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Defend Workers’ Right <strong>to</strong> Join Unionsby U.S. Representative George Miller (D-Calif.)LLast fall, I introduced theEmployee Free Choice Act <strong>to</strong>guarantee American workers’right of freedom of associationand right <strong>to</strong> collectively bargain.The U.S. tells other nations thatthese rights are fundamental <strong>to</strong>any democracy. It’s time—in fact,it’s way past time—for workershere in the United States <strong>to</strong> havethe same rights and protectionswe demand of poorer, less developedand less democraticnations around the world.Unfortunately, the basic laborlaw that Congress enacted in1935 no longer works <strong>to</strong> protectthe right of workers <strong>to</strong> form andjoin unions. Recent his<strong>to</strong>ry is litteredwith the s<strong>to</strong>ries of companiesthat harassed, intimidated,discriminated against, or firedtheir workers when they sought<strong>to</strong> exercise their legal right <strong>to</strong>organize for their mutual benefit.Take Wal-Mart, whose vigorousanti-union activities rangefrom threats and firings <strong>to</strong>unlawful surveillance. In the lastfew years, Wal-Mart has beencharged with well over 100unfair labor practices and hasfaced at least 50 formal complaintsfrom the National LaborRelations Board. None of thishas apparently deterred Wal-Mart. Current law simply doesnot discourage lawbreakers.In August 2000, HumanRights Watch, which usuallyre<strong>view</strong>s conditions in developingnations, documented “a systemicfailure <strong>to</strong> ensure the most basicright of workers [in the UnitedStates]: their freedom <strong>to</strong> choose<strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> negotiate theterms of their employment withLocal 125 (SanLeandro, Calif.) VicePres. Ken Young(left) and Local 24(San Francisco) Bus.Agt. Alex Fox (center)discuss issuesof importance <strong>to</strong>the <strong>BCTGM</strong> with U.S.Rep. George Miller(D-CA) at a recentfund raiser.their employers.” No impartialobserver of our law could reachany other conclusion.It is no mystery why workerswant unions. Wages amongunion workers are 26 percenthigher than wages amongnonunion workers. Union workershave better pensions, betterhealth benefits, and better shorttermdisability coverage. Unionworkers have contracts that preventarbitrary firings.But because the deck isstacked against employees whowant <strong>to</strong> form a union, unions winonly half of elections. That’s whythe Employee Free Choice Actprovides for a new deck, not just anew deal. Under this bill, if themajority of employees sign authorizationcards designating a unionas their bargaining representative,then the NLRB must certify it astheir bargaining representative.The bill also includes provisions<strong>to</strong> ensure that a union is notderailed in its efforts <strong>to</strong> get a firstcontract with an employer. And itstrengthens penalties against companiesthat try <strong>to</strong> stymie unionorganizing activities or forestall afirst contract with a union. Onlyby making the consequences substantialfor companies that violatethe law can we expect workers’rights <strong>to</strong> be upheld.The Employee Free ChoiceAct res<strong>to</strong>res integrity <strong>to</strong> our laborlaw by ensuring that our own citizenshave the same basic freedomwe demand for others. Theright <strong>to</strong> organize must mean morethan the right not <strong>to</strong> be fired fordaring <strong>to</strong> propose a union, andthe right <strong>to</strong> bargain collectivelymust mean more than the right <strong>to</strong>endlessly negotiate once a unionhas been selected.This legislation is a fight <strong>to</strong>enable workers <strong>to</strong> defend themselves.It is an his<strong>to</strong>ric fight thatI will continue until the rights ofworking Americans are fullyprotected.U.S. RepresentativeGeorge Miller (D-Calif.)is the senior Democrat onthe House Education andthe Workforce Committee.6<strong>BCTGM</strong> News

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