AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

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TRANSFORMATION PLANEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANfamilies. YouthBuild students receive “free”workforce training in construction, computertechnology and sustainability to preparethem for 21st-century jobs. Outreach ofstudents is targeted within the EastsideChoice/Promise footprint, and recruitmentbegan the summer of 2012 to start preparingyouth for job opportunities associatedwith the impending four-phase redevelopmentof the Wheatley Courts. YouthBuildmaintains the matriculation, maintenance,assessment, and long-term tracking ofstudents, and commits to sharing individualstudent-level data on all indicators with theshared Choice/Promise database. Youth-Build enables young people to serve theircommunities by building affordable housing,and assists them in transforming their ownlives and roles in society.Because the YouthBuild program is comprehensive,it has inevitably become a numberof things at once: Alternative School,Job Training Program, Community ServiceProgram, Leadership Development Program,Counseling Program, and Long-TermMini Community. The YouthBuild programpays a minimum wage stipend per hourinvested to each student.YouthBuild works with potential employers,to build relationships resulting in employmentfor participants.Economic Opportunities for Low- and VeryLow-Income PersonsSAHA’s intent is to foster equitable employmentand business opportunities for lowandvery low-income individuals, especiallySAHA residents and program participants,and to provide tools and resources throughMoving To Work initiatives for upward economicmobility and self-sufficiency. SAHAwill encourage and solicit the full participationof Section 3 residents for employmentwith SAHA and its Contractors. SAHA shallalso require Contractors to meet new hiringgoals and provide training opportunitiesfor Section 3 residents, in order to achievesatisfactory performance on SAHA contractscovered by this Policy.The SAHA Section 3 Program requires thatrecipients of certain HUD financial assistance,to the greatest extend feasible, providethe following opportunities for low- andvery low-income individuals and businessesowned by such individuals in connectionwith projects and activities in their neighborhood:• Employment• Job training• Education• ContractingHEALTH AND WELLNESSFamily Wellness is a critical component ofthe overall physical and emotional health of afamily and is often attainable through familyservice programming. This can include workingwith neighborhood schools, marital andfamilial strengthening, parenting, financialliteracy and money management, housingand other counseling services. Programs willbe pursued through partnership with FamilyServices Association and other partner organizationsoffering applicable services.While there are two Health Clinics adjacentto the footprint, during the public process,residents expressed an interest in the physicallocation of a Clinic on the redevelopedsite. The feasibility of such a clinic is beingconsidered and a potential partnership withthe University Health System explored. Inaddition to an on-site clinic, to improve thehealth status of residents in the area andaddress the lack of adequate health care,the Eastside Choice Neighborhood willwork with the City of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> Departmentof MetroHealth to expand and createprograms within the footprint. The followingprograms are proposed:• The University of the Incarnate Word isbuilding an $11 million, 30,000-squarefootEye Clinic in the target area, with the34

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