1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


_ __ ~-. . ^_~ 1. _n.i~.ri~i P~ "'iB~ iP~;"~u~l~YI*I~?~t $iL't~i~:~I~' .7(12).-Enlarged Photographs (5)-Enlarged Photographs .............(13).-Ladies' Work (30)-Needlework, Knitting, Fine Arts ..School Work, Maps, Writing, &c., foipupils of schools in the district. 5 2 1 5 515 10 11 10 1415 11 8 13 10 i30 21 19 23 24(14).-Effective Arrangement (80)-Comprehensiveness of view ......Arrangement of Sectional Stands ..Effective Ticketing ...............General Finish .....................30 15 3; 26 -15 8 15 12 4 .20 5 15 20 20 i15 8 15 12 5 $X8 36 75 70 :37Total ................... 1250 765 758 794 774DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET.This year the Association gave prizes to the value of £27 10s. ft'rIllustrated Booklets, descriptive of the respective District Exhibits, andof the Districts in which they were produced. There were prizes foreach grade-Primary Products and Manufactures, and Primary ProductsOnly. Mr. R. S. Maynard judged the Booklets, of which there werethree-two in the 'A' Grade and one in the 'B' Grade. The awardswere as follows:-'A' Grade.-West Moreton, First; Darling Downs, Second.*B' Grade.-Northern Downs.ONE FABM EXHIBITS.The judging of the One Farm Exhibits resulted in a win for Mr. K.liuag, of Teviotville, who scored 421 points, with Mr. J. Donges, D)rayton,sccond, with 387 points, and Mr. W. Allen, (yilpie, third, with 3834I',int.,. Details are as follows:-(1).-Dairy Produce (50)-Butter, 6 bs. ................... 25Cheese, one large or two small .... 20Eggs, suitable for domestic use, onedozen of each variety ........ 5hC $ i^dO Ix "r^ca19 17 22 17'9 13 - 10. 3 44 250 81 88 26 29

~L1Y~LlliUI~UY I~il 1Li-W-l L . ji~ !_ .Li : ~_-I -~)I(2).-Foods (65)-Hams, 15 lbs., Bacon, 15 lbs ..Corned, Smoked, and Spiced Beef andM utton, 10 lbs . ...............Honey, 12 lbs. ..... ...............Beeswax, 6 lbs . ...................Bread, two loaves, Scones, one dozenConfectionery and Sweets. 3 Ibs ....Cakes and Biscuits ...............Lard, Tallow, Oils ................17 9 15 1210 8 5 7 610 4 7 - 65 5 5 4 55 2 3 5 45 1 5 3 45 1 4 3 35 3 3 3 365 41 41 40 43(3).-Fruit, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (143)-Fresh Fruits, all kinds ............Dried Fruits .....................Preserved Fruits and Jams .......Fresh VegetablesISl-1.,,1] I11. 2e rlPotatoes, not less than 28 lbs. (orcollection), and Roots ...... . ...Table P'umipkins, Squashes, and25 16 23; 11Marrows, 56 lbs. ........... . 10 6 10Cocoanuts and Nuts .............. 3 1 2Vegetable and Garden Seed ....... 5 - 5Arrowroot, 10 lbs .................. 5 - 5Sugar Beet, 3 lbs. .................. 5 3 -Cassava, 3 lbs. ................ . 5 -Ginger, 3 lbs . .................. 5 . .245143 59 104 8812 812 611178354389(4).--Grain, &c. (65)-Wheat 25 12 8 4M aize .......................... 20 16 14 7Barley, Oats, Rye, Rice .......... 20 7 16 1065 35 38 2(5).-Tropical Products (45)-Sugar Cane, 24 stalks or one stool .. 30 5 12 2;09Cotton, in seed, 10 lbs., long staple .. 10 5 5Coffee, 10 lbs. ...... ................ 5 - - 345 10 17 t122014185244(6).-Tobacco (10)-Tobacco, leaf, dried, 5 lb......... .(7).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (117)-Hay, oateon, wheaten, lucerne, andother varieties ................Grasses and iheir seeds, incldingCanary Seed .................Chaff, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, andother varieties ................Ensilage, any form ...........Cattle Fodder (pumpkins and greenfodder)2015-- 8 36 14 14 184 10 8 911 19 12 13- 14 -- 1215 12 1514 14

~L1Y~LlliUI~UY I~il 1Li-W-l L . ji~ !_ .Li : ~_-I -~)I(2).-Foods (65)-Hams, 15 lbs., Bacon, 15 lbs ..Corned, Smoked, and Spiced Beef andM utton, 10 lbs . ...............Honey, 12 lbs. ..... ...............Beeswax, 6 lbs . ...................Bread, two loaves, Scones, one dozenConfectionery and Sweets. 3 Ibs ....Cakes and Biscuits ...............Lard, Tallow, Oils ................17 9 15 1210 8 5 7 610 4 7 - 65 5 5 4 55 2 3 5 45 1 5 3 45 1 4 3 35 3 3 3 365 41 41 40 43(3).-Fruit, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (143)-Fresh Fruits, all kinds ............Dried Fruits .....................Preserved Fruits and Jams .......Fresh VegetablesISl-1.,,1] I11. 2e rlPotatoes, not less than 28 lbs. (orcollection), and Roots ...... . ...Table P'umipkins, Squashes, and25 16 23; 11Marrows, 56 lbs. ........... . 10 6 10Cocoanuts and Nuts .............. 3 1 2Vegetable and Garden Seed ....... 5 - 5Arrowroot, 10 lbs .................. 5 - 5Sugar Beet, 3 lbs. .................. 5 3 -Cassava, 3 lbs. ................ . 5 -Ginger, 3 lbs . .................. 5 . .245143 59 104 8812 812 611178354389(4).--Grain, &c. (65)-Wheat 25 12 8 4M aize .......................... 20 16 14 7Barley, Oats, Rye, Rice .......... 20 7 16 1065 35 38 2(5).-Tropical Products (45)-Sugar Cane, 24 stalks or one stool .. 30 5 12 2;09Cotton, in seed, 10 lbs., long staple .. 10 5 5Coffee, 10 lbs. ...... ................ 5 - - 345 10 17 t122014185244(6).-Tobacco (10)-Tobacco, leaf, dried, 5 lb......... .(7).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (117)-Hay, oateon, wheaten, lucerne, ando<strong>the</strong>r varieties ................Grasses and iheir seeds, incldingCanary Seed .................Chaff, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, ando<strong>the</strong>r varieties ................Ensilage, any form ...........Cattle Fodder (pumpkins and greenfodder)2015-- 8 36 14 14 184 10 8 911 19 12 13- 14 -- 1215 12 1514 14

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