AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITYRESOLUTION 5350RESOLUTION 5350, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS FORARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SAHA AND ALL AFFILIATEDENTITIES FOR AN ANNUAL CUMULATIVE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1, 500,000.00 ONAN AS-NEEDED BASIS TO THE FOLLOWING: KAI TEXAS (AABE, MBE, SBE);WESTEAST DESIGN GROUP (ABE, DBE, SBE, HUB); RIMKUS CONSULTING GROUP;DURAND-HOLLIS RUPE, INC. (HABE, MBE, SBE, DBE, HUB); SPRINKLE & CO.ARCHITECTS, LLC (ESBE, SBE); NELSON ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERS; ALS88DESIGN GROUP (ESBE, SBE, WBE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS), DEBORAH J. DOCKERY,ARCHITECT, P.C. (ESBE, SBE, WBE, HUB) AND SALDANA & ASSOCIATES, INC. (DBE,ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE) FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR WITH THE OPTION FOR FOURADDITIONAL ONE YEAR TERMS.WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of San Antonio, Texas requires architects andengineers to assist with affordable housing preservation and expansion projects; andWHEREAS, an Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was issued on February 11, 2013 andsubsequently closed on March 5, 2013 and seventeen (17) design professionals submitted theirproposals for evaluation by the due date; andWHEREAS, after the evaluations of the proposals and interviews the nine highest ratedresponsive and responsible proposers are being recommended for award as needed by SAHAand its affiliated entities: KAI Texas (AABE, MBE, SBE); WestEast Design Group (ABE, DBE,SBE, HUB); Rimkus Consulting Group; Durand-Hollis Rupe, Inc. (HABE, MBE,SBE, DBE,HUB); Sprinkle & Co. Architects (ESBE, SBE); Nelson Architectural Engineers; ALS88 DesignGroup (ESBE, SBE, WBE, Section 3 Business); Deborah J. Dockery, Architect, P.C. (ESBE,SBE, WBE, HUB) and Saldana & Associates, Inc. (DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE); andWHEREAS, KAI Texas is certified by SCTRCA as an AABE, MBE and SBE and their Section 3Good Faith Effort Plan includes providing mentorship to prospective firms from pre-constructionthrough construction completion and will ensure that formal solicitations on projects are madeavailable to all firms; provide Section 3 firms with technical assistance both to competesuccessfully and will coordinate community outreach and information efforts by maintainingcontact with local Section 3 parties interested in construction development; andWHEREAS, WestEast Design Group is certified by the SCTRCA as an ABE, DBE, MBE, SBEand has received certification by the State of Texas as a HUB and their Section 3 ProgramGood Faith Effort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals and willbe meeting with the Section 3 Coordinator to augment their Section 3 Program. WestEast hasreceived prior awards from SAHA for W.C. White Modernization, Villa Hermosa Modernizationand Comprehensive Modernization Parkview Apartments; andWHEREAS, Rimkus Consulting Group will work with SAHA to provide various aspects ofeach project to Section 3 Businesses to include: plumbing, restoration, laboratory testing,general contracting, waste removal, electrical, architectural and building/facility demolition.Rimkus Consulting Group satisfactorily provided a forensic report on the Mirasol Homesconstruction issues; and

WHEREAS, Durand-Hollis Rupe, Inc. (DHR) is certified by SCTRCA as a HABE, MBE, SBE,DBE and has received certification as a HUB by the State of Texas. DHR will strive to findSection 3 individuals to employ for duties that may include couriering, copying documents, etc.and will provide mentorships, elementary school career day programs and job shadowingopportunities and offer positions to students who attend the San Antonio College systems andlive in the Section 3 area. Their successful prior awards from SAHA include: Matt Garcia andFair Avenue common area upgrade; andWHEREAS, Sprinkle and Company is certified by SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE and has alsoreceived certification by SAHA as a Section 3 Business. Their Section 3 Program Good FaithEffort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals and will be meetingwith the Section 3 Coordinator to augment their Section 3 Plan and will coordinate with SAHA toidentify Section 3 candidates for these positions. Their successful prior awards from SAHAinclude: Raymundo Rangel Apartments and Ricardo G Salinas Medical Facility; andWHEREAS, Nelson Architectural Engineers will work with SAHA to recruit, interview andplace qualified Section 3 candidates and will also offer paid internships to students who areactively pursuing an engineering or architecture degree and unpaid internships to students whoare actively pursuing unrelated degrees, or who merely desire exposure to the workplaceenvironment to gain insight and direction into future career decisions. Nelson ArchitecturalEngineers satisfactorily served as subcontractor for Coats and Rose Law Firm, providing costestimating for SAHA in the Mirasol Law suit; andWHEREAS, ALS 88 Design Build, LLC is certified by the SCTRCA has an ESBE, SBE, WBEand has been certified as a Section 3 Business by SAHA. ALS 88 Design Build Section 3Program Good Faith Effort Compliance Plan includes providing internships and on-siteprofessional training in the use of computers and general business principles. ALS 88 DesignBuild, LLC has received no prior awards from SAHA; andWHEREAS, Deborah J. Dockery, Architect, P.C. is certified by SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE,WBE and a HUB by the State of Texas. Debra J. Dockery, Architect’s Section 3 Program GoodFaith Effort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals and she will beworking with the Section 3 Coordinator to augment her Section 3 program. Her prior awardsreceived from SAHA include: Parkview and College Park Common Area Upgrades; andWHEREAS, Saldana & Associates, Inc. is certified by SCTRCA as a DBE, ESBE, HABE,MBE, SBE. This design professional is committed to the Section 3 program and could hire up to2 interns depending on the volume of work and possibly some runners and a receptionist.Saldana has also committed to utilizing qualified Section 3 businesses depending on the scopeof work required by the work orders. Their prior satisfactory awards from SAHA include: SanJuan kitchen & bath modernization, Cassiano Homes fire damage, San Alfonso Senior HousingDevelopment and Sutton Homes; andWHEREAS, funding for the contracts has been budgeted in the Capital Grant funds, the MirasolReinvestment Fund, the MTW Preservation and Expansion Fund and operating budgets amongothers and the staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEOor her designee to execute all documents to enter into these contracts on an as-needed basis.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby:

WHEREAS, Durand-Hollis Rupe, Inc. (DHR) is certified by SCTRCA as a HABE, MBE, SBE,DBE and has received certification as a HUB by the State of Texas. DHR will strive to findSection 3 individuals to employ for duties that may include couriering, copying documents, etc.and will provide mentorships, elementary school career day programs and job shadowingopportunities and offer positions to students who attend the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Antonio</strong> College systems andlive in the Section 3 area. Their successful prior awards from SAHA include: Matt Garcia andFair Avenue common area upgrade; andWHEREAS, Sprinkle and Company is certified by SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE and has alsoreceived certification by SAHA as a Section 3 Business. Their Section 3 Program Good FaithEffort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals and will be meetingwith the Section 3 Coordinator to augment their Section 3 Plan and will coordinate with SAHA toidentify Section 3 candidates for these positions. Their successful prior awards from SAHAinclude: Raymundo Rangel Apartments and Ricardo G Salinas Medical Facility; andWHEREAS, Nelson Architectural Engineers will work with SAHA to recruit, interview andplace qualified Section 3 candidates and will also offer paid internships to students who areactively pursuing an engineering or architecture degree and unpaid internships to students whoare actively pursuing unrelated degrees, or who merely desire exposure to the workplaceenvironment to gain insight and direction into future career decisions. Nelson ArchitecturalEngineers satisfactorily served as subcontractor for Coats and Rose Law Firm, providing costestimating for SAHA in the Mirasol Law suit; andWHEREAS, ALS 88 Design Build, LLC is certified by the SCTRCA has an ESBE, SBE, WBEand has been certified as a Section 3 Business by SAHA. ALS 88 Design Build Section 3Program Good Faith Effort Compliance Plan includes providing internships and on-siteprofessional training in the use of computers and general business principles. ALS 88 DesignBuild, LLC has received no prior awards from SAHA; andWHEREAS, Deborah J. Dockery, Architect, P.C. is certified by SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE,WBE and a HUB by the State of Texas. Debra J. Dockery, Architect’s Section 3 Program GoodFaith Effort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals and she will beworking with the Section 3 Coordinator to augment her Section 3 program. Her prior awardsreceived from SAHA include: Parkview and College Park Common Area Upgrades; andWHEREAS, Saldana & Associates, Inc. is certified by SCTRCA as a DBE, ESBE, HABE,MBE, SBE. This design professional is committed to the Section 3 program and could hire up to2 interns depending on the volume of work and possibly some runners and a receptionist.Saldana has also committed to utilizing qualified Section 3 businesses depending on the scopeof work required by the work orders. Their prior satisfactory awards from SAHA include: <strong>San</strong>Juan kitchen & bath modernization, Cassiano Homes fire damage, <strong>San</strong> Alfonso Senior <strong>Housing</strong>Development and Sutton Homes; andWHEREAS, funding for the contracts has been budgeted in the Capital Grant funds, the MirasolReinvestment Fund, the MTW Preservation and Expansion Fund and operating budgets amongothers and the staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEOor her designee to execute all documents to enter into these contracts on an as-needed basis.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby:

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