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in. Rawson says that T-K-O providedexpedient delivery of the plant, droveit onto the site on its tracks, <strong>and</strong> it wasready to run when needed.MATERIAL IN ONE PASS“The plant achieved everything itneeded it to do. First, we needed acertain amount of tonnage—<strong>and</strong> theunit processed a total of 20,000 tonsin the several weeks that we ran it.It also provided a screen to size tothe specification required by the city(1.5-inch-minus grade six). It’s a dirtymaterial but it still has to go down toan inch <strong>and</strong> a half,” says Rawson,stressing that he couldn’t have gottenthat specification from their portablejaw crushers. “With the jaws <strong>and</strong>without a screen, we would havedoubled the process. With the FT4250,we could make the material in onepass. But ultimately it is the all-in-oneaspect of the plant—the impactor <strong>and</strong>screen combination—that really sold uson the plant,” he says, adding that hehad operated impact crushers beforebut had not encountered anything likethis particular unit. “It was very userfriendly<strong>and</strong> easy to operate. We couldcontrol all operations remotely from thecab of the excavator.”The FT4250 has a 42-inch by 50-inchfeed opening, which is large enoughso that material prep is minimized.Rawson says that the unit’s cross-beltmagnet system was very effective inpulling out large amounts of steel,which would be recovered <strong>and</strong> sold.The plant is engineered to withst<strong>and</strong>metal contaminants without incident,<strong>and</strong> is equipped with a st<strong>and</strong>ardoverload protection system.“Bottom line, we rented the mobileplant because we needed fasterproduction—<strong>and</strong> the unit allowedus to stay to stay on schedule,” saysRawson, who estimates that the FT4250allowed them to save up to a month ofproduction time. “It also delivered amajor savings in labor <strong>and</strong> equipment.The alternative would have been usingthree or four different machines to dothe same thing but in twice the amountof time. We will definitely use this plantagain,” he says. Additionally, Rawsonexplains that the cost-effectiveness ofusing the FT4250 to process materialon-site is a huge advantage versusthe cost of hauling material to anotherprocessing location or outsourcing thecrushing to another source.GROWING MARKET<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> says that there is much growthin the recycle market for its Fast Trax(FT) line of track-mounted plants.Contractors can haul a track-mountedmachine on a flatbed, just as theywould an excavator, back it off thetrailer <strong>and</strong> in mere minutes, they arecrushing material. It makes it possibleto cost-efficiently process volumes aslow as 5,000 to 10,000 tons. Thatis in stark contrast to the days whenon-site crushing dem<strong>and</strong>ed projectsof 50,000 tons <strong>and</strong> up—<strong>and</strong> the onlyoption was a machine on a traditionalchassis—which meant lifting timbers<strong>and</strong> cribbing, a task that is timeconsuming <strong>and</strong> not without hazard.A&R Demolition says that it is alwayslooking for new ways to recyclematerials at its sites. And, even in aneconomic downturn, A&R is still findingmany bidding opportunities for military<strong>and</strong> school projects, markets whichhave remained active in Texas. OwnerRaymond Reveile reports that hiscompany is continuing to assess newequipment with upgraded technologies,such as the FT4250, in order toposition itself as leaders in a changingenvironment. He says that it allows thecompany to remain on budget, on time,<strong>and</strong> delivers an ability to do a job rightthe first time. That, he feels, is whatdifferentiates A&R in the demolition<strong>and</strong> recycle marketplace. ■MOBILE STAR UPGRADE NOWSTANDARD ON <strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> TRACKMOUNTED IMPACTOR PLANTS<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong>’s Track Mounted Impactor Plantsare now equipped with the Mobile Starequipment monitoring system as ast<strong>and</strong>ard feature.Mobile Star delivers remote monitoringof Fast Trax equipment locations <strong>and</strong>operation events. The system allows anycomputer with an internet connectionthe ability to access any machine that iscompatible with the Mobile Star controlsystem. Once installed, Mobile Star willmonitor all the equipment’s specificoperational parameters including anyengine information, hydraulic pressures,<strong>and</strong> GPS position. It also has the abilityto send customizable e-mail notificationsof operational events <strong>and</strong> logs thoseevents for future reference <strong>and</strong> troubleshooting.The Mobile Star system is scalable tomeet the needs of anyone from a singleunit owner to a dealer/rental fleetmanager <strong>and</strong> is retrofittable to all FastTrax units with a digsy control system.For more information on <strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> TrackMounted Impactor plants, visit www.kpijci.com/track-mount/impactor-tracks.Wantmore?Contact Product Manager, Crushing/Screening <strong>and</strong> Tracks, Ron Griess at 605.668.2510,e-mail rongriess@kpijci.com, or visit www.kpijci.com.Today’s aggregate & mining solutions | volume 3, number 1 21

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