1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA

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' **f'ir* PHet of 1t7 Vilw.M. 19.4 4.0 .890 M.E. 18.0 5.4 1.150 E.Total: 74.3 lbs. milk, yielding 3.858 lbs.(3). E. Burton's Oxford Noble Dot II.M. 15.12 3.7 .680 M.E. 17.4 6.4 1.297 E.Total: 62.9 Ibs. milk, yielding 3.790 Ibs.(4). M. Lawrence'sM.E.Total:18.1417.675.11 lbs.17.14 3.519.1 4.9commercial butter.15.9 5.214.0 5.2commercial butter.Red Duchess III. of City View.2.6 .570 M. 20.73.2 .641 E. 19.0milk, yielding 2.864 lbs. commercial3.43.8butter..72651.093.953.860.803.850(5). B.M.E.Coin.lb. Milk Test ButterO'Connor's16.315.12Bessie3.53.6Totial: 65.14 lbs. milk,of Oakvale..657 M..660 E.yielding 2.7:4 lbs.1h. Milk Test17.1216.3commnler(ial(6). Jackson & Schofeld's Irene of Bexley.M. 9.15 3.8 .437 M. 12.10 4.6E. 10.6 4.9 .58S l. I l. 5.1Total: 44.7 lbs. milk, yielding 2.395 lbs. commercial butter.3.63.6butter.Com.ButterCOW or HEIFER, under four years, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest dailyyield of butter fat for 48 hours:-lb. Milk Coin. Butter lb. Milk C(om. Butter(1). B. Mears' Tulip of Morden.M. 20.7 .977 M. 20.15 .967E. 17.3 .847 E. 16.8 .760Total: 75.1 lbs. milk, yielding 3.551 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 28.40. Lactation points, 8.S. Total points, 37.20(2). E. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup.M. 20.9 1.002 M. 19.10 .895E. 19.13 1.160 E. 14.13 1.225Total: 74.13 lbs. milk, yielding 4.282 lbs. 'commrcial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 34.25. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 34.25.(3). B. O'Connor's Bessie of Oakvale.M. 16.3 .657 M. 17.12K. 15.12 . .60 E. 16.3Total: 65.14 lbs. milk, yielding 2.734 lbs. commercialbutter fat, 24 hours, 21.87. Lactation points, 9.2. Total.740.677butter. Pointspoints, 31.07....- ato al.^t' ... ,. -, . . ;.- ,.-. ;.. - * .. .L~ ~' 'IPs~~~98yL~i~~:'Li~gi~P+-~i~Lt~Li(k~L~~* -^

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