Developing Stoves to Achieve the '50%/90%' Future - Energetics ...

Developing Stoves to Achieve the '50%/90%' Future - Energetics ...

Developing Stoves to Achieve the '50%/90%' Future - Energetics ...

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Defining S<strong>to</strong>ve Performance• Hundreds of s<strong>to</strong>ve designs have been tested at Aprovecho using <strong>the</strong>PEMS, resulting in a WBT library. Thanks <strong>to</strong> Nordica, Karl, Damon!• Lessons Learned: Mixing results in clean combustion (Fan) or forcegas and smoke <strong>to</strong> enter flame (TLUD).• Increasing heat transfer efficiency is <strong>the</strong> ‘magic’ that decreases fueluse.• Sam Baldwin and Larry Winiarski describe how <strong>to</strong> make 50% fuelreduction s<strong>to</strong>ves.• 90% reduction of CO and PM has been achieved in <strong>the</strong> lab.

50%/90% WBT Benchmarks?•WBT 50%/90% Benchmarks could be created.•Using <strong>the</strong> WBT library, a 50%/90% reductioncompared <strong>to</strong> open fire would be:• 50% Fuel Use: 625 g wood or 10.9 MJ energy• 90% reduction Carbon Monoxide: 6.5 g• 90% reduction Particulate Matter: 170mg•Can we go this low in CCT field testing?

WBT Proposed Benchmark: ParticulateMatter EmissionsA cooking s<strong>to</strong>ve should emit less than 1500 milligrams (or 170 for a 90% reduction) ofParticulate Matter <strong>to</strong> complete <strong>the</strong> WBT.5000450040003500300025002000150010005000PM Emissions vs. BenchmarkSimple <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Rocket <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Gasifiers Fan <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Charcoal Liquid/GasThree S<strong>to</strong>ne FireGhana WoodMud/SawdustBaldwin VITACast Iron S<strong>to</strong>ve from IndiaModified VITA S<strong>to</strong>veModified VITA w/ Insulation20-L Can Skirted RocketTall Heavy Skirted RocketPrevious ImprovedHeavy Skirted RocketPrevious ImprovedInsulated Brick RocketShort Light RocketTwo-Pot RocketExtra Small Door w/ SkirtCast Iron RocketBaldosa rocket, large body, with1-Door w/out skirt1-Door w/Skirt2-Door w/out skirt2-Door w/SkirtCharcoal-Making gasifierErxperimental GasifierLarge GasifierGrid-Powered FanBattery Powered FanBot<strong>to</strong>m Air Fan S<strong>to</strong>veWood GasMali CharCharcoal JikoCharcoal S<strong>to</strong>ve with SkirtCharcoal RocketPM Emission To Complete WBT (mg)PropaneAlcoholKerosene90% Reduction = 170 mgNOTE: Only 1 PM measurement for 9 s<strong>to</strong>ves

WBT Proposed Benchmark: CarbonMonoxide EmissionsA cooking s<strong>to</strong>ve should emit less than 20 grams (or 6.5 for a 90%reduction) of Carbon Monoxide <strong>to</strong> complete <strong>the</strong> WBT.160140120100806040200CO Emission vs. BenchmarkSimple <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Rocket <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Gasifiers Fan <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> Charcoal Liquid/GasThree S<strong>to</strong>ne FireGhana WoodMud/SawdustBaldwin VITACast Iron S<strong>to</strong>ve from IndiaModified VITA S<strong>to</strong>veModified VITA w/ Insulation20-L Can Skirted RocketTall Heavy Skirted RocketPrevious ImprovedHeavy Skirted RocketPrevious ImprovedInsulated Brick RocketShort Light RocketTwo-Pot RocketExtra Small Door w/ SkirtCast Iron RocketBaldosa rocket, large body,1-Door w/out skirt1-Door w/Skirt2-Door w/out skirt2-Door w/SkirtCharcoal-Making gasifierErxperimental GasifierLarge GasifierGrid-Powered FanBattery Powered FanBot<strong>to</strong>m Air Fan S<strong>to</strong>veWood GasMali CharCharcoal JikoCharcoal S<strong>to</strong>ve with SkirtCharcoal RocketCO Emission <strong>to</strong> Complete WBT (g)PropaneAlcoholKerosene90% Reduction = 6.5 g

WBT Proposed Benchmark: Chimney <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>A cooking s<strong>to</strong>ve with chimney is exempt from <strong>the</strong> previous standards providedit does not leak. A s<strong>to</strong>ve with functioning chimney should use less than 30 MJof energy or 1500 grams of testing wood <strong>to</strong> complete <strong>the</strong> WBT.Fuel Use for <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> with Chimney vs. BenchmarkFuel <strong>to</strong> Complete WBT (g)30002500200015001000500Sunken Pots Griddle with Holes for Pots Griddle OnlyGood chimney s<strong>to</strong>ves meet <strong>the</strong> 90% (indoor) emissions reduction!0Sunken Pot withSteam JetsSunken Two-PotInsulativeRocketInsulative TwoPot with HolesOne Pot Rocketwith HolesPatsariPro<strong>to</strong>typeTwo-pot Rocketwith HolesJustaGriddle S<strong>to</strong>vewith OvenLarge GriddleS<strong>to</strong>veA s<strong>to</strong>ve with chimney is checked for leaks by placing a HOBO-type CO meter 30 cm above <strong>the</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ve.If less than an average of 50 ppm CO is emitted, <strong>the</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ve is exempt from non-chimney standards

Types of Improved <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>:1.) Natural Draft Rocket <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>Fuels: Sticks, woody biomass,Ga<strong>the</strong>red fuels, some crop residueHigher temperatures, mixing, meteringand <strong>the</strong>n forcing <strong>the</strong> gases against <strong>the</strong>bot<strong>to</strong>m, sides of <strong>the</strong> pot reduces fuel useand emissionsEnvirofit, $25WBTdataTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPMEmission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 2363Rocket 38 650 20 783S<strong>to</strong>veTec $8-$1251%Reductionwith Skirt70%Reduction67%Reduction

Types of Improved <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>:2.) Fan <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>TOP LOADINGFuel: Pellets, small piecesPhilips, $60WoodGas, $55Oorja, $25Burning <strong>the</strong> fuel with forced air jets at<strong>the</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m and/or <strong>to</strong>p of <strong>the</strong>combustion chamber creates highvelocity mixing which dramaticallydecreases fuel use & emissions.WBTdataTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPMEmission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 2363Fan 14 614 6 293SIDE FEEDFuel: Sticks, ga<strong>the</strong>red biomass51%Reduction91%Reduction88%ReductionS<strong>to</strong>veTec/Biolite TEG, $30

Types of Improved <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>:3.) Semi-GasifiersFuel: pellets, briquettes, somecrop residuesYunnan Gasifier, $45Burning <strong>the</strong> fuel with carefullycontrolled primary and secondary airwithin a closed s<strong>to</strong>ve results in efficientfuel use, and emissions are removedthrough <strong>the</strong> chimney.WBTdataTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPMEmission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 2363Yunnan 22 734 8 31741%Reduction88%Reduction87%ReductionDaxu S<strong>to</strong>ve, $50

Types of Improved <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>:4.) Natural Draft Gasifiers (TLUD)Fuels: Pellets, some ga<strong>the</strong>red fuelsChampion S<strong>to</strong>ve, $30Ves<strong>to</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ve, $60Top lighting, limiting <strong>the</strong> Primary Air ina TLUD, secondary burn, results in verylow particulate matter emissions.WBTdataTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPMEmission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 2363TLUD 27 737 18 25541%Reduction72%Reduction89%ReductionWorld S<strong>to</strong>ve, $35

Types of Improved <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>:5.) Institutional <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>Fuels: Sticks, woody biomass,Ga<strong>the</strong>red fuels, some crop residueTransferring heat <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m andsides of a very large pot efficiently uses<strong>the</strong> heat from <strong>the</strong> fire and emits feweremissions.WBTdataTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPMEmission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 236360L S<strong>to</strong>ve 32 305 7 181(Data Normalized for 5L)76%Reduction89%Reduction92%Reduction

S<strong>to</strong>ve Performance ComparisonTime <strong>to</strong>BoilFuel UseCOEmissionPM Emission3‐S<strong>to</strong>ne 38 1253 65 2363Rocket 38 650 w/skirt 20 783Fan –Top loaded 14 614 6 293Fan – Side Feed 34 722 6 151Semi‐Gasifier 22 734 8 317TLUD Gasifier 27 737 18 255Institutional 60L 32 305 7 181(Data is from Water Boiling Test)

Knowing which S<strong>to</strong>ve Works:Testing is Essential•LABORATORY• <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> are carefully designed and optimized in <strong>the</strong>labora<strong>to</strong>ry• WBT/Emissions measurements quickly, inexpensivelyhighlight promising technologies•FIELD•<strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> must be re-designed/modifiedwith input from cooks• Consumer testing is at least ½ of s<strong>to</strong>ve development• Focus groups must be involved when selecting, comparing,choosing s<strong>to</strong>ve models. It does not matter if a s<strong>to</strong>ve performswell in <strong>the</strong> lab if <strong>the</strong> cooks don’t use it or will not buy it!

Limitations of Testing Targets• There are many more aspects <strong>to</strong> a s<strong>to</strong>ve thanperformance and emission reduction! The s<strong>to</strong>ve must bein use, loved by cooks. The ‘competition’ (a three s<strong>to</strong>nefire) is free!• A s<strong>to</strong>ve that is not used will not be effective – <strong>the</strong>refore itis crucial <strong>to</strong> have consumer approval be an integral par<strong>to</strong>f product development.• TESTING IN THE FIELD becomes more important thanextensive lab testing.• Without consumer approval our new s<strong>to</strong>ves will sit onshelves or become flower pots.• In-field testing is absolutely crucial <strong>to</strong> also ensure that50%/90% s<strong>to</strong>ves achieve performance and emissiongoals.• Let’s not fail a third time!

Can <strong>the</strong> WBT Predict In UsePerformance?• A lot of time over <strong>the</strong> last five years has been spentdebating <strong>the</strong> WBT and attempting <strong>to</strong> bring it closer <strong>to</strong> fieldresults.• Some have adapted WBT <strong>to</strong> use local pots, local fuel,timing, etc.• Conditions in <strong>the</strong> field are highly variable so it’s difficult <strong>to</strong>adequately adjust <strong>the</strong> WBT. The cook is probably <strong>the</strong>biggest variable. Can we bring enough cooks in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>lab?• The CCT/KPT in field tests help predict actualperformance.• Use <strong>the</strong> CCT/w emissions? Cooks use <strong>the</strong>ir owntechniques, fuels, foods, compares traditional <strong>to</strong> news<strong>to</strong>ve. Use hood or nose/mouth emission measurements?

Follow Chapter Five in Sam Baldwin’s Book…• Labora<strong>to</strong>ry, Production, Field, and Market efforts aredetailed in: “Biomass <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong>: Engineering Design,Development, and Dissemination”.1.WBTs and CCTs are used <strong>to</strong> select promising pro<strong>to</strong>types2.Templates are developed using local pots, fuels, etc.3.Limited production of small number of s<strong>to</strong>ves made <strong>to</strong>analyze costs, methods.4.<strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> are used by local cooks <strong>to</strong> determine acceptabilityand actual measured performance.5.At <strong>the</strong> same time, s<strong>to</strong>ves are in s<strong>to</strong>res on a commissionbasis <strong>to</strong> measure commercial viability.6.On <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong>se tests, modifications are made asneeded and <strong>the</strong> process is repeated (and repeated) untilsuccess is achieved.

Measuring Emissions:IAP ExposureIn <strong>the</strong> Aprovecho IAP Meter, a small fan draws a sample through a“snorkel” in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> meter, allowing a better measurement of actualexposurePerhaps benchmarks based on exposure could be developed? Measurements ofexposure could be directly related <strong>to</strong> EPA and WHO guidelines, unlike o<strong>the</strong>rmethods.Aprovecho is following up <strong>the</strong> extensive WBT testing with CCT in Test Kitchen andunder a veranda testing using <strong>the</strong> IAP Meter.

Measuring Exposure <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> CookIndoors and OutEmissions Exposure as Measured by IAP Meter BackpackOutdoors and Indoors for Three-S<strong>to</strong>ne Fire and TLUD14,00012,000PMCO1009080PM (ug/m3)10,0008,0006,0004,000Three-S<strong>to</strong>ne:97% Reductionfrom Indoor <strong>to</strong> OutTLUD:92% Reductionfrom Indoor <strong>to</strong> Out706050403020CO (ppm)2,000100Three-S<strong>to</strong>ne Indoor Three-S<strong>to</strong>ne Outdoor TLUD Indoor TLUD Outdoor0

Clean Cook <strong>S<strong>to</strong>ves</strong> at Market PriceCarbon credits can reduce <strong>the</strong> consumer price of new clean s<strong>to</strong>vesMy Uncertain Estimates:(will vary with market, etc)Total Global Warming Potentialgrams CO2 equivalent per liter of water boiled and simmered 30 minutes,normalized for starting temperature and fuel moisture contentCarbon credit income per<strong>to</strong>n per year: ~$5-$10/year5 years?S<strong>to</strong>ve generates 1-4 <strong>to</strong>nsCO2e savings per yearcalculated CO2 savingsswitching from coal <strong>to</strong>renewable biomass– about3.8 <strong>to</strong>n CO2e/yr.Global WarmingPotential (g CO2equivalent/L)7006005004003002001000-100Three S<strong>to</strong>neFireRocket Fan Gasifier CharcoalPM -- -50*OMPM--680*EC3*CO12*NMHC296*N2O21*MethaneFrom “A Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Comparison of <strong>the</strong> Global WarmingPotential of Five Major Types of Biomass Cooking S<strong>to</strong>ve”Energy for Sustainable Development, June 2008CO2

Summary• There are promising new generation s<strong>to</strong>ves in existence• The s<strong>to</strong>ve community could proceed <strong>to</strong> multiple-site in-fieldtesting of performance w/emissions, user satisfaction, anddurability.• The s<strong>to</strong>ve community could support massmanufacturing/distribution for best quality, lowest price forsuccessful purchased s<strong>to</strong>ves.• There can be millions of s<strong>to</strong>ves ready <strong>to</strong> address climate changeand health in <strong>the</strong> near future.• Very clean s<strong>to</strong>ves can be sold at <strong>the</strong> local market price due <strong>to</strong> a$5-$10/year carbon credit.NOLS saying as 5 people push a2,000 pound boat up a steepbeach:If we all push easy, it’s hardIf we all push hard, it’s easy.

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