100 years. One mission. - Timothy Christian Schools

100 years. One mission. - Timothy Christian Schools

100 years. One mission. - Timothy Christian Schools

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FROM THE EDITOR“This <strong>mission</strong>, to, “Developacademically prepared <strong>Christian</strong>disciples,” was relevant in theworld of chalk and Board minuteswritten in Dutch, and it is stillrelevant today.”Two Different Worlds…AlmostThis coming school year, <strong>Timothy</strong> will celebrate our<strong>100</strong>th anniversary. Think about that for a minute: <strong>100</strong><strong>years</strong>! That’s longer than a lifetime for most of us.Think about the life of someone going to school in1911 compared to the life of someone going to schoolin 2011. Over this past century, so much has changedthat if someone from the 1911 version of <strong>Timothy</strong> weremagically warped into 2011, it might seem like twodifferent worlds.1911 <strong>Timothy</strong> took place in a world of tangibletechnology: chalk and hard cover books. Minutes ofBoard meetings were written in Dutch.2011 <strong>Timothy</strong> exists in a digital and informationage featuring SmartBoards and SmartPhones,Netbooks and Facebook.You’ll enjoy a unique timeline showing the manychanges at <strong>Timothy</strong> over <strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong> (page 6). Finally,you’ll hear updates from our administrators about howGod is currently working on our campus and from ourAlumni about how God is using them to carry <strong>Timothy</strong>’s<strong>mission</strong> beyond this place.From 1911 to 2011 and beyond, we can reflect on manychanges and expect even more. But our God and Hisword will never change. Praise God for <strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong> ofblessings to <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>. Here’s to thenext <strong>100</strong>! •Rudi GeschRudi GeschDirector of Marketing0 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011In these two worlds, while almost everything isdifferent at <strong>Timothy</strong>, the one constant remains: our<strong>mission</strong>. This <strong>mission</strong>, to, “Develop academicallyprepared <strong>Christian</strong> disciples,” was relevant in the worldof chalk and Board minutes written in Dutch, and it isstill relevant today.In the pages of this Reflector, we’ll celebrate a centuryof <strong>Christian</strong> education: the many things that havechanged, and the one thing that hasn’t. You’ll hearsome generational wisdom from the only threesuperintendents <strong>Timothy</strong>’s ever had (page 4).

feature The Breakdown articleThree generations of <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>superintendents – Dan VanProoyen,Matt Davidson and Arnie Hoving.Accident Forgiveness. It starts the day you sign up. Call meabout Allstate® Your Choice Auto Insurance today.630-833-6400Kyle VanderBrug<strong>100</strong> E. Roosevelt Rd. Suite 43Villa Parkkvanderbrug@allstate.com<strong>100</strong> Years, <strong>One</strong> MissionBy Matt Davidson, Superintendent<strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong> ago...it sounds so strange to even begin thisarticle with that phrase. My educational career began inthe classroom as a History teacher. My undergraduatedegree is in History, and I have always loved the studyof the past. It is hard to imagine that <strong>Timothy</strong> has heldclasses since 1911. As much as we can vividly remember“9/11” or the White Sox winning the World Series, <strong>Timothy</strong>families of the past could say that they rememberedwomen’s suffrage, Black Tuesday, Lou Gehrig’s farewell tobaseball speech, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, VE and VJDay, the world’s first introduction to Mickey Mouse, andso very much more. It is amazing to think of everythingthat has happened in the world since 1911.In the midst of it all, <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> School hasstarted and ended each school day with a bell andspent the time in between training, equipping andinspiring generations of local youth to make a differencein the world for Jesus Christ. Although <strong>Timothy</strong> hasencountered various moves, mergers, renovations andexpansions; the <strong>mission</strong> has not been lost or dilutedalong the way. Jesus Christ holds the highest place inevery program of the school.Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’tapply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company:Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company0 REFLECTOR SPRING FALL 2010 2011

special feature1955197119561979<strong>Timothy</strong> Timeline1961From new campuses to newlogos to new hairstyles, muchhas changed in <strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong>.1911<strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>School was officiallyopened in a rentedhall. Enrollment: 60students.1912First school buildingcompleted at 13thand Tripp Street,Chicago.1920<strong>Timothy</strong> is afounding memberof National Union of<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>(known today as<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>International)19571925Board meeting minutes, to this point written inDutch, are recorded in English for the first time.1927Enrollment 150 students. New <strong>Timothy</strong>campus opens at 5900 West 14th St. in Cicero.19651946Ebenezer Schoolmerges with<strong>Timothy</strong>, increasingenrollment by 116students.1953<strong>Timothy</strong> expandsto include a highschool.1962High School relocatesto Elmhurst.19621911192119311941195119610 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

19741970Grades 5-8 relocateto Elmhurst; Cicerohigh school buildingsold to Ciceropublic schools; Mrs.Ardythe Tiesengabegins the beloved“Picture LadyProgram.” Shecontinues to run ittoday (2011).1971Western Suburbs<strong>Christian</strong> School ofWestern Springsmerges with<strong>Timothy</strong>, resultingin two separate K-6Campuses.1975The <strong>Timothy</strong> boysbasketball team takes2nd place in the IHSAstate tournament1979Arnie Hovingbegins his time assuperintendent – thefirst ever to holdthis position.1980East wing added toelementary school.Elementary schoolin Western Springsis sold and thestudents join theElmhurst campus.1984The arts wingand the HuizengaAuditorium areadded to thehigh school.198719881993The Girls TrackProgram wins thefirst of their 4 statechampionships – afeat that will takeonly 6 seasons toaccomplish.1994Dan Van Prooyenbegins his 17<strong>years</strong> as <strong>Timothy</strong>superintendent.1995The Art classroomand other spacesare added to theelementary buildingin the last capitalproject to date.1998The Mock Trialteam wins its firststate championship.Over the next 13<strong>years</strong>, this programwill win 6 statechampionships.2002The girls crosscountry teamwins the statechampionship.199220042006Spanish, “America’s2nd language” istaught at every gradelevel from 2-12.2009The boys soccerteam wins the statechampionship.2010Matt Davidsonjoins <strong>Timothy</strong> asSuperintendent.20102011<strong>Timothy</strong>kicks off its<strong>100</strong>th year ofoperation: AP-12 <strong>Christian</strong>school systemon one campusin Elmhurst,IL with over1,<strong>100</strong> studentsdrawn from261 churchesand 55differenttowns and 5countries.19711981199120012011

special featureAlums ❤ TC<strong>Timothy</strong> graduates leave our campus prepared tomake a difference in the world. TC Alums attend awide range of colleges and universities throughoutthe United States.Currently, our alums are enrolled at over <strong>100</strong> institutionsof higher learning.Allison Vanderveld,Laura Vanderveld, KatieVanderveld – Hope CollegeAnneke Stremler, Amanda Dykema, Abby Helmus,Will Roelofs and Jonathan Glyman - Azusa PacificUniversityDaihee Cho -Northern IllinoisUniversityAmanda Hays -Taylor UniversityRob Stein - Miami University in OhioMary EllenMatthews - KansasState University,Veterinary MedicineAaron Foster & Audie Smith - DePaul UniversityMark Zylstra & DanRoelofs - Calvin Collegeon trip to AustraliaFull list of <strong>100</strong> colleges and universities Anderson University, Arizona State University, Art Institute of Chicago, Asbury, Augustana, Aveda Institute, Azusa Pacific University, Ball State, BerklDartmouth College, DePaul University, Dominican University, Dordt College, Eastern Illinois University, Eckerd College, Elmhurst College, Evangel University, Florida A&M University, Forerunner Music AcadeIndiana Wesleyan University, Judson University, Kuyper College, Lafayette College, LeTourneau University-Texas, Liberty University, Lincoln University, Lipscomb University-Tennessee, Loyola University, LoyolPark University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern College, Olivet Nazarene University, Pensacola <strong>Christian</strong> College, Purdue University, Raven Crest-Colorado, RegencUniversity, St. Johns College, St. Olaf, St. Xavier University, Taylor University, Texas <strong>Christian</strong> University, Trinity <strong>Christian</strong> College, Trinity International University, Triton College, Tuskegee University, UniversityCities, University of Missouri- Columbia, University of Nebraska, University of New Haven, University of Richmond, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Valparaiso University, Wake Forest University, Washin0 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

Peter Hegel, Aaron Michnowski -Northwestern UniversityKyle Anderson -University ofWisconsin-MadisonJannaStrodtman,Lauren Troxel -Grove CityCollege in PAKelsey Kaczynski -Hope CollegeJonathan Voss -University of New HavenGreta Hays - NorthwesternCollege in Iowa interningat the Kennedy Center inWashington D.C.0 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011Justin Groenewold - SouthernMethodist University,Dedman CollegeJenna Stech - Trinity<strong>Christian</strong> College ee College of Music, Bethel College, Bowling Green State, Bradley University, Calvin College, Carrol College, Carthage University, Colburn Cons. of Music, College of DuPage, Columbia College,my, Geneva College, Gordon College-Massachusetts, Grinnell, Huntington, Harper College, Hillsdale College, Hope College, Howard University, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University,a, Cornel College, Marquette University, Maryville College, Michigan State University, Milliken University, Montreat College, Moraine Valley, Morton, Mount Mary College, North Central College, Northy Beauty Institute, Roosevelt University-Chicago, Saint Louis University, Samford University, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Southern Methodistof Arkansas-Pine Bluff, University of Cincinnati, University of Illinois, University of Illinois-Urbana, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Twington University, Western Michigan University, Wheaton College, Wichita State, William Woods University

The 3 asAcademics | Athletics | ArtsAcademicsVFW “Voice of Democracy” Contest Winnersand Mrs. Erin Hamstra named “VFW Teacher ofthe Year”Every year, <strong>Timothy</strong>’s AP United States Historystudents participate in the VFW’s Voice of Democracycompetition. This year’s topic was, “Does my GenerationHave a Role in America’s Future?” Students wrote thesespeeches to not only honor what America’s veteranshave done, but also to evaluate the student’s role inAmerica’s future.The three <strong>Timothy</strong> finalists, Jasmine Stein, Rachel Slager,and Danny Huizinga competed at the district level. Outof 34 district finalists, Jasmine Stein placed 2nd, RachelSlager placed 4th, and Danny Huizinga placed 7th. Thenight was a wonderful evening with great speeches,good food and, most importantly, the privilege to honorAmerica’s most important heroes...our veterans.In addition, <strong>Timothy</strong> High School history teacher, ErinHamstra, was named the VFW Teacher of the Year.Congratulations to Mrs. Hamstra for this honor and toJasmine, Rachel, and Danny for taking the time to honorour veterans.As a dedicated teacher,Mrs. Erin Hamstrahas been involvedin the VFW programfor approximatelysix <strong>years</strong>. She iscommitted toour Veterans andcontinues to make the“Voice of Democracy”a class project. Mrs.Hamstra workswith her students,encouraging them tonot forget America’s history and to strive for a betterfuture. She believes in instilling a <strong>Christian</strong> attitude inher students both inside and outside of the classroom.Since starting at <strong>Timothy</strong> in 2006, Mrs. Hamstra hasbeen focused on country, veterans, and community.Mrs. Hamstra summarized her vision – “As a <strong>Christian</strong>history teacher, I have the fascinating job of showingstudents how our sovereign God has a plan and apurpose for His creation. My goal here at <strong>Timothy</strong> is tohave my students understand that God has guided thepast and continues to be very committed to His creationand His image bearers. My hope is to better equipmy students to be servants in God’s world, making adifference in the history enfolding in their lifetime.”Mrs. Hamstra’s courses include Sociology, Government,and US History 1-2. She teaches grades 9-12 and isone of three teachers in the history department. Thedepartment is focused on promoting civic competencefor our students and greater understanding of theworld and its people. Understanding brings empathy,empathy promotes compassion, and civic competenceputs compassion to use.As Mrs. Hamstra stated, “It is vital to remember andhonor the sacrifices our veterans have endured toensure Americans their freedom. Our veterans have notonly fought abroad apart from their loved ones, buthave risked and, in many cases, sacrificed their lives toprotect America’s most prized possession: her freedom.”the 3 As cont. on page 1210 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

Mock Trial Team Takes Second in State<strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>’s Mock Trial team took second placeat the State Competition held March 4 and 5 at theUniversity of Illinois at Springfield. The state’s top 50teams participated in the competition.“We were extremely pleased with how well the teamdid,” said Coach and <strong>Timothy</strong> teacher Scott Roelofs.“They can be proud of a very successful year with manystrong performances.”<strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>’s Mock Trial team has historicallybeen very strong. In the past 13 <strong>years</strong>, the team haswon state six times and finished in the top three at thenational level three times.In addition to placing first in the DuPage Countycompetition this year, <strong>Timothy</strong> also took first place atthe Northwest Suburban Bar Association’s Mock TrialTournament held February 26. Members of <strong>Timothy</strong>’steam each received a $5,000 waiver from The JohnMarshall Law School, a co-sponsor of the event. Thewaivers are available to the students who graduatecollege and enroll at John Marshall Law School.Participating in the state competition were seniors KateArdinger, Abby Canfield, Taylor Hoogendoorn, DannyHuizinga, Peter Matthews, Meghan McCloud, Ben Wagner,Anna Wondergem and junior Jasmine Stein.Other team members are sophomores LexiBanks, Clarke Doig, Jordan Fleming, Amanda Hays,Alexandra Orel, Bonnie Van Dyk and freshmen AlexisHoogendoorn, Anna Telfer, Charis PIANO Valmores and VinceWilliams.InstructionBeginner to Advanced LevelThe team is coached by teacher Lillian DeBartolo Scott Roelofs andattorneys Cathy McNeil Stein and Kirsten Hauser. •630-279-4551Over 25 <strong>years</strong> experience teaching the Curtis Piano MethodwithPiano InstructionsfromLillian DeBartolo(630) 279-455125 <strong>years</strong> experienceI canplay that!11 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

The 3 asAthletics<strong>Timothy</strong> has four winter sportsprograms: Cheer, Boys and GirlsBasketball, and Poms. All fourprograms saw significant successesduring their seasons.CheerThe Cheer team had anotheramazing year entertaining fansat halftime of home basketballgames and competing againstother schools. Congratulations toCoaches Cheryl Jokich and AaronArmstrong on another tremendousseason! Some of the team’saccomplishments included:• Finishing 7th place in the IHSAState Finals, marking two top-10finishes in the past two <strong>years</strong> forthis program• Taking 2nd place at theIHSA Competitive CheerSectional Finals• Taking 1st place in the MetroSuburban Conference- the 2ndMSC conference championshipfor <strong>Timothy</strong> since joining theconference• Winning 1st place in the SmallVarsity Division at the SuperCDAHoliday Invitational• Winning 2nd place in the SmallVarsity Division at the BelvidereHigh School Invitational• Winning 1st place at theGrayslake North High SchoolInvitationalGirls BasketballCoach DeKoekkoek’s teamimpressed this season, winninga Regional Championship title.Season highlights included:• An “Instant Classic” doubleovertime victory versuscross-town rival ImmaculateConception for the RegionalChampionship• A 17-11 overall final record and a8-4 conference, 2nd place finishin the MSC• Senior Kari LeGrand and JuniorCassidy Block were selected tothe MSC All-Conference Team,with Block earning a selection tothe Illinois Basketball CoachesAssociation All State 4th Team.This award recognizes Cassidyas one of the top 40 players inthe state.Boys BasketballThe Boys season ended with aRegional Championship loss inthe IHSA state tournament. CoachLeGrand’s “Men of Integrity,” weredisappointed to not advancebeyond the regional final, but theteam certainly performed admirablythroughout the season. Here aresome of the team’s highlights:• A 17-10 record overall and a 7-5record in conference• A 2nd place finish in the difficultMetro Suburban Conferencedespitea pre-season projectionof 5th place• Seniors Mike Pizzelloand Mark Penczak wereselected to the MSC All-Conference Team (Pizzelloalso earned 4th team AllState recognition)Taking home the Regional Championship title.PomsThe Poms Squad, led by CoachSharon Evenhouse, continues toentertain all fans at basketballhome games with their amazingdance routines and terrificchoreography. Annual favoritesinclude the team’s “Black-out”flashlight routine and thehomecoming Daddy/DaughterDance. •At press time, the winter sportsseason had just completed and thespring season was not yet underway.For more up-to-date informationon <strong>Timothy</strong> Athletics, visit www.timothychristian.com/sports.phpFar Left: The Cheer TeamTop & Middle: The Poms SquadBottom: Boys Basketball12 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011



The 3 asArtsFour Decades of Art EducationBy Cindy Van KampenThis year marks the 40th year of the Picture Lady Program at <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>Schools</strong>, which has been under the direction of Mrs. Ardythe Tiesenga since its inception.Throughout the <strong>years</strong>, the Picture Lady Program has given <strong>Timothy</strong> studentsthe opportunity to study classic works of art.The program began in 1970 when the Cleome Friendship Club decided tolaunch a program similar to Picture Lady programs in other schools, underthe Chicago Art Institute guidelines. The Picture Ladies (and sometimes,even Picture Guys!) visit the classroom for 20 minutes of art enrichmentonce a month. There are no tests and no pressure for the students. They talkabout the particular time in history when the art was popular, and what itmeant historically, geographically, politically and artistically.Often, the Picture Lady will have the students work on a project thatcomplements the art they are studying . During the 70’s and 80’s, classeswould work with Mrs. Tiesenga to create a class painting and give it as agift to the school. Several were also done to commemorate the Bicentennial.You can see some of these paintings still hanging in our school today.At the end of each presentation time, the Picture Ladies gather togetherfor coffee and fellowship and to pass their information envelopes aboutthe paintings. Among the volunteers, there is a wide variety of occupationsrepresented including nurses, doctors, former teachers, lawyers, stay-athomemoms and bank vice presidents. Throughout the <strong>years</strong>, many solidArdythe Tiesenga and Lee LeGrandfriendships have been formed. It’sa great way to get to meet otherparents at the school. And, childrenare always welcome at all PictureLady functions. The year ends at aPicture Lady Brunch, hosted by Mrs.Tiesenga at her home, and typicallyfeatures a speaker who talks aboutart.A long-standing tradition of thePicture Lady Program is the 5thgrade visit to the Art Institute. Thestudents dress up for the yearlyvisit and each year, the docentscomment on how intelligent, wellbehaved our students are and theiramazing knowledge of art. Ask anyTC student and they will no doubtremember their visit to the ArtInstitute!“That’s the beauty of the program,”says Mrs. Tiesenga, “It is exciting tosee the Picture Ladies discover newthings and pass them along to thestudents. Kids are like little sponges,soaking it all in.”15 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011We are grateful for the 40 <strong>years</strong> ofpassion and dedication that Mrs.Ardythe Tiesenga has put into thisprogram. We are also thankful forall the volunteers who have giventheir time and talents to makethis such a quality program forour students. Art and kids...it’s abeautiful combination! •

from the administratorsCelebratingGod’sGoodnessAn update from theGrade School andMiddle SchoolBy Dr. Tim Hoeksema, Principal,and Sue Schemper, AssistantPrincipalAs we approach the end of the2010-2011 school year, we havemany things to celebrate. Firstand above all, we are thankfulfor the <strong>mission</strong> and vision thatGod has for this school andfor each student, teacher, andfamily in it. We know that this<strong>mission</strong> and vision will take ourstudents far beyond the wallsof this institution and into the world to be powerfulmessengers of God’s love and reconciliation. As aninstitution rooted in a reformed <strong>Christian</strong> tradition,and with conviction that God calls us to move beyondthis community with hope, creativity, and leadership,we strive to prepare our students to be academicallyprepared and inspired. Here are a few highlights fromthis school year:• Last summer we purchased 1-1/2 C.O.W.s (Computerson Wheels) for our elementary school classrooms.Each C.O.W. contains 30 netbooks (small, lightweightbut relatively powerful laptop computers) and aprinter. Our design was to use the C.O.W.s withour new ALEKS math program, as well as givingour students and teachers more access to theadvantages of technology. We used 15 of thenetbooks in our Discovery Center, and the other30 were used constantly in grade 3-6 classrooms.Because they were so helpful and in such highdemand, we decided it would be optimal to havea C.O.W. for each grade level. We made our plansfor next year, but through the generous donationsof our parents, we were able to purchase twoadditional C.O.W.s earlier this year! So we now have3-1/2 C.O.W.s (105 netbooks) that are being used ingrades 3-6 and we hope to complete our “herd”by purchasing one additional C.O.W. for next year. Ourteachers and students have been extremely grateful forthese wonderful tools that help us meet our <strong>mission</strong>.• We have been adding emphasis to the computationstrand of math this year by adding supplementsthat make use of our added technology. The twoprograms (ALEKS in grades 3 and 4, Mathletics ingrades 7 and 8) cause our netbooks to be in highdemand as students engage in mastering theirknowledge of math facts.• The Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Reading Curriculum,Journeys (2010) was adopted for use in grades K and1 this year and for grades 2 and 3 in 2011-2012. Thishot-off-the-press curriculum has a leading expertin literacy, Irene Fountas, as one of its authors. Thenew curriculum focuses on whole-group instructionfor introducing the literature selection and skills,and leveled reading groups (students reading attheir instructional level) for more individualizedinstruction.• Our awards ceremony every year reflects anemphasis placed on reading. The AcceleratedReading Program, developed and managed by ourlibrarians Sue Stein and Kathie Zigterman, has <strong>100</strong>%student participation and is wildly successful inpromoting reading with our students.• We were buzzing with bees in the winter months,hosting both Geo-bees and Spelling Bees. Winnersof the Geo-Bees included Seth Buikema (withJaszmine Simmons runner-up) in the grade schooland Christopher Gregorio (with Devin May runnerup)in the middle school. Winners of the SpellingBees included Brett Harbaugh-Clark (with SarahNunez runner-up) in the grade school and <strong>Christian</strong>Bravo (with Ana DeMey runner-up) in the middleschool. <strong>Christian</strong> Bravo went on to become one ofthree finalists in the DuPage County Private SchoolSpelling Bee. Congratulations to all of the studentswho participated!As we celebrate <strong>Timothy</strong>’s <strong>100</strong>th anniversary, nextyear’s chapel theme will be based on Psalm <strong>100</strong>:5,“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; hisfaithfulness continues through all generations.” Thisverse will guide us as we celebrate the many ways TCShas experienced God’s loving faithfulness. •16 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

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from the administratorsHighSchoolHighlightsBy Clyde Rinsema,High School PrincipalGod has been goodto our high schoolthis year. Here area few of the highpoints:• We were pleased with our ACT scores again. Ourcomposite average ACT score was 24.8. (State averageis 20.7) We are at a five year high in all but one of thetest segments. (English, Math, Reading, Science) Ittakes conscientious teachers and industrious studentsto obtain these scores.• ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLAR ANNOUNCEMENT:Congratulations to Kathryn Ardinger, Ashley Barak,Steven Barre, Christopher Biesboer, Elise Biesboer,Taylor Bryant, Abigail Canfield, Michelle Cler, NathanielEvenhouse, Daniel (Alex) Hays, Taylor Hoogendoorn,Daniel Huizinga, Rachel Langkamp, Margaret Larkin,Krista Lodewyk, John Lustrea, Peter Matthews, MeghanMcCloud, Peter Schemper, Julianne Schram, KylaSmits, Emma VanderWoude, Aimee Vos, and NathanZiegler for being recognized as 2011-2012 Illinois StateScholars. Illinois State Scholar winners rank in the topten percent of the state’s high school seniors from 752high schools in all 102 counties.• Senior Kate Ardinger finished her amazing twoyear high school cross country career in spectacularfashion. At the IHSA State Championship in Peoria,Kate finished 15th out of the top 168 runners in class Aand earned All State honors.• Danny Huizinga, Rachel Slager, and Jasmine Steinparticipated in the Voice of Democracy contestsponsored by the Walter A Glos Post 2048. All 3 placed– with the help of Mrs. Hamstra. Jasmine placedsecond – only one place away from going to state.• Five of our music students were selected for the veryhighest level of recognition – All-State! This ranks ourstudents in the top tier of musicians in the entire stateof Illinois.° All-State Orchestra: Elena Denny (cello) BenWagner (viola)° All-State Choir: Natalie Lee (soprano) AbigailCanfield (soprano)° Honors All-State Choir: Nathan Ziegler (baritone)• The Metro Suburban Conference Choral Festival washosted at our school this year and was a successfulconference event.• The WYSE team placed first at regionals, second placeat sectionals and qualified for the state competition.• Three of the members of <strong>Timothy</strong>’s class of 2011 werenamed as National Merit Finalists. Congratulationsto Taylor Hoogdendoorn, Daniel Huizinga and PeterMatthews!• Taylor Bryant was named Finalist in the NationalAchievement Scholarship Program for Black Americanhigh school students.• Kate Ardinger, Steven Barre and Abigail Canfield werenamed Commended Students in the National Meritcompetition.• Coach Jim Boven will be retiring from coachingthis season. He has coached basketball at <strong>Timothy</strong><strong>Christian</strong> for 34 <strong>years</strong> and all but one of them havebeen at the freshman level. Thank you coach Boven foryour <strong>years</strong> of service.• The drama department received rave reviews for itsspring presentation of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” directedby Mr. Tom Day. Mr. Day has been directing <strong>Timothy</strong>’splays for 37 <strong>years</strong>. This was his final performance.Thank you Mr. Day for your leadership in developingyoung actors and producing excellent plays. •19 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

from the administratorsdifficult to market our school.People want to be a part of awinner, so it is important for<strong>Timothy</strong> to continue to “win.”Simply put: the better <strong>Timothy</strong>performs, the easier marketingbecomes!Marketing MattersThis recurring column is written tokeep the <strong>Timothy</strong> community informedof our progress in the fields of marketingand recruitment.By Rudi Gesch, Director of MarketingWord of Mouth MarchThe Marketing Committee of the Board of Directorsfocused much of our marketing efforts around themonth of March. This is always a key month forprospective families, so we launched “Word of Mouth”March. During this month, we asked all <strong>Timothy</strong>families to participate in sharing their <strong>Timothy</strong> storieswith friends, family, and neighbors. Activities in this keymonth included our 4th annual march in the ElmhurstSt. Patrick’s Day Parade, a March 13th Open House,targeted direct mailing and facebook advertisements,new family referral cards, yard signs, and much more.Thanks to all who helped us in these endeavors!Excellence as our best marketing toolThis may be a rather obvious point, but it meritssome emphasis. The better <strong>Timothy</strong> performs on allmeasurable results, the better we can market ourschool. With our website, facebook page, twitteraccount, connections with newspapers, our digitalsign, and many other platforms, we have outstandingtools and networks to release positive results whenthey happen. But if nothing happens, then it becomesFortunately, we’ve never lackedpositive news to share. “The 3 A’s,”of Academics, Athletics, and Artsat <strong>Timothy</strong> continue producingamazing results every year. It isa privilege to be a part of sucha successful school community.<strong>Timothy</strong> is making a difference in the lives of ourfamilies, in our local communities, and in our world.Marketing <strong>Timothy</strong>’s <strong>100</strong>th AnniversaryIt’s a rare opportunity to be a part of a <strong>100</strong> year oldorganization. I’ve been hard at work with the <strong>100</strong>thanniversary planning committee to make sure that<strong>Timothy</strong> doesn’t miss out on this amazing opportunity.Be sure to check out the “save the dates” page on theback cover of this Reflector – you’ll want to be a partof this year-long celebration! With a <strong>100</strong>th anniversary,God has blessed our community with a tremendousopportunity to proclaim His faithfulness to <strong>Timothy</strong> –yesterday, today, and tomorrow.Thank you for your interest in the marketing andrecruitment efforts at <strong>Timothy</strong>. I’m always interested inmeeting new people and hearing new ideas. You mayhave a great promotion idea or be able to introduceme to another family interested in <strong>Christian</strong> education.Please feel free to call, e-mail, or stop by my office. •Rudi GeschDirector of Marketing630.833.4616 ext. 108gesch@timothychristian.com20 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

Stampede: HereCome The COWS!An update from the TechnologyDepartmentBy Kevin Hackert, Director of TechnologyDirector of Technology KevinHackert and TechnologyAssistant Neal WettsteinReports of a stampede ofCOWs in the grade schoolhave been verified, butparents are advised notto worry. Even as our herdof 30 has quickly grownto 105, the students are inno danger. You see, thesecattle are not Guernsey,Holstein or Angus; theyare Dells and Acers. Andthey are not four-legged,they are four-wheeledCOWs (Computer onWheels).The grade school now hasfive carts equipped withnetbooks and printers that are being used throughouttheir curriculum. This new initiative is enabling teachersto create lessons supported by some of the latesttechnologies. Already I have seen the netbooks used inthe classroom to supplement math and English curricula,utilize web resources, and edit class video projects.105 netbooksprovides gradeschool studentsunprecedentedaccess tocomputers intheir classrooms.We are verythankful to the generous donors who allowed us tomove forward with this project so rapidly.However, our COWs are not the only new thing in thecorral this year. Thanks to another gift, the third gradewill be piloting a new Smart response system. Imagineevery student with an interactive handheld devicethat allows each to actively participate throughouta lesson. Teachers can administer quizzes via thedevice, or simply ask the classroom questions and getimmediate, individualized feedback to gauge students’understanding of a new concept.In the high school, we have begun broadcasting livegames via IHigh. Whether you are unable to attend agame or just want to see highlights, visit www.ihigh.com. (Search the archives to watch all the homecomingfestivities again!) In the future we hope to broadcast otherevents as well, being careful to follow copyright laws.We are a blessed community here at <strong>Timothy</strong> and wethank the donors whose generosity has benefitedthe students and teachers. The teachers and staff areworking hard to see that the equipment is used well. •21 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011 creative marketing solutionsprint & web design @

from the administratorsTCSat <strong>100</strong>Years…It’s notabout us!An update fromthe AdvancementOfficeBy Bob Venhousen (’79),Director of Advancement“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to yourname be the glory, because of yourlove and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1When Judy and I were planning our wedding, wesearched for a Biblical theme that would be fittingfor our situation as we blended our lives and familiestogether. As we searched the scriptures and selectedsongs for our wedding ceremony, a theme emerged:God’s faithfulness to us displays his glory. God madeit very clear to us that our wedding/marriage was notabout us. Psalm 115:1 became our theme verse and setthe tone for the new life that God was giving us. Lookingback on our past, we could clearly see God’s faithfulnessand Glory. Looking forward we have confidence in God’scontinued faithfulness.In a similar way and as we near the <strong>100</strong>th anniversary of<strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>, I have been very thoughtfulabout <strong>Timothy</strong>’s past and future. As I see pictures andhear stories of <strong>Timothy</strong>’s history, I am humbled andamazed. There have been generations of students,teachers, staff, and families impacted by this place. Ihave reflected on the blessing my own family hasrealized as four generations have experienced <strong>Christian</strong>education at TCS in Chicago, Cicero, and Elmhurst.Each of you has your own story about what <strong>Christian</strong>education at <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> means to youand your family whether it has been for one month, oneyear, or for many <strong>years</strong>.and through Him much has been accomplished for Hispurposes. It is good and right to celebrate our <strong>100</strong> yearanniversary and to give thanks for what He has done. Aswe celebrate together in this coming year, let us give Godthe Glory for “He has done it” and not us.As we look forward to the next <strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong> of <strong>Christian</strong>education, let us do so with the mindset and focus thatit’s about God. We have a wonderful <strong>mission</strong> statementthat says “Serving God and His people <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>Schools</strong> develop academically prepared <strong>Christian</strong>disciples who embrace Christ’s call to transform theworld.” Ecclesiastes 3:14 reminds us that “everything Goddoes will endure forever; nothing can be added to it andnothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revereHim.” Praise God that our endeavors here at <strong>Timothy</strong><strong>Christian</strong>s <strong>Schools</strong> are really God’s work through us, willlast for eternity and will bring him the glory.As I reflect on my work here as the Director ofAdvancement, I fully realize that my role is not just toraise money, it is also about advancing God’s work andHis kingdom for His glory. I pray that together with God’shelp we will put God first in all we do. To God Alone bethe Glory. •650 West Lake Street • Suite 310 • Chicago, IL 60661Micah HamstraAttorney & Counselor at LawT 312-224-8299F 312-207-0260mhamstra@hamstralaw.comwww.HamstraLaw.comAggressive, Effective and Affordable RepresentationAs we look back, let us see God’s hand and provisionfor <strong>Timothy</strong> throughout its <strong>100</strong> <strong>years</strong> of existence. It isGod that has led us through the good and the difficulttimes. He has demonstrated His love and faithfulnessFor a free initial consultation, contact Micah Hamstra at(312) 224-8299 or by email at mhamstra@hamstralaw.comand mention “Reflector ad”22 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

alumniMatching <strong>100</strong>Names and FacesChances are, when you looked at this Reflector’scover, you found yourself combing through the <strong>100</strong>pictures trying to find a few familiar faces. Here’syour answer key:Row 1: Joyce Bossenga, 1955; Chris Evans, 1987; Jean Helmus, 1965;David Erffmeyer, 1982; Kevin Neander, 1989; Lynn Zeilstra, 1978;Bruce Groenewold, 1960; Jill Kasallis, 1992; David Deters, 1996;Jay Evenhouse, 1984Row 2: Caryn Dahlstrand, 1990; Russel Buikema, 1972; JoelWieringa, 1993; Ronald Schaaf, 1956; Mary Ploessl, 1995; DougKuehnle, 1985; Beverly Slinkman, 1979; Ariell Ives, 1991; RobertLerche, 1962; Jane Evenhouse, 1977Row 3: Clarence Veldman, 1976; Joel Tameling, 1991; John T.Boomker, 1960; Patty Ronda, 1984; Doug Bardolph, 1980; HenryKoster, 1963; Denise Eversole, 1989; June Huizenga, 1959; MomarMattocks, 1990; Carol Luther, 1985Row 4: James Allen, 1986; Alice Roelfsma, 1957; Ben Cremer, 1992;Rachel Boerema, 1998; Gary Teune, 1974; Heidi Groot, 2000;Kristen Lee Clark, 1983; David Kasa, 1994; John Davids, 1958; HankIwema, 1980Row 5: Ziona George, 1996; James Swierenga, 1978; MicahHamstra, 2001; Brenda Mahone, 1974; James Savage, 2002;Cynthia Wieringa, 1958; Brian Pageau 1999; Victor Byrd, 1975;Edward Bulthuis, 1988; Steven Heerdt, 1997Douglas E. Slinkman Jr.dslinkman@TFAmail.com(630) 571-6580715 Enterprise DriveOak Brook, IL 60523Financial ServicesFor Individuals• Retirement Plans• IRA-Rollovers• College Savings Plans• Life InsuranceFor Businesses• 401(k) & 403(b) Plans• Simple & SEP IRA’s• Key-man InsuranceRegistered Representative with securities offered throughTransamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.LD36985-05/1023 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011Row 6: Aiko Teragawa, 1961; Matthew Day, 1995; Ruth Heerdt,1967; Dae Hee Cho, 2010; Cynthia Robinson, 1973; Jana Meulink,2004; April Anderson, 1993; George Hoekstra, 1960; LauraFolkerts, 2003; David Mulder, 1971Row 7: Muriel Schutt, 1969; Bonnie Hanson, 1982; JoshuaBailey, 2000; James Zuidema, 1962; Rebecca Haltom, 2006; TimKoldenhoven, 1998; Darlene Decker, 1963; Mac Wiener, 1983;Christa Werner, 1994; Richard Silva, 2005Row 8: George Van Denend, 1997; Summer Reynolds, 1999; JamesHoekstra, 1964; Randy Bilthouse, 1977; Andrew Arrington, 2003;Mark Metcalfe, 1975; Paula Roozeboom, 1986; Shonari Phillips,2007; Maribeth Cook, 1967; Judith Vos, 1975Row 9: Richard Smith, 1968; Sabrina Lee, 2009; Megumi Takarabe,2002; Jack Swierenga, 1974; Karen Post, 1965; Vicky Bulthuis, 1987;Dzyan Escudero, 2006; Aya Pena, 1971; Douglas Ebbers 1973; TinaReitsma, 2001Row 10: Chris Van Lonkhuyzen, 1988; Barbara Kooima, 1969; OttoRodriguez, 2004; Candace Snyder, 2008; Gabrielle Lopez, 2005;James Hartgerink, 1970; Joshua Capleton, 2007; Kent Dixon,2009; Merideth Kladder, 1979; Nikole Pizzello, 2010If you’ve “liked” <strong>Timothy</strong> on Facebook, youalready had your sneak peak at this Reflector’scover. If you haven’t liked <strong>Timothy</strong>, log on toFacebook and like us today!James J. alleninsurance consultantIL 708/333-6430IN 219/322-1133FAX 219/322-11551160 joLIet st. (rt. 30)P.o. BoX 159Dyer, IN 46311jim@themitchellcorp.cominsurance for every need

Alumni newsTransforming the World“Serving God and His people, <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> develops academicallyprepared <strong>Christian</strong> disciples who embrace Christ’s call to transform the world.”Transforming the World…through FamilyEngagements and WeddingsHenry Iwema III (‘07) and Trisha Airth are engaged.Hank and Trish met at Trinity <strong>Christian</strong> College. Theyplan to wed in December of 2011.David Zigterman (‘07) proposed to Rachael Lefeber onDecember 23, 2010. Rachael is from Howards Grove, WIand graduated from Kuyper College in April, 2010. Davidis currently a senior at Kuyper College and will graduatein April. They plan to marry on June 11, 2011.Nathan Meyer (‘07) and Sarah Slinkman recently gotengaged. Their wedding is scheduled for June 10, 2011.Nathan will be getting his Electrical Engineering Degreefrom Calvin College this May.Jenna DeWitt (‘07) and Rich Tameling (‘05) wereengaged on August 10, 2010. Rich graduated from Trinity<strong>Christian</strong> in December of 2008 and is currently workingat Northwestern Mutual. Jenna will be graduating fromTrinity this May with a degree in nursing. The couple willtie the knot on September 30, 2011 and are very excitedto see what God has in store for their future together!Mary Workman (‘06) and Doug Spencer are engaged.They plan to wed on June 17, 2011.Brittany Vos (‘07) husband-to-be is Ben Briddell. Thehappy couple got engaged in Chicago on January 29,2011 and will be married in the Summer of 2012.Bethany Hoving (‘08) and Josh Chavez recently gotengaged. Josh proposed on December 22, 2010. Theirwedding date is set for June 8, 2012.Jason Boomsma (‘07) and Bethany Cook were engagedon September 3, 2010 and plan to wed on May 12, 2012.New ArrivalsPete Hoogstra (‘93) and his wife Denise welcomed theirthird child, Ava Elizabeth, born on July 7, 2010. Ava joinsher big sister, Madison, and her big brother Travis.Stephanie (Day) Gesch (‘01) and her husband, Rudi,celebrated the arrival of son, Xander <strong>Christian</strong>, onDecember 7, 2010. Xander joins big sister, Sawyer.<strong>Timothy</strong> 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Patti Reilly, and herhusband, Greg, welcomed the arrival of their first child –Conner Gregory Reilly! Conner made his entry into thisworld on Sunday, January 9.Jesse (‘99) and Julie (Kooima) Tameling (‘99) recentlywelcomed their 4th child into the world! AnnekeElizabeth was born December 2.Brent (‘94) and Jodi (Petroelje) Rieger (‘94), along withtheir daughters Sierra (6) and Te’a (3) are proud toannounce the arrival of their new son/brother, AmesBrent Rieger. Ames was born on May 14, 2010 andarrived home from Ethiopia on January 8, 2011.Travis (‘89) and Sharon (Noorlag) Thrasher (‘89) wereblessed with Mackenzie Grace and Brianna Joy Thrasheron September 3. Four-year-old big sister, Kylie, lovesboth of them.Ryan Hartgerink (‘00) and his wife, Laura, were blessedwith a beautiful baby girl, Sonora Lily, on March 16, 2011.Brian Hoff (‘99) and Kristi Hoff welcomed daughter,Eliana Christine Hoff, on October 21, 2010.Norah Grace Sangha was born on February 3, 2011 toMandy and Abraham Sangha (‘99) and joins 21 monthold brother Issac. •24 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

Left to right: Hank Iwena and Trisha Airth; David Zigtermanand Rachel Lefeber; Jenna DeWitt and Rich Tameling;Brittany Vos and Ben Briddell; Nathan Meyer and SarahSlinkman; Jason Boomsma and Bethany Cook25 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011Left to right: Ames Brent Rieger and family; Xander<strong>Christian</strong> Gesch; Conner Gregory Reilly; Norah Sangha;Ava Elizabeth Hoogstra; Anneke Elizabeth Tameling;Mackenzie Grace and Brianna Joy Thrasher; Sonora LilyHartgerink; Eliana Christine Hoff

Alumni newsTransforming the World…through CommunityBonnie Spialek (‘82) has two growndaughters 27, 25 and a 22 year oldson. Bonnie’s son Cody left forAfghanistan on January 1st 2011 fora 7 month deployment with 1st TankDivision on US Marine Corp. Bonnieasks for prayers for all of our bravemen and woman in the armedforces as well as her son.Transforming the World…through Career and CallingEllen Angelico (’07) graduated fromBerklee College of Music SummaCum Laude with a Bachelor of Music.She promptly moved to Nashvillewhere she plays bass guitar for TheWinter Sounds. In her spare time Ellenhas been writing liturgical music forCatholic music publishing companies,and volunteering at a children’s rockand roll camp. She counts TC teachersGeorge Bosman, Gail Salvatori, MarveWolterstorff, and Kevin Schoenbachas huge musical influences.Liza (Petroelje) Zimmerman (‘96)started a photography business inthe fall of 2010. She specializes inchild and family photography anddoes most shoots on location. Thebusiness, Bela Lia Photography, islocated in Villa Park, IL. You cancheck out Liza’s work at www.belaliaphotography.com.Katrina Denny (‘06) recently startedwork at the German AmericanChamber of Commerce downtown inChicago. She works in the consultingdepartment where everyone isexpected to be fully bi-lingual.Ausgezeichnet!the end of December. Amy is one of<strong>Timothy</strong>’s three 3rd grade teachers.Harley Ferris (‘94) graduated SummaCum Laude from JacksonvilleUniversity in May of 2010 with amajor in English and a minor inwriting. He recently published“Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring”in WordRiot, and has begun the MAprogram in Rhetoric and Compositionat the University of Louisville.Mary Ellen Mathews (‘08) startedveterinary school at Kansas Statein the fall. Upon graduation, shehopes to go into rural practice in anunderserved rural area.Tahnee Ellens (‘05) accepted anew position as the Art Teacherat Whitinsville <strong>Christian</strong> School inWhitinsville, Massachusetts.Daihee Cho (‘10) won 3rd place inNorthern Illinois University’s Unityin-Diversitywriting contest. His entryfocused on his transition movingfrom South Korea to America andhow his experience at <strong>Timothy</strong> andon the soccer team has helped toshape his life.Kathy (Teune) Atwood (‘77) wroteWomen Heros of World War II: 26Stories of Espionage, Sabotage,Resistance and Rescue. Kathy creditsher Dad (a WW II veteran) and former<strong>Timothy</strong> history teacher Larry Slageras her inspirations for writing thebook.Ashley Tameling (‘10) is currentlyworking in Nepal and Thailand witha <strong>mission</strong>s team of 16 young peoplethrough Youth With A Mission(YWAM).the Kennedy Center in Washington,D.C. A public relations major with atheatre and speech minor, Hays willspend the spring semester in thenation’s capital. After graduation inMay, Hays plans to pursue a career inarts management or casting.Abraham Sangha (’99) is attendingCovenant Theological Seminary inSt. Louis, MO. Matriculated 6/2007and will graduate 5/20/11 with aMaster of Divinity. He has accepteda position as an assistant pastor atChrist the King Dorchester in Boston,MA. •If you have news on an alumnitransforming the world, contactJay Evenhouse at 630.782.4040 orevenhouse@timothychristian.com.Top: Ellen AngelicoMiddle: Kathy AtwoodBottom: Tahnee EllensAmy (Dirkse) Ahlenius (‘03) recentlyreceived her master’s in Reading andLiteracy from Walden University atGreta Hays (‘07), a NorthwesternCollege senior, has been selected foran arts management internship at26 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

Class of 1970The Outstanding TCHSClass of 1970 Holds its 40thReunionBy Peter Van HoutenThe TCHS Class of 1970 held its 40threunion on November 27, 2010 atMaggiano’s in Oak Brook, IL. Wehad 31 classmates and guestsattend the event.ReunionsClass of 1960Reflecting on God’s Faithfulnessby George HoekstraAbove: Class of 1960; Below: Class of 1970The TCHS class of 1960 held its 50th reunion celebrationon the 8th and 9th of October. The event included threeopportunities to be together: a Friday night pizza party,a Saturday afternoon bus trip to the Cicero campusesand a Saturday night banquet. Originally, there were44 graduates in our class. Of the 39 surviving members,27 classmates together with 21 of their spouses cametogether to enjoy a wonderful time of reminiscing andreflecting on God’s faithfulness to our class and toour school.It was great fun catching up witheveryone again and learningabout interesting events that havetranspired in each classmate’s lifesince our graduation in June 1970!While many of the graduates livein the Chicagoland area, a number of classmates livegreater distances and traveled back for the reunion.Renewing old friendships certainly proved to be aninteresting and rewarding time. It is always amazingto observe how people change through the <strong>years</strong>. Ofcourse everyone looked great and not a day older thanthe 18 <strong>years</strong> most of us had reached on graduation day!After an initial period of socializing and refreshments,we all enjoyed a sumptuous, multi-course feast atMaggiano’s. We also had the class photo taken, andthere was a short program, including a playback ofthe 20th reunion video, and a class facts trivia quizcompleted at each table. Jim Hartgerink, Art Teacher at<strong>Timothy</strong> for 36 <strong>years</strong>, composed and read a hilarious andnostalgic poem focusing on many of the famous (andinfamous) highlights of our four <strong>years</strong> at <strong>Timothy</strong>. It ishard to believe how time flies!27 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011Since many of us were together for all 13 <strong>years</strong> of oureducation at <strong>Timothy</strong>, it was particularly enjoyable tovisit the 2 Cicero buildings which are still in pristineand original condition. Riding the bus through the“old” neighborhood and passing the various churcheswhere many of us attended was both melancholy andinspirational. Many mentioned the importance of their<strong>Christian</strong> education and the influence of <strong>Timothy</strong>’steachers on the development of their lives. We are trulygrateful to be part of God’s plan in the first century of<strong>Christian</strong> education at <strong>Timothy</strong>.REUNIONS cont. on next page

Alumni newsOn a more serious note, the attendees paid specialtribute to three of our deceased classmates: Rich Smits,Larry Wierema and Ralph (Butch) Swierenga. Two of thesurviving spouses, Donna Smits and Ginger (Tameling)Swierenga (‘71) were in attendance, and all three of thewives composed moving written tributes to their latehusbands which were read to the attendees.A special thanks to the reunion committee, most ablyled by Trudy (Stob) Laning, joined by Elaine (Jelinek)Hiskes, Jayne (Bilthuis) Boer, Jim Hartgerink andPeter Van Houten. Director of Alumni Relations, JayEvenhouse, was also a tremendous help.Classmates’ stories were perhaps what was moststriking at this reunion celebration. The many <strong>years</strong> thathave passed since our graduation have been filled withgreat successes, trials, and even failures. But through itall God has remained faithful and it is only in Him thatwe can place our ultimate hope and trust. We are alllooking forward to the 50th reunion in ten <strong>years</strong>!.<strong>years</strong>,” one classmate said, “we’re still more interested inproving ourselves or showing off what we’ve done. But at20 <strong>years</strong>, we just want to reconnect in a more real way.”Aside from the general catching up and reminiscing,one of the highlights of the evening was seeing PatrickKnight, who one year before had been a victim in what’sbeen called “The Thanksgiving Massacre.” Patrick’snightmare began the year before our reunion whenhis brother-in-law opened fire on his family duringThanksgiving dinner. Patrick’s pregnant wife, her twinsister and two others were killed in the tragedy. Patrickwas shot as well—and remained in a coma for months.After praying for him so much during this time, it was ablessing to see him among us.Here are some other highlights of the night:“It was great to see so many people I hadn’t seen in <strong>years</strong>,some I had never expected to never see again let aloneat the reunion. I truly missed those that couldn’t attend.”– Heidi Vellenga Huisman“It’s amazing how fast 20 <strong>years</strong> has gone by and what’seven more amazing is that some of the conversations withold friends seemed to pick up just like we were at <strong>Timothy</strong>again. It was great to see everyone!” – Todd MarquardtClass of 1990ReconnectingBy Caryn RivadeneiraClass of 1990“Our 20-year reunion was better than I had expected. Itwas crazy how some of us hadn’t seen each other in 10 or20 <strong>years</strong>, but we seemed to pick up just where we left off. Iloved seeing everyone in their different stages of life. Somepeople you never thought would grow up and now herethey are married with children. I always loved our class andbeing at this reunion just enhanced the love and respect Ihave for the people I literally grew up with!” – Kim FolkertsMcBrideOn November 13, TCHS’s class of 1990 celebrated their20th reunion at the Arena Sports Bar and Grill inElmhurst with good food and drink, and good timescatching up.While many members of this class see one anotheron a regular enough basis—either in person or onFacebook—the power of having so many formerclassmates together at one time in one place couldn’t beover-stated.Many attendees noted the difference between our10-year reunion and this one, the 20-year. “After only 10“I had an absolute blast at the class of ‘90 reunion! Iwould like to thank Kim Folkerts Mc Bride, Jane TazelaarCintron, and Julie DeBoer Huisman for all of the help andlaughter in the planning of this reunion. A special thanksto Steve Zorn and Jennifer Smith Zorn for putting thevideo together. The night of the reunion was so much fun.To see everyone together again was so nostalgic for me.I saw people laughing together, telling old stories, cryingtogether, singing together, catching up, and of coursecelebrating together. I saw people having a great time!For me it rekindled some friendships that I will continue tocultivate for <strong>years</strong> to come.” – Randy Huisman28 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011

“I loved everything about thereunion and found myself in afunk after it was over because Ihad been so excited about it!! I’mthankful for the lifelong friendsI have from <strong>Timothy</strong>. That is sorare, a lot of my coworkers can’tbelieve I’m still friends with somany people from high school,they think it’s unheard of!” – JaneTazelaar CintronClass of 2000Reunion RecapBy Erin BaiseClass of 2000The <strong>Timothy</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> Class of 2000 gathered inmid-September to celebrate its 10 year reunion. Overforty alumni and spouses gathered in Chicago’s RiverNorth neighborhood for a great evening of renewedfriendships and fun.Alumni came from all over the Midwest to discuss theirnew adventures of the past ten <strong>years</strong>. <strong>One</strong> alumnustraveled all the way from Texas! Conversations includednew marriages, kids, jobs, world travels, and much more.Everyone had a wonderful time reliving their time spentat <strong>Timothy</strong>. •For help with planning your reunion, or for any otheralumni information, please contact Jay Evenhouse at630.782.4040 or evenhouse@<strong>Timothy</strong><strong>Christian</strong>.com.29 REFLECTOR SPRING 2011APromiseisHope…Bright Promise Fundseeks to enrich Chicago and itsneighborhoods through schoolsof character, conviction andachievement by providing new andsustaining sources of revenue foraffiliated <strong>Christian</strong> schools.Interested in learning about<strong>Christian</strong> schooling in Roseland,Kenwood, Chinatown, the SouthLoop, Lawndale and Humboldt Park?Visit www.brightpromisefund.org.Dave Larsen, Director

Non-Profit Org.U.S. PostagePAIDNew Market, IAPermit No. 8188 W. Butterfield Rd.Elmhurst, IL 60126Address SERVICE RequestedSAVE THE DATESOctober 1, 2011: TCS FestLocation: <strong>Timothy</strong> CampusA huge, on campus open house with music, food,fun, carnival games, and much more!April 21, 2012: Celebrationof a CenturyLocation: Chicago Field MuseumA very special night that only happens once ina century! A formal banquet to celebrate God’sfaithfulness to the <strong>Timothy</strong> community for <strong>100</strong><strong>years</strong>. Exhibits will be open and feature a special“<strong>Timothy</strong> Through Time” display.South EntranceNorth EntrancePhotos © The Field MuseumSue the Dinosaur

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