Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

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Key Issue for theExtractive IndustryThe European <strong>Aggregate</strong>s Association outlines its ongoingcampaign to improve access to raw materials in the EU.According to <strong>Aggregate</strong>sBusiness Europe, the May/June 2010 issue, ensuringaccess to essential raw materials,despite continuous dialogue with theEU Institutions, is still a key issue forthe Extractive Industry. The European<strong>Aggregate</strong>s Association (UEPG) hasconducted a long-term campaign on“access to resources” <strong>and</strong> keeps callingfor better <strong>and</strong> sustainable planningpolicies in Europe through two newinitiatives.In 2004, a study on “Minerals PlanningPolicies <strong>and</strong> Supply Practices in Europe”was commissioned by the EuropeanCommission <strong>and</strong> developed by theLeoben University.Following the publication of itsposition paper on the RawMaterials Initiative, UEPG saw thedesirability of a new <strong>and</strong> authoritativeindependent support on mineral planning.UEPG president Jim O’Brien contactedLeoben University—through the Austrian<strong>Aggregate</strong>s Association (FSKI)—for areview focused solely on aggregates.The study focused on the following items:current <strong>and</strong> future aggregates supply <strong>and</strong>dem<strong>and</strong> in Europe; minerals (aggregates)planning policies; <strong>and</strong> permitting systems.The preliminary findings of ProfessorsMoser, Wagner, Dr. Tiess, <strong>and</strong> studentKriz were discussed at the UEPGcommittee meeting in March 2010 <strong>and</strong> atits board meeting the following month.Preliminary results showed:• Total of recycled materials is unlikelyto exceed 10 percent of totalaggregate supply in the mediumterm <strong>and</strong>, therefore, future supply ofaggregates in Europe will still haveto come from natural aggregateresources.• Only a few Member States have aclear, structured national mineralspolicy.• <strong>Aggregate</strong>s are not considered in l<strong>and</strong>use planning in most countries.• Authorization process is complex <strong>and</strong>very slow in most countries.The final results were to be communicatedto the European Commission in May, sothat conclusions may be incorporated intothe recommendations of the Commission’sRaw Materials Initiative <strong>and</strong> be includedin its final report. ■European MineralsConference Madrid 2010In June, the third EuropeanMinerals Conference took placein Madrid to further support theRaw Materials Initiative. The“European MineralsConferenceMadrid2010” was organized by the extractiveindustry representatives both at European<strong>and</strong> at Spanish levels <strong>and</strong> was included inthe official conference program of the EUSpanish Presidency with the support of theSpanish Ministry for Industry, Tourism, <strong>and</strong>Commerce.Euromines was one of the key collaborators<strong>and</strong> was represented by its President Mr.Thomas Drnek <strong>and</strong> its director Dr. CorinaHebestreit. The strategic importanceof the European miningindustry <strong>and</strong> European34 volume 3, number 1 | Today’s aggregate & mining solutions

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