1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA

1921 Annual Report - the RNA

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9';1 -,'~,&4'*.ALCiasSiSSpciay AlthOrised ociey.4 I..... .mmfmauan.S bmE ~m inU in3 kal IbIEEI I<strong>Report</strong> oConcilIMembas~ R~oilPie DonborsI;andl rudiedtae~an of Accounts;iIFou tbs Yra 1.921______________________________Ei,.ii.~ i*~I.i:1:hlTro .be Isbmttd to <strong>the</strong>rANNUAL G5NIE~rLL MflENG#,ftb FlIBRVAR, 1922.''y: ,ris:"~s:itI i, rr'1 U3P4~ SXKIhRCbiUT.L DPJRANLG,fr ':;4iiia.1h,. ba: ":;1I;:hwrr Gs'enm6: SoWVnE PALM.?U*fLO~Q1 IP. ~I.1( L~L

4i":':r~ :I-'';a ~~7~i~Jr~~i 'ii .; i ~i~~; ir )r'-i4 i 2 -9.1" ;t *I: i1l.u___.INklmbws mr Rtl that <strong>the</strong>s hmwal Ga1~Iktt wi bb hed 1~ <strong>the</strong> hasOlation 'aOffo, Ori Dullsw, at $ p.m. bn Tizesdsay,7th Febiuw, 192Q.Nm~as~ua~p i tow NaiPbrs of oncil closeJ. BAIN, Secretalry._I _ __~ 1_11___ __1 ___~ ___ ____ _ ___B.iir-.. 4. 1

Royal NationAgricultural and IndustrialAssociation of QueenslandPatrons:His Excellency <strong>the</strong> Rt. Hon. H. W. J.BARON FORSTER,P.C., K.C.M.G., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of <strong>the</strong>Commonwealth of Australia.His Excellency <strong>the</strong> Rt. Hon.Sir MATTHEW NATHAN,G.C.M.G., P.C.,Governor of Queensland.COUNCIL, <strong>1921</strong>President:CHARLES E. McDOUGALL, Esq.Vice-Presidents:W. M. CHARLES, Esq. J. P. BOTTOMLEY, Esq.Chairman:E. BAYNES, Esq.Hon. Treasurer:P. FRANKEL, Esq.W. J. AFFLECK, Esq.E. T. BELL, Esq., M.L.AH. BROOKES, Esq.H. S. CRIBB, Esq.J. HIRON, Esq.Committee:Trustees:Sir A. S. COWLEY, Kt.JOHN MACDONALD, Esq.. A. T. NOYES, Esq.C. R. PICKWORTIIH, EsqP. J. SYMES, Esq.CHARLES TAYLOR, Esq.,M.L.A.R. GAILEY, Esq.Hon. Veterinary Surgeon:J. WASHINGTON IRVING, Esq., M.R.C.V.S.L.Hon. Solicitors:Messrs. OSBORNE & WAUGH.SBeretary:J. BAIN,(J .?

* Ki~fi : 1 - , -46th <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>|OF THE COUNCIL OF THERoyal National Agricltual & Industrial__ _____I____ _ Association of Queenslandfor <strong>the</strong> Year, <strong>1921</strong>.LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,Your Council have pleasure in submitting <strong>the</strong>ir 46th<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and Financial Statement, covering epitomisedparticulars of business transacted during <strong>the</strong> year <strong>1921</strong>.Notwithstanding <strong>the</strong> period of general depression withwhich Queensland industries have recently had to wrestle, <strong>the</strong>results achieved by your Association are gratifying, and for<strong>the</strong> assistance rendered to achieve such results, we thankmembers, prize donors, exhibitors, and <strong>the</strong> general public, whoso generously supported us with <strong>the</strong>ir patronage.We were favoured with splendid wea<strong>the</strong>r throughout <strong>the</strong>Show week. It is estimated that over 200,000 people attended<strong>the</strong> Show, and <strong>the</strong> gate takings amounted to £9,688, an increaseof £2,479 as compared with <strong>the</strong> receipts for 1918, on which yearall previous attendance figures had been surpassed.During <strong>the</strong> year, a substantial sum was expended in carryingout necessary permanent improvements. When <strong>the</strong>Brisbane City Council graciously granted permission totemporarily close that section of Gregory Terrace which divides<strong>the</strong> Show Ground into two areas, we were able to carry out aimuch desired remodeling scheie in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock Reserve(late Petty's Paddock). Loose boxes and open stalls for horseswere erected with frontages to broad, tree planted avenues,running parallel to <strong>the</strong> existing accommodation for horses,sheep, swine, poultry, and dogs, and to <strong>the</strong> John Reid IndustrialHall. O<strong>the</strong>r avenues, running at right angles to <strong>the</strong> abovementioned were laid out, <strong>the</strong> whole scheme presenting a pleuingeffect.

EiLij., .:., .. *. . *: .Although <strong>the</strong> removal and re-erection of <strong>the</strong> fences oneach /side of Gregory Terrace was this year an expensiveundertaking, <strong>the</strong> structural system adopted will permit, onfuture occasions, <strong>the</strong> removal of <strong>the</strong> fence, in sections, fromsockets built into <strong>the</strong> ground, and replacement <strong>the</strong>rein when-<strong>the</strong> Show is over, at a cost which will be infinitessimal as comparedwith this year's expenditure.The conversion of a portion of Gregory Terrace, temporarily,into a part of <strong>the</strong> Show Ground, only increased <strong>the</strong> areaby about 27,000 square feet, but it made a remarkable changein <strong>the</strong> surroundings. The Show Ring appeared to be considerablyenlarged, and from <strong>the</strong> Grand stand a sweeping viewwas obtained right across to <strong>the</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>st boundary of <strong>the</strong>Live Stock Reserve.The temporary closure referred to of a portion of GregoryTerrace ( and <strong>the</strong> conversion of <strong>the</strong> closed portion of that roadinto part of <strong>the</strong> Show Grounds, made necessary certain alterationsfor controlling ingress and egress. Barricades, ornamentalin design, and fitted with large double gates in <strong>the</strong>centre through which could pass tram cars and o<strong>the</strong>r vehicles,fitted on ei<strong>the</strong>r side with sixteen openings for pedestrians, madeadmission to <strong>the</strong> Grounds,- this year, a pleasure as comparedwith <strong>the</strong> crush experienced on past occasions. In previousyears, our friends will remember, <strong>the</strong> tram cars disembarked<strong>the</strong>ir passengers immediately in front of <strong>the</strong> seven turnstylesforming <strong>the</strong> only means of access to <strong>the</strong> grounds, and consequently<strong>the</strong> better <strong>the</strong> tramway system, <strong>the</strong> greater <strong>the</strong>congestion at our entrance. Many were <strong>the</strong> complaints whichreached us in connection with this system. It can <strong>the</strong>reforebe understood how pleased we were to receive nothing butcongratulations from all connected with handling this year'straffic. Arrangements were made with <strong>the</strong> Tramway Coy.to disembark passengers on that portion of Gregory Terracewhere <strong>the</strong> Annexes join <strong>the</strong> museum boundary. From thatspot down to <strong>the</strong> barricade (situated just below Costin Street),twelve ticket selling offices were provided, and <strong>the</strong> whole resultwas gratifying. No crush took place at <strong>the</strong> ticket ofices, and<strong>the</strong> crowd had so spread out before reaching <strong>the</strong> barricadesthat <strong>the</strong>re was always room at one or o<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> sixteenopenings. Our elderly patrons, in particular, were loud in<strong>the</strong>ir expressions of approval regarding <strong>the</strong> change. Thebarricades were constructed in sections, in such manner thateight men could lift away one of <strong>the</strong>m, and as shortly after4 o'clock each afternoon, <strong>the</strong> whole obstruction was removed,greater facilities were offered for quick departure than hadever occurred previously.! ... L . - **z* 1 *., ~ * .-J

_1_~1~ _~I __ ;_ _:lj _ I~ 1 _ _ iX ___; ___Li~l i_ I _ i~_ =; _13_X mI-V " , * 5 g 1Our arrangements for <strong>the</strong> comfort of patrons were notconfined to <strong>the</strong> Gregory Terrace entrance. New gates andticket offices were erected on <strong>the</strong> Bowen Bridge Road, near<strong>the</strong> railway level crossing, and as arrangements had been madewith <strong>the</strong> Tramway CO. to diembark <strong>the</strong>re all passenegers comingfrom Albion direction, <strong>the</strong> pressure on <strong>the</strong> Gregory Terraceentrance was very considerably relieved. Over 20,000 peoplemade use of <strong>the</strong> Bowen Bridge gateway during Show week.Upon <strong>the</strong> termination of <strong>the</strong> Show, each day, in addition to<strong>the</strong> Gregory Terrace entrance, <strong>the</strong>se gates also were thrownopen toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> gates leading on to O'Connell Terrace,Brookes Street, Water Street, and <strong>the</strong> lower point of GregoryTerrace.FINANCIALOn ano<strong>the</strong>r page will be found a schedule showing receiptsand expenditure for <strong>the</strong> years 1914 to <strong>1921</strong> inclusive. Carefulperusal and analysis of figures submitted cannot prove o<strong>the</strong>rwisethan gratifying- to members, showing as <strong>the</strong>y do <strong>the</strong>progress made by all departments since 1914 (year on which<strong>the</strong> Great War started). The 1920 figures show an abnormalincrease, but it must be remembered that it was on that yearthat we were visited by Ilir Royal Higlhness, <strong>the</strong> Prince ofWales. The figures for 1918 were <strong>the</strong> highest previouslyrecorded (no Show in 1919), but leaving to one side <strong>the</strong> figureswhich we have referred to in 1920, <strong>the</strong> returns for <strong>1921</strong> arevery gratifying. We might instance <strong>the</strong> increase in GateReceipts from £7,208 in 1918 to £9,548 in <strong>1921</strong>; Entry Fees,£1,359 in 1918 as compared with £1,446 in <strong>1921</strong>; Members'Subscriptions, £2,548 in 1918 and £4,320 in <strong>1921</strong>. The totalrevenue for <strong>1921</strong> has amounted to £23,331, as comparedwith £16,376 in 1918.Expenditures have been very carefully watched throughout<strong>the</strong> year, but increased wages and increased cost of materialshave made a heavy drain upon our resources, and that weshould be able to show such good results on <strong>the</strong> year's transactionswill, we feel confident be approved of by our subscribers.Permanent Improvements, combined with alterations andrepairs, which our re-modelling scheme in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock'Reserve made compulsory this year, were responsible for anoutlay of £5009. In addition to this expenditure, asum of £651 was paid to complete <strong>the</strong> purchase of <strong>the</strong> GregoryTerrace property.Including Prize Money, £1870 was expended upon .District Exhibits and £211 up( on <strong>the</strong> Dehydration Demonstra .tion. The value to Queenslanci of <strong>the</strong> District and One Farm-;

Exhibits warrants an even greater outlay. We sincerely hopethat <strong>the</strong> assistance which your Association rendered to <strong>the</strong>demonstration of dehydration of fruit will in <strong>the</strong> near futureprove of value to our orchardists.No Association or Society of a similar nature to our ownin <strong>the</strong> Commonwealth stands to-day in a more enviable financialposition. Our Bank credit amounts to £405/13/3, and<strong>the</strong>re is owing to .us £674 represented principallyby membership subscriptions, space rents, ground rents, etc.We own freehold property, which including improvements, isvalued at nearly £20,000. The Show Grounds, which we holdunder Perpetual Lease, contain improvements which have costyour Association over £75,000. Furniture and plant in handcould not be purchased to-day for £1,500. We owe <strong>the</strong>Government £5,000, a loan which matures in 1923, but ouractual total debt is less than £4,500. Regarding this GovernmentLoan, we would explain that it was advanced to tide usover <strong>the</strong> year 1919 when, owing to our Grounds and Buildingsbeing used by <strong>the</strong> Government as an Influenza Epidemic1Hospital, we were unable to hold our Show, and in consequencelost <strong>the</strong> whole year's revenue, toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> year's maintenancecost, cost of printing Schedules and o<strong>the</strong>r matterwhich had been issued before we were definitely advised thatno Show could be held. This £5,000 Loan granted to us under<strong>the</strong> circumstances mentioned was honestly due as compensation,and we have reason to believe that but for <strong>the</strong> financial stresswith which our Government is faced, a proportion of this loanwould have been granted to us. The Government of NewSouth Wales, under exactly similar circumstances, paid £19,000to <strong>the</strong> Royal Agricultural Society of N.S.W., as compensati nfor <strong>the</strong> loss of <strong>the</strong>ir Show.IMPROVEMENTS.NEW EXHIBITION HALL. Early in <strong>the</strong> year, aY.M.C.A. hut, measuring 164 feet long by 34j feet wide, withwalls 9ft. high was purchased. The original proposal was toerect this building in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock Reserve for such purposesas might be considered necessary, but it was subsequentlydecided to make <strong>the</strong> structure an annexe to <strong>the</strong> John ReidIndustrial Hall, increase <strong>the</strong> width of <strong>the</strong> floor by 12 feet(making it 45 feet wide), raise <strong>the</strong> walls from 9 feet to 15 feet,with an up-to-date system of ventilation and lighting. Thesealterations made <strong>the</strong> building much more suitable for generalshow purposes, and made it also a much better revenue pro-Samr than would have been <strong>the</strong> case if <strong>the</strong> old measurements

7had been adhered to. During Show week, <strong>the</strong> whole of <strong>the</strong>building was occupied by motor car exhibits, and it is nowused as a Wool Store.WASTE LAND RECLAIMED. Perhaps <strong>the</strong> most imrportant improvement carried out in <strong>the</strong> Live Stock Reservehas been <strong>the</strong> filling-in of that hollow which existed adjacentto Water Street. Several thousand yards of filling-in materialhave been used in this work, and that space, which previouslywas utterly valueless and was as low as 5 feet below WaterStreet, has now been brought to <strong>the</strong> level of that thoroughfareand has provided a' splendid area on which Show buildingscan be erected, when required.DEHYDRATION. Over £200 was expended in <strong>the</strong>erection of a building in which to house a Dehydration Plant,and although <strong>the</strong> expense was a heavy one, it is satisfactory toknow that we have done our best to demonstrate to our fruitgrowers<strong>the</strong> possibilities connected with this system of dryingfruit for export and for home consumption. Throughout <strong>the</strong>whole Show week, <strong>the</strong> demonstrations of dehydration wereclosely watched by many thousands of visitors.'SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS. Particular attentionwas given, this year, to <strong>the</strong> sanitary arrangements, andthree sets of conveniences were erected in suitable positions.Had time permitted, your Council would have installeda Septic system, but failing this, <strong>the</strong> most up-to- datepan system was provided, and we were <strong>the</strong> recipients ofmany complimentary expressions of appreciation from patrons.We still hope to install <strong>the</strong> septic system before next Showtime.GRAND STAND DINING ROOM. The DiningRoom under <strong>the</strong> Grand Stand was remodelled in suchmanner that two Dining Rooms were provided, <strong>the</strong>entrance to one being from <strong>the</strong> Gkand Stand only, and to <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r from <strong>the</strong> archway behind <strong>the</strong> Stand. This alterationwas much appreciated by <strong>the</strong> lessees and by <strong>the</strong> general publicwho made more use of <strong>the</strong> Dining Room than has hi<strong>the</strong>rtobeen <strong>the</strong> case.CATTLE STEWARDS OFFICE. Opposite to <strong>the</strong>Stock Salesmen's Offices, an office has been erected, thisyear for <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Stewards, fittedwith <strong>the</strong> usual office conveniences and with telephonic con- ineotion with <strong>the</strong> Exchange and <strong>the</strong> various offloe on <strong>the</strong>Grounds. This has been a long neglected convenience whio $will be appreciated by <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Stewards and exhibitors., p«

CLOAK ROOM. Recognising <strong>the</strong> necessity for a CloakRoom, one of our buildings was, this year, converted into sucha' convenience, and we are just as pleased and gratified as are'our patrons, to know how much <strong>the</strong> convenience was appreciated...On certain days it was found that one attendant wasnot sufficient to cope with <strong>the</strong> duties., TREE PLANTING. Included amongst <strong>the</strong>improvements carried out during <strong>the</strong> year has been <strong>the</strong>,planting of a large number of shade trees, a work which'we know will be appreciated in <strong>the</strong> course of a few.years. This planting has not been confined to one areaof <strong>the</strong> ground-<strong>the</strong> main Show Ground and <strong>the</strong> Live Stock,Reserve have been equally favoured. On <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> hill,adjacent to <strong>the</strong> Seeyetary's residence and from which spot anagnificent view f <strong>the</strong> ring is obtainable, trees have beenplanted with a view to providing picnic grounds or restingplaces for those patrons who bring <strong>the</strong>ir own lunches, qr,whfwish tp have a rest during any part of <strong>the</strong> day. It is ourintention, in connection with all this tree planting, immediately<strong>the</strong> trees are high enough to warrant <strong>the</strong> removal of <strong>the</strong> guards,to erect seating accommodation around <strong>the</strong>m.NEW GATES, BOWEN BRIDGE ROAD. Welhave referred elsewhere to <strong>the</strong> increased convenience enjoyedby our patrons owing to <strong>the</strong> erection of new gates on<strong>the</strong> Bowen Bridge Road. This structure, handsome in design.includes large double gates for vehicular traffic, eight smallentrances for pedestrians, and four ticket offices. The erectionof this structure necessitated <strong>the</strong> formation of a roadway, 66feet wide, <strong>the</strong> building of a stone retaining wall over 5 feethigh, and over 1,000 yards of filling-in material.- NEW ASSEM B'L Y YAR D. The Competitors'Reserve, which hi<strong>the</strong>rto has been an uncovered assemblyyard, measuring 50 feet x 50 feet, has been roofed,walled, and fitted with seating accommodation for competingriders and drivers. In addition to <strong>the</strong> accommodationifor horses, this structure also contains an office for <strong>the</strong> ringmaster and his clerk, and telephone connection with <strong>the</strong> offieialsin <strong>the</strong> centre of <strong>the</strong> ring. The object of this covered areais to provide protection against rain and sun for competinganimals and <strong>the</strong>ir riders and drivers, when waiting <strong>the</strong>ir turnto enter .<strong>the</strong> ring. This improvement was very much appree~ted by those who had to make use of it.

I ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~i.f?~T: ~ M ,--".,.~%F+r~r - ir - - .. ' - -- isEXHIBITS.The Press, in <strong>the</strong>ir reports relative to <strong>the</strong> Show, were ofunanimous opinion that no better displays of Live Stock,Primary Products, and Manufactured Articles had ever beenmade. Horses, and Beef and Dairy Cattle made a magnificentdisplay in <strong>the</strong> Grand Parade, and as, in every instance, <strong>the</strong>animals were representatives of <strong>the</strong> best herds and studs in<strong>the</strong> Commonwealth, breeders and visitors were presented withmuch to interest <strong>the</strong>m.HORSES. In Mr. Baynes' <strong>Report</strong>, which appears elsewhere,fuller reference will be found relating to <strong>the</strong> HorseSection. . 4BEEF BREEDS. In <strong>the</strong> Beef Breed Section, <strong>the</strong> competitionwas very strong. In addition to <strong>the</strong> Queensland studs,entries were received from New South Wales. Victoria, SouthAustralia, and Tasmania, and <strong>the</strong> general quality of all <strong>the</strong>exhibits was exceptionally good. So even, in many instances,was <strong>the</strong> merit of <strong>the</strong> exhibits, that <strong>the</strong> Judges had a hard taskto separate <strong>the</strong>m.In <strong>the</strong> Shorthorn Section, Mr. J. Burgess, of CanningDowns, won <strong>the</strong> Championship for bulls, Mr. C. E. McDougall,of Lyndhurst, carrying off <strong>the</strong> honours in <strong>the</strong> cow section. In<strong>the</strong> Hereford Section, Mrs. C. Lumley Hill won <strong>the</strong> Championshipsin both <strong>the</strong> male and female sections. Mr. W. G. C.Britten, <strong>the</strong> famous English Hereford Judge, adjudicated inthis section, and his method of handling exhibits proved himto be more than ordinarily expert. Asked for an expressionof opinion regarding <strong>the</strong> IHerefords brought under his notice,he considered that <strong>the</strong> breeders were working on <strong>the</strong> rightlines and that most of <strong>the</strong> stock submitted to him was exceptionallygood. Tn <strong>the</strong> Devon Section, Mr. R. A. Howellcarried off <strong>the</strong> Championships for male and female exhibits,and in <strong>the</strong> Aberdeen Angus, Mr. G. C. Clark won <strong>the</strong> Championshipfor bulls and <strong>the</strong> Championship and Reserve Championshipfor cows.FAT CATTLE. There was a great yarding of Fat('attle. The Judge in commenting upon <strong>the</strong> display statedthat it was one of <strong>the</strong> best that he had ever seen.I)AIRY CATTLE SECTION. The competitive animalsin <strong>the</strong> Dairy Cattle Section made a magnificent display andattracted noted breeders from all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r States as well asfrom Queensland. From early on Judging day, until <strong>the</strong>termination of <strong>the</strong> Show, <strong>the</strong> stalls containing <strong>the</strong>se animals.2.rd6k

,were constantly surrounded. Space will not permit us, inthis <strong>Report</strong>, to deal in detail with <strong>the</strong> various breeds. Wecan only reiterate <strong>the</strong> statement made by a number of <strong>the</strong>breeders that a finer lot of cattle has seldom, if ever, beenexhibited on one Show Ground.cent displays.of Fat Sheep and Swine, which appeared on ourGrounds this year, was barely sufficient, and was quite in-imperative, adequate in for <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>.1922 Poultry Exhibition, and Dog to Sections. undertake It a will scheme befor enlarging <strong>the</strong> accommodation in <strong>the</strong> sections mentioned.exhIn connection with our 1922 Show, a very attractiveschedule has been provided for Stud Sheep Classes, and if itis as well received as we have reason to anticipate, our sheepaccommodation will require doubling.The Swine exhibits in number and quality were above <strong>the</strong>uponaverage<strong>the</strong> seen enquiries in Brisbane, which already and if are we being may base made our for opinion accommodation,it appears certain that this section will be a veryprominent tne next year.POULTRY AND DOGe. Entries in <strong>the</strong> Poultry andDog Sections were <strong>the</strong> heaviest recorded, ato und <strong>the</strong> Judges madeflattering comment on <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> sexhibits. One of<strong>the</strong> been Poultry a judge Judges at <strong>the</strong> from best New Shows South in Wales Australasia writes that for over he hasaperiod of thirteen years and never saw a finer exhibit of highis lass birds than were submitted to <strong>the</strong> Judges at <strong>the</strong> BrisbaneExhibition in <strong>1921</strong>.og Judges made equally lattering commquaity werent upov <strong>the</strong>ajverity ef tine ehiits sbanemittd ifor <strong>the</strong>ir adjudication.division DISTRICTS DISTRITS had as cowhmpetitors AND ONE thready FARM are <strong>the</strong> EXHIBITS. EXH4IT. grade for PrimaryThisProducts Only, and Manufactures, and four One four Farms. in <strong>the</strong> In <strong>the</strong> grade first for mentioned Primarygrade, West Moreton won with a score of 1,y94e points, DarlingDowns being second with 1.079e points, and Wide Bay &Burnett, third, with 906 points. of <strong>the</strong> Pribits.ary roductsOnly Section, Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Darling owns .won with 794 points,Maranoa, points, and 774 Gympie points, fourth, being with second, 758 Kingaroy, points. In third, <strong>the</strong> One with Farm 765Section, 387 points, K. Haag Walter won Allen, with third, 421 points, with J. 383 Donges, pfoints, second, and G. with E.Pullen, fourth, with 292 points. The points awarded showhow kecfn were <strong>the</strong> contests, as it will be noted that only 15

Sa - rir-I fZ CIC, :, , 7,,. '- • ", . . Ir- - . - . .- - i.-points separate <strong>the</strong> two leading societies in <strong>the</strong> section forPrimary Products and Manufactures, and only< 20 pointsseparate <strong>the</strong> first and second prize winners in <strong>the</strong> PrimaryProducts Only. In addition to winning <strong>the</strong> first honours, <strong>the</strong>West Moreton exhibit won <strong>the</strong> honour of holding <strong>the</strong> Chelms- 1ford Shield for twelve months, and having <strong>the</strong> district's nameinscribed <strong>the</strong>reon.The competitors admitted that <strong>the</strong> exhibits were degreesbetter than on <strong>the</strong> previous year, and it is a recognised facteach year that <strong>the</strong> competitor coming along with a no betterexhibit than he had previously shown would find himself verylow in <strong>the</strong> honour scale. The display was a magnificent oneand visitors competent to express opinions commented mostfavourably upon <strong>the</strong> exhibits which, <strong>the</strong>y stated, excelledanything which <strong>the</strong>y had previously had <strong>the</strong> opportunity ofinspecting.THE GOVERNMENT FARM DISPLAYS were educationalto : de leee. The various products of <strong>the</strong>se farms werearranged with even more artistic effect than <strong>the</strong> efforts ofo<strong>the</strong>r years, and that <strong>the</strong> educational value to <strong>the</strong> man on <strong>the</strong>land was beyond doubt, can be assumed from <strong>the</strong> huge concourseof country visitors who continually thronged <strong>the</strong> court.FORESTRY DISPLAY. Apart from <strong>the</strong> AgriculturalDepartment display, <strong>the</strong> only Government Exhibit shown. thisyear, was from <strong>the</strong> Forestry Department, and every credit isdue to those responsible for <strong>the</strong> organisation of this exhibitwhich demonstrated eloquently <strong>the</strong> innumerable classes oftimber grown in Queensland and <strong>the</strong> uses to which it waspossible to convert <strong>the</strong>m.WOMEN'S WORK. The women of Queensland displayedin a marked degree <strong>the</strong>ir capability with <strong>the</strong> needle,knittiig pins, <strong>the</strong> paint brush, and <strong>the</strong> camera. These entrieswere more than double those of <strong>the</strong> previous year, and expertsclaim that <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> work left little to be desired.SCHOOL WORK. The exhibition of children's worksurpassed previous displays, and gave ample evidence of <strong>the</strong>care which some of <strong>the</strong> teachers' bestow upon <strong>the</strong>ir pupils.BUSINESS DISPLAYS. These were <strong>the</strong> best that wehave yet seen in <strong>the</strong> Annexes, and demonstrated almost everymanufacturing inidustry followed in Queensland, and quite anumber from o<strong>the</strong>r States. A number of Queensland Manufacturershad a section entirely to <strong>the</strong>mselves, and some of

P r-~ -~,f.~ ~~'" s,.- "'11-~ 1.~~V ~";~~"i:12<strong>the</strong> productions contained <strong>the</strong>rein brought forth expressions ofsurprise and pleasure from visitors who had little idea thatwe had reached such a stage of manufacturing.FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE, and <strong>the</strong> Products of<strong>the</strong> Apiary, were specially represented. Better efforts thanusual were made by <strong>the</strong> "Bee" representatives-we can bestdescribe this exhibit by stating that it was superb.In <strong>the</strong> FRUIT SECTION, <strong>the</strong> display made surpassed even<strong>the</strong> Prince's year, exhibits were staged from Rockhampton anddistrict, Charleville and district, <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Rivers of NewSouth Wales, and all that fruit bearing country between <strong>the</strong>Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Rivers of New South Wales and Gympie, including<strong>the</strong> famous Blackall Range area.FOWERS. The Queensland August Show is noted forits marvellous exhibits of Sweet Peas and o<strong>the</strong>r beautifulflowers, and this year we feel convinced that our growers madea display <strong>the</strong> like of which has never hi<strong>the</strong>rto been seen at anyExhibition, here or elsewhere. It was a blaze of colour, andwas responsible for a crowded pavilion on every day that itwas open to <strong>the</strong> public. As almost an annexe to <strong>the</strong> HorticulturalPavilion, was <strong>the</strong> building erected to demonstrate <strong>the</strong>possibility of dehydrated fruit, particulars of which are givenelsewhere.MACHINERY DISPLAYS. The Machinery Displayswere <strong>the</strong> best seen on <strong>the</strong> Grounds for some years past. Arrangementswere made on a previous year by which <strong>the</strong>machinery was exhibited on ei<strong>the</strong>r side of a broad roadway,situated at <strong>the</strong> rear of <strong>the</strong> Grand Stand, one half of <strong>the</strong> spacebacking on to <strong>the</strong> railway line, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r on to <strong>the</strong> creek runningthrough <strong>the</strong> Acclimatisation area of <strong>the</strong> Show Grounds.Many interesting features were placed before <strong>the</strong> public, andwithout disparaging any one show, we cannot but refer to oneexhibit which demonstrated <strong>the</strong> manufacture of wire netting,of nails, and numerous o<strong>the</strong>r every-day requirements madefrom steel wire. Roadway machinery, tractors, agriculturalimplements, and o<strong>the</strong>r machines equally interesting were onview. We are grieved, however, to admit that <strong>the</strong> display,although so interesting, represented only a few of <strong>the</strong> Agentsof manufactures, and would make it look as though ourMachinery Merchants were not so loyal to <strong>the</strong> state as thoseof <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Commonwealth Capitals. Your Council, <strong>the</strong>refore,have determined to make overtures to <strong>the</strong> Merchants with aview of securing better displays, and we feel that we haveyour good wishes for <strong>the</strong> success of our efforts.

13MOTOR CARS. Never since <strong>the</strong> Exhibitions have beenheld at Bowen Park have such displays of Motor Cars beenseen as in <strong>1921</strong>. Not only was <strong>the</strong> large Annexe to <strong>the</strong> John ,Reid Industrial Hall filled, but large displays were made undercover on spaces in close proximity to <strong>the</strong> building mentioned.This was a most attractive feature of <strong>the</strong> Show, and <strong>the</strong> variousAgents vied with each o<strong>the</strong>r in making <strong>the</strong>ir displays worthyof <strong>the</strong> occasion, and attractive to <strong>the</strong> country visitors andprobable clients. The only complaint submitted to us wasthat <strong>the</strong> space allotted was far too small, and this, we admit,was quite correct. We will endeavour to meet <strong>the</strong> requirementsof our friends and may possibly have an even bigger displayof Motor Cars, Accessories, and Tractors, in 1922 than we hadthis year.VISITS TO SHOWS.During <strong>the</strong> year. members of your Council and <strong>the</strong>Secretary visited forty-two Shows, including Sydney, Melbourne,Adelaide, Lismore, Murwillumbah, Grafton, Allora,Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Boonah, Bundaberg, Esk, Goombungee,Goondiwindi, Gympie, Ithaca, Ipswich, Kilcoy, Laidley,Lowood, Murgon, Marburg, Maryborough, Nambour, Pomona,Pine Rivers, Rocklea, Rockhampton, Rosewood, Southport,Stephens, Stanthorpe, Toogoolawah, Toowoomba, Toombul,Warwick, Wellington Point, Wondai, Woodford, Woombye.and Zillmere.OFFICIAL OPENING.His Excellency, Sir Mat<strong>the</strong>w Nath.un, our Governor, onWednesday, 10th August, performed <strong>the</strong> Official Opening Ceremony.We were honoured to have as guests His Excellency,<strong>the</strong> Governor-General of Australia (Lord Forster) ( LadyForster, members of <strong>the</strong>ir family and suite. The Vice-regalparty were met upon arrival by Mr. C. E. McDougall (President),Mr. Ernest Baynes (Chairman of Council), members of<strong>the</strong> Council and Officials of <strong>the</strong> Association. After inspecting<strong>the</strong> Guard of Honour, <strong>the</strong>ir Excellencies were escorted to adais erected in <strong>the</strong> Ring, immediately in front of <strong>the</strong> GrandStand. Amongst those on <strong>the</strong> dais, in addition to <strong>the</strong>ir Ex"cellencies and party, were <strong>the</strong> Premier (Mr. Theodore), <strong>the</strong>Minister for Agriculture (Mr. Gillies), Archbishop Donaldson,<strong>the</strong> Mayors of Brisbane and South Brisbane, Mr. P. Short(Commissioner of Police), Sir Denison Miller (Governor of<strong>the</strong> Commonwealth Bank).

The President, Mr. C. E. McDougall, welcomed Their Exeeilenciesand called upon <strong>the</strong> Secretary (Mr. J. Bain) to read<strong>the</strong> following address:-"May it please your Excellency,-We have pleasure, on behalfof <strong>the</strong> Council of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Agricultural and IndustrialAssociation of Queensland, in extending to you a most heartywelcome to this, our 45th <strong>Annual</strong> Show.The exhibits which we submit for your inspection are equalto any shown in <strong>the</strong> past, and in many respects, superior. OurPrimary Products, as represented by <strong>the</strong> agricultural exhibits of<strong>the</strong> Queensland Government, and <strong>the</strong> District Exhibit Courts,toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> Fruit Displays, <strong>the</strong> Apiarian Exhibits, and <strong>the</strong>magnificent display made by <strong>the</strong> Forestry Department, all bearforcible testimony to <strong>the</strong> productivity of our richly endowed State.The Live Stock exhibits are, without doubt, <strong>the</strong> best ever seen on<strong>the</strong> Brisbane Show Ground, and well maintain Queensland's reputationas <strong>the</strong> greatest cattle producing section of <strong>the</strong> Commonwealth.Your inspection of <strong>the</strong> Show Ground must have made apparentto you how limited is our space, and how little room <strong>the</strong>re is leftfor us to expand. But for <strong>the</strong> courtesy of <strong>the</strong> Brisbane MunicipalCouncil, this year, who granted us permission to temporarily close<strong>the</strong> road, which divides two -sections of our ground, we would nothave been able to house <strong>the</strong> exhibits which were entered for competition,and, when we tell you that since <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong>war, tile demand upon our space has doubled, and that our revenuehas increased frim £12,000 to £26,000 annually, it will easily beunderstood how awkward our position will be should this expansioncontinue at <strong>the</strong> same annual ratis as during <strong>the</strong> years mentioned.We are pleased to learn that your Excellency intends inspectingevery section of our Show, but we would call your specialattention to <strong>the</strong> exhibit of a Dehydration Plant which is in fullworking order on our grounds. Recognising <strong>the</strong> serious losssustained by our fruitgrowers whenever periods of market glutoccur, we determined to encourage <strong>the</strong> installation of a DehydrationPlant, and as a first stoptowards that end, we are pleased tosay <strong>the</strong> first Dehydration Plant to be crected in Queensland is nowin full working order on <strong>the</strong> Brisbane Show Ground.We are more than pleased to be honoured with <strong>the</strong> presenceof his Excellency, <strong>the</strong> Right Honourable Lord Forster, P.C.,G.C.M.G., Governor-General of Australia, and Lady Forster, andhope to have <strong>the</strong> pleasure of <strong>the</strong>ir company on o<strong>the</strong>r occasions.We trust that our displays will enable <strong>the</strong>m to ga<strong>the</strong>r an idea of<strong>the</strong> possibilities of Queensland, and that <strong>the</strong> charms of our Statemay induce <strong>the</strong>m to make this visit <strong>the</strong> forerunner of manyo<strong>the</strong>rs."His Excellency, Sir Mat<strong>the</strong>w Nathan, thanked <strong>the</strong> Councilof <strong>the</strong> Association for <strong>the</strong> welcome contained in <strong>the</strong> Address,and for <strong>the</strong> honour done him in asking him to open <strong>the</strong> Show.He also thanked <strong>the</strong> Association for <strong>the</strong> opportunity offeredto him of joining in <strong>the</strong> expressions of welcome to <strong>the</strong> Governor-GOenral and Lady Forster. Continuing, he stated:-

Il--laaLI , a~k~3~e~suP~lb~bsrssl~aaasAr~Ali~s~~ /_~ _"They all believed that in <strong>the</strong> fulness of time, Queenslandwould become <strong>the</strong> centre of Australia's prosperity and greatness,and <strong>the</strong>y wanted <strong>the</strong> Governor-General and Lady Forster to believethat, too. (Applause). The Royal National Association was doingwhat it could to hasten that time, and it deserved every supportin its work. He had no doubt that <strong>the</strong> Association still wouldhave a continuance of <strong>the</strong> assistance of <strong>the</strong> City Council in <strong>the</strong>maintenance and development of what, after all, was <strong>the</strong> city'schief annual attraction to visitors from <strong>the</strong> country and from o<strong>the</strong>rStates.Queensland being <strong>the</strong> premier (attle State, it was natural thatit should have <strong>the</strong> finest Australian specimens of Shorthorns andHerefords. But <strong>the</strong> State's growing industry, from which mustcome that closer settlement so necessary for her, was dairying,and it was well to see so goodly an array of Milking Shorthorns,Jerseys, Frisians, and Ayrshires.Wool growing was represented more by samples of fleeces thanby <strong>the</strong> sheep <strong>the</strong>mselves, although <strong>the</strong>re were sonie fine fat we<strong>the</strong>rs.The dairy herds lid <strong>the</strong>ir complement in Pigs fedil on dairy byproducts.There well might be more Pigs. Good as were <strong>the</strong>exhibits of Stock and Poultry, what would strike <strong>the</strong> visitor most,probably was <strong>the</strong> Produce Sections. The mere enumeration of <strong>the</strong>principal items <strong>the</strong>re, cheese, butter, condensed milk, honey, maize,wheat, sugar cane, cotton, citrus and more tropical fruits, allillustrated <strong>the</strong> Stat,'s vast productiveness, while <strong>the</strong> exhibit of <strong>the</strong>State ('annery, of <strong>the</strong> Soul llher Queensland Fruit-Growers' Society,and, ra<strong>the</strong>r surprisingly, of <strong>the</strong> Charleville District, gave specialprominence to <strong>the</strong> fruit industry.West Muretoii, Wide Bay, and Burlnett, Darling Downs,Kingaroy, and Wallumbilla each had exhibits which surpassed by<strong>the</strong>ir variety and1 pleased by <strong>the</strong>ir excellence. They showed that<strong>the</strong>re was sonme gool fannring in <strong>the</strong> State, but he felt bound toadd, after going ra<strong>the</strong>r cursorily through <strong>the</strong> Exhibition, and alsothrough <strong>the</strong> State, that he wished <strong>the</strong> general average of stockand agriculture more nearly approached <strong>the</strong> high standards which<strong>the</strong> Royal National Association achieved at its Show. Queenslanders,although <strong>the</strong>y rightly spoke with pride of <strong>the</strong>ir country,wrongly neirlected to make <strong>the</strong> most of it. There was waste ofland and water, of grass andl fruit, of wood and labour. He wasconstantly told by men who knew that <strong>the</strong>re was too much goodland available for any stimulus to close settlement-that was for<strong>the</strong> farming of small areas by good methods of agriculture, takingcare always to put back into <strong>the</strong> land what was taken out of it.There was too much growing of <strong>the</strong> same crop, year after year,in <strong>the</strong> belief that <strong>the</strong> soil's nutritive powers were inexhaustible,or in <strong>the</strong> knowledge that virgin soil was available to take <strong>the</strong>place of <strong>the</strong> worked out land. In a country where <strong>the</strong>re waspractically no irrigation, <strong>the</strong> waste of water was too patent toneed remark. The waste of grass was twofold, for it entailed lossof stock in times of drought, and also it was wasted on poorquality stock, which consumed as much as those returning a muchbetter yield. He was assured by cattlemen that cross-breedingtendered to inferiority of stock after <strong>the</strong> first progeny, and heknew that 193 gallons of milk per cow per annum was a pooraverage for <strong>the</strong> milking herds of <strong>the</strong> State. (Hear, hear). "Gradeap <strong>the</strong> herd and conserve forage," should be <strong>the</strong> aim of everycattleman, and particularly of <strong>the</strong> dairyman. Those were <strong>the</strong>Ssy,i*

v :principles which were being preached by <strong>the</strong> Agricultural Departmentand <strong>the</strong> Royal National Association, both of which wereproduction of Queensland. It was pitiable to see <strong>the</strong> waste offruit which had occurred at Stanthorpe, and in o<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong>State, and <strong>the</strong> glutting of <strong>the</strong> markets because of insufficientmeans of preservation. He, <strong>the</strong>refore, hoped that <strong>the</strong> Dehydratingprocess which could be seen in operation at that Show, would besuccessfully established on co-operative lines in each fruit growingdistrict, and thus enable fruitgrowers to take advantage of worldmarkets.C. There was ano<strong>the</strong>r industry in which <strong>the</strong> waste was greatereven that <strong>the</strong> waste of grass, and that was <strong>the</strong> timber industry.5. In some parts of Queensland, timber-getting was tantamount toh timber-destruction. They were daily realising, however, <strong>the</strong> valueof timbers, which yesterday one thought useless and to-morrowmight be non-existent. There were few things in <strong>the</strong> Exhibitionof greater interest or more importance than <strong>the</strong> Forestry Department'sdisplay.''In his concluding remarks, his Excellency referred to <strong>the</strong> greatneed in Queensland of Agricultural Science. "We want purescience at <strong>the</strong> top," he declared, "and its complete applicationbelow. At <strong>the</strong> top, I believe we should have an Agricultural Chairat <strong>the</strong> University, with special facilities for <strong>the</strong> gaining of knowledgeby research, and <strong>the</strong> imparting of it by lectures and demonstrations,to farmers' unions, and to colleges and schools, and Ishould like to see some generous persons, who in <strong>the</strong> past have mademoney out of <strong>the</strong> land of Queensland, provide, by <strong>the</strong> establishmentof such a Chair, for making that land more productive in <strong>the</strong>future. Below, we want in every man on <strong>the</strong> land a desire forthat knowledge which will get from every acre <strong>the</strong> best it willyield now and in <strong>the</strong> future." (Loud applause).The proceedings terminated with cheers for <strong>the</strong> Vice-regalvisitors.OFFICIAL LUNCHEON.The Official Luncheon which, as usual, took place in <strong>the</strong>Exhibition Hall, was one of <strong>the</strong> most successful of its kind heldunder <strong>the</strong> auspices of <strong>the</strong> Association.The President of <strong>the</strong> Association (Mr. C. E. M'Dougall) occupied<strong>the</strong> Chair, his Excellency <strong>the</strong> Governor-GeneralI (Lord Forster) beingseated on his right hand, and his Excellency <strong>the</strong> State Governor (SirMat<strong>the</strong>w Nathan) on his left. O<strong>the</strong>rs on <strong>the</strong> platform were, her Excellency,Lady Forster, <strong>the</strong> Premier (Mr. E. G. Theodore), Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Baynes, Mrs. M. Gordon, Mrs. l)everell, Colonel and Mrs. Parsons,Miss Sylvester Samuel, Major-General and Mrs. J. H. Bruche, <strong>the</strong> Archbishopof Brisbane (Dr. Donaldson), <strong>the</strong> Mayor of Brisbane( AldermanH. J. Diddams), and Lord Digby, A.D.C. to <strong>the</strong> Governor-General."The King," was proposed by Mr. McDougall, who also submitted"The Governor-General." In doing so, he voiced <strong>the</strong> pleasure thatQueenslanders felt at His Excellency 's presence, and at <strong>the</strong> keen interes<strong>the</strong> had evinced in all he had seen at <strong>the</strong> Show. He hoped that Lord and' Lady Forater would be with <strong>the</strong>m for a long term-a term in which he

was satisfied <strong>the</strong>y would always be fully assured that Australians werean essentially loyal people, who desired nothing more than to belong to<strong>the</strong> great and glorious British Empire. (Loud applause).The toast was honoured musically, and with cheers for Lord andLady Forster."FIRST CLASS QUALITY OF THE STOCK."Lord Forster, after acknowledging <strong>the</strong> compliment in suitable terms,said he was a new-comer in <strong>the</strong> land, and, whilst he did not attribute t.ohimself any special virtues, he'thought he could fairly claim one-that wasthat he was slow to give expression ei<strong>the</strong>r to criticism or suggestion untilhe knew, at any rate, a little of <strong>the</strong> subject on which he was speaking.Therefore, <strong>the</strong>y would understand how it was that he did not make anyprolonged observations that day, as he was here ra<strong>the</strong>r to see than tobe heard. As one who had had some farming experience at Home, however,he would congratulate those responsible for <strong>the</strong> splendid show on<strong>the</strong> results that <strong>the</strong>y had achieved. He remarked on <strong>the</strong> absolute firstclassquality of <strong>the</strong> stock-it would compare with <strong>the</strong> best he had seenin <strong>the</strong> Old Country. That, he thought, was saying a great deal.(Applause). He would endorse what <strong>the</strong> Governor had said in hisinteresting speech at <strong>the</strong> opening ceremony.While <strong>the</strong> best was absolutely first-class, <strong>the</strong>re was, as Sir Mat<strong>the</strong>wNathan pointed out-and here he (Lord Forster) was speaking from<strong>the</strong> small opportunities he had had of personal observation-too wide adifference between our best and our worst. And <strong>the</strong> best paid <strong>the</strong> bestin <strong>the</strong> end. (Applause). Prices which he saw some young bulls realiseon <strong>the</strong> previous day, showed him that many Queenslanders had a goldenopportunity of getting some of <strong>the</strong> best blood at remarkably cheap rates.He was afraid that in <strong>the</strong> matter of prices, Queensland, in common witho<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> world, was going through difficult times, but with <strong>the</strong>natural advantages which <strong>the</strong> State possessed in fertility of soil, inwonderful climate, and in <strong>the</strong> energy of her people, he believed it wouldbe carried through that difficult period more quickly and more successfullythan elsewhere. (Applause)."THEGOVERNOR OF QUEENSLAND."The toast of "The Governor of Queensland," was proposed by Mr.MIDl)ongall, who remarked on His Excellency's keen sense of observation,and on <strong>the</strong> value which his recent tour of Queensland would <strong>the</strong>reforeprove, not only to himself, but to <strong>the</strong> State generally. -He trusted hewould spend many happy years in Queensland. (Applause.)Cheers, and <strong>the</strong> singing of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," greetedSir Mat<strong>the</strong>w Nathan, who said that if he again, that day, remarked withsatisfaction on <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong> Governor-General and Lady Forster,it was to emphasise <strong>the</strong> fact that Queensland had its rights as well asits privilieges. He had told His Excellency that on a population basis,Queensland should have <strong>the</strong>ir Excellencies with <strong>the</strong>m for seven weeksfive days and three hours in each year. (Laughter). He thought that<strong>the</strong> five days and three hours in each year should be very profitablyspent at that Exhibition. (Applause). He associated himself with <strong>the</strong>praise given to <strong>the</strong> Council of <strong>the</strong> Association, and paid a tribute to <strong>the</strong>work of Mr. J. Baini as Secretary. (Applause).

STABILISING PRICES.The toast of "The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Associationof Queensland" was proposed by <strong>the</strong> Premier, Mr. Theodore, whoremarked that <strong>the</strong> formidable title of <strong>the</strong> Association indicated its widerange of activities. It was truly National in character, and deserved<strong>the</strong> greatest support of <strong>the</strong> Government and <strong>the</strong> people generally. Thework <strong>the</strong> Association was doing assisted in encouraging a healthy rivalryin competition, and tended to bring about a great improvement of <strong>the</strong>irlive stock and products generally. The Association was doing a vastamount of good for Queensland. One thing that had struck him as likelyto concern <strong>the</strong> Primary Producers who were attending <strong>the</strong> Show, was<strong>the</strong> depression existing in Queensland and elsewhere owing to <strong>the</strong> failureof <strong>the</strong> markets of certain products. Much had been said about <strong>the</strong>necessity for greater production, but <strong>the</strong> problem for <strong>the</strong> man on <strong>the</strong>land, in Queensland was to find better markets and conditions thatwould tend to assist <strong>the</strong> stabilising of prices. The Government and o<strong>the</strong>rpublic authorities should do all possible to bring about a better organisationof <strong>the</strong> markets. Their dislocation in many respects was worse to<strong>the</strong> producer than droughts, for what was <strong>the</strong> use of his producing if<strong>the</strong>re were no markets to absorb <strong>the</strong> products? Better organisation of<strong>the</strong> markets was wanted, and by financing <strong>the</strong>ir products and pooling<strong>the</strong>ir resourses, <strong>the</strong>y could do far more for Queensland and for progressthan anything else could do at <strong>the</strong> present time. In proposing <strong>the</strong> toastof <strong>the</strong> Association, <strong>the</strong> Premier paid a tribute to <strong>the</strong> good work done ,byits officers, especially mentioning <strong>the</strong> Secretary, Mr. . Bain, <strong>the</strong> President,Mr. ('. E. McDougall, and <strong>the</strong> Chairman of <strong>the</strong> Council, Mr. ErnestBaynes.DLI'CATIONAI, VALIUE OF TI llllSHOW.In responding, Mr. lHayies added ai word of welcome to <strong>the</strong> Vir.eregalvisitors. He referred to <strong>the</strong> visit of <strong>the</strong> Pri.nce of Wales, lastyear, and said that since that happy event, <strong>the</strong> King had 'conferred <strong>the</strong>word "Royal" on <strong>the</strong> Association, thus bringing it into line with <strong>the</strong>kindred Societies elsewhere. It was, lie said, almost impossible to overrate<strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> Show-<strong>the</strong> educantional value was obviouslygreat. There was always something of National importance to be learnedat an Agricultural Show. The Associations' constant aim was toenlcourage <strong>the</strong> ever-increasing value of our herds and agricultural products,and, if possible, to prevent <strong>the</strong> dreadful waste that went on inour fruit season. With that end in view, <strong>the</strong> Association got into touchwith Mr. Morton, of Dehydration fame, amnd, at coniher:ahl cost, lII asection of <strong>the</strong> unit of one of his plants giving a practical demonstrationof dehydrating fruit and vegetables on <strong>the</strong> grounds. If this nwas goingto be a success, and he felt sure it was, <strong>the</strong>n he thought that <strong>the</strong> Associationcould fairlv claim to have lone something for tlie fruit rowersof this State.One of <strong>the</strong> greatest troubles was want of space. The BrisbaneMunicipal Council could assist by consenting to <strong>the</strong> closing of tlhe streetthat divided <strong>the</strong> (irounds. It would not miean nmuch to <strong>the</strong> Council, buta great deal to <strong>the</strong> Association. He thanked <strong>the</strong> Council for allowing<strong>the</strong> closure of <strong>the</strong> street for one month, this year."He referred to <strong>the</strong> magnificent work of <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> Councilwith whom he was associated. These gentlemen did not receive remunerationof any kind whatever, but gave <strong>the</strong>ir knowledge in stockbreeding, business organisation, &c., and much of <strong>the</strong>ir time each year to<strong>the</strong> conduct of <strong>the</strong> Association's affairs. Some had been nearly thirty

1i --years working for <strong>the</strong> welfare of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Agricultural Association.In addition to <strong>the</strong> Council, <strong>the</strong>re was a body of Honorary.Stewards who were equally energetic. To <strong>the</strong> Judges, <strong>the</strong> warmestthanks were due. He referred, with appreciation, to <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong>hereford expert, Mr. W. G. C. Brittain. To <strong>the</strong> Exhibitors, also, <strong>the</strong>Association's sincere thanks were due. The speaker also thanked <strong>the</strong>State Government for passing an Act of Parliament giving <strong>the</strong> Associationa secure tenure of <strong>the</strong> Grounds. It had been given a lease inperpetuity at a peppercorn rental. The assistance and sympathy thusgiven were valuable in making <strong>the</strong> Show <strong>the</strong> success it was. Everypenny derived from <strong>the</strong> Show profits was used in <strong>the</strong> extension of <strong>the</strong>Association's usefulness. Since 1914, over £40,000 had been expendedin wages alone-an eloquent testimony to <strong>the</strong> benefits of <strong>the</strong> Associationto <strong>the</strong> workers. (Loud applause).Cheers and <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m closed <strong>the</strong> proceedings.O<strong>the</strong>rs present included: Mr. J. P. Bottomley (Vice-President) andMrs. Bottomley, Mr. C. P. and Miss Bottomley, Mr. W. M. Charles (Vice.President) and Miss Charles, Mr.' P. Frankel (Hon. Treasurer) and Mrs.Frankel, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Affleck and Miss Affleck, Mr. and Mrs.H. Brookes and <strong>the</strong> Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, Mr. and Mrs.H. S. Cribb, Mr. H. G. Cribb and Miss Cribb, Sir A. S. and Lady Cowley,Mr. Richard and <strong>the</strong> Misses Galley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hiron, Mr. and Mrs.J. Washington Irving, Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald and Miss Macdonald,Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Noyes and Miss Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pickworth,Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain, Mr. and Mrs. P. Short (Commissioner of Police),Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell (Ispector General of Police, Sydney),General and Mrs. Spencer Browne, Rear-Admiral J. S.Dumaresq, Captain Claud Cumberledgc, R.N., Commanders Wilfrid WardHunt, H. B. R. Blackwood, and R. C. Garsia, Captains H. P. Cayley andH. J. Feakes, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas and Lady Robinson,Brigadier-General J. C. Robertson, Brigadier-General and Mrs. J. H.Cannan, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. F. A. Hughes, Colonel and Mrs.Cass, Colonel A. J. Thynne, M.L.C., and Miss Thynne, Major and Mrs.A H. Cory, Major W. J. Clatworthy, <strong>the</strong> Premier and Mrs. Theodore,<strong>the</strong> State Treasurer (Mr. J. A. Fihelly) and Mrs. Fihelly, <strong>the</strong> Presidentof <strong>the</strong> Legislative Council (Mr. W. Lennon) and Mrs. Lennon, <strong>the</strong>Minister for Agriculture (Mr. W. N. Gillies) & Mrs. Gillies, <strong>the</strong> Ministerfor Education (Mr. J. Huxham) and Mrs. Huxham, <strong>the</strong> Minister forRailways (Mr. J. Larcombo) and Mrs. Larcombe, <strong>the</strong> Minister for Justice(Mr. J. Mullen), and Mrs. Mullen, <strong>the</strong> Minister for State Enterprise(Mr. W. Forgan Smith) and Mrs. Smith, <strong>the</strong> Speaker (Mr. W. Bertram)and Mrs. Bertram, <strong>the</strong> Chief Justice (Sir Pope Cooper), Mr. JusticeLukin and Mrs. Lukin, Mr. Justice Macnaughton and Mrs. Macnaughton,Mr. Justiet Real and Mrs. Real, His Grace Archbishop Duhig, Sir DenisonMiller, <strong>the</strong> Leader of <strong>the</strong> Opposition (Mr. C. Taylor, M.L.A.), Mrs. andMiss Taylor, Mr. T. C. Beirne, M.L.C., Mrs. and Miss Beirne, Mr. A. H.Whittingham, M.L.C., and Mrs. Whittingham, Mr. P. J. Leahy, M.L.O.,and Mrs. Leahy, Mr. J. Ryan, M.L.C., Mr. M. J. Kirwan, M.L.A., SirAlfred and Lady Cowley, Lady Morgan and Miss Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.i il '

W. J. Affleek and Miss Affleck, <strong>the</strong> President Central Downs A. and H.Association (Allora), Mr. J. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. M'Connel,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beynolds, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Howell, Mr. andMrs. W. P. Devereux, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sinclair Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.'; Allan, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.R. B. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cubitt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer, Mr.and Mrs. H. Brookes and Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Bottomley, Mr. C. P. Bottomley, Miss Bottoinley, <strong>the</strong>Presidents Logan and Albert, Biggenden, Bowen, and Beenleigh A. andP. Societies, Mr. S. P. Fraser, <strong>the</strong> President Balmnoral District H. and I.Society, <strong>the</strong> President Belmont A. H. and I. Society, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.Brady, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Beal, Mr. R. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Beeker,Mr. H. Bracker, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brett, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Benson,Mr. Edgar Baynes, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Booker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bick,Mr. and Mrs. H. J. King, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brodribb, Mr. and Mrs.E. H. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jardine Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stitt,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M'Adam, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Blott, Mr. and Mrs.Fred. Ellis, Mr. Neal Macrossan, Mr. and Mrs. Norman White, Mr. andMrs. J. S. Badger, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamNelson, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. T. Ruthning, Mrs. H. L. E. and Miss RuthningMr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Liuc(as, Mr. and Mrs.Hleydon, Alderman and Mrs. J. Burrows, Alderman and Mrs. M. J. Barry,Mr. M. Brown, Mr. G. B. Brookes, Miss Madge Philpots, Mr. G. L. Ellis,Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Quodling, Mr. anii Mrs. M. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs.G. S. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hayimen, Mr. and Mrs. Alan W.f Campbell, Mrs. John and Miss Reid, Mr. A. Archer, <strong>the</strong> President BomaW. P. and A. Association, <strong>the</strong> President Rocklea A. and I. Association,Professor H. C. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Spence, Dr. and Mrs. L. J.Spence, Mr. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Short, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Symes, Mr. andMrs. E. J. Shaw, Mr. G. Badgery, <strong>the</strong> President Sherwood Progress Asso-. eliation, Mr. A. E. Bateman, Mr. F. A. Stiimpson, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. E.Seriven, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Story, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Steer, Mr. andMrs. R. E. Sexton, Mrs. Jas. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steele, Mr.and Mrs. W. B. Slade, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Prosser, Mrs. X. A. Seppelt,Mrs. R. P. Breden. Mr. E. C.Macconnan, Mr. A. K. Stewart, Mr. W.Soutter, Mrs. J. Storie and Miss Storie, Misses Shaw, Mr. W. W. Shaw,Mr. and Mrs. Spurway, Mr. E. T. Garbutt, Mr. J. N. Parkes, Mr. and Mrs.] . C. M'Connel, Mr. 1. Tweddle, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Trodson, Mr. andMrs. H. B. Templeton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson, Mr. F. W. Turley, A!ldermanJ. P. and Mrs. Teefey, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Stuart, Mr. W. J. andMrs. Vowles, <strong>the</strong> President Zillmere A,, H., and I. Society, Mr. G. Waugh,Mr. H. W. Watson, Mr. John E. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Sterne, Mr. E. B.Fox, Mr. M. L. Brown, <strong>the</strong> President Woodford A., P. and I. Association,Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilson, Mr. D. Walters,Mr. B. W. Winks, Mr. M. Wallace, M. R. G. Watson, Mr. F. W. B bine,Mr. G. G. Hutton, Mrs. Wiley, Mr. and Mr. Adam Halliday, Mr. andMrs. 1. B. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. J. Earwaker, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.. Pula,Mr. A. S. Williams, Mr. C. Deschamps, Misses Watts, Mr. 8. Willis, Mr,

and Mrs. J. Bain, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cribb, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Oribb, .Miss Mae Cribb, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Taylor, <strong>the</strong> President Crow's NestA., H. and I. Society, <strong>the</strong> President Coorparoo Agricultural Association,<strong>the</strong> President Caboolture P., A. and I. Society, <strong>the</strong> President DarlingDowns P., A. and I. Association, Clifton, <strong>the</strong> President Chamber of Commerce,, <strong>the</strong> IUl f~tl Secretary l/ Vt~ltl-t v7 Chamber u l^ "*v * v^- of Commerce, -- v -*-"^- ^*t/^ Mr.

- Maynar4, Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Murray, Miss- Jessie Murray, Mr. Thos. M'I. Taylor, and Miss Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.G. F. Wea<strong>the</strong>rlake, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cox, Dr. and Mrs. I. J. Moore,Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Cosh, Mr. J. M. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moles,President Marburg A. and I. Association, Miss Macgregor, Mr. J. H.Morton, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moxon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mactaggart, Dr.and Mrs. J. B. M'Lean, Mrs. J. M'Whirter, junr., Dr. and Mrs. Mac-Donald, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Fielding, Mr. G. O. Landsdowne, Mr. andMrs. E. G. Manson, Alderman D. B. & Mrs. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. A.S T. Noyes, Miss Noyes, Mr. Fred. Noyes, A. S. M'Baron, Mr. H. T. Warren,Mr. Robt. Dunlop, Mr. W. Dineen, <strong>the</strong> President Pine Rivers A., H. andf' I. Association, Mr. R. H. Richardson, Mr. J. W. Nutall, Mr. and Mrs.S Wm. Tivey, Mrs. E. A. Johnston, Mr. T. A. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.S Osborne, <strong>the</strong> president Goombungee Agricultural Association, Mr. E. H.; Heale, Mrs. Edgar M'Connel, <strong>the</strong> president Oakey Agricultural Society,Mr. J. O'Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Overell, Alderman and Mrs. A. M.\ Oxlade, Mr. W. H. Osbourne, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Olssen, Mr. and Mrs.C. R. Pickworth, Miss Pickworth, <strong>the</strong> President Pittsworth N., A. and H.\- Association, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Peak, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Paine, Mrs.| Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert Potts, Rev. &Mrs. H. Gainford, Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Plane, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pick-S worth, Mr. J. W. Pryce.'E. T. BELL, M.L.A.A.member of your Council, Mr. E. T. Bell, ofCoochin Coochill, Boonah, was granted leave of absencefor twelve months, to enable him to visit <strong>the</strong> principalBeef Cattle studs in North and South America and GreatBritain. His address to <strong>the</strong> Council on <strong>the</strong> subject of <strong>the</strong> visitwas full of interest, and <strong>the</strong> informatikon which he was ableto convey demonstrated that in <strong>the</strong> Argentine cattle raiserswe have very keen competitors to deal with, and will only beable to hold <strong>the</strong> European trade by adopting most up-to-datemethods of dealing with <strong>the</strong> transit of frozen meat and byforwarding <strong>the</strong> type of beast required by <strong>the</strong> European consumer.Mr. Bell brought back with him a series of photographsillustrating <strong>the</strong> International Exposition, Buenos Ayres, whichhe generously presented to your Association. These picturesare hung in <strong>the</strong> offices, Courier Building.RETIREMENT OF Mr. ROBERT JOYCE.Mr. Robert Joyce, owing to pressure of private business,felt that he was compelled to relinquish his connection as amember of Council of this Association, but he did not do sountil certain work which he had started on behalf of <strong>the</strong>Council had been brought to a successful issue. In recognitionof Mr. Joyee's splendid work on behalf of <strong>the</strong> Association, itwar unanimously agreed to confer life membership upon him.

NEW MEMBER OF COUNCILAt <strong>the</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting, held in February, <strong>1921</strong>, ninegentlemen were nominated for <strong>the</strong> six vacancies, including <strong>the</strong>extraordinary vacancy caused by <strong>the</strong> retirement of Mr. RobertJoyce. The voting resulted in <strong>the</strong> election of <strong>the</strong> five retiringmembers toge<strong>the</strong>r with Mr. Charles Taylor, M.L.A. Mr. Tayloris senior partner in <strong>the</strong> firm of Charles Taylor & Coy.,Merchants, Roma Street, and has had a long experience inShow matters, principally as a Judge. Mr. Taylor represents<strong>the</strong> Windsor constituency in Parliament, for which he isevidently a splendid worker. We feel that we are fortunatein having secured <strong>the</strong> support of Mr. Taylor.STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCES OF THE COUNCIL.. . . ...-.-- -.. ... ..- oU) ' 4- 40U "* : VI0Affleck, W. J. ..Bottomley, J. P...Baynes, E. ......Frankel, P.......Cribb, H. S. .....Hiron, J . . . .....Macdonald, John .Taylor, C........Symes, P. J. ....Noyes, A. T. ....Pickworth, C. R..Charles, W. M. ..Bell, E. T. ......Brookes, H. .....13 - 2 1 3112 3 - 1 288. 1 3 2 249 - 1 - 229 - - 1 21- - 3 1 19- 3 3 - 19- 2 2 1 17- - 3 '1 14- - 3 - 13- - - 1 9- - - -t5~.r

RETIRING MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND AUDITOR.You are called upon to elect officers in place of <strong>the</strong> following,who retire:-President: Mr. C. E. McDougall.Vice-Presidents: Messrs. W. M. Charles and J. P.Bottomley.Council: Messrs. Ernest Baynes, E. T. Bell, H. S. Cribb,P. Frankel, John Macdonald, and A .T. NoyesAuditor: Mr. E. G. Oxley.The closing date for receipt of nominations for any of <strong>the</strong>offices enumerated is 17th January, 1922.With <strong>the</strong> exception of Mr. W. M. Charles, as Vice-President, and Mr. E. G. Oxley, as Auditor, all <strong>the</strong> abovementioned gentlemen are eligible for re-election. Mr. W. M.Charles, retiring Vice-President, is eligible for re-election as amember of Council.The following gtntlemenii remain in office for a fur<strong>the</strong>rtwelve months :-Messrs. W. J. Affleck, II. Brookes, JohnHiron, ('. R. Pickworth, P. J. Syines, and ('has. Taylor.Yours faithfully,For, and on behalf of <strong>the</strong> Council,ERNEST BAYNES, Chairman.Brisbane, 1st January, 1922.

REPORT OF THE CHAIRMANof <strong>the</strong> Council ofTHE ROYAL NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL &INDUSTRIALASSOCIATION OF QUEENSLANDFor <strong>the</strong> Show of <strong>1921</strong>.-----------GENTLEMEN,The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition of<strong>1921</strong>, held in our Grounds, at Bowen Park, was a glowing tribute to <strong>the</strong>wonderful recuperative powers of Queensland. For some time, droughtlaid a heavy hand on <strong>the</strong> land, but a splendid season following enabledmany of our primary industries to make a speedy recovery, bringing inits train increased production. There is one thing this year's Show did-it taught us more deeply to cherish <strong>the</strong> heritage of natural industrialwealth that is ours. It also served as <strong>the</strong> annual tally of <strong>the</strong> industrialprogress made in (Queensland, and that being so, it may be claimed thatit fulfilled a unique function in our economic history, while at <strong>the</strong> sametime it afforded an opportunity for mutual judgments and <strong>the</strong> intimatelinking up of <strong>the</strong> thousand and one interests brought to a common meetingground. In essence, <strong>the</strong> Show proved to be <strong>the</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ring place ofall <strong>the</strong> clans of our industrial, farming, and pastoral bro<strong>the</strong>rhood.Thousands of exhibits were set out in orderly array, so that all interestedcould see <strong>the</strong> products of <strong>the</strong> State. It is, tlherefore, very pleasing tobe able to report that <strong>the</strong> Show was an unqualified success, and thatano<strong>the</strong>r mile post has been passed on <strong>the</strong> high road of achievement.In a review of <strong>the</strong> Show, it is not possible for me to make referenceto all Sections, and to all Exhibits. I would like to say, however, that<strong>the</strong> District Exhibits, and <strong>the</strong> One Man Ir'n I isllay;is, deserve specialmention. His Excellency, Sir Malt<strong>the</strong>w Nathan, \vwns very much interestedin both displays, and he intimated that he would consider <strong>the</strong>question of presenting a special prize to encourage those who, in future,decided to exhibit in <strong>the</strong> One Man Farm Section of <strong>the</strong> Show. I wouldlike to add that no Section of <strong>the</strong> Exhibition gave evidence of keenerpreparation than <strong>the</strong> District Exhibits, where <strong>the</strong> field of productivitycovered was as great as it was varied. As usual, <strong>the</strong> pirolucs stagedby <strong>the</strong> competing districts were of a high order. There is no doubt thatthis particular Section of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Show did more in <strong>the</strong> wayof promoting inquiries by intending settlers on <strong>the</strong> land, tlian any o<strong>the</strong>rdisplay.This year, <strong>the</strong>re was a very fine collection of fruits, attractively set

While admitting <strong>the</strong> excellency of <strong>the</strong> fine exhibit made by <strong>the</strong>SSou<strong>the</strong>rn Queensland Fruitgrowers' Association, it would be well tomention that we are departing somewhat from <strong>the</strong> policy of our Assooiationin allowing this form of exhibit, because it will have a tendencyto do away with competitive and individual effort.One of <strong>the</strong> greatest attractions, this year, was <strong>the</strong> DehydrationDemonstration, which took place on <strong>the</strong> Grounds each day. TheGovernor General and Lady Forester, and thousands of o<strong>the</strong>r visitorsto <strong>the</strong> Show evinced much interest in <strong>the</strong> process. We can claim tohave done a national service in assisting <strong>the</strong> display, as it demonstratedto <strong>the</strong> growers <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong>re is a means of saving <strong>the</strong>ir surplusfruit.The entries in <strong>the</strong> Stud-horse (blood) Section were not so numerousas at former Shows, but taken on <strong>the</strong> whole, <strong>the</strong> quality was well maintained."Polybius" (imp.), by <strong>the</strong> great English sire "Polymelus,"was plaed first, and also secured ('hanipion hlonours. The second prizewent to Had-I-Wist, a very fine young horse, and certainly one of <strong>the</strong>best sired by that great horse, ''Syce," who has proved his worth on <strong>the</strong>turf by winning <strong>the</strong> Queensland Leger, and also important Handicap* Races, carrying over 9 stone. When Ilad-I-XVist is let down, and is in:- stallion condition, lie should furnish into a magnificent slecimnent of <strong>the</strong>thoroughbred. I had <strong>the</strong> pleasure of showing himin to Colonel Robertson(Director of Remounts), who is most anxious to l)urchase <strong>the</strong> horse for<strong>the</strong> Federal Government, for service in Queensland. It is to be hopedthat he will succeed in doing so. If properly natItl, "HalI-Wist"should get racehorses, as well as high-class hacks, remounts, and generalutility horses.The Clyvdesdales attracted much attention, and keen interest wastaken in <strong>the</strong> judging of this class. This year's entrants were a good,even lot, although nit equal, perhaps, to lwhat haid bIeen seen at previousShows. It is gratifying to be able to recor I that quite a number ofdraught stallions were sold on our grounds at Bowen Park.There was plenty of comlpetition in <strong>the</strong> classes for Studl I'onUie, bothSaddle and Harness. In <strong>the</strong> class for Miscellaneous Horses, <strong>the</strong> Hacksand Light Harness Horses were well up to <strong>the</strong> standard. It is a matterfor regret, however, that more young horses liil not c(ompete in <strong>the</strong> ilack'Classcs-most of <strong>the</strong> prize winners were oldI horses. The ponies shownin Harness and Saddle were a very good lot.The public were treated to a wonderful display of high-jumuping,and two new records were made. Mr. .1. Greasley's "llHector," 13.1.hands, junmpedl 6 feet s inches, estalilislhiun \\hat is consiered to be aworld's record for a pony. At <strong>the</strong> 1920 Show, this polny cleared 6 feet,* 4 inches, and consequently his record was not a fluke.- This very fine performance was followed a few days later by Mr.A. Judd's horse, "Sundown," clearing 7 feet 5 inches, thus establishinga new record for Queensland. This horse afterwards tried 7 feet 10il:ches, and almnost succeeded. IHad he been successful, he would haveI ut up a new Australian record, which is now 7 feet 9g inches.SThehorse exhibitors appreciated <strong>the</strong> cntion of <strong>the</strong> (Council in roofing<strong>the</strong> collecting yard, anil it was quite pleasing to hear <strong>the</strong>ir remarks.The Cattle Sections, both Beef anil Dairy Breeds, were <strong>the</strong> outstandingfeature of <strong>the</strong> Show. In Shorthorns, a retrograde step injudginug was taken, at <strong>the</strong> request of <strong>the</strong> breeders, when a system ofhaving two juldges and a referee was tried against our well established

27custom of one judge. I think breeders will now admit that a mistakewas male in adopting <strong>the</strong> former systeI, and it is hoped that it willnever be tried again.Mr. W. G. C. Britten, of England, judged <strong>the</strong> Herefords, and heexpressed approval of <strong>the</strong> stock shown. I think he was surprised with<strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> animals which came under his inspection.The o<strong>the</strong>r Beef Breeds exhibited this year showed a distinct imrot with pa revious Shows. The sale of Beef Stud Cattle~IIY ~Y 'l"~""was \ v 'erv cl Ilull.:rntl ull , and l)lel <strong>the</strong>re e ix is no clonbt doubt st;ltioii station o~llc owiners rHe Iiiiss~ uijsstt il :1 a great ~Sre:rtopl'o'tunity opportunity of sccurin~ securing Iii~h-clnsu highclass pcdi~ree pedigree stock :It at Iiritlherd bullbullpriceu.prices.Thr The ntlltl-1,I stitil-breet c c~iols lers sll(,lll(l should receive Icccivo Letter better xulport, support, o<strong>the</strong>rwise <strong>the</strong>y will goout of \,nninrss, business, \~itil with <strong>the</strong> iesult result tli:it that our )ler~ls her Is \\'ill will clctcriorntr, deteriorate, untl anti <strong>the</strong>cl"slity iual ity (,t' of our Ibeof Ic c:f n will becone Iccolne scconllsecon I ciass.cinss.'I~llr The I':it Fat ('attlu ('attle were ~-cro :1 a rrnrs reflex of tile tie good ~uotl season Mcnson cspcricrtrrtl, experienced, anal nrill~erc:l were a ~listinct distinct fr:rtiiic feature of tlic <strong>the</strong> 8110~. Show.It is Iloubtful if ~e we ~ia\ iave eeveroeen seen a better lot at 130wcn Bowen Park, bnt but It at ttic <strong>the</strong> :riictioii action Rnlru sales tile <strong>the</strong> Iriccs prices \~cre wcre\'1'1.3' very lo\\ low f(,r for HII('11 such fill(' fine St()('lC. stock.Tlic The T):liry Daiy c':ittl~~ cattle Sectioii nas was n a splrri~liil splend il cllc.:lllcl nuC, and ill in :111 all classcu classes Ylio~velciarllc general r:lll c~sc~il~ excellence. c. llc rl'lir The tlizlll:lg display \\ was :is Iiic~ one (,1' of tlii tI Ic lost wt tliatshow-that Iiauhasc\everc'rIlc blcni nrl sCc~ll stiti cri ((Ii oiii oil ~iJI()M. Show Groun.OrOllll((S.The SMlnce Swine Section ~icc~nHH was well ~-cll fill~~~l fillea I n with itll Iiii)l-ci:lss Iiighit-aiss slcc sjtciiimen1s iiiic~iir of thc <strong>the</strong>various t)r('P(ist:lllll breet Is, a inI sixty-iii SiSf!.llill(. elltl.i('5 ent ries cw \\.('1.(' er I.(!C~i\.~'l( receive I ill iin tllO tlie ('I;ISS~Y cliasses forStlltl Stud a~lll anti 1'':ct Fat Hllt Sheep. c~l,.The I)o~ I)og anti and I'ollltr\. l'onltrv Sectilllrs Sectins \\.cl were (~ \c\ try rS Routl good iiitlrc in Ieal. il. Oing to<strong>the</strong> thle I;lrcr lrce ituitiher 11111111n1r ()1. of ('Sl;ilitS, cxli bits, (l!lr or C:ll,:li.it\. Ce:liifl y for sl';'ce, space, iI1 il each c3ch scction,Hcction,n~as was taxed to <strong>the</strong> utniost. utmost.'rheTheyplrll~lidsplentlidc011rf9courtsnrmn~cdarrangedbyby<strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>QucclrHlnlltlQueenslanidCrovernulrllttGovernuientatat-~.l :icl~ racteal ll I11;1II~' Imnny \.iSif~)l.d,;lllll \ isitors, anal \\.('I.C we(e 01) of ~:~I.(':ll grt'eit ('(lll(':lti()ll;ll tdinictitnial \.:1111~'.vac. IFor <strong>the</strong>lirnt irnst tiiiie tine ill in rllal~Y many SC:IPi,, years, tli~rc! <strong>the</strong>re was wns I!o ito liHJLCrY fishery COllrt. colurt. It Was was Illi~SC'~I missed Very verymuch indaeydI.AI1 An inl~ovntioll iniovatitti \\ wxas :ls Ill:L(Il' itiatle ill in our 0111. Satlurday ~:lfllT~lrY)ri 's progruminhIe I)I.O~l.:IIIII1IC \~11('I1 when Aanmlber of ( hanipioti Athletic Events were decided under <strong>the</strong> auspices11111111~(1r of (jll:Lllll)i(lll I~tlllCti(l 15\'('11tS werc~ ~lcciitlc~L under tile nuMpicrsof tile <strong>the</strong> Queensland ~~llc rllsl:lnddAmiattmniii XII1:lt('illll Atllictic At hletict Asso~i:~titril,Assocititioii, tototllc~c~<strong>the</strong>se werewl~r e :~lldcllnaitdealYn ln Tll1l)r~;ll(r 111111 rrl llttill(T Cl()llt( StS) \\.lli( ll Illn((C nftc~rnoon."U' soei '~ VL"")""~i Junpinig U and 'Irotting - IVY- -n ctnitests, which made an enjoyable afternoon.('onfiitl~ 'onsitleition liltiol1 is Lc'iii~ beinitg ::i\cll given to a bi~i~c bigger l ~lilts shtorts progra lro~rnlllllloo unite For for Ilcst next yeir. year.'I'he 'Ihe o~itst:uitlinC: outstanding fc fture ntul e of till' <strong>the</strong> iuprovemnits male this year was<strong>the</strong> rUlllo\~ll removal of <strong>the</strong> fteicts fciicc~s oil on ( each ;~C11 side siile Of of tlic <strong>the</strong> street stl c'l t dividing ~li\.i~iiii~ (,ur our ((IPOlllldn. ((Irounlds.It,It einalbledcn:lbled <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong> publicIublie toto scuttersc~uttcrfreelyflcc lg :~I1~1atid easily,c;isily, nllttl[ndnllo\velllallowedtlionethoseillintile <strong>the</strong> ]~iVo Live Stock Sto~ k lieRc~r\ Reserve c! 1(, to set sc i' I tlic tie Pill~ tin g ('\.('LLtX. ev cuts. ()Llr Our tJ1:lllkS thait ks ;II.I' a rt IluH lue to<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> ](lin~,ane Bristane (iity ( ity ('oullCil ('ounCilfor tlic t he c toimctess oiict ssioii ion b'i\'rlll given to IIH us to fcllll)Orarily tenmpjiorarily(']OHU tloso tile <strong>the</strong> road rO:III\V;LY. way. It was a etui i which was thoroughly appreciatetIby h? tlic <strong>the</strong> pulic, pllllic, as \~( well II as byatc(i 1,SmeiIllclllbcrsbersofoftliiHthis('ouncil. ( ouncil.'I'hP 'The Iic tie \r w n? systemim stC1IIl of lllilllitt:\ll('C! aIdm ittaitee ttl tti <strong>the</strong> (:rUIIII~IS (roumials 1)I.OVr~l prov'e I ii a ~r(':Lt great success,YUDCUgB,aiidand miii tli~ t c~ 1is Iio nio tloult outt tllnt tht tlic <strong>the</strong> Iiew new gate erected oil on <strong>the</strong> Rowcn Bowen BridgeRoatl Road M~;1 was i rl a jil great cat convenience to those living in that locality.It isIleccssH uiecessmt'v \ III;(1 Iinat tlln <strong>the</strong> ('cullcil I otumcil of <strong>the</strong> I~cv:rl lIlval h':itioii;il NationIl Associnticll Associatitot should'give ell;lv early eoiisi~l~ consiteration rntion to a nitutmbcr Iluullcr of ot~icr otlier inlllortalltlt i po rtanmit illlllovclllc~~ltu, ilti provenwitisuch uuchas:-i. 1. l')ir T'he PrCction erection of a new IIC~v (;r1~11~1 (1ranuia Stiuianl Stilllil ()L) otn <strong>the</strong> tllU Wittl site ()P of 111(' I hie I)'.('Ht~llt teeseltoollen wootlen Mntr\lccturcr, structure, and n11(i c extenaliiig xtc ll~lillfi tOM'ill'llO towards tile <strong>the</strong> Illllill main ClltrBLlCB entrancegates. My idea is to crect a ' I )oule-tlec ker '" St ta rut, <strong>the</strong>glltes. hly illcu is to c cl ~ct 11 ''loull~ -tlcc lcctr'' Cjtall(i, tileuncioriicnthunderneath part factinb facing tile <strong>the</strong> allllcxra,, aninexes, to Ie be fittutl fittetl up with ~ shops ulio~nanilanti stalls, and thus be re\eeue revenue iroclucillg. producing. The Tlie luil((ing builiing ofsuch a Grand-stand would entail a coNsitloruble consitlerable expl'llliiturt(, expemiliturs,and probably <strong>the</strong> financial part of <strong>the</strong> scheme could be arran#ril. arranged.-^ .,

w -'X. The installation of a Septic Tank System. I consider this,and <strong>the</strong> erection of <strong>the</strong> Grand-stand as imperative.i. The covering of <strong>the</strong> drain at present running through ourland at <strong>the</strong> back of <strong>the</strong> Grand-stand. This work would give<strong>the</strong> Association an increased area of ground.4. Additional spraying facilities for cattle are needed. I wouldsuggest <strong>the</strong> erection of new spraying and washing yards in<strong>the</strong> dairy cattle section.In conclusion, I would like to say that <strong>the</strong> Brisbane Tramways Co.did all in <strong>the</strong>ir power in <strong>the</strong> matter of transporting <strong>the</strong> big crowds toand from <strong>the</strong> Show Grounds, and in this connection <strong>the</strong> Company deserve<strong>the</strong> thanks of our Association.The police carried out <strong>the</strong>ir duties in an efficient manner. TheInspector of Police stationed at <strong>the</strong> Show Grounds eulogised <strong>the</strong> orderlyconduct of <strong>the</strong> crowds.I wish, also, to express my appreciation of <strong>the</strong> excellent work donebefore and during <strong>the</strong> Show period ib <strong>the</strong> offic'e staff, and <strong>the</strong> groundstaff, whose efforts made it possible for <strong>the</strong> Association to set forth sothat all might see, a wonderful picture depicting <strong>the</strong> chief products ofthis great State-a picture that excited <strong>the</strong> admiration of all who saw it.I also desire to thank <strong>the</strong> Press for <strong>the</strong> valuable assistance renderedto <strong>the</strong> Association.Personally, I would like to thank <strong>the</strong> members of this Council for<strong>the</strong>ir loyal support, and for <strong>the</strong> hard work done by every individualmember of <strong>the</strong> Council.Yours faithfully,(Signed) ERNEST BAYNESChairman.

THE TROTTING SECTIONBy. C. R. Pickworth.3' V* *-I am pleased to say great int3lcst has been taken in <strong>the</strong> T'rottingEvents, I think, mir.re this year thai usual, as requests were madle thatmore Trotting Events shold be run on Wednesday and Thursday insteadof so many on Monday and Tuesday, which request we can give considerationto when compiling our programme for 1922."Globe Derby " <strong>the</strong> Sydney horse, which was entered to attemptto lower our one mile track record of 2 min. 15 sees., established August14th, 1918, by "Maori-land" (for which we offered £200 prize money)dlid not appear, <strong>the</strong> risk of shipping <strong>the</strong> horse from Sydney being toogreat owing to <strong>the</strong> rough wea<strong>the</strong>r prevailing on <strong>the</strong> coast at <strong>the</strong> time.The non-appearance of this very fast horse caused considerable disaplpointmentto <strong>the</strong> publlic, which every ('ouncillor regretted. With aview of avoiding such disappointment again, I would make <strong>the</strong> followingrecommendation, namely, that we incrase <strong>the</strong> prize money for 1922, forthis event, to £300, and 1 do so ;at this early stage to give some enterprisingQueenslanlder an opportunity of purchasing a horse capable ofreducing <strong>the</strong> rccor !., ami whose services would be valuable to thisState.Our Track Record has been lowered by different Stud Book Stallions,from 2 minutes 26 seconds in 1910, to 2 minutes 15 seconds in 1918, or11 seconds in eight years. Hachl Stallion has done service in this State,some of thlm have remained here permanently. The Royal NationalAssociation has, <strong>the</strong>refore, done much to improve <strong>the</strong> type of Trottinghorse in Qucenslaind.The total Prize Money we arec now offering, in this Section, is £358.I would recommend that we increase this by £147, making our total fornext year £505. l'etails of <strong>the</strong> allotment I need not go into now, butwould ask <strong>the</strong> (Council's approval, so that <strong>the</strong> facts could he made known.to Trotting men.DAIRY CATTLE EXHIBITS.Hy Messrs. W. ,JIs. Affleck and W.M. (Chai"es.While tlhe exhibit of Dairy Cattle, at this year's Royal NationalShow, did iot break any record for numbers, it established a new standardof quality. The exhibits all through were excellent, and <strong>the</strong>enthusiasm displdyedl by breeders, in bringing out <strong>the</strong>ir cattle to <strong>the</strong>host advantage, was a great pleasure to see.The D)airy C(attle Section of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Show is <strong>the</strong> mirrorof <strong>the</strong> dairying industry. The improvement which has been effectedin recent years, in <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong> cattle shown, is merely a reflectionof <strong>the</strong> improvement which has taken place in tIhe stud herds. Therehas been a marked improvement in thimi respect throughout <strong>the</strong> wholeState. From <strong>the</strong> Atlh'rton Tableland ti <strong>the</strong> Tweed, <strong>the</strong> breeding ofbetter cattle has gone on apace. The Hlerd Book Societies have promoteda fine spirit amongst breeders, and <strong>the</strong> contests at <strong>the</strong> RoyalNational bring out this spirit in <strong>the</strong> best form.We are happy to see a gradual awakening to <strong>the</strong> value of HerdTesting. For many years our Society has held Home Milking Competitionsfor all breeds, and <strong>the</strong>se have been a source of great interestto breeders. Now, however, <strong>the</strong> demand is for Long Distance Tests,;,,'1.\IX.- ^gi~~ig~i 'i-'i~ t i~th -- ^jf^-A

and our Association will have to consider <strong>the</strong> advisability of encouraging<strong>the</strong> making of <strong>the</strong>se long distance tests. In <strong>the</strong>se days, when an enlightenedman sets out to buy a bull, he wants to know whalrt his darnhas given in nine months. It is right that hie should know, and rightthat he should demand this information before hie bus.We have to thank <strong>the</strong> gentlemean wio coutriotll si) muchh to <strong>the</strong>smooth running of <strong>the</strong> I)airy Cattle Section, tis yea:r. Thle onoraryStewardsw are as full of enthlusiasni for tlliir worke as <strong>the</strong> Ilreelers <strong>the</strong>mnselves,and it is a great Pleasure to us to h~e iiso~i:teil writh <strong>the</strong>iii inmaking <strong>the</strong> Royal National oner of <strong>the</strong> finest, if not thle finest, l)ai ty('attlc Show inl <strong>the</strong> ( 'oinmnonwealth.THE SHEEP AND SWINE SECTIONS.yJ. P. Bottolly.I have mluchl leasure iii subitting a1 <strong>Report</strong> of thle Sheep andlSwine Sect ions of or <strong>1921</strong> Show\\.FAT I LEP. Thle emit its iii this Sct ion we ic oi lv fir iii n Inihe rshot goodl inl qualit. l';xiliitorn nd o<strong>the</strong>r~s a(re of <strong>the</strong>( opiion~ thant our(lternmd I hlope it w\ill he <strong>the</strong>l maii'ns of inlcreatsing <strong>the</strong>c iamuhe~cr of exhilitfor our 1922'; Show. .Mr. Edgllar B~aynels jlge~l this Seectioll, IiIlhis)decsios gve atifae io. dlesire to eon -c e v to Iii iu onr thiri k s forhis services.S'U ) 11E~'.rIlic enitries were veI~y smaI~ll anti~ inl no wayreresnltedt <strong>the</strong> Sheep indlustry of Queensland. Anl effort is about to bemade to thloroughly re ise thisH Sectinl, and we t rst t lint we slial Ireceive thle sup~ort of tud See lcl t:re ~lers iii t 1is~ n I ot hem Sitate.Wen intndi to issuie a p~relimina:ry Schedu~l e at ail earl Ilat.SWINE.Thiis is a veix'i~ioitil Sil in ll fl l ies cr ml~tas numerous as we \.II11 o have.( like'l I till, i lla u it, t hey uv'ere v rygi ot indcee. The I, g Sles were e 1? lv sueee shi I, tie 1lie l nd bingbgr:i t, good prices he'i hgrc I.CLi Se I br01 Uoni St tik. lIi sicl i iistine ,U1' to £40 was paid Itir pigs. it is s f'e to sayv thaut thre slcc 5inlfu ,ial eswil I be thle meanIs oh Ii rin~ing reatC cm 1 itti ul1. oi~Set via Lr.I ds~ire i) esljires mvI\ a~lilrtcititic ll of thliw(1. Siwar2~Iti ,nr. i. 4Lee hi fo vluale ervce thuilg <strong>the</strong> Exhibition.REPORT OF DISTRICT EXHIBIT COUNCIL STEWARDS.We1Ivi ha leasn r i 5 it ii1ll till I~u Reort ui,ol <strong>the</strong>c JDitritThle 'ri lary Pro 0(0 Is and I\Ill Mannl fac (I to cr5, or us is mlore geneuralyknown, <strong>the</strong> A. (iratl, ha:Il th mee cities,~ \ i.: -I ~lli mig I )owsl, WestMoretol, Wide Bay & Bureutt.Wo expected that <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rnn Rivers nal thle Southl Coast l)ibtrietlwould also hve colietkt, but en accouit uf thle flods, etc. inl thle

Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Rivers District, <strong>the</strong>y were unable to come forward, but weunderstand it is <strong>the</strong>ir intention to compete at our 1922 Show.The South Coast District, much to our regret, returned <strong>the</strong> organising'fees <strong>the</strong>y had applied for, and intimated that <strong>the</strong>y could notexhibit. We hope that 1922 will see this District represented at ourShow.The Exhibits were undoubtedly <strong>the</strong> finest yet seen at our Exhibition,<strong>the</strong>y were of high quality, well arranged, and <strong>the</strong> display was excellent,we congratulate <strong>the</strong> Districts upon <strong>the</strong> success of <strong>the</strong>ir efforts.The amended Schedule, under which <strong>the</strong> competitions were carriedout, was an improvement on <strong>the</strong> previous Schedule, <strong>the</strong> complaints werefew indeed, and fur<strong>the</strong>r suggestions will be considlered at a conferenceto be held in October.The IHonours awarded were:-Points Prize MoneyWest Moreton ............ 1st. 1094 £133 5 2Darling Downs .......... 2nd. 1079h £131 8 8Wide Bay & Burnett ...... 3rd. 906 £110 6 2ILLUSTRATEDI) BOOKLETIn con'rectio with this Seclion, an Illustiated Booklet was issuedfor competition, <strong>the</strong> West Moreton District obtained first prize, <strong>the</strong>irBooklet being bright, pithy, and very nicely illustrated; <strong>the</strong> second prizegoing to thle bDarling Downs District, <strong>the</strong>ir Booklet being a very creditableone indeed.This, in our opinion, is a very good way to advertise Districts, and<strong>the</strong> effects of <strong>the</strong> same must be far reaching.Visitors to <strong>the</strong> various Courts were presented with one, and <strong>the</strong>irExcellencies, <strong>the</strong> Governor General Lord Forster, and State GovernorSii' Mat<strong>the</strong>w Nathan, seemed pleased to have <strong>the</strong> inlformation andstatistics placed before <strong>the</strong>m in such concise form. Fifty copies fromeach D)istriet were hauded over to <strong>the</strong> Royal National Association, andit is intci!leil to distribute <strong>the</strong>se in o<strong>the</strong>r States .ani (Countries.I'IIIMARY I'RODIUCTS ONLY, OR 'B' GRADEThere were four entries in this Section, viz.:.-Kingaroy, Gympie,Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Darling Downs, and Maranoa.These, also, were very fine exhibits and tieflected <strong>the</strong> greatest creditupon those connected with each Court.The quality was good, <strong>the</strong> exhibits well arranged, aml <strong>the</strong> effect wassplendid.The competition was very keen, <strong>the</strong>re being only 36 points between<strong>the</strong> first and fourth prize winners.The results were:-Points Prize MoneyNor<strong>the</strong>rn Dlarling Downs .. 1st. 794 £82 4 0Maranoa ................ 2nd. 774 £80 2 7Kingaroy ................ 3rd. 705 £79 3 11Gympie .................. 4th. 758 £78 9 6

~~u!~~~b' ~ ~ flnl~~~ik~-t~i rt prize are to be complimented on <strong>the</strong>irsplendid exhibit, this being <strong>the</strong>ir first appearance at our Show.The prospects for our 1922 Show look decidedly good, all <strong>the</strong>Districts intimating <strong>the</strong>ir intention of coming forward again.BOOKLETThe Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Darling Downs was <strong>the</strong> only District in this Sectionto issue a 3ooklt, andl <strong>the</strong>y are to be comrpliented ulion <strong>the</strong> issue, whichwas aaded frt prize.ONE FARM SECTIONThere were four entries in this Siectionl, and <strong>the</strong>y were undoubtelyanl attractiol, <strong>the</strong> keenest inte~est being dlisplayed by thle visitors, <strong>the</strong>resourcefuless of <strong>the</strong> exhibitors being comnmented upon generally.The results were:-PointsPrize MoneyMr. Haag, Roadvale .... 1st. 421 £34 1 1Mlr. 1)onges, Drayton . .. . 2nd. 387 £316 2Mr. Alle, Gympie........3rd. 383k £31 0 5Mr. Pllen, Helio...... 4th. 22 £23 12 4The exibits were well dislayed andi refected rat credliit upon <strong>the</strong>exhibitors.It is n li~v to (lle that <strong>the</strong> winn r of <strong>the</strong> fourthi pize s~cure '9points more.( flin;t <strong>the</strong> wiimr of <strong>the</strong>c first prize aIt our I!t3 92(1 Sho, whlilt<strong>the</strong> first plrize wvinner was 138 points hligher thann thre first in 190. Weozmgrliilate all <strong>the</strong> exhi~itors u~on thle ucccss of <strong>the</strong>ir ffort.Weu de~i me toi express our apprciatio nl ani tha miksM to <strong>the</strong>c twenty-two<strong>the</strong>ir idecisionsi~ wereI \'ey satisrfactor, ao, talking inlto comiidrat ionthi wpile ai I varlied nluture of <strong>the</strong> thi i mig to heR jiltI IO we iut comjdimci<strong>the</strong>ml upon <strong>the</strong> thoroughnell ss \\vithi whlich <strong>the</strong>yV carriel Iout <strong>the</strong>cirdutii .We are also indebltedl to our lio. Szt ewrd,, Mr. (. P. ot toiy, forthanks arec hlerew\\ithxpressdC~.being c':Iiiel oait suI(CCefuly.gEod to know thit we hntve 'Stifieti Ex I:lihit es.HWec ia 211101) cimieli~le tlis Rep.lrt w'it oot ex~lrtSSinl (iii. npIreel.(ialilntimes N \\(In(o ehmelmm.lflly amnl fa~ithfully rendeIIrdl. I sitet ienrt~ haVe stlIn a1 reithle anI l h'ic(imit ohicer~ iii Comnmineeltiumi \? itli tint Assonattioi.We s me (ert inl IPeased withl thle success of this Sct iiin, antilthiat url Sow ul! 1122 will be evenl moreI'L suICCessful.ope

- t . ~u~ i -A- .. ,^ ' . . _ . . * - ^ . '. t- - _ ' ., - .-/r__f_~_l* ,, -.-33VALUE OF HERD BOOKS.By R. S. Maynard.The Secretary has invited me to tell, in a few words, of <strong>the</strong> achievementsof <strong>the</strong> Herd Book Societies during <strong>the</strong> past few years. That<strong>the</strong> Herd Book Societies have done much to improve <strong>the</strong> standard ofcattle throughout Queensland is a fact, but I believe <strong>the</strong> work <strong>the</strong>y havedone is small compared to what <strong>the</strong>y will do in <strong>the</strong> future, now that <strong>the</strong>yare so thoroughly well established.Herd Book work is co-operative work. Its success depends on <strong>the</strong>enthusiasm of <strong>the</strong> men who make up <strong>the</strong> Societies.The better cattle movement had its greatest fillip in Queenslandwhen <strong>the</strong> Royal National Association decided to admit to its Show onlysuch dairy cattle as were registered in <strong>the</strong> Herd Books of <strong>the</strong>ir breeds.The Royal National Association was <strong>the</strong> first to adopt this condition ofentry. It was some time afterwards that a similar condition wasadopted by <strong>the</strong> Metropolitan Shows in <strong>the</strong> South, and by <strong>the</strong> leadingprovincial Shows in Queensland. Naturally, <strong>the</strong>re was some little outcryagainst <strong>the</strong> adoption of this condition. It was said that it wouldlimit <strong>the</strong> number of entries, and spoil <strong>the</strong> interest in <strong>the</strong> Show. It had<strong>the</strong> very opposite effect. It gave men confidence. Many dairymencome to <strong>the</strong> Shows to buy stud animals, and <strong>the</strong>y can now come to <strong>the</strong>Royal National and buy with <strong>the</strong> knowledge that <strong>the</strong>y are buying studcattle, properly registered in <strong>the</strong>ir Herd Books.Within <strong>the</strong> last couple of years, <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Section has adopted<strong>the</strong> Herd Book qualification for entry at <strong>the</strong> Royal National, andti alreadyits good effect has been noticeable. The Beef Cattle Societies are notconfining <strong>the</strong>ir activities to <strong>the</strong> mere registration of <strong>the</strong>ir cattle, butare inaugurating competitions which will, it is believed, lead to amarked improvement in <strong>the</strong> quality of Queensland beef. At <strong>the</strong> 1922Royal National it is hoped to exhibit shorthorn, Hereford, andAberdeen Angus steers under 2 years of age, ready for killing. One of<strong>the</strong> difficulties in <strong>the</strong> way of Australia getting a good share of <strong>the</strong> meattrade of Europe is that we do not produce <strong>the</strong> class of beef which findsgreatest favour in European countries. England, especially, demandsbeef that has been quickly grown. Argentine meets this demand withtwo year old beasts that have been topped off on artificial pasture andgrain. It is <strong>the</strong> aim of <strong>the</strong> Beef Cattle Societies, here in Queensland,to educate cattle growers up to <strong>the</strong> need for improvement.It is my opinion that when <strong>the</strong> work of <strong>the</strong> Royal National Associationand of <strong>the</strong> Herd Book Societies is fully appreciated, it will be acomparatively easy matter to double <strong>the</strong> production of dairy productsin Queensland, and to produce better beef in half <strong>the</strong> time that it nowtakes us to produce our present quality.^1~

84STATEMENT of RECEIPTS adRECEIPTS.Adlvertising in Schcdule, Catalogueandl Sale of CataloguesBullock Weight G~ussing('onlision . .DnoationsEnltry Fees *Grloud RentsGate, Turstyle, nd~ Gr1and~ StantlMemlbrs' SulbsritionsPrivileges . * *Irent, (.rego y 'rcrlitace PropertySpace Rents1Sundr~y Receipts.Credit lHalane 1t Jatnuary, <strong>1921</strong>mdit Rilg P rogr~ain u,12~*. .. . . 131 11 0* . . . . . 1.030 8 61,446 6 10)2,493T 5Receits . .. 9,548 17 6.. 4,320 13 0* . .. .. 1,232 15 0)140 U 0* ... .. 1,706 10 3:486 15 923,331 9 2975' O1l£24,306 10 1PHILIP PBANEL, Hon. Treaurer.J. RAIN, eretary.

EXPENDITURE for Year enading Ist Dec , <strong>1921</strong>. IEXPENDITURE. "£ s. d.Advertising .. .. .. . . .. 668 12 8Audit Fees .. .. .. .. .. . .. 42 0 0Bank Charge, £1; Exchange, £10/10/ .. .. .. 11 10 8Cartage, Motor and Cab Hire . . . . . 272 5 5Commission . . .. .. . . . . . 51 6 6 -Catering .. .. . . . .. . .. 768 7 10District Exhibits (excluding Prize Money) . 1,055 15 4-Dehydration . . .. .... 211 0 0"-Fodder .. .. .. ...... .. 35 15 10Freight . .. .. .. 7 9 8\(General Expenses .. .. .. . .. . 606 2 0O, 'Gregory Terrace Property .. . 651 3 4Hire of Furniture .. . . . . . .. 20 7 5Insurance .. . . .. . . .. .. 276 0 8Interest . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 122 0 0Inprovements (including Repairs and Alterations) .. 5,009 0 2Judges and Stewards' Expenses . .. . .. 408 13 11Legal Expenses . . .. .. .. . .. 26 5 0Lighting: Gas £11/18/2; Electricity £55/13/10 . .. 67 12 0License Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0 0Music . . . . 74 10 0Members' Badges .. .. . .... 55 2 6-Maintenance (Grounils and Buildings) .. .. .. 544 1 1Plant . .. . .. .. 286 0 0Prize Money . . .. . . . 4,576 12 3P61ice Expenses . . . . . . . 51 7 6Printing and Stationery . . . . . . . . .. 513 1 4Printing Schedule, Catalogue aind Ring Programme .. 607 14 10Rates: Water & Sewerage, and Municipal . . .. 884 10 3Rent of City Offices . . . .... . . 212 13 4Ribbons and Calico .. .. .. ... . . . 219 3 11Stamps and Telegrams . . . . . . 243 10 6Sularies and Wages-Permanent Staff .. 2.109 5 0Temporary Staff .. 450 8 7Wages, preparing andCleaning up, andShow Week .. 1,830 8 54,390 2 0Show Expenses .. . .. . 626 6 5Sanitary Charges . . .. .. .... . 53 6 0Travelling Expenses . . . . . .. 226 6 1Timber . . . . 10 1 823,900 16 10Credit Balance, 31st December, <strong>1921</strong> .. 405 13 8£24,306 10 1Examined and found correct this first day of January, 1922.E. GRIFFITH OXLEY, F.C.P.A.HAMILTON S. SHAW, A.F.I.A., A.I.A.Q.

__ROYAL NATIONAL Agricultural and IndustrialAssociation of Queensland.SCHEDULE SHOWING RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE (Years 19I4-<strong>1921</strong> inclusive)Gate ReceiptsEntry FeesDonationsGround Bent and PrivilegesMembers' SubscriptionsSundry ReceiptsSalaries and Wages-PermanentStaff ..Salaries and Wages-Temporary StaffExpenditure on PermanentImprovementsPrize Money, includingDistrict ExhibitsWater and MunicipalRatesRent, City Offices .InterestGeneral Expenses__19145910 151205 13670 101727 162103 81847 1127072294445710915651440219155169 71019 18684 71483 151705 101413 70 9 115317876964340721561703125RECEIPTS.19165341 16952 17691 131253 101935 131869 1119176626 71195 17958 10747 192083 42145 11EXPENDITURE.1095 2 0 1360 6 11651 8 1 1502 17 1119187208 111359 9991 161862 102548 12406 6381 16 3 5072 14 11 I 26993817 11 10 4291 14 135 13 7 ! 52 16 2161 9 0 174 12 U139 5 6 100 0 03734 14 10 5511 5 01750165310 1114 117 74661 3 76018833342401919 192092 13 0 11374 171513 2297 3 6 1199 82530 82067 9 0 4821 41819 9 9 4873 161821 722 18660 90441912 12 4998 15 36535 9 717793225423240931833468941~= __ _~ ~~4534 3 0<strong>1921</strong>9548 171446 6]1030 82939 5.4320 154045 16 '2109 5"2280 175009 04576 12884 10-212 13122 08705 1&

I _ i _ . * .3' N-1 'CHAMPIONS, <strong>1921</strong> SHOW.Thoroughbred Stallion .Thoroughbred MareDraught Stallion ..Draught Mare . ..'ob Stallion . . .. ..Harness Pony StallionSaddle Pony Stallion ..Welsh Pony Stallion ..Pony MareHackSingle Harness Horse ..Saddle Pony ....Harness PonyHORSES.M. F. Yore's "POLYBIUS."Mrs. L. M. Fraser's "BORROSINA."A. T. Cheswick's "MARSHAL FOCII."J. H. Kilvington's "WINSOME BARONESS'E. Thompson's ' WINDERMERE METEOR"''Norman Lochran's ' SON HAROLD."Richardson & Cameron 's '' WELSH PRINCE' ''Theo. Simpson's "THE WELSHMAN."Robt. Beattis's ".BELLBIRD."W. Tomkins' "CORINDA."E. Stanfield ' 'IEDNA WILKES."IR. Baker, Junr., "POSTCARD."L. Stephen's "TEDDY."BEEF CATTLE.Shorthorn Bull .. ... . Burgess' "FAIRY PRINCE 3rd."Shorthorn Cow .... ('. E. McDougall' "LYNDIHURSTPRINCESS IMPERIAL 2nd."Hereford Bull .... Mrs. E. Lumley Hill's "SIR HAMILTON."Hereford Cow .. .. Mrs. E. Lumley Hill's "VIXEN 32nd.")Devon Bull .. .. .. R. A. Howell's "FIELD MARSHALL"Devon Cow ...... R. A. Howell's "LUSTY 32nd."South Devon Bull .. Nestle & A.-S. C. M. Coy.'s "SPECIAL."South Devon Cow .. Nestle & A.-S. C. M. Coy's "LAVENDERLADY."Aberdeen Angus Bull .. G. C. Clark's "PROUD PEER of TOLARNO''Aberdeen Angus Cow .. G. C. Clark's "SCOTSWOMAN."Fat Bullock .. .. .. S. Watson & SonsDAIRY CATTLE.Ayrshire Cow .... J. H. Fairfax' "GAIETY OF MARINYA"Ayrshire Bull .... Jonas Holmes' "PRINCE ROY OF LONG-LANDS.".lersey Cow .... W. & D. Carr's "LARKSPUR."Jersey Bull .. .. .. E. Burton's "OXFORD GOLDEN NOBLE"i. M. S. Cow .. .. .. Paul Moore's "DAMSEL OF CORNDALE'"I. M. 8. Bull .. .... R. J. Morgan's "ROYALIST 2nd OF FAIR-VIEW."Guernsey Cow .... Jackson & Schofield 's "'ELSIE OF BEXLEY'Guernsey Bull .. .. Q'land Agricultural College's "SURPRISEOF THE GRON."''riesian Cow .. .. Q'land Agricultural College's "PRIM"t'riesian Bull .. .. G. Newman's "DOMINION DOMINO'SDUTCH BOY"National Champi on M. Lawrence's "CHARMEB 2nd OF CITYButter Fat Teat Cow VIEW"

District Exhibits.PRIMARY PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTUREa.'A' GBADE.The A Grade, Primary Products and Manufactures, brought forwardthree competitors, viz.: West Moreton, Darling Downs, and WideBay & Burnett. There was a very keen contest between West Moretonand Darling Downs, West Moreton eventually triumphed, scoring 1094points as against Darling Downs' 1079j, Wide Bay & Burnett being thirdwith 906 points.(1).-Dairy Produce (210)-Butter, I box .......................... 90Milk, condensed, concentrated, or dried,and 'by-products .................... 40Cheese, 1 cwt . ......................... 60Eggs, suitable for domestic use, 1 dozenof each variety ..................... 20(2).-Foods (185)-Hams and Bacon .....................Rolled and Smoked Beef and Mutton ....Smallgoods and Sausages, if smoked orpreserved ..........................Fish, smoked, preserved, and canned ....Canned M eats ............. ...........Lard, Tallow, and Animal Ois ..........All Butchers' By-products not included inany o<strong>the</strong>r part of scale of points ....Honey, and its by-products ..............Confectionery, factory made ...........Bread, Biscuits, Scones, anil Cakes, factoryna . .(3).-Fruits, Vegetables, Roots, fresh and preservedFresh Fruits, all kinds .................. 60Preserved Fruits, Jams, &e. ............. 30Dried Fruits ............................ 10Fresh Vegetables-all kinds, including tablepumpkins, but excluding potatoes .... 25Preserved and Dried Vegetables, Pickles,Sauces, &c. ......................... 10Potatoes, English and sweet ............ 40Roots, all kinds, and <strong>the</strong>ir products, arrowroot,eassava, meal, &c., samples notless than 1 lb. ............. ........ . 14Coeoanut, Peanuts, and o<strong>the</strong>r Nuts ...... 6210hC~cdCcsE s~p:84 78 83te° o>- 28 3645 45 485134In -191691518244 45 465 12 17185 81 138"a(195)-5418549525a2017815r7 214110 10 84 3 2195 130o 142 1a9

(10) .- Hay, Chaff, &c. (170)--Qaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and o<strong>the</strong>r Hay .. 30 1.5 20 26Grasses and <strong>the</strong>ir seeds..........7 3j 6 43Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and o<strong>the</strong>r Chaffs 50 25 40 38Ensilage, and o<strong>the</strong>r prepared cattle fodder 20 10 10 15Sorghum and Millets, in stalk......10 4 6 6Commercial Fibres (raw and manufactured) 10 7 8 6Pumpkins and o<strong>the</strong>r green fodder ......... 10 6 8 8Hemp and Flax............10 5 8 2Broom Millet, ready foi manufacture . . . 10 5 5 7Farm Seed, including Canary Seed........13 6 11 7170 86j 122 118.Scoured Wool .......................... 40 35 25 30GreasT Wool..............60 50 48 49Mohar . . . . . . .10 10 7 9110 95 80) 88(12) .- Enlarged Photographs (5)-Enlarged Photographs .. 5 5 s(13) .-BEfective Arraugement (80)--Comprehensiveness of view..............30 10 20 20Arrangement of Sectional Stands.....15 8 15 12Effective Ticketing...........20 2 20 15General Finish 15 8 15 1280 28 80 59JTotal.................... 1555 906 1079k 10941

*.ElSPMAZYPRODUCTS ONLY.B GRADEIn this comietition <strong>the</strong>re were four districts competing, <strong>the</strong> winningexhibit, Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Darling Downs, securing 794 points, Maranoa, 774,Kingaroy 768, and Gympie 758 points.~a.,(1).-Dairy Produce (170)-Butter ................... ........ 90Cheese ................. .......... 60Eggs, suitable for domlestiL usi, I AIz.of each variety ............ .20170*o~Ia6 ~o0 0 0ht t ~hR0W83 8U-- 5015 16 15 10149 99 145 135().-Foods, &c. (120)-Hams, Bacon, Rolled and SmokedBeef and MuttonFish, smoked ....................Lard, Tallow, and Animal Oils.Honey and its 1y-products .....Confectionery (homei-male .........Biscuits, Cak es, and Sc 0ncM thionemade)....... .......10 9 6 6 6(3).-Fruits, Vegetables, and Roots, freshFresh Fruits, all kinds .............Preserved lFruits, J ;tms, &e., pi-pa redby farmer................Dried Fruit, prepaed by farnierFresh Vegetables, including TableP'umnpkins, but exnlu injg I'otatoesPreserved and 1)ried Vegetables,Pickles, Sauces, &.........lotatoesRoots, all kinds, and <strong>the</strong>ir prodluctsArrowroot, ('assanv, Mleul, &e.,samples not less than 1lb.....(ucoanuts, Peunuts, and o<strong>the</strong>r nutsVegetable 8eels..................120 77 63 67 69and preserved (190)-60 35 50 402510)40)III10101I 1834c 3417 14 20 1830 27668777224.9727536190 127 138 1181194

Wheat .......................... 50 15 15Flour, bran, pollard, macaroni, andmeals prepared <strong>the</strong>refrom .... 10 5 3Maize ........................ . 50 42 35Maizena, meals, starch, glucose, andcornflo r ................ . 10 4 2Oats, rye, rice, barley, malt, pearlbarley, and <strong>the</strong>ir meals ...... 30 18 9150 84 6t(5).--Woods. Sample of Wood tp measure not less than 12 xDressed and undressed ............ 25 18 20W attle Bark ..................... 15 14 1340 .32 3380 4884 7436 384 -964 10246x 1231437inch-181028(6).--Hildes (10)--Must be free from offensive smell . . 10(7).--Tropical Products (100)--Sugar Cane ...................... 60Coffee, tea, and spices ............ 10Cotton (raw) and by-products ...... 30100111 In6 6 74 0t8194511056881515(8).-Minerals (55)-(Gold, silver, copper, and preciousstones ..................... 25 7Coal, iron, and o<strong>the</strong>r minerals, andsalts ...................... 30 555 1213 - 79 11 1822 11 25(9).-Tobacco (20)-Tobacco (cigar and pipe), in leaf ..(10).--Hay, Chaff, &c. (170)-Lucerne, oaten, wheaten, and o<strong>the</strong>rhay ................. . . .Grasses and <strong>the</strong>ir seeds .........Oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and o<strong>the</strong>rchaffs .....................Ensilage and o<strong>the</strong>r prepared cattlefodder ......................Sorghum and millets ..............Commercial Fibres ...............Pumpkins and 'o<strong>the</strong>r green fodder ..Hemp and flax .................Broom Millet, ready for manufactureFarm Seeds, including canary seed20101010101013170(11).-Wool, &c. (110)-BS oured W ool .................... 40Breasa Wool ..................... 60M ohair ......................... 101105 6 8 1018 13 19 216 5 7 3425 25 28 23158777510108354578712566576903048886958486944055910468788494410105

_ __ ~-. . ^_~ 1. _n.i~.ri~i P~ "'iB~ iP~;"~u~l~YI*I~?~t $iL't~i~:~I~' .7(12).-Enlarged Photographs (5)-Enlarged Photographs .............(13).-Ladies' Work (30)-Needlework, Knitting, Fine Arts ..School Work, Maps, Writing, &c., foipupils of schools in <strong>the</strong> district. 5 2 1 5 515 10 11 10 1415 11 8 13 10 i30 21 19 23 24(14).-Effective Arrangement (80)-Comprehensiveness of view ......Arrangement of Sectional Stands ..Effective Ticketing ...............General Finish .....................30 15 3; 26 -15 8 15 12 4 .20 5 15 20 20 i15 8 15 12 5 $X8 36 75 70 :37Total ................... 1250 765 758 794 774DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET.This year <strong>the</strong> Association gave prizes to <strong>the</strong> value of £27 10s. ft'rIllustrated Booklets, descriptive of <strong>the</strong> respective District Exhibits, andof <strong>the</strong> Districts in which <strong>the</strong>y were produced. There were prizes foreach grade-Primary Products and Manufactures, and Primary ProductsOnly. Mr. R. S. Maynard judged <strong>the</strong> Booklets, of which <strong>the</strong>re werethree-two in <strong>the</strong> 'A' Grade and one in <strong>the</strong> 'B' Grade. The awardswere as follows:-'A' Grade.-West Moreton, First; Darling Downs, Second.*B' Grade.-Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Downs.ONE FABM EXHIBITS.The judging of <strong>the</strong> One Farm Exhibits resulted in a win for Mr. K.liuag, of Teviotville, who scored 421 points, with Mr. J. Donges, D)rayton,sccond, with 387 points, and Mr. W. Allen, (yilpie, third, with 3834I',int.,. Details are as follows:-(1).-Dairy Produce (50)-Butter, 6 bs. ................... 25Cheese, one large or two small .... 20Eggs, suitable for domestic use, onedozen of each variety ........ 5hC $ i^dO Ix "r^ca19 17 22 17'9 13 - 10. 3 44 250 81 88 26 29

~L1Y~LlliUI~UY I~il 1Li-W-l L . ji~ !_ .Li : ~_-I -~)I(2).-Foods (65)-Hams, 15 lbs., Bacon, 15 lbs ..Corned, Smoked, and Spiced Beef andM utton, 10 lbs . ...............Honey, 12 lbs. ..... ...............Beeswax, 6 lbs . ...................Bread, two loaves, Scones, one dozenConfectionery and Sweets. 3 Ibs ....Cakes and Biscuits ...............Lard, Tallow, Oils ................17 9 15 1210 8 5 7 610 4 7 - 65 5 5 4 55 2 3 5 45 1 5 3 45 1 4 3 35 3 3 3 365 41 41 40 43(3).-Fruit, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (143)-Fresh Fruits, all kinds ............Dried Fruits .....................Preserved Fruits and Jams .......Fresh VegetablesISl-1.,,1] I11. 2e rlPotatoes, not less than 28 lbs. (orcollection), and Roots ...... . ...Table P'umipkins, Squashes, and25 16 23; 11Marrows, 56 lbs. ........... . 10 6 10Cocoanuts and Nuts .............. 3 1 2Vegetable and Garden Seed ....... 5 - 5Arrowroot, 10 lbs .................. 5 - 5Sugar Beet, 3 lbs. .................. 5 3 -Cassava, 3 lbs. ................ . 5 -Ginger, 3 lbs . .................. 5 . .245143 59 104 8812 812 611178354389(4).--Grain, &c. (65)-Wheat 25 12 8 4M aize .......................... 20 16 14 7Barley, Oats, Rye, Rice .......... 20 7 16 1065 35 38 2(5).-Tropical Products (45)-Sugar Cane, 24 stalks or one stool .. 30 5 12 2;09Cotton, in seed, 10 lbs., long staple .. 10 5 5Coffee, 10 lbs. ...... ................ 5 - - 345 10 17 t122014185244(6).-Tobacco (10)-Tobacco, leaf, dried, 5 lb......... .(7).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (117)-Hay, oateon, wheaten, lucerne, ando<strong>the</strong>r varieties ................Grasses and iheir seeds, incldingCanary Seed .................Chaff, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, ando<strong>the</strong>r varieties ................Ensilage, any form ...........Cattle Fodder (pumpkins and greenfodder)2015-- 8 36 14 14 184 10 8 911 19 12 13- 14 -- 1215 12 1514 14

V' . • ,- . .... ~.r!^. .. u~l ._:...i ~~,.~'~h~lPL~ Lle~26~\'I O~c-rl rr~" L~Uirj~lY~L;Y1Yd~i~C~~ ~Uem)- .;~n llnauru;la;l i~i~h ~-i:_ _~__ __b_ ___l~n_ i__ _r _~--~mrpvL 'p~:-Sorghum and Millet ..............H emp, 5 lb. .....................Flax, 5 lb. .Cow .Pea Seed, 7 lh. ..............Broom M illet, 10 b. . ..............1055710568 10 10 .'|4 .4 -4 4 46 5 69 9 811744103 80 94 .(8).-Wool (25)--Greasy, five fleeces ................M ohair ......... ........ ..2051717 16 17- 4 - .251717 20 17(P).-Drinks, &c. (10).-Temperance Drinks, six bottles ....1057 6 4(10).-Women's and Children's Work (30)-Needlework, Knitting .......... 7Fine Arts ...................... 3School Work, Maps, Writing, &e. . . 10Faucy W ork ..................... 103767 7 4 *:3-261-9 8 3(11).-Miscellaneous Articles of Commercial Valuo-Miscellaneous Articles of CommercialValue ........... ... ......... 5 3(12).-Plants and Flowers, in pots (5)-Plants and FIlowers, in pots ......(13).-Time and Labour Saving Articles (10)-Time and Labour Saving UsefulArticles, maile on <strong>the</strong> farm . . . . 10(14).-Effective Arrangement (30)-Comprehensiveness of view ......Arrangement of Stands ............Effective TicketingGeneral Finish3010551030161073451919 23 84 4'5 55 3 36 8 69 8 105 4 55 4 58 8 1027 24 30Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10292421 383k 387

~. 46Milking Tests.The results of <strong>the</strong> various Milking Tests are appended hereto:COW, 4 years oldl and over, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest daily yield ofButter Fat for 48 hours:-lb. Milk Com. Butter lb. Milk Com. Butter(1). M. Lawrence's Charmer 2nd of City View.M. 22.3 1.180 M. 16.5 .978E. 19.5 1.451 E. 17.11 1.307Total: 75.8 lbs. milk, yielding 4.916 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, ;!.32. Lactation points, 10. Total points, 49.32(2). A. Pickel's Royal 4th of Blacklands.M. 20.14 1.640 M. 18.12 1.361E. 18.7 1.545 E. 18.4 1.437Total: 76.5 lbs. Milk, yielding 5.983 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 47.86. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 47.86.(8). Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.'s Maggie 3rd of Nestles.M. 29.0 .876 M. 29.14 1.036E. 32.12 1.380 E. 27.14 1.263Total: 119.8 lbs. Milk, yielding 4.557 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 36.4. Lactatiu points, nil. Total points, 36.4(4). M. Lawrence's Princess of City View.M. 22.10 .975 M. 22.0 .920E. 19.11 .967 E. 18.0 1.040Total: 82.5 lbs. milk, yielding 3.902 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 81.21. Lactation points, 3.4. Total points, 34.61.(5). B. O'Connor's Tulip IV. of Hill View.M. 25.8 .945 M. 25.5 1.092E. 24.6 1.162 E. 23.12 1.100Total: 98.15 lbs. milk, yielding 4,299 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 34.38. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 34.38.(6).-B. O'Connor's Wakeful of Oakvale.M. 25.12 .803 M. 24.14 1.105E. 26.0 1.280 E. 24.4 1.080Total: 100.14 lbs. milk, yielding 4.268 lbs. commercial butter. Poitsbetter fat, 24 hours, 34.14. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 34.14.(7). P. Moore's Lovely of Sunnyside.M. 23.9 .757 M. 21.7 1.201E. 16.15 1.010 E. 21.0 1.010Total. 82.13 lbs. milk, yielding 3.978 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsi butter fat, 24 hours, 31.82. Lactation points, 1.i. Total points, 33.72.

7 --'tUtAn8glin 2nd of Berry.M. 21.8 .616 M. 22.10 .684E. 21.8 .870 E. 22.4 .930Total: 87.9 Ibs. milk, yielding 3.100 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 24.8. Lactation points, 8.9. Total points, 33.7(9). B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hillview.M. 28.15 1.028 M. 29.10 1.029E. 26.4 .977 E. 27.7 1.013Total: 112.4 lbs. milk, yielding 4.047 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 32.36. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 32.36.(10.) Livingstone Bros.' Young Duchess 4th.M. 24.6 .841 M. 26.6 1.135E. 20.1 .932 E. 21.8 .980Total: 92.5 lbs. milk, yielding 3.888 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 31.1. Lactation points. 1.2. Total points, 32.3.(11). A. Pickels' Jean V. of Blacklands.M. 22.11 .861 M. 22.1 .741E. 19.13 .634 E. 18.9 .637Total: 83.2 lbs. milk, yiehling 2.873 lbs. conuinercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 22.98. Lactation points, 8.9. Total points, 31.87.(12). S. H. Hosking's Duchess of Hanover of Berry.M. 28.4 .755 M. 30.0 .940E. 28.4 .947 E. 28.15 1.138Total: 115.7 lbs. milk, yielding 3.780 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbultter fat, 24 hours, 30,24. Lactation points, nil. Total Points, 30.24.(13), Jackson & Schofleld's Butter Maid 2nd.M. 16.10 .695 M. 17.4 .677E. 16.3 .859 E. 16.1 .792Total: 66.2 lbs. milk, yielding 3.023 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 24.19. Lactation points, 1.3. Total points, 25.5.COW, 4 years and over, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest daily yield of butterfat for 48 hours:-Comn.lb. Milk Test Butter lb. Milk Test(1). A. Pickels' Royal 4tM. 20.14 6.7E. 18.7 7.1Total: 76.5 Ibs. milk,h of Blacklands.1.640 M.1.545 E.yielding 5.983 lbs.18.12'18.4commereial6.26.7butter.Coin.Hutter1.3611.437(2). M. Lawrence's Charmer 2nd of City View.M. 22.3 4.5 1.180 M. 16.5 5.1E. 19.5 6.4 1.451 E. 17.11 6.3Totsal: 75.8 Ibs. milk, yielding 4.916 lbs. commercial butter..9781.307

IS8). NetleM.E.Total:(4). B.M.E.1 Anglo-lwim Oondlrd O M l ilk 6.' *Ii e29.0 2.6 .876 M. 29.1432.12 3.6 1.389 E. 27.14119.8 lbs. milk, yielding 4.557 lbs. commercial 1O'Connor's25.824.6Tulip IV. of Hill V3.2 .9454.1 1.162Tot al: 98.15 IbsI milk, yielding 4.299iew.M.E.lbs.Corn.lb. Milk Test Butter(6). B. O'Connor's Wakeful of Oakvale.M. 25.12 2.7 .803 M.E. 26.0 4.2 1.280 E.Total: 100.14 lbs. milk, yielding 4.268 lbs.(6). B.M.E.Tot(7). P.M.E.O'Connor's ]28.1526.4al: 112.4 lbs.__Dahlia3.13.2inilk,Moore's Lovely o23.9 2.X16.13 5.13.0 1.0363.9 1.265butter.25.5 3.7 1.09223.12 4.0 1.100commercial butter.lb. Milk24.1424.4commercialTest3.83.8butterII. of Hillview.1.028 M. 29.10 3.0.977 E. 27.7 3.2yielding 4.047 Ibs. conmercial butter.f Sunnyside..757 M. 21.71.610 E. 21.0Tot; al: M2.13 lbs. milk, yielding 3.978hbs. comni'rcial4.4.1butter.Corn.Butterr.1.1051.0801.0291.0131.2011.010(8). Livingstone Bros.' Young Duchess IV.M. 24.6 3.0 .841 M. 26.6E. 20.1 4.0 .932 E. 21.8Total: 92.5 lbs. milk, yielding 3.888 lbs. cmiiinmercial(9). 8. H.M.E.Total:Hosking 's Duchess of Hanover of28.4 2.3 .755 M.28.4 2.9 .947 E.115.7 lbs. milk, yielding 3.780 lbs.(Under standard)Berry30.028.15comminercial3.73.9butter.2.73.4butter.1.135.980.9401.138(10). Jackson & Schofleld's Butter Maid II.M. 16.10 3.6 .695 M. 17.4 3.4 .677E. 16.3 4.5 .859 E. 16.1 4.2 .792Total:' 66.2 Ibs. milk, yielding 3.023 lbs. coimmercial butter.COW or HEIFER, undler four years, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest diailyvield of butter fat for 48 hours:--(1). E.M.E.Burton's Oxford20.9 4.219.13 5 fGolden Buttercup.1.002 M.1.160 E.19.10 3 9 .89514.13 70 1.22.Total: 74.13 lbs. milk, yielding 4.282 lbs. couuinertial butter.

' **f'ir* PHet of 1t7 Vilw.M. 19.4 4.0 .890 M.E. 18.0 5.4 1.150 E.Total: 74.3 lbs. milk, yielding 3.858 lbs.(3). E. Burton's Oxford Noble Dot II.M. 15.12 3.7 .680 M.E. 17.4 6.4 1.297 E.Total: 62.9 Ibs. milk, yielding 3.790 Ibs.(4). M. Lawrence'sM.E.Total:18.1417.675.11 lbs.17.14 3.519.1 4.9commercial butter.15.9 5.214.0 5.2commercial butter.Red Duchess III. of City View.2.6 .570 M. 20.73.2 .641 E. 19.0milk, yielding 2.864 lbs. commercial3.43.8butter..72651.093.953.860.803.850(5). B.M.E.Coin.lb. Milk Test ButterO'Connor's16.315.12Bessie3.53.6Totial: 65.14 lbs. milk,of Oakvale..657 M..660 E.yielding 2.7:4 lbs.1h. Milk Test17.1216.3commnler(ial(6). Jackson & Schofeld's Irene of Bexley.M. 9.15 3.8 .437 M. 12.10 4.6E. 10.6 4.9 .58S l. I l. 5.1Total: 44.7 lbs. milk, yielding 2.395 lbs. commercial butter.3.63.6butter.Com.ButterCOW or HEIFER, under four years, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest dailyyield of butter fat for 48 hours:-lb. Milk Coin. Butter lb. Milk C(om. Butter(1). B. Mears' Tulip of Morden.M. 20.7 .977 M. 20.15 .967E. 17.3 .847 E. 16.8 .760Total: 75.1 lbs. milk, yielding 3.551 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 28.40. Lactation points, 8.S. Total points, 37.20(2). E. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup.M. 20.9 1.002 M. 19.10 .895E. 19.13 1.160 E. 14.13 1.225Total: 74.13 lbs. milk, yielding 4.282 lbs. 'commrcial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 34.25. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 34.25.(3). B. O'Connor's Bessie of Oakvale.M. 16.3 .657 M. 17.12K. 15.12 . .60 E. 16.3Total: 65.14 lbs. milk, yielding 2.734 lbs. commercialbutter fat, 24 hours, 21.87. Lactation points, 9.2. Total.740.677butter. Pointspoints, 31.07....- ato al.^t' ... ,. -, . . ;.- ,.-. ;.. - * .. .L~ ~' 'IPs~~~98yL~i~~:'Li~gi~P+-~i~Lt~Li(k~L~~* -^

= 'rr° .: - -: : . ":'.:M. 19.4 .890 M. 17.14 '".725E. 18.0 1.150 E. 19.1 1.093Total: 71.3 lbs. milk, yielding 3.858 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 30.86. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 30.86.-- . . -- --- - w w-5-,(5). E. Burton's Oxford Noble Dot II.M. 15.12 .680 M. 15.9 .953E. 17.4 1.297 E. 14.0 .860Total: 62.9 lbs. milk, yielding 3.790 lbs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 30.32. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 30.32.(6). A. Pickle's Model of Blacklands.M. 15.2 .593 M. 14.6 .585E. 14.7 .657 E. 14.7 .637Totl: 58.6 Ibs. milk, yielding 2.472 Ibs. commercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 19.77. Lactation points, 9.3. Total points, 29.07.(7). M. Lawrence's 2nd of City View.M. 10.14 .455 M. 11.10 .472E. 9.5 .35i E. 10.6 .435Total: 42.3 lbs. milk, yielding 1.721 lbs. coiinmmercial butter. Pointsbutter fat, 24 hours, 13.76. Lactation points, nil. Total points, 13.76.COW, under 4 years, giving best butter fat result, and competingin <strong>the</strong> two previous sections, with allowance for lactation points in <strong>the</strong>last section. The points secured by <strong>the</strong> various e(,'mnpetitors were similarto those in <strong>the</strong> classes mentioned.R Mear's Tulip of Mordlein. Total points ................. .... 37.20R. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttereup. Total points .............. 34.25B. O'Connor's Bessie of Oakvalo. Total points ................ 31.077COW, yielding largest supply of milk in 4, hours.lbs. Milk Test lbs. Milk Test(1). Nestle * Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.'s Maggie III. of Nestles.M. 29.0 2.6 M. 29.14 8.0E. 32.12 3.6 E. 27.14 3.9Total: 119.8 lbs. milk.(2). B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hillvlew.M. 28.15 3.1 M *Jin *0B. 26.4 3.2 E. 27.7 3.9Total: 112.4 lbs. milk.(3). Livingstone Bros.' Young Duchess IV.M. 24.6 3.0 M. 26.6 3.7B. 20.1 4.0 E. 21.8 3.9T t***. * no• i 11 U .. ... I-., :: .#. l..S.

(4). 8. H. Hosking's Duchess of Hanover of Berry.28.428.4Total: 115.7 lbs. milk.(Above under standard)(5). P. Moore'sM.E.Lovely23.916.13Total: 82.13 lbs. milk.of Sunnyside.2.85.1(6). M. Lawrence's Princess of City View.M. 22.10 3.7 M.E. 19.11 4.2 E.Total: 82.5 lbs. milk.(7). M. Lawrence's Charmer II. of City View.M. 22.3 4.5 M.E. 19.5 6.4 E.Total: 75.8 lbs. milk.21.721. COMPETITION for COWS, 4 years old and over, averaging<strong>the</strong> greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours, for whichcmnipetition was conlucted in <strong>the</strong> second of <strong>the</strong> foregoing classes.AuPiT.knl' Rlo\a'l -th .fHlul,,lnnla nnd 58 liu olnnmmiprial huttArM. Lawrence's ( harmer II. of City View .. 4.916 lbs. commercial butter.Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.'sMaggie III. of Nestles ................ lbs. commercial butter.ROYAL NATIONAL CHAMPION BUTTER FAT TEST, for Cow(any breeding), averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest yield of butter fat for 48 hours(under tile Babcock lest), and which has been <strong>the</strong> property of <strong>the</strong> exhibitorthree months before <strong>the</strong> entry. Special prize of £25, and a Cashprize of £2/2/- to <strong>the</strong> winner, presented by <strong>the</strong> Brisbane Newspaper Co.,Ltd.*'M. Lawrence's Charmer II. of City View (I.M.S.)lb. Milk Com. Butter lb. Milk Com. ButterM. 22.3 1. o'0 M. 16.5 .978E. 19.5 1.451 E. 17.11 1.307Total: 75.S Ibs. milk, yielding 4.916 lbs. commercial butter. Points,butter fat, 24 hours, :9.32. Lactation points, 10. Total points, 49.32.Winner, 1920.-B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorn (Illawarra):121.8 lbs. milk, yielding 6. 76 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points,nil. *:

Home Milking CompetitionsCOWS or HEIFERS, in all competitions, averaging <strong>the</strong> greatestdaily yield of butter fat for 48 hours, under Babcock test, milk to containon an average not less than 3 per cent. of butter fat.(E). LivingstoneM. 31E. 234Total: 1094AYRSHIRES.(1). J. N. O. Ander son's Jeanette R. 3rd of Invercauld.lbs. Milk Test Com. Butter lbs. Milk TiestCom. ButterM. 26 3.8 1.16 M. 244 5.2 1.49E. 25A 4.2 1.25 E. 254 3.6 1.07Total: 1014 lbs. milk, yielding 4.97 lbs. commercial biutterr.Bros.' Young Duchess 4th.3.0 1.08 M.4.0 1.09 E.lbs. milk, violdling 4.35 lbs.(1). T. Mullen's Lady Lass 3rd.M. 21 4.8 1.18E. 20 5.2 " 1.22JERSEYS.3025commercialM. 20 5.2E. 24 5.0Total: 85 lbs. milk, yielding 5.04 lbs. commercial butter.(2). T. Mullen's Aldans Rosit.lbs. Milk Test Comn. ButterM. 20 5.8 1.385E. 21 4.5 1.11Total: 84 hlbs. milk, yielding 4.9903.0 1.043.9 1.14butter.lbs. Milk Test Comn. Butter22i 5.4 1.41521 -. 4 1.08commercial butter.(1). B. O'Connor'sM. 37.5E. 30.0Total: 134 lbs.ILLAWARRBAMILKING SHORTHORNS.Charm of Glenthorne.4.35 1.91 M.5.3 1.87 E.milk, yielding 7.56 lbs.(2). M. Lawrence's Charmer 2ndE. 28 3.6 1.19M. 304 3.0 1.055N. 32 4.0 1.S .Total: 177 lbs milk, yielding36.530.0commercialof City View.E. 26M. 304N. 297.485 lbs. commercial4.45.2butter. P. P.M.E.Total:(8). P. P.M.E.Total:Falt's Oaklea31 4.230 5.0122 lbs. milk,FRIESIANS.Noreen.1.531.77yielding 7.103031commercialFalt's Dairymaid.31 3.6 1.30 M. 3329 3.8 1.29 E. 29122 lbs. milk, yielding 5.53 lbs. commercial5.65.0butter.4.04.1butter.1,98M1.821.541.40

- C-.~u~- r~i~Bnsllramr~pkr~iurwr~zll; ~-~n~ -:~rJ~-;p;- 7 ~'_ I~;r;_7~!................... i--,'**\ , ' : ' - *-- -**. '-r - L~_Y.-* * '' .(3). G. Newman'sM. 33E. 27Total: 120 lbs.Colantha Queen Begla.3.4 1.3154.3 1.385milk vielding 5.355-* *" ^ - - -3226jcommercial3.54.3butter.1.321.335(4). Grindles, Ltd.'s Colantha Johanna Creamelle.M. 28 3.45 1.13 M. 31E. 32 3.00 1.11 E. 29Total: 120 lbs. milk, yielding 4.92 lbs. commercial butter.3.00 1.084.70 1.60A SPECIAL PRIZE, awarded to <strong>the</strong> Queensland Stud Book Cow orheifer, of <strong>the</strong> four breeds, in <strong>the</strong> Home Milking Competitions, giving <strong>the</strong>best butter fat results, was awarded to B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorne(Illawarra).CHAMPION BUTTER TEST.The Royal National Champion Butter Fat Test for a £25 specialprize, and a cash prize of £2/2/- yearly to <strong>the</strong> winner, presented by <strong>the</strong>Brisbane Newspaper Co., Ltd., creates considerable interest among,:airymen. The prize is given for <strong>the</strong> Cow or Heifer, of any breed,averaging <strong>the</strong> greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours, under <strong>the</strong>Babcock Test.This year, <strong>the</strong> prize was won by M. Lawrence's Illawarra MilkingShorthorn, Charmer 2nd of City View.Previous winners were:-19 1 2 , D. Dunn's Blossom 3rd.; 19138,MIntyre Bros.' Fancy; 1914, A. Pickles' Florrie of Blacklands; 1915,.C. Bloss's Canary; 1916, D. Dunn's Blossom 3rd.; 1917, Marquardt Bros.'Champion; 1918, H. Benbow's Joyce; 1919, no show held; 1920, B.O'Connor'a Charm of Glenthorne.

1List of Prize Donors<strong>1921</strong> Show.£ s. t1.B.la Excellency TheGovernor..CypAustralian Meat iExport* 1 .o Cupsnaland furl nC':,b. 00 0 0I1 rtment :, Jamesof Defence 60 0 050 0 0KI k (Aust.), Ltd. 29 4 0£: emaine Brewery &q~j., u. & Co.26 5 0iDrLbane Newspaper Coy.,S a ,E. J. .. .. ..Australian HerefordSociety (Trophies)Q'land United LicensedVictuallers' AssociationS4renerry H. S..Cfrodribb Mrs.ewart &t Sons, Ltd., Alex.o'I cWhirters, Ltd.trt & Co., Ltd.& 8Ian Stark, Ltd.I sbane Tramways Coy.,Ltd.bane Newspaper Coy.,Ltd. .. .. ..1nney Isles & Co., Ltd.,Caldwells Wines. Ltd.$'enwick & Co.;Mammetein Pty., Ltd.erry, Henry & Co., Ltd.irautralian Hardware Coy.(trophy)ratrallan Mercantile Land~4a~ lietW4f'orSFinane Co., Ltd.Irut, T. C. & Co., Ltd,me, E. U.pblJas. & Sons. Ltd.Shig. Archbishop..rrest, Lang & Roper, Richard, Junr.rn. Anthony & Sonsord Hord Book SocietyEtnlandPfeggitta, Ltd.foreuall, C. E.F,-i~reheds,Ltd.John & tonsGeorge (Cup)Revie," Sydneys. Johnm H.11ey, Mrs. (Lennons HI.)Ich & Coy., Ltd., E.3algety & Coy., Ltd.Utton, J. C. Pty., Ltd..aer Sewing Machine, Co.(trophy)plhane Daily 1lrAil(trophy)nd Loan & M.A.i.Q'land Fruit-Agrociation]g. & Coy.25 0 025 0 024 3 022 0 020 0 020 0 020 0 017 17 015 15 015 15 015 15 1115 15 015 15 012 12 012 12 012 12 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 'I10 10 010 10 010 10 0)10 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 010 10 0S808 8 010 880 0 0S 770 6 0770660660660Au .ralian Bank of Comnerce,Ltd.Autralian Estates & M.('oy., Ltd . . .Bcd, R. A.Brown. Thomas & Sons,Ltd.Rank of AustralasiaIHank of New South WalesHrodribb, F. K. .Bank of Queenaland, Ltd.Baynes. Ltd.Bell, E. T. .. .Hrish ba ;as Coy. .Chapmnns, Ltd. (trophy)Collins, Mrs. W..Cotton, A. J.Collins, John & SonCommercial Banking Co.of SydneyCribb & FooteEnglish, Scottish &Australian Bank, Ltd...Fn rmers' Co-op. DistributinrCoy. of Q'ld., Ltd.l'nrmers' Publishing Co.Ltd. (Farmers' Gazette)Fox, Matt. .Coldeborough, Mort & Co..Ltd.Hart. J. H.-lardy Bros., Ltd...Hill, Mrs. LlumleyHoftnung, S. & Coy., Ltd.Iowes ros. &r Coy., Ltd.Laeour Daily NewspaperCoy., Ltd.Mactaggarit Bros.Midson, ArthurMlore, MIrs. I.Murray, C. F. .Murray, D. & W., Ltd.McDonnell & East, Ltd...McConnelp& Kirk .National Bank of AustraliaLtd.Nestle & Anglo-Swiss C.M.Coy.t~veells, Ltd..Ierett Bros.Queensland Heekeprs'Association (Trophy)Queensland Meat ExportCoy., Ltd.Queensland National BankLtd.Q'land Primary Producer.Co-operative Agency,Ltd., BrisbaneRyan, M.Steele, EdwardStorie. J., Junr. (trophy)Surgical Supplies, Ltd.(trophy)Seppelt, B. & Sons, Ltd..."Sydney Daily Teelgraph"4 8. d.5505 5 055065055050550550550550505 .5 0550550550550550550550 6 0,5 5 II550655 5 05 5 0.550550 5 5 U5505505505505 55506505505 5 ')650550550550560550

td1-iPiLISO'P PRIZE DONORS-continued.Telegraph Newspaper Coy.,Ltd.Thornhill Pastoral Coy..Tindal & SonUnion Bank ot Australia,Ltd.Walker & Hall (trophy)Wills, George & Coy.Williamson, J. C., Ltd.Williams, Sidney & Coy.Wills, W. D. & H. O..(Australia), Ltd.Winchcombe, Carson, Ltd.Bottomley, J. P. & Coy.Falt, i'. P.Bushey, C. W.Ross, R. P.Stock & Station JournalCity & Suburban ParcelDeliveryCommercial Bank of Australia,Ltd.Foggitt, Jones & Coy.Poley Bros.Hobsol) Motor SalesLaycock, Littledike & Coy.New Zealan d InsuranceCoy.Rural Industries, LAdSturmfels, Ltd. (trophy)Spencer, A. .Wildrnaii. A. 0.Bayard & Co.Bell, V. DouglasBriggs, J. & Sons ( trophy)Chicago Jewellry Coy.Clark. G. C.Day, VictorElliott Bros., Ltd...Gallagher, M. J.Ham, IsaacHaynes, C.Lysaght, John (Au..), Ltd.McGregor, Robt. & Co.Tissen. F. W.Paxton, A. ..Queensland (Grazier andWool Prodiuce JournalIthoades & Coy. .Story & RamsaySymes, P. .1.Stewart Dawson & Coy.(trophy) ..Watson, B. U.Brisbane, W. P.Logan, D. D.Taylor, Dr. W. F...Flall, F. R. . . . ..Gordon & Cotch (trophy)Donaldson, Archbishop ..Fdwarids, Dunlop & Coy,Itd. . . .Exchange Printing Coy.Finlayson, W. F.Fresh Food & Ice Coy. ..Green, J. . .Hardgrave, Mrs. J.Jackson, J. & Coy. Ltd.Joyce Bios.Kennedy, A.. .Lissner Mrs. E. (AlbertIHotel)Cowell, Sidney 0. (McGuffle& Co.)Morcoms, Ltd.McCook Bros.McLeod, A. (trophy)Roberts, Mrs. (BritishEmpire Hotel)Thomas, Mrs. LewisWorker Newspaper Co.Ltd.Judges' Asoooiatio" ofQueensland . . 2a. d2 02 02 022222 22 22 02 02 01 11151 11111111111101101 10110trophtesr:

...... . :.. .... ,... i . : , . ;i% . -..~-klu r :.u ~. W. Ilull ~.-. ~ui ..r.. np-r U y : .1: Yi rll-~--~r-~ ~ iLIFE MEMBERS.Lne., Thos. H., Box 881 G.P.O., Bris-, W. James, National Mutual Lifehaociation, Queen Street.rk, W. J., Grasmere, Petrie.kws. B., Markets, Roma Street.', R. S., Gracemere, Rockhampton.Id, R. - J., Brisbane Milling Coy.,Sth Brisbane.(, F. J., C/o Win. Adams & Coy., Ltd.,ward & Mai y Streets.i' Mrs. C. A., Melbourne.ir, J. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy.,Ld., Countess Street., Enoch, 237 Brunswick Street,Alley.a R., Banks Ltd., Grey Street, SB.g, Chas. Edward, Canning Downs,rarwick.)tt, H. Wallace, "Knowehead," Vic-Wria Point.)tt, S. Wallace, "C.'esseley," kiolwayerrace, Chelmer.Ias, Ernest, Brisbane.1e, Robert, Kenilworth Station, Eu-Lundi.ir, M., Jnr., Park Avenue, East BrisILne.z, Thomas, Garfleld, via Jericho.ndorff, C., Bunjurgen, via Boonah.e, Hon. T. C., M.L.C., Brunswick St.,alley.E. T., M.L.A., Coochin Coochin,oonah.Robert A., Transcontinental Hotel,orge Street.min, David, Creek Street.P. T., Henry Berry & Coy., Ltd.,I8 Collins Street, Melbourne.I,J. E., Perkins & Coy., Ltd., Mary St.bey, H. V., Boundary Street, West Endp, Wallace, 123 Adelaide Street.utock, S., Northampton Downs,dackall, Walter J., Albert Street, Southrisbane.* C. H., Brisbane Newspaper Coy.,ta.. Queen Street.iLbb, F. K., "Kurrowah," Gladstonecad, South Brisbane.es, H., Glentanner, Dalveen., Mrs. b. L.. 202 Jowen Terrace ,*sw Farm., John Junr., 202 Bowen Terrace,*w Farm.Ilg, G. E., CoJrciame Union elbombers, Eagle Street.~,Arthu t, Ho,. 430 ( 1l'. U.Isi, R., Nanng.ow South Wales.i, 'N. T., Deewatec New england,ron. Donaldl C.. c'nr. Anni and lIi uns-Icl( Streets, Valley.bell, Vctor~ F. .., James CampbellSonts, Ltd., C~eek Street.IL 1. S ., Brunswick Street, Newvmn.Carr, D. R. A., Longpocket Road, Indooroopilly.Carr, J. E., Longreach Building, NorthQuay.Carr, W. D., Longreach Building, NorthQuay.Carr, W. T. H., Longpocket Road, Indooroopilly.Carrington, Chas., Diamantina Hospital,Cornwall Street, South Brisbane.Carseldine, A. W., Bald Hills.Chapman, Ebenezer, Montpelier Street.Wilston.Charles, A. i., Wariington, Inglewood.Charlton, F. B.. Charlton, Elliott and Sons,Queen Street.Clark, A. E., Kerr Street, Toowong.clnrk. J. H . Kerr Street. Toowong.Conino, T. S., Turbot Street.Corrie, IDouglas M., 143 Pitt Street, Sydney.Corrigan. 13. V., Abbotsford Road, BowenHills.Cor*, G. 0., Toowoomba.Cotton, A. .1., Ilidlen Vale, Grandchester.Couldery, W. H., "Walingham," ElizabethBay, Sydney.Cowley, Sir A. S.. "Silky Oaks," Toowong('cwlishaw, lon. J., M.l.C., Bowen HillsCranley, J. P., c/o Allen and Sons, Ltd,Albert Street.Cribb, H. S., Ipswich.Davies, MI. D., iavies and Waitlrop,, ExtotiHouse, Queen Street.Davies, J. P., Boundary Street, West End1Delaney,. J. T., Delaney's Hotel, SouthBrisbane.Deittle, F. W., New Zealand Loan & M. ACoy. Ltd., Eagle Street.)elprat t, J. II.. Ta mbourine House,Brom fleet.Demnack, W. H.. "Campsie." iulimba StBlulimba.1.evoy, J. N., Quinlan Gray & Coy., Ltd..Adelaide Street.Doughty, Ilector It., Ioughty and Gravson,'Courier" Buildings.IDoyle, M. W., Maogill.Duncalfe, Thos., George Street.IElliott, 4.. .1., (ha'ln ton, Elliott andl Sons,Queen Street.Elliott, E. H., Elliott Bros. Ltd., Eagle St'auset T. F., Eagle Street.Ferguson, James, Queen Street.Ferguson, R. 0., /o Wni. Brookes andCoy. (Qi.), Ltl., Vlley.Fiellri, 0. A., .cWiiitet.A, Ltd., VarlidFnlayson, M. HI., (.'arltonl Terrnce. ManrlyFinlayson, . ., 62 Queen Steet.bi' uc~'an. I'., Ma iket St eet.I'let<strong>the</strong>r,, i). Seri., Eurella, S. &r X. RailFletcher, '., ECuella, S. & X. Raiaiary~'For~ter, 0. C:. D, E~S~cA., Ltd., EdwrdStreet.iorster Misa D. M., Su<strong>the</strong>rland Avenue.Ascot.Fortescue. lI., 'Iand Brewery Ltd.,Petries Bight

gr~~~~~~ -. *naPus-.~~l.; ^''**' " /^.57aLIFE MEMBERS continued.Forth, E. E., c/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd.,Roma Street.Fox, George, Yeronga.Frankel, Philip, 114 Edward Street.Fraser, D. M., Mundoolun, Beaudesert.Galley, Richard, Courier Buildings, QueenStreet.Galley, Richard Junr., Courier Buildings.Queen Street.Gallagher, Michael Joseph, Kedron.Gibson, John, "Braeside," Bowen Terrace.Gnauck, F. H., 371 George Street.Gordon, Andrew M., 44 Stanley StreetWest, South Brisbane.Gorrie, A., Ermington Park, Ermington.New South Wales.Gould, S. G., Hooper & Harrison, ElizabethStreet.Gray, Hon. G. W., M.L.C., Quinlan Gray& Coy., Ltd., Adelaide Street.irayson, John James, Doughty and Grayson,"Courier" Building.'Greaves, (eo. A., "Woodneuk," Mudgeeraba,S.C.L.Gunn, Donald. Boolarnel Station, Goondlwindi.Hall, Graham, 27 Gladstone Road, S.B.Hall, Thos., 27 Gladstone Road, S.B.Hardgraye, Philip, Wellington Point.Hart, B., c/o F. M. Hart & Co., Wharf St.[larte, A. E., London Bank Chambers,Queen Street.larvey, James P.. c/o Harvey and Son,Margaret Street.layes, J. A., Par k l'aradelo. Sandgate.layes, Owen, Melbourne Street, SouthBrisbane.lemming, H. B., Harding Chambers,a Adelaide Street..iewitt, Geo., 346 Queen Street.(ill, Mrs. E. Lumley, Bellevue House,Bellevue.1ill, Robert S., "Warwickshire," CavendishRoad, Coorparoo.Iiron, John, Holland Street, Toowong.Follis, W.,looper, George, Wylie Street, Graceville.ving, J. Washington, M.lt.C.V.S.L., AnnStreet.ickson, George E., Robert Jackson. Ltd.,Eagle Street.tckson, James T., Robert Jackson, Ltd.,Eagle Street.ensen, Vic., Queen Street.,well, J. A., "L'Ecriu," Villa Street, Annerley,South Brisbane.,hnson, G. E. (Junr.), c/o Johnson andSons, Queen Street.,,hnston, James, Canada Cycle & MotorAgency Ltd., Creek Street.',hnston, W., Markets, Turbot Street.liliffe, E. A., Oxford Street, Bulimba.'nes, D. O. S., Teebar, Broweena.>nes, Wm. H., Dornoch Terrace, S.B',t, J. P., Jostvale, Oakey.oyce, Robert, c/o J. Wildridge and SinclairLtd., Elizabeth Street.eating, George F., Warry Street, Valley..nng, John, Kedron.King, W. Myers, King and King, LQueen Street.Kingsbury, J. J., Robert Street, TooweKirkpatrick, Thos., c/o Owen Gardner WSons, Melbourne Street, S.B.Klaassen, C. M., "Sedgmoor," Queen'sHamilton.Klaassen, C. E. B., "Sedgmoor," Que*Road, Hamilton.Klaassen, James, "Sedgmoor," Queen's ItHamilton.Klaassen, J. B., "Sedgmoor," Queen's ReHamilton.Klaassen, S. D., "Sedgmoor," Queen's RMHamilton.Knowles, S., Gem Merchant, 184 Queen: IKnox, David, Gympie Road, Kedron.Ladewig, A., c/o Hoffnungs Ltd., Cmlotte Street.Ladewig, Ernest, "Timaro," Old SandgRoad, Eagle Junction.Laidlaw, H. F., Grey Street, Sth. BrisbalLane, Dr. Morgan, Union Trustee ChamblQueen Street.Lees, Gilbert, Thos. Borthwick & S*oLtd., Wharf Street.Lethbridge, G. F., Forest Vale, MitchelLomax, Arthur R., Yandilla.

LIFE MEMBERS-- continued.i~od, A., Elizbeth Street.~ aAlex R., 171 Queen Street.aD. W., Fenwick &t Coy., Edwardlreet.&eod, J. J. W., Fenwrick &r Coy., EdlwardStreet.Keod, Scott, Ter~ica Station, Inglewood.iRen, F. W., 204 Queen Street.beH. (., Eagle Street.ie, Arthur T., Alexandra Roadl. Clayfield.;rchs, C. T., v~io Johin Cooke & Co.,Ltd.,. 111 Eatgle? St~eet.Rellly, Harry, 93 Margaret Stret.~ey, E. Griffith, 364-6 Queen Stiet.;k, R. C., 4~ Queenl Stet.ier, Harry, Corongin Station, Quipie.mfly, J. C., Realty i~evelolnenit C:o..329 Queen St~eet.Iry, G. H., Albert Street.tkworth, C. R.. Sner Sewing MahineCay., Queen Street.ulson, X. C., 14-18 Queenl Steet.itt, Thos., Fruit Exuchnge, Tur~ot Stme, R., Roma Street.rtsay, E. L., Hauchoy, imblliratnl, Via\Toowoomba.id, Mrs. John, C/o J. . Huttoni Ppty:Ltd., Rdta St~eet.KbY, . A., South Britishl InsuranceCay., Queen Steet.,brts. H. ,sle, L~ove illd~s. AdlieStreet.b~erts. T. A.. Nestles & Anlo-w iss.Cond. Milk Coy., Anin St~eet.berton, H.. "'Harlwyn2'" Abbott teet,New Farm.gbertaol, W.. Robe~tsonl &i ClomptonLtd., City Bulings.an. A. N.. Wride Street. WVooloown.ti i, J., extonl Street, Southi Brisbane..S M., C/a Australian Estates & M.,y.. Ltd.. Creek Street.F. W.. George Wills & Coy.. Ltd..arf Street.A. H., Parsons Bras. ('o. Ltd., 9.5abeth_ Street._vgBreP W. . Union anit ~nmoers,Quen Etret.Sep~elt, . . Seipelt &i Coy.. Ltd., F~ngi.Street.Shaon. .1. I :. ( )xfoi'd Downs, Nd,,'Mackay.Sipson, G~eor~e s.. S.toehenge. 'r.'.(iNor<strong>the</strong>rn Mil, Now South \Vlc.South, F. L,., Kodlak (ut.) . Ltd., Queen StSpa aKes, Jane, Lyndle\. Ilby.Step~hes, Hon. W.. ML (.'., 'Wlheim.Ii)5wich Rotl, A irley.Ste~en, .1.. (/o WF. it. Scott, Queen StreetStevens, H-on. E~.M,~.l..C'., Southport.Stewrt, ~. IL, Alexandecr Stewlrt &~ Son .Lt.. Qlueeni Street.Stewart, A. ., Bld Hills.Stewart, John K., Aleaner Stewart .Sons, Ltd., Queen St~eet.Talor, J., Clifford Houe, Toowoomba.Taylo, Capt. . S., Eagile St~eet.Talor, T. McI., Moreheads Ltd., Mary StThelander, D . C. A... 1Wl Wickham Terace~'lheodor~e. IIoi. E. (:., I 'a lianent HoustTimsu, D. XV., Strathpine.Timtls, 'IV, 1), Strat~id;.Truitcy, Win.l J, Joycre. fie, ld., Stanle.Stret, South BisbanO..Wtson1, (I. W . Tndaata. liu u#nyaWatson, Richard (., Inns of ('nu~t,Adelaide Street.Wester, F. 1I., aryl st~ei.Weedon, Wanr.I. "I nisfa~l, W icl hamlTei'rce.White, John, CaRricks Ltdl . saul StreetWhitti~ham, Hon. A.ii . ~Myfleii.Han ilto i.Willims, .Tohtt, Itilway~ Traffic O)ffice,Roma Street.Wilson, Harold H., t;andah.Withaml, W. L., Ruse Street, Anneiliey.Woodhead, C'., Junr., c rye LtrdAdelaide Street.Young, D)olasR, CressbrIook Street, 'Jougoolaw ah.Young, J. E., "'Moionga,"' Bank Roadl,Gfracevle.

~ggC -~-- ---- """"--""1F ^ .~~s~"-- -**]' -:i69ANNUAL MEMBERS,<strong>1921</strong>.\bel, W., Ravensworth, Widgee, Woolooga. Anderson, Alexander , Junction Road, C\bell, E. G., 187 Queen Street.field.,.bell, E. H., Chief Secretary's Office, Anderson, Dr. A. Gerard, Windsor RGeorge Street.Red Hill.\berorombie, Jack, Crown Hotel, Rocklea. Anderson, Chas., Junir., William Street,.bercrombie, W. W. Commercial Bank of Gregory TerraceSydney, Queen Street. Anderson, D. W. L., 343 Queen Street.berdeen, M. C., 79 Gladstone Rd., South Anderson, F. J., "ICynnersley,"JunoBrisbane.Road, Clayfleld.braham, T. C., Rothwell's Ltd., Edward Anderson, James, "Elagot Ville," WelliStreet.ton Street, Woo loowin.dams, J. H., Brunswick Street, Valley. Anderson, John H., Fairview, Southbr.dams. S. T., "Coolabine," Eumundi. Anderson, V., Gordc>n St., Coorparoo.damson, J., "Spinny Moor," Dora Street, Anderson, W. S., Jn o. Mills' Bldgs., CAHendra.lotte Street.ddil, D., Roma Street. Andonara, A., Olymp ic Cafe, Queen Strddison, G. H. M., Kodak Buildings,. Queen Andrews, A. J., 155 Fortescue St., SprStreet.Hill.die, G., Childers.Andrew, F. W., Sydrdsett, B. J. J., Annerley Road, Annerley. Anrew Sm ey Street, New Fiken, A. G., Custom House.Andrews, Samuel,J nr., Ashgrove, Tkers, R. A., Woodside, Charleville. budgera.Icock, H., Professor, University of Andri,'"s, T. R. L., Andrews St., CanQueensland.Hill.lier, E. H., Old Sandgate Rd., Albion. Angas, C. H., Colling rove, Angaston, SolaAustralia.Ider, John, Commissioner's Office, Rail- Anning, Eric W., Ltincaster Rd., Asaot.Tway Department. George Street.lier, J. A., "Alton," St. Lucia Road, Anning, J. M., C/o Aiustralian Estates &Toowong.Coy.. Ltd., Creelk Street.Ider, O. E., Old Sandgate Road, Albion Appel, Hon. G. J., "SSea Glint," Elston, rexander, Allan, Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Southport.Elizabeth Street.Archdall, M. H., Lo\ ver Bowen Terrace, "exander. R. A., Fruit Exchange, Turbot New Farm.Street.Archer, Allister, Arc her Bros., GracemelIford, John, C/o G. Curr, Dundee, N.S.W. Archer, C. V., c/o Stiate Stations, Brisbailan, D. N., Q'land Primary Producers Archer, John, Torsdale, Gladstone.Co-op. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Archer, J. W., Mt. 1iorlah, Kilcoy.!an, James, Allan & Stark, Ltd., Queen Archer, L., Lutwychia Rd., Lutwyche. ,Street.Archer, W., Lutwyc he Rd., Lutwyche.ian, Dr. R., Marshall, Wickham Terrace. Archibald, G. M., B3risbane Milling CO~jSen A. E., Corner Eagle & Mary Streets. South Brisbane.len, C. A., C/o E. F. Broad,Ltd., 41 Archibald, James, Siindgate Road, Alblo,Edward Street. Archibald, J. E., M£ Lryborough.i'n, James D., Allendale, Morven. Arkell, James C., "N yoola," Alderley.ien, Joseph, Markets, Turbot Street. Arkell, W., Markets, Turbot Street.en, R. J., Gray's Road, Hamilton. Armstrong, J., Race View, Charlevill. .''n, T. M., F. Crago & Sons, Ltd., Armstrong, Miss Ka te, Disputed Plains, -67 Elizabeth Street. Lismore, N.S.W.'>n, Walter, CHatsworth, Gympie. Armstrong, Miss M., Disputed Plains,lnun, D. F., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Lismore, N.S.W.-' man, J. Jnr., Guy Street, Warwick. Armstrong, W. A., E agle Chambers, Eag,o im, H. G., c/o Home Recreations Ltd., Street.Quen Street. Armstrong, W. D., "Adare," Gatton.A om, L. H., 26 Preston House, Queen St. Arnold, W. E. N., To, ohey Street, oft LogaA port, R. K., Sayers Allport Propty., Ltd., Road, South Briisbane.55 Macquarie Street. Sydney. Arnold, W. H., Rail' way Dept, GeorgeA e, J., C/o Wunderlich, Ltd., Amelia Arthur, J., Braeside , Barcaldine.Street, Valley.Arthy, C.. Kent's B1oe, L. G., Rees Avenue, Coorparoo. Ash, F. W., Commo ldgs., Adelaide Stre\ Sop, W. G., "Hlllcroft," Dornoch Terrace Adelaide Street.nwealth Building,tlghgate Hill.Ash, H., C/o Samuel. ,s, Norman, Dublin Street, Clayfleld. Street. Allen & Sons, AlbfiS',s. O. L., "Sydenham," Wickham Ter. Ash, J. B., Adelaide Street.lerson, A., Oriental Hotel, Albert St. Ashburn, J. M., Ne, w Sandgate Road, *A lerson, A. B., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Clayfleld.Ltd., Roma Street.Ashby, A. P., Savoy Utral Inam. -a . 1%*

e0.ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.. 0., 80 Wickham St., Valley.James, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd.,Eiorge Street.lth, Herbert, C/o Moreheads, Ltd.,ry Street.y B., "Le Roy," Racecourse Road,J. L., Tattersall's Club, Adelaide St.SAlfred, Moorooka, South Coast Line.tn, . H., Miva Station, Miva.. T., Brisbane Scale Works, Southisbane.jW. H., Walnut St., Wynnum South., C;, "Claira," Chatsworth Road,renslopes., E., Brunswick Street, Valley.n, G. F. H., Richmond River Timbery., South Brisbane.n, H. W., Fitzroy Chambers,elalde Street., A. R., Avoca, Linville.~w, G. A., Clayfield.,, G. E., Arrababy. Moore.iaw. W H.. H-Iihwood. Kilcov.sen, J. N., Morris Street. Padding-UIrT T. T li Elwnh Hnv N.S.WH., Lamington Terrace, South5 ie.rt E., Brown Street, New Farm.y ard, Salopian Park, Oakey.bouse, W., Killarney South.1l, T. C., Canungra.By, C. E., C/o Chas. Willert, 454(dward Street., Chas. H., Scott's Road, Kelvin'-rove.y, J., Thomas Street, Red Hill.y, J.. W., 663 Stanley Street, SouthBriabane.ley, P. J., c/o Yeates Bros., Ltd., MargaretStreet, Toowoomba.ly, J. R. C., Builyan, via Gladstone.Air, A. T., Range Apiary, Ashgrove.Mr, E. S., Logan Road, South Brisbane.r, Archie, Laura, Bundarra, N.S.W.r, Percy N., "Kooyong," Adelaide St.,layfleld.Nr, R. A., Tongy Station, Mitchell.Ir, R., Caboolture.wln, Maurice, Q'land Turf Club, Creek(treet.= A. W., 55 Adelaide Street.Henry, Rosebank, Many Peaks.a H. B., Merivale Street, S. Brisbane.J. E., Rosebank, Many Peaks.er, A. S., Sandy Creek, Bromelton.k, J. F., Blackall., W. E., Hipwood Road, Toorakill Hamilton.John, Clinton Vineyards. oominya.T. -M., C/o Brabant & Co.,rlotte Street., James, I.S.O., Glenken, Biarra,, James Junr., Glenken, Blarra,G, G. H., 225 Albert Street.SJ, W., "Cornholme," Sixth Avenue,Windsor.3dy, Henry, Stone's Corner, CoorrFoo.Barlow, A. C., John Cooke & Coy., 111Eagle Street.Barlow, T., Oxford Street, Bulinrrba.Barltrop, Wm. H., Jackson St., Hamilton.Barnes, F. J. T., Massey Street, Hamilton.Barnes, F. J. W., Roma Street.Barnes, H., E.S. and A. Bank, Kin Kin.Barnes, John H. S., Canning Downs,Warwick.Barnes, Hon. W. H., Roma Street.Barnes, W. J., Cedar Grove, BeaudesertLine.Barnes, Walter Thomas, 154 Edward St.Barnett, E. J., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd.,Blackall.Barnett, F. G., Maynard Street, Woolloongabba.Barnett, J. G., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty.,Ltd., Roma Street.Barnsley, F., "Euroa," Woniora Road,Hurstville, Sydney.Barron, A. C., Ilowes Bros. & Coy., RomaStreet.Barren, J., "Wyalla," Kedron.Barron, P. R., State School, Beerburrum.Barrow, C. W., 99-101 Wharf Street.Barry, John A., Union Street, Nundah.Barry, James, 375 George Street.Barry, M. J., Clarence Hotel, S.B.Barry, T. T., 556 Petrie's Bight.Barstow, C. B., 142 Charlotte Street.Barstow, E., Highgate Hill, South BrisbannBarter, George, Merivale Street, SouthBrisbane.Bartlett, G. A., Latrohe Terrace,Paddington.Barton, E. J. T., 25 Town Hall Chambers,Queen Street.Barton, R. G., Toweranii Station, LowmeadBashford, Henry, Bazaar Street, Maryborough,Bassett, S. S., Romaville Vineyards, Roma.Bassingthwaig<strong>the</strong>, Charles O., Niagara,via Bell.Bassingthwaighte, E., Jinghi Jinghi,Jondowae.Bassingthwaighte, E., Diamondy,Jondowae.Bassingthwaighte, George E., Rosevale,Jondowae.Bassingthwaighte, H. V.. Diamondy,Jondowae.Bassingthwaighte, Muir, Jinghi Jinghi,Jondowae.Bates, W. A. A., Ferinleigh, Lakeside.Batt, W. T., Norman Street, Wooloowin.Ba<strong>the</strong>, George, Bristol Street, West EndBauer, T. F., C/o Mulcahy's Garage, GothaStreet, Valley.Baulch, A. W., Bald Hills.Baulch, Chas., Kullee, via Laidley.Baulch, John, Lake Clarendon, GattonBaxter, R., Australian Estates & M. Coy.Creek Street.Bayard, G. A., Melbourne Street, SouthBrisbane.Baynes, Arthur, Adelaide Street.Baynes, W. S., C/o Moreheads, Ltd., MaryStreet.-

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.p k. Mrs. T., Marsden Street, Clayfleld.e, G, O. L., Treasury Dept., Queen Street.eimish, T. R., Beamish & Taylor, Campbell'sBldg., Creek Street.e: rd, E. J., 10 New Zealand Chambers,Queen Street.e; rdmore, E. R., Dalgety's Buildings,Elizabeth Street.e 'up, James, Winifred & Drane Streets.c.layfleld.eiley, A. H., Campbell's Building,('reek Street.e i ley, E. R., Wllston Road, Newmarket.e, ley, R. H., Wilston Road, Newmarket.e,. ley, Thos., Warwick.e; h, J. H., 52 Queen Street.e tie, D., Kenilworth, Eumundi.e tie, Miss E. I., Girls' School, Warwick.e. tie, J. A., Gisborne Park, Gisborne,Victoria.e ,er, James R., Dunbarton, Taroom..er, M., Queen Street.re .er, W. J., Coorado Station, Taroom.(. :mann, W., Mulgowie, via Ladley..aood, o E. J., Isaac Street. Paddington.1B ie, E. B., c/o Maryborough Co-op.D'airy Coy. Ltd., Maryborough.S:e. W. W., Mundubbera.,. .y, J. G., Marston, Wondai.',; e, F., Racecourse Road, Ascot.* :s,. Jonah, Q'land Machinery Coy.,tlbert Street.:r. F. R., Bank of New South Wales,Valley.'*,in, R. J., Old Sandgate Road, Albion.A., Ann Street, Valley.A. F., c/o Agricultural Chemist,William Street.A. G., Light Street. Bowen Hills.'e E. Austin, London Bank Chambers,Creek Street.,' Major B. C., Coochin Coochin, Boonaht . Miss E. G., Coochin Coochin, Boonaih.F. H. H., c/o Bank of Queensland,tlueen Street.!,' F. M., Camboon, Chinchilla.1 George, Tingoora.SJohn, Tinroor:t.a . John, Elizabeth Street.t, J. D., James Campbell & Sons, Ltd.,Creek Street.r Nrman M., !03 Adelal. Street.' . Peter, Str.ilhpine.B , Richard, Carthona, Emu Park, viaRockhampton.* , Roy M., Eskdale South, Esk.T. A., Gladstone Road, South Brisbanej. . V. Douglas, Coochin Coochin, Boonah.' , Mrs. Emille, Carthona, Emu Park,liockhampton.t William, Makerston Street.l i ! W. H., Inns of Court, Adelaide St., .rove, W. G., Barlow Street, Clayfleld.: 'iett, Alfred R., 151 Queen Street.Sett, F. J., Vulture Street, Sou'thBrisbane.Bl ett, a. T., Union Bank Chambers,Queen Street.B' nett, H., Cootharaba Road, via Gympie.Bson, H., Kandanga, via Gymple.' son, W. G., Butters & Benson, WickhamStreetBenson, W. Guy, Q'land Trustees, Ltd.,Eagle Street.Bent, Edmund, Mariemont Mallow, viaStanthorpe. .Bentley, R. H., South Coast Dairy Coy., "Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. .,Bere, H. S., Southport.Bergin, Basil, Toomoo, Hillside Crescent,Hamilton.Bergin, Hugh P., Albert Street.Berkman, G., "Marple," Park Road West,South Brisbane.Berry, A. E., Costin Street, Valley.Berry, P. B., Booth & Coy., Isles, Love aBuildings, Adelaide Street.Bertram, W., M.L.A., Parliament House,Brisbane.Besley, F., Besley & Pike, Alfred Street,, alley.Best, John, Jnr., Winifred Street, Clayfield.Betty, C. H., Russell Street, Toowoomba.Bevis, Albert, King Street, East Brisbane.Beynon, Walter, Inns of Court, Adelaide 'Street.Bick, E. W., Botanic Gardens, Brisbane.Bick, W. T., Bowen ]ridge Road.'Biddle, R. E., Yerongpilly, S. C. Line.Biddies, P., Home Park, Ne<strong>the</strong>rby, N. C. L.Biddulph, F. V., Balgie, Palmwoods,North Coast Line.Biggs, Henry, Exchange Hotel, EdwardStreet.Biggs, James S., Globe Hotel, Adelaide St.Biggs, T. W., Celtic Chambers, George St.Biggs, T., Eagle Street.Billington, R., Hamilton.Billington, W. H., Walmer, Warra.Birch. Ffed. "Musetta," Markwell Street,Auchenflower.Birch, James, Thomson Bros. & Birch, Ltd.,George Street.Bird, John, Pullen Vale, via Indooroopilly.Bird, Robt. S., 18 Wickham St., Valley.Birkbeck, (. H., James Street, Wooloowin.Birley, Arthur, London Bank Chambers,Creek Street.Birley, E. L., 224 Main Street, KangarooPoint.Biscoe, Robt., McLennan Street, Albion.N;issell, A. H. H., 95-97 Eagle Street.Black, A., Pajingo Station, ChartersTowers.Black, Hugh, Lytton Road, East Brisbane. ^Black, John, 121 Queen Street.Black, Robert, Courier Buildings, QueenStreet.Black, Sta<strong>the</strong>, Cafe Ithaca, Queen Street.Blrck, WV R., Union Hiana Chanuoers,Queen Street.Blackburne, G. V., Union Bank Chambers, .Queen Street.Blacklock, . H., c/o Ruston & HornebyLtd., 46S-472 Ann Street.Blacklock, Walter, Hendra.Blaiklock, H., Australian DisinfectantCoy., Rothwell's Chambers, Edward St.Blair, A. W. B., Shafston Avenue,Kangao o Point.Bland, C. I., Manly.Blank, C., Bowen Bridge Road.Blanshard, F. D., Swallow & Ariell, Ltd.. tAdelaide Street.Bligh, Arthur C. V., Condamine Plains,

*i.knITt?)$da., C/o Robert Reid & Coy.,I Street.. H., Queen Street.., "Wrotham," Junction Road,G Stanlev Hall Ascot11, P. A.,. Q'land Trustees Ltd..een Street.11, R. Piers, Swan Road, Taringa.A. G., Winton.gton, A., "Bayview," Wickhamrorrae.e*n, J. L., Rifle Range, Enoggera.on, Chas, Charlton Street, Ascot.gton, J. M., Custom House. Queen Street.pd, G. I., Australian Hardware Coy.,Queen Street.Sd, L. M., Perry Bros., Albert Street.nell, . J., Black Mt., Cooroy.$ney, N., D'Aguilar, Kilcoy Line.inor, Chapman. Lincoln Hills, Wilson'sDownsfalls, N.S.W.I~ker, Charles .. , Woolooga. Theebine.gker, Desmond, "Bertholme," Moray St.,New Farm.Dth, E. Bell, Brisbane Tramways Coy.,t.Ltd., Countess Street.ith, John, Ascot.~pth, W., Racecourse Road, Ascot.Mton, F., "Burrandowan," Jondowae,mton, M. W., Toowooma.khati, H. A., Brisbae Street, Il)*4wich.Jtwll ., Nor~man Prk'.~tt, Chas. F.. 71 Ann Street.~tt, Stanley C ., Bott Street, Ithc.ittornley. C. P'.. Coronella, Wara.IRMchard, A. C.. Howard t eet. Bayswfaterhchard, T. W.. Bouchard & Holland.& Queen Street.)ultbee. Bernard, r/o Flack & Flack, 334Queen Street.(witon, E. H., Ormiston, Cleveland Line.)wrke, Norman, Richmond. North Queens-, land._ _i-H., Birdwood Avenue, ('oorpnroo.J. F., Leichhardt Street. Valley.r, F., 105 Eagle Street.J., Sherwood.11Wm., "Lozngfeld," Mullumbimby,W.Ip.J ~.,C . * bt Huy, ura., larurly171V,-'KLoluse, agle Stman,D. J., Warnadale, Charleville.uman, F. J. M., Bendemere, Yeulba.in, W. A., c/o Kin Kin Co-op. Dairy., Kin Kin.n, W. R., 377 Queen Street.W. A., Manly.W. H., OCon~elltown Quarries,dsor.A. L. J. Autralian t., MercantileJ. &t F. Coy., Creek Street.rcW., G ernare, via Walrwik.wdA. 3., Cameron Stret, Wet End.Wm., Old Sandgate Road, Albion., John W., Agnes Street, Torwood., M. A., Thorn Street, 1pswich.Miss Mary, c/o Lady Philp, Toorong.EW., Alice Street, Windsor.son, C. J., Elderalle Station, Winton.er, A. E., Edgecumbe Texas.er, H.. Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street.er, Leslie, Cobba-da-manna.Bracker, W. R., Lasbrook, Cobba-d:manna.Bradburn, W. J., Allen Street, Hamilton.Bradbury, A. E., Hanson Terrace, NundaBradbury, F. W., Nundah.Bradfield, C. A., Villiers Street, New FarBradfleld, E. V., Villiers Street, New FartBradfteld, H. J., Villiers Street, New FartBradford, E. E., Bank of New South WaleFortitude Valley.Bradford, F. W., 146 Arthur Street, NeFarm.Bradley, Fredk., Bradley & HollanAdelaide Street.Bradley John, Jackson St., IndooroopillBradley, R.. Manuka Station, CorfielN.Q.Bradley, Wm., "Fairleigh," ConstitutiRoad, Windsor.Brady, A. 13., Departmnent of Public WorkGeorge Street.Brady, T., 464 Leichhardt Street, ValleBrake. Albert, Stanley Street. Southllrisha nn.Brake, W., Vulture Street, East Brisban.Brake. W. T. H., Lewis Street, off LogaRoad, South Blrisba tieBrandis, (1. H., Greshanm St., E. BrisbaniBrazier, Fied., )6 Vulture Street West,Sou tli lpi~ishane.Breedon, Mrs., /o X. A. Seppelt LttiEagle St~eet.Brenan, .1. O'N., immigration ftfice, Brhbane.Brennan, H. D.. King Street, ThompseEstate.Brennan, Wm., Croftby, Coochin.Brentnall, Hon. F. T., Coorparoo.Brett. B. C., E. S. & A. Bank Chambe'Eagle Street.Brett, J. F., E. . & A. Bank ChanbetEagle Street.Brewer, F.. Eudlo N. C. Line.Bridger. T. W., 359 Queen Street.Brigga, C. K., State School, Belmont.Briggs, F. W., Politic, Aramac.Briggs, Jos., Briggs & Son, 428 (JeorgStreet.Briggs, P. A., Edward Street.Bright, C. A., Bellevue Terrace Clay ficBroad, H. W., E. F. Broad, Ltd., 41-43Edlward Street.Broadlent, A., ronia Street.Brockhurst, S., Wooloowin.Brockway, Dr. A. B., "Thruns," Wicklia'Terrace.Brodie, D. F., Laguna, Auga<strong>the</strong>lla.Brodie, W. H., Union Bank Chambers,Creek Street.Brom field. Cha.. Namnbour.Bromiley, C. H., Mc regor Street, WilsatBrook, H.. Lakeide.Brookes, W., Hundaberg.Broom, A. M., Booyan, via Moorland, N.C.!Broom, Norman M., "Booyan," Moolaxrl.N.C.L.Brosnan, John, Kodak Buildings, QueenStreet.Brosnan, T. J., Holberton St., Toowoomnb.Brosnan, T. P., Royal Wine Cafe, QueeStreet.Bro<strong>the</strong>rtoni, H., Junction Road, ClayftelBrown, B. Percy, Jordan Terrace, BoweHills.

~4"-P~~P""~'"Y~e~~i~L~'~d~C~~rrown. B. R. S., Bank of Queensland,Valley.:rown, C., c/o Chas. W. Riley, 179 MaryStreet.rown, F. CG., MooroombiToogoolawah.i rown, George, Brown &Newstead.I rown, G. E., Brown's CNorth Coast Line.rown, G. H., Tamno)(.I rown, G. M., Taringa.' own, Horace A., Fourthown, H. R., Dalgety &Elizabeth Street.ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.Burgess, John, Canning Downs South;Warwick.Burgess, J., c/o Moreheads Ltd., MaryBurley, John Henry, 23f5 Queen Street.n, Box 28, Burnard, J. E., Bowen lridge Road..Broad, Ltd.,Burnett, E. G., Inverleigh Station, Nmanton. HBurnett, J. F., Normanhy Estate, Harreek, Narangba.ville.Burnett, R. J., A.M.E. Coy., Ltd., EagleBurrell, A. C., Itoma Street.Burrell, James, Anduramba, Crow's NAvenue, ilstn Burrell, W. R., Byrne Estate, Howen.Coy., Ltd.,Bridge Road.B1urt, B. G., Edward Street.I :own, J. W.. "Glenelg," Kilcoy.Burton, E., Wanora.I :own, M., Nudgee.B1urton, J. J., 197-9 Elizabeth Street.'own, Norwood, Austral ian Bank of Burton, R. E., "Hillside," Vulture StreCommerce, Queen Strerown, O'Harn, Gregory Flats, Gregory Burtt, East F., Brisbane. Outridge PrintingTerrace.Coy., Queenown, Robert, Buzacott & Coy. retries Busch, A. J., C/o Carricks Ltd., Saul StklIushellBight.A. XV., Alfred Street, Valley.own, R. S., Box 77. Ki ngaroy. Bushnell, W. N., Ideraway, Gayndah Li4own, T. 0., Thos. Brow*n & Sons, Ltd., Buss, George A., Bundaberg.Eagle Street.Buss, Horace, Oakwood, Bundaberg. ,:own, W., Jeay Street, 1Bowen Hills. Butler, F. W., Targinnie, Yarrum, N.0C' own, Wm. Barron, 37 IHill Street, Butler, G., Fanning River, RavenswoGregory Terrace.Junction. :;.owne, A. J., Durham Do wns, Roma. Butler, J., Beeston Street, Kingsholme.owne, F. A., Beaconsnlel d, Roma. Butler, P. J., Lancaster Road. Ascot.,iwne, Graham R., Dr., Preston House, Butler, W. Roy., Staghurst, Yimbuii.Queen Street.owne, H., Land Court of Queensland, Butson, Butt, Q.W.George Street.J.,B.,,Maroochydore,Gray Road, West End.via Yandlna.owne, J. A., Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide Butterfield, G. F., J. Kitchen & ocun. LtdiElizabethStreet.Street.owne, K. J., Marmadue via Dilby. Butters, N., Mayfleld Street, Ascot.Sowne, M. S., The P'alms, Wellington Pt. Butters, J. W., Mayfield Street, Ascot.I owne, Col. R. Spencer, J unction Road, Butters, S., Mayfield Street, Ascot.Eagle Junction.Butterworth, H., Lapraik Street, Albion,owning, Wmin., Avonleig h, Blackall. Butterworth, S., Brown Street, New Faruce, F. A., Foggitt, Jo nes & Coy., Button, A. W., Gough's Chbrs., Alb0Turbot Street.Street.uche, Major-General J i H., Victoria Buzacott, W. J., New Sandgate Road, 'Barracks, Petrie Terr*ace.Clayfleld.unnich, J. C., Departmen t of Agriculture Byerley, A. C., Gladstone Road, South& Stock, William Stre et.Brisbane.unnlch, Dr. R., "Craigsiton," Wickham Byers, John, Stafford Road, Kedron.Terrace.uxner, Henry, Jelbyn,Byram,- H. W., "Allawah," Moray aBeaudesert.Sydney Streets, New Farm.vant, G. H., Parbury House, Eagle Street Byres, R. G., Thos. Brown & Sons, Liyce, M. A., c/o Nort hern Assurance Eagle Street.Coy. Ltd., Eagle Streyden, R.,et.Byrne, Edward, C/o Mrs. J. Cruse, Brl4Ic/o Stanley it iver Co-op. Coy. Street, Albion.Ltd.; Wood ford.Byrne, George.chanan, D., Esk.,chanan, G.- H., Toowoo]Byrne, J., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street.m ba. -Ichanan, J., Jnr., Lamin gton, via Beau- Byron, E. M., Allison Street, Mayne. -desert.Cahill, Thos., Lakeside.ehanan, Nigel G., Biarr, a, Esk. Cain, J., Madowla Park, Picola, Vie.chanan, W. A., MorayflelId, N. C. Line. Cain, W. C., Madowla Park, Picola, Vio,chanan, W. H., "Andros son," Graceville. Caine, C. J., "Bowenville." Ascot. .ckle, J. T., 41 Bartley Street, off Cairns, A., Short Street, Norman Park.Wlckham Terrace.: kley, J., WarwickCaldercoat, E. J. W., "Winterburn,"But:ter and Dairy- Moreton Street, New Farm.ng Coy., Victoria Hill.dd, W. J.,Caldwell, J. J., c/o E.S. and A. BalMaroochydor re, via Yandina. Queen Street.Jick, C. 0., SanitarlumI Health Food Callaghan, J. R., C/o Perkins & Co.,Coy., Queen Street.Street.IcocK, W., Creek Street.Callaghan, J: V., 602 Brunswick Stre11, J.1 W., Bellevue, Oapella. New Farm. .' llen, Kenneth, 867 Que en Street. Callaghan, M., Grand Hotel, Esk.i ndock, C. Wyndham, K ooralbyn, Beau- Callow, P. J., Little Street, Albion.desertCambage, W., Cooroy. .c--.- L ~ -..:J:. lL":,1..~ii ;L

ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.Gameron, C. J., Beechmont, via Nerang.iameron, Dr. Donald Allan, 97 WickhamTerrace.tCameron, D. A., Woodlands, Mitchell.:Cameron, D. C. K., United PastoralistsAsn., Union Bank Chambers, Queen St.!cameron, Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswich;C^ameron, John; "Montpelier," Wickham' .i Terrace.iOameron, J. B., "Erracht," Beachmont, via. Nerang.rCameron, J. J., "Lochiel," Toorak Road,P' Hamilton.Cameron, Dr. M. L., Vulture & StephensStreets, South Brisbane..iameron, Pearson W., Nicholas Street,Ipewich.i.Oameron, Robert, Glentulloch, via Mitchell.Cameron, Thos. H., Anakle.Cameron, Stuart, W., Brisbane Real EstateMart., opp. G. P. O.*Cameron, W. F., Brisbane Real EstateMart., opp. G. P. O.'Campbell, A. D., Sandgate Road, Albion.Campbell, Alan W., Queensland PrimaryProducers Co-op. Agency, Ltd., EagleStreet.Oampbell, Colin, International AgencyCoy., Edward Street..Campbell, Chas., Water Street, Red Hill.*,Campbell, C. B., Guthrie Street, Rosalie.Campbell, C. W., Sawmills, Albion.-Campbell, Eric P., Wonbah, Bundaberg.Campbell, Ernest T., 139 Adelaide Street.Campbell, G. eP., James Campbell & Sons,S Ltd., Creek Street..Campbell, Hugh, "Dalini," Hurdcotte St..Enoggera.'Campbell, John H., Jaccondal, Geera, *.Farm.Carter, D. S., 99 Queen Street.Carter, H. C., Mooki Springs, Quiri dN.S.W.Carter, H. T., Kedron Park Rd, Wooloov rCarter, J. E., 142 Charlotte Street.Carter, W. H., Kitchener Road, Ascot.Carvosso, Dr. A. B., North Quay.Carvosso, W. H., Supreme Court, Geo gStreet.Cash, John D., Wickham Street, ValkCassidy, F. P., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd.,Elizabeth Street.Caswell, Clive E., Cannindah, Many Per ~aCavanagh, T. J., Survey Office, George ICawdell, W. A. H., E. S. & A. Bank, Qu rStreet.Cawsey, John, c/o John Cawsey & CBowen Street.Challle, H. M., Blinkbonnie, Esk.Chalice, H. J., C/o F. K. Brodribb, GI dstone Road, South Brisbane.Chalk, Joseph, "Kia Ora," IlfracombQ. C. R.Chalk, J. D., C/o Birt & Co., Ltd., So 1Brisbane.Chalk, J. E., Howard Street, BayswateChambers, Claude W., Preston HouseQueen Street.Chambers, George D., Jordan TerraceBowen Hills.Champney, T. S., Cedar Grove, Beaude .Line.Chandler, C. J., Holby Downs, Augath' ItChandler, J. B., 169 Elizabeth Street.Chapman, Andrew, E., "Walmer," Ern .gera Road, Kelvin Grove.Chapman, B. 1"F., C/o New Zealand Lo eM. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street.Chapman, F. Guy, Brooklands, BelmoChapman, Henry A., Queen Street.Chapman, J. F., George & Adelaide St> riChapman, R. V., Queen Street.Chapman, Stanley, Chapman & Snell niEagle Street.Chapman, W. J., C/o Robert, Reid & ( 'Toowoomba.Charity, .1., "Graston Lodge," Winds.Charles, T. D., Inglewood.Charles, S. M., Gootchie, N. C. Line.Charles, W. M., Gootchie, N. C. Line.Charles, W., C/o H. M. Russell & Co'94-98 Eagle Street.Charley, D., Eagle Street.Chaseling, G. E. J., "Brundah," Co Wlbunia, via Kingaroy.Chater, Arthur B., Fernberg Rd., Ros. 41Chave, A. E., Turbot Street.Chayter, R. H., Queensland Agency, 1 tdCreek Street.Cheetham, C., Ford Street, Albion.Cheros, C., Ellisos Cafe, Edward StreetCheater, T., Junr., 420 Queen Street.

Oblde,L. A., "Birralee," First Avenue.ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.Chrnide,se JA.S. Berwck, Victoria.Christensen, ., Pacific View, Inveragh.Christie, Cohin, Ithaca Steet, Normanby.Chriatie, Cohln, Junr., Ithaca St.. Norunnby.Christie, John, 308 Queen Street.hubb, His Hoour Justice, "St. Male,"Hampstead Road, South lsbane.'hurch, J. F., 129 Creek Street.('lacher, A. J., Carl Street, ThompsonEstate, South Brisba:ne.lalppeton, Percy, Lutwyche Road, Wooloowili.lappertan, T. ., Tai ong, Nanango.hI:re H. F., Arthur Blackwood Ltd., 26aG~eorge Street.L~rk, A., 99 Mary Street.lark, Alex., Rose Street, Anneley.lark, A. H., R. W. Thurlow & Coy., Ltd.,Wharfi Street.lark, G. C., East Talgal, Eliinthorp.lark, G. J., Montague Roadl, West End.'lark, George K.. Frnz Road,. Clayfield.lark, H., C/o W. H. Pling' & Coy., Ltd..Queen Street.lrk, J. Miles St~eet, Albion.!:~i k, .J:i~n C Taoor.lark, James, 1-3 Union l a nkI Chs.,Queen Street.Irk, J. C., Union Bnkil Chambners, QueenSteet.lark. W. H., Watson, Ferguson &c~ Coy.,Ltd., Queen Street.lark, W. R., West Burleigh, S.C.L.aike, C. M.. Mariyvale Station, viai Ch.Towe~s.larke, . J., City Buildings. E~dward St.arke, Edwa lrd A.. clai'kS lid g, viaLidley.Im ke, .. 2"2 I l:ltone Itoa. S.:aike P. Kemiedy, 'Can,'' ZillunnRoadl, Bend . al'arkle, f. C,., ('has. A. Clrke & Son, 293Queen Street.anrke, '., Claroence Nble & oy., QueenSt~eet.jik, 'lio.,Budrimi t., via Palmwoods.arke, XVm.,Box 43, P'ost O)ffice, Dlb.irury, W., C/o N. U;. Hal, Tntitha1iry~, W., Loulas Stee, Goenslopes.I , ~ I I.. La:urai Str~eet, Wooloowin.'ilnnt, A. Bl.. ikl St., I lr~loopilly.'ments.ii.Wooilhye St~et, EagleJunction.f~ord, X. ., Ihuesie, M~ount P'lesnt,via Dnyboro.Edward Street.akes, iA J. F 'liiiey Isles IC ('n.,Queen Street.Turbot St~eet.Ltd.,Avenue. South Yara ~, MIlmlnlrle.'bloft, A. J., "Lstowel," P'oint Road,XWolwieh. Sydny.'hrane, J., TargpO Stre~t, liUnlda bergf'k, Jaei, Thirdl Avenue,, Wilstom.~~krill, Vriedt I., Ulemi ock, Kingamii,2.ck, R., Sherwood oad, '1' owong.lyCoe, Dr. W. F., Riverview Terrace, 4.1ilCoffey, D. A., Felix Street, Wooloowimton 'ZCohen, Benjamin, Commercial Trave1Buildings, Elizabeth Street.Cohoe, A. J., Eclipse Windmill Coy, *dToowoomba.Cole, James, Cole & Grice, West End.Cole, Vivian, Joseph Nathan and(Aust.), Ltd., Petrie's Bight. rjCole, Walter F., 13 and 15 Mary Street.SeColeman, G. S., Q..E. Coy., Mary t'Coleman, John, Queen Street.Coleman, S., Sixth Avenue, WIndsor.Coleman, Thos. J., Cairnsciot, ToogQICohledge, H. E., Bacchus Marsh Conden314Milk Coy., Eagle Street.Colltt, .1. T., Pomon.Colin, ihtG. W., W. Collin & Sons, Petr~Collin, V. F., Adelaidle Street.Collin, Capt. W. J., Petries Rihta aCollings, U,. H., /o .eo. Wills&Lt.. Whai'f Street.Collins, Chas. C., so Queen street.Collins, Miss .1., Mundtoolui. Ileaudeslj~Collins, Mi's. A. C., Tamrookum, BeiiCollIns, 'honias Lloyd St.,. CooparoO. :Collins, '1. A., Victoria Street, Wilidor,Collins, Victor, Spring Creeke Stattion,Suiprise, Cairns.Collins, Ms. X., Nindloimbab, IieuegCollins, W. Senr., CaLning Stret, WarlConnan, C. Flcniiii, 349-353 Queen tqConnes, James Jutr., (len Ein, NannConnoll, H(., Talor Stiret. ToowomCon ly , Dr. F. lnl, L~ondon BnChambers, C~eek Stet.Con nor, '1'. A., ('n-p. Coy.. l( in Kiln.Conors, mH. P., Floenee St ~et, Luilni~ConoM~li e, Iobe~t. ounit for! 1odNConoc e, Robert J nr ., Coi nmo n wealtbBIriildlimig, Aelide tmetConochie, W. S., ]3ookla mis 'P1 igoora.N ~Conwa, P.1,I, C O Elchl lnke~r, ruwvick tret, Valley?.Coogn, P)., Ilale Stet, linol'n"k. .*\. .f.. ' i. Klly & Sons, RocQCoonke, i'on, Aistonville, N.S.W. iCook, C. W., Comnmerial~ Roadl Valley.Cook, .Iosephl, 0r., Trot St~eet.Cook SideyVine Street, Clnvfeld.Cooke, Allied, l~iln. lrhe trCooke. Win., *'Chunlle, RtvnSrSouth, Toowoonibi. -Cooke. W. E., c/c I)n, ton Scale Coy. 1AOP341 Queen Street.Cooksley, J. F.. Trblot Stlret.Coombe, E., 476 Quen Street.Cooper, Sir Pope. Sherwood.Copeland, Chas. W., Fianlinl Stieet, 8ouQ~Brisbane.Coppi nger, Jines lde nell A~Rain ilton.Coi',ett, F. .. , Lttle Stiet, Albion.Corder, Joh, "Soirnto,' Tooooiba.Curinck, W. C., Tioli I-i mwvoddJPretonl Huse, Quen Stlret.Corri. lanl (I., I':arb~uI ry huse, EagleCorre, Malcolm A., Clre Bros,Street.

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Cotilued.y, A. H., Deprtmen~lt of Agicultre & Crow<strong>the</strong>. S., "Hillside," Brightonl Road.Stock, Brtesbane. South risbane.y, F. B., Vermont, Warick. Cruse, J. S., Clayfld~i.F. ., Rothwell's Buildlins. Edward Cruse, John, Bridge Street, lbioi.~.'~tret.Cruse, Wi. H., Bridge Street, Albion.rove, .,IachRa.Suh ribn Cryle, J., Brisbane Tranmways Co., Ltd.,S*Rev. Ja., O)ld Sndate 1Iit, Countess Street.Woooown.Cubitt, Hi. S., Swan's Road, Tariga.tin, j. T.donteSteSoh Cohlen, A. K.. Eu~onh. 'i'roon.Brisban. do~o l tet ot Cullen, Dvid., "Cabsean," Manrgret SthaJ. A., 19 Fitztoy Chabers, 'lowooibAdelade Steet.Cuile , . Hi., Staiie Sti oct.SotAdliStreet.rsaeittrell e~t. B.., Telegraph Clie uei Culloy. Ms. .. ('rese~nt Ioiatl. I hi iniltotStreet. Cunt eland, N. H .,Me ~~l oo AI venrlue,Qureen Steit .hol arU~dshaw Ltallh St~eet, Lutw y eche.New Farm. Cuminos I r.. . L;oe flat-to, I iatsteaittrell, I., Sencer Block,. Quleen Street Cmig ... ivrletI'itnughlin, P. iat., city- Buil tis. ldwadt. WltiiStt('uldryH. .. 'Caeto,' Moay tret, Cuinming, Hi. I., Chs. A. Ia rk~lt' & Son:rp.aiha, RicHard (on ii iha ii &' IIl unter.e Hmt, UuR i 1 Sto 111114'275 Wlckhanti Street, :t hey Cunmins. J. MT., Bta~ia Sea nd Fir0tts, J. V. 1).. U~nioni Stret, Tunwl~og. Insurnce Co~. ~tdl. Loiioii BnpwdrY, . 11I., C 0o l'itor io., Lt., ClitborS, Crek tret.Queeni Stret. Cttlilat,8 e' 'nJsoi'~~we, Sid~ey G. ~\\It.(;tiiciltle & Coy, l::?\i VO 'lIo.aI'e, \~\1IIII~owiy, .Lotieli~lli~tiillii~, .S.. Qeenl SlltetI;Queen .Stret. Cuple, II., Londonl Bankll of Ausrali:wishw, D . Eier. 311 Qureen S tt. C po,.. I i ds rnlt aBOxon, IF. .1. C., Ua:teshe)ol. ~~lit~itio l. ~tl h, tiSretCleveland ic. Cur, F;, ''Abiig.'' f~l~lotiei Lct. 1 'las V(il.~1alg, A., Cliatititte l':izts, '(11itttatill 'i ,I o , Vo1aidlune, .Ah~raig, Vi' '1'. Wills. ( lilthtisi & Sndusoti, I'i.te '.ltiit WSLtd., Wht-11f Stri. Ctttit. W I, (ivr trt. Nmitiiah.6age, XV. I-.. Cotnototiw\\ e~ili i :u ilt i ugs, ('nt i. ('00II ;Iitler~11I fi:., Sil' 1 Stff Offic.SAdelid e it ct. E~tlwa r,1 Stret .braub N.C.S..Enlo.N.('.Lie.Cutis. It. (;, Qna~i Stri 1. I ;tttt~laI~oi-g~ampt~n. . It., i,;il .Siattl~itd Office CUsa('k. 'Th's.. AJ'Il,. & I". ('o .'s llilili, . Edward~c Stte 'ekStreet. I1(Cj~wrll, ''. A.. ~illa tcy I (iry Clo., Cuslkcllt. '. 1)~w its Co-ol. Co~. L.Killarney. 4 *''lc?'.\ iix . . o 1.1 1 .Pli~,. Gu~lhi.l,i I tro Street.0wford Jaime, To wit hill Chnt Ito s, Pal. I.. C'.. M nina,:~. liainundlll~i. BoweQueen Str.eet. .Vlley Line.aWford, T. W'., ''Jungltiw, flelvue Paid. L,..\l Ilsotil Itt,a'I,. I eIltaI1. Itreet. sout I Towong Tal, Vi iiiti, I ~et, ii yer &i ClolEdwa;rdt Stret.ijredington, Hlebert C. J.. Hall1 Street, Dalryple, MLI. EM..L., C'resetilt Itot,Nothgte. 1: i t i~i oswick, A. T., St. Helei', itts'.oth. I) . 1,Co,.I.I'it.QioiSt0North Qua.~dwibb. Hi. Go~don, Roderickc St., Ipswch. tillIiltiii.'am a~tbb, T. iriedon, Btynhyfryd ~ltkstonu', bug.pi.hton, N.. J)oroch 'lni', South N. 8. W\Brisbne. 'ti . t..Itla'htl.ItaSrep~oke, Miss H. .1. C/c F~ettWik &i C03 , Daniell, C. E., ITiioni Trustees ('ha mte IEdwrd Stt'eet. 1,11 ~ I~oble, Andrew, Elhin, Toowootitban. Dl cs ICnirW soi&Nwtrtombe, 0, Eph . n, ~tOtiIttltt.Itoadls, Newniariket.Prnn J., Stephens Street, Sto I1 I trisbne I )a iicls. .1 ss' I tcolble, Ca iutgir Lit,~oke, C. G., Suz'vey tltic. E5xcutive Danlels, . Hi., CI. o Aithial Littib FarctBuildiis, GeorgeR t lot. Rosenlo tit Windsor.Prooke, Jack, cnt. Stephens 1-oad and D'Aty, M., South ide,! Cyni~ie.Wirn..# gu,.oat Qnith 1-r,'thnu, - ., -pVictor W., 289-91 Queti Steet. Darvall, George 11., C ou Thos. Bt'own.. Crouch & ('otiiailt. Tnt'hiot Sons, Eagle Street.I-- . - - .. . Dash, (I. M., Boweti 'Ierrae, New FatiiItlI, ('. It . 'Motin Isideu.' W tecillti. ulimiba.thor, . H., "Kensington" Russell Davey, Hon. A .A., Elletlle Cesecnt,front Tnnar .llfhn Ulntl TPnrlnnPI-

I I'I~- ~--I ~ la~llllRnAI~YBu~-~;67ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.Davey. A. H., Davey, Halliday Coy. Ltd., Dewhurst, R. 173., Quinn Street, Toow3Ann Street. Dickfos, Henry, Cole \i1Davey, James, Dutton Park, South Dickie, . R., Rot, Haripl.er & Coy., A,,biBrsbne.Street.re~icho. -Davey, .. L., Edlwrd Street. Dutton Park. Dickson, Ii., The La, lt.1Dvidson, A. C. A., Gbo Canpell Bros., Dickon, Isaac, Cornwall Street, SouthLtd., 169 Elizabeth St~eet.Brisbne.Davidson, A., 302 Adelade Street. Dlcksoi. Power L., 575 Stnley Sti eet,;SDavidon, A. .Jn., 304 Adelaide St~eet. South BrislIatie.Davdson. Dr. (I., Sangte. iddal~ni, H. I1 3 ;7 Ge~crgCe Stret.D~avidon, J. 0). X., Eiilonne, Clifton. Dillon, Petet', Moe, N.SItavies, .\rchiloi id,. No. 9) V'itoiaiji'la~e, Dix, .. ., Xood Stiret. \Vtst Endt. -South fl~isha ie.Dx I.EMotpl e'HDavies, 1-. ., Austrli~ii Esntates r I. Coy. Dix, W. P)., C,: 0 . Ioffii ung & Coy.LtCreek Stretet.Chrlotte Stret.I avies, Win., "Dryswyn," Toowongi. Dixon, C., Box 3t;7, i ;. '.lavis, . II.. Wanei' Hoa. C~a nleld Dixon, D . U. P., 97 WVicI ktha ni Trace..~ i". . K.. orkshire Insura tce Coy., Dobson, F'.c.abiiltc teEale St~eet. C liooltiie.avis, 11. C., C/ I)l'. S. &E A. Ito k, Pomonai Dochet, John, Hipwoy ci It~itl, Toorg~JIvi, .1. 5., "Ilea ~<strong>the</strong>ote.'' Chinichill~. I ihiiit4. I 'a'lington.l~ll(tli n Strect, Syl ii. Dodlds. A ied .. 235 Q ueeaI Street. ;1 a:wson. I., ('i~iiiii~ii':l Itnkitig Coy, of Ioll.li 1 'piX~cSydney, Queen St PtDowll . . I' ial C ~le &- Motor.awsii111I., ''Ithan,''" li(hnilnd River, Aency, L~td., Creekc SN. S.W. Doig. IL. X., 230) (hey St reel, .1.ia', E'., Bouldry St e , XVest Enit. Doa,.. .,lraill'TI: llludgelra 1 ~iay, U:. Ei.. V illiers Steet, New' Fariii. Sl II es lealy, U:. H.. Villeis Stet, New\ Fam onllsii, iliilitie p~~sbou rue, 'ty,~ Victoi', .\dla ~id~ St l~c. itni~a'on X.. Xi'~y Stret.DiialiiiIL te..M (Iv, a , I oganturj'eak iii, HI., ~elt lorpe, vial \Vood ford.Dnalisi,. (. 2 lz :ibcth Street.:'eali Heonry~, 2:1- Ibouni St rl. onalsiii, Ii., llway.'cnn.1J. ET.. c/n, Co-o. Diry Coy. Ltd., DoUII~lidS)II, Samuelil, Levn Sti eet, AlbioIMar y bo ro ugh. Dona liiscii, W\'n., ( raI' ttoti Str eet, Sou<strong>the</strong>ane. ('ha. 11., Keaits Street ,Xti~lioiika, Ilislia te.Soitli Coa .t i ti. Douneley. .\. It. 'l'',son, Uclrnal. v, . S.. ''I? viiii,' Nexw Sonilgate Jondayai.Road, A Iblon. Doncley, Mrls. J. 'I' son, PrIecke, Edwa td It.. I h l MuO Qiteeli Stre. Dn.e clI)aytn'liii11 I \' ' . lrgiii. )or~e. .\lfr,rl I)eptle~i' Stiliii)a in Prk,e ~onI ' i'lk, Okeyvia~ 'l'oowoomba,I loker A ist I alaiatiSi' I S. IcCoy. Lt iiii ielly,, A.. I tel St eeCharlotte St et Don ellv. H. C., Normnai 11 Il,~1 pwich Rd;ocfter osH. '.. Co ~ierl Bildi ng, Edtwaid St. Dono',aii, Geore R.. c/i D ('hi ity's IRoo4(egn, Alfred C., Feerl Chabers, Queen Soe, Xickliam Street. Vlley.Street. onov a i, .lih ii, E~iii pi icNlI il. Valley.ntlalte Road,'eigton .lilrsvle, Il., arwck.(':i\ tild.I.Street. Doolai, I. I., "Ihiwetivi~ lIe,'. Ilokes St.,'t,Tiiowiing.iiicc. D~ougls, A\. S.l~itririe'nal. ii',.,)~ugls, I)r'. G;enige A.Nc \r' 1:'n~ Duglais. II. ....... lliiS tli e t.V.Douls, II A., MIt. Mt~i a, l\Iorven ''lritigF Iletili,\. ltile?'s hlill. Illllinoiil, Duls 2 ~iaiI: i.. NS117 Eagcle Str~et. Doulas, . M., Millc'lit ''9 II.I. ueen~lreb. CQeen Str'eet.i'utehei, A. M .. Charlevll~. Dw i z ot V.I'vereux X.........I . I' I 'V.. Il. (aiies t~iS('lekSt td o ti, HI. Hi.. Ganrriek TI'~vite, A Ifietl I~., Mlounrt Lelinter, Daly. own. Victor It. H.. ('" vine, A . II ., Kllowey, at Wanrwick. icay Street, oweuri'ei te, tIii oI, MoI taulllt 1 el ntet', 1I ) b?. Don V... ont'cyvliti, XW., I ii' iihlhin 'lre, Soulthl Qoy~.Iiirl~ia tiel Dowries, E. N., Bou~bonC.,hester,;inkCIhabetTutees r,,Chao' GeHoge D)o~H illi."it."ThlRBundabptIIrl* ., - . ''I

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.le, J. D. Hardgrave Road, West End.R. K., c/o Brabant and Coy.,i .e, J. E. Jnr., George Street... Mis, Warwick Butter & Dairyingoy.. Bony Mt., A. M., C/o J. Finucan, Chalk Street.Iooloowin.|, G., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley., G., Sherwood., H. H., Doyle & Charles, Furracaad,Glen Innes, N.S.W., J., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley.Be, J. H., Warrandine, Tallwood.|e, R., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley.er, Miss Eva M., Woodfortl.Ie, W., Wanora, Brisbane Valleyine..re, A. W., Australian Stock BreedersICoy., Ltd., Mary Street.}ayn, F. S. G., Bell Street, KangarooPoint.Immond. Col.Sy, Miss E., "Roughiam," Eildon Hill.den, Andrew, c/o G.P.O., City.an, W., Latrohe Terrace, l';ldington.dale, John, Rose Hill, Myrniong. Vie.hig, Archbishop, Darra, Valley.tbar, Colin C., "Caithness," Bridge St ,Albion.s~,Leonard F., Irvingdale. Bowenville.lcan Alexander, Penlington Street,Rockhampton.scan, C. C., "Warroo," Wagner Road,'.Clayfleld.lcan, James, c/o Miss Smith, "Ashley,"Vulture Street, West End.ican, Mrs. L., Mooraberrie Station,Windorah.acan, W. G., W. R. Moon & Duncan,Indooroopilly.plop, C., Q'land Co-op. Bacon Coy.,Murarrle.Qn, David, Valley View, Beaudesert.H, Mrs. C. G., Manson Road, Hlendra.lR, James, Tambourine.we, Gerald, Roma Street.lne, L. L., Mail Branch, G.P.O.. BrisbanehUdon, Edward, Normanby Ter., Nor-"manby.bdon, W. F., Downs Co-op. Dairy Coy.,:, oowoomba.Utan, S. W., C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., Ltd.,:.~ary Street.ton, G., Rosemount Terrace, Windsor.on, Robert, Woolsley Sticet. ClayfleldR, R. T., Lucinda Street, Taringa.k A. C., Ada Street, Taringa.SA. E., Cornwall Street, oft Logan_yaker, J., C/o Wincheombe. Carson,Ltd., Eagle Street.It, . H., Maxvale, Charlevllle.t Herbert, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd.,orge Street.n,0 W. D., Jamieson Street, Bulimba.J., "Wondal," Lower Bowen Terrae.New Farm.hbt, P. H., Box 206, Post oUnice, Rockhampton.ei C. S.. Central Avenue, Indooroopillv.H. T.. c/o A.M.L. & F. Coy., Ltd.,Creek Street.I, Mrn. M. J., Nudgee Road, Northgate|y, J.. London Road, Clayfleld.Edmonds, Mrs. L. E., Watson Street, Coorparoo.Edwards, E. E., 287 Wickham Terrace.Edwards, James, Eveleigh Street, Wooloowin.Edwards, M. M., N.Z. Chambers, 884Queen Street.Edwards, W. E., Hudd Street, Bowen Hills.Edwards, W. H., Coongoola Colosseum,North Coast Line.Effey, W., National Hotel, Petries Bight.Egan, M. J., Gayndah Co-op. Dairy Co.,Ltd., Gayndah.Ehlerth, F., Connondale, via Landsborough.Elgar, S., Adelaide Steamship Co., PetriesBight.Ellerton, Dr. H. B., Hospital for Insane,Goodna.Elliot, A. A., c/o Queensland Club: GeorgeStreet.Elliott, Edward.Elliot. P. L., Taronne, Lowmead, N.CLine.Elliot. \V. H., Naonijah, Cunnalnulla.Elliott, Chas., Charlton & Elliott, 356Queen Street.Elliott, Gavin, Wheatley Farm, LaidleySouth.Ellis, C. W., c/o Cooke Bros., Haberfield,Sydney.Ellis, Miss, Eagle Terrace, Sandgate.fIlis. .1. H.. I,i\v' Stock Bulletin OfficeCastlereagh Street, Sydney.Ellison, C. R., Inns of Court, Adelaide StEllison, Wm., Bald Knol, LnndshoroughEllwood, E. A., Killarney Dairy Coy.Killarney.Elms, M., Northgate.Elpliinstone, A. C., M.L.A., Oxley RoadCorinda.Elworthy, F. L., Cyinpie.Elwyn, H. F., Gunyan,' Inglewood.Emery, C., "Fairview," Bororen, N.CLine.Endres, Ernest, Edward Street, Albion.Enever, John, 540 Leichhardt St., ValleyEngels, Fred A., 146 Adelaide Street.England, Joseph, Yanleigh Farm, Strathpine.England, T. D., Preston House, Queen StEngles, Wm., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi.Escott, J. J., "Penryn," Waterworks RdAscot.Espie, D. E., Croxdale. Charlevllle.Eva. H. C., Kings Road, Taringa.Evans, Chas., Railway Avenue, BowerHills.Evans, C. H., c/o Dalgety & Coy. LtdElizabeth Street.Evans, John, Evans, Anderson & Phelanr,Kangaroo Point.Evans, John C., Curra, N.C. Line.Evans, Norman, 120 Roma Street.Evans, Wm. E., Maroochydore, via YandinEverdell, S. J., Leahurst, Woodhill, Beaudesert Line.Everett, Arthur S., enr. King and StanleStreets, East Brisbane.Eves, George L., Royal Insurance Co.,355-357 Queen Street.Ewart, W. J., Rialto Street, Coorparoo.Ewen, F. P., City Buildings, Edward 8Uxton, R. H., R. S. Exton & Co., Ltd.,Queen Street.

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.FPaella, Anthony, Sandgate Road, BreakfastCreek.Fagg, R. C., Newlands Estate, Indooroopilly.Fairfax, J. H., Marinya, Camnbooya.Falls, Fred., Queen Street, Brisbane.Falt, P. P., Ryfleld, Tingoora.Fanning, Tom., Ashgrove.:anning, W. J., Strathinore, Longreach."'arley, W., Boonah.,'armer, Chas., Butterfield St., Herston.'armer, Edwin J., Hazeldean, Gladstone.'armer, J. C., Castlemaine Brewery, Milton.'arquharson, I'. F., Byculla, Hursley Road,Toowoomba.iarrant, Samuel, Condong. Tweed River,New South Wales.r'ass, A., Seventh Avenue, Windsor.'aust, C .W., Proserpine.'ea<strong>the</strong>r, H. A.. Howard Smith Co., Ltd..Eagle Street.'eez, Adolph, Feez, Ruthning & Baynes,Lutwyche Chambers, Adelaide Street.'eez, Arthur, Lutwyche Chs., Adelaide St.'allows, H., Lindum, Cleveland Line.'els, B. T., Loganholmne Stud, via Beenleigh.'elton, D. V., Q.M.E., C.y. Ltd., Mary St.'enelon, M.. Sta te School, Manly.'enton, J., Burrell, Fenton & Co., RomaStreet.'enton, J., Cooya, via Toowoomba."enwick, S. S., 403 Ann Street.'erguson, Andrew, WValer & SewerageBoard, Albert Street.'erguson, C. D., 41 Queen Street.'erguson, Chas. Wm., 16 Symes St., Valley.'erguson, E. A., Watson. Ferguson & Co.,Queen Street.'erguson, James, Maryborough Co-op.Dairy Coy., Kingaroy.erguson, ,Ias., Iooi, via Kingaroy.'erguson, John, Eagle Terrace, Sandgate.'errler, G. E., Abel, Lemon and Coy., Ltd.,104 Eagle Street.'uerriegil, W.. Bald Hills.iehig, J., MeLennnn Street. Wooloowin.leld, Arthur H., Rowe's Bldges., EdwardStreet.ihelly, Hon. J., State Treasurer, Brisbaneinlayson, A., A. & G. Finlayson, 62-64Queen Street.Inlayson, G., A. & G. Flnlayson, 62-64Queen Street.inney, Hubert, c/o H. Finney and Ure'sLtd., Charlotte Street.inney, J., c/o Geo. Wills & Coy., WharfStreet.inucan, John, Chalk Street, Wooloowin.rth, J., Thynne Road, Morningside.'sh, George, Mons & Amiens, Redcliffe.isher, John J., 82 Queen Street.isher, Jno. N., Union Bank of Australia,Ltd., Queen Street.isher, Thos., Box 41 Wondal.Stzgerald, J. B., "Mouar," Sandgate Rd.,Virginia.itzgerald, J. F., Fitzgerald & Walsh,Queen Street.Itagerald. T. H., Kitchener Rd., Ascot.itzgerald, T. K., Samford.itzpatrick, J. C., Bellevue Hotel,Coomlnya.leming A lex., Maleny, via Landsborough.IFleming, P., Albert Street. -Fletcher, Donald, Jnr., CrockdanMuckadilla.Fletcher, Edwin, Goondiwindi.Flett, T. M., Box 562, G.P.O., BrisbalFlitcroft, John, Maleny.Florence, H., G.P.O., Chaiters TowericFlynn, E., Bank Street, South BrisbaIFlynn, J., Ipswich Road (neai Flvew|tSouth Brisbane.Flynn, Stephen, 98 Eagle Street.Fogarty, G. E., James Street, ToowooiFogarty, G. D., c/o Samuel Allan & oAlbert Street.Foggitt, C. E., Foggitt, Jones & ^Turbot Street.Foggitt, G. A., c/o Foggitt, Jones & Q(Turbot Street.Follett, Jas., Station Road, Silkatvia Ippswich.Foote, H. J., Sherwood Road, Sherwodo6Forbes, 1.A.. , I t pper l'dwardi Street.Forbes, W. D., Terrors Creek and Sam4iVale Butter Factory, Dayboro.Ford. F. C. 1., Deputy Surveyor GeneAExecutive Buildings.Forrest, P. McI., Rocklands O'Connell |Kangaroo Point.Forrest, Thos. W., "Luana," ProsplTerrace, Highgate Hill.Forster, D. M. T., Forster EngineeringWorks, Mary Street.Forster, T. M.. Forster Engineering WolMary Street.Forsyth, James, Burns, Philp & Co., 1MMary Street.Forth, W. A., Roma Street Markets.Foster, J., Hudd Street. Bowen Hills.Fowler, T. C., A. M. L. & F., Co., 127 CreStreet.Fowler, W., Federal Carriage Coy., 4|.Mary Street.Fowles. Lt.-Col. J. K., "Menahona," Iand Main Streets, Wooloowin.Fowles. Percy, Prince Consort Hotel,Valley.Fowles, Win. lHotel Danlell, George StFowles, W. L., "Clinton," Bowen TerrMNew Farm.Fox, Chas. B., 334 Queen Street, BrisbilFox, J. T., Arthur Street, Corinda.Fox, Matt. J., "The Den," Appel StrgiSouth Brisbane.Fox, Miles R., Brisbane Fruit GroW1Co-op. Ltd., South Brisbane.FIox. I'.. c/o The Downs Co-op. Dairy CriLtd., Koondal.Fox, W. W., Linville.Fox, W. M., Ipswich.Foxlee, H. W., c/o Pumtrey & Kyle, Ntdah.Foxton, Gibson, IndooroopIlly.Francis, John V., Brisbane Street, IpsawFrancis, Leonard, Treasury Chambers,,George Street.Francis, Stanley, Chelmer.Francis, Walter, "Sutton," New Sand iRoad, Albion.Franke, H.. Cawdor, via Toowoomba,Fraser, A. H.. Kitchener Road, Ascot.Fraser, W., Bowen Terrace, New FarmlFrans, Jno., Franz Road, Clayfield. :iFrawley, P. J., Strathpine.Frederich, A. L., Marburg.Frederick, H. P., "Pelham," ChineohlFredericks, A., Strathpine. .

pANNUAL MEMBERS--Cotinued.s, Heny~, Rose Lanwn, Strthpine.a, . H., Abbotsford 1-oad, Bowenlis, C , Freshl ood & Ice Co.rd Strest.Cl,(t~as. \V. ., ueruy naireeL, uoor1-hL. B., Rose Street, Egle Junction.SCohln G., 288 Queen Street.,Hairlin, 97 Queeni Sti cet., R. D. A., 14 Telegrph Chambles,Queen Street.nd, Cyril E., Spingwood., Sp~ingsure.ed, Henry, Vah ee~a, Gladstone.nd, Jamnes, Gladstone.- nPercy A., ''Vail ieepa. (iladstone.tJohn ., Rodwa, '1oowooiina.tiHairy Sen ., Coniondale, vial umundi.~imen, V. E., Horshata1 House, Adlelie~ treet.tE.," Park & Rivet ItoaRds MIilton.,IP. M\..A., .1. Ii. Fry &2 Co., Edwar~dt~ Street.Cie,(. E. S., Ril~xny Depr~tmentlt AnnSStreet.yeN., Noimnby~ Terace, Notnanby..~~nr, W., Kilcoy.braith. A. ('., fui l lndustries (Q'land)3O- 3S Itojn Street.H.H., C., o .ohn Hicks, t:eorgeu St..1,.I.S., SItl o i Street. Newmlarket.p.1,W. (. o Fogg it, .1 lnes & Co., Tu~botSt~eet.allL Wi., Homie Sec et aly'Y s Iien tlen t,m,,....,l,,~i.i.A.r I., Kili.~p. , H., (myra;. N. S. WV.. ltev. ,., I tsHi., vl Ilonld, SouthDnie.gite, . 1. I, dV i tMm~l t, .',(el l<strong>the</strong> mt.ng, A I ti~ed, Sttionl Iton, hoov~l.Chs., 6( Qf ((ell St ret.RIi. .1.1 I Ion Ii .,N jllltoICItaelCree~. Voot~li.prdiner, 'I'homi , Se i,tl Stret, Su tb*Brisba ne.C~ocktooRoina Street.rget, Alf~e, Saudgajite.k~rnett, J. W, ''irhit St~et.~Rett, lt .. I iiwsel Street, Lutwvcle.Rrrick. .1. Cndetlt~ IIi 'l'el~gill~ll C.'ittiibeis,rtslde ~'I' ii I oiinh.I taker it., 'Cinienley,, Lill~aik Stret,Albion.heu \V, sta ley St re~t, neair ('Ia IUrtCornt,, ou ti ItnijSbn ('.t. ( ., Kildate,, Eidnvl.ttluo C A., ('ItRlleville.Uiodi~ei s, Ilvid W., Alice 1)owns,Blackall.ud, I F"., I i~ottte, via Pittsworth.Vtrd, -le<strong>the</strong>t H., Ltiioit Liattk Chantberm,Queen St~eet.City SretC., M~utul Life Asocation,~UPaeYiidlumanu, Arthur T., Tamnbourine Mt.Gelsmann, Bernad, Tambourine Mt.Gellatly, Thos., Lochaber, Eidsvold.Gelltly, Win.Geiston, H. H., Kelly Buildins, Queen St.Gentleman, Jno., Thomas Brown & Sons,Eagle Street.eog~e, . L., Oxenford.Geraghty, J., Dy-nan, Tdai St., WoolooWin.Gerrar, T. Hi., Mogl oa, Taring.Gibb~on, C., Faligh, NeTc<strong>the</strong>iml & Co.,EdwaRld Street.Gibbins, 1)., C o F. (1. Noble, Ltdl., F~gleStreet.Gibon, A. S., Yorlshiee ~Insuince Coy.,1InRhlul? 1lous.Gibsoi, P. W., G:lassouse Mountains.Gibon, J. Edlgar, Grnceiere, ltokhmptonGibsonI, .1oelii .1 r., /o 0 . (i lisoti & Son.Ke dron.Gibson, Dr. .1. Lcklha it, W bic k hanl 'X~ 'in t(Ailisoi, miii., Sta f~lthi -irl -1

-C LL~ ^~-~~I~-~ __~_C_ __ ~r__~EEi~lli~i~";"''~5~,'''~3~Ct~t "~:;"'~71ANNAL M[EMBERS -ContiGordon. .. . J.. Eat Stret, Rockhanpton. Greig, J. H., Jivil Service Store, AdelGordon, R., A<strong>the</strong>rton.Street.Gordon, T. J., Victoria Plce, South Grey, Henry, Box 220, G.'.O. Brisbane.Brisbane.Grey, Robert Di., E~dmoitone Steet,Gore, F., Goondiwindli. South Bri sba le.*:orman, W. J., Leichhardt St., Sping~ Hill. Grice, J. H., Messrs, Cole & Grice,W:oto, (A. 3 Joleso~th IStiect, Lisrore. Endt.New South Wles.Grice. J. Hemr'y, Grnd Hotel Southport.-.;otling, Fanshawe, Sherwoodl. Gieve, John, VI' ii fu 01l.:iough, Chas. Hi., ~eore Cough & Son, Give, Thos., ('h eli ii or.Albert treet.Grlit, . C.. iMoo it F'orles, via 4ough, W. J.. Isaac~ Street, Spring Hill. ITosewoil* ourgnd, ., Co opr~tive Coy., Ltd., Ciitics II. .. lihtuiy I )epa'~tfnent,Kin K'in. GeogF~e Stourgnd, . E.. Customis housenr Bisbne. Grgg, E. .. foweni Steet,owu. Ale. Ms., 550 Queenl Str eet. t'etries Grigg. .1. C. N ,liostocks, I-i'ooksted.Bight.GiorIt,3STuluper St., Mn ricki lleow. R. M., Turbot Street.Sy~dey.owe!. X. S., (>/o . U'. S .N. (lo., Mry GiieCC. c.o Mcxxix N bIc~e Bi'ogtStreet. (Q.). Ltd. South Bisbane.lce. Geoire, I ~rookli II, Lutw~vyche.GooftCollleinl tIliOfi Chamllberraharn,. . I )ouI:i s, JInus of ('on i, Ea~le Sl r cet.deliie Street. CIose . A., StaiIi e~ St ect, South B~risbnWV. U. & I. 1). Vill,Lt.aba inll, C*. . .. I iunn Steet, Soutfiprlrt. i'1v.;il~t iiiablli.C. ., o itx logi feer i~wn C rove, (' FL,. 'I(lvi iig , itt,~ Nanaiigo.hIll, 011111.I 1)ilf:l dda iie I '[;n~l~l~a II ttie'Irawoth. New\ l'ri II.LilaIll or lla \V~l I 'csii~tNorual X~ga, Nr. s. X.aIt, F'riit Ex:c~hange, Turbot.nuedl.Adelade Stree. Fak eaialto, .. P., XV ickaiiil Strt , Valley. II ills.aint, I. A , Ferlihiankll Sciliii, Rload, likC.AEnogei . acet, .* ve, XWIi.. Il(.lol)etlt I','CI ILoadt, Tindtle, A. A2 'XXveiit otli.'' MarmionTootong.i'aade'n ng.55011 It. i~tte ii.',iii. ihitli 'Ierrac1, Il.e , X. E6.New Farii.(iilt.EaCle Stret.iy, .. Dii.. Doriocli Trrace,1 ( Sou tli lagrX.Ifser iixlai. ) cstle StitctMa rve, .1., Shie~ncrwod Xtst tCII, .f. .. Newiiia ret ltd1., Xilston. hls t .Vlley.Hall, I'iraiicisi, Pd... Yliha St~eet. Ascot. SI it ~t.jiction LtI., Bag Ii.e . ufitioR.ty flu illin. l\\d tnid treet..ile , ~lllanln Stre~t, Bowen1V., I In ii wi yi~el~litiiint,BrI~istol1 St~ret, XVet Elnd.ICrave\~ ha(il & Scott StreOt.~entley Lolge, Rosedlale.ivel~ I loa, A uchehlo wer .II, A. i, . ('lilltIefx, ESdward';ifititlial Sttiiii,ltiliaberW.* e, llos. Teb, ('/o Mancpherson St reefI I reeji & Al ll~ieriso,~, E I'l ri~l Street. Hal .I, f',oiik Itulildifig, Qien Mt.ii, WV. 'I llat,'' D~enision Street, H ldy . II~ave~ I allidny) & ('o., .&rnAsiol.Steet.e ifield, . P'., 191 (1 erge Street. Ha~ii. I sn, 4! it) G~erge Strect.effiell,, Cyrril, 29)1 Queen Steet. Haiihletoii, A. L., Jieiits Buildliiigx, Albet(lldI(, W. H., Wajidoc, I'incess St., Str~et.elihagli, H., Motiiit h~ardlen, luckall. XV.cl~l Itreet.Silee, .1. 1'., rl jIidatle Streut, ('orilids liiitiC'l isill, FL H. It., 44 Dloretoni Street, Eaust Iriiuluaiie.New F~I 'mI.hmiti, vid, lacdoiiald Hlaiiiilton &e~l'ilp, IL. It., Uhfl ('levulaid iod, ('.. Mary Street.('oorprOO. lanllj on)l, J oiliii It., iiita St~eet, Auchen.KggR~S W. H., Musgrve Itod, Red Hil. flowe.l4.(~y Jaiiehi C., '"alcolall," Haig Rd.. Hnitton, 'I., Kelvin Gilove Hloo, Ne.Miltomi ma ket.UY___ __ i__ _ ii jll* __f___ _ _It_ _IIX r 1.IL liF i . i-~ui ~u~LI~Be~,~C~.- ~N''t~-, '~-

72ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.ton, W. J., Rocklea Hotel, Rocklea.el, W. F., Beenleigh.ond, J. W., C/o Gibbs, Bright & Coy.,E gle Street.son, E. D., O'Connell Terrace,B addington.ock, J. Henry, Hancock & Gore, Ltd.,Ipswich Road.ily, C. G., Rockville, Moombra, via.Coominya.lon, G. C., George Street.lon, Thos. Wm., 130 Union Street, off' Gregory Terrace.nah, B., McLennan St., Wooloowin.liaam, H. V., 356-358 Queen Street.en, C. S., "Kureelpa," Nambour.sen, H. P. Y., Strathmuir, Rockhamptonmen, J. H., Killarney South.castle, W. B., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorne.trdiman, M. L., York Hotel, Queen Stlding, C. J., East Street, Ipswich.ing, R. J., Meadow Green, Indooroording,Sllas, Norwood Street, Toowong.ding, S. H., Ipswich.y, A. E., Gregory Street, Clayfleld.'rdy, George, Jeay Street, Bowen Hills.rdy, Sydney Joseph, Jeays Street,B owen Hills.rdy, T. W., Maxwell Street, New- Farm.p rgrave. Oswald, Liverpool, London &. Globe Insurance Coy., Queen Street.Prreaves, Chas., "Spring Gardens,"- Manly.gtrgteaves, Mrs. J., "Spring Gardens,"SManly.Hrgreaves, J. B., Lota Road. Manly.greaves, Samuel, Hillcrest, Manly.rkness, J. M., "Wonga," Old SandgateRoad, Eagle Junction.rlen, C., Old Sandgate Road, Albion.Frley, Chns. H., R. S. Hews & Coy.,, Elizabeth Street.Irley, Edgar H., R. S. Hews & Coy.,Elizabeth Street.Ifrnett, David M., "Adare," Abbott St.,New Farm.rper, F. O., C/o Harper Bros., Brisbane.trarp, S., Wellington Road. Red Hill.rris, A. E., King Street, Windsor.rris, D. R. Major, Tobooba, Beaudesert.irrl.e, 1) 1'.. Chlew lFlats, Bowen Terracearri. Edward L., lrlisbane Soap Coy.,i Ltd., Bowen Bridge.Urrls, Edmund G., Rhoades & Coy.,Wickham Stret, Valley.Earris, H. E., 44 Ferry Street, KangarooSPoint.Iarris, James, Dulacea West, Channing,$Svia Miles.Mark, 194 Edward Street.W. C., Commonwealth Bank, Queeneet.krilson, A., Eagle Street.Ejrisoni. Edward, Cribb Street, Milton.rison, H. W., "(oodres," Kent Road,Eagle Junction.Brrlson, Mrs. M. G., Heidelberg St., EastBrisbane.Klarrison, N. A., The Spicer Shoe Coy.. Box100, G.P.O., Brisbane.Harrison, Robert, "Glenbrae," Cornwall 8t.Greenslopes.Harrold, A. E., Rees Avenue, Clayfeld.Hart, Arthur G., "Culterfel," Manly.Hart, F., "Culterfel," Manly.Hart, F. M., Empire Chambers, Wharf StHart, J. H., "Culterfel," Manly.Hart, W. H., Grosvenor Rd., IndooroopillyHartigan, Roger J., C/o Q'land PrimaryProducers' Co-op. Agency, Eagle StHartley, P., Nursery Road, Mt. Gravatt.Hartley, Wm. S., The Sth. Burnett Co-opDairy Coy., Ltd., Murgon.Hartman, Cyril H., Pittsworth.Hartnell, Walter, Thorndale, Warra.Harvey, E. K., Imbil, Mary Valley Line.Habkings, H., Indooroopilly.Hassall, J. C., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi.Hussall, J. P., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi.Hassall, T. R., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi.Harvey, E. W., "Rettah Vanna," New FarHarvey, H. C., Kenilworth, Moore, EskLine.Hassett, Dan, Kelvin Grove Road, Neimarket.Hatton, J. C., C/o Exton & Co., Queen tHatton, M. A., Chinchilla.Hatton, W., C/o Thos. Cahill, LakesidHawkins, E. A., "Beaufort Hill," ClayfielHawkins, M., "Chota," Sherwood Road,Toowong.Hawkins, Percy A., Bristol Street, We tEnd.Hawkins, Thos., Court-le-Roy, Kilcoy.Hawkins, V. G., Tamrookum, BeaudeserHawthorne, A. G. C., 303 Queen StreetHay, R. A., Taylor & Colledge, Ltd.,Charlotte Street.Hayes, F. St.L., Humpybong SteamshipCoy., Ltd., 377 Queen Street.Hayes, F., 48 Victory Chambers, Queen 1Hayes, J. W., Bowman House, AdelaideHayes, W. H.. Mount Stanley.Ha;men, M. G., Q. N. Bank, Queen Stre'.Haynes, C., 196 Edwaird Street.Hays, J., Kenniore, via indooroopilly.Hayter, F. O., Pomona, N.C. Line.Haywood, Harold Lucas, Durinda StrctGreenslopes.Heale, E. H., Kureen, Nth. QueenslandHearnden, W. .. , George Street, Winds. .Heaslop,. James, "Lakkan," Vulture Stre ;,South Brisbane.Heaslop, R. H., .Tames Heaslop & S ~4Stanley Street, South Brisbane.Heaslop, T. N., James Heaslop & S, .Stanley Street, South Brisbane.Hecklemann, J. W., Whinstanes.Heggie, R. W., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd..Elizabeth Street.Heiner, E. F. A., Isles, Love BuildingAdelnide Street.Hellicar, V. A., fank of Australasia.Queen Street.Hemming. Chas. IH., "Winidemere,"Florence Street. Terieriffe.Hansley, Dr. J. Cameron, "Bunya Bun'\Wickham TenraceHenderson, A. W. C., Siiiioy.vbnk.Henderson, Lieut. J. Cliaude, Departn :tof Repatriation, Charlotte Street.Henderson, J., Dorrigo 10oad, Bunya.Henderson, J. S., '"Lttlernore," Boyn."\'alley Lieic.Henderson, R., Many I'eaks, via Oladst, e.

ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.rIelderson, W. A., Sandford Park, viaYanna.Hermann, H. W., Spring Service Station,Wickham Street, Valley.flerron, D., Twine Street, Wickham Ter.ilertaberg, Abraham, Charlotte Street.ertzberg, Mrs. A. M., 443 Bowen Terrace,New Farm.I'etzberg, Marcus, Charlotte Street.ie<strong>the</strong>rington, J. W., Main Street, KangarooPoint.hewitt, A., Ann Street, Clayfield.!fowitt, H., Maxwell Road, Eagle Junction.I (witt, T. M., Lismore, N.S.W.V -ydon, T., Henry Berry & Coy., AdelaideStreet.Ikey, W., Glendalough Dairy, Wilston.1itks, J. E., St. Lucia, Toowong.iggins, J. P., Leslie, via Warwick.ghet, Walter, Abbotsford Road, IowenHills.ghfield Chas. H., Warwick.I tey, Fred., Norman Chambers, Creek St.I 11, Colin, Bellevue House, ITellevue.I' 1, E. O. W., Fassifern, Kalbar.I i, E. Stanley, "Rutland" NewmarketRoad, Wilston.II, Len., Campbell & Hurwood Streets.Bowen Hills.1 II, Stephen, Mapleton via Nanmbour.I i. Thos. E., Norman Street. Wooloowin.1 'i, W. B., Dornoch Terrace, West End.I II, W. J., Kelvin Grove.I ll, W. R. O., "Arlington," Southport.I1. Wlter T. Wsei rn Assurance Coy.,62 Creek Street.I' lion, John E., H-ardgrave ltd.. XVest End.lichliffe, 'A. E.. John Street, Windsor.I 'ichliffe, F. W., 504 Stanley Street.South Brisbane.I alnarsh, B., WVi ngtield, EidsvoldS:idmarsh. Wn., "Mon teu z,'' Hirt ckenRidge, Sandgnte.1 Ida, A. L. Y.M.C.A., Edward Street.1I ie, John E., Manger ton, l)undas, Fernvle.I iwood, James, 70 Eagle Street.I' chcock. Oswald, City & Suburban Ici.Coy., South Brisbane.V es. Chas. V.. Australian Sotgar riioducers'Association, Edward Street.! wei, Dr. Wallis, Preston House, QueenStreet.I' lhs, Arthur, Foxton, Hobbs & Macnish.London Bank Chambers, Creek Street.I labs, John G., Stanley Terrace, EastBrisbne.V son, Edgar S., Fiveways, Woolloongabba.1- kings, S. R., Eagle Junction.li kley, Arnold, Maryborough.B Ige, Robert S., Clewley St., Corinda.1 Igene, F. W., "Emscote." Peachester*.via Beerwah.Hl geon, Isaac Moggill Road, Taringa.H Igson, John, Knapps Creek, Beaudeert.1gson, Win., Howena," Kidston St.,lbon Heights.lscher, * M., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd.,Elizabeth Street.h y, Herbert W., Hoey, Fry & Coy., 170Edward Street.I1 ran, Joseph, Paul & Gray, Ltd., EagleStreet.i gan M., Triton Insurance Coy., 41Qiseem Street.Holbrook, S. T., Birkdale, Cleveland ILHoldsworth, J. H., Winchombe, Carmo1-Ltd., Eagle Street.Holdsworth, R. J., "Nerangai," WellingStreet, Clayfleld.Holland, Alex., Church Street, ToowongelHolland, E., "Rushley," via RockhampHolland, Fred., Bouchard & Holland, QStreet.Hollander, J. L., "Roseneath," HarcourtTeneriffe.Hollingworth, Thos., Brookes Street,Bowen Hills.Holloway, Edwin, Union Bank ChambeoQueen Street.Holly, E. L., "Glenferrie," Turallin.Holmes, B., Orange Grove, Box 74, POflice, Pittsworth.Holmes, Esau, Federal Farm. \llora.Holmes, E. J., Holmes & Church, 129 CeStreet.Holmes, F. (I., The Terrace, North IDswiQHolmes, Jonas, Longlands, Spring VallOJHoletswor. N., Castlenlaine Brewery,Milton.Holmes, Thos., Benbeula, Yarranlea.Holmwood, F., Sandga te Road, Nundah.Holt, R. T., Box 319 G.P.O.liomer, H. T., Harield, cGladstone.flood, R., Buruda, Cleveland Line.Itooke, 0. M., Moray I)owns, Clerniont.Ilooke, Theo., Crooks Park, Dungog,N.S.WI ooker, 0. S., Hooker, Chapman & Coyl,Elizabeth Street.looper, H. T., Limestone Street, Ipswiol~Ilooper, R., Cavendish Road, Coorparoo.ilooper, S. S., Department of Agricultug& Stock, Villiam Street.looper, T. B.. Tower Street. Allion.HIooper, W., Cheddar Farm, Wormbye.Hooper, W. J., C/o Dalgety & Co.. Ltd.Hopkins, C. R., Dalgety & Coy., td.,Elizabeth Street.Hopper, .J., jdra. *llu Statt uManly.Horan, W. Cox.. C/o Barker & ioran,Eale Stiet. Rs tetpdtHore, T. H., "Northamn," Rose Street aPark Road, Eagle Junction. IaHorn, Albert, Wellington Road lastBrisbane.Home, Frank, Linville.Horne, Frederick, Linville.Horne, Graham D., Monsildale, v ia LinW9Horne, G. H., "Hockfleld," Gladstone.Horne, J., Peary Street, Northgato.Horne, John, Co-op. Dairy Coy.. Ltd.,Maryborough.Hornibrook, J., Third Avenue, ViluetrqfHornibrook, James H., Third Avenue,Wiltoi.Horrobin, J. W., Silverdale, Titlgoora.Horstmann, W. C., E. S. & A. [ankChambers, Eagle Street.Horton, *f. N., Inglis Ltd., Boundary &Adelaide Streets.Hoeler, L. T., 126 Princess Street,Kangaroo Point. .1:Hoskin, Alfred, Hoakin & Carmichael,Creek Street.A

i~9e~L;~L.~i~aiLs~: ; ~i~i~ul~74AllANNUAL MEMBEIRS-Contnued.I'hlitp, AveneL, 1-tinsop, Western Innes, S. N., Walla, Gin Gin.Innes, W., James Street, Valley.S. H., Toooolawah.Inwood, E. B., C/o . & W. M~uray,. R., Eagle Junction.Elizabeth Street.0. L., (leolge Street, Tar'ig. Irish, C. G., Isles Lane.T., Crow<strong>the</strong>r St., West E~nd. Irvine, Allan, Cio Crawfor &t Iviner,J., Coralton, 0110, CentralVic'toia l'lace, South B~ri~lale.ray.Irvine, J. W., National Ins. Co., Creek St.B. ., lfred Street, Valle.Irvine, R. S., Irvines, Ltdl., Adelide St.Ivine, WV. Edmnnu d, IlljlRIa ho Kir~kln td, 171 Queenci Stree~ct.James, Heber~t Iichaltl i S, c1Itiio StillJamels. Jecs., c'ou icrl Bil~lgis. Q~tlleltJariesoi, C. .1 itle, Judgec~s ('lilitbo))rs,1 )itrict t 'oun~t.Steet, Sloutli Ihrit51It lie.Jansenl, A. Ii., i~eview Tera~ ;ce,Jarrett, Henry, K itcteltei. Itotoll, A\S) I,..Jay, t;Ceone, W\ilson St Iiel, 'ad~llgtOltJeovlr, lalt, A\ust lliali ESxtatcs t Ml (I,t~ c'l ek Stret.Jeffrey, Il.K., 'itir Mle~, Weihe IIGay ntlah.Jeffille. B:. D., eani Street, TIonwon.

75A\NNUA I M~EMBUE RS-Continued.tlJekins, B., 19,7 M~oray Stret, NewY Farm. Jones, T. L. Hon., Foggit Jones & 00%renns.. (., V'ulture Street, South Bris- Turbot Steet.bane. ' Jordan, Ei: A., G~ inpi Road, Aspley. '".lennings, T., Garrick Telrce, Herstonl Jordan, T., Corn iicial Bnking fJovrlenyns. H. E., Geaoge Street. Sydney, Valley.'ecrore, Atkii, Canungan. Jorgensen, (:. I., Le~is St~eet. Fagleerome, J., Canunrla. Junction,eser, C. R., Verneyle Roadl, Ga~ceville. Jose~h, A. ~., Cuntrv l'~es A~n 1e'sser, V. M., 'Oakwood,." Cowrie Rid.. Edwa~vrd St~et.Asp e Y* Josehson, I., Caxtoni Street, 'et les*ssr, ohn i., C 'o .. nrews, Lt.. TrneNew sten d.Jwt,'l, Iti .. E4 It~isba*. iumen, '. ( )inosl,', uior~. .Joyc, W\. II.. Eull i.l. ue It odgate,? N .'dinnes. (l E. 1: rlorec~ Stet (Lxhod 01(,A,13o s 'ok.I;uii xihaisoi, Alfedl, Suiw MllS. Cahiiht ctrile.linon,.1. Htel('el I Ileoge tret. Jutita't'. ,., e1 ~, ('ut us E~sltats. I co. W111~J. I(''i. X~iliuiif Str~t 0(.lrll~~l~nsuItSt1101,re. .1li., W & I',.1111 leSre,'lhilPlitisoji. Wilc\. Sate., \ 4. . iolik, cs1i.'ilnsot, t.tu~t .,Mt t ewl~iit. Ista. . C., \\luinda Street, I:St 'hum. I'igi* hSton A. W.,X'ti'WinlolStee, a, J. "aivie,''ii~ ]lwen H 'ilsnfllciiiiiid tje.

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.SH., Melbourne St., South Brisbane.R., Melbourne St., South Brisbane.- . B., Watervaal, Kilcoy.R. A., Boys' Grammar School,uwich-. R. S., Cavendish Rd., Coorparoo.in, Dr. P. J., Preston House, Queen St.in, Michael, Hea<strong>the</strong>rside, Coochin.|W. F. S., Home Secretary's Departnt,Treasury Buildings.,Cowen, Wondai.rtin, J., Home Sectetary's Departent,Treasury Buildings.ftrick, C., Bowen Terrace, New Farm.e, .T., Finney Isles & Co., Queen St.,y E., Sandgate., H. L., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate.angton, J. H., Shepherd Hill, GlenoreBrove.f Arthur L., Mooroonba, Nara, via(Toowoomba., Edward, Craigend, Charlton.SH. J., Bank of Australasia, Queen St.T. D., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorne., R. M., Kents Buildings. Adelaide St.Walter, State School, Hemmant.ston, F. C., Old Sandgate Road.y, A. J., Ipswich Rd.. Sth. Brisbane.y, E. P., Murwillumbah., Geo. W,. Luxland Sapphire Anakie.|y, Jas. S., Cashmere West, St. George.I G., Goondiwindi.R. W., Brooks Street, Bowen HillsW. Hague, Parbury House, Ea!g., St.Jpp, S., Logan Rd., Mt. Gravatt.t, F., Co-op. Dairy Co., Koorniiouara.t, F. G., Bluff View, Maroondan.Mt. Perry.ght, H., Wickham Street, Valley.ght, J., Lapraik Street, Albion.ht, J.J., Brisbane Newspaper Coy.,Ltd., Queen Street.ablanch, C.. Crown Stove & FoundryCo., Hawthorne St., Woolloong-bba.>wles, A. F., 141 Adelaide Stret.X, D. Junr., Gymple Road, Kedron.pi, Robert A., Gymple Road, Kedron.)X, Wm. J., C/o D. Knox, Gymple Rd.,Kedron.Sefr, A., Roadvale, Fassifern Line.Ulse, F., Lindum, Cleveland Line.rouse, A. S., Tile International FruitJ. Produce Co., Turbot Street.,e Henry, G. A., C/o McWhirters Ltd..Valley.pimer, W., Darling Downs, Co-op.Bacon Co., Willowbura, Toowoomba.r , A. H., Union Park, Kilcoy.mel, A., Wynnum South.il.r,IJ., Hendra.B., F. C., "Yarragee," Newmarket.Thynne Road, Mornlngside.Abbotsleigh Street, Coorparoo.Ib). R. A., Sawmills, Corinda.G., "Beechwood," Gladstone Rd.,Brisbane.ames, Park Street, Kelvin Grove.:. H., Q. N. Bank, Ltd., Brisbane.x., Princhester St., West End.M., C/o Hoted Cecil, George St.F., A. M. P. Chambers, Edward'rank A., "Woodton," Indooroo-Lambert, G. E., C/o Lambert & Sons, Ltd.Adelaide Street.Lambert, W. G., Cowlishaw Street, BowenHills.Lancashire, W. S., C/o R. S. Exton & Co.,Queen Street.Lane, Dr. Morgan, Gladstone Road, SouthBrisbane.Lane, D., Lake Clarendon, Gatton.Lane, John E.,Lane, R. H.. B. .. Ball, Ltd., Charlotte St.Lang, Alex. S., Wellington Rond, KangarooPoint.Lang, John, "Marriana," Sherwood.Lang, John, Forrest Lang & Roper,Merivale Street, South Brisbane.Lang, G. T. C., Wellington Road, EastBrisbane.Langdoin, A. H., Union Bank Chambers,Queen Street.Langly, W.. ,liggi, via Lismore.Langmore, A., Prairie, Jondaryan.Langworthy, Mrs. H. M., Manilla, N.S.WLanhain, D., Mary Street.Lansdowne, ). J., C/o McWhirters, Ltd.,Valley.Larcombe, W. E., Hampstead Road,Highgate Hill.Lassell, N.,.John Street, Sandgate Road,Wooloowin.Latham, W., Musgrave Road, Red Hill.La<strong>the</strong>r, F., Philip Street, Galloways Hill.La<strong>the</strong>r, G., Auchenflower.La<strong>the</strong>r, H., C/o Howard .Motor Co., AlelaideStreeLa<strong>the</strong>r, Otto, State School, Rocklea.Laugher, C., Station Master, WestClevelana.Laugher, E. M., North Quay.Laugher, F. V., New Farm Wharf.Lauriston, Glen, "Middleton," John Street.Toowong.Laver, Robert, "Rivorslea," Gogango,Rockhliampton.Laverack, H. J. S., "Hillbury," Hill Street,Sherwood.Lavers, A. R., Q. M. E. Co., Ltd., Mary StLavis, Arthur E., Maithland, Ruth Street.South Brisbane.Law, H. J., 70 Creek Street.Law, W., Goodna.Ulawloss, Ivan I )., Goomally, Duaringa,via Rockhampton.Lawless, .1. I'., Windera, (Goomeri.Lawlor, W., Orchard Street, Enoggera.Lawrence, A. T., British Imperial Oil CoMary Street.Lawrence, M., City View Dairy, Bundainl.'Lawrie, A. A., R. A. Conn, Ltd., 181 GeorgStreet.Lawson, Robert B., Hazelwood, StanthoriLaycock. Gwydir J., Lorraine, Roma.Leach, R. S., Rep. T. Dewez & Co., ParbulHouse.Leahy, J. J., Clerk of Petty Sessions, BriLeahy, Hon. P. J., National MutualChambers, Queen Street.Lecky, S. C., Moray Street, New Farm.Lee, Arthur, Hargreove Road, West En,Lee, Chas. A., C/o A.M.L. & F. Coy., Lt'Creek Street.Lee, F. S., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., EagleLee, F. W., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle .Lee, H. D., Engineering Supply Co., of AEdward Street.Lee, J. H., Wer<strong>the</strong>lm Co., Queen Street.

77ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.Lee, W. J., 159 Stanley Street, South Bris.l.eech, A. H., London Bank Chambers,Creek Street.I[es, J. Mackenzie, Bank of Q'land, Ltd.,Queen Street.Leeds, A., Junr., "Calverton," ClavertonSiding, Western Line.I ggo, A., C/o A. Victor Leggo, Ltd..Elicabeth Street.I ggo, E. Hedley, H. M. Leggo, Ltd., 218-22Queen Street, Melbourne.hane, T. J., Inns of Court, Adelaide St.L Inon, J. H., Bridge Street, Albioii.I ny, Alfred, East Brisbane.i. ney ,F. W., Hemmant.Ianon, Hon. W., Wooloowin.I inox, ). ( ., co Neilson & Len i oxBox 21, G.P.O., Bundaberg.1. slie, A. H., Woodford.L .,ter, Joseph, Laidley Creek West.I strango, Guy S., Wickham Terrace.S~strange, Dr. H., 113 Wickhanm Terrace.1. strange, W. M., Herston Road. KelvinGrove.L hbridge, lt. L., "Werrington," EinasleighCairns.L er, C., Lapraik Street, Albion.L er, C. E., Conon Street, Wooloowjin.L. er, George J., C/o Bank of New SouthWales, Queen Street.LLingston, T., 404 Queen Street.'in, L. T., Leyland Motors Ltd.. LondonBank Chanibers, Moore St., Sydney.L. xis, A., Lewis & Co., Montague Road,South Brishane.i. is, A. W., Vale Street, Kelvin Grove.L Nis, L. W., Box 2,. 'ost Ollice, Miles.I. .is, Stan le1e Itockliou rne Terrace, I plerPadd int Ii.L Kiss, A. C., C/o Warwick Butter &Dairying Coy., Allora.L Jell, R., Stephens Road, South BrisbaneL 'itband, R. M., Union TrusteesChambers, Queen Street.L i tbody, . A., Wertiini Queensland['iano Depot, Queen St~eet.L itbody, Isaac, Leichihardt St., SpringHill.Li

ANNAL M\EMBERS-Contnue.crtney, Hon. . H., A. . . Chmbers,Ewar~d Steet.oaId, A. H. G;., 'Kadav," LncsterSRoad, Ascot.donld, A. M ,. Victolr Chinixers,Queen Street.oonald, A. It., 'lillIvxew,": (4eeonslopes.donald ).BJ.llo(Jiiiill. I~kaI.donald, S., Bloni ole ooi. I aevhun.Cdonald, S. ~. ti., "Mii,''. Ascot Street,SAscot.ofarln, A., HaIn17 Rioadt, lpsw . iioalane, J. P'., Union Trustee Cb.,Queen St~eet.]Dugarilaxxl Lit' .Duganidan Line.Mallet, W. W., Box 35, Post Office,Nambour.Maloney, C. J., Arihixi' Street, Teieife.Maloney, E., C/o Downs Co-op. Dairy CoyLtd., Clifton.Manxxxetix I'ty.. L~t. ii~:. . Ski xxxei, Rep,1119I Pitt Strcet. Svl xey,1\'Inhestex, 1K. ....... Joxda x Tex~x'a'e,,Albion.Mannley, ~. JLowoo.lIa nn .1. C., Ciesceit aIxo1., Y:I x i lexI:IManning, A. E., Box 261, G.P.O,.Maxiisni. 1. I ., Panrl,xxv~ lhirse, Ea:g~le 5iMalestoe, ~.J,., oray Steet, Newv FanBrisbaie.acrego', Pt x. 21 'I'l'x 'ia (III '': InIsCIFQueen St~et.cintoh, T. B., lioixck Tece,cc SouthBisbane.ky, Cohin M., C'o D. S. Caiite,lx ttrs~o x St xe't. \ ucliexi how~c lB~ckay, D., Cj.o Collard & MI:xcka.'., FruiltX Exchange, Turbot Steet.(akie, A., alC IIa siBcll 1 St WestEndl.*ickxell. I''I St1 .1 l vxxacleod, Thoes., 1II is o Ci UI. Aelallde St.S ; V'o~loow\\iil~acnx~ ll xi, . Clxi lotte Street.~j)acnamnran I i.. Ma tex' Ml'isri ~lii iHospitl, Sxxtlx Itislalix'"Klo," N iltonr 1to~it, 1'diltoi.~Q aneil i) . xlllc '~liaeville.&3.(likllhi I (. l,ill l f:lailt c'hiiiil ci !s,SCreek SI eel~~apherson, H. S., C,o Malctdclrsoxi, r~en,& Nal;cpiei xiii, Edtward~ Slret.Mardon, fl. N., Campbell's B(ld.,Hamilton.Ma~k, J. R., Stte School, [tosewood.Crleek SRknl, Il. XV' 1. Miixir~i t. .\iilxeahlw0.(Malks, L~eslie I '.. ~rltilclxoxx'xe T~erracee,Marks, W. V., Wellington St.. WooloowRt;1ix by~ll cl .l~r XV.. i Max 1' 1 Sti'e,'h:,iMxii. r (~i,i' I,.. U'' oitix' Stixci~Manr, .1. 1'., Talnk Stre~t.N:xxii~olt, 5. 'lhiiticlil, ltxx!.~ j Si. lIe.'.MaI'F1 xs , Lslie, C/o . I lac, Leno iourlito'.. elli II ll. ).11.1('1 1 litMa rsbtxlll, Wo III .. ~ , \'x.li xe' Street. W:1Itiisxl. "T lvi.,M CNox'tixaxx lCreieit 1KcAdxi ti~itStiedAdla ile Hitet,Satagilt., I 5xx, .\hela jib Stret.Wvoan W. , Ar'dgoux', (ffbarn.~.A. P. Lodge Rod, Eale ,luntio'iW gs P C., Gyple Road, Kedlroi.A Kelvin Grlove.itland . A\. Iliilix xie Str~et, I itli nb.I r, Uf W., Nonee GaledIxIx. PlixiWodem pie L A., 1361 HItrixnllt treaet, NewFarm.Martin, Angu, Cao nrbur Street, CasiiLxtii , ('loise, I e\ilxit Si ,t I 1agle lxxi~I'I;ttxitixi. I'. ji, \' ixixi Ilxxsiix :xxxt.x'ulIKIy.a x Sit i lllt l t'~t s \Masslte'.. I., Stat Rller irtg (o7rl iTboStreet.

I 9 tar IP~s3~P ~a~%s~~~t~e~Z~n~71)ANNUAL MIEMBERS-Continued.3N'.<strong>the</strong>ws; Ray, C o oward Sith, Ltd.. M~ole, F. W., I ublic Curator. Geoge Str~t'~Parbury House.Molesworth, Rev. H. T., Con wall Street,ht<strong>the</strong>s, Binest, 'I Wsenllii,''r A nie Thorpsor SEstate, South Bisbane.Str~eet, New F'a ro1. Mollenhue , E. H., M'boro C'o-op. Dairy~N~at<strong>the</strong>ws. E. Ii., nkii of Queensland, L~td., Coy.. Mull Sd ubbe in :Queen Street. M~olony, A XV G,(lastone.Mant<strong>the</strong>ws, G. S., "Powlett," Helesville, Monhn, A. J., "Agmnere," John~ Stree,Vic.Windso.<strong>the</strong>ws, X. H., "Woulfruina, Newsted Mony , Mrs.Terr~ae, Newsteadl. Hamiltoi.I a<strong>the</strong>wson, Dr. T, H. R., "Crag Athol," Monk, (;. W\.B unswick Steet, New Far~n. Brisbane.t liewsou, Tho., 18.1 Queen Street. Monteath, C, B., Mlontague Rd, XWest En4.Sude, J., Rawon A v\enue Koaiahl~i, Moon, Colonel I lfred, 3!( Adlelaide Street.~.N.S.W. Moon, A. J., (:a iool tu ie.11 insell, J. F., Shorne~liffe, Sailgante. Moon, X. I., Mloon & 1)1.1IIClii, Iftldooioo-Il, xwell, D. F'., Q,. N. Ba uik, Quee n Sti t. pilly.NI well, J. F., 174 Albe~t St~et. ooe, A. E., II..A., 'rliaiieiit Ileoise.ii xwell, S. J., 1)ornock Terrace, South Moore, Edgr, 'Cheltenhain,'' lUardonBrisbane, Villa~e, I th a ca.It 'twell, F., Loora, Sth. Grafton, N.S.W. Moore, Itwni (, M~oole l~i~os., Sb ii Icy t. 1NI \all, .. , Avondle, I 'ittswrtli.South Bit s hn e.hi vne, W. Colbun, Hatchani lUowns, Moore, H. F., 'Jioogo~laLwah.Yeulba.Moore, ,Fl., 'Itetfod,'' I,I nslaw St.,t ne, l. .1. (Y'Nil. "Mloolands," New F~Ro.IToow ong.Mloore, Fran 1ll .., LuO'iiidii Stcti 'I';a~iia.11 n, proftsorr Fton, Alontpelie~, Xick- Moore, F'reer~ham Terrace i o oNI liii, W., Duhlin Street, Cl~Avtel. Moor, IsaaceUl is. I .,Mo dl~ten ;a I ro, Toogocolawal. Mor,. li,Nt~ klein, J. A., Strathpine. Mooe, J. C.,Ni k D . R. A., Vultue &E Stanley Streets, Moore, J. E.,South Brisbnie. Moe ~NI. itejon, Janes, E.S.C.A., Ltdl.. Edward MoiD JStreet.I"Bariie," AljelM. bourne, A. C. V., Seftonl [to~, Clayied. Broisb~ane.NI. i',.3.A.,Ma i, S., ainga t ('n tal. Moore, ''. II.,it, moildnt, Sa udtgat. Mloor~e XV. II.Ai al, 1r . XV'., liuke Street, [luljinha. SuhIr~Il ili, .1 Isi Q~ueen Street. Mioji V1 Iltoi, ,Janes, l)oiiles St~eet, Bowen Moian, .,HIill..'/o Allani & Stak, Ltd., teet..\I ltiX,'l'r iiEitVlQueen Str * lceebaiid 1'est.'ain ioya. Moigit, A., (':heter Street, Teiierife.'II .hi ,. It.. Yaloi,; St rt'e, Xsc~ot.H., ons Co-op,. t)aiA C 11 Ltd.,ialuai.1ainMiiles.ctliow~s Nest.II i , Andrei~w, TIeritrlid, .S.W..oraL.IMi *, J., Buld H-ills. ElzaetIuli liis iyi lpeei Morgan, S. A.li Id ii, .. A., Iileyr Slet, .\()'I niIIowe Icise S-t rleet. Tiaeii .Si rsltods Id,7 Ellza- Aog i I.Xxl \~~[ottltc l.I;aat I louse, Sihid.. ae rele&CyEwtiS liigiii, .Wox.,~ 377 Queeni St ~ et. Mni,. thhII ,i, jSLillartStSrn ll Morisi, 1II1Ili is, (II 0 riltl St iU(t t,1M NewVari. ornsoiIhi 5i, .. , 0 n~ i Hieel, St r New~ Fariil. 1111.aId 'iell, C. It. H., Failie, Warwick.Mu, tihi. iil, J. H-., ''Warii te,' Mc~i i o n, BnIislma nea.VictorIa.Morse, WumI.,hId tiell J. NI., 'Ioowoiig. Moit, A. b:.Ni: ll: St ley, Strathid u Stat m, Slinde- chete.ale Moi~t, H. C..,hI t t . ii Bac,0 ' . Mo~ton, H. RBrisane.NQ.M. , W. C., C/o B. C. Brett, E.s & A\.1 'hamber, Eagle Street.Ha;nk MoCl'H s;nE., Wichester Street,*226; Vulture Street, South',I'a lace H i tl, St . [rishne.Box 142, Maryborough.*I., Deli rtment o cP lublicope St., So tli Bisbane.lcStreet, South~llkt ia,'St.. 2tbIi gety & ('oI,?Street.Lt.,Spa i ii ot'. i 'llc ttin .KIl]lai~iy..Z yarra '; 1"ar1, AlbanIY Ck. ..1, Ael ott' St ict.211 ~lit'n QIYl StretII, I Ii eictoii St rel, So~ulth.14 A del id e St Ie~t', Tooleuc,"via Mal~ck nly,\I~'cs)tliiril 'rl'tit(CU, South.. .i ~ ,...~~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~i ~ -.. ~i)_ i_,.iT1 *..

80ANNUAL MEMBIRSC~ontinued.H., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Eliza-Street.W., 98 Eagle Street.ft "Gladevale,' Lindon Street, South6- Priabane.t.R. J., Ashton, Prairie.*gHamlyn, Roma Street.~oThos. F., Customs Chambers,~7 Queen Street.noW. E., Adelaide Steamship Coy.,Qeen Street.~81,C. W. S., C/a Gordon &r Gotch,Queen Street.di, Dr. R. A., 290 Edward Street.Er, James, Blackbutt.Lcahy, J. T., The Grange, Nanno.ilahy, 3. T., William Street.Uleahy, T., Home Secretr's Otice,' Treasury Buildngs.g In. J. V.. G:ibbon Street. Tejieiff.len, T., Chelme'taln, T. 3., Stanley Street, South Bris.Wiln, Scott, No. 2 Isles Love's Bldgs.,Adelaide Street.Iflem, G;. 1., "The lzela~s.' Wonda ~i.aller, ., Nelon Stret, Sth. Bisbae..aIllett, Hl., Mondtuan, ~ill G:il.Lvey, C. X., ('urr~ulllbill, S. C. Liie.~mford, W., Narangb~a.andell, Geor.ge, Redlrle, via Miles.andell, .1olin, flu uug a haii, Jun 11(1:11.unro, C. A., Arcot, Silverspur'.inro, D. lio~., JtI0ull)all, St. Geor)lgeL.inro, H. B., vi nileiuer~e I otia. H a ilton.i na,.1 J.I fnieS, ~~1, tll St., 'lIWoIIM.l~trNormn "Rockdale," Murrrie.(nro, R. F., Mo~ee, N.S.W.linro, W. Ross, "Ross-Ray," Indooroopillyianro, W. Ronald, Booma, St. George.irph , F. XV.. 11105 (If ('out, Adlaide St.rphy, 0. ., Bux :, 0:. 1'. 0)., Bisbne.Urph, J. I., Gerge treet.grphy, Ilot. Pete, Celt li I ('harmes,dw~rd Streetirray, E., Qiutod F'armeis' ('o-o. C:o.,Ltd., oovl.urrary. James R., Best Street, Hend~a.Urray, 3. P., C/o H. 3. Murphy, BeatriceTerrace. Ascot.Urray, it., SixthI Avenue. Winlor.rray-Prior, T. 1.. "Kalauli I" Southpot.hrrihy, P. ., Kltchener Rdl., Ascot.ugrave, .1. C., Betrle Terace, Ascot.u~rave L., C/a Cameron Bros., QueenUrton, E, (llashouse M~oulltlllS N, . L.era, Herbert. Malioll Street, hllweu hlillsleA. ., "Birnam," Mny~ Paks.me, . E., "Lota House,"' Maly.srAdam, Gor~don, oizoebi Terace, SouthBrirbane.cAllster, H. Vacuum~ Oil Ppty ., Ltd..irEH., C; Wandal t., Rockhampton.i, F. C., KooI~Orogar Co-op).y Coy., Minlerran.i, John N., Logreac Buildings,.h Quay.Lum, i. B., "Glen I~igln," Nanao.thy, J. J., Warwick utter &ifrying oy., Ltd., Texs.McCarthy, Rev. J. T., Presbytery, Red HilMoCaul, J. J., Ramsay, Cambooy.McCawley, Justice, Windlermere Road,Hamilton.McCa'wley, J. T.. Triune, via. Mitchell.McClure, Mrs., Elstree Cottage, KelvinGrove.McColl, L. 0., Umbercollia Goondiwindi.McConechy, A. H., Hamnilton Road,Cherm side.McConnel, A. J., Dugandn.McConnel, Edgar C., Cressbrook.McConnel, E. ., Marshlands, Wonda.McCook, R., Markets, Horn St~eet.McCord, E. K., Coonambula, Eidsvold.McCormck, J., "Clonlara," Aelaide SiClayfield.McCorniack, W., M.L.A., P rlann t HousMcCown, James, Mt. Wallabv, Grin GinMcCowan, R., New Zealnd Chambers.Queen Street.McCullough. A., Roma Street.McDeimott, Neil, i 9 Mloreton Street, NeFa rm.McDonald, A. B., "C( rosveno," Ole,Central.ItlDonald, . L., Thiniml:.~cl.)onald, D. C., Tooloon, WClallal SidiiiS. & w. Rih4:~ .McDonald,, NI., A. M. Ilcfoid & Sons,Turbot Ste~t.Mcnld, MIs. 1., ''Fernall ii I~n~' lStreet, Alb~ioli.& East, Lt., G:eorg~e St ieet..Coy., QueenI Streelt.McTnougall, C., Callioe Station, CalliotMIc~ougll, I)., 'Boil St eel, ited H ill.Mcl~ouall, James, D~vis & MlcI ougllItockhnn lptol.McDougall, J. ., Miriweb.McDougall, J. H., Feilbrg lTd., Rosa.MicIhuiall. M\. A. ., "Wongongera,"Chinchilla.McDougal, Ronald, Cooyar Station,Cooyar.McIouall, X. N.. "Kyoglc, Hill Sjtre I.'I'o . Oli lll IMcDowall, Dr. Vuil., Peton House, Qul flSt reelt.McEai~lane, J., London Bank ChambersRoma Street.Mec.avin, H., (''o g..].. ltd., Edwa~Rrdl rMcGarry, H. ., Stephens Street, Mornit 'aide.Me( se. Brioter. t'iiistiun Bro. Colli c,Gre~tguly Terrice.ccillill~ll MlI. Wr.. uinetlil Road, Heni IM~c(ill. A. I)., l'rosp~ect T~raee, SoutMchllI. F. XV.. 'Mlarinion, l-lip~wood HL 'VHaimiltoi.Mcll, K. S., Mlton Road, uchenlo" '~MZcill, W. H., 'Naigooi, Cinabar.Mc('ulp,, Johi, Itox 43, Dilb.McQhl, James, 'Fltzgrafton" Ascot.Mc(Ilyii,~ A.. 2 Victoriai St.. Spring iMcGowan, H. D., "Meadowbank,"' nMcGrath, Philip, E.andgate.Mc~rath. Tho. Mi., l'restonl House, Qo1 fl"Street.Mcath, W. J., 272-4 Queen Street.

RIL II II r,-81ANNUAL MEMBE:McGregor, Robt., Edward Street.McGrory, A. P., Russell St., South BrisbaneMcGrory, P., Duke Street, Ascot.MIGuire, B. J., "Belmore Arms," Mackay.MIcGuire, C. H., Langshaw St., New Farm.lI~:Gure, H., 238 Edward Street.MCGuire, J. T., Newmarket Hotel, Roma St.MUGuire, Richard, Royal Exchange Hotel,Elizabeth Street.l llhatton, A., Wondai.McI;intosh, J. A., Yundah, Mountside, viaWarwick..I Intyre, James, Oakvale, Christmas Ck.!i Intyre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Creek.L1.Intyre, M., C/o Department of PublicHealth, South Brisbane.bI Intyre, 0. H., Tamrookum, Beaudesert.NhIIntyre, W., Commercial Bank of Australia,Ltd., Queen Street30 Kay, A. G., Boonah.\ Kay, A. J. T., Dugandan.Mi Kay, H. V., Sunshine Harvester Coy.,Stanley Street.h' Kee, Alexndr, 28 Ad1elae Street.N! Kee, Frank P., C/o Winchombe Carson,Ltd., Eagle Street.31 Kienna, Dr. T. H., Eale .Junction.N; Kenzi, D., Immigration 1 )epmtnient.Edward Street.k'Kenzie, L. W., C/o Standard Dairy Coy.Nerang.N' Kenzie, N., 183 (George Street..' Killop, Dr. L. M., Preston House. QueenStreet.N Kinney, John, Ruthven St., ToowoombaN Kinnon, A., 97 Queen Street.N Kinnon, J., Thornlands, Cleveland.N Kinnon, Peter, Jane St., West EtlL lachlin, Peter A., New Zealand.Chambers, Queen Street.3 Laughlin, W. 1'., Victory Chambers,Queen Street.A Lean, Donald, "Duart," SouthDort.cihambhens, (Quleen Streelti lean, Peter, )ornoch Terrace. SouthBrisbane.N' I~ennsn, 1onld, MceTenirn St., Alhion.1! ennan, Hector, "'Beaufort Hill," Clayfield.Sl enan, John, Moreton St., New Farm.N Leod, K., Princess Street, Buliuba.S1uckie, R., lMeLue kie Harrison, Ltd.,231 Edwa':rd Street.1 lluckie, W. K., C/o Whincup & Coy.,Valley.N \lahon, B. C., Railway Commissioner'sOfnice, George Street.Ni \lahon, T., Public Curator's Office,George Street.N' lanus, A. H., Wunderlich & Steelart('oy., Amnelia Street, Valley.N: M1aster, A. J. B., C/o McMaster Bros.,Winton.\1 aster, John, Co-op. Dairy Coy.,(Ireenmoull t.h Nab, Alex, Chambers, McNab & McNab.Adelalde StLeet.I Nab, J., Yandina, N. C. L.? \ahb, it. S., Yanldiln, N. C. LN' Nab, R. J., Chanbers McNab & McNab,delaide St~eet.Slely, P. e., Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd.,Mt. Tyson, via Pittsworth.L Naught, A. tlre, Kodak Buildings,Queen Street.S--49ntinued.McNaught, J. Ure, Augustu Street,SToowong.McPhie, Alex., Toowoomba.McQuaker, W., "Gracroft," Blackall.McQueen, A. A., Merthyr Road, New Farm.McQueen, John, Mountjoy Street, PetrieTerrace.McRae, N. P., National Cash Register Coy.of Aistralia Lid., 343 Queen Street.McShane, A. H.McSwaine, D., C/o John Cooke & Coy., Ltd.,Eagle Street.McWhinney, R., Q'lnnd Farmers DistributingCoy., 65 Turbot StreetMe'Vhirter, .1.. Brunswick Street, Valley.McWhirter, Mrs. Jim., Su<strong>the</strong>rland Avenue,Hamilton.McWiliamn, T., Brabant & Coy., CharlotteStreet.McWilliams, G., Homesbrook Street, Ashgrove.Nauget. .. B., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot.Nagl, .1. T., Qld. Real Estate Coy., CourierB~uildings.Nalley, i'. J., Holland Street, Toowong.Nantes, H. H., Kynnersley, Quilbery Sdk.,Cunl nnuull.Nason, C. E., Rockdale, Surat.Nason W. A., C/o J. P. Bottomley & Coy.,Sps wi ch.Naylot, AI. W., C/o Lanham & Co., Ltd.,i'; 8 Iary Street.Naylor. W. A., Wongabel, Surat.Neale, C., "'Kennerley," Runcorn, S. C. LNeedham, F. C., 39 Hunter Street, Sydney.Needlham, F. .1., Narrien, Alpha.Neill, W. J., C/o colishorough Mort Coy.,Eagle Street.Nelson, W. M., Brisbane Tramways Coy.,Countess Street.Neshit, James, 2"1 Queen Street.Ness, A., Tweed Headls.Net<strong>the</strong>im, Clarence M., C/o McMurthie,I Adl.. 1iidw rdlwl~l Sret.Nevill, F.

E. W., L'/o Massey, Narrls & Coy.,I,t~ Brfebane,:-Eilxon, A., Stanley tne Terrace, erc,1 1. rsle Brlsbme.i;iD. V.. Oladetone Road, Southi.loadr~ E.V, ladstone Road, Southrbane.,nue, CoorDaroo.-. 1Norden, J., 144 Queenl Queeri St~eet. Street.North, Arthur, "Moray," Wagner Rd.,Clayfield. yAeld.North, Mjol M:1Jol F. It., 11., Moggill Road,* Indooroopilly.Doroopilly.Noseworthy,E. P., 2'., 40 10 Adelaide Street.thy, R. I~., "VnlettR," LrtngshawStreet, ~et, New Fam.I~al rN(ott, F. T~.. L., Roornn. Booran. Toogoolawah.ToogoolnM ;th.4. P1. T., Stalnhurn Downs, iZI'Bmac,r:I~risbane.T. M, Box 21, Bundaber~ANNUAL MUMBUWB--Continued.Wobba, Lieut.-Col. Lleut.-Col. A. S., 5., Blocksidge & QeI Fer guson, uson, Queen Street.Woble, flex, Alex, Simpsons Ellmpeons Road, UpperPaddington.Ldington.~ Joble, C. H., 367-369 Queen Street.Noble, H., Mullens Street, Bulimba.Noble, R. t. G., Rochester Terrace, NormanbyHill.Nolan, P., Mennolands, Strathpine. pine.Noon, Alfed IflJ., cnr. . Cleveland Rd. and 4th IthAvenue, Cooraroo.Noaworthy, R. ., 'Valetta," LangshawNoys, A. F. T., Stanhurn Downs, Aramac,. Q.Nugent, Chris.,Chriw., nRyholo. layhoro. via ~in North N~rth Pine.ussey,J. I~., E., The Warwick Waiwick Butter &Dairy Co., Texas.'Tutley,G. Jnr., Teviotvlle.Tcviotvllle.1Nutting, G. W., 151 Queen Street.Nutting, J. B., n., Normanby, Nolmanby, Ilarrisville.I-lnrrisvillaNystrom, n, J. A., Booie, ~iooie, Kingaroy.liin~aroy.Oates, R. n. a., (G., C,/o C;o Allan ~llnn 6 & Stark, Stnrk, Ltd..Queen ien Street.Sti O'Beirne, e, G. C., Dickson Terrace, Terrnce. ToorakHill, ., Hamilton.Hamllton.O'Brien, Claude Claurle H., l1., Sinclair Street, EastBrisbane. Ibane.O'Brien,T.. Q'land V'lnntl Primary Pl.ilnRI.~ Producers producers Co..Ltd., Egle Englr St~et. Sti eot.O'CarrolE ii, J. J J., .,A.M.L. A.Rl.l,. & ~ F. Co., c'o., Creek Cl.eek St.O'Connor, Ir, B., Oakvale, Colinton, Nurinda.O'Con noir, I'. I~~?njR. Den s. .\shtovye.:\Sh~I'OV~.O'Connor, ,r, S., 8., Yebba Street, 8treet, Ascot. Ascgt.IO'Connom, I', Thos., l'hou., "Ijuportli,""Lupottli," ()xley. oxley.O'Donnell, ( !11, hicut. Iir Col. Co1. F. M.. ~r.. "Ascanins","AYcnnina"Lytton ton Itnad, I~cnd. East I~:,st Brisnue.Brislnlle..O'Donohue, iue, M., C/o Australian Austiiilian Estate &M. Coy., .lor.. Creek Cleek Street. Sticet.rOffner, George :aot~~e F., E London Londoll [lank Li:Lrlle Chambers,Ch:lmbers.Creek k Stireet. S1I Ae.t.Ogg, C. W., NewmorketNewmniket... r. OSgg Gordon ,rdon A., Consuelo, Rolleston.Op. .I. A., EInandll~lcstonel I':tlllrlllclstcllr Itd.. l~d.. Newmarket. Ntwmarket.Ogg. S. R. A., Conauelo, Rolleston.Rulleston.Ogilvie, Thou., Then., Wickhani Wicklruni & P BrunswickBiunswlckStreets, etu, Valley.Vnlley.O'Gom nmcmiI. ~II. R., Laidlaw Laldlnw 1'arade, I~nnltle,, EastBrisbamie. Ibi~lle.Okeden, C. F. Parry, Pnrly, Auburmi. Aulurl. chinchillac:hlnchlllaQ'Keefe, D., First Avenue, Wilston.Wllston.; , Keeffe, i J. R., Warra.rOldiAeld, F., A. B. Pursell & Co., 351 861 QueenY Street. nt.SOlson, A. L. F. ~. W., 395 Geomrge ~eol Street.Z Malley, y, L. T., C/o State GovemrnmentCrovernmentInsurance Irance Dept., Dent., Eagle Stl Street.Neil, E., 9.. Grove Glrove Street, Alblon.Neil, L., 'Waltara," "Waltara." Lower CairnsTerrace, rsoe, Red Hill. H111.Chan., Ibrr, Campbell d St., St,, Bowen HIla. HIUad, W. J., Fairfield, FolrAeld, Blackall. BlaaLall.O'Reill , Chas. Margaret Street.O'Rourke, Fred., Inns of Court, Ade)Iaide tO'Rourke, M. W., Post Office, Wondal.O'Rourke, Thos. J., Liscrona, Ipswich l. .,South Brisbane.Orr, J., Constitution Road, Windsor.O'Ryan, J. G., 48 Young Street, Sydney.Osborne, W. G., Sedgley Park, Newmarl etO'Shea, B., 132 Harcourt Street, New Fa m.O'Shea, C., Harcourt Street, New Farm.O'Shea, T,, Harcourt Street, New FarmO'Shea, T. J., 43 Queen Street.O'Sullivan, D. O., Ashmount Station,Muckadilla.O'Sullivan, P. A., 15 to 18 FederalChambers, 187 Queen Street.O'Sullivan, T. Judge, District CourtChambers, George Street.O'Sullivan, T. H., Laura Street, Wooloor n.O'Sullivan, W. J., Jackson & O'Sulli' n,Queen Street.Oveeli, A. B., ()verell s, Ltd.. Valley.verell, C. C., Overells Ltd., Brunsw kStreet, Valley.Overel, Claul M.. Beatrice Terrace, As 1Overell, XV. H., Ove~ells Lt., Valley.OxIad lli Oe. Egle Chs., t, agle tr. r()xladte, George C., Corner Irving & Ba)' rStreets, Newmarket.Oxlade, V. A., lapl ., Gynlah.Ozanne, C.. Musgiave Street, PaddingJI. *, c a. It. S. Hunter, Ltd., 1Malmy Street.Packer, 0., Cremomne Rd., Kedron.Packer, J., C/o John Reid & NephewCharlotte Street.Packer, W., Richmond Street, KedronPadgett, G. W., River Road, New FarI . I '. e. '.. w. ISunnyside," Bru ?-wick Street, New Fanrm.Page-Hanify, Hon. i., "Wongalee," Ly nRoad, East Br'isbane.Page, James, Roseberry Street, Hight toHill.Page, I r. Sidney, (i9 WViiIkh:!R Teilat)Pain, J. E., Howard Smith Ltd., Queen :tI a in, 1). K., ('ribhtoim Street, Yeeronglr '17I'i)*, E. L.. Crichton Street, Yeeronlv IPaine, N., Zillman Road, Hendra.Paine, Robt., Ipswich Road, MoorookaPI lineR, Alex. C., C)o State Advance;Corporatioui, Treasumy Buildings.Palmer, A. C. H.. "Palmerosa," Break iatCreek.lI;lii. ' WV.. Al;xwell St., New FarnPalmer, C. B. H., Eagle Street.Ialiui. Ediwmin, Klin Kin, Cooran.I'aluute, John. Laurel Avemlnue, Gracev '&l':lmire!, .\Tis; lstll1 ,. II.. "IEston (rIRPalmer, Miss M. J., "Easton Gray,"'Toowong.Palmer, W. D. H., Box 37, Gladstone.Park, J. Hamilton, The Banhinias, Yan laC. R. Line.Park, Len., "iolmnlea," Tenth Avenuwindsor.Park, W..'McCallum, Enoggera.Parker, J. O. L., R. P. Hanson & Co., .93Adelaide Street.Parker, John, Chalk Street, Wooloow I1'tkml er. L. iI., Il lIrunswck Street, Val.eyParker, W., Brunswick Street, Vallern

_(I_ __ CC_ _sdsC~_rX__~_iC___ ~~i.L.- (--7*-- . -I. n.~Cry88ANNUAL MIEMBRB-Continued.irker W. H., "Barrine," A<strong>the</strong>rton, via Perrow, H., "Trelawney," Ipswich Road.Cairns.Annerley.arker, W. R., Nelson Chambers. Edward Perry, A. H., Lancaster Road, Ascot.Street.Perry. J.. C/o Persy Bros., Touring Circus.ar.. inson. Frank C., Charlotte Street. Persse, C. D., Hawkwood, Gayndah.arniell, E. G., Wellington Point.Persse, De Bu rgh B., Wyanbyn, Beaudesertar ish, W. K., Sun Insurance Offce, 124 . Peters, A. T., Sandgate.Creek Street.Peters, P. E., C/o Warwick Butter &an y, W. J., Oriel Road, Clayfield.Dairying Coy., Talgai.at 0, J., "Walton," Ashgrove. Peterson, H. A., 357-9 Queen Street.iatv, Mrs. J. W., Wanora, via Ipswich. Petersen, J. P ., "Mordan," Adelaide Street,attn, J. H., Yandina.Clayfield.at n, L. H., Calvert, S. & W. Line. Petrie, A. A., Maroochy River, via Yardina.at. rson, Andrew, Taylor Street, South Petrie, A. L., M.L.A., Parliament House.Brisbane. Petrie, E. S., Robert Street, Toowong.at son, D. S., Athol, Blackall. Petrie, J. G., Cemetery Gates, Toowong.ai son, J. K., Short Street. Pettman, Chas. W., Australasia Chambers,at' ck, C. H., C/o Allan & Stark Ltd., Queen Stireet.Queen Street.Petty, Henry W., Monitpelier Mansiona,at ik, G. A., Ryan's Road, Nundah. Wickham Terrace.at ik, Dr. J. King, Upper Edward Street, Petty, J. H., C/o Q. N. Bank Ltd., Valley.ff Wickham Terrace.Phelan, Edwa.rd, Kangaroo Point.at ermore, A., Alexander St., Sandgate. Phelan, E. G., Royston, Waterworks Road,at .rson, C., Sherwood Road, Toowong. Red Hill.at' rson, Lewis. Copeland Street, Phelan, John J., Old Sandgate Rd., Albion.'addington.Phillips, A. S ., 156 Queen Street.at eson, Ray G., "Ingleston," Charlotte Phillips, F. C .\Vi ichcomu be, (nrson, Ltd.,treet, Wyiinum South. 99 Eagle Stree t.at' ison, Wm., Dean Street, Toowong. Phillips, F. I-. , C/o Watkins & Mackay,ai, Q. R., Elizabeth Street. Queen St reet.ax .n, Alex., Brunswick Street, Valley. Phillilis, Geoi ge, Ebot Vale, Hall Street,a'. on, David, Wickhnm Street, Valley. Aldrley.a) e, A. L., Elder Street, Lambton, Phillips, L. ., * Moorelands. Cleveland West,ewcastle.Phillips, Sydn ey, C/o Hoffnunig & Co.,A. J.> Grosvenor Flat, Mundubbera. Charlotte Street.ax . llert, C, o Fn ick & Co.. Phillips, W. 4O., Waterford, Goondiwindi.,1waid Street.Philp, C. J. C ., Wyaralong, Beaudesert,a e, H., Deighton Road, South Brisbane. Ph lp, Sir Roljt., Toow~on.a\~J. H., Innifl. Phil, R. C., CC/o AME. Coy., Eagle Street.en . J. F., Mary Street, Auchenflower. I'hiplM.iame s H., King Street, Easteni c, A. D., South British Insurance Coy., Brisbane.!ueen Street.Phipps, Josep h, Cornwall Street. Greenea.., H. W., "Rockdale,' Giay Road, slopes.Vest End.Phipps, J. T., 229 Queen Street.ea T. R., Peate & Douglas. Edward St. PhiIpis, W. T., Rathdonnell Street, Auchenel1fI).In dalg, i (lrnpeJIulics i'.. ('reinorne, Sydney. PibwoIth, W. Wilston Parade, Wilston,ee F. W., 276 Wickham Street, Valley. Pickles, A., W 'on da I.ec J. H., "Lycullin," Norman Parade, Picken, G., U nion Bank Chambers, Queenigle Junction. Pic to .Cec ,C. M., Blackall. Pict tree C. Yellow Rock, Singleton,e* o, E. J., Thylungra Station. Adavale. New Sout h Wales.en 0, Lindsay, Nickavilla, Quilpie. Pierson, H. E ., Jane Street, West End.Perc Wre Quipie.Pike, Eilwiin, 'ikte Io., Ltd.. Queen St.W ., Street, Ascot. Pike 0. W. L. , 365 Boundary Street, Springa, ulid. K., Empie Chambers, Queenl St. Hil.en nL A.. Prisons Department, Tresury Pike, Walter, Pi ke Bros., Ltd.. (jueeii St.ii . W. S.. Peii r Bros.,(leiii y,' ( od frey Street,West Maitland Toowoom ba.'er, ligon, W. z \\'. Ptt, (:. W. J1ii.. Riveruni., Narrawong, Charleville.Road, Auchen- Pitt, R. C. J.,'we.Plxley, A. E.,Glenyarron, Charleville.en i. t. W., Syriiiov Street, New IFarm. Plaisted, N. J Dalgety & Coy., Elizabeth St.leis al, R., Sunny Grove, Redland Bay. Plumridge, J. ., Nellie Street, Nundah.E.relS.,al,PlumridgeT. J., Greenvale,Ltd.,DeightonValley.Road. Plunkett, T. Flood, Bleauparc, Beaudesert.,e ith itrishii.Pockley, H. FR, Roma Downs, Roma.el E. D., Stanthorpe. Pocock, E. J.'er s, E. A., Burt &Palmer Street, Windsor.Coy., Perry Street Pocock, Reg., Palmer Street, Windsor.'ezi 'is, F. H., State School, Macku. Pocock, Ltus54 ell, "1-latmilton Place," Bowen'er us W., Edmond Street, Newstead. Hills.'eti u, Wm. H., W. H. Perkins & Coy., Pointon, A. Si., Langside Road, Hamiltoni'oodford. IPointon, eoi rge W., Charles St., Deagon.'Sri tt, H., Q'land Farmers Co-op. Coy., Pointon, W. IL., Bellgrove, Kingaroy.'ooval.Pollard, E. H ., Yellunga, Kalbar.'S' t H. S., Kabunga, Kimnbombi. Pollock, C. G. "Rosslyn," via Mount Perry'r. tt, Ralph E., Coolabunia, KingarOy. Pollock, C. R ,., Imbolwin, Mount Perry.i . ,:~_,.....1 :..~ .: .iC~ .i..-.- ~=r. i."v.-

&^|aa^t-Ata^c^^cs^^^^^.^_iii~~;^w^~BWB~/aB^ISH- P~ IrPool W., Elder Smith &ANNUALCo., New Zealand Raff, Harry, Isles Love Buildings, Adela (K,. Buildings, Queen Streset.Street..orter, Basil, Hewitt Str eet, Wilston. Rafton, W., Victoria Terrace, Annerht >Porter, W. R., Norman C;rescent, Norman Ralston, A. V., C/o Q. T. C., Creek Str. e' Park.Ramsay, G. L., Laura Street, Chelmer.•, Portus, James A., Thoma s Brown & Sons, Ramsay, WV., Story & Ramsay, Adelaide SEagle Street.Potter, Robert, Telegraplh Chambers, Rankin. W. J., Bangalow, N.S.W.* Queen Street.Ranson, R. P., 293-5 Adelaide Street.. Pott, Cuthbert, Q'land Agricultural Rasey, I., Harcourt Street, Teneriffe.College, Gatton.Potts, W. T., 154 Adelaidle Street, Rattray, R., Walker Avenue, TeneriffeSPoulson, Walton, Beechvvood, Cooran, Rawlinson, J. P., Norman Chambers, Cr eNorth Coast Line.Street.Poulton, J. A., Stanley SStreet East Rawson, Edward A., I.S.C., N.Z.Coorparoo.Chamb rPowell, Arthur, C/o Starlr Bros. & Lewis, R& ayment, 336 Queen T. J., Street.62-64 Queen Street.Ltd., Adelaide Street.I, Powell, A. E., "Lumeah," Cooloongatta. Raymond, A. J., River Terrace, Kanga oPowell, C. A., Parbury 1House, Eagle St. Point.SPower, T. A., Mackay.Raymond, A. L., Raymond & Hossack, I i" Power, V. L., Power & I'ower, Queen St. Valley.* Pownall, W. T., Dackeil, Many Peaks. Read, L. L., C/o Blake & Read, Elizal tiB Prackert, Mrs. F., Third A venue, SSandgate. Sandgate. Ieading, Street.Pratt E., Turbot Street.eo. P., North Pine.Prentice, G. G., Kodak Buiildings, Queen St. Reading, W. C., Dakabin.Presho, R. J., Reedy Creekl Station, Taroom Ready, C. P., Yarrum, 515 Brunswick 'tPresho, Thos. J., Reedy Creek Station, New Farm.Taroom.Real, E. T., Adelaide Street.Preston, C. E., C/o R. A. Alexander, Fruit Real, His Honour Justice, Supreme C( ntExchange, Turbot Strreet.George Street.Price, O. D., "Nunga," Auichenflower.Reed, James, Co-op. Dairy Coy., Macla :anPrice, Vincent, C/o Chief Engineer's Office, via Jondaryan.Ann Street.Rees, C. V., "Harlick," Victoria Ave 11Priest, Arthur, C/o E.S. & A., Bank, Roma Chelmer.Street.Rees, George, Box 39 G.P.O.Prince, A. E., C/o S. Hoftn ung & Coy., Ltd., Rees, H. O., Caerleon, Maleny.Charlotte Street.Reese, L. B., Crown Street, South Bristi TiPring, C. E., 438 Brunswrick Street, New Reeve, R. S., Perdriau Rubber Coy.,Farm.Adelaide Street.Pritchard, A. H., "Chard," Blackall Terrace, Reeve, S. C., Perkins Street, Roma.East Brisbane.Pritchard, A. L., Hedgewood, Breakfast Reid, A. J., C/o J. C. Hutton, Ltd., Rorn; Stwood Breakfast Reid D. D., John Reid & Nephews,Creek.Charlotte Street.Pritchard, G. H., Austra lian Sugar Reid, R. N., C/o F. Tritton & Co., Ge' EgProducers Associationx, Edward Street. Street.-Pritchard, James, Mt. P1 easant, via Reid, R. R., Abuklea Street, Wilston.Dayboro.Prieman, E. C., Short St reet, Wooloowin. Reilly, James, Shamrock Hotel, Vail'Prosser, F. G., Surgical Suipplies, Queen St. Remfrey, H., Cannon Hill.Prosser, W., Pring Street , Hendra. Renton, A. B., Adelaide Street.Pro<strong>the</strong>roe, A. H., Markett Bldgs., Turbot Reynell, Waiter, Reynella, Sth. Austir iiStreet.Reynolds, E .R., "Ennisview," Oakey.Prout, James, Victoria Av enue, Chelmer. Reynolds, W. R., Nudgee Beach.Prout, John, "Willanna," via Beaudesert. Rhoades, A. W. T., Stoneleigh St., All '"province, Thos. R., Rosl: yn, Mt. Perry. Rhoades, D. H., Wickhamn Street, Vul 'Pryce, D. C., Nestles Farnas, Toogoolawah. Rice, J., Elizabeth Street.Puff, H., 165 Queen Streeat.Rice, J. T., Ascot.Pullen, G. E., Helidon.Richards, A. G.. Morley Street, Too~\Pullen, S. E., Prairie Plains, Wiyarra. licliharid(, )r. S. Alex., Colonial Mut,' Purkiss, I.. D., New Zealand Insurance Chambers, Queen Street.Coy., Queen Street.Richardson, F. St. C., Charlotte PlaiPye, Thos., Department o f Public Works, Cunnamulla.Treasury Buildings.Richardson, G. A., Kangaroo Creek v'"Pyne, J. L. L., BoonimbahI, Goomeri. Moore.Qualtrough, A. K., Elliott Bros., Eagle St. Richardson, H. W., Vulture Street, Is'"7 Quinn, T., McGragor Avei rue, Lutwyche Brisbane.L u t wQulnn, W., 246 Queen Stre;et.t. Richin, A., Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., Do .' Quirk, E., C/o l'eiiwick & Co., idwaird St. Richings, N.S.W. W. H., Queen Street, Ju leESOuodllng, H. C., Departmernt of Agriculture Estate, Paddington.' & Stock, William Stre< et.Rigby, G. R., Taroon.' M4liffe, H., Stanley Streeet, Sth. Brisbane. Rilatt, G., C/o Boys' Grammar Sch. ';fb Jrju H. C., Ann Street, Valley.Oreg ry Terrace.84MEMBERS--Continued.

' Tf V" **-85ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.Riley, Chas. W., 179 Mary Street.Row,. Dr. E. l R., Box 11, Kilcoy.Riley, Sidney, 246 Queen Street.Rowton, W., "Carinya," Stephens RoadRitter, H., Ritter Bros., Cresly, Dalby. South Briisbane.Roach, H. Keith, Wyandra. Rudd, C. L., "Eltham," 97 Arden StrelRobb, J., Abbotsford Waterworks Road, Coogee, Slydney.Red Hill.Rudd, Joseph , Airedale, Christmas CreoRobbins, C. B., Alma Street, Clayfield. Rudd, W. G., IMudgeeraba, South Coast LIRobbins, G. Howard, Kedron. Ruddle, E. H. , Royal George Hotel, VallRobbins, W. E., Herbal Institute, Auchen- Rule. N., "Mo olabin," Oxley.flower.Rundle, Miss E., Jane Street, Wilston,.Roberts, A. A., Goodna.Russell. Dr. I,ustace, 63 Wickham TerraRoberts, J. H. Cecil, Croxley, Kingsthorpe, Russell, F. L ., Wm Haughton & Coy.,Darling Downs.Parbury House, Eagle Street.Roberts, Mrs. M., British Empire Hotel, Russell, H. M ., 98 Eagle Street.Queen Street.Russell, T. VV.,C/o James Clark, UniRoberts, Jolhn M., Nugget Polish Coy., of Bank Chaimbers, Queen Street.Aust-alia, Williamstown, Victoria. Rust, A. H., ? Morningside.Roberts, S., Barry & Roberts, Queen Street. Ruthning, W, ., Ruthning Works, LoganRoberts, T. R., M.L.A., Ruthven Street, Road, Soiith Brisbane.Toowoomba.RIutkin, F., C /o Co-op. )Dairy Co., Esk.Robertson, H., Villiers Street, New Farm. Rutledge, F. H., Clifford St., ToowoomiRobertson, J., "Myola," Sandgate. Rutter, T. J.. 217 Queen Street.Robertsun. J. E., Colac, Victoria. Ryan, D., Q' land Farmers Co-op. DatRobertson. Mure H., Audit Office, Treasury Coy., Boo)val.Buildings. Ryan, E. T., Sandgate Road, Albion.Robertson, R. C., Mowbray Street, East Ryan, P. F., Waterford, GoondiwindLBrisbane.Ryan, James, Normanby Hotel, NormanRobertson, Dr. W. N., Wickham Terrace. Ryan, J. B., Slouth Pine Road, Alderly.Robertson, W. G., Ellerslie, Turallin. Ryan, Bro<strong>the</strong>*r J. C., Christian Bro<strong>the</strong>lRobertson, XV. H., Corlty Side, Southport. Nudgee C'ollege.Robertson, W. S., C/o Mure H. Robertson, Ryan, K. S., Harcourt Street, New FarlBrighton Road, West End.Ryan, M., Hyines Street, Bowen Hills.Robertson, \V. T.. ,'o I.olertson. Tait & Ryan, T., Vict;oria Street, Mackay.Co., Adelaide Street.Ryder. G. R., Queen Street.Robinson, H. A., Hamilton Road, Moorooka Rylance, P. 1D., He<strong>the</strong>rington & RylatiRobinson, J. Nicol, 334 Queen Street. Ltd., 355 Queen Street.Robin :,n, .1. W., "Knipton," .1 Villiers Sabine, Major W. R. E., Boundary and PeStreet, New Farm. Street, S( )uth Brisbane.Robinson, R., Co-op. Butter Factory, Sach, A. J., C!/o S. Elgar, "Earlthorne,"Goombungee.Glenny S treet, Teneriffe.Robinson, T.. C/o W. Robinson. Bald Hills. Sadgrove, C. L., Courier Buildings, QulRobinson, WV.. "Oclencoe." lH:ild Iills. Street.Robinson, W. J., 70 Vulture St., West End. Sagar, A. H., Nelson Chambers, Edward (Robinson, W. R., Margaret St., Toowoomba Sagar, C. H., C/o A. M. E. Coy., Ltd., EagRobson, W., Moray Street, New Farm.Street.Roche, J., "Wyuna," Cintra Road, Roadl, Bowen Saint, G., An nie Street, New Farm.Hills.Snltmarshe, IH., Southport.Roddick, W. . H, Kiwi Polish Coy., Co., 317 Sanders, J XW V r., 151 Queen Street.Collins Street, Steet, Melbourne. Mlouirn. Sanders, K. A ., South Comongin, QuilpfERode, W. J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Sands, R. O.,Brunswick Street, New FarRogers, R. G., 6 Central Buildings, Edward Sankey, J. R.., Hanlon Terrace, HamiltStreet. Sapsford, Sapsfor, N., Glen Road, Toowong.Rogerson, A. F. C. Sapsford, Per cy C., Northgate.Rogerson, Roerson, Johni A. Sault, B., "01 "0; raro," Brighton Road. So lRolley, Thomas, Vulture Street, East Brisbane. Brisbne.Brisbane. Savage, Savge, W. T.., Ramsay, Cambooya.Romer, C., Samuel Allan &e Sons, Albert St. Sawyer, Sawyver, Dr. W. A., Hookworm CamnpRooksby, A. Mrs., Mr., "Irene," "Irene" Water Street Departm snt. College Road.West, South Brisbnne. Brisbne.Saxelby, D., Q'land Farmers Co-op. 04Rooney, W., Albany Stud FaRrm, Farm, Maryvale. Booval.Rose, Arthur, "Woodville," "Woodlvill," Enoggera. Unloigera. Sayle, G. R., , Watson Ferguson & OgRose, G. H., C/o Robt. Reid & Coy.,Ltd., Soulth Brisbane.Edward Street.Scnnlon, cnoiM. M., 'Union Hotel, Petries B1dRose, J., Belmore, elmore. Sydney. Sydlney. Scanlon, P., EItock Exchange Hotel, QqRose, J., Bourne Street, St~eet, Clayfleld. Street.Rose, Thomas, Thoms, Eudlo. Kudlo. Scanlan, V., , Swan Terrace, Bowen BridjRosendorff, Rosendorf, M., "Whitecliffe," Albion. Schell, E., Jo hnson & Sons, Queen 8tRoss, C. J., "Kersal," Lytton Rd., Bulimba. Bullmba. Schiver, H., CCob & Morris Streets, AIRoss, ROS, John H., Boobera, Boggabilla, Schmidt, Schmdt, C. H. J., Burranbilla Statio0!New South Wales.Cunnamu lla.Rose, ROBs, Wm., "Malvern," Ipswich Iswih Road. Schmidt, Schmdt, J. ( C. H., Goolburra, Offhanl.Rosser, Roser, John H., Tambourine Tamlbouine Mt., via Westernn Line.Canungra. Canunra. Schofleld, choeld, J. 1E., Jackson & Schofleld,Ro<strong>the</strong>ra, H., H.. Sarum, via Bell.Bexley. Ctreenmount.Rothwell, Kothwell. T. J., Edward Street. Schooley, 8cbooley, B. L., Intercolonial BoringRouBe, Rous«, f. F. E., B., Deagon Street, Sandgate. Sandote. Anau Stre BtfleI* * *^t- isiiiafiB~ ^~~c tw .sti^^.,~ 8i.^^,^1:^^. _,i.. *.,, r ;. . .. r.,Uii~ -- ~--DI^- I~PIPPS~LbIll~y~'~ l)(~ ~ lmsI

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.E. E. Von, Beat Street, Hendra.e, W., Meandah, Pinkenba.A., Parbury House, Eagle Street.A. H., Hornet Bank, Taroom.A. H. G., Box 15 Abbotsford,oogoolwah.Andrew P., Hornet Bank, Taroom.C. E., Hornet Bank, Taroon.Mrs. E. G., Swan Terrace, Windsor.George, Tait Street, Kelvin Grove.Harold, "The Boonery," Moree,w South Wales., Hugh T., Hornet Bank, Roma.James, Toorak Hill, Hamilton.J. R., Glenmoral, Tarooun.Dr. Kerr, Brunswick Street, Newarm .M. M., Hardgrave Road, West End.Percy, Murray Street, MayneIZ'tion .R., Box 794, G. P. O., Brisbane.R. J., Gray Road, Hill End, Southrisbane.Robert L., Hornet Bank, Taroom.Wm., Wattlebrae, Kingaroy.G 'Wm., "Buruclutha," Valentine St.,CioOwong.won, E. G. E., l)epartment of AgrigBulture& Stock. William Street.Den, R., Post Ottice, Sandgate.ngeour, .1as., ('allendoon North,Qoondi winri- igeour, W. T., Callandoon North,Ioeour, . T. Junr., Callandoon North,ondlwindt.,J. J., Federal Taxation Office,elaide Stteet.SR. 1':., 11 easlop's I lm~.,ox447 H.1')O) II oitta Street,er.. ('Flite Ilow is Co-nh. 1)10r'', Lt., flodgsnsii Vle.,C. W . I'; lmnerin Street, Warwick.uGeorge, Co-op. Butter Flactory, Ltd.,~ngog, New South XWales.J. J.. Warwick Dutter & DairyingoyMill Hill.e, H. ., ink of New South Wales,~guth Bibane.H, h. Ii. "leoi a arl To," Laura Street,Uh Brisbane.k, F.. Viae Warwick flutter &Iy Co., I Adl., Lord lo Jon Swit ut p.Rbert, Scarbolrough, via Redeliffe.(',ush n ,ti ot n.narkts.D. P ., Itotnan St~eet Ma rktsR. B., Markets, Romna Street.Dr. James L., King Street, Eastbane.H. .M., Too~llurrt \'line\ ais ,a: wick.E. A., C/o Vacuum Oil Ppty.,Bullmba.A. J., Hart Road, Indooroopilly.G. W., "Strathcona," Zillman Rd.,vdra.R. E., Engineer's Offlce, lailwayartment, Ann Street.,T., Thorn Street, Kangam'oo Point.ton, R. W., "Weerona," Francis St.,1e Junction.r, W. H., (lymple.0. A., "Hilltop," Cannon 1l111.Alan, Salt Bush Park, MackayShannon, P. W., Land Court, ExecutiveBuildings, George Street.Shapland, A. J., "Devon," Theebine.Sharp, A., C/o Piggot & Coy., Toowoonba.Sharp, A. E., C/o Thorp & Sharpe,Isles Lane.Sharpe, F. R., Thos. Heaslop & Coy., RomaStreet.Sharpe, G. W., Kent Road, Wooloowin.Sharry, C., Obi Obi, via Nambour.Shaw, E. J., "Fairmont," Sandgate.Shaw, E. M., "Telemon,"' Beaudesert.Shaw, Hamilton, Co J. Jackson & Coy.,Roma SteetShaw. Hamilton S. Junr., c/o McNulty &Shaw, Corner George & Ann Streets.Shaw, J., Dornoch Terrace, Sth. Brisbane.Shaw, P. G. T., Sunnybank.Sha w, W. W.. 241) A debltide St yt.Sheard, S., Latrobe Terrace, Paddington.Sheatet, M. I., 1. irst Avenue, Eagle.uncton.Sheehy, XV. J., Sydney Pincombe Ltd.Preston House.Shepherd, Fiedk. 3., C/'o Farina (Aust.)Ltd., 516 Kent Street, Sydney.Shepjieison. A. I ., hin Kit.Sheric. H.. Tattertlls t'lub, 'Isles LoveBuildings, Adelaide Street.Shield, William L., Brooktield.Shields, T., Villiers Street. New Farm.Ship tv. U. W . imipson Halligan & Coy.,Petries Bight.Short, W. J., Bureau of Central SugarMlills, Elizbeth St~eet.Shortt, F. E., 128-130 Creek Street.Srhives, J.Siemon, Chas. F., Romna Street.Semon, Ernet A. R., Ronta Street.Sieon, John W., Ioma Street.Siemon, Robt. S., omai~ Street.Sienion, Win., Itoran Street.Silvester, W. S., Federal Chambers, QueenStreet.Sin psomn, .'. E., "Alrlerl II edge." '' Alderle'Sipson, A.Clifton, Ilariilton, Victoria.Sn pson, Tit c.. St t th pi iti'Simpson, W.. "Gooni rg" ' range Vi, wEstte, 13runtwlck Street.Sinclir, a., il larew Eitdsvold.Sincairi, John eI., C /o Allan & Stark,Queeni Sti cet.Sinclir. John M., Rlailwav Terrace,Ch el me.Singer Sewing Manchine Coy. (C H.Pickworth, Public (Itlihr), Queen St.Sinantn, -I, Av w'htlda Ic xley.Snnanon, J., Goodna.Skerman, J. H., Maleny Co-op. I)airy ('y.,Maleny.Skinner, C., Deighton Road, Sth. Drisliatte.Skinner, WV .1 . I we, 1Iuacn. via Nan.Glen, N.'4.W.Skipper, Fred. J., New Zealand Chtambers,334 Queen Street.Skirving, J., Pic~es Street, Com proo.r~oSkyring, A., Love Street, Northgate.Skyring, H. S., Sawmills, East Bundaber.Slack, C. J., iItglcwood.Slade, A. E., I leuielg. oIre.Slade, O. C., East (Ileugaillan, Warwick.Slade, W. 1., (Ileuieg, Hore, vin Wa rw 1k.Slaughter, F., C o Stewam t & Coy. SttanleySti cet, 5th. 1'0' him neSmallbone, W., Wellington Rd., KangarooPoint.

Z:IF----s~ -- rasasa~a~~r~T~LL~l'i~7qL:jYSmalley, W. E., Ma~y Street, Gympie.Smiles, H, T., "Culterfel," Mnl.Smith, Alex,, "St. Magnus," Coton Street.andate.Smith, Alex., Redhank,Smith, A. A., Burns Philp & Coy., Mary St.Smith, A. (1., C/o C. Christie, Ithaca St.,NormnbySraith, A. 1-!., 'I nlestoii'' Mnnu W in Soutl.Smith, Alex. Kenned~, Bilue Hill, Springsure.Smith, A. W., Smith l~ru, 394 G~eor'ge St.Smith. Donld. "The T':lm," Boqluet Street,West E~n.Smith, Mrs. . A..N ewiybar, N.S.W.smith. E. Evani. No. T5 G:reory Terra:ce.Smith, E. G., Bishop Stet, Kelvin Gi'oveSmith, Air.. (i.. C:onlli e, Sn noyha))nk.Smith, E. B:, C/n Sin it~l Bros,.., 39-I1 GorgeKSmith, G. E.., EdmnorinSto ne Streel,1 New -market,Sniith, G. l'ender, Edenla on, ltedelii,Sinljh B. Selwn'1. I:u'le'l8.1..Smith, J. 2 Ieifiew i'a k, iiughendenSmith. .. F'., ''lb icnoni''arle, Ic' tiuijt'i MiavStreet, New I'kin,.Smith, Col. .1. F., Flewell, o Q, d]t. I 'o r)B(a~on Co., A ni)na 'iE.Smith. J. J, Woleton, Ipswh'ht Liie.Sini U h I, Laoenn~e Stceens, Xl~ tlose ph,Smith, Aisss X., Carr iers rs~, la ryborough.Smith, P., 866 Brunswick Stet, New Frm~lSmiith 1'. E.. se': Bruniisw cli~ St' t, NewSmith, P. Sinclair, A. l. L. &r . Coy.,I ~9 Ceek Street,Sith, S. le is e: (',, I ~ill. Pight & Co.E~gle S.i eelSitli. Sydney W.. Brloken lleasl,, via I tyromlBay.Coy., Ea~le .Strett.V. B~lid S~n i te, . u rictiomi St ot1ANNUAL MmMBRSContinued.Slth, X. :., I Ani. St~eet. A I::IoiSmyhe, John, Oonunell Terrce, Lou',enHills.Smy<strong>the</strong>, Richad, MIusgrve Road, Bled Hlill.Smy<strong>the</strong>, Al r. Win ' "'lilfordt." Wh'ikhoniTei mace.Snelling, E., 147 '1.rree St~eet, New FalrmSnellin, T..A., I ve:vi''w '[e ce.ctIi m lnl on,Snielling, W. M., Co Chapmanill & Snelln,Egle Street.Sneyd, Miss J ncr, Mar\y Street. I herlimsiilt'.Soden, J., Ipw kbh Itoadt, South Ilmisitamte.Soden, W. C., Up~pem' Gleig Street, SouthBsba ne.Soloon, ., C/o N.Z. Loanui & M. Aency,Eale Sti'eet.Somerset. H. P., Caboonbah, Toooolawah.South, F. L., Kodak Ltd., ueenl Street.Bou<strong>the</strong>rden. R. W., G;leni Ailim, Stanthope.Sou<strong>the</strong>rn, . T., "Boi'onia" New Farmn.ou<strong>the</strong>rn. H. C.. Mrkwell St., Alu<strong>the</strong>nlever.fJl Pal t i. .. fllL LUVr~a,,~n~~nSparke., ., Mayfleld Street, HamilSparkes, P. G., C/o Gregory & DaSparkes, G. V., Market L~ne, IpswichSparkes, .James, Thorrold St., Wool;Oow'JSparks, W . ebun tet 01Brisbane.Speedy, W. R., Thargomindah.Speering, T., Grantham.Spence, L. H., E. Rich & Coy., Ltd., WhJ~Street.Spencer, A., Corind.Spencer, A. B., 12 Queen Street.Spencer, Leonard, Edward Street.Spencer, T. A.. Rom.Spir~o. L. H., Mr1y Steet.SpraLke, G. T., Woodstock Street, Marlborough.Spresser, Win., Carnation Jersey Stud,Brassall, neai' Ipsch.Spinall, H. A.Cordelia .Street, SouthBisbane.Spingtlope, L., Goonieri.Sprolot, J., lgai~n \Vest, Ellenthore.Sln, .r . F., Flowet 1 le,, loeklea.Spurgin, C. A., 288 Queen Street.Stacey, G. H., PIe: k Crlosing, via IpswiStacey, G. W , "Astoria,'' B raceville.Stacey, P., Warron:mn, Sig~leton, N.S.Stack (. P., M~ail Bra\nch, G:.P.O.Stafford, A., B3ox :37 (;*'.ii.Stjirles, S. J ., ''cowdec~ liirowes,''Staiels, X. J., Queb~cc, Mundubbea.Standish, H. A., "Ashby." A\lbi('ni Road,~St ofleli, F., Alexa ne' Itod, Ascot.Stanley, Warner. Boadr Strleet, SandgatStantton, A. A., Neuruin. Kilcoy Line.Strk. I. B., Allain &' Strke Lt., Queen *sJStrk~ey, W. S., P'ot Oillce, MudgeerabStetlnnmn, .1., lkeney Street, H-ighgate-Steele, T. Bi., Bisbnle Sop Coy., BoWPIB ide.teei , .. Corieda it l'a k, T 'IU tta, VYWagg, New South Wa';le.Ster,~ Bi. t-., ailalPy Dpt., CPIIBStr eogStegall, E. M., C, o Gritths Bros., ejI-ightStephlen,, .. Saruigte Rdl., Albion.Sitephens, H., Breakfast Creek.tehens, Lew., Heath St., EastBrbaStc~hcl. P'. J., h~odk Buildling.i QueenStephens, H. T., Union Trustees Chn, -. ~Queen Street.Steven, J., Box 538 Gr.P.O., Brisbane.Steven, Hanrod,l "St R~un." Newnar~aRoad,. Wllstol.Stevens, HI. M., Qiand F~arelrs Co-opStevens, . B,, :/u Wn!. G:ibson & 801Stewrt, A. D., Bld hlls. -Stewatrt, C. J., Criterion, Hotel, George fStewrt, P. F.. Pine Shiie Council,Str~thptne.Stewart, P. J., "Sylvan Wood," Role qand Park Road; Eagle Junction. .~1Stwar~t, Dr. Heibert, O~ld &r New a4Roads, Clayfteld.Stewart, J., "Beach Villa," Mraly. dStewart, . Bald Hills.B

~rt8p.,ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.J. T., Howard Street, Bayswater.art, Phil., Dunlop Rubber Coy.,I Adelaide Street.T., "Fairyknowe," Rosyn Street,t Brisbane.T. L., Roslyn Street, East~. ibane.a1non Fi~ A FairneldfuW. J. it., Cto A. Stewart & Sons,.Queenl Street.J., Roma.%f: A., Thoynhill Pastoral Coy.,n24 A e1o1n la Sr pt.I. L., Gulboer, Pittswrth.Wilfred. Heath Street. Eatlane.J. T., Gunbower, Pittsworth.A. H., Euron, (Uadstore.r. D., Crinya, (Badtstore.U, John, Baynes Ltd., Soutn B-risoane.bo, Alex., Parbury House, Eagle Street., IeCharlotteR& Market Streets.odrLieut. Col. l{. \i.,Ma klret St~eet.kes. J. A.. Kellett Street, Auchenflower.%one, C. A., Bristol Pottery Works,Coorparoo.Ione, T. E., Quilberry East, S. & W.Railway.Koppord, James, M.L.A., Rose Street,,Annerley.orer, George, 345 Queen Street.Krie, J. Junr., Windsor Road, Red Hill.y, G., Sturmfels, Ltd., Creek Street.Rry. J. D., Riverton Street, Albion.ory, Robert, Story & Ramsay, AdelaideStreet.kory, W., A. M. E. Coy., Townsville.reet, William, 173 Anin Street.reeter, Dr.. Cavendish Rd.. Coorparoong H. A., Indooroopilly.g Janmes, Merijdian Villa, FlindersParade, Sandgate.ftuart, G. P., Union Bank, Queen Street.tuddert, Gordon W. T., Cobb & Coy.,Creek Street.C., Inns of Court, Adelaide Street.C. W., Glencoe, Cunnamulla.L., New Farnm.A., C/o Johnson & Sons, Queen St.l8llivan, t., C/o C. W. S. French, Derby''teet, Cooraroo.llivan, M. T., Alexander Hotel,Toowoomba.bmrners, F., C/o Owen ;ardner & Sons,South Brisbane.Ininmers. Ger-ge, Norman Parade, EagleJunction.tuiner, It. F., Nornran Parade, EagleJunction.ton, Col. Alfi ed B., C.B., C.M.G.,II"Northa."' I' pper Paddirrgton.Ellis, Isisford.II. 0., 45 Petrie Terrace., Ca pt., "Norway.'' Norman Par-k.,. M.L.A., l'arllirrent Hotuse.y, S. B., Combined Buyers (Aunt.)Parburv House. Eagle Street.V., Duke Street, Bulimba.E., 48 Costin Street, Valley.P. J., Parhury House, Eagle Street.s, Chas., Wool Street Toowong.D., Roiberiton Tait & Coy., Charlottereet.,John, Tewantin.Tait, .Tohn, Tnlor Street, WoolloongabbaTait, R., Pittsworth.Tanml3n, XV., "La ke Dunne," Aramac.Tanner, I. It., Mills, Tanner & Young,Courier Buildings, Queen Street.Tapsall, W. H., Nestles Milk Fa.tory,Toogoolawah.Tarlinton, T. J., Virginia Avenue,Hawthorn.Tate, l. 1., Simpson Road, Ithaca CreekTaylor', A. D., Westbour'ne Street, SouthBisbrne.Taylor, Charles, C/o H. S. Exton Ltd.,Queeni Str~eet.Taylor, Cirles. Charles Taylor & Coy.Rorna Street.Taylor, C. C., "Vere-

_ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ _ ~ ~ __ _ ~ ~____ i^ i_; _ __~i __ ~ .__ -. _ ._ I __Y~j ; ~I )~ il_ h~ll*II89ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued.Thomson. S.. LIdllyrnere.' Nudgee Road, Traves, A. W. Chermslde.Hendra. Trenry. E. AI., Ekibin Itoa, Annerle~Thom~pson, W. A., 3S Londoir Bnk South BIiChambers, Creek Street. Trenerry, H. S., ickard Avenue, BondjThomson, A., j\ordg:fiue lIId,;1 South rrs. Sydney.Thomon, A., Ornieau, South Cost Line. Trevethan, W alter, Elizabeth Street.Thomson, A. P., Alarrihul, I)alb. Treweeke, F. L.. Culbokie Noondoo SidlnThomson, E., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., NMWElizabeth St~eet. Tritton, F., 26 0O George Street.Trhomson, . A., Custom h-ouse, Queen St. Trotter, W. ( .Jackett Bros., HeasI~p:TThomson, Mliss E. L., C/o Frasers Ltd.. Buildings, Roma Street.142 Queen Street. Trout, . L., C7/o Hi. Trot & Sons, Red HllThomson. H., Pie Street, Brulima. Tot .(. Co I. Tru~t & Sons,Thomson, Mrs. J., "Bocoolirna," Calliope, lusgrvevvia Gladutone.Trout, Richar'd, Waterwor.ks Road, AaB'Thomson, J. 13., Buny, vi tanthpine. grove.Prhoto sonl lI ). .. AlOWIJiauJ, WViCkhaoi Trout. H. P., Red Hill.Terrace.Trout, W. J., Victoria Street, Red Hill.Thomson, N. W., Repatiation l)eparnltent, Trouton, W., Coner' Edward & ElizabetiMary Street.Streets.Thomson, Capt. W. Camplbell, '"Loma True, .. E., rlS-524 Queen Street.Ln]T,' Yltira St~eet, Ascot.Trdai,5Ilrt C., Co MaIc rbertso'Thoneman, J. S., Kuut', DlyS.7-OA eloide Steet.Thorn, C. R., Eton Steet, Nundah. . Tucke, A. J., Corner' E~mpess & Juliett,Thorpe, F., Newton Stret, Coorpn'oo.. Streets, olh' Ipswich Road.TIhore, I.., Brtonl Itoat, Hawthorne. Turlier, ET. (I N, ew Sndgat Road.Bulimba.Cla vfield.rhru.~p, H. ., TLooooHiwab. I 'uckett, A. .. Hocklea.PIhulrw, .oli, c ?u .ioho Tiulow &r Sons Tuke, E., ocLtd., Albion. Tunley, H. F.klea..,Wikhlm Street, Valley):TIhynne, Honn. .J......L.C., Highgte Hill, Turich, C. H., Ileidlebe'g Benaraby, NormlSouth Brisbane. cost Lir le.lle, I., War l ick' B~utter & Tnairying Turner, Dr. A~. J., Wickharn Terrace.Coy., oondiwindi. Turner, F., Strathnuir, Hockhampton.Pindal. C. F., Gurryani, Inglewood. Turner, F. C.hurst, N.S. r .h teTipler, D. W., MlcLennn Street, \ooloowirr Tuirer, . H.Trippet, , Tip~pet B~os.. New lti, Victoi. Tu~ner, R. D.,Tivey, W~n. Naitinl fnlark of Austrlia, TunoHJ.Eagle Street. . urnio, Ja.,Wyaga, Goondiwidi.C' o t'iiorlr Batik uf Austr.a1fWyanga. (loondliwlndl.X\akler' &r Co., Elizabeth IiThe iolmwoo, Neurum.Tod, J. T., Wrwick putter. &r al'yng Tt II. 1).,nY T.. The Hioiwood, NeurU~Coy.. Allora. ut n 1 .Ybbri Steet, Ascot.Todd .J., 1 ialirt .\ Vertie. .\ sot Teedale, J., Abbot Street, Ascot.Toddhunter, W. J., "Cambria," Dunmore Twomey, MI.,Adelaide Steet.Terrace, ucheofioer.Tynn, A. MI. Focley Blos., Homa StriPTolmn, A~thu'. "Mio~a," Lnowen Terr~ace TYr.Whitt, Hi.$., Yandr~low, Auga<strong>the</strong>lla,New Farm.Uhl, Alfed, L'etries Bight.'rolman, E. E., "Miora," loen Terace. Uh, G. L., Pcet ies Bight.New Farm. Ub , 1 lerert, 'etr~ies Bight.[ohm Ic, J nes, "Klim~lach ic,' Hill Str'eet. Uhlnrri, F. X~ ., Caboolture Co-o. Coy.,..Toowoonba.Cno~ltur e.'tolbs, A ta,1 'Wvele," McGegor lJhlnran H. C:., Bay View, Burpengary.Avenue, Lu twyho. Underoo, A .'I'., Fifth Avenue, Windl'romes, L. ., Jurraee, Warwick. Ure, J. Carriir g, "'St. Ivu," Cr'escent RoJ~'romklns, B., Moogoor, Goondliwiid. Hamilton.lori .1. Kirt, W ro W siott, Itigewoti. tish t, I hor lr ,e J.. "I~u('brook," BogaiToohey, Ptric, B~ayne, Ltd., Southttiitr.Brisbane. slrW C .,Linield, Sydlney, N.S,'W;Tooth, Lelie H., C/o Wetnan &: Coy., \aetliE.1., Grlosvenor Road, .48l Ptrie 'furae.IndoooolTownson, J. Wnne, Lamerit Road, Valentine, W. Rialto Street, Coorpar~O,Indoo roopi ly.Vallely. P. D .Ipwich Road, SouthToer, S. D., Ste~hens &r Tozer, Georgie St. Bisbne.'i'oerVivrt i i., lt \ M ne, Ior ie. Vallely, 1'eter Austranlian Hotel, Queen ITrackson, I'. S., 157-1591 Eliza~eth Street. Van HlomrighTrail., Albrt, Co '1'tr iu Ltdl., Newted, Ppty., Lt 1., Roma Street.Trail, C. A., Newsteadl. . Van Ilomnigh 1. D., Enogen aTrail, David, Newstend. Vaughan. V. jv., Hamilton Road, 1Inn~ltiTraill, D. J. Jun., Lutwyche Street. Verno, W. I-., Cluen, Vernors Siding.,:Wooloow in.B. V. LnTraUl. E., Newstead. _Vidgen, C. . Dental Hoptl, or*TnRnl. '.'' . 'n''cyinthin,'' T'idvold. Von Stieltz C. H., New Sandgat oTralil, T. W., "Cylthi," Eidsvold.Clayfteldl.ra~weiler , C., Unerwoods Bond, Alberi Vowles, Jlru s, Mliwood, Morven.!tW~t, Waddell, H. H., JBenvenue, Gayndab.

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.46, H. C., Commercial Union AssuranceiCoy., Eagle Street.lt, J. H., Box 21, Post Office, Klcoy.J. T., Wadeleigh, Boompa, Gayndaher, A. J., Cemetery Road, Nundah.er, B., 261 Gregory Terrace.aer, G. W., Howes Road, Nundah.|her, H. J., 261 Gregory Terrace.Ker, J., Ironsides, Toowong.A. R., "Telkawarra," Caboonbaih,oogoolawah.BR., Murrumba, Eak.Iker, Dr. A. R., Edward Street.Ier, A. C., Knockroe, Kowbi, laisranch.er, A. L., Mt. Kenilwarth, Brooloo.kber, A. T.,. Tainton, Lowmead, viaBundaberg.er, C. C., Mary Street.per, E. C., Harrow, Cambooya.ferr, F. L., Grangeville, Herston Road.)Kelvin Grove.Iker, F. P., Glenlyon, Stanthorpe.Bcer, H. F., M.L.A., Wide Bay Co-op.Itary Coy., Gymple.jKaer, I. R. C., Knockroe, Kowbi, IsisBranch.J. JIer, J., Deshon Street, Sth. Brisbane.kr, L. E., Mary Street.Oker, S. Herbert, Inns of Court,Belame ireeL.r, W., Palm Avenue, Sandgate.s, Win., Wallacedale, Kergunyah.itoria.g1'., ['arllament House.aH., Box 935, G.P. ., Brisbane.H. J., Chelmer.John, "Arabella," S. & .Ith, A. D., Dalgety & Co., Elizabeth St.ll, J. A., Colonial Mutual Chambers,een Street., J. J., Inns of Court, Adelaide Street.j, Wm. J., Camnboon Station, viaRockhampton.tMmrs. L., Earl Street, Red Hill., Rev. Fa<strong>the</strong>r, Wooloowin.Ih, Richard, Walsh & Coy., Toowoombath, Major i. H.. Vulture Street, Eastlabane.tr, C. L., C/o A. M. E. Coy., Ltd.,T8M Eagle Street.Kr, E. M., Werribee, Victoria.P@i, P. V., Brunswick Street, Valley.Iton. W., Brunswick Street, Valley.ak ;rlc, Adelaide Chambers,a Street.W. J., Northgate..Aleu, lireenh)anK,. TooraK oau.on.s. B., C/o Mactaggart Bros.,Ie Street.C. H., "Milrose," Hobbs Street,enflower., G., Box 247 G.P.O.t: W., Moses Ward & Sons, Queen:J. W.. Moses Ward & Sons. Queen St.Theatre Royal Hotel.treet.F_ "1 I _~ I I " n _ _~Park, Yeronga.sut View, Gunalda.Wardell, J. E., Q'land Primary ProducersCo-op. Agency Ltd., Eagle Street.Ware, Wm., Meatworks, Redbank.Waring, E. H., St. Lucia Road, ToowongWarneminde, M. H., Toogoolawah.Warnock, A., C/o Smellie & Co., Ltd.,Edward Street.Warnock, A. H., Employers' LiabilityAssurance Corp., Creek Street.Warr, J., Hillcrest, Nundah.Warren, C. C., Wharf Street.Wassell, J. W., Chester Street, Teneriffe.Waters, A. T., Lanefleld.Waters, Mrs. Jessie, Stanley Terrace,Toowong.Waters, Rev. W. H., Toowong.Watson, A., Q'land Bedstead Coy., Milton.Watson, A., 276 Wickham Street, Valley.Watson, Bruce, C. T. A. Club, Brisbane.Watson, D. J. R.. Inns of Court, AdelaideStreet.Watson, H. P., Nambour.Watson, Henry B., "Bonara," Yeronga.Watson, J. G., Bramble Terrace, Red Hill.Watson, Richard, Booval.Watson, Samuel, Brisbane St., Ipswich.Watson, S., Toowoomba.Watson, S. A., Co-op. Dairy Coy.,Bundaberg.Watson, T. G., Limestone Street, Ipswich.Watson, W., Banchory, Theebine.Watson, W. J., Brisbane Street, Ipswich.Watt, E., Ballina, New South Wales.Watt, E. J., C/o Dalgety & Co., ElizabethStreet.Watts, F., "Woolwich," Milton Road.Watts, George, 233 Elizabeth Street.Waugh, George, Osborne & Waugh 293Queen Street.Weare, W., A<strong>the</strong>rton.Wearne, R. H., Central Tech. College,Brisbane.Wea<strong>the</strong>rill, Capt. W. J., 32-33 VictoryChambers, Queen Street.Webb, C. W., Stafford on Kedron.Webb, H. G., Wylie Street, Toowoomba.Webb, Mark, Stafford-on-Kedron.Webb, R. J., Spencer Block, Queen Street.Webb, W. P., C/o Pointon & Webb.Newstead.Webb, Dr. W. S., Vulture Street, SouthBrisbane.Webster, A. B., Mary Street.Webster, A. V., Yarralla, Maleny.Webster, C., Queens Road, HamiltonWebster, David, Annerley Road, SouthBrisbane.Webster, George L., Webster & Coy., MaryStreetWebster, J. F., Cafe Majestic, Queen St.Webster, J. M., Hereford Hill, Kilcoy.Webster, S., "Gleniris," Killcoy.Webster, Thos., Kilcoy.Webster, W., Kilcoy.Webster, W. Eaton, Sarum. Bell.Wecker, E. J., Tingooia.Welch, J., Sunnybank, S. C. Line.Weller, Johann G., Esk.Wells, A. G., Eagle Chambers, Eagle St.Wellstead, W. A., "Lockyer," New SandgteRoad, Clayfleld.Welsh, F. C., City Buildinge, Edward St.Welsh, Beaumont, "Hy<strong>the</strong>, Mangalore,8. & W. Line.

a~c~i L --- ~ 9 -I - Ds~C-rmPWB~-~IPP~P~-PiEB +~iiffTl~f~AATSr~-~T~2~-t-~'~: ' '' ''''~;' 3eANNUAL MEMBElS--Continued.Weadrof, W A. C., McLennan Street.Wooloowin.West, Bert., Zillman Road, Hendra.West, W. S. T., Brittain Street, Oxley.Weatacott. R., Nundah.Westaway, E. J., Rocklea.Westoott, L. A., "Eufala," Wellington Pt.Westcott, W. E. G., Bacchus Marsh Coy.,Eagle Street.Westlake, W. J.. Daniels & Westlake,Albert Street.Westphal, W. M., Westphal & Clarke, PittStreet, Sydney.Wetzel, E., City Baths, Spring Hill.Weymouth, T. G., Violet Avenue, Yeronga.Whalley, W., Nambour.Whatmore, 0. W., Q'iand Motor AgencyLtd., Adelaide Street.Wheatley, H. W., Chermside Street. Newmarket.Wheeler, Alex. J., "Loloma," SherwoodRoad, Toowong.Wheeler, Dr. J. A., Sherwood Rd., ToowoigWhereat, J. H., McConnell St., Hulimba.Whincup, W. A., Whincup & Coy., Valley.White, A. T., Butterfield Street, Herston.White, C. F., Moioniida, Stanthorpe.White, E. E. D., Bluff Downs, ChartersTowers.White, E. G., "Oakden," O'Connell Terrace,Bowen Hills.White, E. S., C/o Dunlop Rubber Coy.,Adelaide Street.White, F. L., Brooklaiids, Woodhill.White, Gilbert, 65 Elizabeth Street.White, J., Co White Bios., Tucka Tucka.Yetman, N.S.W.White, Jas. C., "Edinglassie," Muswellbrook, N.S W.White, L. E., O'Connell Terrace. liowenHills.White, Norman, Daily Mail Otlice, QueeStreet.White, R., Crows Nest.White, W. D., Mt. Berrymant, Laidley.White, W. M., "The Willows," Laidley.White, W. T. P., "Oakden," O'ConnellTerrace, Bowen Hills.Whitby, Samuel Henry. Cribb St.. MiltonWhiteford, James, 18 Somerset Street.Valley.Whitehill, A. F., Ridley St., Auchenflower.Whitehouse, B. B., 185 George Street.Whitehouse, C. C.. C/o Burns Philp & Coy.,Ltd., Mary Street.Whitelock, E. L., Pianola Coy., Queen St.Whitman, Wm., Taringa.Whitney, J. Coonirhing Park, Carcoar.New South Wales.Nhittaker, J. H., Victoria Park, Southbrook.Whittaker, T., Box 25, U. P. O., Pittsworth.Whitty, Miss M. K., C/o W. H. Bowser &Lever, Ltd., Windsor.Wienholt, Arnold, C/o Dalgety & Coy.,Ltd., Elizabeth Street.Wienholt, .T. D., "The Cottage," Ipawichktoad, South Brisbane.Wienonen, K., Melawondi, Mary ValleyLine.Wiggins, T. E., Botanical Gardens.Wlghtman, Andrew H., Corner Windermere& Racecourse Roads, Ascot.Wilbraham, F. W., Undulla, Woodhill.Wildermuth, D., Hendra.Wildermuth, W., Nudgee Road, HerWildhober, 1. G., Westbourne Street,Brisbane.Wildman, A D., C/o Wildman BriValley.Wildman, A. W., C/o Wildman BrValley.Wilkie, W. R., Dornoch Terrace .Boundary Street, West End.Wilkin, M. J.. Downs Co-op. DairyToowoomba.Wilkinson, J. A., "Kainama," KogrWarra.Wilkinson, J. J., Nambour.Wilkinson, J. R.. Dowse St., PaddingtolWilkinson, J., Wicekhanm Street, Valley.Wilkinson, P., "Waratah" Wine StoreS,Valley Corner.Wilkinson, R. J.D Dowse St., PaddWillcocks, H. J., "Strathfinellr, LoiWillert. C., Rosefarm, Rosedale,Willert. G. T.. Il:iffle Creek, via RiNorth Coast Line.Willert, S. J., 454 Edward Street.Williams, Albert, Spring Creek, No. 3, ;ao nnmWilliams. Alhert, Mountain View, TrWilliams, Alfred, Gregors Creek, YiWilliams. Albeit, FE<strong>the</strong>l St.. lornirWilliaimis, C. F.. North Creek, via BWilliams, E., Benarkin.Wililirrms, F. L.. fleriy Street, off CharloilStreet, Rosalie.WVillims, G;. P., Roma.Williams, 1I. I . "'Turihana," Gisborne.New Zea larWilliams, John. Barlow Street, ClayftelqWillia ins. .oh Spring Creek, No. 2,Ta rooim.WilliamHs, .. N.. Bank of Australasi.,Queen Street.\Villiainis, J. Herbert, C/o AgEncies Lt4C406 Queen Street.Williams, Lloyd W., Charlotte & MarlCStreets.Williams, M., Cairns Station, CharlevlJlWilliams, P. 0., C/o Dalgety & Coy.,.Elizabeth Street.Williams,I H. A.. The Elibi, Taroom.WV imlinms H . .Ii res. ''Llorc," 4lverppltourrl, C!!nryfeld.Williams. A. S.. c, o Sidney William, & ORockhain ptoii.Williams, T. E., Kennedy Terrace,Paddington.Williamirs, W. C., Hooiurne, via Taroom.Williams, Walter C., Campbells BuildiCreek Street.Williams, W. J., Mnral, via Many PWillinmisoin, John, Lochinvar, CarisbVictoria.Williamson, W., O. K., Dalby.Willis, A. J., lymplie Road, ChermaldeWillis, E., K inga roy.Willis, E. R., Inrgaby, via Surat.Willman, N. P., Nundah.Wilshire, W., Logan & Albert Co-op,Dairy Coy., Beaudesert.Wilson, A., High Street, Lutwyche. 0'Wilson, Alex. B., Architect, City B3uildliuEdward Street.Wilson, A. C., Forsyth Building, StaStreet, South Brisbane.Wilson, B. (., "Bremer View," RWilson, E. H.. Brisbane Street, III";;IIV1rPi

98ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued.men, F. A., Adelaide Street.Gilbert, an, Parbury House, Eagle St.n, G. H. Newman. C/o Union Assur--snce Society, Ltd., Preston House.Graham G., Minmore, Kingaroy.n. James, Milton Road, Coorparoo.n, James, 103-105 Elizaoeth Street.uOn, J. D., "Ebuta," Russell Street,sLouth rsbane.nuJohn 1r.b Cadbury Bros., Ltd.,E:Idward Street.on, . H., do New Zealand Loan &.Y. A. Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street.ion, . L, C/o Wilson e McDouall,Calliope Station, Calliope.on, R., Department of Agriculture &tok, Brisbane.ion, R. M., London flank Chambers,Creek Street.eon, T., Geoffrey Street. New Farm.on, 3 ylie, Central Q'ld. Racing Assn.,*Rochamton.Lson, W. H., Binbirrim, Miva.twhire, F., Fruit Exchange, Turbot St.ia, R W., Department of Agiculture.& Stock, William Street.etor Dr. H. J., Preston House, Queentreet.unett, W. G., Kingston, S. C. Line.B~nn l31' 1ee Ne~p IT ~ T~ri1Iorven.H. J . Rosalie Plains. Onkey., L., 'Cai rnowa n,' Vion Street,,yfield*S., "Cairndowan,' Union Street,field.ottam, D., Carlton Club Hotel.en, D. A., Angellala Downs,(it(tt (rn StreetIt i ood, W.J., C/o Birch & Carroll,nd Buildings, Queen Street.ll, C. R., Loch Leigh, Queens Road,amilton..h P., W irth's Travelling ircusC. E., Municipal Markes ltoma St.H., Kilcoy.Mecombe, W., Dickson Street,Wooloowin.*d, Dr. F. 0. Butler, Brisbane PermanentBldgs., Adelaide Street.Id, C., Kedron.id, Francis, Fairview, Warra.td, Harold A., Hooker Chapman & Coy.,99 Elizabeth Street.34. J. S., New Zealand Chambers,Queen Street.A, J. W., "Jesmond," Clayfield.Dd, R. P., Australian Sheep Dip Coy.,Charlotte Street.Mdbine, F. W., "Malbon,M Moray Street,New Farm.)dooc1l, W., Red Hill.adoraft, H. C., Chelmer.hed C. W., C/o lBryce Ltd., AdelaideWoodhouse, H. C., Grosvenor Street,Yeronga.Woodroffe, A. J., 147 Lambert Street,Kangaroo Point.Woodroffe, F. W., H. M. Customs, Queen SLWoodward, Archibald, Woodward & BigSSRoma Street.Woodward, E. C.. Adelale Street.Wool, A. L:., M~arets, Itona Street.Woolcock, ha. ., C/o Dalgety & Coy.,Rockham ,ton.Woolcock, .no. L.. Parliamentary Drafteman,Adelaide Street.WVoosley, J. H., ttion Steet, M~nly.Wotton, F. ., Whits Road, Coorparoo.Wech, I-I.. O~nslow~ St ret. )oomhemt~.Wright, A. C.. Colonial Sugar RefineryCoy. Eagtle St~eet.Wright, A. H.. lLadle.Wright, C. W., Waverley Station,WI ic Di. I, \in rine.Wright, D. T., Cameron Street, Nundah.Vigih,11. I. .1 I' a I Water & SewerageWright, .1 H ., Box 17. ost Omce, Helidon.Wright, M\lniric

1 :'~-"r."~$' ~ .~~,P L~I - ~; n~.;::.;;A, ~r )Royal'National Lton ofQndTo.OUR MEMBERS, ANDFRIENDSNo better advertisement of our State'sgreat possibilities is ever submitteULthan that of our <strong>Annual</strong> Exhibition.We can only advertise our State as itdeserves, if you help us.'We ask you to retain your membershipand to endeavour to induce yourfriends to become members.If you will help us with donations toincrease <strong>the</strong> value of our Prizes, orgive a Special Prize, your help will beesteemed. Every £1/1/- you spend inthis way will benefit Queensland.On behalf of <strong>the</strong> Royal NationalAgricultural Association (which in thisinstance means Queensland) <strong>the</strong>Council thank you in anticipation.'i\;._I,*u. &*r *^,I "* * .. . ,: - ** *- * Jl~aHlfill^ t iry '' ; l

~r 1Wn~Z ~:~C L~ IIlil e:",,,, 1I L~~'-~_~I~~~~L:~~~r?~~ Ci~t~:Fi;~; ~ %'~~l~'~I~P~i ~51)~:: I ~;~ ;;IYM(__..-.~_._..-..-.-. -.--.-..-. i--.r-- -- i-.- ------ ------ - L -------- --- l--L--- ----- L--l-~---~:n..!i5:; :: IQueenslandRoyal National Show1922;Starts MONDAY, 7th AUGUST.Finishes SATURDAY, I2th AUGUST.i-PWrite for SCHEDULE. and specifysection you wish to exhibit in, viz:Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs,Poultry, Farm and Dairy Produce, etc.Our Schedules this year may be subdivided.Membership Fee, £1/1/- New menibersmust pay an additional 10/6 asnoiniiiation fee. By " new members"is meant those wfho were not membersin <strong>1921</strong>.See Overleal.J. BAIN,Secretary.*CC rC*~ c ~C ' rccW *C~ ~ c'~--~---- ------ '----'~----- -~------- -- --------------Wholly set up and printed in Queensland by John Mill., himself,hrlktte Street. r~iban*,

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