1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


THE TROTTING SECTIONBy. C. R. Pickworth.3' V* *-I am pleased to say great int3lcst has been taken in the T'rottingEvents, I think, mir.re this year thai usual, as requests were madle thatmore Trotting Events shold be run on Wednesday and Thursday insteadof so many on Monday and Tuesday, which request we can give considerationto when compiling our programme for 1922."Globe Derby " the Sydney horse, which was entered to attemptto lower our one mile track record of 2 min. 15 sees., established August14th, 1918, by "Maori-land" (for which we offered £200 prize money)dlid not appear, the risk of shipping the horse from Sydney being toogreat owing to the rough weather prevailing on the coast at the time.The non-appearance of this very fast horse caused considerable disaplpointmentto the publlic, which every ('ouncillor regretted. With aview of avoiding such disappointment again, I would make the followingrecommendation, namely, that we incrase the prize money for 1922, forthis event, to £300, and 1 do so ;at this early stage to give some enterprisingQueenslanlder an opportunity of purchasing a horse capable ofreducing the rccor !., ami whose services would be valuable to thisState.Our Track Record has been lowered by different Stud Book Stallions,from 2 minutes 26 seconds in 1910, to 2 minutes 15 seconds in 1918, or11 seconds in eight years. Hachl Stallion has done service in this State,some of thlm have remained here permanently. The Royal NationalAssociation has, therefore, done much to improve the type of Trottinghorse in Qucenslaind.The total Prize Money we arec now offering, in this Section, is £358.I would recommend that we increase this by £147, making our total fornext year £505. l'etails of the allotment I need not go into now, butwould ask the (Council's approval, so that the facts could he made known.to Trotting men.DAIRY CATTLE EXHIBITS.Hy Messrs. W. ,JIs. Affleck and W.M. (Chai"es.While tlhe exhibit of Dairy Cattle, at this year's Royal NationalShow, did iot break any record for numbers, it established a new standardof quality. The exhibits all through were excellent, and theenthusiasm displdyedl by breeders, in bringing out their cattle to thehost advantage, was a great pleasure to see.The D)airy C(attle Section of the Royal National Show is the mirrorof the dairying industry. The improvement which has been effectedin recent years, in the quality of the cattle shown, is merely a reflectionof the improvement which has taken place in tIhe stud herds. Therehas been a marked improvement in thimi respect throughout the wholeState. From the Atlh'rton Tableland ti the Tweed, the breeding ofbetter cattle has gone on apace. The Hlerd Book Societies have promoteda fine spirit amongst breeders, and the contests at the RoyalNational bring out this spirit in the best form.We are happy to see a gradual awakening to the value of HerdTesting. For many years our Society has held Home Milking Competitionsfor all breeds, and these have been a source of great interestto breeders. Now, however, the demand is for Long Distance Tests,;,,'1.\IX.- ^gi~~ig~i 'i-'i~ t i~th -- ^jf^-A

and our Association will have to consider the advisability of encouragingthe making of these long distance tests. In these days, when an enlightenedman sets out to buy a bull, he wants to know whalrt his darnhas given in nine months. It is right that hie should know, and rightthat he should demand this information before hie bus.We have to thank the gentlemean wio coutriotll si) muchh to thesmooth running of the I)airy Cattle Section, tis yea:r. Thle onoraryStewardsw are as full of enthlusiasni for tlliir worke as the Ilreelers themnselves,and it is a great Pleasure to us to h~e iiso~i:teil writh theiii inmaking the Royal National oner of the finest, if not thle finest, l)ai ty('attlc Show inl the ( 'oinmnonwealth.THE SHEEP AND SWINE SECTIONS.yJ. P. Bottolly.I have mluchl leasure iii subitting a1 Report of thle Sheep andlSwine Sect ions of or 1921 Show\\.FAT I LEP. Thle emit its iii this Sct ion we ic oi lv fir iii n Inihe rshot goodl inl qualit. l';xiliitorn nd other~s a(re of the( opiion~ thant our(lternmd I hlope it w\ill he thel maii'ns of inlcreatsing thec iamuhe~cr of exhilitfor our 1922'; Show. .Mr. Edgllar B~aynels jlge~l this Seectioll, IiIlhis)decsios gve atifae io. dlesire to eon -c e v to Iii iu onr thiri k s forhis services.S'U ) 11E~'.rIlic enitries were veI~y smaI~ll anti~ inl no wayreresnltedt the Sheep indlustry of Queensland. Anl effort is about to bemade to thloroughly re ise thisH Sectinl, and we t rst t lint we slial Ireceive thle sup~ort of tud See lcl t:re ~lers iii t 1is~ n I ot hem Sitate.Wen intndi to issuie a p~relimina:ry Schedu~l e at ail earl Ilat.SWINE.Thiis is a veix'i~ioitil Sil in ll fl l ies cr ml~tas numerous as we \.II11 o have.( like'l I till, i lla u it, t hey uv'ere v rygi ot indcee. The I, g Sles were e 1? lv sueee shi I, tie 1lie l nd bingbgr:i t, good prices he'i hgrc I.CLi Se I br01 Uoni St tik. lIi sicl i iistine ,U1' to £40 was paid Itir pigs. it is s f'e to sayv thaut thre slcc 5inlfu ,ial eswil I be thle meanIs oh Ii rin~ing reatC cm 1 itti ul1. oi~Set via Lr.I ds~ire i) esljires mvI\ a~lilrtcititic ll of thliw(1. Siwar2~Iti ,nr. i. 4Lee hi fo vluale ervce thuilg the Exhibition.REPORT OF DISTRICT EXHIBIT COUNCIL STEWARDS.We1Ivi ha leasn r i 5 it ii1ll till I~u Reort ui,ol thec JDitritThle 'ri lary Pro 0(0 Is and I\Ill Mannl fac (I to cr5, or us is mlore geneuralyknown, the A. (iratl, ha:Il th mee cities,~ \ i.: -I ~lli mig I )owsl, WestMoretol, Wide Bay & Bureutt.Wo expected that the Northernn Rivers nal thle Southl Coast l)ibtrietlwould also hve colietkt, but en accouit uf thle flods, etc. inl thle

THE TROTTING SECTIONBy. C. R. Pickworth.3' V* *-I am pleased to say great int3lcst has been taken in <strong>the</strong> T'rottingEvents, I think, mir.re this year thai usual, as requests were madle thatmore Trotting Events shold be run on Wednesday and Thursday insteadof so many on Monday and Tuesday, which request we can give considerationto when compiling our programme for 1922."Globe Derby " <strong>the</strong> Sydney horse, which was entered to attemptto lower our one mile track record of 2 min. 15 sees., established August14th, 1918, by "Maori-land" (for which we offered £200 prize money)dlid not appear, <strong>the</strong> risk of shipping <strong>the</strong> horse from Sydney being toogreat owing to <strong>the</strong> rough wea<strong>the</strong>r prevailing on <strong>the</strong> coast at <strong>the</strong> time.The non-appearance of this very fast horse caused considerable disaplpointmentto <strong>the</strong> publlic, which every ('ouncillor regretted. With aview of avoiding such disappointment again, I would make <strong>the</strong> followingrecommendation, namely, that we incrase <strong>the</strong> prize money for 1922, forthis event, to £300, and 1 do so ;at this early stage to give some enterprisingQueenslanlder an opportunity of purchasing a horse capable ofreducing <strong>the</strong> rccor !., ami whose services would be valuable to thisState.Our Track Record has been lowered by different Stud Book Stallions,from 2 minutes 26 seconds in 1910, to 2 minutes 15 seconds in 1918, or11 seconds in eight years. Hachl Stallion has done service in this State,some of thlm have remained here permanently. The Royal NationalAssociation has, <strong>the</strong>refore, done much to improve <strong>the</strong> type of Trottinghorse in Qucenslaind.The total Prize Money we arec now offering, in this Section, is £358.I would recommend that we increase this by £147, making our total fornext year £505. l'etails of <strong>the</strong> allotment I need not go into now, butwould ask <strong>the</strong> (Council's approval, so that <strong>the</strong> facts could he made known.to Trotting men.DAIRY CATTLE EXHIBITS.Hy Messrs. W. ,JIs. Affleck and W.M. (Chai"es.While tlhe exhibit of Dairy Cattle, at this year's Royal NationalShow, did iot break any record for numbers, it established a new standardof quality. The exhibits all through were excellent, and <strong>the</strong>enthusiasm displdyedl by breeders, in bringing out <strong>the</strong>ir cattle to <strong>the</strong>host advantage, was a great pleasure to see.The D)airy C(attle Section of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Show is <strong>the</strong> mirrorof <strong>the</strong> dairying industry. The improvement which has been effectedin recent years, in <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> cattle shown, is merely a reflectionof <strong>the</strong> improvement which has taken place in tIhe stud herds. Therehas been a marked improvement in thimi respect throughout <strong>the</strong> wholeState. From <strong>the</strong> Atlh'rton Tableland ti <strong>the</strong> Tweed, <strong>the</strong> breeding ofbetter cattle has gone on apace. The Hlerd Book Societies have promoteda fine spirit amongst breeders, and <strong>the</strong> contests at <strong>the</strong> RoyalNational bring out this spirit in <strong>the</strong> best form.We are happy to see a gradual awakening to <strong>the</strong> value of HerdTesting. For many years our Society has held Home Milking Competitionsfor all breeds, and <strong>the</strong>se have been a source of great interestto breeders. Now, however, <strong>the</strong> demand is for Long Distance Tests,;,,'1.\IX.- ^gi~~ig~i 'i-'i~ t i~th -- ^jf^-A

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