1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


7had been adhered to. During Show week, the whole of thebuilding was occupied by motor car exhibits, and it is nowused as a Wool Store.WASTE LAND RECLAIMED. Perhaps the most imrportant improvement carried out in the Live Stock Reservehas been the filling-in of that hollow which existed adjacentto Water Street. Several thousand yards of filling-in materialhave been used in this work, and that space, which previouslywas utterly valueless and was as low as 5 feet below WaterStreet, has now been brought to the level of that thoroughfareand has provided a' splendid area on which Show buildingscan be erected, when required.DEHYDRATION. Over £200 was expended in theerection of a building in which to house a Dehydration Plant,and although the expense was a heavy one, it is satisfactory toknow that we have done our best to demonstrate to our fruitgrowersthe possibilities connected with this system of dryingfruit for export and for home consumption. Throughout thewhole Show week, the demonstrations of dehydration wereclosely watched by many thousands of visitors.'SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS. Particular attentionwas given, this year, to the sanitary arrangements, andthree sets of conveniences were erected in suitable positions.Had time permitted, your Council would have installeda Septic system, but failing this, the most up-to- datepan system was provided, and we were the recipients ofmany complimentary expressions of appreciation from patrons.We still hope to install the septic system before next Showtime.GRAND STAND DINING ROOM. The DiningRoom under the Grand Stand was remodelled in suchmanner that two Dining Rooms were provided, theentrance to one being from the Gkand Stand only, and to theother from the archway behind the Stand. This alterationwas much appreciated by the lessees and by the general publicwho made more use of the Dining Room than has hithertobeen the case.CATTLE STEWARDS OFFICE. Opposite to theStock Salesmen's Offices, an office has been erected, thisyear for the use of the Beef Cattle Stewards, fittedwith the usual office conveniences and with telephonic con- ineotion with the Exchange and the various offloe on theGrounds. This has been a long neglected convenience whio $will be appreciated by the Beef Cattle Stewards and exhibitors., p«

CLOAK ROOM. Recognising the necessity for a CloakRoom, one of our buildings was, this year, converted into sucha' convenience, and we are just as pleased and gratified as are'our patrons, to know how much the convenience was appreciated...On certain days it was found that one attendant wasnot sufficient to cope with the duties., TREE PLANTING. Included amongst theimprovements carried out during the year has been the,planting of a large number of shade trees, a work which'we know will be appreciated in the course of a few.years. This planting has not been confined to one areaof the ground-the main Show Ground and the Live Stock,Reserve have been equally favoured. On the top of the hill,adjacent to the Seeyetary's residence and from which spot anagnificent view f the ring is obtainable, trees have beenplanted with a view to providing picnic grounds or restingplaces for those patrons who bring their own lunches, qr,whfwish tp have a rest during any part of the day. It is ourintention, in connection with all this tree planting, immediatelythe trees are high enough to warrant the removal of the guards,to erect seating accommodation around them.NEW GATES, BOWEN BRIDGE ROAD. Welhave referred elsewhere to the increased convenience enjoyedby our patrons owing to the erection of new gates onthe Bowen Bridge Road. This structure, handsome in design.includes large double gates for vehicular traffic, eight smallentrances for pedestrians, and four ticket offices. The erectionof this structure necessitated the formation of a roadway, 66feet wide, the building of a stone retaining wall over 5 feethigh, and over 1,000 yards of filling-in material.- NEW ASSEM B'L Y YAR D. The Competitors'Reserve, which hitherto has been an uncovered assemblyyard, measuring 50 feet x 50 feet, has been roofed,walled, and fitted with seating accommodation for competingriders and drivers. In addition to the accommodationifor horses, this structure also contains an office for the ringmaster and his clerk, and telephone connection with the offieialsin the centre of the ring. The object of this covered areais to provide protection against rain and sun for competinganimals and their riders and drivers, when waiting their turnto enter .the ring. This improvement was very much appree~ted by those who had to make use of it.

7had been adhered to. During Show week, <strong>the</strong> whole of <strong>the</strong>building was occupied by motor car exhibits, and it is nowused as a Wool Store.WASTE LAND RECLAIMED. Perhaps <strong>the</strong> most imrportant improvement carried out in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock Reservehas been <strong>the</strong> filling-in of that hollow which existed adjacentto Water Street. Several thousand yards of filling-in materialhave been used in this work, and that space, which previouslywas utterly valueless and was as low as 5 feet below WaterStreet, has now been brought to <strong>the</strong> level of that thoroughfareand has provided a' splendid area on which Show buildingscan be erected, when required.DEHYDRATION. Over £200 was expended in <strong>the</strong>erection of a building in which to house a Dehydration Plant,and although <strong>the</strong> expense was a heavy one, it is satisfactory toknow that we have done our best to demonstrate to our fruitgrowers<strong>the</strong> possibilities connected with this system of dryingfruit for export and for home consumption. Throughout <strong>the</strong>whole Show week, <strong>the</strong> demonstrations of dehydration wereclosely watched by many thousands of visitors.'SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS. Particular attentionwas given, this year, to <strong>the</strong> sanitary arrangements, andthree sets of conveniences were erected in suitable positions.Had time permitted, your Council would have installeda Septic system, but failing this, <strong>the</strong> most up-to- datepan system was provided, and we were <strong>the</strong> recipients ofmany complimentary expressions of appreciation from patrons.We still hope to install <strong>the</strong> septic system before next Showtime.GRAND STAND DINING ROOM. The DiningRoom under <strong>the</strong> Grand Stand was remodelled in suchmanner that two Dining Rooms were provided, <strong>the</strong>entrance to one being from <strong>the</strong> Gkand Stand only, and to <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r from <strong>the</strong> archway behind <strong>the</strong> Stand. This alterationwas much appreciated by <strong>the</strong> lessees and by <strong>the</strong> general publicwho made more use of <strong>the</strong> Dining Room than has hi<strong>the</strong>rtobeen <strong>the</strong> case.CATTLE STEWARDS OFFICE. Opposite to <strong>the</strong>Stock Salesmen's Offices, an office has been erected, thisyear for <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Stewards, fittedwith <strong>the</strong> usual office conveniences and with telephonic con- ineotion with <strong>the</strong> Exchange and <strong>the</strong> various offloe on <strong>the</strong>Grounds. This has been a long neglected convenience whio $will be appreciated by <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Stewards and exhibitors., p«

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