1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


1i --years working for the welfare of the Royal National Agricultural Association.In addition to the Council, there was a body of Honorary.Stewards who were equally energetic. To the Judges, the warmestthanks were due. He referred, with appreciation, to the presence of thehereford expert, Mr. W. G. C. Brittain. To the Exhibitors, also, theAssociation's sincere thanks were due. The speaker also thanked theState Government for passing an Act of Parliament giving the Associationa secure tenure of the Grounds. It had been given a lease inperpetuity at a peppercorn rental. The assistance and sympathy thusgiven were valuable in making the Show the success it was. Everypenny derived from the Show profits was used in the extension of theAssociation's usefulness. Since 1914, over £40,000 had been expendedin wages alone-an eloquent testimony to the benefits of the Associationto the workers. (Loud applause).Cheers and the National Anthem closed the proceedings.Others present included: Mr. J. P. Bottomley (Vice-President) andMrs. Bottomley, Mr. C. P. and Miss Bottomley, Mr. W. M. Charles (Vice.President) and Miss Charles, Mr.' P. Frankel (Hon. Treasurer) and Mrs.Frankel, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Affleck and Miss Affleck, Mr. and Mrs.H. Brookes and the Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, Mr. and Mrs.H. S. Cribb, Mr. H. G. Cribb and Miss Cribb, Sir A. S. and Lady Cowley,Mr. Richard and the Misses Galley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hiron, Mr. and Mrs.J. Washington Irving, Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald and Miss Macdonald,Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Noyes and Miss Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pickworth,Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain, Mr. and Mrs. P. Short (Commissioner of Police),Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell (Ispector General of Police, Sydney),General and Mrs. Spencer Browne, Rear-Admiral J. S.Dumaresq, Captain Claud Cumberledgc, R.N., Commanders Wilfrid WardHunt, H. B. R. Blackwood, and R. C. Garsia, Captains H. P. Cayley andH. J. Feakes, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas and Lady Robinson,Brigadier-General J. C. Robertson, Brigadier-General and Mrs. J. H.Cannan, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. F. A. Hughes, Colonel and Mrs.Cass, Colonel A. J. Thynne, M.L.C., and Miss Thynne, Major and Mrs.A H. Cory, Major W. J. Clatworthy, the Premier and Mrs. Theodore,the State Treasurer (Mr. J. A. Fihelly) and Mrs. Fihelly, the Presidentof the Legislative Council (Mr. W. Lennon) and Mrs. Lennon, theMinister for Agriculture (Mr. W. N. Gillies) & Mrs. Gillies, the Ministerfor Education (Mr. J. Huxham) and Mrs. Huxham, the Minister forRailways (Mr. J. Larcombo) and Mrs. Larcombe, the Minister for Justice(Mr. J. Mullen), and Mrs. Mullen, the Minister for State Enterprise(Mr. W. Forgan Smith) and Mrs. Smith, the Speaker (Mr. W. Bertram)and Mrs. Bertram, the Chief Justice (Sir Pope Cooper), Mr. JusticeLukin and Mrs. Lukin, Mr. Justice Macnaughton and Mrs. Macnaughton,Mr. Justiet Real and Mrs. Real, His Grace Archbishop Duhig, Sir DenisonMiller, the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. C. Taylor, M.L.A.), Mrs. andMiss Taylor, Mr. T. C. Beirne, M.L.C., Mrs. and Miss Beirne, Mr. A. H.Whittingham, M.L.C., and Mrs. Whittingham, Mr. P. J. Leahy, M.L.O.,and Mrs. Leahy, Mr. J. Ryan, M.L.C., Mr. M. J. Kirwan, M.L.A., SirAlfred and Lady Cowley, Lady Morgan and Miss Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.i il '

W. J. Affleek and Miss Affleck, the President Central Downs A. and H.Association (Allora), Mr. J. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. M'Connel,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beynolds, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Howell, Mr. andMrs. W. P. Devereux, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sinclair Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.'; Allan, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.R. B. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cubitt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer, Mr.and Mrs. H. Brookes and Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Bottomley, Mr. C. P. Bottomley, Miss Bottoinley, thePresidents Logan and Albert, Biggenden, Bowen, and Beenleigh A. andP. Societies, Mr. S. P. Fraser, the President Balmnoral District H. and I.Society, the President Belmont A. H. and I. Society, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.Brady, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Beal, Mr. R. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Beeker,Mr. H. Bracker, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brett, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Benson,Mr. Edgar Baynes, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Booker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bick,Mr. and Mrs. H. J. King, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brodribb, Mr. and Mrs.E. H. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jardine Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stitt,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M'Adam, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Blott, Mr. and Mrs.Fred. Ellis, Mr. Neal Macrossan, Mr. and Mrs. Norman White, Mr. andMrs. J. S. Badger, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamNelson, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. T. Ruthning, Mrs. H. L. E. and Miss RuthningMr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Liuc(as, Mr. and Mrs.Hleydon, Alderman and Mrs. J. Burrows, Alderman and Mrs. M. J. Barry,Mr. M. Brown, Mr. G. B. Brookes, Miss Madge Philpots, Mr. G. L. Ellis,Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Quodling, Mr. anii Mrs. M. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs.G. S. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hayimen, Mr. and Mrs. Alan W.f Campbell, Mrs. John and Miss Reid, Mr. A. Archer, the President BomaW. P. and A. Association, the President Rocklea A. and I. Association,Professor H. C. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Spence, Dr. and Mrs. L. J.Spence, Mr. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Short, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Symes, Mr. andMrs. E. J. Shaw, Mr. G. Badgery, the President Sherwood Progress Asso-. eliation, Mr. A. E. Bateman, Mr. F. A. Stiimpson, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. E.Seriven, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Story, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Steer, Mr. andMrs. R. E. Sexton, Mrs. Jas. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steele, Mr.and Mrs. W. B. Slade, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Prosser, Mrs. X. A. Seppelt,Mrs. R. P. Breden. Mr. E. C.Macconnan, Mr. A. K. Stewart, Mr. W.Soutter, Mrs. J. Storie and Miss Storie, Misses Shaw, Mr. W. W. Shaw,Mr. and Mrs. Spurway, Mr. E. T. Garbutt, Mr. J. N. Parkes, Mr. and Mrs.] . C. M'Connel, Mr. 1. Tweddle, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Trodson, Mr. andMrs. H. B. Templeton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson, Mr. F. W. Turley, A!ldermanJ. P. and Mrs. Teefey, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Stuart, Mr. W. J. andMrs. Vowles, the President Zillmere A,, H., and I. Society, Mr. G. Waugh,Mr. H. W. Watson, Mr. John E. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Sterne, Mr. E. B.Fox, Mr. M. L. Brown, the President Woodford A., P. and I. Association,Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilson, Mr. D. Walters,Mr. B. W. Winks, Mr. M. Wallace, M. R. G. Watson, Mr. F. W. B bine,Mr. G. G. Hutton, Mrs. Wiley, Mr. and Mr. Adam Halliday, Mr. andMrs. 1. B. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. J. Earwaker, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.. Pula,Mr. A. S. Williams, Mr. C. Deschamps, Misses Watts, Mr. 8. Willis, Mr,

1i --years working for <strong>the</strong> welfare of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Agricultural Association.In addition to <strong>the</strong> Council, <strong>the</strong>re was a body of Honorary.Stewards who were equally energetic. To <strong>the</strong> Judges, <strong>the</strong> warmestthanks were due. He referred, with appreciation, to <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong>hereford expert, Mr. W. G. C. Brittain. To <strong>the</strong> Exhibitors, also, <strong>the</strong>Association's sincere thanks were due. The speaker also thanked <strong>the</strong>State Government for passing an Act of Parliament giving <strong>the</strong> Associationa secure tenure of <strong>the</strong> Grounds. It had been given a lease inperpetuity at a peppercorn rental. The assistance and sympathy thusgiven were valuable in making <strong>the</strong> Show <strong>the</strong> success it was. Everypenny derived from <strong>the</strong> Show profits was used in <strong>the</strong> extension of <strong>the</strong>Association's usefulness. Since 1914, over £40,000 had been expendedin wages alone-an eloquent testimony to <strong>the</strong> benefits of <strong>the</strong> Associationto <strong>the</strong> workers. (Loud applause).Cheers and <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m closed <strong>the</strong> proceedings.O<strong>the</strong>rs present included: Mr. J. P. Bottomley (Vice-President) andMrs. Bottomley, Mr. C. P. and Miss Bottomley, Mr. W. M. Charles (Vice.President) and Miss Charles, Mr.' P. Frankel (Hon. Treasurer) and Mrs.Frankel, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Affleck and Miss Affleck, Mr. and Mrs.H. Brookes and <strong>the</strong> Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, Mr. and Mrs.H. S. Cribb, Mr. H. G. Cribb and Miss Cribb, Sir A. S. and Lady Cowley,Mr. Richard and <strong>the</strong> Misses Galley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hiron, Mr. and Mrs.J. Washington Irving, Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald and Miss Macdonald,Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Noyes and Miss Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pickworth,Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain, Mr. and Mrs. P. Short (Commissioner of Police),Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell (Ispector General of Police, Sydney),General and Mrs. Spencer Browne, Rear-Admiral J. S.Dumaresq, Captain Claud Cumberledgc, R.N., Commanders Wilfrid WardHunt, H. B. R. Blackwood, and R. C. Garsia, Captains H. P. Cayley andH. J. Feakes, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas and Lady Robinson,Brigadier-General J. C. Robertson, Brigadier-General and Mrs. J. H.Cannan, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. F. A. Hughes, Colonel and Mrs.Cass, Colonel A. J. Thynne, M.L.C., and Miss Thynne, Major and Mrs.A H. Cory, Major W. J. Clatworthy, <strong>the</strong> Premier and Mrs. Theodore,<strong>the</strong> State Treasurer (Mr. J. A. Fihelly) and Mrs. Fihelly, <strong>the</strong> Presidentof <strong>the</strong> Legislative Council (Mr. W. Lennon) and Mrs. Lennon, <strong>the</strong>Minister for Agriculture (Mr. W. N. Gillies) & Mrs. Gillies, <strong>the</strong> Ministerfor Education (Mr. J. Huxham) and Mrs. Huxham, <strong>the</strong> Minister forRailways (Mr. J. Larcombo) and Mrs. Larcombe, <strong>the</strong> Minister for Justice(Mr. J. Mullen), and Mrs. Mullen, <strong>the</strong> Minister for State Enterprise(Mr. W. Forgan Smith) and Mrs. Smith, <strong>the</strong> Speaker (Mr. W. Bertram)and Mrs. Bertram, <strong>the</strong> Chief Justice (Sir Pope Cooper), Mr. JusticeLukin and Mrs. Lukin, Mr. Justice Macnaughton and Mrs. Macnaughton,Mr. Justiet Real and Mrs. Real, His Grace Archbishop Duhig, Sir DenisonMiller, <strong>the</strong> Leader of <strong>the</strong> Opposition (Mr. C. Taylor, M.L.A.), Mrs. andMiss Taylor, Mr. T. C. Beirne, M.L.C., Mrs. and Miss Beirne, Mr. A. H.Whittingham, M.L.C., and Mrs. Whittingham, Mr. P. J. Leahy, M.L.O.,and Mrs. Leahy, Mr. J. Ryan, M.L.C., Mr. M. J. Kirwan, M.L.A., SirAlfred and Lady Cowley, Lady Morgan and Miss Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.i il '

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