nomination form for national awards for bravery for children (2007)

nomination form for national awards for bravery for children (2007) nomination form for national awards for bravery for children (2007)
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INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE4-DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAYA MARG,NEW DELHI – 110 002NOMINATION FORM FOR NATIONAL AWARDS FORBRAVERY FOR CHILDREN (2007)1. Name of the Child(in CAPITAL Letters)2. Date of Birth(supported by the date of birthcertificate duly attested byCompetent Authority (See Note6)::3. Sex :4. Address(in CAPITAL letters with PinCode):Telephone No. __________ Fax No. ___________ email ______________________5. Class in which studying :6. Name & Full address ofSchool including Tel. No.,Fax No., E-mail (if any):7. Name of the Father/Mother/ Guardian8. Date on which the Deedwas performed9. Nature of the Deedperformed10. Relationship of applicantwith the Person(s) saved11. Supporting documents :(Please tick those enclosed)a) First Information Report (FIR) orPolice Diary filed with the PoliceStation:::::b) Newspaper/ Magazine Clippings :c) 2 copies of recent photographs ofthe child duly attested by aCompetent Authority (see Note 6):

INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE4-DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAYA MARG,NEW DELHI – 110 002NOMINATION FORM FOR NATIONAL AWARDS FORBRAVERY FOR CHILDREN (<strong>2007</strong>)1. Name of the Child(in CAPITAL Letters)2. Date of Birth(supported by the date of birthcertificate duly attested byCompetent Authority (See Note6)::3. Sex :4. Address(in CAPITAL letters with PinCode):Telephone No. __________ Fax No. ___________ email ______________________5. Class in which studying :6. Name & Full address ofSchool including Tel. No.,Fax No., E-mail (if any):7. Name of the Father/Mother/ Guardian8. Date on which the Deedwas per<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed9. Nature of the Deedper<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed10. Relationship of applicantwith the Person(s) saved11. Supporting documents :(Please tick those enclosed)a) First In<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ation Report (FIR) orPolice Diary filed with the PoliceStation:::::b) Newspaper/ Magazine Clippings :c) 2 copies of recent photographs ofthe child duly attested by aCompetent Authority (see Note 6):

d) Detailed description of Deedper<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed (to be attachedseparately & duly authenticatedby the Competent Authoritiesrecommending the application):e) Any other (Please specify) :12. Family Background :a) Occupation & Designation ofFather:b) Occupation & Designation ofMother (if working):c) Total number of family members :d) Total family income per annum :13. Nearest Railway Station :14. Nearest Air Port :15. Name of the Escort &relation with applicant (incase the child is selected andasked to come to Delhi):16. Age of the Escort :17. Has any member of theApplicant's family alreadyreceived this Award? If yes,give name, year andrelationship with recipient.18. Has the applicant applied<strong>for</strong> this Award earlier? Ifyes, give year ofapplication.19. Has the applicant receivedthis Award earlier? If yes,give the year.20. Has the applicant receivedany other award / benefit <strong>for</strong>the same Deed?21. If Yes, give details (viz. yearof award, name o<strong>for</strong>ganization/ departmentwhich gave the award,amount etc.:::::

To be filled in by Recommending AuthoritiesRecommending Authority – IUNDERTAKINGa) This is to certify that the deed per<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed by _______________________ and detailedwith the application has been verified by me. I confirm that this is a bonafide case.b) I consider the act as one of <strong>bravery</strong> as defined in the scheme.c) The act fulfills all criteria as laid down in the scheme.d) I recommend ___________________________ <strong>for</strong> consideration <strong>for</strong> the NationalBravery Award, <strong>2007</strong>.Name _______________________&Signature & Seal ofDesignation __________________Recommending Authorityof recommending Authority (in CAPITAL letters)Full Official Address of the Recommending Authority (in CAPITAL letters) :-____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tel. No. : ______________ Fax No. _____________ email __________________________Recommending Authority – IIUNDERTAKINGe) This is to certify that the deed per<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed by _______________________ and detailedwith the application has been verified by me. I confirm that this is a bonafide case.f) I consider the act as one of <strong>bravery</strong> as defined in the scheme.g) The act fulfills all criteria as laid down in the scheme.h) I recommend ___________________________ <strong>for</strong> consideration <strong>for</strong> the NationalBravery Award, <strong>2007</strong>.Name _______________________&Signature & Seal ofDesignation __________________Recommending Authorityof recommending Authority (in CAPITAL letters)Full Official Address of the Recommending Authority (in CAPITAL letters) :-____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tel. No. : ______________ Fax No. _____________ email __________________________Notes :1. Applications should be sent in duplicate.2. Applications must be recommended by at least two of the listed Competent Authorities (See Note 6)

3. Applications which are incomplete or not authenticated by the Competent Authorities or notsupported by the relevant documents will not be entertained.4. Detailed deed either in English or Hindi should be attached separately, duly authenticated by theCompetent Authorities recommending the application. Accounts of deeds or any otherin<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ation/enclosures in the regional/local language should be accompanied by a translation inHindi or English duly verified by the Competent Authorities.5. The detailed description of the deed should clearly give the steps taken by the rescuer per<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ingthe act. For example, in cases pertaining to drowning, the depth/width of the pond/river etc. must bementioned. It should also be explicitly stated whether the applicant knows swimming or not. In othercases pertaining to rescue from fall, the height of the structure must be mentioned.6. Competent Authorities means the following :a. General Secretary / President of the State Council <strong>for</strong> Child Welfare.b. Principal / Head Master of School in which the applicant is studying.c. Collector / Government Official of equivalent rank.d. Head of Police Department at the District / State Level.e. Head of Panchayat / Zila Parishad.7. Last date of submission of applicant is September 15, <strong>2007</strong>.8. Incidents which have occurred between July 1, 2006 and June 30, <strong>2007</strong> will be considered <strong>for</strong> the<strong>2007</strong> <strong>awards</strong>. The Selection Sub-Committee may at its discretion relax the date by a maximum ofthree months prior to July 1, 2006, if it so deems fit.9. The applicant should not be below 6 years of age and above 18 years of age on the date of theincident.10. Applications not submitted in the prescribed pro<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>a and or within the stipulated time are liable tobe rejected.11. Applications once rejected will not be entertained again.12. The Selection Sub-Committee may at its discretion consider relaxation of any of the conditions/rules if it so deems fit.13. The decision of the Selection Sub-Committee shall be final.14. If at any time it is found that the in<strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ation / documents which <strong><strong>for</strong>m</strong>ed the basis <strong>for</strong> considering theapplicant <strong>for</strong> the Award are false, appropriate action will be initiated.* * *

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