .But I am prepared to accept any conditionfor getting your cooperation in full. So Ishall be glad to know from you under whatcondition our cooperation is possible. ButI am prepared in every respect and I shallawait your reply with interest.So far as my starting a separate organizationknown as International Society forKrishna Consciousness, it was inevitablebecause none of our godbrothers are cooperatingwith one another. Every one ofus is conducting his own institution, andthere is difference of opinion even betweenGaudiya Mission and GaudiyaMath.So if it is now possible to combine ourselvestogether, I shall be the first man towelcome this good opportunity. But apartfrom others, if Gaudiya Mission is preparedto cooperate with me, I am preparedto accept this cooperation in any condition.Please therefore let me know yourterms of cooperation, and I shall be veryglad to consider it. It has been suggestedby Dr. Shyam Sundardas Brahmacharithat we cooperate at least in London, and Ishall be glad to know your terms of cooperation.Thanking you in anticipation for yourearly reply.Sincerely yours,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-44New Vrindaban23rd May, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 17, 1969, and I am so glad to learnthat your presence in San Fransisco hasnot only settled up the tension, but alsohas improved the conditions. Krishna isgradually giving you power to serve Himand more nicely, and thus you are one ofthe future strong pillars of the society.Your idea of training preachers in LosAngeles and my staying there is alreadyapproved . Most probably, if l do not go to

858 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Europe, I shall return there by the end ofJune. In the meantime I shall be glad toknow what is the position of your findingout a better place. I do not know whetheror not Kartikeya has arrived there yet inSan Fransisco, but it is understood that hehas left Hawaii.The Rathayatra Festival program assuggested by you to invite many new peopleis very encouraging. Please do it veryseriously, and make San Francisco a perfectNew Jaggannath Puri. I think it willnot be difficult because in San Franciscothere are many nice devotees such as Dindayal,Chidananda, Makhanlal, as well asnew devotees, such as Ojasvi and Devaprastha.The devotee more or less dependson his transcendental enthusiasm,patience and firm conviction. Thesethings will surely help him to reach perfection.Since I have come to New VrindabanI have not received any new letterfrom you, but your letter encourages me,so please send one weekly to me. Yourproposal to open a center in Laguna Beachis also very nice. You have to. open somany centers in the future, so I wish thatKrishna may give you a long life to dischargethis duty.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. How T. L.C. selling?I have just now received your most recentletter, and I thank you very much forit. The most important point is about thelawyer, and I think you may take advantageof his service if you think he will actuallygrant us the desired status in LosAngeles. I am very pleased with yourschemes for spreading Krishna Consciousnesson the West Coast, and I thinkyou should manage organization of ourpropaganda work on the West Coast. Iam sending by separate post a very excellentpicture which Murlidhar may paintand which may be used for the next Festival,Dadibhanda. Hope you are well.ACB69-5-45New Vrindaban23rd May, 1969My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May14, 1969, and I congratulate you and yourgood wife, Prabhavati, for your marriage.Live peacefully, husband and wife, andnow you will be happy in the managementof the temple. Both of you are initiated,and as it is necessary for you to work, yourwife may take care of the temple in yourabsence. I am glad that you have receivedsome money from your grandmother, andyou wish to send it to me for my bookfund. In the meantime, there is RathayatraFestival propagation, and Tarnal Krishnawishes that all branches on the WesternCoast may conjointly peform this ceremonyvery pompously. I do not know ifyou have got any news already, but if youhave, please cooperate fully to make theRathayatra Festival a grand success.I hope this will meet you andPrabhavati in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-46New Vrindaban23rd May, 1969My Dear Nandarani,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 8, 1969, and I have noted the contents.When I receive a letter either fromyou or from your husband, I become somuch encouraged. The most importantpoint in your letter is the activities of your

MAY, 1969 859nice daughter. I hope all the small babieswho are now being raised by our marriedcouples will one day do tremendously inthe matter of Krishna Consciousness. Inthe Srimad Bhagwatam it is advised thatnobody should become a father or motherif he or she is not capable to raise childrento the perfectional stage of stopping repeatedbirths and death. This process ofbirth and death can only be stopped byawakening Krishna Consciousness. Asyou have read in the Bhagavad Gita , simplyby understanding how Krishna appearsand performs His transcendentalactivities, one can immediately becomeeligible to enter into Krishna's Abode.And one who enters this Abode ofKrishna never comes back again to sufferall sorts of material miseries. That is thesanguine process to stop repeated birthand death of the living entity. Simply byawakening the dormant love for Krishna,Who is known as Vasudeva, one can stopthe material contamination of accepting amaterial body.New Vrindaban is a very nice spot. Wehave to develop it in so many ways, and itwill take time. For the time being there isno regular school because there is no sufficientaccomodations for living, but soonit will be done when our children can betaken care of properly. I hope that by thetime your Chandra mukhi grows such arrangementswill be completed. Regardingmy residence, I have already decided thatLos Angeles will be suitable, at least foreight months of the year, I do not knowhow the heat is during June and Julythough. I have enquired about this fromDayananda also. Regarding my health, Iam keeping well, but after all, this body isold enough, although personally I do notfeel olci. I feel exactly like your little child,and I am taken care of by my so many fathersand mothers like you . So I have noanxiety. Somebody asked me whether Iam happy, so I replied that I left my homeconsisting of five children, where I feltnot very much comfortable, but Krishnahas given me many obedient and lovingchildren, even though I am in a foreigncountry. That is my happiness. Actually,real love can be perceived only on theplatform of Krishna Consciousness wherethere is no possibility of thinking oneselfin the bodily concept of life. So let us tryto introduce this nice consciousness in thehuman society.69-5-47 New Vrindaban25th May, 1969My Dear Vrindabaneshvari,Please accept my blessings, and offerthe same to your nice boy. I am in due receiptof your letter dated May 14, 1969,and I have noted the contents with care. Iunderstand from your letter that our reveredGodbrother, Srimad Sadanandaji,is again sick and going to be shifted tosome other place for medical treatment.He is very sickly from the very beginningsince I saw him sometime in the year of1934. The best thing is that he may not bedisturbed by correpondence. Let himpeacefully pass his days in Krishna Consciousness.Regarding his suggestion thathe is not sure if my activities in Europewill be successful as in the USA, you havewritten to say that Europe is "quite a differentplace from USA-mostly in that thepeople are more approached through theintellect than thru the will. They are morecareful, more critical, more "sophisticated."I quite agree with you that Europeis different from America, but when Icame from India and first landed in Boston,I was thinking like that, that I havecome to a different country from India,and how will they accept this philosophyof Krishna Consciousness in the same wayas Indians accept it? Actually there isgreat difference between India and

860 Letters from Srila PrabhupiidaAmerica, especially in the matter of livingstandards, social customs and cultural atmosphere.When I landed in Boston, Iwrote one Bengali poetry to Krishna that Ido not know why You have brought me tosuch a distant place where everything isopposite number, and how will I be able toconvince them about this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement? But by the Graceof Krishna there was no difficulty. Assoon as I started my first center in NewYork, two or three young men were attending,and gradually they took interest,and now we have got sixteen branches,practically managed by my disciples. So ifthe USA, which is completely differentfrom India, can accept this philosophy, Ido not find any reason why Europe, whichmay be completely different from theUSA, will not accept.Actually, in our London branch, alreadyabout six young English men havejoined seriously, and although they are notofficially initiated, they are exactly followingmy other initiated, American discipleswho are now working there. So Idon't think there is any cause of apprehensionas suggested by Sadanandaji. Besidesthat, in Hamburg the boys who are workinghave reported that German boys andgirls are coming to join Sankirtan, andthey are getting at least fifteen or twentyguests every Sunday for their feasts. So Idon't think there is any cause of discouragementbecause we are working on a differentplatform.Recently when I was in Columbusthere was a big meeting, and more thanone thousand students attended. Poet AllanGinsberg was there with me for chanting,and all the students were responsiveimmediately. Therefore I advise you thatwe are working on a different platform.We are working neither on the sensualplatform, nor on the mental platform, noron the intellectual platform. We are workingcompletely on the spiritual platform.The concept of European, American, orIndian is based on the bodily platform. Solong one is under the impression that he isthis body, he cannot make much progressin this movement. Lord Chaitanya saysthat factually all living entities are the servantsof Krishna. This servitorship cannotbe rendered from the material platform,because Krishna is not matter. He is Sat­Chit-Ananda Vigraha. Anyone trying toserve Krishna from the material platformof body, mind and intelligence cannot appreciatethis fact. One has to become freefrom the contamination of matter, representedin gross and subtle forms as body,mind, intelligence and ego. Until then,one is not a pure devotee. In the NaradaPancharatra it is clearly stated that onehas to become free from all material designations.So long as one is under thecover of material designations, he cannotserve Krishna. Therefore, we have to transcendthis position by cleansing our heartsfrom such rubbish concept of life that I amAmerican, I am European, I am Indian, Iam this or that. Anyone keeping himselfunder such impression, but at the sametime trying to get into Krishna Consciousnessis called neophyte devotee, or prakrita.Lord Chaitanya has given us a verynice method of chanting Hare Krishna,and if we execute this without any offense,we can transcend this prakrita platformand come to the spiritual platform of servingKrishna. And unless we serve Krishnathere is no possibility of getting HisGrace, and without His Grace it is notpossible to preach Krishna Consciousness.Therefore, we should more dependto receive His Grace then to depend onmental or intellectual activities.So don't be discouraged . If you followthe principles of Krishna Consciousness,your activities may be accepted anywhere.It doesn't matter whether it is inEurope or America because it is all transcendental.You may just continue your at-

MAY, 1969 861titude to serve Radharani and you can beon the spiritual platform, without any beingdeterred by material impediments. Inthe Srimad Bhagwatam, First Canto,you '11 find that the first class occupationalduty is to develop love of God without anymotive or impediment. When we shall beable to execute our business of Love ofGodhead, unimpaired, at that time weshall be freed from all sophistication.Regarding your question about theother mantras you have been given, I thinkyou should simply chant Hare Krishnaregularly and follow the regulative principles.You must complete sixteen rounds atleast. Follow the restrictive principles andavoid the ten kinds of offenses. Then everythingwill be clear gradually. I hopethis will meet you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-48New Vrindaban25th May, 1969My Dear Ananda,Please accept my blessings. I havelearned from Mandali Bhadra and Vrindabaneshvarithat you have been disturbedin your center by some rascal boys, andnow you are living with Mandali Bhadra.So what is your program? Would you liketo close the Vancouver center, or are youfinding out some better place? I have receivedone letter from Rupanuga in Buffalothat two boys are going to Toronto toopen a center there. Would you like to gothere for the time being, or will you try foranother place to keep yourself in Vancouver?At present I am living in New Vrindaban.It is a very nice place, but there is nofacility of modern amenities. It is completelyaloof from city life, and we have toadopt so many things. In comparison tocity life it is very inconvenient. But stillthe atmosphere here is very pleasant. Asof yet I have still received no answer fromAnnapurna.I am awaiting your reply to the abovepoints. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-49 New Vrindaban25th May, 1969My Dear Mandali Bhadra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 14, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Now I am staying in NewV rindaban and it is a very nice spot for developingour community project. There issufficient land for building great templesand houses for devotees. There is pasturingland, and sufficient grass and vegetablesfor the grazing of cows. I am glad tolearn that you have already translated theforeward of Bhagavad Gita , and you havealready sent it to Hamburg. The boysthere are working very hard, and recentlythey have sent me some newspaper cuttingsdescribing about their Sankirtan activities.They are expecting your arrivalthere at any moment. Jayagovinda has gotsome experience of layout work, andwhen you go there you should do it jointly.Until then there is no need of correspondingwith him about layout, and thus delaymatters. I have already informed themthat when you are there you will be thechief editor, and your name should bementioned as editor of the paper. The boysthere are very submissive, and I am surewhen you go there everything will be donein nice cooperation.I am writing to Ananda also, and youmay kindly hand over to him the letter enclosedherewith. Ananda has good experience,and you also have seen how weworship the Deities in the temple and offer

862 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidaprasadam, so you may kindly follow in thesame way. But in everything we do devotionand sincerity are the real things.There is a word in Sanskrit; bhava grahijanardan: This means the Lord acceptsservice in devotional emotion. If we aresincere in offering something to the Lordin devotional love, He will accept it. Theprocedure may not be very right, but thedesire being sincere, He accepts our offering.This is also confirmed in the BhagavadGita that He accepts foodstuffsfrom devotees because they are offered toHim in complete love and affection. Thatis required.I thank you once more for your letter,and I hope this will find you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-50New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I am verypleased to read your letter dated May 21,1969. Your anxiety for my health may notbe increased, because I am keeping quitefit nowadays. There was a little backachein Boston for two or three days, but now Iam walking in this hilly tract up and down.So don't be anxious. There about 16 centersnow, so we have to take care of at least16 centers daily. Otherwise, how thesebranches can be conducted? But graduallyI am trying to divide the r

MAY, 1969 86369-5-51New Vrindaban26th May, 196969-5-52New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Uddhava,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May14, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. You have asked about where youwill get the money for bookbinding equipment,and I think you may take it from themoney you are saving. In Boston you toldme the cost will be around $3,300, butwhy is it now $4,000? Anyway, the printingmust be done first class, and with firstclass paper. Never mind it is $4,000. Theimportant thing is it is done very nicely.The example will be our TLC. For composingI think Rayarama has not given youthe right time. It must be ready within oneand a half months after the machine isthere. By rough calculadon, one can composeat least 10 pages per day, so for 400pages it takes utmost 40-45 days. Anyway,I shall very soon give you the composedpages, so you may become serious forprinting work. And you shall be in chargeof these printing matters.So far as binding is concerned, if wehave to make the binding work outside,then we will have to pay more charges, soyou can take quotation what will be thecost of binding 10, 000 books exactly onthe same pattern as TLC. If you think insteadof binding yourself you may earn themoney for it being done outside, that isalso nice proposal .Regarding your marriage, if Leelasukais ready, then any day you can come herewith her, and I shall perform the functionimmediately. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your Jetter dated 14May, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. Also I have received yourcheck, and I am so pleased that you are soregular in sending it. Regarding your decisionto wait until you are more able tohandle it before purchasing the church,that is good idea. Try to cooperate withTarnal Krishna as far as possible in preparingfor the Rathayatra Festival. Tarnalis now managing all the Western Coastcenters, so please help him to make theFestival a grand success. But I think thatfor at least two or three days you mustcome to San Fransisco for Rathayatra.You are one of our old members, so whenyou come for a few days someone elsemay stay there to run the temple in yourabsence. I am very pleased to note thatyou are holding kirtan programs regularly,and your propaganda efforts are goingnicely. Try to propagate Sankirtan asmuch as possible. This should be our lifeand sou: . In Ohio we held two big meetings,and each one was very satisfactory.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69 -5-53New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 22, and I have carefully noted thecontents. Regarding the church building,from Mr. Worley's letter I can understandthat the tone is acceptance, not rejection.

864 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Now as I have told you before, if out of the$30,000 you can collect at least $10,000from the local devotees, then the balance$20,000 can be arranged from the bank.That is my responsibility, and I shall do it.Now it is up to you to collect $10,000. Soupon hearing from you whether or not youare able to collect $10,000. So upon hearingfrom you whether or not you are ableto collect the money in connection withMr. Brahma, Mr. Ghosh and other Indiangentlemen, then we can negotiate furtherin this matter. Mr. Worley has said that theassessed value is 45 % of the value andhe has advanced the argument that forFranklyn County tax purposes, the valuewas assessed as around $59,000. But inour case there is no question of tax. Sowithout tax the assessment of the city authoritiesis correct. Anyway, I shall talkwith them seriously if you give me assuranceyou can arrange for the $10,000. Forthe balance I shall arrange; rest assured.In the meantime, you must have themachine and begin immediately composing.If credit reference is required, Hayagrivawill give. I have already talked withhim about this. So do it immediately. Iwant the Bhagavatams should be entrustedto you four; Hayagriva and hiswife, and you and your wife. If need be weshall purchase two machines, but thework must go on without delay. So pleasedo the needful immediately and let meknow of your progress.Plese convey my blessings to the otherdevotees there. I hope this will meet youall in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-54New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May9, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding your question aboutkirtan, practically we are not concernedwith the instruments . They are usedsometimes to make it sweeter, but if we divertour attention for using the instrumentsmore, that is not good. Generallykirtan is performed with mridunga andkartals, but if somebody is expert instrumentplayer, he can be admitted to joinSankirtan. We can accept everything forKrishna's service, but not taking the riskof diverting attention to any other thingwhich will hinder our Krishna Consciousness.That should be our motto, or principle.Regarding your question about yoursleep, you should sleep after noon prasadam,and when you are tired. You maytake whatever foodstuffs you can digesteasily. I do not think coconut will be easyfor you to digest, but green vegetables youcan take. So far as your missing Satsvarupa,it is natural to be attached to husband.But Satsvarupa is engaged inKrishna's service, and you are also engagedin Krishna's service. So both of youshould feel happiness in Krishna's servicealways. When you get well, you can immediatelyjoin your husband.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-55New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated May16, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding the Gaudiya Missionletter of Dr. Shyam Sundar Brahmachari, Ihave replied asking them the terms of cooperationwhich he has mentioned. Let us see

MAY, 1969 865their terms, although it is a hopeless business.Still, as you know, I never becomehopeless in any case. So I am negotiatingwith them to see how we can cooperate.Regarding your request for a kinanmusician, we dont require anyone who isvery musically talented. Here in Newv rindaban Hayagriva has organized verynice kirtan party, and they are singing andchanting thrice daily very, very nicely. SoI think you are the best mridunga player,and similarly you have Rishi Kumar,Madhusudan, Uddhava, as well as others,so if you think all of you are deficient, Ican send you a tape recording teachingplaying techniques, and you will Jearnfrom this. You have got another devotee,Mohini Mohon, Purushottam's friend,and Purushottam says he is a musical master,so utilize the talent you have got andsurely your propaganda will be successfuland more men will come. It is in the sameway that I came here with only one pair ofcymbals, and now there are hundreds ofcymbals going on. So Krishna will send usmen; gradually as we qualify ourselveseverything will come.Regarding San Fransisco payment ofBTG dues, whatever they can send now isall right. The balance will be sent by Dindayal,so they must fulfill their quota.Then when they get the magazines everythingwill be adjusted. Mukunda also willpay. Dont be discouraged, go on with yourwork. After all, Krishna will pay. I haveseen the letter from Professor Hopkins,and you can tell him that I have acceptedhis offer, provided no body shall smokebefore me, specially when I take the class.Please convey my blessings to theother devotees. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. When you come please bring my Indianl.ota made of brass.69-5-56New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter datedMay 17, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I also have received thewatch, and it appears to be working properly.Regarding your idea of purchasing ahouse, if it is possible, do it immediately.When you pay big rent anyway, purchasinga house is nice. Now Murari and hisgood wife, Lilavati, are there, so this willbe a great boon to your Sankirtan activities.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have received your check for$100.00. Please let me know if you havereceived your money from Columbus?69-5-57New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated 21 May,1969 which is full of encouraging news. Iam now hopeful of the Hawaii center beingimproved like other centers by yourgood efforts. Last year when we were inSan Fransisco I practically pushed youtowards Hawaii, and by the Grace ofKrishna you are now finding some hopes.So continue your efforts, and Krishna willsurely make your efforts successful. I amvery much concerned to learn that GovindaDasi is sick. Of course, she is alwayssick; that is general experience, but Ido not know why she should be sick inHawaii. The weather is not cold there, andwhen I was in Hawaii she had improvedher health. Anyway, take care of her as far

866 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaas possible and depend on Krishna. Everythingwill be all right.I think by this time Sudama has joinedyou, because I had advised him so and hehas also sent his letter that he is joiningyou a the temple. Similarly, Balabhadraand Jayasri are there, as well as Vamandev,so you can do everything very nicely.Krishna will help you all. I think Hawaii isa good place; the people are interested andthey are beginning to come. So you maymake Hawaii New Nabadwip. Hawaii isalready dwip (island) , so you make it intoNabadwip.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-58New Vrindaban26th May, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 21 , 1969. I am very glad to send youthe beads for your initiation, but I thinkyou wanted permission from your father,and I have received the following telegramfrom him: "Gopa1 Khanna at Montrealour only son pray his initiation tobrahminhood will doom and driven futureof this small humble family. Pray abandonprogramme and earn our gratitude, cable.Accepting our prayers Lord bless everyone and give us our joy back.-Mr. andMrs. A. S. Khanna Aban Villa SantacruzEast."I do not know why you had wanted permissionfrom your father. In the materialworld everyone is interested in poundshilling-pence.Your parents must bethinking that upon your being initiatedyou shall become a mendicant and thepound-shilling-pence you are sending willbe stopped, and they will suffer materially.But you can assure them they will bebetter off materially after you are initiated.Anyway, now I do not know what todo with you . Shall I wait till you get sanctionfrom your parents, or shall I initiateimmediately? In my opinion, because youwanted permission of your parents, youshould wait at least for such time whenyour parents will permit you . But if youare strongly desirous, then you can disregardyour father's desire and make advancementin Krishna Consciousness. Onhearing from you I will do the needful .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-59New Vrindaban27th May, 1969My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour last three letters, and in thelast one, dated 24th May, 1969, you haveinquired about the Jagannath Car. Thecrimson color with silver decorations isquite all right. There is no strict regulationabout decorating the cars. We candecorate the cars very fascinatingly withgold, silver, and other shiny metallic embroiderywork as far as possible. The ideais the more we decorate Krishna, Who isnon-different from His car also, the morewe become decorated indirectly. We arecompared as the shadow of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, and as it is statedin the Bible also, man is made after God.We understand from the scriptures thatKrishna has His Vigraha, or SpiritualBody, exactly like a man who has twohands, two legs and all similar features. Ifyou decorate your face, you do not see directlyhow your face has become beautiful,but when you see the reflection ofyour face in the mirror, then indirectlyyou can see the beauty. Therefore , byserving Krishna directly the result of the

MAY, 1969 867service indirectly comes to us. Just likewe offer very nice prasadam directly toKrishna, but indirectly we enjoy the nicetaste of the prasadam. So we should alwaysremember this, that Krishna is alwaysfull in Himself; He does not want apinch of our help for his satisfaction, but ifwe try to satisfy Him in so many ways asdirected by acharyas and scriptures, indirectlywe become benefitted by such activities.So try to nicely observe thisRathayatra Festival in London, and Shyamsundarhas already informed me about thescheme that three cars will be drawn tosome park on the Thames, etc. So someway or other, if you can introduce this CarFestival in London, by all means Londoncenter will be successful. I doesn't matterif you can or cannot establish a templethere, but if you can introduce the RathayatraFestival, surely it will be a great success.So try to execute this will as far aspossible.I am writting Mataji Shamadasi inHindi, which letter may be delivered toher. She has invited me to go to London totake part in her temple, but if I go there,the passage money should come fromthere . Wherever I go the center who invitesme sends the passage money at leastfo r two . Besides that, Leicster is far awayfrom London, 125 miles. Of course thereare many Indians who may be deligted tohave a Hindu temple there, but we are especiallyinterested in something else. Ourplan is not to sponsor the Hindus or anyother individual group. Our real purposeis to spread Krishna Consciousness. Thismeans that there is one God; Krishna,there is one scripture; Bhagavad Gita AsIt Is , there is one mantra; Hare Krishna,and there is one work; service of LordKrishna. We want to preach this cult allover the world, and I am sure people fromall groups of religion will join us. If we establisha temple on the principles of Mataji,it is also very nice, we may draw theattention of a section of Hindus, but wecannot really execute our ideals. So wecannot be very much enthusiastic in thisconnection. She is undoubtedly a gooddevotee of Krishna, but she has to learnthe science of Krishna Consciousness, Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-60New Vrindaban27th May, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 23,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.You dont worry about my health. Iam quite fit now, and in New Vrindaban Iam walking on the hills daily. In Bostonfor three or four days I had some acutebackache pain, but by the Grace ofKrishna it was made all right very soon.This body is called the temple of diseases.So long as there is no disease it is wonderful,but when there is disease it is not wonderful. So this is the temple of disease. Ofcourse, you are all very kind upon me,whenever I am slightly indisposed you becomeconcerned, and I thank you verymuch for such anxiety. But so far as I amconcerned, I always wish only to expeditemy mission of life to spread Krishna Consciousnessin the Western part of theworld. I am still firmly convinced that if lcan establish this movement through thehelp of all the boys and girls who havenow joined with me, then it will be a greatachievement. I am old man, and there hasalready been warning, but before I leavethis body, I wish to see some of you verystrong in Krishna Consciousness understanding.I am very glad and proud alsothat you six boys and girls, although youhave not been able to establish a nice centerin London, still you have done your

868 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>best. And the news has reached far awayin India that my disciples are doing verynice work in Krishna Consciousness. Sothat is my pride. I have received a letterfrom my Godbrother informing me that ithas been advertised in India that in Vietnamalso somebody is spreading HareKrishna Movement. So there is no need tobe disappointed. You go on with yourwork as best as Krishna gives you the opportunity,and there is no cause of youranxiety. Everything is going smoothly.But since you are now separated, thestrength of your activities appears to belittle disturbed. Now you try to assembletogether in the same spirit as you were doing,and in that case, temple or no temple,your movement will go on progressively.We are not much concerned about thetemple because temple worship is not primaryfactor in this age . Primary factor isSankirtan. But sometimes we want a centerwhere people may gather and see, so atemple is required secondarily. So tryyour best immediately to live together. Iam very much eager to see that you areagain living together.Regarding your selling of BTG, we havetaken a great risk of printing 20,000 copiesper month, and before taking this risk, weconsulted four different centers, and youall agreed. Now you try your best and theresult will depend on Krishna's desire. Sotry to fill up your quota as far as possible. Iwill be in New Vrindaban till the end ofJune, and if I dont go to London then, Ishall go to San Fransisco to attend the RathayatraFestival in July. Tarnal Krishna isarranging for a grand scale performance ofthis years Festival . Regarding Sudarna, heis now in Hawaii temple, and I dont thinkanyone should go to London unless youhave got proper place to stay. I hope thiswill meet you in good health .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-61New Vrindaban27th May, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 2 1 ,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding the Composer machine,there will be no difficulty in transferringthe money to the lskcon Press account.But in Columbus they are already so negotiatingfor a similar IBM Composer, solet me see what is their terms here. Aftercomparing I shall definately instruct youon this matter. Regarding Sankirtan, youcan go out four days in a week, but try togo out as much as possible. So far asBirbhadra is concerned, he may immediatelycome here to New Vrindaban, and Ishall also call his mother here.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-62New Vrindaban27th May, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 22, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. I have initiated the boywhom you have recommended namedSteve* and his beads are sent herewith.Please help him to understand the principlesof Krishna Consciousness as far aspossible. Regarding Chandanacharya'smarriage with Sadanandini, if they settleup amongst themselves, I shall be glad.They are a very nice combination. Youhave written that you are wishing to leavefor Toronto with Kanupriya, but this canbe done only if there is no sacrifice of theMontreal temple. You are doing so nicely

MAY, 1969 869there as you have written, so why shouldyou leave? Very soon we shall be gettinghuge quantities of Back To Godhead, andI want that Montreal temple shall purchaseat least $100's worth of copies forselling each month. Do you think that inToronto you will be able to raise as muchmoney as you are doing now in Montreal?Please think over these matters and let meknow what you have decided. Anyway, Iam pleased that you are very enthusiasticfor spreading this sublime movement, andyour idea of having devotees going to theNewport Festival is very nice. You maycorrespond with the other centers on thispoint. Another thing is I have heard nothingfrom Bharadraj and Rukmini. I amanxious to hear from them and to see howthey are doing the pictures. I have so manypictures for them to do, but why they arenot corresponding?Please convey my blessings to Himavatiand all others. I hope this will meetyou all in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Sripati Das69-5-63 Moundsville27th May, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter, sentalong with your japa beads, and I haveduly chanted upon them and initiated youas my disciple. So you should go on withyour chanting as you have been doing, andas your name is already Gopal Krishna,there is no need of changing your name.So now you will be known as GopalKrishna Das. Try to follow the regulativeprinciples and avoid the ten kinds of offenses.Next you shall be initiated by theoffering of the sacred thread, so in themeantime you can convince your parentsto give up their objections. But if you arepersonally determined, there is no questionof any objections. No one can checkanother's spiritual advancement on theplea of any material relationship. Thereare many instances of someone acceptingthe spiritual line, despising all family relationships,and the best example is LordChaitanya Himself. I do not know whyyour parents are so upset, so you shouldconvince them there is no need for this.And why you should inform them of allthe details of your activities? Of course ashonest son you have done the right thing.But if they object and if you have to obeyby their orders, I dont know how thingscan be adjusted. I am enclosing the letter Ireceived from your parents, along withmy reply to them, so you may do the needful.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-64Moundsville28th May, 1969My Dear Sripati Das,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May18, 1969, sent along with your prayerbeads, and I have duly chanted upon themand initiated you as my disciple. Yourspiritual name, Sripati Das*, means theservant of Lord Narayana, or Krishna. Ifyou will simply continue to develop yourKrishna Consciousness as you have beendoing, then surely you will be an expertservant of Lord Krishna. Our process is tofaithfully follow the rules of no illicit sexlife, no non-vegetarian diet, no intoxication,and no gambilng activities. Also, wemust chant at least 16 rounds each day,trying to avoid the ten kinds of offenses.You have very nice association with your

870 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>nice godbrothers in Montreal temple, andyou should help them to propagate KrishnaConsciousness in that area. So please consultwth Hansadutta, and there will be ampleengagement for you in this connection.If any questions or difficulties arise,you may consult with the older devoteesthere, or if you like, I am always at yourservice to help you in any way that I can.So now you have great opportunity tomake perfection of your life, and pleasealways be serious abouf this. ThenKrishna will surely give you all facilitiesfor nice advancement.I hope this will meet you in very goodheatlh.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Sripati =the husband of the Goddess ofFortune69-5-65Moundsville29th May, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 27,1969, and I have noted the contents. I donot know what I can do in these legal matters.You try your best in consultation withTarnal Krishna. I think that perennialwatch-dog is playing some mischief. Butthe best thing would have been to changeyour location to the church. In the churchthere is everything as required by the law.So best thing is to consult Tarnal Krishnaand occupy the church. That is my opinion.You can give your statement to the authoritiesthat it is a private temple, notmany people come in cars, so there is nonecessity of parking places; and some twoor three people only come to the feasts andtemple meetings. It is a private temple.Another possibility is that Ananda may becalled from Vancouver to help you inmaintaining the church in Seattle. Youmay correspond with him in this connection.Or else if you feel that Vancouvermay be a nicer place, then you may joinAnanda there. Please keep me informedas to your progress in this connection.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-66Moundsville3lst May, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedMay 23, and May 26, 1969 , and I havenoted the contents carefully. Regardingthe manuscripts of the First Canto, Hayagrivawill send you a few chapters immediately,so you may do the needful with theMacmillan company. So far as the ExpositionPress is concerned, ths man is anotherMr. Kallman. He wants to printhimself and distribute himself, and whenhe'll print he'll charge $15,000 instead of$5,000 or $6,000, and he'll charge 40 %-50% for distributing, and with conditionthat if they are not sold the books will bereturned to you . The net result is if wegive him the printing charges, he willspend $5,000 and charge us $15,000, im·mediately making $10,000. So far as sellingis concerned, he promises to sell, buthe is unable to so he returns the books.That is his policy and the reason he doesnot give straight answers. Once I talkedwith him, so I can understand his deal·ings . His disagreement wtih the design ofTLC means that he wants to do this him·self and charge. So I dont think we cantrust this man.Regarding sales of TLC, you shouldtry to get it reviewed, do not spend moneyneedlessly on advertising. You have gotexperience already advertising Bhagavad

MAY, 1969 871Gita, so unless the book is reviewed, thereis no question of advertising. You shouldsend reviewing copies to first class papersfor review. Also, you may arrange forsome respectable persons to review thebook and then submit this review to thevarious papers for printing. You shouldtry for this. Generally, it is the policy ofevery paper that they review books assoon as it is given to them. That is one ofthe items of journalistic policy. So far asdistributing the books, no consignmentshould given. That is very risky. Let thempurchase one copy, two copies, three copies,as they like, but no consignment. Letthem take one copy and take the scheduledcommission. So similarly they can distributeand take the money. It is all right ifthe store would like to exchange our forthcomingbooks for the copies of TLC theyhave not sold, and it is all right for theirmoney to be returnable, but dont take consignment.That is only false sale, or nosale. Try to get the book reviewed. Otherwisenewspaper advertisements will haveno effect.I have already informed you in my letterof May 26, 1969 that I shall accept theinvitation of Franklin and Marshall College.The Bhagavad Gita test you havewritten is very nice. The questions are allvery good. Rayarama's negotiations withIBM is not yet final because similar negotiationsare going on here wth Pradyumna.So whichever one is easier weshall accept. I am pleased to note that youwill be coming here to New Vrindaban,and when you come you may bring withyou the Radha-Damodar Temple Filewhich is in the closet near my room in abox. All of my books and files should bekept very securely.I am very anxious to know about Sadanandini,but this misunderstanding byrascals about a Krishna conscious person isalways there. Hiranyakasipu understoodPrahlad as crazy, and he tried to put him inso many forms of Bellevue organizationsamongst the animals, amongst snakes,amongst fire and poison. Even LordChaitanya, His relatives thought of Him ascrazy. Therefore I wrote the essay, "Who IsCrazy?" Anyway, try to save the girl, and ifshe likes, she can be married with Chandanacharya.She will then be in charge of agood husband, so if the marriage is settled,they should take a regular marriage certificate,and then they should come here, andwe shall perform our mode of marriageceremony.Regarding BTG, if you think it is betterto not have the books sent to London directly,that is all right, but then you willhave to pay the shipping charges to London.But unless you need more than yourown 5,000 copies, why not let them try tosell what they can, and then if necessary,they can send to you their remaining copies.Or else if they are sure they cannotsell a sufficient part of their order of 5, 000then what they can sell may be shipped tothem from Japan, and the difference willbe added to our shipment of goods fromJapan. Regarding Atma Ram & Sons, youmay offer terms as you have on your ratesheet, and when you correspond with anyseller, the terms is cash and delivery. Thatis generally understood unless otherwisearranged.I shall be very happy to see you againwhen you come here. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-67Moundsville31st May, 1969My Dear Patit Uddharan,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter post-datedMay 27, 1969 , and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am pleased to note

872 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>that through your influence your family isgradually taking to this sublime process ofKrishna Consciousness. This is the proofof how the presence of one devotee willhave an uplifting effect upon all of the peoplehe comes in contact with, whetherfamily members or acquantances. I amvery pleased also to note your appreciationfor our Bhagavad Gita As It Is, and Iwant that all of my students will understandthis book very nicely. This will be agreat asset to our preaching activities.I am sending along with Chandanacharyasome old editions of our Back ToGodhead Magazine for you to bind. I wishto have bound each years editions of BTG.Thus, there should be one book with allthe 1966 issues, one book with the 1967issues, and one book with the 1968 issues.If possible, please have these bookssent along with Brahmananda when hecomes here to see me in New Vrindaban. Iunderstand that you have bound two of mySrimad Bhagavatam s, but there is no necessityof sending them here immediately.When I need them I will call for them.Please convey my blessings to theother devotees there with you . I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-68Moundsville31st May, 1969My Dear Raktak,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your letter of May 26,1969, sent along with your beads. I haveduly chanted upon these beads and haveinitiated you as my disciple. Your spiritualname is Raktak das Brahmachary. Raktakis a cowherds boyfriend of Krishna. I amvery pleased that you have become veryattracted to and serious about this KrishnaConsciousness Movement. As you continueto follow the regulative principlesand thereby as you continue to advance inyour understanding of Krishna Consciousness,you will find that your attractionfor Krishna ansd spiritual life willincrease more and more. The main regulativeprinciples for brahmachary lfe arefour in number, and they are I) no illicitsexual connections, 2) no intoxication, includingcoffee, tea and cigarettes, 3) nonon-vegetarian diet, and 4) no gambling.So if you will follow these principles,chant 16 rounds each day upon yourbeads, avoid the ten offenses which Hansaduttawill give to you, and help propagatethis chanting of Hare Krishna as faras possible, then you will see your lifebecoming more and more subime. Fromyour letter I can understand that you arean intelligent boy, so now you may makethe best use of your intelligence in perfectingyour life in Krishna Consciousness.Please continue to be very serious aboutthis endeavor, and surely Krishna willgive you all facilities for serving Himnicely. If you have any further questionsyou should ask Hansadutta, or if you like,I am always ready to help you in whicheverway I can.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-69Moundsville31st May, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedMay 22, and May 26, 1969, and I havenoted the contents carefully. I am veryencouraged to learn of your very niceSankirtan success in Boston. One thingthough you are thinking of quitting yourjob, that means you are already in the job,

MAY, 1969 873so if in spite of your working, your SankirtanMovement is going on nicely, why youshould give up your job? But if you thinkby giving up your job the Sankirtan Partywill be organized more nicely, then youcan do that.Regarding Jadurany, if she does notimprove in a month or two, then she willcome back and live with you, chantingHare Krishna and depending on Krishna.Dont bother; Krishna will take care ofher. I dont think that she is very dangerouslyill because her face indication wasnot bad. But after all, we have got thesematerial bodies, and some temporary ailmentsmay come and go, but we have totolerate . But in all cases, you must findout a nice place as temple, either by purchasingor by renting. If you think that advancing$10,000 will get a nice house,then you can find out and we may find outthe money. But first you must let me knowhow you shall repay. If you purchase onehouse, even you make down payment of$10,000, you have to make monthly paymentsof $300 or $400. So these things areto be considered. But if you can find a nicehouse which will accommodate all thehouseholders and brahmacharies, thenthat will be very good. But do not take onany big responsibilities now. Concentrateon organizing Sankirtan very nicely andtry to sell Back To Godhead. That is ourmain propaganda. It is very encouragingthat you are daily collecting about $50.Now you have got a nice carriage, andthus you can go anywhere you like. Try tokeep nice peace with the police as far aspossible, because our method is to be tolerantmore than the tree and humbler thanthe grass on the street. We dont mind forso-called prestige. If keeping peaceful wecan execute our Krishna Consciousnessduties, that is all we want.Regarding the manuscripts which Pradyumnarequested you to send him, firstof all let Pradyumna get the machine .Then I shall advise. For the time beingyou keep it as you have been doing. I shalllet you know in due course. Two Krishnatapes have been recently sent to you, soyou shall receive them soon, if you havenot done so already. I hope this will meetyou in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-5-70 Allston, Mass.May, 1969My Dear Colin Jury,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your nice Jetter (undated). Practically, our Krishna Consciousnessmovement is based on transcendentalpleasure. Music, dancing andfeasts are the chief items for pleasure, andthis pleasure is originally on the transcendentalrealm. They are simply reflectedpervertedly in the material world, andevery living entity has natural inclinationfor these three items. So Krishna Consciousnessis to go back to the original position.Therefore, music and dancing canbe purified for transcendental realization.Factually we do not reject anything, butwe will accept anything as favorable forKrishna's service. In other words, we candovetail anything in Krishna's service,and thus purify the contaminated coveringof everything. So your talents for musicmay be employed fully for the cause ofserving Krishna.Several days ago I got three pairs ofboys and girls married, and this marriedlife is different from the material marriedlife. The example is already there in Londonhow six disciples there are all workingso nicely in pushing the KrishnaConsciousness movement. Actually, weare trying to give real life to the human societyby purifying the activities in Krishna

874 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaConsciousness. The method is very simple:By chanting Hare Krishna one becomespurified immediately and byconstant practice, there is no chance ofbeing contaminated again. Please continueto follow there principles, and yourlife will surely be sublime.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JUNE69-6-1New Vrindaban1st June, 196969-6-2New Vrindaban1st June, 1969Dear Dayananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May25, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. If a new temple site in LosAngeles is absolutely required to bemoved in a bigger place, that should beyour first business. For my place you mayfind a place near the temple, and it shouldbe independent of any other tenants. Itmay be a small cottage, but it should beindependent with a little compound surrounding.That will be very nice. I thinkthere are many small cottages near theplace, Hayworth Avenue. When I waswalking on Oakwood Avenue there weremany places there. I remember one at thejunction of Oakwood and Harper. So thisplace, or a similar independent place,never mind how small, will be very convenientfor me. I have already written toTarnal Krishna that if I am not invited toLondon during the month of June, thensometimes in July early I shall go to SanFrancisco to see the Rathayatra Festivalthere , and then I will come down to LosAngeles. But I have decided that I shallspend four months in New Vrindaban andeight months in Los Angeles. That will bemy regular program.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Nandarani, and your nice littledaughter, Chandramukhi. I hope this willmeet you all in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 29,1969, and I am glad to note that our templeactivities are effecting good results.The boys and girls from the neighborhoodare coming to help the temple activities isthe good result of our attempts . The templecenter is started just to present exampleto the neighboring residents how theycan make a small temple in each and everyhome. It is not necessary that hundredsand thousands of people will live in ourtemple, but if we can make effective propaganda,then the neighboring residents,house-holders, will be inclined to be initiatedand follow the modes of temple life.So you encourage the visitors, boys andgirls as well as married couples, to understandthe value of life and how they canpeacefully and happily live if they followthe routine worship method in the templeand establish this in their home to behappy in all respects . Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is actually an attempt tomake all people happy generally and, becomingliberated in this life from materialcontamination, they 'll be thus eligible toenter into the Kingdom of God after quittingthis body.I am very glad to know that one rich Indian,Mr. Raj Anand, is prepared to contributesome money for our templeactivities. Of course your idea that when Igo I shall talk with him and get some bigcontribution from the Indian communityis all right. But my mission will be more

876 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidasuccessful if the Americans construct atemple, although we have no distinction asto American or Indian; anyone can do it.The best thing will be that since you aretrying for a better place, why not try topurchase a nice church if it is available, ora big land within reach of the city withsome old hutments. If you find such aplace, then you can ask the Indian gentlemanto pay for the down payment amount,which may be 10 or 20 thousand dollars.Then we will arrange for the monthly payments. Or if you think it best to wait untilmy arrival and then hold a meeting of theIndians, making him the chief guest, thatis also nice idea.Your idea of using the Moose Hall isalso very nice. During the Rathayatra Ceremony,you invite Mrs. Sumitra Sarkar,who last year reported our RathayatraCeremony to India. She is the daughterof the editor of Jugantar, an importantpaper in Calcutta. I think you should inviteher in some Los Angeles Festivalalso. Her present address is: Barnes 3/G,Escondido Village, Standford, California94305. If you keep good relationshipwith this lady, she can help us reportingnicely about our activities. If our LosAngeles people see her for reviewing ourbooks in their Indian papers, that will bealso nice. Her great-grandfather, MahatmaSisir Kumar Ghosh was a great devotee ofLord Chaitanya, and their whole family isin favor of Sankirtan Movement. So if youcan establish a little intimacy with this lady,she can help us in many ways.The program with Allan Ginsbergsounds very nice, because when Mr.Ginsberg and myself were present in theOhio State University, it was a grand success.The assembly was more than onethousand people, but you say that you willtake a place which can accommodate fivethousand people, so it will be a greatgrand success. I have seen the pictures ofyour recent Festival , and it is very, verynice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicelythat I am looking always to them; althoughI have seen three, four times, still I am notsatisfied. It is very nice. In all Festivals, ifyou make such puppet show, then you willbe able to attract so many people. Anyway,I can understand things are goingvery nicely in your temple, and Krishna isgiving you good intelligence. So I wishthat you will live for hundred years andexecute this Krishna Movement so that inthis very life you shall enter into theAbode of Krishna. As soon as one's serviceis recognized by Krishna, he is immediatelycalled, "Please come here."That is the verdict of the Vedic literature.So we should work in such a nice way thatwe can draw the attention of Krishna tocall us. You will find in Bhagavad Gitathat anyone who takes the task of preachingKrishna Consciousness is the dearmostdevotee of the Lord.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Keep extra money in saving a/c.69-6-3New Vrindaban2nd June, 1969My Dear Baradraj ,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 28,1969 , and I have noted the contents carefully.I can understand that you are havingsome difficulty in finding time to paint becauseof your other duties, but I think thatall of these duties may be stopped so youcan devote your full energy and time topainting. This painting you are doing isvery important, so it will count as yourtemple work. There is no necessity eitherfor you to go out on Sankirtan if this willtake away your time from your real work.

JUNE, 1969 8771 understand that you are also very musicallytalented, but this talent is not somuch required on Sankirtan Party becausefor chanting Hare Krishna it is notnecessary that all instrumentation be somuch polished or complicated . If it is necessaryfor you to work part-time to earnmoney for artist supplies then you shoulddo it, or else if lshandas can continue tohelp you in this connection, that will bebetter. Both you and your wife, Rukmini,are very nice artists, so please tell mewhat ideas you have so that you may get asmuch artistic work done as possible.For the time being, you should completeyour Sankirtan painting, and then asyou have asked about the Krishna Book, Ian enclosing an idea for a painting ofKrishna showing the universe within Hismouth to Mother Yasoda. So you maycomplete this painting also as soon as possible.I have so many ides for paintings,and we will be requiring so many expertpaintings as you are able to do, so pleasebe very serious to do this work nicely andquickly. It will be great service. In ourKrishna Book we are showing the WesternWorld for the first time what is God. So itis no unimportant task, and try to help usout in this as far as possible.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-4New Vrindaban2nd June, 1969Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated May29, 1969 , and I have carefully noted thecontents. I am very glad to learn that youare seriously looking for some ashram siteon the Hawaii island . If you are able to getsome nice place there, it will be very suecessfulbecause I know there are manyyoung boys and girls there for you to chantwith and speak with. This kirtan, chantingand speaking of Krishna, is the sure andcertain method of propagating KrishnaConsciousness, and we already have somuch experience in all of our centers thatif we simply chant Hare Krishna with kartalsand mridanga and if we speak fromBhagavad Gita just as we have heard itcoming down from the disciplic succession,then automatically the people becomeattracted . So you simply find a nicesite on the Hawaii island or any otherplace near there where there are manyboys and girls, and if you simply followthe above procedures, then your success isautomatically there. I am pleased to notethat there is one boy named Tony who hasbecome attracted to our movement andwishes to be initiated. He may send me hisbeads immediately. Please take nice careof him because there are so many goodsouls who we must inform of this most importantphilosophy, and when anotherman is sent by Krishna to help us it is ourduty to help him understand Krishna Consciousnessas far as possible.I am very concerned to hear that Jayasrihas now joined Govinda Dasi in becomingill. I hope that by now they areboth improved in health. Please conveymy blessings to all of the devotees there,and I hope this will find all of you well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Please let me know when you are inHawaii.My Dear Goursundar,69-6-5LondonNew Vrindaban3rd June, 1969My Dear Syamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 29 ,

878 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>1969, and I have noted the contents. I amvery glad that the Queen has consentedthe Redundant Churches Bill, and there isgood chance of getting one church forour temple. There are many redundantchurches because the Christian people aregradually deviating from their religiousbeliefs on account of stereotype presentationof the Bible by sophisticated priests.Modem youths are educated in advance,so they are no more interested in repetitionof the same static mottos. They wantsomething dynamic, progress in spiritualunderstanding, but the Christian priestscould not satisfy them. In comparisonto all these dogmatic principles, our KCmovment presents everything in the rightperspective, even from scientific and philosophicalpoint of view. So if you can secureone church in England for utilizing inour movement, I think we shall be able tosecure many such churches all over theworld. We have great respect for LordJesus Christ. We accept him as powerfulincarnation of Krishna, as much as weaccept Lord Buddha. We can adjust theBuddhists, Christians, and even the Mohammedansto our KC movement, so ifthe religious heads of these faiths try tounderstand our philosphy, certainly therewill be great impetus in the matter ofspiritual rejuvenation of the world. So tryto convince the Archbishop of Canterburyand implore him to give us this chance ofspreading God-Consciousness in theworld's greatest city, London. If my presenceis required, I am prepared to go atany moment within the month of June, becauseI am thinking of going to San Franciscoin July for Rathayatra which TarnalKrishna is arranging. This Festival wassuccessful in San Francisco in the years1967 and 68 because of your presencethere, so now they are feeling your absence,but they are courageous to do itsuccessfully some how or other. Tarnalhas called Nara Narayan to do carpentrywork, so he will be going there. So I shallsee Rathayatra either in SF or in London,If arrangement is made to call me to LondonI will go there as first preference. Soas you let me know the day to day progress,and if this progress is suitable, then Ishall go to London.Regarding Brahmacharies, two maygo there immediately, but how will transportationbe arranged? They may also berequired to arrange for money depositedin the bank to show the immigration department.That is one impediment, andalso you yourselves are all scattered, sohow shall you accomodate them? Yourwork is already hampered by no suitableliving places, so if two more join you,what is the benefit? Another point is thatwhat is the difficulty of the newcomersgetting trained by you who are all elderlymembers. From other centers, practicallyevery day someone sends his beads, alongwith letter of appreciation and somemoney for initial expenses. I chant on hisbeads and return them to him as initiatedstudent. Why dont you follow this sameprinciple? If these boys are serious, letthem be initiated, and follow the rules,and whatever guidance you can give themthey should accept. It is not good idea toinvite brahmacharies for training someother brahmacharies in London whenthere are six already present there. If youcannot train them, how can you take it forgranted that someone from here can?Training is not imposition. It is voluntaryaccept- by the trainee. Anyway, when yousecure a larger place to accommodate everyone,you will have as many brahmachariesas you want, and I shall arrangefor that. I can send even Purushottam,who is personally assisting me, providedit helps your propaganda there. SimilarlyI can ask Subal or someone else, so that isnot a problem.Regarding Mataji, I have noted yourremarks, and actually we do not want to

JUNE, 1969 879create a group of prakita sahajia, or devoteeswho do not know the science ofKrishna and do not know the science ofdevotion, but simply worship the Deitywith no depth of knowledge. That iscalled materialistic devotee, but it is alsonot rejected. It is a beginning, but apreacher must be above this. Anyway,keep friendship with her. She is trying tolove Krishna and that is good. Why notask her to help you perform the Rathayatra?If she can give financial help, allother help will come. Please thank Malatifo r her nice letter of May 30th. If you canplease take quotation from some Hollandprinter how much they will charge to printa book exactly like TLC we can utilize thisinformation. I hope you are well and awaityour reply.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-6My Dear Madhudvisa,New Vrindaban3rd June, 1969Please accept mybblessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 30,1969, and I have noted the contents. Ican understand the disturbance of yourmind, but why you keep yourself in suchartificial disturbance? You can becomea householder. That is not prohibited.There are so many good examples ofhouseholders, and similarly you can becomea householder. Our principle is toenterointo the family of Krishna. In theVaikuntha world there are many devoteeswho have their wife, but they are so muchabsorbed in Krishna Consciousness thatthey forget the idea of sex-life. Anyway,instead of being agitated in mind, it is betterto become a married man and in peacefulmind execute Krishna Consciousness.That is my verdict, and ever since I startedthis movement I have encouraged marriageto so many disciples. So there is nohindrance in this respect, and you can dothe needfulI hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-7 New Vrindaban4th June, 1969UNITED SHIPPING CORPORATION14/2 Old China Bazar Street,Room #13Calcutta-!,INDIAAtt: Sri Prabhas BabuDear Prabhas Babu:In further reference to my last lettersent in reply to your letter dated April 2,1969, I am surprized that the packagessent by Jayagovinda das Brahmachary aswell as those sent by Atma Ram & Sonshave not yet been sent. Yo u acknowledgedthat these goods are ready to be shipped inyour letter of April 2, 1969, but you havestill not shipped them. I could understandthat there was a delay on account ofPibhuti Babu's disappearance, but whyare they still delayed? Please let me knowwhy the shipping of our goods is so tremendouslydelayed. Kindly treat this letteras very urgent, and let me know whymy goods have not been shipped yet.As I have been informed by Jayagovindadas Brahmachary, you are holdingthe following items:Package 1. one pair of 10 1/2" brass R-KMurtis with jewelry and clothingPackage 2. one pair of 13" brass R-KMurtis with jewelry and clothingPackage 3. one mrindungamPackage 4. one harmonium-withdouble reeds, with 7 stops,tull coverPackage 5. 30 cartons incense, eachcarton containing 12 boxes

880 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaPackage 6. 1 ,400 Assorted Brijbasipictures8 dozen Assorted brass incenseholders2 dozen red chandan malas50 odd Srimad Bhagavatamprospectus16 Easy Journey To Other Planetsand personal effects amounting to 3 pairsbrass cymbals, 4 old copies of Back ToGodhead 8 wooden incense holders, 5tubes incense, 7 tulsi malas from Vrindabanwith kuntis and counter beads,regular items for performance of pujanamely, conch, S-light lamp , incenseholder, cuppand spoon, one set of SrimadBhagavatams, notes, etc . In addition,8 bundles of books were sent toyou by Atma Ram & Sons, containin SrimadBhagavatam, Vol. One-104 copies,Vol. Two- 11 0 copies, Vol. Three-46 copies.I am awaiting your early reply.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-6-8New Vrindaban5th June, 1969My Dear Turyadas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of May 29,1969, sent along with your beads, and Ihave duly chanted upon them and haveinitiated you as my disciple. Your spiritualname is Turyadas and this meanstranscendental. So you are the servant ofthe Transcendental Lord, Krishna, andwhen one serves the TranscendentalLord, he also becomes completely transcendentalto the Jaws and contaminationsof material nature . In material life,everyone is bound up tightly by the lawsof karma, and there is no question oftranscending these laws by any materialmeans. The modern civilization is tryingto transcend the pangs of materiallife, namely birth, death, old age anddiseases, by advancement of materialknowledge, but actually this advancementis only binding them more tightlyinto the material concept of life. So thusthere is no freedom from or transcendingof these material miseries. But one whocomes to the intelligence to understandthat rather than serving the cause of materialadvancement, he should serve thecause of Krishna, then such person becomestranscendental to the stringentlaws of karma. Krishna instructs us inBhagavad Gita that one who serves Himin loving devotional service is deliveredfully from all material contamination.Now you have your beads, so pleasechant at least 16 rounds daily, and readfrom Bhagavad Gita As It Is at least onechapter daily. Goursundar will instructyou as to the 10 offenses that must beavoided. The four principal regulative restrictionsthat you must follow are 1) nointoxication, including coffee or tea, 2) noillicit sex-life, 3) no non-vegetarian diet,4) no gambling. I understand from Goursundarthat already you are helping theHawaii temple and that you are a verynice, sincere boy . So with these nice qualificationsof sincerity and service surelyyou will make nice progress in perfectingyour life in Krishna consciousness. Asyou are having questions about this greatspiritual science of Bhagavad Gita, pleaseconsult with Goursundar, he is a very intelligentboy, and I am also always at yourservice to help as far as possible.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisherA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JUNE, 1969 88169-6-9 New Vrindaban5th June, 196969-6-10New Vrindaban5th June, 1969My Dear Chandanacharya,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of June 2,1 969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding your proposal of workingin Columbus with the chance ofearning $100 per day, why dont you takeit? This will be a great help to this centerbecause there is such great potential forspreading our movement amongst thestudents there, and if we can either purchasethe large church on 16th Avenue,or if they can purchase their presenthouse, along with the nearby lot and gasstation, that will be a tremendous asset tothe activities there. I have seen in the gasstation that there are two rooms, so if oneroom could be used for kitchen, then theother could be utilized as temple room ,and the house would serve as an ashramfo r devotees. The first choice would bethe big church, but if you can financefor purchasing either the church or thepresent site, that will be very nice service.So if you can actually earn $100daily, I think you should take this opportunity.Please inform me what you havedecided by return of post.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: I am enclosing a letter which I havereceived today from Sudama in Hawaii,so you can see the great possibility ofpropagating this chanting amongst theboys and girls of the Western World. Ithank you for sending me wrist calendar.Pradyumna, I am anxious to know aboutthe machines.Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 29, 1969. I have already sent yourbeads duly chanted upon, and I hope youwill be hapy in Krishna Consciousness always.As you are a very nice, good soul,Krishna will certainly bless you with allbenedictions. It doesn't matter whether ornot you remain in this part of the world orin India. Wherever you remain you chantHare Krishna regularly, and your examplemay be followed by others. The worldneeds this benefit, and when you return toIndia there are so many ways you can convinceyour parents that to take to KrishnaConsciousness does not mean one has togive up his worldly affairs. I know in Indiathere are many foolish persons who thinkthat by reading Bhagavad Gita one is aptto renounce this world. This is completelyfoolishness. Arjuna was a family man, asoldier, and he was directly taught theprinciples of Bhagavad Gita, but he neverrenounced the world nor the battlefield. Ido not know why there are certain crazymen who think like that, that if a man becomesdevotee, he will have no more interestin worldly affairs. We are notMayavadi; we do not state that the world isfalse. We say that if Krishna is truth, theworld is also truth because the world is amanifestation of Krishna's energy. So ifKrishna is true, how His energy can befalse? The Mayavadis preach so-calledmonism , but they always distinguish brahmaand maya. They say brahma is true, mayais false. We say maya is true, and becauseit is Krishna's energy, she must be employedin Krishna's service. That is ourphilosophy.So far your parents are concerned, Ihave received another letter from a friendof your parents whose name is Bhartendu

882 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Vimal. I am enclosing this letter for you toread. Your father has induced him to askme not to initiate you . This gentlemancame to see me in San Fransisco. Hemight be some congressman, and at theexpense of the government he was makingsome so-called cultural tour. The governmentis interested to send anyone for dancingor recitation of poetry, but when thegovernment is requested for giving somefacilities for preaching Krishna consciousness,they will not encourage. On the otherhand they encourage publications inwhich Krishna is depicted as black andlow-born. This is the position of our government.I am glad that your parents are interestedin Bhagavad Gita and Lord Krishna,and when you return to India you makethem understand Krishna philosophy verynicely. I am also pleased to learn thatwhen you marry, you will marry a girlwho is a worshipper of Lord Krishna andwho agrees to follow the four basic principlesstrictly. I am so please to learn thatyou have appreciated our aratrik song,"kiba jaya jaya gorachander". You havevoluntarily offered to do something whenyou return to India, and the best projectwill be to work there as representative ofthis Krishna Consciousness Movement.In my opinion, India is going down by givingup this original cultural life which isits own. The government is enamored bythe glittering civilization of the West, andit was a definite policy of our late primeminister, Mr. Nehru, who wanted to seeIndia overnight as rich and materially advancedas America. It was, of course,Gandhi's policy to concentrate his organizationin village life, taking to simple lifeand cow protection. But just after MahatmaGandhi's disappearance, his chiefdisciple, Pandit Nehru, planned for up-todateorganized cow-slaughter house. Sothis is our position. If you have understoodKrishna Consciousness science,then you will try to revive this cultural lifein India. Of course so long I shall live Ishall give you all assistance. But if youconcentrate your energy in a city likeBombay for propagating Krishna Consciousnessamongst the younger generation,as I am doing here in the WesternWo rld, it will be great service to Krishnaand to your country. I have already askedyou to think on the project how you canpush on our books and literature. I cannotsuggest any other alternatives, but if youcan execute this will of mine, I shall remainever-obliged to you.You are welcome to write to me as oftenas possbile, and it is my duty to giveyou right instructions. Try to follow themand you will be happy. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6- 11 New Vrindaban6th June, 1969My Dear Vrindabaneshvari,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated "VictoriaDay", and I have noted the contentswith pleasure. I have received letters fromthe Hamburg devotees, and they appear tobe very much jubilant to know that youwill be arriving on June 27 at 9:30 am. Iam also very also very glad that you willbe prepared to go there. In my previousletter to Mandali Bhadra, I already informedhim that he will act as the editor ofthe German Back To Godhead. So whenyou go please set up everything in a cooperativemood. The workers there are verysincere , and upon your joining them, theywill be very much encouraged. I am also

JUNE, 1969 883glad to learn that you are enjoying readingthe boOk, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,and now both you and your husband haveto preach these teachings.of Lord Chaitanyain the European countries. So pleaseread our books very carefully, and as soonas there is some question you can ask me.In the future I hope that Mandali Bhadrawill translate this book into the Germanlanguage .Regarding the first question in yourletter about how do we know of the spiritualabodes since once going there no onereturns, you should know that the greatliberated souls and incarnations who appearfrom time to time in this materialworld are not actually coming back, becausethey are never subject to materialcontamination or the laws of material nature.For the purpose of delivering thefallen living entities they come here temporarilyand then go back when there businessiisfinished, and this is all underthe direct order of the Lord. So the appearanceof the Lord or the great liberatedsouls in the material is differentfrom the appearance of the contaminatedliving entity who is forced to take birth inthe material world due to his desire tolord it over the world. In your secondquestion you asked if we will rememberthe earth, when in Vrindaban, and theanswer is certainly. When Narada Muniwas talking to Vyasadeva, as you mayhave read in first volume of our SrimadBhagavatam, he was in a spiritual body,but he remembered his previous life andexplained it to Vyasadeva. In materiallife there is forgetfulness, but in spirituallife there is no forgetfulness. I hope thiswill sufficiently answer these questionsfor you.Please convey my blessings to yourfamily. I hope this will meet you in verygood health.Your ever well-wisher,69-6- 12New Vrindaban7th June, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedMay 27, 1969 and your letter datedMay 20, 1969. I have immediately sentto Achyutananda a copy of the goodsdelivered to United Shipping Corporation.It appears that this company is veryslow and not businesslike . So probably Iwill have to change to some other shippingagents, and I have already advisedAchyutananda to do the needful. The secondbatch of Deities which you sent to LosAngeles has been received by them. I amvery glad to learn that you are feeling enthusiasticallyin the German center, and itis clear that Krishna wanted you there.Please work there with your full energy incooperation with your other godbrothers.Krishna Das, yourself, Shivananda andUttama Sloka all are good souls and sinceredevotees of Lord Krishna. So as youfaithfully continue to work under my direction,your further advancement is sure.I have received a letter from Mandali Bhadrathat they are reaching there on the27th June, and when they arrive, do everythingvery nicely in a cooperativespirit.I hope that by this time you have securedthe typewriter and things are goingon with the German translations. Youhave inquired if you should learn the Germanlanguage, and my answer is yes, youshould learn it by all means. Here in NewVrindaban the atmosphere is exactly likeVrindaban. They are performing the routineactivities from 4 am. in the morningtill 10 pm. at night. The aratriks are goingon several times daily as you have seen inVrindaban. The pictures which you havetaken of Vrindaban have been publishedin BTG, and I have seen a special advance

884 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>copy sent from Japan. It is very nice article,and you have done nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: The reproduction of the newspapercuttings which you have printed was donevery well, and I would like about tenmore copies of this page to show to othercenters.69-6-13New Vrindaban7th June, 1969My Dear Sudama,All Glories to Sudama das Brahmacharyand the Hawaii devotees for theirexcellent work. I have appreciated somuch your letter of June 2, 1969 that I ammaking copies of this letter to send to differentcenters to inform them how muchpotency is this Sankirtan Movement. Sofor the time being as you are working enthusiasticallyin Hawaii, try to establish avery good center there. There is nice potentialthere I know, and I think Krishnais already giving impetus for this purpose,because Goursundar and Ballabhadrahave gone to find a nice place on theHawaii Island. So all of you work consiensciouslyand jointly, you are all goodsouls, and you will be successful if youcan transform Hawaii into New Nabadwip.Lord Chaitanya will shower Hisblessings and you will be happy, not onlyin this life, but you will be promoted toKrishna Loka. Concentrate your energiesnow in Hawaii center, and in the futurewe shall establish a center in Japan.I think the roar of your Sankirtan inHawaii will soon be heard in the neighboringplaces, including Japan and HongKong. The ocean is the father-in-law ofVishnu, because the Goddess of Fortune,Lakshmi, was born by the churning of theocean. So the Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi,being the daughter of the ocean,the ocean also will help in spreading theglories of the ocean's daughter and sonin-law.So please keep me informed ofyour activities, and this will engladdenme.I am glad to learn that Govinda Dasi,inspite of her sick health, is going out onSankirtan Party, and this will cure herof all disease. Dont be worried. I alwaysthink of Govinda Dasi and Jadurany,such sincere workers in Krishna Consciousness.So please convey my blessingsto all the deotees there, and you allshould do things very enthusiastically.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6- 14New Vrindaban7th June, 1969Dear Mrs. Davis,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 31,1 969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Patit Uddharan was here two daysago, and I had a talk with him about thesituation you have brought up in your letter.There will be no objection if you cancome here to New Vrindaban. The wholething has been explained to your son, PatitUddharan, so you may consult with himand do the needful.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JUNE, 1969 88569-6-15New Vrindaban7th June, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated May 25,1969, and I beg to inform you that bothSaradia and Vaikunthanath are doing wellin Boston. I hope you have sent her a letterof congratulations by now. When I was inMontreal Saradia expressed her desire tomarry Vaikunthanath, and immediately Iasked that he would remain reserved forher. He is a very nice boy, and I hope theywill be happy in their future homely life inKrishna Consciousness. I have receivedalso news from Mandali Bhadra and Vrindabaneshvarithat they have already purchasedtheir tickets and are going on the27th of June, so when they arrive, pleasecooperate with them nicely. You are allsincere workers, and they also are verysincere souls. So cooperate togethernicely, and I hope our Hamburg centerwill very soon become the important centerin Europe. In London they have not yetbeen able to find out a suitable place, butstill they are prepared to celebrate the RathayatraFestival there. But so far I havereceived no definate information on thisfestival . Under the circumstances I am notyet certain whether or not I shall go toLondon, but in your letter under reply youhave expressed the desire of my going toGermany, so do you think you are able toreceive me there at the present stage? Mygoing to Germany means lots of expenditures,including travel fare , etc. If youthink that you will be able to meet theseexpenditures, then I have no objection forgoing there directly.From your report of sales of the PeaceFormula it appears that when you get BackTo Godhead printed in German languageit will be very nicely distributed. I can seethat Jayagovinda is a great asset to yourcenter and there will be no difficulties forprinting matter. He is expert in that line,and he and Rayarama worked for manymonths in connection with Back To Godheadhere in New Yo rk.In hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6- 16New Vrindaban7th June, 1969My Dear Uttama Sloka,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to receive your letter (undated), and Ihave noted the contents that you had leftthe temple but now you have returnedagain. This is most encouraging, becauseit means that Krishna is very kind uponyou . Although you left Him, He did notallow you to go away. It is His special favorupon you. As individuals there may bedisagreement sometimes, but that is quitenatural . Even in ordinary family affairsthere is sometimes disagreement, but thatdoes not mean immediately the disagreeingmembers shall leave the family. Similarlyour Krishna Consciousness Movementmeans we are all gathering togetherin families of Krishna. Actually we areeternal family members of the Lord, butdue to our misuse of independence wehave now forgotten our eternal relationshipwith Krishna, exactly like a man whois mad forgets his family relationship andloiters in the street. But when he is againin his normal mental condition, he remembershis family members and goesback to them. Similarly this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is a treatment forreviving the memory that we all belong toKrishna's family. So we are trying to establisha replica of Krishna's family in thismaterial world, wherein there is no materialactivities. To avoid the material activitiesmeans to follow the four regulative

886 Letters from Srrla Prabhupt'idaprinciples and to engage ourselves constantlyin Krishna Consciousness activitiesand to have the association of puredevotees. We should not give indulgenceto our senses more than what is requiredjust to keep body and soul together. Weshould not engage ourselves in very difficulttasks, and we should not talk anythingmore than what is necessary for spreadingKrishna Consciousness. We should followthe regulative principles, regard beinghad to situation, circumstances andobjectives. We should not be greedy andwe should not mix with persons not interestedin Krishna. In this way, we can makesteady progress and maintain our membershipin Krishna's family. Thus, at theend of this life we will enter actually intothe spiritual world. So your main businessshould be to spread Sankirtan, becomingtolerant as the tree and becoming humblerthan the grass. If you have anytime anydifficulty, please try to settle up in theabove way, but do not leave the companyof devotees. That will not help you, eventhough there may seem to be some difficulties.I am so pleased to read in your letterthat you have unflinching faith in Krishnaand in my directions, and this attitude willhelp you more and more in Krishna Consciousness.Thank you once more foryour letter. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6- 17New Vrindaban8th June. 1969My Dear Ananda.Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to receive you letter (undated), and Ihave noted your new address. I ampleased to note that you have already paidfor the place for one month's rent. I thankyou very much that you are strugglingthere alone and silently, and Krishna willsurely bless you for this. I suggested in myprevious letter that you join the Torontoparty if you are feeling alone. But if not,you go on with your present program, andI have got all support for that. In all thecenters everyone is trying his best to imrovehis own center, and gradually there isbecoming factual evidence of very niceprogress.Mandali Bhadra and his wife have togo to Germany to take charge of our publicationsin German language. It is alreadysettled, and it is understood that they areleaving on the 27th of June. So they willnot be able to help you personally by theirpresence. You can write, however, toHansadutta, and he may go there for somedays with his Sankirtan Party and help youin establishing your center firmly. I amalso writing to Hansadutta in this connection.I thank you again for your letter. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-18New Vrindaban8th June, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 2,1969, and I have noted the contents . I understandthat you are feeling some inconveniencedue to police interruption, butwe have to make the best of a bad bargain.There is a Sanskrit proverb, sati shatyamsamacharit, and this means if so:nebodyis cunning. we must also become cunning.To a cunning person we must not be a simpleton.Krishna Conscious devotees areexpected to be very intelligent, so we haveto work very intelligently to prove our advancementin Krishna Consciousness. I

JUNE, 1969 887think you should keep a table by theSankirtan Party, a table with a charity boxand our books and literatures for sale. Yougo on with your work as usual and whenthe police come you say you are not canvassing.You have simply kept a table andwhoever wishes to purchase may do so.This is called sati shatyam samacharit.Regarding the Beatie hero, certainlyyou will find him nonsense. Actually theyare nonsense, but in the Western part ofthe world it is a folly to be wise, and ignoranceis bliss. This whole material civilizationis gross ignorance, and thereforeyou cannot expect very intelligent personsin this part of the world. Even though oneis a great philosopher, writer, or somethinglike that, it does not qualify him tobe one of the selected intelligent personswho take to Krishna Consciousness.There is another proverb in Bengali that inthe forest a jackel is considered to be agreat nobility because he is very cunning.Similarly, in the materialistic way of lifeeveryone is blind, and in spite of thousandsof big blind leaders, the followerswho are also blind cannot get any tangiblebenefit. So you have done your duty togive him some impression about KrishnaConsciousness. That is all right. We shouldnot waste much of our time with these socalledleaders because they are jackels inthe forest. They are not actually leaders.The only leader is Krishna and one who isKrishna Conscious. Others are simplymisleaders .Your unhappiness in the absence ofsufficient engagement is a good sign. Thisis called abertya kalatyum. When a personis advanced in Krishna Consciousnesshe should always think that my time maynot go in vain without being engaged inKrishna's service. Yo ur main business isSankirtan. From everywhere I am gettinggood reports, especially from Boston ,New Yo rk, Los Angeles, and Hawaii thatthey are having good success by outdoorkirtans. So you follow this principle withoutfail, and treat the cunning with cunningness.Sometimes in your letter itappears that you are confused. I do notknow why you should be like that. Yourclear program is spreading Krishna Consciousness,and you are competent andexperienced for this. Why you should feelconfused? As you are feeling for a littlechange, I thing you can go with yourSankirtan Party to Vancouver for sometime, and help establish a center firmlybecause Ananda is struggling there alone.He had been helped by Mandali Bhadraand V rindabaneshvari, but soon they areleaving for Hamburg. So why dont you gofor a few days to Vancouver?Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Himavati, *as well as all otherdevotees there. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*I shall be glad to hear from her andadress for my deity.69-6- 19LondonNew VrindabanlOth June, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of June 3,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding Mataji Shamadevi's templein Leicester, your version is all right,and I am not very interested to establish aHindu temple. Perhaps you know fromthe very beginnning I never described mymovement as Hindu religion. Religionmeans the bonafide process by which weunderstand God and the first class religionis that which teaches people to developlove for God. To know or accept the authorityof God is one thing, but to love

888 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptidaGod is another. Generally, people are interestedin material comforts and theymake God as the supplying agent. Thiskind of devotion is not purified. It is contaminatedby material desires, but whenone is elevated to the position of giving everythingto God out of love and affection,that is the first class position. We areteaching this philosophy in the name ofKrishna Consciousness, and it is applicableto all sober persons. The Bhagavatprinciple is that because we can be happysimply by developing our dormant love ofGod, this is our first business.I understand that you have now threehouses under consideration: two of themare immediately available, but one requiressome money. Why dont you pay themoney? What is the amount? If you areshort of money and the house is very nice,then we can arrange for the money. Youhave stated that Mr. George Harrison willbe seeing the Archbishop for granting us achurch, and that is a very nice idea, but sofar I see Mr. Harrison promised so manythings which were not fulfilled practically.So instead of waiting for the chruch,if you can get one of the three houses nowunder consideration, that will be better.Your Samkirtan Movement is going oneven with no house, so there is no cause oflamentation. Yo u must go on withSamkirtan and selling our literature,never mind there is temple or not. I amvery pleased that you have already soldI , 000 BTGs, and I assume that it will notbe too difficult for you to sell 5,000 magazines.That will solve part of your financialproblems.The answer to your lstogosti questionsare as follows: Unless one is a resident ofKrishna Loka, one cannot be a SpiritualMaster. That is the first proposition. Alayman cannot be a Spiritual Master, andif he becomes so then he will simply createdisturbance. And who is a liberatedperson? One who knows Krishna. It isstated in BG, fourth chapter, anyone whoknows Kirshna in truth is immediately liberated,and after quitting the present body,he immediately goes to Krishna. Thatmeans he becomes a resident of KrishnaLoka. As soon as one is liberated he is immediatelya resident of Krishna Loka, andanyone who knows the truth of Krishnacan become Spiritual Master. That is theversion of Lord Chaitanya. So to summarizethe whole thing, it is to be understoodthat a bonafide Spiritual Master is a residentof Krishna Loka.Your next question, whether the SpiritualMaster was formely a conditionedsoul, actually a bonafide Spiritual Masteris never a conditioned soul. There arethree kinds of liberated persons. They arecalled 1) sadhan siddha, 2) kripa siddha,and 3) nitya siddha. Sadhan siddha meansone who has attained perfection by executingthe regulative principles of devotionalservice. Kripa siddha means onewho has attained perfection by the specialmercy of Krishna and the Spiritual Master,and nitya siddha means one who wasnever contaminated. The symptoms of nityasiddha is that from the beginning of hislite he is attached to Krishna, and he isnever tired of rendering service toKrishna. So we have to know what is whatby these symptoms. But when one is actuallyon the siddha platfrJrm there is nosuch distinction as to who is sadhan,kripa, or nitya siddha. When one is siddha,there is no distinction what is what.Just like when the river water glides downto the Atlantic Ocean nobody can distinguishwhich portion was the HudsonRiver or some other river. Neither is thereany necessity to make any such distinction.Actually, every living entity is eternallyuncontaminated, although he maybe in the material touch. This is the versionof the Vedas. Asanga ayampurusha -the living entity is uncontaminated. Just like when there is a drop of oil

JUNE, 1969 889in water you can immediately distinguishthe oil from the water, and the water nevermixes with the oil. Similary, a living entity,although in material contact, is alwaysdistinct from the matter.Yo u are correct when you say thatwhen the Spiritual Master speaks itshould be taken that Krishna is speaking.That is a fact. A Spiritual Master must beliberated. It does not matter if he hascome from Krishna Loka or he is liberatedfrom here. But he must be liberated. Thescience of how one is liberated is explainedabove, but when one is liberated,there is no need of distinction whether hehas come directly from Krishna Loka orfrom the material world. But in thebroader sense everyone comes fromKrishna Loka. When one forgets Krishnahe is conditioned, when one remembersKrishna he is liberated. I hope this willclear up these points. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am very much anxious to hear fromJanaki why she does not write?Bhagavatam it is advised that it is somethinglike the itching propensity. If onecan tolerate this itching, he can save himselffrom enormous troublesome businessresulting from this itching sensation. Soan intelligent person rather suffers thepain of itching sensation than acceptingthe after effects of satisfying the itch. InIndia, therefore, there are many akandabrahmacharies, and my Guru Maharajwas the best brahmachary. So your decisionto remain a brahmachary is very glorious,and if you you stick to the principlesof Krishna Consciousness rigidly, youwill never be disturbed by any sex urge,and life will be very much simplified,completely being engaged in KrishnaConsciousness.Regarding the consignment comingfrom India through the Bank of America,I am enclosing herewith one letter and acheck for $100. I hope this will solve yourquestion. With this enclosed letter youmay do the needful.I thank you once more for your encouragingletter. Please convey my blessings tothe other devotees there. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-20New VrindabanlOth June, 1969My Dear Madhudvisa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedJune 6, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. Yo ur determination toremain as brahmachary is very encouraging.Actually, al living entity does not requireto be entangled more and more . Rather heshould save his time to finish the KrishnaConsciousness business, and thus be liberatedin this life. Sex urge is a symptomof every living entity, but in the Srimad69-6-2 1New VrindabanlOth June, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June, 6,1969 and the copy of the agreement whichyou sent. The first thing is that I have alreadygiven you my word , so there is noneed of an agreement with me. My wordis final agreement, but if you want it forbusiness reasons, I have no objections to

890 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidasign it. But the wordings are not alwaysclear. Another thing is although I havebrought this Samkirtan Movement to theWestern Wo rld we cannot make it copyrighted.The Samkirtan Movement is notmy invention. So how can it be copyrighted?Besides that, as you will find inthe album of my previous recording, thechanting of Hare Krishna is going onsince time immemorial . So Hare Krishnacannot be copyrighted, although the tunein which I sing with my disciples, thatmay be made copyrighted. I have no objectionto sign this agreement, but dont bemisled that the chanting of Hare Krishnaor Lord Chaitanya's Movement can bemade copyrighted.There are some points in the contractwhich are not very clear, so you may explainthem to me further by post. Thepoints are as follows: "ISKCON shallhave the sole and exclusive right and authorityto collect preserve and distributeall tangible expressions of said sound vibrations.""Said sound vibrations shall befixed in a tangible form solely byISKCON" "ISKCON shall have the exculsiveright to any existing sound recordingscontained in any medium of fixationthat have been previously recorded by theSWAMI" "ISKCON shall have the soleand exclusive right to use the name andlikeness of the SWAMI for all purposesand activities encompassed by this agreement."So upon hearing from you on thesepoints I shall send you back the agreementduly signed by me . I am very much encouragedby the statement of your letter,but I must let you know the pros and consof this agreement.Please convey my blessings to KrishnaDevi. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-22New VrindabanlOth June, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. am indue receipt of your letter dated June 5,1969, sent along with the article printed inthe Cosmos, and I have noted the contentsin both of these items. The article wasvery nice, and I can appreciate how youare assimilating this Krishna philosophyand conveying it nicely to others. Your descriptionsof the Dadhibhanda Celebrationsounds very thrilling, and here inNew Vrindaban there is also nice supplyof butter, ghee, milk and cheeze due to thecow that they are keeping here. Regardingthe draft lawyer, please try to expedite thematter, because there are many of ourboys who may take advantage of this facilityof being excused from the draft service.So when you are able to arrange forthis it will be a very important achievementfor our society. Regarding your suggestionsfor my travel plans, your ideasare very nice, and ifl do not go to London,you can expect me to come to Los Angelesdirectly from New Vrindaban by the lOthof July.So I hope this will meet you in verygood health and cheerful mood.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-23New Vrindaban12th June, 1969My Dear Bibhavati.Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter dated June7, along with your article published in theMontreal Star on the same day. Everythingappears to be very nice, and yourservice in this connection is recognized.

JUNE, 1969 891You have done a great service by meetingwith Mr. John Lennon. He is an influentialman, and at least you have been able topublicize our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in a way that the people willunderstand that the Beatles are interested.In London, Mr. George Harrison is alsoinclined to this movement and to our disciples,and recently a letter from Shyamsundarconveyed Mr. Harrison's respectfulobeisances unto me. Mr. John Lennonis anxious for peace in the world, so alsois everyone anxious for peace in theworld, but it should be known how thatpeace can be attained. If we keep the humansociety as it is, there is no possibilityof peace. It is not a question of simply acceptingGod as the center of everythingand peace will be achieved, but the questionis how to live in God. Mr. Lennonwants to stop war, but the war is the creationof different politicians. So unless onthe summit of administration there are actuallyKrishna Conscious men, we cannotstop war. Therefore people in generalmust understand the importance ofKrishna Conscious, and they must in thisdemocratic day send their real representativeswho can make right decisionswhether there should be war or no war.We find from the history of Mahabharatthat the battle of Kurukshetra was becauseof the belligerent attitude of Duryodhana.So such war as is was conducted under cheadvice of Lord Krishna is not bad, but wardeclared and executed by demonic politiciansis certainly very bad. A Krishnaconscious person like Arjuna is not inclinedto the activities of warfare, butwher there is a necessity fo r peace in theworld to educate men to become KrishnaConscious, a Krishna Conscious persondoes not lag behind. Therefore the firstnecessity for peace in the world is to instructmen how to become Krishna Conscious,because as soon as one becomesKrishna Conscious all the good qualitiesin human society are manifested. So if it ispossible that the party of Mr. Lennon andMr. Harrison cooperate with this KrishnaConsciousness Movement, I am sure weshall be able to stop all this nonsensicalwar.I think by this time, by your sincerepractice, you have come to this conclusionthat a Krishna Conscious situation is theonly means for peace and happiness. I amvery glad to see your sarcastic remark inthe article where you write, "cigarettesmoke hangs heavy in the air." The leadersof the peace movement must be allmen of character, and to raise such men ofcharacter there must be the four regulativeprinciples; namely, no illicit sex-life, nomeat-eating, no gambling, and no intoxication.According to Vedic civilization,these four principles must be followed bypersons desiring spiritual advancement oflife, persons who want to be public leadersand persons who want to be highly intellectualfor understanding God and Hiscreation. So I am very much hopeful ofMr. John Lennon because he has severaltimes chanted the word, Krishna.Now both you and your husband wereeager to start for England, so you can nowarrange for going there. I have receivedone letter from Shyamsundar that they aresoon to occupy a nice house, so you canimmediately open correspondence withhim. His present address is ShyamsundarDas Adhikary, 11 Balham Park Road ,London SW 12, ENGLAND. If you havethe money, you can immediately start.Their place can accommodate twenty orthirty men, and as they are making veryelaborate effort for spreading KrishnaConsciousness in London, they requirehelp from bramacharies, grihastas, etc .So I think if you go there, not only youshall be assisting them, but you can furthertalk with Mr. John Lennon how actuallypeace in the world can be establishedon the above principles.

892 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptidaI understand that both you and Ishandasare very sincere souls, so in the futureI hope you both will be a great asset inpreaching this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. I thank you once again toryour letter. Hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-24New Vrindaban12th June, 1969My Dear R. Chalson,I beg to thank you very much for yourkind letter dated June 8, 1969 , addressedto our New York temple and forwardedto me. I am very pleased to read thecontents. My Spiritual Master, OmVishnupada Sri Srimad BhaktisiddhantaSaraswati Goswami Maharaj Prabhupad,sometimes used to say that if afler sellingall of my property I can convert one personto Krishna Consciousness factually,then I shall think my mission is successful.Similarly, I am also thinking like thatafter reading your letter that if I could induceeven one person to Krishna Consciousnessthrough my publication,Bhagavad Gita As It Is , then I shall thinkmy labor is successful. So I am very muchencouraged to read your letter, and I havereceived many such letters from othersalso, so I am very hopeful .I am sorry that many of the importantverses in Bhagavad Gita As It Is were leftwithout purport explanations, but theMacmillan Company wanted to minimizethe volume of the book. I am not satisfiedwith this, so my next attempt will be topublish the same with explanations for allthe verses without any exception. Actually,our Krishna Consciousness Movementmeans to propagate in the humansociety the transcendental understandingof Krishna. In the Bhagavad Gita it is saidthat out of many men, only one is interestedin self-realization. and out of manythousands of self-realized persons, onlyone may understand Krishna. But if oneunderstands Krishna as to what He is,what are His transcendental activities,then such person immediately is eligibleto enter into the Kingdom of God, and notto come again in this miserable world.People in general do not even understandthat this world is miserable for the conditionedsoul . Neither are they very interestedin the Kingdom of God. They wantto make this miserable world as the Kingdomof God without God. So thre is agreat necessity of propagating the KrishnaConsciousness Movement. As you appearto be very intelligent and interested in thisconnection, I shall request you to help thismovement as far as possible.Thank you again for your kind letter.Sincerely yours,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-25New VrindabanJune 12th, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of June5, 1969 , and with great joy I understandthat at last you have secured one nicehouse which can accommodate twenty orthirty people. I have immediately askedTrivikram das Brahmachary of Buffalo togo there, and he is sending Mukunda onetelegram confirming this. I am also advisingBibhavati and Ishandas to go there.Next I shall try to find out some otherbrahmacharies to go there as you requireimmediately some men for your great endeavor.You write to say you are too muchstrained in various ways, but by your suchactivities, Krishna will be very muchpleased . I think because Krishna ispleased, therefore you have got at last a

JUNE, 1969 893very nice place. I was planning to go toLos Angeles because Tarnal Krishna andothers are insisting that I attend the RathayatraFestival that they are performingvery pompously in San Fransisco. Theyhave secured a wonderful hall at the beachwhere the festival will be held and the proprietorof the hall has donated the hall forone week's use. They have receivedpromises from many persons contributinggrains, fruits and flowers for holding hugeprasadam distribution. It is understoodthat the hall has a kitchen with twentyburners, and it will easily accommodate5,000 people. So I have not said anythingto them yet unless I hear from you finally,but you may know that I am quite fit to goto London as soon as you can arrange formy arrival there.Regarding Rathayatra Festival in London,it is my great desire that you mustperform it. I hope you have already securedpermission from Scotland Yard inthis connection. You will be glad to knowthat Mr. John Lennon had an interviewwith Bibhavati, and a nice article was publishedin the Montreal Star in which it isunderstood that he also is interested in ourKrishna Consciousness Movement. Youhave already spoken about George Harrison,about his leaning towards KrishnaConsciousness, and I understand they areanxious for some peace movement in theworld. So when I go there, and if these interestedyoung men talk with me, I thinksomething very important may come byour mutual cooperation. So in your nextletter as indicated in your letter under reply,I shall expect your final word as towhen you like me to start for London. AccordinglyI shall make my plan, but yourdecision must be informed to me not laterthan the 25th of June.Regarding the altar, the design whichyou have submitt.!d is nice, but I wish toadd that underneath the Jagannaths athrone of Radha-Krishna should be there.I am enclosing herewith a picture of thethrone, and on the back side is my idea ofan altar design.I thank you again for your very encouragingletter. Hope this will meet you ingood health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Please inform Mukunda that I havereceived his letter of the 7th June. ACB69-6-26New Vrindaban12th June, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am sopleased to receive your letter of June 9,1969, and I can understand that Krishna isgiving you intelligence how to manage theWestern Coast branches of our society. Ithink you should now make an ad hoccommittee of management, comprisingyourself, Jayananada, Chidananda, Dindayal, Upendra, etc. If in this way you cantake charge of management affairs, it willbe a very nice thing. So far as a seal is concerned,you can make your own seal exactlylike the one we have got in NewYo rk. Simply you make the seal replacingthe word New Yo rk for Los. Angeles. Thatwill be nice. I have got full faith in you, soby Krishna's blessing try to improve allthe four or five branches there. Trivikramdas Brahmachary from Buffalo wanted toopen a branch in Sacremento or SantaMonica, but I have advised him to go toLondon because recently I received a letterfrom Shyamsundar that they have secureda nice house. It is not yet all settledup, but he wants the help of some brahmacharies.So I shall be glad to know if youcan spare some brahmacharies for London.They are of course planning somethingvery gorgeous, but till now it has notbeen tangible. But because they are workingvery seriously and sincerely it will be

894 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidasuccessful. At present my plan is that bythe 1Oth of July either I go to London or toLos Angeles. That is certain. So even if Ido not go to Los Angeles, the Festival willbe nicely performed there. If I go to LondonI shall see that the Rathayatra Festivalis also performed there, and I have writtento Shyamsundar expressing my great desirelike this. But everything depends onKrishna's disposal .Regarding your questions, it is all rightto make up the plates for the feast as youhave suggested so the guests will not haveso long a wait after the offering. The thefirst plate made up, Krishna's plate,should be kept in a high place, a separateplace, and covered. Then it is all right. RegardingVi sal 's idea of selling his car, thatis all right, and the money may be utilizedfor Rathayatra Festival. But when I goI must have my car, so you will haveto purchase. Regarding Jivananda andHarsharani, whatever you think is best forthem is all right. And I approve of the suggestionyou have made for them. Similarly,Mahapurusha may go to Vancouver.That is nice. As you see fit, you can managesuch things without consulting mefirst. Now the West Coast management ispractically on you. I am sure that Krishnawill help you in this regards.I am enclosing a letter for Devahuti, soyou may please hand it over to her. Hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiat last you have got a five-storey building,and in the meantime negotiations are continuingfor a church. It is very good newsand I thank you for your joint invitation.In your letter dated June lOth it is saidthat I shall not go to London earlier thanJuly 20th. I do not know what is your financialposition because you have notmentioned anything about our passagemoney. So kindly let me know if you aregoing to send me the money for passage,or if I will have to arrange for it. On receiptof this necessary information I shalldo the needful. In the meantime I have repliedShyamsundar's letter wherein I havestated that some of the devotees here areprepared to go to London. One brahmachary,Trivikramdas, from Buffalo willsend you a telegram concerning thismatter.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. In your previous letters, I was informedthat in London I will have manyengagements including interview withArchbishop Cantarbury. But in your letterunder reply I understand that I will have tomeet people in my apartment. This meansthat my presence is not very muchneeded. If you think so then why this invitation?Please clear the matter.69-6-27New Vrindaban13th June, 196969-6-28New Vrindaban13th June, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 7, 1969, as well as another lettersigned by you, Shyamsundar, Gurudasand others jointly. It is very gratifying thatMy Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for sending me the broadcastingtape containing varieties of ourSamkirtan Movement and it has comevery, very nice. I have received one letter

JUNE, 1969 895from Mukunda that you are already in negotiationwith him for complete cooperationwith the Beatles in future, and this isvery nice program. Most probably I shallbe going to London by the end of July, andfrom different sources I can understandthat the Beatles are becoming interested inthe Samkirtan Movement. In the meantimeyou may have received my letter toyou dated June lOth in which I have askedyou to explain some lines mentioned in theagreement between you and me. So I amexpecting your reply, and upon receipt ofit, I shall immediately send you the signedagreement as you have sent it to me.Please offer my blessings to KrishnaDevi and Vishnuaratrik. I hope this willmeet all of you in good health. Thankingyou once more for the tape.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-29New Vrindaban13th June, 1969My Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 6, 1969, and I thank you very muchfor your submissive feelings. They arejust appropriate for and advancingVaishnava. Please keep yourself in thisnice attitude and Krishna will bless you .Regarding registration of the society,you can simply translate our New Yorkregistration form into German and submitit to the court clerk, depositing the requisitefees, and I think that will finish theregistration problem. If the poliice do notallow you to perform kirtan in publicplaces, do not disobey their orders. Try toabide by the law of the state for taking advantageof performing kirtan as far as possible.Regarding your father's suspicion, youshould not keep him in suspicion. As youare working in apprenticeship for jewelrywork, you should continue that occupation,and even if your father comes andsees that you are engaged in your occupationas well as looking after managementof the temple, he will not be displeased. Ican understand from your attitude thatyour father must be good gentleman, otherwisehow could he have such a nice son?So there is no need of playing hide-andseek.If you continue learning the jeweler'strade, he will not be displeased.Besides that, some of our men must work,otherwise it is difficult to maintain all theexpenses in the European countries.Regarding Shivananda's plan to go toParis, it may be suspended till I requesthim to do so. In the meantime I have receivedinformation from London that theyhave secured a nice house at the cost of$400 per month, so they want me to gothere by the end of July. In the meantime,if you think my presence in Hamburg willhelp your organization, I can go there fora few days. But I do not know what is yourfinancial condition. So if you are seriousto call me, you can let me know by returnof post. I have received a letter from MandaliBhadra that they are positively goingthere on the 27th of June. Regarding theconch shell that was donated, it is welcome.You can use it in the temple.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-30New Vrindaban14th June, 1969My Dear Sheelavati,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June,1969, and I have carefully noted the contentstherein. Regarding the suggestion

896 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidathat you remarry, I have never suggestedsuch thing, so you need not trouble yourselfwith this. As I have told you in LosAngeles, I wish that the mother's whohave no husband at present should not remarry,but should dedicate their time toseeing that their children are brought upvery nicely in Krishna Consciousness.Your boy, Birbhadra, has just arrivedhere, and he will be taken care of by KirtananandaMaharaj . Satyabhama Dasi isin charge of educating the children in NewVrindaban, and she is very qualified to dothis because she is educated and worksvery nicely with the children. So there isno difficulty at present in this regards, andas you are so nicely engaged in youractivities in Los Angeles, you shouldcontinue as you are now doing. Yourdescription of the course you are giving tothe interested girls about the role they playin Krishna Consciousness is very nice,and I am pleased that you have begun thisproject. Actually the role of all conditionedsouls is the same; to chant HareKrishna, tell others to chant, perfect ourlives in Krishna Consciousness, and to goback to Godhead when this body is finished.Now if you can induce all thewomen of Los Angeles to place an altar intheir homes and help their husbands havepeaceful, happy home life in KrishnaConsciousness, that will be very greatservice for you. The actual system is thatthe husband is Spiritual Master to hiswife, but if the wife can bring her husbandinto practising this process, then it is allright that the husband accepts wife asSpiritual Master. Chaitanya Mahaprabhuhas said that anyone who knows the scienceof Krishna, that person should be acceptedas Spiritual Master, regardless ofany material so-called qualifications;such as rich or poor, man or woman, orbrahmin or sudra. So if you can show thewomen of the community how to helptheir husbands and children to perfecttheir home life, and all aspects of life, inKrishna Consciousness by chanting,aratrik ceremonies, and eating Krishnaprasadam, then you will improve the conditionsof the neighboring communitiesto an incalculable extent. So try for thisas far as possible. I already have practicalexperience that many of the Americangirls and boys are very intelligentand qualified to take up this sublimemovement. We simply have to instructthem nicely, and surely many will understandthat here is such a nice thing andthey must take to it. So I am very pleasedwith the nice efforts you are making. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher.69-6-3 1New Vrindaban15th June, 1969My Dear Krishna Devi,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated Ekadashee,June 19, 1969, and I have notedthe contents with pleasure. I am sopleased to note that you are chantingnicely and that Krishna is encouragingyou in so many ways. This is the actual positionthat if we are sincerely chanting ourrounds, following the prescribed regulativeprinciples, and avoiding the ten offenses, then very quickly Krishna seesour efforts and He gives all encouragementto such sincere soul. Then with thistaste of Krishna Consciousness, we becomemore and more attracted, so moreand more Krishna gives encouragement,and then more and more we increase inour desire to serve Krishna in pureKrishna Consciousness. So in this waythere is an unlimited ocean of nectar of

JUNE, 1969 897devotional service which eternaly increaseson and on. When we begin thissublime chanting process, or even if wesimply hear the sound Hare Krishna, thenwe have begun our journey back to theSpiritual Kingdom, back to Godhead. Soplease continue to be serious in yourchanting, and then surely Krishna willsave you and all the other sincere soulswho are so fortunate to have taken to thismovement.I am pleased to learn that you arethinking of putting together a cook-bookof our Krishna prasadam recipes. I understandthat in London, Yamuna Dasi hasalready done some work on this same project,so you may correspond with her inthis connection. I know that at our feastsespecially many persons become interestedin preparing foodstuffs in this way,so this cook-book is a nice thing to instructsuch persons in preparing and offeringnice prasadam for the Lord. Sowhen there is some tangible book readyfo r publication, please inform me, and weshall try to arrange for its publication. Iam pleased to note your description of theincreasing interest in vegetarian diet inthis country. Actually, the practice ofmeat-eating is very detrimental to spirituallife, because in spiritual life the goalis to become free from all sinfulreactions,and meat-eating means simply to forceoneself to suffer the sinful reactions ofkilling our fellow living entities. So asmany people will he taking to practicingspiritual lite through the influence of ourSamkirtan Movement, such cook-bookwill be very important, and you shouldwork for this as you are able. Pleaseconvey my blessings to your husband,Dinesh, and to your child, Vishnu Arati. Ihope this will find you all well.Your ever well-wisher,A .C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-32New Vrindaban15th June, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your most recentletter (undated), and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am so much encouragedto learn that one very nice German boyhas come to live in your temple. This isclear evidence that you are all workingsincerely to serve Krishna, and now onesincere soul has been so attracted by this,that he is also coming to join you. Actually,if one true Vaishnava goes any placein the world, then the spiritual instincts ofthe more advanced souls he comes intocontact with will be awakened, and theywill automatically be attracted. In theBhagavad Gita , Krishna informs Arjunathat if in previous lifetimes one has begunthe path of spiritual perfection but was unableto complete it for one reason or another,then in futurelifetimes he willatuomatically become attracted again tospiritual life, and he will begin his progressfrom the point where he had previouslyleft off. So throughout the materialuniverses there are many such spirituallyinclined souls, and our mission is topresent to everyone right knowledge ofspiritual life. In this way, those who are alreadyinterested may finish up thereKrishna Consciousness business in thislife, and similarly, those who are not sointerested may advance themselves andmake perfection of their life, simply byhearing our Samkirtan Party, attendingour temple activities with association withdevotees, and eating Krishna prasadam.Please take nice care of Oliver, and helphim in whatever way you can. In KrishnaConsciousness every man is so importantbecause all of the activities of a devotee ofLord Krishna is beneficial to all living entities.So if there are any questions that he

898 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>would like me to help him with, I am alwaysat your service to help in any way Ican.Regarding your proposal to go toParis, you will be pleased to learn thatJanardan has already gone there twoweeks ago, and he is thinking seriouslyhow to spread Krishna Consciousnessthere. For the time being your services arerequired in Germany, so you must staythere for the present. Let us see howJanardan is arranging things in Paris, andwhen the time is right, if you are requiredto go there, then I shall instruct you in thisregards. In the meantime, you are inHamburg, so try to advance the success ofyour temple there as far as possible.I have received Jayagovinda's notealong with the list of credits for GermanBTG. Please convey my blessings to theothers. I hope this will meet you all ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-33New Vrindaban16th June, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,I am in due receipt of your letter datedJune 11, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. You may immediately arrangefor purchasing the machine. Make acontract, and I have advised Brahmanandato pay you the $503 when you need it. Sowhen the transaction is completed, immediatelycall Brahmananda and he will payyou. Now Arundhuti and Shama Dasishall be in charge of composing at leastfour hours alternately. In this way, the machineshould be used from 7:00 in themorning till 10:00 at night. Shama Dasimay type from 7:00 in the moring till11:00 o'clock. Then Arundhuti will typefrom 11 till three. Then Shama Dasi fromthree untill seven o'clock, and Arundhutifrom seven o'clock until ten o'clock. Inthis way, you and Hayagriva shall guidethem so that the machine will be fully utilized.I am sure that the monthly paymentsshall be arranged by you, and this is verygood. Special care should be given tokeep the machine in a safe room which isalways closed and always locked. Theproperty is worth about $6,000, and youwill be responsible for the payments, sovery much care should be taken to protectit from any damage or theft. Of courseyour quarters there are nice, but all necessaryprecautions must still be taken.Please write to inform me what you aregoing to do.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-34New Vrindaban16th June, 1969My Dear Steve,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter, and I understandfrom your one simple questionthat you are now serious about perfectingyour life in Krishna Consciousness. Youhave asked me to tell you everything thatyou should know, and this, of course, is agreat subject matter. We now have publishedseveral books which delve deeplyinto the topic of the Absolute Truth, soyou should read them very carefully, andgradually the knowledge will become revealedto you. The first book you shouldstudy carefully is the Bhagavad Gita As ItIs . The sum and substance of BhagavadGita , is that we should surrender ourselveswholly and completely upon theLotus Feet of Krishna. When one is not

JUNE, 1969 899Krishna Consciousness, then he is Mayaconscious, or in illusion. Just like whenone is not in light, he is sure to be in darkness.Because absence of light meansdarkness. Similarly, to be forgetful ofKrishna means one is in Maya, the darknessof ignorance. Just like when you turnaway from the sun, you see the darkness ofyour shadow; but when you turn yourface to the sun, then there is no questionof a shadow. The whole principle ofspiritual life is to turn our attention backto Krishna, and thus immediately befreed from all entanglements of Maya.There is no necessity to practice the variousyogic postures, pressing the nose,and there is no need of becoming a greatlearned scholar to advance in spirituallife. Simply we have to turn our attentionback to the Lotus Feet of Krishna, andthen all spiritual perfection is automaticallythere.The process of turning to Krishna youare seeing practically everyday becauseyou are now staying in the temple. Youchant Hare Krishna; 16 rounds daily, followthe regulative principles, read BhagavadGita, and help your Godbrotherspush on this movement as far as possible.I understand from Brahmananda that youare a very sincere boy, and now you arehelping by working in the kitchen, preparingKrishna prasadam. So continue in thisway and attend Samkirtan Party as muchas possible; this will help you to advancewithout any doubt. When questions arise,you consult Brahmananda or the otherolder Godbrothers and they will help you .Of course, if you would like to questionme upon some point, I am always at yourservice in this connection. So practiseKrishna Consciousness very sincerelyand surely Krishna will bless you . I hopethis finds you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta69-6-35New Vrindaban16th June, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 11,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding your question about offeringPrasadam, whatever is offered tothe Deity actually it goes through theSpiritual Master. The Spiritual Master offersto Lord Chaitanya, and Lord Chaitanyaoffers it to Krishna. Then Radha­Krishna eats, or Jagannath eats, thenChaitanya Mahaprabhu eats, then theSpiritual Master eats, and it becomes Mahaprasadam.So when you offer something,you think like that and chant theGayatri mantra, and then everything iscomplete. At last, ring the bell, take outthe plate and wipe the place where theplate was kept.Regarding your second question aboutgreeting karmis, if a karmi is a friend, youjust greet him Hare Krishna, and withfolded hands touch your forehead. If thekarmi is a superior relative, then chantHare Krishna and bow down down to himon the ground. That should be the etiquettein our society transactions. Wheneveryou have questions, you ask yourhusband or ask me . You should always bevery sound in knowledge about KrishnaConsciousness. But as you are very muchattached to chanting, there will be no difficultyfor you .Regarding your last question about theecstatic symptoms of chanting HareKrishna, you should know that the HareKrishna Mantra has an equal effect uponall devotees. Just like the sunshine has anequal effect on everyone, but when it iscovered, the sunshine has a different effect.Similarly, the influence of the HareKrishna Mantra becomes manifest whenone is no longer covered by the ten offensesto chanting. The more we become

900Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>free from the ten offenses, the more the effectof chanting becomes manifestedthrough us. Everyone can become a greatdevotee, being freed from the offenses100%, simply by one's determination andeffort.When the Composer machine is purchased,you will be engaged from eleventill three PM, and from seven till ten PM.That means seven hours in ..a day. Whenyou are typing, you should know that it isas good as chanting, because the work isalso on the matter of Krishna. Chantingon the beads and chanting on the typewriterComposer machine are both transcendentalsounds of Krishna. Krishna'sName, His Fame, His Qualities-all ofthem are on the absolute platform, andtherefore there is no difference betweenone and another. So do not be misled thatyou are typing and not chanting. Ourbooks should be on the standard sample ofTeachings of Lord Chaitanya . Your husbandwill guide you, and Hayagriva willguide you, so do it nicely.Please convey my blessings to Jaya Gopaland the others. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-36New Vrindaban16th June, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. Sometimesago you proposed that you would remainwith me constantly and help me inediting my books specially Srimad Bhagavatam.But now the situation is different.You are busy in some other way. Thishas given me much pain. However, if youstill desire to remain with me and help mein editing my books, it will be a great pleasurefor me, and if you so decide, you cango with me to London also. Back To Godheadis now simplified and if you onlysend the edited matter, the rest can bemanaged by others. Now you decide ifyou can remain with me constantly likePurushottam. I hope you will discuss withme on this when you come here in the nextweek. As your beloved spiritual masterand father, it is my duty to give you all protection;but if you allow Maya to act uponyou without any resistance, then it is yourown choice. Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-37New Vrindaban16th June, 1969My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to hear that you are successfully carryingon the Samkirtan Movement, andKrishna is giving you encouragement bymercifully giving some money also. Sorest assured that Samkirtan Movement isspecifically benedicted by Lord Chaitanyafor achieving all kinds of success. Stick tothe principles seriously and faithfully, andthere will be no difficulty. Now you mayplease send as many nice photographs ofyour Samkirtan activities as possible toBrahmananda for publication in Back ToGodhead. In each issue of Back To Godheadthere shall be sufficient pictures ofour Samkirtan Movement with descriptions.I have advised to follow this policyrigidly.I am very glad to hear about Sachisuta's activities. He is very intelligent andserious devotee, but due to his past habits,he is a little flickering. I think if there isany suitable girl , you can negotiate forhis marriage, and then he will be fixedup.He has got various capacities, and hecan help our movement very much, butas he is a little restless, try to help him bevery serious and get a wife amongst our

JUNE, 1969 901Krishna Conscious girls. Please conveymy thanks to him as he is doing very wellin Buffalo. Regarding the draft board, TamalKrishna is also working on this in LosAngeles, so you can open direct correspondenceif there is chance for mutal cooperation.I am enclosing list of Holy Days for thecoming months, and also enclosed is avery nice letter I received recently fromSudama in Hawaii. Please convey myblessings to your wife and child. I shall bevery pleased to see you again when youcome to visit in New Vrindaban. Hopeyou are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-38New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I have justreceived your letter dated June 13, 1969,and I have carefully noted the contents. Iquite follow you that you are planning towork conjointly with our London party.So I am sending you back the agreementduly signed by me, and I hope you will dothe business side of these records with theGrace of Lord Chaitanya. If you wish togo to London, I have no objection. TheSamkirtan picture which you sent, I donot follow if you want to print this picturein the next album cover, or what is youridea of sending it. Anyway, it is very nice,and I thank you for enclosing it. Pleaseimmediately send to me one copy of thecontract so I may keep it here in my files.Convey my blessings to your wife andchild. I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-39 New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Harer Nama and Prabhavati,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letters of June 10,1969, and I have noted the contents ofboth with much encouragement. I havealso received short letters from the newpeople who have come to help you in theSanta Fe temple, and their nice appreciationof our movement is a great pleasurefor me to note . Keep them very nicely, andas you consider that one or all of them areready for initiation and are desiring likethat, then they can send their beads to meto be chanted upon. You have invited me tocome again to visit the Sante Fe templeand this idea is nice, but at present I amplanning to be going to London by the latterpart of July, so I do not see any immediateopportunity. From London mostprobably I will be returning to LosAngeles, so let us see if there will be anyopportunity at that time. The pictures youhave sent are very, very nice, and I amhopeful that under your guidance theSante Fe temple will spread the chantingof Hare Krishna throughout that area.Please convey my blessings to yournice wife, Prabhavati, and to the very nicenew people who are fortunately taking toKrishna Consciousness, I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-40New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedJune 7, 1969 and June 11, 1969, and Ihave noted the contents carefully. Regardingthe tour of North Dakota, this is a nice

902 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaproposal. So if it is practical, it will bevery nice for you and your wife. Onlything you have to do is rent a stationwagon, so you can travel, sleep and cookthere. Keep with you four or five pairs ofcymbals, one harmonium, one mridunga.One of you play the harmonium, one ofyou plays the mridunga, and some personsin the audience can play the kartals.In this way you can perform nice kirtan.Subal met me here in New Vrindaban anddescribed this plan, but I do not think it ismature yet. But when some arrangementis done, you can accept it. You have suggestedthat Nandakishore and his wifejoin you, but how will you manage withtwo pairs of husbands wives with the $350per week? The program is very nice, andif you can make it practical, I have fullsupport for it. This is a good opportunityfor spreading our philosophy and Samkirtan.I understand that you and Himavatihave gone already to Vancouver, and I amexpecting a letter from you as to your reportin this connection.Please offer my blessings to Himavati.I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: Regarding the time when the devoteesarise in the morning, here in New Vinda­-ban they are getting up by four o'clock.But in your country the people are not accostumedto this, and it will take a littletime to get them used to it. But try to getthem up at four o'clock as far as possible.69-6-4 1New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou so much for your encouraging letter,and I am so pleased to learn that the centeris doing very nice propaganda work inHawaii. Now you send to Brahmananda asmany photographs as possible of the paradingand the other chanting engagements.It will be the policy of our papernow to print as many as possible photosand articles of our own activities. I understandfrom Goursundar's letter that thereis now inconvenience in having so manypeople living in the house there, so I thinkyou may immediately return to Satsvarupain Boston. I think that you may now takepart in Samkirtan activities, so when youreturn to Boston you may go out with themsometimes on Samkirtan Party. I am veryglad to know that Govinda Dasi felt herselfcured of all her diseases by hearingmy words, and I am very much encouraged.Both of you chant Hare Krishna andjoin Samkirtan Party, and there will beno disease. Maharaj Parikshit said thatchanting the glories of the Lord can beexecuted by liberated persons. This meansby chanting one becomes liberated fromall material impediments. Not only chantinggives us liberation, but even in ourconditioned state we like to hear the sweetmelodious sound of the chanting. Only aperson who is committing suicide or whois addicted in animal killing, such personscannot relish the sweetness of this chanting.But even if they take to this chanting,they will become liberated.Thank you again for your letter. I amenclosing a list of the special KrishnaConsciousness holidays in the comingmonths. I hope this will meet you in improvedhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-42New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 13,

JUNE, 1969 9031 969 , and I have carefully noted the contents.I am very glad to hear about your recentSamkirtan success, and as long asthis is going on, everything will come outnicely. I can understand that you are nowforced to reduce your number living at thehouse, so for the time being you keep fiveor six men there. This landlady is increasingrent simply to take advantage, but asyou have no other place to live you have tomake some compromise. Jadurany mayimmediately return to Boston, and Sudamamay immediately go to London. Sudamais much required in London, butbecause I thought he was needed in yourcenter I did not ask him to go before. Underthe circumstances, I think he may goto London immediately. In this way adjustthings. Be confident that Krishna willsave you from the present inconvenience,and take these steps immediately. Yo uhave spoken about Govinda Dasi's expertnesson Samkirtan, and I know very wellabout her qualifications. I am 100% confidentabout her competence, and she canbe very useful to your activities there. Unfortunatelyshe becomes sickly, so as husband,you must see that she is takenproper care of. She is a good asset for youas your wife, and I want that you two workcombinedly. That is my desire. You havesuch nice opportunity for doing very niceservice to Lord Krishna in Hawaii, and Iwant that you two, husband and wife,work together. I have confidence in you,and I have got all blessings for you boththat in the future you will be nicepreachers . What you have done so far isvery nice, and I am praying to Krishna foryour success there.Please send all nice pictures of youractivities to Hayagriva for publication inBTG. We have decided to give many picturesof our Samkirtan activities alongwith short descriptions. Hayagriva is nowrenovated to be the senior editor. You alsoshould write articles as you have done before.Your articles are very much appreciatedby me, so you write them, not onlyabout Samkirtan, but also on our philosophy.But send immediately pictures toHayagriva of your Samkirtan activities.Thanking you again for your letter. Hopeyou are well.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-43New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for you letter dated June14, 1969, sent along with Krishna tapes#1 1 and #12. The tapes are done verynicely as always. The first thing is that Ihave written to Jadurany today that shemay immediately return to you in Boston.There is some inconvenience in Hawaiifor accommodatin so many people becausethe landlady has said there are toomany living there. So Jadurany will be returningvery soon. I have advised her thatshe may go on Samkirtan Party in Boston.Regarding your present difficulty with thepolice, things are going by Krishna's desire,and it will be all right. Try to get recognitionfrom the police that we are anon-profit religious organization. In LosAngeles they have got a permit for begging,so you inquire from Tarnal Krishna,and get a copy from him of this permit.We are non-profit religious organizationand we have so much expenditure, so tryto get this permit. Please keep me postedas to how this is progressing.Offer my blessings to the others. I ampleased to note that Murari is such a tremendousboon to your activities there,and you "do not know how you managed

904Letters from Srrla Prabhupadnwithout him before." I hope this will meetyou all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-44New Vridaban17th June, 1969My Dear Murlidhar,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated June 12, 1969,and I have noted the contents. I have alsoseen your Krishna-Ballarama picture and itis very nice. These pictures you are drawingfor our Festivals in Los Angeles may benicely colored and photographed and sentto Brahmananda for publication in BTG.The Bhagavatam picture you have alreadydone is already arranged for publication onthe front page, and in the absence of Jadurany'spaintings, I shall require yourwork for so many pictures in BTG.I am enclosing a list of the special KrishnaConsciousness holidays to be celebrated in)001' 1emple fur the next several months. Ihope thill will meet )00 in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiBrass Murtis, 24" high, at Rs 825.00 perpair. So please call him and pay him in advanceRs 100.00. After manufacturing theMurtis, he will securely pack and book theparcel to Calcutta by Ry Parcel. On deliveryof the Ry receipt to you, along with theinvoice you will pay him the balance Rs725.00, including packing and forwanJingcharge. This Ry receipt, his invoice alongwith your certificate to the Reserve Bank ofCalcutta that money paid to Ramanath Mukutwalais American Exchange received byyou on such and such date, all the documentsmay be furwarded by Regd. Postwith aekd due to M/s United Shipping Corpomtion,14/2 Old China Bazar Street,Calcutta- I, and they will take care of shipping the package to the U.S.A. The moneypaid to Ramanath Mukutwala and yourcommission for this tmnsaction may becharged against my above ale.Please acknowledge receipt to my followingaddress: ISKCON, 1975 South LaCienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California90034, U.S. A. Thanking you in anticipation.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-45New Vrindaban17th June, 1969MangerThe Punjab National BankP.O. Vrindaban U. P.INDIADear Sir:RE: S.B. ale 2913 with youI beg to hand you herewith one BankDraft in your favor fur Rs 825.00 for creditof my above ale. The purpose of sendingthis money is to purchase Brass Deitiesfrom Vrindaban. Arrangement has beenmad that Sri Ramnath Mukutwala of LobiBazar, Vrindaban, will supply Radha-Krishna69-6-46New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 13,1969, and I have noted the contents. Youwrite to say in your your letter, "Pleasecome to Los Angeles immediately,Prabhupad. There are so many devoteeswho are so much anticipating Yo ur DivineAppearance." So considering this urgentcall, I may go immediately to Los Angelesas I have not got any important businesshere. So you can send me passage money,

JUNE, 1969 905and I shall go to Los Angeles along withpuru s hottam. The London devotees wantme by the end of July, so even from LosAngeles I can go to London, and in thisway spend at least one month in LosAngeles. Then after that period, if Londonwants me urgently, I can go therefrom Los Angeles. There is no difficulty.Under the circumstances, I am preparedto go to Los Angeles immediately as requestedby you.Regarding opening branches in LagunaBeach, you know I am always verymuch enthusiastic to open branches, so ifanother branch can be opened for propagatingKrishna Consciousness, it is alwayswelcome. If we have got opportunityto open such branch, we must take advantage. So far as the money is concerned, itis not meant for banking, but it is meantfor spending. Our policy should be to collectmillions of dollars or more than thatdaily, and spend it daily. That should beour policy. Every morning we shall beempty-handed, get collection of a milliondollars during the daytime, and by eveningit should be all spent. That should beour motto . But because we are pushing onour activities regularly, therefore somemoney should be saved to meet emergencies.So if you have got chance of openinga branch in Laguna Beach, do it. When weget a big temple in Los Angeles, Krishnawill supply the necessary funds.Regarding the throne, it should bemade exactly to the design made byMuriidhar. It is 40 x 40 x 45 (length,breadth and height). I am enclosing thisdesign, so you make the throne in that patternfor Radha-Krishna.I will expect to hear from you soon byreturn of post. Hope this meets you ing ood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-47New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Balabhadra,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter (undated),and I have noted the contents with pleasure.Your description of the parade with55,000 people viewing is very much encouraging,and it is clear that Krishna isgiving you nice opportunities for spreadingthe Samkirtan Movement throughoutHawaii. Send pictures of your activities inthis parade and your other activities toHayagriva for being printed in Back ToGodhead. I appreciate very much that youare a thoughtful, intelligent boy, and youhave got Krishna's Grace undoubtedly.Your good Godbrothers and Godsistersalso speak highly of you, so continue todevelop as you are doing and Krishna willsurely be very pleased upon you. I ampraying to Krishna for your long life andservice.Thanking you once more for your letter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-48New Vrindaban17th June, 1969My Dear Woomapati,Please accept by blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter datedJune 12, 1969, and I have noted the contents.You could not secure till now a goodjob, but that does not mean you shall returnto New Yo rk. Keep yourself in SanFransisco for some time more, and ifthere is no favorable response, then youmay go to Paris where there is contemplationof opening a center. This will be settledup, say after a month. Till then youremain either in San Fransisco or Los

906 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptldaAngeles, and then decide. I think there isa great plan of Krishna that you should notget suitable service till now. It may be thatyou are required for preaching work100%. So depend on Krishna, chant HareKrishna, and everything will work out. Iam leaving for Los Angeles on June 23rd,so I am sure I will see you before long.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bkhaktivedanta Swami69-6-49New Vrindaban20th June, 1969My Dear Ishandas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 14,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.Regarding the land which you nowown, if you are conveniently able to keepit, that is all right. It can be used for developingin the future. But if you need themoney for going to London, you can sell itand utilize the money for this purpose.You have described how you meditate onKrishna and your Spiritual Master, but Ido not follow what you mean by "identify".To think of Krishna and your SpiritualMaster is very nice, but if you thinkyou are Krishna or Spiritual Master, thatis Mayavadi philosophy. One should notindulge in this sort of thing. I have alreadyreceived the constitution notes fromJanardan, and I am very encouraged byhis descriptions of the opportunities ofspreading Samkirtan in Paris.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. Please inform Gopal Krishna that Ihave received his presents with thanks.ACB69-6-50My Dear Pradyumna,New Vrindaban20th June, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter ofJune 17, 1969,and I have noted the contents. It is all rightto have the changes made on the two typefonts because it will be suitable for ourpurposes. I have already written you a letterthat you have to maintain the machine.That means the monthly installments shallbe arranged by you, and the cash downshall be paid by me. I have already advisedBrahmananda in this connection soyou can do the needful.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-51My Dear Satsvarupa,New Vrindaban20th June, 1969Please accept by blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated June 18, 1969,and I have noted the contents. The picturesyou have sent are very nice, and theyshall be published in BTG. Regarding[TEXT UNCLEAR]I understand that he would like to remainin Boston, but previously he was indexingBhagavad Gita As It Is. If he is able towork there on this project, I have no objection.Otherwise he may come back toNew York. Sometimes, out of their ownaccord, devotees decide to leave a center,but this is not a good practice. If he cancontinue his indexing work there, then hemay remain in Boston.I am very pleased to learn that yotl areplanning for a nice Rathayatra Festival inBoston. Please do it nicely, and take manynice photographs for publication in BTG.Yesterday I received one telegram from

JUNE, 1969 907London to send them by cable $1,025.00.They require this for their house there.This money was to be for a down paymenton purchasing an IBM machine for ourbooks, and therefore I now need somemoney. If you have got some extra money,you can help me. You have encouraged mywriting books, and for printing each bookwill require not less than 6 or 8 thousanddollars. Under the circumstances, I requestall centers that as soon as they haveextra money, it should be sent to me. ImmediatelyI wish to publish Nectar of Devotionsecond edition of First Canto, andfirst edition of Second Canto of SrimadBhagavatam. So if you will help me in thismatter, it will be very nice. After this, Iwish to publish Krishna. In this way Iwant to prolong the publication work. Iam going to Los Angeles to collect somemoney, and similarly I am requesting youalso to help in this matter.Please convey my blessing to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-52New Vrindaban21st June, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated 18 June,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.The Rathayatra Festival you willperform from the 20th of July to the 27thof July. The main item is the car, so howwill you observe the Festival with out therequired car, or ratha. If you want to takethe Deities on the shoulders of the devotees,that is also nice. But if you wouldconvey the Deities on a car, that will bevery nice. The Festival is the the Deitiesare taken to some river side, if not the seaside,and Montreal has got a very niceriver, the St. Lawrence River. The systemis that for 8 days the Deities remain on theseaside, and kirtan goes on, prasad is distributed,and people offer flowers, fruits,etc. to the Deities. Then on the 8th day,the Lord returns to His own place. This isthe system, and the care is taken in greatprocession, complete with chanting,flowers, etc . This year Boston is also tryingto celebrate the Rathayatra Festival,and if you like, you may open correspondencewith Satsvarupa in this connection,and he will help you with further ideas.I am so glad to learn that Kirtan is goingon, and by Krishna's Grace you aregetting some collections. This is verygood news. If during Rathayatra, you cannotkeep on the seaside, then you take thecar in procession to the riverside, andcome back the same day. For the eightdays, as far as possible distribute prasadam,especially kitcherie. Then on the 8thday you also hold the ceremony in thesame way. Please arrange to take nice photographsof your Festival activities as wellas of your other kirtan activities. We wishto print many such photographs in ourBack To Godhead, so take many pictures,and send them to Brahmananda in NewYork.This Monday, June 23rd, I am going toLos Angeles, so you may address futurecorrespondence to that address. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-53New Vrindaban21st June, 1969My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14 June, 1969, and I have noted the contents. I have already been informed aboutyour London house from the others. The

908 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>day before yesterday I received one cablefrom Mukunda asking for a loan of$1,025.00 for depositing three months'rent on the house. I have advised NewYork to cable the money immediately, andI hope Mukunda has already received themoney and the transaction is nicely terminated.Previously, I received one letterfrom your center, signed by Mukunda,Shyamsundar, Gurudas, and others, invitingme to London by the 20th of July. Inthe meantime, I have received one urgentletter from Los Angeles to go there, andtherefore I am going to Los Angeles on the23rd instant. But there will be no difficultyfor me to go to London from LosAngeles, provided that by that time youare well equipped. Otherwise, there is noneed of hurrying. Do everything peacefullyand conveniently. I have asked onemarried couple from Montreal, Ishandasand Bibhavati, to go to London, as well asI have asked one brahmachary namedTrivikram, and probably Sudama willalso go there. So nicely organize yourSamkirtan Party, and go on with your regularprogram of preaching Krishna Consciousness.I understand that Mataji is going to donateone pair of Sri Murtis. I do not knowwhat size they will be, but I have also orderedone pair of Sri Murtis, 24" high. Ihope your arrangements for RathayatraCeremony are going ahead, and I shall beglad to hear from you at my Los Angelesaddress. I am very much encouraged tolearn that your kirtan is going to be held atOxford University, which is the most importantuniversity in the world. At least inIndia, if somebody is a graduate of OxfordUniversity, he is very highly respected,and immediately he gets some good job inthe government's service. So if yourSamkirtan program becomes recognizedby the Oxonians, it will be a great creditfor you.I am enclosing a list of fasting days andfestivals days which you should observenicely. Also enclosed is a letter for Gurudas,which you may please hand over tohim. I hope this will meet you in verygood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-54New Vrindaban21st June, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated June 7, and June 16, 1969, and Ihave noted the contents. I have also receivedyour presents, shoes and soap, andI thank you very much. I am also glad tolearn that the anxiety of your parents isnow removed . So go on with your prescribedduty of Krishna Consciousnessand be happy. You are a very intelligentboy and faithful to your parents and toyour duty. Certainly Krishna will be verymuch pleased upon you . The father andmother are also as good as the SpiritualMaster, and we are indebted to father andmother in so many ways. So as they aredependent on your income, try to helpthem as far as possible, as well as spendsomething for Krishna also. Rupa Goswami spent 50% for Krishna, 25% foremergency, and 25 % for relatives. Youcan also try to follow this principle as faras possible. Your main business is to keepin Krishna Consciousness, and if youkeep that point in view, you can deal withothers according to social conventionswithout being attached.Another thing, if you can request yourfather to supply us with Maharastrianmridungas and kanjanis, that will be verynice. I wish to import them from Bombay,so if your father or any body else who maybe known to your father can arrange tosupply us these things from Bombay, it

JUNE, 1969 909will be a great service to the society. Onreceipt of your favorable reply from yourfather, I can arrange to pay him from aBombay Bank where I have got money. Inthe Bank of Baroda, Bombay, I have gotsome money, and if your father agrees totake this trouble, then I may send himthe required money by check, payablein the Bank of Baroda. So you can askhim quotation for the following things:1) Harmonium-double reed, 2) Harmonium-triplereed, 3) mridunga, 4) Kanjani.As our new centers are being opened in allparts of Europe, Canada, and America,we require many such instruments. So ifyour father does some business, he canmake some profit also. In Bombay, theScindia Steam Navigation Co. carries ourgoods free of charge, so if your fatheragrees, have him see the director, SumatiMorarjee. She will be glad to dispatch ourgoods free of charge. Or else we can getthe goods by paying the regular freightand price. So you can open correspondenceeither with your father or with somereliable person who can supply the abovegoods.Regarding Back To Godhead, I wishthat you take charge of organizing thesales in the libraries. If you write letterson behalf of the society, will not that begood? I suggest that you may take a littleresponsibility for organizing the sales,and wherever you will direct, they willdispatch the sample copies if so required.Or else we can send the copies to you inMontreal for you to do such propagandawork as you like. I am starting for LosAngeles on Monday, the 23rd of June, andI shall be glad to hear from you at our LosAngeles address as follows: ISKCON,1975 South La Cienega Boulevard, LosAngeles, California 90034.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-55New Vrindaban21st June, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour note about the new house, andI have arranged to send the money as requestedby Mukunda. I hope the money isalready received by you and the transactionis nicely executed. After hard labor,you are getting a nice house just suitablefor your purposes. Now decorate it nicely,and go ahead with new vigor and energyto push on the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in London. You have alreadycreated an impression in the greatest cityin the world, and I hope in the future therewill be even greater hope for this movement.I am glad to learn that the Beatleshave showed guarantee for payment of therent. It is a nice, friendly gesture. RecentlyMr. John Lennon had an interviewwith one of our disciples, Bibhavati, and itappears that he is also sympathetic withour movement. Another point is that inBTG we shall now publish as many picturesof our Samkirtan Movement in differentcities as possible. So get good snapsof your kirtans and engagement in London,and send the photos on to New York.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-56New Vrindaban21st June, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 18, 1969, and I am very glad to understandthat things are being arranged inHamburg so nicely. Your attitude forKrishna's service is very much laudable,

910 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidaand I am very much proud of having a disciplelike you. May Krishna bless youmore and more in the advancement ofKrishna Consciousness. If you want me togo to Hamburg, then you can arrange for itafter the second week of July, because Iam going to Los Angeles on the 23rd ofJune. Tarnal Krishna wants me there immediatelybecause some of the devoteesare very much eager for my presencethere, and probably I will also frame ourfuture program for opening sub-branchesin the Los Angeles area. In neighboringplaces, such as Laguna Beach, there isgood prospects for a center. I understandthat you are in correspondence with Londonfor some financial arrangement, butrecently, just the day before yesterday, Ireceived one cable from Mukunda askingme to give them a loan for $1 ,025.00, so Ihave asked Gargamuni to send them thismoney. Under the circumstances, I do notthink they will be able to arrange financiallyto receive me there immediately.But there is no need of hurrying the matter.You can arrange for my receiptionconveniently, although I am always readyto go to Europe at any moment. I thinkthat when London will be ready to receiveme, at that time my going to Germany willbe the most profitable. But if you thinkthat you can manage to receive me directlyin Hamburg, I have no objection.But anything you arrange must be after thesecond week in July, in which time Londonmay also expect to receive me. Intheir last letter I was informed that I shallnot be required there before the 20th ofJuly. So on the whole, there is no questionof hurrying. Do everything carefully andby mutual consent.You will be glad to know that Janardan isgoing to Paris at almost the same time, andShivananda is also eager to open a branch inParis. I understand from Janardan's letterthat there is very good possibilities ofspreading our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement there. So if Krishna desires, itwill be possible to have three importantcenters in Europe very soon. I have beeninformed from a London letter that theyhave secured a very nice house, and themoney for the deposit is already sent, sothere will be no difficulty in establishingour London center immediately.I am enclosing a list of the fasting daysand festival days which you may follow.Please keep it carefully. Kindly conveymy blessings to the other devotees there. Ihope this will meet all of you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-57Los Angeles24th June, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June23, 1969. I have reached Los Angeles yesterdayafternoon, and I am very comfortablehere. The house is very nice, calm andquiet. Yes, for the present my program isto stay here for one month, but if I do notgo to London, then I shall stay longer.Surely I shall go to San Fransisco to takepart in the Rathayatra Festival if I do notgo to London. But I also want to see you, ifpossible, before the Rathayatra Festival.So far as your duty is concerned, you aredoing your best. That is your spiritualqualification. The best qualification for aVaishnava is to act sincerely, and to hisbest capacity, for the service of Krishna.Otherwise, Krishna is so great, and weare so small, there is no question of ourgiving any service to Krishna. ButKrishna is so great, and He is so greatlymerciful, that any small service we offerto Him in devotion and sincerity, He willaccept. Krishna does not require anyone'shelp or service, but if we serve Him, even

JUNE, 1969 911in a very small capacity, He will accept it.So that is our only hope. One who canshoW the whole cosmic manifestationwithin the hole of His mouth, what servicecan we render unto Him? So the bestthing is to employ all of our talents and energiesin His service. That will help us toprogress. So now Seattle is in your chargefor introducing Krishna Consciousness,and you are doing your best. Krishna willsurely bless you.I beg to thank you very much for yourcheck, and I appreciate that you are theonly center who is regularly sending formy maintenance fund. Another request isthat now I shall try to publish all of mybooks . We have arranged for purchasing anice Composer machine, and also we aregoing to immediately print 10,000 copiesof TLC in paperback. Our sales are notgoing very quickly, so under the circumstances,if we want to continue publishingour books, we shall require money asmuch as possible. Therefore, wheneveryou have got some extra money, you maykindly spare it for the book fund.I hope to see you again when you comehere, or else in San Fransisco. The picturesyou formerly sent are going to beprinted in BTG. I have advised Brahmanandaof this and have delivered him thepictures . I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-58Los Angeles24th June, 1969My Dear Labangalatika,Please accept my blessings. I am justlooking over the letter that you had givento me in New Vrindaban, so I shall replyto it herewith. You are a very good girl,and I have seen with pleasure your advancementin Krishna Consciousness. Itappears that in your previous life you hadcultured this knowledge, and on accountof your pious life, you have got a verygood son who is developing in KrishnaConsciousness. So New Vrindaban is theright place for you now, simultaneously toadvance in Krishna Consciousness and totake care of your boy directly in your presence.I have advised Kirtanananda Maharajathat girls who are living in NewVrindaban should be engaged in the followingactivities; 1) taking care of thechildren, 2) cleaning the temple, kitchen,etc. 3) cooking, and 4) churning butter. Sofor the time being, you remain in NewVrindaban, follow the principles carefully,and I am sure that your life will besuccessful.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-59Los Angeles24th June, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your kind attentionfor me continually for one month,and I was so happy to remain in NewVrindaban. Yesterday afternoon, wesafely reached Los Angeles, and TarnalKrishna has rented a very, very, nice entirehouse for me, with compound and garage,at $350 per month. So I am verycomfortably situated here. Two brahmacharies,Purushottam and Sridama, arealways taking care of me, but at the sametime, I am always thinking of your NewVrindaban. The first thing I find in thetaste of the milk. The milk which we aretaking here is not at all comparable withNew Vrindaban milk. Anyway, theremust be a gulf of difference between city

912 Letters from Srrla Prabhu.ptldalife and coulltry life. As poet Cowpersaid, "Country is made by God, and cityis made by man." Therefore, my specialrequest is that you should try to maintainas many cows as possible in your NewVrindaban. The first thing is that whetherthe girls and women who live there areagreeable to work as I have suggested;namely 1) to take care of the children,both from health and educational point ofview, 2) to keep the whole temple,kitchen, etc. very clean, (At the presentmoment, things are not kept very clean.You are right that if some outsiders come,they will view our situation as not very hygienic.),3) cooking, 4) churning butter. Ifthey agree to all these four principles, thatis to say, if they cooperate with the boys,then surely very quickly New Vrindabanwill develop as nicely as possible.So far as milk is concerned, I can arrangefor financing in the matter of purchasingcows. The arrangement will belike this, that I shall ask all the centers tofinance at least for one cow, and you willhave to pay them back the price by supplyingghee. Suppose somebody advances$200 for purchasing a cow; you will haveto repay the debt by supplying $200 worthof ghee. After that, the cow becomes yourproperty. But to produce this ghee meansthere must be regular churning. The menshould be engaged in producing vegetables,tilling the field, taking care of the animals,house construction, etc . and thewomen shall do the indoor activities. Ofcourse, those who are engaged in typing,like Shama Dasi, they cannot do any otherwork. So you may arrange things in thisway. Please request Satyabhama to sendme back the Krishna Book immediately.Mail may be sent and forwarded to the LAtemple, at the above address. Hope youare well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C . Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-60Los Angelea24th June, 1969Dear Mrs. Davis,Please accept my greetings. Ithaak youvery much for your letter of June 11,1969, and I have carefully gone over thecontents. Just yesterday I left New Vrindaban,and your son, Madhu Mangal, isstill there, He appears now to be quitepeaceful and happy, so I think we shouldlet him continue like that, and if he keepsup in this way, there is no need of any demonictreatment as you have described inyour letter. He is doing very nicely now,and as he continues to follow our regulativeprinciples, he will surely improvemore and more. Similarly your son, PatitUddharan is also doing well. Perhaps youhave seen that he has very beautifullybound for me copies of my book, SrimadBhagawatam. I can understand that bothof your sons are very good boys, and youwill see them developing more and moreas they progress in Krishna Consciousness.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-61Los Angeles26th June, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 22, 1969, and I have noted the con·tents . As you know that in the beginning ofthe Samkirtan Party, first I suggested toyou, and you formed a small party in NewYork and began to perform Samkirtan inthe parks. To some extent this was suc·cessful. Then gradually this idea wastaken by others, and I am getting good re·ports from everywhere. So Samkirtan is

JUNE, l969 913our life and soul, and you have got a naturaltendency for these Samkirtan performances.I have seen this personally, andyou can do it very nicely. So for you thebest thing will be to form a SamkirtanParty for yourself and travel all over thecountry. The talks which you had withSubal for a touring program, I do notknow what happened to it. Subal also isnot here ; he has gone to Philadelphia witha view to open a center there, but I havenot heard from him yet. The most successfulSamkirtan affairs are going onhere in Los Angeles. It is actually wonderfulin comparison to others . They are alsothinking of opening a branch in LagunaBeach, and I have encouraged this idea.Personally, I also still maintain the idea ofa world Samkirtan Party, but such thingsat the present moment are a dream only.But one day maybe it may come out successful.So as you ask my permission tocome here, I have no objection. I think ifyou come here and stay for a few days tostudy how they are doing things nicely, itwill be a great benefit. Besides that, inSan Fransisco they are arranging for anice Rathayatra Festival. So after gettingall these ideas, if you make a program fortouring all over the country with SarnkirtanParty, that is cent per cent supportedby rne.Please convey my blessings to all others .I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Mail may be sent to me at 737 FormosaAvenue, Los Angeles, Calif.69-6-62Los Angeles27th June, 1969My Dear Modan Mohon,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 26, 1969, and I am so much pleasedto learn that you are gradually improvingyour Krishna Consciousness. The secretof success in Krishna Consciousness is torender service to Krishna to the best ofour capacity. There is no other alternativeto this. The more we render service therefore,the more we are able to advance. Youhave taken the work of indexing, so youmay continue to do this. And if you wantto remain, it doesn't matter, but your fullenergy should be engaged in the Lord'sservice. That is the secret of success. I donot know if Hayagriva is doing the indexingwork, but I have heard from Rayararnathat you have advanced considerably inthis connection, so do it nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-63Los Angeles27th June, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter ofJune 25, 1969,and I beg to confirm herewith my approvalof your going ahead for arranging for theBodoni Book type face as I have alreadyinstructed you . Please inform me whenthe negotiations are completed.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-64Los Angeles27th June, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 23, 1969, on which date I havereached here at Los Angeles. Regarding

914 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Glen's contribution of $2 ,000, I may requestyou to send it to me by return ofpost. The house contemplated, I dontthink is suitable for our purpose. In yourcountry, a house at $19,000, especially ina city like Boston, must not be very largeand accommodating. The best thing is torent a big house if you cannot purchase abig one. But in all cases, I shall prefer abig house which can accommodate ourtemple and residence quarters. If possible,the book-binding department will beincluded also. If you purchase a smallhouse, then again you will have to rentsome other house for other purposes.Regarding Modan Mohon, I have alreadywritten to him, and I am also writingagain separately along with this letterthat if he finds Boston a suitable place forhimself, then I have no objection that heremains there. But he must continue thework of indexing very nicely the originalBhagavad Gita As It Is . As soon as this indexingis finished, I shall publish anotherrevised and enlarged edition of BhagavadGita As It Is at my own cost. I was nothappy to publish it through Macmillan asthey have crippled the explanations for somany important verses.Regarding Jadurany, I am happy thatshe has returned to Boston again. Now lether join with the Samkirtan Party and I amsure she will improve her health more andmore. For the time being, she may not reviveher painting work until she gets backmore strength. Regarding your SamkirtanParty activities, please continue this mostimportant function. The nice pictures youhave sent have been dispatched toBrahmananda for publishing in Back ToGodhead. I have given instructions that inBack To Godhead the pictures of our activitiesand short descriptions should bemore and more published. So continue tosend such pictures as you have alreadysent.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in gOOdhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-65Los Angeles27th June, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June23, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. You idea of going to Columbusfor the week-days and to New Vrindabanfor the week -ends is very nice, so you maydo this. I have just left New Vrindaban onJune 23rd, and I think you will be a greatasset to the construction projects that willbe going on there. Similarly, in Columbusthere is much interest in our movement,and as they also are in need of morebrahmacharies, your presence there willbe very encouraging. So you may executethis plan as soon as possible. I thank youvery much for the nice sentiments youhave expressed in your letter, and if continueto develop such feelings and engageall of your energy in the service of theLord, then surely you will come out successfulin perfecting your life in KrishnaConsciousness.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-66Los Angeles28th June, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your several letters;two dated June 19th, one dated June25th, and one dated June 26th. I am alsoin due receipt of Shyamsundar's letter

JUNE, 1969 915dated June 26, 1969, and I am very muchglad to note the contents of all these letters. Your explanation regarding my P. S.is very much engladdening to me, and Iam so proud of having beautiful discipleslike you who understand the inner meaningof my mission. Actually, I want thepeople of the whole world to come to Godconsiousness and be happy. Without God,there is no question of happiness, andwithout God, there are no good qualitiesin a person. So the leaders of the humansociety are missing this point, and here isa program of Krishna Consciousness thatif sober and truthful men join, certainlywe shall be able to give something verysublime to the suffering peoples of theworld. As requested by you, I am sendingherewith a note addressed to the Archbishop,and you may do the needful.I am so glad to learn that the leaseagreement is already signed, and I shallbe glad to hear from you further in thisconnection. I thank you so much for yourhard labor in pushing on this KrishnaConsciousness Movement, and surelyKrishna will give you more and morestrength in this endeavor. Sudama has leftHawaii already, and he is here in LosAngeles. He will not go to London untilyou are completely equipped to receiveother brahmacharies from here.Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have already sent the design of thealtar and throne to Shyamsundar. Pleasedo it accordingly.ABOUT ISKCON MEDIA .I don't wish that Dinesh will interferewith the recording of "Hare Krishna " bythe Beatles. I don't know what correspondenceis going on with you betweenDinesh & you . Everything should be carefullydone so that our friendship with theBeatles may not be disturbed. They aregradually coming to cooperate and weshall not do anything which may disturbthis cooperation.69-6-67Los Angeles29th June, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 26, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding Nectar of Devotion,the balance tapes will be completedtoday, and he is going to send you the copiesby Tuesday. Regarding BTG, I shall beglad to know the subject matters you haveinserted in the issue #27. There are twoimportant articles lying with Hayagriva:one interview talks with Ginsberg, andmy old homage address to my Guru Maharaj. I think you already have this lastone. These are to be published, along withpictures, as many as possible, of ourSamkirtan activities and descriptions.From your statement, it appears that youdo not expect to do anything with BTG after#29, because it is in the hands of he(Brahmananda). I cannot follow what youmean by this. Everything is Krishna'sbusiness. It is not my business, norBrahmananda's, nor Hayagriva's. It is thebusiness of Krishna, and we want to serveHim in the best way. I wanted to save themonthly expenditure of $600 for someother business, but that does not meanthat you shall cease to work as one of theeditors of BTG. You say that much of yourtime will be engaged in earning money,but that does not mean you have to ceaseyour service to Krishna. You are prayingfor Krishna's blessings in order to serveme better, but when Krishna speaksthrough me, you hesitate to accept thewords. I do not know why you should

916 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>work at all if you want to remain brahmachary.Here is an ideal brahmachary withme. He works day and night with me.Why dont you become a brahmachary likehim and come here? One who is a householder,he has to work because he has tomaintain a wife and children at home . Butfor a brahmachary, why should he take thebotheration of working simply for thematter of satisfying the belly? So far asbelly satisfaction is concerned, that is alreadyarranged by Krishna. Krishna issupplying food to the birds and beasts, sowhy should He not supply a brahmachary?Food is not a problem.So my advice to you is that either youbecome a regular householder, giving50% of your earnings to Krishna, 25 % forfamily, and 25 % for savings , or else youstrictly follow the principles of brahmacharylife. A bahmachary has nothing todo except serve his Spiritual Master. Thatis the injunction of the Bhagavat. Abrahmachary is supposed to work as a menialservant of the Spiritual Master, andwhatever collection he gets , it becomesthe Spiritual Master's property, not thebrahmachary 's . That is real brahmacharylife. If a brahmachary earns money for hissense gratification, that is not brahmacharylife. Better one should becomehouseholder and live peacefully. So far aswork is concerned, you have got morethan sufficient work with me. You havegot a good qualification for editing literaryworks, and we have sufficient engagementfor that purpose. Formerly, youwere very much eager to transfer yourselffrom New York to Los Angeles because ofconsiderations for your health . Now whenI say that you may come here, there is anice room for you , and work here day andnight, I do not know what is the cause thatyou do not come. But still I request youthat give up all other engagements , comehere, and fully engage yourself in editorialwork.So far as eating is concerned, I don'tthink there will be any scarcity. I think thissuggestion will be best for you, and youshould come here at once . You say thatyour mind unfortunately runs away nowand then. That is the business of the mind,but if you simply fix up your mind on theLotus Feet of Krishna, the rascal mindcannot disturb you anymore . My GuruMaharaj used to say that just rise early inthe morning and then kick the mind with ashoe one hundred times. Then while going to sleep, one should take a broomstickand strike the mind another hundred times.The mind is so restless, that it can bebrought to tameness only by the processsuggested by Bhaktisiddhanta SaraswatiThakur. So you should try this process:and stop the mind from running away nowand then. If you follow the process ofBhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, naturally Hewill help you in controlling the mind andbestow all His blessings upon you.I thank you for your appreciation thatyou accept me on the superhuman platformand this will compel you to believe inGod, etc . So if you are convinced aboutthis fact, then I request you to come hereimmediately. And if you agree to comehere, then you may bring some goods withyou, which I shall list for you upon hearingyour favorable reply. May Krishnabless you with good sense, and I hopesurely He will do so . I beg to remainYo ur ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-6-68Los Angeles29th June, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of June 19, 1969,and I have noted the contents carefully.Here in Los Angeles I have arrived on the

JUNE, 1969 91723rd of June from New Vrindaban. I receivedyour telegram for a loan of $1025,and immediately I arranged to have it sentfrom New York. I understand from Mu­}runda's letter dated June 25th that thelease agreement has duly been completed.Now I think you are all happy to have anice place for our London temple, so justorganize it to your best capacity. It doesn'tmatter when I go there . In the meantime,you give your full attention to decoratingthe temple, and I am very glad to learn youare making the throne and altar accordingthe the design I sent to you. I learned thatMataji has arranged for the Radha­Krishna Deities for our temple. Is this afact? If not, let me know, I have alreadyone pair of 24" Deities from V rindabanthat will be dispatched, and as suggestedby you, by Janmastami the Deities may beinstalled.I am very glad to know that George isinterested in recording some KrishnaConsciousness album, and it is veryhappy news. I request you and, throughyou, your friends, George and John, tomake a nice Hare Krishna record sung bythe most popular Beatles and assisted byour devotees. That will be very nice. Ihave all encouragement for you for thispurpose. Try to make this Hare KrishnaMovement popular through any sourcethat is possible. That is our business.I thank you very much for your gorgeous,hopeful words that when I go toLondon, the London center will be pivotfor our Krishna Consciousness Movement.I still maintain the idea of a worldSamkirtan Party, so we have got men nowin Los Angeles, in Montreal, in Boston, inNew York, in New Vrindaban, and inLondon, who can form a nice group ofSamkirtan, at least with 25 heads. If wetravel, beginning from London, aroundthe world and again come back to London,surely your foretelling will be a factualevent. So try your best, and Krishnawill help us as He is helping us. Krishnacan help us immediately with all of His resources,but first of all He wants to seehow much we can work seriously. So themore we become steady and serious, themore help we will have from Him, rest assured.I shall be glad to know of your furtherprogress in the temple attempts and the recordingaffairs. Please convey my blessingsto the others. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JULY69-7- 1ManagerThe Punjab National BankP. 0. Vrindaban U. P.INDIALos Angeleslst July, 1969Dear Sir:I beg to inform you that on August 5th,1967 you received American Exchangefo r Rupees 33,705 .86 for credit of my account.Out of this amount, books amountingto Rupees 13,000.00 were dispatchedfrom Calcutta on November 20th, 1967,and again another consignment of booksas per invoice enclosed is being dispatchedfrom Calcutta through m/sUnited Shipping Corporation (1412 OldChina Bazar Street, Room No. 18;Calcutta- !, INDIA). Please address oneletter to the United Shipping Corporationabout this extra change, receipt on suchand such date .On June 18th, 1969, we sent you onecheck for $112.65, but I have not yetheard your acknowledgement of receipt ofthis and what action you have taken. I amawaiting your early reply.Sincerely,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-2Los Angeles1st July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 28, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. The circular you havesent to the presidents and members ofISKCON is very nicely drawn, and pleasefollow the principles. All students shouldbe encouraged to write some article afterreading Srimad Bhagavatam, BhagavadGita and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya .They should realize the information, andthey must present their assimilation intheir own words. Otherwise, how they canbecome preachers? So far as SamkirtanParty is concerned, as many pictures aspossible should be published each month.The pictures are very attractive to the customersalso. Achyutananda should also beasked to send pictures, as many as possible,of the many Vishnu temples in Indiafor publication in BTG. BTG should befull with our own articles, and there is noneed for articles by outsiders. So far asads are concerned, only our own booksshould be advertised; nothing else.Your proposal to keep my apartment byarrangement with Mr. Chudy by the residenceof Vaikunthanath there is very nice.If this is done, I shall be pleased. So far asmy goods are concerned, they must bepacked in trunks with inventory taken ofwhere each item is being kept. For thetime being, you may send me immediatelyfrom my book-shelf #6 (SB, Cantoes 4, 5,and 6-a red book) , #48 (Websters SeventhNew Collegiate Dictionary), and theblack bound typewritten manuscripts ofSrimad Bhagavatam and ChaitanyaCharitamrita . I hope by now you have receivedthe key from Purushottam, which Ithink is for the closet door. There aresome important files in the closet. Oneof them is for the Radha-Damodar temple.That file contains many important

920 Leners from Srrla Prabhuptldadocuments. That should be kept very carefully.Immediately I dont require it, but Ishall send for it when it is needed. WhenGargamuni comes, or if Rayarama is coming,then the tape recorder, as well as thesuitcase with my clothings may be sent.Now the $600 which we have savedfrom the ISKCON PRESS establishmentmay be invested in improving our NewVrindaban scheme. I am writing to Hayagrivato transfer the property in the society'sname, and I have already talked withhim. So far as my books are concerned,work with great enthusiasm to print, sell,and bind them in cooperation with theother boys. I am glad that Gargamuni iscoming here to improve his business incooperation with Tarnal Krishna. This isnice, and I have full approval. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-3lst July, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I haveseen your letter to Dinesh, dated 26thJune, 1969, and I am little bit disturbed inmy mind . This recording business is notour line, so you should not divert your attentionfor the time being for such things .After a great struggle, you have got now anice place for the London temple, and ifyou leave now, your other co-workers,Godbrothers and Godsisters, will be discouraged.So I request you not to leaveLondon at the present moment at any cost.I have already sent you a note for theArchibishop of Canterbury as per yourletter of June 19th, and you have so manythings to do now. So I request you not todivert your attention to this musical side. Iknow you are a musician, and naturallyyou have got a tendency for musical entertainment,but at the present moment ourmain business is to push the SamkirtanMovement. So, as you are doing, take theSamkirtan Party to various places, andthis will be the most appreciated. If youadulterate our Samkirtan Movement withsome business motive, then it will bespoiled immediately. Be careful in thatway.Dinesh wanted to print some records,so we have given him two, three recordings.Let him do business in his own way.Why he should drag our men for doing hisown business? So I repeatedly request younot to divert your attention to this matter atthe present moment.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I don't think Dinesh is doing nice sofar Govinda record; practically he has notpaid me any money out of this enterprisealthough he has made a legal documentsigned by me with very great hope. I don'tmind for this let him have something outof it.69-7-4Los Angeles2nd July, 1969Dear Prabhas Babu,I beg to thank you for your letter (F-235) dated June 26, 1969, and I havenoted the contents. That some people inIndia wish to donate Murtis and musicalinstruments but the Indian governmenthas no provisions for such donation ismost surprising. Hindustan has becomeindependent, but while she was under foreigngovernment she had the liberty topreach her culture and religion in foreigncountries. During my Guru Maharaj'sdays, thousands of Rupees were being dispatchedfrom Calcutta to London, but the

JULY, l969 921new Indian government being independent,they are prohibiting to send someMurtis and mridungas. So it is all our badluck that these things are happening. Anyway,for the future I have arranged likethis: Sriman Achyutananda Brahmacharyis collecting some mridungas and kartalsin exchange for our magazine, Back ToGodhead. The price of one year subscriptionto Back To Godhead is $5.00, and inexchange of such one year subscription heis accepting a mridunga and a few pair ofkartals. He has already collected a fewmridungas, and very soon he will have todispatch them to our various centers. Soplease let me know whether or not youshall be able to get sanction from the ReserveBank of India for this exchangepolicy of accepting goods of the value ofone year's subscription. I hope the aboveis clear and you will do the needful .So far as Atma Ram & Sons is concerned,I am enclosing one invoice in triplicate,and I am advising the PunjabNational Bank to issue one letter addressedto you that the exchange value wasreceived as far back as the 5th April,1967 . The copy of the letter addressed tothe bank will speak for itself. I hope thiscopy of the letter and the triplicate invoiceswill solve the question, and so youcan immediately dispatch the books to theNew York port. I can understand that forthe goods which were as gifts you hadsome difficulty in getting "No Objection"certificate from the Reserve Bank of India,but why you should delay in dispatchinggoods which we are purchasing?Before placing the order with you , I tookassurance from you that ordered goodswould be dispatched within one month ofthe date of receipt of the order. But practically,it has not happened. Why have youdelayed so much in dispatching the goods?I also understand that frt>m Hawaii thevhave also serit you one order, but there i . sno news. Anyway, for our future businessrelationship you should be very muchprompt.There should be no question now ofdelaying, and I hope on receipt of this letteryou will do the needful as promptly aspossible and let me know the result.Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.Sincerely,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACB/pdb69-7-5Los Angeles2nd July, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. After receivingyour letter of July 2nd, as mentionedabove, I have been anxiouslyawaiting to receive the ticket that you sayyou have sent. Please write immediatelyas to the position of this ticket as I ammuch concerned about the situation,(Whether it is lost?). Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-6 Los AngelesMy Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. Please letme know why Shivananda is leaving Hamburgall of a sudden. I am surprised pleaseenlighten me,YoursACB69-7-7Los Angeles2nd July, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 28, 1969 , and I have carefully notedthe contents . You say that at present you

922 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidacannot use instruments in the temple withoutsoundproofing, but I do not know ifthis means you cannot use even mridungasand kartal . I understand that soundproofingis very expensive enterprise, and doyou have the money for this now? I think itis better if you wait until you are more establishedbefore you try for this expensiveoperation. If it is necessary, we shall go onwithout instruments . For the time being,you simply make the temple very nicewith a nice altar and nice accommodationsfor living. Dont waste time andmoney on other projects.Regarding Mataji Shamadevi, she cannotlive there at any circumstance. Thefirst thing is that she does not know English,so what help will she be? She cannotspeak to an audience, neither she hasany knowledge of Krishna Consciousnessphilosophy. So why she should live withus? We should utilize all of our facilitiesfor our own men. Besides that, she has gother ideas of Hindu sentiment, and shecannot be used for international KrishnaConsciousness. She is interested in Hindusonly, and otherwise she is useless. Ifshe will donate money or Murtis, that iswelcome, but she cannot live in the temple.We require space for so many otherpurposes. So dont commit any word thatshe may live there. If in the future, sometangible arrangements of cooperation canbe adjusted, then she may live there; but Ido not think this is going to be .Regarding Dinesh, I have already writtento you yesterday about this. It is simplyhigh-sounding words. There is no substanceor practical program. So forgetabout Dinesh 's hallucinations. He has nomoney, and he wants to take from others,and others wish to only sign papers. So itis a will-o'-the-wisp. Regarding the Beatles,if they chant the Hare Krishna Mantra,give them all facilities. Because ifthey make some Hare Krishna record,that will be widespread, and we want simplythat the Hare Krishna Mantra may bevery popular all over the world. We do notcare for any profit out of it. We should nottry to make a profit out of the HareKrishna Mantra; then our spiritual enlightenmentwill be hampered. Our principleshould be to beg contributions fromothers, and as far as possible not to try orany big bargains.As I have already written to you, weshould not try to become a very popularmusical party. Music is one of our itemsfor chanting, but we are not musicians.We should always remember this fact.The best example is that we take advantageof the typewriting machine, but thatdoes not mean we are professional typists.Please convey my blessings to the othersalso. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-8Los Angeles3rd July, 1969My Dear Ya muna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 28, 1969, and I am very glad thatKrishna has after all given you a niceplace to remain in London and spreadKrishna Consciousness with more enthusiasm.Your successful meeting in Oxfordis also very encouraging. There is a versein Chaitanya Charitamrita in whichKrishnadas Kaviraj says that the wholeworld is busy to enjoy or to suffer by theirrespective results of karma, pious or impious,from past life. So in this materialworld, sombeody is enjoying material lifein some higher planet and somebody issuffering some material inconveniencesin some lower planets. But they do notknow that suffering or no suffering, this

JULY, 1969 923material existence itself is not at all congenialto the living entity. In the Westerncountries, Europe and America, they appearto be enjoying life in the view of theEastern people, and therefore they hearso much about the opulences in the differentuniversities and towns of the Westerncountries. But actually, they have noknowledge how to get out of the materialentanglement. The only bonafide engagementis Krishna Consciousness for the allaround benefit of the human society. Thatis a fact.So now we have got very great responsibilityto spread this message all over theworld, and in London you have got now agood chance to preach in the most importantcity of the world. Decorate the placevery nicely, as far as possible. Your ideafor holding the Vyasa Puja Ceremony inLondon on the 5th of September is verymuch encouraging. On the 4th Septemberis Janmastami Day, and I have receivedone letter from Shyamsundar in which hesuggested that we should have our installationon that day. This is a good idea. Onthe 4th we open formally the temple, andon the 5th is my birthday, or your VyasaPuja ceremony. So this idea is welcome.A special Vyasa Puja issue ofBTG may bedone, and you may open correspondencewith Brahmananda, because publicationof BTG will now be conducted by IskconBook Dept., and BTG will be under thesupervision of Brahmananda and Hayagriva.Rayarama das Brahmachary iscalled by me to live with me here to engagein editorial work, so you may correspondwith Brahmananda in this connection.Regarding Mataji Shamadevi, shewanted to give us some pairs of Deities,but since she has left the USA she has notmentioned what she is going to do. So youcan ask her straightly whether she is goingto contribute the 24" Deities. If not, thenwe shall have to arrange for that. In anycase, if Mataji does not contribute the Deities,I shall take with me some Deitieswhen I go to London. In the meantime,Shyamsundar may prepare the nice throneof which I have given him the design.I have received one letter from Mukunda,giving description of various engagementsin London when I go there,and the most important is seeing the Archbishopof Canterbury. I have already sentone note for the[TEXT MISSING]69-7-9Los Angeles3rd July, 1969My Dear Subaldas,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June25, 1969 , and I am pleased to note thecontents. By Krishna's blessings surelyyou will find a nice place soon, and yourenthusiasm for Krishna's service will befulfilled. Srila Rupa Goswami has recommendedsix principles for advancement inKrishna Consciousness: enthusiasm, patience,conviction of success, executingthe regulative principles, honest endeavor,and association with devotees. Sothese six principles you try to follow veryrigidly, and wherever you go you will besuccessful. I am confident that Krishnawill help you, because two centers, LosAngeles and Santa Fe , were given start byyou, and they are still existing. But thistime, Philadelphia, you should not leavehalf finished. Philadelphia is a very niceplace, one of the most important places inyour country, so try to stick there, and allfacilities will be given to you by Krishna.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

924 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida69-7-10Los Angeles3rd July, 1969My Dear Chidananada,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June24, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. Madhudvisa has already gonethere as desired by you, and I am sure hewill be very helpful. He is now a veterantrained man, and the Los Angeles templeis now an ideal place for all centersto take example. Now I hope you will beable to make San Francisco as importantas Los Angeles temple in cooperationwith Madhudvisa and the other devoteesthere. Please convey my blessings toJayananda, who is helping so much nowin organizing for the Rathayatra Festival.Regarding Kartikeya, if he wants togo to Germany, he can go, but if you requirehim in San Francisco at present,don't encourage him to go ar present.But in Germany there is a need forbrahmacharies, and Kartikeya knows alittle German language. In Germanythey are now printing a very fine Germanedition of Back To Godhead, and Iam enclosing some clippings and a leafletthey have printed there. If Kartikeyacan explain the words on these pages,then he can be encouraged to go to Germany.Just today I have received invitationfrom Krishnadas that they want meto go immediately there, and even theyhave purchased one ticket for me. I willnot be able to go to Germany immediately,but perhaps after the RathayatraFestival this may be arranged.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed is one letter to be given toWoomapati, along with German papersfor Kartikeya and one note for Madhudvisa.If you meet Reka the Bengali Lady, tellhger that I have received her letter withouther present address. If she wants to comehere she is welcome otherwise I am goingthere until Ratha Yatra festival.69-7-11Los Angeles4th July, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 23,1969, sent along with your German languageBack To Godhead. It is very, verynice. You have achieved a great blessingfrom my Guru Maharaj . My Guru Maharajhad an ambition to publish the messageof Lord Chaitanya in all thelanguages of the world, and when He waspresent in India, He published six magazinesin five languages; one in Hindi, onein Assami, one in Bengali, one in English,and one in Oria. Your Zuruck Zur Gottheitis certainly a unique gift to me, and I shallever remember it. It is all your credit thatas soon as you arrived in Germany youhave done some tangible service to themission. May Krishna bless you more andmore. And as you wish that this servicemay continue throughout all your life andthe next, so it gives me more pleasureabout your sincerity of service. I am alsoglad to know that sometimes the happinessyou feel is very strong. There is somewords spoken by Lord Chaitanya that thisservice is a transcendental ocean of bliss.Ananda ambudhi bardanam. Here wehave got experience of the material ocean;it does not increase. On the other hand,gradually it is decreasing. Formerly thewhole planet was merged into water, andthere was no earth; it ws simply inundatedwater. Now gradually the ocean is dryingup, and the land is coming out. Therefore,

JULY, 1969 925this material ocean is decreasing, but thetranscendental ocean of bliss is only increasing.So I can only say that you stickto your present nice service, entrustedupon you by my Guru Maharaj andKrishna. Try to improve it to your best capacity.You are three, just like Brahma,Vishnu, and Maheswar. And MandaliBhadra is going to join you as Indra.These four principal demigods are controllingthe whole universe, so I hope inthe near future Shivananda, yourself,Krishna Das, and Mandali Bhadra willhave full control over the German youngboys by pushing on this magazine ZuruckZur Gottheit. I shall be glad to hearwhether by this time Mandali Bhadra hasarrived there.Regarding my going to Hamburg, I amwriting to Krishna Das separately, andyou will understand the situation. RegardingNew Vrindaban, I think we shall havemany advantages here that are not in Vrindabanin Mathura. The Vrindaban in Mathurais now congested with so manyworldly men. Formerly, Vrindaban wasexcavated by the Goswamis, and only puredevotees were going there. But at thepresent moment, this has become a placefor the bischovs, materialists, and in theinterior part of Vrindaban there are somany rogues and robbers. Formerly, adevotee could live peacefully in any cornerof Vrindaban; it is about 180 squaremiles, but now if somebody lives in somesecluded corner, he will be attacked by somany rogues and robbers. Perhaps youknow there is a place known as Nandagram,wherein Bon Maharaj has got aplace. I have heard that it is very nice, butnobody can live there securely. So at leastin New Vrindaban I hope there will be nosuch disturbances. If we nicely organizeas it is going on now, only selected personswill live there and peacefully cultivateKrishna Consciousness.You have inquired why Chaitanya Mahaprabhuhas not mentioned anythingabout accepting a Spiritual Master in HisShikshastak. But perhaps you have missedthe point that He says amanina manuadinakirtinva sada hari. This meansone has to chant the Holy Names ofKrishna, becoming humbler than thestraw, and more tolerant than the tree. Sowho can become humbler than the strawunless he accepts a Spiritual Master? Thewhole world is puffed up. Everyone wantsto become the Lord of everything. Ultimately,the Mayavadi philosopher wantsto become one with the Supreme Lord.This means that when one fails to becomeLord of everything, he wants to mix upwith the Supreme Lord and tries in thatway to automatically become Lord of everything.What he can't perform by hisown capacity he wants to have done by beingmerged into the Supreme Lord. Thatis the mentality of the general people. Butif anyone becomes humbler than the grassand more tolerant than the tree, it is understoodthat he has accepted a SpiritualMaster. Besides that, if we accept Sikshastakas authority given by Lord Chaitanya,this means we accept Lord Chaitanyaas Spiritual Master. In the Bhagavad Gitait is openly mentioned that Arjuna acceptedKrishna as the Spiritual MasterThere is another mention in the Sikshastak:,Lord Chaitanya says "I do not wantany wealth of this world, I do not want anyfollowing, neither do I want a beautifulwife. Simply I want to become a servant ofthe Lord." To become the servant of theLord means to accept a Spiritual Master.Without accepting somebody as master,how can one become an expert servant? Itis not that in every literature you will findthe words that everyone has to accept aSpiritual Master, but we have to studythings scrutinizingly. In the ChaitanyaCharitamrita there is mention gurukrishna kripaya paya bhakti latha biz. Bythe mercy of the Spiritual Master and

926 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Krishna one can get the seeds of bhakti latha,the plant of devotional service.I am glad that you have named yourprinting press the Radha Press. It is verygratifying. May your Radha Press be enrichedin publishing all our books and literaturesin the German language. It is avery nice name. Radharani is the best,topmost servitor of Krishna, and theprinting machine is the biggest medium atthe present moment for serving Krishna.Therefore, it is really a representative ofSrimati Radharani. I like the idea verymuch. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-12Los Angeles4th July, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of June28, 1969, sent by Special Delivery, and Iam replying as follows. If Mr. Vora is goingto Bombay, he can find out some reliablesupplier of musical instruments. Onefriend gave me the following address: M/sD.S. Ramsingh & Bros., HarmoniumManufacturers and dealers in musical instruments;344-48, Manchram Bldg.,Sarder Vallabhai Patel Road, Bombay-4.He quoted for musical instruments as follows:Harmonium of double reed @Rs260, Harmonium of triple reed @Rs 350,Tanpura @Rs 100 to Rs 200, Mridungas(wooden made) @Rs 150, khanjani @Rs10 toRs 15. What I want Mr. Vora to do issee this firm, or any other reliable firmwhich can regularly supply us with firstquality instruments. The price quoted bythe party appears to be high, so Mr. Vorahas to inquire from other sources also,and he may purchase a sample transactionof one harmonium, one Maha-rashtrianmridunga (wooden made), and a few firstclass kanjanis. He may bring with him ashis personal property or he may see the directorof the Scindia Steam NavigationCo. , Sumati Morarjee. If she takes chargefor dispatching the goods on her ships,that is very good, but because it is a verysmall quantity, it may be better to bringthem personally. If Mr. Vora sees SrimatiSumati Morarjee, she will at once knowme by my name, and she'll arrange everything.The sum and substance is that wewant some reliable commission agent orsupplier who can supply us regularlythese things. If Sumati Morarjee gives usthe facilities of free shipping, that is allright. Otherwise we shall get them sent,freight paid by us.Regarding Baroda Bank, although Ihave got money, if the goods are dispatchedthrough customs, then we willhave to send the money from here. But ifMr. Vora either brings them personally ordelivers it to Sumati Morarjee as a freegift, then there will be no customs botheration.In that case I can give Mr. Vora acheck on the __ Otherwise, we will haveto send American dollars. I am stressingagain that we have to find out a reliableperson who can regularly supply us withgoods from India. This is the sum andsubstance, and now you can do the needful.If Mr. Vora wants to be our supplyingagent, we have no objection. Let himmake arrangement for supplying thesegoods as I have described, first qualityand good price, and book it through a reliableshipping agent or through ScindiaSteam Navigation Co. There will be regularbusiness, and he will make goodprofit. But ask him not to make more than10% profit over purchasing price. Youmay also ask him to bring with him· a pairof cookers which are available in Pydhanibrass utensil shops. The cost will be about$3.00, so if he can bring with him at leasttwo cookers, that will be very nice. So

JULY, 1969 927things are explained above as far as possible,and now you can arrange with him.Regarding Gayatri Mantra, Arundhuti'sinsistence is not very good. If she wantsto offer prasadam to the Deities, she cansimply chant Hare Krishna Mantra. Thereis no need of chanting Gayatri Mantra.One has to be formally accepted by theSpiritual Master for this, so you can tellher this fact. That is not the system. Forthe time being, if Arundhuti wants to offerprasadam, the Hare Krishna Mantra willdo.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth,Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. You have written nothing about Arundhuti's training for the Compositor machine.69-7- 13Los Angeles4th July, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 25, 1969 , and I understand that youhave already purchased the ticket for myjourney from New Yo rk to Luxemberg onthe 8th of July. But now I am staying at LosAngeles, so naturally you have to purchasemy ticket from Los Angeles or SanFrancisco to Luxemberg. So for the timebeing you can return this ticket, and as Iam going to San Francisco to take part inthe Rathayatra Festival which is going tobe performed in a considerable grandscale, arranged by all the devotees on theWest Coast; namely Los Angeles, SanFrancisco, Sante Fe, Seattle, Vancouver,etc . So your program may be suspendedfor a fortnight at least. Besides that, youhave written that the schools will beclosed by the 1 1th of July, * and they opensometime in September. Under the circumstances,why not postpone everythingto that time? But still I am prepared to go ifyou think my presence there earlier willbe nice. Then you can arrange for myticket from San Francisco to Luxemberg.In some previous letter, Mukunda wrotethat he would send tickets for both me andPurushottam. So if in the meantime hesends ticket for Purushottam, then he canalso go with me. I think the best arrangementwould have been if by mutual consultationyou make the transportationarrangements for my European journey. Ido not know when Mukunda is going tosend me those tickets, so you can consultwith him. In the meantime, if you are ableonly to send one ticket for me, Purushottammay go later on. But anyway, I heardthat after the 4th of August there will be aconcession in the fare from America toEurope, so you can inquire about it. I shallbe in San Francisco by the 25th of July*,so you can let me know your decision atthe San Francisco address or the LosAngeles address, which ever is more convenientfor you.Regarding Samkirtan Party, whateverheads you have got at the present moment,you continue. That is our main function.The pictures and pamphlets Jayagovindahas sent me are very much encouraging.You can make my program for lecturing inthe Indo-German society, taking it that Ishall be going there in the month of August.I know there are many Sanskritscholars in Germany, but unfortunately Ihave no practice to speak in Sanskrit. I canread and write, but I cannot speak in Sanskrit.But I don't think my speaking inSanskrit will be required, and if I readfrom Sanskrit literature like BhagavadGita, Srinu1d Bhagwatam, that will besufficient. After all , I am not going toGermany as a Sanskrit scholar, but my attemptwill be to deliver the message of

928Letters from Srrla PrabhuptidaLord Chaitanya in the shape of KrishnaConsciousness. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*After 27th July, I can start on any dayfrom San Francisco. You can shave oncein a month on the full moon day with head&beard.Samkirtan Movement, if you are satisfiedwith a small income, that is also nice. Ithink that your God-brother, Rupanuga isan ideal householder, and you should tryto follow him.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-15Los Angeles5th July, 196969-7-14Los Angeles5th July, 1969My Dear Sachisuta,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated June23, 1969, and I have carefully gone overthe contents. I am so pleased to learn thatyou are feeling very nicely in Buffalo templeand you are working hard and sincerelyto push on this sublime movementof Krishna Consciousness. Regardingyour question about marriage, the thing isthat as I am a sanyasi, I am not concernedwith family life, but because I want to seemy disciples very happy in Krishna Consciousness,therefore, those who are feelingsome sexual disturbance are requestedby me to get themselves married. Anotherprinciple is that those who are brahmacharies,they should sacrifice all of theirincome and collection for the KrishnaConsciousness Movement, whereas thosewho are married should work, earningmoney as much as possible, and at least50% should be spent for the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. So we have no objectionfor allowing you to get married,but it is up to you to consider if you willwork hard and earn money both forKrishna and for your family. You cannotget married, and at the same time do notearn money. Of course, by preachingMy Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of July 3,1969, sent along with the cheeze. But thecheeze has gone bad. Perhaps you did notnote it what I said that this cheeze shouldbe made into sandesh; that is 114 part ofcheeze should be mixed with sugar andfried in a pan, constantly stirring till it isalmost hard. Then after taking it down,knead it nicely and then prepare smallballs. This sandesh can be kept at least fora fortnight without damage, but cheezecannot be kept more than three days. Itreached me, but it had gone sour. If youcan prepare sandesh and send it to me, itwill be very nice. So try it, and if it comesout successful, you can send it to me.I am glad that Devananda is tending theDeities very nicely. He has learned this artdirectly under my supervision, so I hopehe is doing it nicely. Your kirtan programas it is going on is very nice. You have keptthe Vrindaban spirit so sublimely that I alwaysremember it and always hankerwhen I shall go back again. In the meantimeI am enjoying the tape which I recordedof your morning prayers andchanting. Here in Los Angeles also thetemple is very gorgeous, and I am receivingreports from other centers that theyare also doing nicely. I shall be going toSan Francisco by the 25th or 25th of July,

JULY, 1969 929and from there I may be going to Germany,becaus they also want me there.Krishnadas has already purchased oneticket for me, but I asked him to postponeit till the end of the month. In London theyh a ve secured a house, and I understand itis very nice. But it is in office quarters, sothere will be difficulties to use it as a livinghouse. Anyway, whatever Krishna desiresHe will do.In the meantime I have written one letterto Hayagriva regarding transfer of NewVrindaban in the society's name. I amglad that the girls there are taking my suggestions,and if things are done accordingto program, New Vrindaban will surelydevelop to the highest extent. You may informSatyabhama that I have already receivedthe Krishna book which she hassent.Please convey my blessings to all theother inhabitants of New Vrindaban. Ihope this will meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7- 16My Dear Giriraj ,Los Angeles5th July, 1969Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 2, 1969, sent along with your beads. Ihave chanted on them and your initiatedname is Giriraj . Giriraj is the name of theGoverdhan Hill on which Krishna usedto tend His cows. In Vrindaban the GoverdhanHill is worshipped as a representationof Krishna. Sometimes devotees takestone from Goverdhan Hill and keep it athome as a representation of Krishna, andthey worship in this way. I am very glad tounderstand that you have at least relishedsome of the transcendental bliss ofKrishna Consciousness. It is a great fortunefor you. Living entities are roamingwithin the universes in different species oflife and in different planetary systems enjoyingor suffering the reaction of pious orimpious activities. But they have no informationhow to get out of this entanglementof repitition of birth and death. Due to thedarkness of ignorance, most living entitieshave no idea about the values of life.Therefore, one who understands the importanceof Krishna Consciousness mustbe a very fortunate soul. So I marked it inyour person when I was in Boston, and Iprayed to Krishna that this good soul maybe aware of the importance of KrishnaConsciousness. With my blessings I amsending herewith your beads, dulychanted upon by me. You should avoid theten offenses as far as possible, and followthe four regulative principles as Satsvarupawill instruct you . I know yourgood Godbrother, Satsvarupa, will alwayshelp you in this connection.Regarding your $2,000 which youpromised to send me within three weeks, Ibeg to thank you for this.* Actually, abrahmachary should contribute whateverhe has got to Krishna, through the SpiritualMaster. The Spiritual Master doesnot accept anything for his personal use,but he employs everything for Krishna'sservice. Therefore, the Spiritual Master,is accepted, in the renounced order oflife.So far as householders are concerned,they may contribute at least half of theirincome to Krishna. Then life is sublime.After all, everything belongs to Krishna,and the sooner we return whatever wehave got to Krishna, the better it is. That isour normal life. Regarding your stocks,you can keep it for yourself for the timebeing, and if need be I may ask you to deliverthis in the future. Your engagementsthere are nice, so continue to follow rigidly.You may inform Satsvarupa that Ihave sent the Krishna tape, # 13, so he maytranscribe it and send me a copy. I will be

930 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidasending further tapes henceforward, becausemy Nectar of Devotion is now finished,and I shall concentrate on theKrishna tapes.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami* you can directly transfer this amount tomy ale No 12410 with the Equitable Savings& Loan Association Fa irfax, LosAngeles, California .My dear Jadurani,I have already asked you to join theSankirtan Party. Today I have receivedone letter from Govinda Dasi in which Iunderstand that she is a spirited preacher.I am so proud of her, that even my girl disciplesare so nice for preaching work.ACB.69-7-17Los Angeles5th July, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 1, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am glad to inform you that Iwill be arriving in San Francisco aroundthe 25th or 26th of July, and I will see youthere during the Rathayatra Festival . Regardingyour questions, "Is Subhadra,Lord Krishna's Sister, the same Durga orMaya?", the answer is that originallyKrishna's energy is one: that is spiritualenergy. But according to different functions,the Maya is represented differently.In the material world the energy is calledBhadra, and in the spiritual world thesame Maya is called Subhadra. The onlydistinction is su and without su. Su meansauspicious. So in the spiritual world, thesame Maya works auspiciously, and in thematerial world the same Maya works inauspiciusly.This auspiciousness and inauspiciousnessis our own choice. Thesame example thatjail life is inauspicious,and free life is auspicious, but it dependson the choice whether we prefer free lifeor jail life. The energy of the governmentworks in the same way both in the jail departmentand the freedom department. Itis the choice of the person who is relativelyconcerned with either jail or freedom.Regarding frozen vegetables, they arenot bad, but if they are twice boiled, thenthey should not be used. I do not know exactly,but I do not think it is twice boiled.Anyway, if it is, it should not be used.Now Tarnal Krishna will be the supplyingagent of devotees to many temples,because he is attracting many new devoteesin the Los Angeles temple. So theprogram is after being trained up here,some of them may go either to open newbranches or where they are required. But Iwish that you should also attract new devoteesfrom your quarters. Instead of importingdevotees, it is better to attract devoteesfrom your own area. And the basicprinciple for doing this is SamkirtanParty. I hope you have by now receivedone circular from Brahmananda in whichit is stated that you are all requested towrite articles of Krishna Consciousnessas you have personally realized it, andalso send as many pictures as possible ofSamkirtan Movement for BTG along withshort descriptions. Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-18Los Angeles7th July, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings, and offerthe same to Goursundar. I am so muchpleased by reading your letter of June 26,

JULY, 1969 9311969, describing your preaching activitiesin Hawaii, both husband and wife together.It is very much pleasing to me. Iwas shocked when I heard that Goursundarwas hurt on the chin, but at the sametime, I was so much enlivened by hearingof your spirited preaching activities. I amproud that a little young girl like you is somuch spirited in preaching Krishna Conscoiusness.Undoubtedly I was very muchsorry to learn about Goursundar being attackedby a fanatic, but don't be disheartened.Even Nityananda also faced suchdifficult problems, but try to avoid themas far as possible. The whole world is fullof fanatics and atheist classes of men, sosometimes we have to face such difficulties. But this is all tapasya. Without tapasya,nobody can approach Krishna. Sopreachers who boldly face all kinds of difficultiesare considered to be under tapasya,and Krishna takes note of suchtapasya of the devotee, and the devotee isrecognized by Him. I have asked the BTGmen to publish your heroic preaching activitiesunder the heading of "HeroineGovinda Dasi." So I am sure Krishna isvery much pleased of this incident, andHe will surely bestow His blessings bothon you and Goursundar. So try to continuepreaching Krishna Consciousness to thesuffering humanity as far as possible.I hope by this time your house problemis solved, and I shall be glad to hear fromyou on this point. I have received one letterfrom Subaldas from Philadelphia informingme that he has opened a centerthere. So by Krishna's Grace our programis improving day after day. Most probablyanother center in Laguna Beach will beopened soon, and they are arranging for agorgeous Rathayatra Ceremony in San Francisco.So you have all my blessings andencouragement for your nice preachingwork, and I can simply pray to Krishna tosave you from all sorts of difficulties.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Enclosed some literature from Germany.They are doing nice in Hamburg & theyhave published German edition of B. T. G.69-7-19Los Angeles8th July, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated June 27,1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.I can understand that you are in needof some more brahmacharies there, and Ihave already told Tarnal Krishna to sendsome devotees there. You may correspondwith him immediately to make definite arrangementsfor this. You will be glad tolearn that another center has recently beenopened in Philadelphia, and another is tobe opened very soon in Laguna Beach,50 miles from Los Angeles. Our policyshould be to open branches as many aspossible, but not to close a single one.That would be a degradation. I think youhave got enough potential opportunity inyour center, so go on chanting and thingswill come out successful.I am pleased to note that you have decidedto remain as brahmachary becauseit will be the most "undiverting" for yourKrishna Consciousness. Actually this iscorrect. If one is able to remain as brahmachary,that is first class because so muchbotheration of household life is immediatelyavoided. But Krishna Consciousnessis not limited that one must be brahmacharyto execute, or one must be sannyasito execute. Spiritual means that there isno conditions whatever, so in any positionone may be in, he can chant HareKrishna, preach Krishna Consciousness,and pray to Krishna to engage him more

932 Letters from Srfla Prabhupildaand more in His transcendental loving service.I remember that when you were inNew Vrindaban with me you took somephotographs with your camera. Pleasesend these pictures to Brahmananda inNew York for our Back To Godhead. Infuture issues we will be featuring manysuch photograhs of our activities. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-20Los Angeles8th July, 1969Dear Mr. Kair,Please accept my greetings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJune 18, 1969, forwarded to me here fromSan Francisco. I quite appreciate the difficultproblems in India, and I quite agreewith you cent per cent that India is now ina miserable condition by its poverty, andnatural atrocities like floods, earthquakes,etc. Your suggestion that this canonly be solved by Lord Krishna, the Omnipotent,is also right. Therefore, if youwant to do something for India, the onlyremedial measure that you can take is tospread Krishna Consciousness amongstthe peoples. Otherwise, the next step issurely communism as you have alreadysuggested. You say that there is a communistmenace, and materialism is trying todominate, but at the same time, religiousfaith is also progressing. Two things cannotgo on simultaneously. Actually, Indiais the country of religion. The presentgovernment policy to kill religious faith ofthe people is resulting in frustration of religiouslife because it is not organizedlytaught. But by nature the people of Indiahave a hankering for spiritual advancement,and therefore the present situationis a natural result of the clash between twoopposite ideals. In this case also the besttreatment is to give the people scientificreligious ideas which are very clearlystated in the Bhagavad Gita. But unfortunately,unscrupulous and rascal so-calledscholars, religionists and philosophershave misinterpreted the teachings of LordKrishna in the Bhagavad Gita, and theyhave misled the whole population. BhagavadGita is popular not only in India,but also all over the world. Unfortunately,the real idea has been distorted. We havetherefore presented our Bhagavad Gita AsIt Is, and perhaps you know it; it is publishedby Macmillan. I have tried to explainin this book the real purpose of theBhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita is the authorizedbook to teach people how to loveKrishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.There is nothing else except devotionalservice to the Lord described there,but great politicians have misinterpretedthe sunshine-like clear statements of BhngavadGita with a cloud of mental concoctions.So if you think seriously to improvethe condition of India, you can begin evenin a small-scale the propagation ofKrishna Consciousness, and if you do itseriously and sincerely, surely you will besuccessful.I came here alone in 1965 . Graduallythe young men here took the philosophyvery nicely, and now they themselves arespreading and opening many branches,even without my presence. Similarly, youcan do this also, under my instructions.Just begin with a small endeavor, andgradually it will spread. You have askedme what are the formalities that you haveto observe for recruiting Krishna devoteesin India, and the first principle is that youhave to become a pure devotee of theLord. Then you can attempt to convertothers to become devotees. To become apure devotee means one should be firmlYconvinced of his being the eternal servantof Krishna.

JULY, 1969 933You have hinted about the value of concentrationand in the stories from the Bhagavatamand Mahabharata, but I do notexactly follow what you mean by this. Thestatements in the Bhagavatam and Mahabharatand the Puranas are all differenthistorical incidents. Mahabarata is called,according to Vedic authorities, as the historyoflndia. I do not know who first designatedit as an "epic." That is the causeof the falldown of Hindu culture. They didnot believe in their Vedic literatures presentedby Vyasadeva. They are not storiesafter all. Stories are imaginary, but theyare not imaginary. They are actual facets.But such historical facts are not chronological; but for the teaching of the commonplacepeople some of the importantincidents of history are there. It is saidsaram saram samud dhritva . This meansonly the essential facts have been collected,and they are put together in theshape of Puranas, Mahabharat, etc.The formalities are as follows: Youshould take a vow not to have any illicit sexlife. That means sex life should be acceptedonly by married couples. Yo ushould not take anything beyond the groupof grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers, milkand milk products, and that also only afteroffering to Lord Krishna. You should notaccept any kind of intoxication, includingdrinking coffee, tea, or smoking cigarettes,chewing pan, etc. Finally, youshould not take part in any gambling, includingso-called sports, cinema, theatre,or any such entertainment. Then you willhave to be first initiated for chanting theHare Krishna Mantra under regulativeprinciples, avoiding 10 kinds of offensesand following the above regulative principles.Then, on or before the completion ofone year, you will be finally initiated. Inthe meantime you will read our books likeBhagavad Gita As It Is , Teachings of LordChaitanya, Srimad Bhagavatam, Nectarof Devotion , etc . These books are all inEnglish, and in addition you should readour monthly journal, Back To Godhead.You should go on inquiring about yourpros and cons ideas in the matter of theKrishna Consciousness. Along with thisyou chant Hare Krishna in the assembly offriends and family members regularly,morning and evening, and then KrishnaConsciousness will become revealed untoyou . Krishna Consciousness is already inyou-not only in you, but in every livingbeing. Such consciousness is aroused justlike a sleeping man is aroused from slumberby vibration of sound. Similarly, aconditioned soul is aroused by the vibrationof the Hare rishna Mantra intoKrishna Consciousness. This is the process.We will be glad to give you all instructionon this point, providing you areserious to accept it, and to propagate it.Thank you very much for your letter. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-21Los Angeles8th July, 1969My Dear Subaldas,Please accept my blessings hundredsupon hundreds of times for your successfulattempt. I appreciate your service verymuch. Now organize the center in Philadelphiavery nicely as you have got a goodplace, and it will be my pleasure to visitwhenever there is an opportunity. Nowyou will have good assistance in the personsof Lalit Kumar and Gopinath, and ifyou require more men, you can ask TarnalKrishna and he will help you. The LAcenter is now specially meant for trainingdevotees and dispatching them in differentcenters wherever they are required. So

934 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidaopen correspondence with Tarnal Krishna,and I also will tell him to assist you as faras possible.Regarding your arrest by the police, itwas Krishna's desire, so that it is now authoritativelyadmitted that we are notguilty. You can take a certified copy of thejudgement. This will help not only yourcenter, but other centers also. It will be ofconsiderable aid in getting permissionfrom the police. You take this copy immediatelyand make several photostat copies,and send to every center and one copy tome. Get mridungas and kartals from NewYork. Keep our books and magazines sufficiently,and make propaganda. You arenow a veteran devotee, so you can helpothers and yourself nicely. Simply youhave to execute the principles very rigidlyand faithfully. Then everything is there,and all success is at your command. Regardingyou taking a job, I hope if youproperly execute your activities, you willhave no lack of money. In the beginningthere may be a little hardship, but everywhereit has proved successful. I have informationfrom Brahmananda that lastmonth they collected about $2,400. So afterall, it is all Krishna's money. When Hesees us very faithful and trustworthy, Hegives up His money for expenditures.Simply pray to Krishna that you may beable by His Grace to serve Him nicely.Our prayer of the Hare Krishna Mantrameans addressing Radha and Krishna forbeing engaged in Their service. HareKrishna means "Oh Hare, Oh Radharani!Oh Krishna! Please engage me in Yourservice so that I can get relief from the serviceof Maya. Just like a person resignsfrom an inferior quality of service and acceptsa superior quality of service, similarly,our prayer to Krishna is to give usrelif from the inferior quality of service toMaya, and to be engaged in the superiorquality of service to Krishna. Service wehave to render, and the whole process is toaccept the superior quality of service inKrishna Consciousness. I hope this findsyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-22Los Angeles9th July, 1969My Dear Rayarama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 3, 1969, and I have noted the contents.So I am glad to learn that your program is to do some work independently,and at the same time to do work for ourKrishna Consciousness Movement. Thisformula I have already accepted, and Ihave given you permission according toyour leaning. If possible, then try to givethe results of your work to Krishna. We donot disapprove of any activities of theworld provided the result is given toKrishna. That is the whole instruction ofthe Bhagavad Gita. You have learned thisphilosophy for so many years, so try to executeit to your best capacity. So far as Iam concerned, I have accepted you as mydisciple, and you have accepted me asyour spiritual father. This relationshipcannot be ended anymore. It is eternal. Soit will be my duty always to pray toKrishna for your further and further improvementin Krishna Consciousness, soyou should go on serving this movementto your best capacity. So far as your cominghere, if you get money you can comeby the 16th or 17th of July as you havestated, and then return to New York, thatis all right. But I am scheduled to go toSan Francisco by the 25th, and after finishingthe Rathayatra Ceremony, in allprobability I will be going to Germany. Iunderstand that Krishna Das has alreadysent my ticket from New York to Luxemberg,but I have not received it as yet.

JULY, 1969 935probably it is on the way. So my going toGermany is fixed. If you think that whenyou come for one week we shall be able tofinish up the whole book, then take thetrouble to come here. Purushottam hassent the most part of the remaining manuscriptto Jayadvaita for typing fair copies,and try to finish it as soon as possible.In the BTG henceforward, the picturesof our Samkirtan Movement should be insertedas many as possible. The wholeidea is now in BTG complete ventilationof our ideas should be exchanged fromdevotees to devotees by writing bonafidearticles along with the other articles. Thispaper should now be completely a forewordof our movement. So combinedlymake it successful.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiEnclosure: one note from Tarnal Krishna69-7-23Los Angeles8th July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 2,1969, and I thank you very much for it.Regarding your proposal for solicitingmemebers, this is not a good proposal.We tried for membership in the beginning,and it was not successful. Collectionby Samkirtan Party is the best process,along with selling our books and magazinesby organized sale. But you can advertisefor membership, and whensomebody inquires, you can give himyour chart for membership. But do not ad­Vertise it. You can simply invite peoplethat we invite all sincere souls to becomeour serious members. I am enclosing acopy of a letter addressed to Mr. Kair,which may be published so people mayknow what is the practical advantage ofbecoming a member of this society.You are correct that Tarnal Krishna'sendeavor is very successful, and weshould cooperate with him fully, andother centers should follow the same principlesto make it successful. Recently, TarnalKrishna has sent Madhudvisa to SanFrancisco to organize the temple there,and as soon as he had gone there, theSamkirtan collection has become raisedfrom $17 to $70. So in this way we shouldhelp all the centers, and in the future bothyou and Tarnal Krishna, assisted by theothers, should be the main guiding stars ofthe society. You have written that you havegiven $350 to India, but I do not knowwhy. Do not send any money to the UnitedShipping Corporation, because last timewe advanced $500, and it has become apinprick to realize it. I think you have senta letter of credit, but no direct paymentshould be sent to them.I understand that Krishna Das has senta ticket for my going to Germany on the25th of June. I do not know where is thisticket; I have not received it. Anyway, Ithink I shall be going to Germany after theSan Francisco Ceremony, via New York. Iunderstand the ticket is from New York toLuxemberg, so I think from San FranciscoI shall go to New York, and fromthere I shall go on to Luxemberg. If youhave received the ticket, please Jet meknow. Regarding Macmillan, if they willnot print our Bhagavad Gita As It Is inhard bound then why not publish our ownedition of the book, enlarge and revisedhard bound? We cannot be checked bytheir decision to print or not to print ourbooks. The paper bound copies may betaken from them, and then our own bookbinderscan turn them into hard bound

936 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaeditions by pasting the cover on cardboardonly. In this case, Macmillan should giveus special concession. Anyway, the bestthing will be to arrange[PAGE MISSING]69-7-24Los AngeleslOth July, 1969My Dear Laxmimoni,Please accept my blesings. I thank youvery much for your letter dated July 5,1969, sent along with your chanting beadsand one letter from Sriman Jagadisha dasBrahmachary. I have duly chanted uponyour beads, and your initiated name isLaxmimoni Dasi. Laxmimoni is the Goddessof Fortune, and she is always to befound serving at Krishna's Lotus Feet. Althoughthe Goddess of Fortune is veryrestless and does not like to stay in oneplace for very long time, she is alwaysfinding new wonderful things in servingKrishna's Lotus Feet so that she neverthinks of leaving Him. This is actually theposition of Krishna Consciousness thatwhen we get some taste of rendering sublimeloving service to the Lord, no moredo we have any taste for any other engagements. So as initiated student you shouldchant 16 rounds on your beads daily,avoiding the ten kinds of offenses whichRupanuga will explain to you. You mustfollow the four regulative principles;namely no illicit sex life, no intoxication,no meat-eating, and no gambling.I am very pleased to note that you willbe getting married to Jagadisha, and try toserve him by helping him develop inKrishna Consciousness throughout bothof your lives. Married life in KrishnaConsciousness is the perfection of marriedlife because the basic principle is thatthe wife will help the husband so that hemay pursue Krishna Consciousness, andsimilarly the husband will help the wife toadvance in Krishna Consciousness. So inthis way both husband and wife becomehappy and their lives are sublime. InKrishna Consciousness marriages there isno question of any sepration or divorce.Any disagreement between husband andwife is not taken very seriously, as muchas a disagreement between children is nottaken very seriously. This is because thebasic principle of married life in KrishnaConsciousness is not whimsical lusts, butit is the eternal principle of rendering devotionalservice to Krishna. So I amenclosing* instructions for Rupanuga toperform this marriage ceremony, and bothyourself and Jagadisha have my full blessingsfor long and happy life in KrishnaConsciousness. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*sent soon by separate post69-7-25Los AngeleslOth July, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated July 7,1969, and I have noted the contents. Iknow you are a very sincere devotee girl,and Krishna will bless you more and morebecause your qualifications are quite onthe standard line. It is ordained in the Vedasthat a person who has got implicitfaith in Krishna and the Spiritual Master,to such person the real import of the Vedasis revealed. I see that you are chantingvery nicely, you have good service attitude;so continue this attitude. You have avery nice husband also, so I shall be veryglad if I see both of you advancing inKrishna Consciousness as you are doing itnicely at present. Maya is sometimesstrong enough to put impediments on ourprogressive march. But if you stick to the

JULY, 1969 937principles of rles ad egultions andchanting, keepmg faith m Knshna andSpiritual Master, then Maya cannot touchyou.At present your most important duty isto compose books with the help of yourhusband. I am very much anxious to seethat you begin this work as soon as possible.You have written nothing about yourtraining in working the composer machine.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth . Please offer my blessings to yourhusband and the others.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-26lOth July, 1969Dear James Doody,Please accept my greetings. I thankyou very much for your Jetter dated June23 , 1969, and I am pleased to note thatyou are anxious to see me as soon as possible.So far as human frailties are concerned,they can all be adjusted bydovetailing everything in Krishna Consciousness.Our Krishna is a great familyPersonality. Krishna is never a mendicant,and our ambition is to enter intoKrishna's family and to associate withHim personally. In spiritual life also thereare men and women. They are very beautifuland attractive, but they are all somuch absorbed in thought of Krishna thatin the spiritual world there is no sex life.That means that Krishna Consciousness isso sublime and happy that it surpasses thepleasure of sex life. In the material world,because there is no information ofKrishna Consciousness, sex life is takenas the highest pleasurable situation. Anyway,in our philosophy we prohibit illicitsex life and not sex life itself. In KrishnaConsciousness there are many illustrioushouseholders . So to marry and to becomean exemplary householder is the ideal lifeof Krishna Consciousness. If the girl whois willing to marry you becomes KrishnaConscious, and as I think you are alreadyKrishna Conscious, it will be a nice combination,provided you live under bonafideguidance. I am very much pleasedthat you wish to live under my guidance,and if you actually follow, then I cannicely direct you, even in your marriedlife.So far as my going to London is concerned,I can go immediately, provided Iget my passage money. I have been invitedto Germany also, and they are prepared topay for this fare . I have postponed thisjourney till the end of the month. Mostprobably I shall be able to meet you inLondon some time in the month of August,and then you can decide whether tocome here or not.Regarding your job at Krishna Lights,if you are getting a good income from thisbusiness, why should you stop it? Ourphilosophy is that we should earn honestlyas much as possible and spend it forKrishna. I understand from Shyamsundarthat you have agreed to help pay the renton the newly occupied house there. So ifyou can actually do so, it will be a greatservice to the society and to Krishna. Itherefore would advise you to continuewith this business.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-27Los Angeles10th July, 1969My Dear Giriraj ,Please accept my blessings . I beg toenclose herewith one letter I have receivedfrom your father which will speak

938 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidafor itself. From this letter it appears thatyou are a good scholar and there is verygood background in your educational career.So if you wish to make progress furtherin your educational career, that willbe a nice asset for our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. You have a tastefor psychology and divinity studies, andthis is very nice. Of course, our KrishnaConsciousness Movement is on the lineof divinity, and we have got so manybooks about the science of divinity. Unfortunatelythese books are not yet on theuniversity curriculum, but if you takeyour post-graduate studies in divinity bycomparative study, then in the future weshall be able to present the philosophy ofKrishna Consciousness in comparison toother theological presentations. Actually,we are teaching the science of God;we are teaching how to develop our dormantpropensity to love God. Being partsand parcels of the Supreme, we have gotan eternal affinity to love God. Unfortunately,by our contact with matter wehave practically forgotten that we areeternally related with God. In ourKrishna Consciousness philosophy thereis no question of sectarian views.Krishna Consciousness is the postgraduatestudy of all religious conceptionsof the world. I like the idea that youshould make a thorough study of all theologicalschools, and in the future if youcan explain our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement as the post-graduate presentationof all theological theses, then it willbe a great accomplishment. You are agrown-up boy and intelligent also, so youmake your position clear and do the needful.I hope this will find you well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-28Los Angeles11th July, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated July 1 ,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am pleased to note that you are diligentlygoing out on Samkirtan everyday,and you are managing the temple affairsnicely. You have requested that somebrahmacharies may come out to help youin Montreal, but one problem is that theAmerican boys cannot work in Montreal.This is one hindrance. I shall consult withTarnal Krishna to see if there are any boysavailable from the Los Angeles templewho may go there, but I do not think thatthese American boys will be able to holdjobs in Montreal. I am anxious to knowwhat is the position of the French Back ToGodhead. I received issue #3 severalmonths ago, but since then there has beenno further word about this very importantpublication. So please inform me what isthe situation regarding French BTG. InGermany they are now printing a verybeautiful German edition of BTG, and thisis very, very pleasing to my Guru Maharajbecause He wanted that peoples of all languagesmay understand this philosophy ofKrishna Consciousness. Regarding furthertapes of Vedanta Sutra, this has beensuspended for the time being, but when Ibegin again I shall send the tapes to you.Recently we have finished our book, Nectarof Devotion, and now the book,Krishna, is in the process of being written.So when the project of Vedanta Sutrais again taken up I shall inform you.You have asked if it is true that theSpiritual Master remains in the materialuniverse until all of His disciples aretransferred to the Spiritual Sky. The answeris yes, this is the rule. Therefore,every student should be very much careful

JULY, 1969 939not to commit any offense which will bedetrimental to this promotion to the SpiritualKingdom, and thereby the SpiritualMaster has to incarnate again to deliverhim. This sort of mentality will be a kindof offense to the Spiritual Master. Out ofthe ten kinds of offenses, the number oneoffense is to disobey the orders of theSpiritual Master. The instructions givento the disciple by the Spiritual Master atthe time of initiation should be strictlyfollowed. That will make one advance tothe spiritual path. But if one deliberatelydefies such instructions, then his advancementis hampered from the verybeginning. This defying means to disconnectthe relationship with the SpiritualMaster. And anyone who defies and thereforedisconnects the relationship with theSpiritual Master can hardly expect the assistanceof the Spiritual Master life afterlife. I hope this will clear up this questionsufficiently for you .Please convey my blessings to the others. I am very pleased that you are workingso sincerely to maintain the Montrealtemple. Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-29Los Angeleslith July, 1969My Dear Bali Mardan,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou so much for your letter, sent alongwith a check for $160. I am pleased tolearn that you have now finished your collegestudies, and now you are going to enga ge yourself fully in promoting ourKrishna Consciousness books. Your ideaof not working for your father is nice, andseveral times I have stressed that our devoteesare becoming twice-born. They aredwija, or twice-born. The first birth is bythe natural father and mother, and the secondbirth is by the Spiritual Father and theVedic knowledge. The second birth is thereal birth; the first is as good as an animal'sbirth. It is said by a devotee of LordChaitanya that in every birth we have got acertain type of father and mother, that isnot very wonderful, but it is not possiblein every birth to get Krishna and a SpiritualMaster. Therefore, the form of life inwhich Krishna and the Spiritual Master isobtained is the most sublime. So I am veryglad to know that you have become moreaffectionate for your Spiritual Father thanfor your natural father, and this is quite tothe standard of spiritual advancement.Now Brahmananda and yourself are agood combination. Try to organize ourbook selling department very nicely. Thatwill be great service to the society and tothe people in general. The books we arepublishing are completely novel to theWestern world. We are explaining the scienceof devotional service in so manyways, and Srimad Bhagavatam especiallyis unique literature that the people in generalshould try to understand. I have got anambition to finish the Srimad Bhagavatamin the same way I have already done,so try to help me as far as possible to finishthis high project. If we get return from theIskcon Book Department, then we shallbe able to publish all of our books veryquickly. So Brahmananda and yourselfwill be a good combination, and Krishnadesires that you should do it exclusively.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and I thank you once more for yourletter and check.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

940 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida69-7-30Los Angeles11th July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letters dated July7th and 8th, 1969, and I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your check for $2,000. Regardingyour price quotation of $5, 850 forprinting soft -covered editions of TLC,Uddhava once quoted me a price of$3,500 for 10,000 copies without binding.Does it mean that for binding we haveto pay more than $2,000 extra? In thatcase our men can bind it. Why should wepay extra if our men can do it verycheaply? Here in Los Angeles also I havebeen looking for printers who can do ourbooks and magazines. I will let you knowifthere is any good result. Regarding NewVrindaban, immediately there is no programfor investing in New Vrindaban untilHayagriva transfers the property in thesociety's name. But there is another program:Bhaktivinode Thakur desired thatAmerican disciple would come to Mayapurto take advantage of the birthplace ofLord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. I wanted tomake one American home there, and Iasked for a piece of land there from myGodbrother, Tirtha Maharaj . He has simplyacknowledged receipt of my letter,and there has been no other reply as of yet.In the meantime, Achyutananda has givenhope of purchasing land there. If we purchasesome land, it may be that someAmerican people will construct a nicetemple there and a home for Americanvisitors. So what is your idea if we purchasesome land there? But if we do somethingthere, it must be done very nicely.Otherwise it will be an insult to yourpeople who are so rich. People must gothere to see the American home and theAmerican devotees. That is my idea. I shallbe glad to know your opinion about this.Regarding the straps on the mridungas beingtightened, I am training Purushottamdas Brahmachary in this connection. Letus see if we can manage this problem byourselves.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-31Los Angeles11th July, 1969My dear Jaduranie,Please accept my blessings. I hopenow you are well. You can therefore beginpainting nicely Krishna picture from TapeNo. 13. Read the subject matter when it istyped & draw pictures accordingly asmany as possible. ACB69-7-32Los Angeles11th July, 1969My Dear Murari,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 6, 1969 , and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am so pleased to learn that youhave obtained a permit for soliciting onSamkirtan Party, and now you are collecting$60 daily. It is very encouraging news.Regarding BTG, you should purchase atleast $350 worth of copies per month .This means you get 2,500 copies, and theprice is 15C per copy. The price for sellingis declared at SOC, so there is a 35C difference.So even if you make at least 20Cprofit per copy, that is $500 per month foryour temple. Now you have got good opportunityfor selling, so you help BTG bycontributing this amount monthly. I haveheard that you have mentioned toBrahmananda that your temple will contribute$3,000 dollars for my book fund.This is very good news for me, and try to

JULY, 1969 941s e nd it as soon as possible. I am so pleasedthat you are arranging for the RathayatraF e stival very nicely, and similarly in London,Buffalo, and what to speak of SanFrancisco, they are arranging. In SanFrancisco it is going to be unique thing inthis world. Regarding a house, you lookfor a place . Krishna will provide for thefunds. Now, because Los Angeles has gota nice church, the situation has improvedvery hopefully. They are getting all help.In Samkirtan they are collected sometimes$250 daily, and selling BTG not lessthan 150 copies daily. Boston is not asmall city, and it is better than LosAngeles because you have so many studentsthere. So try to organize very nicely.I have not heard anything from Lilavatifor some time. How is your daughter,Subadra? I received one check from Jaduranyfor $30 for my maintenance fund,and thank her very much for this. I havesent two tapes to Satsvarupa with a note toJadurany. Please ask them to take care ofthem and do the needful.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiconstruct a temple at the birthplace ofLord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. My disciple,Achyutananda, is already there insearch after a suitable land for developingan American home for the Krishna Consciousdevotees, and when you go to India,if you cooperate with him, it will be agrand success. He is alone there, andwhen you go you will be two, and maybeanother two American disciples may gothere so jointly you can develop a nicecenter for the foreign students who maygo to visit the holy birthplace of ChaitanyaMahaprabhu. I think if you can organize itnicely there, maybe some other Americansmay come and contribute for a nicetemple. So keep these things in your mind.It is a hint for your work in India, and youcan think this scheme over conveniently.In the Montreal temple Jayapataka is incharge, and I hope you are also cooperatingwith him. It appears that things are goingon nicely there. I am enclosing a letterfor him, so you may kindly hand it over tohim. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-33Los Angeleslith July, 196969-7-3411th July, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of July4, 1969 with the check for $50, and Ithank you very much for this. I am veryglad to learn that your father will be gladto do something for our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, and I am expectinghis reply with great interest. When you goto India, as you asked me for something todo, and also as you have an inclination toconstruct a temple somewhere in India, Iwould request you to consider if you canMy Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated by the postoffice on July 2, 1969, and I have notedthe contents carefully. I have received oneletter from Krishna Das dated July 2nd,wherein he states "I have sent to you theticket to Europe on the 23rd of June. Haveyou received it yet? " As of today I havestill not received this ticket, so I hope youhave cancelled it already from the Germanairline office. I do not know what isthe position with this ticket, it may be lost

942 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidain the mail, but if you have cancelled it already,there is no difficulty. Please informme immediately what is the situation withthis lost ticket.Regarding your idea of going to Copenhagen,it is very nice, and I am alwaysanxious to open strong temples where thechanting of Hare Krishna and KrishnaConsciousness philosophy will be propagatednicely. So as Janardan is planning tobegin the Paris center, you may make investigationfor a center in Copenhagen.So if you think you can open such a centerin Copenhagen, then please inform ofwhat your exact idea is to begin this project,and I shall advise you accordingly. Ithink when I come to Hamburg we shalltalk about it.I am very pleased to note that Oliver isdoing nicely, and he is now completing aVyas Asana and a picture of Lord Chaitanya'sSamkirtan. Please offer my blessingsto this boy and encourage him as faras possible to continue enthusiastically ashe is now doing. I am still considering thatI shall be going to Germany by the beginningof August, and I hope your temple iscorresponding with the London devoteesregarding the plane fare for myself, and ifpossible, for Purushottam also.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-3512th July, 1969ManagerThe Punjab National BankP. 0. Vrindaban U. P.INDIADear Sir:On June 18, 1969 I have sent you adraft for $112.65, and on June 17, 1969 Ihave sent you a letter. I have received noacknowledgement for either of these.Please let me know what is the actualsituation in this matter. For air mailcharges you may debit my account, butplease do not hesitate to answer my letterspromptly. Also, please let me know whatis the balance in my account at the presenttime.Thanking you for your immediate reply.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-36Los Angeles12th July, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 8, 1969, and I have noted the contents. Regarding articles fo r BTG, I havealready issued instructions to all centersrequesting my disciples to send articlesevery month, and I am going to repeat itagain for the second time. You may continueto send me the Sanskrit transliterationsfor being corrected as I did last time.It will not be difficult for me to do thework in the same way. Your first businessis to see my books and the magazine,BTG, published very nicely, and for thiswork certainly you require a very calmand quiet place. So in the absence of sufficientaccommodations we may nowrestrict the influx of devotees to NewVrindaban. Unless we have got sufficientplace it will not be possible to make separatearrangements for brahmacharies andwomen and children. There is sufficientplace there, but there is no buildings. If wedepend on our own men, I don't think wewill have sufficient accommodationswithin the thinkable future period. Wehave to build by professional men, andthat means we require money. That is aproblem. Now I cant tax my brain how to

JULY, 1969 943get this money for developing the buildingsthere. If automatically it grows, thatis very nice, otherwise let all remain as itis, and in the course of time when Krishnadesires it shall be developed. But try tokeep the place peaceful without any disturbances.The girls and children whohave been a source of disturbance may befor the time being asked either to buildtheir own cottages or leave the place. I canjust imagine how much disturbance it iswhen all around there are children howlingand noisy talking.Regarding transferring the property tothe society's name, I do not know the legalimplications, but so far as I do know forthe time being you are not the proprietorof the land; you are the lease-holder. Thelease-holder cannot transfer his possessionwithout arrangement with the realowner. So I think legally you cannot nowtransfer the property to Iskcon because Iknow it definitely that a lease-holder or atenant cannot make any such arrangementwith a subtenant or sublease-holder. Ifsomeone does so, it is not valid. So for thetime being the idea of transferring may bedeferred. Let it go on as it is. In the meantimeyou devote your attention for firstclasseditorial work, and try to managethings there how to keep the inmatespeaceful . There is no use to create a pandemonium.Better to keep it under yourpersonal management to keep it nicely foryour editorial work. I do not wish that youshould be disturbed. In the meantime youcan negotiate with the owner of the otherproperty, and if there are suitable terms,the society can purchase that propertyoutright. Then there will be no question oftransferring your present property to thesociety 's name. You can go on savingtaxes as you are now doing, and similarlythere is no question of our society payingany taxes because we are tax-free .So far as Nara Narayan is concerned, Ido not know how did you think that healone would be able to tear down thewhole house single-handed. He sometimespromises such utopian things, butnever fulfills. That is my experience. I amreturning the letter you have sent in thisconnection. I am missing one letter said tocontain my ticket from New Yo rk to Luxemberg.From Hamburg they have informedme that this ticket was sent, but Ihave not received it.Regarding the usefulness or uselessnessof the inmates, it all depends onproper management. You cant expect thatall men and women who will be goingthere will be very useful . You have tomake them useful by your arrangement. Iam very glad to inform you that TarnalKrishna and Madhudvisa are managing sonicely in Los Angeles that they are makingall men useful for Samkirtan Party purposes.Of course there is no question hereof construction work. I do not find amongstour men anyone suitable for regular constructionwork, so we will have to engageprofessional men for this purpose. That ismy opinion.Please convey my blessings to ShamaDasi and the others. I hope this will meetyou all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-37Los Angeles12th July, 1969Dear Carl Lange,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 9, 1969 along with your money orderfor $50. I thank you very much for yourcontribution towards my book fund. Mynext publication is going to be Nectar ofDevotion and a paperback edition ofTeachings of Lord Chaitanya . I thank youvery much for your appreciation of our

944 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptidaKrishna Consciousness Movement. Exceptfor the Krishna Consciousness Movement,any other attempt for spiritualrealization, such as drugs, voidness, impersonalism,bodily excersizes of Hathayoga,etc.-they are all somethinglike unconsiousness under some superintoxicant.Srila Rupa Goswami has givena very nice example in this connection. Hesays that a conditioned soul remains in theslumber of unconsciousness just like a patientbitten by a poisonous snake. In Indiathere is a class of snake-charmers andphysicians who treat snake-bitten personswith a particular type of jungle herbs.This treatment is to bring the herb near thenostrils of the patient for being smelled,and then the patient comes back to consciousnessand finds relief from the snakebite effect. In our conditioned life we arebitten by so many types of Maya snakes,and more and more we are put into unconsciousnessof mind without any hope ofeternal life. Krishna Consciousness is theonly herb for such Maya snake-bite condition.So our duty is very responsible. Wehave to awaken so many snake-bitten patientsunder the spell of Maya. A sinceresoul like you will be a great help in thismovement of Krishna Consciousness. Iam glad that you are reading our BhagavadGita As It Is and Teachings of LordChaitanya. You will get much enlightenmentfrom them. Also you should readBack To Godhead and Srimad Bhagavatam,and surely your life will be sublime.In the future we expect you to be a greatpreacher of this movement to the world.I am glad to Jearn that you are comingto San Francisco for the Rathayara Ceremony,and I am so much obliged to you forcontributing each month for the bookfund. Thanking you once more. I hopethis meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-38Los Angeles12th July, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 2,1969, and I am very glad that you are nowin the Columbus center and you are workingnicely to help the devotees there. Youalso write to say that you have a good jobthat will further train you in carpentryskills, so do this nicely. It is a good opportunity.If you want to marry, you may informall the centers that you are lookingfor a wife, and if a girl is willing to marry,there is no objection. It is a nice idea. Butif you marry, you will have to work to providefor your family, and try to spend atleast 50% for Krishna. Regarding yourGayatri Mantra, most probably I will go toNew York for a short time at the end of thismonth before going to Germany, and Ishall let you know the exact day so youmay arrange to meet me while I am there.Be very strong in Krishna Consciousnessalways, and I am sure that Krishna willbestow all of His Blessings upon you.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-39Los Angeles12th July, 1969My Dear Jaya Gopal,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of July4, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents . For the time being you should goon with your work there. I shall consultwith Tarnal Krishna, and if possible Ishall try to send devotees there to helpyou . In the meantime you should continuegoing out on Samkirtan as much as possibleand preach to the many boys and girls

JULY, 1969 945with whom you come into contact there.Krishna Consciousness is the absoluteneed of the present day society, and thereare many people who will come to join usif we simply make these teachings of BhagavadGita and rest of the Vedic literatureavailable to them. So try to sell Back toGodheads as far as you are able to do withonly Arundhuti and yourself on SamkirtanParty, and soon others will come tojoin you. I have no objection to sendingyou some men from Los Angeles, but youalso should try to recruit some men fromamongst the residents of Columbus. Thatis the best plan. Simply let them hear ourchanting, invite them to our temple LoveFeasts, and automatically some intelligentboys and girls will become interested toassociate with our movement. You are avery sincere worker, so go on increasingyour enthusiasm, and you will see howKrishna provides everything nicely foryour center.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-40Los Angeles13th July, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of July9, 1969 along with the copy of the article,and I have noted that your new address isBox 1684 , Sunset Beach, Hawaii. !thinkit is Krishna's desire that you would vacatethe former building and go to thehippy quarters. Actually, the hippies areour best customers. Almost all of our importantdisciples are recruited from thatgroup, and you are also from that group.So actually we should try to serve thehippy group more than others becausethere is great potency of recruitingKrishna Consciousness devotees fromthem. You will be pleased to know thatone hippy girl named Chris who came tosee me in your apartment is now living inour Los Angeles temple and doing verynicely. So if you make propagandaamongst the hippy group simply by ourstandard method; Samkirtan, readingsome portion of Bhagavad Gita, and distributingprasadam, then I am sure thequarters in which you have now shiftedwill be very much prospective. Besidesthat, it is a beach and the atmosphere isvery nice. So by the Grace of Krishna do itnicely, husband and wife combined. Thatwill be a good example. I was so muchpleased with Govinda Dasi and with youalso when I heard about her spiritedpreaching and your tolerance like NityanandaPrabhu. May Lord Chaitanya andNityananda Prabhu bestow Their blessingupon you, and dont be deterred in any circumstances.Serve Krishna with seriousattempt. Your article is very nice andgradually you shall improve. Go on writing.It is my policy to publish as many aspossible of articles by my disciples. BTGshould contain news of our temples, articles,pictures of our activities, etc . Thebunch of pictures you have sent have beenfowarded to Brahmananda for publication.Regarding BTG, I am so glad to learnthat your center will be a good distributingplace. Do you think that you shall be ableto distribute 3,000 copies? Then I shallask Japan to deliver the copies directly toyou. We are charging from different centers$750 for 5,000 copies of BTG. Similarly,for 3,000 copies you have to payproportionately, and the marginal profitwill be 25C to 35C per copy. So even if youmake 25C profit, and you can sell 3,000,that means about $750 to $1,000 profit. Ifyou pay $750 per month, you get 5,000copies, and by selling only 1,500 copiesyou realize your investment money, and

946 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidayou have 3,500 more copies to distribute.So we have to calculate business like that.If you think you can sell 3,000 copies, Ishall notify Japan to send them directly toyou.I am always thinking of Govinda Dasi.Although she is young and delicate almostalways suffering from some ailment, stillhe is so sincere devotee and spiritedpreacher that I have named her HeroineGovinda Dasi. May Krishna bless youboth and be happy in the preaching workof Krishna Consciousness. Graduallyconvert the Hawaii Islands into New NabadwipDham. I am sure you can do it ifyou go on preaching with the same presentspirit and enthusiasm.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Pleaase convey my blessings to theothers.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-4 1 Los Angeles13th July, 1969My Dear Bhagavandas andKrishna Bhamini,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou both so much for your encouragingletter of July 9, 1969. I am so pleased tolearn that you are now in Detroit and alreadyyou have begun some program to introducethe residents there to this sublimepractice of Krishna Consciousness. Youare both very sincere souls I know, andKrishna will help you in every way as youcontinue to work nicely. As you have requestedto be sent a nice householder coupleto come and help you, I am going toarrange with Hansadutta and Himavatithat they may go there soon to join you inDetroit. They are both very exemplarydevotees, and they are already trained inmanaging all areas of Samkirtan Party andtemple affairs. So there presence will be agreat help to you . I understand that Hansaduttaworks best when he can be incharge ofthe situation, so when he arriveshe may act as the temple president and youshall be his assistants. When I speak withHansadutta and Himavati in San Franciscoduring Rathayatra Festival we shallmake definite arrangements as to whenthey shall arrive. In the meantime, I amvery pleased with both of your nice attitudesand endeavors, and may Krishnabless you for this.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisherA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-42Los Angeles13th July, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of July7, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents . Rather then answering yourpoints now, I think when we meet again inSan Francisco Rathayatra Ceremony weshall discuss things. But one thing is that Ihave a very nice place in mind whereyourself and Himavati may go to help startone temple. In Detroit there is one verynice household couple, Bhagavandas andKrishna Bhamini, and I am thinking thatyou would be ideal to go there and organizethe temple as the president and propagateSamkirtan Party. So we shall discussthis at length in San Francisco.Please convey my blessings to Himavatiand Ananda and the others . I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

JULY, 1969 94769-7-43 Los Angeles15th July, 196969-7-44Los Angeles15th July, 1969My Dear Yamuna and Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of Yamuna Dasi 's letters ofJuly 3rd and 7th, 1969, as well as Gurudas'letters ofJuly 1st, 4th and 8th, 1969. Ihave noted all the contents carefully, and Iam so glad to know that you are arrangingso nicely the temple paraphernalia as wellas the Rathayatra Festival . You have gottwo great responsibilities to function. Doit to your best capacity, and Krishna willgive you all facilities without fail. Ourprinciple should be to serve Krishna verydiligently with love and faith, and all necessarysupplies will come without any difficulties.As you are all sincere devotees, Iam sure you are feeling the great assistanceof Krishna through your activities,and the more you serve the more you willknow how you are making progress inKrishna Consciousness. The same examplehas to be repeated how when a hungryman is given foodstuffs to eat, automaticallyhe feels three kinds of symptoms:satisfaction of hunger, strength andpleasure. So this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is based on sincere service tothe Lord. We shall always remember this,and then success is assured. I am glad thatyou are expecting me there during JanmastamiDay, and this is a very nice proposal.Even if I go to Germany in themeantime, it will not be difficult for me tocome to London during Janmastami Festival, which takes place on the 4th of September.Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Bibhavati,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter of July 11, 1969, and Ihave noted the contents carefully. Regardingyour proposal of writing a book aboutchildraising, I do not think this is requiredwith all the other writings that we have todo. And besides that, you are not the masterof this subject, so who will read such abook? I have seen in your article on Mr.Lennon that you have a very nice gift forwriting, so better you should utilize thisGod-given talent for writing articles forour Back To Godhead. There is immediatenecessity for this, and for this writingyou are qualified because you are a sinceredevotee of this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. So why not write nicearticles of this philosophy as you have assimilatedit? This will be a very great servicebecause we are now converting BTGto exclusively contain articles by my disciplesand myself, along with many picturesof our Samkirtan activities. So ifyou can write some words about KrishnaConscoiusness and send them to Brahma·nanda in New York, that will be very niceengagement for you.Regarding your questions about sexlife, the basic principle is that in executingKrishna Consciousness sex life should beavoided as far as possible, and it may beutilized only for begetting Krishna Consciousnesschildren. This is the basicprinciple that should be followed as far aspossible by all married individuals. Duringthe period of pregnancy sex life shouldbe strictly avoided. The basic idea of raisingchildren as they are described in theVedic literature is that from birth till theage of five years the parents may be verylenient with the child. From the ages six toten they should tighten the discipline oftheir child, and from the ages of ten till the

948 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidasixteenth year the parents should be asstrict as a tiger with their child so that hewill be afraid to be disobedient at all.Then after the sixteenth year the parentsshall treat their child as a friend, and thechild is allowed to gradually develop hisadult responsibility and independence.Regarding your other questions, yes, youmay wear any clothing that you find comfortable;no, it is not very good to useyeast in preparing prasadam. It is better toprepare bread in the process as you haveseen done in the temple. I hope this willanswer all of your important questions. Ihave also received one letter from Ishandasdated July 4, 1969, and his camp programsounds interesting. I am anxious toknow what are your plans for going toLondon because now I understand theyhave facilities to accommodate you andyour husband. So either yourself or Ishandasmay write to me to inform me.69-7-45Los Angeles15th July, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your recent letter, and I havenoted the contents. Regarding Festivals inBoston, you may hold as many as possible.If you can hold such festivals daily,that is also nice. Our movement is forananda, simply bliss, and the method ofpushing this movement is chanting, dancing,feasting and philosophizing. So in ouralmanac there are many festivals in everymonth. I am enclosing some festivalswhich were already held in Los Angeles,and if you perform them, I will give you along list of others. But dont embarrassyourself at present with greater plans thanyou can handle. The more you get devoteesthe more you will be able to performnice festivals.I am glad that Boston is improving inso many ways. So far as painting is concerned,you can begin now. I have alreadyadvised you this in a note enclosed withTape #14 of Krishna. So read the Krishnatape transcriptions and draw pictures asmany as possible. Each picture should bevery much attractive, colorful and nice sothat people will appreciate these paintingsalso. Our standard size will be like TLC,and you can make the pictures accordingly.According to my idea the picturesshould be proportionate to 8 1/2 x 11. Thestyle of the book will be like TLC so far aspaper, print and binding are concerned.Please convey my blessings to Satsvarupaand the others. I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-46 Los Angeles15th July, 1969UNITED SHIPPING CORPORATION14/2 Old China Bazar Street (Block 18)Calcutta- !, INDIAATT: Sri Prabhas BabuDear Prabhus Babu,I am in due receipt of your letter of July10, 1969, along with enclosures, and Ihave noted the contents carefully. As youhave requested, I have amended the invoicesfor the 260 pes. of books, and I amenclosing the same in triplicate for you todo the needful with. One thing I mustmention is that I have been informed thatthe mridungas which you have previouslysent to us were received in defective orderbecause the crates in which they had beenpacked somehow or other had becomewet and therefore spoiled the quality of theinstruments. I therefore request you totake precaution against this danger of waterseeping through the crates by packingmridungas and all such damageable itemsin tarmauline or some such protective

JULY, 1969 949covering before they are placed in thecrates for being dispatched to the USA.We have unlimited number of instrumentsand other goods which we shall be needingfrom India, so if arrangement can bemade for these goods to be sent safely andpromptly, there is so much businesswhich we shall give you.Please inform me of what measuresyou shall be taking to protect our goodsfrom the danger of water seeping inthrough the crates. I am awaiting yourearly reply.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-7-47Los Angeles15th July, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 14, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am pleased to note thateverything is going on very harmoniouslyin your temple, and this is a symptom thatyou are all executing your Krishna Consciousduties nicely. You mention that youare fixing up your temple for nice Lovefeast program and this is cent per cent approvedby me. Try to have very nice Lovefeasts, because here in Los Angeles theyare constantly attracting more and moremembers to join them, and the Love feastprogram is one of the very strong attractinginfluences. This program of offeringgrand scale quantities of prasadam amongstthe general people was encouraged byLord Chaitanya, because if someone partakesof the remnants of offerings to LordKrishna, then he is sure to come back toKrishna Consciousness again at one timeor another. So propagate our processes ofSamkirtan, sumptuous Love feasts, andreading literatures of Krishna Consciousness,and surely many persons will be attractedto join this sublime movement.Regarding the Composer Machine, letthings go on as quickly as possible, andwhen the earliest time can be set up, thenArundhuti and Shama Dasi will learn howto operate the machine. This Composer isa vital part of our book program, so if youcan do it combinedly very nicely, it will bethe greatest service to my Guru Maharaj .Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN.B.: I have spoken with Tarnal Krishna,and he will soon arrange to send you onebrahmachary to help you in your Samkirtanactivities.69-7-48Los Angeles15th July, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 6, 1969, and it is very encouraging.The best thing is that you have now a firstclassbuilding for a temple at 7 BuryPlace. It doesn't matter if things are goinga little slow; but make everything slow butsure. That is a good principle. To dothings hastily and incorrectly is not good.There is a proverb in Bengali sabure mawaphale.This means that all valuablenuts like almonds, macadamias, walnuts,coconuts, etc. all take a long time to fructify.Anything valuable takes a little timeto come into existence. Therefore there isno harm in waiting for the best thing. Buteverything is well that ends well: Thatshould be the principle.I am glad that your friendship with Mr.George Harrison is gradually working, somuch so that he is now prepared to spend

950 Letters from Srila Prabhupiida$3,000 for and altar slab and a block ofbluish marble for carving Krishna or LordChaitanya. For Lord Chaitanya yellowishmarble or white marble should be used. Ifyellowish golden colored marble is available,that is very nice. Another thing isthat these Forms should be worshipped.Our Deity worship is not heathenism. Ifwe keep Forms of the Lord without worshippingthe Deity under regulative principles,it will gradually turn into idolworship, which is an offense. The Deityof the Lord and the Lord Himself are identical. Krishna can act through the Deityperfectly. As I have given several times theexample, the mailbox can act perfectly asthe post office because it is authorized.Similarly, when the Deity is installed underauthorized regulative principles, theDeity is as good as Krishna Himself. Soyou may advise your friend on this principle.But I am so much pleased that he iscoming forward to offer his hard-earnedmoney for Krishna's purpose. I am alsoglad to learn that George has purchasedone nice house for his family, and there hewill be building a very rich altar whichwill be bedecked with jewels and goldwork. I have already given you one designfor the throne. If such throne is made withgolden or silver pillars, platform, ceiling,and canopy bedecked with jewels, and ifthe Deity is kept within such throne, itwill be a super-excellent manifestation.So when you do such work you can consultme, and I shall give you some rightdirections. I am also glad to learn that youare going to press some records of theHare Krishna Mantra with the help of theBeatles and Co., cooperated with some ofthe celebrated artists like Donovan and theRolling Stones. It is a very good opportunitythat you are making friendship withthese famous men, and if you can turnthem as they are already a little inclinedtowards Krishna Consciousness, then ourSamkirtan Movement through all these famousartists and gentlemen will take ashape which will be appreciated all overthe world.I am also glad to know that Rathayatraarrangements are going nicely, and so alsoin your country, especially in San Francisco,Boston, Buffalo, as well as NewYo rk. There also they are arrangingnicely. Most probably in Boston it will beas good as in San Francisco. In San Franciscothey are making good advertisement,and they are expecting a very goodcrowd. I am going there on the 26th ofJuly. I hope you will send me the picturesof your world famous parade in London.Send all detailed pictures to Brahmanandafor publication in BTG. If possible, invitesome Indian press representatives to reportto the Indian papers how the Vedicculture is being accepted by Americansand Europeans.I have prepared a nice book, Krishna,and I want to print it in a deluxe edition. Ifsome of your friends finance this publication,it will be a unique presentation to theworld. This will contain Krishna's lifefrom the beginning of His Appearance toHis Disappearance from this mortalworld. It will contain all of His activitiesthroughout. It is full of philosophy, instructions,transcendental pastimes andartistic pictures.Please convey my blessings to yourgood wife, Malati, and your daughter,Saraswati. I hope this will meet you all ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-49Los Angeles16th July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter, one undated,and the others dated July 12th and 14th,

JULY, 1969 9511 969 . Regarding the house on 43rdStreet, I think you have mad the correctdecision in not taking this place during thesummer because now you have so muchSamkirtan activities to devote your energyto , and things are improving gradually asyou are now performing your activities.So now you devote your time to SamkirtanParty and the Book Department. I havebeen taking price quotations from variousprinters in Los Angeles, and it does notlook very hopeful at all that they will beable to compete with our other pricesfrom New York, so as you have requestedto be in charge of all aspects of our bookpublication, I think you are very qualifiedfor this, so please do it very nicely withthe help of the others. Regarding yourplan for advertising membership in BTG,that is nice. I do not see how we can insistthat all members must follow the four regulativeprinciples, but this is certainly ourrecommendation to anyone who is seriousabout pursuing Krishna Consciousness.So far as United Shipping is concerned,there is no use of us now utilizingletters of credit, because they are now accostumedto dealing with us more suitably.So they should now send documentsthrough the bank, and we shall pay forthem upon receipt of these documents.That will be the best means of dealingwith them now. Regarding BTG, if Londonis unable to sell as much as we had expected,then dont have them sent directlythere from Japan anymore. As they requireyou may dispatch their order tothem. I understand that Hawaii is a verynice place for selling BTG, so you mayopen correspondence with Goursundar tosee if he can purchase 5,000 copiesmonthly for $750. If you can increase thenumber of copies to 25,000 monthly, thatis the nicest idea, and then you will get25 % less for discount on these extra 5, 000copies. We want to distribute as many issuesof BTG as possible, so the more youcan print and distribute, the more myGuru Maharaj will be pleased to see HisGreat Dream being fulfilled. Regardingour boys doing the binding work on thebooks, if there is only saving of less than$800, then I think that they shall be able tocollect more funds by begging. So whichever way will be more practical youshould do it. But I think if the boys canmake the same or greater amount by collectingon the street and by working, thenthey should continue in this way. I am surprizedto learn that some of Krishna'smoney, $250, was misplaced and wasfound by you simply lying around. Sofrom now on no money should be keptwhere it will be misplaced. Better is thatall cash money should be deposited immediatelyin the bank so there will be nochance of losing it. This Samkirtan Partyand our Book Department are very, veryimportant; they are our right and lefthands, so everything should be done verycarefully and in remembrance that this isKrishna's business that we are executing.Because we are doing Krishna's businessdoes not mean that we should be less careful, but it means we should be much morecareful than someone who is performingactivities simply for sense gratification.So instruct the boys in that way.Regarding land in India, I am correspondingwith Achyutananda in thisconnection, and let us see how thingsdevelop. There is no need of you correspondingwith him directly in this connection.Gargamuni has arrived here safelyyesterday, and already he and TarnalKrishna are making plans to open 108centers within a three year period. So Ivery much appreciate how my disciplesare taking this movement to their heart ofhearts, and are working very sincerely topropagate it. Another thing is, you maynegotiate with the First National CityBank where I have got my account as tohow we may start an account in their

952 Letters from Srfla PrabhuptldaCalcutta Branch in the name of our InternationalSociety for Krishna Consciousness.We are doing so much business withIndia now, so if we can manage paymentin American dollars, it will prevent alldifficulties with the Reserve Bank. Soplease do this and inform me of your activitiesin this connection.Please convey my blessings to the others,I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-50Los Angeles17th July, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for the Krishna Tape #13along with your letter of July 12, 1969,and I am enclosing herewith Tape #16.Now I shall expedite work on the Krishnabook, as I have completed The Nectar ofDevotion. Please let me know exactly howfar you have finished the Bhagavatam thusfar. I am glad that Giriraj is doing verynicely. Krishna has sent a good soul forpushing on this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Please keep him nicely. As ofyet I have not received the money whichyou have mentioned in your letter. Regardingyour nice Samkirtan collections,this should be kept in a separate accountso that it may help in some great emergency.You should become a little spendthrift.I know that you do this, but still Iam reminding you. I am so pleased thatyou will be holding a grand scale RathayatraCeremony, and in London also they areplanning a very glorious function with atleast 5,000 guests participating.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-51Los Angeles17th July, 1969Dear Sri Goswami,I beg to acknowledge receipt of yourletter of July 5, 1969, and I have noted thecontents carefully. Regarding the plot ofland you have mentioned, I do not think itwill be big enough for our purposes becausewe want at lest 10 bighas and not 10kottas. I you have got any land around thislarger size, then please write to us. Anotherpossibility is, as you say there aremany Vaishnava temples in Serampore, ifany big temple is in difficulty financially,we can take charge of this temple and improveit and maintain it nicely. So if youknow of any prospective temples wherethis could be arranged, please inform us.You will be pleased to know that in theWestern World also there will be heldseveral grand scale Rathayatra Festivals.Our temples in San Fransisco, London,Boston, Buffalo and New York are all planningvery gorgeous parades and ceremoniesvery similar to the ones held in Purl.I thank you again for your letter, and Iawait your reply if you will be able to helpus in obtaining a plot of land of 10 bighasor a temple for us to take charge of.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-7-52Los Angeles20th July, 1969My Dear Gajendra,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of July 17,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.The sentiments you have expressedare very nice, and they are just suitingfor spiritual advancement. The actualVaishnava always feels himself lowly and

JULY, 1969 953unqualified, but this submissiveness andhumbleness is his actual qualification forbecoming perfect in Krishna Consciousness.In material life everyone is thinkingthat I am so wonderful, I am so expert, butactually the living entity is an insignificantspark of the Supreme Personality ofGodhead, Sri Krishna. So when we seewe are becoming aware of our infinitesimalnature, then we begin to also understandsomething of how infinitely greatKrishna is. One cannot be falsely puffedup and still expect to make progress inspiritual life. Rather one must learn to accepthis constitutional position ofKrishna's tiny servant. Then Krishna ispleased to reveal Himselfto such devotee,and the devotee becomes more and moreperfect in rendering transcendental serviceto the Lord.Regarding your proposal for distributingBTG through the agency you have contacted,I do not think this is very good ideaat this time. Tarnal Krishna has arrangedso that there will be six devotees there inSeattle very soon, so there will be no needfor such distribution arrangement. Thisagency is offering you only 25 cents perissue sold, and by Kirtan Party you willreceive 50 cents per copy. Another thingis that we have found that our sales aremuch better through our personal endeavorson Kirtan Party, so this agency willsimply be holding so many copies for

954 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidaperson was the most pious of all living entities.So raise Nandini very carefully inKrishna Consciousnesness, and surelyKrishna will bestow all blessings uponyou and your family. Regarding yourquestion about the ceremony of offeringSrimad Bhagavatam and some coins toyour child, yes, this may be done . Severalmonths ago this same ceremony was performedwith Vishnu Arti, the daughter ofKrishna Devi and Dinesh Chandra, andVishnu Arti chose the Bhagavatam.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-54Los Angeles21st July, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 16, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am so pleased to learnthat everything is going very nicely in newVrindaban now, and the men, women andchildren devotees are all happily executingtheir daily functions. I have receivedthe cheeze you have sent, and although itwas nice, there are yet some improvementsto be made. The improvements arethat first you should put the cheeze in afrying pan and stir vigorously, adding 1/4of sugar. While on the fire it should bestirred and mixed as nicely as possible.Then while it is cooling it should still bestirred as nicely as possible. Then when itis cooled you should knead it to makedough. When it is soft enough you canshape it into squares or round shapes asyou like. The cheeze you have alreadysent was not bad, but this procedure willimprove upon it further.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-55Los Angeles21st July, 1969My Dear Giriraj,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 14, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. When Lord Chaitanya wasdiscussing with Ramananda Roy "who isthe best educated man," the answer wasthat a person who is in Krishna Consciousnessis the topmost educated man.Similarly, Prahlad Maharaj stated beforehis father that one who has taken toKrishna Consciousness, he is supposed tobe the best educated man. In Srimad Bhagawatamalso it is said that unless a man isKrishna Conscious, his external advancementof knowledge has no value. On theother hand, any person who is on the platformof Krishna Consciousness is supposedto have acquired all the goodqualities ofthe demigods. So your presentengagement is very nice; neither I thinkthat you can be better educated in the universities.Practically we find that in yourcountry there are so many big universities,and the government arranges for educatingthe entire population, but still thehippies are coming out from the educationalinstitutions. It is understood that insome of the big universities the entire studentbody has turned to be hippies. Ofcourse the hippy philosophy is nice in thesense that they have been disgusted withthe materialistic way of life. Thereforethey want to renounce this stereotyped

JULY, 1969 955way of life. Unfortunately, they have nogood leader, neither they have informationthat there is another beautiful life inKrishna Consciousness.I am so pleased to learn that you havetaken Krishna Consciousness as the mostvaluable gift. One who can understandthis, is not an ordinary living entity, but isthe most fortunate. I think therefore that inall circumstances you should steadfastlycontinue your Krishna Consciousness engagement,rather than joining any moreuniversities. So far as the draft board isconcerned, I may inform you that we arearranging our institutions to be recognizedby the draft board. In that case allour students will be taken as divinity students. Already some of our students haveavoided being drafted by this way. So thatis not a problem. If you are engaged inKrishna's service, He will give you allprotection from all kinds of obstacles.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-56Los Angeles22nd July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 18,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am pleased to note that under yourdirection Bali Mardan, Jayadvaita, RishiKumar, Chandan Acharya, Nayana Bhiramand Joel Chalson are all working verynicely. It is a good combination, so makethis combination stronger and improve it.You write to say that the Printing Departmenthas $3,000. Does this mean $3 ,000including the collection from sellingTLC ? In my idea the softcover editionshould be printed by realizing moneyfrom the hardcover edition in which youhave already invested $6,000. That shouldbe our business policy. I wish to know howmuch you have collected thus far by sellingTLC hardcover. That amount may be investedin printing softcover edition. Or ifyou think that the softcover edition willhave immediate good sales, then we caninvest the extra amount. I do not thinkthat putting the advertisement on thecover as you have mentioned it will bevery good. Everything should be exactlylike it is, with the addition of the index.But the cover, the printing and the papershould be exactly as they are in thepresent edition. The price for the softcovercopy should not be less than $2.95.Another thing is that if Macmillan Co.has decided to not print our Bhagavatam,then this also will have to be printed byourselves immediately.I have received the copies you havesent of BTG no. 25 and no. 26. They arenice, but I notice that in no. 26 the firstarticle does not have any adjustment forthe margins. I do not know why this is.Your idea of changing the cover border toblue is nice. Black color should not be soprominent on the cover. Blue, red and yellowshould be given. You have suggestedthat on every back cover there will be apicture of me in BTG, but I think a betterproposal is that on page one or page threeyou may have a picture of me one month,then Guru Maharaj , then Gour Kishoredas Babaji, then Bhaktivinode Thakur,then Jagannath das Babaji, then LordChaitanya. This will be very nice, showingthe Guru Parampara. Regarding thetrip to Argentina, if it is not possible, thenforget it. But do not be misled by the manwho is described in your letter as "likeMr. Payne" . If someone's character isdoubtful, we should not associate withhim and get into trouble.Regarding opening a temple in Washington,you may consult with Tarnal Krishna

956 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>about this. He is planning to have a centeropened in Chicago. I would prefer to havea branch opened in Washington as youhave suggested, but consult with TarnalKrishna to discuss. The best idea is if bothcenters are opened at the same time. RegardingLondon's order of BTGs, unlessthey pay then the shir-ment should not besent there. Let them order and sell as theyare able to do.Regarding the Printing Department. Ihave already informed Advaita that LosAngeles will not be good for this purpose.Immediately we should print the softcoveredition of TLC, and then we shall seeabout opening our own press. So far as thetechnical machinery is concerned I thinkAdvaita should be in charge. For sellingand layout work your department will do itunder your able direction. This arrangementwill be nice.I am enclosing a picture of GourKishore das Babaji for printing in BTG.You may also print pictures of great acharyasin our line, such as Ramanuga Acharyaand Madhyacharya. I have not yet heardany word from Germany about my goingthere, so this program is not fixed up atpresent.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-57Los Angeles22nd July, 1969My Dear Joel Chalson,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your contribution of$200. From your previous letter as well asthis letter it appears that you are the rightperson to grasp the philosophy of KrishnaConsciousness, and you have got good associationof the devotees in New Yo rk.Also you are giving nice service so youhave got very good opportunity. Pleaseread our literatures carefully, and try togive service to Krishna as far as possible.Whenever you are in doubt you can askme, and I am at your service. But onepoint you should not miss is that this life isvery important to awaken our dormantKrishna Consciousness, and we shouldnot miss this oportunity in any circumstance.That would be a great blunder. Wemust be very cautious to not fall prey tothe clutches of Maya because in this materialworld Maya is very prominent althoughKrishna is everything. Maya andKrishna are just like the sunshine anddarkness: the darkness has no independentexistence without the sun. But stillthe darkness is existing in some corner ofthe sunlight. If we therefore always keepourselves exposed to the open sunlight,there is no cause of being attacked by thedarkness. If you keep yourself faced to thesunlight, you will never see the darkness,and as soon as you turn your back to thesun, then immediately you find in yourfront a huge shadow of your own body.This shadow is Maya, and if you turn tothe sun, to Krishna, then there is noshadow. Therefore, Krishna should alwaysbe in the front of us, and Maya willdisappear automatically without anyseparate attention. Yogis and jnanis artificaiallytry to get rid of Maya, but in spiteof their much endeavor tor spiritual realizationthey are still in the Kingdom ofMaya. The conclusion that God is impersonalor that everyone is God is the statementof a person who is in Maya. In otherwords, anything which is a setback to therealization of Krishna Consciousness isMaya. Anyone who is not in Krishna Consciousnessis supposed to be in Maya, andanyone who is in full Krishna Consciousnessis out of the clutches of Maya. This isthe statements of the Vedic literatures, and

JULY, 1969 957we should try to understand and follow theprinciples.1 hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-58Los Angeles22nd July, 1969Dear Martin Malles,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter postdatedJuly 17, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. I am very pleased tonote that you have been coming to ourKrishna Consciousness temple in NewYo rk and what you are learning there fromthe disciples and from our literature isprovoking you to think very deeply on thematters of self-realization. Actually, whatthe devotees there are telling you about theHatha Yoga system is correct. In BhagavadGita you will find confirmation ofthe fact that this Hatha Yoga system is notso easy process as you have been led to believeby various "masters" . To do actualHatha Yoga one must not live in the city,but he must go to a sacred spot, and completelyfreed from all attachments and allmaterial desires and disturbances, hemust concentrate his mind upon the Lordwithin his heart. This process is not completedin just six months time, but it extendsover many, many lifetimes. So inthis age of Kali Yuga it is not possible tofaithfully follow the procedures of HathaYoga because our minds are too restlessand our lives are very brief. Therefore,the Lord has descended upon this earthfive hundred years ago as Lord Chaitanyato encourage the process among all men ofchanting the Holy Names of God, theHare Krishna Mantra. This chanting willimmediately captivate the hearts andminds of all sincere souls, and therefore itis the prime benediction for the mostfallen souls of the age of Kali Yuga. If youwill continue to come to our temple andassociate with the devotees as much aspossible, you will see practically how youare making very, very nice progress inspiritual advancement. Krishna Consciousnessis not some invented processnor is it some brought to America in an alteredform. Krishna Consciousness is thebonafide process of God-realization thathas brought so many great saints andsages to the perfectional level of knowledgeof God. Therefore I request you toscientifically and seriously follow theprinciples of Krishna Consciousness asthey are recommended by Lord KrishnaHimself in the Bhagavad Gita and manyother Vedic literatures, and I am sure youwill come out successful. When you havequestions you should consult with Brahmanandaor the other devotees, and if youlike you may ask your questions to me .I hope this will find you will.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-59Los Angeles22nd July, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter datedJuly 17, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. The first thing I must mentionis that I have still not received theticket to Germany which Krishna das informedme in a previous letter was alreadysent to me. So I am anxious to know whatis the position with this ticket. Also, Ihave written that I am prepared to go to

958 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Germany by the beginning of August ifyou will make arrangements in this way,but I have as yet to hear any further wordon this matter. I would like to know whatyou and Krishna das are planning in thisconnection so I can make my schedule accordingly.Jayagovinda was correct in his observationthat Radha-Krishna Pastimesshould not be discussed at the presenttime. Unless one is highly elevated inspiritual understanding it is risky to discussthese Pastimes. Chaitanya Mahaprabhunever discussed Radha-KrishnaLeela with ordinary persons. We have somany other things to discuss; what is thesoul, what is bhakti. To understand Radhaand Krishna's Pastimes, that is our aim,but we should not indulge in this atpresent. Then there is sure to be misunderstanding.Regarding Copenhagen, if there ispossibility, we wish to open many suchbranches. But your main business atpresent is Samkirtan and selling literature,and this is similarly very importantwork. You write that you are intersted inlearning how to print, and if you have timefor this, then Jayagovind can instruct you .I wish that all of our Krishna Consciousnessliteratures may be available to men ofall languages throughout the world, sowhatever assistance you can give in thisconnection is always appreciated. Butyour main business at the present momentis to propagate Samkirtan to all the peopleof Germany. This is also very great service.So please inform Krishna das to tell meimmediately what is the position of mygoing to Germany in the month of August.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-60Los Angeles23rd July, 1969ManagerThe Punjab National Bank Ltd.Brabourne Road BranchCalcutta, INDIARE: SAVINGS FUND ACCOUNT #2595Dear Sir:I beg to inform you that I wish to sendyou at least 1 ,000 American dollars forthe purpose of purchasing Indian goods;such as Musical instruments, books,utensils, incense, etc. The idea is that mysupplier will present the shipping documents,and you shall pay him the requiredmoney under my instruction, with the certificatethat this money is received fromAmerica. In this way there will be no difficultyfor Indian exchange regulations,and you shall send me directly the shippingdocuments here for clearance.Kindly send me your necessary informationin this connection by return ofpost so I can immediately transfer 1,000American dollars to my above account.Also please let me know what is the balancein my credit at the present moment.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-61Los Angeles23rd July, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 21, 1969 sent Special Delivery, and Ihave noted the contents carefully. I ampleased to learn that you are situatednicely in Columbus and now Indira Dasihas agreed to become your wife. This isvery nice, and I dont think there is anyneed of worrying about her mother's requestthat she continues to go to school.

JULY, 1969 959She is old enough now, and if she wishesto come to Columbus as your wife, thenthis is her decision, and I do not see thatthe mother should object to this. So youmay inform her in this way. When this issettled up I shall inform you as to whereand when the marriage ceremony is to beperformed.Please convey my blessings to theother devotees there. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-62Los Angeles23rd July, 1969My Dear Modan Mohon,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter (undated),and I have noted the contents carefully.I am sorry to learn that your health isnot very good at the present time. Thebest thing is that you rest for some timeuntil you are feeling stronger. When Jaduranywas feeling very weak I advisedher to take complete rest until she wasstronger, and then I advised her to go outon Samkirtan Party. So you may follow thesame procedure of taking as much rest asyou feel you require, and then when youfeel it is all right you resume your activities.There is no question of indexing theBhagavad Gita As It Is in your presentcondition. When your health has improvedwe shall talk of work for you .Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will find you with improvedcondition of health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-63Los Angeles24th July, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 22,1969 with enclosures, and I have notedthe contents. So far as devanagari characteris concerned, you can correspond withRemington Typewriter Company. In India,in most of the government officesdevanagari type is used for correspondence,and Remington Typewriter Companyhas got contract with the governmentto supply the typewriters. So I am surethey can supply you with a devanagaritypewriter. I am expecting this printing ofour literature, especially Srimad Bhagavatam,with devanagari type and diacritictransliteration will be completelyentrusted to you. So you cannot type everythingfrom the IBM. That is not possible.In the IBM machine you shall do theEnglish work and the diacritic transliterationwork. So far as the devanagari type isconcerned, you have to do it with the helpof another machine, and either you willhave to paste on the lines or adopt someother device so that they can be joined.That shall be the process. But if we publishour Srimad Bhagavatam exactly in theway I have already begun it, it will be aunique contribution. The scholars onlyrequire diacritic marks. Then it is allright. That should be very correct andstandard. If there is devanagari characterit is still better. Otherwise, correct transliterationswill do. So you think over thismatter seriously and train your wife fo rcomposing, and help her to the best possibleway.I am glad that you are also holding aRathayatra Festival. I am going tomorrowto San Fransisco to participate in the sameRathayatra Festival there. We received reportfrom New Yo rk that they have collectedlast week $1,000, and they are

960 Letters from Srfla Prabhupddaselling at a rate of 200 copies of BTGdaily, on weekends especially. I have receivedreport also that they are selling 60-70 copies daily in Boston and collecting$50 or $60 on the average. Your Columbuscenter is very nice, and the place youhave got is a very suitable place. So youtry to organize your center very nicely.What did you do about the mridunga supplierfrom Bombay as you were discussingit with Mr. Vora?The beads referred to in your letterhave not yet arrived. As you recommendthis boy, Jim, so highly, surely I shallchant on them and send back to him. Lastnight we initiated here one dozen newdevotees, both boys and girls, and they appearto be very, very nice. Last week also Iinitiated about seven devotees and installedthe Radha-Krishna Murtis on the16th of July. So make propaganda nicelyamongst the student community, andthere is very good chance of your centerbeing developed as one of the importantcenters of our society.Please offer my blessings to. Arundhuti.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-64Los Angeles24th July, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJuly 21, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith so much satisfaction. Enclosedplease find the three cards duly signed byme. Last evening when I was in the templeto perform initiation ceremony for aboutone dozen devotees I was talking to TarnalKrishna and Gargamuni that Brahmanandais now competing with you . So itwas very pleasing talk that there is transcendentalcompetition between the centers,and it is Krishna's Grace that youstand first in this week's business.Krishna is very kind, and He is giving thefull remunerations to His sincere servants. We should always remember thatKrishna is always grateful to His devotees.If some ordinary man gives sufficient remunerationto a worker, why Krishna willnot give sufficient remuneration to Hisservants? But we should always rememberthat whatever Krishna gives us, thatnever becomes ours. It is Krishna's. Themore we receive from Krishna, the morewe engage the remunerations in the serviceof Krishna. That is the duty of abonafide brahmin. A Vaishnava is automaticallya bonafide brahmin. There is aproverb that a brahmin remains a beggereven if he receives $100,000. That meansthat a brahmin is supposed to spend all ofhis money for Krishna as he receives itfrom Krishna.I am so glad to learn that you haveincreased the number of BTG s to beprinted. It is very nice. I was just thismorning asking Purushottam to informyou of increasing the publication of Issue#26 because the article, 'Beyond the Universe,'is very interesting. In the presentatmosphere of space exploration this kindof article will be much appreciated, andpeople will know that we are not sentimentalists.Our background is solid, scientificand authorized. Actmilly, themodern astronauts are trying to reach themoon planet, and even if they reach therethey cannot live there; and even if theylive there, that is also not permanent. Butour ambition is far, far greater, nobler andmore sublime than these astronauts becausewe are trying to reach the Supreme Planet,Krishna Loka, and live there eternally inassociation with Krishna. Krishna hasalso advised in Bhagavad Gita that even ifwe go to the topmost planet, BrahmaLoka, still we have to come back again.

JULY, 1969 961But if we go to Krishna Loka, there is nocoming back to this material world.The questions as put on BhagavadGita , Third Chapter, are very intelligentand I like it very much. I am very muchanxious to hear about Rayarama. It is myconfidential advice to you that if he feelsany difficulties for money, you may discriminatinglyhelp him, and he shouldcontinue as the managing editor. Full cooperationshould be there between youand him. We simply wanted to save themoney for some better utilization. Otherwisewe have nothing to grudge againstanyone.New York is the giggest city in theworld, and therefore the standard of NewYork should be maintained in consumingBTG and giving us contributions. Ourfirst starting point was New York. Pleaseconvey my blessings to the others. I hopethis will meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-65Los Angeles24th July, 1969My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your two letters; one datedJuly 8, 1969 and one dated July 18, 1969 .Both of your letters were delivered to meby special air mail. Unfortunately I couldnot reply you earlier because I was waitingfor the help of others. Anyway, I havesigned the certificate and sent it to NewYo rk for counter signature of the president,entitling you as Bhaktishastri. Thecertificate was finally made a little hastily,so the printing is not to my full satisfaction.I have asked Aravinda to make anicer copy, and if you like , we can giveyou this nicer copy later on. You remarkthat in New Vrindaban the capacity islacking for taking care of the children. Ifyou can organize a higher level school oftheology under your care, I shall verymuch appreciate it. In Los Angeles, althoughthe place is nice, it is already almostcongested.We are planning ministerial statusdocuments through the lawyer here, and itis almost prepared. This document will besubmitted to the draft board, and copieswill be sent to other centers for doing thenecessary arrangements. Bhaktishastri isactually recognition, accepting a personthat he knows the principles of devotionalservice. In issue #25 of BTG, page 14, under"Organization of Society", we discusswhy our students must be relieved ofthis draft obligation. So you read this portionwhen you receive this issue.If you are planning to perform the mariageceremony for Jagadisha and Laxmimoni,then you must know the prayers to besaid. I think you have a copy of a tape recordedat our initiation ceremony in Buffalo,so the prayers are there. Purushottamtried to transcribe these prayers from atape we have here, but it was not done atall. So if you are planning to perform thisceremony, then I shall send you further instructionsalong with a tape and writtenprayers, as you require.Regarding your question, "what is thedifference between the spirit souls comprisingthe Brahmajyoti and the spiritsouls here in Maya? ", in the Brahmajyotithe spirit souls on account of their impersonalviews are devoid of a body, exactlylike here in Maya there are ghosts who aredevoid of any gross bodies. The ghost beingdevoid of a body, he suffers terriblybecause he is unable to satisfy his senses.The spirit souls in the Brahmajyoti, althoughthey have no desire for sense gratification,still they feel inconvenience likethe ghost, and they fall down again in theMaya's atmosphere and develop a materialbody. In the Bhagavat therefore it issaid that persons who are impersonalists

962 Letters from Srrla Prabhuptidaand so not develop the dormant devotionalattitude, their intelligence is not pure, becausefor want of a spiritual body, theycome down again to the material world. Inthe Bhagavad Gita it is clearly said by theLord that the only way of not coming backto the material world is to be promoted tothe spiritual planets. For the impersonaliststhere is no such assurance of not fallingdown in the whole Vedic literature .The conclusion is that without developingthe spiritual body and without being situatedon one of the spiritual planets, the socalledliberation is also illusion, or it isnot complete. A spirit soul who falls downfrom the Brahmajyoti to the Kingdom ofMaya may have a chance of associatingwith a pure devotee, and then he may beelevated to the spiritual planets of Vaikunthaor to Goloka Vrindaban. From theBrahmajyoti there is no direct promotionto the spiritual planets, and it is clearlystated in the Bhagavatam that such soulsfall down: patantyadha.Regarding Katyayani, it is decided thatshe will go to Buffalo on receipt of the passagemoney. Last night I was discussingthis in the presence of Tarnal Krishna, Katyayaniand others. Probably they will talkwith you and the necessary arrangementswill be made. I think she should go before Igo to New York. For the present my programto go to Germany is almost cancelled,but by the end of August I am sure Ishall go to London, and at that time I shallgo via New York. So all the marriages canbe performed at that time, or if you canmanage yourself, you can also do that.Please inform me where is your son. Is hein New York? One boy referred about himin a letter from New York.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-66 Los Angeles28th July, 1969My Dear Vrindabaneshvari,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated July18, 1969, and I have carefully noted thecontents. I was very much anxious to hearfrom you and Mandali Bhadra since youleft Vancouver, and I am very glad to learnthat things are going nicely. By Krishna'sWill you are all a good combination. Socontinue to execute Krishna Consciousnessvery seriously and sincerely and takecare of your child, Moyuradwaja. I have agreat hope for Moyuradwaja. He is veryintelligent with signs of a great devotee.My special request to you is that you takecare of this child very nicely, and he willbe a great son to glorify his parents. I havenoticed that he has all the instincts of devotionallife, and it is up to the guardiansto take care of him. I am pleased to notethat you and Jayagovinda are learning tospeak German language. Please help allof the boys to become a little conversantwith with this language. That will facilitateyour business there. I think that forAmerican boys it will not be difficult tolearn to speak German quickly.You have mentioned bout some criticismmade by Jayagovinda which upsetyou. I do not know exactly what is thepoint, but if there is some honest criticism,there should be no cause of becomingupset. Krishna has so kindly led you tothis path of Krishna Conscousness, andnow you have only to follow the prescribedrules and regulations very seriouslyand sincerely, and surely you willunderstand how you are making practicaladvancement in Krishna Consciousness.Ae:tually, Krishna is kind to everyone, butwhen He sees that a living entity is becominga little serious to make perfectionin lite, then Krishna takes special care to

JULY, 1969 963give such living entity all necessary facilities.Now you have the greatest opportunityto do very nice service to the Lord,because you are now in a foreign countryand are helping to pave the way for a verysuccessful Krishna Conscousness templein Germany. So continue to take advantageof this opportunity as the Lord haskindly given you, and surely He will bestowall of His blessings upon.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-67 Los Angeles28th July, 1969My Dear Mandali Bhadra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of July 18, 1969,and I have noted the contents carefully. Iam pleased to know that you are makingprogress in having our society incorporatedin Germany. This is an essential project,so please do it. By Krishna's Graceyou are all five good souls there, andKrishna will give you immense strength topropagate this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in your country, Germany.Please do it in the spirit as you are doingnow, and success is surely for you all.Regarding your question about Krishna'sName, the first principle is that Krishna isAbsolute. He is not only identical withHis Name, but with His Qualities, Form,Pastimes, Paraphernalia, etc. Krishna isidentical with the whole creation becausethe creation means the expansion ofKrishna's energy. The energy is never differentfrom the source of the energy asmuch as heat and light are never differentfrom the fire. The quality of fire is thereexisting both in heat and light. NaturallyKrishna is not different from anything,and what to speak of His TranscendentalName? This is explained in the BhagavadGita where Krishna says that "everythingis resting on Me, but I am not everything."This simultaneously one and differentphilosophy should be carefully understood.Then our Krishna Consciousnesswill be more clear.Regarding Lord Jagannath, He is theunfinished carved form of Krishna. Oneking named Indrayumna wanted to establisha Jagannath temple some thousands ofyears ago, but while the Deities were beingcarved by the heavenly carpenter,Visva Karma, the king was in too muchhaste, and he established the half-finishedDeities in the temple. Jagannath meansthe Lord of the universe. That is Krishna.Krishna as the only one Lord of everythingis confirmed in the Brahma Samhita,Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita,Chaitanya Charitamrita, and all Vedic literature.Rathayatra is celebrating the occasionwhen Lord Krishna, or LordJagannath attended one religious functionaloccasion in Kurukshetra along withHis elder brother and younger sister in abig chariot. So far as your question aboutcontroversy amongst the disciples ofBhakti Siddhanta Saraswati GoswamiMaharaj , that is a fact. But this controversyis not material. Just like in a nationalprogram, different political partiesare sometimes in conflict and make propagandaagainst each other, but their centralpoint is always service to the country.Similarly, amongst the disciples of BhaktiSiddhanta Saraswati there may be somecontroversy, but the central point is how topreach the mission of His Divine Grace.If the central point is fixed up then there isno harm in such controversy. Every individualbeing must have his opinion; that isthe significance of individuality, but allsuch differences of opinions must coincidein Krishna. In the battlefield ofKurukshetra were Arjuna and Bhismawho were fighting with one another, and

964 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidabecause Krishna was on the side of Arjuna,sometimes Bhisma pierced the bodyof Krishna also with arrows. But still theyremained the greatest devotees of theLord, and Krishna accepted the friendshipof Arjuna just as He accepted the inimicalarrows of Bhisma in the sameloving spirit. So you do not be disturbedby such controversial points . Better youengage your mind very seriously in thematter of the service entrusted upon you .That will make you progressive inKrishna Consciousness.Regarding the manuscripts of BhagavadGita As It Is , when you are readyfor translating I will arrange to send youthe copy immediately. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Yesterday Rathayatra festival wasperformed very pompously in S.F. in mypresence. I have come back just in theafternoon. I shall send you the necessarypapers of Rathayatra later on.69-7-68Los Angeles28th July, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedJuly 18, 1969, and I have noted the contentsvery carefully. My first thanks aredue to Sriman Oliver who has drawn thisVishnu picture, and I like it very much.Our service to God is always transcendental. It does not depend on anything material. So there was no reason to accept thispicture as a very good drawing by SrimanOliver. Krishna accepts the spirit of theoffering, and anyone who offers Himsome service in good devotional service,that is immediately accepted by Krishna.There are many instances in Mahabharatwherein we find that Krishna declined toaccept the invitation of Dhuryodhana,who was then the emporor of the world,but He accepted the invitation of Vidura,who was famous as a poor man. It is said"Vidura 's particles of grain." So our businessis to offer our sincere service, and itis accepted by Krishna. From the artisticpoint of view I do not find anything wrongin this picture, so he should be encouragedto draw many pictures for decoratingthe temple. Jadurany was not in the beginninga very good painter, but trying toserve Krishna she has become a very goodpainter. We have got two nice painters inLos Angeles also; Murlidhar and Devahuti.They have drawn two very big picturesfor the Los Angeles temple, and theyare very beautiful and perfect. So encourageOliver to go on painting more andmore pictures, and it will be very nice forthe Hamburg temple.I am very much obliged to you for yournice appreciation of our humble activities.When I think of you, a little boy, butyou write so nicely, as if you are my littlefather. So I wish Krishna will give youmore and more understanding about thisKrishna Consciousness Movement, andyou will be able to serve more and morebeautifully. I quite appreciate that youfour there; namely yourself, Jayagovinda,Shivananda, Mandali Bhadra, assisted byhis wife, Vrindabaneshvari, will be a veryvery good combination to spread ourmovement in Germany. Our first importantbusiness is to hold Samkirtan as manytimes as possible. The next importantbusiness is publication work. Recently Ireceived one Jetter from Shivananda thathe is also thinking nicely to improve ourpress work. I hope in the future you shallbe able to start a regular press in Germanyfor printing our books and literatures. Ihave heard that in Germany for printingour books and literatures. I have heardthat in Germany the press machine arevery good and cheap. So if you joint! y can

JULY, 1969 965think of starting a press there, that will bea great success. So far as doing businessby importing Indian goods, that is a niceidea, but it is secondary. We should notdeviate much of our time for any businessmanipulations. Our main business isSamkirtan. You will be very glad to hearthat in New York last week they collected$ 1 ,000 and sold BTG at a rate of 200 perday on the weekend days. Similarly wehave got good report from Boston thatthey are collecting $50-$60 daily and sellingabout 60-70 copies of BTG. And whatto speak of Los Angeles? So if we can organizeour Samkirtan Movement, therewill be no scarcity of money; rest assured.But we may do some business which werequire for ourselves. Otherwise, if youdivert your attention for a separate businessin Indian goods, that will not be avery good idea. It may be done convenientlyas a secondary engagement, but theprimary engagement should be as abovementioned.Regarding my going to Germany, I amactually very much eager to go there andspeak in the Indo-German branches aboutthe importance of our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. So as you have mentionedin your letter under reply, you canarrange for such meetings at least formone month continually, and I shall be gladto go there . If you feel inconvenience topay for my travelling from Los Angeles toNew York, it doesn't matter. I shall askTarnal Krishna or Brahmananda and theywill be glad to pay for it. So this is not veryimportant consideration. You wanted tofix up a date, so I am telling you that I amprepared now on any day you call me.Just this afternoon I returned from SanFransisco where they have held a giganticRathayatra Ceremony just on the order ofthe ones held at Jagannath Puri. Therewere at least 10,000 young and old people,all chanting and dancing in bliss andecstasy for the entire day, starting from 12noon and going on till after evening. So itwas a most magnificent occasion, and Iam very much encouraged that the peopleof the Western world will come to understandthe glories of this movement, and asLord Chaitanya has predicted, His Namewill be chanted and praised in every villageand town throughout the world.So please inform me immediatelywhen you will be able to have me comethere to Germany, and Purushottam 's accompanyingme is also necessary. For meto travel alone is not very advisable.Please offer my blessings to the others. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-69Los Angeles28th July, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated July 21,1969, and I am glad that you have alreadysent to New York part of the payment of$1,025. It doesn't matter that you couldnot pay all at a time. You can pay the balanceafter the 27th. This is all right. So faras the three sets of beads, I did not receivethem yet. I do not know to which addressthe beads were sent. This afternoon I returnedfrom San Fransisco where therewas a very, very successful RathayatraCeremony. There were at least 10,000people who walked with us to the oceanfor a ten mile parade, and everyone waschanting and dancing in ecstasy. Then atthe ocean there was grand-scale Prasadamdistribution and chanting again on into theevening. Everyone appreciated KrishnaConsciousness so much, and it is so encouragingto see how the young boys and

966 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidagirls of the western countries are graduallycoming to understand something ofthis movement.I am so glad to learn that Mr. TedBerk, the American poet, is now livingwith you as brahmachary. Let him becomenow a Vaishnava poet. There areso many Vaishnava poets in India. Nowas Krishna Consciousness is spreading,I think there must be some westernVaishnava poets, and Mr. Ted Berk maybe the first one. So far as Trivikram isconcerned, he is a super first-class brahmachary.His service attitude, his submissionis very nice although he is still a newmember. The thing is that he had the associationof Rupanuga who is an idealhouseholder devotee. I am feeling verymuch proud personally because my somany house holder devotees are preachingKrishna Consciousness so nicely.Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did not make anydistinction between the so-called brahmachary,house holder, or sannyasi. He specificallysressed that these designationsare superficial, pertaining to bodies.Krishna Consciousness is the function ofthe soul, jivatma . In the Vedas it is saidthat the spirit soul is without any touch ofmaterial contamination, but when he forgetsKrishna he thinks himself as a materialproduct. That is called Maya. But inany position, if one can understand thescience of Krishna Consciousness, he candeliver many, many fallen souls. So it ismy request to you all that you establish anexemplary character and show howhouseholders can be the first class transcendentalists. When I feel that my householderdisciples are preaching so nicely Iactually feel very much proud.I understand from a letter from Gurudasthat you have elections for officers foryour temple, and the men filling the postsare all very well suited for their position.Now all of you please make quickly themarch towards the goal of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement being very success.ful. Here Tarnal Krishna and Gargamunihave promised me to start a center everyquarterly, and it is my ambition that I wantto establish at least 108 centers; beginningfrom Hamburg, crossing over the Atlanticto your country, USA, then the Pacific,covering Hawaii and reaching to Tokyo,Japan. It is about 13,000 miles long, anddo you think that 108 centers within13,000 miles is a very difficult proposition?I dont think so. So you also try to toestablish at least one dozen centers in England.Krishna das, combined with MandaliBhadra, Jayagovinda and Shivanandaare already alert to establish some morebranches in Europe. Shivananda is contemplating to to open a branch in Copenhagen,and Krishna das is trying for anotherin Munich. So this news is very encouragingto me. I shall request you that yournext attempt shall be to establish a centerin Oxford, where I have heard you havesuccessfully performed kirtan so the studentspostponed their attendance in economicclass and wanted to enjoy thetranscendental vibrations. So I shall requestyou again to establish anotherbranch in Oxford as soon as possible.I have recently received news fromNew Yo rk that their last week Samkirtancollection was $1 ,000, and they have alreadysold out 3,000 copies of BTG in thepast few weeks, so now they are orderingmore copies from the West Coast. This isvery, very encouraging, and I have askedmy Guru Maharaj to just see how nicelythese nice young boys and girls are takingto His Divine Mission. I have also receivedreport that your BTG sales are notvery encouraging. I am not very sorry forthis at all because I know that you are nowengaged for Rathayatra Festival and forfixing up the temple. But I hope that soonyou will fulfill your quota of selling 5 ,000copies in London. In the issues #25 and#26 you will find very, very nice articles.

JULY, 1969 967So execute your duties faithfully and sincerely.I am sure that you are doiing this,but still it is my duty to remind you thesame thing repeatedly as I am your SpiritualM aster.Krishna das is asking me to go to Hamburgrepeatedly, and he sent a ticket alsofrom New York to Luxemburg, but I cancelledit because I was expected at the RathayatraCeremony. Now again he says togo there sometimes in the month of August,so I am asking your opinion aboutthis. I think if you both cooperate toreceive me in Europe, that wil be financiallyeasier. And Purushottam 'saccompanying me is also necessary becausemy travelling alone is not very advisable.Besides that, he is now trained tolook after me in every way, so I thinkwhen I go to Europe he must accompanyme . So if you jointly make a program, thatwill be good for both of you, and I am alsovery much eager to make some propagandawork of Krishna Consciousness inEurope now.Regarding the record you recordedwith Mr. Harrison, it is very much encouragingbecause a record issued by theBeatles will have immediate great market,and we want only that this Hare Krishnachanting is participated in by many millionsof people. Another thing is thatsome time back you asked me to write apersonal note to the Archbishop of Canterbury,but you did not inform me whathappened to this and what happened to thechurch negotiations for which Mr. Harrisonwanted to take some personal care. Ishall be very glad to hear from you aboutthese points. Please offer my blessings tothe others, especially to Janaki, who hasnot written to me in so long a time. I hopeyou are all well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-70Los Angeles29th July, 1969My Dear Paramananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated Friday July25 , 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Now that Satyabhama Dasi isbecoming advanced in her pregnancey, allcare must be taken for her. I think it is agood idea that she may go to New York,especially because she can receive freeaid from your doctor friend. And if youfeel that your presence there will be helpful,then I advise you to go with your wifeto New York. Regarding someone to gothere to take charge of the children in Satyabhama's absence, I will write to Lilavatiin Boston to see if she is able to ftll thisposition for that time. If not, we will haveto make other arrangements. But whereveryou go, either in New Vrindaban orNew York, you should make effort to finishyour 16 rounds whenever possible. Ofcourse, if you are always engaged inKrishna's service, and always chantingHare Krishna, even if not on your beads,that is also a nice status. As you are an importanworker there and you have so manyimportant duties, especially to take care ofthe cows, it may not be possible for you tostop your work for chanting 16 rounds.This is no great loss, and you should notfeel badly about it. Krishna sees your sincerityin Krishna Consciousness, and Hewill be very kind upon you for this. But asmuch as possible you should try to fulfillthe goal of 16 rounds daily. If you mustfall short of this because you have so muchservice to render to Krishna, do not bedisturbed by this. But you should not falltoo much short of this goal. That will notbe good. Similarly, you must read BhagavadGita at least a few verses every dayand think about them throughout the day.The best thing is to read one chapter daily,but if you can meditate upon a few verses

968 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaof Bhagavad Gita every day, that is betterthan reading for simply one hour and thenforgetting the topics until the next reading.Please offer my blessings to SatyabhamaDasi and the others . I hope thiswill meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-7 1Los Angeles29th July, 1969My Dear Prahladananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 21,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am very pleased to learn that youhave been nicely assisting Rupanuga, andnow the Buffalo center is gradually be-9oming very successful. It is very encouraging.It is a fact that wherever we go, ifwe simply let the people hear our chantingand if we repeat what we have heard fromthe bonafide Spiritual Master, then surelymany, many sincere souls will become attractedto our movement. This is becauseKrishna Consciousness is lying dormantin every living entity, just like fire is dormantwithin a match. If we simply strikethe match, then the fire within will comein blazing light. Our method of strikingthe match is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. This vibrationis sufficient to awaken the sleepingspirit soul to the fact that Krishna is there,and if we try to remember Him always andspread His message of Bhagavad Gita ,then our life becomes perfect and we areperfectly executing our position as partand parcel of the Lord. So if you let all theresidents of Buffalo hear the sound ofHare Krishna and read our literatures,then there will be the greatest all-aroundbenefit. This past weekend in San Fransiscothere was a gigantic RathayatraCeremony just on the order of the oneheld at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000people were chanting and dancing alongwith us in full transcendental ecstasy. Theboys and girls of America are generallygood souls, that is why they have takenbirth in such a nice country, and now theyshould make perfect all of their opulencesby engaging everything in Krishna Consciousness.This will be the finishingtouch for all the nice qualities found in theAmerican people. In New Yo rk I understandthat they have sold 3,000 copies ofBTG in just two weeks, and I understandthat in Buffalo you are also selling BTGvery nicely. So please continue in this wayand your success in life is assured. AsKrishna sees that you are working very seriouslyto bring His other children back tothe Spiritual Kingdom, then He will becomevery pleased and will bestow allblessings upon you. Krishna is never un·grateful for our efforts to serve Him, restassured. Regarding your question aboutBhava Shakti developing into Prema, thisis covered in our book, Nectar of Devotion,and there is no necessity for you totrouble yourself over such advanced topicsat the present time.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-72Los Angeles30th July, 1969My Dear Yoland,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated 26 July, 1969 andyour nice poems, and I have read everythingcarefully. The poems will be submitted toHayagriva, the editor of Back To Godhead,for his consideration for publication. I amvery pleased to learn that you are now livingat the Montreal temple, and this association

JULY, 1969 969with devotees of Lord Krishna will help youto advance further in Krishna Consciousness.You have asked me, "Could you acceptme as your student until eternity?" Myreply is that you may discuss this matter withJayapataka, who is in charge there, and if heagrees, then you may submit your beads tome through the mail. Also, there is somepossibility that I will be going to Germanysometime in August, and in that case I willbe stopping in New York. So if you are ableto meet me in New York, then the ceremonycould be performed there.You have asked the question, "What isthe difference between a Mayavadi philosopherand a Krishna Conscious person? "The answer is that the Mayavadi philosopherhas only imperfect knowledge of God ,whereas the Krishna Conscious person canunderstand Krishna fully. The example isgiven that a person may know about the sunlight,but that does not mean that he knowsabout the Sun God within the Sun planet.Within the Sun there is a Sun God, namedVivaswarn, and his body and the bodies ofthe other inhabitants are made of fire. It isthe heat from these fiery bodies that giveswarmth and light to this universe. So ifsomeone knows something about the sunlight,it does not mean that he has knowledgeabout Vivaswam. Similarly, fromKrishna's Spiritual Body there is the emanationof the Brahma effulgence, whichpervades the entire universe. The Mayavadiphilosophers are trying for knowledgeof this Brahma effulgence, but evenif they are able to merge into this effulgenceemanating from Krishna's Body,that does not give them perfect knowledgeof the Source of everything. ThisSource is Sri Krishna, the SupremePersonality of Godhead. So both theMayavadi philosopher and the KrishnaConscious person is seeking spiritual advancement,but the Krishna Consciousman is higher because he is going to theSource of everything, including theBrahma effulgence. I hope you will understandthis nicely.I am very pleased to note that you arechanting 25 rounds daily. Please continuein this way, and more and more Krishnawill be pleased to bless you with intelligenceto understand Krishna Consciousness.I hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-73My Dear Hayagriva,Los Angeles3lst July, 1969Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 22,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.The money matters dealings aresomewhat an embarrassment to me . I donot know what they have paid and whatyou have received. The best thing is as yousuggested that the girls who are there maycome back to Los Angeles. I have askedTarnal also to write them. If Tarnal is notsending their money, he should look aftertheir comfort, and the best thing would bethat you ask them to come back to LosAngeles, without any hardships and burdenson you . You take care of Girish andBirbhadra nicely, and I shall ask Sheelavatito send the money directly. Yes, KirtananandaMaharaj is not very much in favorof Nara Narayan, so for the time beingI am not asking him to return to NewVrindaban. He has done very nicely herein the Rathayatra Festival , and it was verysuccessful in San Fransisco. I shall sendyou later on the reprint pictures publishedin the local newspapers, and youwill be glad to learn that about 10,000people participated in this function. Theprocession was taken along about an 8mile distance, and the people followedall through, simply chanting the Hare

970 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaKrishna Mantra. This was a unique scenein this part of the world. Some of theChristian-minded people became almostenvious, and I have received some anonymousletters. Maybe as our movement increasesin volume the orthodox section ofChristianity may be envious of our successfulmarch. I think you should collectsome information from the Bible thatSamkirtan, chanting of the Holy Names ofGod, is recommended there also. There isa book called Aquarian Gospel in which itis stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in thetemple of Jagannath. Without being Hisdevotee, how could he live there and howthe authorities could allow a non-devoteeto live there? From that book it appearsthat Lord Jesus Christ lived in intimate relationswith the priest order. So as far aspossible, you should prepare yourself forfuture writings that our movement is notagainst the philosophy of Jesus Christ, butit is in complete collaboration with hisline of religiosity. Actually, we dont decryany religious way of the world, but we aresimply advocating that people shouldlearn to love God by following their religiousprinciples. If one is not fortunate tobe learning how to love God, then his religiousprinciples are simply fanaticism,without any value. We are presenting thesame thing practically by which one canlearn very quickly how to love God, andthen his life becomes sublime. So our processis a system, following which any manfrom any religious sect may come and joinand learn how to love God. Now youshould think[PAGE MISSING]69-7-74Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 26,1969 , and I have noted the contents withpleasure. I am glad to learn that the Philadelphians are quickly taking some interestin our Krishna Consciousness Movement,and you are simply standing on the cornerwearing robes and the people come topurchase copies of Back To Godhead. Soif you can continue in this way, lettingthem hear your chanting and selling BackTo Godheads, then all success is automaticallythere. I remember that my GuruMaharaj would often send young boys outto sell literature of Krishna Consciousness,and if they would come back havingsold only a few issues, Guru Maharaj wasvery, very pleased. Now you report thatyou have sold 300 issues of Back To Godheadin just a few days, so I know thatGuru Maharaj is very, very pleased withyour work. Actually, in all of our centersour Samkirtan Party and Krishna Consciousnessliterature is becoming moreand more popular. Perhaps you haveheard that Brahmananda has alreadymade arrangements to increase the numberof copies printed from 20,000 to25,000. This is all very encouraging, socontinue to increase your sales of Back ToGodhead as far as possible. You are a seriousworker, and Krishna will reward yourefforts with success.This Monday I returned from SanFransisco where they performed the Ra·thayatra Ceremony, and it was tremen•dously successful. There were about10,000 people who joined us for the day,beginning from 12:00 in the afternoon,and lasting till around 10:00 at night. Allthrough the day these people were feelingthe bliss of Krishna Consciousnessthrough chanting, dancing taking Prasadam,watching puppet stories aboutKrishna, and hearing us speak on BhagavadGita . The local papers printednice pictures and stories about our Festival,and when we have them reprinted Iwill send a copy to you. Please offer my

JULY, 1969 971blessings to the others, and continue in thenice way you are doing now.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-75Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Prabhas Babu;I beg to acknowledge receipt of yourJetter, F-54/286, dated July 22, 1969. Ihave noted that you are going to send themridungas more carefully. Ye s, I am advisingto retire your bill of shiping chargesfo r Rs. 101.50 as soon as we receive instructionfrom the bank. Ye s the booksmay be gunny packed in cases, and try tocharge as low as possible. I understandThe Punjab National Bank from Vrindabanhas already issued a letter to you sothere is no need of sending the documentto them. Y-o u send the documents directlyto New York.Most probably I shall be going to Germanand England very soon, and I shallsend you some big orders from there.Also I have advised my Seattle branch tosend you an order soon, so you will pleasedo the needful in this connection. In themeantime, whatever pending goods arethere may be dispatched without delay. Ithink there are some pending orders sentfrom New Yo rk.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-76Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Lilavati,Please accept my blessings: I thankyou very much for your letter dated July23, 1969 and the photographs of your littledaughter. These photographs were sonice, and I was very much engladdened tosee how jolly Subhadra is. You write thatshe is already very enthusiastic aboutSamkirtan Party, so train her up verynicely. If such a pious child is trainedproperly as you and Murari are doing,then surely she will play a very worthyrole in our society and in helping to improvethe world condition by the propagationof Krishna Consciousness. It is notunusual that a little child is often veryjolly, but in the material situation this jollinesspasses very quickly. But in KrishnaConsciousness, because the spirit soul isby nature very jolly and blissful , this jollinessonly increases more and more as thebliss of serving Krishna increases moreand more. So now your daughter has avery good opportunity to make final solutionto her births in the material world, sokeep her very nicely. Krishna will be kindupon you for this.I can understand that you are feelingfor a playmate for your child. In NewV rindaban we were thinking of havingsuch place for many children, but at thepresent it appears to be difficult becausethere is no sufficient accommodationsthere. I did not exactly follow what youmeant about inadequacies in the editing ofBhagavad Gita As It Is . We are planningto print an enlarged edition of this book,with purports to each and every verse.The book was abridged due to the requestof the Macmillian Company, but I am notsatisfied with this, so we will print thecomplete work in an unabridged edition. Iam pleased to note that you are thinking ofopening new centers and you considerSouth Indiana to be a good place. Forstarting new centers and for suggestions inthis connection you should write to TarnalKrishna because this department will beentrusted to him in the matter of supplyingmen, etc . I have also very much appreciatedyour poem at the end of your letter. It

972 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>is very nice, and I will have it submitted toHayagriva for consideration of publicationin BTG.Please offer my blessings to the others .I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wi!lher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. The S. F. Rathayatra was a grand success& I am awaiting the report of BostonRathayatra.69-7-77Los Angeles3lst July, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 22,1969, and because I went to San FransiscoI could not reply earlier. You have suggestedthat people coming from variouscenters to New Vrindaban should havetheir expenses underwriten by the templesat the rate of $25 per person paid for oneyear. I think that will be a new introductionin our institution. In our so many centersthe members go and come, but therewas no such demand from any center, andif new Vrindaban demands like that, itwill not sound very nice. But I can understandthe financial position of New Vrindaban,so the best thing will be to stop anymore influx in New Vrindaban until theplace is self-dependent. The whole idea ofNew Vrindaban is that men who are livingthere should produce their own food, ofwhich milk is the principal thing. Unlessthat position is achieved it will not be advisableto ask anybody to go there. Betterto ask them to go there if they are willingto work and produce their own food. Otherwise,nobody should be advised to gothere . Besides that, I have received lettersfrom the girls there that they are feelinginconvenience. Therefore , without havingadequate place to live there, nobodyshould be advised at the present momentto go there. I am glad that the boys havebeen working for the house and the pro..ject will be completed satisfactorily. Myadvice is that you make the place verypeaceful. You should admit only such personswho can work without any disturbance.For the time being you may notadmit any more men and ask them to payyou $25 per month. That will not soundvery nice .Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Your last consignment of sandesh wasvery very nice. Keep this standard and tryto make it whiter than this. I had a goodtaste of them at today 's lunch. Thank you.ACB69-7-78Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter of July 28, 1969,and I could not understand from yourhalf-finished letter whether RathayatraCeremony was performed according to asubdued program. But I could understandthat you are immersed in great confusionon account of the wheels giving way justafter starting. I have received one letterfrom Shyamsundar dated July 25th inwhich it is stated that the magnitude oftheRatha was double than the one you had inSan Fransisco. So such a heavy structurewas not properly attended as to its weightand the wheels which could carry suchhuge weight. I think it was a mistakeof engineering calculation. The load washeavier than the wheels could carry. Sothere is no question of being disappointed.

JULY, 1969 9731 have not received any detailed informationeither from you or from the others,but even if the Festival was not properlyperformed, you should not be discouraged.As in the material world sometimesfailure is considered as a pillar of success,similarly in the spiritual order also thesame principle can be applied. So dont bedisappointed . Maybe Krishna's desire issomething higher in this connection. Ifthe Rathayatra has not been performed,you can postpone it to be performed on theJanamastmi Festival. There is no harm ifyou postpone the function to a later date,and the public will appreciate it. You consultamongst yourselves without beingdiscouraged and patiently work for its beingperformed one month later. There isno harm.Jagannath and Krishna are the sameSupreme Personality. If it is Krishna's desirethat He should enjoy the function onJanamastmi Day, it might be He put somehindrance on the Rathayatra Day plans.So if you decide to hold the function onJanamastmi Day, September 4, 1969 ,then on hearing from you I shall give youfurther instructions in this connection.But in any case dont be disappointed.Keep your enthusiasm. Be patient, andKrishna will reward your attempts withsuccess.So far as San Fransisco RathayatraFestival , it was very pompously and successfullyexecuted in my presence. Therewere about 10,000 people attending thefunction. The procession was led fromour temple through Golden Gate Park andsome other streets . We started at about12:30 and reached on the beach about5:00 or 5:30. Then we held a meetin in abig hall up till 6:00 o'clock, and they performeda puppet show and distributedPrasadam. Then Kirtan continued up tillabout 10:00 o'clock at night . The functionwas reported in the local papers, and IWill send you a copy when it is printed up.So if possible, you just postpone the functiontill Janamastmi Day, and do theneedful. But dont be confused and disappointed.I hope you are well .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-79Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings . I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedJuly 26, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding your future settlementin India, You can work in any bigcity like Bombay or Delhi, because withoutliving in a big city you cannot have agood job. You can also try Calcutta. Calcuttais also a very big industrial city, andif you are posted there, it will be easier foryou to look after the Mayapur-contemplatedtemple. But it does not matter whetheryou are situated in Bombay, Calcutta orDelhi; wherever is suitable you can accept.Regarding your dress, you shoulddress yourself as smartly as possible.Krishna Consciousness does not dependon the dress. It is consciousness. If bydressing yourself very nicely you gethonor from your customers, then it is agreat asset for business management. Sofar as your diploma in business managementfrom McGill University is concerned,you must have it by all means. Inthe Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu it is enjoinedby Srila Rupa Goswami that anywork, either prescribed in the Vedas or ordinarymundane activities, if the target isto satisfy Krishna, then everything is devotionalservice. In the Srimad Bhagavatamalso it is recommended by SutaGoswami that ultimate perfection of anengagement is tested by the satisfaction ofthe Lord . Our aim should be how to please

974 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Krishna. As it is said in English also, theends justify the means. So it is my requestto you that keep Krishna always in viewand accept anything necessary for yourworldly affairs. I am very pleased to notethat in such things you consult me. This isa very nice habit. You will please alwaysconsult me before doing anything, and Ishall try to guide you to my best abilities.Regarding distribution of BTG or mypublications, I welcome your floating acompany yourself for this purpose. In thatcase your company will be another departmentof the society, although the societyhas no intention to interfere with yourbusiness. But your business will be consideredas my business. So think of it verycarefully, and it will be very nice. Regardingkholes from Bombay, I was expectingyour father's reply by this time. Anyway, Ihope to receive the same as soon as possible.Last week I was in San Fransisco, andthe Rathayatra Ceremony was a grandsuccess. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-80Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated July25, 1969 and noted the contents with greatencouragement, but at the same time I receivedone letter from Gurudas which wasnot very encouraging. He told me aboutthe difficulty that was had in performingthe Rathayatra Festival , and I am enclosinga copy of the letter to you which I repliedto Gurudas. The purport of my letteris that there is no cause for any disappointment,and you can perform this ceremonyon Janamastmi Day if you are able. Fromthe description of your letter it appearsthat the structure of the Ratha was tooheavy for the wheels to carry the load.From Gurudas' letter it was not clear tome if you at all held a ceremony on asmaller scale. But in any event, I think wemay take it as Krishna's Grace that the difficultytook place at the very beginning ofthe procession and not later on when theRatha was in a more populated area. So donot feel discouraged at all. By Krishna'sPlan everything will come out for thebest. We have only to work very sincerely,depending fully on the Mercy of the Lord,and in this consciousness we can makevery quick advancement in Krishna Consciousness.If you think you will be able toperform the ceremony on JanamastarniDay, then I shall give you further instructionson how this is to be done.I am very pleased to note that you havemade such a nice recording of HareKrishna, which may be released by theBeatie's Company. If you are able to sendme a copy of this tape, that would be verynice. Also, it is very encouraging to learnthat you think Mr. George Harrison willbe happy to print our Krishna book. Thiswill be a very great service to the mankindat large, if he can be of assistance in thisconnection. We are giving a unique contributionwith this book; a book whichtells of the activities of God. There is noother book that has been authoritativelypresented to the Western World up till thistime which has given so high a contribution.If persons will simply read this bookor even look at the many pictures within,then this alone will bring immense spiritualbenefit to their lives.I have written to Krishna das in Germany,and I am expecting their reply as towhen they will be able to receive methere. So after I complete my business inGermany, surely I shall come to your templein London, perhaps by Janamastmi

JULY, 1969 975Day, and then it will be so nice to see all ofyou again. Please convey my blessings toyour good wife, Malati, and your littledaughter, Saraswati. I hope this will meetyou all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-7-81 Los Angeles31st July, 1969My Dear Kulashekhar das (Colin Jury),Digvi jaya das (Dick Withey), andTirthapada das (Tim Austin),Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters, sentalong with your beads, and I have notedthe contents carefully. This initiationceremony is a Vedic principle to lead aconditioned soul to the higher level oftranscendental life. In the ChaitanyaCharitamrita you will find the instructionas we have given it in our book, Teachingsof Lord Chaitanya , that after many, manybirths through approximately 8,400,000species of life, a living entity gets this humanform of life, which is a chance to getfreedom from the material condition.When a child is born it is the responsibilityof the state, of the father, of themother, of the relatives, and of the teachersjust to raise the child to the standard ofKrishna Consciousness so that the childmay not have any more to repeat the processof birth and death, but being fullysituated in Krishna Consciousness he maybe transferred to the spiritual world andsituated in one of the Vaikuntha planets .The most important of the Vaikunthaplanets is called Krishna Loka, or GolokaVrindaban. In these days the propagationfor landing on the moon planet is very encouragingto the common man, but so faras a Krishna Conscious person is concerned,he is not at all interested in any ofthe material planets . His target is to betransferred to the topmost spiritual planet,namely Krishna Loka.So this initiation means the preliminarychance for preparing oneself toachieve this highest perfection. I am veryglad that you are already interested in theKrishna Consciousness Movement, andyou will please chant at least 16 roundsdaily, observing the rules and regulations.The four principle rules is that you will refrainfrom 1) meat-eating or partaking offish or eggs, 2) illicit sexual connections,3) intoxication (including cigarettes, coffeeand tea) and 4) gambling. In additionto these rules there are ten offenses tochanting the Maha Mantra which shouldbe avoided. These rules are as follows:1) blaspheming the Lord's devotee.2) Considering the Lord and the demi-godson the same level. 3) Neglecting the ordersof the spiritual master. 4) Minimizing theauthority of the Scriptures. 5) Interpretingthe Holy Name of God. 6) Committing sinon the strength of chanting. 7) Instructingthe glories of the Lord's Name to the unfaithful.8) Comparing the Holy Namewith material piety. 9) Inattention whilechanting the Holy Name. 10) Attachmentto material things while engaged in thepractice of chanting.So follow faithfully the above rules andregulations, help your godbrothers andsister in London to propagate KrishnaConsciousness, and there is no questionthat you will all come out successful . Ihope this will find you well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

AUGUST69-8- 1Los Angeles1st August, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter datedJuly 29, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am pleased to note thatthe French edition of BTG wiii be readyby the end of the week. Please send a copyto me immediately when it is ready. Youask if you should improve the magazine tolook like the English BTG, and of coursethis is very welcome, but first you mustorganize things so that the French editioncan come out regularly every month .There are plans that soon there wiii be acenter in Paris, France, so this Frenchedition of BTG will help a great deal in thesuccess of this center. Also, there are somany French speaking people in Canada,so please try to have this magazine comeout on a regular monthly schedule. Thatwould be very nice. Regarding the arrangementsyou described for havingdevotees come from here to work in Montreal, please send this information to TarnalKrishna, along with further details,and he will do the needful . I am pleased tonote that you are selling about 25 copies ofBTG daily and you are going out onSamkirtan twice daily. I have learnedfrom Brahmananda that he is increasingthe number of BTGs to be printed from20,000 to 25,000 copies per month. Sothere is much potential for selling these issuesto the many people who are graduallytaking more and more interest in ourmovement, and please organize your salesthere to increase at a steady rate . Samkirtanis the tried and proven method of propagatingall aspects of our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, so continue to goout chanting in the streets as much as possible.Regarding Julanyatra Ceremony, duringthese five days the Deities' clothingsshould be changed everyday, and thereshould be nice Prasadam distribution andSamkirtan as far as possible. If you areable to do it, a nice throne may be constructedon which the Deities can beplaced. This throne may be swung gentlyduring Kirtan. That will be very good,and surely the Deities will enjoy the function.You have mentioned that you havebeen invited to attend some "WorldBrotherhood Conference," and if it is convenient,you may go there with yourSamkirtan Party, chant Hare Krishna,give some talk on Bhagavad Gita As It Is ,and distribute Prasadam. That is our onlybusiness, and we can do these activitiesanywhere; it doesn't matter on the streetor in some "World Brotherhood Conference."Everyone in this material world isconditioned by the laws of Maya , so whereverwe go, surely there is much work wehave to do in help[PAGE MISSING]69-8-2Los Angeles2nd August, 1969My Dear Ann Clifford ,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated July 25,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am pleased to learn that youhave

978 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>become interested in Krishna Consciousnessthrough living at the Krishna Housein Montreal and associating with the devoteesthere. Your return address is not atthis Krishna House, and I hope that youare attending the Kirtans which are held atthe temple on Monday, Wednesday andFriday evenings. The chanting of HareKrishna Mantra will clear away all of thedifficulties that you have mentioned. Actually,as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty;the cause of all problems is that weare forgetful of the fact that we are partand parcel of Krishna, and we are tryingto enjoy the material nature through thesematerial bodies. But the laws of materialnature are so stringent that in spite of allattempts for enjoyment, the Jiving entityin the material world must always come tothe platform of suffering. This chanting ofthe Hare Krishna Mantra is especiallyrecommended for chanting in this age ofKali yuga so that any sincere soul whotakes to it will very soon regain hismemory of being the transcendental lovingservitor of the Lord, or Krishna. So ifyou will come to our temple on Park Avenueand chant and speak with the devoteesas far as possible, you will find that alllesser attachments and lesser enjoymentswill fall very short of your attachment forand attraction for service of the Lord inKrishna Consciousness. That is a fact,and my special request to you is that youseriously read our literature, especiallyBhagavad Gita As It Is , chant HareKrishna always; then you will find yourlife becoming sublime.Regarding your question about why wedo not eat meat and yet we eat plant life.the answer is that we do everything asKrishna recommends. Everything we eatis first offered to Lord Krishna, and becauseKrishna does not eat meat, thereforewe also do not eat meat. The fruits,grains, and vegetables which we offer tothe Lord are not caused any suffering byour offering them to Krishna. Rather theyare greatly benefitted because to be offeredfor the pleasure of the Lord willgrant for the living eneity within the plantbody certain liberation in the near future.Everything that we do in Krishna Consciousnessis ultimately beneficial to allJiving creatures because we are workingunder the recommendations of the LordHimself who is the well-wisher of all Hispart and parcel children. I hope this willsufficiently clear up this matter for you.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.69-8-3Los Angeles2nd August, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. am indue receipt of your letter dated 30 July,1969, and I have noted the contents carefully.I am always encouraged to learn ofthe nice activities of our Hawaii Iskcon asthey go on under your direction. Theseconcerts which you are attending will notgo in vain, because all ofthese people whoare now hearing these vibrations of HareKrishna Mantra will be gradually comingto our camp of Krishna Consciousness.This is the Vedic process that simply bysound vibrations there will be the reactionof spiritual benefit. And fo r all of thesepeople who are joining you in chantingand helping you in your various activities,for them Krishna has shown His SpecialMercy, and it is to be understood thatKrishna will guide them more and more toreturn to Him again in His SpiritualAbode, Goloka Vrindaban.Regarding the difficulties you are havingbecause of the police stopping yourchanting in the streets , when Subal wasarrested in Philadelphia for this same reasonthe judge declared him as " notguilty" when he learned of the nature of

AUGUST, 1969 979our movement and the purpose of our collecting.Subal has testimonial of this "notguilty " verdict as declared by the judge,so if you think it will be of help to you ingetting permission from the police forchanting on the streets, then you maywrite to Subal for a xerox copy of this testimonial. Regarding your order of BTG,on such matters you should negotiate withTarnal Krishna. But one thing is that weare now stepping up publication from20,000 to 25,000 per month, so we mustlikewise step up our sales on SamkirtanParty. In Philadelphia, Subal has reportedthat simply by standing on the street cornerswearing our robes, automaticallymany, many people come up to enquireand purchase BTG from them, and theyare selling about 80 copies per day. MyGuru Maharaj always stressed the importanceof distributing this Krishna Consciousnessliterature, so try to do it as faras possible. Regarding your obtaining anew temple, and your idea for yourself,Govinda Dasi, Balabhadra and Turyadasto go to Tokyo in December, on such mattersyou may consult with Tarnal Krishnain Los Angeles, because he has agreed totake charge of organizing this aspect ofour movement. But I do not know how youare planning that the Hawaii branch willbe maintained if so many important membersleave for Tokyo. Just today I learnedthat in about one month Sudama and BaliMardan will be leaving to begin this Japanesecenter, and Sudama has already arrangedfor free tickets for them both. Soyou may open correspondence to discussthis with Tarnal Krishna. My idea is thatyou may not divert your attention to Tokyoat this time. Your responsibility inHawaii is very great, so make it wellestablishedfirst of all . Then you may tryfor another center. For your selling BTGsthere is noreason for you to be strained.Whatever you can do conveniently is allright. I have received information fromthe United Shipping Corporation that theMurtis are coming from Calcutta toHonolulu.I am glad to Jearn that you have performedthe Guru Purnima Ceremony byKirtan; that is all right. But this GuruPurnima is generally performed by theMayavadi sects. The idea of GuruPurnima is to offer gratitude to the SpiritualMaster by the disciple once in a year.That is called Guru Purnima. So far as weare concerned, Goudiya Vaishnavas, weoffer all our gratefulness to the SpiritualMaster on His Appearance Day Ceremony,called Vyas Puja. So kirtan is ourdaily function; whatever you have done isall right, but actual worship of the SpiritualMaster will be done by all of my discipleson the fifth day of September, just oneday after Janamastmi.I am pleased to note that you have performedat certain "yoga" groups in thearea, and already you are making a nicedent in their Maya, as they are now preferringthe Maha Mantra to the chanting ofOm. Actually, this chanting of Om is alsoa bonafide form of meditation, but as welearn from Vedic literature and fromChaitanya Mahaprabhu, the chanting ofHare Krishna is the prime benediction forthis age, and it is the authoritatively recommendedmeans of God-realization.Also, I am very encouraged to Jearn thatyou have your own radio show for onehour every Sunday morning. Here in LosAngeles I have so many tapes of my singingprayers, chanting new tunes of HareKrishna, playing mridunga, and purportsto prayers. So if you think that some ofthese tapes will be nice for your program,I will have copies made of some of themand have them sent to you.Please convey my blessings to HeroineGovinda Dasi. Yes, it is nice if she candraw pictures for BTG covers. She mayask Brahmananda what pictures will berequired for upcoming covers. But as she

980 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>is still sometimes feeling weak, sheshould not tire herself out in this connection.Please convey my blessings to all ofthe others. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-4 Los Angeles3rd August, 1969My Dear Robert Hendry,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your nice letter dated July13, 1969, but mailed on July 29th, andnow it is in hand. I can understand fromyour letter that you are a quite fit soldierfor fighting with Maya. Our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is a declaration ofwar against the activities of Maya. Thereal description of Maya is given in aVedic literature called Markendya Puranain the chapter Chandika. Chandika is anothername of the external energy calledMaya. This Chandika is described thereas the Goddess who is putting all conditionedsouls in darkness. In this materialworld, every living entity is under thespell of this Chandika, almost asleep indarkness of knowledge. Every living entityis part and parcel spirit soul, but incontact with Maya it has developed differenttypes of consciousness, representedby varieties of bodies, beginning from theaquatics and going to the bodies of demigodsin higher planets. These differentgrades of bodies are developing in termsof life. When the consciousness comes tothe point of Krishna, the Supreme Personalityof Godhead, then life becomes perfectin its original condition. Therefore, ina sense this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is declaring war against Chandika,who has kept the living entities underher spell. Chandika 's first spell is tomake us identify ourselves with these rnaterialconditions. Just like a living entity,because he is born and brought up inAmerican condition, he thinks himself asAmerican, similarly, others are thinkingthey are Indians, or Canadians, or Frenchand so on. Actually, one is none of thesematerial designations, but he is pureKrishna Consciousness, now covered bythe spell of Chandika 's energy, or the materialenergy.So your program, seemingly like military men, marching with the HareKrishna Mantra slogan is very very encouragingto me. I am always dreaming ofa world Samkirtan Party, but your idea ofmarching 300 soldiers all over the worldwith the Hare Krishna Mantra is almost infulfillment of my dream. So if you can believein this adventure, certainly you willbe doing a great deal of service to the humanityand therefore satisfying Krishnaalso.I am also glad to learn that you are interestedin Indian philosophy. So far asIndian philosophy is concerned, VedantaSutra is the topmost or, andSrimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentaryon Vedanta Sutra. BhagavadGita is the preliminary study of SrimodBhagavatam. In the Bhagavad Gita weunderstand the Supreme Personality ofGodhead, Krishna asHe is explainingHimself. We cannot understand the positionof Godhead by our mental speculationbecause God is beyond our mental,bodily and speaking capacity. But whenwe are sincere in service mood, just likeArjuna, who surrendered himself toKrishna, then we are able to understandwho Krishna is. Arjuna understoodKrishna after hearing the Bhagavad Gitasubmissively that Krishna is the SupremeAbsolute Truth, the Source of everything,the Supreme Purity and the Supreme Person.He also confirmed that Krishna is acceptedas such not only by him, but also byother great authorities; such as Vyasadeva

AUGUST, 1969 981and Narada, who propagated the philosophyof Vedanta and Srimad Bhagavatamall over the universe .Therefore, Krishna Consciousness isalso a sort of fight; but not with rifles. Ourweapon is kartals. In this age there is noneed of fighting with rifles because thepopulation is so poor that they are alreadykilled by so many disturbances. They areshort Jived, poor in knowledge, slack inadvancement of spiritual life, unfortunate,and embarrassed by so many miserableconditions of life; like war, faminepestilence, poverty and so on. So to killthese persons by rifle is like bringing acanon for killing a mosquito. So LordChaitanya introduced this fighting principleof Samkirtan Movement to reclaim allthe fallen souls, who consist of so-calledphilosophers, half-educated scientists,misguided educationists and a miscreantsociety. If you can consolidate a party ofsoldiers as described by you, chantingHare Krishna Mantra and claiming everyoneof them to Krishna Consciousness,that will be a glorious task, and you haveall of my good wishes for you for this purpose.Your question about not chantingwhile attending class is also welcome. Idont mind if you do not chant HareKrishna Mantra, but if you kindly sitdown while chanting is going on, and ifyou simply hear with attention, that willalso act. Wanting to become Krishna Consciousis also as good as being in a state ofKrishna Consciousness. There is no actualdifference, but the difference is onlyjust like the difference between greenmangoes and fully ripened mangoes. Theripened mango is not a separate mango,but it is another condition of the greenmango . So if the green mango is properlytaken care of, it will surely come to thestage of the ripened mango. Therefore, asa mango, there is no difference betweenthe two stages. So far as your dress is concerned,that is immaterial. But as a soldieryou know that every soldier has got a uniformdress according to the army etiquetteof regulation. Therefore , the army ofKrishna Consciousness must have at leastthe telok on the forehead in all conditions.For your business you can wear your navalservice uniform; similarly, if you have telokon your forehead as a soldier ofKrishna Consciousness, you may not haveso much objection, because it is essential .Your ideas are great, and your efficiencyis laudable. The best thing would havebeen if you could come here and live withme at least for a week. We could have discussedit very nicely, so in the future youcan become a great commander of theKrishna Consciouness soldiers.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-5Los Angeles5th August, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of both of your letters, onedated July 31, 1969 and the other August2, 1969 . The letter of August 2nd appearsto be a practical proposal . The calculationsfor the house are nice. But everythingshould be done very carefully. If thelandlord allows you to take possession ofthe house on payment of $12,000 on theterms and conditions as stated by you ,then you must enter the house immediately,and we take it for granted it isKrishna's offer. As far as you having topay $6,000 down payment by October,from your calculation it appears that youshall be able to pay it. So in that case, themoney paid by Giriraj may be deposited ina separate bank account for this purpose.

982 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>If things go on according to your calculation,this opportunity must be taken; but Iam always afraid of persons like Mr.Payne. You know the incident in NewYork how the real estate man, Payne, entrappedus by $6,000. I think Giriraj's fatheris a lawyer, so he can help you in thisconnection, or any other lawyer friend .So if things are done very carefully, thisscheme is approved by me . If they willgive you immediate occupation of thehouse, and if there are no other tenantsthere, then it is all right. But if there aretenants, it will be botheration. We cannotdeal with tentants, so if they are there, youmay not accept it. But if the house is occupiedby ourselves only, then it is all right. Ithink Giriraj is a very intelligent boy, sodo everything carefully. and let me knowthe result. If this house can be occupied asour own, then the press department maybe established in Boston immediately. If Igo to New York on my way to Europe,then most probably I will stop at Bostonalso to see the new house. So do everythingvery carefully, and I shall await yourfurther report in this connection.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have also received another letter bySpecial delivery. So everything is Krishna'sGrace. Take the risk for Krishna but doeverything very diligently. I sanction it.69-8-6 Los Angeles5th August, 1969Dear Sri K.L. Goswami,Replying your letter of July 23rd,1969, I beg to enclose herewith somenewspaper cuttings for your informationhow we have performed Rathayatra Ceremonyin San Fransisco, London, Buffalo,Boston and Ohio.Regarding the land, we are already ne.gotiating for some land on the bank of theGanges in Nabadwip. The price is cheaperthere. I think Serampore being an industrialcenter, the price is very high. Soanyway, I beg to thank you for your kindinformation. If our negotiations in Nabadwipare not fruitful, then I shall againwrite to you about this.Thank you very much for your kindletter.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-7Los Angeles5th August, 1969My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letters dated July 16th,22nd and 27th, and I have noted all of thecontents carefully. I have also receivedsome photographs of your Rathayatra Dayceremony, sent to me by Sri Govind. It appearsto be very, very nice, and I am havingthese photographs reprinted togetheron one page so I may show the others hownicely you have done it. I have already toldGurudas something of the glorious affairthat was arranged here, and enclosedplease find reprinted news articles fromthe San Fransisco papers.I am pleased to learn that you now haveRadha-Krishna Murtis given to you byMataji Shamadevi. For the time being youshould keep Them covered, and when I gothere I shall install Them and teach youhow to do everything nicely. In the meantimeyou should not tend these Deities,but a nice throne should be constructed inthe same fashion as the picture which wassent to you recently. In Los Angeles templethey have constructed a beautifulthrone, just on the measurements and colorsas depicted on the picture sent to you,and it has come very successful.

AUGUST, 1969 983In the photographs sent by Sri Govind Ihave seen the nice brahmacharies of ourLondon Yatra. I hope that by now theyhave received their beads, duly chantedupon by me. Please offer my blessings tothe others. I hope this will meet you all ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-8Los Angeles5th August, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated August 2nd, 1969, and I have notedthe contents carefully. From these lettersit appears that things are not yet settledup, and under the circumstances, there isno use of rushing the matter. Settle thingsup nicely, and when you get the moneyfrom Mukunda and the apartment, thenarrange for the tickets, and we shall start.So far as I am concerned, I am free to startat any moment on your arrangement. Butif you are financially pressed, there is noneed to arrange things haphazardly. Fromyour two letters it appears you may be alittle bit confused. Do everything coolheadedly.When you send the tickets Ishall go.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. It is very much interesting about ProfessorBernhard. We want the help of suchinterested persons for our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in Germany. If youmeet again Professor Bernhard, you cantalk with him that this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is for understanding oneGod, one scripture, one mantra, and oneengagement for all living entities, notonly within this world, but throughout thewhole universe. So far as sacred threadceremony is concerned, Bhagavad Gitaaccepts that anyone, from any place, if heis a pure devotee of Lord Krishna, he isabove the position of brahmin. When wemeet together we shall discuss all thesepoints very nicely. I am also very muchanxious to see Professor Bernhard.You have asked me about my plans:My plan is for preaching with your help.You arrange for everything, and I shalltalk about Krishna Consciousness for anylength of time, anywhere. That is my mission.You propose to send a wire when everythingis arranged. Better send the wirehere in Los Angeles; that will be nice.ACB69-8-9Los Angeles6th August, 1969My Dear Kirtanananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter datedAugust 2, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding your recipe forpickling foodstuffs , it is all right, but itwill be nicer still if you follow the followingprocedure: Cut berries, green applesor green tomatoes into pieces. Withoutadding water, add a mixture of equalquantities of salt, tumeric and red peppers.Then let it be dried in the sunlight asfar as possible. When this is done, put iteither in mustard oil or in olive oil, and itwill then keep for years.Regarding the girls, Hayagriva informedme that there was disturbance,and you informed me that it is all right. Sohow can I advise in this matter? Try to settlethings amongst yourselves. But myidea is that New Vrindaban should bepeaceful . There should be no unnecessarydisturbances. Regarding Dwarkadish, if

984 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>his mother leaves New Vrindaban, it is allright if he remains there under your care.When my itenery is settled up you shall beduly informed.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-10Los Angeles6th August, 1969My Dear Subal ,I beg to thank you very much for yourletter of August 2, 1969, and I have notedthe contents . I am glad to learn that youare selling BTG increasingly, and it is givingme pleasure increasingly. Now in Bostonthey have decided to make profit of$1,000 per month by selling BTGs , andsimilarly you try to do that. Satsvarupahas now purchased a large house on thestrength of this profit. So in selling BTGnot only are we doing first-class proagationwork, but also we are making profit tosupport the temples and facilitate otheractivities. You have mentioned that Chrishas contributed $500, and you are consideringsending this to me. This idea is nice,and you may do it. I am thinking that thepress department may immediately be begunnow in Boston in the new house, sothere is necessity for funds for purchasingprinting equipment and the necessary paraphernaliafor printing our many books.Any extra money you have you can send tome, and when you require some money, Ishall supply it. But try to become rich byselling BTG. There is possibility of makingprofit of at least $1,000 per month.Please offer my blessings to the others .I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-1 1Los Angeles6th August, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of July 31, 1969,along with Arundhuti 's letter, and I havenoted the contents carefully. Regardingthe Remington typewriter typeface, it isbetter to purchase an original Bhagavatamfrom India and cut the slokas out andpaste them appropriately. You can get forone dollar two small books of Bhagavatampublished by Gita Press, and if youcut out the slokas in this way, the questionwill be finished. So if by spending $5.00we solve the question, why should wespend $500.00 or $600.00? If you like theidea, I shall order these Bhagavatams, oryou can ask Mr. Vora to bring with him theGita Press edition in two small copies andin 'black type.' This will save much timeand money.So far I have not heard anything fromMr. Vora. We want from Bombay onegood order supplier of all kinds of goodsfrom Bombay, and a good shipping agent.So far as payment is concerned, I shall arrangeit that as soon as the shipping documentsare delivered to the bank, the bankwill pay immediately. So ask Mr. Vora toassist us in this respect. Regarding youridea for opening a store, don't bother withit. Let Gargamuni do it; not others. Youhave got more important business thanselling. Both your wife and yourself aremeant for publication department.Arundhuti asked me whether the twopictures she has described in her letter arebonafide. The answer is no . For a pictureof Nrisringa Murti, she may refer to theone painted by Jadurany. That is verynice. You may inform Vamandev that Ihave duly received his letter of July 24th,and as soon as my time for being in NewYo rk is fixed up I shall inform him.

AUGUST, 1969 985Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8- 12Los Angeles6th August, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. In furtherreference to your letter of August 2, 1969,now that you have procured this bighouse, I think it will be ideal for beginningour printing department in Bostonimmediately. You have written that thereare two big halls, so do you think one ofthese halls will be nice for printing machinesand workshop? You may immediatelywrite to Advaita and Vaikunthanathin New York and invite them to go there toBoston to begin printing operations.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: If it is possible, I would like to stop offin Boston on my way to Europe to see thishouse.69-8- 1 3 Los Angeles7th August, 1969My Dear Brahmananda and Advaita,Please accept my blessings. As youhave probably heard by now, in Bostonthey have a big house which they are purchasing,and they are anxious to havemore devotees move there. My idea is thatyou may immediately make plans to startour printing department in Boston now.There are two large halls in their house,and one of them may be utilized as theprinting department's. I have alreadywritten to Satsvarupa to invite Advaita,Vaikunthanath, and their wives to go toBoston for beginning this operation, andsimilarly, the others may go now or whenthey are required. The first project will beto print Teachings of Lord Chaitanya insoft cover edition. So instead of spendingmoney to have this printed outside, we canutilize the money for starting our ownpress in Boston. You may contact Satsvarupaimmediately to make definate arrangementsin this connection.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-14Los Angeles8th August, 1969My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter of August3rd, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. In further reference to yourquestion about the form of the spirit soulof the conditioned living entity, there is aspiritual form always, but it develops fullyonly when the living entity goes back toVaikuntha. This form develops accordingto the desire of the living entity. Until thisperfectional stage is reached, the form islying dormant like the form of the tree islying dormant in the seed. Regarding thehigher school of theology, according tothe Vedic system it is not at all difficult.The students are taught by the SpiritualMaster, or the teacher, and the studentsthemselves go from door to door for beggingalms, and because everyone's son isin the ashram, nobody declines to givealms. So there is no financial difficulty atall; but I do not know what to do in yourcountry. There are so many laws. We haveto adjust things to the circumstances. Ithink as soon as our institution becomesformal, as Tarnal Krishna is doing through

986 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the lawyer, it will be easier to start a theologicalschool.Regarding Krishna Devi 's proposal,that is too immature now. We have to seethe boy 's tendencies first. This will bejudged when he is at least 16 years old.Before that, up to the 15th year, he shouldbe given all sorts of education and trainingas brahmachary. We cant impose anythingfrom so early age , because when he isgrown up he may not like the idea. So allthis contemplation is premature . For thepresent your duty is to make him healthyand strong, physically and spiritually. Ofcourse, if our Krishna Conscious childrenarc to marry, the marriage must be performedwithin our group.I am very pleased to learn of your niceprogress in Samkirtan and BTG sales. Inevery temple we are seeing great successin these areas . It is also encouraging thatyour course is again approved in the university,and I have full confidence in youto do your duties very expertly. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am enclosing herewith a review ofour books. Please try for such review inBuffalo papers. This will be nice.ACBplease transfer to my personal account#4966. Thank you .Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8- 16Los Angeles8th August, 1969ManagerTHE BANK OF BARODA LT D856, Chandni ChowkDelhi-6, INDIADear Sir,I thank you very much for your letter#FEX.21 1-2295, dated July 28th, 1969,and I have noted the contents . I am enclosingherewith another formal advice on behalfof The League of Devotees fortransferring the balance to my account#1452. Please do the needful.Regarding Indian exporters, I beg torequest you to send me some addresses ofmusical instrument dealers in Delhi.Most probably some of them might beyour clients, and if you kindly advisethem to send their catalogs or price lists, itwill be very appreciated.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8- 15Los Angeles8th August, 1969ManagerThe Bank of Baroda Ltd .Post Box No. 1801Mafatlal HouseBackbay ReclamationBombay- !Dear Sir:RE: ACOUNT #4996 LEAGUE OFDEVOTEESKindly close this account, and whateveramount is there in credit balance69-8-17Los Angeles8th August, 1969ManagerThe Bank of Baroda Ltd .Post Box No. 1801Mafatlal HouseBackbay ReclamationBombay-!Dear Sir,I thank you very much for your letterNo. FGN: 14/1026, dated July 30th,1969 . First of all I beg to draw your attentionto the credit balance in my SB account#4966. I think the credit balance

AUGUST, 1969 987quotation by you, Rs. 280.55, is not correct. The last balance in my credit on the24th of July, 1965 was Rs. 502.55. Sincethen I have added further amounts, and Ido not find any amounts drawn since then.Therefore, the balance should be not lessthan somewhere around Rs. 800. I requestyou to send me immediately a statementof account and oblige. In themeantime I am enclosing a separate advicefor transferring the balance of theLeague of Devotees to my personal account.Regarding your enquiry of when I leftIndia, I beg to inform you that I left Indiaon the 4th of December, 1967, and I haveno program to return back to India.Therefore , I beg to request you to send mesome addresses of musical instrumentdealers in Delhi. Most probably some ofthem might be your clients , and if youkindly advise them to send their catalog orprice lists. That will be very kind of you . Ihave also noted your other instruction regardingManufacturers Bank, Los Angeles,and I shall do the needful.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-18Los Angeles9th August, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5August, 1969, and I have carefully notedthe contents. Enclosed please find onestereo tape of " Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu,"song and purport. We have played anon-stereo tape on one recorder, anddubbed over it the sound of kartals on astereo tape recorder; so now the result isstereo . I do not know if this tape is suitablefor your broadcast purposes, but if it is allright, please inform me. I am so pleasedto read about your most recent chantingwhere thousands of people have heardyou . It is very encouraging. Regardingyour taking on an outside job, I do notthink that will be nice. In Boston they havedecided to purchase a large house with 16rooms plus two halls, for the price of$70,000. The major source of paymentfor this house will be sales of BTG. So ifyou can organize sales of BTG and our literaturevery nicely in Hawaii, there willbe no financial strain. Now we have a verynice book review from the "Honolulu Advertiser,"so try to cooperate with the localbooksellers. Regarding the boy who isnow staying with you, if somebody takesshelter of our organization, we have noobjection. If he desires to go to San Fransisco,let him go. There is very good possibilitythat next week I shall be going toBoston to help them begin our lskconPress Department there in their newhouse, and from Boston I shall be goingon to Europe. In the meantime, I will beremaining in Los Angeles at least till themiddle of next week.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this wil meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Are you getting some enquiries ona/ c of the review. I think you should havesome enquiries. Elsewise see the totalbook-sellers if they purchase some copies.The Review is nice.69-8-19 Los Angeles9th August, 1969My Dear Bhagavandas and KrishnaBhamini Dasi,Please accept my blessings . I thankboth of you very much for your letter ofAugust 5th, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with pleasure . Krishna has beenvery kind upon you, and if you continue toengage seriously in His service, certainly

988 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>He will give all facilities. After all, it is Hisbusiness that we are doing. It is very encouragingthat you have had thirty people atyour feast and twenty people at your firstkirtan. It appears that Detroit has verygood prospects for spreading Krishna Consciousness.Try to sell Back To Godheadas much as possible. This is very nice propagandawork, plus it will provide you withsome income for increasing activities further.I am enclosing herewith one book reviewof our Bhagavad Gita As It Is andTeachings of Lord Chaitanya, and this mayhelp you to distribute these books nicely inthe Detroit area. If you require more copiesof this review, please inform me and I shallhave them sent to you directly. Regardingthe reporters who are interested in doing anarticle on your activities for the local paper,give them good points. I am also enclosingan article by Hayagrivadas, called "TheHare Krishna Explosion," and this willgive them more idea of our movement.So far as Hansadutta and Himavati areconcerned, at present they are organizingin Berkeley, but when they are finishedthere they may be willing to join you inDetroit. In the meantime , if there is anydifficulty, or if you need men, you canconsult with Tarnal Krishna in LosAngeles, and he will help you . RegardingGargamuni, yes, you may contact him. Ihave no objection.I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-20Los Angeles12th August, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 7, 1969, and I have noted thecontents. Regarding Narottamadas, ourpolicy should be to keep members asmuch as possible. We should not flatly say"You must leave ." That is not our policy.If he comes to Los Angeles to see me, Ishall speak with him to find out what is hisdifficulty. So far as that meeting you areinvited to, it is not very important. Ourstress should always be on SamkirtanParty. These "yoga" societies are useless.If you do go, you should not eat their food.We cannot eat anything not offered toKrishna, and we cannot offer anything toKrishna which is not cooked by a devotee.I hope this will clear up the matter for you .Regarding Dyal Nitai, I am instructingWoomapati to send him from Los Angelestranslated essays and articles for printingin French BTG, so Dyal Nitai will nowhave more time for going on SamkirtanParty. You have asked about a quote fromBhagavad Gita As It Is , and the statementis that the material energy is Brahman,not Brahma. Brahman means spirit.Brahma is the first living entity in the universe,and their is no 'n' at the end of hisname.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am enclosing some copies of a recentbook review which was printed in a Hawaiinewspaper. You should approach the localpapers there and try to induce them to similarlyreview our books . Also you approachthe local bookstores with this review andtry to arrange fo r them to carry our KrishnaConsciousness literature.69-8-2 1 Los Angeles12th August, 1969My Dear Ya muna Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 4th, 1969, and I have noted the

AUGUST, 1969 989contents carefully. Regarding your questionsabout details for Deity worship, Ihave already mentioned in a previous letterthat I shall teach you these things whenI arrive in London. In the meantime thereis no necessity for you to increase Deityworshipping. For the time being thesenew Deities may be put away nicely until Ipersonally install Them and instruct youvery nicely how to tend for Them correctly.For the present you may joinSamkirtan Party because I know that yourpresence will enliven everyone . Actually,temple worship is for the neophyte devotee, and the preacher is in a higher positionthan the neophyte. That is thedefinition given in Srimad Bhagavatam.The advanced devotee should be verymuch enthusiastic in preaching the trascendentalmessage of Lord Chaitanya, andtemple worship should be entrusted to thenewcomers, or neophytes.Regarding the collapsing of the wheelsduring Ratha Yatra Ceremony, that doesn'tmatter. If possible, you may organize anotherprocession on Janamastmi Day. Regardingthe footprint on Krishna's chestwhich you say is Radharani's, that is notcorrect. That footprint is of Bhrigu Muni.As of this moment, my plans for goingto Germany are not yet fixed up, but assoon as things are settled, I shall duly informyou . Please convey my blessings tothe others. I hope this will meet you invery good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-22Los Angeles12th August, 1969My Dear Trivikram,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of August3rd, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am pleased to learn of the niceservice you are rendering in London, andall of your godbrothers and sisters whohave written to me from there have praisedyour nice endeavors. I have already toldYa muna to put the Deities away for thetime being, so this will solve your question.When I arrive in London we shallconsult together how to best spreadSamkirtan Movement throughout England.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,69-8-23 Los Angeles12th August, 1969My Dear Rukmini Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated July27th, 1969, sent along with your newbeads, and I am enclosing the beads herewithduly chanted upon by me. I ampleased to learn that Baradraj has completedthe Samkirtan picture and you arenow doing a painting of Krishna and Arjuna.All such paintings may be forwardedto me as soon as possible. We require somany paintings now as we are planning toprint so many illustrated books and thereare so many new temples that are openingof our Krishna Consciousness Movement.So as many nice paintings as youare able to do can be well-utilized. If youwould like to go to Boston, husband andwife, you could work conjointly with Jadurany.In Boston they now have a largehouse with nice accommodations formany devotees, so if you are able to go,that will be nice. Regarding the questionsyou have asked, it is better to refer suchquestions to our householder women. Ifyour ailment is persisting, you may consulta physician what you should to .I thank you for the nice sentiments youhave expressed, and I am awaiting to see

990 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the pictures that you and Baradraj havecompleted. Please offer my blessings toBaradraj and to the others. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-24Los Angeles12th August, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of the 13th Sept. ,and I am so glad to learn that you are activein preaching Krishna Consciousnessin London. You all 3 couples are expert inthe matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness,and your last effort in the matterof performing Ratha Yatra festival wasso successful. So I am sure by your combinedeffort in London, there will be agreat successful center. I am so pleased tolearn about your staunch faith in Krishnaand your Spiritual Master. May Krishnabless you more and more in the matter ofadvancement of Krishna Consciousness.Hope you are well, and please convey myblessings to your good wife, Yamuna devi.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-25Los Angeles13th August, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 4th, I 969, and I have noted thecontents carefully. Regarding your acceptinga job in the Graphics profession, Ithink you can accept this job because it ispaying, as well as you can get experiencein the profession. So as Krishna Das hasadvised you, I confirm it. Regarding yourmeeting with the Ram Krishna Missionman, you write to say that he has advisedyou how you should work combinedlywith the Maharishi group in Hamburg,and he has said that our goals are actuallythe same. I do not know how our goals areactually the same. Our goal is Krishna,and we are preaching the gospel ofKrishna, Bhagavad Gita as it is. In theBhagavad Gita the point is stressed toconcentrate on Krishna only, and thehighest perfection of yoga process is to realizeKrishna both externally and internally.We are teaching to vibrate thetranscendental chanting of "Krishna" becausein that way, by hearing the sound vibrationof Krishna, we can see everythingas diverse extension of Krishna's externalenergy. And because we think of Krishnaalways in all our activities, therefore, internallywe are 24 hours in meditationwith Krishna. I don't think the Maharishigroup or the Ram Krishna Mission isteaching like that. So how can it be acceptedthat our goal is actually the same?Accepting that Krishna is everything,what is aimed by the Ram Krishna Missionor by the Maharishi group is alsoKrishna; but Krishna says that althougheverything is expansion of Himself, He isnot in everything. Exactly like in our materialexperience we can understand thateverything is ultimately produced of sunshine,but that does not mean everythingis sunshine . Rather, other things cover thesunshine and creates a shadow. The RamKrishna Mission or the Maharishi's activitiesare nothing but expanded energyof Krishna, but by such work Krishna iscovered . Therefore it is called Maya.Maya has no separate existence beyondKrishna, but when there is Maya, Krishnais covered. Exactly like cloud is nothingbut creation of the sunshine-the cloudhas no independent existence-but wheneverthere is a cloud in the sky the sunshinebecomes covered . Therefore it isMaya. Maya means things which have no

AUGUST, 1969 991existence independent of Godhead, but itsbusiness is to cover Godhead. Similarly,either the Ram Krishna Mission or Maharishi'sgroup, they have no existence independentof Krishna, but their activitiesare just like the cloud covering Krishna.Actually, they never directly preachKrishna Consciousness. On the otherhand, they do something to cover KrishnaConsciousness. So although water is generatedfrom fire , we cannot pour on waterwhen the fire is blazing. We cannot adulterateKrishna Consciousness with theRam Krishna Mission or with anythingelse. We must present Krishna Consciousnessin its pure form, as it is adv[TEXT MISSING]disturbances. If we nicely organize as it isgoing on now, only selected persons willlive there and peacefully cultivate KrishnaConsciousness.You have inquired why Chaitanya Mahaprabhuhas not mentioned anythingabout accepting a Spiritual Master in HisSikshastak. But perhaps you have missedthe point that He says amanina mannadenakirtinya sada hari. This means onehas to chant the Holy Names of Krishna,becoming humbler than the straw, andmore tolerant than the tree. So who canbecome humbler than the straw unless heaccepts a Spiritual Master? The wholeworld is puffed up. Everyone wants to becomethe Lord of everything. Ultimately,the Mayavadi philosopher wants to becomeone with the Supreme Lord . Thismeans that when one fails to become Lordof everything, he wants to mix up with theSupreme Lord and tries in that way to automaticallybecome Lord of everything.What he can't perform by his own capacityhe wants to have done by beingmerged into the Supreme Lord. That is thementality of the general people. But ifanyone becomes humbler than the grassand more tolerant than the tree, it is understoodthat he has accepted a SpiritualMaster. Besides that, if we accept Sikshastakas authority given by Lord Chaitanya,this means we accept Lord Chaitanyaas Spiritual Master. In the BhagavadGita it is openly mentioned that Arjunaaccepted Krishna as the Spiritual Master.There is another mention in the Sikshastak,Lord Chaitanya says "I do not wantany wealth of this world, I do not want anyfollowing, neither do I want a beautifulwife. Simply I want to become a servant ofthe Lord." To become the servant of theLord means to accept a Spiritual Master.Without accepting somebody as master,how can one become an expert servant? Itis not that in every literature you will findthe words that everyone has to accept aSpiritual Master, but we have to studythings scrutinizingly. In the ChaitanyaCharitamrita there is mention gurukrishna kripaya paya bhakti latha biz. Bythe mercy of the Spiritual Master andKrishna one can get the seeds of bhakti latha,the plant of devotional service.I am glad that you have named yourprinting press the Radha Press. It is verygratifying. May your Radha Press be enrichedin publishing all our books and literaturesin the German language. It is avery nice name. Radharani is the best,topmost servitor of Krishna, and theprinting machine is the biggest medium atthe present moment for serving Krishna.Therefore, it is really a representative ofSrimati Radharani. I like the idea verymuch. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-26 Los Angeles13th August, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

992 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>August 5th, 1969 and have noted the contents. When I first heard that the wheels ofthe car collapsed it was so great a shock tome that the whole day I was sick and morose,and now after receiving this letterand your pictures I am very much enlivened.The car was on the road and thephoto is taken with a multitude of people.That is your success and as a result of thiscollapse you have got now the sympathy ofthe Indian community as well as all thepeople of London-so much so that nextyear you can timely and convenientlyerect three cars like that.Regarding your recording of NamaOm and Hare Krishna, it is very, verygood and everyone says that it is technicallyall-perfect. So your endeavor to inducethe Beatles to cooperate with us issuccessful to a greater extent. Now when Ishall go to London I shall carry with mevarious other recordings sung by me, andif these recordings can be attuned in thesame technical perfection, then under mydirection we can produce at least onedozen Hare Krishna recordings in varietiesof tunes. I am sure people will likethem very much when they are presentedthrough Mr. George Harrison and hiscompany. I am very glad to learn that Mr.George Harrison was playing on harmoniumand guitar; Digvijaya and Gurudaswere playing kartals; Yamuna and Malatiwere singing; and you were playingdilruba. Kulashekhar is so nice kholeplayer I thought it was being played byMukunda. Why do I not find the name ofMukunda?I am also very glad to learn that this recordis being played on some first class radiostation all day, and wherever you gopeople congratulate you by chanting HareKrishna. This is very encouraging. Similarly,I am encouraged that Kirtan Partyled by Trivikram is collecting $25-50daily.My going to Germany is not yet fixedup, but it is understood that both Mukundaand Krishna Das have sent two ticketsaddressed to New Yo rk. It is alsounderstood that they have redirected themail here, but we have not received anythingtill now. So as soon as I receive thetickets, arrangements for going to Germanywill be fixed up. In the month ofSeptember I shall be in Germany, and thenext month, if you like, you can call me toLondon.So far as Maya's activities are concerned,it will go on because we are in thekingdom of Maya. Just like in the snowfallseason, especially in the Western part ofthe world, you cannot stop falling of thesnow, but for your protection you have totake all possible precautions; similarly, inthe kingdom of Maya you cannot stop theonslaught of her activities. The only protectivemeasure is Krishna Consciousness.Otherwise there is no alternative. Sowe have to engage ourselves always insome sort of Krishna activity, and wheneverthere is some attack by Maya we shallnot be surprized. Rather we should immediatelyremember that we are in Maya'skingdom.I think you have already got the designof the throne and the measurements also.It should be 40" x 40", and the height is57", including the canopy. The front pillarsare three on each side, and th wholethrone is supported by four lion claws. Ishall send you very soon a real photo ofthe Los Angeles throne, Jagannath altarand Vyasasana. They have done it verynicely and perfectly. So I wish that inevery center similar arrangements may bedone.Please offer my blessings to your wifeand child. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

AUGUST, 1969 99369-8-27Los Angeles15th August, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of August 8th,1969, and I have noted the contents. It isunderstood that the ticket you have sent toNew Yo rk was redirected to me here inLos Angeles, but somehow or other it hasnever arrived here. So you must have thisticket cancelled immediately. Anotherthing is that the flight on Icelandic Airlinesis for 12 hours, and such a long flightis not possible. There is another airlines,Lufthansa Airlines, and their flight fromNew Yo rk to Hamburg is 7 1/2 hours. Thefare on this airlines is $252, but I thinkthis will be much better. Anyway, I amawaiting your telegram or your SpecialDelivery letter saying that you have foundan apartment, and myself and Purushottammay go there to Hamburg. Regardingthe ticket, I think it will be a better plan tohave the New Yo rk or the Los Angelestemple put forward the money, and assoon as it is purchased here, you and Mukundamay reimburse them immediately.I understand that you have· asked from SanFransisco, Los Angeles and New Yorktemples for a loan of $100. That is allright.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-28Los Angeles16th August, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated August1 5th, 1969, and I have noted the contents.Regarding the persons who have been"throwing the I-Ching," this cannot go onin our temples of Krishna Consciousness.This is to be considered as gambling, andit must be strictly prohibited. So if theseboys will come to Los Angeles to followthe discipline as it is practiced here, thatwill be the best thing. Otherwise, theymay not cause this disturbance in our temples.So both of these boys, whoever theyare , should come immediately to LosAngeles to be trained up nicely in KrishnaConsciousness. Unless one agrees to followall of our principles, he may not be allowedto live at the temple. This must beour policy.I am pleased to learn that your centerand the Vancouver center are cooperatingtogether to propagate this movement.Your idea of joining together on Samkirtanonce in a month for large scaleSamkirtan Party is nice, and you maydo it conveniently. Regarding Mayapur,Achyutananda is now in the process offinding out some suitable land for our society,and whatever Krishna desires in thisconnection will be done. I am thinkingthat you will be very nice for this Mayapurcenter, but first of all you organize the Seattlevery nicely. That is your first business.Yes, you are welcome to write to mewhen you wish to do so. I am alwayspleased to learn of the nice activities youare performing. But so far as general managementquestions and difficulties areconcerned, these should be first submittedto Tarnal Krishna in Los Angeles. I amalways at your service to assist in any waythat I can, but Tarnal Krishna is graduallybecoming more and more expert in managingtemple business, and if he is able tosolve things conjointly with you, that isthe best system.So far as my travel plans are concerned,it is not yet settled. When KrishnaDas informs me that they have have foundan apartment there, then I shall leave forEurope immediately, via the New Yo rk orBoston temple.

994 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-29Los Angeles16th August, 1969My Dear Damodara,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch thankful to you for your letter datedAugust 14th, 1969, and it is very encouraging.The Samkirtan Movement is thepanacea for all problems of the world.The people are suffering on account of illusoryhappiness of this material world,and we have got great responsibility to enlightenthem with Krishna Consciousness.I understand that you are consideringto invite President Nixon in ourtemple, and if you are serious about it andif there is hint that President Nixon mayvisit our temple, then I can postpone myjourney to Europe for the time being. Ishall be so glad to receive President Nixonin our temple, and this will be a great incident.In the Bhagavad Gita it is stated yadyad acharati srestha tat tat eva itarerayjana. The thing is that people generallyfollow their leaders. So if one leader isconvinced about the importance of thismovement, many others will follow. So ifactually you invite President Nixon, it willbe a great forward step in our movement.If the President comes, then we can invitemany other important men, and they willalso come, as well as the press representativeswill come. So there will be a greatassembly, and if we can convince themeven a very little of our transcendentalmovement, it will be a great stride. So ifpossible, try for this arrangement seriously,and pray to Krishna. He will helpyou . Please keep me informed of your activitiesin this connection. On the whole Iam so much pleased that you have openeda branch in Washington, which is the centerof all elites.I very much appreciate the nice sentimentsyou have expressed, and Krishna isavailable only through service. We cannotdemand from Krishna to know aboutHim. When you actually learn to serveHim, He reveals Himself. That is the process.And the success of life is simply bypleasing Him. That is the version of allVedic literature. Knowledge means toknow Him, and success means to pleaseHim. And how He is pleased, that can beknown through the transparent medium ofHis confidential servant. This is the processof understanding Krishna Consciousness.I was very much anxious to hearfrom you, and this letter is encouraging.Similarly, Hansadutta and Himavati aretrying in Berkeley, and although they havenot found as yet any temple, their work isgoing on nicely. Please offer my blessingsto Madhusudan, Dinesh and KrishnaDevi. I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-30Los Angeles16th August, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your two letters, one datedAugust 5th and the other dated August14th, and I have noted the contents. I understandthat the machine is already in theIBM office in Columbus and it will be deliveredby the 22nd instant. I do not knowwhy you arranged for rental payment. Yousay "if the machine works satisfactorily."Does it mean that there is chance of themachine not working satisfactorily? Nowif you make experiment for the firstmonth, does it mean that if the experimentfails we lose the first month's rental? I

AUGUST, 1969 995could not follow what does it mean. In thebeginning we thought and consulted in somany ways and then settled up to purchasethe machine. Why have you now decidedto rent it and make an experiment? This ispuzzling. I think the machine must worksatisfactorily, and therefore, from the beginningyou can purchase it as already settledup. Thus you can purchase withoutdelay, and upon receipt of the machineyou immediately begin composing thebook, Nectar of Devotion. If there are nodiacritic marks, we can put the diacriticmarks by pencil carefully. That will not bedifficult. So immediately on receipt of themachine the book composition must begin.I am asking Hayagriva to come to Columbusalong with his wife immediatelyto begin the work. I am very much anxiousto get my books somehow or other, sodont delay the matter. Immediately youshould not bother about the Sanskrit typewriter.Regarding the church on 16th Avenue,if it is possible to take this on rental, it isvery nice place, and you can organize asimilar temple as the one in Los Angeles.Ye s, as suggested by you the householdersshould take charge of the maintenanceof the temple. Jaya Gopal is veryenthusiastic boy. He should be given allsorts of encouragement. Then he alonecan manage the whole thing. I have gotBengali Chaitanya Chaitamrita in NewYork, so dont order anything present. I donot know why you want to subscribe to theGaudiya paper. Rather you ask Brahmanandato send them a copy in exchange ofour copy. But their behavior is not at allsatisfactory. We are sending our BTG inthree places and they haven't got even theetiquette to send even one almanac. If youwant to learn Bengali, there are manysources. Simply Chaitanya Chaitamritawill be sufficient. I shall deliver to you myold copy when I go to New York on theway to Europe. Dont worry. Your immediateattention is to make the book compositionperfect, in cooperation with Arundhuti,Hayagriva and Shama Dasi. When it isnicely done and it is in due course, thenyou can divert your attention to other subjectmatters.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. If possible get our books reviewedlike the one enclosed herewith.69-8-3 1 Los Angeles17th August, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 9th, 1969. In the meantime I havesent one tape to Goursundar. Perhaps youmight have received it, and if it is all right,then I can send you many other tapes,similarly stereoed. From the descriptionof your letter I understand that Hawaii isgood field for our preaching work. Thehippies are actually immediate candidatesfor our Krishna Consciousness. We prayto Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, "My dearLord, Your Incarnation is to claim themost fallen souls." So in this age of Kalialmost everyone is dangerously fallen,and the hippies appear to be still moregreater fallen. Besides that, from their behaviorit appears they like this movement.This is a very good sign. Your descriptionof that Yogi Sai, that is also little hopeful.He is reading Bhagavad Gita and quotingsome lines. So you are very intelligent;you can tackle these people very nicely,assisted by your good husband and theother boys and girls. You write that youhave desire to avail of my associationagain, but why do you forget that you arealways in association with me? When you

996 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>are helping my missionary activities I amalways thinking of you and you are alwaysthinking of me. That is real association.Just like I always think of my Guru Maharajevery moment, although He is notphysically present, and because I am tryingto serve Him to my best capacity, I amsure He is helping me by His spiritualblessings. So there are two kinds of association:physical and preceptorial. Physicalassociation is not so important aspreceptorial association. So try to preachthis Krishna Consciousness Movementamongst the hippies there, and simply inducethem to chant Hare Krishna. If theykindly join in chanting Hare Krishna, thatwill make our movement successful.Then gradually make them more andmore advanced by participating in LoveFeasts and ceremonies, like Janamastmiand Rathayatra. Then everything will gosmoothly. The only thing wanted is thatwe should work very sincerely, with fullfaith in Krishna and the Spiritual Master.Then all help will come automatically.Regarding mango recipe directions, itmay be done as follows: first of all collectthe juice, then boil it on fire until it is athick pulp. And while boiling, add a littlesalt also. That will act as a preservative;but don't make it salty. Then spread theboiled pulp in thin layers on dishes or suitablepots and dry it in the sunshine. I thinkit will come out successful. RegardingSadhana Ausadhalaya, you can write tohim c/o Kaviraj Rajani Chandra Shastri,227 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Calcutta-? .Let him know the symptoms of your ailment,and ask him to send some goodmedicines. But the difficulty will be forthe vehicles. In the Auyervedic medicinethere are vehicles which are very difficultto obtain in this country. So you should advisethem to send medicine and suitablevehicles which can't be obtained in thiscountry. But if the medicine is only mixedwith honey, as they usually do, then thereis no difficulty. You can refer my namealso to this physician. Then he will bemore careful .Regarding Holy Days, I am very gladthat you performed Guru Pumima, andyou offered puffed up cachores. You musthave enjoyed Prasadam very nicely, butyou forgot the statement bracketed on thatlist, 'special honoring of the SpiritualMaster,' and that you had to send somecontribution to the book fund . Nevermind, you can do it again on the 5th Septemberand rectify the mistake. I hope itwill not be a very difficult job. Regardingcelebrations of other holidays, they willbe described as to how they should be celebratedin future memos to all of the temples.I think by now you must have receivedinstructions how to celebrateJulunyatra Festival . As you have suggested,I shall inform Tarnal Krishna andBrahmananda that you are in need of someissues of BTG #22, containing the firstpart of Ishopanishad.Please offer my blessings to Goursundar,Balabhadra, Turyadas, Jayasri, andthe others. I hope this will meet you all ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Are you getting some enquiries forthe books after the review published?P. S. If you take green bananas, peel themand put them out in the sun to dry for one,two , three days-till it is dry-then thesemay be sent to me, especially when I go toEurope. This is a very good tonic for liver,and I am now having these unripen bananasdaily in Los Angeles.69-8-32 Los Angeles17th August, 1969My Dear Mahapurusha,Please accept my blessings . I beg tothank you for your letter of August 14th,

AUGUST, 1969 997t969, and I have noted the contents carefullY·I am pleased to learn that you arenow chanting 16 rounds daily, eating BhagavatPrasadam, reading Bhagavad Gita ,and going on Samkirtan Party. All ofthesethings will save you, as they willsave ayonewho persists in Krishna Consciousnessfaithfully and sincerely. Actually, thepresence of Maya should not surprise usbecause this is the Kingdom of Maya . Allof the uncountable living entities in theuncountable universes are generally to befound under the stringent grip of Maya'spower. So the presence of Maya is not avery wonderful thing. But what is wonderfulis when a sincere soul decides totum away from the attraction of Maya anddecides to serve Krishna in pure unalloyeddevotional service. So this is whatwe should fix our attention to : servingKrishna sincerely. Then automatically theinfluence of Maya will become nil and wecan remember our eternal loving relationshipwith the Supreme Lord. But as longas we are attracted by the nonsense glitteringof Maya's call, this pure state of consciousnesscannot be realized within theheart. So continue assisting Upendra asyou are doing it now, and I am sureKrishna will help you in all respects.Regarding the $1,000, you dont requireit now. You just try to improve theSeattle temple conjointly with Upendra. Iwas very glad to learn from Upendra's letterthat you have lectured nicely, and improvethis preaching habit. Kirtan meanswhatever we hear from the Spiritual Masterwe repeat it again nicely. One who canreproduce the sound vibration heard fromthe Spiritual Master, he will be a goodpreacher. I hope you will keep me informedof your further progress, and Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-33 Los Angeles19th August, 1969My Dear Jananibas das Brahmachary,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated August 7th,1969 and your prayer beads. There wassome mix-up with these beads, and theyhave been sent to Krishna Kamini Dasi(Mrs. Jane Cline) . Let her keep thesebeads . I am enclosing herewith anotherset of beads for you, duly chanted upon byme . Your initiated name is Jananibas dasBrahmachary. You should chant on thesebeads 16 rounds every day and avoid thefollowing offenses: 1. Blaspheming theLord's devotee, 2. Considering the Lordand the demi-gods on the same level,3. Neglecting the orders of the spiritualmaster, 4. Minimizing the authority of theScriptures, 5. lnterpretating the HolyName of God, 6. Committing sin on thestrength of chanting, 7. Instructing theglories of the Lord's name to the unfaithful,8. Comparing the Holy Name withmaterial piety, 9. Inattention while chantingthe Holy Name, 10. Attachment tomaterial things while engaged in the practiceof chanting. The four basic regulativeprinciples to be followed by all initiateddevotees is as follows: no illicit sex life, nointoxication, no meat-eating or fish oreggs, and no gambling. If you will followall of the above rules very carefully, thensurely you will make very nice advancementin Krishna Consciousness and yourlife will be sublime.Actually, one who is Krishna Consciousnessis to be understood as the topmostintelligent man and the best yogi.The whole purpose of the yoga system isto gain control of the mind and concentratethe full attention on Lord Vishnuwithin the heart. In Krishna Consciousness,by chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra,we immediately fix our mind upon

998 Letters from Srila PrabhuptidaKrishna's Name, which is exactly identicalto Krishna Himself, and Krishna is thesource of Lord Vishnu. So one who hastaken fully to Krishna Consciousnessmust be accepted as having surpassed allof the perfections obtained in other yogaprocesses. This idea is confirmed byKrishna Himself in Bhagavad Gita whenHe instructs Arjuna that one who worshipsHim in transcendental loving serviceis the highest of all yogis. Now youhave very good opportunity to make perfectionof your life, and do it very, veryseriously in the association of your Godbrothers.Help Pradyumna, Jaigopal andthe others as much as possible to propagatethe Samkirtan Movement, and surelyKrishna will bestow all blessings uponyou. I hope this will find you well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-34Los Angeles19th August, 1969My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of August14th, 1969. You have got some good soulsassisting you, and that is a good sign.Please take care of these boys and keepthem fixed up in Krishna Consciousness.In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least onesoul in Krishna Consciousness, Krishnaimmediately recognizes the service. Thespell of Maya is very strong, and to save aliving entity from such clutches is thegreatest service to the humanity. Please goon with your work with enthusiasm andfaith in Krishna. He will give you all assistance.When I go to New Yo rk I shall likethat both you and Chris may come to seeme there.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-35Los Angeles19th August, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated August18th, 1969 . I was very much anxious toreceive your letter, but I did not know thatyou stopped writing me on account of thememo issued a few days ago. The memowas circulated just to minimize correspondenceinminor affairs. I think in ordinaryadministration the presidents ofdifferent centers may consult amongstthemselves and make certain general proceduresby mutual agreement. But whenthere is some more important factor, thatmust be referred to me. I did not mean bythe memo that you shall stop correspondence.If you understood like that, then Isay that you can send me every day oneletter, and it will be welcome. We are nowgrowing in size, therefore, for general administrationif you will act conjointlyamongst the presidents, that will be agreat relief for me. Besides that, you aredoing editorial work of my books so youhave to correspond directly with me . Inever meant that about editorial work alsobeing referred to Brahmananda. I understandthat you had some meeting amongstthe East Coast presidents of the centers,and I shall be glad to know how you decidedto work. I have not heard anythingabout your joint decision.Regarding the press, I wish this to be inBoston because you are now getting yourown house there. In your last letter youalso invited many householders to livethere. Because all the press managers are

AUGUST, 1969 999householders, and you are also householder,so combinedly if you manage theprinting and publication of our books, thatwill be a great success. If we have got ourown press, we can earn some money byoutside work when there is no pressure ofour own work. So this is very importantsubject matter and keep me informedabout the advancement of the idea.Regarding my going to Boston, yes, Iwanted to go there to see the press startedbefore my going to Europe. We must havemany books printed, either by ourselves,or through publishers or through anyother means. This is more important thanmy touring in Europe. Regarding Krishna,formerly you were sending me the transcribedcopies as early as possible, and ifyou continue the same process, then Ishall also send you the tapes consecutively.I think this book with pictures byJadurany will come out a unique publication.I shall be glad to know if the picturescan also be printed in our own press. Thatis also a very important thing. I am veryglad to learn that Brahmananda, Advaitaand others have gone there and you are doingthe needful. If you think my presencewill further help in this connection, onhearing from you I shall immediately go.Since Jadurany has resumed her paintingwork, I think Jahnava may be engagedin joining the Samkirtan Party, becauseshe is a good salesgirl of BTG. Anyway,do things in good sense, without any disturbance.We have to make progress verysoberly, and I am always at your servicewhenever required. I have not heard alsowhat further arrangement is done regardingthe house. Has everything been settledup nicely regarding the documents, etc .?You have mentioned nothing of thesethings in your letter under reply. Also,your telephone has been out of order for atleast the past week, and I do not know whythis is so.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Jadurany, and to all of the others. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Tell Brahmananda that press __ _at New Vrindaban is most impractical atthe present moment, because there istransport difficulty. For the time beingfirst of all organize the Boston center verynicely & then we shall divert our attentionelsewhere. We cannot diffuse our attentionin many things all at a time.69-8-36Los Angeles19th August, 1969My Dear Oliver,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your letter datedAugust 5th, 1969, and I am very muchpleased with your nice handwriting andthe purport of it. You have so quicklypicked up the importance of the HareKrishna Movement and are so much eagerfor propagating Krishna Consciousness.That means you are already recognized byKrishna. In your previous life you musthave cultivated Krishna Consciousness.As we learn from Bhagavad Gita, it is saidthere that a person who does not reach tothe final goal of Krishna Consciousness isagain given the opportunity to fulfill themission of achieving perfection. So myrequest to you is that you should try tocomplete the process of Krishna Consciousnessin this very life, without waitingfor another term of cultivation. Ofcourse a devotee either in this world or inthe spiritual world, his connection withKrishna being fixed up, is equally happyanywhere. But so long we are in this materialworld there is constant allurement ofMaya, and sometimes we fall victim.So try to understand this philosophy ofKrishna Consciousness by reading ourbooks and literatures, discussing amongst

1000 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidathe devotees and chanting Hare KrishnaMantra as much as possible. Wheneverthere is any enquiries, you can write to medirectly, and I shall try to reply them.I am just awaiting the letter of Krishnadasfor starting to Hamburg. But ifl do notreceive such letter from him within thisweek, then the program may be changed.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamimeantime, we can transfer there. Therewill be no difficulty. Yo u can also informthis mesage to Dr. Bernhard, and he canmeet me sometime next week. I shall beglad to see him and talk with him.I hope you will receive this letter, sentby Special Delivery, at least by Sunday,and I hope in the meantime you have receivedmy telegram as above mentioned.More when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-37Los Angeles21st August, 1969My Dear Krishnadas,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter of 18th August,1969, and today I have arranged togo to your place as follows: We shall arrivein Hamburg this Monday, August25th, at 6: 10. We are taking LufthansaAirlines, flight 409 . We are starting fromLos Angeles at 8:00 AM on 23rd August,and reaching New York sometimes in theafternoon about 4:00 o'clock New YorkTime. I shall take rest there for 24 hours,and then start for Hamburg on Sunday, the24th, and then reach Hamburg on Monday,the 25th at 6: 10 AM. So kindly arrangeto receive me . We are both startingtogether, Purushottam and myself. To informyou earlier I sent you one telegramthis morning reading as follows: ARRIV­ING HAMBURG FLIGHT 409 LUFT­HAN SA AUGUST 25TH AT 6: 10 AM.I hope you will do the needful, and asyou are anxious to see me , similarly, I amalso very much anxious to see you all . Bythe Grace of Krishna now the arrangementis complete to meet each other on the25th of August. I am glad that you have arrangedfor a nice apartment on daily paymentarrangement, and if by Krishna'sGrace you find out a cheaper place in the69-8-38 Los Angeles21st August, 1969His Holiness Swami B.S. BhagabatMaharajRevered Sripad Bhagabat Maharaj ,Kindly accept my humble obeisances .I beg to thank you very much for your letterdated 8th July, 1969, postmarked the 8thof August, 1969. I see this letter was addressedto me in New Vrindaban, and fromthere it was redirected to Los Angeles.I understand that you addressed anotherletter to me dated 6th June, 1969 addressedto my New Vrindaban address,but I did not receive that letter. Probably itis missing. I was expecting your reply ofmy letter dated May 23rd, 1969 , and I amso glad to receive your letter in hand. Ihave also gone through the Memorandumof Articles of Association of your Missionand particularly seen the specific portionreferred to in your letter in reply. I see it isin order, but similarly, we have also incorporatedour International Society forKrishna Consciousness pursuant to thereligious corporation laws of the state ofNew Yo rk.The main purposes of this institutionare as follows amongst others: 1) To systematicallypropagate spiritual knowledgeto society at large and to educate all

AUGUST, 1969 1001peoples in the techniques of spiritual lifein order to check the imbalance of valuesin life and to achieve real unity and peacein the world. 2) To propagate a consciousnessof Krishna as it is revealed in theBhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.3) To bring the members ofthe Society togetherwith each other and nearer toKrishna, the prime entity, and thus developthe idea, within the members andhumanity at large that each soul is partand parcel of the quality of Godhead(Krishna) . 4) To teach and encouragethe Samkirtan movement, congregationalchanting of the holy name of God as revealedin the teachings of Lord Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu.So practically there is no difference ofopinion in our missionary activities, especiallybecause we all are deriving inspirationfrom His Divine Grace PrabhupadSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati GoswamiMaharaj . I think all of our Godbrothersare doing the same missionary activitieswithout a doubt, but still the regrettablefact is we are doing all separately, not inconjunction. I have also read specificallyyour articles on the matter of acharyas ,wherein on the 14th Paragraph I see theacharya shall be entitled to nominate inwriting his successive acharya. But we donot find any record where our SrilaPrabhupad nominated any acharya afterHim . Different persons have interpretedon this point, and every one of our Godbrothersare acting as acharya, so this is acontroversial point which I do not wish toenter into while we are proposing for cooperation.I think now we should cooperatefully for preaching the Mission of SrilaPrabhupad. He very eagerly desired thatthe message of Lord Chaitanya should bepreached all over the world. About 40years before, Sripad Bon Maharaj , guidedby our senior old Tirtha Maharaj weresent to London, and perhaps GaudiyaMission was established at that time.Since then, activities in foreign countrieswas practically stopped altogether. AlthoughI was intimately connected withthe Gaudiya Math institution, I was ahouseholder. But when I frst met HisDivine Grace Srila Prabhupad, He instructedme to preach in the foreign countries,but I could not do anything tangibleon account of my family attachment. Soafter taking sannyas in 1959 I preparedmyself for coming to the foreign countries.As soon as three books were ready,Srimad Bhagavatam, I started for NewYork in 1965 . This was out of my inspirationin receipt from Srila Prabhupad, andit appears that my attempt in the foreigncountries has become successful to a greatextent. By my personal attempt I have establishedpreaching centers numberingabout two dozen, beginning from Hamburgto Tokyo . I think if my Godbrotherswould have attempted similarly, preachingcenters would have been establishedall over the world by this time. Therefore,I wish that Gaudiya Mission should sendtheir preachers and establish differentcenters in different parts of the world.That will fulfill the Mission of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj.I know there is some difficulty in thematter of getting the passport and visa forpreaching in foreign countries at thepresent moment, but if the Gaudiya Missiondecides to send their representativesin all other parts of the world, I can helpthem in this matter. Similarly, I wouldalso expect cooperation from all our Godbrothersin the matters where I requiretheir help. This mutual cooperation canbe established immediately. Apart fromthe point of the acharya question, I thinkeveryone is working in his individual capacity.That may not be disturbed at thepresent moment, but if we concentrateour energies for spreading the message ofLord Chaitanya all over the world, that

1002 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>will be righ missionary activities on behalfof His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad .I thank you very much for inviting meto your head office in Calcutta for heartto-hearttalk and discussion. I shall be alwaysglad to abide by this suggestion, butthe thing is if I go to India, it will cost meat least Rs. 25,000 to go and come back.In this old age , wherever I go I take withme one personal assistant. This means if Igo to India, I will have to take my secretary,and that means two return ticketsalso, as well as other expenses. But ifsomething is tangibly understood on theline of cooperation, it will be not difficultfor me to go and see the acharya of theMission for the final decision.I am going to Germany the day after tomorrowvia New Yo rk, and therefore mynext address will be c/o lnternationaleG esellschaft fur Krishna Bewusstein, 2Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg 11, WestGermany. In the meantime I shall requestyou to cooperate with my missionary activitiesto supply me I 0 mridungas(kholes), first class and 50 pairs of kartals,Nabadwip made, first class, everymonth to our different centers like NewYork, Los Angeles, London, Hamburgand Tokyo. Also I would request you toarrange for supplying Radha-Krishna Deitiesmade in Vrindaban or Calcutta, 24"high, for our different centers. We canalso cooperate in selling your books in ourdifferent centers, and similarly you cancooperate by selling our books in your differentcenters . So there is ample opportunityof cooperation in good will, and if wecontinue like that, in the near future it maybe possible that we completely amalgamateboth our institutions . I hope you willgive your due consideration to my proposalsand shall be glad to hear from youat your earliest convenience. Also pleaselet me know if personally I can become amember of your society under Clause 3 onpage 19 of the Memorandum.Please offer my humble obeisances toHis Divine Grace Sripad B.K. AudulorniMaharaj and other Vaishnavas of theMath.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamienclosures: copies of news cuttings of ourRathayatra Festival , which we held in SanFrancisco, London, Boston, Ohio, andHamburg.69-8-39 Hamburg27th August, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings . I ampleased to inform you that our journeyfrom New Yo rk to Hamburg was verycomfortable, and we safely arrived at thescheduled time. The boys were present toreceive us, and the apartment they haveselected is very nice. I am sending herewitha Jetter addressed to Hayagriva . Thesecond part of the Ginsberg conversationarticle should not be published, and ourpolicy should be to only publish ourKrishna Consciousness articles in variousforms. We are not concerned with anyother movement save and except KrishnaConsciousness in its pure form. In India itis said that a little bit of a pure thing ismuch better than huge volumes of impure,adulterated things. So please try to followthis policy and publish in BTG only pureKrishna Conscious articles.Regarding press starting, I have alreadygiven you necessary instructions,and again I say that you complete it assoon as possible. I wish to see the press isstarted when I go back to USA after myEuropean tour, probably in the beginningof November. I received a note from onegirl, Gita Rajput, and I am enclosing itherewith for your reference. If she comesto decorate in the temple, encourage herbecause a little servoce to Lord Krishna

AUGUST, 1969 1003will protect one from the greatest calamity.That is the version of BhagavadGita .I think establishment of the Deitieshere will not be possible because the placeis not very settled up . There is objectionby the health department for performingkirtan. Anyway, they are doing verynicely, and in Monday 's meeting one Dr.Franz Bernhard, a learned scholar in Indeology,was there, and he is very interestedin our movement. Ye sterday I haddiscussion with him for about two hoursand he is impressed, as you will find Ihave explained to Hayagriva in his letter.Please note also the items I have requestedHayagriva to bring here when he comes.I hope you are doing well, and I shallbe glad to hear good news from you by returnof post.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have got now connection with a firmdealing in musical instruments in Delhi. Ithink they are better than Dwarkin andSonsP. S. Hand over to Hayagriva the enclosedletter. I didn't know where else to send itto him.69-8-40Hamburg27th August, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings . I am surethat you know I have come to Germany viaNew York on Monday morning. It isunderstood from diffurent sources that Rayaramahas written you a letter complainingthat the charge of BTG- has been takenfrom him without any justification. Butthe actual fact is that he was spending 600dollars per month for maintenance oflskcon Press with the result that the numberof subscribers was only somewhereabout 300. Most of the BTGs were beingsold by our Samkirtan Party in LosAngeles. Anyway, the 600 dollars were tobe saved for other useful purposes. Therefore,the staff engaged in Iskcon Press wasdispersed, but Rayarama was there in hisoriginal position as managing editor. Butsince this expenditures was stopped, he islittle bit sorry; so much so that he does notcome regularly and practically he is inclinedto give up our relationship. So Icalled him when I was in New Yo rk, buthis attitude is different. I did not see himin the airport on my arrival or departure,neither did I see him at the function heldon Sunday. So I think in the future you willhave to take charge of managing BTG inconsultation with Brahmananda when thepress will be started in Boston. I have alreadydecided to start the press, and I amglad to have your assurance that you willhelp in this respect, even with financialhelp.I thank you very much for this straightforwardoffer.Please let me know what is the positionof the house at the present moment. Youhave promised to pay them 6,000 dollarsdown, and if it is possible, why not payhim the 6,000 down immediately. Thiswill finish the transaction immediately insteadof waiting for three months. I shallbe glad to hear from you in details aboutthis matter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-4 1Hamburg27th August, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings . We havesafely reached exactly at the scheduledtime in Hamburg, and the journey was

1004 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaquite comfortable. Lufthansa is a very respectableairline, and the ladies and gentlemenand stewardesses and hosts werevery kind in their treatment. One girl wasinsisting that we take some food, andwhen we refused she was very sorry, butshe brought us a sufficient supply of fruit.So everything was nice, and I have lecturedin the temple on Monday night. ProfessorDr. Franz Bernhard, a learnedscholar in Indology, was present. We hada long discussion yesterday evening whenhe came to see me, and he admitted thatall his philosophical talks were simplywasting time. He remarked another thingthat he had thought of us as hippies becausehe saw that Ginsberg on the noticeboard, seemingly like one of our members. From his conversation I understoodthat people are very badly impressedabout Ginsberg, especially respectablepersons , on account of his hippy tendencies.I of course supported our case thatGinsberg is a great friend of our societyand we advise everyone to chant HareKrishna, and I believe he also does so.Anyway, we should be very much carefulto publish anything in our paper whichwill give impression to the public that weare inclined to the hippy movement. Inour papers nothing should be publishedwhich has even a small tinge of hippyideas . I must tell you in this connectionthat if you have any sympathies with thehippy movement you should kindly giveit up.Regarding your coming here, it will bevery nice. You will have no difficulty tostay with me . We have got two rooms: oneoccupied by me and one by Purushottam.So you can stay here or in the temple, asyou like. In the case which we left behindwith Brahmananda you will kindly findthe following items and bring them herewith you : one Bengali character BhagavadGita and Purushottam 's copy ofBhagavad Gita As It Is .I hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: When you come here, please alsobring with you the original manuscriptsfor Bhagavad Gita As It Is . Mandali Bhadrawill translate into German.69-8-42 Hamburg28th August, 1969Dear Dr. Nagendra Babu,Please accept my humble obeisances. Iunderstand from your daughter that youinstructed her to see me in New York asshe is there with her husband. She attemptedto see me several times in ourNew Yo rk temple, but she was unable tosee me on account of my constant touringin different centers . We have got nowabout two dozen centers in the USA, twoin Canada and two in Europe. On Sundaylast I was in New York while coming toGermany, and I have reached our Germancenter on Monday morning. The addressis above.I saw your daughter, Bhakti Devi, verymuch devoted to Krishna Consciousness,just befitting the position of a Vaishnava 'sdaughter. She offered me respects withsome money also (two dollars), and I wasvery much pleased with her behavior. Iasked about you and her mother from her,and I am so pleased to learn that you arenow retired from worldly activities andare engaged in constant chanting of HarerNama. I think by age you may be youngerthan me, if not by many years. So why notcome to America and join me in thispreaching work? I think if your daughterand son-in-law sponsor to receive you,there will be no difficulty for your passport,etc .

AUGUST, 1969 1005There is immense potency of preachingthe philosophy of Krishna Consciousnessunder the guidance of Lord Chaitanya,and I wish that all my Godbrothersshould go to different parts of the worldand preach this sublime message everywhere,because that is the desire of LordChaitanya. Of course, as far as possible Iam trying to spread this movement all overthe world, and at the present moment myactivities are prominent from Hamburg toTokyo , a distance of 14,000 miles. I thinkthe circumference of the whole earth is25,000 miles. So this should be coveredby some of our Godbrothers so that LordChaitanya's message may be properly executed.I do not know why none of ourGodbrothers attempt to this importantside of our propaganda. Just now I am incorrespondence with the Gaudiya Missionsecretary, and I have promised also tohelp them if they will take up this work. Ihave not as yet received any reply fromthem. I have also asked them to help us inso many ways. Immediately I am in needof some supplies from India. They are asfollows: 1) regular supply of 10 first classmridungas every month. 2) regular supplyof 50 pairs of N abadwip-made kartalsevery month. 3) at least two dozen pairs ofRadha-Krishna Murtis, made of brass and24" high. Besides these things, I requiremany other articles like temple paraphernalia.Your daughter gave me your address inCalcutta, and therefore I am taking thisopportunity for your help in this connection.Of course, I shall send money forpurchasing all these goods. I simply wantyour help that you supervise the supplyand send us first class articles. We do notmind for the price. In Calcutta there aremany manufacturers for mridungas, andif you arrange with somebody, you caneasily help us.Yo ur daughter has given me her address,and she is staying very near to ourNew York temple. On Sunday last she haspersonally seen how our preaching workis going on. On that day about 15 personswere initiated and one couple was married.So I hope you will kindly help me inthis connection, either directly or throughthe Gaudiya Mission people. That will bea great help for my preaching work. Youcan reply this letter to my German centeras above mentioned. I thank you in anticipationof your early reply.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-43Hamburg29th August, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated August23rd, 1969 with enclosures. I amsending herewith the copy of the letter addressedto Indo Crafter, giving them atrial order. You can immediately transfer400 dollars to my savings bank account,The Bank of Baroda, Chandni Chowk,Delhi-6, and upon hearing from you Ishall send necessary instructions to thebank.You have ordered through Achyutanandafor supply of wooden mridungas .This is all right, and we shall see whichquality is better. I have also asked Mr.Dhadial to send me samples of HareKrishna chaddars and kurtas. On receiptof these samples I shall advise you further.I am enclosing herewith back the letters ofBina Musican Stores and Indo Crafter.Keep them carefully in your files.I have heard nothing about the activitiesof Los Angeles temple. Also, I amanxious to know if you have contacted theSilverman Real Estate Company for thehouse we saw in Beverly Hills. Both ourtypewriter and dictaphone are useless

1006 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>here because the electric current is different.We have therefore hired another setfor working. I shall be glad to hear fromyou again along with Tamal Krishna's letter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-44 Hamburg30th August, 1969My Dear Bhurijana, Tosan Krishna andVrindaban Chandra,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your sending me the checkfor 200 dollars for my book fund, and Ithink of it as a big contribution of2,000,000 dollars. I have come to yourcountry to carry out the wishes of mySpiritual Master, and you are kindly cooperatingwith me. Certainly Krishna willbe pleased to bless you with all spiritualbenediction. I shall be glad to hear fromyou about your other progress in the matterof Samkirtan Party and selling BTGs.That is our main strength for preachingwork. Thank you very much.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-45 Hamburg30th August, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated25th August 1969, and I have noted thecontents . Regarding Hayagriva and Satsvarupa,I think they can become jointeditors, and articles to be published inBTG may be jointly decided upon. In caseof disagreement the matter should be referredto me, and I shall give the final decision.When Hayagriva comes here Ishall talk with him in detail. So your ideaof them working jointly is nice.I do not know what you mean by cooperationwith Kirtanananda Maharaj . Inour society everyone, either a brahmacharyor sannyasi or grihasta, who hasdedicated his life and soul for this movement,they are all on the same level of sannyasi.For the present moment, nobodycan claim an extra honor from his Godbrothers.Everyone should treat his Godbrothersas Prabhu. But nobody shouldtry to claim any extra honor on account ofan official position. I do not know whyKirtanananda Maharaj says that his authorityoverrides yours. At the presentmoment everyone is working under myauthority. Similarly, Kirtanananda alsoshould work under my authority. So thecondition imposed by Kirtanananda asstated by you does not look well . A sannyasihas got four stages of elevation:kutichak, bahudak, paribrajak andparamhansa. The sannyas in theparamhansa stage is the Spiritual Masterof everyone. I have asked KirtananandaMaharaj to work on the bahudak stage forthe present. I discussed this point withhim when I was in New Vrindaban. Thisstage means he should move amongst peopleto draw their attention to the NewV rindaban scheme and try to attract theirattention for its development. So heshould immediately begin this bahudakprogram and collect money from outsiders,not from insiders. And as he is incharge of New Vrindaban, he may investall such collection for the development ofNew Vrindaban, and before this Hayagrivamust transfer the property to the society'sname . So far as investment of thesociety's money for New Vrindaban isconcerned, certainly it will be done inNew Vrindaban, and not only the moneywhich Kirtanananda Maharaj collects,but also, if need be , any center will investmoney. But that investment should be in

AUGUST, 1969 1007proportion to food and salt. To make itmore tasteful, one adds salt to his food,and similarly, every center should be independentlydeveloped by supplying thefood, and the society, if required, willsupply the salt. For the present, all energyshould be diverted to start a nice press forour publication work. So there is no extramoney for the society to invest in NewVrindaban. Neither you can spare anymoney to anyone without my permission.Whatever you possess now in funds, thatis not your personal money, so how canyou execute the request of Kirtanananda atthe present moment? I think you will understandthe matter rightly and do theneedful.Regarding publication of BTG No.29, it is good that you are publishing"Morphology and Ontology of Vedanta"by Guru Maharaj , 4 pages. So far as"Heroine Govinda Dasi" is concerned,if she has stated directly Ram Krishna asnonsense and rascal, that should not beindulged in. We cannot attack anyonedirectly in writing. There is a proverb inSanskrit that you can speak something onethousand times, but don't give it in writing.Similarly, we may use some strongwords against all this nonsense, but if wewrite it in black and white, that will not begood . So instead of naming these rascalsdirectly, you change the word to "mentalspeculators." I am very glad that you arearranging to print 20,000 copies of lshopanishadimmediately. Please do it.Krishna will give you all strength to fulfillHis Mission by Yo ur sincere efforts .Thank you very much.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S . Please send my snuff pot when Hayagrivacomes here. I could not get the- snuff here.69-8-46Dear Satya Pal ,Hamburg31st August, 1969Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter addressedto my New Vrindaban temple,and I am so glad to read it. I think this isthe first letter I received from you since Imet you sometimes in 1959. I am glad tolearn that now you are a family man, andyou have qualified yourself as post graduatestudent of economics and are in possessionof a government service. But I amsorry to learn that you are pulling on withRs. 250 per month. It is surely insufficientfor a family man. This Rs. 250means in American exchange as somewherebetween 30 and 35 dollars, whichis earned here even by ordinary workers inthree days. That is the lowest income inthis country. Those who are qualifiedgraduates, they are earning at least 500dollars per month, which means in Indianexchange Rs . 6,000 or more. That is thedifference between India and America.Here, people are earning up to 20,000 permonth. Those who are independent businessmanearn 50,000 per month or moreand they are spending also. Therefore , thedistribution of wealth here is broader, andas such, every man is well-situated, evenan ordinary worker. There is no scarcityof money or material comforts , but stillthe modern younger generation, they donot feel very happy. They are hankeringafter some spiritual food, and as such theyare relishing this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement with some taste .There is immense possibility of spreadingthis Krishna Consciousness Movementall over the Western world, if it isadministered properly. You have rightlysaid "You alone are completing thisaim of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by givingyour full dedication to Lord Krishna andRadha." I think, however, that all of my

1008 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaGodbrothers should come out of lndia andpreach this cult all over the world to fulfillthe mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.But they are busily engaged in constructingtemples all separately, and they aresatisfied if there is a temple and a little incometo provide them with food and clothing,without any spirit of preaching propaganda.Srila Prabhupad said that it wasbetter to accept some menial service formaintaining oneself then to get somemoney by showing the Deities to the innocentpublic and being satisfied thereby.Now there is great necessity to trainpreachers in all the camps of our Godbrothersand send them all over the world.Of course, they must be impregnated withreal preaching spirit, without any materialprofit. Whenever I ask somebody to takethis job, they are silent. They are simplysatisfied with some Mathas, and they haveforgotten the preaching spirit of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj. When none of them came to preachoutside of India, I thought I was to do thishumble service to His Divine Grace, andby His blessings, I am getting good cooperationfrom the local boys and girls. Thatis my satisfaction. Otherwise, none of myGodbrothers is helping me substantially.So I am not very much hampered by thisaction. I shall try my best to do this job,and you will be glad to learn that I have gotalready two dozen centers all over theUSA, Canada and Europe. Those boyswho are helping me are opening branchesvery quickly and preaching this cult ofKrishna Consciousness very sincerely.You are living in Gwalior, and I haveheard that Gwalior is a good place wheremarble statues are manufactured. Canyou give me any information if Radha­Krishna Murtis can be had from Gwalior.If so, can you supply us such Murtis fromGwalior or else brass Murtis from Mathura.That will be a great help for me. Ithink Mathura is your birth place and yourparents are there . So if you can manage tosupply me brass Murtis of different sizes,then it will be a great help to me for propagandawork. We may require many otherthings, either from Gwalior or Mathura,and I shall be glad to hear from you aboutthis. I think Gwalior is manufacturingmusical instruments also.For the present I am in Germany at theabove address, and my next program is togo to London at the end of September. Soif you reply immediately, you can addressthe letter at the above address. Thank youvery much for remembering me after solong a time.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-8-47 Hamburg31st August, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 27th, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with great joy. You are improvingin every respect of our London Yatra program,and I think your labor to makefriends with the Beatles has been successfulin the matter of pressing the HareKrishna record . I hope by this meansmany thousands of pounds will flow intoKrishna's treasury. We are very poor financially,but by Krishna's Grace we aregetting help undoubtedly. That is nice. Icame here without any money, singlehanded,and Krishna is sending me somany nice assistants and the requiredmoney whenever it is necessary. Weshould be satisfied with such Grace ofKrishna. We do not want any extra moneyfor sense gratification, but Krishna is sokind He is supplying the necessaryamount. You will be glad to know thatSatsvarupa in Boston has purchased propertyworth 70,000 dollars. The immediate

AU GUST, 1969 1009down payment is 6,000 dollars andrnonthly payment is 1,000 dollars. So hehas taken the courage with my permission,and by Krishna's Grace " everythingis being arranged. Similarly, in other centersalso, including your center, Krishnais sending us all necessary help. I am veryglad to know that Sriman George Harrisonis nicely cooperating with your endeavors,and this action of him will not goin vain. Any little bit of service renderedto Krishna does not go in vain, so I amsure George will be benefitted in the matterof Krishna Consciousness withoutdoubt. Please convey my thanks to him forhis willing cooperation with our men.I could not clearly understand what isthe reason that you have left the temple tolive in a country house 40 miles awayfrom London. I understand that by October1st everything should be settled, andyou may invite me to visit at that time.This morning I had been in the HamburgPort and Krishnadas informed me there isa passenger ship which carries peopleovernight to London. So I have asked himto inquire what is the real situation. I thinkwe can go to London by that shipping carrier.In October I have no program here,so there will be no difficulty to visit yourplace at that time.In your last letter you informed me thatGeorge Harrison may be interested topublish my book, Krishna, so I am carryingwith me the manuscript. I want toprint this book with many pictures, andthe pictures are also ready in Los Angelesand Boston. So if possible, you can talkfurther with him about this publication,and if he does so, it will be very nice forhim as well as for us. I am also very gladto learn that you are meeting Mr. Harrisonfor negotiating with the Archbishop forthe church. That will be very, very nice.Please try for it very seriously.On the whole, your sincere endeavorfor serving Krishna is gradually being acceptedby the Lord, and the more you endeavorfor such service, the more you'llfeel sublime in existence in direct contactwith Krishna day after day. I am also veryglad to learn that you have already prepareda groundwork in England of theKrishna Consciousness Movement, and ifI go there I shall take the opportunity toconvince the people in general, philosophersand religionists of London about theimportance of the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Sometimes back I sent oneletter addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury,supposed to be presented throughMr. George Harrison, and I shall be gladto know what happened to that letter. Ifit was not presented before, it may bedone so when George Harrison meets theArchbishop for the church. Actuallyour Krishna Conscious movement is genuineChristian movement. Christ meansKrishna, love of Godhead, Who has Hisface annointed with telok. There is a wordKristos in the Greek dictionary, and thisword is supposed to be borrowed from theSanskrit word 'Krishna,' and Christ is derivedfrom Kristos. I find these things in abook known as Aquarian Gospel of LordJesus the Christ. Anyway, any genuineChristian will find our movement nice andperfect. We simply want their cooperationin this matter that they allow us to use theirmany vacant churches in the Westerncountries for rejuvenation of spiritual lifein this part of the world. So if the Archbishopkindly gives us a church throughthe intervention of Mr. Harrison, it will bea great success for our movement. So tryyour best for this achievement.Please offer my blessings to all othersand especially to your daughter, who Ithink is growing nicely in Krishna Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

SEPTEMBER69-9- 1Hamburglst September, 1969ManagerThe Punjab National BankP. O. Vrindaban, Dst. MathuraINDIADear Sir:In further reference to our past correspondence,I am wondering if you have asyet advanced 100 Rs. to Sri Ram NathMurtiwala. I have not heard from Sri RamNath for some time so I would like to beinformed as to what has transpired in thisconnection. Thanking you in anticipationof your early reply.Sincerely yours,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-2 Hamburg1st September, 1969Sri Prosanta Mukherjeelmlitola, Mahaprabhu 's GadiSeva Kunj , VrindabanINDIADear Prosantaj i,Please accept my greetings and blessingsof Lord Krishna. This is to informyou that in spite of my writing to so manyMukutwalas and Murtiwalay I am receivingno reply to my letters. Last Month Iwrote some reminding letters to RamNath Murtiwala, but this also has gainedno reponse. I am wondering if you haveany information as to what is the difficultyin this connection. I shall be glad to receiveyour letter by return of post.Sincerely yours,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-3 Hamburg3rd September, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated August30th, 1969 with enclosure of yourmoney order check for one hundreddollars Canadian. Another check forfifty-five dollars for my book fund wasnot enclosed. I think you are sending itby separate mail. If you have not sent itas yet, you can deposit it in The CanadianImperial Bank of Commerce atSherbrooke and Aylmer Branch. I havegot a savings account there under A. C.Bhaktivedanta Swami. You can find outthe number from the teller, deposit there,and send me the receipt. I am so glad toread the portion of your letter where yousay "I would have continued to live in ignoranceand darkness, thinking I wouldhave known how to approach God." At thepresent moment, the modern educationhas taught everyone either not to think ofGod or everyone can think of God in hisown way. The result is people have becomeGodless atheists. So to approach abonafide Spiritual Master and to understandthe science of God from him is theVedic way of understanding. Even LordKrishna, Lord Chaitanya, and what tospeak of other acharyas, all of them accepteda Spiritual Master, even if some of

1012 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidathem were incarnations of God. The Vedicway of receiving knowledge is called avaroha,against aroha. Aroha means to tryto understand God by one's own effort,and avaroha means to understand God bydisciplic succession. Therefore we find inVedic instruction that one must approacha bonafide Spiritual Master to learn thattranscendental subject.I thank you very much for your solemnassurance that you shall try to follow myteachings throughout your life. It is veryencouraging. Regarding dress, I have alreadywritten to you that you can dress assmartly as possible to deal with the public,and dress is immaterial in KrishnaConsciousness. Consciousness is within.I am a sannyasi, but if some importantwork requires I dress myself just like asmart gentleman, I would immediatelyaccept it. So it is not a problem. AchyutanandaPrabhu is in correspondence withGargamuni, and I have already sent onetrial order to the Bina Musical InstrumentCompany in India, of which you have sentme a catalog. I dont think your Montrealcenter will require many musical instruments,so you may not send order separately.Regarding Murtis, you will have toprepare a nice altar and throne. The LAtemple has done it very nicely, and I amsending herewith the specific design inpicture. So your next business will be toconstruct a throne and altar, and as soonas they are ready, the Deities will also bereceived, and maybe I shall go and installThem. But when the Deities are installedin the temple, you have to take personalcare . Deity worship is very regulative.You have to follow the regulative principlesvery rigidly. I shall be glad to knowhow many initiated members are there inMontreal , so I can chalk out the programfor Radha-Krishna Deity worship there.Regarding Scindia Navigation, correspondencewill not be fruitful, but ifsomebody sees Srimati Sumatee Morarjeepersonally, then it will be at oncedone . By correspondence the underhandclerks and secretaries do not sometimeslike the proposal . That is the envious natureof the human being in conditionedstate. Regarding your correspondencewith the leading men in India, I dont thinkit will be very much fruitful . Personally Ihave no faith in them, but if you decide toopen correspondence with them, I haveno objection. But my personal opinion isnot very hopeful. I thank you very muchfor your submissive mentality, and as it isstated in the Bible that God is for the humbleand meek, similarly, Vaishnavas aretaught by Lord Chaitanya to become humblerthan the grass and more tolerant thanthe tree . Thus one can seriously executeprogress in Krishna Consciousness.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-4 Hamburg4th September, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa and Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letters dated August31st, 1969, as well as the telegram datedSeptember 4th . By the telegram, I understandthat by Krishna's Grace it appearsto be settled up, and you can continueyourproceeding, chanting always HareKrishna. He will always give us protection.I am very anxious to know about Uddhava's condition of health. May Krishnaprotect you all .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Police must give us special protectionon account of threatening.

SEPTEMBER, 1969 101369-9-5 Los Angeles4th September, 1969FIRST YEAR BHAKTISASTRIEXAMINATIONtime: 9:00 AM to 12:00 NoonSeptember 4th, 1969Janamastmi CeremonyAnswer any ten of the following questionswith reference to the context ofscriptures like Bhagavad Gita As It Is ,Brahma Samhita and lshopanishad. Thefull mark for each question is 100.1. Who is Krishna?2. What is your relationship withKrishna?3. What are you expected to do withyour relationship to Krishna?4. What is the aim of Krishna Consciousness?5. What do you mean by religion?6. Is Krishna Consciousness a type ofreligion or religious faith?7. How do you distinguish between religionand faith?8. Can religion or faith be changedfrom one type to another?9. How do you distinguish betweenchangeable and eternal religion?10. What are the different types of religiousfaiths?11 . Can religion be manufactured byphilosophical speculation? Who createdreligion first?12. What is the greatest common engagementof religious men?13. Do you believe that Krishna is theSupreme Personality of Godhead?14. If you believe, how do you substantiate?If not, what is your reason?15. What is Brahman, Paramatma andBhagavan?NB: Answer papers with some contributionto my book fund may be submitted tome . I shall personally examine the papers,and those who will pass will be senta certificate of Bhaktisastri in due course.The minimum passing mark is 300 out of1,000.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-6 Hamburg5th September, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 2nd, 1969, and I have notedthe contents. Yesterday, the writings byyou and Himavati were very much appreciated.I understand Krishna has givenyou very good opportunity for service inBerkeley. You both together apply yourfull energy in organizing this center. It hasvery good potency, and I am very glad tolearn that you have got a nice house alsoand the rent is also not very high. But unfortunatelyyou have only one years lease,so how you can install a life size Deitythere? Therefore, for the time being to installa life size Deity may not be feasible;but if you can pay 250 dollars, I will getfor you from India 24" high brass Radha­KRishna Deities, one pair, for installingin Berkeley. In the mean time, I may remindyou to fix up the altar exactly likeLos Angeles. You have seen it personally,and I am also enclosing herewith a pictureof the Los Angeles altar. I wish that thisdesign of the altar should be followed byeveryone. This Los Angeles altar has beenerected under my supervision, especiallythe Radha-Krishna throne, and I wouldvery much like to follow this idea everywhere.Get for your temple nice devoteesand monetary help. I hope you will stickto this center organizing, husband andwife, and in the very near future it will beas good as our Los Angeles temple.Regarding your question about rasa

1014 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidawith the Spiritual Master, I do not knowwho is the someone who has said this, butit is a most unauthorized statement. Betteryou should stick to hearing from authorizedpersons, like your Spiritual Masteror experienced Godbrothers. But nevertry to hear someone who is not in our line.It is simply a waste of time to hear andthen again have to rectify the mistake.Regarding your question about my neverreturning to Spiritual Sky, that is possiblesimultaneously. So far as the quotationfrom Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur youhave cited, that is quite all right. In thisage, chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra isthe prime business of the devotee, andpreaching of this Hare Krishna Mantra byoutdoor Samkirtan and propagation ofliterature is our more important business.Side by side, Deity worship is recommended,but when there is a questionof accepting one of them, we shall preferto accept chanting of Hare Krishna Mantrafirst.Please convey my blessings to Himavatiand the others who are helpingyou. I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-7 Hamburg5th September, 1969Dear Dr. Shyam Sundardas Brahmachari,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your letterdated 22nd August 1969, addressed toNew Vrindaban center and redirectedhere in West Germany. At the present momentI am preaching here in our Germancenter, and next week I am going to ourLondon center. If you reply me, you cando so at the following address: ISKCON,7 Bury Place, WC 1, London England.Regarding your remittance in connectionwith True Conception of Religion, I havealready advised the New York center tosend you some money. I understand thatyou will remain at Jagannath Puri forsome time, so if you like to supply ussome goods from there, you can makesome profit out of it. If you kindly send mequotations for the following goods, Iwould appreciate it very much: 1) JagannathDeity set-Lord Jagannath, Balabhadraand Subhadra of all different sizes.2) Silverwares made in Cuttack 3) brassutensils like jhanj , kartals, and worshippingmaterials, 4) conchshells, and 5) sarismade in Orissa and adjoining places. Ifyou like to purchase these goods on ourbehalf, then I shall send you money, and ifyou desire, you can add some percentagefor your profit on the purchase price. Inthis way, if you pack up these goods nicelyand send to the nearest port for dispatching,then you can do very good businessand make some profit. So I hope you willgive me some price quotations immediatelyfor the above things and let me knowif you are interested in doing this business.Regarding Gaudiya Mission, I am enclosingherewith a copy of the letter addressedto the Secretary Official. You willunderstand the whole situation. I am preparedto cooperate with the Gaudiya Missionwholeheartedly. I am prepared alsoto be amalgamated, and they have invitedme to go to India to talk frankly, face toface. But unless we have come to some definateunderstanding, how I can risk thejourney which will involve more or lessRs. 25 ,000? But I am sure if Gaudiya Missionand I combine together, it will bevery nice thing to preach the cult of LordChaitanya all over the world. I can reorganizeall the branches of the GaudiyaMath in India, and if there is any financialquestion, it will be not difficult for our societyto help in that way also. So if you can

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1015negotiate about our amalgamation on acooperative basis, it will be great serviceto Srila Prabhupad. I have not as yet receivedany reply to the enclosed letter.69-9-8Hamburg5th September, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. Now it isdecided that I shall be starting on the 11thof September, Thursday, by flight 234,Lufthansa Airlines, starting at 12:15Hamburg time, and reaching London at13:40. So you can inake the necessary arrangements.If you have any further informationfor me, you can send me a letterimmediately or talk with me. Ye sterdayVyas Puja was held in the temple, andyour tape of Chintamoni was played. Itwas very nice.Please offer my blessings to the others,I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-9 Hamburg5th September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I understandthat you want to open anotherbranch of Spiritual Sky in Boston, butGargamuni has written to me that he doesnot like the idea. I think we should not doanything which may be business competitionbetween centers. Business is in onesense very dangerous allurement of Maya.If they are doing it nicely on the WestCoast and supply the necessities of theEast Coast, there may not be anothercompetitive organiyation. Then this examplewill be followed, and some othercenter may like to open another branch. Iam just trying to hand over the wholemanagement in the hands of my devotees,but if there is some disagreement in themanagement, then the whole thing maynot go well. I think therefore, unless youall agree to open another branch in theEast Coast, it should not be done. Youhave got enough business in the EastCoast, especially in the books and thepress matter. I do not think you should divertyour attention in any other matter.Yesterday we held Vyas Puja Ceremony,and it was very nice. I shall take the opportunitynow to thank you for the nicebooklet you have had printed and for thepart in this booklet written by you. Afterall of the reading was finished, I explainedhow service and prayers are accepted byKrishna through the medium of the disciplicsuccession. It is something like electricity:if one is in touch with his SpiritualMaster, and his Spiritual Master is intouch with his bonafide Spiritual Master,then in this way an offering is automaticallytransferred to Krishna. Just as theMercy of Krishna is coming down throughthe disciplic succession, so the service ofthe devotee is offered up to Krishnathrough the disciplic succession.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiEnclosed herewith please find the pictureof the altar which should be followedeverywhere.69-9-10Hamburg6th September, 1969My Dear Raktak,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter of September1st, 1969, and I have noted the contents .For the time being there is no need of goingto India. The first thing is that you do

1016 Letters from Srila Prabhupcidanot know the Indian language. If youwant to be really helpful to the society,at least for the time being you should remainin a place to take training to assistour society 's work. I do not know whatis the disadvantage for you in Montreal.If you feel some disadvantage, then cometo Boston or Los Angeles for some time.In the meantime I am corresponding withAchyutananda in India. If he actually requiressome assistance, I shall advise youlater on. If you have got money, keep itcarefully as it may be required later.Regarding the two books you havementioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa byGoswami Tulasi das is not very authorized,and Ramayana is authorized. Onething is though, you have got enoughother books to study. Did you appear inthe examination held on JanamastmiDay? Why should you go to Ramayanawhen you have got Bhagavad Gita, SrimadBhagavatam and Teachings of LordChaitanya? Dont divert your attention inthat way. The author of Ramacharitamanasa,Goswami Tulasi das, has a tintof Mayavadi philosophy. He belongs tothe Ramananda Samradaya. They aremixed up combination of personalist andimpersonalist. Therefore, the author isnot considered as pure Vaishnava. PureVaishnava is free from all material contaminationof fruitive activities and mentalspeculation. The pure Vaishnava issimply, purely disposed to transcendentalloving service to Krishna. The pureVaishnava rejects anything which has nopure idea of serving the Personality ofGodhead.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A! C! Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9- 11Hamburg7th September, 1969My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedSeptember 3rd 1969 and your Vyas Pujagift of 50 dollars. On Vyas Puja day we hada very nice ceremony in the temple wherethe Vyas Puja booklet was read aloud byHayagriva, who is travelling with me duringthis European tour. On the morning ofthe same day there was an initiation ceremonyheld and two German brahmacharies,one English brahmachary and oneGerman householder couple was initiatedinto this Krishna Consciousness Movement.This Thursday morning we shall begoing to London, and they have arrangednice living quarters on the estate of JohnLennon. After our business in London isfinished, most probably I shall be returningto the USA via either New York or Boston.I hope that everything is corning alongnicely in setting up the press in Boston, andplease keep me informed as to your progressin this connection.Please convey my blessings to your goodwife, Balai, and your daughter, Nandini. Ihope this will meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I have also received one check fromVaikunthanath, so please offer to him mythanks in this connection.69-9-12Hamburg7th September, 1969ManagerThe Punjab National BankVrindaban, Mathura U.P.INDIADear Sir,REF: Your letter dated 25th August1969, addressed to Messrs. United Shipping

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1017corporation (14/2 Old China Bazar Street­Room No. 18, Calcutta) in the matter ofshipment of 8 cases Srirruui Bhagavatam,account Sri A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami,to New York per S.S. JalakalaWith reference to the above , I beg to informyou that the value of the invoice hasbeen increased from Rs. 3,252.60 to Rs .4,096.00 on account of some mistake incalculation. I am now on touring, thereforeI cannot send you immediately theamended invoice. But you can accept itfrom me and do the needful. So for sendingthe documents direct to New Yo rk,you can take it from me that it is in order.The charges for sending the documentsmay be debited from my account.Further in connetion with the Deitysupply by Ram Nath Murtivala, I did nothear anything from him. Kindly reply tothis letter. You can sent me a note informingme what is the situation about this advance.On Thursday morning I am goingto London, and my address will be as follows:INTERNATIONAL SOCIETYFOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS, 7Bury Place, WC 1, London England .Kindly reply to this letter and oblige.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-9- 13My Dear Uddhava,Hamburg7th September, 1969Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated September2nd, 1969 along with your checkfor 50 dollars and the velvet covering formy Bhagavad Gita As It Is , so nicelymade. Now you are happy with your wife,Leelasuka, and that is also very pleasingto me. Most of my disciples who arepreaching are married couples. As such, Ihope both you and your wife will continueto help me substantially in the KrishnaConsciousness Movement, and Krishnawill bless you more and more.Thanking you once more for your letter.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9- 1 4 Hamburg7th September, 1969My Dear Madhudvisa,Please accept my blessings . I beg tothank you very much for your letter (undated)and the enclosed check for 100 dollarsfor my book fund. Also I very muchappreciated the poem that you have writtenfor Vyas Puja Ceremony, and becauseit was too late for being published in theVyas Puja booklet, I have handed it overto Hayagriva for publication in BTG. Thispoem was especially nice and I thank youfor it. I am always encouraged to learn ofyour activities in the San Francisco temple,and I think that by the Grace ofChaitanya Mahaprabhu you shall do verygreat service to His Samkirtan Movement.For so many countless lifetimes theconditioned souls have been giving all oftheir service and energy to the service ofMaya, and I am requesting all of my disciplesthat for this one lifetime you give allof your energy and service to Krishna.The spiritual force is eternal, so to givesimply one lifetime to Krishna is not avery difficult thing. And yet if we are seriousin executing the devotional principles,this one lifetime of service to Krishna willabsolute and final solution to all the problemsof life. Sincere devotional service ineven one lifetime is sufficient to make oneeligible to return to the Vaikuntha worldpermanently. Krishna Consciousness hasgot this power. So stick to this path as you

1018 Letters from Srrla Prabhupildaare now doing, and as your sincerity anddetermination increase more and more,Krishna will surely be pleased to bestowall of His blessings upon you.This Thursday morning I will be goingto London, and most probably by the beginningof November I will have returnedto the USA! Please offer my blessings tothe others. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-15Hamburg7th September, 1969My Dear Jagadisha,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you so much for your letter (undated)and your contribution of 150 dollarsto my book fund. I also take theopportunity now to thank you for the nicepoem you submitted and which wasprinted in the Vyas Puja booklet. I ampleased to learn that you have gone withyour wife, Laxmimoni, to Detroit, andyou are now working conjointly with Bhagavandasand Krishna Bhamini. You areboth very nice householder couples, sowork together in cooperative spirit, followingthe example you have seen in ourother Krishna Consciousness centers. Ican understand that Krishna is giving youencouragement to increase the strength ofDetroit center because you write to saythat there is a big article to be printed inthe largest Detroit paper and you havealready arranged for two universitycourses. This is very encouraging news,and please forward a copy of the article tome when it is printed. You should try nowto obtain permission for chanting on thestreets. This will greatly enhance your activitiesthere in every respect. Samkirtanis our very life and soul, so try to take permissionfrom the authorities as soon aspossible. I understand that you are a verysincere soul , and surely Krishna willshow His favor upon you.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I have received the Janamastmi Dayexaminations from your center but therewere no fees enclosed. I assume they arecoming by separate post.69-9-16 Hamburg8th September, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedAugust 27th and 29th, 1969 and September3rd 1969. Regarding Brahmananda'sletter, I have asked him not to open SpiritualSky business on the Eastern Coast,and a copy of the letter is enclosed herewithfor your reference. I thank you verymuch for the contribution you have madeof 300 dollars to my book fund, and theSamkirtan table is also very encouraging.Regarding the order of 12 mridungas thatyou have suggested I discontinue, I havealready done this, and the letter to IndoCrafter is enclosed herewith in carboncopy along with a copy of the invoice. RegardingUnited Shipping Corporation'sshipment of Srimad Bhagavatam, I haveadvised the bank in Vrindaban, and it willbe all right. So far as one half of this shipmentgoing to Los Angeles, I will speak toBrahmananda about this. But one thingis you must stop this fighting betweenbrothers. Otherwise the whole programwill be spoiled. Yourself, Tarnai Krishna,Brahmananda, Satsvarupa-you shoulddo everything combinedly. That is my request.Gradually, by Krishna's Grace, weare expanding. So if amongst ourselvesthere is friction, it will be very dangerous.

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1019So after my return to the States I shallmake it more firm so there may not be anydissension. But you should be carefulalso. Regarding the Rs. 1,862.40 beingequal to 250 dollars instead of 400 dol­Jars, your money is safe. Dont worry. Thebalance will be used for importing goodshere. It will not remain in India.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am going to London on the 11thSeptember69-9-17 Hamburg8th September, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letters dated August27th and 29th, 1969 and September 3rd,1969. I am very much concerned why__ is not complying to the principles ofthe temple. The first thing is that nobodyshould enter my room for any other purposeexcept cleansing. Nobody can staythere or sleep there or anything. If shewants to worship Krishna in her own way,she must find an apartment outside thetemple. She does not belong to theVaishnava principles, therefore we cannotaprove her Deity worship within thetemple. Her example may be followedby others, therefore it must be stoppedimmediately. Regarding the house, it isnot possible for us to pay such sums: it isuntouchable. But if they are prepared tosell the house at 250,000 dollars whencomplete and finished, and accept 10%down payment, then we can consider totouch it. Regarding the Sanskrit dictionary,keep it there carefully. It is important.Regarding the information you sentfrom the Bank of America Calcutta, I amlittle busy now because I am starting forLondon this Thursday. I shall have to scrutinizinglysee what they propose. I shallreply this from London. In the meantime,as you are getting goods from Delhi, thereis no worry. This Bank of America in Calcuttawill be needed when we begin businesswith Calcutta. There is no immediatehurry. I shall think it over and let youknow from London.I am very pleased that Berkeley hasjust secured a nice temple, and the rent isalso not very much. It is good news. Youwrite that you are introducing our booksin a new bookstore, and similarly try to introducethis valuable literature in manysuch bookstores in the Los Angeles area. Ithink you may introduce the ceremony ofstrolling the Deities round about the temple.If not every evening, then it can bedone at least one day per week at a fixedup time.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I am very much anxious to know whatis happening to the Tokyo center plans.69-9-18Hamburg9th September, 1969My Dear Jagadisha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of September4th, 1969 and the enclosed checkfor the Bhaktishastri examination. As Ihave already mentioned in my letter ofSeptember 7th, I have also duly receivedthe contribution of 150 dollars from Laxmimoniand yourself. I am so pleased tonote that Sadanandini is now staying inDetroit, living at the temple, and arrangementsare being made for her wedding toChandanacharya. It is very good news.

1020 Letters from Srila PrabhupiidaShe is a very nice girl, so take care of heruntil she is handed over to the charge ofChandanacharya.Please offer my blessings to the others .I hope rhis will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am going to London on the 11thSept.69-9- 19September 9th, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter ofSeptember 4th, 1969, sent along with theBhaktishastri examinations and a maintenancecheck of 15 dollars. I have noteddown your new temple address, andplease try as far as possible to make this avery successful center. If you can get permissionfrom the authorities for chantingand collecting on the streets , that will be agreat boon to your activities. Please tryfor this wholeheartedly. Ye s, when theschools are opened you must utilize thisfacility for presenting to the students ofNorth Carolina how important and what anice thing this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is. All three of you there; yourself,Tosan Krishna and Vrindaban Chandraare all very sincere souls, so surelyKrishna will help you in your efforts toserve Him. Actually the work we are doingis not our work; it is Krishna's. Sowhen He sees that we are working in sincereservice mood, He is pleased to crownour efforts to please Him with success.Please offer my blessings to the others .I hope this wil meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-20Hamburg9th September, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your most recent letter (undated),and I have noted the contents. Ihope by this time your health has improved,and as you are doing such importantwork for Krishna, you must be carefulto take proper care of your health. You arean intelligent girl, so conjointly with yourhusband, Pradyumna, you can determinewhat are the best mesures to be taken inthis connection. I understand that youhave quickly learned how to operate theComposer machine, and I am anxious tolearn how things are progressing in thisconnection. Have you begun yet to composeNectar of Devotion? Several days agomore pages of this book were sent to you,up to page 233, and as you finish work onthese pages, I shall be sending you more.Regarding your question, "What doesRama mean in Hare Rama? Is this Balaramor Lord Ramachandra?", you cantake it both ways, because there is nodifference between Ramachandra andBalaram. Generally it means Krishna,because Rama means enjoyer. So eitherRamachandra, Balaram or Krishna are allVishnu Tattvas and are always enjoying.The shakti tattva, or jiva tattva is alwaysenjoyed. Our position is always predominated.If we remain in that position andproperly use our small independence,then we remain happily eternally. But artificially,if we want to be independent andimmitate the Supreme Enjoyer, then it isdelusion. Material life means trying toimmitate the Enjoyer, and spiritual lifemeans to remain in one's eternal positionas enjoyed. This Hare Krishna Mantra isaddressed to the energy of the Lord andthe Lord Himself to keep the chanter in hiseternal position of being enjoyed. The

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1021prayer is "My Lord, Oh the Spiritual Energyof the Lord, kindly keep me engagedin Your service." Regarding your otherquestion, Krishna in His four-handedVishnu Form is within our hearts, but Heis not different from two-handed Krishna.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-2 1 Hamburg9th September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 6, 1969 and the new issue ofBTG. I am pleased to learn that the housetransaction is finished, and I shall be gladif you send a copy of the conveyance deedto the London address, where I am goingthe day after tomorrow. The purchasingtransaction has been done on JanamastmiDay, and this is also a great occasion. Regardingyour anxieties how to pay therent, etc., in the winter season, I thinkKrishna will provide with sufficient presswork and some of the boys may work also.In this way we have to manage. Your remarkthat Advaita may have to do alot ofcommercial work to help the temple duringthe winter is right. Whenever there isspare time we can earn money by outsidework. We shall fully utilize the press facilitiesin various ways. My suggestion tomeet the business men is to convince responsiblemen of your country to understandthe importance of this KrishnaConsciousness Movement and how we aremolding the character of younger generationby giving them peaceful home, philosophyof life, artistic sense, musicalentertainment, nutritious foods: andabove all these, we are giving them spiritualenlightenment, which is never to befound elsewhere throughout the wholeworld. Every gentleman in your countryis anxious about their children, and graduallyif the richer section of the people orthe government cooperates with us, wecan expand this movement for total welfareof the younger generation. This calculationis only one side of the picture:The other side of the picture means the solutionof the eternal problem. Eventhough people in general may not be ableto understand it, the fact is there. So inwinter season this propaganda may bedone. Some very responsible man may beselected to preside over a meeting, eitherin the temple or in some rented privatehall, if the meeting is to be very big. Inthis way we can try to invite the so-calledimportant people of the society and try toconvince them about the importance ofthis movement.Regarding the outlaws, why policeprotection is not there? Does it mean thatin the United States if somebody is threatened,he will have no state protection andmust submit to the atrocities of the outlaws?Our point should be that we shalltake all necessary steps for self-protection,depending the result on Krishna. Weshould not idly sit down simply dependingon Krishna. Arjuna had to fight in the battlefield,but at the same time he heardBhagavad Gita. Our motto shall be likethat. Neither we shall fight alone, withoutKrishna Consciousness, nor we shall giveup all possible facilities in Krishna Consciousness.Regarding BTG no. 27, it is nicelydone, but there is no mention of the words'Back To Godhead' on each page. Whythis mistake has been done? Besides that,some of the headings, like 'Parts and Parcels,'are not very prominent, while at thesame time there are many places whereempty space is found. If some space isavailable, the heading should be broader.Henceforward, we shall try to avoid the

1022 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Beatles or hippy's articles, because theyhave no spiritual importance.Yes, I have received the Vyas Pujabook in due time, and it is very nicely setup. Yes, the date was wrong, but it doesn'tmatter. It has come out timely: that is excellent.Regarding introduction to lshopanishad,please let me know the deadlinefor me to send it. Dont bother about theitems I asked you to send with Hayagriva.I have instructed Hayagriva to work as coeditorwith Satsvarupa, and he is nowcompletely a surrendered soul. So conjointlymake the appearance of BTG verynicely. The front cover page should be anicely painted picture. You write that Jaduranyis now painting wonderful pictures,so pictures by "either Jadurany,Murlidhar or Devahuti should be given onthe front page. The present front page pictureis not very attractive as they were inlast issues. A first class picture should alwaysbe given on the front page.I thank you very much for your apprecitionof my book, Krishna, and yon allenjoyed it on Janamastmi Day. You writeto say that each book I write is greater thananything written previously, but I mustalso inform you that each book you print isnicer than the previous printing. Twobooks, Bhagavad Gita As It Is and TLC,both are practically done by you, and theTLC has come out in printing art betterthan Bhagavad Gita As It Is . Similarly, Ihope when you will print Nectar of Devotionand Krishna in our own press, it willcome out better than TLC. So I will giveyou better writing and you will producebetter books. In this way there will becompetition in the service of Krishna.That is very nice. One the whole, I amvery much pleased with the getup of TLC,and I hope in the future all our books maybe printed at least to that standard. I amvery much encouraged to learn that Jaduranyis painting very nice pictures, andall of them can be utilized one after anotherto come out on the front page ofBTG. Later on, when we print Krishna,they will come together. In issue No. 27,the marriage pictures have come outsuper-excellent. They will give niceteachings to the people of your countryhow we are harnessing the confused youngergenerations under the protection ofLord Vishnu. Uddhava has also written avery good article, and I appreciate thisvery much.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-22 Hamburg9th September, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter of 3rdSeptember, 1969 with check for 55 dollarsenclosed, and just today I have receivedyour nice gift package of sweater,scarf, socks and incense. They are allvery nice and I much appreciate your kindthoughts of me in this connection. OnVyas Puja Day your article in the VyasPuja booklet was read aloud and everyonepresent thought it is very nice. ThisThursday I am proceeding to London temple,and most probably I shall return to theUSA by November. Perhaps we shall meetagain at that time.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-23Hamburg9th September, 1969My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter of

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1023September 2nd, 1969, sent along with acontribution of 100 dollars for my bookfund. I am pleased to learn that Sridamaand Rohini Devi are there with you inPhiladelphia. Sridama is nicely trainedfor Samkirtan activities so he will be agreat boon to your center. He is a verygood boy, and I am always grateful to himfor the nice personal service he renderedto me while I was in Los Angeles. OnVyas Puja Day, the Vyas Puja booklet wasread aloud in the ceremony at the temple,and your article was very much appreciatedby all. This Thursday I am going toLondon, so future correspondence may beaddressed to me there.Please offer my blessings to the others .I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I shall be glad to hear from Sridamaalso.69-9-24 Tittenhurst14th September, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated September9th, 1969 addressed to the Hamburg center.Now I have come to England. Ourtemple here is not yet finishd, so I am stayingin the house of Mr. John Lennon. Heis very much kind upon us. Here alsothere is a nice big hall, exactly suitable fora temple, and the devotees are enjoyingthe opportunity by chanting there twice,thrice daily. I have also begun to give lectureshere on specific days, but there areno outsiders coming. I have arrived hereon the 11th September at about 2:30, andthe devotees arranged for a very nice receptionin the airport. There was chanting,press interviews, and nice pressreports have come out with excellent pictures.Some of them are enclosed herewithfor your reference. The first meetingorganized by the devotees here will beheld in the Town Hall tomorrow in theevening. So let us see how we can establishKrishna Consciousness in this part ofthe world.Regarding your judgment in court, itappears that the judge is a learned man,and he has given the right judgment, beinggraced by Krishna. We have to worksincerely, and because Krishna is in everyone'sheart, there will be no difficultyto have the necessary facilities. I hope bythis time you have received the threeKrishna tapes that were sent to you fromGermany, and there will be more comingsoon. I am enclosing a picture of the LosAngeles throne which Murari may hold asthe standard for constructing the thronethere. The throne should be 10 x 40 inchessquare, and 45 inches up to the canopy.Above that, up to the dome, it is another12 inches. There should be three pillars asshown on the photograph, and they shouldbe silver colored or silver-plated.I am pleased that the press arrangementis proceeding nicely, and you will bepleased to know that my Guru Maharajdrew a picture in which He gave great importanceto the symbolic representation ofthe press next to the mridunga. Pressmeans publication of various types ofbooks and literatures and the mridungameans Samkirtan Party. So now your centerwill have both facilities, and organizein such a way that you will become the livingexample to the other centers. Whenthe press is fixed up, I shall go to Bostonand see how things are being done personally.I hope you will accept this program.Regarding the house, as you are consultingwith some lawyers, perhaps you can

1024 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>also take advice from Giriraj 's father, whois also a lawyer.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I am in due receipt of Giriraj 's letter,sent along with $30 for the maintenancefund. Please thank him for this.69-9-25 Tittenhurst14th September, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedSeptember 7th and 1Oth, 1969, and I havenoted the contents. You write in your letterof September 1Oth that you have not receivedmy replies, but I reply each andevery letter. Especially your letters,Brahmananda's letters, Satsvarupa's lettersand Gargamuni's letters I take specialcare and reply each of them. I hope by thistime you have received my reply. Regardingthe house, I have answered this pointin one of my letters. But one thing I mustlet you know is that I may be a poor man'sson, or a poor man myself, but fortunatelyI have been transferred to America to becomerich man's father. So I wish to livelike rich man's father, as there are manyAmerican rich man's fathers. Now youcan do whatever you like. But one thing Ican suggest is that we are now getting ourown press, and as we have go so manybooks, if you can arrange for the selling ofthese books, there will be no scarcity ofmoney either for the father or for the son.I am pleased to note that you will begiving four classes in Los Angeles universitiesthis year, and everyone is welcometo appear in the Bhaktishastri examinationand take the title. But one must be acquaintedwith Krishna philosophy at leastfor one year. So the students may attendclass for one year as you have already arranged,and if they learn this philosophy,even if they dont become initiated students,it will be a pleasure for us. Regardingthe tests you are holding there in LosAngeles, keep them there, and when I return I shall see them personally. I am encouragedto learn that you now have a verynice place for photography work, and youcan send me photographs of the size ofTLC of pictures for the Krishna book andNectar of Devotion. For Krishna you havethe pictures by Jadurany, Jahnava andMurlhidar. Then there is the Radha­Krishna picture by Devahuti, the Radha­Krishna picture which was kept in myroom on the wall just to my righthandside, and the Radha-Krishna picturewhich was kept on my altar while I wasthere on Formosa Avenue.Regarding Aquarian Gospel of LordJesus The Christ, I have taken some strayextracts just to support our views, but wedont give any importance to that book.The best thing is that we accept Lord JesusChrist as a great devotee of the Lord andthe son of God. It is better not to discuss inany detail about the Christian religion orany other religion. Your idea for Rukminiand her husband, Baradraj , to go to Chicagois nice. I understand that Sudamaand Bali Mardan have already gone to Japanand I am anxious to get their address.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-26Tittenhurst15th September, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated Septemberl Oth , 1969 and I have also duly receivedthe Bhaktishastri examinations from

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1025Seattle temple on the same day. I was verypleased to learn of the elaborate way inwhich you celebrated the Janamastmi Dayand Vyas Puja Day ceremonies. The articlesin the local papers which you haveforwarded to me describing the event arealso nice. Last Thursday, when I arrivedin London there were more than onedozen reporters to take pictures immediatelyas we got off of the plane, and thenwe were led by a special airport attendantto a room where there was nice kirtan andsome questions from the pressmen. Thenext day several articles appeared in theLondon papers, and I am enclosing onesuch article for your reference. Regardingthe Mayapur center, I am not giving attentionjust now to Maya pur. I have not heardanything about if from Achyutananda, butI have already given him the necessary instructions.When we actually get land,then we will divert attention to Mayapur,and at that time your services will be required.At present, I am giving all stressto beginning our own press in Boston. TheMayapur center is there, but immediatelythere is no concern with it. I am verypleased to learn that your temple is makingvery nice progress, and the devoteesthere are doing nicely in Krishna Consciousness.Please offer my blessings toall of them.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-27 Tittenhurst15th September, 1969My Dear Yasodanandana,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 5th, 1969, and I have carefullynoted the contents. I have also read the poemsthat you have sent to me, and they arenice. I am pleased to learn that your parentsare willing to make a weekly contributionto Krishna Consciousness, andyour mother can make bead bags andshirts for the devotees. This is very niceengagement for your parents, and youshould encourage them to come to kirtanwhen they are able to and to read our literature.So far as your propagatingKrishna Consciousness while you are inschool, you simply speak to the studentsand teachers there, distribute Back ToGodhead and our books as far as possible,and try to arrange for kirtan performancesthere where many students can hear thesound of Hare Krishna. This is the prescribedformula for propagating KrishnaConsciousness. Regarding your questionabout Yasoda and Devaki, this is all explainedin detail in our Krishna book.Devaki is the actual mother of LordKrishna, but because Devaki's brother,King Kamsa, wanted to kill Krishna becauseof the omen that he head heard thatKrishna would one day kill him, Vasudeva,Krishna's actual father, broughtBaby Krishna to Vrindaban to the care ofYasoda and Nanda Maharaj , who acted asKrishna's foster parents.I am pleased that the Montreal centeris doing nicely, and please offer my blessingsto all of the devotees there. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-28 Tittenhurst16th September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated September13th, 1969. Regarding the presspurchasing, it must proceed on, andKrishna will help you. Dont worry. I understandthat you require approximately

1026 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida$14,000 out of which Advaita has $4,500and you have about $5,000. The balancemay be asked from Tarnal as the house weare contemplating to purchase is untouchableby us on account of too high price. SoTarnal can spare the balance money forthe press at the present moment, andwhen the house will be actually purchased,Krishna will provide us with themoney. Anyway, dont be discouraged.Whatever deficiencies will be there,Krishna will supply you, and if there is actuallyany deficiency, please let me knowand I shall send you a check for thatamount. I think this will be all right.In the meantime, I am sending herewithmy pass book for the First NationalCity Bank. You go to the bank and make itup and let me know what is the balancethere. You can simply let me know what isthe balance and the passbood may be keptwith you carefully for depositing in mybook fund regularly.Your report that book sales are notvery satisfactory is not very encouraging.if it is not selling well in New York, whynot dispatch to other centers for distributing?The United Shipping agency has dispatchedthe books as I understand, and onreceipt of this you will kindly let me knowhow many full sets of Bhagavatam arethere. Then I shall instruct you to distributethem in different centers on hearingfrom you.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-29 Tittenhurst17th September, 1969My Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. YesterdayI received a packet from you containingseveral 1etters from different parts, and Ithank you very much for it. I am expectingone air mail small parcel from India, fromIndo Crafter. If it does come, you can immediatelyredirect it to me by simply writingthe new address on the package andputting it in the mailbox. That will notcost you anything. But I have not receivedany letter from you since I left Hamburg.You will be glad that here the receptionwas very nice, and I am enclosing herewithone press cutting, although therewere several other nice cuttings also ofour activities and picture. We have alreadypassed through two important programshere: one big meeting at the TownHall, attended by Indians and Englishmen,which was very successful, and one nicemeeting when the BBC men invited us fortelevision on Tuesday night. They camealso to the temple last night, and it wasvery nice. We are expecting many engagementsfrom different persons, and it appearsthat people are interested in theKrishna Consciousness Movement. So Ishall be glad to know how your center ismaking progress.The immediate problem is to secure anice place, and if it is possible to do soduring my stay in Europe, then I shall gothere again to Hamburg to install theDeity. From India I have settled up with afirm to supply Deities along with otherthings. So I have ordered four pairs ofRadha-Krishna Deities, 24" high, weighingabout 30 lbs. each. The cost will beabout $100 per pair, or 400 marks. Thefirm in Germany wanted $650 for the Deities,12" high, so there is much differenceof price. Therefore I have decided to getthem from India. I have already orderedfour pairs: two pairs for England, one pairfor France, and one pair for Germany. SoI hope very soon you shall find out a niceplace, and we shall install the Deities asearly as possible. I am enclosing herewithone newspaper cutting published inNew York, and you will find how Patit

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1027Uddharan, Rishikumara and other boysare chanting and getting alms. Please offermy blessings to the others. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-30 Tittenhurst19th September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated lOth and 11th September, 1969. Regardingthe letter to the Punjab NationalBank, that is already written, and the copyis enclosed herewith for your reference.Regarding the court case in Boston, a certifiedcopy of the judgment should betaken. This will help us in many ways. Ifthere is any copy of the statement ofNanda Kishore available, that should alsobe taken. There is a Mantra that says mulaunkaroti vaclwlam pamgum lamglwyategirim. This means that by Krishna'sGrace a dumb can speak like Demoslanes,and a lame can cross over themountain. Krishna's Grace is so glorious.So if we remain faithful in Krishna's service,there will be no difficulty in speakingwhen ever it is necessary. There aremany instances in the history of devoteesof this, and even five year old boys likeDruva and Prahlad were able to speak sonicely. I have seen the pictures of your kirtansent by Sachisuta, and they are allmarvelous. Please print them in BTG. AllSamkirtan photographs should be collected,and one after another they shouldbe printed in BTG. So far as printing partof the Krishna book in BTG, that is alsovery nice. Regarding my account withFirst National City Bank, I have alreadysent you the Pass Book, so if it is convenientto move to the branch where the societyhas got account, that is all right. Thereis no difficulty in changing the branch,but I wish to keep the account with theFirst National City Bank. When I receivethe forms from you, I shall sign it.I am anxious to know what has transpiredwith the Macmillan Company sofar as printing the First Canto of SrimadBlwgavatam is concerned. Here in Londonthings are going nicely, and I am enclosinga newspaper clipping of thereception at the airport. Last Tuesdaynight, we had a very successful interviewon a popular BBC television program.There is immense potency for our movementin London, and I wish that at leastfour or five centers may be started in Englandof this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Perhaps you have heard thatin Tokyo already there is encouragingnews from Sudama about the people thereresponding nicely, and similarly, two newcenters have been started in Laguna Beachand Colorado. So it is all Krishna's Gracethat the young people of the Westernworld are gradually responding to ourpreaching work. I hope this meets you invery good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. There is no books here for sale. Youcan send some books immediately at mywish.69-9-31Tittenhurst19th September, 1969My Dear Giriraj ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 13th, 1969 along with yourcheck for $20, and thank you very much. Iam receiving very encouraging reportsfrom all our centers, including yours, sowe should know definately that Krishna isgiving us all oportunities to serve Himmore enthusiastically. Actually, the whole

1028 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptldauniverse is Krishna's property. Krishna'sdevotees are His bonafide officers orsons, so if He likes, He can entrust thewhole charge to His devotees immediately.It is not difficult for Him, but Hewants to see how His devotees are developingunalloyed Krishna Consciousness.You are a very nice boy, and byKrishna's Grace you have captured theopportunity, and Satsvarupa is a verygood associate for this purpose. So combinedlyyou try to spread this movement,follow the rules and regulations, chantHare Krishna, and gradually you will seeyour life is perfect. So with all my goodwishes, offer my blessings to the others.Here in London they had a very nice reception,and the press cutting in one of thepapers is sent herewith. The BBC televisionstation very much appreciated ourmovement, and we were interviewed onone very popular show last Tuesday evening.So things are progressing nicely, andour movement is gradually becomingpopular. You will be also glad to know thatwe have recently opened centers in Tokyo,Denver, and Laguna Beach. Mostprobably very soon there will be anotherbranch in Chicago. So let us work sincerely,and the requisite money and menwill be supplied by Krishna for His service.I think Jadurany is very much busyin painting pictures, otherwise she shouldhave written me some letter by this time.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-32 Tittenhurst19th September, 1969My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I thank youvery much for your nice letter of September16th, 1969 and the enclosed contributionfor the book fund. I am pleased to notethat you are going on with your KrishnaConsciousness duties with enthusiasm.Now you have a very nice wife, Kanchanbala,so my request to both of you is thatyou work combinedly to push on thisSamkirtan Movement of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.This will bring perfection to yourlives, as more and more you become attachedto the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Personsunder the grip of Maya are simplymad after sense enjoyment, but our goal isto lose all desire for sense gratification andbecome simply mad after Krishna. This isthe perfection of human life, to have noother desire but to render unalloyed devotionalservice to the Lord. Now you havevery good opportunity for elevating yourselvesto this status, and if you go on as youare now doing, rigidly following the rulesand regulations which you have heard mespeak about, then gradually your life willbecome more and more sublime.Here in England there is very. good potencyfor spreading Krishna Consciousness.When I arrived on September 11th,there was a nice reception at the airport,and one article reporting on the event isenclosed herewith. Last Tuesday eveningwe appeared for 40 minutes on a popularinterview show on the BBC television station.This Monday there is to be shownanother one hour long documentary programon our activities in England. Perhapsyou have heard by now that there arethree new centers opened recently; Tokyo, Laguna Beach and Colorado. SoLord Chaitanya is being very merciful tomany of the boys and girls of the presentday Western world by giving them the intelligenceto understand the importance ofdeveloping Krishna Consciousness.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

SEPTEMBER, 1969 102969-9-33 Tittenhurst19th September, 1969My Dear Sachisuta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated September8th, 1969, and I have noted the contentswith enclosures. I have very much appreciatedthe interview article with you in thepaper Ethos, and I am so pleased to knowthat you have given right interpretation ofour Krishna Consciousness Movement.Now you have got a nice wife, Indumati,and combinedly together you preach themission of Lord Chaitanya as far as possible.I have seen what you have writtenabout your protection by my humble self,but that is inevitable when a SpiritualMaster accepts somebody as disciple.Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that Hetakes charge of a surrendered soul; somuch so that Lord Krishna protects Hisdevotee from all his sinful activities in thepast. Similarly, the Spiritual Master,when He accepts a disciple and the disciplesurrenders unto Him, He has got theresponsibility of absorbing the sinful reactionof His disciples life. This is a greatresponsibility of the Spiritual Master. Weshould therefore be very careful not tooverburden our Spiritual Master by furtherrepetition of sinful activities. Ofcourse, one who has entered into KrishnaConsciousness cannot act deliberatelyanything sinful. Still, we should always beon guard against such activities. Sometimeswe hear that people are going tochurch to confess their sinful actions forbeing excused, but as soon as he comesout of the church, he begins the samedrama again. This is like the bathing of theelephant, who immediately throws dirtagain on his body. We should not followsuch examples. Lord Chaitanya acceptedJagai and Madhai on condition they wouldnot commit further sinful activities. So allour students should be careful in the matterof violating the four principles and atthe same time must carry on the chantingprocess rigidly.Regarding your question, this is alsodescribed in Chapter 9, when Krishnasays that whatever you sacrifice, whateveryou eat, whatever you give in charitygiveit all to Me. Such action is also calledSannyasa yoga. Sannyasa means to sacrificeeverything for the Supreme, and if welink up our activities in such way as isenunciated by the Lord, then all the diversitiesbecome unified in Krishna Consciousness.Krishna Consciousness isitselfBrahma platform, so all our studentswho are engaged in the service of God,they are not on the material platform.They are already liberated[PAGE MISSING]69-9-34Tittenhurst19th September, 1969My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings, and allGlories to the devotees dispatched to Tokyo,Japan. Tarnal Krishna has forwardedyour letter to me, and I am so muchpleased to read it. I quite appreciate yourmethod of working. Now you are contactingsome influential men there, and it isvery enlivening that Mr. Sharma of theEmbassy is trying to help you. Now onething is that there you have got our magazines,and simply by selling our magazinesyou can maintain yourself. Therewill be no difficulty. In all our centers thismagazine has given a new impetus forsolving the economic question. You willbe surprized to know that in Boston theyare collecting on the average $120 eachday. So depend on Krishna and try yourbest. Use your intelligence properly andchant Hare Krishna. Then everything willcome smoothly and easily. I understandthat in some quarters houses are available

1030 Letters from Srrla Prabhuplidafor only $50 or $60 per month, so immediatelyyou can occupy some such placeand hang up the signboard for "InternationalSociety for Krishna Consciousness".Messrs. Dai Nippon and Companyhave given you a good reception, and thatis very encouraging. I shall be glad also toknow if there are other presses also in Japanlike Dai Nippon. I understand that Japanis growing in press industry and paperindustry. Tarnal has suggested me to go toJapan next year, and I am very much anxiousfor this. If we establish a strong centerin Japan and subsequently in HongKong-and from this side we have alreadyin Germany and two, three in the middleeast, like in Tehran and Cairo, then therewill be regular belt all over the world forKrishna Consciousness Movement.I am enclosing herewith some papercuttings showing the reception we had inLondon. Already we have held one verysuccessful meeting in the Town Hall, andthe BBC television station had an interviewwith us on a very popular programfor forty minutes. So things are progressingvery nicely in England as in our otherbranches.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever wll-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-35 TittenhurstSeptember 19th, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated September13th, 1969, and I am so glad to learn thattwo new branches are now opened; one inLaguna Beach, another in Tokyo. Withgreat interest I read the letter of Sudama,and I have also sent him a letter of congratulations.You have proposed to go to Japannext year, and I am very much pleasedon this point. I wish to go with a bigSamkirtan Party from Los Angeles. So ifwe can overflood Japan with this SamldrtanMovement, it will be a great greatachievement in the Eastern countries, andif we move little further more into Chinaand Russia, then we shall build up a strongbelt all around the world of the InternationalSociety for Krishna Consciousness.Here in London the activities are goingon. The place where I am now staying is avery big garden house, and the place allottedto us is a super-excellent templesite. The only difficulty is it is far awayfrom the city, so the city people cannotconveniently come here. The temple inthe city is not finished being constructedyet, neither is there sufficient space. Itcan be used as office and residence, but asa temple, it has no sufficient space. Sothings here are not yet very smooth, althoughthe movement is accepted by thepeople in general as nice. The HareKrishna record is selling very nicely. Yesterday,it sold 5,000 copies, and this weekit is on the chronological list as #20. Theysay next week it will come to be #3 , andafter that it may come to #1. So they arevery much hopeful of this record. Mr.George Harrison appears to be very intelligentboy, and he is by the Grace ofKrishna fortunate also. On the first day,he can1e to see me along with John Lennon,and we had talks about 2 hours. Hewanted to talk with me more, but he isnow gone to his sick mother in Liverpool.So if this boy cooperates with our movement,it will be very nice impetus, for afterall, he is monied man. These moniedmen and women have to be very cautiouslydealt with in spiritual life. We haveto sometimes deal with them on accountof preaching work; otllerwise LordChaitanya Mahaprabhu has strictly restrictedto mix with them for the Krishna

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1031Conscious people. But we get instructionfrom Rupa Goswami that whatever opportunityis favorable for pushing on.Krishna Consciousness we should accept.You write to say that you do not knowwhat is my desire, but my desire is anopen secret. I simply want all over theWestern countries people may take thissimple formula of chanting, dancing andeating Krishna Prasadam, and beinghappy. I am simply surprized that theyshould not accept this simple formula andbe happy themselves. My only desire isthat all people become happy and prosperousin Krishna Consciousness. Mypredecessors, Vaishnavas, they were sogenerous that they felt very much afflictedfor the suffering of the human society. SriRupa Goswami tried to elevate them toreal path of happiness by introducing thisGovinda Ganamrita, the Nectarine of theSongs of Govinda. That will make themhappy.In England there is very good prospectfor pushing on Krishna Consciousness. Iam trying to make some arrangement withMr. Lennon to have the facility for havingthis garden house. Here we can accommodatemany devotees, and if the opportunityis offered to us, we can organize avery strong Samkirtan Party here and establishat lest four or five branches in England.But the climate is not at all suitablefor me. The idea you described in yourletter about unifying the temples is verynice. I am enclosing herewith one newspapercutting of our airport reception foryour reference. Last Tuesday night weappeared on one very popular BBC televisionshow for a forty-five minute interview,and it was very successful.Please convey my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-36 Tittenhurst20th September, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. It has beensome time now since I have heard fromyou, so I am anxious to receive your letter.Please inform me how you, GovindaDasi, Balabhadra, Turyadas and Jayasriare doing. I shall be glad to hear from youabout this. You will be pleased to learnthat Sudama, his wife Chintamoni, andBali Mardan have gone to Tokyo, and alreadythey are making friends with veryinfluential people there, and they are veryencouraged that in Japan there will soonbe a nice reception of the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. I am very pleasedto learn of the progress in Japan, and similarly,I am pleased with the nice progressbeing made in all of our centers. I arrivedin London on September 11th, and therewas a grand reception arranged. I am enclosingherewith some newspaper articleswhich reported on this event. Last Tuesdayevening we were interviewed on avery popular program on BBC television.It was quite successful, and I canunderstand that there is immense potencyin England for spreading KrishnaConsciousness. I want that there may beat least four or five centers here.So I shall be awaiting your letter assoon as possible. Please offer my blessingsto the others. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-37 London22nd September, 1969My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedSeptember 15th, 1969, and I am

1032 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldaencouraged to learn how your temple isprogressing nicely. You write to say thatalready two new boys, Frank and Ed,have joined our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, and that is very good news.Please take very nice care of them andhelp them to understand our principles asfar as possible. Actually, in every townand city there are many, many devoteesof Krishna; now it is our business to goaround the world wherever people arecongregating and pick up these sinceresouls. The world is suffering for want ofthis knowledge of Krishna Consciousness,and we experience practically thatmany people will take to this spiritualline simply if we make this informationavailable to them. So continue to developyour Samkirtan Party activities, and ifyou are given permission to accept donations,that will increase the strength ofyour activities there . You may consultwith Tarnal Krishna in Los Angeles foradvice as to how to approach the authoritiesfor obtaining such permission. That50 people are coming to your Love Feastsand 15-20 people are coming to the kirtansin the temple is good news also. Asyou are a sincere servant of Krishna,Krishna is recognizing your efforts toserve Him nicely and thus He is crowningyour labors for Him with success. Asmore and more you increase in sincerity,similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocateby giving you the intelligenceto serve Him nicely.Regarding your question, we must utilizeour intelligence fully for servingKrishna. Serving Krishna does not meanthat we sit idly and say that Krishna willtake care of all our business. That is notdepending on the Lord; rather it is laziness.Depending on Krishna means to actalways in Krishna Consciousness, realizingthat Krishna is the Ultimate Controllerof all results. I hope you understand thisproperly.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-38 London22nd September, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated September13th, 1969, and I am so glad to learn thatyou will not fight with Brahmananda.Brahma means "the Great", so even ifyou fight, then it will be physically impossibleto come out victorious. But one thingI see is that you are coming out victoriousin the matter of sales organization of thebooks. In one of the letters of BrahmanandaI understand that the book sellingorganization there is not very satisfactory.Therefore , I am very much glad to readthe circular letter issued to the templepresidents, and I shall be glad to knowhow you are getting response. The methodsyou have adopted to approach reviewersand convince them to review ourbooks, how much this attempt has beensuccessful? Reviewing is the only way forpushing on any publication. Somehow orother we have to organize the sales of ourbooks and literature. Otherwise, what isthe use of starting the press? The pressmust work on continuously, and we shallproduce immense literature. If the pressgoes on nicly, I shall be able to give youmaterial for publishing a book every twomonths. We have got so much material forKrishna Consciousness Movement. Inyour last letter I understood that you arecollecting at least $70 to $80 weekly byselling books. That is a great service tothe society.

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1033I am not very much enthusiastic topublish our books by some publicationbouse, including Macmillan and Company.So far as I know, Ram Krishna Missionhas their own publication organization;Aravinda Ashram has their own publicationorganization; Theosophical Societybas their own arrangement; Bible Societybas their own arrangement; RabindraNath Thakur has their own arrangement.So why Iskcon should fail to have its ownorganization? The thing is that the publishersare interested in money. They willmake a condition that you purchase 5,000copies, investing your money, and givesome restriction that you dont go to booksellers. That means they publish with ourmoney, our literature, and sometimes, ifsomebody goes to sell to some bookseller,they take strong objection. At the sametime, they want to publish from the businesspoint of view, without taking intoconsideration the aesthetic and philosphicalside of the literature. I am enclosingherewith one copy of the letter of the MacmillanCompany sent by Brahmananda tome, and you seriously consider the wholesituation along with Tarnal and let meknow your definate opinion what to do.I am pleased to note your attitude regardingbusiness. Our policy is nirbandhekrishna sambandha: We shall accept allkinds of civil activities, including business,trade, industry, only in connectionwith Krishna. I am glad that you are followingthis principle, and Krishna will bevery, very pleased upon you to make youadvance in Krishna Consciousness. RegardingDwarkin & Sons, dont botherabout it now. I shall see later on. I amkeeping the invoice, and when it is required,we shall utilize. Hope this meetsYou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-39 London22nd September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letters dated September17th, 18th, 1969. Regarding the Rathayatraarticles, Purushottam has sentyou the article for San Francisco Festival,and by tomorow most probably Gurudaswill send you an article about London Festival.So far as Macmillan is concerned, Ihave written to Gargamuni. Gargamuni isorganizing bookselling, and perhaps youhave received his memo to all templepresidents . regarding selling our literature.So I am consulting with him before Ifinally decide about the Macmillan Company.But Macmillan's letter to you is notvery encouraging. I have received thebank slips you have sent to me, and I hopeby this time you have received the passbook.On hearing from you I shall adviseyou for changing the account to anotherbranch. Regarding the length of the FirstCanto manuscript, you may write to Hayagriva,who is now in New Vrindaban. Onthe reverse side is a nice article of our arrivalin London which was printed TheSun, a very popular English paper.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-40London22nd September, 1969My Dear Sethji,Please accept my greetings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated 18th August,1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. The boy, Shri Arun Kumar,wherever he goes in our centers, he willbe welcome. All our centers are accustomedto taking Prasadam, so it will be

1034 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>very nice if he lives with us. Just now wehave no center in Pittsburgh, although wehave opened a branch in Philadelphia at4524 Regent Street, Phila., Pa. 19143.Our Tokyo branch is not yet opened, butour men are working there, and as soon asthey find a suitable house, we shall regularlyestablish the center. In the meantime,we have established some newcenters in Washington, Detriot, Colorado,and Laguna Beach. Perhaps youhave seen in The 'limes of India and otherpapers about my London arrival. On thereverse side you will find one of the articlesfrom The Sun, published in London.We have released one Hare Krishna recordthrough the famous record manufacturers,the Apple Company, and by theGrace of Krishna it is being sold on the average20,000 copies per week in Londonalone. So the Hare Krishna Movement isgradually becoming very popuiar in theWestern countries. It is great necessity toconstruct a very big Radha-Krishna templehere, so I am trying to find out someredundant churches to turn into temples.Please pray to Lord Chaitanya to help mein this great attempt. You are a great devoteeof Lord Chaitanya and your prayerswill be heard by Him.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I am forwarding a copy of this letter toShri Bhaiji (Shri Hanuman Prasadji Poddar).Sri J. Dalmia New Delhi.69-9-41London22nd September, 1969My Dear Sridama,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter (undated) , and Ihave noted the contents carefully. I ampleased that you are doing nicely in Philadelphiatemple, and Subal has written tome that you are a great help to him there.Regarding Rohini Devi, don't worryabout her. Perhaps Krishna wishers you toremain brahmachary. You were not willingto marry, but she insisted. Now shehas been taken away by her father; so youmay take it as Krishna's Desire. If you decideto remain as brahmachary, then I maycall you back for my personal assistancewhen I return to the States. I was verymuch pleased with your service. MayKrishna bless you more and more.On the reverse side you will find an articlewhich was published in The Sun, apopular English newspaper. Please convymy thanks to Subal for his letter to medated September 15th, 1969. I am verymuch encouraged to see how he is gainingskill in managing a temple nicely. Pleaseoffer my blessings to the others. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-42 London22nd September, 1969The Punjab National Bank Ltd.Vrindaban, Mathura U.P.INDIAATT: ManagerDear Sir,Replying your letter dated the 6th September, 1969 , I beg to advise you not toadvance Ram Nath Murtiwala anything. Ihave not yet settled up with any other supplier.Therefore, the money which I havesent may be credited in my account. Weare negotiating with some Bombay firmfor supplies of musical instruments. Is itpossible to open an account in your Bornbaybranch by transferring part of mycredit balance there? I do not know what

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1035is the procedure, but I find it necessary tokeep some money in your Bombaybranch. I shall be glad if you will enlightenme in this connection.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedant SwamiACBS/pdb69-9-43London25th September, 1969My Dear Jadurany,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated September16, 1969, and I have noted the contentscarefully. I am pleased to note that theBoston temple is going on nicely and youare working very steadily at your paintingwork. Regarding Barunadev, he is a verybeautiful demigod in the form of a man.He has a beautiful body nice clothe, helmet,ornaments. So you may paint him inthat way. Regarding pictures from SrimadBhagavatam, if you have enough time, Ican suggest so many pictures; but for thetime being you are engaged in pictures forKrishna. That is also Srimad Bhagavatam.First let these pictures be finishednicely. Make them as nice as possible, andthen later on you can do pictures for ourother books. Regarding the relative importanceof painting and temple kirtansfor you, the painting is more important.Paint and chant Hare Krishna, that is themost important engagement for you. Ihave received a letter from Satsvarupa inwhich he inquired if he may print some ofthe Krishna book in BTG. Please informhim that this is a nice idea and he maydo it.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-44London26th September, 1969My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I am sopleasci:l to receive your letter (undated). Ihave already written one letter to Krishnadas, and I am anxious to receive a replyfrom him. Anyway, I am so pleased tolearn you have found out a very niceplace. My suggestion is that you take afirst class temple site; never mind if therent is little higher. Krishna will give youstrength. But try to find out first classplace for Krishna, and make the thronevery nicely as per thesample I have given.Then I shall go again and install the Deity.The sooner you do it is better, becausewhen it will be cold, I must leave Europe.I always remember you for your kindpersonal service and walking with me onthe street. So you are so kind upon me,Krishna will bless you with advanced consciousness,and you will be spirituallyvery happy. Thank you very much.Please offer my blessings to all and letme know about the progress with ZuruckZur Gottheit. I hope this meets you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-45 Tittenhurst27th September, 1969To His Holiness Swami R.S. BhagabatMaharajRevered Sripad Bhagabat Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to inform you that in reply to your letterdated 8th August 1969, I sent my letterdated 21st August 1969 when I was in LosAngeles. Since then I have received noletter from you. I gave you my address inGermany, but I did not receive any letterthere. So I am confused whether you have

1036 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>received my above Jetter or not. Anyway,now I am staying in England, a few milesfrom London, at the above address. Icame to England on September 11th,1969, and the reception was very pleasing.Perhaps you might have seen some ofthe pictures in Calcutta papers. I am sendingherewith two pictures and newspaperreports for your reference.In your letter dated 8th August 1969you proposed to send a copy to SrimatiVinode Vani Dasi (Miss O.C. Powtell),Superintendent of your Vasudev GaudiyaMath, London. Besides that, you invitedme to talk with your Acharya of the Mission.Now I am staying here, and if youauthorize your representative in London,Srimati Vinode Vani Dasi, to talk preliminarily,then I will welcome the idea. Anyway,I shall be very much pleased toreceive your reply by return mail to myabove London address.Thanking you in anticiption.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-46 Tittenhurst28th September, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your Jetter dated September23rd, 1969 along with the pressproofcopy of BTG #28. It is nice. Everyonehere liked it. Simply the mistakes whichyou have already admitted may be correctedin the future . That is to say theheadline should be broader and each pageshould mention the words "Back To Godhead".I think from next issue the editor'sand co-editor's name should be mentioned:that is Hayagriva and Satsvarupa.At least officially there must be the editor'sname there. I think that is required bythe press act. You have received my letterdated 16th September, and I hope by thistime you have made up my pass book inthe bank. I am very much anxious to knowthe credit balance in my favor up to date.Regarding transferring my account to anotherbranch, I think a simple Jetter to thepresent branch will be sufficient. When Itransferred my account in the Bank ofAmerica from San Francisco to LosAngeles, I simply sent them one letter andeverything was done . If you think thatchanging the branch is necessary, then 1shall send them one letter on hearing fromyou. 1n the meantime, please let me knowwhat is the correct credit balance in myfavor.Regarding Macmillan's letter, I haveforwarded the same to Gargamuni andTarnal for consultation before final decision.I have not heard anything from themtill now. If the matter is urgent, you canconsult with them and whatever you alldecide, that is my decision. Now, graduallyI am trying to hand over the managementto the reliable hands of my disciples,and you should all work by joint consultation,without any friction. Now, by theGrace of Krishna, we are expanding andwe must work in such a way that our societymay stand a solid institution. In thisconnection I shall request you not to circulateall my letters that I address to you.Letters are sometimes personal and confidential,and if all letters are circulated, itmay react reversely. I have already gotsome hints like that with letters I sent toyou regarding Kirtanananda and Hayagriva.So in the future please do not circulatemy letters to you . All my letters to youshould be considered as confidential, andif you want at all to circulate, you just askme before doing so. I am glad that Dayanandahas gone to electrify the pressnicely, and things are going on smoothlythere. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

SEPTEMBER, 1969 103769-9-47 Tittenhurst28th September, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 23rd, 1969 along with yourcheck for $250. I have ordered for 4 pairsof Deities, and as soon as they arrive Ishall give you one pair. Regarding yourquestion about faith in devotees, faithmust be there. But we should always takeinstruction from devotees who are consideredto be elevated. A preacher's positionis like this: He should have firm faith andlove for Krishna. He should make friendshipwith devotees. He should be verymuch charitable and kind to the neophytesand he should avoid the company of nondevotees.This program suggests, of course,that a devotee who is not in the neophytestage can discriminate what is Krishna,what is devotee, what is neophyte andwhat is non-devotee. Unless one is able todiscriminate, he is to be considered to bein the neophyte stage. In the neophytestage the position is that the neophyte devoteeworships the Deity in the temple withgreat awe and reverence, but he cannotdiscriminate who is devotee, who is nondevoteeand who is neophyte. I think youmust be in the second stage and should tryto discriminate as above . Any devoteewanting to see you should be welcome,but your treatment should be according tohis position.I am so glad to learn that you have soquickly improved the center by the Graceof Krishna. So conduct business verycarefully and cautiously. When Krishnagives us opportunity, we should nevermisuse it. I am confident that you and Himavatiare very considerate . So you arrangethings in such a nice way that thecenter improves more and more daily, asTarnal is handling in Los Angeles. If youdeal with the students cautiously and carefully,many of them may embrace thisKrishna Consciousness Movement, andeven a few of them turn to Krishna Consciousnesson account of your endeavor,Krishna will be so much pleased uponyou and bestow His benediction. So youcan keep the extra money in the bankcarefully, and whenever there is excessmoney, you can spare it for the book fundand press organization, which I havetaken now very seriously. So far as I understand,to install the press there is abouta $5,000 deficiencly. * Brahmananda informedme of this, and I have assured himthat he should not worry, I shall try tomanage for it.So far as you are thinking about me, Ialways think about you and your wife,how beautiful devotees you are. MayKrishna bless you more and more. Thingshere in England are satisfactory, and I ammeeting some interested important Indiangentlemen, who may take also seriouslythis Krishna Consciousness Movement.Regarding your two questions from BhagavadGita , in both instances the referenceis made to the Supersoul, or Krishna.Regarding Vedanta Sutra tapes, I cansend them to you when I return to LosAngeles, because the books and referencebooks are there. You mention in your letterthat you have a very good typist there.If he can handle a Composer machine aswe have purchased in Columbus, that willbe a great help because as soon as we startour press we shall require so many composedmatters for printing into books. TheIBM machine is very nice in this connection.If he can handle such machine, thenyou can try to secure such machine and wecan send manuscripts for composing.First of all see whether he sticks with usand becomes seriously engaged in our activities.Then consult with the people forComposer machine. That will be a greathelp.

1038 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*They will require $20,000.00 for establishingthe press.69-9-48 Tittenhurst28th September, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 23rd, 1969 with enclosures. Ishall keep the letter of Mr. Manu Vora inmy file. The composition which you havesent me, although it is incomplete, it appearsto be nice. I do not find any mistakein the composition, but sometimes youhave spelled Chaitanya as Chaitanya, andsometimes you have spelled it Caitanya.so why there should be two differentspellings? On page #3 you will find thisdifference. Otherwise, I do not find anydifficulty. Regarding lshopanishad, Ihave no books here with me, so I cannotactually refer to the book what is Mantra#9. This is the difficulty of editorial work.I do not know in the absence of the bookhow I can help you. But the way of Englishsynonyms given by you on page #3, underheading "Sri lshopanisad English Synonyms,Invocation and Mantras 1-V '' is setup very nicely. If you follow this principlethroughout in all our books, it will bevery, very nice, super-excellent work. Butif you sometimes refer me on my touringprogram, it will be difficult for me. Ofcourse, after my return from Europe I amsitting down tight for book work, and thenit will not be very difficult job for me ifyou refer any sentence for correction. Inthe meantime, I think you are doingnicely. Just pray Krishna and do your best.So far as your family life is concerned,the description given by you is nice. Youshould always remember that sex lifeshould be avoided as far as possible, andsimply it can be utilized for begettingKrishna conscious children. So you are allgrown up boys and girls, advanced also inKrishna Consciousness; so you will dothe necessary thing even without consultingme . Regarding the pages of Nectar ofDevotion which were sent to you fromGermany, it may be delayed so you willhave to wait for some days. It was sent byregistered mail, so I am hoping it is notlost. When you receive it, please let meknow. Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. In every page the name of the bookover the left page and the subject matter onthe head of the right page must be men·tioned.69-9-49Tittenhurst3Dth September, 1969ManagerThe Bank of BarodaChandni ChowkDelhi-6, INDIADear Sir,In continuation of my letter dated 7thSeptember 1969 dispatched from my Germancenter, I beg to inform you furtherthat Messrs. INDO CRAFTER is goingto supply goods as per copy of the proformainvoice enclosed. They will submitthe shipping documents by the end of October,1969, and you shall pay them theamount from the $700 and odds fund($300 and odds previously, and $400 senton 3rd September) . The total value of thetwo invoices comes to Rs . 4,800 (Rs.2,200 and Rs. 2,600), which approximatelyin dollar value comes to $640. Sokindly arrange to pay this amount and thedocuments may be sent to the following

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1039address: TITTENHURST PARK, TIT­TENHURST HOUSE, Ascot, Berkshire,ENGLAND. You may debit the chargesto my account.IMPORT ANT: The shipping documentsfor Los Angeles shall be sent to thefollowing address by registered mail:INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FORKRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS, 1975So. La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles,California 90034, USA. The shippingdocuments for London shall be mailed byregistered cover to INTERNATIONALSOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CON­SCIOUSNESS, 7 Bury Place, WC 1,London, England.We have received complaint from theBina Musical Stores that on their enquiryabout $400 dispatched from America youhave replied in the negative. The $400was sent by cable on the 3rd September1969, and before that you received $300and odds. Then why you should replythem in the negative? For this reply thedispatch is held up and delayed. Kindlyinform the immediately in the affirmativeso that the consignment may not be delayed.Please reply this letter to my aboveaddress. Thanking you in anticipation.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-9-50 Tittenhurst30th September, 1969My Dear Sripad Narayan Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your letterdated September 14th, 1969 and I havenoted the contents. I am very much perturbedto learn about your sick health. Ihope by the Grace of Lord Krishna youwill soon recover. Please offer my obeisancesto Muni Maharaj . Regarding sponsoringMrs. N .K. Achamma, I beg to informyou that to sponsor a person fromIndia means to send him immediately a returnticket by air, which means Rs12,000. I do not know who will be agreeingto invest this money for an unknownperson. Although she has got money, shecannot spend it fo r coming to foreigncountries. Therefore, sponsoring meansthe money should go from the foreigncountry and then she can come. Anyway,at the present moment I am living in London,a few miles off, at the above gardenhouse. When I return to the States, I shalltry to find out if somebody can help her. Iam enclosing herewith two newspapercuttings which were published on my arrivalin London. You can publish this newsin your Bhagavat paper.Regarding the 92 section case againstthe Gaudiya Math, I dont think there isany possibility of compromise. Bot theBaghbazar party and Mayapur party haveunlawfully usurped the missionary institutionof Srila Prabhupad, and wheneverthey will talk of a compromise, it meansanother complication.Thanking you once more for your letter.Sincerely yours,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-51 Tittenhurst30th September, 1969My Dear Nandarani,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedAugust 19th, 1969, and I am so glad tolearn that the activities in Los Angelestemple are going very nicely. The first dayI arrived we had talks about two hourswith the Beatles, but because they are materiallyvery rich, it is little difficult forthem to understand Krishna Consciousnessphilosophy. In the Bhagavad Gita,perhaps you have read, it is said there that

1040 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidathose who are too much addicted to materialisticway of sense gratification, theycannot put their faith in Krishna Consciousness.Anyway, whatever they arehelping, that is welcome. Their record isselling nicely, and George Harrison ismore inclined to our movement. Now heis not in London, because his mother isvery ill and he has gone to Liverpool. I amliving in the guest house of Mr. Lennon.He has spared a very nice temple househere where we hold our kirtans, since ourown temple house in London proper is underrenovation.I am so glad to Jearn that Chandramukhiis getting Krishna Consciousnessfrom the very beginning of her life. This isthe advantage of her previous life's advancementin Krishna Consciousness.Please take care of your children andmake them perfectly Krishna Conscious.That is very great service. If by your endeavorone or two souls who come underyour protection become liberated in thislife, that is a great transcendental serviceto the Lord. So I am sure your children underthe care of both you and Dayanandasurely have salvation in this life, alongwith their parents, and they will not haveto come back in this miserable conditionof material life. That is the injunction ofSrimad Bhagavatam to the Krishna Consciousnessparents. Please offer my blessingsto Kartikeya and Sheelavati for theirgood service and also please hand over theenclosed note to Srimati Rekha. I hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-52September, 1969My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of the 13th Sept. ,and I am so glad to learn that you are activein preaching Krishna Consciousnessin London. You all 3 couples are expert inthe matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness,and your last effort in the matterof performing Ratha Yatra festival wasso successful. So I am sure by your combinedeffort in London, there will be agreat successful center. I am so pleased toJearn about your staunch faith in Krishnaand your Spiritual Master. May Krishnabless you more and more in the matter ofadvancement of Krishna Consciousness.Hope you are well, and please convey myblessings to your good wife, Yamuna devi.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-9-53Los AngelesSeptember, 1969My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated September1st, 1969. If Mr. Lennon contributes hisplace as described by you, then we shallturn it into a place of Divine Culturewhich the younger generation needs sobadly. And if the Archbishop of Canterburygives us one, two, three, four, up tothe point of all the redundant churches, Ishall turn them all into great places ofworship of all kinds of men . If so desired,we can worship the picture of Lord JesusChrist who we admit as the son of Godhead.We worship all worthy sons and servantsof God, but we kick on the face of allrascals who claim to have become God socheaply to mislead many innocent persons.Sometimes back I sent you one Jetteraddressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury,but I have not heard anything from

SEPTEMBER, 1969 1041you. Was that letter presented to his holinessor not? Please enlighten me in thisconnection. Please persuade George tosee the archbishop as early as possible.Regarding my visiting London, I amprepared to go there as soon as you callme. Hope you are all well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

OCTOBER69-10- 1 Tittenhurst1st October, 1969KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS:THE SAMKIRT AN MOVEMENTThe International Society for KrishnaConsciousness is a bonafide religious societystrictly following the principles describedin the Vedic scriptures andpracticed in India for thousands of years.Our basic beliefs are as follows:1) The Absolute Truth is contained inall the great Scriptures of the world; theBible, Koran, Torah, etc. However, theoldest known Revealed Scriptures in existenceare the Vedic literatures, most notablythe BHAGAV AD GIT A which is theliteral record of God 's actual Words.2) God, or KRISHNA is eternal , allknowing,omnipresent, all-powerful andall attractive, the seed-giving Father ofman and all living entities. He is the sustainingenergy of all life , nature and thecosmic situation.3) Man is actually NOT his body, but iseternal spirit soul, part and parcel of God,and therefore eternal .4) That all men are brothers can bepractised only when we realise God as ourcommon ultimate Father.5) All our actions should be performedas a sacrifice to the Supreme Lord . .. "allthat you do, all that you eat, all that youoffer and give away, as well as all austeritiesthat you may perform, should be doneas an offering unto Me." (Bhagavad Gita,IX, 27)6) The food that sustains us should alwaysbe offered to the Lord before eating.In this way He becomes the Offering, andsuch eating purifies us.7) We can, by sincere cultivation ofbonafide spiritual science attain to thestate of pure, unending blissful consciousness,free from anxiety in this very lifetime.8) The recommended means of attainingthe mature stage of Love of God in thepresent age of 'Kali', or quarrel, is tochant the Holy Name of the Lord. Theeasiest method for most people is to chantthe Hare Krishna mantra: Hare KrishnaHare Krishna, Krishna Krishna HareHare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, RamaRama Hare Hare .Our basic Mission is to propagate theSamkirtan Movement (chanting of theHoly Names of God) all around the worldas was recommended by the Incarnationof the Lord, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.People in this age are reluctant very muchto understand about God consciousnesson account of their unfortunate conditionof life. They are working hard day andnight simply for sense gratification. Butthis transcendental vibration of Samkirtanwill knock at the door of their hearts forspiritual awakening. Therefore, theyshould be given the chance for this opportunity.It is not recommended that a KrishnaConscious devotee go into seclusion forchanting by himself and thereby gainingsalvation for himself alone. Our duty andreligious obligation is to go out into thestreets where the people in general canhear the chanting and see the dancing. Wehave already seen practically how by thisprocess many, many boys and girls ofAmerica and Europe have been saved

1044 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>from the immoral practices of this age andhave now dedicated their lives to the serviceof Krishna.The state laws are specifically meantfor making citizens men of good character,and good character means avoidingthe following sinful activities: intoxication,illicit sex life, gambling and meateating.We are checking people frompracticing these sinful activities. All ofour students are applying these principlespractically in their lives, and they areteaching others to follow the same principles.Therefore, it is the duty of the governmentto help us in our missionary workrather than to hinder us.It is hoped that the government authoritieswill cooperate with our Samkirtanparties in enabling us to perform Samkirtanon the streets. To do this it is necessarythat we be able to chant the Names ofKrishna, dance, play the mridunga drum,request donations, sell our society's journal,and on occasion, sit down with themridunga drum. As devotees of LordKrishna it is our duty to teach the peoplehow to love God and worship Him in theirdaily life . This is the aim and destinationof human life.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-2 Tittenhurstlst October, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings . I beg tothank you for your letter dated September25th, 1969 and I have noted the contents. Iam sorry to learn that Dyal Nitai has temporarilyleft our association, and if in hisabsence you can take charge of printingFrench edition of Back To Godhead, thatis nice. But the thing is it must be regularlypublished every month. Now somedevotees have gone to Paris. They are notas yet established, but the idea is that weshould eventually publish our French editionfrom Paris, as the German edition isbeing published from Hamburg. But solong it is not begun there, you can takecharge of publishing from Montreal, as itwas being done. Janardan has not comehere to see me at London. I do not know ifhe has already gone to Paris, because Ihave not received any letter from him either.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-3 Tittenhurstlst October, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedSeptember 21st and 24th, 1969. Regardingyour plan for the house in BeverlyHills, it is all right, but how can you expect$25 per week from all the centers? Ialready asked them for $15 per month formaintenance fund, but they are not sendingregularly. Mostly they are not sendingat all. So money depending on others is nomoney and education depending on booksis no education. The cash down price canbe arranged somehow or other, but how tomeet the monthly expenditures? If it is toostraining, I dont think it is advisable totake up the risk. Of course, we must takerisk for Krishna, but not to the extent itmay hamper our Krishna Consciousnesstemperament. We can take a risk as longas it can be managed easily.I am very encouraged to learn that LagunaBeach is doing nicely. Similarly, Iam getting good reports from Berkeley.But I have not as yet received any letterfrom Tokyo. Have they secured any place

OCTOBER, 1969 1045fo r starting temple? Regarding your proposedcenter in Santa Barbara, it is nice. Ifa California center is favorable, we shouldfirst open there. Regarding the photographsof the pictures I have asked you totake , yes, these should be of very finequality for being published in our Nectarof Devotion and Krishna book. So far asthe size is concerned, this you must consultwith Brahmananda, because he is incharge of setting up the books. The pictureby Devahuti which was in my roomwill be printed on the cover of Nectar ofDevotion, so Brahmananda must decide ifthis picture will cover the entire frontcover, with the title printed on top of it, orif there will be some space allowed for thetitle on an upper margin, as was done inTLC. You may keep the photographs therein LA, and some of them may be publishedin BTG on the cover. Relationshipbetween Godbrothers must be very genuineand pleasing. Otherwise, the future ofour institution will not be very hopeful.After all, very soon you have to manage.As I am getting old, I wish to retire froman active part. Of course, I shall be behindthe scene, but I am thinking of writing aconstitutional will on my return from Europe.Enclosed please find the proclamationyou have requested. I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1 0-4 Tittenhurst3rd October, 1969My Dear Bali Mardan and Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated Monday,29th September, and it is so much encouraging.Last time , in 1967, when I wascoming back from India to the States, Istopped for one day in Tokyo to find outthe possibilities of opening a branch. Istudied the Japanese country within veryshort time and saw that they are very nicepeople. They are Oriental men, and thereis similarity with Indian peoples. So whatI desired in 1967 you have fulfilled in1969, and I thank you very much from thevery core of my heart. Krishna will giveyou long life and prosperity to live andpreach the Krishna Consciousness Movementto the suffering humanity andthereby get benediction of Krishna andthanks from the peoples in general. Bothof you are very good combination, intelligentboys, and Krishna is so kind that immediatelyyou have got no anxiety formaintaining yourselves. Now, Bali Mardan,you are trying to get Chintamonifrom the States; this is good idea. Thisgirl, Chintamoni, will be another asset foryour propaganda because she is actually avery nice devotee, and when she will bewith you she can receive many girl studentsand show them how to prepare Prasadam. So surely you will grow very soona nice Krishna Consciousness society inJapan. Krishna has given you immediatelyone Japanese boy to assist, SrimanCo-Co, and it is understood that he is inquisitiveto learn more about Krishna. Asyou know from Bhagavad Gita , four typesof men; namely the distressed, the man inneed of money, the philosopher and the inquisitive,they take to Krishna Consciousness,and such persons are described asvery pious. They are not ordinary persons.From this fo rmula, Sriman Co-Coappears to be a pious boy, so try to convincehim about our philosophy. The sumand substance of our philosophy is to loveKrishna. Actually, we have got our inherentlove propensity for Krishna, but due toour contact with material energy, that lovingspirit is being overtaken by Maya . Justlike a boy with hookworm, when he eatsvery much his body does not get nourishedon account of the middle creature in

1046 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldahis intenstine. The food goes to the accountof the hookworm. Similarly, wehave got our dormant loving spirit forKrishna, but it is being misused by Maya.As such, we have gradually to disassociatewith Maya or take such medicine whichwill counteract the contact of Maya. Thenour pure Krishna Consciousness willcome out automatically. So this chantingof Hare Krishna Mantra is the only medicineto drive out the smokey curtain createdby Maya, covering our pure heart. Inother words, our love for Krishna is beingblocked by the intervention of Maya, andas soon as we stop this intervention, ourlife becomes sublime. So this is not a sectarianreligious convention, but it is a fact,and the proof is that the Hare KrishnaMantra is liked in USA, in Canada, in Europe,and now in Japan.You write to say that the Japanese studentsenquire very intelligently, more sothan the American boys. Yes, it is a factthat the Japanese people are actually veryintelligent, perhaps more than the Europeansand Americans. That is admitted byone German scholar, my Godbrother. Soif you can satisfy them intellectually andanswer all their questions, that will beyour success. All the answers are there inSrimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita As ItIs, and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya. Youwill simply have to study these books tofind out the answers. Anyway, I think Japanwill be good field in future for spreadingour Krishna Consciousness Movement.You are tested devotees; please handle thematter carefully, and Krishna will giveyou all help.I could not understand what you meanby a cart from India. The Japanese aregood carpenters, so is it not possible to getsuch cart made locally? I do not know ifAchyutananda will be able to help you inthis connection. Here in England theSamkirtan Movement is getting verypopular, and the Party here is getting numerouscalls, even from European cities.So we are very much hopeful here also. Iam anxious to know how you are eating,whether you have got the facilities forcooking nice Prasadam. Japanese rice isvery cheap, so if you take nice rice, dal,chapatis, vegetable, and little milk, thatwill keep your health nice. Bali Mardan,you have asked how the Samkirtan activitiesbecome more relishable every day. Itis due to Lord Chaitanya's benediction.All Glories to Sri Krishna Samkirtan!!I hope this will meet you both in goodhealth, and please keep me informed ofyour progress.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-5 Tittenhurst3rd October, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. Replyingyour letter dated September 28th, 1969and October 1st, 1969, I beg to incloseherewith a check for $4,000 in favor ofIskcon NY, and the copy of the letter addressedto First National City Bank is alsosent herewith. So you can utilize thischeck in the matter of press. I shall talkwith Tarnal what money he has or hasn'tgot. In the meantime, the transaction maynot be delayed, and therefore I am sendingthis check for $4,000. I hope this settlesup the press question. Regarding NewVrindaban, last time I advised Hayagrivato wait transferring the property till thelease amount is paid in full. It is understoodthat he saves $700 per year on accountof his being in the lease holder'sname. So he has to pay $500 per year, buthe is saving $700 from his income tax.Under the circumstances, I think that whyshould we pay this $500 per year from ourpocket? Better it is paid from this $700saving from income tax. So we may wait

OCTOBER, 1969 1047the transfer of the property till the stipulatedlease amount is paid in full in theabove way. Then the property may betransferred to the society's name. This isone thing. Another thing is that just at thepresent moment I do not think the societycan invest any money in New Vrindaban,for the reason that we are starting thispress, and until this press is all establishedI do not wish to divert my attention to NewVrindaban. Another difficulty is that nobodyis staying in New Vrindaban. Eventhe boy Hrishikesha has left, and recentlyI received on letter from Ranadir thatHayagriva and Kirtanananda are also notthere. New Vrindaban is now in charge ofRanadir, so on the whole people are notbeing attracted. In your next president'smeeting you can consider these points.Tarnal is trying to purchase some verynice property in Beverly Hills. The projectis to establish there a nice lskcon libraryto attract the richer class of men inthat area. I do not know how far we shallbe successful in this attempt, but if we aresuccessful in purchasing a property there,it will be a great stride for our propagandawork. It is understood that the most selectedpersons of the Western world, bothEuropeans and Americans, they live inthat quarter of Los Angeles. So why not acenter there? That is the contemplation.Regarding Macmillan, I think the matteris already settled up and we have all decidedto get Srimad Bhagavatam, FirstCanto , published by them. So do theneedful. Whatever you will decide together,that is my decision, and I have alreadyinformed you in this connection.You will be glad to know that our centerin Tokyo, a few miles away from thecapital , in the city of Kyoto, is already established. I think you are in correspondencewith Bali Mardan Prabhu. I am soglad to learn that immediately they havebecome self-sufficient by collecting in thekinan program. This is very encouraging.I am sending herewith the signed bankpapers as requested by you. When you getthe new passbook from the new branchyou can send it to me by registered post, orif it is necessary you can keep it with youin safe custody. I am fowarding a letter Ireceived from Gopinath in Philadelphia,and you can do the needful. I have alreadyinformed you that there is no necessity foryou to send the mango slab at present.* Ifit is required, I shall inform you in mynext letter. In further reference to thepress, do you have any plan for printingour BTG there also?Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*please send mango slab . Just learned it isnot available here.69-10-6Tittenhurst4th October, 1969ManagerEQUITABLE SAVINGS BANKFairfax and Beverly BoulevardLos Angeles, CaliforniaUSADear Sir,I beg to inform you that yesterday Mr.M.A. Grant of 7 Bury Place, London,WC 1, ENGLAND has transferred dollarsin exchange of 150.5 pounds to be depositedin my account #12410. But I seethe account number has been wronglymentioned as 90034. So please rectify thismistake and credit the amount in my savingsaccount duly. In reply to this letterplease let me know what is the correct balanceat present in my credit. Also pleasesend me some envelopes for sendingchecks. Please treat this matter as urgent

1048 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>and write to me at the above address.Thanking you in anticipation.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69- 10-7 Tittenhurst5th October, 1969My Dear Prahladananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated September11th and the contribution check for theBhaktishastri examination. You haveasked me for suggestions of what to say todifferent persons on Samkirtan Party, butthere is no specific saying to any person.Whatever we say we say to everyone. Itdoesn't matter what is his age. KrishnaConsciousness teaching does not dependon the age. It is the eternal platform of thesoul. This is the meaning of transcendental; that is is beyond any consideration ofmaterial qualifications such as age or intelligence.Just like thunder in the skydoes not need any explanation to any oldperson or to a young child, similarly, thetranscendental sound vibration of HareKrishna and preaching of Bhagavad Gitaphilosophy will act on everyone, regardlessof whether or not they are understandingat first. When preaching youonly repeat what you have heard from thedisciplic succession and this will act.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-8Tittenhurst6th October, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1October, 1969, and I am so glad to hearfrom you. You write that you have sent mesome letters recently and also the examinationpapers, but I have received no suchletters or papers. I have asked TarnalKrishna to keep the test papers that weresent to him in Los Angeles there with himto save postage, so if you have sent the papersthere, I shall see them when I returnto the USA. Otherwise, I do not knowwhere these papers are; perhaps it is lostin the mail. In that case you should notifythe bank to stop the check for $75.08. Iam very pleased to learn that you havenow moved to Honolulu into a very goodsection. Now if you can purchase a houseas you have described your plan to do so,that will be very, very good. In Bostonthey have purchased one house, and themonthly payments of $1,000 are dependingupon their sales of BTG. So if you canarrange for sales of BTG and our other literatures,that will be of great assistancefor you in purchasing the house. The bestnews you have written is that GovindaDasi is improving in health now. She is avery nice girl, and I want that in the Nameof Lord Krishna both of you work togetherfor propagating Krishna Consciousness.Krishna will always help you in this andbestow His all blessings upon you. Pleaseask Govinda Dasi to write to me sometime,because I have not heard from herfor many days now.Here in England everything is going onnicely, and this evening we shall appear inbig hall in London for kirtan and lecture.There is great interest in Krishna Consciousnessamongst the English peopleand wherever we have spoken here therehas been very nice reception. So byKrishna's Grace many of the boys andgirls of the Western countires are advancedenough spiritually to take advantageof this Benediction of ChaitanyaMahaprabhu of making perfection of lifeby the Hare Krishna Mantra.

OCTOBER, 1969 1049Please offer my blessings to the othersand keep me informed of your activities inHonolulu. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Our Japan center is opened. So on myway to Japan I must drop at Honolulu.69- 10-9Tittenhurst8th October, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedSeptember 24th, 1969 and have noted thecontents carefully. I am so glad to learnthat you liked that picture which wasprinted in the London newspaper, and Ihave got the original of this picture, givento me by the reporter. If there is somebodythere who could paint it, then it may besent to Los Angeles. Regarding Macmillan,I have already asked Brahmananda tomake the arrangements complete for publishingthe First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.So far as supplies from India areconcerned, Ranjit Mullick will be able tosupply you with these. You may open correspondencewith him, and the copy of hisletter along with my reply is enclosedherewith for your reference. It is settledup that he will purchase from the bestsources and charge 10% on the purchaseprice. So you can ask him for the purchaseinvoice, and that will be nice. First of allask him to send samples. Then begin business.Unless you are satisfied with theprice and sample, dont put any order.Achyutananda is very simpleton, and it isvery easy to cheat him. That is the past experience.I have seen the label for TheSpiritual Sky and it is very nice.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-10Tittenhurst8th October, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge reciept of your letter datedOctober 3rd, 1969 , and I have noted thecontents carefully. I am pleased to notethat you are so seriously considering howto organize the printing of our GermanKrishna Consciousness literature. Youhave suggested that you print in ZZG simplythe verses of Bhagavad Gita, but withoutthe purport what is the meaning of theverses? The purport is actually the mainthing. So you can pick up the principalpoint of a purport and make then a headingfor the article. Just like in the next issueSatsvarupa has published an article,"Lord Shiva, the Greatest Devotee" . Thiswas picked up from my translation andpurpot of 3rd Canto Srimad Bhagavatam.So far as sales are concerned, if you dontsell, then how you will be able to maintainyour establishment? If you want to maintaina nice place simply by all workinghard-in the begining that is all right-butif you cannot maintain it by selling literatureand making collections, then that isnot a good idea. How to sell our magazinesand literatures you have to find outmeans and ways. On the whole, everywherewe are arranging to sell our BTGand maintaining our centers on this sale.So what is the defect that you cannot sell?It is printed in the German language, andit is presenting new and sublime ideas. Ifyou wish, you can cut down on the productioncosts as you have described, butthe sales must be there. Another thing is

1050 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidathat you should obtain this IBM machineas you have mentioned. Then you canmake the size of Z:ZG suitable for beingprinted later on in our Boston presses inbook size. If the composition is preparedby this time, we can immediately print inBoston on our own press which will beready in December. In that case BhagavadGita As It Is may be translated andprinted in Z:ZG in a book shape, so later onit can be reprinted in book form. That is agood idea, but it means you will have toreduce the size of the pages of the magazine.Regarding Kulashekhar, I haveasked him to go and join you. Most probablyhe will join you very soon.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-11Tittenhurst8th October, 1969My Dear Krishnadas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 2, 1969, and I have noted thecontents with pleasure. I have seen theplan of the new temple that you have enclosed.It appears to be a nice, suitableplace. It is Krishna's Grace that the wallsfor the advertisements may be properlyutilized so the passengers in the trains cansee it. You write if possible the followingwords: "We request you to chant HAREKRISHNA HARE KRISHNA, KRISHNAKRISHNA HARE HARE, HARE RAMAHARE RAMA, RAMA RAMA HAREHARE, and your life will be sublime."The mantra may be written in big letters,and the other words in smaller letters . Anotherslogan may be "Join the KrishnaConsciousness Movement. It is peaceful,and it will bring peace and prosperity toeveryone. Regarding your idea for a jewelryshop, it is nice. You become an expertjeweler and you must open a jewelry shopto earn millions of dollars for spending inKrishna Consciousness. Your father is akind gentleman. I have all good wishes forhim, and Krishna will also be very muchpleased upon him because he has such anice devotee son. So your father will alsobe pleased if you open a jewelry shop. lt isa good opportunity both ways: to keepgood relations with your father and tomake money and serve Krishna with themoney profusely. Your plan for supplyingthe temples with nice ornaments for theirDeities is also very good. We should decorate our temple Deities with first class ornamentsand nice flowers. In this templeyou make a throne situated in a big closet.Just like I kept my Deities in a place wherethey were locked up at certain times, similarlyyou do the same. In this way the valuablesof the Deities will be protected.You have given hint that I may go thereagain. That is not a very impossible thing.It takes only one hour to go and one hourto come. I have some engagements here,but ifl come, I can spare at least one weekin Hamburg. So if you arrange for my going,then it will not be impossible. But iflgo next time to install the Deities, you mayalso arrange lectures in schools and withthe Indo-German society. that will benice. You have written that you have sentthe kurtas to me, but I have not receivedthem yet. To which address have you sentthem?* Similarly, I have not received theticket for the Icelandic flight. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Please enquire in the post office whysuch things are happening about mail deliveries.

OCTOBER, 1969 105169- 10-12Tittenhurst8th October, 1 969My Dear Ranadhir,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedSeptember 28th, 1969, and your attitudeof a humble devotee is very much appreciated. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught us tobe humbler than the grass on the streetand more tolerant than the tree, and thuschant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra withoutany impediments .I have seen you when I was in NewVrindaban, and you are quite fit to takecharge of New Vrindaban ashram. Takeespecially nice care of the boys there.They are our future hopes. I have notheard anything from Satyabhama or Paramanandafor some time, so please informme of their whereabouts at present. InHayagriva's letter I understand he doesn'twant much to be interfered with by others,so you do the management very nicely sothat everything may go on smoothly.Thanking you once more for your letter,I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1 0- 13 Tittenhurst8th October, 1969Dear Dr. Sham Sundarji,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your letterdated September 30th, 1 969. Our templeis situated at 7, Bury Place, London, but Iam staying at the garden house belongingto Mr. John Lennon, a world-wide famousman in music and one of the richestmen in England. The news which youhave read in the Gujsrati newspaper thatsome young English boys are chantingHare Krishna Mantra in a garden housenear London is this place. Here also wehave got a nice temple given to us by Mr.Lennon, and sufficient land is here also sowe are collecting young, enthusiastic devoteesto come and live here and make anothercolony of Vaishnavas like our NewVrindaban in West Virginia. So there wasa nice reception here when I arrived, and Iam enclosing herewith one of the newspaperclippings and my London lecture listalso. Last Monday I lectured on "Teachingsof the Vedas" , and it was very muchappreciated by the audience. I spoke forabout one hour and after that they continuedclapping, which confirms their appreciation.Our temple at 7, Bury Place isbeing nicely decorated, and as soon as myapartment is fixed up nicely I shall moverthere.I shall remind Brahmananda aboutyour "True Conception of Religion" , andyou will be pleased to know that we arestarting our own press in Boston in ourown house. The house has cost $70,000,and the press will cost $20,00, which inIndian exchange comes to 9 lacs of rupees.So things are gradually improving.We have already opened our German centerand are publishing our German BackTo Godhead. From Montreal we areprinting a French edition of Back To Godhead,and recently our men have gone toJapan. We have taken a house near Tokyoand our men are working there. Therewill be a great World Fair in Japan in1970, and at that time we shall formallyopen our temple and probably issueour Back To Godhead in Japanese language.So at present moment we havegot temples in six important countries:USA, England, France, Germany, Japanand Canada. All together there are 22branches. Recently in our Detriot branchthe son and daughter-in-law of Sriman J.Dalmia, one of the big industrialists of lndia,visited , and the daughter-in-law presentedmany saris to the devotees there.

1052 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>So the American and European boys andgirls are taking to this cultural life moreand more, and perhaps this will make historyin the future how[PAGE MISSING]69- 10-14Tittenhurst11th October, 1969My Dear Jagadisha,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedOctober 3, 1969, sent along with a maintenancecheck of $15. Regarding the informationyou heard that it is all right toneglect one's 16 rounds as a daily minimum,this is wrong. Everyone shouldstrictly follow the regulations of 16rounds daily. If one is busy for otherKrishna Consciousness activities andcannot fulfill the regular routine of chanting,he must compensate it the next day,curtailing his activities in the matter ofsleeping or eating or any other sense gratificatoryprocess. So far as how long eachday to go out on Samkirtan Party, ChaitanyaMahaprabhu prescribes to chant HareKrishna Mantra 24 hours. So if you cando so, it is very nice. Otherwise, as muchas possible. Samkirtan is our life and soul .I am very glad that Jai Hari Dalmiawas in the temple, and I hope you receivedhim well . His father is a great friend of myactivities. When I was in India he helpedme so many times with financial assistance,so he is sympathetic. I am very gladthat his daughter-in-law has presentedsome saris and the boy has presentedsome books. Please keep the booksnicely. None of you will be able to understandHindi or Sanskrit, so when I returnto USA I shall ask you for these books.Regarding the picture of Lord Chaitanyawhich is outside of your temple, this is notgood. We should not place our worshippableDeities as statues in the open atmosphere.I have also received one very nice letterfrom your good wife, Laxmimoni. Sheis a very nice girl , so the two of you workcombinedly to spread this SamkirtanMovement of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.That will bring all happiness and successto both of your lives .Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-15Tittenhurst13th October, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedOctober 8th and lOth, 1969 and I havenoted the contents carefully. I understandfrom your letter of October 8th that thereis a struggle with the Kazi. This obstacleby the Kazi is not new to our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. It was there evenduring the time of Lord Chaitanya, but wemust steadily go on with our activitieswithout caring for these so-called custodiansof law. We are the most lawful citizensin the world, but if some demon Kazigives stumbling to our execution of duties,we cannot abide by such order. I amvery glad to learn that some of the Catholicpriests are sympathetic with our movement.The government says "In God wetrust", and we are preaching the messageof love of God, pleading with the people tobecome servants of God. So where is thecause of breaking the public peace') I amenclosing herewith a declaration of ourKrishna Consciousness Movement whichyou may present in court if necessary. Yo udepend on Krishna, try to fa ce the chargesby your best abilities and surely Krishnawill help you . A similar charge was

OCTOBER, 1969 1053brought against our men in Philadelphiaand the learned judge found that we arenot culprit.Regarding our books, the scholarlyway should be followed. That means asDr. Radha Krishnan and Bon Maharaj doit, and as Dr. Singh recommends. In allour books and magazines henceforwardthe whole process should be changed.Whatever is done in the past forget. Noweverything should be revised and presentedin the scholarly way. That meansthroughout Krishna should be spelledKma, Vishnu should be spelled ViQ.uand Chaitanya should be spelled Caitanya,etc . I think this will clear the whole thingand there will be no more Maya impediment.I am sorry the NOD manuscript hasnot yet reached. This is another ill luckthat the Post Office has not delivered. Sowhatever you have got finish it. If themanuscript does not reach, then we willwill have to rewrite it again. If there issuch need, I shall send you the duplicate.If it does reach, however, please informme immediately. Your idea that our booksshould be read by scholars is quite appropriate.Without following the diacriticmarks according to scholars they willthink it inefficient. Ye s, we want that businessmen,economists, religionists, students,etc . will all be carrying Bhagavatamand Gita . Yes , do every word of our booksmeticulously and perfectly accuratelytranscribed so the most erudite and deepthinking men of the world can enter intothe intricacies of meaning in each verse.Yo ur idea is nice. Please help all our literaturesin that way and Krishna will blessyou . Never mind what has been done inthe past . Yo u follow these principlessteadily, chant Hare Krishna, and everythingwill be all right. There is no questionof being frustrated . Regarding Nectarof Devotion , although it has been littleprocrastinated . things should be doneslow but sure. Yo ur questions certainlyare not stupid. They are very intelligentquestions and I am just pleased to discussall these matters threadbare. I quite approveof your way of thinking. So do thework and Krishna will help you.Enclosed herewith is a schedule for mylectures and one good news is that ourtemple which was being checked by theplanning commission for possession hasnow been released and we are now able topossess it. So our temple at 7, Bury Placeis now fixed up. Where is Hayagriva andShama Dasi? Please combinedly expeditethe printing matter composed by the IBMmachine and let me know of your progress.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-16 Tittenhurst13th October, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 5, 1969 and have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding your questionabout Gavinda Ganamrita, Govinda isKrishna, and ganamrita means the nectarof songs. That means anything sung aboutthe activities of Govinda is nectar. Youhave mentioned that Srila Rupa Goswamihas introduced this. Srila Rupa Goswami,assisted by all other Goswamis have leftimmense literature for singing about theglories of Govinda. Whatever literaturewe are presenting, following the footstepsof Rupa Goswami and the others, they arealso Govinda Ganamrita. So the moreGovinda Ganamrita or the glories of Govindawill be spread the more the nonsenseof impersonal ism and monism willbe defeated . It is said kaivalya nistaraka.This means the Goswamis del iver us from

1054 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the danger of being lost in the philosophyof monism. As I wrote in my prayers to mySpiritual Master, "impersonal calamityThou hast moved". So this impersonalismis a clamity for the spiritualist.I understand that you have sent $1,000to Brahmananda for the press instead of$5,000. So I have completed that $5,000by sending him another check for $4,000.Whatever you have done is all right, but ifyou have taken anything from the bookfund, you may replace it as soon as possible.I am so glad to Jearn that the bookfund is doing very well. I think the bookfund should be immediately deposited tomy savings account, and if need be, I shallpay you again. I am very glad to learnabout the contribution of Mr. Raj Anand.He appears to be devotee, so deal withhim very carefully. Invite him to take Prasadamas often as possible. He must be avery nice gentleman to have purchased100 BTGs for giving freely to his customers.I have seen the agenda of your president'smeeting. This is nice. One thingshould be followed, however, as yourcountrymen are more or less independentspirited and lovers of democracy. So everythingshould be done very carefully sothat their sentiments may not be hurt.According to Sanskrit moral principles,everything has to be acted, taking considerationof the place, audience andtime. As far as possible the centers shouldact freely, but conjointly. They must lookforward to the common development.That should be the principle. You are allintelligent boys, and you should be engagdin Krishna's service. Then He willgive you all intelligence. So in everyaction we should always pray to Krishnafor His help so that we may act it nicely.Lord Krishna advised Arjuna yudhysvamam anusmara. That should be our principle.We should use all our intellect aswell as possible, and at the same time weshould remember Krishna always.I was very much pleased to hear thatTokyo has so swiftly got a house. Surelyupon Chintomani 's joining them they willget further strength in pushing on theMovement. I have not heard from youwhether or not you have received the consignmentfrom Calcutta and the items allin order according to the invoice. I hope tohear in your next letter on this matter. RegardingMurlidhar's painting of Srila Jagannathdas Babaji, there should be noaura around Him.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-17 Tittenhurst15th October, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 12, 1969 and have noted the contents.Regarding your question aboutMantra 12 of Ishopanishad, the verse as itis, is correct. The Absolute means Brahman,Paramatma and Bhagavan. Whenthe Absolute is realized hazily it is Brahman.When the Absolute is realized moreclearly it is Paramatma. And when theAbsolute is realized distinctly it is Bhagavan.So Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavanare different phases of the AbsoluteTruth. But the Bhagavan aspect of the AbsoluteTruth is distinct from everything.Those who worship the Brahman andParamatma aspect of the Absolute Truthare in a dangerous position because theyhave every chance of again falling downinto the lowest regions. This is becausethey are not fully purified, and the leasttrace of contaminated desire can causehavoc to one's progress. Just like one litcigarette can cause a whole house to burn

OCTOBER, 1969lOSSdown, so incomplete knowledge of thewhole Absolute Truth may not be able tosave one from going to the darkest regionsof ignorance. lshopanishad says that suchpersons who accept Brahman or Paramatmaas the final word of God-realizationwill be "still more" condemned. This isbecause they are offenders of God and arevery stubborn to accept the Supreme Personality.If one refuses to progress to understandthe Supreme Personality ofGodhead, then he is sure to fall downagain into darkness. The worshippers ofthe demigods at least have fear of somehigher personality, and that may eventuallydevelop into fear of the Supreme Personality.But the impersonalists think thateverything is Brahma, everyone is God,therefore they can do whatever they want;and that is a still more dangerous position.I think this will clear up the matter foryou.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS : lshopanishad means "the knowledgethat leads nearer to Kf!jJ:}a." I am returningherewith the Gita Press book you sent mefor the Sanskrit Text. It is nice.69-10-18Tittenhurst15th October, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 15th, 1969 and the copy ofZuruck Zur Gottheit. I had received anothercopy of this issue and I think I hadacknowledged receipt. Anyway, nowthere is a second copy; that is all right. Inthe meantime Kulashekhar has gone toGermany along with his wife to assist you.Of course, weakness in Krishna Consciousnesswe should always feel. That isa good symptom. We should never thinkthat we are strong enough. But the sourceof strength is Krishna and His manifestdrepresentative, the Spiritual Master. Weget this instruction from ChaitanyaChaitamrita that we receive the seed ofKrishna Consciousness through the SpiritualMaster and Krishna. Therefore, weshould serve both simultaneously for continuoussupply of spiritual vitality. So youare now serving Krishna under the instructionof your Spiritual Master, sothere will be no scarcity of supply ofstrength unless there is some weakness onyour part in the matter of absolute faith inthese two shelters. So if you have stillsome doubts in pinching your faith in theservice of your Spiritual Master andKrishna, then you can clear it up. I am alwaysprepared to assist you.When you came from India to Germanyyou told me that you felt completesatisfaction being in Germany, having agood engagement for serving Krishna.But at present you express that you maynot be feeling that .satisfaction intact. Ifyou would explain to me why you are feelinglike that, then I can help you. We aretrying to manage a great institution ofKrishna Consciousness Movement, sothere is possibility of adjusting so manycircumstances. But in all circumstanceswe should have our staunch faith inKrishna and the Spiritual Master. Thenwe will never be shaken off. I hope thisboy, Kulashekhar, will be much helpful inyour department and you will feel morestrength in pushing on this German editionof BTG. There is a proveb in Sanskritliterature that enthusiastic persons achievethe favor of the Goddess of Fortune. In theWestern part of the world there is tangibleexample of this slogan. People in this partof the world are very much enthusiastic inmaterial advancement and they have gotit. Simliarly, according to the instructions

1056 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidaof Srila Rupa Goswami, if we become enthusiasticin spiritual matters, then wealso get success in that way. Take for example,I came to your country in ripe oldage , but I had one asset: enthusiasm andfaith on my Spiritual Master. I think theseassets only are giving me some lights ofhope, whatever I have achieved so far withyour cooperation. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-19Tittenhurst15th October, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 10, 1969 with the deeds enclosed.I do not understand the technicallanguage, but I can follow that there is aproperty in the name of the society. Yes,Krishna is the Proprietor of not only thisproperty, but all the properties of all theuniverses. He is the Supreme Enjoyer ofeverything, and He is the most Beloved,Sincere Friend of everyody. That is a fact.People do not know it or they have forgottenit, and our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is trying to understand thisphilosophy and make others understandit. So you are a sincere devotee of Krishnaand He has given you a great opportunityof service, perhaps #I in all the centers.You are the only pioneer center who possessyour own property and press. I am soglad to learn that things are going onnicely and Krishna is giving you good incomealso. Please therefore managethings very nicely, both husband and wifeand other assistants. You are also very fortunateto have an assistant like Giriraj .This boy has so quickly taken up theKrishna Consciousness cause and I amvery much pleased with his behavoir.Now Advaita should be assisted by someother intelligent man. Jadurany should begiven sufficient space for her paintingwork, assisted by other artists. AndGiriraj is the right leader of SamkirtanParty. I am sorry that Murari has left. Prayto Krishna that he may come back againsoon. Yes, this Uher tape recorder is verynice. It can act both as tape recorder anddictaphone also. It has got exactly thesame speed for direct typewriting, but becauseyou have not got a tape recorder thatplays at this dictaphone speed, we sendyou higher speed tapes.In BTG the rasa lee/a episode cannotbe published. We are writing on the activitiesof Krishna and rasa lee/a is one ofthe most important Pastimes of His transcendentalactivities. Therefore it must bepublished in the book, but it cannot bepublished in any public paper. That is theinstruction of my Guru Maharaj . Actually,rasa lee/a means to curb down thelusty propensities of the conditioned soul.Unfortunately, it acts differently on theconditioned soul if he is not prepared tounderstand what is Krishna. So do not tryto print this.Yes, I am very much anxious to go toBoston as soon as possible, but at thesame time I want to see London centerwell established. Since I have come hereKrishna has given us our permanent placewhich was in dispute at 7. Bury Place. It isvery well situated, and perhaps Londoncenter will also come out very successfulin the near future . The Hare Krishna recordis going on in England nicely, and Iheard that in Australia it stands 4th on thelist of 50 important records.I have heard also from Brahmanandathat he plans to spend 3 days per week atBoston, but I have also heard that duringhis absence 3 devotees have left the temple.So things should be managed sonicely that our devotees may not leave us.We get a devotee after great endeavour,

OCTOBER, 1969 1057and we must train such devotee in a niceway so that he may not go back and be atlarge in the clutches of Maya. I think Ishall visit Boston in December surely, ifnot in November, and I shall let you knowthe exact time and date. As you are talkingofmyselfthat I am your only shelter, similarlyI am always thinking that you allboys and girls are only my hopes. When Iwas first in Boston in the same CommonwealthPort I was thinking how I shall beable to establish my mission in this country.Now, by Krishna's Grace, the time hascome when I see Boston is the first centerand in Boston we have got so many nicedevotees.Please offer my blessings to all the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Ask Dayananda to write me. He is sonice boy and I want to hear from him. RecentlyI got one letter from Nandarani.She is so nice as her husband.69- 1 0-20 Tittenhurst16th October, 1969My Dear Chidananda,Please accept my blessings. It is agreat pleasure to receive your letter datedOctober 7, 1969, and I am so glad to readit that you have got a nice place for startingour temple. I do not know what is thelength and breadth of the space, but athrone of Radha Krishna may be made exactlyon the pattern of Los Angeles, andthe sample picture is sent herewith foryour guidance. When everything is completedwe shall install a 24" high Radha­Krishna Pair and make it exactly decoratedlike the Los Angeles temple.Ananda is a very silent worker and sinceredevotee, and I am glad that two otherbrahmacharies, Rabindra and Rudradas,are also there to accompany you on theSamkirtan Party everyday. You are an experienceddevotee, and I hope in yourpresence now Vancouver temple willcome out very successful. I passedthrough Vancouver while coming fromSeattle to Montreal, but I never saw thecity. Now I hope while we install Radha­Krishna Murtis there I may see the nicecity of Vancouver. Our method of establishinga flourishing center will continueto be the same. This is standard and successful. Please keep me informed aboutyour center.Here in London progress is going onnicely, and they have recently received authorizationfrom the city authorities to establishour temple at 7 Bury Place in theheart of London. Last evening we held avery successful meeting at Conway Hall ,and several hundred young boys and girls,as well as many Indian people, werechanting and dancing in transcendentalecstasy with us. Next week, and once veryweek for the next ten weeks, we havescheduled more such engagements . I amvery much encouraged to see the nice reactionthat the English people are havingto our Krishna Consciousness Movement.It is all the Grace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-21Tittenhurst16th October, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,Please accept my blessings. I beg to informyou that I have received a letter fromthe Gaudiya Mission, Calcutta, in whichthey write to say as follows:"We have been greatly obliged on receiptof a letter dated August 18, 1969

1058 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidafrom Shri Krishna Das of Radha KrishnaTemple, Montreal (Canada) offering usa shipment of medical stores and again aletter dated September 1 , 1969 from oneAdministrative Asst. of world Naval Service,Montreal, offering us 20,000 bagsof flour for the needy in India. We valuesuch offers as coming at your instance.We contacted W. Bengal Govt. They arenot much interested in taking charge anddistributing the same. We are, however,consulting other suitable parties who canhandle and deal with the matter as perobject of the donor. We are personaly unfitfor such importing and shipping matters,as you may well understand. Weshall write to the parties after we get responsefrom a dependable local partyhere ."I am surprised that such bogus lettershave come from parties claimingto belong to our centers. Our discipleKrishna das is in Germany, not in Montreal.Anyway, such irresponsible lettersdispatched from our temples must bestopped immediately. I shall be glad tohear from you about this by return ofpost. If somebody is unauthorizedly usingour stationeries and writing letters toresponsible quarters, with no sanctionfrom us, then such persons must beavoided.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-22Tittenhurst16th October, 1969My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedSeptember 26, 1969, October 3, and October12, 1969, and have noted the contentscarefully. I thank you very much foryour contribution of $500 to the startingof our press in Boston as well as your $15contribution to the maintenance fund. lam always encouraged to hear of yournice activities in Philadelphia, and graduallyI expect that our Philadelphia templewill play more and more an importantrole in the propagation of the KrishnaConsciousness Movement. The peopleof the world are looking for some way ofbeing hapy and making solution to theirproblems, and we are presenting the bestand easiest method of making final solutionof all the discrepencies of life andachieving the highest bliss, which iseteranal . So if we are persistent in ourpropaganda methods, then surely many,many persons will have the good sense totake advantage of our movement, andthereby attain the highest goal of life, unalloyeddevotional service to the SupremeLord Krishna.In London things are going on nicely,and last evening we had a meeting in ConwayHall and several hundred personswere joining us in chanting and dancing.After the meeting one reporter from thebiggest London newspaper came behindthe stage to get further information aboutour movement for publication in his pa·per. So I am very encouraged to see thenice reception that the people and thenews medias are giving to our activities inLondon. Last week we were given officialpermission by the city authorities to haveour temple at 7 Bury Place. Already therehas been great public interest in this temple,so by Krishna's Grace there shall be avery successful temple established inLondon very soon.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

OCTOBER, 1969 105969- I0-23Tittenhurst18th October, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated October10, 1969. I have already informed TarnalKrishna in my letter dated 13thOctober that I have sent Brahmananda acheck for $4,000, as he wanted $5,000and you have sent $1 ,000 and Subal hassent him also $500. So the extra moneythat you have got now you can deposit tomy savings account. The book fund collectionmay be deposited in my savings account,and a monthly statement may besubmitted how much is deposited in thataccount. When need be, I shall personallyissue a check. That will keep the accountclear. I am so much pleased to learn thatyou are collecting $200 per week from thebook selling table. Thank you very much.I am also pleased to learn that the SpiritualSky is making appreciable profit for expandingKrishna Consciousness andopening branches. I have given instructionto Tarnal how to keep the branchesgoing on simply on the strength of chantingthe Mantra and following the rules andregulations. We shall always pray toKrishna that we are weak and Maya isvery strong. So seek for His protection inevery step so Maya may not inflict upon usher trident injuries. Perhaps you haveseen the picture of Durga carrying the tridentin her hand, which is a symbol of the3-fold miseries of material existence. Maya'smost attractive feature is women andmoney. We Krishna Conscious men haveto deal with women and money in courseof preaching work, and the only prophylacticmeasure to save us is not to acceptthem for our sense gratification. Then weshall remain strong enough. Materialisticpeople take everything for sense gratificationand Krishna Conscious peopletake everything for Krishna's satisfaction.There is no fault in the thing as it is;namely women and money, but it becomesfaulty by improper use. The improperuse is to accept them for sensegratification. As it is stated in BhagavadGita , we can remain very strong from thisby taking a firm shelter under the LotusFeet of Krishna, by chanting His HolyName incessently, and praying always forbeing engaged in His service. In this wayHe will protect us from our weakness.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-24 Tittenhurst18th October, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 12, 1969 along with the copy ofthe West Coast president's report of themeeting held at Berkeley. Gradually thismeeting should develop into a committeeof the West Coast presidents, and similarlythere should be one for the EastCoast, so in the future we can form a centralgoverning body for the whole institution.Therefore the management shouldbe done very cautiously so that everyoneis satisfied in their autonomous managingcapacity. Of course, the central point isthe order of the Spiritual Master, and I amvery glad that you are trying to give importanceto this aspect of management.The difficulty is sometimes things are interpretedin a manner dovetailing one'sown sense gratification. I have got thispersonal experience in my Guru Maharaj's institution. Different Godbrotherstook the words of Guru Maharaj in differentinterpretations for sense gratification

1060 Letters from Srila Prabhuptidaand the whole mission disrupted. This isstill going on for the last 40 years withoutany proper settlement. I am always afraidof this crack, but I am sure if our aim is toserve Krishna sincerely and the SpiritualMaster simultaneously, that will be oursuccess. That means serve Krishna andthe Spiritual Master simultaneously withequal faith and serious vow, and then successis sure. Yourself, Gargamuni, Brahmanandaand the others are intelligent. Youshould always deal things so tactfully thatpeople may not fall away. Every living beingis important in Krishna Conscious service,and we must take all precautions thatone may not fall away.Regarding the booklet you and Gargamuniare sending, in the introductory portionsigned by you and Gargamuni youhave said that I am "personally instructingJohn Lennon and George Harrisonin the yoga of ecstasy". This is not verysatisfactory. Of course, George Harrisonsometimes comes to see me and naturallyI instruct him on the bhakti yoga. But thestatement in the letter gives hint as if Ihave been invited by them for this. If thiscomes to their notice, they may take someobjection which will not go to our credit.These things should not be publically advertised,and I do not know why this hasbeen done. Anyway, if you have not distributedmany of them, you just try to takeout that portion which is not a fact.Regarding purchasing of temples, ifwithin our means and estimation it is possible,that is a good idea. The best exampleis Boston temple. They have takenresponsibility for $1100/ per month, andby the Grace of Krishna they are now collectingat the rate of $ 120 per day. So ifBerkeley is also in that position, they cantake that risk. Similarly, San Franciscoalso, and I understand that both Hansaduttaand Madhudvisa are do;_ng nicely.So if the principle of Boston temple canbe followed without over-burden andanxiety, that is very good. If they are alsocollecting daily average $100, they cantake the risk of purchasing the house.Regarding the World Samkirtan Party,that is my long-cherished idea, and I wishto see it fulfilled as soon as possible.But do not count on others. If somebodycomes forward to help us, that is welcome.But if we at all take the job, wemust take it on our own strength. For experimentalsake, you can seek out for anagent who can arrange for our SamkirtanParty moving in all the states of America,and then we can think of touring all overthe world.Where is my Book Fund being kept? Ithink whatever money is received fromthe Book Fund or for my personal accountmay be immediately deposited in my savingsaccount #12410 with the EquitableSavings Bank at Fairfax and Beverly, andmonthly statements may be submitted tome how much you have deposited withthe bank. Regarding movement of themembers from one temple to another, Ithink the local president's permission issufficient. Dont take too much load ofindividual administration. That will beunmanageable in the near future. I havealso instructed Brahmananda in this way. Ihave also advised Brahmananda to ask formontly reports, and similarly you may askfor monthly reports. That will be easier. Ithank you so much for the new templesthat are opening. Please conduct themnicely and enthuse the people to stick tothe chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra andfollowing the rules and regulations. Thenthey will be strong enough to managethings very nicely. Other things will besupplied by Krishna.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

OCTOBER, 1969 106169 - 10 -25 London20th October, 1969MY p ear Sri Parikh,Please accept my greetings and blessingsof Lord Krishna.As you know that my miSSion is tospread Krishna Consciousness in theWestern part of the World, I wish to establishone permanent Sri Sri Radha KrishnaTemple in London. In this connection Ibeg to invite you in a meeting as followsfor the purpose. Please join and encourageme.Meeting on Monday the 27th day ofOctober 1969 at 7:30 P. M.Place: English speaking union MainLuncheon Room. 37 Charles Street WestI near Berkley Sq.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-26Tittenhurst21st October, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letters dated October5 , 1969 and October 7, 1969 and havenoted the contents carefully. As you werenot fixed up in any place I could not reply.Now I understand from Brahmananda 'sletter that you have returned back to NewYork temple, so I am glad to hear this.Please note it carefully that you cannotleave Krishna Consciousness. That is afact. And even if vou want to leave,Krishna will not lea;e you . That is also afact. Under the circumstances you shouldadjust your situation and continueKrishna Consciousness very enthusiastically.I know you are a very intelligentboy, industrious, so you can do tremendousservice to Krishna by utilizing yourinherent qualities. I am very glad you decidedto marry

1062 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaand see what his idea is in this connection.I cannot advise in this matter.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamithe Europeans made colonization in differentparts of the world, it is the samething; colonization of Samkirtan inKrishna Consciousness.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Indira Dasi. I hope this will meetyou both in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1 0-2821st October, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated October14, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully.If you can open a center with IndiraDasi, that will be a great pleasure for me .I want that all married couples shouldopen new centers and carry on by dint ofhard labor. Every householder, husbandand wife together, they require to live inan apartment, so if they have got an extraroom, they can immediately start a center.You have seen in Hawaii how Goursundarand Govinda are gradually developingfrom this beginning to a nice center inHawaii. Wherever we sit down and chantHare Krishna people will gather and graduallybecome our devotees and thus thecenter is developed. So if you want toopen a center, that is very good. But at thesame time you must be able to measureyour strength whether you will be able todo it. In the meantime Columbus centermay require your services, so you may remainthere, and when you feel strong youcan do it with Krishna's blessings. But ifyou do it sincerely and seriously, you willbe successful. In Japan Sudama and hiswife are doing very nicely, and I have gotencouraging letter that Bali Mardan is desiringto go to Australia to open a temple.Also, Suridas and his wife. Jotilla, withothers have gone to Paris. As formelrly69- 10-29 Tittenhurst21st October, 1969My Dear Yamunacharya,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter of October 4,1969 and I have also duly received yourbeads sent by Brahmananda. Your initiatedname is Ya munacharya. Yamunacharyawas a great devotee. Formerly hewas a great king, and latter on he became agreat devotee and acharya of the RamanujaSampradaya. There are manysuch Mahatmas, or great souls, in thepast, and if we follow in their footstepscarefully, that is the perfecton of fulfillmentof our human form of life. To followin the footsteps of the Mahatmas means togive submissive aural reception to thewords and instructions of the bonafideSpiritual Master in the line of disciplicsuccession from the Lord Himself. Whenthe Lord appeared on this earth 5,000years ago, He instructed Bhagavad Gitato Arjuna, and this purely transcendentalmessage of Krishna has been passed downfor the past 5,000 years by the media ofsincere disciples giving submissive auralreception to the words of Krishna via themedium of the bonafide Spiritual Master.This acts like electricity, and if you toucha wire anywhere which is connected tothe powerhouse, then you will be in contactwith the electric current. But if

OCTOBER, 1969 1063the wire is broken or separated from thepowerhouse, then there will be no electriccurrent . Similarly, if we hear the unadulteratedmessage of Lord Krishna from theauthorized source, we will immediatelybe in contact with the transcendental atmosphere;but if we listen to someonewho is presenting a broken, concoctedversion of Bhagavad Gita , that will beuseless. So try to understand our philosophyvery sincerely and carefully. I am sopleased to learn that you are giving suchnice assistance to Kirtanananda, and youcontinue in this capacity at least for thetime being. Please chant 16 rounds minimumevery day, and follow the four regulativerestrictions which are as follows: noillicit sex-life, no intoxication, no eatingof meat, fish or eggs, and no gambling. Iam enclosing a page with instructions forexecuting Krishna Consciousness. Whenyou have questions you consult with Kirtanananda,or else I also will be pleased tohelp you . Now Krishna has bestowed HisMercy upon you in giving you the opportunityto make final solution to the problemsof birth, death, old age and disease,and if you follow the principles strictly,you will come out successful.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,69- 1 0-3023rd October, 1969My Dear Damodara,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 14, 1969 and your check for$ ! 05. Also I have duly received your $15maintenance check. I am pleased that youare trying to obtain a very nice house inthe city. Washington is a very importantcity, so if you can develop a nice center, itWill be a great achievement for our society.If Mr. Dhyani can can arrange to collect$20 from each of his friends it will bevery much appreciated by us. Now Satsvarupahas given us a very good examplein purchasing a house on the strength ofBTG sales. So either by selling BTG, ourbooks, or by public contributions, if wecan have our own house that will be verynice.Madhusudan and yourself both are agood combination, and I am sure ourWashington center will become very soonone of the first grade branches. From theplane we saw Washington city, and if possible,when I go to Boston I may visit yourplace also. I have received from Dineshtwo records of Bande Hum, but I couldnot play them as yet for want of a recordplayer. Anyway, please convey my thanksto him. If he is earning something, let himsend some money for my book fund .Here in England things are comingalong very nicely. We are having a fewpublic meetings every week at varioushalls and societies, and there is much interestand appreciation in our movementbeing shown by the English people. Weare seeing more and more how the peoplesin all different countries are gradually becomingdissatisfied with the present Godlesscivilization and are taking to ourmovement with great appreciation. Socontinue to work seriously and sincerelyand Krishna will help you to advance inyour activities very nicely.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-3124th October, 1969My Dear Kapiladev,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

1064 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>October 18, 1969 and have carefullynoted the contents. It doesn't matter thatyou were unable to remain in Vancouverbecause now you are serving Krishna inthe Seattle temple. This is the meaning oftranscendental. The devotee of Krishna isbeyond the touch of time and space becausethese are simply external features.The only concern of Krishna's devotee isto serve Krishna to the highest level ofperfection in whichever situation Krishnawishes him to remain.Regarding Nityananda Prabhu breakingthe sannyasi rod of Lord Chaitanya,the explanation is that this was to showthat Lord Chaitanya was Krishna, so Hehad no necessity of taking sannyas . In thehigher sense the Vaishnavas are meant forbeing members of the family of Krishna toserve as friend, to serve as parent or toserve as lover. So for such elevated devoteessannyas is superfluous. But still, LordChaitanya took sannyas just to prove it factuallythat so far as the material conditionsare concerned, they must be given up.Without knowing this fact some so-calledVaishnavas have turned to be sahajia.This means one who takes everything asvery easy. All the acharyas, beginningfrom Lord Buddha, Shankaracharya, Ramanuja,etc., all of them renounced thisworld. So renunciation is required, butwhen one makes further progress after renunciationtowards spiritual life and entersinto the Pastimes of Krishna, thenthings become perfect. The summary isthat sannyas is renunciation, which is imperativefor all. Nityananda 's breaking thesannyasi rod of Chaitanya Mahaprabhuwas with the purpose to show that LordChaitanya is transcendental to all materialconditions.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,69- 10-32 Tittenhurst25th October, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your lettersdated October 17, 1969 and October 22,1969. The letters were very long; I haveread them once and shall read themagain carefully. Here things are improving.We have got now practically twocenters in London: one in Mr. Lennon'splace and one in 7 Bury Place. We arenegotiating fo r a big church in Oxfordand there is possibility of this comingout successful too . Besides that, I amnegotiating with some local, influentialIndian gentleman for the world SamkirtanParty. They have also given somehopes, and the preaching work here isalso going on nicely. Ye sterday we had ameeting in a law college and all the boysand girls joined us in chanting and dancing.But I think Mukunda is little bitstrained managing all the affairs. Themost important thing before us immediatelyis to organize a nice SamkirtanParty here in London for daily work, becausethere is as good potency ofpreaching work in London as there is inLos Angeles. But I do not know if it willbe possible for you to come here forsome days. Mukunda likes your assistancefor coordinating all these opportunities.So please consider these points,and if you think that your absence in theWest Coast will not cause any mismanagement,then I would advise you forsome days to come here . So I shall beglad to hear from you in this connectionby return mail.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

OCTOBER, 1969 106569-10-33Tittenhurst26th October, 196969- 10-34 Tittenhurst27th October, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 22, 1969 . I have duly made correctionson the lsopanisad glossary youhad enclosed, and I shall send it to Brahmanandaas requested by you. I want that inall of our books, magazines and otherwritings the scholarly presentation begiven in all instances, so for every Sanskritword there must be the appropriatespelling and diacritic marks. Regardingyour question about BTG containingmore than one essay by me in certain issues,you may use your own judgement inthis connection. Enclosed is a tape forKrsna, and at the part on this tape whereKamsa is killed, that is the end of the firstvolume of Krsna. The remaining portionshall be published as the second volume.Now we must make arrangements for itspublication. Please consult with Advaitaas to the price for 10,000 copies on thestyle of TLC. There will be approximately350 printed pages and 50 pages ofpaintings. So combinedly you determinewhat the production costs will be and letme know your figures. Regarding yourfinal question, you are correct that GarbodaksayeeVisnu and Karanodasayee Visnuare not divions of Paramatma. So you maychange the words "divided into" into "isone of'. I am so pleased to learn that alreadythe press is ready to begin printingsome Krsna Consciousness booklet, andplease keep me informed on your progress.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedOctober 18, and October 20, 1969. Regarding/Sopanisad, enclosed please findthe glossary that Satsvarupa has sent tome for making corrections. From now onall of our writings should be presented inthe scholarly manner, so all spelling anddiacritic marks must be done correctly. Ihave already sent you the corrected pagewhich you sent me and now the glossary isalso corrected. I do not think there is anynecessity for any dedication on /Sopanisadbecause it is a small book. Regardingthe number of BTG which you print duringthe winter months, that must be decidedamongst yourselves. Similarly youshould decide about what is to be donewith the North Carolina center. I have noobjection if they move to some otherplace. Perhaps they will require someother nicely trained brahmachary to givethem assistance either in North Carolinaor some other place. So decide amongstyourselves what is to be done and do theneedful. This is management. You haveasked about the management of our society,and the position is that managementshould be done in such a way that peoplemay not break away. That is the first businessof management. I have already explainedthe matter to you and Tarnal, soyou do it consulting amongst yourselves,gradually coming to the general governingbody for managing the whole affairs. Atthe present moment whatever you are doingis all right. Regarding New Vrindaban,the society does not require to investnow. Kirtanananda is managing. That isall right. So far as Rayarama is concerned,let us wait till he satisfies his Mayicbusiness.The poem sent by Achyutananda is

1066 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldanice. It is enclosed herewith and you maypublish it in BTG. Achyutananda shouldbe encouraged to do this translating work.He is translating poems of BhaktivinodeThakur, and that is very nice. Advaita maybe requested for the estimate for 10,000copies of KmJ.a on the standard of TL C.There will be about 350 pages of subjectmatter and 50 pages of pictures. Please offermy blessings to the others. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhatkivedanta Swami69- 10-35 Tittenhurst27th October, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou so much for your letter dated October13, 1969 and I am anxious to know aboutthe result of the church negotiations. If bythe Grace of Krishna it comes out successful,it will be a great achievement for youractivities in Honolulu. When you get thechurch I must go there. Regarding theFrench girl, she is so kind to join with us.I have advised Janardan, who is here inLondon for a few days, to write you howthis girl can help us. Janardan liked hertranslation and good spelling, so she willbe very much useful for transcribing ortyping our French literatures. I do notknow whether she will be prepared to goto her own country and assist the otherdevotees in Paris. That would be a verynice proposal . I am very encouraged tohear about your nice engagements there. Iam enclosing herewith one note for Sai.You can hand it over to him. I have dulyreceived the bananas you sent, and youcan send me these dried bananas tons andtons. It is very useful and can be nicelyused for our Ikadasi foodstuffs . After dryingthe bananas you can make powder,just like flour, and out of this you can preparepuris, halawa , pakoris and other fruitproducts .Please offer my blessings. to Goursundar,Balabhadra, Turyadas and Jayasri. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamienclosure: one letter for Sai69-10-36Tittenhurst27th October, 1969My Dear Sai,Please accept my greetings. I am veryglad to learn from my disciple, SrimatiGovinda Dasi, that you are reading ourbooks and literature with some interest. Ithas given me much satisfaction, and if youread our Srimad Bhagavatam you willfind there what is the distinction betweenrealization of Brahman, Paramtltma (impersonalSupersoul), and the Personalityof Godhead. According to Srimad Bhagavatam,all of these realizations are onthe transcendental plane as much as sunshine,the sunglobe, and the predominatingdeity on the sunglobe are all full oflight and high temperatures. Similarly, eitherin Brahman, Pa ramatma or Bhagavtln(Personality of Godhead) realizationyou will always find spiritual lightand heat. But as there are different degreesof sunshine , the sunglobe and thesun's deity, similarly there are also degreesof transcendental bliss in the differentfeatures of the Absolute. Thesummary is that the Absolute Truth is thesum-total of eternity, bliss and knowledge.Impersonal feature of the AbsoluteTruth is realization of eternity. LocalizedParamAtma realization is realization oftranscendental knowledge . But above allthese as they are described in BhagavadGita there is Purusottam, the SupremePerson. That is KpQa. In the Vedas it is

OCTOBER, 1969 1067stated that one who has understood the SupremePerson has understood everything.This is because everything is subordinateto the Supreme Person. So if you kindlytry to understand this philosophy of theSupreme Person as described in BhagavadGita, 8th chapter, you will understandour activities more clearly. Or if youso desire, you can write to me for furtherunderstanding of this KrQa Consciousnessphilosophy. Hare KrQa. I thank youagain for your interest.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1 0-37 Tittenhurst27th October, 1969My Dear Paramanada,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated October21 , 1969, and I am so glad to learnthat a Krishna Conscious male child hasbeen born now. His name should be PremanandaBrahmachary. Premananda meansone who is always absorbed in love ofKrishna. So take care of this nice childand raise him along with the other boys inNew Vrindaban so that a new generationof Krishna Conscious children will comeout of this movement. Please offer myblessings to your good wife, SatyabhamaDasi. I hope this will meet you and yourfamily in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 10-38Tittenhurst27th October, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated October1 6, 1969 and I have noted the contentscarefully. Regarding the "Prabhupad 'sTable" , from the next year you will begetting so many books for selling. I havenow made a policy that as soon as mybooks are printed in the press I shall distributethem in all the centers along withthe respective bills. You will kindly sendme the money for the Book Fund as soonas you sell them. The money may be sentto me or to the coastal president. But Ishall overload you with books. I am so encouragedto learn of your nice propagandawork in the local schools. Last Mondaywe were at a law college and at least onehundred law students were up and chantingand dancing along with us. So there ismuch potential for organizing the studentcommunities to take part in our movement.I am pleased also that you are decoratingyour temple nicely, and the moreyou decorate the temple beautifully themore your heart will be beautiful. The exampleis that the more you decorate theoriginal the more the reflection automaticallyis decorated. So our heart is the refletionof the Original Consciousness,Krsna, and the more KrQa and His paraphernaliaare decorated the more this willbe reflected in our heart and we will feeltranscendental bliss.I do not know why you write that youare unhappy. You can join me at any timeproviding your business does not suffer.You are developing the Seattle templenicely. If you think in your absence therewill be no mismangement, then you arewelcome to stay with me as long as youlike. I like your cooking very much, so Ishall enjoy nice good foodstuffs . But atthe same time I desire that your field of activitiesmay not suffer.Regarding your question, in one senseboth you and Mahapurusha are right. Thefact is that after the dissolution of the Universethe living entities remain in slumberwithin Maha ViQu, and again when thecreation takes place they are impregnatedin their original position and they come

1068 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaout in different species of life. By gradualevolutionary process, when theycome to the human form there is goodchance of getting out of the repeated birthand death, and one can enter into theSpiritual Realm. But if one loses thischance he is again put into the cycle ofbirth and death. The conditioned soulsare always within the Mahii Vi1,1u Form,whereas the liberated souls in Vaikuntha,they are engaged in the service of theLord. Constitutionally every living entity,even if he is in the Vaikuntha l..oka,has chance of falling down. Thereforethe living entity is called marginal energy.But when the falldown has takenplace for the conditioned soul is very difficultto ascertain. Therefore two. classesare designated: eternally liberated andeternally conditioned. But for argumentssake, a living entity being marginal energy,he cant be eternally conditioned.The Time is so unlimited that the conditionedsouls appear to be eternally so,but from the philosophical view he cannotbe eternally conditioned. Since wecannot trace out when we have becomeconditioned, there is no use of arguing onthis point. Better to take care first howwe can get rid of this conditional existence;as much as a patient should takecare for treating his disease more, andless waste his time in finding out thecause of his disease.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I do not think it is a good suggestionthat we decrease the number of BTGsprinted. If we print the same number ofcopies throughout the winter months andif they are not all sold, then the remainingissues may be distributed freely to manyrespectable men and organizations. Thiswill be good propaganda work. We are notinterested in making profit; our interest issimply to promote Krishna Consciousness.So all the centers should not reducetheir orders for BTG, but should help distributethem as far as possible.69- 1 0-3928th October, 1969My Dear Bhurijana,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of October19, 1969 and have gone over thecontents carefully. I know you are a sincereworker, so if you think that by changingthe place it will be nice, then do it.Regarding the Jagannath mask, it is notbonafide. The Footprint of Krishna is allright. You can keep It by the throne andwhile taking care of the Deities you alsowash the Foot, wipe It and put It back.Generally this is done with a little sandlewoodpulp. There are markings on theChest and Feet of the Personality of Godhead.That is the distinction between Himand ordinary living entities. Just like inour palms there are certain marks for aparticular person indicating his fame andfortune. Similarly the Supreme Personalityof Godhead has got certain signs onHis Lotus Feet which are unique for Himonly, and they are not to be found in ordinaryliving entities. In Vaikuntha all theinhabitants have exactly the same bodilyfeatures as Narayana, but Narayana ismade distinct by the mark on His Chestand Lotus Feet. The Goddess of Fortunerecognizes her Husband by these symptoms.That is the version of devotees.Please offer my blessings to TosanKrishna and Vrindaban Chandra. I hopethis will meet all of you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

OCTOBER, 1969 106969- 10-40Tittenhurst29th October, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 17, and October 24, 1969 andhave noted the contents carefully. I amglad that you have deposited $2,000 in mysavings accounts. Regarding your businessand spiritual practices, I give youspecial permission as follows: You findout of 24 hours at least one hour convenientlyfor chanting Hare Krishna withgreat attention, either by the Deities orany place, without being disturbed byanyone else. So you have 23 hours forother things. Now these 23 hours, whateveryou do in them, either eating orworking or sleeping, you always try tothink of Krishna. That will keep you intactof Krishna Consciousness. If one is alwayscareful about falling down and praysto Krishna that he may not fall down onaccount of greater strength of Maya, thenKrishna will give him special protection.This was advised to Arjuna by KrishnaHimself. Arjuna was a great fighter,statesman, and at the same time a greatdevotee. A statesman and military commanderhas very little time to perform theroutine work of devotional sevice, butKrishna advised him especially to be engagedin his occupational duty, and at thesame time always be thinking of Krishna.This is the secret of not being a victim ofMaya . Rayarama's case is different. Hedefinately denied my instructions. I askedhim to come to me and live with me, andhe definately denied. So this denial iscause of his temporary suspension of devotionallife , but if he has executed devotionalservice in the past sincerely, I thinkhe cannot go back.Regarding Spiritual Sky business, I amvery happy to learn that it is making verynice progress and you are getting demand.Do it nicely, and as already agreed, you canuse the profit exclusively for openingbranches. The sales which an individualcenter makes by selling incense may beemployed for temple expenditures. Similarly,Los Angeles also can employ it forthis purpose. But so far as Spiritual Skybusiness is concerned, done by you , thisprofit should be set aside in a different accountreserved for expanding branches.When you do business you should do itbusiness-like. We should not neglect anyminute part of it, but at the same time weshall think of Krishna, seeking His protection.The living example is the Gop is. Theywere house holder wives, young girls havingchildren to feed, carrying out the orderof superiors; father-in-law, mother-in-law,sister-in-law, satisfying the whims of thehusband, executing so many household dutiesfrom morning to night. Still they practicedin such a way Krishna Consciousnessthat they did not forget even for a secondKrishna. While mopping the floor, whilewashing the dishes, while milking the cow,while feeding the baby, while taking withfriends, while cooking in the kitchen theywere always thinking of Krishna. You willfind all these descriptions in our bookKrsna how they remained compact inthought of Krishna. So this is the highestideal of Krishna Consciousness, and weshould try to follow their footsteps. Everyonehas to adjust things in his particularway, but I again repeat that at least one hourshould be set aside for chanting the beads. Ihope this will help you both ways and I prayto Krishna that He will give you allprotection .Regarding your keeping some BookFund money aside for investments, that isall right. Regarding the documents fromBina Musical Instruments, I have receivednote that they are expecting to shipthe goods by the 20th , and as soon as theyget the shipping documents they will

1070 Letters from Srila Prabhuptidadeposit in the bank and take payment. Unlessthe documents are presented the bankwill not pay.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-41 Tittenhurst30th October, 1969My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letters dated October 17,and October 23, 1969 and have noted thecontents carefully. Enclosed is the letter foryou to hand over to the draft lawyer. I ampleased to note that there is interest in havingour Samkirtan Party perform in variouspublic engagements. The same thing is goingon here, and they have been invited tosuch places as Amsterdam and Germany.So if you can also do this, it is nice. But donot change our principles. Practicing is alreadydone by kirtan. It is not required forus to become artists. Our main point is serviceto Krishna, not to please an audience.We shall not divert our attention too muchto adjustment of musical sounds. Peopleshould not misunderstand that we are aband of musical artists. They must knowthat we are devotees of Krishna. Our devotionalpractice and purity shall be sostrong that wherever we chant there shallbe immediately an impression in the audiencefor devotion to Krishna.Regarding management of the society,I have already described this to you in lettersto Brahmananda and yourself. So faras the maintenance fund is concerned ,that may be sent to me directly. Please offermy blessings to the othe rs. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1 0-42Tittenhurst31st October, 1969My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated October21, 1969 along with a contribution of $25.I have already acknowledged receipt ofyour new record. Regarding the disciplicsuccession coming from Arjuna, disciplicsuccession does not always mean that onehas to be initiated officially. Disciplic successionmeans to accept the disciplic conclusion.Arjuna was a disciple of Krishnaand Brahma was also a disciple ofKrishna. Thus there is no disagreementbetween the conclusions of Brahma andArjuna. Vyasadev is in the disciplic successionof Brahma. The teachings to Arjunawas recorded by Vyasadev verbatim.So according to the axiomatic truth,things equal to one another are equal toeach other. We are not exactly directlyfrom Vyasadev, but our Gurudev is a representativeof Vyasadev. Because Vyasadevand Arjuna are of equal status, beingstudents of Krishna, therefore we are inthe disciplic succession of Arjuna. Thingsequal to the same thing are equal to oneanother.Regarding your second question aboutSamjaya, he was a student of Vyasadev,and by the mercy of Vyasadev he was ableto receive the message of the conversationofKrishna-Arjuna. Thus Samjaya was ableto speak to Dhritarashtra about the conversationon the Battlefield of Kurukshetra.Regarding your final question, the marginalpotency means internal potency. Butbecause the marginal potency sometimescomes within the external position, therefore,in spite of it being internal potency itis turned to marginal potency. This is statedin Visnu Purana: Any potency of Krishnais spiritual energy, but due to varieties ofactions a section is called marginal potencyor external potency.

OCTOBER, 1969 1071Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Krishna Devi, and daughter, VishnuArati. I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-10-43Tittenhurst31st October, 1969M anagerFIRST NATIONAL CITY BANKOF NEW YORK(Bowery and Grand Street Branch)New Yo rk, NY 10003USADear Sir;REGARDING MY ACCOUNT,#0420160131I beg to request you to transfer myabove account to your branch at 686Broadway, near Great Jones Street, NewYo rk, NY 10012. This will facilitate mydealings with the INTERNATIONALSOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CON­SCIOUSNESS, who has their account inthis branch. After doing this kindly informme and also send me a new passbookto the above address.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-10-44Tittenhurst31st October, 1969ManagerFIRST NATIONAL CITY BANKOF NEW YORK(Great Jones Street Branch)686 BroadwayNew Yo rk, NY 10012USADear Sir;I beg to enclose herewith a copy of aletter sent to your Bowery and GrandStreet Branch in New York. Please do theneedful and send me my passbook as earlyas possible. Thanking you in anticipationof your early reply.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1 0-45My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. 1 beg toacknowledge receipt of Y

1072 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Similarly, if we are full with Krishna vitality,then wherever we go the audiencewill be impregnated with Krishna Consciousness.Now some of our leadingboys, like you, Brahmananda, Tarnal,etc. you should be very careful to trainyour other junior Godbrothers to the righttype of preacher, keeping full faith inKrishna and the Spiritual Master, and executingthe routine works of chanting andfollowing the regulations. That will makeyou all great preachers, and wherever yougo you will come out victorious.Now coming to some other points discuessedin the Cathedral Sermons pamphlet,we may take notice of the writers'statement which may help us in understandingthe real position of Christian religion.In one of the statements he says theBishop Dean, the former Executive Officerof the Anglican Communion, said tothe general Synod of the Anglican Churchof Canada last month that he gives thechurch as it exists today ten more years oflife. The reason the church was dying hesaid was becuase it had become irrelevant.This means that the church peopleno more can convince the advaned, educatedmen of the present day. In anotherplance he says in discussing the Ten Commandentsof the Bible about the sanctity of'human life' . Instead of exactly quotingthe commandment "Thou shalt not kill,"he replaces by his own words "Thou shaltdo no murder''. But he does not know howhis own words reflect to the then societywherein Lord Jesus Christ was preaching.To say to his audience, "Thou shalt do nomurder" means they were very much accustomedto commit murder. So what isthe position of that society where themembers are accustomed to commit murder,and what class of preaching can bemade to such persons? As we see in anotherreligiou principle there is instructionthat hencefo rward you shall notco-habit with you mother. So we have tojudge such societies where there are murderersand those having sex life with theirmothers, what kind of men they are. In theBhagavad Gita the religious principlesare divided into three categories: in themodes of goodness, passion and ignorance.Generally, all so-called principlesare in the modes of passion and ignorance.Maybe there are some moral instructions,but moral instructions withoutGod-consciousness is impossible to follow.In another place the gentlemanquotes one book written by Prof. CharlesSmith. The books' name is "The Paradoxof Jesus in the Gospels" . In this book it isadmitted that all the statements in the Bibleare not directly spoken by Jesus. Someof them are staged through the mouth ofJesus Christ; and specifically this passage:"I am the way, the Truth and thelight. No man comes unto the Father butby me." This gentleman admits that it isput into the mouth of Jesus because that isthe literary convention of the author of the4th Gospel. Such kinds of observationsdefinately suggests that there are manypassages in the Gospel which are later onset up to be spoken by Lord Jesus Christ,but actually they were manufactured bydiffe rent devotees. So far as our BhagavadGita is concerned, we do not findany such thing. Everywhere it is stated sribhagavan uvacha : the Supreme Personalityof Godhead said. And all the acharyashave accepted these words as they arespoken by the Lord. No authorizedacharya has ever commented that it wasput into the mouth of Krishna by Vyasadevaor Samjaya or any other person.I give you all these hints not for generaldiscussion, but for your personal understandingto know the respective positionsof different types of religious principles.Ours is transcendental because we are notvery much concerned with the minormoral or immoral principles, althougheach and every devotee is a first class

OCTO BER, 1969 1073010ralist. But our religious principles ornatural occupational duty is to learn how10 love Krishna. We are practicing this andwe are teaching this. So let us very steadilystick to our principles and our movementwill surely come out successful.I hope this meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

NOVEMBER69- 1 1 - 1 Tittenhurst2nd November, 1969My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 24, 1969. Regarding your workinghours, if you can work more, ofcourse that is very good. Chaitanya Mahaprabhusays that we should be engaged inKrishna's service always, without anygap. So we should mold our life in such away that not a minute will be blank withoutKrishna's service. Regarding yourfirst question, the proof of Krishna Consciousnessis that the Bhagavad Gita it isoldest transcendental literature aboutGod-consciousness in the history of theworld . It is estimated from authoritativesources of Vedic literature that BhagavadGita is eternal truth and was first revealedwithin our knowledge at least 120 millionsof years ago. So what other literaturecan be compared with Bhagavad Gitathroughout the whole world or universe?The second proof is that Krishna is acceptedas the Supreme Personality, notonly in the modern age , namely withintwo thousand years, by great acharyaslike Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya,Madhyacharya, Lord Chaitanya, etc., butbefore this in all Vedic literatures given byVyasadev, Krishna is accepted as the SupremePersonality of Godhead . So whateveris spoken by the Supreme LordHimself is certainly the most authoritative.So far as we are concerned , we donot make any alterations in the statementsof Krishna. Therefore we are also authority.Just like 2 plus 2 equals four ismathematical truth. Anyone who acceptsthis axiomatic truth and works on thisprinciple is also authority. To become authorityis simply to follow the authority. Ifsomeone makes 2 plus 2 equal to 3 or 5 , heis a rascal . That means he does not followthe authority and thus he fa ils to becomehimself an authority.Regarding crying, when somene criesduring kirtan, this crying is crying of thesoul . But if anyone tries to imitate suchcrying to get some adoration, that is abodily function. Regarding you fi nalquestion , Krishna is the Cause of allcauses. That is a fact. But we being subordinateto Krishna, sometimes we createour cause under Krishna's sanction only.Just like a child may persist in trying to dosomething, but unless the mother allowshe cannot do it . Another example is that acriminal is put into jail by the tryingjudge; this is caused by the judgement ofthe court, but it is actually caused also bythe criminal person. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1 1-2 Tittenhurst2nd November, 1969My Dear Hansadutta.Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 4, 1969. and there are three importantsubject matters of which you havetried to get my opinion. I may inform youthat they are all very nice proposals. Sofa r as the building is concerned, if you can

1076 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidamanage for the money, immediately try topurchase it as Satsvarupa has done in Boston.Similarly, regarding the land, it isalso a very attractive proposal. If the landis not rocky and there is sufficient openspace for pasturing ground so that we maykeep cows all the year round, then it is avery nice proposal. Tarnal Krishna toldme about such land, and he is very hopefulabout getting our men in that quarter(California). So you can try for it, and ifpossible please let me know what is theactual situation of the land. Regarding myaccepting a teaching position in BerkeleyUniversity, which is said to be the finestUniversity in the United States, this is alsoa nice proposal . Actually, I want to havesuch position for some time in order to attractthe University students. But onething must be noted that I will not be freeto take the class between 1 1 am and 5 pm.If that is possible, you can negotiate forsuch post. If actually I get such post, naturallyI will have to live in Berkeley. And asyou say the climate is nice there, there willbe no difficulty.Regarding your question about LordJesus Christ, we accept him as shaktyaveshaavatar. Lord Buddha is in thesame category also. Lord Buddha is mentionedspecifically in Srimad Bhagavatamas incarnation of Godhead, and yetVaishnavas do not accept his philosophy,which is classified as atheism. Similarly,even if we accept Lord Jesus Christ asshaktyavesha avatar, it doesn't mean thatwe have to accept his philosophy. But wehave all respects for him without fail. Regardingbooks like Aquarian Gospel oreven the Testiments, we cannot acceptthem as authorities because sometimes itis learnt that the words are not actuallyspoken by Christ, but they are so set up bythe devotees. For example, in the TenCommandments it is clearly stated "Thoushalt not kill", but some Bishop in Bostonhas changed it to "Thou shalt do no murder".This means the Bishop wants tokeep hold for animal slaughter. So dontbother about all these literatures. We haveall respect for these great preachers , butwe do not require to study books save andaccept for some reference. We must pushon our philosophy how to love God . Ourprocess is simple. We have got volumes ofbooks also, so it is better for us to mindour own business than to divert our attentionin the studies of other books . Thiswas definately forbidden by Lord Chaitanya.After all, Krishna Consciousness philosophyis as old as 120 million years atthe least. So nothing can be comparedwith our philosophy either in the matter ofantiquity, philosophy, ethics, science,morality, etc., all in correct vision and approvedby great stalwart acharyas. So farothers are concerned, they cannot becompared even. For example, if Lord JesusChrist said "Thou shalt not kill", or'Thou shalt do no murder" to the people,it does not reflect very good social structureof the audience. Our philosophy isabove all these things. Just like we prescribeto our students no illicit sex-life, nomeat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling,but they are not ends in themselves .The real end is how to serve Krishna andsacrifice everything for Him. And to learnthis transcendental art we have got somany volumes of books. So the summaryis that instead of diverting our attention toread such unathorized books, better payour attention to more authorized Va ishnavaliterature . These scriptures of theBuddhists and the Christians may be thewords of God , but still the are not alwaysapplicable to us. It is just like a king maygive some rules and regulations fo r somecriminals in prison; but fo r the good citizensout of the prison these rules are notnecessarily applicable. So these Christianand Buddhist scriptures were deliveredfo r a diffe rent class of men, and we

NOVEMBER, 1969 1077needn't spend our time in studying theirdoctrines. You should read our own booksover and over again and as far as possibledo not try to enter into controversy. We donot concern ourselves with any other religion.Our religion is to become the servantof the servant of the servant ofKrishna.You have sent me one plan for constructinga dais for the Deities in whichyou have placed Radha-Krishna underLord Jagannath. Instead of putting it likethis, you put Lord Chaitanya's Samkirtanpicture underneath Lord Jagannath, andmake a separate throne for Radha-Krishnaexactly on the pattern of Los Angeles temple.Regarding Melvani, I am glad that hehas come to you from Montreal , but hisphoto shows he is not in the standarddress; and the tilok is not correctly made.Anyway, you welcome him. He is a verynice gentleman. But try to convince himto follow all of our principles. That will bevery nice. Please offer my obeisances toyour good wife, Himavati. I hope this willmeet you both in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. You will soon have Radha-KrishnaMurtis. More pairs of them will reachL.A. very soon & one of them for you .69-11-3 Tittenhurst2nd November, 1969My Dear Krishna Devi ,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedOctober 21, 1969 and have noted the contents. It is very good news that VishnuArata is advancing nicely in Krishna Consciousnessand I know that you and yourhusband will always do your best to bringher up on the right path of Krishna Consciousness.To raise one soul to KrishnaConsciousness is counted by Krishna as avery great service, so you do this dutycarefully and Krishna will surely bestowHis blessings upon you . I am also glad tolearn that you are developing more andmore a taste for thinking of Lord Krishnaand His devotees. Such thinking is required,and you will see that as you thinkin this way, your taste for relishing thenectar of such meditation will increasemore and more. This is called the limitlessocean of the nectar of devotion. Thisocean is unending, and therefore the pleasureof relishing the nectar of this ocean isalso increasing unendingly. Regardingyour questions, yes, a woman can certainlyreach the perfectional stage ofdevotion to Krishna. And the gopis ofBrindaban are the best example of this.They are simple cowherds girls, and LordChaitanya has praised their worship ofLord Krishna as the highest form of worship.Krishna Consciousness is transcendentalto all such mundane considerationsas if one's body is male or female. This isthe meaning of spiritual : Krishna Consciousnessis beyond the limited bodilyidea.Regarding your other questions, theYadu dynasty completely destroyed itselfbecause Krishna wanted this. So far as initiatingdisciples is concerned, anyonewho is qualified can do this. For example,Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was householderand Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatiwas staunch brahmachary, yet theyboth were qualified for initiating disciples.Regarding your question about feelingemotions during kirtan, these are realspiritual emotions. Spiritual emotions cannot be experienced by the fallen soul ; butone who is feeling spiritual emotions isnot actually fallen. That is the benedictionof this Samkirtan Movement that it elevatesone to the highest position of spiritualexperiences. Regarding your finalquestion about Laxmiji, she never hasconjugal relations with Lord Narayan .

1080 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the tapes you have edited in the past fewmonths. By separate post a new tape is beingsent to you .Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Nico Kuyt,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated October17, 1969, sent from the Detroit temple.I am very much pleased to note yoursincere attitude towards our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, and this sinceritywill lead you to the highest spiritual consciousnessif you continue in this way.That is the special Grace of Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu . In former ages the processesof spiritual elevation. were very difficultand long enduring. But in this age ofKali Yuga our lives are so short and ourminds are so restless that the process ofspiritual realization must be very simplein order for success to be achieved .Therefore, Lord Krishna appeared on thisworld as Lord Chaitanya to show the fallenliving entities the easiest and most sublimemethod of achieving Krishna Consciousness.His formula is that everyone,in any position of life, should chant theHare Krishna Mantra. So this is what weare teaching, and any benefit you are feelingfrom this procedure is simply theMercy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu acting. Iam glad that you are very much appreciatingthe association of Bhagavandas andJagadisha. They are both very nice devotees,so when you have any questionsabout our philosophy, you consult withthem, or else I am also at your service inthis connection. Please continue to live atour temple, follow the regulative principiesand chant at least 16 rounds daily.Most likely this December I shall be stayingat our Boston temple for some days,and if it is possible, you may then comethere to meet me .I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.69-11-8London4th November, 1969Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-9 Tittenhurst4th November, 1969My Dear • amal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated October30, 1969 . A two-way ticket is being sent toNew Yo rk for you to come to London, soyou may go to New Yo rk as soon as possibleand do the needful. At least if you remainso long as I am here, then we canreturn back together. Regarding LosAngeles business, for the time being youcan entrust this to Gargamuni and StokaKrishna. So far as corresponding with theother West Coast presidents, that can bedone from here also. Here you can talkwith Mukunda and others about the WorldSamkirtan Party. There is good possibility.Simply it requires some good organization.Therefore ypu are called.So fa r as I am concerned , as I alreadytold you , after this European tour I am goingto retire from active work and retirefor writing books. So any place suitable Ishall stay and give you directions. I amnow confident that at least one dozen ofyou have understood the philosophy andthe matters by which it can be handled. Sofrom the background if I give you someinspiration, the whole society shall run onnicely. We shall talk of these things whenyou come. So try to go to New Yo rk as

NOVEMBER, 1969 1081soon as you are able, and the ticket will beduly sent there.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamips : Address future correspondence to 7Bury Place, London.69-11 -10London5th November, 1969My Dear Sridama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 29, 1969 from Philadelphiaalong with your check for $642, and Ithank you very much for your kind contribution.I am surprized to know that the actualcollection was $1,750 and the doctorsand lawyers, etc . have taken more than$1 , 000. Anyway, something is better thannothing. Whatever we have got will beused for Krishna's service. Ye s, I alwaysremember you for your kind personal attentionupon me, and most probably, ifyou are not engaged otherwise, I shall callyou when I return back to the States.I hope this will find you in good health.Please keep yourself always chantingregularly. That is our only strength withinthis whirlpool of the ocean of nescience.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-11 London5th November, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 30, 1969 with enclosures. I willkeep the court documents in your file. RegardingBTG printing, I have already writtento Brahmananda that this must beprinted in our own press. So far as mybooks are concerned, I think there are materialsfor at least ten books which areready for printing. Now all the manuscriptsare with you. So now the editorialdepartment is under you and Hayagriva,and you combinedly please get my booksprinted, one after another. I think the followingmanagement will be nice: I shallpay the book printing price; actual costplus 10% maintenance charges. Then afterthe books are printed you will distributethem proportionately to differentcenters, and they will remit the price directlyto me. Purushottam will keep accountsfor that so that the responsibilitywill be lighter on your side. Besides that,if the books are distributed immediatelyafter printing, without payment at first,the centers will be encouraged to stockthem and sell them. I have consulted onthis matter with Purushottam, and he saysthat the idea is right. Now you can give meyour own opinion also. But continually allthe Bhagavatams, Krishna, Nectar ofDevotion,etc . must be published. Afterprinting, some of them may be made softboundand some may be made hardbound,according to demand.I have already written to Brahmanandathat we shall not accept outside work.That will complicate our situation as atax-free organization. Brahmananda wroteme that Advaita wants to purchase awagon, but I don't think the press departmentwill require a wagon just now. Yo uhave already one bus, so money shouldnot unnecessarily be spent up. For thepresent the idea may be suspended, andwhen I come to Boston I shall see if it isactually needed.Please offer my hlessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1082 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-11-12London5th November, 1969ManagerThe Bank of BarodaChandni ChowkDelhi-6, INDIADear Sir;Kindly refer to my letters dated September7, 1969 and September 30, 1969 .I am surprized that I have not as yet receivedthe shipping documents of twoconsignments to be dispatched by BINAMUSICAL SIDRES and INDO CRAF­TER. Please let me know immediately atmy above address what is the actual positionnow. Kindly treat this as very urgentand oblige.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69-11-13 London6th November, 1969My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedNovember 3, 1969 and have noted thecontents with pleasure . For some time Ihave been anxious to hear from you, andnow that you have written I am encouragedto learn of your nice activities inColorado. I am pleased also that Bhavananda,Pelika Dasi and Prabhavati Dasiare all working so sincerely and steadfastlyto promote this Samkirtan Movement,and surely Chaitanya Mahaprabhuwill bestow His full blessings upon allof you. This is a qualification of activitiesin Krishna Consciousness that ifone renders even a small amount of sinceredevotional service, Krishna becomesobliged to elevate such person; and whatto speak of one whose entire life and soulhas been dedicated to Krishna's service.So continue to push on as you are now doingand as far as possible distribute ourbooks and magazines. Now that our pressis ready in Boston, we have more than onedozen books which are ready to beprinted, so with your help I wish to overfloodthe marketplaces with our literatures.Now people are reading all kinds ofnonsense books, and thus their readingcapacity is helping to pave their waythrough the circles of birth and death. Ifthey will simply take to reading this transcendentalliterature we are presenting,the same reading capacity will elevatethem to the highest perfection of spirituallife. So this is very important task we aredoing, and all of you push forward in Coloradowith increased enthusiasm.Here in London things are going onnicely, and at all of our meetings, hundredsof people join in with us in thechanting and dancing. Similarly, from allof our centers we are getting very good reports,and I think that before long yourcenter will develop into a very importantcenter for our movement. Please offer myblessings to the others. I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-147th November, 1969My Dear Krishnadas,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your Jetter dated November4, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully.Regarding my going there, the firstthing is that if I speak, one has to translateinto German. That does not make anygood speech; it hampers the natural flowof the speech and makes it not very muchimpressive. If you think the major portionof the audience can understand directlyEnglish, then it is much better. I am not

NOVEMBER, 1969 1083very much enthusiastic to speak in a placewhere English is not directly understood.Besides that, I am expecting to be engagedin important business here, which will beascertained on Monday next, NovemberlOth. At that time I shall decide whether Ishall go. If there is no very important engagement,then I shall go to Hamburg,and the decision will be informed to youby telegram on the lOth instant. You willhave enough time for advertising becausethe meeting will be held sometime on the23rd. So you will get confirmation at least1 0 days in advance.In the package you received from India,did you get Deities also. If not, thenthe same Deities I had there will go backto Germany for being installed . If in yourstore you can sell musical instruments andother goods imported from India, then Ishall give you good addresses for such imports. I do not know what further instructionsyou need for constructing the altar.You have got the picture. If you need anotherpicture, then I shall send it.To celebrate the Rasa Leela Ceremonydecorate the Deities very nicely withflowers; as many as possible, ornaments,garlands, nice light demonstration, andmuch distribution of Prasadam. That willbe a very nice day for opening the Radha­Krishna Temple. So if by chance I do notgo , then Tarnal Krishna, who is arrivingin London this Monday, will go. He andYamuna are both expert in the matter ofDeity decoration, so there will be no difficultyfor the opening ceremony. So arrangefor this ceremony without fail , andlet me know immediately if you have got apair of Radha-Krishna Deities in the newconsignment. If not, the Deities with mewill go back there.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-15 London7th November, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated November4, 1969 along with BTG #29 and the newedition of The Peace Fo rmula essay. Theyare both very nice. The BTG will be completewhen the headings of the essays arebolder and on each page the name of BackTo Godhead is printed. The titlehead onthe front cover is quite suitable, and thepicture in the front page is exceedinglybeautiful. I showed it to Gurudas and heremarked that it is super-excellent and heexpects it to sell very well because of thispicture. I think similar pictures fromWestern centers should be printed. TheNew York Samkritan Party is also superexcellent.I am very much pleased to seeall these pictures and our magazines givesinformation to the people that we do notstick only to the cities, but we train peoplein the remote villages also. So everythingshould be done very attentively and amicably.I am writing a letter to Hayagrivathat he should take care of composition ofour books. Please find a copy of this letterenclosed. If you decide to go to Columbus,that is all right. Everything should bedone very amicably. I see that in ThePeace Fo rmula pamphlet that there is advertisementfor TLC and Bhagavad Gita ,but there is no mention of Srimad Bhagavatam.I think that in the future this alsomay be advertised. What about MacmillanCo.?Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I have shown the new BTG to Mukunda,and he has very much appreciated

1084 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidathe nice lay-out work of Chandanacharya.enclosures: one carbon of letter to HayagrivaPlease let me know if all the books"True Conception of Religion" sent byShyamsundar Brahmachary are all soldand if we owe some money still due tohim?69-11-167th November, 1969My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 29, 1969 and noted the contents.Things are going on nicely in every department,and it is very encouraging. Butas I have already told you, your first businessis to see about the publication of mybooks. I have already advised Satsvarupaand Brahmananda in this connection, andthey will take the necessary care for it. Iwant to know if Nectar of Devotion iscoming along at proper pace. So you willkindly manage in Columbus that theprinting matters are substantially readyfor the press. The press may not sit idlyfor want of printing matter. Then it will bevery nice from all sides. Pradyumna is incharge of making the diacritic marksnicely, so I shall be glad to know if he isdoin that work according to plan. RecentlyI received one letter from Arundhutithat she wants to work very hard. SoShama Dasi should also do this as it waspreviously programed . The main point isthat the press should not sit down for wantof printing matter. That you will kindlymanage .As you write that you cannot find suitablework in Boston, you stick to Columbusand give sufficient time to yourediting work. Please also take care of thechildren. They are our future hopes, andthe adolescent age is the most dangerousage . It is the turning point of one's life. Inthis age , if you take care of the childrensurely they will come out first clasKrishna Conscious devotees.Regarding publishing articles from theHarmonist, after the departure of myGuru Maharaj so many nonsense thingshave been written. So we should knowwho has written these articles. Articleswritten by my Guru Maharaja can be publishedwithout any hesitation, but articleswritten by Prof. Sannyal after 1936, theyare not at all good.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-178th November, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I thankyour very much for your letter of October18, 1969, and yesterday I received yourgift of one shawl. This shawl is very nice,and it will be used when I go to some meet·ing in my dress garments. Please send mesome of the new edtions of the FrenchBTG. If you are able to print them nicely inoutside press for a good price, . then it isvery good. But in any case this magazineshould be published regularly. · The ad·dresses of the Paris devotees are as follows:Suridas Adhikary, 2 Place de Ia Chapelle,Paris, 18, France. Janardan's address is6, rue Michelet, 94 Fontemay-Sous-Bois,France.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

NOVEMBER, 1969 108569- 1 1-1 8 London9th November, 1969My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedOctober 26, 1969. It is very encouragingthat from the very beginning of your centeryour are successfully executing yourentrusted duties. Krishna will be verymuch pleased upon you and your wife,Krishna Bhamini. In our society we wantto see some ideal householders as yourare , so that preaching may go on withgreat speed. From the very beginning ofthis movement the associates of Lord Chaitanyawere all householders. All four ofthe principal associates; namely AdvaitaPrabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Srivas Prabhu,Gadadhar Prabhu, and even Lord ChaitanyaHimself-They were all householders. So we are not impersonalists orvoidists. Our program is to enter into theassociation of Krishna. But we cannot enterwithin this association without beingcompletely disinfected from the contaminationof material sinful life. It is confirmedin the Bhagavad Gita by LordKrishna Himself that only those who areabsolutely cleansed of all dirty sins can beengaged in Krishna Consciousness in fullswing. In other words , those who are fullyin Krishna Consciousness can be freefrom material contamination and thus enterinto association of Krishna. There willbe no botheration for you of family life,provided it is carried on in full KrishnaConsciousness. Follow this idea and youwill be happy. The Western world needsthis help, so try to do this welfare work forthe human society.It is very happy news that your are gettinga bus, but purchase it new. Secondhandmachine is not always reliable. Itmay give so much trouble. A similar attemptwas made previously by Rupanuga.He ;pent $600 and was practicallycheated. So be careful about all these unfairbusiness dealer.Regarding your first question aboutannamoya, this annamoya theory is forpersons who are in the lowest grade oftranscendental realization. When you taketo Prasadam, it is directly on the spiritualplatform. Annamoya concept of life is noton the spiritual platform. Our progress istherefore very easy and effective in thisage. So the prescribed methods which wehave adopted under authoritative scripturalinjunctions are sufficient for ourprogress. Regarding your second question,the 24 elements are the five gross elements, the three subtle elements, 10senses, five sense objects, and the totalmaterial cause, (Mahat Tattva). Abovethese there is the situation of the spiritsoul, which is the 25th category, andabove this is the Supersoul, or SupremePersonality of Godhead. The mind is asubtle element, therefore it is in the body.Generally, the brain is accpeted as the locationof the mind.Regarding your final question, it is afact that when one is contact with Krishna,His Name, His Qualities, His Form, HisPastimes, immediately he becomes purified.But because we are conscious livingentities, the proportion depends on ourconscious acceptance. It is stated in theBhagavad Gita that Lord Krishna respondsproportionately to the service of the devotee.Another example is that the sunlight isopen for everyone and for everyplace, butto enjoy the sunlight or to take advantage ofthe sunlight depends on the proportionatearrangement by the receiver. Prosecutionof devotional service means gradual purificationand proportionate revelation ofKrishna ConsciousnessPlease offer my blessings to the others. Ihope this will meet all of you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiNB: Enclosed please find photographs of

1086 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the Los Angeles altar. You may constructyour altar in the exact same way. For anyfurther construction information you mayconsult the devotees there, and when thethrone is prepared you shall get the Deitiesalso. Perhaps Naranarayan is there &he can help you .69-1 1-19 Londonlith November, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 6, 1969, and I thank you verymuch fo r your bank deposit receipt. Practicallyyou are the only hope who is fillingup the gap in my Book Fund deposit account.Recently I have issued one checkfo r $4 ,000 from my Book Fund to theIskcon Press account. Out of that, youhave already fulfilled the amount of$2 ,500. So I thank you very much. Regardingyour business, Krishna willsurely help you , and He is already helpingyou . We want to show the world thatKrishna's service is not stereotyped, onesided.Krishna can be served from any position,provided one is willing to serveHim. Krishna can be served and approachedby businessmen, by lawyers, byscientists , by artists, by musicians, by philosophers,even by thieves and rogues; everyone. He is so kind . One has simply toaccept the prescribed method how to approachHim. When I speak of thieves androgues I do not mean that a Krishna devoteeis also a thief or rogue. The idea is thateven the thieves and rogues are eligible toaccept this path of Krishna Consciousnessand make their lives sublime. Actually,when a thief or rogue takes to KrishnaConsciousness he soon becomes a saintlyperson. Just like Jagai and Madhai : Theywere thieves and rogues, but after beingfavored by Lord Nityananda they becamefirst-class devotees . So Krishna Consciousnessis so nice that everyone can approachthe goal , and if one simply agreesto follow the prescribed method, verysoon he becomes a saintly person.Regarding your sales report, I think itis encouraging, and the profit should beexpended in the manner as I have alreadysuggested in my last letter. RegardingBina Musical Stores , I am sending herewiththeir invoice dated 30th August,1969 and the shipping documents ofNedllyod & Hoegh Lines (B/L 30) . Soyou will have to pay only the freight,$129.00, and clear the goods. I do notknow whether you have already receivedthese documents through the Bank ofBaroda because that was arranged withthem. If not, you can do the business withthese documents. The invoice #14528,dated 30th August, 1969 , is for 5 cases ofmusical instruments . In the invoice youwill find one piece "Bina Sangeet ModelHarmonium". This should be kept asidefor my personal use. It is not for sale.Other items are for sale. There is anotheritem, one Big Size Khol , or mridunga.You will see how the quality is and kindlyreport so that we can order for more.Tarnal Krishna is scheduled to arrivehere this evening. He has not come yet.Iskcon Press has very nicely printed ourPeace Formula and Two essays. They arealso cheap, so I hope you will order them2,000 copies. Our BTG appearance iscoming out nicer. Everyone approves. Soby Krishna's Grace I find all sides bright.My only request to all of you is to keep itbright. Dont let it go dim. That isKrishna's Glories. When Tarnal comeswe shall talk with him about the Wo rldSamkirtan Party program.In further regards to your recent contribution,this time you have deposited themoney in the wrong number. My accountnumber is 12410, but I see on the receipt

NOVEMBER, 1969 1087the number is noted as 12416. In the futureyou should be careful about the number.In the meantime you rectify thismistake with the bank when you get time.1 am returning the receipts herewith foryour reference.Please offer my blessings to the others.1 hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-20London11th November, 1969My Dear Rudradas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 3, 1969 along with your beadsand contribution of $5 .00 . The letter headstationery is very nicely printed. Yourbeads have been chanted upon duly andsanctified and are returned herewith. It isvery much pleasing to know that Vancouvercenter is improving daily. Chidanandais a very good organizing leader, Anandais a good soul , and you are also a sinceredevotee, so combinedly together push onthis Krishna Consciousness Movement.Surely you will be successful. Regardingthe vows and chanting method you haveadopted, it is very nice. But do not imposesomething which will be difficult to execute.There is no need of fasting once veryweek. Two days fasting per month on Ikadasiis sufficient. Besides that there are?ther special fasting days. Spiritual real­IZation depends on austerities and vows,but in this age , by the Mercy of Krishnaand Lord Chaitanya, we need not undergovery severe penances, as we are unable todo it. The rules and regulations which wehave already prescribed , that is sufficientfo r ordinary men. But as you have increasedthe chanting of beads to 25 roundsdaily, that is very nice.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-21London11th November, 1969My Dear Srimati,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedOctober 28, 1969 and have noted the contentswith pleasure. I am so glad to learnthat with the help of Durlabh and the othersyou are making progress in our LagunaBeach center. Any new brahmacharieswho come with good faith shouldbe helped. We are living in the Kingdomof Maya, so Maya's influence is very greatin the material world. It is just like an epi··demic. So one has to become immunevery carefully by Krishna Consciousness.So you are experienced now in associationwith devotees, and you are very sincerealso. Try to help any newcomers as far aspossible.Regarding worshipping uninstalledDeities, generally this is not done. Butyou can aratikes with Lord Jagannath. Heis very kind. I hope you are all chantingregularly and keeping in good spirits. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11 -22 London13th November, 1969My Dear Dayananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your kind letter datedOctober 27, 1969. Tarnal Krishna has arrivedhere, and he was describing about

1088 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>your nice daughter, Chandramukhi, howshe is chanting Chintomani nicely. Soboth you and your wife are doing nice serviceto Krishna, and He has sent you anice daughter. Be happy with your goodfamily. Narottama das Thakur has sung inhis song that anyone who is merged intothe ocean of Lord Chaitanya's KrishnaConsciousness Movement, never mindwhat he is-either householder or in therenounced order of life, Srila Narottamadas Thakur hankers after his association.I have heard from Tarnal Krishna that youhave done wonderful work very quickly inelectrical installations in Boston. Sowherever you go and wherever you remainyou have dedicated your life toKrishna's service. That is the success oflife. Now in the absence of Tarnal Krishnayou will have to see the management of theLos Angeles temple goes nicely. By theGrace of Krishna, now you have no financialproblem, but only you have to see thatthings are properly managed and nothingis misused. Gargamuni is there and StokaKrishna is there. So I hope things will goon very smoothly. We should always becareful that we are serving Krishna, andwe shall do nothing which may displeaseHim. Than our life is successful. Accordingto Srimad Bhagwatam, our life, ourwealth, our intelligence, and our speachshould all be engaged in Krishna's service,and that is the criterion of perfectionin human life.Yesterday I have sent one bill of ladingand an invoice from Bina Musical Storesin Delhi. When they are cleared from thedock, please let me know how you havereceived things in order.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-23 London13th November, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated October23, 1969. Both you and Heroine GovindaDasi, assisted by Jayasri, Turyadasand Balabhadra are all doing very nicelyand entirely to my satisfaction. Krishnawill bless you . Srimati Govinda Dasi'swritings have come out in the BTG issue28; I have received the press copy and it isso nice. Everyone is appreciating, and especiallyfor the Samkirtan articles this issuehas become super-excellent. Sogradually I am getting to be an old man. Ihave given you the formula how to preach;you are young boys and girls, our futurehope. Now you follow the principles, applyyour intelligence, and everything willcome out successful by the Grace of ourLord Krishna.Regarding the songs you have written,yes, you may send them here for Mukundato consider for future recordings. Iexpect to visit your Hawaii center againwhen I go to Japan. Surely at that time itwill not be difficult. But always rememberthat I am always with you. As you arealways thinking of me I am always thinkingof you also. Although physically weare not together, we are not separated spiritually.So we should be concerned onlywith this spiritual connection.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-24London13th November, 1969My Dear Jayasri,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letters dated October

NOVEMBER, 1969 108914, 1 969 and November 5, 1969 . You aresuch a sincere devotee that Krishna hashelped you to understand the philosophyso quickly. And this sincerity of purposeis the only means to attain perfection inKrishna Consciousness. I am so glad tolearn that you are thinking of sleep as awaste of time. This is not an ordinarything. So I have become very muchpleased to hear this statement from you .Be blessed by Krishna. Just as you have alreadyunderstood the benefits of thisKrishna Consciousness Movement, try torealize and assimilate it more and moreand distribute it to the suffering humanity.Our movement is the greatest gift to thehuman race. They may not immediatelyappreciate it, but time will come and historywill give evidence that this movementsaved the human society from being falleninto barbarianism.Regarding the things that Kirshnais giving you, everything belongs toKrishna and He is giving everything,even to the nondevotees, even to the animalswho have no consciousness ofKrishna; and what to speak of His devotees. Just like the father maintains all hischildren without any grudge, but thechild who is very faithful to the orders ofthe father is given specific care by the father.Similarly, Krishna being the Fatherof all living entities, he is supplying thebare necessities of their life; but for Hisdevotees He has got special attention. Sodepend on Krishna, chant regularly HareKrishna and you will find that He is talkingwith you face to face, what to speak ofsupplying your necessities. This is agreat science, and please try to understandit nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-25 London13th November, 1969My Dear Linda Ryon,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated October26, 1969 and I have noted the contentswith pleasure . I am so glad to Jearn thatyou and your husband, Michael, are findingyour lives very happy and satisfyingdue to the infulence of Lord Krishna. Thisis the position of Krishna Consciousnessthat if anyone will take to it seriously, hewill find instant improvement in his life'scondition. By nature every living entity isjoyful and in Krishna Consciousness, butdue to association with material contaminationcertain souls have gotten their joyfulspiritual nature covered up by thecloud of Maya. The purpose of our centersfor Krishna Consciousness is to giveeveryone the opportunity to remove thiscloud of Maya from their consciousnessand resume their natural , blissful life ofrendering devotional service to LordKrishna. The process is very simple:chanting, dancing, eating Krishna Prasadamand associating with Krishna's nicedevotees. And these four items will makeone advance very quickly. We are offeringto everyone everything that is nice: nicefood, nice family life, nice music, nicephilosophy, nice association. Only a rascalwill not accept this gift of KrishnaConsciousness. So please continue to followthe procedures as you have been doingunder the guidance of Bhagavandas, Jagadisha,and their wives. When I return toBoston sometimes in December, perhapsyou and your husband will be able to meetme there.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1090 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69- 11-26London13th November, 1969My Dear Turyadas,Please accept my blessings. It is verykind of you to send your letter dated November5, 1969, and I am so glad to learnthat you are progressing in Krishna Consciousness.The secret of success in thisline is to render service. With our presentsenses, materially covered, it is very difficultto understand Krishna, His transcendentalName, Fame, Form, Pastimes, etc.But if we begin rendering service untoKrishna, then being pleased with our serviceHe will reveal Himself from within.So the more we shall try to serve Krishnathe more we will be nearer to Him. All ofyou there are a good comination, so workconjointly in pushing on this movement.You will be happy, the people in generalwill be happy, and Krishna will also bevery happy and thereby bestow His bestblessings upon you.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-27 London14th November, 1969My Dear Carl Lange ,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedOctober 26, 1969 and I am encouraged toread the contents. Although you have beenassociating with us for a short time, I canunderstand that Krishna is giving yougood opportunity to serve Him nicely. It isvery kind of you to be donating all of yourearnings to our Seattle temple, and surelyKrishna will bless you fo r your sincerity.It is this willingness to serve whichKrishna wants to see in us. We have nothingto offer Krishna because He is the Proprietorof everything that be. But when Hesees that a living entity is trying to serveHim, that is appreciated. In BhagavadGita you have seen that Krishna says to offerHim a leaf, a fruit, a flower or evensome water. Actually, the Supreme Lordhas no necessity to request us to offer Himthese items or any other items; but Hegives us the opportunity of serving Him sothat we may become qualified to enterback to Home, back to Godhead.I am so pleased to learn that you arechanting 16 rounds daily and studying ourbooks carefully. You continue to do this inthe association of devotees, and surelyyou shall come out successful in perfectingyour existence in Krishna Consciousness.Within one or two months I shall bereturning to Los Angeles, and at that timeyou may come to speak with me further.In the meantime you continue to helpUpendra and the others in the activitiesthere.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-28 London14th November, 1969My Dear Pradyumna and Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch anxious to hear from you . In my lastletter I was informed by you that you weregoing to send me some specimens of thecomposed version of Nectar of Devotion ,but I have not received anything till now.Beside that. you have not called for theremaining portion of the manuscript. Thismeans the major portion is not yet composed.In the meantime, the press isready. The press has already begun toprint, and without having any book ready,they are printing other materials. But thepress is specifically meant for printing my

NOVEMBER, 1969 1091books . So far as I can understand, 12 or1 3 books are ready for going to the press.Simply they require to be composed. Soplease let me know what is the exact positionwhy the work is going slowly. Heresome respectable friend has promised topublish my book, Krsna, in two parts .The manuscript is also ready. So afterNectar of Devotion, I want to take up thiswork immediately. Formerly the plan wasthat Arundhuti and Shama Dasi combinedlywill compose at least 20 pagesdaily under the guidance of Hayagriva andPradyumna; Pradyumna will be responsiblefor the diacritic marks and Hayagrivafor correct English and grammatical composition.This was the arrangement. Thepress is ready, the manuscripts are ready,but I find from your department things arenot up to the standard. So please let meknow what is the position whether it ispossible for you to take this responsibility.If you take the responsibility, what is thedifficulty that things are going so slowly?I shall await your reply to this letter andshall thank you very much in anticipation.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-29 London14th November, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 12, 1969 and thank you verymuch. Regarding the delay in composingbooks, I have just now written to Pradyumnaand Arundhuti asking them thereason why they are delaying the matter.So on receipt of their clear reply I shalltake necessary action. I can appreciatealso that the matter is being delayed . Ifthey are having difficulty in composing,can you suggest any other boy or girl totake up this work in Boston? Centralizedactivite is desirable, but because we havenot got all workers in a place, there is difficulty.Now gradually it will be centralized.So far as Krsna is concerned , I understandthat you did not keep any copy of themanuscript. Generally it is the custom tomake at least four copies, so how is it thatyou have neglected this? In the absence ofa second copy it is risky to send you ourcopy in the mail. Therefore, I am personallyglancing over and putting the diacriticmarks in the Sanskrit words . Besides that,one respectable friend has promised to getthis printed immediately. In my previousletter I asked you to give quotation for thisKrsna book. The size should be 7" x 10".I understand that is the standard size ofthis kind of book. Please also inform me ifwe have got arrangement for printingcolor pictures also. So in consultationwith Advaita please give me immediatelythe actual expenditure for printing 10,000Krsna books on the style of TLC; fourhundred pages, including fifty color pictures.It is essential for me to know thisbecause the friend who wants to publishthis book should be informed about thecost of production within a week . Also, Ihave not received any edited versions ofthe tapes which I have sent to you fromEurope. So please send them to me assoon as possible, keeping carbon copieswith you in Boston. If there are discrepenciesin your editing techniques betweenthe beginning and later chapters, pleaseinform me what they are so we can makethe corrections here.Regarding Brahmananda, I do notthink he may divert his attention to Bostonactivities. So far I get report from TarnalKrishna, New York is not in proper condition.New Yo rk is the most important center,so things should be arranged therevery first class. Brahmananda is leadingvery nice Samkirtan Party in New Yo rk,

1092 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>so that should be organized more andmore. I shall write to Brahmananda soon.In the meantime, if you meet, you can alsosay to him. So far as press management isconcerned, do you think Brahmananda'spresence is required? Or will Advaita andUddhava be able to do things? So far as Iget report from Tarnal , the press arrangementis now in due order trough the endeavorof Advaita and Uddhava. So TarnalKrishna will correspond with you in thisconnection. In the meantime you can sendme the production cost of Krsna as describedabove. Hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-1 1-30London15th November, 1969My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated November2, 1969 and the booklet of essays.There are improvements to be made becausethe essays are not adjusted on theright side. Besides that, it is being printednot on glazed paper. The photoghraph hasnot come out very distinctly. Also the cosis not very satisfactory. The Dai Nipponcompany is printing our BTG at 101;:, butthe size is bigger, the papers are more,there are color pictures and glazed paper.In that comparison, 61;: cost is not very favorable.You have also printed 20,000.Anyway, it is printed in our press. If thecost is equal or little more. we do notmind. But from business point of viewyou should note down the points.I have heard from Tarnal Krishna thatthis press arrangement is made verynicely and you are doing excellently. Nowmy manuscripts for books are ready for atleast 12 books. So according to your estimate,if you think you shall be able to pub-!ish 6 books in a year besides our BTG,then you have got two years engagementalready. Regarding composition, the matteris going very slowly, so if you have anyideas how this can be centralized in Boston,please give me your suggestions.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-31London15th November, 1969My Dear Balai,Please accept my blessings. After along time I have received your letter and Ithank you very much. I always think ofyou how nice, Krishna Conscious, beautifulgirl you are. So Krsihna has given youa nice daughter to take care of. Here, thedaughter of Malati, Saraswati, is givingus much pleasure in her Krishna Consciousnessactivities. She is so nice that assoon as there is chanting sound of kirtanimmediately she begins to dance and clap.Even the audience becomes astonishedand they follow her activities. It is verynice. I think your daughter may now bewalking, so she may also be trained fordancing and clapping.So attend Samkirtan Party very regularly.Kirtan is our life and soul, and thepress is part of kirtan. So both of you, husbandand wife, always remember this andtry to execute both these ways of activites.I understand that Saradia has come backto Boston, living Vaikunthanath. This isnice. One thing you should know-ofcourse, I know that you are so nice thatthere is no possibility amongst you for disagreementbetween husband and wife; butsometimes it happens-so you can letSaradia know that in our Krishna Consciousnesshousehold life there is noquestion of separation. Our marriage is

NOVEMBER, 1969 1093Absolute. But if sometimes some disagreementis there, they may live separatelyfor a few days, but that does notmean they can think of separation. Pleasetry to educate all the girls in that way. InDecember I shall be there in Boston, andit shall be my great pleasure to see you alltogether.Please offer my blessings to yourdaughter, Nandini. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-32 London15th November, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou for your letter dated November 11,1969, but the check which you say is enclosedis not found. The best thing will bethat when you want to pay me you can askyour bank to transfer the amount to my accountat the First National City Bank,#0420 160131. When you want somemoney from me, I will do the same. Sothere will be no difficulty. Please find outwhy the check is missing. Regarding yourrequest for your deliverance from theclutches of Maya, please rest assured ofbeing delivered, because we have capturedthe strong chain of disciplic succession.This chain is coming down from thehighest platform, Krishna. Just like a ropecomes down the well so that anyone whomay catch the rope from any position issure to be delivered; so our aim should beto not give up the rope. We must capturethe rope very tightly. Then our deliveranceis assured. so far as I am concerned,in relationship with my disciples who areso kindly cooperating with me in the matterof my rendering service to my SpiritualMaster, for them I am always ready tocome back from Goloka Vrindaban, ifthey are not delivered along with me. Sodont be worried about the clutches ofMaya. Be fixed up in your determinationand go on serving the Supreme Lord,Krishna, with determination as you are alreadydoing.It is very nice to learn that both you andSatsvarupa have highly praised TarnalKrishna. Similarly, Tarnal Kriahna hasalso highly praised you and Satsvarupa.This attitude should be maintainedamongst your Godbrothers. That will elevateus more and more to the top of devotionalservice. This is called Vaikunthaattitude. In the Vaikuntha factually thereis no fault in anyone, but there is anothertype of competition. The competition isthat one devotee thinks of other devoteeshow nicely they are serving the Lord. Inthe material world the attitude is that everyonelikes to think that I am doing betterthan others. This is material conception.In the Spiritual Sky it is just the opposite:Everyone thinks that my contemporarydevotees are doing better than me. We aretrained to address Godbrothers as Prabhu,which means Master. This means we shalltry to find out always the serving side ofour Godbrothers. Sometimes there aremisgivings, but that we should try to overlook.One of my big God-[PAGE MISSING]69- 11-33London15th November, 1969My Dear Harold Torf,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to receive your letter dated November1 1, 1969, and I am so much obliged toyou for your kindly offering me your service.You are rightly placed by Krishna'sGrace under Brahmananda, and you try tofollow his instructions. As soon as he willrecommend, I shall initiate you; mostprobably when I return to Boston. Your

1094 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidapicture shows you are a very nice boy,promising to become a good aishnava inthe future. Krishna has sent you for beingtaken care of by us, so we shall do ourbest. You also kindly try to follow our instructions.Regarding Omkar, you mayknow that Om is the impersonal soundform of Krishna. Those who are unable toutter immediately the Sweet Name ofKrishna, they are recommended to chantOm. Just like a child is taught to make aparticular type of sound, and thus helearns the name of father, mother andother relatives. That is the beginning. Soin the beginning, Om is the right vibrationof transcendental sound, and the meaningis to address the Supreme Lord. Our businessis directly with the Supreme Lord.Impersonal feature of the Lord is just likethe illumination of the lamp. The lamp isthe more important thing. You will graduallyunderstand all these features of theAbsolute Truth if you read Bhagavad Gitaand adhere to the regulative principles. Ifthere is difficulty in understanding, youconsult with Brahmananda, or still furtheryou send your enquiry to me. Thankyou very much for your letter. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiKrishna, the more you get better strengthto serve Him. Please remember this valuableadvice and you will find it very convenientfor your progressive march. TheBTG French edition is very nicely done.Even if our endeavor is not always successful,because it is done for Krishna, bynature it becomes nice. We have nothingto do with material considerations. Janardancame to see me about one fortnightago, and he is also eager to do somethingin Paris, so be in correspondence withhim. I am very glad to learn that Yasodanandana's name is given as the editor,and encourage this nice boy more andmore. I have received your shawl duly andI have already acknowledged it. It is verynice. I am using it for my dress garments.Regarding the Mayapur center, this isalmost settled up that we shall have a templethere. Very soon we shall purchase apiece of land there, so when you return toIndia it will be in your charge for constructinga temple in grand scale there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPS: I have received the bank receipt ofyour contribution to the Book Fund, andthank you very much for this.69- 11-34 London16th November, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. Thank youvery much for your letter dated November11, 1969 with encolsed BTG, French edition.Krishna is giving you graduallymore and more strength to serve Him.Just like a wrestler, simply by practicingwrestling amongst friends, gradually becomesstronger and the body is built upvery nicely, Krishna Consciousness isexactly like that: The more you serve69- 11-35London16th November, 1969Dear Hitsaranji,Please accept my blessings. With furtherreference to my letter dated November1, 1969, I beg to inform you thatimmediately I want one pair of Radha­Krishna Deities in London. If you willkindly send me out of the five pairs contributedby the Dalmia Trust and BirlaTrust at least one pair to London by thequickest transport, maybe by air cargo,

NOVEMBER, 1969 1095then it will be very kind of you . Kindlytreat this as urgent. I hope this will findyou in good health. I am awaiting yourearly reply.Affectionately yours ,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-36 London18th November, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 7, 1969. Whenever there isdifficulty in understanding you are at libertyto question me, and it is my duty togive you the right reply as far as possible.There is no cause of anxiety fo r thismethod. Questions and answers is the relationshipfor the Spiritual Master anddisciple. The only thing is that questionsshould be put, as it is advised in the BhagavadGita , preceeded and followed bysubmission and service. With this, allque-;tions arc bonafide . Regarding the applicationfor the school , I dont think it isvery lucrative job. If you want your SpiritualMaster to be engaged in some outsidejob, you must see that He is getting suitableremuneration. I am therefore returningthis form as there is no use of it .Regarding the building, if it is alreadyacquired by the university, then if you purchase,the university authorities must giveyou guarantee that they willl return themoney, whatever we have paid, after deductingthe usual rent only. On this we cannegotiate . For the land , first of all ascertainthe real situation as I enquired in mylast letter. Then try to secure it . But theuniversity course should be given morestress than purchasing the house or securingthe land . This is a very importantthing. If such courses are taken by you,then practically there is no need of myemployment there . Regarding Chitsukananda,I do not know whether hisSpanish education is sufficient for thepurpose of right translation, but he canmake some portion and send it to me. Ishall exame it and then give my direction .In the meantime he can try to translate ourBTG and you may try to print a Spanishedition of BTG as you were doing in Montrealof French edition. That will be a nicejob for him and an opportunity to nicelyexpand our literary activities.Please offer my blessings to Himavatiand the others. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-37London18th November, 1969My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated13 November, 1969 and have noted thecontents. Sriman Tarnal Krishna dasBrahmachary is staying now in London,and I have al ready handed him your letterfor necessary action in the matter of sendingmore men there. He will also directlycorrespond with you . In the meantime, Imay inform you that Bali Mardan alsowrote me to the effect for changing yourheadquarters to Tokyo, and I have alreadyconfirmed this idea. From the very beginningI wanted to open a branch in Tokyobecause when I was in Tokyo on my wayto the States from India, I saw it exactly aduplicate city like New Yo rk. So anotherfeature I note from your letter is that theHare Krishna Mantra is being chanted bysome Japanese boys. Sometimes backShyamsundar showed me one picturefrom a Japanese music paper about ourHare Krishna Mantra. So I think HareKrishna Mantra is already known to the

1096 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Japanese youngsters. If you take this opportunityin cooperation with them, I amsure it will be successful. I am glad theyare offering you free residential quartersat least for one month. That is a good opportunity.In the meantime, find out a nicesuitable temple. We shall send you menfrom here, you are already 3 there, and ifyou can induce some of the Japanese boysto join you, surely it will be a grand success.Do it carefully and nicely.Please offer my blessings to Chintamoniand Bali-Mardan. I hope this willmeet all of you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-38 London18th November, 1969My Dear Woomapati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your leter datedNovember 8, 1969 with pictures enclosed.They are very nice. I understandthe whole situation that you have not yetbeen able to find out a suitable place forliving together, although Janardan isthere. I think the same problem was experiencedby the London devotees previously.Anyway, you will be pleased tolearn that Tarnal from Los Angeles hascome here, and our Samkirtan Party hasgot some engagement in Hamburg fromthe 20th through the 24th of this month, sothey will stay in the Hamburg temple for 4or 5 days. Janardan wrote me in some lettera few days back asking if I can gothere, but due to the climatic condition Ido not wish to move further from here. Soyou consult amongst yourselves whetheryou require Tarnal's and the SamkirtanParty's help. You can let them know immediatelyin Hamburg. The address is InternationalteGesellschaft fur KrishnaBewusstsein, 2 Hamburg 6, Bartelsstrasse65, West Germany.The sooner you find out a center of ourown, the better it will be. Anyway, pull onas you are doing your best, and Krishnawill help you in due course. Here thepreaching work is going nicely. The Londonparty has now a van for 13 people,and they are going to Germany in that car.If you are eager to receive them, you writeto them in Germany immediately. Maybeit will be possible for them to go to Parisand do some propaganda work.I am very pleased that you are findingyour life becoming more and more beautiful.Krishna Conscious life is our naturallife. Just like a diseased person, the morehe comes back to his health it becomespleasing more and more; similarly, themore we come to Krishna Consciousness,certainly it will be pleasing, becauseKrishna is the Reservoir of all pleasure.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-39London19th November, 1969My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated November17, 1969 with two enclosures ofpaper samples. So far as the paper for coloredpictures, 80 lbs., and dust jacket,100 lbs., I think it is quite suitable. But sofar as the papers for the inside of the book,the paper which you have indicated, 50lbs. , is not suitable. It must be either 60 or70 lbs. lf70 lbs. is too costly, then 60 lbs.is tolerable. But the paper must be white

NOVEMBER, 1969 1097just like TLC. The samples you have sentare not so nice a white color. So far as theother estimates, I think they are all right.The total expenditure submitted by you,$7, 939-or say $8,000, is acceptable.The size as you have mentioned, 6 3/4 x 9112, is also all right, and the pictures 48 innumber and pages 352 is also all right.The quality of binding, get-up, texture,etc . is like TL C, so you can arrange for itsprinting immediately.I am very sorry to learn that our pressis lying idle, and your remark in this connectionthat we have purchased the cartbefore the horse is appropriate. I have immediatelyasked Aravinda from LosAngeles, to go there for doing layoutwork. I have asked also Pradyumna whythe composition work is going so slowly. Ihave received one letter from Satsvarupaalso in this connection, so all the compositionand layout work must now be centralizedin the press. For editing, alreadySatsvarupa is there, and Hayagriva willsend his editorial matters without any delay.The actual difficulty is composingand layout. Satsvarupa informs me thatthere is a girl, Pallika Dasi, who is a goodtypist, and Satsvarupa also agrees to purchaseanother machine. So if possible,immediately purchase this composingmachine and begin the composing workfor Krsna. Jaiadvaita is also there andAravinda will help in layout work. So faras the press lying idle, I would advise youto immediately print the paperback editionimmediately. Originally you were goingto print this, and I do not know whythis program was cancelled. !After this isdone you can reprint the first volume ofSrimad Bhagavatam, because there is aneed for more copies of this volume. So Ido not know why the press is sitting idlyand why the proposal for printing TLC insoftcover edition is put aside. Also, youmention that there is some lack of management,but I do not know why thisshould be since Brahmananda, yourself,and the others are there. Please inform meof the cost for reprinting TL C. I hope thiswill meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-40 London19th November, 1969My Dear Jayagopal ,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated November13, 1969 with enclosure of my maintenancecheck. I hope everything is goingon nicely in Columbus, and I am suare underyour able management it must be goingon smoothly. I have written one letterto Pradyumna and Arundhuti regardingcomposing my books, so I am very anxiouslyawaiting the reply. Please infomrthem about this and let me know what isthe situation there. Offer my blessings toall of them, and I hope this will meet youin good health. Thank you very muchonce more for your letter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-41 London20th November, 1969My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 17, 1969 with enclosed checkfor $30 for my maintenance, and I thankyou very much. Regarding the house, Ithink there is indication of Krishna that weshall have our own house in Hawaii. Usuallywe do not wish to have our ownhouse, but when Krishna offers it we musttake the facility without any hesitation. In

1098 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Boston also, Satsvarupa was put into similartrouble, and by the Grace of Krishnahe has got now our own house and we haveestablished our own press there also. Thedescription of the house as you have givenappears to be very nice, because it is nearto the University of Hawaii. If by theGrace of Krishna you get the bank loan, Ithink that you can take the risk. ForKrishna, to take some risk is also devotionalservice. That is ordered by theGoswamins: krishnarthe akhila chesta .This means for Krishna's sake to do everythingpossible. From San Fransiscowhen I pushed you alone for Hawaii, youdid not know where you were going,where to stay, and what to do. But sincemore than one year you have struggledvery hard, and gradually you are gettingsome foot in that distant place, and yourgood wife, Govinda Dasi is helping you.Also, some very nice assistants havejoined you, so try for Krishna to do yourbest. That is our duty. Success or no success:it doesn't matter. The only thing isthat we should try our best. So that I knowyou are doing your best, and Krishna willbe very much pleased upon you all.Srimati Jayasri Dasi sent me somedried banana chips and they are very nicefor my Ekadasi food. Is it possible to sendus in large quantity this foodstuff? If not,please try to send me at least one smallpacket like that every fortnight. It is verynice. The mango pulp, a sample of whichwas also sent to me, I dont think it hascome out very nice, so there is no need ofsending it. Here the preaching work is goingon nicely. Samkirtan Party is goingon, and they have got many engagements.Just now they have got four days engagementin Germany. More than one halfdozen devotees have gone there now, andthey will also install the Radha-KrishnaMurtis. They have taken the Murtis therewith them. What did you do with the Murtisyou received from Calcutta? Are theybeing worshipped regularly as I showedyou during my stay at your place? Radha­Krishna seva should be done very nicely,and all the members should always becleansed. I have personally[PAGE MISSING]69-11-42London20th November, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 17, 1969 with check for $63and the bank receipt also. Tarnal Krishnahas gone now to Germany with theSamkirtan Party to install Radha-KrishnaDeities there. I hope by this time you havereceived the shipping documents and invoicesent by the Bank of Baroda as well asby me. So after clearing the goods, pleaselet me know how you have received them.Regarding your expenditures, we do notmind if there is no saving. Our policyshould be to collect millions of dollars andspend also millions of dollars or sometimesmore. But we should be very carefulthat we may not be extravagant. For necessaryexpenditures we have no grudge. Ido not know what you are eating, but theeatng program should be nutritious andsimple, not luxurious. That means chapatis,dahl, vegetables, some butter, somefruits and milk. This is necessary forkeeping good health. But we should notindulge in sweetballs or halewah or likethat daily. Too much first-class eatingmay stimulate our sex desires, especiallysweet preparations. Anyway, eat KrishnaPrasadam, but be careful that we may notindulge in luxury. For Krishna we can offerthe most beautiful preparations, butfor us Prasadam should be very simple.Regarding decoration of the Deities, thatis very nice. They should always be very

NOVEMBER, 1969 1099attractive so people who come will be attracted.So, as far as possible economize,and there is no need of savings. But becausewe are trying to purchase our ownbuilding we will have to save somethingbecause in the future we will have to paylarge monthly installments. I have heardfrom Tarnal that there is a nice chruch,and they are asking $ 100,000. Is that negotiationstill going on? If so, you can letme know what is the position. Now I shallbe very soon going to Boston, and then Ishall go to Los Angeles. So what will bethe arrangement for my stay there? I shallbe glad to hear from you conveniently.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-43London20th November, 1969My Dear Vasudeva,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your nice letter and thebeautiful picture of RAdha-Krishnawhich you have sent to me. Immediatelyupon receipt of this picture, I have hung iton the wall directly above my Deities, andit is appearing very nice there. Thank youvery much. I always remember you thatyou are such a sincere and good boy, and Iam sure that Lord Krishna will help youmore and more to advance in KrishnaConsciousness. Krishna is very mercifulto His sincere devotees, but also we haveto remember that Maya is very strong.Therefore, we have to always be engagedin serving Krishna. At every moment weshould be doing this or that service forKrishna's transcendental pleasure. If wedo not remember this, then Maya is rightthere to grab us. It all depends upon ourleaning towards Krishna or towards Maya.If you lean towards Krishna, you will be inKrishna Consciousness; and if you leantowards Maya, then you will be captivatedby material nature. Krishna and Maya arejust like light and shadow which are directlynext to one another. If you move alittle this way, you are in light and there isno question of shadow. But if you move alittle the other way, you are in darkness.So if we remember to always be engagedin Krishna's service, then there will be noMaya and everything will be all right.Please always remember this great secretof advancement in Krishna Consciousness.So as you are showing promise to bea nice artist, I think you may next paintsome pictures of the Spiritual Masters inthe line of disciplic succession. Also,continue to fix up the new temple nicelyand promote the Samkirtan Movement asfar as possible. These, along with promotingour literatures will give you sufficientengagement to fill your time. Also,continue to chant all of your rounds daily,and read our magazines and books asmuch as possible. In this way your futurewill be very bright, and surely you will beable to do great service to this movementwithin your lifetime.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-44London23rd November, 1969My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings. Your letterdated November 19, 1969 is in hand. Thething is that you have asked me so manyquestions, but it is not possible for me tomanage all departments of our society.Practically you are in charge of the pressdepartment, but is is better to form immediatelyone press committee consisting

1100 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>ofyou, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda, or whomeverelse you like, and do it nicely. Howthings should be done I have given yousuggestion, but it is not possible for me todivert my attention. Then my real workwill suffer. I have written a letter to Pradyumna,but there is no reply as yet. Anyway,from the practical point of view, itappears that we cannot depend on him forcomposing work. So in consultation withthe others, you arrange for other means. Ihave already advised Satsvarupa in thisconnection. If Sriman Chandanacharya isbusy in some other work , then Aravindacan wholly be engaged in Boston layoutwork. I have already asked him to gothere.I have also noted down the lawyers instructionthat outside work can be taken ifthe profit does not go to some individualperson. I think if it is legally possible, thisis all right. I have no objection if you makesome profit on outside work. That is verynice. My only point is that we have got ourpress for printing our own literatures moreand more. We should not miss this point.Otherwise combinedly together do itnicely. I shall be very much pleased to seethings are going correct.Please offer my blessings to BalaiDasi, Nandindi Dasi, and the others. Ihope this will meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-45 London23rd November, 1969My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated November18, 1969 and your maintenancecheck. I am so glad to learn about yourMaha Samkirtan Party consisting of 60devotees and your realization of the factthat the situation appeared to be Vaikunthaatmosphere. Actually it is so. SrilaNarottama das Thakur in his prayer sayshe wants to be associated always with deovtees.So our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is to educate people to createsuch association. Even in the midst of asmall family group, the whole world ismissing this point. This is because theyare creating societies of sense gratification.Therefore , in any group, either in societies,or communities, or nations, or atlast in the United Nations, they are all unhappy.Because the real point is missing.So our movement is very genuine, scientificand benedictory. Only the first classintelligent class of men can understand thevalue of this movement. But Lord Chaitanyahas given us the Hare Krishna Mantrawhich makes things very easy. So goon chanting this mantra, following theregulative principles and rules and regulations.Then it will be effective withoutany fail. I am so glad that you are graduallyappreciating the luster and beauty ofKrishna and the taste of Samkirtan Movement.Regarding your question, it is welcome.It is not outrageous. Any honestquestion is welcome. The Spiritual Masteris meant for answering any honestquestion. Krishna has genitals certanily. Itis said that He has eternal , blissful Body,full of knowledge. So when He has got abody, He must have all the parts of a body.But we should not consider that His partsof the body are the same as ours. In theBrahma Samhita it is said that His parts ofthe body, or limbs, each of them has gotpotency of the others. For example, withour eyes we can see only, but we cannoteat . But Krishna's eyes can not only see,but also eat and beget children also. In theVe das it is said that He put His glance overMaya and impregnated her with all the livingentities. Therefore , although He hasgot genitals, necessarily He does not requireto use it for the same purpose as we

NOVEMBER, 1969 1101do. There is another instance that GarbodakshayeeVishnu begot Lord Brahmafrom His abdomen, navel, and the Goddessof Fortune, Laxmi, was nearby. Shewas just massaging the Lord's Lotus Feet,but He did not require the help of the Goddessof Fortune to beget Lord Brahma.That is His omnipotence. He is self sufficient.He has got all the limbs for all thepurposes, but He can use all of them forany purpose. This is inconceivable by us.We should not therefore compare ourbodily function with Krishna's. His conjugalrelationship with the Gopies is notexactly in the same way as we havegirlfriends, neither the Gopies madefriendship with Krishna exactly in thesame fashion as here in this materialworld a girl makes friendship with a boy.They are different spheres of activities.Therefore, I sometimes warn my studentsnot to discuss much about the affairs ofKrishna's dealing with the Gopies. In theSrimad Bhagavatam such dealings are describedin the lOth Canto, and as it is alreadyexplained, 9 Cantoes have beendevoted just to understand the philosophyof Krishna. In the 2nd Canto it is recommendedthat one should begin to seeKrishna from the Lotus Feet, not from thegenital. Gradually, as he advances in understandingKrishna, he should go up andup. In this way, one should try to see theface of Krishna; and His dealing with theGopies is compared with His sweet smile.So for the present we should better stickour faith and observation to the Lotus Feetof Krishna and pray fervently that He maygive us the strength and capacity to understandHim as He is. Because as soon as weare able to understand Him as He is, immediatelywe become liberated persons,eligible for entering into the Kingdom ofGod . This is confirmed in the BhagavadGita, 4th Chapter where the Lord says"Simply by understanding My transcendentalposition, apearance, disappearanceand activities, one becomes eligibleto enter into My Abode, just after givingup the present material body.Regarding your second question aboutthe rasas in Narayana's Abode, it does notgo higher than servitude and reverentialfriendship.I am very glad that Kanchanbala is performingthe regulative principles andworshipping and helping you to becomean ideal Vaishnava householder. Regardingsannyas, yes, according to Vedic principles,as a married man, you must giveyour wife at least one boy child. Andwhen he is grown up, after you are 50years of age, you can take sannyas. Thegrown up boy may take care of your oldwife. That is the Vedic system.Please offer my blessings to all of theothers. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-46 London23rd November, 1969My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated November16, 1969, and thank you very muchfor your opening a branch at St. Louis sopromptly. Now both you and your wife aretrained how to arrange for maintaining atemple and center. Please do it nicely. Thebeginning is sounding so hopeful that I amsure very soon your center will be one ofthe first class preaching places of our society.Of course not immediately, but youwill have another responsibility to sendme something for my maintenance as theothers are sending. There is no pressure,but when you find convenient, you canalso help in that way. Please keep me informedabout your progressive march inSt. Louis.

1102 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Kindly offer my blessings in IndiraDasi. I hope this will meet you both ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-47 London24th November, 1969My Dear Nara Narayan,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedNovember 5, 1969 and I am so pleased tolearn of the nice service you have beenrendering to Radha-Krishna in Los Angeles.The cart you have constructed soundsvery nice from your description, andwhen you are able please send me photographsof this cart. I have all approval ofyour plan to travel from temple to templein order to give them the benefits of yourcarpentry skill. Do it nicely. It is veryimportant service and Krishna will bepleased to bestow upon you His blessingsfor it. Here in London things are going onvery nicely, and one India gentleman haspromised to help us in our plan to makeDeities. Therefore, I request you to sendimmediately to the London temple thecarving of Lord Krishna which you madein Los Angeles while I was there. As youare writing from Detroit center, pleaseinform some responsible person in thetemple where the Deity is presently stayingto immediately send it by air post toLondon address. I shall be returning tothe East Coast USA sometimes in December,and if it is possible, I shall bepleased if you can come and meet me atthat time.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-11-48 London25th November, 1 969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 21, 1969 and noted the contents.The dummy BTG #30 Special RathayatraIssue is very, very nice. Regarding theprinting order, I think henceforward youshould publish 50,000 at least and theymay be distributed as follows: 20,000 tothe East Coast, 10,000 to the West Coast,and 20,000 to the others (Middle Statesand other countries). The idea is that BTGis our backbone of Krishna Consciousnesspropaganda, and since you havetaken charge from Rayarama's hand, certainlyit has improved in so many ways.Recently I have received one letter fromRayarama which he has signed his nameto as "Raymond". That means he hasdrifted from our society completely andhis letter is very discouraging. He has accusedeveryone save himself. So I do notknow what can be done with him. In theBhagavad Gita we understand from the16th Chapter that when a living entity becomesenvious of Krishna, he is put intothe darkest region of material existence,exactly in the same way as when a citizenis disobedient, lawbreaker, he is put intothe prison cells. So this is nature's way beginningfrom Krishna, and one has to undergosuch stringent regulative principlesof material nature in such disobedient position.So I have not replied that letter; Ihave got it in the file. When I return toBoston, if you like, you can see it.Regarding press management, I havealready informed Advaita that you shouldimmediately form a press committeecompsed of yourself, Satsvarupa, Advaita,etc. and manage things carefullyand nicely. When we have got our press,we must properly use it, always praying

NOV EMBER, 1969 1103for Krishna's Grace. I do not think Satsvarupacan be overburdened with anyfurther work. He is working outside, editingalso, and looking after other business.But combinedly you can do very nicely.Also, the New York center must be entirelyunder your vigilance.I thank you very much for your check.I have sent today by registered post thepassbook and signed papers to GreatJones Street Branch for transferring myale from Grand Street. Next time you cansimply advise ISKCON a/c to transfer tomy a/c. Prior to receiving this letter, I receivedone letter[PAGE MISSING]Trust Company, and the purpose also wasdeclared there for printing of books. Sincethen, the arrangement for printing bookshas not materialized, so I want to utilizethis money for commerical purchasesfrom India. Please let me know if there isany difficulty in this connection due to exchangecontrol. If so, please let me knowwhat to do in this matter. Thanking you inanticipation of your early reply.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:pdb69- 11-49London25th November, 1969ManagerThe Bank of BarodaChandni ChowkDelhi-6INDIADear Sir,Regarding your letter No. FEX.211-3203 , dated November 1 1, 1969, I beg toinform you that there were two instructionsof payments. One instruction was onthe 7th September, 1969 for payment toBINA MUSICAL STORES, and anotherinstruction was on the 30th September,1969 for payment to INDO CRAFTER. Ihave noted your instruction about the paymentto BINA MUSICAL STORES out ofthe $400 sent to you; but so far as the Murtisto be supplied by INDO CRAFTERare concerned, this has been changed. Theyare going to send it by post parcel. Therefore,you can cancel the previous instructionin connection with the INDO CRAFTERpayment for Rupees 2,600. In this connectionI beg to remind you that when Iwas in the States last year I sent you $400and odds through the Trade Bank and69- 11-50London25th November, 1969ManagerFirst National City Bank686 Broadway (near Great Jones Street)New York, NY 10012Dear Sir,Replying your letter of November 6,1969 I beg to send you herewith as follows:1) My Pass-Book a/c No. 042016131with your Grand Street branch.2) Six pieces of paper duly signed byme on the cross spots as marked by you.3) Two checks:No. 59-102/1213 for $30.00No. 137 for 15.00 for credit ofmy a/c.Please return the Pass-Book duly madeup registered mail, and send me a fewpieces of deposit slips for savings banka/c.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:pdb

1104 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69-11-51 London26th November, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 21, 1969. I am glad that youhave received my letter to to you, addressedto New York. Therein I have expressedmy opinion about your marriage .So it is very nice program. Just get yourselfmarried, and as you propose to go toArgentina with Chitsukananda to open abranch there, I have all approval. So youaccept some girl who will marry you ,either Sachidevi or anyone else. In ourIndian way there is no question of acceptanceor rejection. The parents arrange formarriage and whatever boy or girl they selectfor their son or daughter, that is accepted.Even there is some disagreementat times, that is not taken very seriously.In this way, in mature life they becomehappy. I want to introduce thissystem inthe Western countries, amongst my disciplesat least. Their primary businessshould be Krishna Consciousness. Otherrelationships are mundane and thereforenot very important . So please try to open abranch in Argentina, and it is not very difficult.Recently Vamandev who was inColumbus, now has married and has venturedon my advice to open a center in St.Louis. I have received his report severaldays ago, and it is very encouraging.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. The Radha Krishna diety carvedfrom wood by Goursundar at San Franciscowas delivered to you . Perhaps youremember. I want those deities now.Please let me know where they are.ACB69- 11-52 London26th November, 1969My Dear Jayapataka,I beg to acknowledge receipt of yourletter of November 6, 1969. Regardingthe Prasadam restaurant, if you start this,you should do it only in the temple. Not inanother place. People there know aboutout temple; it is old enough. So if theycome at noontime to take Prasadam, thatis very nice. I have received the picturedrawn by Peetabarana Goura das Adhikary,and it is very well done. If you seehim again, please convey my thanks tohim. I shall be returning to USA sometimesin December, and I hope when I arrivein Boston at least some of you in theMontreal temple will be able to come seeme at that time.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-53 London26th November, 1969Sri Durga Prasadj i Gupta,Asstt. ManagerGITA PRESSP. O. Gita Press, GorakhpurINDIADear Sri Gupta,Sri Jaidayal Dalmia has requested meto send you our edition of Bhagavad GitaAs It Is because you are collecting all differenteditions of the Gita . In this connectionI beg to inform you that I have alreadysent one copy directly to HanumanPrasadji Poddar, but have received noacknowledgement as yet, although thebook was sent sometime at the beginning ofthis year. Please, therefore, enquire from

NOVEMBER, 1969 1105Hanuman Prasadji if he has received thecopy. If not, I shall send another copy toyou.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-54 London26th November, 1969My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your letter dated November22, 1969 and noted the contents. Ihave received one check signed by RaktakBrahmachary for $15, and please conveymy thanks for this. Regarding your citizenshipin Canada, I agree with this proposalbecause the service which you arenow occupied in is very good service andyour bosses have recognized your activities. So gradually it may be that you willimprove more and more. But I know thatthis Pepsi Cola Company attempted theirbusiness in India and it was not very successful.Otherwise I would have askedyou to transfer yourself in the same servicein India. Regarding your marriage,that is my open opinion that if anyone canremain a brahmachary all the time, withoutbeing disturbed by sex urge or whocan tolerate such urges, there is not anyneed for him to marry and take some extraresponsibilities. But one who is disturbedin mind, he must get himself married.Therefore, it has to be decided by oneselfif he should marry or not marry. It is a facthowever that if one is thoroughly engagedin Krishna's service, this sex urge doesnot have much disturbance. But you havegot to work outside with karmis and differenttypes of people. Under the circumstances,if you have a good wife to helpyou, that will be very nice. Another difficutlyis that in modern civilization everyoneis independent-spirited. The girls areno longer very much humble and submissiveto their husbands. So you must beprepared to tolerate such whims of yourfuture wife. According to our Vedic civilization,disagreements between husbandand wife is not taken very seriously. Butthe modern age allows divorce even, eitherby the husband or by the wife. Thesethings are not good. But after marrying,certainly there will be some disagreementsor misunderstanding between husbandand wife. So consider all thesepoints , and you can decide yourself. But ifyou marry, I have no objection, as I havegotten married so many boys and girls andthey are living very peacefully. If youmarry one Canadian girl , your citizenshipwill be immediately made, without waitingfor time. That is the law in the USA. Ido not know what it is in Canada.Regarding land in Mayapur, the price isnot $2000, but it is about $ 1 200, so far as ithas been offered to me. So you do not talkabout the price with Achyutananda. Whenit is settled up, then I shall let you know.The article which you have sent to me appearsto have been writeen from London,Thank you very much for collecting this. Iam sending herewith an article translatedby a girl in our Hawaii temple namedMonique Wynkoop. I do not know theFrench language so I cannot check whetheror not it is correct. If it is all right, you maypublish it. It is very good news that theFrench BTG is also selling nicely, and ifyou think the sales will be 2,000 copies,then you can print at least 5,000 copies inour own press in Boston. That will becheaper. If you simply send the layoutwork, they will immediately print and sendit back to you. You can open correspondencein this connection with Advaita dasAdhikary at the Boston address.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1106 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69- 11-55London26th November, 1969My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter of November8, 1969. It is very nice to hear thatGajendra is now taking care in pushing onthe Krishna Consciousness Movement.Regarding your coming to me, you arealways welcome, and your association isalways desired. When I was in San Fransiscoin 1967, December, after comingback from India, you were so kind uponme. But the thing is that if you come tome, there must be somebody equally expertto manage there. I have heard fromTarnal Krishna that there are several verynice devotees there now, and things are beingmanaged automatically. So when I returnback to Los Angeles you are welcometo come join me.Regarding the boy who is interested inmaking clay Lord Jaganaths, this is allright, but if he can make Radha-KrishnaDeities, that will be even better. We are inneed of such Deities. So why not ask himto try for this? I have also received thefresh Macadamian nuts which you havesent to me, and they were very delicious.Please offer my blessings to all of the othersat the Seattle temple. I hope this willmeet all of you in very good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-56 London27th November, 1969My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 20, 1969 and I have noted thecontents. Prior to this I received one letterfrom Arundhuti explaining why thingswere delayed, and you have also kindlyexplained it. So everything by Krishna'sGrace is all right. Regarding your dismissalfrom the job, I think it is Krishna'sindication that you are not meant for suchkind of service. Now you can freely andcompletely engage yourself in Krishna'sservice as He has very kindly alloted toyou in the matter of editing, transliteratingand helping your wife in composing. Thisis sufficient engagement for you . Besidesthat, as you have now imporoved in speakingyou can do nice preaching work. Ithink you must have improved in that waybecause you are going through so manytranscendental literatures, so you musthave your ideas and philosophical notionsin the matter of Krishna Consciousness.So it will be a great advantage if you getoccasion speaking engagements in variousschools, colleges and universities,provided they pay for it. In your country,if somebody accepts a service free ofcharges or at lower rates, he is consideredto be third class. So although we are preparedto render our services free ofcharges, still, for the prestige of the societywe must charge. And if you get somescholarship stipend from the foundations,that will be a great achievement. Not forthe money, but the foundations will graduallyrecognize what valuabe service weare rendering to the human society.The next point is centralization of ourpublication department in one place.Krishna has given us now a nice press inBoston, and you are now free from yourjob, so it will be very nice if you and yourwife move to Boston cnveniently. As youhave written that Brahmananda has almostagreed to pay for the machine, soyou have no anxiety. We have already discussedabout purchasing another machine.So far as Shama Dasi is concerned,I do not know how it will be possible fo rher to live alone without her husband. Ithink her husband also requires her helpin so many ways. So I am not very much

NOVEMBER, 1969 1107sure about Shama Dasi 's moving to Boston.But you and Arundhuti can do it immediately.I am also going there, so weshall sit down together and call also Hayagrivaand Shama Dasi to hold a nice meetingof all the editors, printers, etc . We willchalk out a nice program so that our workmay go on very smoothly without any impediments,and surely Krishna will helpus. So far as I am concerned, I would havebeen very glad to stay with all the editorsand press workers in my presence, but theonly consideration is the climatic influence.Now so far as your composition workis concerned, it is very, very nicely done,save and except there are some typographicalmisplacements of letters. I see thereare some marginal marks, and I thinkthese are marking the mistakes. Anyway,the composing is first class, and the transliterationis also very nice. If you canmaintain this standard of composing andtransliteration, that will be quite sufficientfor my satisfaction. I see that your letterwas posted sometimes on the 20th November,and you sent it by Special Deliveryair mail. But unfortunately I receivedit only today and the envelope was tornout. Anyway, although it was delayed Ihave got it now, and I shall go through itcritically and let you know in my next Jetterabout my criticism on it.Thank you very much for your letterand be blessed by Krishna. Offer myblessings to Srimati Arundhuti. She is avery nice girl, sincere servant of Krishna,and I shall always pray for her advancementin Krishna Consciousness. I hopethis will meet both of you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 11-57LondonNovember 27, 1969ManagerLloyds Bank LimitedLong Acre Branch83-84 Long AcreLondon, we 2Dear Sir,Replying your letter of 24th November,1969, I am returning herewith the billof Exchange from Khem Singh & Sonsduly accepted by me. Payment should begiven on arrival of the parcels. Pleasetherefore let me know at the above addressimmediately on arrival of the parcels, andI shall arrange for the payment forthwith .Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhakitvedanta SwamiACBS:pdb

DECEMBER69-12- 1 London2nd December, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated November26, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully.Regarding Japan, for the time beinglet only one man go. If they require moremen later on, we shall consider. To send aman is a very expensive job. The principleis that they should recruit men locally.Forty years ago when Bon Maharaj , myGodbrother, came here, he complained ofgetting some manpower from India. Thatis not a good policy that for preachingwork one has to get men from anothercountry. One has to create manpowerfrom the local environment. That is successof preaching. I am very pleased thatJayadvaita Brahmachary will be going toBoston soon for typing BTG and ourbooks. He is the first class typist in our societyso far I have heard, so he can createso many assistants. In the meantime I havealso asked Pradyumna and his wife to gothere. I understand that you have spokento him on the telephone. Regarding theBhaktishastri certificates, the papers havebeen marked, but the certificates were nottaken due to our minimizing the luggageto Europe. Therefore, if there is urgentneed of the certificates immediately, youcan look in the trunk left in New Yo rk andsend here the certificate which we willhave printed here. Otherwise, we shalltake care of this business when I return tothe States, most likely around December20th.Please offer my blessings to the others.hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. From 14th to 21st December the installationof Deity 42" high will takeplace. Invitation will be issued duly.69- 1 2-2 London2nd December, 1969My Dear Krishna Das,Please accept my blesings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated November 26,1969 and have noted the contents carefully.I have heard from Tarnal and Mukundathat there is good chance ofpreaching our movement in Germany,provided our Samkirtan Party is well organized.For this purpose I have asked TarnalKrishna to stay in Europe for sometime, and whenver you will require his assistancein Germany he will go there andstay for some time. After I install the Deitieshere on December 14th, he will befree to go there . The Deity worshipshould be done very nicely and cleansly,as advised by Yamuna and TarnalKrishna. I thank you very much for yournice presentation of the photographs ofmy Guru Maharaj and Bhaktivinode Thakurfit in a nice powder case. So I see myGuru Maharaj everday, whenever necessary.It is kept on my table. I thank youvery much for this. Please dress the Deitiesin your temple as nicely as possible.Also decorate Them with some jewelry. Ihave received one letter form Mandali

1110 Letters from Srfla PrabhupddaBhadra, and he has told me that he is feelingsome disturbances. Under the circumstancesit is better that he may live in thetemple.Please offer my blessings to Jaigovinda,Vasudeva, Suchandra, Shivananda, MandaliBhadra and V rindabanesvari. I hope thiswill meet all of you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-3 London2nd December, 1969My Dear Yadavananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated November25, 1969 along with your beads. I havechanted one round upon these beads, and Iam pleased to accept you as my disciple.Your initiated name is Yadavananda,which means He who gives pleasure to theYadu dynasty. This is Krishna, and youare Yadavananda das, the servant ofYadavananda. Except for persons who arein Krishna Consciousness, everyone is toone degree or another the servant ofMaya, or illusion. The purpose of our societyfor Krishna Consciousness is to trainpeople in the science of breaking their servitorshipto maya and re-establishing theirrelationship with Krishna as His lovingservitor. When we act in this position ofKrishna's servitor very soon we understandthat this is our natural, constitutionalposition, and thus we regain ourconstitutional qualities of eternity, blissand knowledge. Actually these qualitiesare always there, but now they have beencovered up by material contamination.But as Lord Chaitanya has recommended,by this process of Samkirtan which we arepropagating throughout the world theheart will very soon become cleansed ofall such material misgivings. Therfore,you should arrange your shcedule in sucha way that at every minute of every day youwill be chanting Hare Krishna or servingLord Krishna in some other way. This willmake you advance very swiftly, and Goursundarwill be very helpful in giving youinstruction in this connection. You shouldchant at least 16 rounds on your beadsevery day, and avoid the ten offenses tochanting. The four basic regulative restrictionsfor initiated disciples are that wedo not indulge in 1) illicit sex-life, 2) intoxication,3) meat-eating, and 4) gambling.When you have any questions youshould immediately consult Goursundaror some other elder Godbrother or sister,or else you are always welcome to questionme directly. It is my duty to guide youas far as possible. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-4 London4th December, 1969My Dear Bhadra Bardhan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedNovember 23, 1969 and have noted thecontents. I am pleased to learn that theColumbus center is improving graduallyand now you have begun to perform playsfor the guests at the Sunday feasts. In oneway or another you should alway,s be engagedin Krishna Consciousness. Thiswill protect you from the onslaughts of thematerial nature. Regarding your questionabout items being used in Krishna's servicebecoming spiritual, you should understandit that anything which willremind one of Krishna is spiritual, andanything which will make one forgetKrishna is material. Actually, everythingis of spiritual nature because everythingis coming from the Ultimate Source,

DECEMBER, 1969 1111Krishna. But when something is offered tothe Lord or when it is used in His service,then it resumes its spiritual quality becauseit will remind one of Krishna.Therefore, even though such object maynot have concsciousness, it will act asspiritual . It is just like when an iron rod isput into the fire: the rod has not actuallybecome fire, but it will act in just the sameway as fire.Regarding your question about theBrahmajyoti, it is explained in BhagavadGita that the impersonal Brahman effulgenceis emanating from Bhagavan, theSupreme Personality of Godhead. Thebrahmajyoti is just like the sunlight, whichemanates from the Sun God: Because thesunlight has no personal form, this doesnot mean that the Sun God has becomeimpersonal. You have seen in pictures ofLord Krishna that there is a nice effulgencecoming forth from His body. Thiseffulgence is the Brahmajyoti, and it ispervading throughout the entire spiritualand material manifestation. But above thisBrahmajyoti is the Supreme Source ofeverything, Lord Krishna, the SupremePersonality of Godhead. I hope this importantpoint is clear to you now.Please offer my blessings to Jayagopaland the others. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,69- 12-5London4th December, 1969My Dear Sridama,Please accept my blessings. I was verymuch shocked to learn that you have againmet with some motor accident on the way,and perhaps this is the second time youhave broken your leg. So I do not knowwhy such things are happening. Anyway,Whatever calamities happen we shouldtake it as Krishna's blessings, as a tokenpunishment for our past misdeeds. That isthe observation of a devotee . Whenever heis put into a dangerous position, he takes itas a blessings of Krishna, and the opportunityis used for remembering Him verystrongly. So you are now in the hospital,and you have good opportunity for chanting.Do it nicely. I understand you are eatingPrasadam from the temple. That is allright. By Krishna's Grace everything willbe all right. Don't be worried. Chant HareKrishna, and when you come out from thehospital let me know. I hope this will meetyou, by Krishna's Grace, in improvedcondition.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-6 London5th December, 1969My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I thank youvery much for your letter dated November24, 1969 . You need not send the Murtis byair cargo to London because some devoteehere has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murtipair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high andvery nice. So Krishna has saved us in thispoint because we are going to have ouropening ceremony on the 14th Decemberthrough the 21st of December. But if onepair is ready, you can immediately dispatchby ship to Boston as previously advised.From here I shall go to Boston, and if theDeities reach there timely, then I shall installthem there also. I think in my prevous letterthe instruction was to dispatch one pair toBoston, so you can send the Deities to someshipping agent in Bombay and they will forwardto Boston.I hope this will meet you in good health .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1112 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiida69-12-7London6th December, 1969ManagerFIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK686 Broadway (near Great Jones Street)New York, NY 10012USADear Sir:RE: ACCOUNT #0400688633I beg to thank you for returning thenew passbook, but you have not sent meany deposit slips. I am sending herewithas follows: one cashiers check (#6-6652)from FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFWASHINGTON for forty dollars ($40.00),and one check (#1 8) from BANK OF MCMECHAN for fifteen dollars ($15. 00) fordepositing in my account. Please acknowledgereceipt and send some depositslips by return mail.Yours truly,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:pdb69- 12-8 London6th December, 1969My Dear Steven Hebel ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your nice letterdated November 27, 1969 and have notedthe contents. I am pleased to learn that youare regularly attending all of our classesand you are serving nicely in the NewYo rk temple. Continue on in this way andtry to understand our philosophy as far aspossible. Krishna gives assurance in theBhagavad Gita that if one is very seriousto perfect his Krishna Consciousness,then automatically, out of His CauselessMercy, Lord Krishna gives such sinceresoul the intelligence by which he can enteragain into the Spiritual Sky. Actually.Krishna offers this intelligence freely toeveryone, but only the fortunate personswill take to it. Unfortunate persons wiltspeculate upon the words of Krishna andconcoct some meaning according to theirown sense gratification. But Krishna andHis bonafide representatives are givingthis knowledge freely to everyone. Now itis our duty to assimilate this knowledgeand practice it. Just like the electric currentis equal on all points of the electricsystem, but different light bulbs will takedifferent amounts of energy. This dependsupon the capacity of the bulb to accept theelectric current. Similarly, the Lord is notpartial to anyone, but according to one'ssincere desire to render unalloyed devotionalservice, so will He respond to enlightensuch devotee. So the way for you toincrease the capacity of receiving Krishna'sMercy is to chant Hare Krishna regularly,at least 16 rounds per day, to associatewith devotees of Krishna, and to followthe rules and regulations. In this connectionBrahmananda and the others will beable to give you good guidance. My requestto you is that you stick with this processsincerely, and I am sure Lord Krishnaprovide all facilities for your advancement.I shall be returning to Bostonaround the 21st of this month, and I hopeyou shall come to visit me at that time.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-9 London7th December, 1969My Dear Aniruddha,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated December2, 1969, and it is very encouraging thatSac hi Devi is coming. I know she is a verynice girl , so if you agree to marry her,then you must treat her very nicely so that

DECEMBER, 1969 1113you can live very peacefully. Our marriagesare never meant for separation. Yournust live together very peacefully in allcircumstances. Our Vamandev, after marriage,has opened a new center in St .Louis, and they are doing very well. So faras Hansadutta is concerned, immediatelythere is no possibility of his leavingBerkeley center. It is a very importandcenter, and as you say he is doing verywell you require to stay there, husbandand wife, and improve the center verymagnificently. If you want to open a center,you are already experienced, and youshould do it independently.Please continue to read the literaturevery attentively. Try to understand verysoberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly.The more we understand the spiritualliteratures the more we becomeengladdened. Lord Chaitanya has writtenananda ambhudhi bardhanam. Thismeans the ocean of bliss is always increasing.So continue to execute your dutieswith enthusiasm and patience, and I amcertain Krishna will be pleased make yousuccessful on all accounts. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-10 London7th December, 1969My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated November2 8, 1969. I could not check my laughingwhen you have said so many things in bereavementfor asking me to serve in theuniversity. There is no question of bereavement. A child sometimes commitsmistakes, and the father says "Dont dolike this." So there is no question of beingvery seriously bereaved. There is a storythat one man was very hungry, and hewent to an unknown friend and asked himto give him some food. The man suppliedhim a little foodstuff, but he was not satisfied.His hunger was still there. So heasked the man for more food, and the mansaid there wasn't any. Then the hungryman inquired from the other man,"Which caste do you belong to? " Theother man said, "I am Mohammedan."Then the hungry man said, "Oh, I havelost my caste, and still my belly is not satisfied."The idea is that if we have to acceptsome service, there must be properremuneration. Otherwise, our free serviceis open in the temple. Anyone cancome and take advantage . Generally in theuniversities they pay the teachers from$800 to $2,000 per month, so at least theymust pay via media not less than $1,000per month. Anyway, dont bother about it.Go on with your business. But I thoughtthat I required some money for my BookFund, so I could gather some money inthis way. But this will not satisfy my hunger,so forget this incident.Now I am so pleased to learn that yourBerkeley center is improving day by dayunder the good care of yourself and yourgood wife, Himavati. Please go on improvingthe condition of this importantcenter until you have made it as good asLos Angeles center. Regarding the building,how much money do you have for adown payment? If you have at least$3,000, then I can ask some other centersto give you a loan for the balance so youcan attempt to purchase the house. Yousay that it is a nice house, so if it is ours,we can decorate it very nicely fo r a goodtemple. Otherwise, we do not mind to stayin a rented house. When Krishna will giveus opportunity, we shall purchase. Here inLondon temple we are going to installvery big Deities on December 14th . TheDeities are 42" high, made of first classmarble imported from Jaipur, India bysome devotee at the cost of about $400 .

1114 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>He has donated it to our temple.Please go on with the school course.That is a very nice program. In Hawaiialso they are doing that, and also in Seattle,Los Angeles, etc . this program is goingon. So it is a good opportunity. SamkirtanParty on the streets, selling our literature,taking some opportunity for teaching students,and giving them nice Prasadam:This program should be followed very rigidlyand things will come out very successfulwithout fail.Regarding Chitsukhananda, he needn'tbother at present to translate into Spanish.Unless we have got branches in somecountry where the Spanish language isimportant, he should not divert his attention.Regarding the little boy named Jimmyand his mother, the mother may do work;just like sweeping, cleansing the temple,collecting flowers, making garlands, washingdishes, etc. The boy should be trainedto be a nice brahmachary, but it is risky tokeep a boy ofthis age away from the publicschools. In your country the law is verystrict to send such minor children toschool. The best thing will be to send himto New Vrindaban to be taken taken careof by Kirtanananda, Ranadhir, Satyabharna,Shama Dasi and Paramananda. They arealready taking care of some young boyswho are there. They are trying to developa school of our ideal in that place. So aftersometime, if the mother sticks to our principles,the child may be sent to New Vrindabanand she can remain in the templeand gradually be initiated. In the meantime,encourage her to read our literatureand books, and be engaged in some serviceas above mentioned.Please offer my blessings to all of theother devotees in your Berkeley center. Ihope this will meet all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-11 London7th December, 1969My Dear Sridhar Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. 1hope you are keeping good health and everythingis going well there . Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>desired that a temple should beestablished in the center of London, soyou will be pleased to know this is going totake place on the Odansasthi Day, December14th, in a 5-storey house situated inthe most important quarters of centralLondon, in the vicinity of the British Museumand London University. It is very,very respectable quarters, and we have invitedmany hundreds of people, both Indiansand Europeans, in this ceremonywhich will continue from the 14th till the21st of December, 1969. I am submittingherewith our humble invitation for yourblessings.Another point I beg to inform you isthat His Holiness Yayabar Maharaj hasgot land in Ishodyan and he wants Rs.10,000 for it. He says that he wanted toconstruct some Math, but for want of sufficientresources he could not do that, sonow he wants to dispose of it. I have requestedhim to donate this land to our institutionbecause the land was meant forsome service to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Since he could not utilize it byconstructing a temple or building there, Iam prepared to do it for the service of theLord and in pursuance of the· desire ofBhaktivinode Thakur. If he donates thatland to our institution, we can immediatelyinvest Rs. 200,000 minimum forconstructing a temple and home for theEuropean and American students. I knowSripad Yayabar Maharaj always abides byyour good advices. So if you think it isproper, you can advise him in the abovemanner so that we can fulfill the desire ofSrila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> by mutual cooperationin the matter of discharging His Mission.

DECEMBER, 1969 1115I hope you will kindly understand meright and do the needful. Thanking you inanticipation.Yo urs in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-12 London7th December, 1969My Dear Tirtha Maharaj ,Kindly accept my humble obeisances. Ihope you are in good health and everythingis going all right. You will be pleased toknow that we are going to install Radha­Krishna Deities in our London temple onthe Odansasthi auspicious day, December14th. This 5-storey building temple issituated in the central part of London, veryrespectable quarters, just a few steps fromthe British Museum and London University.One local devotee has donated Radha­Krishna Murtis, 42" high, and theinstallation ceremony will go on for oneweek. Herewith please find our earnest invitationcard for your blessings.In this connection I beg to draw yourattention to your letter to me dated February14th, 1969, in which you assured methat I could expect some reply sometimeafterwards. I am enclosing a copy of thisletter for your reference. I am especiallyinterested in the land which I asked fromyou within the vicinity ofChaitanya Math .This is in pursuance of the desire of SrilaBhaktivinode Thakur and Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. It is not for my personal use or satisfactionof personal whims. So if youwol!!d have given me a small piece of landwithin the vicinity of Chaitanya Math ,then I would not have tried to make thesestudents home anywhere else. I hope thiswill find you in good health, and I amawaiting your reply with great interest.Yo urs in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-13 London8th December, 1969My Dear Jayagovinda,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 3rd, 1969. The descriptionsgiven by you are very pleasing and nice.Kindly keep up the standard of your templeactivities by mutual cooperation, andeverything will come out successful andsmooth. Krishna is giving you all help,and the more you serve Him, the morehelp will come automatically. You were inIndia, so you have seen our Godbrothershave hundreds of temples and Maths, andothers also in India; everyone is nicelymaintaining, depending on Krishna. Actuallythey have no fixed income, but asthey serve the Lord, the Lord arranges everything.Therefore , our principle shouldbe to serve nicely, and everything will bearranged by the Lord.Try to make your press departmentvery nice. The magazine is already selling,and if you make further improvements,the sales will also improve. Justlike our English BTG: from 5,000 copiesthey have increased to 25,000 copies permonth, and they are going to increase thenumber of pages from 32 to 40 pages.Regarding the IBM typewriter, is this acomposing machine or an ordinary typewriter?If you are able to take a composingmachine, that will be very nice. So far asyour plan for making Hare Krishna dayglowsigns, that is very nice.Regarding your question about Krishna'sassociates, the principle is that allliving entities are expansions of the OriginalLiving Entity, Krishna. But thereare different grades of living entities:Vishnu Tattva and Jiva Tattva . VishnuTattva is almost equal to the level of thePersonality of Godhead, and Jiva Tattva isminute particles. So when Lord Chaitanyaappeared, Nityananda Prabhu and

1116 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Advaita Prabhu were Vishnu Tattva;whereas Gadadhar Prabhu and SrivasPrabhu were Shakti Tattva. Jiva Tattva isalso within the Shakti Tattva. Thesethings are explained in TLC and other ofour books. Lord Nityananda is BalaramHimself, not an expansion of Him. SrilaNarottama das Thakur has sung that theLord who appeared as the Son of NandaMaharaj has now appeared as the son ofSachidevi; and the same Balaram has appearedas Nityananda. This is the statementof Srila Narottama das Thakur. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-14 London8th December, 1969My Dear Kulashekhar,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated December2nd, 1969. I am pleased to learn thatthings are going nicely there. Please followthe routine work as you are doing nowand everything will be pleasing andsmooth. That is sure and certain. Wheneverthere is doubt or question, just discussthis amongst yourselves, and if thereis no satisfactory solution, you refer tome. But live in Krishna Consciousness.That will make you happy.I am very glad to learn that Visakha isfully engaged in taking care ofthe Deities.Please offer my blessings to her and try tobehave with her as a very kind husband.She will be a very nice girl, helping youboth materially and spiritually. She is avery nice girl. Regarding your questionsabout pujari, pujari means who will alwaysbe with the Deities. That is pujari.So far as the difficulty with bathing, youcan heat up some water in the morningand wash yourself over with a sponge or aclothe.* That will be all right if there is nohot water for regular showers.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*In special cases you can simply washyour hands and feet and change your dresswashed. That will purify you.69- 12-15London8th December, 1969My Dear Suchandra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 3rd, 1969, and I am very gladto learn that you are feeling very stronglyfor Jesus Christ. You have already mentionedthe exemplary character of Lord JesusChrist that he sacrificed everythingfor God. This example should be taken.The process should be to follow the example,not to imitate the exact activities. Forexample, Lord Jesus Christ wanted topreach amongst some persons who werepractically against the principle of acceptingGod as the Supreme, and the resultwas that these people cruficied him. Atthe present moment, the world situation ismore dangerous than before . People havebecome actually Godless. So if you followthe footsteps of Lord Jesus Christ topreach God-consciousness against Godlessnessand dedicate your life in that way,that will be the real purpose of followingJesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ revealedthat he was the son of God , and Krishnarevealed that He is God Himself, the SupremeFather of all living entities. So ifyou dedicate your life to the service ofKrishna, the Supreme Father, dont youthink that Lord Jesus Christ will bepleased with this? At the present momentwe have to preach in an enlightened society.So Krishna Consciousness has got inexhaustibletreasurehouse of philosophy,

DECEMBER, 1969 1117logic and science to convince peopleabout God-consciousness. So if you arcactually serious about following the footstepsof Lord Jesus Christ, you shouldtake advantage of the great philosophicalbackground of this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement and make people God-conscious,dedicating your life. One should try tomake progress. One should not try to remainsatisfied at a point which awaits furtheradvancement. For example, theCommandment says "Thou shalt notkill". This means one should be nonviolent.This is a good principle, but inthe actual field, for want of sufficientknowledge, even this Commandment isbeing misinterpreted and misused. In theBhagavad Gita you will find there are 20items for advancing in knowledge. Perhapsyou have read in the 13th Chapter.Out of the 20 items, this non-violenceitems is one. But devotional service is sopotent, that if one is engaged in devotionalservice to Krishna, automatically all goodqualifications are there . Thus, from thepractical point of view you can see the distinctionbetween our disciples and anyother group of religious faith. We do notindulge in illicit sex-life, which includesnot to covet with another's wife or daughter;We do not eat meat, and that meansautomatically we are non-violent. We donot indulge in intoxication, and thatmeans we are sane in considering thingsin their true perspective.You have asked to know what is the differencebetween Jesus Christ and Krishna.That we have several times explained inmany meetings, that Krishna is God andJesus Christ is the son of God. And asthere is no difference between father andson, so there is no difference betweenKrishna and Lord Jesus Christ; but stillthe son is never equal to the father. SoYou have got advantage of reading ourmany books for advancement of knowledge.The best thing will be for you to engageyour time more in Samkirtan Partyand reading our Krishna Consciousnessliterature.You write that you loved the Deitiessome time ago, so why dont you loveThem now? What is the reason? Let meknow the reason how you liked to worshipthe Deities, and why you are not likingthis now. Then I can explain the situationto you . The best thing is that wheneverthere are some doubts you should ask meor some senior student. We shall try to explain.But dont try to make any compromiseand be agitated. I know you are asincere boy, so try to understand everythingvery clearly.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-16 London9th December, 1969My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated 5th December,1969, and my instructions for thepoints of your letter have already been explainedin my letter to you dated 5th December,1969 . In case this letter has notsafely arrived there, I am sending herewitha copy. Also, please find enclosedtwo invitation cards for the opening of ourLondon temple: one is for you and one isfor Sri. J. Dalmia. Please hand it over tohim conveniently. I shall be hoping to hearfrom you soon.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. The brass deities must be packed securelyin wooden box while shipping.

1118 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>69- 12-17London9th December, 1969ManagerFIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK686 Broadway BranchNew Yo rk, NY 10012USADear Sir,RE: MY ACCOUNT #460688633Kindly transfer $1 ,400 to the INTER­NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNACONSCIOUSNESS, account #04489579and debit my above account. Kindly sendme the debit note and oblige.Truly yours,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-18 London9th December, 1969My Dear Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter datedNovember 30, 1969. I have already acknowledgedreceipt of your very nicecloak, and yes, everything fits nicely. Regardingthe Radha-Krishna Murtis, firstof all, as you are searching out a permanentplace, the best thing will be to installThem in that permanent place. It doesn'tmatter if it is on rent or purchased; but wemust be confident that there will not bedisturbance by some landlord on someflimsy grounds. In the meantime, you canconstruct a nice throne as you will see iton the pictures enclosed. I have got plansfor going to Japan from Los Angeles, butin case I do not go , you shall be able to installthe Deities. I shall send you the instructionshow to do it, if this becomesnecessary. In the meantime, just preparethe preliminary things.Regarding translation work, I am veryglad that Monique is very enthusiastic ,but I do not know French. I have consultedpersons who know the French language,and they do not very much appreciate hertranslations. So what can I do? The bestthing is that she may go on translating andsend her articles to Montreal in care ofGopal Krishna Brahmachary. She maysimilarly contact Janardan at Dam berg, 6Rue Michelet, 94 Fontenay-s-Bois,FRANCE.For Brijbasi prints you may contactAchyutananda. Similarly you may contacthim for other goods from India. All othershave proved insincere. The case of theUSC surely is deplorable. I have writtenthem a very strong letter asking why thishas happened. The best things will be tocontact Achyutananda at the following address:Achyutananda das Brahmachary,35 Satish Mukherjee Road, Calcutta-26,INDIA. When I hear from the USC, thenwe shall see what steps we should take torealize the cheating money. Please offermy blessings to the others. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-19 London1Oth December, 1969My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedDecember 4, 1969 and December 6,1969. So far as transferring $1,400 to theaccount of iSKCON, I have done it immediately.The copy of the advice to the bankis enclosed. Please note down my accountnumber there which is now transferred tothe same branch on Broadway. So whenconvenient you also transfer in the sameway so there will be no difficulty of exchangingmoney. Regarding the Franklinand Marshall College , as you have desiredthat it is a wonderful opportunity for me,so that I may be able to write in sclusion

DECEMBER, 1969 1119while my elderly students may managethe society affairs, that is a very welcomesuggestion. So you can accept the proposalimmediately. Besides that, I see thatProfessor Thomas J. Hopkins and the studentsof the college are very much eager tohear from me, so I must fulfill their eagerdesire, even there is some inconvenience.But I hope if I get a nice apartment withheating arrangement, there will be no inconvenience.I am also pleased to notethat they are going to purchase my books,30-35 sets. That is a great boon for us. Ifwe can introduce our books in these collegesand universities, it will be greatprestige for the society and myself alsopersonally. So let us do this business as anexperiment.Another thing, I have received a greatcomplaint against the United ShippingCorporation regarding supplying goods toour Hawaii branch. So pending enquiry,you should not forward any order to them,and if you have got any money due fromthem, you should try to adjust by takinggoods from them immediately. RegardingBTG, I am so glad that you are printing50,000 copies henceforward. I have receivedalso your press management report,so the only thing to be amendedthere is that all books especially must betwiced edited, once by Satsvarupa andonce by Hayagriva. In every publicationhouse all printing matters are edited atleast three times. So we should be verymuch careful about grammatical andprinting mistakes. That will mar the prestigeof the press and the institution.In your previous letter you told me thatMr. C.L. Jaipuria visited our temple andhe paid $10 as contribution and you alsopresented him with one TLC. Since then,did you write any letter to this gentleman?I know this gentleman has a charitable dispositionof mind, and he can help us in somany ways. Try to keep in touch with himby sending magazines and writing letters.He may be able to supply us many thingsfrom India, especially Deities.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 1 2-20 London13th December, 1969My Dear Nandakishore,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter and havenoted the contents with pleasure. You aregradually developing to be a niceVaishnava, and please continue in thisway. Krishna will be very pleased uponyou. Regarding the song by Srila BhaktivinodeThakur, the transliteration is asfollows:Manasa deha geha yo kichu moraArpinu tuapade nandakisora.Maravi rakhavi yoiccha toharaNitya dasa prati tua adhikara.The translation is "My mind, my body,my home, or whatever I have got in mypossession I surrender unto Your LotusFeet, 0 my dear Lord, Son of Nanda Maharaj(Krishna). Now if you like, you cankill me, or if you like, you can give meprotection. Whatever you like you can do.I am your eternal servitor. You have gotevery right to deal with me in any way asyou please."As I have informed Satsvarupa, I shallbe arriving in Boston on December 21st at3:40 pm. So I shall be very pleased to seeyou again at that time. Please offer myblessings to your good wife, Jahnava, andthe others. I hope this will meet you ingood health.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1120 Letters from Srfla Prabhupl'ida69-12-21 London13th December, 1969My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 7, 1969 along with the articleof Achyutananda. Your decision not topublish this article is correct. To the neophytedevotees we should issue instructionthat there are four stages of understandingthe Absolute Truth. The first stageis re-establishing our relationship withKrishna. This is the first stage. The secondstage is after understanding our relationship,to perform devotional serviceunder proper guidance. The third stage isacquisition of the desired Object. Thefourth stage is relishing the nectar of perfectionallove. So Radha-Krishna Leelabelongs to the fourth stage of understanding,and we are publishing BTG for peoplein general to re-establish their forgottenrelationship with Krishna. So we shouldalways remember this and from SrimadBhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, and Ishopanishadthey should try to write how ourrelationship is revoked from this stage offorgetfulness. They should write articleslike this: 1) Krishna, the Omnipotent,2) How God can be realized as All­Pervasive , 3) The Original Source of Everything,4) Transcendental Process ofHearing, 5) How one gets out of theClutches of Maya, 6) Prayers by Arjuna,7) Prayers by Kunti Devi, 8) Prayers byBhismadev. They should try to understandKrishna first in so many ways which aredescribed in our Bhagavatam. Theyshould read them carefully and pick upsubject matters as above mentioned. Whatgeneral people will understand aboutRadha-Krishna Leela? Immediately theywill take it as ordinary boys and girls inspite of a thousand warnings, "This is notthis, this is not this." So you shall issue instructionthat they should write articles onthe subject matters as above mentioned.They should read our Bhagavatam. Thepurports are there: They should assimilatethem in their own words in a literary career.I was very much pleased to see one ofyour articles which you picked up fromDaksa yajna. The articles should be veryscrutinizingly published . We want tomake our BTG an authorized, first classmagazine, and the writers and studentsshould be equally responsible. So whenwe meet we shall talk more about this.Ye s, you can expect us on the 21st December,Pan American Flight #55, arrivingin Boston at 3:40 pm. Purushottamhas already written to Brahmananda aboutprocedures for our tickets, so you mayimmediately consult with him in thisconnection. I am glad that you are correspondingwith Hayagriva, and when Icome there he may also come.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-22ManagerBank of BarodaChandni ChowkDelhi-6, INDIALondon14th December, 1969Dear Sir:Kindly refer to my letter dated Septem·ber 7, 1969 in which I had to instruct youto pay BINA MUSICAL STORES Rs.2,200 on presentation of the shippingdocuments by the middle of October.They informed later on by their letterdated November 12, 1969 that they hadalready shipped the goods sometimes onOctober 23rd, and the original documentswere submitted for being dispatched to

DECEMBER, 1969 1121rny Los Angeles center at 1975 So. LaCienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California90034, USA. But we hear from LosAngeles that they have not received thedocuments or any information of the consignmentbeing dispatched by any ship.This means they have not yet submittedthe shipping documents; in other words,the goods have not been shipped. Underthe circumstances, please cancel our orderof payment, as they have not bookedthe goods according to the contract.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:pdb69- 12-23 London15th December, 1969My Dear Chidananda,Please accept my blessings. I was veryrnuch anxious to hear from you since I didnot receive any letter for a long time. Soyour letter dated December 7, 1969 isvery encouraging and welcome. Sinceyou have gone to Vancouver things haveimproved very nicely. Now we are goingto print 50,000 BTGs per month, so try toincrease the sales as far as possible.Samkirtan and distributing BTG and ourother literatures is the fieldwork of thismovement. Temple worship is secondary.People are invited to come to the temple tosee the behavoir of the devotees specificallyin the matter of purification. Thereare two kinds of purification methods, externaland internal. In our Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, Deity worshiphelps to keep us externally purified andSamkirtan helps to keep us internallypurified . So as tar as possible we shall executeboth of these processes simultaneously.And by your exemplary character,the general mass of people will be benefitted.Our hearts in material conditi9nare filled with all dirty things, and thisKrishna Consciousness Movement is thecleansing process.I am very glad that your feasts are becomingvery successful . Ye sterday I receiveda letter from Hawaii that they arenow receiving about 100 guests and theyare charging $1.00 each. So now theyhave a good income. You may know thatGoursundar was forcibly sent to Hawaii,by now he and his wife are both doing verynice propaganda. Please offer my blessingsto Rabindra, who is working sonicely for Krishna Consciousness.Krishna will certainly be pleased uponhim and his life will be sublime. Just makeyour center still more established, andwhen you are prepared to install Deities ina nice place, certainly I shall go. I havenever seen Vancouver, and from LosAngeles it is not far away. So let us hopefor that future date . I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-24 London15th December, 1969My Dear Gargamuni,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter withenclosures of one check for $60 and onebank receipt for $500. From the BookFund this month I have spent a very largeamount: $5 ,400. I have given two checksto Brahmananda, and Brahmananda hasalso sent me one check for $6,000 . So thiskind of transaction, printing of books andBTG and collection by selling, is very encouragingto me . Although there may notbe any balance left, when we see we haveso many books published and so manycopies of BTG, that is our pleasure. So Iam so glad that you are endeavoring tocollect from diffe rent centers. If we printall our manuscripts, even at the cost price

1122 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaof materials as estimated by Advaita, Ishall require at least $100,000.00. So letus go on. Krishna will help us . Let us tryour best combinedly. That is our business.I am so sorry to Jearn about your wisdomteeth affair. These wisdom teeth are agood example of Maya's tribulations tous. In my younger days, by Krishna'sGrace I had no such trouble, but I saw inmy eldest sister this suffering from thewisdom teeth problem, and her gum wasalso operated upon. That I saw, and I sawhow much she was suffering also. This isthe way of material existence. So LordKrishna has advised in this connectionthat we have to Jearn tolerance. Your exampleof dedicated life is very noble. Youare handling thousands of dollars forKrishna, but you ask your mother forhelping your personal needs. I very ll!uchappreciate this example, but it is my orderthat whenever you are in such trouble, youshould not minimize any expenditure .You must have the best kind of treatmentavailable, and you can spend from themoney you are collecting on behalf ofKrishna. Your mother's assistance is welcome,and as a child you can very affectionatelyask her for such assistance. Butin case of denial or inability, you shouldnot hesitate to spend from Krishna'smoney. You can take it from me. By thiscontribution of your mother out of her affection,your mother has benefitted undoubtedly.She is already benefitted tohave two such nice sons, and she will bemore and more benefitted. Not only yourmother, but also your father and all familymembers will be benefitted by your dedicationof life for Krishna's sake. Be restassured. Krishna Consciousness is sonice.From past correspondence with BinaMusical Stores and from your description,I have already written to the bankand to Bina also that ifthey have not actuallyshipped the instruments prior to thistime, according to our understanding, bythe middle of October, then the ordershould be treated as cancelled.* In themeantime, if you actually receive anydocuments, please inform me beforeclearing the goods. I have got some instructionto give you . You have to see firstwhether the consignment is insured. If itis not insured, then you have to take delivery,opening in the presence of a customsofficer. I am expecting some unscrupulousbehavoir from these parties. But if inthe meantime they have cancelled the order,that is good. What about Achyutananda?I understand that you sent him anorder for mridungas. Have you receivedany documents for that? How have youarranged the payment for him? I shall beglad to be enlightened on these points .Regarding the house, if you can dowell with Mr. Spellman and if he takes10-12% profit, that is all right. But dosomething of a permanent nature . Thebest thing would have been to have ourown house, but Krishna is not giving usthe facility. So if Spellman arrangessomething, that is all right.I am so glad that Dayananda is doingeverything so nicely. He is intelligent,responsible boy, and whatever you doconjointly, it has my approval . You maynote it. But always remember that Nandaraniis also a very nice devotee girl,and their whole family is coming outnice; so you should see always that theyare not in inconvenience in any way. Becausehe is family man, he should havesome special consideration. A brahmacharycan tolerate any inconvenience,but women and children cannot. Theywill have difficulty.Regarding my writing to you directlyrather than through Tarnal , I have notedthe point. So far as Murlidhar is concerned,I have spoken to Tarnal and hehas advised that you consult with the lawyer,Michael Green. Also, please inform

DECEMBER, 1969 1123me in your next letter what is happeningwith this draft case as it is being handledby Mr. Green. Please offer my blessingsto the others. I hope this will meet you ingood health .Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have sent you a duplicate B/L.Please enquire in this dock yard if theship is expected and if so when!69- 1 2-25London15th December, 1969ManagerPunjab National BankP. O. Vrindaban, Dist; MathuraINDIADear Sir:RE: SHIPMENT OF 8 CASES OFSRIMAD BHAGAVATAM TO NEWYORK PER S.S. JALAKALA, ANDYOUR LETTER DATED DECEMBER5TH (3732)With reference to the above I beg toinform you that I do not exactly knowwhat you mean by some documentaryevidence to connect the payment. Thewhole idea is that the amount of Rs.33,705.86 was transferred from the USAand credited to my account for dispatchingbooks. The first consignment wasdispatched, Rs. 13,000 and odds, andthis consignment was also dispatched inthe same way. The books are mine, theywere dispatched on my account to theUSA. The USA has paid for it, and I amsigning everything. Is that not sufficientdocumentary evidence? Otherwise,what do you want me to do?I am experiencing so much inconveniencein this matter of exporting fromIndia, although the price is already transferredfrom the States. So if you kindlygive me your direction what to do in thisconnection, then I shall do it. I am a!-ways in tour, and I took it simply that thegoods were dispatched against the moneytransferred already. That is sufficient documentaryevidence in my opinion. I hopeto hear from you soon.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:pdb69-12-26London20th December, 1969My Dear Himavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 9, 1969 , along with Deityclothes and my cap. I thank you verymuch for this. I have learned the story ofthe delivering of the Berkeley Jagai­Madhais. Although it is surprizing, yet itis possible to happen in this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Sri Narottama dasThakur says all sinful persons and sufferingpersons were delivered by the SamkirtanMovement inaugerated by LordChaitanya, Who was formerly the Sonof Nanda Maharaj, accompanied by NityanandaPrabhu, Who was formerly SriBalaram. If we keep ourselves purely onthe standard of Lord Chaitanya 's order,then chanting by us of the Holy Names ofKrishna will descend as powerfully as Heacted previously, during the time of Jagaiand Madhai. So I am very glad that youboth, husband and wife, are executing themission of Lord Chaitanya so nicely andfaithfully. Please continue to act like thatand certainly Lord Chaitanya will bestowall His blessings and power upon you .Personally I am so much engladdened thatthe pairs of young boys and girls whom Ihave placed in householder life are doingso nicely in the Western world. WhenLord Chaitanya delivered Jagai andMadhai He was also a householder, but

1124 Letters fro m Srfla Prabhupiidawhen Jagai and Madhai were actually reclaimed,His wife, Vishnupriya, was notthere. But in this case and in many othercases also, I find that my disciples combinedtogether, husband and wife, are doingthis preaching work so nicely. So I amespecially proud how my householder disciplesare preaching Lord Chaitanya 's Mission.This is a new thing in the history ofthe Samkirtan Movement. In India a! theacharyas and their descendents later onacted only from the man's side . Theirwives were at home because that is the systemfrom old times that women are not requiredto go out. But in Bhagavad Gita wefind that women are also equally competentlike the men in the matter of KrishnaConsciousness Movement. Please thereforecarry on these missionary activities,and prove it by practical example that thereis no bar for anyone in the matter of preachingwork for Krishna Consciousness.I am very gald to learn that Haribasarahas got a child. Here also the boys and girlswith children are dancing. So there is notdistinction between the child and the child'sparents in the matter of Krishna Consciousness.All of them are equally participatingand deriving transcendental benefit. I amleaving for Boston USA tomorrow at 2:30pm, so you may address future correspondencethere. Hope you are well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-27London20th December, 1969ManagerLLOYDS BANK LTD(Long Acre Branch)83084 Long AcreLondon, we 2Dear Sir,With further reference to your letterJC/RB, dated November 24, 1969 , andmy reply dated November 27, 1969, 1beg to inform you that I am leaving Londontomorrow. Therefore I authorize Mr.Michael Grant to take delivery of the parcelsdue to arrive here, and the passbookis left here with him. You can debit thecharges to my account.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/pdb69- 12-28 Boston25th December, 1969My Dear Govardhan dasPlease accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 9, 1969 along with your prayerbeads. I have duly chanted upon thesebeads and thereby have accepted you as aninitiated disciple. Your spiritual name isGovardhan das Brahmachary. Govardhanis the name of the hill which Krishna liftedup to protect the inhabitants of Vrindabanfrom the heavy rainfalls which were beingsent down by lndra. This Govardhan Hillis still there in Vrindaban, and it is worshippedby the devotees of Krishna just asKrishna Himself is worshipped. You havea very nice opportunity to quickly advancein spiritual perfection because youhave the good association of the devoteesin Hawaii. This association with devoteesof Krishna is recommended by LordChaitanya Himself as the most importantfactor for developing Krishna Consciousness.This is because our dormant Jove forKrishna is covered up by the material contamination,but it is quicly aroused whenthe association of a pure devotee is there.The example is given that when an ironrod is put into a blazing fore , the rod soontakes on the qualities of the fire : namelylight and heat . But if the same rod is put

DECEMBER, 1969 1125amidst some ice, then it will remain simplydark and cold. In the same way, a devoteeshould associate with fellowdevotees, and in relationship to others thedevotee should try to elevate them alsoonto the spiritual platform. So please followthis principle and surely you willmark great strides in the matter of yourspiritual advancement. The four basicregulative restrictions we observe are I)no illicit sex connections, 2) no intoxication,3) no meat-eating, and 4) no gambling.You must try to chant at least 16rounds on you beads daily, and avoid theten offenses to chanting which GoursundarPrabhu will instruct you about. Whenyou are having questions to ask, you inquirefrom Goursundar and I also will behappy to help you in any way possible. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-29 Boston25th December, 1969My Dear Jaigovinda,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated DecemberI 7, 1969, and I can understand fromthe spirit of your letter that Krishna is fi x­ing you in a particular type of duty whichyou may welCome for your benefit, for themovement's benefit, and fo r the benefit ofthe people in general . Ye s, you secure anIBM composer and utilize it fully. LetMandali Bhadra translate our magazinesand books, and in the IBM machine youcompose it, ready fo r being photographedand printed. Yo u send the ready matters toBoston, and they will print the magazineWithout any price from you. The cost ofthe printing will be balanced by keepingsome magazines here for sale; so in thatway your center will not have any botherationfor paying the price. The balancemagazines will be sent to you by ship, andyou clear it, sell it, and pay for themonthly installments of the machine. Thisis the general arrangement I have thoughtabout, without any monetary botherationfor any of us. Simply we have to renderservice. Similarly, you invite such readingmatters form Suradas in the French language.You compose it and send the mattersfor printing here , and in the same waythings will be balanced, and the magazinesin French language will be sent toParis and they should partly pay for theIBM machine. I am sending a copy of thisJetter to Suradas, as well as to Brahmanandafor future guidance, and you immediatelybegin the work. In the sameway, if Mandali Bhadra can translate ·mybooks also, you can help the Germancompsition and get the books in the sameway. This is my theoretical proposition,and I am sure that if you follow, it willcome to be fruitful .I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-30 Boston25th December, 1969My Dear Krishna das,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated December17, 1969 with enclosure of $15, forwhich I thank you very much. You havesigned your name as Krishna dasnaradhama, but actually, one who isKrishna das is Narottama. But a Krishnadas can deliver all naradhamas. I am alwaysvery much pleased with your humbleattitude, and a Vaishnava devotee ofLord Chaitanya always thinks himself asnaradhama, the lowest of mankind; althoughhe is narottama, the best of themankind.

1126 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaTarnal is there in London, and I haveadvised him to go occasionally to the Germancenter and see things are very nicelymanaged. Now the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is given to you, some selectedEuropean and American boys andgirls. Please try to maintain it heart andsoul with faith in Krishna, and your lifewill be successful. I am an old man and Imay shift away from the scene at any moment;but I am very much hopeful of mydisciples who are so sincerely helpingme. This movement is greatly needed forthe human society, so we are not workinglike any political party, but we are tryingto execute the Will of the Supreme Lord.Still I shall insist upon you thatSamkirtan is our life and soul, and LordChaitanya has given us order to glorifythis Samkirtan Movement. So do it happily,and other things automatically willcome to our help. I am confident thatyourself, Jaigovinda, Mandali Bhadraand Shivananda, assisted by TarnalKrishna, can do tremendous work in thismovement, specifically in Germany. Ilearned that the draft board wants you inthe USA, so you can now forget about thiscountry and concentrate your whole energyin Germany. I think Krishna wantsthis. Simply propagate this chanting,dancing, feasting and following the regulativeprinciples. These are the four pillarsof our success. Regarding the jewelsfor my Deities, I shall in due course sendyou the size and whatever other informationyou require.Regarding purchasing things in themarket, these items are considered as purifiedwhen we pay the price for them.That is the general instruction, but whenwe know something is adulterated, weshould avoid it. But unknowingly if somethingis purchased, that is not our fault.things which are suspicious, however,should be avoided. It is for this reason thatin our Vedic culture the people used tokeep a number of cows without any expenditure,and the milk drawn out of themwas utilized for so many purposes, very,very useful in life. Lord Krishna in Hisearly Childhood life is the vived exampleof this way of social life.Please offer my blessings to the others.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69-12-3 1Boston26th December, 1969My Dear Suridas,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to your good wife, Jotilla, andthe others. I request you to simply translateinto the French language our BackTo Godhead and send the matters toJaigovinda for composing. In due courseof time you will get the magazines, byselling which you try to pay part of thecomposing machine that Jaigovinda isgoing to purchase. So you begin this businessimmediately and open correspondencewith JaigovindaI hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami69- 12-32 Boston29th December, 1969My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I reachedBoston as scheduled on December 21st,and there was a good reception by thedevotees for Krishna 's servant. Thenewspaper article published remarkedon this occasion that "in the Logan Airportthere has never been anything likethis." It was exactly like the receptionyou arranged in London on September

DECEMBER, 1969 11271 1, 1 969. I hope everything is goingnicely in London temple.As advised by George I expected hisremittance last Monday or Tuesday, butfailing to receive it, I advised Brahmanadato contact you on the phone. Hetried four times, but could not do so. Iwanted to send the order of Krsna to DaiNippon, but as I have not received any informationof the money, I have not sent theorder as yet. Please therefore advise meimmediately at the Los Angeles address:1975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles,California 90034. Upon hearing from youI shall do the needful . In case the remittancehas not as yet been dispatched,please do it immediately directly forcredit in my checking account #3081-61625, Bank of America (Branch No.308) 8501 West Pico Boulevard, LosAngeles, California 90035, and adviseme also.I hope this meets you in good health.My blessings for Malati and Saraswati.The new child born of Harsharani may benamed Govinda Das.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am going to L.A. this morning


JANUARY70-1-1 Los Angeles2nd January, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to all the devotees of Detroit.While I was in Boston, you presented me aset of original Sanskrit Srimad Bhagwatamwith your affectionate letter signed byall the devotees. It was a great opportunityin the Boston Temple and I enjoyed thedays very much with your company. Pleasetry to develop your center likewise. InBoston always 50 to IOO's of devoteeschanting, dancing and engaged in Krishnaconscious business. That is the aim of ourKrishna Consciousness Movement. Wedo not want stopping the natural instinctsof the living entities. We simply wantthem to be dovetailed in Krishna's service.Your country is fortunate enough bythe grace of Goddess of Fortune. Goddessof Fortune or Lakshmi Devi is eternallyengaged in service of the Lord. Therefore,the favor of Goddess of Fortune which isbestowed upon the American people maybe fully engaged in Krishna's service.That will be a finishing touch to this materialadvancement. If people do not take toKrishna and simply want to utilize theGoddess of Fortune for sense gratificationas it was the policy of the demons likeRavana and Hiranyakasipu, then the finishingtouch will certainly culminate inreleasing the nuclear weapon exactly likeRavana w'as vanquished by such policy. Ihave every hope on you as well as yourWife and associates. Please organize yourcenter in such way that the local peoplemay take advantage of the great boon thatwe want to give them.In your previous letter, you proposedto get some tapes from me for transcription.It is a good proposal . In this connectionI may inquire if you have got a nicedictophone and if among yourselves youcan edit nicely. So, on hearing from youon this point, I shall do the needful. Hopeyou are all doing well.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70- 1 -2Los Angeles2nd January, 1970My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. Your letterdated December 21 along with the pictureof the new house was duly received by mewhile I was in Boston and we enjoyed thefew days of meeting together in that Temple.It was agreat transcendental pleasureto meet you all. Your statement in the letter,"All glories to Sankirtan, Prasadumand Srimad Bhagwatam" is very welcome.Before coming to your country,when I was in India and I was planning tocome here, I was thinking in the sameway. I was thinking that my preachingwork in this country would be a difficultjob for me on account of the country's positionbeing completely different from theprinciples of Bhakti cult. At that time Iwas also thinking of chanting and dancingin Sankirtan as well as distributing prasadumin the matter of my preachingBhagwatam. So this planning has by thegrace of my Guru Maharaj and Krishnabecome successful in the practical field.

1132 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Forty years before when two of my eldestGod-brothers came to London with thismission they simply devoted their time inlecturing in some renowned public placeand inviting some leading politician topreside over the meeting. You know verywell that when I began my preaching workin New York I never followed this policyof lecturing amongst the stereotyped politiciansor elites of the society. And if Iwould have followed such a policy, I thinkI would also have gone back to India withoutany success. I think this policy ofSankirtan, Prasadum and Srimad Bhagwatamhas been successful in all thecenters. Please therefore follow this transcendentalpolicy with heart and soul andmake your center as spiritually opulent asfar as possible.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-1-3Los Angeles6th January, 1970My Dear Brahmanada,Please accept my blessings. Since Ihave come here, I have not heard anythingfrom you. Hope you are doing well alongwith all other devotees. I heard fromGargamuni that you have received someletter from the draft board accepting oursociety as religious. I am anxious to seethe letter.In the meantime, I have received oneletter from Shyamsundar that the amountthat George Harrison wants to donate forprinting of my Krishna (19,000 dollars)had some difficulty for paying directlycash. Therefore, his lawyer, Mr. AllenKlein, has advised him some device. Ihave already written him a letter in thisconnection, the copy of which is enclosed,please find. With this copy of thisletter, in which you are authorized to represent me, you can see Mr. Allen Kleinand do the needful .I have also not heard anything aboutmy bank balance in the F.N. City Bank.Please make my pass book up to date andlet me know what is the balance. Alsowrite to me all other interesting newswhich you may have by this time. Hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/ddb70- 1-4Los Angeles6th January, 1970Mr. Allen KleinLegal Advisor of Mr. George Harrison1700 BroadwayN.Y., N.Y. 10019Dear Mr. Klein:I am informed by Sriman Shyamsundardas Adhikary that in connection withthe contribution of Sriman George Harrisonfor publishing my book, Krishna, youwere advised to contact me in my BostonTemple. But I have left Boston Temple onthe 29th of December and now my presentaddress is ISKCON Temple, 1975, LaCienega Blvd., Los Angeles, California90034. So you can contact me here in thisconnection. In the meantime, I am advisingmy representative Sriman BrahmanandaBrahmachary, president of myNew Yo rk Temple, and he is authorized todeal on my behalf in this connection. I amadvising him (Brahmananda) also to seeyou in this connection.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/ddb

JAN UARY, 1970 113370- 1-5LOndonLos Angeles6th January, 1970MY Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 2nd, 1970 and accordingly I haveissued one letter to Mr. Allen Klein, thecopy of which is enclosed herewith ,please find. I have advised Brahmanandato see him. I am so glad to learn that SrimanGeorge is making good advancementin Krishna consciousness. He is a goodsoul and I am praying for him to Krishna,so surely he will make advancement. Hisbook, Krishna, is already ready for beingsent to the press. Please let me know if Ishall send the manuscript to the press or Ishall await further instruction from you.Now I am in Los Angeles and you can contactme here after consulting George. I amvery glad to learn that London Temple aswell as the householder devotees are alldoing well . I have received letter from youand Mukunda also, but I have received noletter from Tarnal. Please offer my blessingsto all the boys and girls and devoteesin London Temple.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/ddb7 0- 1-6Los Angeles8th January, 1970My Dear Govinda dasi,Please accept my blessings. I thankYou very much fo r your letter dated January3, 1970. I am so much engladdenedthat you are so anxious to get me in houseand make my headquarters there. TheProposal is very nice because I have gotexperience from the help of your husbandand yourself how both of you areserviceable in my activities. You are verygood secretary and your husband is goodeditor, so to keep myself under your carewill ceinly be a great boon. The onlything I am considering about staying in themainland because the devotees in differentcenters here can see me if requiredmore quickly then they can do so in Hawaii.So the things are not yet settled up. Iam staying here in a house for which theyare paying $600 rent. I think so much expenditurewill be a kind of luxury for mebecause I am a Sanyasi, but at the sametime a house like this is necessary for mebecause it is suitable for my working.Anyway, in the next summer, I have beeninvited to go to Japan and when it is fixedup, I shall start a little earlier and breakmy journey in Honolulu to stay with youfor some days and see things practically.Your description of different fruits andflowers, especially mangos, are very attractivefor me. Last year, when I went toyour place, I was attracted more from thesame description, but it was rainy seasonand there was not much of the local fruitsand flowers available. Still, it was verynice to stay there and especially I was eatingvery nicely the squash vegetablesdaily collected from your compound. So,ultimately, Krishna's desire has to be fulfilled.Don't be in a hurry. You are engagedin more important business toorganize the Hawaii center and I wish itmay be converted into New NabadwipDhama. In Nabadwip Dhama there is arailroad station called Samudragarh, andit is said that sometimes the ocean wasthere. So, on the Pacific Ocean, if you canestablish New Nabadwip, that will be agreat achievement. I am sure your husband,with your cooperation, will be ableto do it very quickly. When I was in London,I was wearing on your cloak daily becausethere it was severe cold. But thisside is very nice. It is not cold at all. Sowhen I get back the coat which you have

1134 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>sent to Boston, surely I shall utilize itproperly.I am in correspondence with UnitedShipping and will let you know in duecourse about the loss you have suffered.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70- 1-7TokyoLos Angeles8th January, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 4th, 1970. I noted the contentswith great interest. Actually, I was thinkingof you from London and by the graceof Krishna my anxiety was televisioned toyou in your dream. So Krishna is verykind upon us, and His kindness will bemore exhibited the more we expand thisKrishna Consciousness Movement. Takeit as a fact, there is no question of doubtingthis statement, the whole world is inneed of Krishna Consciousness. Krishnainspired My Guru Maharaj , and He inspiredMe, and I am trying to inspire youall because Krishna wants it. You havegone to Tokyo with a great mission, withblessings of Krishna, and I am very muchencouraged to read your letter that there isgreat possibility of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in Japan. I am so encouragedto learn that you are going to order5,000 copies of B. T. G. for selling inTokyo. Thank you very much.I am so glad to learn that Mr. Row, aSouth Indian gentleman, is helping you,and why not take some help from Dia NipponCo.? They can issue a certificate inour favor that we are completely nonpolitical,religious institution meant forevery human being. Bhurijana is very intelligentboy and good match for cooperatingwith you in the absence of BaliMardan. I have talked with Gargamuniyesterday, and he is going to send you theletters of guarantee very soon. I shall remindhim again. Even if you don't rent atemple for the time being, you can go onstreet Sankirtan and hold meetings from arented hall. That will also do.Yes, Krishna is never approached directly.Krishna is approached through Hisbonafide servitors. He says that, "Carryingout the order of My pure devotee isgreater than carrying out that directlygiven by Me." In this connection, I mayinform you that you try your best to serveKrishna under the direction of your Spiri·tual Master and Krishna will surely helpyou in all respects . I shall be very glad togo as soon as you call me. I have got greatinterest in preaching for the Japanese,and, if Krishna gives me opportunity, Ishall stay in Japan for one or two monthsfor this transcendental business.That is a fact, this plan of Sankirtan isthe only way, the only way for our success.Sankirtan, Love Feast and sellingB. T. G. , they are our primary engagementsand next Temple worship. Templeworship is needed for the inner section. Inthe beginning, Sankirtan is more importantfor drawing the attention of the peoplein general. Last night, I went to see ourmen chanting in Hollywood Boulevard,and I saw it was so fine and satisfactory.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/db70-1-8BerkeleyLos Angeles9th January, 1970My Dear Chandrabali,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January 5,1970. I am so glad to learn that you aregoing to be married with Chitsukananda

JANUARY, 1970 1135on Sunday, 11th January, at the Radha­Krishna Temple. I like this marriage ceremonybecause it has given practical proofof rny ideas that boys and girls of thiscountry better be married and engaged inpreaching work. By the grace of Krishna,our centers managed by the married couples,like Boston, Hawaii, Detroit, NewVrindaban, St. Louis and Buffalo, etc.,are doing very well. Similarly, when youare married, as it was discussed in LosAngeles, you also go somewhere, probablyin Mexico as you desire, and organizea center there and start an edition ofB.T.G. in Spanish language. Our B.T.G.in French language and German languageare improving sales and people are appreciating.So why not in Spanish language,which you know well and I think Chitsukanandaalso knows well. So this is verygood news. I was, since a long time, thinkingof your marriage. Now Krishna hasgiven you this opportunity. Utilize it properlyand be happy. I am glad to learn thatHansadutta is going to officiate the ministerialfunction in the marriage, and I thinkhe has got the tape of all the mantras in thisconnection. So be married, chant HareKrishna and be happy. This is what Iwant.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/dbprogress. Of course, Maya is very strong,there is a chance of our falling down at anymoment, but if we are able to catch hold ofKrishna's lotus feet by chanting the HareKrishna mantra, then Krishna gives us allprotection from the onslaught attack byMaya. Remember this principle alwaysand follow the footsteps of Jayapataka, heis very good example, and, even there issome misunderstanding, try to tolerateand don't be agitated. I am very glad tolearn that you appreciate the activities ofour Boston Temple, and I was also verypleased to see their routine work.Regarding your marriage, I have allsanction for it, but I do not know what isthe legal implication. Besides, that, thegirl is not initiated. But if she is workingvery obediently in the Temple, there is noimpediment in your being married withher and she may be initiated later on. I amsending herewith back the beads of Labangalatikaduly chanted by me. Pleaseoffer my blessings to the twelve inmateswho are living in the Temple at presentand especially to the newcomers. Pleasetry to convince them to take part in theSankirtan Party either within or outsidethe Temple. So, on the whole, you havegot my approval for the marriage and youcan do the needful.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/db70- 1-9MontrealLos Angeles9th January, 197070-1-10Los Angeles9th January, 1970My Dear Raktak,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge I am in due receipt of yourletters dated 24th and 3 1st of December1969. So, I am very glad that you are determinedto go ahead in Krishna Consciousnessand, if you remain serious andsteady, certainly you will make infallibleMy Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4January, 1970 along with the newspapercuttings and I have enjoyed the article withnice pictures. If you go on with your worksincerely, by following the footsteps ofour predecessors, certainly our movement

1136 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidawill be recognized by the people in general.Recently, I have received a copy of oneletter issued by the draft board recognizingour society as religious. So this meansthat both the public and government aregradually appreciating our position, andthere is no doubt about it, if our motivesare sincere, they will do it more and more .Now our immediate duty is that all our societymembers are strictly following therules and regulations and chanting rouine.That will make them steady andstrong in their positions respectively.Regarding Art Department, Murlidharhas already gone to Boston, and now youhave a good board of artists. And I amglad that Devahuti is also returning, so allcombined together produce at least onenice picture daily.So, other news is very encouraging. Soexecute arotiks regularly and properly. Sofar my book is concerned, special attentionis required in the composing department,otherwise, the whole scheme willbe disturbed. Regarding Krishna, pleasemake the MS ready because if GeorgeHarrison pays for the printing in Japan,we shall have to send it immediately forthe purpose. Regarding transcribing, Ihave written to Detroit if they can do it. Inthe meantime, I have engaged Devanandatranscribing the tape and a primary editingalso, and the copy can be sent to youfor final editing and then printing. Wehave to do things now very dexterously,simply we have to see that in our bookthere is no spelling or grammatical mistake.We do not mind for any good style,our style is Hare Krishna, but, still, weshould not present a shabby thing. AlthoughKrishna literatures are so nicethat, even if they are presented in brokenand irregular ways, such literatures arewelcomed, read and respected by bonafidedevotees.That does not matter because you arenot personally tending me in Boston, thatis formality. I want to see that all my disciplesare engaged 24 hours in the service ofthe Lord. If one is engaged full time in theservice of the Lord, under my direction,that is my personal service.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-1-11PhiladelphiaLos Angeles9th January, 1970My Dear Vrindavan Chandra,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated January 4,1970 and noted the contents . The girl referredto is certainly very nice as I can understandfrom her letter, and she has sentme her beads for chanting and Subal hasrecommended to initiate her. So they areall good news. I am sending her the beadsduly chanted, and her initiated name is VidarbhaKanya. Vidarbha Kanya means thedaughter of king of Vidarbha country, andshe was married with Krishna. So hername is Vidarbha Kanya dasi, the servantof Vidarbha Kanya. So, I have got all approvalof your marriage. Both Subal andyourself are fairly advanced in KrishnaConsciousness and both of you can guidethis nice girl to perfect Krishna Consciousness.And when both of you areready, you can go somewhere suitableplace and open a branch there . That is mymission. Recently, Bamandev, along withhis wife, has gone to St. Louis and I amgetting very encouraging letters. So I donot say go immediately somewhere, butkeep this idea within your mind and assoon as you find opportunity, do it. Subalis very sincere servant of Lord Krishnaand if you follow his example along with

JANUARY, 1970 1137your wife, I am sure you will be benfitted.I beg to acknowledge receipt herewith acheck for fifty dollars sent by Subal on behalfof the girl.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-12 Los Angeles1Oth January, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 6, 1970 and I have noted the contents. I also thank you very much for yourappreciation of my books and letters andfor my speaking in the meetings. They arenot my words, as I have repeatedly informedyou that I am simply the bearer ofthe message from Lord Chaitanya throughthe disciplic succession and I do not makeany addition or subtraction. Similarly, ifyou all carry these words successively,then the transcendental parampara systemwill be exactly maintained and people ingeneral will be benefited. I am very muchobliged to my disciples because they arerealizing the importance of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement and it is very muchencouraging to me. Please, therefore ,continue the standard of understanding.Read regularly our books and try to expandand preach the philosophy as far aspossible.I am glad that you have a nice dictophone.I am sending, herewith, onetape, number 6. Please try to work on it,edit it nicely and make two carbon copiesand one original . The original may be sentto me and the carbon copies may be keptWith you for the present and we shall callfor them when needed.Regarding your question-What ismeant by an object regaining spiritualquality?-, the answer is that Krishna ispure knowledge and, therefore , He isthe Supreme Person. In other words, Heis the Supreme Power, and His Power ismanifested throughout by different energiesas much as the power of fireplaceis expanded by light and heat. Whenwe perceive heat and light, it means thatwe perceive the original fireplace. Theperception of Krishna in everything isactually Krishna consciousness. In ourconditioned state, we take it for grantedsomething as separated from Krishna.But actually it is not so. Nothing can beseparate from Krishna, everything is restingon Krishna, therefore, things whichwe consider now matter, when dovetailedfor the cause of the Absolute Truth orKrishna, regains its spiritual quality. Anotherexample may be cited in this connection.When we cook foodstuffs in thekitchen for eating ourselves, it is a differentthing from the foodstuff which is preparedand offered to Krishna. The samedahl, rice is material for one purpose butthe same thing becomes spiritual when itis dovetailed with Krishna. So on thehigher platform, there is nothing materialwhen everything is accepted in relationshipwith Krishna or the SupremeSpirit. I think this will clarify your question.Yes, you have talked with Gargamuniand actually I am staying in a very nicehouse, although the rent is very high,600 dollars per month. So let us see asKrishna desires, but I have told him tofind out a house which is not so highlycharged.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Laxmimoni, and Jagadish Chandrawho has written nice poetry which I amsending to the editors of Back to Godhead.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1138 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptida70-1-13c/o Friendly Store85 Dudden Hill LaneLondon N.W. 10EnglandLos Angeles1Oth January, 1970My Dear Ksirodasayeeji,Please accept my blessings . I am soglad to receive your letter, dated 25 December,1969, addressed to Boston andnow redirected here. I have come to LosAngeles on the 29th ultimo. I am living ina very nice house for which they are paying$600. per month. The house is verycalm and quiet and quite suitable for mywork, and two devotees are always engagedto assist me. I go, every morning,for a walk in the nice neighborhood calledBeverly Hills. So everything is alrighthere, temperature, atmosphere, facilities,by Krishna's Grace. The Temple here isalso well managed. Every day they are goingto perform Sankirtan on the streets,twice, and, on the average, they are collectingnot less than $200 daily. So, ouronly means of subsistence is Krishna'sgrace and all our needs are fulfilled by theLord. I am getting reports from all othercenters that all of them are selling Back toGodhead everyday from 50 to 400 copiesper day, according to the importance ofthe local situation.Now, so far London is concerned, Ihave received news from Mukunda thatthey are also collecting, on the average, 50pounds daily. So, by the Grace of Krishna,London center has now got a nice buildingin a nice quarter, a nice Temple and a niceIndian friend like you . I am so glad foryour assurance that you shall all combinedlydo your utmost to spread KrishnaConsciousness Movement from one cornerto the other in England. Please do it.Perhaps you know that we endeavored inthe locality, and they want 80,000 pounds.That house I have seen and most probablyyou might have seen also. It is quite suitablefor our purpose, but at the presentmoment we have no money. That Mr.Banarsi, who is an Indian industrialist inLondon and lives near that A jibai 's housepromised some help. Now, he is out of histation in India and he is expected to comeback by the month of March. He assuredme that, when he came back, he wouldcollect at least 200,000 pounds to help mein this connection. I do not know his Indiaaddress, but somehow or other, if you cansend me, I can keep myself in contact withhim so that, when he comes back, all ofyou together take his help in raising thisfund and purchase that house. I am alsowriting Mukunda separately in this connection.So far approaching the Indiancommunity, you may do so with an appealthat Krishna Consciousness Movement isso nice that, by its propagation, therewould be no more any other sect and thatwill be perfect position of the human society.Being influenced by this movement,nobody shall now remain a Hindu, aChristian, a Mohammedan, a Buddhist,like that, but everyone should become servantof Krishna by the simple method ofchanting His Holy Name. Krishna is theSupreme Father, and He claims all livingentities, in all forms and species of life, asHis sons. So why not take this philosophyand practically see how the followers arefeeling happy on the basis of KrishnaConsciousness. You have got to convinceall sections of human society and inducethem to come to Krishna Consciousness.London is a great city, perhaps the mostimportant metropolis in the world, manypeople visit every year. So, combined together,Englishman and Indian shoulderect such a nice institution there that peoplefrom all parts of the world may takeadvantage of this. Now this is the programbefore you , and you can further develop itwith sincere service and great devotion.

JAN UARY, 1970 1139Regarding your Tuesday class at yourplace, you can continue it as a sub-branchof ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple. Theprocedure should be exclusively for chantingHare Krishna mantra or singing othersongs just like Govinda jaia jaia, Gopalajaia jaia . ., and nothing more. Demigodworship in your house or thinking a demigodas equal with Narayana or Krishnashould be stopped altogether, actually thatis not the fact. Special stress should begiven on chanting Hare Krishna mantra,reading from Bhagavad Gita as it is orSrimad Bhagavatam. In the BhagavadGita editions, you will find a peculiaritythat, in place of Krishna, they have mentionedParamatma or Paramiswara, orlike that. These expressions are more orless indications of impersonalism. Therefore,when Bhagavad Gita should be recited,always read 'Krishna.' Thistranscendental word should be mentioned.So, in that way, you may continueyour Tuesday class. Both you and yourwife should decorate your foreheads withurdhapundra tiloka.I have seen the letter of Srinath dasKhanna. In future, do not enter intomuch correspondence with him. Nowyou have got a very great responsibilityto push on this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement above everything. You are asincere soul, you were in search afterproper guidance. I can assure you to dothis service for your advanced realizationof Krishna Consciousness, which isthe highest achievement and perfectionalstage in human life.I hope your wife and children are enjoyinggood health and offer them myblessings.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-14Columbus, OhioLos Angeles11th January, 1970My Dear Jaya Gopal,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated January9, 1970 along with your check, dollars15, for my maintenance. For a servantof Krishna, there is no distinction of helland heaven. Our only ambition should beto serve the Lord. It does not matter wherethe service is demanded. It is exactly likethe soldiers are asked to come forward tofight and there is no question of selectingthe place. There are many sincere soulslike you in the western world and my GuruMaharaj wanted me to come here and topick up as many of you as is possible. AndI am trying my best. By Grace of Krishna,you have joined me to help in this KrishnaConsciousness propaganda and Krishnawill surely be pleased upon you verymuch. Please try to continue this activityof cooperation and we are sure to comeout successful.Regarding Voicer marrying, for thetime being they can be married by the civilcourt without delay. Both the husband andwife may be allowed to associate with youand after a few days, if you recommendfor initiation, then you can send theirbeads and they will be initiated by post. Atthat time you can perform our regularwedding ceremony as usual. That will benice. Uninitiated couples cannot be marriedby us. We shall not take the responsibilityof an ordinary marriage maker. Ourpractice is to help devotees for advancingin Krishna Consciousness. In such activities,when there is necessity, we get themmarried also.Regarding your question of an initiatedperson falling prey to the maya, the answeris that so long we are in this materialworld, there is always chance of beingspoiled by Maya, so we must stick with

1140 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldavow to the Lotus Feet of Krishna. An initiateddevotee is given the chance for becomingfree from the entanglement ofkarma wheel. Initiated means beginning,not perfection. The Spiritual Master'sbusiness is to guide him to the perfectionalpoint. But if one does not strictly followthe guidance of a bonafide Spiritual Masterhis initiation does not bear any meaning.The initiation performance is anagreement by the disciples to abide by theorder of the Spiritual Master. Therefore,if the Spiritual Master is bonafide and thedisciple is serious to abide by His order,then the success is sure. But if a disciplefollows strictly the devotional way of life,he is no longer a karrni and all his activitieswhich may appear to be like ordinarywork, or it may be activity according toScriptural injunction, are counted as devotionalservice. And devotional servicein all circumstances is free from theactions and reactions of karma. I hope thiswill clear the matter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-15 Los Angeles11th January, 1970My Dear Kulashekhar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 3, 1969, and I am pleased tolearn that your wife, Visakha, has gone toLondon to learn more about Deity worshipfrom Yamunadevi. And also I ampleased to know that you have takencharge of the Deities at present. This isvery nice.In our devotional service, there arenine diffe rent processes for executingdevotional service, they are as follows: l.Hearing, 2. Chanting, 3. Meditating, 4.Offering prayers, 5. Rendering service,6. Making friendship, 7. Temple worship,8. Serving the Lotus Feet, 9. Surren.dering everything to the Lord. So, out ofthese nine, sravanum or hearing is veryimportant. This hearing is important inordinary life also. In the civil action ofhu.man society this hearing is a very importantfactor. Early in the morning, justrising from bed, they want to hear the.newspaper, especially in the westerncountries. But the most unfortunate situationis that the karmis will agree to hear abunch of newspaper which is ten timesmore in volume than Bhagavad Gita, but ifthey are requested to read Bhagavad Gita,they will not agree. So our propaganda isto transfer the taste of the general peoplefrom reading rubbish nonsense to readingof Bhagavad Gita, which solves the problemsof life. As you are sincere devotee,you should always keep in mind these differencesof hearing and try to understandhow much imoprtant it is to hear aboutKrishna Consciousness. You are thinkingthat there are many problems in yourlife; I assure you that if you follow theregulative principles of chanting 16rounds, observing strictly the prohibitiveinjunctions, keep association with puredevotees, plus taking care of the Deities inthe Temple, surely all your problems willbe solved without any difficulty. Pleasetry it for at least one month and see theresult.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACB:db70-1-16LondonLos Angelesl2th January, 1970My Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 7, 1970 and noted the contents.

JANUARY, 1970 1141The sentiments that you have expressed inyour Jetter are all due to my Guru Maharajwho has deputed me to pick up all goodsouls like you in this part of the world.Fortunately, we are now together and withgreat enthusiasm and patience let us erectthis mission of Krishna Consciousness. Iam so glad to read the portion of your letterin which you show your determinationto preach this cult in all countries of theworld. Pleae continue this determinationand keep all your contemporary Godbrothersalive on this point. Surely wewill bring in a new chapter in the historyof the world.Now first of all, let me inform you thatin the Temple you finish Deity worship by12 o'clock noon and then the Templeshould be closed for 1 hour. Then after 1o'clock you can continue earlier programfor eight hours, as suggested by you, without any impediment. Offer foodstuffs orBhoga continually by batches as manytimes as you can manage and other thingsalso-aratrik, kirtan and discussion tnaycontinue for eight hours from 1 to 9 p.m. Ithink this arrangement will be perfect.I can understand from your letter thatthere is very good prospect of spreadingour movement in London. I approve yourscheme not to charge money for lovefeast.Whatever voluntary contributionyou receive, that is alright. So far items offoodstuff (Bhoga) and distribution of Prasadumare concerned, there is no need ofincreasing the number, better reduce it tofive just like rice, dahl, chapoti or puri,little sweet rice and a nice vegetable, thatis all. And on Sunday you can increase theitems up to ten, but make everything verynicely.I am so glad to learn that you have contacteda very good devotee, Mr. Jashapara.By Krishna's Grace you have metsuch a nice friend, and if he is prepared tospare his apartment in Bombay immediatelywe can start a Bombay center andsend Jayananda along with his wife andbegin work in Bombay. Achyutanandamay be called to cooperate with him. InBombay there are many Vaishnava devoteesand they are great industrialists andbusiness magnates, so if we can draw theirsympathy there will be no difficulty in expandingour activities. So you can talkwith him seriously and if you get this opportunity,then if need be, I can also gothere for some time to collect the money.I understand from your letter that inLondon we require that big house for facilities,therefore we must try for it heartand soul. I have also written in this connectionto Ksirodakasayee das.Regarding press propaganda underShyamsundar and Gurudas, do it verynicely. You want to see the Beatles withShyamsundar but I have not as yet receivedthe money offered by George. Hislawyer has given him suggestion which isnot very palatable. Will you try to ascertainfrom them what is the actual position.The best thing would be that GeorgeHarrison may simply ask his banker to assureDai Nippon Co. about payments thatthe printing may be immediately taken up.The printing process will take at least 2months. In the meantime, he can manipulatethe scheme suggested by his lawyer.It is pleasing to hear that young boysand girls are coming from different partsof European countries. I am so much enthusedto know that we can open our centersin Amsterdam. Stockholm, Munich,Rome and other adjoining cities. Mr.Appa Pant, the high-commissioner of India,is already impressed with my activities.He assured me that he will render allkinds of help from the background but notas a politician. So without taking his officialposition, he can render service to usin various ways. So try to contact him intelligently.The proposal of German and FrenchB. T. G.s to be printed in Japan is welcome,

1142 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidabut I do not know if they will take upthe work if each item is less than20,000 copies. But it is a good suggestion.Do the needful in consultationwith Brahmananda.You wanted an urgent reply so I amsending this letter by express delivery.Here in L.A. things are going verynicely. Last night I was present in theTemple. Vishujan played a nice shortdrama about Kali Yuga and its enterance.It was very nice. There were about 100guests besides our own men. Gargamuniis taking care of me very nicely. Hopethis will meet you alright. Offer myblessings to Shyamsundar, Mukundaand Gurudas and the boys and girls. Iam so glad to learn that Yamuna is doingvery nicely. Now she may train Visakhawho must have come by this time to London.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-17Bank of BarodaMohan MansionChandi ChowkP. O. Box 1409Delhi 6, IndiaAgentLos Angeles13th January, 1970Dear Sir:Re : My savings bank account No.1452 with you .Kindly refer to your letter No. FEX21/2295 dated 20 July, 1969 .Please transfer Rs. 6,000 by mail orderto your Calcutta branch, P. 0. Box No.313, Indian Exchange, for credit of myaccount No. 29112802, and send me thedebit note.Also please let me know what is thebalance at present.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-1-18Bank of BarodaP. O. Box No. 313India ExchangeCalcutta 1 , IndiaManagerLos Angeles13th January, 1970Dear Sir:Re : My savings bank account No.29112802 with you.Kindly refer to your letter No. FEX33/6400 dated 29 July, 1969.I am negotiating with one Mr. Javaralifor purchasing a piece of land priced nearabout 13,000 Rs. Now, if I send you theequivalent in American dollars, whetherit will be possible for you to pay him theabove approximate price on delivery ofthe registered conveyance deed?Further, I beg to inform you that underyour receipt No. 31/132 dated Calcutta25-11-67 there are, in your safecustody, National savings certificatesworth 24,000 Rs. These savings certificatescan be cashed now having two yearspassed. Please let me know if you willcollect this money and if you do so let meknow what I shall have to do in this connection.In the meantime, I have advised toyour Delhi, Chandi Chowk branch totransfer 6,000 Rs. for credit of my abovesavings bank account with you. The copyof the letter addressed to your Delhi,Chandi Chowk branch is herein enclosed,please find.

JANUARY, 1970 1143So by return mail if you kindly reply indetail all the above points it will be verymuch appreciated.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-19 Los Angeles13th January, 1970Punjab National BankP. O. Vrindaban (Mathura)U. P., IndiaManagerDear Sir:Re: My savings fund account No.29 13 with you .Please transfer Rs. 5,500 by mail orderto your Calcutta branch at BrabourneRd . for credit of my savings fund accountNo. 2595.Please send me your debit note as wellas let me know what is the credit balanceat present.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1 -20Los Angeles13th January, 1970My Dear Sethji,Please accept my greetings. I beg tothank you for your New Year's greetingcard which I have received here in L.A.after returning from London via Boston. Iam so glad to see your quotation from SrimadBhagwatam about the socialisticview of Sri Narada Muni. It is very niceand I have also mentioned it in the prefaceof my first volume of Sri mad Bhagwatam.Krishna Consciousness Movement is sonice that it can adjust the disagreement betweensocialism and capitalism. At thepresent moment, neither of these isms isperfect from the philosophical point ofview, but if both parties take this commonformula of Krishna Consciousness eachone will supplement the other. I think,therefore, that this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement should be pushed thoroughlyall over the world and I am seeingpractically that it has got powerful effect.There are many millionaire Vaishnavabusiness magnates in India, like yourgood self, and if they like, they can cooperatewith this movement tremendously.When I was in London your second sonwith his wife and friends came to see mewhen I was staying as guest in the house ofMr. John Lennon. This was before thecompletion of our Temple house at 7 BuryPlace.When I was staying in London I receivedone letter from Hitsaranji that theDalmia-Jain Trust as well as the BirlaTrust have agreed to give us five pairs ofRadha-Krishna Murtis for being installedin different Temples and I gave immediatelyinstructions where to send them. Butuntil now I have no information about thedispatch of the Deities. All the centers arereminding me. So if you will kindly askHitsaranji to do it without delay that willbe very kind of you . Things are going onhere nicely. In every center Sankirtan partiesare going around the town. Sometimesthe authorities are checking us fromdoing so but we have not yet stopped, neitherwe have in our mind anything to stopthis Sankirtan Movement. On the wholethings are improving daily and I hope itwill continue to be so on and on.Please let me know by return mailwhat is the position of dispatching the Deitiesand I will be very much obliged.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN.B. The following books are being sent

1144 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidato you by separate post: Sri Isopanisad,Two Essays and Back to Godhead publishedby our own ISKCON Press in Boston.ACBS:db70-1-2 1Los Angeles14th January, 1970My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated January 5 and 8 1970 respectively,and I am so much moved from your kindsentiments that you have expressed for myhumble activities. Actually I am not worthyof any one of the word spoken by youbut all of them are due to my SpiritualMaster Who was so kind to me. In fact Iam a worthless person because my SpiritualMaster ordered me to take up thiswork in 1922 but I did not carry his orderuntil 1958, when I was obliged to carryout His order by His arrangement only.This means although I was not very enthusiasticto carry out His order He forcedme circumstantially to accept it. So this isHis special mercy upon me and I alwaysthink about this with gratitude to this exaltedpersonality coming directly fromVaikuntha Wo rld and we had the great fortuneto meet Him. I think that is the onlycredit on our part that we happened tomeet Him by some 'ajnata sukriti ' or unknownauspicious activities. He is so kindupon me that when I came to your country,where I was completely unknown, Hesent to me some good souls like you unsolicited. So I accept you all as assistants orrepresentatives of my Guru Maharaj Whois still helping me because I am so feebleand unworthy. Anyway, the business whichwe have taken to work together is neitheryour business nor my business as far weare personally concerned, but it is thebusiness of Lord Chaitanya and His bonafideservants like my Guru Maharaj .Therefore it is the duty of all of us to executeit as nicely as far as possible withinour capacity. In other words, we shall justtry to discharge our responsible dutiesfaithfully and seriously, then all facilitieswill come for our help.The Vrindavan scheme as suggested byyou appears to be very nice. You purchasethe adjoining two farms in the name ofISKCON and leave it to His Holiness KirtanandaMaharaj and the devotees for furtherdevelopment.Regarding Krishna book, as soon as itis ready we will begin to print it either onour own press or in Japan as it is suitableand we shall not wait for George's$19,000. His lawyer has put some difficultyin the matter and it is not yet settledup. Regarding our enlarged, revised BhagavatGita As It Is, if possible you can convenientlygive an enlarged introductionalso.Here in Los Angeles they are selling ourliterature very nicely and yesterday I receivedthe blue print of "/sopanisad " and this alsoappears very nice. If Kirtananda Maharajmoves amongst the school, college and universityauthorities and induces them to recommendthis "/sopanisad " for additionalreading by the students either privately or inthe library it will be a great achievement. Asyou have read it, we have tried to discuss thenature of God 's greatness and our relationshipto Him as preliminary chapter ofKrishna Consciousness. So this book is thecheapest of all our other books and they caneasily be introduced for mass reading andthey will be benefited undoubtedly.Regarding publication by Mr. Ferlingetti,I have got all approval and we musttake this opportunity for making our publicationstill more popular. Please try for it.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

JANUARY, 1970 114570- 1-22Los Angeles14th January, 1970My Dear Jadurani,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 10, 1970. I asked you to workfour hours just to give you not very muchstrain because I found you weaker than Isaw you before. On the whole you canwork conscientiously so that you may notfeel tired due to your weakness. So sometimesif you go with Sankirtan Party thatwill be a nice relaxation. So for each andevery time you do not write to me but useyour best discretion and do everythingeasily and without strain. That is my advice.Being in the disciplic succession ofPrahlad Maharaj certainly we are not interestedfor our personal liberation asmuch as we want to work for the liberationof the conditioned souls because Krishnadesires it. So you are an intelligent girl, Ineed not talk much, and be happy inKrishna Consciousness business.I am very glad to learn that Murlidar,Devahuti and Baradraj are working together.You simply supervise them. Iknow Baradraj is a very fast workingpainter and if he sticks to his work, certainlyhe will do wonderfully.So far Devahuti is concerned, she is elderwoman but very nice and sober as wellas qualified. Because she is of the age ofall of your mothers, she should be treatedvery respectfully. Nothing should be orderedto her but simply suggested so thatshe may work in her own way. You shouldpersonally see to the comforts and conveniencesso that she may feel very happyto stay with you all young boys and girls.So far I have studied and it is quite naturalthat she requires a little respectful dealingfrom the young boys and girls.I do not follow what you mean by thatthey are starting to sell samossas. Weshould not sell any Prasadum, we shalldistribute Prasadum and we can ask forcontributions. That should be the method.But our magazines should be sold as manyas possible and I am glad to learn thatsometimes you are selling more than 200copies.Now Brahmananda will be going toBoston for the further development of thecenter and one of the items I suggested beforeshould be to distribute free copies ofBTG to a group of respectable personsevery month with special reference topresidents of the foundations who are inclinedto give contributions to religiousinstitutions. You may convey this messageto Satsvarupa and Brahmanada. Hope thiswill find you alright.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-23 Los Angeles14th January, 1970Executive Senior EditorLos Angeles TimesTimes Mirror Sq.Los Angeles, Cal .Dear Sir,With reference to your article in theLos Angeles Times dated Sunday 1 1th January,1970 under the heading "KrishnaChant," I beg to point out that Hindu religionis perfectly based on Personalconception of God or Vishnu. Impersonalconception of God is a side issue orone of the three features of God. The AbsoluteTruth is ultimately the SupremePersonality of God-head, the Paramatmaconception is localised aspect of Hisomnipresence and the impersonal conceptionis the aspect of His greatnessand eternity. But all combined togethermakes the Complete Whole. Dr. J.F. Staal's

1146 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>statement that Krishna cult is a combinationof Christian and Hindu religion-as ifsomething manufactured by concoction,-isnot correct. If Christian, Mohammedanor Buddhist religions are personalthat is quite welcome. But Krishnareligion is personal from a time long, longago when Christian, Mohammedan andBuddhist religions had not yet come intoexistence. According to the Vedic conception,religion is basically made by the PersonalGod as His laws. Religion cannot bemanufactured by man or anyone superiorto man. Religion is the law of God only.Unfortunately all the Swamis whocame before me in this country stressedthe impersonal aspect of God without sufficientknowledge of Personal aspect ofGod . In the Bhagavad Gita, therefore it issaid that only less intelligent persons considerthat God is originally impersonalbut when He incarnates He assumes aForm. But Krishna philosophy based onthe authority of the Vedas is that originallythe Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. His plenary expansionis present in everyone's heart in Hislocalised aspect and the impersonal Brahmaneffulgence is the transcendental lightand heat distributed everywhere. In theBhagavad Gita it is clearly said that theaim of Vedic way of searching out the AbsoluteTruth is to find out the PersonalGod. If one is satisfied only with the otheraspects of theAbsolute Truth namelythe Paramatma feature or the Brahmafeature-such person is to be consideredas one possessed of poor fund of knowledge.Recently we have published our"/shopanishad " a Vedic literature and inthis small booklet we have thoroughly discussedthis point.So far Hindu religion is concerned,there are millions of Krishna Temples inIndia and there is not a single Hindu whodoes not worship Krishna. Therefore , thisKrishna Consciousness movement is not aconcocted idea. We invite all scholars,philosophers, religionists or members ofthe general public to understand thismovement by critical study. And if onedoes so seriously, one will understand thesublime position of this great movement.The chanting process is also authorized.Professor Stall's feeling of disgust in thematter of constant chanting of the holyN arne of Krishna is a definite proof of hislack of knowledge in this authorizedmovement of Krishna Consciousness. Insteadof turning down the request to giveKary 's course credit, he along with allother learned professors of the C. U.Berkley should patiently hear about thetruth of this authorized movement somuch needed at present in Godless society.This is the only movement which cansave the confused frustrated younger generation.I invite all responsible guardiansof this country to understand this transcendentalmovement and then give us allhonest facilities to spread it for everyone'sbenefit.Sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbcc: to J. F. StaalProfessor of philosophy and Near EasternLanguagesUniversity of CaliforniaBerkley70- 1 -24BostonLos Angeles15th January, 1970My Dear Bhavananda, Aravinda,Pradyumna and Patita Uddharan,Please accept my blessings. I am somuch thankful to you all for sending methe first blue print copy of "/sopanisad ".It is so nicely done that I am fully satisfiedalthough there are certain discrepancieswhich I hope will be revised in our next

JANUARY, 1970 1147issue. On the whole it is very nice consideringthe attempt being all first adventureof our boys.I am specifically drawing the attentionof Patita Uddharan that you may write articleswhenever you find time and handthem over to Satsvarupa for publishing inour BTG.Hope this meets all of you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-25BoulderLos Angeles15th January, 1970My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated31 December, 1969 and have duly notedthe contents. I have just arrived here inLos Angeles from London via Boston andyour letter was forwarded to me here.I am glad to learn that there is one boy,Neal Delmonico, now staying with thedevotees at the Temple. Now I am in LosAngeles, and many students will be initiatednext Sunday, January 25th . So if yourecommend, he may be initiated at thattime. If he sticks to the principles of ourdevotional service, it will not be difficultto save him from the draft.We have been recognized by the draftboard as a religious society and if our studentseriously understands the philosophyof Bhagavat Gita or Science of God, followsthe regulative principles strictly withclear heart without any doubt, then naturallyhe is promoted to the ministerial status.So our Society is authorized to awardthe ministerial status but the students mustbe equally serious in understanding thephilosophy.We require hundreds of bonafide studentsin Krishna Consciousness. Theworld is in need of this function. Peopleare going to hell for want of proper guidance.No other religious institution are somuch serious about God consciousness aswe are. So you must train your contemporariesin such spirit ofalertness, then weshall be able to open hundreds of centers,and the people in general shall be savedfrom being misguided.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN.B.-Regarding Professor Srivastava,please encourage him to participate in understandingour movement, and show himour literatures. -ACBSACBS:db70-1-26LondonLos Angeles15th January, 1970My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated10 Jan., 1970, and it understood that theSt. Giles in the Field School is availableon rent. Now you have asked my instructionsin this connection.The first thing is that suppose we occupythat big house, what will happen tothe present house which you have taken onlease agreement for three years? Thepresent house being situated in a very importantplace, we have to think that by vacatingthis house we shall be losing agrand situation. Under the circumstanceseven though we occupy the big schoolhouse, whether we can utilize the presenthouse or we shall keep this house as it isgoing on and we shall make another bigattempt in that big house. So you have toconsult amongst yourselves what to do inthis connection.Now before occupying the house it

1148 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>must be thoroughly repaired by the owner,and I see that you have made a condition togrant £8,000/(eight thousand) for repairs.If it is thoroughly repaired then it will be agrand house for our purposes.The next thing is if you are in a positionto pay£1 ,000/-(one thousand) per month.So far I know your collection at presentmoment is at the rate of £40-50/-(forty tofifty) per day. Now if you occupy thishouse, whether it will be possible for youto collect more money by some device ofPrasadum distribution or otherwise. Theidea is to make the big establishment inthe big house, you will have to collect atleast £100/-(one hundred) per day bysome means or other.The next point is whether it is rossibleto take the house on lease with option topurchase. The price is presently fixed upat £80,000/-(eighty thousand). Now ifthere is some arrangement with option topurchase and we can secure the money topay them £ 80,000 the money already paidto them in lieu of rent should be deducted.In this connection, a time limit may be setup within which we may be able to securethis£ 80,000 and pay them Jess the amountalready paid in lieu of rent.I think on basis of this negotiation willbe alright. So far reference for bank, Ihave got some money for printing mybooks and if required I can arrange suchreference from my banker. That can be arranged.What happened to the parcels fromBombay for the manjiras in the Lloyd'sBank? If you have received the consignmentyou can send me one pair here. Iwant to see how they are .Please inform Yamunadevi that I haveher nice letter, and I shall reply it in duecourse. Also offer my blessings to all devotees,Janaki, Malati and all others. AskGurudas to send me some pictures of theInstallation Ceremony and some of themmay be directly sent to Boston for publicationin BTG.Our book, "/sopanisad," is alreadyout and you can send orders to ISKCONBooks for this item. It is very nice.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. I have not as yet received paymentfrom George for my Krishna book. Pleaselet me know what happensACBS:db70- 1-27ParisLos Angeles16th January, 1970My Dear Janardan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two letterspost dated 2 and 4 January, 1970 respectively,the former redirected here fromBoston.I am pleased to note that although youhave not yet secured a Temple buildingyou are moving our program forward onother fronts. The arrangement for thecomposing and printing of BTG in Frenchand German languages is already settled,and if you all continue to translate mybooks and articles and write articles yourselves;that will make the work successful. The people in general can be reachedvery well by the distribution of our literaturesand by the propagation of Sankirtanin the streets . These are our two mridungasfor reawakening the sleeping conditionedsouls.I am especially enthusiastic for ourKrishna Consciousness philosophy or theteachings of Lord Chaitanya to be advancedfor the benefit of the learned circleand in this connection your well receivedexpose at the university is encouraging.Please continue your efforts to convince

JANUARY, 1970 1149them of the great universal necessity ofthis scientific philosophy to solve all theknotty difficulties of life by practical applicationof the Vedic knowledge accordingto the Parampara prescription of thebonafide Acharyas.The verse which you have requested isas follows:kirata huna andhra pulinda pukkasaabhira sumbha yavanah khasadayahye'nye c papa yadupasrayasrayahsudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnabenamah. (Bhag. 2/5/18)These are different names of non­Aryans or chandalas, less than the sudras .They are called panchamas or fifth grademen. Brahmins are first grade men; Kshatriyas,second grade, Vaishas, third grade;Sudras, fourth grade. There are many ofthese different fifth grade men and it isdifficult to find who are these fiftha gradepersons in present society. But the point isthat they are all less than Sudra.So these persons are all less than Sudrasbut Srimad Bhagwatam says eventhey, under the guidance of a pure devotee, can also be raised up the the higheststandard more than the Brahmins. Ifsomebody questions how it is possible,how the most degraded of the human societybe more than a Brahmin that is alsoconfirmed in Vedic language that it doesnot matter if one is born of low gradefamily or chandalas, if he is a devotee ofthe Lord, he is first class man. There areother statements that a man after becominga devotee becomes immediately qualifiedto execute sacrificial ceremonies. Inthis connection, Jeeva Goswami has givenhis commentation that a person born evenin a Brahmin family is dependent on thepurificatory processes as accepting initiationand sacred thread, but a devotee withoutwaiting for such recognition becomesfit to act as a Brahmin, and this is the statementof Narada Muni in this verse. Thismeans as stated in the Bhagavad Gita thereare different symptoms of different classesof men-just like a Brahmin is truthful,clean, self-controlled, equipoised, tolerant,simple, full of knowledge, theist,and so on. Similarly a Kshatriya hassymptoms-a tendency for ruling overothers, martial spirited, charitable, doesnot flee away from the battlefield and soon. Similarly, the symptoms of a Vaisha ishis tendency to agriculture, trade, cowprotection and banking. And the Sudrastendency is to wome way or other workanywhere and get some wages.So Narada Muni says that these symptomsare not stereotyped or stagnant; theyare flexible. A man may be born in thefamily of a Brahmin but he might have thetendency of a Kshatriya or Vaisha or Sudra.Similarly a man may be born in thefamily of a Sudra or Chandala but he mayhave the tendencies for a Brahmin. Justlike Ekaballabha was born in a Chandalafamily but he had the tendency of a Kshatriya.Similarly Viswamitra Muni wasborn in a family of Kshatriyas but his tendencywas of becoming a Brahmin.So Narada Muni says that men shouldbe judged by his tendencies, not by hisbirth, and this is also confirmed in BhagavatGita by Lord Krishna that the four divisionsof human society should be judgedby the qualities in actual work. Thereforewith reference to all Vedic Scriptures ourmembers are all Brahmins and thereforewe offer them the sacred thread althoughthey are born, according to Vedic culture,in the familes of other than Brahmins oreven than the Sudras. But that does notmean they cannot be purified. Actuallythey are being trained in such a way, theirhearts are being purified by chanting theMahamantra. And after some days whenthe Spiritual Master sees that one has followedthe regulative principles faithfullyand has abstained himself from the restricteditems like illicit sex life, etc. andhas chanted regularly 16 rounds then say

1150 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>after a year or six months when he appearsto be purified in the judgment of theSpiritual Master he is offered the sacredthread, and he is given the chance of Deityworship in the Temple. These SmartaBrahmins contest that unless one is bornin a Brahmin family one cannot be giventhese facilities. But Narada Muni says no;a man should be judged by the symptomsof his character. And Srimad Bhagwatamsays that the Kiratas, etc. can be purifiedby a pure devotee because the influence ofLord Vishnu is so strong. Prabha Vishnavemeans the powerful Lord Vishnu; prabhameans that the light or heat of Vishnu is sostrong that it is possible to melt them.Only the devotees of Lord Vishnu orKrishna can be purified, not the devoteesof any demigod. They will have to wait fortheir next birth according to their ownkarma.So under this formula the whole Europeanand American people who are so intelligentand materially advanced can beconverted into pure Vedic Brahmins, andthus their mission of human life becomessuccessful, and the whole world becomesa garden of blooming flowers.Take all these words very seriouslyand try to propagate Krishna Consciousnesswith all serenity. It will be a great giftto the human society. You are a learnedand intelligent and young man; think overthe formula and try to execute to the bestof your capacity. That is my request.Hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-28Washington, D.C.Los Angeles16th January, 1970My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 13, 1970 and your question isvery peculiar.You have admitted that it is somethinglike the tricks of the mind. May I ask youif you are regularly chanting 16 rounds ofbeads? The tricks of the mind or influenceof Maya will infiltrate if we do not followthe regulative principles and regularlychant the prescribed Names without anyoffense. Perhaps you know that there are10 (ten) kinds of offenses in chanting theHoly Name. The first offense is not toobey the order of the Spiritual Master, andthe second is to minimise the authoritativevalue of the Scriptures. These things areinfiltrating within you as I see from yourwritings that Vedas or Bhagwatam or Gitaseem not so universal.What is the reason of your thinkinglike that? What do you mean by universal?Do you think that there is any other Scripturein the world which is more universalthan the Vedas and Bhagwat etc.? Is thereany literature in the world which is moresublime in knowledge than the BhagavatGita? The word "Krishna" means "AllAttractive," so where you get the foreignelement in Krishna? Does it mean that Heis attractive for all except yourself? And ifHe is not attractive to you, why it is so? Soyou kindly answer all these questionsfrom me.You say that you will do as I say andyou also prayed to Madhusudan to slay thedemon of your doubt but unless you actaccording to the direction of Madhusudanhow can Madhusudan or Madhusudan'sfather help you . You are with us practicallyfor the last four years and still if youthink you cannot surrender to Krishnawithout any doubt, then what kind ofprogress you have made by this time?So this Krishna science can be understoodthrough the process of sincere service,and so far any doubt which maysometimes arise in our mind there are the

JANUARY, 1970 1151devotees, the Scriptures and the SpiritualMaster. Did you discuss all your doubtswith your contemporary God-brothersand devotees? So there are many questionslike this about you.You say that within your heart youknoW that Krishna is the Original Personalityof Godhead but when you think ofKrishna or try to feel Him you thinkKrishna as foreign on account of Sanskritlanguage. Please, therefore, be carefulthat Maya is peeping at you and if you donot take care timely it may prove fatal.Please, therefore, chant regularly withoutthe offenses and be steady in your situationwithout any tottering of the mind.Krishna is the Supreme Personality ofGodhead without any question. He isaccepted as such beginning from Arjunathrough all the great Acharyas-Ramanujacharya,Madhyacharya, Sankarachary,Lord Chaitanya, Lord Brahma, the Vedicauthorities Vyasdeva and Narada-likethat, down to ourselves.So this knowledge descends throughbonafide disciplic succession. You haveaccepted this chain of authorities, nowyou are feeling doubts means certainlyyou are being attacked by Maya.So please take care and chant HareKrishna regularly without any offence.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1 -29Los Angeles16th January, 1970My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your nice letter dated 12January, 1970 and I have noted the contents.I am so happy to know that the activitiesin London center are progressing withsuch great success. It is our desire that weshall always be engaged fully 24 hours inthe service of Lord Krishna; in this wayour lives will become perfectly joyfulsimply by singing and dancing and takingPrasadum. So if you carry on your serviceto Radha and Krishna according to theprescribed rules, your love of Krishnawill increase more and more; this youare seeing practically by the Grace ofKrishna.So far colors that may be offered to theDeities, all colors may be utilized justsuitable to your scheme. But black shouldnot be used for the Deities dresses or forTemple decorations.Krishna as He is appearing in ourTemples is in the Kaisore age, and thedress which I have introduced is His dressof Kaisore age. In our Temples the Deities,Radha and Krishna are worshippedas Lakshmi-Narayan with all the opulencesof Their Majestic Lordship inDwarka. The worship of Radha-Krishnaas They appear in Vrindavan is a very advancedstage, so we worship Them in theTemples as Lakshmi-Narayan. Actuallythere is no difference because Lakshmi­Narayan is directly the expansion ofRadha-Krishna. We are following the prescribedmethod of Temple worship as it isthe effective program for developing thehighest perfection of pure love of Krishna.If Prasadum is to be honored in theTemple room, the curtains may be drawnbefore the Deities while the devotees aretaking Prasadum. The best arrangement isto honor Prasadum in a separate room forthe purpose, if possible.The aratik articles may be returned tothe same places, especially the conchshell, but the deeps, lamps, should be setdown from their places because they mustbe washed.I am very glad to learn that the threegirls from France are advancing nicelyunder your tutelage. Please continue to

1152 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidatrain them up to chant regularly and to alwayskeep engaged in Krishna activities.As ideal householder girl, you are givingthem the best example of Krishna consciouslife. Please offer my blessings tothem and to all the devotees.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70- 1-30TokyoLos Angeles2lst January, 1970My Dear Bali Mardan,Please accept my blessings. When Iwas in London I received your kind letterdated 28 November, 1969, but as therewere many engagements regularly as wellas there was installation ceremony on the14th of December, I could not reply yourletter sooner.Now the MS of Krishna book as wellas the pictures, it is not yet settled upwhere it is to be printed either in Japan orinnour own press, but I have acknowledgedthe letter of Dia Nippon and thecopy is enclosed.I understand that you are now preparingfor going to Australia, and I am somuch glad that you are so enthusiasticin preaching the transcendental cult ofKrishna Consciousness. Lord ChaitanyaMahaprabhu will be very much pleasedupon you . Lord Chaitanya desired thatthis cult of love for Krishna, which is thehighest benefit for the living entity, shallbe preached all over the world. As an intelligentboy you can understand howmuch this Krishna Consciousness Movementis necessary for the upliftment of thehuman society.Due to their extraordinary materialisticway of life, the so called 'civilized' humansociety has degraded to the positionof the animals. They are now dancing nakedon the public stage and so called 'respectable' persons are going to enjoy suchperformances. The animals wander hereand there naked, the monkeys walk naked;even the aborigines in the junglesthey also cover their private parts by someskin or tree or leaf. I do not know how theso called 'civilized' men are gliding to thestage of animal life and stil they are proudof their advancement of education andcivilization.So the disease of the human society isbecoming more and more acute and LordChaitanya desired that the Indians shouldpreach this cult for the benefit of the humansociety. Unfortunately, the presentgeneration of Indians is more attracted totechnological knowledge than this cult ofKrishna Consciousness. Their position isvery precarious.Somehow or other, under the order ofmy Spiritual Master I have brought thiscult of Krishna Consciousness and handedit over to the American boys and girls.So I am appearing to everyone, especiallyintelligent boys like you, to take up thepropaganda work of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement very seriously, and it willbe a great service to the human beings. Wehave got now sufficient books and literaturesand our philosophy is superexcellent.We are authorized, and we shallgo ahead more and more.I hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-31MontrealLos Angeles21st January, 1970My Dear Jaya Pataka,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated17 January, 1970 along with your

JAN UARY, 1970 1153maintenance fund check and the copy ofthe incorporation documents. You havedone a great service by incorporating ourSociety in Canada. Please immediatelysend a copy to Chitananda in Vancouverbranch so that he can do the needful also.I am glad to learn that you are realizingabout Krishna's providing us with moreand more facilities and that you areappreciating for my following purely theinstructions of my Spiritual Master. Yes,that is the secret of success. In the ChaitanyaCharitamrita it is said that one issuccessful in Krishna consciousness bythe combined Mercy of the Spiritual Masterand Krishna. By the Mercy of Krishnawe come in contact with a bonafide SpiritualMaster and by the Mercy of a bonafideSpiritual Master we can approachKrishna.So, both of Them are cause and effectof either of Them. Krishna is the originalSpiritual Master known as Chaitya Guruan He manifests Himself as the InstructorSpiritual Master. So this principle of followingKrishna and Guru simultaneouslyis the secret of success, and if you followthis policy in the chain of disciplic successionthan there is no doubt about your finalachievement.The Shankara 's Bhaja Govinda verse isas follows:Bhaja Govindam bhaja Govindambhaja Govindam mudha matePrapte sannihite khalu maraneNahi nahi raksati dukrin karane.This is Shankara's last instruction to hisfollowers, and the purport is that the mayavadiphilosophers are very much accustomedto draw favorable meanings fromunwanted interpretations by grammaticaljugglery. In Sanskrit the grammaticaljuggleryis a great puzzle, there are manyWords which can be changed into differentmeanings by grammatical root derivationsand affixing and prefixing pratyayas. SoShankara advised that do not try to exactfavorable conclusions by beating the Shastras,but be submissive to Lord Govindaand worship Him. Otherwise, this grammaticaljugglery of words will not helpyou at the time of death. At that time onlyif you can someway or other rememberthe Lotus Feet of Govinda, Krishna, thatwill save you, 0' the fool number-one.Don't waste your time in misinterpretatingthe Shastras.I hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-32 Los Angeles21st January, 1970Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math35 Satish Mukherjee RoadCalcutta-26IndiaMy Dear Sripad Madhav Maharaj ,Please accept my humble dandabat. Ithank you very much for your encouragingletter dated 11 January, 1970 fromGauhati. It is so very much pleasing thatyou are preaching the message of LordChaitanya throughout Northern India beginningfrom lahore to Gaubati. Similarly,I am also trying my best to executethis service in my humble capacity as faras possible.You will be pleased to know that veryrecently we are going to send somepreachers to Australia. We have got alreadyour center in Tokyo; and I am sendingtwo devotees, one from Tokyo; andanother from here, Los Angeles., to Sydney(Australia). I hope you will kindlybestow your blessings for successful executionof this new adventure.Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> sent His disciples forpreaching work mostly as Brahmachariesand Sanyasies; but I have adopted themethod of sending young married couples

1154 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidafor such preaching work, and you will bepleased to know that this system in thesecountries has proved more effective.I am very much pleased to know thatsometimes you enjoy the writing in mymagazine, "Back to Godhead," and I amsure you are getting these regularly everymonth. Both your Calcutta and Vrindavanaddresses are on the complimentary list. Iunderstand also that Mr. and Mrs. B. K.Dirle, who came to your Calcutta Math tomeet you, took interest in our magazines,and if you send me their address we shallbe pleased to send them complimentarycopies.I am so much obliged to you that all ofour God-brothers are happy to learn aboutmy activities in the West. Actually, whateveris happening it is due to His DivineGrace Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> because personallyI am completely incapable.You have inquired about my books andI am pleased to report that three volumesof Srimad Bhagwatam and one smallbooklet entitled "Easy Journey to OtherPlanets" were published from India. Andsince I have come to the Western countries,Messrs. Macmillan and Companyhave published my book Bhagavad Gita AsIt Is, and my Society has published Teachingsof wrd Chaitanya and Sri Isopanisad.Now by the Grace of Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> wehave got our own press in Boston. On thispress our Srimad Bhagwatam shall beprinted up to the Sixth Canto starting fromthe month of February.But everything is possible by the Graceof Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu becausehe specifically appeared to reclain themost fallen souls, and I find it practically,daily that although these boys and girlsare fallen in the material estimate theyhave taken to this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement very seriously and the result isvery quick. The newspaper reporters advertiseabout these boys and girls as the"bright faced," and actually it is so. Bynature these American boys and girls arefair complexioned or white. They arebeautiful also, and when they take toKrishna Consciousness with symbols ofmala and tiloka they appear to be comingdirectly from Vaikuntha Planets.Regarding Mayapour land, practicallymy jurisdiction of preaching work is coveredmostly in these Western countries;and because Srila Bhaktivinode Thakurwanted it that the American and Europeandevotees should come to Mayapur, thereforeI am trying for it. If you kindly help inthis connection it will be a great assistance.I have already written to Achyutanandain this connection and whicheverplot of land you altogether select, I willaccept it. I have already written one letterto Sripad Yayabar Maharaj , but until now Ihave received no reply from him. SripadParamhansa Maharaj has promised tohelp me in this connection. So I am awaitingtheir decision.I thank you very much for your kindletter once more, and hope this will meetyou in good health.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-33Los Angeles21st January, 1970Dear Sriman Yeager,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedDecember 20, 1969.Upendra is now living with me and hehas spoken very nicely about you so someway or other I understand you are interestedin Krishna Consciousness and this isa good sign and opportunity. Please try tounderstand the philosophy with all yourreason and faith; and as you have inquiredfrom me I shall try my best to convinceyou in the subject.

JAN UARY, l970 1155Regarding your question that "the devoteesare more kind than the Lord becausethey understand the purpose of the Lord,"I may inform you that the Lord's advice toHis devotee (pointing out to Arjuna) isthat one should not speak about Godconsciousnessto a person who is neither adevotee nor has undergone any disciplinarymethods. But a devotee sometimestakes the risk of approaching non-devoteerascals even at the cost of life. The best exampleis your Christian religion's Lord JesusChrist. Lord Jesus Christ risked hislife for speaking God-consciousnessamongst a people who were fanatics. Asimilar incidence is there in the action ofLord Nityananda.Lord Nityananda, when passing on thestreet, saw a crowd of people howling atsome incident, and on inquiry it wasfound that there were two rascals of thethen name Jagai and Madhai. They werealways distrubing people in drunken condition.Nityananda Prabhu thought it wisethat these two brothers may be deliveredso that Lord Chaitanya's mercy could bewell known all over the world. When LordNityananda approached them He was immediatelyhurt by violent attack. On thisincidence Lord Chaitanya became veryangry and He called for His SudarsanChakra to kill these debauches. Lord Nityanandathen implored Lord Chaitanyanot to kill Jagai and Madhai but to savethem. By this time Jagai and Madhaicame to their senses and immediately theysurrendered unto both the Lords and weredelivered by the mercy of Lord Nityananda.So Lord Nityananda or Baladevis the original Spiritual Master, and suchpure devotee sometimes takes the risk oflife in order to reclaim a person whomight have otherwise been rejected by theLord. The devotee knows that the LordWants all the fallen souls to come back toHome, and therefore the devotees alwaystrys to induce the conditioned souls to taketo Krishna Consciousness by various waysand means. Therefore the conclusion isthat a devotee is more kind than the LordHimself.By such advanced devotional service adevotee becomes quickly recognized bythe Lord . That is also stated in the BhagavatGita. Actually, without the mercy of adevotee nobody can approach the Lorddirectly-and it is easier to get mercy of adevotee than to get mercy of the Lord. Sotherefore the most intelligent way of approachingGod is to take shelter of a puredevotee.Somehow or other if one can please apure devotee of the Lord, such actionmeans immediate satisfaction of the Lord,even though such a person is not officiallyqualified to receive the mercy of the Lord.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:m70- 1-3421st January, 1970[PAGE MISSING]Recently, in the month of October, wehave purchased one house in Boston at acost of $70,000 and have started our ownpress at a cost of $20,000 . Yo u will bepleased to know that the American boystook to work in some professional press toJearn the arts of operating press work, bookbindingetc. They earned some money byso working and now they have started thepress working themselves; otherwise, itwould not have been possible. So Yo urHoliness' blessings for these sincere devoteesare very much welcome.I am so much obliged to you for yourventilating our activities in your esteemedpaper, "Sree Chaitanya Bani" in India.When I was in London, your disciple SrimanSachisuta das Adhikary saw me severaltimes, and he was regularly attending

1156 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidamy weekly discourses in the London ConwayHall. I understand that he is alsoworking on some press there, and I was somuch pleased to see him.I am so obliged to you for giving shelterto Sriman Achyutananda Brahmacharywhen he was in Calcutta. Sriman JayaGovinda das Brahmacary who saw you inVrindavan is now staying in our center inHamburg, Germany where he is in chargeof "Back to Godhead" in German language.We are now publishing English"BTG" 50,000 copies per month, German"BTG" 5,000 copes per month andFrench "BTG" 5,000 copies per month.And very soon we may be able to publish aSpanish "BTG" from Mexico where twodevotees, husband and wife are going toopen a center.Regarding our London Math at 7 BuryPlace, it was very successfully openedand the seva puja operations are going onvery, very nicely under the care of SrimatiYamuna Devi. It is always full with devoteessince its opening and all kinds of peopleIndian and European are participatingin the daily functions. You will be glad tolearn that one Mohammedan boy in Londonbecame my disciple under proper initiationbesides a few Indian Hindus also.We are now feeling the present place ofLondon center, although is is a five storiedbuilding, is not large enough to accommodateall the devotees. We have taken anotherhouse for the householder devoteesand the present house is inhabited bythirty-one male devotees only. There is avery nice house in the neighborhood ofcentral London demanding 100,000 Englishpounds corresponding to Rs. 18lacs; but as you know, I am always penniless,it is only a dream for me.There are many Indians like Mr. B. K.Birle who can help in this connection, butneither I have got anyacquaintance withthem, nor I am getting any help from India'sside in this great propaganda work ofKrishna Consciousness Movement whichis actually felt by the local people as amajor spiritual revolutionary movement.Nobody, either European or India, expectedever that the European andAmerican boys and girls would strictlyfollow the regulative principels; namely,not to indulge in illicit sex-life, no takingof intoxicants up to the point of not takingtea or cigarettes, no meat eating and nogambling. Not only that, the boys in cleanshaven head and saffron dress will go onthe streets and chant Hare Krishna Mantraso jubilantly.70- 1-35 Los Angeles22nd January, 1970Advocate, Supreme Court of lndia57/2 Ekdalia RoadCalcutta- 19IndiaMy Dear Barindra Babu,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your kind letterdated January 9, 1970. It is very encouragingto me that you are taking so muchactive interest in the matter of spreadingKrishna Consciousness and willing ourSociety to gather strength throughout theworld. I thank you for your good will.Actually this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement inaugurated by Lord Chaitanyais the only panacea for all the diseases ofthe material world; the missing point isforgetfulness of God. This is not a newthing because the reason for our materialexistence is forgetfulness of our relationshipwith God. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhuvery mercifully reclaimed thefallen souls especially in this age by thisshort-cut method of chanting Hare KrishnaMantra.By repeated chanting of this transcendentalsound vibration, dirty things in thematerialistic mind become cleansed. The

JANUARY, 1970 1157dirty things in the materialistic mind arethe modes of passion and ignorance .When the modes of passion and ignorancecome in, although the process of cleansingis not yet completed the modes ofgoodness become prominent. This meansthat the propensity of being lusty andgreedy diminishes and one can be fixed upin the devotional service of the Lord.When one is fixed up in the modesofgoodness and devotional service of theLord , he can factually understand his constitutionalposition, and that is his liberation.According to authorized Vedic Scripturesliberation means to be fixed up inone's original position. The original positionis that each and every living entity ispart and parcel of the Supreme Lord andas such it is the duty of every living entityto cooperate with the Supreme. This cooperationis devotional service. So youhave taken some interest in this matter.Please try to propogate this philosophyamongst the educated circle in Calcutta,and that is the best humanitarian service.Mr. N. C. Chattergee knows me verywell because when I was in Delhi in connectionwith my publishing work Mr.Chattergee used to invite me to speak athis house, and he has very highly spokenof my Srimad Bhagavatam English commentaries.Achyutananda is a very sincere youngAmerican boy, and your cooperation withhim is very much appreciated. Now, thedifficulty is that he is a foreigner. I understandthat the land in Mayapur cannot bepurchased in his name alone. Under thecircumstances if our Society is immediatelyregistered under Societies' RegistrationAct the problem will be solved. Wehave registered our Society in America,Canada and England also; why not India?You are yourself a learned lawyer, youknow better than me, and if possiblekindly help in this connection.Your appreciation of my adventure atthis part of my life has encouraged me,and I think that by the prayers of goodsouls like you I may be able to work forsometime more in the interest of this greatmovement. You have said, "Kindly treatme as one of your humble disciples." Itwill be my prime duty to help you to mybest capacity for your spiritual advancementof life.I am sending herewith a copy of the letterwhich I have addressed to the HomeDepartment, Government of West Bengalregarding the purchase of land. So if necessaryyou can do the needful with this letter.I am also enclosing some newspaperpictures of our Western devotees' recentactivities. After seeing them, you can givethem over to Achyutananda; they will helphim his preaching work.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-36BostonLos Angeles22nd January, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your three letters dated January12, 13 and 17, 1970 resectively aswell as the check for $149 .36. Thank youvery much.Regarding the confidential letter, Imay inform you that a Sanyasi has no connectionwith his family. That is legal. Soat the present status, I have no legal obligationto my family. Before taking to Sanyas, what ever little money I had i havegiven to them. So I shall think over thismatter once again and let you know.Regarding Seattle letter, I have repliedthe same and the copy, as desired by you,

1158 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>is enclosed herewith. I have seen the SelectiveService letter which is very encouraging.Now if our students strictlyfollow the chalked out plan; namelychanting 16 rounds daily, following the restrictiveregulations and reading at leastone chapter from our books, then automaticallythey become ordained ministers.One might be examined by anyone,outsider, and he will never fail the test. Soyou try to see that things are exacted accordingto the above plan. Then they aresaved materially and spiritually both.There was another letter from India,the World Fellowship of Religions; that Ihave replied duly. I am so glad that henceforwardBTG will be published 50,000per month and very soon, 100,000 permonth. It is engladdening. I am so glad toknow that ISKCON Press is going to makesome profit, about $4,000, by doing someoutside work. But one thing is still theboys require to improve. The printingmust be professional, and BTG copy #3 1is not to the Japanese standard. Of course,this is the first attempt by the boys. As faras technical work is concerned, that canbe excused; but the quality of the paper isalso not to the Japanese standard. So sideby side we must keep ourself alive not tocome down below the standard printers.Regarding opening account in Boston:is there any branch of First National CityBank of New Yo rk? If not, then thepresent account in N.Y. should be continued.Another, separate account in sameBoston bank where ISKCON has got itsaccount may be opened. In that case youmay send me the requisite papers. I wantto continue the account in N.Y. becausethis account is coming down since I havestepped in your country, and sometimesthe bank reference gives good facilities.Last time this bank's good reference resultedin my immigration visa without difficulty;otherwise we were struggling forit for three years.Regarding George's giving us money:I have also received one telegram fromShyamsundar, but actually there is nomoney until now. I shall be glad to know ifthere is any news from Mr. Klein actually.Regarding the Indian complimentarycopies; the following may be cancelled:Nos. 2, 4, 7, 17, 29, 33 and 37, and thefollowing may be added:His Holiness Srimat B.A.Paramhansa MaharajP.O. UdalaDist. MayurbhanjOrissaAdvocate, Supreme Court of IndiaSri Barindra Kumar Ghosh M.A. LL. B.57/2 Ekdalia RoadCalcutta- 19I am inquiring whether Nos. 22, 24, and29 are regular subscribers, if not there isno need of sending them complimentarycopies.Enclosed please find one picture ofAchyutananda which I would like for immediatepublication in BTG with the followingcaption:"Sriman Achyutananda das Brahmachary,who is now visiting Calcutta. Wehave got a very good friend enthusiastic inpreaching Krishna Consciousness, Mr.B. K. Ghosh M.A. LL. B. He is himselfagreat admirer of Chaitanya philosophyand he is holding Sankirtan meetingsevery Sunday in different places of Calcuttaand suburbs. The above picture wastaken in a meeting where AchyutanandaBrahmachary spoke nicely on KrishnaConsciousness philosophy under thepresidency of Honorable Mr. Justice P. B.Mukherjee of the Calcutta high court, heis sitting just on the left of Achyutanandadas Bramachary. So gradually a nicecenter of the International Society forKrishna Consciousness is growing with the

JAN UARY, 1970 1159prospect of headquarters at Mayapur, thebirthsite of Lord Chaitanya."Also I may inform you that we havefound out a very nice church in residentialquarter; and we are negotiation withthem , but they are asking price which isvery exorbitant. We are trying to bargain,but I do not think it will come down nearabout $200,000, and the down payment isestimated near about $65 ,000. Gargamunihas said that he can secure utmost$25,000 and I shall be glad how much youcan help them. Gargamuni of course doesnot like to take from my book fund, but ifneed be I will have to pay the balance.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-37Los Angeles22nd January, 1970My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 'nil' and Ihave also received the package of tapes byseparate post. Thank you very much forthem.I am very pleased to learn that both youand your wife have been lecturing onKrishna Consciousness at the GeorgeWashington University and there wasgood response to your program. You simplyread our books and if you simplyreproduce the purport of Srimad Bhagavatamor Bhagavad Gita, people will takeit very seriously. So, of course, you mustUnderstand the purport and reproduce itin your own language. That will be verygood, but someway or other if in someway you present the purport of SrimadBhagavatam or Bhagavat Gita that willbe also very good. The idea is that weshould not make any addition or subtractionof mental speculation, but we shouldendeavor, even if we do not fully understandfrom our present platform, topresent simply the philosophy as we havereceived it directly and realised it by practicalexperience.Regarding the Uher tape recorder, itwill be very welcome. Our "Dicto-trans"dictophone is not working and is alwaysgiving some difficulty; if the Uher is ingood condition, it will be most useful.Also I would like to record permanenttapes at the same time that I am makingdictophone tapes. Can you arrange somedevice so that one control microphonewill stop and start recording on both machinessimultaneously?Salt should be added to the vegetablesafter they are in mesala, it should not becooked directly in the ghee. Regardingrecipies for a cookbook, I think Yamunadevihas made one collection of Prasadumrecipies so you may contact her in thisconnection.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife Krishna devi and child. It is very encouragingto me that Vishnu Arati is beingraised from her very birth in KrishnaConsciousness and is spontaneously chantingHare Krishna. No other yoga systemcan be so practiced even by a little child.If Krishna devi is continuing to feelweakness she may reduce any strenuousactivity and increase the number ofrounds chanting. I hope her health has improvedby now.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70- 1-38BostonLos Angeles22nd January, 1970My Dear Rukmini,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

Letters from Srfla Prabhupar;la14 January, 1970, and have noted the contents.I have also received your gift of twoboxes ofluddo expertly prepared by you.*They have so far lasted and I am enjoyingsome each day. They are first-class.Regarding Srimurti Subhadra, the oldDeity should not be repaired, but a newDeity should be carved and installed. Theold Deity may be wrapped up in somecloth, tied up and weighted with stones,then put in the river. This is the procedureto be followed.You may paint Garuda with the figureof half man/halfbird. That will be nice.I am happy to note that you are all tryingto serve the Deities more and morenicely. Please go on in this attitude andsuch efforts in devotional service will becomethe greatest pleasure or KrishnaConsciousness.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*you can send me such luddos at leastevery fortnight a packet.ACBS:db70- 1-39BerkeleyLos Angels23rd January, 1970My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated22 January, 1970 along with the DailyCalifornian newspaper in which my letterregarding Krishna chanting has appeared .I am very glad to learn that the editor ofthe Daily Californian was very impressedwith it and kindly printed it in its entirety.You kindly try to understand the purportof my letter and preach it vigorously.In the meantime, I have received oneletter from Krishnadas in Germany. andhe reports that in Germany there is verygood scope for preaching our KrishnaConsciousness Movement. In this connectionhe writes as follows:"If it is Your desire <strong>Prabhupada</strong>, withthe organization of Germany's SankirtanParty we would like to make a tour of Germanyduring the summer and if it is withYour blessings, to open a second temple atleast by the end of 1970, either in Berlinor Munich."Germany (West) has a population ofover 50 million, and that is not includingEast Germany. In England there are over60 million, but the difference lies in theconcentration. In England there are a fewlarge cities (London, Birmingham, Liverpool,etc .) whereas in Germany the folkare spread in hundreds of towns all overGermany, and these towns are situatedonly short distances apart. Another hint ofGermany 's importance is that the GermanMark (currency) is one of the stabilestmonetary systems in the whole world. Asyou have said many times previously, theGermans are a very intelligent people.Now the only problem is to reach the peoplein large numbers, and this will bethrough SKP and new temples. Especiallyin main cities (Berlin, Frankfort, Cologne,Munich, Stutgart, etc.) all of which have apopulation of half a million to a million(except Berlin which had three million),but they are centers of industry, trade, art,travel and all have Universities."So he suggests that your assistance inGermany would be very much favorable.Do you think that for some time you cango to our German center and organize itvery nicely in cooperation with othermembers. If so, then you decide for yourselfand when you come here we shall talkfurther on this matter.Regarding the small press which youhave purchased, I do not think you can divertyour attention for printing separatelyour message because that will require aseparate energy and will not help in the

JAN UARY, 1970 1161Jllatter of selling our BTG. If they receivesuch pamphlets, they will not be inclinedto purchase BTG. Whatever you want topublish, you can send it in an article formto Boston for being printed in BTG, andwith your Sankirtan Party you may concentratethe selling of BTG as far as possible.The xerox machine which you havepurchased may be used for some otherpurposes because when you have investedsome money, it must be utilized. In theBTG we are sufficiently printing picturesof our Samkirtan Movement. Do youthink any special advantage will be thereby printing separately something whichmay minimize the sale of BTG?Regarding your question: you are rightwhen you write to say that everythingabout us, tables, chairs, bricks etc. is originallyemanating from sound vibration.This is also admitted in the Christian Biblewherein it is said that God said, Letthere be creation. And there was creation.So, 'said' means it was sound vibration;but this sound vibration is not materialsound vibration because before creationof material sky and sound, transcendentalsound was there. So actually the transcendentalsound is the cause of creation, butmaterial sound is not transcendentalsound. We have to receive transcendentalsound through the transcendental channel,therefore, Vedas are called Sruti.That means transcendental sound can bereceived through the ear. And by hearingthis transcendental sound through the earour heart becomes spiritually purified,and we can realize at that stage the transcendentalName, transcendental Qualities,transcendental Form, transcendentalPastimes etc . That is the way of descendingprocess.Because everything manifested is creationof the original transcendentalSound, therefore, factually everything isSpiritual . But being covered by materialcloud, we do not appreciate properly thespiritual nature of everything. TheKrishna Consciousness Movement meansgradually advancing towards that stage ofspiritual realization. As such, the philosophyof achintya veda veda tattwa is perfect.Everything is simultaneously oneand different from the Supreme. One inquality b"ecause the original source is theSpiritual Whole, and different in quantity.This quantitative difference becomesmore and more separate by increase ofmaterial consciousness.The next question: the body of a puredevotee is all spiritual and He is not differentfrom His body. That is also a fact. Thebodies of all living entities, even thoughthey are not pure devotees, are not actuallythe bodies of the spirit soul. It is alwaysseparate from the spiritual body. TheVedic mantra confirm it by the soundvibration that this spirit soul is alwaysnon-attached with the material body.Therefore, we do not see the actual spiritualbody of a pure devotee; but what wesee, that is matter.Just like the example is given of theshining moon covered by the cloud. Whenthe cloud moves along with the peepingmoonshine, it appears that the moon ismoving. Anyone who has seen such movementof cloud in the sky must have this experience.So, the moving of the cloud may appearto the layman's eyes as moving of themoon, but that is not a fact. Similarly, themoving of the body of a pure devotee is notthe moving of the pure devotee . After allthese are facts for the process of realization,but we can try to understand them asfar as possible from the statement of authorizedScriptures through the version ofthe Spiritual Master or saintly persons.Regarding dictophone: I can send youpresently the tapes for Krishna and ifHoward Resnick can work it nicely it willbe a great help. But before purchasing the

1162Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidadictophone you can hire it for a month tosee how Mr. Resnick will work on it. Besidesthat, if you purchase a dictophone,you should do it through authorized dealersof Grundig. So if you are eager, onhearing from you, I shall send one tapeand let me see how does it work.I am eagerly waiting to see SrimatiHimavati and yourself as early as possible.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. your letter addressed to Boston addressis certainly missing.ACBS:db70-1 -40LondonLos Angeles23rd January, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings.Regarding George's money: Brahmanandatalked with Gargamuni and informedhim that one week ago the secretaryof Mr. Klein's APTKO (?) recordcompany called our temple and said thatthe check is ready for you , please comeand pick it up. In response to this, RishiKumar went to that APTKO Co. and theywanted to give him a check for $1,900.(19 hundred). Rishi Kumar said that wewere expecting a check for $19,000 (19thousand) . So the check was mistaken andhe did not receive the check.Then it is learned that two days ago thesecretary of Mr. Klein phoned Brahmanandaand submitted his regrets that thecheck was drawn wrongly as $1,900, andhe would call him again for delivering theright check. But up to now there is nonews from them.I do not know what is happening, butyou may keep George informed about thisfact, and if possible reply this letter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-41BostonLos Angeles24th January, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg to thankyou fur a letter Dated 21 January, 1970 withenclosure of BTG and "Isopanisad."Regarding BTG, I have already sentyou my remarks in my last letter to youand it appears that it is not to the standardof Japanese printing. The cutting of themagazine is not uniform and the paper islighter. Anyway, this is the first attempt,so there is nothing to be disturbed. Let usimprove more and more, but we must alwaysremember the standard of printingand also we should keep this motto in viewthat to have our own press means to donicer work than the outside printers.So far the first plates of "Isopanisad"are concerned, I am glad to say that theprinting is very brilliant and the paper isvery nice. Now if the cutting and bindingbecomes as good, then it will come out afirst class specimen of our work.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1 -42 Los Angeles24th January, 1970My Dear Ekandra das Brahmachary,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your good handwriting letter,and I am so pleased to learn that you

JANUARY, 1970 1163are joining the Samkirtan Party along withBirbhadra and Girish.I shall always pray to Krishna for yourspiritual progress and good health hundredsof times, and you be happy underthe protection of New Vrindavan.I am so pleased to learn that you arestudying arithmetic so quickly. Five plusfive is equal to ten. Two plus two is equalto four. So Krishna plus everything isVrindavan. Do not forget Krishna, andyou shall always be in Vrindavan.Thank you very much.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-1-43Los Angeles24th January, 1970My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated 22 January,1970 along with check for $30. on mymaintenence account.I am so glad to learn that you have purchasedthe house with the help of SrimanBalabhadra Brahmachary. I remember theday when I forcibly pushed you towardsHawaii with a charge for organizing ourKrishna Consciousness Movement of thatisland and in the neighborhood. Now bythe Grace of Krishna you have purchasedone house and preaching our cult and collecting$50 daily. All these are very muchengladdening to me. May Krishna blessyou more and more, and turn Hawaii Island(dwipa) into Nabadwipa. So yourcenter shall be called New Nabadwipa,and you shall celebrate Lord Chaitanya 'sappearance day most pompously.I think in the month of March you canhold this ceremony gorgeously and installthe Deity at that time.Now I am in Los Angeles, and it willbe not difficult for me to go to Hawaii anytime you call me . For the time being thereis no question of retirement becausethings are just growing. It requires morepouring of water, so I do not think there isimmediate prospect for my retireing.Therefore, as long as Krishna desires, Imust go on working, but I am trying togive more time to my writing works.I have received the overcoat-cloak sentby Govinda dasi who is so much kind andaffectionate to me. I am using it dailywhile going on my morning walk, but thetemperature here is not so acute, suitablefor putting on the coat. Still, it appearsvery comfortable in the morning and I amenjoying it. I have also received the driedbanana, 8 packages altogether and theyare being fully utilized. For the time beingshe may not send any more of them, but Ithink if she prepares more of them in thesunshine of Hawaii and keeps them instock, they will not go bad.As you are always thinking of me, I amalso thinking of you; and the best thingwill be I shall go there by the next mangoseason because last time when I was thereI could not get any mango. I think in thecompound on the new house you havepurchased, you can grow some fast growingvegetables. One of them should be thesquash creeper which I found in the compoundof our last Temple. Sudama andGovinda dasi were collecting those creepersdaily and both the leaves and flowersare so nice.[PAGE MISSING]70- 1 -44HamburgLos Angeles24th January, 1970My Dear Krishnadas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated18 January, 1970, and thank you verymuch for your contribution of $15 on mymaintenance account.

1164Letters from Sri/a PrabhupiidaWhen you presented your scheme forpreaching work in the whole of Germanygiving an estimate of population of importantcities, it gave me so much pleasure.Just on receiving your letter I am alreadythinking of how to organize it, and havewritten letters to Hansadutta and UttamaSloka etc., but Upendra is destined to go toAustralia. I am glad to learn that Trivikramhas joined you. So for the time being go onwith your work as usual and consult withTarnal Krishna whom I am also writing inthis connection. And try your best tospread the Sankirtan Movement throughGermany. Regarding Deity worship: I amvery much anxious to know how thing aregoing on, who is taking care of the Deities,whether regular performances are beingexecuted etc. I hesitated to install the Deitieswhen I was in Germany on this account.Anyway, when the Deities are nowinstalled there cannot be any scope of neglectingThem; that will be a great offence.Please, therefore, consult with Tarnal howto manage things and if possible get somemore assistance from London.I have not heard from Vasudeva, Suchandraor Viswanatha and his wife KuntiDevi. Please let me know how they aregetting along in Krishna Consciousness,and offer them my blessings and to allother devotees there.I hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1 -45 Los Angeles24th January, 1970Wheeling, West VirginiaMy Dear Ranadhir,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21 January, 1970. I am so glad to learnthat your New Vrindavan is now expandingwith all good prospects. I also thankyou very much for sending me a check onmy maintenance account for $50.The most encouraging news is that theschool is being very nicely organized. Anotherencouraging thing is that KirtananandaMaharaj has now taken up actuallythe work of a Sanyasi and is preaching outsideour Krishna Consciousness cult withgreat enthusiasm.Now you can remember your lastyear's crying for $300. I did not verymuch encourage that attitude because Ithought it was that necessity is the motherof invention. Now you must be realizinghow it was good for you that within oneyear you are purchasing two adjoininglands and everything is in advancing position.Now you have got a nice truck andthe road is open directly from the mainroad on account of the side properties beingpurchased.I thank you for sending me back thesmall book in Bengali which I was missing.Now you have this truck, and your activitieswill surely improve the expansionof our Vrindavan scheme. We shall holdour Janmastami ceremony in great pomp,and if by Krishna's Grace it is possible, Ishall also go there. The cancelled checkhas no use for me, it was returned by thebank. Please do the preaching work morevigorously as Krishna has given you all facility.The sixteen word MahaMantra is nobody's invention. There are authorizedmantras in the different Puranas whichare Vedic authorities. Especially in theKali Santaran Upanisad it is stated thatthis sixteen word MahaMantra is the HolyName of the Supreme Brahma for the deliveranceof the fallen souls. ChaitanyaMahaprabhu chanted, Haridas Thakurchanted 24 hours, all the Goswamis andAcharyas chanted, my Guru Maharajchanted, and following all these footstepswe are also chanting. So they are

JAN UARY, 1970 1165authorized by disciplic succession, a d allof us must chant at least 16 rounds da11 y tokeep us fit on the Krishna Consciousnesstranscendental platform.Amongst all our duties surely wemust now forger to complete our sixteenrounds. We should not be carried awaysimply by the Krishna duties which isalso regarded as good as chanting, but inall circumstances we shall not forget thisduty.I am very glad to learn that the smallchildren are also increasing their dispositionsand service attitude. Please get itrecognized and increase the activities ofthe school more and more. All the devoteeswho desire to know may ask theirquestions to the elderly members but stillthey are open to write me for all theirquestions and there should not be any hesitation.I reply each and every letter that Ireceive, but sometimes it may be a littlelate due to pressure of work. But theyshould write; there is no checking. But itis better if simple questions are solvedamongst yourselves in the Istoghosthiclass. Every one of you must regularlyread our books at least twice-in themorning and evening, and automaticallyall questions will be answered.I hope this will meet you all in verygood health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-l-46ParisLos Angeles24th January, 1970My Dear Woompati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated2 1 January, 1970, and I have conveyedYour good suggestion to Suridas andJotil!a to go to Hamburg. As Tarnal is alreadyinformed of this fact, I am sure hewill take this practical suggestion and dothe needful.Regarding antiques: we do not requireof them in our Temple. For the time beingdon't spend money on antiques, better totry to expand our cult as far as possiblewith strenuous effort.So I am getting good reports from allour centers. Now I will be very muchpleased to have our own center in Paris assoon as possible. I am so much thankful toyou for your sincere endeavor to spreadKrishna Consciousness in the Europeancountries.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1 -47BostonLos Angeles25th January, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I have notheard from you since a few weeks. I hopeyou are well and everything is goingnicely there.Regarding tape transcnpt10n: manydevotees are ready to help in this matter. Iwant to send daily one tape, and to finishone tape transcription and editing ittakes about one week. Under the circumstances,if there are four or five mentranscribing, then at least four finishedmanuscripts come out per week. Manydevotees are ready to transcribe; like inDetroit there is Bhagavandas; in Buffalo,Rupanuga; in Berkeley, Hansadutta; aswell as here, Devananda. But how to adjustthings?Do you think that their transcribingwill help you, or do you want to transcribe

1166 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidayourself? I wish that all copies, before finallygoing to the press, must be thoroughlyrevised and edited so that theremay not be any mistakes especially ofspelling and grammar or of the Sanskritnames. So how to finish it, I do not know.So give me your directions about this immediately.Whether I shall send the tapesdirectly to you or to other centers who areready to help?How many pages and up to whichchapter is the Krishna book finished up tonow? How many pictures are ready? Ifyou can let me know all these points, itwill be very nice.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-1-48CalcuttaLos Angeles27th January, 1970My Dear Achyutananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21 January, 1970, and it is very encouragingthat you have very good ambition fordeveloping our Mayapur center. Yourpresent program that you are constantlyengaged in Kirtan at about 40 places, thatis very very good appointments. Our firstand foremost business is to preach and byKrishna's Grace you have taken this taskvery seriously. It will have good effects,so continue this program.Soffar the Calcutta land is concerned,your ambition to have a place like MullicksThakurbati, the pilgrimage of mychildhood, is also my ambition. When Ithink ofRadha-Krishna, I think of first theRadha-Govinda Vigraha of Mullicks Thakurbatibecause from my very childhood Iam devoted to the same Deity; but at thesame time it is not an easy task to havesuch a big plot of land in Calcutta city atthe present moment. Under the circumstances,if the small plot of land which isbeing offered can be had without any condition,then you can accept it. But if theymake a condition that the land is offeredfor Deity worship, I do not think it will befeasible for you at the present moment becauseyou are alone.For proper Deity worship at least twomen will be required for full time engagement.So I do not know how to solve thisproblem because you are alone. At thepresent moment you are living in theTemple of Madhav Maharaj and preachingoutside, so you have no inconvenience.But if you are engaged in Deityworship alone, I do not know how you willpreach; and if you want men, what is yoursuggestion for getting such men? We canaccept the small plot of land for future developmentonly, but if they make this conditionthat we will have to immediatelytake up the work as well as the Deity worship,I do not think it will be practical.Regarding the Mayapur land: ParamhansaMaharaj has written that the sideland, about five bighas, is available at therate of Rs. 600 per bigha. So we do notmind to take each side lands if they areavailable at that rate, but one thing wemust be assured that there is no inundation.So whatever you do, you consult withParamhansa Maharaj and request him tostay in Bengal until the land is purchased.You alone cannot manage things. Whenthe land is purchased, send me a layoutand I shall give you the plan for construction.I shall expect a report in your nextletter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

JANUARY, 1970 116770- 1 -49seattleLos Ange1es27th January, 1970MY Dear Gajendra das,Please accept my blessings, I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 24, 1970 and I am so glad to learnthat at the present moment you are presidentof the center; it is a great satisfactionto me. When a Krishna Consciousnpersonis elevated to a responsible position,he never becomes puffed up. Just like atree when overladen with fruits becomeshumble and lower down; similarly, a greatsoul in Krishna Consciousness becomeshumbler than the grass and bowed downlike the fruitful trees because a KrishnaConscious person acts as the agent ofKrishna, therefore he discharges his dutywith great responsibility.You are very much welcome to writeonce in a month, and I shall be very gladto reply them point by point. I am glad tolearn that everyone is busily engaged inKrishna's business and chanting 16rounds and reading Srimad Bhagavatamregularly. This is our life. Here also I haveintroduced in the L.A. Temple 24 hourengagement. When Krishnakanti (Carl)returns, you will learn from him everythinghow this Temple is doing nicely.Extend your activities to the Universitycampus because the younger generationis our future hope. Bamboo while it isgreen can be bent and carved, but while itis yellow and ripe if there is any attempt tobend it, it cracks. Krishna is evergreenyouthful Original Person and He gathersaround Him all young boys and girls ascowherd boys and gopis in His eternalYrindavan Leela. So try seriously to impressupon the young hearts and you willbe successful . Try to get that fraternityhouse as soon as possible.Your first question: are disciplic successionsfrom Brahma and from Arjunadifferent? No. Brahma's disciplic successionaccepts Krishna as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead and Arjuna alsoaccepted Krishna as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. So that is not a new disciplicsuccession. Krishna says in thefourth chapter that I am again reintroducingunto you-so anyone who acceptsLord Krishna as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead is to be understood as belongingto the same disciplic succession.Balarama is holding a plow, that is Hisweapon. Jagganath is holding the Chakra,that is His weapon. Krishna's name isChakradhar (dhar = carries) or One WhoCarries the Disc. Balarama's name is Haladhar,the Carrier of the Plow (hala).Your third question: why does SrilaNarada Muni condemn Srila Vyasadevafor compiling the Vedic Scriptures? SriNarada Muni was the Spiritual Master ofSrila Vyasadeva. A Spiritual Master hasthe right to chastise his disciple any wayHe likes. A sisya or a disciple means onewho accepts the disciplinary action givenby the Spiritual Master. Even althoughsometimes a Spiritual Master chastiseshis disciple as a fool or rascal in fatherlyaffection, it does not mean necessarilythat the disciple is a fool or a rascal. Youwill find even in the statement of LordChaitanya-He presents Himself as a fooldesignated by His Spiritual Master, butthat does not mean that He was a fool . Asincere disciple feels it pleasurable whenhis Spiritual Master chastises him withcalling him such names as fool and rascal.My Spiritual Master sometimes called mein that way and I remember that day alwaysand feel transcendental pleasure.By following His footsteps, you canapproach Nityananda Prabhu. NityanandaPrabhu approached Jagai and Madhai atthe risk of being personally injured andstill He definitely delivered them. Theworld is full of Jagais and Madhais;namely drunkards, women-hunters, meat

1168 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiidaeaters and gamblers, and we will have toappraoch them at the risk of insult, injuryand similar other rewards. To face suchreverse conditions of life and to sufferthereby the results of actions is consideredas the greatest penance and austerity inthe matter of spiritual advancement oflife .To sit down in a corner withoutpreaching risk and to make a show ofchanting Hare Krishna Mantra is condemnedby my Spiritual Master and Hehas written a very nice song in this connection,which I am recording. The substanceis that to become very dear toKrishna or Balarama or in other words toLord Chaitanya and Nityananda is to takethe task of preaching work very seriouslyat all risk. Please always remember thisand you will be successful.So I see in your letter that you are alsobeing bold in Krishna's service in the matterof the preaching work.You asked me to pray for the devotees,and that is the only business of my life.Upendra is preparing for going to Australia.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-50Los Angeles27th January, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated19 January, 1970.Yes. By the grace of Krishna, Gargamuniand others here are taking particularcare of me and I am very much indebted toyou all; not only here, where ever I go thesame care is taken of me. Gargamuni ispaying very exorbitant rent for the housewhere I am living now. It is $600 althoughthe house is very comfortable and silent.But still so much rent I consider a luxuryfor me.I am so much pleased to learn that yourLondon Yatra activities are expanding andthat Ksirodaksayee is very sincerely cooperating.Please offer my thanks and blessingsfor such cooperation.Next year he has a proposal that he willtake 40 of our select devotees from Londonto India in February, 1971. I am verymuch anxious for that trip. In that trip weshall travel all over India with SamkirtanParty and thereby we will recruit many Indiansympathizers for this movement.I think at that time we will make ourprogram in such a way that in the month ofMarch we shall lay down the foundationstone of our center at the birthsite of LordChaitanya. So along with your other activities,you should prepare yourself forthat purpose.In the meantime, I am trying to purchasea plot of land there at the cost ofsomewhere near $3000. We have gotabout 22 branches and on the average everyoneshould contribute $150 for thispurpose immediately. Big branches shouldcontribute at least $200.It is so satisfactory to understand thatyou are preaching from house to house recruitingmembers for our London center.This was the procedure of Lord Chaitanyaand Nityananda when they began preaching.I think the charity box system will bevery nice success especially from the Indianstore owners.The manager of the airplane companyoffered us some place in Bombay, but youhave not written anything about it. Is heserious about this?You prepare now all kinds of nice filmsas far as possible and ask L.A. also to dothis and other centers if possible, so whenwe go to India they will be very muchappreciated.

JANUARY, 1970 1169I am so glad to learn that Chintamonisong is going to be recorded in cooperationwith George. Regarding George'smoney for my Krishna Book, I have notreceived any news from Brahmananda. *Please send me Mr. Benarse's addressin India.The Krishna Consciousness Societywill never experience any poverty strickenlife because the members are so rich beingconstantly in association with Krishna;that while others may feel the pinchingscarcity enforced by Maya, Krishna Consciouspersons will feel the whole worldfull of enjoyment.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*Yes thanks we have received the checkBrahmananda phoned.70-1-51 Los Angeles28th January, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated24 January, 1970 with enclosure of theedited copy of transcription from tape #6.Your editing is very good, I liked itvery much. So shall I send you tapes oryou may like to have copies transcribedfirst?Whatever is suitable for you I shall do,but today I am sending another tape herewith.The edited copies should be four,out of which one may be sent to Boston,one to me and two may be kept by you forfuture reference. The original transcriptioncopy also may be sent to Satsvarupa.I am so glad that you are giving attentionto selling our books, and you have gota good assistant also. You will be pleasedto know that George Harrison has paid theentire expenditure ($19,000) for printingour Krishna picture book, and very soon Iam going to send the MS to Japan. Ourown press is now busy with other books.Regarding your question: Santa Rasadevotee has got unflinching faith inKrishna as the Supreme Personality ofGodhead, but he has not developed thetendency to serve Him. The service stageis in relation with Bhagavan, the Person.When service attitude is lacking, it is to beunderstood as worship of Paramatma orBrahman.In Paramatma or Brahman relationshipthe emotion is of oneness, which isconsidered to be on the lower stage. In theSanta Rasa stage there is a chance of meetinga devotee by the Grace of Lord Krishna,and therefore, generally, the next birth ishuman being. Unless there is a great falldownon account of various reasons, anytranscendentalist, either personalist orimpersonalist, if he makes regular progressin the regulative principles, eventhough he does not finish, the whole program,is sure to get his next birth in a goodfamily-generally a rich man's or a pureBrahmin's-that is confirmed in the BhagavatGita.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wishner,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-l-52Los Angeles29th January, 1970My Dear Ksirodaksayee,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated23 January, 1970, and I have noted thecontents carefully.I am so glad to understand that youhave decided to dedicate your life forKrishna Consciousness Movement, this isthe right way of perfecting our mission of

1170 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidahuman life. Many men have dedicatedtheir lives for many engagements in thename of philanthrophy, altruism, nationalism,humanitarianism and so on, but allof them will be finished along with the endof life of this body. Our dedication of lifeor Krishna-ism, on the other hand, willcontinue eternally and give us eternal life,bliss and knowledge. Try to follow theseprinciples and preach the message to thesuffering humanity. This is my request.I am so glad to learn that you are incharge of kitchen and food supply whichsaves 25 to 30% on food. That is a greatservice. To be extravagant is not recommendedby Krishna in the Bhagavat Gita.He says, "Yukta ahara bihara." We shouldindulge in regulated habits; that is nice.I am so glad that you are also lookingafter the accounts department. The fivepoint plan: do it by consulting amongstyourselves, and I have already written toGurudas about this. Someway or other, ifyou can secure that building worth£ 80,000, that will be a crowned success.In my next letter to Tarnal I will write tohim about the building fund .Preaching in Hindi may be accepted bymutual consultation, but the point is thatour Radha Krishna Temple in London isspecifically meant for English knowingpersons and I think the Indians know sufficientEnglish. If you speak in Hindi andsing in Hindi, the English speaking Europeansand Americans may not derive thebenefit out of it because none of them understandHindi; but if you speak in English,every one will derive benefit fromit. Therefore, I think English speakingshould be encouraged.Everyone comes to the Temple for somespiritual enlightenment, so why should asection of the audience be denied thebenediction? The same thing applies forHindi songs also. Hare Krishna Mantra isunderstood both by Hindi knowing andEnglish knowing persons; other Hindisongs may not be understood by the Europeans.I have no objection for Mirabai'ssongs, but I think Hare Krishna is thegreatest common factor understandableby all people all over the world. Thechanting is transcendental and quickly effective.I a so glad to learn that you are feelingin the Temple that Radha Krishna is dancingand you are being inspired by HisLordship to preach this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement to everyone. Nowyou have got a very good chance, Sri SriRadha Krishna is very pleased upon you.You have been for the last fifteen yearsin London, and you were sincerely workingfor advancement of your spiritual life.Now Krishna has given you a good chance,a good opportunity for preaching KrishnaConsciousness to all classes of men withoutany discrimination.In our Temple all Europeans, Indians,Mohammedans, Christians, everyone iswelcome. And our presentation is so nicethat everyone will be attracted to accept itbecause we are preaching love of God.Love of God is the prime function of allliving entities, without any sectarian understanding.Regarding the Hindi letter, I could notfollow the Hindi script handwriting. Ifyou send me either a typewritten copy orthe English translation of it, that will benice. As far as I could read the letter hereand there, I understand that it is written bysome Radheshyam Banka. Sometime inthe year 1961 I was guest in the Gita Bagicha.At that time one boy was takingcare of me. I think he is RadheshyamBanka. Anyway, my relation with the GitaPress and Hanuman Prasad Poddar is verymuch friendly. So letters to them shouldnot be written about myself which may influenceour friendship.I could not gather why the letter wassent to me , therefore, I request you to sendme if possible a typed copy of English

JANUARY, 1970 1171translation of it so that I can give you myproper reply to this. Keep good relationswith Gita Press because they are goodfriends of ours. The preaching method ofourself is a little different only because wewant to gather one's attention only toKrishna-that is recommended in the SrimadBhagwatam and Bhagavat Gita.In the Bhagavat Gita it is alwaysstressed to Krishna by the words ahamand mam. Similarly in the Srimad Bhagawatamthe same stress is give from thevery beginning-Param satyam, the SupremeTruth. If we divert our attention toworship other demigods, then our faith inKrishna will be flickering. We GaudiyaVaishnavas, under the guidance of LordChaitanya, want steady attention forKrishna, not flickering. Therefore, in ourline of thoughts and action there is noscope for worshipping any other demigods.At last, but not least, I would remindyou as to how you are organizing the prospectivetour in India with forty of ourdevotees next year in February, 1971.Please organize this party from now sothat it can be completed in due time by theend of this year.Thank you very much for your service.I am praying for your long life and prosperityin Krishna Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1 -53londonLos Angeles29th January, 1970My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I have notreceived any letter from you in severalWeeks. Gargamuni also has not receivedany letter from you . Of course, I am hearingindirectly that everything is going wellin our London and European centers. StillI would like to know from you what is thesituation. I am expecting a report fromyou on all new developments in the activitiesof the centers there.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-54Los Angeles30th January, 1970My Dear Chidananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28 January, 1970.Herewith, I am returning back the newbeads duly chanted. The former beadsmay be kept with you and if some new boycomes and wants to chant, you may lendhim the beads-not to be taken away byhim, but to be used for chanting while heis in the Temple. Otherwise, you can keepthem carefully and they may be used insome emergency.I am so glad to learn that everything isprogressing nicely in Vancouver, and youare proposing to sell 2500 BTGs permonth. That is very much encouraging.You will be glad to know that we have nowpublished our book, "lsopanishad," and Ihave mentioned your good name therein,acknowledging your contribution towardsmy book fund.In my book fund, not only my disciplesare contributing, but also others who areoutsiders like Mr. George Harrison whohas contributed the entire cost of publishingmy book Krishna-the cost will be$19,000. Now we have got our press andwe propose to publish many books. Also,attempt is being made in Hamburg fortranslating all our literatures into Frenchand German languages and to publish

1172 Letters from Srfla Prabhupddathem regularly.So with increase of our activities bySamkirtan Movement if possible, try tosave some money for my book fund.Please offer my blessings to Ananda,Rudradas, Rabindradas and our newfriend, Mr. John.All glories to the Assembled devotees!!!Be happy and chant Hare KrishnaMantra.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70- 1-55BostonLos Angeles30th Janaury, 1970My Dear Jayadvaita,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge recept of your letter dated28 January, 1970.I am very glad to learn that Nectar ofDevotion is now completed. You have inquiredabout the quality number 63 ofKrishna that He is surrounded by lovingdevotees can be explained as follows:When we speak of Krishna, Krishna is notalone. Krishna means His name, Hisqualities, His fame, His friends, His paraphernalia,His entourage-everything included.Just like when we speak of a king,it is to be understood that he is surroundedby ministers, secretaries, military commandersand many other people. Krishnais not impersonal, so in His VrindabanLeela especially, He is always surroundedby the Gopis, cowherd boys, His father,His mother and all the inhabitants of Vrindaban.Regarding your second question,Pyabhaichary, you have got 31 only out of33. I think some of the brackets are notcounted. So if the parentheses are removedfrom 'intoxication• and 'impotency' and they are also counted, the totalof symptoms will come to 33. Simply addcommas after the preceeding symptomsnamely 'prestige' and 'impudence' respectively.Regarding the third point: all kinds ofmellow includes servitude. Therefore amixture of servitude and parenthood isnot incompatible. So Ugrasena's mellowis correctly written as mixed with servitudeand parental affection and the statementin part IV should be corrected tostate that a mixture of parenthood and servitudeis a compatible one.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70- 1-56 Los Angeles30th January, 1970My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedJanuary 21, 1970, and I am so glad tolearn that you have regained control ofyour mind and the tricks of Maya have finished.So by Krishna's Grace you havebeen saved from Maya's attack.This appears to have been a very closecall for you and the lesson should be takenwell that if we deviate from the strict followingof the regulative principles Mayais always ready to inject doubts to shakeour faith in Krishna. So I am glad that youhave recovered and I was praying fo rKrishna to save you.So you can see the great necessity offollowing the prescribed duties of chantingregularly and following strictly the instructionsof the Spiritual Master and theregulative principles. In addition to thiseveryone should go on the streets withSamkirtan Party as much as possible andpreach this Krishna Consciousness Movementto his best ability for the benefit of all

JANUARY, 1970 1173people.Please continue your efforts in KrishnaConsciousness with great determination.Ye s, Patience is is a qualification in thesuccessful execution of devotional service.So study our literatures, discussphilosophical points and problems withyour God-brothers, and especially chantregularly sixteen rounds daily without offenseand go on Samkirtan. We must alwaysremember that chanting of HareKrishna Mahamantra is our life and soul .So you have got good facility, you are asincere boy, you have got a good KrishnaConsciousness wife, good association ofdevotees and good scope for spreadingthis movement in Washington. Always beengaged in Krishna activities and behappy. That is my desire.Please try to understand the questions Ihave asked in my last letter to you, scrutinizingly,so that you may know to avoidbeing agitated by any trickings of Maya inthe future .Please offer my blessings also to yourgood wife, Kanchanbala. I hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I beg to acknowledge receipt of yourcheck for $15.00 sent by ___ _70- 1 -57Los Angeles30th January, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28 January, 1970.In Krishna book we want solid 400pages text matter and 52 pictures. If youhave got 40 paintings complete , then stillYou require 12 pictures more. There are14 pictures hanging in my apartment here .Whether the 40 pictures includes these14? On the whole, for the first part ofKrishna we want 52 pictures and 400 textpages-so whether they are complete? Ifnot, you have to finish them as quickly aspossible for sending them to Japan.Regarding the tapes; I think the distributionto many centers is becoming puzzling.Therfore, I will send the tapes oneto Boston and the other to Detroit alternately.I think that will solve the problem.So I will go on doing that, and you be incorrespondence with Bhagavandas and dothe needful. Regarding the demons' tilok:There is no necessity of putting Shaivitetilok on their foreheads, although most ofthe demons are like that. When there isparticular mention that a demon is thedevotee of Lord Shiva, in that case theShaivite tilok may be marked.Regarding titles of the pictures, I thinkJadurany will be a nice judge. Otherwise,unless I see the pictures, how can I givetitles for them? The pictures which I havegot here I can give titles, or if I get photographsof the pictures which are beingpainted there, then I can give titles for allthe pictures.Regarding Sridhar Swami's article: Ido not know what sort of article it is, butwhatever it may be, the writer's nameshould be Swami B. R. Sridhar and notSridhar Swami. Sridhar Swami is a differentman. Besides that, there is no need ofgiving any short introductory note at thepresent moment. Whoever sends an articlefor publication in our paper, and if wepublish such article, it is to be understoodthat the version of such article is not differentfrom ours. There is no need of discussingSiksha Guru and Diksha Guru inthis connection.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1174 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptlda70- 1-58Los Angeles30th January, 1970J.F. StaalProfessor of Philosophyand of South Asian LanguagesUniversity of California, BerkeleyBerkeley, CaliforniaMy Dear Professor Staal;I thank you very much for your kindletter dated 23 January, 1970. In the lastparagraph of your letter you have mentionedthat you are not irritated at thechanting of Hare Krishna Mantra (likesome people) but rather you like it. It hasgiven me much satisfaction, and I amsending herewith a copy of our magazine,"Back to Godhead" issue number 28, inwhich you will find how the students likedthis chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra althoughall of them were neophytes to thiscult of chanting. Actually it is very pleasingto the heart and the best means of infusingspiritual consciousness or KrishnaConsciousness into the hearts of people ingeneral .This is the easiest and recommendedprocess in the Vedas. In the Brihad NaradiyaPuranam it is clearly stated that it isonly chanting of the Holy Name of Harithat can save the people from the problemsof materialistic existence, and thereis no other alternative, no other alternative,no other alternative in this age ofKali.Western culture is monotheistic, butthey are being misled by the impersonalIndian speculation. The young people ofthe West are frustrated because they arenot dilligently taught about monotheism.They are not satisfied with this process ofteaching and understanding. This KrishnaConsciousness Movement is a boon tothem because they are being really trainedto understand Western Monotheism underauthoritative Vedic system. We do notsimply theoretically discuss, but welearn by the prescribed method of Vedicregulations.But I am surprised to see that in the lastparagraph of your letter you say, "it is anindisputable fact that the Bhagavad Gita(not to mention the Vedas) does not requiresuch constant chanting." I think,however, that you have missed the followingverse in Bhagavad Gita, apart frommany other similar verses."Satatam kirtayanta mam yatantascadrdhabratahnamasyantasca man bhaktya nityayuktaupasate." B.G. 9: 14The engagements of the Great Souls,freed from delusion and perfect in theirrealization of God, are described here:"Satatam kirtayanto mam "-they are always(satatam) chanting (kirtayanto) Myglories, and "nityayukta upasate" -alwaysworshiping Me.So I do not know how you can say "indisputable."And, if you want referencefrom the Vedas, I can give you many. Inthe Vedas the chief transcendental vibrationOmkara is also Krishna. PranabaOmkara is the divine substance of the Vedas.Following the Vedas means chantingthe Vedic Mantras, and no Vedic Mantrais complete without Omkara. In the MandukyaUpanisad, Omkara is stated to bethe most auspicious sound representationof the Supreme Lord. This is also confirmedagain in the Atharva Veda. Omkara is thesound representation of the Supreme Lordand is therefore the principal word in theVedas. In this connection, the SupremeLord Krishna says, "Pranaba Sarva Ve ­desu" (B.G. 7:8)-"1 am the syllable Omin all the Vedic Mantras."Furthermore, in the 15th verse ofchapter 15, Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says,"I am seated in everyone's heart. By allthe Vedas I am to be known; I am theCompiler of Vedanta and I know Veda as itis." The Supreme Lord, seated in everyone'sheart, is described in both the

FEBRUARY, 1970 117 5Mundak and Svetasvetara Upanisads;"Dwa suparna sayuja sakhaya .." The SupremeLord and the individual spirit soulare sitting in the body as two friendlybirds in a tree. The one bird is eating thefruits of the tree or reactions of materialactivities and the other bird, the Supersoul,is witnessing."The goal of Vedantic study, therefore, isto know the Supreme Lord Krishna. Thispoint is stressed in Bhagavad Gita chapter8, verse 13, where it is stated that by themystic yoga process, ultimately vibratingthe sacred syllable Om, one attains to HisSupreme Spiritual Planet. In the VedantaSutras, which you have certainly read, thefourth chapter, fourth Adhikaran twentysecondSutra states it positively; "Anavrittisa bat . . ."-By sound vibration one becomesliberated." By devotional service,by understanding well what is the SupremePersonality of Godhead, anyone who goesto His Abode never comes back again tothis material condition. How is it possible?The answer is, simply by chanting Hisname constantly.This is accepted by the exemplary disciple,Arjuna, who has perfectly learned theconclusion of spiritual science from theYogisvara, master of mystic knowledge,Krishna, recognizing Krishna to be the SupremeBrahman, Arjuna actresses Him:"Sthane Hrsikesa . . ." (B. G. 11 : 36)­"the world becomes joyful hearing YourNames; and thus do all become attached toYou." The process of chanting is herein authorizedas the direct means of contactingthe Supreme Absolute Truth the Personalityof Godhead. Simply by chanting theHoly Name, Krishna, the soul is attractedby the Supreme Person, Krishna, for goinghome, back to Godhead.In the Narada Pancharatra it is statedthat all the Vedic rituals, Mantras and understandingare compressed into the eightWords; Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare . Similarly,in the Kalisantra Upanisad it is stated thatthese sixteen words Hare Krishna, HareKrishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare ,Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama,Hare Hare are especially meant for counteractingthe degrading and contaminatinginfluence of this materialistic age of Kali.All these points are elaborately presentedin my book, The Teachings of LordChaitanya.The process of chanting is, therefore,not only the sublime method for practicalperfection of life, but it is the authorizedVedic principle and inaugurated by thegreatest Vedic scholar and devotee (Whomwe consider as an incarnation of Krishna),Lord Chaitanya, and we are simply followingHis authorized footsteps.The scope of the Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is Universal . The processfor regaining one's original spiritual statusor eternal life full with bliss andknowledge, is not abstracted dry theorizing.Spiritual life is not described in theVedas as theoretical , dry or impersonal .The Vedas aim at the inculcation of purelove of God only, and this harmonizedconclusion is practically realized by theKrishna Consciousness Movement orchanting Hare Krishna Mantra.As the goal of Spiritual realization isonly one, love of God, so the Vedas standas a single comprehensive whole in thematter of transcendental understanding.Only the incomplete views of various partiesapart from the bonafide Vedic lines ofteaching, give a rupturous appearance tothe Bhagavad Gita. The reconciliative factoradjusting all apparently diverse propositionsof the Vedas is the essence of theVeda or Krishna Consciousness (Love ofGod) .Thanking you once again,Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:nd

FEBRUARY70-2- 1MontrealLos Angeles2nd February, 1970My Dear Dindayal,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to accept you as my disciple, and Iam returning herewith your beads dulychanted upon by me.Your initiated name is Dindayal dasBrahmachary. Din means poor and dyalmeans merciful . Krishna is so very mercifulto those who are very humble in theirattitude engaged in the service of theLord. Lord Chaitanya advised, therefore ,one should be humbler than the straw andmore tolerant than the tree and thus be seriouslyengaged in glorifying the Lord .This world is very awful . Anyone is readyto create some disturbance, especiallythey are very much apt to disturb KrishnaConsciousness persons because that is theway of demoniac life . So, in order to protectus from all dangerous elements , wehave to chant the Hare Krishna Mantraregularly being humbler than the strawand more tolerant than the tree . ThenKrishna, Who is Dindayal, will bestowHis Mercy upon us.Please, therefore, chant regularly sixteenrounds of beads daily. always be engagedin Krishna work in an humble stateof mind, fo llow the regulative principlesof no eating of meat, fish or eggs, no intoxicants, no illicit sex life and no gamblingor mental speculation and study ourl iteratures and be strictly trained up inKrishna Consciousness with the help andguidance of Jaya Pataka Prabhu.I am very glad that you are finding inchanting of Hare Krishna the highest pleasure.If we follow the regulative principlesand program as above that pleasurewill go on increasing more and more. Sochant Hare Krishna Mantra, and behappy. That is my request.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-2MontrealLos Angeles2nd February, 1970My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28 January, 1970 along with a bank depositslip. Please convey my thanks to Labangalatikadasi fo r her contribution.Henceforward you send the checks directto me, because most probably I am goingto close the account in Montreal. Thereason is that they have deducted $10.08 asincome tax because I am not residing there(non-resident) . So I would like to keep thataccount for a little convenience, but if theycharge such tax then what is the use of it?I am very much thankful to you for yoursending me the sweater, two pairs of shoesand a cap also. Thank you very much.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1178 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptida70-2-3New DelhiLos Angeles2nd February, 1970My Dear Hitsaranji,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated 24January, 1970. I have written one letter toSrimati Sumati Morarjee of the ScindiaSteam Navigation Company, and the copyof the letter addressed to her is enclosedherewith for reference.If some of your men or the shippingagents' men will see her in Bombay (becauseI think the packages will be shippedvia Bombay) then I am sure she will sanctionfree carriage of the packages. But Imay instruct you, if somehow or other thisScindia Steam Navigation Company delaysthe matter, you may advise your shippingagents to dispatch without delay. Wewill pay the shipping charges here if yourTrust is legally unable to bear the cost ofsending the Murties to America.Formerly, you informed me in yourletter that the Birla Trust will bear the costof carriage also for the four pairs of Murtiswhich they have donated. So if they canbear the cost of shipping, why your Trustwill be legally unable to do so? Anyway,my open advice is to you that if ScindiaSteam Navigation Company does notagree , then you can ship the Murties forbeing carried to the following destinationsat my cost. Yo u will simply send me theshipping documents to the following addressesand we will arrange to clear them.Shipping instructions:1) 1 pair of MurtiesISKCON Temple38 Beacon StreetBoston, Massachusetts 02 134 U.S.A.2) I pair of Murties toISKCON Temple3720 Park AvenueMontreal 18, QuebecCanada3) 3 pairs of Murties toISKCON Temple1975 South La Cienega Blvd.Los Angeles, 90034 California U.S.A.I hope this dispatch process will clearthe whole thing and you will kindly do theneedful as early as possible.At least may I request you to add witheach pair of Murties, japa malas (bigbeads for chanting) 100 pairs with eachpair of Murties.Please offer my regards to Seth JaiDayalji Dalmia. I know that you are alwaysvery busy, but still I shall request youas my beloved child to reply my letter atyour earliest convenience. Thanking youin anticipation.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN. B. You will be pleased to know that ournext attempt will be to open our center inSydney, Australia. We have alreadyopened in Tokyo, Japan. The address is asfollows:ISKCON Temple6- 16, 1-chome, ohhashiMeguru-kuTokyo, JapanSo we require many pairs of Deities. Already24 centers are there, and the next attemptwill be in Berlin, Copenhagen,Amsterdam, etc .ACBS:db70-2-4MontrealLos Angeles2nd February, 1970My Dear Jaya Pataka,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated23 January, 1970, along with the beads ofDaniel Leboef. I have duly chanted thebeads sent by him and his initiated name isDindayal.

FEBRUARY, 1970 11791 am glad to learn that another branchin Toronto you are contemplating to open.This news I have received from Chidanandaalso. Certainly it is a good news,but we must always remember that once acenter is opened, it cannot be closed atany time.I am returning back one letter fromHem Chandar Bhargava and Co. I thinkyou sent it by mistake to me. It appears theinvoice of pictures which you have importedfrom India. You should not be unnecessarilyembarrassed on the point ofRaktak's marriage with somebody who isnot initiated. Yes, I have received the depositslip of $50, and I am enclosing herewitha separate letter to Gopal Krishna.Regarding competition with RamakrishnaMission and Yoga camps in Toronto,why should you be afraid of them?They are very insignificant organizationsin the face of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement. Everyone says that what RamakrishnaMission could not do in 80years time, we have done many moretimes in three years time. So nobody cancheck this genuine movement of KrishnaConsciousness by artificial means ofbluff. Any sincere soul, serious in thematter of self-realization, will certainlybe attracted by our Movement.I hope this will meet you in very goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-5PhiladelphiaLos Angeles2nd February, 1970My Dear Lalit Kumar,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter along with Subal's. I am very glad to know that you aregoing to be married with Srimati Jambuvatidevidasi, and I bless you-behappy with your good wife and jointly beadvanced in Krishna Consciousness.Yes, opening a center in Florida is ourlong contemplation, and I remember theletter when you and Sridham wrote meabout this. Where is Sridhama now? I amvery much anxious to know about hishealth. If he is there, please ask him towrite me. Now, if it is possible to open acenter in Florida, then you can think of itbecause now you will have the support ofyour good wife. But I think for a few daysmore you should take training in Philadelphiabefore you think of opening anothercenter. That will be nice.My open advice is that if any one canremain a Brahmachary, it is very nice, butthere is no need of artificial Brahmacharies.In Bhagavad Gita it is stated that onewho exhibits outwardly as self restrained,but inwardly he thinks of sense gratificationhe is condemned as mithyacarawhich means false pretender. We do notwant any false pretenders in numbers, butwe want a single sincere soul. There is noharm in accepting a wife and living withoutany disturbance of the mind andthus sincerely advancing in KrishnaConsciousness.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-6 Los Angeles2nd February, 1970Madam Sumati Morargee Baisaheba,Please accept my greetings. I hope youare doing well. Since a long time I havenot heard from you. I hope this letter willfind you in good health and devotionalservice of Lord Krishna. I hope you aregetting my "Back to Godhead" paper

1180 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidaregularly, and you will be glad to knowthat the paper has increased in circulationby this time and we are printing 50,000copies permonth.Also you will be pleased to know thatnow I have got 24 branches-perhaps youhave seen the list in our "Back to Godhead."Our Indian Vaishnavas are helpingme by contributing each one pair or moreRadha Krishna Murtis for our differentTemples. I would request you also to contributeone pair of Radha Krishna Murtiand recommend some of your friends todo the same.You will find in the enclosed copy ofthe letter that Dalmia-Jain Trust has contributedone pair of Murti, and similarlythe Birla Trust has contributed four pairsof Murties. Now I request you to carrythese Murties to America by your shippingline. The Murtis are being preparedin Vrindaban, under the direction of SriH.S. Sharma, Secretary to Dalmia JainTrust. The Murties are already packedand ready for dispatch, so on hearingfrom you, immediately they will be sent toyour care for being carried by your shippinglines to the respective destinations;namely Boston, Montreal, New Yo rk andLos Angeles. So kindly send your instructionsto the following address: H. S.Sharma, Dalmia Charitable Trust, 4 ScindiaHouse, New Delhi.Awaiting your early reply and thankingyou in anticipation.Yo urs in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-7HamburgLos Angeles3rd February. 1970My Dear Jaya Govinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated27 January, 1970. I have received a separateletter from Mandali Bhadra and thereply is also enclosed within this envelope.Krishna has sent one nice Germanscholar, __ Please give her satisfactorycare, especially in the beginning becauseshe is new and not accustomed toour Temple habits. I am also glad to learnthat Suridas is also going to join you.Most probably Hansadutta with his wifealso will go there. Krishnadas in his previousletter wrote me that there are goodpossibilities for opening various centersin Germany, and Hansadutta is experiencedin organizing Samkirtan Party.Please be in correspondence aboutGerman BTG publishing with Brahmananda.He is now staying in Boston andcoming to New Yo rk every weekend.Ye s. We must have close cooperationbetween America and Germany for thesuccessful publication of our BTG regularlyin French, German and English languages.So now you are collecting a staffof translators in Hamburg and they are allvery qualified to do the work. Please organizeeverything nicely so that the Frenchand German editions may be prepared forprinting at the same time as the Englishedition. But you must see that all work isthoroughly correct by mutual checking sothat errors of spelling and grammar willnot appear in the printing. I do not knowthe technical details, but I think your ideaon standardized columns is very nice.You said that your job is maya, but youmust know that maya is illusion. As soonas there is absence of Krishna Consciousness-thatis maya. But you are workingjust to help and push Krishna's interest;therefore, it is not maya . In the Bhakti RasamritaSindhu, Rupa Goswami Prabhupadhas recommended anything dovetailedin Krishna Consciousness is real renouncement.The Mayavadis' renouncement withan ambition of becoming one with the

FEBRUARY, 1970 1181Supreme is called false renounciation.They renounce the world for a greatersense gratification. To maintain an ambitionof becoming one with the Supreme isthe top rank sense gratification; whereas aperson in all kinds of apparently materialworks, but ultimately the beneficiary isKrishna, is in a greater position of renunciationthan the Mayavadis. So do not forgetKrishna in any circumstance of lifeand Krishna will save you from all pitfallsof material existence.At least one hour daily you must fixseparately for exclusive chanting. In ourprevious correspondence we discussedabout your marriage, so I told you thatthere is no objection. If you are feeling toomuch disturbance, why not masomeGerman girl who may be greatly helpful toyour Krishna Conscious activities. I recommendthis for you. Last Saturday we hadthree marriages performed here in L.A.The Nitai-Gour emblem is nice. Ourfirst obeisances are to Guru and Gouranga;then we approach Radha Krishna. Perhapswhile you were in India you haveheard that we glorify in the following way :Guru Gouranga Chandarbika Giridhari.Four 'G's. So Guru-Gouranga you understand,and Chandarbika-Giridhari meansRadha and Krishna. So you can make youremblem suitably according to space andconvenience.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-8HamburgLos Angeles3rd February, 1970My Dear Mandali Bhadra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated27 January, 1970. When you write to saythat things are going well, it gives me immensepleasure. I am opening so manybranches depending on you all my sincerestudents. I am also glad to learn that youare moving to the Temple, dedicating allyour time to Temple activities and translationwork.I understand that your wife is not verymuch interested in our movement and Iunderstand the cause you have written tosay. Anyway, we will pray to Krishna tosave her; that is our duty.Yes. The boy, Mayurdhvaj , is a verynice Krishna Conscious child. Why hismother is checking him? Although in thebeginning she was so enthusiastic? This iscalled in Vedic language sva kanna bhuk,one is destined to undergo reaction ofone's past life. This reaction can only bechecked by Krishna Consciousness. Soour duty is heavy, to induce persons tocome to this platform of consciousness;and if we can save even a single soul fromthe clutches of Maya, the value of such actis millions of times better than fruitiveactions or any kind of altruistic and philanthropicactivities.Trivikram is a very nice boy, sincere toKrishna Consciousness activities. In aprevious letter, Krishna das asked me ifHansadutta and Himavati can go there. SoI think this pair will be very much helpfulin our German centers. Hansadutta isborn in Germany but he came here inchildhood, and Himavati is born in Germanybut she is Russian originally. Sheknows how to speak in Russian language.So I have asked them to go there to helpyou in Samkirtan Movement and otherTemple activities. Both of them are experiencedin the Samk.irtan Movement especially.Our responsibility is to Krishna. If wethink ourselves always in that position,then in any status of life we will be guidedby the Supreme Lord .

1182 Letters from Srlla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>I am very satisfied that another Germanscholar has joined our activities. Shewill be a great help to you . Yes. I sometimesthink of your mother. She is a nicelady and has good potency for improvingin Krishna Consciousness. From thechild's mentality the mother's mentality isjudged and vice-versa. Please keep intouch with your mother and it is your dutyalso to try to bring her into Krishna Consciousnesswhen she is already inclined. Iam glad that she is chanting sixteenrounds and observing the rules and regulations.That will surely help her. If possible,we can open a center in Berlin at thecare of your mother.I do not understand what was Mr. Lennon'sarticle that was refused. Lennon andGinsberg are helpful friends, but actuallythey do not understand our philosophy. Sofar Ginsberg is concerned, he promisedbefore me that everywhere he would chantHare Krishna Mantra, and actually he isdoing it everywhere. So Ginsberg maysometimes be able to understand our philosophyin the future. We are trying togive them all facilities to understand thisphilosophy and it will take some time onaccount of their not following rigidly therules.BTG articles are generally seen by theeditors, and it is better that we stress onour own philosophy than to indulge insome hodge-podge philosophy which isbasically unauthorized. In our presentBTG publication we are trying to followthis policy.Upendra is already advanced fo r goingto Australia, and in his place Hansaduttaand Himavati, in my opinion, will be anice replacement.I have asked Devananda to give you aDeity worship chart because he is actuallydoing the job. I am so pleased to learn thatyou are trying to make Hamburg center asimportant as L.A. This center three yearsbefore, when I first visited, was in verypoor condition but for the last year, sincewe are regularly sending Samkirtan Parties,the situation has improved with greatspeed. Now we are negotiating for a propertywhich has got a big church as well asa residential house attached, and let us seeif Krishna will help us.Our simple process of chanting anddistributing Prasadum and selling BTGwill surely make our Movement successfulyadvance.In India, especially in Bengal andOrissa, there are millions of followers ofLord Chaitanya. In Mahastra a saint of thename Saint Tukaram was also follower ofLord Chaitanya and he has overfloodedthe whole Western India with SamkirtanMovnt. So Samkirtan Movement inIndia in all the provinces is very muchpopular and anyone who is taking part inSamkirtan Movement is specifically devotee of Lord Krishna or Lord Rama. Thereis not a single Hindu in India who is notmore or less Krishna Conscious. So fardescendents are concerned, material natureis so strong that she does not allowanything togo on steadily. But sometimeswe find that the descendant of Hiranyakasipuis Prahlad Maharaj and the secondgeneration descendant of Prahlad Maharajis Banasura.So actually Krishna Consciousness ispersonal . Anyone who understands thephilosophy is benefitted. It does not meanthat a Krishna Conscious person has toleave a legacy as far as possible, but at theend it depends on a particular person'sfortune to accept it or reject it. The pointis very delicate. The example is given inthe Upanisad just like manipulating asharpened razor; if one is careful in plyingthe razor on the cheekthere is clean shaving,but a little inattention makes the samecheek a bloody affair. So we have to remainvery much careful in Krishna Consciousnessand the method is also verysimple-to chant regularly the beads and

FEBRUARY, 1 970 1183follow the rules and regulations.I am asking Hayagriva to send you theMS for Bhagavad Gita, and you can alsowrite him directly to send a copy. Krishna'scauseless Mercy is always there. If wetake up that causeless Mercy a little seriouslythan further causeless Mercies arebestowed one after another unceasingly.Krishna is more anxious to bestow Hisbenediction upon us than we are ready totake it. If we therefore sincerley engageour selves in Krishna Consciousness activities,certainly we will advance moreand more by the causeless Mercy of theLord. So by the Grace of the Lord youhave got a very nice engagement. Try toexecute this with all attention and thencertainly you will feel transcendental blissand your life will be successful withoutwaiting for the next.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-9BerkeleyLos Angeles4th February, 1970My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I hope youhave safely reached your place.I have received letters from Londonthat they are organizing World SamkirtanParty very seriously; therefore , it wouldbe better if you go first to London and seehow things are going on, then you may goto Germany if it is needed. They haveasked me to send Vishnu jan, but I think ifVishnu jan goes from L.A. there is no secondman to organize the street Samkirtanhere. Practically, in his absence, his placecannot be immediately replaced. But ifyou go to London and join the SamkirtanParty, I think the vacancy there will befilled up. So I shall be glad to hear fromyou what you decide to do.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-10Gita PressP. O. Gita VatikaDist. GorakhpurU.P., IndiaLos Angeles4th February, 1970My Dear Bhaiji Hanuman Prasad Poddar,Please accept my humble obeisances.I beg to acknowledge receipt herewithof your letter dated January 26, 1970,addressed to London Temple, now redirectedto me with enclosure of the copyof your former letter. I see that yourformer letter was addressed to me atthe old address of Los Angeles Templewhich we left two years ago; therefore,your former letter is missing. Anyway, Iam very much pleased to get your inquiriesabout my activities, and within aweek I shall prepare everything nicelyand send to you .I was in London from August throughDecember, 1969, and there was our openingceremony of Deity installation on the14th December. Then I have come back tothe States by the end of December. In themeantime, I beg to thank you very muchfor your kind interest in my humble ser­VIce.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo urs in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1184 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida70-2-11St. LouisLos Angeles5th February, 1970My Dear Sriman Anil Grover,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2February, 1970, sent through Sriman Vamandev.I am so glad to learn that you arean educated boy and coming to our Templeand trying to understand our KrishnaConsciousness philosophy very seriously.It is very good sign. Try to continue thisattitude; and whenever there is somequestion, you are welcome to put it beforeme, and I shall try my best to help you .My life is dedicated for this purpose,and you have no cause for hesitation; butthe process of putting questions is serviceand submission-that is the injunction inBhagavad Gita. Questions should be putbefore a person to whom you can submityourself and to whom you can rendersome service also-that is the way of selfrealization.The Krishna Consciousness Movementhas a basic philosophy in view,which is propagation of the ideal of OneGod, one religion, one scripture, onehymn, and one human society. So far weIndians are concerned; we are ordered topreach the philosophy of Krishna Consciousnessthroughout the whole world,after personally realizing what it is. Thismeans that as we have different types oflimbs for different functions, but at the ultimateend all the different limbs of thebody cooperate for the maintenance of thewhole body. Similarly, if we accept thehuman society as one, then different sectionsof the human society may act differentlyfor the one purpose of growth ofhuman civilization.You have said that you have come tothis country for getting higher scientificeducation. That is very nice; but I thinkthat if Indians would have come to thiscountry to give the people of this countryhigher education in spiritual knowledge,that would be the proper function of theirsection of the human society. If the peopleof this country have got higher technological and scientific education, they might goto India to teach them that part of knowledge;and Indians may come to teach themspiritual knowledge. To maintain properbalance of the society, both sides of educationare needed.If Western people are expert in technologicalknowledge, and if their naturaltendency is to develop it, let them do it.But as far as we Indians are concerned,our people are naturally inclined for spiritual elevation. Therefore, even in thesedays also when there is Kumbha Mela atPrayag or any other place, or there is aparticular function in some pilgrimagelike Jagganath Purl, Vrindaban, Haridwar,etc., millions of people gather withoutany advertising. So these natural tendenciesshould not be disturbed, but the peopleof a particular section of the worldshould develop their indigenous talent andthen exchange with others . So the Westernpeople may give us their product, and wemay give them our product; and by suchexchanging policy, both of us may flourishin our civilized way of life.Unfortunately, in India, at the presentmoment, our blind leaders are completelyneglecting development of our indigenoustalent. Therfore, India is in a position ofmisadjustment. I have got practical experiencethat some of the Indian students inthis country directly criticize this KrishnaConsciousness Movement; so I am veryglad that you are giving some serious attentionto this Movement, and I wishmay Krishna bless you for your furtheradvancement.Now coming to the point of questions-yourfirst question is: "What am !?Is the body itself matter, or spiritual soul,or a combination of both?" Answer: You

FEBRUARY, 1970 1185are eternal servant of Krishna. The bodyis matter. The spirit soul is different fromthe body-it is not exactly combination,but it is encagement. Just like if you put oilin the water, the oil does not mix up withthe water. Similarly, soul does not mixwith the material body ; but due to our materialconsciousness, we are thinking thatthe movement of this body is movement ofthe soul . Therefore, when the body is destroyed,we think the soul is destroyed.That is stated in the Bhagavad Gita, thatthe soul does not die with the destructionof the body. With the destruction of onebody, the soul transmigrates to anotherbody, thus the bondage of material existence.Therefore, to train the soul properlyto revive his original consciousness,or Krishna Consciousness, is the real purposeof human life.Then, your second question, "If thisbody is pure soul, then why it gets engagedwith worldly matter?" As explainedabouve, the body is not the soul, itgets engaged with worldly matter due toits vitiated consciousness. Just like someof us are thinking that 'I am American,' or'I am Indian' -it is due to vitiated consciousness.The real consciousness is thatI am eternal servant of Krishna. Or, it isjust like a madman who thinks to himselfthat he is king, he is free to do whatever helikes, and talks non-sense; but a sane manlaughs at him.Our encagement in the matter is justlike a madman's activities. When one istreated by the treatment of Krishna Consciousness,he becomes relieved from allthese designative engagements . When Ifeel as American or when I feel as Indian,and act accordingly, that is the cause of allsorts of anxieties and frustrations. KrishnaConsciousness means to come to the pureunderstanding that one is neitherAmerican nor Indian, but he is eternalservant of Krishna, and thus engages himselfin rendering loving service to theLord. This is his pure spiritual life.As long as he does not come to thatstandard, he is supposed to be materiallycontaminated. Krishna ConsciousnessMovement means to engage our sense inthe service of the Lord, just opposed to thematerialistic way of life wherein thesenses are engaged for sense gratification.Your third question is, "As You haveexplained in "Two Essays", that as bodyis covered by shirt and coat, similarly,soul is covered by mind, intelligence, andfalse ego-if it is so, then who are mind,intelligence and false ego? Who controlsthem? " The soul controls the mind andintelligence. When he is designated, hecontrols the mind and intelligence in oneway ; but when he is free from designation,he controls the mind and intelligencein another way.In other words, when the soul is designated,for example, as American or Indian,he controls the mind and intelligence inthat direction and acts for that particularnation. Similarly, when he is free from thedesignations and feels himself as the servantof Krishna, he controls his mind andintelligence for that purpose. That is tosay, a soul is destined to use his mind andintelligence for rendering service to othersbecause his original position is servant.A servant has to render service tosome master, so when he is in designatedcondition of life, he accepts somebody asmaster which is Maya.Maya is illusion. When a soul renders,therefore, service as American or Indianor any other designation, he accepts Mayaas his master, because thinking oneself asIndian or American is illusion. Therefore,one's perfect position of life is to renderservice to Krishna, and for that purposecontrol the mind and intelligence. So, theconclusion is, in either of his statuses oflife, the soul itself is the controller of themind and intelligence.Fourth question: "Where does the

1 186 Letters from SrilaPrabhuptldaspiritual life lead us? How should peoplerecognize whether we do tae birth inournext life or not? " Answer: Spiritual lifeleads usto our original constitutionalposition free from all designations. This isexplained in the Bhagavad Gita as brahmabhutastatus. This brahmabhuta statusmeans ftee from all anxieties, without anyhankering or lamentation. At that stageonly, one can think of universal brotherhood.And the next stage is to be engagedin pure Krishna Consciousness, and thusgradually be transferred to the spiritualworld wherethere is eternal life full ofbliss and knowledge.In other words, ths spirit soul, when heis fully liberated from material contamination.ordesignation, he no longer transmigratesto another material body afterdeath . He is transferred to the spiritualworld fOr eternal residence in one of thespiritual planets known as Vaikunthas.The abode of Lord Krishna is the highestVaikuntha planet, known as Goloka Vrindaban.People must understand intelligentlythat they are transmigrating from onebody to another at every moment. Thebody is dying at every moment, and thesoul is transmigrating ·to another body atevery moment-this is medical fact. Theblood corpuscles are changing at everymoment and new corpuscles are takingtheir place. The old order changes, yieldingplace to the new. This is going oncontinually. In this way; the soul is transmigratingfrom baby body to child body,from child body to boy body, from boybody to youth body. So, at the end, whenthe material of the body does not act verynicely, the soul has to take another materialcondition of body, giving up thepresent one .The body is changing, but the soul isthere. Everyone of us can remember ourchildhood body or past body. That pastbody is no longer existing ; but I am existingnow and I existed in the past, andtherefore, I must exist in the future in spiteof change of body. These things are nicelyexplained in the Bhagavad Gita, and weshould take advantage of this knowledge .Fifth question: "To achieVe the goal ofKrishna, should we pass our life throughmatter to spiritual life or direct to spirituallife? " The goal of Krishna can be achievedin a second if we simply · accept the truththat we are eternal servant of Krishna. AlthoughI am within this material body, I canimmediately stop its material function simplyby developing my Krishna Consciousness,which means to accept that I ameternal servant of Krishna.Unfortunately, all the Karmis, Jnanis,and Yogis are thinking of themselves indifferent degrees that they are not servantsof Krishna. Therefore, it is stated in theBhagavad Gita that after many, manybirths of different activities under differentconcepts oflife, when actually one becomeswise, he surrenders unto Krishna,understanding Vasudeva Lord Krishna isthe Cause of all causes. But such greatsoul , accepting Krishna as the SupremeMaster is very, very rarely to be found .Fortunately, by the grace of Lord Chaitanya,the Krishna Consciousness revivalis made very easy, simply by chanting theHare Krishna Mantra. Therefore, I adviseyou to chant this sublime Mantra-HareKrishna Hare Krishna Krishna . KrishnaHare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama RamaRama Hare Hare, and be happy in this lifewithout any frustrations, anxieties, worries,etc. as you have mentioned in thefirst part of your letter. This is practicaland very easy to perform. Try it sincerely,and your life will be sublime.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

FEBRUARY, 1970 118770-2- 1 2Gita PressGorakhpurLos Angeles5th February, 1970My Dear Bhaiji Hanuman Prasad Poddar,Please accept my obeisances. I hopeby this time you have received my acknowledgementdated yesterday for yourletter dated 26 January, 1970. As you wantto publish a comprehensive article aboutmy activites in the "Kalyan," I think it isproper to give you a short history of mycoming to the western world.Sometime in the year 1922, when Iwas acting as manager of Dr. Bose's LaboratoryLtd., I was fortunate enough tomeet my Spiritual Master, His DivineGrace Om Vishnupad Pararnhansa Paribrajakachary108 Sri Srimad Bhakti SiddhantaSaraswati Goswami Prabhupad.On the very first meeting with His DivineGrace, He asked me to preach the messageof Lord Chaitanya in the Westernworld.At that time, I was a young man and anationalist, admirer of Mahatma Gandhiand C.R. Dass. So I replied Him at thattime, who would care for the message ofLord Chaitanya while we are a subject nation?In this way, I had some argumentwith my Spiritual Master, and at the end Iwas defeated. But at that time, because Iwas already married, I could not take Hiswords very seriously.In this way, I passed on as a householder,but, by the causeless mercy of myDivine Master, that order of preachingwas impressed on my heart. I was initiatedregularly in 19333 at Allahabad, when SirMalcolm Haley, the then Governor ofU.P. , oopened our Gaudiya Math branchthere. Then, in 1936, my Spiritual Masterleft this world leaving a message for methat it would be better for me to preach inEnglish language .So I was thinking very seriously, andthen, as late as 1944 I started my paper,"Back to Godhead." Gradually, in 1954, Iretired from my family life and began tolive alone in Mathura Vrindaban. In1959, I was awarded Sannyas by one of myGodbrothers, His Holiness B.P. KeshavMaharaj .Then I began translating SrimadBhagwatam in 1960; and, perhaps in1961, I was your guest in the Gita Bagicha.You were very kind to help me partiallyfor publishing my first volumeofSrimad Bhagwatam through the DalmiaCharitable Trust. With great difficulty, Ithen published the second and third volumesof Srimad Bhagwatam until 1965,when I prepared myself to come to thiscountry with some books.With greattdifficulty, I was able to getthe 'P' Form passed by the Controller ofForeign Exchange, and, someway orother, I reached Boston on 17th September,1965'. I was thinking, while on boardthe ship "Jaladuttae," why Krishna hadbrought me to this country. I knew thatWestern people are too much addicted toso many forbidden things accordint to ourVedic conception of life. So out of sentimentI wrote a long poetry addressingLord Krishna as to what was His purposein bringing me to this country.At that time, I was sponsored by afriend's son, Gopal Agarwal , who is settledup in this country by marrying anAmerican girl, Sally. I was their guest,and I feel very much obliged to Gopal andhis wife sally for their nice treatment andreception. I was with them for three weeksin Butler, near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,and then I came to New York. I was gettingsome money by selling my SrimadBhagwatam, thus I was maintaining myselfin New York. After some time, Irented one apartment at number 100 71 stStreet West, but after a few months, all mythings-typewriter, taperecorder, bookswerestolen. Then for some time one of

1188 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>my students gave me shelter at BoweryStreet.I then rented one store-front and anapartment at 26 Second Avenue for $200per month, but without any source of income.I started my classes and sometimes,on Sundays, I used to chant HareKrishna Mantra in Tomkins Square Parkfrom three to 5 P. M. During this time, allthe young boys and girls used to gatheraround me, sometimes poet Ginsbergwould come to see me, and sometimes areporter from the New York Times cameto see me. In this way, the Hare KrishnaMantra chanting became very popular onthe Lower East Side.In this way, the younger generationbecame attracted, and gradually manybranches were opened one after another.After New York, the next branchwas opened in San Francisco, then inMontreal, then in Boston, and in LosAngeles. We have now the following centersin the States, Canada, Europe, Japan,and Australia: (see insert sheet Nfollowing page 2).My activities in London were begun a:.early as September, 1968. I sent six of mydisciples there. all of them young couples,husband and wife, and none of them morethan 26 years old. These boys and girlsfirst started Sankirtan Movement in Londonand there were very nice reportsabout them. Even the "Times of London"printed one article with the caption "HareKrishna Chant Startles London" .In London there are many Indians,/especiallyGuzraties and Punjabies. All ofthem were astonished to see how Americanboys and girls were preaching HareKrishna Mantra. They were invited tomany centers both by the Indians and Europeans,but it was very difficult to findout a suitable house there in the midst ofthe city. My Guru Maharaj liked to startcenters in the busiest partof a city. So,forty years ago, my Guru Maharaj attemptedto start a Temple there, but somewayor other it was not possible. Still, Icherished a strong desire to start a Templein the heart of the city, and by LordKrishna's grace these boys and girlsrented a five storied house in the busiestquarter of central London, at 7 BuryPlace, which is near to the British Museum,London University, Great RussellStreet, and Bloomsbury Square. The BritishMuseum is just a few stones on the leftside of our Temple. Our activities are goingon regularly in London. There areabout 35 English and American boys andgirls.Regarding the number of ashrams, ourTemples are already listed above. TheDeity worshipped in the Temples are JagganathSwami with Balarama and Subhadra,and Radha Krishna. When we firststart a Temple, we start with JagganathSwami. My Guru Maharaj recommendedTemples of Jagganath in these countries,so I was inspired to establish first of allJagganath Swami because He is kindeven to the mlecchas. Then, when thereis opportunity, I establish Radha KrishnaMurti. So generally in all our Temples,Jagannath Swami and Lord ChaitanyaSamkirtan pictures are invariably there,and gradually we are installing RadhaKrishna Murties in each and every center.The program of the Temple worship isas follows: Early in the morning, beforesunrise, there is Mangal Aratrik. At 8:00a.m. there is dressing and decorating ofthe altar daily. Then, between 11:30 and12:00 N., Bhoga Aratrik. At 5:00 p.m.,opening of the door and Dhoop Aratrikaswell as Boikalik Bhoga offering. In themorning we offer fruits and milk to theDeities, and at noon we offer rice, dal,chopatties, vegetable, milk, sweet rice,and many other varieties. In the BoikalikBhoga Aratrik we ofer fruits again. Thenthere is Sandhya Aratrik after dusk; andat 9:00 p.m. we offer Bhoga of Puri,

FEBRUARY, 1970 1189vegetable, milk, sweetmeats, etc . Thenthere is Sanyan Aratrik after which theDeity rests. This is the general program ofworship. We decorate the thrones withprofuse flowers, changing the dress andornaments daily, and as far as possible theDeity platform and the Temple room arekept neat and clean always.The devotees take bath twice daily.The Government of U.K. has passed abill to hand over the redundant churches toother religious sects, but the christian authoritieswant good amount of money forselling these properties. So none of thechurches have we been able to acquire, onaccount of the exhorbitant price, forwhich I have not got money to pay. Butthey are available. In London we saw a redundantchurch and also in Oxford. Theyare very nice for our purpose, but the negotiationis very slow. Some other churchesare also available in other districts, butthey can be purchased. The governmenthas no such scheme to place these unusedchurches at our disposal.How can we expect the government togive us any financial help, while our Indiangovernment does not allow anymoney to be brought from India for thispurpose? How can we expect financialhelp from another government? Our financialbudget is managed by Krishna'sGrace only. Undoubtedly we have hugeexpenditures-for example in our LosAngeles Temple we spend near about Rs20 ,000 in our Indian exchange per month.But the devotees, boys and girls, somehowor other collect this huge amount,and bytthe Grace of Krishna, we have nodifficulty.In most of the centers our activities arein rented houses, only in Boston and Buffalowe have our own houses. In Bostonw e have got our own press, ISKCONP re ss, where our books and magazinesre published partially. The major portion18 printed outside our press especially inJapan.The government is neither encouragingor discouraging. sometimes the policedepartment prohibits our Samkirtan Partywhen they go out in the street. In theUnited States this hindrance by the policeis not very much, but in London they havepractically stopped us. In Hamburg andTokyo they are also not very strict. In thebeginning we have difficulty everywhere.By now, as people in general are appreciatingour movement-that we are devoteesof the Lord, boys and girls of nice behaviorand character-they give us as far aspossible all concessions. The governmentdraft board has accepted our Society as religious,so they are kind upon us. But, wedo not get any direct financial help eitherfrom the government or big foundations.Neither have we been able to contact thericher section of the people.Our initiation system is as follows: Inour general thrice weekly classes wechant Hare Krishna Mantra in the beginningand at the end, and in the middle wespeak on Bhagavad Gita and SrimadBhagwatam regularly. In this class we donot prohibit anyone to come within theTemple, everyone is welcome. The onlything we ask visitors to leave their shoes ata specified place and sit down in the Templecrosslegged. If somebody finds difficultyto sit down crosslegged, we offerhim a chair. So out of the members of theaudience who come regularly, when onebecomes more interested he is invited toparticipate in the program of KrishnaConsciousness daily life and study. Aftersome time of appreciating our programand trying to understand our philosophy,when someone is very interested and recommendedby the Temple Commander,for becoming initiated, I accept him andgive him first initiation in the form of HariNam in a regular ceremony with firesacrifice.I chant Hare Krishna Mantraon the 108 beads and then the beads are

1190Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>offered to the disciple with a change ofname as Krishnadas. He is advised tostrictly follow the regulative principles of1. no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; 2. notaking of intoxicants including coffee, tea,and tobacco; 3. no illicit sex-life; and 4.no gambling or mental speculation.In this way, after six months at least,when he is found habituated to theVaishnava principles, then he is initiatedfor the second time with the sacredthread. This sacred thread ceremony isrecommended in the Hari Bhakti Vilas, orthe Vaishnava Smriti, by Sanatan Goswami.Sanatan Goswami recommendsthat by the initiation process one is elevatedto the position of a twice-born(Dwija). This is recommended underPancharatrika Biddhi. Under Vedic Biddhi,a student is required to be a bonafideson of a Brahmin or twice-born, but accordingto Srimad Bhatgwatam, if thereare no regular samskaras beginning fromGarbhadhanaone is considered as Sudra,but a Sudra can be elevated to a Brahmin'sposition by Pancharatrika Biddhi. This isinstructed by Sage Narada to Yudhisthirain Seventh Canto of Srimad Bhagwatam asfollows;On this verse, Sridhar Swami hasgiven His commentation that birth is notalways the criterion of becoming a Brahmain,but the quality is most essential. Inthe Bhagavad Gita also the caste system ismade by the Lord Himself according toqualities and engagements . In the SrimadBhagwatam also it is stated as follows:Kirata huna andhra pulinda pukkasaabhira sumbha yavanah khasadayahye'nye c papa yadupasrayasrayahsudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnabe namah.(S.B. 2/5/ 18)So our initiation process is executed accordingto authorized regulative principles.This is the sum and substance of ourinitiation process. In the beginning, theyare given Hare Nama and during sacredthread ceremony they are given Gayatrisand eighteen letter Krishna Mantra. Thedisciple chants daily the Gayatri Mantrasthrice-morning, noon, and evening. Thebeads are chanted a minimum of sixteenrounds daily, or in other words, 27,648Names daily.I am enclosing herewith some printedcopies of the rules and regulations, tenkinds of offenses, etc . which are regularlyobserved by the students.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yours in the sevice of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. So far the means of the books publishedare as follows:3 volumes Srimad Bhagwatam Leagueof Devotees $16.00 (set)1 paperbackm Bhagavad Gita As It IsCollier (Macmillan) $2 .951 hardback Bhagavad Gita As It IsMacmillan $6.95I Teachings of Lord ChaitanyaISKCON Press $5.951 Sri /sopanisad ISKCO N Press $1.00I Nectar of Devotion ISKCON Press$5.95I Krishna ISKCON Press $10.001 Easy Journey to Other PlanetsLeague of Devotees $0. 50I Two Essays ISCKON PRESS $ .50Monthly magazine "Back to Godhead"ISKCON Press $ .50French ed. "Back to GodheadISKCON PressGerman ed. "Zuruck zur Gottheit"ISKCON PressSome of these are being enclosed herewith,and the balance will be dispatchedfrom New Yo rk along with books.The management of our diffe rent centersis made by three officers; namely aPresident, Treasurer, a and Secretqry.They have got separate banking acounts ineach center. The checks are signed by twoofficers out of three . Although in each

FEBRUARY, 1970 1191banking account my name is there asAcharya, and when I am in a center sometimesI sign the checks, still, usually I donot. I try to keep myself aloof from businesstransactions; but as far publicationsis concerned, I manage the book fund personally.So our centers are managed financiallyby selling the books and magazines and byaccepting some voluntary contributionsfrorn the public. Sometimes we manufactureincense and the visitors gladly purchaseit. In this way we manage the financial affairs of our society. In London, whowever,we get some income by sales of"Hare Krishna Mantra" record and similar!y in the U.S. A. we get some income byselling "Govinda" records and othersimilar records. From London the "HareKrishna Mantra" record has world widesales. This is managed by Mr. GeorgeHarrison, the famous English musician,who is my uninitiated devotee . This boyhas paid me recently $19,000 for publishingmy Krishna book. The whole amountwill be required for publishing the book inJapan.The names of places where our centersare already established is given above .The photographs of our various dailyactivities-Kirtans, etc . -are also enclosedherewith.I am very glad to learn that you want topublicize our activities for the young menin India, but I find that here the young menare very much inquisitive. I do not knowwhy in India the young men are not somuch inquisitive-maybe they are verymuch embarrassed to solve economicproblems. Recently one Indian boy, he is aPhD at St. Louis University, has joinedour St. Louis center, and the copies of hisenquiries and answers by me are sentherewith fo r your perusal . So far Europeanand American young boys and girlsare concerned, they also send me manyenquiries by letter and I answer them inthe same way, generally giving referencefrom the Bhagavad Gita As It Is . Thesestudents are very nicely combating elementsopposing Bhakti school . There arehundreds of letters from them; and if youare serious to make some agitation amongIndian young men, then on hearing fromyou , I can some of the letters for publication.On the whole, the Godless world situationis not very satisfactory. People in thispart of the world are feeling for this vacancy,but they do not know how to solvethis problem. They think that by makingpeople Godless they will solve thequestion-this is a utopian hope whichwill never be fulfilled. The Godless leadersof the society are blind themselves andtheir followers are al so blind . So blindmen leading blind men has no meaning.But practically I have experienced thatthis Krishna Consciousness Movement orto present the philosophy of the BhagavadGita as it is can solve all problems of theworld. It is specifically the responsibilityof the Indians after realizing the philosophythemselves, and I think if such realizedsouls go to various parts of the worldand preach this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement in every nook and corner of theworld, there will be aggreat renaissance. Iwould therefore request you to give yourserious attention to this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement and help me as faras possible .I want to start a center in India at thebirth-site of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhuspecially fo r accomodating non-Indianstudents fo r taking lessons in this greattranscendental art . When Indian youngmen will see that foreign students fromEngland, America, Canada, Australia,etc . are taking interest in the spiritual scienceleft by the Acharyas headed by LordKrishna, then naturally they will also takepart. It will be a great expensive job, butstill if one half the expense is borne by the

1192 Letters from Srfla Prabhupt'idaIndians I shall manage to send the otherhalf from America and Europe. As yourgood self has voluntarily offered someservice on account of this Krishna ConsciousnessMovement, I shall be verymuch pleased if you kindly consider thisproposal .Thanking you in anticipation.Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. B. S.ACBS:db70-2- 13DetroitLos Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5February, 1970, and as advised by you Iam sending herewith the tape #14. Pleasetranscribe it nicely, edit it, and send onecopy to me and the others to Satsvarupa.The tapes after being transcribed must besent to me directly otherwise I will beshort of the stock of tapes.Sriman George Harrison has certainlydone an unique service by contributing$19,000 for publishing my Krsna book.When I was in London, he saw me fourtimes and he was very submissive and devoutand he was not at all proud of his verywell-to-do material position. He has areputation as a first class musician and heis considered to be rich or as they say oneof the richest men in the world. Still hewas not at all puffed up, but was humble,meek, polite, and devout. So all thesequalities and his service to Krishna willcertainly help him in his advancement ofKrishna Consciousness. Thus I see thatalthough he is not an initiated disciple,still he has been trying to help us in somany ways.This change of his heart has been possibleby the endeavor of Shyamsundar.Shyamsundar tried to win his friendshipby all means and the result obtainedthereof was offered to Krishna. In theLondon Temple the first class Italian marblethrone worth about $3,000 was alsocontributed by George through the serviceof Shyamsundar. So actually George'sleaning towards Krishna Consciousnesshas been greatly influenced by Shyamsundar'sendeavor. Srimad Bhagwatam recommendsthat we shall employ our life,money, intelligence, and words for theservice ofthe Lord. So Shyamsundar employedhis intelligence to bring GeorgeHarrison into the service of KrishnaConsciousness and thus George's moneyhas been employed in Krishna's service.This is the whole process of KrishnaConsciousness-First of all one shoulddedicate his life for Krishna's service;that is very nice. If he cannot dedicatehis whole life, then let him devote hismoney ; if he cannot devote his money,then let him devote his intelligence; andif he cannot devote his intelligence also,then let him devote his voice in KrishnaConsciousness by uttering Hare KrishnaMantra. Therefore Hare Krishna Mantrais the greatest common factor for selfrealization.Please preach this philosophywhole-heartedly and Krishna will be verymuch pleased upon you.The court case is very humerous,happy, and authoritative . The charge was"Chanting God's Name" for the welfare"of mankind." So what can be thecharges? If a man is chanting God's Namefor the welfare of mankind, how thelearned judge can convict him with anycharges? So he has done real justice bydismissing the case . This will be greatevidence of our sincere activities and youcan send copies to all the centers as well asto the editors of BTG for immediate printing.The copy which you have sent me Ihave redirected to India to the editor of

FEBRUARY, 1970 1193"J(alyan" a very influential religious paper.Perhaps you know the Gita Press. Soyou can send me also a few copies more.This charge against Hare Krishnachanting is not very new. Even duringLord Chaitanya 's days a similar chargewas brought against Him by Chw Kaziwho later on converted to become Hisdevotee. So chant Hare Krishna Mantrasincerely and seriously and Krishna willgive you all protection. The house in contemplationappears to be very nice andwithin our means, so plese try to get it asearly as possible.I am very glad that you have sent Jagadishaand his good wife to Toronto to helpstart a Temple there . By the prayers of allmy beloved devotees like you I am keepinggood health and I hope this will alsomeet you in cheerful health in KrishnaConsciousness.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-14 Los Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Ya muna , Mondakini, Ilavati,Jyotirmye, Dhananjaya, Digvijaya,Jotilla, Prithadevi , and Tarnal ,Please accept my blessings: I am somuch obliged for your loving presentationof sweets , balusai, handkerchief, painting,flower, simply wonderful , sacredthread, dhoop, and Gopi Chandan, and Ihave immediately tasted all the preparationsso nice and distributed them to thedevotees of the Temple. I have offered thehandkerchief and dhoop to Radha Krishna,and placed the picture on the wall . Pleaseorganize this Samkirtan Movement underthe leadership of Tarnal , Mukunda, Shyamsundar,and Gurudas and be happy.Hope this will meet you all in verygood health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2- 15LondonLos Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Daughter Ilavati ,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your nice letter dated28 January, 1970, along with your beads. Iam very happy to accept you as one of mydisciples, and I am returning your beadsherewith duly chanted on by me.As you are liking the London Templeatmosphere, please remain there to learnmore about Krishna Consciousness fromyour Godbrothers and Godsisters there.Follow the rules and regulations and avoidthe ten offenses in chanting the HolyName, study the Scriptures like BhagavadGita As It Is and always stay engaged inKrishna's service. I am enclosing a list ofrules for devotees and the ten offenses.Chant regularly sixteen rounds daily onyour beads and be happy.Ilavati is the name of the Goddess ofthe Earth . Do not fo rget Krishna, He willgive you all protection, and your life willbe sublime.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever wel l-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-I6LondonLos Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Daughter Mondakini,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

1194 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Thank you very much. I am very glad toaccept you as my disciple because youwant to learn how to serve Krishna, and Iam returning your beads duly chantedupon by me.Please chant sixteen rounds of beadsdaily following the rules and four restrictionsand avoiding the ten offenses inchanting the Holy Name of Krishna.Please learn our Krishna Consciousnessway of life from the good guidance of theolder devotees there.I am so glad to learn that you are nicelyappreciating the bliss of Krishna Consciousnessand are endeavoring to becomepure in this association. If you continue inthis attitude you will progress more andmore in your service. So chant HareKrishna Mantra and be happy. That is mydesire.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiN. B. Mondakini is the name of the riverflowing through the heavenly planets. Onthis planet this river is known as Ganges.This water was kindly let down into thisuniverse by the lotus foot of Krishna inHis incarnation as Vamana.70-2- 17LondonLos Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2February, 1970, and I have noted the contents. Regarding the big house, try to acquirethis house according to my formerinstructions on hire/purchase system.Regarding Temple management, Imay inform you that Tarnal Krishna mayhelp you how to organize, but if you makehim stay in one place and he cannot moveto other places then the idea on which hewas left in London-that he should see thedevelopment of the centers in France andGermany-will be jeopardized. As ourbranches are increasing it is necessarythat somebody shall move from one placeto another for improving the particularcenter's activities. Besides that, you havealso requested to send Vishnujana to London,but you know that whatever improvementhas been made in Los Angeles is dueto the Samkirtan Party going outside theTemple. Madhudvisa and Jayananda havegone to San Francisco, and Tarnal hasgone to London. So out of the four leadingboys of the Samkirtan Party, threeare already out. So the remaining one's,Vishnujana's, presence is needed here.Gargamuni and Stoka Krishna are engagedotherwise, so Vishnujana is takingcare of the new devotees as well as KirtanParty. If, therefore, he also goes away, Ithink that the management here will suffer.Tarnal has certainly got valuable talentin dealing with outsiders, particularlywith regards to arranging engagements,but I think that some of you also pick uphis talents and then he will be free to moveto other places so that they also may utilizehis service. There are pending manyimportant businesses in France and Germany,but if Tarnal cannot go there on accountof London's business, then theirbusiness will suffer. I think, therefore,that Tarnal's services and talents shouldbe learned by you and he may be allowedto go at least for a month to Germany andParis and then come back to London.The whole idea is that he may stay onemonth in London and then go out for onemonth to Paris and Germany and thencome back again to London. In this way,when things are going on smoothly everywhere,then he can devote more time in

FEBRUA RY, 1970 1195LOndon for other important things.I have advised Hansadutta to go toLOndon and then to go to Germany for organizingSamkirtan. I could not follow themeaning of the last line of your letter, "Welook forward to the day when You grace uswith Your Holy Instructions for LordChaitanya's Samkirtan." If you mean bythis line about the World Samkirtan Party,then I may inform you that for this purposeyou will have to wait for some timemore . The purpose of Wo rld SamkirtanParty will be to establish a center in eachand every city and village of the world.This idea is taking practical shape in variouscenters. Just like you started for LondonYatra and now after one year it hastaken a shape, similarly in Germany alsoit has taken a shape, but in Paris it has nottaken as yet . Therefore Wo rld SamkirtanParty means to establish a center everywherewe go .I do not mean a concert party or musicalparty that may go to a city, have someperformances and collect some moneywithout any permanent effect. For thispurpose the Wo rld Samkirtan Partyshould consist of members who can impressspiritual ecstasy in the hearts of thepeople so that some of them may comefo rward and agree to establish a centerwhere the Samkirtan party may go on continually.From Krishnadas' letter it appears thatin Germany there is good prospect foropening many centers . When you lastwent to Germany it was very effective.Why not first of all start a center in Parisand a few other centers in Germany andthen think of the World Samkirtan Partyon the basis of starting a center whereverYou go. Both Tarnal and yourself, Gurudasand Shyamsundar think over this idea,and in the meantime, as you are yourself amusical instructor, you can teach the newcomersin the Kirtan performances for futureprogram.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. How is Janaki? Ask her to write meletter. I hope she is doing well . Offer myblessings to her and Malati. ACBACBS:db70-2- 18LondonLos Angeles8th February, 1970My Dear Tarnal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3February, 1970, along with Mukunda's,Gurudas' , and Shyamsundar's letters. Iam replying all of them separately withinthis envelope.Regarding Vishnujana, that is a commonfactor of all your letters, but you mustknow that the development of L.A. Templewas practically done by you four;namely yourself, Madhudvisa, Vishnujana,and Jayananda. Last year when I wasin Hayworth Street, there was no Templeand sometimes we were chanting in thegarage. Then gradually this Temple wassecured and at that time I asked how muchyou could help out of the $400 rent andwith great difficulty you promised to helponly $100 from the Samkirtan Party. Nowby the Grace of Krishna they are collectingmore than $100 daily. You know thatthe expenses of the Temple have gone upto $2 ,000 per month. There are at least 30devotees, and practically all old boys likeyou , Jayananda, Madhudvisa, etc . are nothere . Besides that, Vishnujana is trainingall the new devotees who are coming. SoVishnujana himself also thinks his absencewill be hampering in the Temple procedure.I am enclosing herewith Vishnujana's letter in this connection which willspeak for itself.

1196 Letters from Sri/a PrabhupiidaYou have written to say that you cannotgo to Hamburg or Paris to organize theiractivities, but actually you were left inLondon for the purpose of organizingthese three centers. If you stick only toLondon Temple then our former schemewill not be executed. I think, therefore, itis proper that you should devote yourtime for all these three centers and trainthe local management fo r being selfsupporting.As you are helping LondonTemple, similarly you should help theHamburg and Paris Temples also. I thinkthat was our original plan, and you shouldnot change the same.I have received one letter from Krishnadasthat there is good potency for openingmany branches in Germany. I think,therefore, you should go to Germany atleast for one or two months and see howthings can be managed for opening morebranches. I have therfore asked Hansaduttato go to Germany for this purpose.He has also got organizing power as hehas well done in Berkeley. So with yourcooperation I think in your absence hemay be a great help in the German center.I have asked him to go via London. Sothese are the things for practical solution.You have written to say that no one candeal with the devotees except Vishnujana;that is not a good proposal . There are somany old and experienced devotees inLondon; but for management of otherdevotees, if there is no one to look afterthem, that does not sound very good. Formusical training I think Mukunda has sufficientknowledge. Anyway, for the timebeing, Hansadutta is going and Mukundais there and you are also there. See if theWorld-wide Samkirtan Party can be organizedwithout Vishnujana. For the presentVishnujana can not be freed from the LosAngeles engagements, but in future ifsomebody is trained up to take his placethen I shall recommend him to go toLondon.Regarding the court case of ourSamkirtan Movement, there was a similarcase in Detroit and the charges were creatingdisturbances, but the case was dismissed.I have asked Bhagavandas to sendyou the copy ofthe newspaper report, andI hope this will help you . The newspaperreport heading was "Religious GroupWins Day in Court."Regarding the six months contract for£250 per week from engagements inhalls, colleges, clubs, etc., it is very goodnews. But one thing we must rememberthat we are not professional musicians orconcert party. Our main business is to vibratethe Holy Name of Krishna everywhereso that the people will be benefittedby hearing the transcendental sound. Themusical training is not so important as it isto keep ourselves spiritually fit in spiritualstrength, that we should not forget. If weare in spiritual strength, there will be noscarcity of money; and the spiritualstrength is that each and every one of usmust chant the sixteen rounds of beadsand follow the rules and regulations withgreat adherence.In the meantime, I have received onebox containing sweets, balusai, a handkerchief,a flower, simply wonderful, asacred thread, Gopi Chandan, dhoop, anda painting, and three sets of beads fromMonique, Evelyne, and Joelle. Later on Ireceived their respective letters and recommendationsof initiation from Yamunadevi, and I am sending the beads by separatemail duly chanted.The information and date fo r Bhaktiboivaexamination will be forwarded indue course.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db

FEBRUARY, 1970 119770-2-19c/o MendozaBronx, N.Y.Los AngeleslOth February, 1970MY Dear Ekayani,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your very intelligentletter dated 28 January, 1970. I am so gladto learn that you are taking very muchinterest in the Deity worship, and suchactivities must be accompanied withchanting of the Holy Name regularly. Actuallychanting of the Holy Name regularlyis our life and soul, and on the basisof such activities all other devotional serviceswill sustain.I amsstill more glad to learn that yourmother is also taking interest.Lord Jagganath can be dressed in yellow,Balarama in bluish color, and Subhadrain red color. That is usual, but anyother color is not prohibited.If your mother knows Spanish languageshe can be engaged in translatingour literatures, and very soon we are goingto publish our BTG in that langauge.So she can be a great help in that activity.I have heard about Vamandev in hislast news bulletin, and both of them aredoing nicely there on account of being sincereto the Spiritual Master and Krishna.From the beginning I encouraged youngboys and girls married and united togetherto preach Krishna Consciousness, andthis process has proved practical. So whenyou are also married with a good devotee ,you can do the same work and open a centerin some place convenient to you . ThatWill spread our Krishna Consciousnessmovement.I always advise married couples thatthe male should be engaged in some work;but if somebody is busily engaged in ouractivities and therefore he cannot workoutside, that is also nice. We do not pressP e ople to contribute, and even though wedo so, it is for the good of the contributorbecause everything is employed for advancingthis Krishna Consciousnessmovement. The initiated householdersare supposed to be Brahmins, and accordingto scriptural injunction a Brahmin canaccept charity for employing the incomein the service of the Lord . The boys andgirls who chant in the street are also givingin charity the highest benefit to thepeople in general . So far such Brahminsor Brahmacharies or Sannyasis askingcontributions is not against the law, actuallythat is the way of livelihood for personswho are not karmis.Sometimes such persons in India godoor to door for collecting alms. Thewhole idea is that one should not be a professionalbeggar for livelihood, but forKrishna's service this asking[PAGE MISSING]Avatars. Lord Chaitanya 's Abode is describedin the Brahma Samhit and it iscalled Svetadwipa. It is an extension ofGoloka Vrindaban. Gokula means 'flocksof cows.' Go means cow and kula meansflocks. Braja is not diffe rent from Vrindavan.Braja means the pasturing groundsand Vrindavan is the woods where thereare many Tulsi leaves.We do not find who is the mother ofSubhadra, but she was one of Vasudeva'swives. So far putting kohl on the eyes ofthe Deities, that is not required. TheMadhu demon was killed a very long timeago, in the beginning of the creation. Thestory may be found in one of the Puranas.I am glad to learn that you are paintingand have just finished one picture of JasodaKrishna. This is a great talent ofyours. Regarding taking a job after leavingschool this summer, there is no needratheryou should stay at the Temple. Yo ucan take Prasadum etc . at the Temple andin that way Krishna will support you; youshould not work outside, but you may liveat home just as after working one returns

1198 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>home at night. There are many qualifieddevotees, so you may choose an husbandfrom among them. I am very happy tolearn how you are eager to start a new centerand have nice Deity worship, so youmay follow the fine example of your sisterin this way. That is very nice. Just developyour sincere attitude of serving Krishnaand He will kindly provide all the necessitiesfor further advancement in KrishnaConsciousness.Thanking you once more for your niceletter. Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-20Los AngeleslOth February, 1970My Dear Jayadvaita,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your letter dated5 February, 1970. It is very much encouragingto see you are a good and scrutinizingeditor. May Krishna bless you.So far the vyabhicary symptoms areconcerned, just now it is not possible togive you the two points missing becausethe reference books are left in London. Sowithout waiting further fo r these minordiscrepancies, you can finish the subjectadding "etc ." or do it at your best discretionas Krsna will dictate from within you.I can rely on you.Another point is I want to prepare asmall pamphlet for Krsna book, givingthe description in nutshell with some importantpictures. Can you prepare it inconsultation with Satsvarupa, immediately?This is required very urgently. Addon the cover page the following words:KrsnaThe Supreme rich, powerful, famous, andbeautiful Personality of Godhead withoutany material attachment is now availablein book form ( 400 pages readingmatter and 52 colorful illustrations) infirst-class hardbound and woodfree paperprinted. Those who have heard the"Hare Krishna Mantra" record as wellas "Govindam" will do well by procuringthis de-luxe book and keep at home asa great treasure.Try to understand the basic principlesof the great movement "Krishna Consciousness"I have already advised Gargamuni totalk with Brahmananda and again I amgiving you in writing that the Krsna book,manuscript and pictures, may be submittedted to Dia Nippon positively on 15 February.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-2 1LondonLos AngeleslOth February, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated January 31 and February 3, 1970respectively. Your attitude of humblenessand meekness in the service of KrishnaConsciousness is the only qualificationwhich can lead us to upper grade ofKrishna Consciousness, and this is theversion of Lord Chaitanya. Your service isappreciated not only by me, but all othermembers of the Society.Recently I received one letter fromBhagavandas and the copy of my reply tothat letter is enclosed herewith, pleasefind. Now everyone has heard how

FEBRUARY, 1970 1199strenuously you induced George Harrisonto contribute for our Krsna book. The de­Jay of payment was not due to your socalled'negligence,' but it was due to thetricks of the lawyer, Mr. Klein. Anyway,now we have got the money, let us forgetthe delay. I have received one letter fromDia Nippon and they have informed methat it will take at least 85 days for finishingthe printing work completely. I am goingto submit the manuscript and pictures.Now, according to their calculation,we shall have the book ready by the 15thof May, 1970. Your suggestion to introduceKrsna book along with the new recordis very welcome. When do you expectthe release of the records? I think it mustbe before the 15th May, 1970. Under thecircumstances, I wish to print a few thousandsof a small booklet regarding Krsnabook, with a few pictures, giving a shortdescription of Krsna on the cover page-Krsna"The Supreme rich, powerful, famousand beautiful Personality of Godheadwithout any material attachment is nowavailable in book form ( 400 pages readingmatter and 52 colorful illustrations) infirst-class hardbound and woodfree paperprinted. Those who have heard the "HareKrishna Mantra" record as well as "Govindam"will do well by procuring thisde-luxe book and keep at home as a greattreasure."Try to understand the basic principles of thegreat movement "Krsna Consciousness"The above will be a sub-clause on thepamphlet.I think if George writes a small foreward,then we can include it along withother description in the pamphlet. I thinkif we issue such prologue pamphlet andput it within the paper cover of the album,we can expect some order from many customersbefore the book is out of the press,and in that case perhaps we have to mentionthe price and delivery terms to savetime. If the shopkeepers who will sell therecords will send us order, we shall givethem sufficient trade discount. So I shallbe glad to hear from you how you like thisidea. If you like it, then please let meknow by return mail the latest date onwhich you will require them, so that I canarrange for that.I am so glad to learn that you are alwaysgazing on the Sri Murti in our Temple,and this is also very much helpful inadvancing Krishna Consciousness.I understand that you have now somechanges in the posts of the officers, butone thing you must remember that Tarnalhas to move at least in the three main centersof Europe and therefore you three directorsor founders must have to learn theways and means of administration fromTarnal so that in his absence you may notfeel any difficulty. As we are increasingthe number of our centers and as it is notpossible for me to move, I am just tryingto train three or four of the advanced boysto work as the superintendents of the centers. Now you will be glad to know that wehave our branch in Australia also.I am glad that your press releasepropaganda is going very nicely and Ishall request you to include the names ofour books and publications as far as possible.When such press releases are printed,send me the copies regularly. It will be agreat advantage for us as well as fo r thepeople in general if the press reporters canventilate the idea of one God , one religion,one Scripture, one Mantra, and onepeople throughout the whole world.I have seen the list of "Hare KrishnaMantra" record distribution and I am surprisedto see that Germany alone has taken57,000 records. Therefore we shouldopen more branches in Germany immediately.So Krishnadas has also written me

1200Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>about this prospect and I have asked Hansaduttato go to Germany via London immediatelyfor this purpose and I havewritten to Tarnal about this. For you thisengagement of press propaganda, I think,is the best occupation, assisted by Gurudas.I am very glad to note that you havemarked the secret weapon of Krsna 'sbeauty, and this weapon was introducedby Lord Chaitanya. In the Srimad Bhagwatamit is clearly said that Lord Chaitanya's Associates are the weapons for conqueringover the influence of this age, KaliYuga. Try to realize this fact more andmore and you will be victorious in everyfield for pushing on our Krishna Consciousnessmovement.I am so glad to learn that you wish todistribute the Krsna book in Europe to theextent of minimum 2,500. It does not matterwhat it is, but you try your best-that isrequired. Regarding Rathayatra festival, Ihave already written to Achyutananda forthe exact date which I shall send you assoon as possible. But you can make arrangementof this Rathayatra festival fortaking place sometimes in the month ofJuly. Last year it was a great pleasure forme to participate in the S.F. Rathayatra; sothis year, if you invite me, certainly I shallgo to London; but for transcendental competitionwith S. F. you have to introducethree Rathas as they are done in JagganathPuri. But if it is difficult for many reasons,then you can accomodate all thethree Deities on one Ratha.Regarding the building, certainly itwill be very nice to secure it for our centralmovement in London. I think the royaltieswhich you may have for 200,000"Hare Krishna Mantra" records may immediatelybe employed for this purpose.Regarding yourstaying in London, youmust do it by all means and utilize the facilitiesoffered by George's cooperation.Regarding World Samkirtan Party, wecan attempt for this great task if somebodycomes forward to sponsor the trip. Wecannot do it ourself. We must remain freefrom the side of financial responsibility.Whenever you feel some difficulty youmay consult me. If there is possibility ofsuch sponsoring agency, do try for it seriously.Regarding George's request to supervisethe work in his monastery, I thinkyou should help him because he is ourgood friend and by that way you shall beable to utilize his telegraph machine, etc .This is a good plan; I completely approveof this.I hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. London center must also pay mymonthly maintenance as others are paying.ACBS:db70-2-22LondonLos AngeleslOth February, 1970My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter undated and Iwas so glad to learn that you have defeatedfour of the whips of the Ramakrishna Missionby giving quotation from the BhagavadGita. It is a fact that all otherinstitutions, never mind whether it is RamakrishnaMission or philosophical speculators,nobody can stand our argumentsand reason if we can support them byquoting Scriptures. So if we thoroughlystudy the books which we have so far published,as well as serve Krsna in greatdevotion by following the regulative principles,we shall be able to defeat anyonewho is not in Krsna Consciousness. So doit nicely, and everyone of you becomegreat preachers.

FEBRUARY, 1970 1201Please write me occasionally aboutyour activities and train the initiated girlsto assist you in all respects.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-23Los Angeles11th February, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4February, 1970. Regarding Vishnujana'scall to London, he has already replied inTarnal & Mukunda's letter with statementof Vishnujana himself. For the time beingVishnujana cannot be spared from LosAngeles. There are four experienced workershere, out of whom Vishnujana is one,and three have already gone outside. Underthe circumstances, he can't go to Londonimmediately, but I have advisedHansadutta to go there and if his servicecan be utilized in London, because insankirtan he is as good as Vishnujana,then it is alright. Otherwise he will go toGermany. I can follow that Vishnujana'sservice is very much needed in Londonbut he is as much needed in Los Angelesalso. So how he can be spared for Londonat the cost of Los Angeles business? So farbrahmacharies are concerned, majoritiesof advanced students are in London, sowhy they should be lacking in training toenthuse these new brahmacharies?In the meantime I received one letterfrom Balmukund Parikh. The copy of theletter and the copy of the reply also is enclosedherewith for your careful consideration.From the spirit of the letter itappears that the Indian community inLondon will hesitate to cooperate with ourmovement because they are under the impressionthat our members are not workingoutside for earning their bread, butthey have taken to this sankirtan movementas means of livelihood. That will bea bad impression and will go against ourmovement. The court case is pending, andif somebody says against us, that here is aparty begging in the street for livelyhood,that will be great blot. So as suggested byMr. Parikh, why some of the new membersmay not take this work? Anyway, I donot know what is the actual situation. Youconsider this letter of Mr. Parikh very seriouslyand try to convince Mr. Parikh andother Indian members that we are not beggingfor livelyhood, but it is for expansionof the Krishna Consciousness Movement,and members who are free are workingoutside and giving the result of their workfor Krishna Consciousness Movement.So you kindly reply this letter what youare doing in this connection. I hope thisfinds you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Please secure the address in Jaipur(India) of the Sri murti manufacturers.You will get it from Mr. Goyil who donatedthe Radha Krishna deity in LondonTemple. Tarnal and Mukunda knows theaddress of Mr. Goyil or you may have it inyour office file. I want such murtis forother centers. Please therefore send theaddress immediately.ACBS/nb70-2-24Boulder, ColoradoLos Angeles11th February, 1970My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2February, 1970, and thank you very much.Actually, Samkirtan is our life andsoul , and if we execute this transcendental

1202 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>business in all earnestness, then there willbe no difficulty in any way. We should notpray to Krishna anything except to ask toengage in His service. If we are engagedin His service then automatically everythingwill be revealed.Any foodstuff suspected to containuntouchable ingredients should neverbe used in the temple. Yogurt can be preparedin the temple, it is not very difficult.Boil the milk at night, put a littleyogurt in it, and next morning you willfind it full of yogurt. You can ask NewVrindaban, they are practically preparingall these things.Please let me know how many membersare there, what is your source ofincome, and what is your program of expenditure. I shall be glad to know thesethings. I would also like to know if theinitiated devotees are chanting regularlysixteen rounds and following the regulativeprinciples rigidly. This is very essential.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-25LondonLos Angelesll th February, 1970My Dear Balmukundji Parikh,Please accept my greeting and I thankyou very much for your kind letter dated 5February, 1970. I have understood thespirit of your letter and your suggestionsare quite welcome.According to our Shastras, the brahmacharies,the vanaprasthas, and the sannyasinsare allowed to collect alms and arcconsidered as the children of the society,which is composed of householders. Inother words, our Vedic civilization is themost perfect community project. Only thegrihasthas are supposed to earn money,especially the kshatriyas and the vaisyas,and the money is distributed communitywide.The community is divided into fourparts, the brahmachary, the grihastha, thevanaprastha, and the sannyasin. Out ofthese four divisions, ony the grihasthasare supposed to maintain the brahmacharies,the vanaprasthas, and the sannyasins.That is the whole program,which means if there are 100 members inthe community, three-fourths of the wholenumber, namely 75%, are maintainedby the one-fourth members, namely25 %. Our movement is for preaching thesankirtan vibration, so while the brahmachariesand vanaprasthas or the sannyasinstake to this preaching work, thegrihasthas or householders can maintainthe temple and institution. In India, youhave said, the temples are richest becausethe grihasthas support them. In this countryalso the householders support thechurches. So for the inmates of the temple, namely brahmacharies or the priests(even though they are grihasthas, householders),they do not work outside . Theyare maintained by the outside grihasthas.But so far as our London Temple is concerned,it is not yet self-supported, althoughthe expenditure is very high. Ithink you are also one of the importantmembers of our London Temple, so youcan suggest to the directors how the expenditurescan be minimized. In themeantime, the householders, either Indianor European community, support thetemple expenditures. The inmates of thetemple may not take any collections fromthe street, so that will be great relief forthem. We have no idea to go against thelaw of England , where begging is prohibited,neither are we beggars. You knowvery well that the six married couples

FEBRUARY, 1970 1203whom I sent from America are all respectable,educated, cultured American boysand girls, and how with great difficultythey maintained themselves in Londonand at the same time preached the sankirtanmovement which was certainly veryeffective. At the present moment the LondonTemple has got some status and if youkindly induce especially the Indian communityto give them some monthly subscriptionsfor the bare necessities of thetemple management, the inmates of thetemple will completely stop taking collectionsfrom the street sankirtan. So far inIndia the sankirtan party has still got theright to collect. In America also we arecollecting but I do not know why Englishlaw should prohibit them. Anyway I shallrequest you to help Gurudas, Mukunda,Syamasundar, etc. to adjust the problemso that they may not be hampered in theiradvancement of Krishna Consciousness.Regarding the last paragraph of yourletter, I am very glad to learn that you arewilling to join this movement full time.When I was in London there was talk ofyour accepting the sannyas order, and sofar I remember Chaitanyas Dadi, yourwife , gave you permission for this purpose.Now so far you are trying to qualifyyourself, I think you are already qualified,by age, by experience, and by temperament.I think therefore you shouldjoin us wholeheartedly without delay. Iam looking forward for that day, and I ampleased to learn that you are coming herein the month of April. By that time wemay have a very new residence and churchin Los Angeles which we are negotiatingto purchase. The residential quarters consistsof thirty rooms, so you will be verycomfortable to live here with us, and Ihope at that time you shall decide finallyabout joining us wholeheartedly.What happened to the Birla negotiationfor helping us in purchasing the bighouse of Bachubhai Patel? I shall be gladto hear from you at your convenience.Thanking you again for your letter.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS/nb70-2-26Los Angeles12th February, 1970My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 2, 1970, along with the letterfrom Sriman Ani! Grover, your St. Louisnewsletter, and one handbill.I may inform you that by the grace ofKrsna this mission of spreading KrishnaConsciousness is being enthusiasticallypushed on for the benefit of the wholeworld by the assistence of all my disciples,good souls like your self and yourgood wife. I am so happy to see that youhave introduced our Bhakti Yoga orKrishna Consciousness classes in twouniversities, St. Louis University andWashington University. This is the realcourse of study for human beings and weshould use such good opportunities togive the young collegiate boys and girlsthis education of spiritual science. Soplease conduct these courses diligentlyto influence the hearts of the students andencourage them to participate in yourtemple's activities as well as weeklyclasses at the universities.I am glad to learn that your SundayPrasadam love feast has grown to fiftypersons attending and participating in ourKrishna Consciousness Program, andalso you are holding successful Kirtans inthe highschools. These young people areour future in Krishna Consciousness sotry your best to convince them of the importanceof this movement.I have replied the letter from Ani!Grover duly, and I hope these answers will

1204 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidasatisfy his questions. You may further encouragehim to chant regularly on beads,follow the four restrictive principles, andstudy our Scriptures with your help. Ifthis chanting is sincerely performed andthe regulative principles strictly followed,Krishna will give intelligence in such wayto remove all doubts and answer all questionsof philosophy from within the heartof the devotee. This regular program is essential.Please offer my blessings also to yourwife, Indiradasi, and to the other boys andgirls and devotees there. I hope this willmeet you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-27 Los Angeles14th February, 1970My Dear Madhudvisa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated 10 and 12 February, 1970 respectively.I am glad to learn that you are earlyplanning for the upcoming Rathyatra festival. In this connection, I have requestedthe exact date of the festival from India butit has not yet been replied, so you mayplan for any suitable date between 20 and31 July-even if it does not correspond,we have to arrange conveniently, that is allowed.So far additions for this years Rathayatra,you may make three Rathas, one foreach of the Deities. The rest of the detailsare already there, simply you may maysupply more money for festoons, decorations,flowers, bells, flags, etc. The SpiritualSky is far away, but you just try to do itfollowing Jagganath Puri Rathayatra. JagganathPuri or whereever Rathayatra isperformed is not different from the spiritualsky.In the spring you may lead a very bigprocession on Lord Chaitanya 's birthday.This is a good plan to celebrate this greatspring festival out of doors. So make this avery opulent procession with large SamkirtanParty and you may also celebrate inthis way again with a procession on Janmastamiday. These two important subjectsmay be observed in this way by all thethree areas and similarly in other centersalso.Regarding your first question, a puredevotee is never under the modes of nature.In other words, no material laws applyon a devotee because he is fully underthe direction of Krsna. So a devotee cancontinue his present occupation or he maychange it if he likes. Krsna does not forcea devotee because the devotee acts spontaneouslyaccording to the desire of theLord; in this kind of loving service there isno question of force. Force is applied onlywhen there is denial of Krsna. Just as thecitizens of a state have freedom to followthe laws of the state, that is subordinatefreedom, and the freedom of the living entitiesis also subordinate to Krsna. Theclue is given there in the Bhagavad Gitathat the living entities are fragmental partsand parcels of the Supreme Lord, thismeans that all the qualities of Krsna aretherefore pesent in minute quantity ineach of His parts and parcels. That is simultaneouslyone and different philosophy-theliving entities thus have freewill because they are parts of Krsna andKrsna has free will, but the free will ofKrsna is Supreme while the freedom ofthe parts and parcels is minute. So if theliving entity out of love subordinates hisfree will to Krsna that is his liberation. Heis no longer forced to act helplessly, but heacts freely rendering loving devotionalservice to Krsna in every way. Then wehave the practical conclusion from Krsnaconfirmed by Him in Bhagavad Gita(18:66), "Just surrender unto Me; and inreturn I shall protect you from all sinful

FEBRUARY, 1970 1205reactions. Therefore you have nothing tofear." In this way astral influences are alsomaterial and therefore they do not affectthe devotee who has taken protection ofKrsna's internal energy, by surrenderinghis life and soul in the service of theLord.Your second question about spacemenfrom other planets; it is stated in the Vedicliterature that there are many planetswhere the inhabitants are more advancedthan the inhabitants of this earth planet.So it is not unlikely that such people mayhave developed space travelling methods.They occupy higher posts in the creationof the Lord and so they may be consideredas demigods in the same way as the presidentis specially empowered by the nation,but this does not mean that suchspacemen are necessarily carrying themessages of the Lord, just as the businessof the state employee is not to act as thestate representative but he acts in his particularjob.Because Krsna know everyone's futuredoes not remove our free will. Someonemay commit a theft, and if I know thatthen I know that he will be captured andpunished. That is knowing his future, butknow that future does not mean that hehad no choice not to commit the criminalact. There are two destinies for every one.One destiny is in Krsna Consciousnessand the other destiny is in material consciousness,so if someone is in KrsnaConsciousness then Krsna knows his futureand if he is in material consciousnessand acting in that way then Krsna alsoknows his future. In this way the free willis not affected by knowing the future of theliving being, that is an erroneous conclusion.In regard to praying to Lord NityanandaPrabhu I have written to you inmy last letter that such prayer is quiteappropriate . Our only prayer should bein the matter of desiring further developmentof devotional service and suchsincere prayer should be submitted notdirectly to the lord but through the viamediaof His bonafide servitor or representative.I am very glad to learn that S.F. Templeis doing very nicely in the streetSamkirtan with transcendental plays. Andyour BTG sales are very encouraging tome. I have heard from Gargamuni thatyou are ordering 20,000 issues of BTGand this is very good news. Selling BTGmeans that out movement is increasingand our philosophy is being appreciated.Uttama Sloka is a very good devotee and Iam also glad to learn that he is of great assistanceto you in guiding the new devotees.He may remain there with mypermission for as long as he may like, Iknow that he is very valuable as an expertTemple manager.I have already sent Hansadutta to overseethe Germany center and help them beorganized.I am very happy to learn that you arearranging for opening another center inSan Jose. From your letter I can understandthat it will be a good start in spreadingour Krsna Conscious-[PAGE MISSING]70-2-28BostonLos Angeles14th February, 1970My Dear Sachisuta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedFebruary 4, 1970, and I am glad to learnthat you have now become steady in comparisonwith your flickering past life. Theassociation of devotees is the most importantelement in learning Krishna Consciousnessway of life. By associationwith undesirable companions we havelearned so many bad habits and similarly

1206 Letters from Srrla Prabhupcldaby association with pure persons or devoteeswe can become purified of our acquiredbad habits. So constant associationand working cooperatively with devoteesis the prime and easy method to relearnour original good habit of Krsna Consciousness.I am also very pleased to know that youare living happily with your good wife,and you are expecting a child in July. Sonow you must take especial care to raisethe new child in such a nice WHy that hewill become a pure devotee in Krsna Consciousness;that is the responsibility of theparents, to see that their child is freedfrom the clutches of Maya.It is good news that by joint agreementyou are now established as a nice KrsnaConsciousness family in Boston centerwhere you are working on the press.Please do persevere and make advancementin this Krsna Consciousness movement.In this connection, I may informyou that now we are in need of devoteeswho are very well versed in the scriptures.The means of understanding the spirit ofthe scriptures is to chant regularly sixteenrounds daily without fail and follow theregulative principles rigidly. All our studentsmust carry out these daily duties ofregular chanting without offense of tenkinds, following the regulations, andstudying our literatures, both in theweekly classes and individually, withclose attention for thorough understandingof the transcendental subject.Regarding your first question to explainthe statement of Sri lsopanisad that"even though so many complete units emanatefrom Him, He remains the completebalance." In material things there is exhaustionand in spiritual things there is noexhaustion; that is the difference betweenmatter and spirit. From one Krsna therewere 16,100 Krsnas in Dwarka, and eachKrsna is as good as the original Krsna.Just like there may be 1000 candles, andall of them light up from one original candle,but still they are of the same candlepower as the original candle. Similarly,there may be hundreds and thousands ofemanations from Krsna the Supreme, butthat does not mean that the Supreme Onehas diminished in potency, although allother emanations are equally potential.Regarding your second question, whatI said at the airport was that everything isnot your's. Everything is Krsna's; you areKrsna's. I hope this will clear the misunderstanding.If you simply chant your rounds dailyas prescribed and stick strictly to the rulesand regulations, all these questions willautomatically be ·answered by· Krsna asSupersoul . You may refer in this connectionto Bhagavad gita, (10: 10), "To thosewho are constantly devoted and worshipMe with love , I give the understanding bywhich they can come to Me." and (10: 1 1),"Out of compassion for them, I, dwellingin their hearts, destroy with the shininglamp of knowledge the darkness born ofignorance." This process of understandingby devotional service is essential fordeveloping Krsna Consciousness and youall must follow this program assiduously.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-29BostonLos Angeles15th February, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9February, 1970, and I have also receivedthe two tapes sent by separate mail.I have sent a few tapes to Bhagavandas.He sends to you his edited copies and they

FEBRUARY, 1970 1207may be made final. I want two editingsonly, just to see if there is any grammaticalor spelling mistake. Yo ur present programof two editions first by yourself andthen by Jaiadvaita is a nice arrangement.Jayadvaita has good knowledge.In this connection, I may inform youthat I have heard there is some difficultyfor working on our press. I was talkingyesterday with Gargamuni that the presswill require an investment of great amountof money to keep it going on nicely, soplease let me know what is the actual position.I understand there is some confusionabout the press working and it is also understoodthat this confusion is due to mydirection. I do not know what they meanby this. Yourself, Brahmananda, andAdvaita are appointed as three directors ofthe press, and why there should be confusionon account of me? So many thingsdaily I here from Gargamuni and he againspeaks to Brahmananda, so let me knowclearly what direction you want from mein writing.I have written to Hayagriva to send themanuscript, typed or untyped for beingsubmitted to Dia Nippon immediately. IfHayagriva does not send it immediately, Ithink the duplicate copy which is with youmay be submitted. The number of picturesto accompany the 400 pages text is52 (fifty-two) not 50 as you have written. Iwant that the manuscript and the picturesbe submitted to Dia N ippon without delay.You write very nicely, I have seen youarticles. In that way you may take out somany purports from Srimad Bhagavatamand write nice articles upon them.Yes, it certainly requires many leadersto manage the many affairs of a large scaleinstitution, so you must train up whatevermen you have got and try to manage thisway. Now we are increasing, and with theincrement we must make arrangement forcarrying on very nicely. At the same timewe should see that all the members arechanting regularly, that is our strength,and following the regulative principlesstrictly. Maya is very strong. If we do notkeep ourselves fit by chanting HareKrsna, we may fall a victim at any moment.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-30West BengalLos Angeles15th February, 1970My Dear Bapi,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad to receive your letter dated 1 February,1970.Some years ago, when I was visitingyour house, your father requested me toteach you Bhagavad Gita. I immediatelyagreed to this proposal, but later on yourfather changed his mind and he wanted towait until your education would be finished.I am very glad to learn that in themonth of May you will be finishing yourIndian educational career and you proposeto come in the States for your postgraduateeducation in engineering.So I welcome you and when you comehere you will be at liberty to stay in anyone of my preaching centers. I have gotnow twenty-six different centers in Europe,U.S.A., Canada, Japan, and Australiabeginning from Hamburg, Germanydown to Tokyo, covering about 14,000miles. Generally I stay in Los Angeles becausethe climate of this city is almost likeour Bengal.Regarding my help for your cominghere, there are three ways. You may applyfor acceptance at a university here . If youare accepted by a university, they can arrangea job for you . Then you may come

1208 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldahere by the universitys arrangment as aforeign exchange student. Second: Anotherway is that if I can show a bank balancein your favor to the extent of $12,000to $15,000 and because I am an immigrantand thus I sponsor you, you cancome here as immigrant immediately asmy relative. Now, for this bank balance,how you will arrange?Another way is if you can spend aboutRs. 25,000, you can come here at any timeas a visitor at least for six months. Whenyou come here, you can try for a suitablejob in any respectable firm or whatever youlike you may be free to move and search outwithin that period. but if you come as a visitoryou will not be allowed to work here bylaw, but by arrangement everything may bedone. So these are the three ways of gettingyou here, and whichever way you find suitablecan be arranged.You will be glad to learn that ourSamkirtan Movement in the Western worldis going on very successfully. Your fathersSpiritual Teacher, Mother Anandamayee,is ery much fond of Samkirtan. So I wishthat yur father may send us mridanga(Khol) and kartals for this great SamkirtanYajna. Mother Anandamayee has got manyrich followers, if some of them send us thiskhol and kartals for our different centersall over the world-Europe, American,Canada, Japan, Australiathen it will be agreat cooperation. I hope you will ask youfather to do this service for Lord Krsna orLord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Who fortoldthat in every city, town, and village ofthe world His Holy Name would be celebrated,and we are trying in our humbleway to spread this message.I hope this will find you in good heatlh,and thanking you once more for yourattention.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS: db70-2-31 Los Angeles16th February, 1970Sriman George Harrisonc/o Apple Record Co.LondonEnglandMy Dear George,Please accept my blessings. I am somuch obliged to you for your valued cooperationin spreading my movement ofKpma Consciousness throughout thewhole world. I beg to acknowledge receiptherewith of your contribution of$19,000 (nineteen thousand dollars) forpublication of my book, Kr$1JIJ, now goingto the press within the week.Please note that every farthing of thismoney will be employed in the service ofthe Lord, and the Lord is so kind andgrateful that He will bestow upon youbenediction at least ten times more thanthat you have done for Him. It does not,however, mean that Lord Kpma is like abusiness man, and He bestows benedictionwhen He is profited by our service.The Lord is full in Himself; He does notrequire our service, but if we render serviceunto Him in love and devotion, suchaction enriches our very existence.The example in this connection isgiven that when a man decorates his face,he does not feel much enjoyment becausehe cannot see his own face. But he enjoyshis beautiful face when it is reflected onthe mirror. In other words, when a livingentity, by rendering service to the Lord,feels happy, the Lord enjoys the situation.Under the pressure of illusory energy,especially in the age of "Kali," all the peopleof the world are unhappy; but I amsure if they take to this simple chanting ofthe Holy Name of the LordHare Kr1.1a Hare Kr1.1a Kr1.1a Kr1.1aHare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama RamaHare Hare

FEBRUARY, 1970 1209under the guidance of Lord Caitanya, certainlythey will be happy.I know that both you and John are verygood souls. Both of you are pledged to dosomething for the peace of the world. Bythe grace of Krl}a, you have already realizedto some extent about the necessityand importance of Hare Krl}a movementin the world. Similarly, if John also doesso, it will be a great event.John and his wife were very kind uponme when I was staying at Tittenhurst Parkas their guests. I always prayed for them toKrl}a for understanding this great movement.Please inform him this message onmy behalf. I have dreamt something verynice about John which I shall disclose inproper time. In the meantime, please askhim to cooperate with this movement asvou are doing, and he will be very happy.Please try to understand the philosophyof Krl}a Consciousness in a nutshell:Every living entity has a dormant propensityto love somebody other who is veryexcellent in his opinion. Everyone of ustherefore wants to love somebody else, attractedby his different varieties of opulences.Somebody loves some other eitheron account of riches, power, popularity,beauty, knowledge, or renunciation. Butthis loving propensity for somebody elseis fundamentally meant for the supremelyrich, powerful, popular, beautiful, wise,and unattached Lord Krl}a.Everyone is hankering after loving theSupreme Peronality of Godhead, but noneof them has the right information. ByKrl}a Consciousness movement we wantto broadcast this information that if anyonereposes his loving propensity uponKrl}a, he will imediately feel full satisfaction,as much as he feels full satisfactionby supplying food in the stomach.Otherwise, everyone will be frustrated.Please try to understand this simplePhilosophy by critical analysis, and I hopeby the grace of Krl}a you will be a greatservant of His in fulfilling His desire thatHe may be known by His Holy Name inevery village and every city all over theworld, and thus the people will becomehappy.Hope this will meet you in good healthand shall be very much pleased to hearfrom you.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-32HonoluluLos Angeles16th February, 1970My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated10 February, 1970, and I am very glad tolearn that you are planning to celebrate theappearance day of Lord Caitanya with anice ceremony and installation of the Deitiesat the grand opening of the New NabadwipTemple.I will be very happy to come to HawaiiNew Nabadwip for this occasion if youwill make all the necessary arrangementsfor my passage, etc.Regarding the tax exemption from theInternal Revenue Service, I understandfrom Gargamuni that it is already filed andyou may apply as a foreign incorporation inthe state of Hawaii. I have asked him to sendyou all the necessary papers in this connectionas well as an explanation of procedurefor filing for state tax exemption. I hope thisinformation has by now reached you and youwill immediately do the needful.Hope this will meet you in good health,and please convey my blessings to Govindadasiand all the boys and girls there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db

1210 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>70-2-33LondonLos Angeles16th February, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge the receipt of your very interestingletter dated 11 February, 1970.In the meantime, I have sent you one letterwhich I hope you have received by thistime.Herewith please find one cover addressedto George Harrison, and I hopeyou will deliver it with my blessings. Iam very glad that his service is effectivelyworking on him, and that is theway of realization, Kn1.1a Consciousness.The description of KT$J.la Consciousnessmovement in London gives me agreat pleasure with hope and interest.Lord Caitanya was also checked in HisSamkirtan movement by the then policeofficer, and He led a procession of onehundred thousands of men to the house ofthe Kazi. So I think Lord Caitanya is planninga situation which will help us inpushing the Kn1.18 Consciousness movementthroughout the whole world. I thereforerequest you all to chant Hare Kn1.1amantra very rigidly sixteen rounds a dayand thus be fixed up in your spiritualstrength and everything will come outsuccessful.The cover of George Harrison is open,and after reading it you can close it anddeliver it to him. So far his contribution isconcerned, I shall duly acknowledge it asI do usually in the Kr$T)a book also. Besidesthat, I wish to put his good name onthe dedication page of devotionalservice.* I would have done this in thelsopaniad, but this book was alreadyprinted. I hope you like the letter which Ihave addressed to George.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Offer my blessings to Malati, yourdaughter, Saraswati, and all other boysand girls at the Temple.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*"Nectar of Devotion"ACBS:db70-2-34Washington, D.C.Los Angeles17th February, 1970My Dear KT$1)adevi,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch pleased to read your letter dated 13February, 1970, and thank you very muchfor your appreciation. Now I see that inour society the girls are more intelligentthan the boys.The way of discussion with Dr. Staalrequires a little bit of knowledge in theshastras which is called siddhanta. In theCaitanya Caritamrta it is said that nobodyshould be neglectful of the siddhantabecause by siddhantic conclusionone becomes firm in Kr1.1a Consciousness.So these siddhantic conclusions arebeing mentioned in all my books, and theboys and girls in our Kn1.1a Societyshould now give more attention for studyingthe books very attentively. And to getthe strength, one should chant the beadssixteen rounds without fail. In this way,when the devotee is constantly engagedin Kr1.1a Consciousness, at that time,Kn;1.1a will give all intelligence fromwithin how to make steady progress inKn1.1a Consciousness.I hope in Washington center you willask all the boys and girls to follow thismethod, because henceforward we willhave to face many scholars and philosophersto stabilize our Kr1.1a Consciousnessmovement.I have received the Uher tape recorder,and Devananda will try to use the machine

FEBRUARY, 1970 1211according to Dinesh's instructions.Please convey my blessings to all theboys and girls in Washington Temple.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A . C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-35BostonLos Angeles17th February, 1970My Dear Sridama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated12 February, 1970, and I am very glad toknow that you are doing well in BostonTemple.I did not know where you were stayingand I was very much anxious about yourhealth, so I wrote to Subal and he has conveyedmy message to you. Now I am relievedto learn that your are engaged incooking and your injury is healing nicley.I am also feeling very well here in LosAngeles. Gargamuni has rented a nicehouse with a sunny compound for me, andI am being attended by two good boys,Nanda Kumar and Devananda.Hope this letter will meet you again ingood health, and thank you for your sincereservice.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-36TokyoLos Angeles17th February, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3February, 1970, and I have also receivedthe copy of the article printed in the JapanTimes Weekly. I am so glad to learn ofyour successful activities in spreadingour KrQ.a Consciousness movement inTokyo.The potency of spreading KrQ.a Consciousnessis everywhere the same. Thatwas experimented by me in your country,where I came alone without any support;and KrQ.a is so kind that He has sent meso many boys and girls like you . Lord Caitanyasaid that every village and town onthe surface of the world will know themessage of the Samkirtan movement.This very statement affirms that in everyvillage and town all over the world thereare many candidates who are awaiting thismessage.Please therefore work very seriously.Chant your daily beads regularly. Youhave got a very nice devotee wife, she willhelp you in all respects. So try to followthe footsteps of the disciplic succession,and everything will come out successful .In London there is some clashing betweenthe police and our men, but the reactionis in our favor. Probably there willbe a great agitation in this connection, andthe whole world will know automaticallythe importance of this movement.Goursundar has intended to call me atHawaii during Lord Caitanya's birthday,somewhere by the end of March 1970.Similarly, whenever you are also nicelyestablished, you may also call me and Ishall be very glad to visit your center.By the by, I may request you that youmay take quotation of our BTG for printing100,000 (one hundred thousand) copiesper month from some of the leadingprinters in Tokyo.I am happy to learn your plans for celebratingLord Caitanya's appearance day,and please make the meeting very successful.Hope this will meet you in very goodhealth. Please offer my blessings to your

1212 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidagood wife, Cintamoni, and to all the otherboys and girls there.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-37New VrindabanLos Angeles18th February, 1970My Dear Kirtanananda Maharaj ,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated 12 February,1970, along with your check for $50.,and thank you very much for this.Your touring in different places andpreaching KrI)a Consciousness is fulfillingmy dream. May KrI)a bless you onand on for being engaged in such exaltedwork. In the Bhagavad Gita, last portionof eighteenth chapter, it is said that nobodyis dearer to KrI)a than anybody onthe earth except the person who is engagedin preaching the most confidentialphilosophy of life, namely surrenderingunto KrI)a, leaving aside everything materialor spiritual.In the Vedic literature there are manyrecommended processes for spiritual realization,and Lord KrI)a says that all ofthem can be avoided and if one is simplyengaged in the transcendental loving serviceof the Lord that is the highest perfectionalplatform.There is a great future for this KrI)aConsciousness movement in every part ofthe world, and I am getting such indicationsfrom every where . So please continuethese activities by travelling on yourgood truck, assisted by some sinceredevotess like Jadunandan and others, andI am sure you will be successful in yourmission.Now I am hopeful that our New Vrindabanwill be an exact replica of Vrindabanin India. I think it was ordained byKrI)a that you went there, took yourSannyas order of life in the presence ofRupa Goswami and Jiva Goswami, andnow you have got the opportunity to execute their will. Perhaps you may rememberthat after you accepted the Sannyasorder many hundreds of people congratulatedyou, and you were looking so beautifulat that time that some of them weremurmuring that this Sannyasi is lookingexactly like Sri Caitanya. So all those utterancesare the blessings of Sri Sri RadhaDamodar Jew.So carry on this work more enthusiasticallyand you will feel more and more jubilantin transcendental bliss. So far I amconcerned, because our relationship is fatherand son, so nobody will be more satisfiedthan me by seeing your successfulpreaching work. Nobody in this worldlikes to be defeated by somebody else, butthe father when he is defeated by the sonfeels more pleasure. Therefore, I mayonce more request you to try your best toconstruct New Vrindaban an exact duplicateof Vrindaban, and that will give methe highest pleasure.Side by side, please try to introduceour books in the different university curricula,and that will be another success. Ihave information from Gargamuni thatmajor portions of my TL C are not yetsold. Of course such literatures are notmeant for ordinary public, but I am sure ifyou try to introduce in the university circle;and I have got many testimonials ofmy books and thus they can be introducedwithout any difficulty.By the by, I may inform you that youdesire me to go to New Vrindaban duringJanmastami days, and I suggested to organisea fair within our campus. Do youthink it is possible to do so within suchshort period? But if you can do so, eitherthis year or next, I am sure many peoplewill come to see such fair, and that willbe a great impetus for developing the

FEBRUARY, 1970 1213land. The most important thing is easytransport .Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever will-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S . Our Isopanisad is now published. Thisexcellent book of God-Consciousnessshould be introduced as study book forschool and college students because it isso nicely explained about God-Consciousness.Any sincere gentleman seriousabout knowing God-Consciousness mustread this book. A little education willmake every one aware what is meant byGod. It is a challenge to the atheists, agnostic,sceptics and gross materialists.Please get this book in quantities fromBoston and try to introduce it. ACBACBS:db70-2-38HamburgLos Angeles18th February, 1970My Dear Kpl).adas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14 February, 1970, along with $15. maintenancecosts, and I thank you very muchfor this.I think Hansadutta and Himavati arealready on their way to Germany. Mostprobably they will reach Germany directly;if not, they may go via London.Anyway, Hansadutta 's presence in yourcenter along with Himavati will certainlyenhance your spiritual activities. Both ofthem are sincere devotees and seniormembers. If he agrees, I think he can bemade the president because he is the seniormostamongst you. In outside SamkirtanParty he will be a first class asset, andfor Deity worship Himavati will be secondto none. So try to utilize their serviceproperly and increase the movement moreand more in Germany.Germany is a good field for expandingthis movement because practically I knowthe largest number of ' Hare Krishna Mantra'records have been sold in Germany ;and from your report it also appears thattheir response is very encouraging as youhave sold so many BTGs in one day.Regarding your jewelry engagement,you must finish the examination very satisfactorilyfirst. Things which have takenfor so long time must be terminated ingood result and the same may be offered toKrl).a. Krl}.a is ready to accept servicefrom all directions, and our !}.a Consciousnessmovement is particularly meantfor this purpose. So when you pass yourexamination, then we shall consider whatto do next.I have received the photograph of theDeities and it is very nice. Decorate thethrone with as many flowers as possible,and the columns of the throne may bewrapped with flowers and leaves if possible.Lord Caitanya's Appearance day fallson March 22, that is on a Sunday. Thedevotees should fast until evening, whenthere is a ceremony and offering of a smallamount of Ekadasee preparations. Thenext day, the devotees should celebrateamongst themselves with a small scalefeast. You may hold the celebration opento the public on the following Sunday. Thepreparation to be offered specially on thisoccasion is bhuni kichri: Fry equal partsdal and rice in ghee and messala. Add twotimes water as dal and rice, and add vegetables(if you use more ghee, use less water). Cook it until it is dried and the rice issoft.I am very glad to learn that Michaeland Henning are both very sincere boys,and Henning is an expert carpenter. Ifthey go to London to help Shyamsundarwith building the Rathayatra car, that willbe a great service. Please offer them my

1214 Letters from Srfla Pmbhupiidablessings; and the more they become enthusiasticin KrJ:Ja's service, the morethey will feel transcendental bliss and becomeadvanced in Krl)a Consciousness.It will be very nice if you can makesome jewelries for my Deities-two setsof crowns, necklaces, bangles, and earings,and a flute for Krl)a. The fluteshould be this size and on the end it shouldhave a head like this, I think you may haveseen some picture. Devananda will makesome drawings of the other jewelry andsend to you.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girls in our Hamburg center.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. Since along time I have not heard from you, but Iam glad to learn that you are doing yourduties nicely. I always remember yoursmiling face and submissive attitude. Beblessed by KrQa and be happy.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbP. S. I think that many of you may go toLondon to participate in the Rathayatrafestival there . That will be very nice.70-2-39FranceLos Angeles18th February, 1970My Dear Woomapati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14 February, 1970, and I am so much gladto note how nicely you are realizing theimportance of Krl)a Consciousnessmovement. This is Kr$1)a's grace; so worksincerely and seriously, and thus Krl)afrom within will reveal everthing confidential.Actually the whole world problemscan be solved by this movement, that is afact, but people are so much involved inMaya's activities that it takes some ti me tocome to the right conclusion. But, if ourpreaching method is carried on in order,certainly it will be very much effective. Soyou are intelligent and one of the oldestmembers in the Society, and graduallyKf$1)a is giving you better intelligencealso; and thus push on the missionary activitiesas fast as possible.I came to your country completely inhelpless condition and Kf$1)a is so kindthat He has picked up some serious studentslike you; and my only hope is thateven if I die these missionary activitieswill go on. And to keep yourself on thestandard spiritual strength, please do notneglect the sixteen rounds chanting andfollowing the regulative principles. Tryyour best, and Kf$1)a will help you in allrespects.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-40DetroitLos Angeles19th February, 1970My Dear Linda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter dated 10February, 1970, and I am very glad to notehow you are eager to understand this scienceof devotional service to Kf$1)a orKrl)a Consciousness.Regarding your questions about thedifference between the picture of Krl)aand the Deity, KrQa is equally there inboth these forms. Krl)a is so kind that heagrees to appear, for the benefit of the

FEBRUARY, 1970 1215conditioned souls, in eight different kindsof forrns. Such form is called archa or theform of the Lord manifested through materialagency as metal, earth, wood, painting,stone, jewel , drawing, and mind. Thearcha is accepted as incarnation of God,and is worshiped by regulations. Generallythe installed Deities are so worshipedand the regulative principles should bestrictly followed in regard to Them.I am very happy to learn that you arefinding the Detroit atmosphere so blissful,and actually the more you engageyourself in the sincere service of Kr!$1J.a,the more you will find yourself alwaysblissful.So far your dreams are concerned, it isvery nice that you are thinking aboutKrJ.a Consciousness even while sleeping.Kf!$l).a is so nice that we want to rememberHim even more than twenty-fourhours daily. Regarding instructions fromthe Spiritual Master, there is no need oftaking instructions spoken in dream whilethe Spiritual Master is still present. LordJagganath is very kind, and He can alsoappear in mind in His own form, so whynot in your dream.I hope that you are trying to follow theregulative principles and that both youand your husband are chanting your beadsregularly daily. These two duties are essentialfor advancement in KrJ.a Consciousness,and if they are made thecenter of our activities, then KrQ.a willbegin to answer all questions from withinhow to become further advanced in Hisloving devotional service.Please offer my blessings to your husband,Michael. Hope this will meet youboth in good health and Kf!$l).a Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-41BostonLos Angeles19th February, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated13 February, 1970.Please do not be disturbed by secondhand information. Just continue your editingas you have been doing nicely.I hope you have been receiving thetranscriptions and edited versions ofKf!$l).a tapes which I have sent to Bhagavandas. I have not received any copiesfrom him, still I have continued to sendhim tapes, and I have sent some to youalso.I am now delivering some lecturesevery Sunday at the L.A. Temple and theseries may be called 'Sinful Activities andTheir Resultant Reactions.' They will betranscribed here weekly, and sent to youfor editing.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-2-42Los Angeles19th February, 1970My Dear Suchandra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8February, 1970, and I am glad to learnthat you are trying to make your servicemore perfect, that is most encouraging tome .It is most important that our activitiesbe regular or, in other words, on a schedule.Everyone should chant his beads sixteenrounds daily without fail and followthe regulative principles strictly. These

1216 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidabasic KrJ.la Conscious duties are essentialto be performed regularly, and theywill give you the necessary strength ofspirit to keep always fixed up in devotionalservice. As soon as a devotee is regularlyengaged in this way, always engaged inKrJ.la Consciousness, KrJ.la will revealthe whole spiritual science from withinthe heart of such sincere devotee.This program of chanting and followingthe rules and regulations will give youspiritual intelligence for understandingthe Bhagavad gita and our other scripturesalso. In this connection, I think that sinceyou have some difficulty in reading ourEnglish edition of Bhagavad Gita As It Is,you can study more easily from the copiesof Mandali Bhadra's German translationsof the same. Perhaps you can assist him insome respect also by proofreading hiswork. So you may inquire from him in thisway.It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatamthat this devotional service is so powerfulthat even if a devotee occassionally fallsdown from the standard there is no loss forhim. If he is sincere, he will automaticallyrectify his error and Lord KrJ.la immediatelypurifies him from within. This isstated in the Bhagavad Gita also, that forthe devotee KrJ.la gives all protection,and there is never any loss for him. But ifone is not engaged in KrJ.la Consciousness,there is no gain for him in any positionof material life.So we must stick firmly to the chantingof the Holy Name and followingthe rules. This will keep us from beingtricked by Maya. But there is no questionof disappointment for some temporarybewilderment. We are all new and weakin this Kr1.1a Consciousness. Just as everyonein the hospital is diseased, and althoughthey are trying to become wellthere is a chance that anyone of them mayrelapse, but that does not mean that thehospital should be closed. It is now ourbusiness to struggle with Maya, andwhen we win out by KrJ.la's grace that isto regain our natural healthy life of KrJ.laConsciousness. So there is no case ofdisappointment.I am very happy to know that so manyyoung boys and girls are now becomingattracted to the Hamburg Temple. I canunderstand that there is great interest inGermany for Kr1.1a Consciousness. Socontinue to push our Samkirtan movementmore vigorously so that the peoplemay become more and more atracted bythis transcendental sound-Hare KrJ.laandthat will be the greatest service tobring them the true welfare and happinessof life .Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-43Poona, IndiaLos Angeles20th February, 1970My Dear Jagannatham Prabhu,Please accept my humble obeisances.I am so glad to receive your letter dated10 February, 1970, re-directed from myNew York center. Perhaps you are theeldest amongst us now living as disciplesof Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. You are now eightyoneyears old, and I am only seventyfour.Therefore I am your younger brotherand I shall always expect blessings fromyou.So far your son is concerned, last yearwhen I was in Los Angeles I invited yourson to come and see me; and if he comesto me, surely I shall try my best to bringhim into our line of devotional service. Iam sure if he sees me it will not be difficultto convince him about this KrJ.laConsciousness philosophy because after

FEBRUARY, 1970 1217all he is your son. I do not know hispresent address, otherwise I would havecalled him here directly. But if you askhim immediately to see me, it will be verynice. He can live with me in my personalapartment or in the Temple for as manydays as he likes. There will be no difficulty.Surely he wilJ be very much influencedby seeing our Temple activities andstreet Samkirtan movement in the city. Soplease ask him to see me immediately.So far our publication is concerned, Igive you below the names of the books andmagazines with their prices and weightsfor calculating postal charges.Srimad Bhagavatam (First Canto-3volumes) $16.00 (set of 3)-(Vol . 2 weights 22lb. 6 oz.)Bhagavad Gita As It Is (Paperback)$2.95-Bhagavad Gita As It Is (Hardback)$6.95-1llb. 3oz.Sri Isopanisad $1.00-7 1 /2 oz.Easy Journey to Other Planets$.50-3 112 oz.Teachings of Lord Chaitanya$5.99-2 lb. 112 oz.Krsna $10.00-2 lb. 15oz.Nectar of Devotion$5.95-2 H2-. 1/2oz."Back to Godhead" (magazine)$.50 ($5.00/year)-5 1/2oz.Postal rates as folJows:Air Other Articles (AO)-First 2 oz.$ .60, Each additional 2 oz.or fraction $ .30Air Parcel Post-First 4 oz. $1. 70,Each additional 4 oz orfraction $ . 80Surface-First 2 lbs. $1. 10, Eachadditional pound or fraction $.35Within the U.S.A., our price includespostal charges, but outside U.S.A. thecharges are extra. We are issueing "Backto Godhead" by numbers and not bymonth.You are so kind upon me, and as youryounger brother I shall always be readyfor your service. So please treat me asyour humble servant. Thanking you in anticipation.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-44Los Angeles20th February, 1970My Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated15 February, 1970, and noted the contentscarefulJy. My first request to you is to takefrom Mr. Goyl, the gentleman who donatedthe Sri Murties, the address of themanufacturer or supplier of the Murties. Iknow that the Murties were supplied fromJaipur, India, but I do not know the addressof the supplier. So please take itfrom him and please send it to me immediately.AIJ other points in your Jetter are completelyagreed upon by me, and pleaseexecute the program accordingly. Wemust folJow our own principles. We cango anywhere to perform the Samkirtan,but the process in which we execute theperformances should be strictly folJowed;namely first of all we chant and dance,then we deliver a short lecture on our philosophy,try to advertise our books andmagazines and selJ them, then at last weagain chant and dance and conclude themeeting by distributing Prasadum. GeneralJywe must have at least one hour timeif not more for functioning this program.So far we are concerned, every one ofus must chant the beads according to thevow and folJow the regulative principlesin alJ departments of our activities, andthis will give us spiritual strength to convincethe audience about our aims and object.Some one of us in each and every

1218 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>center must be well versed in the Shastrasso that he can meet scholars and philosophers,and if need be convince them aboutour movement and philosophy with greatstrength.I am so glad to learn that our LondonTemple decoration is being improved dayby day, and Deities have got nice dressesand ornaments .So far Ksirodaksayee is concerned, oranyone else who is newcomer, should beallowed some concession. And after sometime when he is accustomed to our principle,then we can make the screw tight. Ithink this point will be sufficient hint todeal with him.Brahmananda and Advaita have comehere yesterday, and I am giving them adviceabout our future press activities.They have already printed Isopanisad paperbookvery nicely and the price is alsovery cheap. You may ask Boston to sendyou copies for sale there in London.Please see that the French and Germanissues of BTG are published as soon aspossible. I hope Hansadutta has met youby this time, and when you go to Germanyalong with him I think he may be situatedas the president of the center being the seniormostmember. I am so glad to learnthat you expect to open another center inLondon in the hippy quarter as soon aspossible. When I was in London I went toOxford and there was a very successfulmeeting. Therefore I think Oxford will bea good center for our activities.Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girls there, and keep me informedof your futher progress. TheKr$1Ja manuscript is already handed overto Messrs . Dia Nippon Co. for printing.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-45Los Angeles21st February, 1970My Dear Daughter Manmohini,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter dated 18February, 1970, along with your beads forchanting and a pair of lovely flower garlands.Thank you very much.I have immediately offered the flowergarlands to Radha and KrQa and they areso nice looking. I am very happy to acceptyou as my disciple and I am glad to knowthat you are praying to Lord KfQa onlythat you may always remember that yourposition eternally is to serve and take shelterof His transcendental lotus feet. So Iam returning your beads duly chanted byme, and your spiritual name is ManmohiniDasi. Manmohini is another name ofRadharani and Manmohini dasi is themaidservant of Radharani. Now pleasechant Hare KrQa mantra and be sublimelyhappy.You know that as my initiated discipleyou must chant regularly sixteen roundsof beads daily and follow the four restrictions;namely no eating of meats, fish oreggs; no illicit sex life; no taking of anykinds of intoxicants; and no gambling ormental speculation. If you stick to theseprinciples and chant the Holy Nameavoiding the ten offenses in the matter ofchanting you will become steady and rapidlyadvanced in KrQa Consciousness.I am very pleased to note that you arenicely engaged in preparing Bhoga at theBoston temple and you are also going onSarilkirtan. Please study very carefully allour books and learn our philosophy withthe help of our many experienced studentsthere in Boston, and remain happy inKrQa Consciousness under the care andguidance of Sriman Satsvarupa and SrimanBrahmananda as you are their youngersister.I am enclosing herewith one sheet

FEBRUARY, 1970 1219listing the 26 qualifications of a devotee,the ten offenses to be avoided in chantingthe MahaMantra, and standard practicesfor initiated devotees.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-46LondonLos Angeles21st February, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated16 February, 1970, along with "Govindam"record. I have heard it played on arecord player and, although the machinewas not very good, still I enjoyed the transcendentalvibration very much.Regarding Yugoslavia, the communistcountry, if they are anxious for our associationwhy not take this opportunity immediately.The communists are first classdisciples of Kali; therefore our attentionshould be more upon them because oftheir serious materialistic fever. So you canmake immediately correspondence with theYugoslavian friends, and as Tarnal is goingthere very soon, he can immediatelyopen a center with the cooperation of localpeople. So, with George's recommendationletter, if somebody goes there, I amsure it will be a successful attempt. ActuallyI am very much eager to start a templein the communist country.Regarding civil-disobedience movement,I do not think there is need of it. Ourpeople have been arrested on the charge ofblocking the pedestrian path ; so if somefriends give evidence that we did not actuallyblock the way, then the case will certainlybe dismissed as you said that themembers of the public were in sympathywith us. Our people are still going withSaril.kirtan Party, so government does notprohibit us so far Saril.kirtan is concerned.Therefore, civil-disobedience on thisground would be unnecessary.But I will suggest one thing-that youcan organize a mass Sarilkirtan processionon the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya,22 March, 1970; that day is also Sunday.Therefore if George and John Lennonboth lead the procession, that will be agreat service. Because of their presencemany young men especially will join theprocession. And if you carry flags, festoons,and pictures in that procession,starting from a big park like Hyde Park orSt. James' Square and then pass over someimportant streets, especially the residentialquarters, that will be a great success. Inthat procession, you can distribute our literaturesof various kinds-books and magazinesalso. I think that will be a greatsuccessful program.I have already written a letter toGeorge and it is sent through you . In thatletter I have suggested the importance ofKn;{la Consciousness movement, so ifGeorge elaborates this idea in his forewordthat will be very nice. The suggestionsI may repeat again, that every livingentity has a dormant propensity of love forsomebody else. That is exhibited not onlyin human society, but also in the animalsociety. That love is exhibited primarily infive kinds of relationship-especially asmaster and servant, as friend and friend,as parents and children, and as lover andbeloved. This stock of love in every livingentity is dormant eternal love for Kf${1a,but because the living entity has forgottenKr{la since a very, very long time, evenbefore this creation was manifested,therefore all of us are misplacing that dormantlove in a perverted way. Thereforethere is always frustration. Even so-called'sincere' love between lover and the belovedor husband and wife or even parents

1220 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>and children are so many instances offrustration. Therefore the only remedyfor this repeated frustration of our life afterlife is revival of original KrJ:ta Consciousness.As soon as we revive that love of KrJ:tain any one of the five primary relationships,as we have constitutional aptitude,immediately we become happy. This isthe fact, but it requires little time to cometo this point by the prescribed method aswe have to undergo patiently a treatmentfor the cure of our disease. Therefore thisKrJ:ta Consciousness movement is theonly solution for all kinds of frustrationsand problems.You can give this idea to George aswell as explain your practical experienceplus his practical experience also, then anice foreword may come out. While hehas given me contribution of $19,000 forpublication of my book, Kr$TJO, I think hehas not done it foolishly. He is very intelligentboy, therefore I am sure he has alsosome practical appreciation of this KrJ:taConsciousness movement. But my abovesuggestion that if George and John leadthe procession, on Lord Caitanya's Birthday,that will be very, very nice.Rl;ga.rding the small booklet, Jaiadvaitafrom Boston has sent me two pages writingwhich I am enclosing herewith. Sowith additional alteration of this idea,plus your idea, if you write a suitable introduction,then we shall print them withsome pictures on nice paper as manycopies as you require for putting themwithin the paper covering of the records,and that will be a good introduction. Butone thing, I must warn you in this connectionthat these records are distributedamongst teenagers, therefore the languageand presentation should be suitablefor their understanding. I think youwill understand me right in this connection.So, after writing the pamphlet andif possible getting it edited amongstyourselves, you can send the copies oneto me and one to Boston for printing. Sothis is my idea, now you can work upon itas you think it fit.Yes, before your travelling aroundBritain, if these pamphlets are distributed,I am sure very easily you will be ableto sell our Kr$1Jil book. The U.S. centerswill act according to your direction withoutfail in this connection. I am expectingyour next longer letter as mentioned inyour letter under reply.Thanking you, and please convey mythanks to Malati for her nice letter. I shallreply it in due course.Regarding the court case, I am sendingherewith one news cutting how theywere released in Detroit. Regarding theexact date for celebration of RathayatraFestival, it is on the 5th July until thereturnjourney of Lord Jagganath on the14th July. BeforeRathayatra, on June 19,there is a ceremony of bathing Lord Jagganathafter which Lord Jagganath fallssick with fever from too much bathing.Then He takes rest and no one is allowedto visit, but He reappears on Rathayatraday.*Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*This ceremony you can obsere by bathinga small deity on the day participated byall devotees. But there is no need of closingthe temple for fifteen days. ACBACBS:db70-2-47 Los AngelesMy Dear Bali Mardan,22nd February, 1970Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your very encouragingletter dated 18 February, 1970, and

FEBRUARY, 1970 1221I have noted the contents carefully. It isalso very much pleasing that you haveliked the company of Upendra, and bothof you combined together will surelycarry successfully our Australian Yatra.I am very much pleased with your behaviorin the matter of progressing ourKrJ:ta Consciousness movement. Youtook up very seriously my desire for openinga center in Australia, and you volunteeredto take up the responsibility. So allthese things are very much encouraging.In our Krsna Consciousness movementthe first qualification required by thedevotees is enthusiasm. Then work it outpatiently and with conviction that it willsurely be done. But at the same time wemust be very, very strict in following theregulative principles and completing thesixteen rounds chanting. Our dealingsshould be very clear with others and wemust always keep company with devotees.Please do not hesitate to write me atleast once fortnightly so that I may be keptinformed of the activities.Upendra said that the Australian publicdoes a great deal of reading and there isgood chance for selling our magazinesand books. Immediately after publication,in L.A. they are selling Isopanisadup to 40 copies per day. Perhaps because itis only paperback. Henceforth we shall issuemany such books with pictures on thecovers. Upendra has seen it, and if youlike, send orders to Brahmananda immediatelyfor dispatch from Boston.You are doing so much for fulfilling thedesire of my Spiritual Master so you areindirectly the representative of my GuruMaharaj . He has been helping me in thismatter by sending so many young boysand girls, otherwise who would help mein this mission while I came here emptyhanded and without any friend. I can onlypray to KrJ:ta to take care of you, other­Wise I cannot repay your sincere service inmy mission.Please offer my blessings to Upendra,and I am awaiting to hear from you again.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-2-48Washington, D.C.Los Angeles22nd February, 1970My Dear Damodara,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated15 February, 1970, along with a check$15.00 for my maintenance account.Thank you very much for it.I am very pleased to learn how thingsare going on very well in Washingtoncenter and that you are nicely celebratingthe various Advent days of our great Acliryas. But I am especially glad to know ofyour very successful work amongst thestudents. This is very encouraging to me.I know that the young people of yourcountry are all eager to take up this KpQaConsciousness movement, simply wemust sincerely present our program tothem in such a nice way by chanting HareKrJ:ta, dancing, speaking somethingabout our philosophy, advertizing andselling our literatures, and distributingPrasadum.In this connection, I may inform youthat in order to maintain our status ofspiritual strength, everyone of us mustvery rigidly chant daily sixteen roundswithout fail and follow the regulative principlesstrictly. This is essential for understandingour philosophy clearly and forbeing able to impress KrQa Consciousnessin the hearts of others; so our sincerityin this respect is most important,and all such duties should be observedregularly by everyone. I hope that you will

1222 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidasee that all the boys and girls there are followingthis process, and studying our literaturescarefully.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and please convey my blessings toall the devotees of Washington center.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbConsciousness. I hope this will meet youin good health.Please inform Satsvarupa that I havereceived his letter. I have consulted withBrahmananda, and I think things are goingon nicely.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-49BostonLos Angeles22nd February, 1970BostonLos Angeles22nd February, 1970My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated18 February, 1970, along with one sheetenclosure, and I am very much pleasedwith your work. The minor mistake whichyou committed on the first verse of IsopanisadI marked, but I ignore it as veryinsignificant. I am very glad to know thatyou are so much repentent even for this insignificantmistake, and that will push youforward further in KrQ.a Consciousness.Please be happy and work on with steadyand firm determination.I have read the transliteration of BhagavadGita verses, but I think you have todo it very carefully because there aresome mistakes in some of the verses. But Iam sure in your next reading they will beall corrected.So your next compositions shall beBhagavad Gita As It Is , revised and enlargededition. Please do it nicely.Your attempt to work on BrahmaSamhita is very nice, do it carefully. Regardingthe first chapter, eighth verse: themanuscript is correct "Saumadattis tathaivaca." I have compared the text withGita Press edition as well as BaladevVidyavhusan's edition.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Arundutti, and be happy in KpQ.aMy Dear Rukmini,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your gift of Lugloo Mahaprasadumand the enclosed kind notefrom you, and I thank you very much forthese. I have immediately tasted theselugloos, * and I can understand also howyou are happily advancing in the serviceof Lord KrQ.a, they are prepared sonicely.I am so happy to know that you arefinding KrQ.a Consciousness to be thesweetest thing in life, and actually it is so.Please continue your good service attitudemore and more and be certain tochant daily the sixteen rounds of beadsduly, and KpQ.a will surely bless you withbetter and better intelligence for advancingyour KrQ.a Consciousness. Always besincere and eager to perform your dutiesalloted by the Lord to you and be successfuland joyful in your life.Thanking you once more, and hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. So far sending these offerings afterfirst offering them to Lord Jagganath andSri Sri Radha KrQ.a, that is alright.ACBS:db*This is Luddu.

FEBRUARY, 1970 122370-2-51BoulderLos Angeles23rd February, 1970My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated1 7 February, 1970, and I have noted thecontents. I enquired about your temple'sfinancial condition just to know if youare doing well without any difficulty,there was no other cause for this enquiry.I am very glad to learn that three newboys have joined with you and are livingat the temple. These new boys should betaken care of very nicely. We should alwaysremember that we are in the kingdomof Maya and her influence is verystrong. So, unless we are very, verycareful in our dealings, there is alwayschance of falling down. Please thereforechant regularly the sixteen rounds beadsand follow the regulative principles; andteach the new boys by practical example,and try to preach Samkirtan as far as possible.We have our new book, 'Isopanisad,'published. It is very attractive and instructivealso. Try to get them from Bostoncenter.I am very glad that your good wife isnow for some time taking example of devotionalservice from Silavati and othersin our Los Angeles temple. The programhere in the L.A. temple is very nice and Iam sure she will benefit from such goodassociation in Krl}a Consciousness.Please offer my blessings to Dinabanhu,Neal , and all the others there inBoulder center. I hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-52Los Angeles23rd February, 1970My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14 February, 1970, and have noted thecontents carefully. I am very glad to knowthat you have sent the final manuscript ofKS/IIA book to Brahmananda and that itnow reads very well. Thank you very much.Regarding the chapter end tags, thatinformation has already been sent to youwith my last letter.It is correct that Nanda, Krl}a, the gopas,gopis, etc . left Gokula to move toVrindaban. There is no discrepancy becausethe whole area of Mathura is knownas Vrindaban. Every place there is knownas V rindaban, but there are differentquarters .Some of the Gopis were detatined, notallowed to go to Krl}a, we accept that theGopis danced with Krl}a anyway, andthey went in their spiritual body. Whateverwas detained was material body.Regarding the speeches of Brahma andNagapatni to Krl?l}a, that is not their quoting,that is my quoting-therefore it iscalled the Bhaktivedanta purport. But it isnot incompatible, as you have suggested,because the Ghagavad Gita existed longbefore.Regarding your change of the title to"Kamsa Begins His Persecutions," it isalright. I am enclosing herewith a prefacewhich I have written for the Km'.la book.Please edit it nicely and send one copy ofthe edited version back to me, and anotherto Brahmananda for printing.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db

1224 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida70-2-53 Los Angeles23rd February, 197070-2-54DetroitLos Angeles24th February, 1970My Dear Shama Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I begto acknowledge receipt of your letterdated 19 February, 1970, with your embroiderywork on my Guru Maharaj 'spicture.Women are by nature endowed withmany artistic tendencies, and from theVedic age we find that high grade womenand girls were highly qualified in sixtyfourarts. Srimati Radharani was fullyqualified in those arts, and therefore, byHer super-excellent transcendental qualities,she could charm Kr1.1a who is thecharmer of the three worlds. One of thePrincipal Gopis was Shyamadasi, and youare supposed to follow the footsteps ofShamadasi.I am very much pleased to note thatyou are feeling happiness in Kr1.1a Consciousnessactivities along with yourgood husband. Please remain in thatspirit and chant Hare KrHla sixteenrounds regularly, both husband andwife, and develop New Vrindaban.Next summer if you hold Janmastamigorgeously, as I have already suggestedto Kirtanananda Maharaj , surely I shallgo there .Please ask Hayagriva Prabhu to finishthe Bhagavad Gitii As It Is with full explanationand text, and as soon as it is finishedI shall send you some new tapeswhich you shall work husband and wifeconjointly and you will be very pleased.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbMy Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 22 February,1970, with recommendation for initiatingJeanne Clausen. I have immediatelychanted the beads and sent them enclosedherewith by Air Mail. Devananda will informyou of this matter by phone tonightafter 9:00 p.m. So there will be no difficulty.I have all my blessings for the girl forbeing married to Nara Nayaran, for whomI was very much anxious to get him a goodwife. So I have full sanction for his marriage,and you can perform the ceremonyon my behalf. I am sure under your carethey will be trained as good husband andwife, following your example, and behappy in life in Kr1,1a Consciousness.I am enclosing the beads with flowersof my blessings for Nara Narayan andDinadayadri Dasi on the occasion of theirmarriage. The spiritual name of the girl isDinadayadri Dasi. Dinadayadra is Kr1,1a,and Dinadayadri is Radharani. So DinadayadriDasi means the servant of SrimatiRadharani and Lord Kr1,1a.Hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-55Scindia HouseNew DelhiLos Angeles24th February, 1970My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I beg to remindherewith of my letter dated February2, 1970, in which everything was clearly

FEBRUARY, 1970 1225described. In your letter dated January24, you informed me that two pairs ofMurties were to be received by the 5th offebruary, but I have not heard anythingwhether any one of the pairs has alreadybeen dispatched.Along with my reply I forwarded acopy of the letter to Srimati SumatiMorarjee, and I do not know what is theresult. Anyway, if you have not receivedany reply from Scindia Navagation, thereis no need of waiting.So kindly englighten me what is thesituation.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-56LondonLos Angeles25th February, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated22 February, 1970, and noted the contentscarefully.In the meantime I have posted anotherletter in which I have given hints howGeorge can write the foreword. I want thathe may write the foreword by his personalexperience, otherwise, I could write onefor him if he so desires.Regarding authorized songs, you mayinform George that authorized songsmeans the songs which were sung or composedby self-realized Acaryas. It is an injunctionin the Vaisnava regulations thatunauthorized songs or statements shouldnever be heard. The comparison is giventhat milk, although very nutritious food,if it is touched by the tongue of a seprent,it acts like poison. So I am giving herewitha few lines of authorized songs whichYou may deliver to George. They are asfollows:I . Hare KrJ.la Hare Kr1.1a Kr1.1a KrJ.laHare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama HareHare2. Hari Haraye Namah Kp;I)a YiidavayaNamahYiidavaya Madhavaya Kesavaya Namah3 . Kr1.1a Kr1.1a Kr1.1a Kr1.1a Kr1.1a KpJ.laKr1.1a HayKrJ.la Kr1.1a Kp;;J.la Kr1.1a KrJ.la KrJ.laKr1.1a HayKrJ.la Kr1.1a Kr1.1a KrJ.la Kp;;1.1a Kr1.1aRaksa mathKr1.1a KrJ.la Kr1.1a KrJ.la Kr1.1a Kr1.1aPiihi mathKrJ.la Kesava KrJ.la Kesava Krl.la KesavaRaksa mathRama Raghava Rama Raghava RamaRaghava Piihi mathSo these songs were sung by Lord CaitanyaHirr elf, therefore they are the mostauthoriz- songs.I am very glad to learn that he hasgiven up composing nonsense songs, it isa great advancement of his spiritual life.But as he has got the aptitude for writingsongs, I shall be very glad to give himmany such themes of songs on which hecan write in his own language and expression.I am giving below one theme:"My Dear Lord, I have simply wastedmy privileges of human form of life. Thislife was meant for understanding Kr1.1aConsciouness and the pastimes of LordKr1.1a with Radharani, but I did not takecare of this important business of life.Therefore I have not only wasted myvaluable time, but also I have willinglydrunk poison for committing suicide. Myheart is always in blazing fire because ofmy association with material sense enjoyment,and I did not fix up my mind in theKr1.1a Consciousness movement which isimported directly from the Kingdom ofGod. This Krl.la Consciousness movementis inaugurated by Lord Caitanya and

1226 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Lord Nityananda Who are Kn1.1a and Balaramarespectively. They have descendedvery kindly to reclaim all fallensouls of this age of whom the typical examplesare the two brothers Jagiii andMiidhiii. Now, forgetting all mistakesthat I have committed in my past life, Ihumbly surrender unto You, my LordKr1.1a the Son of Nanda Maharaj , andalso to Srimati Radharani the daughterof king Vrisabhanu. So both of You arepresent together, and I fully surrenderunto You. Please do not reject me as Ihave no other shelter except Yourselves."Perhaps you have heard, and Georgehas also heard, my song on this theme,"Hari Hari bifale janama gnoyiiinu . . ."So if George can compose a nice song inhis own words, and sings, I am sure it willbe an epoch making incidence. There aremany hundreds of thousands of suchthemes, and if he wants to introduce suchsongs propitious for pushing Kr1.1a Consciousnessmovement, that will be verynice.The transcendental vibration OM isalso authorized, but is specifically sungby the impersonalists. Although there isno incongruity, still because we arepreaching the personal feature of God, weshall not chant Hari Om.Regarding the castle which George hasacquired, certainly it can be turned to anice Kn1.1a Consciousness ashram, andyou can help him your best in the samepattern as you have developed our 7 BuryPlace. But I do not know whether Georgewill like to install Radha Kn>J.la Murties inthat ashram. In case he likes to do so, thenyou and your wife, Malati, will have totake care of the Deities as nicely as possible.I do not know in which way Georgewants to conduct this ashram, and onhearing from you further on this subject, Ican give you nice plans. Our general planis always the same-chanting, dancingand distributing Prasadum. This programcan be reduced or enhanced according toone's financial equipment. If George isactually prepared to spend 50% of his income,and thus become a typical exampleto other European householders, then Ishall be able to give him a plan for organizingthis ashram so much so that it willbe very, very attractive to everyone.As you say that George wants to invitefamous people from all over the world tocome there and get KrJ.la Consciousness,in that case, we shall cooperate with himwith full vigor. And if George believes inmy potency to spread God-consciousness,then it will be a full program of cooperation.So I am glad that you are going toParis, and just ty to find out a suitableplace for our temple there. RegardingKr$f.Ul book, our printing cost will be$2.00 per book, so we have no objection ifyou can sell at $6.00 per copy. But herethe opinion is that such a nice book withso many pictures, priced at $10.00 is verycheap. So I think if we keep the price$8.00 that will be nice. And so far sellingin Europe by yourself, we can discountthe price up to 40 % and you can sell inyour own way. But how it will be possiblethat the price is printed $8.00 here and$6.00 in Europe? That will be very muchcontradictory. Another process is to pastea small label for the European equivalentof $6 .00 over the printed price of $8.00.Regarding Mayapur center, when thebuilding will be constructed there, probablyyour valuable service will be required.Let us hope for that auspicious moment.Yes, I am sure that when George takesseriously into KrJ.la Consciousness, hewill do many things desirable out of hisown accord, because Krsna is sitting ineveryone's heart and thus when a devoteeis willing to serve, He gives dictationfrom within. So when George will helpestablish temples, it will be a greatachievement.

FEBRUARY, 1970 1227I have already acknowldged that the"Govindam" record is very nice, and Iam sure it will be appreciated. Devanandaalso has liked it and says that the soundwill be very attractive to the young peopleespecially.Regarding the presentation of "Govindam"as well as other mantras, the vibrationis always pure. I will give the themeand if the sound is Westernized that doesnot matter. But another point is that thisspecific sound of Kirtan as I sing is alsoanother introduction of art that can beintermingled with Western art, and suchcombination will certainly be appreciated.But so far I know that the Kirtantune is a specific presentation of GaudiyaVaisnavas and this tune is appreciated allover India as unique. They say that theKirtan tune is the specific gift of Bengal,and that is a fact. So why not utilize thistune in the Western countries under theable guidance of such expert musician asGeorge?If you arrange, I will certainly comeduring Rathayatra. You will have to arrangefor passages for at least two men,coming and going.I am very glad to learn about the activitiesof your nice daughter. I am sure shewill be a great devotee and great preacheralso in future . I want that on this Krr:taculture the whole world can be united.Our Caitanya Almanac is being published. In the meantime, I am sending youone sheet. Keep it carefully for guidance.I think it is better to keep it with Ya munabecause she is in charge of Deityworship.*Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*I have received one letter from Ya munaand she requires the list.ACBS:db70-2-57DetroitLos Angeles26th February, 1970My Dear Dinadayadri,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 22 February,1970, together with your beads andrecommendation from Sriman Bhagavandasfor your initiation.I am very glad to accept you as my initiateddisciple, and I have already returnedyour beads duly chanted upon byme. Your spiritual name is DinadayadriDasi. Please be very careful to follow thefour basic restrictive principles of no eatingof meat, fish or eggs, no taking of anykind of intoxicants, no illicit sex-life, andno gambling or mental speculations. Alwayschant at least sixteen rounds of beadsdaily without fail, and be happy in Krr:taConsciousness life.I am very happy to know that you are tobe married with Sriman Nara Narayanand this is very nice. Both of you pleaseaccept my full blessings and sanction foryour marriage. Work together for yourmutual advancement in Krr:ta's serviceand be increasingly joyful in your Krr:taConsciousness life. This is my desire .Please take continued guidance fromBhagavandas and from your good husbandand from other senior devotees andlearn our philosophy very nicely.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-58HonoluluLos Angeles26th Februrary, 1970My Dear Gousundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg to

1228 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptldaacknowledge receipt of your letter dated24 February, 1970, together with your airflight ticket. So far Devananda is concerned,he must accompany me. TwoBrahmacaries, Devananda and NandaKumar, are attending me 24 hours in somany ways, so ifl go to Hawaii at least oneof them must go with me.Another thing has developed in themeantime, that we have made contract topurchase a nice church here, costing$225,000; and the down payment has tobe made $50,000 within the month ofMarch. So there is a great strain to collectthis $50,000 from many sources includingfrom my book fund. Therefore, even ifI go to Hawaii, I will have to come backwithin a week because in my absence thetransaction for purchasing the house maysuffer.Under the circumstances, why don'tyou postpone for a future date when themango season will be current. I do notthink it is advisable in this stage to spendabout $300 for a short period for our goingand coming back. So I hope you willconsider the present situation and let meknow what is your decision.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-59Sri Gaudiya MathNew Delhi, IndiaLos Angeles27th February, 1970Revered Sripad Aranya Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to acknowledge receipt of your kindletter dated 17 February, 1970, and I amso much encouraged by your kind appreciationof my humble activities in theWestern countries.Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 's foretellingthat in every city and village on the surfaceof the globe His Holy Name will beknown, is now coming to be true by HisWill; and there is nothing wonderful becauseit was the desire of the SupremePersonality of Godhead. I am just tryingto follow the instructions to my best capacityunder the guidance of His DivineGrace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta SarasvatiGoswami Prabhupad, and things are comingnicely.At the present moment the preaching\\Urk is going on from Hamburg to Tokyo,crossing over the two big oceans, Atlanticand Pacific, covering 14,000 miles on theNorthern side and again from Tokyo toSydney, Australia, covering another 5,000miles. I am enclosing herewith a newspaperclipping published in Sydney, and youwill appreciate very much how SrimanBali Mardan Brahmacary, who is a graduateof the New York University, is nicely\\Urking there since the last fortnight. Inthe meantime, I have sent another assistant,Sriman Upendra das Adhikary, to assisthim.In the beginning of my preaching workin the Western countries, I thought thatsome of our men from India should comehere because I came here alone, singlehanded, without any men or money. Bythe Grace of Lord Caitanya the young boysand girls enthusiastically joined me whileI was chanting Hare KJJ.a Mantra in thepublic parks. In this way, the whole Societyhas been organized and incorporatedunder Religious and Societies Act in differentcountries like U.S.A., England,Canada, etc., and things are improvingslowly but surely.Outside our Society, people are appreciatingour movement gradually, and youwill be pleased to know that they are alsocontributing for various activities of theSociety. Perhaps you have heard the name

FEBRUARY, 1970 1229of George Harrison, the celebrated musicianof England. He has contributednearly about two lakhs of rupees, the entirecost of publishing the first part of myboOk, KQ.Sl:JA . Similarly, just the day beforeyesterday, one boy has contributed15,000 rupees for my book fund. We havegot in many places our own buildings, justlike in Boston where we have got our ownpress, ISKCON Press, in Buffalo, in Detroit,and just yesterday, on the AdventDay of Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> Bhakti SiddhantaSaraswati Thakur, we have completedthe negotiation for purchasing a bigchurch property worth 20 lakhs of rupees .I am very glad to Jearn that althoughyou are 60 years old, you are enthusiasticto help me in this great preaching work.Of course, in spiritual activities there isno barring even in old age because I amalso 74 years old but still working by theGrace of Lord Knwa. If you want to helpme , there is great need of your valued service.To get you here in the States would immediatelyrequire about 12,000 rupeesminimum because if we sponsor you tocome here, we have to send you a returnticket by Air, and there are other expendituresalso. You have stated in your Jetterthat I will have to arrange for your cominghere, so immediately the Society will notbe willing to spend so much money outrightwithout knowing how you shall beutilized for our Society's work.But even in India, as proposed by you,you can enroll some subscribers for ourpublications as you say in your letter thatthere is great possibility for this work.Another work is that we require manyfirst class mridangas and kartalas andRadha KrI)a Murties either from Vrindaban(brass) or Jaipur (marble), and I shallbe glad to know if you can help us in thisrespect. In the meantime, I am advised todispatch two copies of "Back to Godhead"by Air Mail Post to your present addressin New Delhi. Please try for it NewDelhi because it is the place where onlyeducated and enlightened Indians arestaying in hundreds and thousands, and Ithink if you work steadily, it will be possibleto enroll many thousands of subscribers.So in your next Jetter if youkindly let me know how you can help mein the above mentioned suggested program,we shall think of our future activities.Sriman Jaya Govinda Das is now inHamburg, Germany, in charge of ourGerman publication department (Magazinesand Books), and Sriman AchyutanandaBrahmacary is still in India and istrying to develop a center at SridhamMayapur. At the end , I may inform youthat the American boys and girls are wonderful, and they are cooperating with mewith great sincerity and thus KrI)a isblessing them with advanced KrI)a Consciousness.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and awaiting your early reply.Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-60TorontoLos Angeles27th February, 1970My Dear Jagadisha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21 February, 1970, and have noted thecontents carefully.I am glad to learn that after deliberationbetween Jayapataka and Raktak, youhave been asked to become the presidentof Toronto temple. The idea is that whoeveris competent to manage affairs willaccept the post of president by mutualconsent. Our main business is to be fixedup in KrI)a Consciousness by keeping

1230 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>steady in the prescribed duties of devotionalservice. So I have got all approvalfor your being elected president; that isnice.I am also glad to learn that already youhave got a temple and enthusiastic and eagerdevotees there. This is very encouraging.Please push our Samkirtan movementand improve the program of Deity worshipas the centers of your activities, andsee that all the devotees remain steady intheir execution of daily chanting of sixteenrounds of beads and strict adherenceto the four principles of spiritual life andall other regulative principles, this willkeep them strong in Spiritual power. Andyou may note that when these regulativeduties are performed, and the devotee becomesfully absorbed in KrHla activities,Kr1.1a as Super-soul will dictate fromwithin the answers to all questions andwill give the needed intelligence to progressmore and more in Kr1.1a Consciousness.Please see that the program for studyingour literatures is also undertaken veryseriously by all the devotees there. Everyoneof us must become thoroughly acquaintedwith our philosophy, so that ourpreaching work may be carried out nicely.There is no harm if the devotees chantin the temple during the time when theDeities are resting. You may have heardthat here at L.A. Temple, they are holdingKirtan and chanting 24 hours in thetemple, and the program is very encouragingto all the devotees. Of course, that isonly possible in a very large center suchas L.A.Regarding what to do with the eyeswhile on Samkirtan, your suggestion tolook into the faces of people and try toconvince them of the sincerity of ourmovement is best. There is no need of artificialthings like seeing the spirit soul. Wetalk, and we talk on Krsna topics-that isall. When we chant, we must concentrateour mind on the sound vibration and inthat way everything will be revealed oneafter another; the form, qualities, pastimes,etc. ofthe Lord. And this is the wayof cultivating spiritual realization.Regarding your questions concerningthe spirit souls falling into Maya's influence,it is not that those who have developeda passive relationship with Kr1.1a aremore likely to fall into nescient activities.Usually anyone who has developed his relationshipwith Kr1.1a does not fall downin any circumstance, but because the independenceis always there, the soul mayfall down from any position or any relationshipby misusing his independence.But his relationship with Kr1.1a is neverlost, simply it is forgotten by the influenceof Maya, so it may be regained or revivedby the process of hearing the Holy Nameof Kr1.1a and then the devotee engageshimself in the service of the Lord which ishis original or constitutional position.The relationship of the living entity withKr1.1a is eternal as both Kr1.1a and the livingentity are eternal; the process is one ofrevival only, nothing new.Astanga Yoga is better than KarmaYoga and Jnana Yoga is on the level of AstangaYoga. But the Bhakti Yoga is the ultimategoal of all Yogas. In other words,Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and AstangaYoga by proper execution culminate inBhakti Yoga. So far yogis who meditate onthe Paramatma form of the Lord withintheir hearts, if they see Him in that wayactually they become pure devotees, but ifthey do not perfect the process they mayremain on the lower level of incompleterealization or Paramatma realization.I am happy to Jearn that your Samkirtanparty is very successful . If you havesome extra money, you can contribute tothe book fund because I am contributingto purchase a large church here to the extentof 20,000 dollars; and try to send themaintenance charges to me regularly.

FEBRUARY, 1970 1231Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Laxmimoni, and to all the otherboys and girls there in Toronto center.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-61Los Angeles28th February, 1970AgentBank of Baroda86 Chandni Chowk BranchMohan MansionDelhi-6, IndiaDear Sir:Re : My savings bank account No. 1452With reference to your letter No. FEX.22/-277, I beg to inform you that yourCalcutta office denies to have receivedany amount from your transfer of Rs.6, 000 as per your debit note dated 22. 1. 70.Their letter Number is SB/34/ 1 109, dated18 February, 1970.Kindly enlighten me immediately whythey have denied to have received themoney from you. Please treat this as urgent,and oblige.Thanking you in anticipation of anearly reply.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-62Los Angeles28th Februrary, 1970ManagerBank of BarodaIndia Exchange BranchBox 313Calcutta- !, IndiaDear Sir:Re: My savings bank account No. 29/ 12802I beg to thank you for your letternumber SB/3411109, dated 18 February,1970. Please let me know how thecertificates should be duly dischargedby rne .If there is any discharge form, pleasesend it to me, which I shall fill up andreturn.Regarding transfer of Rs. 6,000 fromyour Delhi Branch, I have got already adebit note from your Chandni ChowkBranch, Delhi, dated 22 January, 1970,and I am surprised that you write to say,even after a month, that the amount hasnot been received by you.I do not know how things are beingmanaged in this way. Kindly let me know,therefore, immediately what is the fate ofthis Rs. 6,000 transferred from yourDelhi Chandni Chowk Branch.Awaiting your early reply, and thankingyou in anticipation.Yours faithfully,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-63 Los Angeles28th February, 1970My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter No.DJT/, dated 21 February, 1970. In themeantime, I have sent you one reminderdated 24 February, 1970, in this connection.So as advised previously, I mayagain repeat the same that if ScindiaSteam Navigation Co. has not as yet repliedmy letter or your letter, then theMurties should be dispatched without delayby other freighters through the shippingagents Messrs. Cox and Kings. Ishall arrange for clearing the goods at thedestination.I may once more give the following listfor dispatch of the Murties, and please

1232 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidanote the corrected Boston address.1 pair of Murties toISKCON Temple38 North Beacon StreetBoston, Massachusetts 02134 U.S.A.1 Pair of MurtiesISKCON Temple3720 Park AvenueMonteal l8, Quebec Canada3 Pairs of Murties toISKCON Temple1975 South La Cienega Blvd.Los Angeles, California 90034 U.S.A.I hope by this time Syt. J. Dalmia hascome back from South India. I am sendingby separate air mail one copy of mynew publication, Sri lsopanisad, as mycomplimentary present to Sethji. Pleaseacknowledge receipt.By the by, I may inform you that werequire many pairs of Deities, but theVrindaban manufacturer, Ramnath murtikar,is very slow. Under the circumstances,I would prefer ready mademarble Murties from Jaipur. One gentleman,Mr. Goy!, donated our LondonDeities-42 inches high KrQa andRadharani proportionately shorter. Thephotograph of London Murti is sent herewith.Will you kindly take the trouble tofind out someone in Jaipur who can supplyus such Murties regularly.So I shall be glad to hear from youin this connection. Thanking you inanticipation.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. We have sent our representative toAustralia, one Brahmacary and onehouseholder, for preaching work, and thefirst installment of newspaper cutting issent herewith. Please present it to Sethji.A.C.B.70-2-64ManagerPunjab National Bank, Ltd .P. O. VrindabanDistrict Mathura, U.P.IndiaLos Angeles28th February, 1970Dear Sir:Re : My savings fund account No. 29 13with youReplying your letter No. 464 dated 2February, 1970, addressed to my LondonTemple and now re-directed to mehere, I beg to inform you that when youreceived Rs. 33, 705 .86 I submitted anote of purpose in which it was statedthat the money was meant for purchasingbooks and securing a small piece ofland . You may find out this note in ourfile.So out of this money immediately aconsignment of books worth Rs. 13,000and odds was sent to U.S.A., and thenagain these eight cases under referencewere sent. So there is no more balance ofbooks to be received against this amountof Rs. 33,705.86. There is no more pendingorder.Now I beg to draw your attention to myletter dated 13 January, 1970, in which Irequested you to transfer Rs. 5,500 toyour Calcutta Branch at Brabourne Roadfor credit of my savings fund account No.2595. I have not heard anything eitherfrom you or your Calcutta office. Pleaselet me know what is the fate of my instructionin this connection. Also kindly let meknow what is the balance in my account atpresent.Thanking you in anticipation of anearly reply.Yo urs sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

MARCH, 1970 123370-2-65ManagerPunj ab National BankBrabourne Road BranchCalcutta- 1, IndiaLos Angeles28th February, 1970Dear Sir:Re : My savings fund account No.2595I beg to inform you that on 13 January,1970, I advised your Vrindaban Branchto transfer Rs. 5,500 from my accountthere to my account with you as abovementioned.Kindly let me know if you have receivedthe money and credited it to myabove account. Also please let me knowwhat is the present balance.Thanking you in anticipation of anearly reply.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-2-66BostonLos Angeles28th February, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am justnow in receipt of five tapes collected fromDetroit. So I think all the tapes that weresent to Detroit and Boston are now withinyour jurisdiction. In the meantime, I alsosent you L.A. Tapes #12, 13, and 16, andtoday I am sending #17. This means allthe tapes recorded in L.A. are now in yourcustody. So instead of sending tapes any­Where else, the tapes will go regularly toBoston.Now what I want is that one tape in twodays must be finished for being composed.This does not mean that one tapehas to be finished so quickly, but the arrangementshould be made in such a waythat after some time the process will produceat least fifteen tapes completely inone month or 30 days. The process shouldbe in the same way as I have suggested forpainting of the pictures. The process islike this:Suppose on Monday you receive thetape number 17, let it be transcribed intwo days by someone "A ." Then in thenext two days (days 3 and 4) someone"B" edits it. Then in the next two days(days 5 and 6) another "C" edits it for thesecond time. Then Mr. "D" gives it thediacritical marks, and then it is ready forcomposing.With diacritical marks, one copyshould come to me for my record . Theidea is that this #17 tape takes 7 days tothe point of composition. In the meantime,tape #18 is coming into the processjust in the same order. So I receivethe final copy of tape # 18 just 2 daysafter receiving tape #17 copy. If youfollow this process, then ultimatelywe shall be finishing one tape in twodays.Now, if we finish 15 tapes in a month,it comes to near about 300 pages permonth . Therefore , very safely we cancalculate that every 2 months we producea book. Or, in other words, in every yearwe produce 6 books. We wish to print atleast sixty books, so it will take tenyears. So if you go on under this process,then at least we can hope to finish 60books by that time. And the time allowedis quite reasonable.I have talked already about this withBrahmananda, and he says that it will bedone. Anyway try to process the work inthe above way and let me know how far itis feasible.

MARCH70-3-1DetroitLos Angeles2nd March, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21 February, 1970, together with theedited copies of KRSA .. I like your editingvery much, you have done it verynicely. I have also received the tapeswhich you sent to Satsvarupa for rerecording,that is a good program. But wehave experienced some difficulties insending tapes to several centers, andtherefore we have now agreed to make theprocess central by forwarding all tapes toBoston for complete processing there accordingto a regular schedule.The personal form of Maya is Durgaand her different extensions like BhadraKali, Chandica, etc . In the Brahma Samhitait is described that she is all powerfulin this material world, but she acts asshadow of Govinda. In Bhagavad Gitaalso she is described as assistant in thematerial affairs . The direction is from theLord, and she executes His will. As such,when a devotee is fully surrendered toKrQa, Maya does not disturb him anymore, under the direction of the Lord. SoKrQa is always Supreme.The pradhana is the ingredient part ofmaterial energy. Ye s, the Maya is coveringall the material energies. Therefore onewho is materially advanced, covered withriches, covered with learning, coveredWith fame or covered with any materialopulences, is understood to be coveredWith Maya. Srila Bhaktivinode says, jadavidya saba nu'lydr baibhava "the materialopulences are expansions of Maya's influence."As such, according to Vedic process,one voluntarily renounces the materialopulences.The Goswamis left their governmentservice, and there are many other instances.Bharat Maharaj left his kingdomand Lord Buddha left his kingdom-theseare all different attempts to get out of Maya'sinfluence. But our philosophy is thatthings employed in KrQa 's service haveno more influence of Maya. Therefore itis called cinmoya or spiritual; spiritualmeans complete knowledge. One who canfollow the instructions of Isopanisad canunderstand that nothing belongs to Maya,but everything belongs to KrQa. Thisknowledge is KrQa Consciousness. Regardingthe end of devotees of Lord JesusChrist, they can go to heaven, that is all .That is a planet in the materal world. Adevotee of Lord Jesus Christ is one who isstrictly following the ten commandments.Now just like in the commandment "Thoushalt not Kill" this is a moral instructionfor the sinful man. Similarly Lord Buddhaalso emphasized ahimsa paramadharma"the highest religion is non-violence." Sothese instructions are for the sinful men.When one is pious, instead of being sinful,he is promoted to the higher planetarysystems like Janaloka , Mahaloka, or Tapalokaand they are above the planetSvargaloka . So persons who are cleansedof sinful life become eligible for spirituallife. From the instructions of Lord JesusChrist we find that the stress is given tomake men free from inful life-such as"Thou shalt not kill" "Thou shalt not

1236 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>covet" -like that. Therefore the conclusionis that the devotees of Lord JesusChrist are promoted to the heavenly planetswhich are within this material world.Thank you for the copies of the newspaperclipping of the court trial, and Ithink these several copies are sufficient.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-3-2LondonLos Angeles2nd March, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge reciept of your two lettersdated 20 and 26 February, 1970, respectively,and I am so glad to learn that youhave been elected president for this year.In India, when there was congress electionamong the executive members, eachyear a person was elected president. Ithink this system may be followed in ourinstitutions also. Of course it will dependon the local situation, but in a round ifeach person is given the chance of managingthe whole affairs, that means everyonebecomes responsible officer.Another thing is that so long I havebeen receiving different questions fromthe students, now I think all these questionsshould be answered by the presidentslocally. So you study all our booksvery nicely, and all the doubts and questionsmay be answered by you locally. Incase of difficult questions, it may be referedto me. That will give all the presidentsthe chance of being skillful in solving thedoubts and problems of the local students.I hope you will like this idea.Regarding the three boys whose lettersaccompany yours , and whom you haverecommended for initiation, I am sendingtheir beads duly chanted by separate post.The initiation requires some Guru daksinaso during the time of initiation, the discipl;must collect some alms and present it to theSpiritual Master. That is the system.I have received the slides formerlywhen you wrote that there were fourslides, but I received only two. This timethere are seven slides. They are verybeautiful, and I thank you very much.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-3LondonLos Angeles2nd March, 1970My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 17 February,1970, and have read the contents withgreat interest. We are not impersonalists,under the circumstances we have got varietiesof perception in the matter of dischargingdevotional service. In RupaGoswami's "Siksamrta" it is stated thatadvanced life in KrJ.la Consciousnessmeans one should be always very muchanxious to calculate whether every momentof his life has not been utilized in devotionalservice. This is called feeling ofbeing afraid for misusing time.One should be very careful to estimatehow every moment of his life is being utilizedin the service of the Lord. The Goswamiswere very much advanced in thisline of action, and therefore about them itis said "nidra hara bihara vijito" thatmeans one who has conquered over eating,sleeping, and mating. The idea is tosave more time from this materialisticbusiness and utilize it for KrJ.la's service.When our anxieties are how to utilize

MARC H, 1970 1237life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam"utilizing life without spoiling it."The next stage is namagane sada ruci "attractionfor chanting the Holy Name always"and priti tad basati sthale "feelingof pleasure in Jiving in the Temple or inthe place of pilgrimage." So I am veryglad that you are gradually coming to thatstage; continue it carefully. Try to realizeit yourself and teach the method to all youryounger brothers and sisters.KrJ.la Consciousnesssmeans full cooperationwith KrJ.la, and Kf$1)a meanswith all His entourage. We should alwaysremember this. Just like when we speak ofa tree, it includes the root, the trunk,the branches, the leaves, the flowers-everything.Therefore to love Kn•J.la means tolove Him along with all His Name, Hisfame, His qualities, His entourage, Hisabode, His devotees, etc.Now I have sent you one copy of allcelebrations in the current year of CaitanyaEra 484. I hope you have received itthrough Shyamsundar by this time. It willbe published in calendar form, but I havesent you one copy in advance.You must all find time to write somearticles for publishing in "Back to Godhead."That is culture. Regarding thedevotees, I am very very pleased to learnof their sincere and enthusiastic endeavorsin Kr$J.la Consciousness, this is most encouragingto me. Now guide them carefullyso that they may be engaged furtherin our program of Krsna Consciousnessmovement activities. So far managementis concerned, you have to do it amongstyourselves because it is not always possiblefor me to give direction from such distantplace.Regarding an assistant Pujari, Ilavatimay be trained to assist you, but she maynot conduct Arcan without being dvija.The system is that only one who is qualifiedwith Gayatri intiation may directlyworship the Deities (i.e. bathing, offeringbhoga and aratrik, cooking for the Deities,etc .). But she may assist you byhelping in all other respects. If for somereason you are unable to perform aratrik,there are other devotees, initiatedbrahmins, who can make the offeringsthere .Please offer my blessings to all the newdevotees and all the other boys and girls atLondon Temple. Hope this will meet youin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-4Los Angeles3rd March, 1970ManagerBank of Baroda (Calcutta Branch)P. O. Box No. 313India ExchangeCalcutta- !, IndiaDear Sir:Re: My S/8 account No. 29/ 12802with youIn continuation of my letter dated 28February, 1970. I beg to enclose herewiththe true copy of letter No. FEX.22/-277of your Chandni Chowk, Delhi Branch. Iam sure you have received Rs. 6000 (Rs.Six thousand only) transfer as stated byyour Delhi Branch.Please transfer immediately Rs. 5000(Rs. Five thousand only) to savingsaccount No. 8/16578 United Bank ofIndia Ltd., 157 /B Dharmatalla Street,Calcutta- 13 in favor of M. M. De (MathuraMohan De) and send me the debitnote here.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1238 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptlda70-3-5Los Angeles3rd March, 1970My Dear Mr. DDD,Please accept my blessings. I have justreceived your nice letter together withpictures drawn by you. Thank you verymuch. I am so happy to see how you aredrawing the activities of Kp1,1a and Hisdevotees the Pandavas and Jagannatha dasBabaji. And I am glad to see that your lettersare drawn nicely also.It is very encouraging to me that youare regularly chanting your twenty roundsof beads daily. Be careful never to decreasebut increase the number and youwill become more strong in Kp1,1a Consciousness.So continue to tend your Deitiesfirst-class and be happy in Kn•1,1a'sservice.I am very glad to know that you arelearning your arithmatic in school, but Ido not know if you are staying at NewVrindaban for study because your letter issent from Montreal, Canada.You have written that you are sendingseventy dollars for my book fund , but Ihave not received the seventy dollars enclosedwith your letter. Has it been sentby separate mail? Please let me knowwhat has happened to it as soon aspossible.Always remember Kr!11,la Who is yourdearmost friend and always serve Himjust to please Him, and He will give youall intelligence how to be a first-classdevotee. Just try to learn all about Kr!11,la,chant Hare Kr!11,la, and you will be a greatpreacher of our Kp;;1,1a Consciousnessmovement.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-6Scindia HouseNew Delhi, IndiaLos Angeles4th March, 1970My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I hope youhave received my letter dated 28 February,1970.In the meantime, I have received a replyfrom Srimati Sumati Morarjee inwhich I understand that she has alreadyreplied to your letter regarding the dispatchof the Murties.Now, through the forwarding agents,Messrs. Cox and Kings, you can arrangeto ship all the Murties through ScindiaSteam Navigation Co. to different placesas already directed.I shall be glad to hear from you at yourearliest convenience. Thanking you inanticipation.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-3-7Scindia HouseBombay, IndiaLos Angeles4th March, 1970Madam Sumati Morarjee Baisaheba,Please accept my greetings. I thankyou very much for your letter dated 26February, 1970, and noted the contents.You will be pleased to know that recentlywe have opened a center in Sydney. Thenewspaper-cutting is sent herewith .I am also enclosing herewith a pictureof the Deities in our London Temple.These Deities were donated by one LondonDevotee , Mr. Goyal , and they werepurchased from Jaipur. The Deities contributedby Dalmia Jain Trust and BirlaTrust (5 Pairs) are made in Vrindaban, 24

MARCH, 1970 1239inches high brass Deities, but these LondonDeities are made of first-class marblefrom Jaipur, and they are 42 inches high.So any one of these patterns may besupplied by you, and I shall be glad if youkindly send me a list of prospective donorsof such Deities from Bombay. Thereare many VaiI:Java respectable gentlemenin Bombay, and they can cooperate withmy mission.For the present, I have a plan for opening108 centers all over America, Europe,Canada, Japan, and Australia. I have gotat present 26 centers. I have sent some ofmy devotees in Germany where peopleare more interested in this Hare Krsnamovement. You will be pleased to knowthat simply in Germany alone our "HareKrishna Mantra" record has been sold tothe extent of 57,000 copies.You write to say that the copy of the letteraddressed to Mr. Sharma was enclosedwith my letter, but I do not find it. Anyway,I hope you have already instructedyour Calcutta office to carry these Deitiesto different places of the U.S.A.You will be pleased to know that mylatest publication is 'Sri Isopanisad' and Iam sending one copy for your perusal. Ihope you will feel interest in reading thisbook.Your ever well-wisheer,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-8Los Angeles4th March, 1970My Dear Tarnal ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated IMarch, 1970.I am glad that you have gone to Germanyalong with Hansadutta and his wife,and I am so pleased to learn that things arebeing arranged nicely-that is my satisfaction.Marriage or no marriage, that is notour problem. If we find it suitable that bymarrying one will be able to serve better,than by not marrying, then one mustmarry-that is our principle. SC' as youare thinking that accepting J yotirmayee asyour wife you will be happy anJ your dutiesin KrI:Ia consciousness will beenthused,then I have got all sanction, andyou do it.I know that all my spiritual childrenare doing very nicely as Grihastas, andsimilarly I hope you shall be doing betterafter your marriage.Organization of the European centersand the World Samkirtan Party later onforthese two reasons I called you in London.Now Mukunda, Hansadutta, yourself,KrI:Iadas, Woomapati, Janardan, Suridas,etc., all of you are tested devotees,now do everything nicely in full cooperation.Always remain engaged in KrI:Ja'sservice, then there will be no misunderstanding.See that the French and German BTGsare nicely done-that is my ambition. JaiGovinda must marry the girl Sadanandini.It is already advanced, and I do notthink it can be changed now. So he can immediatelycall her from N_!w Yo rk bysending her passage money toHamburg.Then get them married immediately inyour presence.On the first of April we are going toour new church property which is beingpurchased at the cost of $225,000, payablein twelve years, and $50,000 downpayment. Please keep me informedabout your progressive march in KrI:JaConsciousness.While you are in Germany, please seethat Vasudeva is given all facilities for hispainting work. He is a very good painterand very enthusiastic, so make arrangementthat he can devote full time to his

1240 Letters from Srrla Prabhuplldapainting and may not feel any inconveniencein his work. He can begin immediatelyto paint pictures on the manydifferent subjects as you know. I will writeto him separately, in the meantime do theneedful.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-9Gita PressGorakhpur, IndiaLos Angeles4th March, 1970My Dear Bhaiji Hanumanprasad Poddar,Please accept my obeisances. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated26 February, 1970, and I am glad to knowthat you have liked my detailed letter of 5February, 1970, with enclosures. Thebooks are already on the way.Regarding my permission for issuing adetailed account of my work in a bookform by some kind friend, it is very muchwelcome. I have asked my London officeto send you more pictures and newspapercuttingsin this connection. This book willenthuse me as well as the whole Vai1;1avasociety. I can see that this Kr1;1a Consciousnessmovement has such a vast potencythat by its philosophy the wholehuman race can be united politically, socially,religiously, and culturally. If importantpersonalities like you will kindlyjoin with my activities, I am sure it willcome out successful and India will be culturallyunited with the whole world.For the present, I have got ambition tostart at least 108 centers. My disciples arealready scattered from Hamburg to Tokyo,and from Tokyo to Sydney. And moreyoungsters are joining us daily in thismovement. By the grace of Kr1;1a this Societyis purchasing a very big church estateon the Venice Boulevard, one of theimportant highways of Los Angeles, andwe shall remove there next April. Whenwe go there, we shall be able to invitemany important men of the city and try toconvince them about our high philosophy.The atheist class of men foolishly inquire'Where is God?' And we present themKpQa-here is God, and if you have gotsense and intelligence just try to understandKrQa, whether He is not God.So in India also we have to do manythings because very recently, by the propagandaof the politicians, the younger generationhas become victimized to becomeGod-less. So the hankering after peaceand prosperity in the world in a Godlessconcept of life is simply an utopian dream.People must take to God-consciousnessand surely they will be happy in all respects.By the grace of Lord Caitanya, themethod of self-realization is made veryeasy and universal by chanting HareKr1;1a mantra. It is being effective practically.So let us join together to expand thisgreat mission of Lord Caitanya Who predictedthat everywhere as many cities andtowns and villages are there on the surfaceof the globe, His Holy Name would beglorified on account of His transcendenalgift to the fallen souls of this Kali Yuga.The Dalmia Jain Trust and Birla Trusthave given us 5 pairs of Radha KrQaMurties for installing in our different centers. Sriman Hit Sharan Sharma is dispatchingthese Murties, and the Directorof Scindia Steam Navigation Co. , SrimatiSumati Morarjee, has kindly consented tocarry them on their ships. If you will alsorecommend some of your VaiQavafriends to contribute such Murties, it willbe very much encouraging. Or if yougive me a prospective list of gentlemen,then I can directly request them for thiscooperation.

MARCH, 1970 1241Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and thanking you once more foryour kind interest in my activities.Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-10Los Angeles6th March, 1970My Dear Malati,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 17 February,1970, and have read the contentscarefully. I am so glad to hear from youafter so long time.It is not surprising that you feel thecompetition of maya very keen becausewe are in the midst of an ocean of Maya.Just as if, when you are in the ocean, yousay 'Oh, there is water all round' -that isocean. So you must have a boat verystrong, and KrI:Ia is the nicest boat tocarry you over the ocean of Maya. Theocean will reduce to become a pit left bythe hoof of a cow by the grace of KrQa,and it may be crossed over without anycare. And after crossing the ocean, thedevotee shall go to the abode of KrI:Iawhere there is no more danger. That is themission of our life, and that is KrI:IaConsciousness.I am very happy to know that yourdaughter Saraswati is growing up nicelyunder your care. To see that the child israised in full KrI:Ia Consciouness is theproper management of householder life.And when your good daughter is nolonger to be so cared for by you , then youwill get enough time to chant Hare KrQa.Both mother and daughter can sit togetherand chant hare KJ;Qa.Regarding your thoughts of grand Rathayatrafestival, this year there must be avery grand procession of Rathayatra, andask Shyamsundar to induce George tolead in the procession. Shyamsundar hasasked me to go there, so if I am not veryseriously engaged, I must go. But ifGeorge and John join in the procession, itwill be a great success.I have heard how the new devotees areall executing their devotional servicesvery enthusiastically and with sincerityand humility. Yes, I have asked them totake instruction from you, one of theirelder God-sisters. Whatever you havelearned-you are one of the old studentswhateveryou have gathered by experience,you must hand them over to the newstudents . This is called parampara.Please offer my blessings to SaraswatiDasi. Will you send her to our school inNew Vrindaban when she is little older.The school is developing nicely thereunder the headmastership of HayagrivaPrabhu.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-11BuffaloLos Angeles6th March, 1970My Dear Nityananda Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1March, 1970, along with your beads andrequest to become my initiated disciple. Iam glad to learn that you are already progressingnicely in KrI:Ia Consciousnessand actively engaged in leading SamkirtanParty at Buffalo Temple.So I am very happy to accept you as mybonafide initiated disciple, and your spiritualname is Nityananda Das. One who isdesiring to have the eternal bliss of associationof Lord KrI:Ia by devotional servicemust be the sincere servant of

1242 Letters from Srila PrabhuptidaNityananda Prabhu, and in that way winHis grace. Therefore your name is NityanandaDas, servant of Lord Nityananda. Ihave chanted your beads duly, and theyare returned herewith. I am also enclosingone sheet of standard practices for devotees,for your reference.Please follow the regulative principlesstrictly, and chant daily sixteen rounds ofbeads regularly without fail. This is theessential process for dissolving the cloudsof illusion or Maya; and when the cloud ofillusion is removed, then we can understandKrI:Ja Consciousness perfectly andthat is the highest perfection of humanlife. So be fixed in devotional service,chant Hare KrI:Ja mantra and be happy. Iam waiting to hear of your further progressin spreading this KrI:Ja Consciousnessmovement for the benefit of allconcerned.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-12HamburgLos Angeles6th March, 1 970My Dear Vasudeva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated20 February, 1970, along with an enclosedphotograph of one painting of theSpiritual Master rendered by you. In themeantime, I have received also one paintingof my Guru Maharaj Srila BhaktiSiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Both thesepaintings are very, very good, and I amtherefore requesting that you be able todevote yourself full time in developingthis great talent of yours. There are manypaintings required not only for our Ternpies,but for illustrating our books also.So I think this work will be more thanample and you will be happy in thiswork.I have noted your enthusiasm forpainting, but I learn that there is need ofmany adjustments so that you may beable to execute the work properly. I havewritten therefore, in this connection, toTarnal KrI:Ja to arrange for your workingconveniences before he leaves Germany.I am also very pleased to learn that theDeities are now receiving proper serviceand you are developing a great love forThem. Please continue your sincere servicewith even greater vigor, and yourlove will grow increasingly more. Actuallywhen this dormant love for KrI:Ja isaroused in the heart of the devotee, thereare for him no more problems of life. Socontinue to chant regularly Hare KrI:Jaand be happy. Your nice service attitudeis most encouraging to me.Thanking you once again, and hopethis will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-13Los Angeles7th March, 1970ManagerFirst National City Bank686 Broadway near Great Jones StreetNew Yo rk, N.Y. 10012Dear Sir:Re : My account No. 0400688633 withyouKindly transfer my all balance in theabove account to the Bank of America,Pico-La Cienega Branch (308) at 8501West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, California90035, for credit of my checking account

MARCH, 1970 1243No. 3081-61625.The pass-book is sent herewith. Pleaseexpedite the matter and oblige.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-14BuffaloLos Angeles7th March, 1970My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1March, 1970, in which you have givenyour recommendation that Mr. Nico Kuytbe initiated by me . So in accordance withyour recommendation, I have acceptedhim as my bonafide disciple, and I am returninghis beads herewith duly chanted.I am glad to learn how the students arefriendly toward the devotees although theyare generally depressed and rebellious.So Kr1.1a Consciousness is so nice that itcan pacify even the most rebellious personbecause it appeals to the soul.Regarding your questions; yes , Ramadeviis the sandhini attribute of chit-shaktibecause her function is for creation, andthe jivas are members of the sambit attributeof chit-shakti. The demi-gods are includedwithin the species of human life.Most of the Spiritual Masters are situc.tedin Madhurya rasa, but not all of them.I am very glad to learn that NityanandaDas (Nico Kuyt) is currently leading yourSamkirtan. Please keep him nicely advancingin Kr1.1a Consciousness underyour guidance, and help him to learn ourphilosophy very well.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-15Los Angeles7th March, 1970My Dear Trivikram,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2March, 1970. Now I think because Himavatiis there, she will be first-classcaretaker of the Deities, and you can berelieved. So I have no objection if youcome back to the States if there is no otherurgent necessity for you there.So you can consult in this connectionwith Kr1.1adas and Hansadutta, and withtheir consent, you can come back. But ifthere is any urgent necessity for your presencethere, you may wait a little more andthen come back.I know as you expressed your desire inLondon, that you are very much anxiousto come back to the States; so you can doso at your earliest convenience.I do not think that Hansadutta is pressingyou for marriage. Marriage is a concessionfor a person who cannot controlhis sex desires. Of course it is a difficultjob for the boys in this country becausethey have free access to interminglingwith the girls. Under the circumstances, itis my open order for everyone that everyonecan marry without any artificial pose.But if somebody is able to remain aBrahmacary, there should not be anycavassing for his marriage.But at the mature age say after 50 yearsold age, everyone should separate fromwife. Married life does not mean that oneshould continue to live with wife throughoutthe whole life; at a certain stage, saybetween 20-25 years, one may accept awife, live with her to the maximum age of50 years, and then there should be nomore sex relationship-stringently. Andat the mature old age, say 65-70 years, everyonemust accept the renounced orderof Sannyas; if not in dress, then in actionpositively.

1244 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Our students, either Brahmacary orHouseholder, are being trained up forconstant engagement in Knn:ta Consciousnessservice without any personal interest.This is perfect order of Sannyas. So ifeveryone is trained up in this line ofaction, all of us are Sannyasins in all circumstances.This is exaplained in theBhagavad Gita that anyone who is not afterthe result of any action, but simply heacts as a matter of duty for Kfl}a, he is afactual Sannyasin and Yogi.So whatever status of life we may accept,this principle of working for Kfl}aas a matter of our duty, without being attractedby the result,-should be followedby us.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-16Los Angeles8th March, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3March, 1970, along with the 'Govindam'record. The record is so nice that I amplaying it at least once in a day and it isgiving me transcendental pleasure withtears in my eyes. I am sure this record willbe the first-class 'hit' as already opined bythe experts.Certainly this has has come out so successfulbecause of George's sincere effortin Kfl}a Consciousness. I am so pleasedthat he is advancing towards perfectionalstage of Kfl}a Consciousness; and yourassociation will greatly help. Try to convincehim to avoid the four principles ofsinful life and chant Hare Kn>l}a mantra asmuch as possible, then he will find everythingis successful in his life.I think on account of this record, manypeople, at least from different parts of Europe,will come to see our Temple. Manytourists also may come there. So you donot take it as gloomy, but you should welcomethem in our Temple. Regularly tryto sell our books and magazines to them.So far taking away the shoes is concerned,you can make the following arrangement:just after the entrance door, arrange for amovable railing so that anyone willing toenter the Temple room, but who does notlike to take of his shoes, may be allowed toenter the door but stand near the railingand see the Deity from that place. Anyonewilling to go inside the railing boundarymust have to get out of his shoes. And exactlyby the side of the Altar another railingmay be fixed up. This railing shouldstand between the Vyasasana and the Altar.So anyone who may come must be wellreceived, informed about our activities,and when we publish a little pamphletwhich is in preparation, it may also bedistributed to each and every one of thevisitors.I have not heard anything from youabout the small leaflet to be prepared forputting along with the 'Govindam' records.Are you preparing it or not? or doyou think it is necessary or not?The next song you may record is JayaJagadisa Hare:Kesava dhrta dasabidha rupaJaya Jagadisa HareAnd we shall make a children's book withten pictures of Krl}a 's different appearances(Dasiivatara) and a short story orexplanation for each. Now we have justreceived part of the manuscript of anabridged version of KRS:NA especiallymeant for children.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. What happened to the manjirao

MARCH, 1970 1245imported from India through Lloyd'sBank. Ask Mukunda to write me aboutthis. ACBACBS:db70-3-17Los Angeles9th March, 1970Sri R. D. BirlaIndustry HouseChurchgate ReclamationBombay -1, IndiaDear Sri Birlaji,Please accept my greetings. I have receivedone letter from Sri BalmukundParikh of 78 Woodstock Avenue, London,N. W. 11 , and the copy of the letter is enclosedherewith for your perusal.Perhaps it may be known to you that inthe Western world I am preaching the cultof Krishna Consciousness strictly on theVaisnava principles, and I have establishedalready 26 centers as listed on enclosedsheet.I want to establish many Rad.ha KrishnaTemples in all important towns and countriesof the Western World. I am not onlyestablishing Temples, but I am creatingthe devotees of the Temples. There aremany thousands of disciples in America,Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia.So I am in need of many pairs of RadhaKrishna Murties, and from the letter ofSri Balmukund Parikh I learn that you areinterested to donate such Murties for beinginstalled in different parts of the Westerncountries.I understand that four pairs of Murtieshave already been donated by your Trustthrough correspondence with the Secretaryof the Dalrnia Jain Trust. But I want manyhundreds of pairs of such Murties. Generallyin our Temples we install 24 incheshigh brass Murties or 42 inches high marbleMurties. A picture of our London Deitiesis sent herewith for your inspection.Thanking you in anticipation of yourearly reply.Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-18Columbus, OhioLos Angeles9th March, 1970My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4March, 1970, along with the edited copyof the Foreword to nSA. Thank youvery much. The few alterations of dates isapproved by me, so it is alright.Regarding your question do the Vedichistories refer to this planet only.No. Vedic history means of this universe.Our history begins from the beginningof the creation because thecreation takes place with the birth ofBrahma from the abdomen lotus flowerof Lord Visnu. Then Brahma graduallycreates. He begets so many sons knownas Prajapaties who are supposed to bethe generators of living entities, andtherefore the history begins fromBrahma. In the Bhagavad Gita this isconfirmed in the 15th chapter. It is saidthere that the root of this big universalbanyan tree is on the top; therefore historybegins from the top .Yes. This planet comes later on. Wecan take the idea from the tree-the treegrows gradually, and the different fruits,branches, and twigs gradually appear.Therefore it is to be understood that thisplanet has grown later on. Besides this weunderstand that although the planet waslater on grown up, it was covered withwater-pralaya payodhi jale merged intothe water after devestation. Then graduallyit emerges from water. That we canexperience, that gradually land is coming

1246 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidaout of the oceans. Because of its beingmerged into water, it is natural to concludethat the beginning of life wasaquatic . This is confirmed in Padma Puranathat the species of life evolved fromaquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafterinsects, reptiles, flies, birds, thenbeasts, and then human kind. This is thegradual process of evolution of species oflife.But we do not accept Darwin's theory.According to Darwin's theory, homo sapienscame later on, but we see that the mostintelligent personality, Brahma, is bornfirst. So according to Vedic knowledge,Darwin or similar mental speculators arerejected so far the fact is concerned.I am so glad to learn that the Gita is goingon nicely. Perhaps you know thatMandali Bhadra wants to translate intoGerman, so as you finish one chapter youmay send one copy to him immediatelyfor being translated into German.Mayapur is the birth-site of Lord Caitanya.It is a small villager You cannot findit on the map, but near Calcutta you mayfind the place 'Nabadwip,' and Mayapuris part of this Nabadwip district. So faryour planning to go to India, not only you,but I think several others, including KirtananandaMaharaj and other advancedstudents, will go to India for preachingKrsna Consciousness. That will be a lessonto our so-called "secular" government.I came here with this purpose, soyou have to fulfill my desire. I think it iscoming to be true by the will of LordCaitanya.Achyutananda is getting good opportunitiesto move amongst enlightened circlein Calcutta, so if some of our advancedstudents go to India for this purpose, thatwill be a great achievement. I am thinkingof that plan always. In the meantime, letus publish as many books as possiblewithin this year. I wish to go to India forthis purpose in the beginning of next year.So far life-size Deities are concerned,even if you do not go, that can be imported.We have got addresses of supplier,and if you give me the size of the Deityyou want, that can be imported. In themeantime you try to construct some templesin New Vrindaban. I want to publishone catalogue of our ISKCON movement,giving pictures of all important centersand especially of New Vrindaban. Thisidea I gave you long ago when I was inNew Vrindaban. I have advised Brahmanandaalso in this connection. So get thiscatalogue printed as early as possible.Another important thing is our theisticschool in New Vrindaban. If you can establisha nice educational center, I knowmany parents of your country will be gladto send their children in New Vrindaban.But we have to create a nice atmosphereand educational system there. Satyabhamais very much enthusiastic in thisconnection. So you organize this institutionsystematically.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-19MontrealLos Angeles9th March, 1970My Dear Gopal Kra.Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter dated3 March, 1970, and have noted thecontents.Regarding publication of French'Back to Godhead,' for the present you aredoing very excellently. My point is thatBTG in French language must come outeven irregularly. So you are fulfilling mydesire in that way. So far our Paris center

MARCH, 1970 1247is concerned, it is not yet started. At lastShyamsundar and George Harrison havegone there to find out a place. It may be bythe grace of the Lord the center will bestarted now.There are many big schemes about ourEuropean preaching work, specificallyadvancing the Samkirtan movement andpublishing our literatures, but nothing hasyet taken a practical shape. Under the circumstances,whatever you are doing is forthe good. So until something practical istaking place in Paris, you continue to dothis work-that is a great service to theLord . I am very much pleased with yourendeavor.Now, regarding sending me money, Ithank you very much that you are alwayseager to spend for Kf(>J:la, and Kf(>J:la willgive you more and more opportunites toutilize your hard earned money forKn•I:ta's service. Now the office whichyou are holding appears to be very nice,so I do not think you can get a better job inIndia. But somehow or other, if you get achance to return to India on official businessof your present employer, that will bevery nice.Regarding our Indian centers, we areexperiencing some bright glimpse becausein Calcutta, as informed to you byAchyutananda, we may get a nice plot ofland. So you can save money as much aspossible for constructing buildings orTemples in India. The money saved in thisconnection either may be kept by you underseparate fixed deposit in the bank, ormay be sent to me for future utilization. Ihave sent money already to Achyutanandafor purchasing a piece of land inMayapur-that is not yet completed. Underthe circumstances, no more moneyshould be sent to India directly by you .I am very glad to learn that you haveprepared one long article for sending tothe "Illustrated Weekly of India." That isvery nice, and if possible write some furtherarticles, either in Hindi or English,for being published in India.Perhaps you have already noted that Ihave closed my account with the CanadianImperial Bank of Commerce. Sowhatever money you want to pay me maybe sent by direct check in my favor. You donot require to spend any more money forDeity, because Deity is already comingeverythingis arranged in India. You simplysee that Temple worship and otherthings are going on regularly and nicely.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-20TorontoLos Angeles9th March, 1970My Dear Rudradas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated27 February, 1970, and have noted thecontents carefully. I am very glad to learnthat you are finding the atmosphere congenialin the new Toronto center. I thinkyour valuable services will be put to goodaccount there in the matter of pushing ourSamkirtan movement. I have heard thatthere is very good potential for spreadingKrishna Consciousness movement in Torontoespecially among the large youngerpopulation. So I think this will be a goodfield for you to work enthusiastically incooperation with other good devotees likeJayapataka, Raktak, and Jagadisha.When I learn that you are selling manyBTGs and are receiving nice support fromthe community, I am very much encouraged.Now we have published our /sopanisadand you must try to sell it as far aspossible. I have tried to explain in this

1248 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>book the preliminary knowledge of Godconsciousnessso any layman who reads itwill be able to understand our Krsna Consciousnessmovement to their great benefit.If you simply present our programbefore them with great sincerity of purpose,they will be influenced by the seriousnessof our Krishna Consciousnessmovement, and you can further impressthem to join with us.I am also glad to note that you are makingpractice of keeping in mind variousimportant verses from our scriptures.This is the approved process mahajanajena gato sapanthah to "follow in the footstepsof the great authorities in KrishnaConsciousness like Narada Muni and ourother Acaryas. Now we are requiring ourstudents to be very well familiar with allour literatures so that we may present ourphilosophy before even the most educatedpersons. This is very improtant as ourmovement is now growing and attractinggreater notice.Regarding sleeping, there is no need ofconfusion on this subject. At this stage, ifwe do not take sufficient rest, we shall fallill. There is no need of forcing the matter.So one should take rest enough to keep ingood health. Sleeping two hours out of 24is a later natural development. For thepresent, take six hours sleep at night, thatis enough; and if necessary, take anotherhour during the day. If chanting rounds atnight is not a disturbance of your dailyschedule, then it is alright. But by perseverenceat rigid following of devotionalservice your demands for extra hourssleeping will automatically diminish.Lord Nityananda is Guru. He can instructus, but ultimately it depends on thedisciple. A doctor may say 'Do this,' 'Donot do this,' but if the patient does not followthe prescription, what is the result?Similarly, Nityananda Prabhu will hearthe prayer of an insincere rascal, if thatrascal actually wants to change his condition.One must agree not to be a rascal anymore, then his rascaldom can be reformed.Jagai and Madhai begged theLord for His mercy and they were prototyperascals, drunkards and debauchees.Lord Caitanya told them first you stopyour nonsense activities, then I will acceptyou. So a rascal may be accepted providedhe agrees to stop his nonsenses.Otherwise, how can one expect to be reformedif he does not agree or like to bereformed. To be reformed, he must agreeto the reforming process.In this connection, in order to remainfixed in spiritual strength, always be sureto chant the prescribed sixteen rounds ofbeads daily without fail. This is essentialfor insuring your spiritual progress.I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-21 Los AngeleslOth March, 1970My Dear Japanese brothers and sisters,Please accept my greetings. It is agreat opportunity that Sriman SudamaDas Adhikary, one of my American students,has gone to your country to spreadthe gospel of Krishna Consciousness undersuperior order. The original order isfrom Lord Chaitanya Who appeared 484years ago at Nabadwipa, a district inBengal, India, as Lord Buddha appearedat Gaya, a district in Behar, India. We , thefollowers of Vedic culture, accept bothLord Buddha and Lord Chaitanya as incarnationsof God, as both of them arestated to be so in the authorized Vedicscriptures.The original Personality of Godhead isKrishna. Perhaps most of you who arepresent in this meeting have heard the

MARCH, 1970 1249name of the famous book "BhagavatGita." The teachings of the Bhagavat Gitawere given to Arjuna by his friend andphilosopher Lord Krishna 5000 yearsago, and since then the cult of KrishnaConsciousness is historically current inIndia. Most of you know that the people ofIndia worship Lord Krishna as the SupremePeronality of Godhead in manymillions of Vedic temples, some of themmore than two thousand years old.But factually this Krishna Consciousnessis coming down through a chain ofdisciplic succession from a time somemillions of years ago because the first studentof this cult was Vivasvan, the presentpredominating deity in the Sun-globeplanet. Later on Vivas van taught this philosophyto his son Manu, who againtaught this philosophy to his son, KingIksaku, who ruled over this earthlyplanet. The original Kshatriya kings wereall descendants from King lksaku, the fatherof the dynasty in which Lord Ramachandraappeared. That is a long historycomprising a period covering not less than40 million years according to Vedic scriptures.Lord Krishna also appeared in thesame family a little more than 5000 yearsago; and because the cult of Krishna Consciousnessbecame broken in courseof time, Lord Krishna again re-establishedthe same formula by teaching His dearfriend Arjuna for benefit of the entire humansociety.Four hundred and eighty-four yearsago Lord Chaitanya preached this cult ofKrishna Consciousness in a simple andpractical way so that everyone can take itwithout any trouble and thusly becomehappy in this life as well as in the next.The purpose of Krishna Consciousness isto love Krishna or God. We have a generalpropensity to love someone else, which isthe basic principle of living condition.Nobody can live without loving somebodyelse besides himself. This lovingpropensity for someone else is present inevery living being. Even an animal like tigerhas this loving propensity in dormantstate, and what to mention of the humankind. But the missing point is where to reposeour love so that everyone can becomehappy.At the present moment, the human societyhas been educated to love his countryor family or one's personal self, butthey have no information where to reposethe loving propensity so that everyone canbecome happy. Because the basic principleof love is that both the lover and thebeloved or object of love and the lovermust be happy by loving activities of theliving being. In the primary stage a childloves his parents, then his brothers andsisters, and thus, as he grows up daily, hebegins to love his family, society, community,country, nation, or up to the point ofloving the whole human society. But theloving propensity is so expansive thateven by loving the whole human societythe loving propensity is not fulfilled on accountof its imperfectness. This lovingpropensity can be fully satisfied when it isreposed in Krishna, and that is the sumand substance of this Krishna Consciousnessmovement.My dear brothers and sisters, do nottherefore consider this movement as sectarianor meant for any particular nationor community. In the Bhagavat Gita,which is the basic principle of thisKrishna Consciousness movement, LordKrishna says that He is the seed giving fatherof all living creatures. There aremany millions of species of life as aquatics,trees, plants, reptiles, insects, birds,beasts, and human races. All of them areliving entities as the spirit soul, but theyare present before us in many varieties offorms and dresses. A learned man is hewho sees all living entities on equal category,never mind whether a living entity ishighly cultured intelligent man, or a cow,

1250 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>or a dog, or an elephant, or even a dogeater,who is considered to be low in thehuman society. These things we learnfrom authoritative Vedic scriptures.The idea is that our loving propensityexpands as vibration of air and light expands,but we do not know where it ends .The Krishna Consciousness movementteaches us this science how one can loveeveryone of the living entities perfectly byan easy method. We have failed to bring inpeace and harmony in the human societyeven by such big attempts like the organizationof United Nations because we donot know the method. The method is verysimple, but one has to understand it incool head. The method is simple andnatural , and this movement teaches youhow to do it. We teach all men to loveKrishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.If you learn how to love Krishna,which is very easy, then immediately youlove every living being simultaneously.It is like pouring water on the root ofthe tree, or supplying foodstuff in thestomach. This method of pouring wateron the root of the tree, or supplying foodstuff in the stomach, scientific, practicaland universal, experienced by everyone ofus. Everyone of us knows it very well bypractical experience that when we eatsomething, or inother words when we putfoodstuffs in the stomach, the energycreated by such action is immediately distributedthroughout the whole body. Similarly,when you pour water on the root ofthe tree, the energy created by such wateringis immediately distributed in thewhole tree, never mind how great it is.But it is not possible to water the tree partby part, neither it is possible to feed thedifferent parts of the body separately. Onewho does not know this method is missingthe point.At the present moment the human civilizationhas advanced very much to livecomfortably so far our material necessitiesare concerned, but still we are nothappy because we are missing the point.Simple material comforts of life are notsufficient to make us happy. The vivid exampleis America, and not to mention ofother countries. The richest nation of theworld having all facilities for materialcomforts, is producing a class of mencompletely confused and frustrated inlife. I have dealt with them very intimately,and I have found out that the cause oftheir unhappiness is not material want, butit is insufficiency of spiritual comforts.What is true for the Americans is alsotrue for all other nations. Other poorercountries are trying to be happy by imitationof American ways of economic development.But such imitators are missingthe point that in America, side by side, adissatisfied class of men are growing withgreat rapid speed. This is also true inother countries; and the root cause of thisdissatisfaction is that our dormant lovingpropensity has not been fulfilled, althoughwe have much advanced in materialisticway of life.When I first visited Tokyo in 1967 onmy way back from India to the U.S.A.,my impression of the city of Tokyo wasthat it is a replica of New Yo rk. My dearJapanese brothers and sisters, I think I amright if I say that you are trying to behappy by imitating the material opulencesof America. But I must say that you cannotbe happy in that way. This does not,however, mean that I am condemning theway of material advancement of life. Wedo not condemn any way of materialisticlife, but we simply request everyone tolearn how to love Krishna. This is themissing point. You live in any way as itmay be suitable for your comfortable life,but side by side you learn the art of lovingKrishna. At present we are utilizing ourpropensity of love by inventing so manyways, but factually we are missing the realpoint-Krishna. Or in other words, we

MARCH, 1970 1251are watering all parts of the tree, but weare missing the root of the tree; or we aretrying to keep our body fit by all means,but missing the point of supplying foodstuffin the stomach.Please therefore try to understand thisKrishna Consciousness movement. I havesent there three of my young students topreach this sublime cult in Japan. Pleaseco-operate with them and you will behappy. We do not want any remunerationfor this service because we have engagedourselves in the service of the Lord and welove each and every living being as partand parcel of the Lord. Neither we aresentimentalists without any backgroundof philosophy and knowledge. We havegot immense treasure-house of knowledgeand philosophy. We have got ourbooks B.G. , T. L.C., Bhagavatam, Isopanisad,etc . being published also withmonthly magazines. But at the same time,we educate the mass of people by a simpleprocess namely chanting the holy Nameof Krishna. It is not at all difficult; even achild can take part in this holy chantingand derive the sublime benefit. Pleasetherefore chant the mantraHare Krishna Hare Krishna KrishnaKrishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama RamaHare Hareand thus be happy. Thank you very much.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-22 Los Angeles12th March, 1970My Dear Chandanacarya,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your nice letter of appreciation.The kindly words that youhave used in this connection are verymuch pleasing, but all the credit goes tomy Guru Maharaj . He asked me to take upthis job as soon as I met Him in 1922; unfortunatelyI was so worthless that I delayedthe matter until 1965, but He is sokind that by force He engaged me in Hisservice; and because I am very muchworthless, therefore He has sent me somany of His nice representatives-thebeautiful American boys and girls likeyou . I am so much obliged to you that youare all helping me in the discharge of myduties towards my Spiritual Master, althoughI was so much reluctant to executeit. After all, we are the eternal servants ofKr!).a, and by the Divine Will of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur we arenow combined together, although originallywe are born in different parts of theworld, unknown to one another.This is the way ofKr!).a transaction; solet us, with great enthusiasm, preach thiscult all over the world and make the peoplehappy. They are missing the centralpoint, KrIJ.a, and our duty is to remindthem-then everything will be alright. Sofollow the path chalked out by our predecessors,and success is sure.I am very much pleased to learn thatthe Columbus center has been nicely organizedsince you have gone there andthings are going on nicely. In the meantime,I have received news from Bostonthat Aravinda alone cannot make the layoutbusiness very quickly. I think, therefore,if you sometimes go there, help himin this connection, and again come back,that will be very nice. If you so desire, youcan remain in Boston and take up thecharge of layout business. And sometimesyou may go with Kirtananda Maharaj .That will be nice.Now we are growing, and if we workco-operatively, our strength will alsogrow, and then the mission will not bechecked in its progress.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

1252 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>70-3-23San Jose, CaliforniaLos Angeles12th March, 1970My Dear Chitsukhananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated10 March, 1970, along with the checkfo r $50, and thank you very much forthe same. I am pleased to see the newspaperclipping from San Jose State Collegenewspaper, and learn that thestudents are already attending your BhagavadGita class at the ExperimentalCollege.I am also very much pleased to haveyour report of progressing the public interestin Kr!ilJJ.a Consciousness. The secretof success will depend on yourself keepingon the spiritual strength by regularlychanting and following the regulativeprinciples, and side by side you have to acton preaching the gospel, and it will go onwithout any impediment.I was so pleased to learn that the policeofficer was afraid of being converted andtherefore he asked you to go, but with fullsupport for your Samkirtan activities. It isvery nice.I am sorry to learn that Chandrabali isnot there, and she is living with her uncle.Do not be worried, she will come back;and if you give me her address, I shallwrite to her.Krishna will give you timely a suitableplace, don't worry about it. Ourleader, Sanatan Goswami, was livingunderneath a tree, and He was keepingHis Deity, Krishna, hanging on thebranch of the tree, wrapped up in acloth-and still He was always engagedin the service of the Lord. So place or noplace, we must go on with our preachingwork. Please keep me informed aboutyour progress, and offer my blessings toall the boys.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-24HamburgLos Angeles12th March, 1970My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to Srimati Himavati. I am so gladto learn that both of you have safelyreached your destination.Now work with great enthusiasm andask Himavati to take care of the Deitiesvery, very nicely. Both of you have seen inL.A. how much they are careful aboutDeity worship. We have to make oursteady progress, keeping both sides inbalance; namely the Pancharatriki Biddhiand Bhagavat Biddhi. The PancharatrikiBiddhi is Arcan or Temple worship, andthe Bhagavat Biddhi is to preach by chantingand distributing literature. Althoughchanting is quite sufficient to cover all theBiddhis, still to keep ourselves pure andsanctified, we must observe the rules andregulations of Pancharatriki Biddhi.Our London Deities are certainly very,very nice; and everyone is captivated byseeing the smiling face of the Lord. It isvery enchanting. Now everything is thereand you are also experienced, therefore goon opening branches as many as possibleand preach Samkirtan movement to yourbest capacity. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakurentrusted the responsibility to my GuruMaharaj , and He also in His turn empoweredus to do the work. Similarly, I amrequesting you, all my European andAmerican students, to spread this movementcity to city and village to village andmake all people of the world happy. Actuallythey are missing the central point-

MARCH, 1970 1253KrJ:Ia, therefore they are unhappy. Let usinform them about this missing point, andcertainly they will be happy.Regarding the $1800, please immediatelytransfer the money to my checkingaccount No. 3081-61625, Bank ofAmerica, Pico-La Cienega Branch (308),850 1 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal .90035. I will have to issue a check for$20,000 by the end of this month, so Iwant as much money as you can send.There is no question of straining yourself,but try to help us because purchasingthat nice church property is a greatresponsibility-but the property is worthpurchasing, as you have all seen it.Regarding World Samkirtan Party:now the best of my students interested inSamkirtan; namely Mukunda, Tarnal ,and yourself, are now in Europe, so I hopein the near future you shall organize avery grand World Samkirtan Party andmake a tour all the world over. And if youlike, I can also go with you .Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-25Gita PressGorakhpur, IndiaLos Angeles13th March, 1970My Dear Sriman Bankaji,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your kind letterdated 23 February, 1970, addressed to myLondon center and now re-directed to me .I left London sometime by the end of December,and since then I am staying herewhich is my headquarters. Here we havegot the biggest center for trainingpreachers, and the climate here is quitesuitable for us (Indian).I exactly remember you that you kindlytook care of me when I was guest of SriHanumanprasad Poddarji sometime in theyears 1961 or 1962 . I shall rememberthose days. I beg to convey my thanksagain that you have remembered me evenafter so many years.I thank you very much also for yourkind appreciation of my humble service inthe cause of Krishna Consciousnessmovement. I think every Indian is responsiblefor spreading this movement all overthe world. That is the order of LordChaitanya in pursuance of the dictum ofLord Krishna. Lord Chaitanya says thatanyone who has taken birth as a humanbeing in the land of Bharatvarsha shouldsanctify his life, taking advantage of theVedic culture , and then distribute theknowledge for welfare activities of therest of the world.As you are personally assiting SriPoddarji, it will not be difficult for youto understand how much Vedic cultureis important for the human society.Vedic culture is perfect knowledge, andwithout that knowledge, a human beingis a polished animal in different degrees.This Vedic knowledge is summarizedin the Bhagavad Gita , which is thecream of all Upanisads. The Lord personallysays in the Bhagavad Gita thatthe purpose of Vedic knowledge is to understandKrishna. And Krishna can beunderstood by His devotee who has beenfo rtunate to have a little fraction of theLord's mercy. Bhagavatam says, "MyDear Lord , one who has a little bit ofmercy of the rays of Your lotus feet canunderstand Yo u a little bit. So far othersare concerned, they may continue tospeculate on Yo u, still they are unable toknow what Yo u are ."In the Bhagavad Gita also the Lordsays to Arjuna, "I shall teach you the philosophyof the old system of BhagavadGita because you are my dear friend and

1254 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>devotee." This is the secret of understandingLord Krishna or to enter into the confidentialpart of Vedic knowledge.The preaching of Bhagavad Gita hasbeen going on both in India and abroad,but almost all of them on the speculativebackground without any knowledge ofdevotional service to the Lord. ManySwamis before me came in the Westerncountries, and they say that nobody couldact so wonderfully as I am doing. Perhapsit is right. But I do not know how suchthings are happening. The only reasonthat can be adduced is that I am presentingBhagavad Gita as it is.In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is theSupreme Personality of Godhead. Theliving entities are His eternal parts andparcels. The duty of the part and parcel isto render service to the whole; as much asdifferent limbs of the body are engaged torender service to the whole body. Thesethings are very simple to understand, butwhen they are presented in a round aboutway, simply by jugglery of words, it becomescumberous, and the desired resultis not achieved.Lord Chaitanya advised that everyoneof the Indians should go outside and, carryingHis order or following His footsteps, one should preach Kr$Qakatha .The Kr$Qakatha is Bhagavad Gita as wellas Srimad Bhagavatam. If you split the wordKr$Qakatha, then it becomes Krishna'swords or words spoken about Krishna. SoKrishna's words are directly BhagavadGita, and words spoken about Krishna isthe Srimad Bhagavatam . I think the Societyto which you have reffered in your letterunder reply. namely Vishwa HinduParishad, should take up this message ofLord Chaitanya ifthey are actually seriousabout doing something for the Vedic culturewhich is known as Hindu culture .Actually there is no such word as"Hindu" in the Vedic literatures. The"Hindu" name was given by the Mohammedanswith reference to the river Indusor Hindus, from Sindhu. So the Vedic cultureis not for any sect of country, it ismeant for the whole human society. Inother words, Vedic culture is also knownas Sanatan Dharma which means "eternalfunction of the eternal living entities."Krishna is eternal , and we all living entities,being parts and parcels of Krishna,are also eternal . And the reciprocal exchangeof love between the two eternals iscalled "eternal occupational duty" orSana tan Dharma .I am very glad to know that you arevery much anxious to co-operate with mymovement in the We stern world. And ifyou kindly do so, it is not only welcome,but also Krishna will be very muchpleased upon you and bestow His blessings.If your friends who are "educatedand ambitious band of young workers"will agree to follow my direction, I thinkthey can render a great service to the humansociety. We should not any morethink in terms of Hindu society. If we limitourselves to Hindus, then there will bemany competitors like the Christians,Mohammedans, Buddhists, and so on.But if we preach the philosophy ofKrishna Consciousness in right earnest, itwill be accepted throughout the wholeworld.And that is practically experiencedduring the last three or four years. Thereare thousands of my disciples, Europeanand American; their background is notHindu culture, and still they are acceptingthis Krishna Consciousness philosophy.Some of my students are from the Mohammedansect also; but all of them conjointlyare chanting the Hare Krishnamantra, dancing in ecstasy, honoringKrishna Prasadam, and happily living onVedic principles; namely as Brahmachary,Grihastha. Va rnaprastha, or Sannyas, notto mention their personal dealings inthe matter of four kinds of prohibitive

MARCH, 1970 1255regulations; namely no illicit sex, no intoxication,no meat eating, and no gambling.So we have to train the whole youngergeneration at the present moment by thesimple method recommended by LordChaitanya, and then this movement,Krishna Consciousness will spread allover the world.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-26Los Angeles13th March, 1970My dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for sending me the transcribedcopies of two tapes # 17 and # 18,and I see it is well done. Although thereare some minor mistakes in spelling of theproper names, that is not a problem. Inmy next letter I will point them out andgive the correct spelling.So offer my thanks to all the boys andgirls who are working so hard for myGuru Maharaj 's sake. Certainly He willbe very pleased and bless you all for makingyour Krsna Consciousness life verysuccessful .I have already written to Chandanacharyato come back and help in the matterof layout. Brahmananda is alreadythere ; and please see that everything ismanaged nicely and at least one book ispublished every two months. We do notneed to publish a large number at a time,but what I want is that all the manuscriptswhich are ready for printing may be publishedwithout further delay. That willgive me much satisfaction.Your article published in the collegenewspaper is very nice regarding theeclipse .. If we stick to our principle, certainlyvery soon we shall be recognized asa bonafide institution; and who can givebetter information than us in the matter ofSpiritual understanding?The first volume of KRSNA may bedelivered with pictures to Dia Nippon. Ido not know whether it shall go directly toJapan or through their N.Y. office, that isup to Brahmananda. So as soon as possible,please deliver to them-it is alreadydelayed .Regarding missing tapes, Devanandahas written to both Detroit and Buffaloand he has sent you a letter also in thisconnection. So very soon you should bereceiving the delinquent tapes from Detroitand Buffalo and then see if any areactually missing. If they are missing, Ishall have to record them over again.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-27TokyoLos Angeles13th March, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated 7 March,1970. I have received your tape yesterday,but without waiting for this tape, I have alreadyrecorded a speech and several songsalso. The tape is already dispatched to youby air mail . Please acknowledge receipt.The typed copy of the lecture also you willfind along with the record .Ye s, because the transcendental soundvibration directly appeals to the soul ,therefore everyone will take it if the vibrationis made by a pure devotee. We shouldtherefore try to fix up our mind to remainin our spiritual position by chanting andfollowing the regulative principles. Bothin our American and European centersthings are improving, and I hope you shallalso do the needful .

1256 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>I am very glad to learn that you haveengaged one older Japanese lady fortranslating our lectures. This is a greatopportunity that you have got a goodtranslator. Give her sufficient work fortranslating, and certainly she will turn tobe Krishna Consciousness. Regardingyour projected study of all aspects of Japaneselanguage-writing, reading, andspeaking-for spreading Krishna Consciousnessto all the Japanese speakingpeople all over the world, that is just ourprogram, and you should do this withoutfail. As you have written that Tokyo is thelargest city in the world and there is nolimit to the scope of our preaching workthere, your work there is very important tospread our mission.I am so pleased to learn that you haveheld several successful kirtans and alsoyou were on the T. V. program. So now weare in the news and people will be inquiringmore about our movement, so yourprogress in preaching Lord Chaitanya 'smessage in Tokyo is very much encouragingto me, and I am so happy to note yoursincere determination in this matter.When you are able to find out a house forinviting interested persons to live in ourKrishna Consciousness community, thatwill be very much helpful.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Chintamoni Dasi, and to Bhurijanawho is your valuable aide, and to all theother boys and girls there. Hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-28MontrealLos Angeles14th March, 1970My Dear Labangalatika,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5March, 1970, and please let me know inwhich bank you have deposited the moneyand on what date. I advised in my previousletter that I have closed my accountfor the timebeing in Montreal, so allmoney should be sent to me here.Anyway, if you let me know the nameof the bank and the date, I will recover it.Henceforth, all money sent to me shouldbe sent directly to me.I have received word from Satyabhamathat your son is doing nicely in New Vrindabanand is gaining strength in devotionalservice. So you are very fortunate.Krishna has blessed you with a very gooddevotee son. Take care of your son, andtake care of Krishna and you will behappy. You are a nice devotee in the serviceof the Lord and that will make you alwayshappy.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-29New VrindabanLos Angeles14th March, 1970My Dear Satyabhama,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to your good husband Para·mananda. I am very glad to receive yourletter dated 28 February, 1970, along withthe first part of the condensed version ofKRSNA book.Regarding the organization of our theisticschool at New Vrindaban, I amhappy to know that you are now proceed·ing with regular classes. So it is better latethan never, and now it will develop nicely.You are an educated and understandingdevotee of Lord Krishna. Now Krishnawill see your sincere co-operative efforts

MARCH, 1970 1257and He will provide all necessary facilitiesfor continued growth of our educationalcenter. I know the atmosphere inNew Vrindaban is very, very nice, and thechildren will surely benefit greatly in theiradvancement of spiritual life. So please doit carefully, and I am certain that when weare fixed up there, many parents will liketo send their children for education in ourNew Vrindaban school.I am so glad to know that the boysare being taught 4 to 5 hours daily by thecombined teaching of yourself and Devakinandan.Of course their spiritual progressis natural because of the good associationof devotees and their good fortune to be inthe service of the Deities. I am so muchencouraged to learn how they are becomingpurified and elevated in Krishna Consciousness,and are just like spiritualgopas. That is very nice. Mr. DOD andEkendra also are very good boys, so seethat they may be trained up well becausethey are our future Krishna Consciousnesssociety.I am very happy to learn that your sonis growing strong and blissful. That isgood news. And that you desire to raisemany such souls in Krishna Consciousnessis very nice proposal. We need asmany Krishna Conscious men as possible,trained from the very beginning oftheir lives, to carry on our mission andpurify the society.Regarding the condensation of KRSNAbook, I have read it and it is very nice. Tryto work on it as time permits; and in themeantime, you can have some xerox copiesmade, then later on we shall find opportunityto print it.You write to say that Paramananda isalways thinking of me and he is workinghard to develop New Vrindaban transcendentalcommunity. That is very good. Iknow Paramananda is a very good soul,and you together are good combination.So do everything enthusiastically to developour New Vrindaban scheme and advanceforward in Krishna Consciousnesslife.I hope this will meet you all in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-30 Los Angeles15th March, 1970My Dear Achyutananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated10 March, 1970. In the mF ntime I havereceived the package of tJailaich verytimely. Devananda t.:>ld me that there wasonly one pod balance, so it arrived verytimely. Thank you very much.Regarding the Bhowanipur plot, I havealready advised you in this connection. Itmay be transferred as unconditional gift tothe Founder Acarya, ISKCON: A. C.Bhaktivedanta Swami.I am also very glad to understand thatMr. Ashok Mitra, along with his children,are singing along with your Kirtan. Andthus I think many others will also join.Sriman Ashoke Mitra has donated onekhol and one portable typewriter to you,and this is a sign of his service to Krishna,and thus surely he will make progress.You will be glad to learn that here in theStates also many influential people andorganizations are becoming very interestedin our Krishna Consciousnessmovement, and one invitation for speakingbefore such a group is enclosed herewith.I understand that there was some pressinterview, and in future also wheneverthere is press interview, you can rememberthe following points which will helpyou to make a clear understanding of ourKrishna Consciousness movement.

1258 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Try to convince in the meeting that thedifference between animal society andhuman society is that the human societyhas in some form the ideals of KrishnaConsciousness or God Consciousness.That is religion. Religion without GodConsciousness has no meaning. And GodConsciousness means that we are eternallyrelated with Him. He is the Father,and everyone of us is the part and parcel orson. He is the Supreme Leader, and weare subordinates. He is the SupremeMaintainer, and we are completely dependenton Him.Whatever we possess, including ourbody and our self, everything, belongs toHim. When one is completely in sense ofthis fact-he is God Conscious. And unlessa living entity becomes God Conscious,he cannot be happy. So this is ourpropaganda. There is no question of sectarianism.Every religion should have thisaim in view. But that system of religionwhich teaches development of God Consciousnessis first-class. We have to estimateby the result, and not by theformalities. So this movement, KrishnaConsciousness, very quickly developsthis God Consciousness, and it is veryeasy to adopt it.But, at the same time, we must rememberthat a sinful man cannot developGod Consciousness. The four pillars ofsinful life are: I) illicit sex, 2) animalkilling or animal eating, 3) indulgence inintoxication in any form, and 4) take tothe life of gambling. We therefore requestall religious institutions to checktheir followers from the reactions ofthese four principles of sinful life. Thatwill pave the way of developing GodConsciousness, and thus all the peoplewill be happy.It is not a question of fo llowing thisreligion or that religion. It is a questionof philosophy of life. Our Krishna Consciousnessphilosophy is practical .easier, and based on sound reasoningand philosophy. We place it before impartial, thoughtful men of the world,and we are certain that they will find itsublime.As you have desired that someBrahmacharies would go immediately tohelp you for developing the Calcutta andMayapur centers, I have decided to sendimmediately at least two nice Brahmachariesto help you there . I have seen therough diagram of the proposed BhowanipurTemple, but I suggest that in somecorner of the house there must be a garage,because in future I wish that youAmerican boys should live elegantly tothe tradition of your great country. But atthe same time you shall preach theSamkirtan movement, becoming humblerthan the grass and more tolerant than thetree as instructed by Lord Chaitanya.The plan suggested by you that theground floor be the hall, etc . is quite nice,and I think you may see the plan of theChaitanya Research Institute which mayhelp you .Regarding Mayapur land, I understandthat __ Ali is in problem for keepingthe money. I understand that he wants toinvest the sale money to purchase anothersuitable land, but he has no such land inhis view at present. Therefore he does notwish to sell the land . This plea is not verysound argument. But in this connection,he may be informed that why he shouldkeep the sale money at home? He canmake a fixed deposit of the money in abank at Nabadwip, and he will get interestalso. Then when he may find some land ,he can withdraw the money.Anyway, if he is not willing to partwith his land , you can arrange to purchasethe land of Yayabar Maharaj orany other available land . We do notmind if it is not on the roadside . If theland is interior, but cheaper and of bigger area, we shall prefer that.

MARCH, 1970 1259Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-31LondonLos Angeles15th March, 1970Dear Sri Balmukundji,Please accept my blessings, and offerthe same to your good wife. As advised byyou, I have already written letters to theMurti makers as well as to Birlaji andJaipuriaji. Actually my mission is to establishhundreds and thousands of Templeslike the one which I have establishedin London and other places. And I wishthat every Indian who has a little love forKrishna may co-operate with me in thisattempt.Please try to understand this KrishnaConsciousness movement as very, verygreat. The people are missing the pointloveof Krishna, and if somehow or otherthey can revive their lost consciousnessand be fixed up in Krishna Consciousness,all questions and problems of theworld will be solved very easily.So I would again request you to take upthe preaching work of this great movement.It does not matter whether you acceptSannyas order of life or not. You canpreach this Krishna Consciousness movementeven along with your good wife, andwhy not this procedure? My disciples areonly children. If they can preach thisKrishna Consciousness movement husbandand wife together, without havingany background of Vedic culture , why notan experienced gentleman like you withfull knowledge of Vedic culture preachthis movement? If you take up this work inright earnest, I am sure you will feel transcendentalbliss.I thank you for your assurance that youare coming here very soon, and I shallawait your arrival with great interest. Ifpossible, come along with your wife also.Regarding Birlaji and Jaipuriaji, Ithink if you also write to them, becauseyou are personally known to them, it willbe very nice, and induce them to supplythese Murties because that will be a greatco-operation with our movement. Anyonewho will co-operate with this movementwill be transcendentally benefited. Pleasetry to convince them of this point, andoblige.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-32c/o MendozaBronx, N.Y.Los Angeles15th March, 1970My Dear Ekayani,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much also for your niceletter dated 24 February, 1970, and thankyou very much also for your kind appreciationof Guru, that is very nice.I am very much pleased to know thatyou are chanting at least the prescribednumber of rounds daily and studying ourliteratures so carefully. Especially forgirls this is absolutely necessary, and thatwill uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness.So stick to rigidly followingthe regulative principles and Krishna willkeep you more and more engaged in Hisservice, then your life will be alwayshappy.All this is good news that you are verystudious and always busy. I am so muchencouraged to hear how you are preachingin the school . That is very nice, and that isyour first-class engagement. Prahlad Maharaj, in his childhood, was doing this. As

1260 Letters from Srrla Prabhupddasoon as he got some opportunity, he wouldpreach among his class fellows. His classfellows would be astonished to hear him,and they would ask Prahlad, "My dearPrahlad, where have you learned thesethings. We have got the same teachers, sowhere have you been taught this?" Theywere inquisitive, so Prahlad informedthem that his Spiritual Master was NaradaMuni and he was taught while he was inthe womb of his mother.So just imagine how much powerful isspiritual instruction that it was effectiveeven while the child was in the womb.Similarly, if you chant and read, you willalso be powerful to preach, and whoeverwill hear will be converted. That is theway of spiritual life.You are not poor. Of course one shouldbe humble, but a devotee is not poor. Yourattitude, however, is that you are poor andhumble is nice. But one who is in KrishnaConsciousness is the richest person.What value have these material richesgot? But when it is engaged in Krishna'sservice, it is spirtualized.Regarding your question where is theGayatri mantra in the first verse of SrimadBhagavatam, I have explained in my purportto the first verse that the Gayatri mantra"Dheemahi " is purposely invoked by SrilaVyasdeva. This explanation is given on page53, and in the verse, the mantra concludesthe sloka parom satyam dheemahi.Regarding the statement in BhagavadGita (17.6) that those who are demonsparch the Supersoul within the body,Krishna cannot be parched, but one whoobserves fasting irregularly gives unnecessarytrouble to the soul; and the soul andthe Supersoul sitting together or the soulbeing part and parcel of the Supersoul, indirectlyit is parching the Supersoul. Theidea is that one should not unnecessarilygive trouble to the soul or Supersoul. Thatis the business of the demon.Regarding Ballaba Sampradaya, thatis a different Ballaba than the youngerbrother of Srila Rupa Goswami.I am very glad to know that you are soeager to start a center when you get married.That is very nice. We want to openhundreds and thousands of centers inevery town village, neighborhood, andeverywhere. And we want to show idealhouseholder life also. If one pair of niceKrishna Conscioushouseholders are there,so many people derive benefit out of theirbehavior. So when you decide to marrywe shall find out a suitable devotee husbandfor you.Ye s, you can make nice children'sbooks, and in this connection, you cancorrespond with Satyabhama who is alreadyworking on a condensed version ofSNA book. And you should continueyour painting, then with love and devotionalpractice your pictures will becomeall attractive because of the bonafide transcendentalsubject matter. However, in themeantime, you write to say that you havepainted Mother Yasoda light blue color.Please let me know where you have receivedthis information. Yasoda and NandaMaharaj should be colored as Indians aregenerally of a light brown, tan like wheat.Regarding Svetadwipa, the informationis given in the Brahma Samhita, Svetadwipa,the Abode of Lord Caitanya, is aspecial portion of the same spiritualplanet, Goloka Vrindaban.I am so pleased to know that you arecarefully caring for your Deities and thatyou chant before Them always when athome. So the Lord is very kind upon Hissincere devotees, and He will providemore and more opportunities for such asincere devotee as you to advance in servingand remembering Him at all times.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

MARCH, 1970 126170-3-33LondonLos Angeles15th March, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8March, 1970.At first, I must thank you very muchfor your slides and the viewer, which I enjoywhenever I find some time. The picturesof London Temple immediately getme there, and I enjoy your company. So Ican understand that everything is going onwell in London Temple. The service ofthe Lord should be so nicely executed thatRadharani will bestow upon you blessings,raising Her right hand palm. Youhave got a very nice wife, a devotee andintelligent. So both husband and wifecombined together please see that theTemple service is being executed regularlyand nicely, and thus make your liveshappy and successful.Side by side, both of you should trainyour junior brothers and sisters in the serviceof the Lord, so that in case both ofyou go for preaching work, the scheduledprogram of the Temple may not be hampered.We should follow two importantlines, namely the Pancaratriki Bidhi aswell as Bhagavata Bidhi. The BhagavataBidhi is preaching work, and Samkirtan,and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worshipof the Deities. The Temple worship willkeep us sanctified, and when we shallpreach in sanctified, pure heart, thepreaching will be immediately effective.So we have to follow the two parallel linessimultaneously for successful executionof Devotional service.Regarding George Harrison, I am surehe will improve now in Krishna Consciousness.Krishna Consciousness is developedonly by service. So he has verywillingly and gladly served Krishna inmany ways. The recent 'Govinda' record,which your good wife has sung along withyou, is certainly super-excellent, and ithas become so nice becvause of George'sattention upon it. So whenever this niceboy comes to our Temple, please receivehim very nicely. Give him Prasadam andif possible talk with him about Krishna,and thus he will advance more and morein Krishna Consciousness.When I remember all of you in London,as well as George Harrison, I becomevery happy because the combination isvery much hopeful. I am so glad to learnthat George has said, "I don't want · tomake nonsense records any more." Thisversion of George I consider very valuable.His popularity and his great talentcan be very nicely utilized by producingsuch nice records as 'Govinda,' instead ofproducing something nonsense. In ourVaisnava literature there are hundreds andthousands of nice purportful songs, and ifthose songs, under George's supervision,are recorded, I think it will bring a greatrevolution in the record making business.So when he says that he does not wishto produce nonsense this does not meanthat he has to close his business. On theother hand, he will get greater opportunityfor producing finest transcendentalrecords which are still unknown to theworld. When you meet him again, you cantalk with him what I am speaking to you inthis letter. My special thanks are due toyour good wife, Srimati Yamunadevi. Hersinging songs of Krishna Consciousness,and Krisnna will certainly bless her andyou all.Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girls, and be happy. You will bepleased to know that Achyutananda is alsodoing very nicely in Calcutta. He is movingin very enlightened circles of Calcutta,and somebody is giving us a plot ofland worth Rs. 80,000 for constructing aTemple there. When the Temple is constructed,I shall ask you to go there with

1262 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>your wife and preach Krishna Consciousnessamongst the Indian community. Sometimesyou desired to go to India, andKrishna will fullfil your desire to a greaterextent. Krishna's service is so nice. Keepthis faith always in mind and serve regularly-yourlife will be sublime.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Please send more beautiful slides inplain cardboard frames.ACBS :db70-3-34Los Angeles15th March, 1970My Dear Harer Nama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your Jetter dated 3March, 1970, and I am very glad to knowthat you six boys are pushing our KrishnaConsciousness Samkirtan movement inthe Boulder-Denverrarea. Please workco-operatively and do it nicely.Regarding your several questions; yes,it is best to get all such points cleared up sothat our understanding may be firmlyt1xed up in our philosophy. The best processis to rigidly execute one's prescribeddevotional duties regularly, and to studythe books and literatures very carefully inthe company and guidance of experienceddevotees. The essence of our program isto chant daily Hare Krishna mantra atleast sixteen rounds without fail, and thusone remains strong in spiritual life.So far chaunce is concerned, I thinkyou have been wrongly advised to burnthe cumin seeds and chilies until they arevery black. The chi lie should be added tothe hot ghee just after the cumin seed beginsto darken in color, and both of themshould become brown, but not black orburnt. I think this adjustment with a littletrial will improve the dahl for offering tothe Deities.But I see that you have many suchquestions about our philosophy. Underthe circumstances it would be very good ifyou come to Los Angeles for some time tolearn these questions and answers in thedaily classes here. This is a good opportunityto clear up any doubts or misunderstandings,and the best program is if youcome here for study. I am personally lecturinghere weekly especially for ourdevotees.Regading Neil's study of Sanskrit, I amvery glad to learn of his seriousness tostudy, and we need many such Sanskritscholar devotees. When it is convenient, hemay study with Pradyumna in Boston, andthere are Sanskrit courses at the universitythere also. In the meantime, for his studies,Manva Dharma Shastra is not bonat1de.The Hitopadesh is alright for study.Ye s, I will visit Boulder temple, soplease inform me what is the best time.And when you come to Los Angeles, youcan advise me in particular how I shouldcome there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Please offer my blessings to all theboys there with you in Boulder.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-35PhiladelphiaLos Angeles15th March, 1970My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated12 March, 1970, and I am so muchpleased to learn about your gradual progressand success in preaching work. Yo uare a sincere devotee , and Krishna willgive you more and more chance forpreaching His glory.

MARCH, 1970 1263I am very glad to know that you havearranged a nice meeting in the NationalConference of Christians and Jews. I amsending herewith copiesof my address tothe Japanese people, as well as the prefaceto my book, KRSNA. They will helpyou to have some clear idea of ourKrishna Consciousness Movement. Youknow them all, and still this will be agreat help.Try to convince in the meeting that thedifference between animal society andhuman society is that the human societyhas in some form the ideals of KrishnaConsciousness or God Consciousness.That is religion. Religion without GodConsciousness has no meaning, and GodConsciousness means we are eternally relatedwith Him. He is the Father, and everyoneof us is the part and parcel or son.He is the Supreme Leader, and we aresubordinates. He is the Supreme Maintainer,and we are completely dependenton Him.Whatever we possess, including ourbody and our self, everything, belongs toHim. When one is completely in sense ofthis fact-he is God Conscious. And unlessa living entity becomes God Conscious,which is his constitutional position, hecannot be happy. So this is our propaganda.There is no question of sectarianism.Every religion should have this ain inview. But that system of religion whichteaches development of God Consciousnessis first class. We have to estimate bythe result, and not by the fo rmalities. Sothis Movement, Krishna Consciousness,very quickly develops this God Consciousness,and it is very easy to adopt it.But at the same time, we must rememberthat a sinful man cannot develop GodConsciousness. The four pillars of sinfullife are : 1) no illicit sex, 2) animal killingor animal eating, 3) indulgence in intoxicationin any form, and 4) take to the lifeof gambling. We therefore request all religiousinstitutions to check their followersfrom the reactions of these fourprinciples of sinful life , and that willpave the way of developing God Consciousness,and thus all the people willbe happy.It is not a question of following this religionof that religion. It is a question ofphilosophy of life. Our Krishna consciousnessphilosophy is practical, easier,and based on sound reasoning and philosophy.We place them before impartial,thoughtful men of the world, and we arecertain that they will find it sublime.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-36MontrealLos Angeles16th March, 1970My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your check of$100 for my book fund account and thankyou very much for it.I have received information from theScindia Steam Navigation Co. , Ltd. thatthe pair of Deities, 24 inches high, weighingabout 50 kilograms the pair, will bearriving in Montreal sometimes by theend of May 1970. They will be deliveredby the Montreal Agents of the company.The Deities will be carried by the vessel"Jaladhan." So you may note this, and youhave to prepare a bigger throne fo r accommodatingthe larger Deities.When the large Deities are installed,the small Deities should be worshipped asVijaya Vigraha which means this pair ofDeities may go outside the Temple in asmall car as they have made in L.A. Thiscar was made by Nara Narayan, so he cangive you the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha

1264 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidamay be taken out with Samkirtan Party,not always, but conveniently. In duecourse of time, I shall let you know thedetails.Your Temple will save about $400, includingthe price and freight ofthe Deitiesfrom Vrindaban, India. This money maybe contributed to my book fund.I have just heard from Gargamuni thatyou would like to print future issues ofFrench language BTG in a small sizeabout the size of our "Two Essays." So ifyou think that this will help increase thesales, then do it with my approval .Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-37BostonLos Angeles16th March, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of the edited copy oftape #19. I shall reply the points listed byPradyumna in a separate letter.I have received information from theScindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. thatthe pair of Deities, 24 inches high, weighingabout 50 kilograms the pair, will bearriving in Boston sometimes by the endof May 1970. They will be delivered bythe New York Agents of the company. TheDeities will be carried by the vessel "Jalapalaka."So you may note this, and youhave to prepare a bigger throne for accommodatingthe larger Deities.When the large Deities are installed,the small Deities should be worshiped asVijaya Vigraha which means this pair ofDeities may go outside the Temple in asmall car as they have made in L.A. Thiscar was made by Nara Narayan, so he cangive the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha may betaken out with Samkirtan Party, not always,but conveniently. In due course oftime, I shall let you know the details.Your Temple will save about $400, includingprice and freight of the Deitiesfrom Vrindaban, India. This money maybe contributed to my book fund.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I am enclosing a note for Pradyumnaherewith, please find, and also a poem tobe published in BTG. Your tapes havedaily been received.ACBS:db70-3-38Los Angeles17th March, 1970My Dear Suridas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated15 March 1970, and noted the contentswith great satisfaction. In the meantime, Ihave also received one copy of your firstParisian BTG. So while we are waiting forregular edition of French BTG, you maytry to improve this small publication andsell it as far as possible. That is very nice.I have also received one similar letterfrom London, and I have sent the reply toGurudas, and the copy is enclosed herewithso that all of you may follow the sameinstructions and open hundreds of Templesin Europe combinedly.Mukunda, Tarnal, yourself, Shyamsundar,Gurudas, and if possible, George,as well as Hansadutta and all your betterhalves just make a very rigid plan foropening centers in every nook and cornerof the European countries. I am arrangingwith Indian sympathizers to get some niceDeities like those in London. So try to installDeities and centers as many aspossible.

MARCH, 1970 1265Actually the modem human society isin need ot Krishna relationship, so as soonas they will come in touch with our movement,surely they will feel very happy. Sokindly execute this responsibility to yourbest capacity, and Krishna will be veryhappy upon you.Your combination with your goodwife, Jotilla, is very good, and now withgreater enthusiasm execute Krishna activitiesas I have advised Gurudas also.We must be fully equipped, and thepreaching work by pairs of husband andwife will be an unique example to theworld. Formerly the Acaryas were generallyall Sannyasins, but Lord Chaitanya, inHis instruction to Roy Ramananda, whowas a confidential devotee of Lord Caitanya,but a householder and responsiblegovernment official, Governor of Madras, has given open instruction that itdoes not matter what is the social or ecclesiasticalorder, if one is fully in KrishnaConsciousness, he can act as Acarya. Soall you boys and girls who are now married,follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya,and show vivid example to theworld how man and woman can be united,not for sense gratification but for the serviceof the Lord.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-39Los Angeles17th March, 1970My Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated1 3 March, 1970, and noted the contentswith great satisfaction. I received onesimilar letter from London, and I havesent the reply to Gurudas, and the copyis enclosed herewith so that all of youmay follow the same instructions andopen hundreds of Temples in Europecombinedly.Mukunda, yourself, Shyamsundar, Gurudas,and if possible, along with George,as well as Hansadutta and all your betterhalves just make a very rigid plan foropening centers in every nook and comerof the European countries. I am arrangingwith Indian sympathizers to get nice Deitieslike those in London. So try to installDeities and centers as many as possible.Actually, the modem human society isin need of Krishna relationship, so as soonas they will come in touch with our movement,surely they will feel very happy. Sokindly execute this responsibility to yourbest capacity, and Krishna will be veryhappy upon you.Your marriage with Madri Dasi is agood news, and now with greater enthusiasmexecute Krishna activities as I haveadvised Gurudas also. We must be fullyequipped, and the preaching work bypairs of husband and wife will be anunique example to the world. Formerlythe Acaryas were generally all Sannyasins,but Lord Caitanya, in His instructionto Roy Ramananda, who was aconfidential devotee of Lord Caitanya, buta householder and responsible governmentofficial , Governor of Madras, hasgiven open instruction that it does notmatter what is the social or ecclesiasticalorder, if one is fully Krishna Conscious,he can act as Acarya. So all of you boysand girls who are now married, followthis instruction of Lord Caitanya and showvivid example to the world how man andwoman can be united, not for sense gratification,but for the service of the Lord.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1266 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>70-3-40Los Angeles18th March, 1970ManagerBank of Baroda (Calcutta Branch)P. O. Box No. 313India ExchangeCalcutta- !, IndiaDear Sir:Re : My SIB Acount No. 29/12802with you Through M. M. DeKindly refer to my letter dated 3March, 1970.It is understood that the transfer of Rs.5000 to the savings account No. 8/16578with the United Bank of lndia Ltd. , 157 /BDharmatalla Street, Calcutta- 13, in favorof M. M. De, is under process of beingsanctioned by the Reserve Bank.Please transfer at least Rs. 1000 to theabove account without delay, pending theReserve Bank's sanction. And after beingsanctioned, you can transfer the balanceof Rs. 4000.Thanking you in anticipation, andoblige.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiSriman M.M. DeCalcutta, IndiaMy Dear Buro,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 14 March,1970, and noted the contents. I have notreceived any of your letter dated 13March, 1970. When I receive that letteralso, then I shall reply in detail. In themeantime, you can take this letter to thebanks, and do the needful.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-41BostonLos Angeles19th March, 1 970My Dear Dinadayadri and Nara Narayan,Please both of you accept my blessings.I beg to acknowledge receipt of yournote dated 30 February, 1970, along withone check for $100 to my book fund account,and thank you very much.I am very happy to learn that you are livingand working together happily as Grihasthas.Now use this opportunity of householdlife, not for sense gratification, but for mutuallyworking to perfect your Krishna Consciousness.I am also glad to note that youare eager to bring up many souls in KrishnaConsciousness, and that is a very encouragingand responsible program. Just one goodsoul fully developed and firmly convincedin preaching Krishna Consciousness can reclaimso many fallen souls for going back tohome, back to Godhead. And the best wayto prepare such Krishna Conscious souls isto train them to up from their birth to followthe principles of Krishna Consciousness.This is possible by good association of devoteeparents, so you must keep always fit inspiritual strength by following the regulativeprinciples faithfully and chanting the sixteenrounds of beads daily without fail, thenKrishna will give you more intelligence howto engage yourselves more and more in Hisservice, and your lives will be sublime.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-42Columbus, OhioLos Angeles19th March, 1970My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated

MARCH, 1970 126712 March, 1970, along with a poem "Allglories to Sri Gurudeva . ." etc . Thispoem and your many other writings giveme the impression that you are naturallythoughtful and philosophical, and thus Iam very much hopeful that in future youcan give to the world many nice thingspresented to the understanding of thethoughtful men in this age.In that way, I wanted you to live withme and be engaged in writing such things,getting ideas from me. But we will have towait for a few days more, and then I shallask you to leave completely from yourpresent occupation in the university.At present, you patiently work thereand get as much money as possible for developingNew Vrindaban. As I recommendto every householder, if you spend50% of you income for Krishna's businessin developing New Vrindaban, and a similaramount is collected by KirtananandaMaharaj , I think there will be no need offinancial help from other centers. I haveinquired yesterday of Gargamuni whetherhe has any response to his appeal formoney to other centers, and he said therewas none. So I don't think other centerswill be able to help another center for developing.Each center has to manage itsown affair independently.But I think if Kirtanananda Maharaj aswell as you try to introduce our books forstudy in the university classes, especiallyin the religions department, that will bevery nice and you can get good income outof that. Kirtanananda Maharaj has alreadyintroduced to one college, similarlyBrahmananda has also introduced in somecollege, and in each place they have soldmore than 40 copies of TLC. So the potencyis there because these books are notordinary literature, being based on Vedicphilosophy they are in a way a new line ofthoughts to the Western world. And thosewho are really interested in spiritual understandingsurely will appreciate. Butfor this introduction I don't find anyonejust competent except yourself and KirtananandaMaharaj . So you can think overthis matter and Krishna will show someway out.Another thing is that there is a 90 %chance of my going to India early nextyear. When I go, if you accompany me Iwill very much like it, provided you arefree.Now for New Vrindaban, if there is noimmediate necessity for purchasing theside properties, you just wait for anotheryear, and keep in a separate bank depositfor this purpose, and similar amount collectedby Kirtanananda Maharaj . In thisway, in one year I think you can accumulatethis 5000 to 7000 dollars or even it is alittle less, at that time, I shall try to completeit someway or other.Our next attempt would be to presentthe brochure with all different pictures ofour centers to the foundations and attracttheir attention. Our program is sublime.Our philosophy is practical and authorized;our character, the purest; our program,the simplest; but our ultimate goal isthe highest. Similarly, we have to convincepeople of your country. They are intelligent,well to do, and receptive. Why not trythis program combinedly, yourself, KirtananandaMaharaj , and Brahmananda.I think in New Yo rk there are so manyfoundations offices. If you all three orfour together, you can add also Subal , itwill be nice combination. If the foundationsunderstand that actually you are doingsomething nice, then the financialdifficulties for developing our variouscenters will be over.Please offer my blessings to Shyamadasi,and I hope this will find you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1268 Letters from Srfla Prabhupflda70-3-43Los Angeles19th March, 1970My Dear Jaya Gopal,Please accept my blessings. I have notheard from you since a long time. I hopeyou are doing well. You are a very sincereworker, and Krishna will bless you. I willbe glad to hear from you.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Patita Uddharan,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for the six volumes of our BTGmagazines which you have bound up andsent to me. You have done it very nicely,and I am keeping them installed in mybookshelf for convenient reference.I do not think it is necessary to makeany slip-cases as you have kindly offered.But in future, the magazines may bebound up by the full year and you may enclosein the binding also an index for theyear's articles. Soon our BTG will also beprinted in other languages, and it will benice if you can also bind these in similarsets as the English BTGs.I am very glad to know that your pen isinspired to create, because we are in needof many intelligent writers who can expressour Krishna consciousness philosophynicely just following exactly thetranscendental words and purports of ourvast Vedic scriptures according to the previousAcaryas of our Gaudiya VaisnavaSampradaya. And if you continue to workin this writing and publishing of our literatureswith steady enthusiasm and sincerity,your success in Krishn Consciousnessis certain. Therefore to keep yourspiritual strength, always observe the regulativeprinciples strictly and chant atleast sixteen rounds ofbeads daily withoutfail. This is essential for understandingour philosophy practically to advance inKrishna Consciousness. And we shouldalways avoid mental speculations.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-44BostonLos Angeles19th March, 197070-3-45BostonLos Angeles20th March, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated17 March, 1970, and noted the contents.In the meantime, I have also received yournote dated 18 March, 1970, along withthe new set of beads for Nityananda Das. Ido not know how they have been lost fromthe packet in the mail. But I have dulychanted this new set, and they will be sentsecurely wrapped.Regarding printing of KRSNA on thecover and Title, it should not be "KRSNABook," but it should be "KRSNA'' inlarge type on the first line, that is the Title,and on the second line, by way of adjective,"The Supreme Personality of Godhead"should be printed in smaller type.Regarding the salesman's statementthat the printing would take 8 months, sowe cannot wait for 8 months. They havegiven reference in their letter No. ODC­UMIS-L/70-115, dated 5 February, 1970,as follows; "we would like to show youour rough schedule of typesetting, Printingand binding.Typesetting-45 daysPrinting-20 daysBinding-20 days"So that is a total of 85 days or in other

MARCH, 1970 1269words about 3 months. Now why are theyasking so much time?Therefore do not accept a new schedule,which may be 8 months, because wehave already received the schedule fromMr. Haru Kugimoto, who is head of theirOverseas Division, and his word shouldnot be overruled by that of a salesman.Regarding picture pages, sections of 8pages together is not nice. The picturesshould be just at the appropriate place ofdescription in the text. There are manymodem glues which will not loosen for avery long time, so glueing is not a problem.I think that this method of insetingthe picture pages is best, and even better ifthey can be each protected by a leaf ofwaxed paper also. That will be best. So dowhat ever you think is best for getting thebook ready (printed) as soon as possible.Regarding the almanac, all your subjectsincluded are approved by me. Sothere is nothing to add, just see that it isfinished printing before Lord Chaitanya'sAppearance day.I have received the new issues of EasyJourney, and I have very much appreciatedthe color picture on the cover. It isvery much improved. Please offer mythanks to Advaita and his assistants.I think all our books can be printed insuch small booklets , part by part, andthey will be easily saleable. Take for exampleTLC. If we issue part by part likethat, it will be about 5 books. So peoplewill easily buy, and our purpose will beserved. Discuss the idea with yourcolleagues.Somehow or other, we shall overfloodthe market with Krishna Conscious literature.That will create our prestige, and beingcheap distribution, many people willlearn our philosophy. Another point isthat while BTG is delayed, you can sellthese.I am very glad to learn about NewYo rk's situation. New York must have anice Temple as Los Angeles as soon aspossible. That will be prestige for NewYork City. Next weekend, you can transfermy bank money, as addressed by youpersonally.Regarding color pictures in Nectar ofDevotion, this will be nice because Advaitahas improved. Even the quality of EasyJourney will do, but I hope he will improvemore. Please offer my thanks to Advaitaand all the others for taking so muchtrouble for Krishna Consciousness literature.The address which you have receivedfrom Readers Digest is not the same addressas I gave you, but whatever it maybe, they are a large agent, and you canopen correspondence as our distributor inIndia and settle terms. Send them someselected copies of BTG.Thank you for the enclosure of the pictureprinted in 'Horizon' Magazine, it isvery nice. Was there any descriptionprinted along with the picture?Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-46HamburgLos Angeles20th March, 1970My Dear Krgmdas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated19 March, 1970, and have noted thecontents .Ye s, I a very glad to learn that Hansaduttaand Himavati have arrived with TarnalKrishna, and they have in such shortorder set up a good program of activities.So now your Deities are being cared for

1270 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>under Himavati's direction, and SamkirtanParty is more successful led by Hansaduttaand Tarnal. Now with this goodorganization please continue to workcombinedly for spreading our KrishnaConsciousness movement throughoutGermany. You have said that there is suchgreat scope for preaching there, so I amvery hopeful that you will be very eager tocarry out this preaching work, startingmany new centers.Our first business is this preachingwork, especially to organize centers, andyou write to say that now this spreadingpotency will be utilized, so you shouldjoin wholeheartedly in this program. Ifyou think that the time spent for studying2 1 /2 years more can be better used immediatelyto push our Krishna Consciousnessmovement, then you can tum yourefforts in this direction. That will be verynice.Thank you very .much for sending thearticle, which appears to be very nice.Unfortunately, none of us is able to read it.And thank you also for the enclosure of$15 as contribution to my maintenancefund.Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govindaand Sadanandini for their beingunited in Krishna Conscious service.When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, Iwanted her to get married with a nice boy,and I am happy that Jaya Govinda is chosenfor this purpose by Krishna. So I thinkthey are very nice combination, and letthem work jointly with great enthusiasm.I think both you and Shivananda shouldmarry some German girls if they areKrishna conscious.Please offer my blessings to all the otherboys and girls there in Hamburg center. Ihope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-47BostonLos Angeles20th March, 1970My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedyour questionaire note for tape No.20, and the answers are as follows:1. Pg. 9 line 14 you can make itKiirtikeya .2. Pg. 9 line 15: In my Srimad Bhagavatamit is written Sri Sailam. At thattime it was known as Sailapura, and now itis known as Solapura. It is still a pilgrimagein Mahar, and because Balaramji wastraveling in South India, this is Solapura isin South India.3. Pg. 9 line 18; yes, Dravi

MARCH, 1970 1271without having bathed first and changedto clean cloths after passing stool, etc.Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernailsclean and trim. Be sure that yourhands are clean before touching anythingon the altar or the Deities. And cleansethe Deity room, altar and floor dailythoroughly. Shine the various Aratrikparaphanalia after Aratrik. This is describedin the booklet for pujaries writtenby Shilavati Dasi. The idea is summitcleanliness-that will satisfy Kr?l.la.Regarding your dream, it is a greatblessing to you that Kr?l.la warned you. Soyou should never be negligent. Always becareful, then in due course you will feelthe Bhava.Please offer my blessings to your goodhusband, Baradraj . I hope both of you arein good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-49BostonLos Angeles20th March, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated16 March, 1970.Regarding your question about the artdepartment, for the present we should finishthe pictures for KRSNA first. Then, ifthere is opportunity, they can print picturesfor Nectar of Devotion. Both are required,but most important is KRSNA. Itis better to have pictures in all our books,as many as possible.I have received two copies of EasyJourney, and Advaita has done this picturecover and it is very much advanced. So hecan print pictures in NOD. The printingof Easy Journey is very encouraging. Ithink that the second part of KRNSAshould be printed in our own press.Yes, be engaged always in Krishna'sduties, and you all members, husband andwife, family, friends, brothers, and sisters,all combined will feel transcendentalbliss.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-50HonoluluLos Angeles21st March, 1970My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated 3March, 1970, and have noted the contents.Since you have requested me so often togo to Hawaii, I mut go, there is no doubt. Itonly remains for you to Jet me know whenis the best time for my coming there. Ofcourse the mango season is best, so pleaseinform me so I can make out my schedule,and you can make all arrangements.Do you have the pictures of Prahladwhich you painted some years ago? I thinkthey may be published in BTG, but theyhave been missing.Please offer my blessings to GovindaDasi and to all the boys and girls there inNew Nabadwipa.Hope this will find you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-5 1BostonLos Angeles21st March, 1970My Dear Nara Narayan,Please accept my blessings. I begto acknowledge receipt of your letter

1272 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>addressed to Gargamuni dated 'nil,' alongwith a new set of beads. I have conveyedthe letter to Gargamuni after learningfrom it that you have lost your original setof japa beads and request me to chant onthese.So I have duly chanted them as youhave desired, and they are returned herewithenclosed. However, in future, pleasebe very careful to keep these sanctifiedbeads. You should be more heedful . Nowbe sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteenrounds daily without fail, avoidingthe ten offenses to the Holy Name, andthus advance in spiritual strength.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-52BuffaloLos Angeles21st March, 1970My Dear Nityanandadas,Please accept my blessings. I have justreceived one note from Brahmanandawhich informs me that your original set ofbeads was lost in the mail and did not arrivein the packet with your letter of initiation.Brahmananda has sent one set ofnew tulsi beads, and I have duly chantedupon them and I am sending them to youenclosed herewith.I hope you are doing well in Buffalounder the guidance of Rupanuga Prabhu.Please be sure to chant at least sixteenrounds of the Holy Name daily and behappy.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-53Los Angeles24th March, 1970My Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated17 March, 1970, with enclosure, and it isvery satisfying that you have introducedSamkirtan Party procession in the publicstreets and parks on the occasion of LordCaitanya 's Birthday.It is a good addition to my missionaryactivities, and I thank you very much. Inthe London streets, introduction of RathaYatra procession, as well as Lord Chaitanya's Birthday ceremony procession,and in the most important part of the city,a Radha Krsna Temple-all these thingsare great achievement of your London Yatraparty, and personally I feel a greatcredit for me because by such activitiesmy Guru Maharaj is certainly verypleased upon us. So whatever progress weare making by the grace of BhaktisiddhantaSaraswati Goswami Maharaj , wemust stick to them and make further progress.I am enclosing herewith two picturesof our new church buildings, which weare going to purchase at the cost of$225,000; down payment, $50,000. Thewhole debt has to be cleared off by twelveyears. So the management here has takena great burden upon themselves, and similarlyI am awaiting the days when LondonYatra party, headed by you , will have asimilar achievement in London.What happened to that application yousubmitted for the old Oxford church? Ithink these Christian people do not likeour advancement in the preaching work.Nevermind, we shall depend upon Krsnaand march on progressively.I have received word that English citizenscan fly to Australia as immigrants,and the cost is only $20 per person. So underthe circumstances, you can send someBrahmacaries to help out our new center

MARCH, 1970 1273in Sydney. This will be best because theBritish government will bear the expenseof their transportation. Also you can helpthem out by sending them the papers ofISKCON, Ltd. from London, so they canimmediately incorporate as a Commonwealthbranch. The Sydney address is asfollows: ISKCON Temple, 26 HordernsPlace, Potts Point, N.S.W. 201 1.Regarding the manjiras, I am surprisedthat the custom duty is cent percent.I do not know what does it mean.The whole consignment is worth £50, andthey want to impose the simliar amount ascustom duty. In India, although our countryis advertised to be very poor, the customduty is not more than 30% on sucharticles. I think there is some misinformationabout this consignment. Please enquirescrutinizingly.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-54Los Angeles25th March, 1970ManagerBank of BarodaIndia Exchange BranchP. O. Box No. 313India Exchange PlaceCalcutta- ! , India(URGENT)Dear Sir:Re : My Savings Bank A/c No.29/12802Replying your letter No. SB/34/ ,dated 14th March, 1970, I beg to reply asfollows with reference to the last paragraphof your letter under reply:1) Duration of my stay in U.S.A. is aspresent from 29th December, 1969. Beforethat, I was touring in Europe. (Theduration of my stay outside India in myPassport is up to 9th June, 1971.)2) My last departure from India was on13th December, 1967.3) The "P" Form No. and ReserveBank of India Permit No. is as follows:EC. CA Pass 4599/2-67, dated 18th November,1967, approve

1274 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidasomebody, it is to be taken as blessing.You know that the great sage Narada condemnedthe sons of Kuvera to becometrees, but as a result of this, they were ableto see Lord Krsna which is very difficulteven for the great mystic yogis.You have been a little bit perturbed thatthe demons are eternally condemned, and Ithank you very much that you have beencompassionate with the demons. That isthe sign of Vaisnavaism. The Lord maycondemn the demons, but because theVaisnavas are there, there is ample chancefor the demons to become blessed by thedevotees of the Lord. The devotees of theLord are so powerful that each and everyone of them has the power of deliveringmany demons, even condemned by theLord. The preaching work of Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is specifically meantfor delivering the demons. Therefore. ifyou remain faithful to the Lord, you shallbe able to deliver many such demons.So there is no cause of being disappointedbecause of the demons being condemnedby the Lord . It is the duty of thedevotee to deliver them. And the Lord isso powerful that through His pure devoteeanyone can be delivered, never mind howhe is fallen or condemned. I think the answerof your question is now clear and youcan do the needful.I have gone through the newspaper articlessent by you, and they are very important.Continue to work like this incooperation with Dininath Prabhu who isa very good devotee. Prabhavati's husband,Harer Nama, is here in L.A. now.Please convey my blessings to all thePrabhus there working under your gooddirection.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-56Scindia HouseNew DelhiLos Angeles26th March, 1970My Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your copy of theletter to Sri Trivedi, dated 9th March,1970.In the meantime, I have received a letterfrom Sri Trivedi that he has arrangedto dispatch the three pairs of Murties todifferent places, but I do not know if SriM. L. Chand of Dalmia Cement Ltd. hasalready handed over the Murties to thecare of Sri N. M. Trivedi.Then, what about the other two pairsof Murties? Are they already delivered toyou? If so, you can dispatch them similarlyfor Los Angeles, Besides that, SrimatiSumati Morarjee of Bombay hasagreed to donate some Murties hereself,as well as through some friends. Shewants to know the price of the M urties andthe place from where they can be had. It isunderstood that you have already writtento Jaipur about the cost of marble Murties.I hope by this time you have receivedthe cost. If so, kindly inform me as well asSrimati Sumati Morarjee because we requireimmediately at least one dozenMurties for different places.We require at least one pair of Murtiesexactly like that of London, for which youhave got the picture, for our Paris center.Kindly therefore enlighten me on theabove subject by return post, and oblige.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. I have received one letter from Sethjiacknowledging my book, Sri Isopanisad.Please convey my regards for him.ACBS:db

MARCH, 1970 127570-3-57BostonLos Angeles28th March, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 26thMarch, 1970, along with transcription oftape #23 .Regarding opening of a branch inProvidence, Rhode Island, it is very encouraging.Both Nandakishore and SriDhama are nice devotees and I am surethey will be successful in conducting thenew center. It is a good news for me. Toopen a center for us is not very difficultjob. Simply the devotees who volunteertheir service must be very serious andsincere.Both Sri Dhama and Nandakishore aregood administrators of Prasadam which isour peak medicine for driving away Maya;so I have all blessings for them. Let themchant Hare KrJ:a and distribute Prasadam,and things will come very quickly.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-58LondonLos Angeles28th March , 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. Since afew weeks I have not received any letterfrom you and I understand also that someof you have moved to George's place. Ishall be glad to know what is the programthere.It was also informed to me by Woomapatithat all of you along with George werein Paris for some television engagement.Did you find any suitable place for ourTemple in Paris?I am therefore very much anxious tohear from you and I shall be glad thereforeif you reply in detail by return post.I learn also that Murari and his wifehave also gone to London, but he is stayingwith you . How are Malati and yournice daughter, Saraswati? Please offer myblessings to George.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-3-59DetroitLos Angeles29th March, 1970My Dear Daughter Hladini Dasi (Linda),Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your nice letter dated 26thMarch, 1970, asking to become my initiateddisciple in KrI:a Consciousness andalso your beads for chanting. I am veryglad to know that your are strictly observingthe rules and regulations of KrI:aConsciousness faithfully and now I amvery glad to accept you as my initiated student.I am returning your beads herewithduly chanted by me.Yo ur initiated name is HladinideviDasi. Lord KrJ:a's Pleasure Potency iscalled Hladini, so this spiritual energy ofKrJ:a's pleasure potency, Hladini, is SrimatiRadharani Who is always increasingthe transcendental pleasure of KrI:la byHer super-excellent loving devotional service.Radharani is the most confidentialservant of the Lord and Hladini Dasimeans the servant of Radharani. So pleasealways be engaged in chanting Hare KrJ:amantra at least sixteen rounds daily andwork sincerely and eagerly in the serviceof the Lord observing the regulative principlesand thus be happy.I am also pleased to know that you willbe married with Sriman Mahananda in

1276 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaKrI;a Consciousness and that you offeryour children to KrI;a is very, very nice.May KrI;a bless you both to work combinedlyfor mutually advancing in KrI;aConsciousness more and more.I have written to Mahananda that mysuggestion is that after some time trainingin Detroit with Bhagavandas you can try toexpand our activities by opening a branchin some suitable place. That will be verynice. So please chant Hare Kn;I;a and behappy, that is my desire.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-3-60 Los Angeles29th March, 1970My Dear Mahananda (Michael),Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter requestinginitiation, dated 26th March,1970, along with your beads for chanting,and I am very happy to accept you as myinitiated disciple. Your initiated name isMahananda Das. I have chanted yourbeads duly, and they are herewith returnedto you.I am very pleased to know that youhave been strictly living according to ourKrI;a conscious way of life in the mattersof daily chanting sixteen rounds,following the four basic restrictive principles,and working hard in KrJ;a's service.Please continue to live in this wayand the success of your life in KrI;aConsciousness is assured. Always chantingthe Holy Name, KrJ;a, observingthe regulative principles, and working inthe service of the Lord are the essentialprogram for advancement in spiritualstrength.You have written one interesting line,that Maya seems to have a special interestin you. So it appears that you are intelligentenough to detect the tricks of Maya;that is very nice. We should always rememberthat Maya or darkness and KrI;laor the Light are existing side by side. So ifwe keep ourself always in KrI;a Consciousnessor in the Light of KrI;a Sun,hardly there is any chance of being coveredby darkness or Maya.But a little inattention may cause ourfalling down into the clutches of Maya.The path of KrI;a Consciousness is comparedin the Vedas with a sharpened razorblade. If you carefully manipulate it, theblade helps by clean shaving; but a littleinattention causes a bloody cheek. So thisexample we should always remember andcarefully manipulate the blade of KrI;laConsciousness.I am pleased that you are so enthusiasticin spreading KrI;a Consciousness, soas soon as you find opportunity you try toexpand our activities by opening a branch.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-61Los Angeles29th March, 1970My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated24th March, 1970, and it is veryencouraging.When Brahmananda came here, I discussedwith him that we have now openedso many branches and they should beproperly maintained. As I am personallyhere in Los Angeles, and because Krsnahas now given us a very nice church, itwill be possible for me to look after thebusiness here to be the ideal for other

MARCH, 1970 1277centers. The church building is very excellent.I am sending herewith two pictures.We have already paid the advancemoney, $50,000, out of $225,000. Yourcontribution is very much welcome.I was to advance $20,000 as loan frommy book fund, but Gargamuni has arrangednot to take from me more than$ 1 1 ,500. So whatever contribution is receivedfrom other centers will go for repayingthe loan taken from me and fromother centers.Regarding moving with SamkirtanParty, as Kirtananda Maharaj is doingnow, it will be another impetus for pushingforward our mission. Please do thisbusiness very nicely. Caitanya Mahaprabhualso did like that and He presentedHimself as a merchant in KrIJa Consciousnessselling the transcendentalcommodity in exchange of eagerness ofthe people. If people simply becomefaithful to the understanding of KrsnaConsciousness, that will be the price forour transcendental commodity, HareKrl)a Mantra.As you are having many engagements,it is very much encouraging. The clippingswhich you have sent are very nice.You are going to about a dozen colleges indifferent places and that is very much encouragingalso.I have all my blessings for JagajjananiDasi and Prahladananda Das for beingmarried under your care. Train this couplefor opening a new branch in one of theplaces you are now visiting with SamkirtanParty. Try to open as many branches aspossible and manage to see them that theyare going on nicely. That is my request.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife and all the Prabhus there in BuffaloTemple. I hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-3-62ParisLos Angeles30th March, 1970My Dear Woomapati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated26th March, 1970. I have also receivedthe newspaper cutting in which the pictureof George has come out and it appears tobe very nice because he has taken tochanting Hare KrIJa Mantra along withyou. Actually he has done some service tothe cause of Krl)a Consciousness, thereforehe must make progress in his spiritualadvancement. The heading 'An Anti­Alcoholic Beatie at Maxim's' -does itmean that George has given up alcohol?Anyway, I am pleased with his dealingwithus and I pray to Krl)a that he shallmake more and more advancement inKrl)a Consciousness.You have written to say that Frenchpeople are eager to understand Vaisnavaphilosophy, and the summary of Vaisnavaphilosophy is as follows:God is a person like us, but He is allpowerfulwith all opulences in full. Theliving entities are His eternal servants.There are varieties of living entities thathave inherited the opulences of God in differentdegrees. There are two kinds of nature,the spiritual nature and the materialnature. The living entities belong to thespiritual nature and being part and parcelof God they have all the qualities of God inminute proportion.There are innumerable living entitiesboth in the spiritual world and in the materialworld. The spiritual world is far, fargreater than the material world. As such,the number of living entities living in thespiritual world is many more times greaterthan the number of living entities livingwithin the material world. The living entities,when they try to lord it over the God'sproperty, forgetting their constitutional

1278 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>position to remain as eternal servant ofGod, they are given the material world toact according to their desires.In such endless varieties of desires theliving entities are seen in varieties ofbodies beginning from Brahma, down tothe most insignificant insect. In this way,when someone is fortunate, he, by thegrace of Spiritual Master and Krl).a, reviveshis Krl).a Consciousness. And if hemakes progress under the direction of theSpiritual Master, then he revives his originalKrl).a Consciousness in full and thushe regains his position in the eternal Kingdomof God.So you know very well all these facts ,and while preaching you have to explainall these things nicely. Then you become agood preacher. Now you try your best inthis line of preaching work and be successfulas you have taken birth as a humanbeing. Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summarythe Teachings of Lord Chaitanya .You read them very carefully, word toword, and immediately begin translationinto French language so they may be publishedin French BTG as well as in futurethey may be published in a book.I think Janardan is very busy in preparationfor his Ph.D. because I have alsonot heard from him for a long time. So lethim continue his studies. There is no needof disturbing him at present. Better bothyou and Suridas take up this translationwork seriously. I think there are somedevotees in Montreal who can also translateinto French language. Anyway, arrangefor this work immediately, withoutwaiting anymore.You have not written anything whetheryou have been able to find out a suitableplace for our Temple. It was understoodthat when George goes there, he wouldhelp us in this matter. So I shall be glad toknow how far you have been successful inthis connection. It is all Krl).a 's grace thatyou have been favored with some publicityand more people are coming weeklyfor Kirtan. It is very much satisfactory,and I hope Krl).a will help you more andmore.Please keep me informed about yourfurther progress and offer my blessings toall the boys and girls there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

APRIL70-4- 1Los Angeles1st April, 1970My Dear Arundhuti,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 'nil'.If you have got extra time, I encourageyou to learn Sanskrit along with your husband.So far your movement is concerned,in pregnancy, you should strictly not rideon cars or any conveyance until your delivery,neither should you dance also.So you stick to the composition work,and according to Brahmananda 's programI understand you will l.ave enough work todo now. Actually, the composition workwas taken from August 1969, but still theyare not yet completed. If you have noother composing work to do, then youmay begin to compose Srimad Bhagavatam,Second Canto, immediately.Regarding the Sushruta Samhita, Ihave no information about this. SushrutaSarnhita is a big book of medical science,it is not able to be understood by ordinarylaymen. I do not know why you botherabout this, but if somebody helps youfrom this book, I have no objection.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I have justreceived one check of contribution fromBrahmananda and I understand that youhave contributed $500, so I thank you verymuch for this.May Krf.la bless both you and yourgood wife.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-2Los Angeleslst April, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated24th March, 1970. I understand that theLord Chaitanya's Birthday procession wasvery, very nice and similarly in San Franciscoalso they took out a procession in thestreet, and it is understood that 4000 to5000 people participated. So this is anotherintroduction to our Krf.la ConsciousnessMovement.Regarding the court case, such kindsof case will come and go. We have to go onwith our transcendental business. It isvery encouraging that Samkirtan Party isgoing twice daily, that should be continued.Other things will be adjusted by thegrace of Krf.la.I talked with Gargamuni, you can immediatelybegin the incense business. It isnot very difficult and you can do very nicebusiness in London. From Holland youcan get very good scents. Holland is agreat center of manufacturing essentialoils.One thing, all other centers print theAcarya's name on the letterhead of theirstationary-you should also do that. Andevery center contributes $15 monthly towardsmy maintenance fund, so you alsotry to contribute this monthly. Besidesthat, in your book list I don't find the name

1280 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupt'idaof Srimad Bhagavatam. Yo u should haveall the books in stock always. If you havenot got any Srimad Bhagavatams in stock,just order them from Brahmananda.Also, I have not heard anything fromKshirodaksayee in some time. So let meknow how he is doing.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated 21st March,1970. The kartals have not yet reached here.Yes, I am going to the newly purchasedchurch Temple and when I go there by Sundaynext, I shall try to teach the local boys inthe way of performing Samkirtan in a circle.I shall send to you the sound production withphotographs if possible, and instructionsalso.I am awaiting the arrival of the kartals.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-3Los Angeles1st April, 1970My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated 27thMarch, 1970. I have duly received your$300 transferred from Germany and I understandthat you are transferring another$1,500 to my account. The mail strike isalready over. I am enclosing herewith a letterfor Himavati, giving her instruction.So far Samkirtan is concerned, I am somuch pleased to learn that you are takingSamkirtan as your life and soul. There isno doubt about Krf.la 's being pleasedvery much upon those who are engaged insuch Samkirtan Movement, that is admittedby Lord Krf.la in the Bhagavad Gitaand Caitanya Caritamrita. Some of thebest students like you, Tarnal, Mukunda,Shyamsundar, and Jaya Govinda, are allnow in Europe. Now you form a strongparty for opening centers as well as organizingthe World Samkirtan Party.This Samkirtan Party, backed by literaturesand books, will certainly bring in agreat change in the modern civilization.Godless civilization can never be happy.Therefore as soon as they become Kpf.laconscious, they will feel practical happinesswithout any doubt.I am so glad that Shivananda is going tobe married with a German girl; and similarly,Krf.ladas may be also married. MyGuru Maharaj created some Brahmacariesand Sannyasis for preaching work, and I amcreating all Grihasthas. This means that wehave to adjust things in favor of circumstancesin the matter of pushing Krf.la ConsciousnessMovement forward.By correspondence, I am trying to securea great quantity of Deities and mridangasfrom India, so we must utilizethem by opening various center, whichmeans we must have sufficient manpower,and this will depend on your SamkirtanParty. Then everything will go on nicely.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-4HamburgLos Angeleslst April, 1970My Dear Himavati,Please accept my blessings. I am in duereceipt of your letter dated 25th March,1970. Yes, the same things are going on. Iam trying to change diets and sometimesfasting. But after all, it is old body, so dizzinessis not unnatural. Regarding herb teas

APRIL, 1970 1281for colds and sore throat, up to now I have nosuch complaint, so they are not necessary.I am very, very glad that you are takingcare of the Deities with great attentionand enthusiasm. Regarding yourquestions: the Deities should be polishedbefore Their morning bath. Make a thinpaste of fuller's earth and lime juice andrub this mixture on Their bodies and thenbathe them and then dry and buff Themwith a small towel for the purpose. Yo ucan make one very nice bed and place itto the backside of the throne, and you canmake night clothes. So after the last Aratrikat night, you can change to Theirnight clothes for taking rest. BecauseThey are small Deities, They may be lainon the bed with some pillows (becausethe base may raise Their feet up); if thiscan be arranged it will be nice.Yes, Their crowns and jewelry shouldbe removed both at night and while restingat noon, but wigs may stay on andKr1.1a should always hold His flute. It isnice if you can provide some heating arrangementfor cold weather. Also differentweight clothes for warmer or colderweather is good. Your idea for a thin curtainaround the throne is very good. RegardingRadharani 's smiling, that is notimagination-so she must smile. Let thisbe an impetus to your increased service.Radha !).a topics are for both liberatedand conditioned souls, but conditionedsouls should not much discuss about the lovingaffairs between Radha and !).a becausesometimes they misunderstand Radhaand !).a as ordinary boy and girl. So thisshould be discussed with advanced students,not with ordinary men. Yes, you make thethrone very plush and comfortable and gorgeouslike a bedroom. You are welcome forthese questions, since you are enagaged inTheir service, you must know everythingthoroughly.I am very glad to learn of you eagernessto help open new centers in Munich,Amsterdam, and Berlin. But unless someresponsible devotee takes charge of theDeities, you should remain in Hamburg.Hansadutta may alone go for preachingwork with the others. I think there areenough brahmins there, so if one cannotbe engaged fulltime, they should dividethe duties amongst themselves-one takesthe morning, another one at noon, and anotherin the evening, or like that. So unlessthey are trained up, you should not go.Deity worship is for old and experiencedstudents; it is not good for new students tobe given sacred thread. This Deity worshipis exclusively for advanced students.Regarding taking Lord Jagannatha toyour next center, that will not be verygood because you already do not haveenough devotees to engage in Arcan. Unlessthere is a Deity worshipper available,we may worship Panchatattwa and Guru.That can be done by all initiated studentswhether they are once or twice initiated.Before an altar with pictures of Lord CaitanyaPanca-tattwa and Acaryas, everyonecan offer Aratrik and Bhoga.Yes, it is nice that you are worshippingLord Caitanya along with Radha Krl).a.That is alright. Lord Caitanya should beplaced to the right side of Krl).a. There isnothing special for His worship, but youmay continue as you are doing now. Theorder of worshipping is first SpiritualMaster, and then Lord Caitanya, thenRadha Kr1.1a (as in the mantras or Bundeaham prayer).Your confidence to do whatever youare instructed by the Spiritual Master isvery encouraging. Yes, this is the methodof the Vedic injunction, staunch faith inSpiritual Master and Kr1.1a makes oneperfect in spiritual understanding.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1282 Letters from Srila Prabhuptida70-4-5LondonLos Angeles1st April, 197070-4-6BostonLos Angeles2nd April, 1970My Dear Lilavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated23rd March, 1970. So I am glad to learnthat your daughter and Shyamsundar'sdaughter are learning KrIJa Consciousnessvery nicely. The program was thatyou would go to New Vrindaban for trainingchildren-never mind, you can do itthere also.So far George's house is concerned, itwas formerly learned through Shyamsundarthat he also wants to have a KrIJa Consciousnesscenter there. If he gives us aplace there, just like Lennon gave a place inhis garden, then you can start a similartemple there under your supervision. Butunless there is some tangible programthere, I think you should not divert attentionin starting a new center there.We have to organize this London centervery solidly, so at least on Sundays allof you should come there and managethings. Anyway, conjointly you shall managethe London center and Samkirtanthatshould not be neglected.Regarding George's center, if he opensit very nicely according to his position,then on hearing from Shyamsundar I shallgive direction how to do it. I have alreadywritten Shyamsundar about this, and I amawaiting his reply. The conclusion is thatyou are so many advanced disciples nowin Europe, including Hamburg, Londonand Paris. Now you should organize theSamkirtan Movement in Europe by openingas many centers as possible from townto town at least. So do it conjointly andthat will give me very much satisfaction.Hope this meets you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated27th March, 1970, and have noted thecontents. In the meantime, I have receivedyour letter dated 30th March,1970, along with the two checks for$1,592.02 and $256.00. Thank you verymuch for them. So now when you requiremoney for printing our books, inform meand I shall send you the check. And youmay send all checks of money not expendedon printing and money frombook sales to me.Regarding printing of the books,now you are managing these things inBoston. I want just that the books maybe printed somehow, somewhere ; that isall. So do it as you see fit, there is noneed of checking with me. I give youfull responsibility in the matter, butonly if there is some critical point it maybe referred to me .So far the preface, dedication, acknowledgementfor Nectar of Devotion,I shall supply you with these in duecourse of time. I do not think they areimmediately required since you canprint the other parts of the book first asyou have decided.Regarding a cover picture for KrishnaConsciousness-the Top-most Yoga, I thinkyou can make a picture of a devotee sittingcross-legged chanting japa before RadhaKrIJa Deities.I have read the letter from RamanPublications Magazine. So when you receivethe copies of their publications,send them to me , and then I shall decidewhat to do.I am very glad to know that both Bostonand New Yo rk centers are blissfullyengaged. Now just see things go on nicely.

APRIL, 1970 1283Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-7St. LouisLos Angeles2nd April, 1970My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated29th March, 1970. The newspaper portionis very encouraging. They have devoted somuch space for describing ourselves. Althoughthere are a few misquotations, nevermind,it is a good publicity.I am so much pleased with your wifeand yourself and I can simply praise youhow wonderful you are. Both you andyour wife are setting good examples howKn>Qa Conscious Grihasthas or householdersshould live for KrQa. You arepractically experiencing that there is nodifficulty in household life if people are inKn>Qa Consciousness. So please stick toyour principles very nicely and the programwhich you are following is alreadyvery nice-lecturing in the university,having classes in your apartment, distributingPrasadam-all of them are very,very nice. Please offer my blessings to Indira,and go on with your program, andKrI}a will give you all opportunities.We have purchased a new churchbuilding here, and you will be glad to seethe picture enclosed herewith. So graduallyin your center also one day we mayhave our own buildings because everythingis possible if KrI}a desires.Hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-8BostonLos Angeles5th April, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. When Iwas going to Europe via New York, Iasked you to pick up some file 'Vrindaban'('Radha Damodar Temple') and youpicked it. I told you that this file is veryimportant and keep it carefully.I am not finding this file with the consignmentof books. Please try to find outwhere is that file, it is very important.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :dbP. S. Please send immediately 1 or 2 samplecopies of B. T. G. to the following address.She is a prospective customer.Srimati Hemanta Kumari Chowdhuranic/o Sri Priyanath ChowdhuriCollegeparaP. O. Balurghat, West DinajpurWest BengalIndia70-4-9BostonLos Angeles5th April, 1970My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated31st March, 1970, and in the meantime Ihave received one small tape record. Yourteaching of Sanskrit pronunciation hasbeen very much successful. I was justthinking of teaching our students the pronunciationof the Sanskrit verses in theBhagavad Gita, Srlmad Bhagavatam, etc .and by KrI}a 's will you have already begunthis. It will be a great help for me ifthe students are taught to pronounce in

1284 Letters from Sri/a PrabhuptidaSanskrit vibration. It will be another effectof transcendental sound vibration.But we should always remember thatour aim is spiritual realization, so in suchclasses in the beginning there must beKirtan and at the end also there must beKirtan. And they should not only pronouncethe verses, but they should alsounderstand the meaning and purport ofeach verse, then it will be grand success.If possible, you can make anothercomplete tape for use in other centers.You should make several copies and perhapsDinesh can help you in this connection.Then distribute these specimen tapesto all centers and they may be asked for thecharges.About word endings, when we speakabout sabdharupa it is just like the sabdarupais gunin or svamin, but when weactually articulate, we speak the nominativeform. In the place of gunin we speakguni (nominative form). So the nominativepart of speech is used when we articulate,not the pratipadika. That is usage.Similarly in the matter of atman, weshould speak atma. So I do not know whatthe scholars in this place want to have.You can make your own discrimination.Do you think you shall require all thesebooks? Of course I have no objection ifyou keep these as reference books, but weshould always remember that we have togive more stress on our spiritual side thanthe scholastic side. But at the same time,if our books are presented in a scholarlyway, that will be very nice. So you use thebest part of discretion and do the needful.So far grammar is concerned, one hasto learn Sanskrit grammar for at least 12years, then he becomes an expert grammarian.In India, those who are Sanskritscholars studied in the beginning, from5 to 15 years-that is for ten years continually-andthey study grammar thoroughly.When one is expert in grammaticalrulings and formation-that is to say :sabda, dhatu, sandhi, samasa, prakaran,vidhan, pratyaya, adhikarana-after thisthey study nyaya . In this way, when one isexpert in 10 to 12 years, that is by the ageof the 17th year, a student becomes verymuch expert and any departmental knowledgehe can master in 1 to 2 years. But youneed not become such a scholar. You requiresimply to understand Sastras BhagavadGita, Srimad Bhagavatam, etc. andchant Hare Krl).a Mantra as much as possible.The thing is if you give more stresson scholarly line, other devotees will tryto imitate you. Already your wife has expresssuch intention, and as soon as we tryto be scholars, our devotional line will beslackened. These points are to be kept inview always.Yes, I was missing the two volumes ofSrimad Bhagavatam of Cantos 3; 7, 8, 9.So keep them with you as reference, orconveniently send them here.I think in the very near future you willbe required to move from center to centerto teach this verse vibration. So in eachcenter, by hearing your tapes and by yourpersonal presence they will become veryexpert in pronouncing the Sanskrit verses.Regarding your last point that you shalltry to learn the various literatures verycarefully and present everywhere inclasses and books, that is very good. Thisis a nice idea and if you can do it, it is greatservice and Krl).a will bless you. I amsure you will be successful in this attempt,but don't forget to chant sixteen roundsregularly. then you will get spiritualstrength more and more.I do not know much about Mukundadasa,but I think Jiva Gosvami did commentationon Bhakti-rasamrita sindhu andthat is accepted by my Guru Maharaj .Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db

APRIL, 1970 128570-4-10Los Angeles7th April, 1970Sri R. C. DhruvaSecretary to Sri R. D. BirlaIndustry House159 Churchgate ReclamationBombay 20, IndiaDear Sri Dhruva,I beg to thank you for your letter dated28th March, 1970. I am so glad to learnthat Sri Birlaji feels that there is a need foran imposing Hindu temple in London.The minimum expenditure for such atemple will not be less than £1 ,000,000.So far I have met with the Hindus in London,they are not very rich. Most of themare engaged in service and some of themare doing business, but still it will be difficultto raise this £1,000,000 from the localHindus. If, however, Sri Birlajiassures to contribute 50% of the expenditure,I think I shall be able to raise the balancefunds somehow or other.I know there is difficulty for transferingmoney from India, but if Sri Birlajicontributes the money in India, I think Ishall be able to utilize the money for Londontemple. program. I have already establishedone Radha J:l'l temple in the mostbusy part of the city at 7 Bury Place, justadjoining the British Museum. This templeis situated in a five story rented (onlease) house, and many devotees are comingto see the Deities from distant places.So by the grace of Lord KpJ.la it is goingon.So far my preaching work is concerned,I am not giving much stress on theimmediate construction of the temple, butwherever it is possible I am renting a suitablehouse and starting a center immediately.As already informed in my previousletter, I have now got 28 temples or centersin different parts of the world, namely;Europe, America, Canada, Japan, andAustralia.Regarding marble murties of RadhaKrJ:l'l contributed by Sri Birlaji, I may informyou that Srimati Sumati Morarjee,Director of Scindia Steam Navigation Co.,has kindly agreed to carry all the murtiesby her different ships to different parts ofthe world. I think Sri Birlaji has his ownshipping line also, therefore this carryingwill not be a problem. I am sending herewithagain the picture of our London murties,and I am requesting Sri Birlaji tocontribute at least 4 pairs of murties: one toParis, France, one to Honolulu, and two toPhiladelphia, one of which will be for ourNew Vrindaban temple.Recently we have purchased a bigchurch property consisting of four differenthouses, namely; the lecture house, thetemple house, the Acarya residence, andthe quarters for the devotees both maleand female, along with a small garden andparking land for the visitors' cars. Encllosedplease find two pictures of thistemple house, as well as I am enclosingsome of the pictures of our Philadelphiaactivities where one American boy andgirl, devotees, were married under theministerial guidance of the local President.You will understand from the informationsthat this Krishna Consciousnessmovement is a major revolutionary renaissancespecifically deliniating socialand religious conception of life based onauthorized Vedic culture.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4- 11BostonLos Angeles7th April, 1970My Dear Giriraj ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated25th March, 1970, recommending

1286 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Michael to be initiated. I have duly initiatedhim and his beads chanted by me arereturned herewith. His initiated name isMadhavananda Das.I am very pleased to note that you arefeeling everything is going on nicely inBoston due to the nice devotees. You arealso a very nice devotee, so together workto make Boston center even nicer for thesatisfaction of the Lord.I have received your beads also, and Iam returning them to you duly chanted.Now please increase your enthusiasmfor pushing on this KrQa Consciousnessmovement and KrQa will inspireyou with all intelligence for servingHim as much as you engage yourselfwith sincerity and devotion. Thereforeto keep advancing in your spiritualpower always be sure to chant at leastthe prescribed sixteen rounds of beadsdaily. This is the fundamental programfor advancing more and more in KrmaConsciousness.I do not know just what has happenedto your old beads, but you should keepyour beads always very, very carefully,they are your direct link with KrQa.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4- 12HonoluluLos Angeles7th April, 1970My Dear Daughter Govinda Dasi,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated2nd April, 1970, and I am very muchpleased for the nice sentiments you haveexpressed therein. But you should alwaysremember that whatever we are doing, itis in the parampara system beginningfrom Lord KrQa, down to us. Therefore,our loving spirit should be more upon themessage than the physical representation.When we love the message and serveHim, automatically our devotional lovefor the physique is done.I am so very glad to learn that SrimatiTulasi Devi has favored you so much. Ifyou can actually grow this Tulasi plant,and I am sure you will do it, then you mustknow it for certain that your devotion forKrQa is testified. I was very much anxiousto introduce this worship of Tulasiplant amongst our Society members, butit has not become successful til now,therefore, when I hear that you have gotthis opportunity, my pleasure does nothave any bounds.Please take care of the Tulasi plants inthe following way. This is the best seasonfor growing Tulasi plants. From 15thApril to 15th June is the best season forgrowing this plant. Now I understand thatthe seedlings are coming out, so the wholespot if possible may be covered by somenet because the seedling stage creepersbeing very delicate are sometimes eatenup by the sparrows, so we have to give alittle protection from attack of the sparrows.All the devotees should pour wateratleast once in the morning before takingprasadam. The watering should not bevery much large in quantity, but it shouldbe poured just to keep the ground soft andmoist. Sunlight also should be allowed.When the creepers are grown at least 7inches high, then you can take them outfrom the planting soil and transplant themin a row in a different place. Then go onwatering and they will grow like anything.I think this plant cannot grow in coldcountries, but if the plants are dispatchedfrom your place and if the devotees takecare of the plant with a little care in aflower pot, then it may grow.

APRIL, 1970 1287Tulasi leaf is very, very dear to ViJ:}u.All ViJ:}u-tattwa Deities require profuselyTulasi leaves. Lord ViQ.u likes garland ofTulasi leaves. Tulsi leaves mixed withsandalwood pulp and placed on the lotusfeet of the Lord is the topmost worship.But we must be very careful that Tulasileaves cannot be placed on the feet of anyoneelse except Lord ViQ.U and His differentforms. Tulasi leaves cannot be placedeven on the lotus feet of Radharani or onthe lotus feet of the Spiritual Master. It isentirely reserved for being placed on thelotus feet of KrJJ.a. We can place, however,Tulasi leaves in the hands ofRadharani for being placed on the lotusfeet of KrJJ.a, as you have seen on theGovinda Album.I am giving you herewith three mantrasfor Tulasi Devi as follows :vrindiiai tulasi devyai priyiiaikesavasya caviJ:}ubhaktiprade devi satyavatyainamo namal.tThis is offering obeisances, bowing down(panciinga praniim) . And when collectingleaves from the plant, the following mantrashould be chanted:tulasya mrta janmiisi sada tvamkesavapriyiikesaviirthi cinomi tviim barada bhavasobhineThen the mantra for circumambulatingthe Tulasi tree.yiini kiini ca piipiini brahmahatyiidikiini catiini tiini praJ:}asyanti pradakiJJ.iil.tpade padeSo there are three mantras, one for bowingdown, one for circumambulating,*and one for collecting the leaves. Thecollecting of leaves should be done oncein the morning for worshiping and forputting on the plates of foodstuff to be offered.On each bowl or plate there shouldbe at lest one leaf. So you follow andpractice these Tulasi affairs and you tryto distribute your experience to all theother centers, that will be a new chapterin the history of KrJJ.a ConsciousnessMovement.Regarding your tape recorder whichwas laying with me, you will get it verysoon back. It is now being carried by Chitralekha,wife ofUpendra, who is going toAustralia via Hawaii, and she will deliverthe machine to you. I am very glad youhave repaired your dictophone and you areanxious to work on it. For the time being Ican send you tapes of my lectures whichyou can transcribe either directly orthrough the dictophone, as it is convenient.Both yourself and Goursundar orany other educated boy or girl can edit thetranscriptions for being printed. For thepresent I hope you will be glad to do thiswork because you are always anxious tosee me speaking something. I am sendingthe tape by separate mail, so immediatelybegin work. If you find this work of transcribingfrom recorded tapes interesting,you will have ample opportunity to workon this. There are many tapes like this inNew York, Boston, and maybe in otherplaces also.Regarding installation of the Deitiesfor which you are preparing, I wish to gothere as soon as there are many Tulasileaves grown. You are trying to growmango very soon, but it will be better ifyou can grown soon the Tulasi leaves.This is more important than growing mangos.So you give your best attention forthis purpose and as soon as you inform methat there is a regular bush of Tulasiplants, then I shall immediately start forHawaii and install your Deities. I thinkthis will satsify you.In the meantime, I am also invitingyou, both husband and wife, to see howthis Temple has become very nice-betterlooking, better facilities-than all othercenters. I am sending you herewith onecopy of the picture.

1288 Letters from Srrla PrabhupiidaPlease offer my blessings to Goursundarand all boys and girls there, and I hopethis will find you all in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*3 times round the plant both morningand evening.70-4-13Los Angeles8th April, 1970His Holiness SwamiB.S. Turya Shramy MaharajSri Radha Gobinda Gaudiya MathVillage, Jagada nandapurP. O. Dal __ (Burdwen)West Bengal, IndiaMy Dear Turya Shramy Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. Iam in due receipt of your kind letter dated23rd March, 1970, addressed to our NewYork center and now forwarded to mehere.You will be pleased to know that wehave got twenty-six centers all overthe world, namely; Europe, America,Canada, Japan, and Australia. Of all thecenters this Los Angeles center is myheadquarters. The temple house is recentlypurchased by us at a price of$225,000 corresponding to our Indian exchangeof 22 lakhs and 50,000 rupees.Out of the 26 centers, in three centers wehave got our own premises. In Boston wehave got our own press in our own housewhich was started last October, 1969 at acost of 9 lakhs of rupees. I am sendingherewith one picture of our present headquartersin Los Angeles at the aboveaddress.By the grace of Srila Prabhupad thepreaching work is going on nicely and themost important factor is that I have got anumber of youthful American and Europeandisciples who are helping me veryseriously. As you know the western boysand girls are educated and trained up inpractical life .. They are spreading thismovement better that any Indian could do.So whatever success is there, it is due tothem; I am simply instrumental in givingthem direction. They are very kind uponme and offer me the best facilities of comfort.So things are very satisfactory here.I have published English translationsand commentaries on the followingbooks: Srimad Bhagavatam, BhagavadGita, Sri /sopanisad, Nectar of Devotion,K.8Sli/A, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya,and Easy Journey to Other Planets. Ourmagazine 'Back to Godhead' is published100,000 per month. I have advised my assistantwho is in charge of the magazine inNew York to send sample copies to SrimatiHemanta Kumari Chowdhurani, asadvised by you.In the beginning we had to accept someadvertisements in our magazine to meetthe expenditure, but at present we do notaccept any advertisements. The wholemagazine is full with transcendental message,even on both sides of the cover page.I understand that when the first mridangaswere sent, you very kindly helpedmy former sister. So if you have got time,you can help us by sending as many mridangasas you can because we requirethem for our Samkirtan movement allover the world. If you can help us by supplyingmridangas and Nabadwip madekartals it will be a great service to thecause.In our various centers (26) everywherethere are at least 30 to 40 devotees. Someof them are housholders and some of themare Brahmacaries. I don't encourage verystrictly increasing the number of Brahmacariesand Sannyasis because in this countrymen and women are very freelyintermingling. Therefore I am encouraginghouseholder's life strictly restrainingthem from sinful activities principally

APRIL, 1970 1289based on the following four points: 1) noeating of meat, ffish, or eggs 2) no illicitsex-life 3) no taking of any kind of intoxicantsincluding coffee, tea, and tobacco 4)no gambling. So this scheme appears to besuccessful, and in most cases the Grihasthasare preaching very satisfactorily.Last December I have established ourLondon temple at 7 Bury Place in a fivestory building, and it has become a greatattraction because people from distantplaces come to see this temple. Our RadhaKT?I.la Temple has become very popularbecause of two record albums publishedby Mr. George Harrison who is a worldknown musician. This young boy is verymuch sympathetic with our movementand he has very kindly contributed 2 lakhsof rupees for publishing my book,KRSNA.So things are coming out very successfulalthough slowly, and your good cooperationis earnestly solicited.Thanking you once more for yourletter.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4- 14BostonLos Angeles9th April, 1970My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your special deliveryletter dated 6th April, 1970.Regarding the prayer verses, I havesent you immediately the Bengali prayerbook and you will find all the prayers ofAcaryas' there. I have also sent you onecopy of Panjika which will help you tofind out the list of names of Acaryas' Appearanceand Disappearance Days. If youcan, you can prepare conveniently thePanj ika or ISKCON Almanac for nextyear, but not now, you have got many engagements,this is for leisure hours.Regarding the new prayer addition"Namaste sarasvate devau . . ", I thinkyou can change the word 'devau' into'deve' to make it compatible with sarasvate.'Sarasvate is locative, so you canchange the wold to deve to make it fit, or itcan be made 'devam'. 'Devam' is the accusativesingular and 'deve' is the locativesingular, so both can be used, but I think'deve' will be most fitting word.Regarding your tenth point, the word'RadharamaQahari' is one word compound,therefore it is correct. Regardingyour 9th point, the exact v se is asfollows:samasritii ye padapallavamplavarilmahatpadaril puQyayaso murarel).bhavambudhir vatsapadam parari1 padarilpadaril padaril yat bipadaril ne teamBh. 10114/58meaning or a person who has taken shelterof the lotus feet of Lord Murari (Krl.la),which are the shelter of all great souls andare famous for being the reservoir of allpiety, this great ocean of material existenceshortens like the pit-hole created bythe foot of a calf and for him the supremeabode of the Lord is quite fit place for living,but not this miserable material worldwhere there is nothing but danger in everystep.Regarding your 11th point, the lineshould read'jagannatha-svami nayana pathagamibhavatu me.'Yes, it is just a line for repetition of a greatverse prayer for Jagannatha-svami, but Ido not remember the whole verses justnow, neither do I remember immediatelywhere it can be found. For the present yoube satisfied with this one line. Regarding_ tipadika sabda, I consulted grammarand it is correct to mention the first caseending or nominative case. The authorizedinjunction in this connection is as

1290 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>follows:abhidheyamlirtre prathamapratipadiklirtha langa parinamavacana matre pratlimaTranslation: The sound which indicates aparticular subject or word should be thefirst case ending or nominative case.So in your last correction of Krsna tapenumber 27, on page 11 you have mentioned'Sannyasin' , 'Gosvamin' , Mayavadin', 'tridandins' , 'svamins' , etc . Theyshould be corrected without "n"s like'Sannyasi', 'Gosvami', 'Mayavadi', 'tridandis', etc . So in future, only the firstcase endings should be used, not thesound, that is the rule.Regarding your other arrangement, Ihave already replied you in my last letter,and as you are trying your best to makeour preaching propaganda as most authoritativeon the Vedic culture, Krmawill certainly help you . I think the bookwhich I have sent you will help and thebalance KrJ:a will teach you. We shouldalways remember at the same time that wewant to understand our business only andnot try to become very scholarly becausetime is very short. But some of us, as youare trying may proceed on as far as possibleon the scholastic way.I think the scheme of publishing SrimadBhagavatam chapter-wise decently isgood, so that it will keep all of you engagedand the press going on. When allthe chapters of the canto are printed, theycan be assorted in one book form for hardbound publication. The size of the bookmust be symetrical of my present Bhagavateditions-that is to say 6 112 inches by9 112 inches. I think the present compositionof the NOD is not to my standard; sowhatever is done is done, but the SrimadBhagavatam must be to the standard size.If the books are printed in standard size (61/2 x 9 1/2), then the chapter pamphletsmay be easily bound into a hard coverwhen all the chapters of the canto havebeen printed.Regarding your 8th point, I am enclosinga corrected xerox copy of the text foraratrika prayer by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur,please find.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-15Los Angeles1Oth April, 1970ManagerEquitable Savings BankFairfax and Beverly BoulevardLos Angeles, CaliforniaDear Sir:RE: My savings account No. 12410with you .Please note that my new address is now at3764 Watseka AvenueLos Angeles, California90034Thanking you.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4- 16ProvidenceLos Angeles1Oth April, 1970My Dear Sri Dama,Please accept my blessings. I am sopleased to receive your letter dated 4thApril, 1970, and I am very glad to readthe contents.I am very glad that you are going tomarry Man Mohini Dasi and I have gotmy full sanction and blessings for thisunity. Nanda Kishore and his wife andyourself and your wife, four together, organizethe center in Providence which is

APRIL, 1970 1291already wonderful and by your propagandaof Krf?IJa Consciousness it will beheavenly.As soon as a center is open and my disciplesconduct it nicely, it gives meVaikuntha bliss. Vamandev is doing verynicely in St. Louis, and I am sending herewithsome pictures of his activities. SoBali Mardan and Upendra are doing inSydney also. All these newses are to melife-giving ambrosia, so the more youopen branches, the more I increase myduration of life. Therefore, if you all mystudents want me to live for some daysmore, go on opening nice branches asmany as possible.Be happy in Kff?l).a Consciousness andkeep me informed about your activities.Thanking you once more . Hope this willmeet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dband I shall pray to Lord Kn>Qa for yourgreater achievement in devotional service.Thank you very much.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Mukunda,Please accept my blessings. I have receivedthe kartals, but it is completelyhopeless. The man has cheated us cent percent, but there is no way to rectify it andwe shall wait for future to get the rightthing.I hope everything is going on nicely inyour temple, and please keep me informedregularly of the activities. I havenot heard from Shyamsundar for a longtime. I sent him one letter of which I havenot received any reply as yet. Please remindhim.Please offer my blessings to all thedevotees.You ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4- 17Los AngeleslOth April, 1970My Dear Yamuna,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou very much for your burfi. It is sonicely made. Lest it go out of stock, I ameating only a very little quantity daily. Buthow you have made it, if you send the formula,maybe Nanda Kumar or Devanandamay be able to prepare it.I hope you re taking care of the Deitieswith greater attention, and teaching youryounger God brothers and sisters to followthe Arcana bidhi. As we open manybranches, we shall require many devoteeslike you to take care of the Deities verynicely.So be happy in Krf?Qa Consciousness70-4-18CalcuttaLos Angeles11th April , 1970My Dear Achyutananda,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 6th April ,1970. Just before receiving this letter, Ihave sent another letter to you dated 9thApril, 1970.Who told you that I am a citizen ofAmerica? I cannot even apply for citizenshipunless I have stayed here legally for atleast five years. I am admitted here as permanentresident so that I can go to Indiaand come back again without any visa orpassport fer this country. There are manyIndian business people also who comeand go from India and U.S.A. and vice

1292 Letters from Srrla Prabhupiidaversa. So at my present status I can comeand go to and from India without any passportor visa-that is my position.My India citizenship is valid. Ifl adoptU.S. Citizenship, then I renounce my Indiannationality. So at the present momentI am full Indian national. In technical languageI am known in the Immigration Departmentas 'alien', not as citizen. So youcan inform this to Mr. Ghosh.You wanted to take citizenship of India.So why don't you take it? What is thedifficulty in this matter? Cannot Mr.Ghosh help you in this connection?You have written nothing about theBhavanipur land. I shall be glad to hearfrom you what happened to this transaction.I think you will have to take a formalsanction from the Reserve Bank of Indiaon my behalf, and Mr. Ghosh knows itwell. Theit is necessary to take sanction, Ihave enclosed herewith the applicationwhich you may use if necessary.I have already advised Brahmanandato send you books and magazines by surfacefreight, and that will be easier to distributeour books and literatures locally.You have written to say that they mustalso write to Madhav Maharaj . I cannotunderstand what do you mean by this.They are not known to Madhav Maharaj ,so how they can write directly to MadhavMaharaj? Neither I wish to overburdenMadhav Maharaj with further addition ofmy disciples in his temple. This is a verydilicate point. Better you can ask MadhavMaharaj whether he is willing to receivefurther members of our camp in histemple.Therefore , I wanted that when we getour own place, the Brahmacaries may go.Regarding long visa, as you say thatyou can arrange or advise how they shallapply for it. Sriman Nanda Kumar Brahmacaryand Jaya Pataka Brahmacary areready to start. So I do not know what to doin this connection. I do not think that writingto Madhav Maharaj for their accomodationfrom here will be right thing.Better verbally you can ask him whetherhe will allow two other Brahmacaries tostay there.The procedure is quite admitted thatyou do not accept invitation in the fashionablemeetings and you lecture exclusively;That is very nice. You do not allow anyoneto touch your feet-this is very goodattitude-but if they want to insist ontouching your feet and there is no otherway to avoid it, you can simply rememberyour predecessor Acaryas and SpiritualMasters and accept them and return namaskarwith folded hands. That is theVaisnava etiquette.I hope all points enquired by you arecleared, and now you can do the needful.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-19New Yo rkLos Angeles11th April, 1970My Dear Rishi Kumara,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated6th April, 1970, together with two checksfor $1015.79 and $150 respectively andthank you very much.New Yo rk is the best city of yourcountry, therefore the prospect ofpreaching in New Yo rk City is especiallyvery great. I began my preaching life inthis city, therefore I have got some specialattraction for New York. I wish,therefore, that a fitting and imposingtemple may be situated in New York. Iunderstand that you are trying your bestto secure a house, so in consultation

APRIL, 1970 1293with Brahmananda you can do it veryearnestly.Regarding Samkirtan Parties in NewYo rk, KrQa will provide devotees, don'tbe worried. KrJ:la can provide anythingand everything within a moment, but Hewaits to test a devotee. And when the devoteecomes out successful from the test, Hegives him all opportunity for devotionalservice. So everyone of you should go onwith the Samkirtan Party and graduallyKrJ:la will send more and more devoteesto join you.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-20Los Angeleslith April, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated1st April, 1970. I am very glad to knowthat you are busy now in the press assemblingthe new book Krishna Consciousnessthe Topmost Yoga, that is very nice. Iam sending $2,400 next week as Advaitahas requested.Regarding the proposed marriage ofMan Mohini and Sri dama, Yes, I have alreadysent Sri Dama sanctioning this marriageand offering my blessings. Subal hasalready got practical experience, he hasperformed two marriage ceremonies andhe has sent me a xeroxed copy of the procedurewhich I have approved. I am enclosingherewith one copy and you canperform the wedding in your temple. Everyone,at least all the presidents, shouldbe experienced in performing marriageceremonies.I am also glad to learn that you are engagingViswa Karma to construct an enlargedaltar for the new Deities. That isvery nice. Then when the Deities arriveyou can send the $400 to me here for mybook fund. Regarding the pictures fromthe first volume of SNA, they shouldbe all sent here and I have advisedBrahmananda in that connection.Regarding your first question, there isno difference of the svayamvara ceremoniesof Droupadi and Laksmana, theywere almost alike. The only differencewas that the fish was covered with a clothin the case of Laksmana, but the fish wasnaked in the case of Droupadi.Regarding your second question,when blood stands for some time it coagulatesand the coagulum subsides leavingthe serum or water. So the lakes then becomefull with water.Regarding the third question, generallythese airplanes are constructed in theshape of a swan with wings and beak andtail, etc. and on the back they put a domelike on a chariot for sitting and driving. Ihave drawn you one picture to convey theidea, please find it enclosed herewith.You are at liberty to make many questionslike that. So long I can, I must make answersto your questions, but when I fail, Ishall ask you to excuse me.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-2 1PhiladelphiaLos Angeleslith April, 1970My Dear Subal,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated 30th and 31st March, 1970.Regarding religion, not only at present,but also in the past, all of them are describedas pseudo-religions. The Bhagavathas condemned such pseudo-religion

1294 Letters from Srila Prabhuplidain the second verse of the first chapter,first canto. Under the spell of material energy,man is forgetful of his eternal relationshipwith God. They create somereligion to derive some material benefit asthey create politmcal organization formutual undisturbed sense gratification.So religion is also a part of that concept oflife. As such, in most of the religions youwill find some instruction on morality andgoodness, and God consciousness issuperfluous.So except Kpl)a Consciousness orBhagavat Dharma or religion of the Bhagavata,any other system of religion isonly pretension, that is the fact. It is nottherefore surprising that your impressionof the meeting of the Jews and Christians,where you had opportunity to speak, wasthat they were lacking so much in Godconsciousness.So far we are concerned,our principle is to live with God as actualfact, and not to make God a supplyingagent. Our process is different because wewant to supply God everything-whateverwe have got and whatever we have not got.Regarding your need for men, J:la willgive you many assistants, don't worry.I have ordered for you big Radha l

APRIL, 1970 1295with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendentalloving service, is most intimatelyunited with Me in Yoga, and is thehighest of all."But I do not know whether he is followingthe four regulative principles. Thatwill help him very rapidly. So for the timebeing you remain as you are and you alsodo the same thing, and if possible as suggestedby you, Murari and Lilavati canopen a center in Oxford. Oxford is a goodplace for our Krishna Consciousnessmovement. Formerly when I was there,we saw an old church for the purpose ofpurchasing it. I think Mukunda had somecorrespondence about it.Besides that, what are you going to doabout Ratha Yatra? Both you and Murariare good carpenters. So I shall be glad tolearn what is your program about RathaYatra.Regarding your need of engagement,then you have to join Samkirtan Party.Your aptitude is to be engaged in constructingsomething for Kf:>l)a. The bestthing will be to engage yourself in carvingLord Caitanya's statues. That will be goodengagement foir you even in George'shouse.Is it not possible to have a small templein George's house so you can engage intemple worship? That is necessary. Ifthere is a small tempi there, then you andyour wife and others can be nicely engaged.I think George does not require tobecome my formal disciple because he isalready more than my disciple. He hassympathy for my movement and I have allblessings for him. He can easily spare thatchapel for developing it into a niceKrishna Consciousness temple. We do notwimt any propreitorship right, but wewant simply to utilize the nice place into anice temple.Our men will take charge of maintainingthe temple, so what is the objectionabout his sparing this nice place for turninginto Krishna temple. My idea is thatyou six boys and girls who have gone thereremain there and help George as far aspossible, but you maintain a regular templethere so that people may come see anideal place of worship and surely that willbe a great advantage for George and thevisitors who come there.I have received one letter from Munich,the copy of which is enclosed herewith.If George simply spares that chapelto us it will be a great service to the neighboringpeople and visitors. We shall turnthe chapel so nicely that everyone whocomes to see will be Krishna consciousperson.Yes, I always think of your little girl ,she is so nice. Sometimes I think that I leftmy home leaving aside all children andgrand-children, and Kr:>l)a is giving anotherbatch to whom I am becoming attached.But this attachement is nicebecause the center is Kf:>l)a. I always narratethe story of your daughter when shewas dancing on the platform of the lawcollege and she obliged all other law studentsto imitate her dancing. Anyway, justraise this girl in full Krishna Consciousnessand she will be a great preacher whenshe is young.During Ratha Yatra ceremony I willsuggest that Lord Jagannatha be carriedfrom London to Oxon in Their chariotsand in procession and Lord Jagannathalive for 8 days from the 5th to 14th July atthe chapel house of George. And for eightdays there should be continued festivalswhich means Kirtan and distribution ofPrasadam. During this 8 days time,George should invite all his friends andguests and they should be informed aboutthe necessity of Krishna Consciousnessmovement. The chapel house should alwaysbe nicely decorated with leaves,flowers, and lights; and then after completionof 8 days stay, Lord Jagannathashall return back in procession to London

1296 Letters from Srfla Prabhupt'idatemple. I think George can afford to expandfor this whole week celebration athis house. That will be practical understandingof Krishna Consciousness. Youcan suggest this idea to George on mybehalf.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-23Los Angeles12th April, 1970Dear __,I thank you very much for your Jetter ...As you have liked to know more aboutthe temple, the worshippers, and thescriptures, I beg to inform you that thisKrishna Consciousness movement isbased on the Vedic scriptures. Vedameans knowledge and there are two kindsof knowledge-one mundane and anothertranscendental. Vedas are considered tobe originally transcendental because theyare coming from the platform which existedbefore the creation. This transcendentalknowledge was impregnaged in theheart of the first created living being, andthen he distributed the knowledge both formaterial and spiritual purposes.This Vedic knowledge was stated in theAtharva Veda. Later on, just on the beginningof this millenium, the Kali yuga,Vyasadeva, who is the supreme authorityof Vedic knowledege, considering the degradedcondition of men in this age, dividedthe whole Veda into departmentalknowledge and some of his disciples wereentrusted with a particular type of departmentalknowledge. In this way the wholeVedic knowledge developed into fourVedas, 108 Upanisads, 18 Puranas, thensummarized in Vedanta Sutra, and thenagain to benefit the less intelligent class ofmen like women, workers, and the degradeddescendants of the higher class hemade another fifth Veda known as Mahabarataor the great history of India.The original Bharata and modern Indiaare not the same. The original Bharatameans the whole earthly planet. Graduallybeing sectioned, the modern India isonly a fractional part of the originalBharata. So the knowledge is distributedin so many departmental Vedic knowledge,but the whole process is aiming atGod-realization.The living entities within this materialworld are supposed to be rebellious conditionedsouls who disregarded the order ofthe Supreme Lord, and they lost theirspiritual kingdom. It is something likeMilton 's idea of 'Paridise Lost.' This materialworld is created, developed, maintained,produces many byproducts, thengradually dwindles, and at last it is dissolvedor annihilated. The spirit souls orliving beings, are by nature eternal. Thiscondition of life for the Jiving beings areby nature eternal. This condition of lifefor the living beings, namely to gothrough repeated births and deaths, isunnatural for him. Therefore the wholeVedic knowledge is devised to regulate thelife of the living entities not in the animalform of life, but in the human form of life,so that he can fulfill his material desires,but at the same time he becomes elevatedto his original spiritual position. This processof evolution from the lowest aquaticlife up to the stago of brahminical cultureis deliniated in the whole Vedas. This iscalled knowledge, and when one is liberatedfrom tht> material contamination, thesame knowledge further advanced becomestranscendental knowledge.This process of elevating oneself fromdifferent platforms of understanding tothe highest status of life is called religion.According to Sanskrit language, religionis not a kind of faith, but it is a prescribed

APRIL, 1970 1297form of duties to be discharged by respectivehuman society, ultimately risingto the platform of Krishna Consciousnessor God-consciousness. The firstclass religion is therefore that whichteaches human being love of God becausereligion means to understand one'sposition in relationship with God. ThisGod-realization also depends on threephases of life. When God-realization isthere distinguished from material realization,this is called liberated stage oftranscendental enlightenment.The next stage is to realize God everywherein His localized aspect, and thehighest stage of God-realization is toknow Him as the Supreme Person-allpowerful, full of all riches, all reputation,all beauty, all wisdom, and all renunciation.For the further understanding of thisreligious process I would recommend youto read our three books namely Sri lsopanisad,Bhagavad Gita As It Is, andEasy Journey to Other Planets. When youhave finished them, you can read SrimadBhagavatam and Teachings of LordChaitanya. Besides these we have manyother books and our 'Back to Godhead'magazines, in which we are fully describingabout this religion only. So you readthem one after another, and wheneverthere is a question you may write to meand I shall be very glad to answer it as faras possible.I am so pleased to learn that you are soimpressed with our activities and you areso eager to learn about religion. Thankyou very much.70-4-24My Dear Brahmananda,Los Angeles14th April, 1970Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your two lettersdated 4th and 7th April, 1970, respectively.So as desired by you, I am enclosingherewith check No. 108/11 for$2409.00 in favor of ISKCON Press, soplease do the needful.Yesterday I received one newspaper,the Daily Californian, in which the wholecorrespondence between Dr. Staal and meis published, and they are very interesting.So if we get one small booklet printedunder the caption 'Krishna ConsciousnessMovement is Genuine Vedic Way: a cogentdiscussion between A. C. BhaktivedantaSwami, Acarya: International Society forKrishna Consciousness, and Dr. J. F.Staal, Professor of Philosophy and SouthAsian Languages, University of California,Berkeley.' This pamphlet will help usin our propaganda to convince people thatwe have not manufactured something newin the name of Krishna Consciousness.Anyone who will read this exchange ofcorrespondences will be convinced thatwe hold authority.Still in your country people are underthe impression that this movement is anotheredition of the Hippie movement. Ithink publication of this pamphlet and distributingthem very liberally especiallyamongst educated circles, business men,and foundation authorities will do a greatdeal of help. You can consider and let meknow your descision. I am enclosing onecopy of the newspaper printing for yourreference herewith.Regarding the preface to NOD, it willbe about 10 to 12 pages double spacedtypewriting. On Sunday I have dispatchedone reel, tape #31 KRSNA, in which up topoint 20 there is KRSNA matter and afterthat, I think up to point 35, there is thefirst portion of NOD preface. so you canget it immediately transcribed. The secondpart of the preface I am sending herewithalready transcribed. So you jointogether these two portions and composeas Preface. You can leave one page fordedication. In my next mail I shall send

1298 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>the matter of dedication.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS: db70-4-25Los Angeles14th April, 1970San FranciscoMy Dear Madhudvisa,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your descriptiveletter dated 6th April, 1970, introducing anew chapter in the history of yourcountry-Lord Caitanya's Brithday ceremonypublicly demonstrated. Please tryto serve the foretelling of Lord Caitanyain this way, and as you write to say that5,000 people danced without being requested,this is the genuine proof about theauthenticity of Krishna Consciousnessmovement.My students who are so kindly cooperatingwith me, if they rigidly stick to theroutine work chalked out by me, namelychanting the prescribed rounds, observingthe regulative principles, attendingtemple lectures and going out withSamkirtan Party, then without any fail ourmovement will go ahead.I understand from the letter of Bahulasvaas well as from your letter that policeand public both have appreciated this transcendentalprocession. The general publicof Berkeley had a bitter experience thatwhenever there was a large gathering likethis, inevitably there was political upheave!,protest, and window-breaking,and a general havoc. But this unique processionhas convinced them that our menare very nice and they can organize a greatcrowd without any violence. That is afact: if people actually want peace andtranquility, they must support this movementwholeheartedly, and we shall executeour prescribed duties very seriouslyand sincerely. In this way if we are givenchance, I am sure we will enact a newchapter in the history of the Westernworld. Please therefore always pray toKnu:ta to give you strength and protection,and go on with your duty straight forward.I am so pleased to learn how the crowdgave their attention to your street play.This is transcendental entertainment. Andto distribute Prasadam sumptuously to thecrowd is strictly in our Vedic tradition.Now the police have given you permissionfor continuing the program of festivalsthroughout the summer, so you get thispermission positively. That will serve ourpurpose in many ways. If the people donot put any hindrance to our routine work,surely we will be able to render a greatservice to the state.Another thing, whether Locandas canmake a nice statue for placing in the sanctuaryof this place? If he can, please sendhim immediately to do it immediately.It is very encouraging to learn that youare so enthusiastic to sell BTG. I considersale of BTG so valuable because in the beginningI worked for BTG day and nightalone in India. I still remember the hardshipfor pushing on this BTG. In the beginning,when I was householder, I didnot care if somebody paid or not paid; Iused to distribute liberally. But when I leftmy houshold life and I was living alonesometimes in V rindavan and sometimesin Delhi or sometimes travelling for pushingon BTG, they were very hard days.Therefore, when BTG will be publishednot in hundreds of thousands, but in millions,that will give me great solace.Please offer my blessings to UttamaSloka and his new wife. He is a very gooddevotee. May KrI:ta bless them to worktogether happily for their mutual advancementin Krishna Consciousness. I am soglad to know that your three centers have

APRIL, 1970 1299so nicely cooperated jointly to celebratethis festival. Please offer my blessings toall the boys and girls there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-26Los Angeles14th April, 1970ParisMy Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 6th April,1970, and I am so glad that you are nowmarried with Madri Dasi. Please acceptmy blessings both of you and be happy andpreach Krishna Consciousness.Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not givemuch importance to the Vedic system ofvamasrama which is very important formundane people because Krishna Consciousnessis above everything. So anysuitable position in the order of our life isgood if it is utilized for Kr?J).a 's service.You thought that with a wife you will bemore entusiastic, so Kri?J).a has given you anice wife, now you move in the Europeancountries and try to promote centers asmany as possible.Today I received one letter fromYamuna that the Amsterdam people arevery much anxious to have a center ofKrishna Consciousness movement thereas soon as possible. So when you are expectedto return back to London? or doyou want to remain in Paris for sometime?Recently I have drained out of my bookfund $14,000, so Hansadutta wanted topay me another $1 , 500. If he sends me themoney it will be a great help to my bookfund. Another point is that three couplesfrom our London temple are living inGeorge Harrison's place, but is far awayfrom our temple. If they cannot join regularlywith the temple activities, then theremight be some disturbance within. I learnthat Murari and Lilavati are feeling likethat. Have you any correspondence recentlywith London? Or you may havecorrespondence with Gurudas to adjustthese things. As far as possible all thedevotees should live together. To live inthe association of devotees is a greatstrength. So you try to adjust things in thatway as far as possible so the devotees maylive together.Here in L.A. this new temple is beingrenovated in so many ways. For me theyhave allotted a completely separate buildingconsisting of four big rooms up anddown, with a newly constructed bathroom.So I am feeling very much comfortablehere and the boys are taking careof me more carefully than I require. So Ihope you will be happy to know this. Similarly,all the boys are very busily engagedin beautifying the temple room. Whenyou come here, you will appreciate everything.All the devotees, male and femaleare expected to move into these buildingsin about 10 to 12 days.Bralunananda is taking care of publication,so things appear to be nice everywhere.Damodar came here from Washington,and they have got a nice house there whichmay be purchased next year. Now yourfirst business is to see Paris center organizedvery nicely and see the BTG publishedin French and German languages.Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girs there. Hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1300Letters from Srfla Prabhupiida70-4-27Los Angeles15th April, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated11th April, 1970.Regarding your further statement inthe matter of George's introduction, Ithink as he is not settled up in his conclusion,he wants to change it, either weshould wait for his final descision or itmay not be added. For the time being I amholding its publication. In the meantime, Ihope you have received my yesterday'sletter.Regarding the presence of God, boththe theist and atheist have practical experiencein two different ways. They are asfollows: The atheist is hypocrite that hesays there is no God. There is presence ofGod both for the theist and atheist. Thevivid example of this presence of Godboth before the theist and atheist simultaneouslyis Lord Nrsilighadeva. Lord Nrsilighadevaappeared before the atheistHiranyakasipu as Death and He appearedbefore Prahlad Maharaj the theist as theBenedictor of Blessing.So God has two features of appearancetothe atheist He appears as Death and tothe devotee-theist He appears as the SupremeBeloved. The hypocrite atheistsays that he does not believe in God, buthe cannot say that he does not believe indeath. Our definition of God is that He isgreat. That the atheist does not believe inGod means that nobody is greater thanhim-he is 'God' himself, but he is enforcedto believe that Death is greater thanhim. In other words, Death is the representationof God before the atheist.The atheist theoretically can deny thepresence of God, but the presence of Godin form of Death is present before him despitehis flouting. You have seen the pictureof Lord Narayana-He has got fourhands, two hands are for the atheist andtwo hands are for the theist. For the theistdevoteethe Lord has the Lotus-flower orblooming peace and prosperity, and theConch-shell dissipating all inauspicity byits vibration. But for the atheist there isthe big Club for hammering on the head ofthe atheist, or separate the head of theatheist by the sharpened edge of the Disc.In the Bhagavad Gita the Lord says thatHe descendes in every millenium to giveprotection to the faithful and to annihilatethe miscreants. So God has got alwaysthese two features of His authority,namely protection and death.So the atheist is hypocrite himselfwhen he says that he does not believe inGod. He has to believe in God in the formof Death. A criminal hypocritically saysthat he does not believe in the Government,but a civil citizen abides by the lawof the Government. The Government ispresent therefore both for the criminal andfor the law abiding citizen. To the criminalthe Government is present as force oflaw and order, putting the criminal in theprison house and giving the civil citizenall facilities for peaceful life.So in both the cases how one can saythat he has not seen God? Death isKrishna-m{"tyul) sarvaharas ca aham(B.G. 10:34). "(Also) I am Death whotakes away everything." The atheist is liarthat he does not see God. God is there forhim as Death. But the atheist is so stubbornand obstinate that although he is veryfearful of Death who will take away all hisarrangements for sense gratification helies that he does not see Him, and in theend he even attempts to resist Death, buthe is killed as easily as anything and thereis no doubt about it.This appearance of God as Death beforethe atheist is also the kindness of theLord. Both God's killing and protectionare the same because He is Absolute, butHis mercy is shown to the atheist by

APRIL, 1970 1301killing and His mercy is shown to the theistby protecting; so both are seeing Godin different features. This is the practicaldemonstation of the presence of God, it iseveryone's practical experience to seeDeath. There is never any question of thepresence of God, only the lying rascalatheist tries to cheat by saying that he doesnot see God. He tries to cheat others to believethat he is 'God', but he himself cannotdeny God when He comes before theatheist in the form of Death.Regarding the presence of the soul, itis experienced by everyone as the livingforce or consciousness which gives thebody life. So long the living force remainswithin the body, the life symptoms are exhibited.When at the last stage of a man'slife the doctor is feeling the pulse and thenthe beating stops, he says, "He is gonenow." Who is gone? The complete bodilymachinery remains, but the living soulhas left it and the machinery stops working.It is the soul that has left. The soulwas there and its presence is known by thelife symptoms and when the soul departsits absence is perceived by the stopping ofthe exhibition of life symptoms by thebody. Just as a machine is working so longthe current is introduced into it and assoon as the electricity is removed the machinestops functioning. We know thatthere is electricity in the machine and thatis making the machine run and we alsopercieve that the electric force is absentwhen the machine has stopped running. Inthis way the presence of the soul may beperceived directly by any thoughtful man.I think these will clarify the points foryou.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S . I am enclosing herewithe Preface ofKrl)a which will __ the whole thing.70-4-28LondonLos Angeles16th April, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge reciept of your letter dated6th April, 1970, and the informationstherein are all very encouraging. It appearsthat under your management everythingis going on systematically. So by thegrace of Krsna both your wife and yourselfare endowed with great responsibility.Kindly manage things very intelligentlyand always feel yourself completely dependenton Krsna 's protection.BTG is my life and soul. Please thereforetry to distribute BTG as many as it ispossible. I started this magazine in 1947in my householder life. I was spendingRs. 300 to 400 at the time ($300 to 400 inyour exchange), and I was distributing thismagazine without any consideration howmuch I was getting in return. Practicallythe whole money was spent without anyreturn. Practically the whole money wasspent without any return. But ten years after,from 1954 to 1959, the struggle wasvery hard because at that time I had nomoney and alone I was editing, publishing,and securing money for publication.So it was a great struggle. My ambitionwas that I would publish BTG in hugequantity so that people may understandtranscendental blessings of Lord Caitanya.Now, since I have come to your country,I have entrusted the matter to my belovedAmerican boys and girls, and I wishto see that this magazine is published anddistributed in the American way like'Readers Digest', 'Life' etc., published inmillions and distributed all over theworld. Actually the position of BTGshould be more important than any mundanemagazine because it contains thequintessence of human necessities.You can immediately transfer my

1302 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>maintenance fund to Pico-La CienegaBranch (308), Bank of America, 8501West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, California90035; account No. 3081-61625.(Checking)So far incense business is concerned,you can do very nicely as they are doing ithere. Gargamuni will co-operate fully inthis connection, and both Jivananda andMukunda are very intelligent boys. So doit nicely.Regarding Sanskrit class, it is very encouragingthat Mr. Parikh is helping youin this connection, but the chief aim forlearning Sanskrit would be how to pronouncethe Sanskrit verses especially inour published books just like you have alreadychanted the Govinda verses in therecord. Similarly all the verses you haveto chant combinedly and melodiouslyalong with musical instruments, and itwill be a great charm to the people of theworld. When we shall lead our WorldSamkirtan Party at that time if we candemonstrate the chanting of the mantrasas they are stated in lsopanisad, BhagavadGita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita,that will be our unique position.Therefore the main aim of this Sanskritclass should be how you can learn thischanting in the proper accent. It is not ouraim to become a Sanskrit scholar.Regarding the three couples stayingwith George, I think ifthere is no contemplationof starting a new Radha Krsnatemple there, simply to take advantage ofstaying there is no good. Temporarily wemay take advantage of it, but as soon aspossible the devotees must live togetherand execute our Krishna Conscious businessin right earnest. So I hope you shallaltogether consult and do the needful. Nota single moment should be wasted-that isvery important thing. We shall not act anythingwhich has no connection directlywith Krishna Consciousness business.Regarding Digvijaya and Pritha, if youhave decided to get them married as fitmatch, then I have all my blessings andsanction.When Trivikram comes to this side,my books which I have left in my roommay be sent along with him.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-29LondonLos Angeles16th April, 1970My Dear Yamuna, and GurudasPlease accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 1 1th April,1970.You were very much anxious to worshipRadha Krsna Deity and you took onepair from Mataji. At that time I advisedyou to wait. Now when the pair of Deitieswere taken by Mataji again and you werelittle bit sorry, but Krsna is so kind uponyou that He has come to you again in a betterposition and now you can engage yourselfin His service heart and soul .Both mongal aratrik and sundar aratrikcan be changed according with sunriseand sunset. We are not concerned with thetime, but with the sun's movement. Sundararatrik may be performed one half toone hour after sunset. So the decoration ofthe temple room and offering Bhoga to theDeities should be done as nicely as possibleas it is within our capacity. This is thesign of love. So I am confident of yourlove for Krsna and do everything nicelyfor His pleasure. Whenever it is necessaryyou are quite at liberty to ask me fordirection.These classes of Bhagavad Gita andSrimad Bhagavatam as you are now holdingmust be continued very rigidly. About

APRIL, 1970 1303holding Sanskrit classes, the special stressshould be given to chanting the mantras inour books. I have given specific instructionsin this connection to your husband,and if Sanskrit class is to be held, it shouldbe mainly for this purpose. We shouldsimply expend our time for developmentof Krishna Consciousness. To become ascholar of Sanskrit is not our business.You say that 15 to 40 students are attending.Are they outsiders? My point is anyonewho will attend the Sanskrit classmust be interested for chanting the mantras(in our books lso panisad, BhagavadGita, Srimad Bhagavatam) and not for anyother purpose. And before and after theclass there must be Mahamantra chanting.I am arranging how the Gayatri mantrashould be given to the advanced students.You can simply let me know how many ofour students are fit for this purpose. Unlessone is strictly following the first initiationprocess and following the regulativeprinciples, one should not be recommendedfor the Gayatri mantra.Yes, I agree with your point, unless wehave fixed up our preaching work in Londonvery nicely, we should not attempt forgoing a long distance outside London. Regardingthe prospected opening of a templein Amsterdam very soon, do it, that ismy desire. Also, I have already informedTarnal about these things.It is very encouraging that you are receiving10 to 30 letters of inquiry and theyshould be properly replied. Who is doingthis work? This is very important businessto enlighten so many people when thereare so many inquiries. All informative literatureshould be supplied to them andrequest them to read our publications especiallyBTG. One xerox copy of such letterwas sent to me by Gurudas and I havereplied the same, the copy of which is sentherewith. I think this copy will help you inanswering similar other letters.I have already instructed Gurudasabout the couples staying at George'splace. Please see to it.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-30BostonLos Angeles16th April, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 14th April,1970, along with the transcription of tape#30 KRSNA. Thank you very much.Regarding permission to marry ManMohini and Sri Dama, I have sent you oneletter dated 11th April which I hope youhave received by now. So in that letter Ihave already informed you that I havewritten to Sri Dama sanctioning his marriageand offering my blessings. I also enclosedone copy of procedure for themarriage ceremony to be performed byyourself in your temple. If you have stillnot received the letter and copy, ask Subalto send you one by air post. His instructionsfor performing the cermeony arepersonally approved by me.Please offer my blessings to SrimatiJadurani and to all the other boys and girlsthere.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. What has happened to the CaitanyaAlmanac which was to be printed?Brahmananda said it would be a little delayed,but I have not heard anything furtheris several weeks. Is it still beingdone? What is the situation?P. P.S. My Dear Pradyumna, Please acceptmy blessings. I have just received

1304 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>KRSNA tape #30. Why are you still puttingin 'sannyasin' etc? I have written youthat the 'n's should be left off e.g. 'sannyasi,'that is the first case ending shouldbe used.ACBACBS:db70-4-3 1Los Angeles17th April, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14th April, 1970, and I am very much encouragedto learn that things are going onthere very nicely specifically in the printingdepartment which is now the most importantdepartment in our Society.Regarding George's introduction, it isnow definitely decided not to be published.We have already mentioned his contributionin the preface and that is sufficient forthe present.Regarding Devahuti, sometime beforeI had some discussion with her that shewill go to India and help in constructingour temple there. So now we are gettingour land there and if she is able to help inthis connection, then her going to Indiawill be a great service to Krsna. I understandthat she has many American ladyfriends, and if she approaches them, thenwe can build at Mayapur a place for retiredAmerican ladies to live there peacefullyin Krishna Consciousness.Yes, if the BTG can be published in theStates it will be a great facility because wecan print every month. So try to get thingsdone very smoothly by mutual arrangement,and that will give me great satisfaction.In KRSNA chapter #87, on page 4, thelast line, it is said, "known as budbuvasa,which is manifested by Govinda." I do notknow what is this editing. The correctword is Bhurbhuvarsvar as it is in theGayatri mantra and everybody knows it.This 'budbuvasa' is an extraordinaryword, neither it is Sanskrit nor English, sohow it has avoided the vigilance of the somany editors? So if none of the editorsknew this word, why was it pushed? Thereshould be no such negligences like this,nothing uncertain should be pushed. Nowwhat other discrepancies there may belike this? Or what is the use of such editing?Everything must be done very carefullyand attentively.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Tape will followACBS:db70-4-32TorontoLos Angeles17th April, 1970My Dear Jaya Pataka,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedl Oth April, 1970, and I am glad to learnthat you have been provided sufficientfunds for your travelling. You should takea long visa and Achytananda will arrangefor that, so you write to him and arrangefor it and then go. Don't take the short periodvisa, it is simply botheration.Everything should be done in dollars.Indian rupees the government will not allowto come out of the country. Besidesthat, you make arrangements that you canremain not for some months, but for someyears. We have got a great deal of workthere. So first make eveything clear bycorrespondence with Achyutananda, andthen start.Looking on women is not an impedimentto spiritual progress, but looking onwomen with a view of sense gratificationis detrimental. The actual fact is that attachmentfor sense gratification is not at

APRIL, 1970 1305all congenial for spiritual progress. In thiscountry intermingling with women is veryeasy, and sometimes our mind becomesagitated. Therefore we have to take littleprecaution and the best precaution is toraise oneself in Krl).a Consciousness.Lord Caitanya said that His mind becomesagitated even by seeing a wooden model.By seeing women, if one's mind is agitated,that is quite natural . If you take thewords of Lord Caitanya that His mind isagitated by seeing a wooden model, thenwhat to speak of us by seeing actual women.The real fact is therefore that we haveto check ourself by advancement ofKrishna Consciousness. But if it becomestoo difficult for us, then one should gethimself married and thus check his sexdisturbance, and peacefully prosecuteKrishna Consciousness. But if one canavoid sex life and the attachment is overturnedfor Krishna Consciousness, hisposition is very laudable. So there is noneed of becoming hypocritic; better onecan get himself married and be peaceful.To make noise in front of the Deitymeans talking nonsense or indulging inuseless topics of conversation. Chantingof Hare Krl).a mantra is never prohibited.In the Nectar of Devotion you will find allthese prohibitions and try to follow them.Yes, if you live in India it will be betterfacility that you have some preliminaryknowledge of the local language. This wasrecommended even for big British officerswho used to go to India either forbusiness or for political purposes. I was astudent in the Scottish Churches Collegeand 90% of our professors were Europeans.All of them learned Bengali just tounderstand the local language. Althoughall of them were speaking with us in English,still they could understand Bengalinicely. Achyutananda has already learnedBengali, so I think for preliminary knowledgein Bengali there will be no difficultyfor you.Whatever the Spiritual Master gives inHis own hand, it should be accepted immediatelyas His grace. In the beginningin New York I was cooking myself andwas distributing at least one or two chapotiesto all my disciples, at that time not lessthan a dozen. Gradually, KirtananandaMaharaj took charge of the cooking andlearned the art very nicely from me, andhe educated all others how to make ourpresent Prasadam. So in the beginning Iwas cooking, so there is no objection totake from the Spiritual Master. It is aquestion of love that sometimes I cook,you eat and sometimes you cook, I eat.Our Krishna Consciousness movement isbased on complete fellow feeling andlove, but there is a word maryada whichmeans respect which should always be offeredto the Spiritual Master and elderlymembers.Yes, Srivas Acarya is incarnation ofNarada Muni and Haridas Thakur is incarnationof Lord Brahma, therefore sometimesHaridas Thakur is called BrahmaHaridas.Regarding the Hindu centers in the foreigncountries, none of them are bonafide.There is a similar hodge podgecenter in London. Actually Hindus andnon-Hindus everyone is at the present momentout of touch of the real science ofspiritual knowledge. Everyone is goingunder some religious badge only, so it isvery difficult to deal with them unlessthey are very much serious to understandthe science of God. Everyone of theHindu community in the Western worldhas got some very good feeling for me becausesuperficially they are seeing that Iam spreading Hindu religion, but factuallythis Krishna Consciousness movementis neither Hindu religion nor anyother religion. It is the function of thesoul. So even though the Indian Hindusare very much inclined in my favor, so farI have experience it is very difficult to turn

1306 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>them into pure devotees. The difficultyhas become more acute on account of RamakrishnaMission's preaching that anyopinion about religion is alright. But ourphilosophy is different, we do not acceptany opinion which is not advised byKrishna. So unless one is very fortunate,never mind whether he is Hindu or non­Hindu, one cannot take to the KrishnaConsciousness movement and accept itsbonafide principles.Regarding the proper dress, Achyutanandahas advised Nanda Kumar to embarkthe plane wearing western clothesbut to be sure to disembark wearing adhoti.Regarding our books, yes, they are beingprinted in our press and they will comeout very shortly. The books are beingwritten specifica y for my students and Iam so glad to learn that you read them socarefully. The words are ambrosial becausethey are not my personal words,they are instructions of my predecessorsand I am just trying to administer them tomy best knowledge. That is the way ofParampara system. We have nothing tomanufacture, but simply carry the messageas a faithful peon. That will be effective.One should be very sincere to hisSpiritual Master and Knn.ta simultaneously.Then everything comes out successful.That is the verdict of the Vedasand Lord Caitanya.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-33Los Angeles17th April, 1970My Dear Balmukundji,Please accept my greetings. I thankyou very much for your Jetter dated 11thApril, 1970.The Secretary of Sri R. D. Birla has repliedmy first Jetter, and I have also repliedthat asking him to supply immediatelyfour pairs of Sri Murties, but so far I havenot received confirmation. But I receivedno reply from Jaipouriaji, so I shall wait afew days more for his reply and then I mayremind him.I am very glad that the Kenya Indianfriends are sympathetic with our KrishnaConsciousness movement, so in future wemay be able to take up the charge of theAfrican Temples provided the Hindus orIndians fully co-operate with us. Actuallythis Krishna Consciousness movement, asyou know it very well, is not specificallyfor any sect. Krishna is not for the Hindusonly, He is for everyone, even for theanimals.Hindus generally are not so liberal,but Lord Caitanya is very liberal and heembraces anyone from any corner of theworld provided he takes to the serviceof Krishna. This is a great missionaryactivites, so I am trying to execute thismission to the best of my capacity and ifmy Indian brothers, at least those whoare outside India, will join with me andact according to my direction which isstrictly on the Vedic way, then there willbe tremendous success of this movement.Your goodself are an influential gentlemanboth in London and Kenya, similarlySriman Becharbhai G. Patel, andBirlaji etc . are willing to contribute substantially,so why not join together in thisKrishna Consciousness movement andconstruct an unique and imposing SAtemple in London, the most importantcity of the world. If you agree to this proposal,then I am prepared to work personallyalong with you for this templeconstruction work.I am very glad to learn that you havebegun to teach Sanskrit pronunciation to

APRIL, 1970 1307our students . Please see that they can pronouncevery nicely the Sanskrit versesin Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam,Isopanisad, and Brahma Samhita, andteach them to chant conjointly as theychant Hare Krishna Mahamantra. In yourclass, the chanting of Hare Krishna Mantramust be done in the beginning and atthe end. That will keep the spirit of thetemple.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-34TokyoLos Angeles17th April, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch anxious to hear from you about youractivities. I sent you one tape record asdesired by you and I hope you must havereceived it. So you please keep me informedabout your activities at least once afortnight.In the meantime I have received somequotations of Japanese printers, sent byyou. One of them is replied as per carboncopy enclosed, and if possible try to seethem if they are agreeable.Please enlighten me by return mailhow you are making progress in ourmovement, how the Japanese people areresponding. Natuarally I am very muchanxious to know that.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-35BerkeleyLos Angeles18th April, 1970My Dear Bahulasva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedlOth instant, and the information thereinis very encouraging.I understand from your letter that peoplehave been well impressed, so this is agood opportunity for advancing our missionaryactivites. Actually we are creatingthe most peaceful persons in the world.Krsna is so nice that anyone who takes toHim becomes the first-class peacefulman. You can know from the example ofArjuna how much peaceful he was. He didnot mind to forgo his claim, and he remainednon-violent and peaceful. Personallyhe was not in favor of fighting, andwhatever he did was only to satisfy Krsna.Yes, that is a very nice proposal thatyou may combinedly San Francisco,Berkeley, and San Jose hold festivalsthroughout the summer, so do it. Whateveryou do by combined consultation isapproved by me.Regarding Paramatma Das, I think heshould simply push on with his schoolwork as much as it may be necessary andthe remainder of the time he may spendwith the devotees in our Krsna Consciousactivites. Certainly he is feeling some inconveniencedue to the poor association atthe karmi school but this is not a permanentsituation. In the past many of ourdevotees like Leelasuka, Kanchanbala,Indira, etc. in New Yo rk, Saradia in Boston,some others in Buffalo, and in otherplaces also have finished up their requirededucation in the public schools in spite ofcontinuous feeling of disturbance by thenon-devotee students and faculty. So if hefinishes up his education in this way remainingunder your care at the temple,then the unwanted association will not be

1308Letters frmn Srrla Prabhupddaharmful, just see that he is strictly executinghis prescribed duties and that willkeep him strong in spiritual life.Please increase the sales of literature.That is our great Samkirtan-Brihat Mridanga.The correspondence with Dr.Staal published in the Daily Californianwas very much interesting, so we shallpublish it in our BTG.I am very glad to learn how you are improvingthe temple with new altar, properVyasasana, etc. I have already orderedRadha Krsna Deities for you, and whenthey arrive they will be installed.Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girls there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP.S. By the by, I understand from Hansadutta's letter that he has advised fromGermany to dispatch $1,500 from Berkeleyfor credit of my account here. If it isnot yet done, please do it.ACBS:db70-4-36ManagerBank of BarodaIndia Exchange BranchP. O. No. 313India Exchange PlaceCalcutta- I, IndiaLos Angeles18th April, 1970Dear Sir:Re: My savings account No. 291 12802Kindly refer to your letter No.SB/34/1759, dated 14th March, 1970,which I have replied duly dated on the25th March, 1970.I hope by this time you have receivedsanction for transferring Rs. 5,000 frommy above account to the United Bank ofIndia Ltd., 157/B Dharmatalla Street,Calcutta 13, for credit of savings accountof Sri M. M. De .Please therefore transfer the accounton receipt of this letter.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours faithfully,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-37HamburgLos Angeles18th April , 1970My Dear Berti,Please accept my blessings. I am verymuch glad to receive your letter becausesometimes I was thinking of you. You area very intelligent boy, so I was impressedby your talking when you were walkingwith me on the street of Hamburg.You have got a strong tendency to acceptthe Buddha philosophy, but youshould know it also that if you want to acceptBuddha philosophy you should actpractically for this purpose. Lord Buddhawas the embodiment of renunciation. Hewas in the princely order, grown up veryluxuriantly, and he accepted the order of amendicant, devoting his whole time tomeditation. I meet many people who talkof Buddha philosophy, but their practicallife is different.Our philosophy is that we must applyin practical life what we believe. In thisage no other philosophy or process of selfrealizationwill be practical and effectiveas Krishna Consciousness is. So I wouldrequest you to come and live with our devoteesin Hamburg and join the SamkirtanParty, try to understand the philosophy,eat with them, sleep with them, talk withthem, and chant Hare Krishna. I am sureyou will be happy and will be relievedfrom the present disturbances of yourmind.

APRIL, 1970 1309I would have been glad to ask you tocome here, but I do not know whether it ispossible for you to come here. But if youlive in our temple in Hamburg, I am sureyou will be happy.If you have got any drugs habit youmust give it up. The drug habit is killingthe soul of the younger generation in theWestern world. So if you live with thedevotees, you will get strength to give upthis bad habit, and if you live separatelyyou will never be cured of your presentdiseased mental condition.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-38Los Angeles18th April, 1970My Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated12th April, 1970, and the informationsare very encouraging. The more you worshipthe Deity very nicely, all of you willfeel very nice and peaceful spiritually.Therefore this point should be very muchcarefully attended.Similarly in London Yamuna is alsodoing nicely, and all the wives of our studentsshould be especially trained up forDeity worship and cooking, and whenpossible they should go outside on SamkirtanParty with their husbands and others.I am glad that you have advised Berkeleyto send me $1,500 which I hope I willreceive very soon. It will be a great help.Recently I have paid out of my book fund$11 ,500 for purchasing the church and$2,500 for printing Krishna Consciousness:the Topmost Yoga book, so $14,000has been drained out and it must be filledup as soon as possible. The next big paymentfor KRSNA will be about $20,000.Now we have to make brihat mridangapropaganda along with Samkirtan Party.Please organize to translate all our literaturesinto German language through ourexpert students. As you have got some rudimentaryknowledge in German, try tomake it more perfect so that you can seehow things are going on.Regarding Krishnadas's marriage withHeidi, it cannot take place. From hygienicpoint of view, the boy should be at leastfive years older than the girl. If the boy isweaker, then then the progeny will beweaker sex or females and the man willget still weaker. So Krishnadas may not bemarried immediately because he is tooyoung and he can wait even up to fiveyears and become a strong brahmacary.But if a suitable girl is there, not morethan 15 to 16 years old or utmost 17 years,he can be married to her. I think he shouldwait for his marriage.In the meantime, find out some otherboy for Heidi, she should be married immediately.I am glad that she is a goodtranslator, and let her be blessed by translatingour literatures.I have received the letters of Neal,Heidi, and Stephanie, and their beadshave arrived today. I have duly chantedtheir beads and will return them by separatepost. At the time of initiation, it is incumbentthat the disciple should collectsome alms and offer it to the SpiritualMaster.Please offer my blessings to Himavatifor her nice engagement, and be happy inadvancing Krishna Consciousness.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1310 Letters from Sri/a Prabhupiida70-4-39Los Angeles18th April, 1970My Dear Jaya Govinda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated14th instant, and I am very happy to learnhow both you and your good wife are determinedto be more and more dependenton Krsna. That should be your mode oflife, and that will advance you to success.Always think of Krsna, always hear ofKrsna and always speak of Krsna andnothing else, no idle talkings. Both yourwife and yourself are Krsna Conscious soyou will have good opportunity to be alwaysengaged in Krsna Consciousness.For the time being there is no questionof going to India, but if we get a goodplace there and a nice branch there, then Imay ask you to go there for some time, butyour headquarters will always be in Germany.Both husband and wife learn how towork on the composer machine becausewe have to print so many things in Germanlanguage as we are doing here in Englishlanguage.Yes, when you are out of your stationyou can carry these Deities, but so longyou are in Hamburg you will have very littletime to arrange separately for worship.When a householder is not in touch withthe temple, then he can have separate worshipat home.Regarding printing our literatures inGermany, in your last letter you wrote tosay that you could do it there, but if thereis no question of your doing it, forget it.Regarding the composing machine, yes, Ihave heard that Brahmananda is helpingyou out in this connection.Regarding jobs for householders,there is no confusion. If your whole timeis needed for Samkirtan Party there is noneed of working in a Karmi firm. Actuallyall our devotees are supposed to bebrahmins. A brahmin's business is topreach the glories of the Lord, to learnthe essence of Vedic knowledge-KrsnaConsciousness-and to teach others ofthe same knowledge. And for living condition,whatever they get in the form ofcontribution from others, they can livebarely to keep the body and soul together,and the balance spend for Krsna.My Dear Sadanandini, I wanted youto have a very good husband, and I hopeyou are completely satisfied with JayaGovinda. Krsna has given you a verygood husband, so be happy in KrsnaConsciousness.Hope this will meet you both in goodhealth.Your ever well-wsieher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-40SydneyLos Angeles19th April, 1970My Dear Bali Mardan,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to Sriman Upendra. Your informativeletter dated 'nil' is encouraging.For the service of Krsna you arealready in the jail for a few hours, so ifpossible try to put this movement as culturalinstead of religion.Actually we are presenting the cultureof Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita iswell known all over the world and it iswidely read by scholars and philosophersespecially. The religionists never readBhagavad Gita. I have never seen a priestof other religion reading this book, butthere are many scholars and philosophersall over the world who read Bhagavad Gitaregularly. Even politicians and professionalmen read Bhagavad Gita, just like

APRIL, 1970 1311one Dr. Rele in Bombay. He also presentedcommentary on Bhagavad Gita onthe basis of medical science. I heard thatProfessor Einstein, the greatest sciemist,was regularly reading Bhagavad Gita,and later on he became practically Godconscious.By scientific research he appreciatedthe wonderful cosmic manifestationand as a scientist he admitted that behindthis there is a very great brain and that isGod.So practically it is not a religious studyand we are presenting Bhagavad Gita as itis. Anyway, you are getting chance topreach amongst the students and that willbe very nice program. Kirtananda Maharajis now moving amongst the studentsin various schools, colleges, and universities,and getting good response. Manystudents are already attracted to NewVrindaban and at the weekend there areabout 20 to 30 outsiders regularly. So eventhough the local law is prohibitive, forchanting on the street, you can take advantageof the educational institutions. Weare not concerned with any particularplace or situation, but we take the opportunityof chanting and speaking whereverit is possible.I understand that one of our students,Tirthapada Brahmacary, is going to yourplace.Regarding book sales, you should alwayskeep several copies of each of our literaturesin stock, so if you do not havethem you can make arrangements withGargamuni. Especially you should have agood stock of lsopanisad and Easy Journey,they are selling as easily on the levelof BTG.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-41New VrindabanLos Angeles19th April, 1970My Dear Robert and Karen,Please accept my blessings. I am veryglad that you have come to our V rindabanretreat and try to remain there for somedays. Attr.nd our classes and routine work,and I am sure you will find the place verynice.The truth within this material world isrelative. The Absolute Truth is outside therelative world. Just like when a child isborn, he is relative-he is born by his father.Then you go on researching and youwill find that his father is also born of hisfather and so on. In this way if we go onsearching out the Absolute Truth, youwill find Him, the Supreme Person, notimperson. Just like the child is a person,therefore the agent or the truth which begotthe child is taken without any hesitationas a person. Therefore the AbsoluteTruth cannot be imperson-that is a fact.Impersonalism is only a solace for thefrustrated. When we are frustrated by therelative personalism of this materialworld, we try to find out, in material way,the opposite number. Just like a patientwho is suffering in diseased conditiontries to find out something opposite number.So this is a long course, explanation,but actually impersonalism cannot give usthe answer to our eternal search afterpeace. So far we are convinced from theVedic literatures, God is a Person exactlylike you are a person, I am a person, butHis personality is very great, full with sixopulences, and none of the living entitiesbeginning from the highest like LordBrahma down to the ant, nobody can beon the equal level with God. These thingsare all explained in our books, and I wouldrequest you to read these books especiallythe recently published Isopanisad.There are many impersonalists within

1312 Letters from Sri/a Prabhuptidaour experience who renounced this worldto merge into the impersonal existence,but being baffled there they come downagain to the material world to find out engagementas altruist, philanthropist, communist,etc .. So there is no stand onimpersonalism, but there is steady standin Bhakti cult because in this cult God isthere, the devotee is there and the devotionalservice activities are there, andwhen they are joined together that makesus able to stand on the Absolute platform.The physical activities in Vrindabanare not material activities. Just like Arjuna,in the beginning he declined to fight,and Krishna apparently induced him tofight. But does it mean that Arjuna afterunderstanding Bhagavad Gita became aviolent fighter? If that is the result of understandingBhagavad Gita, then no gentlemanwould read it ever. Therefore thereal thing is that in Bhakti cult the activitiesappear to be like those of the Karmis,but actually they are all devotional service.In New Vrindaban everyone is engagedin Krishna's service, they have nointerest in material activities, but they arealways ready to act anything for Krishna'ssake.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-42BostonLos Angeles20th April, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated18th, April, 1970, with copies of printing.KRSNA , the Reservoir of Pleasure andOther Essays is so much attractive I thinkthis book will be sold like hot-cakes. I amvery much satisfied with this printingwork. Although some of the pictures arenot on the perfectional stage, on the wholeit is done very nicely. I understand thatyou are going to print further 50,000 copiesof this book from another printer. Ithink this book will be sold by hundreds ofthousands. Anyway all the samples thatyou have sent are all satisfactiory.I have no objection if KRSNA book ismade to the 6 1/2 x 9 112 size, but a picturebook as suggested by the Japanesepeople looks nice in a little larger size. SoI have no objection to any size, which eversize you think will be nice for the marketyou can do in your choice. The blown uppage of NOD looks very nice, so you continuethis process in the matter of NOD.Now as there is some demand for ourbooks, you over flood themarket with bigand small books as many as possible.Here in this temple last night they sold sixcopies of TLC. Now the elderly peopleare coming to purchase our books. I understandalso that you are getting goodmany orders. The sample BTG issue isalso very attractive. So manage things tothe best of your capacity and Krsna willbless you all and give the proper intelligencealso.The cover picture of the book KRSNA,the Reservoir of Pleasure and OtherEssays is so attractive That it bears themeaning of Attractive, Krsna. Thank youvery much.I hope you have received by this timemy cheque for $2409, and I understandfrom Gargamuni that you are going tosend me a counter cheque for $5000.This ISKCON Press insignia is veryappropriately drawn. It bears the realmeaning of mridanga or press and mridangaare two parallel lines.The one Japanese printer has quotedfor 10,000 copies of books, at a cost ofless than $9,000, so why not print ourFirst Canto Bhagavatam from there? Ihave asked them if they would give freedelivery to our ports at that price, so if

APRIL, 1970 1313they agree, I think the First Canto Bhagavatammay be printed there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. There are some editorial mistakesin the blueprint of The Topmost yoga. Iam giving herewith a note Pradyumna.Please send my Bengali small prayerbook.ACBS:db70-4-43Washington, D.C.Los Angeles20th April, 1970My Dear Madhusudan,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated 14th April,1970, and the check for $15 which I havereceived with great pleasure.I am very glad that you are appreciatingthe transcendental benefit out ofKrishna Consciousness Movement. Actuallythis is the prime benediction for humansociety. My Guru Maharaj used tosay that there is no scarcity of anythingwithin this world, the only scarcity is peopleare not aware of Krishna Consciousness.The whole world is suffering forwant of this great benediction. Thereforeby the grace of Lord Caitanya if we haveunderstood the value of this movement itwill mean a great lot as it is stated in theBhagavad Gita that even a little performanceof Krishna Consciousness activitywill save the human society from thegreatest danger of life.I am very glad to know that you are tryingto understand this philosophy, nowcombinedly, husband and wife, preach itall over the world, at least in your greatcountry.My Dear Kanchanbala,It is so much pleasing to me that youare so carefully reading Srimad Bhagavatam.We have discussed many things inthat book-social, political, regligious,cultural-and if you young boys and girlsunderstand them properly, I am sure yourpreaching work will bring in a greatchange in the entire human society.I am very glad also to know that youare engaged as Pujari there. Try to learnthis art of Arcan very nicely. You canconsult in this connection Himavati,Yamuna and also Sheelavati. I wish thatall our girl devotees be expert in the matterof Arcan and cooking. The templeand altar should always be very clean anddecorated with flowers and incense. Weshall touch the Deity altar and Deity invery clean condition, after taking bathand washing mouth nicely. Practicewashing hands after eating and wash withsoap and water after toilet. Cleanliness isnext to Godliness, so this point should bevery carefully observed, then you willadvance very quickly to the perfectionalstage of Krishna Consciousness.Regarding you preaching work in theschools, colleges, and universities, try toattract the students, they are our great futurehope and they will take up this mattervery quickley because the students are notvery much contaminated.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-44BostonLos Angeles28th April, 1970My Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I have justreceived the blueprint copy of KRSNA,

1314 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidathe Reservoir of Pleasure and I have begunto read it through. But I notice that thereare some points you should correct beforethe final printing. I have already noted youthe injunction that you should change thepretipadika artha to first case ending instead.Sannyasin should be printed Sannyasi,etc . So please correct these.Another point is that there are some errorsin the English also. On page 2 itshould read . . . decided to kill his sister,Devaki.' but it has become sisters, plural .Then, what does it mean?: 'The Lord'scompromise was that He had Vasudevapropose . . .' . This does not seem to bevery clear or at least it is very awkward expression.So please see that the editorsmake a very careful final proof readingbefore printing the final copies.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-45MontrealLos Angeles21st April, 1970My Dear Gopal Krishna,Please accept my blessings. Thank youvery much for your letter dated 16thApril, 1970, with an enclosed cheque for$15 on the temple account in India, Mayapur.Thank you very much for your firstcontribution.I am very glad to learn that you are doingspiritual activities very nicely and youare always alert to see whether you arecommitting some offense. This is a verynice attitude. In rendering service to LordKrsna and His representative the SpiritualMaster, we should always maintain thisfearful attitude which means careful attention.This attitude will advance youprogressively in Krishna Consciousness.Regarding the French edition BTG,your attempt is coming to be successfuland the present copy looks very nice. RegardingSanskrit, you can learn it in yourleisure time. For Indians it is not difficultto learn Sanskrit.So, whether you have decided to marryin this country or in India? I think you canmarry some girl in the Western countrywho is in Krishna Consciousness, but ifyou want to marry in the presence of yourparents in India, that is a different thing.In our Society there are many nice girls,so if you decide to marry here, then I canask somebody to correspond with you.What is you age at present?Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-46LondonLos Angele21st April, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I have justmade arrangements for marble Deities tobe made for our centers. They will bemanufactured just to the standard of ourLondon Deities. I have opened negotiationswith one Jaipur Murti maker, and inthis connection he has requested a photographaccurate for his manufacturingpurpose.So please send a full size photographwithout any dress up to :Sri Surajnarain NathaMoo! Chand Ram Chand NathaMarble Quarries, Factory Owners andContractorsKhazanewalon Ka RastaJaipur- 1, (Rajasthan)IndiaPlease take this photograph of the Deities

APRIL, 1970 1315without Their cloths on and send it immediatelyby air mail to the manufacturers.Please treat this matter as urgent. Thankyou very much.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :dbP. S. You can send the negatives and oneprint here to me also.70-4-47BostonLos Angeles21st April, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated17th instant.I am glad to know that you are about toenlarge your altar and throne to accommodatethe new Deities. However, youshould not put the Vyasasana in the rear asthey are doing in L.A. L.A. has got a differentarrangement, than you have got inBoston temple. So you can put the Vyasasanaalong the side of the Temple roomand that will be nice. I also think that youcannot make the same arrangement asL.A. for separate doors for each of thethree altars, so simply expand your presentaltars to fit the new Deities. on the basisof the old style.Regarding organization of the artists,there is no need of wasting time for learningthe art from study of texts. We shouldalways remember that our time is veryshort. I think our artists should be satisfiedwith whatever they have learned already,that is sufficient. They should besimply be engaged in painting pictures always,and that will teach them the artsufficiently.In the beginning I was seriously correspondingwith Indian friends to getsome good mridanga players, but when Ifound it too difficult to get a man from Indiasome of my students were given the rudimentarylessons in playing and simplyby practice they are pulling on SamkirtanParty everywhere. My Guru Maharajused to say that in a foreign land whereyou cannot speak the language with thenatives very nicely, what do you do whenthere is a fire in your house just to get theirhelp? In such emergency one has to expresshimself somehow or other to hisforeign friends and get their help toextinguish the fire. But if he wants to learnthe language first and then talk with theforeign friends to get help, then everythingin the meantime would be finished.Similarly if we have to learn and thenpaint, it will be a long term affair. But immediatelywe want so many pictures forall of our books, so all the artists may alwaysbe engaged in painting works andthat painting itself will gradually teachthem how to make things nice.Regarding how the art departmentshould be organized, that is to be managedamongst themselves. I do not knowthe technical details, I want only that theymay be always engaged Now it is up tothem how to manage these things. As youhave suggested, you may make any suitablearrangement and that is approved byme however you make it fit. The onlything is the artists must be always engagedfulltime in their painting work.You may inform Devahuti and the othersthat I am always satisfied with theirwork. I am satisfied only to see that everyoneof us is always engaged in his respectiveduties. As the teacher wants to seethat the students are engaged in theirhandwriting work. Who is writing goodhand, that is a secondary question. Theteacher's duty is to see that everyone is engagedin handwriting work. So if all theartists are always engaged in painting, thatwill satisfy me, and that will graduallymake them experienced for making goodpaintings.

1316 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-48TokyoLos Angeles21st April, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your nice letterdated 15th April, 1970, and noted thecontents with great satisfaction. Today Ihave received the copy of BTG sent byyou . Thank you very much. I have alsoseen the pictures and I can guess fromthese pictures that your activities are goingvery nicely. You have done good bysending duplicate copies to Brahmanandafor publishing in BTG.So from your account and picturesalso, the program of the 29th appears tohave been very nicely executed. I am sovery glad to learn that you have some boyscoming regularly and two of them are nowliving with you . Get some Japanese disciplesand then you will feel stronger inpreaching work.Regarding your temple house, graduallyas you work, as you are presently doing,the Japanese center will be anotherDvarka undoubtedly.You should keep your aim for publishingJapanese BTG. That is the immediateneed of your studying Japanese language,and that is immediate task. If the Japaneseboy can translate it and you can see the finalreading, that will be nice.I am always glad to know that you arefaithful in the matter of discharging theprescribed duties of devotional servicelike regularly chanting your prescribedrounds. This simple program will keepyou fit in spiritual strength, and suchregular chanting is your foot hold inKrishna Consciousness.Regarding your Government grant ofmissionary visas, it is very good news.Also the leaders in L.A. have already purchasedtheir own temple at the aboveaddress.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Cintamoni, Bhurijana, and all theother girls and boys there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-49 Los Angeles22nd April, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. Regardingthe Topmost Yoga, in the blueprint thereare many mistakes. I am pointing outsome of them as follows:Page 2 " . . decided to kill his sister." notsisters, because only Devaki was there."The Lord's compromise was that He hadVasudeva propose to the brother-in-law .."This sentence is obscure. The actual factis Vasudeva made a compromise and saidto his brother-in-law, "such and such".Then everywhere there is yogins, gosvamins,sannyasins, etc . in many places.The "n" is not required-that I have alreadyinformed Pradyumna.On page 17 there is a word "enfuriated ";this is a spelling mistake, it should be'"infuriated" .Then on page 48: "on the bank of theGanges near Didbee" . This is not "Didbee", it is "Delhi".

APRIL, 1970 1317On page 49 there are so many "gosvamins,"but there should be no "N".In this way I have read the book sporadically,not very minutely. I think it shouldbe gone through once more very carefullyand all the mistakes that are still existingthere should be corrected. If the books areprinted with spelling mistakes and othermistakes, that will be a discredit for ourpublication. So please see that editiorialwork is done very nicely.Have you got any information of thePrahlad pictures?* Puruottam got themhere last year when I was living at HayworthAvenue. I thought that the pictureswere left here, but Dayananda has no informationand nobody can tell where theyarc. So if you can say if it was returned toNew Yo rk again, where is it now?Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami*I want to publish our book on PrahladMaharaj with these pictures. ACB70-4-50TokyoLos Angeles22nd April, 1970My Dear Sriman Minoru and Kenji,Please accept my blessings. This is thefirst time I am addressing to some of myJapanese friends and admirers and I am soglad to receive your nice letters. SrimanSudama Das Adhikary has gone to yourcountry carrying the message of BhagavadGita and I am so glad to learn thatyou two boys are co-operating with him inthis great mission .I am very glad to learn also that you arefeeling joy while chanting the mantraHare Krishna. Ye s, it is exactly like this.If anyone chants this mantra in good faithand in simple understanding, then surelythis transcendental vibration will act immediatelyin spiritual bliss. Please thereforecontinue to chant this mantra as manytimes as possible throughout the day andnight. I do not think there is any inconvenienceor loss on your part if you do so allthe time. Even when you are walking, youcan softly chant Hare Krishna, HareKrishna, or even when you are on the busgoing to somewhere you can also chant.When you are working with your handsyou can also chant and when you are restingor going to take rest you can alsochant. Even in your toilet room while takingbath you can also chant. In this waythere is no limitation or restriction forchanting this Holy Name of God, Krishna,and His Energy, Hara. In doing this businessthere is no loss, but there is verygreat gain which is transcendentalrealization.At the present moment everyone of usis in gross misunderstanding of bodilyconsciousness and this situation is alsopresent in the animal kingdom. Ther fournecessities of bodily concept of life;namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending,are common in the human formof body or animal form of body. In the humanform of body we get a chance for ourself-realization and we should utilize thisopportunity very seriously.There are many things to be describedin this connection and most of them youwill find in our many books already published,but this Krishna Consciousnessmovement is a great benediction for thehuman society without any discriminationbetween man to man. At the present moment,the human society is split up by different material interests, but if they try tounderstand this Krishna Consciousnessmovement with a little seriousness, manyof our artificial problems will be solved.The Hare Krishna movement is so potentialthat it can do more than what is

1318 Letters from Srfla Prabhupiidaattempted by the United Nations organization.So I shall request you to cooperatewith Sudama and try to push onthis movement in your country and everyonewill appreciate if we present things alittle carefully, although it is very simple.The program is already being executedunder the supervision of Sudama and yourvalued co-operation will encourage himvery much.Whenever you feel any difficulty tounderstand our philosophy you may inquirefrom Sudama, and if there is stilldifficulty you are welcome to send yourinquiries to me and I shall be very muchpleased to satisfy you .Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-5 1SydneyLos Angeles22nd April, 1970My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you very much for your Jetter dated20th April, 1970, with newspaper clippingsenclosures, and they are all everyencouraging.Don't worry about your wife, she istrying to get immigration visa and Madhudvisais helping her. In the meantime, I amenclosing herewith a copy of the police officer'sletter to me and I hope this willhelp you to get police permission forSamkirtan.We are the best peacefull group in theworld and we are trying to bestow uponthe people the supermost knowledge forthe humanity. Everyone should cooperatewith us, but unfortunately this is the age ofKali and people are not very much eagerto accept genuine things, so don't be disappointed.Do as you are doing now andKrsna will help you without fail. To facedifficulty in the course of preaching workis a kind of austerity. These difficulties donot go in vain. The more we face difficulties,the more we draw the attention foKrsna. So in that way we shall be preparedto meet all kinds of difficulties in ourpreaching work. Such attempt gives us alift on our progressive march in KrishnaConsciousness.In my last letter to Bali Mardan I havealready written that I was very much anxiousto hear from you . Now this letter hasgiven me much relief. Thank you verymuch thatyou are working so hard for thismovement, and surely Krsna will rewardsufficiently for your transcendental labor.Be blessed and preach.I shall send you very soon detailedphotographs of our new temple room and Ithink you will very much appreciateit.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bahktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-52BombayLos Angeles23rd April, 1970My Dear Sri Birlaji,Please accept my greetings and blessingsof Lord Krishna. I thank you verymuch for your kind letter dated 17thApril, 1970. You have rightoy pointed outthat people are becoming more materialisticin this age on account of their forgetfulnessof Krishna Consciousness.Actually there is nothing like materialism.Materialism means forgetfulnessof Krishna or God. We are preachingtherefore Krishna Consciousness. In theSrimad Bhagavatam it is said that the firstclassreligion is that which teaches Jove of

APRIL, 1970 1319Godhead. At the present moment, oneprofesses a type of religion, but does notdevelop real purpose of religion, namelylove of Godhead-that is materialism.Materialism does not mean that onehas to possess so many things, the actualfact is one may be a perfect transcendentalistof spiritual man by possessing thewhole world, and one may be a gross materialistwithout possessing a farthing. Sothis distinction can be made on the basisof consciousness. When one is KrishnaConscious, possessing everything in theworld, he is perfect spiritualist, and onemay have renounced everything in theworld, but lacking in Krishna Consciousnesshe is a gross materialist. In my recentpublication of Isopanisad I have tried toexplain this fact on Vedic authorities, andI am sending by separate Air Parcel onecopy of Isopanisad and I hope you willread this book conveniently with interest.Regarding London temple, I can appreciatevery much that your goodness isanxious to have an imposing temple inLondon, so in my next opportunity I shalltake up this matter more seriously and Ishall let you know in due course.Regarding the two pairs of marblemurties, I do not know where you have orderedthem. I hope you must have orderedthem from Jaipur because in that citythere are many good artisans for manufacturingsuch murties. But kindly see thatthe facial expressions be as nice as thebust I have sent you of our London Deities.In this connection, I may inform youthat I have some correspondence with aJaipur marble dealer, and they haveagreed to supply the murties less 20 % offtheir catalogue price. Their catalogueprice for 40 inches high marble murties isRs . 2300 per pair, and they have agreed togive us 20 % discount, so I am sending acopy of the letter. If you think it is favorable,you can do the needful .I am very glad to know that you havesent some copies of Bhagavad Gita inHindi and English, and I shall see to it assoon as they are received here.With my best wishes, I beg to remainYours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-4-53Friar Park , EnglandLos Angeles24th April, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated 20th April,1970.Regarding George's foreword , youwrite to say that certainly there will be nomore changes. Do you mean that thechanges which you have already suggestedin you letter dated 11th April withquotation from Swami Vivekananda are tobe added? We cannot add any quotationfrom Swami Vivekananda. In you letter ofApril 11th you have asked me to insert"What right has a man to say he has a soulif he does not feel it, or that there is a Godif he does not see Him?" Do you mean Ihave to put in my KRSNA book all thisnonsense quotation? This man (Vivekananda)has no understanding either ofsoul or of God and still he has posed himselfas a Swami to mislead so many innocentpersons.Understanding of the existence of soulis the beginning of teachings of BhagavadGita. If one has no understanding of thesoul and God , he is no better than an animalbecause animals cannot have any ideaof the soul or God . So how can I add thesenonsense quotations?George's foreword as it was originallysent can be published with little editorialchanges, but in no case can the quotationfrom Swami Vivekananda be placed in mybook. Yo u have already admitted in your

1320 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidaletter dated 1 1th April that it hurts you tosee this change, quoting a rascal likeVivekananda, so please let me knowclearly what you want me to do . If youthink that George's foreword will help theselling of the books, then it may be publishedas it was originally sent.I am glad to learn that George is chantingnow Hare Krishna with you, and thatwill make him advanced. You write to saythat George is still not convinced thatthere is not something beyond the form orbody of Krishna. He is thinking that beyondKrishna there is an unmanifest God.These are all vague questions. I think byunmanifest God he means impersonalBrahman. This is quite natural for personswho try to understand God by their ownendeavor.God cannot be understand by such ascendingprocess of speculation. Yo u cangive a common example how God cannotbe understood by ascending process/Take for example that there was one Mr.John who was the great-grand-father ofthe great grandfather of George. So ifGeorge wants to know about this Mr.John, his forefather, is it possible for himto know about Mr. John by speculation?He has to know about Mr. John by familyhistory spoken by his father or grandfather.Similarly, God is the Supreme Father,so if anyone wants to know aboutGod, he must try to understand Himthrough the history of creation. This iscalled Parampara system. This BhagavadGita is spoken by God Himself, and that isthe best source of knowing about God. Hecannot be known by our limited exerciseof the senses. The difficulty of understandingGod as person is that as soon asthere is conception of person we think ofGod as a person like us . Therefore, in theVedas, the personality of God is describedin different ways which are distinct fromour personalities.The Veda says that God has no legs orhands, but still He accepts all the sacrificialofferings. He has no eyes, but He cansee everywhere-past, present, and future. He has no ears, and still He hears everythingthat you are talking. He knowsevery nook and corner, but nobody knowsHim, what He is. He has nothing to do,and nobody is equal to or greater thanHim. He has got immense potencies andtherefore everything in His creation isperformed as perfectly as anything. In theBhagavad Gita also there are many statementsconfirming the above Vedic descriptions.So when Vedas say that He hasno hands and legs, He has no eyes, He hasno ears, but still He can accept our sacrificialofferings and He can see everything,these statements clearly indicate that Godhas hands and legs, but they are not exactlylike ours . In the Bhagavad Gita youwill find that Krishna says "I am sitting ineveryone's heart, and from Me one remembers,forgets , speculates, and so on."His name is Hrisikesa which meansthe Master of All Senses. We are exercisingour senses, therefore, according toHis direction. In that sense, if every livingentity is working under His direction,then all the legs and hands whichare existing all over his creation are Hislegs and hands. We are simply instrumental. When the Veda says that He hasnothing to do, it means that He has somany hands and legs that personally Hehas nothing to do . It is not very dificult tounderstand that a big business man is sittingin his room and thousands of workersare engaged in diffe rent activitiesunder his direction. So practically thebusiness man's brain is working, butwhen we see the business man alone inthe room we see that he is not working.So we have to understand God from authoritativesources by spiritual educationby being trained under the experiencedguidance of a self-realized personality,otherwise how we can understand such

APRIL, 1970 1321vast subject matter delineating aboutGod?So George's question that there issomething beyond Krishna is answeredby Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita thatthere is nothing superior beyond Himself.Krishna is the original Cause of allcauses. This is the fact. If He wants toknow the subject matter clearly, then heshould be prepared to receive the knowledgefrom the right source, and if hewants to consult such persons who haveno knowledge of the soul or God, thenhow can he learn about the transcendentalsubject matter? If he is serious toknow about these things, then he mustknow it from the proper channel. Youcannot learn music from a carpenter. Ifyou want to learn music, then you have toapproach an expert musician. So how hecan learn about God from persons likeVivekananda who had no preliminaryknowledge of the soul, even? So bestthing is if he is serious to know aboutGod, tell him to begin reading Vedic literatures,and we have published our Isopanisad. Let him seriously read thisbook and whenever he has to question,he can ask from us, but he should alwaysremember that he should try to knowabout God from a person who is in touchwith God, not from a speculator.You have asked me to disclose mydream about John, so I beg to state the incidenceas follows. I dreamt that Johntook me in a place at Calcutta and he wasshowing me a house, a big palatial building,which fo rmerly belonged to a veryrich man, and he was a famous musicianalso. I think therefore that John was previouslythat man to whom that house belonged,and now he has taken birth inEngland. It is quite possible that he has inheritedhis past musical talent, and becausethat man was very liberal andcharitable, so he has acquired somewealth also, and now in this life if he properlyutilizes his talent and wealth forKrishna, then surely he will achieve thehighest perfection of his life.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-54Los Angeles25th April , 1970My Dear Jagadisha,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated20th April, 1970, along with a Canadianmoney order for $278, and thank you verymuch for this.I am very glad to know that yourMaha-samkirtans with coordination ofBuffalo are so successful . Please continuethis program as you have suggested andsurely Krishna will see that your morevigorous efforts to spread His movementare successful more and more.Regarding Brijbasi posters, just takeout pictures portraying Krishna withcows, with Gopis-just Krishna pictres,no pictures of demi-gods. Those picturesare alright.Regarding your questions about howand from where did the conditioned soulsfall, your first question if someone has arelationship with Lord KrQa on KrQaloka,does he ever fall down? The soulsare endowed with minute independence aspart of their nature and this minute independencemay be utilized rightly orwrongly at any time, so there is always thechance of falling down by misuse of one'sindependence. But those who are firmlyfixed up in devotional service to KrQa aremaking proper use of their independenceand so they do not fall down.Regarding your second question, havethe conditioned souls ever seen KrQa?

1322 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>were they with the Lord before being conditionedby the desire to lord it over materialnature? Yes, the conditioned souls areparts and parcels of the Lord and thus theywere with KrQa before being conditioned.Just as the child must have seen hisfather because the father, places the childin the womb of the mother, similarly eachsoul has seen KrQa or the Supreme Father.But at that time the conditioned soulsare resting in the condition called susuptiwhich is exactly deep sleep withoutdream, or anesthetized state, thereforethey do not remember being with KrQawhen they wake up in the material worldand become engaged in material affairs. Ihope this will satisfy your questions.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Laxmimoni, and to all the othergirls and boys there.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedant Swami70-4-55TokyoLos Angeles25th April, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. RegardingTosho Printing Company, what hashappened?-it is very urgent.I have not as yet received any replywhether these people are agreeable. Iwant to settle up this thing, so let me knowdefinitely about their decision taken fromthem in writing. If our regular printing isdone there, whether you will be able to superviseit? Either yourself or BhurijanaPrabhu, if you take this responsibility, itwill be a great help. If you so desire,Brahmananda can also go there for sometime to train you how to do this pressmanagement.So kindly reply this letter. I am verymuch anxious to hear from you .Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbP. S. Try to introduce Japanese B.T.G. assoon as possible.70-4-56HamburgLos Angeles26th April, 1970My Dear Himavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter datedsometime April, and I am so glad to learnthat you are making advance in KrishnaConsciousness as it is scheduled. It appearsthat you are on the attachment platform,this is very good. The next platformis ecstasy, and then pure love of God. Sostick to your duties at the present moment,and when it is convenient you can go withthe Samkirtan Party, but never neglect theArcan regulation at any cost. If you haveno time, you are not required to go withthe Samkirtan Party. Your first business isto take care of the Deities. Practically yousee that everyone is appreciating your Deityworship and Srimati Radharani issmiling, so it is a great credit for you, socontinue this engagement.Regarding going together with Hansaduttaon Samkirtan Party, no, there is noneed of specifically helping Hansaduttabecause you are now engaged in directservice to the Lord, and it must be understoodthat this service is your specificduty.I do not think you require a child forthe purpose of example. You had onechild, and by the desire of Krsna the childdid not stay . . Now you can forget of anychild. Just do the present service withgreat care and affection, that will be yourbest service to Krsna. Better to acceptKrsna as your child, and He will never

APRIL, 1970 1323leave you like material child, He will staywith you for ever.For raising children in Krsna Consciousness,you will get many opportunitiesto do so. When I was householder, Iwas just taking care of one or two children,but after retiring from my housholdlife Krsna has given me chance toraise so many nice children for raisingthem to Krsna Consciousness. So insteadof desiring to raise a bodily child to KrsnaConsciousness, if you stick to this service,Krsna will give you many childrenfor that purpose.I am so glad to hear of Hansadutta'sdetermination to become Krsna Conscious.The determination is difficult,Krsna Consciousness is not difficult­Krsna Consciousness is natural. Oneknows how to love another, so instead ofloving so many others, one can very easilytake to the business of loving Krsna-thisis determaination., That much is required,otherwise Krsna Consciousness isnot difficult.Regarding your question, a sinful person,never mind what kind of sinful man ishe, is taken in subtle body to the place ofYamaraj , and there he is trained up in aparticular type of suffering. As soon as heis trained up, he is given a particular bodyby which he can endure such sufferings.You write to say that you look forwad tothat day when sense gratification will becomesimply insignificant, and yes that isthe stage of pure Krsna Consciousnesswhen our only desire is to be servingKrsna with no personal considerationswhatsoever.You want to do whatever is necessaryfor spreading this Krsna ConsciousnessMovement, so that desire will help you,and you will be able to serve my causesurely.You ask how is it possible to actuallybecome Krsna's servant; yes, it will bepossible. Go on with your engagement,and it will be possible. Patiently go on.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Hansadutta,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated22nd April, 1970. Til now I have receivednone ofthe amounts mentioned by you . Sofar Berkeley amount is concerned, I understandthat they are going to purchase ahouse, so it will be utilized for that purpose.So far the other amount, I have notyet received any intimation from thebank.I thank you very much for your kindappreciation of my humble activities, andyou always pray to Krsna that the remainingdays of my life may be thus engaged inexecuting the orders of my Spiritual Master.So far you are concerned, I request allmy spiritual sons and daughters to helpme in this great adventure, and if you allhelp me, I am sure I shall be successfulNow our next program will be to lead aSamkirtan Party round over the world. Itis already advertized in India from mouthto mouth that I am coming there next yearwith forty disciples. So I think we mustkeep this program in the beginning of ournext year. There is already invitation inAfrica. One party may go from Londonvia other countries to Bombay, and anotherparty may go from here via Japanto Calcutta, and then they will meettogether.We have been offered a very nice placeiPI central India. I am negotiating with theproprietor of this place, and if by Krsna 'sgrace we get this central place in India,then from this center you can go to any extremityof Indian boundary and it is thesame distance of about 1000 miles.All my best students are now in Europe,in pairs. Yourself, Mukunda, Jaya

1324 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Govinda, Shyamsundar, Gurudas, Tarnal,etc., you are all advanced and selected,now your program will be torecruit many sincere souls from Europeancountries, and open branches. Your desirefor opening a center in Copenhagen maybe suspended for the time being unless werecruit some members from Europe becauseall the best students have alreadygone there, so it will be difficult to sendmen from America at the present moment.In America also we have to open somany branches, so I think you should notexpect any more members from Americafor organizing European centers.Now you should recruit men for ourpurpose from Europe as many as possible,in France, Germany, England, etc .All of you do everything conjointly, and atthe same time try to organize the WorldSamkirtan Party. Always be in touch withTarnal, Mukunda, Woomapati, Shyamsundar,etc., and perform Ratha Yatraceremony in London very gorgeously thisyear because all of you are there.Woomapati has already selected theFrench girl, Ilavati, as his wife, so I amsanctioning this marraige because it willbe help for the French language work. Sofor Haripriya Dasi Krsna will give verysoon a nice husband. Best thing will be forher a German husband who can help us inour German language work.It is very encouraging that you are sellingan average of 180 BTGs per day, andjust try to increase as much as possible.Regarding what to do about local authoritieschecking your Samki11an activities inthe streets, just show to the police officerhow peaceful we are. They should give ushelp to encourage such peaceful activities.We should not take any action in angrymood . Lord Caitanya has advised tobecome more humble than the grass andmore tolerant than the tree , and be readyto offer all respects to others while notcaring to accept any respects for oneself.As far as possible we will try to follow thisprinciple, and Krsna will help us in allrespects.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-57ParisLos Angeles26th April, 1970My Dear Woomapti ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters dated14th and 21st April, 1970, respectively,and I am very glad to receive good newsthat your Krishna work is going on nicely.You have selected your bride, Ilavati,who I think is a French girl, so I think thismarriage will be nice. But our all selectionshould be with a view to serveKrishna, that we must not forget in anycircumstance!The other point is that all my best studentsare now in Europe. Yourself, Tarnal,Mukunda, Hansadutta, Shyamsundarallof you are in now double strength, soplease do things very enthusiastically andorganize the world Samkirtan Party becausein India the people are already expectingus next year. Also open as manybranches as possible.So it is very good that now all the devoteescan take Prasadam together. All thedevotees must keep together, that will bean extra strength.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

APRIL, 1970 132570-4-58Washington D.C.Los Angeles27th April , 1970My Dear Mahananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated20th April, 1970, along with a chequecontribution for my book fund of $150,and thank you very much for this. I havealso received the picture of and 'Angel 'printed in the detroit newspaper, and it is agreat credit how our men are appreciatedby the people.Your appreciation of our KrishnaConsciousness Movement is very nice,and if you will carry this practical philosophyto the people of your great nationyou will know the result for sure that thismovement is the solution to all the problemsof life. So I am glad that you arenow going to our Washington center withyour good wife. Please work there combinedlywith great enthusiasm in advancingin Krishna Consciousness. I am veryglad also that you and Hladini Dasi arenow married in telok by Sriman Bhagavandas.Please take my blessings foryour spiritual marriage, and be happy inKrishna Conscious life.Regarding your questions are theSpiritual Master and the Grand SpiritualMaster consciously aware of theprayers of a sincere devotee who praysin love to Them?-the answer is that noconscious prayers go in vain. They aretransmitted positively. But one thingyou must know that any prayer you offerto your Spiritual Master and SuperiorSpiritual Master, all of them are conveyedto Krishna, so no sincere prayersgo in vain. We shall always offer suchprayers to Spiritual Master, SuperiorSpiritual Master, Vaisnava Acaryas,Lord Caitanya, and at the end RadhaKrishna, that is the system.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-59BuffaloLos Angeles27th April, 1970My Dear Rupanuga,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated22nd April, 1970, along with enclosure ofone check for $200, and thank you verymuch for this.The moving Samkirtan Party was programmedlong, long ago, even when I wasin India. When there was talk about preacingamongst our God-brothers, I used tosay to my God-brothers that when I wouldbegin preaching I shall take two trucks,one for Samkirtan Party and one for carryingrequisites, and I would go from villageto village throughout the whole worldpreaching Lord Caitanya's message. Sothe time has come as per my dream, by thegrace of Krsna you are carrying on thisprogram. Please therefore organize thismoving Samkirtan Party as you are alreadydoing from one school or college toanother. If we can rightly impress theKrsna Consciousness idea in some intelligentstudent's heart, it will be of great service.Perhaps sometime after, I willrequest you and Kirtanananda to go to Indiaand execute this porgram in the studentcommunity there.I am negotiating with a gentleman inIndia to get the management of a very oldRadha Krsna Temple, and if this negotiationis successful , we will organize a verynice preaching center in the center of India.From this part, any side extremeboundary is not more than 1000 miles.I think that will be a very nice preaching

1326 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>center. So try to recruit more membersfor our Society because we have to openmany centers, and from each center weshall organize this moving SamkirtanParty. That will be nice program forexecuting the will of Lord CaitanyaMahaprabhu.I am very glad to learn that you are visitingthe near about centers-keep themalive by such visits.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-60San JoseLos Angeles28th April, 1970My Dear Chitsukananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated23rd April, 1970, and I am so much encouragedto learn of your activities in theSan Jose area. I have noted the newspaperclippings, and they are very favorablecomments. I am especially happy with thearticle placed by you in the Red Eye, it isvery nice presentation of Krsna Consciousnessin nutshell. I have also receivedthe cheque for $50, and I beg tothank you very much for this.Regarding your first question, who isthe speaker of Isopanisad? the speaker isthe Vedas personified. In the Vedic age adisciple heard from the Spiritual Mastermessages which were coming down indisciplic succession, so a disciple, whateverhe heard from his bonafide SpiritualMaster, would recite. The Vedic mantrasare known as Sruti, to hear from authoritativesource and then repeat it, chanting.So there is no question of who wrote it, itis said that no human being has compiledthem. Later on, before the beginning ofKali Yuga, all Vedic mantras were writtenin books, most of them were done by SrilaVyasadeva Mahamuni and his differentdisciples.Regarding your second question, inreference to Isopanisad mantra 15, shoulda devotee ask the Lord to reveal Himselfthe answer is yes. Unless the Lord revealsHimself, the devotee cannot see Him, Hereserves the right of being exposed or notbeing exposed. The yoga maya curtain isalways covering the Lord, and in the BhagavadGita the Lord says, "I am not visibleto everyone." Even in the materialworld, a man in the position of Presidentshipis not visible to everyone. So one hasto qualify himself by devotional service,then God will reveal Himself. So this Isopanisadmantra is an appeal by the devoteeto move the veil of yoga maya or the glaringeffulgence of Brahma so that the devoteecan see Him face to face. The idea isone has to transcend the material conditionsas well as the Brahma effulgence,then one can see the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. Here the word 'face' meansthe Absolute Truth is a Person. That is themost important point, that God is ultimatelya Person.Regarding the disturbing groups of'Christians' so-called, that is alright. Letthem follow Lord Jesus Christ. Regardingtheir dogmatic insistence, everyone thinkslike that, so if one is not prepared to advancemore, it is better to avoid them. Ifone is limited by some formulas only, he isdescribed as an animal which is bound upby the chain of the master and cannotmove beyond the length of the chain. Sowe are concerned with persons who arenot chained by anything.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

APRIL, 1970 132770-4-61Los Angeles28th April, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 24th April,1970.Yes, publish the Bengali poem whichI am sending herewith. Get it transliteratedby Pradyumna. The meaning is asfollows:My Dear Lord Krl)a, You are so kindupon this useless soul, but I do not knowwhy You have brought me here. Now Youcan do whatever Yo u like with me. 1But I can guess that You have got somebusiness here, otherwise why should Youcall me here which is demoniac. 2Most of the population here is covered byignorance and passion modes of nature,and I do not know how they will be able tounderstand the transcendental message ofVasudeva. 3But I know Your causeless mercy canmake everything possible because You arethe most expert mystic . 4Therefore, I am simply praying for Yo urmercy so that I can be able to convincethem about Yo ur message. 5All living entities have become under controlof the illusory energy by Your will,and therefore, if You like, by Your willthey can also be released from theclutches of illusion. 6If You so desire, I wish that You may deliverthem, and only by Your such desireall of them will be able to understand Yourmessage. 7"The words of Srimad Bhagavatam areYour incarnation, and if they receive it insubmissive aural reception, repeatedly,then they will be able to understand yourmessage. 8In the Srimad Bhagavatam, First Canto, SecondChapter, verses 17 through 21, it is saidAnyone who gives aural reception tothe transcendental message about You,which are always auspicious, by hearingand chanting, for him You become specialwell-wisher, and thus remaining withinhis heart You clear up all inauspicious understanding.When such inauspicious understandingsare almost clear, at that timeone realizes the importance of devotionalservice. In that stage of understanding,the influence of the modes of ignoranceand passion becomes almost nil, and theresultant action of passion and ignorancecannot anymore attack the heart, and thushe becomes joyful being situated on theplatform of goodness. When he thus becomesjubilant on account of awakeningthe modes of goodness by dint of devotionalservice, at that time he becomes liberatedfrom material contamination and isable to understand the science of God. Inthis stage of liberation all misgivings inthe heart, or bondage of material network,becomes cut into pieces, and he iselevated from all sorts of doubts in the scienceof God. At this stage the result of pastactivities becomes vanquished because ofhis realization of the Supreme Lord. 9-13This is the process of becoming liberatedfrom the influence of the modes of ignoranceand passion, and thus they can becomefreed from all inauspicious thingsaccumulated in the heart. 14But because I am very unfortunate, unqualified,and the most fallen, therefore Iam seeking Your benediction so that I maybe able to convince them about this(Kfl)a Consciousness). 15

1328 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Somehow or other, You have brought mehere to speak about You. Now it is up toYou to make me a success or failure as Youlike. 16You are the Lord of the whole creation, soif You like You can make my power ofspeaking as suitable as they can understand.17By Your causeless mercy only my wordsmay become transcendentally pure, and Iam sure when such transcendental messageis penetrated in their hearts certainlythey will feel engladdened, and thus becomeliberated from all unhappy conditionsof life. 18concerning Ananda, temple management,etc. to Gargamuni, and He will adviseyou further in this matter.In the meantime, I invite you to comevisit me here in L.A. for a week or so,then you can speak with me directly. Soplease try to come here at your earliestconvenience, and that will be very nice.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbI am just like a puppet in Your hands, andYou have brought me here, now You canmake me dance as You like. 1970-4-63BostonLos Angeles29th April, 1970I have no devotion, nor I have any knowledge,but still I have been designated asBhakti Vedanta, now if You like You canjust fulfil the real purport of Bhakti Vedanta.20The most unfortunate, insignificant beggar,Bhaktivedanta Swami, on board theship 'Jaladutta, Commonwealth Pier,Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.A.), dated18th September, 1965 .A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-4-62VancouverLos Angeles29th April, 1970My Dear Chidananda,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated27th April, 1970, and have noted the contentscarefully. I have referred the mattersMy Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated'nil.'Regarding your questions about thecalendar-almanac:1. Herapaiicamf is correct (9 July1970).2. When there is an important Dvadasi,the Ekadasi fasting is transferred onthe Dvadasi, and this is called Mahadvadasi.The 26th October, 1970, is actuallyDvadasi, so the fasting is observed together,or Ekadasi fasting is disregarded,and the Dvadasi (Mahadvadasi) fasting istaken as important.You were give this old Panjika just toconsult the names and spelling only. Thedates are different, so whatever date I havegiven, that is correct. Why you aresearching Byanjali Dvadasi in this lastyear's Panj ika? What I have given is fromthis year's Panjika, so everything will notcollaborate .3. The word is ___ . That is called

APRIL, 1970 1329O(lana-$a$thf and the date is 14th December,1970. That is correct even if you donot find it in the dictionary. The dictionarymay not have every word.5. 7th February, 1971-Varaha­Dvadasi, I have explained the position inregard to #2 .6. So far determining Ekadasi it iscounted I I days after the full moon and 11days after the new moon, but sometimes itso happens as you have noted one daylater. However, what I have given iscorrect.The Panjika which I gave you is oldPanjika, our calendar is for this new year.Regarding the Prayer book, I did notask you to transliterate this-somebodyelse has underlined, I have not underlinedit . I have received both the prayer bookand the panjika also with your letter. Regardingyour work on the Staal Correspondence,locating references to chapterand verses and adding appropriate translationsafter the Sanskrit, that is alright asyou have done itOn page 13 of Three Essays, manii$iQa/:l is the correct word.You must always ask the Lord's graceto make you in the right position. It is notfor your sense gratification, it is for theLord 's service. For the Lord's service wecan ask for His grace and mercy a hundredtimes, but for our sense gratification wecannot pray or ask anything-that is puredevotion.I have also received a note from you ,and regarding KRSNA chapter 31, page4, top, the word Hrdaya is correct.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiMy Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of the text proof forBTG #32. I am looking through it now,and will return it to you soon.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-64BostonLos Angeles30th April, 1970My Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated26th April , 1970.Regarding printing KRSNA book inJapan because the printing details are difficulthere in this country, that was myformer decision. In the beginning I decidedlike that.Regarding NOD, I am sending herewiththe dedication as desired by you.The program of hard bound books tobe printed in Japan, and soft boundprinted on our own press is a nice suggestion.So far printing is concerned, I havejust received the French BTG, and it isvery nicely done, so convey my thanks toUddhava and Advaita especially. In thisway if we can print on our own press, itwill be very nice.Regarding travelling, a Sannyasi'sname is Paribrajakacarya, that is the beginningof Sannyasa. In the beginning oneis ordered not to stay more than three daysat a place, but at the Paramhamsa stage,one can stop moving, but that is not compulsory.So I have made my headquartersat L.A., that is a fact, still I may go in anemergency outside (not ordinarily) for afew days, and then come back to myheadquarters.There is a gap of some transcriptionstapesnumbers 12 through 16, KRSNA,so please get them done. I shall be slow inmaking further tapes till I get them back.

1330 Letters from Sri/a PrabhuptidaPlease give this instruction to the editors.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-4-65Los Angeles30th April, 1970My Dear Jaya Pataka,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated2lstApril, 1970.Achyutananda has written me that hewill arrange for your visa for two years atleast, but I learn that you have not heardanything from him til now. So unless youare assured that your visa has been madefor at least two years, and he has got hisown apartment, don't start. Ittis not requiredto take permission from MadhavaMaharaj to stay at his place. It is not ourbusiness to become anymore burden tohim.I have already sent Achyutanandamoney for our own land, so first we musthave our own land or apartment, then ourdevotees can go there. On the whole, hemust first of all arrange for staying somewherein our own place, otherwise it willbe very difficult because India is veryoverpopulated, especially Calcutta.Regarding your questions how to offerrespects to Sannyasis. Every Sannyasi,even if you see a Mayavadi Sannyasi, offerhim your respects-there will be no harm.As you have observed we shall followLord Caitanya's instruction that we giveall due respects to others regarding theirposition, but there is no need of always associatingwith each of them. Even if one isVaisnava, but not of good character, wecan give him the Vaisnava respect, but wecannot associate with him.Regarding how to act when there is achoice of either attending Aratrik ceremonywithout bathing first or bathing andthus missing attendance at the Aratrikceremony, the answer is that the rulesshould be followed as far as possible . If itbecomes necessary, simply wash yourfeet, and when possible also wash theface, head, hands, and rinse mouth withwater.When you will go to India, mostprobably you will have to go to Bombay,and how you will have to go to Bombaythat I shall let you know later.I beg to thank you for your nice appreciationof our disciplic succession ofVaisnava Acaryas. This is the right understandingof the Spiritual Masters that theyare glorious by simply delivering the transcendentalmessage of KrDa as it is.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

MAY70-5-1BostonLos AngelesI st May, 197070-5-2BostonLos Angeles1st May, 1970My Dear Sriman Kenneth,Please accept my blessings. I am soglad to receive your letter dated April1970, and I am so pleased to learn thatyou are chanting Mahamantra HareKrishna.It is very much pleasing that you acknowledgethe gifts of Krishna. Krishna isthe Supreme Father, and all living entitiesin all different forms are His sons. He ismaintaining everyone. He is supplyingfood, clothing, shelter to each one of Hissons, but those who are Krishna Conscious,they admit the gifts of the Father.and thus try to please the Supreme Fatherby service.Unfortunately, the demons do not evenacknowledge the gifts from Krishna, andthey talk nonsense that there is no God,God is dead, I am God, and similarthings. So as you are acknowledging yourobligation to Krishna, as well as chantingthe Hare Krishna Mantra, so I hopeKrishna will give you more facilities sothat you can become perfect in this verylife. It is very easy to achieve such successsimply by chanting the Hare KrishnaMantra, and let us not miss this greatopportunity.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbMy Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28th April, 1970, along with a note from aboy in Spain. I have replied the boy, andthe letter is enclosed herewith , please forwardit to him.I am very glad to learn that you havethe Prahl ad pictures in your safe custodybecause I want to print up many smallbooks with text accompanied by illustrations,and the first one may be of PrahladMaharaj . Somtime ago you wrote methat you wanted some new topics fo rwriting subjects, so I think you can beginby compiling information from my pastlectures on Prahlad Maharaj, then addthe pictures and print it. Then you can domany other such books like this. Someother books may be about Dhruva Mahahraj, Aj amil, etc., and I am sure thesestories with their very significant purportswill make very successful books,and they can be very easily sold. So ifyou can begin on this project and arrangeeverything carefully, that will be verynice.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1332 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>70-5-3ParisLos Angeles1st May, 1970My Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings . I am indue receipt of your letter dated 26 April,1970, and I am so pleased to note the contentswhich are exactly befitting yourname Tarnal . Perhaps you know Tarnal isa nice tree in Vrindavan, and because thecolor of the tree exactly resembles that ofKrsna, therefore Srimati Radharani alwaysused to take rest underneath the Tarnaltree when she was feeling separationfrom Krsna.So for European activities, I have sentyou there, and for its nice organization Iam counting upon you very much. Youhave so kindly written to say, "Please orderme in any way Your Grace desires, everythingI have including myself belongsto You, and Your Grace may do with me asYou wish." So it is my desire that in Europeyou will kindly occasionally visit thethree countries-England, France, andGermany-and see that the things are goingvery nicely.In England your suggestion to open afew other Temples in big cities like Birmingham,Manchester, and Liverpool, isvery much welcome. For constructingTemples in England, especially in London;I have got very good support from avery rich man in India. Not only he, butalso many others will be ready to pay forour construction such Temples, but I wantthe Temples should be constructed by thelocal natives-that is our success. If Ibring money from India and construct aTemple here in a Western country, that isnot very creditable. Now this Temple ofLos Angeles is completely undertaken byyour countrymen and that is a good creditfor me .Anyway, if l go to India for some days ,I am sure I shall be able to collect a considerableamount of money for this purpose,but I wish that people from this partof the world should be sympathetic withmy movement. This means good organizationto convince the people of the Westerncountries that we are doing somethingwhich is very, very much beneficial foreveryone, and especially for this part ofthe world.Regarding a place in Paris, you writeto say that there is accomodation, but youare in want of money. If this is a fact, thenimmediately find out a nice place for ourParis center, and if you let me know howmuch you require, then I may try for it.But I am very much hopeful from yourstatement that in Paris we have got verygood prospect of organizing this movement.Simply by your request only somany young boys and girls joined-this isa very good sign. I have information fromreliable sources that in France this KrsnaConsciousness Movement has very goodchance.So far translating our literatures, ifyou simply send the matter, our presswill immediately give you so manybooks. You can print books in small sizesand distribute them profusely. Smallbooks like 'Easy Journey to Other Planets'and 'Isopanisad' will be very quicklysold more than the larger volumes ofTLC and Srimad Bhagavatam. So if Suridasand Woomapati engage themselvesfive hours for translating work, therewill be no difficulty to publish ourFrench language books immediately. Soarrange for this.I have received one copy of the latestFrench BTG, published from Montreal. Itis printed in our ISKCON Press in Boston,and they have done it very nicely. Iffor the present this BTG published fromMontreal can be useful? I am sending byseparate air mail one copy which you canexamine, and if you think they are usefulfor your purpose, you can immediately

MAY, 1970 1333ask them to send you as many copies asyou need.Your suggestion for Murari 's openinga center at Amsterdam is very much welcome.His wife, Lilavati is very intelligentand both of them can do the preachingwork very diligently in that place, so try togive effect to this proposal.Regarding this Temple, actually it issimply Knn:m's grace that we have such anice place very suitably arranged for our allpurposes. Both the devotees and myself areliving very comfortably, and the Temple isin the center between us. The kitchen isvery nice and the frontage with a small gardenspace, as well as sufficient place forparking, on the junction of very importantroads-all these facilities make the positionof this building unique. Besides that,the banks, stores, laundry, medical house,everything is within easy reach, so we mustconsider this as Krsna's gift.Regarding the appointment of Suridasto the post of president, that is a very goodproposal. He is intelligent, sincere devotee.and similarly his wife is also.Regarding your question about annamoya,pranamoya, etc . Ye s, they are differentstages of consciousness. Differentliving beings are situated in differentconsciousness, Some are satisfied in thematter of eating and sleeping, they are onthe annamoya stage. Pranamoya meansthose who can simply survive in thestruggle for existence. Manomoya meansphilosophical speculation. Jnanamoya meansself-realization, vijnanamoya means applicationof that stage in practical life, andwhen there is the right perfection of lifethat is anandamoya stage or Krsna Consciousness.So by the grace of Lord Caitanya, inthis age our movement is giving directlythe anandamoya stage, and anyone canvisit our Temple and see how our studentsare in blissful life. Naturally theyare in jolly mood by chanting, daneing,and taking Prasadam. Your regularchanting of Mahamantra and reading ofbooks will keep you always fit for pushingon this movement. This formulashould be rigidly followed by everyone ofus.In conclusion I may inform you thatAchyutananda has given publicity in animportant newspaper that next year I amgoing to India with forty students, so forthe next year we have got sufficient marginof time-eight months-so what doyou think? Shall we be able to have ourWorld Samkirtan by that time? That willbe very nice. All our selected studentslike yourself, Hansadutta, Mukunda, Shyamsundar,Woomapati, etc . along with theirwives, and some of the students fromhere may join, then we can go to India viaAfrica, and then after a few days in India,we can come back via Japan, So you haveto consult over this matter also because itis already advertised in India.I have also just received the secondcopy of this letter sent by you.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth. Please offer my blessings toWoomapati and his new wife Ilavati Dasi,and to all the other boys and girls there inParis center.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-4c/o MendozaBronx N.Y.Los Angeles3rd May, 1970My Dear Ekayani,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your encouragingletter, dated 8th April, 1970, and I am sohappy to note your steady enthusiasm towork harder in Kr1.1a's service. So thisenthusiasm is very good sign, and if you

1334 Letters from Srrla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>continue to become more and more enthusiasticto be always strictly engaged in devotionalservice while observing carefullythe rules and regulations, Krf?l}a willsurely bestow upon you full success inKrf?I:la Consciousness and thus your lifewill be happy and successful.Regarding the color of Balaramji, Heis colored like milk white with little bluishtint and rosy luster. Our idea of whitenessis of the milk foam. Regarding whetherivory is offerable to Krf?l}a, yes , ivory ispure. Although it is a bone of an animal,still it is as pure as the conch shell which isalso the bone of an animal.The six armed form which Lord Caitanyadisclosed to Sarbabhouma Bhattacaryahad two hands of Lord RamChandra, two hands of Krf?I)a and twohands of Lord Caitanya. Perhaps youhave seen the picture in our New Yorktemple which was brought from India byKirtananda Swami.Your question why Lord Shiva was orderedto appear as Sankaracarya and teachthe Mayavad philosophy to turn the peopleto atheism and thus increase the population,that nobody can understand. IfKrf?I:la desired Lord Shiva to do like that,so he had some plan which we need notunderstand. He is the Supreme Lord, andHe is maintaining the huge universal affairs,so how does He do things and forwhat purpose He does them, it is very difficultto understand. Just like He plannedthe battle of Kurukf?etra and He inducedHis friend, a great devotee, Arjuna, tokill. So why does He plan to make othersatheist, it is known to him.Our business is to glorify Him always,either He plans to dance with the Gopis, orHe makes a plan to kill others on the battlefieldof Kurukf?etra, or He plans to dosomething which is not very good frommaterialistic point of view. Our only businessis to remain steadfast devotee to Krf?l}ain all conditions. That is the instmctiongiven in Sikf?astak, wherein it is said, "MyLord, whatever You like You can do, butunconditionally You are my only object ofworship." That is pure devotion.I am so glad to learn that there are twovery nice women devotees now coming tothe Temple regularly, and please offerthem by blessings for advancing in Krf?I:laConsciousness. Take care of them nicelyso that they may learn our program ofKrf?I:la Conscious life very nicely. Let themchant regularly and follow the four basicprinciples and they will become firm intheir faith in Krf?l}a. If you recommend, Ishall initiate them, so you can send sets ofnew beads with their letters and somedonation for the book fund. The standardform is that the initiate collects some almsby begging and offers it to the SpiritualMaster as daksina or presentation.That is nice if you get that land in Miamiand open a center there. You are intelligentand eager devotee, ready to spreadLord Krsna's teachings, so do it. That willbe very good, it is an excellent proposal.So as you say the deep Southern part ofthis country is virtually untouched, but Ithink Kirtananda Maharaj has gone to severalplaces there, and he has been very successful.So try to attract the students, theyare our great future hope, and they willtake up this matter very quickly becausethe students are not very contaminated.The first two lines of the song 'HareyeNamah KrI:la' were sung by Lord Caitanyaand His followers, but the otherlines of song were composed later on bySrila Narottam Das Thakur.Ye s, fix up your mind on Krl}a and everythingwill come out nice-be sure ofthis fact. Study scripture, always chant,love Krf?l}a-and that is the success of life.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

MAY, 1970 133570-5-5LondonLos Angeles3rd May, 1970My Dear Lilavati,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated28th April, 1970, and the report of ourSamkirtan Movement in London is verymuch encouraging.I think each couple of our studentsmay try to open a branch in England. Ourfirst branch of London Yatra was openedby Mukunda, Gurudas, and Shyamsundarand their wives. They tried veryhard, and now our London Temple isnicely situated. Similarly many otherTemples can be opened in places likeAmsterdam, Birmingham, Liverpool,Manchester, etc .. I have received reportfrom Tarnal that preaching in Paris is goingnicely. In one day they recruitedabout 14 devotees simply by requestingwho will join this K:rl).a Consciousnessmovement. So you all also recruit members,English boys and girls, in that way.Our Movement is a declaration of waragainst Maya, that you can understandvery well, so we have to recruit manyfighting soldiers,-so do it vigorously.I am glad to learn that the children arefeeling very well in open atmosphere, solet them enjoy life for some time.George has rendered some valuableservice, so Shyamsundar is trying to dosome good to him. This is our duty, anyonewho has rendered a little service toKrI}a should be given all facilities to takeit up seriously.Regarding your question, Yes, KrI}ais always increasing in so many ways, sothere is no question of decrease. Theverse in question stating that Kn>l).a is devoidof increase and decrease is from SrimadBhagavatam and it is given withspecific reference to the devotee. The purportis that if KrI}a gives himself to anyone of His devotees, although He is Purnaor the Complete Whole, still there is nodecrease in Him. Similarly we may giveto KrI}a everything, but still He is notincreased.Please offer my blessings to all theboys and girls there. I hope this will meetyou in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-6San JoseLos Angeles4th May, 1970My Dear Chitsukananda,Please accept my blessings. I hope everythingis going on well in your center.As each and every ISKCON Center ismy life and soul for preaching this movement,I hope you are doing your best toconduct the regular routine duties of theTemple-chanting regularly the beads,observing the restrictive regulations, takingSamkirtan Party to the streets, andselling our magazines and books.Now at the present moment, I am concentratingmy energy in this Los AngelesCenter as ideal for all other centers in respectof Deity worship, Arotrik, Kirtan,and other necessary paraphanalia. As Ihave curtailled my moving program, Iwish that you may come here at your convenienceand stay here for a few days andsee personally how things are going on;and by meeting with me personally fornecessary instruction, I hope simultaneouslyin all Centers the activities will be ofthe same standard.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and more when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

1336 Letters from Srila Prabhuptida70-5-7LondonLos Angeles4th May, 1970My Dear Guru Das,Please accept my blessings. I hope everythingis going on well in your center.As each and every ISKCON Center ismy life and soul for preaching this movement,I hope you are doing your best toconduct the regular routine duties of theTemple-chanting regularly the beads,observing the restrictive regulations, takingSamkirtan Party to the streets, andselling our magazines and books.Now at the present moment, I am concentratingmy energy in this Los AngelesCenter as ideal for all other centers in respectof Deity worship, Arotrik, Kirtan,and other necessary paraphanalia. As Ihave curtailled my moving program, Iwish that you may come here at your convenienceand stay here for a few days andsee personally how things are going on;and by meeting with me personally fornecessary instruction, I hope simultaneouslyin all Centers the activities will be ofthe same standard.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and more when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-8BostonLos Angeles4th May, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I hope everythingis going on well in your center.As each and every ISKCON Center ismy life and soul for preaching this movement,I hope you are doing your best toconduct the regular routine duties of theTemple-chanting regularly the beads,observing the restrictive regulations, takingSamkirtan Party to the streets, andselling our magazines and books.Now at the present moment, I am concentratingmy energy in this Los AngelesCenter as ideal for all other centers in respectof Deity worship, Arotrik, Kirtan,and other necessary paraphanalia. As Ihave curtailled my moving program, Iwish that you may come here at your convenienceand stay here for a few days andsee personally how things are going on;and by meeting with me personally fornecessary instruction, I hope simultaneouslyin all Centers the activities will be ofthe same standard.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and more when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-9TokyoLos Angeles4th May, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings. I hope everythingis going on well in your center.As each and every ISKCON Center ismy life and soul for preaching this movement,I hope you are doing your best toconduct the regular routine duties of theTemple-chanting regularly the beads,observing the restrictive regulations, takingSamkirtan Party to the streets, andselling our magazines and books.Now at the present moment, I am concentratingmy energy in this Los AngelesCenter as ideal for all other centers in respectof Deity worship, Arotrik, Kirtan,and other necessary paraphanalia. As Ihave curtailled my moving program, Iwish that you may come here at your convenienceand stay here for a few days andsee personally how things are going on;

MAY, 1970 1337and by meeting with me personally fornecessary instruction, I hope simultaneouslyin all Centers the activities will be ofthe same standard.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and more when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-10St. LouisLos Angeles4th May, 1970My Dear Vamandev,Please accept my blessings. I hopeeverything is going on well in your center.As each and every ISKCON Center ismy life and soul for preaching thismovement, I hope you are doing yourbest to conduct the regular routine dutiesof the Temple-chanting regularlythe beads, observing the restrictive regulations,taking Samkirtan Party to thestreets, and selling our magazines andbooks.Now at the present moment, I am concentratingmy energy in this Los AngelesCenter as ideal for all other centers in respectof Deity worship, Arotrik, Kirtan,and other necessary paraphanalia. As Ihave curtailled my moving program, Iwish that you may come here at your convenienceand stay here for a few days andsee personally how things are going on ;and by meeting with me personally fornecessary instruction, I hope simultaneouslyin all Centers the activities will be ofthe same standard.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth, and more when we meet.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-11LondonLos Angeles6th May, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you for your letter dated 30th April,1970, and I have noted the contents carefully.I have also received the list of all thecities and towns in England, and thankyou very much. It is my desire that youopen a center in each and every one ofthese places, and that will help to fulfillthe prophecy of Lord Caitanya that HisHoly Name will be sung in every city andtown all over the globe.I am so glad to learn that things aregoing on nicely in our London Temple.The most important point in this letteris second time initiation of some of thedevotees, specifically Jai Hari Das Brahmacary,Jyotir Mayeedevi Dasi, and MondakinideviDasi. So I am sending herewiththe sanctified Gayatri Mantra Tapeand papers for holding the ceremony, aswell as a sacred thread and special instructionsfor the devotees with the GayatriMantra.Now what we have to do is to hold theGayatri Mantra ceremony according tothe instruction paper, then at the end teachJai Hari personally how to count on thefinger divisions. Then play the GayatriMantra tape for him, and let him repeatthe Mantras along with my vibration,word-to-word, and then hang the SacredThread on his neck as usual . The girlsdon't require Sacred Thread, as you know,but they simply can responsively chant theGayatri Mantras. In each individual casethe instruction should be given and themantra re-played .This Gayatri Mantra function shouldbe held amongst the devotees only.While Trivikram is coming here , thebooks which I have left in London-one

1338 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidalarge Bhagavatam, one small Bhakti­Rasamrta Sindhu, and maybe otherbooks-he may bring here . So I am awaitinghis arrival along with the books verysoon.Please offer my blessings to SrimatiYamuna Dasi, and to all the other devoteesthere in London.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-12New Vrndavan6th May, 1970My Dear Kirtanananda Maharaj ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated3rd May, 1970, and beg to thank you verymuch for your kind sentiments. Ye s, if it isany credit for me, that is what you havewritten that I tried to give aural receptionto the words of my Spiritual Master,Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaj, and thus I tried to engage my tonguein repeating the same words without anychange. Actually I am the most unworthyservant of His Divine Grace because I delayedto execute His order by so manyyears. But it was better I began late thannever, and therefore He has kindly sent tome so many young hearts to cooperatewith me in this great Movement. Pleasetherefore continue your good cooperation,and I am sure great things will happenwithout delay.Regarding New Vrndavan activities, Ithink whatever you are doing is approvedby me. As you are acting very sincerely inKr1.1a Consciousness, KpJ.la is dictatingfrom within your heart, so there is nothingto be disapproved.Regarding purchasing the propertynext to the schoolhouse, I have taken informationfrom Devananda that this landis not directly attached to our presentproperty, but the only advantage is that itis on the roadside, and we can engage it inso many ways. So if Krsna is giving us thechance to purchase it, let us take advantageof the opportunity.But from strategic point of view, as weare expecting to purchase Mr. Snyder'sproperty next year, he may be still tighter.But the advantage of being on the roadsidein future will be of great use, there is nodoubt of it.Here in L.A. we are decorating theTemple room very nicely. As I am invitingeveryone to come here and see, I think youshould also once come here and see theTemple room so that you can erect in NewVrndavan in the same style. It is not verydifficult, but it looks very gorgeous.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-13DetroitLos Angeles8th May, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated3rd May, 1970. Regarding the checkwhich you have sent, Gargamuni says thathe has not yet received it.I am so pleased to see how you are carryingour Samkirtan program amidst thedemonstrations of the people. This newspaper clipping which you have sent is justportraying the point of our business, and Ihave made xeroxes and am distributingthem to various parties as example of ourwork. This Samkirtan Movement of LordCaitanya is most practical and authorized,

MAY, 1970 1339so such incidents are to be expected, butthis is a great credit for our propagandaefforts .I have already dispatched to you byseparate mail, an invitation to visit ourL.A. center and meet personally with meat that time. So I am expecting to meetwith you when you can come at your convenience,and then we can discuss suchquestions as you have asked as well as anyothers you may have .Please offer my blessings to yourgood wife KrQ.a Bhamini and your sonVaiQ.avadas and all the other Prabhusthere.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-14BostonLos Angeles9th May, 1970My Dear Candanacarya and Baradraj ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated4th May, 1970, along with a nice tape ofSamkirtan and solo song.So it is very nice. Lord Caitanya has introduceda very nice system of selfrealizationthrough arts and songs. Bothof you are expert in singing and musicalscience as well as painting work. Now bythe grace of KrQ.a your talents are beingutilized in His service. That is what we requirein KrQ.a Conscousness. We do notrequire to qualify very extraordinarily toserve KrQ.a. KrQ.a is Self-sufficient, Hedoes not require anyone's service, but stillthe more we render service unto Him themore we become happy.The example is given in the SrimadBhagavatam that the decoration on theface of a certain person is not seen by him,but when he sees his face on the mirror heenjoys. In other words, whatever we offerto the Lord, it is actually enjoyed by us.Just like we prepare so many deliciousfoodstuffs for KrQ.a, but we eat the Prasadamremnant of foodstuff offered toKrQ.a. The whole idea is that everythingshould be offered to KnQ.a, and afterwardwe shall enjoy the effects.You have painted so many pictures ofKrQ.a, and when you see to the picturesyou enjoy and at the same time KrQ.a ispleased. Similarly the foodstuff preparedfor KrQ.a actually we partake for it, but atthe same time KrQ.a is pleased. Thosewho. are cooking for themselves and eatingthem without offering to KrQ.a cannotenjoy such blissful life like the devotees.By serving KrQ.a we are not the leastloser, but we are simply gainer more andmore transcendentally. Keep this point alwaysin front, and work for KrQ.a and behappy.I have received some luddos from Bostonwithout any note, but I think it is sentby Rukminidevi, so please offer her mythanks and blessings.Be happy and chant Hare KrQ.a.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-15LondonLos Angeles9th May, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I hope bythis time you have received my letter dated6th May, 1970, along with papers, tapes,etc.I have received one letter from BalmukundParikh, the copy of which is enclosedherewith. It is understood that he is

1340 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>introducing something new in the name ofteaching Devnagari script. The prayer ofthe Spiritual Master as he has quoted hasno use for us, it is completely impersonal .This prayer immediately must be stopped.Another thing is he asked me aboutAurobindo's estimation. This means thathe gradually wants to introduce Aurobindophilosophy. All these things do notsound very nice.Please let me know what is the necessityof learning Devnagari script. We aretransliterating all our books-Srimad Bhagavatam,Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Samhita,etc.-in Roman type, So why you shouldwaste your time in learning Devnagariscript?So I am very much anxious to knowwhat is the actual situation because I canscent that Mr. Parikh wants to introducesomething in my absence which is completelyagainst KrIJa Consciousness. Ihope you will understand me right and replythis letter by return mail what is the actualsituation.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-16BostonLos Angeles9th May, 1970My Dear Patita Uddharan,Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledgereceipt of your letter dated 24thApril, 1970, along with the typical examplesof hard bound editions of Sri Isopanisad,and thank you so much for them.This binding wOik is so nicely made .Yo u have done it very well, and I am completelysatisfied. I very much appreciateyour efforts in our ISKCON bindery, andif such binding is done we will have suresuccess with our books.So you can bind our books in this way,and although it may go slowly just now itis being done very nicely. Then in futureyou may be able to do our binding here insteadof in Japan. Yo u write to say thatthese are some nice typical examples ofyour binding work, so it is a great creditbecause these books any man would beproud to have. I beg to thank you onceagain for your kind appreciations and excellentwork.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-17BostonLos Angeles9th May, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of KrIJa tape transcriptions# 13, 32, and 33, and 34, alongwith your note from the art department.Regarding the Vedas personified, theyshould be drawn just like you have seensome pictures of great sages. They areyoung in appearance like perfect Vail)avas,and they may be shown with tilok andVail)ava markings in that way.So such pictures are definitely requiredand please have them execute thesubjects appropriately as they have sonicely done thus far.In the meantime, I hope you have bynow received my last letter inviting you tovisit L.A. Temple at your earliest convenience,and I shall be very glad to see youthen.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

MAY, 1970 134170-5-18ParisLos Angeles9th May, 1970My Dear Tarnal,Please accept my blessings. I hope everythingis progressing well with you inParis.I am enclosing herewith the copies oftwo letters which will speak for themselves.Please immediately let me knowwhat is the actual situation regarding thismatter.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-19SydneyLos AngeleslOth May, 1970My Dear Bali Mardan and Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I am mdue receipt of your letter dated by Post 5thMay, 1970.So it is very encouraging that peopleare coming to the extent of 40 heads, andthey are trying to understand the importanceof this great movement, and anysane man will be able to understand that.But I do not know why our students whoare supposed to be the leaders of thismovement will fight amongst themselvesfo r supremacy. Our whole process is ofsurrendering.We are taught to address others as Prabhu.Prabhu means master; and the leaderof the masters is called <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. So ifthe Prabhus have surrendered to thePrabhupad, why there shall be such mentalityof occupying the superior position?This is contradictory.Kindly stop this unnecessary misunderstanding.Both Upendra and yourselfare competent and experienced, so pleaseadjust your disagreement amongst yourselves. It is my request. As a matter offact, as you are the pioneer in taking allrisks to go to Australia, naturally you shallbe considered as the leader, but a leader'sposition is also very grave and responsible.A leader has to lead others very tactfullyand intelligently. Kindly therefore donot quarrel, but go on with your dutiesprogressively.I can understand very well that Upendrais feeling very much disturbed on accountof Chitralekha 's absence, it is quitenatural , but what can I do? I have arrangedfor $500 also, but the AustralianImmigration detained her for a technicalreason. This is already informed in detailto Upendra by Madhudvisa, as I understand.So this is the position.In the meantime, things should run onas it is, and ifthere is any need of change,we shall consider about it when Citralekhagoes there. Please try to organizethe new center as nicely as possible evenat personal inconvenience-that is realservice. Krl}a is sitting in everyone'sheart, He knows everything what to do, sodepend on Him and do your duties patiently.Maya is very strong, and we are liableto fall down at any moment. We haveto gather our strength by chanting thebeads sixteen rounds regularly and prayiagto the lotus feet of Krl}a for guidance.I hope both of you will kindly followmy instruction and forget if there is anyaccidental disagreement.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db

1342 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>70-5-20Los Angeles11th May, 1970Scindia HouseNew DelhiMy Dear Hit Sharanji,Please accept my blessings. I have notheard from you in some time. I hope youare doing well. I am anxious to know whathappened to the other two pairs of Deities.These two pairs of Deities are immediatelyrequired for Paris and Berlin.So I will be very much pleased if youdispatch them immediately to ScindiaSteam Navigation CO. as you did last time.Kindly treat this as urgent, and let meknow what is the situation.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbspeculator, with some mystic ideas. Weare simply concerned with pure devotees,so we have nothing to learn fromAurobindo.One practical estimation of Aurobindo,I know that one of the importantdisciples of Aurobindo, Dilip Roy, triedhis best to induce one English devotee,Professor Nixon, later on Kpmaprem, tobecome a disciple of Aurobindo, butKnn:ta prem never agreed to this. On thecontrary, Dilip Roy later on became influencedby KrJ:taprem and he left Aurobindoaram and is now chanting HareKtJ:ta Mantra at Poona. So you can judgeyourself what is my estimation ofAurobindo.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-21Los Angeles13th May, 1970My Dear Balmukundji,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated the 6th instant,and noted the contents.In my last letter I advised you that yourDevnagari Lipi class should begin bychanting Hare Kn;J:ta Mantra, but if youfind the time is short, then instead of recitingthe Guru mantra quoted by you whichis of impersonal mature, you can chant thefollowing verse which we do along withothers.Saksiid haritvena samasta siistraiRuktastathii bhiibyata eva sadbhihKintu prabhoryah priya eva tasyaVande guroh sri caraniiravindam.The verse quoted by you is not approvedby us.Regarding your inquiry about Aurobindo,I may inform you that Aurobindodoes not belong to the Bhakti school. Heis more or less a dry philosopher, mental70-5-22BostonMy Dear Brahmananda,Los Angeles13th May, 1970Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 9th May,1970.Regarding the dummy BTG, I comparedwith the Japanese BTG, and it appearsthat the present one is quite inferior.The price is higher and the subscriptioncard is not to be included, and the size issmaller also. So considering all thesepoints it is inferior to the Japanese BTG.Now because there is no alternative wemust get them printed here, but as you aregoing to Japan, I think you will be able tofind out some printer who will be regularlysupplying.You have asked me to send you acheque for $4, 500, but this is for the firsttime you have asked me to pay on accountofBTG, and this point I have already explainedto Gargamuni. So far I understand

MAY, 1970 1343from Gargamuni that you misunderstoodme that I want to take the management ofBTG I never meant like that, neither Ihave got any time to tax my brain in thatway. So you shall continue the managementof BTG, and ISKCON Press ismeant for that purpose.Formerly when it was in the hand ofRayarama he was managing separately,then it came to your hand and the managementis going on, but you never asked mefor any payment in the matter of BTG. So Ihave asked GArgamuni to send you backthe cheque which I understand you sent tohim on this account for $5000. So I amsimply interested in the book distribution,and whatever collection is made in this departmentmay be paid to me either by youor by Gargamuni; and when there is questionof printing books certainly I shall payas I have been doing-that will simplifythe matter.When you come here I will talk withyou further on this matter, but what I wantis that I may not tax my brain in the managementof many departments.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbalso requesting him to purchase the landof Jabed Ali almost a fortnight ago, but Ihave received no reply til now.So I do not know what to do in this connection.The money is there, the sanctionis there, the land is there, and still if itdoes not take place, I shall understand itthat this is not the desire of Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.In the meantime, I have also advisedmy previous son, Sri M.M. De, tosee you in this connection, and if possibleto purchase the land in his name for thetime being. So if he sees you, then pleasehelp him in purchasing the land.I am sorry that you wrote me severalletters before in English, but they did notreach me due to postal strike. Now I havemade my World Headquarters at the aboveaddress in our own building which wehave purchased very recently at a cost of20 lakhs of rupees. So in future you canaddress me at the above destination.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yours affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-5-2413th May, 1970Boston70-5-2313th May, 1970My Dear Sripad Damodar Maharaj,Please accept my humble obeisances. Iam in due receipt of your letter dated 8thApril, 1970, which was addressed to myNew York office. I am so sorry to learnthat there is assort of conspiracy by someof our God-brothers as not to give me aplace at Mayapur. I do not wish to argueon this point, but according to your adviceI have already sent a telegram to AchyutanandaBrahmacary and an urgent 1 letterMy Dear Pradyumna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your letter dated 8th May,1970, and I have seen the synonyms ofBrahma Samhita verses. It appears that itis nicely done, but ifl have to see it scrutinizingly,it will take some time.In the last portion of your letter youwrite to say, "I need to have this back immediatelyfor publication in the upcomingissue of BTG." So I can advise you thatyou can publish it as it is, and if there isany discrepency we will rectify it in future.The policy of the BTG should be alwayswriting articles which can be

1344 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidaunderstood by people in general. Vedicliteratures like Brahma Samhita may bepublished in separate books, but assimilatedideas may be published in BTG.I am sending herewith back the noteson tape #14 Kra.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-25c/o George HarrisonOxfordshire, EnglandLos Angeles14th May, 1970My Dear Shyamsundar,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated7th May, 1970, written on Hare Krishnastationery of George Harrison. My heartythanks are to George Harrison becausenow he is chanting Hare Krma so enthusiastically.May Kra bless him moreand more, and he may advance in Kraconsciousness.So as suggested by you I am deletingthe words "of the famous Beatles" , andsimply putting his name and his presenttranscendental change by chanting HareKra. In the Preface the one paragraph isbeing replaced by the following words,suggested by him. "If there is a God, Iwant to see Him. It's pointless to believein something without proof, and KrishnaConsciousness and meditation are methodswhere one can actually obtain 'Godperception' . Yo u can actually see God,and hear Him, play with Him. And He isactually there, actually with you ."Regarding your invitation to visit youin England, in this connection you canread my circular letter recently sent to allthe Presidents. But when there is absolutenecessity, there will be no difficulty.It is very encouraging to hear that youhave converted the very nice chapel to asplendid Temple and you have arranged tohold public kirtan one night a week inHenley. Please continue to expand thesedevelopments because the outlook is verybright. Ye s, the village folk are not somuch contaminated. The great Englishpoet, Mr. Cowper, said, "Town is madeby man, and village is made by God."So if from your center the surroundingvillages are drawn to the attention ofKra consciousness simply by the distributionof Prasadam and chanting of HareKra Mantra, it will be a great success. Itis not necessary always to be officially initiated,but if they participate in the groupchanting of Hare Kra Mantra and takingof Prasadam weekly or daily as it is possible,that will fulfil our mission.Thank you very much for sending methe two Apple posters for 'GOVINDA' , itis a very good advertisement and I havesuggested that it may be shown in the templebookstore here. I have noted thefrench newsclippings also and they arevery much encouraging, so I am satisfiedthat everything is going on well there.Regarding your question about theterm 'unmanifest' in the Bhagavad Gita8/21, there are two words in Sanskritaprakatawhich means "unmanifest"or "non-manifest" and prakata whichmeans "manifest". Kra's Lila in Vrndavanis prakata or manifest Lila, and thesame is going on eternally in the spiritualrealm which is known as aprakata or nonmanifest.Actually Kra·s planet and Kr­a 's pastimes are going on eternally, andthe same is manifested before the conditionedsouls at certain intervals, that is tosay once in one day of Brahma, exactly asthe sun is visible for 12 hours once in a 24hour cycle of day and night. When the sunis visible it is called prakata, and when thesun is not visible that is called aprakata orunmanifested . Non-manifested therefore

MAY, 1970 1345does not mean there is no existence, butthe terms are used in relation to the visibilityor non-visibility to the limited conditionedsouls.Krt:ta by His causeless mercy manifestsHimself along with His form, name,qualities, entourage, and pastimes in orderto attract the conditioned souls to theeternal blissful life of knowledge. Thus byunderstanding Krt:ta in His manifest Lilaone is attracted to His eternal Lila, andthat is the highest success of life which isexplained in the latter part of the verseyam priipya na nivartantetat dhiima paramam mama"Going, no one ever returns from that,My Supreme Abode."Please offer my blessings to SrimanGeorge and all the other Prabhus there. Iam marking that George has the servingspirit, and that is making him advancegradually.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-26Los Angeles15th May, 1970My Dear Tarnal ,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated11th May, 1970, and noted the contents.When you go to London making plansfor World Samkirtan, you may take intoconsideration of the proposal made byMr. Parikh. He said that from Kenya thereis invitation fo r our group to perform Kirtanthere . So if we go, a group of at least25 heads, they have already agreed to payfor return journey and accommodationthere . So on your way to India you canperform Kirtan in some important citiesof Europe , and then go to Africa, Kenya .From Kenya you may go to South Africa.In this way you collect funds therefrom Indians and proceed to Bombay. InBombay some of my friends will receiveyou very nicely, and from Bombay yougradually travel all over through otherprovinces namely Guzarat, Rajasthan,Central India, Northern India, then Behar,and then· reach to Bengal . In Bengalwe then start our own Temple at Mayapur,and some of the devotees may live there inbatches. Some batches go, some batchescome.I am so pleased to learn that there areso many interested French persons joiningour Movement in Paris. Regarding thetwo new couples who are serious to learnthis Krt:ta consciousness, please take careof them nicely, and make them devotees.Please see that the French and Germaneditions of BTG are published as soon aspossible, that is one of my dreams. Andthen we take the books and publish themin French and German languages. MyGuru Maharaj liked the publicaton ofbooks very nice. He liked publicationof books more than construction ofTemples.Regarding Woomapati and his wifemoving very soon to Hamburg for composingon the new composing machine,that is very nice, the arrangement is good.Let them work hard for translating andcomposing, and his wife may also be engagedin this work .Regarding your question about LordJagganath and Lord Krt:ta, Jagganath isKrt:ta. Krt:ta 's childhood up to His 15thyear He lives in Vrndavan. Radharani isHis childhood friend. But Krt:ta, after returningto His father's home at Dvarka,came to see Kurukshetra during some solareclipse. At that time His sister Subhadraand brother Balarama also came in achariot, and this incidence is worshippedas Jagganath Ratha Yatra . The conclusionis that Jaggnath And Krl)a is the same.

1346 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>So KrJ:Ia when He is with His brotherand sister, He is Jagganath , and when Heis with His village girl-friends that isRadha-KrQa with Gopis. So Whomeveryou worship, it is the same, but if you liketo worship Jaggananth you can continue itand it is as good as worshipping Radha­KrQa. KrQa has so many forms, andwhich ever form you worship it is all thesame, but you should worship that formwhich you like mostRegarding the means of worship, ourVaiQava process is first offer respects to theSpiritual Master, then Lord Caitanya, andthen Lord KrQa. Vyas is the Spiritual Master,therefore the Spiritual Master is the representativeof Vyas. Therefore the SpiritualMaster's seat is called 'Vyasasana'.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Madri Dasi, and to all the other Prabhusthere in Paris.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-5-27DetroitLos Angeles16th May, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your contributionof $200, sent through Gargamuni. Thankyou very much.I hope everything is going well with youin Detroit Temple. Perhaps by now youhave received my invitation to you to visitour L.A. Temple at your convenience.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, KrQa Bhamani Dasi, and your son,VaiQavadas. I hope this will meet you allin good health.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-28Los Angeles16th May, 1970My Dear Gurudas,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letters datedMay 8th and 14th, 1970, respectively.Previous to this I received one letter fromYamuna dated 8th May, 1970.Regarding the letter dated 8th May,you write therein "the enclosed arehumble offerings from all of your discipleshere," but I have not received anyenclosures.I am very glad that Trivikram is helpingyou there, and he may stay as long ashe likes. Rather I would like him to staythere to assist you. So regarding mybooks, you may keep them packed, andwhen he comes back he can bring them,or if I require them urgently I will writeyou, for the present there is no haste.It is very good news that you have nowreceived permission for the Rathayatrafestival and Murari and Shyamsundar areconstructing the Ratha. But I do not knowif you are preparing three Rathas. In SanFrancisco they are preparing three Rathasthis year.If Mr. Dindayal is impressed, and hewants to start a nice Temple of Radha­Kr$Qa in the British Guinea, certainly wewill be very much pleased, but the Templeshould be on the principle of our LondonTemple which is not for anyparticular sect of persons but for all humanbeings. Anyone who takes to KrQaConsciousness is welcome-that is ourmission.Regarding the proposed trip to Kenya,the next step I have already advised to Tarnalin this connection. I understand he iscoming to London very soon, and you candiscuss with him. But one thing is that Mr.Parikh was talking of this Samkirtan Partyto Africa since a very long time. There isno direct correspondence with us. It is

MAY, 1970 1347difficult to say how it will be a fact infuture.Regarding requirements and recommendationsin the Vedic system of selectingpartners for marriage, there is a Vedicsystem, but that cannot be done here. Itshould be made under the guidance of theguardians and the selection should bemade on the basis of astrological equilibrium.So it is not possible to introducesuch system in the present age. The onlyselection is that both the boy and the girlshould be KrI}a conscious, and the boymay be older than the girl at least by 2 to 5years.Your first question about the jiva 'sform with particular reference to BhagavatGita 8118 purport "during the nighttimethey have no form." "During thenigh time they have no form" means thereis no material form. The simple understandingis as we are transmigrating fromone material form to another, so actuallyin this material world we have no fixedform. Similarly when we are spirituallyperfect we develop the spiritual form tolive eternally in the spiritual world. In thespiritual world there are exactly the samethings as we see here; namely the land,water, trees, birds, beasts, human beings,etc. , and all of them are spiritual as all thevarieties here are material.So these things can be understoodwhen one is advanced in self-realization.The real form of the living entity is eternalservant of KrI}a. Now this spiritual formis developed when he enters into the spiritualworld.Regarding your second question,"Where in our scriptures is there mentionof Lord Jesus Christ as recognized andwhat is the purport?"-We do not find inthe scriptures Lord Jesus Christ's name.There is mention of Lord Buddha's namewhich is described in our Srimad Bhagavatam.So far we are concerned, wehave all our obeisances for Lord JesusChrist because His whole life was devotedto the service of the Lord.With reference to your letter dated 14thMay, I am surprised how you allowed Mr.Parikh to sit on the Vyasasana. Yo u knowthat Vyasasana is meant for the representativeof Vyasadeva, the Spiritual Master,but Mr. Parikh does not come in theParampara to become the representativeof Vyas, neither he has any sound knowledgeof VaiI}ava principles. I understandfrom your letter that sometimes discussionson Aurobindo philosophy are doneby Mr. Parikh from the Vyasasana, so Iam a little surprised how did you allowlike this. I think you should rectify immediatelyall these mistakes as stated by youin ths last two lines of your letter, "I thinkthe best thing to do is stop his class. Nonsenseought not to be tolerated."Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-29HamburgLos Angeles16th May, 1970My Dear Shivananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated11th May, 1970, and noted the contents.Thank you very much for your contributionfrom yourself and your wife of $8, Ihave placed it in book fund account.Regarding your question how to engageyourself, you may travel from Universityto University and preach as yousuggest, or you may go and work. For localwork or engagement you consult withHansadutta and Tarnal as they are incharge of the Hamburg management.After all we have to fix up our HamburgTemple still more.

1348 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>Regarding your staying back duringRathayatra, I think that is just a nice arrangementbecause someone must remainwith the Temple during the absence of theothers . Also since you are having sometrouble with the immigration because ofdraft, and you already got a nice Germanwife, the best thing will be to make yourheadquarters there in Germany. So in thisway manage things nicely in consultationwith Hansadutta, and KrDa will provideyou with ample opportunities accordingto your sincerity to spread His Movement.Just try to make our KrDa ConsciousnessMovement strong in Germany and youwill also automatically become strongin such devotional service or KrDaConsciousness.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. So far your taking German citizenship,as I have hinted above, it is a goodidea, so you try for it.ACBS:db70-5-30Los Angeles17th May, 1970My Dear Ya muna,Please accept my blessings. I am indue receipt of your very nice letter dated8th May, 1970, and noted the contentswith interest. Thank you fo r your determination.For the way in which I am tryingto expand I require so many sincereassistants.So the program which you have listedfo r the students and your daily scheduleare very nice, and your schedule is fullyapproved . Just see that everything-Aratrik, Bhoga offering, etc . is donestrictly on time. When every momentone is engaged it is called avyarta kalatvamwhich means not to spoil even asingle moment of life without KrDaConsciousness.I am so glad to learn that you are regularlyobserving the listed holidays in ourCaitanya almanac . The roaring kirtan, offeringfeast to the Deities with specialpreparations is our simple mode of celebration,and there is no special other program,this is standard, and that is ourfestival .It is good news that Sriman Tirthapadahas also engaged one carpenter to help rebuildingour London Temple house. Ashe is giving service, gradually he willcome to KrDa Consciousness. His givingservice is his qualification. As we acceptvaluable metal like gold from a filthyplace, similarly we should allow anyKarmi to work for Krl)a.Regarding Rathayatra, Jagganath startson the second day of the moon, and on thefifth day there is no meeting, but there issome controversy with Lakshmi 's servantsand Jagganath's servants--that isHerapancami. Jagganath returns back onthe tenth day of the moon.Thank you very much for the silver forsweetmeat preparations and also the milkmassala of ginger base; I have kept it forfuture use as you have suggested.Yes the Brhat Saman is meant for thedemigods--devotees are demigods,--butpeople are not so advanced that they cansing Brhat Saman so nicely in this age ,therefore Hare KrDa Mantra is recommendedto be chanted without diversion.Yo u have already mentioned yajnanamJapaya jna 'smi on the head of your letter,that the Hare KrDa Mantra is the best yajnasacrifice.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth .Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

MAY, 1970 134970-5-31Los Angeles19th May, 1970My Dear Dinesh,Please accept my blessings. I understandfrom Devananda that you are in immediateneed of the Sony machine,therefore I am sending it through Satsvarupa.You can take it from him, andwhen you have finished your business oryou have got a similar or better machine,you can return it to me.I wanted to keep this machime only forthe reason that the mechanical arrangementis easier. The other machine whichyou have supplied is undoubtedly of superiorquality as I see that a few tapes recordedon this machine have come outvery nice, but there are several practicaldefects also. Sometimes the tapes becometwisted. Anyway, it is working and Devanandais handling it. If it goes on like this Imay not require the Sony machine.So Satsvarupa is returning to Bostontoday (Tuesday), and you can get the machinefrom him as soon as you go there. Iunderstand that you are also expectedthere within a few days.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-5-32BuffaloLos Angeles20th May, 1970My Dear Tejios Das,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated13th May, along with your set of beads forchanting and request to become my initiateddisciple.So I am very glad to accept you as myinitiated student, and your spiritual nameis Tejios Das Brahmacary. Tejios meanspowerful. In the Srimad Bhagavatam,Parikit Mahara pointed out to SukadevaGoswami that Lord KrIJa is Tejios or theIncomparable Supreme Powerful, Personalityof Godhead. I am returning yourbeads enclosed herewith, duly chantedupon by me.Please follow the rules and regulationsfor advancing in KrIJa Consciousness beginningwith strict observance of the fourrestrictions, and chant daily the prescribednumber of sixteen rounds on thebeads, and you will grow strong in spiritualstrength. Study our literatures withthe cooperation of your God-brothers andsisters in Buffalo, and any questions youmay have may be submitted to Srimad Rupanugafor answering. So in this way alwaysfind some engagement in KrIJa'sservice and you will be supremely happyand successful in your life.Always follow the prescribed programof KrIJa Consciousness as it has alreadybeen established by the Spiritual Master,and thus executing your prescribed dutiesin the loving service of the Lord He willreeal himself to you in proportion to yoursincere efforts to satisfy Him only. So nowyou are KrIJa's servant, and if you giveyour life completely over to Him, He (Tejios)the All-powerful Lord will protectyou from all dangers in all circumstances.Please always chant Hare KrIJa Mantrawithout offence and be happpy.Now please take the good opportunityto learn how to practically prosecuteKrIJa Consciousness Movement so thatyou may help start new centers for expandingour program to every nook andcorner, village and city. This is our business,to carry the message of Lord Caitanyato every person fo r his ultimatewelfare. Help Rupanuga in the BuffaloTemple or otherwise as he may advise youto do, that is the best program for now-tobecome very well trained up in KrIJa

1350 Letters from Srrla PrabhuptidaConsciousness-and then you can preach.I am enclosing herewith a sheet listingthe standard practices for devotees and thequalifications of a devotee for your reference.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiand the balance of Rs. 4,000 may now betransferred on the strength of the abovestatement.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbc.c. Mr. M.M. DeACBS:db70-5-33ManagerBank of BarodaIndia Exchange BranchPost Box No. 313Calcutta- !, IndiaLos Angeles21st May, 1970Dear Sir:Re: My Savings Bank Account No.29/ 12802With reference to your letter No.Sb/34/2978, dated 5th May, 1970, I beg toinform you that Mr. M. M. De is my secondson. When I left home, as a dutiful fatherI left some money for my family asfuture provision, So practically the moneybelongs to my sons and daughters, and Inever thought that in future it would bedifficult to transfer the money, otherwise Iwould have distributed the money whileleaving home.So the purpose of the remittance youhave asked to send is to transfer theirmoney to them. I hope this particular willbe sufficient.I advised you to transfer Rs. 5,000 tothe savings bank account of Mr. M. M.De with the United Bank of India, DharmatallaStreet Branch. I understand thatyou have already transferred Rs. 1 ,000,70-5-34LondonLos Angeles21st May, 1970My Dear Yogesvara, Gurudas, Digvijaye,Lesley, Yvonne, Jyotirmayee, Paul,Prithadevi, Purnananda, Tom, Lena,Dhananjaya, Inga, Mondakini, Tirthapada,Trivikram, Yamuna, and Jai Hari,Please accept my blessings. I thankyou all very much for your Aksoy Treetiyacard. This is the new years day of the appearanceof Satya Yuga. Satya Yugameans the age when people did not knowanything except the Absolute Truth or theSupreme Personality of Godhead.In Srimad Bhagavatam we begin ourreading by offering of obeisances to theSupreme Truth Satyam Param Dheemahi,so those who are strictly on the Bhagavatline or in Krl}a consciousness actuallythey are living in Satya Yuga age.Our London Temple is replica ofVaikuntha, so live there peacefully, chantthe regular beads, and follow the regulativeprinciples.I am so much thankful to you for yourrespective presentations-they are as follows:one golden cup, mysore sandalsoap, some scent in snuffbox, one pictureof London Radha-Krl}a Deities and onexeroxed interview report. So I shall beglad to know what is the contents and itsformula in the box, then I can use it assnuff.

MAY, 1970 1351I beg to thank you once again for thesegifts . Hope this will meet you all in verygood health in KrI}a Consciousness.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiP. S. Where is Mukunda & Janaki pleaseinform.ACBS:db70-5-35ManagerSecurity Pacific BankCulver City Branch No. 94Los Angeles, Cal.21 May, 1970Dear Sir:Re: My account No. 836-237 with youPlease transfer $3,600 (Three thousand,and six hundred dollars) to the FirstNational Bnak of Boston, Brighton AvenueBranch, in favor of account No. 516-5642, ISKCON Press, and charge thesame to my account as above mentioned.Yours sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS :db70-5-36Los Angeles22nd May, 1970My Dear Goursundar,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to Govindadasi. I am in due receiptof your letter dated 19th May, 1970.Formerly I thought I shall go alongwith J3rahmananda, but later on I amsorry I was obliged to disappoint you onaccount of feeling not very enthusiastic totravel. Another point is that I am engagedin finishing the KRSNA book, and if I goeven for 15 days, the progress will behalted. Another point is that in this newTemple Presidents from other centers arecoming almost daily, and up to the end ofMay there are already engagements. Soall these combined together hold me forthe time being not to leave station; butdon't be disappointed, as soon as I get opportunityI will come to you.In the meantime, if yourself and Govindadasiboth come here, it will verymuch engladden me. Brahmananda is goingto Japan via Honolulu, and you willtalk with him about improvement of ourNew Nabadwip scheme, and we will cooperatewith you in all respects. If youwant more hands, that will also be given.And if both of you think that my presencealso is very necessary, I don't think it isnow very necessary, I shall not hesitate togo immediately.On the whole, all you experienced andadvanced students have to manage thingsvery nicely, and if you occasionally cometo me here for consultation and necessaryinstruction that will be easier for me and Ican devote my time in finishing the books.You sent three tickets out of whichtwo are returned herewith, and one willbe utilized by Ananda. Ananda is a verynice boy, silent worker, I think he willbe of great help to you. For further talksyou will have good opportunity meetingBrahmananada.I shall be also very glad to know howSrimati Tulasi Devi is growing, andplease send some Tulasi seeds to me here.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-5-37New VrndavanLos Angeles22nd May, 1970My Dear Hayagriva,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated16th May, 1970. I am very glad you are

1352 Letters from Srfla <strong>Prabhupada</strong>coming here by the 6th of June next, and itwill be a great opportunity to discuss atthat time about New Vrndavan, and otheraffairs.Your remark on the student demonstmtionis quite appropriate. Srila BhaktivinodeThakur said that materialistic knowledgeis another expansion of the influence ofMaya. The result of material education isthat the living entity forgets his own identificationand takes to the business of aparticular type of body which is given tohim by the grace of Maya. The Vedic educationmeans one has to understand hisreal identity as brahman or the spirit soul.Unfortunately the modern educationalsystem is so defective that everyone iseducated to accept this body as self. At thepresent moment they have no clear idea ofidentification, so much so that even a personwho is partially advanced about theimportance of the soul does also improperlyidentify himself with the SupremeBrahma.So KrI}a Consciousness Movement ismeant for defying both classes of men;namely the karmis and the jnanis or yogis.That is our mission. Now among our studentsthose who are advanced should takeupp this matter more seriously, and theMovement which you have started maynot be stopped for want of adequate preachers-thatis my request to you all. I amvery glad to know that Kirtanananda Maharajhas now taken up this matter seriouslyand is preaching. Similarly I expectour advanced students like you, Rupanuga,Bhagavandas, Brahmananda, etc., may beseriously engaged now for preaching thiscult.Yes, I have received the tape as well asyour 'Chant' booklet. I am sorry theywere not acknowledged earlier. I haveasked Boston to send you the KRSNAtapes for part II. They are already edited,and ir is nice, still you can have a finalglance over it. After your final editing isthe work retyped by Shamadasi.If I go to Vrndavan, I will go duringJanmastami festival there to see howKirtanananda Maharaj has arranged. Wehave to make program that the Janmastamiceremony is held in New Vrndavanwith great pomp-as much as the Rathayatrafestival is to be performed in SanFrancisco. Similarly I propose to havegreat festival in Honolulu which is nowNew Nabadwip. This festival is to be observedduring the Advent of Lord Caitanya'sbirthday. In this way the studentsshould meet in these different importantplaces at least 3 to 4 times in a year so thatthe work in different centers may go onuniformly.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-38TorontoLos Angeles22nd May, 1970My Dear Sriman Murthy,Please accept my blessings . I thankyou very much for your Jetter dated May17th, 1970, but I am very sorry to learnthat you have been victimized by a rascalwho claims to be Lord KrI}a. You are aneducated boy, and I am surprized how youhave been so befooled as to accept an ordinaryman as KrI}a. Anyway, KrI}a hassaved you by causing your failure in theexamination, otherwise you would havebeen more entrapped by the spell of thisso-called 'KrI:a'.KrI:a's further mercy upon you is exhibitedthat you are now living in ourTemple. Our different centers are speciallymeant for reclaiming sincere soulsto understand KrI:la Consciousness, and

MAY, 1970 1353if you are more serious about Krl}a Consciousnessthen you should not only readour books and literatures with due care,but also if possible you should come hereand live with me for some time.You have mentioned about your dilemmabetween Krl}a and your parents,and in this connection I may inform youthat parents are available in any kind ofbirth. Either you take your birth as a humanbeing or as an animal, there is a set ofparents. But Krl}a is available in the humanform of body, so Krl}a is more importantthan the parents. So do not missthe opportunity of your present humanform of body. Try to understand Krl}a,and make you life successful.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-39Gita PressGorakhpur, IndiaLos Angeles23rd May, 1970My Dear Bhaiji Hanumanprasad Poddar,I beg to thank you very much for yourletter dated 15th May, 1970. I am veryglad to learn that some article has beenpublished in your esteemed paper 'Kalyan'regarding my activities, and I thankyou very much for this. I have not seen thearticle as yet because if you have sent thespecimen copy by ordinary post, then itwill take about four months to reach here.If therefore you send me one copy by airmail, it will be a great pleasure for me.Regarding the translation of Kr$1JGConsciousness, I think the followinglines either in Bengali or in Hindi will bealright.Yours in the service of the Lord,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbP. S. As you have asked for my suggestion,I would request you to formulate a schemeso that our Indian brothers interested inKrl}a Consciousness may join this Movementand send many preachers all over theworld. There is a great necessity of qualifiedpreachers. So far Krl}a Consciousnessphilosophy is concerned, it is nowtested by my last three years experimentthat this philosophy will be accepted inany part of the world irrespective of caste,creed, color, and language.Besides that, many of my students areeager to go to India, but I have no place ofmy own in India to accomodate them. Ifsuitable place can be obtained, at least 40American and European students may immediatelygo to India and preach this cultin colleges, schools and universities, andother public meeting places. I will be gladto know if you can help me in this matter.By separate air mail I am sending severalnews articles, out of which my talkswith Dr. J.F. Staal, Professor of Philosophyand of South Asian Languages, Universityof California, Berkeley, will bevery much interesting to you. So weare gradually being appreciated by allclasses of men. The above picture is ournewly purchased building as I informedyou before .A.C.B.S.70-5-40DetroitLos Angeles23rd May, 1970My Dear Sri Govinda Das(Bob Lindberg),Please accept my blessings. I beg tothank you fo r your very nice letter dated21st May, 1970, along with a set of beads.I am very glad to note your humble attitude,so keep this nice state of servingmood and your success is guaranteed inKrl}a Consciousness.So I am very happy to accept you as my

1354 Letters from Srila Prabhupiidainitiated disciple, and your initiated nameis Sri Govinda Das Brahmacary. I havechanted your beads duly and I am returningthem to you enclosed herewith . Pleasecontinue as you have been following theregulative rules and principles strictly andalways chant sixteen rounds of the HolyNames daily.It is very good that you are presentlyengaged in assisting Bhagavandas by takingcare of the treasury and distributingincense, you may continue to expand thisengagement and at the same time learnthoroughly our Krl)a Consciousness philosophyand how to apply it practically.You can take all help from Bhagavan dasin these matters, he is a very qualifieddevotee .Therefore do not waste even a momentof this rare opportunity of human form oflife. Chant Hare Krl)a, be always findingout some engagement in the service ofthe Lord, and be happy, and by the graceof Krl)a you will be freed from all contaminationsof this material condition andbecome fit fo r realizing the highest perfectionof life , Krl)a Consciousness.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbP. S. I am enclosing herewith one sheetlisting the standard practices for a devoteeand also the qualifications of a devotee .70-5-4 1 Los Angeles24th May, 1970Sri Chaitanya Research InstituteCalcuttaMy Dear Sripad Govinda Maharaj ,Please accept my humble obeisances. Ibeg to thank you for your kind letter dated14th May, 1970, and noted the contents. Ilast met you sometimes by the I I th or12th of December 1967 at Mullick'sRadha-Govinda Temple, and then I startedfor U.S.A. via Japan sometimes on the 13thDecember, 1967. When I was staying in ahotel of Tokyo I immediately sent my arrivalnews to Sripad Tirtha Maharaj offering myrespects therein to you, but on my return toSan Francisco from Tokyo I did not receiveany letter from you although my return addresswas given in the letter which I wrotefrom Tokyo. Anyway that is a long distanttopic. I am very pleased to receive you letteras I was expecting at every moment. I hopeby the grace of Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> you are doingwell.I am so glad to note that you rememberthe auspicious day sometimes in 1944when I started my 'Back to Godhead'magazine. I think in the first issue youwrote some article also, and you took thetrouble of going several times to theSaraswati Press for supervising the printingwork. It is a great pleasure to rememberthose days of cooperation. You rightlyrememberethat His Holiness BhaktiSaranga Goswami presided over the meetingin which our revered Kesav Maharajalso participated.But at that time on account of my selectingGoswami Maharaj to preside overthe meeting, Sripad Tirtha Maharaj (thenKunjada) and Bon Maharaj also refused toaccept my invitation. Anyway, by yourblessings 'Back to Godhead' althoughpassed through many difficulties is doingwell. First of all it was published in Calcutta,than in Allahbad , then at Delhi. Inthis way at last it has come to U.S.A. andmy American disciples are taking care ofthis transcendental magazine. Yo u will beglad to know that we are printing now125.000 copies English edition, and15,000 copies each of French and Germaneditions. These are coming out everymonth, and very soon, maybe from thenext month , we will issue a similar quantityin Japanese language .

MAY, 1970 1355We have got now 30 centers, and ineachcenter the devotees are going to the streetsof London, Hamburg, New Yo rk, LosAngeles, San Francisco, Tokyo, etc, andthey are selling 'Back to Godhead' andother books very nicely. The magazinesare sold in each center at the rate of I 00 to400 copies daily, and the price is $.50 percopy which is in Indian exchange Rs.3.50.Since I have come here we have publishedmany books like Bhagavad Gita AsIt Is, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Sri Isopanisad,KmJ.a Consciousness:hthe Topmostfuga System, Nectar of Devotion,KJ;IJ.a, and several essays; and I have alreadysent one copy of Ghagavad Gita AsIt Is to Sripad Tirtha Maharaj , I hope youhave seen it, it is published by MacmillianCompany.So things are going on by the grace ofSrila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>, but I am getting older,naturally the energy is not so strong, butstill I hope to prolong as you all VaiIJ.avasare praying to Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> that byHis grace my life may be prolonged andenergy safely guarded.So far I see on the list of complimentarycopies of 'Back to Godhead' yourgood name is there as well as Sripad__ Maharaj and Sripad Tirtha Maharaj, so I think you must all be receivingregularly the copies as they are published.Sometimes they are delayed by accidentslike postal strikes, otherwise your copiesare regularly dispatched.Yours very affectionately,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-42Los Angeles25th May, 1 970My Dear Upendra,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated15th May, 1970.I know you are sincere servant ofKJ;IJ.a, so sometimes we may do somethingwhich is not very congenial, butKJ;l).a is so kind that one who is engagedin His transcendental loving service iscorrectid immediately from within asKrIJ.a is sitting within everyone's heart.So you have gone there with a great responsibilityon behalf of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu, and try to convince peopleabout the importance of KrIJ.a Consciousness,that will make everythingnice and in order.You have asked so me specific mantra;there is no other greater mantra than HareKrIJ.a. Srila Bhaktivinode says, "When Ichant Radha KrIJ.a or Hare KrIJ.a all mydangers are gone immediately." So whichother mantra can be more effective thanHare Krsna.So far responsibility is concerned,there is an action in Bhaktirasamrta Sindhuto be executed by the devotee which iscalled Kr!i!Ja arthe akhila cesta whichmeans to take all kinds of responsibilitiesfo r KrIJ.a's sake. Sometimes I also thinkthat let me go back to Vrndavan, in thatpeaceful situation, to live without any responsibilities;still , in this old age , I takethe responsibility of managing our quite abig Institution now, and I have to reply somany letters from diffe rent centers to givethem instruction. As an old man I can takerelief from this work immediately, but forKrIJ.a 's sake I am pulling on even thoughthere is sometimes personal inconveniences.So let us act in that way all togetherfor KrIJ.a's sake .Regarding using our Temple for marriageceremonies for the Hindu community,if they contribute something to theTemple they can use the Temple and performthe marriage with their own priest,but we cannot take responsibility formarrying others who are not initiated byus.

1356 Letters from Srfla PrabhupiidaI beg to thank you also fo r the nice picture. I have kept the picture on my table, itis very nice. May bless you Gopal KrI)a.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamiforward to your arrival .Please offer my blessings to your godwife, and all the other devotees of DetroitTemple. Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-43Los AngelesDetroit26th May, 197070-5-44Los Angeles26th May, 1970My Dear Bhagavandas,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21st May, 1970, along with the letters andbeads from Roger and Bob. I have acceptedthem as my initiated disciples asyou have recommended, and their beadsand reply letters have been dispatched onSunday May 24th, I hope you have receivedthem by this time. Please continueto see that these two nice boys and all theother devotees there are fo llowing rigidlythe scheduled program of regulated activitiesin devotional service, chanting therounds, attending classes and studying ourphilosophy as well as going on Samkirtan,etc .I beg to thank you very much fo r thecheck of $200 which you have sent toGargamuni. I am very much pleased tolearn that $50 of this check was collectedby the two new students as guru daksina,that is the proper execution of the initiationfunction so everything is complete tothe Vedic standard .I have also received the newspaperclipping enclosed by you , it is a nice picture. The newspapers are beginning to appreciateour Movement more and moreand that is an index of popular fee ling.I am very happy to hear that you are expectingto visit our Los Angeles, Templesometime soon. so it will be a great pleasureto speak with you then. 1 am lookingMy Dear Jadurani,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated'nil' regarding paintings fo r the KB.SNAbook.We have now received the full set ofpaintings fo r the first volume of KB.SNAbook, and they are all very, very excellent.So your art department is doing verynicely, and surely the production will improveeven more by the grace of KrI)a.You are all being inspired just how to portraythe Lord and His associates for thedevotees' eyes, so everyone who sees tothese transcendental pictures will turn tobecome devotees-that is our aim.Ye s, when KrDa and Valaram werestudents of Sandipuni Muni they may beshown with shaved heads and sikhas, kunthi,etc., just like our brahmacaries.The personified Vedas are just likegreat sages in appearance . Some of themmay be looking like Vyasadeva, Valmiki,Narada , etc . Some of them are older andsome of them are younger, some of themhave full hair like Vyas because theyare householders and others are brahmacary-butthey are all great souls. highlyelevated in transcendental science . orParamhansas . So as you suggest these pictureswill be needed fo r illustrating thelong portion of text describing their prayersto Garbodaksayee ViDU. This is avery important chapter. and if possible it

MAY, 1970 1357should also be very appropriately illustrated. So you are very able to choose outsuitable subject matter for the pictures,then execute them carefully fo r Krl).a'ssatisfaction.If you are requiring any other informationslike this, please write your inquiriesto me and I shall be glad to give you theproper direction.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-45Los Angeles27th May, 1970ParisMy Dear Tarnal ,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated21st May, 1970, and noted the contentscarefully.Regarding the Sanskrit class, I think itwas only a plea, but he wanted to teachus something other philosophy. Our Templeis meant for our men, and we may haveour own discussions amongst ourselves,no outsider needed . It is definitely concludedthat we have not got to learn anythingfrom any outsider beyond thejurisdiction of Gaudiya Va il).ava philosophy.Our philosophy is established onsound ground of the conclusion arrived atby Vyasadeva down to Jiva Goswami, VisvanathCakravarty, Bhaktivinode Thakur,etc .The other day one Indian boy camehere to take permission fo r chanting somebhajan. so I indirectly refused. Try to understandour own philosophy described inso many books, but I cannot allow you tohear form the mental speculators withoutany solid knowledge .So it is very encouraging that LondonTemple is being managed by one pair ofhusband and wife very nicely. Similarlyeach pair should take care of a center; andif you love me at all, then all of you tryyour best to open at least 108 centers duringmy lifetime. -that is my special request.At the same time, we must be verycareful to see that every center is goingproperly. Our possessing own building isnot so important as it is important to seethat everything is going on nicely in order.Ye sterday I received one very importantmagazine 'Kalyan' from India inwhich the editor has described about ouractivities so nicely, but at the end it hasbeen remarked whether in future the standardshall continue. Of course we, are notvery much concerned with the future ; atle

1358 Letters from Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>sound in our preaching work in the Westerncountries, that news automaticallygoes to India as it is already publicized.So if KrI:la desires, we may go to Indianext year with our party, but I will prefer ifGeorge takes the responsibility of thistouring party. If he is serious about it, Ican give my suggestions about how it willbe done.As you have listed the prospected citieswith the respective couples of householdersto go there, these programs are veryencouraging. In England there are somevery important cities like Manchester,Liverpool, Glasgow, etc . so these may begradually incorporated in your program.Regarding the members comprisingthe World Samkirtan Party, on the whole Iwish that 40 members will go, one halffrom Europe and one half from Americaor as it may be suitable, there is no definiterestriction.So far the proposal of the Karachi GujuratHindu Union and the Brahma Samajto take our devotees to Africa, if they givereturn fare we will go to Africa, but I amnot very much hopeful of the Indiansthere . They may be of the same type asthey are in England. The difficulty withthe Indians is that they are under the impressionthat they know everything andthey have not got to learn anything fromus, but factually most of them have losttheir original culture and they have tolearn so many things from this KrI:aConsciousness Movement .Regarding decreasing the number ofcopies of KRSNA book ordered by Shyamsundar,no , Shyamsundar must sell atleast 2,500 KRSNA books, that is alreadydecided. He can sell them at the bestprice, it does not matter whether it is theprice mentioned on the book cover.So if you want to see a Spanish editionof BTG, then you go to Spain and open abranch, then we get Spanish editionalso-it is not difficult. It is very goodnews that several new boys and girls havejoined the Paris Temple, so utilize allthese newcomers-whatever capacitythey have got try to utilize it for KrI:a'sservice-that will be good for them andgood for us.Regarding your two questions, thefirst, Sri Gadadhar is expansion Radharaniand Srinivas is the expansion of NaradaMuni, or in other words they are the internaland the devotional energy respectively.The second question, Ye s, RupaGoswami is a Gopi by the name of Rupamanjari,but not all the six Goswamis ofVrndavan are Gopis. The following is alist of some of the principle Gopis, thefirst eight are called Astasakhi:1. Lalita2. Visakha3. Sucitra4. Campaklata5. Rangadevi6. Sudevi7. Tungavidya8. Indurekha9. Rupamanjari10. Ratimanjari11. Labangamanjari12. Rasamanjari13. Manjumall14. Kasturikaetc . You can sing individually the names ofthe Gopis, there is no harm, but when wesing the prayer "Sri Radha KrI:a padansahaguna Lalita Sri Visakha nitamsca"this includes them all.Please offer my blessings to your goodwife, Madri Dasi, and all the boys andgirls at Paris center.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

MAY, 1970 135970-5-46Los Angeles28th May, 1970My Dear Advaita,Please accept my blessings.Regarding the printing of the Nectar ofDevotion, when Brahmananda was here,he informed me that the printing andbookbinding, everything, would be finishedwithin two weeks, but in the meantimeI received one paper bill throughGargamuni for $2,042 .40 and anotherbill for $423 .32. Formerly you submittedthe statement for 20,000 copies of Topmostlbga, and again you decided to printanother 10,000 copies for which anotherbill was submitted; so the total amount,$2465 .72, has just now been telegraphicallytransferred to your ISKCON Pressaccount No. 516-5642, in the First NationalBank of Boston, so you can do theneedful.For future guidance you will pleasesubmit your quotation statement as youhave done fo r the first 20,000 copies ofTopmost Yoga, and that will be nice. Yousubmit your statement including all expenditure.There is no need of sending methe parties' bills. I will transfer the moneyto ISKCON Press account immediately.That will be easier for me . When you sendso many bills, it puzzles my brain. Pleasesend the statements of NOD and the secondprinting of 10,000 copies of KC.· TY.Hope this will meet you in good health.Your ever well-wisher,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db70-5-47BostonLos Angeles28th May, 1970My Dear Satsvarupa,Please accept my blessings and offerthe same to Srimati Jadurani and others.I am so pleased to learn that you aresatisfied to see the Los Angeles Templesituation. Actually it is very, very nice toour purpose, and if we can maintain thestandard of the Temple atmosphere certainlyanyone who will come here will beinfluenced by the spiritual effect.As I have already said many times thatwe have to maintain two lines parallel;namely the path of Srimad Bhagavatamand the path of PancaratrikiSrimad Bhagavatamis the path for Paramahansas,ansd Pancaratra path is for the neophytes.So the Temple worship is necessary forthe beginners so that by following the regulativeprinciples such devotees becomemore and more purified and thus graduallycome on the platform to understandSrimad Bhagavatam. So we shall alwayskeep these principles in view and maintainour centers on this standard.Recently I have received one 'Kalyan'magazine in which our activities in theWestern world have been very much appreciated.Especially they have appreciatedmy strong injunctions on the point offollowing the four prohibitive regulations.So after describing our activities, the editorhas remarked in one place that thingsare going certainly very nicely at present,but it is God only Who knows how it willcontinue in the future . This means thatthe Indians, or the rigid followers of Vedicprinciples, are doubtful about myAmerican and European students abouttheir sticking to all these principles. So itis a God sent warning for us so that wemay not deviate from the above mentionedtwo lines of action and thus become subjectto criticism by the opposing elements.In India there is already a party whoare prepared to criticise my activities inthe matter of offering sacred thread to theso-called mlecas according to their calculation.But actually whatever I am doinghere, of course giving consideration to thelocal situation, all of them are strictly in

1360 Letters from Srfla Prabhuptidathe line of our predecessors and directionof Sanatan Goswami. Therefore my requestis that all of you be determined tomaintain this standard which is not verydifficult to follow that I have introduced .I am so glad to learn that you are tryingto compose at least 800 pages per month .That will enliven me very much to writemore and more books for you . I have receivedsome photographs of LondonSamkirtan on the Advent Day of Lord CaitanyaMahaprabhu, so publish them inBTG.The copies of the police commissioner'sletter are very much encouraging, sothis will be documentary evidence for executingour missionary activites. If youquote the actual wordings of the specificlaws mentioned in the letter, then it will behelpful to other centers also. Actually wedo not want to disturb the law and order ofthe state , that is not our business, but theVedic principle to receive contributionfrom the devotees has to be allowed . Properlyspeaking, we preachers are not supposedto work, therefore we have got theright to take contribution for executingour activities.Hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:dbP. S. Has Dinesh taken delivery of the songtape-recorder?70-5-48Los Angeles28th May, 1970ManagerSecurity Pacific BankCulver City Branch No. 94Los Angeles, CaliforniaDear Sir:Re : My account No. 836-237 with youPlease transfer $2465 .72 (Two thou··sand, four hundred , and sixty-five dollars,and seventy-two cents) to the FirstNational Bank of Boston, Brighton AvenueBranch, in favor of account No. 516-5642 , ISKCON Press, and charge thesame to my account as above mentioned .Yo urs sincerely,A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db

JUNE70-6- 1Los Angeles2nd June, 1970TokyoMy Dear Brahmananda,Please accept my blessings. I was somuch anxious to hear from you in letter.Sometimes when there are many letters Ithink how I shall reply, but if I do not getletters from you I become still more discomfortable.So you please send me a letterat least once in a week, that will giveme a great pleasure . Naturally I am anxiousto know how diffe rent centers areworking, and when I get good reportsfrom them it gives me great solace.I thank you very much that the work withDia Nippon is going nicely. Gargamuni saidthat they want to increase price for printingthe pictures one side. There is no need ofsuch arrangements , there is no harm to do itas you have got it in TLC. I have receivedthe blueprint from Uddhava and I have alreadycorrected 180 pages and sent it to Boston,and the balance will be sent tomorrow.So there is no anxiety for this.Here presidents from other centers,like Hayagriva , Rupanuga, and KirtananandaMaharaj , etc . are staying in thisTemple. Kirtanananda Maharaj a yesterdayplayed the church organ very nicely.We are going to have another meeting thisevening with organ playing. So everythingis going nice in this center, and perhapsyou remember the park which they haveconstructed , it is very, very nice.So you have gone to Japan, make perfectarrangement fo r our printing work­BTG, Srimad Bhagavatam, etc., and letme peacefully write books. I wanted thehelp of an editor. In the present KrI:labook everything is done nice, but thereare many mistakes, but on the whole thework is nice. So if our books are regularlyprintd and the magazines are regularlydistributed, and occasionally you visit thecenters, that will be very nice program.So far possibility of opening centers, it isnow definitely ascertained that there will beno difficulty to maintain a center anywhereon the basis of present procedure. The onlything required is that we have to create somenice devotees and expand opening of centers.Gargamuni is very much enthusiasticon this point, and he has recently opened anothercenter in San Diego. Rupanuga alsoinforms that there is possibility of openingmany other centers. He was recommendingChicago as a very nice place for opening ourcenter. So kindly you all together help mein these missionary activities and open atleast 108 centers-that will satisfy meandcomplete the publication of SrimadBhagavatam .May KrI:la bless you for long life, andengage yourself in this KrQa Consciousnessmovement.Hope this will meet you in good health.Yo ur ever well-wiser,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiAC BS:db70-6-2Los Angeles2nd June, 1970My Dear Sudama,Please accept my blessings . I beg toacknowledge receipt of your letter dated29th May, 1970, and I am very glad to

1362 Letters from Sri/a <strong>Prabhupada</strong>know that your preaching work is goingon nicely. Please take advantage of thestall at the San Francisco Pavillion, andtry to distribute the 'Peace Formula' literaturewhich you have sent to me as wellas the card which you have also sent tome . Your plan to distribute French, Germanand English editions of BTG fromthe pavillions of those countries is verygood idea.Brahmananda is there so jointly makesome solid plan. I understand that in Japanthere is good possibility of spreadingour movement, and the Japanese boys arechanting Hare Kr1.1a Mantra very nicely.I think for the Japanese to pronounce Sanskritlanguage is easier than to pronounceEnglish language; but this mantra is universal, anywhere you go everyone will beable to chant this mantra.I am so engladdened to learn that arrangementsare being made to print JapaneseBTG immediately. Please do it assoon as possible.Amogha Das Brahmacary and SatyabrataDas Brahmacary have already startedthis morning. So already you are threethere, and Brahmananda and these twoBrahmacaries-now you are strong six,and by preaching you will gather anothersix times six Japanese people and preachKr1.1a consciousness in as many cities ofJapan as possible and distribute literature.The small books also can be translatedinto Japanese.I have seen the footnote in the Japanesepaper you have sent, and it is very nice. Ifpossible you can import from Indiakholes, mridanga, and kartals. We havealready ordered through Messrs. Dwarkinand Son superior quality kholes andpakhwaz, so when we receive them if theyare satisfactory. then I will place order fo ryour center.The more you progress in preachingwork, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu willgive you more facilities in this connection.By His grace you have got determinationand you have got a nice wifeand nice assistants-please do the workenthusiastically.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami70-6-3Los Angeles3rd June, 1970My Dear Madhavananda,Please accept my blessings. I beg toacknowledge receipt of your nice and encouragingletter dated 18th May, alongwith your gift a check fo r $150 in appreciationfor your initiation, and thank youyou so very much for this.I am very glad to learn that things aregoing on very well in Boston. Boston isone of our major centers for the largemissionary work of Kr1.1a consciousnessmovement, so there is aloways an abundanceof Kr1.1a conscious activities goingon. It is very good that you are finding thisatmosphere of avid service to the Lord tobe so congenial. It is the sign of advancementin Kr1.1a consciousness that thedevotee does not care for any nice varietiesof material engagements based onsense gratification but he finds increasingpleasure in those places where the serviceof the Lord is being carried out with enthusiasm.So you take the good opportunity tostudy well our literatures and how to applythe philosophy of Kr1.1a consciousnesspractically in daily working and help us tospread this transcendental message to allthe people of the world. That is our desire.So your humble and sincere effort isneeded to be applied for executing thisprogram to the best of your capacity.My Guru Maharaj used to say that everythingis already supplied by Kr1,1a; all

JUNE, 1970 1363the ingredients of different varieties alreadyare there; there is no lack of anythingin this world. The only thing that islacking is KrIJa consciousness. So KrIJais supplying us with all facilities, so thereis no question of scarcity of anything.Simply we must become KrIJa consciousand concientiously apply our energy toutilizing all facilities in the matter ofpleasing KrIJa or devotional service. Weshould always be very careful to avoid utilizingany of the facilities available for ourown sense gratification, but we should useeverything for the satisfaction of KrIJaonly.Thanking you once again.Hope this will meet you in goodhealth.Your ever well-wisher,A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiACBS:db(Continued in Volume III)

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