1880 History of Blair County - Johnstown, PA

1880 History of Blair County - Johnstown, PA 1880 History of Blair County - Johnstown, PA

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oI-ZogS'Eulci-cil affoiiliiii; to Act <strong>of</strong> Conjii-css, in Mic yciw Irtfi. l)y riiirry Slcii. in the otTiee<strong>of</strong> tlic I,il)r;iriuii <strong>of</strong> Congress, :il \Vu>liington, I). C.\ S ^\'i\^e^

:PR EFACEA hook without a pr<strong>of</strong>aco is considered iiiconii)lete. So is a shipwithout a fig-ure-head. In either case the affixture is more ornamentalthan useful. A book without a preface is nevertheless a book,and a ship without a figure-head is nevertheless a ship. Notwithstanding-this, in conformity to a custom which has existed from timeimmemorial, and remembering- that custom makes law, and that lawmust be obeyed, we submit the following preliminary remarksBefore commencing- the preparation <strong>of</strong> a history <strong>of</strong> any particidarlocality, a city or county for instance, the custom has been to callupon leading- citizens, and iiarticularly property owners, forcoutri))utions<strong>of</strong> money to aid the project, the presumption l)eing- that thepublication cannot fail to result in lienefit to the community. Noone designing- to assume the position <strong>of</strong> publisher, unless he has morewealth than he knows how, otherwise, to disi)oso <strong>of</strong>, or is a literarygentleman <strong>of</strong> "elegant leisure,'' fond <strong>of</strong> seeing his name in ])rint, feelslike solely de]iending ui)on the income derived from the sale <strong>of</strong> thebook as remuneration for the expenditure <strong>of</strong> time, money and laborto which he would subject himself; for it must be remembered thatthe sale <strong>of</strong> such a l)ook, with l)ut trifling excejitions, is confined tothe immedintc locality in which it is published, and, consequently buta limited number is demanded. Wh(Mi contributions have been ol)-tained, uidess very liberal, the price <strong>of</strong> the book is generally fixed atdouble the nmouut charged for i)ul)b'('ntions <strong>of</strong> corresponding size,quality <strong>of</strong> paper, binding, etc., and tiius i)laced beyond the reach <strong>of</strong>many <strong>of</strong> the poorer classes.In order to avoid the nec(>ssitv <strong>of</strong> calling upon citizens for contril)utionsin money, and, at the sanu' lime to enal»le us to ])lace thel)ook within the reaeli <strong>of</strong> all, as well as to secure for ourselves a reas-

4 PKEFACE.enable remuneration for labor and outlay <strong>of</strong> capital, we adopted theplan <strong>of</strong> calling upon merchants and other business men for advertising-patronage, believing that to them, by publicity given, we couldrender an equivalent for the amount expended. They liberally responded,as will be seen by the number <strong>of</strong> announcements, and wetake this occasion to return our thanks.As will be observed the advertisements do not interfere with thetext <strong>of</strong> the book. It is true that the arrangement <strong>of</strong> matter is somewhatdifferent from the course usually pursued by publishers, but thehistory is just as complete in itself as it would have been had not asingle advertisement made its appearance. Indeed the business announcementsmake the book more interesting, for, by this means, ifno other, thc^ reader is enabled to discern who the wide-awake businessmen are, and such as are possessed <strong>of</strong> sufficient public spirit, ascitizens, to aid in enterprises which result in good to the community.This book is not perfect—no man ever saw one that was—but weconsole ourselves with the reflection that we did the best we couldunder the circumstances, sparing neither labor, time nor expense ingetting at the facts underlying the sulyects treated.As members <strong>of</strong> this community, and feeling a deep and abidinginterest in its prosperity and future advancement, we hope thefactsand statements Ave have given will be Avell received by the pul)lic,and will serve to abridge the labor <strong>of</strong> future historians.We are under many obligations to Mr. L. P. Farmer, theefficientand polite General Passenger Agent <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroadcompany, for favors extended to us.PUBLISHERS.

ALTOONA-ANDoBLAIRCOUNTY,INTRODUCTION.In a restrictt'd scn^^c, leaviufi- out the (lisi)arity <strong>of</strong> years, the life<strong>of</strong> a city is like the life <strong>of</strong> a Jiiaii. Tlirri' is iiifant-y, pulicrty, adolesooiK'c,manhood, old ngv, and death. Were tiie lives <strong>of</strong> eities co-.cxtensive with the liv,es <strong>of</strong> anen, Ave miiiht approiiriately say that Altoonahas passed through the period <strong>of</strong> infancy, with its imbecility,helpl.essn,ess and perils. It has not only reached the age <strong>of</strong> puberty,but, from that point has passed through theentires jx-riod <strong>of</strong> adolescence.It has arrived at the age <strong>of</strong> thirty-one years, adolescence, inman, according to Dunglison, closing at five-and twenty, and, therefore,has fully entered upon a career <strong>of</strong> vigorous manhood. What mtriumph to commence with!THE <strong>PA</strong>TERNAL <strong>PA</strong>RENT OFALTOONA.Cities, like men, have fathers or founders. Previous to 1S41I Altoonaexisted, figuratively speaking, only in an eml)ryotic condition.It was conceived by the Pennsylvania railroad, and. in theyear just mentioned, was brought forth a living child.As we have adopted the allegorical style <strong>of</strong> writing, we will continueit a little further I)y giving a laconic sketch <strong>of</strong> the birth andlife <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad, the father <strong>of</strong> Altoona. In doingso we preface it with some general railroad and steam menu)randa.the appositeness <strong>of</strong> which, in this connection, will ))e readily jx'rceivedand appreciated :PRIMARY xVTTEMPTSAND SUCCESSES.Beaumont, an English miner, in the early period <strong>of</strong> the Seventeenthcentury, invented the first railroad (wood tracks), on whichcoal wagons w^re drawn by horses. It was built at Xewcastle-onthe-Tyne.The first rails wholly made <strong>of</strong> iron were cast in England,in ltt(). In 1754 iron wheels were introduced. A .steam enginewas completed by Xewcomen and Cawley, in IT 10. A Cornish

6 Hl.-^T(»RY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.jniiicr, by the iiainc <strong>of</strong> Savarv, constructed one in 1718. In 1770James Watt made an imi)roved engine.In 1804, Richard Trevithick,<strong>of</strong> Cornwall, constructed a l(K'omotive to run upon the Merthyr-Tydvil railroad, in AVales.It drew, at the rate <strong>of</strong> five miles an hour,several wagons laden with ten tons <strong>of</strong> bar iron. In 1814, GeorgeStephenson, <strong>of</strong> England, completed the firsteffectivt' locomotive, andthat was not very effective. The " Rocket," which he constructedin 1829, succeeding other locomotives he had built, took a premium<strong>of</strong> £500, <strong>of</strong>fered by the Liverpool & Manchester Railroad company.Shortly after, Mr. Seguin, a French engineer, introduced locomotivesin France. In September, 1809, the first experimental railroad trackin the United States was laid l)y John Thomson, a civil engineer, <strong>of</strong>Delaware county, Pennsylvania, and constructed under his directionby Somerville, a Scotch millwright, for Thos. LeiptT, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.It was sixty yards inlength, and graded to one and one-half inch tothe yard. The gauge was four feet, and the slee})ers were eight feetapart. The experiment with a loaded car was so successfid that Leiperhad the first ])ractical railroad built in the United States, constructedfor the trans})ortation <strong>of</strong> ston(^ from his ([uarries on Crumcreek to his landing on Ividlev creek, Delaware county, Pennsylvania,a distance <strong>of</strong> about one mile. It continued in use for aliout nineteenyears. The first railroad in America over which a locomotiveAvas run was that <strong>of</strong> the Delaware & Hudson Canal company, atHonesdale, Pennsylvania, to connect their mines with the canal. Thelocomotix'e was called "The Stowbridge Lion." It was tried on theroad on the Sth day <strong>of</strong> August, 1829—found too heavy for successfuluse on the roadway, was housed up and finally taken to piecesand destroyed. The first stone on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad waslaid on the 4th July, 1828, by Charles Carroll, <strong>of</strong> Carrollton, Maryland.At first the cars were propelled by sails, afterwards liy steam.The first locomotive regularly run on that road w^as made by PhineasDavis, at York, Pennsylvania, in 1831. The first gauge <strong>of</strong> railroads^(as in England) was four feet eight and one-half inches, correspondingwith tile width <strong>of</strong> ordinary English wagons.Content with general railway memoranda we will now sjjcak <strong>of</strong> the-PEN NSYLVANI A RAILROAD.On the loth day <strong>of</strong> Ai)ril, 184(), an act was passed to incorp(jratethe Pennsylvania Railroad coini)any. The ca])ital was fixed at $7,-500,000, with the ])rivilege <strong>of</strong> increasing the same to $10,000,000.On June 22, 184(), books were opened for subscriptions to the stock

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND P.LAIR COUNTY. till various places in tlu' State. Mr. John Kd^ar Tiionison enteredupon his duties as chief eng-ineer <strong>of</strong> the road in tlie early part <strong>of</strong>1847. The grading- <strong>of</strong> the first twenty miles <strong>of</strong> the road west <strong>of</strong>Harrisl)urg- was let on July Ki, 1847, and on the 22d <strong>of</strong> the samemonth fifteen miles east <strong>of</strong> Pittsburg- were put under contract. OnDecember 10, 1852, cars were run throug-h from Philadeliihia to I^ittsburg-,connections between the eastern and western divisions beingformedby the use <strong>of</strong> the Tortag-e road over the mountains, the road<strong>of</strong> the rennsylvania comiiany not being- finished there until February15, 1854, when it was formally opened, and the firsttrains passedthroug-h Pennsylvania without use <strong>of</strong> thi> incline planes, <strong>of</strong> whichthe Portag-e consisted.PORTAGE RAILROAD.The commencement <strong>of</strong> the construction <strong>of</strong> the Allegheny Portagerailroad was authorized by an act <strong>of</strong> the Legislature <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania,passed the 21st day <strong>of</strong> March, 18'^1. Previous to that time surveys<strong>of</strong> the Allegheny mountains had been made by several eminent engineers,and these surveys had thrown much light on the topography<strong>of</strong> the country through which the railroad was to pass. SylvesterWelch was appointed princi]ial engineer <strong>of</strong> the work 1)y the Board <strong>of</strong>Canal Commissioners, and he organizcMl his locating party, and hadthe tents pitched near Lilly's mill, at the head <strong>of</strong> the mountain liranch<strong>of</strong> the Conemaugh, on the 12th day <strong>of</strong> April, 1831. The locatingparty, at the beginning, consisted <strong>of</strong> Sylvester Welch, principal engineer;Solomon W. Rolierts, principal assistant engineer; Patrick(xriffin, surveyor ;and twelve assistants, axe men and cook. The linecommenced at the head <strong>of</strong> the Little Conemaugh and continued downthe valley <strong>of</strong> that stream to <strong>Johnstown</strong>, a distance <strong>of</strong> twentv-onemiles, where it connected with the western divi.sion <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvaniacanal. The western end <strong>of</strong> the railroad was located on the 14thday <strong>of</strong> May, 1831. In the month <strong>of</strong> May, :\[r. W. Milnor Robertsjoined the corps as principal assistant engineer, and traced the linefrom the turnpike crossing, near the summit <strong>of</strong> the mountain, toLilly's mill, a distance <strong>of</strong> five miles. The grading and masonry <strong>of</strong>the twenty-six miles were contracted for at Ebensburg on the 25th<strong>of</strong> May, and the work commenced by clearing a track one hundredand twenty feet wide through the forest, most <strong>of</strong> which consisted <strong>of</strong>heavy spruce or hemlock timber. The location <strong>of</strong> the line from theturnpike crossing, near the summit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong>'s Gap, eastward to Hollidaysbnrg,a distance <strong>of</strong> ten and two-thirds miles, was immediately

ft HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.proc'c'etlecl with. This part <strong>of</strong> tlic worlv was let to contractors on the29th day <strong>of</strong> July, 1831, and thus the ii-radin,u' and nuisonry <strong>of</strong> thewhole railroad l)ein

IITSTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 9Tiic cinhankiuciits wwr iiuulc2.") feet wide on top, and the hcd <strong>of</strong>the road in excavations was 25 feet with side ditches. Sixty-('i,

10 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.$472,162.50^. This work iuoludcd 337,220 culjic yards <strong>of</strong> commonexcavation; 212,034 <strong>of</strong> slate or detached rock; 506,932 <strong>of</strong> hard panor indurated clay ;210,724 <strong>of</strong> solid rock; 14,857 solid rock in tunnel,at $1.47 per yard; 967,060 cubic yards <strong>of</strong> embankment carried over100 feet ; 37,327 perches <strong>of</strong> slope wall, <strong>of</strong> 25 cubic feet; 13,342 i)erchesvertical slope wall in drains, the viaducts, culverts and brid,i>'es included.Plane No. 6 contained 28,368 perches <strong>of</strong> masonry. P'or thefirst track there were delivered 50,911 stone l)locks, which cost $27,-072.15; 508,901 feet lineal <strong>of</strong> 6x8, and 2,842 feet 12x12 inch timber,which cost $17,184.50. The amount done' under the contracts for"laying" railway amounted to $135,776.26..All <strong>of</strong> the iron rails were imported from Great Britain, by A. &G. Ralston, Philadelphia, and also part <strong>of</strong> the chairs, spikes andwedges for the first track. The t(jtal cost <strong>of</strong> British iron at Philadelphia,imported for the first track, was $118,888.36. The aggregatecost <strong>of</strong> all work done, and materials furnished under contract, for thefirst track comi)lete, Avas $430,716.59i For the second track, therewere imported 16,976 bars <strong>of</strong> edge rails, each 18 feet long, whichweighed 1,803 tons and 1,400 pounds gross, and cost, at Philadelphia,$43.51 per ton. The aggregate cost <strong>of</strong> all work done and materialsfurnished, under contract, for the second track, was $3()3,937.05i.The aggregate cost <strong>of</strong> the ten stationary engines, houses, sheds,dwellings, water pipes, ropes, etc., was $151,923.30^ The total cost<strong>of</strong> the Portage railroad was $1,634,357.69.<strong>of</strong>fice expenses, engineering, or the extra allowance tothe Legislature after the work was completed.Four locomotive engineswere used on the "longlevel."But this does not includecontractors l)vFifty thousand tons <strong>of</strong> freight and twenty thousand jjassengerspassed over the road during the season <strong>of</strong> 1835.15(IAT TAKEN OVER THE ALLE(iHENY AIOI'NTAINS.In his <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cam))ria <strong>County</strong>, pul)lished nearly half a centuryago, Mr. Shernuin Day refers to the first l)oat taken over theAllegheny mountains, in October, 1834, on the Portage railroad.He says: "Jesse Chrisman, from the Lackawanna, a tributary <strong>of</strong> thenorth branch <strong>of</strong> the Suscpudianna, loaded his boat, 'Hit or Miss,' withhis wife, children, l)edsand family accommodations, with j)igeons andotlu'r live stock, and started for Illinois. At Hollidaysl)urg, wherehe expected to sell liis boat, it was suggested by John Doughertv, <strong>of</strong>the Reliance Transportation line, that the whole concern could besafely hoisted over the mountain, and set afioat ay-ain in the canal.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND HI.AIR COUNTY. 11JVIr. DuiiylRTty prepared a railroad car calculated to hear the novelIjurden. The l)oat was taken from its ]»roi)er element, ])laced onwheels, and, under the superintendence <strong>of</strong> Major ('. Williains, the"boat and cargo at noon on the same day began their progress overthe rugged Allegheny. All this was done without disturbing thefamily arrangements <strong>of</strong> cooking, sleejung, etc. They rested a night•on the top <strong>of</strong> the mountain, like Noah's ark on Ararat, and descendednext morning into the valley <strong>of</strong> the Mississippi, ami sailed for St.Louis."GRADUAL ASCENT OFTHE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.The road commences a gradual ascent at Ilarrisburg where it is310 feet above tide, and rises regularly. At Lewistown it is 480feet above tide; at Huntingdon, G 10 feet; at Tyrone, 88(5 feet ; atAltoona, 1,168 feet. Up to this point the heaviest gradient per milelias not exceeded 21 feet. A short distance west <strong>of</strong> Altoona thisgradient is increased to 1)5 feet per mile on straight lines, and 82 feetper mile on curves.Thus, ascending, it reaches its culminating pointat the west end <strong>of</strong> the great tunnel, where its altitude above tide is2,lfil feet. The highest gradient west <strong>of</strong> the tunnel is 52i*;, feet permile, and the average gradient on that end is 2i'^g feet ])er mile. At<strong>Johnstown</strong> the elevation above tide is 1,184 feet ; at Greensl)urg.1,090 feet, and at Pittsburg 748 feet, being 438 feet higher at itswestern terminus than at Harrisburg, where it commences to overcomethe barrier presented l)y the mountains.SUMMARY OF ITS PROGRESS.The rise and progress <strong>of</strong> the Pennsyhania railroad is wonderful.At first but a link in the chain <strong>of</strong> intercommunication Ix-tween Philadelphiaand Pittsburg, it has become the greatest highway <strong>of</strong> traveland traffic on the face <strong>of</strong> the earth. The road and its connectionspermeate all sections <strong>of</strong> the country. To transact its extended anddiversified ])usiness the company now owns and runs upon its ownlines upwards <strong>of</strong> 1,000 locomotives, upwards <strong>of</strong> 1,000 passenger cars,and about 20.000 freight cars. It owns 2,000 miles <strong>of</strong> completedroad, and controls about 5,000 miles more. Its workshops cover anarea <strong>of</strong> more than 500 acres.It employs 25,000 men, many <strong>of</strong> whomare mechanics and experts <strong>of</strong> the highest skill. It has upwards <strong>of</strong>200 foreign ticket <strong>of</strong>fices and agents (independent <strong>of</strong> those at its ownstations), established in thirteen different States. It has developedmines, created manufactories, established commerce, etc.


HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND ULAIR COUNTY. 13'Oil F('l)niiirv 2, iSn'i, Mr. .1. Kduiir 'IMHUiisdii was elected Pre>i-(leiitdf the Pennsylvania llailroad eonipany. 1 le died on May "27,18T4. The vacancy was tilled Ity the (dection <strong>of</strong> Thomas A. Scott,who had been actin- in the cajiacity <strong>of</strong> Yice Presiih'nt since March4, 1860. It is trne, however, that the position Mr. Scott Inddas Yice President was, for a time, merely nominal, for, on Au-iist 1,1861, he was appointed Assistant Secretary <strong>of</strong> War. On June 1,1802, he resi-ned this position, and resumed his duties as an <strong>of</strong>ficer<strong>of</strong> the road. But, again, in 1868, he was recalled to the War department,by Secretary Stanton, and on the 24th S(>ptembcr <strong>of</strong> iliatvear was create(l ('olon(d and Assistant (Quartermaster. After rendering-efficient service to the (xON-crnment for a short time he againresumed his railroad duties.The prosperity <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad, is uuiiiily attributableto its management under the direction <strong>of</strong> J. Edgai- Thomsonand Thomas A. Scott, the latter being justly recognized as the mostefficient railroad <strong>of</strong>ficer in the United States, and, probably, in theworld.From the thirty-third annual report <strong>of</strong> the lioard <strong>of</strong> directors tothe stockholders, presented at the meeting h(dd March 9, <strong>1880</strong>, welearn that the gross earnings <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad division,between Pittsburg and Philadelphia, were $21,743,628.31 ;expenses,$11,751,620.55; net (varnings, $«),;)92,007.t6 ; add interest for investments,$2,513,198.21 ;deduct interest on bonded debt, etc., $5,022,-725.49—leaving the net income $7,482,480,48. The earnings <strong>of</strong> theUnited railroads <strong>of</strong> New Jersey division were $9,784,843.05, and theexpenses, $6, 500, 861. 53.After deducting payments on account <strong>of</strong> interest,etc., there is a loss <strong>of</strong> $939,889.00 for the year, against a loss<strong>of</strong> $,136,715.16 for 1878.The Philadelphia and Erie division showsearnings <strong>of</strong> $3,091,807.81, and exi)enses <strong>of</strong> $2,130,258.07. In orderto provide for the cancellation <strong>of</strong> $4,970,000 <strong>of</strong> lirst mortgage bonds,due December 31, <strong>1880</strong>, the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors have caused to lieissued $5,000,000 <strong>of</strong> 5 per cent, bonds, due in forty years.Since the above was written Thomas A. Scott resignedthe presidency<strong>of</strong> the company. His resignation took effect on the 1st June,(<strong>1880</strong>). George B. Roberts, First Yice President, was elected t(. lillthe vacancy at a special meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors held onthe 5th May. This gentleman began his career <strong>of</strong> service with thePennsylvania Kailroad company in the spring <strong>of</strong> 1851 as a rodman inthe engineer corps, and was, during the following summer, promote(lto the position <strong>of</strong> assistant engineer in charge <strong>of</strong> the division on the

14 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.suiniiiit <strong>of</strong> the Allegheny mountain, which division included the greattunnel. In 1869 hd was elected Fourth Vice President, in 1872Second Vice President, and in 1874 First A'ice President. WhenCol. Scott was made President, Mr. Roberts (as First A'ice I'resident)had charge <strong>of</strong> all engineering matters connected with the constructionor extension <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the comiiany's lines, and a general supervisionover the accounts <strong>of</strong> the company through the comi)troller.also aided the President in all matters connected with other roadsleased or controlled hy the Pennsylvania Railroad company. On Felvruary '.), 1ST5, he was re-elected Secretary and I'reasurer <strong>of</strong> the WestJersey railroad, a i)ositioii he had held for nine years, and in 187(ibecame President. Mr. Roberts is distinguished for his conscientiousdevotion to interests intrusted to his care. With him railroad engineeringis one <strong>of</strong> the exact sciences. His thorough training andgreat

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 15<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong>.BOUNDS, POPULATION, ETC.<strong>Blair</strong> county, on the north, is hounded l)y Centre and Clearlield ;on the east Ijy Huntinii'(h)n ;on tlie soutli hy IJedford ; on the westb}^ Cambria. It is composed <strong>of</strong> portions <strong>of</strong> Bedford and Jluntinj;--dou counties, which were cut <strong>of</strong>f and assigned ))y an act <strong>of</strong> tlie Legislature<strong>of</strong> February 2(5, 184G. The county was named in honor <strong>of</strong>Mr. John <strong>Blair</strong>, a ix'ominent, intelligent, and highly esteemed citizen.When the census was taken in 1870 the poi)ulation <strong>of</strong> tlie countynumbered 38,051. At this time <strong>of</strong> writing the census for <strong>1880</strong> hasnot been taken. The work will be accomplished, however, Ijeforethis book will l)e completed, and tlie rt'sult \\'ill a])pear on a subsequentpage.AGRICULTURAL AND MINf]RALRESOURCES.The land is not noted for its fertility so far as agrieultural products•are concerned, excepting a tract <strong>of</strong> country called "Morrison's Cove,"a portion <strong>of</strong> which lies in <strong>Blair</strong>, which is noted for the production <strong>of</strong>grain inferior to none in the market; the land lying in closeproximityto Hollidaysburg, and that comprising "Scotch" and "Canoe" valleys.But the mountains produce iron ore in abundance. At thetime this ore was converted into solid metal by means <strong>of</strong> small charcoalfurnaces, it was taken to Pittsburg on wagons, at a cost <strong>of</strong> $30per ton for transportation, making it an expensive article <strong>of</strong> merchandise.In this connection we feel justitied in remarking that were a littlemore energy and enterprise exhil)ited, the nuirket for the excellent'Ores <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> and adjoining counties would l)e greatly increased. S<strong>of</strong>ar as the Pittsburg W(n-ks are concerned, Western Pennsylvania ironenjoys a protective tariff in the shape <strong>of</strong> railroad rates, which wouldgive it virtual control <strong>of</strong> the market. The prices for pig-metal inCleveland are: Lake Superior, No. 1, !!;12.50; do. Xo. 2, $12; brownhermatite, $10. This is al)out the same quality <strong>of</strong> ore, l)ut containsmore phosphorus than the ores <strong>of</strong> lilair and neighl)oring counties-The freight to Pittsburg is about $1.90 per short ton, or $2.2;') perlong ton. At this rate our vOtj? can be didivi'red in Pittsburu- at about

16 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.If you want Batigains, here is the place taget tliem. We propose to <strong>of</strong>fer Extra Inducementsto our customers for the year <strong>1880</strong>, andall subsequent years. We shall exert everymeans to spread still farther the name <strong>of</strong> theplace where the most goods can be bought for themoney ; where the clean cash tells the wonderfultale <strong>of</strong> its powerful influence.—Remember, wetalk cash to all— the rich and poor alike. Weneither ask nor give credit, the interest <strong>of</strong> whichis always added to your bill when "I TRUST"sells the goods. We claim and can prove thatwe give more goods for the money. This factwe have for the last three years fully demonstratedto this community.BALTZELL & ROUSS,New York Office, 376 Broadway.ALTOOIvTA, <strong>PA</strong>.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COLNTY.. IT$().T5 por ton ;loss than the Ix'st ore costs in (Mcxcland, w liidi.when taken to I'ittsburg-, has the additional cost <strong>of</strong> fri'i^hts. As acons('(|ucncc <strong>of</strong> this, onr home ores should he introduced in Pittsl)ur^',wlu're a ji'ood market could be secured. It would be well for IJiaircounty minors to think <strong>of</strong> this matter.At pvosont there are eleven furnaces in the county, which, whenin full blast, are ca})able <strong>of</strong> producinji' uj)war(ls <strong>of</strong> 1,000 tons <strong>of</strong> ironper week, and that, too, <strong>of</strong> sujx'rior (juality. We ai)i)eudA LIST OF TlIK FURNACES." Alle

HISTORY18 .OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.<strong>of</strong> pro^^perity burst, and the hoi)e.s <strong>of</strong> its stockholders vanished into>air.One hundred years a.s'o (ItSO) Sinking or Bald Eagle valley containedabout forty families, who lived in log houses. The plantationswere two or three miles from each other, so that when disagreementswith Indians occurred they Avere at tht'ir mercy, unableto concentrate in time to resist their attacks.Sinking valley is some three miles east <strong>of</strong> Tyrone. For beauty<strong>of</strong> scener}', historic interest, and natural curiosities, it deserves totake rank among the most interesting places in the United States,It is formed by a rugged chain <strong>of</strong> mountains on the east, called Canoeridge, and by Bald Eagle mountain on the west. It is extensiveand fertile, containing many highly-improved farms, mills, iron works,and an intelligent jxipulation.NATURAL CURIOSITY.The great natural curiosity <strong>of</strong> this valley is Sinking creek, fromwhicli it takes its name. This creek emerges from Arch Spring, andthen proceeds to lose itself, again and again, as it flows onward.Some <strong>of</strong> the pits through which the creek is visible, are several hundreds<strong>of</strong> feet in depth. Many <strong>of</strong> these openings are seen along thesinking stream, which at length appears upon the surface for a shortdistance. It then enters a large cave, through which it flows in achannel about 20 feet wide, for a distance <strong>of</strong> more than 300 yards,when the cave widens, the creek turns, and is plunged into a cavernwhere the waters are whirled and churned with terrific force. Sticksand large pieces <strong>of</strong> timber are immediately carried out <strong>of</strong> sight, butwhere they go has never lieen ascertained, no outlet for the watershaving been discovered.A stream flowing through Tyrone has characteristics somewhatsimilar to this Sinking creek—disappearing and again reappearing asit flows onward. Doubtless these singularities are owing to somepeculiar geological formation, as they are again repeated in Fishingcreek. Centre county, some 40 miles northeast <strong>of</strong> Tyrone.A few miles from Arch Spring is a narrow pass, in Tussey'smountain, which, for the distance <strong>of</strong> a mile, is cut like a westerngulch or ravine through huge rocks rising almost perpendicularly onl)oth sides <strong>of</strong> it to a consideral)le height. The early settlers namedthe pass "Water Street," and by this title it is <strong>of</strong>ten mentioned in therecords <strong>of</strong> colonial times.

—HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 1 -o warriorwho figured so prominently during an early ix'riod <strong>of</strong> our nationalhistory.His cabin was located near a large spring, now withinthe limits <strong>of</strong> Tyrone. In an engagement with a hostile tribe onthe Susquehanna, Logan, unfortunately,, had an eye shot out by anarrow. This disfigurement was considered by the Indians as a disgrace,and he was deposed from his chieftainship. He then camewith his family to Juniata valley. His friendship for the whites wassincere, and he rendered them many important services. After theHe moved to the Indianrevolution he was deprived <strong>of</strong> his lands (where Tyrone now stands)by some white men, who purchased them in due form, a proceedingtheIndian, in his ignorance, had omitted.town <strong>of</strong> Chinklacamoose (where Clearfield now stands), and diedthere, one <strong>of</strong> the best representatives <strong>of</strong> his race in the Juniata valley.THE SCOTCH SETTLE IN FRANKSTOWN AND CATHARINE TOWNSHIPS.A portion <strong>of</strong> Catharine and Frankstown townships constitute theScotch and Canoe valleys, to the fertility <strong>of</strong> soil <strong>of</strong> which we havealready referred. The elder inhabitants <strong>of</strong> this part <strong>of</strong> the countythe Moores, Irwins, Cra\vfords, Fraziers, Bells, Stewarts and others—were <strong>of</strong> Scotch descent.HOW AND WHEN TOWNSHIPS WERE FORMED.Allegheny was, prior to the formation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county, in 1S4(), atownship <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county. As it then existed it joined Antison the north. In 1852 Logan was formed out <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and Antis;hence Allegheny is now bounded on the north by Logan, on thewest by Cambria county, on the south Ijy <strong>Blair</strong> and Juniata, and onthe east by Frankstown.Antis, like Allegheny, was a part <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county. It issaid the name is that <strong>of</strong> a somewhat noted Tory, who resided hereduring the revolutionary war. In 1852 the southern ])ortion <strong>of</strong> thetownship was taken from Logan. As Antis now stands it is boundedon the north by Snyder, on the east by Tyrone, on the south l)y Logan,and on the west by Caml^ria county.<strong>Blair</strong> came out from Huntingdon county, and surrounds Hollidaysburg,the county seat. It was originally taken from Allegheny andFrankstown, and, as now organized, is bounded on the north by Al-



HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 21k'dford county, became part <strong>of</strong><strong>Blair</strong> county in 184G. Since then both Freedom and Juniata havebeen taken from it. It is bounded on the south ))y Bedford county,on the west I'y Somerset county, on the north b\- Juniata and Freedom,and on the east by Taylor.Huston was orig-inally a township <strong>of</strong> Bedford county. It isbounded on the south by Bedford county, on the east by Hunting-doncounty, on the north ))y Woodl)erry, and on the west I)y Fraid

22 HISTORY or ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Taylor was formed in1855 out <strong>of</strong> Xorth Woodljcrry and Huston,It has Bedford county on the south, Greenfield, Freedom and <strong>Blair</strong>on the west, Frankstown on the north, and Xorth Woodl)erry on theeast.Tyrone was an old township <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county, until incorporatedinto <strong>Blair</strong> county in 1846. It has Logan and Antis on thewest, Snyder on the north, Catharine on the east, and Frankstownon the south.Woodberry came from Huntingdon county, and has within it thetown <strong>of</strong> Williamsburg. It is l)ounded on the south by Huston, westby Frankstown, north l)y Catharine and on the east by Huntingdoncounty.To recapitulate—fifteen townships inall—Allegheny, Antis, lilairCatharine, Frankstown, Snyder, Tyrone and Woodberry originallyfrom Huntingdon cpunty ; Greenfield, Huston and Xorth Woodberryfrom Bedford county;and Freedom, Juniata, Logan and Taylor wereformed since the organizatidii <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county in 1840.EDUCATIONAL HISTORY.We now give an epitome <strong>of</strong> the educational history <strong>of</strong> the county,,derived from Mr. John H. Stephens, the present efficient Superintendent<strong>of</strong> public schools <strong>of</strong> the county. The educational interests <strong>of</strong>Altoona are specificalh^ treated further on.In 1809—no nuitter what nuiy have been the character <strong>of</strong> theschools up to that time—the first law Avas emicted tending toward ageneral system <strong>of</strong> public free schools, for the"education <strong>of</strong> the poorgratis." In 1834 the present law was passed, which has l)een modifiedat various times. Two schools were estaljlished within the presentlimits <strong>of</strong> the county as early as 1190—one at Williamsburg, theother lU'ar "Red Ore Bank," on Clover creek. Williamsburg wasformerly called Ak(>town, and Jacob Ake owned the land upon whichit was l)uilt.Believing that the education <strong>of</strong> the youth in his vicinitywas a matter <strong>of</strong> importance, ^[r. Ake secured teachers and paidall the expenses out <strong>of</strong> his own purse. The system <strong>of</strong> instructionMr. Ake established lasted fifteen years, when subscription schoolsbegan. Mr. James Martin taught until 1825. He was followed l)yMessrs. Cassel, Irvin, Opdyke and Spencer, and Miss Xancy Anderclerson.The school on Clover creek was taught l)y John Bridenthal,in a house which stood on what is now the Hyle farm. John Hiltztaught a school in a private house in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> Leather Cracker

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 28(now Henrietta) aliout lt95.William Loose, Georii-e Glass andKetring, were among the other teachers who taught in this vicinity(luring this period.Another school was established near .Etna Furnace,at an early day, which was in o[)erati(tn in 1T97. Tn ISOO tliehouse was destroyed by fire, and another to take its place was locatednear Keller's church. James Martin is the only teacher <strong>of</strong> this schoolM'hose name has been handed down to posterity. About 1800 JohnFisher taught a school in a private house near Sharpsburg, and in1802 a school house was built in the same vicinity known as theHauscr school. Most <strong>of</strong> the schools were German. The first Englishschool taught in the "Cove" was in 1800, by Mr. Roach, in a housewhich stood near Roaring Si)ring. Thomas Kinney taught a schoolnear p]]izabeth Furnace in 1800. Another school was taught nearBell's Mills, in 1809. Alexander Kerr and Dudley Burnham werethe leading teachers in this community. Sixty-seven years ago JohnSteele taught in a private house in Gaysport. Thomas Stearns, JohnKnox, Joshua Williamson, William Anderson, John Wcrtz, RoliertMcNamara, Joseph Cadwalder, S. P. Henry and Ephrain Galbraithare among the teachers who taught in Frankstown. (At that timeFrankstown included the present territory <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and <strong>Blair</strong>townships.)In 1812, James Langham taught a school near Black's]\[ills, Greenfield township. John Dodson also taught in this neighborhuod.John Swoveland built a school house at his own expense,,and donated it for school purposes. In 1815 a school house was builtnear Allegheny Furnace, called the Beales' school. John Gwin andSummervillc were among the teachers here.Within the presentlimits <strong>of</strong> Allegheny townshi[), the first school house with shingle ro<strong>of</strong>was built (in Huncansville) in 1815.Under the act <strong>of</strong> 1854, creating the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> <strong>County</strong> Superintendent,Hugh A. Caldwell was the fii'st man to serve, Avith a salary <strong>of</strong>$400. L. H. Williams succeeded him in LSoC), and Geo. W. Englishfilled the <strong>of</strong>fice in 185T. John Dean, now President Judge <strong>of</strong> thisHisJudicial district, was elected in 185T, with salary raised to $(500.successor was John Mitchell, who was appointed to fill the unexpiredterm <strong>of</strong> Mr. Dean.In 18G0 Mr. Mitchell was elected for the ensuingterm. J. Ginter Counsman was elected in 18(')3, and was followed I)yElexis Elder in 1804. In 18(55 the salary was raised to $1,000. Mr.Elder served until 18()0. In the same year John B. Holland waselected, and in 1875 John H. Stephens was made Superintendent.More strenuous eft'orts have been made during the present year(<strong>1880</strong>), than in any previous one, to free the schools from incompetent

24 HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANP BLAIR COUiNTY.GO TO-^4rwin'sDrugStore-Cornel' lltliAA'enue and iHth Street,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.,— FOR —Pure Drugs,POWER'S AND WEIGHTMAN'S CHEMICALS,JXO. WYETH i-tR. A. IIAXCE'S FLUID EXTRACTS,ISRO.'S \VIXE.S AM) ELIXIRS,ALL STANDARD <strong>PA</strong>TENT MEDICINES.<strong>PA</strong>LMER'S HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS and INVISIBLE POWDER,BEANS INDIAN (H'KEN PERFUME,FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES,SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY.TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFFS, &c.«S=- Prescriptions carefully compouiuled with accuracy ami dispatch, at allliours <strong>of</strong> the day or night. Business hours from (J a. m. until II p. m. Open onSunday for ihe sale <strong>of</strong> necessary medicines.ALTOONA T STORE,Moss MOSER & Co., Proprs.Corner Gtli A\'eniie cUid Tth Street.IX ADDITIOX TO A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OKTine Teas, C<strong>of</strong>fees and Spices,WE KEEr A OENEItAL AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OFGroceries, Flour, Feed una.Notions.ALTOONA W STORE,Corner Sixth Avenue and Seventh Street.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIH COUNTY. 25toaehin-s aiul to keep out <strong>of</strong> tlie pr<strong>of</strong>ession young- and inexperiencedones until they make more tlioroug-h preparation before entering uponso important a work. Tlie standard has been raised so as to exclude anumber <strong>of</strong> teachers who belong to that class which serves no otherliurpose than to check the wheels <strong>of</strong> progress. This, in connectionwith what directors are doing in exercising from year tocare in selecting teachers, seems, next to good teachersbe till'most efficient means for the improvement <strong>of</strong> the schools.year greaterthemselves, toThree new houses were erected during the year in Logan and onein Antis. All are substantial buildings, well adapted to the purposefor which they were intended. The directors <strong>of</strong> Tyrone boroughplaced in their building ap])aratus to heat thein connection with otlier improvements made, delayed therooms by steam, which,the schools so as to make it necessary to diminish the term.opening <strong>of</strong>The <strong>County</strong> Institute was held in Hollidaysl)urg commencing December29 and closing January 2. It was the best attended instituteever held in the county, and in point <strong>of</strong> interest was i)ronounced fullyequal to any heret<strong>of</strong>ore held. The instructors and lecturers besidesteachers <strong>of</strong> our own county, were Pr<strong>of</strong>essors J. H. Shumaker <strong>of</strong> Chamb

—26 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Rev. Joseph Waugh was the principal. From the latter date up tothe present time, Pr<strong>of</strong>. W. P. Hussey isits efficient principal.Tipton Seminary, located at Bell's Mills, was built ))y General 13-F. Bell, in 1866. Pr<strong>of</strong>. Orr Lossiny first took charge <strong>of</strong> the school;he was followed by Rol)ert Fulton and J. A, Stewart. The Iniildinghas not been used for school purposes for several years.A select .school has l)een in successful operation in Hollidaysl)ur<strong>of</strong>orseveral years, under the principalship <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. J.A. Stewart.DESCRIPTION OF NEW COURT HOUSEDEDICATION EXERCISES, ETC.On April 29,1875, the old court house in Hollidaysburg was presentedby the grand inquest <strong>of</strong> the county in the following language:"The Grand Inquest, inquiring in and for the <strong>County</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong>, inApril session, 1875, do make the following presentment: That wefind the present court house is inadequate and unfit for the accomodation<strong>of</strong> the courts and the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> said county, and especially forthe deliberations <strong>of</strong> the grand jury, as well as unsafe for the keeping<strong>of</strong> the records <strong>of</strong> said county ;we, therefore, recommend the erection<strong>of</strong> a now court house for the reception and safe-keeping <strong>of</strong> the records,as may be necessary for the projier use <strong>of</strong> said county."After this presentment, Messrs. David Aurandt, John ClarkandAle.x. Carothers, who at that time constituted the board <strong>of</strong> countycommissioners, decided to erect a new building, and entered into acontract with Andrew Myers to superintend the removal <strong>of</strong> the oldcourt house and jail on May 26, 1875. The contract for making theexcavations for the foundation walls was made with Michael Walls,who died while the work was in progress. On August 11, 1875, thecommissioners, having previously adopted a plan, designed by DavidS. Gendell, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, and advertised for proposals, receivedtwenty-three bids, varying from $103,700 to $168,000. The lowestbidder was John Schreiner, <strong>of</strong> Pittsl)urg, and to him was awardedthe contract. He did the work well.The building is erected upon a nearly level terrace—terrace surrounded))y low stone walls, provided with Avrouglit iron railingtwo main entrances by broad flights <strong>of</strong> steps—terrace has broadlandings and foot walks laid with large flag stones. The building isin the modern Gothic style <strong>of</strong> arcliitecture, with the Italian treatment.The exterior walls are <strong>of</strong> stone—facing, cut stone. The color <strong>of</strong> themain ))ody <strong>of</strong> the work is a Avarm, rich, sunny buff—arch stones,string courses, cornices and otlier ornamental i>ortions <strong>of</strong> the work, are

mSTOIlT OF ALTOONA AND 15LA1R COUNTY. 27f)f a 1)c:iiit it'll! deep, peach blouiii color, present iiiu' a stroii.u- yet at;Teeal)lecontrast. Inside the exterior stone walls are 4?,- inch hrick walls,erected separately from the stone work, to wliich they are tied withwron^H'ht iron anchors. Tliere is an air space <strong>of</strong> U inches betweenthe stone walls and the brick lininii' to secure freedom from dampness.Tlie ]ilan <strong>of</strong> the structure Ixnirs some resemblance to the letter "T."In width it is 70 feet on the front ; 83^ feet on the rear, and 55-| footacross the narrow part—total depth 132^ feet. The front portion <strong>of</strong> thel)uilding- is two stories in height, surmounted with a hisih, slated ro<strong>of</strong>.The rear part is three stories high, the upper story being containedwithin a Mansard ro<strong>of</strong>, with ornamontal gabled stone dormers. Atach front angle <strong>of</strong> the l)uilding is a large s(piare tower, surmouiitodhx an ornamental slate covered ru<strong>of</strong>, the total height from the groundto the top <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong> being 83 feet without the iron cresting. On thefront, between the two towers, are three entrance doorways, facingAllegheny street. These are approached from the terrace l)y a flight<strong>of</strong> steps 84 feet long, with a liroad landing at the top, which forms thefloor <strong>of</strong> an arcade. This arcade consists <strong>of</strong> three arches carrid by-coupled columns. It is 27^ feet high from the pavement <strong>of</strong> the terraceto the top <strong>of</strong> the weathering <strong>of</strong> the cornice. Above the arcadeare three traceried windows opening into the court-room. Over theseis the front galile <strong>of</strong> the main ro<strong>of</strong>. The height <strong>of</strong> this gable from theterrace to the to}) <strong>of</strong> the stone finial surmounting it is 77 feet. luthis gable is a niche in which is placed a statue <strong>of</strong> Justice 8 feethigh, executed in Amherst stone. In the rear liuilding is anotherlarge entrance or doorway facing Union street. The main or clocktower is at the intersection <strong>of</strong> the front and rear buildings, amassivestructure 19 feet square, in which is one <strong>of</strong> Meneely k Co.'s bestbells, sweet in tone, and weighing 2,550 pounds. Above the belfryis the clock, the dials <strong>of</strong> which are <strong>of</strong> thick heavy ground glass 99inches in diameter. Above the gables the tower is surmounted by ashort spire or high ro<strong>of</strong>, all <strong>of</strong> stone to the finial, and this spire issurmounted by ornamental iron work. On the rear <strong>of</strong> the entirehuilding is a small turret 6^ feet square and 80 feet high, intended tocarry <strong>of</strong>f the vitiated air from the rooms <strong>of</strong> the building.The four entrance doorways are provided with handsomely panelledwalnut doors. The three doors facing Union street open into avestibule 12x38 feet. At each end <strong>of</strong> this vestibule are stairways to•the second story. The tiling for \hv floors was imported and furnishedby Sharpless k Watts, <strong>of</strong> Philadeli)liia.Opening from the corridors are the various county <strong>of</strong>fices. Com-


—HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 29niissioiKTs' room, 19 feet 5 inches hy 24 fret, witli a connecting- iM'ivatcroom 12 feet liy 1:> feet 4 inches; TreasurerV <strong>of</strong>fice, 25 feet l)y 19feet 5 inches; Sheriff's ottice, 14 feet by 19 feet 5 inches; Protlionotary's<strong>of</strong>fice (divided into two parts), is inchuled in a space <strong>of</strong> 20 feetby 50 feet; Recorder's <strong>of</strong>fice, 20 feet by 21 feet, etc. Tlie last two<strong>of</strong>fices mentioned are fire pro<strong>of</strong>, so that the records he safe. All <strong>of</strong>ficesare neatly fitted up with necessary furniture and conveniences. Inaddition to the <strong>of</strong>fices there is an arbitration room on the first floor19 by 35 feet. The stairways an- all iron except the hand railThe court room is in the second story, approached throujih threevestibules, two front and one rear. Access to the court room is hadl)y four i)airs <strong>of</strong> larue foldin,i>- doors. The Judg^es' bench is placed ina recess f(n-med under the inain tower. This recess has a pannelledGothic arched ceilin,u- twenty-five feet high and finely finished. Theceiling <strong>of</strong> the court room is pannelled, executed in ash and yellowpine. The benches for the audience, the bar railing, the Judges'chairs and bench. Clerk's desk, the jury and witness boxes, the tablesand other furniture <strong>of</strong> the court room, also the fittings <strong>of</strong> the various<strong>of</strong>fices, are all nuide <strong>of</strong> ash, designed to correspond with the architecture<strong>of</strong> the 1)uilding. The acoustic properties <strong>of</strong> the courtroom areexcellent.In the rear l)uilding on the second floor are a conversation room15^ by 29 feet;and petit juries;a retiring room for the Judges; rooms for the grandand separate rooms for male and female witnessesall <strong>of</strong> good size and fifteen feet high in the clear. The third story istwelve feet high in the clear and contains several large rooms, to beused for storage, etc. Rooms containing water closets are convenientlylocated in several parts <strong>of</strong> the building. The drainage is excellent.The walls <strong>of</strong> all the halls and rooms are wainscotted. Thecarpenter work was well executed Idv Mr. George A. Cochran, <strong>of</strong>Pittsburg. Mr. G. A. Gibson, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, did the glazing <strong>of</strong> thewindows with stained glass <strong>of</strong> pleasing design, in cathedral tints, andset in lead work.The walls <strong>of</strong> all vestibules, halls, corridors and rooms, and all plasteredceilings throughout, are painted in colors. Although highcolors are employed, the general effect is that <strong>of</strong> a (piiet and pcjrfectharmony. Messrs. Carlisle

:30 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.into the rooniH through the warm ah' registers, the cold and vitiatedair is drawn <strong>of</strong>f througli ventihiting registers phieed next the floor.These open into flues, which connect with ducts, passing under thecellar floor, all <strong>of</strong> which discharge into a ventilating shaft. Thus,while fresh air is admitted through the warm air registers, the vitiatedair is carried <strong>of</strong>f through others.The gas fixtures are made from original designs by Messrs. Cornelius& Co., <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, and are in character with the—very rich and uni(pie in design.On May 3,1877, the following order <strong>of</strong> court was issued:building" And now. May 3, 1877, in open court, on the second Monday <strong>of</strong>April term, it appearing to the Court that the new court house, theerection <strong>of</strong> which was commenced at April term, 1875, will be completedand ready for occupancy on July 2, 1877, at Argument Court,and that, in view <strong>of</strong> the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the undertaking, the character<strong>of</strong> the building, its importance to the county in view <strong>of</strong> its increasingpopulation, and its largely increasing judicial business, the completion<strong>of</strong> so important a i)ublic work should be marked by proper notice;therefore, it is ordered that A. S. Landis, Samuel Calvin, ThaddeusBanks, B. L. Hewit, D. J. Js\.ff, H. H. Herr and A. A. Stephens,esqs.,be a committee to prepare a suitable programme <strong>of</strong> ceremoniesand make such arrangements for dedicating the building to puljlic use,on the day aforesaid, as may be deemed i)roper."By the Court."John Dean, President Judge.''''Agreeljly to this order the committee api^ointcd ]»repared the followingorder <strong>of</strong> exercisesCourt called at 11 a. m. (adjourned session.)Adjournment <strong>of</strong> court on motion <strong>of</strong> Hon. S. S. <strong>Blair</strong>.Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Bars <strong>of</strong> the District, organized with Hon. Thad. Banks,President.Prayer by Rev. D. H. Barron.Music.Historical address by Hon. John Dean, I'rosident Judge.Music.Address by Hon. Samuel Calvin.Address by Hon. Jeremiah S. Black.Music.Addresses by Col. R. A. McMurtrie, and others.Court convened at 11 o'clock.Hon. S. S. <strong>Blair</strong> moved the adjournment<strong>of</strong> court. Immediately after its adjournment, Mr. Landis, chairman<strong>of</strong> till' committee <strong>of</strong> arrangements, stated that the following<strong>of</strong>ficers had Ijcen selected for the occasion :President, Hon. Thad. Banks ; Vice Presidents, Gen. John A^'illiamson,<strong>of</strong> Huntingdon, and John Fenlon, esq., <strong>of</strong> Cambria.

IIISTOHY OV ALTdONA AND ULAIR (^OUN'TV. 31After they hiul taken tLrir i.iaccs, Mr. Laiidi- addro-cd the anniiiittee<strong>of</strong> arran.uvincuts, coii.uTatulatiii.u' lliriii upon tlir happy occa-.sion \vlii(di had asscinhlcd them to^clhtT.Jlon. Thiul. IJaidvs, the rhainnaii, then made a few remarks, returuiii.ythanks for the position assi,i>-neil luni. and niakin.u- comiiiimentaryalhisioiis to Judt-vs Bhiek, Tayhir and Dean.After prayer by Rev. D. II. Uarron, pastor <strong>of</strong> the Treslnteriauc'hureli, and music by the l)and. tlieehairmaii introduced Judg-o Dean,whoso remarks we would like to publish in fidl. Unal)le to do so, (»u•account <strong>of</strong> our space ))ein

32 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.REPilREDTo show you the largest stock <strong>of</strong> Dry Gootls, Carpets, Notions and Fancy Goodsin <strong>Blair</strong> county. We are constantly receiving new goods in all departments. OurDry Goods Department is complete at all times in all standard makes <strong>of</strong> Muslins,Ginghams, Calicoes, Tickings, antl we sell them all at the lowest possible price,DRESS GOODS DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.We make a specialty <strong>of</strong> this department and at all times you will be sure to tiuda complete assortment <strong>of</strong> fancy and plain dress fabrics. We would call specialattention to our Black and Colored Cashmeres and would invite comparison withsamples from New York or Philadelphia. Our silks are always up to the standard :purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our Silks. Samples sent whenrequested.TRIMMING DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.We would ask an inspection <strong>of</strong> this department. We are contident that we canshow you the largest and finest stock <strong>of</strong> Black and Colored Silk Velvets, Buttons.Braids, and all the latest Novelties in Trimming. We are always up to the timesin this department.NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS DE<strong>PA</strong>RT-MENT.You will be sure to find a large stock in this department. We make a specialty<strong>of</strong> these goods ; buying in large quantities we can sell them more reasonably thanany other house in the fancy goods business. A full stock <strong>of</strong> Laces, Ribbons, Ties,Edgings, Hamlmrg Embroidery, Nainsook and Swiss Trimming.CARPET DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.We occupy all the second floor <strong>of</strong> our building tor this department and can showyou the largest line <strong>of</strong> Carpets in Central Pennsylvania. We buy in large quantitiesand sell them raiDidly at a slight advance for cash. Yovi are cordiallj- invitedto call and examine our stock and learn our prices. We always keep up to thetimes at "No. 1317," and we shall spare no pains to make it to your advantage todeal with us as you will always find the latest goods in the market and at Easternprices.Wm. Murray,-^N0,fl317^Eleventh Avenue,Altoona, Pa.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND lU.AlR ColNTV. 33iPIiTc follows ii hi,ulily coiiiidinu'iitary allusion to Jiidiic IMack.] Aswe have seen, oil April 5, 1849, the I'wciit y-fourtli District was created,(icoriic 'raylor, tlicii a yoim.u', '""t able lawyer <strong>of</strong> the lliiiitinu'-(lon har, was ai»i>oint('(l l)y ( Jovcriior .lolmstoii I'rcsidciit -Iiid.iic. Helu'ld liis first court in this c-ounty on the second Monday <strong>of</strong> July, 1849^the summer term lia\'in,-been ag-ain ehanu'cil back from June to July.Under this appointment he contiiitu'd to hohl court until ()ct(jberterm, 1851. In the meantime the amendment to the Constitutionhad been adopted (callcMl amendment <strong>of</strong> 1850) which provichnl for theelection <strong>of</strong> the Jud^-es <strong>of</strong> all the courts ;that their terms should lieten years ; that the terms <strong>of</strong> all Judg'es then in ottice should exi)ireon the first Monday <strong>of</strong> December followin,

34 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUXTY.and Samuel Dean were elected ;in 1865 Judge Moses was re-electecJwith B. F. Rose, <strong>of</strong> Altoona ;in 1870 George W. Patton and JosephIrwin were eh^cted ; and in 18T5 the. present associates, Charles J.Mann and Samuel Smith. AVith the exceptions <strong>of</strong> Judges McFarlane,McConnell and Brooke, appointed by Governor Shunk, and JudgeRea, appointed ]\v Governor Ijigler, all these <strong>of</strong>ficers have been Whigsor Repul)licans. "Whatever may have been their politics, it has beenthe united testimony <strong>of</strong> the bar that, one and all, they performedfaithfully and impartially their duty. Of those dead, honor and respectfollowed them during life ;<strong>of</strong> those living, no blot touches theirintegrity. They have the respect and good wishes <strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>essionwhichlife.lastlearns, as no other one does, to appreciate unblemished <strong>of</strong>ficial" From the fourth :Monday, July 21, 1846, until April 30, 187T, theterm <strong>of</strong> court, exactly two hundred lawyers have been sworn tothe bar. Of these only seventy-two have l)een resident within thecounty. On the tirst day <strong>of</strong> tlic court, July 27, 1846. there wereforty-eight admissions, commniriug with Hon. Moses Canan, <strong>of</strong>Cambria countv, and endinu' witli Andrew G., afterward GovernorCurtin, <strong>of</strong> Centr

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND I5LAIK COUNTY. 35Joshua. F. Cox, and a. luunhcr <strong>of</strong> others. Aiuoiii;' tliciii was JohnBhxlji'ctt, <strong>of</strong> Bt'dford, noted for liis acciuirenients in ^-eneral literature,his i)oeti('aI tastes, and wit. Tiiere was also admitted durin.ii- the firstyear <strong>of</strong> the court a lawyer noted in the whole ])r<strong>of</strong>ession aloui;- theJuniuta Valley, Mr. Isaac Fisher, <strong>of</strong> Huntin^-don." Of the cases tried and suits entered in the thirty yeai's since theoru'anization <strong>of</strong> the county, when compared with thepopidation, thea^U'gre^n'ate seems enormous. In the Common Pleas, includin,*;- judg--ment hills, appeals and certioraris, there have ])een entered 89,205eases; in the (Quarter Sessions, 2,(iI9 cases; in the Oyer and Terminer,\)[) cases, making- altog-ether 41,928. In this are not includedthe lai'g'e nund)er <strong>of</strong> estates partitioned or appraised in the Orphans'Court, nor the trust accounts <strong>of</strong> assignees and othertrustees, settledin the Common Pleas. There have passed through tlu^ Orpiians'Court, for confirmation and allowance, l,*7tO accounts <strong>of</strong> executorsand administrators, many <strong>of</strong> them involving protracted litigation I)efoveauditors and on exceptions to auditors' reports."Judge Black took forty-four verdicts. Judge Taylor eight hundredand seventx'-eight ; and there liave been taken since four hundredand ninety-five. Of course this, as every lawyer knows, does notshow" the extent <strong>of</strong> actual work done in the trial <strong>of</strong> causes ; for many<strong>of</strong> them, after hours, and sometimes days <strong>of</strong> trial, "go <strong>of</strong>f," either hynon suit or settlement <strong>of</strong> the parties." Bv the act <strong>of</strong> Assembly erecting the county, all uinh'terminedissues between parties resident on the territory out <strong>of</strong> which it wasformed, were to be transferred to the records <strong>of</strong> the new county."The first suit in the Common Pleas is one to Xo. 43, Augustterm, 1826, <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county, transferred. It is an action <strong>of</strong>debt by John Wilson and Rachael Buchanan, executors <strong>of</strong> Dr. JohnE. Buchanan, deceased, against William Smith, executor <strong>of</strong> JohnSteel, deceased. Wiieii it was brought, in 1826, Judges Burnside,Adams and McCune were on the bench in Huntingdon county. Smithis marked attorney for plaintift" and Allison and Steel for defendant.As a))penrs from tlie record, more than seventy continuances weremarked during tlie twenty years it stood on the Huntingdon countydocket, and five after its transfer to <strong>Blair</strong>."The first case In'ought originally in this county, is a libel fordivorce;subpa-na issued June 23, 1840, by Mary Armstrong againsther husband, John Armstrong. T. J. C<strong>of</strong>fey is attorney for libellant.John Cox, e.

36 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.HARRY SZINCK,— DEALEU INGroceries, Flou Rand Feed,Corner Gth A^'elllle and 8tli Street.THE VERY BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES.E. S. MILLER, M. D,OFFICE :Corner Sixteenth Street and EleventhAA^enne,Altoona, Pa.OFFICE IIOl'US : 7 to It a. m.1 to .} p. ni.to 8 p. 111.CONSULTATIONS IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN.THOMAS W. JACKSON,Attorney-at-Lav/,— AND —District Attorney,No. lOlU Twelfth Street,Altoona, Pa.D. F. BEEGLE,EAST SIDE JE\^^ELER,12th Street, bet. 8th and Dth Ax'enues.COMPLETE STOCK—BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES.RE<strong>PA</strong>IRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

HISTORY OI-" ALTCONA AM) HLAIll COl,\NTV. 37a di\-on'c was (Iccrccd tlicrcon liy Jiiduc Bhick, March 25, 1S47. Tlic.entire costs were $7. To. Divorces iiM\c hccoinc more costly since." In the lirst year <strong>of</strong> the court (W;! cases were entt.'red in the CommonPicas, includin,n- orli)-inal writs, certioraris and appeals. In liS5(;,ten years later, 1, ()',)(); in ISIW;, ten years later, 1,1U(); in ISTC, tenyears later, "2,717. Many <strong>of</strong> the cases inclinled in this last nund)er arejudgments on Iniildinu' association honds; hut still, the natural increasein legal business, tlie last ten, has hecn much greater than inany i)receding ten years.[We cannot find room for tlie cases tried in the Sui)rcme Court, to^vhich Judge Dean makes reference.]"There have licen tried in the Oyer and Tei'niiner thirty cases <strong>of</strong>homicide. Of these eleven were found not guilty; three, AlexanderHutchinson, James Siiirley and David McKim, were found guilty <strong>of</strong>murder in the first degret-. Tlie lirst, Hutchinson, was tried in 1850.After sentence his friends induced the Legislature to interfere l)y attemptinglegislation to relieve him from the death penalty. Nothing

—38 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY."The first district attornov -was Col. Cresswell, appointed b}' GovernorShunk. He was succeeded 1)\^ Mr. H<strong>of</strong>ius, appointed by GovernorJolinston, who filled the; <strong>of</strong>fice until 1851, when the <strong>of</strong>fice was(ilective. Mr. Kemp was elected Ijy the Whigs ; but his health failingsoon after, George A. C<strong>of</strong>fey performed the duties <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice until'1854, when Essington Hammond was elected. At the expiration <strong>of</strong>his term, Mr. Hewit filled the <strong>of</strong>fice two terms ; then John H. Keatlyalmost two terms. He resigned the last year <strong>of</strong> the second term, andI was appointed to the vacancy until next election ; was then electedand served one term.Milton Alexander was then elected and servedone t(n"m ;then James F. Milliken was elected. [Then the presentdistrict attorney, Thomas W. Jackson.Ed.]" The <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> prothonotary <strong>of</strong> Common Pleas, clerk <strong>of</strong> the Orphans'Court, Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, filled by the same<strong>of</strong>ficer, has not had many incumbents. First, Jeremiah Cunninghamwas appointed in June, 184G, to serve until the next December. Atthe October election <strong>of</strong> that year Joseph Smith was elected and serveda term <strong>of</strong> three years ;then George W. Johnston a term <strong>of</strong> three years;then Hugh McNeal one term ;then Josejih Baldrige two terms, orsix years ; then A. S. Morrow four terms, or twelve years ; then JamesP. Stewart, })resent <strong>of</strong>ficer, was elected." The <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> register <strong>of</strong> wills and recorder <strong>of</strong> deeds was first filledby appointment <strong>of</strong> John M. Gibbon}^ to hold until December, 184(i,or until his successor be qualified. At the election in Octolier <strong>of</strong> thatyear, Eph. Galbraith was the Whig candidate and Samuel Smith theDemocratic. Galln-aith died the day <strong>of</strong> the election, before the voteswerenearly all polled. Smith claimed the <strong>of</strong>fice on the grounds thathe had a majority <strong>of</strong> the votes cast for a living man, although a majority<strong>of</strong> the people voted for Galbraith. Judge Black declined to decidein his favor, and Gibbony held the <strong>of</strong>fice until the next election, when'L. H. Williams was elected. He held the <strong>of</strong>fice nine years ; was succeededby H. A. Caldwell, who held it for six years; and he by D. M.Jones, who held the <strong>of</strong>fice for nine years, when A. Lingenfelter was.elected." The first sheriff" was Jeremiah Betts, ap})ointed by GovernorShunk. Then, follow him, in order, Samuel Royer, Thomas Reese,,William Reed, George Port, James Funk, Samuel McCainant, MartinBechtel, John McKeage, Henry B. Huff, Alexander Bol)l), James M.Stiffler." The territory in the original act, and (jver which the court hadjurisdiction, emln-aced Greenfit'ld and North Woodlierry townships, <strong>of</strong>

IIISTOIIY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. :59Bedford ('(Minty ;Allc^i'hcny, Antis, <strong>Blair</strong>, Huston, Tvroiu' aiid Woodberrvtowiisliips, in Iliintinii'don county; also, that part <strong>of</strong> Morristowushii), in Iluiitin.ii'don county, west <strong>of</strong> a line run by William Reed,surveyor, to !)< called Catharine township. IIollidaysl)urars ago, became entirely insufficientfor the wants <strong>of</strong> the county. A new jail was erected at an expense <strong>of</strong>over $100,000 in 1868 and 1869, and the old court house lasted but a fewyears longer. And although twenty-five or thirty years is not an oldage for public Iniildings, yet a glance at the growth <strong>of</strong> the county inpopulation and wealth in that period reveals, at once, the causes whichdemanded their destruction and the erection <strong>of</strong> new and better. Thenu'n who designed these buildings did not foresee the rapid growth <strong>of</strong>the new county in those jiarticnlars which are jji-olific <strong>of</strong> litigation."In 1846 only 2,187 votes were polled, indicating (at five to th(^voter) a i)opulation <strong>of</strong> about 10,000. In 1856 th(M-e were polled 3,520votes, showing a population <strong>of</strong> 18,000. In 1866 there were polled6,288 votes, pointing to a i)opulation <strong>of</strong> 32,000. In 1876 there werepolled 8,720 votes, indicating a population <strong>of</strong> 44,000, four times greaterthan wheii the county was organized. In the meantime the a.ssessedvaluation <strong>of</strong> property far more than doubled; its cash value has doubtlessti-ebled.

40 IILsTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.FRANKLIN HOUSE,Seventeenth Street,AL. BURGOON,Altooiia.Proprietor.iood acc-oiiunodatioiis for giu'sts. Aiiiiile stabling for horses. The Bar issupplied with tlie liest and choicest brands <strong>of</strong> liquors m the market.JOHK M. PETERS.— IfEALEIl INPROVISIONS. BEEF,MUTTON, LAMB,PORK, POULTRY, HSM, SllUSIlGE,TRIPE, PI«'S FEET, LIVER, LARD, MINCE MEAT, Etc.Eighth A\-eniie, bet. 8tli and flth Streets.Ooods delivered to any part <strong>of</strong> the city without additional cost.Orders promptly flllecl and courteous treatment extended to a'.bGEORGE A. STREIT,DEALER IN AND MAXITACTUKKK OFiMiTiiTioN French Cjilf md Kip Skins,Moroccos, Linings, Roans. Etc.All kinds <strong>of</strong> Shoe Manufacturin;; (Joods, to^'ether with all other articles periainlngto the Shoe Finding Business. ;e®"Cash paid lor Hides. Skins and Wool.Orders by mail pi-oniptly attended to.HIT Fittli A^'eni.i.e,, neai- Twelfth Street.

HISTOIIY OP ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 41"Tlio cost <strong>of</strong> tilt' i)ri'st'nt Ituildinu-, witli all its surniimdinfi-s uiidconveniences, is very close to $131), 000. It cannot exceed $140,000.Onr records, whose ]ireservatinn is wortli millions <strong>of</strong> dollars to thepeople, are now sectireil in lire-i)ro<strong>of</strong> ottiees and vaults. For the sessions<strong>of</strong> tlie courts, for the deliberation <strong>of</strong> juries and for the detention<strong>of</strong> witnesses, we have rooms spacious, comfortable and convenient.Lonu- after we art* g-one this buildin,i>-. in all its strength and l)eauty,will stand as a monument to tlie ]>ublic sjtirit and enterprise <strong>of</strong> thepeople who authorized it, as well as an intlisputable evidence <strong>of</strong> thearchitectural talents <strong>of</strong> him who designed it, antl the mechanical skill<strong>of</strong> those who carried the design into execution." We have met to-day, as lawyers and citizens, to dedicate it to itsai)i)i'opriate uses—the ailministration <strong>of</strong> justice between nuui antl man.What we noiv say or do, will soon pass from the memory;say or do within these walls hereafter, will nt)t be forgotten ;l)ut what wethe fruits<strong>of</strong> our words antl conduct will a])pear in ineflfaceable lines upon therecords <strong>of</strong> our ctiurts ; will be cut deep in the hearts and lives <strong>of</strong> thosewho shall here appear to have rights determined and wrongs redressed.May we so perform our jiart that we shall reflect liontjr upon an honorablepr<strong>of</strong>ession ; and so perform it, too, that, when called to appearin a Higher Court, there to be inquired <strong>of</strong>, we shall be ready to answer,although with awe, A'et not with fear: 'What Thou gavest us to do,with the light we had, we did as best we could.'"[In most eloquent terms Jutlo-e Dean closed his address, the])rincipal historical points <strong>of</strong> which we have given, omitting matterwhich, to many, would prove to be even more interesting. Want <strong>of</strong>space, the reason previously assigned, is our exeuse for not ]iublishingthe discourse in its entirety. We will take this oci^asion to say that,however ably his predecessors. Judges Black and Taylor, may haveadministered justict>, Judge Dean has sustained, and still sustains, thereputation <strong>of</strong> the Ixnich <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county for pr<strong>of</strong>ound learning, soundjudgment, legal talent and executive ability.]Hon. Samuel Calvin was next introduced. He said that he wasassigned a place on the programme l)ecause he was the oldest member<strong>of</strong> the bar, but he wanted the latlit>s to bear in mind the differencebt^tween the oldest member <strong>of</strong> tlic liar and tdtlestman practicing at thebar. His address was full <strong>of</strong> reminiscences, many <strong>of</strong> them <strong>of</strong> a highlyhumorous character—concerning Judges Taylor, Burn.side and M'Cune(associate), and the older members <strong>of</strong> the bar.The Hon. Jeremiah S. Black was next introduced, who stated thathe came there upon the condition that he Avas not to make a speech,

——42 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIU COUNTY.but st-'cing- his luinu' (»ii the pro

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND ULAIR COUNTY. 43•or its bar, or to falsify its history, or to say that the luciuhcrs <strong>of</strong> this))ar were not thi' In'st men in tlie workl, then I wonld have an issuewhich I couhl take up with them, and I tliink I could keep up my siihim-ttywelh But I liave no1»ody to fiyht ! I am, tlierefore, in a situationsomewhat like that <strong>of</strong> Jemima Wickershani, a female i)rophet, whomade her a})pearance in western Xi'w York. She said she was ahle towalk upon the water miraculously, and called divei's i)ersons to witnessthe performance. They asseml)led in larfjc numbers, and just ))eforeshe made preparation to step out on the lake she asked tlie crowdthere assembled if they believed she could do it. They told her thatthey thoug'ht she could not. 'Then," she said, 'you have little faith—a generation <strong>of</strong> vipers, who seek a si,y the audience. The meeting then adjourned,and the formal dedicatory ceremonies were over.Alexander, M iltonBaltlrige, H. M.Banks, CecU R.Banks, TluukleusBeU, Martin<strong>Blair</strong>, Samuel S.Brotlierline, J. IrvinBrumbaugh, D. S.Buckley, M. EdwaidCalvin, Mattbew B.Calvin. SamuelCress weU, John. jr.Cunningham, JerreDively, A. V.Dohyiie, Geo. A.Doyle, John A.Flanlgan. James, jr.Greevy, Thos. H.Kerr, H. H.Hewit, B. L.Hicks, J.I).-Jackson, Thos. W.MEMBERS OFAltoona.HoUidaj-sburjRoaring SpringAltoona.Hollidayslnirg.Altoona.HollidajsburfjAltoona.HoUidaysburgTyrone."Altoona.THE BAR.Jaekel, Fred.Johnson, RobertKyle, J. M.Landis, Augustus S.Leet, John D.Leisenring, J. S.Lvsinger, Samuel B.3IeMurtrie. R. A.Mervine. X. P.Xeff, D. J.Riddle, J. F.Riley, A.J.Sha\v, EdmundSmith, I. HoraceSnyder, H. H.Stevens, A. A.Tierney, F. P.Woodcock, S. jM.Wookcoek, W. Loe,Woodcock. W. Irvin,llciiisling, H. T.HoUidaysburg.Altoona.HoUidaysburg.Altoona.Martinsburg.HoUidaysburg.Altoona.Tyrone.Altoona.HoUidaysburg.Tyrone.Altoona.IlollidaysburjAltoona.

u HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.J. R. VAUGHN— DEALER IN —Goods, Groceries,Provisions, Moiir, Feed,Queensware, Canned Fruits,Notions, Boots, Shoes^AiKl all suci) articles as are TiS'iially kept in a First-class Dry Goods, (irocery andProvision Store.BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES.Brick!Brick!-^ h-Of Every Description :PRESSED, COMMON,<strong>PA</strong>VING, ANGLE, Etc.(Foi- Bay Windows.)Inany Quantity-at any Time-at Lowest Figures.J. R. VAUGHN,Corner 8th Avenue and 21st Street,(BRICK BUILDING.)Altoona.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 45THi;NEW JAIL.The new juil for the county was built during the years <strong>of</strong> 1SG8-9.Its total cost, with alterations, was about $100,000. It was erectedby Jonathan Rhule, <strong>of</strong> this county, assisted by Ed. Havelan, architect,the latter now deceased. The commissioners appointed to superviseits construction were Robert Waring, John C. Biddle,R. B. Hamilton,Joshua Roller and David Henshey. The first keeper was SheriffHarry Huff. On April 10, 1ST3, the Legislature enacted a si)eciallaw authorizingthe commissioners <strong>of</strong> the county to appoint a keeper,subject to the approval <strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> Quarter Sessions. This appointmentis made annually. The first keeper under this law wasAiden Baird, who was succeeded the next year by John McClure,whose appointment was continued until his decease. The presentkeeper, J. B. Kephart, took charge April 1, <strong>1880</strong>.The jail is built in the most approved style <strong>of</strong> prison architecture.The corridors and cells are well lighted and ventilated, at the sametime perfectly secure.No improvement could be made or suggested.It reflects great credit upon those who Avere employed in itserection.ALMSHOUSE AND HOUSE OFEMPLOYMENT.This refuge <strong>of</strong> the poor <strong>of</strong> the county is situate in Alleghenytownship, about one and a half miles north <strong>of</strong> Ilollidaysburg. It isa well-constructed brick building, two stories and a half high, containingfifty-two rooms. In addition to these are two dining rooms andtwo kitchens, besides a number <strong>of</strong> halls or corridors. Its architectureis <strong>of</strong> modern style. It was planned by Mr. Hayden Smith, architect.Messrs. Peter Empfield and John B. Westley were the contractors.It was built in 1849-50. Its entire cost was $1,8(Ui.50.The grounds contain 267 acres 12 perches, being part <strong>of</strong> two tracts<strong>of</strong> land, one in the name <strong>of</strong> Joseph Patton, the other in the name <strong>of</strong>John Cochran. Both these tracts were purchased by Samuel Royer,and by him sold to the county fur $10,000. The land or farm is undera high state <strong>of</strong> cultivation, owing to the efficient management <strong>of</strong>the present steward, Mr. William Shinefelt.The house was first occupied in April, 1850. Its first stewardw\as Mr. John Lytic, who served in that capacity until 1852; Mr.Edward McGraw from 1852 to 18(53; Mr. O. E. Crissman from 1803to 1870 ;Mr. Joshua Aurandt from 1870 to September 9, 1873, whenthe present steward, Mr. William Shinefelt, assumed the duties <strong>of</strong> theposition. Its first physician was J. A. Landis, M. D. The presentone is W. C. Roller, M. D.

—46 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.The gTouiuls immediately surrounding the house, adorned withbeautiful plants and flowers, convey the idea that the building is acomfortable abiding place for the poor. Under the direct supervision<strong>of</strong> the matron, Mrs. Shinefelt, the interior <strong>of</strong> the house is kept in the))est possi)>le condition.EXrENDlTVKEB DURING 1879.For clothing $ 900 9:5Delivering paupers 106 01Drugs 221 -'7Farm 1,225 SoFood1,905 mHouse 924 51Improvements and repairs 2.)4 74Miscellaneous V^OO 42Outdoor relief 3,612 .52Outside burial 21S 95Salaries 1.141 25Total expenses $11,412 09PRODUCTS CF FARM.In addition to amount paid forhouse expenses $(i,099 453931 pounds <strong>of</strong> beef 235 8fi3307 pou n (Is <strong>of</strong> pork I.s5 1870 pounds <strong>of</strong> veal 4 20448 bushels <strong>of</strong> potatoes 224 0030059 pounds <strong>of</strong> flour 1,090 52780 pounds <strong>of</strong> butter 124 80Total outlay $7,904 01Deduct board <strong>of</strong> farm hands 384 00$7,580 01Average cost <strong>of</strong> inmates per week, $1.55.The products raised on the farm were : 1,275 bushels wheat, 299))ushels oats, 1,573 bushels corn, 648 bushels potatoes, 4 bushels whitel)eans, 22S bushels winter apples, 29 four-horse loads hay, 10 loadscornfodder, 3,867 pounds pork, 6,315 pounds beef,780 pounds butter,20 bushels turnips, 46 barrels cider, 4,000 heads cabbage, 10 bushelslieans in pod, 5 bushels peas in pod, 17 bushels onions, 20 bushelsparsnips, 10 bushels beets, 4 ))ushels hops. 50 bushels tomatoes, 1 barrelcucumbers for pickles. Amount realized on sale <strong>of</strong> products$198.00.Articles manufactured in the house were: 119 straw ticks, 119bolsters, 110 sheets, 40 haps, 160 pillow cases, 6 sunbonnets, 8 nightcaps,61 women's dresses, 38 children's dresses, 98 men's shirts, 20women's flannel skirts, 6 children's skirts, 8 boys' shirts, 16 pairsl)oys' i)ants, 8 suits women's under clothing, 10 suits children's underclothing, 25 chemises, 4 shrouds, 4 women's sacques, 53 aprons, 40towels, 25 i)airs men's socks, 6 pairs women's stockings ; 200 poundstallow candles, 10 l)arrels s<strong>of</strong>t soap, 6 barrels saner kraut, 280 gallonsapple butter.The numljer <strong>of</strong> inmates in the house January 1, 1879, 88; admittedduring the year, 138; born during year, 7 ;total, 233. Dischargedand eloped during the year, 153; died during the year, 12;total, 145. Number remaining Junuary 1, <strong>1880</strong>, 88. Of the inmatesremaining January 1, <strong>1880</strong>, there are 41 adult males, 32 adult whitefemales, 1 adult colored female, 9 male children, 5 female children (allwhite). Of these there are two blind adult males, 8 insane males(adults), 13 females. Natives, 62; foreigners, 26.

JohnMartinJohnG.IJosephtary),HenryHISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 41THE county'sfinances.To exhibit the present financial condition <strong>of</strong> the county, \vc sul)-mit the follo\ving' receipts and ex[)enditures from January G,January 6, <strong>1880</strong>:UECEIPTS18*19, toFrom collectors ii!a"i,,'?()() (K>EXPENDITUUES.Paid to attorneys i?rn(i 00Bridy:e.s (repairs, etc.) I,'vi5 4(iBonus and interest li>.-J4r) (;.")Commissioners' <strong>of</strong>fice 2,'M>'.) i-1Courts 7,071 o;5Court house (supplies, insurance, etc.) l.it'.iK 52Poor and 1 u natics 11,980 91•Jails and penitentiaries 4:,.ol0 96Printing-, books antl stationery 1,'297 10Miscellaneous .5,154 3(>Treasury balance from last year 1,.5()2 MBalance on commission on $121,699.32 at IX percent 1,824 i;!'.Balance ilue county5,298 87$65,366 06COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS JANUARY 5,Court house bonds $124,100 00Prison bonds 12,300 00Total $136,400 00ISSO.NAMES OF OFFICERS AND YEAR OF ELECTION.PRESIDENT JUDGES.Jeremiah S. Black, from the fourth Monday <strong>of</strong> July, 1846 (when first court washeld), up to and including March term, 1849.George Taylor, from April 5, 1849, (his tirst court held on the second Blondaj- <strong>of</strong>July, 1849). up to 1871.John Dean, from 1871 to the present time.ASSOCIATE JUDGES.George li. McFarlane 1846 i Penn Jones 1855Daniel McConnell 1847 Adam Moses 1860Davis Brooke184S Samuel Dean 1860James Gardner 1851 B. F. Rose 1865Levi Slinglutr 1851 George \Y. Pattou 1870James I). Rea 1854 Joseph Irwin 1870James L. Gwin 18.55 Charles J. IMann 1875David Caldwell 1855 Samuel Smith 1875The names <strong>of</strong> the District Attorneys, since the formation <strong>of</strong> thecounty, will be found on pagx' 38.SHERIFFS.'Benj. E. Belts, appointed June 23 1846 L. Bechtel 1864Samuel J. Royer 1846 i McKeage 1867Thonuis Rees 1849 I B. Hutf 1870George Port 18.55 Alexander Bobb 1873James Funk 18.58 James M. Stiffler 1877ISamuel McCamant 1861 T. Bell l&SOPROTHONOTARIES AND CLERKS OF COURTS.J. Cunningham, appointed June 10. ..1846Baldi'ige, December 1 1855Joseph Snnth. December 1 1846 Anthony S. Morrow, December 1 18

48 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.-\V OME^STTRACTIY HTHE WAV TO DO IT IS TO PURCHASE GOODFURNITURE,SUCH AS CAN BE OBTAINED ONLY ATArthurs Establishment,NO. 1008 ELEVENTH AVENUE.Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture,IN FINE STOCK,liicliuling Cbaiiiber Sets, Bureaus, Lounges, Tables, Cliaiis, Bedsteads, Bed Springsandeverj'tlnng you can tJiink <strong>of</strong> in the Furniture line. By adhering to theCash System we have no losses to make up. Thus we can sell at 20per cent, less than those who sell on time. 4iS=VVe manufactureas well as sell all kinds <strong>of</strong> Furniture. Orders leftwill receive prompt attention.JOSIAH ARTHUR, Prop'rLEWIS TIPTON, Salesman.

IberGeorgeAlexanderFrancisHISTORY OP ALTOOXA AND BLAlll COUNTY. 49UEGISTEHS AND KIOCOHUEIW.,^. M. Gibbon V, appointed June 17 1840 David M. Jones, DeciMabor 1 IMol)ep\itv—H. A. Caldwell, appointed Deputy—JIugh A. Caldwell, Deceni-,J uiu' 17 1*4(>1 1865l.ewis il. Williams, Dceeniber 1 1847 Abraham Ungeiifcltei- (present Keg-Jlimii A. Caldwell, Doeember 1 185(! isterand Itceorder) 1875Deputy—.Jos. lialdridui-, appointed Deputy—.lolin C. Lingenfelter (prcs-September 3 18.)7 enl 'OeiJUty) 1S7:)TUEASUUEUS.It. II. Mccormick, appointed .Tune il.lSKJ ,Iohn McKeaij-e 18«()Joseph Morrow 184() James II. Cramer lS(i2Jolm I'enu Jones ISt'.t .John W. Klack 18H(;Joshua W. MeCord ls.'j4 John M. Clark 1868Samuel Hoover 1857 M. Metz 187'2,John Lingat'elt 1858 Rutledge 1877,COMMISSIONEUS.Wui. C. MeCormieU, appointetl June. 1846William Bell 184(;Valentine Lingent'elter 1846Edward McGraw 1847VVil liam Bell 1847John K Nert" 1847Jacob Hoover18iS)David Caldwell 1849Jacob Burley 1849Samuel Dean18.')0John Bennettie.51John Lowe 185'2John Campbell18.');iJames Roller 18,54.James Hutchison 1855David M. Confer 1856[Jacob Barnhart tilled Coufer's unexpireilterm.]John R McFarlane 1857Enos M.JonesIS.58George L. Cowen 18.59George Koon 1860James M. Kinkead 1861Daniel Shock 186'2[Joseph Irwin tilled Shock's unexpiredterm. Shock having enteredihe armv.](ieorne W Hewitt 1863liobert VVai insi- 1864John C. Bi( l.llel.>

:Geo.S.Geo.J.J.L.Wm.:50 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.AUDITOKS.Clias. E. Kiiikoa.] 1847 W. Reed I*M!Win. P. Dvsait 1847 M. D. Thatcher 1865-Tanips Wilson 1847 Ahraham Robi.son 1866"Willi;im Hceil 1848 Jaines McKiin IsmJames I.. Gwin 1850 D. E. McCahan 1867David Tate 1850 A. Fulton 1868:'Jacob Walter 185' W. Hoover 186S(ieorge W. Smitli 1851 Wni. H. Canan 1869James a,. M.-iJuhan 18i5-2 J. \). Hicks l!*Io,iie 1862 S. C. Baker 1879David Heiislu'v 1863 H. Isett 1879John A. Ci;iAv toid ISiiS A. C. Clapper 1879Alex. Knox 1864n. K. roLicE.The I'oUowinj;- is a list <strong>of</strong> Railroatl Policemen, appointed by theGovernor, whosecommissions arc on tile in the Register and Recorder's <strong>of</strong>fice at HollldaysburgJohn M. Clark 1865Beniamin Devine 1867Al fred Thompson 1867John JM. Estep 1867Jolui Ehringer 1867William O'Reilly 1873W illiam R. Sinitli 187:{Isaac fZ. Rose 1873\Henry McDade 1873|Edwin H. Carr 1873Simon B. Barr 1873Xeal Patton!>

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 51sold the paper to John Dean, now Jud.ife Dean, Octoljer 21, 1Soggs tookcharge, and on January 1, 1848, differences occurring between theeditors and stockholders in regard to the Portage railroad, Messrs.Traugh and Boggs started a new paper, with new material, calledthe Beacon Light, six columns, which was continued until June, 1845.In the meantime John Dougherty purchased a lot <strong>of</strong> new materialand resumed the Democratic Standard about October 10, 1844.Alonzo S. Dougherty purchased the Standard, 0. A. Traugh purchasedthe interest <strong>of</strong> Mr. Boggs in the Beacon Light, and Messrs.Traugh and Dougherty merged the papers into a new series <strong>of</strong> theDemocratic Standard, May 1, 1845, and in May 1, 1846, Mr. Traughbecame sole proprietor, and has continued until this date, now thirtyfiveyears, and making thirty-eight years in all, counting both papers.The Standard now has eight columns to the page, and is all that agood printer can make it. Among the assistants on this paper, formerlywell known, was U. J. Jones. William H. Schwartz is thepresent assistant editor.The <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Whig was started about 1845 or 1846 by JacobL. Slentz. After about three years, or about 1850, it was purchasedby George T. Raymond and William S. Wilson. Subsequently Mr.Raymond alone conducted the paper. He is said to have been murderedat Woodberry, N. J. After a suspension <strong>of</strong> a month or two itwas purchased l)v John Brothcrline, recently deceased. During ]iart<strong>of</strong> the time (1861) Mr. Brothcrline had John H. Keatley associatedwith him, and he also changed the name to the Radical and <strong>Blair</strong><strong>County</strong> Whig, about 1866. May 18, 1868, it was purchased ))y M.p]dgar King and James H. L'win, and the name changed to <strong>Blair</strong><strong>County</strong> Radical. The <strong>of</strong>fice was removed to Altoona. On May 6,1878, the interest <strong>of</strong> Jas. H. Irwin was purchased by Samuel J. Irwin,and by him leased to M. Edgar King, since which time James H.

52 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.D. G. McCULLOUGH,V H H HGROCERKeeps the Largest Stock <strong>of</strong> Groceries and Provisionsin Altoona.W. R. VS^ARD,DEALER INBITUMINOUS SND SNTHRSCITECOALS,Kindling Wood, Lumber,Hay, Straw, Lime, Cement, Etc.Corner 9tli Avenne and ITtli Street.= A11 orders for clean, pure Coal, (hard or s<strong>of</strong>t) will be promptly flUctl, as also forWood, Hay, Straw, etc. Orders can be seut from the Telephone Exchange,over F. W. Ohnes' Meat Market. Eleventh Avenne, bet. 13th and 14thStreets, without eost, and will receive Pkompt attention.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY'. 53Irwiii ro-associatcil hiinsclf witli Mr. Kiiiu-, tlir style <strong>of</strong> the i>iil)lisiruii>firmbeiiiii- King' it Irwin. It i.s R('i)iil)li('aii, and now in its tliirtyfourthvolunio.Tlie Shield was a paper pulilished about 1841) to 1.S50, in Hollidaysbur

54 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.John H. Keatly coinmenced the publication <strong>of</strong> The Leader in 186(3,in Hollidaysburg. but after a little over a year it ceased, and thematerials went to Dr. J. P. Thompson, Williamsljurg, who started^the Temperance Vindicator in the spring <strong>of</strong> 18()8. About 18*70 thepaper was sold to Col.George F. McFarland, who removed the <strong>of</strong>ficetoHarrisburg, but the press, etc., went to the Bedford Press <strong>of</strong>fice.The Altoona Vindicator was started May 1, 1868, by JamesF. (Campbell. In the summer <strong>of</strong> 1869 the <strong>of</strong>fice was ni^arly allldestroyed by fire. New niati-rial was secured and the <strong>of</strong>fic(! sold;,Dec«Mnber 10, 18(59, to D. W. Moore, who changed the name to theAltooiui Sun, June 2, 1870, and it was conducted by Moon^ & Son,Moori^ & McKinney, and again by Mr. Moori^ alone. John W. Mc-Kinney entered the firm February 10, 18*71. The Daily Sun wasstarted May 2, 1870. and continued seven montiis. On May 10, 1874,the <strong>of</strong>fice was purchased by N. C. Barclay, and his broth*^', Cyrus N.Biuclay, who enlarged it, January 1, 1879. In November, 1879, ajoint stock company was organized, composed <strong>of</strong> a larg.Casaiiiive and R. W. Guthrie. The board <strong>of</strong> directors, at a subsecjuentmeeting, elected A. J. Riley, president; N. C. Barclay, treasurer andl)nsiiiessmanager, and R. W. (iuthrie, clerk. William P. P^irey waselected as nuinaging editor, John M. Furey, city editor, and Cyrus N.Barcliiy sui)erintendent <strong>of</strong> the |)rinting dejcirtnient. The first num-^ber <strong>of</strong> the Altoona Daily Siui was issued Dcccnilier 11, 1S7'.).The Tvrcuie i>liide was established l»y J. L. Holmes, June 1, 1870,Avho sold the <strong>of</strong>fice to Geo. Strou)*, Noveml)er 22, 1S72, who changed'the nanu' to Tyrone Democrat, iind continued its ])ubIieation untiKJuly S, 18S(», when tlie <strong>of</strong>fice was (lestroye(l by fire.The Altoona Ba|»tist, first four pages, afterwards eight pages, publishedin the interest <strong>of</strong> the First Ba}>tist church <strong>of</strong> Altoona; establishedNovember, IS78; Rev. Wm. Codville, editor. It was i»idilisliedibv Harry Sle]), for about one y

;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND HLAIR COUNTY. 55tcrcd tile firm NovciuIxt In, 1 S74. Mny oO, I S'Tn, it was enlar^-cd to six('(iluiiiiis, price two ct'iits, and forty cents per month. Novenilxn" IG,1877, Harry Slcp became sole pro|)rietor, 1)nt his health faih'ri^-, hesold the pajK-r, on Decembei- 1, !S7s, to W. K. Bucking-ham sind W.S. Xicoden;us, who, iif'ter a few months, chanued it from sm Indepondentt(i ii Democratic pajK'r, and mimed it th

5() HISTORY OF ALTOOXA AND BLAIR COUNTY.B. BERKOWITZ,— TAN HE FOUND AT —IsTo. 1318 Eleventh A\'eiiue, - Altoona, Pa.WHEKE YOU CAN PURCHASE YOURGroceries and Provisions,TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES,Sugars, Syrups, Canned Fruits, Tobacco and Seqars.F. P. TIERNEY,ATTORNEY - AT - LAW,Eleventh A\'eniie and Sixteenth 8ti-eet,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.JACOB B. COWEN,— DEALER IN —Dry Goods, Groceries,PROVISIONS, ETC.Eighth Avenue and Nineteenth Street.BLSIR COUNTY RUDICKL.TERMS :A WEEKLY REPUBLICAN NEWS<strong>PA</strong>PER.$1.50 per year, invariably in adviince ; othorwise, $2.00 per year. All kindsot .Job Work at reasonable rates. Office in Sprankle's Building,Corner 11th Avenue and ITth Sti'eet, Altoona.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 5tmercial i)uri)os('s. It is di-livcivil five at vvvvy house in the city, butin the county where it also circuhites, a small subscription price ischarjjred. Its political views are Greenback- Labor, Mr. T. I*. Ryndorhaving- been the first man in the State to advocate a new party onthe financiaJ and labor issues. It beli(>ves in hi,yh tariff, high wagesand cash payments. It is also a temperance paper. Mrs. Ryndercontri1)utes largely to its columns. It is printed at Harry Slep'sPrinting House.In August, 1819, Ed. J. Slep commenced the publication <strong>of</strong> th

58 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.entitled "After Many Days," was issued from the press <strong>of</strong> HarrySlep. It contained sixty pages. Harry L. Woods was the author,and was also the author <strong>of</strong> a book <strong>of</strong> Irish tales, entitled "Pat. Muldoou'sAnecdotes." Five hundred copies were issued, which commandeda ready sale.LIST OP EXISTIN(i DAILY, WKEKLY AND MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS.Hi»]]idaysl)ury Reg-ister,weekly, Hollidaysburg.Democratic Standard, weekly, Hollidaysburg.<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Radical,weekly, Altoona.Altoona Tril)une, daily and weekly, Altoona.Tyrone Herald, weekly, Tyrone.Altoona Sun, daily and weekly, AltoonaEvening Call, daily, weekly and Sunday, Altoona.Musical Advocate, monthly, Altoona.Der Deutsche Volksfuchrer (German), wt'ckly,Gospel Trumjtet, monthly, Altoona.Altoona Advance, weekly, Altoona.Youths' Mirror, monthly, Altoona.Our Work, monthly, Altoona.Tyrone Times, weekly, Tyrone.Book-Keeper and Penman, monthly, Altoona.Marriage Advocate, monthly, Altoona.Altoona.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. f)!)CITY OF ALTOONA.Altoona derived its name from tlie Latin word "Altus," or moredirectly from the French Avord "Alto," signifying' "high." It issituate at the base <strong>of</strong> the Allegheny mountains, 1,168 feet above thelevel <strong>of</strong> the sea. Its location and surroundings are rich in scenicbeauty and atmospheric purity, so much so that it has become afavorite place <strong>of</strong> resort for tourists during the summer months. Thescenery is <strong>of</strong> the most varied description. Within a radius <strong>of</strong> a fewmiles there is a gradual transition from the gracefuland picturesqu(>to the rugged and sublime. A short distance Avest is the famous"Horseshoe Bend." [See illustration.] The valley here separatesinto tAvo chasms, but by a grand curve, the sides <strong>of</strong> Avhich are forsome distance parallel with each other, the road crosses both ravineson a high embankment, cuts aAvay the point <strong>of</strong> the mountain dividingthem, and SAA^eeps around and up the tremendous Avestern Avail.Looking eastAvard from the curve, the vieAv is peculiarly impressive,while at Allegrippus, Avhere most <strong>of</strong> the mountains cluster, the vasthills in successive ranges roll aAvay in billoAvy saatHs to the far horizon."During the summer, tAvice each day, an open "observation car" isattached to the Day Express train and makes the round trips ))etAveenAltoona and Cresson Springs—the latter, in a more especial sense,perhaps, than the former, possessing a reputationdelightful summer resorts in the country.as one <strong>of</strong> the most[See engraving <strong>of</strong> Cresson.]Opportunity is afforded for another pleasing diversion by thevicinity on the north <strong>of</strong> the Wopsononoc mountain, easilyaccessibleto carriages, from AA'^hose summit is spread before the eye a panoramicvicAV Avhich, in the opinion <strong>of</strong> experienced travelers, is unsurpassedupon either continentin all those features Avhich delightand inspire.It comprises the .entire valley <strong>of</strong> the "Blue Juniata," a picture <strong>of</strong>highly cultivated farms, bounded by sAA'elling ranges <strong>of</strong> hills, Avhichgradually fade aAvay in the azure <strong>of</strong> the distant horizon.The celebrated "Sinking Spring Valley," Avith its subterraneanstreams and immense caverns, lies to the eastAA'ard, Avhile on thesouth-east is the Bell's Gap NarroAV Gauge railroad, excursions byAvhich to the summits <strong>of</strong> the mountains are among the most satis-•factory and popular diversions <strong>of</strong> life in Altoona.


HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. CilHOTELACCOMMODATIONS.The hotel aecoiniiiochitioiis l)otl» <strong>of</strong> Altoona and Cres^^oii, as summerresorts, are not only sufficiently ample, hut <strong>of</strong> a character toplease the most fastidious. The Logan Hou.se has long enjoyed, andrichly deserves the reputation it has acquired <strong>of</strong> being one <strong>of</strong> the mostcompletely appointed hotels in the country, and since its erection bythe Pennsylvania Railroad company (1855) has served as a mod(dfor similar institutions. The system <strong>of</strong> electric bells has recentlybeen introduced. The building itself, surrounded by Ijroad piazzas,its elegant furnishing, its table and entire management, leave nothingto be desired, while the elevated site and charming surroundingscombine to render it one <strong>of</strong> the most delightful health and pleasure?resorts in the country. The large and beautifully shaded lawn affordsa fine field for crocpiet and other out-door sport, while within tenpinalleys, liilliard tables, etc., provide amjjle facilities for recreation.In addition to the Logan House, Altoona can boast <strong>of</strong> other hotelswhich would prove creditable to cities <strong>of</strong> much larger growth.The Mountain House, which is the only hotel at Cresson, is avery extensive frame Iniilding, and stands on the crest <strong>of</strong> a hill inthe midst <strong>of</strong> a delightful grove. The grounds are expansive and arehandsomely laid out, and scattered through them are a number <strong>of</strong>cottages designed expressly for the accommodation <strong>of</strong> families. Theliill on which the house stands is always fanned by a delicious breeze.Several springs <strong>of</strong> medicinal waters flow from the mountain in thevicinity, and pleasant drives lead away through the almost unbrokenforests. The Mountain House affords accommodations for five hundredguests. Both the Mountain House at Cres.son and the LoganHouse in Altoona are under the general management <strong>of</strong> the KeystoneHotel company, and under the special direction oi' that trulyefficient and polite caterer, Mr. W. D. Tyler.SITE OF THE CITY SELECTED.We have already adverted to the fact that, in 1S49, Altoona wa;>conceived by the Pennsylvania Railroad. The site <strong>of</strong> the city in thatyear was selected by the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> that public highway as the mostavailable place for the location <strong>of</strong> their principal workshops. At thattime this portion <strong>of</strong> the country was a forest, broken only here andthere by small tracts cleared for farming purposes. The hills anddales, now covered with the most striking evidences <strong>of</strong> materialprosperity and progress, were at that time owned by William Loudon,,David Robison and Andrew Green, each <strong>of</strong> whom had a farm.

62 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.WHERE THE SHOPS ^VERELOCATED.It was decided ))y tlie <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroad thatthe shops shonld be located on the farm <strong>of</strong> Mr. Robison, the centreone <strong>of</strong> tlie three, and arrang-ements were made with Mr. ArchibaldWright, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, to secure it. In connection with the purchase<strong>of</strong> the farm the following story is told: Mr. Wright sent Mr.Cadwaladcr to make the purchase. At that time Mr. Robison livedin an old log liouse, near where the Logan House now stands. Onhis arrival he found Mr. R. engaged in l)utchering hogs, and at oncemade known his errand, as it had been previously ascertained that hewould sell for $(),(»0(). Fortunately for Mr. R., but unfortunately forMr. C, the latter (h'opped a letter from his jxx-ket, which was pickedup and read by Mrs. Robison. This letter authorized Mr. C. to i)ay$10,000 for the farm rather than fail in the iturchase. Like any othergood Avife she immediately communicated this information to herhusband, and the result was that Mr. C. had to yield to the demand<strong>of</strong> $10,000 instead <strong>of</strong> $(),000.Mr. Wright located the original plot <strong>of</strong> Altoona upon the farmpurchased from Mr. Robison, giving to the Pennsylvania Railroadcompany some fifteen acres u})on which to erect shops, <strong>of</strong>fices andother buildings. At the time the plot was made a difficulty sprungup l)etween Mr. W. and the farmers on either side, which resulted indisarrangement <strong>of</strong> the streets as they passed from one farm to theother; hence the unsightly and annoying <strong>of</strong>fsets east <strong>of</strong> Eleventhstreet and west <strong>of</strong> Sixteenth street. As soon as it was known that thePennsylvania Railroad company intended locating their shops at thispoint, Messrs. (rreen and L(»udon commenced to lay out and selllots.NAMES OFliOCALITIES.The plot laid out on the R()))ison farm was known as Altoona,while that portion lying east <strong>of</strong> Eleventh street was known as Greensburg,and that west <strong>of</strong> Sixteenth street was called Loudonsville.Subsequently another addition was made at the eastern end <strong>of</strong> Greensburg,on the western side <strong>of</strong> the railroad, ))eginning near or at Seventh.street. This part, on which are the lower Pennsylvania Railroad.shops, was laid out by George R. Mowry, then a civil engineer <strong>of</strong>the company, and E. B. McPike, and called Logantown. These distinctivenames were retained until 1868, when a city charter wasobtained, and these farms, together Avith land lying far beyond them,were brought within the city limits, when ward names were substituted,and the old names dropped out <strong>of</strong> use.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 63WHEN THK WORK WAS COMMENCED.Ill the siminicr <strong>of</strong> IS.tII tlic railroad coiiipany coininciiccd the erection<strong>of</strong> shoi)s. At that time the cars <strong>of</strong> the company passed over themountain on the old Portage railroad, the mountain division, fromthis i)laee to ('oneniau,yh, not l)ein

6 4HISTORY OFALTOOXA AND BLAIR COUNTY.ATAVHDAILY AND WEEKLY.V^ XTlie DAILY SL'Nisa larire. neatly printed, lively Denioeiatie newspaper, issuedeverv afternoon, (exeept Snnnn contains the lejiniar Associated Press TelegraphicDesitatchcs up to lour o'clock p. ni. and is theLARGEST, CHEAPEST and BESTDaily Newspaper in Central Pennsylvania.THE ^^A^EEKLYIS ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY.SUNTERMS: $L.-)0 PER ANNUM.THE JOB PRINTING DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENTOf the Sun <strong>of</strong>fice is thoroughly equipped, and all orders for printing, ruling andbinding, will he promptly tilled. Aildress,THE SUN, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.N. C. Barclay, Business Manager.M. J. SMITH,(OF NEW YOUK,)PracticalhorseshoeRHorses shO(f <strong>of</strong> flat feet, split ho<strong>of</strong>, quarter crack, overreaching and interferingEvery other kind <strong>of</strong> work, including Iron ^Vork for Wagons, Carriages,Fanning Iinplements. Machinery, etc., at the Lowest Prices.ALL WORK WARRANTED.Eleventh Street, iDetAveen Tenth and EleventhAA^enues, Altoona, Pa.

HISTORY OF ALTGO-VA AND BLAIR COUNTY. C)^and wiiter company, was foinnl insiiHifirnt. tlu- inen-asc <strong>of</strong> railroadshops requiring, at least in the sunnner, all the water <strong>of</strong> the stream.The city council was urged to sui)ply the town from some otherquarter, and finally selected Kittanning and Burgoon runs, altout fourmiles west <strong>of</strong> the city. A twenty-inch pipe l)rings the water frcnn adam at Kittanning Point to a reservoir located on Prospect Hill,which has a capacity <strong>of</strong> 3,275,000 gallons. This improvement costover $200,000. Besides the amount exi)ended for water, $150,000were expended for i)utting in sewers and Macadamizing the principalstreets. Eighth and P^leventb avenues, the principal ones on eaciiside <strong>of</strong> the railroad, with the streets adjacent, have been proi)erlysewered and Macadamized. [More on this subject hereafter.]CENTENNI.^LCELEBRATION.Among the notable events in the history <strong>of</strong> Altoona was the celebration<strong>of</strong> the centennial year. In a communication, written by ourveneval)le and highly-esteemed townsman, H. Fettinger, sr., and publishedin the Evening Mirror, December 27, 1875, attention Avascalled to the propriety and importance <strong>of</strong> a public demonstration onthe occasion <strong>of</strong> the out-going <strong>of</strong> the last year <strong>of</strong> the fir.st century <strong>of</strong>our national independence. The suggestion was responded to, andin a few days, such was the activity displayed by our leading citizens,preparations were made for the grandest demonstration that had ever"been witnessed in our Mountain City. We append a truthful andgraphic narrative <strong>of</strong> the proceedings as they appeared in the EveningMirror <strong>of</strong> January 1, 187G. The report was made ))y George J.Akers, one <strong>of</strong> the editors <strong>of</strong> that paper. We quote :" The largest and grandest demonstration ever witnessed in thiscity took place last night, the occasion being the inauguration<strong>of</strong> thecentennial year. The outpouring <strong>of</strong> the people was immense, andnot an accident occurred to mar the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> the people. At anearly hour the streets were thronged with an immense multitude, andpresented a brilliant and lively spectacle." The doors <strong>of</strong> the Opera House were thrown open at eight o'clock,and in less than twenty minutes itwas im}>ossible to obtain standingroom, and hundreds <strong>of</strong> persons were compelled to forego the pleasure<strong>of</strong> attending the exercises there. At ten minutes before nine o'clockthe City Band marched to the Opera House, playing the old familiarair, 'Yankee Doodle,' shortly after which the curtain slowly rose.Arranged in appropriate order were thirteen little girls representingthe thirteen original States <strong>of</strong> the Union, as follows;

Maryland—MissVirginia—NorthSouthi'()(> HISTORY OF AliTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Massachusetts—Miss Mary I'attoii.New Haiupslure— Miss ,Jessie Murray.Khode Island—Miss Tillie Smith.|Connecticut—Miss Niiinic Diiwiiian.iNew Jersey— Miss Maictrie Coont-v.1New York—Miss Katf F. F"ettin.i,'er.Pennsylvania— iMiss Kllcu Sliusttn-.Delaware—Miss Ketta Sniitli.Eimiia Ofleiiwalder.Miss .lennic Powel.Carolina— .Miss .Vnnie Kerr.Carolina— Miss Jennie Smith.Georgia—Miss Clara Wald."The little ^'ii'ls were dressed in white, with blue sashes, bearingtheiiaiHcs <strong>of</strong> the States represented by them. In the centre <strong>of</strong> thestage stood a beautiful (>veriiTeeii pine tree, representing- the "Tree <strong>of</strong>Liberty," deeorated with thirty-seven small flags, representing all thoStates now in the Union. The whole arrangement <strong>of</strong> the stage wasunder the direct supervision <strong>of</strong> H. Fettinger, sr. The overture onthe grand piano, by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor U. S. Tjutz, was ])erformed at al)outnine o'clock, but it was sometime afterwards that the Altoona CityBand took their position on the stage, immediately in the rear <strong>of</strong> the'little girls,' and when the curtain rose a second time the band played'Hail Colilmliia.' The rising <strong>of</strong> the curtain was the signal for atremendous burst <strong>of</strong> applause.After a slight pause the audience again'brought down the house' in appreciation <strong>of</strong> their delight at the beautv<strong>of</strong> the tableau. AVlieu t lie curtain was again raised, the (ilee Club, com-])oseianist, T'r<strong>of</strong>. T^. S. IjUtz."His Honor May(»r (lilland, then appeared and said: 'We haveasseni1)le(l here to-night to celebrate the inauguraticdi <strong>of</strong> the centennialyear <strong>of</strong> our indeix'udence as a nation, to honor the memories <strong>of</strong>those who laid down their lives for the blessings <strong>of</strong> freedom w^hich "we, as a i»e(jj)le, now enjoy. They freely jtourecl out their blood tocement the Union, and we are hei'e to-night to do them and theirmemories the honor which their deeds so justly merit. There arethose here who will addr

E'HISTORY OF ALTGONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. (ittion <strong>of</strong> Iml('|)cii(lfiicc was read liv Ilt-v. C. T. St»;ck. T\\('. hand tliciivciulcivd the 'Star Si)aiij^lc(l Banner' and tlic Med, Wliitc and Blue,'''after wliicl) Wni. T^ee Woodcock addressed the audience (»n mattersrolatinii' to the past and present <strong>of</strong> our i^'htrious country. Tlie'Ivock<strong>of</strong> Tjihei-ty' was ne.\t sunu' l)y the Gh'e Chil). At the conchision <strong>of</strong>the sinuinu- the l)and struck uj* ' Yankise Doodle,' and the audiencejoined with hands and feet. Kev. Steck tlien read the stiri'in.n' and'ai)i)ropriate poem l*luril)us Unum.' Ilev. II. Baker then appearedon the St a,ye and made a 1)rief, terse and eht(pn'nt speech. D. H. Williamswas the ne.xt speaker ;h

Advertise68 HISTORY OF ALTOO.NA AND BLAIR COUNTY.ESTABLISHED 1874.The PEOPLE'S Paper.fearless: INDEPENDENT! FREE!THE CALL.DAILY W HLEKLY. SUNDAYTHE LEADING <strong>PA</strong>PER IN ALTOONA.•SUBSCKIPTIOX: Duily, $4.S0 ; Weekly, $1.50; Sunday. *2.00 \yev year. Specimencopies free. ReadthViu! S»il)scril)e tor them ! in thehi ! Advertisingrates reasonaljle. «S="Tlie Sunday Call has the largest circulation<strong>of</strong> any paper in Altoona.JOB PRINTING H S?mRnY-T^:^n^!^^^c^^^:i^:^^.in IMair <strong>County</strong>. PIMCl-JS LO\V.E. B. HAINES, Proprietor,CULL STEAM PRINTING HOUSE,V ousS. M. GRIFFITHATDILTOONI, <strong>PA</strong>,H N H R.GRAINING, <strong>PA</strong>PER HANGING AND KALSOMINING.All Work Guaranteed in Material and Execution.Employing a large number <strong>of</strong> flrst-class mechanics, he is prepared to fill all orderswith promptness and dispatch.GRAINING SND SIGN WRITING R SPECmLTY.Shop: Corner 11th Avenue and 11th Street,([N B.\SKMEXT.)

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. ()9halted. Thr Latta Guard, headed by their drum eorps, ne.\t luarehedEleventh avenue to Eleventh street and iialte(l ;it the Opera House.uj)The E.xcelsiur Hose company apjK-ared at tliis juncture and took aposition on the avenue, soon after which the Altoona Eng-ine company(P. R. R.) marched up Twelfth street to Twelfth avenue, down Twelfthavenue to Eleventh street, along Eleventh street toEleventh avenue,and halted ; they were attired in full equipments, bearing axes andtorches and headed ])y their drum corps. Aids Hamlin and Alexanderhaving arrived on prancing steeds some time before, busied themselvesin forming the line, in which labors they were subsequentlyassisted by Messrs. Cornman, Fries, Hurd, Meyers and Crozier, a.^sistantaids. During the formation <strong>of</strong> the line the immense throng <strong>of</strong>|3eople maintained an uninterrupted cheering from one end <strong>of</strong> the avenueto the other. Fire-works were set <strong>of</strong>t" in pr<strong>of</strong>usion, fire-arms discharged,and the general enthusiasm was deafening."Precisely at twelve o'clock, midnight, the Vigilant ))ell gave thesignal, and from every church steeple, from the school houses, shopsand engine bouses the glad tidings <strong>of</strong> great joy went forth and reverberatedthrough the atmosphere unto all the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> our MountainCity, reminding us that the grandest new year <strong>of</strong> the closingcentury was being l)orn. Simultaneous with the ringing <strong>of</strong> the bells,the locomotives in the yards <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroad companysounded their shrill whistles; the bon-fires on the hills were lighted;the cannons on Reservoir and Go.spel hills thundered; various coloredlights appeared in various parts <strong>of</strong> the city ;windows were brilliantlyilluminated, and the whole city was aglow with many colored lights.Such a scene was never before seen or heard in the city <strong>of</strong> Altoona.At precisely fifteen minutes past twelve o'clock, Chief Marshal Stewart(dashed up Twelfth street on his 'white charger,' and assumed command<strong>of</strong> the i>rocession. In a moment the command w^as given, and theprocession <strong>of</strong> over a thousand men were in motion. The uniforms,regalias, axes and horns <strong>of</strong> those composing the parade, sparkled amidthe glare <strong>of</strong> the torches. The music served to render the scene moreimpressive. The following was the order <strong>of</strong> the procession: (1) TheChief Marshal, plumed, and wearing a jeweled sash, on a spirited whitecharger, accompanied by his aids;(2) Latta Guards, in full uniform;(3) Altoona City Cornet Band; (4) Good Will Steam Fire Enginecompany; (5) Empire Hook and Ladder company; ((>) MountainCity Cornet Band; (T) Vigilant Steam Fire Engine company ; (8)Excelsior Hose company; (9) Altoona Steam Fire Engine comi)any;6

to HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.(10) St. John's Literary and Benevolent Society; (11) KeystoneCornet Band;(12) Cavalcade <strong>of</strong> citizens.Citizens vied with each other in decorating their resp(!etive residencesand places <strong>of</strong> business with bvmting, flags, ensigns, arches, etc.,in order to adorn the triumph <strong>of</strong> our arms, to perpetuate a renieml)rance<strong>of</strong> our national independence, as well as to exhiint an appi'eciation<strong>of</strong> the superior blessings we enjoy in the "land <strong>of</strong> the free and thehome <strong>of</strong> the brave."THE CENTENNIAL FOURTH.On the following Fourth <strong>of</strong> July every house and every street wasdecollated with flags, etc.The ])rocession, compcjsed <strong>of</strong> military, patrioticpersonations, the fire department, benevolent and civic societies,the employes <strong>of</strong> our great wm'k-shops, our tradesmen and artisans atAvork, each at his particular vocation, mountcil on wagons drawn byrichly caparisoned horses, and citizens in carriages and on foot, wasone that was scarcely surpassed anywhere. Even the farmer with hishay wagon was represented. Th(^ ])roce8sion, after moving throughthe principal streets and avenues, halted at a stand (greeted- in afield belonging to the Pennsylvania Railroad company, in theeastern])art <strong>of</strong> the city, where the immense concourse <strong>of</strong> people were suitablyand patriotically addressed l)y Judge John P. <strong>Blair</strong>, <strong>of</strong> Indiana county.A violent storm at three o'clock p. m., }>ut an end to the gorgeousspectacle.THE RAILROAD RIOTS.The next interesting event—mournfully interesting, we are justifiedin saying, and in striking contrast with the recital immediately preceding—wasthe railroad strike, which originated with the disaffectedmployes <strong>of</strong> the Baltimore dz Ohio Kailroad, and extended to the])rineipal railroads <strong>of</strong> the country. Without exhausting time or

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 1]The Governor ordered out the Matthews' jrnards, <strong>of</strong> Wheeling-, toassist in quelling the riot which had l)roken out at that point. Tlu;riot having quickly assumed gigantic proportions, on account <strong>of</strong> i)reconcert<strong>of</strong> action on the part <strong>of</strong> the strikers, on the ver}^ next (hiy(July 18), Governor Matthews called upon the President for UnitxidStates troops, which were promptly furnished. On July 19 the strikebecame general, extending from Martinsburg to Chicago—riotous proceedingsbeing enacted at Parkersburg, W. Va.; Benwood, Columbusand New^ark, Ohio; Chicago, etc. The temporary success <strong>of</strong> the Baltimore& Ohio brakemen and firemen there—who were the parties whoinaugurated the disturbances—encouraged those who occupied relativepositions in the employ <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Bailroad company, andout <strong>of</strong> these initiatory i)roceedings grew our own troubles. With thispreamble, we turn (Uir attention toWHAT TRANSPIRED INALTOONA.On July 19, 1877, our city was thrown into a furore <strong>of</strong> excitementby the announcement that the freight conductors and brakemen on thePennsylvania railroad had struck at Pittsburg—that they not onlyrefused to go out Avith their trains when the latter were ready, butthat they would not let the trains go out. When the strike was.inaugurated in the morning, none Init freight conductors and brakemenwere concerned in it, but at night the freight engineers and tiremenjoined them. The strikers were in good spirits, and confidentthat all their dc^nauds would be acceded to—that the golden opportunitvhad arrived to lienefit their condition, and that they would takeadvantage <strong>of</strong> it. A few days {irevious the following order had beenissued liv Superintendent Pitcairn :Pennsylvania Railroad Office <strong>of</strong> >(ienekal \qent .\nn suterintendent pittsburo division,^PiTTSni'RCi, July lb, 1877. SNOTICE TO dispatchers.

•72 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.H^ tlR HBEST GERMAU NEWS<strong>PA</strong>PER IN CENTRAL PENN'A.650 Inches <strong>of</strong> Good Reading Matter Eveiy AYeek.GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM.SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 PER YEAR.WITH CHROMO AND FRAMEJOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN.HAERY SLEP, Proprietor,KO. 1122 EI^KVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.HENRY HENCH.HKEYSTONE PfflNT STOR,13tli Avenue and IGtli Street, Altoona.(Ol'POSITE FAUMEll.S' HOTEL.)Pure ^Vhite Lead, Linseed Oil,VARNISHES, CALCIMINE, WHITE GLUE, ETC.A tull line <strong>of</strong> Fine Colors ground in Oil, and a complete stock <strong>of</strong> Painters' andGrainers' Brushes, Putty, Glas.s, Nails, etc. Also, Builders' Hardwaregenerally.READY MIXED <strong>PA</strong>INTS A SPECIALTY.FROM ONE POUND UPWARD.REMEMBER THE PLACE

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 73men tliouy-ht that a reduction on the first <strong>of</strong> Juno previous <strong>of</strong> ten percent, and tlien an increase <strong>of</strong> one hundred ])er cent, in the lal)orrequired <strong>of</strong> them was more than they could l)ear. Previous to theissuance <strong>of</strong> tlie order the custom had been to employ four men besidesthe en-rineer and fireman in moving a single train <strong>of</strong> eighteen cars.If the above order had gone into effect an ordinaryhad to take charge <strong>of</strong> a train twice the usual size.crew would haveThis would havebeen equivalent to the discharge <strong>of</strong> every other man, and those retainedwould have had to perform double work. It was the increase in theamount <strong>of</strong> labor, the uncertainty as to who would be discharged andAvho retained, combined with the dis.satisfaction created by the JuneFrom the Evening Mirrorreduction in pay that caused the strike.<strong>of</strong> this city, <strong>of</strong> July 20, Ave extract the following :"The strike has not reached this city at this writing. Groups <strong>of</strong>persons, engineers, firemen, brakemen, shop men and others have beendiscussing the affair on the streets since morning. Last night butthree coal trains arrived from the west in this city, although seventeenfreight trains generally arrive during the night. Messrs. Robert Pitcairnand Frank Thomson were in the city last night, and in companywith G. Clinton Gardner, left for Pittsburg at an early hour thismorning. James McCrea was in the city, also, but left for Harrisburgon Philadelphia Express last night.Lieutenant-Governor John Lattapassed through the city last night to Harrisburg to be on hand in case<strong>of</strong> disturbance. Governor Hartranft being in California. Severalfreiu:ht engineers, firemen and crews refused to take their trains out<strong>of</strong> the city last night and this morning. Representatives from thewestern division are in the city and are in consultation with trainhands, who say they are not inciting a strike, though they declarethey will not take a train on the road under the present difficulties.Thomas A. Scott passed through to Pittsburg this forenoon.MILITARY ON THEIR WAY TO PITTSBURG."At an early period <strong>of</strong> the morning <strong>of</strong> July 21, three train loads <strong>of</strong>soldiers, en route to Pittsburg, passed through this city. As theyentered the depot at this point they were received by a few <strong>of</strong> therailroad employes there collected with expressions <strong>of</strong> disapproval.Thev belonged to the First Division <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, and were composed<strong>of</strong> the First, Second, Third and Sixth regiments, one thousandfive hundred men, under the command <strong>of</strong> Gen. R. M. Brinton. TheGerman Hussars and State Fencibles were with them. Pismountedcavalry and artillery were noticeable also. At this point four large

74 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.boxes <strong>of</strong> cartridges were put on board. As the trains left the depothere the coupling- pins <strong>of</strong> the engines were pulled five different times.One soldier was knocked down for an alleged insult. About twohundred railroaders were gathered at the depot, and the opinions expressedwere as varied as the characters <strong>of</strong> the men. A stone wasthrown just as the last train went out, which struck- the side <strong>of</strong> thelast engine, and a link was thrown which struck a car.STRIKEINAUGURATED."About 10:35 same morning (July 21), about fifty brakemen assembledin the yard <strong>of</strong> the railroad company, stopped two trains ladenwith stone, and refused to allow the other engines prepared to takethe trains on to go out <strong>of</strong> the gate at the round house. They alsosent all the shifting engines in but one for passenger use. Theyallowed all passenger trains to pass, jjut refused passage to freights."At 2:50 p. m., as the Hollidaysburg train was hauling out <strong>of</strong> thedepot, with some freight trains attached, the strikers cut the train andwould not allow the engine to proceed until the freight cars wereplaced on a siding. At 5:20 p. m., a train <strong>of</strong> eight cars, containingabout four hundred soldiers, under command <strong>of</strong> Col. H. Kodgers,passed through the city, taking supper here. Engineer Philips cameout on engine Xo. 924, and at the request <strong>of</strong> the strikers stepped down,and Jacob Russell, foreman <strong>of</strong> the round house, took the engine.Engineer James Westfall refused to come down from engine No. 136.One striker attempted to uncouple the engines from the train and waspierced through the arm by a bayonet in the hands <strong>of</strong> a soldier. Aguard was thrown out around the engines, and when the trains startedseveral <strong>of</strong> the guard were pulled <strong>of</strong>f by the strikers. One man Avaspulled down and severely beaten, but they all managed to get on.After this the train was fired ui)on and stoned by the strikers aroundthe depot, but nevertheless succeeded in threading its way out <strong>of</strong> thecity en route for Pittsljurg."The members <strong>of</strong> the striking body disclaimed, with justice tothemselves, that the stone throwing, etc., Avas done by what is knownin the city as the 'gut gang,' and not by railroaders."THE SHERIFF ISSUESA VERBAL PROCLAMATION.In the afternoon, i)revious to this occurrence, Sheriff J. M. Stifflerissued a proclamation, verbally, in the depot, requesting the assembledmultitude to disperse and quietly return to their homes; not to trespasson any <strong>of</strong> the railroad company's property; preserve the peace;

::HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 75leave all trains pass, and not molest or stop enjfineers or cnjrines fromwork, or to molest, in any manner, men in the employ <strong>of</strong> the PennsylvaniaRailroad eompany.On the same day Mayor (Jilland issned the following-PROCLAMATIONTo THE Citizens ok Altoona:—As tlu- Cliief Magistrate <strong>of</strong> this city, I believe itto be my duty, under the present circumstances, to caution the citizens and othersagainst any unlawful assemblies that may form under the present diftlcultles. Itrust that all will endeavor to prevent any disturbance that would be detrimentalto the interests <strong>of</strong> our city, or to the property <strong>of</strong> any one while the present excitementlasts. It is required <strong>of</strong> all good citizens to be vigilant, and lend their personalinfluence in assisting the city authoritii^s in carrying out that which seems to thembest for the safety <strong>of</strong> lives and property. I also request all landlords to close theirbars until the present excitement subsides. This request I expect to be compliedwith, and if not, those who tlisregard it will be held responsible under the law. Believingthat our citizens are law-abiding and that we have no occasion to chronicleriotous conduct on the part <strong>of</strong> any one, but that all may be peace and quietness, Iremain, very truly,«• A. Gilland, Mayor.[The above had the desired effect.]MEETING AT THE BRANT HOUSE.At 7 o'clock, i>.m.. a large number <strong>of</strong> citizens assembled at theBrant House. Col. David Jones introduced, as the first speaker,James F. Milliken, who had been colonel <strong>of</strong> the Fifth regiment, N. G.P., and at that time was district attorney <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county. Mr. Millikensaid"Gentlemen and Fellow-Citizens :—It has always been to me agreat pleasure to speak to and for the workingmen, and to defend theoppressed and down-trodden. A strike has been inaugurated by youagainst the Penn.sylvania Railroad company. Let me ask for whatpurpose you strike ? Is it to injure the railroad company ? [Cries <strong>of</strong>'No!' 'No!'] No! You strike because <strong>of</strong> your necessities; becauseyour wives and children cry to you for bread—for that whichyou are unable to give. Is this state <strong>of</strong> affairs attributable to yourindisposition to work ? This needs no answer. It is attributable tothe inadetiuency <strong>of</strong> the pay.Every man not controlled by the Pennsylvaniarailroad is with you heart and soul. So long as you are orderly,interfering in no man's private business, you will have the support<strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county and Pennsylvania. I was once colonel <strong>of</strong> theFifth regiment, and, in the past, have encountered a good deal <strong>of</strong> badluck. I think I strike a good streak just now. And, just here, Iwish to add one thing. Not one man in the regiment can be compelledto turn out. If any one turns out voluntarily, you can markhim as one who wants to turn out against you. There is nothing inthe militia law <strong>of</strong> this Commonwealth which can be construed as

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.J. S. BOOTJI. M. H. MACKEY.EXCELSIORPlaning Mill.BOOTH & MACKEYMANXI<strong>PA</strong>CTUr.KIiS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OPDERSRough and Dressed Liimber,Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Window Frames, Doors, Shutters,Blinds, Mouldings, &.C. Scroll Sawing, Turning and Shapingin all its branches.— WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF —PORCHES, BHY WINDOWS, STORE FRONTS,AND STAIR BUILDING.All jobbing promptly atteinle.l to an

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 7Tconii)iilsorv. In conclusion I would onfVn'cc the axiom: 'United westand, divided we fall.' This is vour time. If the shop men turnout now, the Pennsylvania railroad cannot refuse to accede to the demands<strong>of</strong> the workmen. You know your rights. Stick to them, andyou will get what you want, and what you are entitled to—a fairday's wages for a fair day's work. I am with you heart and soul.If you want a friend you will find one in Jim Milliken ! Good night."Colonel Jones followed Mr. Milliken in a sju'ech which substantiallycovered the same ground, rendering its publication or even anabstract unnecessary.He was followed in turn V)y Frank P. Tierney, whose appearancewas greeted with cheers, and who was heard with respectful attention.He said ": My countrymen ! You have refused to remainlonger in the employment <strong>of</strong> thePennsylvania Railroad company atthe wages you have Ijeen receiving. It is, undoubtedly, your rightto demand from your employers such wages as would justify you inremaining in its employ. Should the company decline to accede toyour demand, you are justified in continuing out <strong>of</strong> its service as artisansor workmen. This is a right which, under the law, you can exercise;but in doing so, 3^ou must exercise that right with a jealousregard to the rights <strong>of</strong> others. You must cast your eyes upon thewritten and well-recognized law which governs us all in the enjoyment<strong>of</strong> our rights, and by it be governed. Therefore, gentlemen,you had better reflect well what you are doing before taking any rashstep, for you must never forget that those Avho disregard the lawmust, in the end, come to grief. If you desire, therefore, to succeedin obtaining your object, it will only be accomplished by legal andproper means— by observing and respecting the rights <strong>of</strong> all underthe law. I therefore appeal to you to use only such means to obtainthe end you seek. I also appeal to our citizens who are not in theemploy <strong>of</strong> the railroad company, to give to you a helping hand bythe use <strong>of</strong> legitimate means.And I further appeal to the railroad <strong>of</strong>ficials,if there be any present, to aid, as soon as possible, in securingan increase <strong>of</strong> wages for the workmen. In the dark hours <strong>of</strong> thepanic these gentlemen stood faithfully by you, and, astimes improvethey will see, as far as they can, that your patience will be rewarded.Their interests are identical Avith yours. Gentlemen, I thank youfor this mark <strong>of</strong> your confidence and respect.I bid you good night.'"In response to urgent and repeated calls, Thomas H. Greevy,stepped on the improvised platform (store box) and addressed hisfellow-citizens. The following is a synopsis <strong>of</strong> his remarks: "In

18 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.an assembly like this it is impossible for me to say thino:s to suiteverybody. Thus, I am at a loss to know what to say. As a generalthing I do not believe in strikes. A strike is a means which shouldonly be used as a last resort. I am not sufficiently familiar with yourdemands to make a suitable speech. But I am familiar with the precariouscondition <strong>of</strong> the workingmen all over the country, Avho laborfor a mere pittance—scarcely sufficient to keep themselves and familiesfrom starving.I know that you, workingmen, have the sympathy <strong>of</strong>all the people including those high in authority in this city. I sympathizewith you, but you must preserve the peace;you must not violatethe law, for in case you do the State will bring all its machineryto bear upon you. There is one other point to which I will directyour attention. No strike has ever succeeded where violence was resortedto. Violence was invariably met by violence, and ended inthe discomfiture <strong>of</strong> the strikers. Let me warn you—the man whoadvises you to break the peace, to destroy public or privateis not your friend."property,<strong>PA</strong>TROLLING THESTREETS.During the evening and night the Latta Guard patrolled thestreets for the protection <strong>of</strong> private propert}' and the maintenance <strong>of</strong>law and order. The streets were thronged with an excited crowd.The latter portion <strong>of</strong> the night passed quietly, however, no freighttrains running east or west to demand the attention <strong>of</strong> the strikers.the fife,SUNDAY THE CULMINATING POINT OF THE EXCITEMENT.Next day, Sunday, July 22, was characterized by the shriek <strong>of</strong>the rattle and roll <strong>of</strong> the drum, the marching <strong>of</strong> armed troopsthrough our heret<strong>of</strong>ore quiet city, the rapid movements and cheering<strong>of</strong> men, the scream <strong>of</strong> the locomotive whistle, all strangely intermingledwith the solemn tones <strong>of</strong> the church l)ells.About 9 o'clock in the morning ten car loads <strong>of</strong> troops,aggregatingabout five hundred, compo.'ied <strong>of</strong> parts <strong>of</strong> the First, Second,Third, Fifth, Sixth and Twelfth regiments, under the command f)f(Tcneral Beaver, arrived in this city, and immediately i)ulled up to theupper end <strong>of</strong> the yard.Here breakfast was served to them, and theirengine was backed into the upper round house. The strikers thenclosed the gates <strong>of</strong> the round house yard and refused to allowan engineto go out to take the troops to rittsl)urg. A detachment <strong>of</strong>Company B, Twelfth regiment, <strong>of</strong> Williamsport, Rolx'rt M. Foresman,captain, under the conunand <strong>of</strong> Col. Stead, was detailed to takean engine from the round house. They marched up to the round

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. t9house gate, where tliey were faced and surrounded by about u hundredcool and determined strikers. They were eoniiK>lli'd to haltwithin six feet <strong>of</strong> the g'ate, and a))out a half (U)zen <strong>of</strong> tiie raih'oadmen stepped into the ranks and laid hold <strong>of</strong> muskets in the hands <strong>of</strong>the soldiers who (piietly and not unwillinji'ly yielded their arms.Fearing the utter demoralization <strong>of</strong> his command, Captain Foresnumfaced the crowd and attempted to (h-ive back the more venturesome^at the point <strong>of</strong> his sword, when a huge stone was thrown whichstruck him back <strong>of</strong> the right ear, i)rostrating him. The gash was oneinch and a half long and <strong>of</strong> considerable depth.Sergeant Osborne (xif--fonl received two cuts on the head from stones. For awhile the affairlooked serious. The strikers, on learning that more troops hadl)een detailed to })rocure an engine,and were nuirching towards theround house, rushed into the yard and "spiked" engines Nos. 50(5,123 and 20fi, by taking <strong>of</strong>f driving rods, drawing the sand, water andtire, letting the steaiu escape and soaping the boxes. The troopsstarted to march to the gates, but, concluding that it would be uselessto attempt to get an engine, and that even if they did, no engineercould be found to take it out, marched 1)ack to their train. Fromthe train the entire body <strong>of</strong> troops, with the exception <strong>of</strong> a guard atthe train, marched to the Pennsylvania railroad depot and stackedarms. The soldiers and strikers then commingled in friendly intercourse.Though not allowed to go west, the soldiers were permitted to returnto their homes in the east if they chose. Company G, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,and squads <strong>of</strong> other companies, took advantage <strong>of</strong> that andleft for home in the evening.MEETING OF THE RAILROAD MEN.On the morning <strong>of</strong> the following day (Monday, July 23,) a meeting<strong>of</strong> the railroad men was held, and it was unanimously agreed toprotect both private and public property at all hazards.A committee <strong>of</strong> workingmen also waited on G. W. Strattau in themorning and requested him to close the upper shops, which he did.The lower shops were also closed.citizens'MEETING.In the morning also, by the advice <strong>of</strong> prominent citizens, placards,signed by Mayor Gilland, were posted in every conspicuous place inthe city, calling a meeting <strong>of</strong> all the citizens at the Opera House tobe held at 3 o'clock p. m. Before the appointed hour arrived thehouse was crowded- The Mayor opened the meeting by announcing

80 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY."WILLIAM W. YON,— DEALER INGroceries and: Provisions,FLOUR, FEED, ETC.WOOD, WILLOW, GLASS, CHINflmQUEENSWHRE.,SEGARS AND TOBACCO.Country Produce Bought and Sold.ITth Street, between lOtli and lltli AA'ennes,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.J. A. CANAN & CO.,Margaret Avenue and lOtliSti'eet, Altoona,H AVE THE LARGEST STOCK OFTERRA GOTTADRAIN PIPE,FIRE CLAY FLDES, CHIMNEY TOPS, LAWN VASES, PEDESTALS, Etc,Ever<strong>of</strong>fereO in Altoona, wliich tliey are now selling at greatly reduced prices. Havingtheir own Lime Kilns located in the city, tliey are always prepared to^furnish their customers with fresh lime. They have also on hand,Cleveland Lime, White Sand, Duncansville and Hill Sand, CalcinedPlaster, Cements, Plastering Hair, Shingles, etc.Agents for Granite Ko<strong>of</strong>ing.Also—Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw, Coal, Wood,, Salt.TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 81his purpose ia calling- it. He said a great burden Lad l)eeii laid onhis shoulders, and that he wanted to do right by all, both the workingmenand the company, and if he failed it would not ))e his fault.He concluded: "I want you to act as men and good citi/.ens, andnot as roughs and rioters. I have sworn in a numl)er <strong>of</strong> policemenand I want you to stand l)y them. I called this meeting through apure motive and trust it will be so regarded."D. K. Ramey was made President, and Samuel S. Goodnum andHon. J. W. Curry, Vice Presidents. A. F. Kerr, G. S. Handin andN. C. Barclay were elected Secretaries.Xhe President made a few remarks, the substance <strong>of</strong> which wasthat the difficulty would soon be settled ; that he had no hand inbringing it about and hoped the workingmen would get justice.H. H. Herr stated that he understood that some railroad men hadan idea that this meeting had been called to oppose the strikers, butit was not so. It was merely to organize so as to be able to meetemergencies and protect property and prevent bloodshed. He thoughtthat the troops were the persons to be feared and not the railroadmen whose interests lay in this city, both in public and private property.Hon. J. W. Curry was called upon, who said that the laborer wasworthy <strong>of</strong> his hire, and that every good citizen and laborer shouldprotect his employer, and such employer, in turn, should protectlaborer. Every man is responsilile to God for his own acts and notfor the acts <strong>of</strong> others. We are called on as individuals to protectourselves, not from any man in this house, or any workman whatever,Init from outsiders alone.theI would trust any man in this housewith my life and proi)erty. It is the tramps we have to fear ; theyare the ones who would do the tiring, stealing and murdering. It isyour right and my right to protect ourselves, and to each and everyman it becomes a duty to protect the others. We depend upon therailroad company for what we get, and when we have difficulties tosettle let us do so at the proper tribunal. I move, Mr. President,that fivehundred policemen be apitointed and sworn in.George J. Akers said that the same emergency did not e.xist inour city that did in Pittsburg. Xo Philadelphia soldiers were hereto shoot down our wives and children as they did in Pittsl)urg. Weare law-abiding citizens, and I am certain that withfive hundred policemento guard us we can go to our beds to-night in peace and theresleep in safety. If the men conduct themselves properly they will

82 HISTOEY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.impel the company to accede to their justifiable and rightful demands.[Applause and cries "That's so !" etc.]Major Richard J. Crozier followed. He said it was not the railroadmen that destroyed the company's property at Pittsburg. Hethought there was not a man in the house who would do the leastharm to the property <strong>of</strong> the company or that <strong>of</strong> citizens.William B. Blake desired to be informed whether the ])olicemenwould get any compensation or not. The Mayor replied that hecould not answer the (piestion, as the city was deeply in debt now,and he had no authority nor the desire to lay any further burthenupon taxpayers. He could not say whether the company would paythem or not. H(^ further stat^^l that n

HISTORY OP ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 83Kksolved—That we lioartlly sympathize with all persons interested in the presentclitHculty, and deplore the loss <strong>of</strong> life and property in Pittsbiir;^, and will dowhat we can to prevent a similar occurrence in our midst.fSigneil] M. J. MeCOY, I'res't,P. O'HARE,W. B, BLAKE,E. M. WAIIUEN,ROBERT HUDSON.The above resolutions were adopted.A motion was made that the cliairman ai)point a committee <strong>of</strong>three to present the resohitions to General Superintendent G. ClintonGardner, which was carried, and M. J. McCoy, W. B. Blake andJ. B. Harkins were ai)i>ointed such committee. On motion adjournedto meet in the ()i)era House ne.xt morning at 10:30 o'clock.AD.JOURNED MEETING.In pursuance <strong>of</strong> announcement made, an adjourned meeting' waspromptly held at the Opera House at 10:30 o'clock on the 2-ith <strong>of</strong>July. The house was crowded with orderly and attentive shop men.The meeting was called to order by Capt. E. M. Warren, Secretary,who announced the ol)ject <strong>of</strong> thv. meeting. In the absence <strong>of</strong> some<strong>of</strong> tlu! <strong>of</strong>ficers previously elected, Wm. Fortenliaugh was called tothe chair, Thomas Miller electedVice President, and Martin Lewis,Assistant Secretary. Before taking his seat Mr. Fortenbaugh addressedthe audience, saying that Ik* hoped that peace, good orderand harmony would prevail. "There will be uunnentous (juestions,"he .^^aid, " for your decision, and it is (Essential that a, calm spirit exist."M. J. McCoy, chairman <strong>of</strong> the committee ap}»ointed the previousevening to wait on Mr. Gardner, presented the resolutions, andw(n-e rcH'cived kindly. Mr. Gardner expressed himself as a consistentfriiaid <strong>of</strong> the working man, which he had shoAvn allthrough the])anic in scouring the whole country to get work to be done here inthe shops. He had done for them all that was in his power. Hefurther said that he could not, at this short notice, give the men adefinite answer ;he eould not negotiate between the workmen andhigh <strong>of</strong>ficers, und all that he could do was to obey orders. Undersucli circumstiUices he could not assure the men anything. Hewould forward their resolutions, with remarks <strong>of</strong> his own. He expnsssedsolicitationfor the property <strong>of</strong> the company, and the committeeass\ired him that it would be protected. The committee furtherexpressed their entire confidence in Mr. Gardner, and their belief thathe would do all in his power to bring al)out a satisfactory solution.Capt. E. M. Warren advised tiie men to lie careful. He knew <strong>of</strong>some dissatisfaction among the iiien, but hoji-'d tliey would ])ursue a

84 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.E. H. KEYES,DEALER IN —GentsTurnishing Goods,HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC.Eleventh Avenue and Seventeenth Street, Altoona, Pa.RUDOLPH LUEBBERT,CIGARS,MANU<strong>PA</strong>CTURER MANUPi OFTOBACCO.AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF MANUFAC'TrREDNO. lllOELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA.PROP. R. C. WARD,TEACHER OFOrgan, Piano,;Voice Culture, Harmony,COMPOSITION, AND DIRECTOR OF MUSICAL CONVENTIONS.Also, Agent for Sheet MusicJ(Music Uooks, etc. Office with Pr<strong>of</strong>. R. B. MiihatTey,8th Avenue^ and 12th Street,LK. ORR,— DEALER INAltoona.J^ MTHRlClTE ^ ND g lTUMINOUS Q<strong>of</strong>lLS/OOD, ETC.Liine, Sand, Posts, Shingles, uth, itli, ami and other kind-* ot ] Lumber. Those who contemplatebnikling, or improving )ving property, will do well to give me a call.Corner 11th Av nue and 4th Street, Altoona.


HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 85\vir;e course. It would l)e lU'itlicr hravo nor iniuily to (Ifiuaiid morethan they demanded two months previously, nor more than was demandedin the resolutions <strong>of</strong> the })receding meeting. Now that thecon^pany was in trouble was no reasijn to think that the more we denuindthe more we will get. There is a probability that we may getwhat we denumd, but it is a mere probability. If we demand tooiiiueh the prol)ability is that the company will either close the shoj)sfor months or secure the services <strong>of</strong> other men to run them, whichcouldbe done.On motion the report <strong>of</strong> thr committee was received, and thecommittee discharged with the thanks <strong>of</strong> thi- workingmen.Mr. Fields, <strong>of</strong> the Seventh ward, moved that the resolutionsadopted the previous evening be rescinded and the resolutions <strong>of</strong> th

:86, HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.denying' tliat the previous iiieeting- was composed <strong>of</strong> any other thaiKworkingmen.These eahner counsels prevailed, and a motion to adjourn was.overwhelmingly carried.[By way <strong>of</strong> ])arentliesis we will say that about this time PresidentHaves issued a proclamation admonishing all good citizens <strong>of</strong>the United States against aiding, countenancing, abetting or taking,part in riotous ])roceeding"S.]ARRIVAL OF OOVERNORH.\RTRANFT.Governt)r Hartranft, accom])anied by Secretary Quay, arrived in'this city on the morning <strong>of</strong> July 25. Upon the arrival <strong>of</strong> the train,an hour behind time, a crowd <strong>of</strong> several hundred citizens hadassem^bled in front <strong>of</strong> the Logan Hou.se, evidently with the expectation <strong>of</strong>hctarinii- an elaborate speech. After partaking <strong>of</strong> breakfast the Governor])roceeded to his car, from the rear end <strong>of</strong> which he delivered'the followintr" (tentlemen ,\ni) Fellow-Citizens: You have called' upon meforan address. T shall make a short one. I, as chief executive <strong>of</strong>the State, am placed in a very unpleasant position. I shall endeavorto render exact justice to all so far as lies within my power. I shallexecute the laws <strong>of</strong> the State actcording to the laws.I shall endeavorto protect all citizens, as well as public and private property, andshould I fail it will be because I am ])owerless. I bid you good day."Shortly after, the train, conv

HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) BLAIR COUNTY. 87A RUMOR rAl.rULATEl) FURTHER TO KXCITH I'HK PdPULAOK. ,Oil July 2.") a riiiiKU' was current that a hand <strong>of</strong> niincrs from th(!ii('ip,-hhorhood <strong>of</strong> Houtzdalo, and oth(T luiuiuu' t'owlTs, thorou^-hlyarmed, were inarchin,a' upon Alloona, in eonscMHience <strong>of</strong> which SheriffStiftier immediately swore in a posse <strong>of</strong> nearly one hundred men,and placed th(>ni under command <strong>of</strong> ('apt. (inthrie. The miners,however, failed to make their a])j)(!uranee."CAMP REAVER."The main body <strong>of</strong> soldiers were encam])ed near Ha,irpM"ty's woods,in F. K. K. passenger cars, tiieir place <strong>of</strong> rendezvous being styled" Cami) Beaver," while a consideral)le number made their head(|inirtersin cars on Tenth avenue, opj)osite the round house.(iRANI) JURY PRESENTMENT.The court being in session at Ho!lidaysV)urg on this day, the followingpresentment was made :'We, the granfl .inty. inqniring in iiiid for <strong>Blair</strong> eouiity, woiilil respect fuUy representconcerning the disorders at Altoona within the last few days, that we haveno personal knowledge <strong>of</strong> per.sons engaged therein. We are informed and l)elievethat persons <strong>of</strong> tlie nninher <strong>of</strong> three or four have, in a tuniultnou.s, disorderly andriotous nnianer, with force, stopped the trains running on the I'ennsylvania railload,and have Ijy threats and violence prevented engineer.s, firemen and brakemenfrom ojierating trains. But this information is not from per.sonal obiservation<strong>of</strong> any one <strong>of</strong> ns ; noi' is it from witnesses duly sworn, l)ut only from rumor, orfrom statements made in the public newsjiapers. We liave not tlie names <strong>of</strong> tlioseengaged in such di'^tnrbance, nor is it in our power this sitting (so far as we canjntlge) to obtain precise and reliable testimony as to the names <strong>of</strong> guilty parties,and to the extent <strong>of</strong> their guilt, which wouhl wai'rant a presentment. While anxiousto aid in preserving the peace luid good name <strong>of</strong> our county by promptly takingcognizance <strong>of</strong> violations <strong>of</strong> the law within its borders, we iire <strong>of</strong> the opinionthat unless our sessions be indefinitely postponed by adjournment from ilay today to allow for the hunting up anci subpfenaing witnesses and execution <strong>of</strong> summaryprocess for their attendance, it is impossible at this session <strong>of</strong> tlie court tomake that proper presentment as to crimes and criminals, and dates, whicli wouldbe snfticieut to warrant the arrest <strong>of</strong> t)ie ortenders. At present there is (luiet andorder at Altoona, and as we believe the late violations <strong>of</strong> law will not be repeated,therefore, unless the court is <strong>of</strong> the oi)inion that our services in session should beprolonged after the conclusion <strong>of</strong> ordinary business, we respectfully request thatwe may be discliarged.'"ROUTIN(i OF TRAMPS.About fifty tramps were driven out <strong>of</strong> Haggerty's woods, in theimmediate neighb(M'hood <strong>of</strong> Altoona, on the morning <strong>of</strong> July 2fi, inconsequence <strong>of</strong> htiving, it is alleged, bri»ken open a c^n* containing tobacco,segars, etc., wliich they ajjproju'iated to their own use, andalso because it was believed that they were inciting to riot all w liomthev could, being ready thems


HISTORY OF AT/rOONA AND RLAIR COUNTY. 89VETERAN soldiers'ORCi ANIZATK »N.Ill pursuniicc <strong>of</strong> a call froiu a coniiiiittci' <strong>of</strong> veteran soldiers, anioetiiiii- <strong>of</strong> v

1)0 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.CLEARING THE DEPOT.Ten soldiers, uikUt a lieutenant, marched through the depot,clearing everything before them, allowing nobody to remain. Allfreight trains in the yard were moved east this morning.ARRIVAL OF ELEVEN CARS OF TROOPS.At 11:50, on July 28, a section <strong>of</strong> five cars, followed at an interval<strong>of</strong> about ten minutes by another section <strong>of</strong> six cars, arrived in Altoona.They contained detachments <strong>of</strong> the First, Second, Third andSi.xth regiments N. G. Pa. They were on their Avay to join theircommands—the Twentieth n^giment, under comnumd <strong>of</strong> Col.Bonnafon.The men numbered si.x hundred. They were served Avith rations,and after a rest <strong>of</strong> an hour took their departure. The Twentiethregiment was composed entirely <strong>of</strong> veterans <strong>of</strong> the late war, whohad been recruited on State service for a few days previous to theirarrival here in Philadelphia. The merchants <strong>of</strong> that city had subscribed$10,000 to equip them.STRIKEENDED.On Monday, July 30, 1877, the strike ended in this city.Freighttrains, both east and west, including Hollidaysburg branch, were runningthe same as before. Workmen returned to their places in theshops that morning. The curling smoke <strong>of</strong> industry again waftedskyward, and the l)uzz <strong>of</strong> the machinery was again heard in and aboutthe shops <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroad comi)anv.THE STRIKE AT TYRONE.At a meeting held by the engineers, firemen and ))rakemen <strong>of</strong> thi;Tyrone In-anch roads, on the evening <strong>of</strong> July 23, a committee wasappointed to confer with Superintendent <strong>Blair</strong>, and to lay their casebefore him in the form <strong>of</strong> resolutions passed ))y them which setforthcertain demands made upon him. To these Mr. <strong>Blair</strong> could giv

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIK COUNTY. 91oviT thf hriiiicli road, nor to remove those tliat were tliere, consisting-<strong>of</strong> two eonipanies <strong>of</strong> the Twelfth reiiinient, X. G. Pa., whowere kept for tlie proteetion <strong>of</strong> the town. But on July 25 theywere joined l)y two Other eoiiipaiiies <strong>of</strong> the Twelfth retrinient fromBradford county, who came hy way <strong>of</strong> Lock Haven, and, in ohedienecto order.-^, they all eniharked on a special train and were taken to ElizabethFurnace, from which place they marched and joined their

" " - f92 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.CITYPlaning Mills,20th Sti'eet, on Bi'ciiieh Raili'oad,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.WILLIAM STOKE & CO.,Proprietors.Tlio f xtonf^ive cquiiimt'iit <strong>of</strong> tlie nld P.;

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 93".Christ. Hauser, Fred. W. Olmcs, Henry Fettinji-er, sr., and James-Kearney. [The last named o-entl(>man was the first to suj>-o-("st theidea <strong>of</strong> obtaining- the services <strong>of</strong> Mr. rarnell..]On the arrival <strong>of</strong> the train a larti'e number <strong>of</strong> citizens had eongregatedto take the first look at the " Irish a,u-itat(»r." The Altoonaband was also there and rendered stirring- music, after which the vis^itors were loudly cheered.On the night <strong>of</strong> the meeting Thomas W. Hurd;, then mayor <strong>of</strong> thecity, was selected as president, and a number <strong>of</strong> prominent citizens^as vice-presidents and secretaries.William P. Furey, having been selected for the purpose, introducedMr. Parnell to the audicnct'. In doing so he inade a neat and!appropriate extemi)oraneous speech.Mr. Parnell review

?)4 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.iiioeting <strong>of</strong> the Conference, was to have presided. His place wasbilled l)y Bishop J(>sse T. Peck, who had been making a short tour <strong>of</strong>visitation among a few <strong>of</strong> the charges along theSusquehanna river.A previous annual conference had been held in Altoomi in March,18V4. Bishop Levi Scott, <strong>of</strong> Delaware, was the presiding <strong>of</strong>ficer.The Conference represents a membership <strong>of</strong> 35,000 full membersand 5,000 probationers. The church property is estimated at $1,703,-185. Number <strong>of</strong> Sunday-schools, 4(;2 ; scholars, 42,638. There are:203 ministers including fourteen superannuates.Altoona Methodism—with ninety-seven members and tifty-fiveprobationers—was erected into a separate station in 1854. John H.Ryland was the first preacher. He was succeeded by Ale.\. E. Gibsonin 1855, John A. Collins being presiding elder. In 185(i cameWilfred Downs. When the East Baltimore Conference was formedin 1857, Samuel A. Wil.^on was sent to serve the station for 1857-8.In 18511-60 Samuel Creighton ;1861-2, W. L. Spottswood ; 1863,1864-5, W. R. Mills; 1866-7-8, J. S. McMurray—W. M. Frysingerlatter year.The remaining ai)i>ointnu>nts were as follows : I8(;it— First church,A. W. Guyer; Second church, J. Donahue; 1870— S. W. Sears, D.S. Monroe; 1871—F. B. Riddh', D. S. Monroe; 1872— F. B. Riddle,R. E. Wilson, Daniel Hartuian (third charge) ; 1874—James Curns,R. E. Wilson, D. Hartman; 1875-6—James Curns, S. C. Swallow,W. W. Evans, M. K. Foster, J.J. W. Owens, J. W. Leckie ; 1877—W. Leckie; 1878-9— B. B. Hamlin, M. K. Foster, Thomas Sherlock;<strong>1880</strong>-1— B. B. Hamlin, Jesse B. Young, and Thomas Sherlock.RELIEFFOR THE MILTON SUFFERERS.A fire, commencing 11:30 on the morning <strong>of</strong> the 14th day <strong>of</strong> May,<strong>1880</strong>, in Milton, Penn.^ylvania, continued its ravages until si.x hundredand sixty-six buildings were destroyed. Indeed nearly the entiretown fell a victim to the flaiues. In response to a call made bythe Governor upon the mayors <strong>of</strong> the cities <strong>of</strong> the State, our ownmayor, Howard, called a meeting at the Opera House on the evening

;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 95firniiiin Lutheran, $\2; Third Methodist, %]~i.\)\ ;Christ Keforined,$11.71 ;(Miurch <strong>of</strong>lJod, $().2r); United Bretlu'en, $7.10; Fir>t P)ai»tist,$44.75. Total, $42S.();5.At the nieetinji- in the Opera House a eoniniittee <strong>of</strong> si-entlenieufrom tlie different wards were a[)i)ointed to solicit and receive contributions,who met at the mayor's oHice on Sunday morning',immediatelyafter which they commenced the good work, which they continuedduring the week, collecting- upwards <strong>of</strong> five hundred dollars inmoney and upwards <strong>of</strong> one thousand dollars' worth <strong>of</strong> provisions and.such other g-oods as the sufferers <strong>of</strong> Milton were supposed to stand inneed <strong>of</strong>.These contrilnitions, added to the collections taken up at thechurches, ($42S.(i8) constituted a respectable total—about $2,000.#STATE MKDICAL SOCIETY.An annual meeting was held in the Opera House, commencing onMay 19, <strong>1880</strong>. [Its sixteenth annual session had been held in Altoona,in June, 18()5. About seventy delegates, representing everycounty in the State, were present on that occasion.]At the recent meeting. Dr. Andrew Nebinger, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,took the chair. Dr. Rowan Clarke, <strong>of</strong> Bell's Mills, delivered an address<strong>of</strong> welcome to the delegates. Ajtpended is an abstract:" Our county occujiies a central position in the State. It has richand i»roductive valleys to feed our people, and high mountains andhills tilled with rich minerals that centuries will not exhaust."We have the i)rincipal shoi)s <strong>of</strong> the best constructed and nianag(>drailroad <strong>of</strong> the country. These shops make anything that isused on a railroad,from the smallest bolt to the finest Pullman coach,or the most powerful locomotive. Their fires never go out. As theJeW'S <strong>of</strong> old turned their eyes each morning and evening to thetempleto see that th(^ daily sacrifice was <strong>of</strong>fered, and w'ere happy andcontented when they saw smoke arise, so do our people rejoice eachday when they see the cloud <strong>of</strong> smoke arise from the work shops, satisfiedthat our county is safe and prosperous." The main line <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad passes through thiscounty. Branches are .sent forth from Altoona to Hollidaysburgthere again dividing to different portions <strong>of</strong> the county, to collectrich ores and other minerals which nature has so abundantly storedaway in the hills and valleys. From Tyrone, in the northern end <strong>of</strong>the county, the Tyrone and Clearfield road, which also sends numerousbranches to bring forth the products <strong>of</strong> the immense coal andlumber fields <strong>of</strong> Clearfield ; also the Tyrone and Lock Haven, to thethe

06 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.- THE -AmericanSE\^^INGMachine[Awail^i'd the First I'rciiunin ut nearly every public exhibition in which theirniiiehines have been e.\liibitC(l, inchnling our late Centennial, where theyreceiveil two awartl.s, one for the machine, and one for the work doneon the inacliiiie.]ISIN GREAT DEMAND,HECAISK OFGREATIT^iSIMPLICITY,I'.einy: iiarticiilarly free from all combinations, always ready to work, and easilyunderstood by every one, even the most Inexijerienced.IT 18 THE TIGHTEST RUNNINGShuttle Machine in the woi'.d, requiring; little outlay <strong>of</strong> strength, and sews witligreat speeil, and never skips stitches.IT HAS A SETF-THREADING SHUTTLE,And requires no adjusting <strong>of</strong> the tension every time a new bobbin is placed in it.\o time wasted in vexatious delays in getting the shuttle ready to work.IT IS ALWAYS READY.IT IS THE MOST DURABLE MACHINEThat ever claimed public attention, owing to its simple arrangement and the carefulselection <strong>of</strong> the best material.For further particulars call on or addressE. C. REESE,Agent for <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Office:—5tli Avenue unci 12tli Sti'eet, Altoona, Pa.

;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. flTtop <strong>of</strong> the Susquehanna region, and soon the Tyrone andLewishursiwillbe running- through one <strong>of</strong> the finest iron ore and limestone regions<strong>of</strong> the State. From BellV Mills the Bell's Gap, a narrow guagcroad, climbs around the spurs <strong>of</strong> the Allegheny and shows deep ravines,over a route unsurpassed in beauty and grandeur, giving i)!casureto the lover <strong>of</strong> nature and collecting the jjroducts <strong>of</strong> Cam})ria andClearfield. Whilst we do not dispute the claim that Boston is thehul) <strong>of</strong> the universe, we do claim that <strong>Blair</strong> county is the hub <strong>of</strong> CentralPennsylvania. For here w^e have the heart <strong>of</strong> the great roadthat largely controls the traffic <strong>of</strong> the whole country ;and we drawthe resources <strong>of</strong> the surrounding counties into, our own. Our countyis growing—a little more than a generation old—and this city is onlya stripling. Many who are here present were in the full vigor <strong>of</strong>manhood Avhen the site <strong>of</strong> this town was covered with forest, withhere and there a swampy meadow. Although its growth has l)eenrapid, greater things are hoped for in the future."The annual address was delivered by Dr. A. Nebinger, president<strong>of</strong> the Society.In his introductory he referred to their meeting (thethirty-first) as an occasion <strong>of</strong> friendly greeting; also, to note thechanges <strong>of</strong> the past for our future improvement, and to make hcHioralilemention <strong>of</strong> those who have finished their work and gone to thegrave like "one who wraps the draperies <strong>of</strong> his couch around himand lies down to pleasant dreams." He feelingly referred to thosemembers <strong>of</strong> the Society who were yielding to the weight <strong>of</strong> yearsalluded to the bright and cheering aspect <strong>of</strong> the country in a commercialpoint <strong>of</strong> view ; denounced jobbery and dishonesty in public affairs,and made feeling allusions to the distress existing in Ireland.The addresses delivered, and previously prepared i>apers on medicine,surgery, etc., which were read during the session, exhibited theprogress medical science had made, and reflected credit upon the medicalpr<strong>of</strong>ession.During their stay the physicians, in response to invitations extendedby Charles E. Pugh, General Superintendent Pennsylvaniarailroad; Superintendent B. G. Ford, <strong>of</strong> the Boll's Gap railroad, andW. D. Tyler, <strong>of</strong> the Keystone Hotel company, made excursions toLloydsville and Cresson. They also visited the upper and lowershops <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad located here, accompanied l)yTheodore N. Ely, Superintendent Motive Power, and beforeleavingpassed a vote <strong>of</strong> thanks to the gentlemen named, as well as to the<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Medical Society, who gave to them a banquet at theLogan House.

98 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.In Lancaster, on the second day <strong>of</strong> May, 1881, the next meeting<strong>of</strong>the Society will occur. Dr. S. M. Ro.ss, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, who, at thelate session held in this city, delivered an address on "ConservativeSurg-ery," was selected to deliver an address on "Surgery," at thenext annual convention.PROHIBITIONCONVENTION.The State Convention <strong>of</strong> radical temperance, oi^ total abstineneonien, assembled in this city on May 20, <strong>1880</strong>, and placed a ticket innomination. On May 29, 18T8, simultaneously with the Annual!Conclave <strong>of</strong> Knights Templar, <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, a similar convocationheld its session here.DECORATION DAY.The 29th day <strong>of</strong> May, <strong>1880</strong>, (the 80th, the usual day for the cermonies,occurring on Sunday) was observed in this city as MemorialDay. The old flag was rev(>rently drooped over those who died sothat it might still wave, the unsullied emlilem <strong>of</strong> a nation united andfree; and the fairest flowers <strong>of</strong> spring were scatterecl ui)on their graves.A much larger number <strong>of</strong> citizens and strangers joined in the ceremoniesthan on any ])revious occasion, crowding our public thoroughfaresat an early hour.The principal streets and avenues were ornamented with flags.and other national devices. The i)rocession formed on Eleventh avt'liue,right resting on Twelfth street, and commenced to move about9 o'clock a. m. It was led by a carriage containing Junior Vice DepartmentCommander Burchfield, <strong>of</strong> the Grand Army <strong>of</strong> the Republic; Rev. Jesse B. Young, the orator <strong>of</strong> the day, and Rev. J. GreenMil«>s, <strong>of</strong> the First Baptist church. Chief Marshall Fitzharris andhis aids—Messrs. Amheiser, Valentine and Stroh—came next, followedl>y the Junior Greys' band. The order <strong>of</strong> marching <strong>of</strong> the balance<strong>of</strong> the organizations was: Junior and Senior order <strong>of</strong> UnitedAmerican Mechanics, J. A. Parker and L. S. McGlathery, marshals;Union, Wm. Fortenbaugh and Edward W. Cavend'er, marshals;Socialband ; GoodCitizens' band; Bethany and Rising Sun Circles, Brotherhood <strong>of</strong> the-Will Steam Fire company. Gust. Klemmert, marshal;Altoona City band; Vigilant Steam Fire company, WillianiH. Johnson, marshal ; Excelsior Hose company, J. B. Stahl, marshal;Company D, Fifth r

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. OiVWhen the line reached the eiitraiiee to the eeuuitery the JuniorGreys' l)and and all the org-anizations followinn' stood in open orderto permit the passage <strong>of</strong> the Post, which advanced to the lead, succeededby the Mountain City hand and Conij>any D.The mandi t(»the monument was then resumed, during- which the Mountain Cityband i)layed a solemn dirge. A platform had ])een erected to thenorth<strong>of</strong> the soldiers' monument and the procession filed to the rightand marched around the shaft, encircling it. The first thing in the order<strong>of</strong> exercises at that point was the rendering <strong>of</strong> "Remember Me,'-the well known air from the opera <strong>of</strong> "Bohemian Girl," which waKbeautifully played by the Mountain City band. Rev. J. G. Miles <strong>of</strong>fereda prayer; then a dirge was rendered by the Altoona City band,when the ceremony <strong>of</strong> decorating the graves <strong>of</strong> the dead soldiers wasperformed. Chief Marshal Fitzharris then introduced the orator <strong>of</strong>the occasian. Rev. Jesse B. Young. At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the orationa selection was given by the Junior Greys' band, and the processionmoved out <strong>of</strong> the cemetery to the place <strong>of</strong> assembling, where it wafrdisbanded.OUR NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY.Sinc(^ the Centennial year no especial demonstration had beeu'made in the observance <strong>of</strong> the anniversary <strong>of</strong> American independence.*As early as May, the present year, the subject <strong>of</strong> a firemen's paradewas freely discussed by our citizens. Meetings were held, and thevariouswards <strong>of</strong> the city canvassed for contributions to defray theexpenses <strong>of</strong> the firemen to whom, when the fact was established thata sufficient amount <strong>of</strong> money could l)e raised, invitations had beenextended to visit our city. The sum realized was $1,191.30, whichafter deducting or reserving $10 for printing and $r)0.oO for the purchase<strong>of</strong> fireworks, Avas divided among the Altoona companies for theentertainment <strong>of</strong> their expected guests in the following sums : VigilantSteam Fire Engine company, $328 ; Empire Hook and Laddercompany, $313 ; Altoona Steam Fire Engine company, $332.50; ExcelsiorHose company, $157.50. [The Good Will company declinedto participate in the celebration and consequently received no contribution.]The visiting firemen, were: (1) The Mount Vernon Hook aiulLadder company <strong>of</strong> Harrisburg, guests <strong>of</strong> the Empire; (2) HopeSteam Fire Engine company, <strong>of</strong> Harrisburg, guests <strong>of</strong> the Altoona;(3) Logan Hose company, <strong>of</strong> Bellefonte, guests <strong>of</strong> -the Vigilant,; (4)).•The Fourth <strong>of</strong> July, <strong>1880</strong>, occurring on Sunday, Monday, the 5tb was celebrated.

kOO HlSTORy OP ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.C. W. SICKLES,BUTCHER.AND DEALER IN —Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,SAUSAGES, ETC.POULTRY ALWAYS ON HAND.1224 Ninth Street, between Green and ChestnutAvenues, Altoona, Pa.R. A. BONINE,D V'"OGRSPk H14th Street, between 11th and 12th A\'enues,Altoona, Pa.PUBLISHER OF STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS:'Among the Alleghenies," "Horse-shoe Bend," and other importantpoints along the Penn'a and Bell's Gap Railroads; also, 250different views <strong>of</strong> Scenes inFlorida.ALL KINDS OF PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY.LIFE SIZE OIL TYPES A SPECIALTY.


HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIK ('OL'NTY. 101Phaniix Fiiv Eiiiiiiic t'oinpany, <strong>of</strong> Ilollidayslmrjj:, g'uosts <strong>of</strong> tlu- Vifjilant; (5)Hiiiitiiitidoii Steam Fire Eiiii-inc cornpaiiy, g-ucsts <strong>of</strong> tlu;Vig-llant; (6) Uood Will Honie company, <strong>of</strong> irollidaysburg, fjucsts <strong>of</strong>the Altoona; (7) Alleorheny Hook and Ladder company, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburjo:,guests <strong>of</strong> the Empire ;(S) Fame Hose com])any, <strong>of</strong> Tjcwistown,g'uests <strong>of</strong> the Excelsior.in all,Thus, with eig-ht visitin

102 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY,PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS.THE FIRSTSCHOOL HOUSE.From tlic eourtoous and (efficient City Superintondent <strong>of</strong> PuljlieSchools, Pr<strong>of</strong>. D. S. Keith, \v\' leara that as early as 1815 the firstschool house was erected within the boundaries <strong>of</strong> the territory nowoccupied by Altoona. The south-east corner <strong>of</strong> Fourth avenue andTwenty-fourth street is the site where it stood. It was a log building,chinked and daubed, not ])lastered, and furnished with slabbenehes. This h(juse, surrounded by primitive forest, was used bothfor school i)urj>oses and for church services. Children, as far distantas two or three miles, attended school here, and <strong>of</strong>ten in winter, whenthe ground was covered with snow, there being but few roads, atraek was made to the school house by dragging a log through thesnow. The building served for school purposes until 1838. Duringthis period, spelling, rending,- writing, and "ciphering" were thebranches taught. Corporal ]iunishnient was in full force. The methods<strong>of</strong> instruction diftert'd widely from those <strong>of</strong> the ])resent. The ])upil'scourse <strong>of</strong> study Ix'gaii with the alphabet, and it was customaryto introduce the whole number <strong>of</strong> lett(M-s to the abecedarian at thefirst lesson. Spellin.g was pursued for some time before the pupilwas advanced sufficiently to take uj) the Bible, which was the textbookused in teaching reading. In |)enmanship the teacher wrotethe copies for each pupil who Avas ready for this branch, and manufacturedp

:HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 103:UNION CHURCH AND SCHOOLHOUSE.Tif 1S3S the trustees <strong>of</strong> the Presbytcriaii, TiUthoran, and Methodistclmrches purchased a lot <strong>of</strong> ground from Eli Hastings, on whichto (M'eet a union church. Shortly afterwards, the school directors,having determineil to erect a school house, ])urchased a lot adjoiningfor ten dollars, and agreed with the church committee that the churchand school house should be eriM'ted as one l)uildiiig, the school partbeing on one lot and the church pai't on the other. The school roomand the church were separated by a swinging partition, which, whenit was necessary to enlarge the church room, was swung up to theceiling and made secure by men from the above that this district was embraced inHuntingdon county at tlie time referred to.The T'nion school house, the name by which it was known, recentlyremodeled, and now occupied Ity the congregation <strong>of</strong> the A>M. E. church, stands on the corner <strong>of</strong> Union avenue and Si.xteenthstreet. It s(n'ved for school purjxises until 1854.BRANCHESTAUlillT.During this period, geography and grammar were taught, and adegree <strong>of</strong> advancement somewhat higher than that during the formerperiodwas attained. However, but little improvement was made inmeth(»ds <strong>of</strong> instruction. Recitations were conducted in spelling and'reading, but it can hardly be said that any were conducted in arithmetic.As long as the pupils were able to obtain the answers toquestions, no assistance, in the way <strong>of</strong> explanation nor recitation,Avas thought necessary. When a pupil could not "do a sum," hew^entto till* teacher, who, if conducting a recitation, allowed the classto proceed, or permitted the })upil, who could not "do his siun," to

104 HISTORY or ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.WM. M. FINDLEY, M. D,802 Twelfth Street, Altoona.(EAST SIDH)HOUSE: 1126 Eighth A^venue.J. D. HUGHES,— DEALER INj^NTHRJCrTElHND B^TUMfNQUS {^ORM,WOOD, HAY, STRAW, ETC.Ninth Aveiuie imd Nineteenth Street,Altoona.D. A. BRADLEY,IMANl'KACTUKKK OK AND DKALEU INMonuments, Head StonesIaiI Kiulosures, and all kinds <strong>of</strong> (Ji^nietfi-y \V(n k in Foreign mid DoiMcslic .Maibie-Design.^ and I'riees to suit all. All work ilonf iii an artistic niaiuu r and satisfactionguaranteed. Orders resjiecttully soliciteil.ELEVENTH AVENUE, NEAR ELEVENTH STREET, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.( Atljoining .Jcsiah Artlun'.s Furniture Store.)MISS ANNIE SHOEFNER,NKW Mir.I.INKllY ANDDress Making Store,Twelttli Strtel, tKlween Eigltli ail Niitl kmm. Altoona, Pa,Ilespectfully solicits a share <strong>of</strong> i)atronage from tlie ladies <strong>of</strong> Altoona and vicinity.The Dress Making is under the supeivision <strong>of</strong> an exi)erienced lady, and weguarantee idl our work. The stock <strong>of</strong> aiillinery Gootls is always licsliand <strong>of</strong> the l^atest Styles. New styles constantly received, ilatsand Hounets bleached, cok>reil and remodeled.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIII COUNTY. lOf)hoar the das-; while he solved tlie (|uestii)n ; hut, iiKtre jiTiierally, theassistance was j^iveii hetween recitations, and <strong>of</strong>ten some pujiils wentu]) and stood near tlie tea(dier, or took a seat near him, 1)efore the recitationwas linishe(|, so tliat Ijcinu' foi'emost, they nii,2:ht Iiave their(|U

—106 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.and oysand girls. The elements <strong>of</strong> one or two <strong>of</strong> the iiighi-r branches weretaught. The numl)er <strong>of</strong> teachers was six, and tiie length <strong>of</strong> the schoolterm was increased to six months. As there were only live rooms,one <strong>of</strong> them was occupied by two teachers. Some schools wei'e com-])Osed <strong>of</strong> both boys and girls, others <strong>of</strong> l)oys or girls only. This "un-4systematic " arrangement, \\liicli, for the most <strong>of</strong> the time, was notrestricted to any i)articular grade, was continued until 1875, exceptfrom ISGO to 1869, when the sexes were taught together. In 1857,jx l)uilding similar to the one last mentioned was erected in the ThirdAvard.Th«' borough was enlarged the sanu^ year, and made to includej)art <strong>of</strong> what was known as (Treensbiirg. About 1855, some <strong>of</strong> thecitizens residing in (Irei'usburg found it inconvenient to send theirchildren so far out in the townshi}) to school, and therefore dt'terminedto build a school house for themselves where it would be convenient.The house was built on Howard avenue, l)etween Tenth and Fleventh.streets, and now serves as a dwelling. Robert McCormick gave theground, and with his subscri})tion and that <strong>of</strong> other citizens, a sutticientamount was .secured to erect the building. It was used for privateschool until it came within the limits <strong>of</strong> the borough, when thesn'hool directoi's <strong>of</strong> the ixirough got control <strong>of</strong> it, and used it abcuitone year for ])ublic school ;()eing distant from the other .school houses,it was afterwards left vacant, (wcept when used for seh-ct school.[Pr<strong>of</strong>essor John Miller taught a select school here alxnit 1862, shortlyafter which the house was sold.] In 1857, there were seven .schoolrooms; nine teachei's wei'e employed, and five lumdred and fifty pupilswere enrolled. The schools were divided into three gradesprimary, intermediate, and grammar. J. Ginter Counsman, whowas sometime afterwards elected suiH'rintendent <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county, was


108 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.PHILIP TEATS,AUCTIONEERAND DEALER INSECOND-HAND aJODS OF ALL KINDS.New Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Jewelry, Notions, Dry Goods, Boots andShoes, Queensware, and Bedding <strong>of</strong> every description, bothOld and New.All sort.s o( good.'-; lukeii aiitl soM on coimnis.sion at reasonable rates. Sales in andontside the city promptly attended to by himself. Speaks both English andGerman.Old Household Goods taken in exehan

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. lOf)Ncvin H. Fisher was next elected, and was followed by A. V. Hostotter,D. S. Keith, X. P. Ci'onse, and L. L. Book, the ])resentteac'hor.(iRAItlNCi OF SCHOOLS.In 1869, the schools helow the high school were divided into fivegrades, and a revised conrse <strong>of</strong> study was pre]>ared. The course; forthe hifjh school included the conuuon school branches, with algelira,geometry, natural philosophy, Latin, Greek and German. However,but fpw pupils advanced much beyond the common school studies.The course was not followed closely, every teacher chanu'ing it as hethought it best adapted to the wants <strong>of</strong> his i)ui)ils.MORE SUBSTANTIAL BUILOINCJSERECTED.When Altoona became a borough and a separate sediool district,little idea did the .school directors have <strong>of</strong> the dimensions the placewould assume in a few years. Frame liuildings seemed to answerevery purpose ; and it was thought, too, that there should be onlyone story, for when the first two-story school house was built, someavowed that educational interest was getting up too high. But when:a city charter was obtained, and the ]iopulation continued to increase,the directors began to think it was necessary to erect morc^ permanentand larger buildings. In 1S70, a brick building, with eight rooms,was erected in the First M'ard. Six rooms were supplied with patentfurniture ; and all the l)ui!dings erected afterwards were fittedAvith such furniture, except a small addition i)ut to one <strong>of</strong> the buildingsin the Third ward in \H1\. There was still not sufficient schoolroom for all the pupils, and, in 1S72, a brick house, with four rooms,was built in the Eighth ward. Tn 1S78, the frame building in th(>^Fourth ward, which was erected in 185(i, was removed, and a brickhouse, with four rooms was built. The same year, two other brickhouses, each with two rooms, were built—one in the Sixth ward andone in the Seventh Avard. In 1875, an addition, with two rooms,was built to the Sixth ward house, making the total number <strong>of</strong> roomsthirty -eight ; and thirty-eight teachers were elected. In 1879, fouradditional rooms were added to the Sixth ward building. Owing tothe rapid increase in school ])opulation, it was difficult to keep pacewith the demand for new school ])uildings; and when the number <strong>of</strong>rooms became equal to the number <strong>of</strong> teachers employed, which hadnot been the case since 1854, a very desirable end was accomplished.


ililSTdRV OK ALT(X:»NA AND HI, AIR COUNTY'. I I 1])(iiiit('(l su)»i'riiit(Mi(lciit <strong>of</strong> IMair county in 18()4, and .li()\v the urowth <strong>of</strong> the s}'.-tcni since 1854 :YEAUS.y.185.5 1,XK^^^ 1 211^07 a18oS 3I1S5H 4IStiO 4isfii : 4i862 41]8()3 411864 41IISa'i 5186 ! 111877 811878 (11187i> t><strong>1880</strong> 812

'112 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.HMountain CityORAL ESTRBLISHMENTHoward Aveiuie, bet. 9tli and 10th Streets,ALIOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.ALLAN S. MYERS, Proprietor,Cut Flowers and Designs <strong>of</strong> all kinds, at all seasons <strong>of</strong> the year.GREENHOUSE and BEDDING PLANTS,BASKET and VASE PLANTS,VEGETABLE PLANTS IN SEASON.PRICES .MODERATE.ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITIONI AM DETERMINED TO LEAD. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES.Groceries, Flour, Feed,Teas, C<strong>of</strong>fees, Sugars, Syrups,Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, Mackerel in Kits and other packages,Fish, Baeon and Hann. Glass, Wood, Willow and Queensware,Tbfietlier with every article wliicli is usually t

JHISTORY OF ALT'OONA AND BfiAIR COUNTY. 118it Wiis nn-ciitly condciiiiicd, and altlioii^-li tlic original cost, tu^u'i'tlu'rwith repairs, aniouiitrd to, say $1,3(10, it was sold for the tritlin amount too small, when$1,000 additional was added, making $0,700. Afterwards a heaterwas placed in the building at a cost <strong>of</strong> about $400; then a new ro<strong>of</strong>and other repairs amounting to about $200—making $7, 300.In September, 1878, the term commenced with forty-two t(uichers,and during the month two thousand four hundred and twenty-twopupils were enrolled, with one hundred and twenty-three <strong>of</strong> them incharge <strong>of</strong> one (»f the primary teachers. This crowded condition <strong>of</strong>the schools made it necessary to establish another school. A churchroom, which was not at all suitable for a school room, was rented andoccupied the remainder <strong>of</strong> the term. It became evident from the in-

..Iiiit|iij..ji...,..114 HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) BLAIR COUNTY.one room each—total, five rooms; Fourth ward,* two l)ui](lin-s withtwo room.s each— total, four rooms ; Fifth ward, one building- withfour rooms ;Sixth ward, one building- with eii^ht rooms ; Seventhward, one building with two rooms; Eighth ward, one building withfour rooms, one with two rooms and two with on(> room eacheight rooms. Grand total, forty-seven rooms.total,.NAMES 01" TEACIIKRS, (iRADE, ENROLLMENT, ETC.The total number <strong>of</strong> pupils enrolled in the ])ublic schools for1879-80 was 2,698. The names <strong>of</strong> teachers, grade, and the enroll^ment and average attendance <strong>of</strong> puj^ils <strong>of</strong> each school for that ])eriodare given in the tables annexed;Naiiif's <strong>of</strong> TeiK'hert (irude. C'ortiticatf.L. L. HookLiiidav HooperA. 1'. liUlH'ltJ. B. Bowles]Mai> 10. Foster,.Vniia M. .Johnston .First. .......do. .......do....do....do. .......doN'etlie Durborrow. . ...,do. ...Emilia K. Woi'ley...., ....doMrs. Lettie Wilson .. ....do. ...Mrs. Ella C. Bee.ifle. ., •>d and 3.Kate Alleman....Keiidig do. . .Charles Geesey FifthMattie Neville ....do....U. Gialiaui Anrtersoiij....do. ...li i-i'triide Roiishe do. ...[W. C. ReeniSixtii....K. ElderI....do....Mary Wallace....do. ...Raeliael .\ . Coweu . . . i ....do. ...Marv E. Clark.'^oii ....do. ...;Sallie II Mc(;iatliery ....tlo. ...[Maggie I'arkedo. ..Jennie Swartz...do. ...Rebecca M.Patterson SeventhE:ninia F. Trattord...! ,...do. ...High School.\ssistant High School..Seconi I ( i raniiiiarFii-st Grammar1st ,S -iud Intermediate.Fourth Pi-iniary'I'lnrd PrimarySecond PrimaryFirst Piiniarj'First Grammar.\

..iIHISTORY OF Al.TOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 1 1:5.Names <strong>of</strong> teaclicrs for ISSO-Sl. witli tlicir firadc <strong>of</strong> school :\wlcertificate :*Niuue,-< <strong>of</strong> Teachers.Warrls.GraileCertiflcate.A. P. Uiipert First .Xannic Knssell

11(5 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.D. & C. MOORE,ALWAYS HAVE IN STOCK AN KLEOANT LINE f)PGROCERIES,WHICH THEV SELL AT THELOWEST CASH PRICES.Canned Goods,Sugars, C<strong>of</strong>fees,Spices, Syrups,And an endless variety <strong>of</strong> Heavy and Faney Groceries usually found in a well-regulatedstore. They also receive, in season,FEESH VEGETABLESFrom the East every day, which they sell at a very small nuufjins.bargains to everybody inThey al.so <strong>of</strong>lerQUEENS WIIRE and GL/ISSW/^RE.All goods guaranteed to be <strong>of</strong> the best quality and warranted to give satisfactionin every case. Give theui a call and become convlnce

HISTORY OB' ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 117OFFICERS OF PLBLIC SCHOOLS, ETC.The board <strong>of</strong> school divectors consists <strong>of</strong> six mcnilHTs, as follows:John P. Levan, A. F. Hce.'^s, J. F. Kainey, W. S. Douglass, H. C.Dcni, and C. N. Pimlott. Two directors arc elected each year, theterm <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice being three years. At the election <strong>of</strong> Fclu'nary 17, 18S0,J. P. Levan (whose term expired on June 1 following) was re-elected,and A. F. Heess was elected in i)lacc <strong>of</strong> W. E. Craine, whose term expiredalso on June 1. The terms <strong>of</strong> J. F. Rainey and W. S. DouglassAvill expire June 1, 1881, and those <strong>of</strong> H. C. D(>rn and C. X. Pimlotton June 1, 1882.Pr<strong>of</strong>. D. S. Keith, city superintendent <strong>of</strong> sclmols, is elected bv thedirectors and commissioned by the State superintendent. His termexpires on June 1, 1881.The present visiting directors arc: First ward, H. C. Deni ;Thirdward, J. F. Rainey; Fourth ward, A. F. Heess; Fifth and Sixthwards, W. S. Douglass; Seventh ward, John P. licvan; Eighth andSecond wards, C. N. Pimlott.Officers <strong>of</strong> the board: President, John 1'. Levan; secretarv, W.S. Douglass ; treasurer, T. H. Wigton.ENGLISH AND GERMAN PRIVATE SCHOOLS.A))out 1855 a private school was established with twenty-five pupils,by Right Reverend J. Tuigg, and Mary Levi was a})p( tinted asteacher. The school grew rapidly in numbers and influence.The large and imposing structure, adjacent to St. John's church,on Thirteenth avenue, l)etween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, isnow the residence and school ])uilding <strong>of</strong> the Sisters <strong>of</strong> Charity attachedto the church. Its corner-stone was laid l)y Rt. Rev. Bisho[)Domenec, under the })astorship <strong>of</strong> Rev. Father Tuigg, Mav 12, 1807.On August 19, 1870, the building was ready to receive the Sisters.It was furnished with all tlie modern improvements. There are eightlarge and well-ventilated rooms for the children ; a comfortable andhandsome oratory, where the Sisters assemble to perform the religiousexercises <strong>of</strong> their order ; large and spacious parlors, and a grand receptionroom ; three or four music halls, together with a large dormitorjdivided into cells, where the members <strong>of</strong> the community slec}).The Sisters, originally only four in number, came from Cincinnati, andunder the Superior Mother Aloysia, took i)ossession <strong>of</strong> the building in1870, and commenced at once the duties <strong>of</strong> imparting to the youngpeople <strong>of</strong> the congregation, and to others who were willing to eml)racethe opportunity, a sound religious and secular education. The com-9

118 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.muiiity rapidly grew and spread, and now from this honse alone manyothers have been established in the diocese—at <strong>Johnstown</strong>, East Liberty,South-Side (Pittsburg), Sharpsburg and <strong>Blair</strong>sville. The attendanceat the Convent schools is large, averaging daily between sixand seven hundred children. There is an academy or high school attached,from which the more advanced pupils graduate with honors.Mother Aloysia superintends the schools, and the whole is under thesupervision <strong>of</strong> the pastor <strong>of</strong> the church.The German Catholic schools, conducted by the Sisters <strong>of</strong> St.Agnes, were started in1877, and since that time have been very successfulin providing the necessary religious and secular training to upwards<strong>of</strong> three hundred German Catholic children.In September, 1878, theFranciscan Brothers from Loretto, Cambriacounty, tijok charge (if the boys' schools, one on the eastern sideand one on the western side <strong>of</strong> the city. The superintendance <strong>of</strong> theschools is committed to Brother Angelus, who is assisted by BrothersVincent, Athanasius, and two others. Some time ago they gave apublic entertainment at tlie Opera House, which was very successfuland gave pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the brothers' efficiency.Eight or ten 3-ears ago a parochial school was estaljlishedby theGerman Lutheran church, in order tliat their children might receiveinstruction in their own language. Recently these children havecome into the public schools, but, during the vacation <strong>of</strong> the puldieschools, they receive instructions in reading and writing German. Bythis method they receive the benefits <strong>of</strong> a system <strong>of</strong> graded schools,and advance as rapidly in learning their own language.A "Kindergarten" school, the central idea <strong>of</strong> which is to minglework and play so adroitly that the child's mind unfolds through itsplay, so that mental and Ijodily development go hand in hand, wasrecently estalilished by Miss Joanna Steiehele, a young German lady,with prospects <strong>of</strong> ultimate success.In the year 18(52 an effort was made l)y Dr. Wni. R. Findley, andseverdl other prominent citizens, to establish an academy atwhich ahigher grade <strong>of</strong> education might be obtainable than, at that time, thepublic schools ottered. A charter <strong>of</strong> incorporation was obtained, andalthough the i)1an <strong>of</strong> organization proposed was considered practicable^yet petty sectional jealousy brought theenterprise to a speedy death.Dr. Findley had secured the refusal <strong>of</strong> a lot <strong>of</strong> ground adjoining thereservoir, on the east side, for $1,500, with $300 subscribed, and it isto be regretted that the academy w\as not built at that time.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 119CITY CHURCHES.BAPTIST FIRST AND SECOND.Tl'.c orig'in <strong>of</strong> the First church goes back to May, 1842, then organizedunder the name <strong>of</strong> "The Pleasant Valley Baptist Church,"with seventeen inenibcrs, in the Union school house. Up to 1852 thechurch had no settled pastor, but was regularly supplied with preachingby Rev. Wni. B. Bingham, Rev. Mr. Fisher, Rev. J. B. Morrisand Rev. J. B. Williams, all <strong>of</strong> whom did pastoral Avork. With thelaying out <strong>of</strong> Altoona, lots were secured principally through the kindness<strong>of</strong> Martin Bell, deceased. In 1853 the small brick building, nowoccupied by the Catholics as a reading room, was built and used bythe congregation until the present edifice, at the corner <strong>of</strong> Eleventhavenue and Fifteenth street, close to the old building, was erected.Rev. A. J. Hay was pastor <strong>of</strong> the church from 1852 to 1854. Hewas followed by Rev. W. B. Harris. In 1859 Rev. A. H. Sembowerbecame pastor and remained with the church until 1865, when Rev.A. F. Shanafelt succeeded him. Rev. Wm. Shadrach, D. D., took thepartorate in 1808 and remained until 1813. During Dr. Shath-ach'spastorate the present church building was completed, he having faithfullyserved the church for five years. Rev. Dr. Shadrack leaving, Rev.Wm. Codville Ijccame pastor, remaining until April, 1876. Duringthe summer <strong>of</strong> the latter year the church was without a pastor. Inthe fall <strong>of</strong> the same year Rev. A. K. Bell, D. D., assumed the pastoralcharge, and has ever since been, more or less, identified with the church.During Dr. Bell's absence at Lewisburg, Rev. C. A. Hare filled thechair from July, 1878, to October, 1879, when he left to re-pastor'ssume his studies at Crozer. Dr. Bell filled the pulpit from October,1879 to January, <strong>1880</strong>, when the church again released him in the interests<strong>of</strong> the University at Lewisburg until June, <strong>1880</strong>, his place beingfilled by Rev. J.Creen Miles.N. J. Mervine, W. B. Ketler, Benj. M. Bunker, H. B. Keudig, C.C. Lyon, Stephen Aiken and Samuel Colclesser constitute the presentboard <strong>of</strong> deacons ; W. S. Douglass, church clerk, and Dr. S. M.Sellers, treasurer. The board <strong>of</strong> trustees for <strong>1880</strong>-1 consists <strong>of</strong> Dr.S. M. Sellers, J. H. Oves, H. B. Kendig, J. W. Cherry, N. J. Mervine,C. C. Lyon, G. S. Eby, W. S. Elder, and W. S. Douglass.As a corporate body the church is entirely free from debt, owning

:120 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Alive to the Wants <strong>of</strong> the People.Wc buy at the vorj- lowest tignres anfl are thus enabled to sell at what some mohUIterm starvation prices. AVe mean what Ave say and say what we mean. Trjusand proAo us. We carry at all times an ample stock <strong>of</strong>Dry Goods, Notions,Groceries, Flour, Feed,Provisions, Boots and Shoes,And other articles <strong>of</strong> general merchantlise too numerous to mention."PRIDE OF flLTOONH,"The most favorite brand <strong>of</strong> flour, and can be obtained only <strong>of</strong> us.WM. McDowell & son,Corner Ttli Avenue and 13th Street, Altoona.DR. LINDSEY AGAINJ^N THE FIELD.HIS NEW AND WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR THE BLOOD.Lindsey's World-Renowned Panacea

llI.-^TOltY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIII COUNTY. 121a jH'Dpcrty wortlraliout $25,000. Mi'iiilxTsliip, 2i)2, with an averaii-cSunday-school attciulancc <strong>of</strong> 225; voluni08 in lihrarv, 400.Till' Second Bapti^^t church was org'anizod in 1873, under tlie au.spice,

122 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.laljors <strong>of</strong> the Pi-ince Priest, Dr. Gallitzin. The present pastor <strong>of</strong> St.John's church is Rev. Thomas Ryan, who for a nunil)er <strong>of</strong> years hadbeen pastor <strong>of</strong> the Gallitzin church. On July 18, <strong>1880</strong>, Bishop Tuig-gadministered the sacrament <strong>of</strong> confirmation at St. John's, at the close<strong>of</strong> which he appointed Father Rj^an to succeed the lamented Rev. JohnWalsh, who had been })astor since March, 1876, and since the elevation<strong>of</strong> Rev. John Tuigg-, his predecessor, to the episcopate.Ryan is efficiently assisted in ministering to theRev. Morgan M. Sheedy and Rev. Jas. A. I*^ash.The present membership<strong>of</strong> St. John's is between four and five thousand, sFathercongregation by theSt. Mary's (German) church was organized in 1860. The firstresident priest was Father Schuller, who was succeeded in order l)yFathers Bierl, Kircher, Rosswog, and others. The present pastor,Rev. John Schell, took charge in 1871. In 1874 Father Schell gotthe church Iniilding to its present shape. It is, however, unfinished,l)ut it is intended to complete it at an early date. This congregationalso is in a very flourishing condition, and has a membership <strong>of</strong> nearlytwo thousand.CHRISTREFORMED.This church is located on the corner <strong>of</strong> Twelfth avenue and Fifteenthstreet. It is a fine, imposing edifice, built <strong>of</strong> sandstone, in theGothic style <strong>of</strong> architecture. A neat, commodious, frame parsonagestands adjoining it. The congregation worshipping in this church,and whose property it is, is connected with the Reformed Church inthe United States, and was organized in January, 1863, as a Missionunder the care <strong>of</strong> the Westmoreland Classis. In November <strong>of</strong> thesame year it was received under the care <strong>of</strong> the Mercersburg Classis,with which it is still connected. It received missionary support until1872, since which time it has been self-sustaining, and by its benevolentcontributions has already, in a great measure, returned to theChurch at large what was given to it in its infancy. At the time <strong>of</strong>organization only about a dozen communicant mem))ers were connectedwith the mission. The actual organization was effected January29, 1863, by the adoption <strong>of</strong> a constitution and the election <strong>of</strong>the following <strong>of</strong>ficers: Elders, J. L. Reifsneider and C. B. Sink; deacons,J. H. Fritchey and Daniel Bohler. The first pastor was Rev.Cyrus Cort, who took charge <strong>of</strong> the mission January 1, 1863, and,after a very successful i)astorate, resigned in March, 1867. The missionwas then vacant for about fifteen months, Avhen Rev. A. C. Whitmerwas called as pastor. He was installed June 14, 1868, and closed

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 123liis labors hove Aitril 1, 1S7".). Duriii.u- liis Imiu' pastorate the iiiciiihcrship\vas oToatly increased, and the cinircli hecanie self-supporting-. InOctober, 1810, a call \vas extended to the present ])astor, llev. J. M.Titzel. He was installed Deeemlier \\), lStl», and re.u'ularly l»eu'an hislabors as pastor January 1, <strong>1880</strong>.The corner-stone <strong>of</strong> the church edilice was laid July 31,18(U,andthe building- was finished, excejjting the spire, in June, 1868, and consecratedon the 14th <strong>of</strong> that month.In 1873 the spire was built andthe structure finally completed through the efforts <strong>of</strong> J. P. Levan, thena deacon <strong>of</strong> the church, and one <strong>of</strong> its most lib(>ral supporters. Thecost <strong>of</strong> the building- was about $15,000.It was erected under tlu; supervision<strong>of</strong> a building- committee consisting- <strong>of</strong> J. L. Reifsneider, J.P. Levan, Daniel Bolder, and C. B. Sink. The architect was Fred.Thorn. The parsonage was built in the fall <strong>of</strong> 1868 and the spring- <strong>of</strong>1869, at a cost <strong>of</strong> $3,000. Several hundred dollars have since beenspent on it in repairs and improvements. The congregation at presentnumbers about three hundred communicant members. The <strong>of</strong>ficers atthis time are: Elders, J. P. Boult, J. L. Reifsneider and Peter L.Stouch; deacons, H. A. Folk, Y. H. Freet, Georg-e S. Thomas, A. C.Hammaker, E. Lingenfelter and C. E. Morse; trustees, J. P. Boult,J. L. Reifsneider and P. L. Stouch. A flourishing- Sunday-school isconnected with the congreg-ation, numbering thirty <strong>of</strong>ficers and teachers,and over two hundred scholars. Geo. S. Thomas is the presentsuperintendent <strong>of</strong> the sc-hool.CHURCH OF GOD.In the fall <strong>of</strong> 1862 Elder S. S. Richmond, assisted by a number <strong>of</strong>families in Altoona, among wdiom may be mentioned the Alioways,Fishers, Cavenders, Pools, Ottos and Weights, laid the foundation <strong>of</strong>the Church <strong>of</strong> God in Altoona. At first Elder Richmond conductedservices in private houses. In January, 1863, Elder Jacob Boyer,who was in charge <strong>of</strong> the Martinsburg circuit, held a protracted meetingin the " Armory building," the result <strong>of</strong> which was the more definiteorganization <strong>of</strong> the church. Charles Pool was elected elder, andAbraham Alloway deacon. A lot <strong>of</strong> ground, corner <strong>of</strong> Fifth avenueand Thirteenth street, was purchased from Mr. Jaggard, and a buildingcommittee was appointed, consisting <strong>of</strong> Elder S. S. Richmond,Charles Pool, Al)raham Alloway, and Samuel Weight. Mr. Allowayshortly afterwards died, and John Mateer, <strong>of</strong> Martinsburg, was selectedto fill the vacancy In the fall <strong>of</strong> 1863 the building was underro<strong>of</strong>, and, although unfinished, services were held therein. Later in

124 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.D. A. BARR,GROCERIESDEALER INAND GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. 1807 Eighth Avenue, -Altoona, Pa.H. H. SNYDER,Attorney and Counselor at Law,Hollidaysbiirg, Pa.Collections in any part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>County</strong> pronnptly attended to.J. C. INNES,APOTHECARY,— AND DEALER INFine Phsrmaceuticbl PREPJiRflTioNS,Ninth Street, below Sixth Avenue, Altoona, Pa.>e®=TAKE NOTICE.—Highest Cash Prices paid for Ginseng, Seneka Root, etc.J. W. ISENBERG, D. D. S.OKNTAL OFFICE:Corner 8th Avenue and 12th Sti'eet, Altoona, Pa,OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M. TO G P. M.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 125the fall Elder Richnioiul eiitci-cd the sirmy as chaplain. In the spring<strong>of</strong> 1864 Elder John iriekernell and Mrs. Martha Beecher conductedservices, and remained until the summer <strong>of</strong> 18(;5, when Elder Richmondreturned and i-esumed the duties <strong>of</strong> the jjastorate. The buildins^was finished in tiie fall <strong>of</strong> that year. Tn 180() Elder I\ichmond wassucceeded 1)y Elder P. I). Collins, who remained until tli(! spring <strong>of</strong>1868, when Elder C. Tj. Arny assumed charge. In the spring <strong>of</strong> 1809'Elder J. M. Dugan, succeeded. He remained one year. Bt^tweenApril 1, 1870 and March 31, 18T1, the church was without a regularpastor. On April 1 <strong>of</strong> the latter year, Elder J. C. Owens took charge,who, in the fall, was followed by I]lder F. L. Nicodemus, and in thesi)ring <strong>of</strong> 1874 Elder J. M. Carvell occupied the pulpit. He renuiinedtwo years. Elder John Hunter was the ne.xt pastor, under whose administrationthe building was enlarged (December, 1876,) to its presentdimensions. The building committee consisted <strong>of</strong> Levi Fisher,John Bartley, Jeremiah Hoerner and A. Y. Price. The new or enlargedhouse, free <strong>of</strong> debt, was dedicated March 17, 1877. Elder JohnHunter resigned the pastorate in the winter <strong>of</strong> 1878, and Elder G. L.Cowen took charge. On April 1, 1879, Elder J. W. Miller, the presentpastor, commenced his labors here. The membership at first wa&twenty-five ; it has grown to upwards <strong>of</strong> two hundred. During thepast year a parsonage has been erected at a cost <strong>of</strong> about $1,000.HEBREW SYNAOoaUE.With al)out twent}'-three mendx-rs, a Hebrew congregation, underthe title <strong>of</strong> "Ahabath Achim," was organized in Altoona in May,1873. The first president was Joseph Berkowitz ;treasurer, A. Sheeline;secretary, S. Neuwahl. The first rabbi was Rev. Mr. (roldman;then followed in order Revs. Grossman, Block and Leasker. Rev. S.Altman, the present rabbi, was engaged in June, 1879. The <strong>of</strong>ficersnow serving are : President, Max Mayer ;treasurer, Joseph Berkowitz;secretary, A. Sheeline. Present membership, twenty-five. Thecongregation has never had any regular stated place <strong>of</strong> worship forany protracted period <strong>of</strong> time. At present its meetings are held once aweek, and on the holidays, in a hall on the corner <strong>of</strong> Eleventh avenueand Fourteenth street. The congregation has a cemetery, or buryingground, located on the Dry Gap road, in tin; immediate vicinity <strong>of</strong>the city.LUTHERAN FIRST AND SECOND.The First Lutheran church was organized about the year 1834, ina loir school house, then located in a wood in the now called Sixth

126 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Avard. Subsequently, in a))out 1838, tlie congTegation moved its place<strong>of</strong> worship to the Union school house, now greatly improved and occupiedby the Colored Methodist Episcopal church. In the spring <strong>of</strong>1846 Rev. Henry Baker received and accepted a call to this congregation.During the same summer this congregation built a church edificein Collinsville, now in the sul>urbs <strong>of</strong> the city, where they worshippedfor eight years.After Altoona was laid out, it became necessaryfor the congregation again to change itsl)ase <strong>of</strong> operations.Twolots were selected on Eleventh avenue, where the present church andparsonage were built in 1853. The church edifice was dedicated in1854. The princijial contril)utors to this enterprise were MichaelHileman, William Bell, J. B. Hileman, John Loudon, Peter Empfield,Harry Sellers, Henry Fleck, J. L. Keifsneider, Jacob Good, BenjaminFigart, William Rolnnson, Rudolph Lotz, George W. Patton, GeorgeCowen. The contractors were Peter Empfield and David Brubaker.Cost <strong>of</strong> church and parsonage about $8,000. In 18*70 the church wasenlarged and greatly improved at a co.st <strong>of</strong> about $12,000. The pastorsAvho served this church from time to time are as follows: Revs.Jacob Martin, John H. Huffman, C. C. Guenther, Jacob Simons, WilliamWeaver, Henry Baker, S. Curtis, Jacob Steck, C. C. Ehrenfeld,S. Holman and Henry Baker. The latter pastor served the congregationfor eleven and a half years—from 1846 to 1851. He returnedin 1867 and has been pastor ever since. Membership, seven hundred.Sabbath-school numbers five hundred. It is due to say that out <strong>of</strong>this churcli the German church in part originated, and also the Secondcluirch. There are now id)out twelve hundred communing members<strong>of</strong> the Lutheran cliurehes in Altoona. The church council at presentis composed <strong>of</strong> three elders—Henry Yon, Daniel Stoner, J. B. Hileman—andsix deacons: C. C. Mason, L. B. Patton, S. S. Taylor, J.K. Roush, George F. Jones (now deceased), Thomas Bushman. Rev.Henry Baker has faithfully and efficiently served the First church forthirty-four years. The congregation is free <strong>of</strong> debt, is vigorous andactive, always ready to unite in any enterprise which has the glory <strong>of</strong>God and the good <strong>of</strong> man in view. The Fairview cemetery originatedwith Mr. Baker, and the organization <strong>of</strong> an association took place inthe lecture room <strong>of</strong> this church, Mr. Baker becoming the first president.For some time previous to the organizatioii <strong>of</strong> the Second churcha numlK'r <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the First church, as well as the pastor,felt that there was a necessity for a second organization, the Firstchurch having attained a membership equal to its seating capacity.


128 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR, COUNTY.u ONIITHJINFOREMAN,MANUFACTUEER OF ALL KINDS OFFURNITUREBEST STYLE,AT LOWEST PRICES,Repairing and Refinishing- Promptly Attendedto in the Best Mannei'.rourtli Avenue and Tenth Street,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.

HISTORY OK ALTOUNA ANM) I5LAIH COUNTY. 1:21)Miircli 1, ISTC). 'IMif {•()imT(',u;iti()ii is lookiiiii' lioiicriilly to the time\\iH'n the niidiciicc rociin sliiill he liiiislicil iiiid (ipciicd for worslii]).St. JiUiK's (Icrniiiii Kviiiiii'clical Liitlicraii cliiirch, Eig'lith avruiu!•and Fourteenth street. Dedicated lS(i2; rebuilt, 1873. Numl)or <strong>of</strong>families, one hundred and forty; Sunday-school scholars, one hundredand tifty; teachers, ei,u-hte(Mi ; lilirary contains two hundred V(dunies.METHODIST FIRST, SKCOND, TIllUD, .MISSIO.N AND AFRICAN.For the names <strong>of</strong> thos(> who have been ])astors <strong>of</strong> the Methodistchurches see pa.ye

130 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.day-8chool, nuiuljering forty scholars, was under the superintendeney<strong>of</strong> John Alexander for twenty -one years, a period, (up to May <strong>of</strong> thepresent year) co-extensive with its existence. In May he resig-ned,and was succeeded by Thaddeus Ormes, the present incumbent.PRESBYTERIAN FIRST AND SECOND.Originally the church was formed from that in Hollidaysburg.On the settlement <strong>of</strong> Rev. David McKinney, D. D., at the latterplace in 1841, he instituted an afternoon service in the old Unionschool house in Altoona, afterwards occupied by the African Methodistchurch, once every four weeks. In 1850 measures were takenby the Presbyterians <strong>of</strong> Altoona to provide themselves with a suitablechurch edifice. Two lots were secured, and on these they erected,at a cost <strong>of</strong> about $3,000, a neat and commodious house <strong>of</strong> worship.On November 3, 1851, the congregation <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg agreedthat their i)astor, Rev. Dr. McKinney, should preach in Altoona onalternate Sabbaths in the afternoon, which he did for nearly a year,when he resigned his charges and moved to Philadelphia. At thistime there were fifty Presbyterian families and seventy communicants,with their ecclesia.stieal connection in Hollidaysliurg. In October,1852, a petition to the Presbytery <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon, asking fora separate organization was granted, and on November 8, following,the First Presljyterian church was duly organized. Jonathan Hamiltonand John McCartney, elders in the parent church, were continuedin the .same relation in the new organization, and John Hutchison,G. D. Thomas and James L. Gwin were elected and ordained tothe eldership.In 1853 William C. McCormick having been an elderl)()th in the churches <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysl)urg and <strong>Johnstown</strong>, settled in Altoonaand was elected an elder in the new church. The church thusorganized was served by supplies until November 14, 1854, whenRev. A. B. Clarke was called to the pastorate. Nine years after, inMay, 1863, on account <strong>of</strong> ill-health he resigned, and died on July 4,following. On January 26, 1864, Rev. R. M. Wallace was called tothe vacant pulpit. During the pastorate <strong>of</strong> Mr. Clarke, Mes.srs. HermanJ. Loml)aert, Thomas P. Sargeant, John M. Campbell, JamesHutchison, Jnmes H. Dysart and Dr. Wm. R. Findley Avere chosenruling elders. The original church edifice was disposed <strong>of</strong> l)y sale inthe year 1854, and the present edifice erected in 1855. In 1865 thecommunicants numbered about two hundred and thirty. Mr. Wallacecontinued to serve the congregation until 18*14, when he .severedhis connection with the First church and assumed the care <strong>of</strong> a con-

:HISTORY OF ALTGONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 131gTcg-ation at Stroiidshiirg', Moiiroi' county, Pa. During- his pastoratethe church so increased in numbers that a new org-anization was ))rojectedand tiujilly culminated in the Second Presbyterian church onthe east side <strong>of</strong> the city. Col. Tliomas A. Scott was among- theworshippers <strong>of</strong> the First church during his residence here. Rev. M.jST. Cornelius, the present pastor, was called to be the successor <strong>of</strong>Mr. Wallace, and began his pastoral labors January 1, 1870. Itspresent membership is four hundred and thirty. In 1S63 the schoolnumbered ninety-eight, and in <strong>1880</strong> three hundred and twenty-two.The following- are the present <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the school : Thcnnas H.Wig-gins, superintendent ; Pr<strong>of</strong>essor D. S. Keith, assistant ; Mrs. N.C. Barclay, superintendent <strong>of</strong> infant school ; W. C. Galbraith, secretaryand treasurer; B. J. Lockard, lilirarian.On account <strong>of</strong> the rapid growth <strong>of</strong> the membership another churchl)uilding was found necessary. The matter was seriously discussedearly in 1869, when a meeting- was held at the house <strong>of</strong> Wm. M. Lloyd.James Hutchison, Joseph Dysart, Thos. McCauley, Wm. M. Lloyd,Pr. J. M. Gemmill, Dan'l Laughman, Chas. J. Mann and S. C. Bakerwere present on the occasion. In addition to these were James H.Dysart, John M. Camp1)ell and John H. Converse who gave the enterprisethe benefit oi' their counsel and efforts. A petition to Huntingdonpresbytery for a new organization was presented, and in answerthereto presbytery appointed a committee to organize the Secondchurch, which the committee did on th(? evening <strong>of</strong> June 21, 1869.Forty-seven persons were enrolled as members, all <strong>of</strong> whom except onewere from the First church. The first <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the church wereElders, James Hutchison, John M. Campbell and James H. Dysart;deacons, Charles J. Mann and Daniel Laughman ;trustees, Wm. M.Lloyd, S.C. Baker, Thomas McCauley, Joseph Dysart, John H. Converseand Dr. J. M. Gemmill. The congregation rented Bell's hall,corner Seventh avenue and Twelfth street, and on Sabbath morning,July 11, 1869, the first public service was held, conducted by Rev. C.L. Kitchell, after which meetings were kei)t up regularly. The Sal)-bath-school was organized July 18, 1869; James H. Dysart, superintendent,and Max. Kinkead, treasurer, were its first <strong>of</strong>ficers. Thirtyninenames were on the school roll. A year afterwards the roll containedfour hundred and seventy-two, <strong>of</strong>ficers included. In <strong>1880</strong> livehundred and seven names were reported. At a congregational meetingheld August 21, 1869, Rev. David Hall, <strong>of</strong> Mansfield, Ohio, waselected pastor, but he declined to accept. April 5, 18*10, a call wasextended to W. J. Chichester, a licentiate <strong>of</strong> the Baltimore presbytery.

132 HISTORV OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.HARD COAL.PURE COAL.REAL COAL.SOFT COAL.CLEAN CO^L.DESIRABLE COAL.OFFICE AND TRFSTLES :Corner Fourth Street and Eighth Avenue, Altoona, Pa.p. O. BOX 20.G. A. Mccormick,DEALER IN EVERY DESt'RIl'TION OFj^ NTHRlClTETN'D BrruMTNous QmEWHOLESALE AND RETAIL.All orders for clean, pure coal, (hard or s<strong>of</strong>t) lilled promptly. We do not askour customers to puy for slate and rubbish, but plelc every ton" <strong>of</strong> our coal cleanbefore we sell it. Honest and j ust weights guaranteed, a eertllicate <strong>of</strong> which is sentwith each load."^'^'^ ^^ given for coaU without cost, from the Telephone Exchange, overW. Glmes' Meat Market, 11th Avenue, between 13tli and 14th Streets.1^ ^S^Sl"''**t .rnOPERA HOUSE, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.HAVE IX STOCK A FlILL LINE OFGlass, Earthen, China, Tin, Bohemian, Terra Cotta, Decorated andPla-ted Ware,DLLS,LOOKING GLASSES,Satcliels, TaWe aufl Poctet Cutlery, CtiiMos, Chromo Frames,Fram-Together with all other articles usually found in a First-class 99 cent store.ing to order.will sell any article in my line as clieap as any one in the State, consideringits intrinsic or real val ue. Goods called for which I may not happen to have onhand at the time, will be ordered immediately and furnished at the lowest prices.A. F. BLACKBURN.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 133who at that time was pursuiiiii- his studii's at the Western Theokjg-iealSeminary. The call was accepted on condition that Mr. Chichesterl)e permitted to spend one year at Princeton Seminary before enterin.iiiiI)onhis duties as pastor. Rev. Stuart Mitchell was engag-ed to ministerto the congregation until the pastor-elect had completed his studies.On the second Tuesday <strong>of</strong> June, 1811, W. J. Chichester was ordaineda minister <strong>of</strong> the gospel and installed as the first pastor <strong>of</strong> theSecond church.Mr. Chichester <strong>of</strong>ficiated as pastor <strong>of</strong> the church untilJune, 1878, when Rev. Samuel W. Duffield was unanimouslyc-alled to fill the vacancy occasioned l)y the resignation <strong>of</strong> the formerpastor. On July 1 he entered upon the work, being installed October7, 1878. He is the present efficient pastor. Early in 1870 thepresent site was selected and secured for the church buildings, beingpurchased from C. Jaggard, for $4,500. The erection <strong>of</strong> the chapelbegan in 1870. It was finished and occupied in April, 1871, Rev.David Hall, <strong>of</strong> Mansfield, Ohio, preaching the dedication sermon.The chapel cost $20,000. A congregational meeting was held in the'Chapel on November 22, 1871,.when Messrs. J. M. Gemmill, M. D.;Will. M. Lloyd and Robert L. Gamble were elected elders, and JohnM. Bowman and Maxwell Kinkead, deacons. On February 11, 1874,Alex. T. Findley and Chas. J. Mann were elected elders, and John A.•Castor, C. B. Bowles, Theodore H. Wigton and William A. Mageewere elected deacons. March 28, 1877, James D. Irwin, William J.Allen, Joseph Dysart and Dr. S. M. Ross were elected elders, and J.N. Barr, Harry Slep, J. Chester Wilson, J. W. Martin and ThomasCam])bell were elected deacons. The erection <strong>of</strong> the church buildingwascommenced in August, 1875, and was finished and opened forpublic worship on Sabbath, December 17, 1876, when Rev. GeorgeP. Hayes, D. D., preached the opening sermon. The cost <strong>of</strong> the churchbuilding, including heaters and gas fixtures, $31,240.99; cushions,-carpets and pulpit furniture, $1, 218.07 ;organ, 2,500.00; total cost <strong>of</strong>lot and all buildings, $62,965.60.ST.LUKE's PROTESTANT EPISCO<strong>PA</strong>L.This church is located at' the corner <strong>of</strong> Eighth avenue and Thirteenthstreet, and was erected in 1858. The present rector is Rev.Allen Sheldon Woodle, B. D.; rector's warden, Theodore N. Ely;junior warden, Joseph Wood ;treasurer, A. H. Maxwell ; secretary,James Mallett ; sexton, William Jarvis.10

134 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.THE BRETHREN."German Baptist," "Tunkers," and,This dt'iiomination is calledby the ignorant, "Dunkards," and is frequently classed with the"Mennonite," "Ornish," and other branches <strong>of</strong> faith.It was organizedin Pennsylvania in 1V24, and was better known at that time, andever since, by the appellation <strong>of</strong> "Tunkers." We are in doubt asto whether the latter name was adopted by The Brethren, or anyportion <strong>of</strong> them, or given to them by outside parties. Be this as itmay, the word "Tunker," derived from the German " Junfen," signifiesto dip, and in this manner the converts to their faith are baptized.The Brethren generall}^ wear a peculiar dress, and do not shave thebeiard. [That the men and women lived in separate habitations, anddiscarded marriage, is an allegation devoid <strong>of</strong> any foundation.] Theyare much less rigid than formerly in some particulars. Like the Baptiststhey believe in immersion, but unlike them practice feet-washingand differ on several other points <strong>of</strong> doctrine and practice. Like theChurch <strong>of</strong> God, they practice both immersion and feet-washing, butdifi'cr in the manner <strong>of</strong> the former. In the Church <strong>of</strong> God baptismis accomplished by a single plunge backward, whilst in The Brethrenchurch three forward dips are required, the first "in the name<strong>of</strong> the Father," the second "in the name <strong>of</strong> the Son," and the third"in the name <strong>of</strong> the Holy Ghost." The position in the water <strong>of</strong> thecandidate for baptism in the Church <strong>of</strong> God is upon the feet ; in TheBrethren church upon the knees. Once in the spring and once in thefall feet-washing, partaking <strong>of</strong> a supper, saluting each other with akiss, are rites practiced precedent to partaking <strong>of</strong> the communion, all<strong>of</strong> which are participated in on a single occasion in the order stated.With such mark(Kl peculiarities <strong>of</strong> practice and doctrine; notwithstandingthe similarity <strong>of</strong> name, Th(^ Brethren are easily distinguishablefrom the United Brethren by those who are conversant with the doctrinesand mode <strong>of</strong> conducting services by each. The polity <strong>of</strong> thechurch, or the recognized i)rinciples upon which it is l)ased, forbids itsmembers to go to law with each other, as well as discountenance actionsin law against those beyond the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> their church.When called as witnesses in courts the rule is to affirm instead <strong>of</strong> takingthe usual oath. Bearing arms is prohibited. No member is allowedto become a beneficiary <strong>of</strong> the public, or be provided for at thepublic expense. They make provision for the extremely poor andotherwise unfortunate members <strong>of</strong> their religious society.The chief dignitary <strong>of</strong> the church is the Archbishop, therebeingonlyone in the United States. He presides at the General Confer-

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 135once held annually, which is coinposed <strong>of</strong> deleg-ates from every districtin the country.Next in dignity and importance is the elder or bisho]>power <strong>of</strong>(by The Brethren used as synonymous titles) who has theadministering the communion, perform the rites <strong>of</strong> baptism and matrimonyand all other ceremonies <strong>of</strong> the clnirch. Next are ministers who,whilst they can baptize and perform themarriage ceremony, cannotadminister the sacrament <strong>of</strong> the Lord's Supper. And, finally thenovitiate, Avho, until advanced to a higher degree, by knowledge, ageand experience, can neitiier i)erform the marriage ceremony nor baptize,and, <strong>of</strong> course, is unauthorized to conduct the communion.Formerly each State constituted a separate ecclesiastical district.The membership <strong>of</strong> the churches has increased with the increase <strong>of</strong>population. Hence, now. States are subdivided. Pennsylvania hasthree districts, eastern, middle and western. An annual meeting <strong>of</strong>delegates from therespective districts is held in each State to deliberatefor the spiritual and temporal good <strong>of</strong> the church.differences are reconciled and difficulties removed.It is here thatIn cases <strong>of</strong> failure,,however, appeals are taken or the matters are relegated to the GeneralConference, which constitutes an appellate ecclesiastical court<strong>of</strong> finalresort. The Brethren ministers receive no stated or regular salary.When poor their traveling and other necessary expenses are cheerfullypaid by the laity ;when well <strong>of</strong>f in this world's goods they asfcno compensation.The amplitude <strong>of</strong> this prelude to what we are about to say <strong>of</strong> thechurchin Altoona, grows out <strong>of</strong> a desire to correct wrong impressionsin regard to a peojjle who are truly "peculiar and zealous in good'works," and at the same time to acquaint thepuljlic with the distinctivecharacteristics <strong>of</strong> their church polity, doctrines and practices.About 1869 or 18*70, eight or ten members <strong>of</strong> the church, residingin Altoona, composed the congregation <strong>of</strong> The Brethren here. Serviceswere held in a chapel, now torn down, on Eighth avenue, betweenTwenty-first and Twenty-second streets. September 4, 18T4,,the congregation having increased in numbers, it purchased from II.D. Witmer a lot and building, on the corner <strong>of</strong> Sixth avenue and Fifthstreet, for fifteen hundred dollars.This building was first constructed!as a chapel and used by a mission school <strong>of</strong> the Second Methodists,,afterwards converted into a dwelling and when bought by The Brethrenremodeled into a church, in which they now worship every alternateSunday, services being generally conducted by Elders James A.Sell, Graybill Myers, Brice Sell and David E. Sell, in rotation. Themembership now is sixty-five. A Sunday-school, <strong>of</strong> which George W.

136 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTV.D. W. COLYER,House \ Sign PainterGRAINER, KALSOMINER AND <strong>PA</strong>PER HANGER.Twelfth Sti-eet,between 8th and 9th Aveiuies,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.TIN,BEST WORK AT LOWEST PRICES.W. B. REESE,MANUFACTUKElt OF AND DEALER INSHEET-IRON,BRASS AND COPPER-WARE,Ko. 712 Mnth Street, - Altoona, Pa.[Between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.]<strong>PA</strong>RTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ROOFING AND SPOUTING.A COMPLETE STOCK OPSTOVES RND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODSC'oiistaiitlv on linnd jind tor sulo at Lowest Prices.Kepairiiig <strong>of</strong> all kinds promptly attended to. Before purchasing goods in lay line,or entering into contract for rooting or spouting, give me a call.

inSTORY OF ALTOONA AND IJLAIR COUNTY. 137K('i)liart, a deacon, is siiprvintciidciit, iiuiidM-riii^- about one luiiulrcdscholars, is attached to the church. The lJil)h' is the only l)ook usedby the teachers and scholars, with the exce))tion <strong>of</strong> a l)0ok <strong>of</strong> sacredsong-.s_" Precious Jewels," by Tr<strong>of</strong>. R. B. :Mahaney <strong>of</strong> our city.UNITED BRETHRKN.The church <strong>of</strong> tiie United lirethren in Christ was established inAltoona with the early growth <strong>of</strong> the town. Tlu; circumstances thatled to the organization were principally brought about by a largi; number<strong>of</strong> its members coming from other sections <strong>of</strong> the country wherethey stood identified with this branch <strong>of</strong> the church, and having anatural desire for the church <strong>of</strong> their choice they were ])rompted t<strong>of</strong>orm themselves into a congregation. They were served for severalyears by ministers from adjacent charges. The annual conference, recognizingthe growth <strong>of</strong> th(> new town and the consecpient demandfor a more concentrated effort, made it a station, assigning Rev. D.Speck as pastor. The first thing demanding the attention <strong>of</strong> the pastorwas a church building, and in this enterprise he was ably secondedby Samuel McGlathcry, Jacob Bottenberg, Thomas Stackhouse, WilliamFox, M. T. Dill, George Earhart, Cornelius McLaughlin, andmanv others that space will not permit to name.A si)lendid location was secured, on the corner <strong>of</strong> Eighth avenueand Twelfth street. In due time, by earnest effort and noV)le sacrificeon the part <strong>of</strong> this little congregation, a commodious church })uildingwas erected, and set apart to the service <strong>of</strong> God. From this timethe church has had a permanent growth, and its future prosperity isominous.In the following order the congregation has been served by thevarious pastors up to the present date: Rev. D. Speck, from January,1857, to January, 1859. [Mr. Speck was afterwards presiding elder<strong>of</strong> the district in which this congregation is embraced.] Rev. W.B. Dick, from January, 1859, to January, 1860. [Mr. Dick died a fewyears ago, much lamented, and rests in the Tyrone cemetery.] Rev.b. Sheerer, from January, 1860, to January, 1861. Rev. E. B. Kephart,from January, 1861, to January, 1863. [Mr. Kephart is servingas president <strong>of</strong> Western College, Iowa; he also served two term.sin the Iowa senate.] Rev. T. H. Hallo well, from January, 1863 toJanuary, 1865. Rev. M. P. Doyle, from 1865 to 1869, during whosepastorate the church was enlarged. Rev. W. Wragg, from 1869 to1872. Rev. J. Walker, from 1872 to 1876. [Mr. Walker also servedas presiding elder <strong>of</strong> this district. He died at Conemaugh, Cambria

138 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.county, in the early part <strong>of</strong> <strong>1880</strong>.] Rev. M. Spangler, from 187(5to the time <strong>of</strong> his appointment as presiding elder <strong>of</strong> this district,September, <strong>1880</strong>. Eev. J. Medsger was api)ointed pastor to fill Mr.Spangler's place at the same time.Owing to the rapid growth <strong>of</strong> thecongregation, more room andbetter accommodations were required; in consequence the buildingwasenlarged and re-modeled in 187t, at a cost approximating $5,000.This work was consummated under the supervision <strong>of</strong> Rev. M. Spanglerand the board <strong>of</strong> trustees, consisting <strong>of</strong> J. Peight, H. Schum, A.Eberl}', J. Carl and J. Bush. The church and parsonage are valuedat $15,000. The membership numbers four hundred ; Sabbath-schoolthree hundred scholars. The <strong>of</strong>ficers are: Officiary—Pastor, Rev. J.Medsger ;leaders, S. Hawk, P. M. Smith and J. M. Barwis ; stewards,S. Beecher, D. Bolinger, J. W. Parson, Geo. Blackburn, J. Claybaugh,Geo. Cruse and J. C. Shirk. Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Sabbath-school, P.M. Smith; leader <strong>of</strong> choir, R. C. Ward; trustees, J. Peight, H. Schum,A. Eberly, J. Carl, J. Bush, J. Barwis and George Blackburn.The whole amount collected for various benevolent purposes duringthe last four years has averaged $2,750 for each year.[The reader will observe an inequality or disproportion <strong>of</strong> historicaldata in the preceding sketches <strong>of</strong> the churches, relatively considered,and may feel inclined to charge us with partiality.In explanationwe say, that invitations were extended to all the ministers in thecity, and county, to furnish us with such facts and figures as wouldenable us to give a full and correct history <strong>of</strong> their respective churches.Some complied with our request, and others paid no attention to it.As we had no access to church records, we publish what facts we couldgather from other sources, and we believe them correct as far as theygo, though not as full as we desired to have them.]

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 139CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS.YOUNG men's christian ASSOCIATION OF ALTOONA.The earliest organization <strong>of</strong> this association was effected in 1863or 1864, with quite a large membership. After various interferencesthe association located in a room over the Mechanics' Savings bank,corner Twelfth street and Eighth avenue, where regular and specialreligious and business meetings were held from 1870 to 1874, whenthe association moved to rooms over John Hurd's book store, Twelfthstreet, near Eleventh avenue, where it was domiciled for about threeyears.During this time, after the holding <strong>of</strong> the State convention <strong>of</strong>the Young Men's Christian Associations <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, the movementAvhich resulted in the Railroad Men's Christian Association wasinaugurated, and quite a number <strong>of</strong> the efficient members <strong>of</strong> the associationdeemed it their duty to enter that organization, after which,for about three years, in order not to incur expenses unprovided for,the association's business meetings were held at the house <strong>of</strong> L. F.Stahl. In January, <strong>1880</strong>, it was deemed expedient again to ventureon the procuring <strong>of</strong> a room, which resulted in the occupancy <strong>of</strong> thepresent very suitable room on Eleventh avenue, near Thirteenth street.The association has always numbered among its warmest friends many<strong>of</strong> our leading business men, who now are supporting it by voluntarymonthly contributions, and the members have full time to spend inthe immediate work <strong>of</strong> teaching God's word to the best <strong>of</strong> their abilit}^,without troubling themselves about the finances. The work islargely done by committees appointed by the president for special definitework—a devotional committee to arrange for all religious services;a sick visiting committee to visit not only association memberswho may be sick, but all others who may desire to have a band <strong>of</strong>young men visit them, to counsel them, pray with them or sing forthem; a finance committee to attend to all pecuniary aff'airs ;a churchcommittee, a membership committee and other needed committees.The membership is now about eighty. There is a nucleus for a library,and a devoted band <strong>of</strong> workers. The present <strong>of</strong>ficers are as follow: President, Dr. W. M. Findley ; vice presidents, J. B. Herring andSamuel G. Hall; treasurer, T. H. Wiggins; recording secretary, A.Swope ; corresponding secretary. Will H. Slep.

140 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.J. B. Smith'sHCEoiBUSIN H1321 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa.If you want a Fashionable Pair <strong>of</strong> Boots, go to J.B. Smith's,1S21 Eleventh Avenue^ Altoona, Pa.If you want a Neat-Fitting Boot, go to J. B. Smith's,1321 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa,J. B. Smith's Place <strong>of</strong> Business:1321 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.H. B. MILLER.DENTIST.1410 Eleventli Avenue, Altoona.Teeth Inserted Cheaper than anywhei'e else hithe county, for Cash.JS"All work waruanted.

HISTORY OP ALTOONA AND BLAIK COUNTY. 141HAILIIOAD men's CIIHISTIAN ASSOCIATION.This as.socMation was tlic outgrowth <strong>of</strong> the raih'oad men's Sundayafternoon prayer nieetin

142 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.CITIES OF THE DEAD.<strong>PA</strong>IRVIEW CEMETERY.This solemn city <strong>of</strong> tlie dead covers an area <strong>of</strong> eighteen or twentyacres <strong>of</strong> elevated ground, on the northern suburbs <strong>of</strong> Altoona. Theland was purchased from John Kough and James Trees. On March3, 1857, an association was formed, which on October 28, same year,procured a charter.Rev. Henry Balder was made the first president;Rev. A. B. Clarke and George R. Everson, vice presidents ;TheodoreA. Stecker, secretary ; J. B. Hileman, treasurer ; G. W. Patton, M.Clabaugh, C. C. Mason, A. A. Smith, M. T. Dill, A. C. Vauclain,Austin McGraw and John Hamilton, trustees. Changes in its management,<strong>of</strong> course, have occurred from time to time.At the meeting<strong>of</strong> the stockholders on April 1, <strong>1880</strong>, (elections occur annually, on thefirst Monday <strong>of</strong> April,) A. F. Heess was elected president; Harry C.Dern and A. H. Maxwell, vice presidents; A. Clabaugh, secretary;A. Kipple, treasurer; A. C. Devlan, John P. Levan, J. Wagner, J.Loudon, S. F. Ramey, G. W. Kessler, George W. Hawks worth, sr.,and J.W. Smith, trustees.Since the cemetery was laid out improvements have been constantlymade. The money derived from the sale <strong>of</strong> lots instead <strong>of</strong>being applied as dividends to stockholders, or projectors, has been expendedin rendering the grounds attractive. About five years agowater pipes were laid for conveying water to the premises at no littleexpense and labor to the association, for the benefit <strong>of</strong> lot-holders.Up to this time al)Out eight hundred family lots (the entire tract contains1,373 lots) have been disposed <strong>of</strong> at prices ranging from ten totwenty-five dollars. Upwards <strong>of</strong> 2,500 burial permits have been issued.The grounds and improvements have been fully paid for, and, consequently,no incumbrances exist on the property.A receiving vault has been constructed on the grounds tosupplythe urgent necessities <strong>of</strong> those who may not be prepared for permanentinterment, but no corpse will be allowed to remain in the vaultover two months, unless absolutely necessitated by unavoidable circumstances,and hermetically closed cases must be used.Andrew M'Farran, an elderly gentleman, became the first inhabitant<strong>of</strong> this city <strong>of</strong> the dead. He was hurried on March 17, 1857,since which time over twenty-five hundred have follo^^'ed him to that

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND ULAIR COUNTY. 143"bourne from whoiicc no traveler returns.'' At first the graves weredug by Mr. Russel, afterwards l)y James Shellenbergcr, but, sinceAugust, 18*70, Robert Cox has been acting' as superintendent. He resideson the grounds and is Avell known for his effieieney and politeness.Our city having no parks or pleasure grounds, Fairview cemeteryhas become a popular place <strong>of</strong> resort, during spring and summer, notonly for those who throng thither to view the graves <strong>of</strong> their friends,and to meditate upon the brevity and uncertainty <strong>of</strong> life, but for thosewho seek tempoi'ary relief from the harassing cares and vexations <strong>of</strong>business.Until the trees and shrubbery already planted, and such aswill be i)lanted, mature fully, the eye <strong>of</strong> the visitor will more particularlydwell upon the works <strong>of</strong> art exhibited there. The soldiers' monument,erected upon the apex <strong>of</strong> the mound, is the chief object <strong>of</strong> attraction,more on account <strong>of</strong> the patriotic memories which clusteraround it and its prominent location, than any intrinsic merit exhibitedin the emblazonment <strong>of</strong> its shaft. Exhibitions <strong>of</strong> sculpture, at leastequally meritorious, are visible on every hand, no inconsiderable portion<strong>of</strong> which was executed by our townsman, D. A. Bradley. ToJames Simpson, <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon, belongs the credit <strong>of</strong> furnishing themajority <strong>of</strong> neat iron railings which surround the various lots.N. W. Cunningham, formerly <strong>of</strong> Altoona, now <strong>of</strong> Chicago, recentlypresented his vault or mausoleum to the Altoona Fairview Cemeteryassociation, the erection <strong>of</strong> which cost a considerable sum <strong>of</strong> money.OAK RIDGE CEMETERY.In 1878 a number <strong>of</strong> citizens <strong>of</strong> Altoona, believing that a necessityexisted for the establishment <strong>of</strong> another cemetery, determined to formthemselves into an association for that purpose. There were severalreasons which led to this, one <strong>of</strong> the principal ones <strong>of</strong> which Avas thata general desire existed to have, for convenience, a cemetery on theeast side <strong>of</strong> the city. The best location and the most suitable groundwas found to be on the farm <strong>of</strong> G. T. Bell, <strong>of</strong> whom nine acres werebought and enclosed with a substantial picket fence. The groundis beautifully situated, with a south-eastern exposure, overlookingPleasant Valley, and presenting romantic views <strong>of</strong> mountain scenery.The soil is <strong>of</strong> a fertile sandy loam, perfectly dry, sloping gently to thesouth-east, making the drainage perfect, and being well adapted to therapid growth <strong>of</strong> trees, shrubbery and flowers.The association Avas incori)orated on December 16, 1878, under thename and title <strong>of</strong> "Oak Ridge Cenu'tery Association," and is conductedby a board <strong>of</strong> managers, who arenot allowed any compensationfor their services.Bv the terms <strong>of</strong> the charter we notice that all

144 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.F. W. OLMES. CARL OLMES.Olmes & Bro.11th Avenue, bet. 13th and Uth Streets,13th Street,between Tth and 8th Avenues,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork,SMOKED AND FRESH SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA AND PUDDING.We now claim not only to have the Finest Meat Markets, but sell the best meats,at prices to suit everybody. When it is considered tliat we buy all <strong>of</strong> the be&tAVestern stock, it is as cheap as it can be sold.JAMES W. FINDLEY'SINSURANCE AGENCY,11th Avenue, bet12th and 13th Streets,SKCOKD FLOOR ALTOONA BANK BUILDING, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.Only souiKl and reliable companies represented. All losses promptly adjusted andpaid at this <strong>of</strong>fice. Agent for Steamship Lines and dealer in ForeignExchange and Drafts.J. WESLEY ALLEN,Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon,1330i EleventhAvenue, Altoona, Pa.i S to I) a. m.Office Hours: 1 tori p.m. CONSULTATIONS IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN.( 7 to 8 p. m.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 145iiionoys derived froiii the sale <strong>of</strong> lots must he w^^vd in payiii.ti' for thegTouiid. and in ini proving' and heantifyiii,i>- it. After this has beendone the moneys received shall lie in\csted in uood securities, and theinterest accruing- shall constitute a iH'rpetual fund for keeping- the centetcryin g-ood order. The sale <strong>of</strong> lots up to the ]tr(>sent time has beenso encouraf>'in- that the uianag'ers think they will bealile to make considerableimprovements during- this year. The success <strong>of</strong> the associationis, therefore, an assured fact. The fertility <strong>of</strong> the soil and thebeanty <strong>of</strong> location must in a few years make this cemetery one <strong>of</strong> themost popular burial grounds in this }»ortion <strong>of</strong> the State. The <strong>of</strong>ficersare: Josei)h Dysart, i)resident; Theo. H. Wiyton, treasurer; H. B.Kendig, secretary. Joseph Dysart, George S. Eaby, Jolm W. Cherry,Jonathan Foreman, John Boynes, G. T. Bell and Richard J. Crozierare the managers. The election for otficers is held annuallv.ST.John's ckmetehy.The first purchase for a Catholic cemetery yvas made in 1851, beinga lot <strong>of</strong> ground lying in the Second ward. Before the secondbody was laid to rest in the new cemetery it was discovered that thelocation was not desirable, and also that the grounds were too limitedto meet the wants <strong>of</strong> a large Catholic community.therefore, to make a second purchase.It was concluded,In 1858 the present cemetery,situated on the east side <strong>of</strong> the city, near the reservoir, was securedat a cost <strong>of</strong> about four thousand dollars.ST.Joseph's cemetery.In 18T1> the German Catholic congregation bought ground Ivlngclose by St. John's cemetery, for about two thousand dollars, wherethey intend to lay their dead to rest. The location <strong>of</strong> both St. John'sand St. Joseph's cemeteries is excellent; they look to the east, andwith a continuance <strong>of</strong> the care and attention bestowed on improvingand beautifying them, in a short time they will become picturesqueand solemn "cities <strong>of</strong> the dead."EASTERN LIGHT CEMETERY.About the year I8(i5, John Ferguson, George Hooper and JohnAlexander purchased a lot <strong>of</strong> ground, fronting on Tenth street, eastside, now adjoining Oak Ridge cemetery, for ninety-four dollars andsixty cents, to be used as a burial place for the colored people<strong>of</strong> thiscity, regardless <strong>of</strong> religious sect. Added to the cost <strong>of</strong> the uround,the improvements swelled the amount to alxmt three hundred dollars.The first stockholders consisted (»f the projectors alreadv named andGeo. M. .Tackson, Heiirv Johnson, (ieorye Pavne and Allan Hurlev.

:146 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.CITY FIRE DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.To Hon. B. F. Rose, the thoroughly competent and energ-etiechief engineer <strong>of</strong> the city fire department, we are indebted for the followingsketches <strong>of</strong> the fire companies <strong>of</strong> AltoonaDecember 15, 1859, was an eventful day in the history <strong>of</strong> Altoona,on account <strong>of</strong> the introduction <strong>of</strong> gas and water. Previous'to that date there was no organized fire company. If there had been,apparatus would have been useless. During the summer <strong>of</strong> 1858,those old fire veterans, A. H. Maxwell and A. C. Yauclain, conceivedthe idea <strong>of</strong> organizing a fire company ;asked, would a company be without an engine ?l)ut what, the question may beTo secure one a subscriptionwas taken up and sufficient money secured to purchase thehand engine <strong>of</strong> the Good Will Fire company <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia. Theorganization hert' adopted the same name, "Good Will," and housedtheir engine on October 22, 1859. At the grand i)arade <strong>of</strong> December15, 1859, the Good Will nuxde their first appearance, equipped in darkpants, white shirts, black belts and glazed caps.In September, 18G(), the Empire Hook and Ladder com])any wasinstituted, and equipped with a good, substantial truck, ladders, etc.,,purchased from the Empire com))any <strong>of</strong> Lancaster.In 1867 the borough council created the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> chief and assistantengineers. Alex. A. Smyth was chosen chief, and A. H. Maxwelland B. F. Rose assistant engineers. Mr. Smyth served as chiefabout one year, when he resigned, and A. H. Maxwell was elected.The two companies forming the department, at that time, weredeemed sufficient for the protection <strong>of</strong> property, but the numerous incendiaryfires soon convinced the authorities that additional apparatuswas needed.The Pennsylvania Railroad conqjany, early in 18G7, ordered fromthe Amoskeag Manufacturing company <strong>of</strong> Manchester, N. H., one <strong>of</strong>their fine second-class steamers. On the 4th <strong>of</strong> June <strong>of</strong> the same year,the engine arrived and was immediately placed in service, under thecharge <strong>of</strong> AV. A. Adams and Adam Moss, members <strong>of</strong> the "AltoonaSteam Fire Engine company."On the 12th <strong>of</strong> February, 1868, the legislature passed an act impoweringthe burgess and council <strong>of</strong> the Ijorough <strong>of</strong> Altoona to levyand collect a special tax <strong>of</strong> twelve mills on the dollar, for three years,for the purpose <strong>of</strong> purchasing steam fire engines, etc.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. \i*JCouncil having- diH-ided to piiirhase two Amoslvoag nteamers, onefor the Good Will company, on the east side, and the other for thewest side <strong>of</strong> town, it was deemed necessary to org-anize another firecompany. Accordingly a number <strong>of</strong> prominent young men formedthemselves into a company, March 20, 1868, under the name <strong>of</strong> the"Vigilant Steam Fire Engine company."The two steamers Avere contracted for by A. H. Maxwell, chief engineerand chairman <strong>of</strong> Fire committee <strong>of</strong> council. On the fourth <strong>of</strong>July, 1868, the engines were placed in charge <strong>of</strong> the Good Will andVigilant companies.In 1869 a number <strong>of</strong> young men organized the Excelsior Hosecompany.At this time, October, <strong>1880</strong>, Altoona has five efficient fire companies,forming as complete a five department as can be found anywherein the State. [Although the Altoona Steam Fire Engine companydoes not belong to the fire department <strong>of</strong> the city, it cheerfully cooperateswith it at all times in extinguishing fires.]ENGINE,HOSE. AND TRUCK HOUSES.In 1859 the Pennsylvania Railroad company erected a buildingon their land, corner Ninth avenue and Twelfth street, for the occupancy<strong>of</strong> the Good Will until that company could secure other quarters.Since the removal <strong>of</strong> the Good Will the railroad company hasoccupied the house with one <strong>of</strong> their two hose carriages, their steamerand the other carriage being kept in a building at the lower shops.The Vigilant building, on the corner <strong>of</strong> Thirteenth avenue andTwelfth street, was built in 18T0-1, and cost $17,423.The Empire building, on Tenth avenue, between Fourteenth andFifteenth streets, was built in 1871-2, and cost $10,500.The Excelsior Hose company put up a building, on Tenth street,between Chestnut and Lexington avenues, in <strong>1880</strong>, which cost about$1,000.A building for the Good Will Engine company, Fifth avenue andThirteenth street, is now under contract, to cost $7,500.BOARD OF FIRE DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.The board <strong>of</strong> fire department consists <strong>of</strong> the following gentlemen :B. F. Rose, Vigilant, chief engineer ; Gust. Klemmert, Good Will,assistant engineer, eastern district ; John B. Stahl, Excelsior, assistantengineer, western district. Directors: A. C. Vauclain, sr., GoodWill ; George B. Bennett, Vigilant ; W. R. Gamble, Empire ; ElmerHackett, Excelsior.

148 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.TERKEL C.NELSON,PRACTICALWatchmaker -° JE^VELER,— AND DEALER IN —WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC.1126 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.DR. J. F. PULTON,OFFICE: Over Randolph's Drug Store,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.Office Hours :( 8 to 10 a. in.^ 12 to -2 p. lu.( 6 to S p. 111.A. LUEBBERT,ianufac'Turer <strong>of</strong> and dealer inCIGARS, TOBUCCOS, PIPES,SNUFFS.lOOS SEVENTEENTH STREET, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.WM. B. MILLER, D. D. S.DENTAL OFFICE:13301 ELEVENTH AVENUE, - ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.(UP STAIRS.)Office Hours :( s to Via. m; 1 to .ii.io p. m.( ():;i() to'.t p. 111.


:HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 149CHIEFENGINEERS.The following is a list <strong>of</strong> the chief engineers since the organization<strong>of</strong> the departmentAlexamler A. Smyth 1807A. H. Maxwen 18f58B. F. Rose 1869T. B. Pattou 1871OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OFA. C. Vauclain, sr., prest.J. T. Dougherty, vice pres.John Malady, secretary.James E. Gardner, asst. sec.John R. Garden, treas.Wm. F. Enney, engineer.ACTIVEMEMBEPS.George Bowman,J . Sapp,D. LatTerty,J. McCnllough,F. Endress,J. Carney,N. Criim,W. Alleman,A. Gamble,€. Filer,D. Shultzherger,J. Kelly,R. Lowther,AY. L. Faisick,J. Kimmell,•J. P. Faisick,W. Young,K. Kearns,VVm. F. Enney,J. Leng,J. T. Pendergast,J. Ford,I. Price,C. C. Smith,C. E. Renner,J. E. Gardner,G. T. Plumnier,W. McBride,M. Weakland,M. Fagan,T. Rilev.F. J. O'Kain,L. Wichum,Theo. Reis,J. Carney,C. W. Smith,W. Isett,R. IMcGi-aw,1). Donahue,F. Hammers,B. Higgins,S. Renner,C. Cornelius,D. Robertson,W. Hutlson,T. Tierney,H. Smith,F. Clabaugh,G. Treeee,T.Patterson.HONORARY MEMBERS.A. H. Maxwell,A. C. Vauclain, sr..E. Mountney 1873T. B. Patton 1875J. K. Garden 1877B. F. Rose 1879THE GOOD WILL COM<strong>PA</strong>NY.W. A. Adams,W. Riches.J. A. Hindman,G. S. Debray,II. Bowers,A. C. ^'auclain, jr.I), (^lav,A. A. Sinvth,I). Mccioskey,J. T. Doughe'rty,J. Bulger,D. Love.J. Galceran,P. Logue.C. S. Cordes,A. R. Moss,A. H. O'Neil,F. Custer,J. Klink,T. Heacock,D. Stackhouse,G. Klemmert,J. Malady,W. Rice,J. Bra

I150 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OFTHE VIGILANT COM<strong>PA</strong>NY,Irank Molloy, president.W. M. Rose, secretary.B. W. Story, assistant sec.Jolin Schenlr, treasurer.E. Lippett, engineer.G. H. Maxwell, iireman.ACTIVE AND HONORARY MEMHERS.B. F. Rose,C. M. Ilackett,C. S. Taylor,Samnel Black,H. C. Dern,G. T. Bell,K. Mountney,W. L. Hallack,G. M. Metz,Theo.. Burchfield,W. M. Rose,F. Duniphy,H. Barr,W. H. .Johnson,J. B. Gray,T. L. Rickabauffli,T. B. Story,•T. .Johnston,J. Adams,W. H. Bennett,A. H. Graham,•I. Paisley,C. A. Sziiik,H. Beam,H. Bitter,W. SimiJson,G. B. Bennett,D. McElilownoy,W. C. Alexander,B. W. Siory,E. Winn,•T.W. Pimloit,E. Folk.C Esterline,G. H. Maxwell,I. VYard,F. Copley,J. S. Smitli,E. Lippett,-T. \V. Arnsberaer,T. Winn,J. P. Montgomery,C. Iiei)liart,B. W. Coyle,F. Story,C. Herr,C. Adams,W. Davis,M. Zimmerman,J. Espenlanb,X. Davis,M. Vetter,S. W. Beegle,D. Condrin,W. Gundecker,W. H. Eynon,H. Butler,E. Cassidav,J. W. Leslie,G. P. Levan,C. Cassiday,Jacob Stier,C. Flinn,R. Stelile,H. Parsons,C. Ranch,R. L. McCartney.W. Ake,H. K. Story,G. W. Kelly,•T. V. Smith,B. Bennett,J. Hopkinson,P. Smith,H. Brogan,J. Stehle,J. Dixen,C. Ensljrenner,J. H. Schenk,L. R. Lev'an,G. F. Fresli,A. M. Stewart,M. McCartney,I). KiltUiy,II. Kimnierling,L. Smitli,J. Goldman,T. W. Jackson.LIFE MEMBERS.E. L. Taylor,Fred Raiuey,W. A. McCormick,G. Brunner,John F. Bowman,John Stehle.William Murray,Godfrey Wolf,G. VY. Sparks,AY. H. Durborrow,Adam Behm,C. C. Shannon,John M. Bowman,IE. H. Williams,R. A. O. Kerr,Jacob Snyder,C. Behm,Wm. Myers,Dr.J. T. Christy,W. Rodamore,James S. Mann,IF. W. Olmes,Christ Wahl,L. P. Work,W. S. Bittner,M. Clabaugh,James Kearney,G. W. Kessler,S. C. Baker,D. K. Ramev,C. C. Mason",Hon. B. L. Hewitt,Hon. D. J. Morrell,A. S. Morrow,Hon. Samuel Calvin,'D. Koch,Henry El way.George Rosen berger,Rt. Rev. Bishop J. TuifJohn A. Sprankle,John P. Levtin,James H. Dysart,D. Laughman,John L. Ickes,G. L. Myers,D. J. Netr,George Dixon,P. Vetter,H. Fettinger, sr.,C. Guyer,Hon. Jolm A. Lemon.Wm. Kemp,D. T. Cahlwell,I. Farabaugli,John O'Neil,Wm. H. Renner,Daniel Price,Jacob Rink,Win. Conroy,W. A. Adams,J. M. Stonebraker,Dr. Walter Bell,F. X. Endress,Samuel Smith,Steijlien Bewley,E. Powell,r. V. Mazurie,D. P. Ray.Louis Plack,John H. Friedley,John Trout,J. Carland,G. W. Stewart,S. A. Christ,John A. Smith,J. E. (iintner,A. F. Heess,Joseph Watson,John Loudon,Frank Molloy,X. F. Mervine,

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 151OFFICERS AND .MEMUKRS OF THE EXCELSIOR COM<strong>PA</strong>NY.Ennnett P. Davis, president EniuH'tt 1*. Davis,J. W. Elway, 1st vice pres. Will ,). Ferguson,G. JI. Atkinson, '2(1 " William Roush,William O. Ronsh, treas. J. W. Elway,II. 1). Alexander, sec'y. William Copley,T. W . Allenian, asst. sec'y. Derbin Trout,Robert Goodwin,MEMBERS.George Wigand,Clay Cherry,R. E. Stontfer,H. E. Ferguson,Joseph ^\';^tts,H. M. Ferguson,James McCormick,H. D. Alexantler,H. M. Parker.William Heller,J. R. Runyeon,'•Jeorge I'uliiier,James Stitzel,Elmer Hackett,.John Espenlaub, jr.F. J. Stehle,J. li. Stahl,T. W. Alleman,G. M. Atkinson,George Leslie,Charles Klink,.Tohn Tj. Yeatts,L. 15. Weisgarver,N. J. Ehrlnger,Thomas Clabaugh,Charles Loreman,James Miller.William Weisenberg,Charles Garrettson,George Inlew,George Fultz,Harry Smith,William Clark,George i\ Krick,John Irvine,P. McDonongh,Herman J. L. Piper.OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ALTOONA COM<strong>PA</strong>NY.Andrew Kipple. loreman.G. F. McNoIdy, 1st asst.M. Valentine, '2d asst.M. D. Carrolus, 3d asst.J. D. StoutTer, secretary.W. A. Adams, engineer.Harry Geesey, lireman.MEMBERS.A. Kipple,G. R. Waggoner,G. W. Sands,W. Shultzberger,J. Irwin,S. Bumgardner,L. K. Y'oung,G. Filer,C. Patterson,W. Ferguson,W. Irwin,Harry Geesy,M. B. Stouch,W. W. Green,C. C. Wilson,D. Miller,M. Fichtner,F. Richter,J. A. Walters,H. Swanger,C. W. Kerlin,C. Salsburg,G. Davis,M. D. Carrolus,G. C. Detrow,G. L. Adams,J. ITllery,E. Clegg,J. H. White,G. W. Blackburn,E. A. Grindle,A. E. Rickabaugh,R. W. Ttiylor,S. Groves,G. Carrolus,W. Green,C. Mel lor,M. Valentine,I. Wyant,C. S. Nicodeiiius,H. Rettburg,G. Slater,J. I>. Stouffer,Christ (iern.T. Blackburn,J. McNoldv,ir.,C. W. Smitli,W. H. Sliaw,H. Kriner,A. Cretin,M. Wilkins,S. Gaily,0. L. Forrister,M. H. Foose,G. B. Smith,D. S. Markey,W. B. Hershey,G. Tompkins,1. Kelly,L. Statler,J. Roberts.E. K. Hamilton,C. A. Weidman,G. Moore,R. Woods,P McGarvey,E. v.. JohnsonL. W. Vaughn,.1. Smithhammer,J. Foster,E. L. Price,H. Stover,W. Brinkman,C. L. Hiltner,W. Grindle,P. F. Barkdoll,E. N. Moore,J. Filer,J. Eagle,D. F. Mauk,J. L. Smelser,J. Wertsberger,C. Rath,C. Labe,J. Lantz,W. Moore,A. Pietsch,J. C. Palmer,C. W. Armstrong,J. R. Fraser,R. Wilson,C. H. Bragonier,A. C. Lytle,G. Rupert,E. S. Hall,T. P. Clegg.J. Foust,D. M. Keckler,R. A. Isenberg.L. G. Flemming,G. Curtis.G. F. McNoldy,W. A. Adams,N. P. Cunningham.

HISTORY152 .OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.<strong>PA</strong>LMER & MORSE,MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OFCoaches,Carriages,SulkiesiGHT i Hemy Spring ¥iigons,SLEIGHS, ETC.RE<strong>PA</strong>IRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES DONEWITH Dispatch.Eighth Street, bet. Sixth and Seventh A\'enues,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.

:;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 153GAS AND WATER DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENTS.WATER DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT."The Gas and Water Company <strong>of</strong> Altoona," was incorporatedApril 9, 1859, upon whicli the city was dependent for both water andgas. [See pages 63 and 65.] Its first <strong>of</strong>ficers were: Tresident,William H. Wilson; treasurer, Wm. M. Lloyd; secretary, B. F.Rose; managers, John Shoemaker, Enos M. Jones, Charles J. Mann,Albert B. Clark and George B. Cramer ; superintendent, Thomas S.Francis. The name <strong>of</strong> the company, on May 9, ISU, was changedto "Altoona Gas Company," and on September 10, 1812, the waterpipes were sold to the city authorities. The reservoirs at Pottsgrove,with the company's interest in water power <strong>of</strong> Pottsgrove mill and inthe twelve-inch main from there to Twelfth street reservoir, weresold to the Pennsylvania Railroad company.Without repeating what is said on page 65 in regard to increasingthe water supply at the time referred to, and the means by which itwas effected, we are confidant in saying that no one supposed that inso short a period it would prove inadequate to the requirements <strong>of</strong>the population, which has nearly doubled, within the last ten years.At an early period <strong>of</strong> the present year (<strong>1880</strong>) the subject <strong>of</strong> increasingthe supply <strong>of</strong> water, which had been agitating the communityfor several years, began to be regarded as one <strong>of</strong> prime importance,requiring prompt attention. Such was the scarcity <strong>of</strong> waterduring the previous summer (1879) that nearlyall the PennsylvaniaRailroad company's engines were directed to stop and takeother points ;water atthus entailing, at the same time and by the same cause,serious loss and forced idleness to workmen in the shops, loss to therailroad company in having to stop work and in being compelled totake water supplies at inconvenient points, and lossand great inconvenienceto every consumer in the city.About three hundred houses had been erected during thatrendering an additional quantity essential, to say nothing <strong>of</strong> thepredicamentthe city would have been in had an extensiveseason,conflagrationoccurred. At a meeting <strong>of</strong> the city council, held on the evening <strong>of</strong>June 14, <strong>1880</strong>, the following was <strong>of</strong>fered by A. F. Kerr, which wasadopted by the councilWhereas, The city is poorly supplieil witli water pipes, and the reservoirs aretoo smaU to retain an adequate supply during dry seasons

154 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.And Whereas, The reservoir <strong>of</strong> the city cannot \>e relied on to meet the deflcieneyin this direction : No-\v, tlierefore, may it be ordained, etc.,That in order to extend the water pipes tlirougli the city, and increase the supply<strong>of</strong> water, this council negotiate a loan <strong>of</strong> $60,000, in accordance with the authoritygiven them by Act <strong>of</strong> Assembly <strong>of</strong> 1874, and supplements thereto, and theMayor is hereby instructed to give the proper notice, as provided by law, and todirect an election to be lield on the 20th day <strong>of</strong> July, <strong>1880</strong>, to the end that the qualifiedvoters <strong>of</strong> this city may have the opportunity to approve or disapprove <strong>of</strong> saidloan.In accordance with the above, on the 23d <strong>of</strong> June, Mayor Howardissued a prockmiation appointing- an election to be held on the23d day <strong>of</strong> the following- month, but in consequence <strong>of</strong> the inability<strong>of</strong> a committee which had been appointed by council to make estimates<strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> constructing- a dam at Kittanning- Point,* theelection was postponed until August 2, when a majority <strong>of</strong> sevenhundred and thirty-nine citizens voted in favor <strong>of</strong> the loan.At a special meeting <strong>of</strong> the city council, held on the evening <strong>of</strong>August 11, the following resolution was <strong>of</strong>fered by Mr. Kerr andpassed by that body by a vote <strong>of</strong> seven to five:Resolved, That the Committee on Water be and they are hereby instructed topurchase water pipes, hydrants and material neede

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 155Tlu' capacity <strong>of</strong> the gas works, when first started, was 30,000feet pen- day; present capacity, 150,000 feet per day. The first price<strong>of</strong> gas was three dollars ])er 1,000 feet, and ten per cent, added whennot paid in ten days after |>resentation <strong>of</strong> bills; present [)rice twodollars per 1,000 feet.Improvements have recently Ijeen made. An addition <strong>of</strong> fifteenfeet has been made to the purifying- room. The present purifiers, sixby eight feet, will be replaced by a new set ten by fourteen feet, andwith three times the power <strong>of</strong> the old ones.The eastern side <strong>of</strong> the city, especially be3^ond Sixth avenue, has<strong>of</strong>ten been poorly lighted when the shops Avere running. This wasnot caused by inferior gas, but by the light pressure. That part <strong>of</strong>the city was sui)plied by a four inch main from which theshops alsotapped. In order to remedy it there was laid a six inch main acrossTwelfth street, and since that time no complaint has been made.The average consumption <strong>of</strong> gas per day, in summer time, is fiftythousand feet, five tons <strong>of</strong> coal being required to make it. The coalproduces from four and one-half to five cubic feet <strong>of</strong> gas for everypound used. During the summer and winter the supply variesgreatly. One month the amount <strong>of</strong> gas used was over 3,300,000 feet,"but this fluctuates and depends largely on the work in the company'sshops.There is now in use a plan by which all the gas tar, or the greaterpart <strong>of</strong> it, is burnt, and used in place <strong>of</strong> coke under the gas retorts. Itmakes an intensely hot fire and thrown into the furnace in a smallstream answers very satisfactorily. By this means nearly all the•coke remains for sale and finds a ready market among city consumers.At the election <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, May 2, <strong>1880</strong>, the following were chosen :President, J. B. Collin ; secretary, W. S. Humes ; treasurer, W. D.•Couch ;superintendent and engineer, T. W. Cole ;assistant engineer,D. T. Kantner ; managers, W. H. Wilson, Enoch Lewis, H. C. Dern,'Clement Jaggard and George W. Patton.The works are located on Eleventh avenue near Ninth street.

156 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIE COUNTY.;jTERESTINGMuSEUMOF CURIOSITIES,EMBRACING ARTICLES SUITED FORGIFTS OR PRESENTS,ALWAYS TO BE FOUND ATCURTIS'GREAT VARIETY AND MAMMOTHDollar Store,REMODELED, ENLARGED m IMPROVED,PRESENTING AN UNEQUALED APPEARANCE AND CONTAINING THEMnest Goods for the Least Money.EVJiRYBODY WELCOME. Xo one urged to buy. Courteous salesladies alwaysin attendance. CASH AND ONE PRICE.Small Dealers', Pedlars' and Merchants' Supplies at Wholesale Prices.Wapljfactlifer3' ilgept? for JlioW Ca3e? apd Baby Carriage?.Curtis' Great Variety Store,(IN THE MOST CENTRAL BLOCK,)ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.

;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.ISTPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM<strong>PA</strong>NY'S SHOPS.INTRODUCTORYREMARKS.One hundred and twenty-two acres <strong>of</strong> ground are occupied forbusiness purposes by the Pennsylvania Raih-oad company in thiscity. On this are erected the passenger station and the LoganHouse ; freight warehouse ; <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> the general superintendentthe superintendent <strong>of</strong> motive power ;the superintendent <strong>of</strong> transportation,with their appurtenances, and the following additional buildings:Three engine or round houses; iron and brass foundries; machineshops;paint shops; blacksmith shops; coaling platform; freightcar works; passenger car shop; planing mill;tin and cabinet shops;upholstery shop ; store houses; fire engine room ; lumber dryer ;carshed, etc., having an aggregate frontage <strong>of</strong> fully two miles. All thebuildings, excepting the paint shop, car shed and the temporary wheelfoundry, are composed <strong>of</strong> brick or stone, substantially constructed onthe most approved plans, and the tools and machinery used in themare the best that can be procured. As a consequence the work is <strong>of</strong>the highest standard, and at the minimum cost.It is difficult to analyze the impressions left by a visit to the shops<strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroad. The progress that is silently yetsurely underway is difficult to grasp, for the work that the companyis doing, a work <strong>of</strong> national importance, comes upon you with thesharp force <strong>of</strong> a revelation. There is, indeed, a revolution in progresshere. You feel it;you recognize the tremendous influencethat is emanating and must emanate from the metropolitan city <strong>of</strong>the Alleghenies, spreading like ripples upon the surface <strong>of</strong> a pond,until our whole country feels the force <strong>of</strong> railroad science carried toits conclusion. It is a fact universally conceded that the Pennsylvaniarailroad company is the leader <strong>of</strong> the van <strong>of</strong> progress. Everymonth, every year it institutes the most exact scientific researches,tests, experiments and observations governed by the soleidea <strong>of</strong> obtainingrailroad perfection ;and the benefit <strong>of</strong> each year's crystallizedexperience forms the basis <strong>of</strong> the oi>erations, constantly progressive,<strong>of</strong> the following twelve months. A corps <strong>of</strong> scientists, regularly inthe employ <strong>of</strong> the company, devotes its entire time, intelligence, acumenand energy in determining what is best in everything, and theresult is not only to furnish the road with what is wanted but to

158 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.gradually raise and purify the products <strong>of</strong> manufacturers <strong>of</strong> railroadsupplies. A single instance will illustrate the subject. By otherrailroad companies, generally speaking, a car spring is ordered withdue reference to its dimensions only, the name <strong>of</strong> a good maker beingconsidered a sufficient guarantee <strong>of</strong> its quality. The spring arrives,is put in position, and after serving its time it is condemned,taken out and disposed <strong>of</strong>, and that is the end <strong>of</strong> it. At the shops <strong>of</strong>the Pennsylvania Railroad no spring is received from the manufacturerthat does not rigidly conform to a prepared specification, a specificationthat calls not only for absolutely correct dimensions, but insistsupon a s<strong>of</strong>t, slow movement, regularity <strong>of</strong> action, certain quality<strong>of</strong> steel, and a hundred requirements which cause the spring to beas near perfection as possible. Such springs, also, are not only testedbefore being placed to determine their probable performance, but aretested again after condemnation, to better ascertain the cause <strong>of</strong> failure,or, in other words, to learn just how new springs must be made toobviate what proved weakness in the old. Everything is thereforebased on a system <strong>of</strong> betterments ; on the theory <strong>of</strong> always improvingby correcting each discovered fault ; a system <strong>of</strong> thorough emancipationfrom blunder, with the always sought result <strong>of</strong> perfection.MOTIVE POWER DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT OR"UPPER SHOPS."We have premised this much to give to the reader a faint idea <strong>of</strong>the spirit which pervades the "upper" machine shop to which we areal)out to introduce him. And it must be always borne in mind thatit is entirely on the initiati\-e <strong>of</strong> the Tennsylvania Railroad that theexperiments to which we shall call attention have been instituted andcarried to their present conclusion ;experiments that, while everyrailroad would readily acknowledge to be <strong>of</strong> inestimable value, wouldyet leave to the manufacturers to carry out. And they, for want <strong>of</strong>better facilities, never could carry them out. Bearing this in mind.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLATR COUNTY. 159we will (Mitor the iniieliiiie sh()i)s and learn aljout the l)h'th, life anddeath <strong>of</strong> a railroad loeoinotiv

160 HISTORY OP ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.C. A. DIMOND & CO.,DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP,, KINDLINGAND A GOOD QUALITY OFMoTintain Building Stone.Brick, Sand, Lime § Hair.FLOUR, FEED, ETC.Our rule is to sell the best goods at the lowest prices, iuid extend courteous treatmentto all.9tli Avenue, between ITth and ISth Streets,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.M. G. LINGENFELTER,— DEALER IN —Groceries, Flour, Feed,VEGETABLES IN SEASON,Canned Fruits, Provisions <strong>of</strong> all kinds, Notions, Etc.Corner 14th Street and 12th Avenue,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.RUDISILL BROTHERS,Watchmakers^Jewelers1310 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa.Sole agents for the Kockfoud Railroad Watch; also, sole agents for the celebratedLemare's Rock Crystal Spectacles. Particular attention given to repairingline watches and jewelry.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. IGlsurfacing accurate!}- all kinds <strong>of</strong> work, such as steam chest joints, themachine traveling- all around the olyect. Catching your eye in a corner<strong>of</strong> this room is a small enclosure slatted <strong>of</strong>f". It is the tool andstandard sample shop. And here, again, you notice how thoroughlyevery part <strong>of</strong> this great .system has been thought out. All gauges,templates, etc., are furnished on standard measurements. No workmanis allowed to set a pair <strong>of</strong> callipers for himself ; they are maderigid. The motive <strong>of</strong> this is at once obvious. It insures against error;error that the most skilled labor could not but commit, for noman can repeat absolutely accurately any delicate mechanical operation;it allows the employment <strong>of</strong> men less highly skilled than usedto be the case in fine work, and it insures also absolute interchangeability<strong>of</strong> parts in engines <strong>of</strong> the same class. All parts, tools, etc., arenumbered in a printed catalogue, and everything is requisitionedfrom such catalogue. The tools themselves are in the care <strong>of</strong> menwho furnish a certain numljer <strong>of</strong> the commoner tools to each mechanic,and when he brings a broken one it is repaired here, savingin this way both the time and confusion that usually is noted at theforge. For other than common tools, obtained ffoni the storeroom,each workman is furnished with a brass check upon which is his number.He takes out a tool, and his num))er is hung in its stead. Theplaning machines in this shop arc arranged in pairs, so that two <strong>of</strong>them can be operated by one man. It is the system also to place aslarge a number <strong>of</strong> similar pieces at one operation as possible, and thisprinciple rules through all the shops. It is also noticeable here thatin turning up cast iron, chilled cast iron tools are used instead <strong>of</strong>steel,which would dull more easily.THE VISESHOP.Passing into the vise shop, an interesting machine is finishing thecoupling rods on a grindstone with an emery wheel, amachine thatsaves a great deal in "trueing up" <strong>of</strong> old guides formerly done on aplaner. By this means only the smallest amount <strong>of</strong> metal is removedand time saved. The emery wheel has entirely replaced the file forsuch work. But there is plenty <strong>of</strong> other work that the wheels cannot"smooth up," and which gives employment to about fifty men. Asyou cross the yard to where the c}iinders are being bored you noticea pile <strong>of</strong> steel tires being heated so as to be placed upon the drivingwheels,it having been found that the contraction <strong>of</strong> the metal is sufficientto keep them always in place. The cylinders are bored two ata time. While all this has been going on, over in the boiler shop the

162 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.boiler <strong>of</strong> our locomotive is in process <strong>of</strong> construction from entirelysteel plates, iron having been long ago discarded.THE BOILER SHOPis divided into the erecting, the flanging and the tank departments,this last named including the manufacture <strong>of</strong> tender and engine tanks,ash pans, water troughs for track tanks, etc. All <strong>of</strong> these are alsomade <strong>of</strong> steel, sheet-iron having been abandoned. In the flanging departmentare three flanging forges on Nixon's patent, by which anydesired form can be given to the fire. This obviates all danger <strong>of</strong>straining and cracking, which was inseparable from the old method.In the erecting room <strong>of</strong> the boiler shop are placed the punches,bendingrolls and shears required, as well as a large steel riveting machine,which rivets each bolt in two blows. To handle the work thereare here two ten-ton jib cranes and the Stowe flexible shaft. Simultaneouslywith the preparation <strong>of</strong> the boiler for our locomotive,over in• THE FOUNDRYall sorts <strong>of</strong> castings for its construction are in progress. This foundryyou find is 250 feet long and 100 feet wide, with thirty-four feetand ten inches to the ro<strong>of</strong> ties. The ro<strong>of</strong> is surmounted by a ventilator213 feet long and twenty-eight feet nine inches span. Aboutthirty-five tons <strong>of</strong> iron a day are consumed in the castings, Avhich aremade mainly on the snap flask and match card systems. The mould,for cylinders, as well as many small things, is made <strong>of</strong> sharp sandmixed with flour and molasses, covered with l)l;ick lead and leaked inhuge ovens. The moulding machines are marvels <strong>of</strong> ingenuity, parts<strong>of</strong> the pattern moving before the whole <strong>of</strong> it, thus pr(^serving thesharp edges. A second wing <strong>of</strong> the main foundry contains the brassfoundry, which has eighteen melting furnaces ranged round a chimneystack seventy feet high. Phosi)hor-bronze is used for all journalbearings made here. Zincs cast in chilled moulds are manufacturedfor use in electric batteries, and the whole foundry has an admirableventilation. From the foundry you go toTHE FIRST ERECTIN(J SHOP,where the frames and the boiler <strong>of</strong> our locomotive are fitted togetherand made one. The various parts are bolted and riveted here, andthen the locomotive, now approaching form, is run out ujion a transfertable by means <strong>of</strong> a windlass, and carried nlong to the door <strong>of</strong>

HISTORY or ALTOONA ANT) BLATR COUNTY. 163THE SECOND ERECTINGSHOP.This shop is one <strong>of</strong> the most complete and best arranged in the collection.It is 350x57 feet, and there are three lines <strong>of</strong> rails runningthe full length <strong>of</strong> it.There is ample room for seven engines on eachtrack, and, in cases <strong>of</strong> emergency, nine. For facility in handling thework there are two overhead traveling cranes, each <strong>of</strong> twenty-fivetons capacity. They run upon rails placed along each side <strong>of</strong> thebuilding, at a sufficient height fibove the ground, and fifty-nine feetapart. Each crane con.sists <strong>of</strong> two plate-iron girders, weighing togethereighteen tons, and carrying at their ends the frame and wheelswith which they run upon the rails. Upon rails laid upon thesegirders traveling crabs run to and fro. The cranes are driven by acotton rope, traveling at the rate <strong>of</strong> 5,074 feet \)vv minute, and thepower is applied by the friction <strong>of</strong> this running rope upon groovedwheels, on the shaft <strong>of</strong> which are worms working into worm Avheels,and thence to reducing gear. The crane travels longitudinally at therate <strong>of</strong> forty-eight feet a minute, carrying theheaviest locomotive asif it were a ginger snap at the end <strong>of</strong> a string ;the crabs travel thirtyfeet a minute. There are two hoisting speeds—the quick, eight feetone inch a minute, the slow, eighteen inches in the same time. Belowthe door <strong>of</strong> this shop, on each side <strong>of</strong> the centre track, are deeppaved pits extending the whole length <strong>of</strong> the building, in which arestored the machinery or other parts <strong>of</strong> engines, the boilers <strong>of</strong> whichare sent for repair. Wheels five feet six inches in diameter can bestored in these pits.Within the pits a system <strong>of</strong> pipes is laid in connectionwith a Worthington pressure and forcepump and with twosteam boilers. This arrangement is employed for testing the boilersby hydraulic pressure before they leave the shop, the test rising toone hundred and fifty pounds per square inch, and also for testing bysteam at one hundred and twenty-five pounds per square inch. Thisdoes away with all the old annoying system <strong>of</strong> smoky firesand unsatisfactorytests, and is a big step forward. Our engine is thusready, as far as metal work is concerned. She is almost complete,and has answered in construction every test.THE <strong>PA</strong>INT SHOP.It is now sent to the paint shop, 345x32 feet, and here it must remaintwelve days according to schedule. Painting iron is always aslow process; it requires so much careful preparing with white lead.The paints u.sed in decoration have all been tested as to their wearingqualities, and these, chemical analyses have demonstrated how

164 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.HrnH HmBoss Store Still Ahead.Best Goods at Popular Prices.On our first and second floors will be found a large and complete stock <strong>of</strong> suchgoods as are kept In a First-class Dry Goods, Notion and Fancy Gooils Store,at prices as low, and <strong>of</strong>tentimes lower than any other store in <strong>Blair</strong>county. A trial purchase will convince you <strong>of</strong> our bargains.DRY GOODS,DRESS GOODS,SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS,Beaver Cloths, Waterpro<strong>of</strong>s, Cashmeres, CaHcoes,Flannels, Muslins, &c.FULL LINE OF KID GLOYES-ALL SHADES.Blankets and Haps.AN ESPECIALLY LAROE STOCK OPCARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS,WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES,Always on liand and sold at the very lowest prices. Also, Agent for the " GREATPEAKL,"an(l " BOSS " SHIRTS, and BUTTERICK'S <strong>PA</strong>TTERNS.J. M. Bowman,(SUCCESSOR TO BOWiMAN & MORROW,)lltli Avenue and 12th Street, Altoona, Pa.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 1 f)5they shall be mixed. When finished the tender is eoated just assmoothly as any Japanese lacquer, and shines like a looking^-glass.The lettering and striping have all been done in accord with speciiieation,and the locomotive is taken to the round house, where thefew remaining connections are made, and it stands completely born.Though it possesses no brass bands and ornamental metal work, thetender and wheels are painted a mixture <strong>of</strong> Brunswick green andblack, but so dark that the green can only be seen in certain lights—still it is a very handsome locomotive. The connections necessaryare made in the round house, by a trial engineer, who then takes itout for a preliminary spin up the mountain. This satisfactory, itgoes into service, and its real life begins.LIFE AND SERVICES OF LOCOMOTIVES.On a grand average the life <strong>of</strong> a lucomotixe may be set down asfourteen or fifteen years, with varying results as to mileage. Theearliest collated statistics as to the life <strong>of</strong> engines were made withsome Baldwin locomotives built during the war, when both good materialand good men were practically unattainable. These give varyingresults <strong>of</strong> from two to six years, and up to 1*75,000 miles. Suchu record is nothing, nowadays. On the Pennsylvania Railroad therefire a couple <strong>of</strong> engines in active service that have reached the unprecedentedrecord <strong>of</strong> over 250,000 miles, without receiving other thanround house repairs. These are the standard engines used on theroad. Supposing that the engine we have seen built to have beenone <strong>of</strong> these, it will make its annual 30,000 miles in the grand total<strong>of</strong> 6,680,122 miles run by all engines. (This was in 18T8.) Perhapsit will run more—one engine, in 1878, on a passenger train,made 75,570 miles— perhaps less, as circumstances decide. At allevents, the railroad will get out <strong>of</strong> the engine all it is worth. Foran engine, in England, the best practice does not exceed 18,000 miles;but experience shows the American engine is good for much more.CLASS"k" ENGINES.A new class <strong>of</strong> engines (K) has been adopted by the company,ten <strong>of</strong> which have recently been ordered to be built at these shops.One is now- upon the road and has, after a number <strong>of</strong> test trials, provensatisfactory in every respect. It weighs 90,200 pounds, (about 45tons) with driving wheels, 68 inches in diameter and 19x24 inchcylinders. The others are to be <strong>of</strong> corresponding weight and power.This class <strong>of</strong> locomotives is capable <strong>of</strong> hauling seven or more cars upon12

166 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.the various grades <strong>of</strong> 25 feet per mile, while with ordinary engines fivecars is a sufficient load. Class K locomotives are built with a view tocombine rapid transit with perfect safety.RECORD OP MOVEMENTS AND CONDITION OFENGINES.Our engine, once in service, is by no means lost sight <strong>of</strong>. It?^movements are as thoroughly noted as are those <strong>of</strong> an ocean steamer.In Mr. Ely's <strong>of</strong>fice, in this city, there is an immense board coveredwith little pins, upon which hang small round coloreddiscs, from theunder part <strong>of</strong> which has been cut a small portion. These pegs anddiscs are numbered from 1 to 1,250. Each number correspond*with an engine. On one part <strong>of</strong> the board the pegs are numberedconsecutively. Looking at this part for any particular engine thatmay be desired, on the disc will be found "Ptgh," "N. Y," or "P,"etc. This refers you to the division where the engine is. Lookingtothat division on the board, and finding the number <strong>of</strong> the engine,another little disc, by means <strong>of</strong> its color, will tell you just what conditionthe engine is in. If the disc is pure white the engine is in])erfect order. If the disc is bordered by a red line the engine needsonly such slight repairs as may be made without withdrawing it fromthe service. If the disc is covered one-half with red, repairs are re-(piired <strong>of</strong> a very slight nature, but for which the engine must ])roceedto the shop.If the entire disc is pale gray, repairs <strong>of</strong> a more importantcharacter are needed, though still deemed slight. A disc entirelyblue denotes a machine that needs very substantial repairs. One-halfblack and half white indicates the machine is being l)uilt over. Adisc all black denotes an engine unfit, save to be cut up or sold.This record is changed every week, and is so complete as to eiuil>leany one to see at a glance just the condition <strong>of</strong> the motive power.Repairs are never undertaken if they will cost over $3,000.For thata new standard boiler can be built, and, unless an engine is <strong>of</strong> thestandard pattern, she is never built over, for the company does notwish to perpetuate odd engin(^s, and to pay more than$3,000 wouldnot be so economical as to pay interest on the value <strong>of</strong> n new machine.Here, again, true economy steps in to change the ])i'actieine is

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. IfiTreckoned. The amount <strong>of</strong> coal consumed per car per eng-ini; milebeing- calculated, it is easy to see, by dividing this by the tonnage,takes to move a ton <strong>of</strong> freig:ht one engine mile.just how much coal itAnd the engine that does this most successfully is the cheapest andbest.Finally, after having traveled many thousands <strong>of</strong> miles, havingspeedily and safely hauled millions <strong>of</strong> human beings, our locomotive issent to the shop condemned. It is ignominiously bundled <strong>of</strong>f intoa corner to stand with a lot <strong>of</strong> others until cut up or sold. Its immediateneighl)ors may be like itself, worn out;perhaps " died inthe harness." The little disc that records in the superintendent's <strong>of</strong>ficeits physical condition has turned to black. There is no hope.To-morrow a committee <strong>of</strong> inspection will condemn it to be cut topieces. Into the furnace the parts will go, to emerge, like the millwhere old men were ground out into new, rejuvenated, read}^ to takea place in some new monster with steel heart and transmigrated soul.And so the story will be told again ; the theory <strong>of</strong> the survival <strong>of</strong> thefittest alwa3'S having prominence ; until in years to come perfectionwill be reached, or the hurrying mortal shall travel in some otherfashion, looking down with strong contempt on what arc the<strong>of</strong> to-day.[In the Boston (Mass.) Herald, <strong>of</strong> August 2,marvels1819, was publishedan able and elaborate article descriptive <strong>of</strong> the motive power shops <strong>of</strong>the Pennsylvania Railroad, and although we had made ourselvesfamiliarwith their extent and operations we have interwoven a portion<strong>of</strong> the Herald's description with our own.]CAR DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT, OR " LOWER" SHOPS.A correct knowledge <strong>of</strong> the sciences <strong>of</strong> mechanics and natural philosophy,as well as a practical and experimental application <strong>of</strong> theprinciples <strong>of</strong> these sciences are essential to one who would wish toact as foreman <strong>of</strong> a machine shop. Were he deficient in such knowledgewe cannot see how he could give intelligent directions to themen in his employ, for the principles <strong>of</strong> these sciences underlieall mechanical operations. True, with but little instruction, a manmay learn how to control the operations <strong>of</strong> a machine, and thus makelike machines without the knowledge we speak <strong>of</strong>, upon the sameprinciple that a parrot may learn how to talk. He is no machinist,in the full acceptation <strong>of</strong> the term, unless he be in full possession <strong>of</strong>the knowledge referred to. To this knowledge must be added a consideral)leadmixture <strong>of</strong> inventive genius, for we never yet saw a good

168 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTV.E. M. KENNEDY & CO.,— DEALERS INGroceries, Flour, Feed,PROVISIONS, ETC.FOUETH STREET and CHESTNUT AVENUE, (Logantown,) ALTOONA.Altoona Laundry,Misses SUTTON, BEOTHEES & McMULLEN, Prop'rs.Cor. lltli Avenue and IGtli Sti'eet, Altoona, Pa.ALL Kinds <strong>of</strong> Laundry Work,For Gentlemen iiiid Ladies, pidniptly attended to in the best manner and at tlieLOWEST PKICES.CarpetJOHN KINSEL,Manufacturer,No. 804 Chestnut Avenue,Between Eighth and Ninth Streets, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>,R. B. MAHAFFEYPUBLISHER OFSheet Music und Music Books,And Dealer in Musical Merchandise Generally.Yon cannot att'oid to l)e witliont the ••number.Avorth from 30 to 4(t cents. Get a coi)y at the first <strong>of</strong> each month.Ml'slC'AL ADVOCATE," only 10 cents aFnll <strong>of</strong> local musical notes, and each number contains a i)iece <strong>of</strong> musicViOVAEIGHTH AVENITK, ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) BLAIR COUNTY. 169mechanic in any braiicli <strong>of</strong> industry wliosc brain was not permeatedwitli or transvcrsed by a vein <strong>of</strong> ing-enuity, ori,-i-inality, (•cccntricity,i>-cnius,or whatever else yon may call it.TlIKMACHINE SHOP.In the lower shop arc sixty machines <strong>of</strong> different kinds, all in usein the manufacture <strong>of</strong> the new machinery from time to timereipiiredby the other "lower" shops, as they are g-enerally called, and in keepingthe machinery already thcsre in good working condition. In additionto this all the iron work used in the construction <strong>of</strong> passengerand freight cars (not locomotives—they are built and repaired at themachine shop <strong>of</strong> the motive power department) is dressed, properlyprepared or finished h(n-c; th(! wheels are bored, axles turned, screwscut, holes drilled, etc., etc. Seventy men are employed, about asmany as can work to advantage. The room is only 135x70 feet.Small as it is, considering the amount <strong>of</strong> space occupied by the machinesand to allow workmen properelljow room, there have lieen ashigh as eighty-three at work at the same time.Any one knows, or ought to know, that a description <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong>the sixty machines would fill a large volume. Even the simple mention<strong>of</strong> the names, coupled with laconic notices, would occupy toomuch space for the present article. We will mention, however, fiveboring mills or machines for boring holes in the centre <strong>of</strong> car wheels,or rather enlarging the holes that are already in, through which theends <strong>of</strong> axles pass, capable <strong>of</strong> "doing" 250 wheels per day—fiftyeach. The "nut tapper " cuts the si)iral threads inside <strong>of</strong> nuts at therate <strong>of</strong> 2,600 pounds ])er day Of course tiiesc nuts vary in size tocorrespond with the size <strong>of</strong> the screws cut on l)olts, whatever sizethat may be. There are standard sizes <strong>of</strong> both nuts and screw bolts.We use the term "screw bolt" to distinguish it from all other bolts.There are six nut-tappers and eleven bolt cutters. As nuts and screwbolts are counterparts <strong>of</strong> each other, and as the nuts are tapped inmore machines arelarger ])rop()rtion than the screws are cut in l)olts,recpiired for executing the latter work than the former. Hence theproportion <strong>of</strong> the machines is six to eleven—that is, six nut-tapperskeep eleven l)olt cutters in operation to the best advantage. Ther(>are twelve drilling machines which move with the regularity <strong>of</strong> clockwork. We might as well have said that a clock works with the regularity<strong>of</strong> a drilling machine, for what is a clock but a machine? Butletthis go.The original <strong>of</strong> all or nearly all the machines here cni[iIoyed were


HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. Illobtained from Messrs. William Sellers & Co., and Messrs. WilliamB. Bement & Son, <strong>of</strong> rLiladelt)hia, in whom, whoever may havebeen the inventors or patentees, was vested the right to manufacture«nd sell ; and, in the Pennsylvania Railroad eompany, as we understandit, is now vested the same "right, tith^ and interest."Taking <strong>of</strong>f and putting on wheels on axles, by hydrostatie presiiure,is an interesting oi)eration. From thirty to eighty tons pressureis brought to bear in removing wheels from their axles, andfrom twenty to forty tons in putting them on. Removing the burnt,warped and twisted wheels from burnt, warped and twisted axlesbig job.which were in the tire at Pittsburg a few years ago, was aWe were shown wheels and axles which were absolutely fused ormelted together at the place they were conjoined—but the powerfulpressure applied released the one from the other.Freight ear wheels and axles are made <strong>of</strong> iron, but the axles forpassenger cars are constructed <strong>of</strong> steel, brought from the steel worksat Meadville, Penn'a ; the Forge and Iron works <strong>of</strong> Pittsburg, andfrom various other sources <strong>of</strong> supply.Mr. James Sharp has acted as foreman for over nine years, orsince the lower shops were built. Indeed it was under his supervisionthat the necessary machinery for all the lower shops was orderedand put in position. Long before this he was employed by the companyin the motive power department.<strong>PA</strong>SSENGER CAR SHOP.About one hundred hands are at present employed—the highestnumber at any one time having been one hundred and thirty-seven.This was during the Centennial year, at which time one hundred passengercars were built to meet the exigencies <strong>of</strong> the extensive travelon the road. The force is employed on eight or ten cars at one andthe same time.Mr. Pullman has a shop or shops <strong>of</strong> his own, yet occasionally anorder is sent here for the manufacture <strong>of</strong> new ones, as well as repairingthose which have seen service. Mr. Pulhuan has an upholsteryin Chicago, and one in Jersey City;yet it frequently happensthat the upholstering is done by the Pennsylvania Railroad compau}',ithaving all the facilities for doing work <strong>of</strong> this kind in the most elegantmanner. Indeed, taking the "Passaic," l)uilt in 18TT, or anyPullman car built since by the Pennsylvania Railroad company, asan illustration, whatever may be the facilities <strong>of</strong> Mr. Pullman, it isimpossible for him either to construct or furnish cars more luxuriously

172 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.D. WYLIE,PRACTICALPlumber* Gas Fitter.AND DEALER INCIRCULHTING BOILERS, BATH TUBS,,Cast-iron Sinks, Urinals,Marble Shibs and Wash Basins. Hydrants, Terra Cotta Pipe, Brass Work for Waterand Steam, Gas Macliines, etc.Hot 'Water and Steam CirciilationFOR GREENHOUSES AND CONSERVATORIES,Iron Pumps for deep and shallow wells, fitted up and set. Old GasFixtures Cleaned and Rebronzed. Hydrant and Water Pipe put inat the Lowest Rates.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.:No. 1108 Fourteentli Street, Altoona, Pa.

;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 173than those constructed for him I)y the Pennsylvania Raih'oad company.The cost <strong>of</strong> a Pulhnan car, be it a sleei)iii^', drawing-room,hotel, or jtarlor car, is from $14,000 to fKi, 000 ;for ii first-class passengercar, $5,000 ;andfor an ordinary second-chiss car, $2,r>0().INTERIOR OF <strong>PA</strong>RLOR CAR.The frame-work <strong>of</strong> a Pullman is generally made from yellow pinepanels from poplar;posts and trucks from ash. Six-wheel trucks areused, with Westinghouse air l)rakes to check their movements.FREKiHTSHOP.In this department about three hundred and t\venty men are atpresent employed, all skillful A\'orkmen. Xew freight cars, <strong>of</strong> whateverkind, tire not oidy manufactured here. l)ut all the necessary repairsto those which have seen service are also made. All new carsand repaired cars are painted and lettered before being removed fromthe freight shop.

IH HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.The yellow pine used for car floors isbroug-ht from Georgia, supposedto be the best in the country ;white pine, for ro<strong>of</strong>ing, fromMichigan ;oak from all points <strong>of</strong> the compass. We will here takeoccasion to remark that when a requisition for cars is received byJohn P. Levan, general foi*eman, he issues orders to the foremen <strong>of</strong>all the departments for the necessary materials for their construction.The planing mill furnishes the lumber already planed and otherwiseprepared ; the blacksmith shop all the iron in the forms required, etc.But all this material is used and put together in the freight shop, orround house, as some people call it. The man \\'ho planned thefreight shop had an e3'e to business.BLACKSMITHSHOP.In this department one hundred and sixty-five men are employed.Every tool and machine for the abridgment <strong>of</strong> labor that has beendevised l)y the cunning, craft or ingenuity <strong>of</strong> man is brought intorequisition. A description <strong>of</strong> these tools and machines does not fallwithin the purview <strong>of</strong> this sketch further than to say that there arefour dead-stroke power hammers, each <strong>of</strong> which give a hundred pounds'blow; a machine for heading bolts from one and one-half to twoinches ;two punching machines with power to punch a two-inch holethrough two-inch iron ; two bolt machines which work from threeeighthsto seven-eighths inch, each <strong>of</strong> which has the capacity to make1,800 bolts per day ; a drill-press able to drill six holes at one operation;four steam hammers—one 500 pounds pressure, another 1,600,another 2,000 and another 2,500 pounds pressure ; a machine for weldinglinks, or compress butt welder, capable <strong>of</strong> welding thirty per hour;machines for forming bullnoses, making links, etc.Almost 400 tons<strong>of</strong> iron per month is at present used. It comes principally from theAltoona Iron works, this city, the best iron to be obtained ; from theLogan Iron and Steel comi)any; from Carnegee & Bros., and Wilson& Walker <strong>of</strong> Pittsburg, and Benjamin Johnson, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg.There are fifty-nine forges in the l)lacksmith shop, the blast for thefires being supplied by a noiseless blower.There is a one-spring furnacefor setting springs. There is a split-key machine for manufacturingkeys for bolts when not convenient to use nuts. About ()40pounds <strong>of</strong> these keys—each one weighs about an ounce—are manufacturedper day. There are three bolt furnaces and three heatingfurnaces. The textiki strength <strong>of</strong> the iron used is sixty to sixty-fivetons to the inch. Probably the most difficult operation is the manufacture<strong>of</strong> bullnoses. A great deal <strong>of</strong> ingenuity and care are broughtto bear in their production.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. It5THE PLANING MTLL.This mill, which is the most comi>k't(' and largest in the UnitedStates, is full <strong>of</strong> interesting- objects—interesting to those at least whoare proud <strong>of</strong> progress and improvement. The machines there employedfor sawing and dressing lumber are admirable in their construction,and do tlieir work in an admirable manner. There arethirty-nine <strong>of</strong> them—six boring, eight planing, three tenon, six mortising,one Balster machine, two band saws, one moulding machine andone universal wood worker; besides five rip saws, four cross-cut saws,a saw gummer, saw filer, etc. The engine which drives this machinery,and the machinery also <strong>of</strong> the other shops, is a double cylinder,250 horse power, manufactured hy the Corliss company <strong>of</strong> Providence,R. I. It cost $1,500, and $1,400 additional for putting it in position,procuring the belting, etc. The principal belting is 32 inches wide. Itis formed <strong>of</strong> a double thickness <strong>of</strong> leather with canvas between. Theflywheel is 20 feet, and size <strong>of</strong> cylinder, 18x48 inches. By a system<strong>of</strong> signal gongs the foremen <strong>of</strong> the various shops can increase or retardthe motion <strong>of</strong> the engine, or, rather, can communicate with the engineer,without leaving their shops, so thathe can give them the exactmotion they require, be it fast or slow. It is operated by electricity,and proves to be <strong>of</strong> great convenience. Six boilers—three with eightfeet and three with eight feet long and four feet wide fire-boxes—thelargest in this portion <strong>of</strong> the State, supply the steam. They werebuilt at the upper boiler shops by Joseph Nixon, foreman <strong>of</strong> thatdepartment. Five tons <strong>of</strong> coal per day, together with all the shavings,sawdust, etc., <strong>of</strong> the planing mill, which is conveyed to theboiler house through pipes, supply the heat for the generation <strong>of</strong> thesteam which drives the engine.The pipes alluded to, through which the shavings, sawdust, etc.,arc conducted to the boiler room, with their fans and other appendages,constitute a curious and ingenious ai)paratus. A descriptionsuch as we would like to make would occupy too much <strong>of</strong> our space.Suffice it to say that immediately after the formation <strong>of</strong> shavings,chips and sawdust, they are sucked into the mouth <strong>of</strong> the pipes whichare pendant over the machines, and, on the '' wings <strong>of</strong> the wind," arehurried through to the boiler house.These pipes are about two feetin diameter, and constructed <strong>of</strong> tin or sheet-iron, we forget which.There are six <strong>of</strong> these conductors, each embracing a certain number<strong>of</strong> pipes and fans in operation.Messrs. Latimore & Davis, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,are the inventors. It is scarcely necessary to add that previousto their introduction a visit to the planing mill, especially if

1T6 lUSTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.MRS. ADAM GABLE,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER INCONFECTIONERIES, FOREIGN anfl DOMESTIC FRDITS.ICE Cream and Oysters in Season.706 aiKl 708 Twelfth Street, - Altoona, Pa.(Between Seventli and Eighth Avenues.)Keystone Grocery,Green Avenue and Ninth Sti'eet, Altoona, Pa.Groceries and Provisions,FLOUR, CANNED FRUITS. Etc. Confectioneries, Segars, Tobaccos, Xotions.Oysters and Fish in season.ELVS/AY & MAUK."b. f.roseT"SLDERMSN,nth A\'enne, neai' 12th Street, Altoona, Pa.(Opposite Altoona Hardware Co.. limited.)Legal Documents written and acknowledged.Collections promptly attended to.J. C. CONRAD,DEALER INPI NTHRaCITOlD BtTlIIIlM CMK(Free from slate and other foreign substances.) Full weight guaranteed.Also, dealer in KINDLING WOOD and STRAW. Delivery to all parts <strong>of</strong> the citywithout extra charge.EleveutH Avenue, lietween Seventeeiitli and Eigliteenlli Streets, Altoona, Pa.(Near tlie Culvert.)

7HISTORY OF ALTOONA AxVD BLAIR COUNTY. Ita lady or gentleman had their l)est elothes on, was like passingthrough a flouring mill, and enicrging therefrom eovered Avith dnst.]>esi(U's, the millions <strong>of</strong> small particles floating through the atmosphere<strong>of</strong> the room made itunpleasant for the worlouen, and injuriousto health. All this, now, is obviated. The place is as free from dustas any <strong>of</strong> the other shops, for, if perchance some shavings or sawdustfall upon the floor they are quickly sucked into the months <strong>of</strong> thepipes underlying it, for the mouths <strong>of</strong> these pipes are in close proximityto the machines. There are pipes below as well as above thefloor. Formerly from six to eight hands were employed in carryijigaway the dirt, so to call it. Hence six dollars to eight dollars an;saved per day.The tenon machines were invented by Isaac Dripi)s, who, at onetime, was Superintendent <strong>of</strong> the Motive Power Department.The principal planing machine was built by Messrs. R. IJall &Co., <strong>of</strong> Worcester, Mass. It is sixty-three feet in length, with coggearing. It is called the "Daniel Planing Machine," a man by thatname, we presume, l)eing the inventor <strong>of</strong> it.The planing machine next in size and importance is run by beltgearing, and has been in use for about two years. It is thirty-fourfeet in length and was built by Richards, London & Kelley, <strong>of</strong> theAtlantic Iron works.It }>erforms 1,*700 revolutions a minute.There is one large four-sided planing machine, humorously calledby the men in the shops "the Modoc," whatever name the inventormay have given to it.As previousl}' stated there are three Allen mortising machines inuse. They mortise timber without "laying <strong>of</strong>f," by use <strong>of</strong> templates.The building is 35*7 feet by 70 feet. This includes the new extensioncomi)]eted during the month <strong>of</strong> August, <strong>1880</strong>.At present about eighty men are employed.THE TINSHOP.The principal work done here is the construction <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong>passenger and Pulhnan palace cars, as well as old freight cars whenneeding repairs <strong>of</strong> this kind. New freight cars are now constructedin such a manner that they don't re(piire tin ro<strong>of</strong>ing, the l)oards constitutingthe ro<strong>of</strong>s being fitted together upon a new waterpro<strong>of</strong> andair-pro<strong>of</strong> principle. Why this principle should not be ado])ted in theconstruction <strong>of</strong> the ro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> passenger and other cars, we will not nowtake time to inquire. Besides the ro<strong>of</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> cars, all the tin, sheetiron,(])lain or galvanized) brass and copper work which enter into

1*78 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.the construction or constitute the convenience <strong>of</strong> cars, ishere made toassume appropriate form. The sioves, too, used in the cars, are suppliedwith ]iipe and all other necessary fixtures. A portion <strong>of</strong> theround house (freight shop) is devoted to the reception <strong>of</strong> stoves whichneed repairs ; and arrayed on shelves are duplicates to take the place<strong>of</strong> those parts <strong>of</strong> stoves worn out, burnt out, or broken. Thesestoves and parts <strong>of</strong> stoves are cast at the foundry <strong>of</strong> the company attheir upper works.The machines used in the tin shop are such, only, as are generallyfound in private establishments <strong>of</strong> the kind, with a few exceptions,one <strong>of</strong> which is an apparatus, apparently simple in its construction,but in reality evincing much pr<strong>of</strong>undity <strong>of</strong> thought in its invention.It is designed, by one operation, to throw strijis <strong>of</strong> tin into such form.sas to cover the gas pipes which traverse the ro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> passenger cars;and it does the work neatly and effectively. Another machine is aspinning lathe not generally found in tinneriesconducted by privateparties, by means <strong>of</strong> which a flat piece <strong>of</strong> tin, copper, zinc or brassis made to assume a great variety <strong>of</strong> forms, both hollow and cylindrical.It is turned by steam. In size the tin shop is T0x50 feet, affordingenough room for fourteen men to "turn around in." Whenthirty-two men were employed it was tight squeezing.CABINET SHOP,OR GLUE ROOM.Were all the cabinet makers in the country to meet inconventionfor the specific purpose <strong>of</strong> devising the most suitable building and themost suitable tools, machinery, etc., for starting the cabinet makingbusiness on a large scale, or, rather, for the jnanufacture <strong>of</strong> such articlesas appertain to au}^ specific branch <strong>of</strong> that business, we do notsee how they could do better than the man or men who i)lanned thecabinet shop or glue room (as many call it) <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroadcompany. With no further introductory remarks we will saythat all the veneering, gluing, cutting, carving, mortising, polishing,boring, turning, scolloping, moulding, planing, sawing and' twistingall kinds <strong>of</strong> wood into all kinds <strong>of</strong> shapes, required for all kinds <strong>of</strong>work, found inside <strong>of</strong> ordinary passenger and Pulhnan palace cars,are here performed Ijy the aid <strong>of</strong> the best tools and machinery the inventivegenius <strong>of</strong> the country has been able to produce. And thesetools and machines are guided by ninety workmen who thoroughlyunderstand such business, a less number by fifty than were employedduring a greater portion <strong>of</strong> the Centennial year. To accomplish thesame amount <strong>of</strong> work, thirty years ago, would have taken about six

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 1^9thousand five huiulred iDcn. This may api)oar extravagant, but webelieve it as firmly as we believe that we are writing this sketch.And then, too, the work is done in an admirable manner. In additionto car furniture, paneling, etc., all the elegant desks and furniturewhich adorn and render prince-like and comfortable the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> therailroad <strong>of</strong>ficers, all along the line, are manufactured here. Theheavy work, such as sawing out lumber, etc., <strong>of</strong> course is done in theplaning mill.Among the principal machines used, not only for the abridgment<strong>of</strong> labor, but for their efficiency in executing their work perfectly, wenoticed a scroll saw <strong>of</strong> surprising utility; a "Variety Moulding"machine, which, with its appliances, executes all kinds <strong>of</strong> moulding,the tool or bit performing about 2,000 revolutions per minute ; a machinefor planing, grooving, etc. ; a slat machine which planes bothsides and rounds the edges at a single operation ; thirty-three turninglathes ;two mounting machines ; a tenon machine ;hand and rip.saws ; veneering presses, etc. There is a turning machine, the design<strong>of</strong> which is to turn flag staffs, thirty-six inches long, in use byflagmen along the road, as well as a vast amount <strong>of</strong> other work.Preparing flag staffs, formerly, was a difficult thing to do. Let anyonetry to make one by hand or even turn one on an ordinary .lathe.Then he will appreciate a machine by the use <strong>of</strong> which 1,000 can bemanufactured in one day. Of such a machine we speak. Before itsinvention lumber by the car load was required to meet the demandsfor flagstaff's. Now they are made from the <strong>of</strong>f-falls or refuse pieces<strong>of</strong> wood, fit for no other purpose. A great saving <strong>of</strong> material isobservable, as well as a great reduction <strong>of</strong> labor. There is anothermachine which performs a great variety <strong>of</strong> operations—rounding andpolishing strijjs <strong>of</strong> wood, cut crosswise, <strong>of</strong> various diameters, suitable,for instance, as plugs for holes where screws are driven below thesurface.All kinds <strong>of</strong> wood are used in this department. Among the mostvaluable are bird-eye maple, French walnut, mahogany, cherry androsewood.The shop is one hundred and seventy-five feet in depth and seventyfeet wide.THE <strong>PA</strong>INT SHOP.One hundred and forty-eight workmen are at present employed.The capacity <strong>of</strong> the shop is twenty-four cars—that is, the trackswithin the enclosure can accommodate that number at one and the

180 HISTOUV OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY,S. O. ABLER.DEALER INGROCERIES,PROYISIONS,FLOUR,FEEDQueensware, Glassware, Wood ami AVillowware, Tobacco and Segai-s.Frnlts and A'egetables in season.All kinds <strong>of</strong>1316 Twelfth Avenue, Altoona, Pa.DR. J.1004 Seventeenth Street,(Xear the Bridge.)H. WEAVERAltoona, Pa.Druggist and Pharmaceutist.A full line Drugs and Oheinieals, Patent Medicines. Oils, Paints, Putty, Dye Stuffs,Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumery, best brands <strong>of</strong> Tobacco aiid Segars.Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Prescriptions CarefullyCompounded Day or Night at all hours.PIPER & CO.,BooksellerslStationers,1316 Tenth Avenue, Altoona, Pa.Notions, Novelties, etc., <strong>of</strong> all kinds. Imported and Domestic Segars, Tobacco, etc.Subscriptions received for Newspapers, Magazines and other periodicals.H FOUR-PfiGE, 16COLUMN, MONTHLY <strong>PA</strong>PER.Printed on Fine Tinted liook Paper and devoted to Choice Poetry, stories, <strong>History</strong>—Natural and othcrwist—in I'.iot evcrytliing that will interest boys and girls.Only .SO cents a year. Suniple cojues free. Agents wanted to'canvassfor subscribers. Li l)eral Terms. .Vddress,ED. J. SLEP, ALTOONA. <strong>PA</strong>.

HISTORY OF ALTOOiVA AND HI- AIR COUNTY. 181same time, and tlicy aro so ari'anii'ccl that iiicu can wdrk to the bestadvantage. The (l(']»ai'tiii(Mit <strong>of</strong> paintiiiu- •i'inl)raccs a lirad-liiiiiiji;'room in w liicli liftccn men arc employed; \arnisli rooms, sixteen men;(rei^'ht car room, sixteen men; passen.u'cr ( ar room, one iiiindi'cd men.The principal sliop measures <strong>of</strong>UxTO feet, ^vith ciii-liteen feet i)itcii <strong>of</strong>ceiling. A portion <strong>of</strong> it is two stories high, the upper story containingthe varnish and ii[)liolstery departments. Tiie force employed inINTERIOR OF SLEEPING CAR.painting the passenger cars is divided into gangs <strong>of</strong> eight men, fouremployed on inside and four on outside work. A larger number cannotwork to as miu'Ii advantage. Connected with this deiiartment isa storeroom, s

182 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.such o-oods have been stored here at one time.Some very expensivematerials are used, such, for instance, as inside car varnish, and outsiderubbing, which costs $3.88 per gallon, and finishing varnishwhich costs $5.10 per gallon. Here the paints are mixed, severalhands being engaged on this work alone.Search the country through and you will be unable to find anyset <strong>of</strong> hands anywhere who can outrival the present force in theirknowledge <strong>of</strong> the blending and application <strong>of</strong> colors. The work doneimpresses one Avith this idea. By " head-linings" the decorations onceilings <strong>of</strong> the cars are meant. They are composed <strong>of</strong> ordinary unbleachedsheeting, Avhich, b}- means <strong>of</strong> simple appliances, is stretchedto its utmost tension on frames placed in an upright position whenthe painters commence the work <strong>of</strong> drawing their decorative lines.As in architecture there are various distinct orders, so there are dis*tinct orders <strong>of</strong> decoration. But we decline to write an essay on thesubject.It is a nice thing, requiring not only a steady hand, but a keen,observant, artistic eye to execute all the fine lines and shades requiredby the connoisseur who "bosses"' the job. Were he not a connoisseurhe would evidently be unfit for the position. And here, in thehead-line department, more so, probably, than in any other, the skill<strong>of</strong> the painter is exhibited. But, after all, this work partakes more <strong>of</strong>mechanical than true artistic skill, from the fact that forms or patterns<strong>of</strong> representation are previously prepared. With pieces <strong>of</strong> paper,properly punctured, the lines <strong>of</strong> the work are temporarily andqvuckly drawn or struck on the canvas, then followed up with thepainter's pencil. But to be appreciated this work must be seen.UPHOLSTERING DE<strong>PA</strong>RTMENT.And now a few words alxnit supplying the interior <strong>of</strong> passengerears with the necessary furniture to make them comfortable forthoseAvho travel. Comfortable, did we say? We mean luxurious. Everythingelse done, even the painting, the seats with their hair cushionscovei-ed with plush are placed in position, the carpets laid, etc., etc.The i)lush used in the covering <strong>of</strong> seats is manufactured in France.The raw material consists <strong>of</strong> the long, silky hair or wool <strong>of</strong> the Angoragoat <strong>of</strong> Asia Minor. The fabric is beautiful. Plush costs about$2.37| per yard, and is generally in strips fort}^ yards in length, <strong>of</strong>various Avidths. The hair, which forms the interior <strong>of</strong> the cushionsfor seats, or filling in, is principally derived from the manes and tails<strong>of</strong> horses, mules, etc., which is mixed with a small per centage <strong>of</strong>

IIISTOllY UF ALTOONA AND HLAIR COUNTY. 183bristles. Tliis hair is spun up, hoaled, picl^ed, assorted and curled beforeit is readr for tise. Otluu" luaterials, such as sponu'e, cotton, etc.,have been tried, luit liaxc Ijccn f(»iin(l lackini!,' that (|Uiility <strong>of</strong> hair,which is hii^'hly prized, viz: (jjasticil y. Ki,uiit pounds ;ire recpiiredto make a double seat—a I'ullnian mattress re(iuiri's iweiity-livepounds.Its cost is about tweuty-fnc cents per i)ound.IN TKRIUR OF <strong>PA</strong>SSENGER CAR.The various operations involved in upholstery work we will notattempt to delineate. There are thre(> separate rooms devoted to theupholstery department, to say nothinti' <strong>of</strong> the rooms fiU'edwith eliaii's.seats, etc., waiting;' to he cushioned and etpiipped. The room inwhich is stored various kinds <strong>of</strong> materials has held $25,000 worth atone time; the stork now amounts to about $10,000. During' a portion<strong>of</strong> the Centennial year when work was brisk, twenty-six ujeuwere emphiyed. At present only fourteen men are at work.

184 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.ESTABLISHED 1860.Sltoonh Bakery,A, F. HEESS. Proprietor.713 Thirteenth Street, Altooiia, Pa.MANUFACTURESFRESH BREAD * CRACKERS.AND ALL KINDS OFFilNCY Md COMMON CHKES.Large Cakes Baked to Order on Short Notice at Reasonable Terms.ED. MOUNTNEY,housesndsign painter, GRSINER,IvALSOMINKK, <strong>PA</strong>PKR HANGER, Kte.Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh Street, (Opera House Building,) Altoona, Pa.I chiUlenifu an>- Kniijht <strong>of</strong> the Paint lirusli in Altoona or IJlair <strong>County</strong>, to proiluci'Ijctterspeciinensi oi GRAINING, or equally as good. Many who boast <strong>of</strong> theirprotic-iency inthjs art, don't understand its rud"inients. Work <strong>of</strong> all kind executedpromptly,' with true artistic elegance and at lowest prices.F. THEBOTLT RIMILLES, M. D,1124 ELEVENTH AVENUE,(OVER nelson's .iewelky store,)ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.Office HorRS :'' '' '" " '' '" Coiisnllallons in Freucli M Gerian,-^] to t'o p. m( 7 to '.Ip. ni.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 185In eouclusion, the window lilinds tor nil tho telc^Taph stationsalonji' the line are manufacturt'd in this dciiarnient. The harness forhorses <strong>of</strong> the eonipiiny are here kept in (•()nstant repair, and new sets<strong>of</strong> harness are also made when r('((nir('d.beatty'sshop.This bnildin.ii-, called Planing' Mill No. 1, was ori.y-innlly erectedfor the Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Way department, but since ai)i)ropriated to theuse <strong>of</strong> the Car department. Amon.u- the most ingenious devices is amacdiine for turning handles for iiieks, axes, etc.= >XS^S>o^cRESIDENT OFFICERS, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO.OFFICEGENERAL SUPERINTENDENT.Charles E. Pugh, general superintendent.Thomas J.Maitlaiid, chief clerk.Robert E. Pettit, principal assistant eng-ineer.J. Chester Wilson, electrician.John R. Bingaman, chief clerk maintenance <strong>of</strong>wayOFFICESUPERINTENDENT MOTIVE POWER.Theodore N. Ely, superintendent motive power.Joseph Wood, assistant engineer.J. B. Collin, mechanical engineer.B. F. Custer, chief clerk.G. W. Strattan, master mechanic.F. D. Cassanave, assistant master mechanic.Dr. Charles B. Dudley, chemist.John W. Cloud, engineer <strong>of</strong> tests.OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT TRANSPORTATION.John Reilly, superintendent transportation.Frink T. Bishop, chief clerk.George W. Jones, chief car accountant.W. F. Taylor, chief operator.

186 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.FOREMEN AND ASSISTANT FOREMEN OF MOTIVE POWER SHOPS.PetiT Moore, foreman lathe shop.Jacob Cain, foreman tele.ii'raph shop.W. B. Frd, foreman erecting- shop.A. C. Davis, assistant foreman erecting shop.A. C. Yanclain, assistant foreman erecting shop.Ludwig Kiefer, foreman vise shop.Joseph Davis, assistant foreman vise shop.W. H. Jackson, foreman round house No. 1.George Rosenberger, foreman carpenter shop.McKiernan, assistant foreman carpenter shop.Thomas I.George F. McNoldj, foreman cab shop.George W. Arthur, foreman round house No. 3.John H. Carr, assistant foreman round house No. 3.George Hawlvcsworth, foreman smith sliop.William Cook, assistant foreman smith shop.Joseph Nixon, foreman lioiler shop.C. W. Mason, foreman paint shop.C. N. Pimlott, foreman tin shop.W. T. Miller, foreman wheel shop.Samuel Abrahims, foreman pattern shop.A. H. Maxwell, foreman iron foundry.W. C. Jacobs, assistant foreman iron foundry.H. H. Stone, assistant foreman iron foundry.Thomas Baxter, foreman brass foundry.Jacob N. Barr, foreman ^\heeI foundry.Edward Spielman, assistant foreman wheel foundry.Edward McLean, assistant foreman wheel foundry.A. C. McCartney, foi'eman coal wharf.Jacob Gearhart, foreman laljorers.'FOREMEN AND ASSISTANT FOREMEN OF CAR SHOPS.John P. Levan, general foreman.Andrew Kipple, foreman freight car shop.George W. Ehrhart, assistant foreman freight car shop.Levi Geescy, foreman passenger car shop.Isaac Beck, assistant foreman passenger car shop.John L. Burk'V, foreman ca))inet shop.Samuel M. Houston, assistant foreman cal)iuet shop.Fred S. Ball, foreman car paiut shop.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 187"William Dwyor, assistant foreman car paint shop.Fvicliai'd Kowan, foreman house painters.Joseph Maize, assistant foreman house painters.James Sharp, foreman maehiwe shoj).John A. Hindmaii, assistant foreman machine shop.Harry A. Folk, foreman smith shop.Alex. Eberle, assistant foreman smith shop.Walter K. Beatty, foreman planing mill Xo. 1.Samuel Hook, assistant foreman planing mill Xo. 1.George L. Freet, foreman planing mill Xo. 2.William A Decker, assistant foreman planing mill Xo. 2.Chambers E. Springer, foreman lumber yard.Charles L. Fettinger, assistant foreman lum))er yard.Charles C. Mason, foreman trimming shop.Philip L. Stroh, as.sistant foreman trimming sho^).Adam B. Hamilton, foreman tin shop.David Koch, assistant foreman tin shop.Daniel Houseman, foreman outside Ial)orers.Edwin A. Myers, assistant foreman outside laljorers.Thomas Myers, foreman gas fitters.James Torrens, assistant foreman gas fitters.John W. Colyer, foreman 1)rick layers.George X. Anderson, despatcher, Altoona yard.Charles P. McCuUy, supervisor, xVltoona yard.John McCormick, assistant train master, Pittsburg division.James H. Cramer, assistant train master, middle division.


:.Jolin^V'i^iilmTlioniasW^|JohnjHISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) BLAIR COUNTY. 189CITY GOVERNMENT.By referring- to piigcs (')l-2-3 the reader will be enabled to inferwhat kind <strong>of</strong> a town or hamlet Altoona was i)revious to its erectioninto a boroug-h, which occurred on February 6, 1854. We append alist <strong>of</strong> the burgesses :George W. I'iitton...Thomas JNlcCaiiley..James Lowther— .Enos -M. JonesV/. C. McCormick ....1851-.1 AUison, 1IISiiO Leonard.1857 Jolni BaerfI. .18.18-9 U. Fettinf^er, sr. ... . . . i8(;.o. 18(36.1867In February, 1808, Altoona received a city charter. Throughthe courtesy <strong>of</strong> John McNevin, who has been the efficient clerk <strong>of</strong> thecity council since 1876, we have obtained a list <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers w^hohave controlled our municipal affairs up to tlu^ ]n-esent time, whichwe submit(Jeoro-e Potts.David Kitich.1). A. GlUand.NAMES OF IIAYOKS AND YEAR OF ELECTION..1868 W. Hurd.i.1873 W. T. Howard.1874INAMES OF CITY TREASURERS AND TERM OF OFFICE.James Lowther 1868 | C. Gamraitli1876Thomas Kl way 1870C. Snllivan1878...'.'.Jacob Sn vder187'2 W . s! Bittnel'.. ISSOJohn H. CarrI*''*IThomas H. Gi'T,-CITY' RECORDER.MEMBERS OF COUNCIL..1878.1K>^0.1878-831868.1871.1st1st ^vard, D. K. Barney, II. ('. Dernward. Robert Green, D. K. Baniey.211(12nd ward, M". B. BartU-y. John Dchihunt.ward, Henry Elway. John Lloyd.:!id3rd M-ard, T. I. MeKiernan. -W. Murray.ward, *E. M. Jones, R. A. O. Kerr.4tli4th wai'd, J. X. Cihuidhii;-, A. ll. Maxwell.ward, II. N. Anderson, Sam'l Sprankle.5tli.5th wartl, David Robison, James Smith,ward, C. Jaggard, W. S. Douglass.6th ward, Bliillip Fadle, John Rocket.6th ward, Joseph Long, J. C. McCloskey.1869.1st ward, II. C. Dern, Jacob Snyder.'>nd ward, J. W. Devlin, Andrew Kipple.3rd ward, *W. Mnrrav. R. A.

W.H.|J,T.J.William190 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.•jth ward, VVm. Stolve, C. Hauser".tith ward, Jno. Storm, F. D. Casanave7th ward, J. C. McCartney, J. Gearliart.SU\ ward, F. S. Ball, Dayid Kocli.1S76.Ist ward, George Metz, A. Ake2nd ^vard, G. J. Akers, Blain McCormiek.ward. .Tames Ilarkins, *A. G. Sink;!rd4tli ward. Sam'l Lloyd, W. W. Smith,.'ith ward. 0. Hanser, Geo. W. Detwiler.6tli ward, F. T). Casanave, Jno. O'Toole.MEMBERS OF COUNCIL—CONTNIUED.1874..'»tli ward. Geo. "W. Detwiler. Paul Sharp.1st ward,(5tliJno. Clina;ermari, Fred Olmes. ward, Jno. O'Toole, F. D. Casanave.2iid ward, R. .J. Crozier, D. S. Markey. 7th ward, N. T. Cunningham, W. McGill..'>rd w ard. .Tno. Swartz, 8tli A. G. Sink.ward, W. M. Decker, G. W. Cessna.4th ward, *.Sanri Lloyd, Albert Heess.5tli wanl, .loliii Lloyd. William Stoke.1878.6tli ward. .John lloe'kett, -Juo. F. Storni. 1st ward, Samjison Taylor, .1. F. Bowman.7tli war.l, Dayiil Walker, .J. C. IVlcCartney, 2nd ward, .James Lutz, .Tno. M. Klein.8th ward. .J. F. Beegle, F, S. Ball.ord ward, J. L. Reifsnyder, Frank Molloy.4th ward, .1. G. Flanigan, H. B. Kendig.IS7.5..ith ward, Paul Shar]i, C. C. Mateer.1st ward, P. W. Olmes, George Metz.(ith ward, *F. I). Casanave, D. G. Owens.2nd ward, *D. S. Markey, G. J. Akers 7th ward, N. T. Cun iiingham, H. S. Moi-gau.3rd M-ard, A. G. Sink, James Harkins 8th ward, Geo. W. Cessna, J. B. BurkeVt.4th ward, A. F. Heess, Sam'l Lloyd,7th ^^•ard, J. Gearliart, N. T. Cunningham,cSth ward, Dayid Koch, Wni. Decker.4th ward, A. H. Maxwell, H. W. Snyder,1877.."ith ward, .Tno. Flanigan, IM. Keoug'h.1st w ard. A. Ake, S. Taylor.(ith ward, F. 1). Casanave, Tliomas Miller.2ii

:;HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 191NAMES OF STREET C'OMMISSIONEUS.George D. Randolph., 1868Hugh McCartney 1869William Fox 1870-2Sanip.sou Taylor 1873-4Bernard Kt cy . . .1875C. N. Atkin. 187(>-9John Koc-Uci t, . . <strong>1880</strong>ALDERMEN.First, Tlilrd and .Seventli wards—B. F. Rose.Second, Fourth and Eighth wards—W. B. Blake.Fit'tli and Sixth wards—lohn O'Toole.CON.STABLBS.Jackson (iiljbs-second term—West side.Joseph W. Dougherty-third term—East side.CITYFINANCES.For the fiscal year, ending- December 31, 1871), the receipts <strong>of</strong> thecity treasurer had been $21,419.99, and his expenditures $20,165.23,leaving a balance in his hands <strong>of</strong> $1,254.76. The outstanding indeljtedness<strong>of</strong> the city up to the time specificul was: City fund, $7,128.01water fund, $207,310.05; improvement fund, $155,010.00—total,$309,448.06.We append a tabular statement by wards <strong>of</strong> the; number <strong>of</strong> taxablesin the city, the valuation <strong>of</strong> property and the assessmentsTaxahlos.Valuation.First ward 634 $325,060Second Avard 821 239,501Third ward 505 393,900Fourtli ward 619 398.165Fifth ward 746 187.6-25Taxables.ValuationSixth ward 838 $210,757Seventh ward 251 121,.575Eighth ward 487 103,075Total 4,901 $1,979,658THE ASSESSMENTS.

192 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.FRIES BROS.DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OFHARDV/ARE,Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver-plated Ware, and everything kept in aFirst-class Hardware Store.Heaters,Ranges,StovesALL OF THE LATEST IMPROVED <strong>PA</strong>TTERNS.Tm, Copper and Sheet-iron Ware, Pumps, and a generalvariety <strong>of</strong> Wooden Ware.SPORTSMEN'S GOODS:Guns, Revolvers, Powder,Shot, Fishing Tackle, Etc.ROOFING, SPOUTING AND RE<strong>PA</strong>IRING PROMPTLY DONE.1313 Eleventh Avenue, - Altoona, Ph.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND ULAIR COUNTY. 193GENERAL DIRECTORY OF ALTOONA.ALTOONA AVENUESAND STREETS.Bell's avenue, from eastern limits <strong>of</strong> city to Fourth street.Crawford avenue, from eastern limits <strong>of</strong> city to Eleventh street.First avenue, from eastern limits <strong>of</strong> city to Nineteenth street.Second avenue, from east to west boundary or limits.Third avenue, from east to west boundary or limits.Fourth avenue, from east to west boundary or limits.Fifth avenue, from east to west boundary or limits.Sixth avenue, from east to west boundary or limits.Seventh avenue, from western limits to township road, betweenFirst and Second streets.Eighth avenue, from intersection <strong>of</strong> township road, between Thirdand Fourth streets, to Union avenue.Ninth avenue, from Avestern limits <strong>of</strong> city to Fourth avenue.Tenth avenue, from Eighth to Sixteentli streets, and from Eighteenthstreet to western limits <strong>of</strong> city.Eleventh avenue, from Seventh street to western limits.Twelfth avenue, from Eleventh to Sixteenth streets, and fromEighteenth street to city limits.Thirteenth avenue, from Eleventh to Sixteenth streets,Eighteenth street to western limits.and fromFourteenth avenue, from Eleventh to Fourteenth streets, andfrom Eighteenth to Twenty-fifth streets.Fifteenth avenue, from Eleventh to Thirteenth streets.Sixteenth avenue, from Tenth to Sixteenth streets, and from DryGap road to Twenty-third street.Seventeenth avenue, from Tenth street to Coleman's road.Eighteenth avenue, from Tenth street to Coleman's road.Fairview avenue, from cemetery to eastern limits.Calvert avenue, from cemetery to eastern limits.Caldwell avenue, from cemetery to west Second street.Green avenue, from Seventh to Eleventh streets.Chestnut avenue, from Seventh to Eleventh streets.Lexington avenue, from Eighth to Eleventh streets.Howard avenue, from Eighth to Eleventh streets.Union avenue, from Eleventh avenue to Twenty-seventh st., west.'

194 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Hamilton avenue, from cemetery to eastern limits.Broad street, from Union avenue to western limits.Margaret street, from Sixteenth street to Union avenue.Beale street, from Union avenue to western limits.West Chestnut street, from Twenty-third street to western limits.Maple street, from Twenty-third street to western limits.Oak street, from Twenty-fourth street to western limits.Walnut street, from Twenty-fourth street to western limits.Middle street, from Twenty-fifth street to western limits.Lombard street, from Seventh street to city limits east.East Chestnut street, from Fourth street to city limits.Hickory street, from Fourth street to eastern city limits.East Walnut street, from Fourth street to eastern city limits.Greevy street, from Lombard street to northern city limits.East First street, from Lombard street to northern city limits.East Second street, from southern limits to Seventh street.West Second street, from Lombard to northern city limits.East Third street, from southern limits to Eighth avenue.West Third street, from Lombard street to northern limits.Fourth street, from southern to northern limits.Fifth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.Sixth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.East Seventh street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.West Seventh street, from Eleventh avenue to Lombard street.East Eighth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.West Eighth street, from Green avenue to Lexington avenue.Ninth street, from soutliern to northern limits.East Tenth street, from southern limits to Eighth avenue.West Tenth street, from Green avenue to Wopsonnonock road.East Eleventh street, from Third to Ninth avenues.West Eleventh street, from Tenth avenue to northern limits.Twelfth street, from southern to northern limits.East Thirteenth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.West Thirteenth street, from Tenth avenue to northern limits.East Fourteenth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.West Fourteenth .street, from Tenth avenue to northern limits.East Fifteenth street, from southern limits to Ninth avenue.West Fifteenth street, from Tenth avenue to northern limits.East Sixteenth street, from southern limits to railroad.West Sixteenth street, from Tenth avenue to city limits.Seventeenth street, from southern limits to Dry Gap road.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 195West Seventeenth street, from Tenth avenue to Dry rjiip ro:ul.Bridge street, from J]leventh avenue to V. K. R.East Eighteenth street, from southern limits to Ninth av

196 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTYv_yHH\rr\AFTER SHAVING.HIT BEATS BAY' RUM. Ladies user it to remove Skin Irruptions. Prevents hairfrom falling out. PRICE, 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE.C. F. RANDOLPH, Prop'r.,HOG ELEVENTH STREET, - ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.MICHAEL FITZHARRIS,HEALER INGroceries, Flour, Feed and Provisions,Canned Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware.Coi-ner Twelfth Avenue and Sixteenth Street,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.D. ,T. NEFF. N. I'. MERVIXE.NEFF & MERVINE,Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,OFFICE: 13th Street, bet. lOth and 11th Avenues,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.JOHN O'TOOLE,ALDERMAN,OFFICE: Corner Ele\^enth A\^enue and SeventeenthStreet, Altoona, Pa.Conveyancing attended to and Collections promptly made.

• tewart,managerHlST(tUY OF ALTOONA AND HLAIR COUNTY.1 '.>7Loi^an Lodge, No. 79.Wliitc Cross Lodge, No. 354.KNIOHT.S OK I'YTHIAS.Logun f> art or science <strong>of</strong> harmonious sounds, or the itrodiictioii <strong>of</strong>simultaneous sounds in accord or hannun}-, is evidently well understoodby the various instrumental and vocal musical associations <strong>of</strong>Altoona. Of this we justly feel proud. Takinii' into considerationall the circumstances, nothing- but umiualitied praise is due, l)oth individuallyand collectively, to the gentlemen who furnish our localmusical entertainments. We give a list <strong>of</strong> the mem))ers <strong>of</strong> the bands,alphabetically arranged, with their instunieiitation :Armstrong. Irvin, baritone.Canty, Patrick, 1st E tlat cornet.Carr, Wni. K., 1st D Hat cornet.Clabaugh, Andrew, solo alto.Cunningham, Newton F., bass drum.Durnbaugh. Harry. E flat bass.Fettinger, Charles L., cyndjals.Grinnne, Igniitius, piccolo.Hammer, Florian, 1st E flat clarionet.Hargraves, George, tenor trombone.'2(1Hargraves, James, euphonon.Jones, Wm. 1)., 1st U Hat tenor.14altoona city P,A>'D.Organized in 18!'»:; Jule A. Nell", leader: A. C. IJrown, drum major.Letford. John, 1st tenor trombomLabe, Harry, glockenspiel..Matthews, Jaiiies, -2 15 flat tenor.G. M., 1st alto.Sidel. John, 2d alto.Snyder. Ed., E tlat bass.St()nt, CliarUs, snare drum.Thomasburger. F., 1st 15 flat clarionet.Willi.s. Ed., 2d B flat cornet.Westbrook, \V. D., 3d 15 tlat cornet.Weidlich, Stephen. 2d 15 tlat clarionet.Wolf, Wm. II., snare drum.

198 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.MOUNTAIN CITY BAND.Orgiinized in 1875; Nelson Graham, leader; M. M. Rush, drum major.Bnrkett, Geo. W., Ist alto.Black, Kdward, c-yiabals.Barkheimer, M. M., bass drum.Bnrkett, John B., '2d E flat cornet.Coyle, B. J ., snare drum.Davis, Abraham, snare drum.Ehrhart^ George VV., tuba.Elliott, Howard, B flat cornet.Forry, Robert, solo alto.Kipp, George. E flat tuba.Mintell, Roman, baritone.Myers, Ellswoitli, piccolo.Miller, . 2d tenor.Shoemaker-, Henry F., 2d B flat cornet.Ward, Joshua T., trombone.JUNIOR greys' band.VVahl, Joseph F., 1st tenor.Ward, William, 2d alto.Walters, Charles L., solo B flat cornet.Organized Sept. 1, 1S77 ; G. W. Dunlap, leader ; George Blackburn, drum major.Bolger, S. P., baritone.Meredith, William, solo alto.Davis, G. W., E flat cornet.Patterson, Charles C, bass drum.Foust, Samuel, bass.Renner, Charles W., 1st B flat cornet.Graft, David L.. snare drum.StoutTer, J. D., 3d flat cornet.Hutt'num, Hai'ry, 1st alto.Stover, Jacob, 2d B flat cornet.Jackson, B. D., E flat cornet.Stover, J. H.. 3d tenor.Kerline, C'loyd W., 1st tenor.Salsbnrg, C. C, cymbals.Kuhns, L. M., bass.White. Judson, 2d alto.Baird, James M., E flat bass.Beasom, Thos., 1st B flat tenor.Cantner. John. 2d B flat tenor.Dibert, AVilllam, 2d E flat alto.Hikes, G. W.. solo E flat alto.H<strong>of</strong>tman, I). F., E flat bass.Lindsev, H. M., snare drum.Miller, C. W., E flat cornet.citizens' cornet band.Organized in 1878; A. Filer, leader.Nolan, Thomas. E flat clai'ionet.Stouft'er. H. W., E flat cornet.Shade, Howard, 1st E flat alto.Speece, John, cvmbals.Snell, H. F., E. flat cornet.Waite, D. A., baritone,Waggoner, George, bass drum.C4ERMAN SOCIAL CORNET BAND.Organized September, 1878; president, Andrew Auer : vice president, John H.Schmidt; secretary, George Bender; treasurer, John Foster; leader, John Foster.FROHSINN SINGING SOCIETY.Organized in 1862; 1.35 members; president, E. Zenisch; secretary, Oscar Hanson;treasurer, Jacob Rink ; teacher, J. F. Maeder. New hall erected in 1877.CONCORDIA SINGING SOCIETY.Organized in 1870 : 126 members president, Balzer Wolf; vice president, Henry;Vetter; secretary, Geo. Hauser : treasurer, Geo. Koelle, jr.; director, Fred. Ehredt.THE MILITARY.Considering its age our cit}" enjoys a fair share <strong>of</strong> military renown.During the war <strong>of</strong> the rebellion it furnished its quota <strong>of</strong> menwith cheerfulness and alarcity, none <strong>of</strong> whom Ijrought disgrace uponthe flag <strong>of</strong> our country.The first company formed in Altoona (1854) was called the" Logan Rangers." H. J. Lombeart was captain ;John L. Piper, firstlieutenant ; Harry Sellers, second lieutenant, and William Renner,third lieutenant. The company numbered about sixt}" men, many <strong>of</strong>the survivors still living in Altoona and <strong>Blair</strong> county. The late Col.John L. Piper, who entered as first lieutenant, afterwards becamecaptain, who was succeeded by Jacob Zink. When this company disbandedanother was formed, many <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the old companyentering into its organization. Jacob Zink was captain ;R. J.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND I5LA1R COUNTY. 199Crozier, first liciiteiiaiit, and Fred. Schilling-er, second lieutenant. Itwas nuistered into tlie United States service as Company E, 8rd Pa.Vols., April 20,1801, and served three months.The Altooiia (Jnards was or.y-anized in Septemlx'r, 1 Sn4. P. S.Reed was captain ;Henry Wayne, first lieutenant, and Kzra Ale,second lieutenant. In the sprin,«i- <strong>of</strong> ISoo Ca])tain Reed went west,wljen Lieutenant Wayne was nnide captain. Both these men hadseen active service—Reed in the Mexican war, and Wayne in theFlorida war. On the 20th <strong>of</strong> April, 18()1, the company was musteredinto service, under Captain Wayne, as Company B, ord Pa.Vols., and was mustered out at expiration <strong>of</strong> service, July 29, 1861.In the following month the company was re-organized and, on the26th day <strong>of</strong> that month, was mustered in as Co. F, T6th regiment Pa:Vols., for three years, with Henry Wayne as captain, who was killedin action at Pocotaligo, South Carolina, on October 22, 1862. Onthe 28th day <strong>of</strong> November, 1864, the remnant <strong>of</strong> the company wasmustered out <strong>of</strong> service.The majority <strong>of</strong> the men had been killed ordischarged on account <strong>of</strong> wounds and other disabilities.A company <strong>of</strong> one hundred men was organized, partly through theinstrumentality <strong>of</strong> Mortimer B. Morrow, and was mustered as CompanyI, 205th regiment Pa. Yols., on September 2, 1864. Ira R.Shipley was Captain; John A. McCahan, first lieutenant, and HenryElway, second lieutenant. On the 30th <strong>of</strong> October the captain wasdischarged. John A. McCahan superseded him, and Henry Hawk,who previously had been sei'geant, became first lieutenant, and HenryElway remaiiicd second lieutenant. The company had enlisted forone year, but was mustered out on June 2, 1865, the war havingclosed.The "Keystone Zouaves" was organized in 18T1, with John R.Garden as captain ;Harry A. Miller, first lieutenant, and Charles L.Fettinger, second lieutenant. It numbered al)out sixty men. Sometimein 18T3 this company was re-organized and its name changedto "Latta Guard," when Theodore Burchfield became its captain;Maiden Valentine, first lieutenant, and F. R. Barr, second lieutenant.In 18U the Fifth regiment N. G. Pa. Avas formed. The LattaGuard, <strong>of</strong> Altoona ; Juniata Riflemen, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg, togetherwith companies <strong>of</strong> Bedford and Cambria counties, composed it.James F. Milliken was elected colonel. He was discharged from theservice November 2, 18T6. He was succeeded by P. B. Wilson, <strong>of</strong>Bellefonte, at which time Theodore Burchfield was made lieutenantcolonel. Colonel Wilson died in February, 1878. in March, same

;200 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.year, TlicodorL' Burehtield \va.< elected eolonel, and at the presenttime is the commandiiiii' ottieei- <strong>of</strong> the re_iment.Ill July, 1878, the National Guard <strong>of</strong> the State was re-orgauized,and the Fifth rei>'inient consisted then, as it does now, <strong>of</strong> CompanyA, <strong>of</strong> El)ensl)ar,ii-; Company ]>, <strong>of</strong> Bellefonte ;Company C, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg;Company D, <strong>of</strong> Altoona; Company E, <strong>of</strong> IMiilipsburgCompan}' G, <strong>of</strong> Lewistown; Company H, <strong>of</strong> Johnst(»\vii, and CompanyI, <strong>of</strong> Bedford.The commissioned field and staff <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the regiment consist <strong>of</strong>Colonel Theodore Burchfield, <strong>of</strong> Altoona ;Lieutenant Colonel D. H.Hastings, <strong>of</strong> Bellefonte; Major P. J. Woleslagle, <strong>of</strong> l'hilii)sl)urg;Adjutant W. Sargent, jr., <strong>of</strong> Altoona; Quartermaster J. A. Rohrer,<strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg; Commissary H. I). Tate, <strong>of</strong> Bedford; SurgeonGeorge F. Harris, <strong>of</strong> Bellefonte; Assistant Surgeons I. C. Blaisdell,<strong>of</strong> Wilmore, and A. S. Stayer, <strong>of</strong> Roaring Spring; Paymaster C. S.Marks, <strong>of</strong> Lewistown; and Chaplain D. W. Hunter, <strong>of</strong> Lewistown.Near Braddock's station, on the 8th <strong>of</strong> September, <strong>1880</strong>, the Fifth,together with six other regiments were ins])ected Ijy General Gibson,U. S. A., and James W. Latta, Adjutant General <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, whocomplimented the Fifth as being the tirst in point <strong>of</strong> merit. Thisoi)inion was also giYcn by General J. F. Hartranft, who was presenton the Occasion.Company I), (Fifth regiment) was organized in August, 1879.The commissioned <strong>of</strong>ficers are Cai)tain John L. Piper; First LieuteiumtEdwin M. Amies, and Second Ijieutemiiit John I\. Garden.IJiUl, Will. H., (corporal.)IJtMisou, WiUiainJJeiiikT, A. J.Bei-kowitz, WiUiainIJoaine, il. K.Bruiiibarger. W. H.Butler, Joseph, (corporal.)Oasev. Tlionui^i, (cori)oral.)Olirislv. K. M.Davis. K. M.. (corporal.)Dag'enliart, A.Dagenhart, K.Douglass, J. P.Devlin Jauu'sEnright, WiUianiEvey, J. T.Fceney, JolmFowle, George D., (sergeant.)Outluie. 11. B., (sergeant.)Hakleman, B. F.Herr, CharlesHudson, Y. D., (sergeant.)Honcli, H. J.Hill, JohnKinney, BryanLippet, Ed.I.ouden, Win. 1).JNlacUev. John A., (corporal.)Maher, Win. K.McConncll. .(aiiics A.Mcfjoiigh, 'riumias F.Miller. 'l>iUhcrjMiller, Fri'derickMontgoincr\', J. 1'.McDowell, UoliertXanle. L. W.. (serueaut.)O'UoiincU. r. B.Pollitt. K. F.Ueynoids, II. L.Roberts, Harrv C. (serycant.)Scott, U. W., ((•(uporal.)Slep, Ed. J.Smith, J. LincolnSpanldiiig. (ieorge T.Turner, \V. L.Turner, W. A.Yetter, Max-Walker. M. U.\Yalker. s. C.Weaver. WilliamWeiss. (:iiarles T., (corporal.)Westtall. William C, (coriioial.)Wherr\',

JIISTOKV (»F AI/i'(H)NA AND 151, AIU COUNTY. 201HOLLIDAYSBURG.BY H. II. SNYDKR.Adiini nnd William Ilclliday were brotlicvs.* They ciiii.uTatod tothis countrY from tlie north <strong>of</strong> Ireland in the year 1*150, and settledin liancaster eonnty in this State. From there they moYed to Franklincount V and settled on the banks <strong>of</strong> the Conoeoeheagne. Theyserved in the Avars against tlie Freiieli and Indians, <strong>of</strong> 1155-0 and <strong>of</strong>1762-3. Adam was a lieutenant under Col. Armstrong, and accompaniedhim on his expedition over the mountains to destroy the Indiantown <strong>of</strong> Kittanning. Their route was over the ground on which*In his liistory <strong>of</strong> Juniata Yalley, Mr. Jones states that Adam and Williamllollidiiy were cousins. This error sliould be corrected. The grand-daughter <strong>of</strong>Adam, now- residing in Lowistown, a lady <strong>of</strong> line intelligence, and good memory,seventy-six years <strong>of</strong> age, states that they were brothers, and she is at a loss to knowhow such an error could have originated.

202 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.HollidaYsburg- now stands. In IT 68, these brothers resolved to seeka new location, and, placing- all their earthly possessions on packhorses,faced westward, hoping to reach the banks <strong>of</strong> the Alleghenyand possess themselves <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the fertile lands which border onthat river, and they, like others we read <strong>of</strong> in history, saw and admiredthose rich valleys whilst engaged in their military campaigns.But upon their arrival at the place Avhere Hollidaysburg now stands,then a wild and unbroken wilderness, they determined to halt andproceed no farther. They apprehended trouble with the Indians whostill held undisputed possession <strong>of</strong> the lands <strong>of</strong> that region.Adam Holliday took out a warrant for one thousand acres <strong>of</strong> landand erected his "homestead," a rough building <strong>of</strong> logs, on the brow<strong>of</strong> the hill from which he could have a good view <strong>of</strong> the Juniatariver as it meandered its course through the forests <strong>of</strong> beach and maple,sugar and hickory, and had, at the same time, a commandingview <strong>of</strong> the country beyond. The site <strong>of</strong> this pioneer hut was thesouth-west corner <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and Montgomery streets. Williamcrossed the river, and although somewhat discouraged by the swampynature <strong>of</strong> the soil, finally found a location to suit him, in the ravinesouth <strong>of</strong>Gaysport, and what was for many years known as the Jacksonfarms. He purchased one thousand acres from Mr. Peters. Gaysportis built on a portion <strong>of</strong> this purchase.ERECTION OF THE FIRST SUBSTANTIAL HOUSE.The first sul)stantial house was erected about the clo.se <strong>of</strong> theRevolutionary war, by Mr. Adam Holliday, on the bank <strong>of</strong> the rivernear where the bridge between Hollidaysburg and Gaysport nowstands. Many <strong>of</strong> the older citizens <strong>of</strong> the town have seen and rememberthe old log house. Here he lived to a good old age, anddied in 1801. Soon after the war broke out, and the Indians werehunting white scalps for shipment to Canada, to be paid for withBritish gold, Lieut. Holliday took command <strong>of</strong> all the able-bodied settlers,and selecting a favorable site erected a fort, which he named"Roberdeau," in honor <strong>of</strong> a French <strong>of</strong>ficer whom he admired. Thisfort was located on the flat l)etween the Williamsburg branch railroadand the river, and not far from the "Two locks." It proved, indeed,a place <strong>of</strong> refuge for the settlers, for here they would gather withtheir women and children and remain sometimes for weeks. In theyear 1781, early in the month <strong>of</strong> August, William Holliday, havingheard from the scouts that the country was clear <strong>of</strong> Indians, left FortRoberdeau, accompanied by his two sons, Adam and Patrick, and his

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 203little davi.u-htcr, Jtinct, aii'cd alxnit foiirtci'ii, and wont over to the farmin the ravine to take ott' a crop <strong>of</strong> hay, when suddenly and unexpectedlythey were attacked Ijy a party <strong>of</strong> Indians, who lay in am-1)ush, and his two sons and daughter were killed. Mr. Holliday narrowlyescaped with his life. The bodies were found where they hadftillen. All were-scalped. They were buried on the farm, near wherethey fell, and a rude stone marks their graves. This tragedy, horriblein its details, is part <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> the early settlement <strong>of</strong>this part <strong>of</strong> the country, and is cited as an instance <strong>of</strong> th(^ cruelty <strong>of</strong>savages and the hardships <strong>of</strong> the pioneers.It was many months beforeWilliam recovered from this fearful shock. The screams <strong>of</strong> hislittle daughter, as she was being heartlessly and brutally butcheredby the savage fiends, rang in his ears for many months afterward,and at times he was almost bereft <strong>of</strong> reason. But he did recover fromit, and lived for many years afterward, and, dying at a good old age,was laid to rest by the side <strong>of</strong> his children. The place is still knownas the "Holliday burying ground."Adam Holliday left surviving him a son and a daughter—Johnand Janet. John was accounted, in his day, the wealthiest man inthis country. He removed to the Conemaugh and purchased all thattract <strong>of</strong> land on which <strong>Johnstown</strong> now stands, but having no faith inthe future greatness <strong>of</strong> <strong>Johnstown</strong>,* sold out to Peter Livergood foreight dollars an acre, and returned to Hollidaysburg. He immediatelyerected a hotel, and in the east end <strong>of</strong> the building opened ageneral store. The hotel property was subsequently purchased byMr. Peter Hewit, father <strong>of</strong> Mr. James M. Hewit, who occupied it as ahotel, store and post <strong>of</strong>fice until the year 1839, Avhen it was torndown and on the same ground was erected the large brick buildingnow known as the "American House."In the primitive hotel liuildingwas born Alexander L. Holliday,son <strong>of</strong> John Holliday. James M. Hewit was also born in the oldhotel building. Both these gentlemen are still citizens <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg.Janet Holliday married William Reynolds, <strong>of</strong> Bedford county.Her sons William, James and Holliday—were proprietors <strong>of</strong> theAmerican House during the years 1853-5. Mrs. Thomas W. Jackson,<strong>of</strong> Altoona, is a daughter <strong>of</strong> James Reynolds.The <strong>Blair</strong>sville and Huntingdon turnpike, which i)asses throughHollidaysburg, was completed in 1818. The completion <strong>of</strong> this ini-* Mr. Holliday's clu-istian name being " John." the town was called JoHxs-town.Had not his surname entered into tlio composition <strong>of</strong> 'IloUiihiyshurg," John.stownwould doubtless have been called Hollidaysburg.

204 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.])ortant hig-hway was reg-ardod as a long stride in pvogress.Previousto this time the road through this country was little more than abridle path, and at an early day was known as a trail, called the "Kittanningtrail." It crossed the river diagonally, starting at Alleghenystreet, crossing Avhere the viaduct now stands, and comingout at the steam grist miir <strong>of</strong> Wood, Morrel & Co. At that timeHollidaysburg consisted <strong>of</strong> the "Holliday and Adams' Taverns" and afew scattering houses. It now began to assume an air <strong>of</strong> more importance.The teamsters hauling merchandise between Philadelphia,or Baltimore, and Pittsburg made this a halting place, and almostevery night the space in front <strong>of</strong> the "tavern," now the diamond,would be crowded with heavily ladened wagons. The "AdamsHouse," or tavern, as it was called, was the oldest hotel in Hollidaysburg,and was built about the year 1790. Mr. John Bowers, sr., statedin the vear 1831, that when a young man, about forty years beforethat time, he stopped over night at this house. It occupied theground on Allegheny street, where the buildings <strong>of</strong> A. F. Osterloha favorite resort.and Mrs. S. C. Snyder now stand. This house was for many yearsThe elections for Frankstown and Allegheny townshi^iswere held in it, the politics <strong>of</strong> the day were discussed here,and in its ample grounds the men for miles around, even from Frankstown,would gather and play what was then the favorite game <strong>of</strong>"ga))le ball."FIRSTSURVEY MADE.From the best information obtainable, and a careful comparison <strong>of</strong>dates, it is safe to say that the town <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg was surveyedand plotted as early as 1780, not later than this, and perhaps a fewyears earlier. Mr. James M. Hewit has in his possession a copy <strong>of</strong>the original town plot, and it is very unfortunate that it does notcontain a date ;not even the date when the copy was made. Thisold paper has been in his possession for upwards <strong>of</strong> forty years.know the town was plotted prior to 1781, because Miss Janet Holliday,who was massacred by the Indians in August <strong>of</strong> that year, wasthe owner <strong>of</strong> a lot on Walnut street, between Wayne and Union.This copy was evidently made in a very early period <strong>of</strong> the century,,for the lot on the north-west corner <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and Waynestreets, now the property <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Virginia Over, and was owned byher uncle, Christian Garber, as early as 1808, and on the plot it is inthe name <strong>of</strong> Peter Titus. The boundaries <strong>of</strong> the town were Frontstreet on the west : Union street on the east; Walnut street on theWe

IITSTORY OF AT/roONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 205novtli, iiiul MuHh'ITV street on the south. TUvvr were no lots on thewest side <strong>of</strong> Front street; on the south si(h' <strong>of</strong> :\Iull)erry street,nor on the east side <strong>of</strong> Union strwt. Tlie laiid l)etweon Mulberrystreet, or the southern limits, iind llie river wiis coveredby the most beautiful sugar, hickory and walnut trees— it was a famoussugar camp. This beautiful ^voods long remained a place <strong>of</strong> resort.It was known as the ^rove adjoining the basin. Here the patrioticcitizens assembled to celebrateTHE FOURTH OF .JULY.One <strong>of</strong> these good old-fashioned celebrations, which occurred onJuly 4th, 1830, will be briefly referred to, fov the purpose <strong>of</strong> showingthe spirit <strong>of</strong> Hollida\-sburg at that day : John Dougherty, i)roprietor<strong>of</strong> the United States hotel, was the caterer <strong>of</strong> tlie occasion, or, as wasthe custom at that time, he was selected by the committee <strong>of</strong> arrangementsto get up the dinner. He and his good wife were recognizedas the host and hostess. Everybody assembled at the "UnitedStates," wdiere the procession was formed, and, headed by a band <strong>of</strong>music, proceeded to the grove. C. Garber, esq., was chosen president,and John Dougherty, vice-president. After the reading <strong>of</strong> theDeclaration <strong>of</strong> Independence, by Mr. John Davidson, the Hon.Samuel Calvin, wdio had but two months previously ma,de his debutas a young lawyer, was introduced to the large assemblage, wdiich " observedmuch respectful order and attention," and delivered an orationwhich was well received and highly spoken <strong>of</strong>. In this oration Mr.Calvin took strong ground against the growing agitation <strong>of</strong> theslavery question, and denominated the Abolitionists as "self-styledphilanthropists,^^ and predicted that a continuation <strong>of</strong> these discussionswould eventually lead to Avar between the Xorth and South.After the good things had disap])(>ared, and evcn-ybody was feelinghappy, the toasts were read. In those days toasts upon all festiveoccasions were indispensable. It will no doubt be interesting tomany <strong>of</strong> the citizens <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg to give a few <strong>of</strong> themthat an idea may be had <strong>of</strong> the feelings and sentiments <strong>of</strong> the leadingcitizens <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg forty -four years ago. There were thirteen"regular toasts," and perhaps fifty or sixty by the citizens. Ofthe regular toasts, we select: "The day we celebrate—Avorthy thecommemoration <strong>of</strong> freeman." [Yankee Doodle ;three cheers.] "Thememory <strong>of</strong> General George Washington." [Drank silent and standing.]By the vice-president <strong>of</strong> the day :" Beaver Dam Branch, <strong>of</strong>the Juniata river at Hollidaysburg ;yesterday, a rill, too small t<strong>of</strong>loat an Indian canoe ; to-day, a lake covered with canal boats;

":206 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.twenty rears hence, navigated with steam-boats go ahead, keep;moving." By George R. McFarlane : "The memory <strong>of</strong> James Madison:The hist <strong>of</strong> the band <strong>of</strong> sages, who reared the edifice <strong>of</strong> theConstitution ;having lived to see the work <strong>of</strong> his hands cemented bytime, strengthened l)y the storms Avhich have beat against it, andbidding fair to immortality, he is sunk to rest, full <strong>of</strong> years and full<strong>of</strong> honors.'How sleeps the sage who sinks to rest,With all his country's wishes blest.'By Joseph Baldridge: "The yearly return <strong>of</strong> the Fourth <strong>of</strong> July:May it always find mankind on an equality." By James Morehouse"Allegheny Portage Railway: How magnificent an improvementcompared with the serpentine pathway by which our forefatherswended their way over the rugged Allegheny." By C. McCormick:" May the people <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg never feel want, nor ever wantfeeling." By James Cooper :" The fair sex <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg : Longmaythey continue what they are, a virtuous and intelligent class."By H. .Divine : "Pennsylvania improvements over the Alleghen}^mountain, without incline planes, is only wanting to make them superiorto any in the world, and show that nature hasformed no barrierto American enterprise." By Jacob Snyder: "The declaration,<strong>of</strong> July, "76, and the Pennsylvania resolutions, passed by the legislatureat the extra session <strong>of</strong> 1836; the former declaring to the worldthat we are free and independent States; the latter sustaining, withthe firmness <strong>of</strong> our fathers, the true principles on which the ITnioii<strong>of</strong> States shall be maintained." By W. G. Campbell: "Mr. Calvin,the orator <strong>of</strong> the day :Mayhe live a hundred years, and every daylike this." By L. H. Williams: "Henry Clay: May the evening <strong>of</strong>his life be as calm as the morning was glorious." By C. Lowe :"The ladies <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg and vicinity cannot be excelled for virtue,beauty and intelligence." By Wm. M. Lloyd: "Texas, like ourforefathers, her sons are struggling for independence : maythey beas successful, and convince tyrants that they cannot enchain the spirit<strong>of</strong> liberty." B}' the company: "Our Host and Hostess deserve thethanks <strong>of</strong> this company for the excellent fare and superior style <strong>of</strong>our dinner.""billy" DONALDSON'S TAVERN.A stone building stood in the diamond on the ground now occupiedby the opera house. It was built early in the century, probablyin 1808 or 1810. It was occupied in 1814 as a general store byJohn Swope, who came from Huntingdon. This property Avas pur-

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 207chased l)v William Ponaldson, who put an addition to it, and used itfor a hotel. "IJilly" Donaldson's tavern beoanie very popular. Thelandlord was a famous character, and many amusing' anecdotes regardin,!--him are still narrated. It was also a favorite Ijoardiug house,and numy young unmarried gentlemen, who subsequently becameprominent leading- citizens <strong>of</strong> tlie town, some <strong>of</strong> whom are still living,boarded here, amongst whom uuiy ))e mentioned, Hon. SamuelCalvin, A. L. Holliday, Jacob Snyder, Caleb Chaml)ers, HenryLloyd, (brother <strong>of</strong> Wm. M. Lloyd, <strong>of</strong> Altoona,) John Culbcrtson,and John Penu Jones.Bat up to the period <strong>of</strong>FRANKSTOWN INTHE LEAD.1830-1 Frankstown was the metropolis <strong>of</strong>this region <strong>of</strong> country, and the locality <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg was onlydistinguished by a few houses scattered along the road. The post<strong>of</strong>fice was at Frankstown ;the churches were at Frankstown, or nearthere; the stores, with the heavy stocks <strong>of</strong> goods, w-ere at Frankstown,and if the ladies <strong>of</strong> fashion, the belles <strong>of</strong> that day, wished finedress goods, and <strong>of</strong> stylish patterns, they must go to Frankstowai topurchase them.ADVANTAGEOUS SITUATION.Hollidayslnirg had its growth and liecame a town <strong>of</strong> importancefrom its situation lacing at the termini <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania canal andAllegheny Portage railroad. In 1831, when the act authorizing theconstruction <strong>of</strong> these public wairks became a law^, Hollidaysburg wasbut a small hamlet ; Frankstown, as before intimated, and Xewrywere towns <strong>of</strong> far greater importance. It was generally concededthat wherever the "basin" or canal terminus would be located, atown would spring into existence which would be <strong>of</strong> considerableconsequence, precisely as the location <strong>of</strong> the shops and principal<strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania Railroad company created a large andprosperous town. The engineers in charge considered Frankstownas the natural point, and the "basin" was not only "staked <strong>of</strong>f""there, but its construction actually commenced, and on thestrength<strong>of</strong> it Mr. Henrv Denlinger commenced the erection <strong>of</strong> a large threestorvbrick hotel. Town lots went up rapidly, and for awhile theold town enjoyed quite a "boom." An effort was made to locate the"basin" on the farm <strong>of</strong> Jacob Wertz, now owned by Mr. George W.Rhodes, and an <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> ten thousand dollars, a good sum at thattime, was made for the land ; but the old man refused to sell. Perhapsif Jacob had not proved so contrary and obstinate, HoUidays-

208 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.burg- would never have had any other existence than a resting placefor teamsters. The farm <strong>of</strong> Patrick McCloskey, where the reservoirwas subsecjuently located, was also selected as the place for the canal"basin." The Wertz farm was the place designated l)y nature for itslocation, for near that point is the junction <strong>of</strong> two branches <strong>of</strong> theJuniata river, and with a proper dam, it is fair to presume that thelarge expenditure <strong>of</strong> money for the construction <strong>of</strong> the reservoirwould never have become a.necessity.ENTERPRISE OF JOHN BLAIR.But John <strong>Blair</strong>, the same for whom the county was named, (and hewas thus honored by his friends in Hollidaysburg for this very action,)was the leading politician in all this region. He representedthe west end <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county in the legislature, and was alsopossessed <strong>of</strong> a widely extended influence. It was he who agitatedthe building <strong>of</strong> the turnpike, and who first talked <strong>of</strong> the expediency<strong>of</strong>, and insisted upon, crossing the Allegheny mountains with a railroadb\' means <strong>of</strong> incline planes. The proposition was at first regardedas chimerical and visionary ; but he had taken the levels himself,with a rudely constructed instrument made <strong>of</strong> birch bark, and hedemonstrated from actual observation the feasibilit}' and practicability<strong>of</strong> the scheme. He was enterprising and progressive, and at thesame time awake to his own interests. He was th(^ owner <strong>of</strong> hundreds<strong>of</strong> acres <strong>of</strong> coal lands on the Alleghenies, and he intended thatthese mineral lands should be developed. He was in the Legislaturewhen the question <strong>of</strong> the "basin" was being discussed. He wantedit at Hollidaysburg. Huntingdon hooted at the idea <strong>of</strong> a canal"basin " being located in the mountains, and the Hon. John Williamson,<strong>of</strong> Huntingdon, in illustration <strong>of</strong> his point, declared that theeyes <strong>of</strong> the boatmen would be blinded with the dust which wouldrise from the bottom <strong>of</strong> the "basin" located there. Subsequentevents went far to prove that Mr. Williamson had a pretty clear comprehension<strong>of</strong> the thinness <strong>of</strong> the water in this direction. ButJohn <strong>Blair</strong> had set his heart on Hollidaysburg. He wanted a turnpikeand he got it; he wanted a railroad and he got it; and now hewanted the "basin" located at Hollidaysburg and it was done. If,at a later day, Hollidaysburg had possesed such an able and generouschampion and friend as the Hon. John <strong>Blair</strong>, the city <strong>of</strong> Altoona, in<strong>Blair</strong> county, would never have been heard <strong>of</strong>.

. Aljout—HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 209ARRIVAL OF TllKFIRST CANAL BOAT.The first canal boat arrived in llollidaysburg in the fall <strong>of</strong> 1833,and was named the "John <strong>Blair</strong>." The event was celebrated by agrand ball. No bnilding in the town was large enough to accommodatethe guests, and the music and dancing was adjourned to thelarge brick building in Frankstown, known as the "Denlingcr hotel."The work on the railroad was so far completed on the 26th <strong>of</strong> November,1833, as to permit the passage <strong>of</strong> the first car over its entirelength. On the 18th <strong>of</strong> March, 1834, the road Avas opened as a publichighway. The Canal and Portage Railroad Exchange, a new andspacious brick hotel, corner <strong>of</strong> Mulberry and Montgomery streets,was opened to the public April 1, 1834, and was kept by J. C. Williamsand R. M. Shaw. The United States hotel was l)uilt ))y JohnDougherty, on the corner <strong>of</strong> Juniata and Wayne streets, a))oiit theyear 1840.EDUCATION LOOKED AFTER.1834 the citizens <strong>of</strong> the town took great interest in education.The common school hiw had been enacted the year previous,and they were anxious to see it in operation. A large meetingcalled then "a great meeting"—<strong>of</strong> the friends <strong>of</strong> e^ducation was heldin the i)id)lic school house on the Dth day <strong>of</strong> September. JosephAdams was president; John Lytle and Samuel Smith, vice-presidents,and John Brotherline and Isaac Yingling, secretaries. On motion <strong>of</strong>Jacob Snyder, esq., a committee <strong>of</strong> live persons was appointed forthe pur})Ose <strong>of</strong> drafting a preamble and resolutions exi)re,ssive <strong>of</strong> theviews <strong>of</strong> the meeting, and also to select six citizens to be nominatedby the meeting as candidates for school directors. The chair appointedJacob Snyder, David Y. Hileman, John Davis, William Mc-Farland and Joseph Purse as that committee. The committee retiredand prepared a lengthy preamble and resolutions, in which wasset forth, in strong and effective language, the great advantage to boderived from a good system for the public schools, and predictedfuture greatness <strong>of</strong> the Commonwealth and the country if the lawwouldbe in-operly and li])erally enforced. The candidates then nominatedfor tlui l)oard <strong>of</strong> school directors at that meeting were allelected, and it might l)e well to note here that this was the first board<strong>of</strong> school directors in Hollidaysburg and in this part <strong>of</strong> the county.The board comprised Robert McNamara, Suttle F. Henry, JohnBarr, Henry Stiffler, E. Giill)raith and James Smith, sr., <strong>of</strong> ScotchVallev.the

210 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.BOROUGH OFFICERS.The town <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg was ore:anized into a borough, by order<strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> Quarter Sessions <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon county, in themonth <strong>of</strong> August, 1836, under the act <strong>of</strong> Assembly approved April1, 1835, and became sulyect also to the provisions <strong>of</strong> the act <strong>of</strong> Assembly<strong>of</strong> April 3, 1851, by order <strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> Quarter Sessions<strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county, July 24, 1854. The first election for borough <strong>of</strong>ficerswas held on the 13th day <strong>of</strong> September, 1836, and thefolloAvinggentlemen were elected : Burgess, Dr. James C<strong>of</strong>fey ;town council,Joseph Reed, John Walker, William McFarland, D. Mitchell and S.F. Henry ; constable, Simon Brotherline.THEIR FIRSTMEETING.The burgess and town council held their first meeting on Tuesday,September 20th, and made the following appointment <strong>of</strong> borough<strong>of</strong>ficers: town clerk, Alexander McCormick; (now a citizen <strong>of</strong> Altoona;) treasurer, James McCahan ; assessor, Peter Hewit, esq.;assistant assessor, John Mitchell ; street commissioners. Col.Samuel Smith and John Dougherty; street regulators, James Crawford,esq., C. Garber, esq., and Col. John Bingham;firemen, JohnIrwin, Samuel Frampton, esq., James Clossin and Abraham Brown;collector, James Clossin.The <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> " street regulator " has been for years abolished. Itwas the duty <strong>of</strong> these <strong>of</strong>ficers to superintendent the grading <strong>of</strong> thestreets. This was an important matter. Hollidaysburg had in itmanyugly "Avashes" and gullies; these had to be filled and hills cutdown and a proper grade established. Allegheny street had in it agood sized gully or wash-out, which continued itself down throughAvhat is noAV the lot <strong>of</strong> Moses Brown ; in some places it Avas eight orten feet deep, and proportionately Avide at the top.HOAV MONEY AVAS PROVIDED.The borough had little or no money in the treasury, and the question<strong>of</strong> raising funds became an important one. All that AvasAvanted,or asked for, Avas fifteen hundred dollars, and Avith this modest sumthe borough council, assisted by their honest board <strong>of</strong> regulators, proposedto accomplish the Avork.It was proposed that a loan be taken<strong>of</strong> the citizens, but the subject <strong>of</strong> issuing the bonds <strong>of</strong> the boroughwas not broached or, perhaps, thought <strong>of</strong>. The liberal minded citizenwas iuA'ited to deposit a sum in the treasury, and as an evidence<strong>of</strong> this obligation a certificate AA^as given him, Avhich was to be used

:1HISTORY OF xVLTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 21l)y him, or the hohU-r, in the i>;iynieiit <strong>of</strong> taxes. The ordinance wasa(h)i)te(l ill June, I80T, and the eertifieate was in the followin,;:- languaye" HOLLIDAYSBUUG BOROUGH LOAN." This is to cortify that there is due to bearer from the Burgess. Town Counciland citizens <strong>of</strong> the Borough <strong>of</strong> Ilollldaysburg One Dollar, bearing an interest, redeemablein the payment <strong>of</strong> taxes, by virtue <strong>of</strong> an ordinance passed by the TownCouncil, June 19, 1837.James C<strong>of</strong>fey, Burgess."These borough notes were printed on brown or yellow paper, andwere called "shinplasters," and passed current Avith the merchantsand dealers in the town and vicinity.It is said that some <strong>of</strong> the honestold farmers became indignant and disgusted when it was attemptedto circulate this sort <strong>of</strong> money amongst them, but theirdarkvisaged countenances brightened, and finally radiated with a broadgrin, when it became evident that they wonld bring a pound <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee,or a quart <strong>of</strong> whisky as quickly as the gold or silver. These " shinplasters" must have been popular, for since the earliest recollections<strong>of</strong> the writer the streets <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg have been finely gradedand wellpaved.RAILWAY FROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG.As early as 1836 the feasibility <strong>of</strong> the construction <strong>of</strong> a continuousline <strong>of</strong> railway from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, and over the Alleghenieswithout incline planes, was earnestly and enthusiasticallydiscussed. Accordingly a large " Railroad Convention" was calledto assemble at Hollidaysburg, on Tuesday the 24th day <strong>of</strong> January,1837. The convention was in session two days. It was composed<strong>of</strong> delegates from Westmoreland, Indiana, Cambria, Huntingdon,Mifflin and Juniata counties. The delegates from Huntingdon countyAvere Gilbert L. Lloyd, Dr. J. H. Dorsey, John M. Owens, JamesHenderson, David McMurtrie, David <strong>Blair</strong>, G. W. Russ, WilliamMcFarlaud, Thomas B. Moore, Dr. H. Y. Bramwell, J. S. Weisling,Samuel Calvin, Maxwell Kinkead, Edward Bell, D. Buoy, W. R.Hampson, Peter Hewit, John Cresswell, Sr., A. P. Wilson, JamesA. McCahan, Samuel Royer, Henry Divine, J. Bingham, Dr. JamesC<strong>of</strong>f'ey, S. F. Henry, Anthony G. Stewart, Robert Dowry, A. Mc-Cormick, S. Frampton and Thomas J. Kennedy.A committee was appointed to prepare a memorial to the Legislatureand an address to the people <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania. A. P. Wilson,Samuel Calvin and John Bingham were <strong>of</strong> this committee for Huntingdoncounty. Strong resolutions, favoring and predicting thegreat importance and utility <strong>of</strong> the project, were adopted. It wasresolved that the convention was firmly and decidedly convinced


HISTOUV OF ALTOONA AND TtKAHl COINTY. 21.*]<strong>of</strong> tlu' itcrfect praclicalnlity <strong>of</strong> construct iiiii' !< cdiitiiiiioiis I'ailroad,without incline planes, tVoni llarrisluii-j>-, throug-h the \alley (dtlieJuniata, and aloiiii' the Blackliek, on the western side <strong>of</strong> the mountain,and i)assinu- thron^'h Westmoreland county to thewaters <strong>of</strong> theScwickly, You-heny aud Monon.u-aiiela, to rittsljurii'; that theroute })asses throujih the richest mineral region.- <strong>of</strong> the CtimuKUi-Avealth ; that Pennsyhania was anxious to secure the lar^c trade <strong>of</strong>the west bv the construction <strong>of</strong> oiu' coutiuuou.-. rnih'ojidon Ihesliortestand best route, and passiii.u' directly throu^-h the middle <strong>of</strong> theCommonwealth; that this route was demanded by the im-reasingtradewhich i)asses between the eastei'ii and western waters. A committeeon finance was appointed, consisting' <strong>of</strong> .lames A. McCahan,Peter Hewit and Dr. James C<strong>of</strong>fey, ^)efore adjourninu', a resolutionAvas unanimously adopted returninu" the thanks <strong>of</strong> the convention to"the trustees <strong>of</strong> the Methodist Episcopal church, in lloUidaysburii-,for the polite manner in which they lune ,i;-i\en to the convention theuse <strong>of</strong> their conunodious building-."NOTABLE STOKMS AND FLOODS.On llie mornin.u' <strong>of</strong> the 19th <strong>of</strong> Juiu", 1888, the town was visitedby a terriljle storm and flood. The rain began to fall about midnig-ht,and continued, in unceasing torrents, until about six o'clock in themorning. The waters descended furiously in every direction from thehigh grounds, in immense columns, until all that portion <strong>of</strong> Gaysportlying between the railroad and the river wa*; covered witii a wild andalmost irresistable flood. The Juniata had risen al)0ut fourteen feetabove its ordinary level. The water in the dwellings near the riverhad risen as high as from four to five feet. This terril)le flood didmucdi damage to the canal between Hollidaysburg and Huntingdon,amounting to al)out half a million <strong>of</strong> dollars. Joseph Kemp, stilla resident <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg, and Henry Lloyd, who died a fewmonths ago in Pittsburg, were at the time connected with the I'ilotLine Transportation company, and being in Gaysi)ort during this eventfulnight, endeavored to make their escape on a porch. The frailcraft broke in pieces, and their fate was for a few moments intenselvcritical. Their escape from drowning was miraculous. Awoman, nanu'd Mrs. Barrick, and two young children, whilstattempting to escape, were drowned. The store house <strong>of</strong> Chambers& King was wrenched from its foundation and borne down thestream ; the building was crushed against the viaduct and the entirestock <strong>of</strong> u'oods lost. Their loss was estimated at SfyOOO. JohnU

214 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Bousloii.tih, a nu'iTlumt, lost much <strong>of</strong> his stock; also, John Ciill)ert-John Keim, a g'rocer, lost almostson lost merchandise and furniture ;his entire stock ;Peter Boyles lost a large new stable; John Barrhad his furniture damag-ed and a line- library destroyed; the paint shop<strong>of</strong> Mr. E.i^bert was carried away; Mr. A. Ennis lost furniture, booksand shinji'les; the Baltimore and Pittsburg line lost a new stable;Hewit & McComb lost several small houses; Mr. Samuel Sharrer lostconsideralde material used in boat building; and Mr. Charles Hughes'brick \'ard and a large stock <strong>of</strong> brick were destroyed.The town was again visited with a terril)le and destructive freshetOctober 7, 1841. The rain began falling on the previous day,and bv three o'clock on Thursday afternoon the water was over thel)anks <strong>of</strong> the river and some 'three or four feet dee]) in the buildingsnearest the stream in Gaysport. The store house <strong>of</strong> James R. Patton,the barber sho]) <strong>of</strong> Snyder Carr, the <strong>of</strong>fice and store building <strong>of</strong>Justice Smith, Herrou's blacksmith shop,- tlic tailor shop <strong>of</strong> WilliamCharlton, and a warehouse l)elonging to S. J. Royer & Co., werecarried olV. Serious damage was done to the canal, and the farmersalong the I'iver lost h(mvily.FORMATION OFHLAIR COUNTY.Perhaps no event in the history <strong>of</strong> the peo]de <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburgwas the subject <strong>of</strong> so much Intercast, and fraught with so much im-])ortance as the erection <strong>of</strong> the new county <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong>, to be composed<strong>of</strong> parts <strong>of</strong> Huntingdon *and Bedford counties. These counties opposedthe measure, in season and out <strong>of</strong> season, and did everything tothwart the wishes and purposes <strong>of</strong> theambitious and spirited people<strong>of</strong> HolIida\sburg. Hut, notwithstanding, the leading citizens <strong>of</strong> thetown and vicinity lal)orcd most earnestly and zealously for the accomplishment<strong>of</strong> this great and laudable object. The division <strong>of</strong> thecountv had Iteen agitated as early as 1839, a meeting for the consideration<strong>of</strong> this ])roject having been held in the Methodist church on the21 st <strong>of</strong> January <strong>of</strong> that year. Christian Garber, a progressive andinfluential citizen <strong>of</strong> that day, was president <strong>of</strong> the meeting. WilliamWilliams, I'eter Cassiday, Dr. James C<strong>of</strong>tey, P(;ter Hewit, JohnWalker, Samuel Calvin, es(p, and Edward McGraw, Avere appointeda committee to

HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) BLAIR COUNTY. 215The citizens <strong>of</strong> "old mother" niintiii.u-don were eonskleraljly exercised,and tlie peoph' <strong>of</strong> the new county were exiiltnnt. Ilollidayshurg',<strong>of</strong> course, became the county-seat, tind the lirst sessions <strong>of</strong>court were held in the Methodist church. The connaissionersleased <strong>of</strong> John Mahony a one-story stone teiiemant house, which,after havinii: the windows covered witliiron bars, was used for a jail."When a prisoner wanted to make his esca])e he would have Iiimselfcommitted to the " dun,iicon," from ^\•hich he (-ould easily "bore"throu,ride and boast <strong>of</strong> the town. It was organizedOctober 5, 1839. Maj. Wm. W. Williams was captain; I>r.J. A. Landis, lirst lieutenant, and Hon. George R. McFarlane, secondlieutenant. The best citizens <strong>of</strong> the town were in the ranks and carriedmuskets. They were provided with uniforms, and the i)eopleboasted that their's was one <strong>of</strong> the best drilled companies <strong>of</strong> the State.Hollidavsl)urg was jyleased and delighted with a military encampmentfor the first time, during the week commencing on Monday, theISth (lav <strong>of</strong> October, 1841. The companies in attendance, in additionto the Washington Greys, were the Bedford Artillery, Captainlleamer; the Independent Greys <strong>of</strong> Bedford, Captain Arnold; Cam-))ria Guards, Captain William A. Smith; Williamsburg Light Infantry,("Captain McKiernan, and the Uni

216 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.A o-raiid niilitarv eueampiiK'ut was held in the town, commeiichig-October 11, 1843. The affair seemed to absorb puljlic attention forthe time bein.u'. Even the great and mighty questions involved in thepolitical campaign then pending were forgotten, and the town, especiallvthe female i)()rtion <strong>of</strong> it, was i]i a whirlpool <strong>of</strong> excitement.Preparations were made on a grand scale for the entertainment <strong>of</strong>guests, and the following hotels were in readiness, and entertained tothe entire satisfaction the large number <strong>of</strong> strangers that throngedthe town for a week : The People's House, by William Donaldson ;American House, by J. M. Hewit ; Washington Hotel, l>y CaptainJoseph Hammer ; Exchange, by D. H. Moore ; Juniata Hotel, byCol. J. R. Johnston; United States Hotel, by John Dougherty;Temperance Hotel, by Mrs. vStackpole, in CTaysi)ort ; Gaysport "Inn,"by John Law; Perry Hotel, by William Barr, and the "BoardingHouse," by Gideon Marlett. The camp was located on the beautifulslope <strong>of</strong> the Jackson (now Smith) farm focing Hollidaysburg, andwas named Camp Warren. Seventeen companies, and as manyImnds, were in attendance, wvW uniformed, fullyequipped and pr<strong>of</strong>icientin drill and discipline.These were divided into two regiments,numljered the First and Second. Captain B. C. Hah> was electedcolonel <strong>of</strong> the First regiment, and Captain William W. Williams, '<strong>of</strong>the Greys, was made colonel <strong>of</strong> the Second, and A. L. Hollidaywas elected quarter-master <strong>of</strong> the brigade. Col. Williams was a gallantlooking <strong>of</strong>ficer—military from crown to foot. The followingcompanies were in camp : Union Cavalry, Captain Bell; LewistownArtillery, Captain Porter; Washington Guards, Captain MichaelCresswell; Washington Infantry, Captain W. W. Porter; Mifflintown(Uiards, Cu])tain S. Davis; Lewistown Guards, Captain II.Sims; Juniata Artillery, Captain D. M. Jamison; Centre Guards,Captain A. Gregg; Penii's Valley Cadets, Captain Lot W. Irvin ;Bellefonte Infantry, Captain J. Morrison ; Washington Greys,(<strong>Johnstown</strong>,) Captain J. Potts; Washington Greys, (Hollidaysburg,)First Lieutenant J. A. Landis; Bedford Artillery, Captain J. Reamer;Independent Greys, Captain S. M. Taylor; Montgomery Greys,Captain T. B. Wallace; Conemaugh Greys, Captain John Linton;Somerset Guards, Captain John R. Edie.On Sundav morning one regiment attended divine service at theMethodist Episcopal church, and the other attended at the Presbyterianchurch. In the afternoon the entire In-igade marched to thePresbyterian church, which A\as a large and spacious building, andlisteiu'd to an excellent and api)ropriate discourse, by the Re^•. Dr.


218 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIU COUNTY.bers turned out to a man. During- the building- <strong>of</strong> the tunnel in 1850-51, the Irish raised a little war among- themselves, which was <strong>of</strong> suchmagnitude that the Pennsylvania railroad company could not settletheir dispute or cause a cessation <strong>of</strong> hostilities. The military had tobe called upon, and the "Hollidaysburg Guards" responded promptlyand forty rounds <strong>of</strong> ball cartridges were issued to each man. Theknapsacks were supplied with necessary blankets and clothing, andlive days' cooked rations filled the haversacks. They were in thefield three days, and did not leave until the last infuriated connaughtmanor orangemau had surrendered his shot gun and laid down his"shellaleh," and had returned to his allegiance and to the blasting <strong>of</strong>rocks in the tunnel. The company was under fire several times, andthe battle <strong>of</strong> Bennington caused considerable sensation. The Guardscaptured thirty-thr

HISTORY OF ALTOONA ANT) V,L\\\l rOUNTV. 219July, 1859) John II. MeFarlane, first licutiMiaiit, and Tliumas McFarlane,second lieutenant. ^Thoy were .uiven the post <strong>of</strong> honor in theThird Pennsylvania Reji-iment, having' been assigned as company"A".Immediately after the organization <strong>of</strong> the regiment, its captain,F. P. Minier, was elected colonel.The "Juniata Rifles" were oHicered by A. M. Lloyd, as captain ;Christ. N. Snyder, first lieutenant, and Stephen C. Potts, second lieutenant,and assigned as company "H" <strong>of</strong> the Second regiment.Nearlyall the members composing these companies served in different organizationsto the end <strong>of</strong> the war. Lieutenant Potts was killed inthe first battle <strong>of</strong> Fredericksburg, December L3th and 14th, 1868,whilst acting adjutant <strong>of</strong> his regiment, the Sixty-second Pennsylvania.After the close <strong>of</strong> the war, the enthusiasm for "the pride, pompand circumstance <strong>of</strong> glorious war," had subsided ;the ))oys "didn'tAvant any more <strong>of</strong> it in theirs," and the streets were not again enlivenedwith the tread <strong>of</strong> men in martial array until the year 1874, whenthe "Juniata Riflemen," company "F", Fifth Regiment, NationalGuards <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, were organized. Jas. F. Milliken, ca))tain ;J. Rodgers, first lieutenant, and Martin Bell, jr., second lieutenant. Itwas mustered out <strong>of</strong> service in January, 187G.The military organization which is now the i)ride and boast <strong>of</strong>Hollidaysburg—company "C," Fifth Regiment N. G. <strong>of</strong> Pa.—datesits existence with the autumn <strong>of</strong> 18TS. .The company, like the entirecorps <strong>of</strong> the National Guards, is equipped in a first-class manner andcould take the field in compfete readiness for campaign duty in twelvehours' notice.T. Dallas Wilkins, a young gentleman perfectly familiarwith military tactics and having the capacity, in a high degree,<strong>of</strong> drilling and disciplining men, is captain ;James P. Stewart isfirst lieutenant, and J. D. Hemphil, second lieutenant. The companyis composed <strong>of</strong> the flower <strong>of</strong> the young gentlemen <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg,and, as manv <strong>of</strong> them are possessed <strong>of</strong> more than ordinary inielligence,it need scarcely be a surprise to any one, when informed, that at thelast encampment at Braddocks, they were highly complimented fortheir pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in drill and for the excellent discipline observed bythe men. Hollidaysburg could always boast <strong>of</strong> a good military organization.Its first company, the old Washington Greys, receivedthe plaudits and compliments <strong>of</strong> all for excellent marching and drillat the great encampment <strong>of</strong> 1843, and now company "C," its lastcompany up to this date, received the plaudits and compliments <strong>of</strong>all for the same accomplishments at the great encam]>ment at Braddocksin 188U.

220 HISTORY OF AI.TOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.VISIT OF KOSSUTH.That distiuguislu'd Hungarian, Louis Kossuth, and suite,visitedHollidaysburg on Saturday, January 17, 1852, and remained inthe town over Sunday. He was welcomed at the Mountain House,at the Portage Intersection, which stood near what is now called"!""switches, by four or five hundred citizens. He left the cars under theescort <strong>of</strong> Hon. George R. McFarlane, and he had scarcely reachedth(> platform until the people began to press closely around him andAvelcome him in the most cordial manner. He was escorted to thedining hall by Mr. William Shomo, who was chairman <strong>of</strong> the committee<strong>of</strong> arrangements. Some two hundred persons dined with him.After dinner, the doors were thrown open and all thronged in.GrovernorKossuth was introduced by Col. D. H. H<strong>of</strong>tius in one <strong>of</strong> hiscliaracteristic and eloquent speech

HISTORY OF Al/rOONA AND BLAIR COI'NTY. 221nail factorv. For a time coiisidcral)!!' cxcilriiuMit ijrovailcd, and thetown seemed to take a new start. These mines have; l)ei"n worked atdifferent points constantly ever since their first develoi)meiit— millions<strong>of</strong> tons <strong>of</strong> ore, <strong>of</strong> .u'ood cjualily, have bi'eii tnkeii out and larg'equanties shipped to <strong>Johnstown</strong> and other furnaces. The mines arestill bein.i-- worked with pr<strong>of</strong>it, and many years will he reciuired to exhaustthem. At the present time the mines and furnaces arc dwiicdand ojx'rated by the Cambria Iron company.CONSTlilK'TION OF THE RESERVOIR.A meetinji- <strong>of</strong> the citizens, for the construction <strong>of</strong> a rj>servoir, washeld in the town hall, March 6, 1839. At this meeting' resolutionswere adopted and committees ajipointed, and the most determinedsteps were taken to push forward the measure. Robert Williams,Dr. James C<strong>of</strong>fey, G. R. McFarlane, John B. Rover, J. C. Betts,Peter Hewit and Joseph Kemp were appointinl on tlie most importantcommittee. The Leg-islatnrc was stirred up, the necessarymoney appropriated, and the next year the w(jrk was commenced andvigorously pros,ecut(>d. The contractors were John Mitchell andS. H. Lloyd. The firm <strong>of</strong> McFarlane & Garber furnished the iron.The w(.rk was completed by Henry L. Patterson, who subsecpientlytook th(^ contract.FIRE AP<strong>PA</strong>RATUS AND FIRE COM<strong>PA</strong>NIES.The first fire engine purchased by the 1)orough was during the fall<strong>of</strong> ISoC), soon after its organization, and cost two hundred and twentyfivedollars. It was a very, odd looking and singularly constructedmachine, and proved <strong>of</strong> little service at a fire. In December, 1831,an attempt was made to organize a fire department and take steps tosupply a want which was evidently felt—means to subdue a fire incase the borough, which was now a rapidly growing town, shouldbe threatened Avith such a disaster.[An effort was at the same time made to form a joint stock companyfor the i»urpose <strong>of</strong> supplying the borough with water. JosephCrawford, es((., Hon. Josisph Adams, Rudolph Williams, DavidMitchell and Rol)ert Williams were appointed a committee to procurefrom the Legislature an act <strong>of</strong> incorporation for said comi)any. Inthe fall <strong>of</strong> 18(')T, a little more than thirty years after this meeting,the fond dream <strong>of</strong> these public spiritedcitizens was realized, but notone <strong>of</strong> the aljove committee were present to witness it.]There was no regular fire organization until January 2G, 1838.The citizens then met at the United States hotel and a company was

222 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.formed, and a determination evinced to procure a good engine. Butthe effort was abortive, and the company organized proved to benothing more than a " bucket brigade." In the winter <strong>of</strong> 1841 the"Diamond Engine company" was organized, and this was really thefirst fire company in the borough. It was then determined to procuretwo good fire engines. A \ote on the subject was had, and thetax-payers were largely favoraljle to the pro]X)sition.In September,1841, the "Juniata " arrived, and was placed in the hands <strong>of</strong> thefiremen. But the Allegheny engine was not received until April 9,1842. In 1869 the borough authorities purchased <strong>of</strong> Mr. Button,the manufacturer <strong>of</strong> the Button engine, <strong>of</strong> Troy, New York, the finesteamer "Phoenix," at a cost <strong>of</strong> $2,500. It is in charge <strong>of</strong> a goodcompany, composed <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the best citizens <strong>of</strong> the town. It hasdone good service. In addition to the Pha?ni.\; organization, Hollidaysburgboasts <strong>of</strong> the Allegheny Hook and Ladder company, with agood truck, constructed on the modern plan ;the Good Will Hosecompany, with a first-class carriage, and also .a hose carriage managedby the Phcenix company. The fire organization is not onlycomplete in all its details, but is a credit to the borSugh and thosehaving the management <strong>of</strong> ])iiblicaffairs.MARKET HOUSE.In July, 1S41, the ))orough authorities l)uilt a finemarket house,Market square.on the <strong>Blair</strong> street front <strong>of</strong> what \\as then known asThe building is still standing, and is used for the Hook and LadderTruck and the Good Will Hose carriage.. Each butcher had his ownstall, where he dealt out the choicest steaks; and the farmers formany years patronized this market, In'inging the products <strong>of</strong> theirfarms in front <strong>of</strong> the building and backing their wagons against thecurb. The market was open on Wednesday and Saturday mornings<strong>of</strong> each week. Tlie hours were from about o until 8 or 9 A. M. Duringthese pleasant market times the "early l)ird caught the worm."Here, at the early blush <strong>of</strong> dawn, could ])e purchased the best <strong>of</strong>everything—vegetal)les and fruits in their season.HOLLIDAYSBURG IX 1842.Hollidaysburg, in January, 1842, is described by J. Penn Jones,esq., (at that time editor and proprietor <strong>of</strong> the "Register and Enquirer,"and which is still ably conducted liy David Over, esq., towhom we are indebted for favors,) as follows: " Hollidaysburg is agreat place! It is great in a great many respects—one <strong>of</strong> the great-

;HISTORY iW ALTOOXA AND HLAIR OdUNTV. 2 -2 '5c'^t iHTliiips in the iiilcrior <strong>of</strong> tlic .urcat State <strong>of</strong> Poniisylvauia !It isji-reat as a business place; it is a .ureat [dace for fnn, and .uTeat fori^obriety and order ;.lireat for pretty .liirls, and li' 1 ones, too: (tiieassertion <strong>of</strong> the"' Willianisport Eniporiiiin ' to tin' contrary notwithstanding;)great for its liberality and enterprise; great for its rapidincrease in population, wealth and improvement; great for its muddystreets in wet weather; great for its dusty ones in dry ;it's a greatplace for Washingtonians and Teatotallers; great for industriousmen and thinking mechanics, and a great place for sleighing when theground is frozen ! It's a good place to sell saddles <strong>of</strong> venison, andflour for buckwhi'at cakes, potatoes, chickens, ice cream, (in summer,)and patent medicines all the year round! But the greatest thing <strong>of</strong>all, is, it's a great place for taking newspapers— greater in this respect,than any other to\vn <strong>of</strong> the same population in the Avorld.'But enough said about our ' towni's greatness for the present. Notmanv years ago it was little better than a wilderness. In 1830 it didnot contain more than fifteen or twenty houses, and a population <strong>of</strong>150 or 200. Where Gaysport stands there was no sign <strong>of</strong> a town !Swamps and thickets, in which ralilnts Inirro-wed and black birdsbuilt their nests, were then Avhere now^ are houses, gardens, streets,alleysand work-shops."In 1842 the American House was kept as a temperance hotel byIra Hoadly, and the liar-room was turned into a reading room."The population <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg at the present time, ascoiTcctlytaken by our borough assessor, Abraham Yantries, esq., is 2,368;Gaysport, 448; total, 2,816. Gaysport is an incorporated district,cut <strong>of</strong>l'from Hollidaysburg proper, by a branch <strong>of</strong> the Juniata.''GAS INTRODUCEDIn LSf)!') Hollidaysl)urg was lighted for the lirst time with gas.The Hollidaysburg Gas and Water company was incorporated by anact <strong>of</strong> Assembly, approved March 16; 1854, but wa-- not fully organizedfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> manufacturing gas until April, 1856. No attemptwas at that time made to introduce water. The cajiital <strong>of</strong> thecompany was $40,000. Sometime during the spring a contract wasmade with L. R. Titus, <strong>of</strong> Trenton, N. J ,for the furnishing andlaying <strong>of</strong> the pipes, and construction <strong>of</strong> the works at a cost <strong>of</strong> $30,-000. The first <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the coini)any were Thomas C. McDowell,president; J. R. Crawford, secretary; and Thomas Bingham andWilliam McFarland, directors. They held tlieir i)ositions until June,wlien an election was had and R. M. Lemon was elected president

224 HISTORY OF ALTOONA and BLAIR COUNTY.R. B. Johnston, treasurer, and Thomas C. McDowell, secretary.The niana.u'ers were Jesse K. Crawford, Tlionias Bin.si'ham and Dr.Joseph A. Landis. The work was prosecuted with vig-or, and thetown was l)roug-ht from darkness to light by means <strong>of</strong> a g-ood article<strong>of</strong> gas in the month <strong>of</strong> Octolx'r, 185G.WATER WORKS AND RESERVOIR.The Hollidfiysburg- water works were built l)y the borougii authorities.The act <strong>of</strong> Assembly authorizing- their construction wasajiproved March 16, 186(i. James Gardner, William Jack, JamesCondron, John L. Hemphill and Thaddeus Banks were the watercommissioners.xVn article <strong>of</strong> agreement was made and entered intowith John A. Woodward and T. B. Farrington, <strong>of</strong> Williamsport, Pa.,to supply the water pipes. These pipes are <strong>of</strong> AAood, wrapped withiron by a machine invented for this express jnirpose, and coated witha com])osition <strong>of</strong> coal tnr and asphaltuni. The water is broughtfrom a beautiful spring <strong>of</strong> free-stone water on the Brush mountainfarm <strong>of</strong> the Hon. Thaddeus Banks. Its location is in a beautifulmountain dell, into which the rays <strong>of</strong> the sun seldom ])enetrate, andthe pure, clear, cold water comes forth from the mountain side, leapingand rushing over large moss-covered boulders, and from the noisethus made it has received the appropriate name <strong>of</strong> "Roaring Run.''The distance, along the line <strong>of</strong> pipes, from the borough limits towhere the stream is tapped, is two and three-fourth miles. Hollidaysburgwas truly hai)py when the pure Brush mountain water leapedfrom the hydrants for the first time, early in Xovember, 1S()T. Thecost <strong>of</strong> these works was iibout S.30,()00. It must Ix- rememberedthat in 1866-'7 the cost <strong>of</strong> iron pi])es was from one-third to one-halfmore than the cost <strong>of</strong> wooden pipes.It was ascertained that the small well lirst used for the reception <strong>of</strong>the water was insufficient, and a reservoir was constructed <strong>of</strong> a capacity<strong>of</strong> two and a half million gallons, at a cost <strong>of</strong> about $15,000.The elevation <strong>of</strong> the reservoir above Brush run is oiu' hundred andseventy-five feet, and above points in town frcun sixty to one hundredand twenty feet. The water works ar(> numaged and controlled bythe l)tirgess and town council.I'RESP.YTERIAN CHURCH AND ITS <strong>PA</strong>STORS.The Presbyterian church, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg was organized aboutthe 5'^ear ITtS. The HoUidays were Presbyterians. The first preaching'that we have anv account <strong>of</strong> was at the house <strong>of</strong> Mr. William

HISTORY OV AliTdONA AND I'.I.AIU COl'NTV. 225Hollidiiy, liy llic Wry. Dr. Kiiii;-, <strong>of</strong> M

22() HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLATR COUNTY.licv. Dr. David McKiniiey wa^i called to this cliavgo in 1841, andcontinued in the pastovate until 1852. He was one <strong>of</strong> the leading-He resigned thespirits in the great temperance movement <strong>of</strong> 1844.pastoral charge to take control <strong>of</strong> the "Presbyterian Banner," whichhe originated, and which is still ])ublished in Pittsburg.Between the years 1820 and 1841 Alexander Knox, Thomas B.Moore, John B. Kiddle, John G. McKee and John Lyttle were or-During Dr. McKinney's pastor-dained ruling elders <strong>of</strong> the cliurrh.ate Jonathan Hamilton, John McCartney, Joseph Smith, CharlesWilson, William C. McCormick and Samuel Moore were ordainedruling elders.The Rev. David X. Junkin, pastor <strong>of</strong> the F Street Presbyterianchurch, <strong>of</strong> Washington, D. C, having been called to the pastorate,(commenced his ministry on the 30th <strong>of</strong> October, 1853. During hispastorate James D. Rea, Joseph Dysart, Wm. R. Findley, M. D.,Thomas Smith and Robert R. Hamilton were ordained ruling elders.In the spring <strong>of</strong> 1800, the health <strong>of</strong> Dr. Junkin becoming inijiaired, hewas granted a leav(> <strong>of</strong> absence for six months. On the 11th <strong>of</strong> Decend)er,<strong>of</strong> the same year, the pastoral relations between Dr. Junkinand the church were, at his own request, dissolved. The Rev. DavidSterret su})})lied the pulpit until the first Sabbath in September, 1861.On the 4th day <strong>of</strong> August, 18(51, the Rev. David Henry Barronreceived a call to become the pastor <strong>of</strong> this church, and, it havingbeenaccepted, he preached his first sermon as the pastor electon thesecond Sabbath <strong>of</strong> September, 1801. On Tuesday, November 12,18fil, he was installed pastor <strong>of</strong> the cliurch, in which relation he stillcontinues.In 1845 a number <strong>of</strong> families separated from this church and organizedas the church <strong>of</strong> Fast Freedom. It has since been changedto Duncansville. In 1852 the church <strong>of</strong> Altoona was organized out<strong>of</strong> the mem1)ers <strong>of</strong> this church. From that has sprung the Secondchurch, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, and now both are large and flourishing. The])resent meml)ership <strong>of</strong> the Hollidaysburg church is 440.During the pastorate <strong>of</strong> Rev. Mr. Barron, four members <strong>of</strong> thesession have died, viz: John B. Riddle, Charles Wilson, James D.Rea and Joseph Smith; two have removed from the bounds <strong>of</strong> thechurch, viz: Joseph Dysart and Rol)ert Riddle, who now reside inAltoona. Hon. Samuel S. <strong>Blair</strong>, Hon. A. S. Landis, Crawford Irwin,M. D., and Robert Riddle have been ordained ruling elders.Three <strong>of</strong> these, Messrs. <strong>Blair</strong>, Landis and Irwin, with Messrs.Robert R. Hamilton, compose the present session.

IlISTdUY OF ALTOONA AND HKAIll COUNTY. 227Tn tilt' siiimiHT <strong>of</strong> 1868 the con^-i'c.ii'iitioii resolved to build :i newcliureh sis the old sti'ucturo, wliieli li;id done i^-ood serviee, wns I)ecoiniiig-unsafe and had been time upon time condemned. Tlie w riLerdistinctly remembers that during- some condemnatory remai'ks by theRev. Dr. Junkin, his furious poundiui^' made tlie feathers or cotton (lyfrom the old pulpit cushion. Fortunately, that same ])nlpit was themost durable part <strong>of</strong> the church, and could have (uisily withstood tlx^Doctor's most vig'orous pounding- for ag'cs. Tt was not, liowever,until the Deceml)er following that the abandonment <strong>of</strong> tlie old churchl)uilding was fully determined uponf The congreg-ation then (Di;-eember 13) commenced worshii)])ing- in the court house, which theycontinued to occupy until the oth<strong>of</strong> June, ISTO, wlien the chapel wasready for occupancy.On the 9th <strong>of</strong> September, 18r>'.l, the corner-stone <strong>of</strong> the newbuildina' was laid. The stoiu' occupies a plac(> in the south-westcorner <strong>of</strong> the wall. "First Prosl)yterian Church," is cut upon oneside, and "Scjit. 1), 18(19,'' upon the other. The laying- <strong>of</strong> the stonewas observed with appropriate ceremonies. The box (h'posited inthe stone contained a sermon by Dr. W. J. Gibson and his ])hotog-raph;sermon b}' Dr. David McKinney and hisi)hotog-raph ; sermonby Dr. D. X. Junkin and his photog-raph ; sermon by Kev. I). IT.Barron and his photograph ; histtnw <strong>of</strong> the church, I)v Hon. A. S.Landis; one copy <strong>of</strong> the Bilile ;Hymiuil and Coni'ession <strong>of</strong> Faitli;photograjih <strong>of</strong> the old church building; list <strong>of</strong> otTicers and members<strong>of</strong> the church; fractional currency; one copy each <strong>of</strong> the "XewYork World," "Xew York Tril)une," •' Presliyterian," "New YorkObserver," "Hollidaysl)urg Standard," and "Hollidaysburg Register;" and sixty dollars in Continental currency. The first i)ublicservice was held in the new church during the sessions <strong>of</strong> the Svnod<strong>of</strong> Harrisburg, wliich began on the 19th <strong>of</strong> October, 1811,but regularSabbath worship did31, 1871.ST.not begin in the main room until DecemlierMICHAEL'S ROMAN CATIIOIJC fill HCH.Among the early citizens <strong>of</strong> this town wen^ a number <strong>of</strong> RomanCatholics from different parts <strong>of</strong> Germany. They attended St.Mary's church here. Messrs. Josejjh and John Baroner, sr., tln^Meintels, the Fuchs, Greneders, Lieb, W. Ranch, J. Zanker, J. Heilmeier,and others, finally numbering eighty families, established aGerman congregation, and built a new church <strong>of</strong> their o\\ n.The corner-stone <strong>of</strong> their church (St. Michael's) was laid on Novenil)er27, 1862, and in less than a y

228 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.))y lit. Rev. Michael Doiiienee, Bishop <strong>of</strong> Pittsburii-, who also appointedthe first pastor in the person <strong>of</strong> Rev. George Kirelmer. Thechurch is built in an elevated part <strong>of</strong> the town upon a fine plot <strong>of</strong>ground. It measures 15x43 feet. Its tower or steeple is 120 feet,and contains a ehinie <strong>of</strong> bells. In addition, the German Catholicspossess a school-house and a temporary residence for their pastor.The pastor. Rev. G. Kirchner, labored hard among his flock ;hehad many sore trials, hard work and at times insufficient rest. Yethe bore it pleasantly in his zeaHo promote the welfare <strong>of</strong> his people.He filled the position <strong>of</strong> pastor for nearly five years, after which he wastransferred to Pittsburg. The second pastor was Rev. John B.Schmidt.Nothing particular was done during his pastorate, save theendeavor to promote the spiritual welfare <strong>of</strong> the congregation.Rev. J. Rosswog was his successor. He remained about ninemonths. His pastorate was attended by nothing noteworthy. Thenext pastor appointed was Rev. George Allman. He was born inGermany, but completed his studies and was ordained in this country.He was beloved here by all classes. The next pastor, was Rev.Julius Kuenzer. He also was l)orn in Germany. His literary abilitieswere <strong>of</strong> a high grade;a great scholar in Latin, unexcelled in pr<strong>of</strong>aneand ecclesiastical history, and well posted in all theological matters.No changes were made during his pastorate <strong>of</strong>nearly four and a halfyears. From here he was transferred to Pine Creek, Alleghenycounty, Pa., where he is still in charge. The present pastor. Rev.Francis J. Kaib, came on December 1, 1878. He is a native <strong>of</strong> ourcountry, born at Pittsburg, on February 24, 1850. Great improvementshave been made up to date under his careful management.The old school-building has been superseded by a new and elegantone. Mrs. Barbara Zanker, wife <strong>of</strong> Joseph Zanker, an old citizen <strong>of</strong>this town, but now deceased, gave to the pastor, toward erecting thenew school, $4,000. Work was commenced at the new building aboutApril, 1879, and was finished for school purposes the following October.The building is large and commodious, measuring 60 feet indepth, 26 feet in width and about 28 feet in heighth.Besides this improvement,there now stands in the place <strong>of</strong> the old school building aneat brick dwelling for the good teachers, the Sisters. It is 21 feetfront and 33 feet deep and two stories high, and complete in its arrangements.The Sisters have brought the school to a high grade,teaching in both languages—German and English—reading, spelling,writing, grammar, arithmetic, geography, Bible history and catechism,to an average <strong>of</strong> ninety to one hundred children.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND HI,AIR COUNTY. 229Thus tln' coiigTOgation has ))r

230 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.Herved the congregation until 1862. During his pastorate, the newchurch,on the corner <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and Union streets, was built and'the old church taken down. The corner stone <strong>of</strong> the new church waslaid in June, 1853, amidst imposing ceremonies. Many articles <strong>of</strong>interest were deposited, and it is to be regretted that a description <strong>of</strong>them cannot be given. Rev. Daniel Schindler became the pastor in18G2 and served for three years. He was an eloquent preacher anda good man, but there was no notable prosperity during his pastorate.'He succeeded in procuring for the church an elegant pipe organwhich cost six hundred dollars. Rev. Charles L. Ehrenfeld becamethe pastor during the summer <strong>of</strong> 1865, and served the congregationacceptably for five years. He was succeeded by the present pastor,Rev. D. L. Ryder, who preached his first sermon as the regular minister,in the month <strong>of</strong> January, 1812. During his ministry thechurch edifice and parsonage have been remodeled and greatly improved.The church is now very neat and comfortable. The wallsare handsomely frescoed; 1)eautifiil stained gkss adorn the windowsand the floor is covered with a handsome carpet. The present membershipis three hundred and fifty, and the Sabbath-school numberssometwo hundred scholars.BAPTIST CHURCH.The Baptist church <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg sprung from the church atWilliamsburg, which was admitted into the Juniata Baptist Associationin 1829. Ten members <strong>of</strong> that church had their residence inHollidaysburg, and when it was determined that the canal basinshould be located there, and it became evident that the village <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburgwas destined to become a large and prosperous town^these ten memliers deemed it expedient and proper for them to organ-,ize a church <strong>of</strong> their own. Accordingly, in August, 1833, they obtainedletters <strong>of</strong> dismission from the Williamsburg church. On Novembern, following, a council <strong>of</strong> the association, which had beenpreviously called, met in the public school building on Walnut street,,(the old school building which was torn down some years since), andthen and there the Baptist church <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg was organized.Rev. David Williams, pastor <strong>of</strong> the Williamsburg church, was calledand became the first pastor. Sutliff" F. Henry and Joshua Williamsonwere elected deacons <strong>of</strong> the new organization. But it was notuntil 1836 that the congregation felt themselves able to build a churchedifice. Although this small nucleus soon grew in numbers and influence,their limited means would allow <strong>of</strong> th£ erection <strong>of</strong> but a

—HISTORY OF ALTOONA AN]) ULAIll COUNTY. 231small brick buildin,!;-, wliich was built on the corner <strong>of</strong> WaliuiL andUnion streets, the site <strong>of</strong> the present church. Rev. Williams continuedto serve the church for several years. Rev. Thomas K. Thomaswas the pastor for six months during the year 1837. Rev. John P.Rockafellar, an able and earnest divine, very zealous in the cause <strong>of</strong>Christ, w^as called to the pastorate in 1837. He continued to laboramong- the people, witnessing, in many instances, rich returns forhis labors, up to the time <strong>of</strong> his death, which occurred in 1849, exceptan interval <strong>of</strong> three years. He died young, and his early departurewas much regretted. Rev. Rockafellar had many warm andtrue friends. During his ministry, the little brick church was discoveredto be too small for the accommodation <strong>of</strong> the rapidly increasingcongregation, and in 184(5 the neat edifice now used by the churchwas built. In 1874 it was remodeled, and the auditorium has l)eenmade very comfortable and attractive. During the interval <strong>of</strong> threeyears, before alluded to, the pulpit was filled by Rev. Dr. A K. Bell,and Rev. Henry Wescott.In 1848 the congregation extended a callto Rev. D. J. Yerkes, who continued in the pastorate until 1857.Rev. Yerkes was a brilliant preacher, a good pastor and very successful.He was succeeded by Rev. A. H. Taylor, who continued incharge until 1862. Rev. C. S. Stineman was the pastor for one year.In 1864 Rev. Dr. William Sbadrack became the pastor, and continued,greatly admired and respected by all his congregation, until1868, when Rev. E. C. Clapp was called and served for two years.He was regularly installed pastor in August, 1867, and served hispeople faithfully until October, 186!). In the spring <strong>of</strong> 1870 Rev. H.F. King, the present pastor, received a call, which was accepted, andtook charge <strong>of</strong> the congregation during the month <strong>of</strong> April <strong>of</strong> thatyear. Rev. King is very acceptable to the people as a pastor. Hisheart is in his w'ork, and there is no (juestion <strong>of</strong> his future success.He is a^^oung, earnest and arduous worker in the cause <strong>of</strong> his Master.The Sabbath-school attached to the church is large and in a flourishingcondition. M. H. Baldridge, is its superintendent. A. M.Lloyd takes an active interest and has charge <strong>of</strong> the Bible classcalled the "Judson Bible Class."HOLLIDAYSBURCJ SEMINARY FOR YOUNli LADIES.On page 25 reference is made to this institution <strong>of</strong> learning, whichoriginated from a desire for higher education for young ladies.Thebuilding is stone, four stories from the foundation, frontage one hundredand fifty feet, and depth one hundred and sixty feet. It con-

;232 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.tains, inaddition to a larg-e and commodious school hall, a laboratory,recitation, reading, music and art rooms, besides apartments for theprincipal and h\^ family, and dormitories for boarding pupils. Thebuilding contains all the modern conveniences. The location <strong>of</strong> theSeminary, on an elevated campus, the grounds embracing four or fiveacres, is a beautiful one, commanding a fine view in every direction.In point <strong>of</strong> healthfuluess the location is unexcelled. While, in nosense, sectarian, the school is, in the best sense, moral and Christian.The work is thorough, broad and liberal, in recognition <strong>of</strong> the factthat the sphere <strong>of</strong> woman's activity and usefulness is constantly widening.[See engraving on page 212.]THE GREAT FIRE INHOLLIDAYSBURG.About four o'clock, p. m., on the 14th day <strong>of</strong> April, <strong>1880</strong>, a fireoriginated, evidently the work <strong>of</strong> an incendiary, in an unoccupiedbarn, formerly used as a livery stable by Charles He wit, located onWayne street, between Allegheny and Mulberry streets. The PhoenixSteam Fire Engine company, Allegheny Hook and Ladder companyand the G(^od Will hose company promptly responded to an alarmgiven by the whistle <strong>of</strong> furnace number one. The wind, however,spread the flames over adjoining frame structures, and in a short timetwo blocks were on fire, rendering the efforts <strong>of</strong> the fire departmentto subdue the flames entirely unavailing. A telegram for aid wastransmitted to Chief Engineer Rose, <strong>of</strong> Altoona. Promptly theVigilant company with their apparatus, embarked on aspecial train,consisting <strong>of</strong> an engine and truck, and the run was made (sevenmiles) in eleven minutes. The Vigilant was followed by the EmpireHook and Ladder company, who drove to Holiidaysburg, over arough road, in forty minutes. By this time the fire was under control.Its progress was stopped by the firemen confining their attentionto preventing its further spread.After the fire .there remained but one stable, occupied by James€ondron, on the two squares ravaged by the flames. The buildings-destroyed were the double cottage house owned by the Rollins brothers;green house, photogragh gallery and dwelling <strong>of</strong> Frank Proctorthe large brick house on the corner <strong>of</strong> Allegheny and Penn streets,owned by Dr. C. Irwin and occupied by Dr. D. S. Hays also two;frame houses adjoining, owned by Dr. Irwin, and a brick house ownedby W^m. Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, and a small house owned and occupiedby the widow Lewis; also stables <strong>of</strong> A. L. HoUiday, J. Berckheimer,Samuel McFadden, Hon. Thad. Banks, Samuel Milliken, William

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 233Williams, A. F. Ostcrloh, William Gardner, James Patton, Mrs.Reynolds, Col. J. A. Lemon, G. I. Davis, J. M. Kinports, C. G.Lovvry, McFarlane heirs, the stables on the Dr. Irwin lots and theWilliam Thomas lot, and two others. A ]ari,''e number <strong>of</strong> unt houses,sheds, g-rape arbors, etc.,were either broken, burned or damajj^ed.While the fire was in progress the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the re.>^idenee <strong>of</strong> JudgeDean, and also on that <strong>of</strong> Hon. R. A. McMurtrie, caught fire fromflying sparks, but were extinguished before serious damage resulted.Several other buildings caught fire from sparks and blazing shinglescarried by the wind, among which were the residences <strong>of</strong> Dr. W. C.Roller, Mrs. Charlotte Irvine, Hon. S. S. <strong>Blair</strong>, and the stable <strong>of</strong>David Over, which sustained but little or no damage.The losses an)ounted to about twenty thousand dollars, uponwhich there was aliout ten thousand dollars <strong>of</strong> insurance.BLAIR COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY.From Rowan Clarke, M. D., <strong>of</strong> Bellwood, we obtained a shortand concise history <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Medical Society. A preliminarymeeting was held in Hollidaysburg, July 25, 1848, in pursuanceto a notice which appeared in the Hollida}' sburg papers, signedby James C<strong>of</strong>fey, M. D.; J. A. Landis, M. D.; A. Rodrigue, M. D.;Robert W. Christy, M. D., and Harry T. C<strong>of</strong>fey, M. D. In additionto the gentlemen just named, Wm. R. Findley, M. D., at that time<strong>of</strong> Frankstown, and John Getty, M. D., <strong>of</strong> Martinsburg, were present.Dr. John Getty presiding, and Dr. H. T. C<strong>of</strong>fey, acting as secretary.Drs. J. A. Landis, Wm. R. Findley and H. T. C<strong>of</strong>f'ey were appointeda committee to draft a con.stitution and by-laws. On the 16th November,1848, an adjourned meeting was held at the E.xchangehotel,Hollidaysburg, which was composed <strong>of</strong> the gentlemen just named.A constitution and bj^-law's were adopted and signed by those present.The following <strong>of</strong>ficers were elected : President, James C<strong>of</strong>fey,M. D., Hollidaysburg ;vice presidents, John Getty, M. D., Martinsburg,and John D. Ross, M. D., <strong>of</strong> Williamsburg; corrspondingsecretary, Harry T. C<strong>of</strong>fey, M. D., Hollidaysburg; treasurer, RobertW. Christy, M. D., Hollidaysburg. The next meeting (the firstregular meeting) was held on December 2(5, 1848, in tiie <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Dr.R. W. Christy in Hollidaysburg.The constitution described the object <strong>of</strong> the society to be the advancement<strong>of</strong> medical knowledge, and to sustain and elevate the medicalpr<strong>of</strong>ession, to protect the interests <strong>of</strong> its members, to extend thebounds <strong>of</strong> medical science, and to promote all measures calculated to

234 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.relievo sulfering, to improve the health and to protect the live;> <strong>of</strong> thecommunity. Article 3, section l,sa_y8: "Xo one shall be admittedas a member unless he is a graduate in medicine <strong>of</strong> some respectableschool ; or, has a license to practice from some board recognized bythe State Medical Society ;or, has lieen a practitioner <strong>of</strong> medicinefor at least fifteen years, and who is in good moral standing in theplace where he resides." The balance <strong>of</strong> the constitution and b3"-lawsis for the government and discipline <strong>of</strong> its members, and has been butslightly amended since its adoption. The society is also governed bythe code <strong>of</strong> ethics <strong>of</strong> the "American Medical Association," an admiraablecode in every respect.Twentv-seven names arc on the roll at the present time, onh' one<strong>of</strong> the original mend)ers. Dr. John D. Ross, <strong>of</strong> Martinsburg, beingamong the number.The <strong>of</strong>ficers for the present year are as follows: President, G. E.Brehman vice presidents,;C. H. Clossin, and R. W. Christy ;secretary,Rowan Clarke;treasurer, John D. Ross.CONCLUSION.The first postmaster <strong>of</strong> HoUidaysburg was William Holliday.He was postmaster in 1779, and it is probable was commissioned bythe Supreme Executive Council <strong>of</strong> the State. He and several othersaddressed a petition to the Council, to whieh be signed his name asJohn Holliday was postmasterpostmaster, on the 29th <strong>of</strong> May, 1779.during the administrations <strong>of</strong> Madison and Monroe, and probablyJohn Quincy Adams. Peter Hevvit served during the first part <strong>of</strong>Jackson's administration. He was followed by Samuel Moore.Wm. McFarland was appointed by Yan Buren ;Dr. James C<strong>of</strong>fey,by President Harrison ;John Gorley, under James K. Polk ; theRev. J. P. Rockafellar, under President Taylor. Rev. Rockafellar'shealth becoming poor he was unable to discharge the duties and wassucceeded by Joseph Baldrige. Col Wm. G. Murray was CQmmissioiiedby Franklin Pierce in 1853, and was continued during the administration<strong>of</strong> James Buchanan. James Bingham was appointedby Abraham Lincoln in ISGl, and continued in the <strong>of</strong>fice until 1869or 1870, when John Lingafelt was commissioned by U. S. Grant, andcontinued to discharge the duties in a very acceptable manner up tothe time <strong>of</strong> his death, in the spring <strong>of</strong> 1879. His son, James M. Lingafelt,succeeded to the <strong>of</strong>fice, and is the present incumbent.Three <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysbui'g's citizens served in the supreme council<strong>of</strong> the nation. David Bard served as a member <strong>of</strong> Cont^ress from

HISTORY OF Ar/rOONA AND HLAIR COUNTY. 235March 4, 1797, to March 4, ISOI, (hiring- the Fourth and Fif'tii Cong-resses,and aiiain from Marcli 4, 1808, to March 4, 1815; or, fromthe Eighth to the Thirteenth Congresses inchisive. He died suddenlyon his return from Washington, at Alexandria, on March 12, 1815.He was, as stated in another place, a Presbyterian minister, and u\)to within a short time <strong>of</strong> his death, a citizen <strong>of</strong> the borough andowned the lot now occupied by John Wighaman, on Alleghenystreet. At the time <strong>of</strong> his death he resided in Sinking Valley. TheHon. Samuel Calvin represented this district in the Thirteenth Congress,and the Hon. Samuel S. <strong>Blair</strong> was its representative in the"Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses.The Hon. Hiram Price, who is a member <strong>of</strong> the present congressfrom the Second Iowa district, was at one time an active and leadingcitizen <strong>of</strong> the borough. General Henry H. Bingham, presentmember <strong>of</strong> the First district <strong>of</strong> this State spent his boyhood days inHollidaysburg, and his father, Mr. James Bingham, is still an honoredcitizen. Hon. Ed. Belch, now a prominent lawyer in Missouri,and who served prominently for some years in the state senate, wasa citizen ;he studied law in the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Col. I). H. H<strong>of</strong>fius, and hungout his first shingle in Hollidaysburg. Hon. Geo. W. Martin, nowa prominent citizen <strong>of</strong> Kansas, and for many years the State printer,looks upon Hollidaysburg as his old stamping ground, and recallswith pleasure the many pleasant days he spent at his first home.Robert Lowry, now a prominent citizen <strong>of</strong> Davenport, Iowa, wasonce a leading citizen, and at one time proprietor <strong>of</strong> the "AmericanHouse." Many others could be named who have gone out and bex?omeprominent members <strong>of</strong> society elsewhere, but the brief spaceallowed for this narration, prevents it.Among the leading citizens may be mentioned the Hon. Geo. R.McFarlane. He was fast rising in prominence, when his sudden anduntimely death, in September, 1852, cut short a career which bid fairto be one <strong>of</strong> high rank in the nation. He was not only a leading citizen<strong>of</strong> the community, but was a leading and influential spirit in theDemocratic party, and through it, was, at the time <strong>of</strong> his death, onthe line <strong>of</strong> promotion to the gubernatorial chair. Hon. S. S. <strong>Blair</strong>,a leading citizen, is a distinguished lawyer, standing in the front rank<strong>of</strong> the, Pennsylvania bar, and perhaps the most successful in this section<strong>of</strong> the State. By many <strong>of</strong> his friends it is thought only a question<strong>of</strong> time when he shall take his place on the Supreme Bench,Hon. Samuel Calvin bas been an active citizen for forty-four years,and has done much to advance the interests and prumote the welfare

236 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.<strong>of</strong> the borough.He held a distinguished place in the old Whig andthe Republican parties, and his name was brought forward in several<strong>of</strong> the State conventions for Governor, and would, perhaps, have succeededin securing a nomination, had he not peremptorily declinedbeing a candidate. Rabin Wallace, the father <strong>of</strong> Hon. William A.Wallace, was for many years a citizen and a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Blair</strong>county bar. Hon. Thad. Banks has been for forty years a leadinglawyer and distinguished citizen, and has always taken an interest inall matters and movements calculated to promote the welfare <strong>of</strong> theborough.Hon. John Dean, for many years an active and enterprisingcitizen, has, through his own untiring exertions, attained promi.nence as a lawyer, and since his elevation to the bench has givenperfect satisfaction to the people <strong>of</strong> the Twenty-fourth district, andHollidaysburg is proud <strong>of</strong> his legal attainments and his clear and impartialrulings and legal opinions. Hon. A. S. Landis, a lawyer rapidlyrising in prominence, was a distinguished member <strong>of</strong> the lateconstitutional convention. Hon. B, L. Hewitt, also a prominentmember <strong>of</strong> the bar, has represented the people <strong>of</strong> the county in theLegislature for a number <strong>of</strong> years, and he bids fair to distinguish himselfin other and more promineut fields <strong>of</strong> usefulness. Hon. John A.Lemon, who represented this district, for a number <strong>of</strong> years, in theState Senate, is now the candidate on the Republican ticket for AuditorGeneral <strong>of</strong> the State. He has always been a prominent and usefulcitizen, and the people are proud <strong>of</strong> his advnncement. Hon. JohnCresswell, jr., has been a resident and a leading citizen for manyyears, and at one period <strong>of</strong> his life,a leader <strong>of</strong> the Democracy in thisSenatorial district. He represented the district with honor and dignityin the State Senate, over which body he presided as Speaker.He was the first <strong>Blair</strong> county man to occupy the Speaker's chair.Mr. Cresswell is also a lawyer <strong>of</strong> learning and ability.Hollidaysburg may be an old town and not a big town for itsage, but it can truthfully boast <strong>of</strong> a large number <strong>of</strong> good and prominentcitizens at home and abroad. There are few prettier towns ormore healthful localities. Its streets are well shaded and there arefew streets that can excel Allegheny for beauty. The town is lackingin but one thing, and that is a large, first-class hotel. It could bemade, on account <strong>of</strong> the pureness <strong>of</strong> its atmosphere, and beauty <strong>of</strong> itssurrounding scenery, a very desirable summer resort. It is to behoped that the day is not far distant, when this much needed wantwill be supplied.

IIISTdllY OF ALTOONA AND 15LA1R COUNTY.^37TYRONE BOROUGH.To J. D. Hicks, esq., <strong>of</strong> Tyrone, a prominent nicml)er <strong>of</strong> the bar<strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county, we are indebted for the liistorical reminiscences containedin the following-:"Tyrone* City," so called in its earliest day by its original proprietors,is one <strong>of</strong> thethe State, and is,comparatively new towns in the central part <strong>of</strong>in nearly every respect, what may be called a "railroadtown," owing, as it does, its prosperity to the Pennsylvaniarailroad and its branches.FIRST BUILDIN(4S ERECTED.It was originally laid out by Messrs. Lyon, Shorb & Co., an oldand much respected iron firm, that, until a few years since, carried onextensive iron-works in different parts <strong>of</strong> the State. John T.Mathias, at the present day a venerable and highly respected citizen<strong>of</strong> the town, in 1850, assisted in planning the streets and laying outthe lots. He was then the superintendent <strong>of</strong> what was known asTyrone Forges. Hon. Jacob Burley built the first house and movedinto it in November, 1850, and Rev. John I). Stewart and Mr. Burleystarted business together in the building first then completed,adjoining,or in close proximity to the same ground now occupied by theCity hotel. In 1852 the Central hotel was erected by Joshua Burley,and in 1853 Messrs. Edwin L. Study, Pius Sneeringer and SamuelBerlin, on their way to the far west from Adams county, were inducedto interrupt their journey and look at the new town. Theywere so favoral)ly impressed that they |)archased lots and ever afterwardsidentified themselves with the growth and prosperity <strong>of</strong> Tyrone.Mr. Study died about a year ago, after being widely and favorablyknown over the entire State as an active and honorable businessman. He was president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Banking company atthe time <strong>of</strong> his decease.Mr. Berlin commenced in the drug business,in which he is still engaged. Mr. Sneeringer started in general merchandisingand retired but a year or two since. In 1852 the firstschool-house and the Methodist E. church were added to the manynew buildings previously erected, and in the following year the Presbyterianand United Brethren churches were built.Commencing its career as a town in 1849, Tyrone was created a borough inia57 ; Kast Tyrone in 1873. The name was derived from tlie Tyrone Iron works,,about one mile east <strong>of</strong> Tyrone.

238 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.RAILROAD FACILITIES.The railroad facilities <strong>of</strong> Tyrone are second to no town <strong>of</strong> likepopulation in the State, and the early completion <strong>of</strong> the Tyrone andLewisburg" railroad (soon to be effected) makes Tyrone in realitya railroad centre and a point which will be sought after by personswhose inclinations and means would lead them into the manufacturingbusiness.Through the courtesy <strong>of</strong> Capt. C. S. W. Jones, editor <strong>of</strong> the"Herald," we are able to present a diagram <strong>of</strong> Tyrone:

IllSTORV OF AI/roONA AND 15LA111 COUNTY. 239TYHOXK AND ri,EAIUMM> l!.\ I l.l'.oAD.Ill IS.").-; the IJcllcfontc Plank fond was completed, and in IS<strong>of</strong>)the Tyron(> and Clearlield railroad was ('(.nimenced, l»y David J.PruntT, but owing' to some diHiculties the road was inan ineomitletccondition until ISHO, when the Pennsylvania railroad took chai-ii-e <strong>of</strong>it and soon laid the rails over what is said to l)e the steepest .uradientin the State, and Clearfield county poured its coal and Uuuher intothe already Hourishin.u' l»orou,ti-h.NEW DIVISION OF I'KNNSVliVANl A RAIIJIOAD.In 1802 the Bald Eagle Valley railroad superseded the old plankroad, and a new division <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad was orp-anizedwith Mr. Samuel G. Black as superintendent, and D, D. Wood, awell-known and tried railroad man, as train-master.the town grew rai)idly.SUPERINTENDENTS AND CLERKS.From this tinu'Superintendent Black was succeeded by James Lewis, a brother<strong>of</strong> Enoch Lewis, purchasing agent, P. R. R., and, in turn, was succeededby George C. Wilkins.Mr. Wilkins became much interestedin the g-rowth <strong>of</strong> Tyrone and did much towards its improvement.In 18(7 Mr. Wilkins was succeeded by S. S. <strong>Blair</strong>, th(> present efficientand gentlemanly <strong>of</strong>ficer. The first chief clerk <strong>of</strong> the road wasM. H. Taylor, son <strong>of</strong> the late Judge Taylor. In 1867 Mr. Taylorwas succeeded !)> Josiah D. Hicks, residing in Tyrone. He removedto Altoona in 18()8, and Avas succeeded by Thomas. J. Maitland, whowas afterwards promoted to the general superintendent's <strong>of</strong>fice in Altoona.R. H. Powell succeeded Mr. Maitland, and upon the accession<strong>of</strong>*Mr. <strong>Blair</strong> to the superintendency Mr. Powell was succeededby John H. Riley.SHOPS OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.The Pennsylvania railroad, as early as 18(58, established shops forrepairs in this i)lace, which, for a nuuil)er <strong>of</strong> years were under themanagement <strong>of</strong> Andrew Yauclain, sr., ih»w <strong>of</strong> Altoona. He wassucceeded by William H. Jackson, at present also a resident <strong>of</strong> the"Mountain City." Mr. Jackson was succeeded by William H.Carothers, who is, to-day, the same genial fellow he used to ))e whenchief director <strong>of</strong> the Good Will Fire company <strong>of</strong> Altoona, in itsearlv historv. These shops, from small beginnings, have grown tobe extensive, in which are now employed a large numl)er <strong>of</strong> men.

240 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.BOILER AND MACHINE SHOPS AND IMPROVEMENTS.There are large boiler and machineshops in successful operation,under the management <strong>of</strong> W. H. Pawling; two large planing mills,owned by Samuel McCamant & Co. and Boyer, Guyer & Co. ; alarge steam tannery, owned and conducted by D. P. Ray ;extensivelime-stone works and quarries <strong>of</strong> A. S. Morris; saw-mill and shinglemill;large steam flouring mill in town and others close by ; newprocess steel works in the vicinity, as well as the extensive Tyroneforges, conducted by S. C. Stewart, proprietor, who has long beenidentified with the prosperity <strong>of</strong> Tyrone, doing all that could be doneto further its interests, and especially in urging the completion <strong>of</strong> theTyrone and Lewisburg railroad, w^hich must largely add to the futureprosperity <strong>of</strong> the place. The manufacture <strong>of</strong> illuminating gas,by the Tyrone Gas & Water company, may be considered as one <strong>of</strong>the growing industries <strong>of</strong> theplace.<strong>PA</strong>PER MILL.A large paper mill has just been erected in the northern end <strong>of</strong>the town by Morrison, Bare & Cass, in which about eighty handsreceive employment. With a front <strong>of</strong> 120 feet on Main street,the building extends back 190 feet. The rear wing, on a parallelwnth the front, is *70 feet, making the walls on three sides 380 feet.Out-buildings in the immediate vicinity have also been erected to subservethe purposes <strong>of</strong> the company. The interior <strong>of</strong> the main buildingis filled with improved and finely adjusted machinery.BANKING HOUSES.About 18G6 William M. Llojal opened the first bank in theplace,and was shortly after succeeded by the Tyrone bank, with CalebGuyer as its cashier. For a long time previously, Mr. Guyer hadacted as railroad agent, and in that capacity acquired an extensive acquaintance.Both banks did a large business. The latter is still inexistence, and Mr. Guyer its efficient head. In the year 18T6 the<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Banking company w^as organized, and it, also, has becomeone <strong>of</strong> the fixed institutions <strong>of</strong> Tyrone. Edwin L. Study becameits first president, and Gen. Robert A. McCoy, <strong>of</strong> the famedPennsylvania Reserves, and private secretary <strong>of</strong> Governor Curtin,was made cashier.CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS.All the leading denominations have commodious churches, so thatpersons who are inclined churchward cannot go amiss in Tyrone.

HISTORY OF AI/rOONA AND HI,AIR C(»INTY. 241The public school huildiiiii- is ainouii- the Itcst in the county. The'schools are g-railed, and in a flourisliin,i>' condition. There are alsoprivate schools, and within a short distance <strong>of</strong> town, is located theMountain Seminary, a college for young- ladies. Churches andschools may not directly add money to the c<strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong> the people, butthey are safeguards thrown around society, and g^uardians <strong>of</strong> science,intellig-ence, morality, and those national virtues for which our forefathers"pledg-ed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.".lUSTICES OF THE PEAC'K.J. M. Calderwood and Saniuel Junes were the first justices <strong>of</strong> thepeace. Both are living- and do honor to the constituency that electedthem. Mr. Cakterwood is the Adams Express agent, and Mr. Jonesis still acting as magistrate.[For history <strong>of</strong> Tyrone newspapers see i)ages 53 and 54.]MILITARY MEMORANDA.In 1835, eleven years before the erection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county, DavidRobinson, (killed by a runaway accident at Frankstown, on Friday,August 6); J. G. Fleck, <strong>of</strong> Sinking Valley ;Allen McGlathery, E.B. Tipton, Robert Riddle, <strong>of</strong> Altoona ;0. P. Haggerty, <strong>of</strong> Logantownship, and Thomas Smith, <strong>of</strong> Scotch Valley, were seven <strong>of</strong> thesixty persons who formed a military organization, called "TheUnion Cavalry Company." The company was organized in PleasantValley, and Martin Bell, <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth Furnace, uncle <strong>of</strong> Mr.Martin Bell, the Hollidaysburg attorney, was made captain. JamesHutchison, now <strong>of</strong> Altoona, was made first lieutenant, and JosephIrvin, <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysl)urg, was second lieutenant. Mr. Fleck hasmade some researches in order to ascertain how many <strong>of</strong> the originalmembers <strong>of</strong> the Union cavalry are living to-day, and the result hasbeen as follows : B. F. Bell, now residing somewhere in the west,about (57 years old; James Hutchison, <strong>of</strong> this city, about 10 years;Oliver P. Haggerty, <strong>of</strong> Logan township, 68 years old ; J. G. Fleck,<strong>of</strong> Sinking Valley, 60 years old ; John Hamilton, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, probably65 years old;Smith Hamilton, living in the west, 63 years old;Allen McGlathery, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, TO years old ; David Henshey, <strong>of</strong>Antis township, about 70 years old ;Samuel Noble, who was bornin the old log house that formerly marked the site <strong>of</strong> Altoona, butwho now resides in Iowa, aged 60 ;Thomas Smith, <strong>of</strong> Scotch Valley,now about 65 years <strong>of</strong> age ; E. B. Tipton, then a resident <strong>of</strong> Logantownship, but now <strong>of</strong> Altoona, 69 years ot age; Robert Riddle,now <strong>of</strong> this city, about 60 years old; Elias B. McClellan, at that

242 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.time clerk at Allegheny Furnace, now living somewhere in the west,at the age <strong>of</strong> more than (iO ;Stephen Johnson, then living at Bell'sMills, but now a resident <strong>of</strong> Indiana county, about 60 ;ThomasTrout, <strong>of</strong> Logan township, al)out 66 years <strong>of</strong> age ; 0. P. Trout,then <strong>of</strong> Logan township, but now in Bedford county, about 60 ;JosephIrvin, then <strong>of</strong> Scotch Valley, but now <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg, about()4 ;Elias Moore, <strong>of</strong> Scotch Valley, about 65 : James Hopkins, then<strong>of</strong> Logan township, now <strong>of</strong> Lee county, Illinois, about 65; A. K.Bell, then <strong>of</strong> Bell's Mills, Imt now pastor <strong>of</strong> the Baptist church <strong>of</strong>Altoona, about 65 years..The Sheridan Troop was organized July 15, 1871, with C. S. W.Jones, captain, and J. C. Akers, first lieutenant.Mr. Jones was reelectedcaptain in 1876. George Grenninger was elected fir.st lieutenant,July 1, 1874, and re-elected to same position July 1, 1879.T. M. Fleck was elected second lieutenant December 1, 1875. Thecompany numbers fifty-eight men, who, fully equipped with uniforms,carbines, revolvers, saddles, bridles, etc., present a fine military appearance.Connected with the troop is a fine cornet band.EXTENSIVE CONFLAGRATION.Fp to the 8th day <strong>of</strong> July, <strong>1880</strong>, Tyrone met with no seriousreverses.About three o'clock on the morning <strong>of</strong> that day a fire brokeout in the livery stabh; attached to the City hotel. The stable wasburned to the ground. Its contents, including nine horses, a number<strong>of</strong> buggies, carriages, wagons, etc., were also destroyed. The thirdstory <strong>of</strong> the City hotel, as well as a two-story frame building occul)iedby the <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Banking company, clothing firm <strong>of</strong> Meminger& Stewart, and by Dr. J. M. Gemmil as an <strong>of</strong>fice, disappearedwith the flames;also, a frame two-story house with a one-story additionowned bv James T. Owens, and occupied by W. B. Stewart as ashoe store and dwelling and l)y Mrs. S. (t. Black as a notion andstationery store. The next victim <strong>of</strong> the fire was a two-story framebuildiug owned 1)y John A. Crawford & Bro., <strong>of</strong> Sinking Valley,and occupie(l by John W. Thomas as a dwelling and ])y Smith &Gray, grocers.From this point the flames \e'd\m\ across an alley andattacked a larg(^ In-ick l)uilding owned by the heirs <strong>of</strong> Wesley Nowlin,deceased, and occupied V)y Templeton, Crawford ife Co., as a drygoods store, the ro<strong>of</strong> and upper story <strong>of</strong> which w(u-e i)artially de-.stroyed. A large frame warehouse in the rear <strong>of</strong> the store and aframe dwelling house in the same locality, also l)elonging to theXowlin estate, met a similar fate. A frame dwelling house, ow^ned

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY. 243by W. Fisk Coiirnd, was next consiiincd. A (IwrHiii^' house iidjoiiiin,i>',owned by Mrs. Rebecca Walker, was totally destroyed. The"Herald" building-, adjoining- th(^City hotel, on Main street, the lirstfloor <strong>of</strong> which was occupied I)y D. B. Wilson as a l)Ook and stationerystore, the second floor by tlu; " Plerald" printing- <strong>of</strong>fice, andthird floor by the Grand Army <strong>of</strong> the Republic, was partially destroyed—thefirst story remaining-. Next to the "Herald" I)uildinga two-story brick house, owned by Patrick Flynn, the first floor <strong>of</strong>which was occnjiied by the Tyrone bank and the second floor as<strong>of</strong>fices by D. T. Caldwell and John A. Mat bias, as well as a twostorvframe hall adioining- the bank building, also owned bv Mr.Flynn, yielded teethe flames. The latter building was occupied on thefirst floor by the post <strong>of</strong>fice ; P. Sneeringer & Sons, tobacco dealers^and George H. Garner, dealer in drugs; second floor, "Democrat"printing: <strong>of</strong>fice. Next destroyed was a frame building owned and occupiedby P. Sneeringer as a dwelling, and by Messrs. Van Yalzah& Wilson as a dry goods and grocery store ;also John Scullin's threestorybrick building, occupied by him as a dwelling- and merchanttailoring- establishment; two-story frame building, used by I. P.Walton as a dwelling and jewelry store. An inconsiderable portion<strong>of</strong> personal property (goods, furniture, etc.,) was saved, and, in theabsence <strong>of</strong> insurance the loss fell heavily upon many. The insurance,altogether amounted to about $100,000. The value <strong>of</strong> propertydestroyed was in the neighborhood <strong>of</strong> $150,000.In response to a telegram transmitted by J.D. Hicks, <strong>of</strong> Tyrone,to Chief Engineer Rose, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, about an hour after the firebroke out, the latter gentleman with the Vigilant Steam Fire companyhastened to the scene <strong>of</strong> the conflagration. When the call forhelp was received. Chief Engineer Rose and the firemen were inbed. Notwithstanding, in fifty minutes thereafter they arrived inTyrone, fully equipped, and commenced the work <strong>of</strong> fighting thefire. Huntingdon had been called upon, and it was not long beforeit responded with a company <strong>of</strong> firemen and a steam fire engine.The Em])ire Hook and Ladder company, <strong>of</strong> Altoona, next made itsappearance. These companies, with the Neptune, <strong>of</strong> Tyrone, allcomposed <strong>of</strong> fearless and active firemen, by concert <strong>of</strong> action, soouput an end to the devouring element.REBUILDINC!COMMENCED.Removing- the debris from the burnt districtcommenced immediatelyafter the fire, and it was not long before active preparations

244 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.were made for the erection <strong>of</strong> more substantialand ini posing buildingson the site <strong>of</strong> those destroyed.NEW RAILROADDEPOT.The new railroad depot, built on the site <strong>of</strong> the old one destroyedby fire, has just been completed. The ground plan is 47^x68 feet,the basement is <strong>of</strong> the best and most durable stone, and the buildingconsists <strong>of</strong> two stories above the basement. The north elevationshows one door in the centre; the east and west elevations, eachtwo doors, and the south elevation, three doors, irrespective <strong>of</strong> thebasement openings and the doors above the first story. On the firstfloor is the ticket <strong>of</strong>fice, dispatcher's <strong>of</strong>fice, express <strong>of</strong>fice, and severalother departments. The apartments on the second floor are fittedand arranged for the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the superintendent <strong>of</strong> the Tyrone division,and his assistants. The main front elevation, with its octagonalfaces and angles, presents a fine appearance ; but the entirebuilding, finished in the best style <strong>of</strong> railroad architecture, is an imposingand magnificent structure.NEW IRON BRIDGE.Besides these industries and improvements we may mention anew iron bridge which now spans the Bald Eagle creek. It is seventy-fivefeet in length—a very neat and firm structure. It is <strong>of</strong>sufficient width for wagons to pass each other, with extensions on-each side for foot passengers. Soon another bridge, spanning the Juniatariver, will be constructed.TYRONE'S FUTURE PROSPECTS.The iron-ore fields <strong>of</strong> Warriors-mark and Nittan)^ valleys, and theSpruce Creek and Half-moon valley mines on the east ; the inexhaustiblecoal* fields and lumber districts <strong>of</strong> Clearfield and Centrecounties on the north and west, and the zincf and lead mines <strong>of</strong>Sinking Valley on the south—these resources, coupled with the beau-*Tlie product ranges from iO,000 to 60,000 tons per week. This coal is said to besuperior to that mined in any other bituminous district. ' It yields, by analysis,seventy-four per cent, carbon, is comparatively free from impurities, makes butlittle ash, and consequently adds to its combustive power a medium percentage <strong>of</strong>volatile or inflammable gas. Large bodies <strong>of</strong> carbonate iron-ore, which mixes advantageouslywith the hemitite and fossil ores <strong>of</strong> the Juniata valley, exists in part<strong>of</strong> the coal flelds.t One <strong>of</strong> the lime-stone belts <strong>of</strong> the lower Devonian, cropping along the valley,yields a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> lead and zinc, which, if properly developedthrough scientific skill, would start a remunerative busiiiess in the manufacture<strong>of</strong> oxides. Silex, or silica, in the form <strong>of</strong> glass-sand, is also abundant.


.'idTreasnicr,Soluilor.J.J.HISTORY OF ALTOONA AM) 15LAIR COUXTY. 245tiful Jui)iata|, which sends forth a iipverfiiilinj? supply <strong>of</strong> pure water,to,ii'ether with its aji-rieultural resources, must in the near futuremake Tyrone one <strong>of</strong> tlie most imj[)ortant and populous railroadtowns <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania. The health-imi)artinii- influences <strong>of</strong> the atmosphere,and the heauty <strong>of</strong> natural scenery,combined with the advantasi'esalready recited, point with unerrin.y certainty to this result.DIRECTORY OF TYRONE.Cliief Burgess, C. S. \V. Jones.|Assistant do, John F. Rung.1BOROU(iIl OFFICERS.1st Ward—Samiiel Berlin, K. J. Pruner. 1Una Ward—J. M. Smith, M. G. Crawford,jTOWN COUNCIL,SCHOOL DIRliCTOllS.C. J. Kt'Kel.J. I), lliclcs.J. M. Calderwood. D. P. Ray, sr.A. B, Hoover. S. Plumuier.|iS. S. <strong>Blair</strong>. H. Holtzinger.Constable, H. I. Harphani.Borough Surveyor, H. V. Boeckiug.CHURCHES.Ward— A. G. Morris, M. J. MeCann.41 h Ward-M. Stewart. Jno. Farrell, sr.Evangelical Lutheran (German) church, organized in 1SH9.First Evangelical Lutheran (English) church, organized in 18T-2. J. H. Waltericlc,pastor.Methodist Episcopal church, erected in IS.V). Rev. J. F. Riddh', present ptistor.Presbyterian church, organized in 1.S57. Rev. S. M. Moore, D. U., pastor.St. Matthew's Roman Catholic church, organized originally in Sinking Valley overthirty-Ave years ago ; church built in Tyrone in 1854. Rev. Father J. C. F'arran.pastor.Y'oung Men's Christian Association, organized in 1870. President, Or. J. C. Hamilton.FIRE COM<strong>PA</strong>NY.The Neptnne Hose Company. Organized in 187

246 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.SECRET SOCIETIES.Tyrone Lodge, 152, I. O. <strong>of</strong> O. F., ve-oi-ganlzed In 1872. Meets every AVednesdayevening in Heller's Hall,Tyrone Lodge, No. 494, A. Y. M., organized in 1S70. Meets the tliird Monday <strong>of</strong>each month.MISCELLANEOUS ASSOCIATIONS.Bald Eagle Building and Loan Association, incorporated in 1872. Sam'l McCainant,.president; J. M. Calderwood, secretary.Emerald Beneticial Association, branch 231, organized in 1872. William Vogt,.president.Tyrone Gas and Water Company, incorporated in 18(58. C. Gnyer, president; A. A.Stevens, secretary.SHERIDAN BAND.The Sheridan Band re-organized in 1879.BANKS.Meets every Tuesday evening.Tyrone Bank, organized in 1871. Caleb Guyer, cashier.<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Banking Company, organized in 1874. Robt. A. McCoy, cashier.BELL'S MILLS, OR BELLWOOD.We are indebted to Miss Clarke, a, daug-hter <strong>of</strong> Rowan Clarke^M. D., for the following article: Bell's Mills or Bellwood is a village,on the line <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad, seven miles north <strong>of</strong>Altoona. It is named for Mr. Edward Bell, who was one <strong>of</strong> the firstpermanent residents in the village. Quite a large number <strong>of</strong> Mr.Bell's descendants are now living in or near Bell's Mills. The villageis noted for its beautiful mountain scenery and pure healthy atmosphere.The Allegheny mountains almost completely surround thisvalley. The only stream <strong>of</strong> water in it is the Juniata river, and it isso small at this point, that it can scarcely claim the name <strong>of</strong> river.There are quite a number <strong>of</strong> mills in the immediate vicinity <strong>of</strong> Bellwood.It is also one <strong>of</strong> the principal coaling stations along the Pennsylvaniarailroad. This place has become cpiite famous <strong>of</strong> late asthepoint to which all parties come on their way over the Bell's Gaprailroad. This railroad was built eight years ago. Its chief objectwas to bring coal from the mines on the mountain to thePennsylvaniarailroad cars; but it is much visited by strangers on account <strong>of</strong>the grand and romantic scenery surrounding it. The road is atpresent eight miles in length, but the company are building an extension,which, when completed, will make a road twenty miles inlength. The highest point is twelve hundred feet above Bell's Mills,The road winds along the side <strong>of</strong> the mountain, and crosses gorgesover seventy-five feet deep. On all sides are mountains, and far belowis the valley. On top <strong>of</strong> the mountain is a beautiful little re-

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND IJLATR COUNTY. 24Tsort, called Rhododendron Park. This is a favorite place for picnicsand excursions. The ])opulation <strong>of</strong> Bell's Mills has increased (luitorapidly since the building- <strong>of</strong> this railroad, and the business capacities<strong>of</strong> the place are much better than before. There are two stores andfour churches in the village. In the cemetery are some graves bearingthe date <strong>of</strong> the first years <strong>of</strong> the century. Bell's Mills has apopulation <strong>of</strong> about five hundred people. Nature has done much tomake the village beautiful. A few touches from the hand <strong>of</strong> artwould make it as pretty as any place <strong>of</strong> its size along the Pennsylvaniarailroad.ROARING Spring.This thrifty little village is located in the southern part <strong>of</strong> thecounty, about seventeen miles south <strong>of</strong> Altoona, on the MorrisonCove railroad at the junction <strong>of</strong> the Bloomfield railroad. It has apopulation <strong>of</strong> about 600 inhabitants. The town derives its namefrom the spring located on the land <strong>of</strong> G. H. Spang, <strong>of</strong> Bedford, Pa.The spring sends forth large volumes <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t lime-stone water, andthe beautiful surroundings are used as a favorite picnic ground byadjacent towns. The spring derived the name <strong>of</strong> "roaring" fromthe sonorous sound produced by the flow <strong>of</strong> the water over a rockyprecipice at the fountain head, which could be heard for a mile ovmore. The artificial improvements, made some years ago, had theeffect <strong>of</strong> destroying this gurgling sound. It still maintains itsformer name <strong>of</strong> Roaring Spring.Daniel Bare and his son, D. M. Bare, <strong>of</strong> the grist and papermills, purchased the major portion <strong>of</strong> the land on which the town islocated from Job Mann, <strong>of</strong> Bedford, in 1863. These enterprisinggentlemen at once saw that it was a very desirable location for a.paper manufactory and the powerful volume <strong>of</strong> water emanatingfrom the spring could be utilized to drive the machinery. Thev, inconjunction Avith John Eby and John Morrison, began the erectioiii<strong>of</strong> a paper mill which they operated successfully, but it was destroyedby fire. It was again rebuilt and operated again for seven yearswhen it was destroyed by an explosion. Ph(enix-like, it arose fromits ashes, and now it is one <strong>of</strong> the most complete paper manufactoriesin the State, employing in its various departments over onehundred persons. The enterprising firm have large stores in NewYork and Pittsburg. The mill is operated day and night, and the

248 HISTORY OF ALTOONA and BLAIR COUNTY.mammoth Corliss enpiae is toiling- its ceaseless rounds from Mondaymorning until Saturday nig-ht without stopping.Besides the paper mill, Roaring Spring has a large grist mill, acommodious school edifice, four churches, telegraph <strong>of</strong>fice, etc. Thespring itself, with its beautiful grove and charming surroundings, is afavorite resort for lovers <strong>of</strong> pleasure.Martinsburg.It is beautifully situated in Morrison Cove, about twelv'e miles fromHollidaysburg, on a branch <strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania railroad, startingfrom Altoona. "Great Cove," in which it was situated, was settledin 1149, but the name was changed to "Morrison's Cove," inhonor<strong>of</strong> a Mr. Morris, as early as HTO. It is an incorporated borough,with burgess and council. A number <strong>of</strong> rich ore mines are in thevicinity. This is the seat <strong>of</strong> the Juniata Collegiate Institute. [Seepage 25.]This town was settled by Conrad Martin, a well-to-do farmerfrom Washington county, Md. Among the early settlers were ex-Sheriff Alexander Bobb, Abraham Stoner and Daniel Camerer.There are six churches Avithin the borough limits—Lutheran, Methodist,Presbyterian, Church <strong>of</strong> God, German Reformed, and GermanBaptist. It contains a literary society and a cornet band.About two and a half miles south <strong>of</strong> Martinsburg is a villagecalled Fredericksburg, with about two hundred inhabitants,on Clover Creek, composed <strong>of</strong> "The Brethren."situatedWILLIAMSBURG.This village is located in the southeastern part <strong>of</strong> the county,pleasantly situated on the Juniata river. It was laid out in 1794 bya German named Jacob Ake, who purchased the land <strong>of</strong> Col.Canan. It was called Akestown, but previous to his death hechanged its name to- Williamsburg, as an honor to his oldest son,William, who was about to leave him and settle in Tuckahoe Valley.The old plan <strong>of</strong> selling lots on lease, by payment <strong>of</strong> one Spanishmilled dollar yearly, forever, was adopted by him, and to this day,most all the lots yield that tax.

HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR TOUNTY. 249A spring- <strong>of</strong> very fine water flows throug-h t[ic centre <strong>of</strong> the town,which supplies several mechani(;al works. The furnace property isat present idle, but five dry goods, one grocery, one hardware andtwo drug stores indicate business. Homer ITewit has erected on theoutskirts <strong>of</strong> the town an immense house for the propagation <strong>of</strong> poultry<strong>of</strong> rare and valuable breeds, as well as swine.Gaysport.In his history <strong>of</strong> Hollidaysburg, commencing with page 201, Mr.Snyder makes allusions to Gaysport. We add that it was organizedas a borough on June 9, 1841. It contains about eight hundred inhabitants,and is free from debt. It is separated from Hollidaysburgby the Juniata river.Bennington Furnace.This is a small village, composed, principally, <strong>of</strong> the emplo3^es <strong>of</strong>the furnace located there. The Bennington shaft supplies Hollidaysburgwith coal for coke. In the neighborhood are the mines <strong>of</strong> Denniston.Porter & Co., which supply Gap furnace with coal ; also themines <strong>of</strong>Kittanning Coal company, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, shippers to market.The place is improving, the Cambria Iron company having recentlyerected ten double houses, in addition to what they previouslybuilt. A good boarding house or hotel is needed. There are twochurches; population about tOO.KITTANNING POINT.This place was so named from the great Indian path or trail, betweenKittanning and the valley <strong>of</strong> the Delaware, which crosses themountain through this gorge. Coal is extensively mined in theneighborhood, two branch railroads, each two miles in length, runningup the ravines to the mines. Population about 250. The post<strong>of</strong>fice has been removed to Glen White.

250 HISTORY OF ALTOONA AND BLAIR COUNTY.ARCH SPRING.This is a village with a population <strong>of</strong> 300 or 400, containing threechurches, a post <strong>of</strong>fice and a seminary for young ladies. It lies inthe vicinity <strong>of</strong> Tyrone. It derives its name from a natural archwhich spans the Sinking Spring. fSee engraving on page 18.]TIPTON,This village contains three churches, among them a new Methodistchurch erected in place <strong>of</strong> the one recently destroyed by fire.Its location is ten miles east <strong>of</strong> Altoona and four miles west <strong>of</strong> Tyrone,a station on the Pennsylvania railroad. Its population is aboutthree hundred.Newry and DUNCANSVILLE.Newry (a borough) and Duncansville are towns containing between300 or 400 inhabitants each. The other towns <strong>of</strong> the countyare small settlements from fifty to one hundred inhabitants, all <strong>of</strong>which contain post <strong>of</strong>fices. Their names appear in the list <strong>of</strong> post<strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> the county, as follows:POST OFFICES IN BLAIR COUNTY.Altoona,Arch Spring,IJciiniimton Furnace,Blue Knob,Canoe Creek,Clo\er Creek,Curryville,Duncansville,East Freedom,Eldorado,Fostoria,F'rankstown,Henrietta,Hollidavsburg,Glen Wliite, (Kit'g Pt..McKee's Gap,Martinsburg,Mines,Newry,Olivia",Ore Hill,Poplar Run,Roaring Spring,Rover,SalSbath Rest,Sarah,Sinking Valley,Tipton,Tyrone,Williamsburg,Y'ellow Spring.

::APPENDIX. 251APPENDIX.POPULATION.The population <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> county in 1870 was 38,0,51. In that yeai' tin- populationOf each township was as toUows :Allegheny township 1,913Altoona city 10,610Antis township 1.893IJhiir townshiji li.'iTlCatharine townshiii 907Frankstown townshipI,5.'i3Freedom to\\nship 1,020Gay sport borough 799Greenfield township 1,233Hollichiysburg borough 2,952Hiistou'tovvnship 1,33.5Juniata township ()21IjQgan townshii) 2,422Martinsburg borough .536North Woodbury township 9.53Snyder township 1,412Taylor township 1,360Tyrone township ],()06Tyrone borough 1.848Woodbury township 2,107Total 38,0.51In 1875 the population <strong>of</strong> Altoona was 15,329, distributed as followsFami- Populies.latlon.lies.Fami-First ward 418 2,322 Sixth ward 478Second ward 549 2.70i Seventh ward 114Third ward 373 2,088 Eighth ward 262Fourth ward 417 2.093Fifth ward 393 1,998Population.2.2675571,265Totals 3,004 15,320The population <strong>of</strong> the county in <strong>1880</strong> is 52,733. In one sense this is otticial, butafter tlie revised report is issued from AVashington slight inaccuracies may appear.We give the townshipsAllegheny township 2.148Altoona city 19,740Antis township 2,282<strong>Blair</strong> townshiji 1,426Catharine township 579Frankstown township 1,783Freedom township 1,214Gaysport borough 764Greenfield township 1,286Hollidaysburg borough 3,1.50Huston" township 1,533Juniata township 723Logan towhship 4,.582Martinsburg boi-ough 567North Woodbury township 1,695Snyder township 1,391Taylor township 2,011Tyrone township 1,002Tyrone and East Tyrone borough. 2,957Woodbury township 1,900Total•''•2,733It will be observed that the population for the last ten years has increased 14,682.Of this increase Altoona is credited with 9,130 ; Tyrone and Hollidaysburg, 198.The following is the enumeration <strong>of</strong> the various wards <strong>of</strong> iVltoona for <strong>1880</strong>:First ward 2,735Second ward 3,343Third ward 2,517Fourth ward 2.5S7Fifth ward 2,708BUILDING.Sixth wardSeventh ward.Eighth ward..3,0588251,V»67Total 19,740Probably five hundred buildings <strong>of</strong> various kinds will have been erected for tlieyear ending on the 31st <strong>of</strong> December, <strong>1880</strong>, in the city <strong>of</strong> Altoonji. This is strong,practical evidence <strong>of</strong> the enterprise and progressive spirit <strong>of</strong> the citizens. Fortunatelytliere has been but little difflculty in procuring materials. Good buildingstone can be obtained in the vicinity, and lumber can be transportetl from anjpoint<strong>of</strong> the compass at very low rates. The best kind <strong>of</strong> clay for building brick;can be procured within a stones-throw <strong>of</strong> the corporate limits. At the yards <strong>of</strong> Mr.J. R. Vaughn, pressed, common, paving and angle brick can be procured in anyquantity, at any time. The Altoona Fire Clay works, <strong>of</strong>ficially conducted by Dr.S. C. Baker, president: M. Kinkead, secretary and treasurer and W. L. Winkle, superintendent,produce the best article <strong>of</strong> tire claj- brick.

252 APPENDIX.AVc reproduce an article wliicli appeaiefl in the Altoona Daily Sun <strong>of</strong> Jnly 26,<strong>1880</strong> : "Evidence <strong>of</strong> the prosperity <strong>of</strong> the building and loan associations <strong>of</strong> Altoonaareplainly visible. Buildings erected through tlieir instrumentality are located, atshort distances, all over the city. Outside <strong>of</strong> this agencj'. and besides the buildingsconstructed by individuals at individual cost and for individual benefit, a few citizens<strong>of</strong> means have aided less jirosperous citizens in erecting dwellings, agreeingto receive what otherwise would be paid for rent as so much i^nrchase money onthe property, charging little or no interest on the amount invested, thus enablingthe beneficiaries to secure lionies <strong>of</strong> tlieir own. One <strong>of</strong> these gentlemen is Mr. W. J.Heinsling, who lias been engaged in this good work for several years. He has assistedquite a number in this way, thus setting an example to others, which, if followed,will result in permanent benefit to the cominunity."THE CITY PLANING MILLIs located in the south-westei-n portion <strong>of</strong> the city. It was erected in the spring<strong>of</strong> 1873 by a joint-stock company, who gave to it the title <strong>of</strong> "Peoples' Planing mill."The <strong>of</strong>ficers were: John Geesey, president ; J. W. Martin, superintendent and treasvirer.These, together with James Clabaugh, Fredericlv llesser and Louis Plack,constituted the board <strong>of</strong> directors. The land, buildings, machinery, etc., cost about$30,000. After the expiration <strong>of</strong> a year or so, failing to realize its expectations, andconsequently unprepared to meet its financial obligations, the company asked foran extension <strong>of</strong> two years, which was granted by the creditors. Then failing in itspayments, an assignee was appointed to ilispose <strong>of</strong> its property. The property waspurchased by William Stoke, who, in company with other gentlemen <strong>of</strong> capital,are now engaged in its conduct, with pr<strong>of</strong>it, we trust, to tliemselves, certainly withcredit to the community. The pi ice paid by Mr. Stolie was $11,700.The City Planing mill, with its <strong>of</strong>fice, a dwelling house, warehouses, sheds, stables,etc., covers two acres <strong>of</strong> grc>uiul. The main building, (the mill) and <strong>of</strong>lieearecomposed <strong>of</strong> brick, tlie former 60x1.50 feet, and the latter a creditable structure, withample room for tlie performance <strong>of</strong> clerical lahor. Among other "conveniences,"so to term them, is a railroad sitling capable <strong>of</strong> holding eight or ten cars. Additionshave recently been made to the machinery, including the latest appliances for theabridgment <strong>of</strong> labor. Having thus far satisfactorily met the expectations <strong>of</strong> thepublic, Messrs. Stoke & Co. have the best wishes <strong>of</strong> tlie community.EXCELSIOR PLANING MILLIs located on Ninth avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. It waserected in 1869. John S. Uootli and Martin H. Mackej^ have conducted the establishmentsince 1876. The frontage occupied by the Planing mill and its appurtenancesconsisting<strong>of</strong>vai-ious buildings—<strong>of</strong>Hce, sheds for the storage<strong>of</strong> lumber, etc.—iiieasnres1.^0 feet. Since Booth & Mackey assumed control <strong>of</strong> the mill, <strong>of</strong> which they areowners, much additional macliinery has been added, and other improvements madefrom time to time. Both these gentlemen being practical and experienceddraughtsmen, caipenters and btiilders, are evidently the right men in theriglit place. Hence no ilifliculty is encountered by those who wish buildingserected, tor plans, estimates and specifications are quickly made out, and the workexecuted in a manner entirely satislactory. During the entire period in which theyhave been engaged in business no complaints have been made by any <strong>of</strong> those wholiave availed themselves <strong>of</strong> their services, for they have conducted affairs, fromthe commencement up to the present time, upon the strictest principles <strong>of</strong> integrity.Their business has increased in arithmetical, or we might say, in geometricalprogression ever since. Notwithstanding this, their facilities tor the fulfilment <strong>of</strong>orders is fully equal to the demands made upon them.MOUNTAIN CITY STAR MILL.The Mountain City Star Mill, <strong>of</strong> C. Hauser & Son, located at the corner <strong>of</strong> Eighthavenue and Sixteenth street, Altoona, is a large and substantial structure litteawith all the most apijroved machinery for the rapid and economic production <strong>of</strong>the l«est grades <strong>of</strong> flour. The engine room is well adapted to its use and containsa forty horse power engine <strong>of</strong> modern construction and is provided, as are also the

APPENDIX. 253boilers, with tlio bost siifcguaids against acciilciU. Mr. James llauser is the engineer,and the .splendid condition <strong>of</strong> the machinery, under liis care, proves that lie isthe right man for tlie place.A twenty-fonr inch belt connects the engine with the main slialling <strong>of</strong> the millwhich contains four run <strong>of</strong> stone adapt

'254 APPENDIX.SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES.BeJow we give a list <strong>of</strong> Senators ami Representatives <strong>of</strong> tlie districts to -vvbicli<strong>Blair</strong> county was joineil, when not entitled to separate representation :1847ASSEMBLYMEN.<strong>Blair</strong>—Henry Bridenthall and David <strong>Blair</strong>.-Henry Bridenthall.do. —Joseph riiggins.-Charles Kinkead.md Huntingdon—Seth K. UlcCune and W. B. Smith.do. do. do.do. —Jaines I>. Gwin and S. S. Wharton.do. do. and James Maguire.do. -George Leas and G. W. Smith.do. —John M. Gibbony and J. H. Wintrose.do. do. do,do. —Rolicrt W. Christy.do. —Jacob Burley.do.do.do. —James Roller.do. —Thaddeu.-:* Banks.do. —R. A. IMcMurtrie (died in <strong>1880</strong>).do.do.do. —James G. Adlum.do.do.do. —Samuel McCamant.do.do.do. —Jos. Robinson.do.do.do. —B. L. Hewitt.do.do.do. —Seth K. McCune.do.do.do. —J. C. Evcrhart and I. II. Ilawlins.do. do do.do. —Daniel Sliock and David M. .Jones.do. do. M. Edgar King.do. — B. L. Hewit and D. A. Gilland.SENATORS.1847 Huntingdon and Bedford—John Morrison.1848-50 Huntingdon, Bedford and <strong>Blair</strong>— Alexander King.1851-53 Huntingdon, <strong>Blair</strong> and Cambria—Robert A. McMurtrie.1854-59 do. do. do. —John Cres well, jr.1860-(i'2 Bhxir, Cambria and Clearlield—Louis W. Hall.1863-64 do. do. do. —Wm. A. Wallace.1865-07 <strong>Blair</strong>, Huntingdon, Centre, Mifllin, Juniata and Perry-Louis W. Hall andKirli Haines.1868-70 [District the same]—Chas. J. T. Mclntyre and s. T. Sliugert—Sliugert unseatedby contest and Jolin K. Robinson, seated.1871-73 do. do. —P. Bruce Petrikeu ami D. M. Crawford.1874-80 <strong>Blair</strong> and Candjria—.John A. Lemon.COAL TRAFFIC OF THE CITY.However it may have been before the erection <strong>of</strong> those immense receptacles for-coal, usually called "trestles," in tlie eastern part <strong>of</strong> 1 he city, subseciuently and eversince our citizens have been supplied witli both anthracite and bituminous coala,in large or small quantities, as they desired, at any and all periods <strong>of</strong> the year.These depositories for coal were erected in 1878, antl on July 11, tliat year, thej'received tlie first ear-load <strong>of</strong> coal. There are three "trestles," each 000 feet in length

APPENDIX. 255luul each <strong>of</strong> sufliciont witUh to :ulniit ;i train <strong>of</strong>ciyrht cms. includinfi; an engine. Asmany as twenty-two cars, averaging twelve tcnis eatth, liave Ijeen unloaded in a^ingleday.We mention this as an instance <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> coal received in a singleday, not as an illustration <strong>of</strong> the celerity with which cars are unloaded, for thecontents <strong>of</strong> one car can he discharged in three minutes' time. The capacity <strong>of</strong> each"trestle" is ahout 1,000 tons—hence 3,000 tons at a time can receive storage. We maystate, in this connection, tliat in addition to the quantity here deposited, 2.000 additionaltons are consigned to dealers in other parts <strong>of</strong> the city. Purchasing coal insuch large quantities, and by watching the market closely enabled to buy at thelowest rates, G. A. IMcCormick is prepared to sell coal in large or small (luantities,either to dealers or consumers at low figures, resulting in benefit to the community.And in proportion as the city increases In population, the business <strong>of</strong> this gentlemanincreases. As an instance, for the season <strong>of</strong> 1879-80, about 2,c00 more tons weresold than during the iirevious season.THE ALTOONA IRON COM<strong>PA</strong>NYWas formed in 1872, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> manufacturing merchant iron, and waschartered July 10, 187:J. The construction <strong>of</strong> the rolling mill was commenced July24, 1872, and was put in operation April 10, 1873, with a capacity <strong>of</strong> 3,C00 tons manufacturingiron annually. Since 1874 extensive improvenu-nts have been made, andhas now a capacity ot 10,000 tons manutacturing iron per annum. The <strong>of</strong>ficers are:S. C. Baker, president; W. M. Wheatley, secretary and treasurer; S. C. Baker,James Gardner, Robert Smiley. John P. Dean, D. K. Kamey and John Fullerton,directors.ALTOONA CAR WORKS.In 1808 shops were erected on the site now occupied hy the Altoona Car AVorks,by the "Altoona M anufacturing Company." A fire, which occurred on INIay 23, 1879,destroyeil the buildings. Recently new and better structures were reared, filledwith improved machinery and such other appliances as enable the new- managementto execute better work, more promptly, and at lower prices. The principalindustry, as the title <strong>of</strong> the establishment indicates, is the manufacture <strong>of</strong> railroadcars; coal pit wagons, castings <strong>of</strong> every description, and general machine work occupya large share <strong>of</strong> the attention <strong>of</strong> the company. The works are located atthe extreme limits <strong>of</strong> the south-western portion <strong>of</strong> the city.The following gentlemen compose the boartl <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>hcers : S. C. Baker, president;S. H. Smith, treasurer and secretary; M. A. Green, superintendent: C. Campbell,John Keily, S. C. Baker, S. H. Smith and M. A. Green, stockholders.MOUNTAIN CITY FLORAL ESTABLISHMENT.Allen S. Myers recently established a florticultural garden, so to call it, onHoward avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, Altoona, and exhibits a stock <strong>of</strong>rareplantsandflowers, together with such as are in more general demand, at allseasons <strong>of</strong> the year. He is meeting with success.CITY <strong>PA</strong>SSENGER RAILWAY.At a special meeting ol the city council, held on the evening <strong>of</strong> May 12, an ordinanceauthorizing the construction <strong>of</strong> a street railway was passed by a large majority<strong>of</strong> that body, since which time books have been opened by the leaders <strong>of</strong> the enterprise,and a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> stock subscribed. The captal required was$.50,()(M); shares $50 each par value. The probability is that the road will soon l)cbuilt and equipped.CONTEMPLATED ALTOONA AND CIIERRYTREE RAILROAD.The project <strong>of</strong> constructing a narrow gauge railroad between Altoona and Cherrytree,has not, at this time ot writing, assumed a practical shape, further than thatseveral routes have been surveyed by engineers in the employ ot the parties interested,w-ho are men <strong>of</strong> means, influence and energy, residing here anti at otherpoints along the proposed route, among whom we may mention James Perry, <strong>of</strong>Chest Springs: Joseph Behe, <strong>of</strong>CarroUton : George Meyers, <strong>of</strong> Gallitzen township,and Dr. S. C. Baker and D. and C. Moore, <strong>of</strong> Altoona.

256 APPENDIX.LIGHT COM<strong>PA</strong>NY.L'ndei' (late <strong>of</strong> SepU'iiiber 10, <strong>1880</strong>, there was grunted by the coimnonwealtli olPennsylvania a eharter for "Tlie Altuona Liglit Company,'' tlie corporation to beperpetual. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the company is to shpply the public witli light by meansother than gas—which means, as we understand, by electricity. It Is the Intention<strong>of</strong>|the managers to pusli the matter actively, and they are assured their methodswill be both acceptable to the people and successful. The <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the companyare Jolm P. Lcvan, president; T. H. Wigton, treasurer; John R. Bingaman,secretary ; K. P. Mervine, solicitor.MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST.The council <strong>of</strong> Altoona has not, as yet, determined where the new reservoir orreservoirs shall be located. The water question is treated on pages 63, 65, 153 and 154.The tidephone, which was recently introduced by J. Chester Wilson has provena success, most ot the leading business men <strong>of</strong> Altoona having adopted it.The Merchants' Exchange, recently organized, we trust will stay with us.James Philip Lowe, at the time <strong>of</strong> his death, which occurred on May 28, <strong>1880</strong>,was the oldest passenger engineer on the Pennsylvania railroad.J. B. EwiNG, practicing law in Harrisburg, taught a select school or academy inAV. Altoona school house, commencing April 1, 1S57.We acknowledge our indebtedness to the press <strong>of</strong> Altoona, Hollidaysburg, andTyrone, as well as the Philadelphia "Times" and "Chronicle-Herald," Harrisburg"Patriot" and "Telcgrajjh," and indeed to the press <strong>of</strong> the entire State for noticesand other courtesies extended to us.H. H. Snyder, esq., commander <strong>of</strong> William G. Murray Post, No. 39, G. A. R., <strong>of</strong>Hollidaysburg, who was a member <strong>of</strong> the same company as Lieutenant Stephen C.Potts, prepared an able biography <strong>of</strong> that chivalrous gentleman and soldier forpublication in the "Grand Army Review," <strong>of</strong> Philadelpha, the <strong>of</strong>ficial organ in theii."John Dougherty, now between eighty and ninety years <strong>of</strong> age, residing at Mt.Union, Pa., was the first engineer on the old Portage railroad,Bernard Kerr, father <strong>of</strong> R. A. O. and E. F. Kerr, who died in the west aboutnine years ago, kept the first store that was located on Tenth avenue, betweenThirteenth anil Fourteenth streets, Altoona He did a thriving business in 1855-56.Outside the routine <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial duties as city treasurer, Dr. Bittner assumes thedual character <strong>of</strong> dentist and portrait painter. However widely-extended his reputationas a dentist may be, it will be eclipsed, if he don't stop practicing, by hisnewly assumed pr<strong>of</strong>ession. The portraits <strong>of</strong> General Hancock, General Garfield andRev. Dr. Hamlin aie really master pieces <strong>of</strong> art.

.The <strong>County</strong>'s Finances •.*iNames <strong>of</strong> <strong>County</strong> Officers and Years ot Election 47Newspapers and Other PublicationsCITY OF ALTOONA.•>•'Introductory RemarksHotel Accommodations 0}Site <strong>of</strong> the City SelectedWhere the Shops were LocatedNames <strong>of</strong> LocalitiesWhen the Work was CommencedInstance <strong>of</strong> Increased Value <strong>of</strong> Real Estate His speech to Citizens *His Proclamation^Rumor Calcuhitetl Further to Excite the Populacecsy*'Camp Beaver."^iGrand Jury Presentment'^iRouting <strong>of</strong> Tramps^'Vei eran Soldiers' Organization'^jFairing Up Engines °;Additional Troops en route; tor Pittsburg «>Clearing the Depot^'J;!r,-*'•'»

258 TABLE OF CONTENTS.Arrival <strong>of</strong> Eleven Car Loads <strong>of</strong> Troops 90Stri ke En ded 90The Strike at Tyrone 90Conclave <strong>of</strong> Knights Templar 91Relief for Ireland—Speech <strong>of</strong> Mr. Parnell « 91Meeting <strong>of</strong> the

'.'..]'..''''.TABLE OF CONTENTS.. 251)J.ife and Services ot LocoiiiotivesKio•Class " K ' Eiijjinos ](;5Uecord<strong>of</strong> Movements and Condition <strong>of</strong> Engines ............[ Kit;Car DErAiiTMKNT ou Lower Shops ](;7^laehinc ShopHi'.)Pass(nifjcr Car Shop171Freight Shop ."..'.'.".'!!"."*."" 173iilacksniith ShopI71rhmingMillijtTin Shop'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.]'.'.'.'.[[[['.'.'.177Cabinet Sliop, or Gl>ic llooni .'..'............... 178Paint Shops^79U pholstering Shopis-^Beatty's Shop-\>QResident OriiicEus Pennsylvania Railroad Company.In General Superintendent's Office 18.5In Ofliec Superintendent Motive Power 185In Olliee SuptTintciuleut Transportation'...'.iSoForeman and Assistants <strong>of</strong> Motive Power Shops18GForeman and Assistants <strong>of</strong> Car or " Lower Shops."lfi()Dispatcher, Supervisor, and Assistant Trainmaster 187Altoona City- Government.List <strong>of</strong> Burgesses 189Mayors and Years <strong>of</strong> Election 189City Treasurers and Term <strong>of</strong> Office. 'i8i>City Recorder'_ _ igj)Members <strong>of</strong> Con ncil 189Secretaries <strong>of</strong>'.'..'.Council ......./..'. 1%'.'.'.'.'.'.Solicitors190Civil Engineers .'.'..'.. ............'!.'.'.'..!! ii)0Superintendent Water Deitartnient W .\ . . . [[[ 190Policemen ]']] " y^Street Commissioners191Aldermen ...'.'.'...... 191Constables ....................[...[',]][[ 191City Finances <strong>of</strong> Altoona.Receipts and Expenditures for 1879 191Number ot Taxables, and Valuation <strong>of</strong> Property.!. .'....'.". .....!'.'.! i9iAssessments19XGeneral Directory op Altoona.Avenues and Streets 19;{M iscel laneous A ssociations 195Building and Loan Associations 195Orders <strong>of</strong> Red Men191^Orders <strong>of</strong> Odd Fellows...'..'.195Knights <strong>of</strong> Pythias. '197Mason ic'.197Opera House ......'.'.'........ 197.'.' .".'Silver Grey Social Clnb 197Telegraph OfficespjfPost Office hours 197Musical Organizations.Altoona City BandI97Mountain Citj- Band......'..".198Junior Greys' Band !.............. 198Citizens' Cornet Band '. ........".'198German Social Cornet Band....".'..".'..198Frohsinn Singing Society198Concoi'dia Singing Socierviqs." '.The Military..' .'...".......i98Members <strong>of</strong> Company I> ..!!.......... -i<strong>of</strong>)HOLLIDAYSBUBG.Erection <strong>of</strong> the First Sulistantial House 002First Survt'y made204Fo\uth <strong>of</strong> July )05Bil ly T)< )naldson 's Tavern .".".'.'..'.*...'.'......^06Frankstown in the Lead '"07Advantageous Situation .'.'.'..'.'.'.".*....... >07I^nterprisc <strong>of</strong> Jolm <strong>Blair</strong>."oj^Arrival <strong>of</strong> the First Canal Boat .[....[.. "'Oi)Education Lookt^d _Vfter .>09Borough Officers..'.'.'.'.'.'...^10Their First Meeting 210How Money was Provided 210Railway from Philadelphia to Pittsl)nrg.'.-m'Notable Storms and Floods Z^

260 TABLE OF CONTENTS.<strong>PA</strong>GEFormation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blair</strong> Countv 214:"Military AttalrM 215Visit <strong>of</strong> Kosi^uth 220Discovery <strong>of</strong> Iron Ore 220Construct ion <strong>of</strong> the Reservoir 221Fire Aiiparalns and Fire Companies 221Market House 222Hon i( lay stiu vj; in 1812 222Gas Intidilneed 223Water Works ami Reservoir 224Presbyterian Clmreh and Its Pastors 224St. Micliaers Roman Catholic Church 227Lutheran Clmrcli 229Baiitist Chui'ch 230Hollidaysburg Seminary for Young Ladies 231The Great Fire in Hollidaysburg 232<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Medical Societj*. 2.33Prominent Citizens 234tyroxp: r.( )I{< >r gh 237First Building Krectetl 237Hail road Facilities 238Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad 239New Division <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania Railroad 239Superintendents and Clerks 2.39Shops <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania Railroad 239Boiler and Machine Sliops and Improvements 240Paper Mill 240Banking Houses 240Churches and Schools 240J ustices <strong>of</strong> the Peace 241Military Memoranda 241Extensive Conflagration 242Rebuilding Commenced 243New Railroad Depot 244New Iron Bridf4;e 244Tyrone's Futu re Prospects 244General Directory 24.5Bell's Mills 24(5Roaring Spring 247Martinsburg and Williamsburg 248Gayspokt, Bennington Furnace and Kittannino I'oint 249Arch Spring. Tipton, Newry and Duncansville 250Post Offices in <strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> 250APPENDIX 251ILLUSTRATIONS.FRONTISPIECE—Glimpse <strong>of</strong> Altocma.Arch Spring between pages 20 and 21Cresson'• " 68 " 69Portrait <strong>of</strong> Mr. Parnell " " 84 " 85Horseshoe Curve " " 100 "101Sylvan Scene on the Alleghenies " " 148 " 149Sinking Sjiring Cave " " 244 " 245Locomotive and Tender pti^e 158Parlor, sleeping and Passenger Cars 170Postal and I'.aiigiige Cars 170Interior <strong>of</strong> Parlor Car 173Interior <strong>of</strong> Sleeiiing Car 181Interior <strong>of</strong> Passenger CarimCourt House in Hollidaysburg 201Hollldayshurg Seminary"212".Diagraiii <strong>of</strong> Tyrone 238

INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS.^'-McXcvin iV Yfii,U''i'. smves. lios llth avcuufBiUtZfU & Itoiiss, ilry goods, lltli avemu- n«ar l.itli stivi'l 1''-G. K. OiiiR's, hairdresser, 8th avenue anil 17th streetIrwin's Drufi Store, llth avenue and Kith street **--^Moss Moser & Co., fjroceries, Gth avenue and 7th streetAV. J. Heinsling, dry gi'ods and groceries, Mtli avenue and llth stn-et 2SWm. Murraj-, dry goods, 1317 llih avenue-J'^E. S. Miller, physician. IGth street and llth avenue-^^•^''Harry Szink, groceries, Hth avenue and 8th sticel•"^fiThonuis \V. .Jackson, lawyer, 1010 l-2ih streetK. r.eegle, jeweler, street, between 8th and 9th aven nes 3(!Franklin House, Al. lUirgoon, proprietor, 17th street *Jacob B. Cowen, grocer, 8th avenue and 19th street'^•^''<strong>Blair</strong> <strong>County</strong> Radical, llth avenue and 16th streetTribune, daily and weekly, 12tli street near 12th aven ue

262 INDEX TO APVERTISEME-NTS.<strong>PA</strong>GELindsey & Beckiiuin, iiUMliciiu-s, 11th avcniu', l)etwccii 14tli and 15111 streets 1'20D. A. Barr, grocer, 1807 8th iivenue I'HII. H. Snyder, lawyer, Hollldayslmrs? 124J. C. Iniies, druggist, 9th street helow (!tli avenue I'HJ. W. Isenherg, dentist, 8th avenue and r2th street litJonathan Foreman, furniture, 4th avenue and lOth street 128G. A. McCorniick, coal, 4th street and 8th avenue 13'2A. F. Blackl)urn, 99 cent store, opera liouse 132I). W. Colycr, painter, 12tli street near 9th avenue 13(>W. B. Reese, stoves and tinware, 712 9th street 13(5J. B. Suiith, boots aud shoes, 1321 11th avenue 140H. B. Miller, dentist, 1410 11th avenue 140Ohnes & Bro., meats, 11th avenue between 13th and 14tli streets 144James W. Findley, Insurance, 11th avenue, between 12lh aud 131h streets 144J. Wesley Allen, physician. 1330^4 11th avenue 144Terkel C. Nelson, jeweler, 112(i 11th avenue 148J. F. Fulton, physician, over Randolph's drug store 148A. Luebbert, tobacco, 1008 17th street 148AVilliam B. Miller, dentist. 1330)^ 11th avenue 148Palmer & Morse, carriage builders, 8th street, between G!h and 7th avenuesl.")2Curtis' Dollar Store, 11th avenue and 13th street 15f>C. A. Dimond & Co., coal, 9th avenue, between 17th aud ISth streets W)M. (i. Lingenfelter, grocer, 14th street and 13th avenue l(i(>Rudisill Brothers, jewelers, 131011th avenueKiO,J. M. Bowman, dry goods, 11th avenue and l-2tli strei-ts Iti4E. M. Kennedy & Co., Logan town IGSAltoona Launtlry, 11th avenue ajid Kith st i-eet 168John Kinsel, carpets, 804 Chestnut avenue 168R. B. Mahattey. music good*, 1201 J^ 8th avenue 168D Wylie, plumber, 1108 14th street 172Mrs. Adam Gable, confectioner, 706 and 708 12th street 17(>Elway & Mauk, grocei's. Green avenue and 9th street 176B. F. Rose, alderman, 11th avenue near l'2th street i76J. C. Conrad, coal, 11th avenue between 17th and 18th sti-eets 176S. O. Adler, grocer. 1316 12th avenue 180Dr. J . II. Weaver, druggist, 17th street near 10th avenue 180Piper & Co., stationers. 1316 10th avenue 180Ed. J. Slep. Youth's Mirror, 1122 lHh avenue 180A. F. Heess, bakery, 713 13th street 184Ed. Mountney. house and sign painter, in opera house building 184Thebault Rivailles, phj'sician, 1124 11th avenue 184Howard Tii^ton, livery stables, l(il7 11th avenue, near lltb street 188Campbell & Cole, dry goods, 8th avenue and 13th street 188Fries Brothers, hardware, 1313 11th avenue 192C. F. Randolph, cosmetine, 1106 11th street 196M. Fitzharris, grocer, 12th avenue and 16th street 196NetT & Mervine, lawyers, 13th .street, between lOtb and 11th avenues 196John O'Toole, alderman, 11th avenue and 17tli stre(>t 190Ilollidaysburg Seminary 212S. M. GrifBth, house and sign paintei-, 11th avenue near 11th street 263J. G. Vallade, confectioner, 10th avenue, betweeh 13th and 14th streets 2.')3W. R. Vaughn, plumber and gas titter, 7th avenue and 1.5th street 263ERRATA.Although Dr. Thebault Rivailles can speak several languages: in his ju-<strong>of</strong>essionulcard, page 184, we should lla^•e printed "consultations in French and English"instead oif "French and (iernian."For "shows" in fourth line from top <strong>of</strong> page 97 read "crosses."For "AVilliam" read "Wilbur" 15. Blake, page 82.For "alarcity," page 198, 11th line from bottom, read "alacrity."


V V HBut our clcnimf :uul liiiilil\- iirtistic work on pcrmiinciit cxliilntioii ;ill ovcf tlic city,on thi; t'.\t(M'i• and iuuM|iii vocally <strong>of</strong>oui- sii piTioiily over all rivals in the<strong>PA</strong>INTING. GRAINING"?^KALSOMININGIlnsincss, wliatcvci- t heir i)rct('n1 ions Tuay beCorner 11th Avenue and 11th Street,S. M. GRIFFITH,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.av. r. vaughn,Plumber and Gas Fitter,At Ills iu!\v establlsliinent. constructed (^.si)ecially tor contluctlng liis businessto the best advantage, is prepared to execute all kinds <strong>of</strong> work in his line, promptly,in the b(^st manner and at tiie lowest prices. He ki'eps in lull stock, Gas Fixtures,ineludiufic chandeliers, etc.. and is pii'parcd. at a moment's notice, to executei'.ll oi-dei's entrusted to his care.SEVENTH AVENUE AND FIFTEENTH STREET,J. G. VALLADE,WHOLES.\LE AND RETAIL I)E.\LER INALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.], TOYS, MUSICAL ISATCHELS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, PERFUMERY, VASES,Dolls, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Notions, Sej>ars, ToV)acco, etc.1324 Tenth Avenue, - - - Altoona, Pa.HARRY SLEP,PLfilN<strong>of</strong>iNDiFUNCYtJOB+PRINTERNews|)aper aiulliook Publisher,ALTOONA, <strong>PA</strong>.

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