Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

Download Today's Aggregate and Mining Solutions - Vol 3 ... - KPI-JCI

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A major dolomitic limestone operation turns to Telsmithas a single source to meet multiple processing goals.maintenance costs, all while increasingour productivity <strong>and</strong> profitability,” saysLeClair.Project planning began in 2007 withthe major initiative being the design ofa new two-stage crushing system in thepit, closer to the quarry face. Crushedmaterial would then travel on a newlyinstalled 4,000-foot conveyor to anexisting surge pile <strong>and</strong> rail load-outsystem. Material loads onto a private 14-car rail system to be transported 5 milesto an existing finishing plant <strong>and</strong> shiploading facility where the product is thentransported on freighters to numerousGreat Lakes ports. More than 60 percentof the operation’s products supply thesteel industry.LeClair says that the project started outon the fast track <strong>and</strong> was scheduled tobe online in July of 2008. But progressslowed when then owner Oglebay Nortonsold the facility to Carmeuse Lime <strong>and</strong>Stone in February 2008. After someamount of evaluation by the new owners,<strong>and</strong> modification of the desired yield <strong>and</strong>stone gradation, the project continued<strong>and</strong> the new crushing facility wascompleted <strong>and</strong> started up in the spring of2009.Throughout the changes in design <strong>and</strong>ownership, <strong>and</strong> into installation, startup,A 600 hp, 68SBS cone crusher incorporates the TRAC10 cone automation giving the operators towercontrol over the 1,300 tph throughput.production, <strong>and</strong> current troubleshooting<strong>and</strong> diagnostics, one thing remainedconsistent—a solid, close collaboration<strong>and</strong> working relationship between LeClair<strong>and</strong> plant manufacturer Telsmith, Inc., thecompany chosen to design <strong>and</strong> engineerthe new crushing system. According toLeClair, Telsmith ultimately simplifieda complex process by managing theproject as a “singular source backed bya combination of resources.”IN-HOUSE DESIGN & ENGINEERINGAfter researching a number of plants<strong>and</strong> operations, LeClair says he choseTelsmith for its in-house design <strong>and</strong>engineering team. “From the verybeginning, I worked closely with oneengineer who was designated as thepoint person—although he did have thesupport of his entire staff. We narrowedthe focus to just two people—he <strong>and</strong> I.All questions would be funneled throughToday’s aggregate & mining solutions | volume 3, number 1 11

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