Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group

Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group Near Threatened Amphibian Species - Amphibian Specialist Group
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The Raffl esBulletin of Zoology 51(1):123-136.Leong, T.M. and Norsham, Y. 2002. Tadpole of the Peninsular Malaysian ranid Limnonectes tweediei (Smith, 1935).Hamadryad 27(1):23-27.Leong, T.M., Grismer, L. and Mumpuni 2002. Preliminary checklists of the herpetofauna of the Anambas and NatunaIslands (South China Sea). Hamadryad 27(2):165-174.Lescure, J. 1973. Présence d’une sous-espèce d’Atelopus pulcher (Amphibien, Anoure) dans les Guyanes: Atelopuspulcher hoogmoedi. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 3(144) Zoologie:997-1005.Lescure, J. 1974. Contribution a l’étude des amphibiens de Guyane Francaise. I. Notes sur Atelopus flavescens Dumérilet Bibron et description d’une nouvelle espèce. Vie Milieu, 1972-1973 23:125-141.Lescure, J. 1981a. Contribution a l’étude des amphibiens de Guyana Francaise 7. Les Eleutherodactylus (Anura,Leptodactylidae). Revue Française d’Aquariologie Herpetologie 8(1):25-32.Lescure, J. 1981b. Contribution à l’étude des amphibiens de Guyane Francaise, VII. Validation d’Atelopus spumarius Cope,1871, et désignation d’un néotype. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 4 série 3, sect:893-910.Lescure, J. 2000. Repartition passee de Leptodactylus fallax Muller, 1923 et d’Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Barbour,1914 (anoures, leptodactylides). Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 94:13-23.Lescure, J. and Gasc, J.P. 1986. Partage de l’espace forestier par les amphibians et les reptiles en Amazonie dunord-ouest. Caldasia 15:707-723.Lescure, J. and Letellier, F. 1983. Reproduction en captivité de Leptodactylus fallax Müller, 1926 (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae).Revue Française d’Aquariologie 10:61-64.Lescure, J. and Marty, C. 2000. Atlas des Amphibiens de Guyane. 45:Patrimoines Naturels, Paris.Leviton, A.E. and Anderson, S.C. 1970. The amphibians and reptiles of Afghanistan a checklist and key to the herpetofauna.Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 38(10):163-206.Leviton, A.E., Anderson, S.C., Adler, K. and Minton, S.A. 1992. Handbook to Middle East Amphibians and Reptiles.Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.Lewis, B. and Goldingay, R. 1999. A preliminary assessment of the status of the Green and Goldern Bell Frog innorth-eastern NSW. In: Campbell, A. (ed.), Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp.94-98. EnvironmentAustralia, Canberra.Lewis, D.L., Baxter, G.T., Johnson, K.M. and Stone, M.D. 1985. Possible extinction of the Wyoming toad, Bufo hemiphrysbaxteriI. Journal of Herpetology 19:166-168.Liang, Y.S. and Wang, C.S. 1978. A new tree frog, Rhacophorus taipeiensis, (Anura:Rhacophoridae) from Taiwan(Formosa). Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 31(1-2):185-202.Libis, B. 1985. Nouvelle donnée sur la répartition au Maroc du crapaud accoucheur Alytes maurus (Amphibia; Discoglossidae).Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 33:52-53.Licht, L.E. 1971. Breeding habits and embryonic thermal requirements of the frogs, Rana aurora aurora and Ranapretiosa pretiosa, in the Pacifi c Northwest. Ecology 52(1):116-124.Licht, L.E. 1986. Food and feeding behavior of sympatric red-legged frogs, Rana aurora, and spotted frogs, Ranapretiosa, in southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 100:22-31.Lichtenstein, M.H.C. and Von Martens, E.C. 1856. Nomenclator Reptilium et Amphibiorum Musei Zoologici Berolinensis.Königl. Akad. Wiss., Berlin.Liem, D.S and Ingram, G.J. 1977. Two new species of frogs (Anura: Myobatrachidae, Pelodryadidaoe) from Queenslandand New South Wales. Victorian Naturalist 94:255-262.Liem, D.S. 1973. A new genus of frog of the family Leptodactylidae from S.E. Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of theQueensland Museum 16(3):459-470.Liem, D.S. 1974a. A new species of the Litoria bicolour species group from Southeast Queensland, Australia (Anura:Hylidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17(1):169-174.Liem, D.S. 1974b. A review of the Litoria nannotis species group and a description of a new species of Litoria fromnorth-east Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17(1):151-168.Liem, D.S. and Hosmer, W. 1973. Frogs of the genus Taudactylus with description of two new species (Anura: Leptodactylidae).Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 16(3):435-457.

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Les Eleutherodactylus (Anura,Leptodactylidae). Revue Française d’Aquariologie Herpetologie 8(1):25-32.Lescure, J. 1981b. Contribution à l’étude des amphibiens de Guyane Francaise, VII. Validation d’Atelopus spumarius Cope,1871, et désignation d’un néotype. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 4 série 3, sect:893-910.Lescure, J. 2000. Repartition passee de Leptodactylus fallax Muller, 1923 et d’Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Barbour,1914 (anoures, leptodactylides). Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 94:13-23.Lescure, J. and Gasc, J.P. 1986. Partage de l’espace forestier par les amphibians et les reptiles en Amazonie dunord-ouest. Caldasia 15:707-723.Lescure, J. and Letellier, F. 1983. Reproduction en captivité de Leptodactylus fallax Müller, 1926 (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae).Revue Française d’Aquariologie 10:61-64.Lescure, J. and Marty, C. 2000. Atlas des Amphibiens de Guyane. 45:Patrimoines Naturels, Paris.Leviton, A.E. and Anderson, S.C. 1970. The amphibians and reptiles of Afghanistan a checklist and key to the herpetofauna.Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 38(10):163-206.Leviton, A.E., Anderson, S.C., Adler, K. and Minton, S.A. 1992. Handbook to Middle East <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and Reptiles.Society for the Study of <strong>Amphibian</strong>s and Reptiles.Lewis, B. and Goldingay, R. 1999. A preliminary assessment of the status of the Green and Goldern Bell Frog innorth-eastern NSW. In: Campbell, A. (ed.), Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs, pp.94-98. EnvironmentAustralia, Canberra.Lewis, D.L., Baxter, G.T., Johnson, K.M. and Stone, M.D. 1985. Possible extinction of the Wyoming toad, Bufo hemiphrysbaxteriI. Journal of Herpetology 19:166-168.Liang, Y.S. and Wang, C.S. 1978. A new tree frog, Rhacophorus taipeiensis, (Anura:Rhacophoridae) from Taiwan(Formosa). Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 31(1-2):185-202.Libis, B. 1985. Nouvelle donnée sur la répartition au Maroc du crapaud accoucheur Alytes maurus (Amphibia; Discoglossidae).Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France 33:52-53.Licht, L.E. 1971. Breeding habits and embryonic thermal requirements of the frogs, Rana aurora aurora and Ranapretiosa pretiosa, in the Pacifi c Northwest. Ecology 52(1):116-124.Licht, L.E. 1986. Food and feeding behavior of sympatric red-legged frogs, Rana aurora, and spotted frogs, Ranapretiosa, in southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 100:22-31.Lichtenstein, M.H.C. and Von Martens, E.C. 1856. Nomenclator Reptilium et Amphibiorum Musei Zoologici Berolinensis.Königl. Akad. Wiss., Berlin.Liem, D.S and Ingram, G.J. 1977. Two new species of frogs (Anura: Myobatrachidae, Pelodryadidaoe) from Queenslandand New South Wales. Victorian Naturalist 94:255-262.Liem, D.S. 1973. A new genus of frog of the family Leptodactylidae from S.E. Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of theQueensland Museum 16(3):459-470.Liem, D.S. 1974a. A new species of the Litoria bicolour species group from Southeast Queensland, Australia (Anura:Hylidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17(1):169-174.Liem, D.S. 1974b. A review of the Litoria nannotis species group and a description of a new species of Litoria fromnorth-east Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17(1):151-168.Liem, D.S. and Hosmer, W. 1973. Frogs of the genus Taudactylus with description of two new species (Anura: Leptodactylidae).Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 16(3):435-457.

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