AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


MEMORANDUMDATE: May 16, 2013TO:FROM:SUBJECT:Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President and CEOJo Ana Alvarado, Director of Information TechnologySummary of SAHA Mobility PolicyThe mobility policy was written to provide a guideline to define the asset control,inventory, purchasing and assignment of laptops and mobile devices. Mobile cellulardevices are distributed by the IT department and managed by each individualdepartment. The mobile cellular devices are assigned by personnel position, asrequested by department heads or as determined by the IT Steering committee.The use of SAHA cell phones for personal purpose other than incidental use is notpermitted unless prior approval is obtained by supervisor and no additional charges areassessed against SAHA. Employees are responsible for all charges incurred in the useof SAHA telephones that are not work related. Toll calls are prohibited unlessspecifically authorized by management. The employee is responsible for thereplacement cost of any damaged, lost or stolen item, except for reasonable wear andtear. The employee shall have no expectation of privacy related to the use of thesedevices.The following Ttbles summarize the type of phone is assigned to personnel according toposition:Table 1: Radio only communication equipment (e.g. Nextel Radio)• Any position where work does not normally occur at a desk equipped with atelephone.• Any position at a desk that communicates with individuals in the field.• Any position that does not require day to day access to the public telephonesystem and long distance calling services.Table 2: Standard cellular telephone with radio and without enhanced features (e-mail, web,etc.)• AOD Manager• Assistant Community Managers• Attorney• Central Office Security Officers• Communications Manager• Community Manager• Compliance Specialist• Construction Inspector

• Construction Specialist• Elderly & Disabled Case Manager – W/ multiple assignments• Electrician• Employee Development Officer• Foundation Coordinator• FSS Case Management Specialist• Homeownership Manage• Homeownership Specialist• HQ Inspectors• HVAC Supervisor• Internal Auditor• IT Support Staff• Jobs-Plus Community Organizer• Lead Custodian• Maintenance Supervisor• Manager of Family Support Services• Plumbing Supervisor• Project Manager I• Public Affairs Coordinator• Quality Assurance Inspector• Records Retention Manager• Ross Grant Coordinator• Senior Maintenance Technician – Alazan• Welding SupervisorTable 3: Cellular telephone with enhanced features (blackberry, e-mail, web, etc.)• Assistant Director• Assistant Inspections Manager• Asset Manager• Auditing Manager• Capital Programs and Finance Manager• CEO• Chief of Security• Choice Neighborhood Initiatives (CDI) Program Manager• Client Services Manager• Community Manager with multiple sites• Construction Operations Manager• Development Services Manager• Directors• Executive Secretary• General Services Supervisor• Homeownership Manager• Inspections Manager• Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison• IT Support Staff• Jobs-Plus Job Developer

MEMORANDUMDATE: May 16, 2013TO:FROM:SUBJECT:Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President and CEOJo Ana Alvarado, Director of Information TechnologySummary of SAHA Mobility PolicyThe mobility policy was written to provide a guideline to define the asset control,inventory, purchasing and assignment of laptops and mobile devices. Mobile cellulardevices are distributed by the IT department and managed by each individualdepartment. The mobile cellular devices are assigned by personnel position, asrequested by department heads or as determined by the IT Steering committee.The use of SAHA cell phones for personal purpose other than incidental use is notpermitted unless prior approval is obtained by supervisor and no additional charges areassessed against SAHA. Employees are responsible for all charges incurred in the useof SAHA telephones that are not work related. Toll calls are prohibited unlessspecifically authorized by management. The employee is responsible for thereplacement cost of any damaged, lost or stolen item, except for reasonable wear andtear. The employee shall have no expectation of privacy related to the use of thesedevices.The following Ttbles summarize the type of phone is assigned to personnel according toposition:Table 1: Radio only communication equipment (e.g. Nextel Radio)• Any position where work does not normally occur at a desk equipped with atelephone.• Any position at a desk that communicates with individuals in the field.• Any position that does not require day to day access to the public telephonesystem and long distance calling services.Table 2: Standard cellular telephone with radio and without enhanced features (e-mail, web,etc.)• AOD Manager• Assistant Community Managers• Attorney• Central Office Security Officers• Communications Manager• Community Manager• Compliance Specialist• Construction Inspector

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