Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group

Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group
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Geographical variation in corroboree frogs, Pseudophryne corroboreeMoore (Anura: Myobatrachidae): a reappraisal supports recognition of P. pengilleyi Wells and Wellington.Australian Journal of Zoology 44:569-587.Osorno Muñoz, M., Ardila-Robayo, M.C. and Ruiz-Carranza, P.M. 2001a. Tres nuevas especie de Atelopus A. M. C.Dumeril & Bibron, 1841 (Aphibia: Bufonidae) de las partes altas de la Cordillera Oriental Colombiana. Caldasia23(2):509-522.Osorno Muñoz, M., Ardila-Robayo, M.C. and Ruiz-Carranza, P.M. 2001b. Una nueva especie de Atelopus A.M.C. Duméril& Bibron 1841 (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia. Revista de la AcademiaColombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 26(98):133-139.Ota, H. 2000a. Amami tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000b. Great tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000c. Holst’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2nd Edition:Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000d. Namie’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2nd Edition:Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000e. Ryukyu tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000f. Sword-tailed newt. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000g. Utsunomiya’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000a. Anderson’s crocodile newt. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan- Red Data Book, 2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000b. Ishikawa’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red DataBook, 2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000c. Otton frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ottensmann, M.-S. 1993. Mantella crocea - Terrarienhaltung, Verhaltenbeobachtungen und Nachzucht. Herpetofauna15:27-30.Outcalt, K.W. and Sheffield, R.M. 1996. The longleaf pine forest: trends and current conditions. U.S.D.A. Forest Service,Resource Bulletin, SRS-9. Southern Research Station, Asheville, North Carolina.

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Amami tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000b. Great tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000c. Holst’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2nd Edition:Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000d. Namie’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2nd Edition:Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000e. Ryukyu tip-nosed frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000f. Sword-tailed newt. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. 2000g. Utsunomiya’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book, 2ndEdition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000a. Anderson’s crocodile newt. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan- Red Data Book, 2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000b. Ishikawa’s frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red DataBook, 2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ota, H. and Toda, M. 2000c. Otton frog. In: Environment Agency (ed.), <strong>Threatened</strong> Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book,2nd Edition: Reptilia/Amphibia, Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo.Ottensmann, M.-S. 1993. Mantella crocea - Terrarienhaltung, Verhaltenbeobachtungen und Nachzucht. Herpetofauna15:27-30.Outcalt, K.W. and Sheffield, R.M. 1996. The longleaf pine forest: trends and current conditions. U.S.D.A. Forest Service,Resource Bulletin, SRS-9. Southern Research Station, Asheville, North Carolina.

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