Letter to :J&-uroscience - Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit

Letter to :J&-uroscience - Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit Letter to :J&-uroscience - Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit


748 A. BAUDE et al.46. Zhang l. H., Sato M. and Tohyama M. (1991) Region-specific expression of the mRNAs encoding {3 subunits ({31, {32,and {13) of GABA A receptor in the rat brain. 1. comp. Neurol. 303, 637-657.47. Zimprich F., Zezula l., Sieghart W. and Lassmann H. (1991) Immunohistochemical localization of the aI, a2 and a3subunit of the GABA A receptor in the rat brain. Neurosci. Lett. 127, 125-128.(Accepted 21 September 1992)

748 A. BAUDE et al.46. Zhang l. H., Sa<strong>to</strong> M. and Tohyama M. (1991) Region-specific expression of the mRNAs encoding {3 subunits ({31, {32,and {13) of GABA A recep<strong>to</strong>r in the rat brain. 1. comp. Neurol. 303, 637-657.47. Zimprich F., Zezula l., Sieghart W. and Lassmann H. (1991) Immunohis<strong>to</strong>chemical localization of the aI, a2 and a3subunit of the GABA A recep<strong>to</strong>r in the rat brain. Neurosci. Lett. 127, 125-128.(Accepted 21 September 1992)

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