1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


_1_~1~ _~I __ ;_ _:lj _ I~ 1 _ _ iX ___; ___Li~l i_ I _ i~_ =; _13_X mI-V " , * 5 g 1Our arrangements for the comfort of patrons were notconfined to the Gregory Terrace entrance. New gates andticket offices were erected on the Bowen Bridge Road, nearthe railway level crossing, and as arrangements had been madewith the Tramway CO. to diembark there all passenegers comingfrom Albion direction, the pressure on the Gregory Terraceentrance was very considerably relieved. Over 20,000 peoplemade use of the Bowen Bridge gateway during Show week.Upon the termination of the Show, each day, in addition tothe Gregory Terrace entrance, these gates also were thrownopen together with the gates leading on to O'Connell Terrace,Brookes Street, Water Street, and the lower point of GregoryTerrace.FINANCIALOn another page will be found a schedule showing receiptsand expenditure for the years 1914 to 1921 inclusive. Carefulperusal and analysis of figures submitted cannot prove otherwisethan gratifying- to members, showing as they do theprogress made by all departments since 1914 (year on whichthe Great War started). The 1920 figures show an abnormalincrease, but it must be remembered that it was on that yearthat we were visited by Ilir Royal Higlhness, the Prince ofWales. The figures for 1918 were the highest previouslyrecorded (no Show in 1919), but leaving to one side the figureswhich we have referred to in 1920, the returns for 1921 arevery gratifying. We might instance the increase in GateReceipts from £7,208 in 1918 to £9,548 in 1921; Entry Fees,£1,359 in 1918 as compared with £1,446 in 1921; Members'Subscriptions, £2,548 in 1918 and £4,320 in 1921. The totalrevenue for 1921 has amounted to £23,331, as comparedwith £16,376 in 1918.Expenditures have been very carefully watched throughoutthe year, but increased wages and increased cost of materialshave made a heavy drain upon our resources, and that weshould be able to show such good results on the year's transactionswill, we feel confident be approved of by our subscribers.Permanent Improvements, combined with alterations andrepairs, which our re-modelling scheme in the Live Stock'Reserve made compulsory this year, were responsible for anoutlay of £5009. In addition to this expenditure, asum of £651 was paid to complete the purchase of the GregoryTerrace property.Including Prize Money, £1870 was expended upon .District Exhibits and £211 up( on the Dehydration Demonstra .tion. The value to Queenslanci of the District and One Farm-;

Exhibits warrants an even greater outlay. We sincerely hopethat the assistance which your Association rendered to thedemonstration of dehydration of fruit will in the near futureprove of value to our orchardists.No Association or Society of a similar nature to our ownin the Commonwealth stands to-day in a more enviable financialposition. Our Bank credit amounts to £405/13/3, andthere is owing to .us £674 represented principallyby membership subscriptions, space rents, ground rents, etc.We own freehold property, which including improvements, isvalued at nearly £20,000. The Show Grounds, which we holdunder Perpetual Lease, contain improvements which have costyour Association over £75,000. Furniture and plant in handcould not be purchased to-day for £1,500. We owe theGovernment £5,000, a loan which matures in 1923, but ouractual total debt is less than £4,500. Regarding this GovernmentLoan, we would explain that it was advanced to tide usover the year 1919 when, owing to our Grounds and Buildingsbeing used by the Government as an Influenza Epidemic1Hospital, we were unable to hold our Show, and in consequencelost the whole year's revenue, together with the year's maintenancecost, cost of printing Schedules and other matterwhich had been issued before we were definitely advised thatno Show could be held. This £5,000 Loan granted to us underthe circumstances mentioned was honestly due as compensation,and we have reason to believe that but for the financial stresswith which our Government is faced, a proportion of this loanwould have been granted to us. The Government of NewSouth Wales, under exactly similar circumstances, paid £19,000to the Royal Agricultural Society of N.S.W., as compensati nfor the loss of their Show.IMPROVEMENTS.NEW EXHIBITION HALL. Early in the year, aY.M.C.A. hut, measuring 164 feet long by 34j feet wide, withwalls 9ft. high was purchased. The original proposal was toerect this building in the Live Stock Reserve for such purposesas might be considered necessary, but it was subsequentlydecided to make the structure an annexe to the John ReidIndustrial Hall, increase the width of the floor by 12 feet(making it 45 feet wide), raise the walls from 9 feet to 15 feet,with an up-to-date system of ventilation and lighting. Thesealterations made the building much more suitable for generalshow purposes, and made it also a much better revenue pro-Samr than would have been the case if the old measurements

_1_~1~ _~I __ ;_ _:lj _ I~ 1 _ _ iX ___; ___Li~l i_ I _ i~_ =; _13_X mI-V " , * 5 g 1Our arrangements for <strong>the</strong> comfort of patrons were notconfined to <strong>the</strong> Gregory Terrace entrance. New gates andticket offices were erected on <strong>the</strong> Bowen Bridge Road, near<strong>the</strong> railway level crossing, and as arrangements had been madewith <strong>the</strong> Tramway CO. to diembark <strong>the</strong>re all passenegers comingfrom Albion direction, <strong>the</strong> pressure on <strong>the</strong> Gregory Terraceentrance was very considerably relieved. Over 20,000 peoplemade use of <strong>the</strong> Bowen Bridge gateway during Show week.Upon <strong>the</strong> termination of <strong>the</strong> Show, each day, in addition to<strong>the</strong> Gregory Terrace entrance, <strong>the</strong>se gates also were thrownopen toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> gates leading on to O'Connell Terrace,Brookes Street, Water Street, and <strong>the</strong> lower point of GregoryTerrace.FINANCIALOn ano<strong>the</strong>r page will be found a schedule showing receiptsand expenditure for <strong>the</strong> years 1914 to <strong>1921</strong> inclusive. Carefulperusal and analysis of figures submitted cannot prove o<strong>the</strong>rwisethan gratifying- to members, showing as <strong>the</strong>y do <strong>the</strong>progress made by all departments since 1914 (year on which<strong>the</strong> Great War started). The 1920 figures show an abnormalincrease, but it must be remembered that it was on that yearthat we were visited by Ilir Royal Higlhness, <strong>the</strong> Prince ofWales. The figures for 1918 were <strong>the</strong> highest previouslyrecorded (no Show in 1919), but leaving to one side <strong>the</strong> figureswhich we have referred to in 1920, <strong>the</strong> returns for <strong>1921</strong> arevery gratifying. We might instance <strong>the</strong> increase in GateReceipts from £7,208 in 1918 to £9,548 in <strong>1921</strong>; Entry Fees,£1,359 in 1918 as compared with £1,446 in <strong>1921</strong>; Members'Subscriptions, £2,548 in 1918 and £4,320 in <strong>1921</strong>. The totalrevenue for <strong>1921</strong> has amounted to £23,331, as comparedwith £16,376 in 1918.Expenditures have been very carefully watched throughout<strong>the</strong> year, but increased wages and increased cost of materialshave made a heavy drain upon our resources, and that weshould be able to show such good results on <strong>the</strong> year's transactionswill, we feel confident be approved of by our subscribers.Permanent Improvements, combined with alterations andrepairs, which our re-modelling scheme in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock'Reserve made compulsory this year, were responsible for anoutlay of £5009. In addition to this expenditure, asum of £651 was paid to complete <strong>the</strong> purchase of <strong>the</strong> GregoryTerrace property.Including Prize Money, £1870 was expended upon .District Exhibits and £211 up( on <strong>the</strong> Dehydration Demonstra .tion. The value to Queenslanci of <strong>the</strong> District and One Farm-;

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