Letter to :J&-uroscience - Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit

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Letter to :J&-uroscience - Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit

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Subcellular localization of GABAA recep<strong>to</strong>r subunits 74713. Laurie D. J., Seeburg P. H. and Wisden W. (1992) The distribution of 13 GABAA recep<strong>to</strong>r subunit mRNAs in therat brain. n. Olfac<strong>to</strong>ry bulb and cerebellum. J. Neurosci. 12, 1063-1076.14. Luddens H., Killisch I. and Seeburg P. H. (1991) More than one alpha variant may exist in a GABAA/benzodiazepinerecep<strong>to</strong>r complex. J. Recept. Res. 11, 535-551.15. Luddens H., Pritehett D. B., Kohler M., Killisch I., Keinanen K., Monyer H., Sprengel R. and Seeburg P. H. (1990)Cerebellar GABA, recep<strong>to</strong>r selective for a behavioural alcohol antagonist. Nature 346, 648-651.16. Luddens H. and Wisden W. (1991) Function and pharmacology of multi plc GABA A recep<strong>to</strong>r subunits. Trends Pharmac.Sci. 12, 49-51.17. Malherbe P., Si gel E., Baur R., Persohn E, Richards J. G. and Mohler H. 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