AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


• Jobs-Plus Program Manager• Manager of Assisted Housing• Manager of Budget & Financial Resources• MTW Manager• Officer (Executive Level)• Project Manager II• Risk Management Specialist

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY May 16, 2013BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSOperations and Human Resources CommitteeRESOLUTION 5342, AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR TEMPORARY CASEMANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE TO CINDI HERRERA AND ASSOCIATES (HABE, WBE), ON ANAS-NEEDED BASIS, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $235,872.00, FOR A PERIOD OF ONEYEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR FOUR ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS._______________________ ______________________ ______________________Lourdes Castro Ramirez Tomas Larralde Deborah A. AlemanPresident and CEO Director of Procurement Director of Ass. Housing ProgramsREQUESTED ACTION:Consideration and appropriate regarding Resolution 5342, authorizing an award of a contract fortemporary case management assistance to Cindi Herrera and Associates (HABE, WBE), on an asneededbasis, for an amount not to exceed $235,872.00, for a period of one-year with the option toextend for four additional one-year periods.PURPOSE:To provide temporary case management assistance to the Section 8 Housing Choice VoucherProgram (HCV), to provide program and client services that may be needed on a temporary basis dueto staffing turnover, including, intake, eligibility, and annual and interim recertifications.FINANCIAL IMPACT:The cost for temporary case management assistance required by the HCV program due to annualstaff turnover is expected to not exceed the sum of $235,872.00, and will be funded through theapproved 2013-2014 operating budgets.SUMMARY:On December 17, 2012, SAHA issued a “Request for Proposals” (RFP) #1211-952-15-3928 forTemporary Case Management Services, which closed on January 16, 2013. The RFP was publishedon our website, E-procurement, La Prensa, the Express News, NAHRO, Public Purchase and directsolicited to 14 contractors as well as various other venues (See Advertisement List). A total of four (4)proposals were received in response to the RFP: Carolyn Joyce Barksdale, Cindi Herrera &Associates, CVR Associates and Nan McKay & Associates. All proposals were evaluated onexperience, work plan, price and the strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE Plans. After the initialevaluation of the submitted proposals, SAHA requested Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) from the all ofthe proposers.Based upon the above factors, Cindi Herrera & Associates (HABE, WBE) is the highest ratedresponsive and responsible proposer and is therefore recommended for award. (See Proposaltabulation). This Contractor is self-certified as a HABE and WBE. They previously received a contractaward from SAHA for Waiting List Management Services and performed satisfactorily. Their goodfaith Section 3 plan includes hiring hire three Section 3 HCV case management trainees to beassigned to this engagement which reflects one trainee for every case manager assigned.ATTACHMENTS:Company ProfileResolution 5342Proposal TabulationAdvertisement List

• Jobs-Plus Program Manager• Manager of Assisted <strong>Housing</strong>• Manager of Budget & Financial Resources• MTW Manager• Officer (Executive Level)• Project Manager II• Risk Management Specialist

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