AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


TRANSFORMATION PLANEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANchildren, engage and support families, andstrengthen the local workforce (NationalLeague of Cities, 2010).Priority Services and Programs• Increase the inventory of high qualitychild care slots through SAISD reallocationof Head Start and Pre-K slots, newlysubsidized slots in public and privatechildcare centers, and a new center tobe opened at the revitalized WheatleyCourts.• Establish an Early Learning Network(ELN) to include 5 centers, 2 day homesand Family Friends Neighbor (FFN)providers, and build the members’capacity to adopt practices that fosterage-appropriate functioning and kindergartenreadiness; use a variety of easilyaccessed information dissemination techniques,including online and televisedBooker T. Washington Elementary School will playan important role in the early-learning; and, expand the successful Playand Learn Program to other sites.• Expand Childcare Center Mentors andthe resources of the Model ClassroomProject to the EPN Early Learning Network.The Model Classroom continuumincludes: 1) mentoring, training andtechnical support for childcare staff; 2)developmental screening for children0–5; 3) administering the Adult andAdolescent Parenting Inventory Assessment;4) classroom observations; 5)quality improvement plans for teachersand classrooms; 6) support for childand family recruitment and outreach; 7)service information and linkages for providersand families in correspondence tounmet needs; and, 8) management andresource coordination.• Establish and support an EPN communityof practice among the ELN to fosterthe wider use of evidence-based practicesand content alignment with schoolcurricula.Children are Proficient in Core AcademicSubjectsSAISD has pioneered an Over-age MiddleSchool program to prevent dropouts,re-engage students and support on-timegraduation for middle school students age15 and above.Priority Services and Programs:• Administer an Early Development Instrument(EDI) for all EPN kindergarten studentsto quantify emerging literacy skillsand direct remedial resources.• Monitor and improve literacy at all gradelevels by: administering a beginning ofyear reading assessment (IRI) of 100%of students; providing in-school tutoringsupport for those scoring below gradelevel; and implementing evidence-basedinstructional methods, including Fast For-Word, Leveled Literacy Intervention, interactivewriting, and Success for All, duringcritical skill building grades (K–2nd).• Modify the SAISD data system to continuouslymonitor risk indicators and providean early warning. Establish StudentSupport Teams at all EPN schools to assiststudents identified by the SAISD earlywarning system as having risk indicators,i.e., attendance, behavior, academicperformance, and family instability• Track teacher effectiveness, using trenddata from state accountability resultsand analysis of student performanceproduced by the Education ResourceGroup (ERG) data system, and providesupport from SAISD-assigned InstructionalCoaches to new teachers and/or teachersin need of assistance36

TRANSFORMATION PLANPhillis Wheatley Middle School• Implement an aligned, integrated K–12Science, Technology, Engineering andMath (STEM) instructional thread, groundedin service learning and real worldcontent applications in all EPN schools,creating a prepared student pipeline forSam Houston’s New Tech High magnetschool.• Expand the resources of SAISD’s successfulOver-age Student Program to allWheatley Middle School students who areolder than average.• Expand City Year absentee follow-up(day-of calls for all absent students,cabs for transportation) and mentoringprograms to all EPN schools. ExpandSAISD attendance incentive programs andtruancy prevention programs to all EPNSchools.• Increase parent-to-parent support andparents’ engagement in their children’seducation by extending the Family-School-Community Partnership to all sixEPN schools.Youth Graduate from High School CollegeandCareer-ReadyAt a time when postsecondary educationor training has increasingly become a mustfor young people, most students continueto leave our high schools unprepared topursue those options.Priority Services and Programs:• Expand partnership with local colleges anduniversities to encourage more on-campuscollege recruitment of EPN students.• Equip Career Readiness Lab at WheatleyMiddle School to supply career explorationopportunities and world of work informationto stimulate college and careergoals.• Ensure Wheatley Middle School studentsbenefit from in-school GEAR UP resourcesand services, which is a Department ofEducation-funded college readiness programthat starts with a 7th grade cohortand follows them through high schoolgraduation and into college.• Import the City of San Antonio’s CaféCollege resources, including Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)and TASFA (Texas Application for StateFinancial Aid, a tool for students who arenot eligible to complete FAFSA because ofcitizenship status) assistance, test prepclasses and scholarship information.Place FAFS/TAFSA enabled computers inall EPN school libraries and parent roomsto assist parents applying for financial aidfor their postsecondary-bound children.• Partner with SAHA’s Moving to Work Programto increase the number of WheatleyCourts young adults enrolled in collegeand/or career training.• Partner with EPN businesses and the artscommunity to provide apprenticeships,internships, STEM competitions andmentoring opportunities for middle/highschool students.• Expand adult education opportunitieswith wraparound services to disconnectedyouth, to re-engage them into themainstream academic system.• GED Programs. Despite the extensive listof strategies, some of our youth may failto graduate from high school. To ensurethey have access to the opportunities of aEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLAN37

TRANSFORMATION PLANEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANchildren, engage and support families, andstrengthen the local workforce (NationalLeague of Cities, 2010).Priority Services and Programs• Increase the inventory of high qualitychild care slots through SAISD reallocationof Head Start and Pre-K slots, newlysubsidized slots in public and privatechildcare centers, and a new center tobe opened at the revitalized WheatleyCourts.• Establish an Early Learning Network(ELN) to include 5 centers, 2 day homesand Family Friends Neighbor (FFN)providers, and build the members’capacity to adopt practices that fosterage-appropriate functioning and kindergartenreadiness; use a variety of easilyaccessed information dissemination techniques,including online and televisedBooker T. Washington Elementary School will playan important role in the early-learning; and, expand the successful Playand Learn Program to other sites.• Expand Childcare Center Mentors andthe resources of the Model ClassroomProject to the EPN Early Learning Network.The Model Classroom continuumincludes: 1) mentoring, training andtechnical support for childcare staff; 2)developmental screening for children0–5; 3) administering the Adult andAdolescent Parenting Inventory Assessment;4) classroom observations; 5)quality improvement plans for teachersand classrooms; 6) support for childand family recruitment and outreach; 7)service information and linkages for providersand families in correspondence tounmet needs; and, 8) management andresource coordination.• Establish and support an EPN communityof practice among the ELN to fosterthe wider use of evidence-based practicesand content alignment with schoolcurricula.Children are Proficient in Core AcademicSubjectsSAISD has pioneered an Over-age MiddleSchool program to prevent dropouts,re-engage students and support on-timegraduation for middle school students age15 and above.Priority Services and Programs:• Administer an Early Development Instrument(EDI) for all EPN kindergarten studentsto quantify emerging literacy skillsand direct remedial resources.• Monitor and improve literacy at all gradelevels by: administering a beginning ofyear reading assessment (IRI) of 100%of students; providing in-school tutoringsupport for those scoring below gradelevel; and implementing evidence-basedinstructional methods, including Fast For-Word, Leveled Literacy Intervention, interactivewriting, and Success for All, duringcritical skill building grades (K–2nd).• Modify the SAISD data system to continuouslymonitor risk indicators and providean early warning. Establish StudentSupport Teams at all EPN schools to assiststudents identified by the SAISD earlywarning system as having risk indicators,i.e., attendance, behavior, academicperformance, and family instability• Track teacher effectiveness, using trenddata from state accountability resultsand analysis of student performanceproduced by the Education ResourceGroup (ERG) data system, and providesupport from SAISD-assigned InstructionalCoaches to new teachers and/or teachersin need of assistance36

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