Laws - Tropicana Golf

Laws - Tropicana Golf

Laws - Tropicana Golf

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PART B. BY-LAWS FOR THE USE OF THE CLUB’S FACILITIES PAGE1. Club House 182. <strong>Golf</strong>2.1 <strong>Golf</strong> Rules2.2 Identification2.3 Eligibility to Play2.4 Club Handicap2.5 Guests2.6 Course Control2.7 Etiquette2.8 Practice Range2.9 Dress Code2.10 Lessons2.11 Bookings2.12 Club Competition2.13 Buggies2.14 General Rules for <strong>Golf</strong>2.15 <strong>Golf</strong> Bag & Equipment Storage2.16 <strong>Golf</strong> Insurance2.17 Caddy3. Fitness Centre3.1 Facilities3.2 General Rules4. Racquet Games4.1 Facilities4.2 Opening Hours4.3 Racquet Games Rules4.4 General4.5 General Booking Procedures4.6 Lessons4.7 Guests4.8 Rules of Play5. Swimming Pool5.1 Facilities5.2 Opening Hours5.3 General5.4 Lesson18181919192021222222222324252626262728282829292930303031313133

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