AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


San Antonio Housing Authority May 16, 2013As a result of these efforts, a Transformation plan was created based on the following sixprinciples:A safe neighborhoodQuality services and sitesDiverse and affordable housing choicesNeighborhood ReinvestmentInvestment in our neighborsA healthy, walkable communityThe Eastside Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan provides a vision and overallframework for guiding revitalization efforts over the next 10 years. Implementing the plan willinvolve actions, big and small, by a collaborative host of partners, including SAHA, the City ofSan Antonio (COSA), private developers, and non-profit entities. More important,implementation efforts must take place equally across the three Choice Neighborhoodcategories of People, Housing and Neighborhood.Urban Strategies Inc., will serve as the lead agency for implementation of all efforts under“People”. They will launch comprehensive case management services, coordinate casemanagement policies and procedures, and initiate partnerships with service providers. Thisincludes increasing job training, education, employment and contracting opportunities. SAHA’sintent is to foster equitable employment and business opportunities for low- and very lowincomeindividuals, especially SAHA residents and programs participants, and to provideopportunities through Moving To work initiatives for upward economic mobility and selfsufficiency.As a result, SAHA will encourage and solicit the full participation of Section 3residents for employment with SAHA and its contractors. SAHA will also require contractors tomeet new hiring goals and provide training opportunities.Family wellness is another critical aspect of the People component. The overall physical andemotional health of a family is often improved through family service programming, to includeworking with neighborhood schools, marital and familial strengthening, parenting, financialliteracy and money management, housing, and other counseling services. Programs will bepursued through partnerships with Family Services Association and other partner organizationsoffering applicable services. Urban Strategies will also coordinate relocation services to supportthe revitalization schedule.McCormack Baron Salazar, serving as lead under the “housing” component, will redevelopWheatley Courts in four phases, to include three family phases, two on-site, and one off-site,and a senior development located on site in the heart of the new development. Theredevelopment proposes a total of 591 new mixed-income multi-family and senior units thatmeet Build San Antonio Green Level II and provide for an assortment of amenities, to includeenergy saving appliances, a swimming pool, a 2.5-acre park and community center on site. Theplan is also committed to one-for-one replacement of public housing units. Currently the plancalls for 202 Public Housing replacement units and 44 Section 8 Project Based Units, 137market units, and 208 affordable units built using Low Income Housing Tax Credits. The siteplan highlights two- and three-story townhouses and walk-up garden apartments. The buildingsare positioned so that front doors and porches face the street, which provides for more “eyes’ onthe street and encourages community interaction. SAHA, MBS and COSA will partner tocoordinate the redevelopment phasing plan with the city’s infrastructure improvement plan tomaximize funding and impact.SAHA will lead the Neighborhood component of the plan, and partner with COSA to completethe multi-faceted work. The plan calls for a “focused neighborhood,” which will require the

San Antonio Housing Authority May 16, 2013leveraging and concentration of resources to have an immediate visible impact. The plan willtarget Hays to the south of the development, as well as the blocks along Gevers to the west andalong Hudson to the east. As the redevelopment progresses, the focused neighborhoodboundaries will expand annually block-by-block to the west and south. These streets carrycritical bus routes, provide essential links in San Antonio’s bicycle master plan, and, withimprovements, can offer residents a convenient walk to schools, churches, and other amenities.The Transformation Plan includes neighborhood strategies that: promote infill housing andrepurposing of sub-standard vacant lots; improve the real and perceived sense of security bydeterring gang activity; implement “hot spot” policing along routes to schools; decrease thenumber of stray animals and educate residents about available spay and neutering services;and improve streetscape and lighting.An additional tool of the “focused neighborhood” approach is COSA’s owner-occupiedrehabilitation program. SAHA, in partnership with COSA and other non-profit affordable housinggroups, will make a concerted effort to recruit qualifying homeowners into the focus area. Inaddition to these efforts, SAHA will set aside Choice Neighborhoods “Critical CommunityImprovement” dollars, to assist interested homeowners who may not qualify through the currentowner-occupied rehab program but are in dire need of these services.The Neighborhood plan also includes strategies to promote economic activity through two largeand four small community events that encourage art, entertainment and community, and avenue for small business vendors to showcase their goods and services. It also calls for workingcollaboratively with SAGE, to recruit and retain businesses to the area, and to work incollaboration with the City and area Chambers of Commerce to create incentives for businessesto locate to the area. Through these combined efforts, it is expected that: incomes in the areawill improve through increased employment and job training; new residents will be attracted topurchase and/or rent units; the value of housing will increase; and an increased sense ofpersonal safety will be achieved.The success of the Transformation Plan lies not only in a sound plan but also in the ability toobtain and leverage funds. The redevelopment plan relies heavily on obtaining Low IncomeHousing Tax Credits (LIHTC), which have become increasingly competitive and difficult toobtain. Changes in the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA)Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) now makes it necessary to prove, in order to obtain additionalpoints, that the development plan has been approved or adopted by ordinance, resolution, orother vote by the Governing Body with jurisdiction over the area covered by the plan in aprocess that allows for public input and/or comment.At this time, staff is requesting that the Operations and Human Resources Committee approvemoving forward with the draft Eastside Choice Transformation Plan so that it may be: presentedto the City of San Antonio’s Planning Commission on May 22, 2013; submitted to HUD by theJune 30, 2013 Choice Planning Grant deadline; approved by the SAHA Board ofCommissioners at the June Board meeting; and for ultimate presentation and adoption by theCity Council.FINANCIAL IMPACT:NoneATTACHMENTS:Resolution 5349Draft Wheatley Choice Transformation Plan

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> May 16, 2013As a result of these efforts, a Transformation plan was created based on the following sixprinciples:A safe neighborhoodQuality services and sitesDiverse and affordable housing choicesNeighborhood ReinvestmentInvestment in our neighborsA healthy, walkable communityThe Eastside Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan provides a vision and overallframework for guiding revitalization efforts over the next 10 years. Implementing the plan willinvolve actions, big and small, by a collaborative host of partners, including SAHA, the City of<strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> (COSA), private developers, and non-profit entities. More important,implementation efforts must take place equally across the three Choice Neighborhoodcategories of People, <strong>Housing</strong> and Neighborhood.Urban Strategies Inc., will serve as the lead agency for implementation of all efforts under“People”. They will launch comprehensive case management services, coordinate casemanagement policies and procedures, and initiate partnerships with service providers. Thisincludes increasing job training, education, employment and contracting opportunities. SAHA’sintent is to foster equitable employment and business opportunities for low- and very lowincomeindividuals, especially SAHA residents and programs participants, and to provideopportunities through Moving To work initiatives for upward economic mobility and selfsufficiency.As a result, SAHA will encourage and solicit the full participation of Section 3residents for employment with SAHA and its contractors. SAHA will also require contractors tomeet new hiring goals and provide training opportunities.Family wellness is another critical aspect of the People component. The overall physical andemotional health of a family is often improved through family service programming, to includeworking with neighborhood schools, marital and familial strengthening, parenting, financialliteracy and money management, housing, and other counseling services. Programs will bepursued through partnerships with Family Services Association and other partner organizationsoffering applicable services. Urban Strategies will also coordinate relocation services to supportthe revitalization schedule.McCormack Baron Salazar, serving as lead under the “housing” component, will redevelopWheatley Courts in four phases, to include three family phases, two on-site, and one off-site,and a senior development located on site in the heart of the new development. Theredevelopment proposes a total of 591 new mixed-income multi-family and senior units thatmeet Build <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> Green Level II and provide for an assortment of amenities, to includeenergy saving appliances, a swimming pool, a 2.5-acre park and community center on site. Theplan is also committed to one-for-one replacement of public housing units. Currently the plancalls for 202 Public <strong>Housing</strong> replacement units and 44 Section 8 Project Based Units, 137market units, and 208 affordable units built using Low Income <strong>Housing</strong> Tax Credits. The siteplan highlights two- and three-story townhouses and walk-up garden apartments. The buildingsare positioned so that front doors and porches face the street, which provides for more “eyes’ onthe street and encourages community interaction. SAHA, MBS and COSA will partner tocoordinate the redevelopment phasing plan with the city’s infrastructure improvement plan tomaximize funding and impact.SAHA will lead the Neighborhood component of the plan, and partner with COSA to completethe multi-faceted work. The plan calls for a “focused neighborhood,” which will require the

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