AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority

AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority AGENDA - San Antonio Housing Authority


SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY May 16, 2013Design Group, Inc. (HABE), Robey Architecture, Inc. (HABE), Saldana & Associates (HABE), Sprinkle& Co Architects, LLC (Section 3 Business), WestEast Design (ABE), Young Professional Resources(AABE, MBE, SBE), and Zapata Design Associates, (HABE, Section 3 Business).All proposals were evaluated on experience, past projects, green building, project approach, team,and strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE plans. After the initial evaluation of the submittedproposals, interviews were conducted for the nine highest rated design professionals.Based upon the interviews, the nine highest rated responsive and responsible companies are beingrecommended for award.KAI Texas is certified by SCTRCA as an AABE, MBE and SBE. This design professional indicatesuse of the following subcontractors: Arias & Associates, Geotech/Environ. Eng. (DBE, HABE, MBE,SBE), Bain Medina Bain, Civil Engineering/Survey (SBE, WBE), Jaster-Quintanilla, StructuralEngineering (HABE, MBE, SBE), KCA Engineers, MEP Eng./Data/IT (ESBE, SBE), ProtectionDevelopment, Fire Protection Eng. (SBE), Dillard Architect Group, Architecture, CA (AABE, ESBE,MBE, SBE), RKR Architects, Landscape Architecture. KAI Texas’ Section 3 Good Faith Effort Planincludes providing mentorship to prospective firms from pre-construction through constructioncompletion; establishing a workshop that provides a forum for Section 3 businesses and potentialhires to learn about the project during the planning phase; ensuring that formal solicitations onprojects are made available to all firms; providing Section 3 firms with technical assistance both tocompete successfully and, if successfully chosen, to deliver services and work; meeting withcontractors, subcontractors; and coordinating community outreach and information efforts bymaintaining contact with local Section 3 parties interested in construction development. This designprofessional has received no prior awards from SAHA.WestEast Design Group is certified by the SCTRCA as an ABE, DBE, MBE, SBE and has receivedcertification by the State of Texas as a HUB. This design professional indicates use of the followingsubcontractors: Barker & Associates, Inc., MEP Engineering (ESBE, SBE), Cutler-Gallaway Services,Inc., Structural Engineering, KFW Management, LLC dba KFW Engineers, Civil Engineering (ESBE,SBE, ESBE, MBE, SBE), Lackey Commercial Properties, LLC, dba Lackey de Carvajal CX, LEEDand Total Building Commissioning (DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE), Laffoon Associates, LandscapeArchitecture (ESBE, SBE), Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc., Forensic Engineering. Their Section 3Program Good Faith Effort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals andwill be meeting with the Section 3 Coordinator to augment their Section 3 Plan. WestEast DesignGroup has received and successfully completed prior awards from SAHA for W.C. WhiteModernization, Villa Hermosa Modernization, and Comprehensive Modernization ParkviewApartments.Rimkus Consulting Group will utilize the following subcontractors: Mckenzie Restoration, Inc,Restoration and Remediation (S/W/MBE), WestEast Design Group, LLP, Architectural Design (ABE,DBE, MBE, SBE), Armstrong Forensic Laboratories, Various laboratory testing results (S/W/MBE,HUB), and Central Electric Ent. & Co Electrical (HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business). This designprofessional will work with SAHA to provide opportunities in various aspects of each project to Section3 Businesses, to include: plumbing, restoration, laboratory testing, general contracting, wasteremoval, electrical, architectural and building/facility demolition. Rimkus Consulting Group hassatisfactorily provided forensic services to SAHA on the Mirasol Homes construction issues.

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY May 16, 2013Durand-Hollis Rupe, Inc. (DHR) is certified by the SCTRCA as a HABE, MBE, SBE, DBE and hasreceived certification as a HUB by the State of Texas. The following subcontractors will be utilized bythis design professional: Lehmann Engineering, Inc., Structural Engineering (ESBE, SBE), HM3Engineering Consultants, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Engineers (DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE,SBE), Vickrey & Associates, Inc., Civil Engineering (DBE, SBE, WBE), Bender Wells Clark Design,Landscape Architects (DBE, ESBE, SBE, WBE), Goetting Rowe Engineering, Life Cycle Analysis(ESBE, SBE, WBE), Arias & Associates, Inc., Geotechnical Engineering (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE),AON Fire Protection Engineering, Fire Protection, Cost Estimating Resources, LLC, CostEstimating/Value Engineering (DBE, ESBE, SBE, WBE), Professional Services Inc. (PSI), andRoofing Consulting (AABE, ESBE, MBE, SBE). DHR will strive to find Section 3 individuals to employfor duties that may include couriering, copying documents, etc., and will provide mentorships,elementary school career day programs and job shadowing opportunities. DHR will offer positions tostudents who attend the San Antonio College systems and live in the Section 3 area. Their priorawards from SAHA include Matt Garcia and Fair Avenue common area upgrade.Sprinkle & Co Architects, LLC has been certified by SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE and has alsoreceived certification by SAHA as a Section 3 Business. This design profession will utilize thefollowing as subcontractors: AccuTech Consultants, LLC, Structural & Forensic Engineering (DBE,ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE), Murray & Associates, Inc., MEP Engineering (ESBE, SBE), YoungProfessional Resources, Civil Engineering (AABE, ESBE, MBE, SBE), Rialto Studio, Inc., LandscapeArchitecture (SBE), and Fugro Consultants, Inc., Geotechnical Engineering. Should additionalpersonnel be needed for SAHA projects, Sprinkle and Company will coordinate with SAHA to identifySection 3 candidates for these positions and will work with the Section 3 Coordinator to improve theirSection 3 program. Their satisfactorily completed prior awards from SAHA include Raymundo RangelApartments and Ricardo G Salinas Medical Facility.Nelson Architectural Engineers indicates if they are called upon to oversee the construction phaseof any parts of this contract, and if the construction job sites require fuel, they intend to use thefollowing certified disadvantaged business as its fuel supplier: Champion Fuel Solutions (ESBE, SBE,WBE). This design professional will also work with SAHA to recruit, interview and place qualifiedSection 3 candidates. They have identified possible positions to be filled with Section 3 individuals:Professional, Office/Clerical and a Trainee. Nelson Architectural Engineers seeks paid interns eachsummer to assist with engineering assignments; the students considered are actively pursuing anengineering or architecture degree. They also offer unpaid internships to students who are activelypursuing unrelated degrees, or who merely desire exposure to the workplace environment to gaininsight and direction into future career decisions. Additionally, they will sponsor any SAHA communityinitiatives via donation of cash and/or supplies, or via direct participation/volunteering. They willbudget $1,500 per year in direct donation of cash or supplies, based on an initial caseload of 10assignments per year. Nelson Architectural Engineers satisfactorily served as subcontractor forCoats and Rose Law Firm, providing cost estimating for SAHA in the Mirasol lawsuit.ALS 88 Design Build, LLC is certified by the SCTRCA as an ESBE, SBE, WBE and has beencertified as a Section 3 Business by SAHA. They indicate use of the follow subcontractors: The RuizCorp., LLC dba Aztech Engineering, Mechanical & Electrical (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE), ABCivil Consultants, LLC, Civil Consulting (MBE), Arias and Associates, Inc., Geotechnical (DBE, HABE,MBE, SBE), CFZ Group, Landscape Design (SBE, MBE), and Jaster-Quintanilla, Structural Design(HABE, MBE, SBE). ALS 88 Design Build’s Section 3 Program Good Faith Effort Compliance Planincludes providing internships and on-site professional training in the use of computers and generalbusiness principles. ALS 88 Design Build, LLC has received no prior awards from SAHA.

SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY May 16, 2013Design Group, Inc. (HABE), Robey Architecture, Inc. (HABE), Saldana & Associates (HABE), Sprinkle& Co Architects, LLC (Section 3 Business), WestEast Design (ABE), Young Professional Resources(AABE, MBE, SBE), and Zapata Design Associates, (HABE, Section 3 Business).All proposals were evaluated on experience, past projects, green building, project approach, team,and strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE plans. After the initial evaluation of the submittedproposals, interviews were conducted for the nine highest rated design professionals.Based upon the interviews, the nine highest rated responsive and responsible companies are beingrecommended for award.KAI Texas is certified by SCTRCA as an AABE, MBE and SBE. This design professional indicatesuse of the following subcontractors: Arias & Associates, Geotech/Environ. Eng. (DBE, HABE, MBE,SBE), Bain Medina Bain, Civil Engineering/Survey (SBE, WBE), Jaster-Quintanilla, StructuralEngineering (HABE, MBE, SBE), KCA Engineers, MEP Eng./Data/IT (ESBE, SBE), ProtectionDevelopment, Fire Protection Eng. (SBE), Dillard Architect Group, Architecture, CA (AABE, ESBE,MBE, SBE), RKR Architects, Landscape Architecture. KAI Texas’ Section 3 Good Faith Effort Planincludes providing mentorship to prospective firms from pre-construction through constructioncompletion; establishing a workshop that provides a forum for Section 3 businesses and potentialhires to learn about the project during the planning phase; ensuring that formal solicitations onprojects are made available to all firms; providing Section 3 firms with technical assistance both tocompete successfully and, if successfully chosen, to deliver services and work; meeting withcontractors, subcontractors; and coordinating community outreach and information efforts bymaintaining contact with local Section 3 parties interested in construction development. This designprofessional has received no prior awards from SAHA.WestEast Design Group is certified by the SCTRCA as an ABE, DBE, MBE, SBE and has receivedcertification by the State of Texas as a HUB. This design professional indicates use of the followingsubcontractors: Barker & Associates, Inc., MEP Engineering (ESBE, SBE), Cutler-Gallaway Services,Inc., Structural Engineering, KFW Management, LLC dba KFW Engineers, Civil Engineering (ESBE,SBE, ESBE, MBE, SBE), Lackey Commercial Properties, LLC, dba Lackey de Carvajal CX, LEEDand Total Building Commissioning (DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE), Laffoon Associates, LandscapeArchitecture (ESBE, SBE), Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc., Forensic Engineering. Their Section 3Program Good Faith Effort Compliance Plan includes a 30% hiring goal for Section 3 individuals andwill be meeting with the Section 3 Coordinator to augment their Section 3 Plan. WestEast DesignGroup has received and successfully completed prior awards from SAHA for W.C. WhiteModernization, Villa Hermosa Modernization, and Comprehensive Modernization ParkviewApartments.Rimkus Consulting Group will utilize the following subcontractors: Mckenzie Restoration, Inc,Restoration and Remediation (S/W/MBE), WestEast Design Group, LLP, Architectural Design (ABE,DBE, MBE, SBE), Armstrong Forensic Laboratories, Various laboratory testing results (S/W/MBE,HUB), and Central Electric Ent. & Co Electrical (HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business). This designprofessional will work with SAHA to provide opportunities in various aspects of each project to Section3 Businesses, to include: plumbing, restoration, laboratory testing, general contracting, wasteremoval, electrical, architectural and building/facility demolition. Rimkus Consulting Group hassatisfactorily provided forensic services to SAHA on the Mirasol Homes construction issues.

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