Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

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Bauma 2010Marked a Turnaroundfor the IndustryAttendance Hit Record LevelsBauma, the world’s largest construction <strong>and</strong> miningequipment exhibition, was held in April <strong>and</strong> receivedover 415,000 visitors from more than 200 countries.The size of the 555,000m2 exhibition space <strong>and</strong> the 3,150registered exhibitors from 53 countries hit record levels. Evenas European airspace was closed due to volcanic ash, visitorvolume was good, despite some visitors being deterred for thefirst days of the fair.The strong numbers showed that the construction <strong>and</strong> miningindustries are on the upswing out of recessionwith equipment manufacturers <strong>and</strong> dealershaving rationalized stocks <strong>and</strong> now being ina position to increase sales of new machines.Attendance was hit by the travel disruptionthat affected flights across much of northernEurope. India was the partner nation for theexhibition, but the number of Indian visitors attending waslow due to the issue over flights. Visitor numbers from otherAsian nations, such as China, as well as from North America<strong>and</strong> Latin America, werealso hard hit. However,European visitornumbers remainedstrong with many takinglong trips by road <strong>and</strong>rail to attend the event,travelling from as farafield as the Northof Sweden, Russiancapital Moscow, <strong>and</strong>the Turkish capital ofIstanbul.At Bauma 2007, theoverall attendance was17 percent lower; 65percent of the visitorscame from Germany,35 percent traveledfrom countries outsideGermany.According to the provisional closing reportfor Bauma 2010, there was a represenativesurvey of exhibitors conducted by TNSInfratest that showed the leading world fairhas marked a change in mood followinga year of crisis in 2009, <strong>and</strong> that the change in mood was,<strong>and</strong> is, being felt in many international markets. Almosthalf the exhibitorsare expecting theeconomic situation toimprove, <strong>and</strong> with aperception that Europeis in the bottom of thecycle, confidence isreturning.The 30th Bauma,International TradeFair for ConstructionMachinery, BuildingMaterial Machines,<strong>Mining</strong> Machines,Construction Vehicles<strong>and</strong> ConstructionEquipment, will takeplace in 3 years, April15 to 21, 2013, inMunich. ■36 volume 3, number 1 | Today’s aggregate & mining solutions

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