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News–DevelopmentsICMM RELEASES NEW GUIDANCEON PREVENTING FATALITIESThe International Council on <strong>Mining</strong> &Metals (ICMM) is pleased to presentLeadership Matters: Managing Fatal RiskGuidance, a new tool for the miningindustry. It focuses on the proactiveactions <strong>and</strong> behaviors that may beexercised by managers of operations<strong>and</strong> site leadership teams to helpeliminate the risk of fatalities.Leadership Matters expresses the intentthat leaders set the tone <strong>and</strong> directionof “What is Important” through visible<strong>and</strong> felt leadership. It presents aseries of self-diagnostic prompts—builtaround an internationally recognizedrisk management framework—to helpidentify gaps in safety managementsystems.Leadership Matters: Managing Fatal RiskGuidance should be read in conjunctionwith ICMM’s earlier report aimed atchief executives <strong>and</strong> corporate leaders—Leadership Matters: The Elimination ofFatalities.Both reports provide checklist-basedadvice on three key themes:• Live the vision of zero fatalities• Focus on high potential events• Recognize the fallibility of people<strong>and</strong> systemsFor further information, please contactAndrew Mackenzie at info@icmm.com.<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> FINISHES 2009WITH PERFECT SAFETY RECORDSafety was definitely on everyone’smind at Kolberg Pioneer, Inc. (<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong>)in Yankton, South Dakota, as the finaldays of 2009 came to a close. Withalmost 600,000 man hours worked, nota single safety incident had been puton the books. An annual zero incidentrate was indeed achieved at the endof December, an accomplishment neverbefore reached at Kolberg Pioneer, Inc.Focusing in 2010 with the mindset thatsafety is a total team effort <strong>and</strong> witha bar set high, Kolberg Pioneer, Inc.aims to keep the trend going. With anestablished environment centered aroundsafety, it’s sure to be another successfulsafety year. For more, visit www.kpijci.com.MSHA LAUNCHES SAFETY INITIATIVEAIMED AT ROOF FALL PREVENTIONThe U.S. Department of Labor’s MineSafety <strong>and</strong> Health Administrationlaunched its annual roof fall preventionawareness program aimed at reducingthe high number of roof falls that occurin the nation’s underground coal mines.Statistics show that more accidents <strong>and</strong>injuries from roof falls occur during thesummer months than at any other time ofyear. As temperatures rise, humidity <strong>and</strong>moisture increase underground, makingit easier for a mine roof or rib to fall.“Underground roof falls continue to be aleading cause of coal mining fatalities,”said Joseph A. Main, assistant secretaryof labor for mine safety <strong>and</strong> health.“Miners <strong>and</strong> mine operators are urgedto pay attention to roof conditions—notjust in summer, but throughout the year.Since 2000, there have been 69 coalmining fatalities attributed to “fall of roofor back <strong>and</strong> fall of face/rib/pillar/side/highwall.”Federal mine inspectors will distributeeducational information includingposters <strong>and</strong> hardhat stickers to remindthe coal industry about potential hazards<strong>and</strong> suggested remedies. MSHA officialswill speak directly to miners aboutthe problems warmer weather causesfor underground mines <strong>and</strong> presentthem with pertinent statistics about theincrease in accidents during the warmerweather months.<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> ROLL-PACK CONVEYORS AREPERFECT SOLUTION FOR PORTABLEPRODUCERS<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> introduces the perfect solution forportable in-pit conveyors <strong>and</strong> producerswho are always on the go. The new Roll-Pack series of conveyors feature theability to quickly transport <strong>and</strong> unload upto 210 feet of conveyors in just minutes.They are portable enough to move fromjobsite to jobsite in one load, reducingdowntime. When it’s time to relocate thesystem simply restack the three units withthe st<strong>and</strong>ard built-in roller system <strong>and</strong>move to the next jobsite.The new Roll-Pack series are availablein 60 <strong>and</strong> 70 foot lengths <strong>and</strong> 30 or 36inch belt widths. All conveyor units arejig welded lattice frames with designspecifications for long service life,requiring minimal maintenance.For more information on the Roll-Pack<strong>and</strong> other material h<strong>and</strong>ling products that<strong>KPI</strong>-<strong>JCI</strong> manufactures, please visit www.kpijci.com/material-h<strong>and</strong>ling.STEALTH TAPPET FEATURE AVAILABLEON ALL AMS’S HIGH FREQUENCYSCREENING PRODUCTSAstec Mobile Screens is pleased toannounce that the stealth tappet is nowavailable on not only the ProSizer ® butall their other high-frequency screens aswell. The tappet, which is the mechanismthat shakes the screen cloth, features thesame technology as the previous screen8 volume 3, number 1 | Today’s aggregate & mining solutions

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