Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group

Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group

Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group

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670<strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Amphibian</strong>s of the WorldLiem, S.S. 1970. The morphology, systematics and evolution of the old world tree frogs (Rhacophoridae and Hyperoliidae).Fieldiana: Zoology 57:1-145.Lim, K.P. and Lim, F.L.K. 1992. A Guide to the <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and Reptiles of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre,Singapore.Lima, V., Arntzen, J.W. and Ferrand, N.M. 2000. Age structure and growth pattern in two populations of the goldenstripedsalamander Chioglossa lusitanica (Caudata, Salamandridae). Amphibia-Reptilia 22:55-68.Lind, A.J., Welsh, Jr, H.H. and Wilson, R.A. 1996. The effects of a dam on breeding habitat and egg survival of thefoothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) in northwestern California. Herpetological Review 27:62-67.Lindquist, E.D. 1995. Atelopus zeteki (Panamanian golden frog). Pure tonal vocalization. Herpetological Review26(4):200-201.Lindquist, E.D. and Hetherington, T.E. 1996. Field studies on visual and acoustic signaling in the “earless” Panamaniangolden frog, Atelopus zeteki. Journal of Herpetology 30(3):347-354.Lindquist, E.D. and Hetherington, T.E. 1998a. Semaphoring in an earless frog: the origin of a novel visual signal.Animal Cognition 1(2):83-87.Lindquist, E.D. and Hetherington, T.E. 1998b. Tadpoles and juveniles of the Panamanian golden frog, Atelopus zeteki(Bufonidae), with information on development of coloration and patterning. Herpetologica 54(3):370-376.Lindquist, E.D. and Swihart, D.W. 1997. Atelopus chiriquiensis (Chiriqui harlequin frog): mating behaviour and egglaying. Herpetological Review 28(3):145-46.Lindquist, E.D., Hetherington, T.E. and Badgley, D.D. 1999. Atelopus zeteki (Panamanian golden frog). Attemptedpredation. Herpetological Review 30(1):36.Lindstand, III, L. 2000. Discovery of Shasta salamanders in atypical habitat. California Fish and Game 86:259-261.Liner, E.A. 1998a. Plethodontidae: Chiropterotriton priscus. Catalogue of American <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and Reptiles 642:1-2.Liner, E.A. 1998b. Pseudoeurycea scandens. Catalogue of American <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and Reptiles 644:1-2.Linsdale, J.M. 1940. <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and reptiles in Nevada. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences73:197-257.Lips, K.R. 1993a. Bolitoglossa compacta. Herpetological Review 24(3):107.Lips, K.R. 1993b. Bolitoglossa minitula. Herpetological Review 24(3):107.Lips, K.R. 1993c. Oedipina grandis. Herpetological Review 24(3):107.Lips, K.R. 1996. The population biology of Hyla calypsa, a stream-breeding treefrog from lower Central America. PhDdissertation, University of Miami.Lips, K.R. 1998. Decline of a tropical montane amphibian fauna. Conservation Biology 12:106-117.Lips, K.R. 1999. Mass mortality and population declines of anurans at an upland site in western Panama. ConservationBiology 13:117-125.Lips, K.R. and Krempels, D.M. 1995. 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The rediscovery of Heleioporous australiacus (Shaw) (Anura: Leptodactylidae)in eastern Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 80:31-36.Litvinchuk, S.N. and Borkin, L. 2000. Intraspecific taxonomy and nomenclature of the Danube crested newt, Triturusdobrogicus. Amphibia-Reptilia 21:419-430.Liu, C.C. 1943. Two new Scutiger from Chao-Chiao-hsien, Sikang. Journal of the West China Border Research Society14:35-38.Liu, C.C. 1945. New frogs from West China. Journal of the West China Border Research Society 15:28-43.Liu, C.C. 1947. Two new frogs of the genus Scutiger from West China. Copiea 1947(2):123-126.Liu, C.C. 1950. <strong>Amphibian</strong>s of Western China. Fieldiana: Zoology Mem. 2:1-400.Liu, C.-C. and Hu, S.-Q. 1960. New Scutiger from China with a discussion about the genus. Scientia Sinica9(6):760-780.Liu, C.-C. and Hu, S.-Q. 1961. Chinese tailless <strong>Amphibian</strong>s. Science Press, Peking.Liu, C.-C. and Hu, S.-Q. 1962. A Herpetological report of Kwangxi. 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Herpetologica 56(2):231-238.Liu, W., Lathrop, A., Fu, J., Yang, D. and Murphy, R.W. 2000. Phylogeny of east asian Bufonids inferred from MitochondrialDNA sequences. Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution 14(3):423-435.Liu, W.-Z. and Yang, D.-T. 1995. A comparative study on karyotype and chromosome banding of three species ofAmolops from southwestern China. Zoological Research (Supplement) 14:158-165.Livingston, P.G., Spencer, C.C. and Stuart, B.L. 1995. Geographic distribution: Desmognathus aeneus. HerpetologicalReview 26:207.Livo, L.J. and Yeakley, D. 1997. Comparison of current with historical elevational range in the boreal toad, Bufo boreas.Herpetological Review 28:143-144.Lizana, M. and Marco, A. 2001. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation and the decline of amphibian populations in Central Spain.FrogLog 44.Lizana, M., Márquez, R. and Martín-Sánchez, R. 1994. Reproductive biology of Pelobates cultripes (Anura: Pelobatidae)in Central Spain. 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Redescription of Atelopus tricolor Boulenger from southeastern Peru and adjacentBolivia, with comments on related forms. Journal of Herpetology 32(4):481-488.Lötters, S. and Köhler, J. 1998. Der Stummelfussfrosch Atelopus peruensis Gray & Cannatella, 1985. Familie: Bufonidae.The frog Atelopus peruensis Gray & Cannatella, 1985. Family: Bufonidae. Herpetofauna 20(112):14-15.Lötters, S. and Köhler, J. 2000. Cochranella nola (Anura: Centrolenidae): natural history notes, distribution, andadvertisement call. Herpetological Natural History 7(1):79-81.Lötters, S. and Schmitz, A. 2004. A new species of tree frog (Amphibia: Hyperolius) from the Bakossi Mountains,South-West-Cameroon. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 52:149-154.Lötters, S. and Widmer, A. 1997. Bioacoustic comparisons of the advertisement calls of the poison frogs Dendrobateshistrionicus and Dendrobates lehmanni from northwestern South America. Herpetologia Bonnensis. SocietasEuropaea Herpetologica, Bonn.Lötters, S., Castro Herrera, F., Köhler, J. and Richter, R. 1997. Notes on the distribution and color variation of poisonfrogs of the genus Phyllobates from western Colombia (Anura, Dendrobatidae). Revue Francaise d’Aquariologie24:55-58.Lötters, S., Glaw, F., Köhler, J. and Castro, F. 1999. On the geographic variation of the advertisement call of Dendrobateshistrionicus Berthold, 1845 and related forms from north-western South America (Anura: Dendrobatidae).Herpetozoa 12(1-2):23-38.Lötters, S., Glaw, F., Reichle, S., Köhler, J. and Meyer, E. 1990. Notes on vocalizations in three species of Atelopusfrom Central and South America (Anura: Bufonidae). Herpetozoa 12(1-2):79-83.Lötters, S., Gossmann, V., Obame, F. and Böhme, W. 2001. Zur Herpetofauna Gabuns, Teil I: Einleitung, Untersuchungsgebietund Methodik, kommentierte Artenliste der gefundenen Froschlurche. Herpetofauna 23(133):19-34.Lötters, S., Haas, W., Schick, S. and Böhme, W. 2002a. On the systematics of the harlequin frogs (Amphibia: Bufonidae:Atelopus) from Amazonia I. Description of a new species from the Cordillera Azul, Peru. Salamandra38(2):95-104.Lötters, S., Haas, W., Schick, S. and Böhme, W. 2002b. On the systematics of the harlequin frogs (Amphibia: Bufonidae:Atelopus) from Amazonia. II: Redescription of Atelopus pulcher (Boulenger, 1882) from the eastern Andean versantin Peru. Salamandra 38(3):165-184.Lötters, S., Jungfer, K.-H. and Widmer, A. 2000. A new genus of aposematic poison frog (Amphibnia: Anura: Dendrobatridae)from the upper Amazon Basin with notes on its reproductive behaviour and tadpole morphology. JahreshGes Naturkd Wuttemberg 156:233-243.Lötters, S., La Marca, E. and Vences, M. 2004. Redescriptions of two toad species of the genus Atelopus from coastalVenezuela. Copeia 2004:222-234.Lötters, S., Morales, V.R. and Proy, C. 2003. Another new riparian dendrobatid frog species from the upper Amazonbasin of Peru. Journal of Herpetology 37(4):707-713.Lötters, S., Reichle, S., Faivovich, J. and Bain, R.H. 2005. The stream-dwelling tadpole of Hyloscirtus charazani (Anura:Hylidae) from Andean Bolivia. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 40:181-185.Lötters, S., Rotich, D., Koester, T.E., Kosuch, J., Muchai, V., Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Teege, P., Wasonga, V.D. andVeith, M. 2004. What do we know about the amphibians from the Kenyan central and western highlands?.Salamandra 40.Lötters, S., Schulte, R., Córdova, J.H. and Veith, M. 2005. Conservation priorities for harlequin frogs (Atelopus spp.)of Peru. Oryx 39(3):343-346.Loumont, C. 1992. Les amphibiens de Sao Tome et Principe: revision systematique, cris nuptiaux et caryotypes.Alytes 10:37-62.Loumont, C. and Kobel, H.R. 1991. Xenopus longipes sp. nov., a new polyploid pipid from western Cameroon. RevueSuisse de Zoologie 98:731-738.

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