AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTEASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANResident Engagement and Community EventsIn total, eighteen major events were held to engage the entire community.The sequence of these events are outlined in the following diagram.2011 2012MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCTMARCH 2011ChoiceNeighborhoodPlanning Grantannouncementto partnersJUNE 13, 2011Start: WheatleyCourts CommunityMeeting with HUDRepresentativesAUGUST 20, 2011Back-to-School:Khakis for KidsSEPTEMBER 28,2011Wheatley ResidentMeeting—study area logodiscussion/creationOCTOBER 4,2011National NightOut—Launchthe communityengagementactivitiesOCTOBER 5–NOVEMBER 2,2011PhotoVoicesSessionsOCTOBER 4,2011–FEBRUARY,2012Focus Group withWC SAHA staff,SAHA–SAPDSecurity Teams,Eastside BusinessLeaders. AreaFaith-BasedLeadersOCTOBER 30,2011Business CorridorHalloween PartyNOVEMBER22, 2012MotorcycleThanksgivingTurkey GiveAwayDECEMBER2011KaBoomPlaygroundBuild-OutJANUARYMLKNeighborhoodBeautificationand RevitalizationProjectJANUARY 2012Dream Big Bus TourFEBRUARY 15–MARCH 12, 2012Resident FocusGroups—Housing/Relocation &Replacement—NeighborhoodRevitalization/People/EconomicSelf-SufficiencyMARCH 1–3,2012Meeting—Understanding thePresent, Mappingyour Future,Design RevealedMARCH 15, 2012CommunityMeeting—Viewingthe PlanAPRIL 2012UrbanRenaissanceFramework—Strategic Planfor Eastside JULY 28, 2012“A Gathering ofMen” roundtablediscussion men onlyJUNE 15, 2012Fathers andFamilies Pre-Father’s DayCelebrationJUNE 2012SAHA AdoptsStrategic PlanEastside ChoiceNeighborhoodpriority underHousingExpansionSEPTEMBER2012Byrne GrantAnnouncedA bus tour helped the community conceptualize alternateneighborhood and housing designs. Residents were thenprepared to be actively involved in the meetings thatwere convened daily to address core principles of People,Neighborhood and Housing, culminating in a three-daypublic meeting and design charrette.OCTOBER 2, 2012National Night OutOCTOBER 2012Annie E. Casey JobTraining Fundingawarded throughpartnership withUnited Way4

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTResident andNeighborhood AwarenessPlanning efforts were designed for inclusionand activities, to encourage a residentengagement process leading to the creationand understanding of possibilities forreinvestment in the eastside community.Several events provided an opportunity forone-on-one and group conversation, including“Khakis for kids,” a back-to-school eventthat was held in conjuction with the EastsidePromise Neighborhood; and, His BridgeBuilders’ on-site back-to-school event thatprovided Wheatley children with uniformsand supplies for the upcoming school year.Weekly Photovoice meetings with residentscaptured the challenges and opportunitiesof living in the neighborhood. Residents andneighbors created a logo and branding forthe Choice Neighborhood in a facilitatedprocess.EASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANFocus groups with SAHA staff, Law Enforcement,Businesses, Faith Based Organizationsand Neighborhood organizationsrounded out meetings in 2011, and set thestage for goal setting and dream buildinginto the future.5

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTResident andNeighborhood AwarenessPlanning efforts were designed for inclusionand activities, to encourage a residentengagement process leading to the creationand understanding of possibilities forreinvestment in the eastside community.Several events provided an opportunity forone-on-one and group conversation, including“Khakis for kids,” a back-to-school eventthat was held in conjuction with the EastsidePromise Neighborhood; and, His BridgeBuilders’ on-site back-to-school event thatprovided Wheatley children with uniformsand supplies for the upcoming school year.Weekly Photovoice meetings with residentscaptured the challenges and opportunitiesof living in the neighborhood. Residents andneighbors created a logo and branding forthe Choice Neighborhood in a facilitatedprocess.EASTSIDE CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLANFocus groups with SAHA staff, Law Enforcement,Businesses, Faith Based Organizationsand Neighborhood organizationsrounded out meetings in 2011, and set thestage for goal setting and dream buildinginto the future.5

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