AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


THE EASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAYEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANPEOPLEThe Transformation Plan builds from existingassets, e.g., microloans by San Antoniofor Growth on the Eastside for new businessstarts; internal and external workforce developmenttraining and adult education; proximityto two major employment centers (FortSam Houston and downtown); and, significantinvestments by the City in the targetarea. The Eastside Choice Neighborhood isaligned with the Eastside Promise Neighborhood,SA2020 (a citywide strategic planningprocess), and the Eastside ReinvestmentSummit organized by a City CouncilwomanTaylor and Mayor Julian Castro.Positive outcomes for Wheatley propertyresidents will be achieved through on-sitecase management providing a range ofneeded services and backed by a network ofSAHA and San Antonio Community ServiceProviders. In response to community identifiedneeds and resident interest in obtainingemployment, a particular emphasis will beon expanding job readiness, training andplacement programs through SAHA’s Movingto Work Program, Goodwill Industries’ GoodCareers Academy, and St. Philips College.Improved access to health care and servicesaimed at improving resident healthwill occur through expansion of Healthservices, better connection to the FrankBryant Health Center, and programmedgreen spaces around the neighborhood. Akey partner to the Eastside Choice NeighborhoodInitiative and sister grant is UnitedWay’s Eastside Promise Neighborhood,which will implement cradle to college/career programs for children, youth andadults.Urban Strategies case management teamwill coordinate closely with the EPN team toensure that family supports enhance comprehensiveeducational efforts and create acommunity of Choice. Public safety will beimproved by more consistent, positive communicationbetween law enforcement andresidentsThe aggregation of these new, enhancedand expanded resources, augmented by thearea’s proximity to downtown and major employmentcenters, will trigger a resurgenceof the area’s popularity for families and individualsof all ages. The longest-term resultwill be an Eastside community whose assetsare owned and managed by its residentslong after Choice is gone. 11 Source: United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County Website -UnitedWay awarded $24.6 million Eastside Promise Neighborhood implementationgrant18

THE EASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAYNEIGHBORHOODSTUDY AREA CHALLENGESSingle-family housing vacancy and deteriorationhas been increasing in the Eastsideover the last decade, putting downwardpressure on median home prices comparedto the rest of the city. Factors contributing tothis decline include:• Over 180 vacant lots and abandonedstructures.• 57% of housing stock was built prior to1959.• 52% of occupied units are renters.• Ineffective street grid, made of narrowblocks and streets.2010 HOUSING UNITSSTUDYAREA 1306 1305 1307SANANTONIOTotal Units 4,163 1,817 1,686 660 837,999Occupied 3,500 1,510 1,410 580 763,022Vacant 663 307 276 80 74,977Vacant % 16% 17% 16% 12% 9%Source: U.S. Census DataVACANT LOTS AND ABANDONED STRUCTURESEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLAN• A dearth of park space, entertainmentand recreational establishments, andpublic art.• Neighborhood is well-located but notwell-connected. Major barriers includeinterstate highway system, rail lines andadjacent industrial parks.• Transportation system lacks efficiency inreaching key destinations and can takesignificant amounts of time.The current environment presents several challenges, including illegal dumping, vandalism anddangerous premises that are havens for crime. However, the Transformation Plan considers theseproperties an opportunity for reinvestment. SAHA is working in partnership with the City of San Antonioto acquire the City-owned properties and to obtain funding for those properties owned privately or bythe County. The intent is to create infill housing that promotes land assemblage and reinvestment, isattractive to private developers, provides visible change and leads to a safer neighborhood.19

THE EASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAYEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANPEOPLEThe Transformation Plan builds from existingassets, e.g., microloans by <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong>for Growth on the Eastside for new businessstarts; internal and external workforce developmenttraining and adult education; proximityto two major employment centers (FortSam Houston and downtown); and, significantinvestments by the City in the targetarea. The Eastside Choice Neighborhood isaligned with the Eastside Promise Neighborhood,SA2020 (a citywide strategic planningprocess), and the Eastside ReinvestmentSummit organized by a City CouncilwomanTaylor and Mayor Julian Castro.Positive outcomes for Wheatley propertyresidents will be achieved through on-sitecase management providing a range ofneeded services and backed by a network ofSAHA and <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> Community ServiceProviders. In response to community identifiedneeds and resident interest in obtainingemployment, a particular emphasis will beon expanding job readiness, training andplacement programs through SAHA’s Movingto Work Program, Goodwill Industries’ GoodCareers Academy, and St. Philips College.Improved access to health care and servicesaimed at improving resident healthwill occur through expansion of Healthservices, better connection to the FrankBryant Health Center, and programmedgreen spaces around the neighborhood. Akey partner to the Eastside Choice NeighborhoodInitiative and sister grant is UnitedWay’s Eastside Promise Neighborhood,which will implement cradle to college/career programs for children, youth andadults.Urban Strategies case management teamwill coordinate closely with the EPN team toensure that family supports enhance comprehensiveeducational efforts and create acommunity of Choice. Public safety will beimproved by more consistent, positive communicationbetween law enforcement andresidentsThe aggregation of these new, enhancedand expanded resources, augmented by thearea’s proximity to downtown and major employmentcenters, will trigger a resurgenceof the area’s popularity for families and individualsof all ages. The longest-term resultwill be an Eastside community whose assetsare owned and managed by its residentslong after Choice is gone. 11 Source: United Way of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> and Bexar County Website -UnitedWay awarded $24.6 million Eastside Promise Neighborhood implementationgrant18

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