1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA 1921 Annual Report - the RNA


Sa - rir-I fZ CIC, :, , 7,,. '- • ", . . Ir- - . - . .- - i.-points separate the two leading societies in the section forPrimary Products and Manufactures, and only< 20 pointsseparate the first and second prize winners in the PrimaryProducts Only. In addition to winning the first honours, theWest Moreton exhibit won the honour of holding the Chelms- 1ford Shield for twelve months, and having the district's nameinscribed thereon.The competitors admitted that the exhibits were degreesbetter than on the previous year, and it is a recognised facteach year that the competitor coming along with a no betterexhibit than he had previously shown would find himself verylow in the honour scale. The display was a magnificent oneand visitors competent to express opinions commented mostfavourably upon the exhibits which, they stated, excelledanything which they had previously had the opportunity ofinspecting.THE GOVERNMENT FARM DISPLAYS were educationalto : de leee. The various products of these farms werearranged with even more artistic effect than the efforts ofother years, and that the educational value to the man on theland was beyond doubt, can be assumed from the huge concourseof country visitors who continually thronged the court.FORESTRY DISPLAY. Apart from the AgriculturalDepartment display, the only Government Exhibit shown. thisyear, was from the Forestry Department, and every credit isdue to those responsible for the organisation of this exhibitwhich demonstrated eloquently the innumerable classes oftimber grown in Queensland and the uses to which it waspossible to convert them.WOMEN'S WORK. The women of Queensland displayedin a marked degree their capability with the needle,knittiig pins, the paint brush, and the camera. These entrieswere more than double those of the previous year, and expertsclaim that the quality of the work left little to be desired.SCHOOL WORK. The exhibition of children's worksurpassed previous displays, and gave ample evidence of thecare which some of the teachers' bestow upon their pupils.BUSINESS DISPLAYS. These were the best that wehave yet seen in the Annexes, and demonstrated almost everymanufacturing inidustry followed in Queensland, and quite anumber from other States. A number of Queensland Manufacturershad a section entirely to themselves, and some of

P r-~ -~,f.~ ~~'" s,.- "'11-~ 1.~~V ~";~~"i:12the productions contained therein brought forth expressions ofsurprise and pleasure from visitors who had little idea thatwe had reached such a stage of manufacturing.FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE, and the Products ofthe Apiary, were specially represented. Better efforts thanusual were made by the "Bee" representatives-we can bestdescribe this exhibit by stating that it was superb.In the FRUIT SECTION, the display made surpassed eventhe Prince's year, exhibits were staged from Rockhampton anddistrict, Charleville and district, the Northern Rivers of NewSouth Wales, and all that fruit bearing country between theNorthern Rivers of New South Wales and Gympie, includingthe famous Blackall Range area.FOWERS. The Queensland August Show is noted forits marvellous exhibits of Sweet Peas and other beautifulflowers, and this year we feel convinced that our growers madea display the like of which has never hitherto been seen at anyExhibition, here or elsewhere. It was a blaze of colour, andwas responsible for a crowded pavilion on every day that itwas open to the public. As almost an annexe to the HorticulturalPavilion, was the building erected to demonstrate thepossibility of dehydrated fruit, particulars of which are givenelsewhere.MACHINERY DISPLAYS. The Machinery Displayswere the best seen on the Grounds for some years past. Arrangementswere made on a previous year by which themachinery was exhibited on either side of a broad roadway,situated at the rear of the Grand Stand, one half of the spacebacking on to the railway line, the other on to the creek runningthrough the Acclimatisation area of the Show Grounds.Many interesting features were placed before the public, andwithout disparaging any one show, we cannot but refer to oneexhibit which demonstrated the manufacture of wire netting,of nails, and numerous other every-day requirements madefrom steel wire. Roadway machinery, tractors, agriculturalimplements, and other machines equally interesting were onview. We are grieved, however, to admit that the display,although so interesting, represented only a few of the Agentsof manufactures, and would make it look as though ourMachinery Merchants were not so loyal to the state as thoseof the other Commonwealth Capitals. Your Council, therefore,have determined to make overtures to the Merchants with aview of securing better displays, and we feel that we haveyour good wishes for the success of our efforts.

Sa - rir-I fZ CIC, :, , 7,,. '- • ", . . Ir- - . - . .- - i.-points separate <strong>the</strong> two leading societies in <strong>the</strong> section forPrimary Products and Manufactures, and only< 20 pointsseparate <strong>the</strong> first and second prize winners in <strong>the</strong> PrimaryProducts Only. In addition to winning <strong>the</strong> first honours, <strong>the</strong>West Moreton exhibit won <strong>the</strong> honour of holding <strong>the</strong> Chelms- 1ford Shield for twelve months, and having <strong>the</strong> district's nameinscribed <strong>the</strong>reon.The competitors admitted that <strong>the</strong> exhibits were degreesbetter than on <strong>the</strong> previous year, and it is a recognised facteach year that <strong>the</strong> competitor coming along with a no betterexhibit than he had previously shown would find himself verylow in <strong>the</strong> honour scale. The display was a magnificent oneand visitors competent to express opinions commented mostfavourably upon <strong>the</strong> exhibits which, <strong>the</strong>y stated, excelledanything which <strong>the</strong>y had previously had <strong>the</strong> opportunity ofinspecting.THE GOVERNMENT FARM DISPLAYS were educationalto : de leee. The various products of <strong>the</strong>se farms werearranged with even more artistic effect than <strong>the</strong> efforts ofo<strong>the</strong>r years, and that <strong>the</strong> educational value to <strong>the</strong> man on <strong>the</strong>land was beyond doubt, can be assumed from <strong>the</strong> huge concourseof country visitors who continually thronged <strong>the</strong> court.FORESTRY DISPLAY. Apart from <strong>the</strong> AgriculturalDepartment display, <strong>the</strong> only Government Exhibit shown. thisyear, was from <strong>the</strong> Forestry Department, and every credit isdue to those responsible for <strong>the</strong> organisation of this exhibitwhich demonstrated eloquently <strong>the</strong> innumerable classes oftimber grown in Queensland and <strong>the</strong> uses to which it waspossible to convert <strong>the</strong>m.WOMEN'S WORK. The women of Queensland displayedin a marked degree <strong>the</strong>ir capability with <strong>the</strong> needle,knittiig pins, <strong>the</strong> paint brush, and <strong>the</strong> camera. These entrieswere more than double those of <strong>the</strong> previous year, and expertsclaim that <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> work left little to be desired.SCHOOL WORK. The exhibition of children's worksurpassed previous displays, and gave ample evidence of <strong>the</strong>care which some of <strong>the</strong> teachers' bestow upon <strong>the</strong>ir pupils.BUSINESS DISPLAYS. These were <strong>the</strong> best that wehave yet seen in <strong>the</strong> Annexes, and demonstrated almost everymanufacturing inidustry followed in Queensland, and quite anumber from o<strong>the</strong>r States. A number of Queensland Manufacturershad a section entirely to <strong>the</strong>mselves, and some of

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