Dividend Reinvestment Plan - Crowe Horwath International

Dividend Reinvestment Plan - Crowe Horwath International Dividend Reinvestment Plan - Crowe Horwath International

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27 February 2008Dear ShareholderWHK GROUP DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLANGiven WHK Group’s continued strong acquisition outlook, the Directors recently announcedthe reintroduction of a dividend reinvestment plan (the “Plan”) to retain cash for acquisitionpurposes.The Plan offers eligible shareholders the opportunity to reinvest all or part of their dividends inadditional shares in the Company at a 2.5% discount to the market price and will be availablefrom the upcoming 2008 interim dividend which is payable on 5 May 2008.Shareholders with at least 100 WHK Group shares and a registered address in Australia orNew Zealand are eligible to participate in the Plan, subject to the Plan’s terms and conditions.The Directors invite all eligible shareholders to participate in the Plan.Enclosed with this letter are the following: a summary of the Plan; a notice of election form; and a reply paid envelope.Interested shareholders are strongly encouraged to read the full terms and conditions of thePlan before electing to participate. A copy of these terms and conditions is available from theCompany’s website at www.whkgroup.com.au under the Investor Information (Dividends)section or by contacting the Company’s share registry on 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or 613 9415 4000 (overseas).In order to participate in the Plan for the 2008 interim dividend, your completed notice ofelection form must be received by the Company’s share registry before 4 April 2008, being thedividend record date.Yours faithfullyB PatersonCompany Secretary......................................................................................................................................WHK Total Financial SolutionsGroup Limited ABN 93 006 650 693Level 6, 616 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004Telephone 03 9522 0888 Facsimile 03 9522 0899www.whkgroup.com.au

27 February 2008Dear ShareholderWHK GROUP DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLANGiven WHK Group’s continued strong acquisition outlook, the Directors recently announcedthe reintroduction of a dividend reinvestment plan (the “<strong>Plan</strong>”) to retain cash for acquisitionpurposes.The <strong>Plan</strong> offers eligible shareholders the opportunity to reinvest all or part of their dividends inadditional shares in the Company at a 2.5% discount to the market price and will be availablefrom the upcoming 2008 interim dividend which is payable on 5 May 2008.Shareholders with at least 100 WHK Group shares and a registered address in Australia orNew Zealand are eligible to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong>, subject to the <strong>Plan</strong>’s terms and conditions.The Directors invite all eligible shareholders to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong>.Enclosed with this letter are the following: a summary of the <strong>Plan</strong>; a notice of election form; and a reply paid envelope.Interested shareholders are strongly encouraged to read the full terms and conditions of the<strong>Plan</strong> before electing to participate. A copy of these terms and conditions is available from theCompany’s website at www.whkgroup.com.au under the Investor Information (<strong>Dividend</strong>s)section or by contacting the Company’s share registry on 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or 613 9415 4000 (overseas).In order to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> for the 2008 interim dividend, your completed notice ofelection form must be received by the Company’s share registry before 4 April 2008, being thedividend record date.Yours faithfullyB PatersonCompany Secretary......................................................................................................................................WHK Total Financial SolutionsGroup Limited ABN 93 006 650 693Level 6, 616 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004Telephone 03 9522 0888 Facsimile 03 9522 0899www.whkgroup.com.au

WHK GROUP LIMITED ABN 93 006 650 693Level 6, 616 St Kilda RoadMelbourne Victoria 3004AustraliaDIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN SUMMARYThe WHK Group Limited (“WHK Group” or "the Company") <strong>Dividend</strong> <strong>Reinvestment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (“the <strong>Plan</strong>”) is an optional andconvenient method by which shareholders may reinvest all or part of their dividends in additional WHK Group shareswithout the usual costs of acquiring shares, such as brokerage.Participation in the <strong>Plan</strong> is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the <strong>Plan</strong> (“Terms and Conditions”), a copy of which isavailable on WHK Group's website at www.whkgroup.com.au under the Investor Information (<strong>Dividend</strong>s) section orcan be obtained free of charge from WHK Group’s Share Registrar:Computershare Investor Services Pty LimitedYarra Falls 452 Johnston StreetAbbotsford Victoria 3067AustraliaTelephone: 1300 850 505 (within Australia)Overseas: +61 3 9415 4000Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500Email: web.queries@computershare.com.auThe following is a summary of the Terms and Conditions and is intended to be general in nature only. Shareholdersparticipating in the <strong>Plan</strong> are bound by the Terms and Conditions and are strongly encouraged to read them infull.In the event of any inconsistency between the Terms and Conditions and this summary, the Terms and Conditions willprevail.WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE PLAN?Participation in the <strong>Plan</strong> is entirely optional.The Directors of the company have determined, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the <strong>Plan</strong>, that onlyholders of WHK Group shares with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand (other than shareholders who are"U.S. persons", and other than shareholders to the extent that they are acting for the account or benefit of a "U.S.person", in each case as "U.S. person" is defined in Clause 16(b) of the <strong>Plan</strong> Terms and Conditions) are eligible toparticipate in the <strong>Plan</strong>. Shareholders with registered addresses outside Australia and New Zealand (or who are "U.S.persons", or who are acting for the account or benefit of a "U.S. person", to that extent) are not permitted to participatein the <strong>Plan</strong>.The Directors have an overriding discretion to refuse to accept an application to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> made by ashareholder.CAN I PARTICIPATE IN RESPECT OF PART OF MY SHAREHOLDING?Yes. There are two types of participation in the <strong>Plan</strong>.1. Full ParticipationThis option provides for reinvestment of dividends on all WHK Group shares you hold now, or may hold in the future,subject to a minimum of 100 shares being eligible to participate. This includes dividends on:• shares you currently hold;• shares you acquire in the future;• shares issued or transferred to you under the <strong>Plan</strong>; and• shares issued through any future rights or bonus issues.2. Partial ParticipationThis option provides for reinvestment of dividends in respect of a specified number of your WHK Group shares asnominated by you by the closing date for determination of entitlements to the relevant dividend. A minimum number of100 participating shares are required.Normal dividend payments will be made in respect of shares not participating in the <strong>Plan</strong>.

HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE IN THE PLAN?In order to join the <strong>Plan</strong>, you simply need to complete the DRP Notice of Election form which has been provided to youwith your invitation to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> (or has otherwise been provided to you) or which you have obtained fromthe Company's Share Registrar, specifying whether you would like full or partial participation. Should you select partialparticipation, please nominate the number of shares which are to participate.The DRP Notice of Election form should be signed and returned to the Company’s Share Registrar in the reply paidenvelope provided or at the address set out on page one of this summary.Please note that if you wish to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> commencing with a particular dividend then your completed andsigned DRP Notice of Election form must be received before the time at which entitlements to payment of the relevantdividend are determined (i.e. “the <strong>Dividend</strong> Record Date”). The <strong>Dividend</strong> Record Date for the upcoming 2008 interimdividend is 4 April 2008.WHEN IS MY ELECTION TO PARTICIPATE EFFECTIVE?A DRP Notice of Election form will be effective upon receipt and acceptance by WHK Group.Participation will apply to your holding, as shown in the Company’s share register, from the date the DRP Notice ofElection form becomes effective. The Directors may determine that an improperly completed DRP Notice of Election isinvalid and ineffective and return it, or may correct the relevant error or omission and treat the form as valid andeffective.CAN I CHANGE MY LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION OR WITHDRAW FROM THE PLAN?You can vary your level of participation or withdraw from the <strong>Plan</strong> at any time by completing a DRP Notice of Variationform and returning it to the Company’s Share Registrar at the address set out on page one of this summary. The DRPNotice of Variation form is available from the Share Registrar.A minimum number of 100 participating shares are required to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong>.Please note that if you wish to vary your participation in the <strong>Plan</strong> commencing with a particular dividend, then yourcompleted and signed DRP Notice of Variation form must be received before the relevant <strong>Dividend</strong> Record Date.A DRP Notice of Variation form will be effective upon receipt and acceptance by WHK Group.The Directors may determine that an improperly completed DRP Notice of Variation is invalid and ineffective and returnit, or may correct the relevant error or omission and treat the form as valid and effective.WHAT IF I HAVE MORE THAN ONE HOLDING OF SHARES?If you have more than one holding of WHK Group shares, each will generally be treated separately for the purposes ofthe <strong>Plan</strong>, and you will need to make a separate election for each holding.AT WHAT PRICE WILL SHARES BE ALLOCATED UNDER THE PLAN?Under the <strong>Plan</strong>, WHK Group shares will be issued to participants at a price equal to the arithmetic average of the dailyvolume weighted average market price for all fully paid ordinary WHK Group shares that are sold on the AustralianSecurities Exchange (subject to certain limited exclusions) during the ten (10) trading days commencing on the secondtrading day after the <strong>Dividend</strong> Record Date (or such other period as is determined by the Directors), less any discount(not exceeding 10%) determined by the Directors from time to time.For the 2008 Interim <strong>Dividend</strong>, the Directors have determined that a 2.5% discount will apply.Where the pricing formula results in a fraction of a share, your entitlement will be rounded up to the next whole numberof shares.ARE THERE ANY COSTS TO PARTICIPATE?There are no brokerage, commission or other transaction costs payable by participants on shares issued under the <strong>Plan</strong>and no Australian stamp duty or other duties will, under present Australian law, be payable by participants.WILL I RECEIVE A PLAN STATEMENT?After each dividend payment, you will be sent a statement detailing your participation in the <strong>Plan</strong>. The statement shouldarrive several days after the shares are issued to you.

IS MY TAXATION POSITION AFFECTED BY THE PLAN?WHK Group cannot advise you on the taxation implications of participating in the <strong>Plan</strong>. WHK Group recommends that ifyou have any questions regarding the taxation implications of participating in the <strong>Plan</strong>, you should consult your ownfinancial, taxation or other professional advisor.WHAT HAPPENS IF I SELL SOME OF MY SHARES?You may sell your shares participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> or acquired under the <strong>Plan</strong> at any time. If you sell all of your shares,you will cease to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong>.If all your shares are participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> and you sell some, but not all of your shares, your remaining shares willcontinue to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> subject to you holding a minimum of 100 shares.If you are participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> on a partial basis and you sell some, but not all of your shares, then the sharesdisposed of will, to the extent possible, be deemed to be those shares that are not participating in the <strong>Plan</strong>. If thenumber of shares disposed of exceeds the number of shares that are not participating in the <strong>Plan</strong>, you will be deemedto have disposed of all your shares that are not participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> and the balance will be made up of participatingshares.WHAT IS THE STATUS OF SHARES ISSUED UNDER THE PLAN?Shares issued under the <strong>Plan</strong> rank equally in all respects with existing fully paid WHK Group ordinary shares from thedate of issue and carry the same voting rights and the same entitlements to dividends and to bonus and rights issues.If you elect full participation in the <strong>Plan</strong>, the additional shares issued to you under the <strong>Plan</strong> will automatically participatein the <strong>Plan</strong> in respect of future dividends. However, if you are participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> on a partial basis, then theadditional shares issued to you under the <strong>Plan</strong> will not participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> (unless you subsequently choose to varyyour level of participation in the <strong>Plan</strong> by lodging with the Share Registrar a valid DRP Notice of Variation form).WILL THE PLAN SHARES BE LISTED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE?WHK Group will apply for shares issued under the <strong>Plan</strong> to be listed on the Australian Securities Exchange as soon aspracticable after they are issued.CAN THE PLAN BE MODIFIED, SUSPENDED OR TERMINATED?The Directors of WHK Group may modify the Terms and Conditions of the <strong>Plan</strong> as and when they consider itappropriate and may suspend or terminate the <strong>Plan</strong> when they consider it expedient. WHK Group will notifyshareholders of any decision to modify the Terms and Conditions or suspend or terminate the <strong>Plan</strong> in accordance withthe Terms and Conditions.HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION?This document is only a summary. The <strong>Plan</strong> is governed by the Terms and Conditions and you should therefore refer tothose Terms and Conditions for further information.The Terms and Conditions may be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.whkgroup.com.au under theInvestor Information (<strong>Dividend</strong>s) section or may be obtained free of charge by contacting the Company’s ShareRegistrar.If you have any enquires in relation to the <strong>Plan</strong>, please contact the Company’s Share Registrar. The contact details ofthe Share Registrar are set out below:Computershare Investor Services Pty LimitedYarra Falls 452 Johnston StreetAbbotsford Victoria 3067AustraliaTelephone: 1300 850 505 (within Australia)Overseas: +61 3 9415 4000Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500Email: web.queries@computershare.com.au

DISCLAIMERThis document is only a summary. Shareholders participating in the <strong>Plan</strong> are bound by the full Terms andConditions which govern the operation of the <strong>Plan</strong>.Neither this summary nor the Terms and Conditions constitute advice or a recommendation by the Company or anyother person (including the Share Registrar) to buy, sell or hold shares in WHK Group, nor that the <strong>Plan</strong> is the best wayto acquire such shares.Accordingly, before you determine whether to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> in connection with any dividend, you should ensurethat the <strong>Plan</strong> meets your own objectives, financial situation and needs. If you are unsure whether you should participatein the <strong>Plan</strong> or what action to take, you should consult a licensed financial advisor.______________________________________________________February 2008

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